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Sunday, November 18, 2007

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Stuff happening in our world:

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November 12th: No school for Sammi

November 16th: Jeff sees the dentist

November 19th: Half-day for Sammi

November 19th: 6 months for me and Jeff

November 21st: Half-day for Sammi

November 22nd: Happy Thanksgiving

November 27th: 3 years of my Mom (Nuna) being smoke-free!!!

November 30th: Mommy sees her primary doctor

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December 17th: Sammi sees Dr. Turco (eye doctor)

December 25th: Merry Christmas

December 26th: Heather (Jeff's daughter) turns 13-years-old!!!
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I can't believe it'll be Thanksgiving in a couple of days. Sammi, Jeff and I will be spending our day with my Mom and step-Dad. It'll be a small (*just the 5 of us*), quiet holiday -- sounds good to me!

I'm only working 2 days this week -- Monday and Tuesday. Since I have Wednesday off and my Mom's working, she's going to have me get some stuff together in preparation for Thanksgiving.


I have plans for Friday as well -- decorating our place for Christmas! Yea! I absolutely LOVE decorating for Christmas. I'm not sure if our tree will be going up on Friday, but the rest of my little decorations will be. I'm sure I'll end up taking a picture or two to show off.

Jeff was talking about hitting Wal-Mart for Black Friday. He wants to get Heather (*his daughter*) a present. Since I'm not sure whether or not she checks out Sammi's CB page, I'll just keep the details to myself. I was playing with the idea of going with him, but I don't know if I will. Sammi will be off that day and I just don't feel like dealing with the crowds. We'll see. Maybe I'll change my mind.

Before I end this thing, I have one more thing to mention.

I don't know how I forgot to mention this before, but it's BIG NEWS!!!


Miss Samantha is now fully potty trained!!!!!!!

***round of applause, please***

She's still wearing a pull-up when she goes to bed at night, but I could care less about that. She's wearing big girl undies everyday and isn't having ANY accidents. Ok, she still has accidents from time to time, but they're mostly due to the fact that she's having so much fun with whatever it is that she's doing and just forgets to go to the bathroom. Understandable for a 6-year-old, right? I think so. Sammi using the potty happened when Sammi was ready for it to. All of the pressure we put on her didn't work -- she did it when she wanted to. I couldn't be more proud of her. She has been using the potty like a big girl since August. My little baby is growing up -- and I couldn't be happier!!!


A BIG thank you to PITA for looking Sammi and I up on MySpace. Glad you found us!!! I'll be sending you a message with our address soonly. If I don't send it within a couple of days, PLEASE send a message to me and tell me to get to it. God knows I easily forget things these days.

I'm going to do my best to try and get in touch with people this week, but if you have a free moment, could you please e-mail me with your home address. I'd like to get Christmas cards in the mail around the first week of December and I've lost all of the addresses I used to have.

I'm not sure if I'll get to post another update before Thanksgiving, but I hope all of you have a terrific one!

Our thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with all of our CaringBridge friends and families.

Happy Holidays!!

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff and Miss Samantha "Max" Therese
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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hi everyone!!!

I know I have a lot of work to do on Sammi's page and I apologize for keeping all of you in the dark for so long. It took a LONG time, but I've read through every comment that was left for us in Sammi's guestbook. Thank you all for keeping up with us and for thinking about us.

All is well on our end, but since I haven't updated since April, I guess I have a lot to say.

In May 2007 (*on the 19th, to be exact*) Jeff and I started dating again. Yes, THE Jeff. We're getting along fine and are completely happy being together again. I met my share of losers while we were apart, and finally realized who I should have been with all along.

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On June 18, 2007 my step-sister gave birth to her son, Preston James Lee. He's the most adorable baby! And he's an excellent baby too!

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On July 8, 2007 my cousin, from my Mom's side of the family, passed away. His death was completely unexpected. He was only 30-years-old. We weren't very close, but a loss is a loss and it hit everyone pretty hard.

On July 15, 2007 my Aunt, Uncle and cousin visited from Louisiana. Its been years since we've seen any of them. We had a cook-out that day and spent the day talking and having fun together. It was great seeing everyone again.

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(*cousins -- Andrea, Sarah and me*)

On August 17, 2007 Jeff and I took Sammi to her first circus show. Unfortunately it was too dark inside the tent to get any good pictures, but Sammi had an awesome time! She liked the show so much more than I thought she would have. She's dying to go to another circus show.

August 29, 2007 was Sammi's first day of 1st grade. She was a little nervous about this day (*saying she wasn't sure she would like it*), but it ended up being fantastic for her! When asked how her first day was, she told us it was stupendous!!! That's my girl! I can't believe she's in the first grade now. When did she grow up so fast???

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(*Sammi, Adam, Miss Amy, Erin and Joey B -- Sammi's 1st grade class*)

On September 7, 2007 I took Sammi to see her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins. He thinks everything is looking good with Sammi and is impressed with all of the strides she has been making. We're keeping her on the Clonidine since I've been experimenting with her and she just won't fall asleep without it. Hopefully one of these days we'll discover that she doesn't need it anymore. We'll be seeing him again in March of 2008.

September 16, 2007 was NASCAR in Loudon, NH and Jeff, my step-Dad, Slappy, and I were there all day!!! We got tickets at the last minute and had an awesome time up there. Apparently we own these tickets for a couple of years, so we'll be back up there again in September 2008. Unfortunately I didn't get to see Gordon win, but I got to see his car in person -- that's good enough for me!

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On September 25, 2007 I took Sammi to see her eye doctor, Dr. Eagle. She took a look at Sammi's eyes and everything looks about the same. She was happy to hear that Sammi is wearing her glasses more and more these days. She wants to hear that Sammi is using them all the time, more so to protect Sammi's good eye. God forbid anything happens to it, then we'll be in a whole new world of trouble. We have two follow-up appointments scheduled. One is in December of 2007 with Dr. Turco (*she originally wanted to use patching on Sammi*) and one in April of 2008 with Dr. Eagle again.

On October 8, 2007 everyone painted pumpkins together! We've been painting pumpkins in celebration of Halloween for years now. There's something about using a knife to carve a pumpkin around Sammi that I'm just not fond of -- so we paint pumpkins instead. Sammi always has a blast doing this.

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On October 18, 2007 Sammi went on her very first 1st grade field trip! They went to a local farm. They were originally supposed to do some apple picking, but something fouled that up, so they brought home a pumpkin instead. Sammi said she had a great time. Her favorite part was when everyone went on a hay ride. I wish I could have been there.

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(*Sammi and Joey B.*)

On October 20, 2007 Jeff, Sammi and I went to Adam's birthday party. Adam and Sammi are VERY close -- there are jokes being passed around that my family and Adam's family will be in-laws one of these days. I've got to admit, Sammi and Adam are VERY cute together and Adam is VERY fond of Miss Samantha. His party was held at a local McDonalds (*where I'm thinking of having Sammi's next birthday party*) with an indoor playground. We had been to this playground before, but Sammi never wanted to go in the actual playground...she was always more content playing the video games that were there. Today, though, she had a blast climbing through all of the tunnels at the playground. I think a lot of her experience had to do with her little friends encouraging her to climb with them. Sammi had the most fantastic time while we were there.

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(*Birthday Boy, Adam*)
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(*Sammi and Joey B*)
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(*Sammi and Adam -- he always puts his arm around Sammi's shoulders when they have a picture taken together -- too cute*)

And what kind of Red Sox fan would I be if I didn't mention their AWESOME win!!! 2007 World Series Champions, baby!!!!!!!!

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Halloween wasn't very much fun this year. Sammi ended up getting sick the night we were going to go trick-or-treating. She wasn't feeling much better the next day, so we ended up missing a Halloween party we were going to go to. She continued to be sick for the rest of the week, so we missed our last attempt to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night. I thought Sammi would end up flipping out about this, but she didn't give us much of a hard time. Thankfully, I did get to take a picture or two of her all dressed up.

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I think that's about it. Phew, now I'm exhausted. I'll do my best to update Sammi's page more regularly from now on. Thank you again for all of your happy thoughts and prayers. Everything is going just fine for us these days. Of course we hit a few bumps in the road from time to time, but we're strong people and always manage to land on our feet. We think of every one of you often and all of you are in my prayers every night.

If any of you are MySpace users, please feel free to look up my e-mail address (*samnnuna@aol.com*) to find my page. I've already met Rachel, Mary Templeton, Andrea, Tammy, Kathy & Richard and Janie through MySpace. The more friends the merrier!

With Much Love
Shannon, Jeff and Miss Samantha "Doctor" Therese

Saturday, April 21, 2007

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Sammi's Weight:
37.5 lbs

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Sammi's Allowance Total:

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
24 lbs. (as of 3/26/07)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley
"If You Give a Pig a Pancake" -- Laura Numeroff
"Mouse Mess" -- Linnea Riley
"Dan, the Flying Man" -- Joy Cowley

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Taken from my MySpace blog...............

The harsh reality that I can't always protect my Angel Bear hit me with full force this afternoon.

Sammi has been spending a couple of days with me at my work this week since it's April Vacation. She loves going to my work. She has a blast playing with all of the kiddies there and getting to see Mommy from time to time when I'm able to pop in and check up on her. Today, though, I got an unexpected twist that I REALLY could have done with out.

One thing you need to know about Sammi (believe me, there are LOTS of things to know about my baby) is that she can be VERY stubborn. She likes feeling as if she can rule her world and everything that happens in it. She likes feeling as if she is in complete control. If she doesn't feel like doing something that you ask her to do, she can be known to throw a MAJOR fit about it. Back talking, tantrums, arguing, hitting herself on the head...these can all happen when Sammi doesn't feel like doing something.

Knowing that...............

This afternoon I was in the room Sammi was in. The teacher in that room asked everyone to start cleaning up. Sammi didn't feel like cleaning up. A little boy started telling Sammi it was time to clean up and that she had to. Sammi started arguing with him about not wanting to clean up and that it wasn't clean up time. The two of them kept arguing back and forth with one another. After a couple of minutes worth of arguing, the little boy had had enough and called Sammi "stupid" about half a dozen (if not more) times.

This didn't bother Sammi. It went completely over her head. But it bothered me more than I can explain. It would have bothered me if any child had called any other child stupid or had been rude to him/her in any way. But it bothered me more with Sammi not only because she's my child, but because this was the first time I had ever witnessed someone being cruel to Sammi and her just being completely oblivious to it. The way she just sat there and took what he was saying; the way she didn't say anything in return; the way she didn't comprehend the fact that he was being mean to her; it was as if this little boy was just sitting in front of Sammi being nice to her. It broke my heart.

Needless to say, I had a crying spree after this happened. I picked Sammi up and held on to her for a little bit; more because I needed to feel her close to me than anything else. The second I put her down, the water works started. I cried, not her. I felt like an idiot crying in front of a bunch of people...three teachers were present and, to make matters even worse, a parent walked in to pick up their child. I felt VERY stupid, but I just couldn't stop myself. And I'm not very good at hiding the fact that I'm crying. Who is? Once I start, it's obvious to everyone around me that something's wrong.

I didn't say anything to the little boy who was bad mouthing Sammi (except for telling him to stop and that what he was saying wasn't nice a couple of times) and I didn't say anything to his Mom when she came to pick him up. And I don't plan on doing so. Kids will be kids. Sammi is going to have to deal with the stares, the rude comments, the laughing, etc...and so am I.

And I don't have any hard feelings toward this little boy what so ever. Honestly, if it wasn't him who was mean to Sammi, eventually it would have been someone else. They don't know any better and because of that they say what's on their mind. As Sammi grows up, kids won't act much better. I know there will always be at least one boy or girl who will be mean to her in some way.

As much as I hate this word, I know Sammi isn't a "normal" child. Christ, I don't even think of myself as "normal." But I'd kill for her to be treated just as any other "normal" child is treated. I don't want her to be looked at differently. I don't want her to be teased for acting the way she does. I don't want her to be made fun of for blurting out something stupid, for singing TV commercials she likes, for carrying straws around with her all the time, for laughing at inappropriate times. I'm scared to death of what the future holds for her.

So I cried in the classroom I was in today. And then I cried on my way home from work. And then I cried when I told my Mom everything that had happened. God, I don't even know when the last time was that I cried so much in one day.

Before I end this thing, I REALLY need to thank a couple of people.........

Thank you, Linda, for listening to me ramble on and for knowing what was wrong with me before I even told you. You were the first one I talked to after the "incident" and it really helped getting everything off my chest.

Thank you, Jen, for also listening to my problems and for being so understanding. I can't thank you enough (Linda and Jen) for your kindness.

Thank you, Mom, for ALWAYS being there for me. I knew I would feel better once I got home and talked to you. I know you worry about Sammi as much as I do.

I love my Angel Bear with all my heart and soul. And as much as I'm able to, I will do everything in my power to protect her. Unfortunately, I know (like today) I won't always be able to do so.

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Miss Shannon and Miss Samantha "Pinky" Therese
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Easter 2007:

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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Miscellaneous Pictures:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

April 30, 2007:
I will be bringing Sammi in to Boston today for a follow-up with Dr. Lopez (her Arthritis doctor).

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

*Adam's* Mom, Holly, has been accepted into the nursing class of 2010 -- her classes will begin in the Fall of '08. Congratulations, hon! We're VERY happy for you!!

Autumn will be attending Camp Jornada this summer. We know you'll have a blast, hon!
Autumn's amazing Mom, Melanie, is PREGNANT!!! She'll be giving birth to another gorgeous child in October.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!
Angela found out that she'll be having a baby GIRL!!!

*Benjamin's* Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby girl in to their home this summer. Yea!!! Congratulations!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Christa's softball team is #1...WOOHOO!!!

Corey's new meds. seem to be working well for him. Thank goodness!

Courtney's Mom and Dad will be Grandparents soon!! Congratulations!!!

*Dee* has become a Great-Grandmother.

Hailee has been nominated for Kiwanna's Kid of the Month. They couldn't have picked a better candidate, sweetheart! We're VERY happy for you!!

Hunter's Mom is pregnant and will be having ANOTHER baby girl. Congrats to all of you!!!

Jake recently had an EEG and MRI done, both of which came back normal. Woohoo!!!

Jared's recent CT scan has come back normal. Yea!!!

Lucas' MRI (done on his back) didn't show any active disease. Woohoo!!! Happy news!!!

Morgan has now been off treatment for almost 2 YEARS!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!!
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Autumn will be going in for a follow-up on May 22, 2007.

David's next MRI will be in May.

*Ed/Nono* became an Angel on March 27, 2007.

Kara, Devin's sweet sister, is currently in the hospital dealing with neck pain.

LaKota will be having her 3 year check-up done in either May or June of '07.

Morgan will be having bone marrow biopsies done on May 10th, 2007; she'll have a CT scan done on May 11th, 2007; and she'll have an MIBG scan done on May 12th, 2007. Good luck, sweetheart!!!

Penelope needs LOTS and LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way. She is also in need of some happy messages left in her guestbook as she isn't feeling very loved these days. If you don't have a link to her page, PLEASE let me know and I'll be more than happy to pass it on to you. This sweetheart is VERY loved and I think she needs to be shown just how many people care about her.
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Monday, April 16, 2007

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Sammi's Weight:
37.5 lbs

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Sammi's Allowance Total:

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
24 lbs. (as of 3/26/07)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley
"If You Give a Pig a Pancake" -- Laura Numeroff
"Mouse Mess" -- Linnea Riley
"Dan, the Flying Man" -- Joy Cowley

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Ah, let's see. Where to start? I always feel like there are a million and one things to update everyone on since I can't update as often as I would like to. So please bear with me if I tend to jump around a little with this update.

Easter 2007

We had a wonderful Easter. Sammi and I spent the day with my Mom and step-Dad (and Eddie too, of course!). The Easter Bunny visited Nuna and Grandpa's house and left plastic eggs hidden all over their living room. Sammi had a great time finding each and every egg. Most of them had money in them totaling over $11. How come the Easter Bunny never left me that much money when I was 6-years-old? hehehe

After hunting down all of the eggs, Sammi was thrilled to see the Easter basket that the Easter Bunny had left for her. She got lots of things from him...sidewalk chalk, magnetic kitties that stick on to a see saw, a brand new orange shirt (Sammi likes to wear orange on Mondays), play dough, bubbles, a new Computer Toy # 7, Barrell of Monkeys, a Dora coloring book with a special water pen, and a fuzzy bunny purse. I'd say Sammi made out pretty good this year. The Easter Bunny was also sweet enough to leave a basket for me...filled with lots and lots of yummy candy. Thank you, Easter Bunny!!!

My step-Dad made an AWESOME roast for dinner. Thank you, Slappy!!! Everything was absolutely delicious!! And thank you for the debiled eggs, Mom. They were VERY yummy, yummy!!!


Due to the horrible weather we've been getting, I wasn't needed at work today. A bunch of kiddies didn't show up, so Michelle called me this morning and told me I would have the day off. Bleh. Luckily I'll be able to work this Friday so I can make up for the hours I missed out on today.

It was planned all along that Sammi would be spending the day with her Nuna and Grandpa since I would be working. Even though I ended up having the day off, Sammi was still able to spend a good majority of the day with my Mom and step-Dad. Today they made some play dough from scratch and made their own little creations. Unfortunately the pictures I took of these beautiful creations came out too blurry to see, so I'll have to re-take the pictures and post them in my next update. Sammi had a blast spending quality time with her Nuna and Grandpa. So they would be alone, I went out and got some errands done.


Well folks, I think that's about it from our end. I'm going to leave you with some pictures. I know its been far too long since I've shown off any. We hope all of you are doing well. Enjoy your week!!!

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***My Beautiful Birthday Girl***

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***Eddie Not Happy About Celebrating His Birthday***

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***Eddie and His Birthday Cake***

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***Eddie Being Cute***

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***Sammi Watching Videos in Our New/Old Place***

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***The Easter Eggs Sammi, Papa and Missy Colored Together***

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***Sammi's Easter Basket***

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***Sammi Checking Out the Goodies the Easter Bunny Left for Her***

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***Searching for Eggs the Easter Bunny Hid with Grandpa***

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***Coloring Eggs with Nuna***

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***The Finished Products (Sammi's are the yellow, green & orange ones with stickers)***

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***Eddie Enjoying His Easter Cookie***

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Miss Shannon & Miss Samantha "Pinky" Therese
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

April 30, 2007:
I will be bringing Sammi in to Boston today for a follow-up with Dr. Lopez (her Arthritis doctor).

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

*Adam's* Mom, Holly, has been accepted into the nursing class of 2010 -- her classes will begin in the Fall of '08. Congratulations, hon! We're VERY happy for you!!

Autumn will be attending Camp Jornada this summer. We know you'll have a blast, hon!
Autumn's amazing Mom, Melanie, is PREGNANT!!! She'll be giving birth to another gorgeous child in October.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!
Angela found out that she'll be having a baby GIRL!!!

*Benjamin's* Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby girl in to their home this summer. Yea!!! Congratulations!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Christa's softball team is #1...WOOHOO!!!

Corey's new meds. seem to be working well for him. Thank goodness!

Courtney's Mom and Dad will be Grandparents soon!! Congratulations!!!

*Dee* has become a Great-Grandmother.

Hailee has been nominated for Kiwanna's Kid of the Month. They couldn't have picked a better candidate, sweetheart! We're VERY happy for you!!

Hunter's Mom is pregnant and will be having ANOTHER baby girl. Congrats to all of you!!!

Jake recently had an EEG and MRI done, both of which came back normal. Woohoo!!!

Jared's recent CT scan has come back normal. Yea!!!

Lucas' MRI (done on his back) didn't show any active disease. Woohoo!!! Happy news!!!

Morgan has now been off treatment for almost 2 YEARS!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!!
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Autumn will be going in for a follow-up on May 22, 2007.

David's next MRI will be in May.

*Ed/Nono* became an Angel on March 27, 2007.

Kara, Devin's sweet sister, is currently in the hospital dealing with neck pain.

LaKota will be having her 3 year check-up done in either May or June of '07.

Morgan will be having bone marrow biopsies done on May 10th, 2007; she'll have a CT scan done on May 11th, 2007; and she'll have an MIBG scan done on May 12th, 2007. Good luck, sweetheart!!!

Penelope needs LOTS and LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way. She is also in need of some happy messages left in her guestbook as she isn't feeling very loved these days. If you don't have a link to her page, PLEASE let me know and I'll be more than happy to pass it on to you. This sweetheart is VERY loved and I think she needs to be shown just how many people care about her.
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Friday, April 6, 2007

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Sammi's Weight:
37.5 lbs

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Sammi's Allowance Total:

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
24 lbs. (as of 3/26/07)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley
"If You Give a Pig a Pancake" -- Laura Numeroff
"Mouse Mess" -- Linnea Riley
"Dan, the Flying Man" -- Joy Cowley

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Hi all! We hope everyone is doing well these days. Let's see...what do I have to babble about today???.......


We passed Sammi's Square 1 Art fundraiser in on April 3rd. Her school had held this fundraiser last year as well. Each kiddie creates a work of art which can then be put on any object you choose...mugs, tote bags, t-shirts, etc. I thought this was a really cool fundraiser when it was done last year, so I was psyched to have it brought back. Sammi was able to pull in a total of $125.20 from her family for this fundraiser. She has been doing pretty well this year when it comes to collecting money from all of us. I can't wait to get my works of art!!! I ordered a t-shirt which I plan to PROUDLY display at work.


Sammi FINALLY did it for us tonight!!! Hold on a sec...let me explain.

Lately Sammi's tummy has been VERY hard. Tonight, while I was getting her ready for her bath, she started complaining that her tummy hurt. I knew there was a poo a brewin'. So I sat her down on the potty and tried to calm her down each time she attempted to stand up. Eventually, with my Mom and I watching, Sammi pooed on the potty for the VERY FIRST TIME!!! We were SO proud of her and you could tell that Sammi was just as proud of herself. Over and over again she kept repeating that she went poo-poo on the potty like a big girl. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come and Sammi will keep up the fantastic work!!!


As usual, Sammi spent this past Wednesday afternoon (April 4th) with her Papa and Missy. While she was there, the three of them painted Easter eggs. Sammi had an awesome time doing this and she was VERY happy to show off her masterpieces to me once I got there. They came out looking VERY nice.

My Dad also bought an Elmo balloon for Sammi for being such a BIG girl and going poo-poo on the potty. I'm not exactly sure why, but Sammi didn't want to bring this balloon home with me. She told me she was going to leave it with Papa and Missy so they could have fun with it. Um, ok.


I can't believe it's April and we've been hit with a snow storm. I guess it shouldn't be that hard to believe since we live in New England, but still......I want warm weather!!! No more snow!!!

Because of the snow we got, Sammi had the day off from school. But since I still needed to work, I didn't have a choice but to bring her with me. Thank God for Michelle (my boss) for being so understanding. I had originally called her at 6:45 this morning to let her know that I wouldn't be able to make it to work. But she brought up the idea of bringing Sammi with me.

Needless to say, I was more than a little worried about bringing Sammi with me.

#1...I wouldn't be in the same room as Sammi
#2...I didn't know how Sammi would act around new friends and new teachers
#3...At my work, all of the kiddies lay down to rest in the afternoon. Some of them sleep, some of them don't. Without a doubt, I knew Sammi wouldn't sleep. But what I was worried about was when the lights in the room were shut off. Sammi HATES the dark and who can blame her? She can't see as well in the dark as she can when the lights are on. I had a REALLY bad feeling about nap time.


Thank goodness, all of the worrying I did turned out to be for nothing. Sammi did excellent at my work. When it came to nap time she didn't have a problem with the lights being turned off. I was able to peek in on her once during this time and I saw her sitting VERY nicely on her cot playing with some toys. I was VERY impressed with my little girl. So now I feel a lot better about having to bring her to work with me for a couple of days during April vacation as well as on and off during summer vacation. Phew!!!


I just realized I haven't been showing off any pictures lately. As soon as I hook my camera up to my computer, I'll be going snap happy again.


Well, it's about that time again. Sammi is asleep, so I think I'm gonna chill out in front of the TV for a bit before hitting the sack.

But before I go.....

THANK YOU, Susan, for the incredibly kind words you left in Sammi's guestbook for us. Everyone's words of inspiration mean SO much to us.

THANK YOU, Mary, for your words of encouragement. We've definitely got to meet up one of these days. Please give all of those sweethearts of yours a BIG hug from Sammi and myself.

THANK YOU, Mom, for watching Sammi until I got home Monday night. You've done so much for us and I hope you know just how much we appreciate every bit of it. I love you with all my heart!!!

We hope all of you have a good night and a wonderful weekend!!!

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Miss Shannon and Miss Samantha "Pinky" Therese
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

April 8, 2007:

April 11, 2007:
It's picture day at Sammi's school. Yea!!! My favorite time of the year!!!

April 15, 2007:
Happy Anniversary, Mom & Slappy!!! Today they celebrate their 7-year wedding anniversary!!

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

*Adam's* Mom, Holly, has been accepted into the nursing class of 2010 -- her classes will begin in the Fall of '08. Congratulations, hon! We're VERY happy for you!!

Autumn will be attending Camp Jornada this summer. We know you'll have a blast, hon!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!
Angela found out that she'll be having a baby GIRL!!!

*Benjamin's* Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby girl in to their home this summer. Yea!!! Congratulations!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Hailee has been nominated for Kiwanna's Kid of the Month. They couldn't have picked a better candidate, sweetheart! We're VERY happy for you!!

Hunter's Mom is pregnant and will be having ANOTHER baby girl. Congrats to all of you!!!

Jake recently had an EEG and MRI done, both of which came back normal. Woohoo!!!

Jared's recent CT scan has come back normal. Yea!!!

Lucas' MRI (done on his back) didn't show any active disease. Woohoo!!! Happy news!!!

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Autumn will be going in for a check-up on May 22, 2007.

*Ed/Nono* became an Angel on March 27, 2007.

*Ella* became an Angel on March 9, 2007.

Jimmy we hope you get well SOON!!!

*Kelly* is one of Heaven's newest Angels as of March 12, 2007.

LaKota will be having her 3 year check-up done in either May or June of '07.

Penelope needs LOTS and LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way. She is also in need of some happy messages left in her guestbook as she isn't feeling very loved these days. If you don't have a link to her page, PLEASE let me know and I'll be more than happy to pass it on to you. This sweetheart is VERY loved and I think she needs to be shown just how many people care about her.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007

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Sammi's Weight:
37.5 lbs

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Sammi's Allowance Total:

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
24 lbs. (as of 3/26/07)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley
"If You Give a Pig a Pancake" -- Laura Numeroff
"Mouse Mess" -- Linnea Riley

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Ho hum...ho hum

I know this probably makes me a horrible Mom, but I didn't call the Center for Children with Special Needs yesterday. I just can't do it. I think I need to talk to my Mom about this whole thing before I make the call. It's just too overwhelming for me. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've heard the words "special needs" used to describe my baby girl. But you better believe I'm not using those words. Yes, I realize my baby has some issues to deal with, but that's all I think of them as...issues. I can refer to her as being legally blind...I can refer to her as having Autism...but I CANNOT (and will not) refer to her as being a child with special needs. For all of the people who read Sammi's journal, please do not think I'm putting any other children down. I'm not. I realize that everyone's situation is different and that everyone has different feelings on this subject. These are only my feelings that I am expressing for my Angel Bear...no one else's child. I don't look down or think differently about other children with special needs. Why am I explaining myself so much? I just don't want anyone to start thinking of me as a heartless person.


Ok, enough of my babbling...


Sammi came to my work on Thursday. I think I explained before that she gets dropped off by my Dad every Thursday and spends a couple of hours with me until it's time for us to go home. My Angel Bear was MUCH better behaved this time than she was the first time she came to visit me. But she also depressed me BIG time. Sammi isn't a people person. She won't just run up to a kiddie and start talking to them or start playing whatever game it is that they're playing. She'd much rather be by herself, doing her own thing, than be with other children. It's sad. A couple of the kiddies at my work attempted to talk to Sammi while she was there, but ended up giving up 'cause they weren't getting anywhere with her. When we went out on the playground, I purposely left Sammi alone just to see what she would do. She walked around the playground, turned her little head when she heard some kiddies running past her or yelling, but didn't play with any toys. She continued to walk around until she found me. How depressing is that??? It broke my heart to see her acting this way, but then if I ask her if she had fun, she always says "Yes." So she's happy and that's a BIG plus for me, but I just wish she would interact with the kiddies more. And, unfortunately, I saw the looks that are sent Sammi's way. She was repeating what Miss Kelly (the teacher I was helping out at the time) was saying and I saw about 3 or 4 strange looks sent her way. THAT tore my heart out too. I know the other kiddies are just confused and they don't understand why Sammi does what she does, but it breaks my heart at the same time. So I'm determined to get my Angel Bear in to some activities where she will be around other kiddies her age. My hopes...that she'll learn to interact with these kiddies and have some real fun.


Last night Sammi and I headed to my Grandparents house for dinner. My Uncle, Dad, Missy and Jake were also there. We haven't been to my Grandparents house for Friday night dinner in awhile...it was nice to see everyone in the same room again. Of course Sammi didn't eat the delicious lasagna and chicken cutlets that we were eating, so she played with her Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa until we were done. She had lots of fun building towers and knocking them down, knocking down the dominos my Dad set up for her, watching 'Wheel of Fortune' with us and reading 'The Cat in the Hat' for Great-Grandma. I'm glad she has so much fun when she's with her family. Family means the world to me and I want it to be just as important to my baby.


Even though she won't know it ('cause she'll be sleeping) Grandpa Slappy will be keeping an eye on Sammi tonight. My Mom and I are going out so that I can celebrate getting my first paycheck. Woohoo!!! I never tell Sammi that I'm going out. I get her ready for bed, wait for her to fall asleep and then sneak out. In the past I've told her that I'm going out, left before she falls asleep and she NEVER goes to sleep. So I've learned my lesson. Thank you, Slap, for watching my Angel Bear!!! You're the bestest!!!

Ok folks, that's about it from our end. If you're still reading this journal...God Bless you. I know I tend to ramble on and on, especially when I'm talking about something I really need to get off my chest. Thanks for bearing with me.

Oh, before I go.......


THANK YOU, Heidi. I read the message you left for us in Sammi's guestbook. Your words of encouragement are VERY much appreciated. We'll take absolutely any help we can get these days, so PLEASE don't think you're stepping on any toes by offering your 2 cents...YOU'RE NOT!!! And you know that student of yours that you mentioned? The one who is trying bunches of different foods now? The next time you see him, please give him a BIG hug for me. He won't realize it, but he has given me hope and I will forever be grateful to him and to you for sharing that inspiring story with me.

THANK YOU, Slappy for watching Sammi tonight so I can get a break. I love you very, very, very much!!!

THANK YOU, Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa, Uncle Warren, Papa & Missy and Jeff for ordering from Sammi's Square 1 Art Fundraiser. You guys are awesome! (*In my next update I'll post how much money Sammi pulled in from this fundraiser*).

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Miss Shannon & Miss Samanth "Surfer" Sammi
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

April 3, 2007:
Square 1 Art orders are due. I can't wait to get my BEAUTIFUL, Sammi made art work!

April 8, 2007:

April 11, 2007:
It's picture day at Sammi's school. Yea!!! My favorite time of the year!!!

April 15, 2007:
Happy Anniversary, Mom & Slappy!!! Today they celebrate their 7-year wedding anniversary!!

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

*Adam's* Mom, Holly, has been accepted into the nursing class of 2010 -- her classes will begin in the Fall of '08. Congratulations, hon! We're VERY happy for you!!

Autumn will be attending Camp Jornada this summer. We know you'll have a blast, hon!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

*Benjamin's* Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby girl in to their home this summer. Yea!!! Congratulations!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Hailee has been nominated for Kiwanna's Kid of the Month. They couldn't have picked a better candidate, sweetheart! We're VERY happy for you!!

Hunter's Mom is pregnant and will be having ANOTHER baby girl. Congrats to all of you!!!

Jake recently had an EEG and MRI done, both of which came back normal. Woohoo!!!

Jared's recent CT scan has come back normal. Yea!!!

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Autumn will be going in for a check-up on May 22, 2007.

*Bryce* was called Home to Heaven on February 22, 2007.

David has a colonoscopy scheduled for March 19, 2007.

*Ed/Nono* became an Angel on March 27, 2007.

*Ella* became an Angel on March 9, 2007.

*Kelly* is one of Heaven's newest Angels as of March 12, 2007.

LaKota will be having her 3 year check-up done in either May or June of '07.

Lucas should have had an MRI done on March 2, 2007 because of back pain -- no update has been made on his site yet.

Penelope needs LOTS and LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way. She is also in need of some happy messages left in her guestbook as she isn't feeling very loved these days. If you don't have a link to her page, PLEASE let me know and I'll be more than happy to pass it on to you. This sweetheart is VERY loved and I think she needs to be shown just how many people care about her.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

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Sammi's Weight:
37.5 lbs

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Sammi's Allowance Total:

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
24 lbs. (as of 3/26/07)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley
"If You Give a Pig a Pancake" -- Laura Numeroff

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Oh, the life of a single Mom. It's three o'clock in the morning and I'm EXHAUSTED. Sammi is in her room refusing to go back to sleep. She's determined to eat soup NOW. Yeah, that's not happening. But at least she's in her room. She does this just about every night, but she usually goes back to sleep or is quiet enough in her room so that I'm able to go back to sleep. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening this time. If she continues to stay awake, I might just go clean my bathroom. I'm finding it harder and harder to keep this place clean these days now that I'm working, so I tend to clean at odd hours of the night.

Sammi and I went to her appointment with Dr. Robbins this afternoon (her Neurologist). He's pleased with the progress she's making and is convinced that she shows signs of PDD. No? Really!!! You're kidding me!!! We also have some concerns as far as Sammi's eating habits go. As all of you know, she only eats soup. And the only thing she drinks is water. How long can she last on soup alone? Granted, the noodles she eats are whole wheat. Big deal. She's not getting all of the vitamins she needs. This scares the crap out of me. The other thing that scares me half to death is...what if she just up and decides one day that she doesn't want to eat soup anymore? We'll be back at square one with her eating nothing at all. Yeah, there is more than one worry on my mind right now.

Dr. Robbins gave me the number to the Center for Children with Special Needs at the Floating Hospital in Boston. If my Mom can't find the time to give them a call while I'm at work tomorrow, I'll have to do it myself on Friday. I'd love to make the phone calls I need to make while I'm at work, but I don't get any reception on my cell phone in that city. Plus calling a place that deals with special needs children just about kills me. It's going to take a lot from me to make that phone call. I DO NOT (and probably never will) consider Sammi to be special needs. Sure she has some issues, but labeling her as special needs is just too much for me. Please don't take what I'm saying as an insult to any of the other beautiful kiddies out there who are walking around with this label. I don't think any less of them. I can't really express my feelings too well on this subject, but I'm trying here.

There are a couple of more things I need to mention before I go...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRENDA!!!!!!!! Brenda is *Dave's* beautiful, kind, big hearted, sweet daughter. She has been there for us many, many times. We hope you have the most wonderful birthday, hon!!! We love you!!

A big CONGRATULATIONS for my Mom doing such an awesome job at Weight Watchers. Her total weight lost is listed at the top of Sammi's page. We're SO proud of you, Sexy!!! Keep up the amazing work!!

To my Angel Bear...I love you more than life itself. You are, by far, the most important person in my life. I only want the best for you and I hope you realize that I'm trying my hardest to give you the best possible life.

To Kathy and Richard Mayo...thank you for tracking me down on MySpace. You guys rule!!!

And to anyone else who is interested in meeting up through MySpace, my URL is: http://www.myspace.com/148168545
I've also set up a MySpace page for Sammi. Her URL is:

That's about it for now. I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention something, but hopefully I'll remember to mention it in my next update. I'm very sleepy. I'm gonna check on Sammi and see if she's sleeping. If not...watch out bathroom, her I come!!!

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Miss Shannon & Miss Samanth "Surfer" Sammi
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

April 8, 2007:

April 15, 2007:
Happy Anniversary, Mom & Slappy!!! Today they celebrate their 7-year wedding anniversary!!

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

*Adam's* Mom, Holly, has been accepted into the nursing class of 2010 -- her classes will begin in the Fall of '08. Congratulations, hon! We're VERY happy for you!!

Autumn will be attending Camp Jornada this summer. We know you'll have a blast, hon!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

*Benjamin's* Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby girl in to their home this summer. Yea!!! Congratulations!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Hailee has been nominated for Kiwanna's Kid of the Month. They couldn't have picked a better candidate, sweetheart! We're VERY happy for you!!

Hunter's Mom is pregnant and will be having ANOTHER baby girl. Congrats to all of you!!!

Jake recently had an EEG and MRI done, both of which came back normal. Woohoo!!!

Jared's recent CT scan has come back normal. Yea!!!

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Autumn will be going in for a check-up on May 22, 2007.

*Bryce* was called Home to Heaven on February 22, 2007.

David has a colonoscopy scheduled for March 19, 2007.

*Ella* became an Angel on March 9, 2007.

*Kelly* is one of Heaven's newest Angels as of March 12, 2007.

LaKota will be having her 3 year check-up done in either May or June of '07.

Lucas should have had an MRI done on March 2, 2007 because of back pain -- no update has been made on his site yet.

Penelope is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way. She is also in need of some happy messages left in her guestbook as she isn't feeling very loved these days. If you don't have a link to her page, PLEASE let me know and I'll be more than happy to pass it on to you. This sweetheart is VERY loved and I think she needs to be shown just how many people care about her.
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Friday, March 23, 2007

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
4.2 lbs. (as of 3/19/07)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley
"If You Give a Pig a Pancake" -- Laura Numeroff

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What a week we've had. I showed up to work on Monday feeling horrible. All day Sunday and when I woke up on Monday, I just couldn't swallow. Everytime I tried, it felt like I was trying to swallow a bowling ball -- it hurt SO bad. Before work I was able to schedule an appointment to be seen by my doctor that afternoon. What was wrong with me? Somehow I came down with strep. Joy. This was my first time ever having strep and I NEVER want it again. I was put on an antibiotic and I started feeling SO much better by Tuesday, but unfortunately I couldn't go back to work until Thursday. But the most important things are that I'm feeling better and that Sammi never caught anything. Woohoo! I must have done something right.

Sammi had a little pledge drive going for her school this week. They're trying to raise money to get some new playground equipment. Sammi ended up raising $70 from her family. Hopefully her school is able to raise enough money for this. Sammi LOVES playing on the playground and I'm sure all of the little kiddies will have a blast playing on something new.

I guess that's about it from our end for now. Sammi's still loving school and I'm still loving my job -- things are going pretty well for us these days. We hope all of you are doing well.

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Miss Shannon & Miss Samanth "Surfer" Sammi
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

March 27, 2007:
Sammi sees her Neurologist (Dr. Robbins) for a follow-up today

April 8, 2007:

April 15, 2007:
Happy Anniversary, Mom & Slappy!!! Today they celebrate their 7-year wedding anniversary!!

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

*Adam's* Mom, Holly, has been accepted into the nursing class of 2010 -- her classes will begin in the Fall of '08. Congratulations, hon! We're VERY happy for you!!

Autumn will be attending Camp Jornada this summer. We know you'll have a blast, hon!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

*Benjamin's* Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby girl in to their home this summer. Yea!!! Congratulations!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Hailee has been nominated for Kiwanna's Kid of the Month. They couldn't have picked a better candidate, sweetheart! We're VERY happy for you!!

Hunter's Mom is pregnant and will be having ANOTHER baby girl. Congrats to all of you!!!

Jake recently had an EEG and MRI done, both of which came back normal. Woohoo!!!

Jared's recent CT scan has come back normal. Yea!!!

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Autumn will be going in for a check-up on May 22, 2007.

*Bryce* was called Home to Heaven on February 22, 2007.

David has a colonoscopy scheduled for March 19, 2007.

*Ella* became an Angel on March 9, 2007.

*Kelly* is one of Heaven's newest Angels as of March 12, 2007.

LaKota will be having her 3 year check-up done in either May or June of '07.

Lucas should have had an MRI done on March 2, 2007 because of back pain -- no update has been made on his site yet.

Penelope is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way. She is also in need of some happy messages left in her guestbook as she isn't feeling very loved these days. If you don't have a link to her page, PLEASE let me know and I'll be more than happy to pass it on to you. This sweetheart is VERY loved and I think she needs to be shown just how many people care about her.
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
St. Patrick's Day!!!

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley

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Hi everyone! And Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Well, what's been going on with us???

My new job is fantastic! I'm loving every minute of it. I can't tell you how nice it is being able to look forward to going to work. I have a blast all day long and my blood has actually been pretty decent lately -- I'm guessing it's from all of the running around I do with the kiddies.

There's been a change of plans regarding where Sammi will be (and with who) while I'm at work. She'll still be with my Mom on Mondays and with my Dad on Tuesdays and Wednesdays...but she'll be with me on Thursday afternoons. My Dad will be dropping her off at my work and she'll be spending some time with me and with the kiddies there until it's time for us to go home. This happened for the first time last Thursday and Sammi did a VERY good job of behaving while she was at Mommy's work. She played with some of the kiddies, worked on a couple of puzzles and colored me a couple of pictures. The only incident that took place happened when it was time to clean up. We had been playing with a Scooby Doo ball and she couldn't understand why she couldn't take it home with her. So after being embarrassed for a few minutes (Sammi was sweet enough to throw this tantrum in front of someone I work with), I ushered her out of the building before things got too bad.

That's about all that has been happening on our end lately.

We hope everyone is enjoying their St. Patrick's Day festivities. Ours insist of eating a boiled dinner tonight (thanks, Slappy!!!) and, more than likely, drinking tonight. Hey, I have to celebrate my Irish side, right? hehehe

I'll be back soonly (hopefully) to update again!

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Shannon and Miss Samantha "Surfer Sammi" Therese
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

March 27, 2007:
Sammi sees her Neurologist (Dr. Robbins) for a follow-up today

April 15, 2007:
Happy Anniversary, Mom & Slappy!!! Today they celebrate their 7-year wedding anniversary!!

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

*Adam's* Mom, Holly, has been accepted into the nursing class of 2010 -- her classes will begin in the Fall of '08. Congratulations, hon! We're VERY happy for you!!

Autumn will be attending Camp Jornada this summer. We know you'll have a blast, hon!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

*Benjamin's* Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby girl in to their home this summer. Yea!!! Congratulations!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Hailee has been nominated for Kiwanna's Kid of the Month. They couldn't have picked a better candidate, sweetheart! We're VERY happy for you!!

Hunter's Mom is pregnant and will be having ANOTHER baby girl. Congrats to all of you!!!

Jake recently had an EEG and MRI done, both of which came back normal. Woohoo!!!

Jared's recent CT scan has come back normal. Yea!!!

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Autumn will be going in for a check-up on May 22, 2007.

*Bryce* was called Home to Heaven on February 22, 2007.

David has a colonoscopy scheduled for March 19, 2007.

*Ella* became an Angel on March 9, 2007.

*Kelly* is one of Heaven's newest Angels as of March 12, 2007.

LaKota will be having her 3 year check-up done in either May or June of '07.

Lucas should have had an MRI done on March 2, 2007 because of back pain -- no update has been made on his site yet.

Penelope is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way. She is also in need of some happy messages left in her guestbook as she isn't feeling very loved these days. If you don't have a link to her page, PLEASE let me know and I'll be more than happy to pass it on to you. This sweetheart is VERY loved and I think she needs to be shown just how many people care about her.

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle
"Mrs. Wishy-Washy" -- Joy Cowley

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Just a note to let all of you know that we haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I've been busy trying to get things in order on our end. There are a few new things going on with us these days.

Some of you may remember the house we were living in before we moved in with Jim. Well, we're back at our old stomping grounds. We moved back in last Saturday (March 3rd). Sammi had a little bit of a hard time adapting to her new home, but she's doing fantastic. She's not crazy about her room because (according to her) it's too noisy. The noise she's talking about is the sound of the heat coming on. But she has been dealing with it and is starting to get used to it.

The other piece of news that I have to share is that I will be starting a new job on Monday, March 12th. This time I will NOT be working out of some strange man's home and will NOT lose my job when he acts like an idiot and loses his license. Long story, but I wanted to get that off my chest. I'll be working as a Teacher's Assistant at a Child Care Center in North Andover. I'm telling 'ya, this is my dream job. I get to work with kiddies all day long and I have the chance to become a teacher myself in time. Go me! Right now I'm only scheduled to start working part-time, but I'm trying to figure out a way to turn that in to full-time. Every little bit of money helps these days.

And thank you to everyone who left me birthday wishes. So much for keeping it quiet, huh? Hey Alisa, that little bird in Florida who told you it was my birthday has a big mouth :-) But I love her (and you) anyway.

Well, that's about it. Sorry I've been so distant lately, but we're starting to get back on our feet again, so hopefully I'll be back again soon with another POSITIVE update.

We hope all of you are well. No matter how long it may take for me to visit our friends pages, all of you are ALWAYS on our minds and in our thoughts and prayers.

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Shannon and Miss Samantha "Surfer Sammi" Therese
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

March 11, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Wes!!!

March 12, 2007:
Mommy starts her new job today

March 17, 2007:
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

March 27, 2007:
Sammi sees her Neurologist (Dr. Robbins) for a follow-up today

April 15, 2007:
Happy Anniversary, Mom & Slappy!!! Today they celebrate their 7-year wedding anniversary!!

May 1, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Rich!!!

May 1, 2007:
We love you and miss you, *Ru*

May 4, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Missy!!!

May 5, 2007:
Happy Birthday, *Tony*

May 16, 2007:
I can't believe its been 10 years. We love you and miss you SO much, *Tony* You're always on our minds and in our hearts.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!
By the way, does anyone know what happened to Alyssa's page? I tried visiting it the other day and noticed it had disappeared. If anyone has any info about this for me, could you please pass it along? Thank you.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Brooke is all done with chemo!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! We're SO happy for you!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

David had an MRI done on February 9th and everything came back looking good!!! Congratulations, buddy!!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion had a CT scan done on January 22nd and everything came back CLEAR!!! Woohoo!!

Fisher's MRI (done on January 19th) showed that all of his tumors are stable!!! Yea!!

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Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Hadley has an MRI coming up soonly. Please get those prayers ready for this sweet girl.

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" -- Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle

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Not much has been going on with us these days. Sammi is doing excellent in Kindergarten. Lately she has been giving me a hard time about getting ready in the morning. She likes to tell my Mom and I that she's sick, even though we both know she's perfectly healthy. As soon as she gets to school she's happy, so I'm guessing it's just the getting ready for school part that's bugging her. Other than that, I really don't have a whole lot to report on. I'm still trying to find us a place to live and I am now looking for a new job -- joy of joys, the good times just keep on rolling in.

We hope all of you are well. Thank you, Mary, for tracking me down on MySpace. It's great having you as a friend:-)

Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese
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Patry Time!!!
January 28, 2007:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

February 14, 2007:

February 18, 2007:
NASCAR's back, baby!!! The Daytona 500 is today!!

February 20, 2007:
Somebody's birthday is today, but I'm not mentioning any names
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!
By the way, does anyone know what happened to Alyssa's page? I tried visiting it the other day and noticed it had disappeared. If anyone has any info about this for me, could you please pass it along? Thank you.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

David will be performing his stand up routine on January 16th. Knock 'em dead, buddy!!!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!
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Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

David will be having an MRI performed on February 9th.

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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February 14th:

February 15th:

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones

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We celebrated Sammi's and Grandpa Slappy's birthdays today. As I'm sure all of you know by now, their birthdays are only a day apart, so we usually end up celebrating them on the same day. Everyone had a great time today. Here are some pictures that were taken:

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***My beautiful birthday girl***

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***Sammi and her Nuna***

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***Balloons from Papa & Missy***

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***Sammi & Papa***

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***Eddie wearing Sammi's crown***

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***Time for presents!!!***

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***Sammi handing Grandpa Slappy the presents she got him -- chocolate covered cherries and the movie "Anger Management"***

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***Jeff giving Sammi the presents he got her. Yes, this is the Jeff I was dating before Jim. No, we aren't back together***

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***Sammi and Grandpa chilling out together after lots of partying***

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***Here's the deal -- I told Jeff I wouldn't post this picture on MySpace, but I NEVER said I wouldn't post it on Sammi's page -- hehehe***

Thank you to everyone who made today special for Miss Samantha.

Papa and Missy for bringing balloons and ice cream to the party. Oops, I forgot -- you didn't bring any ice cream -- hehehe. And thank you for the presents -- Sammi has been playing with her Little People Circus all night.

Uncle Warren for being the best Uncle and helping us celebrate this special day.

Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa for bringing over the meat platter. It was delicious!!! And thank you for the new PJs you gave Sammi. She's very excited about wearing them to bed soon.

Mom for making your delicious spaghetti pie and sausages for everyone. We LOVE your cooking. And for all of the presents you and Slappy gave to Sammi -- especially computer toy #6, which she absolutely loves and will probably be sleeping with tonight.

Slappy -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We hope you had a great day. We love you!!!

And last but not least, Jeff. You REALLY didn't have to buy Sammi anything today, it meant enough just having you show up. We're glad you could make it.

Shannon & Miss Samantha "Shawn" Therese
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Christmas Day 2006:

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Christmas Eve 2006:

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December 20, 2006
Our Christmas Decorations (and some of Sammi's projects):

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December 18, 2006
My Mom's Christmas Decorations:

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December 17, 2006
Christmas Party:

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November 26, 2006
More Fun at the Playground:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

January 28, 2007:
We will be celebrating Sammi's birthday and Grandpa Slappy's birthday at my Mom's house today.

January 30, 2007:
My Angel Bear turns 6-years-old today!!!

January 31, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Slappy!!! We love you lots & lots!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!
By the way, does anyone know what happened to Alyssa's page? I tried visiting it the other day and noticed it had disappeared. If anyone has any info about this for me, could you please pass it along? Thank you.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

David will be performing his stand up routine on January 16th. Knock 'em dead, buddy!!!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!
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Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

David will be having an MRI performed on February 9th.

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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January 1st:
Kathy Mayo celebrates her birthday today!!!

January 2nd:
*Jacob A*

January 8th:
MJ turns 19-years-old today!

January 12th:

January 16th:

January 17th:
Richard Mayo celebrates his birthday today!!!

January 22nd:
Jacob B. will be turning 10-years-old today!

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February 14th:

February 15th:

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton
"Baby Kermit's Playtime ABC" -- Lily Jones

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Sammi and I are hanging in there. I still haven't found an apartment for us, but I'm holding out hope that I'll find one soon. I have to since Sammi and I only have until March 1st to live with my Mom and step-Dad.

Sammi's doing terrific in school and has been having an excellent time with Nuna and Grandpa. She's happy and that's all I can ask for. She's my main priority. As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

I dropped Casey off on Sunday with his new (temporary) family. He couldn't be happier. Jim couldn't handle him anymore, so I moved him to a VERY loving family. Thank you again, Bri, for taking in my baby. I know you'll take good care of him for me.

It's finally snowing here. It has been a VERY weird winter here in New England. We haven't gotten a lot of snow and right now there is only about an inch on the ground. I'm scared -- I keep thinking we're going to get pounded with a storm since it has been so mild up to this point. I hate driving in the snow, but unfortunately I don't have a choice anymore since I'm working now.

That's about it from our end for now. I haven't visited any CaringBridge kiddies lately and I feel horrible about it. Even though I don't have the time to stop by any pages, please know that every one of you (and your families) are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you for taking the time to check up on us.

Shannon & Miss Samantha "Sean" Therese
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Christmas Day 2006:

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Christmas Eve 2006:

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December 20, 2006
Our Christmas Decorations (and some of Sammi's projects):

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December 18, 2006
My Mom's Christmas Decorations:

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December 17, 2006
Christmas Party:

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November 26, 2006
More Fun at the Playground:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

January 28, 2007:
We will be celebrating Sammi's birthday and Grandpa Slappy's birthday at my Mom's house today.

January 30, 2007:
My Angel Bear turns 6-years-old today!!!

January 31, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Slappy!!! We love you lots & lots!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!
By the way, does anyone know what happened to Alyssa's page? I tried visiting it the other day and noticed it had disappeared. If anyone has any info about this for me, could you please pass it along? Thank you.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

David will be performing his stand up routine on January 16th. Knock 'em dead, buddy!!!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

David will be having an MRI performed on February 9th.

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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January 1st:
Kathy Mayo celebrates her birthday today!!!

January 2nd:
*Jacob A*

January 8th:
MJ turns 19-years-old today!

January 12th:

January 16th:

January 17th:
Richard Mayo celebrates his birthday today!!!

January 22nd:
Jacob B. will be turning 10-years-old today!

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February 14th:

February 15th:

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton

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Here's the short version of what happened:

Jim and I broke up. Sammi and I are now living (VERY temporarily) with my Mom and step-Dad. I'm looking for an apartment for us. Plus I start a new job tomorrow, so that will give me some extra money to save.

I really don't want to talk about this anymore. Sammi and I are hanging in there though and I'm trying (as hard as it seems to be sometimes) to keep a positive head on my shoulders.

I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on what happens in our lives.

Shannon & Miss Samantha
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Christmas Day 2006:

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Christmas Eve 2006:

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December 20, 2006
Our Christmas Decorations (and some of Sammi's projects):

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December 18, 2006
My Mom's Christmas Decorations:

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December 17, 2006
Christmas Party:

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November 26, 2006
More Fun at the Playground:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

January 15, 2007:
No school in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 16, 2007:
My Mom and I will be taking Eddie, my Mom's beloved German Shepherd, to the Vet for a check-up today.

January 21, 2007:
Today is *Ruger's* first Heavenly Birthday. We miss you SO much, sweet boy!

January 28, 2007:
We will be celebrating Sammi's birthday at my Mom's house today.

January 30, 2007:
My Angel Bear turns 6-years-old today!!!

January 31, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Slappy!!! We love you lots & lots!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!
By the way, does anyone know what happened to Alyssa's page? I tried visiting it the other day and noticed it had disappeared. If anyone has any info about this for me, could you please pass it along? Thank you.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

David will be performing his stand up routine on January 16th. Knock 'em dead, buddy!!!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

David will be having an MRI performed on February 9th.

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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January 1st:
Kathy Mayo celebrates her birthday today!!!

January 2nd:
*Jacob A*

January 8th:
MJ turns 19-years-old today!

January 12th:

January 16th:

January 17th:
Richard Mayo celebrates his birthday today!!!

January 22nd:
Jacob B. will be turning 10-years-old today!

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February 14th:

February 15th:

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'll write a longer update later on, but I just wanted to ask anyone who has our address NOT to send anything there. Please e-mail me at humphity@gmail.com if you have something to send to Sammi.

Thank you very much!

Shannon & Miss Samantha "Cross State" Therese

Friday, January 5, 2007

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Sammi's Allowance Total:



Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York
"A to Z" -- Sandra Boynton

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We're having some difficulty at our house right now. It has to do with Miss Samantha and sleeping. Sleeping has always been an issue with Sammi, but it has gotten worse over the past couple of days.

It all started a couple of nights ago. Sammi usually wakes up in the middle of the night, but keeps herself occupied in her room by turning her light and TV on. Very rarely does she ever come out of her room and wake me up unless something is wrong.

The first incident happened in the early hours of Thursday morning. I woke up at five o'clock to Sammi crying by my side of the bed. When this happens, I'm usually able to get whatever it is she wants, put her back in her room and go back to sleep. Not this morning. Sammi wanted absolutely nothing to do with her room. She flat out refused to stay in there. She kept saying that she wanted to go downstairs with me. Downstairs is where our bedroom originally was. When it was flooded on Mother's Day of 2006, we started sleeping upstairs in our livingroom. Now the room downstairs has been made into a, sort of, play room. My computer is down there, Sammi watches videos down there and plays. Emileah's old toddler bed is also down there and Sammi likes to bounce around on it while she plays with her Little People and reads. So, realizing I had no chance of getting anymore sleep, I gave in and went downstairs with Sammi. She watched the morning news with me and played with her Little People until it was time to head to my Mom's.

Once we were at my Mom's, and while Sammi was eating her soup, my Mom and I tried to talk to Sammi about why she didn't want to sleep in her room. Have 'ya ever tried having a conversation with an Autistic child? It isn't an easy task. We asked her about nightmares, any loud noises she might have heard, etc. We pretty much walked away not knowing much. But we did get Sammi to agree to sleep in her own bed tonight.

Before I go on, let me explain why I brought Sammi downstairs so early in the morning.

First there's Jim's brother, Tom. Tom gets up VERY early in the morning to leave for work, so I always try to keep Sammi as quiet as possible when she gets up early.

Then there's Jim who also has to get up early in the morning to prepare for work. Since our bed is now in our livingroom, there aren't a lot of places to go with Sammi so that Jim isn't bothered -- so I thought it would be best to bring Sammi downstairs so she didn't bother anyone.

Last night Sammi went through her usual night time schedule -- first medicine, then a bath and then bedtime. When she was finished in the tub and I was getting her in to her PJs in her room, I talked to her about sleeping in her Dora bed. Despite my best efforts, Sammi spent almost 45 minutes crying her eyes out and kept coming out of her room to find me. Eventually I gave up, laid Sammi in her bed and sat in that big, blue, comfy chair that's in her room. Within 10 minutes she was fast asleep.

Then came three o'clock in the morning on Friday -- Sammi was awake and made it VERY clear that she did NOT want to sleep (or even stay) in her room. So I brought her downstairs again where, after about 15 or 20 minutes, she fell asleep on the toddler bed that I mentioned is down there. I didn't get to go back to sleep, but I was able to catch up on some rest later on in the afternoon once Sammi was home from school.

What is going on with this girl? Why won't she sleep in her own bed? Why doesn't she want to be in her own room? Will I have to go through all of this again tonight? God, I hope not. I have a funny feeling (and Jim thinks this too) that Sammi wants to be with me, so she doesn't want to stay in her own room where I'm not. She has been mentioning that she wants to go downstairs -- as I mentioned before, this is where we spend some time together in the afternoon. But, it isn't exactly a walk in the park trying to explain why we can't spend time together downstairs when it's three in the morning to an Autistic little girl.


Well, I do have some happier news to share with all of you.


Sammi has been doing a terrific job wearing her glasses in school. She proudly puts them on in the morning just for Holly (her bus monitor) before her bus arrives. And she has been wearing them all day long without a problem. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear! She claims she can see better with them on, but we aren't really sure about this. Either way, she's doing a great job.


Has anyone seen the movie "The Notebook"? My Mom was ranting and raving about it and I just had the chance to watch it the other day while Sammi was in school. It's an AWESOME movie! I highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of love stories. I'm very eager to read the book by Nicholas Sparks after seeing this movie.

I guess that's about it from our end. Please keep your fingers crossed for Sammi to start sleeping in her own bed without a problem. I'm REALLY hoping and praying this is just a phase she's going through.

We hope all is well with all of you. Thank you for continuing to check up on all of us. We love reading the sweet messages that are left in Sammi's guestbook.

Have a great weekend!

Shannon, Big Jimmy & Miss Samantha "I Don't Want to Sleep" Therese
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Christmas Day 2006:

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Christmas Eve 2006:

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December 20, 2006
Our Christmas Decorations (and some of Sammi's projects):

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December 18, 2006
My Mom's Christmas Decorations:

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December 17, 2006
Christmas Party:

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November 26, 2006
More Fun at the Playground:

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Upcoming Events & Shtuff for Sammi & Our Family:

January 15, 2007:
No school in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 16, 2007:
My Mom and I will be taking Eddie, my Mom's beloved German Shepherd, to the Vet for a check-up today.

January 21, 2007:
Today is *Ruger's* first Heavenly Birthday. We miss you SO much, sweet boy!

January 28, 2007:
We will be celebrating Sammi's birthday at my Mom's house today.

January 30, 2007:
My Angel Bear turns 6-years-old today!!!

January 31, 2007:
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Slappy!!! We love you lots & lots!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!
By the way, does anyone know what happened to Alyssa's page? I tried visiting it the other day and noticed it had disappeared. If anyone has any info about this for me, could you please pass it along? Thank you.

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

David will be performing his stand up routine on January 16th. Knock 'em dead, buddy!!!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

David will be having an MRI performed on February 9th.

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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January 1st:
Kathy Mayo celebrates her birthday today!!!

January 2nd:
*Jacob A*

January 8th:
MJ turns 19-years-old today!

January 12th:

January 16th:

January 22nd:
Jacob B. will be turning 10-years-old today!

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February 14th:

February 15th:

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Sunday, December 31, 2006


We hope all of you have a VERY safe and VERY Happy New Year's Eve!

And please take a moment to remember all of the *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in 2006.

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "Cross State" Therese
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*Jacob D*





*Jake O*


My wonderful friend, *Lorrenzo*

My amazing little buddies, *Ruger* and *Marble*

Susie's beloved companion, *Katie*

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York

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***Grandma & Grandpa's Christmas Tree***

It's an annual Christmas Eve tradition to go to my Grandparent's house and eat Chinese food until we're stuffed -- this year was no exception. We started the afternoon off by visiting Susie (Jim's Mom) who usually has a little get together for family and friends. Emileah and James were also there. Then we made our way to my Grandparent's house. Sammi ran around and played with a bunch of toys while everyone else ate their dinner. My Dad wasn't feeling too well, so he spent some time playing with and reading to Sammi while we ate.

Another Christmas Eve tradition of ours is to attempt to win some money with the scratch tickets my Grandparent's pick up for everyone -- everybody gets 3 a piece. Missy, my Dad's girlfriend, was the big winner with $40. I came in second place with $3. Yup, a whole $3. Hopefully I can resist temptation and not spend it all in one place.

After dinner and scratch tickets, it was time to open presents. Sammi couldn't have been more excited! This is the first year she has really gotten in to the whole gift opening thing. She loves ripping all of the wrapping paper off of her gift, gives whatever it is she has just opened a once over and then promptly asks for another present. It's your typical kid opening presents thing. Jim was in charge of picture taking (he usually is) and these are the shots he took for us:

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***Opening presents from Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa, Papa, Missy & Uncle Warren***

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***Top picture -- Uncle Warren & Sammi. Bottom picture -- Uncle Warren, Sammi & Great-Grandpa.
Uncle Warren is holding the Magna Doodle he gave Sammi for Christmas. My Uncle was testing Sammi's reading skills by writing word after word on the magna doodle. Everyone was amazed at some of the words Sammi was able to sound out. She had a GREAT time playing with everyone***

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***Susie's Christmas Tree***

Christmas morning was a little rushed. We had a lot of running around to do and there really didn't seem to be enough time to get everything done. But somehow, surprisingly, we did everything we needed to.

First we picked Emileah and James up from their Mom's house -- they were coming with us to Susie's. After making a quick pit stop back home (so I could pick up my car) we arrived at Susie's. All of the kiddies were VERY eager to start ripping open their presents. I LOVE seeing kiddies all excited on Christmas Day -- I swear it's the best thing in the world to witness.

Sammi was stuck to my side the entire time we opened up our gifts. Emileah and James didn't need any help opening their presents. Jim, again, was in charge of picture taking. Here are some pictures he took of all the fun we had:

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***James eager to start opening gifts***

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***Sammi & Mama waiting for our presents***

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***James, Mickey (who, like my Dad, wasn't feeling well), Tom & Jim's Grandmother waiting for all of the fun to start***

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***James and his gifts***

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***Emileah and her gifts***

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***Sammi and Mama***

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***Jim looking all festive***

Sammi and I left Jim, James and Emileah at Susie's when we were finished opening our presents. Jim and everyone was going to eat dinner with his family -- Sammi and I were going to my Mom's to eat our dinner. And, of course, there were still more presents to be opened.

As soon as we got to my Mom's, a VERY beautiful German Shepherd (Eddie) greeted us. He was all dressed up for the holidays. See.............

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There was a full house at my Mom's today. Nick (my step-brother; Sammi's Godfather), Matt (my step-brother), Michael (my step-brother), Mary (my step-sister) and Jared (Mary's boyfriend) were all there to celebrate this special day with us. Sammi loved seeing everyone and had a great time being a little ham for everyone.

When Sammi was finished eating her soup, she opened up her presents. I took LOTS of pictures of Sammi ripping all of the wrapping paper off. Enjoy!

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***Sammi opening her presents from Uncle Michael***

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***Little People toys -- yea!!!***

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***Grandpa's present***

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***Uncle Matt's present decked out in some VERY pretty Dora wrapping paper -- hehehe***

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***Of course Eddie had gifts to open too***

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***My Angel Bear VERY happy with the singing Chia Pet Santa brought her***

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***And of course Casey got his own Christmas meal to eat***

We had a terrific Christmas with our families. We hope all of you did too!

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "Cross State" Therese
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December 20, 2006
Our Christmas Decorations (and some of Sammi's projects):

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December 18, 2006
My Mom's Christmas Decorations:

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December 17, 2006
Christmas Party:

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November 26, 2006
More Fun at the Playground:

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November 24, 2006
Fun at the Playground:

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November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving:

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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

*Richie* passed away in his sleep on November 23rd.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:

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CaringBridge Kiddies Who Flew Home to Heaven in 2006:

April 2nd:

June 12th:
*Jacob D*

June 27th:

August 4th:

August 18th:

September 2nd:

October 5th:
*Jake O*

November 23rd:

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Friday, December 22, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York

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Sorry I've taken so long updating.

On Sunday the 17th everyone (Big Jimmy, Emileah, James, Sammi and myself) went to a Christmas Party. Every year Jim's Mom, Susie, helps out in throwing a big Christmas bash for all of the kiddies. This was our first time attending it and Miss Samantha had an awesome time! There was a magician, a bunny and, most importantly, SANTA!!! Here are some pictures that were taken of all the fun we had:

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***Watching the Magic Show***

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***Top Hat -- the Magician's Assistant***

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***Yea for Santa!!!***

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***Sammi & Santa***

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***James & Santa***

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***Emileah & Santa***

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***The Wonderful Ladies Who Made All the Fun We Had Possible -- Jim's Mom is Standing Behind Santa***

Every child at the Christmas party got a present from Santa. Sammi didn't know that her name and age were taped to her present, so she still thinks Santa picked her present out especially for her. She's so sweet.


And now, since I've run out of things to talk about (*surprising, isn't it?*) I'm going to leave all of you with some more pictures.

First there are pictures of my Mom's house all decorated for Christmas:

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And here are pictures of our house all decorated:

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***The 3 stockings on the top belong to the kiddies -- the white ones are Emileah & James' & Sammi's is in the middle. The 2 stockings below belong to Jim & myself***

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***Sammi made these 2 ornaments for me in school. Aren't they beautiful?!?!?***

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***Sammi also made this gorgeous card for me in Kindergarten. I must be one of the luckiest Mom's in the world to have gotten such wonderful gifts from my beautiful little Angel Bear***

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***My little creative girl made this Gingerbread Man in Kindergarten***

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***Our tree and the candy cane (look on the bricks) that Sammi made in school***

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***Sammi's 'Rudolph' ornament from Mrs. Pam. Thank you for the ornament & the Mickey doll, Mrs. Pam! Sammi absolutely loves them both!!***

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I Still Can't Get Rid of This Cold" Therese
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November 26, 2006
More Fun at the Playground:

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November 24, 2006
Fun at the Playground:

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November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving:

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November 22, 2006

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November 5, 2006
Potty Party:

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October 31, 2006
Halloween Pictures:

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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's tumor has grown slightly. PLEASE keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

*Richie* passed away in his sleep on November 23rd.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:

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CaringBridge Kiddies Who Flew Home to Heaven in 2006:

April 2nd:

June 12th:
*Jacob D*

June 27th:

August 4th:

August 18th:

September 2nd:

October 5th:
*Jake O*

November 23rd:

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Saturday, December 9, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss
"Reggie the Littlest Reindeer" -- Chex Books New York

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Not a lot has been happening in our neck of the woods lately, so I just thought I'd do some updates on our family:


Miss Samantha, as usual, is doing great. Better than the rest of us at times, I think. She's still loving Kindergarten and hasn't been giving me a hard time lately when it comes to putting her on the bus in the morning. Of course I'm keeping my fingers crossed about this and hoping this lucky streak we're on continues. She has been coming home with some awesome art projects that, as always, I'm more than happy to display over our fireplace. She's also getting more and more excited about Christmas as it approaches. Sometime this weekend, Sammi and I are going to write a letter to Santa. The only complaint Sammi has had lately has been that she has a "feet ache." This is either due to the fact that she jumps up and down on her bare feet when she throws a tantrum and ends up hurting them or it could be due to the fact that she needs a bigger shoe size. Luckily my sweet, sweet Mom was able to find a pair of Strawberry Shortcake shoes online that will fit Sammi just right -- ssshhh, don't tell Sammi about this -- they'll be from Santa.


Big Jimmy has been doing well these days. He has been working in the bucket (at his job) more and more lately, so he has been getting more practice with that -- that's a good thing. He also got his final grades back from this past school year and he ended the year with a 90 percent! Yea, Big Jimmy! We're SO proud of you for doing so wonderfully in school! Keep up the great work, baby!


Nuna and Grandpa are doing well. We're planning on going over to their house tomorrow afternoon sometime to help them decorate their house and tree for Christmas. Sammi loves spending time with her Nuna and Grandpa and I know she'll have a great time helping everyone decorate. Sammi and I are still going over to their house every morning before Holly's bus arrives. We get to spend time with Nuna (Grandpa has left for work by the time we get there) and Sammi loves it. Nuna and Grandpa's house is currently on the market. Who knows when it will sell, but they're looking for another place to live in the meantime.


There honestly isn't a whole lot to say about myself. Not one new or interesting thing to report. I recently received Sammi's IEP and placement from her school -- that took awhile to read through. I'm worried about Sammi going in to the 1st grade next September -- but it's that mother's worry that never seems to go away. I know she'll do terrific, but there are the little things that scare me -- how/if she'll make friends, how the other kiddies will act towards her, how she'll be when it comes to following directions, etc. I'm sure the worries I'm having are the same as every other parents. But Sammi is a smart girl and I know she'll do just fine in the long run.


I know this was a boring update, but that's about all that has been happening on our end. I hope every one of your lives has been just a little more interesting than ours. We also pray all of you are doing well and thank every one of you for taking the time to visit Sammi's page. We love reading the messages that are left in her guestbook. Thank you all for taking the time to care about us. We appreciate it more than you know.

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I Still Can't Get Rid of This Cold" Therese
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November 26, 2006
More Fun at the Playground:

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November 24, 2006
Fun at the Playground:

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November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving:

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November 22, 2006

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November 5, 2006
Potty Party:

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October 31, 2006
Halloween Pictures:

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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

*Richie* passed away in his sleep on November 23rd.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:

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CaringBridge Kiddies Who Flew Home to Heaven in 2006:

April 2nd:

June 12th:
*Jacob D*

June 27th:

August 4th:

August 18th:

September 2nd:

October 5th:
*Jake O*

November 23rd:

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Friday, December 1, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton
"Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest" -- Jerry Pallotta & Van Wallach
"C is for Clown" -- Dr. Seuss

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Monday, November 27, 2006
Our Weekend:

We had a pretty mellow weekend. Not much was done, except for going back to the playground on Sunday. When we were there on Friday, Sammi mentioned that she wanted her Nuna to come with us. So yesterday my Mom and I took Sammi to the playground for the afternoon. I'm sure Big Jimmy enjoyed having a nice, quiet house all to himself.

We had lots of fun at the playground. Sammi showed Nuna how much she loves the slide, how good she is at climbing and how good she is at swinging on a swing. Here are the pictures I took of our latest adventure -- and yes, there is a picture of me going down the slide with Sammi:

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Congratulations to my wonderful, beautiful, amazing Mom. Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free. We are SO proud of you, Mom! You're such an incredibly strong woman. We love you lots and LOTS!

Not much more has been going on in our neck of the woods. Thankfully it has been quiet around here (*knock on wood*). Sammi is still loving Kindergarten and has been coming home with LOTS of cute little projects that I am, as usual, proudly displaying over our fireplace.

We hope every one of you has a fantastic weekend!

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I Still Can't Get Rid of This Cold" Therese
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November 24, 2006
Fun at the Playground:

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November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving:

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November 22, 2006

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November 5, 2006
Potty Party:

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October 31, 2006
Halloween Pictures:

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October 24, 2006
Eddie & The Patriots Van:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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December 8, 2006:
I'm not sure if we'll be going or not, but Haverhill will be holding its annual Christmas Stroll tonight.

BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

*Richie* passed away in his sleep on November 23rd.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:

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CaringBridge Kiddies Who Flew Home to Heaven in 2006:

April 2nd:

June 12th:
*Jacob D*

June 27th:

August 4th:

August 18th:

September 2nd:

October 5th:
*Jake O*

November 23rd:

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Friday, November 24, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton

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I have lots to update on. First off, I hope everyone had a VERY Happy Thanksgiving. We hope all of you had a great day with your friends and loved ones. Ours was great.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Sammi's First Trip to Chuck-E-Cheese:

Last week my Dad called me up and asked me if I wanted to bring Sammi to Chuck-E-Cheese since he was on vacation. I love spending time with my Dad and Sammi loves being with her Papa, but I was a little nervous about bringing Sammi here. I know there are a lot of loud sounds in that place and I had this horrible feeling that Sammi was going to freak out as soon as we walked through the front door. Thankfully, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Sammi had half a day today. My Dad met us at my Mom's house once Sammi had gotten home. After her tummy was filled with soup and after she went pee pee on the potty, we headed out. For some reason Sammi loves Papa's big red truck, so she was VERY excited that we were going to be riding in it.

I got something to eat at Chuck-E-Cheese when we got there and Papa and Sammi wandered off to play some games. Sammi was a little hesitant at first, but she warmed up to the whole idea of playing games in no time. Here and there a noise would throw her off and she'd stop for a second, but it wasn't too difficult to get her going again. While Sammi had TONS of fun playing games, she absolutely refused to go on any rides. Fine by me -- I was just thrilled to see Sammi having such a good time.

Sammi accumulated just under 200 tickets from all the games she played. There really weren't any good prizes to get for that amount of tickets, so my Dad bought Sammi a balloon instead and we told her that's what her tickets bought. She was completely fine with that.

Thank you, Dad, for all you did for Sammi today. She had such a terrific time playing with you and is still talking about all the fun she had. She loves you VERY much and so do I. We appreciate absolutely every thing you do for us. Thank you for being such a wonderful Dad and Papa -- we love you!!!

Here are the pictures I took on our little adventure:

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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Turkey Day!!!

Our day started off with a trip to Susie's house for Thanksgiving dinner. That woman makes so much food you swear she was feeding an army -- and everything was absolutely delicious!!! Unfortunately I couldn't get Sammi to try anything from my plate. Everyone was trying to get her to eat something, but it didn't do any good.

Thank you, Susie, for inviting us over for dinner. You always make a wonderful meal and we love coming to visit you.

After stuffing our faces at Susie's house, we headed over to my Mom's house. Our mission was to eat as much dessert as we could at my Mom's. Unfortunately my blood wasn't cooperating, so I missed out on a bunch of yummy, yummy stuff. But my lovely mother was sweet enough to send a bunch of stuff home for me to try. My Mom makes THE best desserts. I can't wait to eat them!

I didn't take too many pictures, but here are a couple I did take. One is of Mr. Ed relaxing after enjoying his own Thanksgiving dinner and the other is of Sammi with her Uncle Matt, Uncle Nick and Grandpa.

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Friday, November 24, 2006
Fun with Mommy:

This afternoon Sammi and I made a trip to a playground that isn't too far from us. Sammi has a blast playing on the playground at school, so I thought she'd have some fun at this one. She had a great time going down the slide, walking across the wiggly, shaky bridge, climbing up and down a ladder and (towards the end of our fun) sitting/laying on a bench. Of course I had my camera with me, so I have some pictures to show off. You'll see in the last picture that Sammi was just about ready to go at that point.

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Well, that's about it from our end. But before I go, here are a few other pictures I didn't show before. We hope all of you are well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

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***Sammi and Grandpa Slappy***

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***Sammi ready for school***

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***Close up of Mr. Ed***

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I Still Can't Get Rid of This Cold" Therese
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November 5, 2006
Potty Party:

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October 31, 2006
Halloween Pictures:

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October 24, 2006
Eddie & The Patriots Van:

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October 18, 2006
My Little Italian Girl:

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October 15, 2006
Birthday Celebrations:

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October 11, 2006
Tea for Nuna, Sammi & Eddie:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

*Richie* passed away in his sleep on November 23rd.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:

November 25th:
Autumn will be turning 5-years-old today!!!

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
40.8 lbs. (as of 11/19/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton
"Nutra Fruit Heroes to the Rescue" -- Damian X. Fulton

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I always mean to, but I never seem to thank people who have gone out of their way to make us smile.

Thank you, Mrs. Pam. Recently we received the
And we also received the Halloween wind sock you sent to us last month. Thank you for those. We absolutely loved them and we appreciate you thinking about us.

Thank you, Alisa. Last week we received your package and Sammi was absolutely thrilled to see the Strawberry Shortcake beach ball you sent her. She wanted to go to the beach and use it right that second -- needless to say, that didn't happen. I also LOVED the pictures you included of Devin and Kara. I can't get over how grown up they look. Those are two VERY good looking kiddies you've got on your hands. Thank you for your kindness and friendship -- it means more than you know.

November 17, 2006
My Little Girl Is Growing Up:

I went to an IEP meeting for Sammi at her school this morning. The meeting was a reevaluation of the services Sammi needs in and was also a placement to put Sammi in school for the 2007 - 2008 school year. The school Sammi is in now only teaches up to Kindergarten, so Sammi will be attending a new school in the fall. The good news about all of this is that Sammi will still be working with all of the therapy teachers she's working with now. So while she'll have a new teacher and new friends next year, at least her therapy workers will stay the same -- and believe me, they're all crazy about her.

The meeting went well. While Sammi is doing terrific in some areas, she is also below average in others. Her motor skills need lots of improvement. She still isn't able to write any letters, but she has been using a weighted pencil lately and I'm told that this is helping.

Here is how Samantha's PT (Mary Fournier) rated her performance in some areas:

Travel -- 83 out of 100
Maintaining and Changing Positions -- 83 out of 100
Recreational Movement -- 49 out of 100
Manipulation with Movement -- 60 out of 100

And Samantha's OT (Sandy Basilliere) also rated her performance:

When it comes to grasping and visual motor integration, Sammi scored below average.

Supports needed for the 2007 - 2008 school year:

Continued adult assistance for safety and mobility, consistent routines, visual supports, picture schedule, small group, highly structured environment, reduced auditory distraction, consistent and clear expectations, repetition of directions, seating appropriate to her range of vision, verbal cues, wait time for processing.

Recommendations for next year:

Sammi will have an aide working with her. This aide won't be with her at all times, only when Sammi is going to a new area of the school or if she's out on the playground. Sammi's teachers want her to become more independent and feel comfortable doing more things on her own. While an aide will be beneficial for Sammi, we also don't want this aide to smother her.

Sammi will not be in an intergrated classroom. There are just too many students in an intergrated classroom and Sammi has trouble concentrating when there are lots of things (noise, activities, etc.) going on around her. Instead she will be placed in a Developmental Support (DS) class. Instead of 20 kids being in a classroom with Sammi, there will be less than 10. This will make it easier for Sammi to follow simple tasks and to thrive along with her classmates. But Sammi will be placed in an integrated class for Language Arts. I agree, whole heartedly, with this decision.

Sammi will continue to receive all of her therapies during the school year (OT, PT, speech, vision, Orientation and Mobility) and will contiue to work with the same therapists she has known for almost 3 years now.

I still have 3 or 4 reports to read through, so my head is still spinning with all of the information I've been forced to consume. I'm sure I'll update more as my head becomes clearer.

I'm just finding it REALLY hard to believe that my baby girl will be in 1st grade next year. This is absolutely breaking my heart. Who said she had to grow up? And why does she insist on doing it so quickly? Mostly I'm nervous. About how Sammi will be treated in school, about how Sammi will react in school, etc. I hope and pray all will go well and that I end up worrying for nothing.

Ok, I promise I'm going to wrap this up and stop babbling now.

We hope everyone who continues to check up on us is doing well. Our thoughts and prayers are always with all of you.

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm A Super Duper Pooper" Therese
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November 5, 2006
Potty Party:

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October 31, 2006
Halloween Pictures:

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October 24, 2006
Eddie & The Patriots Van:

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October 18, 2006
My Little Italian Girl:

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October 15, 2006
Birthday Celebrations:

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October 11, 2006
Tea for Nuna, Sammi & Eddie:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

Richie is someone new I learned about through *Maxie's* site. Richie isn't doing too well these days. Please keep him in your prayers.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:

November 25th:
Autumn will be turning 5-years-old today!!!

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:
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Monday, November 13, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
36.4 lbs. (as of 11/12/06)

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton

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***Today is World Kindness Day***

November 8, 2006
Sammi's Eye Exam in Boston:

Oh, what another lovely trip in to Boston it was this morning. It was filled with lots of traffic and lots of rain. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day. No, that's not true. I could think of about a million other ways I could have spent today.

Originally, when we left Haverhill, we would have been just about an hour early for Sammi's appointment. By the time we got out of the traffic jam we were stuck in and I found a parking space, we only had about 20 minutes left to spare.

After registering in the hospital, we traveled up to the 6th floor -- Sammi LOVES to press the elevator buttons --, realized we left one of Sammi's bags filled with toys on the 1st level, went back down to the first level, got the toys and traveled back up to the 6th floor. I'm telling 'ya, today was just full of adventures.

We didn't have to wait too long to be seen once we made it to Sammi's doctors office, but while we waited Sammi had a blast playing in the toy room that was there. I have to admit, it was a pretty cool room. I had my camera with me (I take that thing everywhere I go), but I didn't have any time to take any pictures between filling out paper work and keeping an eye on Sammi.

When we were brought into the back of the office, Sammi's vision was tested through a machine. I didn't get to look into this machine, but Sammi told me there were lots of pictures in there. She liked this "game" so much that she gave me a run for my money when we were finished with it.

Next we were brought into an examining room where Sammi and I sat in that big, comfy doctor's chair. You know what one I'm talking about -- the kind that is found in all eye doctor's offices. Sammi doesn't like to sit in this chair alone, so Mommy is always nominated to sit with her. While we were seated questions were asked about Sammi's vision, health, etc. Then it was time for more "games."

The first one consisted of the nurse who was taking care of us (I never got her name) showing Sammi some pictures on cards. There was a duckie, a hand print, a cake, a bike, a car and a friend on a horse -- these descriptions are compliments of Miss Samantha. The "friend on a horse" was the one that really cracked me up. These pictures were all different sizes -- they started out big and got smaller and smaller. Sammi did a very good job recognizing them the smaller they got.

Then those same pictures were put up on a television screen half way across the room. Again Sammi did an excellent job telling us what these pictures were. The only one she was never able to recognize was the picture of the car -- and to be honest, that wasn't the clearest picture I've ever seen. I even had trouble making out what it was.

When these tests were finished, it was confirmed that Sammi wasn't using her left eye at all -- yeah, thanks, we already knew that. The vision in Sammi's right eye was measured as being 20/80 -- not too bad, huh? Sammi's left eye was such a pain in the butt that nobody could get a reading on it. This is quite a leap from when Sammi's vision was measured as being 20/2000 in BOTH eyes back in 2001.

Next we were brought into another room and were met by Dr. Strominger. Hard name to pronounce, huh? Sammi didn't have a problem with it and she impressed Dr. Strominger when she said his name perfectly. After looking in to Sammi's eyes with a flashlight, Sammi's doctor diliated her eyes. Sammi HATES this part and I hate seeing how upset this makes Sammi -- it's really heart breaking.

Once Sammi's eyes were dilated, we were sent to wait in the waiting room. Sammi was pretty quiet while we waited. I kept looking at her to see how she was doing and you could tell the drops that were put in her eyes were starting to take effect. At times she was just staring in to space. She wouldn't even play with any of the toys we had brought for her. She just sat as still as she could and probably wondered what the hell was going on.

Before being seen by Dr. Strominger again, Sammi was lucky enough to play the first game she had played at the beginning of our experience. This made Sammi VERY happy. I kind of wished I had looked into that machine -- I'm guessing I missed something pretty fun.

Dr. Strominger saw us again and looked in Sammi's eyes. He confirmed the fact that Sammi does in fact have Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. So of course our options are patching and/or glasses. BUT, here's an interesting fact for 'ya. If Sammi has ANY chance of regaining vision in her left eye, it will most likely happen before she turns 8 -- which only leaves her 2 years. The doctor wasn't very optimistic about Sammi gaining any of her vision back. So I'm sticking by my original plan and won't be doing anything. You've got to see Sammi in action to understand why I'm doing this. Sure she has some problems when it comes to the dark (she has been telling me lately that she's afraid of the dark, but I'm kind of guessing it's due to not being able to see very well in the dark) and her depth perception isn't very good at all, but Sammi gets along just fine the way she is. I know she'll be fine using only one eye -- she's only 5 (soon to be 6) -- and she has already adjusted herself to living this way. I don't feel bad for my Angel Bear at all -- she's going to be just fine.

Sammi gave me a run for my money as we were leaving the hospital. She didn't want to leave. What kid doesn't want to leave a hospital? Mine, obviously. She wanted to go back to Dr. Strominger's office and play more games SO badly.

On our way home (by the way, the weather stunk on our trip home -- it was rainy and the visability was absolutely horrible), Sammi sat silently in the back seat. I'm guessing her eyes were still bugging her from being dilated. She perked up once we got home and spent the rest of the afternoon playing in her room and occasionally came out into the living room to see what was going on.

So my baby girl is confirmed as having ONH. I honestly thought we would have been given a different diagnosis, but I wasn't given the correct information on this disease/disorder when Sammi had first been diagnosed with it. Thank you, Dr. Strominger, for clearing this up for me. I had been told that Sammi would not gain any vision in either of her eyes, but apparently that wasn't true. Dr. Strominger helped to clear things up.


Before I go, I have some things to mention.

Since Sammi's latest ONH diagnosis, I've been searching the internet for news and info on both Autism and ONH. I found out something interesting -- some feeding issues are associated with ONH. I couldn't find one circumstance where Autism has been blamed for poor eating habits. Could I have been mislead all along? I thought that was interesting when I found it. I'm also trying to find a connection between Autism and ONH. Unfortunately I haven't come up with anything yet. If anyone has any info about this, could you please pass it along to me? Thank you so much.

I've updated my Mom's total weight loss up above. She is doing absolutely amazing!!! Keep up the terrific work, Mom! I love you SO much!!

Jim's Bronco is GONE -- thank God!!! It was picked up on November 6th and was donated to the Autism Resource Center of Central Massachusetts. I can't tell you enough just how happy it made me to see this car go buh-bye and to have it donated to such a great cause. Thank you for doing this, Big Jimmy!!! I love you!

Ok, I think that's about it from our end for now. We hope all of you had a wonderful weekend and are doing well. Jim has today and tomorrow off and apparently he has some stuff he wants to do with me while Miss Samantha is in school.

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm A Super Duper Pooper" Therese
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November 5, 2006
Potty Party:

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October 31, 2006
Halloween Pictures:

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October 24, 2006
Eddie & The Patriots Van:

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October 18, 2006
My Little Italian Girl:

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October 15, 2006
Birthday Celebrations:

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October 11, 2006
Tea for Nuna, Sammi & Eddie:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

Richie is someone new I learned about through *Maxie's* site. Richie isn't doing too well these days. Please keep him in your prayers.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
31.2 lbs.

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton

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Wow. I've been doing a horrible job updating lately, huh? I'm so sorry. I've also been slacking when it comes to all of the CaringBridge families I know. While I've been checking up on everyone, I haven't been able to find the time to post in any guestbooks. Regardless, please know that ALL of you are in my thoughts and prayers every minute of everyday.

Sit back and relax 'cause I have lots to say.................

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October 26, 2006
Pictures of Sammi's Art Work:

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***A pumpkin made by Miss Samantha***
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***Sammi has named this scarecrow Alice***

October 30, 2006
My Mom's Party:

My Mom threw a party tonight and Sammi and I attended. Also present was my Grandma, Missy (my Dad's girlfriend), my Aunt Patty, Auntie Carol (Sammi's Godmother), Susie (Jim's Mom), a friend of Carol's and two women my Mom works with. Lots of people = Sammi turning in to a ham.

Everyone arrived before the party was set to begin. So instead of having everyone sitting around and talking to one another, Sammi took it upon herself to do some entertaining. While everyone was seated in my Mom's living room, Sammi made her way in there and started singing for everyone. 3 potty songs in all -- one of which she made up on her own. She also built a line with her magnets for everyone, learned a new color and just hammed it up until the party started.

While the party was going on, Sammi spent most of the time sitting on Carol's lap. Everyone was VERY impressed with how good of a girl Sammi was being while we were there -- and she really was. She was on her very best behavior the entire time. I was VERY proud of my little Angel Bear. I also need to mention that Susie came bearing a gift that night. This is what she gave to Sammi:

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Susie knows that Sammi is a HUGE fan of game shows, so she took it upon herself to make a Wheel of Fortune board for Sammi. Sammi LOVES this new toy of hers and I couldn't believe Susie was sweet enough to make it for her. Thank you again, Susie -- Sammi still plays with her Wheel of Fortune board everyday.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Today was also Black and Orange Day at Sammi's school -- this was their way of celebrating Halloween. No costumes, just black and orange clothes. Sammi also had her nails painted today. I was surprised to see nail polish on Sammi's fingers when she got home from school -- usually she doesn't want her hands or fingers touched at all. Anyway, below are pictures I took of Sammi all dressed up for Black and Orange Day:

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***Sammi's pumpkin mask -- front (above) and back (below)***
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Groveland (the town my Grandparents live in) held trick-or-treating tonight, so we decided to go there. Luckily my Mom was able to go with us. Jim wanted to go with us, but he left for school early this morning.

Grandma and Grandpa were VERY happy to have us and loved seeing Sammi in her little lady bug costume. After trick-or-treating for about an hour, we went back to my Grandparents house to check out our loot. Sammi didn't make out too badly and she even scored a couple of Kit Kats for me -- yea!

Here are some pictures that were taken:

Before heading out:
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Sammi and Mommy the Witch:
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Sammi and Nuna the Witch:
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After heading out:
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This is a picture Susie sent to me. It's of Emileah and James dressed up for Halloween:

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Friday, November 3, 2006
Sammi's Field Trip to the Fire Station:

Needless to say, I was more than a little nervous about sending Sammi on this field trip. I thought she would have fun with her class, but I also know how sensitive she is when it comes to fire alarms and sirens. All morning long, while Sammi was on her trip, I was expecting to get a call from her school asking me to pick Sammi up 'cause she couldn't be calmed down. Luckily, that call never came.

When Sammi got home that afternoon, she told me all about all of the fun she had on her field trip. She told me that she touched a boot, a jacket and saw a fire truck. She ended up having a great time -- I was so thrilled! She also learned what to do if your clothes ever catch on fire and she loves showing everyone how to stop, drop and roll. So Sammi's first field trip, thank goodness, went very well.

Sunday, November 5, 2006
Potty Party!!!:

Yup, today was the big day -- the day we celebrated Sammi being a BIG potty training girl. I guess you've got to know my family to know how our sense of humor works -- believe me, it works in very strange ways.

All of Sammi's family members were there, just like Sammi wanted. We celebrated with brownies and sausages (made by my Mom), lemonade (made, well "mixed", by me) and a meat platter picked up by my Grandparents. All of us had a great time with one another and Sammi had lots of fun taking turns sitting in front of my Mom's computer on different people's laps listening to Sesame Street Radio online.

When it was time for Sammi to blow out the candles I placed in the brownies, I also presented her with a trophy and ribbon. Sammi was SO thrilled to have gotten these two awards. Everyone clapped for her and Sammi couldn't get enough of it. She was SO proud of herself. When she was finished blowing out the candles, she took her two awards and headed off to listen to more Sesame Street Radio again. *Below are the pictures I took at Sammi's Potty Party*

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***Brownies my Mom made and I decorated***

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***Lemonade anyone? hehehe***

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***Sammi & Papa***

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***Sammi & Great-Uncle Warren***

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***Sammi Blowing Out Her Candles***

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***Sammi & Her Trophy***

Monday, November 6, 2006
Off to Boston We Go:

Oh, how I love traveling to Boston -- could you sense the sarcasm there?

My Mom, Sammi and I headed off to the big city this morning for Sammi's appointment with her Arthritis doctor. I dread everytime Sammi has to see this doctor.

The doctor is awesome, don't get me wrong. The problems we have don't have anything to do with him. It has to do with the fact that everytime we go there, it takes almost 2 hours for us to be brought into an examining room. Then it takes another 15 - 20 minutes for Sammi's doctor to see us. It's a pain in the butt to go through.

Luckily everything is going well for Sammi right now and she won't need to be seen by this doctor again until May. Woohoo!!! Just hope and pray Sammi doesn't have any problems before then. But for now we're going to continue with the Ibuprofen since it seems to be working.

It was great getting to spend the day with my Mom -- I always love it when she's able to go to Sammi's appointments with us. My Mom and I have always had a wonderful (somewhat strange -- but in a good way) relationship. She is, by far, my bestest friend. I would be completely lost without her. I love you, Mom!!!

Ok, I'm sure I've bored everyone enough by now. Plus we have ANOTHER trip to make into Boston tomorrow, so I'm going to get some rest while I can.

I hope all of you are doing well. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm A Super Duper Pooper" Therese
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October 24, 2006
Eddie & The Patriots Van:

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October 18, 2006
My Little Italian Girl:

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October 15, 2006
Birthday Celebrations:

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October 11, 2006
Tea for Nuna, Sammi & Eddie:

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October 9, 2006
Sammi the Ladybug (her Halloween costume for this year):

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October 8, 2006
My baby, Casey & Eddie Going For a Ride:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

November 8, 2006:
Sammi will be having her vision tested in Boston today. Cross your fingers for a diagnosis.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

Richie is someone new I learned about through *Maxie's* site. Richie isn't doing too well these days. Please keep him in your prayers.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
31.2 lbs.

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle
"Old MacDonald" -- Rosemary Wells
"Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs" -- Byron Barton

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Wow. I've been doing a horrible job updating lately, huh? I'm so sorry. I've also been slacking when it comes to all of the CaringBridge families I know. While I've been checking up on everyone, I haven't been able to find the time to post in any guestbooks. Regardless, please know that ALL of you are in my thoughts and prayers every minute of everyday.

Sit back and relax 'cause I have lots to say.................

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October 26, 2006
Pictures of Sammi's Art Work:

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***A pumpkin made by Miss Samantha***
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***Sammi has named this scarecrow Alice***

October 30, 2006
My Mom's Party:

My Mom threw a party tonight and Sammi and I attended. Also present was my Grandma, Missy (my Dad's girlfriend), my Aunt Patty, Auntie Carol (Sammi's Godmother), Susie (Jim's Mom), a friend of Carol's and two women my Mom works with. Lots of people = Sammi turning in to a ham.

Everyone arrived before the party was set to begin. So instead of having everyone sitting around and talking to one another, Sammi took it upon herself to do some entertaining. While everyone was seated in my Mom's living room, Sammi made her way in there and started singing for everyone. 3 potty songs in all -- one of which she made up on her own. She also built a line with her magnets for everyone, learned a new color and just hammed it up until the party started.

While the party was going on, Sammi spent most of the time sitting on Carol's lap. Everyone was VERY impressed with how good of a girl Sammi was being while we were there -- and she really was. She was on her very best behavior the entire time. I was VERY proud of my little Angel Bear. I also need to mention that Susie came bearing a gift that night. This is what she gave to Sammi:

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Susie knows that Sammi is a HUGE fan of game shows, so she took it upon herself to make a Wheel of Fortune board for Sammi. Sammi LOVES this new toy of hers and I couldn't believe Susie was sweet enough to make it for her. Thank you again, Susie -- Sammi still plays with her Wheel of Fortune board everyday.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Today was also Black and Orange Day at Sammi's school -- this was their way of celebrating Halloween. No costumes, just black and orange clothes. Sammi also had her nails painted today. I was surprised to see nail polish on Sammi's fingers when she got home from school -- usually she doesn't want her hands or fingers touched at all. Anyway, below are pictures I took of Sammi all dressed up for Black and Orange Day:

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***Sammi's pumpkin mask -- front (above) and back (below)***
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Groveland (the town my Grandparents live in) held trick-or-treating tonight, so we decided to go there. Luckily my Mom was able to go with us. Jim wanted to go with us, but he left for school early this morning.

Grandma and Grandpa were VERY happy to have us and loved seeing Sammi in her little lady bug costume. After trick-or-treating for about an hour, we went back to my Grandparents house to check out our loot. Sammi didn't make out too badly and she even scored a couple of Kit Kats for me -- yea!

Here are some pictures that were taken:

Before heading out:
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Sammi and Mommy the Witch:
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Sammi and Nuna the Witch:
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After heading out:
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This is a picture Susie sent to me. It's of Emileah and James dressed up for Halloween:

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Friday, November 3, 2006
Sammi's Field Trip to the Fire Station:

Needless to say, I was more than a little nervous about sending Sammi on this field trip. I thought she would have fun with her class, but I also know how sensitive she is when it comes to fire alarms and sirens. All morning long, while Sammi was on her trip, I was expecting to get a call from her school asking me to pick Sammi up 'cause she couldn't be calmed down. Luckily, that call never came.

When Sammi got home that afternoon, she told me all about all of the fun she had on her field trip. She told me that she touched a boot, a jacket and saw a fire truck. She ended up having a great time -- I was so thrilled! She also learned what to do if your clothes ever catch on fire and she loves showing everyone how to stop, drop and roll. So Sammi's first field trip, thank goodness, went very well.

Sunday, November 5, 2006
Potty Party!!!:

Yup, today was the big day -- the day we celebrated Sammi being a BIG potty training girl. I guess you've got to know my family to know how our sense of humor works -- believe me, it works in very strange ways.

All of Sammi's family members were there, just like Sammi wanted. We celebrated with brownies and sausages (made by my Mom), lemonade (made, well "mixed", by me) and a meat platter picked up by my Grandparents. All of us had a great time with one another and Sammi had lots of fun taking turns sitting in front of my Mom's computer on different people's laps listening to Sesame Street Radio online.

When it was time for Sammi to blow out the candles I placed in the brownies, I also presented her with a trophy and ribbon. Sammi was SO thrilled to have gotten these two awards. Everyone clapped for her and Sammi couldn't get enough of it. She was SO proud of herself. When she was finished blowing out the candles, she took her two awards and headed off to listen to more Sesame Street Radio again. *Below are the pictures I took at Sammi's Potty Party*

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***Brownies my Mom made and I decorated***

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***Lemonade anyone? hehehe***

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***Sammi & Papa***

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***Sammi & Great-Uncle Warren***

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***Sammi Blowing Out Her Candles***

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***Sammi & Her Trophy***

Monday, November 6, 2006
Off to Boston We Go:

Oh, how I love traveling to Boston -- could you sense the sarcasm there?

My Mom, Sammi and I headed off to the big city this morning for Sammi's appointment with her Arthritis doctor. I dread everytime Sammi has to see this doctor.

The doctor is awesome, don't get me wrong. The problems we have don't have anything to do with him. It has to do with the fact that everytime we go there, it takes almost 2 hours for us to be brought into an examining room. Then it takes another 15 - 20 minutes for Sammi's doctor to see us. It's a pain in the butt to go through.

Luckily everything is going well for Sammi right now and she won't need to be seen by this doctor again until May. Woohoo!!! Just hope and pray Sammi doesn't have any problems before then. But for now we're going to continue with the Ibuprofen since it seems to be working.

It was great getting to spend the day with my Mom -- I always love it when she's able to go to Sammi's appointments with us. My Mom and I have always had a wonderful (somewhat strange -- but in a good way) relationship. She is, by far, my bestest friend. I would be completely lost without her. I love you, Mom!!!

Ok, I'm sure I've bored everyone enough by now. Plus we have ANOTHER trip to make into Boston tomorrow, so I'm going to get some rest while I can.

I hope all of you are doing well. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm A Super Duper Pooper" Therese
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October 24, 2006
Eddie & The Patriots Van:

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October 18, 2006
My Little Italian Girl:

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October 15, 2006
Birthday Celebrations:

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October 11, 2006
Tea for Nuna, Sammi & Eddie:

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October 9, 2006
Sammi the Ladybug (her Halloween costume for this year):

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October 8, 2006
My baby, Casey & Eddie Going For a Ride:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

November 8, 2006:
Sammi will be having her vision tested in Boston today. Cross your fingers for a diagnosis.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is going to be a big sister AGAIN. Her Mom is pregnant with her third child. Congratulations to all of you!!!

*Baby Jacob's* amazing Mom, Angela, is pregnant!!! Congratulations all!!!

Collin's little sister, Regan, is a BIG girl now and is BINKY FREE!!! Good job, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!!

Corey and his family will be participating on being a part of MN Make a Wish on December 9th. They're hoping to reach a goal of $1,000. Good luck everyone!!!

David's latest MRI results have come back GREAT!!! We are SO happy for you, buddy!

Devin and his sister, Kara, are doing awesome in school this year. Keep up the excellent work you two!!!

Dillion is now officially a 3-year-old!!! Woohoo!!!

Jake and his family have definitely been granted a miracle. They have a BIG appointment coming up next month. Please visit his page to read all about this exciting news. I am SO happy for all of you!!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way

Autumn should have had bunches of tests done by now. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR results!!!

Baby Donovan could always benefit from happy thoughts and prayers coming his way

Penelope has now finished her second cycle of chemo. This little sweetheart is always in need of some happy thoughts and prayers.

RachelJoy needs MANY, MANY prayers sent her way.

Richie is someone new I learned about through *Maxie's* site. Richie isn't doing too well these days. Please keep him in your prayers.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:

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December 5th:

December 15th:

December 28th:

December 29th:
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Thursday, October 26, 2006


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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
31.2 lbs.

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils
"Herbie's Happy Day" -- Ruth Lerner Perle

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Hi all!
Have you missed us?

Not too much has been going on with us lately.

Sammi is still doing a fantastic job when it comes to potty training!!! I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear. Once she started going pee pee on the potty, she just ran away with it. Of course she still has an accident from time to time, but she's doing better than I could have ever imagined.

Sammi will also be going on her first class field trip next Friday -- November 3rd. Her AM class is taking a trip to a local fire station. Sammi has an appointment in Boston that day to have her hearing checked, but I'm going to do my best to either schedule her appointment later on in the day or change it to another day so Miss Samantha can attend her first field trip.

My Mom (I've updated her progress at the top of Sammi's page) has now lost a total of 31.2 lbs!!! Way to go, Mom! You've been doing an absolutely terrific job sticking to your diet and losing so much weight! We are SO VERY proud of you!!

Jim will be leaving for Rhode Island (going to school) on Halloween. He'll be spending 3 nights and 4 days there before returning on November 3rd. Unfortunately he won't be with us on Halloween night when we'll be trick-or-treating in my Grandmother's neighborhood. Be safe, baby, and hurry home!

I am also VERY proud of Jim these days. He has an old Bronco that has been sitting in our yard for God knows how long. The thing doesn't run and we look like a bunch of Hillbilly's with it just sitting there. This morning he asked me to look around for a place to donate it to. I found an Autism site that accepts car donations. I need to look a little more into it, but I think that's the way we're headed. I am SO proud of Jim for wanting to donate his car rather than just sending it to the dump. Thank you, baby -- you're the bestest!!!

Nick (Sammi's Uncle/Godfather -- my step brother) has returned from Iraq. Yea!!! He is now home safe and sound until Monday (October 30th). That's when he'll be going to New Jersey to train other men and women in our armed forces. It's great having you back, Nick!

Well, I think that's about all I can update you on. Like I said, not a lot has been happening in our neck of the woods lately. So, as usual, I'll leave you all with some pictures to check out. We hope all of you have a terrific weekend!!!

The pictures were taken when my Mom, Eddie and I took a trip to Amesbury to run some errands. While we were there, I spotted this really cool van and since I ALWAYS have my camera with me, I got some pictures of it:
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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm Going to Be a Ladybug" Therese
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October 18, 2006
My Little Italian Girl:

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October 15, 2006
Birthday Celebrations:

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October 11, 2006
Tea for Nuna, Sammi & Eddie:

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October 9, 2006
Sammi the Ladybug (her Halloween costume for this year):

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October 8, 2006
My baby, Casey & Eddie Going For a Ride:

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October 7, 2006
Sammi Cleaning Up:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 3, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today so her hearing can be tested.

November 6, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez -- Sammi's Arthritis doctor

November 8, 2006:
Sammi will be having her vision tested in Boston today. Cross your fingers for a diagnosis.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden will NOT need a feeding tube after all!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Devin recently had CTs and an ECHO done and everything came back FINE!!!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob saw his doctor on September 28th and he's doing great!

Penelope isn't doing well at all these days.
She finished her last dose of chemo on September 23rd.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.
Corey recently saw his Neuro who thinks that attending school is too much stress for him. He will be going in for a follow-up appointment on October 12th.
Emmy also saw her Neuro on the same day as her big brother. He is concerned about her increasing tremors.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Jake* passed away on October 5, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
Taylor's scans that she had done on September 15th showed that the chemo didn't work and her disease has progressed extensively.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 21st:
Caitlin's Mom, Mary, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!
Hailee's Mom, Melissa, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006


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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
30 lbs.

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch
"Annabelle's Awful Waffle" -- Tracey E. Dils

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I know I've been horrible when it comes to signing guestbooks lately and I am VERY sorry for that. Originally I had planned on writing a big update to let all of you know how things have been going for us. But last night my Mom called and told me a family friend of ours had been called home to Heaven on October 15th -- he was only 22-years-old. I'm completely broken up by this news. So I'll be sure to post an update soon. For now, enjoy the pictures I'm including.

Rest in peace, *Lorrenzo*
You'll forever be deeply missed.

I would also like to pass along my most sincere condolences to the family of *Jake R*
I was just told of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the loving family members *Jake* has left behind.

And now, here are some pictures for 'ya:

First there's Sammi the Ladybug...............

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Then there are some pictures I took at my Mom's house one morning. Sammi made some tea for Nuna, my beautiful baby girl and, of course, Eddie................

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Then there's celebrating 3 birthdays on one day. We went to Susie's house on October 15th and celebrated Mickey, Tom and James' birthdays.....................

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And finally there's my little Italian girl dressed in the clothes Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa brought back from their trip to Italy and brushing her teeth before Holly's bus arrives...........

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm a Super Dooper Pooper" Therese
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October 8, 2006
My baby, Casey & Eddie Going For a Ride:

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October 7, 2006
Sammi Cleaning Up:

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October 6, 2006
Sammi & Great-Grandpa:

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October 2, 2006
Halloween Decorations:

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September 29 & 30, 2006
Sammi, Big Jimmy, Casey and James:

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September 22, 2006
Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 3, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today so her hearing can be tested.

November 6, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez -- Sammi's Arthritis doctor

November 8, 2006:
Sammi will be having her vision tested in Boston today. Cross your fingers for a diagnosis.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden will NOT need a feeding tube after all!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Devin recently had CTs and an ECHO done and everything came back FINE!!!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob saw his doctor on September 28th and he's doing great!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) and her husband, Chris, will be celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary on September 29th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

Penelope isn't doing well at all these days.
She finished her last dose of chemo on September 23rd.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.
Corey recently saw his Neuro who thinks that attending school is too much stress for him. He will be going in for a follow-up appointment on October 12th.
Emmy also saw her Neuro on the same day as her big brother. He is concerned about her increasing tremors.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. doctors have told his family that there is nothing more that can be done medically for this sweet, strong little man. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob will be seeing his doctor in 4 weeks and will be going in for a weight check in 2 weeks.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
Taylor's scans that she had done on September 15th showed that the chemo didn't work and her disease has progressed extensively.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 21st:
Caitlin's Mom, Mary, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!
Hailee's Mom, Melissa, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:
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Monday, October 9, 2006


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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
25 lbs.

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch

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Sammi's School Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who was sweet enough to order from Sammi's fundraiser. Sammi managed to raise $66.50 for her school! I'm leaving the link up for awhile because the fundraiser ends on September 27th, but anyone can order products year round and Sammi's school will continue to profit.

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Pictures, pictures, pictures...that's about all I have to share with everyone in this update.

The first set is of the Halloween decorations I put up around our house.
The second set are pictures I took when Sammi and I visited Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa (October 6th).
The third set is of Sammi helping me clean up, Casey being cute and Eddie going for a ride -- Eddie LOVES going for car rides.


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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm a Super Dooper Pooper" Therese
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September 29 & 30, 2006
Sammi, Big Jimmy, Casey and James:

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September 22, 2006
Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's:

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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 15, 2006:
We'll be celebrating Mickey, Tom and James' birthdays at Susie's house this afternoon.

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 3, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today so her hearing can be tested.

November 6, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez -- Sammi's Arthritis doctor

November 8, 2006:
Sammi will be having her vision tested in Boston today. Cross your fingers for a diagnosis.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden will NOT need a feeding tube after all!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Devin recently had CTs and an ECHO done and everything came back FINE!!!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob saw his doctor on September 28th and he's doing great!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) and her husband, Chris, will be celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary on September 29th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

Penelope isn't doing well at all these days.
She finished her last dose of chemo on September 23rd.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.
Corey recently saw his Neuro who thinks that attending school is too much stress for him. He will be going in for a follow-up appointment on October 12th.
Emmy also saw her Neuro on the same day as her big brother. He is concerned about her increasing tremors.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. doctors have told his family that there is nothing more that can be done medically for this sweet, strong little man. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob will be seeing his doctor in 4 weeks and will be going in for a weight check in 2 weeks.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
Taylor's scans that she had done on September 15th showed that the chemo didn't work and her disease has progressed extensively.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:
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Friday, October 6, 2006


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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
25 lbs.

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer
"Purple, Green and Yellow" -- Robert Munsch

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Sammi's School Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who was sweet enough to order from Sammi's fundraiser. Sammi managed to raise $66.50 for her school! I'm leaving the link up for awhile because the fundraiser ends on September 27th, but anyone can order products year round and Sammi's school will continue to profit.

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I only have one thing to update on -- POTTY TRAINING. I'm going to let all of you in on how Sammi's potty training week has been going. This may take awhile, so you might want to grab something to drink (maybe something to eat too) before reading on.......


Monday, October 2, 2006:

Bri, Keith (her husband) and their adorable kiddies (Vera and Wes) visited us for a little bit tonight. (*You may remember all of them from some of the Beach pictures I showed off during the summer*). While they were here, Sammi said she needed to use the potty. So I told her to meet me in the bathroom. She went into the bathroom, pulled down the pull-up she was wearing and..........................


This was the first time Sammi had EVER peed on the potty for me. I was absolutely thrilled!!! And the best part was when Sammi came out of the bathroom, walked into our kitchen and everyone clapped for her. I was SO proud of my little peanut!!! We're getting there, folks. Slowly but surely we're getting there.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006:

As you know, Sammi and I go to Nuna's house every morning and wait for Sammi's bus (aka -- Holly's bus) to arrive. While we were waiting for the bus this morning, Sammi decided she wanted to sit on Nuna's potty and try peeing for her. 15 minutes later and nothing came out of Sammi. It was obvious how upset with herself Sammi was -- you could tell that she REALLY wanted to go pee pee for her Nuna. Another surprising thing that happened was that Sammi actually gave me a hard time when I told her it was time to get off of the potty and get ready for the bus -- usually it's the other way around and she fights me when it comes to sitting on the potty. NOT wanting to get off of the potty is another BIG step for Miss Samantha. Everyday she's taking more and more baby steps. We'll be having a potty party before you know it.

Our plan for Sammi after she got home from school (I talked to Sammi about this before she got on the bus this morning) was that we were going to sit on Nuna's potty and try peeing for her again. Sammi sat on the potty for about 5, maybe 10, minutes but nothing came out. So Sammi asked Nuna VERY nicely for some soup and Nuna got her some. While Sammi was sitting at the table eating, I kept repeating to her that she's the boss and that she is the one who needs to tell the pee pee and poo poo when it's time to come out and when it isn't. What I was saying to her seemed to sink in -- sometimes you have a conversation with Sammi and you can automatically tell that she just isn't listening to you; other times you can talk with her and you know that what you're saying is actually sinking in.

When Sammi was finished with her soup (I felt her bum and looked at the chair she was sitting in once she got up -- both were still dry), we tried the whole potty thing again. Another 10 or 15 minutes and nothing happened. I thought this was odd because Sammi usually has an accident on our way home in the afternoon and here it was, about half an hour after she had gotten dropped off, and she was still dry. So even though Nuna didn't get to see Sammi use the potty like a big girl this afternoon, she was still VERY impressed with how well Sammi sat on the potty.

As soon as we got in my car, I told Sammi that she needs to be the boss and tell that pee pee and poo poo in her to stay in her until we get home and sit on the potty. Sammi agreed with me and a couple of times on our trip we told the pee pee and poo poo to stay put until we got home. And what happened on our way home? I got pulled over. So what should have been a 15 minute trip home turned into almost half an hour. But 'ya know what??? Sammi stayed dry THE WHOLE TIME!!!

When we pulled on to our street, Sammi started talking more and more about telling the pee pee to stay in. I knew we were getting close to having an accident if she didn't have one already. As soon as I parked my car I jumped out, got Sammi out, realized she didn't have a wet bum and ran her into the house as fast as I could. Almost as soon as she pulled down her pants and undies, she sat on the potty and peed. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim and I were SO proud of her and believe me, we showed it.


Wednesday, October 4, 2006:

After her soup this morning, Sammi sat on Nuna's potty and tried again to go pee pee for her and.......................


So now Nuna has gotten to see my big girl do her thing on the potty. We were SO proud of her and showed her by clapping and shouting.

When Sammi got off the bus this afternoon, I reminded her that SHE was the boss of her pee pee and poo poo and that it needed to wait to come out until we got home. And guess what..........

She was able to hold it in and went potty as soon as I rushed her into the house.

Tonight also marked the first time that Miss Samantha asked Big Jimmy to take her to the potty. Of course Big Jimmy was more than happy to be a part of this whole potty experience. All he did was turn on the bathroom light and Miss Samantha did the rest. She pulled down her pull-up, sat on the potty, peed, wiped, flushed, pulled her pull-up up and washed her hands. She didn't need any help at all. I was downstairs in our "computer room" when this happened and both Sammi and Jim came down to tell me this wonderful news as soon as it happened!!! I was thrilled!!!

Sammi continued on with her "Mama, potty please" and "Big Jimmy, potty please" for most of the night. I couldn't tell if Sammi actually needed to use the potty or if she was just playing with us. So at one point, while Jim and I were eating, I told her to go into the bathroom and go potty if she needed to. She went in there and of course I had to peek in to see what she was doing. She had peed!!! All by herself!!!


Thursday, October 5, 2006:

Today was the day that impressed me the most with Miss Samantha.

The past couple of mornings, Sammi has been waking up not long after I do. My morning thing is to go downstairs, jump online and drink coffee until I'm ready to face the day -- or until it's time to go to my Mom's. Sammi has been joining me in my morning ritual lately because she's awake.

When I went upstairs to get our stuff together, Sammi (of course) followed me. Then she came out with, "Mama, potty please." So I brought her into the bathroom and......................


I was psyched and I told her Nuna would be too -- she couldn't wait to tell Nuna what she had done.

After eating her soup at Nuna's house, Sammi decided that she needed to use the potty again. So my Mom and I brought her in to the bathroom and she peed AGAIN! Twice in one morning!!

Sammi really must have needed to pee this afternoon, because she ended up having an accident on our way home. But, like the little trooper she is, she still went into the bathroom when we got home and emptied out the rest of her little bladder.

Jim took a shower not long after he got home. When he went back into the bathroom to grab a shirt, he was surprised to see Sammi sitting on the potty -- she never told anyone what she was up to. She even brought a book in there with her. I tried talking to her and asking her questions, but she stayed silent -- so I had a funny feeling she was working on going poo poo. And I was right!!! When Sammi was done, I looked into the toliet and sure enough there was poo in it. Jim and I both praised Sammi up and down and you could just see the excitement glowing on Sammi's little face. Now Sammi is calling herself a Super Dooper Pooper -- the name is from a Potty video Sammi likes to watch.

Tonight, while Sammi and I were sitting on our couch watching Wheel of Fortune, we called Nuna to tell her the good news -- about Miss Samantha going poo poo on the potty. Her and Nuna talked for a bit and Sammi actually got mad at me when I wanted to talk to Nuna. So, needless to say, Sammi got a lot more talking (and singing) in. Before I let Nuna go, I asked her to have Grandpa call Sammi so she could tell him her good news too. Sammi was VERY excited when the phone rang and it was for her. She talked Grandpa's ear off about how she was a Super Dooper Pooper and how proud of herself she was. Thank you for calling Sammi, Grandpa. She was VERY happy to share her good news with you.


Friday, October 6, 2006:

Sammi didn't sit on the potty this morning before Holly's bus showed up. Grandpa was still at home (he's going up to Maine with some friends this weekend) and since he's never there with us in the morning, I think that got Sammi a little more excited and distracted. Her, Grandpa and Nuna had a great time talking with each other this morning -- P.S. Thanks for the coffee, Slappy.

Every Friday I bring Eddie, my Mom's puppy, for a ride. He LOVES going for rides. Today we picked up some groceries for my Mom and some scripts at CVS. As always, Eddie was a VERY good boy while we were riding. Just don't tell Casey I took Eddie for a ride today -- he'd be jealous.

When Sammi got home this afternoon (she only goes to school for half a day on Friday's), we got in my car and headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house. They leave for Italy tomorrow and we wanted to spend some time with them before their trip. Sammi couldn't have been more excited to spend time with her Great-Grandparents. They played with blocks together, watched GSN together, played with fridge magnets and, of course, Sammi just had to show off her potty skills. She went 3 times while we were there.


***Other News***

Susie, Jim's Mom, is continuing to recover well. She plans on watching her kiddies again come October 16th -- of course this could always change depending on how Susie is doing at that time.

We will be going to Susie's house on October 15th to celebrate 3 birthday's -- Mickey's (Susie's husband), Tom's (Jim's brother) and James (you all know who James is).

My Dad and Missy will be going camping in Vermont this weekend. Please keep them in your thoughts -- we want them to have fun, but we also want them to return home safely.

My Grandparents leave for Italy tomorrow afternoon. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as well.

Ok, I think that's about it from our end. I apologize for not being able to sign any guestbooks lately -- Sammi has been keeping me on my toes these days with potty training. I promise to start hitting the books next week.


We hope all of you have a fantastic holiday weekend!!!

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm a Super Dooper Pooper" Therese
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September 29 & 30, 2006
Sammi, Big Jimmy, Casey and James:

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September 22, 2006
Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's:

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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

October 7, 2006:
To celebrate their upcoming wedding anniverary, my Grandparents will be flying to Italy today. They will be vacationing in Sicily for 8 days. We hope you have a great time, guys!!!

October 7, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 15, 2006:
We'll be celebrating Mickey, Tom and James' birthdays at Susie's house this afternoon.

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 3, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today so her hearing can be tested.

November 6, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez -- Sammi's Arthritis doctor

November 8, 2006:
Sammi will be having her vision tested in Boston today. Cross your fingers for a diagnosis.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden will NOT need a feeding tube after all!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Devin recently had CTs and an ECHO done and everything came back FINE!!!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob saw his doctor on September 28th and he's doing great!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) and her husband, Chris, will be celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary on September 29th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

Layla Marie is an adorable new little friend of ours.

Penelope isn't doing well at all these days.
She finished her last dose of chemo on September 23rd.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.
Corey recently saw his Neuro who thinks that attending school is too much stress for him. He will be going in for a follow-up appointment on October 12th.
Emmy also saw her Neuro on the same day as her big brother. He is concerned about her increasing tremors.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. doctors have told his family that there is nothing more that can be done medically for this sweet, strong little man. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob will be seeing his doctor in 4 weeks and will be going in for a weight check in 2 weeks.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
Taylor's scans that she had done on September 15th showed that the chemo didn't work and her disease has progressed extensively.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:
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Sunday, October 1, 2006

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Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
25 lbs.

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Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming
"The Wheels on the Bus" -- Harriet Ziefer

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Sammi's School Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who was sweet enough to order from Sammi's fundraiser. Sammi managed to raise $66.50 for her school! I'm leaving the link up for awhile because the fundraiser ends on September 27th, but anyone can order products year round and Sammi's school will continue to profit.

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Please take the time to stop by and meet our new little friend, Layla Marie. Her wonderful Grandma, Susan, recently left a VERY sweet message for us in Sammi's guestbook. I promise you won't be disappointed when you stop by Layla's page and see that precious little face of hers.

Also, Tori (big sister to Missa and Zach) now has her own CaringBridge page. Please take the time to check it out.

Sunday, October 1, 2006
Going to the Italian Festibal:

Yes, I spelt that wrong on purpose -- that is what Sammi has been calling it all weekend.

Every year around this time, Haverhill holds an Italian Festival not far from where my Mom and step-Dad live. Even though it rained all afternoon, they still held it. Instead of being held out in the open, they moved all of the festivities to an underground parking garage.

Sammi, Big Jimmy, James (he spent the weekend with us) and I met my Mom and step-Dad at the Festival around twelve o'clock this afternoon. The only thing there really is to do at this thing is to eat -- not that I'm complaining. So we ate, stood around, talked...and just had a good time together. Samantha had TONS of fun spending time with her Nuna and Grandpa who she loves VERY much.

Before we left, Sammi and James both got something to take home. They had already gotten blue balloons (Sammi got hers from a nice man who was running a booth and Big Jimmy and I worked together to get James from the ceiling), but Sammi also walked away with a BIG pumpkin balloon and a Dora balloon (in the shape of Dora) and James walked away with one of those annoying plastic horns that drive you absolutely nuts. James had fun playing with it while we were at the Festival, but he didn't get it again until we dropped him off at his Mom's. I can just imagine him driving her nuts with it now -- hehehe (evil laugh).

Everyone had a good weekend at our place. We thought the rain would ruin our fun today, but luckily it didn't.

Some pictures that were taken this weekend:

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Sammi and Big Jimmy watching TV together -- Big Jimmy was sitting on the couch when Sammi decided to plop down next to him

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My baby, Casey

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Mr. James

We hope everyone had as much fun this weekend as we did!

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm Kind Of/Sort Of Getting the Hang of Potty Training" Therese
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September 22, 2006
Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's:

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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

October 7, 2006:
To celebrate their upcoming wedding anniverary, my Grandparents will be flying to Italy today. They will be vacationing in Sicily for 8 days. We hope you have a great time, guys!!!

October 7, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 3, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today so her hearing can be tested.

November 6, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez -- Sammi's Arthritis doctor

November 8, 2006:
Sammi will be having her vision tested in Boston today. Cross your fingers for a diagnosis.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden will NOT need a feeding tube after all!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Devin recently had CTs and an ECHO done and everything came back FINE!!!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob saw his doctor on September 28th and he's doing great!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) and her husband, Chris, will be celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary on September 29th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

Penelope isn't doing well at all these days.
She finished her last dose of chemo on September 23rd.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.
Corey recently saw his Neuro who thinks that attending school is too much stress for him. He will be going in for a follow-up appointment on October 12th.
Emmy also saw her Neuro on the same day as her big brother. He is concerned about her increasing tremors.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. doctors have told his family that there is nothing more that can be done medically for this sweet, strong little man. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob will be seeing his doctor in 4 weeks and will be going in for a weight check in 2 weeks.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
Taylor's scans that she had done on September 15th showed that the chemo didn't work and her disease has progressed extensively.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
25 lbs.


Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming



Sammi's School Fundraiser

The link above will bring you to Samantha's school fundraiser. Sammi's school will receive 50rofit from this fundraiser. If you take the time to check it out and/or purchase something, thank you very much. We appreciate any and all help that comes our way.

Thank you's for ordering:

Susie (Jim's Mom)
Kathy & Richard Mayo
Papa (my Dad)
Grandma & Grandpa
Uncle Warren
Nuna & Grandpa


Monday, September 25, 2006
A Step Towards Success??? Nope:

While riding in the car with Sammi this afternoon, out of the blue she told me that she had an accident. I asked her if she had an accident in school today, she said "no." Cringing, I asked her if she had an accident in my backseat, she said "yes." So while I can't smell, I'm more than willing to bet my car smells like a potty.

The good thing about all of this is the fact that Sammi has never told us before that she had an accident. She'd always keep it to herself and complain when we dried her up. It might sound weird, but I was SO proud to hear her tell me about her accident. I REALLY thought it was a step in the right direction. That happiness was short lived.

After cleaning Miss Samantha up once we got home, I put a clean pair of undies on her. Once she was cleaned up, she ate her afternoon soup and scooted into her room to watch GSN (the Game Show Network). A little time had passed and I thought Sammi was being too quiet, so I went to check on her and see if I could get her to use the potty. When I touched her undies and socks I realized they were soaked. After pulling down her undies, it was obvious that Miss Samantha had another accident (# 2 this time).

I'm at my wits end here. Sammi is a VERY smart little girl, so I just can't figure out why this isn't registering with her. I want this to work SO badly. And I know Sammi will feel better about herself as soon as she starts going pee pee and poo poo on the potty like a big girl. You should see how proud of herself she is when she sits on the toilet -- can you imagine how much more proud of herself she'll be when she actually DOES something on the potty?

Ah, I can't wait for that day.

My Amazing Mom:

Monday night is Weight Watchers night for my Mom. She went tonight, got weighed and (drum roll please) has now lost a total of 25 lbs.!!! Way to go, Mom!!! We are SO proud of you!!! You're an absolutely amazing woman!!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I've been congratulating my Mom and bragging about how well she has been doing losing weight, but now I have something else to say about her.

My Mom is an amazing woman. She's strong, confident, is doing GREAT losing weight and is an unbelievable support system for me.

My Mom and I had a heart to heart talk this morning about Sammi's vision. Since we went to her appointment with her last Monday we hadn't talked about the out come. Talking with my Mom about everything this morning REALLY lifted a lot of stress off my shoulders.

My Mom agrees with my decision in not patching Sammi's eye. She feels the same way I do -- why try something that Sammi hates when it may or may not end up working? The glasses I would use in a heartbeat, but Sammi won't wear them.

It was great talking so seriously with my Mom today. Thank you for always being there for me, Mom. Thank you for listening to me when there's something important I need to get off my chest. Thank you for supporting me in the decisions I make. Thank you for rooting me on and inspiring me with whatever it is I want to do. Thank you for being proud of me. Thank you for being the most wonderful Mom I could ever ask for. I love you with every inch of my heart and soul.

BIG News For Sammi:

When I read Sammi's notebook this afternoon, I nearly fell off my chair. Ok, so I wasn't sitting on a chair, but I would have come close to falling off of it if I had been. Anyway........

It was written in Sammi's notebook that my Angel Bear, my BEAUTIFUL Miss Samantha, went pee pee on the potty at school today!!!

Did everyone get that? Just incase you missed it...........


Sammi was VERY proud of herself for what she had done and so was everyone else in her class. Everyone was so excited that they threw Miss Samantha a little potty party, complete with my BIG girl playing the tambourine.

I am SO proud of you, Sammi! You're becoming such a big girl, sweetheart! Please, please, please keep up the excellent work and keep going to the bathroom on the potty.

A Visit With Dr. Robbins:

Sammi and I went to her appointment together tonight. And while we were waiting for Sammi to be called, Miss Samantha decided to go sit on the potty. She didn't do anything, but she WILLINGLY agreed to sit on the potty when I mentioned it to her. These are HUGE steps for Sammi. In this past week Sammi has told me that she had an accident, she has willingly gone to sit on the potty with me and at school and she PEED ON THE POTTY!!!

Nothing new happened with our appointment with Dr. Robbins. I did ask him if it was possible for a doctor to give us an Autism diagnosis -- up until now Sammi has only been known to show Autistic tendencies. While Dr. Robbins believes that Miss Samantha has a developmental delay, has echolalia and shows MANY signs of Asperger's Syndrome he'd rather us be seen by a psychologist before making such a diagnosis. The only reason I was looking for a diagnosis is because................

Sammi has experienced leg, knee and hip pain -- this is thought to be caused by Arthritis, but at this time a REAL diagnosis hasn't been made.

Sammi is legally blind -- but there is no diagnosis as to why she can't see.

So I wanted to feel better by having at least one of these issues diagnosed, but I guess I'll have to continue to wait. We're bound to get a diagnosis one of these days, right?


We hope all of you have a terrific week!

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "No Glasses For Me!" Therese
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September 22, 2006
Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's:

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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

October 7, 2006:
To celebrate their upcoming wedding anniverary, my Grandparents will be flying to Italy today. They will be vacationing in Sicily for 8 days. We hope you have a great time, guys!!!

October 7, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 3, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today so her hearing can be tested.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden will NOT need a feeding tube after all!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Devin recently had CTs and an ECHO done and everything came back FINE!!!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) and her husband, Chris, will be celebrating their 10 year wedding anniversary on September 29th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

Penelope isn't doing well at all these days.
She finished her last dose of chemo on September 23rd.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.
He will be going in for transplant surgery on September 12th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

David's next MRI will be taking place on September 22nd.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest MRI showed many small tumors in his brain. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob will be seeing his doctor on September 28th.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
Taylor's scans that she had done on September 15th showed that the chemo didn't work and her disease has progressed extensively.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*

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November 13th:
Chad will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

November 14th:
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Sunday, September 24, 2006


Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
22.6 lbs.


Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen
"Count!" -- Denise Fleming



Sammi's School Fundraiser

The link above will bring you to Samantha's school fundraiser. Sammi's school will receive 50rofit from this fundraiser. If you take the time to check it out and/or purchase something, thank you very much. We appreciate any and all help that comes our way.

Thank you's for ordering:

Susie (Jim's Mom)
Kathy & Richard Mayo
Papa (my Dad)
Grandma & Grandpa
Uncle Warren
Nuna & Grandpa


Monday, September 18, 2006
Doctors, Doctors, Doctors:

I apologize for my lack of updates and guestbook signing. I've been fighting with a lot of mixed emotions since Sammi's doctors appointments.

We saw Dr. Hoffman (genetics) in Boston first. By the way, we were fortunate enough to have my Mom with us for both appointments. It's great having her with us. Sammi is happy to have her Nuna with us and I don't have as much stress on my shoulders having to deal with everything on my own.

Remember that blood work that was done on Sammi back in June? Well it was being tested to see if there was any way to find out why Sammi is the way Sammi is. All of the blood work came back negative, so we don't know any more than we already did. So while we didn't make a follow-up appointment with Dr. Hoffman, she is interested in having Sammi's hearing tested (there isn't a concern as far as her hearing is concerned, but her hearing hasn't been tested since she was born) and we're also going to be hooked up with another Ophthamologist in Boston -- I'm still in the process of making this appointment. Basically, in my eyes, the one she has been seeing since she was only months old is a quack.

Before I continue, I need to say how VERY impressed both my Mom and I were with how well behaved Sammi was in Boston today. She was absolutely wonderful -- the best she has EVER been at ANY doctor's appointment. She let the doctor check her breathing, height, weight, hands, feet and measure her head without any problem. This is a HUGE change in Sammi, who usually fights when it comes time to have her head measured -- she has always hated that. Today she allowed the doctor to measure her head without a problem -- I was VERY proud of my little, Angel Bear!!!

We went to my Mom's house once we left Boston. Sammi ate some soup, my Mom and I ate some lunch and the 3 of us rested until it was time to be seen by Sammi's next doctor.

Dr. Turco was the next doctor we saw. We've never seen her before, but we needed her to test Sammi's vision.

Ok, I'm just going to cut to the chase here.

As I've said before, Sammi's left eye isn't working at all. Everything she sees is seen through her right eye. No big surprise there.

Sammi sat on my lap as Dr. Turco performed some tests. Sammi was asked to read some letters from a chart in front of her. She did terrific reading these letters with her right eye. She failed miserably when it came to reading these letters with her left eye. To read the chart, we covered her left eye first and had her read the letters with her right. When it came time to cover her right eye, Sammi didn't want any part of it. She absolutely refused to let us cover her eye. I mean, can you blame her??? She can only see out of her right eye, so why would she want it covered up?

So our options are.........

The glasses. Sammi will NOT wear these.

A contact lens. Yeah, that'll happen.

Patching. We patch Sammi's right eye for 4 hours a day so she has no choice but to use her left eye. And even if we do choose to do this, there's no guarantee that it'll work. We attempted to patch Sammi's eye while we were still at the doctor's office and, of course, Sammi wanted nothing to do with this. Again, I don't blame her one bit.

So I've turned in to the bad guy here. I need to decide whether or not it's worth the trouble (and heart ache) of trying to patch Sammi's only good eye. I've been fighting with this all week and have had many stress headaches because of it. And I think I've finally come to a decision.

First of all...keep in mind that we will be getting a second opinion on Sammi's vision as soon as I'm able to make an appointment for her in Boston. And we will also be seeing Dr. Fulton (also in Boston) in December to have Sammi's vision tested again. Dr. Fulton was the one who originally diagnosed Sammi with ONH (Optic Nerve Hypoplasia) -- gee, 'ya think someone screwed up with that diagnosis???

So we'll see what happens when those appointments take place, but in the meantime I won't be patching Sammi's eye. I would feel so incredibly guilty if I were to cover Sammi's ONLY GOOD EYE and force her to be completely blind. Believe me, I'm not thinking only of myself with this decision. I'm thinking of Sammi. I'm thinking of how well she sees with her good eye. I'm thinking of how she can identify colors, shapes, letters, words...EVERYTHING. I'm thinking of how Sammi would feel if she were left seeing NOTHING. I'm thinking of what thoughts will be running through Sammi's head if I were to patch her good eye.

I'm done thinking.

I won't be patching Sammi's eye. Some of you may think I'm cruel with this decision, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I'm still stressing because I still don't know if I'm making the right decision. Since Sammi's birth, I have been the ONLY one making decisions when it comes to Sammi's well being. There is one person in particular who has been missing from this equation from the very start. Mom, Jim, Bri and probably a lot of people who keep up with Sammi on a regular basis know who I'm talking about. Do you think I like having all that weight on my shoulders??? Of course I don't, but I love my Angel Bear with all of my heart and I will do everything I possibly can to make her little life a happy one. I'm doing the best I can.

I can't talk about this anymore.

Friday, September 22, 2006
Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's:

Big Jimmy, Sammi and I went to Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight for dinner. My Dad, Missy, Uncle Warren and Jake were there as well.

Miss Samantha was VERY happy to see everyone! As soon as we got there, she was ready to play with everyone. She loves seeing her family.

Everyone sat down to eat (everyone but Sammi, of course) a few minutes after we arrived. Sammi felt like playing, so she ran around Grandma and Grandpa's house while we sat on the porch and ate. Of course she came back to check on all of us from time to time, but for the most part she had fun playing with the Little People she brought, the book she borrowed from her school library ("Count") and the blocks Grandma and Grandpa have -- these blocks actually go to the game "Jenga", but Sammi has fun knocking them down when someone piles them up.

Here are a few pictures I took while Sammi was having fun with her family:

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Of course Sammi didn't want to leave when it was time, but I tried reassuring her that we'll be seeing everyone again soon.

Saturday, September 23, 2006
Visiting Susie:

As I mentioned before, Susie had her surgery on the 19th. She was sent home on the 21st and we went to see her this afternoon. She's looking really good. She has been taking it easy lately and has pretty much just been relaxing since she was sent home. We hope your recovery continues to go well for you, Susie! You're in our thoughts and prayers every minute of everyday.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

We hope you have the most wonderful day, Dad! You've always been a terrific father and you're an excellent Grandpa. We love you VERY much!!!

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "No Glasses For Me!" Therese
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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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September 4, 2006
Strawberry Shortcake PJs & Sammi Stuck:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

October 7, 2006:
To celebrate their upcoming wedding anniverary, my Grandparents will be flying to Italy today. They will be vacationing in Sicily for 8 days. We hope you have a great time, guys!!!

October 7, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 3, 2006:
I will be taking Sammi into Boston today so her hearing can be tested.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden's surgery went great!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) will be starting a new job on September 11th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.
He will be going in for transplant surgery on September 12th.

Caden isn't eating much at all these days and what he is able to eat is usually thrown back up.
Caden will be having a follow-up and allergy testing done on September 20th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

David's next MRI will be taking place on September 22nd.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest MRI showed many small tumors in his brain. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
She will be going in for scans on September 15th.

Tyler and his family will be meeting with a surgery team on September 19, 2006 to discuss the surgery that needs to be done on his jaw.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Monday, September 18, 2006

Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
22.6 lbs.

Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen



Sammi's School Fundraiser

The link above will bring you to Samantha's school fundraiser. Sammi's school will receive 50% profit from this fundraiser. If you take the time to check it out and/or purchase something, thank you very much. We appreciate any and all help that comes our way.

Thank you's for ordering:
Susie (Jim's Mom)
Kathy & Richard Mayo
Papa (my Dad)

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Just a quick note asking all of you to keep Susie (Jim's Mom) in your thoughts and prayers. She'll be heading in for her surgery at 8:30 tomorrow morning. I'll be sure to post an update as soon as I know how things went for her. I'll be sure to update again a little later on in the week to let all of you know how Sammi's appointments went today.

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "No Glasses For Me!" Therese
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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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September 4, 2006
Strawberry Shortcake PJs & Sammi Stuck:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

September 19, 2006:
Susie, Jim's Mom, will be going in for surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

October 7, 2006:
To celebrate their upcoming wedding anniverary, my Grandparents will be flying to Italy today. They will be vacationing in Sicily for 8 days. We hope you have a great time, guys!!!

October 7, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden's surgery went great!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) will be starting a new job on September 11th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.
He will be going in for transplant surgery on September 12th.

Caden isn't eating much at all these days and what he is able to eat is usually thrown back up.
Caden will be having a follow-up and allergy testing done on September 20th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

David's next MRI will be taking place on September 22nd.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest MRI showed many small tumors in his brain. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
She will be going in for scans on September 15th.

Tyler and his family will be meeting with a surgery team on September 19, 2006 to discuss the surgery that needs to be done on his jaw.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mom's (Nuna's) Total Weight Loss:
22.6 lbs.

Books Sammi Has Borrowed From the School Library:

"Nursery Rhymes"
"All About You" -- Patsy Jensen



Sammi's School Fundraiser

The link above will bring you to Samantha's school fundraiser. Sammi's school will receive 50% profit from this fundraiser. If you take the time to check it out and/or purchase something, thank you very much. We appreciate any and all help that comes our way.

Thank you's for ordering:
Susie (Jim's Mom)
Kathy & Richard Mayo

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Mommy and Sammi Working on Homework:

Sammi and I worked on our second homework assignment tonight and Sammi did a terrific job! The first homework assignment we worked on together was for Ms. Ingalls class. All we had to do was count some spoons -- I held on to the spoons and Sammi counted 10 in all. This homework assignment was for Miss Lynne's class. Sammi needed to do 2 things -- put 3 of her favorite objects/toys in a brown paper bag and fill out a little piece of paper with some info about her.

First, the paper:

My name is -- Sammi
The special people in my life are -- Mommy, Nuna, Grandpa, Papa, Big Jimmy
My favorite book is -- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
My favorite food is -- Soup (surprise, surprise)
My favorite thing to do is -- Wash my hands and clean my room (where she came up with these two things, I don't know. What I do know is that I'm the only one who ever cleans Miss Samantha's room)

The three things Sammi chose to put in her bag (which, I might add, she picked out all by herself) were Po (the red Teletubby), a set of yellow keys and Sally (a little person). She was very excited about bringing these toys in to school so she could show all her friends. Before we were finished, Sammi even decorated the bag all the toys were put into. I was VERY impressed with the awesome job Sammi did on this project. Can you believe it? She actually likes doing homework! Yea, baby!

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Talking with Miss Lynne:

I had a little conversation with Miss Lynne (Sammi's PM teacher) on the phone this morning before Sammi headed off to school. She wanted to speak with me about potty training and Sammi eating. So here's the game plan..........

Starting next week (Sammi won't be in school on Monday, so we'll have to start all of this on Tuesday) I'll be sending Sammi to school in big girl undies. She'll wear them all day long and will take periodic trips to the bathroom with her school friends. When she gets home from school, she'll remain in her big girl undies until she takes her night time bath. When she goes to bed, she'll be wearing a pull-up. PLEASE join me in hoping this works. Something has got to work with my baby. I know she'll be so proud of herself when she starts using the potty like a big girl -- it's just a matter of getting her to do so.

Also starting next week I'll be sending a VERY little amount of soup to school with Sammi for her lunch. As you may or may not remember, Sammi (for some unknown reason) decided to stop eating her soup at lunch in the middle of her Pre-K year. I have no idea what brought this on, but everytime I would send a thermos filled with soup to school with Sammi, it would come back completely full -- the way it was when she left in the morning. But we're going to try this again. I'm not going to send a lot in to school with Sammi only because I don't feel like wasting it, but I'll send enough for her to get a few bites out of it if she decides to do so.

Miss Lynne also told me what a joy it is having Sammi in her class. Miss Lynne is VERY impressed with Sammi's attitude and listening skills. Miss Lynne also bragged about the fact that Sammi recovered VERY nicely from the latest fire drill her school had. Last year I would get a phone call whenever Sammi's school had a fire drill. The person calling me would tell me how upset Sammi was and that it may be best for me to pick her up. Sammi has had 2 fire drills so far this year and I haven't gotten one phone call. Miss Lynne mentioned that after the latest fire drill (it was done in the morning when Sammi was in Ms. Ingalls class) Sammi went in to her classroom with her hands covering her ears -- this is something Sammi does when she hears a loud noise. When it was circle time, Sammi took her hands off of her ears (on her own) and sang and danced with all of her friends. Way to go, Sammi!!! I am SO proud of you, sweetheart! You're getting to be such a BIG girl!!

And before I go, I need to share some exciting news with all of you. Like last year, Sammi carries a notebook to and from school in her Strawberry Shortcake back pack. Ms. Ingalls, Miss Lynne and I use it to write notes back and fourth to each other. This afternoon I found a note from Miss Lynne that made my day. It read..........

Good news!!!
Sammi tried watermelon today during sharing snack. I helped her pick up a piece and she licked it. We all gave her a big clap and she did it as well. She really liked it. She then continued to pick it up and lick it by herself. She said she was drinking the juice.

So all she did was lick the watermelon, but it's still a step in the right direction! Hopefully this means she'll be more willing to try new foods. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Jim got home early this afternoon -- safe and sound. It's good to have him back -- the house just isn't the same without him in it.

Friday, September 15, 2006
Sammi's Book Choice:

Every week the kiddies in Sammi's class are allowed to pick one book from the school's Library to bring home with them. Last week's book choice was "Nursery Rhymes", which Uncle Warren read to Sammi when we were at my Dad's house last Saturday. This week Sammi chose a book called "All About You." Sammi and I will be reading this book together sometime this weekend.

Well, I guess that's about all the news I have to share from our end. We hope every one of you are doing well and have a fantastic weekend with your families.

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "No Glasses For Me!" Therese
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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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September 4, 2006
Strawberry Shortcake PJs & Sammi Stuck:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 19, 2006:
Susie, Jim's Mom, will be going in for surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

October 7, 2006:
To celebrate their upcoming wedding anniverary, my Grandparents will be flying to Italy today. They will be vacationing in Sicily for 8 days. We hope you have a great time, guys!!!

October 7, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden's surgery went great!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) will be starting a new job on September 11th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.
He will be going in for transplant surgery on September 12th.

Caden isn't eating much at all these days and what he is able to eat is usually thrown back up.
Caden will be having a follow-up and allergy testing done on September 20th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

David's next MRI will be taking place on September 22nd.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest MRI showed many small tumors in his brain. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
She will be going in for scans on September 15th.

Tyler and his family will be meeting with a surgery team on September 19, 2006 to discuss the surgery that needs to be done on his jaw.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hi everyone!

Not too much to report on our end. Sammi still refuses to wear her glasses, but is having tons of fun in Kindergarten. Jim has been at school in Rhode Island since Monday -- he'll be back sometime tomorrow afternoon. My real reason for updating Sammi's page today is to see if anyone would be interested in buying some thing(s) from a Fundraiser that Sammi is doing for her school. I'm going to leave the link up for this fundraising page if anyone would like to help out the Moody School. I'll be leaving it up until the fundraiser ends. PLEASE don't feel obligated to buy anything from Sammi. I just wanted to post this information if anyone happened to be interested.

Sammi's School Fundraiser

Before I go, I'd just like to thank Susie (Jim's Mom) for being sweet enough to place an order. Thank you for your help, Susie!

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I Don't Like to Wear My Glasses" Therese
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September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

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September 8, 2006
Sammi Wearing the Glasses She Doesn't Like:

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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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September 4, 2006
Strawberry Shortcake PJs & Sammi Stuck:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 19, 2006:
Susie, Jim's Mom, will be going in for surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

October 7, 2006:
To celebrate their upcoming wedding anniverary, my Grandparents will be flying to Italy today. They will be vacationing in Sicily for 8 days. We hope you have a great time, guys!!!

October 7, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Tom!!!

October 12, 2006:
Happy Birthday, James!!! He turns 6 today!!

October 21, 2006:
Today my Grandparents celebrate their 45 years of marriage!

October 31, 2006:
Happy Halloween!!

November 1, 2 & 3:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island for the last time this year! Yea! No more school for him until April 2007.

November 23, 2006:
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2006:
Today marks 2 years of my Mom being smoke free! Congratulations, Mom! We're SO proud of you for kicking such a disgusting habit!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is doing GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Baby Donovan's surgery went great!

Caden's surgery went great!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) will be starting a new job on September 11th.

Kody C. now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Caden will be having a follow-up and allergy testing done on September 20th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

David's next MRI will be taking place on September 22nd.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
She will be going in for scans on September 15th.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Monday, September 11, 2006

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Friday, September 8, 2006
Trouble with Glasses:

While getting Sammi to wear her glasses yesterday went well, today was another story. Sammi was absolutely adamant about not wanting to wear her glasses. After my Mom and I both took turns trying to convince Sammi to put them on (this took about 15 minutes) Sammi finally put them on her face. While Miss Samantha had her glasses on, these pictures were taken:

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I'm wearing my new glasses in the last picture.

Sammi FINALLY put her glasses on about 5 minutes before her bus showed up. As I was walking her outside, she suddenly flipped out, said she didn't want to wear her glasses to school and took them off. So Miss Samantha got her way and didn't wear her glasses at all today. I'm hoping and praying that all of this is just a phase and will pass. She NEEDS to wear these glasses, but there's no way of forcing her to do so.

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Saturday, September 9, 2006
Our Afternoon at Papa's:

We don't get Emileah and James until next weekend, but James spent the day with us (Emileah was at a birthday party) since Jim hasn't seen his kiddies in 2 weeks. My Dad had invited us up to his house a couple of days ago, so the four of us took him up on this offer and got to his place around noon. My Grandparents and Uncle arrived not long after we did.

Before we left our house, Sammi let me put her glasses on her cute little face once I was finished getting her dressed. She was VERY excited about showing them off to everyone. Unfortunately they came off after everyone had seen them on her, but I was VERY proud of her for keeping them on as long as she did.

Sammi and James had a great time playing with everyone this afternoon. We ate, Sammi and James played with some toys Sammi brought with her, Uncle Warren read a Nursery Rhymes book to Sammi (she borrowed this book from the library at school last week), we played with caterpillars, saw a tree frog...it was a pretty eventful day.

We even celebrated my Grandpa's birthday this afternoon -- his actual birthday was on the 6th. My Uncle brought a rum cake over to my Dad's house and after singing Happy Birthday everyone enjoyed a slice. Sammi loved the fact that everyone was singing and of course she was more than happy to join in.

Of course I had my camera with us the entire time, so I have some pictures to show everyone:

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Sammi and Great-Grandpa

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James and Great-Grandma playing

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Sammi and Papa picking tomatoes

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Sammi with all of the tomatoes she helped pick

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You can't really see it, but James is holding a caterpillar he found

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James and his Daddy

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Sammi and Papa returning from picking cucumbers

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Happy Birthday, Great-Grandpa!!!

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Playing before we go home

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And these are the BEAUTIFUL flowers Miss Samantha picked for me while we were at Papa's. When she was finished picking them, she asked Missy VERY nicely for a vase to put them in. Then she found me (I was standing on the porch outside), handed them to me and said, "Here Mommy, we picked these for you." How sweet is that? I was near tears when she handed these to me.

We had a really good day at Papa and Missy's. We're glad everyone could make it. Thanks for inviting us up, guys. We love you VERY much and can't wait to see you again soon!

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Monday, September 11, 2006
My Amazing Mom:

I've mentioned before that my Mom has been on Weight Watchers since July. She usually gets weighed in every Monday. Tonight she went and, drum roll please, she found out that she lost 4.4 lbs. To date, she has lost a total of 22.6 lbs. We are SO proud of you, Mom! You're an absolutely amazing woman -- you never cease to amaze us! Keep up the terrific work!

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "Kindergarten ROCKS!!!" Therese
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September 7, 2006
My Baby Girl in Glasses:

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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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September 4, 2006
Strawberry Shortcake PJs & Sammi Stuck:

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August 28, 2006
Sammi Showing Off Her New School Clothes:

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August 23, 2006
Fun with Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 19, 2006:
Susie, Jim's Mom, will be going in for surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda is now in Junior High! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David is now FINISHED WITH CHEMO! Woohoo! Way to go, hon! We are SO happy for you!

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) will be starting a new job on September 11th.

Kody C's now has a new cousin to rant and rave about. Austin Robert was born on September 11, 2006! Congratulations Aunt Nicki and Uncle Justin -- Austin's Mommy and Daddy.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.
He will be going in for transplant surgery on September 12th.

Caden will be going in for ear tube surgery on September 12th and he'll be having a follow-up and allergy testing done on September 20th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

David's next MRI will be taking place on September 22nd.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee's ADORABLE puppy, *Digger*, was tragically killed.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
She will be going in for scans on September 15th.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Thursday, September 7, 2006

Ok, here's the deal. I'm not feeling too well tonight, so I'm going to make this short and sweet.

Miss Samantha has been having a terrific week at school. She loves her teachers, loves her friends and loves having Holly (her bus monitor that she fell in love with from last year) back. She's smiling when I put her on the bus every morning and the smile is still there when I get her off of the bus in the afternoon. It makes me feel wonderful knowing she's enjoying Kindergarten so much.

We got a surprise this morning. Sammi's glasses have arrived and my Mom brought them home with her so Sammi can start wearing them. Sammi was a VERY good little girl when I put her glasses on her for the first time this morning. She allowed me to put them on and she didn't touch them once they were placed on her face. When her bus arrived, she was VERY eager to show off her new look to Holly and couldn't wait to get to school so she could show all of her friends and teachers. Her glasses (surprisingly) were still on her face when I got her off the bus this afternoon and they remained on her face until we got home and she decided she was sick of wearing them. Without any help, Sammi took her glasses off and put them in the Garfield case they came with. I know Sammi is supposed to wear her glasses all the time, but I figured I'd cut her a break since she was such a good girl and wore them all day long. And Sammi promised me that she will wear her glasses again before she heads off to Kindergarten in the morning.

And now for the moment you've all been waiting for.......my baby girl in glasses:

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Well, that's it for now. We hope all of you have a fantastic weekend!

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Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "Kindergarten ROCKS!!!" Therese
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September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

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September 5, 2006

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September 4, 2006
Strawberry Shortcake PJs & Sammi Stuck:

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August 28, 2006
Sammi Showing Off Her New School Clothes:

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August 23, 2006
Fun with Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa:

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August 19, 2006
Emileah & James Being Silly:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

September 10, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Vera!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 19, 2006:
Susie, Jim's Mom, will be going in for surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David only has 2 more chemo treatments to go before he's done! Woohoo!
David's next comedy show will be taking place on September 5th.

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) will be starting a new job on September 11th.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Caden will be going in for surgery on September 12th. His Mom, Vicki, will be going in for surgery on September 8th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee's ADORABLE puppy, *Digger*, was tragically killed.

Heidi will be seeing her doctor on September 11th.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.
Jakob will be going to Children's on September 7th.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
She will be going in for scans on September 15th.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006


The amazingly strong *Cameron* passed away on September 2nd. My thoughts and prayers are with the loving family, friends and loved ones he has left behind.

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Monday, September 4, 2006
Sammi Being Sammi:

Apparently Miss Samantha was bored this afternoon, so she decided to crawl into this little, tiny hole that's in the wall next to the steps leading down to our basement. I was in the kitchen when I heard Sammi whining about something. I asked Jim to check on her, he found her stuck and, of course, we just needed pictures of it. When Jim asked Sammi what she was doing, she replied with, "I'm just really stuck."

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Notice the straws on the steps next to Sammi? Obviously her being stuck wasn't such a huge tragedy since she wasn't willing to let any of her straws go.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Sammi's First Day of Kindergarten:

I don't have much to report on Sammi's first day of school. She only had her AM class (with Mrs. Ingalls) today, but will be attending a full day of school tomorrow -- with both Mrs. Ingalls (AM teacher) and Miss Lynne (PM teacher). The only news I could get from Sammi regarding school this afternoon is that Mrs. Ingalls is VERY nice and Sammi likes her. She was also in an excellent mood both when I put her on the bus this morning and when I got her off this afternoon, so that's good news! A HUGE difference from the last two years when all she did was cry when I put her on the bus and I was left feeling incredibly guilty for leaving her that way.

One thing that has changed from last year is that Sammi will now be going to school 5 days a week -- last year she only went 4 days. This year she'll be going Monday thru Friday with Friday being half a day.

Here are the pictures that my Mom and I took of Sammi this morning:

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Sammi's light up Strawberry Shortcake shoes

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Sammi Checking Out Her New Shoes

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Mommy and Sammi -- I asked my Mom to take this picture of us -- Look how tall Sammi is next to me!!!

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Waiting for the Bus

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My Little Girl Heading Off to School

And then, hum, there were some pictures my Mom took of Eddie. And knowing my Mom, she'd be pretty mad at me if I didn't share them with all of you. So here they are. Happy Mom?

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Don't ask me why, but my Mom decided to take these pictures as well. The first is of her water bottle and the second is of a big, ugly moth she saw. And people wonder why I sometimes don't admit to being her daughter. I'm kidding, Mom -- kind of. I love you LOTS!!!

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Well folks, that's it from our end. We hope all of you are doing well. Please keep *Cameron's* friends and family in your thoughts as they get ready to say their final good-byes.

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "I'm In Kindergarten Now!!!" Therese
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August 28, 2006
Sammi Showing Off Her New School Clothes:

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August 23, 2006
Fun with Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa:

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August 19, 2006
Emileah & James Being Silly:

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August 19, 2006
Our Last Trip to the Beach?:

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August 19 & 20, 2006
Sammi Dressed Up & Sammi with Her Headphones:

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August 13, 2006
Sleeping in the Thinking Chair:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 10, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Vera!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 19, 2006:
Susie, Jim's Mom, will be going in for surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David only has 2 more chemo treatments to go before he's done! Woohoo!
David's next comedy show will be taking place on September 5th.

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

Jen (*Dee's* daughter -- she runs her Mom's page) will be starting a new job on September 11th.

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Caden will be going in for surgery on September 12th. His Mom, Vicki, will be going in for surgery on September 8th.

*Cameron* passed away on September 2nd.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee's ADORABLE puppy, *Digger*, was tragically killed.

Heidi will be seeing her doctor on September 11th.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.
Jakob will be going to Children's on September 7th.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

Penelope's latest scans have come back showing disease everywhere. Her doctors aren't very hopeful about her condition and have given her only weeks, possibly months, left. PLEASE pray for a miracle for this little sweetheart. She'll steal your heart as soon as you visit her page and see her beautiful face.

Taylor could use some prayers.
She will be going in for scans on September 15th.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!
Lauren (Craig's big sister) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Thursday, August 31, 2006


Not a lot to report on our end.

Sammi has become a game show junky. She watches GSN (Game Show Newtwork) nearly all the time now. Her favorite shows are Lingo and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? If you're in the same room as she is while she's watching these shows, every once in awhile you'll catch her guessing at the answers. It's sweet. I've always been a HUGE fan of game shows, so I don't mind if this channel is on all the time. I'd much rather watch GSN than some of the other cartoons she likes to watch. But having GSN on all the time is starting to get on Jim's nerves. hehehe

My Mom started Weight Watchers on July 17th. Since starting the program, she has lost a total of 18.2 pounds!!! We are VERY proud of you, Mom! You've been doing such a terrific job and I know you'll continue to do so! Keep up the terrific work and know we're behind you all the way!

My step-Dad will be leaving on a fishing trip tomorrow. He'll be gone until Monday. He's going with his boss and another friend.

Tomorrow will be my last day of watching Taylor and Meghan. I usually watch them twice a week (Tuesday and Friday), but their Dad, Terry, was sick on Tuesday so Sammi and I visited my Mom for a couple of hours instead.

Dick's son, Chris, was sent home from the hospital on August 29th. Things continue to go well for him.

I guess that's about it. We don't have any plans for the long weekend.

Oh, one more thing...Cameron is in desperate need of a miracle at this time. This poor boy has been (and is) going through so much lately. Please stop by his page, if you're able to, and shoe some support to him and his family. Thank you SO much!

Happy Labor Day to everyone!!!

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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August 28, 2006
Sammi Showing Off Her New School Clothes:

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August 23, 2006
Fun with Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa:

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August 19, 2006
Emileah & James Being Silly:

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August 19, 2006
Our Last Trip to the Beach?:

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August 19 & 20, 2006
Sammi Dressed Up & Sammi with Her Headphones:

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August 13, 2006
Sleeping in the Thinking Chair:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 10, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Vera!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 19, 2006:
Susie, Jim's Mom, will be going in for surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI results have come back STABLE, STABLE, STABLE!!! Woohoo!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David only has 2 more chemo treatments to go before he's done! Woohoo!
David's next comedy show will be taking place on September 5th.

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
RachelJoy and her wonderful Mom, Stephanie, will be leaving for their vacation on September 10th. Have an awesome time you two!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Cameron is still in the hospital and isn't doing well at all at this time.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Heidi will be seeing her doctor on September 11th.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

Penelope could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.

Taylor could use some prayers.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 10th:
Today is Heidi's birthday!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:
Cameron will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Monday, August 28, 2006


If all goes as plans, Chris (Dick's son -- a man Jim works with) will be coming home from the hospital on August 29th. It's amazing how wonderfully this young man has recovered from the injuries he sustained in the car accident he was in. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Chris and his family.


Saturday, August 26, 2006
Our Trip to Cambridge Eye:

Jim, Sammi and I went to my Mom's work today. I had my yearly eye exam done (joy) and Sammi and I both picked out some new glasses. Originally I told my Mom I was going to bring my camera with us so I could take pictures of Sammi trying on glasses. But, while I had my camera in my pocket book, my Mom thought I was going to embarass her by doing this, so I don't have any pictures to share. But you better believe I'll be taking LOTS of pictures of Sammi wearing her new glasses as soon as we get them back -- in about 10 days or so. I'm hoping and praying we'll get them before Sammi goes back to school (September 5th), but I don't know if that's going to happen. I got some new glasses soon, but I highly doubt there will be pictures of me modeling my new glasses on Sammi's page.

Monday, August 28, 2006
Mommy's Modeling Class:

I was bored this afternoon, so Sammi became my little dress up doll. Here she is showing off the new outfits that her Papa (my Dad) bought her for school. Thank you again, Dad. We love you VERY much and Sammi thinks all of her new outfits are REALLY cool!

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Sammi's new Strawberry Shortcake PJs -- she has been wearing them every night since my Dad bought them for her.

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Sammi's going to be stylin' at school this year! The only thing I didn't get a picture of are Sammi's brand new Strawberry Shortcake sneakers, but I'll be sure to take more pictures on Sammi's first day of school.

How do you like the army pants? My Dad picked those out. And after talking to Miss Samantha, after she had tried on every outfit, she has decided to wear the yellow shirt (pictured) and the overalls (also pictured).

Well, that's about it from our end. Everything is going well with us. This Tuesday and Friday coming up will be my last days watching Taylor and Meghan -- they go back to school the same week as Sammi. Jim is also preparing to go back to school. He has been studying lately and, hopefully, will continue doing so.

We hope all is well with everyone who takes the time to check up on us. Please sign Sammi's guestbook so we know you stopped by.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!!!

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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August 23, 2006
Fun with Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa:

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August 19, 2006
Emileah & James Being Silly:

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August 19, 2006
Our Last Trip to the Beach?:

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August 19 & 20, 2006
Sammi Dressed Up & Sammi with Her Headphones:

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August 13, 2006
Sleeping in the Thinking Chair:

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August 11, 2006
At Katie's:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 10, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Vera!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David only has 2 more chemo treatments to go before he's done! Woohoo!
David's next comedy show will be taking place on September 5th.

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Cameron is still in the hospital and isn't doing well at all at this time.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Craig will be having scans done on March 2, 2007. It's never too early to start praying, right?

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

Jakob has been continuing to have issues as far as throwing up is concerned and has been in and out of the hospital.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

Penelope could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.

Taylor could use some prayers.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

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October 9th:
David will be turning 14-years-old today!!!
Tyler Tucker will be turning 6-years-old today!!!

October 10th:
Lakota will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

October 14th:
Sara Grace (Adam Curry's baby sister) will be turning 1 today!!!

October 16th:
Christa will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

October 24th:

October 25th:
Caitlin will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

October 29th:
Cameron will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

October 31st:
*Connor H*
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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sammi and I had a somewhat busy day yesterday.

My Dad called me around eleven o'clock in the afternoon once he was out of work. He wanted to take Sammi and I school shopping if we weren't busy. Of course we weren't doing anything at the time, so we met him in NH to get everything Sammi needed to start school. Sammi has been talking about starting Kindergarten with a Backyardigans back pack. Does anyone know how hard it is to find one of these? Luckily I was looking around online one night and convinced her to get a Strawberry Shortcake back pack. And (with a little more luck on our side) my Dad and Sammi found the same back pack while we were shopping. Yea! Sammi also wanted a pair of Strawberry Shortcake shoes and we were fortunate enough to find them. I guess luck was on our side that day. Sammi also made out with a full week of cute little outfits and a Spongebob blanket. She made out like a bandit today. I'll be sure to post LOTS of pictures of Sammi in her new attire as soon as school gets a little closer. Thank you again, Dad, for buying all of Sammi's school supplies. We appreciate everything you do for us and we love you VERY much!!!

Later on in the afternoon, we visited Sammi's Great-Grandparents. Sammi had an awesome time playing with them. I took some pictures of everyone having fun together:

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***Sammi and Great-Grandpa checking out some tomato plants***
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***Sammi, Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa playing catch***
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***Sammi and Great-Grandpa playing the "drums"***

It looks like we're going to have a somewhat busy weekend too.

On Saturday all of us -- Mommy, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha -- will be going to my Mom's work. I'll be having my yearly eye exam done and both Sammi and I will be picking out glasses. We're trying to get Sammi as psyched about wearing glasses as we possibly can. I have noticed that she has been wearing her Spongebob sunglasses more and more lately, so maybe it's dawning on her that she's going to have to wear these glasses all the time. I hope so.

On Sunday Jim and I will be dropping Sammi off at her Nuna and Grandpa's house. She'll be spending the day with them while Jim and I attend the annual Nelson's Run. I know Sammi will have a good time, I just hope the rain holds off for Jim and I.

We hope all of you have an excellent weekend!

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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August 19, 2006
Emileah & James Being Silly:

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August 19, 2006
Our Last Trip to the Beach?:

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August 19 & 20, 2006
Sammi Dressed Up & Sammi with Her Headphones:

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August 13, 2006
Sleeping in the Thinking Chair:

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August 11, 2006
At Katie's:

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August 5, 2006
Fun at the Beach Again:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

August 27, 2006:
The annual Nelson's Ride will be taking place today

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David's latest MRI results have come back GOOD!!!
David has apparently found his calling in life -- to perform stand-up comedy.

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Cameron is still in the hospital.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

Penelope could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise, mom to three BEAUTIFUL children -- Missa, Zach & Tori (Missa has a CaringBridge page set up), will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

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Monday, August 21, 2006

All of us went to the beach for the day on Saturday -- Jim, Sammi, Emileah, James and myself. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm kind of thinking that this may have been our last trip to the beach this year. We've had such fun at the beach this year; I don't want it to end. And I know Miss Samantha won't like the idea of not being able to go to the beach anymore.

Before we left, Emileah and James had some fun in Sammi's Wiggles pail:

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We had tons of fun at the beach today. Here are some pictures that were taken:

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Building a horse:

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Then tonight, before everyone sat down to eat dinner, Emileah dressed Sammi up in this cute little dress. The dress has been in this house forever, but Sammi has never shown any interest in it. Until tonight...........

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Is this what my beautiful girl is going to look like on her wedding day??? With how fast she seems to be growing up, that day doesn't seem to be too far away.

When Emileah and James spend the weekend here, Sammi usually has a problem with all of the noise they make. When we were on our way home from the beach on Saturday, James was throwing a tantrum in the backseat and Sammi kept requesting her head phones. So today I put them on her when James was throwing ANOTHER tantrum. Since no one has seen her with her head phones on, I thought I'd share these pictures I took with all of you:

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We hope all of you had a great weekend too!!!

Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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August 13, 2006
Sleeping in the Thinking Chair:

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August 11, 2006
At Katie's:

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August 5, 2006
Fun at the Beach Again:

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August 2, 2006
My Baby, Casey:

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July 29, 2006
Fun at the Beach:

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July 21, 2006
Sammi Being Cute at Taylor & Meghan's:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

August 27, 2006:
The annual Nelson's Ride will be taking place today

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David's latest MRI results have come back GOOD!!!
David has apparently found his calling in life -- to perform stand-up comedy.

Hadley's latest MRI has come back with AWESOME results!!!

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!

RachelJoy is doing excellent these days!!! Keep up the excellent work, sweetheart!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Baby Donovan has relapsed AGAIN. This makes relapse # 4 for this little sweetheart.

Cameron is still in the hospital.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Dillon could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Jake R's. latest scans showed more tumors. PLEASE send some prayers his way.

*Jaret* passed away on August 18, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

Penelope could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise, mom to three BEAUTIFUL children -- Missa, Zach & Tori (Missa has a CaringBridge page set up), will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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September 1st:

September 9th:
Amanda Panda will be turning 3-years-old today!!!

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

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Friday, August 18, 2006


Dick is a man Jim works with. On July 29th one of Dick's sons, Christopher, (*his youngest*) was involved in a VERY serious car accident. The updates I post about him are taken from the Care Page his family has set up for him at the hospital he's in. Please pass any and all prayers along to Dick and his family. Thank you so much.

This is the last update I'll be making on Chris. He is doing fantastic and has been making such great strides. The next time I'll post an update on him will be if something goes wrong in his recovery (God forbid) or when he is sent home. Thank you all for the wonderful thoughts and prayers I know you've been sending to him and his family.

August 17, 2006 at 07:33 PM EDT
Chris was doing well again today. We went for a walk along the Charles River & Mom's foot was hurting so we stopped to rest. Chris said we are not stopping because of him!!! We continued around the walkway & back to see the cat fish feeding. Chris was walking great today and was complaining about everything, but at least no headaches. We have a meeting tomorrow & will find out about his progress & where we go from there. He has friends coming tonight & he is looking forward to that. Thanks again everyone MOM & DAD



I was recently introduced to *Jaret* -- an adorable little boy. Unfortunately he wasn't doing well at the time I was introduced to him and he passed away this morning -- August 18th. I was to extend my most heartfelt condolences to the family *Jaret* left behind. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.


Well, we never made it to my Mom's work on Thursday. Some things came up which stopped us from making it. So we'll be going in next Saturday instead.

Emileah and James are spending the weekend with us. Instead of having them spend the night tomorrow, we'll be picking them up this afternoon. Jim mentioned going to the beach for the day tomorrow, so we'll probably end up doing that.

I guess that's all I have to share for now, so I'll leave all of you with some of my weekend funnies. Enjoy!


What part of quiet didn't you understand?
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Everyone needs to feel secure............
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Couldn't help it Ma, that first step is a killer!
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Now what do I do?????
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It's in there somewhere, I just know it!!!
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I really need to get going, but I just can't seem to get motivated......
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Man...I'm getting so fat I can hardly scratch my own fanny!!!
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These morning walks are killing me!!!
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Hey...gimme my ball back!!!
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I said, go to sleep!!!
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Nice doggie...Good boy
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A little power nap......
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Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Dick is a man Jim works with. On July 29th one of Dick's sons, Christopher, (*his youngest*) was involved in a VERY serious car accident. The updates I post about him are taken from the Care Page his family has set up for him at the hospital he's in. Please pass any and all prayers along to Dick and his family. Thank you so much.

August 15, 2006 at 07:30 PM EDT
Chris had a rough day with nausea & migrane headaches & a fever.He was in bed the whole time we were there & finally they gave him enough medication to get him to sleep. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow. They also increased his medication on his IV for the menegitis. We left at 6 pm & he was resting comfortably for the time being. Hope to have better news tomorrow. Thanks everyone MOM & DAD



I guess Sammi has a new place to sleep. First of all, Sammi has this HUGE, comfy chair in her room that Jim named the "Thinking Chair" -- from Blue's Clues. The other night when I put her to bed, she got mad at me when I moved her pillow and blanket from her Thinking Chair onto her bed. Before I left her room, I noticed that she took her pillow and blanket off of her bed and placed them back onto the Thinking Chair. With Sammi being Sammi, I didn't think much of this and I knew better than to fight with her over it. About an hour later when I went in Sammi's room to check on her, this is what I found:

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I also want to pass my thoughts and prayers along to Susie, Jim's Mom. Her beloved puppy, *Katie*, passed away on August 13th -- exactly one month to the day that *Marble* passed away. Believe me, I know all too well what it's like to lose an animal you love so dearly. I'm sure *Ruger*, *Marble* and *Katie* have all met up in Heaven and are having the time of their lives playing like they were puppies (and a kitten) again -- without any pain.


Still, not a lot is going on with us. Jim is on vacation this week, but we aren't going anywhere or doing anything fun. Just a bunch of stuff around the house. Sammi is still pumped for Kindergarten to start and now knows it begins on September 5th. I told her I would work on putting a calendar together for her so she can count down the days until her first day.


Also, Chad Cline (a CaringBridge boy) has a page set up, but it will be closing soon. He has been doing excellent and his family no longer feels the need to have a page set up for him. So if you know his address, please stop by SOON and leave some well wishes for him and his family before his site is closed down. I'm also more than willing to share his CaringBridge address with anyone I know who would like it if you e-mail me or ask for it in Sammi's guestbook.

Until next time America........................

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August 11, 2006
At Katie's:

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August 5, 2006
Fun at the Beach Again:

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August 2, 2006
My Baby, Casey:

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July 29, 2006
Fun at the Beach:

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July 21, 2006
Sammi Being Cute at Taylor & Meghan's:

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July 19, 2006
Meeting Jakob:

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Appointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family:

August 17, 2006:
Sammi, Jim & I will be going to my Mom's work this afternoon. I will have my eye exam done & pick out some new glasses, Sammi will pick out some glasses and Jim will be tagging along.

August 21, 2006:
Back to work for Jim

August 27, 2006:
The annual Nelson's Ride will be taking place today

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David's latest MRI results have come back GOOD!!!
David has apparently found his calling in life -- to perform stand-up comedy.

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Cameron is still in the hospital.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee's seizures have been increasing. She will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise, mom to three BEAUTIFUL children -- Missa, Zach & Tori (Missa has a CaringBridge page set up), will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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September 1st:

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

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Monday, August 14, 2006


Dick is a man Jim works with. On July 29th one of Dick's sons, Christopher, (*his youngest*) was involved in a VERY serious car accident. The updates I post about him are taken from the Care Page his family has set up for him at the hospital he's in. Please pass any and all prayers along to Dick and his family. Thank you so much.

August 13, 2006 at 07:53 PM EDT
Chris went to Spaulding Rehab today. A big step toward his recovery. Tomorrow he can start wearing his own clothes & can go out as much as he wants. It's on the Charles so he can see lots of boats.They had to redo the stitches in his head because they needed to drain a little fluid around them. He didn't like that at all. Still telling stories but less everyday. He starts tomorrow with all the rehab therapy. Chris says hi to everyone.

Thanks MOM & DAD



Devin is working on raising money for the Relay for Life that his family will be participating in on August 11th. The site his family has set up is Devin's Fundraiser


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I really don't have too much to report on. Things have been fairly quiet on our end lately (*knock on wood*).


Sammi is doing well. Her summer program has come to an end. She'll be going in to Kindergarten in September and she is VERY excited about this. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping she continues to be excited about this when the time comes. She has also been walking (and running) up a storm.


Jim is doing well too. He just recently got his final grades back from this year of school and he did FANTASTIC!!! His final grade for this year is a 92% I'm SO proud of him! He has been doing wonderful in school. Keep up the great work, baby! I love you!


Jim's Grandmother is being honored as Georgetown's Woman of the Year. Here is the link to read all about it. Congratulations, Virginia!! We're VERY proud of you!

Virginia's Award


Susie's dog, Katie, isn't doing very well these days. She (Susie) believes it's only a matter of time before Katie passes on. I know how hard it is to lose an animal you love so much. My thoughts and prayers are with Susie and poor little Katie.


And me? I'm doing good. Last week I was busy watching Emileah and James (on Monday the 7th) as well as Taylor and Meghan (Tuesday the 8th and on the 11th). And then there's Miss Samantha who ALWAYS manages to keep me on my toes -- she's good at that.


Sammi and I were at Katie's house with Taylor and Meghan for the day (*August 11th*). Sammi was a little camera shy that day (either that or she's sick of me taking her picture all the time), but I was able to get a few shots of her. I also took a couple of pictures of the animals. Enjoy!

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This is Jack

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Jack and Belle

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Buddy before being shaved

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Buddy after being shaved

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And then there are some pictures I took of my baby, Casey, awhile ago:

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SmileyCentral.comWith Much Love
Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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August 5, 2006
Fun at the Beach Again:

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July 29, 2006
Fun at the Beach:

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July 21, 2006
Sammi Being Cute at Taylor & Meghan's:

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July 19, 2006
Meeting Jakob:

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July 17, 2006
Sammi Hamming it Up For the Camera at Nuna's House:

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July 13, 2006
Last Pictures of *Marble*:

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SmileyCentral.comAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & Her Family

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David has apparently found his calling in life -- to perform stand-up comedy.

Devin and his family will be participating in the Relay for Life on August 11th.

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Jakob is home from the hospital!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Cameron is still in the hospital.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee's seizures have been increasing. She will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Kyle* will have flown Home to Heaven one year ago on August 7, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise, mom to three BEAUTIFUL children -- Missa, Zach & Tori (Missa has a CaringBridge page set up), will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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September 1st:

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Weekend Funnies...Enjoy!

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Monday, August 7, 2006


Sweet, brave, courageous *Michael* was called Home to Heaven on August 4th. This little boy amazed everyone he met. I, personally, can recall numerous times when I didn't he was going to pull through, but he always seemed to amaze everyone and bounce back. My heart goes out to the family and friends he left behind. You will NEVER be forgotten, *Michael*



Dick is a man Jim works with. On July 29th one of Dick's sons, Christopher, (*his youngest*) was involved in a VERY serious car accident. I don't know all of the specifics, but he was flown to Boston and isn't doing well at this time. It's unknown whether or not he'll pull through. Please pass any and all prayers along to Dick and his family. Thank you so much.

August 06, 2006
Chris had his best day so far. He was moved out of intensive care to a regular room. He was talking a lot today. Chris was up out of bed sitting in a chair for a half hour around 5pm. That made him very tired & he went back to bed and fell asleep shortly after. Tomorrow he is starting therapy. They say he won't need the filter in his groin because they will be geting him up so his legs will be geting circulation. There is still no visitation at this time but hopefully by the end of the week. Thanks everyone.



Devin is working on raising money for the Relay for Life that his family will be participating in on August 11th. The site his family has set up is Devin's Fundraiser


August 5, 2006
Back to the Beach:

We had so much fun at the beach last weekend, that we decided to go back again this weekend. This time we had planned on having Emileah and James join us since they were spending the weekend with us. At the last minute a friend of mine, her husband and her two beautiful kiddies were also able to join us. So five kiddies and four adults in all -- that's gotta make for a fun day.

Bri, Keith (*her husband*), Vera (*their adorable almost 5-year-old little girl*) and Wes (*their gorgeous blue eyed 3-year-old son*) met us at our house before we left. Since this was the first time they had seen our house, Sammi was VERY anxious to show them her room. Needless to say, it was trashed even though I had asked Sammi to clean it up for our guests. So I was more than a little embarrassed. After Sammi showed everyone our livingroom/bedroom, we were off.

Oh, before I forget -- Vera and Wes were also sweet enough to draw some BEAUTIFUL pictures for everyone. I think these two are going to be artists when they grows up. Sammi wants to hang hers on her bedroom wall and mine (*yup, I got one too*) will be on our fridge. Thank you, Vera and Wes!!!

The beach we were originally planning on visiting was filled up, so we found another one to go to after a little bit of searching. All of the kiddies couldn't have been happier that they were finally able to let loose on the beach. Instead of describing how the rest of our day went, I'll let the pictures that were taken do the talking:

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Mommy and Sammi returning from the water

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This is Keith, Bri's husband. He HATES having his picture taken, so don't expect to see too many of him.

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Vera with her buckets

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Emileah playing in the sand

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Emileah and James working on digging a hole

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Keith getting Wes ready to go in the water

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My cold, wet girl trying to warm up behind Big Jimmy. Doesn't she look pathetic? I promise she was having fun.

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Daddy and James racing cars

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Emileah and Vera sliding down a sand hill. Ouch!

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Miss Samantha happier after warming up

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Wes in the hole his Daddy built for him

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Emileah getting ready to bury James

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Yeah, I helped dig James' hole too

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James and Vera

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All of the kiddies (*minus Sammi*) playing together

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Emileah's creation

Well, that was our fun filled day at the beach. Thank you Bri, Keith, Vera and Wes for joining us. It was great having your company. We'll have to get together again SOON.

We hope everyone had a terrific weekend like us.

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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July 29, 2006
Fun at the Beach:

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July 21, 2006
Sammi Being Cute at Taylor & Meghan's:

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July 19, 2006
Meeting Jakob:

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July 17, 2006
Sammi Hamming it Up For the Camera at Nuna's House:

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July 13, 2006
Last Pictures of *Marble*:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David has apparently found his calling in life -- to perform stand-up comedy. The next show he'll be performing in is on August 8th.

Devin and his family will be participating in the Relay for Life on August 11th.

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Michael is home from the hospital!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Autumn will be going through VCUG testing on August 1st.

Cameron is still in the hospital.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

David's next MRI is scheduled for August 10th.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee's seizures have been increasing. She will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jakob has been doing pretty well gaining some weight. Check out his page to see an awesome picture of him.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Kyle* will have flown Home to Heaven one year ago on August 7, 2006.

*Michael* passed away on August 4, 2006.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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September 1st:

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

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Friday, August 4, 2006


Dick is a man Jim works with. On July 29th one of Dick's sons, Christopher, (*his youngest*) was involved in a VERY serious car accident. I don't know all of the specifics, but he was flown to Boston and isn't doing well at this time. It's unknown whether or not he'll pull through. Please pass any and all prayers along to Dick and his family. Thank you so much.

Chris' family set a Care Page up for him through the hospital he's admitted to. Below is what was posted, by his older brother, on his site. I would be more than happy to share Chris' Care Page address with all of you, but I don't have permission to do so from his family and I don't want to upset anyone. Thank you all (*again*) for all of the prayers and well wishes you've been sending to Chris and his family. Thank God he seems to be doing MUCH better.

"Chris had a big day today. They took out the breathing tube this afternoon. So the only tube is an NG tube through his nose to feed him. Once the tubes came out of his mouth he was able to talk. We could understand some stuff but other words and phrases didn't make any sense. The only way I can explain it is trying to talk to someone who just woke up but they are still dreaming. They may be taking out the drain tube from his brain either later tonight or tommorrow, they didn't have to drain any fluid today so they feel he is stable enough to do it. For you that know him you can appreciate that he woke up swearing, LOL. He's looking very good, they will be taking the stiches out from above his eye and the scrapes and bruises are healing up. Chris still looks like Chris for those who may have been concerned. We will ask if we can take a picture of him to put on the site. I would like to say thank you for the trama nurse Mary who spent the first day taking care of Chris and my parents when they first arrived. I would also like to thank SICU team who has cared for Chris while we aren't there and especially Christine who has spent the most time with him and us this week. You have all been excellent and we couldn't ask for a better group of people. Again, thank you everyone for your continued support. I'll update you again tommorrow."


And now, a funny for the weekend................

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Monday, July 31, 2006


Dick is a man Jim works with. Over the weekend one of Dick's sons (*his youngest*) was involved in a VERY serious car accident. I don't know all of the specifics, but he was flown to Boston and isn't doing well at this time. It's unknown whether or not he'll pull through. Please pass any and all prayers along to Dick and his family. Thank you so much.



Devin is working on raising money for the Relay for Life that his family will be participating in on August 11th. The site his family has set up is Devin's Fundraiser


July 29, 2006
Our Afternoon at the Beach:

We spent the afternoon at the Beach today and ended up having an excellent time. Sammi didn't want to wear her Strawberry Shortcake bathing suit today, so she ended up jumping into the water in shorts and a tank top. There isn't really much to say about our day, so I'll let all of the pictures Jim took do the talking:

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I had been telling Sammi all day that she was going to end up falling in the water. And then it finally happened and Jim got the pictures to prove it:

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Sammi's just like her Mommy -- she can't get enough of the Beach. We both love it. Sammi wanted to go back as soon as we had left. She was pretty much kicking and screaming all the way to the car. I talked to Jim and (*as long as the weather is nice*) we're planning on taking Emileah, James and Miss Samantha back to the Beach this upcoming weekend -- that's when Emileah and James will be visiting. Cross your fingers for nice weather, please!!!

Until I update again.........

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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July 21, 2006
Sammi Being Cute at Taylor & Meghan's:

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July 19, 2006
Meeting Jakob:

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July 17, 2006
Sammi Hamming it Up For the Camera at Nuna's House:

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July 13, 2006
Last Pictures of *Marble*:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Christa is now updating her page on her own and has been doing a terrific job. There's also a gorgeous picture of her on the front of her page.

David has apparently found his calling in life -- to perform stand-up comedy. The next show he'll be performing in is on August 8th.

Devin and his family will be participating in the Relay for Life on August 11th.

Heidi is home from the hospital!!!

Michael is home from the hospital!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Autumn will be going through VCUG testing on August 1st.

Cameron is still in the hospital.

Corey and his little sister, Emma, could always use happy thoughts and prayers sent their way.

David's next MRI is scheduled for August 10th.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee's seizures have been increasing. She will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jakob has been doing pretty well gaining some weight. Check out his page to see an awesome picture of him.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Kyle* will have flown Home to Heaven one year ago on August 7, 2006.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way. His latest MRI showed that his tumor has doubled in size.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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September 1st:

September 16th:
*Baby Noah*

September 23rd:

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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Absolutely nothing has been going on with us lately, which is why it has taken me so long to post an update. Last week was full of doctor appointments and worries, but this week has been pretty laid back. Sammi has been having a blast at the summer program she attends and gives me a hard time when she can't go to it. And as far as her walking is concerned -- she's doing FANTASTIC!!! You'll still catch her stumbling from time to time, but for the most part she's back to her old self. Yea!!! Thank you for all of the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure were sent our way. It's SO wonderful seeing Sammi act like Sammi again.

I was keeping myself busy decorating boxes a couple of days this week. I got *Marble's* ashes back on Tuesday and after deciding the box that was given to me (with his ashes in it) was too plain, I decorated it. I think it came out looking awesome and so did Jim and my Mom. So my Mom asked me to decorate *Ruger's* box as well. I've got pictures of both finished boxes, which I'll be more than happy to share in my next update. But now that I'm done with those two little projects, I'm bored. I had a great time decorating them.

Ok, I seriously don't have anything else to say. So, as I usually do on the weekends, I'll leave up something cute for everyone.

How Many Dogs Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

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1. Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb?

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2. Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.

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3. Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp!

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4. Rottweiler: Make me.

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5. Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

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6. Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeeeeze, please, please, please!

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7. German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.

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8. Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.

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9. Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a light bulb!

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10. Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark.

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11. Chihuahua: Yo quiero Taco Bulb. Or "We don't need no stinking light bulb."

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12. Greyhound: It isn't moving. Who cares?

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13. Australian Shepherd: First, I'll put all the light bulbs in a little circle...

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14. Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

How Many Cats Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

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Cats do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs. So, the real question is:
"How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a massage?"


We hope all of you have a great weekend!

SmileyCentral.comWith Much LoveSmileyCentral.com
Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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July 21, 2006
Sammi Being Cute at Taylor & Meghan's:

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July 19, 2006
Meeting Jakob:

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July 17, 2006
Sammi Hamming it Up For the Camera at Nuna's House:

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July 13, 2006
Last Pictures of *Marble*:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July.

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI has come back STABLE!!! Yea!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jakob has been losing weight (he recently lost 10 ounces) instead of gaining it. This precious little boy needs to start packing on those pounds.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Kyle* will have flown Home to Heaven one year ago on August 7, 2006.

Lauren (Craig's big sister) has been having some problems concerning her wrist lately.

Little *Lexie* flew home to Heaven on June 27, 2006.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

*Will* became an angel on June 12, 2006
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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July 6th:
Tayden will be turning 6-years-old today!!!

July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

July 20, 2006
Back to Boston We Go:

Yesterday we were fortunate enough to meet
Jakob and his wonderful Mom after our long day of doctor appointments; today we weren't lucky enough to have something to take the edge off once we were finished.

First came the ultra sound. What seems like a simple test never is when Miss Samantha is concerned. We're talking about the same child who throws a fit when a doctor tries to listen to her heart or look in her eyes/ears. So, of course, I never thought having an ultra sound done would be simple.

It took two assistants to hold Sammi's legs down, me with my body across Sammi's chest and the poor woman running the test to get it done. I was sweating my butt off by the time we were finished. Sammi definitely gave everyone a run for their money today.

Next came blood work. Anyone who knows me knows that I CANNOT stand to have blood drawn from me and I absolutely cannot watch anyone having it done -- I watch the shows "House" and "ER" and have to look away if a needle comes anywhere close to where blood is drawn from. So I was more than a little nervous when it came time to have Samantha's blood drawn.

The tests: Dr. Lopez (*Sammi's arthritis doctor*) was looking for any signs of inflammation. Dr. Hoffman (*a genetics doctor*) is searching for clues as to why Sammi is Autistic. Luckily the hospital and our insurance is picking up the tab for this second test -- so why not have it done? I can't even imagine how much these tests would cost.

For the blood work to be done it took one nurse to hold Sammi's arm still, another nurse to take the samples and Mommy who was in charge of keeping Sammi's legs from kicking either of the nurses. Of course Sammi was sitting on my lap while this was being done and my eyes were closed the entire time. Sammi and I sang the Barney song (*I Love You*) over and over again until we were through. Despite trying her hardest to keep this test from happening, Sammi did a terrific job. She's such a little trooper. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear.

July 21, 2006
Our Day With Taylor & Meghan & the Results:

Sammi and I spent the day with Taylor and Meghan. Here are some pictures that I took:

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Taylor and Meghan spent the day playing video games, petting a field mouse they're keeping as a pet and relaxing in Taylor's room when the humidity started to bother them. Sammi spent the day chilling on Katie's porch, watching Play House Disney, playing with some toys we brought with us as well as almost all of the magnets from Katie's fridge. Me? I'm working on reading a Dean Koontz book that I just can't put down, so I spent most of the day trying to concentrate on it -- easier said than done when a little girl (*Sammi*) is talking to you every 2 seconds. Oh yeah, and I also spent the day waiting for Sammi's doctor to call me with the results of her tests.

The call I was waiting for FINALLY came in at 7:30 tonight. Nothing serious was found in the ultra sound, but inflammation was detected. Inflammation also showed up in her blood work.

The plan: Starting tomorrow (*as soon as I'm able to pick up the prescription*) Sammi will be taking Ibuprofen 3 times a day -- the Naprosyn just doesn't seem to be working anymore. I also need to call on Monday to make an appointment with Dr. Lopez in 3 weeks. If she doesn't seem to be getting any better, than an MRI will be done -- AGAIN.

Please hope and pray with me that this will help Sammi. I can't stand to see her like this. I know she's in pain and it kills me knowing there isn't anything I can do to help her out.

Well, that's all the information I have to share with you for now.

Before I go, here are the last pictures that were taken of my sweet *Marble*

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And here are some pictures my Mom took of Sammi while we were at her house. I don't think I've shared them before.

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Until next time................................

SmileyCentral.comShannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha ThereseSmileyCentral.com
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July 19, 2006
Meeting Jakob:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

July 27, 2006:
Jim gets a much needed hair cut today

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

September 6, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandpa!!!

September 18, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with Dr. Hoffman (*genetics doctor*) today. Hopefully we'll find out the results of the blood work she had done in July

September 18, 2006:
Sammi's vision will be tested this afternoon

September 21, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Great Grandma!!!

September 24, 2006:
Happy Birthday, Papa!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI has come back STABLE!!! Yea!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jakob has been losing weight (he recently lost 10 ounces) instead of gaining it. This precious little boy needs to start packing on those pounds.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Kyle* will have flown Home to Heaven one year ago on August 7, 2006.

Lauren (Craig's big sister) has been having some problems concerning her wrist lately.

Little *Lexie* flew home to Heaven on June 27, 2006.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

*Will* became an angel on June 12, 2006
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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July 6th:
Tayden will be turning 6-years-old today!!!

July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Not a lot has been happening in our neck of the woods lately, which is why I haven't posted an update. But this week has been an absolute killer.

July 19, 2006
Our Trip to Boston:

Today Sammi had 2 appointments in Boston -- one with her Dentist and one with her "Arthritis" doctor.

The Dentist appointment was first. Sammi's new Dentist is Dr. Mina and Sammi loves her. All Dr. Mina did today was look around inside Sammi's mouth. She wants to see Sammi again in November for a cleaning (*yeah, that should be fun*) and to possibly have some x-rays taken. For being such a good girl, Sammi got a small bag of goodies. A Winnie the Pooh toothbrush, some floss and toothpaste. Sammi LOVES her Pooh toothbrush.

After the Dentist, we made our way to Dr. Lopez's office -- Sammi's arthritis doctor. For about two weeks now, Sammi has been walking funny again. We've been giving her her medicine twice a day, but I honestly haven't seen a change. What came out of this appointment was -- up Sammi's Naproxyen dose and return to Boston for an ultrasound and blood work. Yup, that's right. So we'll be making another trip in to Boston today. Joy of fickin joys.

The only good part of our day happened after all of Sammi's appointments were over and done with. We were fortunate enough to have the chance to meet the wonderful Jakob and his amazing Mom, Christine. This was the first CaringBridge family we've met and it was such a pleasure. Jakob is just too silly and too cute. Of course he was a major show off while we were there, but what little kiddie isn't when they meet someone new. I, personally, think he was trying to impress Sammi. Christine and Jakob -- we had an awesome time visiting you yesterday. Thank you, Jakob, for letting me get some pictures of you. You definitely ham it up when there's a camera in front of you. Hopefully we can get together again soon.

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Ok, I know this update is probably the shortest one I've ever posted, but I need to get this show on the road. We'll be leaving for Boston, AGAIN, in a couple of hours and there are some things I need to get in order. We hope all of you are well. I'll do my best to post another update just as soon as I can to let all of you know what's going on in Miss Samantha's world.

With Much Love,
Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha "Mystery Case" Therese

Friday, July 14, 2006

Alarm Clock
July 1, 2006
Guess Who Can Tell Time?:

I usually make schedules for Sammi that I hang on our fridge. Something along the lines of this

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Sammi LOVES having a schedule to follow and it makes things so much easier when she knows what to expect. As soon as I'm done writing up a schedule for her, the first thing she does is read what I've written down. Nine times out of ten she'll sound out a word she isn't familiar with without needing any help. And now that I've included times with her schedule, she's psyched that she can tell what time it is. We haven't been working on AM or PM yet, but we'll get to that soon enough.

Tonight she was to eat soup at 7:30, so she sat in front of the digital clock I showed her and waited for 7:30 to pop up. Then she was having medicine at 8, so she sat there and waiting for 8:00 to show up. Last was to take a shower and that was at 8:10. But of course she can't just sit in front of the clock and wait for the right time to arrive. She has to call out, number by number, what time it is every minute. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear. She really is growing up way too fast.

July 2, 2006
Cook-out at Nuna & Grandpa's:

We celebrated the Holiday weekend with a cook-out at my Mom and step-Dad's today. Besides Sammi, Jim and myself, Mary (*my step-Dad's daughter*), Michael (*my step-Dad's son*), Carol (*long time family friend/lives on the first floor/Sammi's Godmother*) and my Uncle Teddy were there. Everyone had a great time eating, listening to music and just being together. My step-Dad was also sweet enough to pick up some sparklers for Sammi, so she had tons of fun watching them glow when someone lit one up. She has always loved sparklers. I didn't take too many pictures, but here are a couple I did get:

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Smiley Fireworks
July 3, 2006
Celebrating the 4th:

We celebrated the holiday tonight instead of tomorrow. Originally we had planned on going to a local Stadium to watch the fireworks, but my step-Dad and a neighbor of his ended up buying their own fireworks, so we went to my Mom's house to watch that show instead. Sammi had a great time hanging out with her Nuna, Grandpa, Carol, Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary. Oh yeah, Mommy and Big Jimmy too -- though she didn't spend much time with us. She also had a blast watching all of the colorful fireworks that were going off and Uncle Mike lit some sparklers for her too.

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Since fireworks aren't exactly legal in our neck of the woods, we got Sammi to tell a little white lie incase anyone asked her a certain question.

Question -- "Who's lighting the fireworks, Sammi?"
Answer -- "I don't know."

It ended up being a pretty late night at my Mom and step-Dad's, so we didn't get home until almost 1 in the morning. After getting her medicine, Sammi was fast asleep -- Mommy and Big Jimmy didn't last much longer.

July 8, 2006
James Visits:

James' Mom dropped him off at our house this afternoon. He was dressed in his PJs and was carrying a blue bowl with him -- poor little James wasn't feeling too well. James spent the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch, watching Nick, throwing up on and off and sleeping from time to time. Needless to say, it wasn't a very fun day.

Water Polo
July 19, 2006
Swimming at Papa's:

I talked to my Dad yesterday and he invited all of us up to his house for a day of swimming and cooking on the grill today. Sammi and I were definitely planning on making it, but we needed to see how James was feeling to determine whether or not he and Big Jimmy would be joining us.

When James woke up this morning he was like a whole new kid. He was running around, bouncing off the walls, dancing, singing, making messes, etc. So it was settled -- we were all going to my Dad's. And, luckily, the bug that was messing with James all day yesterday stayed far away today.

We ended up having a really awesome day. Here are some pictures to show you the fun we had:

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Before we left, my Dad brought Sammi and I into his kitchen. Out of the blue he asked Sammi how old she was. Sammi said 5. My Dad disappeared for a few minutes and when he returned he asked Sammi how old she was again. Again Sammi said she was 5. That's when my Dad handed her $5. Sammi was psyched! She's now up to a little over $11 in her money tin. I'm not kidding -- this kid is going to be richer than all of us combined pretty soon.

July 11, 2006
Sammi's Day With Nuna:

The summer program Sammi is supposed to be attending (*it began on July 5th*) still didn't happen today. There have been some mix-ups with the bus company, which has resulted in Sammi not being picked up. And after waiting about 25 minutes for her bus to arrive this morning, it happened again -- Sammi wasn't picked up. Luckily my Mom (*who has offered to get Sammi off of the bus on Tuesdays since I'll be a couple of cities away watching Taylor and Meghan*) agreed to watch Sammi for the day.

By the time I got back to my Mom's, Miss Samantha was all smiles. It was SO great seeing Sammi's face light up because she was happy to see me. Her and Nuna had a good day together. They always have lots of fun with each other.

Bus Moony
July 12, 2006
FINALLY -- Sammi's First Day of the Summer Program:

Oh, what a day!

I called the bus company while I was watching Taylor and Meghan yesterday and, thankfully, I was able to get everything straightened out. So Sammi's bus came to pick her up this morning. After getting Sammi's hopes up and then having them shot down about going to the summer program, she was in good spirits when I put her on the bus. Unfortunately this wasn't Holly's bus, but Sammi didn't seem to mind.

When Sammi got home (*she's only gone from 8:20a - 12:15p*) she was VERY happy. On our way home, Sammi talked non-stop about her day. She had bathroom time, story time, classroom time, she licked an orange popsicle, her teacher is Mrs. Walsh, Miss Shelia wasn't there....she just went on and on and on. It was wonderful seeing Sammi so excited about her first day. I really hope she continues to enjoy her days at school.

On a sadder, more troubling note -- Sammi has been having trouble walking again. It all started last Friday (*July 7th*) and has continued to get worse. She's showing the same signs as when she was hospitalized back in October 2005. One hand on one knee as she bends over to pick something up, her legs are shaking when she stands still, she takes baby steps, she isn't running through the house, she complains that her legs/feet hurt, and she took a bath tonight because it feels better when she's sitting down. This is absolutely breaking my heart. I'm watching her go back to the way she was before and it's scaring me. I'm keeping her on the Neproxen. She has been taking it once a day, but starting tomorrow I'll be upping it to twice. I'll also be getting in touch with her doctor to see what he suggests. Will an x-ray be ordered? Will an MRI be done? Will, God forbid, another hospitalization be needed? Only time will tell and waiting sucks. Remember these words -- I REALLY don't think what Sammi is going through has to do with arthritis.

Jim had an appointment with his primary this afternoon. Though his cholesterol level is high, his doctor isn't concerned. His blood pressure is fine. So, all in all, he's looking pretty good. He'll be going back for another visit in November.

Crying 1
July 13, 2006
Welcome to My Hell:

At a later time I'll explain more, but for now I'll just say that my WONDERFUL *Marble* is no longer with us. I honestly don't have the heart to explain all of the details, but I will the next time I update Sammi's page.

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I love you, baby. And I'm missing you like crazy.

We hope all of you have an excellent weekend.

Glitter KittyWith Much LoveGlitter Kitty
Shannon, Big Jimmy and Miss Samantha Therese
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June 28, 2006
Sammi's Strawberry Shortcake Outfit:

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June 27, 2006
Our Day at Taylor & Meghan's:

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June 27, 2006
Hamming It Up For the Camera:

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June 20, 2006
Swimming at Papa's:

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June 20, 2006
Fashion Show:

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June 19, 2006
Snack at Sammi's School:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

July 19, 2006:
Sammi and I will be heading into Boston this afternoon for her Dentist appointment

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI has come back STABLE!!! Yea!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jakob has been losing weight (he recently lost 10 ounces) instead of gaining it. This precious little boy needs to start packing on those pounds.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Kyle* will have flown Home to Heaven one year ago on August 7, 2006.

Lauren (Craig's big sister) has been having some problems concerning her wrist lately.

Little *Lexie* flew home to Heaven on June 27, 2006.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

*Will* became an angel on June 12, 2006
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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July 6th:
Tayden will be turning 6-years-old today!!!

July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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Thursday, July 6, 2006

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to pop by incase you thought I've forgotten about you -- I haven't. I have a whole update typed up and ready to go, but it's missing pictures that I wanted to include. And since we left the camera at my Mom's the last time we were there, that won't be happening for a couple of days. But all is well here. I'm kind of depressed today, but I'm sure it'll pass. Sammi is doing great and earned an additional 50 cents yesterday for doing such a fantastic job cleaning up. I was VERY proud of her. Jim's doing good too.

We hope all of you out there in cyber land are doing well. I'll be back to post a real update just as soon as I'm able to.

Oh, before I go. Thank you, Mrs. Pam, for the wonderful book you sent to Sammi. She loves it! She loves everything you send her. You're too much of a sweetheart. Your gift was VERY much appreciated.

Until next time..................

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

June 28, 2006
Sammi's Strawberry Shortcake Outfit:

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June 27, 2006
Our Day at Taylor & Meghan's:

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June 27, 2006
Hamming It Up For the Camera:

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June 20, 2006
Swimming at Papa's:

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June 20, 2006
Fashion Show:

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June 19, 2006
Snack at Sammi's School:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

July 2006:
I'm not sure of the exact date, but sometime this month my step-brother, Nick, (*who is also Sammi's Godfather*) will be coming home from Iraq for a little bit.

Crossing Guard
July 5, 2006:
The summer program Sammi will be attending starts today -- It's unknown at this time when she will be starting the program, but more than likely it won't be today.

In The Pool
July 7, 2006:
Sammi & I will be spending the day with Taylor & Megan

July 19, 2006:
Sammi and I will be heading into Boston this afternoon for her Dentist appointment

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's latest MRI has come back STABLE!!! Yea!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Amanda Panda is now FULLY POTTY TRAINED (except for night time). Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Alyssa's next MRI is scheduled for August 28, 2006.

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jakob has been losing weight (he recently lost 10 ounces) instead of gaining it. This precious little boy needs to start packing on those pounds.

Kari's Mom, Lisa, recently had surgery done and is now on the road to recovery.

*Kyle* will have flown Home to Heaven one year ago on August 7, 2006.

Lauren (Craig's big sister) has been having some problems concerning her wrist lately.

Little *Lexie* flew home to Heaven on June 27, 2006.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

*Will* became an angel on June 12, 2006.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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July 6th:
Tayden will be turning 6-years-old today!!!

July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 15th:

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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Saturday, July 1, 2006

*Lexie* became one of Heaven's beautiful Angels on June 27, 2006. *Lexie* was, and will always be remembered, as one VERY strong little girl. My most heartfelt condolences go out to the friends, family and loved ones she has left behind.
Angel Glitter Text

MoneySammi's Money TotalMoney

June 21, 2006
Sorry for any confusion:

Before I start this update, I'd like to apologize if I've confused anyone in anyway. Jim and I celebrated our one year of being together today. That's it. No wedding is being planned and there won't be any wedding bells ringing in our future. Again, I'm sorry if this has confused anyone.

And no, we didn't do anything special -- just exchanged cards.

June 22, 2006
Sammi's latest sleeping attire:

Mommy sleeps in a tank top and shorts every night, so Miss Samantha has decided that's what she wants to wear too. This all came about when I was getting her ready for bed one night. I realized I had left her Care Bears night gown AND My Little Pony night gown at Nuna's house. So I asked her if she wanted to wear the same clothes I wear to bed and I was amazed when she said "yes" without giving me a hard time.

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Thumbs Up
Decorating Sammi's Room:

This afternoon, before Jim came home from work, Sammi and I did a little decorating. She had brought some things home from school with her and I thought it would be a good idea to hang them up in her room, rather than me just putting them away. Sammi had a great time decorating her room with me. She didn't help hang anything, but she showed me where she wanted everything to go. I took these pictures once we were finished:

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And, before I forget, Sammi's tooth/gums are doing a lot better. (*I had mentioned that she ended up scratching them on the last day of school*). Whatever it was that she popped in there has disappeared. Miss Samantha will be seeing the dentist for the first time next Wednesday (*June 28th*). Everyone knows what that means, right? Yup, another trip into the wonderful city of Boston. Joy.

June 23, 2006

Today was a weird day. Sammi woke up at 9:30 this morning (*which is kind of late for her*) and refused to eat the soup I gave her. About 10 minutes later she had crawled into her bed (*she kept her lights and TV off when she usually always wants them on*) and went back to sleep. After sleeping for a couple of hours, she was back to her silly self. She was singing, reading books, drinking water and ate a bowl of soup. She never threw up, but she did complain that her ears hurt. They didn't look red, but I'll be keeping an eye on them. This is the same little girl who has NEVER had an ear infection -- knock on wood.

June 24, 2006
Nuna visits:

When school was in session, we saw Nuna every morning while we waited for "Holly's Bus" to arrive. Now that it's summer, a few days have passed since we've seen her. So I called her this afternoon and, luckily, she wasn't doing anything after work and ended up stopping by. Sammi's face was priceless when I told her Nuna was coming to see her. She was VERY excited. And like a good little girl she picked up all of her toys that were in the livingroom as well as all of the video tapes and toys that were everywhere in her room. And she did it all because Nuna was coming. AND she got a quarter for doing such an excellent job.

When Nuna arrived, she had only been here for a couple of minutes when Sammi insisted that she see her nice clean and decorated room. So off the two of them went to check it out. And because Nuna was so impressed with how much of a good job Miss Samantha did, she gave Sammi another quarter. 50 cents in one day -- this kid is going to drive all of us bankrupt. I, personally, think Nuna gave Sammi a quarter just because she's, well, Nuna. But that's just what I think.

We sat on our newly cleaned (*thanks to me*) porch, listened to the radio and had a few cocktails while Nuna was here. Sammi had a great time spending time with us -- or maybe it was Nuna she was having more fun with. We had her (*Sammi, not Nuna*) dancing and singing along to the songs that she knew. She was being a little ham and showing off for her Nuna.

Sammi ended up falling asleep before Nuna left tonight, but she had lots of fun spending time with her. And remember how I mentioned that I'll be watching a friends daughters twice a week? Taylor and Megan? Well I'll now be watching them on Tuesday and Friday. That way my Mom will be able to get Sammi off of the bus in the afternoon once she starts the summer program. The two of them will spend the afternoon together and it'll be easier on me so I don't have to travel back to Haverhill to pick Sammi up. And the summer program is the same schedule as school -- no classes are held on Friday. So Sammi will be spending that day at Taylor and Megan's house with me. All in all, this will end up working out great. Thanks a lot for offering to help me out, Mom. I love you!!!

One more thing -- I love my new porch. It's so pretty and nice to relax on. I'll have to take pictures of it to show all of you. Keep in mind, it's nothing spectacular and there are still some things I'd like to get for it. Two end tables and a coffee table for starters. And, eventually, Jim will be hooking up a TV out there. Casey loves it too and is out there with me whenever he can be.

Ok I lied. One more thing. 5 years ago today someone chose to walk out of Sammi's life for good. Please don't take this as me being bitter or holding a grudge -- because I am not. Today's date is just one of those that sticks in your mind. And, in the long run, I know we're MUCH better off. I've been with Sammi through everything; blindness, autism, arthritis, MRI's, x-rays, etc. The one and only thing that still bothers me to this day is how someone who helped create such a beautiful being could see her for the last time 5 years ago and never again. But Sammi is VERY loved by each and every one of her family members. And I wouldn't change anything for the world. Ok, I'm done now. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

June 25, 2006
Rain, rain, rain:

Susie, Jim's Mom, was going to watch Sammi for the day so Jim and I could go out on the bike. Unfortunately the lovely weather had other plans, so we weren't able to go. But today wasn't a complete waste. Jim and Tom, Jim's brother, ended up cleaning out a good portion of our basement. They ended up throwing A LOT of unwanted things out and it's beginning to look pretty good down there now. I guess I'm in charge of cleaning off the shelves that are down there and then we'll have some room for storage. I'm anxious to get that done so we can get everything off the floor just incase we have another flooding incident.

While Jim and Tom were cleaning out the basement, Jim snagged a couple of computer toys he thought Sammi would like playing with. Now she has a total of four computer toys and, of course, she knows which one is which. Computer toy number one was given to her by Jim not long after we started dating. Computer toy number two was given to her by Emileah and Jimmy. She couldn't be more excited when Jim showed her these brand new (*ok, they're very old, but they're new in her book and that's all that matters*) computer toys. She hasn't let them out of her sight since she started playing with them.

And I'm not sure of the exact date, but one day last week Sammi ended up sounding out and reading 5 words all by herself. A few years ago I bought her this gigantic caterpillar (*it was only $10 and I couldn't resist*). She has always shown interest in it, but doesn't really play with it much. One day she brought it over to where I was sitting and said, "Mama, this says MY." She was right. She then went on to read the rest of the words printed on the caterpillar. The whole things reads: My Best Friend For Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever. Sammi got each and every word right -- even "friend", which I honestly didn't think she'd be able to sound out. Needless to say, I was VERY impressed.

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Everyday she shows more and more interest in reading and she, from time to time, tries her best to sound out words she sees. Now if we can only get her writing skills down.

You're The Best
June 27, 2006
Our play date with Taylor and Meghan:

Taylor and Meghan are two wonderful girls. It was such a pleasure watching them today. Sammi had a blast playing with Meghan. Taylor, on the other hand, is more laid back and tends to keep to herself a lot. Meghan stayed with Sammi and I for most of the time we were there. They read books together, played with a computer toy Sammi brought, Sammi watched Meghan play a couple of video games and they even went swimming together for a little bit. Sammi was even harassed by one of their dogs, Buddy, for a good part of the day. He (*Buddy*) wanted the Squeeka Sammi was carrying around with her. He followed her pretty much non-stop trying to get it and was successful in stealing it twice -- thankfully he didn't tear it to shreds. It was absolutely adorable watching this cute little puppy, he's a black cocker spaniel, following Sammi around so intently. Then there's Haley, a beagle. She's just the chubbiest, cutest thing. Both dogs are extremely friendly and I am completely in love with them. My entire life I've wanted a cocker spaniel and a beagel and now I'm watching two kiddies that have them. I couldn't ask for more!

Here are some of the pictures I took this afternoon while we were at Taylor and Meghan's house:

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When Terry came home, Taylor and Meghan's Dad, Sammi and I got our stuff together and headed home. But instead of going to our house, we went to my Mom's. She had the day off and I had planned on bringing Sammi there once we were finished at Taylor and Meghan's house. The first thing Sammi requested, when we got to Nuna's, was soup. Sammi will only eat soup at 3 places -- our house, Nuna's house and Great-Grandma's house. If she isn't at one of those places, she'll starve herself until we get to one of them. So Sammi was more than a little hungry by the time we got to Nuna's. While Nuna got Sammi's soup ready, I ran out for a couple of minutes. While I was gone, my Mom took some pretty cute pictures of Miss Samantha. Here they are:

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June 28, 2006
Sammi's first Dentist appointment:

I couldn't have asked for today to go any smoother than it did. Not in a million years did I think Sammi would be as well behaved as she ended up being. And she was completely cooperative too. I was VERY, VERY impressed.

Thanks to me we ended up leaving WAY too early for Sammi's appointment and got there an hour before she was to be seen. But in the end it ended up working out to our advantage. Jim wasn't feeling too well (*oh yeah, he joined us on our little trip today*), so we had enough time to get something to eat and settle his stomach. And what did I get? A brownie!!! Yea!!! I've been craving brownies BIG time lately.

It literally took only minutes for us to sign in and for Samantha's name to be called when we arrived at the Dentist. Looking around the waiting room, I thought we had a good half hour (*at least*) wait ahead of us. Thank goodness I was wrong.

A wonderful student, Vladamir (*sp?*), was the one who looked Sammi over today. All that was being done today was a consultation. When we were called, my heart sunk when we were brought into the examining room. There were about half a dozen chairs in that room and a person was sitting in every one of them. There were all different kinds of sounds being made and I thought Sammi was going to flip out. Although she did flinch a little when we walked into the room, nothing seemed to bother her. And since she refused to sit in the chair Vladamir wanted her to sit in, I had to sit in it with Sammi on my lap.

First came the question and answer part of the exam -- where I was asked questions and answered them. The first thing I made clear was that we were there because Sammi is Autistic and nobody will have a chance in hell of working on her mouth unless she's put out. Vladamir was VERY understanding about this and made a note of it in her chart. Then I gave him her height, weight and diagnosis' -- Autism, legally blind and arthritis. Then came the part where Sammi was examined; again, I was scared.

Vladamir first had Sammi make a bunch of goofy faces -- smile, teeth together, open wide, etc. Sammi had to be reminded of what to do a couple of times, but she did everything without a fight. Then Sammi allowed Vladamir to feel all of Sammi's teeth. The only time she had a problem with this was when he tried touching Sammi's back teeth -- for some reason she didn't like that part. Next came looking in Sammi's mouth with a mirror. Sammi didn't mind the mirror being in her mouth, but she didn't like it when it touched her cheeks or tongue -- so, again, there was a lot of reminding going on. Meanwhile, while I'm busy with Sammi, Jim's face is turning the reddest I've ever seen it -- he can't stand the sounds of drilling teeth. I completed related it to me being stuck in a room where everyone is having their blood drawn; I'd be VERY uncomfortable too. But he was a trooper and stuck it out with us.

There was talk of having some x-rays taken, but that never happened. Instead, Sammi was presented with a brand new toothbrush -- an Elmo toothbrush!!! Vladamir asked Sammi to show him how she brushes her teeth and she did. Then he took the toothbrush and brushed Sammi's teeth for her. Again, the only problem she had with this was when he brushed her back teeth. Other than that, Sammi was the most wonderful patient. She even said "Thank you" for her new toothbrush and shook Vladamir's hand when it was time for us to leave. She'll be going back in July -- more than likely x-rays will be taken this time.

The funniest part of this whole trip was the fact that Sammi actually gave us a hard time as we were heading home. She didn't want to go home; she wanted to stay at the Dentist. This is the FIRST time she has ever complained about leaving a doctor's office. And, because Sammi was such an excellent little girl, she got a quarter when we got home. This made her VERY happy.

Sammi's New Strawberry Shortcake Outfit:

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This is one of the latest outfits Nuna bought for Sammi. She wore it to Boston today and I was able to get a couple of pictures of her in it before we left. She loves her new Strawberry Shortcake outfit!!!

June 30, 2006
Our Play Date with Taylor and Meghan:

Well, Sammi didn't do much playing today and I didn't take any pictures. As soon as we arrived at Katie's house, you could tell something was up with Miss Samantha. She was being VERY clingy and she wasn't very talkative. She said "hi" to Katie, Taylor and Meghan when she saw them, but that was about it. Since she was making it clear that she was unhappy, I took her in to another room so she could watch Playhouse Disney. Of course I had to sit with her the entire time she watched each show that aired. We started off sitting on the floor together, moved on to sitting on the couch together and eventually Sammi ended up laying on top of me. You could tell she just wasn't feeling well. At first I thought it may be allergies, but that though was quickly erased when she started dry heaving and burping as if she was going to throw up. Nothing ever came up. Sammi even ended up taking about an hour/hour and a half long nap this afternoon. When Sammi takes a nap, you know she isn't feeling well.

So Sammi didn't do much playing today, but Taylor and Meghan seemed to have a good day. They spent the day swimming in their pool (*something Sammi was excited about doing on our way to Katie's house, but decided she didn't want to soon after we arrived*) and playing video games. By the time Katie got home from work (*a little after 5pm*), Sammi was talking up a storm again and acted as if nothing was wrong. I asked her if she still felt sick and she said "no." So I'm assuming it was just a 24 hour thing that was bothering Sammi. Thank goodness. I can deal with runny noses, coughing and all of that fun head cold stuff but I can DEFINITELY do without upset stomachs and vomitting.

We won't be seeing Taylor and Meghan again until Friday (*July 7th*) due to the 4th of July. Hopefully Sammi will feel like playing then.

4th Of July

Well, that's about it from our end. We hope every one of you has a VERY Happy and VERY Safe Holiday weekend.

FlagWith Much LoveFlag
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese
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June 20, 2006
Swimming at Papa's:

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June 20, 2006
Fashion Show:

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June 19, 2006
Snack at Sammi's School:

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June 18, 2006
Father's Day Presents:

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June 14, 2006
Red, White & Blue Day:

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June 13, 2006
Sammi & Nikki

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

July 2006:
I'm not sure of the exact date, but sometime this month my step-brother, Nick, (*who is also Sammi's Godfather*) will be coming home from Iraq for a little bit.

July 2, 2006:
Jim, Sammi and I will be over Nuna and Grandpa's for the day for a cook-out in celebration of the 4th of July

July 3, 2006:
My Mom, step-Dad, Jim, Sammi and I will be watching the fireworks in Haverhill tonight

4th Of July
July 4, 2006

Crossing Guard
July 5, 2006:
The summer program Sammi will be attending starts today

In The Pool
July 7, 2006:
Sammi & I will be spending the day with Taylor & Megan

July 19, 2006:
Sammi and I will be heading into Boston this afternoon for her Dentist appointment

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's baby brother, Isaac, is now WALKING!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

David's latest MRI (*done on May 18th*) has come back CLEAR!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Lauren (Craig's big sister) has been having some problems concerning her wrist lately.

Little *Lexie* flew home to Heaven on June 27, 2006.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

*Will* became an angel on June 12, 2006.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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Saturday, July 1, 2006

*Lexie* became one of Heaven's beautiful Angels on June 27, 2006. *Lexie* was, and will always be remembered, as one VERY strong little girl. My most heartfelt condolences go out to the friends, family and loved ones she has left behind.
Angel Glitter Text

MoneySammi's Money TotalMoney

June 21, 2006
Sorry for any confusion:

Before I start this update, I'd like to apologize if I've confused anyone in anyway. Jim and I celebrated our one year of being together today. That's it. No wedding is being planned and there won't be any wedding bells ringing in our future. Again, I'm sorry if this has confused anyone.

And no, we didn't do anything special -- just exchanged cards.

June 22, 2006
Sammi's latest sleeping attire:

Mommy sleeps in a tank top and shorts every night, so Miss Samantha has decided that's what she wants to wear too. This all came about when I was getting her ready for bed one night. I realized I had left her Care Bears night gown AND My Little Pony night gown at Nuna's house. So I asked her if she wanted to wear the same clothes I wear to bed and I was amazed when she said "yes" without giving me a hard time.

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Thumbs Up
Decorating Sammi's Room:

This afternoon, before Jim came home from work, Sammi and I did a little decorating. She had brought some things home from school with her and I thought it would be a good idea to hang them up in her room, rather than me just putting them away. Sammi had a great time decorating her room with me. She didn't help hang anything, but she showed me where she wanted everything to go. I took these pictures once we were finished:

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And, before I forget, Sammi's tooth/gums are doing a lot better. (*I had mentioned that she ended up scratching them on the last day of school*). Whatever it was that she popped in there has disappeared. Miss Samantha will be seeing the dentist for the first time next Wednesday (*June 28th*). Everyone knows what that means, right? Yup, another trip into the wonderful city of Boston. Joy.

June 23, 2006

Today was a weird day. Sammi woke up at 9:30 this morning (*which is kind of late for her*) and refused to eat the soup I gave her. About 10 minutes later she had crawled into her bed (*she kept her lights and TV off when she usually always wants them on*) and went back to sleep. After sleeping for a couple of hours, she was back to her silly self. She was singing, reading books, drinking water and ate a bowl of soup. She never threw up, but she did complain that her ears hurt. They didn't look red, but I'll be keeping an eye on them. This is the same little girl who has NEVER had an ear infection -- knock on wood.

June 24, 2006
Nuna visits:

When school was in session, we saw Nuna every morning while we waited for "Holly's Bus" to arrive. Now that it's summer, a few days have passed since we've seen her. So I called her this afternoon and, luckily, she wasn't doing anything after work and ended up stopping by. Sammi's face was priceless when I told her Nuna was coming to see her. She was VERY excited. And like a good little girl she picked up all of her toys that were in the livingroom as well as all of the video tapes and toys that were everywhere in her room. And she did it all because Nuna was coming. AND she got a quarter for doing such an excellent job.

When Nuna arrived, she had only been here for a couple of minutes when Sammi insisted that she see her nice clean and decorated room. So off the two of them went to check it out. And because Nuna was so impressed with how much of a good job Miss Samantha did, she gave Sammi another quarter. 50 cents in one day -- this kid is going to drive all of us bankrupt. I, personally, think Nuna gave Sammi a quarter just because she's, well, Nuna. But that's just what I think.

We sat on our newly cleaned (*thanks to me*) porch, listened to the radio and had a few cocktails while Nuna was here. Sammi had a great time spending time with us -- or maybe it was Nuna she was having more fun with. We had her (*Sammi, not Nuna*) dancing and singing along to the songs that she knew. She was being a little ham and showing off for her Nuna.

Sammi ended up falling asleep before Nuna left tonight, but she had lots of fun spending time with her. And remember how I mentioned that I'll be watching a friends daughters twice a week? Taylor and Megan? Well I'll now be watching them on Tuesday and Friday. That way my Mom will be able to get Sammi off of the bus in the afternoon once she starts the summer program. The two of them will spend the afternoon together and it'll be easier on me so I don't have to travel back to Haverhill to pick Sammi up. And the summer program is the same schedule as school -- no classes are held on Friday. So Sammi will be spending that day at Taylor and Megan's house with me. All in all, this will end up working out great. Thanks a lot for offering to help me out, Mom. I love you!!!

One more thing -- I love my new porch. It's so pretty and nice to relax on. I'll have to take pictures of it to show all of you. Keep in mind, it's nothing spectacular and there are still some things I'd like to get for it. Two end tables and a coffee table for starters. And, eventually, Jim will be hooking up a TV out there. Casey loves it too and is out there with me whenever he can be.

Ok I lied. One more thing. 5 years ago today someone chose to walk out of Sammi's life for good. Please don't take this as me being bitter or holding a grudge -- because I am not. Today's date is just one of those that sticks in your mind. And, in the long run, I know we're MUCH better off. I've been with Sammi through everything; blindness, autism, arthritis, MRI's, x-rays, etc. The one and only thing that still bothers me to this day is how someone who helped create such a beautiful being could see her for the last time 5 years ago and never again. But Sammi is VERY loved by each and every one of her family members. And I wouldn't change anything for the world. Ok, I'm done now. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

June 25, 2006
Rain, rain, rain:

Susie, Jim's Mom, was going to watch Sammi for the day so Jim and I could go out on the bike. Unfortunately the lovely weather had other plans, so we weren't able to go. But today wasn't a complete waste. Jim and Tom, Jim's brother, ended up cleaning out a good portion of our basement. They ended up throwing A LOT of unwanted things out and it's beginning to look pretty good down there now. I guess I'm in charge of cleaning off the shelves that are down there and then we'll have some room for storage. I'm anxious to get that done so we can get everything off the floor just incase we have another flooding incident.

While Jim and Tom were cleaning out the basement, Jim snagged a couple of computer toys he thought Sammi would like playing with. Now she has a total of four computer toys and, of course, she knows which one is which. Computer toy number one was given to her by Jim not long after we started dating. Computer toy number two was given to her by Emileah and Jimmy. She couldn't be more excited when Jim showed her these brand new (*ok, they're very old, but they're new in her book and that's all that matters*) computer toys. She hasn't let them out of her sight since she started playing with them.

And I'm not sure of the exact date, but one day last week Sammi ended up sounding out and reading 5 words all by herself. A few years ago I bought her this gigantic caterpillar (*it was only $10 and I couldn't resist*). She has always shown interest in it, but doesn't really play with it much. One day she brought it over to where I was sitting and said, "Mama, this says MY." She was right. She then went on to read the rest of the words printed on the caterpillar. The whole things reads: My Best Friend For Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever. Sammi got each and every word right -- even "friend", which I honestly didn't think she'd be able to sound out. Needless to say, I was VERY impressed.

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Everyday she shows more and more interest in reading and she, from time to time, tries her best to sound out words she sees. Now if we can only get her writing skills down.

You're The Best
June 27, 2006
Our play date with Taylor and Meghan:

Taylor and Meghan are two wonderful girls. It was such a pleasure watching them today. Sammi had a blast playing with Meghan. Taylor, on the other hand, is more laid back and tends to keep to herself a lot. Meghan stayed with Sammi and I for most of the time we were there. They read books together, played with a computer toy Sammi brought, Sammi watched Meghan play a couple of video games and they even went swimming together for a little bit. Sammi was even harassed by one of their dogs, Buddy, for a good part of the day. He (*Buddy*) wanted the Squeeka Sammi was carrying around with her. He followed her pretty much non-stop trying to get it and was successful in stealing it twice -- thankfully he didn't tear it to shreds. It was absolutely adorable watching this cute little puppy, he's a black cocker spaniel, following Sammi around so intently. Then there's Haley, a beagle. She's just the chubbiest, cutest thing. Both dogs are extremely friendly and I am completely in love with them. My entire life I've wanted a cocker spaniel and a beagel and now I'm watching two kiddies that have them. I couldn't ask for more!

Here are some of the pictures I took this afternoon while we were at Taylor and Meghan's house:

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When Terry came home, Taylor and Meghan's Dad, Sammi and I got our stuff together and headed home. But instead of going to our house, we went to my Mom's. She had the day off and I had planned on bringing Sammi there once we were finished at Taylor and Meghan's house. The first thing Sammi requested, when we got to Nuna's, was soup. Sammi will only eat soup at 3 places -- our house, Nuna's house and Great-Grandma's house. If she isn't at one of those places, she'll starve herself until we get to one of them. So Sammi was more than a little hungry by the time we got to Nuna's. While Nuna got Sammi's soup ready, I ran out for a couple of minutes. While I was gone, my Mom took some pretty cute pictures of Miss Samantha. Here they are:

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June 28, 2006
Sammi's first Dentist appointment:

I couldn't have asked for today to go any smoother than it did. Not in a million years did I think Sammi would be as well behaved as she ended up being. And she was completely cooperative too. I was VERY, VERY impressed.

Thanks to me we ended up leaving WAY too early for Sammi's appointment and got there an hour before she was to be seen. But in the end it ended up working out to our advantage. Jim wasn't feeling too well (*oh yeah, he joined us on our little trip today*), so we had enough time to get something to eat and settle his stomach. And what did I get? A brownie!!! Yea!!! I've been craving brownies BIG time lately.

It literally took only minutes for us to sign in and for Samantha's name to be called when we arrived at the Dentist. Looking around the waiting room, I thought we had a good half hour (*at least*) wait ahead of us. Thank goodness I was wrong.

A wonderful student, Vladamir (*sp?*), was the one who looked Sammi over today. All that was being done today was a consultation. When we were called, my heart sunk when we were brought into the examining room. There were about half a dozen chairs in that room and a person was sitting in every one of them. There were all different kinds of sounds being made and I thought Sammi was going to flip out. Although she did flinch a little when we walked into the room, nothing seemed to bother her. And since she refused to sit in the chair Vladamir wanted her to sit in, I had to sit in it with Sammi on my lap.

First came the question and answer part of the exam -- where I was asked questions and answered them. The first thing I made clear was that we were there because Sammi is Autistic and nobody will have a chance in hell of working on her mouth unless she's put out. Vladamir was VERY understanding about this and made a note of it in her chart. Then I gave him her height, weight and diagnosis' -- Autism, legally blind and arthritis. Then came the part where Sammi was examined; again, I was scared.

Vladamir first had Sammi make a bunch of goofy faces -- smile, teeth together, open wide, etc. Sammi had to be reminded of what to do a couple of times, but she did everything without a fight. Then Sammi allowed Vladamir to feel all of Sammi's teeth. The only time she had a problem with this was when he tried touching Sammi's back teeth -- for some reason she didn't like that part. Next came looking in Sammi's mouth with a mirror. Sammi didn't mind the mirror being in her mouth, but she didn't like it when it touched her cheeks or tongue -- so, again, there was a lot of reminding going on. Meanwhile, while I'm busy with Sammi, Jim's face is turning the reddest I've ever seen it -- he can't stand the sounds of drilling teeth. I completed related it to me being stuck in a room where everyone is having their blood drawn; I'd be VERY uncomfortable too. But he was a trooper and stuck it out with us.

There was talk of having some x-rays taken, but that never happened. Instead, Sammi was presented with a brand new toothbrush -- an Elmo toothbrush!!! Vladamir asked Sammi to show him how she brushes her teeth and she did. Then he took the toothbrush and brushed Sammi's teeth for her. Again, the only problem she had with this was when he brushed her back teeth. Other than that, Sammi was the most wonderful patient. She even said "Thank you" for her new toothbrush and shook Vladamir's hand when it was time for us to leave. She'll be going back in July -- more than likely x-rays will be taken this time.

The funniest part of this whole trip was the fact that Sammi actually gave us a hard time as we were heading home. She didn't want to go home; she wanted to stay at the Dentist. This is the FIRST time she has ever complained about leaving a doctor's office. And, because Sammi was such an excellent little girl, she got a quarter when we got home. This made her VERY happy.

Sammi's New Strawberry Shortcake Outfit:

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This is one of the latest outfits Nuna bought for Sammi. She wore it to Boston today and I was able to get a couple of pictures of her in it before we left. She loves her new Strawberry Shortcake outfit!!!

June 30, 2006
Our Play Date with Taylor and Meghan:

Well, Sammi didn't do much playing today and I didn't take any pictures. As soon as we arrived at Katie's house, you could tell something was up with Miss Samantha. She was being VERY clingy and she wasn't very talkative. She said "hi" to Katie, Taylor and Meghan when she saw them, but that was about it. Since she was making it clear that she was unhappy, I took her in to another room so she could watch Playhouse Disney. Of course I had to sit with her the entire time she watched each show that aired. We started off sitting on the floor together, moved on to sitting on the couch together and eventually Sammi ended up laying on top of me. You could tell she just wasn't feeling well. At first I thought it may be allergies, but that though was quickly erased when she started dry heaving and burping as if she was going to throw up. Nothing ever came up. Sammi even ended up taking about an hour/hour and a half long nap this afternoon. When Sammi takes a nap, you know she isn't feeling well.

So Sammi didn't do much playing today, but Taylor and Meghan seemed to have a good day. They spent the day swimming in their pool (*something Sammi was excited about doing on our way to Katie's house, but decided she didn't want to soon after we arrived*) and playing video games. By the time Katie got home from work (*a little after 5pm*), Sammi was talking up a storm again and acted as if nothing was wrong. I asked her if she still felt sick and she said "no." So I'm assuming it was just a 24 hour thing that was bothering Sammi. Thank goodness. I can deal with runny noses, coughing and all of that fun head cold stuff but I can DEFINITELY do without upset stomachs and vomitting.

We won't be seeing Taylor and Meghan again until Friday (*July 7th*) due to the 4th of July. Hopefully Sammi will feel like playing then.

4th Of July

Well, that's about it from our end. We hope every one of you has a VERY Happy and VERY Safe Holiday weekend.

FlagWith Much LoveFlag
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese
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June 20, 2006
Swimming at Papa's:

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June 20, 2006
Fashion Show:

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June 19, 2006
Snack at Sammi's School:

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June 18, 2006
Father's Day Presents:

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June 14, 2006
Red, White & Blue Day:

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June 13, 2006
Sammi & Nikki

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

July 2006:
I'm not sure of the exact date, but sometime this month my step-brother, Nick, (*who is also Sammi's Godfather*) will be coming home from Iraq for a little bit.

July 2, 2006:
Jim, Sammi and I will be over Nuna and Grandpa's for the day for a cook-out in celebration of the 4th of July

July 3, 2006:
My Mom, step-Dad, Jim, Sammi and I will be watching the fireworks in Haverhill tonight

4th Of July
July 4, 2006

Crossing Guard
July 5, 2006:
The summer program Sammi will be attending starts today

In The Pool
July 7, 2006:
Sammi & I will be spending the day with Taylor & Megan

July 19, 2006:
Sammi and I will be heading into Boston this afternoon for her Dentist appointment

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's baby brother, Isaac, is now WALKING!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

David's latest MRI (*done on May 18th*) has come back CLEAR!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Lauren (Craig's big sister) has been having some problems concerning her wrist lately.

Little *Lexie* flew home to Heaven on June 27, 2006.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

*Will* became an angel on June 12, 2006.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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August 1st:
*Amanda C*

August 2nd:

August 3rd:
Fisher will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

August 18th:
Kody will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 25th:
*Sweet, Sweet Cam*

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Monday, June 26, 2006

MoneySammi's Money TotalMoney

School's Out
June 19, 2006
Fun at Sammi's School:

My Mom and I went to Sammi's school for snack time this morning. When we walked in to Mrs. Dennehy's room, we saw Sammi sitting at one of the little kiddie tables. This is the face we were greeted with when we arrived

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Sammi was a VERY excited little girl and she loved the fact that her Mama and Nuna were at school with her. I swear she never stopped smiling while we were there.

Shelia brought a book over to us once we were seated next to Sammi. It was a book all about Miss Samantha -- her drawings, her paintings, pictures of her, etc. As Sammi flipped through the pages, she described absolutely every single thing in that book. Sammi was so excited to have my Mom and I at school with her today. When Sammi gets REALLY excited, she does lots of hand flapping -- she was off the wall this morning.

Here's Sammi's book:

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When we were finished looking at Sammi's book, it was time for snack. My Mom and I followed Sammi to the snack tables where she picked up a plate for herself, one for Nuna and one for me. Sammi continued to serve us until our plates were full. We each got a cracker, a strawberry, a piece of watermelon and some water. Sammi was VERY proud of herself for putting food on our plates. An adorable little boy named Ian sat with us while everyone (*except Sammi*) was eating. Ryan, whose Mom told me that he is very fond of Sammi, and his little brother, Anthony, also sat with us. And even though Sammi didn't eat anything, she sat very nicely until everyone else was finished.

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(***Ian is in the blue and Ryan is in the red and white***)

After snack, all of the kiddies sat in a circle and got ready to sing songs. At one time, everyone needed to pick a friend to dance with. It was so cute to watch. Unfortunately Sammi was too far away from me, so I couldn't take any pictures. But here are some that I was able to take:

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Before we left, every kiddie received a certificate from Mrs. Dennehy

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When it was time for us to go, I started to get nervous. I had the feeling that Sammi would throw a fit because we were leaving and she was staying. Thank God I was wrong. Shelia came over to us and told Sammi that it was time to go to the Cafeteria. Sammi asked if we were going with her and I was surprised when we said "no" and she was fine with it.

Call from the Nurse:

About an hour after my Mom and I left Sammi, I got a call from the school Nurse. (*I'm telling 'ya, I cringe whenever "Moody" pops up on my phone*). Ever since Sammi lost her 2nd tooth, she has had a little blood blister (*that's what it looked like*) where the tooth was. Well apparently Miss Samantha scratched it and it started bleeding pretty bad. This freaked Sammi out and she immediately wanted to go home. By the time I showed up at her school, Sammi had gone back to Mrs. O'Donnell's class. What it came down to was this -- Sammi agreed to stay in school as long as I stayed with her. So I ended up spending 2+ hours in Mrs. O'Donnell's class. We did puzzles, Sammi made me a "sandwich", had ice cream, sang songs, looked through a book Sammi made and a photo album Mrs. O'Donnell filled up with pictures of Miss Samantha. I ended up having a fun afternoon with Sammi and her class.

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***A project Sammi and I worked on together in Mrs. O'Donnell's class***

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***Sammi's book from Mrs. O'Donnell's class***

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***Somebody will be in Kindergarten come September***

Shaking Hands
Meeting Taylor and Megan:

Katie, a woman my Mom works with, has two daughters -- Taylor and Megan. Starting next Tuesday I'll be watching them while Katie is at work. I'll be watching them on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30am - 5p. Since Sammi will be with me while I'm watching the girls, I wanted her to meet them too. Sammi is VERY easy to get along with and she likes everyone she meets. So I'm sure things will go fine. Plus they have a pool, so I'm sure Sammi will be spending most of the time in there. Taylor, who is 11, is also Autistic. She has come a long way, but some things still bug her. Certain noises, any type of costume, etc. So I'm willing to bet that if something scares Sammi, it will wind up bothering Taylor as well.

June 20, 2006
Spending the Afternoon at Papa's:

Today was Sammi's very last day of school. She was only in her AM class (*Mrs. Dennehy's class*) today and she was home by 12p since it was half a day. I had her take the bus home this afternoon since that was the last time she'll be on "Holly's Bus." I'm hoping and praying Holly gets Sammi's route again in September. Sammi instantly fell in love with Holly the first day they met. She (*Holly*) is such a sweet, sweet woman.

So after Sammi got home from school, we spent some time with Nuna while Sammi ate her soup. As soon as Sammi was finished and dressed in her bathing suit, we headed up to Papa's house. He had invited us up there for the day so we could go swimming in his pool for awhile. Believe me, Sammi was MORE than happy to go see her Papa.

On our way to Papa's house, all I could see were dark clouds moving in. I heard rumors of a shower or two coming in, but I was hoping Sammi would get to go in Papa's pool before that happened. Luckily we arrived just in time at Papa's house and since Sammi and I were already in our bathing suits, we jumped right in the pool:

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After getting some swimming in, we jumped out of the pool for some lunch. Sammi refused to be wrapped in a towel and sat on a lounge chair, shivering, while Papa and I ate.

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When Papa was done eating, he took Sammi back into the pool for a little bit.

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They only got about 10 minutes of swimming in when the rain started. But Sammi was happy with the time she got to spend in the pool with Papa and, surprisingly, she didn't give us a hard time when we took her out.

Before we left, Sammi showed off her photo albums from school. Her and Papa looked at them together

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And finally, before I go, I have a few pictures of Sammi to show off. My Mom spoiled Sammi and I rotten today and bought us some clothes. Here is Miss Samantha modeling one of her newest outfits

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And this is what happens when you tell Sammi to look at the wall so I can take a picture of the back of her outfit. At one point she had her nose pressed against the bricks, but this was the best picture I could get

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We hope all of you are well. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.

LibertyWith Much LoveLiberty
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese
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June 18, 2006
Father's Day Presents:

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June 14, 2006
Red, White & Blue Day:

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June 13, 2006
Sammi & Nikki

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June 11, 2006
At Nuna & Grandpa's House:

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June 9, 2006
Making Hand Prints:

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June 9, 2006
Celebrating Uncle Warren's Birthday:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

In The Pool
June 27, 2006:
Sammi & I will be spending the day with Taylor & Megan

June 28, 2006:
Sammi's first trip to the Dentist -- Boston

July 2006:
I'm not sure of the exact date, but sometime this month my step-brother, Nick, (*who is also Sammi's Godfather*) will be coming home from Iraq for a little bit.

Crossing Guard
July 5, 2006:
The summer program Sammi will be attending starts today

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!

December 7, 2006:
Sammi will be having her eyes checked in Boston. Hopefully we'll be getting in sooner than December.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's baby brother, Isaac, is now WALKING!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

David's latest MRI (*done on May 18th*) has come back CLEAR!!!
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Devin could use some happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Lauren (Craig's big sister) has been having some problems concerning her wrist lately.

Little Lexie is going through a lot these days.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.

*Will* became an angel on June 12, 2006.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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June 1st:
*Cheyenne's* amazing Dad, Roy, will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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Saturday, June 24, 2006

***Not a happy update. Kiddies should not read this. If you're an animal lover, you may not want to read this either***

I have a whole update typed up and ready to be posted, but this was just brought to my attention this afternoon. (*I'll post the update on how Miss Samantha is doing next week*) My Mom called me from work, filled me in on the story and I found the news article online.

All of you probably know by now that my Mom and I are HUGE animal lovers, so we tend to get VERY upset when we read about something like this.

This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard about. Whoever is responsible for this is a VERY sick monster. Any fines or jail time that is given to this incredibly sick individual isn't going to be good enough. I don't care if you've never liked animals a day in your life -- how could you possibly live with yourself after doing something so vicious? You're a killer; a sick, uncaring monster who isn't able to love anything or anyone. I pray you're caught and justice is served -- an eye for an eye.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to this poor puppy's loving, heart broken family. I'm so sorry there are monsters like that in this world.

The story:

Owner Says Murdered Dog Was Stolen From Yard

In a vicious act of animal cruelty, a small dog was found impaled on an iron fence picket in Roxbury earlier this week. The 13-pound Miniature Pinscher was found on the fence at 33 Perrin Street on Tuesday.

Now, the man who claims the dog was his has postively identified the K9 as his pet. Tim Davis says the dog was stolen from his yard on April 17. Davis also told CBS4's Kathy Curran a teenage neighbor had threatened to kill the animal.

"I considered him to be a family member....the kids were upset for 3-to-4 days...," said Davis.

A veterinary pathology necropsy determined that the dog was killed due to being forcefully impaled on the iron picket.

"In the 36 years of law enforcement this has to be right near the top of the list when it comes to horrific incidents," said Tom Flanagan of the Animal Rescue League.

The woman who found the dog and initially thought it had tried to jump the fence and got stuck. But then, she took a closer look. "I looked and I saw the head hanging over. Then I noticed it was a miniature Doberman, impaled through the neck," said Geneva.

"This is a viscous and deliberate act," said John J. Bowen, President of the Animal Rescue League of Boston "We must find the perpetrators and bring them to justice immediately."

The Animal Rescue League is offering a $2500 reward for information leading to an arrest in the case. Boston Police are also offering a $3,000 reward for the brutal crime.

Anyone with information about this killing is asked to contact the contact the League through its web site at www.arlboston.org or telephone their Law Enforcement Department directly at (617) 426-9170, Ext. 110 or 169.

***Eddie & Casey's hearts go out to this family as well. Here are two dogs that are VERY loved***

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Monday, June 19, 2006

June 13, 2006
Teddy Bear Picnic:

There are only 4 days of school left and something fun is scheduled on each of those days. Today a Teddy Bear Picnic was held -- each child brought in a teddy bear or stuffed animal for games and a picnic. Sammi decided to bring Nikki the Autism bear with her. (*Her Godmother, Carol, gave this bear to Sammi on Christmas 2005*). For some reason, Sammi can't just call this bear Nikky; she always refers to it as Nikki the Autism bear.

After school, Sammi and I spent some time at my Mom's house. My Mom usually comes with me to pick Sammi up from school if she has the day off, but her and Sammi are fighting off the same head cold and she opted to stay home since she wasn't feeling well. We hope you're feeling better soon, Mom!!!

Sammi, my Mom and I spent most of our time outside on the porch while we were visiting. Sammi and Nikki sat on one couch together, while my Mom and I sat in seperate chairs. While we were at my Mom's, I took some pictures. Here they are:

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***Sammi and Nikki both buckled in to the backseat of Mama's car***

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***Sammi and Nikki sitting together***

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***Sammi giving Nikki hugs***

USA Smiley
June 14, 2006
Red, White and Blue Day:

Since today is Flag Day, Sammi's school celebrated by having all of the kiddies dress up in red, white and blue colors. I had a shirt in mind that would have been perfect to wear today, but it's currently M.I.A. So Sammi had no choice but to settle for her Patriots shirt -- not that it mattered to her at all. She didn't care what she was wearing as long as those three colors were involved. So she ended up wearing her Patriots shirt (*which has red, white and blue all over it*), a pair of jean shorts and white socks. I tried to convince her to wear one white sock and one red sock, but that didn't happen.

In honor of Flag Day, Sammi came home with some pretty cool little projects. I'll be showing pictures of them below. She also made a BEAUTIFUL card and present for Big Jimmy in honor of Father's Day. Pictures of those are also included.

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***Sammi showing off her true red, white and blue spirit***

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***Sammi's presents for Big Jimmy. We asked her if she wanted to give them to him now or wait until Father's Day -- she wanted to give them to him today***

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***Sammi's red, white and blue "S"***

Famous 1
June 14, 2006
Happy Birthday:

Today in school, all of the kiddies sang "Happy Birthday" to the kiddies who would be celebrating their birthdays over summer vacation. The "Happy Birthday" song was sung, paper hats were made and cup cakes were made too. Sammi told me that she had a great time singing to (*and with*) all of her friends. Sammi is a HUGE fan of singing "Happy Birthday" and is always more than willing to do so when it's someone's birthday.

June 15, 2006
Only 2 More Days of School:

Sammi came home with bunches of stuff this afternoon, mostly Father's Day presents for Big Jimmy. I took lots of pictures of these projects, so you'll be able to see what Sammi's little hands created.

Sammi also brought home a photo album that was put together by Miss Sandy -- Sammi's O.T. teacher. Sammi was having lots of fun showing all of the pictures to me and named the friends she saw in them. Then she did the same thing with Jim and she can't wait to show Nuna and Grandpa all of her pictures.

Baseball 2
June 16, 2006
Emileah's Softball Game:

Tonight was Emileah's last softball game of the season. So around five o'clock Jim and I dropped Sammi off at Susie's house and headed off to the game. I know Sammi would have had tons of fun at Emileah's game, but Jim and I took his bike and I'm all set strapping Sammi to that thing. Besides that, she would freak out the entire time -- she HATES loud noises (*a lot of you probably already know this*) and can't stand to hear Jim's bike running. But Sammi had an awesome time playing with Susie and Jim and I had a great time at Emileah's game. Watching all of those kiddies playing softball was just too cute -- and a lot of them were REALLY good too.

Jim and I went for a little ride on his bike before we picked Sammi up. By the time we got Sammi home it was after eight o'clock. We usually have Sammi in bed by 8. And since she refuses to eat soup anywhere but at home, we had to feed her first. So she got her medicine, ate her soup and headed off to bed. Not more than fifteen minutes once she was in bed, she was passed out. Thank you, Susie, for wearing Sammi out while she was with you!

Vacation 1
June 17, 2006
James Spends the Weekend:

Emileah was a no show again this weekend. Like I said before, it's a LONG story. But James was more than ready to spend the weekend here. And, as usual, him and Sammi got along great the entire time he was here. Unlike the last weekend he was here, there wasn't too much cleaning done. I spent the entire day watching after Sammi and James and cleaning off our front porch. While I was cleaning, James decided he wanted to clean too. So he grabbed the Swiffer I have (*the kind you roll around on the carpet*) and was "vacuuming" everywhere. He was having a blast and he was doing such a good job that I promised him a quarter. Sammi finally decided, before bedtime, that she wanted a quarter too and did an excellent job of picking up all of the video tapes she had laying around her room. So each kiddie walked away with 25 cents this weekend. It's nice to know I have two little helpers when I need them. And now, for anyone out there keeping track, Miss Samantha is up to $4.05. That's money she has gotten from the Tooth Fairy and for doing chores around the house. She's getting there!

Dad’s Breakfast In Bed
June 18, 2006
Happy Father's Day!!!

James was picked up around 10 this morning. Once he was gone, Sammi, Jim and I all got dressed and ready to go. Our game plan for the day was to spend time at my Mom and step-Dad's house. Sammi was VERY excited about this and so were Jim and I since Slappy (*my step-Dad*) was going to be cooking on the grill. Before we could eat all of that yummy, yummy food, Jim and I went for a ride on the bike while Sammi stayed with her Nuna and Grandpa. We ended up driving up to the Beach and it was a gorgeous day for a bike ride. I heard rumors that we hit 90 degrees today and it sure did feel that hot while we were sitting in traffic on the bike. I LOVE the beach. It's so beautiful. And Jim and I had a great time being alone -- we don't get too many chances to be alone these days.

Once we made it back to my Mom and step-Dad's house, it was time to eat. And believe me, we were starving. Slappy ended up cooking steak tips and pork chops on the grill. My Mom made a macaroni salad and Carol (*sweet, sweet Carol*) made a cake and cup cakes for us. Everything was delicious! Sammi had tons of fun playing with her Nuna and Grandpa -- she always does. And she even made her very own Father's Day card for her Grandpa. We worked on these cards yesterday afternoon and Sammi did a fantastic job decorating every one of them.

I think I'll bring this entry to a close by showing off all of the pictures I mentioned. We hope all of you are doing well and we hope all of the Dad's out there had a wonderful Father's Day!

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***Another card Sammi gave to Jim***

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***This was James' present to his Dad. It's a rock he colored. I'm sorry the picture is so blurry. Isn't it cute?***

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***The card Sammi made for Jim***

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***The card Sammi made for her Great-Grandpa***

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***The card Sammi made for her Grandpa Slappy***

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***The card Sammi made for her Papa***

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***Jim's card from Emileah and James***

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***A magnet made by Sammi for Big Jimmy***

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***From Sammi for Big Jimmy***

Until next time...............................

Beach BallWith Much LoveBeach Ball
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese
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June 11, 2006
At Nuna & Grandpa's House:

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June 9, 2006
Making Hand Prints:

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June 9, 2006
Celebrating Uncle Warren's Birthday:

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June 2, 2006
Fashion Show:

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May 30, 2006
At Nuna & Grandpa's House:

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May 29, 2006
Sammi's First Visit From the Tooth Fairy:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

School's Out
June 20, 2006:
Today is Miss Samantha's last day of school

I Love You
June 21, 2006:
Jim and I celebrate being together for one year

I Have You
June 24, 2006:
Today is the 5-year anniversary of something I'd rather forget but, unfortunately, it's always on my mind.

July 2006:
I'm not sure of the exact date, but sometime this month my step-brother, Nick, (*who is also Sammi's Godfather*) will be coming home from Iraq for a little bit.

Crossing Guard
July 5, 2006:
The summer program Sammi will be attending starts today

School Bus
September 5, 2006:
Sammi will be going back to school today -- as a KINDERGARTNER!!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's baby brother, Isaac, is now WALKING!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

David's latest MRI (*done on May 18th*) has come back CLEAR!!!

Jakob has gained weight!!! This is a BIG deal for him. Keep up the excellent work, buddy! His weight will be checked again on May 23, 2006.
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way. She will be seeing a PT on June 5th.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jacob is continuing to fight HARD these days. Don't stop fighting, sweetie!

Little Lexie is still in the hospital.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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June 1st:
*Cheyenne's* amazing Dad, Roy, will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Check Out Blinkyou.com for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Happy Father's Day to Jim, my Dad, my step-Dad and my Grandpa. You're all amazing men who deserve to be spoiled rotten today. Thank you all for doing the things you do day after day. Every one of you is appreciated, loved and respected beyond words. I love you all!

And to the dead beat Dads in the world -- you guys have no idea what you're missing. (*Of course I could say A LOT more here, but I want this to be a happy entry for the men who count*).

Check Out Blinkyou.com for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Father's Day BoyWith Much LoveFather's Day Girl

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Amazing *Jacob* was called Home to Heaven on June 11th. Please offer any condolences you may have to his wonderful family either on their page (*if you know it*) or in Sammi's guestbook and I will gladly pass them along. Our hearts and prayers go out to *Jacob's* family, friends and loved ones.

Boy Girl 5
Saturday & Sunday
June 3rd & 4th, 2006
Sammi's Play Date with James:

James stayed with us this weekend. Emileah never made it over -- it's a long story. I was absolutely amazed with how well Sammi and James got along all weekend. Nine times out of ten they'll get along wonderfully when they're together. They played nicely, shared their toys nicely, had about a million conversations about all sorts of stuff and, get this, even did an excellent job cleaning up all of the toys in the living room. Not once, but TWICE. They did such a great job and because of all their hard work, they each walked away with 50 cents each. This weekend was, by far, the best one we've had in a LONG time.

Red Hat
June 5, 2006
Our Trip to Boston:

Usless...that word just about sums up how our trip to Boston was.

Sammi and I headed to my Mom's house this morning so Sammi could eat some soup and we could get going. My Mom was planning on accompaning us on this trip. As soon as Miss Samantha was finished with her soup, I got her dressed and we hit the road. After a couple of stops (*one to Dunkin Donuts, of course*) we were on the highway. One thing about going into Boston is that I'm always the driver -- thank God I know where I'm going. My Mom is scared to death of driving in Boston and wouldn't be caught dead doing so, so I'm always the one to do it -- unless my Dad drives us in. I used to be the same way before I started driving -- I never thought I'd be driving into Boston by myself. The thought of it scared me to death. But I guess I got over that when I realized a lot of Sammi's appointments would be taking place in the city -- but that doesn't mean I enjoy making the trip.

Sammi's appointment with Dr. Lopez (*her arthritis doctor*) was scheduled for 10:30am. We arrived there at exactly that time, but ended up being ten minutes late after registering at the hospital. For some reason, and it drives me nuts, we need to register EVERY time we go there for an appointment. After checking in at Dr. Lopez's office, we waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before Sammi was weighed and her height was measured. Then it was back into the pool -- waiting in the waiting room again. Another 10 or 15 minutes passed by before we were brought into an examining room.

It was about twelve o'clock, maybe a tad later, when Dr. Lopez finally made his appearance -- keep in mind, our appointment was at 10:30am. After looking Sammi over for no more than 5 minutes, we were done. After making the 45 minute trip to Boston, waiting about an hour before being seen and then being sent home I was less than happy. But Sammi won't need to go back again until November, so I suppose I can't complain. And while I was waiting to sign out, I happened to look at the back of the form Dr. Lopez had handed me and arthritis was circled as a diagnosis. So I suppose we're sticking to this for now -- at least until another MRI is performed I assume.

Oh yeah, did I mention that my wonderful daughter had me up at 2:30 this morning? She's usually pretty good when it comes to sleeping through the night, but once in awhile something in her will click and she'll get up. No matter what time it is. So after plopping her butt on the couch, she fell back to sleep. I made a pot of coffee because I was awake and wasn't able to fall back to sleep once Sammi had. On all the days to pull a stunt like this, she decides to do it when we have to head into Boston. Thanks, Angel Bear.

Today also kicked off Spirit Week at Sammi's school. Unfortunately she missed today, which was Hat Day, but I don't think she minded -- she isn't a big fan of wearing things on her head.

Sandy Beach
June 6, 2006
Beach Day at School:

Like I said, this week is Spirit Week. Today the kiddies were to dress in beach clothes. Sammi wore a skort and t-shirt. Originally she wanted to wear her Strawberry Shortcake bathing suit top, but she backed out of that decision when the time came to get her dressed before Holly's bus arrived. I had planned on letting her wear it under her t-shirt. (*There are pictures below of her dressed up in that bathing suit -- thank you again, Hailee and Melissa!!!*)

June 7, 2006
Pajama Day at School:

I'm guessing this was Miss Samantha's favorite day to dress up. She absolutely LOVES wearing her pajamas and would wear them every single day if I let her. Yesterday I asked her what pajamas she wanted to wear. She told me she wanted to wear her ball pajamas. Her ball pajamas are these big, warm, comfy PJs with feet. I told her it was too hot to wear those, so she chose to wear her Care Bears night gown instead. Unfortunately it started raining this morning (*and, from what I've heard, the rain won't be stopping until at least next week*), so it wasn't nice enough for Sammi to wear her night gown and nothing else. But I was surprised when she didn't give me a hard time when I put a pair of sweat pants on her -- she never said a word about them. And, I must say, she looked pretty cute this morning.

Question MarkQuestion MarkQuestion Mark
Social Questions:

Mrs. O'Donnell asked Sammi a series of questions in school today. Some of her answers are pretty cute, so I thought I'd share them with you. Here they are:

1. "What's your name?" -- Sammi Sanford

2. "How old are you?" -- 5

3. "How are you today?" -- Good

4. "Where do you live?" -- I go home with my Momma

5. "What do you like to play with?" -- I like to play with toys and with Fihi

6. "What's your father's/mother's name?" -- Mommy's name is Momma

7. "What do you like to eat?" -- I like to eat soup at home with Momma

8. "Who is your friend?" -- Everybody's down in Mrs. D's room

9. "What's your favorite TV show?" -- Playhouse Disney

10. "What's your phone number?" -- I don't know

11. "What do you like to drink?" -- Water

12. "What's your favorite toy?" -- The lever toy and lots of toys

13. "When's your birthday?" -- January 30

14. "What's your teacher's name?" -- I think Mrs. Dennehy

Pants 3
June 8, 2006
Stripes or Flowers Day at School:

Can you believe Miss Samantha doesn't have one article of clothing with flowers on it? She has plenty of shirts with hearts on them, but no flowers. And believe me, I tore her dresser drawers apart looking for something. So Sammi wore stripes today. She wore a black pair of pants with a pink and white stripe on them and I tried to get her to wear a Dora shirt that was filled with stripes, but she wouldn't have any part of it -- so she ended up wearing a pink shirt with a heart instead. She has also been fighting me every morning when it comes to putting on her coat. It was raining yesterday morning and it was raining this morning when I brought her out to Holly's bus, but Sammi would NOT agree to put her coat on. Of course it's always on her when I pick her up from school and, when I ask, Sammi doesn't give them a hard time about putting it on. There's another strike against me.

Jim Goes to Rhode Island:

Jim left for school early this morning. He'll only be gone for 2 days and 1 night this time -- unlike the other times he goes to school when he's away for 4 days and 3 nights. These two days are his last until school resumes again in September. He'll be participating in a rodeo (*no, I'm not dating a cowboy*) for these 2 days, so I'm sure he'll be VERY sore by the time he gets home tomorrow night. We love you and miss you, baby!!!

Loose Tooth Number 2 Is Gone:

That's right. While I was getting Sammi ready for school this morning, I looked in her mouth and noticed that her second tooth has fallen out. Thank goodness. This tooth was starting to gross me out. It was hanging on by a thread and, maybe 2 days ago, had ended up twisting and was on its side in Sammi's mouth. Ick! I'm also pretty proud of myself because this is the second tooth Sammi has lost and the second one I have found. I found this tooth on Sammi's floor -- the funny thing is, it was in almost the same spot where I found the first one. So the Tooth Fairy will be visting our house again tonight. Geez, this kid is going to get rich off of the Tooth Fairy.

June 9, 2006
Making Hand Prints:

Sammi didn't have school today and since she mentioned the fact that she wanted to make hand prints, I figured we'd do it today. So we sat ourselves down in our living room, I traced Sammi's hands and she colored them in. They came out looking really cute. Here are a few pictures I took of Miss Samantha in action:

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And here are the finished results:

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Dinner Down Grandma & Grandpa's:

Big Jimmy made it home safe and sound from school this afternoon, so the three of us went to my Grandparents house for dinner tonight. Today my Uncle celebrated his 40th birthday and everyone showed up to celebrate. The first thing Sammi did when we got to their house was hand out all of the BEAUTIFUL hand prints she had colored all by herself earlier in the day. Of course everyone loved theirs. Sammi only sat with us for a couple of minutes while everyone ate dinner, and then she had much more fun running around my Grandparents house.

After dinner my Grandfather, Uncle and Dad worked on a puzzle

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while my Grandma and Sammi played together and Missy, Jim and I watched TV. At one point Sammi thought doing the puzzle would be fun and took a shot at it with her Papa:

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And where was Jake (*my Dad and Missy's dog*) while everyone was doing their own thing? He was relaxing in the living room:

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Before we went home, Sammi had a blast spending some quality time with her Great-Grandma and Great "Birthday Boy" Uncle:

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June 11, 2006
Our Day at Nuna & Grandpa's:

Poor little Sammi isn't feeling too well. She has been battling a head cold for a couple of days now and so has my Mom. At first she was excited when I asked her if she wanted to visit Nuna and Grandpa today. But, not long after we arrived, she started asking if we could go home so she could lay in her Dora bed and wear her Care Bears night gown. Poor little thing. All she wanted to do was get comfy, comfy. But after awhile, and after a lot of hugs, I convinced her to stay where we were.

Carol, Sammi's Godmother, is now living in our old apartment. She was moving in when we got there today. Carol is THE sweetest woman you will ever meet. While we were visiting with her, she was nice enough to give Sammi a gigantic panda bear. The big panda bear is holding a baby panda bear. Sammi has named the Mama Bear Penelope and the Baby Bear Pearl. Thank you, Carol!

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We ended up having a VERY good afternoon. Here are some pictures for you to glance at:

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***Sammi dancing***

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***Sammi bored with Mama and Grandpa's conversation***

I have some other pictures of our day at Nuna and Grandpa's, but SOMEBODY won't let me show them. That somebody knows who she is.


Ok, that's about it from our end. We hope all of you are doing well. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Baseball HeadWith Much LoveBaseball Head
"Little" Shannon, "Big" Jimmy and "Little" Miss Samantha Therese
(*All nick-names compliments of Sammi*)
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June 2, 2006
Fashion Show:

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May 30, 2006
At Nuna & Grandpa's House:

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May 29, 2006
Sammi's First Visit From the Tooth Fairy:

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May 28, 2006
Our Day at Papa and Missy's House:

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May 27, 2006
I Lost My First Tooth!!!:

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May 21, 2006
Sammi's Flamingo Hat from Mrs. Pam and Her Class:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

June 16, 2006:
Someone VERY close to our family will be seeing an Oncologist today. Please send some prayers her way.

June 16, 2006:
My Dad and Missy will be heading up to Laconia today. I better get a shirt (*hehehe*)

Father's Day Teddy 1
June 18, 2006:
Happy Father's Day!!!

I Love You
June 21, 2005:
Jim and I celebrate being together for one year

I Have You
June 24, 2006:
Today is the 5-year anniversary of something I'd rather forget but, unfortunately, it's always on my mind.

July 2006:
I'm not sure of the exact date, but sometime this month my step-brother, Nick, (*who is also Sammi's Godfather*) will be coming home from Iraq for a little bit.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's baby brother, Isaac, is now WALKING!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

David's latest MRI (*done on May 18th*) has come back CLEAR!!!

Jakob has gained weight!!! This is a BIG deal for him. Keep up the excellent work, buddy! His weight will be checked again on May 23, 2006.
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way. She will be seeing a PT on June 5th.

Amazing *Jacob* passed away on June 11, 2006.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jacob is continuing to fight HARD these days. Don't stop fighting, sweetie!

Little Lexie is still in the hospital.

Michael could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

RachelJoy is currently going through some tough times.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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June 1st:
*Cheyenne's* amazing Dad, Roy, will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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Thursday, June 8, 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006:

My Mom and I brought Eddie, my Mom and step-Dad's BEAUTIFUL German Shepherd, to the Vet shortly after Miss Samantha left for school this morning.

I was a little weary of going with my Mom today for two reasons:

1. The Vet we were taking Eddie to is the same one where *Ruger* was put to sleep on May 1st.

2. Eddie is a VERY hyper boy. The last time I had been in a car with him was years ago and that ride didn't go so well -- remember Eddie getting his head stuck in the window, Mom?LOL

So, considering these two things, I was a little nervous about today's trip. Fortunately, I ended up worrying for nothing.

Eddie was a VERY good boy today -- I have to say, I was VERY impressed. Of course he was hyper on our way to the Vet (at first we had the AC on, but Eddie would have gone mental if the windows weren't put down), but he wasn't half as bad as I thought he would be.

Luckily our Vet knows how Eddie is. Eddie does NOT like other animals, but he LOVES people. So when we arrived at the Vet, my Mom went in to let them know we were there while Eddie and I took a little walk around the parking lot.

Eddie was weighed first. In January 2006 he weighed 116 lbs. -- he now weighs 123 lbs. Maybe a few too many treats, Mommy? (*hehehe*)

After Eddie was weighed, we were brought into an examining room (NOT the same room we were in with *Ru*, thank God) where Eddie felt the need to smell every inch of it. And when the nurse came in, Eddie (of course) had to smell every inch of her too. She (the nurse) was a sweet woman -- every person at that place is absolutely amazing. I would DEFINITELY recommend our Vet to anyone in our area.

Before the doctor came in, the nurse trimmed Eddie's nails. They're not too long since Eddie does a lot of digging in his backyard, but now they're perfect.

After examining Eddie, the doctor gave Eddie some drops for his ears and a solution to clean them out with. Eddie has always had a problem with his ears, but these drops work wonders.

When our trip to the Vet was over with, my Mom and I brought Eddie for a little car ride before heading back to her house.

When Sammi came home from school this afternoon, the four of us (my Mom, Sammi, Eddie and myself) spent most of the afternoon lounging on the new furniture my Mom and step-Dad bought for their porch. Between my Mom and I, we must have taken over 100 pictures, but I'll only share a few of them on Sammi's page:

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***Sammi checking out Nuna and Grandpa's new furniture***

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***I think Sammi likes it***

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***Mommy and Sammi***

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***Our happy, goofy girl***

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***Mommy playing with Eddie***

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***This is definitely THE cutest picture I've ever taken of Eddie. Look at that tongue!!!***

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***Eddie loves playing with his squeeky ball***

Thursday, June 1, 2006:

Today was Field Day at Miss Samantha's school. Remember field day when you were in school? I remember there were games played, races, prizes.....I guess things are a tad different when you're in Pre-K. I was told there was lots to do, but Sammi didn't participate in much. She had the chance to have her face painted, but she decided not to. You could also get your nails painted or get a tattoo -- Sammi didn't want either of these. There was a fishing game, a button game, a clothes pin game and bubbles were blown -- I'm not really sure if Sammi participated in any of these things. And then popsicles were served in the cafeteria. Now how many people think Sammi ate one? Sammi did come home with her very own field day shirt and a button she made. So all in all, I'm assuming she had a good day.

No School
Friday, June 2, 2006:

I'm going to end this update with some pictures I took today. Today Sammi was sweet enough to model a pair of Dora PJs from Nuna and a bathing suit that was sent to use months ago from Hailee and her Mom -- thanks guys!!!

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Just a couple more. On top is Sammi playing with computer toy number 1. On the bottom are a couple of words Sammi spelt all by herself. Look closely and you'll see the words: NEXT, MUD & PIES.

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Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

RainyWith Much LoveRainy
"Little" Shannon, "Big" Jimmy and "Little" Miss Samantha Therese
(*All nick-names compliments of Sammi*)
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May 29, 2006
Sammi's First Visit From the Tooth Fairy:

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May 28, 2006
Our Day at Papa and Missy's House:

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May 27, 2006
I Lost My First Tooth!!!:

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May 21, 2006
Sammi's Flamingo Hat from Mrs. Pam and Her Class:

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May 20, 2006
Emileah's Birthday Party:

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May 18, 2006
Dora Thursday:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

Bye Bye
June 8 & 9, 2006:
Jim will be attending school in Rhode Island. We'll miss you, baby! Hurry home but stay safe!

Airplane Wishes 2
June 9, 2006:
Uncle Warren's birthday is today!!!

June 16, 2006:
Someone VERY close to our family will be seeing an Oncologist today. Please send some prayers her way.

Father's Day Teddy 1
June 18, 2006:
Happy Father's Day!!!

I Love You
June 21, 2005:
Jim and I celebrate being together for one year

I Have You
June 24, 2006:
Today is the 5-year anniversary of something I'd rather forget but, unfortunately, it's always on my mind.

July 2006:
I'm not sure of the exact date, but sometime this month my step-brother, Nick, (*who is also Sammi's Godfather*) will be coming home from Iraq for a little bit.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's baby brother, Isaac, is now WALKING!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

David's latest MRI (*done on May 18th*) has come back CLEAR!!!

Jakob has gained weight!!! This is a BIG deal for him. Keep up the excellent work, buddy! His weight will be checked again on May 23, 2006.
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

***This prayer request has to do with a VERY good friend of mine -- it isn't anyone through CaringBridge. I went to school with this terrific woman. She's married and has two VERY beautiful kiddies. She was recently diagnosed with a disease that I would be scared to death of having. Though I can't remember the name of this particular disease, her body will be wasting away slowly over time. Hearing this news breaks my heart. This woman is so incredibly sweet and would help you out in a second should you need her. Though I won't be posting her name on Sammi's site, any and all prayers sent her way would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much***

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way. She will be seeing a PT on June 5th.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jacob is continuing to fight HARD these days. Don't stop fighting, sweetie!

Kody will be going in for eye surgery on June 7, 2006.

Little Lexie is still in the hospital.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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June 1st:
*Cheyenne's* amazing Dad, Roy, will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Rolling Eyes

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sammi's Appointment with Dr. Eagle (eye doctor):

We could have gotten better news at today's appointment, but then again, I'm sure the news could have been a lot worse. After examining Miss Samantha this afternoon, Dr. Eagle came to the conclusion that Sammi's left eye is just about useless. She doesn't think it's focusing on anything and she believes that Sammi is using her right eye to see everything that she sees. So Dr. Eagle gave us a prescription for glasses, which we will be getting at my Mom's work sometime next week. Dr. Eagle also wants us to make an appointment with Dr. Fulton in Boston. Sammi last saw Dr. Fulton in October of 2001 when she was declared legally blind. So I will be making that appointment soonly.

You know, this latest news just kills me -- especially since I was thinking this appointment would go a lot better than the ones we had gone to in the past. Sammi has been seeing more, can recognize more and sees enough on the TV screen to play along with Dora and all of the shows she likes. She's reading words and seeing letters. For some reason I thought her vision had improved on its own -- I never imagined she was only using one eye to see all that she does. I felt like a knife had been plunged into my back when I was given this news. I suppose, all along, I should have known that her vision wasn't perfect and I did know that -- but I honestly believed it was better than this.

What really kills me is all that Sammi has been through in only 5 short years of life. She's such a little trooper. Everything that has been thrown her way, she has been able to deal with -- a lot of times she has been able to deal with those things a lot better than I have. And I know things could be a lot worse for her. Everyday I visit CaringBridge pages and I realize how lucky we have it. Samantha doesn't have cancer or any life threatening illness. Which is why I often end up feeling guilty as soon as I'm done feeling bad for her. I know she's a strong girl and I know she'll be able to make it through any challenges life throws at her (*she has already proven that she's perfectly capable of doing this*), but it still stings seeing what she has to go through. Ok, I've stepped down from my soap box.

Friday, May 26, 2006
No School:

I just thought I'd share these pictures I took. Sammi only goes to school Monday through Thursday, so we're usually home alone on Friday. I took these while we were home:

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And of courss I just had to take some pictures of Casey and Marble too!:

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Saturday, May 27, 2006
BIG News!!!:

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Look at the picture above. Notice anything missing? That's right!!! Sammi lost her first tooth!!! We're not exactly sure when it happened, but we know it happened while she was sleeping -- either Saturday night or early Sunday morning. We knew she would be losing one of her two bottom teeth VERY soon, but I had no idea it would be this soon. So my little girl has lost her first tooth *sigh*

Sunday, May 28, 2006
Our Day at Papa and Missy's House:

We left our house around 11:30ish and headed to my Dad's. He had invited us up for the day earlier in the week and we just couldn't resist -- especially after he mentioned that he would be cooking on the grill.

When we arrived, we noticed that my Grandparents were also there. I had a feeling they might have been. Nine times out of ten our visit will turn out to be a family affair when we're invited. The only one missing, unfortunately, was my Uncle. He's a terrific guy and Sammi is just crazy about him. It would have been nice to see him this afternoon. But luckily I was smart enough (*surprise, surprise*) to remember to bring Sammi's latest school pictures with us. I divided all of them up and split them between my Dad and Missy, my Grandparents and my Uncle. My Grandparents ended up taking my Uncle's pictures with them and will be giving them to him since they'll (*more than likely*) end up seeing him before I do.

Not long after we had arrived, my Dad was holding Sammi. I walked over to where they were standing and told Sammi to show Papa her two loose teeth. She opened her mouth for Papa and he mentioned that one had already fallen out. I was shocked! I told Jim one of her teeth was gone and he was just as shocked as I was. See, Jim had given Sammi her medicine last night and her tooth was still there. I gave her a shower last night and when she brushed her teeth before bed, her tooth was still there. So when she got up this morning, we hadn't noticed it was missing. Sammi didn't even know it was gone. As soon as we mentioned to her that her tooth had fallen out, she started touching the spot where it had been. She was just as stunned as everyone else was. Now to find the tooth.

Sammi had a wonderful time while we were at my Dad's. Unfortunately his pool wasn't all cleaned up yet, so she couldn't go in it, but that really didn't seem to bother her. She had plenty of fun playing with all of her relatives. Here are some pictures that were taken:

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***Sammi and Grandma playing with Sally (Sally is the little person Sammi is holding)***

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***My Grandpa, my Grandma, Miss Samantha and my Dad spending time together***

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***Papa and Sammi taking a walk***

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***My Dad and his girlfriend, Missy***

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***My Dad, Sammi and myself***

After eating too much and getting too much sun at my Dad's, the search was on for Sammi's tooth when we got home. Sammi was sitting at her table eating some soup and Jim had gone down to our room to take a nap, so I went into Sammi's room and hoped I would be able to find her tooth. (*My last resort was, ugh, to poke through her pull-up the next time she pooed. I was hoping and praying it wouldn't come to that, but I REALLY wanted her first tooth*). After only a few minutes of searching, I was lucky enough to find her tooth on the floor of her room. Thank God! No poo searching for me!!!

Memorial Day Salute
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sammi Gets Her First Visit From the Tooth Fairy:

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So we ended up having a pretty good long weekend and we hope you did too!

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Saluting The FlagWith Much LoveSaluting The Flag
"Little" Shannon, "Big" Jimmy and "Little" Miss Samantha Therese
(*All nick-names compliments of Sammi*)
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May 21, 2006
Sammi's Flamingo Hat from Mrs. Pam and Her Class:

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May 20, 2006
Emileah's Birthday Party:

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May 18, 2006
Dora Thursday:

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May 17, 2006
Backyardigans Wednesday:

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May 17, 2006
Jim Showing Off at School:

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May 15, 2006
The Flood of '06:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

Happy Birthday
May 30, 2006:
DeAnna, Jim's oldest child, will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

Happy Birthday
May 31, 2006:
Emileah, Jim's middle child, will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

Road Rage
June 5, 2006:
My Mom and I will be bringing Miss Samantha into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez

Bye Bye
June 8 & 9, 2006:
Jim will be attending school in Rhode Island. We'll miss you, baby! Hurry home but stay safe!

Airplane Wishes 2
June 9, 2006:
Uncle Warren's birthday is today!!!

June 16, 2006:
Someone VERY close to our family will be seeing an Oncologist today. Please send some prayers her way.
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa's baby brother, Isaac, is now WALKING!!!

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

David's latest MRI (*done on May 18th*) has come back CLEAR!!!

Jakob has gained weight!!! This is a BIG deal for him. Keep up the excellent work, buddy! His weight will be checked again on May 23, 2006.
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way. She will be seeing a PT on June 5th.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

Hailee will be having a 5 day EEG done on August 4th.

Jacob is continuing to fight HARD these days. Don't stop fighting, sweetie!

Kody will be going in for eye surgery on June 7, 2006.

Little Lexie is still in the hospital.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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June 1st:
*Cheyenne's* amazing Dad, Roy, will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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July 7th:
RachelJoy will be turning 18-years-old today!!!

July 19th:
*Angel Trey*

July 20th:
Ryan will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

July 25th:
Morgan will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

As most of you probably know by now, I'm a HUGE animal lover and so is my Mom -- that's where I get it from. So when Susie sent me this e-mail, I knew I had to post it on Sammi's page. It's just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I'll update next week to fill all of you in on how Sammi's appointment with her eye doctor went.


These Parents Never Have To Worry About Anyone Messing With Their Kid

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Have a great weekend, everyone!

KissesWith Much LoveKisses
"Little" Shannon, "Big" Jimmy and "Little" Miss Samantha Therese
(*All nick-names compliments of Sammi*)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Birthday Song

We celebrated Emileah's birthday (*which is actually on May 31st*) at Susie's house tonight. As usual, Susie made a ton of food and every bit of it was fantastic! Jim's Mom, step-Dad, Grandmother and brother -- plus Emileah, James, Sammi and I -- were all there. Everyone had a great time and Emileah walked away with a bunch of goodies. I put Jim in charge of picture taking and this is what we ended up with:

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*Emileah's cake made by Susie. See the cookies beside the cake? Well everytime we go over to Susie's to eat, she has some sort of marker indicating where everyone sits. This time she had decorated cookies and put everyone's first initial on them. They were really cute*

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*I don't think I've ever showed a picture of Susie on Miss Samantha's site. Well, here she is lighting Emileah's birthday candles*

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*James with his chocolate covered mouth. 'Ya gotta love that "duh" look -- you know, the one I get just about everytime I take a picture of Sammi?*

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*James and Jim taking pictures of each other. Look at that tongue!!!*

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*Emileah waiting for the chance to blow her candles out*

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*Yea! It's time at last!*

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*Emileah opening the extra huge bubble blower her Dad gave her (yeah, that was fun to wrap). Jim's Grandmother (*she's 80*) is also in this picture*

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*Susie, Emileah and James checking out Emileah's bubble blower*

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*What kid isn't excited when they open up food? These were given to Emileah (*from her Dad*) to use with her Easy Bake Oven*

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*Emileah had a little trouble when it came to untying some of the bows on her presents, but she mastered it eventually*

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*Emileah opening yet another gift. At one point, while Jim was taking pictures, he nudged me and asked if he had to take a picture of Emileah opening every gift*

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*One of the gifts Emileah wanted was her picture on a cereal box. This is how it turned out, compliments of Susie. Isn't it cute???*


Of course Emileah got most of the presents, but Susie and Jim were also sweet enough to think of James and Sammi. Sammi got a Spongebob slinky (which is now tangled in a bunch of different directions) and a Spongebob wall walker (you throw it at the wall and watch it walk down) from Susie. James got a Patrick slinky (which is also trashed) and a stretchy Patrick little doll from Susie. Jim gave Sammi and James both this little ball thing that lights up (I have no idea what it's called). Sammi also got one of those sticky hands that you can throw against the wall, while James got a small nerf gun that shoots little darts all around the house (yeah, those are fun to keep track of).


When we got home, there was a package sitting on our kitchen table for Miss Samantha. (*Tom, Jim's brother, gets the mail everyday and leaves it on our table for us*). It was from Mrs. Pam and her class and they were sweet enough to send her the cutest flamingo hat I've ever seen. Sammi also thought it was adorable when I showed it to her and was more than happy to pose for me with it on her head:

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*Sammi's flamingo hat from Mrs. Pam and all of her kiddies*

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*Sammi's goofy, crooked smile*

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*For some reason Miss Samantha feels the need to cover up her mouth when I tell her to smile*

You Rock

We want to send a BIG "THANK YOU" out to Mrs. Pam for this VERY thoughtful gift. You're such a wonderful woman and have sent Sammi so many things in the time we've known you and I hope you know that we appreciate each and every thing you do for us.


And last but not least, what kind of update would this be if I didn't show a couple of pictures of my baby, Casey. Jim took these this afternoon while the two of them were playing together. Casey is sitting in our computer chair upstairs. Jim was on the computer for most of the day, but Casey felt the need to steal his chair if he happened to get up.

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*Ha, ha, Daddy! I stole your chair and I'm cute! Who could get mad at a face like that?*

KissesWith Much LoveKisses
"Little" Shannon, "Big" Jimmy and "Little" Miss Samantha Therese
(*All nick-names compliments of Sammi*)
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May 18, 2006
Dora Thursday:

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May 17, 2006
Backyardigans Wednesday:

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May 17, 2006
Jim Showing Off at School:

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May 15, 2006
The Flood of '06:

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May 14, 2006
Mother's Day Gifts:

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May 14, 2006
My Little Artist:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

May 23, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Ophthamologist, Dr. Eagle, this afternoon

Happy Birthday
May 30, 2006:
DeAnna, Jim's oldest child, will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

Happy Birthday
May 31, 2006:
Emileah, Jim's middle child, will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

Road Rage
June 5, 2006:
My Mom and I will be bringing Miss Samantha into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez

Bye Bye
June 8 & 9, 2006:
Jim will be attending school in Rhode Island. We'll miss you, baby! Hurry home but stay safe!

Airplane Wishes 2
June 9, 2006:
Uncle Warren's birthday is today!!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

Jakob has gained weight!!! This is a BIG deal for him. Keep up the excellent work, buddy! His weight will be checked again on May 23, 2006.
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

David has an MRI coming up on May 18, 2006.

Jacob is continuing to fight HARD these days. Don't stop fighting, sweetie!

Kody will be going in for eye surgery on June 7, 2006.

Little Lexie is still in the hospital.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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May 2nd:
Courtney will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

May 4th:
*Angel Miranda*

May 8th:
Adam C. will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

May 12th:
Amanda M. will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

May 28th:
Purple Heart*Angel Adam Kindell*Purple Heart

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June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Tuesday, May 9, 2006


Yeah, I've just about had it with diabetes. It gets old pretty fast -- especially when you've had the disease for 15 years. Today was a day from hell for me. Something went wrong with my insulin pump, so my blood ended up sky rocketing all day long. The highest it reached was 485 and I have a rule that, as much as I don't want to, I go to the hospital if my blood sugar EVER reaches 500. I just barely escaped a hospital visit today, thank goodness. Luckily I have the most wonderful Mom who took care of me all day long. After getting Sammi on the bus this morning, I didn't have the energy to drive back home so my Mom let me crash on her couch for the day. When it was time to pick Miss Samantha up from school, my Mom went to get her while I slept. By the end of the night my blood was still up there, but I was slowing getting in back in control. Thank you, Mom. You've done so much for me in my life and not a moment goes by when I'm not thankful for every bit of it. I love you with all my heart and I am SO greatful for being blessed with such a terrific Mom.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Check Out Blinkyou.com for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

I hope every one of you wonderful Mom's out there celebrated a VERY Happy Mother's Day with your families. My heart especially went out to those Mom's who spent their first Mother's Day without their little ones today. As for my Mother's Day -- well, it could have gone A LOT better than it did. We have been getting tons of rain around here over the past couple of days. Because of all the rain fall we've gotten, our basement is flooded. This wouldn't be a big deal in any other circumstance, except for the fact that our bedroom is in the basement. Yeah, so our whole carpeted room is soaked. This is what I woke up to on Mother's Day. As soon as I put my feet on the floor, I felt "slosh." What a wonderful way to start my day, huh?

Of course there were some good things that came out of today. Miss Samantha gave me lots of beautiful gifts:

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My red, red roses. They were sent from my Dad, but I'm told they were from Sammi.

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The bag Sammi decorated for Mother's Day. Inside was a flower pot (that Miss Samantha painted herself) -- I'll be sure to take pictures of it as soon as I can

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I think this was my favorite present. Isn't it cute?

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One of my cards -- the outside

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And the inside

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Another card. The poem reads:

A Mom's a special lady,
So hug her every day.
She gives you lots of food to eat
And takes you out to play.

Your mother reads you stories
And buys you sneakers, too.
Aren't you happy that you have
A Mom that loves you?

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The inside of the card above. Incase you can't read it, it says:

I love you when you carry me down the stairs

That's my girl!

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And this is the special Mother's Day pin Sammi made for me. I promised I would wear it all day long on Mother's Day and I did.

Mother's Day Cake

Jim went to visit his Mom while Sammi and I got ready to go. Once Jim got back, we headed to my Grandma and Grandpa's house. My Dad and Missy were there too when we arrived. It was good getting the chance to see everyone. We only stayed for a little bit, but Sammi had a great time playing with everyone while we were there.

Our next stop was my Mom's house. I had picked up two cakes (one for Susie and one for my Mom), which we ate while we were visiting. We had a great time together this afternoon. The only sad part of the day was when Slappy (my step-Dad) showed me *Ruger's* ashes. Slappy picked them up on Friday and this was my first chance to see them. I miss my baby. As soon as I'm able to pick up a little wooden box, my Mom and step-Dad will be giving me some of *Ru's* ashes to keep.

Monday, May 15, 2006


It has been raining here since Saturday and, according to the weather reports, it won't be ending anytime soon. Rivers are flooding everywhere and a bunch of roads have been closed due to flooding. And, of course, our basement is still soaked. It's pretty sad when you have to put on a pair of boots just to go into your bedroom.

Jim left early this morning for school in Rhode Island. We were wondering whether or not he'd be going because of all the rain we've gotten, but he called his teacher last night and things are on as scheduled.

Because of all the rain we've gotten, schools in Haverhill are closed today and tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Back to school!!!

Awhile ago my Mom and I made every Wednesday Backyardigan Wednesday for Sammi. When we made this up, Sammi had a Backyardigans pair of pants to wear to school. When I was shopping one day, I found a Backyardigans shirt for Sammi as well as a new Dora shirt. Sammi was VERY excited to see her new shirt when I showed it to her this morning when she was finished eating her soup.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Just like Backyardigans Wednesday, we also have Dora Thursday. Up until yesterday, the Dora shirt Sammi had been wearing had long sleeves and wasn't exactly a good thing to wear when the weather gets warmer. Here is her new look:

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I don't have much else to say, so I'm going to leave all of you with some pictures. And, just incase anyone is wondering, Jim made it home safe and sound this afternoon. He came with me when I set off to pick Sammi up from school and she was VERY happy to see him again. Welcome home, baby! We missed you LOTS!

The Flood of '06
(Thank you to my Mom and step-Dad for these pictures)

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*This is the Merrimac River right down the street from where my Mom and step-Dad live. The street was closed off for a day or two because of fears it would flow over the banks -- it never did, but it came pretty damn close*

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*This picture goes with the one above. It shows the street closed off*

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*A parking lot in Haverhill. I don't think the water ever flooded the parking lot, but (and I'm guessing) it couldn't have been more than 2 feet away from going over the wall*

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*At the very back of this picture is the Groveland Bridge. It's the bridge I use everyday to bring Sammi to my Mom's house for school in the morning. It has been closed since Monday, May 15th*

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*The Groveland Bridge closed down*

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*This is Miss Samantha's school. Water never reached the building, but it was sand bagged just incase*

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Some of Miss Samantha's Art Work

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*This was a fundraiser done by Sammi's school. The face of the clock is the picture Sammi created. It was made into a wall clock, a desk clock, a hot plate, magnets and a memory board*

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*Ru's* blanket on our bed (well, it'll be back on our bed as soon as we're able to sleep in our bedroom again)

Jim at School in Rhode Island

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Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

KissesWith Much LoveKisses
"Little" Shannon, "Big" Jimmy and "Little" Miss Samantha Therese
(*All nick-names compliment of Sammi*)

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April 23, 2006
Emileah and Jimmy:

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April 16, 2006
Sammi's basket from Mr. Easter Bunny:

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April 15, 2006
My Mom and step-Dad's 6 year wedding anniversary and coloring Easter eggs:

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April 12, 2006
Our Welcome Home Sign for Jim:

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April 11, 2006
Sammi Playing Ball:

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March 23, 2006
Some of Sammi's art work:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

School Uniform
May 15 - 18, 2006:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island

May 16, 2006:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 23, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Ophthamologist, Dr. Eagle, this afternoon

Happy Birthday
May 30, 2006:
DeAnna, Jim's oldest child, will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

Happy Birthday
May 31, 2006:
Emileah, Jim's middle child, will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

Road Rage
June 5, 2006:
My Mom and I will be bringing Miss Samantha into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez

Bye Bye
June 8 & 9, 2006:
Jim will be attending school in Rhode Island. We'll miss you, baby! Hurry home but stay safe!

Airplane Wishes 2
June 9, 2006:
Uncle Warren's birthday is today!!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

Jakob has gained weight!!! This is a BIG deal for him. Keep up the excellent work, buddy! His weight will be checked again on May 23, 2006.
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

David has an MRI coming up on May 18, 2006.

Jacob is continuing to fight HARD these days. Don't stop fighting, sweetie!

Kody will be going in for eye surgery on June 7, 2006.

Little Lexie is still in the hospital.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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May 2nd:
Courtney will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

May 4th:
*Angel Miranda*

May 8th:
Adam C. will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

May 12th:
Amanda M. will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

May 28th:
Purple Heart*Angel Adam Kindell*Purple Heart

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June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday, May 1, 2006

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January 21, 1993 - May 1, 2006


I had two parent/teacher conferences to go to tonight (one with Sammi's AM teacher and one with her PM teacher), but ended up missing both of them. After going through having Ru put to sleep, I wasn't in the right state of mind to go to any meetings.

So now I officially hate the month of May. Too many bad things have happened in this month for me to enjoy it. Emileah and DeAnna will be celebrating their birthdays at the end of this month (Missy celebrated hers on the 4th), but other than those 3 special days I'd just rather skip May all together.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

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I can't even explain how hard it was going to my Mom's house this morning. My heart felt heavy the whole way there and it finally sank when Sammi and I entered her apartment. Ruger didn't move much towards the end of his life, so nine times out of ten I would see him laying (all stretched out) in the kitchen as soon as I opened my Mom's front door. There was no Ruger in the kitchen this morning. No Ruger laying in front of doors (he did this A LOT) so no one could get in or out of the room they were in. Even though Eddie (my Mom's German Shepherd) was bouncing around the house,

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there was still a HUGE amount of emptiness present. At one point I asked Sammi where Ruger was. She made a half hearted attempt to look in a couple of rooms for him, but gave up before her school bus (aka -- Holly's bus) arrived. She's clueless as to why Ru isn't around. I wish I was.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006


Sammi was carrying an extra big bag with her when I saw her after school. When she handed it to me, Shelia told me that Sammi had some homework to do for Mrs. Dennehy's class (her AM class). Homework in Pre-K -- how cute is that?

When Jim got home from work this afternoon, he went to a friend's house. So Sammi and I worked on her homework together -- after Sammi had finished her soup, of course.

The first thing we needed to do was read the story of "Corduroy." Sammi sat at her blue table while I read this book to her. When we were finished reading, Sammi needed to draw a picture of her favorite part of the story. She chose to draw a picture of Corduroy trying to pull a button off of a mattress.

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The next and last part of Sammi's homework had to do with Sammi making her own Corduroy. In that big bag Sammi was sent home with was a brown cut out of a bear. Sammi needed to draw a face on this bear as well as claws. A green piece of fabric (cut out to look like overalls) and some buttons were also included in the bag. Once Sammi had drawn a face and claws on Corduroy, she helped glue on his overalls and buttons. I put glue on the back of everything and Sammi pressed all of the pieces on Corduroy's body.

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Friday, May 5, 2006

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May 5, 1961 - May 16, 1997


Mrs. Dennehy (AM teacher) and Mrs. O'Donnell (PM teacher) made a home visit at nine o'clock this morning. This home visit was set up because I had missed the parent/teacher conference on Monday.

Sammi was VERY excited to see her teachers. And so was Eddie. At first look, some people may be scared of Eddie. He's a big dog and looks very intimadating -- but he absolutely loves people. He hates other animals, but he wants to be every humans friend.

Stinky Bathroom

Mrs. Dennehy, Mrs. O'Donnell and I sat in the kitchen and talked about Sammi. All in all, they're very happy with how well she's doing in school. She's interacting well with her school friends, she isn't having as many melt downs as she did at the start of the school year, she's following directions well, etc. Then, of course, there are things to work on. First off, there's potty training. Here's the plan: starting Monday (May 8th), Sammi will be wearing underWEAR at school. I'll be putting her on the bus with a pull-up on, but as soon as she gets to school she'll be put in undies. Then she'll be sent home in pull-ups. Stickers are a BIG part of this potty training process. The only time Sammi will receive a sticker is when she sits on the potty and does something.


I was also told that Sammi will, once again, be attending the summer program at her school. I'm not sure what day it starts (I'll find out before long), but it'll be, almost, the same schedule she's following now. She'll be going Monday - Thursday from 8:30a - 11:30a. I don't know what Sammi would do without the summer program. I know she'd be lost if she were out of school for 2 months. Having and following a schedule is VERY important for an autistic child.

Saturday, May 6, 2006
Sunday, May 7, 2006


Emileah and Jimmy (who still prefers to be called James) were over this weekend. Everybody played nicely and other than a few tantrums that were thrown, the weekend went well. Sammi loves it when Emileah and Jimmy spend the weekend here -- she always has tons of fun playing with them and she's getting better and better when it comes to sharing her toys each time they're here.

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Casey and Marble are always exhausted by the time we drop Emileah and Jimmy off. The two of them get the work out of their lives while the kiddies are here. By the time Emileah and Jimmy are gone, Casey and Marble can usually be found sacked out somewhere.

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Ok, I should be going now. If I'm unable to visit CaringBridge pages or update Sammi's page, it's because Comcast is a major pain in my butt. It picks and chooses which days it feels like working and which days it doesn't. Nine times out of ten I'm unable to get online at all. Talk about annoying.

I'll leave this update up for awhile before posting about Mother's Day.

We hope all of you are well. Every single one of you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers.

Mother's Day TeddyWith Much LoveMother's Day Teddy
Shannon, Jim and Miss Samantha Therese
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April 23, 2006
Emileah and Jimmy:

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April 16, 2006
Sammi's basket from Mr. Easter Bunny:

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April 15, 2006
My Mom and step-Dad's 6 year wedding anniversary and coloring Easter eggs:

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April 12, 2006
Our Welcome Home Sign for Jim:

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April 11, 2006
Sammi Playing Ball:

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March 23, 2006
Some of Sammi's art work:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

School Uniform
May 15 - 18, 2006:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island

May 16, 2006:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 23, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Ophthamologist, Dr. Eagle, this afternoon

Happy Birthday
May 30, 2006:
DeAnna, Jim's oldest child, will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

Happy Birthday
May 31, 2006:
Emileah, Jim's middle child, will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

Road Rage
June 5, 2006:
My Mom and I will be bringing Miss Samantha into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez

Bye Bye
June 8 & 9, 2006:
Jim will be attending school in Rhode Island. We'll miss you, baby! Hurry home but stay safe!

Airplane Wishes 2
June 9, 2006:
Uncle Warren's birthday is today!!!
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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

Autumn is going GREAT these days, thank God, and now she has a new pink room to brag about!

Craig's big sister, Lauren, recently made the cheerleading squad! Congratulations, hon! We're SO proud of you!

Jakob has gained weight!!! This is a BIG deal for him. Keep up the excellent work, buddy! His weight will be checked again on May 23, 2006.
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Bible 1Prayers for CaringBridge FamiliesBible 2

Amanda Panda has been going through a lot lately and could use many prayers and happy thoughts sent her way.

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is having some suspicious lumps checked out. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon, for this to turn out to be nothing at all.

Caitlin's big sister, Steph, has been having issues when it comes to walking and experiencing weakness in her hands. We're all hoping and praying this isn't anything serious.

Corey's little sister, Emma, has been recently diagnosed with the same disease that has been affecting her big brother.

David has an MRI coming up on May 18, 2006.

Jacob is continuing to fight HARD these days. Don't stop fighting, sweetie!

Kody will be going in for eye surgery on June 7, 2006.

Little Lexie is still in the hospital.
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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May 2nd:
Courtney will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

May 4th:
*Angel Miranda*

May 8th:
Adam C. will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

May 12th:
Amanda M. will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

May 28th:
Purple Heart*Angel Adam Kindell*Purple Heart

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June 2nd:
Missa and her twin brother, Zach, will be turning 8-years-old today!!!

June 12th:
*Angel Amanda E*

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the terrific Mom's out there.

Mom, Susie, Grandma, Missy -- you 4 are the best Mom's I've ever known.

We hope your Mother's Day is an extra special one filled with lots of love!

Mother's DayWith Much LoveMother's Day
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

Monday, May 1, 2006

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to the Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember then in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from you heart.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.........

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My step-Dad and I brought Ruger to the Vet this afternoon while my Mom and Sammi stayed home together. This would be Ru's final car ride.

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(Sammi giving Ru hugs)

After getting Ru weighed (yeah, that was a project) we were brought into an examining room. There we were asked a bunch of questions about how Ru has been doing lately. Then the doctor came into the room.

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(Daddy -- my step-Dad -- and Ru before heading to the Vet)

She examined Ru and he was a VERY good boy while she looked him over. In the end she agreed with us -- my poor baby was miserable. And so, there was only one thing to do.

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(Ru's last time playing in the snow)

My step-Dad and I sat on the floor together as Ru was prepped for being put to sleep. We cuddled with him, hugged him, kissed him and, of course, cried our eyes out.

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(Look at that face!)

Ruger went very peacefully, but it did take awhile to get him moving in the right direction. Because he didn't have any circulation running through his front paws, it was difficult for the doctor to find a vein to use. She ultimately found one and Ru peacefully passed on.

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(Ru all wet after his bath)

My step-Dad and I cried like a couple of babies while this was being done and once we knew Ru was gone. My step-Dad had had Ruger since he was a puppy. He was the first puppy I ever had, so we formed a close bond pretty quickly.

Once Ruger had passed on, my step-Dad and I remained in the examining room for a few minutes. We said our final good-byes and, before we left, I took the blanket Ruger used to cuddle up with. As I was talking to Ru (*before he was put to sleep*), I told him that I would keep his blanket on my bed from now on -- don't worry, I plan on washing it first.

Ruger was such a beautiful boy. He was so loving and he definitely picked and chose who he liked and didn't like -- he bit more than one person he didn't like in his lifetime. It's going to be a long time before the sadness I'm feeling passes. I'm going to be missing Ruger like crazy for a long time.

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(This will ALWAYS be my favorite picture of Ruger)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Finnegan, "The Squirrel"

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For about as long as she can remember, Debby Cantlon says, friends and strangers have brought her animals in need. So it wasn't much of a surprise when someone asked her if she'd care for a newborn squirrel found at the base of a tree somewhere near Renton.

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Debby Cantlon, who plans to release Finnegan, the young squirrel, back into the wild, bottle-fed the infant squirrel after it was brought to her house.

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When Cantlon took in the tiny creature and began caring for him, she found herself with an unlikely nurse's aide: her pregnant Papillon, Mademoiselle Giselle.

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Finnegan was resting in a nest in a cage just days before Giselle was due to deliver her puppies.

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Cantlon and her husband watched as the dog dragged the squirrel's cage twice to her own bedside before she gave birth.

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Cantlon was concerned, yet ultimately decided to allow the squirrel out and the inter-species bonding began.

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Finnegan rides a puppy mosh pit of sorts, burrowing in for warmth after feeding, and eventually working his way beneath his new litter mates.

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Two days after giving birth, mama dog Giselle allowed Finnegan to nurse; family photos and a videotape show her encouraging him to suckle alongside her litter of five pups.

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Now, Finnegan mostly uses a bottle, but still snuggles with his "siblings" in a mosh pit of puppies, rolling atop their bodies and sinking in deeply for a nap.

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Finnegan and his new litter mates, five Papillion puppies, get along together as if they were meant to.

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Finnegan naps after feeding.

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Finnegan makes himself at home with his new litter mates, nuzzling nose-to-nose for a nap after feeding.


I hope this story brought a smile to everyone's face. I thought it was the cutest thing and just needed to share it with all of you. I'll update next week on the goings on in our neck of the woods.

Have a great weekend!!!

PandaWith Much LoveLion
Shannon, Jim and "The Mysterious" Miss Samantha Therese

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

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I just learned that *Cam* was welcomed into Heaven on April 2, 2006. My heart broke into about a million pieces when I learned of his passing. My deepest condolences go out to the beautiful friends and family he has left behind. My thoughts and prayers are with every one of you every single day. I will NEVER forget that gorgeous smile of yours, *Cam*.

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I'm going to do my best to make this update sound a lot cheerier than I'm feeling right now. I know I have A LOT to update on and I also have some pictures to share with all of you. Enjoy!

Easter EggApril 15, 2006Easter Egg

Besides today being my Mom and step-Dad's 6 year wedding anniversary,

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Sammi, Jim and I also colored Easter eggs in preparation of Easter. We had a great time coloring all of the eggs I had boiled and here are the pictures that were taken to prove it:

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--First we dip the eggs in the colors. No utensils needed--

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--Yellow is a cool color to start with--

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--Ooohhh. Jim's egg looks pretty nice--

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--Look at the yellow egg I made! And my goofy face--

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--Time to make a green egg--

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--Mommy and me making some pretty, pretty eggs--

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--Is my egg done yet?--

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--What are we waiting for, Jim? We've got LOTS of eggs to color!--

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--Here are two special eggs we made (*sorry that the pictures are kind of blurry*). The top one is one that Jim made; it's of an Easter Bunny. The bottom one is one that Mommy and I made together; it says "NUNA"--

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--This is LOTS of fun!!! Look at my messy hand--

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--Our finished products--

Easter BunnyApril 16, 2006Easter Bunny

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We sure did! Jim ended up going to his Mom's for a couple of hours for Easter dinner. Sammi and I didn't go with him -- we ended up going to my Mom and step-Dad's house for the afternoon. Sammi was VERY excited when she saw the beautiful Easter basket filled with goodies that the Easter Bunny dropped off for Miss Samantha. Here are some pictures that I took:

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--The Care Bears/Dora Easter Basket from Mr. Easter Bunny. It was filled with candy (*for Mommy, of course*), one of those paddle ball toys, a jump rope, a bunny catching game, paints and a Dora bouncy ball. Sammi was VERY excited when we got home and she had the chance to show Jim all of the goodies she got--

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--Of course Miss Samantha needed to finish her soup before she got into her basket. But that didn't stop her from staring at it--

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--I don't know how the Dora ball and bunny catching game got out of the basket. They must have hopped out when no one was looking--

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--I couldn't figure out how to use the paddle ball toy, but this bunny catching thingy looks pretty cool--

RelievedApril 17, 2006Relieved

Today was our first day of big girl potty training. That meant that Miss Samantha was NOT going to wear pull-ups today -- just big girl underware. Thanks to my Mom we had Care Bears underware and Dora underware to use -- Sammi chose to use the Dora underware. Did it make a difference that Sammi was wearing underware (*instead of pull-ups*) and would get soaking wet if she pooed or peed in them? Of course not. Regardless of how often I had Sammi sit on the potty, and how many times I asked her if she wanted to go pee-pee on the potty, she still managed to have accident after accident all day long. Talk about stress.

The rest of the week went just as badly. Not once did Miss Samantha ever pee or poo on the potty. Everytime she had to go, she went in her pants. By the end of the week I was at my wits end. It got to the point where I would have Sammi sit on the potty for a good amount of time and then she would have an accident as soon as she got off of it. Grrrrrrr!!!! If ANYONE has ANY ideas on how to help me out with this, they would be greatly appreciated. (*I'll get into this subject a little more in a bit*).

Birthday CakeApril 18, 2006Birthday Cake

Today was Susie's (*Jim's Mom's*) 60th birthday!!!

Happy Birthday, Susie!!!

To celebrate, Jim, Sammi and I went over to Susie's house. Tom (*Jim's brother*) picked up some pizzas for everyone to eat. Everyone had a great time celebrating and at one point, while we were sitting at the table, I convinced Sammi to go sit on Susie's potty. We sat on the potty for about 10 minutes, but Sammi didn't do anything. So what happened as soon as Sammi and I left the bathroom? Sammi decided that she DID need to go to the bathroom and proceded to do so on Susie's kitchen floor. Needless to say, I was more than a little embarassed. I am completely clueless when it comes to potty training my little monster. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I didn't think this was going to be an easy task, but I thought (*stupid me*) it would go a lot smoother than it is.

HandymanApril 21, 2006Handyman

Poor Jim. He works for the local light department and ended up working over time tonight. He went in at 11pm and didn't get home until one in the afternoon on Saturday. He was EXTREMELY exhausted when he got home and hit the sack almost as soon as he walked through our front door. Unfortunately this weekend was the one that his kiddies were supposed to be here, but he never got them since he was so tired from working so much. Of course the extra money will be nice when he gets it, but the work he had to do for it was absolutely grueling.

KidApril 23, 2006Propeller

Jim picked his kiddies up (*the had spent the night at Susie's house*) as early as he could this morning. He was VERY anxious to see them after not having them spend the night here on Saturday. Not long after he picked Emileah and Jimmy up, they were off again. Emileah plays baseball and was in a parade this afternoon. I would have been more than happy to go with them to it, but Jim didn't decide to tell me about it until they were just about ready to leave. Thanks, baby. So Emileah, Jimmy (*who still wants to be referred to as James*) and Jim went by themselves while Sammi and I stayed home and waited for them to get back. I gave Jim our camera before he left and he took a few nice pictures with it. Here they are:

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--In the back, before the REDS sign. See the guy with the black hat on? Emileah is right next to him, looking at the camera, wearing a jean jacket--
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--Emileah posing with her team "The Marlins." She should be easy for you to spot. Just look for that jean jacket she's wearing--
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DoctorApril 24, 2006Doctor

My Mom and I brought Sammi into Boston for her follow-up appointment this morning. First off, I just need to say that Miss Samantha was an EXCELLENT little girl during our entire trip. She was SO well behaved and didn't throw any fits. I was VERY impressed with her behavior today.

We were brought into an examining room not long after we arrived. Sammi was weighed and measured. Surprisingly (*thank God*) she actually gained a little bit of weight. Nothing major, but I'll take anything I can get with the way she eats. And we were told that she shrunk somewhat. Ok, she didn't actually shrink. They just ended up getting a shorter reading because she was in a wiggly mood and had some trouble holding still.

Then Dr. Lopez came into the room. Now I'm not too fond of hearing the words, "I have good news and bad news" when a doctor comes in to see you. Call me crazy, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear. Turns out that Dr. Lopez compared Sammi's MRI's -- the one she had done in October 2005 and the one she had done in March 2006. When he compared the two, there were some differences. Spots seen on the October 2005 MRI were gone, but new ones had appeared on the March 2006 one. He has no idea what this means or why it's happening, but he's going to discuss Sammi's MRI's with two other specialists.

I asked Dr. Lopez if Sammi was still being diagnosed with arthritis. While (*this is coming from him*) it doesn't seem as if she has arthritis, they also don't know what it is that she has at this point. So we either take the arthritis diagnosis or we're left without a diagnosis altogether. Either way, I'm confused. So in the meantime we get to sit around and wait. My favorite game to play -- the waiting game. So, once again, Sammi has managed to stump her doctors. She did this before in 2005 when she stopped walking and no one could figure out why.

When Dr. Lopez was finished examining Miss Samantha, we took her down the hall to have x-rays done. Of course my baby was a little wiggle worm when it came to laying still on the table, but the job was eventually done. The only thing that scared Sammi -- and that I completely forgot about -- was that the x-ray machine makes a tiny buzzing sound when it's taking a picture. Of course Sammi picked up on this right away and didn't like it one bit -- so that is what took us a little longer to get them done.

Blood work was supposed to come next, but there were about 20 million other people waiting to have theirs done. Ok, there were only about 5 or 6, but the line was moving VERY slowly. So after waiting about 15 minutes for our turn we ended up leaving. Sammi will be going back to see her doctor in June and we'll have the blood work done then.

So all in all, Sammi's appointment went well. I couldn't have asked for her to be in a better mood. I'm VERY confused and VERY concerned as far as the MRI's, but I have no choice but to wait for someone to fill me in on what that's all about -- as soon as they figure it out themselves. Meanwhile I'm going to be looking up things online. Dr. Shannon reporting for duty. Oh, and Sammi will continue to use the Naproxen once a day since it has been helping and I'll be damned if she goes back to the way she was before she started taking it -- not walking at all.

Ok, that's quite enough of my blibber blubber.

We hope every one of you has a terrific week! Our thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with you and your families!!

SquirrelWith Much LoveLion
Shannon, Jim and "The Mysterious" Miss Samantha Therese

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April 12, 2006
Our Welcome Home Sign for Jim:

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April 11, 2006
Sammi Playing Ball:

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March 23, 2006
Some of Sammi's art work:

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March 21, 2006
Jim with his birthday presents:

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March 19, 2006:
Celebrating Jim's birthday with Jim's family:

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March 18, 2006
Celebrating Jim's birthday with my Mom & step-Dad:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

April 27, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins, this afternoon

Birthday Card
May 4, 2006:
Missy, my Dad's girlfriend, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

Birthday Cake
May 5, 2006:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

School Uniform
May 15 - 18, 2006:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island

May 16, 2006:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 23, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Ophthamologist, Dr. Eagle, this afternoon

Happy Birthday
May 30, 2006:
DeAnna, Jim's oldest child, will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

Happy Birthday
May 31, 2006:
Emileah, Jim's middle child, will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

Road Rage
June 5, 2006:
My Mom and I will be bringing Miss Samantha into Boston today for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez

Bye Bye
June 8 & 9, 2006:
Jim will be attending school in Rhode Island. We'll miss you, baby! Hurry home but stay safe!

Airplane Wishes 2
June 9, 2006:
Uncle Warren's birthday is today!!!

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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is 3-years-old now!!! What a big girl you are, sweetheart! There are some awesome birthday pictures on her page of her BIG day.

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

*Sweet Baby Jacob's* AMAZING Mom is engaged to a WONDERFUL man. Congratulations Angela & Scott! I'm SO happy for you two!!

Corey's baby sister, Emma, was welcomed into this world on January 12, 2006. Congratulations McKenney Family!!!
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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April 3rd:
*Angel Maxie*

April 9th:
*Angel AJ*

April 14th:
*Angel Cody*

April 17th:
Craig will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

April 21st:
*Angel Ashley*

April 25th:
Corey will be turning 5-years-old today!!!

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May 2nd:
Courtney will be turning 12-years-old today!!!

May 4th:
*Angel Miranda*

May 8th:
Adam C. will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

May 12th:
Amanda M. will be turning 11-years-old today!!!

May 28th:
Purple Heart*Angel Adam Kindell*Purple Heart

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

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Friday, April 14, 2006

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Hi everyone! We hope all of you are doing well. Things in our neck of the woods have been going good lately. I'm going to do my best to update all of you on what has been going on.

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April 7th, 8th & 9th:

Jim's kiddies, Emileah & Jimmy, spent the weekend here. They usually spend Friday night with Jim's Mom and then spend the rest of the weekend at our house. This weekend Jim had them spend Friday night here, spent Saturday night at Jim's Mom's & then came back to our house for the day on Sunday. As usual, all three kiddies got along great this weekend. Sammi was VERY excited when I told her that Emileah & Jimmy were coming over for a "play date." She loves playing with them.

On Saturday, before Jim brought Emileah & Jimmy to his Mom's house, he put Casey (*our puppy pictured above with his baby*) outside -- but he put him out on the wrong leash. 10 minutes later Jim comes to me and tells me that Casey is gone. Yeah, that's when my heart sank. To understand how I felt when I learned that Casey was missing, you need to understand the bond that Casey and I have. He's my baby. He sleeps with me everynight (*under the blankets, pressed up against my legs*), he gets mad when Jim tries to kiss or hug me -- he's just the best puppy. So when 2 hours passed and Casey was still missing, my world felt like it was coming to an end. I can honestly relate Casey missing to Sammi missing -- the same exact feelings are involved.

Casey went missing around 11am. After Jim and I took turns circling the block looking for him, we went into the house and prayed he would come home. Around 3:30pm I looked out the living room window with the hopes that I would see him. When I didn't, I went back to doing whatever it was I was doing at the time. Then I heard a bark and knew it was Casey. When I went outside, there was Casey back on his leash in our yard. I still don't know who it was, but one of our kind hearted neighbors had returned Casey. I wish I could thank that person and tell them just how much they mean to me. So Casey is now safe and sound at home and we will NOT be putting him on the wrong leash anymore. Believe me, I really don't need to go through all of those emotions again.

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(*He's going to kill me for showing this pic*)

April 10th:

Jim left for school early this morning. Last year, when he was going to school, his schedule was A LOT different. Instead of going to school for the day, he is now going to school in Rhode Island for 4 days. His company paid to put him up in a hotel in Rhode Island for the 4 days (*3 nights*) he would be there. In the 9 months Jim and I have been together, this is the longest amount of time that we've been apart. As proud as I am of Jim for going to school and working on bettering his life, I'm going to miss him like hell. I'm hoping and praying these 4 days go by fast.

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April 11th:

Before Sammi headed off to school this morning, she said she wanted to play soccer with her Nuna and Grandpa this afternoon. So my Mom and I went out to breakfast after I put Miss Samantha on the bus and then we ran some errands. While we were at the store, my Mom bought a couple of balls for Sammi to play with. A big pinkish, purplish ball (*which Sammi has now named Pinkalicious*) and a small Spongebob ball. We planned on using these two balls to play soccer with as soon as Sammi got home from school.

Sammi, my Mom & I (*Grandpa came into the picture a little later*) had a great time playing ball in my Mom's backyard. Here are the pictures that were taken:

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April 12th:

Once Sammi and I had returned home this afternoon, we made a "Welcome Home" sign for Jim. Sammi was a BIG help. We wrote the words welcome home Jim hand over hand and then Sammi decorated the sign with her own coloring. We made the sign this afternoon because Jim was due to arrive home sometime tomorrow afternoon and I knew we wouldn't be able to make the sign before he got here. Sammi had lots of fun making this sign with me.

Sammi adding her own special touches to Jim's welcome home sign:

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The finished product (*sorry it's so hard to see*):

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April 13th:

Jim came home early this afternoon. He ended up coming home A LOT earlier than we had expected him to. Since he was back so soon, he came with me to pick Sammi up from school. It was SO good to see Jim again. Of course we talked on the phone while he was in Rhode Island, but nothing compared to seeing him again. And Sammi was just as excited to see Jim as I was. She was surprised to see him sitting in the car when we picked her up from school. She said "Hi" to Jim as well as "I miss you, Jim" and "I love you, Jim" and she was more than happy to show Jim his welcome home sign as soon as we got back to the house. And what was the first request from Sammi as soon as we got home? "Jim, would you please get me some soup?" Mommy was all of a sudden no longer needed -- Sammi wanted Jim to start getting her soup again.

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(*Sammi showing off her new favorite Care Bears night gown*)

Now that April vacation is upon us, we're going to work even harder to get Miss Samantha potty trained. My plan? I have 3 or 4 pairs of Care Bears underware for Sammi. I plan on putting these on her -- no pull-up -- and letting her see for herself how wet and yucky she can get if she pees or (*God help me*) poos in them. I'm seriously out of options when it comes to coming up with ideas on getting Sammi to use the potty -- this is my last resort. I'm hoping and praying this will work. Sammi is a VERY smart little girl and tends to catch on to new things instantly, so I'm hoping she'll catch on quickly to this as well. Please wish us luck!

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Ok, I suppose I'm done babbling for now. I just wanted to catch all of you up on what has been happening with all of us. Incase I'm unable to post in CaringBridge guestbooks, we would like to wish all of you a VERY Happy Easter.

Bunny FaceWith Much LoveBunny Face
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

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March 23, 2006
Some of Sammi's art work:

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March 21, 2006
Jim with his birthday presents:

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March 19, 2006:
Celebrating Jim's birthday with Jim's family:

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March 18, 2006
Celebrating Jim's birthday with my Mom & step-Dad:

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March 11, 2006
Sammi playing soccer:

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March 11, 2006
Muscle man, Jimmy, unloading wood:

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

Happy Anniversary
April 15, 2006:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 6 year wedding anniversary today!!!

April 24, 2006:
My Mom and I will be bringing Sammi into Boston for a doctor's appointment today

April 27, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins, this afternoon

Birthday Card
May 4, 2006:
Missy, my Dad's girlfriend, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

Birthday Cake
May 5, 2006:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

School Uniform
May 15 - 18, 2006:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island

May 16, 2006:
Purple HeartTony
Purple Heart

May 23, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Ophthamologist, Dr. Eagle, this afternoon

Happy Birthday
May 30, 2006:
DeAnna, Jim's oldest child, will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

Happy Birthday
May 31, 2006:
Emileah, Jim's middle child, will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is 3-years-old now!!! What a big girl you are, sweetheart! There are some awesome birthday pictures on her page of her BIG day.

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

*Sweet Baby Jacob's* AMAZING Mom is engaged to a WONDERFUL man. Congratulations Angela & Scott! I'm SO happy for you two!!

Corey's baby sister, Emma, was welcomed into this world on January 12, 2006. Congratulations McKenney Family!!!
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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April 3rd:
*Angel Maxie*

April 9th:
*Angel AJ*

April 14th:
*Angel Cody*

April 17th:
Craig will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

April 21st:
*Angel Ashley*

April 25th:
Corey will be turning 5-years-old today!!!

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Sunday, April 2, 2006

Ok, I'd say it's about time for an update. I apologize for slacking (AGAIN) when it comes to updating Miss Samantha's page, but I swear the fault isn't all my own this time. When Sammi and I moved in with Jim, we started using Comcast as our internet connection. Needless to say, Comcast loses its connection to the internet more often than not. As soon as I try to type up an update, I'm bumped offline. It's really annoying Perturbed, but Jim has (somewhat) solved this problem. So I'm hoping and praying I won't be getting bumped off nearly as often and will be able to update Sammi's page more often and visit all of my CaringBridge kiddies.

But anyway, let me update all of you on our lives before I get the boot......

Birthday CakeJim's BirthdayBirthday Cake

Although Jim's birthday was on Monday the 20th, we didn't get to celebrate it together until the next day. The place I needed to go to for his present isn't open on Monday, so I had to wait until Tuesday to get it. Even though we didn't celebrate his special day ON his birthday, I decorated the house for him just so he wouldn't think I had forgotten about him.

So once Sammi was on the bus Tuesday morning, I headed back home so I could get some things in order. I planned on cooking his second favorite crock pot meal (*pork chops*) and I also needed to take a shower before I picked up his present. My Mom ended up splitting the cost with me, so we headed out to get it together. We ended up buying Jim a cover for his Harley and a patch for his leather. Here's Jim with his presents:

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When we had finished eating our dinner, Sammi and I sang "Happy Birthday" (*for about the millionth time*) to Jim and then we cut into the birthday cake/bread I made for Jim. Unfortunately I didn't think of taking a picture of it before we had cut off a slab, so this is what it looked like after Jim had already taste tested it:

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Looks delicious, doesn't it? It was!!!

PropellerJim's Kiddies Spend the WeekendPropeller

The second weekend I was dreading (since Sammi and I moved in with Jim) has come and gone. That weekend happened to be the one that just passed (the 25th & 26th). The reason I was dreading that weekend was because it was the weekend Jim had his kiddies -- both Emileah AND Jimmy. Two weekends ago Jimmy was the only one who ended up coming over; this was our first weekend with BOTH kiddies here at once. To say I was nervous is a HUGE understatement.

Friday night (the 24th) I swear I thought I was having a heart attack -- turns out it was a panic attack, but man it hurt like hell. It ended up lasting all night and returned almost as soon as I woke up on Saturday.

I just want to say that the panic attack I experienced (and the fact that I was dreading this weekend) was NOTHING personal as far as Emileah and Jimmy are concerned. All my life I've had a tendency to worry about things before they happen and I also tend to think of the worst situation possible -- it's a flaw I've been trying to work on. So that is the ONLY reason I was all worked up. Emileah and Jimmy are great kids and Jim is great with them. Sammi's Mommy is just a HUGE worrier.

Anyway -- yeah, I know I tend to ramble Roll

The weekend couldn't have gone better. Emileah, Jimmy and Sammi got along great. Sure a few tantrums were thrown, and some attitudes as well, but the kiddies played wonderfully together.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the kiddies this weekend, but I'm kicking myself for not doing so. Emileah and Sammi ended up playing together (sitting on the floor side by side) on Sunday. It was really sweet seeing the two of them playing together. And not that I want to jinx anything, but I'd like to think this may be the start of Sammi and Emileah getting alone better.

NewspaperOther Miscellaneous NewsNewspaper

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Jim registered his Harley on Friday (the 24th) and has started bringing it to work. He couldn't be happier that he's able to ride again and, I must say, he looks damn good on that baby Heart Eyes


Sammi has some doctor appointments coming up (*they're listed below*)


Picture day is on April 12th. I am VERY excited about this. Sammi missed her first picture day due to the fact that she was in the hospital (October 2005).


I stopped by my Grandma's house on Wednesday (the 29th) once I had gotten Sammi off to school. While I was there my Grandma gave me some clothes for Sammi as well as a Junior Fire Fighter's hat. Sammi was VERY excited to see this hat when I showed it to her and she was even more excited when I told her I was going to take pictures of her wearing it and send them (in an e-mail) to her Nuna. Here's my little Junior Fire Fighter hamming it up for the camera:

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I also want to share with you some art work that Miss Samantha has come home with:

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And I think the last thing I have to say (ask, really) is for some happy thoughts and prayers to be sent to Jim. He starts school again in a couple of weeks and he has been stressing out BIG time when it comes to studying. He's a VERY smart man and I know he'll do great in school, but he thinks differently.


We hope all of you have been having a terrific weekend with your family and loved ones. I'll be back soonly (I promise) to update again.

Bunny FaceWith Much LoveBunny Face
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

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March 19, 2006:
Celebrating Jim's birthday with Jim's family:

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March 18, 2006
Celebrating Jim's birthday with my Mom & step-Dad:

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March 11, 2006
Sammi playing soccer:

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March 11, 2006
Muscle man, Jimmy, unloading wood:

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March 3, 2006
Jim at work:

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March 2, 2006
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

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MapAppointments, Special Events, etc. for Sammi & FamilyMap

April 10 - 13, 2006:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island

Family Portrait
April 12, 2006:
Picture day for Sammi at school

Happy Anniversary
April 15, 2006:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 6 year wedding anniversary today!!!

April 24, 2006:
My Mom and I will be bringing Sammi into Boston for a doctor's appointment today

April 27, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins, this afternoon

Birthday Card
May 4, 2006:
Missy, my Dad's girlfriend, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

Birthday Cake
May 5, 2006:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

School Uniform
May 15 - 18, 2006:
Jim will be going to school in Rhode Island

May 16, 2006:
Purple HeartTony
Purple Heart

May 23, 2006:
Sammi has an appointment with her Ophthamologist, Dr. Eagle, this afternoon

Happy Birthday
May 30, 2006:
DeAnna, Jim's oldest child, will be turning 15-years-old today!!!

Happy Birthday
May 31, 2006:
Emileah, Jim's middle child, will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is 3-years-old now!!! What a big girl you are, sweetheart! There are some awesome birthday pictures on her page of her BIG day.

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

*Sweet Baby Jacob's* AMAZING Mom is engaged to a WONDERFUL man. Congratulations Angela & Scott! I'm SO happy for you two!!

Corey's baby sister, Emma, was welcomed into this world on January 12, 2006. Congratulations McKenney Family!!!
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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April 3rd:
*Angel Maxie*

April 9th:
*Angel AJ*

April 14th:
*Angel Cody*

April 17th:
Craig will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

April 21st:
*Angel Ashley*

April 25th:
Corey will be turning 5-years-old today!!!

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

We celebrated Jim's birthday this weekend. His actual birthday is on Monday, March 20th.

Saturday, March 18th:

Our first celebration took place at my Mom and step-Dad's house. We weren't expecting to celebrate at all, but my Mom surprised us with a cake she had bought for Jim. Our original plan was to go to my Mom and step-Dad's house so Sammi could play with her Nuna and Grandpa while I got together the rest of the stuff I had lying around our old apartment. These are the pictures I took while we were celebrating Jim's "soon-to-be" birthday:

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The cake my Mom picked up for Jim and decorated herself. Gee, can you guess how old Jim will be on the 20th?

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Sammi LOVES celebrating birthdays, so of course she had to sit as close to the cake as she could get. Ashley, the little person in her hand, is sitting with her.

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Jim seeing his cake for the first time. Doesn't he look happy? Grump.

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At least SOMEONE was happy. My little goofball being a ham for the camera.

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Jim cutting his cake. I swear Sammi never moved from that chair.

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Needless to say, Jim isn't very happy about turning 40 on Monday. As if you couldn't tell by his face.

Sunday, March 19th:

Today we celebrated Jim's birthday at his Mom's house -- I wish I was lucky enough to get 2 parties when my birthday rolled around. Emileah and Jimmy -- Jim's kiddies -- were there to celebrate with us. It was great that Jim was able to spend time with his kiddies today; especially since he wasn't able to have Emileah stay over our house last weekend when she should have been there.

As soon as we walked in Susie's house, we noticed a big banner that was hanging in her livingroom. Emileah and Jimmy colored it. It looked really cute.

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Susie, as usual, made a whole bunch of food -- and everything was fantastic! We had roast beef, mashed potatoes, string beans, corn, salad and rolls. Everything was great and I definitely ate WAY too much food.

Cake was served after everyone was finished stuffing their faces. The cake tasted excellent, but I was only able to choke down a couple of bites after eating too much dinner. I was, however, able to take a picture of Jim's 2nd birthday cake before everyone dug in.

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The candle in the middle of this cake was really cool. There was a button on the back of it that, when pressed, made the sound of a Harely revving its engine. Sammi was standing next to me as it was making noises and she was perfectly fine with the fact that it sounded funny. She didn't even bother to cover her ears while it was going -- she actually liked it.

Now we're back home from the party at Susie's and everyone is pooped. Sammi is the only one with enough energy to continue running everywhere. Jim's taking a nap and I'm chilling out in front of the computer with a cup of coffee -- I need more energy!!!

We hope all of you have had a terrific weekend with your families. I'll be back soonly to update again.

SportyWith Much LoveSporty
Shannon, "Birthday Boy" Jim & Miss Samantha "Jim will be 40 tomorrow" Therese

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March 11, 2006
Sammi playing soccer:

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March 11, 2006
Muscle man, Jimmy, unloading wood:

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March 3, 2006
Jim at work:

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March 2, 2006
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

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February 20, 2006
Mommy's Birthday:

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February 18, 2006
Sammi's New Dora Bedroom:

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BravoExciting CaringBridge NewsBravo

Alyssa is 3-years-old now!!! What a big girl you are, sweetheart! There are some awesome birthday pictures on her page of her BIG day.

Amanda will be going into Junior High this upcoming year! Congratulations, hon! I know you'll have a great year!

*Sweet Baby Jacob's* AMAZING Mom is engaged to a WONDERFUL man. Congratulations Angela & Scott! I'm SO happy for you two!!

Corey's baby sister, Emma, was welcomed into this world on January 12, 2006. Congratulations McKenney Family!!!
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Make A WishCaringBridge BirthdaysMake A Wish

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March 27th:
*Angel Emerald*

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April 3rd:
*Angel Maxie*

April 9th:
*Angel AJ*

April 14th:
*Angel Cody*

April 17th:
Craig will be turning 9-years-old today!!!

April 21st:
*Angel Ashley*

April 25th:
Corey will be turning 5-years-old today!!!

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Check Out Blinkyou.com for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

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Green BeerWith Much LoveShowing Shamrock
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "Our Little Leprechaun" Therese

Check Out Blinkyou.com for thousands of custom glitters and layouts

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I wanted to update sooner about how our weekend went, but I was busy moving more stuff over to our house on Monday and Tuesday. I still have tons of unpacking to do around here, but I thought I'd take a little breather to fill all of you in on the goings on in our neck of the woods.


Saturday, March 11, 2006:

This past weekend was the weekend I had been dreading since Sammi and I came to live with Jim -- it was the weekend he had his kiddies. Emileah and Jimmy are GREAT kids, but there have been problems in the past with them being disrespectful and downright mean to Sammi. So with that fact weighing heavily on my mind, I did my best to prepare myself for their arrival.

When Jim left to go pick up Jimmy (*he was not more than 5 minutes away -- at Jim's Mom's house*), Sammi and I went outside to play "soccer." Besides being breezy, the weather was gorgeous. I think it was in the high 40's all day. I can't wait for Spring to officially get here so everyday is a beautiful one and so Sammi and I can get lots more time of playing outside in. This neighborhood is so peaceful and even though I warn Sammi about staying away from the street, I'm never afraid of her getting hurt if she happens to run out in the middle of the road. VERY few cars ever pass by our house.

Ok, back to playing soccer. I know a lot of this has to do with her teachers helping her out in school, but Sammi is great when it comes to kicking the ball to you now. Before she'd walk up to the ball and just kick it in any direction it ended up going. Now if you tell her to kick the ball to you, she'll actually kick it to you. We were having lots of fun playing soccer together and Aahz, my big white cat, was tagging along with us the entire time. When we moved in with Jim my two white cats, Gordon and Aahz, became out door cats. They've been adjusting to the out doors VERY well.

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"The Scream"
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The cat in the back of this picture belongs to Tom, Jim's brother
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Giving up on soccer for the day
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Aahz checking up on us

I'm not going to get into any details, but Jimmy wound up being the only one who came over this weekend. After showing off his muscles by helping his Dad move wood into the house,

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the four of us hopped in Jim's car and went for a ride. Jimmy (*who wanted to be called James this weekend*) and Sammi sat side by side in the backseat and had a great time playing together. Sammi did a terrific job using her imagination while playing with Jimmy. I was VERY impressed.

Sammi and Jimmy spent the rest of the day playing VERY nicely together. Of course there were a few tantrums thrown:

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but all in all I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. By the time we dropped Jimmy off Sunday night, I ended up breathing a sigh of relief after things had gone so well. And Sammi started to miss Jimmy from the moment he was dropped off. I tried explaining to her that Jimmy and Emileah live with their Mommy and visit Jim on the weekends. At first she didn't get it, but I think it's slowly beginning to sink in. All I know is that she can't wait to see Jimmy (*James*) and Emileah again. I'm sure it's going to feel like an eternity for her before she sees them again.

As for the house, it still needs some work. Lots of unpacking, sorting through and storing of things needs to be done. I'm telling you, I'm starting to think this place is never going to look like home sweet home. Boxes are still cluttering our living room, but they're slowly disappearing one by one. As for the outside of the house, I took some pictures of it (*and the street we live on*) while Sammi and I were outside playing on Saturday:

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Our front door which leads into a cute little porch that needs to be redone BADLY

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Dueling garages. Tom's is on the right; Jim's is on the left.

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Aahz peeking out from his favorite hiding place

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Aahz getting brave. This is when he decided to tag along while Sammi and I were playing soccer

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Views of our nice, quiet street

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The side of the house. The stairs seen lead up to Tom's apartment.

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Mr. Gordon, my tough little man, crossing the street to our house. God only knows where he was or what he got into.

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Casey and Marble trying to get in on the same sun spot

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Casey is VERY good with kids and Jimmy just adores him. While he was here this weekend, he informed me that he's going to think of Casey as his.

Shower 2

Well, I think that's all the pictures I have to show for this session. I would like to mention (*if I haven't already*) that Sammi is now a BIG girl and insists on taking BIG girl showers -- no more baths for her. She is VERY proud of this latest accomplishment and so am I. She likes to tell everyone she can that she takes showers now instead of baths.


Sammi also tried a little bite of a strawberry in school last week. She didn't actually bite a chunk off, but she bit into it and tasted the juices. Apparently she liked the strawberry juice, so Shelia (*Sammi's WONDERFUL aide*) mushed up some of the strawberry and Sammi drank the juice. Could this be a new food Sammi will eat from now on? Will I actually be able to tell people that my daughter eats something other than soup? We'll just have to wait and see.

Ok, that's quite enough of my blibber blubber (*thank you, Dr. Seuss*) for now. I'm doing my bestest not to let Sammi's site go too long without an update. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again, but I can assure you it won't take me another 2 months to do so. We hope all of you are well. Our thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with your families.

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St. Patty's Day KickWith Much LoveSt. Patty's Day Kick
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese
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January 28, 2006
Sammi & Slappy's Birthday Parties:

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February 18, 2006
Sammi's New Dora Bedroom:

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February 20, 2006
Mommy's Birthday:

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March 2, 2006
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

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March 3, 2006
Jim at work:

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Wednesday, March 8, 2006


What a day, what a day.

Jim and I brought Sammi into Boston today for her MRI. Our day started out early. Sammi was up around 6:30 this morning -- Jim got up with her. I slept until 7am, had some coffee, tried my best to get my bearings straight and worked on getting everything together and everyone dressed. We were on the road by 8am.

After making quick stops for gas and coffee (*of course I needed some more coffee running through my system*), we were on our way to Boston. While we were home, Sammi was asking both Jim and I constantly for soup. It was a different story on our little trip, though. Not once did Sammi mention anything about soup. She sat happily in the back seat of my car and played with all of the toys I had brought with us. The fact that she didn't ask for soup completely shocked me -- especially since the last bowl she had was around eight o'clock last night.

Sammi's appointment was at 9:30am. We made it there with only a couple of minutes to spare -- darn traffic. We were registered, I had to fill out a form and the three of us ended up waiting about another hour before Sammi was taken into the MRI room. Sammi was a VERY well behaved little girl while we were waiting all this time. There were some books in the waiting room we were sitting in and Sammi and I spent some time together reading all of the ones we could. Sammi didn't want to read any books with me at first. At first she wanted to read "Fox in Socks." I brought this book with us, but ended up leaving it in my car. Luckily I was able to find another one of her favorites that she was happy reading -- "The Foot Book." Sammi and I sat together and read book after book until it was Sammi's turn.

Finally it was Sammi's turn. Jim and I brought her into the back room where her MRI would be taking place. I cuddled with Sammi while the doctors got all of their stuff ready. When it was time, I laid Sammi on the gurney (*which she fought with all her might*), a mask was placed over her tiny little face and I stood next to her and talked to her until she was sound asleep. She was holding onto her yellow keys before she fell asleep and I was sure to grab them before Jim and I left the room.

I have to say, seeing Sammi put to sleep for this MRI went A LOT better than the first time it was done. I was a wreck after the first time she was put out. I had never seen my little girl be put out before and it broke my heart when I saw it done. It was tough this time, but not AS tough -- if that makes any sense. I only cried once and that was when I looked at Sammi's yellow keys that I was holding. I don't know why, but I started feeling all emotional when I saw them. Jim made me put them in my pocket so I wouldn't keep staring at them -- thank you, baby!

While Sammi's MRI was being done, Jim and I went out for some lunch. We mostly hung out outside until it was time for us to see Sammi again. There's just something about sitting in a waiting room with other people that I don't like. I don't have anything against anyone, but I can't just sit in a chair and wait -- I guess it's a flaw of mine. But Sammi's MRI only took about 45 minutes, so we didn't have long to wait.

Once Sammi's MRI was all done with, we headed up to recovery with her. It didn't take Sammi long at all to wake up. On our way to recovery, Sammi's little hands started to move. By the time we were in the recovery room, she was rolling around on her gurney moaning and not making much sense. The nurse who was looking after Sammi (*Janice*) told us that we could be there for at least another hour. Yeah, she obviously never met Sammi before. We were out of there within 30 minutes. Thank you, Jim, when it came to helping out Janice with Sammi's IV. We all know the story of how bad Mommy is when it comes to blood, IVs and shots.

Before we left, Sammi got to choose a toy from a treasure chest. It's this cute little box Janice brought over for Sammi to look through. There were tons of stuffed animals and toys in there. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Sammi chose a doll who she named Ashley. Then, because I know how Sammi is, I had to sit on the top of the toy box because Sammi wanted to pick out another toy.

Jim got Sammi two big bowls of soup as soon as we got home. She was one VERY hungry little girl and it showed. She ate every bit of soup all up without a problem.

Well, that was our day. We won't know the results of Sammi's MRI until the next time she is seen in Boston, which will be at the end of April. I'm sure her doctor will call us if anything important was seen.

Before I go, I just want to fill all of you in on Sammi's latest accomplishment. She is now a BIG girl and takes big girl showers instead of baths. Sammi is VERY proud of herself for this and enjoys taking a shower every night. When she was taking baths, I would have to fight with her to get in the tub. Of course she would be fine and would enjoy playing with all of her toys once she was in there, but she ALWAYS gave me a hard time about getting into the tub. With these showers, I don't get a hard time at all. She's more than happy to hop in and now, instead of giving me a hard time to get in, she gives me a hard time when it's time for her to get out. Now we just have to work on this potty thing (*she is now sitting on the potty, but still hasn't done anything*) and we'll be all set.

I'll be doing my best to stop by CaringBridge pages tomorrow. I miss and love all of you VERY much and every one of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers.

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St. Patty's Day KickWith Much LoveSt. Patty's Day Kick
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese
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January 28, 2006
Sammi & Slappy's Birthday Parties:

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February 18, 2006
Sammi's New Dora Bedroom:

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February 20, 2006
Mommy's Birthday:

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March 2, 2006
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

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March 3, 2006
Jim at work:

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Saturday, March 4, 2006

Hi everyone! We haven't been missed, have we? I am SO, SO, SO sorry for taking so long to make an update on Sammi's page. Just know all has been well with all of us and the only reason I haven't updated is because I've been extra busy. But now that I'm here get ready for one hell of a long update. Grab something to eat, sit back, put your feet up and get ready to hear all about what has been happening in the wonderful world of Shannon, Jim & Sammi.

January 21st: My VERY favorite puppy, Ruger, turned 12-years-old today! Happy Birthday, big boy!

January 25th: Jim and I brought Sammi into Boston for her follow-up with Dr. Lopez. The appointment was hell. We had a 2:30p appointment and weren't brought into a room until almost 3:30p. After Sammi was weighed and her height was taken we weren't seen by Dr. Lopez until almost 4:30p. Needless to say, we were less than happy. And then he wanted Sammi to have blood work AND x-rays done. Yeah, that was happening. We got the blood work done (*Jim was an angel and sat with Sammi while it was drawn -- Mommy's a HUGE baby when it comes to having blood drawn*) and Sammi will be having her x-rays done at her next follow-up appointment with Dr. Lopez in April. Don't think I'm neglecting my daughter in any way by not having her x-rays done today. We had been at the hospital for hours, Sammi was tired and cranky, she wanted soup and I desperately needed to get some coffee in me. Her x-rays will be done, they just weren't completed today. An MRI of her hips has been scheduled for March 8th. I can't wait for that day!

January 28th: We celebrated both Sammi's birthday and my step-Dad's -- Sammi's actual birthday is January 30th; my step-Dad's is January 31st. We celebrated Sammi's party with a Dora theme. Everyone had a great time at the party. Jim's 5-year-old son, Jimmy, was able to make it and was on his best behavior all day long. Emileah, Jim's 6-year-old daughter, was at another birthday party and wasn't able to make it to Sammi's. There are LOTS of pictures posted below to show all of you what a wonderful day we had/

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Sammi's balloons. Sammi made a request for a Dora balloon, a Care Bears balloon and a Blue's Clues balloon. I was able to find all except for the Blue's Clues balloon, which was replaced with a Wiggles balloon -- Sammi never complained.

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I decorated the walls of my Mom's kitchen (*the party took place at my Mom & Step-Dad's house*) with these little banners. EVERYTHING at this party was Dora.

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Happy Birthday Sammi & Slappy!!!

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Table decorations. Dora, Dora, Dora.

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Sammi's Dora cake

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Slappy's cake. You can't see it really well, but it's a picture of Slappy as a kid. It's one of the funniest pictures I've ever seen. We always get a cake for Sammi and a cake for Slappy when we celebrate their birthdays together. This year my Mom and I decided that we needed to have a little more fun with Slappy's cake.

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My beautiful birthday girl. 5-years-old! Aaahhhhh!!!

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Sammi clapping for herself while everyone sings "Happy Birthday" to her and Slappy. Jimmy is in the red sitting next to her.

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Mommy cutting Sammi's cake (*Thanks for the picture, Jim*)

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Mommy and Sammi opening presents together. Sammi really didn't need my help for this.

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Sammi & Jimmy taking some time out to play with each other

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Sammi & Papa (*my Dad*)

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Sammi & her Great Uncle Warren reading "Are You My Mother?"

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Sammi, Jimmy & Sammi's Great-Grandma Rose

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Jimmy & Sammi's Great-Grandma playing together

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Sammi & Jimmy playing with Sammi's Great-Grandma and Great-Uncle

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Sammi & Jim

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Sammi with her Great-Uncle and Papa. Gee, you'd never guess those two are brothers.

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The Sanford men. My Uncle, my Grandfather and my Dad.

January 30th: My little girl turned 5-years-old today! Why in the world do these kiddies feel the need to grow up so fast?!?!?!?

January 31st: Slappy, my step-Dad, celebrated his birthday today. Happy Birthday, Slap!!!

February 2nd: My Mom's pride and joy, Eddie the German Shepherd, turned 7-years-old today! Happy Birthday, baby!

February 16th: Sammi and I spent the night at a friend's house. This is a friend I went to high school with and only a few months ago got in touch with again. Her and her husband had plans to go out tonight and asked me to watch their kiddies. Of course I didn't mind -- these two kiddies are THE most well behaved I have EVER had the pleasure of being with. Sammi had a great time playing with them while we were there. Unfortunately we had to make an unexpected exit VERY early in the morning. Sammi was sick with a nasty cough and there wasn't anything I could do to stop her from coughing. So I made the decision (*at 4 in the morning, mind you*) to take Sammi home instead of risking waking up everyone in the house. Don't worry, my friend and her husband were home by this time -- I didn't leave any kiddies unattended.

February 17th: I took Sammi to her 5-year-old check-up with her Pediatrician this afternoon. I wish I had a video camera rolling while we were there -- this was THE best appointment I have EVER been to with Sammi. As soon as her doctor walked in, Sammi and he had a little conversation. He was actually asking Sammi questions and she was answering all of them. The two of them talked about school, her birthday party and the presents she got, her friends, etc. This is a HUGE step for Sammi. She has had lots of trouble when it comes to answering questions that are asked of her, but she did a terrific job with her doctor. Then came the examining part. Sammi was a perfect little angel while her doctor checked her breathing, ears, nose, mouth and felt her tummy. Usually Sammi HATES this part of the visit and will do everything in her power to fight any doctor off who is trying to check her out, but she was terrific today. Then came the time for the shots. This caught me completely off guard and I started to tense up when I heard she would be needing three of them. Here I am at this appointment by myself and they want to give her shots. Yeah, that sounded like fun. Needless to say, I got myself ready for a battle. Again, surprisingly, Sammi was excellent. I sat on the examining table and put Sammi in my lap. I put my legs over hers so she wouldn't try to kick the nurses away. Then I pretty much gave her a bear hug so she wouldn't be able to swing her arms around. Thinking about it now, I don't think I even needed to do half of that stuff. Sammi got one shot and was perfect. Then the nurses (*there were two of them*) got together for the 2nd and 3rd shots -- they wanted to do them both at once -- one in each arm. Sammi didn't fight one bit; she never even cried. I later called my Mom and told her how perfect Sammi was at this appointment and she didn't believe it either. Sammi was VERY proud of herself for being such a good girl. She even told Jim when she saw him later that she got three shots. What a good little girl.

February 18th: Today was moving day (*we're actually still in the process of moving everything around*). Sammi and I moved in to Jim's house today. What a LONG day it was, but Sammi was in a good mood all day long. Sammi was VERY excited when I showed her her brand new Dora bed. My Mom bought all of the sheets and blankets for it (*thanks again, Mom!*) and Sammi was in Heaven as soon as she saw it. Here are a few pictures to show you what Sammi's new room looks like.

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Sammi's brand new, big girl Dora bed. The bed is what Jim was sleeping in before I moved mine over. The only thing missing from this picture is Sammi's Spongebob blanket. It doesn't fit in with the Dora theme, but it's what Sammi likes to sleep with every night.

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Sammi's dresser. See the curtains behind it? Those aren't staying. I'll have to take another picture as soon as I have Sammi's Dora curtains hung up.

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Sammi's blue shelf with all of her toys and books

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Sammi's room would not be complete without her TV, VCR and all of her tapes

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This is THE most comfortable chair I have ever sat in. We didn't have anywhere to put it, so we stuck it in Sammi's room. She loves sitting in it. Jim declared it as the "Thinking Chair" and I'm sure that's what made Sammi love it even more.

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Sammi calls this her "Wiggles Pail." It's actually a pop-up hamper than was sent to us by a CaringBridge family. Sammi absolutely loves it! Thank you again, Denise, Darren, Tori, Missa & Zach!

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Sammi and Marble sleeping together. This is how the two of them sleep every night. Marble NEVER slept with Sammi before we moved in to Jim's house and Sammi loves the idea that Marble sleeps with her every night.

February 19th: Ah, NASCAR is back. The Daytona 500 took place today. Way to go, Johnson! It's nice to see another Hendrick boy winning the Daytona (*last year Jeff Gordon won on MY birthday -- yup, that was the BEST birthday present I could have asked for*).

February 20th: Ok, I never knew so many people knew today was my birthday. And to think, I've tried to keep it hidden for so long. Well, I guess the secret is out. Thank you for all the birthday wishes that were sent my way. I wasn't going to mention the fact that today was my birthday, but I guess I might as well show all of you the pictures that were taken today. I just want to say thank you to my Mom and step-Dad for making today such a wonderful birthday for me. I had the greatest day.

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My birthday cake. Thank you again, Mom & Slap!!!

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Me with the cake my Mom & step-Dad got for me

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Sammi singing "Happy Birthday" to Mommy

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Blowing out my candles. My Mom & step-Dad are next to me.

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Cutting my cake

February 20th - 24th: Sammi was on vacation all week. This made it just a little difficult for me to arrange stuff in our new house, but I managed.

February 27th: Back to school for Sammi!!! (*thank goodness!*)

March 1st: Sammi and I visited her Great Grandparents once I picked her up from school this afternoon. We only visited with them for about an hour and Sammi REALLY didn't want to leave when it was time for us to go. It was great seeing them again. We don't see them nearly as often as we should.

March 2nd: Did everyone know that today is Dr. Seuss' birthday? Yeah, neither did I. But everyone at Sammi's school knew and they celebrated it by making Cat in the Hat hats to wear. This is what Sammi looks like in hers.

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Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!!!

One more set of pictures. This is what Jim does for a living. He works for the local light department. He took my camera to work with him on Friday (*March 3rd*) and took these pictures. Well he took about 40 pictures, but I won't bore you with all of them. Here are just a few:

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Jim all dressed up and ready to go work on some wires. Yeah, I'm sure he'll kill me for showing this picture. I love you, baby!

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I'm not really afraid of heights, but even this is too high up for me

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Ray, a guy Jim works with, took these pictures of Jim up in the bucket. In the second picture, Jim is the one holding that thing up. I don't know all of the technical terms of what Jim does.

Love Letter

Ok folks, now you're all caught up on what has been happening in our neck of the woods. Once again I'd like to apologize for taking so long to update Sammi's page. Believe me, I'm going to do everything in my power not to let so much time pass by without updating again. We hope all of you are well. I'm hoping to start visiting the CaringBridge families pages again when Sammi goes back to school on Monday. I miss all of you VERY much and can't wait to hear about how all of you have been doing.

From our house to yours -- we wish you the best weekend possible!

St. PattyWith Much LoveSt. Patty
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

Saturday, January 7, 2006

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Please stop by Devin's page. Him and his family are going through A LOT right now and could use all the prayers and happy thoughts they can get. I love you, buddy!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

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Friday, December 30, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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Before I start this entry, I'd like to ask all of you to pray for someone. Jacob is only 4 weeks old, but has begun having some serious problems. Below is the prayer request Jacob's Aunt left in Sammi's guestbook:


I need some extra prayers for Aidans brother Jacob.Aidans brother Jacob who is only 4 weeks old is in the ICU at Hope Childrens Hospital. On Christmas Eve he stopped breathing his mom had to give him CPR to bring him back to life. They called the ambulance and he was taken to the hospital. They have done all kinds of test they still do not know whats wrong with him he is on a ventulator to help him breath. They also had to put a central line in they couldn't find a place so they put it in his head. I really need some extra prayers for him. PLease pray extra hard that he gets better and gets off the Vent....

Thank you and Merry Christmas

Aidan Auny Tracy

Update -- December 26th

Jacob is going to have an MRI this evening @ 7:30pm. Pray that everthing turns out good. They are looking to see if there is anything wrong with his brain. Every test he has had is coming back normal. I was at the hospital for about 4 hours today. I helped Jacob's mom(Missy) give Jacob a bath. It is so sad seeing him look so sick. I can't even belive this is happening to him. Please we need all the prayers we can get. I will update when I get the results back from the MRI....

UPDATE -- December 27th


Jacob is doing well. He was taken off the ventulator today and he is breathing with oxygen. The MRI results came back good no sign of anything wrong with the brain. They did have to do another spinal tap today This is like his 3rd one they had to do. They didn't get enough the first time. I was up at the hospital all day today he is looking a lot better. Please keep those prayers coming.
Thanks for checking in on Jacob and sending prayers..

Please take the time to pray for this sweet little boy and his family. Thank you so much.

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Sammi and Jim had a playdough playdate tonight. Here are the pictures I took of the good time they had together:

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And here are all of the creations Sammi and Jim made together:

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I can't believe 2005 is almost over. I don't think we'll be doing anything too special to ring in the new year. Jim will be at his house with his kiddies, so Sammi and I will probably be going upstairs to eat, drink and be merry. We want to wish each and every one of you a VERY Happy and Safe New Years!

Ball DropWith Much LoveBall Drop
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

Pictures Time!

Christmas Eve 2005:

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Christmas Day 2005:

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Sammi With Presents From Kathy & Richard & The Ross Family:

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January 3, 2006:
Sammi returns to school

January 5, 2006:
My step-brother (Slappy's oldest son), Nick, will be leaving to fight in Iraq today. May God Bless you, Nick. We'll miss you. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you always. Stay safe.

January 21, 2006:
My adorable puppy dog, Ruger, turns 12-years-old today!!!
Happy Birthday

January 30, 2006:
Miss Samantha turns 5-years-old!!!
Happy Birthday

January 31, 2006:
My step-Dad (Samantha's Grandpa Slappy) celebrates his birthday today!
Airplane Wishes 2

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Alyssa is completely potty trained and her little brother, Isaac, is crawling!!!

Autumn (as part of her Make-a-Wish) will be meeting Princesses in two weeks. Sounds like fun to me!!!

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is engaged!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!

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January Birthdays:

January 1st:
Lexie turns 6-years-old today!!!

Kathy Mayo will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

January 3rd:
Today is *Mikki's* Heavenly birthday!

January 8th:
MJ turns 18-years-old today!!!

January 12th:
Today is *Davin's* Heavenly birthday!

January 18th:
Today is *Alex's* Heavenly birthday!

January 28th:
Jakob turns 5-years-old today!!!

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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Brenda's dad, *Dave*, passed away last Christmas. Now her Uncle isn't doing too well. Please join me in praying that he'll be able to make it to the New Year.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

David's next MRI will be taking place around January 12, 2006. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
December 20, 2005: Jaye had a CT scan done today. Thankfully, no new damage has shown up. There is also news of Jaye possibly being removed from the ventilator she's on eithe today or tomorrow. Unfortunately Jaye will be spending yet another Christmas in the "spa." Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jakob will be seeing his doctor again on January 12, 2006. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Lexie needs LOTS of prayers sent her way. Cancer has been found in many parts of her little body.

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Thursday, December 29, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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Before I start this entry, I'd like to ask all of you to pray for someone. Jacob is only 4 weeks old, but has begun having some serious problems. Below is the prayer request Jacob's Aunt left in Sammi's guestbook:


I need some extra prayers for Aidans brother Jacob.Aidans brother Jacob who is only 4 weeks old is in the ICU at Hope Childrens Hospital. On Christmas Eve he stopped breathing his mom had to give him CPR to bring him back to life. They called the ambulance and he was taken to the hospital. They have done all kinds of test they still do not know whats wrong with him he is on a ventulator to help him breath. They also had to put a central line in they couldn't find a place so they put it in his head. I really need some extra prayers for him. PLease pray extra hard that he gets better and gets off the Vent....

Thank you and Merry Christmas

Aidan Auny Tracy

Update -- December 26th

Jacob is going to have an MRI this evening @ 7:30pm. Pray that everthing turns out good. They are looking to see if there is anything wrong with his brain. Every test he has had is coming back normal. I was at the hospital for about 4 hours today. I helped Jacob's mom(Missy) give Jacob a bath. It is so sad seeing him look so sick. I can't even belive this is happening to him. Please we need all the prayers we can get. I will update when I get the results back from the MRI....

UPDATE -- December 27th


Jacob is doing well. He was taken off the ventulator today and he is breathing with oxygen. The MRI results came back good no sign of anything wrong with the brain. They did have to do another spinal tap today This is like his 3rd one they had to do. They didn't get enough the first time. I was up at the hospital all day today he is looking a lot better. Please keep those prayers coming.
Thanks for checking in on Jacob and sending prayers..

Please take the time to pray for this sweet little boy and his family. Thank you so much.

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This is where Jim, DeAnna (*his 14-year-old daughter*) and I went to eat Monday night. Sammi stayed with Jim's Mom while we were gone. I was a little nervous about leaving Sammi with Susie -- believe me, my nervousness had NOTHING to do with Susie -- but DeAnna mentioned yesterday that she wanted to do something with her Dad and I. Sammi had played nicely with Susie before, but she had never been left alone with her. Of course all of my worrying turned out to be useless.

Sammi was more than willing to say "buh-bye" to me when Jim and I left her at Susie's house. I found out she had a great time with Susie when we got back. They played with the Dora Castle that Sammi brought with her. They also played with some magnetic letters and spelt out some words. Do you think my baby missed me? Well as soon as we got back I sat in a chair in Susie's living room. Sammi came over to me, crawled up on my lap and laid her little head on my chest. That's my baby girl.

I had a good time with Jim and DeAnna tonight. This was the first time any of his kids have shown an interest in wanting to do something with us together. Hopefully we'll be able to do something together again soon. I'm also hoping (*but I might be pressing my luck here*) we'll be able to do something with Emileah and Jimmy soon.

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I can't believe 2005 is almost over. I don't think we'll be doing anything too special to ring in the new year. Jim will be at his house with his kiddies, so Sammi and I will probably be going upstairs to eat, drink and be merry. We want to wish each and every one of you a VERY Happy and Safe New Years!

Ball DropWith Much LoveBall Drop
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

Pictures Time!

Christmas Eve 2005:

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Christmas Day 2005:

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Sammi With Presents From Kathy & Richard & The Ross Family:

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January 3, 2006:
Sammi returns to school

January 5, 2006:
My step-brother (Slappy's oldest son), Nick, will be leaving to fight in Iraq today. May God Bless you, Nick. We'll miss you. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you always. Stay safe.

January 21, 2006:
My adorable puppy dog, Ruger, turns 12-years-old today!!!
Happy Birthday

January 30, 2006:
Miss Samantha turns 5-years-old!!!
Happy Birthday

January 31, 2006:
My step-Dad (Samantha's Grandpa Slappy) celebrates his birthday today!
Airplane Wishes 2

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Alyssa is completely potty trained and her little brother, Isaac, is crawling!!!

Autumn (as part of her Make-a-Wish) will be meeting Princesses in two weeks. Sounds like fun to me!!!

*Baby Jacob's* Mom, Angela, is engaged!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!

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January Birthdays:

January 1st:
Lexie turns 6-years-old today!!!

Kathy Mayo will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

January 3rd:
Today is *Mikki's* Heavenly birthday!

January 8th:
MJ turns 18-years-old today!!!

January 12th:
Today is *Davin's* Heavenly birthday!

January 18th:
Today is *Alex's* Heavenly birthday!

January 28th:
Jakob turns 5-years-old today!!!

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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Brenda's dad, *Dave*, passed away last Christmas. Now her Uncle isn't doing too well. Please join me in praying that he'll be able to make it to the New Year.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

David's next MRI will be taking place around January 12, 2006. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
December 20, 2005: Jaye had a CT scan done today. Thankfully, no new damage has shown up. There is also news of Jaye possibly being removed from the ventilator she's on eithe today or tomorrow. Unfortunately Jaye will be spending yet another Christmas in the "spa." Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jakob will be seeing his doctor again on January 12, 2006. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Lexie needs LOTS of prayers sent her way. Cancer has been found in many parts of her little body.

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Monday, December 26, 2005

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Before I start this entry, I'd like to ask all of you to pray for someone. Jacob is only 4 weeks old, but has begun having some serious problems. Below is the prayer request Jacob's Aunt left in Sammi's guestbook:


I need some extra prayers for Aidans brother Jacob.Aidans brother Jacob who is only 4 weeks old is in the ICU at Hope Childrens Hospital. On Christmas Eve he stopped breathing his mom had to give him CPR to bring him back to life. They called the ambulance and he was taken to the hospital. They have done all kinds of test they still do not know whats wrong with him he is on a ventulator to help him breath. They also had to put a central line in they couldn't find a place so they put it in his head. I really need some extra prayers for him. PLease pray extra hard that he gets better and gets off the Vent....

Thank you and Merry Christmas

Aidan Auny Tracy

Please take the time to pray for this sweet little boy and his family. Thank you so much.

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Since so much has taken place this weekend, I thought I'd show you what Christmas Eve and Christmas Day looked like for us.

Earlier on Christmas Eve, Carol (a longtime family friend -- Samantha's Godmother) stopped by with a present for Sammi. Here are the pictures I took of Sammi opening that gift. It ended up being a purple Autism bear that Carol made at Build-a-Bear. It's name is Nikki, it's absolutely adorable and Sammi loves her:

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In the afternoon Jim, Sammi and I made an appearance at Jim's Mom's house. She was having a little Christmas Eve get together that we had been invited to. Jim's kiddies (Emileah (6) and Jimmy (5) were also there. Sammi had a great time mingling with everyone. Unfortunately I left my camera in the car and didn't get to take any pictures. But that doesn't mean we didn't have a good time!

We headed to my Grandparents house after Susie's (Jim's Mom). It's a yearly tradition to order chinese food and eat until we're stuffed on Christmas Eve at my Grandparents house. This year was no exception -- but this was the first year Jim was put through it. I have to say, he was a trooper through it all -- especially when my Grandfather insisted on talking his ear off. When no one could eat anymore, we opened up presents.

Sammi & her Great-Uncle Warren opening up gifts (*I'm included in the last 3*):

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Mommy & Sammi opening some presents:

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After we couldn't eat anymore, and all of the presents had been opened, Jim, Sammi and I headed back to our house. Jim & I were both exhausted and wanted to hit the sack, but there was still more that needed to be done before Sammi could fall asleep. The first thing we did was sprinkle reindeer food all over our back lawn so Rudolph could find his way to our house:

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When we came inside, it was time to leave a plate of cookies out for Santa. Sammi had a blast doing this and she did a VERY good job:

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If we thought Christmas Eve was a busy time, Christmas Day was ten times as busy. The first thing we did was travel over to Jim's house. I got dressed there while Jim headed out to pick up his kiddies. I took these pictures of Miss Samantha in her Christmas outfit while we were there:

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Once Jim got his kiddies, we all piled in to his car and headed to Susie's house. Our plan was to open presents over there and eat Christmas dinner. I didn't get any pictures of Sammi or any of the kiddies opening their presents, but Sammi ended up having a blast. She ended up getting LOTS of toys -- all of which she felt the need to play with right away.

When it was time for us to sit down and eat, Sammi (*of course*) wanted no part of it. Instead she felt like running around and bugging me -- she also managed to rub mashed potatoes in my hair. Lucky me. To keep Sammi occupied, De (Jim's oldest daughter -- she's 14) put a movie on for Sammi. This only held her attention for a little while, but I thought it was a VERY nice gesture.

Before heading over to my Mom's house, Susie and I took some pictures of Jim with his kiddies. (*I'll probably get in trouble for showing these, but HAHAHA*):

Jim, Emileah (6) & Jimmy (5)
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Jim, Emileah (6), Jimmy (5) & DeAnna (14)
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Jim, Emileah (6), Jimmy (5), DeAnna (14) & Sammi (5)
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When we were finished at Susie's house, it was time to make yet ANOTHER trip. This time we were headed back home. We still had to spend some Christmas time with my family. My Mom, step-Dad, step-brothers (Matt, Mike & Nick) and my Uncle. God Bless Jim for making the effort to go through all of this with me. His family is fantastic -- mine is questionable -- hehehe.

Once we got to Nuna & Grandpa's house, Sammi wanted some soup. When she was finished with her soup, she was ready to rip into the presents Santa left for her. Jim & my Mom took turns taking pictures of Sammi opening up all of her gifts:

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When all of the presents were opened, it was family picture time.

Sammi & her Uncle Nick (*who also happens to be her Godfather*)
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Grandpa Slappy & Sammi
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Mommy & Jim
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My step-Dad and his boys (*Matt, Nick, George (*Slappy*) & Michael*)
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I think I've mentioned it before, but Nick is the one who will be leaving for Iraq in January.

Phew! That was our Christmas. I hope you enjoyed all of the pictures we had to share. I also hope everyone's Christmas was just as wonderful as ours was.

Candy Cane 1With Much LoveCandy Cane 1
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha Therese

Sunday, December 25, 2005

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*The candle above is for all of the CaringBridge families who will be celebrating their first Christmas without a loved one*

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Wishing all of you a VERY Merry Christmas!

Candy Cane 2With Much LoveCandy Cane 2
Shannon, Jim & Our Little Elf

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Friday, December 23, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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When Sammi got home from school on Wednesday, there was a present waiting for her. It was sent from Kathy & Richard -- two WONDERFUL people we met about a year ago (maybe longer?) through CaringBridge. Kathy has helped me through some difficult times and has been more than willing to listen to me vent when I need to. Plus they're both HUGE NASCAR fans -- who could ask for more? They sent Sammi the sweetest teddy bear, which she later named Squeeze -- she named him Squeeze (I'm guessing) because I told her she needs to squeeze its hand to make it light up. This bear lights up in seven different colors and it's just the cutest thing I've ever seen. Sammi fell in love with it instantly. Since she got it she has been sleeping with it and will not let it out of her sight.

Here's Sammi hugging Squeeze:

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And here's Squeeze and Sammi opening some gifts:

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Thank you again, Kathy & Richard! You two are the bestest!

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Sammi was in for another surprise when she got home from school on Thursday. ANOTHER package arrived for her. This time it was from the FANTASTIC Ross Family -- Alisa, Randy, Devin & Kara. Sammi was VERY excited to rip into this box as soon as I let her. Of course I was sure to check the box out first incase there was anything in it that wasn't for her -- I'm glad I did. Alisa included some adorable pictures of Devin & Kara which I will always treasure. Thank you for those, Alisa. And for the photo album too! You're too much of a sweetheart. One of the presents sent to Sammi was a Barbie doll. This is Sammi's very first Barbie and she couldn't be more fond of it. She absolutely loves it. Now Barbie and Squeeze (the teddy bear from Kathy and Richard) are best friends and go everywhere with Sammi.

Here are the pictures I took of Sammi opening up her presents from The Ross Family:

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Sammi playing with Barbie once she FINALLY got her out of the box (the last two pictures are of Sammi giving Barbie a hug and Sammi giving Barbie a kiss (either that or she was trying to eat her):

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Thank you again, Alisa, Randy, Devin & Kara! We weren't expecting any gifts, but we're VERY thankful that you thought of us. Sammi and Barbie have bonded since they've met. Her shoes are missing (I knew they would be the first things to disappear), but Sammi doesn't mind. Sammi and Barbie are such good friends now that Sammi calls her Barb. Thank you again, guys!

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Besides opening presents from Kathy & Richard & The Ross', Sammi also came home with lots of goodies from school. All in all the presents she got were -- one of those color a picture mugs, a gingerbread man/candy cane pencil, a gingerbread man (green) cup, a snowman (white) cup and a couple of books. Here are the pictures I took of Sammi opening up her presents from her school friends/teachers. I swear Sammi is going to get sick of me taking her picture one of these days:

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It isn't even Christmas yet, and Sammi has gotten lots of presents. Thank you again to everyone who thought of Sammi this holiday season -- Mrs. Pam, Jaye, Kathy & Richard and The Ross'! We appreciative everything you've sent to us -- all of you have made Sammi VERY happy.

Before I go, I thought I'd show all of you the beautiful works of art Sammi has made in honor of Christmas. Every one of them is being proudly displayed around our house:

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We hope all of you have a terrific Christmas! The next couple of days are going to be VERY busy around here, so I'm sending out our Christmas wishes now.

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SantaWith Much LoveFrosty
Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese
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Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Sammi's Christmas "card" to Santa
December 20, 2005:

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Sammi's hand made Christmas ornament
December 20, 2005:

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Miss Samantha being goofy
December 19, 2005:

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Sammi & her new little friend, Wes
December 12, 2005:

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Sammi checking out the snow
December 11, 2005:

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Sammi & Santa
December 10, 2005:

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

December 21, 2005:
Today Jim & I celebrate our 6 month anniversary
Spray I Love You

December 24, 2005:
Jim, Sammi and I will be making the rounds tonight. Visiting Jim's Mom and my Grandparents and celebrating Christmas Eve.

January 3, 2006:
Sammi returns to school

January 5, 2006:
My step-brother (Slappy's oldest son), Nick, will be leaving to fight in Iraq today. May God Bless you, Nick. We'll miss you. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you always. Stay safe.

January 21, 2006:
My adorable puppy dog, Ruger, turns 12-years-old today!!!
Happy Birthday

January 30, 2006:
Miss Samantha turns 5-years-old!!!
Happy Birthday

January 31, 2006:
My step-Dad (Samantha's Grandpa Slappy) celebrates his birthday today!
Airplane Wishes 2

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Aidan's Mom gave birth to a baby boy on November 21, 2005. Welcome to the world, Jacob!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 26th:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Brenda's dad, *Dave*, passed away last Christmas. Now her Uncle isn't doing too well. Please join me in praying that he'll be able to make it to the New Year.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
December 20, 2005: Jaye had a CT scan done today. Thankfully, no new damage has shown up. There is also news of Jaye possibly being removed from the ventilator she's on eithe today or tomorrow. Unfortunately Jaye will be spending yet another Christmas in the "spa." Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Lexie needs LOTS of prayers sent her way. Cancer has been found in many parts of her little body.

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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I really don't have a lot to report. Everything has been going well with all of us. This is Sammi's last week of school -- she returns on January 3rd. We're busy getting ready for Christmas -- I can't believe it's only 4 days away!!! So instead of writing a LONG update (*the kind I'm known for*), I thought I'd share some pictures with all of you. Enjoy!

This is the Christmas ornament Miss Samantha made in school. Sammi was asked whose tree she wanted it to hang on and she chose Nuna and Grandpa's tree. So that is where it is probably being displayed.

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Yesterday afternoon Sammi and I worked on a Christmas project together. We made our own little Christmas tree "cards." The picture below is one of the "cards" that Sammi made for Santa.

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These are two pictures I took of Sammi the other night. She was being her usual goofball self, so I thought I'd capture the moment.

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SantaWith Much LoveFrosty
Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese
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Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Sammi & her new little friend, Wes
December 12, 2005:

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Sammi checking out the snow
December 11, 2005:

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Sammi & Santa
December 10, 2005:

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Mommy & Sammi Working on a Letter to Santa
December 5, 2005:

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Decorating Nuna & Grandpa's Tree
December 5, 2005:

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Christmas Stroll
December 2, 2005:

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The BEAUTIFUL dress Jaye sent to Sammi:

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Sammi in her Strawberry Shortcake dress (from Jaye) holding the "Christmas Angel" book (from Mrs. Pam):

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

December 19, 2005:
Carol (who is a VERY close family friend and is also Samantha's Godmother) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!
Happy Birthday

December 24, 2005:
Sammi and I will be making the rounds tonight. Visiting my Grandparents.and celebrating Christmas Eve.

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Aidan's Mom gave birth to a baby boy on November 21, 2005. Welcome to the world, Jacob!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 26th:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brenda's dad, *Dave*, passed away last December. Now her Uncle isn't doing too well. Please join me in praying that he'll be able to make it to the New Year.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Lexie needs LOTS of prayers sent her way. Cancer has been found in many parts of her little body.

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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We had a pretty busy weekend. It started off on Friday (December 9th) when that big snow storm hit. Sammi and I stayed inside all day long and watched it snow. Jim ended up working 3 hours of over time that day -- he was busy plowing and all of that fun stuff. My Dad called me when he was on his way home from work and said he was only going 30mph on the highway. Needless to say, I didn't want to go anywhere that day.

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On Saturday (December 10th) my Mom, Sammi & I spent about 4 hours shopping at Wal-Mart. Actually, my Mom did most of the shopping while Sammi and I just tagged along. Miss Samantha was absolutely perfect while we shopped. She was in the best mood and was full of smiles all day long. At one point during our shopping spree, we got Sammi's picture taken with Santa. We didn't know he was going to be there that day and it was a free picture, so we figured we'd get it done. She had two pictures taken. The one below is the one I kept. I gave the other one to my Mom.

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While we were at Wal-Mart, Sammi got to play with the Share Bear (the one that reads stories) she asked Santa for. She LOVES it! She was talking about it non-stop when she was finished. I sure hope Santa ends up brinnging it to Sammi for Christmas.

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On Sunday (December 11th) my car wouldn't start. I've been having some problems with it lately, but today it finally decided to keel over. I'm posting a few pictures I took while we were outside trying to get my car to run. The boots on Sammi are a pair I bought for her when we were shopping on Sunday. She hates them and refuses to wear them. She gives me an incredibly hard time when I try to put them on her and then she won't stop crying until I take them off. I'm hoping we can get her used to wearing them, but it's not looking too good right now. Oh, she also hates the snow and refuses to have anything to do with it. Don't even ask me how we're going to build a snowman with her.

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Luckily Jim had enough money on him and he ended up buying me a new battery (*thank you again, baby!*) Once my car was all taken care of, Sammi, Jim and I headed back up to Wal-Mart to do some more shopping. We also made a stop at the grocery store. Sammi was in 7th Heaven while we were busy running errands.

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Monday I ended up watching a friend's son for the day. I'm telling 'ya, this little boy is the sweetest little thing. I had a HUGE amount of baby fever by the time his parents got home. Sammi and Wes (the little boy I was watching) get along great whenever they're together. I sent Sammi to school today, but her and Wes had some time to play together before it was time for her to go. I was pretty busy this morning, but I was able to take a couple of pictures of Sammi and Wes playing together.

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Isn't he adorable?!?!?!? And he was such a little angel while I was watching him. Sammi was devestated when it was time for us to go home. I had to promise her that we'll have a playdate with Wes and Vera (his older sister) soon. Now that's all Sammi talks about -- "We're going to have a playdate with Vera and Wes." -- "Mommy, when are we going to have a playdate?" Sammi's definitely got two new little friends and they couldn't be sweeter.

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As far as school goes, Sammi had a good day today. She did some finger painting and came home with blue sleeves. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how she got blue sleeves before I read the note Mrs. O'Donnell left for me in Sammi's notebook. Sammi is enjoying school a lot more these days. She's actually excited when I wake her up in the mornings and we go upstairs (*to my Mom & step-Dad's apartment*) to get ready for school. I can talk to her about Holly's bus (*Holly is actually the monitor on this bus, but Sammi has decided that it's HER bus*) and what she's going to do in school that day without having her flip out on me. I can't even tell you how much better this is then going through hell with her every morning and feeling incredibly guilty for leaving her.

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I got my camera!!!
I got my camera!!!

Jim doesn't want me to mention this, but HAHAHAHA!!! Jim got me a digital camera for Christmas. And he thinks he's going to wrap it up and give it to me for Christmas! HA! Thank you, baby! I LOVE my new present! You're the bestest! As soon as I get it all hooked up, you better believe I'll be taking pictures with it and sharing them with all of you.

SantaWith Much LoveFrosty
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese
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Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Our first big storm of the year
December 9, 2005:

Mommy & Sammi Working on a Letter to Santa
December 5, 2005:

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Decorating Nuna & Grandpa's Tree
December 5, 2005:

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Christmas Stroll
December 2, 2005:

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The BEAUTIFUL dress Jaye sent to Sammi:

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Sammi in her Strawberry Shortcake dress (from Jaye) holding the "Christmas Angel" book (from Mrs. Pam):

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

December 18, 2005:
Sammi & I have been invited (by Jim's Mom, Susie) to attend a Christmas party this afternoon. Jim and I will be bringing Sammi to the party.

December 19, 2005:
Carol (who is a VERY close family friend and is also Samantha's Godmother) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!
Happy Birthday

December 21, 2005:
Today will mark 6 months of Jim & I being together
I Love You

December 24, 2005:
Jim, Sammi and I will be making the rounds tonight. Visiting Jim's family and then my Grandparents.

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Aidan's Mom gave birth to a baby boy on November 21, 2005. Welcome to the world, Jacob!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 26th:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brenda's dad, *Dave*, passed away last December. Now her Uncle isn't doing too well. Please join me in praying that he'll be able to make it to the New Year.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Lexie needs LOTS of prayers sent her way. Cancer has been found in many parts of her little body.

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Friday, December 9, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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Our weekend in pictures. We had a big snow storm all day today. Below are some of the pictures I took:

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I don't think Sammi will be going for any rides in her wagon anytime soon (*that's the wagon's handle sticking up underneath all that snow):

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Eddie (shepherd) and Ruger (retriever) LOVE the snow. The two of them had a great time playing in the snow on my Mom's porch this afternoon:

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Other pictures I took this afternoon.
1st -- Nuna & Grandpa's tree
2nd & 3rd -- Sammi with Nuna & Grandpa's tree
4th -- Sammi at Nuna's computer (*she had just finished playing a game online with Nuna*)

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Have a terrific weekend everyone!

SantaWith Much LoveFrosty
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese
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Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Mommy & Sammi Working on a Letter to Santa
December 5, 2005:

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Decorating Nuna & Grandpa's Tree
December 5, 2005:

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Christmas Stroll
December 2, 2005:

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The BEAUTIFUL dress Jaye sent to Sammi:

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Sammi in her Strawberry Shortcake dress (from Jaye) holding the "Christmas Angel" book (from Mrs. Pam):

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

December 18, 2005:
Sammi & I have been invited (by Jim's Mom, Susie) to attend a Christmas party this afternoon. Jim and I will be bringing Sammi to the party.

December 19, 2005:
Carol (who is a VERY close family friend and is also Samantha's Godmother) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!
Happy Birthday

December 21, 2005:
Today will mark 6 months of Jim & I being together
I Love You

December 24, 2005:
Jim, Sammi and I will be making the rounds tonight. Visiting Jim's family and then my Grandparents.

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Aidan's Mom gave birth to a baby boy on November 21, 2005. Welcome to the world, Jacob!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 26th:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brenda's dad, *Dave*, passed away last December. Now her Uncle isn't doing too well. Please join me in praying that he'll be able to make it to the New Year.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Lexie needs LOTS of prayers sent her way. Cancer has been found in many parts of her little body.

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Thursday, December 8, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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These pictures were taken the night Sammi helped decorate Nuna and Grandpa's tree. I'd write more, but I've been feeling crummy all day long and all I feel like doing is laying down and sleeping some more. I'll update more as soon as I've got my strength back.

Sammi getting ready to help Nuna decorate the tree:

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Sammi making her way to Nuna and Grandpa's tree. Notice Eddie (shepherd) and Ru in the background:

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Sammi handing bows to Nuna:

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Eddie (1st picture) and Ruger (2nd picture) looking cute:

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Nuna & Grandpa's Christmas tree:

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SkiingWith Much LoveSnowmobile
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese
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Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Mommy & Sammi Working on a Letter to Santa
December 5, 2005:

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Christmas Stroll
December 2, 2005:

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The BEAUTIFUL dress Jaye sent to Sammi:

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Sammi in her Strawberry Shortcake dress (from Jaye) holding the "Christmas Angel" book (from Mrs. Pam):

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

December 18, 2005:
Sammi & I have been invited (by Jim's Mom, Susie) to attend a Christmas party this afternoon. Jim and I will be bringing Sammi to the party.

December 21, 2005:
Today will mark 6 months of Jim & I being together
I Love You

December 24, 2005:
Jim, Sammi and I will be making the rounds tonight. Visiting Jim's family and then my Grandparents.

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Aidan's Mom gave birth to a baby boy on November 21, 2005. Welcome to the world, Jacob!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brenda's dad, *Dave*, passed away last December. Now her Uncle isn't doing too well. Please join me in praying that he'll be able to make it to the New Year.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Monday, December 5, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com


This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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My Mom, Sammi and I had a lot of fun together once I brought Sammi home from school. Sammi and I headed upstairs when we got home. Once Sammi had finished her soup, we started working on her letter to Santa. I had talked to her about writing this letter before she went to school this morning, and all along she talked about using a green crayon to write it. And, of course, that's what we used. Here are the pictures my Mom took of Sammi and I working on her letter:

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And here's the finished product.

The front:

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The back:

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It reads:

"Dear Santa,
I want light up Dora shoes, Tenderheart Check-up bear, Share Bear that reads, instruments, Dora stuff, books. Thank you.

Sammi and I had a lot of fun writing this letter. It's hanging on our fridge right now, but Sammi and Jimmy came up with the idea of leaving it under our tree. So by tomorrow afternoon that's where it should be.

Sammi brought "Christmas Angel" to school with her this morning. She was very excited about having Holly (the monitor on Sammi's bus) read it to her. I've already read it to her about half a dozen times and I'm sure I'll be reading it again very soon. Thank you again, Mrs. Pam!!!

Wishing all of you a fantastic week!

SkiingWith Much LoveSnowmobile
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese
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Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Christmas Stroll
December 2, 2005:

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The BEAUTIFUL dress Jaye sent to Sammi:

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Sammi in her Strawberry Shortcake dress (from Jaye) holding the "Christmas Angel" book (from Mrs. Pam):

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

December 18, 2005:
Sammi & I have been invited (by Jim's Mom, Susie) to attend a Christmas party this afternoon. Jim and I will be bringing Sammi to the party.

December 21, 2005:
Today will mark 6 months of Jim & I being together
I Love You

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Adam's Mom, Melanie, gave birth to (what I'm sure is a GORGEOUS) a baby girl on October 14, 2005. Congratulations on the latest addition to your family and welcome to the world, Sara Grace!!!

Aidan's Mom gave birth to a baby boy on November 21, 2005. Welcome to the world, Jacob!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Sunday, December 4, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Just recently Jaye was given only months to live. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com


This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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Friday, December 2, 2005:

Every year Haverhill holds a Christmas Stroll Downtown. Jim, Sammi and I walked from our house (we don't live far from where the action was taking place) to the Stroll. Well, Jim and I walked while Miss Samantha rode in style (we brought her wagon with us and Jim pulled her along). We didn't stay long since it was so cold out, but we did stay long enough for Sammi to listen to some music and sit in her wagon while a small marching band passed by us. Sammi had a blast! She had tons of fun dancing to the music she heard. Below are two pictures I took of my cute little girl while she was enjoying the music:

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Saturday, December 3, 2005:
Sunday, December 4, 2005:

Before I start this entry, I need to thank two VERY special people.

Thank you, Jaye, for the beautiful Strawberry Shortcake dress you sent to Sammi. We dressed her in it tonight and she couldn't have looked cuter. Sammi loved showing off her dress to everyone that was with her -- myself, Nuna, Grandpa and Jimmy. Everyone thought she looked adorable in it. Thank you, Jaye. Thank you for being such a sweetheart and remembering Sammi. She knows you're the one who sent her the dress and she has been walking around saying, "Thank you, Jaye" since I showed it to her. You're the bestest, sweetie!

Here are the pictures I took of Sammi in her new Strawberry Shortcake dress from Jaye (*don't mind some of the silly faces Sammi is making*):

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And then there's the wonderful, Mrs. Pam who was sweet enough to send Sammi a Clifford book -- "Christmas Angel." Sammi loved this book from the very first moment she laid eyes on it. She wanted me to read it to her right away, I did and she wanted me to read it again -- and again and again and again. Thank you, Mrs. Pam, for being so sweet. You've sent Sammi so many special things in the time that we've known you. Sammi now knows when you send a postcard to her. Thank you for your kindness.

Below are the pictures I was able to take of Sammi holding her new book from Mrs. Pam. Taking these pictures was a little tricky. Sammi wasn't too fond of the fact that she had to stand still AND hold the book up in front of her. So while I was able to take a couple of pictures, they aren't the best. Again, please don't mind the goofy Sammi faces:

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Tomorrow afternoon, once Sammi is home from school, we (Sammi & I) are going to go upstairs to visit with my Mom. We're going to help my Mom decorate her house for Christmas and we're also going to write a letter to Santa. Sammi is VERY excited about doing this. I'm sure I'll be taking some pictures and will be posting them on Sammi's page as soon as I'm able to.

We hope all of you have a terrific week!

SkiingWith Much LoveSnowmobile
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese
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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

December 18, 2005:
Sammi & I have been invited (by Jim's Mom, Susie) to attend a Christmas party this afternoon. Jim and I will be bringing Sammi to the party.

December 21, 2005:
Today will mark 6 months of Jim & I being together
I Love You

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Adam's Mom, Melanie, gave birth to (what I'm sure is a GORGEOUS) a baby girl on October 14, 2005. Congratulations on the latest addition to your family and welcome to the world, Sara Grace!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Saturday, December 3, 2005

Has anyone read this?

Research Near Standstill for Childhood Cancer Drugs
Do 'Targeted Drugs' Hold Promise for Children?

Article date: 2005/09/24

Effective treatments are not yet available for 20-25% of children diagnosed with cancer — and few new drugs appear to be coming anytime soon, according to a report from the non-profit Institute of Medicine (IOM). The authors of "Making Better Drugs for Children with Cancer" warn that drug research is near a standstill for most types of childhood cancer.

"There's a desperate need for new approaches," said Peter Adamson, MD, an editor of the IOM report. "The success in pediatric oncology has been made with drugs that have been around for 30 years," he said.

Doctors made great progress for many years, mainly by giving children more intense chemotherapy regimens using drugs developed for adults. Survival rates soared for certain cancers like acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) — then hit a plateau 4-5 years ago.

"Our ability to move ahead has waned. Overcoming the most difficult cancers with higher doses is not likely to succeed anymore," said Adamson.

The Missing Profit Motive…and a Bright Idea
About 400 new chemical agents are currently in development for cancers that strike adults, Adamson said. For children, on the other hand, only about 100 clinical trials are open at any given time, according to the National Cancer Institute. Some of these look at new drugs, but many are studying new uses of older therapies.

Many scientific discoveries that show promise for treating childhood cancers lie undeveloped, according to the IOM report; because childhood cancer is relatively rare, the market is too small to be worth the hundreds of millions of dollars needed to bring an experimental drug through testing to gain FDA approval.

"There's not a profit in developing drugs for children's cancers," explained Malcolm Smith, MD, PhD, who oversees new pediatric drug development for the National Cancer Institute.

"We have very powerful tools now being applied by pharmaceutical companies. They allow us to learn more than ever before about what allows cancer cells to grow," said Smith. "It's so important to use these tools now for childhood cancers," he added.

The IOM report calls for a new public-private partnership to speed up drug discovery.

Government, academic researchers, private industry, and patient advocacy groups would work together. Drug companies might allow their private "libraries" of experimental agents to be tested against pediatric cancer cells by government researchers—perhaps even before screening them for other uses—and the companies would keep the rights to sell treatments that prove successful.

And the National Cancer Institute would become a "developer of last resort" when a company decided not to fund the research and development of a drug that showed promise only for children with cancer.

'Targeted Drugs' Offer a Sliver of Hope
Some of the new drugs being testing for children with cancer are "targeted" therapies, which zero in on cancer cells but spare normal cells, so they cause fewer harmful side-effects than standard treatments. Those side-effects can create lifelong medical problems for survivors of childhood cancers.

"For many children current therapies are curative," said Adamson. "But the price they pay in long-term side effects is far too high."

About 20 targeted agents are being tested against children's cancers, but like the chemotherapy drugs in current use, most were developed for adults. A few active clinical trials are listed below, and information about others may be available from the Pediatric Oncology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, at NCI.

Avastin (bevacizumab) – for neuroblastoma and certain sarcomas.
Iressa (gefitinib) – moving into phase II trials for brain tumors and some sarcomas.
Rituxan (rituximab) – for children with lymphoma.
Mylotarg (gemtuzumab ozogamicin) – in phase III trials for acute myeloid leukemia in children
Lapatinib – for children with brain disease.
Gleevec (imatinib)¬ – for children newly diagnosed with Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia, along with standard chemotherapy.

Can these "smart-drugs" disable any of the 12 major cancer types that affect children?

"Aside from leukemias, the types of cancers children get are largely different from those of adults," explained Rick Alteri, MD, medical editor for the American Cancer Society. "Targeted therapies developed for adult cancers may work in children, but they may not," he said. "Pediatric cancers don't necessarily have the same gene mutations."

"On a positive note, if new targeted drugs are developed specifically for childhood cancers, they may be more effective than those used in adults, Childhood cancers tend to have fewer gene mutations driving the cancer, so attacking a single target with one of these new drugs may have more of an effect," said Alteri.

Children Can't Wait
Childhood cancer researchers are getting access more quickly now to new cancer drugs, said Smith--sometimes even before they're approved for adult use. In the past, long delays before being able to test drugs in children have been a problem. This is partly because drug companies were afraid that a rare but serious side-effect or death in a child taking an experimental drug could derail all testing of that agent for children or adults for any use.

Adamson feels that drug developers are unreasonably concerned about rare events. "The reality is children tolerate phase I therapy [new agents being tested to find the best dosage and possible side-effects] as well as or better than adults," said Adamson. "Once the initial studies are done – that is, phase I trials in adults – study should begin in children."

"We need some adult data, but should not have to wait a decade before beginning pediatric studies," he added. The IOM report offers specific suggestions to eliminate the current delays between testing a new cancer drug in adults and in children.

Cancer is still the leading cause of death by disease in US children ages 1-15 — it's expected to strike 9,510 children in 2005 and cause 1,585 tragic, premature deaths. If researchers could harness current scientific knowledge and tools to create new drugs, Adamson and colleagues write, "…there is every reason to believe that cure rates could be improved for all pediatric cancers, including those for which current long-term survival is very low, such as brain tumors."

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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For awhile now I have been asking for prayers regarding a friend's mother who was battling cancer. Katie's Mom was welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven on November 22, 2005. It's about time all of the suffering this poor woman has gone through has come to an end. Please keep Katie and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers.

Angel 2

passed away on November 25, 2005. My heart broke into about a million pieces when I heard that this little guy had passed away. I'm really torn up right now. I'm completely miserable at this point. The only consolation I can find at this time is that Katie's Mom (who passed away on November 22, 2005) was there to welcome *Eli* with open arms. That woman loved children VERY much (she was a pediatric nurse for years) and was always there when one needed her. My most heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all of the family and friends *Eli* left behind. That little boy will NEVER be forgotten.

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Sunday, November 27, 2005:

Sammi, Jim and I worked on some of Sammi's homework tonight. Homework in preschool -- you gotta love it. It just sounds too cute to me. Anyway, we had fun finishing it together. A couple of the assignments (she had 3 all together) Sammi and I completed before Jim arrived. One had to do with Thanksgiving (what we did to celebrate, who we were with, what we ate, etc.) and the other we had to write about a walk we went on and what we saw. When Jim got here, we worked on the bigger of the three assignments. This one was made out of construction paper and was in the shape of an "S." For this assignment, Sammi needed to glue different pictures onto the "S" -- pictures of things she enjoyed -- animals, cartoons, family. I ended up cutting out some Care Bears pictures for her to color. We also added a picture of Casey (our dog), some letters, a jewel, a picture of Dora, a picture of Boots and a sign that reads "The Wiggles." Sammi colored everything and placed each picture onto the "S" after Jim or I put some glue on the back of it. Sammi had a blast working on this project with us.

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Monday, November 28, 2005:

When I picked Sammi up from school this afternoon, Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's PM teacher) told me that Sammi did an excellent job when it came to sharing her "S" project with the class. She also sat very nicely and listened as the other kiddies in her class shared their projects. I'm so proud of my little stinker -- she's doing so fantastic in school these days.

Last night I promised Sammi that we would set up our Christmas tree once I picked her up from school this afternoon -- and that's just what we did; after Sammi ate her soup of course. My Mom (Sammi's Nuna) came down to help us out. My Mom put our tree together (I bought a fake one last year) while I cleaned up some other areas of the house. What did Miss Samantha do while Mommy and Nuna were decorating the house? Not much actually. She jumped around on our couch, watched a video or two and just acted like her goofy little self. She was fascinated by the blinking lights that I put on our tree. She just thought that was the coolest thing she had ever seen. So now our house is completely decorated for Christmas -- unless, of course, I pick up some more decorations like I do every year. Here are the pictures I took of our house all ready for Christmas:

This is what I decorate our house with every year. I have a blast decorating our house for Christmas. Christmas is, by far, my favorite holiday and I love getting all prepared for it. You'll probably notice from the pictures, but I'm a HUGE snowman fan. Snowbiddies are the best -- I've been collecting them for about 2 years now. Believe me, my collection can always get bigger. The bigger the better, right?

This is the sign on our back door:
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This is the calendar Sammi loves to play with every year. It's on the other side of our back door:
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One of the end tables in our living room:
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The shelf above our living room couch:
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The wall clock in our living room. The ornaments on either side of this clock read "EDDIE" and "RUGER" -- my two babies (puppies) that live upstairs with my Mom and step-Dad:
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Many snowmen decorating our entertainment center:
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Close-up of the "SNOW" snowman on our stereo speaker on our entertainment center:
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Snowbuddies in front of our stereo speaker (entertainment center):
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Snowbuddies in front of another speaker (entertainment center):
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My snowmen:
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Decorations on our kitchen table:
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Our stockings (Jim's, Sammi's & mine):
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Decorations above our living room couch:
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More snowmen:
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Shelf in our bedroom:
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This is my favorite decoration. They're snowbuddies on a train:
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This is what Miss Samantha decided to do while Mommy & Nuna were busy decorating. She sat on that cute little butt of hers, ate soup, read books and watched videos. Thanks for the help, kid! Oh, and she made this goofy face when I told her I was taking her picture:
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And finally -- OUR TREE!!!
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Shower 2

Tuesday, November 29, 2005:

Just as I'm about to get in the shower this morning, I hear my phone ringing in the other room. Sammi was at school and I wasn't expecting to hear from anyone, so I let it go to voice mail. Then my conscience got to me and I listened to the message that was left. It was Shelia (the aide that works with Sammi at school). Sammi was fine, but she was requesting soup. Now you have to keep in mind that I haven't been sending soup to school with Sammi for about a month now. I stopped sending it in with her because she won't eat it. She eats some before she goes to school in the morning, doesn't eat a damn thing at school all day long and then has some as soon as she gets home. So I got sick of sending it in when it wasn't being eaten and stopped. But now, all of a sudden, she's requesting it. And what makes things even better? The fact that Shelia said they ate lunch around eleven o'clock and it was now ten of. Grrrrrr!!! So I get all dressed again, throw some soup together for Sammi and head to her school. Sammi looked so cute when I got there. I didn't let her see me (*I was afraid she wouldn't let me leave if she saw me*), but I got to see her playing with all of her friends. Her class was at recess when I arrived. They were playing in the gym since it was kind of yucky out. When I got there, Sammi was being pulled around in a wagon by one of her friends. I wish I had brought my camera.

So what happened when Sammi got home from school? Well, I looked into her lunch bag and guess what was there? A FULL THERMOS OF SOUP!!! After all that, Sammi never even touched the soup I brought for her. I should have known better. But if I didn't bring any in after Shelia called me, I would have felt guilty for the rest of the day. So what was the lesson that I learned? Well I'm sending soup in to school with Sammi from now on -- whether she eats it or not. Live and learn, right?


Wednesday, November 30, 2005:

Wow! Is it really the last day of November? I feel like if I blink, it'll be Christmas. This time of the year always seems to fly by to me.

Every morning Miss Samantha brings a book to school with her. The monitor on Sammi's bus, Holly, reads the book Sammi has chosen on the bus ride to school. This morning's choice was the book, "All You Need For a Snowman." Sammi got this book as a Christmas gift from the preschool teacher she had last year -- Mrs. Lynch. This is a really cool book. I've been talking to Sammi about building a snowman of our own and she seems really excited to do this. When we do build a snowman it'll be the first one Sammi has ever built. Or, in Sammi's case, watched while Mommy and Jim do all of the work. Either way, it'll be her first. I can't wait to build one with Sammi and Jim.

When I went to pick Sammi up from school this afternoon and asked her what she did in school she said, "I got a tattoo." When I looked on her hand, sure enough there was a little tattoo there. Apparently (according to Sammi) she got it in the gym this afternoon. It's of a teddy bear and Sammi LOVES it! She absolutely refuses to let me wash it off. So I guess she'll be wearing it tomorrow to school.

While Sammi and I were reading a book tonight, Sammi read her very first word all by herself. When I was done reading the book she wanted me to read ("A Porcupine Named Fluffy"), she turned it over and said "Books." I asked her how to spell books and noticed that word was printed at the bottom of the page. Sammi spelt it out while pointing to each letter. She saw the word "Books" and read it all by herself. I'm so proud of my baby girl.


That's about it for us. Before I go, could I ask everyone who is reading this to think some Happy Thoughts for Jim tomorrow? He'll be in Taunton taking his final exam. We'd really appreciate it.

SkiingWith Much LoveSnowmobile
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese
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Thanksgiving Day 2005:

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Sammi's Works of Art From School
November 2005:

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Sammi All Ready for School
November 22, 2005:

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Sammi Standing on Her Own!!!
November 8, 2005:

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

November 27, 2005:
Today marks one year of my Mom (Sammi's Nuna) being smoke free. CONGRATULATIONS, Mom!!! We are SO incredibly proud of you!!!
No Smoking

December 1, 2005:
Today is Jimmy's last day of school until February 2006, which means today Jimmy will be taking his final exam. My fingers are crossed that he'll pass with flying colors.

December 2, 2005:
Jimmy & I will be bringing Sammi into Boston for a follow-up appointment with her pediatrician. Wish us luck!
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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Adam's Mom, Melanie, gave birth to (what I'm sure is a GORGEOUS) a baby girl on October 14, 2005. Congratulations on the latest addition to your family and welcome to the world, Sara Grace!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!

November 25th:
Autumn turns 4-years-old today!!!

December Birthdays:

December 2nd:
Crystal's Mom, Angie, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Saturday, November 26, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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For awhile now I have been asking for prayers regarding a friend's mother who was battling cancer. Katie's Mom was welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven on November 22, 2005. It's about time all of the suffering this poor woman has gone through has come to an end. Please keep Katie and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers.

Angel 2

I just learned that
passed away on November 25, 2005. My heart broke into about a million pieces when I heard that this little guy had passed away. I'm really torn up right now. I'm completely miserable at this point. The only consolation I can find at this time is that Katie's Mom (who passed away on November 22, 2005) was there to welcome *Eli* with open arms. That woman loved children VERY much (she was a pediatric nurse for years) and was always there when one needed her. My most heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all of the family and friends *Eli* left behind. That little boy will NEVER be forgotten.

SkiingWith Much LoveSnowmobile
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese
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Thanksgiving Day 2005:

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Sammi's Works of Art From School
November 2005:

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Sammi All Ready for School
November 22, 2005:

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Sammi Standing on Her Own!!!
November 8, 2005:

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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

November 27, 2005:
Today marks one year of my Mom (Sammi's Nuna) being smoke free. CONGRATULATIONS, Mom!!! We are SO incredibly proud of you!!!
No Smoking

December 1, 2005:
Today is Jimmy's last day of school until February 2006, which means today Jimmy will be taking his final exam. My fingers are crossed that he'll pass with flying colors.

December 2, 2005:
Jimmy & I will be bringing Sammi into Boston for a follow-up appointment with her pediatrician. Wish us luck!
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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Adam's Mom, Melanie, gave birth to (what I'm sure is a GORGEOUS) a baby girl on October 14, 2005. Congratulations on the latest addition to your family and welcome to the world, Sara Grace!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's MRI (done on November 17th) remains stable. Thank God!!!
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Autumn celebrated her 4th birthday on November 25, 2005!!! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!!!

Caden and his little girlfriend, Addison, recently spent some time together and posed for some pretty cute pictures. These two make a VERY cute couple!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!

November 25th:
Autumn turns 4-years-old today!!!

December Birthdays:

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda has an appointment to get her hearing tested on December 5, 2005.

Brooke is still stuck in the Hospital at this time -- the poor little thing and her family even had to spend Thanksgiving Day there. At this time she is experiencing high fevers as well as some VERY low blood counts. Please keep this little sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully she'll be heading home VERY SOON.

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

*Eli* entered God's Kingdom on November 25, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Thursday, November 24, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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For awhile now I have been asking for prayers regarding a friend's mother who was battling cancer. Katie's Mom was welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven on November 22, 2005. It's about time all of the suffering this poor woman has gone through has come to an end. Please keep Katie and her entire family in your thoughts and prayers.

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How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Ours was fantastic and we hope yours went just as well.

Our morning started off by waking up and finding lots of snow on the ground. I heard some snow might be headed our way, but I was under the assumption that it was just going to be a dusting. So much for that. That's what we get for living in New England. The snow didn't last long and it didn't amount to much and I must admit that it was a beautiful thing to see.

After I got ready, and got Sammi ready as well, Jimmy, Sammi and I headed over to Jim's Mom's house. Sammi was VERY excited that we were going to see Susie -- Jim's Mom. Sammi is VERY fond of Jim's Mom and I can't say I blame her -- the woman is as sweet as can be.

Jimmy, Tom (Jim's brother), Susie (Jim's Mom), Mickey (Susie's husband) and Jim's Grandmother (Susie's Mom) ate dinner together while Sammi sat on Susie's couch and played with some toys. I was VERY impressed with how well behaved Sammi was while we were there. She didn't sit down and eat with us, but she was on her best behavior while everyone else ate.

When we were finished eating at Susie's house, Jimmy, Sammi and I headed back home. My Mom was also cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner and we were going to (*ugh*) eat again. Luckily the meals were spaced out enough so we didn't get too full too quickly.

I want to say "Thank You" to Susie for inviting Sammi & I into her home to celebrate this special holiday with her and her family. (*For the record -- Jeff's Mom NEVER invited us over for any holiday while we were dating*). Dinner was excellent and we had a wonderful time while we were there. Thank you again for your kindness.

I also want to say "Thank You" to my Mom for the wonderful Thanksgiving dinner she prepared for us and for inviting Jim to join us. We had a wonderful time eating with you and Slappy (my step-Dad) and enjoyed absolutely everything you cooked. I love you with all my heart.

Jim and I celebrated our first Thanksgiving together today -- and it couldn't have gone more perfectly. I can't say it enough -- I am head over heels in love with that man and enjoy absolutely every minute we spend together. He's the bestest!

I'm posting some pictures below that I think all of you will enjoy looking at. Again, I hope every one of you celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your families. Ours couldn't have been any better.

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TurkeyWith Much LoveNap Turkey
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese

I took these before Sammi headed off to school on November 22, 2005:

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Here are the works of art that Sammi has made in school this month:

Sammi's Animal Stamp Art:
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Sammi's Turkey:
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Sammi's Little Red Hen Puppet:
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A Leaf & Painting Sammi Made in School:
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The Circles & Leaf Sammi Drew in School:
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Sammi's Mayflower:
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Sammi's Leaf Wreath:
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Sammi's Turkey Wreath.....In the middle of this wreath are little blocks that read:
"Thank you for balls & my dog Casey"
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This is the hand turkey Sammi made in school. It opens up like a letter and in the inside it reads:
"This isn't just a turkey
As anyone can see,
I made it with my hand
Which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love,
Especially to say,
I hope you have a very
Happy Thanksgiving Day.
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The Cornucopia Sammi colored and glued in Speech:
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This is the corn roll painting Sammi made with her friend, Mark, in Mrs. O'Donnell's class:
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And here are the pictures that were taken on Thanksgiving Day (which just so happened to be the first Thanksgiving Jimmy & I spent together):

The turkey hat that Sammi & Grandpa Slappy are wearing is what ended up being out Thanksgiving centerpiece. Sammi made it in school the day before Thanksgiving:
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Sammi, Mommy & Jimmy:
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Here's Jimmy looking spiffy for Thanksgiving. This is the first time I had ever seen him dressed up. Doesn't he look cute???
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Shannon (Mommy) and Jimmy's celebrating our first Thanksgiving together:
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And what would Thanksgiving be without our puppies (Eddie & Ruger) getting their very own plate of food? Here are a couple of pictures of Eddie all ready to eat his turkey. Notice the napkin tied to his collar?
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Image hosted by TinyPic.comUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyImage hosted by TinyPic.com

November 27, 2005:
Today marks one year of my Mom (Sammi's Nuna) being smoke free. CONGRATULATIONS, Mom!!! We are SO incredibly proud of you!!!
No Smoking

December 1, 2005:
Today is Jimmy's last day of school until February 2006, which means today Jimmy will be taking his final exam. My fingers are crossed that he'll pass with flying colors.

December 2, 2005:
Jimmy & I will be bringing Sammi into Boston for a follow-up appointment with her pediatrician. Wish us luck!
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Image hosted by TinyPic.comCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsImage hosted by TinyPic.com

Adam's Mom, Melanie, gave birth to (what I'm sure is a GORGEOUS) a baby girl on October 14, 2005. Congratulations on the latest addition to your family and welcome to the world, Sara Grace!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda dressed up as a Pumpkin for Halloween. I bet she looked absolutely adorable!!!

Autumn dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and her little brother Calvin was a lion. There are pictures posted on Autumn's page and both of them look too cute!!!

Caden dressed up as a Frog for Halloween. His Mom posted pictures of him all dressed up on his page and he was one VERY handsome looking frog!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

David went in for his chemo on November 10th -- I'm hoping and praying all went well.

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!

November 25th:
Autumn turns 4-years-old today!!!

December Birthdays:

December 5th:
Today is *Hannah's* Heavenly birthday

December 14th:
Kody C. turns 4-years-old today!!!

December 23rd:
Tabby turns 2-years-old today!!!

December 24th:
Jaye turns 21-years-old today!!!

December 28th:
Today is *Carl's (*Car Car's*)* Heavenly birthday
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Katie and everyone in her family. Katie's Mom passed away on November 22, 2005 after a VERY long battle with cancer.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

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CornucopiaWith Much LoveCornucopia
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese

Friday, November 11, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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I have a BIG time prayer request. Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Her Mom has been fighting cancer for quite awhile now, but things aren't looking very good for her anymore. She's down to 57 pounds and isn't expected to last much longer. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers -- as well as Katie, her husband, her two children and the rest of her family as they go through all of this together. Thank you all SO much!!!

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"Sammi's Newest Talent"

Sammi is becoming a pro when it comes to learning her opposites. She knows so many of them and the two of us have fun just sitting together naming all of the opposites she knows. I'll ask her what the opposite of a word is and she ALWAYS gets it right. I'm posting a list of all the opposites she knows below -- I was typing them up tonight while Sammi and I were playing our game.


Besides Sammi's newest accomplishment (which has actually been going on for about a week now -- I've just forgotten to mention it), not a lot has been happening with us. Of course I'm ALWAYS more than willing to brag about my little Angel Bear, so I guess you could say that's all I'm doing in this update.

We hope all of you are doing well. Our thoughts and prayers are always with the wonderful families we've come to know and love through CaringBridge.

Veterans Day
Happy Veteran's Day Everyone!!!

Wishing all of you an excellent weekend ahead!

TreeWith Much LoveTree
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "Happy Veteran's Day!" Therese
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Sammi Standing on Her Own!!!
November 8, 2005:

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Halloween Pictures
October 31, 2005:

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PJsUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyPJs

November 11, 2005:
Today is Veteran's Day
Veterans Day

November 13, 2005:
Today is World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day 2

November 16, 2005:
Papa (my Dad) and I will be taking Sammi into Boston for her appointment today.
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa dressed up as a bee for Halloween and her baby brother, Isaac, was a dalmation! The two of them look absolutely adorable in their little costumes! They're awesome Mom posted some GREAT pictures of the two of them on Alyssa's site -- I definitely recommend checking them out.
Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda dressed up as a Pumpkin for Halloween. I bet she looked absolutely adorable!!!

Autumn dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and her little brother Calvin was a lion. There are pictures posted on Autumn's page and both of them look too cute!!!

Caden dressed up as a Frog for Halloween. His Mom posted pictures of him all dressed up on his page and he was one VERY handsome looking frog!!!

Collin is doing pretty good these days -- thank God!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

David went in for his chemo on November 10th -- I'm hoping and praying all went well.

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari was seen by her doctor on November 10th and he said that her scar (from her surgery) is healing VERY nicely!!! Thanks to this good news, Little Miss Kari doesn't need to be seen again for another 6 months!!! Woohoo!!!
Kari's brother, Alek, was battling croup,but he's feeling MUCH better now. Thank you for all the happy thoughts and prayers I'm sure you sent his way.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Corey could use LOTS of happy thoughts and prayers sent his way.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
November 10, 2005: Jaye pulled out her PICC Line again and had to go back to the Hospital. Thankfully everything went well while she was there and she is now back home where she belongs. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael had an MRI coming up, but it couldn't be done since he isn't feeling very well these days. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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%a%Veterans Day (11/11)%a%Salute

"Sammi's Week at School"

Again, I apologize for my lack of updates. But I wanted to fill all of you in on the AWESOME step Sammi has made on her road to recovery. On Saturday (November 5th) Sammi STOOD UP and WALKED ALL BY HERSELF. I had my Mom on the phone when this happened. My Mom wanted to talk to Sammi, so of course I let her. While my Mom was talking to Sammi, she (my Mom) asked Sammi to walk for her. As I watched in amazement Sammi STOOD up (she was sitting on the floor at the time) ALL BY HERSELF and continued to amaze me by walking into our living room. I was absolutely stunned!!! And to think -- all it took was for my Mom to ask Sammi to do this. Who would have thought? So Sammi has been walking non-stop ever since this first happened on Saturday. Of course she still scoots from time to time (and she also refuses to walk once in awhile), but I think this is to be expected since she hasn't walked in such a long amount of time. Needless to say, everyone is VERY proud of my little Angel Bear!!! This is (by far) the best news I've gotten in a LONG time.

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Monday, November 7, 2005:

This is the note I wrote to Mrs. Dennehy (Sammi's AM teacher) and Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's PM teacher) today:

"Sammi stood up all by herself (without holding onto anything) this weekend and walked on her own! Her legs are still shaky, so she needs to hold onto something (or someone) while she's walking."

This is the note I received from Mrs. Dennehy today:

"Samantha came into school ok. She sat and did puzzles by herself with minimal assistance. She walked with Mrs. Lapierre (an Aide in Mrs. Dennehy's room) to group meeting. Later she walked to her wheelchair -- again with Mrs. Lapierre. Nice job! She did a rice box outside with Corey."

And this is the note I received from Mrs. O'Donnell today:

"Sammi walked really tall today. She looked so much more comfortable. We painted with animal stamps."

My Mom came with me to pick Sammi up from school this afternoon. My Mom had the day off and she usually comes with me to pick up Sammi if she isn't doing anything. Sammi was VERY happy to see her Nuna this afternoon. The two of them spent a lot of time together once we got back home -- Sammi and I went upstairs to do some visiting. Sammi had a blast playing with her Nuna and Grandpa while we were upstairs.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2005:

Notes from school I received today. First, from Mrs. Dennehy:

"Sammi walked to the snack table all by herself! Seemed happier today. Yeah!"

And now from Mrs. O'Donnell:

"Sammi's walking is improving daily -- so good to see. Sammi had a busy day -- OT group, SPL & vision. Tolerated all therapies."

Sammi also brought home the painting she did with animal stamps on Monday. I gave this painting to my Mom and step-Dad for them to hang on their fridge. It came out looking VERY cute! I'm going to have to take a picture of it with my Mom's digital camera so all of you can see it. It's really cute!!!

Here are some pictures I took of Sammi this morning. I know they're not the best, but they should give you at least a little idea of how well Sammi has been doing when it comes to standing on her own. I promise to get some better pictures of Sammi standing on her own soon..................

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Wednesday, November 9, 2005:

My mind is a complete blank. I'm trying to remember what (if anything) happened today that would be worth mentioning. I honestly can't think of anything, so I'm just going to skip this day all together.


Thursday, November 10, 2005:

Here's today's note. Mrs. Dennehy didn't write one for me, so the only one I have to include is from Mrs. O'Donnell........

"Sammi enjoyed music with Mrs. Skaliotis. She did quite a bit of walking this AM and sufficient amount this PM to keep her moving. Sammi told us that Megan (Speech Therapist) did a good tickling Sammi's tongue with the Nuk brush. (This happened Tuesday at SPL -- she told us today)."

I had an appointment to go to at nine o'clock this morning, so my Mom was in charge of putting Sammi on the bus -- thank God she was scheduled to go into work late. This was the first time since Sammi started going to school that my Mom put her on the bus. Everything went as smoothly as possible. I called my Mom to see how things went once my appointment was over -- she assured me that everything went fine. Thank you, Mom, for doing this incredibly big favor for me this morning. I would have been lost if you weren't there to help me out.

We have a small tragedy. Sammi's yellow keys (she has been carrying these around with her for weeks now) and one of her Squeekas (she has 3 of them but believe me, she knows when one is missing) aren't with us this long weekend. Shelia took Sammi's yellow keys from her when she was washing her hands yesteday, put them in her pocket and forgot all about them -- so the yellow keys are spending the weekend with Shelia. As for the Squeeka -- Sammi brought it to school today, but Shelia couldn't find it at the end of the day. We don't know where it is, so I told Sammi that Shelia brought that home with her too. Sammi understands that she will get these two things back on Monday at school. So far Sammi doesn't have a problem with this -- I'm just hoping it stays that way.

As for Jimmy, he had a slight accident this afternoon. Funniest thing though, it didn't happen at work. He was at home doing something, smacked his head off of something else and split it open pretty good. Poor guy. He ended up going to the hospital after it happened, but he wasn't given any stitches. Apparently the doctor he was seen by wanted to put some staples in, but they wouldn't stay. So he basically went to the ER so they could clean the wound up for him. The good news is that he isn't in any pain -- the scar is just really gross to look at.

Veterans Day Ribbon
"Happy Veteran's Day!!!"

Jim has tomorrow off because of Veteran's Day -- woohoo! And he said he'd let me sleep in tomorrow morning -- double woohoo! I'm not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow (or this weekend), but I'm sure Sammi and I will have fun spending time with Jimmy. We hope every one of you has an excellent weekend as well!

TreeWith Much LoveTree
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "Happy Veteran's Day!" Therese
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Halloween Pictures
October 31, 2005:

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PJsUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyPJs

November 11, 2005:
Today is Veteran's Day
Veterans Day

November 13, 2005:
Today is World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day 2

November 16, 2005:
Papa (my Dad) and I will be taking Sammi into Boston for her appointment today.
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda dressed up as a Pumpkin for Halloween. I bet she looked absolutely adorable!!!

Autumn dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and her little brother Calvin was a lion. There are pictures posted on Autumn's page and both of them look too cute!!!

Caden dressed up as a Frog for Halloween. His Mom posted pictures of him all dressed up on his page and he was one VERY handsome looking frog!!!

Collin and his sister Regan dressed up for Halloween and the two of them looked beautiful! Collin's Mom was sweet enough to post some pictures and I definitely recommend stopping by their site to take a look.

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

David's recent MRI came back crystal CLEAR!!! Yea, baby!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari is back in school again!!!

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
October 31, 2005: Jaye was put through a lung biopsy as well as lots of blood work today. If all goes well, Jaye may be able to go home on Tuesday (November 1st). Pray, pray, pray!!!

Kari's brother, Alek, is battling croup. Please send any and all happy thoughts and get well wishes his way!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael has an MRI coming up soon. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Sunday, November 6, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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Ah, let's see what has happened since the last time I've updated. Between these headaches I've been having and Sammi keeping me extra busy, I haven't been able to find the time to update Sammi's page. I apologize for that and for not being able to visit many CaringBridge families lately. My computer doesn't seem to like me very much (no big surprise there) and it has been keeping me from signing guestbooks -- I'm able to type up an entry, but my computer ends up timing out whenever I attempt to post it. Go figure! Anyway, here's whats been going on in our neck of the woods.....................

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005:

Not a hell of a lot has been happening around here this week.

My Dad called me this afternoon (while Sammi was in school) and said he wanted to take me out to lunch. So the two of us spent about an hour alone together eating lunch. It was nice spending time with my Dad today. We haven't gone out to lunch for awhile. I love my Dad very much, but we don't spend enough time together. It's nice being able to do something together when both of us have the time.

Oh! Did I mention that a BIG school bus side swiped me this afternoon? I had just picked Sammi up and we were on our way home when it happened. Luckily neither of us got hurt, but my car doesn't look too good anymore. Oh well -- it's still driveable and all I really care about is the fact that nobody got hurt. Other than that, our week has been pretty uneventful.

Mrs. O'Donnell left a note in Sammi's notebook for me. It read...............

"Sammi chose to have a Ritz cracker at snack!! She licked the salt and held the cracker independently. Good short term walking."

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Thursday, November 3, 2005:

I went to my doctor today because of those headaches that have been driving me nuts. Unfortunately they have no idea why I'm getting them, but they've ruled out migraines and an anurism -- woohoo!!! (*I guess*). I was given some pain pills to help with my pain and they work GREAT!!! I also had an appointment with my eye doctor (at my Mom's work) so I could get my eyes diliated this afternoon -- I need to get them examined once a year because of my diabetes. Everything came out looking good at my appointment and my prescription has changed VERY little. I was also given a field vision test, which I passed with flying colors -- so this rules out a tumor pressing on my optic nerve. So while I may not have gotten an answer as to why I'm getting these horrible headaches, some nasty possibilities have been ruled out. I suppose that's better than nothing.

Sammi had another good day at school. She has been really good when it comes to getting her on the bus these days. She hasn't been giving me a hard time like she usually does. She is VERY fond of Holly -- the new monitor on her bus. They sit together and play on the way to school every morning. This has made a BIG difference in the way Sammi gets on the bus in the morning. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is being able to leave Sammi when she's in a good mood rather than seeing her crying her eyes out.

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Saturday, November 5, 2005:

Remember the Uncle I mentioned awhile back who was involved in Hurricane Katrina? I mentioned he had moved up here when he lost everything back in Louisiana. Well, Sammi and I spent the day with him today. He doesn't have a car, so Sammi and I took him out to run some errands. He also got a load of laundry washed while he was at our house. Sammi thinks VERY highly of her Great Uncle. She had a terrific time with him today.

I think that's about it from our end. Not too many fun things have been happening in our neck of the woods lately. I'm going to do my best to update Sammi's page more regularly and I'm also going to try to figure out what in the world is up with my computer -- why it won't allow me to sign CaringBridge guestbooks. Some guestbooks I don't have a problem with, others I don't get very far. Wish me luck!

We hope all of you have a wonderful week ahead!!!

TreeWith Much LoveTree
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "Happy November" Therese
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Halloween Pictures
October 31, 2005:

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PJsUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyPJs

November 11, 2005:
Today is Veteran's Day
Veterans Day

November 16, 2005:
Papa (my Dad) and I will be taking Sammi into Boston for her appointment today.

November 17, 2005:
Today is picture make-up day at Sammi's school. Sammi missed having her pictures taken because she was in the hospital.
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda dressed up as a Pumpkin for Halloween. I bet she looked absolutely adorable!!!

Autumn dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and her little brother Calvin was a lion. There are pictures posted on Autumn's page and both of them look too cute!!!

Caden dressed up as a Frog for Halloween. His Mom posted pictures of him all dressed up on his page and he was one VERY handsome looking frog!!!

Collin and his sister Regan dressed up for Halloween and the two of them looked beautiful! Collin's Mom was sweet enough to post some pictures and I definitely recommend stopping by their site to take a look.

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

David's recent MRI came back crystal CLEAR!!! Yea, baby!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari is back in school again!!!

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
October 31, 2005: Jaye was put through a lung biopsy as well as lots of blood work today. If all goes well, Jaye may be able to go home on Tuesday (November 1st). Pray, pray, pray!!!

Kari's brother, Alek, is battling croup. Please send any and all happy thoughts and get well wishes his way!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael has an MRI coming up soon. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Sunday, November 6, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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Ah, let's see what has happened since the last time I've updated. Between these headaches I've been having and Sammi keeping me extra busy, I haven't been able to find the time to update Sammi's page. I apologize for that and for not being able to visit many CaringBridge families lately. My computer doesn't seem to like me very much (no big surprise there) and it has been keeping me from signing guestbooks -- I'm able to type up an entry, but my computer ends up timing out whenever I attempt to post it. Go figure! Anyway, here's whats been going on in our neck of the woods.....................

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005:

Not a hell of a lot has been happening around here this week.

My Dad called me this afternoon (while Sammi was in school) and said he wanted to take me out to lunch. So the two of us spent about an hour alone together eating lunch. It was nice spending time with my Dad today. We haven't gone out to lunch for awhile. I love my Dad very much, but we don't spend enough time together. It's nice being able to do something together when both of us have the time.

Oh! Did I mention that a BIG school bus side swiped me this afternoon? I had just picked Sammi up and we were on our way home when it happened. Luckily neither of us got hurt, but my car doesn't look too good anymore. Oh well -- it's still driveable and all I really care about is the fact that nobody got hurt. Other than that, our week has been pretty uneventful.

Mrs. O'Donnell left a note in Sammi's notebook for me. It read...............

"Sammi chose to have a Ritz cracker at snack!! She licked the salt and held the cracker independently. Good short term walking."

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Thursday, November 3, 2005:

I went to my doctor today because of those headaches that have been driving me nuts. Unfortunately they have no idea why I'm getting them, but they've ruled out migraines and an anurism -- woohoo!!! (*I guess*). I was given some pain pills to help with my pain and they work GREAT!!! I also had an appointment with my eye doctor (at my Mom's work) so I could get my eyes diliated this afternoon -- I need to get them examined once a year because of my diabetes. Everything came out looking good at my appointment and my prescription has changed VERY little. I was also given a field vision test, which I passed with flying colors -- so this rules out a tumor pressing on my optic nerve. So while I may not have gotten an answer as to why I'm getting these horrible headaches, some nasty possibilities have been ruled out. I suppose that's better than nothing.

Sammi had another good day at school. She has been really good when it comes to getting her on the bus these days. She hasn't been giving me a hard time like she usually does. She is VERY fond of Holly -- the new monitor on her bus. They sit together and play on the way to school every morning. This has made a BIG difference in the way Sammi gets on the bus in the morning. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is being able to leave Sammi when she's in a good mood rather than seeing her crying her eyes out.

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Saturday, November 5, 2005:

Remember the Uncle I mentioned awhile back who was involved in Hurricane Katrina? I mentioned he had moved up here when he lost everything back in Louisiana. Well, Sammi and I spent the day with him today. He doesn't have a car, so Sammi and I took him out to run some errands. He also got a load of laundry washed while he was at our house. Sammi thinks VERY highly of her Great Uncle. She had a terrific time with him today.

I think that's about it from our end. Not too many fun things have been happening in our neck of the woods lately. I'm going to do my best to update Sammi's page more regularly and I'm also going to try to figure out what in the world is up with my computer -- why it won't allow me to sign CaringBridge guestbooks. Some guestbooks I don't have a problem with, others I don't get very far. Wish me luck!

We hope all of you have a wonderful week ahead!!!

TreeWith Much LoveTree
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "Happy November" Therese
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Halloween Pictures
October 31, 2005:

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PJsUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyPJs

November 11, 2005:
Today is Veteran's Day
Veterans Day

November 16, 2005:
Papa (my Dad) and I will be taking Sammi into Boston for her appointment today.

November 17, 2005:
Today is picture make-up day at Sammi's school. Sammi missed having her pictures taken because she was in the hospital.
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda dressed up as a Pumpkin for Halloween. I bet she looked absolutely adorable!!!

Autumn dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and her little brother Calvin was a lion. There are pictures posted on Autumn's page and both of them look too cute!!!

Caden dressed up as a Frog for Halloween. His Mom posted pictures of him all dressed up on his page and he was one VERY handsome looking frog!!!

Collin and his sister Regan dressed up for Halloween and the two of them looked beautiful! Collin's Mom was sweet enough to post some pictures and I definitely recommend stopping by their site to take a look.

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

David's recent MRI came back crystal CLEAR!!! Yea, baby!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari is back in school again!!!

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
October 31, 2005: Jaye was put through a lung biopsy as well as lots of blood work today. If all goes well, Jaye may be able to go home on Tuesday (November 1st). Pray, pray, pray!!!

Kari's brother, Alek, is battling croup. Please send any and all happy thoughts and get well wishes his way!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael has an MRI coming up soon. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Tuesday, November 1, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.
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Miss Samantha was in an excellent mood when I put her on the bus this morning. I don't think I mentioned this before, but there is a new monitor on Sammi's bus and Sammi is VERY fond of this one. I must say, this monitor is A LOT better than the other one who was on Sammi's bus. The other monitor never seemed like she wanted to be there -- like her job was a pain in the butt and she hated it. Why would you take a job working with kids if you're always going to be so miserable? It doesn't make any sense to me.

The Nurse from Sammi's school called me around noon time. Sammi has a head cold and I guess the Nurse didn't think I knew about it. Did any of you look at those Halloween pictures I posted? Did you happen to notice the runny nose on Miss Samantha? Yeah, I think I knew that Sammi wasn't feeling too well. The Nurse that called also said that Sammi was being a little on the cranky side. Now (and I'm guessing here) this was either because of the head cold Sammi has (you know, the one I wasn't aware of) or it could have been due to the fact that Sammi had been up since about 6:30 this morning. My little trooper ended up spending the rest of the day in school though -- she's such a good little girl.

The rest of our day together was pretty uneventful. We didn't get to see my Mom (Sammi's Nuna) because tonight was her late night at work. We'll be seeing her tomorrow morning before Sammi heads off to school though. We also haven't seen Jimmy since last night when we went trick-or-treating together and we won't be seeing him until tomorrow night. He had school today and he goes again tomorrow and he ends up spending the night at his own house since he needs to go to bed so early.

I'm not sure what's in store for us for the rest of this week. I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor on Thursday -- thank God. I've been dealing with some killer migraines for about a week now and I'm just about at the end of my rope with them. Hopefully all of it will get figured out when I'm seen by my doctor.

Hey, has anyone been having problems when it comes to signing CaringBridge guestbooks? I've been trying for a couple of days now and the whole system ends up timing out before I can make my entry. I've talked to one other person who also said they're having trouble with this, but I'm still not sure whether it's my computer or CaringBridge hates me.

Well, we hope all of you have a great week! I'm going to lay down and relax for a bit before I hit the sack. Miss Samantha is sleeping and I just want this headache to go away!

TreeWith Much LoveTree
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "Happy November" Therese
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Halloween Pictures
October 31, 2005:

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PJsUpcoming Events for Sammi & Her FamilyPJs

November 3, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my doctor today. Wish me luck!

November 4, 2005:
Today is National Candy Day.......Eat up!!!
<br>National Candy Day (10/4)<br>I Love Candy

November 11, 2005:
Today is Veteran's Day
Veterans Day

November 15, 2005:
Today is picture make-up day at Sammi's school. Sammi missed having her pictures taken because she was in the hospital.
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda dressed up as a Pumpkin for Halloween. I bet she looked absolutely adorable!!!

Autumn dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and her little brother Calvin was a lion. There are pictures posted on Autumn's page and both of them look too cute!!!

Caden dressed up as a Frog for Halloween. His Mom posted pictures of him all dressed up on his page and he was one VERY handsome looking frog!!!

Collin and his sister Regan dressed up for Halloween and the two of them looked beautiful! Collin's Mom was sweet enough to post some pictures and I definitely recommend stopping by their site to take a look.

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

David's recent MRI came back crystal CLEAR!!! Yea, baby!!!

Hailee (aka...Sleeping Beauty) and her new little puppy posed for some AWESOME Halloween pictures. I promise you won't be disappointed if you visit her site and check them out.

Kari is back in school again!!!

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
October 31, 2005: Jaye was put through a lung biopsy as well as lots of blood work today. If all goes well, Jaye may be able to go home on Tuesday (November 1st). Pray, pray, pray!!!

Kari's brother, Alek, is battling croup. Please send any and all happy thoughts and get well wishes his way!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Michael has an MRI coming up soon. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Monday, October 31, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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I know I've let a few days pass since my last update, so I'll be sure to fill all of you in on what has been happening in our neck of the woods.

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Thursday, October 27, 2005:

Today was black and orange day at Miss Samantha's school. Instead of wearing costumes to school, this year all of the kiddies were asked to wear black and orange. Luckily the same shirt Sammi wore for Halloween last year still fit her, so she wore that to school. There was also a little party in Mrs. Dennehy's class this morning (Mrs. Dennehy is Sammi's AM teacher). I went to it and it was just too cute seeing all of those adorable little kiddies singing Halloween songs. And (much to my surprise) Sammi wasn't as bad as I thought she would have been when the time came for me to leave. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the fact that she would be in Mrs. O'Donnell's class soon -- Sammi is VERY fond of Mrs. O'Donnell.

Haunted House

Friday, October 28, 2005:

Sammi and I went to her school this morning for an IEP meeting. I didn't have a choice in bringing Sammi with me. I didn't have anyone to watch her, but Shelia was sweet enough to offer to watch her while I was in the meeting. All in all, the meeting went very well. Everyone is VERY impressed with how well Miss Samantha has been doing in school. Of course there are still a few things that need to be worked out, but they're small things that I know will be solved before long. Sammi is a VERY smart girl who is VERY capable of accomplishing whatever it is she works on.

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Saturday, October 29, 2005:

Jimmy and I attempted to take Sammi apple picking this afternoon. Little did we know that the apple picking season had come to an end. So we spent the day riding around aimlessly instead. Unfortunately I was stupid enough to open my big mouth and it broke my heart hearing Sammi ask if we were still going apple picking. Yeah, I screwed up big time. We also got our first snow fall of the year today. I forgot how much I missed the snow. It didn't amount to anything (it melted as soon as it hit the ground), but it was still nice to see. I'm guessing our first big storm isn't far away.

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Sunday, October 30, 2005:

The man pictured above is Tedy Bruschi -- line backer for the New England Patriots. And he's back, baby!!! Sammi, Jimmy & I went upstairs tonight to watch the Pats vs. Bills game. Sammi spent most of our time upstairs jumping on Nuna & Grandpa's bed, while Jimmy, Slappy & myself watched the game. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it was seeing Bruchi playing again. I always thought he'd play again one day, but I never thought it would be so soon. And to top it all off -- the Pats WON!!! Who could have asked for a better game? Not me!!! I fell asleep before the game was over, but my Dad let me know that they won! Yea baby!!!

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Monday, October 31, 2005:


My Mom had the day off today, so she joined me when it was time to pick Miss Samantha up from school. Sammi was VERY happy to see her Nuna -- this was the first time she had come with me to pick up Sammi. Sammi talked our ears off while we were in the car together. One of the things she told us was that Shelia was out sick. Someone else had brought Sammi out to me when I picked her up and Sammi informed me that Shelia wasn't in school today when I asked her where she was. This is a BIG improvement as far as Sammi's speech is concerned. A few months ago Sammi NEVER would have responded to a question this way -- she simply would have repeated what was said to her. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear. Everyday she finds a new way to amaze me.

Something freaky.................

My Mom and I stopped at Wendy's to get something to eat before we headed home. We ordered a few things and you'll never guess what our total came to........$6.66!!! Sure this would have been weird on any day, but my Mom and I found this to be VERY weird since it was Halloween. Has that ever happened to anyone else? I wonder what to make of that.

My Mom, Sammi & I hung out at my Mom's place for a little bit before it was time for us to go trick-or-treating. Here are a few pictures I took while we were hanging out......

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After watching a couple of shows on Noggin, it was finally time for us to head over to my Grandparents house for trick-or-treating. My Grandparents live about 10 minutes from us, but they live closer to Jimmy so he ended up meeting us there. Of course we weren't going to go trick-or-treating without Jimmy!

We stayed and talked with my Grandparents for a bit before it was time for us to head out and get some candy. Here are a couple of pictures that were taken before we went candy collecting.......

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Sammi was VERY excited about going trick-or-treating. Her and Jimmy had a little conversation a few days ago. While they were talking, Jimmy filled Sammi in on what she needed to say when we went trick-or-treating. So Sammi was aware of what she needed to do in order to get some candy -- knock on the door, say "Trick-or-Treat", the people give you candy, say "Thank You" and "Happy Halloween."

Sammi did an excellent job saying "Trick-or-Treat" and everything else she needed to say in order to get her candy. We brought her wagon along with us so she could ride in it and we picked her up everytime we came to another house. Sammi had a GREAT time collecting candy tonight and I must say that she was the cutest little Care Bear -- we got LOTS of compliments on her cute little costume.

We tried taking some pictures of Sammi while she was trick-or-treating, but a lot of them didn't come out because it was so dark. Here are a couple that came out good enough.......

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When we had finally gotten enough candy, we headed back to my Grandparents house. My Grandpa (Sammi's Great-Grandpa) helped Sammi out of her costume when we returned.......

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Unfortunately Jimmy had to get going not long after we made it back to my Grandparents house. He has school tomorrow and Wednesday, so he needs all the sleep he can get. Before he left, we took a couple of pictures together. My Mom took a couple of Jimmy & I together and Jimmy returned the favor by taking one of my Mom and I together........

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Sammi, my Mom, my Grandma and I were sitting at my Grandparents kitchen table for a bit tonight. I was sitting next to Miss Samantha and she all of a sudden took a liking to the witch's hat I had been wearing all night -- every year I wear the same witch's hat, Halloween socks and my Halloween shirt -- it's my own put-together costume. I was surprised when she wanted to wear it -- she usually doesn't like having anything on her head.......

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Then it was time for Sammi & Nuna to take some pictures together..........

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Before I fill you in on the BIG news that I have to share, take a VERY close look at the pictures I'm posting below..................

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That's right everyone -- my Angel Bear WALKED for the first time in a long time tonight. She took actual steps while she was holding on to my Grandpa's hands. She held on to my Grandparents kitchen table while she made her way to where my Mom was sitting. When we got home tonight, she held on to my step-Dad's hands and walked from their kitchen to their bedroom. She had COMPLETELY straight legs (as you can see from the pictures) while she was walking. This is HUGE news!!! No one has seen her walk for about a month now -- longer than that I think. Unfortunately Jimmy missed Sammi walking, but I'm sure she'll be more than happy to show him her new skill when she sees him again.

Below I'm posting a few more pictures that were taken tonight. The first two are of my Grandpa, my Grandma, Sammi & myself. The last one was taken when we got back home. Sammi loves her Grandpa VERY much and she was VERY happy to see him. I'm telling you, those two have one hell of a bond going on.

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We hope all of you had a VERY Happy and a VERY Safe Halloween! I'm dying to see some pictures of all the CaringBridge kiddies I know (and their siblings) dressed up in their costumes. I bet each and every one of you looked absolutely adorable!!!

Black KittyWith Much LoveBlack Kitty
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "I Had LOTS of Fun Trick-or-Treating" Therese
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa is DONE, DONE, DONE with chemo!!! I am SO happy for you, sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda's wheezing has been kept under control lately. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that it'll stay that way, sweetie!

Autumn recently met with Make-a-Wish. I can't wait to see what they come up with for her!!!

Caden is 2-years-old now!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
David turns 13-years-old today!!! Welcome to the teenage years, buddy!!!
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa is waiting for her counts to be high enough (over 500) so she can receive her VERY last dose of chemo!!! LOTS of happy thoughts are coming your way, hon!!!
Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

David will be going in for his 4th round of chemo on October 7, 2005. His birthday is two days later -- he'll be turning 13.

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

LaKota will be going in to have an ultrasound of her kidney and other lower organs done on October 21, 2005. Please keep those prayers coming for this little sweetheart.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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From Sammi's point of view:

This is what I did when I got home from school this afternoon. As you'll see, I had a great time with my Mommy, Nuna & Grandpa.

My fun filled afternoon started off by Mommy dressing me up in my Halloween costume -- she wanted to see if it fit alright and if I would mind wearing it. I didn't mind wearing it at all. I'm going to be Champ Bear for Halloween. I LOVE my costume!!! Don't I look cute in it?

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It was time to paint my pumpkin once Mommy & Nuna were all done taking pictures of me in my costume. I loved my costume so much that I wanted to keep it on while I painted -- luckily Nuna convinced Mommy to keep it on me. Thank you, Nuna! Here are the pictures Mommy took of me painting my pumpkin with Nuna.

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This is the work of art I made. I worked VERY hard on this pumpkin. Mommy let Nuna & Grandpa keep this one upstairs -- the one I painted with Mommy and Jimmy is being displayed in our house.

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I was pooped after all that painting, so I chilled out for a little bit in Nuna & Grandpa's kitchen.

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Grandpa came over and sat with me after a little bit. The two of us had a nice little conversation.

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Grandpa and I were tired after all of that talking, so we moved onto the couch so we could be more comfortable. We went downstairs not long after. Jimmy was down there waiting for us. I love Jimmy! It was great seeing him! He got me some soup and, I must say, he is the BEST soup mixer.

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Here are some other pictures that my Mom promised my Nuna she would post.

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Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jim & Miss Samantha "I LOVE My Champ Bear Costume" Therese
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***Picture Time***

These are the pictures that were taken by myself (and Jimmy) while we were decorating our pumpkins. Some of them came out looking great. Enjoy!

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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's last chemo treatment will be coming up shortly!!! I'm SO happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda's wheezing has been kept under control lately. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that it'll stay that way, sweetie!

Autumn recently met with Make-a-Wish. I can't wait to see what they come up with for her!!!

Caden is 2-years-old now!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
David turns 13-years-old today!!! Welcome to the teenage years, buddy!!!
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa is waiting for her counts to be high enough (over 500) so she can receive her VERY last dose of chemo!!! LOTS of happy thoughts are coming your way, hon!!!
Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

David will be going in for his 4th round of chemo on October 7, 2005. His birthday is two days later -- he'll be turning 13.

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

LaKota will be going in to have an ultrasound of her kidney and other lower organs done on October 21, 2005. Please keep those prayers coming for this little sweetheart.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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"Sammi is Going to Be Champ Bear for Halloween"

I don't know what I'm going to do if these awesome days keep taking place. Sammi has been absolutely fantastic when it comes to getting ready for school in the morning. Once in awhile a few tears are shed as I walk her to the bus, but this is NOTHING compared to the hell she used to put us through.

Today was another good day at school for Miss Samantha. Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's PM teacher) wrote a note to me and let me know that Sammi spent very little time in her wheelchair today. She did an excellent job when it came to sitting on the floor at circle time. She also sat very nicely at an activity table with all of her friends.

Today was a pretty boring day. The only time I left the house was to pick Sammi up from school. A Nor'easter hit us today and believe me, it was one hell of a storm. Lots of wind and rain. It wasn't a very pleasant day in our neck of the woods. Luckily I didn't need to go out at all since I had gone out to the store yesterday and we were all set with things we needed. Believe me, it was bad enough having to go out in that crap to pick Sammu up this afternoon.

Well, I'd say that's about it from our end. I hope all of you have enjoyed the pumpkin painting pictures I've posted. I'll have some more to share either tomorrow or Thursday. We have one more little pumpkin for Sammi to paint and I plan on bringing her upstairs tomorrow so she can paint it with her Nuna (my Mom). I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.

We hope your week has been a good one so far!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"SO Happy My Little Girl is Home" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'll Walk When I'm Ready" Therese
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My Thank You List:

My Mom -- I can't believe you cleaned my entire house while we were gone! You're amazing! Thank you for that, for taking care of my babies and for talking on the phone with me on those days I called you from Boston all upset. You're the most wonderful Mom. I love you with all my heart! Thank you for everything!

Tom (Jim's brother) -- thank you for taking care of Casey while Jim was away from his house. I know he had a terrific time with you while I was away.

Jimmy -- thank you for visiting us, spending the night (when you were able to), taking care of Casey and for busting us out of that place. You're the bestest! I love you VERY, VERY much!!!

Susie (Jim's Mom) -- thank you for being so understanding when it came to us missing Jimmy & Tom's birthday party. We wanted to be there more than anything. Your presents and your card were so very sweet and VERY much appreciated. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

My Dad & Missy -- thank you two for coming to visit us on our last night. You were absolutely amazing through this whole ordeal, Dad. Thank you for being by my side when I needed you the most. You guys are too good. I love you both VERY much!!!

Grandma & Grandpa -- I'm so happy you two were able to come and visit us! And thank you for the soup you brought; it ended up coming in VERY handy. Sammi had a great time playing with the two of you while you were with us.

Uncle Warren -- thank you for being there with me while Sammi was in recovery. It was great having you there. You were a HUGE help.

Alisa, Mary, Mrs. Pam -- thank you for asking about us when I wasn't able to update Sammi's page. I hate the fact that I made all of you worry, but it's great knowing how much all of you care. Thank you for every one of the happy thoughts and prayers you sent our way.

Bri -- you ended up being a HUGE stress reliever while we were stuck in Boston. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me practically everyday and for being so understanding when I stopped responding to you -- when a doc. came into our room, etc. I'm SO happy we started talking again. And Sammi won't stop talking about Vera & Wes -- she's dying to see her "friends" again soon.

I'm sure I've probably forgot some people, but please don't think that means that I don't care. Getting this journal entry together took A LOT of time and I'm currently experiencing brain farts after writing so much. I apologize if I've left anyone out -- I swear it's nothing personal.
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***Picture Time***

These are the pictures that were taken by myself (and Jimmy) while we were decorating our pumpkins. Some of them came out looking great. Enjoy!

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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's last chemo treatment will be coming up shortly!!! I'm SO happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda's wheezing has been kept under control lately. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that it'll stay that way, sweetie!

Autumn recently met with Make-a-Wish. I can't wait to see what they come up with for her!!!

Caden is 2-years-old now!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
David turns 13-years-old today!!! Welcome to the teenage years, buddy!!!
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa is waiting for her counts to be high enough (over 500) so she can receive her VERY last dose of chemo!!! LOTS of happy thoughts are coming your way, hon!!!
Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

David will be going in for his 4th round of chemo on October 7, 2005. His birthday is two days later -- he'll be turning 13.

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

LaKota will be going in to have an ultrasound of her kidney and other lower organs done on October 21, 2005. Please keep those prayers coming for this little sweetheart.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Monday, October 24, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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"Put One Foot in Front of the Other"

Miss Samantha had another good day at school. She got up around six o'clock this morning when Jim's alarm clock went off. He got her some soup then, so she wasn't interested in having anymore when I got her up for good at 8. She was much happier sitting on her Nuna's lap and watching "Blue's Clue's." After I got her dressed and gave her her medicine, she sat on my lap and we watched "Play With Me Sesame" together until her bus arrived.

As usual, I picked Sammi up from school this afternoon. I was VERY happy when I saw Shelia helping Sammi WALK. No wagon, no wheelchair, just Sammi on her two own little feet. Of course Sammi isn't walking like a pro yet, but she sure is trying her best. You know how your legs are bent when you're sitting in a chair? That's how Sammi's legs are positioned when she's walking -- she won't walk with them completely straight. But she's still walking!!!

Since my Mom had the day off, Sammi spent some time with her upstairs tonight. I stayed downstairs and cleaned up a little while Sammi & her Nuna played & spent some quality time together.

I saw the most amazing thing when I went upstairs to get Sammi. My Mom said Miss Samantha had been taking some steps and Sammi was VERY eager to show me. Grandpa took one of her hands, Nuna took the other and we all counted the steps Sammi took -- 1, 2, 3, 4......Four steps with completely straight legs. Everyone was VERY proud of Sammi and she was just as proud of herself. Whenever she's excited, she gets all jittery -- her little hands and arms flap at about a million miles a minute. When she was finished walking, her hands, arms and legs would NOT stop moving. It was wonderful seeing her so proud of herself.

We had a fun night once I brought Sammi back downstairs. Jimmy was here and together the 3 of us painted our own pumpkins -- I'll be including pictures of the fun we had at the end of this entry. Miss Samantha's piece of art came out looking GREAT! Jim (the other artist in our family) created another masterpiece. And me? Well I've never claimed to be the most talented person in the world, so I had fun writing on my pumpkin. Unless it's a bunch of stick figures, I can't draw it.

Well, I guess that's about it from our end. A Nor'easter (due to the latest hurricane) is headed our way. I heard it should be making itself known sometime tomorrow. High winds and lots of rain -- oh joy. I'm glad I got some things done this afternoon while Sammi was in school. All I feel like doing tomorrow is throwing on some warm clothes and cuddling up inside a nice, warm blanket.

We hope each and every one of you has a fantastic week!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"SO Happy My Little Girl is Home" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'll Walk When I'm Ready" Therese
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My Thank You List:

My Mom -- I can't believe you cleaned my entire house while we were gone! You're amazing! Thank you for that, for taking care of my babies and for talking on the phone with me on those days I called you from Boston all upset. You're the most wonderful Mom. I love you with all my heart! Thank you for everything!

Tom (Jim's brother) -- thank you for taking care of Casey while Jim was away from his house. I know he had a terrific time with you while I was away.

Jimmy -- thank you for visiting us, spending the night (when you were able to), taking care of Casey and for busting us out of that place. You're the bestest! I love you VERY, VERY much!!!

Susie (Jim's Mom) -- thank you for being so understanding when it came to us missing Jimmy & Tom's birthday party. We wanted to be there more than anything. Your presents and your card were so very sweet and VERY much appreciated. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

My Dad & Missy -- thank you two for coming to visit us on our last night. You were absolutely amazing through this whole ordeal, Dad. Thank you for being by my side when I needed you the most. You guys are too good. I love you both VERY much!!!

Grandma & Grandpa -- I'm so happy you two were able to come and visit us! And thank you for the soup you brought; it ended up coming in VERY handy. Sammi had a great time playing with the two of you while you were with us.

Uncle Warren -- thank you for being there with me while Sammi was in recovery. It was great having you there. You were a HUGE help.

Alisa, Mary, Mrs. Pam -- thank you for asking about us when I wasn't able to update Sammi's page. I hate the fact that I made all of you worry, but it's great knowing how much all of you care. Thank you for every one of the happy thoughts and prayers you sent our way.

Bri -- you ended up being a HUGE stress reliever while we were stuck in Boston. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me practically everyday and for being so understanding when I stopped responding to you -- when a doc. came into our room, etc. I'm SO happy we started talking again. And Sammi won't stop talking about Vera & Wes -- she's dying to see her "friends" again soon.

I'm sure I've probably forgot some people, but please don't think that means that I don't care. Getting this journal entry together took A LOT of time and I'm currently experiencing brain farts after writing so much. I apologize if I've left anyone out -- I swear it's nothing personal.
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***Picture Time***

These are the pictures that were taken by myself (and Jimmy) while we were decorating our pumpkins. Some of them came out looking great. Enjoy!

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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's last chemo treatment will be coming up shortly!!! I'm SO happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda's wheezing has been kept under control lately. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that it'll stay that way, sweetie!

Autumn recently met with Make-a-Wish. I can't wait to see what they come up with for her!!!

Caden is 2-years-old now!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
David turns 13-years-old today!!! Welcome to the teenage years, buddy!!!
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa is waiting for her counts to be high enough (over 500) so she can receive her VERY last dose of chemo!!! LOTS of happy thoughts are coming your way, hon!!!
Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

David will be going in for his 4th round of chemo on October 7, 2005. His birthday is two days later -- he'll be turning 13.

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

LaKota will be going in to have an ultrasound of her kidney and other lower organs done on October 21, 2005. Please keep those prayers coming for this little sweetheart.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Friday, October 21, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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Happy Birthday, Mary!!!

Mary is a terrific Mom to 4 VERY beautiful girls -- Stephanie, Kristen, Little Meagan & Caitlin (who has a CaringBridge page). Caitlin's page was recently password protected, but if you'd like to leave any Happy Birthday messages in Sammi's guestbook for Mary I'll be sure they get to her.

Happy Birthday, hon! We hope today is a VERY special day for you!

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Today is also a special day for my Grandparents. Today they're celebrating their

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"Back to the Old Bump & Grind"

The Care Bear pictured above is Take Care Bear. I never knew he existed until Jimmy bought him for Sammi. He brought it to the Hospital and (of course) Sammi fell in love with him the minute she saw him.

Sammi went to school on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. I haven't had a chance to update her page until today, so I'll work on filling all of you in on how her 2 days at school went.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005:

Today was Sammi's first day back to school. As usual, we went upstairs (to my Mom & step-Dad's apartment) in the morning so we could spend some time with my Mom before Sammi left. She eats her soup, I get her dressed and we watch some shows (usually Blue's Clues & Play With Me Sesame) while we're up there. Of course I heard "No school" and "No bus" about a zillion times before Sammi headed off to school.

I picked Sammi up, like I normally do, around three o'clock this afternoon. When I got there, Shelia (Samantha's fantastic aide) was wheeling Sammi out of the school in a wheelchair. I couldn't believe my eyes! That was the absolute last thing I had expected to see. I was informed that Mary (Sammi's PT teacher) had given it to Sammi to use while she's in school. It's a lot easier than pulling Sammi around in a wagon all day and Sammi is a lot more comfortable in it. I talked with Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's PM teacher) and she let me know that there is also a tray that attaches to the front of this wheelchair. This way she'll be able to participate in the same activities that her class mates are working on. Keep in mind -- this is not going to be used all the time for Sammi. It's mainly being used until Sammi starts walking again -- which I'm guessing (and hoping) won't be too much longer.

I went through Sammi's bag when we returned home. In her papers was a note from the PT teacher. It read:

Samantha came for PT today. She tolerated sitting and rocking front to back & side to side. She also tolerated high kneel with minimal support. She will not tolerate ankle movement or weight bearing/full body weight through ankles.

So all in all, this was something we already knew. But it's nice knowing that the PT is finding this out for herself and that she has begun working with Sammi again. As far as I know (if the schedule has stayed the same) Sammi will be receiving PT once every week -- on Wednesday.

My Grandma came to visit Sammi & I for about an hour this afternoon. As usual, she brought lots of stuff with her. Pull-ups, wipes, beads (gold & blue) and a red plastic fireman's hat for Sammi. 2 purple pens (my favorite colors) and paper towels for me. Who gets the better presents here? Grandma & Sammi had a great time playing together. They watched Dora and Lazy Town until it was time for Grandma to go home. The red hat my Grandma brought for Sammi is adorable and it looks VERY cute on her. If she'll leave it on for more than two seconds, I want to get a picture of her wearing it. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

While my Grandma was visiting, I got a call from the principal at Sammi's school. She just wanted to let me know that Sammi had the best school day that she has had in a long time. This was so wonderful to hear. Nine times out of ten Sammi will give me a hard time about going to school, but she winds up having a good day. The principal said there were very little tears shed and Sammi was just happy all day long. This made me feel great. I'm glad Sammi is happy about being back at school.

My Mom and I witnessed something amazing tonight.

When Sammi wanted some soup, I asked her to get into her rocking chair so she could have some. Of course she refused. So I showed her what to do. I told her to put her hands on our coffee table and pull herself in to her chair. Of course she gave me a hard time about this, but she eventually gave in and got herself into her chair ALL BY HERSELF!!!

When Sammi was finished eating, she wanted to lay on our couch again (that's where she had been laying before she asked for some soup). With my Mom and I cheering her on, she eventually (this took quite a bit of coaxing) stood up completely straight and flopped on to the couch. I repeat -- Sammi stood up VERY straight (on her own). My Mom and I were both thrilled with her and we let it show. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear. She's afraid to walk again -- which is completely understandable -- but she's giving it her best shot. I'm hoping and praying all of her fears will be put aside SOON and that she'll feel more comfortable taking a step or two from time to time.

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Thursday, October 20, 2005:

I don't even know why I'm updating about today, absolutely nothing went on. But no news is good news, right? I like to think so. Sammi gave me a hard time about going to school this morning, but that's nothing new. She ended up having another great day at school while she was there. She also brought two small pumpkins home with her. They aren't decorated, so I'm thinking of picking up some paints when we go out so she can decorate it herself. If I'm successful in getting this done, I'll be more than happy to show off my little artist's skills.

Jimmy came over tonight (he didn't come over last night because he was tired) and Sammi was VERY happy to see him. She misses Jimmy when he isn't with us -- so do I. The two of them talked, Jimmy got Sammi some soup and they bonded. Sammi really does love Jimmy. He has made a HUGE impact on her life. I'm glad Sammi approves of him.

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I have no idea what's up for this weekend. More than likely we'll probably just sit back and relax at home. Jimmy has his kiddies this weekend, so we may or may not go over to his house for a little visit while they're there. Sammi has been dying to see Emileah & Jimmy -- Jim's kiddies.

Before I end this, I just want to share the extremely sweet card that was given to us by Jim's Mom. It reads:

Dear Sammi (and Shannon)

We are so sorry you missed the party. I put some party stuff in the bag. I hope you are feeling better. (I talked to God and he will take good care of you.) Get well real soon.

your new Gram

I can't even tell you how much that touched my heart. I let my Mom read it and it touched her just as much. Can all of you see why I think Jim's Mom is wonderful? Sammi and I were NEVER accepted in to Jeff's family. In my eyes his mother (even though I was told differently) never accepted us. She was invited to Sammi's birthday parties, but never bothered to come. We never talked and that was just fine with me. Jimmy's Mom is completely different. I actually want to have a relationship with her. She has been absolutely fantastic to Sammi and I since we first met. I couldn't ask for a better "future" mother-in-law. And incase any of you are confused, the party Susie (Jim's Mom) was referring to was a birthday party that was thrown for Jimmy (Jim's son) and Tom (Jim's brother). It was thrown while Sammi and I were at the Floating Hospital in Boston. (*One final note -- if that had been Jeff's Mom and we had missed the party, I would have been blamed even though it was something I couldn't have helped*)

We hope every one of you has a terrific weekend!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"SO Happy My Little Girl is Home" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'll Walk When I'm Ready" Therese
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My Thank You List:

My Mom -- I can't believe you cleaned my entire house while we were gone! You're amazing! Thank you for that, for taking care of my babies and for talking on the phone with me on those days I called you from Boston all upset. You're the most wonderful Mom. I love you with all my heart! Thank you for everything!

Tom (Jim's brother) -- thank you for taking care of Casey while Jim was away from his house. I know he had a terrific time with you while I was away.

Jimmy -- thank you for visiting us, spending the night (when you were able to), taking care of Casey and for busting us out of that place. You're the bestest! I love you VERY, VERY much!!!

Susie (Jim's Mom) -- thank you for being so understanding when it came to us missing Jimmy & Tom's birthday party. We wanted to be there more than anything. Your presents and your card were so very sweet and VERY much appreciated. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

My Dad & Missy -- thank you two for coming to visit us on our last night. You were absolutely amazing through this whole ordeal, Dad. Thank you for being by my side when I needed you the most. You guys are too good. I love you both VERY much!!!

Grandma & Grandpa -- I'm so happy you two were able to come and visit us! And thank you for the soup you brought; it ended up coming in VERY handy. Sammi had a great time playing with the two of you while you were with us.

Uncle Warren -- thank you for being there with me while Sammi was in recovery. It was great having you there. You were a HUGE help.

Alisa, Mary, Mrs. Pam -- thank you for asking about us when I wasn't able to update Sammi's page. I hate the fact that I made all of you worry, but it's great knowing how much all of you care. Thank you for every one of the happy thoughts and prayers you sent our way.

Bri -- you ended up being a HUGE stress reliever while we were stuck in Boston. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me practically everyday and for being so understanding when I stopped responding to you -- when a doc. came into our room, etc. I'm SO happy we started talking again. And Sammi won't stop talking about Vera & Wes -- she's dying to see her "friends" again soon.

I'm sure I've probably forgot some people, but please don't think that means that I don't care. Getting this journal entry together took A LOT of time and I'm currently experiencing brain farts after writing so much. I apologize if I've left anyone out -- I swear it's nothing personal.

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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's last chemo treatment will be coming up shortly!!! I'm SO happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda (once again) skated in an Evening with Champions on October 15, 2005. I wish I could have seen you in action, sweetie. I bet you were fantastic!!!

Amanda Panda's wheezing has been kept under control lately. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in the hopes that it'll stay that way, sweetie!

Autumn recently met with Make-a-Wish. I can't wait to see what they come up with for her!!!

Caden is 2-years-old now!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
David turns 13-years-old today!!! Welcome to the teenage years, buddy!!!
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

November Birthdays:

November 13th:
Chad turns 14-years-old today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa is waiting for her counts to be high enough (over 500) so she can receive her VERY last dose of chemo!!! LOTS of happy thoughts are coming your way, hon!!!
Alyssa will be having an MRI done on November 17, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

David will be going in for his 4th round of chemo on October 7, 2005. His birthday is two days later -- he'll be turning 13.

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

LaKota will be going in to have an ultrasound of her kidney and other lower organs done on October 21, 2005. Please keep those prayers coming for this little sweetheart.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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***2004 World Champions***

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ok, let me attempt to get everyone caught up on everything that has been going on in our world lately.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005:

After starving my daughter for absolutely NO reason yesterday (she was FINALLY able to eat at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, but wasn't allowed to eat again after midnight), she wasn't allowed to eat at all today. She was scheduled for her MRI to take place at 12:30pm -- so Miss Samantha was NOT a happy camper from the time she woke up (around 7ish) until she was put under at almost one o'clock this afternoon. All she wanted was to eat some soup and it broke my heart hearing her ask for it when I knew I couldn't give it to her. Jim took the day off and showed up around 10ish. It was great seeing him and he was GREAT to lean on -- he definitely came through for me when I needed him the most. Jim -- thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were there for me when I needed you the most today. I will forever be grateful for having you by my side all afternoon. You're the bestest!!!

Sammi was put into a wagon (which she hated riding in, by the way) and Jim pushed her into the basement while a nurse and I followed. The basement is where the MRI was being performed. I'm telling 'ya, that place looked like something out of a horror movie. I would have been scared half to death if I were being wheeled into there -- not exactly the coziest place in the world. When we got to where we were going, we were brought into a room so we could wait for everything to start rolling.

The Ophthalmologist came in to see us first. She started by holding a card in front of Sammi's face (with a bunch of different sized letters and numbers on it) and asking Sammi which ones she could see. Sammi was doing pretty good until a loud noise was made in this room by another worker -- she was done after that. Sammi HATES loud noises and covers her ears whenever she hears one. Any work you may be doing with Sammi when she hears one of these noises is lost. So the Ophthalmologist gave up and dilated Sammi's eyes -- while Sammi was knocked out for the MRI, her eyes were also going to be examined. Mommy had to hold Sammi down while drops were put into her eyes. Yeah, this was fun.

Another 10 minutes or so passed. I talked with a couple of doctors who told me a couple of things -- nothing very important really. Then it was time for Miss Samantha's procedure to begin. I picked her up and carried her (with her Spongebob blanket of course) out to a gurney that was waiting for her in the hall. What happened next was the hardest thing I have EVER had to go through. Thank God the doctors taking care of Sammi had some brains in their heads. They decided to knock Sammi out first and THEN start an IV -- unlike the first time Sammi had an MRI done -- it was done at Lawrence General and the doctors poked and poked and poked in the attempts to get an IV started. THEN they finally decided to have her knocked out first. Geniuses!!!

Seeing my little girl laying on that gurney was heart breaking enough -- seeing the anesthesiologist put that tiny mask over Sammi's face was the icing on the cake. I stood by Sammi's side until she passed out. I held her little hand until I felt it lose the killer grip it had on me. I kissed her little cheek as soon as she was out. And when she was out, I started crying my eyes out. Like I said, that was THE hardest thing I've ever had to do. I was warned a couple of days ago that this would be the hardest part, but it just didn't dawn on me just how hard it would be. I guess I was naive and thought it would be a lot easier. Boy was I wrong.

When it was time for me to go, I gathered up Sammi's Spongebob blanket and some toys she had also brought with her and headed outside with Jim. I gave the doctors my cell phone number incase they had to get a hold of me -- I was told that the MRI would take a couple of hours and I just couldn't bring myself to sit in a waiting room all that time. So Jim and I headed outside where I did some more crying. I was a mess. This was the second time since we were admitted that I had a break down. Two break downs in 5 days -- that's not bad, right?

My Uncle arrived around 1:30pm. Jim and I met him in the Cafe -- to my surprise I was actually hungry after that whole ordeal. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that I refused to eat while I was with Sammi. I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy food while my little Angel Bear couldn't eat the soup she wanted so badly. Plus they were serving some awesome salmon (I LOVE salmon) and I just couldn't refuse. Today was the first day that Jim and my Uncle met and they seemed to have hit it off pretty well. That makes it official -- Jim has met everyone in my little "clan." And he's still around -- AMAZING!!! *lol*

Jim had to take off before Sammi was finished with her MRI. He had school the next day and couldn't stay too late. I walked Jim to the garage and picked up two balloons for Sammi on my way back to her room -- I got her a Scooby Doo balloon and an Elmo one. I tied them to her bed rails so she would see them when she came up from having her MRI done. I was hoping they would cheer her up. Sammi is a HUGE fan of balloons!!! My Uncle (thank God I had someone with me) stayed and was with me as we waited for Sammi to wake up in the recovery room. And what do you think the first words out of Miss Samantha's mouth were -- "Want some soup?" Any worries I may have had about Sammi being ok were washed away when she said this. My Uncle and I sat in the recovery room with Sammi for close to two hours before she was allowed to return to her room. Her temperature wouldn't go up, so they needed to keep us there until it reached a safe level. After throwing about 10 hot blankets on her, it finally rose enough for us to get out of there. Sammi was VERY happy to be up in her room again (and back in her bed) and ate about 7 bowls of soup as soon as we got up there.

The rest of the night was uneventful. Sammi did well after being put under and didn't run into any problems throughout the night.

Thursday, October 13, 2005:

Not too much happened today. Medically or visitor wise. Today was the first day since we've been admitted that not one person came to see us. Pretty good for being here for almost a week.

I was informed today that the MRI of Sammi's brain and spine came back clear. The spinal tap that was performed also came back clear. The only thing that came back suspicious looking was the MRI of her hips -- as of now Sammi has been diagnosed with arthritis. This really isn't a big deal considering everything else this little mystery condition of hers could have been. So she'll continue with the Naprosyn. That stuff really is making a difference. Her legs are a lot less sensitive. She still isn't standing or walking, but she doesn't flinch half as much as she used to when we would touch her legs.

Sammi had X-rays of her hips taken tonight. We didn't know this was going to take place until it actually happened. Sammi was a VERY good girl while she was having her "pictures" taken. This was done as a precaution -- just to make sure that what we're dealing with actually is arthritis and not something more serious. While we were waiting to see if the X-rays came out clearly enough, Sammi decided to pee on me. Oh lucky, lucky me. She has been getting filled with a ton of fluid lately, so she has been peeing more and more. Needless to say, Sammi got a sponge bath and Mommy took a shower as soon as we got back into our room. Sammi was a VERY good girl while I was cleaning her up. When I was finished, I got her to do a little stand for me while I was pulling her pull-up up. She stood on her tip toes and most of her weight was resting on my shoulders, but she still stood! And that's good enough for me!

Friday, October 14, 2005:

All in all, Sammi and I had a good day together. Sammi wasn't allowed to eat this morning because she was having a bone scan done -- this was another precaution just to make sure the diagnosis of arthritis was accurate. Sammi did terrific for the first part of this test. It was important for her to lay still and she did the best job she was able to. She laid on a table (she had to be restrained), I stood at her head and we watched "Dora the Explorer to the Rescue" together. Sammi had never seen this video before, which was perfect -- it held her attention the entire time we were there. This part of the test only took about 10, maybe 15 minutes to perform.

Sammi was injected with a dye before the first part of this test took place. The dye needed to sit in her little body for two hours, so we headed back up to her room until it was time for the second part of the test to take place. Of course Sammi couldn't eat anything, so she wasn't a very happy camper while we waited. Oh there's more that happened before the test took place that made her even crabbier.

Sammi was given a suppository since it has been awhile since she has pooed. Then she was given a mild sedative. This medication was supposed to make her pass out so she would be completely still for the bone scan, but it didn't work too well. She was knocked out half an hour after it was given to her, but you could tell she wasn't in a very deep sleep. She woke up while we were walking to the 4th floor (our room was on the 7th), when she was laid on the table, when a noise was made in the room -- the stuff just didn't work like it should have. I took off for about 20 minutes (the first 20 minutes of the test) to get a coffee. When I returned, Sammi was in a different room -- not the one I had left her in. Something wasn't working on the other machine, so they needed to switch rooms. Of course Sammi woke up when she was moved. This test didn't go well at all. The doctor performing the test finally gave up when it was obvious that Miss Samantha was VERY much awake. So it was put off until tomorrow.

Crap REALLY hit the fan tonight. (*I think I mentioned in my last update that Alisa -- Devin & Kara's AWESOME Mom -- gave me a call tonight. I'm glad you called when you did, Alisa. The rest of our night (mine at least) was downhill after I got off the phone with you*).

A nurse came into our room tonight and told us that Sammi wasn't allowed to eat anything after midnight -- this was due to the fact that she would be repeating the bone scan tomorrow. I asked why she couldn't eat because I was under the impression that she wasn't going to be sedated. She didn't have an answer for me. So then I asked when the bone scan would be taking place -- she said it hadn't been scheduled yet. Ok, that's when I lost it. Today marked one week of Sammi being hospitalized. Out of those 7 days, Sammi was unable to eat anything for 4 days. One day was COMPLETELY unnecessary. So not only was Sammi getting a test done tomorrow where she couldn't eat anything, we also had no idea when it would be taking place. Who the hell is running this operation? How you can deny food to a 4-year-old who only eats one thing as it is is beyond me. Especially when there's so much concern over her nutrition. I was a wreck for the rest of the night after getting this "wonderful" news -- and I wasn't too nice to the doctor who delievered this news either. I'm sorry, should I have been more chipper? Yeah, right.

The good part about Friday was that my Dad, Missy (my Dad's girlfriend) and Jim visited us. Jim spent the night with us. My Dad and Missy brought Sammi a Scooby Doo balloon (the same one I had gotten her on Wednesday) and a Dora balloon. Sammi LOVED seeing them!!! Thank you, Dad!!! Thank you, Missy!!! They joined the two balloons I had gotten Sammi and were tied to her bed rails.

Saturday, October 15, 2005:

Jim and I were with Sammi as she had her bone scan completed this morning. What was originally only going to last 10 minutes lasted over 3 hours. How in the world Sammi was able to be SO good this entire time is beyond me. Of course she got fidgety from time to time, but she was excellent all in all after having to go through so much. After so much time was spent having this bone scan completed, it came back clear. So the diagnosis of arthritis stands.

What happened next is a complete blur. Sammi, Jim and I ran back up to Sammi's room and I started packing everything. We were out of there!!! I swear I had everything all packed up (believe me, we had accumulated A LOT of stuff in 8 days) in less than half an hour. Surprisingly we didn't forget anything important. I thought we had left one of Sammi's favorite toys behind, but it turned up in a bag I found that I hadn't unpacked yet. Yea!

Maria (our favorite nurse) discharged us. She gave me a prescription for Sammi's Naprosyn as well as a letter for the PT teacher at Sammi's school -- Sammi has been medically cleared and will be able to resume PT as soon as she is back in school. Double yea!!!

On our way home we stopped at Jim's house first. I don't think I mentioned this, but Casey (our puppy) spent the 8 days I was gone at Jim's house. I was VERY anxious to see my baby again. Everyone knows that I'm a HUGE animal lover -- my animals mean the world to me and I missed them SO much while I was away. It was great seeing my family on the days they were able to visit, but I wasn't able to see my cats or puppy in 8 days. It killed me!!! Luckily my Mom was sweet enough to take some pictures of Gordon, Marble & Aahz (my kitties) while I was stuck in Boston. It was great being able to see their sweet little faces, even if it couldn't be in person.

Well, that should bring everyone up-to-date. I'll be sending Miss Samantha back to school on Wednesday of this week. Things are starting to get back to normal around here. Sammi still isn't standing or walking, but the Naprosyn has been doing wonders for her. Before she was put on it she couldn't stand for me to touch her little legs. Now she doesn't cringe when I touch her legs or knees. I spent a good 15 minutes rubbing Sammi's legs and knees while she was laying on her back yesterday. Not once did she ever complain or try to pull her legs away from me. I also spent some time bending and straightening out her legs -- she also didn't complain about that. So I think we're stuck with two resons why she isn't walking:

1. She has been in pain for awhile, so she's afraid to put any weight on her legs. I don't think she realizes that it won't (or shouldn't) hurt if she puts weight on her.

2. She's still in mild pain when she stands. If this is true, the pain would be located in her hips.

I know I've probably mentioned this before, but it is SO hard trying to figure out what's going on with Sammi when she isn't able to help us out. It would make my day if Sammi were to come up to me and fill me in on what hurts and what doesn't. THAT would be a blessing.

I have some pictures to share with all of you. They were taken when my Mom and step-Dad were visiting us. I think a lot of them came out looking pretty cute. I hope you like them!!!

Here's to hoping all of you have a fantastic week!!!

With Much Love,
Shannon "I'm SO Happy to Be Home!!!"
Miss Samantha "Believe It or Not, I Miss the Hospital" Therese

My Thank You List:

My Mom -- I can't believe you cleaned my entire house while we were gone! You're amazing! Thank you for that, for taking care of my babies and for talking on the phone with me on those days I called you from Boston all upset. You're the most wonderful Mom. I love you with all my heart! Thank you for everything!

Tom (Jim's brother) -- thank you for taking care of Casey while Jim was away from his house. I know he had a terrific time with you while I was away.

Jimmy -- thank you for visiting us, spending the night (when you were able to), taking care of Casey and for busting us out of that place. You're the bestest! I love you VERY, VERY much!!!

Susie (Jim's Mom) -- thank you for being so understanding when it came to us missing Jimmy & Tom's birthday party. We wanted to be there more than anything. Your presents and your card were so very sweet and VERY much appreciated. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

My Dad & Missy -- thank you two for coming to visit us on our last night. You were absolutely amazing through this whole ordeal, Dad. Thank you for being by my side when I needed you the most. You guys are too good. I love you both VERY much!!!

Grandma & Grandpa -- I'm so happy you two were able to come and visit us! And thank you for the soup you brought; it ended up coming in VERY handy. Sammi had a great time playing with the two of you while you were with us.

Uncle Warren -- thank you for being there with me while Sammi was in recovery. It was great having you there. You were a HUGE help.

Alisa, Mary, Mrs. Pam -- thank you for asking about us when I wasn't able to update Sammi's page. I hate the fact that I made all of you worry, but it's great knowing how much all of you care. Thank you for every one of the happy thoughts and prayers you sent our way.

Bri -- you ended up being a HUGE stress reliever while we were stuck in Boston. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me practically everyday and for being so understanding when I stopped responding to you -- when a doc. came into our room, etc. I'm SO happy we started talking again. And Sammi won't stop talking about Vera & Wes -- she's dying to see her "friends" again soon.

I'm sure I've probably forgot some people, but please don't think that means that I don't care. Getting this journal entry together took A LOT of time and I'm currently experiencing brain farts after writing so much. I apologize if I've left anyone out -- I swear it's nothing personal.

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Saturday, October 15, 2005


one more time........


We busted out of the Hospital around 2:30pm and were home by 4 o'clock. I promise to post more once we're all settled. Thank you, Alisa for calling to check up on us last night. It was GREAT talking with you -- I wish we could have talked longer.

Wishing every one of you an excellent weekend!!!

Home sweet home!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"Could There Be An End in Sight???"

Well, we had one VERY eventful day. I wish I could say it was eventful in a good way, but that just wasn't the case.

Sammi woke up at seven o'clock this morning and wanted soup -- surprise, surprise. When I was conscious enough to do so, I got out of bed, went downstairs for some coffee and prepared some soup for her when I returned. I came back into her room just to be greeted by the day nurse who informed me that Miss Samantha was NOT allowed to eat. This was due to the fact that (and these were the words spoken to me) "Sammi's MRI may or may not take place today." What the hell kind of information is that???

So my poor baby girl couldn't eat a damn thing (or drink any water) all day long. Oh wait, it just keeps getting better and better.

A new resident came in to see us today. Her name is Cara and she's just fantastic!!! I thought highly of Kristen (the weekend resident who worked with us) and I think just as highly of Cara. Cara was the ONLY person who kept me informed of everything that was) or was not) happening all morning long. Very rarely would a doctor or nurse come into our room, but Cara was there for us non-stop.

Dr. Hoffman (the Genetics doctor who Sammi saw the day we were admitted -- Friday, October 7th) popped her head in for a couple of minutes. She informed me that Sammi's protein levels (as well as all of her other nutrient levels) were extremely below normal -- wow, big surprise there!!! Did she say anything else that might have helped us out? Nope -- that was it. We have an appointment with her again on November 16, 2005 -- we'll go over all of the genetics tests that were done on Sammi at that time. Other than that, we probably won't be seeing her again anytime soon.

My hopes went up when the anesthesiologist came in and started asking me questions about Sammi. I FINALLY thought we were going to get somewhere. Needless to say, this isn't the first time I've been wrong.

Not long after the anesthesiologist left, Sammi passed out. She was VERY upset about not being able to eat all morning and she had had blood drawn, so she was just a mess. You should have seen those pathetic, little red, swollen eyes of hers. She looked absolutely miserable and I didn't blame her one bit. I was VERY thankful when she finally fell to sleep. At least that way I knew she was relaxed.

My Dad arrived around one o'clock this afternoon. I was outside when he got here, so he 2-wayed me from Sammi's room. I went upstairs and met up with him. Sammi continued to sleep and I took a shower while she was calm. Right before I jumped in the shower, Cara peeked her head into our room. She told us that Samantha's MRI would NOT be taking place today after all. So after not being able to eat a damn thing all morning long, she was finally allowed to get some soup into her. When she woke up, she was more than happy to eat some soup. Actually, she ate LOTS of soup. I made her a little bowl of soup before I got in the shower for her to eat when she woke up. She ate that, asked for more, ate that and asked for more. She scoffed down 3 bowls of soup and then washed it down with a little bit of water. I was more than happy to feed my little Angel Bear what she most wanted to eat.

The Nutritionist also came in to talk with us this afternoon. While she doesn't have any ideas of how to get Sammi to eat different foods, she did give us a couple of samples of a product called Benecalorie. It's in liquid form and contains 330 calories, 7 grams of protein and it also has some fat in it (I'm not sure how much). It can either be added to her food or I can give it to her orally. I'm going to put a little bit in a little of her food, try it and see whether or not a difference can be tasted. If not, then I'll start giving her this stuff in her soup. If a difference can be tasted, then I'll be giving it to her through a syringe. The last thing I need is to change the taste of her soup so that she doesn't want to eat it anymore. We'll see what happens.

As it stands, Sammi's MRI will be taking place at 12:30pm. Of course she'll be put out for this. An MRI of her brain, spine & hips will be performed. Her eyes will also be examined, a spinal tap may possibly be done and urine samples will be collected. The way I figure it -- we might as well get everything done that needs to be done at once while Sammi is out of it. I'm really anxious to get out of here and home as soon as is humanly possible.

That's all that has happened today -- so far at least. God only knows what else is in store for us, but I hope it includes going home SOON!!! PLEASE (if it's not asking too much) say some prayers for Sammi. I do NOT want to see this change again, especially since she won't be allowed to eat before it happens. Her last meal was soup (surprise, surprise), which she had at 9:30 tonight.

Think of us!

With Much Love,
Shannon "Worried About Tomorrow", Jimmy & Miss Samantha "I WANT TO GO HOME!!!" Therese

Monday, October 10, 2005

Not much went on today. Jimmy got up with Sammi this morning so I could catch a little more sleep. Since Sammi's Clonidine hasn't been upped yet, she woke up a couple of times throughout the night. Hopefully they'll be upping her dose soon and (*I'm keeping my fingers crossed*) it'll start working better. One of the theories is that she has outgrown the dose she has been taking since she has been on the stuff for a year -- so it just isn't working the way it should be anymore. But we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Once my lazy butt woke up, Jimmy and I took a walk to get some coffee. I definitely miss my coffee maker!!! Jimmy and I must have looked great walking to get coffee. Two sleepy people with messy hair and sleepy eyes -- yeah, that's an awesome sight! It might have taken us a little longer than usual to get where we were going, but we made it (eventually).

The only person who came to see us today was the Neurologist. She talked some more about getting those MRI's done, but we still don't know whether they'll be done on Tuesday or Wednesday. PLEASE join me in hoping and praying that they end up being done on Tuesday -- the sooner the better so we can go home!!! She asked about my wanting to up Sammi's Clonidine dose, she said the Naproxen should make a difference in 2 - 3 doses (IF it works at all) and that was about it. We had a quick visit with her. But no visit with any doctor or nurse is quick enough for Sammi -- she is SO VERY sick of being examined. And I can't say I blame her one bit. I'm beginning to want to go home as badly as she does.

Sammi's Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa (my Dad's parents) came to visit us for a couple of hours this afternoon. While they were here, they told Jimmy and I to go get something to eat. So of course we didn't argue. There's a McDonald's within walking distance of the Hospital, so Jimmy and I went there for lunch. It felt good to be out of the Hospital for at least a little bit and let me tell you, I can only take so much more of eating from Au Bon Pain. There's one in the Hospital building, so I've been eating there quite a bit. Talk about overkill.

After showing my Grandparents where Au Bon Pain was, Jimmy and I spent some time alone (with Sammi of course) until they came back. They went down there to eat. When they came back, they gave Jimmy and I an hour to kill. We didn't do anything special, just walked around Boston a bit. It was great being able to spend some time alone with Jimmy before he needed to leave. And Sammi and her Great-Grandparents had a great time playing together -- I don't think Sammi missed me one bit.

It was so depressing to have Jimmy leave. He could only spend one night with us, which was last night since (because today is a holiday) he didn't have to work today. Unfortunately he has to work tomorrow and Wednesday and then he has school to go to on Thursday and Friday -- so we won't be seeing Jimmy again anytime soon. My Dad (Sammi's Papa) will be coming up to visit us when he gets out of work tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully Missy (his girlfriend) will be able to join him. She has been sick with a nasty head cold and hasn't been able to come see us -- she doesn't want to get anyone else sick. Sammi LOVES seeing her Papa and I know she'd like to see Missy just as much.

I wish I had some news to report, but I don't know anything. There was talk of having blood drawn from Sammi tonight, but nobody has come in for that yet. Figures it happens once everyone takes off and I'm left here by myself. Right now Sammi is having fun watching the Teletubbies video Jimmy brought up with her. She's still in good spirits -- but I'm sure that will pass over the next couple of days. PLEASE keep her in mind as far as that MRI is concerned. Sammi might not want to go through with it, but I'd love to get it done and over with.

Thank you all for checking up on us. We appreciate each and every one of your prayers, well wishes and happy thoughts. Keep them coming!!! And to Jimmy (who I know checks up on Sammi through this page) -- We love you, baby and hated to see you go!!! We can't wait to see you again -- soon I hope!!! Take care of Casey and give him lots of hugs and kisses for me.

Have a great week, everyone!!!

With Much Love,
Shannon "I Miss Jimmy Already", Jimmy & Miss Samantha "Can We Go Home YET???" Therese

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Hi everyone!!!

I'm SO sorry for keeping everyone waiting on an update. It has been a VERY long 3 days, but I'm going to do my best to fill all of you in on everything that has been going on. Bear with me though, this is going to be one long entry.

Friday, October 7, 2005:

This is when it all started. My Dad and I brought Sammi into Boston for her eleven o'clock appointment at the Tufts-New England Medical Center Floating Hospital for Children with Dr. Stephen Glicken (a Pediatrician). After registering Sammi, we were seen almost immediately by Dr. Glicken. He took a very long history of Sammi. For being only 4-years-old, she has a lot of history under her belt. Dr. Glicken never examined Sammi, but instead he sent her to be seen by Dr. Jodi Hoffman. Dr. Hoffman (who is a geneticist) also asked us a bunch of questions and then she ordered some blood work to be done. One of the tests to be completed had to do with the chromosones in Sammi's little body -- she's trying to figure out where the ONH, Autism and now this "mystery" condition have come from. Maybe we'll get lucky and find out. Since the results from this test take awhile to come back, we have another appointment to be seen by Dr. Hoffman on November 16th -- the results should be in by then.

Another test Dr. Hoffman ordered had to do with all of the vitamins and minerals and all the other good stuff in Sammi's body. A thought she had had to do with the fact that Sammi doesn't eat anything but soup. Her guessing is that her muscles just aren't getting the good stuff they need to survive, so they just stopped working all together. Hence her not walking. That's just a theory. Nothing has been ruled out yet and nothing has been determined.

After Sammi's blood was drawn (she sat on my Dad's lap while this was being done -- Mommy doesn't do well when it comes to blood draws, so I took off until it was done) we ventured back to Dr. Glicken's office. And that's when we were given the option -- either bring Sammi back on Monday (Tuesday at the latest) to be admitted or have her admitted that day. Since we live 45 minutes from Boston, it isn't exactly convienent for us to travel to and from Boston on a daily basis. So we decided to get Sammi admitted that day (Friday, October 7th).

Sammi did pretty well (all in all) on her first night in the hospital. She didn't mind being in the hospital bed once we raised the head part up so she could sit up and play. Of course she brought up going home in Papa's red truck (Papa drove us to Boston in his red truck) more than a few times, but it wasn't anything I couldn't control. I had packed some bags for Sammi and I incase we did end up getting admitted. I had also packed up all of Sammi's video tapes and boy am I glad that I did. She spent the night watching almost every single one of them. She was given her medicine around 8:30 and passed out not long after that.

Saturday, October 8, 2005:

I wish I could say that Sammi slept through the night, but that wasn't the case. She woke up around 2 in the morning and (luckily) was back to sleep by 4. She got up again around 7am, I crawled into bed with her and I slept for another hour before Sammi insist that I get up.

My Dad visited us this afternoon. He gave me a break and let me take off for awhile. I didn't go anywhere special, but I spent some time outside by myself. It's not easy being a smoker and being stuck in the hospital. While my Dad and Sammi were alone, they spent some time playing in the Hospital's playroom. Sammi walked (no pun intended) away with a couple of toys and some plastic balls to play with. Sammi was in a horrible mood when her and my Dad returned to the room. I knew it was due to the fact that Sammi was VERY tired. My Dad and I went downstairs with Sammi, got some lunch, brought it back to the room, laid Sammi in her bed and we ate. It didn't take long for Sammi to pass out.

She got a good couple of hours of napping in before she woke up on her own. When she did wake up, my Mom (Sammi's Nuna) and step-Dad (Sammi's Grandpa) had shown up too. They were here for about 10 or 15 minutes before Sammi woke up and believe me, she was VERY happy to see them!!! My Mom spent the night with us, but my step-Dad ended up leaving. Sammi loved the idea of having her Nuna with her for the night.

I spoke with a Neurologist this afternoon while Sammi was sleeping. He took a history of Sammi and wanted to examine her, but put it off until tomorrow since she was resting. He seems like a very nice man, but he also doesn't have a clue as to what's going on with Miss Samantha.

Sammi also met a resident who she absolutely loves. Her name is Kristen and she's a sweetheart. She's so excellent with Sammi. Today (Saturday) was the first time we met Kristen. Of course Kristen needed to examine Sammi, but Sammi doesn't like anyone examining her. Even if they're doing something as simple as checking out her breathing, Sammi doesn't like it and puts up a fight. So Kristen was sweet enough to spend an hour sitting with Sammi before she attempted to check her out. They watched TV, colored and just goofed off together. They had a great time. This was the first person in the Hospital that Sammi really bonded with.

Sunday, October 9, 2005:

Again, Sammi didn't sleep through the night. She was up at 2, went back to sleep around 4 (I think -- I fell back to sleep before she did) and I couldn't tell you when she got up for good -- my Mom was up with her when I woke up at 9. Thank you, MOM!!!

Today was another day spent not doing much. Sammi did lots of coloring and played with Nuna. Not much is happening around here since it's a holiday weekend -- who knew Columbus Day was such a big frickin holiday??? Kristen was on duty again today, so her and Sammi were able to have some fun together. Grandpa (my step-Dad) came to see us for a little bit this afternoon. He also came to pick my Mom up since she spent the night with us. And he brought my Mom's lap top with him so I could use it -- that's how I'm updating Sammi's page tonight. Yea!!!

Today I talked with the Neurologist, Ophthalmologist as well as a couple of doctors. I found out that Sammi should be having an MRI of her brain, spine and hips done on Tuesday -- Wednesday at the latest.

The Ophthalmologist doesn't think Sammi's condition has anything to do with her eyes (nobody does), but her eyes still need to be checked out since she is still considered legally blind. So (more than likely when she has been knocked out for the MRI) her eyes will be checked out. Might as well get everything done at once, right?

So that's the latest from our end. Sammi and I have been in the hospital since Friday and we will continue to be until someone finds out something about Sammi. I don't mind being here with Sammi, but I'd kill to see her well again. She's more cranky these days because of all of the nurses that have come into our room to poke and prod her. She HATES anything that has to do with any part of an examination -- listening to her heart, listening to her breathing, checking her reflexes, touching her tummy....she hates it all. All she wants to do is go home and lay on the couch -- I've heard that about a million times.

Jimmy has come to visit us tonight and will be spending the night with us. My Grandma and Grandpa (Sammi's Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa) will be visiting with us tomorrow. My Dad (Sammi's Papa) will be making an appearance Tuesday night. Other than that, we don't know when we'll be visited again. Jimmy has to work Tuesday and Wednesday and he has school on Thursday and Friday. If we're still here by Friday (no offense, but I REALLY hope we're not), then Jimmy will be spending the weekend with us.

Sammi is now taking Naproxen. It was prescribed to her by the Neurologist who saw her this afternoon. Tonight was her first time taking it, so I'm sure it'll take a day or two for us to notice if any difference takes place. I'm not sure yet whether she'll be taking this more than once a day.

PLEASE keep Sammi in your thoughts and prayers. She's stumping a lot of people right now and I'm sure we won't get any answers until she has had some tests run. PLEASE pray it's nothing serious. I'm doing my best to think happy thoughts, but every once in awhile an evil thought or two runs through my head.

Thank you all for the well wishes that have been left in Sammi's guestbook. It's so great hearing from every one of you and knowing all of you care so much for my little Angel Bear just makes all of this bearable. I promise to update Sammi's page again SOON.

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha "I Want to Go Home" Therese

Thursday, October 6, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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I have LOTS to say, so please bear with me. This update may jump around, but I'm going to do my best to include everything that should be included.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005:

While I was waiting for Sammi outside her school, the PT (physical therapist) who works with her came up to me. She informed me that she will NOT be working with Sammi again until she is medically cleared. Believe me, I'm completely fine with it. Neither one of us wants to hurt Sammi in anyway. So until Sammi is diagnosed (or is at least being treated) she won't be receiving PT anymore. If you think about it, this really isn't a big deal with all she has been going through and (eventually) she'll start up with it again.

When Sammi and I got home, it was a challenge trying to get her out of the car. Everytime I tried picking her up, I'd place my arms under her arm pits and she'd push me away. She did this quite a few times before I finally gave up and grabbed her. As soon as she was in my arms, she wrapped her arms around my neck, gave me one hell of a death grip and I felt her whole body tense up. I carried her into the house with her little knees pressed up against my chest. Incase anyone is wondering, Sammi's case has gone from bad to worse in ONE WEEK.

This afternoon we (my Mom, Jimmy and myself) brought Sammi to see Dr. Robbins -- her Neurologist. After checking her out and reviewing the faxes (blood work and X-ray results) sent to him by Sammi's pediatrician, he was clueless. So for those of you who are keeping score, that is doctor #5 who is stumped. He wants an MRI to be done, but that's our only course of action so far.

Thursday, October 6, 2005 -- Today

Sammi is at school right now. My Mom and I watched Blue's Clues and Play With Me Sesame with her before her bus arrived.

Half an hour after Sammi left I got "THE CALL." It came from Liz -- the nurse practitioner who has been there for us since all of this started. I love this woman!

She called to tell me that she was able to get an appointment for Sammi to be seen in Boston TOMORROW!!! I love the way this woman works. So tomorrow morning (we'll probably be leaving around 9am) we'll be heading into Boston AGAIN. This time Sammi will be evaluated at a diagnostics clinic and (more than likely) we won't be leaving until we've got some answers. This may or may not include being admitted. I could care less if we end up spending the night/weekend in the hospital. My one and only concern is getting Sammi fixed.

So that's the big news on our end. I don't know when I'll be able to update Sammi's page again. PLEASE keep us in your thoughts and prayers -- we're definitely going to need every one of them.

Since I'm not sure when I'll be returning to Sammi's page, there are a couple of things I'd like to say before I go:

Happy Birthday

(October 9, 2005)

(October 9, 2005)


I love you guys and will be thinking of you all day long. I hope the two of you have a great time celebrating your special days!


Think of us!

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My Dad -- Thank you for dropping everything so you could drive us in to Boston. You were great at calming Sammi down when she was upset. And THANK YOU for staying with her while she had her IV put in and taken out. I'm so lucky to have you as my Dad. I love you SO much.

My Mom -- I know you couldn't be with us during our trip to Boston, but you were there for me in more ways than one. Hearing your calm voice when I called you helped me out A LOT. You've always been the one I vent to and you've never complained. From the bottom of my heart -- thank you. I love you.

Jimmy -- I've thanked you SO much this past week and you deserve every bit of it. You're the bestest. I love you with all my heart and soul. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being so understanding when I have my little break downs. We love you VERY much.

Hailee & Melissa -- We DID get your package. I apologize for taking so long to thank you for it. We love it!!! I'm going to get some pictures of Sammi with the Strawberry Shortcake back pack so we can show them to you. Thank you for being so sweet and for thinking of us! I know it's late, but we have a package coming out for you in honor of your birthday, Hailee. I'll let you know when we get it mailed out. Thank you again guys! We love you!

Kathy & Richard -- I know I already thanked you, but thank you again for contributing to Sammi's fundraiser. It means so much knowing you two care so much for us. We love you and think of you all the time. Sammi still carried around the Clifford stuffed animal you sent to her months ago and she knows exactly who it's from.

Heather Tidd -- thank you for bringing up 5th's disease. It's something we will definitely be looking in to.

Liz -- you've been with us from the very beginning of this whole ordeal and you've done your hardest to help us out in every way possible. Thank you for being so wonderful and for caring so much for my little Angel Bear.

The Staff at Sammi's School -- all of you have continued to show your concern and support for Sammi. Not one day goes by when I'm not in touch with one of you. Thank you for accommodating Sammi so that she is able to continue going to school. I promise to let all of you know what's going on as soon as I do.

Everyone who has signed Sammi's guestbook with well wishes and helpful hints -- I can't tell all of you how much we appreciate hearing from you. Knowing there are so many people out there who care for Samantha is just so touching. Thank you all for caring. Your well wishes and prayers are VERY much appreciated.

Anyone who has e-mailed me with advice -- It's great hearing from you, but please don't take any offense if I don't get back to you right away. I am reading e-mails that have been sent my way, but I haven't had the time (or the energy) to respond to anyone. Your advice, your well wishes and your support are VERY much appreciated. Thank you.

I know there are a bunch more people who I should be thanking, but my mind is just jumbled right now. Please know that each and every one of you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers. And to Jaye -- keep signing the guestbook, sweetie. We LOVE hearing from you.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"I'm Scared" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "Mommy Worries Too Much" Therese
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Sammi Sitting on Nuna & Grandpa's Couch Before School
(October 3, 2005):

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Casey & Jimmy Looking at a Book Together
(September 23, 2005):

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Sammi & Her Grandpa on Grandpa's New Toy
(September 23, 2005):

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***Sammi and her Great-Uncle Teddy***
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***My Mom and her older brother -- Uncle Teddy***
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***Uncle Shannon & Uncle Teddy (*my Uncle has ALWAYS called me "Uncle Shannon"*)***
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***My Aunt Patty (my Mom's older sister), my Uncle Teddy (my Mom's older brother) and my Mom***
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Pictures Taken During Our Sleep-Over at Jimmy's House
(September 9, 2005):

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October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's last chemo treatment will be coming up shortly!!! I'm SO happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda will (once again) be skating in an Evening with Champions. I wish I could see you in action, sweetie. I bet you're fantastic!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden at food that was NOT pureed on September 29, 2005. What a BIG step this is for him!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's and his wonderful family are currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

Michael's Mom is pregnant and should be delivering around May 9, 2006. Congratulations everyone!!! We're SO happy for you!!!
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 10th:
Heidi will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
David turns 13-years-old today!!! Welcome to the teenage years, buddy!!!
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on October 26, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Amanda Panda has been reluxing more and more these days. Please pray for these episodes to pass SOON.

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

David will be going in for his 4th round of chemo on October 7, 2005. His birthday is two days later -- he'll be turning 13.

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

LaKota will be going in to have an ultrasound of her kidney and other lower organs done on October 21, 2005. Please keep those prayers coming for this little sweetheart.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Tuesday, October 4, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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"Still Clueless"

It's official! Sammi has now been successful in stumping 4 doctors -- two in Haverhill (our city) and two in Boston. That's my little stinker for you.

Ok, let me try to remember everything that has happened since I last updated Sammi's page.

Sunday, October 2, 2005:

Yes, we're still able to have fun once in awhile despite all of the stress that is on everyone's shoulders.

Today my Mom, step-Dad, Jimmy, Sammi and two of my step-brothers (Matt & Mike) went to an Italian Festival in downtown Haverhill this afternoon. I brought my Mom's digital camera along, but I forgot that I had it on me so I don't have any pictures to show you. Don't worry though, you didn't miss much. Just a lot of eating on our part. I LOVE Italian food!!! Downtown Haverhill isn't very far from our house, so we walked there. Sammi had a blast sitting in her wagon and was pulled by her Uncle Michael. She had her two Squeeka's, so she was all set. When she got sick of sitting in her wagon, my Mom, Jimmy, Slappy & I took turns carrying her. I think she liked being carried by her Grandpa more than anyone else -- he ended up carrying her on his shoulders. Since Sammi only eats one thing (soup), she didn't join us while we were stuffing our faces. But Sammi did walk (excuse the pun) away with a pumpkin balloon that she absolutely loves. Thank you Nuna!!!

Monday, October 3, 2005:

Back to school. Of course Sammi gave me an extremely hard time before her bus arrived -- as usual. Every morning it's the same routine: I wake Sammi up (or she may already be up) and I bring her upstairs to eat some soup. When she's finished, I get her dressed and we wait for her bus to arrive. Sammi knows this routine well and she begins giving me a hard time before we even go upstairs. For the house it takes for the bus to arrive, she repeats "No bus" and "No going to school" over and over and over again. Luckily Mommy has some coffee in her system, which makes it somewhat easier to deal with all of this.

I wrote a note to Shelia before I shipped Sammi off to school. I asked if it would be at all possible for Sammi to have a wheelchair to use while she's at school. Oh, did I mention that Sammi CANNOT walk at all anymore? When she gets off of our couch, she lands on her butt and scoots over to wherever it is she wants to go. Even then she complains of pain. She absolutely refuses to stand up. If you're holding her and attempt to put her down, she'll bring her little knees up to her chest and keep them there. Sort of like she's saying "Don't you even think of making me stand up."

Anywho, Sammi headed off to school that morning. Crying the whole way to the bus as usual. Two hours later I cringed when my phone rang and "Moody" came up on the caller ID (that's the name of Sammi's school). I assumed it was the school nurse calling me and asking me to pick Sammi up. Thank goodness I was wrong! (*I love being wrong sometimes*) The person calling was the school's principal. She's a very nice woman whom I think very highly of. She was calling to let me know how Sammi was doing (by this time she had calmed down and was having fun at school) and to ask how Sammi's condition was -- whether or not a diagnosis had been made. We talked for a good 20 minutes. She informed me that there wasn't a wheelchair available for Sammi to use, but there was a wagon. So whenever Sammi needed to go somewhere new, she was pulled around (by Shelia) in this wagon. Sammi LOVES riding in her wagon at school, so I'm sure this just made her day.

Jimmy had yesterday off, so he came with me when the time came to pick Sammi up from school. Sammi was VERY happy to see Jimmy. And what did she do when we got home? She ate some soup at her table and laid on the couch. The couch is her new favorite place to be.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005:

A nurse practitioner called me late yesterday afternoon and made an appointment for Sammi to be seen by her pediatrician for this morning. The appointment ended up being made for 9:45, so Sammi got to take the day off from school. Jimmy and I brought Sammi to her appointment. This time she was seen by her regular pediatrician and (surprise, surprise) he's stumped. So here's our new game plan: Sammi has an appointment to be seen by her Neurologist tomorrow night. This isn't a new appointment -- it has been scheduled since June. I'm going to talk to him about everything that's going on and Sammi's pediatrician told me he would fax all of her blood work and X-rays to his office by tomorrow night. More than likely (I'm guessing) he'll want an MRI done. In the meantime, Sammi's pediatrician is working on getting Sammi back into Boston. There's a diagnostics center there that he wants her to go to. This is pretty much the last resort when everyone else is stumped and can't come up with a diagnosis. It's 6:30pm now and I haven't heard back from Sammi's doctor (he said he'd give me a call when he made an appointment for her in Boston), so I'll probably wind up calling him tomorrow morning once Sammi heads off to school. Mark my words -- we WILL be seen and Sammi WILL be treated.

As hard as it is sometimes, I like to share happy news with all of you. So here are my two happy stories for today:

Sammi brought a bunch of paper work home from school with her yesterday afternoon. One of the things she brought home was a piece of paper describing what her and her friends did at school that day. On the piece if paper it said, "Today at school I marched in a parade. I played the cabasa." -- Think about it. Think about all Sammi has been through (how she can't walk anymore) and what was said on that paper. Needless to say, I had a good laugh over that.

My Uncle Teddy visited us for a little bit tonight. (*He's the one who was in New Orleans when Katrina hit -- there are pictures of him below*) He was telling me that he found a place to live in Haverhill!!! Yea!!! He is also working on getting a job and that's looking pretty good too. I'm so proud of him and I'm SO happy that his life is improving. He lost everything he had in Louisiana and is now working on re-building his life up here. So far a lot of things have been working out in his favor. I'm hoping and praying they continue to go that way for him.

Ok, I suppose that's about it from our end. I'm going to continue to watch the Sox get their butts kicked -- this is depressing. I'll do my best to update Sammi's page tomorrow after her appointment with Dr. Robbins -- her Neurologist. I've added a few more "Thank You" notes below as well as a couple of new pictures. We hope all of you have a great week!

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My Dad -- Thank you for dropping everything so you could drive us in to Boston. You were great at calming Sammi down when she was upset. And THANK YOU for staying with her while she had her IV put in and taken out. I'm so lucky to have you as my Dad. I love you SO much.

My Mom -- I know you couldn't be with us during our trip to Boston, but you were there for me in more ways than one. Hearing your calm voice when I called you helped me out A LOT. You've always been the one I vent to and you've never complained. From the bottom of my heart -- thank you. I love you.

Jimmy -- I've thanked you SO much this past week and you deserve every bit of it. You're the bestest. I love you with all my heart and soul. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being so understanding when I have my little break downs. We love you VERY much.

Hailee & Melissa -- We DID get your package. I apologize for taking so long to thank you for it. We love it!!! I'm going to get some pictures of Sammi with the Strawberry Shortcake back pack so we can show them to you. Thank you for being so sweet and for thinking of us! I know it's late, but we have a package coming out for you in honor of your birthday, Hailee. I'll let you know when we get it mailed out. Thank you again guys! We love you!

Kathy & Richard -- I know I already thanked you, but thank you again for contributing to Sammi's fundraiser. It means so much knowing you two care so much for us. We love you and think of you all the time. Sammi still carried around the Clifford stuffed animal you sent to her months ago and she knows exactly who it's from.

Heather Tidd -- thank you for bringing up 5th's disease. It's something we will definitely be looking in to.

Everyone who has signed Sammi's guestbook with well wishes and helpful hints -- I can't tell all of you how much we appreciate hearing from you. Knowing there are so many people out there who care for Samantha is just so touching. Thank you all for caring. Your well wishes and prayers are VERY much appreciated.

Anyone who has e-mailed me with advice -- It's great hearing from you, but please don't take any offense if I don't get back to you right away. I am reading e-mails that have been sent my way, but I haven't had the time (or the energy) to respond to anyone. Your advice, your well wishes and your support are VERY much appreciated. Thank you.

I know there are a bunch more people who I should be thanking, but my mind is just jumbled right now. Please know that each and every one of you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers. And to Jaye -- keep signing the guestbook, sweetie. We LOVE hearing from you.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"I'm Scared" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "Mommy Worries Too Much" Therese
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Sammi Sitting on Nuna & Grandpa's Couch Before School
(October 3, 2005):

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Casey & Jimmy Looking at a Book Together
(September 23, 2005):

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Sammi & Her Grandpa on Grandpa's New Toy
(September 23, 2005):

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***Sammi and her Great-Uncle Teddy***
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***My Mom and her older brother -- Uncle Teddy***
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***Uncle Shannon & Uncle Teddy (*my Uncle has ALWAYS called me "Uncle Shannon"*)***
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***My Aunt Patty (my Mom's older sister), my Uncle Teddy (my Mom's older brother) and my Mom***
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Pictures Taken During Our Sleep-Over at Jimmy's House
(September 9, 2005):

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October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's last chemo treatment will be coming up shortly!!! I'm SO happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda will (once again) be skating in an Evening with Champions. I wish I could see you in action, sweetie. I bet you're fantastic!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden at food that was NOT pureed on September 29, 2005. What a BIG step this is for him!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's and his wonderful family are currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 10th:
Heidi will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
David turns 13-years-old today!!! Welcome to the teenage years, buddy!!!
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Alyssa will be having an MRI done on October 26, 2005. Pray, pray, pray!!!

Amanda Panda has been reluxing more and more these days. Please pray for these episodes to pass SOON.

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

David will be going in for his 4th round of chemo on October 7, 2005. His birthday is two days later -- he'll be turning 13.

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

LaKota will be going in to have an ultrasound of her kidney and other lower organs done on October 21, 2005. Please keep those prayers coming for this little sweetheart.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Friday, September 30, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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Ok, it's time to get all of you updated on what's going on in the fascinating world of Miss Samantha Therese. Get yourself a drink, maybe a snack too, and get comfortable because this could take awhile.

Wednesday September 28, 2005:

I called Sammi's doctor's office to see if they had any results from the blood work and X-rays that were done on Monday (September 26th). I was told that the results were in, but that a Nurse would be getting back to me with the results. Ok. Later on that afternoon I was called back and told that all of the blood work came back looking good. I completely forgot to ask about the X-rays, but keep reading and you'll realize that didn't matter. I brought up the fact that I believed Sammi was getting worst and I was told to bring her in to be seen that afternoon. After making a quick call to Jimmy (he ended up getting out of work early so he could come with us), I started throwing stuff together and getting Sammi and I ready.

We got to the doctor's office around 3:15. Sammi's appointment was (supposedly) at 3:30. Well we weren't brought in to an examining room until almost 4:30. Don't ask me what the hell took so long, but I was just about to give up and leave when we were called in. I'm glad Jim was with us. He drove us there and refused to leave until Sammi was seen. At least someone was thinking clearly. My days of thinking clearly are long gone.

We were seen by Elizabeth -- the nurse practitioner whom I think VERY highly of. Elizabeth told us that all of Sammi's blood work and the X-rays she had taken came back looking fine. So after she discussed Sammi's case with Sammi's pediatrician, it was decided that a trip into Boston was the next step. Children's Hospital or bust.

Now lets keep in mind that it was almost six o'clock by the time we left Sammi's doctor. We still needed to go home and I needed to make plans to get into Boston. After a quick call to my Dad, it was decided that he (my Dad) would be driving us in. Thank God for my Dad! So that left me with about 15 minutes to run around like a chicken with its head cut off and TRY to get all of the stuff Sammi wanted to bring with her organized. Yeah, I think it's safe to say that I had lost any sanity I had left at that point.

My Dad arrived and after packing his truck with stuff, Jimmy, Sammi and I piled in to his truck. Jimmy and Sammi sat in the back -- my Dad and I rode up front. We listened to music, joked around and Sammi had her toys to play with, so the trip wasn't all that bad. Of course it was still stressful trying to figure out where exactly we were going, but we found our way without getting lost. We had last been to Children's a year ago for Sammi's last appointment -- so we weren't 100ure as to where we were going.

We registered at the ER and sat in the waiting room -- and sat, and sat, and sat. We did get to watch the Sox get their butts kicked, so at least we weren't completely bored. Ticked off because of the way the Sox were playing, but not bored. And Sammi had fun playing with all of the toys she could get her hands on. She spent a good amount of time playing "Connect Four" and sitting on the floor playing with some cars. When she got bored, she sat on my lap and we read books. We never heard a peep out of her unless she was happy about something -- or if she requested something. She was a VERY good little girl.

A good 2 hours had passed before we were brought in to a room. We were then asked the same questions that were asked when we had registered and were told that a doctor should be with us soon. Uh-huh. Almost an hour later, we were seen by a doctor. Again we were asked the same questions. Hey, I have a question of my own. What the hell do these people do with all the notes they take while they're asking us questions? I see them writing down my answers, but what happens to the notes after that? WHY do I have to answer the same questions over and over and over again?

Blood work and more X-rays were decided as treatment. Joy of joys. I did NOT want to see my little girl put through all of that since it already happened to her on Monday (September 26th). That's when my break down occured. It was so late (almost midnight), I was so tired and I was SO sick of seeing my little girl being put through so much. So I cried for awhile. At that point my Dad told me to get lost -- please don't think he was being mean. He knew how upset I was plus Sammi was going to get her blood drawn and he knew I wouldn't be able to sit through that. So I took his advice. As I was walking outside, Jimmy popped up behind me. I found out later that my Dad had asked him to follow me and make sure I was ok. We walked to the parking garage where we had left the truck and I got Sammi's Spongebob pillow and blanket in the hopes that they would help her relax somewhat. Once I got what I was after, Jimmy and I took a little walk so I could calm down. Have I ever mentioned just how wonderful Jimmy is? He's so understanding and sympathetic. I called my Mom before we headed back in to the hospital and filled her in on everything that was happening. Since she couldn't be with us, she requested that I update her as often as possible.

Sammi was sitting on her Papa's lap with LOTS of tears streaming down her little face when Jimmy and I got back. They ended up having an IV put in instead of just drawing blood. My Dad asked the nurse to wait until I got back to have it done, but it was done anyway. We found out later that an IV was put in incase Sammi needed to have an ultrasound done. Sammi would have to be completely still for an ultrasound to be performed, so they would have needed the IV to knock her out. It all made perfect sense, we just wish it had been brought to our attention ahead of time. So little Sammi had to sit around with this red glove on her little hand for hours and believe me, she hated every minute of it. Every now and then she'd complain about it and request for it to be taken off.

X-rays were next. My Dad and I went in with Sammi to have them done. Of course Sammi didn't like the fact that she had to lay down to have these done, so my Dad and I had to hold her down. He got her feet/legs while I took charge of her arms. What should have been an easy process took twice as long with all of the wiggling Sammi did. What do you expect? It was past one o'clock in the morning and Sammi was fed up with all of the testing she was being put through. But all in all, she was a VERY good little girl. I couldn't have asked for her to be better well behaved.

With the X-rays done, we traveled back down to the ER and sat in the same room we had started out in. I never got her name, but a wonderful nurse came in and brought my Dad, Jimmy and I some coffee while we waited. At one point I was able to lay Sammi down on the gurney in our room with her Spongebob pillow and blanket. She originally didn't want to lay on it, but I think she gave in because she was just so tired. So she laid on the gurney, my Dad sat in a chair at the foot of the gurney, Jimmy sat in a chair beside the gurney and I sat on the floor in between Jimmy and the gurney -- next to Sammi's head. I don't know how it happened, but my Dad, Sammi and I all ended up falling asleep. I was woken up by Jimmy kicking me when the doctor came in to the room.

Bottom line -- all of Sammi's blood work and X-rays came back looking clear. If fluid had been found in the X-ray, then an ultrasound would have been performed. Since no fluid was found, no ultrasound was needed. The doctor suggested we be seen by a Rheumatologist. So I will be calling to make an appointment. I'm hoping and praying we'll be able to be seen by someone outside of Boston. It's just such a pain in the butt to be seen there, especially since I refuse to drive in the city. I just get so nervous and discombobulated (I know I probably spelt that wrong).

So Sammi continues to walk the way she has been and there isn't anything I can do about it. I give Sammi credit for stumping 2 doctors in our city as well as 2 doctors in Boston, but I still wish I knew what the hell was going on in that little body of hers. I do, however, feel better knowing that whatever it is isn't serious. But it still bugs me!

So the appointment we had this afternoon with Sammi's primary has been cancelled. My guess is that we won't be seen by another doctor until I make an appointment with a Rheumatologist.

Before I forget, I wanted to add something that I thought was cute. My Mom is on a Cancun message board. She recently posted a message for happy thoughts to be sent to Miss Samantha with all she has been going through. The picture in Sammi's photo album was left by one well wisher. It may seem a little cruel to some people, but it did an excellent job of cheering us up. Please check it out. It's cute.

Now it's time for my Thank You list. Bear with me, this will probably end up being pretty lengthy.

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My Dad -- Thank you for dropping everything so you could drive us in to Boston. You were great at calming Sammi down when she was upset. And THANK YOU for staying with her while she had her IV put in and taken out. I'm so lucky to have you as my Dad. I love you SO much.

My Mom -- I know you couldn't be with us during our trip to Boston, but you were there for me in more ways than one. Hearing your calm voice when I called you helped me out A LOT. You've always been the one I vent to and you've never complained. From the bottom of my heart -- thank you. I love you.

Jimmy -- I've thanked you SO much this past week and you deserve every bit of it. You're the bestest. I love you with all my heart and soul. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being so understanding when I have my little break downs. We love you VERY much.

Hailee & Melissa -- We DID get your package. I apologize for taking so long to thank you for it. We love it!!! I'm going to get some pictures of Sammi with the Strawberry Shortcake back pack so we can show them to you. Thank you for being so sweet and for thinking of us! I know it's late, but we have a package coming out for you in honor of your birthday, Hailee. I'll let you know when we get it mailed out. Thank you again guys! We love you!

Kathy & Richard -- I know I already thanked you, but thank you again for contributing to Sammi's fundraiser. It means so much knowing you two care so much for us. We love you and think of you all the time. Sammi still carried around the Clifford stuffed animal you sent to her months ago and she knows exactly who it's from.

Heather Tidd -- thank you for bringing up 5th's disease. It's something we will definitely be looking in to.

I know there are a bunch more people who I should be thanking, but my mind is just jumbled right now. Please know that each and every one of you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers. And to Jaye -- keep signing the guestbook, sweetie. We LOVE hearing from you.

We hope every one of you has a terrific weekend! We're heading to Jim's house for the night, so hopefully I'll be able to relax while we're there.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"I'm Scared" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "Mommy Worries Too Much" Therese
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***Sammi and her Great-Uncle Teddy***
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***My Mom and her older brother -- Uncle Teddy***
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***Uncle Shannon & Uncle Teddy (*my Uncle has ALWAYS called me "Uncle Shannon"*)***
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***My Aunt Patty (my Mom's older sister), my Uncle Teddy (my Mom's older brother) and my Mom***
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Pictures Taken During Our Sleep-Over at Jimmy's House
(September 9, 2005):

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Sammi's Second Day of Pre-K
(September 8, 2005):

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Sammi's First Day of Pre-K
(September 7, 2005):

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***Sammi's Dora Backpack***
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***Sammi's Ladybug Lunch Bag***
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Sammi and her Grandpa sleeping together:

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October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden is now into finger painting and I bet his artwork is just beautiful!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's and his wonderful family are currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 10th:
Heidi will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

October Birthdays:

October 3rd:
Margo (Corey's WONDERFUL Mom) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 9th:
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!
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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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"One Step Forward -- Two Steps Back"

I am SO frustrated, stressed out and fed up. Keep reading and you'll find out why.

For about a week and a half now (maybe 2 weeks) Sammi has been having trouble walking. I can't explain how she looks when she's walking for the life of me -- it's one of those things you have to see to understand. Picture a 90-year-old person walking and you'll sort of understand how Sammi is. She isn't slumped over when she walks, but she walks like a snail. A two second trip to the car (if I let her walk) takes -- honest to God -- 5 to 10 minutes. She can't function well at school. There are tons of stairs in school and it takes Sammi forever to make it up and down them. She can't run or jump. When she bends over to pick something up, she puts her little hands on her knees and it takes her forever to reach the object she's after and to stand up again. She's a mess -- an absolute mess and it breaks my heart to see her this way.

All along I didn't think she was in any pain, but now I'm starting to wonder. Lately she has been saying, "No feet hurting" while she's standing. But (of course) if you ask her if her feet hurt, she'll say no. You gotta love Autism. Over the last couple of days her knees (the sides of them) have become swollen. On Saturday (September 24th) I rubbed both of Sammi's legs. I started at her feet and stopped when I reached her calves. Not once did she flinch as if I were hurting her. I also didn't feel any bumps anywhere. What the hell is affecting my Angel Bear?

Yesterday (September 26th) I sent Sammi to school. Once she was gone, I called her pediatrician and made an appointment for her to be seen that afternoon. I received a call from her school before ten o'clock saying that Sammi was just miserable. She couldn't make it up any stairs and she just wanted her Mommy. So I went to pick her up. I talked with Shelia (Sammi's awesome aide) and Nurse Lisa when I arrived at Sammi's school. The nurse has absolutely no idea what could be bothering Sammi. Shelia is also as clueless as the rest of us are. Nobody has any idea as of what is going on in that little body of Samantha's.

So yesterday afternoon my Mom and I brought Sammi to see her doctor. Does the doctor know what's going on? NO!!! After Sammi's appointment we went to our local hospital for X-rays and blood work. I was the only one allowed in the room with Sammi when she had her X-rays taken and I swear if I hadn't been there I wouldn't have believed how well behaved Sammi was. She was absolutely perfect. Of course she wasn't too thrilled at the positions she was put in to get these X-rays done, but she didn't put up half as much of a stink as I thought she would have. Blood work was next and as many of you may know, I do NOT do blood work. Whenever Sammi has it done, she sits on someone else's lap -- not mine. It's not that I don't want to be there for my little girl, it's because I pass out and over react when I have my own blood drawn -- I can't stand to see someone else have it done. So I stood in the corner of the lab while Sammi sat on my Mom's lap. The two women who took Sammi's blood were excellent! One held Sammi's arm still while the other drew her blood (*I'm getting weak in the knees just saying this much*). The one who held Sammi's arm talked non-stop about Dora -- she saw the Dora book we had with us and assumed Sammi was a fan. This kept Sammi completely relaxed and I only heard one little cry come out of her. Once again, I was amazed at how well my little girl handled all of this.

So where do we stand now? I don't have a clue. I'm going to call Sammi's doctor tomorrow afternoon to see if they have any results back. Sammi has an appointment to be seen again this Friday (September 30th). As far as I know, Jimmy will be taking the afternoon off and coming with us. As for school -- I'm keeping Sammi home for the rest of the week. She just can't function. Sure she attempts to get up and walk around when she's home, but for the most part she just lays on our couch (with her favorite Spongebob pillow and blanket) and watches TV. Do you know how hard it is walking through the house and seeing your little 4-year-old (who should be so happy and eager to play) laying on the couch like a lump? It's killing me. Like I asked before -- What the hell is wrong with my baby???

As for my opening comment on this page, it's due to the fact that Sammi has been having trouble getting into the new school routine. Just when we thought we were making some progress, Sammi is out for this week. To me (and I'm sure Sammi will feel this way as well) it will be like starting out from square one when Sammi is able to go back to school again. When do we get a break? Doesn't Sammi have enough on her plate to deal with? Hasn't she been through enough in the 4 years of her little life? C'MON!!!

In 2003 I began dreading the year 2005. Here's why:

2001 -- Sammi was declared legally blind
2003 -- Sammi was diagnosed with Autism
2005 -- ???

Call me crazy, but a small part of me just knew something would be popping up this year.

Ok, I'm done ranting and raving. Once again, I apologize for my lack of messages in CaringBridge guestbooks. I've been checking up on every family I know of, but I just can't bring myself to leave any cheerful messages. It's VERY hard finding something upbeat to say when I've been feeling so down. Please, please, please know that every one of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. There's no chance that I have ever forgotten about any of you or that I've stopped caring. I promise to be back as soon as I'm able to be.

Surprisingly, I do have some good stuff to mention before I go.

Recently the 100,000 visitor came to our site. Who was it? The one...the only...JIMMY!!! Thank you, Jimmy for that. We were waiting for the day when Sammi's page had been visited 100,000 times and we couldn't be happier to know YOU were the one who helped us get there. We love you VERY much, baby.

Sammi pulled in $151.50 through the fundraiser I had mentioned in my last entry. Thank you to Kathy & Richard Mayo for contributing to this total. You two are the bestest! And we love you LOTS!!!

I'll do my best to update Sammi's page with any info we get on what it is that's going on with her. Please keep her in your thoughts. I'm extremely worried about my little girl.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"I'm Scared" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "Mommy Worries Too Much" Therese
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***Sammi and her Great-Uncle Teddy***
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***My Mom and her older brother -- Uncle Teddy***
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***Uncle Shannon & Uncle Teddy (*my Uncle has ALWAYS called me "Uncle Shannon"*)***
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***My Aunt Patty (my Mom's older sister), my Uncle Teddy (my Mom's older brother) and my Mom***

Pictures Taken During Our Sleep-Over at Jimmy's House
(September 9, 2005):

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Sammi's Second Day of Pre-K
(September 8, 2005):

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Sammi's First Day of Pre-K
(September 7, 2005):

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***Sammi's Dora Backpack***
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***Sammi's Ladybug Lunch Bag***
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Sammi and her Grandpa sleeping together:

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September 30, 2005:
Sammi has a follow-up appointment with her pediatrician this afternoon. Pray that we get some answers.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden is now into finger painting and I bet his artwork is just beautiful!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's and his wonderful family are currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 10th:
Heidi will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

October Birthdays:

October 9th:
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Chance's Mom, *Patty*, was called Home to Heaven on September 22, 2005. Please continue to keep Chance and his family in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to go through difficult times.

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Friday, September 23, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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To say I've been busy (and stressed out) lately is a HUGE understatement. Things have not been going well with Sammi as far as school is concerned. Please keep in mind that she is in good health -- as are Jim and I. Besides head colds, we have been relatively well. Of course I'll fill all of you in on what's going on with Miss Samantha, but please bear with me -- this could end up being a VERY long entry.

School started up again on September 7th. On that day Sammi was VERY excited to be heading back to school. She missed her friends, her teachers and Shirley (the bus driver she had when she attended the summer program she was in). Well she was able to see all of those people again, except for Shirley. Unfortunately Shirley was just one of the summer drivers and the same bus driver and monitor that Sammi had last year were back. Sammi (to say the least) was crushed. She was dying to see Shirley again.

The first couple of days went kind of well. Sammi put up a little fight (mostly tears) when I put her on the bus on Thursday (September 8th), but it was nothing major. I sent her to school on the bus again on Monday (September 12th), but it was a fiasco. On Tuesday (September 13th) I foolishly came up with the idea of bringing to Sammi to school myself. I thought it might have been the bus ride that was bothering her and (silly, I know) I thought Sammi would be better behaved if I were to drop her off. I soon realized that (as we rounded the corner and Sammi's school came into full view) that my idea wasn't going to work out. Sammi, who had been happy and singing along to the music on the radio while I drove, started flipping out and crying as soon as she saw where we were heading. "You don't want to go to school" -- "You don't want to see your friends" -- "You don't want to see Mrs. Dennehy." Yeah, it finally clicked that this was a mistake.

Ok, let me make an extremely long story short here. The problem with Sammi does have to do with the bus ride to school, but that isn't the whole problem. The whole problem has to do with Sammi getting in to her new school routine. This is the first year that Sammi is attending school all day long, so that's a big deal that she needs to get used to. She also has a new teacher who she needs to get used to. There are a bunch of things involved with this new school year that Sammi needs to deal with. While this may not be such a big deal with any other kid, it is a HUGE deal due to Sammi's autism. Autism just makes everything so much harder for Sammi sometimes and it breaks my heart when something upsets her so much.

So while Sammi will be riding the bus to school every morning, I have been (and will continue) picking her up in the afternoon. She now knows that Mommy comes to get her (in the white car) after "good-bye circle." It makes Sammi feel better knowing Mommy will be there to get her when the day has ended. If it's not asking too much, please keep Sammi in your thoughts as she tries to adjust to this new school year. I know she'll get the hang of it, it's just a waiting game and I hate seeing Sammi deal with all of this.


In happier news -- Miss Samantha's class is holding a fundraiser. It ends this Sunday (September 25th), but please feel free to place an order. If you're interested, please e-mail me and let me know. I need to send an e-mail to you so you can place an order. Keep in mind that I am NOT asking for any hand-outs. This fundraiser is for Sammi's school and every cent will go towards it. I have never (and will never) ask anyone for money for ourselves.


In more happy news -- my Uncle Teddy surprised us with a visit on Wednesday (September 14th). My Uncle was living in New Orleans when Katrina hit. He was there through the entire Hurricane and (thank GOD) survived. The stories he told us were incredible and definitely will NOT be forgotten anytime soon. He has received tons of help from the Red Cross -- they flew him up here, gave him a substantial amount of money and will be helping him find a place to live. So it's safe to say that my Uncle will be relocating. My Aunt, cousin and another Uncle (who were also in LA when Katrina hit) are also safe. They're still in LA and will continue to stay there. Here are pictures that were taken when we were with my Uncle:

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***Sammi and her Great-Uncle Teddy***
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***My Mom and her older brother -- Uncle Teddy***
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***Uncle Shannon & Uncle Teddy (*my Uncle has ALWAYS called me "Uncle Shannon"*)***
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***My Aunt Patty (my Mom's older sister), my Uncle Teddy (my Mom's older brother) and my Mom***


Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's favorite teacher) and Shelia (Sammi's favorite aide) came to visit us this afternoon. It was just a routine home visit -- these happen every once in awhile. Mrs. O'Donnell and I sat at my kitchen table and talked while Sammi and Shelia read books together in our living room. Mrs. O'Donnell and I are trying to come up with some ideas to make Sammi's days at school easier. Wish us luck!!!

Ok, I guess that's about it from our end. I apologize for taking so long to make an update on Sammi's page. Things have been kind of stressful around here these days and I haven't been in the best mood. That's also why I haven't been visiting any CaringBridge kiddies for some time. I don't want to pass any of my negative feelings on to anyone else. But please keep in mind that each and every one of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. Though I often visit many of the CaringBridge families I've come to know and love, please forgive me for not leaving any messages in any guestbooks.

We hope all of you have a terrific weekend!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"The Future Mrs. Kelley" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Slowly Getting Used to Going to School Again" Therese
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Pictures Taken During Our Sleep-Over at Jimmy's House
(September 9, 2005):

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Sammi's Second Day of Pre-K
(September 8, 2005):

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Sammi's First Day of Pre-K
(September 7, 2005):

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***Sammi's Dora Backpack***
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***Sammi's Ladybug Lunch Bag***
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Sammi and her Grandpa sleeping together:

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September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's and his wonderful family are currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 10th:
Heidi will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

October Birthdays:

October 9th:
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Autumn has appointments coming up on September 13, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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Pictures Taken During Our Sleep-Over at Jimmy's House
(September 9, 2005):

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Sammi's Second Day of Pre-K
(September 8, 2005):

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Sammi's First Day of Pre-K
(September 7, 2005):

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***Sammi's Dora Backpack***
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***Sammi's Ladybug Lunch Bag***
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Sammi and her Grandpa sleeping together:

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September 13 & 14, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's and his wonderful family are currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 10th:
Heidi will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

October Birthdays:

October 9th:
Little Tyler will be celebrating his birthday today!!!

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Autumn has appointments coming up on September 13, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Sunday, September 11, 2005

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Friday, September 9, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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Sammi had another excellent day at school yesterday (September 8th). And this time she wasn't crying her little eyes out when she got off of the bus. Yea!!! I'm telling 'ya, seeing her like that Wednesday afternoon absolutely broke my heart. It was SO depressing seeing her so upset.

A note from Mrs. Dennehy and Mrs. O'Donnell came home with Sammi. Mrs. Dennehy (who is Sammi's AM teacher) said that Sammi hasn't wanted anything to do with the ice cream I've been sending in for her snack. She said that Sammi has been requesting soup. So, starting on Monday, I will be sending in two thermos' of soup -- one for Sammi's snack and one for her lunch. Jim and I were talking last night and neither of us can understand how Sammi is able to eat one thing (and one thing only) day after day after day. We both agreed that we would be sick of it after a day. But (obviously) Sammi can stand it.

I'd like to apologize for not visiting many CaringBridge pages lately. The last two days (Wednesday and Thursday) I spent cleaning up my house while Sammi was in school. I haven't been in front of my computer lately. I need to vacuum on Monday, but after that I plan on hitting as many pages as possible. PLEASE keep Jaye and her family in your thoughts and prayers. As far as I know her Dad still isn't doing too well, but her trip to Chapel Hill on September 12th is still happening. Any and all prayers for this beautiful family would be VERY much appreciated.

Sammi, Casey (our puppy) and I will be having another sleepover at Jimmy's house tonight. Sammi is VERY excited about this. He (Jim) has to pick his kids up semi-early tomorrow morning (they're spending tomorrow night with him), so we'll be home semi-early in the morning. I don't know how well Sammi is going to take having to leave early, but I'm sure she'll be fine with it once I tell her Nuna is at home waiting for us. Sammi always gets excited whenever I mention her Nuna -- my Mom.

Oh!!! There are some new pictures posted below. I took them on Sammi's first and second days of school. Enjoy!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"The Future Mrs. Kelley" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Back in School!!!" Therese
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Sammi's Second Day of Pre-K
(September 8, 2005):

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Sammi's First Day of Pre-K
(September 7, 2005):

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***Sammi's Dora Backpack***
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***Sammi's Ladybug Lunch Bag***
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Pictures from the Nelson Ride
(August 28, 2005):

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Different pictures I don't think I've posted:

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***Sammi & Grandpa Slappy sleeping together***

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***Miss Samantha having a blast on her Dora bike. I promise to take some more pictures in the daytime so they can be seen better***

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***The flag Sammi made in Pre-K last year***

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***Sammi's scribbles -- made in Pre-K last year***

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***More of Sammi's art work made in Pre-K last year***
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September 13 & 14, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's and his wonderful family are currently vacationing in sunny Hawaii!!!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

October Birthdays:

October 21st:
Mary Templeton (Mom to 4 BEAUTIFUL girls -- Kristen, Stephanie, Caitlin & Meagan) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

October 25th:
Caitlin (Mary's daughter) turns 7-years-old today!!!

Melissa Ryan (Mom to adorable Hailee) will also be celebrating her birthday today!!!

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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Autumn has appointments coming up on September 13, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob has lost 10 ounces. Start packing on those pounds, buddy!!!
Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Thursday, September 8, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On September 12th Jaye and her AMAZING Mom and Dad will be heading to Chapel Hill!!! Anyone who has been following Jaye's story knows how BIG of a deal this is. Please keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as the family heads to North Carolina. This trip will be a long one for Jaye to handle, especially since she isn't in the most stable condition. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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Sammi's first day of school was a terrific one. Yesterday (September 7th) was her first day back and it was also her first FULL day of school -- 9am to 4pm. Even though Miss Samantha had a great first day back to school, she was crying her eyes out when she got off of the bus this afternoon. My heart sank when I saw how upset that sweet little face of hers was. I had no idea what the problem was and for anyone who has (or who has dealt with) an autistic child, finding out what's wrong is no easy task. Soon enough, though, I found out.

I had all day long to get some shopping done while Sammi was at school, but I left it for when Sammi got home. She enjoys going shopping with me, so I planned on taking her once she got home from school. She ate a little bit of soup first and then we were off. After I got her buckled in to my car, Sammi asked me to turn the radio up. So I did. We were almost at the store when I thought it was WAY too quiet. I looked in the backseat and realized that Miss Samantha had fallen asleep. So that was why Sammi was so upset when she got off the bus -- she had a VERY long day and was completely worn out. My poor little Angel Bear. She went to Pre-K last year, but that was only for half a day. I don't think she knows what to think of this full day stuff. Hopefully she'll start dealing better with it as the weeks go on.

Sammi brought home some beautiful art work with her -- only one piece was made in school yesterday, the rest were made during the summer program she was in and was sent home with her today since she missed the last week (because of her pneumonia spell) of that program. I'll work on taking some photos of those pieces of art so I can show you her work. I've been meaning to set our scanner back up (it was hooked up to Jeff's computer when he was living here), but I can't find the disk that goes to it. As soon as I hunt it down, I hope to have our scanner up and running again.

Well, I guess that's about it from our end. Before I go, PLEASE remember Jaye and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Jaye's Dad (Ralph) is in ICU and is in critical condition after an accident at home. Do you ever have that feeling that nothing is going right for you? That is how things have been for Jaye and her family for far too long. I hope all of you know how special each and every CaringBridge family I follow is to me. It breaks my heart when things don't go right for one of these families and it hurts even more when I know there is absolutely nothing I can do to help. Please continue to keep each and every one of these families in your thoughts and prayers -- and please send some extras along to Jaye and her family. Every one of them is VERY much appreciated.

Oh!!! There are some new pictures posted below. I took them yesterday morning once Sammi was all ready for school. Enjoy!!!

Have a great weekend (ours starts today when Sammi gets home since she doesn't go to school on Friday's)!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"The Future Mrs. Kelley" Shannon, "The Most Amazing Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Back in School!!!" Therese
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Sammi's First Day of Pre-K
(September 7, 2005):

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***Sammi's Dora Backpack***
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***Sammi's Ladybug Lunch Bag***

Pictures from the Nelson Ride
(August 28, 2005):

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Different pictures I don't think I've posted:

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***Sammi & Grandpa Slappy sleeping together***

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***Miss Samantha having a blast on her Dora bike. I promise to take some more pictures in the daytime so they can be seen better***

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***The flag Sammi made in Pre-K last year***

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***Sammi's scribbles -- made in Pre-K last year***

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***More of Sammi's art work made in Pre-K last year***
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September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 12 or 13, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.
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September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

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Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.
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Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Autumn has appointments coming up on September 13, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob has lost 10 ounces. Start packing on those pounds, buddy!!!
Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
September 12, 2005: Jaye and her family will be heading to CHAPEL HILL. This is a BIG, BIG, BIG deal for Jaye, her family and every one of us who loves her.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Monday, September 5, 2005

I'm on Jim's computer right now, so I can't put up any of the cute graphics I usually use on Sammi's page. But I did want to stop by and wish every one of you a VERY Happy and VERY Safe Labor Day!!!

Our thoughts and prayers are also with all of the people who were/are affected by Hurricane Katrina. My Aunt and cousin who live in Slidell, LA are just fine -- thank goodness!!! Now we're just waiting for word on 2 of my Uncles.

Because I'm on Jim's computer, I also can't add any of the prayer requests I usually have posted. But every one of them will be back when I'm home tomorrow and update Sammi's page. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE remember to keep Jaye in your thoughts and prayers as her and her family continue to go through hell.

Happy Labor Day, Everyone!!!

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jimmy & Miss Samantha Therese

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On August 25th she was brought to the ER and was re-admitted into the hospital. Grrrrrrr!!! To make matters worse, Laura & Ralph (Jaye's AMAZING Mom and Dad) are currently fighting with Medicare and Liberty Health to get the services Jaye needs. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is sent home VERY SOON. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Hailee has an appointment with Oncology this Friday (September 2nd). Please send lots of prayers her way as this is an EXTREMELY tough time for this sweet little girl and her family.

Hailee's Mom is also in the process of selling her house. Prayers for this to be a quick process and for her to find a new house to live in SOON would be VERY much appreciated.
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is in need of some prayers. It would also mean a lot to his family if you would take the time to sign his guestbook.





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Sammi and I had a nice little home visit this yesterday. Her teacher from last year (who I learned will also be her teacher again in the afternoon once school resumes), Mrs. O'Donnell, the teacher whose class Sammi will be in in the morning sessions at school, Mrs. Dennehy and Shelia (we ALL know and love Shelia) visited us yesterday. Sammi did a very good job of saying "Hi" to everyone who came to see us. She also named all of her animals and requested soup about a million and one times. Sammi was VERY well behaved while we had company. She was even sweet enough to say "Good-bye" to everyone as they were leaving.

Needless to say, now Sammi is VERY excited about going back to school. She has been talking about it non-stop ever since her teacher's left. Riding on the bus, seeing all of her friends, seeing all of her teachers, playing with play dough, etc. I don't know if my little munchkin will be able to wait until school starts next Wednesday. I know I can't wait!!!

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Sammi and Jim have had a great time playing with Play-Dough lately. I picked some up for Sammi (I guess --without knowing-- I picked it up for Jim too) while we were out shopping and the two of them have been having a great time playing with it. Just like coloring/drawing, Jim does most of the work while Sammi observes. Jim has been building little Elmo's, Grover's, rubber duckies, balls, compasses, etc. Sammi has a blast sitting at the kitchen table with Jim and watching everything he makes. I'm definitely going to have to get some pictures of these two playing together -- they look too cute.

Have a great week!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"The Future Mrs. Kelley" Shannon, "The Most Wonderful Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Going on My Second Sleepover Tonight" Therese
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Pictures from the Nelson Ride
(August 28, 2005):

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Different pictures I don't think I've posted:

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***Sammi & Grandpa Slappy sleeping together***

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***Miss Samantha having a blast on her Dora bike. I promise to take some more pictures in the daytime so they can be seen better***

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***The flag Sammi made in Pre-K last year***

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***Sammi's scribbles -- made in Pre-K last year***

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***More of Sammi's art work made in Pre-K last year***
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September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

There are two open houses at Sammi's school today. One from 9:30a - 10:30a and one from 1p - 2p. Sammi and I will be attending both of them.

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 12 or 13, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

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August Birthdays:

August 1st:
*Amanda Conway*

August 2nd:

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise (Mom to 3 beautiful children -- Tori, Missa and Zach) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody turns 10-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 21st:
Liam (Corey's big brother) turns 8-years-old today!!!

August 23rd:
Kyle turns 16-years-old today!!!

August 25th:
Cam turns 5-years-old today!!!

August 31st:

September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 25th:
Hailee turns 7-years-old today!!!

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob has lost 10 ounces. Start packing on those pounds, buddy!!!
Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
August 25, 2005: Jaye was brought to the ER and admitted to the hospital.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

*Kyle* passed away on August 7, 2005.

Tyler and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

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Monday, August 29, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On August 25th she was brought to the ER and was re-admitted into the hospital. Grrrrrrr!!! To make matters worse, Laura & Ralph (Jaye's AMAZING Mom and Dad) are currently fighting with Medicare and Liberty Health to get the services Jaye needs. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is sent home VERY SOON. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Things her have been crazy and hectic, Hailess CT scan was not so good... Can you please add her to your prayer list.. i am running slow/behind on asking...

They found a tumor, NB in her thoracic cavity.. it seems to be affecting her going potty she has stopped all potty training, and has had severe diarreha for 6 weeks now... she has put on almost 12 lbs in a week, so we are worried about how fast this tumor is growing.. we are scheduled for a stat MRI with contrast for the 11th, thats the earliest they can get her in, and we are on the top of the waiting list for cancels.. My dr isnt very happy about this..
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What a weekend!!! This was (by far) one of the best weekends that I have had in a LONG time. (*I'll be including some pictures at the end of this entry*)

Relaxing By The Fire

Sammi and I spent Friday night at Jim's house. Once Sammi had gone to bed, Jim lit a fire in the fireplace that sits in his living room. We waited until Sammi was asleep because we both knew that we wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting Sammi to sleep if she had seen a fire burning. Sammi LOVES sitting in front of fires. She has never seen one lit in a fireplace, but she has a blast sitting outside in front of the fire pit with everyone. One of these days Jim and I will let Sammi sit up in front of the fire with us. Until she fell asleep, Sammi had a great time watching videos in Emileah and Jimmy's room and driving Mommy nuts whenever she got the chance -- she's EXTRA good at that.

Camp Fire

Saturday night was spent outside in front of our fire pit. My Mom, step-Dad, Jim, Sammi and I spent a good portion of the night hanging outside. Everyone but Sammi ate chinese food outside. While we were eating, Sammi sat at her own little table (right next to us) and ate some soup. My step-Dad got a fire going in the fire pit for us, but he didn't stay outside with us for long. A friend of his called him and my step-Dad went out with him. So my Mom, Jim and I sat outside and talked for awhile. My Mom is VERY fond of Jim (thank God), so the three of us didn't have a problem sitting together and talking. Sammi had a blast playing in our yard with the new Talking Dora Backpack I had bought for her earlier that day. She kept coming to each of us and showing it off.

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Sammi stayed with my Mom yesterday (August 28th), while Jim and I attended the Nelson Ride I had mentioned earlier. I'll be posting some of the pics that Jim and I took while we were there. I'll definitely make another update on how much money was raised and how many people attended the bike run. There were TONS of bikes everywhere you looked. It was just the most amazing thing I've ever been a part of.

Sammi, Nuna and Grandpa had a GREAT time together. They had lots of fun playing, watching videos and just goofing off. My Mom told me that Miss Samantha was VERY well behaved all day long. Even though I had an excellent time with Jim yesterday, I missed Sammi like crazy while we were gone. And I got the biggest "Hi Mama" out of Sammi as soon as I saw her. She was VERY happy to see Jim and myself when we got back. The rest of the night was spent in Mommy and Jim's room listening to music on the computer. Sammi took turns sitting on Jim's lap and dancing with me while music played. The three of us had a great night together.

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I hope everyone had a good weekend with their families. Everyone here is doing good. Sammi starts school again in two weeks. Lately she has been talking A LOT about her school friends, teachers and Shelia. I think she wants to go back to school almost as badly as I want her to.

Have a great week!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"The Future Mrs. Kelley" Shannon, "The Most Wonderful Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Going on My Second Sleepover Tonight" Therese
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Pictures from the Nelson Ride
(August 28, 2005):

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Different pictures I don't think I've posted:

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***Sammi & Grandpa Slappy sleeping together***

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***Miss Samantha having a blast on her Dora bike. I promise to take some more pictures in the daytime so they can be seen better***

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***The flag Sammi made in Pre-K last year***

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***Sammi's scribbles -- made in Pre-K last year***

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***More of Sammi's art work made in Pre-K last year***
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August 30, 2005:
Mrs. O'Donnell will be visiting us at home this afternoon.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 12 or 13, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

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August Birthdays:

August 1st:
*Amanda Conway*

August 2nd:

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise (Mom to 3 beautiful children -- Tori, Missa and Zach) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody turns 10-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 21st:
Liam (Corey's big brother) turns 8-years-old today!!!

August 23rd:
Kyle turns 16-years-old today!!!

August 25th:
Cam turns 5-years-old today!!!

August 31st:

September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob has lost 10 ounces. Start packing on those pounds, buddy!!!
Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
August 25, 2005: Jaye was brought to the ER and admitted to the hospital.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

*Kyle* passed away on August 7, 2005.

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Friday, August 26, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a many months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On August 25th she was brought to the ER and was re-admitted into the hospital. Grrrrrrr!!! To make matters worse, Laura & Ralph (Jaye's AMAZING Mom and Dad) are currently fighting with Medicare and Liberty Health to get the services Jaye needs. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is sent home VERY SOON. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Things her have been crazy and hectic, Hailess CT scan was not so good... Can you please add her to your prayer list.. i am running slow/behind on asking...

They found a tumor, NB in her thoracic cavity.. it seems to be affecting her going potty she has stopped all potty training, and has had severe diarreha for 6 weeks now... she has put on almost 12 lbs in a week, so we are worried about how fast this tumor is growing.. we are scheduled for a stat MRI with contrast for the 11th, thats the earliest they can get her in, and we are on the top of the waiting list for cancels.. My dr isnt very happy about this..
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(Secret Bear)

Hi everyone! How's it going with all of you? Everything here has been going well lately. I apologize again for the lack of updates. Sammi has been doing an excellent job at keeping me busy these days now that she's out of school. She goes back in only 2 weeks though (yea!!!), so I'm hoping I'll be able to find some time for myself then.


Last Friday (August 19th) Sammi took place in her first sleep over. Sammi and I spent the night at Jim's house. Sammi slept in Emileah's bed -- Emileah is Jim's 6-year-old daughter. A TV and VCR is set up in that room, so Sammi stayed in there when it was time for bed and watched "Super Silly Fiesta" (a Dora video) over and over again until she fell asleep. Sammi had a terrific time at her first sleep over. She talked about it non-stop ever since it took place.

Family Portrait

This past Wednesday (August 24th), my Dad and Grandma visited us for a little bit. Sammi had fun watching all sorts of cartoons with them. The three of them also sang some songs and worked on Sammi's manners -- saying "Please" and "Thank You" at the right times. Sammi always has lots of fun when her Papa and Great-Grandma visit us.


Sammi and I headed to the doctor not long after my Dad and Grandma left. Sammi had a follow-up with Elizabeth (or Emily Elizabeth as Sammi calls her). It was just a routine visit so Elizabeth could see how Sammi is doing since her little bout with Pneumonia. Sammi is doing just fine. Elizabeth was VERY happy with how much better her breathing sounds. And for being such a good girl, Sammi walked away with a Clifford and Cinderella sticker. It has been 2 days since her appointment and she still loves showing those stickers off to everyone.


Sammi and I will be spending the night at Jim's house again tonight. Sammi is already VERY excited about having another sleep over at Jimmy's. She can't wait to watch "Super Silly Fiesta" (I also bought her another video that I'm hoping she'll like) in Emileah and Jimmy's room. Hopefully tonight will go as well as it did last weekend.

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This Sunday (August 28th) is the Nelson Ride. It's a HUGE motorcycle 35+ mile slow run around Cape Ann with live music, bike games, food, special auctions. Jim has been on this run a few times before, but this will be my first time. Sammi will be staying with my Mom all day while we're gone. If anyone's interested, you can check it out at this link:
The Nelson Ride
It's still unclear whether or not I'll actually be going with Jim, but I'll be sure to update Sammi's page next week to let you all know how it went (if I go).

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Before I go, I just want to thank all of you for the wonderful "Congratulations" wishes you've sent to Jim and I. We loved reading every one of them. And I also was the send a VERY BIG Thank You out to Denise, Darren, Tori, Missa and Zach for the BEAUTIFUL and VERY THOUGHTFUL engagement card that was sent to Jim and I. It was such a sweet gesture and it was completely unexpected. Thank you all SO much!!!

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(Bashful Heart Bear)

I guess that's about it from our end. It's still early, but I have to start packing so I'm sure Sammi and I have everything we need to spend the night at Jim's house. We hope all of you have a terrific weekend. Please don't forget to check up on the kiddies/families I've listed on Sammi's page. Please keep Jaye in your prayers as well as the families of *Kyle* and Sweet Little *Cody* as they've recently passed away.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"The Future Mrs. Kelley" Shannon, "The Most Wonderful Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Going on My Second Sleepover Tonight" Therese
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I don't have any pictures to show you of my engagement ring, but here are some pictures of another ring Jim bought me earlier this month. Just thought I'd share them with you.

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Beach Pictures (Sammi's First Trip)
July 29, 2005:

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***Sammi getting used to the water***

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***Mommy & Sammi enjoying the water***

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***Jimmy, Sammi and the Shack***

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***Mommy, Sammi and the beautiful sunset***

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***Jimmy, Sammi and the beautiful sunset***
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September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 12 or 13, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

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August Birthdays:

August 1st:
*Amanda Conway*

August 2nd:

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise (Mom to 3 beautiful children -- Tori, Missa and Zach) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody turns 10-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 21st:
Liam (Corey's big brother) turns 8-years-old today!!!

August 23rd:
Kyle turns 16-years-old today!!!

August 25th:
Cam turns 5-years-old today!!!

August 31st:

September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Christy's oldest son, *Maxie*, passed away on March 27, 2004. Christy was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This family has been through so very much. Please keep Christy in your thoughts and prayers.

Sweet Little *Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005.

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob has lost 10 ounces. Start packing on those pounds, buddy!!!
Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
August 25, 2005: Jaye was brought to the ER and admitted to the hospital.

Jen's Mom *Dee* passed away on January 1, 2005. Jen will be going in for a minor surgery on September 16, 2005. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

*Kyle* passed away on August 7, 2005.

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Sunday, August 21, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Unfortunately, she is back in the hospital. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is sent home VERY SOON. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Things her have been crazy and hectic, Hailess CT scan was not so good... Can you please add her to your prayer list.. i am running slow/behind on asking...

They found a tumor, NB in her thoracic cavity.. it seems to be affecting her going potty she has stopped all potty training, and has had severe diarreha for 6 weeks now... she has put on almost 12 lbs in a week, so we are worried about how fast this tumor is growing.. we are scheduled for a stat MRI with contrast for the 11th, thats the earliest they can get her in, and we are on the top of the waiting list for cancels.. My dr isnt very happy about this..
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Jim asked me to marry him last night (August 20th) and of course I said "YES!!!"

Don't get too excited. This is going to be a loooooooooooooooooong engagement, but we're engaged just the same.

Jim has been absolutely amazing since we've met. He's everything I've always and I can't even begin to tell all of you how wonderful he is when it comes to playing with and taking care of Miss Samantha. I've definitely found my soul mate.

Just thought I'd take a minute to let all of you know what is happening with us. I'll be sure to update Sammi's page tomorrow to let all of you know how the rest of our weekend was.

We hope all of you are having a good weekend with your families.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"Happier Than Ever" Shannon, "The Most Wonderful Man" Jim & Miss Samantha "I Got a New Dora Video That I LOVE" Therese
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Beach Pictures (Sammi's First Trip)
July 29, 2005:

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***Sammi getting used to the water***

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***Mommy & Sammi enjoying the water***

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***Jimmy, Sammi and the Shack***

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***Mommy, Sammi and the beautiful sunset***

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***Jimmy, Sammi and the beautiful sunset***
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September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 12 or 13, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Kari's recent EEG test came back normal.

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August Birthdays:

August 1st:
*Amanda Conway*

August 2nd:

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise (Mom to 3 beautiful children -- Tori, Missa and Zach) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody turns 10-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 21st:
Liam (Corey's big brother) turns 8-years-old today!!!

August 23rd:
Kyle turns 16-years-old today!!!

August 25th:
Cam turns 5-years-old today!!!

August 31st:

September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob has lost 10 ounces. Start packing on those pounds, buddy!!!
Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Angel 2

Sweet Little *Cody* is now free from pain and suffering. He was welcomed into Heaven on August 18, 2005. My most sincere thoughts and prayers go out to the wonderful family he has left behind. *Cody's* spirit may be gone, but he will NEVER be forgotten.

Angel 3

I also just learned that *Kyle* was welcomed into Heaven on August 7, 2005. One of his wishes was to receive 1,000 greeting cards and I'm happy to say that his wish was granted. *Kyle* will be forever loved, missed and remembered.

Angel 2


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Unfortunately, she is back in the hospital. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is sent home VERY SOON. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This is a request I received from Melissa -- Hailee's WONDERFUL Mom. It concerns Sweet Little Hailee and all her and her family are going through right now.

Things her have been crazy and hectic, Hailess CT scan was not so good... Can you please add her to your prayer list.. i am running slow/behind on asking...

They found a tumor, NB in her thoracic cavity.. it seems to be affecting her going potty she has stopped all potty training, and has had severe diarreha for 6 weeks now... she has put on almost 12 lbs in a week, so we are worried about how fast this tumor is growing.. we are scheduled for a stat MRI with contrast for the 11th, thats the earliest they can get her in, and we are on the top of the waiting list for cancels.. My dr isnt very happy about this..
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Hazzard Smileys

Ok, let's see if I can get all of you up-to-date on everything that has been happening around here lately. Please bear with me. This entry may jump around a little bit.

Cooking Dinner

Monday, August 15, 2005:

Sammi and I went over to Jim's house tonight so Jim could make dinner for me. This was the first time, since we've been together, that he had cooked for me and he did a great job. Sammi had tons of fun playing with all of the toys at Jim's house and sat down (at a kiddie table) and ate some soup while Jim and I ate our dinner. Miss Samantha was VERY well behaved while we were at Jim's. She was also pretty good when it came time for us to go back home -- surprise, surprise. She usually puts up a fight when the time comes for us to leave, but she was pretty good tonight.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005:

Jim, Sammi and I took a trip into Beverly this afternoon. I checked Jim's blood this morning and it was 181 -- VERY high for a person without diabetes. Needless to say, I was more than a little worried about him. He needed to get some blood work done anyway, so we decided to get it done today. Jim's blood was in the 80's -- MUCH better -- when I checked it again tonight, but that first reading is still fresh in my mind. Since I have the equipment, I plan on checking Jim's blood again to see how it is.

Rolling Eyes

Wednesday, August 17, 2005:

Jim had an appointment to get his eyes checked out this afternoon. It was a completely free appointment (thanks to the company he works for) and he was able to get a pair of safety glasses for free -- also thanks to his company.

My Dad came to visit us for a little bit this afternoon. Sammi was VERY happy to see her Papa. The two of them sat on our kitchen floor and built towers with Sammi's new blocks -- Jim bought Sammi a bag of mega blocks (70 pieces) when we were out shopping on Tuesday. These blocks are VERY easy to push together, which makes it even easier for Sammi to build towers. She has been having a blast with them and she loved showing off her talents to my Dad today.


Well. I guess that brings us up to today, doesn't it? Not a whole lot should be happening this weekend. Jim has been talking about having Sammi and I spend the night at his house on Friday, for a change, so we may end up doing that. Jim and I will be going out alone on Saturday night and my Mom will be keeping an eye on Sammi. Other than that, not a whole lot will be going on.


I've been doing my best to visit as many CaringBridge pages as I'm able to this week. Of course Sammi is still keeping me busy, but I've been able to squeeze in a few here and there. Thank you all for bearing with me and continuing to be patient until I'm able to get to your page. Remember -- it may take me awhile to sign your guestbook, but that DOES NOT mean that you're not thought of and prayed for on a daily basis.

Please remember all of the CaringBridge kiddies and families that I've listed who are in desperate need of prayers at this time. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I'm constantly adding new Prayer Requests to the top of Sammi's page. Hailee and Cody are two new adorable kiddies that have been added to our list. If anyone would like me to list a prayer request, please feel free to e-mail me. The same goes for anybody who will be celebrating a birthday in the months of August and September. I'm always more than happy to help out in anyway.

If I'm not able to update Sammi's page this weekend, I will definitely be back to do so sometime next week.

We hope all of you are able to have an excellent weekend with your families.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
"It's My Turn to Be Sick" Shannon, "Not Feeling So Hot These Days" Jim & Miss Samantha "HAHA I'm All Better!!!" Therese
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Beach Pictures (Sammi's First Trip)
July 29, 2005:

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***Sammi getting used to the water***

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***Mommy & Sammi enjoying the water***

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***Jimmy, Sammi and the Shack***

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***Mommy, Sammi and the beautiful sunset***

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***Jimmy, Sammi and the beautiful sunset***
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September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 12 or 13, 2005:
Jim goes back to school.

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's latest MRI has shown that IT has shrunk!!! It has shrunk 1 whole mm. Sure this may not seem like a big deal -- but IT IS!!! Congratulations, sweetheart!!! I am SO VERY happy for you!!!

Autumn has become a little artist and has won 1st place!!! Way to go, sweetie!!! Your art work is absolutely beautiful and you definitely deserved to win!

Caden's Mom is now a Freshman English Teacher!!! Congratulations, Vicki!!!

Corey's Mom (Margo) is pregnant!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

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August Birthdays:

August 1st:
*Amanda Conway*

August 2nd:

August 15th:

August 16th:
Denise (Mom to 3 beautiful children -- Tori, Missa and Zach) will be celebrating her birthday today!!!

August 18th:
Kody turns 10-years-old today!!!

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 21st:
Liam (Corey's big brother) turns 8-years-old today!!!

August 23rd:

August 25th:
Cam turns 5-years-old today!!!

August 31st:

September Birthdays:

September 1st:

September 16th:

September 19th:

September 23rd:

September 27th:
Hadley turns 5-years-old today!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Adam should be heading in to see his doctor sometime this month.

Amanda Panda has been having lots of high fevers lately and has been feeling pretty crummy, but things seem to be looking up for her again. I'm hoping and praying those nasty fevers that have been getting this little sweetheart down are gone for good.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

*Cody* passed away on August 18, 2005

Collin isn't feeling too well and even needed to stay in the hospital for a little bit so he could have some IV's pep him up. I hope you're feeling well again SOON, buddy!!!

Corey's seizures have been increasing lately.
Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee and her family are going through some rough times. I've listed a prayer request for their family up above. Please take a moment to remember all of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob has lost 10 ounces. Start packing on those pounds, buddy!!!
Jakob will be going in for an appointment on September 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!

Keara hasn't made any updates on her page since May of 2005. Please join me in hoping and praying that all is well with her and her family.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

*Kyle* passed away on August 7, 2005

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

On July 29, 2005 Jim and I took Sammi to the Beach. This was the first time she had ever been there. While I was busy playing with Miss Samantha, Jim took A LOT of great pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

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Sammi originally started playing in the water by herself. Notice how she still has her shoes and socks on? We didn't think she'd be interested in playing in the water, but she ended up making a bee line for it not long after we arrived.

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I knew Sammi would walk as far out into the water as she could if we let her, so I had no choice but to get wet too. Pants and all! Needless to say, Sammi and I were soaked by the time we left the beach. Jim, however, was nice and dry.

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We noticed this little shack as we were leaving the beach. Since no one seemed to be home, Jim asked me to take a few pictures of him and Sammi in front of it.

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These pictures were taken as we were leaving the beach. The sun was setting and we tried our best to get some pictures of us in front of it. It was a VERY beautiful sunset!!!

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We had an excellent time at the beach. Thank you, Jim, for suggesting we go. The weather was absolutely beautiful. We couldn't have picked a better day to go. This was Sammi's first trip to the beach (as I mentioned), but it definitely won't be her last. We can't wait to go back.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

UPDATE -- Thursday, August 11, 2005

Feeling Blah

I brought Miss Samantha to see her doctor yesterday. We never saw her primary doctor, but we saw another one instead (the same one who saw her and diagnosed her on Monday). This doctor listened to Sammi's breathing and said it was already beginning to sound A LOT better. Woohoo! She said to continue with the medicine and another appointment has been scheduled for August 24th -- just to follow up and to make sure Sammi is back to her old self again.

It's VERY obvious that Miss Samantha is beginning to feel MUCH better. She hasn't had a fever since Tuesday (August 9th), she's walking around more and isn't just a lump on the couch, she's eating more soup (she's still staying away from the ice cream though -- not sure why) and she's beginning to put up a fight when it's time for her medicine doses. Yup, she's definitely feeling a lot better than she was a week ago.

Now comes the hard part -- having Sammi sleep in her own bed again. She has been camping out on our couch for over a week now, so I know this isn't going to be an easy task. Jim has his kids this weekend, so he won't be staying at our house. So I'm planning on making this transition with Sammi on Saturday night. This was Jim won't be here and we won't bother him if Sammi decides to put up a fight -- I'm more than certain she will. So please think of me this weekend. I know this won't be easy.

I probably won't be making another update until sometime next week. Things are slowly beginning to return to normal around here -- as normal as normal is around this place. Jim and I have been doing well and Miss Samantha (who just coughed in my face, thank you very much) is whiny, but feeling better.

We hope all of you have a terrific weekend with your families. I plan on attempting (wish me luck) to visit all of the CaringBridge families I know and love next week. I know it'll take me some time to get back on track since I've been MIA for so long, but I WILL get there. If anyone has any news for me, please feel free to e-mail me. I haven't been checking my e-mail on a daily basis, but I will get to it.

Thank you again for all of your well wishes.

With Much Love,
"Almost Fully Relieved" Shannon, "My Wonderful" Jim & Miss Samantha "I HATE Taking My Medicine" Therese

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fingers Crossed

I know it's still early in the morning, but today will mark Day 2 of Sammi being fever free -- as long as it stays away today.

She's perking up. Her cough still sounds horrible, but I'm not worried about it. When you listen to her cough, it's very obvious that she's getting up all of that junk in those little lungs of hers. The most heart breaking thing about hearing her cough is when she says, "No more coughing." Her poor little throat is probably sore and I wouldn't doubt it if her head hurts too. I'm still giving her Tylenol since I'm sure something in that little body of hers is hurting in some way.

I'll be calling Samantha's doctor (in about an hour -- when they open) in the hopes of having her seen sometime this afternoon. Her doctor is usually pretty good at fitting her in when I call last minute. Monday (August 8th), when my Mom and I first brought Sammi in the be checked out, the doctor that saw her said she would like to see her again today. I think she'll be pleasantly surprised at how well Sammi has been improving.

Everyone who saw Samantha knew she was feeling better last night. I ran out to pick up dinner for Jim and myself and left Miss Samantha home with Jim (or Jimmy as she calls him). They had a blast drawing (Jim did most of the drawing while Sammi watched) and spending time together. Sammi was also a little goofball and was full of smiles and giggles. She's definitely on the road to recovery now!!! I've even had to give her her pill for the last two nights so she would go to sleep. Some people may not think of this as good news, but it's TERRIFIC news when all she was doing (for almost a week) was sleeping non-stop. Now she actually needs help falling asleep. Woohoo!!!

Thank you again for all of the "Get Well" wishes everyone has been leaving for Sammi in her guestbook. We love reading (and appreciate) each and every one of them. As soon as Miss Samantha is back to her old self, I will DEFINITELY be visiting all of the CaringBridge families I know and love. I miss all of you!!!

With Much Love,
"Sleepy, But Relieved" Shannon, "The Amazing" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Almost Better!!! I'm Almost Better!!!" Therese

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fingers Crossed

I know it's still early in the morning, but today will mark Day 2 of Sammi being fever free -- as long as it stays away today.

She's perking up. Her cough still sounds horrible, but I'm not worried about it. When you listen to her cough, it's very obvious that she's getting up all of that junk in those little lungs of hers. The most heart breaking thing about hearing her cough is when she says, "No more coughing." Her poor little throat is probably sore and I wouldn't doubt it if her head hurts too. I'm still giving her Tylenol since I'm sure something in that little body of hers is hurting in some way.

I'll be calling Samantha's doctor (in about an hour -- when they open) in the hopes of having her seen sometime this afternoon. Her doctor is usually pretty good at fitting her in when I call last minute. Monday (August 8th), when my Mom and I first brought Sammi in the be checked out, the doctor that saw her said she would like to see her again today. I think she'll be pleasantly surprised at how well Sammi has been improving.

Everyone who saw Samantha knew she was feeling better last night. I ran out to pick up dinner for Jim and myself and left Miss Samantha home with Jim (or Jimmy as she calls him). They had a blast drawing (Jim did most of the drawing while Sammi watched) and spending time together. Sammi was also a little goofball and was full of smiles and giggles. She's definitely on the road to recovery now!!! I've even had to give her her pill for the last two nights so she would go to sleep. Some people may not think of this as good news, but it's TERRIFIC news when all she was doing (for almost a week) was sleeping non-stop. Now she actually needs help falling asleep. Woohoo!!!

Thank you again for all of the "Get Well" wishes everyone has been leaving for Sammi in her guestbook. We love reading (and appreciate) each and every one of them. As soon as Miss Samantha is back to her old self, I will DEFINITELY be visiting all of the CaringBridge families I know and love. I miss all of you!!!

With Much Love,
"Sleepy, But Relieved" Shannon, "The Amazing" Jim & Miss Samantha "I'm Almost Better!!! I'm Almost Better!!!" Therese

Tuesday, August 9, 2005


UPDATE -- Tuesday, August 9, 2005

My Mom and I brought Miss Samantha to her doctor yesterday. Getting Sammi out of the house was quite an ordeal. I felt horrible having to wake Sammi up (she was sleeping on the couch) just so I could get her dressed and to her appointment on time. Sammi did NOT want to leave her comfy spot on the couch. She was VERY upset that her Spongebob blanket wasn't covering her anymore, so we brought it with us.

To make a long story short -- Sammi was examined and it was found out that she has pneumonia. She was put on amoxicillin, which she needs to take twice a day for ten days. I'll be bringing her back to see her doctor on Wednesday (August 10th) to see if she's improving in anyway.

Sammi has been a VERY good girl when it comes to taking her medicine. It has always been a job and a half to get her to take any type of medicine. Since she isn't feeling very well these days, she has been a lot better when it comes to taking her medicine. On a couple of occasions Sammi has even been sitting up in a chair when I give her her stuff. THAT was a first!!!

Thank you all for the sweet "Get Well" wishes that have been left in Sammi's guestbook. We appreciate each and every one of them more than you can possibly know. Sammi is still feeling crummy, but we're already beginning to see improvements. Yea!

As far as updating Sammi's page and visiting all of the CaringBridge families I love is concerned -- I'm hoping I'll be back to all of that SOON. As soon as Sammi is feeling better and will let me leave her side for more than 5 seconds, I will definitely be back to business.

With Much Love,
"Still Stressed, But Feeling Semi-Better" Shannon, "The Bestest" Jim & Samantha "I Still Fell Yucky, But I'm Getting Better" Therese

Sick In Bed

Monday, August 8, 2005

To everyone who checks up on Sammi -- please accept my most sincere apologies for not updating her page in quite sometime. Please also know that I am VERY sorry for not visiting any CaringBridge pages lately.

Miss Samantha is a very sick little girl right now. I had a doctor's appointment to go to last Wednesday (August 3rd), so my Dad came to my house to get Sammi off the bus since I wouldn't be home. He said she was crying her eyes out as she got off of the bus. When my Dad brought her in the house, she quickly requested to lay on our couch with her Spongebob pillow and blanket. She never said a word about wanting any soup -- that was a BIG sign that something was wrong with my Angel Bear.

Sammi has been sleeping on our couch since Wednesday. She has also been running some VERY high fevers on and off. I've been giving her Tylenol and Motrin and while they help, her fever always returns. My poor little girl is absolutely miserable. She has been making a good attempt to eat some food, but she isn't eating as much as she normally would. Her throat and head are also bothering her. I've been asking her if her head hurts and she always says "Yes" -- she has also been holding her head, which made me start thinking that it was bothering her. I've also been asking her if her throat hurts and she has also been saying "Yes" -- she has been drinking water and winces as it goes down.

Needless to say, my poor little Pooh Bear will be missing her last week of the summer program she was in at school. I called the bus company this morning and informed them that Miss Samantha will not need to be picked up for the rest of the week.

I called Sammi's doctor this morning and we have an appointment with him at 10:45. My Mom has the day off and will be going with us. I'm hoping and praying that SOMETHING can be done with my little Angel Bear so she's feeling better. I'll do my best to update Sammi's page later on today with any news we may receive.

To say I'm stressed out is a HUGE understatement. Jim's a sweetheart, but I'm more than certain that he's lying to me when he tells me that I don't look like hell. Even if Sammi is able to sleep through the night, I'm not. I'm up worrying about every little thing. My head has been killing me lately -- I'm assuming it's from all the stress I'm under. Coffee is my new best friend.

Jim has been absolutely amazing. He has been helping out in any way he's able to. I was able to get some sleep on Saturday and he took care of things around the house while I was resting. He's too good to me and Sammi. Sammi is a BIG time Mama and Nuna's girl when she isn't feeling well, but she has been excellent with Jim when he tries to do something for her. He even got her to eat some ice cream the other night when I wasn't able to.

As for Jim and I -- we're hanging in there. We don't have any signs of sickness YET. I'd feel horrible if Jim were to get himself sick, but he has been warned. It's not my fault if he comes down with something. I already told him that Sammi and I can't be held responsible for any cold/flu/virus he may catch.

Ok, I've got to get going. It's almost time to bring Sammi to her doctor and I've got to wake her up and get her dressed. Believe me, I would much rather have her sleep.

Thank you all for continuing to check up on us. Again, I apologize for my absence. As soon as Miss Samantha is better, I'll be back on the CaringBridge circuit. And if it's not asking too much, could all of you please say an extra prayer or two for my little Angel Bear? It would mean a lot to us.

With Much Love,
"Stressed Out" Shannon, "Amazing" Jim & Samantha "I Feel Crummy" Therese

Monday, August 8, 2005

To everyone who checks up on Sammi -- please accept my most sincere apologies for not updating her page in quite sometime. Please also know that I am VERY sorry for not visiting any CaringBridge pages lately.

Miss Samantha is a very sick little girl right now. I had a doctor's appointment to go to last Wednesday (August 3rd), so my Dad came to my house to get Sammi off the bus since I wouldn't be home. He said she was crying her eyes out as she got off of the bus. When my Dad brought her in the house, she quickly requested to lay on our couch with her Spongebob pillow and blanket. She never said a word about wanting any soup -- that was a BIG sign that something was wrong with my Angel Bear.

Sammi has been sleeping on our couch since Wednesday. She has also been running some VERY high fevers on and off. I've been giving her Tylenol and Motrin and while they help, her fever always returns. My poor little girl is absolutely miserable. She has been making a good attempt to eat some food, but she isn't eating as much as she normally would. Her throat and head are also bothering her. I've been asking her if her head hurts and she always says "Yes" -- she has also been holding her head, which made me start thinking that it was bothering her. I've also been asking her if her throat hurts and she has also been saying "Yes" -- she has been drinking water and winces as it goes down.

Needless to say, my poor little Pooh Bear will be missing her last week of the summer program she was in at school. I called the bus company this morning and informed them that Miss Samantha will not need to be picked up for the rest of the week.

I called Sammi's doctor this morning and we have an appointment with him at 10:45. My Mom has the day off and will be going with us. I'm hoping and praying that SOMETHING can be done with my little Angel Bear so she's feeling better. I'll do my best to update Sammi's page later on today with any news we may receive.

To say I'm stressed out is a HUGE understatement. Jim's a sweetheart, but I'm more than certain that he's lying to me when he tells me that I don't look like hell. Even if Sammi is able to sleep through the night, I'm not. I'm up worrying about every little thing. My head has been killing me lately -- I'm assuming it's from all the stress I'm under. Coffee is my new best friend.

Jim has been absolutely amazing. He has been helping out in any way he's able to. I was able to get some sleep on Saturday and he took care of things around the house while I was resting. He's too good to me and Sammi. Sammi is a BIG time Mama and Nuna's girl when she isn't feeling well, but she has been excellent with Jim when he tries to do something for her. He even got her to eat some ice cream the other night when I wasn't able to.

As for Jim and I -- we're hanging in there. We don't have any signs of sickness YET. I'd feel horrible if Jim were to get himself sick, but he has been warned. It's not my fault if he comes down with something. I already told him that Sammi and I can't be held responsible for any cold/flu/virus he may catch.

Ok, I've got to get going. It's almost time to bring Sammi to her doctor and I've got to wake her up and get her dressed. Believe me, I would much rather have her sleep.

Thank you all for continuing to check up on us. Again, I apologize for my absence. As soon as Miss Samantha is better, I'll be back on the CaringBridge circuit. And if it's not asking too much, could all of you please say an extra prayer or two for my little Angel Bear? It would mean a lot to us.

With Much Love,
"Stressed Out" Shannon, "Amazing" Jim & Samantha "I Feel Crummy" Therese

Friday, July 22, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. Jaye recently went in for a CT scan and stopped breathing while she was on her way home. Unfortunately, she is back in the hospital. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is sent home VERY SOON. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Computer Smash
(This is what I feel like doing to my computer sometimes)

Hi everyone!

I bet all of you had thought we had fallen off the face of the Earth. Nope, we're doing just fine. I've been extra busy these days trying to keep Miss Samantha as happy as possible. She has been going to her summer program Monday - Thursday for 3 hours and she has been having a GREAT time. She has also been coming home with the cutest little projects. My favorite was the jellyfish she came home with this week. It's a ziploc bag filled with hair gel and it has streamers stuck to it. It really is adorable!!! One of these days I'm going to attempt to re-hook up my scanner so I can show all of you these beautiful projects.

Scuba Diving

This past Wednesday I brought Sammi to my Dad's house so she could swim for a little bit. We left once Sammi got home from school and after she had eaten her soup. Her and my Dad had a great time swimming in his pool and he's even trying to get Sammi to start doing the doggy paddle. She's actually doing very well with this. She's learning to kick her legs and paddle her arms while my Dad carries her around the pool. The only thing she needs to remember is to keep her mouth shut. I swear she's going to end up draining my Dad's pool with all the water she ends up swallowing. I completely forgot to borrow my Mom's camera when we went up to my Dad's, so I don't have any new pictures to show you. Sorry. I'll remember it the next time we're there.

Bike Riding

I bought Sammi a bike online a couple of weeks ago and it just arrived yesterday. Jim put it together for Sammi once he got here -- thank you again, baby!!! It's a really cute bike. It's a 2-wheeler with training wheels and it's....are you ready for this??? A DORA BIKE!!! There are stickers of Dora, Boots, Swipper, the Map and Back Pack all over it. And it even came with a Back Pack and Map!!! How cute is that??? We had Sammi ride it for a little bit yesterday afternoon and she seemed to have a great time. We need to get her to start peddling more. It's kind of hard for her, but I know she'll master it in no time. I plan on taking her out on it again this afternoon and I'll be sure to take lots of pictures of Sammi on her VERY NEW Dora bike.


Jim, Sammi & I may or may not be going camping this weekend. It all depends on the weather. Jim & I really don't want to spend the weekend in a trailer if it's going to be as hot and humid as it has been lately. If we do end up going, this will be Sammi's first camping trip -- so none of us know how it will go yet. I loved camping with my Dad when I was growing up and I hope Sammi has just as much fun. I'll be sure to take some pictures if we do end up going.


I think that's about it from our end. I promise I'll try to update Sammi's page more regularly from now on. I've been so busy trying to keep her happy while she's on vacation that it has been hard for me to find a free minute throughout the day. I tried to hit some CaringBridge pages this morning, but please don't take offense if I wasn't able to make it to yours. My thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with all of you despite how long it may take me to stop by and say "Hi."

We hope all of you have a terrific weekend!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese
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July 9, 2005:

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July 4, 2005:

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(Mommy & Sammi)
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(Nuna & Sammi)
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Mommy & Sammi on Jim's Bike:
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Jim & his bike:
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Jim's bike:
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August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's baby brudder, Isaac, was born on June 16, 2005. Welcome to the world, sweetheart!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Cameron had blood drawn on July 7, 2005 and his counts have come back looking good!!! I'm SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Debbie was seen by her doctor on July 10, 2005 and received some VERY good news as far as her arm is concerned!!! Congratulations, hon!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jakob has gained 2 WHOLE OUNCES!!! Sure it may not seem like a lot, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. Keep up the terrific work, buddy!!!

Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Rachel had a PET scan done on July 12, 2005. It showed moderate improvement since the last scan that was done in February!!! Yea!!!

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July Birthdays:

July 25th:
*Dave Rurka* (Brenda's Dad)
Morgan turns 6-years-old today!!!

August Birthdays:

August 1st:
*Amanda Conway*

August 2nd:

August 15th:

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:
Kyle turns 16-years-old today!!!

August 31st:

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Cody (poor little Cody) recently had a CT scan of his lungs done and it showed fluid around his heart as well as a blood clot in his CVL. Extra, extra, extra prayers are being said for you buddy!!!

Corey will be heading in for surgery on August 22, 2005. MANY prayers are being said in advance for you, sweetheart!!! --- From August 29, 2005 to September 8, 2005 Corey and his family will be at Mayo.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on July 12, 2005. CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob will be going in for an appointment on Septemner 29, 2005. Get those prayers going!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
July 21, 2005: Jaye had a CT scan done today and stopped breathing. She is currently back in the hospital but (hopefully) not for long.

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon. (*No updates have been made on his page yet*)

Rachel was admitted to the hospital on July 20, 2005 because of high fevers. Hopefully those low counts of hers will go UP and she'll be sent home soonly. Many happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

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Monday, July 11, 2005



Jaye's parents have made the heart breaking decision to not let machines run Jaye's life. Everything has now been left in the hands of God. PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS SWEETHEART. PLEASE PRAY THAT A MIRACLE IS SENT HER WAY. PLEASE PRAY FOR JAYE'S AMAZING PARENTS!!! AS WELL AS FOR EVERYONE WHO LOVES JAYE AND HER FAMILY!!!

~~~I love you, sweetheart!~~~

Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Well, we were rained out Saturday night. So instead of sitting outside in front of our fire pit, we moved the "party" inside and sat in my Mom's house. We listened to music and played some games while we were there. Miss Samantha was a little party animal and stayed up until almost midnight. Sammi (as most of you probably know) is a HUGE music fan. She loves all types of music and she can't get enough of it. She danced (with my Mom, myself and Jim) to every song we played and even sang to a few. She knows the words to Lynard Skynard's "What's Your Name?" and AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long." That's my girl!!!

I took some pictures of Jim, my Mom, Sammi & I hanging out on Saturday night, so they'll be posted below.

Dove 2

I apologize for this entry being so short and not so upbeat. I also probably won't be signing too many (if any) CaringBridge guestbooks today. Please bear with me. I'm really torn up over everything that is going on with Jaye and her family at this time. Please pass along any and all prayers you're able to. This young lady has proved time and time again how much of a fighter she really is and she needs to be strong now more than ever. I love you, Jaye!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese
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July 9, 2005:

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July 4, 2005:

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(Mommy & Sammi)
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(Nuna & Sammi)
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Mommy & Sammi on Jim's Bike:
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Jim & his bike:
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Jim's bike:
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July 2, 2005:

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Sammi & Jim. Sammi was doing her "Hi" thing (I'll explain that later) when I tried taking this picture, but she was too quick for me.
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I'll probably get yelled at for showing this picture, but this is Jim.
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My beautiful Mom
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My step-Dad

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Adam's Mom is pregnant with baby number 4!!! Congratulations everyone!!!

Aidan's Mom will be having a baby in December!!! Congratulations!!!

Alyssa's baby brudder, Isaac, was born on June 16, 2005. Welcome to the world, sweetheart!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Cameron had blood drawn on July 7, 2005 and his counts have come back looking good!!! I'm SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Debbie was seen by her doctor on July 10, 2005 and received some VERY good news as far as her arm is concerned!!! Congratulations, hon!!!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

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July Birthdays:

July 25th:
*Dave Rurka* (Brenda's Dad)
Morgan turns 6-years-old today!!!

August Birthdays:

August 1st:
*Amanda Conway*

August 2nd:

August 15th:

August 20th:
*Sweet Baby Jacob*
*Princess Libbie*

August 23rd:
Kyle turns 16-years-old today!!!

August 31st:

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Caden will be seen by his Neurologist on July 7, 2005.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Cody (poor little Cody) is still in the hospital. He had a CT scan done on July 5 and the results came back as being both good and bad. ALL of the prayers I've been sending your way are still being said, sweetie.

Corey will be seen by his pediatrician on July 11, 2005 and will be leaving for Mayo on July 12, 2005. You're always on my mind and in my prayers, sweetie.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on July 12, 2005. CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!

Heidi isn't doing too well these days. She is in desperate need of a double lung transplant.

Jakob will be seen by his doctor on July 21, 2005. This little boy needs to start gaining some weight SOON!!! MANY prayers are being sent your way, buddy!!!

Jaye needs MANY, MANY, MANY prayers sent her way!!!
July 10, 2005: Jaye's parents have made the extremely difficult decision of not placing Jaye on a vent. This sweetheart DESPERATELY needs a break!!!

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Saturday, July 9, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"
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This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!
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This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Smiley Fireworks

Hi everyone!

I hope all of you had a terrific 4th of July. As you could see from the pictures, we had a great time celebrating. Our real celebration started on Saturday night. My step-Dad cooked some food on the grill and we lit off almost all of the fireworks we had. We had a great time goofing off, spending time with friends (at one point there were about 15 people here), lighting off sparklers and fireworks and just having a good time. Miss Samantha was having such a good time and she was in such an excellent mood that she stayed up until almost midnight. She loved watching/hearing all of the fireworks going off and she had lots of fun playing with our neighbor Nancy's 2 boys -- Matthew & Michael. For older boys, they play great with Sammi and she has a blast playing with them.

We celebrated our 4th early since my step-Dad was leaving on Sunday to spend a week at the time share him and my Mom own. He has been up there with his kids for the week and will be returning tomorrow.

Bus Moony

Sammi started her summer school program on Tuesday (July 5th). After a little bit of confusion, she was eventually picked up and brought to school -- over an hour late. NOT my fault. She missed school on Wednesday (July 6th) because I over slept and she just didn't look good when she woke up. Her lips were incredibly pale, she was losing her balance, she was very clamy and all she wanted to do was lay down. I really thought she was going to spend the day throwing up. My Mom and I brought her upstairs, fed her some soup, laid her in my Mom's bed (she watched a Dora video) and a couple of hours later she was perfectly fine again. The color in her lips had returned and she was ready to play. She was even jumping all over my Mom when she laid down next to her. I have no idea what in the world was going on in that little body of hers, but I'm SO happy it turned out to be nothing.

Motorcyle 2

Jim & Sammi have been getting along great. They play and read together everytime he comes to visit. When he isn't here, Sammi is asking for him. When I tell her he's coming to visit us, she gets all excited and says, "Jim's coming to see us" about a million times before he actually gets here. Even though she likes Jim, she is VERY jealous of him. If Jim and I are standing/sitting too close to each other, Sammi has to come over and either sit in between us or pull us apart. There have been times when I would kiss Jim when he's leaving and Sammi will immediately pipe up with, "No kissing Mommy & Jim." So my little girl is jealous of Mommy's boyfriend.

Blurry Drunk

My Mom, Jim and I will be hanging out together tonight. As long as it doesn't rain, we'll probably get a fire going in our fire pit. Sammi will probably be outside with us too -- depending on the type of mood she's in. If it doesn't rain and we sit outside, I'll probably pull out the rest of the sparklers we have and light them for Sammi. She's a HUGE fan of sparklers. We'll see what happens. I'm also hoping to get a better picture of Jim & I together. I can't stand the one we have that I had posted on Sammi's page. Jim is one of those people who ALWAYS takes a good looking picture. I, on the other hand, think I look like crap in every one that's taken of me.


I hope all of you have a terrific weekend. Sammi will be in school Monday - Thursday this week, so I'm hoping to get her page updated more regularly and visit some of the CaringBridge kiddies I know while I have some time to myself. Wish me luck!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese
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June 29, 2005:

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(She was happy in this picture, but she had her eyes closed since she was kicking)
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My Dad (Sammi's Papa) picking some strawberries for me. Mmmmmmm!!!
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Sammi thought it would be more fun to watch Papa than to help him.
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This is Missy's garden. It's in their backyard -- I just think it's the cutest thing!
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Papa and Sammi spending some quality time together before it was time for us to leave.
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A couple pictures of my Dad & Missy's dog, Jake. Isn't he a sweetheart?!?!?!?
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Here's a picture of my Dad's house. Doesn't it look tiny? It really isn't. I love this picture because the house just looks so small, but it's VERY nice (and has lots of rooms) inside.
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July 2, 2005:

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Sammi & Jim. Sammi was doing her "Hi" thing (I'll explain that later) when I tried taking this picture, but she was too quick for me.
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I'll probably get yelled at for showing this picture, but this is Jim.
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My beautiful Mom
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My step-Dad
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I REALLY don't like this picture of me, but this is me and Jim.

July 4, 2005:

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(Mommy & Sammi)
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(Nuna & Sammi)
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Mommy & Sammi on Jim's Bike:
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Jim & his bike:
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Jim's bike:
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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).
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WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

Alyssa's baby brudder, Isaac, was born on June 16, 2005. Welcome to the world, sweetheart!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Kelby will be celebrating her 6th birthday on June 27, 2005!!!

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Caden will be seen by his Neurologist on July 7, 2005.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Cody (poor little Cody) is back in the hospital again. Rumor has it he'll be there for at least 2 weeks. Hurry home, hon!!!

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.
Corey will be leaving for Mayo on July 12, 2005.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Dillion and his family will be meeting with their surgeon on June 28, 2005.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Hannah and her family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Heidi isn't feeling very well these days. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!
June 21, 2005 -- Jaye's temp. hit 106 today. This sweetheart DESPERATELY needs a break!!!

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Monday, July 4, 2005

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This is the last update I'll be making today. I promise. As I said, I was planning on bringing Miss Samantha out tonight to light off sparklers and I kept my word. The pictures below are how we spent our 4th of July. I hope you like them!

Our 4th of July during the day:

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(Mommy & Sammi)
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(Nuna & Sammi)

Our kitties meowing
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Sparkler Time!!!

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Mommy & Sammi on Jim's Bike:
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Jim & his bike:
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Jim's bike:
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Monday, July 4, 2005

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Sammi & Jim. Sammi was doing her "Hi" thing (I'll explain that later) when I tried taking this picture, but she was too quick for me.

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I'll probably get yelled at for showing this picture, but this is Jim.

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My beautiful Mom

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My step-Dad

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I REALLY don't like this picture of me, but this is me and Jim.

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(She was happy in this picture, but she had her eyes closed since she was kicking)
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My Dad (Sammi's Papa) picking some strawberries for me. Mmmmmmm!!!

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Sammi thought it would be more fun to watch Papa than to help him.

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This is Missy's garden. It's in their backyard -- I just think it's the cutest thing!

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Papa and Sammi spending some quality time together before it was time for us to leave.

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A couple pictures of my Dad & Missy's dog, Jake. Isn't he a sweetheart?!?!?!?

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Here's a picture of my Dad's house. Doesn't it look tiny? It really isn't. I love this picture because the house just looks so small, but it's VERY nice (and has lots of rooms) inside.

Sunday, July 3, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"


This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!

This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Smiley Fireworks

Ok, here's the deal......We had our little 4th of July celebration at our house last night. My step-Dad cooked on the grill and we lit off a ton of fireworks. However, I forgot all about the sparklers!!! So I don't have any pictures to show you of Sammi playing with them. But the 4th hasn't even arrived yet, so I plan on bringing Sammi outside either tonight or tomorrow night and taking LOTS of pictures of Miss Samantha playing with sparklers. Until then, I thought I'd share a few pictures that were taken last night:

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Sammi & Jim. Sammi was doing her "Hi" thing (I'll explain that later) when I tried taking this picture, but she was too quick for me.

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I'll probably get yelled at for showing this picture, but this is Jim.

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My beautiful Mom

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My step-Dad

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I REALLY don't like this picture of me, but this is me and Jim.

Hoping all of you have a terrific and safe 4th of July weekend!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I Love Fireworks & Sparklers" Therese
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More Pictures:

Swimming at Papa's

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(She was happy in this picture, but she had her eyes closed since she was kicking)
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My Dad (Sammi's Papa) picking some strawberries for me. Mmmmmmm!!!

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Sammi thought it would be more fun to watch Papa than to help him.

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This is Missy's garden. It's in their backyard -- I just think it's the cutest thing!

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Papa and Sammi spending some quality time together before it was time for us to leave.

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A couple pictures of my Dad & Missy's dog, Jake. Isn't he a sweetheart?!?!?!?

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Here's a picture of my Dad's house. Doesn't it look tiny? It really isn't. I love this picture because the house just looks so small, but it's VERY nice (and has lots of rooms) inside.

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Alyssa's baby brudder, Isaac, was born on June 16, 2005. Welcome to the world, sweetheart!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Kelby will be celebrating her 6th birthday on June 27, 2005!!!

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Caden will be seen by his Neurologist on July 7, 2005.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Cody (poor little Cody) is back in the hospital again. Rumor has it he'll be there for at least 2 weeks. Hurry home, hon!!!

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.
Corey will be leaving for Mayo on July 12, 2005.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Dillion and his family will be meeting with their surgeon on June 28, 2005.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Hannah and her family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Heidi isn't feeling very well these days. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!
June 21, 2005 -- Jaye's temp. hit 106 today. This sweetheart DESPERATELY needs a break!!!

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"


This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!

This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Well, Sammi and I had a VERY busy day. We spent most of the afternoon at my Dad's house with my Dad, my Grandma & Jake (my Dad's dog). Sammi and her Papa had a blast splashing around in his pool for a good part of the afternoon. While Sammi was in the pool, my Dad got her to kick her legs around. It was really sweet! He also attempted to get her to try and breathe under water, but Sammi ended up swallowing more water than she let out. Here are some pictures I took while we were at my Dad's today:

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(She was happy in this picture, but she had her eyes closed since she was kicking)
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Those are all of the pictures I got of Sammi & Papa in the pool. Of course Sammi didn't want to get out when it was time to, so we had to bribe her with some soup. Works everytime!!! My Dad cooked some burgers on the grill while Miss Samantha ate her soup. Sammi also had a great time showing off her computer toy (the one that Jim gave her) while she ate. Grandma was VERY impressed at how smart Sammi was when it came to playing with this toy.


When we were finished with lunch, my Dad wanted Sammi to pick some strawberries with him. My Dad has this cute little patch of yard where he has been growing strawberries. Believe me, I was more than happy to take these from him. I LOVE strawberries!!! Unfortunately, Miss Samantha wasn't in the mood to pick strawberries with her Papa. Here are the pictures I took:

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My Dad (Sammi's Papa) picking some strawberries for me. Mmmmmmm!!!

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Sammi thought it would be more fun to watch Papa than to help him.

In The Pool

I'm going to end this entry with some more pictures I took today. Yup, I went camera crazy all day. Just keep in mind that all is well with Sammi and myself. Things are also good with my Mom, step-Dad, Dad, Missy (Dad's girlfriend), Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Warren & Jim. (*Sammi got to see Jim tonight and she couldn't have been happier! She wasn't able to see him last night since he had to work late, so she was thrilled when he showed up this afternoon*)

I know I've been horrible when it comes to signing CaringBridge guestbooks lately and (as usual) I apologize for that. Miss Samantha's summer program begins next Tuesday, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get all caught up by then when I have some time to myself in the afternoon. All of you are ALWAYS in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

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This is Missy's garden. It's in their backyard -- I just think it's the cutest thing!

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Papa and Sammi spending some quality time together before it was time for us to leave.

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A couple pictures of my Dad & Missy's dog, Jake. Isn't he a sweetheart?!?!?!?

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Here's a picture of my Dad's house. Doesn't it look tiny? It really isn't. I love this picture because the house just looks so small, but it's VERY nice (and has lots of rooms) inside.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I Know How to Spell" Therese
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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Alyssa's baby brudder, Isaac, was born on June 16, 2005. Welcome to the world, sweetheart!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Kelby will be celebrating her 6th birthday on June 27, 2005!!!

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Caden will be seen by his Neurologist on July 7, 2005.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Cody (poor little Cody) is back in the hospital again. Rumor has it he'll be there for at least 2 weeks. Hurry home, hon!!!

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.
Corey will be leaving for Mayo on July 12, 2005.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Dillion and his family will be meeting with their surgeon on June 28, 2005.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Hannah and her family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Heidi isn't feeling very well these days. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!
June 21, 2005 -- Jaye's temp. hit 106 today. This sweetheart DESPERATELY needs a break!!!

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Monday, June 27, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"


This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!

This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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This came to me from Jo -- Mom to two beautiful little girls, Hannah & Rebecca. This prayer request is in regards to Hannah.

Hi Shannon

We are just emailing you with our prayer request for Hannah. She is due to go into hospital on Monday 27th June to have grommets fitted in her ears and to have her adenoids out.

Please can you pray for her operation as she has to have antibiotics for her repaired heart defect to make sure she doesn't get any infections and has to have her neck supported as precaution for a condition called Atlanto Axial Instability which is more common in children with Down Syndrome. It just means the operation isn't as straightforward as it would be for another child.

Please pray that all the precautions are taken and she will come out of surgery pain free and be up and walking around soon. Especially as she has just started taking her first steps now.

Thanks so much for this

Regards Jo







Hi everyone! Once again, I apologize for my absence. I've been horrible lately when it comes to updating Sammi's page and visiting all of my CaringBridge kiddies. A lot of things have been tying me up as far as online stuff, problems with Jeff & me meeting a WONDERFUL new man is concerned. I do promise, however, that things should be getting back to normal (as normal as normal is) VERY soon.

Thumbs Up

Miss Samantha has been doing well. Her last day of school was June 22nd. She begins her summer program on July 5th. The day before school ended (I think I may have mentioned a part or two about this), all of the kiddies parents were invited to school to see a little show. It was the cutest thing. Unfortunately (since Sammi has been switching between 2 classrooms all year) she didn't know a lot of the songs that her class sang. She did, however, know one or two of them and did an excellent job singing.

Another 'unfortunately' was that I didn't get to take too many pictures. In fact, I was only able to get 2 shots while I was there. I'm showing them off below. The first one if of Miss Samantha sitting with her friends when it was time for ice cream. The second is of Sammi and her WONDERFUL aide, Shelia.

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As you can probably imagine, Sammi has been doing an excellent job of keeping me extra busy now that school is out. I've been dying to take her to a playground one of these days, but its just been too darn hot to be out in the sun for too long. I'm hoping a nice, cool day will surprise us soon so we'll be able to go. Hopefully that will also happen to be on a day when I have access to a car. Have I mentioned lately just how much sharing a car can bite sometimes?

In The Pool

I called my Dad up this past Saturday and asked if he would give me a hand throwing our AC's in. He ended up coming down in the early afternoon and surprised Sammi with a little present -- a kiddie pool!!! I couldn't believe my Dad had picked one up for her. While we (my Dad & I) were fighting with my AC's, we let the pool fill up. Later on that afternoon I brought Miss Samantha outside to have some fun. She had a blast splashing around in that new little pool of hers. It's plastic and has a little slide attached to it. After a little coaxing, Sammi couldn't get enough of that slide. She had a great time going up the steps and sliding down.

Beating Heart

Like I mentioned, I met a new (amazing) man. His name is Jim, he's 38 and he lives pretty close to Sammi and I -- only about a town or two away. I can't tell you how great this man is. He's everything I've been looking for and, in the short amount of time I've known him, he has made me so incredibly happy. So much happier than I have been in a LONG time.

Sammi thinks he's great too. She has lots of fun playing with him and is constantly all over him when he comes to visit us. She hates good-byes (when it comes to anyone) and Jim is no exception. As soon as he leaves I get, "Jim will be right back." I just thought I'd fill you in on the new man in our lives. I don't usually like to talk too much about myself (unless something has ticked me off), so I'll leave it at that.

Harley Man

Oh yeah. One more thing. He's a Harley man too!!! :o)

Alarm Clock

Ok, that's it from our end. It's almost 5am and I've been up with Samantha since 2:30am. Gee, you think I may be a little tired? YEAH!!! She did this to me last night too and I have no idea why. I don't know if it was a night terror that woke her up or what, but I really hope this little faze she's in fades away soon.

I hope all of you have been doing well. Regardless of how long it may take me to stop by your pages, please know that every one of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. After I get a little more sleep, I'm going to do my best to visit all of my CaringBridge kiddies.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I Know How to Spell" Therese
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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Alyssa's baby brudder, Isaac, was born on June 16, 2005. Welcome to the world, sweetheart!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Kelby will be celebrating her 6th birthday on June 27, 2005!!!

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Caden will be seen by his Neurologist on July 7, 2005.

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Cody (poor little Cody) is back in the hospital again. Rumor has it he'll be there for at least 2 weeks. Hurry home, hon!!!

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.
Corey will be leaving for Mayo on July 12, 2005.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Dillion and his family will be meeting with their surgeon on June 28, 2005.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Hannah and her family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Heidi isn't feeling very well these days. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!
June 21, 2005 -- Jaye's temp. hit 106 today. This sweetheart DESPERATELY needs a break!!!

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Monday, June 20, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"


Stephen is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was brought home from the hospital over the weekend -- what a GREAT Father's Day present for his Dad, Jason. He came home wearing a halo and will have to continue to wear it for another 4 months or so. Jeff said he's doing well. I'm hoping (SOON) to get the chance to see him. Thank you all for your prayers. I'm going to leave this request up for a few more days so people know how he's doing before I take it down. Thank you again for all of your loving support!!!


This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!

This was sent to me by Mary (Caitlin's WONDERFUL Mom). Since I was given permission to post it, I'm more than happy to.

Hi Shannon!

I hope you and Sammi are doing well. I have yet another child for your list of kiddies who need prayers! Her mom (Shawna) has given permission to add her website link and picture. Kelby will be 6 on June 27 and has been fighting the (amplified gene) neuroblastoma since
she has been a year old. She has been in remission, however a new and signifigant lump has been discovered this past week. Bone scans were clear, but CT reveals somthing in arm and abdomen. They will soon have a biopsy. Doctor believes cancer has returned. :( You will love this family, Shannon. Their site is awesome and has journals and pics dating all the way back to diagnosis, traeatment and the months that follow. They have three beautiful little girls, Kelby is the oldest.

Check it out at www.perpetuallywright.com I would appreciate you listing their names in your prayer links. And also introducing yourself to Shawna, Im sure she will love you.

Sweet Little Kelby
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Only 2 more days until school is out!!! Not that Sammi gets much of a summer vacation. She gets out of school on June 22 and begins her summer program on July 5. She gets out of the summer program on August 11 and goes back to school on September 7. It sort of sounds like summer school for an older kid, but it makes me feel better knowing Sammi is having fun at school with her friends.


Today's note from Shelia read:

Sammi will be in Mrs. Lynch's class for the party. She didn't eat snack today because our placemats are packed away and Sammi didn't want to eat without it. This year Sammi hasn't been part of the circle routine in Mrs. Lynch's class because of her new schedule in Mrs. O'Donnell's class so she won't really be familiar with the routine tomorrow -- just so you know!

Party Smiley

So are all of you confused as to what party I'm talking about? Well let me explain. Tomorrow morning (around 10:30) Sammi and her class will be putting on a little show for all of the parents. The kiddies will be singing, but (like Shelia mentioned) Sammi might not be joining in with them as much. I'll be bringing my Mom's digital camera with me, so hopefully I'll be able to get some good pictures of Sammi and her friends.

Motorcyle 2

I talked to my Dad this morning. He let me know that him and Missy returned home safe and sound from Bike Week. They had a good time and picked up a t-shirt for me while they were there -- woohoo!!!

Sports Fan 1

I think that's about it from our end. If you haven't noticed, I've put up some new pictures below. I have some more to share with all of you too, but I don't want to put so many up at once.

Have a great week, everyone!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I Know How to Spell" Therese
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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

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May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

June 19, 2005:

June 21, 2005:
Today is the first day of Summer.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 16, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kaidrie and her family will be leaving for their Make-a-Wish trip to Disney on June 15, 2005. We hope you have an awesome time and can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!
Kaidrie's Mom, Amber, is pregnant. Please pass along any and all prayers along to this wonderful family.

Kelby will be celebrating her 6th birthday on June 27, 2005!!!

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Chance and his family (*Prayer request listed above*)

Cody (poor little Cody) is back in the hospital again. Rumor has it he'll be there for at least 2 weeks. Hurry home, hon!!!

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be going in for chemo on June 17, 2005.

Dillion hasn't been feeling too well these days.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Heidi isn't feeling very well these days. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jamie has an appointment with her Neurologist on June 16, 2005.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kelby and family. (*There's a prayer request listed above*)

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

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To my Dad, Slappy, Jeff & all of the other wonderful father's out there. This is YOUR day. I hope it has been a wonderful one for all of you!!!

Here are some pictures that were taken today. Enjoy!!!

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Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I Know How to Spell" Therese
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***Pictures Taken June 19, 2005 (Father's Day)***

Friday, June 17, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"


I talked to Jeff yesterday. A friend of his, Ginny, has a son, Stephen, who was involved in an accident recently. I don't know all of the details, but he was jumping on a trampoline, fell off and broke his neck. Stephen is currently at Children's Hospital in Boston. Please join me in keeping this little sweetheart in your prayers. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much!


Jeff let me know that Stephen's surgery went well. It's unknown whether or not the surgery will work just yet. Apparently the doctors are trying to fuse his neck back together. As you can tell, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. I'll be keeping in touch with Jeff and posting updates on Stephen's condition as soon as I find them out. Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for this little sweetheart and the rest of his family.


Jeff let me know that Stephen is doing GREAT!!! He has been getting up and walking to and from the bathroom by himself and (*keeping my fingers crossed*) he just may be going home tomorrow (June 18, 2005). I want to thank everyone for all of the prayers and well wishes that have been sent to Ginny, Stephen and the rest of their family. Every one of them is VERY much appreciated. Jeff also wants to thank all of you for all of your support.


This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!






Girl In Bed

Not a whole lot happened with us today. It's Friday -- which means little Miss Samantha didn't have school. But did that stop her from getting up at 7:30 this morning? Of course not!!! Grrrrr!!! I get 3 days a week to sleep in (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), but Sammi just wouldn't have that today. Hopefully Saturday and Sunday work out better.

Couch Potato

Sammi and I had a pretty mellow day. We didn't do much at all. Sammi watched Dora and Blue's Clues for most of the afternoon. She was so into them that she didn't even want to watch Unsolved Mysteries or The People's Court. I was shocked!!! So Sammi and I spent the day watching shows on Nick Jr. and Noggin. She even watched a couple of shows on Playhouse Disney.

Treasure Chest

While Sammi was watching Dora & Blue's Clues this afternoon, she did something that she has never done before. If any of you have kids and have watched Dora & Blue's Clues, you know that they'll ask you to find things from time to time. The other day I was talking to my Mom about how Sammi never finds anything that the cartoons ask for. She enjoys watching the shows, but she doesn't play along. Well this afternoon she WAS playing along with Dora and Joe (from Blue's Clues). She found letters, numbers, treasure chests, animals, etc. I was SO proud of her for trying.


Jeff visited Sammi and I for a little bit this afternoon. Sammi was VERY happy to see Jeff. She gave him big hugs and kisses while he was here. She even sang a couple of her newest songs for Jeff and he was very impressed. Before Jeff left he got more hugs and kisses from Sammi as well as an "I love you, Jeff."

Kitty 2 Puppy 2

Sammi did another cool thing tonight while we were upstairs visiting my Mom and step-Dad. Sammi has these letter fridge magnets (nagnets -- Sammi's word) that she loves to play with. Tonight my Mom and I asked Sammi to spell CAT -- she did. Then we asked her to spell DOG -- she did. She also spelt IT, HAT and JIM. Please don't ask me who in the world Jim is because I don't have a clue. I also don't know how she came up with this name, but I'm sure she knew how to spell it by sounding it out. Nobody asked Sammi to spell IT, HAT or JIM -- she did this all on her own.


Well, that's it from our end. We hope all of you have a terrific weekend. And to all of the wonderful Dad's out there:

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Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I Know How to Spell" Therese
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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

June 19, 2005:

June 21, 2005:
Today is the first day of Summer.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 16, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kaidrie and her family will be leaving for their Make-a-Wish trip to Disney on June 15, 2005. We hope you have an awesome time and can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!
Kaidrie's Mom, Amber, is pregnant. Please pass along any and all prayers along to this wonderful family.

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Cody (poor little Cody) is back in the hospital again. Rumor has it he'll be there for at least 2 weeks. Hurry home, hon!!!

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be going in for chemo on June 17, 2005.

Dillion hasn't been feeling too well these days.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Heidi isn't feeling very well these days. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jamie has an appointment with her Neurologist on June 16, 2005.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Thursday, June 16, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"


I talked to Jeff yesterday. A friend of his, Ginny, has a son, Stephen, who was involved in an accident recently. I don't know all of the details, but he was jumping on a trampoline, fell off and broke his neck. Stephen is currently at Children's Hospital in Boston. Please join me in keeping this little sweetheart in your prayers. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much!


Jeff let me know that Stephen's surgery went well. It's unknown whether or not the surgery will work just yet. Apparently the doctors are trying to fuse his neck back together. As you can tell, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. I'll be keeping in touch with Jeff and posting updates on Stephen's condition as soon as I find them out. Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for this little sweetheart and the rest of his family.


This is an e-mail I received tonight. As most of you should know, I'm always more than happy to post any prayer requests that are sent my way.

I come to Sammi's page every so often and if you would i have some prayer requests Chance(ga/chance) mother is having tests because the doctors are saying that she has cervical cancer, stage 3. This has been a hard year for her son because his girlfriend (sd/michaela) passed away. Just a thought. I hope all is well with Sammi!
Praying for you always! One of my friends lives with someone that has autism and i know it can be hard sometimes.
Luv to you!







Miss Samantha had a good day in school today. Today was the last day of Spirit Week and it was Mis-Match Day. Sammi wore a pink sock and a black sock in honor of this day. Shelia let me know that Sammi had a great time showing off her mis-matched socks. Sammi also came home with a whole bunch of teeth stuff. Tooth paste, a tooth brush, floss....stuff like that. I'm assuming they talked about tooth care in school today. Either that or someone is trying to throw some hints my way.

Lava Lamp

Today was a pretty mellow day in our neck of the woods. Sammi and I dropped my Mom off at work this afternoon and then we did some food shopping. Yes, we did food shopping yesterday but I always end up forgetting something. Sammi didn't mind going again though. When we got back, Sammi and I sat around, played and watched TV together. Sammi is a HUGE fan of The People's Court, so we have to sit down and watch it together everyday at two o'clock. She's lost on the weekends when it isn't on. She's also a BIG fan of Unsolved Mysteries. That's on from 12p - 2p everyday and God forbid we don't watch it together.

Harley Couple

Before I forget, could you please keep my Dad and his girlfriend in your thoughts and prayers this weekend? It's Bike Weekend in Laconia and (as usual) they'll be heading up there tomorrow morning and will be coming back sometime Sunday. Every year I worry about them while they're up there and every year my worries (thank goodness) turn out to be uncalled for. Please pray that they arrive and come back safely. Thank you SO much.


Ok, I suppose that's about it from our end. Not much is planned for this weekend. Maybe I'll clean out our front hall. It has to be done SO bad and I REALLY don't want to do it. I'll be very surprised if it actually gets done this weekend. Wish me luck!

Hoping every one of you has had a Terrific Thursday!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I Loved Spirit Week" Therese
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

June 19, 2005:

June 21, 2005:
Today is the first day of Summer.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 16, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Caden is now drinking from a CUP. No, not a sippy cup. A cup cup!!! Way to go, sweetheart!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Collin is doing a terrific job when it comes to walking. If you get a chance, stop by his site so you can check out some awesome pictures of him in action. I'm VERY proud of you, sweetheart!

Devin's latest scan came back CLEAR!!! I'm SO happy for you and your family, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kaidrie and her family will be leaving for their Make-a-Wish trip to Disney on June 15, 2005. We hope you have an awesome time and can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!
Kaidrie's Mom, Amber, is pregnant. Please pass along any and all prayers along to this wonderful family.

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Cody (poor little Cody) is back in the hospital again. Rumor has it he'll be there for at least 2 weeks. Hurry home, hon!!!

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be going in for chemo on June 17, 2005.

Dillion hasn't been feeling too well these days.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Heidi isn't feeling very well these days. I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jamie has an appointment with her Neurologist on June 16, 2005.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.
Kyle will be seeing his heart doctor on July 8th and his breathing doctor on July 28th -- LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, hon.

Rachel will be having scans done on July 11th and 12th and she will have chemo on July 20th.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"


I talked to Jeff this afternoon. A friend of his, Ginny, has a son, Stephen, who was involved in an accident recently. I don't know all of the details, but he was jumping on a trampoline, fell off and broke his neck. A halo was originally attempted on this little boy, but that didn't work so he had to undergo surgery in an attempt to fix his neck. Ginny and her sons are wonderful people and I've always loved them. Stephen is currently at Children's Hospital in Boston. Jeff will be calling me again as soon as he finds out how the surgery went and how poor little Stephen is doing. Please join me in keeping this little sweetheart in your prayers. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you so much!







I'm not feeling so hot (diabetes problems -- bleh!), so this will probably be a short entry.

Miss Samantha had a good day at school today. Since today was pajama day, Sammi got to wear her pajamas to school. I didn't know today was going to be as cold as it was, so Sammi wasn't able to wear her Spongebob pajamas. She wore her flower pajamas instead. They're feety pajamas and Sammi looked VERY warm when she went to school this morning. Needless to say, I was a little jealous. I wish I could have worn feety pajamas when I went out and ran errands today. Actually, I wish I had a pair of feety pajamas. I wonder if they make them in my size.

Shopping 2

Sammi, my Mom and I went food shopping this afternoon. Of course Miss Samantha had the time of her life while we were there. She was a good little girl and actually wanted to stay in the carriage during our trip. She usually wants to get out of it when we're not even half done. I bought her the book "The Poky Little Puppy" while we were there. I LOVED this book when I was little and I just had to get it for Sammi when I saw it. I ended up reading it to her while we were shopping and she seemed to like it. I'll have to read it to her again tomorrow. Pretty soon she'll be able to recite the entire thing by herself.


I know she's only 4, but Sammi is learning to add and subtract. This is all thanks to the "Math Circus" video I picked up for her a month ago. It also has to do with some number cards I also picked up for her. We work on this everyday and she's really becoming a pro. I hope she's better at math in school than I was.

Counting Sheep

Ok, I'm going to lay down. Hopefully I'll be feeling better later on and will be online signing guestbooks. I hope all of you are doing well. Please don't forget to keep all of the CaringBridge kiddies in your prayers as well as little Stephen (mentioned above). Thank you!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I’m All Better" Therese
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

June 16, 2005:
Mis-Matched Day at Sammi's school

June 19, 2005:

June 21, 2005:
Today is the first day of Summer.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 16, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Cody broke out of the hospital on June 8, 2005. Now he's back at home WHERE HE BELONGS!!! I couldn't be happier for you, sweetheart!

Devin and Kara (his sister) returned home from camp on June 11, 2005. Welcome back you two!!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kaidrie and her family will be leaving for their Make-a-Wish trip to Disney on June 15, 2005. We hope you have an awesome time and can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!
Kaidrie's Mom, Amber, is pregnant. Please pass along any and all prayers along to this wonderful family.

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be going in for chemo on June 17, 2005.

Dillion hasn't been feeling too well these days.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jamie has an appointment with her Neurologist on June 16, 2005.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Jaye is a beautiful young woman who I was introduced to a few months ago. Jaye was born with Cystic Fibrosis as well as a mild form of Autism. On June 8th she was admitted into the hospital with high (unknown) temps. On June 9th she slipped into a coma and was placed on life support. Jaye's Mom, Laura, has been such a terrific friend to me in the short time that I've known her family. Jaye, Laura (Mom) and Ralph (Dad) are VERY important to me. Please join me in praying for the three of them. Pray that a miracle is sent to Jaye and that she is brought out of this coma she is in. I love you, sweetheart, and I want to see you well again. "Wakey, Wakey"






I'm Back

Hi everyone! Does anyone even remember me anymore? I hope so! I apologize for my absence. Things have been more than a little crazy around here lately and I just haven't had the time to do anything but take care of Sammi. I'll do my best to get all of you up to date on all that has been happening in our neck of the woods. More than likely I'll forget a thing or two here and there, but I'll try to include everything.


School has been going VERY well for Miss Samantha. I know I haven't filled all of you in on everything she has been doing in school, so I'm going to fill you in on the last week or so.

Last Thursday (June 9th) was Field Day at Sammi's school. There was face painting, fingernail painting, spin art, bubble blowing, fishing and a clothes pin drop. Hot dogs, chips and juice boxes were for lunch. Sammi didn't do much at Field Day, but she has a great time being with all of her friends. She brought home a Moody School shirt and magnet -- gifts that were given to all of the kiddies.

Note from Shelia -- June 9th:

Sammi had a good day today. She has been doing a great job asking for what she wants (or doesn't want) instead of melting down this week. We had hot dogs at Field Day and Sammi was interested but didn't try it -- she said, "No thank you."

Top HatGod Bless AmericaPJs

This week is Spirit Week at Sammi's school.

Monday (June 13th) was HAT DAY. Unfortunately Sammi just recently allowed hats to be placed on her head, so we didn't have one for her to wear today.

School on Monday (June 13th) was good for Miss Samantha. Note from Mrs. O'Donnell:

Sammi had a good day. She chose the "brown" (Rifton) chair at circle which seened to work to keep her focused.

Tuesday (June 14th) was RED, WHITE or BLUE DAY (in honor of Flag Day). I dressed Sammi in her white USA t-shirt (USA is in red lettering), blue shorts and blue socks. She definitely looked like a little patriotic girl. The note that was sent home with Sammi (from Mrs. O'Donnell) read:

Great red/white/blue participation today! It was so much fun to watch Adam help Sammi participate in our "This Land is Your Land" dance routine.

Wednesday (June 15th) is PAJAMA DAY. I'll probably send Sammi to school in her Spongebob Pajamas.

Thursday (June 16th) is MIS-MATCHED SOCKS AND/OR FOOTWEAR DAY. If I can swing it (without making Sammi uncomfortable), I'll try sending her to school with two different pairs of shoes. If this can't be done, I'll just throw a mis-matched pair of socks on her.


I honestly don't know what else there is to say. Jeff has been out of the house since May 14th. A lot of his stuff is still here and it'll probably be some time before it's all gone. Sammi and I have been doing just fine as far as living by ourselves is concerned.

My Mom and step-Dad (Sammi's Nuna and Grandpa) are doing well. Sammi and I have been spending a lot more time with them lately since Jeff left.

The rest of our family (my Dad, Missy, my Grandma, my Grandpa and Uncle Warren) are all doing good. Sammi & I went to my Grandparents house on Friday (June 10th) for dinner. Sammi was VERY well behaved while we were there and we were very surprised when she sat at the table next to me and ate her soup while everyone else ate their meals. What a good little girl I have.


I want to thank everyone who continued to sign Samantha's guestbook and for continuing to check up on us while I wasn't able to update. All of the messages you continue to send us means the world to us. Thank you so much!!!

Thank you to Jaye for sending Miss Samantha a wonderful gift package. I'm telling you, this girl is a sweetheart! Please, please, please keep her in your prayers.

Thank you to Mrs. Pam for sending the froggy to Sammi. She loves it and has insisted on playing with it since it arrived this afternoon. Thank you for your kindness!

I'm still trying to get caught up on visiting the CaringBridge families that I know of. So if I haven't made it to your page yet, I'm on my way!

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I’m All Better" Therese
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

June 15, 2005:
Pajama Day at Sammi's school

June 16, 2005:
Mis-Matched Day at Sammi's school

June 19, 2005:

June 21, 2005:
Today is the first day of Summer.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 5, 2005:
Sammi's summer program begins today. She'll be attending Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a to 11:30a.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

August 1, 2005:
I have an appiontment to be seen by my endocrinologist tonight.

August 11, 2005:
Today is the last day of Sammi's summer program.

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

September 29, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary today.

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam's* baby brother, Wyatt Adam Kindell, was welcomed into this world on May 30, 2005!!!

Alyssa's red count went up, all by itself, in one week. What does that mean? NO TRANSFUSION!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 16, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Cody broke out of the hospital on June 8, 2005. Now he's back at home WHERE HE BELONGS!!! I couldn't be happier for you, sweetheart!

Devin and Kara (his sister) returned home from camp on June 11, 2005. Welcome back you two!!!

Jared's sister, Kristen, is a Kindergarten graduate as of June 8, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kaidrie and her family will be leaving for their Make-a-Wish trip to Disney on June 15, 2005. We hope you have an awesome time and can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!
Kaidrie's Mom, Amber, is pregnant. Please pass along any and all prayers along to this wonderful family.

Kyle's final report card was filled with A's and B's. Way to go, buddy!!!
Kyle returns to school on August 25, 2005.

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Corey has been dealing with seizures, has been screaming because of the pain he is in and hasn't been doing well at all lately.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be going in for chemo on June 17, 2005.

Dillion hasn't been feeling too well these days.

*Gage* became one of Heaven's Angels on June 12, 2005.

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jakob will be going in for a GI appointment at the end of June and will be having an EKG and blood work done in mid. July.

Jamie has an appointment with her Neurologist on June 16, 2005.

Jaye needs many, many, many prayers sent her way!!!

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Hi everyone! I know I've been horrible in updating Sammi's page and visiting CaringBridge kiddies these days. I apologize to all of you for that. I'm just getting back into the swing of things and I hope to update Sammi's page (with a REAL update) SOON!

For now, here's something cute I found for everyone who continues to check in on us.

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Have a great weekend, everyone!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Mommy Thinks I Have Allergies" Therese
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know Jaye’s living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).








Hi everyone! I had planned on updating sooner than this, but we didn't have the best weekend. Sammi had a wonderful weekend, but my Mom, step-Dad, Dad and myself were a little stressed out. Things seem to have settled down now, so I'm back to updating. I'm hoping I'll be able to visit some CaringBridge pages sometime today before CaringBridge shuts down for its update.


Sammi, my Mom and I had fun together on Friday night. As soon as my Mom got home from work, the three of us sat down in our living room and played a game together. Sammi has this Letter Factory game that she got a couple of Christmas' ago. We've only played it a couple of times, but Sammi felt like playing the "Word Game" (her words) Friday night. So we sat down and played. Sammi did an excellent job playing this game with us! I'm SO happy that she's finally getting into playing board games.


I drove my Mom to work on Saturday so I could borrow her car for the afternoon. Once Sammi and I dropped her off, we headed to Target to look for a "Numbers Game" -- this was Sammi's idea. I bought a bed in a bag (it looks GREAT!), a Sesame Street version of Chutes & Ladders, Candy Land, a small stuffed Friend Bear Care Bear, a pack of Dore tha Explorer playing cards and a stack of number cards. Sammi was VERY happy with everything Mommy bought her.

Sammi, my Mom and I played Chutes & Ladders once we got home that night. Sammi did a GREAT job counting when a piece was moved and spinning the spinner when it was her turn. She really seemed to enjoy herself while we were playing. Then she got into the number cards. They're made to teach addition and subtraction, but Sammi had her own ideas on what she wanted to do with them. She kept sorting them out and putting them in order on my Mom's kitchen table (1-5). Hey, I'm happy as long as she's having fun. And she's ALWAYS learning something.

Mad Cow

Saturday night stunk as well as Sunday night. Like I mentioned, Sammi was still able to have fun and that's all that mattered. Sunday night we (my Mom, step-Dad, Sammi & I) were planning on setting up our fire pit in our backyard for the first time this year, but it ended up raining. So we stayed upstairs in my Mom & step-Dad's apartment for most of the night.

Harley Man

My Dad stopped by (per my request) on Sunday and spent a good part of the afternoon with my Mom, Sammi and myself. We sat outside in our backyard for a little bit before it started to rain. My Dad and Sammi played ball (they kicked a ball back and forth with each other) and goofed off. It was a VERY beautiful day before the rain started to fall. We spent the rest of the day upstairs -- my Dad didn't stay much longer once we headed upstairs. Sammi had a VERY good time visiting with her Papa -- she loves everyone in her family so much.


Despite the rain, my step-Dad cooked on the grill in honor of Memorial Day. My Mom, step-Dad and I ate chicken, potatoes and steak while Sammi ate soup. Gee, which would you rather eat? It drives me crazy that Sammi doesn't even want to try any other foods. I LOVE food and there are so many good things out there to eat -- I just wish she would try one or two of them.


What an awesome race the Coca-Cola 600 turned out to be! I was on the edge of my seat during the final laps and I could NOT be calmed down when Jimmie Johnson took that checkered flag.

Way to go, Johnson!!!
Way to go, Team Hendrick!!!

Bus Moony

I think I've said all I need to about this past weekend, so I suppose I should fill all of you in on Samantha's day at school.

Sammi was mad this morning when I left her on the bus. She was playing with a red bendy straw that she wanted to take to school and didn't like the fact that I wanted her to put it in her backpack until she got to school. That's when the flip out started. Do you have any idea how horrible I felt leaving Sammi on the bus when she was crying her eyes out? Of course I felt bad for the bus driver and monitor too. As well as for the other kiddies who had to put up with this out burst until they got to school. Luckily she calmed down and had a good day.

From Shelia:

Sammi had a good day today. She did a nice job at table work. She made a daisy. For free play she did some beading.

I'm very happy that Sammi had a good day at school. Sometimes she'll have a tough time readjusting to her school schedule when she has been out sick or has had a long weekend, but she seemed to do great today!

She also brought home a book from Mrs. O'Donnell's library that we'll be reading tonight.

Blah Blah Blah

I know I tend to ramble on, but I promise I'm done. I think I've shared everything I wanted to. Knowing me I probably forgot a thing or two, but I think all of you have got the main idea. We hope all of you enjoy this last day of May! Can you believe Summer is almost here?!?!? Does that mean all of the rain will stop? I hope so.

Wishing every one of you a terrific week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I’m All Better" Therese
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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

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May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

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Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 19, 2005:

June 21, 2005:
Today is the first day of Summer.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

*Christopher* will be celebrating his birthday in Heaven on May 29, 2005. His Mom is asking for everyone to release blue and yellow balloons on this very special day.

Jared will be celebrating his birthday on June 4, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda hasn’t been eating lately.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jaye will be seeing her doctor on May 24 & 25, 2005 in preparation for her trip to Colorado (which she leaves for on May 26, 2005).

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

Rachel will be having an MRI and CT scan done on May 25, 2005. Get those prayers ready!!!

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Sunday, May 29, 2005

I came upon this and wanted to share it with everyone in honor of Memorial Day.

Thank you to all of the men and women who continue to fight for our country.


In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know Jaye’s living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).








Yesterday was a busy day for us. Not busy in a bad way – we just had lots to do. Then “American Idol” was on last night, so I couldn’t pull myself away from the TV long enough to post an update on Sammi’s page. Sorry ‘bout that. I also couldn’t find the time to visit any CaringBridge families, but I hope to change that tonight once Sammi is tucked into bed.


Since I don’t have my own car (grrrrrrrr!!!!!!) my Dad picked me up this morning once Sammi was on the bus and headed to school. After I got ready to go, we headed to Newburyport for my dentist appointment. Joy of joys! All I had to get done was a cleaning. Simple, right? Um, no. Come to find out I have a couple of cavities that need to be filled (that I can deal with) and the dentist thinks the rest of my wisdom teeth should come out. Yeah, that sounds like a blast. So now I have to call the place where I’ll be having this done and get an estimate. Then I need to find a day to have this done that will work out for my Mom – I’ve had a tooth pulled before and I know I’ll be useless when it comes to taking care of Sammi once the procedure is over. There’s too much to figure out. Maybe I’ll wait ‘till Monday to make phone calls.

Butterfly 3

Miss Samantha’s first day back to school was a good one – thank goodness! All morning I was worried I would get a call from Sammi’s school asking me to come pick her up. Luckily that call never came. Phew!

Sammi had OT, O&M and PT today. She seemed a lot better – no coughing and her nose is a lot less runny. She had a nice day and did a good job at circle. Sammi’s class read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” (That was the note I got from Shelia).

Sammi LOVES the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar!” She was VERY excited that it was read to her in school today. She has her own copy of this book and loves to read it and have it read to her.

Miss Samantha came home with a couple of pieces of artwork this afternoon. I haven’t hung them up yet, but I plan to. Either that or I’ll be handing them off to my Mom since she needs some new pieces of art for her fridge. I try to keep her as up-to-date as I’m able to. Unless (of course) something that Sammi brings home is just too cute to share – this is the case a lot of the time.

Bus Moony

I got back home with 45 minutes to spare before Miss Samantha arrived. My Dad and I hung out together until Sammi got home. Sammi and her Papa sat together while Sammi ate soup, they read and watched a video together. Then Grandma arrived! My Dad had to get going a few minutes after my Grandma got to our house, but it was good to see him and I know Sammi loved spending some time with him. Sammi and her Great-Grandma watched “Top of the Tots” (the Wiggles) together, sang, danced and goofed off. Unfortunately the weather remains crappy around here, so we weren’t able to go outside to play. Then Jeff arrived! I guess today was visiting day. Jeff and Sammi listened to music on the computer, Jeff got Sammi some soup and they were lovey dovey to one another. I have to say I was a little relieved when my house was empty again. As much as I enjoy all of the company, I like having a quiet house. Well, as quiet as it can get with Miss Samantha running around.

American Idol

Yes, I am an “American Idol” junky. So is my Mom and my Grandma. We can’t get enough of this show! It was on for 2 hours last night, so I went upstairs (once Sammi had fallen asleep) to watch the last half hour with my Mom. The three of us (my Mom, my Grandma and myself) wanted Bo to win SO badly. And seeing him sing “Sweet Home Alabama” (my favorite song) with Lynard Skynard last night was just too cool. Besides his voice, I’m definitely going to miss looking at that gorgeous face of his every week.

Mini Bus

Miss Samantha headed off to school without a problem this morning. Her nose is still a little runny, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was a few days ago. And she still coughs once in awhile, but that has subsided A LOT. My cough still remains, but I’ve been munching on Sucrets to take care of that (they rule!) Oh yeah, I was talking about Sammi’s day.

Shelia was out today (I hope she didn’t catch Sammi’s cold), so today’s note came from Mrs. O’Donnell:

Sammi had music in the AM and chose Robert (a little boy from another class) to dance with. She participated without any trouble when it came to playing with musical instruments.


My Mom isn’t working too late this afternoon, so Sammi and I will be going shopping with her when she gets home. Sammi loves shopping so I know she’ll have a good time while we’re there. Plus I know she wants to spend some time with her Nuna, so this should be a win-win situation. SHOULD be.


I may or may not update again this weekend. Incase I’m unable to, I want to wish every one of you a VERY Happy Memorial Day.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "I’m (almost) All Better" Therese
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

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May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

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Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 2, 2005:
My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) leave for their vacation to Colorado today.

July 6, 2005:
My Dad and Missy will be returning home from their Colorado vacation today.

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

October 5, 2005:
Sammi has an appointment to be seen by Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist).

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

*Christopher* will be celebrating his birthday in Heaven on May 29, 2005. His Mom is asking for everyone to release blue and yellow balloons on this very special day.

Jared will be celebrating his birthday on June 4, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda hasn’t been eating lately.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jaye will be seeing her doctor on May 24 & 25, 2005 in preparation for her trip to Colorado (which she leaves for on May 26, 2005).

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

Rachel will be having an MRI and CT scan done on May 25, 2005. Get those prayers ready!!!

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know Jaye’s living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).








As I mentioned yesterday, I kept Miss Samantha home from school today. She was up by eight o'clock this morning (I toyed with the idea of sending her to school since she was up on time, but decided against it) and came with me when I dropped my Mom off at work. I needed to borrow her car today so I could bring Miss Samantha to her Neurologist this afternoon. Have I mentioned lately just how badly I need a car of my own? Sammi was a VERY good little girl while we drove my Mom to work. Once we had dropped her off, Sammi and I made a quick stop at Wal-Mart so I could pick up a few things. Guess what I found while we were there? Remember the Leap Frog videos I mentioned awhile ago? "Talking Words Factory" and "Letter Factory"? Well Sammi has always been crazy about them and I've been dying to get her some more Leap Frog videos, but I could never find any. This morning I found TWO NEW ONES!!! "Math Circus" and "Code Word Caper" (Part 2 of "Talking Words Factory"). I was absolutely thrilled when I found these two tapes -- Sammi was semi-excited.


Since the day was so crappy (weather wise), Sammi and I spent the rest of it relaxing indoors. Sammi watched her new Leap Frog video over and over again. She also watched a Scooby Doo video and a He Bear, She Bear video that I also picked up for her. Besides reading, this little girl LOVES to watch her tapes. Give her a movie she wants to watch, some soup and some ice cream and she's good to go.


This afternoon I brought Miss Samantha to see Dr. Robbins (her WONDERFUL Neurologist) and, as usual, he was VERY impressed with all of the progress Sammi has been making. Of course she still has a developmental delay (she's 4-years-old, but works at an 18 month old level), but she is still doing fantastic! Sammi can count to 20 and I tried to get her to show off this latest talent of hers to Dr. Robbins today, but she only got as high as 14 before she was distracted. Hey, she only missed 6 numbers -- that's still impressive in my book. Dr. Robbins was thrilled to learn that the medication he put her on has been working so wonderfully for her (and me!) He's so impressed with all she's doing that he doesn't feel the need to see her again until October. Once again, we had a wonderful visit!


Ok, I think that's about it from our end. Miss Samantha WILL be heading off to school tomorrow. Whether or not she stays there is another question. Would everyone do me a favor and keep your fingers crossed for us? I have a dentist appointment to go to tomorrow and I really need Sammi to stay in school. Of course I will gladly drop everything I'm doing and go pick Sammi up if I need to, but for once I'd just like everything to run smoothly. Any and all happy thoughts sent our way would be VERY much appreciated.

There are some new pictures posted below. Yesterday I mentioned that Sammi and I had fallen asleep together in my Mom's glider. I'm posting the pictures my Mom took of us.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Sniffle, Sniffle, Cough, Cough" Therese
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some more pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. Aren’t they cute???

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May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Sammi & Mommy cuddling
May 23, 2005

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Close ups of my beautiful baby sleeping in my arms
May 23, 2005

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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

*Christopher* will be celebrating his birthday in Heaven on May 29, 2005. His Mom is asking for everyone to release blue and yellow balloons on this very special day.

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammar school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Jared will be celebrating his birthday on June 4, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda hasn’t been eating lately.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jaye will be seeing her doctor on May 24 & 25, 2005 in preparation for her trip to Colorado (which she leaves for on May 26, 2005).

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel will be having an MRI and CT scan done on May 25, 2005. Get those prayers ready!!!

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Monday, May 23, 2005


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know Jaye’s living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).







Sick In Bed

The school Nurse called me around ten o'clock this morning. She told me that Sammi had been in her office and wasn't feeling well. She was also be VERY cranky. So I headed out and picked her up from school. Together we spent the rest of the day upstairs with my Mom (she had the day off). I gave Sammi some Tylenol, she ate some soup and then the two of us cuddled and rocked in my Mom's glider. My Mom took a couple of cute pictures of Sammi and I cuddling together -- I'll put them up on Sammi's site as soon as I can. Sammi fell asleep in my arms after rocking for about 10 minutes -- 5 minutes after that, I passed out too. I LOVE cuddling with Sammi. I always say the ONLY good thing about Sammi being sick is that I get to cuddle with her.

Blah Blah Blah

That was about all that happened this afternoon. Sammi did a great job at keeping me busy since she was home from school and wasn't feeling well. I'll be keeping her home tomorrow too. She has a Neurologist appointment tomorrow afternoon, but I plan on keeping her nice and dry in doors until then. Yup, you guessed it. It's still raining here. I heard tomorrow should be even worse -- flooding, lots of wind, lots of rain and lots of cold. Hopefully we won't have to worry about the flooding. Maybe (if I'm lucky) Sammi will feeling like cuddling again tomorrow.

Do Not Disturb

Ok, I think it's about time for me to hit the sack. I'm getting sleepy. I hope all of you are well and have had a nice weekend with your families. All of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Sniffle, Sniffle, Cough, Cough" Therese
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

I’m sorry this picture didn’t come out looking better. This is my Mom and step-Dad in Cancun. Hopefully I’ll be getting some better looking pictures from my Mom so I can post them on Sammi’s page. This picture looks great in person, but it didn’t come out looking so good once I scanned it.

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May 18, 2005 – Cancun, Mexico

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

*Christopher* will be celebrating his birthday in Heaven on May 29, 2005. His Mom is asking for everyone to release blue and yellow balloons on this very special day.

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammar school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Jared will be celebrating his birthday on June 4, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Travis and his sister, Krystin, have made the A-B Honor Roll! Congratulations you two! We’re VERY proud of you!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda hasn’t been eating lately.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jaye will be seeing her doctor on May 24 & 25, 2005 in preparation for her trip to Colorado (which she leaves for on May 26, 2005).

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel will be having an MRI and CT scan done on May 25, 2005. Get those prayers ready!!!

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

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***Autism is a World
CNN to Air Autism Documentary

Never before has Autism been more in the media -- print, radio and television. The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAP) celebrates this heightened awareness for autism spectrum disorders. "Autism is a World" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This film will air on MAY 22, 2005 at 8:00pm EST on CNN Presents. For additional information about this documentary, as well as the schedule of additional worldwide broadcasts, please visit CNN.***


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).







Welcome Back

My Mom and step-Dad arrived home safe and sound last night -- a little later than originally planned, but at least they're back.

I got a call around five o'clock yesterday from my Mom. She said her and my step-Dad had missed their connecting flight in Miami and needed to wait for the next one to leave.

They finally arrived home a little after midnight. It was SO great to see them again! 11 days has never seemed so long before!! Sammi was sleeping when they got home, so she wasn't able to see her grandparents last night.

I spent a couple of hours upstairs after my Mom and step-Dad got home. They told me about their trip, showed me some pictures and showed me the gifts they got for myself and Miss Samantha.

Girl In Bed

I finally went to bed around 2 or 2:30 this morning, only to be woken up by Miss Samantha at 3:30am. I don't have a clue as to what her problem was, but it was obvious she was awake and didn't intend on going back to sleep anytime soon. She wasn't coughing or sneezing at all -- so I don't think it was her cold that had gotten her up. All in all she was a very good girl at the ungodly hour. She laid on her floor and watched her Dora videos until she fell back to sleep. I finally hit the hay (again) around 6:30 this morning and Miss Samantha was kind enough to let me sleep until ten o'clock. Although it was broken up, I managed to get a good amount of sleep.


Samantha and I spent all day upstairs with my Mom and step-Dad. Sammi was VERY happy with the gifts she got from her Nuna and Grandpa. She got an orange dress, a blue tank top and shorts set, a girl puppet (Margarita) and a boy puppet (yet to be named), green beads, red beads and a rain stick. Sammi played with her puppets all day while Eddie (my Mom's German Shepherd) walked around wearing the beads. Eddie also (for some strange and unknown reason) HATES the rain stick. Everytime it makes noise, Eddie starts barking and tries to bite it. He's a goofball.

German ShepardDog 8

Speaking of Eddie, I have never seen him and Ruger so happy as they were when they saw my Mom and step-Dad for the first time in 11 days! They were thrilled to have them back! Eddie kept running around whining, grabbing toys he wanted them to throw and jumping up on them. Ruger was happy as long as he was being petted. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen! You can tell those two definitely missed their Mommy and Daddy!

Blowing A Kiss

Mom & Slappy -- We're SO happy you're back home! We missed you VERY, VERY much! Thank you for all of the beautiful gifts you brought back for Miss Samantha and myself. We loved everything! We love you guys!

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For everyone who is interested, don't forget that "Autism is a World" airs on CNN tonight. It looks pretty interesting. I hope you're able to watch it.


One more thing before I go:

Way to go to Mark Martin for winning last night's Nextel All-Star Challenge!!!

Of course I'm a Jeff Gordon fan forever, but I was thrilled to see Martin take the checkered last night. I'm also fans of Martin and Dale Jarrett, so it was good to see Martin win a race -- especially since he'll be retiring at the end of this season. Besides, the Hendrick boys didn't finish too badly -- that's something to be proud of!


We hope all of you have had a pleasant Sunday. It's still raining here, but we managed to have a good day indoors.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Sniffle, Sniffle, Cough, Cough" Therese
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 22, 2005:
Be sure to watch "Autism is a World" on CNN tonight at 8pm.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

July 16, 2005:
Today is Jeff's 34th birthday!

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin is now an official Kindergarten graduate! Congratulations, sweetheart! We are SO, SO, SO proud of you!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

*Christopher* will be celebrating his birthday in Heaven on May 29, 2005. His Mom is asking for everyone to release blue and yellow balloons on this very special day.

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Jared will be celebrating his birthday on June 4, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is back at home (where she belongs) and has been enjoying herself just as much as she's able to.

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Saturday, May 21, 2005 5:34 PM CDT


***Trouble in Paradise***

I got a call from my Mom not too long ago. Her and my step-Dad are stuck in Florida. They missed their connecting flight and need to wait for the next one to leave. Now they won't be leaving Miami until 8:20pm, which means they won't be getting home until 11/11:30pm. I miss my parents!!! Hopefully this is the only problem they'll run in to before coming home.

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This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 22, 2005:
Be sure to watch "Autism is a World" on CNN tonight at 8pm.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

*Christopher* will be celebrating his birthday in Heaven on May 29, 2005. His Mom is asking for everyone to release blue and yellow balloons on this very special day.

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Jared will be celebrating his birthday on June 4, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is back at home (where she belongs) and has been enjoying herself just as much as she's able to.

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Friday, May 20, 2005

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***Autism is a World
CNN to Air Autism Documentary

Never before has Autism been more in the media -- print, radio and television. The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAP) celebrates this heightened awareness for autism spectrum disorders. "Autism is a World" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This film will air on MAY 22, 2005 at 8:00pm EST on CNN Presents. For additional information about this documentary, as well as the schedule of additional worldwide broadcasts, please visit CNN.***


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).







In The Pool

Hi everyone! Our weather was nice today -- we hope yours was too! It's supposed to rain for the rest of the weekend -- for anyone counting, this is the 5th weekend in a row that it has rained. Joy oh joys! Maybe one of these weekends we'll make it through without seeing a drop of rain. I wonder if that's possible.

TV 2

Sammi and I did absolutely nothing all day long. She watched a bunch of her videos (and Playhouse Disney), while I cleaned up our house. Then I took a shower and Miss Samantha decided that it would be much rather to join me in the bathroom than it would be to continue watching TV. This happens everytime I take a shower. The only time I'm alone while I'm showering is when Miss Samantha is in school.


Jeff stopped by to visit with us for a little bit this afternoon. You could tell Sammi was happy to see him. I asked her who he was when he walked in and, as happy as she could, she said, "Jeff!" He got an "I love you" a BIG hug, a kiss and a "See 'ya" before he left. I'm glad he was able to spend a little time with her this afternoon and I hope he's able to do it again.

Cooking Dinner

Sammi and I went to my Grandparents house (they live about 15 minutes from us) for dinner tonight. My Uncle, my Dad, Missy and Jake (my Dad & Missy's dog) were also there. It was great seeing everyone together! Sammi had an awesome time playing with everyone and keeping everyone on their toes. She ate some soup with her Great-Grandma and then spent most of her time playing with the magnets on their fridge. I'm telling 'ya, I am NOT buying this kid anymore toys. Magnets, boxes, trash -- she'll play with anything. Dinner was excellent! Hopefully we'll be able to do it again soon.


I found out tonight that my Grandparents will be spending tomorrow in Boston. The USS Kennedy is there and they want to go see it. 45 years ago my Grandpa was in the Navy and was on a ship. Ok, I'm just going to stop right there. Obviously I have no idea how the story goes, but from what I understand the USS Kennedy is the sister ship to the one my Grandpa was on. Sorry I don't know the whole story. My Grandpa was telling me bits and pieces of it tonight, and showing me pictures, but he isn't the best at describing these types of things, so I didn't understand much.

On The Phone

My Mom called me from Cancun tonight. Guess what???

They're coming home tomorrow!!! They're coming home tomorrow!!!

Thing I'm a little excited about this? Well, maybe just a tad. My Mom and step-Dad are doing well, but my Mom said she's about ready for this vacation to end. She has had enough of being away from everybody for one year. I haven't been on a vacation in years, so I wouldn't know what she means. I also know what they got Miss Samantha, but I'm not going to mention anything until she sees them for herself.

Weekend 2

That's about it from our end. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm VERY tired and I'm looking forward to hitting the sack. I hope all of you have a terrific weekend! We'll be enjoying ours from the indoors -- dumb rain.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Sniffle, Sniffle, Cough, Cough" Therese
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year.
Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 22, 2005:
Be sure to watch "Autism is a World" on CNN tonight at 8pm.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

*Christopher* will be celebrating his birthday in Heaven on May 29, 2005. His Mom is asking for everyone to release blue and yellow balloons on this very special day.

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Jared will be celebrating his birthday on June 4, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee is going pee-pee on the potty like a BIG girl now!!! Way to go, sweetie!! I am SO, SO proud of you!!

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is back at home (where she belongs) and has been enjoying herself just as much as she's able to.

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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
***Autism is a World
CNN to Air Autism Documentary

Never before has Autism been more in the media -- print, radio and television. The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAP) celebrates this heightened awareness for autism spectrum disorders. "Autism is a World" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This film will air on MAY 22, 2005 at 8:00pm EST on CNN Presents. For additional information about this documentary, as well as the schedule of additional worldwide broadcasts, please visit CNN.***


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).








Hi! Hi!
How was everyone's day? Ours was boring, but I didn't mind and I don't think Sammi did either. Sometimes we enjoy the quiet days without all of the running around. Either tomorrow or Saturday Sammi and I need to go shopping for my Mom and step-Dad. Before they left, my Mom asked me to pick some food up for them so they don't starve. So today was a nice little day to just sit around and chill.

Butterfly 3

Miss Samantha had a good day at school today. She made a butterfly (out of pretzels, celery and cream cheese) with Mrs. O'Donnell. Needless to say, this will be one piece of art I won't be treasuring for ever. Picture how that will be looking in ten years. Yummy!! Maybe I should just snap a picture of it and chuck it.

Star 9

A very good friend of mine stopped by for a little bit this afternoon while Sammi was in school. His name is Lorenzo and he was *Tony's* nephew. He's a really sweet guy and he's only a couple of years younger than I am. He is also the VERY proud father of a BEAUTIFUL baby boy. Well he isn't a baby baby -- he's 19 months old and he is adorable!! It has been a few months since I've seen Lorenzo, so this was a VERY plesant surprise this afternoon.

Sick In Bed

As far as our head colds are concerned:

They're still with us, but neither one of us are as miserable as we were the first day we got sick. We're still sniffling and sneezing and coughing -- but you can tell it's beginning to let up. Sammi's nose is still running uncontrollably (I swear I wipe that thing a million times a day) and I've just started coughing. I was hoping those coughing fits would be blessed upon me!! Woohoo!! Lucky, lucky me!! (*I thought some of you might have missed my sarcasm, so I wanted to throw some in there for you*).


I got Sammi's class picture scanned tonight and I'm posting it below. Please check it out! I'm also posting her class picture from the 2003 - 2004 school year. Look at the differences.

Bye Bye

Ok, I'm signing off. I hope you enjoy the new pictures. I promise more will follow as soon as my Mom and step-Dad get back from their vacation and I can use their camera again. We hope all of you have an excellent weekend!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Sniffle, Sniffle, Cough, Cough" Therese
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2004 - 2005 school year. Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart is the little boy in the front row on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe Purple HeartLiamPurple Heart is sitting right next to Purple HeartAdamPurple Heart
Mrs. O'Donnell is in the blue. Sammi will be in her class again when school resumes in the fall. Shelia is the one with the dark hair -- I LOVE her!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
This is Samantha's class picture for the 2003 - 2004 school year. Mrs. Lynch is holding Sammi because (at the time) they had no chance in hell of having her sit still in a chair to have this picture taken. Sammi has just changed in SO many ways. I still think it's wonderfully seeing how strong she's becoming due to all of the teaching and therapies she's receiving in school.

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 22, 2005:
Be sure to watch "Autism is a World" on CNN tonight at 8pm.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee has been sleeping better these days. I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for you and that wonderful Mom of yours.

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is back at home (where she belongs) and has been enjoying herself just as much as she's able to.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Birthday Balloons

Today is Brittany's 19th birthday!!! Brittany is the wonderful older sister of Crystal. We hope you had a wonderful day, sweetie! Happy Birthday!!

Birthday Card

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
***Autism is a World
CNN to Air Autism Documentary

Never before has Autism been more in the media -- print, radio and television. The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAP) celebrates this heightened awareness for autism spectrum disorders. "Autism is a World" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This film will air on MAY 22, 2005 at 8:00pm EST on CNN Presents. For additional information about this documentary, as well as the schedule of additional worldwide broadcasts, please visit CNN.***


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).








I gave Sammi some Tylenol and Delsym before she left for school this morning. It helped her out a little bit, but this cold she has is still bugging her. She was still sniffling and sneezing in school. (*I wish giving Sammi her medicine was as easy as that picture above*).


Wednesday is always Sammi's busy day at school. She had OT, Music, O&M and PT today. How she accomplishes all of this in only 2 1/2 hours is beyond me. It will be so much easier for her when fall rolls around and she begins attending full day classes. Sammi enjoyed music today and danced with Adam & Liam (ooooohhhhhhhh). She wasn't interested in her ice cream (snack) today. She sat nicely for snack, but didn't eat anything.

Picnic Table

Usually the first words out of Sammi's mouth when she gets home from school is, "Want some soup?" Did I hear that when I got her off of the bus? Nope. I'm guessing (and hoping) that the only reason she isn't hungry is because of the cold she has. Please, please don't let her not like soup anymore. She only eats two things (soup and ice cream) and we really can't afford to cut it down to one. When I did put a bowl of soup in front of her this afternoon, she put some in her mouth and all of it came right back out. She was gagging and everything. She was fine again after drinking some water and I was able to get her to eat some ice cream before she went to bed.

Miss Samantha and I spent all afternoon playing outside. My Grandma and Dad came to visit us this afternoon, so they stayed outside with us too. Actually, Sammi convinced my Grandma to pull her around in her wagon while my Dad and I went inside and tried to hook up our TV set. On Monday our TV set died. It wasn't a huge surprise -- we knew it was going to happen one of these days, the thing was just so old. Whenever something breaks in our house, the first person I call is my Dad because he's usually able to get us a replacement. Well he came through for us again! He brought over an old TV set of his and we worked on setting it up. Now Sammi can watch Playhouse Disney and all of her videos in our living room again -- woohoo!!! She was NOT happy having to watch her videos in her room and Playhouse Disney in my room.

Walking 2

I escaped outside a few times while my Dad worked on setting up our TV. While I was out there, Sammi, my Grandma and I went for a few walks around our block. Sammi sat in her wagon while my Grandma pulled her around. I wish I had a camera with us. Sammi just looked so comfortable sitting/relaxing in her little wagon. She had her feet up and everything! Oh, to be a kid again! I would have loved to be pulled around in a wagon instead of walking everywhere.


I tried to feed Sammi some soup again tonight before her bath, but the same thing that happened this afternoon happened tonight. I don't know what's going on. Maybe I made the noodles too hard when I cooked them. I'll gladly make a new batch if it means Sammi will eat them. So she had some ice cream instead.


My parents come home in 3 more days!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to see them! It feels like months and months have passed since they've been gone. They'll be getting back late Saturday night, so Sammi won't be able to see them until Sunday but you better believe I'll be upstairs visiting as soon as their limo pulls up.

Cell Chat

Jeff called tonight while Sammi was sitting on my lap. We have Nextel's, so we usually 2-way each other instead of calling. All by herself (I swear I didn't tell Sammi to say this -- she wouldn't have listened to me if I did) Sammi came up with, "I love you, Jeff." Then Jeff told Sammi he missed her and she said, "I miss you, Jeff." What a sweetheart! She's getting so much better when it comes to making conversation. You can tell she really is trying her best.

Blah Blah Blah

Ok, I'm sorry if I've bored all of you half to death. And if you're still reading this -- God Bless you! I know I tend to ramble on, especially when it's Samantha I'm talking about. I'm just so afraid I'm going to leave something out and I usually do.

We hope all of you have a terrific "rest of the" week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Sniffle, Sniffle" Therese
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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel
*Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put
this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 22, 2005:
Be sure to watch "Autism is a World" on CNN tonight at 8pm.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee has been sleeping better these days. I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for you and that wonderful Mom of yours.

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is back at home (where she belongs) and has been enjoying herself just as much as she's able to.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

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***Autism is a World
CNN to Air Autism Documentary

Never before has Autism been more in the media -- print, radio and television. The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAP) celebrates this heightened awareness for autism spectrum disorders. "Autism is a World" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This film will air on MAY 22, 2005 at 8:00pm EST on CNN Presents. For additional information about this documentary, as well as the schedule of additional worldwide broadcasts, please visit CNN.***


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).







Chair 4

Miss Samantha had a good day at school. She sat well at circle and enjoyed the special music show that was put on. Sammi enjoyed listening to music??? No way!!! (sorry, I'm feeling a little sarcastic tonight -- as always). That's the only thing I heard about Sammi's day. When you only go to school for 2 1/2 hours a day, there isn't much to be done. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Sammi has been having some trouble sitting still during circle time. This week seems to have been better, but lately she hasn't felt like sitting with everyone else when it's time to. I have no idea what this is about or what caused it, but at least she's doing better.


Once Sammi had gotten home from school and had finished her soup, the two of us went shopping. Sammi was VERY well behaved the entire time and had lots of fun reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and putting things Mommy picked up in the carriage. Her new thing is dropping something into the carriage if it's handed to her. We just have to make sure there isn't anything breakable within her line of fire.


Sammi's class photo was sent home with her this afternoon -- now all I'm waiting on is her individual picture. The class picture came out looking cute. My little girl looks like the biggest ham. Sometimes she's just too happy. I tried to scan this picture tonight so I could share it with all of you, but my scanner didn't feel like cooperating with me. Darn computers!!! I'll work on it some more tonight and (hopefully) I'll be able to have this picture on Sammi's site by tomorrow. Keep those fingers crossed for me!


I feel like poop. I had a 10 minute sneezing fit as soon as I woke up this morning and I just assumed it was my allergies hitting me. By this afternoon I knew it wasn't my allergies, but a head cold instead. Oh joy! I usually don't have any problem dealing with a head cold (pop a couple of Dayquil and I'm good to go), but this one has hit me HARD and not even Dayquil is helping me out. I talked to Jeff on the phone tonight and he said I sounded horrible -- don't you just love getting compliments? (*hehehe*)

Sammi isn't feeling so well either. I was thinking that she may have allergies too, but now I'm guessing she's sick with the same head cold I've got. She is coughing a bit though and I'm not. Oh boy! Do I have coughing to look foward to? That would be GREAT!!! (more sarcasm if you hadn't guessed).


I've been doing my best to sign guestbooks on and off all day long. I haven't gotten to every one yet, but I'm trying. My head has been fuzzy all day long and I've been doing through dizzy spells here and there. It's kind of hard to type when you're swaying back and forth (*hehehe*). As for anyone who may have sent an e-mail my way, I'll be heading to my gmail account before I go to bed.


I hope all of you have a great week! And don't forget to keep me in mind as I try to scan Samantha's school picture.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Goofball" Therese
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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel
*Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put
this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 22, 2005:
Be sure to watch "Autism is a World" on CNN tonight at 8pm.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 27 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Jordyn is now a kindergarten graduate!!! Watch out first grade!! Here comes Jordyn!! Way to go, sweetie!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee has been sleeping better these days. I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for you and that wonderful Mom of yours.

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

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Monday, May 16, 2005

Happy Anniversary


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).








Ok, enough of the depressing stuff I had posted. It's time to cheer up! For everyone who has been worried about me -- thank you! Your concern is VERY much appreciated, but I want all of you to know that I'm doing just fine. Sure I had a rough weekend and today wasn't the best, but I tend to land on my feet and that's just where I've wound up. Thank you again, everyone!! Oh, and if you've e-mailed me don't take any offense to the fact that I haven't gotten back to you yet. I'm on my way to my gmail account as soon as Miss Samantha heads off for school.


Miss Samantha brought lots and lots of beautiful pieces of art home from school with her today. A frog, a cloud in the shape of a mask, some scribbles, etc. All of these are now hanging on our cabinets. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but we would need to buy a bigger fridge for all of Samantha's creativeness to be displayed. So I've started hanging pieces of art on our cabinet doors so they can be seen.


Well, it's official. Starting in September, Miss Samantha will be attending school full time. I signed the paper work I needed to on Thursday and sent in to school with Sammi today. Her hours will be 9am - 3:15pm. I still think my little girl is too little to be attending class all day long. I know she'll do wonderfully, but she's still my little girl. Why is she growing up so fast?!?!?!? I was also informed that the last day of school will be on June 22 and school will resume on September 7 (the day after my Papa's birthday).

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The following was sent home with Miss Samantha. My Mom also told me about this before she left for her vacation, but it completely slipped my mind to post it on Sammi's site. I hope you find it informative. I also hope some of you are able to watch it -- I'm going to do my best to see it.

***Autism is a World
CNN to Air Autism Documentary

Never before has Autism been more in the media -- print, radio and television. The National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAP) celebrates this heightened awareness for autism spectrum disorders. "Autism is a World" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This film will air on MAY 22, 2005 at 8:00pm EST on CNN Presents. For additional information about this documentary, as well as the schedule of additional worldwide broadcasts, please visit CNN.***


My Mom called from Cancun this afternoon. We didn't talk about anything in particular, just acted dumb as usual. They're still having a good time and they miss everyone VERY much. I can't wait for her to get home. When you're best friend leaves for a vacation, it's kind of hard finding someone to talk to. I hope her and my step-Dad continue to have a great time while they're there!!!

Head Banger

Ok, that's about it from our end. Slowly but surely I'm making my way to all of the CaringBridge pages I visit regularly. I hope all of you have a fantastic week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon & Miss Samantha "Goofball" Therese
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May 5, 1961
We love you -- now and forever!!!

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel
*Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put
this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 22, 2005:
Be sure to watch "Autism is a World" on CNN tonight at 8pm.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 22, 2005:
Today is Sammi's last day of school.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

September 6, 2005:
Today is my Papa's (Samantha's Great-Grandpa's) birthday!!!

September 7, 2005:
Back to school for Miss Samantha!!!

September 21, 2005:
Today is my Grandma's (Samantha's Great-Grandma's) birthday!!!

September 24, 2005:
Today is my Dad's (Samantha's Papa's) birthday!!!

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 26 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Amanda Panda's big sister, Mackenzie, will be celebrating her 4th birthday on May 15, 2005!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Hadley's Dad, Brandon, will be celebrating his birthday on May 15, 2005!!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee has been sleeping better these days. I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for you and that wonderful Mom of yours.

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

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Monday, May 16, 2005

Tony D'Orazio
May 5, 1961 ~ May 16, 1997
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May 16, 1997 is a day that will forever be a date to remember for me (and for my Mom as well).

Phone ShockerThe Phone CallPhone Shocker

It all started early in the morning. I'm not sure of the exact hour, but I do know it was around 3 or 4am. At the time I was living with my Mom. We shared a one bedroom apartment and when I wasn't sleeping on our couch, I slept in my Mom's bed. That particular night I had fallen asleep in her bed. Both of us were awakened when our phone (we had one in the bedroom) started ringing. The phone woke both of us up, but my Mom was the one who answered it. I didn't know who she was talking to or what they were talking about, but I could tell it wasn't good.

I asked my Mom who had called as soon as she hung up the phone. To this day I still wish I hadn't asked, but I would have been told eventually. The person who called that early morning was Tony's sister-in-law. She said Tony's ex-wife had called her and said that Tony was dead. Now you have to remember what kind of woman Tony's ex was. She was (I'm sure she hasn't changed) the queen of making stuff up. Tony abused her; Tony neglected his two kids -- blah, blah, blah. So, at first, my Mom and I didn't know what to think. Until my Mom called the hospital. And we found out it was true.

I have no idea how the hell I got through that day. I remember leaving our apartment early in the morning (once it was light out) and just walked and walked. I honestly don't even know where I walked to. I couldn't tell you if I talked to anyone. How in the world I found my way home, I don't know. Needless to say, I didn't go to school that day and my Mom stayed home from work.

Is anyone confused as to who Tony is? Don't worry. I'm getting to that. Tony was my Mom's boyfriend at the time and I know they would have been married today if this accident hadn't happened. Honestly, my Mom and Tony were an inspiration to me -- I've always wanted to be in the same kind of relationship they were in.

Everyone who knew Tony loved him. How could you not? He was a wonderful man with a HUGE heart. Everyone he knew came first. If you were cold, he'd give you his coat. If you needed money, he'd give you what he had. He was there for everyone and he NEVER deserved half of the crap that was thrown his way -- I'm not going to get into specifics on this.

Ok, back to the worst day of my life.


When I came back from my walk, my Mom was getting ready to get in the shower. You could tell she had no idea what she was doing. And (I'm sorry for posting this, Mom) she looked like crap. Could you blame her? The love of her life was just killed -- I wouldn't expect her to look perfect. Before she got in the shower, she told me to go out on the porch and take our neighbor's paper. Ok, I'm not proud I stole this, but I didn't think anyone would mind. There it was on the front page -- "Haverhill Father Killed Merging Onto I-495." A VERY old picture of Tony and of his precious Camaro (he loved that car!) was also on the front page. I still have that news article as well as pictures of Tony's car that were taken when friends went to see it at the tow yard. They are (along with a bunch of other pictures) in my "Tony Box" -- a box I keep so I can remember Tony. A picture of my Mom and Tony together is on the front of this box.

The one thing I remember about May 16th is still crystal clear in my mind -- I swear I will NEVER forget this.

As my Mom was getting ready to get in the shower, she was walking around grabbing things here and there. She was walking through our living room when she stopped dead in her tracks. The look on her face scared me. She looked so serious and so confused at the same time. At my age, my mind started racing to think if I had done something wrong. My Mom looked at me and asked if I had sprayed some of Tony's cologne. I told her I hadn't -- I didn't even know there was any of his in the house. My Mom swears to this very day that, as she was walking through the living room, she "smelled" Tony. She smelled the cologne he wore. Unfortunately I couldn't smell a damn thing -- since childhood my nose hasn't worked. It's a long story. I KNOW what my Mom smelt WAS Tony and it was his way of saying good-bye to her. To this day I am so grateful that he did that for her. It made her feel at ease. Well, it made her think she was losing her mind at first THEN she felt at ease.

The night before Tony was killed, he had gone out drinking with some friends. The funny/freaky thing is, my Mom was originally going to go out with him that night. She ended up staying home because she had been going out a lot lately and wanted to spend time with me. THANK GOD!!! As my Mom and I were sitting in our living room watching TV the night before, the phone rang. I answered it and it was Tony. He was calling to say "Hi!" I talked to him before my Mom did and I honestly can't remember exactly what was said. The one thing I do remember him saying to me was, "Take care of your Mom." I thought this was strange because we had talked on the phone before, but he had never said this to me. My Mom (thankfully) was able to talk to him that night as well. I will always be grateful for that last conversation we had -- no matter how short it was. It didn't matter because we got to talk to him.


The First Time I Met Tony

My Mom sat me down a few minutes before Tony arrived and said I was going to meet him for the first time. To tell you the truth, I wasn't too thrilled. I really wasn't looking forward to meeting my Mom's new boyfriend. Months earlier she had gotten out of a really crappy relationship, so I wasn't very excited. I had known my Mom was dating Tony, but I had yet to meet him. My Mom has never been the type to introduce me to someone she just started dating unless she thought it was serious. Every day I thank her for being that way.

Our buzzer sounded (we lived in an apartment building where you needed to be buzzed in if you didn't have a key), it was Tony and my Mom let him up. Butterflies immediately started fluttering in my stomach. I wish I could remember exactly how our first meeting went, but I can't. I do remember that I was sitting on our couch when Tony entered our apartment. I turned to see him when he came in. He didn't say a thing to my Mom, but he walked over to me, stuck out his hand and said, "Hi. I'm Tony." I liked him from that point on.

Car 1

May 16, 1997

Yes, Tony had been drinking the night he was killed, but this does NOT have to do with drinking and driving. Granted Tony had a few, but he knew when to quit when he knew he was going to be driving. Especially when he had someone in the car with him and when he was driving his Camaro.

Tony and a friend of his drove to Lawrence to get something to eat before going home for the night. (*Lawrence is a city not more than 10 minutes from Haverhill -- where we live*). When Tony and his friend were finished eating, they headed home. It had started to rain by the time Tony got onto the highway. A Camaro and rain don't mix -- problem number one. As Tony was getting on to the on ramp, a tractor trailer was speeding down the highway. That was it. Tony's Camaro and the tractor trailer collided and (thank GOD) Tony was killed instantly. It was early in the morning and there still isn't a doubt in my mind that the guy driving the truck wasn't hauling ass. He worked for a moving company and was headed to Maine. He ALSO was involved in another accident a few years before Tony was killed, but that was never looked in to. Tony's friend survived. To this day he claims he had passed out as soon as him and Tony got in to the car and he didn't wake up until he was being pulled from the car. This always sounded fishy to us, but would you really want to tell people everything you knew about your best friend being killed? I would have pled the fifth too.


8 Years Later

I still refuse to set foot inside Denny's in Lawrence -- where Tony ate his last meal. And everytime I go by the site where Tony was killed -- there is a HUGE dent in the guard rail from this accident -- my eyes are glued to where it happened. Besides some old pictures and car keys of Tony's, the only thing I have left of him is the silver zippo he always used. I've never had it refilled, but I always carry it with me wherever I go.

It is so hard to believe that 8 years have passed since Tony was killed. I remember the day of the wake. I remember the day of the funeral. I remember how my Mom and I were given the evil eye by Tony's ex during the wake and funeral -- I'm sorry, were we not supposed to show up? I remember some of the things Tony was buried with -- a shot of JD, pictures, and a Harley Davidson that would not stop making noise when the coffin was shut *lol*. I remember how one of Tony's/my Mom's friends greeted us at the first wake and told us not to touch Tony's face when we went to pay our respects because it wasn't there. I remember how cold his hands felt. I remember how fake he looked. I remember the mile long funeral procession. I remember my Dad (God Bless him) being there for my Mom and I. I remember how I said I would never smoke, but I smoked the same brand that Tony did when I started. I remember how Tony and I made fun of my Mom for how she made a sandwich. I remember playing Monopoly with my Mom and Tony. I remember everything Tony said about his ex *lol*. I remember doing donuts in Tony's Camaro when it snowed. I remember how Tony's best friend let out a horrible sound and started bawling his eyes out after Tony's funeral. Thank God for memories.

Before I end my little tribute to Tony, I'd like to say one thing to one person. Contrary to popular belief, my Mom was NOT responsible for breaking up Tony's marriage. It was over and done with before she even started dating him. The person I'm writing this to knows who she is and I hope she knows just how much it hurt to know she said this. You're DEAD wrong, sweetheart!

I hope I haven't forgotten anything that I wanted to share. I just wish all of you had had the chance to meet this beautiful person. I wish he were still with us today. I'm constantly thinking of how different our lives would be if Tony were still with us.


You will NEVER be forgotten. Remembering everything made me cry my eyes out, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You're on my mind every single day. I'm sure you know my Mom and I talk about you from time to time and that we recall the funny times the three of us had together. I'll be "visiting" you today when Sammi heads off to school. I love you, Tony. I love you VERY, VERY much and I always will.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

This was sent home from school with Miss Samantha last week. Since I have absolutely nothing to update about, I thought I'd share it with everyone.

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Some days it seems the only predictable thing about it is the unpredictability. The only consistent attribute the inconsistency. There is little argument on any level but that autism is baffling, even to those who spend their lives around it.

The child who lives with autism may look "normal," but his or her behavior can be perplexing and downright difficult. Today, the citadel of autism, once thought an "incurable" disorder, is cracking around the foundation. Every day, individuals with autism show us they can overcome, compensate for, and otherwise manage many of the condition's most challenging aspects. Equipping those around our children with a simple understanding of autism's most basic elements has a tremendous effect on the children's journey towards productive, independent adulthood. Autism is an extremely complex disorder, but we can distill it to three critical components; sensory processing difficulties, speech/language delays and impairments, and whole child/social interaction issues.

Here are 10 things every child with autism wishes you knew:

1. I am a child with autism. I am not "autistic." My autism is one aspect of my total character. It does not define me as a person. Are you a person with thoughts, feelings and many talents, or are you just fat (overweight), myopic (wear glasses) or klutzy (uncoordinated, not good at sports)?

2. My sensory perceptions are disordered. This means the ordinary sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches of everyday life that you may not even notice can be downright painful for me. The very environment in which I have to live often seems hostile. I may appear withdrawn or belligerent to you, but I am really just trying to defend myself. A "simple" trip to the grocery store may be hell for me. My hearing may be hyper acute. Dozens of people are talking at once. The loudspeaker boom's today's special. Music whines from the sound system. Cash registers beep and cough. A coffee grinder is chugging. The meat cutter screeches, babies wail, carts creak, the fluorescent lighting hums. My brain can't filter all the input, and I'm in overload! My sense of smell may be highly sensitive. The fish at the meat counter isn't quite fresh, the guy standing next to us hasn't showered today, the deli is handing out sausage samples, the baby in line ahead of us has a poopy diaper, they're mopping up pickles on Aisle 3 with ammonia...I can't sort it all out, I'm too nauseous.

Because I am visually oriented, this may be my first sense to become over stimulated. The fluorescent light is too bright. It makes the room pulsate and hurts my eyes. Sometimes the pulsating light bounces off everything and distorts what I am seeing. The space seems to be consistantly changing. There's glare from windows, moving fans on the ceiling, so many bodies in constant motion, too many items for me to be able to focus -- and I may compensate with tunnel vision. All this affects my vestibular sense, and now I can't even tell where my body is in space. I may stumble, bump into things, or simply lay down to try and regroup.

3. Please remember to distinguish between won't (I choose not to) and can't (I'm not able to). Receptive and expressive language is both difficult for me. It isn't that I don't listen to instructions. It's that I can't understand you. When you call to me from across the room, this is what I hear: "*(#^$%^$*@&*#()@_!*#(@, Billy. *(&*$^&^#^&^#*(" Instead, come speak directly to me in plain words. "Please put your book in your desk, Billy. It's time to go to lunch." This tells me what you want me to do and what is going to happen next. Now it's much easier for me to comply.

4. I am a concrete thinker. I interpet language literally. It's very confusing for me when you say, "Hold your horses, cowboy!" when what you really mean is "Please stop running." Don't tell me something is a "piece of cake" when there is no dessert in sight and what you really mean is, "This will be easy for you to do." When you say, "It's pouring cats and dogs," I see pets coming out of a pitcher. Please just tell me, "It's raining very hard." Idioms, puns, nuances, double entendres and sarcasm are lost on me.

5. Be patient with my limited vocabulary. It's hard for me to tell you what I need when I don't know the words to describe my feelings. I may be hungry, frustrated, frightened or confused, but right now those words are beyond my ability to express. Be alert for body language. withdrawl, agitation, or other signs that something is wrong.

There's a flip side to this: I may sound like a little professor or a movie star, rattling off words or whole scripts well beyond my developmental age. These are messages I have memorized from the world around me to compensate for my language deficits, because I know I am expected to respond when spoken to. They may come from books, television or the speech of other people. It's called echolalia. I don't necessarily understand the context or the terminology I'm using, I just know it gets me off the hook for coming up with a reply.

6. Because language is so difficult for me, I am very visually oriented. Show me how to do something rather than just telling me. And please be prepared to show me many times. Lots of patient repetition helps me learn.

A visual schedule is extremely helpful as I move through my day. Like your day planner, it relieves me of the stress of having to remember what comes next, makes for smooth transitions between activities, and helps me manage my time and meet your expectations.

7. Focus and build on what I can do rather than what I can't do. Like any other human, I can't learn in an environment where I'm constantly made to feel that I'm not good enough or that I need fixing. Trying anything new when I am almost sure to be met with criticism, however constructive, becomes something to be avoided. Look for my strengths and you'll find them. There's more than one right way to do most things.

8. Help me with social interactions. It may look like I don't want to play with the other kids on the playground, but sometimes it's just that I simply don't know how to start a conversation or enter a play situation. If you can encourage other children to invite me to join them at kickball or shooting baskets, I may be delighted to be included.

9. Try to identify what triggers my meltdowns. This is termed "the antecedent." Meltdowns, blowups, tantrums or whatever you want to call them are even more horrid for me then they are for you. They occur because one or more of my senses has gone into overload. If you can figure out why my meltdowns occur, they can be prevented.

10. If you are a family member, please love me unconditionally. Banish thoughts such as, "If he would just..." and "Why can't she...?" You didn't fulfill every last expectation your parents had for you, and you wouldn't like being constantly reminded of it. I didn't choose to have autism. Remember that it's happening to me, not you. Without your support, my chances of successful, self-reliant adulthood are slim. With your support and guidance, the possibilities are broader tahn you might think. I promise you I'm worth it.

It all comes down to three words: Patience, Patience, Patience.

Work to view my autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Look past what you may see as limitations and see the gifts autism has given me. I may not be good at eye contact or conversation, but have you noticed I don't lie, cheat at games, tattle on my classmates, or pass judgement on other people?

You are my foundation. Think through some of those societal rules, and if they don't make sense for me, let them go. Be my advocate, be my friend, and we'll just see how far I can go.

I probably won't be the next Michael Jordan, but with my attention to fine detail and capacity for extraordinary focus, I might be the next Einstein. Or Mozart. Or Van Gogh.

They had austim too.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

This day bites. Jeff just left about half an hour ago. Sammi is completely oblivious -- like I thought she would be. Luckily Jeff was able to get a hug, kiss and an "I love you" from Miss Samantha before he left.

Because today is such a depressing day around our house (we hope your weekend is going a whole lot better!), I thought I'd share a funny with all of you. Enjoy!

Dog Pet Peeves About Humans

1. When you run away in the middle of a perfectly good leg humping.

2. Blaming your farts on me...not funny.

3. Yelling at me for barking...I'M A DOG YOU IDIOT!!!

4. How you naively believe that the stupid cat isn't all over everything while you're gone. (Have you noticed that your toothbrush tastes a little like cat butt?)

5. Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly who's walk is this anyway?

6. Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose...stop it.

7. Yelling at me for rubbing my butt on your carpet. Why'd you buy carpet?

8. Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry but I haven't quite mastered that handshake thing yet...idiot.

9. How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we both know the truth, you're just jealous.

10. Dog sweaters. Have you noticed the fur? Imbecile.

11. Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your stuff up when you're not home.

12. When you pick up the crap piles in the yard. Do you realize how far behind schedule that puts me?

13. Taking me to the vet for "the big snip", then acting surprised when I freak out everytime we go back.

14. The sleight of hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! What a proud moment for the top of the food chain, you nitwit.

15. Invisible fences. Why do you insist on messing with us? To my knowledge, dogdom hasn't yet solved the invisible fence problem!!

Friday, May 13, 2005

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Helen & Rex!!!

These two wonderful people are the parents of Craig and Lauren. They are celebrating 16 years of marriage today. Congratulations!!!


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).








Before I tell you about what went on today (which wasn't anything very fun, so don't get excited), let me go back to yesterday.


Miss Samantha had a good recess and circle time at school today. Work time, however, was hard for her -- she had a melt down in the middle of it and no one is quite sure why. The top she was wearing seemed to be bothering her -- she kept pulling on the straps and twisting around in it. (*This was completely my fault -- it was a beautiful day today so I wanted Sammi to wear something cool. The top I put her in is one that fits her, but the straps bother her. Oops!*) She also kept taking off her shoes. She actually arrived on the bus with her shoes already off! (*This was NOT my fault. However, the shoes I put on her don't have any laces or straps on them. The simply slip on her feet. She has never had a problem wearing them before, but I guess she won't be wearing them anymore*).

Car 5

Once Sammi was home from school, and filled up on soup, Jeff and I brought her out so we could do a couple of errands. Everything was going fine until a song came on the radio that Samantha didn't like. I'm telling you, she liked this song a couple of months ago. But one part in the song really annoyed her and so melt down number two showed itself.


Luckily we arrived home not long after this melt down started. I checked our mail while Sammi was giving Jeff h*** and there it was -- a package from Hailee and her Mom, Melissa. Not only did I get some VERY beautiful pictures of Hailee, but Sammi also received 3 sets of beads. Sammi is a HUGE bead freak! She is always wanting to go to the "Bead Store" (this is actually Party Rama -- where they sell beads -- but we call it the "Bead Store") and loves showing off her beads and having Mommy wear them. Melissa -- your package couldn't arrived at a more perfect time. Mere seconds after I showed Sammi her new treasure, her episode ceased. Thank goodness! All was well after this. Thank you again, Hailee and Melissa!

Weekend 3

Ok, back to today.


Mrs. O'Donnell and Mrs. Doris made their home visit this morning at 9:45am. Mrs. Doris and Samantha played together while Mrs. O'Donnell and I talked. One thing we discussed was Samantha's melt down in school yesterday. I asked if anything had set her off (a noise, a word, etc) and Mrs. O'Donnell said she was thinking the same thing, but she couldn't remember hearing anything that would have upset her. We also discussed Samantha attending school full time when fall rolls around. I think this is a wonderful idea! Not only for my sanity, but because it will be easier for Sammi to receive all of the therapies she needs without running out of time. This new schedule won't begin until school resumes in the fall.


One funny thing that Mrs. O'Donnell shared with me had to do with the Mother's Day present Sammi brought home from school for me. I think I told all of you before that Sammi gave me a flower in a pot she painted herself. Well when it came time to bring this home for me, Shelia asked Sammi to pick up the flower. Instead of picking up the pot, she pulled the whole flower up (dirt and all) and handed it to Shelia. I had to laugh when I heard this. Sometimes you need to be VERY specific when it comes to asking Sammi to do something. That's my little Angel Bear!


Once Mrs. O'Donnell and Mrs. Doris left, I hopped in the shower. Needless to say, Miss Samantha was in the bathroom with me the entire time. She has something against me being alone when I'm trying to take a shower. After my shower and after I got Miss Samantha dressed (she was still running around in her PJs), we headed out for an afternoon full of errands.


Samantha was VERY well behaved as we traveled from place to place. Picking up my Mom's check, stopping at the bank, stopping at a couple of stores, getting gas, etc. Sammi was happy the entire time and when she did act up it didn't last long. I also bought her two new Care Bear books and some pop-it beads while we were out, so those kept her occupied in the backseat while I drove. Thank goodness for days like these -- days when I have a million and one things to do, when I have to bring Miss Samantha along with me and well she's well behaved. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

On The Phone

My Mom called tonight from Cancun. Her and my step-Dad are having a good time (I talked to him for a couple of minutes too). I put Sammi on the phone with my Mom, but she (Sammi) didn't have much to say. I did get her to say "Hi Nuna" and "I love you" so my Mom was happy with hearing that. They can't call too much -- as you can imagine, it's A LOT of money calling from Cancun --, but my Mom said she'd give me a call sometime next week. All I care about is that they're having a good time and that they're safe. That's all that matters to me.

Weekend 2

Well everyone, I guess that's about it from our end. Please be sure to check up on the lists I have below -- I've updated a few of them tonight. Also, please continue to leave messages for us in Samantha's guestbook. We LOVE reading them and Sammi gets a kick out of seeing some of the pictures. As far as Jeff goes -- more than likely he'll be leaving tomorrow.

We hope all of youWeekend 1

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "HAHA" Therese
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May 5, 1961
We love you -- now and forever!!!

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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel
*Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put
this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 13, 2005:
Mrs. O'Donnell will be coming to our house (AGAIN) for a home visit at 9:45am.

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is up to 26 pounds and her family received the WONDERFUL news that her tumor has SHRUNK IN HALF!!! We are SO happy for you, sweetheart!
Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Amanda Panda's big sister, Mackenzie, will be celebrating her 4th birthday on May 15, 2005!!!

Autumn's tests (completed on May 10, 2005) have all come back CLEAR!!! Way to go, sweetie!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Hadley's Dad, Brandon, will be celebrating his birthday on May 15, 2005!!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey is battling pneumonia right now. Believe me, this little one doesn't need to be battling anything else. Core's sister, Alyssa, is going through some stuff right now and will be having an ultrasound done next week. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David will be having an MRI done on June 2, 2005! CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!

Debbie will be going in for surgery on May 24, 2005. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Hadley will be having an MRI done on May 24, 2005! Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, sweetie!

Hailee has been sleeping better these days. I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for you and that wonderful Mom of yours.

Heidi is home from the hospital! Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jackson (who just so happens to be a JEFF GORDON fan) has pneumonia. Please stop by to wish him well as well as a VERY quick and VERY speedy recovery.

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

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Thursday, May 12, 2005


This was e-mailed to me by another CaringBridge family. Please understand that I can't give out their CaringBridge address because they have their site password protected.


As some of you know jayes living lung donor family right now is in a terrible state. Their 4 year old daughter was taken to the hospital almost a week ago now. She has been in a coma and on life support since that time. Things are looking very grim for her. Please hold Randi tight in your
prayers along with Janet (mom) Ron (dad) Jordan (12 year old brother) and Winter (1 year old sister).







Hi Ya

Hi everyone! I wanted to do an update yesterday, but my back ended up giving me a hard time so I went to bed early instead. For the life of me, I can't understand why my back started bothering me. I can't remember doing anything that may have upset it. Gee, it couldn't be the 36 pound kid I have who insists on being carried around, could it? No worries though -- it's feeling better today so I'm not complaining.

MAY 11

Miss Samantha has a good day at school today. She saw a Rain Forest Reptile show with her class and actually touched an alligator. She touched one! I think it's funny that my brave 4-year-old (who isn't afraid of anything) is willing to touch an alligator and her old maid of a mother is scared to death of them. She came home with all of her fingers, toes and arms, so I'm assuming it wasn't its head that she touched.


Before my parents left for their trip to Cancun, my Mom bought Sammi a couple of pairs of pajamas. Both have Spongebob on them. One of these night shirts could pass as an everyday shirt, so I let Sammi wear it to school today.

During snack, Sammi was puffing her belly out. Shelia asked Sammi what she was doing and Sammi replied with, "Watching Spongebob." (*She was talking about the Spongebob on her shirt*) Then Shelia asked Sammi, "What is Spongebob doing?" To which Sammi replied, "Eating ice cream." I'm constantly hearing of how Sammi cracks everyone up with the things she says and this was no exception. That's my little goof ball for you!

Family Portrait

My Dad came to visit Sammi and I this afternoon once Sammi got home from school. We were outside when he arrived and he brought his Harley over. Sammi and I had Casey (our puppy) out with us and if I had known my Dad was bringing his bike over I would have put Casey in the house. Casey HATES my Dad's bike. Everytime my Dad pulls into our driveway Casey runs (full speed) at my Dad's bike and tries to bite the pipes. One of these days Casey is going to get burned -- maybe then he'll learn his lesson.


We blew bubbles while we were outside. Sammi is just learning how to blow a bubble. But she's still your typical kid who tries to lick the bubbles before she blows them. I told her she's going to end up blowing her own bubbles. My Dad also threw Sammi up in the air a couple of times while he was here. This is a new thing Sammi and my Dad enjoy doing together. Sammi has the biggest smile on her face when my Dad throws her up in the air. It's the cutest thing. The only draw back is that Sammi wants to do this over and over and over again. Just imagine how many times you'd be able to throw a 36 pound little one in the air.

My Dad sat in our living room with Sammi while she ate soup before it was time for him to go. I think they watched a Sesame Street video called "Do The Alphabet" while they were together. It was great to see my Dad this afternoon. My Grandma usually also comes to visit us on Wednesday, but she is getting over a cold right now and didn't want to get any of us sick. Hopefully my Grandma will be feeling better by next week and will be able to come see us.

Moony Wave

I have a couple of funnies to share with all of you before I go. I don't know where this kid comes up with some of this stuff, but she is great at cracking me up.

Pig 2

Sammi has this new thing she likes to do to me. I haven't seen her do it to anyone else -- I guess I'm the lucky one. If I'm standing up, Miss Samantha will come over to me and stick that little head of hers between my legs -- as if she wanted me to get on her shoulders. Of course I'm just a little too big for Sammi to carry me around, but she'll leave her head there and we'll walk around this way. I have no idea where this came from, but Sammi gets a kick out of it.


As many of you know, Sammi is a HUGE fan of music. Lately Jeff & I have been playing music for her on our computer. Sammi loves standing next to the computer and shakes her booty when the music starts to play. Yesterday I had to run out for a couple of minutes to pick up some things at the store. Sammi asked Jeff if they could listen to music on the computer. Jeff said they could as soon as I left. Sammi's response -- "Bye Mommy. See ya."


Ok, the last thing I have to mention is that Jeff should be leaving by this weekend. I still don't want to stay on this subject for too long.

We hope all of you have a terrific "rest of the" week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "HAHA" Therese
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May 5, 1961
We love you -- now and forever!!!

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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel
*Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put
this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Appointments & other shtuff on our agenda

May 13, 2005:
Mrs. O'Donnell will be coming to our house (AGAIN) for a home visit at 9:45am.

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

June 8, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my primary doctor. It's just a
follow-up (nothing serious) and he'll probably end up checking my
cholesterol levels. Joy of joys!

June 9, 2005:
Today is my Uncle Warren's birthday. He turns 39 today.

June 24, 2005:
4 years

WoohooCaringBridge Kiddies (and adults) Happy NewsWoohoo

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her
Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005.
Congratulations to all of you!!!

Alyssa's lastest MRI has come back STABLE!!! We're VERY happy for
you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on
May 18, 2005!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG
girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO,
SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school
(and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations,
sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend --
on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

McKayla's brother, Cory, will be celebrating his 13th birthday on May
11, 2005!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am
VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an
MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done
a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy
for you!!!

Easter CrossPrayersEaster Cross

My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back
pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her
up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling
cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is
drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some
trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out
by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and
it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear.
Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

Bible 1CaringBridge Kiddies/AdultsBible 1

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news
is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI
coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any
and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey and his sister, Alyssa, are in lots of pain right now. Please
keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never
too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee has been sleeping better these days. I hope this sleeping
schedule continues to work out for you and that wonderful Mom of

Heidi is going through some pretty rough times right now. Many well
wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have
been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I
know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be
VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are
coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and
LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy
test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a
glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her
family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005







My Mom and step-Dad called me from Miami, Florida around eleven o'clock this afternoon. They had another couple of hours to go before they arrived at their destination -- Cancun Mexico. Then they called again at nine o'clock tonight to let me know that they had arrived safely. And of course my Mom needed to check up on her babies -- Eddie and Ruger. I couldn't talk long with my Mom -- they were calling from Cancun (DUH!) and I'm sure that bill is going to cost a pretty penny when they get it. Knowing my wonderful (*cough*) Mom, she'll probably make me pay it.

So all is well with my parents. They have arrived safely. I didn't want to go to bed tonight until I heard from them, so at least now I know I'll be able to sleep soundly.


In school today..................

Street Light

Sammi and Liam played with cars together. Sammi is a BIG fan of matchbox cars. She's more of a tom boy (like I was when I was little). She would much rather play with matchbox cars than dolls; she would much rather have her hair down than up in any style, etc. Yup, she's definitely my little girl.

Disco Boogie

Today was music day in school. Woohoo! Sammi LOVES music, so I'm sure she's VERY well behaved when this time comes. She sat very well in a blue chair at music and guess who she sat next to??? The one...The only...ADAM!!! She also volunteered to dance when she was asked, "What do you like to do on Tuesday?" It was an open ended music question and apparently Samantha answered it VERY well. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear!!!


Ok, I think that's about it from our end. At least I hope it is. I've been up since 5 this morning, my brain is fried and I'm beyond tired at this point. I want to thank everyone who continues to take the time to sign Samantha's guestbook. I can't even begin to tell all of you how much it means to us to know that you care for our family. We LOVE hearing from each and every one of you. Thank you!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I Miss You, Nuna & Grandpa" Therese
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May 5, 1961
We love you -- now and forever!!!

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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 10, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be leaving VERY early this morning to start their 11 day vacation in Cancun Mexico.

May 13, 2005:
Mrs. O'Donnell will be coming to our house (AGAIN) for a home visit at 9:45am.

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Alyssa's lastest MRI has come back STABLE!!! We're VERY happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

McKayla's brother, Cory, will be celebrating his 13th birthday on May 11, 2005!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Caitlin will be having an MRI done on May 11, 2005. I'll be thinking of you all day long, sweetie and MANY prayers will be headed your way.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.

Collin P. is a new child I've been introduced to. He has an MRI coming up on May 23, 2005 and I know his family would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent his way.

Corey and his sister, Alyssa, are in lots of pain right now. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee has been sleeping a little better these last couple of days. Her Mom even told me that she scored 9 hours of sleep the other night!!! I'm not trying to jinx anything, but I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for both of you.

Heidi is going through some pretty rough times right now. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

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Monday, May 9, 2005

MAY 10, 2005
**My Mom and step-Dad just called. They're in Miami, Florida right now and will be arriving in Cancun around noon (one o'clock our time)***






Hi everyone!

I hope all of the Mom's out there had a wonderful Mother's Day! I also want to thank everyone who stopped by Sammi's page yesterday and wished me a happy one -- Thank You!!!

Wheel 2

Miss Samantha had a good day at school today. She rode in a wagon with Liam (ANOTHER boy?!?!?!?!?) in the gym during recess. She also sat on a ball during circle. Lately she hasn't been doing so well when it comes to sitting still during circle time. I guess she does better when she's persuaded with a ball. She also graphed some animals in Mrs. O'Donnell's class and made a book with her speech therapist, Andrea. The "book" is called "How Many Bugs?" There are 6 pages in this book and each page has a number on it -- 1,2,3,4,5,6. Pictures of bugs are glued on to the pages and Sammi did the gluing. The book came out looking great! It's really cute.


Because I'm not all there, I missed the appointment we were supposed to have with Mrs. O'Donnell last Friday. I ended up bringing my Mom to work that day so I could borrow her car and I ended up getting back closer to 11am. Our appointment with Mrs. O'Donnell was at 10:30am. So Mrs. O'Donnell has rescheduled our appointment and it will be THIS Friday (May 13th) at 9:45am. I'll try my best not to miss this one. Oops!

Mariachi Band

My Mom and step-Dad will be leaving for their vacation in Cancun Mexico tomorrow. They will be gone for 11 days and I'm sure they'll have a fantastic time while they're there -- they vacation there once every year and they always have a blast! We'll miss you guys VERY much and can't wait to see you when you get back. Mom -- Don't forget to call me when you get there!!!


I wanted to let all of you in on a little something, but I really don't feel like staying on this subkect for too long. Jeff will be moving out soon. I'm sure I'll feel like explaining more later, but I just can't right now. I hope all of you understand.

Blah Blah Blah

Ok, that's it from our end. I didn't make it to any CaringBridge pages today and I apologize for that. I'll do better tomorrow. I hope all of you have a terrific week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I'm Going to Miss You, Nuna & Grandpa" Therese
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May 5, 1961
We love you -- now and forever!!!

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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 10, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be leaving VERY early this morning to start their 11 day vacation in Cancun Mexico.

May 13, 2005:
Mrs. O'Donnell will be coming to our house (AGAIN) for a home visit at 9:45am.

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Alyssa's lastest MRI has come back STABLE!!! We're VERY happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey and his sister, Alyssa, are in lots of pain right now. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee has been sleeping a little better these last couple of days. Her Mom even told me that she scored 9 hours of sleep the other night!!! I'm not trying to jinx anything, but I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for both of you.

Heidi is going through some pretty rough times right now. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

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Sunday, May 8, 2005






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Hi everyone!

We hope all of the Mom's out there had a terrific Mother's Day with their kiddies. We didn't do much around here, but we were all together which was good enough for me. Let me go back to yesterday before I jump ahead and let all of you know how today turned out.


It rained all day long yesterday. And it wasn't just the rain that bothered everyone, it was the freezing cold and the (what felt like) 100 mph wind. It would have been the best kind of day to do nothing but stay in bed all day long, but everyone knows that isn't possible when you've got a 4-year-old running around the house.

Sammi and I headed up to my Dad's house around eleven o'clock. After making a quick stop at CVS (where Sammi got a new Care Bears book -- it's nothing very special, just a bath book with pictures of some of the Care Bears in it), we headed to my Dad's. My Uncle was supposed to join us, but he wasn't feeling very well and decided to stay home. He's battling a head cold right now -- nothing too serious.

Sammi had a great time playing with her Papa and Missy all afternoon. Jake (my Dad's dog) was a little less impressed with Samantha's presence. He's a VERY jealous dog and is my Dad's baby, so he would get upset everytime my Dad picked Sammi up or tried to play with her. He doesn't nip or growl though, so it's nothing major. And Sammi didn't bug Jake (pull his fur, step on his paws, etc.) like she sometimes does with Eddie & Ruger (my Mom's dogs), so I'm sure he was grateful for that.

After eating lunch (my Dad surprised me with lobster -- mmmmmmm), Sammi and I took off. We spent a good 3 or 4 hours visiting my Dad and Missy. I plan on bringing Sammi up there a lot this summer so she can splash around in his pool. She LOVES it when my Dad carries her around the pool and splashes her.

Bottoms Up

My Mom, Carol and I went out for the night a couple of hours after I got back from visiting with my Dad. Sammi stayed home with Jeff while I was gone. He needed to run some errands, so he brought Sammi with him to Wal-Mart. Since Sammi was VERY well behaved in the store (I told you she loved to go shopping) Jeff bought Sammi a new Care Bears toy. It's a bath toy and it came with Wish Bear, Cheer Bear and Share Bear. Sammi loves this new toy and used it tonight when she took her bath. I was a little worried that she wouldn't understand that this is a toy for the bath ONLY, but she hasn't bugged me about wanting to play with it. Thank goodness.


My Mom and I had a wonderful Mother's Day. I didn't get to sleep in this morning (I actually don't think I'm able to sleep in anymore -- not because of Samantha, just because I've tried and I can't), but Jeff did surprise me by making me breakfast. Jeff sent Sammi into our bedroom as soon as he knew I was awake and the first words out of her mouth were, "Happy Mother's Day, Mama." I wish I had a tape recorder going when she said this. It was just too precious to hear!

Massage Therapist

Before I was able to eat the breakfast Jeff made for me, I was told that I had to open my present. Last night (as I mentioned) Sammi and Jeff went shopping while I was out with my Mom and Carol. While Sammi and Jeff were out, they picked me up a back cushion massager. Dr. Scholl's puts it out and it's amazing! I'm using it right now. It massages your upper and lower back, has three different settings and is heated!!! I love it!!! Thank you Jeff! Thank you Sammi! I LOVE my present.

Flowers & Vase

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Sammi brought a Mother's Day present home from school with her on Thursday. She brought me home a pansy in a pot that she painted all by herself. She also brought home a card tat she scribbled on by herself. I've got to tell 'ya -- home made presents are the best ones to get in my book. I'd take them over something bought in a store any day.

Happy Mother

While I was home on Friday, flowers were delivered to my door. A dozen purple roses -- my favorite!!! Who is always known for sending me purple roses? My wonderful Dad! The card that was included with the flowers read -- "Happy Mother's Day -- Thank you for everything you do for me. Love, Samantha" THANK YOU, DAD!!!

Tanning Bed

My wonderful Mom and step-Dad also surprised me with a months worth of tanning at a local tanning place. Woohoo! No more Casper for me! If I don't tan during the summer, I'm as white as a ghost.


Ok, I think I've rambled on enough for one night. Once again, I hope all you Mom's out there had the best day possible!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I LOVE the Nice Days" Therese
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May 5, 1961
We love you -- now and forever!!!

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 10, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be leaving VERY early this morning to start their 11 day vacation in Cancun Mexico.

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be coming home from their Cancun vacation tonight.

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) on June 17, 2005. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Alyssa's lastest MRI has come back STABLE!!! We're VERY happy for you, sweetheart!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Caitlin will be graduating from kindergarten this May. What a BIG girl you are now, sweetie!

Cameron is officially in REMISSION!!! Way to go, buddy!!! We're SO, SO, SO happy for you!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. The good news is that he has been let out of contact isolation.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey and his sister, Alyssa, are in lots of pain right now. Please keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee has been sleeping a little better these last couple of days. Her Mom even told me that she scored 9 hours of sleep the other night!!! I'm not trying to jinx anything, but I hope this sleeping schedule continues to work out for both of you.

Heidi is going through some pretty rough times right now. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jordyn is doing her best in trying to cope with the things that have been coming her way. With the help of her wonderful Meme and Papa, I know she'll be alright.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.


Sunday, May 8, 2005

Happy Birthday

Not only is it Mother's Day, but it is also Adam's birthday. He turns 8 today. Please stop by his site and join me in wishing him the most wonderful day possible.

Happy Birthday, Adam! We love you, hon!



Happy Mother's Day to every fantastic Mom. We hope you have an excellent day with your kiddies. In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I would post this. It came from a VERY good friend of mine and a wonderful Mom -- Denise, Missa's Mom. Thank you Denise!


After 21 years of marriage, My wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, "I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you." The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. "What's wrong, are you well," she asked?

My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. "I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some
time with you," I responded. "Just the two of us." She thought about it for a moment, and then said, "I would like that very much." That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her
house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn
to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She smiled
from a face that was as radiant as an angel's. "I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they
were impressed," she said, as she got into the car. "They can't wait to hear about our meeting." We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had to read the menu.
Her eyes could only read large print. Half way
through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom
sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was
on her lips.
"It was I who used to have to read the menu when
you were small," she said.
"Then it's time that you relax and let me return the
I responded.
During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation-
-nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent
events of
each other's life. We talked so much that we missed
the movie.
As we arrived at her house later, she said, "I'll go
out with you
again, but only if you let me invite you." I
"How was your dinner date?" asked my wi fe when I
got home. "Very nice. Much more so than I could
have imagined,"
I answered.
A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart
attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't have
a chance to do
anything for her. Some time later, I received an
with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same
place mother
and I had dined. An attached note said: "I paid
this bill in advance. I
wasn't sure that I could be there; but nevertheless,
I paid for two plates
- one for you and the other for your wife. You will
never know
what that night meant for me. I love you, son."
At that moment, I understood the importance of
saying in time: "I LOVE YOU" and to give our loved
ones the
time that they deserve.
Nothing in life is more important than yo ur family.
Give them the time they deserve, because these
things cannot be put off till "some other time."
Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back
to normal after you've had a baby ... somebody
doesn't know that
once you're a mother, "normal" is history.
Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by
instinct ... somebody never took a three-year-old
Somebody said being a mother is boring .. somebody
never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a
driver's permit.
Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child
will "turn out good" somebody thinks a child comes
with directions and a guarantee.
Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their
voices ... somebody never came out the back door
just in
time to see her child hit a golf ball
through the neighbor's kitchen window.
& nbsp;Somebody said you don't need an education to be a
mother.... somebody never helped a fourth grader
with his math.
Somebody said you can't love the second child as
much as you love the first .... somebody doesn't
have two children.
Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to
her child-rearing questions in the books.. somebody
never had a
child stuff beans up his nose or in his ears.
Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is
labor and delivery somebody never watched her "baby"
get on
the bus for the first day of kindergarten ... or on
a plane headed
for military "boot camp."
Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes
closed and one hand tied behind her back ..
somebody never
organized seven giggling Brownies to sell cookies.
Somebody said a mother can stop wor rying after her
child gets married...
somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son
or daughter-in-law to a mother's heartstrings.
Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last
child leaves home....
somebody never had grandchildren.
Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so
you don't need to tell her.... somebody isn't a


Saturday, May 7, 2005

Happy Mother's Day to every fantastic Mom. We hope you have an excellent day tomorrow with your kiddies. In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I would post this. It came from a VERY good friend of mine and a wonderful Mom -- Denise, Missa's Mom. Thank you Denise!


After 21 years of marriage, My wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, "I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you." The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. "What's wrong, are you well," she asked?

My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. "I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some
time with you," I responded. "Just the two of us." She thought about it for a moment, and then said, "I would like that very much." That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her
house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn
to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She smiled
from a face that was as radiant as an angel's. "I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they
were impressed," she said, as she got into the car. "They can't wait to hear about our meeting." We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had to read the menu.
Her eyes could only read large print. Half way
through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom
sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was
on her lips.
"It was I who used to have to read the menu when
you were small," she said.
"Then it's time that you relax and let me return the
I responded.
During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation-
-nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent
events of
each other's life. We talked so much that we missed
the movie.
As we arrived at her house later, she said, "I'll go
out with you
again, but only if you let me invite you." I
"How was your dinner date?" asked my wi fe when I
got home. "Very nice. Much more so than I could
have imagined,"
I answered.
A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart
attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't have
a chance to do
anything for her. Some time later, I received an
with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same
place mother
and I had dined. An attached note said: "I paid
this bill in advance. I
wasn't sure that I could be there; but nevertheless,
I paid for two plates
- one for you and the other for your wife. You will
never know
what that night meant for me. I love you, son."
At that moment, I understood the importance of
saying in time: "I LOVE YOU" and to give our loved
ones the
time that they deserve.
Nothing in life is more important than yo ur family.
Give them the time they deserve, because these
things cannot be put off till "some other time."
Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back
to normal after you've had a baby ... somebody
doesn't know that
once you're a mother, "normal" is history.
Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by
instinct ... somebody never took a three-year-old
Somebody said being a mother is boring .. somebody
never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a
driver's permit.
Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child
will "turn out good" somebody thinks a child comes
with directions and a guarantee.
Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their
voices ... somebody never came out the back door
just in
time to see her child hit a golf ball
through the neighbor's kitchen window.
& nbsp;Somebody said you don't need an education to be a
mother.... somebody never helped a fourth grader
with his math.
Somebody said you can't love the second child as
much as you love the first .... somebody doesn't
have two children.
Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to
her child-rearing questions in the books.. somebody
never had a
child stuff beans up his nose or in his ears.
Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is
labor and delivery somebody never watched her "baby"
get on
the bus for the first day of kindergarten ... or on
a plane headed
for military "boot camp."
Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes
closed and one hand tied behind her back ..
somebody never
organized seven giggling Brownies to sell cookies.
Somebody said a mother can stop wor rying after her
child gets married...
somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son
or daughter-in-law to a mother's heartstrings.
Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last
child leaves home....
somebody never had grandchildren.
Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so
you don't need to tell her.... somebody isn't a
Pass this along to all the "mothers" in your life.
This isn't just about being a mother, it's about
appreciating the people in
your life while you have them.................no
matter who that person is.

Mother's Day Basket

Thursday, May 5, 2005

Cinco De Mayo 2


You're in our hearts and thoughts every single day, *Tony*. We love and miss you more than words can say. Tonight, as soon as Jeff gets home, I'll be coming to "visit" you. I couldn't let your birthday go by without going to "see" you. I miss you, *Tony*!

Happy Heavenly Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday






Mother's Day Teddy

Hi everyone. I don't have much to say tonight. I'm kind of on the depressed side. I don't know if it's because of *Tony's* birthday or because of the finacial difficulties we're in. Anyway, I'm not in the updating mood. But I did want to let all of you know that Miss Samantha made me a VERY beautiful Mother's Day present in school. She came home this afternoon with a card she scribbled on and a flower in a pot she decorated herself. This cheered me up A LOT! Thank you SO much for my beautiful Mother's Day gift, Angel Bear! I love you LOTS and LOTS and LOTS!


Miss Samantha and I will be spending the afternoon at my Dad's house in New Hampshire. (*We're not taking a train there -- I just thought the picture was cute*)

Teddy Bear For Mom

My Mom will be home from work shortly. I'll be heading up there to spend some time with her and my step-Dad for a little bit. I need some cheering up and I know my Mom will be able to make me happy.

Weekend 2

I know it's only Thursday, but I want to wish every one of you a VERY happy weekend incase I'm not able to update Sammi's page tomorrow.

And in advance...................

Mother's Day Basket


Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I LOVE the Nice Days" Therese
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We love you -- now and forever!!!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 6, 2005:
Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's Pre-K teacher) will be coming to our house for a home visit at 10:30am.

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) in about a month. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

*Alexia's* family. *Lexy* flew off to Heaven on April 27, 2005.

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cameron is a new young man I've been introduced to. He has been experiencing less leg pain, he has more strength, he hasn't had a fever in 24 hours and his white cell count is up. Keep up the terrific work!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetie!

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. He is also in contact isolation at this time.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee is a new little girl I've been introduced to. She hasn't been sleeping well at all for the past two days, which means her poor Mom hasn't been sleeping well either.
Hailee will be having IVIG therapy done tomorrow. She also has an appointment to be seen by her Neurologist.
LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, sweetheart!

Heidi is going through some pretty rough times right now. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jordyn had a VERY bad weekend. She was brought to the ER when she passed out and was told it was all because of a panic attack. Please send some prayers to this little cutie, as well as to her AMAZING Meme & Papa.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

*Mason's* family. He became one of God's Angels on April 27, 2005.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

MAY 5, 2005

Cinco De Mayo 2


You're in our hearts and thoughts every single day, *Tony*. We love and miss you more than words can say. Tonight, as soon as Jeff gets home, I'll be coming to "visit" you. I couldn't let your birthday go by without going to "see" you. I miss you, *Tony*!

Happy Heavenly Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday






Taser 1

Hi everyone! We hope your Wednesday was a good one. Ours wasn't too bad. We didn't do much, but then again sometimes we don't need to to have a good time.

Feeding Birds

My Dad and Grandma came over to visit Miss Samantha and I this afternoon. We spent a good part of the afternoon playing outside since the weather was so nice. It was a little on the cool side, but I'm not complaining since we didn't feel a drop of rain. I'm sick of the rain. My Dad and Sammi goofed off together as soon as Sammi arrived home from school. She loved it when he threw her up in the air -- don't worry, he caught her again when she came down. Sammi had a blast being pulled around in her wagon by my Grandma. The three of us (Sammi, my Grandma and myself) went for a little walk down the street to look for flowers. Sammi is a BIG fan of flowers. She has a blast playing with them until they get all brown and gross looking. (That's a pretty picture, isn't it?)


Sammi had a good (and busy day in school). Wednesday is "Therapy Day" and Sammi was good during every one of them. The only bad thing about Miss Samantha coming home from school this afternoon was that she didn't bring any cute art projects home for me to display. Hopefully she will tomorrow. Our fridge and kitchen cabinets are covered with beautiful pieces of Miss Samantha's art work. One of these days I'm going to have to build another room just so I can store all of Sammi's art work in it.

Shopping 2

Like I said we were going to, Sammi and I went grocery shopping this afternoon once my Grandma left. I don't know about everyone else, but I can think of a ton of other things I would rather be doing than shopping. I don't think it's very fun. As for Samantha -- sit her in a shopping carriage and she has the time of her life. You'd think we were at an amusement park. She's so well behaved when we're shopping and you hardly hear a peep out of her. And when she does say something, it's always something she's happy about.


My Grandparents have lived in the same house for I don't even know how long. My Dad and Uncle practically grew up in that house -- my Dad will be 42 this year and my Uncle will be 39, so that should give you some idea of how long they've lived there. Anyway, I spent a lot of time at my Grandparents house when I was growing up too. Because I spent so much time there, I learned to know all of my Grandparents neighbors. To the left of my Grandparents house lived Mr. and Mrs. Mercer. Mr. Mercer passed away in 2001 and my Grandma just told me that Mrs. Mercer (who continued to live in the house after Mr. Mercer passed away) passed away on April 29, 2005. Apparently Mrs. Mercer wasn't doing so well, so my Grandparents had her admitted to a local hospital. She spent a week there before passing on. Please join me in praying for Mrs. Mercer's family. Thank you so much!


Before I go, I want to send a BIG THANK YOU out to Sharon from The Prayer Bears for offering her e-mail address for hate mail. It's great to know just how many people care about other CaringBridge families -- even ones we're not aware of. Unfortunately I haven't received any negative comments via e-mail. I say unfortunately because I hope this doesn't mean other families are being targeted by "these people."

We hope all of you have a fantastic "rest of the" week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I Sit in a BIG GIRL BOOSTER SEAT" Therese
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 6, 2005:
Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's Pre-K teacher) will be coming to our house for a home visit at 10:30am.

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

May 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to be seen by my dentist (oh joy!)

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) in about a month. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Craig's older sister, Lauren, will be graduating from grammer school (and entering middle school) on May 24, 2005!!! Congratulations, sweetheart! We're VERY proud of you!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

*Alexia's* family. *Lexy* flew off to Heaven on April 27, 2005.

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cameron is a new young man I've been introduced to. He has been experiencing less leg pain, he has more strength, he hasn't had a fever in 24 hours and his white cell count is up. Keep up the terrific work!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetie!

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. He is also in contact isolation at this time.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee is a new little girl I've been introduced to. She hasn't been sleeping well at all for the past two days, which means her poor Mom hasn't been sleeping well either.
Hailee will be having IVIG therapy done tomorrow. She also has an appointment to be seen by her Neurologist.
LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, sweetheart!

Heidi is going through some pretty rough times right now. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jordyn had a VERY bad weekend. She was brought to the ER when she passed out and was told it was all because of a panic attack. Please send some prayers to this little cutie, as well as to her AMAZING Meme & Papa.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kari will be going in for an EEG soon. Happy thoughts and prayers are coming your way, hon!

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

*Mason's* family. He became one of God's Angels on April 27, 2005.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Happy Birthday

Two birthdays are being celebrated today!

*Miranda* is celebrating a Heavenly birthday today. We think of you all the time, sweetheart. You will NEVER, EVER leave our hearts.

And my Dad's girlfriend, Missy, is celebrating her birthday today as well. We love you, Miss! We hope you have an awesome day and we can't wait to see you this weekend!

Happy Birthday, *Miranda*!
Happy Birthday, Missy!








Sammi had a good day at school. She made a spider web with glue and spaghetti in Mrs. O'Donnell's class -- this wasn't sent home with her this afternoon, but I can't wait to see it! She also worked with Martha on the lightbox. Today, during recess, Sammi went down the curly slide for the first time! I'm told that was the only piece of playground equipment that she hasn't tried. Way to go, baby girl!


For some reason Miss Samantha didn't feel like eating her ice cream at snack time. She hasn't been wanting to sit for snack lately, but she'll usually sit and eat something. Today she didn't want it at all. Sammi also came home with bunches of different colored stickers stuck all over her shirt. After reading Shelia's note, I learned that these were the stickers that were used in a Bingo game that was played at school. Shelia let her wear all of the stickers when the game was over. Sammi LOVES stickers!


Sammi brought the book "It's Spring!" home from school this afternoon. We didn't get a chance to read it together tonight, but I plan on reading it with her sometime tomorrow. I was flipping through it tonight and noticed that it is filled with lots of colorful pictures, so I'm sure Sammi will have a good time naming everything she sees in the book.

Bath Tub

Because Sammi has school tomorrow, she was given a bath tonight. Jeff washed her up while I finished the dishes in the sink. Sammi usually has a blast splashing around in the tub, but tonight she wasn't in the mood for one. Instead of the hour she usually spends in the tub, she was out in about 20 minutes. She was much more satisfied sitting in front of the TV, watching Spongebob and eating ice cream.

American Idol

I went upstairs for an hour tonight so I could watch "American Idol" with my Mom and step-Dad. I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I MISS CONSTANTINE!!!

Shopping 2

I'll be dropping my Mom off at work tomorrow morning so I can borrow her car for the day. In the afternoon, once Sammi gets home from school, we're going to go shopping. Nothing very fun, we just need to pick up some groceries. Nine times out of ten Sammi will come out of the store we're shopping in with a new toy or book, so we'll have to see what happens tomorrow.

Dollar Smiley

Ok, that's it for us. We hope all of you are well and have been enjoying the week. Ours has been A LOT slower than last week -- don't think I'm complaining one bit! If I haven't made it to your guestbook yet, I'm on my way!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I Sit in a BIG GIRL BOOSTER SEAT" Therese
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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) in about a month. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

Kari's older brother, Alek, made his First Communion this weekend -- on May 1, 2005. Congratulations, hon!!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

*Alexia's* family. *Lexy* flew off to Heaven on April 27, 2005.

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cameron is a new young man I've been introduced to. He has been experiencing less leg pain, he has more strength, he hasn't had a fever in 24 hours and his white cell count is up. Keep up the terrific work!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetie!

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. He is also in contact isolation at this time.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Hailee is a new little girl I've been introduced to. She hasn't been sleeping well at all for the past two days, which means her poor Mom hasn't been sleeping well either.
Hailee will be having IVIG therapy done tomorrow. She also has an appointment to be seen by her Neurologist.
LOTS of prayers are being sent your way, sweetheart!

Heidi is going through some pretty rough times right now. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Jordyn had a VERY bad weekend. She was brought to the ER when she passed out and was told it was all because of a panic attack. Please send some prayers to this little cutie, as well as to her AMAZING Meme & Papa.

Kaidrie isn't doing well. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

*Mason's* family. He became one of God's Angels on April 27, 2005.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

*Trevor's* family. He was called Home to Heaven on April 17, 2005.

Monday, May 2, 2005

Airplane Wishes 2

Today is Courtney's 11th birthday. Please stop by to wish her a VERY happy one. Happy Birthday, sweetie! We hope you have the best day possible!!

Birthday Surprise Party


*Trevor* was called Home to Heaven on April 17, 2005

*Mason* was called Home to Heaven on April 27, 2005

*Lexy* was called Home to Heaven on April 27, 2005

***Please join me in keeping these beautiful *Angels* families in your thoughts and prayers as they deal with their losses***






Tongue Out 2

Well, today marks another BIG milestone for Miss Samantha. Today Mommy bought her a BIG GIRL BOOSTER SEAT. No more car seats for my little Angel Bear! I brought her for a ride in her new booster seat this afternoon (so that I could get her used to it before she uses it on the bus tomorrow morning) and Sammi loved every minute of it. Whenever you talk about her new booster seat, she gets all excited. She is VERY happy about this! Somebody help! My little girl is growing up WAY to fast for me! I kept looking back at her while we drove around and I swear tears almost came to my eyes. I can't believe how quickly my little Angel Bear is growing up. Has anyone come up with a way to make the aging process stop? I'm willing to pay top dollar for any idea that actually works.


Sammi had Music this morning and was chosen by William (ANOTHER BOY????) during the "Friend Song." She also played with some cars and traffic signs at free time this afternoon. She had fun on the playground with BeatingAdamBeating. They went down the slide and walked around together.


See that picture up there? That's what it's doing tonight. I AM SO SICK OF THE RAIN!!! I guess I can't really complain though. I was out running errands all afternoon and the weather couldn't have been better -- nice and warm all afternoon. The rain didn't start until I was home for the night, so I guess I got lucky for once. I don't mind the rain, but I can't stand running errands in it. Getting in and out of the car and getting soaked in the process isn't exactly my idea of fun.

Best Friends

I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but I've mentioned Carol before. Carol is my Mom's best friend and she's also Sammi's Godmother. Carol stopped by for a little bit tonight and Sammi was able to spend some time with her. Sammi LOVES Carol and has a great time talking with her. All of us love Carol and we couldn't be happier to have her back in our lives. My Mom, Carol and I will be going out to have some fun together this Saturday while Miss Samantha and Jeff spend some quality time together. I can't wait!

Bubble Bath

Miss Samantha had a bath tonight and she was VERY successful is flooding out bathroom. Our bathroom needs some work done on it, so I think we'll be putting in more absorbant tiles. Maybe sponges. That would be cool. Anything that helps clean up the mess my precious little girl insists on making everytime she takes a bath.

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Have I ever mentioned just how much I love Jeff Gordon? Sammi and I watched every minute of Sunday's race together and we were thrilled! Sammi and I were both wearing our Gordon shirts during the race and, after washing hers last night, Sammi wore hers to school today. Ask her who won Sunday's race and she says, "Jeff Gordon!" That's my girl!

Moony Wave

Well, that's it from our end. I was able to visit a few CaringBridge families tonight, but I plan on visiting more tomorrow. There are just too many families that I follow and sometimes it's hard to visit every one of them in one night. PLEASE don't take any offense to this if I haven't visited your site. I WILL be by soon!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I'm-Using-My-Words" Therese


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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Alyssa is a new little friend of ours and she is such a cutie! Her Mom, Erika, is expecting a baby boy (Isaac) in about a month. Congratulations to all of you!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Devin and his family will leave for their Las Vegas vacation on April 24, 2005! Have a great time guys!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

*Alexia's* family. *Lexy* flew off to Heaven on April 27, 2005.

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cameron is a new young man I've been introduced to. He has been experiencing less leg pain, he has more strength, he hasn't had a fever in 24 hours and his white cell count is up. Keep up the terrific work!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetie!

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers. He is also in contact isolation at this time.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Heidi is currently in the hospital. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

*Mason's* family. He became one of God's Angels on April 27, 2005.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

*Trevor's* family. He was called Home to Heaven on April 17, 2005.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

MAY 2, 2005

Airplane Wishes 1

Today is Courtney's 11th birthday. Please stop by to wish her a VERY happy one. Happy Birthday, sweetie! We hope you have the best day possible!!

Birthday Surprise Party


*Trevor* was called Home to Heaven on April 17, 2005

*Mason* was called Home to Heaven on April 27, 2005

*Lexy* was called Home to Heaven on April 27, 2005

***Please join me in keeping these beautiful *Angels* families in your thoughts and prayers as they deal with their losses***

Mad Cow

This isn't going to be a very nice update, so please bear with me.

As most of you have been following Sammi's site for some time might know, I'm usually not afraid of voicing my frustrations if something is bugging me. Something has been bugging me for some time now and, since I don't have anything else to update on, I thought I'd bring this subject up.

As many of you who follow CaringBridge families may know, there have been quite a number of RUDE people who enjoy tormenting families by leaving hurtful messages in their guestbooks. If you visit CaringBridge pages often enough, you may catch one or two of these AWFUL messages in someone's guestbook. These messages may be left when everything is going fine for the CaringBridge family -- or it may be posted at a time when everything seems to be falling apart for them. Regardless of when a rude message is left -- IT IS COMPLETELY UNCALLED FOR AND IT REALLY TICKS ME OFF!!!

I've seen many, many families hurt by messages like these. Why would someone choose to harass a family who is already going through so much? I hate to think there are people out there who thrive on making others miserable, but I know all too well that it's true. I can't even begin to explain just how sick to my stomach this makes me. Even if this message is deleted from a guestbook before I'm able to view it, just knowing about it makes me sick.

Many families I've been following have been harassed by one of "these" people. Some families have chosen to password protect their sites, some have voiced their opinions (leaving the CaringBridge page open) and some have even gone as far as to completely delete their childs/loved ones CaringBridge page. This is completely uncalled for.

I know I won't be able to change how hurtful people can be just by voicing my opinions/feelings. I understand that. But I'm mainly posting this on Samantha's page for one reason --





I'm sorry if I seem upset and not like my upbeat self, but I am VERY upset. A lot of the kiddies/families I visit have become VERY close to me over time. I hold each and every family VERY close to my heart and it kills me to know when one of them is hurting -- especially when the cause is an ignorant person who has nothing better to do than be a jerk.

Thank you for bearing with me while I rant and rave. This really does upset me more than I can explain. And I do mean it -- I would LOVE to receive any e-mails that have anything negative to say about any CaringBridge family; whether I know them or not. NO CaringBridge family deserves to be treated this way.

Want my e-mail address again?



Weekend 1

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I'm-Using-My-Words" Therese


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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Devin and his family will leave for their Las Vegas vacation on April 24, 2005! Have a great time guys!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60earing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

*Alexia's* family. *Lexy* flew off to Heaven on April 27, 2005.

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cameron is a new young man I've been introduced to. He is currently in the hospital and has been suffering from VERY bad leg pain as well as fevers. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetie!

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Heidi is currently in the hospital. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

*Mason's* family. He became one of God's Angels on April 27, 2005.

Missa will be going in for an IVIG on May 5, 2005. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated!

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

*Trevor's* family. He was called Home to Heaven on April 17, 2005.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Hi! Hi!

I know I've been horrible as far as updating Samantha's page goes and I apologize for that. This week has been more than a little busy for me and I haven't been able to find much spare time to do any updating (let alone relaxing). I've had appointments to go to and other fun stuff like that to do all week. So far this Thursday and Friday looks pretty calm and I'm hoping it'll stay that way.


School has been going well for Miss Samantha all week. Since I haven't been doing daily updates, I'll do my best to get all of you up-to-date now. Bear with me please.


Today was Miss Samantha's first day back to school after April vacation. She had a good time at recess and even went for a walk with Bryson. (Adam, Bryson....I'm going to lose track if Sammi keeps attracting all of these little boys). She had some difficulty staying in her seat happily at circle -- I'm wondering if this has something to do with the fact that she has been out of school for a week and is having trouble getting back into the swing of things. Sammi also made a "Rain Book" with her speech therapist, Andrea. It came out looking great! It's a little flip book with animals in it. On each animal (in different parts of their bodies) are little blue paper rain drops. It's too cute!


Sammi drew, painted and played at the sand table with friends at school today. She used the slide on the playground and also walked the balance beam at recess. Surprisingly Sammi didn't bring any art projects home this afternoon. She usually brings at least one work of art home with her everyday, but we didn't get anything at all today.


I've been told that Miss Samantha has been choosing to stand at circle these days. All of the kids are usually seated during circle time, but it seems as if Miss Samantha is rebelling against this. Don't ask me what Sammi has against sitting down all of a sudden because I have no clue. Sammi went down the slide with Adam (Sammi's little boyfriend) at free time today. She also a drew a picture of Mom (ME!) with some help. Could a Mother's Day present be headed my way????


Guess what was sent home with Sammi today?

Give up?

A couple of weeks ago (before April vacation) Sammi had school pictures taken. She posed with Mrs. O'Donnell's class for one and also had an individual picture taken. We didn't have to order any packages when these individual pictures were taken because we were told that proofs would be sent home. I like this idea! I planned on ordering some pictures if Sammi looked good in them. Well the proofs arrived home with Miss Samantha this afternoon and they came out looking GREAT!!! So I will DEFINITELY be ordering some packages. I'll be more than happy to post Sammi's 2005 school photo as soon as they arrive.


I brought Sammi to her doctor this afternoon. There's nothing seriously wrong with my baby girl, just something that has been bugging me for awhile now. Sammi has had a type of rash on the backs of her knees (both knees) for a little while now. It doesn't seem to itch or hurt, but it bugs me. So we went to Sammi's Pediatrician to get it checked out today. The diagnosis: eczema.
Nothing major, just keep the areas moist.


I'm probably forgetting some things (no surprise there), but I think that's about it for now. I'll be sure to update Sammi's page again tomorrow as soon as I'm able to. Like I mentioned before, my busy schedule should calm down for the next couple of days so I'm sure I'll be able to find some free time to throw an update up.

Hoping all of you have a terrific "rest of the" week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I'm-Using-My-Words" Therese


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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Devin and his family will leave for their Las Vegas vacation on April 24, 2005! Have a great time guys!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!

Tabby is a new little girl (and a VERY cute one, I might add) who I am VERY pleased to have met through CaringBridge. She recently had an MRI done and it came out looking MUCH better than the one she had done a year ago. Congratulations, sweetie! We're VERY, VERY, VERY happy for you!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

*Alexia's* family. *Lexy* flew off to Heaven on April 27, 2005.

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cameron is a new young man I've been introduced to. He is currently in the hospital and has been suffering from VERY bad leg pain as well as fevers. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetie!

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.
May 15, 2005 -- HOPEFULLY this is the day Cody will FINALLY be heading home. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you, buddy!

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Heidi is currently in the hospital. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Hi everyone!

I had a very busy day yesterday and today is going to be about the same, but I wanted to update Sammi's page so all of you know we're doing well. Tired from all of the running around, but good.


Miss Samantha's first day back to school went well. She held hands with Bryson (I wonder if Adam saw this and was jealous? -- hehehehe), made a rain book with Miss Andrea (speech therapist) and had a little bit of a hard time calming down and sitting still during circle time. My Mom got Sammi off of the bus this afternoon since I was out running errands and the two of them got to spend some fun, quality time together until I got back.

Car 5

I got up at 5am this morning with Jeff so I could drop him off at work. I have some errands to run this afternoon and I need the car. Needless to say, I'm too awake for seven o'clock. My Mom was sweet enough to keep an ear open for Sammi while Jeff and I were gone this morning and everything went fine. Sammi was still sleeping soundly when I got back. Thank you Mom!!!


My doctor's appointment went VERY well last night. I have to say that I love my new Endocrinologist!!! I've never had a doctor that I honestly liked and now I have two of them. Woohoo!!! My Endocrinologist is a VERY sweet man and he's determined to help me get a better handle on my diabetes -- I've had the disease for 14 years now and have never had very good control over it. He wants me to meet with a Diabetes Educator and I need to go get some blood work done today while Sammi is at school. The only semi-bad news that I got was that I have a mild case of Nephropathy -- it has to do with my kidneys. He put me on a medication to help this out, so we'll see how everything checks out when I see him again in August. All in all, this wasn't a very bad visit at all. I usually dread going to the doctor, but I REALLY, REALLY like this one!


Ok, that's about it for now. It's getting to be that time where I have to get Miss Samantha up and ready for school. We hope all of you have been having an excellent week so far. I'll be pretty tied up for most of the day, but I plan on signing as many guestbooks as I possibly can tonight once things have calmed down around here.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I'm-Using-My-Words" Therese


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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

David's MRI (performed on April 21, 2005) has come back CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!
We're SO happy for you, buddy!!!

Devin and his family will leave for their Las Vegas vacation on April 24, 2005! Have a great time guys!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

My Mom had a cold quite awhile ago. Because of this, she had some trouble hearing. No one thought much of it, but she was checked out by her doctor when it continued to get worse. Some tests were run and it was discovered that my Mom has a 60% hearing loss in her right ear. Please pray that her ear heals on its own without surgery.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Heidi is currently in the hospital. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle is home, but his heart is still VERY weak. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sick In Bed

Hi everyone!

I'm not feeling too hot, so this is going to be short. No, it's not a cold or flu that I've got. Let's just say I'm a woman and once in awhile we have "women issues." Enough said, right? Good, I think so. My legs are up, I have heating pads placed in about 3 different locations and I'm semi-comfortable -- hell, I might sleep right here tonight. Grrrrrrr!


I've been a little on the busy side this weekend and I have a fun-filled day of running errands scheduled for tomorrow, so I'm not too sure when I'll be able to post another update. Sammi heads back to school tomorrow and I'll probably be off doing stuff the entire time she's gone. Then I have my joyous appointment to go to tomorrow night -- I'm telling you, the fun never stops around here.

Star 9

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but some new friends have been kind enough to sign Sammi's guestbook. Lawson, Kari, Jenna, Tabby & Jared just to name a few. Please feel free to stop by their sites to say "Hi!" As for me -- I promise to make an appearance just as soon as I get the chance. We LOVE meeting new families. That also goes for all of the families I already know -- I will be by your pages shortly. I attempted to sign a few guestbooks tonight, but unfortunately I wasn't ablt to sign as many as I would have liked.

We hope all of you had a great weekend!

Wishing all of you a wonderful week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I'm-Using-My-Words" Therese


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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Devin and his family will leave for their Las Vegas vacation on April 24, 2005! Have a great time guys!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Heidi is currently in the hospital. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Wood Cross

Please keep David in your thoughts and prayers today -- he's having an MRI done and we want EXCELLENT results!!!

Birthday Cake

Today is also *Ashley's* Heavenly birthday. We think of you all the time, sweetheart!


Hi everyone!

I would have updated Sammi's page earlier tonight, but I was busy in CaringBridge land signing guestbooks. Of course I didn't get to sign all of the ones I wanted to (thanks to Miss Samantha, Jeff and the TV shows I'm attempting to watch), so I'll be finishing up sometime tomorrow. So if I wasn't able to sign your guestbook tonight, PLEASE don't take it the wrong way! I haven't forgotten about you, I just ran out of time.


Today was a pretty boring day. I can honestly say I did absolutely nothing today -- no house work, no cleaning and Sammi and I stayed in all day. What a difference a day can make! We nearly reached 90 degrees yesterday and today we barely hit 60. Talk about cold! I've been wearing Jeff's red sweatshirt (which might as well be mine since I wear it all the time) all day so I wouldn't freeze to death. They say these temps. (below 60) are normal for April????? I don't like it!!!

Ice Cream

Every night (around 9:30 or so) I give Sammi her medicine. It's a small pill that can easily be crushed up. I put it in ice cream so she'll eat it. Believe me, she would NOT allow this pill to be placed in her mouth and swallowed. Anyway, Sammi was in the kitchen with me tonight while I was getting her ice cream ready. She surprised me when all of a sudden she said,

"My Mommy is making me ice cream."

If you had known Sammi three or four months ago, you would know that this is a BIG step for her as far as using her words is concerned. She's doing a lot better these days when it comes to using the words "My", "I", "You", etc. She's even beginning to use them in the right forms. She REALLY is amazing me more and more everyday. I'm so proud of my little Angel Bear!!!


Ok, that's it for me. I'm getting sleepy (hopefully Sammi is too, but I doubt it) and ER is coming on. I DO NOT miss ER -- especially when it's a new one. So I'm off.

Weekend 1

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I'm-Using-My-Words" Therese


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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma getting ready to pull Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle 2)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Devin and his family will leave for their Las Vegas vacation on April 24, 2005! Have a great time guys!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Heidi is currently in the hospital. Many well wishes and prayers are being sent your way, hon!

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Wood Cross

Please keep David in your thoughts and prayers today -- he's having an MRI done and we want EXCELLENT results!!!

Birthday Cake

Today is also *Ashley's* Heavenly birthday. We think of you all the time, sweetheart!


Hi everyone!

We hope all of you are doing well.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day around here! We almost hit the 90's, but not quite. We did make it into the high 80's though and Sammi and I enjoyed each and every minute of it. We spent A LOT of time playing outside this afternoon. Sammi's Great-Grandma (my Grandma) visited us this afternoon and didn't have a problem sitting outside with us. I set Sammi and my Grandma up in the only corner of shade in our backyard and they were both comfortable. When they weren't relaxing in the shade, my Grandma was pulling Sammi around in her wagon. They had a GREAT time together! I was able to take some great looking pictures which I will be more than happy to share with all of you.

(This is what I look like in the morning before my coffee)

I guess that's about all I have to say. I do want to apologize for not signing many guestbooks these days. I've been VERY busy since Sammi is on April vacation all week. I'm more than certain that I will be able to get back on track just as soon as Miss Samantha begins going to school again. Once again -- I'm sorry. Please don't think I've forgotten about any of you. All of you are very near and dear to me.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who continues to sign Sammi's guestbook. We LOVE hearing from each and every one of you!

Wishing all of you an excellent "rest of the" week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "I love being outside" Therese


Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Grandma pulling Sammi around in her wagon (top)
Sammi & Grandma reading "Green Eggs & Ham" (middle)
My beautiful little Angel Bear -- who couldn't love a face like that? (bottom)

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Birthday Babies


Birthday Card

Today is Rachel's 5th birthday and unfortunately she's stuck in the hospital and is on a ventilator. Please stop by her site and leave some well wishes for her and her family.


Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi & Mommy (top 2)
Sammi & Nuna (bottom 1)

Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

Adam C. will be celebrating his 8th birthday on May 8, 2005!!!

*Adam K's* birthday is May 28, 2005!!!

Amanda will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 12, 2005!!!

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Brittany (Crystal's sister) will be celebrating her 19th birthday on May 18, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Courtney will be celebrating her 11th birthday on May 2, 2005!!!

Crystal who is Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!
Crystal will be celebrating her 14th birthday on May 21, 2005!!!

Jakob's EKG (done on April 19, 2005) came back looking GREAT!!! Congratulations, buddy! We're SO happy for you!!

*Miranda's* birthday is May 4, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Hi everyone!

For once (surprise, surprise) I'm at a loss of words. Nothing very exciting happened around here today, so I really don't have much to talk about. Instead I'm going to leave a couple of things for everyone who is sweet enough to check up on Sammi and our family.


Just Playing
Anita Wadley

When I'm building in the block room,
Please don't say I'm "Just Playing".
For, you see, I'm learning as I play;
About balance and shapes.

When I'm getting all dressed up,
Setting the table, caring for the babies,
Don't get the idea I'm "Just Playing".
For, you see, I'm learning as I play;
I may be a mother or a father someday.

When you see me up to my elbows in paint,
Or standing at an easel, or molding and shaping clay,
Please don't let me hear you say, "She is just playing."
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I'm expressing myself and being creative.
I may be an artist or an inventor someday.

When you see me sitting in a chair,
"Reading" to an imaginary audience,
Please don't laugh and think I'm "Just Playing".
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I may be a teacher someday.

When you see me combing the bushes for bugs,
Or packing my pockets with choice things I find,
Don't pass it off as "Just Play".
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I may be a scientist someday.

When you see me engrossed in a puzzle,
Or some "plaything" at my school,
Please don't feel the time is wasted in "Play".
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I'm learning to solve problems and concentrate.
I may be in business someday.

When you see me cooking or tasting foods,
Please don't think that because I enjoy it, it is "Just Play".
I'm learning to follow directions and see differences.
I may be a chef someday.

When you see me learning to skip, hop, run, and move my body,
Please don't say I'm "Just Playing".
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I'm learning how my body works.
I may be a doctor, nurse or athlete someday.

When you ask me what I've done at school today,
And I say, "I just played."
Please don't misunderstand me.
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I'm learning to enjoy and be successful in my work.
I'm preparing for tomorrow.
Today, I'm a child and my work is play!

Pictures taken on Monday, April 18, 2005

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Here's Sammi with the book that Donna & Roy Fiveash (Angel *Cheyenne's* wonderful parents) sent to Sammi. I swear she hasn't put this book down since I showed it to her.
Thank you again Donna & Roy!!!

Sammi and Mommy (top 2)
Sammi and Nuna (bottom 1)

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Image hosted by TinyPic.com
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "Hates-Going-To-Bed" Therese

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Crystal who Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Jakob will be going in for an EKG on April 19th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel is currently in the hospital and on a ventilator. She and her family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way.

Monday, April 18, 2005

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I'm sure most of you know Mrs. Pam. She has always been wonderful as far as signing guestbooks goes as well as leaving such sweet, encouraging words for so many families. We wish you the most fantastic birthday, Mrs. Pam!

Sweating 1

Today (thankfully) was another beautiful day in our neck of the woods. Sammi, my Mom and I spent almost all day playing outside in our backyard. Sammi had a blast reading a couple of her books, running all around our backyard, playing with her big purple ball and conversing with Nancy (our next door neighbor). My Mom and I also brought Sammi for a walk this afternoon. We only went to a local convience store and Dunkin Donuts, but Sammi had a blast being pulled around in her wagon. She brought a couple of books around her on the ride, so she also enjoyed looking through them.


I also took a couple of pictures of Sammi playing outside this afternoon. I've been using my Mom's digital camera lately, so they're on there. I'll go up to her place tomorrow, upload the pictures and I should have them posted on Sammi's page tomorrow night.

Red Sox

What a team!

On Saturday (April 16th) they won (6-2) against Tampa Bay.

On Sunday (April 17th) they won (3-1) against Tampa Bay.

Today (April 18th) they won (12-7) against Toronto.

I love those boys!!!


Sammi has had an awesome time reading lately. She has always loved books, but I picked up a copy of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" for her and she hasn't put it down since. Today we got a package from Donna & Roy Fiveash (*Angel Cheyenne's* wonderful parents). In it was a book called "Wally's Red Ball." Sammi instantly fell in love with this book! She has had me and my Mom read it to her at least a dozen times each. She absolutely loves Wally (who is a duck).

So from the VERY bottom of our hearts:

Thank you SO much for your sweet gift, Donna & Roy. It came as a complete surprise and Sammi couldn't be happier with what you sent. Thank you again!

Girl In Bed

Well it's about that time to get Miss Samantha ready for bed. She just got out of the tub (she certainly needed a bath -- she was literally BLACK from all the playing she did outside today) and I'm looking forward to kicking back and relaxing for the night. We hope all of you have had a wonderful day. And once again:



Thank you VERY, VERY much, Donna & Roy!!!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "Grubby" Therese

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Crystal who Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Jakob will be going in for an EKG on April 19th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:27 PM CDT

Birthday Wishes


Make A Wish

Craig turns 8-years-old today and I know he would love it if you stopped by his page and wished him the most happiest day EVER.
Happy Birthday, Buddy! We love you!

Birthday Surprise Party


Hi everyone!

I know I usually don't do weekend updates on Sammi's page (unless it's someone's birthday or an *Angel* has been called Home), but I had a couple of things I wanted to share with everyone. So before I forget, here we go..............


As all of you know by now, the only things Sammi eats are vanilla ice cream and a certain kind of Campbell's soup. Before my Mom and I made up our own concoction (sp?) of "soup", Jeff and I e-mailed Campbell's asking for some coupons for their products. We explained (in full detail I might add) how it is the only thing Sammi eats, its cost and how Miss Samantha is autistic, which is why this is all she eats. We didn't hear anything for over a week. A couple of days ago I got a letter from Campbell's. Does anyone want to guess what was sent to us? C'mon. I bet you'll never guess how generous these people are.

We were sent

***brace yourselves***

One coupon for 50 cents off a Campbell's product.

I think I'll just leave it at that.


As I explained before, Sammi is doing GREAT as far as using her words is concerned. I'm more than certain this has to do with the speech therapy she receives in school as well as interacting with the kiddies in her class. Regardless, she's becoming a pro. Everyone around her has noticed how much Sammi is using her words these days and how fantastic she is in doing so.

This afternoon Sammi, my Mom, Eddie (my Mom's German Shepherd) and I were standing outside on my Mom's porch. My Mom was holding Sammi while I was standing close by with Eddie. My Mom started singing to Sammi and all of a sudden Sammi comes out with:

"Ok, shhh, Nuna"

My Mom and I couldn't stop laughing. I guess Sammi had heard enough of my Mom's singing. *lol* Please don't think (by reading this) that Sammi has become a little wise a**. Far from it! It really was too cute.

Burnt To A Crisp

Ok everyone, that's about it from our end. The weekend weather was beautiful and I heard a rumor that the weather is suppose to continue to be warm and sunny for the rest of the week. Woohoo! If that's the case, Sammi and I will be spending LOTS of time playing outside.

We hope all of you have had a fantastic weekend!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha "The Hurricane" Therese

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TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!

Crystal who Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Jakob will be going in for an EKG on April 19th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Birthday Wishes


Make A Wish

Craig turns 8-years-old today and I know he would love it if you stopped by his page and wished him the most happiest day EVER.
Happy Birthday, Buddy! We love you!

Birthday Surprise Party

One more thing before I go................

Slugger 1

Way to go, Sox! I saw every inning of their 6 - 2 win over Tampa Bay and it was a beautiful thing!


Let's see if Gordon can win another one. My fingers are crossed and my Gordon shirt is on -- I plan on putting Sammi's on her soon enough.

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!

Crystal who Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Jakob will be going in for an EKG on April 19th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Birthday Song



Calvin is Autumn's one-year-old baby brother. Him and his sister are just the cutest things in the world. If you know of Autumn's CaringBridge address, please feel free to stop by and wish Calvin a VERY happy day. Happy Birthday, buddy! We hope it's the best for you!

Airplane Wishes 1

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!

Crystal who Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Jakob will be going in for an EKG on April 19th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Friday, April 15, 2005

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*The Happy Couple*


My Mom & step-Dad celebrate their 5 year wedding anniversary today.

We love you two VERY much and wish you the most wonderful day!

From Miss Samantha:

Happy Anniversary, Nuna & Grandpa!
You two are the best grandparents a little stinker like me could ever have. I love you lots and lots and can't wait to spend bunches of time playing outside with you this weekend. I hope the weather is nice so you can take turns pulling me around the yard in my wagon.
Samantha Therese

***This is one of Sammi's Care Bears, Love-a-Lot Bear as an astronaut***
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!

Crystal who Student of the Month at her school. Congratulations, hon!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

David who will be having an MRI done on April 21, 2005.

Jakob will be going in for appointments on April 14th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Airplane Wishes 2

He turned 9-years-old today and (unfortunately) had to spend the day in the hospital. If you haven't already, please stop by and wish him a VERY happy day.
Happy Birthday, Buddy!!!



My meeting with Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's teacher) went well. I brought Casey (our puppy) along, but he had to sit in the car and wait for me until I got back. Casey LOVES going for car rides and is always on his best behavior when I bring him along.

Mrs. O'Donnell told me that Sammi is doing VERY well in her class. She has been making friends (especially Adam -- I'll tell you some more about him in a second), has been participating well in class activities, has been doing excellent using her words, has been doing great in all of her therapies, etc. etc. Mrs. O'Donnell really doesn't have any concerns about Samantha at this time, except for the toilet training that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

There are only a few things Sammi needs to work on in school. She still needs some work when it comes to hanging up her coat and backpack, getting papers out of her cubby, using the potty and being told what to do and when to do it. Hey, I don't even like it when someone tries to tell me what to do. Gee, where does Sammi get this from? hehehe

Couple 2

Now onto Adam.

First of all, I have to say that he is definitely a cutie. I saw a picture of him tonight while I was meeting with Mrs. O'Donnell and I would be VERY pleased to have him as a son-in-law.

I've been hearing a lot of about Sammi and Adam hanging out these days. They play together, hold hands, sit together, etc. I also found out that they ride to school on the same bus in the morning. Well this morning Adam greeted Sammi when she got off the bus. After that they held hands and went for a walk together. How cute is that? I can just picture Adam and Sammi holding each others little hands. I told Mrs. O'Donnell I'm going to send a disposable camera to school with Sammi from now on so she can get cute pictures of the two of them together.

I am NOT ready to discuss the birds and the bees with my 4-year-old. Someone make her stop growing up!

Mini Bus

Another thing Mrs. O'Donnell and I talked about (and agreed on) was that Miss Samantha will more than likely be going to school for a full day next year. Right now she goes from 9am to 11:30am. She'll be in Pre-K again next year and I was always under the impression that all Pre-K classes were just half day -- I guess I was wrong! I know Sammi will adjust well to going to school full time and I'm sure I'll adjust just as well.

Bye Bye

Well everyone, that's about all that has happened around here today. We hope everyone has had a wonderful day/week. I'm not sure when my next update will be, but all of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers regardless of how often I update.

These pictures were taken on Sunday, April 10, 2005. We had some beautiful weather this weekend, so Sammi and I spent LOTS of time playing outside. Here are some of the pictures I took on that day.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

***And I also forgot to add this one the last time I posted pictures***
***This is one of Sammi's Care Bears, Love-a-Lot Bear as an astronaut***
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1

*Ashley's* birthday is April 21, 2005!!!


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Cody will be celebrating his 9th birthday on April 14, 2005!!! (Unfortunately he'll be celebrating his birthday in the hospital).

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!

Rachel will be celebrating her 5th birthday on April 20, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Jakob will be going in for appointments on April 14th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Buried In Snow

Why (you may ask) did I put a snowy picture up there? Well let me tell you. This afternoon when I got Sammi off the bus, guess what it was doing? Nope, it wasn't snowing. Give up? Hail! We had a small hail storm pass through our neck of the woods. It wasn't bad and it didn't last long at all, but it was still kind of freaky. And then, less than ten minutes after it started, it stopped and the sun was shining once again. You have to expect things like that when you live in New England. I LOVE living in New England. I don't know of any other place where it can be sunny one minute, but snowy the next if you blink your eyes.

Camera 3

I got a VERY good report from Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's teacher) as far as the school pictures that were taken today was concerned. Mrs. O'Donnell told me that Sammi did a great job sitting still for both her class picture and individual picture. WOOHOO!!! I can't wait to see how they came out. I love it when Sammi feels like cooperating. It doesn't happen too often, but it's wonderful when it does.

German Shepard

Update on Eddie:

He's fine. He must be feeling a lot better because he's back to being a pain in everyone's butt. He has been limping lately, but I have a funny feeling it's just because he wants some more sympathy from everyone. Big faker.

Cleaning The Toilet

Miss Samantha now thinks it's great fun to play with our toilet. Please, please, please don't ask me why. Only God knows why she does the things she does. All afternoon she was having a blast putting our toilet seat up and down, opening the doors of our medicine cabinet and (I was grossed out by this) I even caught her sticking her little girl hands in the toilet water a couple of times. I have no idea where this new fascination has come from, but I hope it fades away soon.


Ok everyone, it's time to give Sammi her medicine so I should get going. I hope all of you are well.

Hoping every one of you has a fantastic "rest of the" week!

These pictures were taken on Sunday, April 10, 2005. We had some beautiful weather this weekend, so Sammi and I spent LOTS of time playing outside. Here are some of the pictures I took on that day.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

***And I also forgot to add this one the last time I posted pictures***
***This is one of Sammi's Care Bears, Love-a-Lot Bear as an astronaut***
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 14, 2005:
I will be meeting with Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's Pre-K teacher) for a parent/teacher conference tonight.

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Cody will be celebrating his 9th birthday on April 14, 2005!!! (Unfortunately he'll be celebrating his birthday in the hospital).

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Jakob will be going in for appointments on April 14th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

German Shepard

What a day, what a day.

Poor Eddie (my Mom's German Shepherd) hasn't been feeling well lately, so I was elected to stay upstairs for the day and take care of the poor baby. He seemed to be feeling fine by the time Miss Samantha and I headed back downstairs for the night, so I'm hoping he's on his way to recovery. These colds that have been hitting everyone lately don't discriminate, do they? People, pets -- anyone can get it I guess.


The head cold Sammi has been dealing with has now turned into a chest cold. Thank goodness for Delsym! I'm telling you, that stuff works wonders! I can't take it, but it ALWAYS does the trick when I give it to Sammi. Even though I'm more than certain Sammi is just dealing with the same cold that everyone else has been dealing with lately, I'm considering bringing her to her doctor if she isn't better by next week. I guess we'll just have to wait it out.


I have a secret to tell all of you, but you can't let Sammi in on it.

As many of you know, the only two things Sammi eats are vanilla ice cream and soup. The soup she eats is Campbell's Select Creamy Chicken Alfredo. Now let me tell you, this stuff is VERY expensive. Usually it's $1.99 a can, but the price has recently gone up to $2.50. Now add in the fact that Sammi eats this stuff three times a day, seven days a week. Costly, huh?

Just recently I tried making my own batch of "soup." I cooked up some rotini (the same noodles used in the soup Sammi loves), baby carrots and added some Alfredo sauce. I put the bowl in front of Sammi when she asked for soup and my jaw dropped when Sammi picked up a noodle (she likes to use her fingers rather than a spoon when she's eating her soup), put it in her mouth and spit it right back out. I couldn't believe it!

So this past Monday my Mom and I tried something else. My Mom cooked up some noodles and we added them to the ORIGINAL sauce that comes with the Campbell's Select soup. Now, are you all ready for this?????

IT WORKED!!!!!!!!

Sammi will actually eat this stuff, which leads me to believe it was the sauce that was throwing her off. Now instead of going through 21 cans of soup a week (which adds up to -- *gulp* -- over $50) we're going to start buying boxes of noodles (which are $.99 -- thank you very much) and a couple of cans of soup for the sauce. You gotta love Autism.

Blah Blah Blah

Ok, I think I've subjected all of you to quite enough of my rambling. Please continue to check all of the lists below as I try to change them as often as I'm able to. I've also posted some new pictures for all of you to look at.


These pictures were taken on Sunday, April 10, 2005. We had some beautiful weather this weekend, so Sammi and I spent LOTS of time playing outside. Here are some of the pictures I took on that day.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

***And I also forgot to add this one the last time I posted pictures***
***This is one of Sammi's Care Bears, Love-a-Lot Bear as an astronaut***
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 13, 2005:
School pictures will be taken in Sammi's class

April 14, 2005:
I will be meeting with Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's Pre-K teacher) for a parent/teacher conference tonight.

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Cody will be celebrating his 9th birthday on April 14, 2005!!!

Corey will be celebrating his 4th birthday on April 25, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!

Mrs. Pam will be celebrating a birthday on April 18, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda now has Strep AGAIN!
Get well soon, sweetie!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Jakob will be going in for appointments on April 14th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Red Sox

Hi everyone!

An 8 - 1 win over the Yankees this afternoon. Who could ask for more? Could we be on our way to another championship? I don't want to jinx anything, so I'll just stop there. All I'll say is..............



Despite the head cold that just doesn't want to go away, Miss Samantha had a good day in school. She had speech with Miss Andrea today and did such a great job that she got a Dora sticker to wear on her coat! Sammi isn't really into Dora, but she was thrilled to have a sticker to show off.


This afternoon, once Sammi got home from school, I gave her some medicine as soon as she was finished with her soup and we took a little nap together. Because of the coughing Sammi has been doing, she got me up at four o'clock this morning. She fell asleep for about an hour before it was time to get ready for school, but I've been up ever since. Needless to say, I'm just a little tired.

(My Mom will probably kill me for putting this up)

Sammi and I spent a little time upstairs with Nuna and Grandpa tonight. Sammi ate soup (and made a mess of herself in the process), tormented Eddie and watched The Care Bears movie Journey to Joke-a-Lot (or "Johnny Joke-a-Lot" as Miss Samantha likes to call it) in Nuna and Grandpa's room. Sammi always has a great time hanging out with Nuna, Grandpa, Eddie and Ruger.

Bubble Bath

Jeff gave Sammi a bath tonight while I ran out to the store for a couple of minutes. Sammi had a great time splashing around and soaking our bathroom floor. I'm telling you, the floor is absolutely soaking wet. We usually have to lay down about 5 or 6 towels just to sop up all of the wetness Sammi has left behind. So here's a little heads up to anyone who is thinking of visiting us after Sammi has had a bath -- If you need to use our bathroom, make sure you're wearing shoes or your socks will get soaked.


Parent/teacher conferences are this Thursday (April 14th) and I have an appointment at 6:15p to meet with Sammi's teacher, Mrs. O'Donnell. Since Jeff and I share a car, I'm hoping and praying he'll be home from work in time so I can make this appointment. Mrs. O'Donnell and I are in constant contact during the school week (we have a notebook we pass back and forth to each other with comments, questions, concerns, etc), but I'd like to see her face to face again. Hopefully I'll come home with a VERY good report.


Have you noticed the new background on Sammi's page? I found it while I was surfing around on the net this afternoon. The puzzle pieces are for Autism. I've been searching for an Autism type background for awhile now and I was thrilled this afternoon when I finally found one.

Family Portrait

Ok, that's about it from our end. I'm going to be changing the pictures on the front of Sammi's page tomorrow. I have some new ones to put up in their place.

We hope all of you have a great week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

And now for your viewing pleasure.................

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is the cake my Mom and step-Dad got for me for my birthday in February. Ruger is the puppy pictured on the cake. He's my baby. Isn't he adorable?!?!?!?*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is the cake my step-Dad and I got for my Mom's birthday in March. The puppy pictured is Eddie; my Mom's baby*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*Here's another adorable picture of my Ruger. Isn't he just the sweetest thing? My Mom took this picture especially for me when she caught Ruger laying like this. Thank you, Mom!*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*Here's Casey! He thinks he's a cat since he lives in a house with three of them. Yes, the cats enjoy beating up on poor Casey when they get the chance. Casey sleeps with Mommy (me) every night until Daddy (Jeff) kicks him out from underneath the covers*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is Gordon. Sorry this picture isn't any better, but he would have moved if I had woken him up. We have two white cats in our house; Gordon is the smaller one. All four of our animals are Mommy's babies, except for Gordon -- he has always favored Jeff over me*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is Marble. I know I'm not supposed to play favorites with three cats in the house, but Marble is DEFINITELY my favorite. Every night he sleeps above my head on my pillow. His wheezing (he has allergies) puts me to sleep every night*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is Aahz; our bigger white cat. He was VERY skittish when we first got him and refused to go near anyone. He has gotten A LOT better now. He especially likes standing on the back of Sammi's high chair and reaching for someone he wants to pat him. He also has the sweetest little meow*

***And now introducing***

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 13, 2005:
School pictures will be taken in Sammi's class

April 14, 2005:
I will be meeting with Mrs. O'Donnell (Sammi's Pre-K teacher) for a parent/teacher conference tonight.

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins

Rolly 1CaringBridge Kiddies Happy News (we need more of this)Rolly 1


Calvin (Autumn's baby brother) will be celebrating his first birthday on April 16, 2005!!!

Craig will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda is feeling better (woohoo!) but her poor Mom, Andrea, has got Strep. Get well SOON, Andrea!!!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

Autumn will be going in for appointments on May 10th.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Cody is back in the hospital and could use LOTS of prayers.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up this week.
Corey's Mom, Margo, and sister, Alyssa, are fighting infections at this time. Please keep them in your prayers as well.

Craig will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Jakob will be going in for appointments on April 14th.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle has been sick for over 1 1/2 weeks now and is in the hospital. His heart is VERY weak right now. Please send LOTS and LOTS of prayers to Kyle and his family.

LaKota will be going in for a bone marrow transplant follow-up biopsy test on May 17th.
She will also be seen by a Pediatric Endocrine and will be having a glucose tolerance test done on May 19th.

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Too Happy 1

Carol's Back!!!
Carol's Back!!!
Carol's Back!!!

Carol is a longtime friend of my Mom's. I grew up around Carol and have always been close to her. I'm so close to her that she is also Miss Samantha's Godmother. 2 years ago my Mom, Carol and I lost touch. Carol originally lived in the same city as us (not too far from our house actually), but she moved to New Hampshire when her sister got divorced. That was 2 years ago, like I mentioned. None of us talked or saw each other in those 2 years -- until last night. Carol, my Mom, Slappy (my step-Dad) and I all went out together last night and we had a blast. Sammi stayed home with Jeff while we were out. And much to our surprise and happiness, Carol stopped by our house and spent some time with us this afternoon. She also got to see her Goddaughter (my beautiful Samantha) for the first time in 2 years. It's GREAT to have Carol back!!! We missed you and are SO glad to see you again!!! Hopefully we will NOT be losing touch again.

Sunburn 2

The weather today was absolutely gorgeous! Sammi, my Mom, Carol, Slappy and I spent the entire afternoon outside in our backyard. Sammi had a terrific time playing with some eye glass cases my Mom gave her (they're colorful, which makes Sammi like them even more), a monkey key chain my Mom gave her, riding in her wagon, riding on her bike and sitting with us at our picnic table. Sammi asked to watch "Rolie Polie Olie" a little while after Carol arrived, so I brought her inside to stay with Jeff while she watched TV. I brought Sammi back out after an hour or so and Sammi was ready to play again. I think the heat started getting to her. Plus her head cold is still bugging her, so that might have tired her out as well.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Yeah baby!!!
Though I was outside for most of the afternoon, I came in just in time to see JEFF GORDON crossing the start/finish line in FIRST (I repeat -- FIRST) PLACE!!!
That's my boy!!!


Well, we had a fantastic weekend. Sammi is in the tub right now (she's having a lot of fun, so it'll probably be a struggle getting her out), Jeff's making dinner (what a nice guy, huh?) and I plan on cleaning up a little bit. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Needless to say the housework around here has been ignored all weekend due to the nice weather.

We hope all of you had a good weekend as well!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I'm going to leave these up for a couple more days. I have some more pictures to show to all of you, so I'll be posting them somewhere around the middle of this week.

And now for your viewing pleasure.................

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is the cake my Mom and step-Dad got for me for my birthday in February. Ruger is the puppy pictured on the cake. He's my baby. Isn't he adorable?!?!?!?*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is the cake my step-Dad and I got for my Mom's birthday in March. The puppy pictured is Eddie; my Mom's baby*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*Here's another adorable picture of my Ruger. Isn't he just the sweetest thing? My Mom took this picture especially for me when she caught Ruger laying like this. Thank you, Mom!*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*Here's Casey! He thinks he's a cat since he lives in a house with three of them. Yes, the cats enjoy beating up on poor Casey when they get the chance. Casey sleeps with Mommy (me) every night until Daddy (Jeff) kicks him out from underneath the covers*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is Gordon. Sorry this picture isn't any better, but he would have moved if I had woken him up. We have two white cats in our house; Gordon is the smaller one. All four of our animals are Mommy's babies, except for Gordon -- he has always favored Jeff over me*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is Marble. I know I'm not supposed to play favorites with three cats in the house, but Marble is DEFINITELY my favorite. Every night he sleeps above my head on my pillow. His wheezing (he has allergies) puts me to sleep every night*

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*This is Aahz; our bigger white cat. He was VERY skittish when we first got him and refused to go near anyone. He has gotten A LOT better now. He especially likes standing on the back of Sammi's high chair and reaching for someone he wants to pat him. He also has the sweetest little meow*

***And now introducing***

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Weekend 1

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 13, 2005:
School pictures will be taken in Sammi's class

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda is feeling better (woohoo!) but her poor Mom, Andrea, has got Strep. Get well SOON, Andrea!!!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up next week.
Corey's Mom, Margo, and sister, Alyssa, are fighting infections at this time. Please keep them in your prayers as well.

Craig who will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!
and who will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle who has been sick for over a week now and who has lost 10 pounds. Feel better soon, sweetie!

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Friday, April 8, 2005


*Benjamin* became an Angel on April 7, 2005. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers and, if you have his CaringBridge address, please pass along your condolences to them.

I wasn't planning on making an update today, but I realized I had forgotten to mention something in last night's update. Sammi's head cold is driving her nuts, so she's VERY clingy today. So this won't take very long.

Bubble Bath

Every week night, Sammi gets a bath so she'll be nice and clean for her next day of school. Wednesday night, as usual, she took a bath. She ended up getting out of the tub by herself and wandered (naked I might add) into my bedroom to find me. When I noticed her standing there I asked her what she was doing. This is exactly what she said to me:

"I'm all done with the bath, Mommy."

You have no idea how THRILLED I was to hear this from my little Angel Bear! Now that you all think I'm nuts, let me explain.

Sammi has had speech problems since she was just a little thing. Sure she talks up a storm, but she has difficulty when it comes to using the words "I" or "My" or when she tries asking for something. When she wants some ice cream, nine times out of ten I'll get:

"Do you want some ice cream, Mommy?"

This means she wants some, but she isn't sure how to ask for it. We're still working on all of this and the speech therapy she receives in school has been FANTASTIC! You can definitely notice how much Sammi has changed.

Ok, I'm done bragging. Just wanted to share some of our WONDERFUL news with everyone.


Before I go, I want to add some pictures I've taken recently. We hope you like them.

And now for your viewing pleasure.................

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*This is the cake my Mom and step-Dad got for me for my birthday in February. Ruger is the puppy pictured on the cake. He's my baby. Isn't he adorable?!?!?!?*

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*This is the cake my step-Dad and I got for my Mom's birthday in March. The puppy pictured is Eddie; my Mom's baby*

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*Here's another adorable picture of my Ruger. Isn't he just the sweetest thing? My Mom took this picture especially for me when she caught Ruger laying like this. Thank you, Mom!*

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*Here's Casey! He thinks he's a cat since he lives in a house with three of them. Yes, the cats enjoy beating up on poor Casey when they get the chance. Casey sleeps with Mommy (me) every night until Daddy (Jeff) kicks him out from underneath the covers*

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*This is Gordon. Sorry this picture isn't any better, but he would have moved if I had woken him up. We have two white cats in our house; Gordon is the smaller one. All four of our animals are Mommy's babies, except for Gordon -- he has always favored Jeff over me*

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*This is Marble. I know I'm not supposed to play favorites with three cats in the house, but Marble is DEFINITELY my favorite. Every night he sleeps above my head on my pillow. His wheezing (he has allergies) puts me to sleep every night*

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*This is Aahz; our bigger white cat. He was VERY skittish when we first got him and refused to go near anyone. He has gotten A LOT better now. He especially likes standing on the back of Sammi's high chair and reaching for someone he wants to pat him. He also has the sweetest little meow*

***And now introducing***

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Weekend 1

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

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TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 13, 2005:
School pictures will be taken in Sammi's class

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda is feeling better (woohoo!) but her poor Mom, Andrea, has got Strep. Get well SOON, Andrea!!!

Amanda Panda who needs to start gaining some weight.

*Benjamin's* family, friends and loved ones. *Benjamin* passed away on April 7, 2005.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.
Corey also has A LOT of appointments coming up next week.
Corey's Mom, Margo, and sister, Alyssa, are fighting infections at this time. Please keep them in your prayers as well.

Craig who will be celebrating his 8th birthday on April 17, 2005!!!
and who will be having scans done on September 2, 2005. Hey, it's never too soon to start praying, right?

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle who has been sick for over a week now and who has lost 10 pounds. Feel better soon, sweetie!

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Thursday, April 7, 2005

Hi Ya

Hi everyone!
I apologize for not updating until now. I don't have an excuse at all. Well actually I've been waiting to be able to post some pictures, but I figured I'd post an update while I'm waiting since I have no idea when I'll be able to do that.


Sammi has been having an excellent week in school. Every day has been a good day for her, thank goodness. She has had a few accidents here and there -- bumping her head mostly, but I've passed that off as her not feeling well. She still has a head cold, so I'm guessing that's what has been throwing her off.


My Dad and Grandma came to visit Miss Samantha and myself yesterday. Since it was such a beautiful day, we spent our visiting time playing outside. Sammi had a blast getting pulled around in her wagon by both my Dad and Grandma. She also had lots of fun riding her little bike (the one that is too small for her) all over our lawn. Sammi got to have all of the fun while Mommy raked. Yup, that's right. Once again Sammi gets to have all the fun while Mommy has all the work to do. Hey, I'm not complaining. I made our backyard look pretty damn good! (If I do say so myself)

Weekend 2

Well our weekend has begun. Miss Samantha doesn't have school on Friday, so our weekend usually begins when Sammi gets out of school on Thursday -- today!

So to everyone who has checked up on us:

Weekend 1

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

TeddyAppointments & other shtuff on our agendaTeddy

April 13, 2005:
School pictures will be taken in Sammi's class

April 15, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating their 5-year wedding anniverary today

April 18 - 24, 2005:
Sammi will be on April vacation

April 25, 2005:
I have an appointment to see a new endocrinologist (oh joy!)

May 4, 2005:
Today is Missy's birthday!
(*Missy is my Dad's girlfriend*)

May 5, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 10 - 21, 2005:
My Mom and step-Dad will be vacationing in Cancun

May 16, 2005:
Purple HeartTonyPurple Heart

May 24, 2005:
Samantha has an appointment with her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda is feeling better (woohoo!) but her poor Mom, Andrea, has got Strep. Get well SOON, Andrea!!!

Benjamin whose condition continues to worse but who thankfully isn't in any pain.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated. Please pray for a miracle to come her way.

Kyle who has been sick for over a week now and who has lost 10 pounds. Feel better soon, sweetie!

Rachel who could use some prayers sent her way.

Monday, April 4, 2005

Hi Ya

Hi everyone!

Couldn't Be Better

Jeff is feeling MUCH better. He ended up staying home on Friday, but was feeling better as the weekend went on. Miss Samantha has the sniffles and has been coughing on and off, but that's about it. I can deal with a head cold more than a stomach flu.


Jeff & Sammi spent some quality time together on Saturday night while my Mom and I went out for a few hours. I heard Miss Samantha was a VERY good little girl while Mommy was gone. Of course she gave Jeff a hard time when it was time for night-nights, but she does that to me too so it doesn't count as misbeahving.


Sammi had a good day in school today. She came home with the cutest little astronaut helmet that she made in Mrs. O'Donnell's class. All it is is a brown paper bag cut in half. The front of the bag is cut out and a piece of plastic is in its place. It really is the cutest thing! Mrs. O'Donnell's new theme in her classroom is transportation. I'm hoping we'll be getting some more cute projects sent home.

Ok, I suppose that's about all I have to say for the time being. I'll be back by Samantha's CaringBridge page again tonight to add some more things to her page.

We hope all of you are well!
Have an excellent week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

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My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall. She also hasn't been able to visit Miss Samantha as much as she would like due to her bad back.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda is feeling better (woohoo!) but her poor Mom, Andrea, has got Strep. Get well SOON, Andrea!!!

Benjamin whose condition continues to worse but who thankfully isn't in any pain.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated.

Rachel will be seen by a pediatric oncologist on April 5th. Sweet Rachel is tired from all the testing she has been having done, but isn't that understandable? What a trooper she is!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Our most sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of *Terri Schiavo*. At least now she'll finally be able to rest in peace.

Sick In Bed

This is what Jeff continues to look like. He was able to make it to work today, but he ended up throwing up a couple of times while he was there. He's eating some dinner right now, so we're both hoping it'll STAY DOWN this time. Sammi and I still aren't showing any signs of sickness -- knock on wood.

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My Dad came to visit us this afternoon once Miss Samantha had gotten home from school. Papa and Sammi had a great time watching and singing along with Sammi's "Sesame Street Sing Along" video. Of course Sammi was devestated when Papa had to go home, but it was nice seeing the two of them spending quality time together.

Bye Bye

We hope all of you have a fantastic weekend! Our weekend will start a day in advance since Miss Samantha doesn't go to school on Friday. Jeff may or may not be having a long weekend himself -- we'll have to see in the morning.

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

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FlowerThank You'sFlower

--Kaidrie and Family for the BEAUTIFUL Easter card we received last week. Thank you guys! It's still hanging up on our fridge and I don't think it'll be taken down anytime soon.

--The Ross Family for the VERY thoughtful box of Easter goodies that we were surprised with. We appreciate everything you sent and can't thank you enough for thinking of us.

--Mrs. Pam -- I apologize because this thank you is VERY over due. Sammi received the GORGEOUS Easter card you sent to her. We absolutely love it. It too is hanging on our fridge as we speak. Thank you for your kindness; it means so much to us.


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall. She also hasn't been able to visit Miss Samantha as much as she would like due to her bad back.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

Terri Schiavo and her family.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda who is recovering from Strep and is trying to get rid of a nasty fever and sore throat.

Benjamin whose condition continues to worse but who thankfully isn't in any pain.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated.

Rachel who will be having an MRI/bone scan done on March 31st as well as a PET scan on April 1st.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Easter Cross

I came to Sammi's page tonight to update all of you on the things that have been going on in our neck of the woods this week. But after visiting Kaidrie's CaringBridge page, my mind is a blank. I'm adding her to my "Prayer List" below. Please, please, please remember her and her family in your prayers. They can use every single one that comes their way. Thank you!

Sick In Bed

See the picture above? That's what Jeff looked like when he came home early from work yesterday. He also stayed home from work today, but he's doing A LOT better than he was. I'm guessing he got one of those wonderful 24 hour stomach bugs from somewhere. Now I'm hoping and praying it doesn't come after Sammi and I next. Keep those fingers crossed for us please.

Bye Bye

Ok, that's all for now. I apologize again for this little update. I'm just not in the mood to write much tonight. I do want to thank all of you for continuing to sign Sammi's guestbook. It's great hearing from so many friends and meeting new people is just as wonderful.

We hope all of you have an excellent "rest of the" week!

Love SongWith Much LoveLove Song
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese "Our Little Terror"

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FlowerThank You'sFlower

--Kaidrie and Family for the BEAUTIFUL Easter card we received last week. Thank you guys! It's still hanging up on our fridge and I don't think it'll be taken down anytime soon.

--The Ross Family for the VERY thoughtful box of Easter goodies that we were surprised with. We appreciate everything you sent and can't thank you enough for thinking of us.

--Mrs. Pam -- I apologize because this thank you is VERY over due. Sammi received the GORGEOUS Easter card you sent to her. We absolutely love it. It too is hanging on our fridge as we speak. Thank you for your kindness; it means so much to us.


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall. She also hasn't been able to visit Miss Samantha as much as she would like due to her bad back.

Katie is a woman my Mom works with. Katie's Mom has been battling cancer for awhile now and it looks as though her time on this Earth is drawing to a close.

Terri Schiavo and her family.

FlowersCaringBridge KiddiesFlowers:

Amanda who is recovering from Strep and is trying to get rid of a nasty fever and sore throat.

Corey who continues to have both good and bad days. Unfortunately the bad days seem to be occuring more often than the good.

Kaidrie whose family received some devestating news recently. Any and all prayers sent their way would be VERY MUCH appreciated.

Rachel who will possibly having an MRI/bone scan done tomorrow (March 31st) as well as a PET scan on Friday (April 1st).

I apologize if I'm missing anyone. It doesn't mean I've forgotten, just that my mind isn't where it should be right now.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Chill Pill

I apologize for not being able to update Sammi's page sooner than this. I've been fighting back and forth with Sammi's doctors office TRYING to get her prescription filled. Luckily I was finally able to do it this morning (THANK GOODNESS!!! -- I was at my wits end with these people), so I'm a little more relaxed now and I'm able to stop and think for a second or two. Hopefully that means I'll be able to remember all that I'd like to say.

Easter Basket

We hope all of you were able to celebrate a Happy Easter with your friends and family. Our day turned out to be a pretty good one. Jeff, Sammi and I spent a good part of the day upstairs with my Mom and step-Dad. The Easter Bunny was VERY nice to Miss Samantha this year. He gave her the cutest little Care Bears Easter basket, a Hershey's tin (with a flower on the front that spins around -- Sammi LOVES playing with this flower) and two Jo Jo's Circus videos ("Animal A Go-Go" and "Take a Bow"). I'd say Sammi made out pretty well.

Jigsaw Puzzle

My Dad came over to visit with Sammi and I for a little bit this afternoon. Unfortunately he has a pretty nasty chest cold right now, so he wasn't able to stay for long. He brought over a few Easter presents for Sammi from him and Missy (his girlfriend). Sammi got a Spongebob book, a Potty book and an ABC puzzle from them. I'm telling you, this kid made out just as well as she does at Christmas time.


Remember I mentioned before how Sammi brings a book home from her class library once a week? Well this weeks book was called "By Myself or With My Friends"
Sammi and I sat on my bed tonight and read it together. Sammi seemed to like this book, but she didn't seem overly impressed with it. She was VERY attentive though and allowed me to read the book twice to her, so I really can't ask for much more.

Bye Bye

Well, I suppose that's about it from our end. I thought I would have had more to say, but I guess not. If I end up thinking of something, I'll be sure to come back and add it to Sammi's page.

We hope all of you have a wonderful "rain-free" week. It rained all day today (it's 8:30p right now and it's STILL raining) and I heard we get to look forward to the same weather tomorrow. Joy.

All of you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers.

Love Song

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese (Our Little Terror)

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FlowerThank You'sFlower

--Kaidrie and Family for the BEAUTIFUL Easter card we received last week. Thank you guys! It's still hanging up on our fridge and I don't think it'll be taken down anytime soon.

--The Ross Family for the VERY thoughtful box of Easter goodies that we were surprised with. We appreciate everything you sent and can't thank you enough for thinking of us.

--Mrs. Pam -- I apologize because this thank you is VERY over due. Sammi received the GORGEOUS Easter card you sent to her. We absolutely love it. It too is hanging on our fridge as we speak. Thank you for your kindness; it means so much to us.


My Grandma who is (and has been for awhile now) dealing with back pain. It doesn't seem to be getting better and has been driving her up a wall. She also hasn't been able to visit Miss Samantha as much as she would like due to her bad back.

Corey who is doing very well these days, but is currently being bugged by a yucky cold.

Benjamin whose tumors have spread and whose condition seems to be declining.

Sweet Kaidrie who hasn't been eating much, has been sleeping for longer periods of time and who has been having some pretty bad dreams lately.

Terri Schiavo and her family

Sunday, March 27, 2005



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Here's a tribute to my VERY FAVORITE Easter Candy......Cadbury Creme Eggs! This is really funny!

Cadbury Creme Egg Tribute

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Go Gordon!!!
Go Team Hendrick!!!

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Friday, March 18, 2005

is a beautiful and amazing young lady who has been through so very much in her life. Despite the struggles she faces, RachelJoy has always managed to land on her feet. I promise you will be happy to have met her if you take the time to stop by her siteRainbow



Please take the time to stop by *Angel Emerald's* site. This little sweetheart was welcomed into Heaven on March 12th and will be forever loved and missed.


First off I'd like to wish everyone a very

Happy St. Patty's Day

Yeah, I know I'm a day late wishing everyone a happy one but better late than never, right?


Poor little Sammi got her very first splinter tonight. Does anyone know how difficult it is trying to get a splinter out of a 4-year-old autistic child's foot? Well let me tell you, it's EXTREMELY difficult. This is the same little girl who throws a fit when I take her to her doctor and he attempts to listen to her breathing. She also fights off anyone who tries to take her blood pressure. And as far as looking in her ears and eyes goes -- forget about it. So I'm guessing all of you can imagine how much of a big deal this was for all of us. I don't even know how she got a splinter in her foot in the first place, but that's beside the point. Anyway, Grandpa came up with the idea of throwing Sammi in the tub and letting the splinter work itself out. THANK YOU, GRANDPA! His idea worked and there were no more tears from Miss Samantha. Hopefully we won't have to go through this again anytime soon.

Happy Anniversary

Tomorrow will mark 4 years for Jeff and I. We'll be going out to dinner tomorrow night while Miss Samantha and her Nuna spend some quality time together.

And for Jeff:

I Love You

That's about it for me. It's getting late here, so I should probably hit the sack. I hope all is well with all of you. Have a great weekend, everyone!

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese


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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

is a beautiful and amazing young lady who has been through so very much in her life. Despite the struggles she faces, RachelJoy has always managed to land on her feet. I promise you will be happy to have met her if you take the time to stop by her siteRainbow



Please take the time to stop by *Angel Emerald's* site. This little sweetheart was welcomed into Heaven on March 12th and will be forever loved and missed.



I don't know why it slipped my mind to update Sammi's page yesterday. Guess I was having a brain freeze of some sort.


Sammi has been a little fussy in school these days since she's battling a head cold. (I think I may have caught it from her, but that's another story). Regardless of not feeling too well, Sammi enjoyed her day in school on Monday. She played a board game with Adam and did some peddling on a bike (tricycle). I told Jeff yesterday that we're going to have to get Miss Samantha a big girl bike (tricycle) for the summer time. Since she's riding one in school these days I'm sure she'd love to have one to ride here at home.


Today, in Mrs. O'Donnell's class, Sammi enjoyed listening to "Peter and the Wolf." The only part Sammi wasn't too crazy about were the high pitched notes that were played. This really wasn't too surprising for me. Sammi likes noises and music as long as it isn't too loud/high pitched. She didn't cry, but she did cover her ears the way she does when she hears something she doesn't like.


Sammi and Jeff spent some quality time reading together tonight. Now that I think of it, I wish I had taken some pictures of the two of them together. Anyway, all of the kiddies in Sammi's class get to take a book home every week. This week Sammi brought "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" home. Her and Jeff had a great time reading this book and singing together.


Well, that's about it on our end. We hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying your week. Thank you, as always, for taking the time to sign Samantha's guestbook. It's wonderful hearing from each and every one of you.

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese


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Sunday, March 13, 2005

is a beautiful and amazing young lady who has been through so very much in her life. Despite the struggles she faces, RachelJoy has always managed to land on her feet. I promise you will be happy to have met her if you take the time to stop by her siteRainbow



I just wanted to leave the news up that my Mom's mammogram (performed on March 7th) came out CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!


Toy TruckToy TrainPropeller

I've been cleaning up our house all weekend and I've come across some things that Sammi has absolutely no interest in anymore. I'm listing them below. If anyone would like me to send them your way, please e-mail me (humphity@gmail.com) and let me know. First come, first serve.

--3 bumble balls with batteries
--16 Wiggles birthday party invitations
--Animal bowling set (the pins are soft and are in the shapes of animals)
--Large 1/2 size adjustable Barbie roller skates

If I come across anything else I'll be more than happy to post them on Sammi's site. We DO NOT want any money for these toys. They're completely free of charge and we would LOVE to give them away to any boy or girl who will enjoy them. Every one of these toys is also completely brand new and has never been used -- a lot of them are still in their original packages.

Oh, one more thing before I go.................

GO JEFF GORDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wishing all of you a fantastic Sunday!

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Love Song


Airplane Wishes 1

Devin will be turning 9-years-old on March 13th. Please take the time to stop by his page so that you can wish this AWESOME Aerosmith fan a VERY Happy Birthday!!!

Airplane Wishes 2

Friday, March 11, 2005

is a beautiful and amazing young lady who has been through so very much in her life. Despite the struggles she faces, RachelJoy has always managed to land on her feet. I promise you will be happy to have met her if you take the time to stop by her siteRainbow



I just wanted to leave the news up that my Mom's mammogram (performed on March 7th) came out CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!


Poor little Sammi has ANOTHER head cold she's dealing with. I don't know what it is about this season, but colds have been horrible. It seems like as soon as you get rid of a cold, another one is right behind it waiting to make you miserable.

Yesterday, after Sammi got home from school and ate some soup, we laid down together. We were still sleeping when Jeff got home from work and he decided to take some pictures of us. I thought they came out cute, so I'm sharing them with all of you. Hope you like them!

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We hope all of you have a fantastic weekend!

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With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
Love Song


Airplane Wishes 1

Devin will be turning 9-years-old on March 13th. Please take the time to stop by his page so that you can wish this AWESOME Aerosmith fan a VERY Happy Birthday!!!

Airplane Wishes 2

Thursday, March 10, 2005

is a beautiful and amazing young lady who has been through so very much in her life. Despite the struggles she faces, RachelJoy has always managed to land on her feet. I promise you will be happy to have met her if you take the time to stop by her siteRainbow



I just wanted to leave the news up that my Mom's mammogram (performed on March 7th) came out CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!


Snow Day

I didn't do an update yesterday because Miss Samantha didn't have school. A whole lot of snow was dumped on us last night, which resulted in all school's in Haverhill having a 2 hour delayed opening. And, since Sammi is in the morning preschool class, Sammi had the day off. So Sammi, Jeff and I spent the day goofing off together. Jeff attempted to go in to work, but ended up coming back home since hardly anyone showed up.

Owl 2

Sammi came home with an owl that she made in school. It's absolutely adorable and is hanging on our fridge as I type this. Again, I'm going to do my best to scan these beautiful pieces of art so all of you can see just how great they look.

Bike Riding

Shelia wrote me a note this afternoon and let me know that Miss Samantha is now riding a bicycle (tricycle). When she began riding one, she would move around by dragging her feet on the ground. Today she actually used the pedals to move around! Does everyone know what this means? I'm thinking it means we're going to have to get a "big girl" bike for Miss Samantha. I'd love to see her riding it around in our driveway and down our sidewalk this spring/summer. Too cute!!!


I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who takes the time to sign Miss Samantha's guestbook. It's always a pleasure hearing from each and every one of you! Thank you for showing your support and for checking up on all that goes on in our lives. Your words mean so very much to us. Thank you!


We hope all of you have a terrific "rest of the" week!

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With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha

Love Song


Airplane Wishes 1

Devin will be turning 9-years-old on March 13th. Please take the time to stop by his page so that you can wish this AWESOME Aerosmith fan a VERY Happy Birthday!!!

Airplane Wishes 2

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

is a beautiful and amazing young lady who has been through so very much in her life. Despite the struggles she faces, RachelJoy has always managed to land on her feet. I promise you will be happy to have met her if you take the time to stop by her siteRainbow



I just wanted to leave the news up that my Mom's mammogram (performed on March 7th) came out CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR!!!


Teddy Bear

Miss Samantha made a hand puppet (out of a brown paper bag) in art class with Miss Michelle (her art teacher) this afternoon while she was at school. This little puppet of hers came out looking absolutely adorable. Shelia sent a note home with Sammi and told me that Miss Samantha asked to have the puppet wear a blue shirt, green pants, shoes and socks. I LOVE how Sammi is able to make choices (little ones) on her own sometimes. The puppet is hanging on our fridge right now, but I promise to do my best and get it scanned as soon as I'm able to so all of you can see it.


Sammi and all of the kids in her class also went on a bear hunt this afternoon. I'm not exactly sure what went on during this hunt, but I was told that Miss Samantha had lots of fun. She also came home with a little badge that says "Bear Hunter" on it. Since a string is attached to it, I'm assuming it was worn around her neck. I'm telling you, sometimes I would love to be a fly on the wall while Sammi is doing all of these cute things at school. I can just imagine how sweet she looks while she's working on a project and playing with all of her little friends.



I went to the doctor today. Not for anything serious, just for a follow-up appointment. I had some blood work done last week and I returned to my doctor's office to find out all of the results. Well the Lipitor I've been taking has been helping to bring my cholesterol down, which is a VERY good thing. Everything else looks good as well -- my kidneys, liver, I'm not anemic, blah, blah, blah. All in all, I'm in pretty good health these days.


We hope all of you have a terrific week!

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With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha

Love Song



Devin will be turning 9-years-old on March 13th. Please take the time to stop by his page so that you can wish this AWESOME Aerosmith fan a VERY Happy Birthday!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

is back! Woohoo! Please stop by her site. This young lady is absolutely amazing. I promise you'll be happy to have met her and her incredible Mom, Stephanie.

I only have a second to update, but I wanted to let all of you know how my Mom's mammogram went.

She had her second one done yesterday afternoon and all of the results came out CLEAR! The doctors say that all they found on the first mammogram was some over lapping tissue, which (at first) appeared to be lumps. So we have nothing to worry about -- thank God.

Thank you for all of the prayers and happy thoughts you sent our way concerning my Mom. Every one of them is VERY much appreciated.

I'll be back soonly to do a better update. It's time to get Miss Samantha up for school right now.

With Much Love,
Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese

Monday, March 7, 2005

RachelJoy is back! Woohoo! Please stop by her site. This young lady is absolutely amazing. I promise you'll be happy to have met her and her incredible Mom, Stephanie.

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Sunday, March 6, 2005

RachelJoy is back! Woohoo! I'm upstairs making this update, so I have no choice but to post the link to her page in this way:


As soon as I update on my own computer, I'll change the link so all you'll need to do is click on it. We're VERY happy to have you up and running again, RachelJoy! I've missed hearing about you and your Mom VERY much!

First of all.........................

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We hope you have a wonderful, wonderful birthday Mom! We love you SO much! You are, and always will be, the most important person in our lives! Thank you for being so amazing!

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With Much Love,
Shannon & Miss Samantha Therese

Thursday, March 3, 2005


Hi everyone!

My main reason for updating tonight is to ask all of you for some prayers and happy thoughts.

This past Monday (February 28th), my Mom had some tests done. Nothing serious, just some things that should be checked up on from time to time. One of the tests that was performed was a mammogram. Her doctor's office called this afternoon and said they would like to have another one done. It seems a couple of spots showed up on this test and they would like to have another one performed to see whether they are something to be concerned with or not. She will be having another mammogram done this upcoming Monday (March 7th -- one day after her BIRTHDAY!!!) So, if it's not asking too much, could you all keep us in your thoughts and prayers until we know what's going on. You know what they say, hope for the best but expect the worse. They also say laughter is the best medicine -- that DEFINITELY applies to my Mom and I.


As far as Miss Samantha goes, she's doing great. February vacation was a little rough for both of us, but we're both enjoying each other a lot more now that school is back in session. I think we were both getting on each other's nerves spending so much time together last week. And I know Sammi wasn't happy spending so much time at home. As much as she enjoys watching Playhouse Disney and playing with all of her toys, she was constantly talking about all of the teachers and friends at school that she missed. So, needless to say, she's VERY happy to be back to school.


I brought Miss Samantha to see Dr. Robbins (her WONDERFUL Neurologist) on February 22nd. Dr. Robbins was VERY impressed with all of the tremendous progress Miss Samantha has been making since the last time he saw her and I was more than happy to pass all of the credit along to her being in preschool. I know being around other kids has improved her social/playing skills. The only thing Dr. Robbins was concerned with was Samantha's (non) sleeping patterns. As most of you probably know, this has been an ongoing problem in our house for some time now. Now there's something you need to understand before I go on.

Dr. Robbins is NOT the type of doctor who will put your kid on any medication you ask for. He has explained to me in the past that he doesn't believe in medicating a child unless it is absolutely necessary. Nine times out of ten he will prescribe a medication ONLY when a parent requests one. But he also explained that he feels our case is different.

Pill Bottle

To make a long story short, I left Dr. Robbins office with a prescription for Clonidine in my coat pocket. Sammi has been on it for almost a week now and I have no idea how we ever lived without this stuff. She takes half a pill half an hour before bed and she's out like a light. She also continues to sleep through the night, which means Mommy is also catching up on some much needed sleep. And when Mommy has gotten enough sleep, everyone is happy. Thank you, Dr. Robbins!

Camera 3

Before I end this thing, I need to add a couple of pictures. My Mom yelled at me for not sharing them before, so here they are. Happy, Mom??? I love you!

Sammi and her Nuna

Sammi, Nuna & half of Eddie (my Mom's baby)

My Mom and step-Dad (aka Slappy)

Sammi and her Papa. I LOVE how well this picture came out!

With Much Love

Wednesday, March 2, 2005


The only reason I know it's Dr. Seuss' birthday today is because Miss Samantha's class is celebrating it. Sammi is a HUGE Dr. Seuss fan and makes everyone read his books to her all the time. I bet I'll have Sammi singing "Happy Birthday" to Dr. Seuss before the day is over.

With Much Love

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Most importantly, please drop by *Baby Jacob's*
site. He became one of Heaven's angels on February 19th and will be forever missed!


Wow, it seems like forever since I've made an update on Samantha's page. Well, that's probably because it has been a very long time. I don't know where the time has gone. Every night, once Miss Samantha is in her room for the night, I plan on updating her page. Then something comes up and I'm either preoccupied or the thought of updating completely escapes me. Well not today! Today I'm here to let all of you know how Samantha's birthday party went as well as some other semi-important events we celebrated since my last update. So grab something to drink, maybe something to eat too (cake, Kathy, cake!), put those feet of yours up and enjoy.

Peace SignPeace SignPeace Sign

January 30, 2005:

All of Samantha's family members, plus a few of Jeff's friends, helped us celebrate her birthday today. And since Slappy's birthday is on the 31st, we celebrated his today as well. So we had two cakes, lots of food and lots of fun! Here are some pictures for you to look at to see for yourself:

This is the cake we got for Slappy since the Superbowl (at the time) was right around the corner. And we all know who won, don't we?

This is Miss Samantha's Care Bears cake. Since Samantha has become a HUGE Care Bears fan, that was her theme this year.

Sammi and Jeff blowing out candles. I wonder what Sammi wished for. Probably more Care Bears stuff -- as if she doesn't have enough already!

Sammi and Papa Wayne (my Dad)

Sammi and Mommy

Sammi and Grandpa Slappy (my step-Dad)

Sammi and Papa Roger (my Grandpa)

This had to have been Miss Samantha's favorite present. All it is a a $2 (at the most) puzzle, but Sammi couldn't get enough of it. After Papa showed her what to do, she didn't need anymore help, but she still wanted her Papa to sit with her while she worked on it.

Sammi had an excellent birthday and Slappy seemed to enjoy himself too. Heather and David, Jeff's kids, were also able to join us which was excellent since we don't get to see them nearly as much as we would like. It also meant A LOT to us that Mike, Matt and Nick showed up. They're Slappy's kids. It was great to know they cared enough to show up and help Sammi celebrate her special day.

February 2, 2005:

My Mom's baby, Eddie (her German Shepherd) celebrated his birthday today. We didn't have cake for him (like we did for Ru's birthday in January), but the boys (both Ru & Eddie) got an ice cream treat instead.

February 6, 2005:


Are you ready for some football?????

Of course today was Superbowl Sunday and everyone around here was VERY excited! Slappy went over to a friends house to watch the game while my Mom, Sammi and I stayed upstairs and watched it. Miss Samantha spent a good part of the night splashing around in my Mom's tub since she had school the next day. When Sammi wasn't water logged, my Mom and I had her dancing up a storm with us. We had an excellent night together and, of course, the Pats won!!!

February 14, 2005:

Chocolate Valentine

We celebrated a VERY Happy Valentine's Day together. Miss Samantha got a Care Bears coloring book from her Nuna and Grandpa, which she absolutely loves and has done an excellent job coloring in. Mommy and Jeff also gave her a couple of Care Bears wooden puzzles that she has been having a great time with as well. I'm going to do my best to scan all of the cute little Valentine's Day projects that Sammi came home with so all of you can see just how sweet they are.

Sammi also had a Valentine's Day party in school and she came home with lots and lots of Valentine's from all of her little friends. She also received a pink straw from one of her teachers and you would swear it was the best present she has ever gotten. She won't let the thing out of her sight and has been carrying it around with her everywhere she goes. I wish I were a kid again. What I wouldn't give to be entertained for hours by a straw.

February 19, 2005:

Party Smileys

My Mom brought me out in celebration for my birthday tonight. My birthday is on the 20th. This is what I looked like by the time I got home. That's all I'm saying.

February 20, 2005:

Winners Circle

I could not have asked for a better birthday. Not only did I have a great time with my Mom last night, but everything today was the best as well. And to top it all off:


Do you have any idea how excited I was? Or how loud I screamed? I told my Mom that I could live to be 100 and this will be always be the most wonderful birthday. Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate my day. Because of all of you I had an excellent day! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


Well that just about brings us up to date. Again, I apologize for taking so long to update Miss Samantha's page. I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying this wonderful winter we've been having. As much as I like the snow, I think I'm ready for the temps. to start going up. I hate being cold.

With Much Love

Love Drops

Monday, February 14, 2005

Chocolate Valentine

Pink Sweet HeartHAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYBlue Be Mine Heart

Be Mine Teddy

Monday, January 31, 2005


Yesterday Miss Samantha turned 4-years-old and today is Grandpa's turn. We celebrated both birthdays yesterday -- I'll make an update soon about how the parties went. We love you, Slappy! And wish you the most happiest birthday EVER!

With Much Love,
Shannon, Jeff, Terri & Samantha Therese
(Ruger & Eddie too!)

Sunday, January 30, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you SO much, sweetheart! I can't believe you're 4-years-old today! You are such a big girl now!!!

I love you, Angel Bear!

Love Always & Forever,

Friday, January 21, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Ruger's 11th birthday. Ruger is my Golden Retriver puppy who lives upstairs with my Mom and step-Dad. To celebrate this VERY special day, my Mom, Sammi and I gave cake to Ruger and Eddie (Eddie is my Mom's German Shepherd -- he'll be 6 in February). Happy Birthday Ruger!!! We love you very, very much!!!

There are 3 VERY special birthdays that take place in January for our family. Ruger's on January 21st (TODAY!!!), Miss Samantha's on January 30th and my step-Dad's on January 31st. Phew, January sure is a busy month for birthdays!!!

I wanted to make an update today to let all of you know how my step-Dad's appointment went. This morning my Mom and Slappy (that's his nick-name) went to the oncologist. Their appointment was at 9:30 and by 10:30 I got the call I was hoping and praying for. EVERY ONE OF SLAPPY'S TESTS CAME BACK NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to thank each and every one of you SO much for all of the prayers and happy thoughts you've sent our way. I can't even begin to tell all of you how much we appreciate every single one of them. Thank you for thinking of us during this difficult time of not knowing.

I promise I will be back soon to do another update and to visit all of the CaringBridge families I haven't been in touch with lately. I apologize for my absence. By the time I'm able to relax at night, I'm usually too tired to do much. Hopefully Sammi will fall asleep early enough one of these nights so I'm able to go online and catch up on everything.

Wishing all of you a fantastic weekend!

Sunday, January 9, 2005

Hi everyone!

I'm upstairs (at my Mom's) again making this update, so please don't expect it to be too long. I just wanted to let all of you know what is up with my step-Dad. I also wanted to let you know that everything with Miss Samantha is great. She's enjoying school to the absolute fullest! She has also been coming home with a lot of VERY cute art projects lately. My scanner is still giving me a hard time, but I'm working on scanning everything so I can show it to all of you.

As far as my step-Dad is concerned..............

Him and my Mom went to his appointment on Friday (January 7th). He was examined and 3 possibilities of what my step-Dad could possibly have were discussed.

#1 -- NOTHING (this is the one we're hoping and praying for)

#2 -- Testicular cancer

#3 -- Lymphoma

Of course we're not sure what it is yet, but we're remaining hopeful that it is NOTHING. My step-Dad (by the way -- incase I've never mentioned it -- his name is George) will be having more tests done this Friday (January 14th). Then he (and my Mom) will be returning to his doctor for a follow-up appointment on Friday (January 21st).

As soon as I know more I'll be sure to fill all of you in. More than likely I should be back on Monday to do a better update. I just didn't want to leave all of you in the dark.

Thank you (from the bottom of our hearts) for all of the happy thoughts and prayers you've been sending our way. I can't even begin to tell you how VERY much we appreciate it.

Monday, January 3, 2005

Hi everyone!

I'm upstairs (at my Mom's) making this update, so this probably won't be very long. Miss Samantha is at school right now, so I'll be back later on tonight to update on how her first day back at school went.

Our Christmas was a good one. VERY hectic, but good just the same. Miss Samantha was extremely spoiled by everything Santa Claus brought her. She got lots of Care Bears toys/stuffed animals. Recently she has begun playing with Care Bears. Sammi also got tons of bath toys and books. Santa brought her an extra big Spongebob book that she absolutely loves. It was difficult getting her to open more presents once she saw that big, huge book that she refused to put down.

Right now I would like to thank................

Kathy & Richard for the ornaments you sent. Of course Jeff and I had to fight over who got which one (don't worry, I won -- hehehe). We love them and they look GREAT on our tree.

Kaidrie & her family for the My Little Pony you sent to Miss Samantha. She hasn't put it down since it arrived. She LOVES brushing its hair and won't let the pony or the brush out of her sight for more than a couple of seconds. And the picture you sent along of Kaidrie and Kycie is just precious! Thank you so much for it!

Angela, Alyssa & Little Jacob for the gorgeous Christmas card/picture you sent to us. Every picture that was sent to us is hanging on our fridge so we can show them off every chance we get. The three of you look GREAT! Thank you for thinking of us.

The Saya's & The Marino's also for sending pictures of their families to us. We love getting picture of all of our friends to show off.

I also want to send a VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY out to Kathy whose birthday was on January 1st. No hon, I didn't forget about you. I haven't been online a lot because of the holidays, so I wasn't able to wish you one before now. I'm sorry. You (and Richard) are always in my thoughts and prayers. We love the two of you and hope your birthday was a fantastic one.

I also want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers that have been sent to my step-Dad. He'll be going in for his appointment this Friday around 1:15 in the afternoon. My Mom will be going with him, so I'll be sure to update Sammi's page just as soon as I know anything. Please, if you don't mind, continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers until we know more. I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to us to know there are so many people out there who care.

I'll definitely be back later on to do another update. Right now it's time to go clean up my house. Joy. I came upstairs for breakfast, but now it's time to get some stuff done while Miss Samantha is at school.

Hope all of you are having a fantastic day and a terrific 2005 (so far).

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I apologize for not finding the time to update Sammi's page sooner. With Christmas and now New Year's upon us, I just haven't had time to do much. Plus things are hectic with Miss Samantha out of school. But she goes back on January 3rd, so I'm hoping I'll be back by then to do an update.

Wood Cross

I'm updating tonight to ask for prayers. Prayers for me, my family but most of all my step-Dad who I love VERY much.

My step-Dad and my Mom went to the ER on Christmas Eve because my step-Dad was experiencing pain in his side. After some tests were run, it was discovered that he's suffering from a kidney stone. Ouch! So he has been put on pain meds and has been doing so-so since then.

This afternoon his doctor's office gave him a call. A CAT scan was performed during his ER visit. Something suspicious (sp?) showed up and he now has an appointment to be seen by an oncologist on Friday January 7th. Any and all prayers sent his (and our) way would be VERY much appreciated.

Dove 2

I promise I'll stop by again soon so that I can update Miss Samantha's page. I miss every one of you VERY much and can't wait to get back in the swing of things by signing guestbooks. I hope all of you are doing well and enjoyed your Christmas to its fullest.

We wish each and every one of you a VERY Happy and Healthy New Year!

Happy New Year

Thursday, December 23, 2004


Before I begin this journal entry I'd like to ask all of you who read this to please visit *Trey's* page
. *Trey* was welcomed into Heaven on December 22. This sweet little boy fought SO hard and never gave up. As expected, his family is absolutely devestated. We'll miss you forever, *Trey*

Shoveling Snow

Hi everyone!

I apologize that it has taken me so long to update Miss Samantha's page. Things have been a little crazy around here lately with Christmas (literally) right around the corner. And guess what? I get to brave all of those last minute shoppers tomorrow and finish up some shopping of my own. Yea!


Nothing much has been happening in school this week. Shelia wasn't in school on Monday and Tuesday since she wasn't feeling well. I saw her on Wednesday (when I went to Sammi's school) and she's feeling better now.

Party Time

The party at Sammi's school on Wednesday wasn't much of a party. Basically it was my Mom and I showing up and being shown around Mrs. O'Donnell's classroom for the first time. I also met Mrs. O'Donnell for the first time and I've got to say that she is one VERY nice woman. She's incredibly sweet and easy to talk to and her classroom is just adorable. We stayed in her class for about 15 minutes before heading over to Mrs. Lynch's class.


Sammi gave out presents to Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. O'Donnell, Shelia and Martha this Christmas and everyone loved what they got.


Sammi also brought home some presents that she made in school. (I tried to scan them this afternoon, but something's wrong with our scanner. I'll try to work on it again once Christmas is over). They're the cutest things. Two are wreaths, two are cards and one is an ADORABLE Christmas ornament she made. Too cute! I'm definitely going to try my hardest to get pictures of these online. I'd love for all of you to be able to see them.


Well, I guess that's about it for now. I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again. I'm going to be out doing last minute Christmas shopping for most of the day tomorrow then we're (Jeff, Sammi & I) going down to my Grandparents house for our annual Christmas Eve celebration.

Gregg, Jason & Scott have been friends of Jeff's since they were little. Their Mom, Penny, just had a heart attack early this morning. This poor woman has been through so much lately -- she is going through chemo for breast cancer, has diabetes and now this. If it's not asking too much, could you please pass along some prayers for this sweet woman? Jeff has been a part of this family for so long that she is also a mother figure to him. Currently she is in a local hospital, but may be transferred to Boston for emergency surgery. Thank you all so much.

(December 23, 2004):
Penny went through triple bypass surgery two days ago. As far as I know she's doing well at this time but will more than likely be spending Christmas in the hospital. Any long term effects yet to be known. Or they might be known, but Jeff and I haven't heard anything yet. Please continue to keep Penny, Gregg, Jason, Scott and the rest of this family in your thoughts and prayers.

(December 23, 2004):
I talked with my Grandma this afternoon and she let me know that my Grandpa's sister, Claire, was admitted to the hospital late last night. She has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I'm sure I'll know some more on her condition once we go over to their house tomorrow night. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated.

Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
*Only 2 More Days*
Snow Flake 3Snow Flake 2Snow Flake 3Snow Flake 2Snow Flake 3Snow Flake 2

December 22, 2004:
Poor little Breanna didn’t have a very good day. It was full of seizures and left Breanna feeling yucky.

December 16, 2004:
Little Cam finished his radiation today. Woohoo! Way to go, hon!

December 17, 2004:
Little Cam will be heading home today.

December 11, 2004:
The site(s) where Chad had his port is healing nicely. All in all, things are going pretty well for this tough guy. I couldn’t be happier for him.

December 22, 2004:
Christopher is doing great these days. He even went out with his Mom to do some Christmas shopping. Yea!!!

December 22, 2004:
Corey isn’t feeling well at all right now. Currently he’s fighting ANOTHER respiratory infection. Poor little thing. Please join me in praying that he will be better by the time Christmas rolls around.

December 16, 2004:
Excellent news for Courtney and her family.
NOTHING was found in the MRI that Courtney had done on December 3rd. What a wonderful Christmas present this is!!!

December 13, 2004:
An area was spotted when Craig’s scans were performed. It is questionable at this point, but Craig will be having more scans done in January. Please get those prayers rolling for this little man.

January 14, 2005:
Craig’s scans will be repeated. Pray, pray, pray!!!

December 12, 2004:
David’s MRI came back CLEAR!!!
What wonderful, wonderful news!!

December 17, 2004:
David begins his next round of chemo.

December 21, 2004:
Please stop by Dee’s site and offer any kind words and prayers you may be able to. Dee isn’t doing very well these days.

For the first time in years Dee has a real Christmas tree to gaze at and I bet it’s beautiful!

December 8, 2004:
DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home, buddy! It’s GREAT to know you’re back where you should be.

December 22, 2004:
A VERY BIG THANK YOU to The Craig Family for remembering us during the holidays and sending such a beautiful Christmas card to us.
Thank you Charlie, Kimbra, Jakub, Karen & Dillion.

December 19, 2004:
Jackson is continuing to heal up nicely after his surgery and is beginning to eat more.

December 22, 2004:
Thank you Geralyn, Joe, Jared and Mari for the gorgeous picture/card we received from you. We love you all!!!

December 14, 2004:
As if poor little Kaidrie hasn’t been going through enough lately, she has now broken her arm.

December 16, 2004:
There is a beautiful picture of Kaidrie and her sister sitting on Santa’s lap on the front of Kaidrie’s page. Both girls look absolutely gorgeous!!!

December 20, 2004:
Things are finally beginning to look up for Keara and her dear friend, Dawn.

December 22, 2004:
Michael’s family needs some help with setting up a trampoline on Christmas Eve. Information is posted on their web site if you’re in the neighborhood and feel like helping out.

December 22, 2004:
Travis LOVES seeing all of the entries people leave in his guestbook. Stop by and brighten his day by leaving an uplifting message for him and his family.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Snow Angel

I don't usually update on the weekend --usually because nothing exciting enough happens to do so-- but something BIG happened today and I wanted to share it with all of you.


This afternoon Sammi and I were coloring at our kitchen table. Sammi started to get cranky (she had been up since 6:30 this morning and was starting to get sleepy) so I decided to try something new with her.

On a piece of paper I wrote the word CAT and asked her what it said. After looking at it for a couple of minutes, she correctly said CAT. By the time we were finished with our little exercise, Samantha had ended up reading 47 words -- 7 of which were 4 letters long. Needless to say I was more than a little impressed and Miss Samantha was VERY proud of herself for doing so well. She did an excellent job with VERY little to no help from me. She sounded each letter out by herself and eventually figured out what word she was looking at.


So my baby is starting to read and spell. She can spell CAT, DOG and SAMMI. Hey, three words is a start and we've all got to start somewhere, right? So as excited as I am about this, my feelings are also bittersweet. Of course I am VERY proud of my little Angel Bear for trying so hard and for doing such an excellent job reading. Then again she'll be 4 in January and she's just growing up way too fast for me. Why can't she stay a little thing forever? Is that too much to ask?

Wishing all of you a fantastic weekend!

Prayer Request:

Gregg, Jason & Scott have been friends of Jeff's since they were little. Their Mom, Penny, just had a heart attack early this morning. This poor woman has been through so much lately -- she is going through chemo for breast cancer, has diabetes and now this. If it's not asking too much, could you please pass along some prayers for this sweet woman? Jeff has been a part of this family for so long that she is also a mother figure to him. Currently she is in a local hospital, but may be transferred to Boston for emergency surgery. Thank you all so much.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
String Of Lights
*8 More Days!!!*


Breanna’s Mom recently signed Sammi’s guestbook. Breanna is a beautiful little girl who is living with Krabbe disease. There are some gorgeous pictures of Breanna and her family on her site if you have the time to check them out.

December 16, 2004:
Little Cam finished his radiation today. Woohoo! Way to go, hon!

December 17, 2004:
Little Cam will be heading home today.

December 11, 2004:
The site(s) where Chad had his port is healing nicely. All in all, things are going pretty well for this tough guy. I couldn’t be happier for him.

December 16, 2004:
Christopher continues to improve with each day that passes and has even begun eating more food. Keep up the excellent work, hon!

December 13, 2004:
Corey hasn’t been feeling very well lately. All thoughts and prayers sent his way would be greatly appreciated.

December 16, 2004:
Excellent news for Courtney and her family.
NOTHING was found in the MRI that Courtney had done on December 3rd. What a wonderful Christmas present this is!!!

December 13, 2004:
An area was spotted when Craig’s scans were performed. It is questionable at this point, but Craig will be having more scans done in January. Please get those prayers rolling for this little man.

January 14, 2005:
Craig’s scans will be repeated. Pray, pray, pray!!!

December 12, 2004:
David’s MRI came back CLEAR!!!
What wonderful, wonderful news!!

December 17, 2004:
David begins his next round of chemo.

December 13, 2004:
Please stop by Dee’s site and offer any kind words and prayers you may be able to. Dee isn’t doing very well these days.

For the first time in years Dee has a real Christmas tree to gaze at and I bet it’s beautiful!

December 8, 2004:
DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home, buddy! It’s GREAT to know you’re back where you should be.

December 14, 2004:
Jackson is at home and healing nicely from the surgery he had.

December 14, 2004:
As if poor little Kaidrie hasn’t been going through enough lately, she has now broken her arm.

December 16, 2004:
There is a beautiful picture of Kaidrie and her sister sitting on Santa’s lap on the front of Kaidrie’s page. Both girls look absolutely gorgeous!!!

December 15, 2004:
Keara is writing updates on her site once again and I’m sure she’d love it if you stopped by and left her a cheerful message.

December 17, 2004:
Michael is doing great these days. However, the MRI he had done on December 7th showed a lot of tumor growth. Please join me in praying for this little sweetheart to continue doing well.

Travis is a VERY good looking 9-year-old who is living with Focal and Segmental Glomerulo-Sclerosis (FSGS). His Mom was nice enough to sign Samantha’s guestbook, which is how I’ve met this sweet boy. Please visit his page if you haven’t already.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Paint And Brush

Sammi did a lot of nice work in school today. She painted in art (this was obvious when I looked at her hair when she got home -- there was paint in it) and made something special with Mrs. Lynch. She also participated in circle time today. Recess was held in the gym and transitions were harder today.


A note was sent home with Miss Samantha this afternoon. Mrs. O'Donnell's class will be having a Christmas party next Wednesday. My Mom and I will be attending the party. My Mom (luckily) just so happened to have that day off, so she'll be able to join me. Of course I was planning on going even if my Mom was working, but it will be nice having both of us there. I can't wait to see what all of the little kiddies are planning on doing while we're there. I hope they sing some songs for us. I'll be sure to bring my camera along.

Xmas Lights

Not much else has been happening around here. Its been a pretty quiet day without much excitement. Jeff's working right now and Miss Samantha is in bed (of course she isn't sleeping yet) so I'm just going to chill out by myself for awhile -- or at least until Sammi pounds on her door.

Mistletoe 1

I hope all of you are doing well. I may or may not be back to update again before the weekend is over. It all depends on how much (if any) interesting stuff ends up happening around here.

Wishing all of you a fantastic weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
Candy Cane 2
*9 Days To Go!*


Breanna’s Mom recently signed Sammi’s guestbook. Breanna is a beautiful little girl who is living with Krabbe disease. There are some gorgeous pictures of Breanna and her family on her site if you have the time to check them out.

December 13, 2004:
Little Cam is now going through his last week of radiation and will be heading home this Friday. Hurry home, sweetie!!!

December 11, 2004:
The site(s) where Chad had his port is healing nicely. All in all, things are going pretty well for this tough guy. I couldn’t be happier for him.

December 12, 2004:
Christopher has been getting some food into his system. Woohoo! And his family has a new member of the family living with them. Welcome Ryley!!!

December 13, 2004:
Corey hasn’t been feeling very well lately. All thoughts and prayers sent his way would be greatly appreciated.

December 3, 2004:
Courtney was scheduled to go in today for an MRI. No updates have been made to her site, so would you please keep thinking happy thoughts for her?

December 13, 2004:
An area was spotted when Craig’s scans were performed. It is questionable at this point, but Craig will be having more scans done in January. Please get those prayers rolling for this little man.

January 14, 2005:
Craig’s scans will be repeated. Pray, pray, pray!!!

December 12, 2004:
David’s MRI came back CLEAR!!!
What wonderful, wonderful news!!

December 17, 2004:
David begins his next round of chemo.

December 13, 2004:
Please stop by Dee’s site and offer any kind words and prayers you may be able to. Dee isn’t doing very well these days.

For the first time in years Dee has a real Christmas tree to gaze at and I bet it’s beautiful!

December 8, 2004:
DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home, buddy! It’s GREAT to know you’re back where you should be.

December 14, 2004:
Jackson is at home and healing nicely from the surgery he had.

December 14, 2004:
As if poor little Kaidrie hasn’t been going through enough lately, she has now broken her arm.

December 15, 2004:
Keara is writing updates on her site once again and I’m sure she’d love it if you stopped by and left her a cheerful message.

December 7, 2004:
Michael had an MRI done today. No results have been posted on his site yet, but I’m hoping and praying for some good news.

Travis is a VERY good looking 9-year-old who is living with Focal and Segmental Glomerulo-Sclerosis (FSGS). His Mom was nice enough to sign Samantha’s guestbook, which is how I’ve met this sweet boy. Please visit his page if you haven’t already.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Hi everyone!

Candy Cane 1

I ended up giving Sammi some Tylenol last night since she still isn't feeling all that well and we both ended up crashing around the same time, so I wasn't able to update her page. I'm back today, though, and will be more than happy to tell all of you about Samantha's last two days at school.


Sammi had a good day at school. She cut (with help) using loop scissors. She made icicles and a leaf for her classes Snow Tree. The book "Snow Tree" was read in her class today. She also glued together small papers (this is hanging on our fridge right now) in Mrs. Lynch's class at a free choice table. When Shelia and Sammi walked from Mrs. O'Donnell's class to Mrs. Lynch's class Sammi carried her coat and Spongebob lunch box on her own. Shelia was VERY impressed with this -- Shelia usually carries Sammi's coat for her.

Recess was held outside today and Sammi's transitions were easy.


Today Miss Samantha worked with Miss Johanna (O.T.). She bounced on a green ball and did shape puzzles while they worked together. Sammi also worked with Laurie, Miss Jen (P.T.) and Martha. Miss Samantha certainly had a busy day but she did VERY well with everything!

Shelia didn't mention where recess was held today or how Sammi did with her transitions.


This is what Jeff and I look like when we go outside to smoke a butt these days. Boy has it been freezing out! We still haven't had any major snow storms yet, but I'm sure they're not too far away. I heard a rumor (when I was watching the news yesterday morning) that something big might be hitting us sometime next week, but it's still too early to tell what's really going to happen. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I LOVE the snow, it's just the cold I'm not too fond of.

Snow Day
(Jeff says this is me when it snows -- I do get excited when it snows out, but I don't think I've ever looked like this)

I'm trying to think of anything else I may have to say before I end this journal. I think I mentioned just about everything I've had to mention. Oh, my Grandma did visit us for a couple of hours this afternoon. Her and Sammi had a great time playing with one another. They always have a good time together. Sammi and Grandma watched Spongebob and Top of the Tots (The Wiggles) before it was time for Grandma to leave.

Toungue Out

Ok, I guess that's about it for tonight. Thank you to everyone who continues to check on Sammi. Please leave a note for us if you're able to -- we love meeting new people and hearing from our old friends.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
Merry Christmas Santa
*Only 10 Days Left*


December 13, 2004:
Little Cam is now going through his last week of radiation and will be heading home this Friday. Hurry home, sweetie!!!

December 11, 2004:
The site(s) where Chad had his port is healing nicely. All in all, things are going pretty well for this tough guy. I couldn’t be happier for him.

December 12, 2004:
Christopher has been getting some food into his system. Woohoo! And his family has a new member of the family living with them. Welcome Ryley!!!

December 13, 2004:
Corey hasn’t been feeling very well lately. All thoughts and prayers sent his way would be greatly appreciated.

December 3, 2004:
Courtney was scheduled to go in today for an MRI. No updates have been made to her site, so would you please keep thinking happy thoughts for her?

December 13, 2004:
An area was spotted when Craig’s scans were performed. It is questionable at this point, but Craig will be having more scans done in January. Please get those prayers rolling for this little man.

January 14, 2005:
Craig’s scans will be repeated. Pray, pray, pray!!!

December 12, 2004:
David’s MRI came back CLEAR!!!
What wonderful, wonderful news!!

December 17, 2004:
David begins his next round of chemo.

December 13, 2004:
Please stop by Dee’s site and offer any kind words and prayers you may be able to. Dee isn’t doing very well these days.

For the first time in years Dee has a real Christmas tree to gaze at and I bet it’s beautiful!

December 8, 2004:
DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home, buddy! It’s GREAT to know you’re back where you should be.

December 14, 2004:
Jackson is at home and healing nicely from the surgery he had.

December 14, 2004:
As if poor little Kaidrie hasn’t been going through enough lately, she has now broken her arm.

December 15, 2004:
Keara is writing updates on her site once again and I’m sure she’d love it if you stopped by and left her a cheerful message.

December 7, 2004:
Michael had an MRI done today. No results have been posted on his site yet, but I’m hoping and praying for some good news.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Wakka Wakka

Hi everyone!

Well, here's how our weekend went:

Movie Reels

Friday, December 10, 2004

My Mom spent most of the night with us since my step-Dad went to a Christmas party. Originally my Mom was going to go with him, but she ended up not feeling well and decided to stay home. She's feeling much better now.

Jeff was working Friday night, so my Mom, Sammi and I had our own little ladies night in. My Mom and I ordered some dinner (Sammi ate soup and ice cream as usual) and then ordered a movie on pay-per-view once Sammi was tucked in for the night. We ended up watching "Raising Helen." That was the first time my Mom and I had seen it and we thought it was really cute.

My Mom went upstairs around midnight and I farted around the house until Sammi finally decided to crash for the night.


Saturday, December 11, 2004

My Mom and I brought Miss Samantha to the Mall with us this afternoon so we could have Sammi's picture taken with Santa. After searching for half an hour (if not longer) for a place to park, we found Santa and waited in line to have Sammi's picture taken. Sammi was VERY well behaved while we waited in line and she continued to be in an excellent mood when it was her turn to sit on Santa's lap.

This is the picture of Sammi and Santa that was taken:

My Mom joined Jeff and I Saturday night to watch a movie. My step-Dad was invited too and he joined us for a little bit before falling asleep on our couch. Needless to say, he went upstairs early. So my Mom, Jeff and I watched "Dodgeball" together. If you like Ben Stiller and you're into comedies I would definitely recommend seeing this.


Sunday, December 12, 2004

I went out to run some errands this afternoon, so Miss Samantha went upstairs to spend time with her Nuna and Grandpa until I got back. It was obvious Sammi wasn't feeling well when I got home. My Mom told me she (Sammi) had been laying in my Mom's bed ever since I left. She also hadn't eaten anything and was only interested in laying down with her Spongebob blanket. Of course it bothered me that Sammi wasn't feeling well, I just hoped and prayed she didn't catch that nasty stomach bug I was sick with last week. Thankfully that's not what she had.

She had a fever for most of the day, but it went away by the time I tucked her in that night. Thank you Tylenol! So Sammi spent all day Sunday taking cat naps, laying in my Mom's bed and not being very talkative or playful. My poor little Angel Bear. It was so pathetic seeing her this way.


Monday, December 13, 2004

After crashing semi-early last night, Miss Samantha woke up around two o'clock this morning. I put a video on for her and she laid in her bed and watched it silently for a little bit. By four o'clock Sammi hadn't fallen asleep yet and she was starting to get cranky, so I went in her room to see her. I brought two pillows and a comforter with me, set them up on the floor and that's where Sammi and I slept until about eight this morning.

Sammi spent a good part of the day sleeping and lounging on our couch. Of course she never made it to school today. She hasn't had a fever all day and she has managed to eat a can of soup as well as some ice cream. As soon as she continues eating and doesn't spike another fever, she'll be going to school tomorrow. She's more active now and has refused to lay down or relax since she woke up from her afternoon nap. Miss Samantha has been a little goof all night. Jumping around, trashing the house, playing with all of the toys she owns, not sitting down for a second, head butting me over and over again -- Yeah, I think she'll be fine to go to school tomorrow.

You Rock

A very big THANK YOU to Mary and Kathy who helped me out in realizing what happened to RachelJoy's CaringBridge page. I will definitely be trying to e-mail address you passed on to me, Kathy, and see if it works. Which makes me wonder (again) why people need to be so mean to others? If Stephanie did in fact remove RachelJoy's page due to someone posting rude comments in her guestbook, then that's just a shame. Some people in this world need to grow up and stop making other people's lives miserable just because it makes them happy. I've seen this happen to far too many CaringBridge pages and it makes me sick. Why do people have to be so cruel?


And as far as the Scott Peterson sentence that was handed down today.......

Justice has DEFINITELY been served.


I hope all of you have a fantastic week!

Oh, before I forget. Here is the picture of Sammi and Santa that I was talking about. It was taken last December.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
*12 More Days!!!*


December 13, 2004:
Little Cam is now going through his last week of radiation and will be heading home this Friday. Hurry home, sweetie!!!

December 11, 2004:
The site(s) where Chad had his port is healing nicely. All in all, things are going pretty well for this tough guy. I couldn’t be happier for him.

December 12, 2004:
Christopher has been getting some food into his system. Woohoo! And his family has a new member of the family living with them. Welcome Ryley!!!

December 13, 2004:
Corey hasn’t been feeling very well lately. All thoughts and prayers sent his way would be greatly appreciated.

December 3, 2004:
Courtney was scheduled to go in today for an MRI. No updates have been made to her site, so would you please keep thinking happy thoughts for her?

December 10, 2004:
Sweet little Craig will be going in to have scans done today. Please keep him in your happiest thoughts and deepest prayers.

December 12, 2004:
David’s MRI came back CLEAR!!!
What wonderful, wonderful news!!

December 17, 2004:
David begins his next round of chemo.

December 13, 2004:
Please stop by Dee’s site and offer any kind words and prayers you may be able to. Dee isn’t doing very well these days.

For the first time in years Dee has a real Christmas tree to gaze at and I bet it’s beautiful!

December 8, 2004:
DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home, buddy! It’s GREAT to know you’re back where you should be.

December 8, 2004:
Jackson’s surgery went well and he is HOME!!!
Of course poor Jackson is in a lot of pain, but luckily he has been put on medication to help control it. I hope it’s working, buddy.

December 8, 2004:
Kaidrie was seen by her eye doctor and has been given permission to return HOME. Woohoo! What excellent, excellent news! She will be returning home on Friday (December 10).
Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

December 7, 2004:
Keara could really use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way. She has been so wonderful to so many CaringBridge families. I think it would be great if we could return the favor.

December 7, 2004:
Michael had an MRI done today. No results have been posted on his site yet, but I’m hoping and praying for some good news.

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Hi everyone!Hi

I didn't bother updating Samantha's site yesterday because I really didn't have anything to say. Shelia (the aide who works side-by-side with Sammi while she's in school) usually sends a note home with Sammi to tell me what she did in school that day. Well yesterday she didn't send a note home, so I didn't have anything to share with all of you. I did, however, get a note today so I'll be more than happy to share Miss Samantha's day with all of you.

Gingerbread Smiley

Miss Samantha did some nice work in school today. She made a head band (I must say that it looks VERY cute -- though Sammi refuses to wear it) that tells the story of "The Gingerbread Man." She glued the pictures perfectly onto this head band and kept rearranging them until they were all in line. That's my little stinker. Lately she has been lining everything up in a perfect row. I don't know what this is all about, but it's the way Sammi wants things to be done. Fine by me!

Swinging 2

Sammi also participated in circle time at school and played on the playground with her friends at recess. It's a cool day, but not cold enough to keep everyone in. Sammi LOVES playing on the playground at school. Of course she enjoys playing in the gym when her and her friends aren't able to venture outside due to the weather, but she has a much better time playing on the slide and swings and everything else that is located outside.

Thank you Andrea (Amanda's Mom
) for asking about my doctor's appointment yesterday. I forgot I had even mentioned anything about that online until you said something. Thank you, hon! Anyway, everything went fine. My cholesterol is still through the roof, so my doctor put me on Lipitor. Hopefully that will settle things down. Unfortunately high cholesterol runs in my family -- my Grandma, Grandpa & Dad all have it. So I guess it's my turn. Yea??? Other than that, everything is fine.


And to Mrs. Pam --
The only Christmas song Miss Samantha has come home singing is "Jingle Bells," and she doesn't even like to sing that. I got a note sent home from Shelia one day last week saying Miss Samantha and her class had learned "Jingle Bells" in school, so I've been singing it to her everyday since then. But of course, being the little nut my baby girl is, she refuses to sing along with me. Darn kids and their own minds.

If anything interesting happens around here tonight, I'll be more than happy to come back and update. If not, I'm not sure when I'll be updating again unless something comes up over the weekend. Things are usually pretty quiet around our house when Sammi isn't in school and since she only goes 4 days a week (Monday through Thursday), the weekends are usually pretty event-free.

One question before I go. Before I disappeared, I had RachelJoy's web page address listed at the top of Miss Samantha's page. Does anyone know what happened to her page? I attempted to visit it a few days ago and I keep getting a message saying the page doesn't exist. Does someone have a new page address for her? Or can anyone get me in touch with Stephanie's (RachelJoy's Mom) e-mail address? I miss this child dearly and would love to know how she and her Mom are doing these days. Thank you, in advance, for any help anyone is able to give.

Don't forget to check on the kiddies I've listed below. Of course this list is A LOT smaller than the one I originally had posted, but it's growing.
Devin and Kaidrie are HOME!
Christopher, David and Michael are going through scans.
Well, you can check them out for yourself.

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend! (a day in advance incase I'm not back to update before Monday).

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
Christmas Card

December 8, 2004:
Little Cam is currently going through radiation treatments. We wish you the best, buddy, and are hoping and praying that no side effects come along with this treatment.

November 15, 2004:
Chad had his port removed today!!! Yipee!! Congratulations, hon!

December 7, 2004:
Chad has an appointment to see his doctor today. I’ll be thinking happy thoughts all day long.

December 8, 2004:
Christopher will be having a CT scan done today. Any and all prayers for NO TUMORS would be greatly appreciated.

December 7, 2004:
There is an absolutely gorgeous picture of Corey on the front of his page. I’d definitely recommend going to check it out. You won’t be sorry.

Evan, one of Corey’s brothers, is dealing with a hairline fracture right now. Please stop by and offer some words of encouragement if you’re able to. I’m sure this isn’t a very fun thing to be dealing with.

December 3, 2004:
Courtney was scheduled to go in today for an MRI. No updates have been made to her site, so would you please keep thinking happy thoughts for her?

December 10, 2004:
Sweet little Craig will be going in to have scans done today. Please keep him in your happiest thoughts and deepest prayers.

December 9, 2004:
David will be going in to have an MRI of his brain taken today. Please, please, please pray for nothing but the BEST news!!!

December 9, 2004:
Please stop by Dee’s site and offer any kind words and prayers you may be able to. Dee isn’t doing very well these days.

December 8, 2004:
DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home, buddy! It’s GREAT to know you’re back where you should be.

December 8, 2004:
Jackson’s surgery went well and he is HOME!!!
Of course poor Jackson is in a lot of pain, but luckily he has been put on medication to help control it. I hope it’s working, buddy.

December 8, 2004:
Kaidrie was seen by her eye doctor and has been given permission to return HOME. Woohoo! What excellent, excellent news! She will be returning home on Friday (December 10).
Congratulations, sweetheart!!!

December 7, 2004:
Keara could really use some happy thoughts and prayers sent her way. She has been so wonderful to so many CaringBridge families. I think it would be great if we could return the favor.

December 7, 2004:
Michael had an MRI done today. No results have been posted on his site yet, but I’m hoping and praying for some good news.

Tuesday, December 7, 2004


Hi everyone! I'm up and running again after my little illness. I guess I was right in assuming it was just one of those 24 hour things. I'm not feeling awesome or anything like that, but I am feeling much better. And to prove that fact I was stuck doing laundry all day. What a way to get back into things, huh?

Ok, on to Miss Samantha's day at school.


Today Sammi was a little upset when she arrived at school. What was the reason? Well it snowed in our neck of the woods last night and Miss Samantha didn't exactly like the fact that Shelia (the WONDERFUL aide who works side-by-side with Sammi throughout the day) brought her in the school through another door -- not the normal entrance. Do you see the little things that set this kid off? Can everyone say 'I hate autisim!' Well I sure can. Sammi calmed down quickly after this little disaster and the rest of her day went fine.


Today Alex chose Samantha as her friend to bring attendance to the office with. This just struck me as the cutest thing when I pictured it after reading the note Shelia sent home with Sammi. All I could picture (and I'm probably wrong about this but hey, it's MY picture) were Alex and Sammi walking down the school hallway together. Two short little kiddies. It just sounds too cute.


Sammi also rode in the wagon with Taylor, read "The Gingerbread Man", played in the block area amd participated in circle time today. How these people cram so much fun into 2 hours is beyond me, but they do a wonderful job. Sammi and I were sitting at our kitchen table tonight and she started telling me about the book they read in school today. She called it "The Gingerbread Baby." I also got out of her that she sat in a blue chair. Sammi isn't big on conversation (thank you again autisim), but she does her best trying to tell us what she wants to. We don't push her. We'll ask her questions and she may or may not answer them. Sometimes she'll come up with something on her own that she wants to clue us in on.


My step-Dad bowls on Tuesday nights, so Sammi and I went upstairs to visit with my Mom once she got home from work. Sammi had a blast dancing with Santa, chilling on my Mom's bed and watching Spongebob. She also chowed on some ice cream while we were upstairs. The Santa that Sammi likes to dance with plays "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" and shakes his hips back and forth. Sammi LOVES dancing with this guy. I put a picture of the two of them up on Sammi's page last year and I might just have to do it again. Sammi wasn't old enough last year to really like this Santa, but she would stand in front of him and watch him dance. This year Sammi will stand in front of him and dance with him. It's the cutest thing.

Counting Sheep

I'm going to head off and hit the sack soon. Jeff will be home shortly (he had a late run to go on tonight) and I know he won't be tired when he gets home, so I'm going to beat him to bed. And yes, Miss Samantha is still awake. Joy. I don't know how she manages to have so much fun during the day when she runs on such little sleep. I'm exhausted by the time she gets home from school -- I'm just thankful she enjoys taking a nap in the afternoon. Believe me, I enjoy it to.

I hope all of you are well.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
Candy Cane Smiley


December 5, 2004:
Little Cam is currently going through radiation treatments. We wish you the best, buddy, and are hoping and praying that no side effects come along with this treatment.

November 15, 2004:
Chad had his port removed today!!! Yipee!! Congratulations, hon!

December 7, 2004:
Chad has an appointment to see his doctor today. I’ll be thinking happy thoughts all day long.

December 7, 2004:
Christopher continues to eat/drink very little, if anything at all. Please continue passing prayers along to him and his family.

December 7, 2004:
There is an absolutely gorgeous picture of Corey on the front of his page. I’d definitely recommend going to check it out. You won’t be sorry.

Evan, one of Corey’s brothers, is dealing with a hairline fracture right now. Please stop by and offer some words of encouragement if you’re able to. I’m sure this isn’t a very fun thing to be dealing with.

December 3, 2004:
Courtney was scheduled to go in today for an MRI. No updates have been made to her site, so would you please keep thinking happy thoughts for her?

December 10, 2004:
Sweet little Craig will be going in to have scans done today. Please keep him in your happiest thoughts and deepest prayers.

December 9, 2004:
David will be going in to have an MRI of his brain taken today. Please, please, please pray for nothing but the BEST news!!!

December 7, 2004:
Dee is very weak these days and has been in lots of pain.

December 6, 2004:
Devin woke up in lots of pain today and was admitted into the hospital for vomiting and high fever. All of his labs have dropped considerably.

December 7, 2004:
Devin still isn’t eating much, but he IS beginning to feel better. Woohoo!!! Devin also had a chest x-ray done, and that came back looking good. Keep getting yourself well again, buddy!

December 4, 2004:
Currently in the hospital fighting off a fever that seems to have come out of nowhere. Please pray that this little sweetheart & her family are able to go home soon.

Monday, December 6, 2004

Hi everyone!

I know I've just started posting updates on Miss Samantha's page again, but I'm going to keep this one short and sweet. I've been feeling pretty crummy all day long (I'm guessing I've been battling a 24 hour bug) and I feeling kind of dizzy sitting up in this computer chair.

Miss Samantha had a very good day at school. She was the "greeter" at Mrs. O'Donnell's circle time, so she got to go around and say "Hello" to all of her friends and shake their hands.

Miss Samantha also worked on a table activity in school, though I'm not sure what exactly it was that she did. She didn't come home in a million different colors, so whatever it was that she worked on couldn't have been too messy.

Ok, that's it for me. I hope all of you are having a MUCH better day than I am. I'm going to do my best to visit some CaringBridge kiddies before I sign off line.

Wishing all of you a wonderful night.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
Joy To The World Elf


November 15, 2004:
Chad had his port removed today!!! Yipee!! Congratulations, hon!

December 7, 2004:
Chad has an appointment to see his doctor today. I’ll be thinking happy thoughts all day long.

December 4, 2004:
Christopher could use some prayers sent his way. He isn’t eating or drinking much at all.

December 3, 2004:
Courtney was scheduled to go in today for an MRI. No updates have been made to her site, so would you please keep thinking happy thoughts for her?

December 10, 2004:
Sweet little Craig will be going in to have scans done today. Please keep him in your happiest thoughts and deepest prayers.

December 4, 2004:
Currently in the hospital fighting off a fever that seems to have come out of nowhere. Please pray that this little sweetheart & her family are able to go home soon.

Sunday, December 5, 2004

Wow! Can you believe I'm back? I bet all of you thought I had disappeared for good, huh? Nope. No way. Not me. I'm here to stay and, hopefully, I'll be able to post updates more regularly on Miss Samantha's site from now on. Wish me luck!

Let me work on getting all of you caught up on what has been going on with all of us lately. This may take awhile, so please bear with me.

October 27, 2004:

I won't share absolutely every detail of Sammi's day at school with all of you because, honestly, it gets a little boring. But there are a couple of cute things that have taken place that I'd like to share. One of them happened today.

There is a garage at school that Sammi gets a kick out of playing with. It's one of those matchbox car garages where cars can travel up ramps and stuff like that. Boy I hope all of you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, Sammi was playing with this today and she just happened to be playing with a McDonald's car. Now I don't know if someone mentioned to Sammi that she was holding the McDonald's car or if she saw the yellow "M" and recognized it, but she began singing the McDonald's song for everyone. ("Ba da ba ba ba -- I'm loving it")

October 28, 2004:

Jeff & I went to Sammi's school this afternoon. Sammi's class was having a Halloween party and all parents were invited to attend. All of the cute little kiddies were dressed in their Halloween costumes when we got there -- all except for my Sammi of course. Sammi refused to wear the Scooby Doo costume I had picked up for her, so she stayed in the Wiggles shirt she was wearing while all of the other kiddies dressed up. Sammi and her class sang songs for all of the parents. When they were finished with their circle time, everyone sat down for snack time. Of course I brought a thermos with Miss Samantha's ice cream in it since I knew she wouldn't eat any of the snacks that were brought in. We had a great time today!

October 29, 2004:

Miss Samantha stayed home with Jeff while I went to her school for a meeting. Keep in mind that my little girl is still a little on the young side to get into trouble, so this was a good meeting. Things that were discussed in this meeting included:
How Miss Samantha has been doing in class.
How she interacts with other children.
Her weaknesses and strengths.
Goals and accomplishments we'd like to see Samantha meet.
Getting Sammi set up with a speech therapist.

Due to her autism/echolalia, Sammi's speech is a little delayed. She isn't able to hold a conversation with anyone, which also results in her being more withdrawn from the other children in her class. I was the one who brought up the idea for Sammi to start meeting with a speech therapist, so hopefully something will happen with this soon.

Black Cat
October 31, 2004:

My Mom, step-Dad and I brought Miss Samantha to my Grandparents house in Groveland tonight. While my Grandpa, step-Dad and Uncle sat on their butts and watched the Pats game, my Mom and I brought Sammi trick-or-treating. Remember the Scooby Doo costume I had mentioned? Well Sammi refused to wear it tonight, so she wore a black shirt instead. A pumpkin is on the front of this shirt along with the words "Trick-or-Treat". Hey, at least she wore something that went along with Halloween. Sammi got LOTS of candy while we were out tonight. I brought along Sammi's wagon so we could pull her around, but of course she also refused to sit in that. So Sammi took turns holding my hand and my Mom's hand while we walked around collecting candy. We had a really good night together.

November 3, 2004:

My Mom, Dad and I brought Miss Samantha into Boston this afternoon for her appointment with Dr. Harris -- the genetics doctor we had seen in August. Dr. Harris went over the results of the blood work Sammi had had done during our last visit. Everything came back perfectly normal, which I (honestly) find a bit odd. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY happy that all of the diseases this doctor tested for came back negative. That's not what I'm surprised about. What I am surprised about is the fact that all of Samantha's vitamin levels came back fine. I mean, the kid eats soup & ice cream. That's it. She doesn't eat any fruits or vegetables or anything like that -- just soup & ice cream. So how can her vitamin levels be alright? It just seems weird to me. I am VERY happy at this news, just a little puzzled at the same time. Sammi was sent down to the lab for blood work before we left the hospital this afternoon. Since Mommy is a baby when it comes to having blood drawn, my wonderful Mom and Dad (Nuna and Papa to Sammi) stayed in the room with her while I cowered in the hallway. I'm telling you, this kid is a fighter when you try doing something to her that she doesn't want done. Before we left I bought Sammi a Thomas the Tank Engine balloon (her new favorite character). This thing was HUGE and Sammi absolutely loved it!

November 10, 2004:

I won't make a very big deal out of this, I just wanted to let everyone know that I FINALLY got my driver's license today. That's right, before today I was an old loser without a license. Thank goodness those days are over!

November 16, 2004:

I brought Sammi to be checked out by her pediatrician today. Sammi has had a head cold, with some coughing, for well over two weeks now. Since it didn't seem to be letting up, I started getting nervous and wondered if something more serious might be up with her. A strep throat culture was performed and that came back negative. Bottom line: it's just a cold that will have to go away on its own.

November 19, 2004:

Jeff went into Boston this afternoon to have a CT done and also to follow-up with the doctor who performed his surgery. Everything's looking good for Jeff! And his CT scan came out looking fine! Slowly but surely Jeff is getting back to his old self!

Happy Thanksgiving
November 25, 2004:

Jeff, Sammi and I went upstairs to my Mom and step-Dad's apartment to celebrate Thanksgiving together. My Mom did a WONDERFUL job making so many different kinds of yummy food. And the desserts she made..........my mouth is watering just thinking about everything.

November 28, 2004:

My Mom quit smoking today. She was diagnosed with bronchitis about a week or two ago. That, and the fact that she had battled bronchitis another time earlier this year, contributed to her quitting. She spent this past week cutting down as best she could (and she did an EXCELLENT job), smoked her last cigarette last night before bed and hasn't had another one since. She's ready to quit, so I know she can do this. I'm SO proud of her!!!

Christmas Tree

December 1, 2004:

I set up our Christmas tree tonight and, if I may say so, it looks gorgeous.

December 5, 2004:

Today marks one week of my Mom being smoke-free.
Way to go, Mom! You're doing such a terrific job! I love you SO much!


I can't even begin to tell you just how much I've missed all of the CaringBridge families I've grown to know and love since I haven't been able to visit any pages. I was fooling around online tonight and was able to sign a couple of guestbooks -- so hopefully this means my problems are behind me and I'll be able to continue checking up on everyone I've missed. I plan on visiting more CaringBridge families tomorrow once Miss Samantha has headed off to school.

As far as the kiddies I normally have listed at the bottom of Sammi's page, all of their links will be returning. You may have to give me a little bit to get all of them squared away, but they will be back!

Thank you, all of you, for bearing with me through all of the troubles I've been having. I love each and every one of you more than you know.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
"Happy to be back"

Monday, October 25, 2004

Wood Cross

Our hearts and prayers are with the Hendrick family at this very sad time. Rick Hendrick's son, brother and nieces (2) were involved in a tragic plane crash on Sunday. There were 10 people on board this flight, but no one survived. Rick Hendrick is the owner of the teams of Jeff Gordon (24), Jimmie Johnson (48), Terry Labonte (5) & Brian Vickers (25) from NASCAR.


Slowly but surely I'm figuring out what is wrong with this pain-in-my-butt computer. I'm hoping I'll be able to update Samantha's page more regularly and pop in on the families I know before too long.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Friday, October 22, 2004

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to let all of you know that my computer is continuing to give me nothing but problems these days, so I'm (once again) using my Mom's to post this update.

Everything has been going well in our neck of the woods. Sammi and I are both battling head colds right now, but Sammi's is fading. She has had hers for about a week now and it's just beginning to let up. Mine just started today so I get to look forward to all of the coughing, sneezing and runny nose that Miss Samantha has been dealing with. Joy!

Miss Samantha is still going to Pre-K 4 days a week and is absolutely loving every minute of it. She has been coming home with the cutest art projects, one of which is hanging on our back door right now. She has also been coming home singing new songs and trying her best to tell her about what she has been doing in school. She can't really come right out and tell us what's going on due to the autism, but that doesn't mean she can't try!

My Dad and I (possibly my Mom too) will be bringing Sammi into Boston on Wednesday November 3rd. We'll be meeting with the genetics doctor once again and should be getting the results back from all of the blood work that was done on our last visit. I'm also planning on bringing up Sammi's sleeping habits in hopes something (other than drugs) can be done.

And finally........................

HOW 'BOUT THEM RED SOX?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Wish us luck if you would!!!

I so hope all is well with every one of you. Thank you all for being so understanding while I continue to battle against these computer problems that have been invading my life. I'm hoping and praying all of this will be figured out before too much longer so that I can once again stop by to visit all of the CaringBridge families I've grown to know and love over the years.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Monday, October 11, 2004

Rest in peace, Christopher Reeve. Angel

I'll admit, I was never a fan of Superman. My Mom made me watch a movie with him in it more than once (Somewhere in Time) and I immediately began to like this man. If anyone can be looked upon as an inspiration, it was him. He continued to go on with his life and fight for what he believed in despite all of the obstacles that were thrown his way.

My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to everyone Christopher Reeve left behind.

Saturday, October 9, 2004

Raise your hand if you thought we had fallen off the face of the earth?

I'm SO sorry for taking so long with updating Miss Samantha's page. Everything has been running pretty smoothly on our end. Sammi is loving school and has been coming home with some pretty cool looking art projects.

My reason for not updating sooner is that our computer is a piece of junk. Big surprise there, huh. It has been giving us a world full of problems lately and it just occured to me to use my Mom's computer to make a quick update on Sammi's page. DUH!!!

Unfortunately this means I haven't been able to check in on all of the CaringBridge families I've grown to know and love. I miss all of you and hope everything has been going well for all of you. I'm hoping our hunk of junk will be up and running again soon. As soon as it is I promise I will visit each and every one of your sites.

Please know that each and every one of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers despite how long it takes me to get back on line.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Monday, September 13, 2004

I'm still working on getting those darn links up and running again. One day I've found them, the next day they're gone again. Then, when I look for them again, they magically reappear. Have I mentioned lately just how much I hate this computer???

On The Hammock

Miss Samantha, my Mom and I sat outside until it was time for Sammi to leave for school this morning. It was a very beautiful morning. I was freezing my bum off when I woke up this morning, but it had warmed up a lot by the time the three of us went outside. Sammi ate soup and ice cream, sat on my lap and my Mom's lap and had books read to her while we waited. One of the books we read ("It's Not Easy Being Big" -- a Sesame Street book) is what she took to school with her. Yes, she's still in the habit of taking a toy/book on the bus with her.

Place Setting

Sammi had a good day at school. She practiced writing letters with Shelia (this was Miss Samantha's very own idea) and she made herself a placemat for snack. Sammi also sorted colors (table activity) and participated in circle time with the rest of her class. Since the day continued to be a beautiful one, recess was held outside this afternoon.

Quit Your Complaining

Things are beginning to look up for my Mom as far as her job is concerned. A new employee was hired and begins working on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week -- I'm going to have to talk to my Mom to find out exactly when he will be starting. He worked at my Mom's company, though not in her store, a few months ago but left (on good terms) to work somewhere else. Now he's back -- thank goodness! I'm hoping and praying this will work out to my Mom's advantage. I hate to see her so upset over her job, and I've seen it more times than I can count.


Other than that, things have been quiet around here lately. No appointments are coming up for anyone anytime soon. The only one we have in the near future is for Miss Samantha and that isn't until November.

I hope all of you are doing well.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. "Semi-Gimpy" Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Thursday, September 9, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity@gmail.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

*********URGENT PRAYER REQUEST*********

Corey is in urgent need of prayers right now. He has been released from the hospital and his Mom is working on making him feel as comfortable as possible at home. This little boy has made it through SO much in the few years of his life and now he has even more to endure. His heart is VERY weak right now and the doctors haven’t given him much hope. I know his family would love to read your words of support in their guestbook.



Miss Samantha had another excellent day at school. She woke up in a VERY good mood this morning and continued to be happy while we waited for her bus to arrive. Jeff joined us in the kitchen before school and he and Sammi had a great time goofing off together until it was time for her to leave. Sammi decided to take 'The Bone Book' to school with her today.

Wheel 2

In school Sammi and Martha (the vision teacher who will be working with Sammi on braille again this year) played on the light box together. At recess, which was held in the gym this afternoon due to the rainy weather, Miss Samantha went for a wagon ride with Erick.

Other things happening in our neck of the woods:



Samantha can now spell SAMMI. We are VERY proud of her for picking this up so quickly. Another word she's mastering is CAT. She's also able to recognize both of these words when they're written. Call me crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if reading wasn't in the near future for my little Angel Bear.


My Mom, once again, is going through lots of problems with her job. One of her employees just up and quit out of the blue today. This has turned out to be a HUGE headache for my Mom. Could you please keep her in your thoughts and prayers until things smooth out for her? Thank you so much!


Jeff's foot is slowly beginning to feel better. He's now able to walk on it and apply pressure to it without it killing him. After missing two days of work, he returned to do two runs tonight. He also hasn't been using the crutches (given to him by the hospital when he was checked out at the ER on Tuesday) anymore since it no longer causes him pain to walk.

Jeff will be heading out to see his kiddies on Saturday. Saturday is also his son's, David's, 13th birthday. I'd love to go with Jeff to wish David a 'Happy Birthday' in person, but most of you know why that isn't a possibility. Jeff, Sammi and I will be heading out sometime tomorrow so we can pick up a present for David. I'm not sure what we're going to get him yet.

To David:

Happy Birthday, sweetheart! We love you VERY much and want to wish you the most wonderful day EVER!!


All four of our pets (CaseyDog 1, MarbleCat 7, AahzCat 9, GordonBlack Cat) are doing good and are being little pains in our butts as usual. EddieDog 7 and RugerDog 8 (my two babies who live upstairs with my parents) are doing well too. My step-Dad will be bringing Eddie (the German Shepherd) to the Vet on Friday for shots and to have his ear looked at.

Love You A Ton

I think that's about all that has been happening around here lately. I've found the links for all of the CaringBridge kiddies that I usually have listed at the bottom of Miss Samantha's page. All I have to do is update them and they'll be back. So keep those eyes of yours open! If I don't get them up tonight, they should definitely be up before this weekend is over.

Twin Towers 1

I hope every one of you has a spectacular weekend with your family, friends and loved ones.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. "Gimpy" Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese


The song Sammi loves to sing when she's coloring/drawing:

"We are coloring,
We are coloring,
Yes we are,
Yes we are,
Color, color, coloring,
Color, color, coloring,
Yes we are,
Yes we are!"

Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Hi everyone!

Well I guess now that I have the time to update Miss Samantha's page that it must mean summer is almost over. Ugh! I apologize for not being able to stop by and update sooner. Things have been crazy around here with Miss Samantha being home for the summer plus Jeff and I have run into a few finacial difficulties. Luckily everything seems to be coming together for all of us (finally) and I'm finding more time to do the things online that I've wanted to do.

First of all, let me start off with some important events that have happened with us since my last update. There haven't been too many important things going on with us, so all of you really haven't missed much.

Tuesday, August 10th:

Miss Samantha was seen by her Neurologist, Dr. Robbins, this afternoon. What a wonderful appointment this turned out to be!

Dr. Robbins had ordered a chromosone test to be done months ago and we got the results back today. It seems that neither I or Samantha's father is responsible for her autism. I took this as wonderful, wonderful news! I want to have another child in the future, so I was VERY scared that I had caused this. It's such a relief knowing I'm not responsible! So basically, it's just one of those things that happens for no given reason. I have diabetes, but no one in my family has ever been diagnosed with the disease. Samantha was born with ONH, but no one in our family has ever had any eye problems. See? Just one of those things.

Dr. Robbins also doesn't see the need to schedule anymore MRI's or blood work for Miss Samantha. Since every test she has had has come back fine, he doesn't feel the need to test her anymore.

Tuesday, August 17th:

My Dad called me this afternoon. It seems Jake (his dog) had a lump removed from one of his paws today. The VET removed it and tested it for cancer. Luckily (thankfully) everything came back CLEAR! The lump that was found was just that -- a lump.

My Grandma also called me this afternoon. She had an appointment this afternoon. Just a check-up. Everything came back fine on her end, but he blood pressure is a little on the high side. After having it checked by her doctor twice a week, everything is back to normal. Today brought good news all around!

Thursday, September 2nd:

My Grandma went in for a colonoscopy this afternoon. No polups (sp?) or anything else like that was found, but it was discovered that she has a condition called diverticulitis. This isn't anything serious. Basically it just means that she'll need to stay away from foods that contain nuts and seeds. I'm telling you, this woman barely eats anything as it is and now she needs to alter her diet even more. I don't know how she does it!

Monday, September 6th:



Tuesday, September 7th:

Jeff ended up going to the ER after his first run this morning. Yesterday he woke up and couldn't walk on his right foot. It didn't hurt to touch, but he couldn't put any pressure on it at all. None of us knew what was going on with him, so he ended up going to the ER to be checked out. It turns out that Mr. Jeff has gout. He's on medication for it and as of today (he tells me) his foot is beginning to feel better. He's even beginning to put pressure on it, and walk on it, without it causing him extreme pain. Hopefully he'll be back to work soon.

Wednesday, September 8th:

School Supplies

Today was Miss Samantha's first day back to school. About a week ago Mrs. Lynch (Samantha's preschool teacher) called me to let me know that Sammi will be in her class once again. Shelia is also working with Sammi again this year. Excellent news!

Miss Samantha decided not to go to sleep until about five o'clock this morning (her sleeping schedule these days is another story all together), so she wasn't too happy with me when I woke her up at 7:30a. She wasn't too cranky as I dressed and fed her this morning, but you could tell she wasn't in the best mood.

I had Sammi ready by eight o'clock when I thought her bus would be arriving. WRONG! I ended up calling the bus company and Samantha's school this morning around nine o'clock since the bus was over half an hour late. Turns out Miss Samantha wasn't forgotten about (I was really beginning to think she had been), but that her bus was just running late.

Sammi was thrilled to be riding on the big yellow bus once again. She was in the most wonderful news when I left her on the bus. Shelia sent a note home with her this afternoon and it said that Samantha was in a great mood when she was taken off the bus this morning and she continued to be in one throughout the school day.

Today Miss Samantha played at the work bench, sand table and played with pegs (table activity). Recess was held outside this afternoon. Almost as soon as Sammi got off the bus today, it started to rain. Luckily Sammi and her class were fortunate enough to play outside before the rain rolled in.

I'm SO happy to hear that Sammi had such a wonderful first day of school! She's VERY happy to see her friends (all of them are new except for little Dominik), Shelia and Mrs. Lynch. I'm hoping being back at school will help Miss Samantha get on a better sleeping schedule, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I will definitely be back tomorrow to update Miss Samantha's page once again. All of the kiddies I usually have listed at the bottom of Sammi's page will be back then. I misplaced all of the links I had on them, but I will be looking for them tonight. Once they've been found, they will be back. Please feel free to check out the past journals to visit any one of the kiddies I've ever had listed on Sammi's page.

Have a great day, everyone!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Thursday, August 5, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity@gmail.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

I'd like to pass my condolences along to two families who have recently lost their little *Angels*

*Alexandra Scott* became one of Heaven's newest *Angels* on August 1, 2004. I am still feeling the effects of losing this little sweetheart. I was reading the paper today and an article was posted about *Alexandra*. Reading that article got all of my feelings churning around and around again.

All of *Celeste's* pain and suffering ended on August 3, 2004 when she was welcomed Home to Heaven. Seeing pictures of this sweet little girl will definitely bring a smile to your face.

*********URGENT PRAYER REQUEST*********

Corey is in urgent need of prayers right now. He has been admitted to the hospital. His breathing is weak and his heartbeat is abnormal. This little boy has made it through SO much in the few years of his life. I know his family would love to read your words of support in their guestbook.


What a day yesterday was! What a long, hot, tiring day. I can't even tell you how happy I was to have finally gotten home. Of course it was a short lived happiness since I headed out for bowling with my step-Dad shortly after I returned home, but it still felt good.

My Dad came to our house around 11 and we were on the road by 11:30. After a quick stop at McDonalds (Sammi's FAVORITE place -- not because of the food, but because of their theme song -- she hears it on TV all the time and loves singing along) we headed to Boston. We had awesome directions to the hospital (everyone say, "Thank you, ShannonRolly) so we actually ended up arriving a lot sooner than we thought we would have.

Finding the building we needed to go to wasn't a problem. We arrived in the waiting area 15 minutes before Sammi's appointment. Luckily I didn't have loads of paper work to fill out, I just had to give them our new phone number. (The phone number we use most often isn't our home number. Since the phone lines are usually tied up because one of us is online, Jeff and I use our cell phones for phone calls).

First Sammi was weighed (29 lbs. I think) and measured (a little under 3'2"). Then we were brought into an examining room where we waited for about 15 minutes before being seen. When someone finally did come into the room, it wasn't the doctor we were scheduled to see. It was a doctor, but not the right one. This one needed information and LOTS of it. The whole interview process took about 20 minutes if not longer. Miss Samantha was VERY well behaved while I sat there answering question after question. She played with Papa, ate ice cream and looked at a couple of books that were in the room. This whole process was a VERY boring one.

When I was finished being interviewed, we were left alone in the examining room and told that the doctor we were supposed to be seeing would be in before long. Yeah, right. You've got to know that when someone says this to you, it's going to take a looooooooooong time before you're seen. And it did. It took 45 minutes for these people to return. But, for some reason, Miss Samantha was in a wonderful mood and didn't throw any tantrums while we waited. My Dad and I, on the other hand, were about ready to fall asleep from boredom.

The doctor spent about 15 minutes watching Sammi when he finally came into our room. He watched how she walked, how she used her hands to fiddle faddle (an expression I came up with -- when she takes an object in one hand and fiddles with it repeatedly with her other) and he listened to how she spoke. By the time he was finished observing her, he ordered for some blood word to be done. He is testing Sammi's vitamin levels since she doesn't eat anything besides soup and ice cream as well as two other conditions he would like to rule out. Now the thing that sucks about this is that we won't know anything until Samantha sees him again -- in 3 months. Talk about agony!!! I hate waiting a couple of weeks for a result to come back and we've got to wait 3 months. In fact, I have to call up the hospital tomorrow so I can work on scheduling this appointment.

Sammi (just like Mommy) HATES having blood work done. My Dad (bless his soul) also knows how badly I hate this and offered to have Sammi sit on his lap while they were drawing blood. He told me to get lost. So I waited in the waiting room until this was finished. I didn't stop thanking my Dad for this for the rest of the day. I was prepared (kind of) to see this done, but my Dad didn't want me to go through that. What a sweetheart!

This is one of Miss Samantha's latest art projects. She brought it home from school on Tuesday of this week. Isn't it great? Unfortunately I won't be able to show you a picture of the wind sock Sammi brought home. She also brought home a VERY adorable caterpillar today. It's made out of an egg carton and it's just too cute! I'm going to try my best to get pictures of these taken so all of you can oogle over them too.

I hope all of you have been having a wonderful week. I'm going to do my absolute best to stop by all of the CaringBridge sites I'm allowed to tomorrow.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff and Miss Samantha Therese

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
July 22, 2004:

For some reason I’m having trouble logging on to Little Jacob’s site. Don’t feel bad folks, your site isn’t the only one I’ve been having problems with. I hope to leave a message for all of you soon.

July 28, 2004:

Stop by Cam’s page to read the excellent way Michelle (Cam’s WONDERFUL Mom) describes what she’s feeling.

August 4, 2004:

Chad will have his VERY LAST spinal tap and spinal injection of chemo today. Terrific, terrific news! We’re SO happy for you, sweetie!

August 15, 2004:

Chad will be heading to his favorite camp, Camp Ukandu, today. Have a great time at camp, hon!

July 2004:

Chase’s MRI came back looking good! Thank goodness!!

July 28, 2004:

A CT scan of Christopher’s lungs show that they are CLEAR!!! Woohoo!!!

July 30, 2004:

Connor’s page is yet another one that I’ve been having trouble opening.

August 5, 2004:

Both Corey and Russ are dealing with hugs amounts of pain at this time. Please stop by Corey’s site to offer your support.

July 29, 2004:

Craig does need to have surgery on his left ear.

September 7, 2004:

Craig will be having surgery today. He’s VERY nervous about this. Get those happy thoughts, prayers and well wishes rolling!

September 10, 2004:

Craig will be going in for scans.

August 11, 2004:

Today is David’s first day of school. Please join me in praying that he will be feeling well enough to attend.

August 7, 2004:

David’s new chemo treatment will begin today.

July 28, 2004:

David will be having a spinal MRI completed today. Please join me in praying for extra good results.

July 27, 2004:

David had his brain MRI done today and the results came back CLEAR!!!
Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo!

July 25, 2004:

David, his Mom and sister Ashlei have returned home to Florida. David’s brother, Michael, will be staying in Jersey until August 5.

Welcome home, everyone!!!

August 3, 2004:

Chemo is no longer working for Dee. Although Dee and her family have run out of treatment options, they have NOT run out of hope.

July 21, 2004:

Devin’s labs have gone down. I don’t know about all of you, but I’ll be chanting “Up, up, up!” until they go up again.

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 31, 2004:

Unfortunately Dillion’s page is another one that I’ve been having problems visiting lately.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 22, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

August 12, 2004:

Heidi will be having complete blood work done today.

August 13, 2004:

Heidi goes in for a cardiac cauterization today.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

August 12, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing his lung doctor today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

August 1, 2004:

There is a WONDERFUL picture of Justyn on the front of his page – Please rush over to his site to see what an attractive young man he is.

September 5, 2004:

Justyn will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

July 26, 2004:

Kaidrie’s MRI shows that her tumor has only shrunk 35 - 40%. Chemo will more than likely begin soon for this little sweetheart.

July 21, 2004:

Keara went outside today for the first time in a long time. WOOHOO! Don’t get another sun burn, hon!

August 2, 2004:

Keara’s VERY good friend, Dawn, will be seeing her doctor today. Although Dawn doesn’t have a page of her own, any and all messages for her are more than welcome in Keara’s guestbook.

August 1, 2004:

Are all of you ready for some excellent news?????? I hope so ‘cause here it comes………..

Miss LaKota is 100% donor cells!!!


LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

July 30, 2004:

Lexie begins her chemo treatment today.

July 22, 2004:

Mark is home (thank goodness!) with home health and IV antibiotics.

June 28, 2004:

No regrowth was shown on Michael’s MRI. Yipee!!!

August 26, 2004:

Another MRI is scheduled for Michael.

August 1, 2004:

Nikki’s page is another one I’m having trouble visiting these days.

July 14, 2004:

Sweet Nikki will be receiving her last dose of chemo today. Everyone do the “Happy Dance” with me!

August 1, 2004:

The results from Tyler’s scans are back and the spot that was originally seen is now gone. Woohoo!

August 18 & 19, 2004:

Tyler will be going in for dental surgery.

September 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon again. Hopefully what will be done with his jaw and mouth will be figured out.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

Jeff as he has a CAT scan done on September 1, 2004.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

August 4, 2004:

Today is the day of Adam’s VERY LAST spinal tap and bone aspirate!!!
Way to go, buddy! We’re SO, SO happy for you!

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in August:

August 1
*Angel Amanda*

August 2
*Angel Justin*

August 3

August 7
(This link will bring you to EJ's page. Kyle is Eileen's soon to be 7-year-old son)

August 9
(This link will bring you to Jared’s page. Mari is Jared’s little sister)

August 11
*Angel Jillian*

August 15

August 18

August 20
Little Jacob
*Angel Princess Libbie*

August 22
(This link will bring you to Lindsey’s page. Hayden is Lindsey’s little brother)

August 23

August 25
(This link will bring you to Kody’s page. Kolin is Kody’s younger brother)

August 27
(This link will bring you to Chad’s page. Kristina is Chad’s older sister)

August 28
(This link will bring you to Tori’s page. Dawn is Tori’s Mom)

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity@gmail.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!


Hi everyone! That's right, I'm back! Surprise, surprise! Before I get started on this VERY long journal entry, I'd like to pass my condolences along to two families who have recently lost their little *Angels*

*Alexandra Scott* became one of Heaven's newest *Angels* on August 1, 2004. I am still feeling the effects of losing this little sweetheart. I was reading the paper today and an article was posted about *Alexandra*. Reading that article got all of my feelings churning around and around again.

All of *Celeste's* pain and suffering ended on August 3, 2004 when she was welcomed Home to Heaven. Seeing pictures of this sweet little girl will definitely bring a smile to your face.

Peek A Boo

I'm going to do my absolute best to bring all of you up-to-date on everything that has been going on around here since my last update. Hopefully I won't wind up forgetting anything important. So all of you may want to grab something to drink, maybe a small snack too, sit back, put those feet of yours up and enjoy!

Saturday July 24, 2004:

Jeff went to see his kids today, which left Miss Samantha and I home alone for the day. Less than an hour after Jeff took off, my phone rang. Actually my 2-way started chiming (Jeff has a Nextel like me now) and it was Jeff. He said his car had started acting funny when he was on the highway. When he exited the highway, he pulled into a gas station and the car died on him. He couldn't get it started again. Luckily he wasn't far from his kids house, so he called his Mom to pick him up and bring him there. He spent a couple of hours visiting with them before calling AAA to pick him up. We don't have AAA, but one of Jeff's friends does and he was more than happy to help him out. (Thank you again, Bob!) I can't remember what it was that ended up dying on Jeff's car (I never claimed to be a mechanic), but it has been fixed. I'm telling you, it definitely pays to know people. If Jeff had gone to a store to buy the parts he needed, we'd be a couple hundred dollars in the hole right now. But with the connections we have, we ended up paying under $100. Thank goodness!

Tuesday July 27, 2004:

Miss Samantha had a VERY good day at school today. She brought home a yellow construction paper duckie complete with an orange beak and feet. Don't you worry, pictures of her projects will be following shortly.

Thursday July 29, 2004:

Miss Samantha didn't bring any art projects home from school with her this afternoon, but she did come home covered in magic marker colors. She had blue all over her face, hands and clothes. I was a little disappointed and puzzled with this. Hopefully some sort of project will be sent home with her soon so I know why she looked like a Smurf today.

Remember how I told all of you that my Grandpa was headed in to the hospital to have a colonoscopy done? Well that never happened. After pooing all night long (there's a pretty picture for all of you) his doctor ended up canceling his appointment. Poor guy! His procedure took place today instead. I talked to my Dad this evening and he said all went well with my Grandpa. His doctor looked over the results and nothing seems out of the ordinary! WOOHOO! My Grandfather won't need to have this done again for another 5 years. To each and every one of you who sent prayers along for my Grandpa -- thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Your prayers were definitely heard!

Saturday July 31, 2004:

My Mom, step-Dad, Jeff, Nancy (our next door neighbor), Annie (Nancy's friend), Bob (Jeff's friend), Judith (Bob's girlfriend) and I partied outside tonight. Sammi spent some time outside with all of us until it was time for her to go night-nights. Nancy and her boys (Matt & Mike) are great with Samantha. They love to pull her around in her wagon and play catch with her. Sammi had a great time being included in our festivities until it was time for her to hit the sack. All of us had a great time hanging out and talking tonight.

Tuesday August 3, 2004:

Miss Samantha had a good day at school (I'm assuming). She came home with two art projects this afternoon, but you'll probably only end up seeing one of them on her page. One project (what you won't be seeing) is a wind sock. There are three blue streamers hanging from the bottom of it and it's covered in very pretty colors. Now I just need to find a place to hang it!

The other project Sammi came home with was a face. It's made out of construction paper and it's just too cute! I'm going to work on scanning this tonight (along with a couple of other projects) and hopefully you'll be seeing them on Samantha's page before too long.

Dove 2

Tonight I found out that a VERY wonderful woman has passed away. When I was pregnant with Samantha I worked at a place called Haverhill Crossings. It's an assisted living community for older people. I did a lot of waitressing, busing, dishes and prep work while I was there. I was fortunate enough to meet many wonderful people while I was there. Some of these people were sweet enough to give gifts to me for Samantha. One couple that I grew VERY fond of was *Esther* and *Al*. They were the sweetest couple. *Esther* was such a wise a** -- I think that's why I liked her so much. She was wise, but she had a heart of gold and her husband, *Al*, was just an all out sweetheart. When they found out about my pregnancy, they gave me a gorgeous white sweater for Sammi. It was the most precious thing and it looked beautiful on her! *Al* passed away earlier in 2004 and *Esther* just passed away too. Losing *Alex*, *Celeste* and now *Esther* has really got me bummed out. Please pray for the family *Esther* and *Al* have left behind. They never had any children, but they had many nieces, nephews and cousins.


I have more to say, but Jeff is making me get off line. A thunder storm has started and he makes me sign off whenever any bit of lightning is seen. Baby.

I do hope all of you are doing well. I'm doing my best to catch up on all of the CaringBridge guestbooks I haven't been able to sign lately. I probably won't be able to hit any tomorrow since I have a pretty jam packed day ahead of me -- oh joy! Please don't forget to stop by the kiddies pages who I have listed below. Every one of them would love to hear from you.

CaduceusUpcoming AppointmentsCaduceus

August 4 -- My Dad and I will be bringing Miss Samantha into Boston to have genetic testing done. This is going to be one VERY long day!

August 17 -- This appointment may not stick since I've just figured out that it's on a Tuesday and would be taking place when Samantha should be in school. I may have to rescedule it. But anyway, Samantha should be seeing her Neurologist this afternoon. This is just a follow-up visit so we can go over the genetics testing results.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
July 22, 2004:

For some reason I’m having trouble logging on to Little Jacob’s site. Don’t feel bad folks, your site isn’t the only one I’ve been having problems with. I hope to leave a message for all of you soon.

July 28, 2004:

Stop by Cam’s page to read the excellent way Michelle (Cam’s WONDERFUL Mom) describes what she’s feeling.

July 22, 2004:

Chad had his counts checked and unfortunately he isn’t feeling his best at this time. Please stop by his page and try to cheer him up!

August 4, 2004:

Chad will have his VERY LAST spinal tap and spinal injection of chemo today. Terrific, terrific news! We’re SO happy for you, sweetie!

August 15, 2004:

Chad will be heading to his favorite camp, Camp Ukandu, today. Have a great time at camp, hon!

July 2004:

Has an MRI coming up this month. His page is password protected, which is why I didn’t bother posting a link.

July 28, 2004:

A CT scan of Christopher’s lungs show that they are CLEAR!!! Woohoo!!!

July 30, 2004:

Connor’s page is yet another one that I’ve been having trouble opening.

July 28, 2004:

Corey isn’t doing very well these days and has been having more and more trouble breathing lately. Please take the time to stop by his page and leave some encouraging words for this sweet little boy and his extremely strong family.

July 29, 2004:

Craig does need to have surgery on his left ear.

September 7, 2004:

Craig will be having surgery today. He’s VERY nervous about this. Get those happy thoughts, prayers and well wishes rolling!

September 10, 2004:

Craig will be going in for scans.

August 11, 2004:

Today is David’s first day of school. Please join me in praying that he will be feeling well enough to attend.

August 7, 2004:

David’s new chemo treatment will begin today.

July 28, 2004:

David will be having a spinal MRI completed today. Please join me in praying for extra good results.

July 27, 2004:

David had his brain MRI done today and the results came back CLEAR!!!
Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo!

July 25, 2004:

David, his Mom and sister Ashlei have returned home to Florida. David’s brother, Michael, will be staying in Jersey until August 5.

Welcome home, everyone!!!

July 29, 2004:

Dee’s counts are a bit off, but she’s doing well.

July 21, 2004:

Devin’s labs have gone down. I don’t know about all of you, but I’ll be chanting “Up, up, up!” until they go up again.

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 31, 2004:

Unfortunately Dillion’s page is another one that I’ve been having problems visiting lately.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 22, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

August 12, 2004:

Heidi will be having complete blood work done today.

August 13, 2004:

Heidi goes in for a cardiac cauterization today.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

August 12, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing his lung doctor today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

August 1, 2004:

There is a WONDERFUL picture of Justyn on the front of his page – Please rush over to his site to see what an attractive young man he is.

September 5, 2004:

Justyn will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

July 26, 2004:

Kaidrie’s MRI shows that her tumor has only shrunk 35 - 40%. Chemo will more than likely begin soon for this little sweetheart.

July 21, 2004:

Keara went outside today for the first time in a long time. WOOHOO! Don’t get another sun burn, hon!

August 2, 2004:

Keara’s VERY good friend, Dawn, will be seeing her doctor today. Although Dawn doesn’t have a page of her own, any and all messages for her are more than welcome in Keara’s guestbook.

August 1, 2004:

Are all of you ready for some excellent news?????? I hope so ‘cause here it comes………..

Miss LaKota is 100% donor cells!!!


LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

July 30, 2004:

Lexie begins her chemo treatment today.

July 22, 2004:

Mark is home (thank goodness!) with home health and IV antibiotics.

June 28, 2004:

No regrowth was shown on Michael’s MRI. Yipee!!!

August 26, 2004:

Another MRI is scheduled for Michael.

August 1, 2004:

Nikki’s page is another one I’m having trouble visiting these days.

July 14, 2004:

Sweet Nikki will be receiving her last dose of chemo today. Everyone do the “Happy Dance” with me!

August 1, 2004:

The results from Tyler’s scans are back and the spot that was originally seen is now gone. Woohoo!

August 18 & 19, 2004:

Tyler will be going in for dental surgery.

September 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon again. Hopefully what will be done with his jaw and mouth will be figured out.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

Jeff as he has a CAT scan done on September 1, 2004.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in August:

August 1
*Angel Amanda*

August 2
*Angel Justin*

August 3

August 7
(This link will bring you to EJ's page. Kyle is Eileen's soon to be 7-year-old son)

August 9
(This link will bring you to Jared’s page. Mari is Jared’s little sister)

August 11
*Angel Jillian*

August 18

August 20
Little Jacob
*Angel Princess Libbie*

August 22
(This link will bring you to Lindsey’s page. Hayden is Lindsey’s little brother)

August 23

August 25
(This link will bring you to Kody’s page. Kolin is Kody’s younger brother)

August 27
(This link will bring you to Chad’s page. Kristina is Chad’s older sister)

August 28
(This link will bring you to Tori’s page. Dawn is Tori’s Mom)

Monday, August 2, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity@gmail.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

I had every intention of bringing all of you up-to-date on all of the things that have been happening around our house recently, but then this was brought to my attention...............


Sweet Little *Alexandra Scott* became one of Heaven's newest *Angels* on August 1, 2004. The link to Alex's Lemonade Stand is still (and always will be) posted below. Although I didn't know *Alex* or her family, this news is just too devestating for me. I actually learned of her passing when I was watching the news early this morning. I had no idea *Alex* had a CaringBridge page until someone forwarded her link to me. Please stop by her site and leave condolences for her heart broken family.

Gold Cross

I'll work on updating Miss Samantha's page with all that has been going on soon.


Since I'm unable to visit their page or send them mail, I'd like to send a VERY BIG THANK YOU out to Kimbra (Dillion's Mom). She sent a BEAUTIFUL package to Miss Samantha last week. Thank you so very much, hon! Sammi has been having a blast with everything you sent. You really out did yourself and we appreciate your generosity more than you know.

Chill PillUpcoming AppointmentsChill Pill

August 4 -- My Dad and I will be bringing Miss Samantha into Boston to have genetic testing done. This is going to be one VERY long day!

August 17 -- This appointment may not stick since I've just figured out that it's on a Tuesday and would be taking place when Samantha should be in school. I may have to rescedule it. But anyway, Samantha should be seeing her Neurologist this afternoon. This is just a follow-up visit so we can go over the genetics testing results.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
July 22, 2004:

For some reason I’m having trouble logging on to Little Jacob’s site. Don’t feel bad folks, your site isn’t the only one I’ve been having problems with. I hope to leave a message for all of you soon.

July 28, 2004:

Stop by Cam’s page to read the excellent way Michelle (Cam’s WONDERFUL Mom) describes what she’s feeling.

July 22, 2004:

Chad had his counts checked and unfortunately he isn’t feeling his best at this time. Please stop by his page and try to cheer him up!

August 4, 2004:

Chad will have his VERY LAST spinal tap and spinal injection of chemo today. Terrific, terrific news! We’re SO happy for you, sweetie!

August 15, 2004:

Chad will be heading to his favorite camp, Camp Ukandu, today. Have a great time at camp, hon!

July 2004:

Has an MRI coming up this month. His page is password protected, which is why I didn’t bother posting a link.

July 28, 2004:

A CT scan of Christopher’s lungs show that they are CLEAR!!! Woohoo!!!

July 30, 2004:

Connor’s page is yet another one that I’ve been having trouble opening.

July 28, 2004:

Corey isn’t doing very well these days and has been having more and more trouble breathing lately. Please take the time to stop by his page and leave some encouraging words for this sweet little boy and his extremely strong family.

July 29, 2004:

Craig does need to have surgery on his left ear.

September 7, 2004:

Craig will be having surgery today. He’s VERY nervous about this. Get those happy thoughts, prayers and well wishes rolling!

September 10, 2004:

Craig will be going in for scans.

August 11, 2004:

Today is David’s first day of school. Please join me in praying that he will be feeling well enough to attend.

August 7, 2004:

David’s new chemo treatment will begin today.

July 28, 2004:

David will be having a spinal MRI completed today. Please join me in praying for extra good results.

July 27, 2004:

David had his brain MRI done today and the results came back CLEAR!!!
Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo!

July 25, 2004:

David, his Mom and sister Ashlei have returned home to Florida. David’s brother, Michael, will be staying in Jersey until August 5.

Welcome home, everyone!!!

July 29, 2004:

Dee’s counts are a bit off, but she’s doing well.

July 21, 2004:

Devin’s labs have gone down. I don’t know about all of you, but I’ll be chanting “Up, up, up!” until they go up again.

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 31, 2004:

Unfortunately Dillion’s page is another one that I’ve been having problems visiting lately.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 22, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

August 12, 2004:

Heidi will be having complete blood work done today.

August 13, 2004:

Heidi goes in for a cardiac cauterization today.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

August 12, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing his lung doctor today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

August 1, 2004:

There is a WONDERFUL picture of Justyn on the front of his page – Please rush over to his site to see what an attractive young man he is.

September 5, 2004:

Justyn will be turning 7-years-old today!!!

July 26, 2004:

Kaidrie’s MRI shows that her tumor has only shrunk 35 - 40Chemo will more than likely begin soon for this little sweetheart.

July 21, 2004:

Keara went outside today for the first time in a long time. WOOHOO! Don’t get another sun burn, hon!

August 2, 2004:

Keara’s VERY good friend, Dawn, will be seeing her doctor today. Although Dawn doesn’t have a page of her own, any and all messages for her are more than welcome in Keara’s guestbook.

August 1, 2004:

Are all of you ready for some excellent news?????? I hope so ‘cause here it comes………..

Miss LaKota is 100onor cells!!!


LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

July 30, 2004:

Lexie begins her chemo treatment today.

July 22, 2004:

Mark is home (thank goodness!) with home health and IV antibiotics.

June 28, 2004:

No regrowth was shown on Michael’s MRI. Yipee!!!

August 26, 2004:

Another MRI is scheduled for Michael.

August 1, 2004:

Nikki’s page is another one I’m having trouble visiting these days.

July 14, 2004:

Sweet Nikki will be receiving her last dose of chemo today. Everyone do the “Happy Dance” with me!

August 1, 2004:

The results from Tyler’s scans are back and the spot that was originally seen is now gone. Woohoo!

August 18 & 19, 2004:

Tyler will be going in for dental surgery.

September 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon again. Hopefully what will be done with his jaw and mouth will be figured out.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

Jeff as he has a CAT scan done on September 1, 2004.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in August:

August 1
*Angel Amanda*

August 2
*Angel Justin*

August 3

August 9
(This link will bring you to Jared’s page. Mari is Jared’s little sister)

August 11
*Angel Jillian*

August 18

August 20
Little Jacob
*Angel Princess Libbie*

August 22
(This link will bring you to Lindsey’s page. Hayden is Lindsey’s little brother)

August 23

August 25
(This link will bring you to Kody’s page. Kolin is Kody’s younger brother)

August 27
(This link will bring you to Chad’s page. Kristina is Chad’s older sister)

August 28
(This link will bring you to Tori’s page. Dawn is Tori’s Mom)

Friday, July 23, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity@gmail.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

Easter Cross

I've listed three *Angels* below whom I've just learned have passed on. Please pass along your condolences to these heart broken families:

July 15, 2004

July 18, 2004

July 22, 2004

My heart goes out to these families whose loved ones have recently passed on.

I am so sorry for not having the time to update Miss Samantha's page recently. Between being in pain, trying to keep Sammi occupied when she isn't in school and keeping this house clean, I haven't had time for much else. Sammi is sleeping right now, so I'm hoping to get through this update befor she wakes up and our day begins.

We didn't do anything very special for Jeff's birthday. Mostly because Jeff isn't thrilled about aging (the way he acts you would think he's 90). We did give him some gifts and cards and my Mom brought a cake home for him. All of us had a good time together and that cake was Mmm Mmm GOOD! I even helped Miss Samantha create her very own card for Jeff. She had a great time printing out letters (we wrote "Happy Birthday" and "I love you") and scribbling all over the card when we were finished. It looked GREAT!


As most of you know, Jeff was scheduled to have a CAT scan performed on his birthday. He ended up cancelling that appointment and it has now been rescheduled for September 1. I'm not sure of the time, but that's when it will be taking place. The fact that he is still experiencing pain and has been having some killer headaches lately scares me a little bit, but I may just be overreacting. Even though this new appointment is more than a month away, I'll be hoping and praying everyday that his results come back CLEAR!


My Papa had his pre-op on Wednesday (July 21) and went in for his colonoscopy on Thursday (July 22). Since I haven't heard from my Grandma, I'm assuming all went well. She promised to call me if anything went wrong and my phone has yet to ring. I won't know any of the results from my Papa's test until next week when my Grandma is able to come and visit us. Please keep up with the thoughts and prayers all of you wonderful people have been sending my Papa's way. The last time he had this procedure done a whole week had passed before he was hospitalized with complications. So, needless to say, I'm a little worried. Speaking of those prayers, thank you all so VERY much for sending them our way. I can't even begin to tell you how VERY much we appreciate each and every one of them.


Miss Samantha had an excellent week in school. She came home with two art projects this week. On Tuesday (July 20) she came home with what I think (and my Mom agrees) is by far the cutest project Sammi has EVER brought home. It's a cut out of a fish bowl on blue construction paper. In the middle is some green construction paper in the shape of sea weed. All around the sea weed are goldfish -- THE CRACKERS!!! They're glued all over the paper! What a VERY cute idea this was. I just about died when I saw how cute it is.


This past week must have been fish week at school. On Thursday (July 22) Sammi came home with ANOTHER fish project. This one is a white fish cute out with water colors all over it. As soon as I got Miss Samantha off of the bus on Thursday, it became VERY obvious that she had painted the fish herself. The pink shirt she was wearing was spotted with blue and yellow paint. Too, too cute! This project is also hanging VERY PROUDLY on our fridge.

Ok, Miss Samantha is awake now so I need to end this. I promise I will do my absolute best to stop by and update Miss Samantha's page again VERY SOONLY.

I hope every one of you has a fantastic weekend with your family!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. "Old Man" Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
July 22, 2004:

For some reason I’m having trouble logging on to Little Jacob’s site. Don’t feel bad folks, your site isn’t the only one I’ve been having problems with. I hope to leave a message for all of you soon.

July 20, 2004:

Cam started this week’s chemo treatment without a problem. However, he had quite a scare and was brought to the ER when he fell and hit his head. Stop by his page to read some more about the adventures Cam and his family have gone through.

July 22, 2004:

Chad had his counts checked and unfortunately he isn’t feeling his best at this time. Please stop by his page and try to cheer him up!

August 4, 2004:

Chad will have his VERY LAST spinal tap and spinal injection of chemo today. Terrific, terrific news! We’re SO happy for you, sweetie!

August 15, 2004:

Chad will be heading to his favorite camp, Camp Ukandu, today. Have a great time at camp, hon!

July 2004:

Has an MRI coming up this month. His page is password protected, which is why I didn’t bother posting a link.

July 12, 2004:

This is BIG news for Christopher and his family.

For the first time, Christopher was able to walk into the hospital with assistance from his cane ONLY. In the past he would hold onto a wheelchair for support. This is GREAT news! Keep up all of the terrific work, sweetie!

July 13 - 16, 2004:

Connor will be receiving chemo all week long.

Please pray for this sweetheart as he continues to experience pain and his stomach has also begun giving him problems.

July 23, 2004:

Connor will be having both a CT scan and an MRI done today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 11, 2004:

Corey has been having a lot of seizures lately and he has also been having some trouble with swallowing. Corey’s fantastic Mom, Margo, also hasn’t been feeling very well lately.

July 29, 2004:

Craig and his family should know something about what’s going on with his cute little ears by today.

Any and all prayers concerning Craig’s little ears would be VERY much appreciated.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

July 22, 2004:

The results from Dee’s CT scan and MRI are in, but they aren’t very good. Please stop by her site and show every ounce of support you’re able to.

July 21, 2004:

Devin’s labs have gone down. I don’t know about all of you, but I’ll be chanting “Up, up, up!” until they go up again.

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 22, 2004:

Unfortunately Dillion’s page is another one that I’ve been having problems visiting lately.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 22, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

August 12, 2004:

Heidi will be having complete blood work done today.

August 13, 2004:

Heidi goes in for a cardiac cauterization today.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

August 12, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing his lung doctor today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 22, 2004:

Justyn is one VERY amazing young man. He has been doing incredibly well since his accident. He is now going through physical therapy and has been out of ICU for about a week now (I believe that’s how long it has been – please excuse me if I’m wrong). Justyn – Keep up the TERRIFIC work, sweetheart! We are so VERY, VERY proud of you!!!

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

July 21, 2004:

Keara went outside today for the first time in a long time. WOOHOO! Don’t get another sun burn, hon!

August 2, 2004:

Keara’s VERY good friend, Dawn, will be seeing her doctor today. Although Dawn doesn’t have a page of her own, any and all messages for her are more than welcome in Keara’s guestbook.

July 22, 2004:

Miss LaKota is such a VERY strong young lady. Please stop by her page and let her and her family know you’re praying for and thinking of them.

LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

July 16, 2004:

Lexie and her family may be returning home to Maine soon. Lexie has been in Boston for surgery.

July 22, 2004:

Poor Little Mark is back in the hospital. He is in LOTS of pain. Please show your support to him and his family by visiting his site and leaving an encouraging message or two. Thank you SO much!

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

July 14, 2004:

Sweet Nikki will be receiving her last dose of chemo today. Everyone do the “Happy Dance” with me!

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

Jeff as he has a CAT scan done on July 16, 2004.

My Grandpa as he will be going in for a colonoscopy soon. He had some problems with the last one he had done.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 5, 2004:

Collin competed in his town’s pedal tractor pull contest today and walked away in 2nd place. Way to go, buddy! We’re so VERY proud of you for the excellent job you did! (Check out Collin’s photo album to see a picture)

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in July:

July 3
(Mark is 7-years-old now!!!)

July 6
(Tayden is 4-years-old now!!!)

July 7


(Ashlei is David’s big sister)

July 8
*Angel Luke*
(*Forever 3*)

July 12

July 14
(*Forever 11*)

July 16
Jeff turns 33 today! Happy Birthday, Baby! We love you lots!

July 19

July 20

July 23
(Brandon is one of Nikki’s brothers)

July 25

Monday, July 19, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

Hi everyone!

I really don't have the energy to update Miss Samantha's page tonight, but I do promise to come by tomorrow to do so. I haven't been feeling well at all today and I plan on going to bed soon. Don't think it's anything serious. Just let's say it's a monthly thing (hopefully all of you reading this get the point).

Anyway, I will DEFINITELY be by to update tomorrow once Samantha has returned home from school. I'm also hoping to be able to stop by some CaringBridge guestbooks -- that's another thing I haven't done at all today since I'm not feeling well.

I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying your week. It was rainy and bleh here today, so Miss Samantha and I stayed in for the day.

July 22 – My Grandpa will be going in for his colonoscopy procedure today. This should be a simple procedure and he should be home that night. However, I won’t know any results from this test until my Grandma visits us in another week. She said she’d call (or have someone get a hold of me) if something goes wrong, but that’s about it.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. "Year Older" Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Camera 2PICTURE TIME!!!Camera 2

May 1, 2004
Our first trip of the summer to my Dad's house. These were taken BEFORE he had opened his pool.

Miss Samantha sitting on her Great-Grandma's lap while being fed by Papa Wayne

Miss Samantha and Papa Wayne spending some quality time together. Incase any of you don't know this already, Samantha's Papa is my Dad

Samantha, Papa Wayne and Papa Roger hanging out

Samantha Therese and her favorite Uncle Warren taking a break from their exciting day together

This is Jake -- my Dad and Missy's dog. Isn't he a cutie?!?!?!?

This one may be a little tricky to see since Gordon is so white. And you wonder why I never get any laundry done in this house! (That's a good excuse, right?)

Marble and Gordon showing their love for each other. Aren't these two precious? -- June 1, 2004

This was taken when Jeff and I brought David (Jeff's son), Kelley (Jeff's sister) and Miss Samantha to Canobie Lake for the day.

June 5, 2004

These pictures were also taken in June 2004:

Sammi acting like the little goofball she is in the new pool Mommy bought her

This is what happens when whoever is feeding Miss Samantha takes a break -- she takes matters into her very own little hands. I took this picture when I caught Miss Samantha feeding herself some soup. Can you see all of the soup she spilt on the table? Hey, at least she's trying here! Way to go, Sammi!

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
July 19, 2004:

For some reason I’m having trouble logging on to Little Jacob’s site. Don’t feel bad folks, your site isn’t the only one I’ve been having problems with. I hope to leave a message for all of you soon.

July 13, 2004:

Cam had his counts checked today and they’re looking good. What does this mean? It means that Cam will be able to begin his next chemo treatment next week.

July 21, 2004:

Chad will be having those counts of his checked today. Up, up, up!!!

August 4, 2004:

Chad will have his VERY LAST spinal tap and spinal injection of chemo today. Terrific, terrific news! We’re SO happy for you, sweetie!

August 15, 2004:

Chad will be heading to his favorite camp, Camp Ukandu, today. Have a great time at camp, hon!

July 2004:

Has an MRI coming up this month. His page is password protected, which is why I didn’t bother posting a link.

July 12, 2004:

This is BIG news for Christopher and his family.

For the first time, Christopher was able to walk into the hospital with assistance from his cane ONLY. In the past he would hold onto a wheelchair for support. This is GREAT news! Keep up all of the terrific work, sweetie!

July 13 - 16, 2004:

Connor will be receiving chemo all week long.

Please pray for this sweetheart as he continues to experience pain and his stomach has also begun giving him problems.

July 23, 2004:

Connor will be having both a CT scan and an MRI done today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 11, 2004:

Corey hasn’t been having very many good days lately, but his condition remains the same. No better, but no worst. We love you hon and we’re praying VERY hard for you!

July 29, 2004:

Craig and his family should know something about what’s going on with his cute little ears by today.

Any and all prayers concerning Craig’s little ears would be VERY much appreciated.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

July 15, 2004:

Dee had a CT and MRI done today. The results of these tests should be in by Monday. Let’s pray for GOOD NEWS!

July 3, 2004:

Everyone has returned home from their Vegas vacation. Welcome home, everyone! We hope you had an excellent time!!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 3, 2004:

I’m not sure how long it will be posted, but Dillion’s Mom has added “The Ten Commandments for Parents of Handicapped Children.” I REALLY enjoyed reading this and I’m sure all of you will too should you have the time to stop by Dillion’s site and take a peek.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 5, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

July 10, 2004:

Heidi has returned home from the hospital!!!!!

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

August 12, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing his lung doctor today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 11, 2004:

Justyn is an absolutely adorable 6-year-old. He was involved in an ATV accident today and is currently in ICU. Doctors are saying these next 72 hours are the most critical. Justyn’s page was set up solely due to this accident. Please stop by to show your support to this wonderful family.

June 30, 2004:

Miss Kaidrie finished her radiation today. Way to go, sweetheart!

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

July 4, 2004:

The “problem” Keara has been having is slowly (but surely) going away on its own. Woohoo!

July 11, 2004:

Miss LaKota is now off of all antibiotics since (thankfully) she hasn’t experienced any fevers recently.

LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

June 12, 2004:

Little Lexie’s surgery will be performed in Boston today. All of my thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetheart! You’ll be on my mind all day long.

July 5, 2004:

Mark’s chemo has been put off for another week due to his low platelet count.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

July 14, 2004:

Sweet Nikki will be receiving her last dose of chemo today. Everyone do the “Happy Dance” with me!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

Jeff as he has a CAT scan done on July 16, 2004.

My Grandpa as he will be going in for a colonoscopy soon. He had some problems with the last one he had done.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 5, 2004:

Collin competed in his town’s pedal tractor pull contest today and walked away in 2nd place. Way to go, buddy! We’re so VERY proud of you for the excellent job you did! (Check out Collin’s photo album to see a picture)

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in July:

July 3
(Mark is 7-years-old now!!!)

July 6
(Tayden is 4-years-old now!!!)

July 7


(Ashlei is David’s big sister)

July 8
*Angel Luke*
(*Forever 3*)

July 12

July 14
(*Forever 11*)

July 16
Jeff turns 33 today! Happy Birthday, Baby! We love you lots!

July 19

July 20

July 23
(Brandon is one of Nikki’s brothers)

July 25

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

Gold Cross

*Little Chloe* entered this world on June 15, 2004 and became one of Heaven’s BEAUTIFUL Angels on July 9, 2004. Please find the time to visit this sweet little girl’s site and leave any condolences you’re able to for the family Little Chloe has left behind. Thank you all SO much!



Rain Cloud

What a crappy, crappy week we’ve been having. Weather wise, that is. Every single day this week has been cold, rainy, windy and just plain bleh! Sammi and I haven’t been outside to play all week because of this yucky weather. Where’s the sun??? Isn’t this suppose to be summer? I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but I have arthritis in both my knees (I’m not mentioning this for sympathy). It usually flares up on me when the weather is cold, and I actually had to take some Aleve (that’s all that works for me) yesterday because my knees hurt. I’m bringing this up just so all of you can get an idea of how crappy the weather has been lately. Bottom line: Bleh, Bleh, Bleh!!!

Ok, my Grandma came to visit us yesterday (July 14). She usually brings pizza with her for us to eat for lunch. BUT, she also brought two VERY big surprises for Miss Samantha. She brought two balloons for Sammi – a pink one and a purple one. Sammi was absolutely thrilled when she saw these balloons. Grandma and Samantha had a good time playing together. Unfortunately my Grandma couldn’t stay as long as she usually does, but the two of them were able to have lots of fun together!


I mentioned quite awhile ago that my family (my Dad’s side) is a VERY secretive one and it drives me nuts! Everything is a secret. If someone has a medical condition, nobody knows about it. If someone went to the doctor and got some bad news, it’s kept to themself. I can’t even begin to tell you how batty this makes me.

My Grandpa had a colonoscopy done last year. About a week later he experienced problems because of it and was hospitalized for a few days. My Grandmother called me from his hospital about a day after he had been admitted to let me know what was going on. Needless to say, even though I spoke with my Grandpa, he flipped when he found out I had been called.

Not too long ago my Grandpa was hospitalized with pneumonia. The ONLY reason I found out he was in the hospital was because my Dad was kind enough to fill me in. My Grandpa had given my Grandma so much hell the last time she called me that she was afraid to fill me in. So she spilled the beans to my Dad who, in turn, filled me in. I told my Grandma that the only way I’ll find out if one of my relatives has passed away is if I read it in the newspaper’s obituaries. I’m not kidding!

I know I tend to ramble, but I promise this is leading up to something.

My Grandma and I have figured out that the only way I’ll know what’s going on with the people in my family is if my Grandma fills me in on what’s going on when she comes to visit us on Wednesdays. So my Grandma will be letting me know what is going on when she visits. You may be wondering why I don’t just call her to find out things. Well, there is a VERY good explanation for this. You see, I can’t even talk with my Grandma on the phone as long as my Grandpa is home and they are ALWAYS home at the same time. I do feel better knowing my Grandma is the only one in my family (besides my Mom) who doesn’t insist on treating me like a 12-year-old and keeps secrets from me. All my life I have been VERY close to my Grandma and she’s always treated me with respect. The rest of my family treats me with respect, but they also insist on keeping important facts from me. Not my Grandma. Sure she’ll be shady with some facts once in awhile, but eventually I’ll get the whole truth.


My step-Dad and I went bowling last night and boy did I do awesome! I don’t usually say that about myself, but everyone else was saying it so I joined in. I bowled my highest game yet in the last string and ended up with a 133. I don’t know how I did it, but I don’t care! What a rush that was! I now hold the highest women’s single – the one I beat was a 132. I don’t know if I’ll ever beat my new high score, but I don’t really care. I’ve been basking in my new found glory all night and I honestly don’t think this feeling will be ending anytime soon. Ok, I think that’s enough gloating for now. hehehe

***Look at those eyes!!!***

Has anyone seen the movie “Secret Window?” My Mom and I are HUGE Johnny Depp fanatics and he stars in this movie. Wow! Wow! Wow! I watched it yesterday morning since Miss Samantha insisted on waking me up entirely too early. This movie was absolutely fantastic! And seeing Johnny Depp’s beautiful eyes just made this whole movie even better. Even if you’re not a fan of his (though I don’t know how you couldn’t be) you MUST see this movie. I realize this movie has been out for awhile and I’m probably the last one to have seen it, but that doesn’t matter. I bought the DVD version for my Mom (she’s working on collecting all of his movies) and I think I’m going to have to borrow it from her soonly so Jeff can see it. He had an early morning run to go on yesterday morning when I watched this, so he missed out. But I’ve already told him that he HAS to see it! I, for one, would not mind one bit watching it again and again and again...............

I'm adding three pictures of projects that Miss Samantha brought home with her from school today. I apologize for them being a little difficult to see. The bear that you'll see has yellow crayon all over his face. It's really a hat, but I scanned the front of it for all of you.




Before I end this extremely long entry, I just wanted to throw up a few family prayer requests. I know I don’t ask for personal prayers often, but for some reason I feel guilty when I do. Anyway, I hope none of you mind. Here they are:

July 16 – Today is Jeff’s birthday (YEA!) but he also has to go into Boston for a CAT scan today. He’s been experiencing some pain and difficulties. We’re hoping and praying his body is just healing and his results will come back crystal CLEAR!!!

July 22 – My Grandpa will be going in for his colonoscopy procedure today. This should be a simple procedure and he should be home that night. However, I won’t know any results from this test until my Grandma visits us in another week. She said she’d call (or have someone get a hold of me) if something goes wrong, but that’s about it.

Other than these two appointments, nothing has been scheduled for anyone else until August. I’ll post those as soon as the month rolls around.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Camera 2PICTURE TIME!!!Camera 2

May 1, 2004
Our first trip of the summer to my Dad's house. These were taken BEFORE he had opened his pool.

Miss Samantha sitting on her Great-Grandma's lap while being fed by Papa Wayne

Miss Samantha and Papa Wayne spending some quality time together. Incase any of you don't know this already, Samantha's Papa is my Dad

Samantha, Papa Wayne and Papa Roger hanging out

Samantha Therese and her favorite Uncle Warren taking a break from their exciting day together

This is Jake -- my Dad and Missy's dog. Isn't he a cutie?!?!?!?

This one may be a little tricky to see since Gordon is so white. And you wonder why I never get any laundry done in this house! (That's a good excuse, right?)

Marble and Gordon showing their love for each other. Aren't these two precious? -- June 1, 2004

This was taken when Jeff and I brought David (Jeff's son), Kelley (Jeff's sister) and Miss Samantha to Canobie Lake for the day.

June 5, 2004

These pictures were also taken in June 2004:

Sammi acting like the little goofball she is in the new pool Mommy bought her

This is what happens when whoever is feeding Miss Samantha takes a break -- she takes matters into her very own little hands. I took this picture when I caught Miss Samantha feeding herself some soup. Can you see all of the soup she spilt on the table? Hey, at least she's trying here! Way to go, Sammi!

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 28, 2004:

Still no results as far as Little Jacob’s blood work goes.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!

July 5, 2004:

Cam has successfully made it through another week of chemo. Keep up the terrific work, hon!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

July 2004:

Has an MRI coming up this month. His page is password protected, which is why I didn’t bother posting a link.

July 12, 2004:

This is BIG news for Christopher and his family.

For the first time, Christopher was able to walk into the hospital with assistance from his cane ONLY. In the past he would hold onto a wheelchair for support. This is GREAT news! Keep up all of the terrific work, sweetie!

July 13 - 16, 2004:

Connor will be receiving chemo all week long.

Please pray for this sweetheart as he continues to experience pain and his stomach has also begun giving him problems.

July 23, 2004:

Connor will be having both a CT scan and an MRI done today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 11, 2004:

Corey hasn’t been having very many good days lately, but his condition remains the same. No better, but no worst. We love you hon and we’re praying VERY hard for you!

July 29, 2004:

Craig and his family should know something about what’s going on with his cute little ears by today.

Any and all prayers concerning Craig’s little ears would be VERY much appreciated.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

July 6, 2004:

Please pray for Dee. Her legs are causing her a lot of pain right now. She is also off of chemo for the time being.

July 3, 2004:

Everyone has returned home from their Vegas vacation. Welcome home, everyone! We hope you had an excellent time!!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 3, 2004:

I’m not sure how long it will be posted, but Dillion’s Mom has added “The Ten Commandments for Parents of Handicapped Children.” I REALLY enjoyed reading this and I’m sure all of you will too should you have the time to stop by Dillion’s site and take a peek.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 5, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

July 10, 2004:

Heidi has returned home from the hospital!!!!!

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

July 12, 2004:

Jackson’s Mom will be going in for surgery today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 11, 2004:

Justyn is an absolutely adorable 6-year-old. He was involved in an ATV accident today and is currently in ICU. Doctors are saying these next 72 hours are the most critical. Justyn’s page was set up solely due to this accident. Please stop by to show your support to this wonderful family.

June 30, 2004:

Miss Kaidrie finished her radiation today. Way to go, sweetheart!

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

July 4, 2004:

The “problem” Keara has been having is slowly (but surely) going away on its own. Woohoo!

July 11, 2004:

Miss LaKota is now off of all antibiotics since (thankfully) she hasn’t experienced any fevers recently.

LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

June 12, 2004:

Little Lexie’s surgery will be performed in Boston today. All of my thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetheart! You’ll be on my mind all day long.

July 5, 2004:

Mark’s chemo has been put off for another week due to his low platelet count.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

July 14, 2004:

Sweet Nikki will be receiving her last dose of chemo today. Everyone do the “Happy Dance” with me!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

Jeff as he has a CAT scan done on July 16, 2004.

My Grandpa as he will be going in for a colonoscopy soon. He had some problems with the last one he had done.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 5, 2004:

Collin competed in his town’s pedal tractor pull contest today and walked away in 2nd place. Way to go, buddy! We’re so VERY proud of you for the excellent job you did! (Check out Collin’s photo album to see a picture)

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in July:

July 3
(Mark is 7-years-old now!!!)

July 6
(Tayden is 4-years-old now!!!)

July 7


(Ashlei is David’s big sister)

July 8
*Angel Luke*
(*Forever 3*)

July 12

July 14
(*Forever 11*)

July 16
Jeff turns 33 today! Happy Birthday, Baby! We love you lots!

July 19

July 20

July 23
(Brandon is one of Nikki’s brothers)

July 25

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

Gold Cross

*Little Chloe* entered this world on June 15, 2004 and became one of Heaven’s BEAUTIFUL Angels on July 9, 2004. Please find the time to visit this sweet little girl’s site and leave any condolences you’re able to for the family Little Chloe has left behind. Thank you all SO much!



It has been a rainy, yucky, bleh day and I heard it will be this way for the rest of the week. Oh joy! Maybe that's why I'm not really in the mood to update Samantha's page tonight. Besides, I don't have much to say today.


Miss Samantha (I'm assuming) had a great day at school. She came home with two projects. One has the numbers 1 - 5 on the front of the paper with the right amount of Teddy Grahams (mmmmmmmmmmm) next to the numbers. Some of the Teddy Grahams had falled off on the journey home, so I'll be gluing them back on tonight.

This is the other project Miss Samantha brought home from school today. She drew it herself. Isn't it gorgeous?!?!?!? I'm sorry if it came out a little too big, it's the best I could do since my scanner (*sigh*), along with AOL and some CaringBridge guestbooks, has been giving me a hard time tonight.

Too Funny

I'm going to end this entry with a funny. Actually, it's pretty true if you think about it. Please take the time to check up on the kiddies listed below. I've updated most of them today. Justyn is new to the list and is in desperate need of prayers at the moment. Thank you, all of you, for showing how much you care.

Sorry -- one more thing. Jeff is going in for a CAT scan this Friday, which also happens to be his birthday. If it's not asking too much, could all of you please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We're hoping everything comes back crystal clear despite some of the pain he has been experiencing recently. Thank you SO much!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Camera 2PICTURE TIME!!!Camera 2

May 1, 2004
Our first trip of the summer to my Dad's house. These were taken BEFORE he had opened his pool.

Miss Samantha sitting on her Great-Grandma's lap while being fed by Papa Wayne

Miss Samantha and Papa Wayne spending some quality time together. Incase any of you don't know this already, Samantha's Papa is my Dad

Samantha, Papa Wayne and Papa Roger hanging out

Samantha Therese and her favorite Uncle Warren taking a break from their exciting day together

This is Jake -- my Dad and Missy's dog. Isn't he a cutie?!?!?!?

This one may be a little tricky to see since Gordon is so white. And you wonder why I never get any laundry done in this house! (That's a good excuse, right?)

Marble and Gordon showing their love for each other. Aren't these two precious? -- June 1, 2004

This was taken when Jeff and I brought David (Jeff's son), Kelley (Jeff's sister) and Miss Samantha to Canobie Lake for the day.

June 5, 2004

These pictures were also taken in June 2004:

Sammi acting like the little goofball she is in the new pool Mommy bought her

This is what happens when whoever is feeding Miss Samantha takes a break -- she takes matters into her very own little hands. I took this picture when I caught Miss Samantha feeding herself some soup. Can you see all of the soup she spilt on the table? Hey, at least she's trying here! Way to go, Sammi!

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

July 8, 2004:

Little Aidan was recently fitted with new braces for his legs.

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 28, 2004:

Still no results as far as Little Jacob’s blood work goes.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!


Brooke is a new little girl (and what a cutie she is!) who I’ve just met. She was diagnosed with ALL in November of 2003. She is also another Wiggles fan (woohoo!) and doesn’t live too far from us.

July 5, 2004:

Cam has successfully made it through another week of chemo. Keep up the terrific work, hon!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

July 2004:

Has an MRI coming up this month. His page is password protected, which is why I didn’t bother posting a link.

July 12, 2004:

This is BIG news for Christopher and his family.

For the first time, Christopher was able to walk into the hospital with assistance from his cane ONLY. In the past he would hold onto a wheelchair for support. This is GREAT news! Keep up all of the terrific work, sweetie!

July 13 - 16, 2004:

Connor will be receiving chemo all week long.

Please pray for this sweetheart as he continues to experience pain and his stomach has also begun giving him problems.

July 23, 2004:

Connor will be having both a CT scan and an MRI done today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 11, 2004:

Corey hasn’t been having very many good days lately, but his condition remains the same. No better, but no worst. We love you hon and we’re praying VERY hard for you!

July 29, 2004:

Craig and his family should know something about what’s going on with his cute little ears by today.

Any and all prayers concerning Craig’s little ears would be VERY much appreciated.

June 23, 2004:

Kathy (David’s Mom) has arrived in Jersey!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

July 6, 2004:

Please pray for Dee. Her legs are causing her a lot of pain right now. She is also off of chemo for the time being.

July 3, 2004:

Everyone has returned home from their Vegas vacation. Welcome home, everyone! We hope you had an excellent time!!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 3, 2004:

I’m not sure how long it will be posted, but Dillion’s Mom has added “The Ten Commandments for Parents of Handicapped Children.” I REALLY enjoyed reading this and I’m sure all of you will too should you have the time to stop by Dillion’s site and take a peek.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 5, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

July 10, 2004:

Heidi has returned home from the hospital!!!!!

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

July 12, 2004:

Jackson’s Mom will be going in for surgery today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

July 11, 2004:

Justyn is an absolutely adorable 6-year-old. He was involved in an ATV accident today and is currently in ICU. Doctors are saying these next 72 hours are the most critical. Justyn’s page was set up solely due to this accident. Please stop by to show your support to this wonderful family.

June 30, 2004:

Miss Kaidrie finished her radiation today. Way to go, sweetheart!

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

July 4, 2004:

The “problem” Keara has been having is slowly (but surely) going away on its own. Woohoo!

July 11, 2004:

Miss LaKota is now off of all antibiotics since (thankfully) she hasn’t experienced any fevers recently.

LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

June 12, 2004:

Little Lexie’s surgery will be performed in Boston today. All of my thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetheart! You’ll be on my mind all day long.

July 5, 2004:

Mark’s chemo has been put off for another week due to his low platelet count.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

July 14, 2004:

Sweet Nikki will be receiving her last dose of chemo today. Everyone do the “Happy Dance” with me!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

Jeff as he has a CAT scan done on July 16, 2004.

My Grandpa as he will be going in for a colonoscopy soon. He had some problems with the last one he had done.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 5, 2004:

Collin competed in his town’s pedal tractor pull contest today and walked away in 2nd place. Way to go, buddy! We’re so VERY proud of you for the excellent job you did! (Check out Collin’s photo album to see a picture)

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in July:

July 3
(Mark is 7-years-old now!!!)

July 6
(Tayden is 4-years-old now!!!)

July 7


(Ashlei is David’s big sister)

July 8
*Angel Luke*
(*Forever 3*)

July 12

July 14
(*Forever 11*)

July 16
Jeff turns 33 today! Happy Birthday, Baby! We love you lots!

July 19

July 20

July 23
(Brandon is one of Nikki’s brothers)

July 25

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!


Before I start this journal entry, I urge you to visit this sweet little girl's site. Chloe was born on June 15, 2004. Though she isn't even a month old yet, this sweet little girl isn't expected to live much longer. In fact, her doctor's are doubtful that she will make it through this weekend. Please stop by her site and pass along any and all condolences you can to this dear girl as well as her family. Thank you SO much! I can't tell you how much it means to me for even one person who reads this to stop by and show your support.




I have tried on MANY occassions (is that spelt right?) to update Miss Samantha's CaringBridge page. I've also tried, with VERY little success, to sign some CaringBridge guestbooks. I am able to check-up on all of the kiddies I know of out there, but everything goes wrong as soon as I attempt to leave a message.


Don't think I'm giving up on this though! I WILL win -- Mark my words!!!

Mini Bus

Samantha's day at school Thursday (Jyly 8th -- (I'm assuming) was a good one. She came home with some sort of art project. Don't you just love the projects your kids come home with? I have absolutely no clue as to what this little project of hers is, but that doesn't matter. It is still being displayed (VERY proudly, I might add) on our bedroom wall. It's really cute! I'm going to attempt to get a picture of it, but I'm not sure how well it will turn out. It is VERY colorful and it's VERY obvious that Miss Samantha did all of the coloring with her own two little hands. When she got off of the bus on Thursday, she was covered in blue marker. It was on her shirt, her shoes, her arm and when I got her changed for bed that night I noticed a blue marker line on her belly. Hey, you can't have fun without getting messy, right?


Nothing much happened on Friday (July 9th), but we did have one killer thunder storm that night. The whole room lit up when the lightning hit and the thunder must have been VERY close by since all of the booms were big ones. I thought we were going to lose power a couple of times since the lights flickered on and off, but they held strong. Our satellite (we share Direct TV with my parents on the second floor) did go out for about half an hour, but that's about all we lost. Ruger, my Golden Retriver puppy who lives upstairs, is scared to death of thunder. You'd have to laugh at him if you could see just how much of a baby he turns into when he hears thunder. You've got to remember that Ruger is a VERY overweightm 10-year-old baby. I went upstairs to spend some time with him last night during our thunder storm. My Mom was home and she told me that he was trying to push his way under the computer stand before I arrived. Big dog; small space -- it doesn't work. He's such a sweetheart!


Jeff, Sammi and I spent the afternoon at my Dad's house in New Hampshire. Sammi had a GREAT time splashing around in the pool. She went in with Papa, Uncle Warren (he showed up unexpectedly -- it was GREAT to see him again), Jeff and myself. The water wasn't the warmest and Sammi only went swimming a couple of times, but she had a blast! That's right -- I went in the pool. Missy (my Dad's girlfriend) was nice enough to let me wear one of her bathing suits and I jumped it. Thank you again, Missy! I only stayed in the pool for a couple of minutes since the weather was so chilly. As soon as I jumped out of the pool, I jumped right into the hot tub. All I have to say about that thing is -- I WANT ONE!!! I can't tell you how absolutely relaxing sitting in that hot tub was. I felt like taking a nap as soon as I got out of the hot tub. We're definitely going to have to go up there again sometime SOON so the three of us can have more fun.

Ice Cream

Miss Samantha spent most of our time at my Dad's swimming, eating ice cream and soup with whoever would feed her, bugging my Dad by playing with his screen door and being a ham. Julie, Mark and their two boys Matthew and Brian were also at my Dad's. Brian is 8 and Matthew is 3 (Sammi's age). Matthew and I lounged in the hot tub together for a little bit. I'm telling you, this little one is a sweetheart! He's so darn cute! Rich (a friend of my Dad's who I haven't seen in eons) and his girlfriend, Tracey, were also at my Dad's today. Miss Samantha threw a couple of temper tantrums, but all in all she was VERY well behaved. And besides, what would a day with Samantha Therese be without a few tantrums?


I've added some pictures below for everyone to see.


Wishing all of you a gorgeous Sunday!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Camera 2PICTURE TIME!!!Camera 2

May 1, 2004
Our first trip of the summer to my Dad's house. These were taken BEFORE he had opened his pool.

Miss Samantha sitting on her Great-Grandma's lap while being fed by Papa Wayne

Miss Samantha and Papa Wayne spending some quality time together. Incase any of you don't know this already, Samantha's Papa is my Dad

Samantha, Papa Wayne and Papa Roger hanging out

Samantha Therese and her favorite Uncle Warren taking a break from their exciting day together

This is Jake -- my Dad and Missy's dog. Isn't he a cutie?!?!?!?

This one may be a little tricky to see since Gordon is so white. And you wonder why I never get any laundry done in this house! (That's a good excuse, right?)

Marble and Gordon showing their love for each other. Aren't these two precious? -- June 1, 2004

This was taken when Jeff and I brought David (Jeff's son), Kelley (Jeff's sister) and Miss Samantha to Canobie Lake for the day.

June 5, 2004

These pictures were also taken in June 2004:

Sammi acting like the little goofball she is in the new pool Mommy bought her

This is what happens when whoever is feeding Miss Samantha takes a break -- she takes matters into her very own little hands. I took this picture when I caught Miss Samantha feeding herself some soup. Can you see all of the soup she spilt on the table? Hey, at least she's trying here! Way to go, Sammi!

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 9, 2004:

Autumn will be walking in the victory/survivor lap in the families local Relay for Life. Way to go, sweetheart!

August 10, 2004:

Autumn will be having chest x-rays, an ultrasound and labs done today. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers all day long, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 28, 2004:

Still no results as far as Little Jacob’s blood work goes.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!


Brooke is a new little girl (and what a cutie she is!) who I’ve just met. She was diagnosed with ALL in November of 2003. She is also another Wiggles fan (woohoo!) and doesn’t live too far from us.

July 5, 2004:

Cam has successfully made it through another week of chemo. Keep up the terrific work, hon!

June 27, 2004:

Chad, Travis and Kristina have returned home from camp. Welcome back everyone!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 22, 2004:


July 3, 2004:

Connor’s tumor is currently stable – even though this is great news, please don’t quit with those prayers now!

July 5, 2004:

Corey hasn’t been having very many good days lately.

July 5, 2004:

Lauren is home from her camping trip. Welcome home, sweetheart!

All continues to go well with Craig and his family, though any and all prayers concerning Craig’s little ears would be VERY much appreciated.

June 23, 2004:

Kathy (David’s Mom) has arrived in Jersey!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

July 6, 2004:

Please pray for Dee. Her legs are causing her a lot of pain right now. She is also off of chemo for the time being.

July 3, 2004:

Everyone has returned home from their Vegas vacation. Welcome home, everyone! We hope you had an excellent time!!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 3, 2004:

I’m not sure how long it will be posted, but Dillion’s Mom has added “The Ten Commandments for Parents of Handicapped Children.” I REALLY enjoyed reading this and I’m sure all of you will too should you have the time to stop by Dillion’s site and take a peek.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 5, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

July 12, 2004:

Jackson’s Mom will be going in for surgery today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 26, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing well, but her family has been going through A LOT of heartbreak lately. Please stop by her site and offer some prayers and well wishes their way.

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

July 4, 2004:

The “problem” Keara has been having is slowly (but surely) going away on its own. Woohoo!

July 4, 2004:

LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

June 28, 2004:

Little Lexie had some blood work done today.

July 5, 2004:

Mark’s chemo has been put off for another week due to his low platelet count.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 25, 2004:

Nikki’s chest x-ray showed no signs of disease. WOOHOO!!! And the ultrasound that was done on Little Nikki came back clear as well. Double WOOHOO!!!

To Nikki and her family – If any of you happen to read this, please know I have been checking up on you but my wonderful computer won’t let me sign your guestbook. Please know I’m continuing to work on this though!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in July:

July 3
(Mark is 7-years-old now!!!)

July 6
(Tayden is 4-years-old now!!!)

July 7


(Ashlei is David’s big sister)

July 8
*Angel Luke*
(*Forever 3*)

July 12

July 14
(*Forever 11*)

July 16
Jeff turns 33 today! Happy Birthday, Baby! We love you lots!

July 19

July 20

July 23
(Brandon is one of Nikki’s brothers)

July 25

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8

Miss RachelJoy will be celebrating her birthday on July 7!!!



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

Birthday Song

Today is Tayden's 4th birthday!

Happy Birthday, sweetie! We hope you had the most wonderful day possible!

Airplane Wishes 1

Alarm Clock

I got Samantha up at 7:30 this morning and brought her outside with me. Sammi sat on her blanket, ate ice cream and soup and played with her "Letter P" toy. Sammi's bus arrived a few minutes before eight o'clock. She was VERY excited when I told her her bus was here. She got off of her blanket the minute I told her the bus was in front of out house and ran to the street where it was waiting for her. It was so wonderful seeing my baby so excited about going to school.


Well, I'm assuming Miss Samantha's day was a good one. Since Mrs. Lynch and Shelia aren't working with Sammi over the summer (Sorry I Can't), I'm not going to be receiving the daily progress reports Shelia usually sent home with Sammi. But Sammi came home in a VERY good mood, which is why I'm guessing Sammi's first day of summer camp was a good one.

Fire 3

There was A LOT of excitement in our neighborhood tonight -- more than we've seen in quite awhile. A building at the end of our street (a moving/roofing company) caught fire tonight. Now you've got to understand that we live on a VERY small street, so seeing fire trucks and police cars speeding down it got lots of attention. People who didn't even live close to us were driving in our neighborhood to see what all of the commotion was about. Sammi, Jeff and I walked down the street to see what was going on. Ok, Jeff and I walked while we took turns pulling Miss Samantha in her wagon. The plumes of smoke that was set off from this fire was amazing! It was still light out when the fire started, so our beautiful blue sky quickly turned black. I'm watching the ten o'clock news right now and there was a story (and footage) on the fire. Like I just mentioned, it's a little after ten o'clock here and this fire is still burning -- but I heard it's under control now. Luckily the fire never spread to any of the houses or other businesses that are also in the area.


Well, I'm feeling a little sleepy. I think I'll watch the rest of the news (or however much of it I catch) in bed. I hope all of you are having a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

You don’t have to be a NASCAR fan to check out this site!

The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

July 9, 2004:

Autumn will be walking in the victory/survivor lap in the families local Relay for Life. Way to go, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 28, 2004:

Still no results as far as Little Jacob’s blood work goes.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!


Brooke is a new little girl (and what a cutie she is!) who I’ve just met. She was diagnosed with ALL in November of 2003. She is also another Wiggles fan (woohoo!) and doesn’t live too far from us.

July 5, 2004:

Cam has successfully made it through another week of chemo. Keep up the terrific work, hon!

June 27, 2004:

Chad, Travis and Kristina have returned home from camp. Welcome back everyone!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 22, 2004:


July 3, 2004:

Connor’s tumor is currently stable – even though this is great news, please don’t quit with those prayers now!

July 5, 2004:

Corey hasn’t been having very many good days lately.

July 5, 2004:

Lauren is home from her camping trip. Welcome home, sweetheart!

All continues to go well with Craig and his family, though any and all prayers concerning Craig’s little ears would be VERY much appreciated.

June 23, 2004:

Kathy (David’s Mom) has arrived in Jersey!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 29, 2004:

Dee’s legs are swollen and are causing her some discomfort. She’s also battling an infection at this time (in her sinuses and ear) and is feeling pretty miserable. We hope you’re feeling well again soon, hon!

July 3, 2004:

Everyone has returned home from their Vegas vacation. Welcome home, everyone! We hope you had an excellent time!!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 3, 2004:

I’m not sure how long it will be posted, but Dillion’s Mom has added “The Ten Commandments for Parents of Handicapped Children.” I REALLY enjoyed reading this and I’m sure all of you will too should you have the time to stop by Dillion’s site and take a peek.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 5, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

July 12, 2004:

Jackson’s Mom will be going in for surgery today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 26, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing well, but her family has been going through A LOT of heartbreak lately. Please stop by her site and offer some prayers and well wishes their way.

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

July 4, 2004:

The “problem” Keara has been having is slowly (but surely) going away on its own. Woohoo!

July 4, 2004:

LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

June 28, 2004:

Little Lexie had some blood work done today.

July 5, 2004:

Mark’s chemo has been put off for another week due to his low platelet count.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 25, 2004:

Nikki’s chest x-ray showed no signs of disease. WOOHOO!!! And the ultrasound that was done on Little Nikki came back clear as well. Double WOOHOO!!!

To Nikki and her family – If any of you happen to read this, please know I have been checking up on you but my wonderful computer won’t let me sign your guestbook. Please know I’m continuing to work on this though!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in July:

July 3
(Mark is 7-years-old now!!!)

July 6
(Tayden is 4-years-old now!!!)

July 7


(David’s big sister, Ashlei, will be celebrating her birthday today!!!)

July 8
*Angel Luke*
(*Forever 3*)

July 12

July 14
(*Forever 11*)

July 16
Jeff turns 33 today! Happy Birthday, Baby! We love you lots!

July 19

July 20

July 23
(Nikki’s brother, Brandon, will be celebrating his birthday today!!!)

July 25

Monday, July 5, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity@gmail.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8

Miss RachelJoy will be celebrating her birthday on July 7!!!



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

Hi everyone!

We do hope all of you were able to enjoy a VERY happy, healthy, fun-filled and SUNNY holiday weekend! Our weekend was a wonderful one and, since I haven't updated in a few days, I thought I'd fill all of you in on what we did to keep ourselves busy. And believe me, we were VERY busy at times.

Friday July 2:


Jeff, Sammi, my Mom, my step-Dad and I went to watch the fireworks tonight. Every year they're lit off not too far from where we live and every year we go watch them. The great part about watching the fireworks is that Miss Samantha has NEVER been afraid of the loud noises they let off.

The first year we brought Sammi to see the fireworks (she was almost 6 months old), she slept through the entire show.

The second year we brought her (she was almost 1 1/2 years old) she had a blast. She sat in her stroller the entire time (now we couldn't get her into that thing if our lives depended on it), chewed on the bar that sat in front of her and listened to all of the big booms.

The third year we brought her (she was almost 2 1/2 years) she thought these fireworks were the funniest thing she had ever seen/heard. She sat on my shoulders for half of the show and laughed that little butt of hers off everytime a firework was set off.

This year wasn't any different than last year. Sammi and I sat in her wagon (yes there is enough room for the two of us) and watched the fireworks together. Sammi chowed on some ice cream while we watched the fireworks. It was a little tricky to get Miss Samantha to look up in the sky as the light show was going on, but once in awhile she would look up and she was VERY successful in naming every single color she saw. Oh yeah, my Mom and I were VERY impressed with this! Jeff and Slappy were impressed too when we told them about what Samantha did. They were standing too far away from us while this was going on, so they missed most of it.

Saturday & Sunday
July 3 & 4

In The Pool

Our weekend weather was absolutely beautiful! And, of course, Miss Samantha and I took full advantage of it and spent ever possible minute playing outside. My Mom had to work on Saturday, but she joined us on Sunday while we were outside. Sammi played in her new pool (thanks again, Dad!), got pulled around in her wagon by anyone who was willing to pull her, listened to the music we had playing, etc.

Party Smileys

Saturday and Sunday night my Mom and I partied outside with a bunch of other adults. I won't get into detail on everything we did (mostly because I don't remember a lot) but I do know we had LOTS of fun together. Miss Samantha was a VERY good little girl while Mommy and Jeff were outside in front of my step-Dad's fire pit having fun. She was in her room while we were outside and only needed me a couple of times. As soon as I went in her room and read her a book (or put on her radio or a video -- whatever she requested) she was all set. What a good little Angel Bear I've got!

Winners Circle

Since I was outside with everyone on Saturday night, I missed my NASCAR race. BUT I taped it and I was VERY happy when I watched it on Sunday. My step-Dad (he kept running upstairs to his apartment to check on the race) told me Gordon won before I was able to find out what happened.

Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOBODY knows how excited I am about this!!! Here it is 2 days later and I'm STILL gloating! hehehe In fact, I might just have to watch my tape again tonight. Boy, life is good!

Happy Birthday

The birthday border is up for two reasons:

1) Jeff will be celebrating his 33rd birthday on July 16th.

2) Many CaringBridge kiddies I know (they're listed at the bottom of Sammi's page) are also celebrating birthdays this month.

Mini Bus

Miss Samantha will be attending her first day of summer camp tomorrow. She will be gone every Tuesday and Thursday (from 8a - 11:30a) throughout the rest of July and most of August. And what will I be doing while Miss Samantha is out of the house for a few hours? Well, I've got BIG plans.

Are you ready for this?

Brace yourselves..........

I'm going to vacuum!

Woohoo! What a rebel I am! I'm telling you, I don't know how such an old man (Jeff -- hehehe) keeps up with me.Spinning


Well, I suppose that's about it from our end. I hope all is well with every single one of you. Please keep in mind of my new e-mail address: humphity@gmail.com
I just want all of you to know that I am NOT ignoring you if you should happen to use my AOL e-mail address. I've been having trouble receiving a lot of my mail.

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha "School Bound" Therese

My silly little Angel Bear taking a bath with all of her clothes on!
June 2004

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

July 9, 2004:

Autumn will be walking in the victory/survivor lap in the families local Relay for Life. Way to go, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 28, 2004:

Still no results as far as Little Jacob’s blood work goes.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!

July 5, 2004:

Cam has successfully made it through another week of chemo. Keep up the terrific work, hon!

June 27, 2004:

Chad, Travis and Kristina have returned home from camp. Welcome back everyone!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 22, 2004:


July 3, 2004:

Connor’s tumor is currently stable – even though this is great news, please don’t quit with those prayers now!

July 5, 2004:

Corey hasn’t been having very many good days lately.

July 5, 2004:

Lauren is home from her camping trip. Welcome home, sweetheart!

All continues to go well with Craig and his family, though any and all prayers concerning Craig’s little ears would be VERY much appreciated.

June 23, 2004:

Kathy (David’s Mom) has arrived in Jersey!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 29, 2004:

Dee’s legs are swollen and are causing her some discomfort. She’s also battling an infection at this time (in her sinuses and ear) and is feeling pretty miserable. We hope you’re feeling well again soon, hon!

July 3, 2004:

Everyone has returned home from their Vegas vacation. Welcome home, everyone! We hope you had an excellent time!!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
July 3, 2004:

I’m not sure how long it will be posted, but Dillion’s Mom has added “The Ten Commandments for Parents of Handicapped Children.” I REALLY enjoyed reading this and I’m sure all of you will too should you have the time to stop by Dillion’s site and take a peek.

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

July 5, 2004:

Some awesome pictures have been added to the front of Eli’s CaringBridge page. Stop by and take a look – I promise you will NOT be disappointed.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

July 12, 2004:

Jackson’s Mom will be going in for surgery today.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 26, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing well, but her family has been going through A LOT of heartbreak lately. Please stop by her site and offer some prayers and well wishes their way.

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

July 4, 2004:

The “problem” Keara has been having is slowly (but surely) going away on its own. Woohoo!

July 4, 2004:

LaKota’s Mom, Debbie, has listed lots of prayer requests for LaKota on her page. Please stop by to have a look.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

June 28, 2004:

Little Lexie had some blood work done today.

July 5, 2004:

Mark’s chemo has been put off for another week due to his low platelet count.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 25, 2004:

Nikki’s chest x-ray showed no signs of disease. WOOHOO!!! And the ultrasound that was done on Little Nikki came back clear as well. Double WOOHOO!!!

To Nikki and her family – If any of you happen to read this, please know I have been checking up on you but my wonderful computer won’t let me sign your guestbook. Please know I’m continuing to work on this though!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Birthday Balloons
Birthdays in July:

July 6

July 7

July 12

July 16
Jeff turns 33 today! Happy Birthday, Baby! We love you lots!

July 19

July 20

July 25

Friday, July 2, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!

Welcome Back

Well, I’m back. I haven’t made an update all week for two reasons. (These reasons also apply towards my lack of guestbook signing).

1) I am now certain that my computer (and AOL too sometimes) is out to ruin my online life. And slowly but surely, it’s succeeding.

2) Sammi has been keeping me busy all week long. Its rained a couple of days here this week, but the rest of the days have been absolutely gorgeous! And believe me, Miss Samantha and I have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather.

So (I’m warning all of you, this may seem boring) here’s a recap of how Sammi and I spent our week:

Monday June 28

In The Pool

A gorgeous day!

My Mom had today off, so she spent the afternoon outside with me and Sammi. Samantha REALLY wanted to go in her pool today so I filled it up, got Sammi into her new bathing suit (of course I got pictures of her in it) and she spent most of our time outside splashing around in her pool. (Once it was time for Miss Samantha and I to go in for the night, I put her pool out on the curb to be picked up for trash. There was a hole in it somewhere and air kept leaking out of it. Instead of tracking down where that hole (or holes) was, I decided to throw the thing out and start from scratch).

While Sammi kept herself entertained in her pool, my Mom and I sat together and talked. And that’s when my Mom spotted it. A GRAY HAIR ON MY HEAD!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! This can’t be happening to me!!! I suppose, in a way, I’m lucky. My Mom started going gray when she was 17, so I guess I should be thankful for holding out this long. And yes, I know finding a gray hair on your head is A LOT more traumatic for a woman than it is for a man. Jeff laughed at me when I told him what was found (grrrr), but my Mom understood. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Thank God for Mom’s!!!

Tuesday June 29


Rainy, Rainy, Rainy!

Samantha and I stayed in for the day since it rained on and off all day long. One minute the sun would be shining and I’d be ready to drag Sammi outside to play, and the next minute it would be pouring. After the third time of putting Samantha’s shoes on, I finally said “Forget it” and gave up for the day. Sammi spent the day playing with all of her toys in the house and I spent the day cleaning. Boy was my house suffering after all the time I spent outside with Sammi! EVERYTHING needed to be cleaned. Dishes, laundry, dusting……You name it, I did it. That’s the one thing I hate about the summer. Samantha and I spend all of our time having a grand old time playing outside when the days are warm, but I pay for it all when it rains out and I’m stuck inside cleaning every inch of our house. Well, you play you pay.

Remember all of those phone calls I said I had to make on Monday? Yeah, well I forgot all about them. Luckily I remembered today and got almost everything done.

This morning I got a phone call from Samantha’s school. The woman I talked to told me that Samantha’s summer camp would begin on Tuesday July 6 – that’s NEXT Tuesday!!! I can’t believe it’s happening so soon! The summer camp will continue on through August, though I’m not certain of when her last day will be. School resumes for her on September 8, so I know summer camp will be ending at least a week or two before that. She’ll be picked up at 8 in the morning and will be dropped off at 11:30a (all times are subject to change since this is a new schedule). She’ll be going to summer camp on Tuesday and Thursday. I’m excited for her because I know she’ll have a great time while she’s there (she is REALLY beginning to enjoy playing with other kiddies her age) and for myself as well since this means I’ll be getting a few hours a couple of days a week to myself. *breathing a sigh of relief*

Then the mail came in the afternoon. An evaluation was sent to me from Samantha’s school. They want to set up another meeting to discuss what classroom setting will be better for Samantha when school resumes in September. Oh joy, another meeting. I can’t tell you how much fun I have at these extremely long, extremely boring meetings. The only thing that gets me through them is knowing I’m doing all of it for Miss Samantha.

Wednesday June 30


Another beautiful day!

Wednesday is usually visit day and today was no exception. My Dad was nice enough to stop by and see us this afternoon. Before him and Missy moved up to New Hampshire, they lived in the same city as us. My Dad had a doctor’s appointment to go to today, so he stopped in before it since we live right around the corner from where he needed to go. My Dad completely surprised Sammi and I with what he brought over. He knew I had thrown out Samantha’s pool and he brought over a brand spanking new one! Isn’t he the greatest?!?!?!? I wouldn’t have had the money to buy a new pool for Sammi until next week and my Dad knew that so he thought he’d do it for us. What a GREAT guy! My Dad also brought his air compressor over, so Sammi and I went for a walk (I pulled Sammi around the block in her wagon) while my Dad inflated Samantha’s new pool. Big noises like air compressors, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, weed whackers, etc. (yet she isn’t afraid of fireworks – go figure!) tend to scare Sammi, so we took off until my Dad was through. When we got back, I turned on the hose to fill up the pool while Sammi and I went in our house so I could get Sammi into her bathing suit.

Soon after Sammi’s new pool was filled with water, my Grandmother showed up. She had called me the previous night and asked if it was alright for her to stop by for a little bit. I’ve told her a million times that she doesn’t need to keep calling me to make sure it’s alright, but she’s old fashioned like that. I don’t think I’ve ever turned her down for a visit – the most I’ve ever let her know is if one of us is sick, then it’s completely up to her whether she wants to stop by or not.

Sammi had a great time playing in her new pool, playing with Grandma (they played in Sammi’s pool and took a few wagon rides together), eating ice cream and soup and having Grandma read to her. Samantha always loves it when people come to visit her.

My Mom and Sammi spent some quality time together tonight while my step-Dad and I went bowling. The only thing I have to say about our team tonight is that we stunk BIG TIME. Well, I didn’t do badly at all. I beat my step-Dad in all three games (hehehe) AND I bowled the best I have since we joined this year’s league. Believe me, I was VERY surprised with myself. Mike, our teammate (ironically he and Jeff worked together for a short time), usually never bowls anything under 100, but tonight he didn’t even touch the hundreds. Mike and I will be bowling without my step-Dad next week. He’ll be on vacation with his kids at their time share in New Hampshire, so Mike and I will have to kick some major butt on our own that night.

Thursday July 1

Yellow Ribbon

Happy July Everyone!!!

Today was another not-so-nice day. It was pretty much the same deal as Tuesday; raining on and off all day. The only difference was that we got some pretty cool thunder storms this afternoon. I couldn’t believe how loud the crashes were! That was one awesome storm that rolled into our area this afternoon.

My house got another good cleaning today since Samantha and I were stuck in the house all day long. I’m telling you, my house will be immaculate pretty soon if we keep on getting these storms! Yeah, well that won’t be happening anytime soon. I’m Shannon, remember. Not Martha Stewart.

Oh! Oh! Oh! I almost forgot to mention something. Last week sometime I ordered 3 autism awareness pins and they just arrived in the mail this afternoon. They look GREAT! I got one for myself, one for my Mom and I’ll be keeping the third just incase something happens to my Mom’s or my own pin. So now I get to wear two pins everyday – my Gold Ribbon and my Autism one. Go me!!!

One more thing before I go. Thanks to Angela (Little Jacob’s Mom) I have a new e-mail address. My other one (humphity319@aol.com) is still good and anyone is more than welcome to use it at anytime. Angela has helped me set up another one since I’ve been having some problems with AOL lately. So incase you send something to my AOL account and I don’t respond, more than likely it’s because I never received your mail. See, I told you my computer didn’t like me anymore. Anyway, besides my AOL e-mail address, you can also reach me at humphity@gmail.com (original, huh? – hehehe)

Ok, I think I’ve rambled on enough for now. I should be able to update Samantha’s CaringBridge page more regularly now that I’ll have some extra time on my hands since Miss Samantha will soon be attending summer camp two days a week.


I hope all of you have an absolutely wonderful holiday weekend!

Happy Hat

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

June 17, 2004:

All continues to go well for this little cutie!

July 9, 2004:

Autumn will be walking in the victory/survivor lap in the families local Relay for Life. Way to go, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 28, 2004:

Still no results as far as Little Jacob’s blood work goes.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!

June 17, 2004:

Cam’s ANC is perfect and his hemoglobin and platelets are also up. Good, good, good!!!

June 27, 2004:

Chad, Travis and Kristina have returned home from camp. Welcome back everyone!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 22, 2004:


June 14, 2004:

Connor began receiving his new chemo today and the GREAT news is……He hasn’t had any side effects! Woohoo!

July 1, 2004:

Connor will be having another MRI done today. Get those prayers ready everyone!

June 28, 2004:

Corey was bitten by a mosquito, which has caused one of his eyes to become red and VERY swollen. Please pray for this little sweetheart!

June 30, 2004:

Corey’s sister, Mikayla, turns 11-years-old today!!!

June 28, 2004:

Lauren, Craig’s older sister, has left for Church Camp. We hope you have an absolutely wonderful time, hon! We’ll be thinking of you while you’re gone and will anxiously be awaiting some great camp stories!

June 25, 2004:

Craig will be seen by his doctor this afternoon. Please pray for this poor sweetheart. His ears are REALLY bothering him.

June 23, 2004:

Kathy (David’s Mom) has arrived in Jersey!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 23, 2004:

Thank the good Lord, Dee continues to do well!

June 25, 2004:

Devin is going in for surgery today to have his broviac taken out.
Mom reports that Devin’s surgery went well and complication free. And (this is the REALLY good news) Devin should be able to go swimming next weekend! Woohoo! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, hon!!!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 25 - 27, 2004:

Dillion and his family will be heading off to Oklahoma for a bike rally this weekend. C’mon everyone, let’s do that “Stay-Away-Rain” dance for them!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 20, 2004:

Eli and his families Father’s Day didn’t exactly go as planned.

June 28, 2004:

Heidi is a young Mom and wife who has been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis Obliterans with Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP). A fundraiser is currently being held for Heidi – details on this may be viewed by visiting her CaringBridge page.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 26, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing well, but her family has been going through A LOT of heartbreak lately. Please stop by her site and offer some prayers and well wishes their way.

June 30, 2004:

Kaidrie ends her treatment.

July 21, 2004:

Kaidrie goes in for an MRI – PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!

June 22, 2004:

Poor Keara was in lots of pain today. Please join me in praying that all of the pain she has been in lately will GO AWAY!

June 28, 2004:

LaKota’s blood counts are doing fairly well, but that darn fever she has doesn’t seem to want to go away.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 28, 2004:

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting Laura – through CaringBridge, that is. Laura is from Mass (yahoo! – this is only the 2nd person I’ve met from our state). She lives everyday with uterine fiorbos (sp?) Laura has done an excellent job at describing exactly what this is on her CaringBridge page. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hon!

June 20, 2004:

Little Lexie is in the hospital receiving her fifth round of chemo. If all goes well, she should be going back home on Wednesday June 23rd.

June 23, 2004:

Mark went to clinic today and received platelets.

June 25, 2004:

Mark will be returning to clinic today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 25, 2004:

Nikki’s chest x-ray showed no signs of disease. WOOHOO!!! And the ultrasound that was done on Little Nikki came back clear as well. Double WOOHOO!!!

To Nikki and her family – If any of you happen to read this, please know I have been checking up on you but my wonderful computer won’t let me sign your guestbook. Please know I’m continuing to work on this though!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.

July 12, 2004:

Tyler will be seeing a surgeon today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!


What a gorgeous day today was! After yesterday being so rainy and gross out, today was a VERY nice change. Miss Samantha, my Mom and I (we had Casey out in the yard with us too for a little bit) spent the entire afternoon goofing off outside. Sammi enjoyed being pulled around our block quite a few times in her wagon, listening to the music we had playing in my Mom's car, getting herself completely soaked (with all of her clothes on I might add) in her swimming pool as well as so many other things. When Sammi wanted some ice cream or soup, she sat on her blanket and either my Mom or I fed her. As soon as she was finished eating, she took off running to find something else that was fun to do.

Dog 2(Casey)Dog 13(Sammy)

Casey was introduced to a new playmate today. In a few earlier journal entries I mentioned Sammy, our neighbor Nancy's new dog. Well Casey and Sammy met each other for the first time this afternoon and everything went well. These two had a blast chasing each other around our yard running at about a hundred miles an hour. They were SO cute together! Of course both of these babies are boys and there was a little bit of confusion involved (I'll let it at that), but other than that all went well.

Winners Circle


Wow! What a race!!! I missed a lot of it since I was outside playing with Sammi, but I saw the most important part -- the last 20+ laps and, of course, Gordon capturing that checkered flag.


Oh yeah, it was a good day all around! Kathy, Richard, Jackson -- I'm sure the three of you will agree how GREAT todays race was! Yeah baby! I'll be gloating for the rest of the night incase anyone is wondering.

Mum's The Word

On one final note, I have something to ask of some of the CaringBridge families (mostly the Mom's I know). Some of you have our mailing address. Now let me start this off by saying that I trust every single one of you VERY much. This has absolutely nothing to do with any trust issues. All I ask is that those of you who have my address don't share them with anyone else. If someone wants our address for some reason, could you ask them to e-mail me please? The only reason I am even mentioning this is because I've recently learned that someone (sorry, but I'm not mentioning names here) has Samantha's CaringBridge address and checks in on her from time to time. This isn't a big enough deal for me to password protect her site since I don't mind one bit on who checks up on Sammi and our family. I just don't want any personal information passed along to this person or his/her family. Once again, please do NOT think this means I don't trust any of you because I do with all of my heart. I know those of you who have our mailing address won't be sharing it with anyone else. I trust and love all of you and I hope you understand why I'm being so cautious.

Soapbox(don't take this the wrong way -- I'm not angry one bit)

Ok, I am not stepping off of my soap box now. Thank you for listening to me ramble. I've been able to visit a couple of CaringBridge pages today/tonight, but I won't be able to visit anymore until tomorrow. Jeff's playing a new video game and I want to check it out. But mark my words -- I WILL be visiting many pages throughout the day tomorrow.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Back by popular demand (ok, one person said they couldn't see this picture -- Alisa)..........it's Christopher!!! Christopher is in the blue, his twin brother Kevin is in the orange and their Mom is in the middle.
June 16, 2004

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

June 17, 2004:

All continues to go well for this little cutie!

July 9, 2004:

Autumn will be walking in the victory/survivor lap in the families local Relay for Life. Way to go, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 23, 2004:

Little Jacob had a doctors appointment today – his Mom is waiting for the results of the blood tests that were done to come rolling in.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!

June 17, 2004:

Cam’s ANC is perfect and his hemoglobin and platelets are also up. Good, good, good!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 22, 2004:


June 14, 2004:

Connor began receiving his new chemo today and the GREAT news is……He hasn’t had any side effects! Woohoo!

July 1, 2004:

Connor will be having another MRI done today. Get those prayers ready everyone!

June 22, 2004:

Thank goodness for good days – Corey had one today! Yea!!

June 26, 2004:

Corey’s brother, Scott, will be celebrating his 16th birthday today!!!

June 30, 2004:

Corey’s sister, Mikayla, turns 11-years-old today!!!

June 25, 2004:

Craig will be seen by his doctor this afternoon. Please pray for this poor sweetheart. His ears are REALLY bothering him.

June 21, 2004:

“Something” was found in Craig’s PET scan. Doctors are thinking this may be a blood clot. Please, please, please send LOTS of prayers to Craig and his family.

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 23, 2004:

Kathy (David’s Mom) has arrived in Jersey!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 23, 2004:

Thank the good Lord, Dee continues to do well!

June 25, 2004:

Devin is going in for surgery today to have his broviac taken out.

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 25 - 27, 2004:

Dillion and his family will be heading off to Oklahoma for a bike rally this weekend. C’mon everyone, let’s do that “Stay-Away-Rain” dance for them!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 20, 2004:

Eli and his families Father’s Day didn’t exactly go as planned.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 15, 2004:

Only 10 more radiation treatments left for Little Miss Kaidrie! Way to go, hon! We’re rooting for you!!

June 22, 2004:

Poor Keara was in lots of pain today. Please join me in praying that all of the pain she has been in lately will GO AWAY!

June 22, 2004:

Results from the blood test showed that Little Miss LaKota is 100% donor cells.

June 24, 2004:

Today is the day of LaKota’s bone marrow biopsy. Is everyone ready with those prayers???


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 20, 2004:

Little Lexie is in the hospital receiving her fifth round of chemo. If all goes well, she should be going back home on Wednesday June 23rd.

June 25, 2004:

Mark will be returning to clinic today.

June 23, 2004:

Mark went to clinic today and received platelets.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 16, 2004:

Nikki went to clinic today. Her counts and ANC were low and hemoglobin was good. Yea!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Saturday, June 26, 2004

We'd like to pass some VERY BIG Happy Birthday wishes along to Corey's
big brother, Scott. Scott turns 16-years-old today. Happy Birthday, hon! We hope you were able to have a wonderful day!!!

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!


Sammi's new thrill in life is putting shoes on people's feet. And I must tell you, Miss Samantha is VERY proud of her new skill.

Wooden Shoes(these look like my size)

The other day Sammi and I were sitting in my bedroom. I was sitting in our computer chair and Miss Samantha was on the floor (on top of her blanket) beside me. I was half paying attention to Sammi and half paying attention to what I was doing online when I felt something being placed on my foot. I looked down and there was Miss Samantha trying her absolute best to put one of my shoes on my foot. Mind you, one of the shoes Sammi was trying to put on me was one that I haven't worn in YEARS! -- so there was a little pain involved and I wound up wearing two different shoes, but the job was done and I was VERY proud of my little girl for trying so hard.


Sammi had a blast taking Nuna's shoes off and putting them back on when they saw each other tonight. My Mom was thrilled to see Sammi's new trick when she got home from work. Now all we need to do is get Sammi to put her own shoes on and we'll be all set!

3 Kisses

Another cute thing Miss Samantha has started to do has to do with her belly. When you ask to kiss Sammi's belly, she'll put her little hands on the back of your head and pull you towards her belly. This really is adorable and you may have to see what I'm talking about to get the full effect, but I thought I'd share this story anyway.


And on the NASCAR home front................

Guess who won the Bud Pole for tomorrow's race?

I'll give you a hint.................

His first name is Jeff -- His last name is Gordon!

Go #24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lightning Bolt

Hoping all of you are having an excellent weekend. Sammi and I didn't do much playing outside today since it rained all day long (bleh!), but tomorrow is supposed to be nice. Hopefully we'll be spending all of our time outside in some beautiful sunshine!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Miss Samantha Therese & Mommy
June 16, 2004

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

June 17, 2004:

All continues to go well for this little cutie!

July 9, 2004:

Autumn will be walking in the victory/survivor lap in the families local Relay for Life. Way to go, sweetheart!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 23, 2004:

Little Jacob had a doctors appointment today – his Mom is waiting for the results of the blood tests that were done to come rolling in.

Little Jacob is now up to 21 pounds! Woohoo! Keep packing on those pounds, kiddo!!!

June 17, 2004:

Cam’s ANC is perfect and his hemoglobin and platelets are also up. Good, good, good!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 22, 2004:


June 14, 2004:

Connor began receiving his new chemo today and the GREAT news is……He hasn’t had any side effects! Woohoo!

July 1, 2004:

Connor will be having another MRI done today. Get those prayers ready everyone!

June 22, 2004:

Thank goodness for good days – Corey had one today! Yea!!

June 26, 2004:

Corey’s brother, Scott, will be celebrating his 16th birthday today!!!

June 30, 2004:

Corey’s sister, Mikayla, turns 11-years-old today!!!

June 25, 2004:

Craig will be seen by his doctor this afternoon. Please pray for this poor sweetheart. His ears are REALLY bothering him.

June 21, 2004:

“Something” was found in Craig’s PET scan. Doctors are thinking this may be a blood clot. Please, please, please send LOTS of prayers to Craig and his family.

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 23, 2004:

Kathy (David’s Mom) has arrived in Jersey!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 23, 2004:

Thank the good Lord, Dee continues to do well!

June 25, 2004:

Devin is going in for surgery today to have his broviac taken out.

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 25 - 27, 2004:

Dillion and his family will be heading off to Oklahoma for a bike rally this weekend. C’mon everyone, let’s do that “Stay-Away-Rain” dance for them!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 20, 2004:

Eli and his families Father’s Day didn’t exactly go as planned.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 15, 2004:

Only 10 more radiation treatments left for Little Miss Kaidrie! Way to go, hon! We’re rooting for you!!

June 22, 2004:

Poor Keara was in lots of pain today. Please join me in praying that all of the pain she has been in lately will GO AWAY!

June 22, 2004:

Results from the blood test showed that Little Miss LaKota is 100onor cells.

June 24, 2004:

Today is the day of LaKota’s bone marrow biopsy. Is everyone ready with those prayers???


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 20, 2004:

Little Lexie is in the hospital receiving her fifth round of chemo. If all goes well, she should be going back home on Wednesday June 23rd.

June 25, 2004:

Mark will be returning to clinic today.

June 23, 2004:

Mark went to clinic today and received platelets.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 16, 2004:

Nikki went to clinic today. Her counts and ANC were low and hemoglobin was good. Yea!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 25, 2004:

An update hasn’t been made on Tiffany’s site since April 2004. I’m hoping and praying all has been going well for this little sweetheart and her wonderful family.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Our days have been pretty boring around here since Sammi's school days have come to an end. Of course we have lots of fun together, but there are some things that I miss with Sammi not going to school. Seeing that adorable little face of hers light up when the school bus would arrive in the morning (I'm hoping she'll remain excited about this when she attends the summer program and when she returns to school in September). Getting cute little notes from Shelia telling me what Miss Samantha did in class that day. And I'm sure Sammi misses all of her friends and teachers.

Family Portrait

My Dad and Grandma visited Sammi and I this afternoon. My Dad was the first to arrive. I knew my Grandma would be stopping by today, but my Dad surprised all of us. He told me about some stuff that happened in Laconia while him and Missy were there. I really feel blessed to have such wonderful relationships with everyone (ok, there are a few family members I no longer speak with) in my family.

In The Pool

Since today was a gorgeous day, I filled Miss Samantha's pool up so she and my Grandma could play in it together. Sammi and Grandma had a great time splashing each other.


My poor Mom still isn't feeling well, but she didn't mind watching Sammi tonight while my step-Dad and I went bowling. He won two games and I walked away winning one. You know, my step-Dad and I didn't do too badly bowling tonight considering we've missed the past two weeks.

Camera 2

Ok everyone, here are those adorable graduation pictures I promised all of you. Enjoy!

This is Miss Samantha and Matthew. Matthew is VERY fond of my little Angel Bear. (Sammi is sitting on my Mom's lap even though you really can't see her)

Here is Miss Samantha receiving her preschool diploma. Incase any of you are confused, Sammi is only 3 and will continue to attend preschool for at least another year. But she still got a diploma!!!

Here is Shelia (I STILL think she's a wonderful woman), Dominik (isn't he a cutie?????), Samantha Therese and my Mom. Dominik is yet another boy Miss Samantha is in to.

Are you all ready for this?????
The little cutie in the blue is the famous CHRISTOPHER!!! Isn't my future son-in-law a doll? hehehe Kevin (in the orange) is Christopher's twin brother and their Mom is in the middle.

Sammi and Mommy. Doesn't Sammi look adorable? I'm SO pleased with how well this picture came out. Whenever I get a picture taken of Samantha when she is looking at the camera is a winner in my book! This picture was taken in Samantha's classroom before we left her party.

Sure this has nothing to do with Samantha's preschool graduation, but I promised all of you that I would share it. This was taken when Miss Samantha decided to hop into our bath tub with all of her clothes on. Can you say GOOFBALL?!?!?!?

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 17, 2004:

Cam’s ANC is perfect and his hemoglobin and platelets are also up. Good, good, good!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 22, 2004:

Christopher should be going home today! WOOHOO!!!!

June 14, 2004:

Connor began receiving his new chemo today and the GREAT news is……He hasn’t had any side effects! Woohoo!

June 22, 2004:

Thank goodness for good days – Corey had one today! Yea!!

June 26, 2004:

Corey’s brother, Scott, will be celebrating his 16th birthday today!!!

June 30, 2004:

Corey’s sister, Mikayla, turns 11-years-old today!!!

June 21, 2004:

“Something” was found in Craig’s PET scan. Doctors are thinking this may be a blood clot. Please, please, please send LOTS of prayers to Craig and his family.

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 17, 2004:

Thank the good Lord, Dee continues to do well!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 25 - 27, 2004:

Dillion and his family will be heading off to Oklahoma for a bike rally this weekend. C’mon everyone, let’s do that “Stay-Away-Rain” dance for them!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 20, 2004:

Eli and his families Father’s Day didn’t exactly go as planned.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 15, 2004:

Only 10 more radiation treatments left for Little Miss Kaidrie! Way to go, hon! We’re rooting for you!!

June 22, 2004:

Poor Keara was in lots of pain today. Please join me in praying that all of the pain she has been in lately will GO AWAY!

June 21, 2004:

Miss LaKota had an ultrasound done on her back today, which showed some fluid is still present.

June 24, 2004:

Today is the day of LaKota’s bone marrow biopsy. Is everyone ready with those prayers???

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 20, 2004:

Little Lexie is in the hospital receiving her fifth round of chemo. If all goes well, she should be going back home on Wednesday June 23rd.

June 21, 2004:

Mark received platelets and blood today.

June 23, 2004:

Mark goes to clinic today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 16, 2004:

Nikki went to clinic today. Her counts and ANC were low and hemoglobin was good. Yea!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!


I have bunches to say, but I want to start off by apologizing to a few people. Luckily I was able to sign many CaringBridge guestbooks today. You don't know how happy it made me to sign guestbooks without running into problems. Thank you, Mr. Computer. The bad news is, I was still unable to sign a few. So to Missa & her family, Connor & his family and Little Jacob & his family -- I'm sorry. I know there are a few others I failed to mention, but those are the sites I've been trying to get into all day long without any luck. Sometimes I'm able to read updates and sometimes I can't. Sometimes I'm able to view guestbooks and sometimes I can't. Sometimes I'm able to sign a guestbook and sometimes I'm not. I'm sure all of you get the point by now. I will be trying again tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!


Today was Miss Samantha's last day of school. I swear I thought Sammi's bus driver was going to break down in tears when I put Sammi on her bus this morning. Samantha's bus driver and monitor have been awesome in the short time of Sammi's school year. They have been SO patient and understanding with Samantha -- especially when she first started getting picked up in the morning and was cranky the entire way to school.

Holding Hands

I'm not exactly sure what Miss Samantha and all of her friends did in school today. Shelia didn't send a note home with Sammi, but that's fine since I really wasn't expecting one on their last day. Sammi must have had a good day at school. She had a BIG smile on her face when I got her off of the van (bus) this afternoon. More people who I know have bonded with and will miss Samantha is the afternoon bus (van) monitor and driver. Sammi would be standing next to the bus driver (Jackie) every afternoon when I got her. Even though Miss Samantha doesn't know their names, I'm sure she'll miss them too.


Since today was Sammi's last day of school, I gave 'Thank You' cards (with Snoopy on them of course!) to Mrs. Lynch and Shelia. They have been SO wonderful with Sammi while she has been in Mrs. Lynch's class. Unfortunately we're not sure whether or not Sammi will be in Mrs. Lynch's class again when school resumes in September. I have to put a call in to Sammi's school on Monday regarding a few things. Whether or not Sammi will be in a different classroom due to her new diagnosis of autism. When the summer program Sammi will be attending begins. What time she'll be picked up, dropped off and how long the summer program will run. I also need to put a call in to Building Blocks on Monday. Phew! I'm exhausted just thinking of all the talking I'll be doing.

Harley Man

I talked to my Dad yesterday afternoon. Him and Missy (his girlfriend) got back from Laconia (bike weekend) late Sunday night. He said they had a great time as they do every year. Thank you all VERY much for all of the thoughtful prayers and well wishes so many of you sent their way. Every one of them was VERY much appreciated!!!


My Mom isn't feeling too well. It's nothing serious (just your average cold), but it's driving her nuts and she's not getting better anytime soon. She works long hours and doesn't get much sleep, so it usually takes her a little longer to get well again. We love you VERY much, Mom! Feel better soon!


Yesterday Sammi and I had a wonderful afternoon together thanks to the gorgeous weather we had. It was the first day of summer and we couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather. Miss Samantha and I spent a good majority of the time (except for the hour we went inside when I (unsuccessfully) tried to get Sammi to take a nap) outside. I pulled her around in her new wagon (thank you again, Katie!), we played catch with a tennis ball we found and we bugged my Mom when she got home and joined us.

Partly Cloudy

Today was another story. The weather has been dreary and just plain bleh all day. It has been raining on and off all day. It has been one of those days where you just want to lay in bed and sleep the day away. Boy, I would have loved to do that all day long!


Well, I should put an end to this long essay of mine. Jeff is working late tonight and my Mom gave me some homework to do. I hope I get a good grade!Rolly

Wishing every one of you a beautiful week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss "Out-of-School" Samantha Therese

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 17, 2004:

Cam’s ANC is perfect and his hemoglobin and platelets are also up. Good, good, good!!!

June 17, 2004:

Does everyone know what this means? CHEMO!!! Finally!!! Way to go, sweetie! We’re SO happy for you!

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 22, 2004:

Christopher should be going home today! WOOHOO!!!!

June 11, 2004:

Connor’s MRI showed definite tumor re-growth. NOT the news we wanted to hear (read).

June 14, 2004:

Connor will be having a busy day today! He will be going through surgery so that a port-a-cath can be inserted and he will also begin chemo treatments today. Good luck, buddy! All of my happy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June 22, 2004:

Thank goodness for good days – Corey had one today! Yea!!

June 26, 2004:

Corey’s brother, Scott, will be celebrating his 16th birthday today!!!

June 30, 2004:

Corey’s sister, Mikayla, turns 11-years-old today!!!

June 21, 2004:

“Something” was found in Craig’s PET scan. Doctors are thinking this may be a blood clot. Please, please, please send LOTS of prayers to Craig and his family.

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 17, 2004:

Thank the good Lord, Dee continues to do well!

June 21, 2004:

Devin remains CANCER-FREE!!! What beautiful, beautiful words! Way to go, buddy! We are SO VERY happy for you!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 25 - 27, 2004:

Dillion and his family will be heading off to Oklahoma for a bike rally this weekend. C’mon everyone, let’s do that “Stay-Away-Rain” dance for them!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 20, 2004:

Eli and his families Father’s Day didn’t exactly go as planned.

August 23, 2004:

Jackson will be seeing an ENT doctor today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 15, 2004:

Only 10 more radiation treatments left for Little Miss Kaidrie! Way to go, hon! We’re rooting for you!!

June 22, 2004:

Poor Keara was in lots of pain today. Please join me in praying that all of the pain she has been in lately will GO AWAY!

June 21, 2004:

Miss LaKota had an ultrasound done on her back today, which showed some fluid is still present.

June 24, 2004:

Today is the day of LaKota’s bone marrow biopsy. Is everyone ready with those prayers???

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 20, 2004:

Little Lexie is in the hospital receiving her fifth round of chemo. If all goes well, she should be going back home on Wednesday June 23rd.

June 21, 2004:

Mark received platelets and blood today.

June 23, 2004:

Mark goes to clinic today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 16, 2004:

Nikki went to clinic today. Her counts and ANC were low and hemoglobin was good. Yea!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 22, 2004:

Miss Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now first graders! Way to go, you two! We are SO proud of you both! Congratulations!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Monday, June 21, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!
Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Our weekend was a good one. Jeff was out visiting his kiddies for most of the day Saturday. While he was gone my Mom, Sammi and I did some shopping together. Miss Samantha was in a VERY good mood as my Mom and I dragged her from store to store.

Fire 3

My Mom, step-Dad (Slappy) and I sat in our backyard in front of our fire pit Saturday night. What a beautful night it was for a fire! It was a little chilly, but having a light jacket on and feeling the heat from the fire was enough to warm all of us up.

Father's Day 5

Jeff spent most of yesterday (Father's Day!!!) sleeping. He laid down since his back was bothering him and ended up sleeping most of the afternoon away.

Since today was another gorgeous day, my Mom, Samantha and I spent the day playing outside. I drew 'Happy Father's Day, Jeff and Slappy' on our driveway in chalk, we listened and danced to music, we "attempted" (that's the key word here) to start a fire in the fire pit, etc. Sammi also had a terrific time bouncing around in my Mom's car while music was playing.

Cooking Dinner

Jeff took off about an hour after he woke up. Slappy treated Jeff to dinner in honor of Father's Day. Miss Samantha and I went upstairs (to my Mom's apartment) once the boys had left. Sammi ate soup, ice cream, harassed Eddie and Ruger (our puppies) and caused mischief while we were upstairs.


Samantha got a bath last night and she had an excellent time splashing around in our tub. And yes (of course) our bathroom floor was covered with towels. Miss Samantha was VERY successful in (as always) flooding our bathroom. But hey, I really don't care as long as she had fun.

Mini Bus

Miss Samantha had a good day at school today. She didn’t bring anything on the bus with her. Yup, that’s right! She didn’t bring a book or Casey’s toy with her to school today. I brought Sammi outside this morning and fed her her breakfast on our back porch since it was a gorgeous day out! Unfortunately my Mom wasn’t able to join us since she had to be to work early, but she spent about 5 minutes with Sammi when she was on her way out the door. My Mom fed Sammi a few bites of ice cream and the two of them looked at Miss Samantha’s “It’s Not Easy Being Big” book together. Sammi was cute this morning when her bus arrived. She was sitting on her blanket (which I had put on our porch) got up, walked (with help from Mommy) down our porch steps and made a bee line for the street when she heard her bus pull up. It was the cutest thing. No good bye for Nuna and I’m sure she wouldn’t have said good bye to me if I hadn’t carried her to her car seat on the bus. What a goof!


Not much was done in school today. The kiddies played on the playground for a little bit, but that’s pretty much all that was done. I’m assuming today and tomorrow will be play days since tomorrow is their last day. Samantha brought home a beautiful folder of some things she did while she was in school. Pictures, drawings and I got my baby’s very first progress report. A progress report for a preschooler……how cute is that? There are some things Miss Samantha still needs to work on, but she has also made some great strides in the short time she attended school. If you remember, she only started going to preschool in February 2004, so she never attended the whole school year. She has 2 more years of preschool to go (since she’s only 3), so there will be plenty of time to work on the areas that need correcting. She also received a progress report from Martha concerning her brailling. All in all (for a 3-year-old) Miss Samantha is doing a VERY good job. Over the summer I’ll be working with her on some things she needs to learn, but Martha is certain that Sammi will have the things she needs to know down pat by January 2005. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but Martha is one amazing lady! We’re going to miss her over the summer.

Camera 2

I promise I haven't forgotten about throwing those pictures of Sammi's class party online. My scanner has been giving me problems (just like my wonderful computer) so as soon as I figure everything out I'll be adding new photos. I'm also only allowed to visit a few CaringBridge pages a day, per orders from my computer. I've been trying to figure out a way around this, but I've come up empty so far. Please know that NONE of you have been forgotten about and that the only reason I haven't been to your page is because my computer hates me. Now I ask you, what have I ever done to it to make it hate me so much? I'll tell you what -- NOTHING! I DO NOT like computers. If I keep complaining I'll start sounding like a Dr. Suess book. hehehe

I hope all of you are having a wonderful week. I'm going to go defrag this thing (the only reason I know how to do that is because Mr. Jeff was kind enough to teach me) and see if that solves some of our problems. Wish me luck!

Oh! Before I forget, Jeff wanted me to thank all of you for the wonderful Father's Day wishes you sent his way! Each and every one of them was VERY much appreciated and he wanted me to thank you for remembering him.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 11, 2004:

Cam will be having his counts checked today.

June 16, 2004:

Chad will have his counts checked today. If all goes well and they’re where they should be, Chad will receive chemo.

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 14, 2004:

Christopher will start receiving day passes soon enough. I bet it’ll be great to get out of that hospital, even if it is only for a little while. We’re SO happy for you, hon!

June 11, 2004:

Connor’s MRI showed definite tumor re-growth. NOT the news we wanted to hear (read).

June 14, 2004:

Connor will be having a busy day today! He will be going through surgery so that a port-a-cath can be inserted and he will also begin chemo treatments today. Good luck, buddy! All of my happy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June 13, 2004:

Poor Little Corey continues to have not-so-good days.

June 15, 2004:

Craig has a play off game tonight. Good luck, hon! We’ll be rooting for you in Mass!

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 4, 2004:

Dee’s legs are very swollen right now. Her doctors aren’t sure what the cause of this is. We hope you’re feeling better soon, hon!

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 18, 2004:

Devin will be having scans done today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 11, 2004:

Poor little Dillion’s morning started off with seizures. What an absolutely HORRIBLE way to wake up. We hope your weekend has been improving, sweetie!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

June 8, 2004:

The results from Kaidrie’s latest MRI isn’t what ANYONE wanted to hear (read). Please stop by her site and offer any support you may be able to lend to her family. I am absolutely heart broken with this latest news.

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 16, 2004:

Miss LaKota will be having CT-Scans done today. Get ready to flood the Heavens with prayers everyone!

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 8, 2004:

Poor little Lexie is in the hospital again. We hope you’re better and are sent home SOON, sweetheart!

June 9, 2004:

Mark is home after completing another round of chemo.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!


My Mom joined us this morning before Miss Samantha left for school. She fed Sammi some soup and, when Sammi was finished eating, the three of us went outside to wait for Miss Samantha's bus. I pulled Sammi around in her wagon until the bus came to pick her up. Sammi didn't a bring a book to school with her today -- she brought Casey's toy with her instead.

Swinging 2

The kiddies didn't go out for recess today since the weather was so hot, so they played in the gym instead. Miss Samantha played at the water table, in the block area and worked on sorting and with some peg boards (table activity) today. All in all she had a VERY good day in school and she came home VERY happy. I LOVE days like this!

Shaking Gift

Miss Samantha made a BEAUTIFUL present for Jeff in honor of Father's Day! It's a GORGEOUS print of her hand (in soft clay)! It is SO precious!!! She also gave Jeff a poem, which I will be putting on her page tomorrow (as long as my computer feels like cooperating with me).


Speaking of computers.........I HATE THEM!!!

Ok, it's not really computers that I hate, just AOL. Our AOL has been acting VERY funny for the past week now. It takes me about 20 minutes to send out an e-mail and sometimes I'm not able to send one out at all. I'm assuming AOL is to blame for the trouble I've been having when I've attempted to visit some CaringBridge pages. Some of them will open without a problem and I'll be able to leave a message in the guestbook. Others either won't open at all or my computer will freeze in the middle of opening the page or the page will open and then freeze when I try to sign the guestbook. Grrrrrrrrrr!!! I think we can definitely count working with computers out as a possibly job opportunity.

So I'd like to take this time to apologize to the families whose guestbooks I haven't been able to sign. I would be more than happy to apologize to each person individually, but there are just so many. I'm going to be working on this all day Friday (and Saturday too) so please wish me luck!

Kick Me

Jeff's back is slowly but surely getting better. He's still a little uncomfortable, but the pain is NOTHING like it was last Saturday.


I haven't been feeling very well today, so I'm going to head to bed. I probably won't be able to sleep since Miss Samantha is still WIDE awake, but it'll feel good to lay down and relax until then.

I hope all of you have an absolutely wonderful Friday and an excellent weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 16, 2004:

AIDAN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 11, 2004:

Cam will be having his counts checked today.

June 16, 2004:

Chad will have his counts checked today. If all goes well and they’re where they should be, Chad will receive chemo.

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 14, 2004:

Christopher will start receiving day passes soon enough. I bet it’ll be great to get out of that hospital, even if it is only for a little while. We’re SO happy for you, hon!

June 11, 2004:

Connor’s MRI showed definite tumor re-growth. NOT the news we wanted to hear (read).

June 14, 2004:

Connor will be having a busy day today! He will be going through surgery so that a port-a-cath can be inserted and he will also begin chemo treatments today. Good luck, buddy! All of my happy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June 13, 2004:

Poor Little Corey continues to have not-so-good days.

June 15, 2004:

Craig has a play off game tonight. Good luck, hon! We’ll be rooting for you in Mass!

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 4, 2004:

Dee’s legs are very swollen right now. Her doctors aren’t sure what the cause of this is. We hope you’re feeling better soon, hon!

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 18, 2004:

Devin will be having scans done today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 11, 2004:

Poor little Dillion’s morning started off with seizures. What an absolutely HORRIBLE way to wake up. We hope your weekend has been improving, sweetie!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

June 8, 2004:

The results from Kaidrie’s latest MRI isn’t what ANYONE wanted to hear (read). Please stop by her site and offer any support you may be able to lend to her family. I am absolutely heart broken with this latest news.

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 16, 2004:

Miss LaKota will be having CT-Scans done today. Get ready to flood the Heavens with prayers everyone!

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 8, 2004:

Poor little Lexie is in the hospital again. We hope you’re better and are sent home SOON, sweetheart!

June 9, 2004:

Mark is home after completing another round of chemo.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!


All of us had an excellent day today and it was all thanks to Miss Samantha and the beautiful concert her and her preschool class put on for everyone this afternoon. Being a first time Mom, this was the first school activity I was able to view. And boy did I love every minute of it!

My Mom and I arrived at Sammi’s school shortly before 10:30 this morning. Samantha wasn’t in the classroom yet since today is Wednesday, so her and Laurie (O&M) were working together in the gym. It didn’t take long for Miss Samantha to join her class and when she walked into the room, my Mom and I did our absolute best to stay hidden from her. Unfortunately my little monkey spotted us in no time and made her way to us without any hesitation.

As soon as she found her Mommy and Nuna, she grabbed Nuna’s hand and insisted on sitting on her lap as she sang along with her class. hehehe. A bunch of chairs were lined up (side by side) in front of the classroom – that’s where all of the kiddies sat. Some more chairs were lined up (also side by side) on the other side of the room – this is where all of the parents sat. Well I sat with all of the other parents while Sammi and my Mom (hehehe) sat with the kiddies and sang songs. Yes I got LOTS of pictures of this!

Sammi and all of the other kiddies sang a bunch of songs. BINGO, Old MacDonald, Wiggle Your Fingers (NOT the Wiggles version), How Much is That Doggie in the Window?, The Hello Song, I’m a Little Tea Pot, On Top of Spaghetti, etc. Sammi did a VERY good job (to be honest – she did a MUCH better job than I expected her to do) singing along with some of the songs. Sammi has a VERY loud voice when she wants to, but she sang quietly along with her class.

While Sammi and her class performed, I took picture after picture. Once all of the kiddies were finished singing, it was diploma time. That’s right!!! All of the adorable little kiddies received diplomas!!! How cute is that????? I NEVER expected for Sammi to receive a diploma and I was completely overjoyed when she accepted hers all by herself. I took a picture of her (proudly) carrying her diploma once Mrs. Lynch handed it to her. I only got one picture of Sammi carrying her diploma – as soon as Mrs. Lynch handed it to her, she brought it over to me.

Ice cream was served once the kiddies performance was over. Unfortunately I didn’t bring Miss Samantha’s regular ice cream and she refused to eat what was served. This all has to do with her autism/texture thing. She didn’t want to eat the ice cream, so she sat on her Nuna’s lap and read some books from the class library.

I was able to meet a few kiddies from Sammi’s class today and I took a good amount of pictures of most of them. (Yes I will DEFINITELY be posting these pictures SOON – more than likely I’ll work on doing that tomorrow).

I met Christopher (aka….Samantha’s love). What a cutie he is!!! Samantha DEFINITELY has VERY good taste! Him and his brother are twins. They have beautiful blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes! I’m telling you, these two are adorable!!! Christopher is very shy but his brother (Kevin) is a little more out going. I tried to get a picture of Sammi and Christopher together, but Christopher was too shy to help me out. That’s ok! I was able to get a few shots of just him. Of course I will be showing this little cutie (my future son-in-law perhaps) off soon.

I also met Matthew. What a sweetheart this little boy is! When Sammi was originally put in Mrs. Lynch’s class, I was told there was a little boy who would be in her class who was deaf and didn’t speak very much. That’s Matthew! Matthew is also a cutie! And Shelia told me that Matthew is VERY fond of Miss Samantha. Could another love connection be brewing here? Possibly…………………
What made me love Matthew even more (not that he had to try very hard to win me over) was when I was sitting with my Mom and Samantha in the library. Matthew brought a picture book up to me (pictures of all of the kiddies in Samantha’s class were in this book) and started naming off the kiddies whose picture he saw. When he got to his I thought he was going to sprout wings and fly off – he was SO excited and it was SO sweet! Another cutie!!

Besides most of the kiddies in Sammi’s class, I also got a few pictures of Mrs. Lynch and Shelia. Dominik (another little boy Miss Samantha is VERY fond of – what is with all the boys?????) sat next to Miss Samantha while their “concert” was going on. Yup, that’s right……..another cutie!!! I got some pictures of him as well.

Today’s show was GREAT! The only draw back was that I didn’t bring my video camera along. I know, I know. Believe me, I’ve been kicking myself over this all day. Sammi was (all in all) in a pretty good mood. She did throw a couple of temper tantrums in her classroom today, but they weren’t anything major.

And in other news……………………..

Jeff’s back is still bothering him, but it hasn’t been keeping him down at all. He has still been able to go to work (thank goodness) and he still hasn’t broken down and taken any of his pain medicine. That’s right, he’s a stubborn, stubborn man. Luckily his back isn’t bothering him half as much as it was on Saturday when the pain originally started.

My Dad and his girlfriend (Missy) will be leaving this Friday (June 18) to go up to bike week in Laconia, New Hampshire. If it isn’t asking too much, could you please pass along some prayers and well wishes for them? My Dad has been going up to Laconia ever since I was little (even before I was born I believe) and even though I know he’s careful and he always comes back safe and sound, I still worry about him.

My step-Dad goes to see his doctor tomorrow afternoon. As far as I know his infection site is looking A LOT better and a lot of that yucky, gross stuff has continued to ooze out. As gross as this is, I heard it’s a VERY good thing. I’ll post tomorrow night how his appointment went. As of this very moment, he should be able to go back to work on Friday June 18, but we’ll have to see what happens once he is seen by his doctor.

I’m sorry for being so long winded tonight, I guess I had more to say that I thought I did. I copy and pasted this e-mail this afternoon and I’m just getting the chance to paste it into Samantha’s journal now. It’s been a VERY long day and I’m VERY tired. Believe me, I can’t wait for Miss Samantha to hit the sack so I can do the same.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 10, 2004:

Aidan is out of the PICU, but he’s still in the hospital. Prayers for this little boy and his wonderful family would be VERY much appreciated!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 11, 2004:

Cam will be having his counts checked today.

June 16, 2004:

Chad will have his counts checked today. If all goes well and they’re where they should be, Chad will receive chemo.

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 14, 2004:

Christopher will start receiving day passes soon enough. I bet it’ll be great to get out of that hospital, even if it is only for a little while. We’re SO happy for you, hon!

June 11, 2004:

Connor’s MRI showed definite tumor re-growth. NOT the news we wanted to hear (read).

June 14, 2004:

Connor will be having a busy day today! He will be going through surgery so that a port-a-cath can be inserted and he will also begin chemo treatments today. Good luck, buddy! All of my happy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June 13, 2004:

Poor Little Corey continues to have not-so-good days.

June 15, 2004:

Craig has a play off game tonight. Good luck, hon! We’ll be rooting for you in Mass!

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 4, 2004:

Dee’s legs are very swollen right now. Her doctors aren’t sure what the cause of this is. We hope you’re feeling better soon, hon!

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 18, 2004:

Devin will be having scans done today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 11, 2004:

Poor little Dillion’s morning started off with seizures. What an absolutely HORRIBLE way to wake up. We hope your weekend has been improving, sweetie!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

June 8, 2004:

The results from Kaidrie’s latest MRI isn’t what ANYONE wanted to hear (read). Please stop by her site and offer any support you may be able to lend to her family. I am absolutely heart broken with this latest news.

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 16, 2004:

Miss LaKota will be having CT-Scans done today. Get ready to flood the Heavens with prayers everyone!

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 8, 2004:

Poor little Lexie is in the hospital again. We hope you’re better and are sent home SOON, sweetheart!

June 9, 2004:

Mark is home after completing another round of chemo.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Book Club

Sammi brought “The Bone Book” to school with her today. This is a Berenstein Bears book that’s actually called “The Missing Dinosaur Bone”, but Sammi has decided to shorten the title. I don’t blame her! My Mom wasn’t able to join us this morning since she had to leave early for work, but she should be joining us tomorrow morning.


Miss Samantha had a good day at school. Her class didn’t do much playing today since they were too busy practicing for their concert. Don’t worry if you’re confused about this – I was too when I read Shelia’s note this afternoon. Let me explain a little bit.

My Mom and I will be going to Samantha’s school for about an hour tomorrow afternoon. Since their last day of school is June 22nd, Sammi’s class is having an end of the year party tomorrow. All parents (relatives) are invited to attend from 10:30 to 11:30 tomorrow afternoon. I’m not sure if Jeff will be joining us (we’re not sure whether or not he’ll be working then), but my Mom and I will definitely be there. And, of course, I’ll be sure to bring my camera. Hopefully I’ll get some good shots and (wish me luck with this) maybe I’ll even be able to get one of Christopher. Wish me luck!

Anyway…..all I knew about this end of the year party was that there was going to be ice cream (Sammi will be thrilled!), popsicles and music. Little did I know Samantha’s class will be singing some songs! I’m not sure how well Sammi will do with this, but I’m VERY excited. I talked with Martha this afternoon (I’ll talk about that in a second) and asked how well Sammi was doing with the concert. Martha said Sammi knew the words to the songs that would be sung, so I guess it’s just a matter of whether or not Sammi feels like performing tomorrow. Any and ALL well wishes and happy thoughts would be VERY much appreciated!

Walking Home Crying

Like I mentioned, I was able to talk with Martha this afternoon since she visited us for our weekly appointment. We have one more meeting left with Martha (on Friday June 18) and then that’s it for the summer! Martha gave me a couple of ideas of things to do with Sammi over the summer (braille), but the only difference will be that Martha won’t be coming to our house to see how we’re doing. I think we’ll be able to manage on our own until September though. I’m still taking my braille courses, so Sammi and I will be practicing together.


I’d like to send a VERY BIG THANK YOU out to Devin and his wonderful family. They sent Miss Samantha a package that we received this afternoon and everything that was sent is just wonderful! Alisa, Randy, Devin, Kara --- Thank you all SO much for the wonderful gifts you sent! Samantha loves absolutely every single thing and she did a GREAT job helping me unwrap everything! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!


Well, I think I’ll get going. It’s VERY hot and sticky in my bedroom tonight, so I’m going to go find a nice, cool spot to relax in until it’s time for my bedtime. One of ours cats (Aahz) has the right idea these days. Our coffee table is right under the ceiling fan in our living room. Yesterday I put a box on the coffee table when I was cleaning up. Now Aahz thinks it’s HIS and will lay on top of it (he lays on his back with all of his paws up in the air – it’s adorable!) all day long while the cool breeze from the ceiling fan hits him. And I sometimes think animals are dumb! I’m beginning to think they’re smarter than me!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 10, 2004:

Aidan is out of the PICU, but he’s still in the hospital. Prayers for this little boy and his wonderful family would be VERY much appreciated!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 11, 2004:

Cam will be having his counts checked today.

June 16, 2004:

Chad will have his counts checked today. If all goes well and they’re where they should be, Chad will receive chemo.

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 14, 2004:

Christopher will start receiving day passes soon enough. I bet it’ll be great to get out of that hospital, even if it is only for a little while. We’re SO happy for you, hon!

June 11, 2004:

Connor’s MRI showed definite tumor re-growth. NOT the news we wanted to hear (read).

June 14, 2004:

Connor will be having a busy day today! He will be going through surgery so that a port-a-cath can be inserted and he will also begin chemo treatments today. Good luck, buddy! All of my happy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June 13, 2004:

Poor Little Corey continues to have not-so-good days.

June 15, 2004:

Craig has a play off game tonight. Good luck, hon! We’ll be rooting for you in Mass!

Rex (Craig’s Dad) needs some prayers concerning his job.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 4, 2004:

Dee’s legs are very swollen right now. Her doctors aren’t sure what the cause of this is. We hope you’re feeling better soon, hon!

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 18, 2004:

Devin will be having scans done today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 11, 2004:

Poor little Dillion’s morning started off with seizures. What an absolutely HORRIBLE way to wake up. We hope your weekend has been improving, sweetie!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

June 8, 2004:

The results from Kaidrie’s latest MRI isn’t what ANYONE wanted to hear (read). Please stop by her site and offer any support you may be able to lend to her family. I am absolutely heart broken with this latest news.

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 16, 2004:

Miss LaKota will be having CT-Scans done today. Get ready to flood the Heavens with prayers everyone!

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 8, 2004:

Poor little Lexie is in the hospital again. We hope you’re better and are sent home SOON, sweetheart!

June 9, 2004:

Mark is home after completing another round of chemo.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Monday, June 14, 2004

Cat 10
If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!
Dog 8



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

People Watching

Miss Samantha brought "The Eye Book" to school with her today. Luckily my Mom was able to join us before Sammi headed off to school. Sammi, as always, was VERY happy to have her Nuna with her before it was time to go. My Mom fed Sammi some soup while I got Sammi's lunchbox ready and cleaned the kitchen up a little bit.


Sammi and Martha worked together in school today. Sammi also played with some peg boards again, played in the block area, participated in a table activity and had fun playing in the boats on the playground.


It was absolutely beautiful out today!!!

Even though the sun didn't shine much today, it was VERY breezy out. It just felt wonderful! Tomorrow is suppose to be a killer day -- weather wise, that is. We should be getting thunder storms for a good part of the day, but the temps. will be in the 80's. And everyone knows what that means, right? It's be muggy, muggy, muggy! Oh joy! If the thunder storms decide to hold off, I might just fill up Sammi's pool so she can play in it for a little bit. I'm sure she'll feel like cooling off and I wouldn't mind jumping into that little kiddie pool myself.

Banana Peel

Don't ask me how, but Jeff ended up hurting his back over the weekend. I actually can't blame this on him since he didn't do anything to bring the pain on. We were driving home on Saturday and he said it just started killing him. He's been in pain ever since then, but nothing very unbearable. It's nothing serious enough to take pills for. I've been sleeping on the couch since his back started bothering him because I'm always in his way when he hurts and we sleep together. I'm hoping to get to sleep in the bed tonight, but we'll just have to see what happens.

Washing Machine

Ok, the laundry is calling me. Does the fun ever end around this place?

I hope all of you have a terrific week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Help fight Neuroblastoma!!!

Alex's Lemonade Stand

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 10, 2004:

Aidan is out of the PICU, but he’s still in the hospital. Prayers for this little boy and his wonderful family would be VERY much appreciated!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 11, 2004:

Cam will be having his counts checked today.

June 16, 2004:

Chad will have his counts checked today. If all goes well and they’re where they should be, Chad will receive chemo.

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 12, 2004:

Christopher’s hemoglobin has been holding its own. Christopher received a platelet transfusion this morning.

June 11, 2004:

Connor’s MRI showed definite tumor re-growth. NOT the news we wanted to hear (read).

June 14, 2004:

Connor will be having a busy day today! He will be going through surgery so that a port-a-cath can be inserted and he will also begin chemo treatments today. Good luck, buddy! All of my happy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June 11, 2004:

Corey’s day hasn’t been a very good one. This poor little thing has had to deal with seizures/tremors almost constantly throughout the day.

June 10, 2004:

Craig and his family have returned from their Disney vacation!!!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 4, 2004:

Dee’s legs are very swollen right now. Her doctors aren’t sure what the cause of this is. We hope you’re feeling better soon, hon!

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 18, 2004:

Devin will be having scans done today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 11, 2004:

Poor little Dillion’s morning started off with seizures. What an absolutely HORRIBLE way to wake up. We hope your weekend has been improving, sweetie!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

June 8, 2004:

The results from Kaidrie’s latest MRI isn’t what ANYONE wanted to hear (read). Please stop by her site and offer any support you may be able to lend to her family. I am absolutely heart broken with this latest news.

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 9, 2004:

Miss LaKota has been dealing with some VERY nasty fevers lately. Please join me in praying that they leave her alone SOON!

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 8, 2004:

Poor little Lexie is in the hospital again. We hope you’re better and are sent home SOON, sweetheart!

June 9, 2004:

Mark is home after completing another round of chemo.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Miss Nikki
who turns 4-years-old today! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your family, sweetie! We hope you had the most magical day EVER! I can’t wait to hear all about that birthday party of yours – it sounds like an EXCELLENT time!

Birthday Surprise Party

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Dollar Smiley

When is it alright to spend $20 on two small plastic cups of lemonade?

When the money goes to pediatric cancer research of course!


Jeff was reading the newspaper last night when he came across an article he thought I would be interested in. The article was about an eight-year-old little girl, Madison, who sold lemonade in front of her house every summer. This little girl was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma when she was 4. After going through surgery, eight rounds of chemo and two stem cell transplants she is now cancer free -- cancer hasn't been detected in Madison for three years now. Pictures were included with this story and of course I knew I had to go support her cause.

Car 2

So Jeff, Sammi and I got into the car around eleven o'clock this morning. Madison and her family didn't live in the same city as us, but they only lived about half an hour away so it wasn't much of a journey. I almost had tears in my eyes when we pulled up to Madison's house. The whole yard was decked out in yellow balloons, a good sized stand was set up where Madison stood selling lemonade and another good sized stand was set up not far from the lemonade where the family was holding a raffle. I honestly don't remember what it was they were raffling off, but I gave money to that as well.


I got a chance to talk with Catherine, Madison's Mom, for a little bit while we were at their house. I told them about CaringBridge, but she had already heard about it from a friend of hers. They don't have a site set up and I'm not sure if they will be creating one in the future. I told her about Missa and how I will be meeting her Mom, Denise, in September. I brought Missa up because these two little girls are battling the same disease. Catherine was a joy to speak with. I promised to keep in touch with her and I plan on doing just that. Madison was such a sweetheart! This little girl is quite a beauty and it was SUCH a pleasure meeting her. She also did an excellent job making the lemonade she sold! Not too sweet; not too tart -- it was perfect!!!


So Jeff handed over $10 for the two cups of lemonade we bought (they were $1 a piece). Then, after I had put Samantha in her car seat, I walked back over to Catherine and handed her an additional $10. She was VERY appreciative and if I didn't leave when I did, she said she was going to tear up. It's ok, I was close to it too!!!


I'm telling you, I have been floating on cloud nine ever since we left that little sweethearts house this afternoon (that was about 7 hours ago). I just feel so good about myself. Don't think I think I'm the greatest person in the world or anything like that. I just feel wonderful being able to help out in the little way that I did. If I was rich, believe me I would have been more than happy to hand over even more money to this wonderful family.

I'll try to explain what I'm attempting to say a little better here--

Before I met SO many wonderful families through CaringBridge, I didn't give too much to charities. Sure I'd drop a quarter here or there to the Salvation Army or for a Children's Hospital, but that was about it. Since becoming involved with CaringBridge, I've found myself giving A LOT more.

Before CaringBridge -- When shopping for wrapping paper around Christmas time, I'd buy whatever looked good and didn't cost too much.

Now -- Every year (this will be my third year doing so) I look for certain wrapping papers. Two years ago Jeff brought it to my attention (while we were shopping for wrapping paper) that some wrapping paper was being sold where a good portion of the proceeds goes to St. Jude's. Sure it's a little more costly, but I'm more than happy to pick up a few rolls of it.

Before CaringBridge -- (and this is what I'm most ashamed of). Jeff, Sammi and I shop at Wal-Mart A LOT. At the registers there are umbrellas hanging upside down. There set up so coins can be put in there and the money goes towards a Children's Hospital. There's also a HUGE tube set up near the exits where money is collected, which also goes towards a Children's Hospital. Once in awhile I would throw some spare change in these, but not all of the time.

Now -- Jeff can't get me out of the store until I've given at least $2 to each Hospital. Yes, I've checked and they are different.

Before CaringBridge -- I would have read about Madison selling lemonade in our paper, thought "Oh, how sweet" and forgotten all about it.

Now -- Jeff doesn't get upset when I ask him if we can go half an hour out of our way just to buy lemonade.

PLEASE don't think I'm full of myself by saying all of this. I was just thinking about everything today and SO much about me has changed since I've become involved with CaringBridge. A lot has changed about Jeff as well. He's more giving when it comes to charities, kiddies collecting money outside of grocery stores, etc. I'd really like to get the word out on how important I feel it is to contribute to these causes. Don't get me wrong, we're not millionaires and it takes A LOT to get by sometimes. But when we're able to, we're more than willing to contribute SOMETHING. I wish I was able to do more than I am. I wish I could give more to pediatric cancer research, breast cancer research, eye diseases (particularly Samantha's), etc.

Ok, I'm really afraid that people who read this are going to think I'm in love with myself so I think I'll end all of this.

I'm adding a link I came across today. Please visit them if you're interested:

Alex's Lemonade Stand
This isn't about Madison (the little girl we bought lemonade from this afternoon), but it's about Alex. Alex was also included in the newspaper article I read. Alex is living with Neuroblastoma and lives in Pennsylvania. There is A LOT of VERY useful information on her site.

***Just to let all of you know, a lot of the kiddies I've listed below have been update and MANY need some serious prayers sent their way***

Have a great weekend, everyone!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 10, 2004:

Aidan is out of the PICU, but he’s still in the hospital. Prayers for this little boy and his wonderful family would be VERY much appreciated!


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 10, 2004:

Little Jacob and his WONDERFUL Mom have returned home via ambulance. Yea! Alyssa (Little Jacob’s big sister) is also VERY happy to have her Mom and brother back at home with her.

June 11, 2004:

Cam will be having his counts checked today.

June 16, 2004:

Chad will have his counts checked today. If all goes well and they’re where they should be, Chad will receive chemo.

June 20, 2004:

Chad and his brother, Travis, will be leaving for their 7-day camping trip. Have a blast boys!

June 12, 2004:

Christopher’s hemoglobin has been holding its own. Christopher received a platelet transfusion this morning.

June 11, 2004:

Connor’s MRI showed definite tumor re-growth. NOT the news we wanted to hear (read).

June 14, 2004:

Connor will be having a busy day today! He will be going through surgery so that a port-a-cath can be inserted and he will also begin chemo treatments today. Good luck, buddy! All of my happy thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

June 11, 2004:

Corey’s day hasn’t been a very good one. This poor little thing has had to deal with seizures/tremors almost constantly throughout the day.

June 10, 2004:

Craig and his family have returned from their Disney vacation!!!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

June 4, 2004:

Dee’s legs are very swollen right now. Her doctors aren’t sure what the cause of this is. We hope you’re feeling better soon, hon!

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 18, 2004:

Devin will be having scans done today.

Pray, pray, pray!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 11, 2004:

Poor little Dillion’s morning started off with seizures. What an absolutely HORRIBLE way to wake up. We hope your weekend has been improving, sweetie!

Visit Dillion’s site to learn how he was given the nick-name Boogie – incase you’re interested. Thanks for posting the explanation, Kimbra!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

June 8, 2004:

The results from Kaidrie’s latest MRI isn’t what ANYONE wanted to hear (read). Please stop by her site and offer any support you may be able to lend to her family. I am absolutely heart broken with this latest news.

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 9, 2004:

Miss LaKota has been dealing with some VERY nasty fevers lately. Please join me in praying that they leave her alone SOON!

Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 8, 2004:

Poor little Lexie is in the hospital again. We hope you’re better and are sent home SOON, sweetheart!

June 9, 2004:

Mark is home after completing another round of chemo.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 28, 2004:

Tyler will be going to clinic today.

June 29, 2004:

Tyler will be having scans done today.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!
(Sorry, but I don’t think my Uncle wants me to reveal his age)

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal
(He’s 11-years-old now!!!)

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Friday, June 11, 2004

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, prayer requests, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

TV 3

Nothing special happened around our house today. It’s Friday, which means Miss Samantha doesn’t go to school. I let her sleep in this morning (she finally rolled out of bed around nine o’clock) and she watched back to back episodes of The Wiggles, Jo Jo’s Circus, Stanley and Rolie Polie Olie on Playhouse Disney. Sammi was in her glory all morning long while these shows were on. If Sammi is ever having a bad day or is upset about something, all you need to do is turn on Playhouse Disney (or slap in one of her MANY Wiggles tapes) and she’s happy again! Poof! Just like magic! I cleaned our house up while Sammi was watching TV. I know I talk about cleaning our house a lot, so I hope none of you think we live in a pig sty. Samantha’s toys thrown all around our house is really all that needs to be cleaned up around here. Of course there are dishes and washes to be done, but everything is usually neat other than that. So if you happen to visit our house during the day, don’t be surprised if you see all of Samantha’s toys everywhere. I’ve learned from experience not to clean up any of her toys until she’s in bed for the night. And they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!

I’ve just realized I have absolutely nothing to say (today was a VERY mellow day around our house), so I’m going to end this with an e-mail my Mom sent to me. I thought it was cute, so I’d like to share it with all of you. Hope you enjoy it!

Scrabble Codes
Someone out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble.

GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters:

DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters:

EVANGELIST: When you rearrange the letters:

PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters:

DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters:

THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters:

SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters:

ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters:

MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters:

SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters:

A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters:

THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters:

ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters:

PRINCESS DIANA: When you rearrange the letters:

And for the grand finale:
When you rearrange the letters (With no letters left over
and using each letter only once):

Have a great weekend, everyone!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 7, 2004:

Little Jacob is in the hospital and continues to go through WAY too much! Please pass prayers along to him as well as his VERY courageous Mom who has had to go through all of this pretty much on her own.

June 9, 2004:

If all goes well with Little Jacob throughout the night, him and his Mom will be sent home via ambulance tomorrow!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

June 8, 2004:

The results of Christopher's ultrasound came back VERY good. It showed that his tumor has not grown. WOOHOO!!!

June 9, 2004:

Connor was scheduled to have a pelvic MRI done this afternoon. PLEASE send LOTS of prayers his way.

Connor's bone scan & bone marrow tests have come back clear!!!

June 8, 2004:

Little Corey is doing ok, but has been sleeping a lot lately.

Poor Alyssa (Corey's sister) is sick with a strep throat. Please pass some prayers along to her in hopes she'll be better before too long and also for Corey not to catch this next.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 6, 2004:

Mom is worried about Devin. Please hope and pray for those counts of his to go up so he’s able to stay home where he belongs.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.


Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 4, 2004:

Lexie spent the night in the hospital for observation. She also received platelets while she was there. She’s doing well – her and her sister were goofing around and Little Lexie got hurt.

June 5, 2004:

Lexie is home!!!

June 7, 2004:

Mark will begin his next round of chemo today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 3, 2004:

Nikki did VERY well receiving her chemo on June 2nd.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Birthday Balloons

special day is today. It’s his birthday! Happy Birthday, buddy! We hope you had the most wonderful day possible!!!

Airplane Wishes 2

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Leap Frogs

Sammi brought her “Letter P” toy to school with her today. Her “Letter P” is a toy her Nuna and Grandpa gave to her for her 3rd birthday. It’s a Leap Frog toy (I LOVE Leap Frog toys – Sammi has SO many of them) and PLEASE don’t ask me why this toy is known as “Letter P.” It’s real name is Phonics Radio, but Miss Samantha prefers Letter P.

Lightning Bolt

Jeff was up with us this morning (usually he’s still sleeping while I get Sammi ready) since he had left our house around 5 this morning to go on a run. So he sat with us while I fed Sammi her breakfast (vanilla ice cream of course!) and cleaned up a little. Sammi, Jeff & I went outside (once Sammi was finished eating) to wait for the school bus to arrive. What a difference in the weather! If we didn’t hit 90 degrees yesterday, we came pretty close to it. After those monstrous thunderstorms that rolled into our area last night, it was nice and cool out this morning.

Pen 2

Jeff went back to sleep once Sammi was on her way to school (he was still tired from having to get up so early) and I was able to do something I’ve wanted to do all week – I signed some CaringBridge guestbooks! Woohoo!! Don’t get me wrong, I still have many more to sign but I’m glad I was able to get to some of them.

Pulling My Hair Out

Miss Samantha had another good day at school. Mrs. Lynch was out sick, so Mrs. C filled in for her. Sammi seemed to like Mrs. C a lot. Sammi is usually pretty good when she meets someone new. Sure she’ll act all shy, but she has never flipped out when someone new has been introduced to her. Of course (because Sammi doesn’t have 20/20 vision) she HATES it when someone she doesn’t know touches her or holds one of her hands. I don’t know about everyone else, but this would bug me too.

Beach Ball

Mrs. C read “The Alphabet Mystery” (I’ve never heard of this book) at circle time today. During recess (the kiddies played in the gym this afternoon because of the yucky weather) Sammi, Kelly, Purple HeartChristopherPurple Heart, Brian and Collin played with a red ball.


----------------BREAKING NEWS-----------------------
Miss Samantha Therese is now able to drink from a water fountain. Shelia let me know that Mrs. Maher (another aide in Sammi’s class) taught her how to do this. Now I’m eager to find a water fountain so I can see my little girl in action.


Sammi was sent home with the sweetest invitation. It came from Kelly and her Mom. Their phone number was included incase we’re interested in setting up a play date over the summer. We’ll definitely be getting in touch with them once school has ended. What made this invitation so special was that Kelly wrote her name (and some other doodles) on the front. It’s too cute!


Miss Samantha is a big fan of attempting to feed herself. Jeff, my Mom or I usually feed her, but occasionally she’ll take matters into her own hands. This usually happens when whoever is feeding her gets up from where they’re sitting or when Sammi feels she isn’t being fed fast enough. Sammi is VERY good at bringing the spoon to her mouth, she just needs to work on scooping up the food. One of us will usually put some food (mostly ice cream) on Sammi’s spoon and then she’ll take it from there.


Grandpa Slappy is doing well. His infection has been draining and (I’ve been told) that’s a good thing. He went to see his doctor today (not his primary – the doctor who treated him while he was in the hospital) and he’s not too happy with how his infection is looking. It’s still hot to the touch and he said it should be draining a lot more than it is. So Mr. Slappy is off of work for yet another week – until next Thursday at least.

Well, I think that’s about all that is happening in our neck of the woods. As always, thank you VERY much for taking the time to check up on all of us. We appreciate your prayers and happy guestbook messages more than you’ll ever know.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha (Grumpy, Grumpy) Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 7, 2004:

Little Jacob is in the hospital and continues to go through WAY too much! Please pass prayers along to him as well as his VERY courageous Mom who has had to go through all of this pretty much on her own.

June 9, 2004:

If all goes well with Little Jacob throughout the night, him and his Mom will be sent home via ambulance tomorrow!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

June 8, 2004:

The results of Christopher's ultrasound came back VERY good. It showed that his tumor has not grown. WOOHOO!!!

June 9, 2004:

Connor was scheduled to have a pelvic MRI done this afternoon. PLEASE send LOTS of prayers his way.

Connor's bone scan & bone marrow tests have come back clear!!!

June 8, 2004:

Little Corey is doing ok, but has been sleeping a lot lately.

Poor Alyssa (Corey's sister) is sick with a strep throat. Please pass some prayers along to her in hopes she'll be better before too long and also for Corey not to catch this next.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 6, 2004:

Mom is worried about Devin. Please hope and pray for those counts of his to go up so he’s able to stay home where he belongs.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.


Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 4, 2004:

Lexie spent the night in the hospital for observation. She also received platelets while she was there. She’s doing well – her and her sister were goofing around and Little Lexie got hurt.

June 5, 2004:

Lexie is home!!!

June 7, 2004:

Mark will begin his next round of chemo today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 3, 2004:

Nikki did VERY well receiving her chemo on June 2nd.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

BalloonsUncle WarrenBalloons

Happy Birthday

We love you VERY much!!! We hope you had the most WONDERFUL birthday possible! We can't wait to see you again!!!

Birthday Surprise Party

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!


Miss Samantha brought her Fox in Socks book to school with her today. My Mom wasn't able to join us downstairs before Sammi left this morning (she had to go into work early), so it was just Miss Samantha and I. After I fed her some "breakfast" (soup), we headed outside to wait for her bus. I knew today was going to be a scorcher as soon as I stepped outside. Almost eight-thirty in the morning and it must have been about 80 degrees already! Phew! Is it too late to ask for all of that rain back? You know, the rain I was complaining about for so long? hehehe

Harley Man

My Dad made his appearance once Sammi was off to school. He brought his air compressor with him (woohoo!) and we started working on filling up Miss Samantha's pool. This thing is a monster!!! It's the cutest thing though and the best part is that it only cost me $20! I've said it before and I'll say it again -- I'm a BIG fan of saving money when I'm able to!

It only took about half an hour to fill this pool up, then we had some trouble with our hose, and THEN we had some problems finding a good spot to put the pool (I swear our backyard is like the Grand Canyon -- it's VERY hard to find any level land). But low and behold, the job was completed!!!

Fat Woman 4

Sammi had a good day at school. She worked with Laurie (O&M) bouncing on a peanut (a type of therapy ball), jumping on a trampoline and finding and knocking over bowling pins. She also played in the water table (once she was back in her classroom) and, because of this, her shirt was absolutely SOAKED when she got home this afternoon. I'm not saying this is a bad thing at all. The weather was extremely hot out all day long, so it must have felt GREAT walking around in a wet shirt. Recess was cancelled this afternoon due to the heat. So I'm guessing everyone just spent time playing in the classroom.


I fed Miss Samantha some soup and ice cream when she got home from school this afternoon, slapped some sun screen all over her body, threw a tank top on her (that's right, my little one didn't have any pants (or a diaper) on when she went swimming -- there's a sight for 'ya!) and we went out. Sammi was absolutely thrilled to be able to go swimming again! This was the first time she has been in a pool since last year and it was like riding a bike (not that she's able to do that yetRolly).

In The Pool

My Grandmother came over to visit with us for a little bit this afternoon and, of course, Miss Samantha spent most of her time playing in her pool. Surprisingly, after all of the splashing Samantha had done, she got out of her pool ON HER OWN!!! That's right everyone. No, I didn't screw anything up there. Samantha got out of her pool all by herself, walked up to her Grandma and requested some ice cream. So my Grandma and I brought Sammi into the house and filled her little tummy with some delicious ice cream. Then she had some soup. And then she ate some more ice cream. I'm telling you, this little one has an endless stomach.

Bye Bye

Sammi and I stayed in the house for a little bit once our Grandma left. I wanted to give Sammi a little break from the sun and I needed one as well. (That's right -- I finally got some (ok, A LOT) tanning in this afternoon). My mom was getting out of work early this afternoon, so we waited until she got home to go back outside. Samantha and I spent about an hour in the house before my Mom showed up and we headed back outside. And guess what Sammi did as soon as we headed back out? Yup, back in the pool she went. Of course (since the pool is big enough), I spent most of our outside time sitting in the pool with her.


I left Sammi with Jeff for about 10 minutes tonight while my Mom and I headed over to Dunks. We were going to take Sammi with us and walk over there, but it started down pouring here before we left. We're getting some pretty serious thunder storms tonight that don't seem to be letting up anytime soon. So I'll take this time to apologize for not being able to visit any of the CaringBridge sites tonight. Boy it's been a bad week for signing guestbooks! Jeff's yelling at me to get off line before I get hit by lightning, so I need to wind this up.


So I left Sammi with Jeff tonight. You've got to realize that this trip that my Mom and I were going on takes about 5 minutes tops. Before we left, I had filled up the bath tub for Sammi. She DEFINITELY needed a bath tonight. So I asked Jeff if he would throw (no, not literally) Sammi into the tub while I was gone. He said he would. So off my Mom and I went.

We walked through the door (when we returned) and Jeff was sitting at our kitchen table, so I assumed he was keeping an ear on Sammi while she was in the tub. Well, I was half right. My Mom asked Jeff if he was going to cry because he looked like something was wrong. I asked if Sammi was in the tub and he said yes, so my Mom and I went to check on her. And guess what we saw! There was Miss Samantha, with a HUGE smile on her face, sitting in the tub. FULLY CLOTHED!!! Sammi has this new thing of hoping in the tub whenever she feels like it; whether she's fully clothed or completely naked. And yes people, we got pictures of this! I'm telling you, I have one VERY silly goofball on my hands here.

Teddy Bear

Ok, that's it from our end. I WILL (mark my words) by making it by many, many CaringBridge pages tomorrow. I hope all of you have had a wonderful Wednesday and continue to have an excellent rest of the week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha (Water Logged) Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 7, 2004:

Little Jacob is in the hospital and continues to go through WAY too much! Please pass prayers along to him as well as his VERY courageous Mom who has had to go through all of this pretty much on her own.

June 9, 2004:

If all goes well with Little Jacob throughout the night, him and his Mom will be sent home via ambulance tomorrow!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

June 8, 2004:

The results of Christopher's ultrasound came back VERY good. It showed that his tumor has not grown. WOOHOO!!!

June 9, 2004:

Connor was scheduled to have a pelvic MRI done this afternoon. PLEASE send LOTS of prayers his way.

Connor's bone scan & bone marrow tests have come back clear!!!

June 8, 2004:

Little Corey is doing ok, but has been sleeping a lot lately.

Poor Alyssa (Corey's sister) is sick with a strep throat. Please pass some prayers along to her in hopes she'll be better before too long and also for Corey not to catch this next.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 6, 2004:

Mom is worried about Devin. Please hope and pray for those counts of his to go up so he’s able to stay home where he belongs.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.


Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 4, 2004:

Lexie spent the night in the hospital for observation. She also received platelets while she was there. She’s doing well – her and her sister were goofing around and Little Lexie got hurt.

June 5, 2004:

Lexie is home!!!

June 7, 2004:

Mark will begin his next round of chemo today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 3, 2004:

Nikki did VERY well receiving her chemo on June 2nd.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Birthday Song

A BIG Happy Birthday to BirthdayJacksonBirthday
who celebrated his birthday today! Happy Birthday, buddy! We hope your day was an absolutely wonderful one!


If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Fly Eater

Sammi brought her Snoopy book to school with her today. My Mom was able to spend some time with us this morning before Miss Samantha left for school. Sammi wasn't in the mood for soup this morning, so Nuna fed her ice cream instead.

Car 1

Jeff and I left the house as soon as I was finished putting Sammi on her bus. I had a doctors appointment to go to and we needed to run some errands as well.

Pill Bottle

Everything went fine with my doctor. I see him every 3 months (he's my primary) for follow-ups. I was successful in getting an allergy medicine that "is like Alavert" (his words). I'm going to try it out tomorrow and see how it is. The Alavert I'm taking now is non-drowsy; the pills my doctor has put me on may cause drowsiness. So my plan of action is this: I'm going to start taking this medicine tomorrow. If it causes ANY drowsiness, I'm going to call him and ask if he can put me on something else. I'm tired enough throughout the day -- I don't need any medications adding to that.

Bottled Water

Sammi had a good day at school. She played nicely at the water table and had fun splashing. She also did a nice job on the playground moving around almost completely on her own. According to Shelia, Miss Samantha usually likes an adult hand to hold onto when she's walking around the playground. She does the same thing at home or when we're out somewhere. The only time she doesn't care about holding on to someone's hand is when we're out shopping. Sammi has a blast running away from me every chance she gets.

Ice Cream

Shelia let me in on a little secret today. I guess her and Mrs. Lynch have been calling Sammi's ice cream (Miss Samantha takes ice cream to school with her everyday for snack) yogurt so that the other kiddies don't get jealous. I just thought this was so cute! Sammi hasn't been asking me for yogurt, so I'm guessing she knows what Mrs. Lunch and Shelia are trying to pull!Rolly

Hospital Bed

My Mom and I went up to the hospital again this afternoon (Sammi stayed home with Jeff) to see Slappy (aka -- my step-Dad). We popped in to say "Hi" when we got there and then headed to the Cafe to grab some lunch. You're going to think my Mom and I are strange, but we LOVE hospital food. I don't know what it is about that stuff, but we think it is GOOD! Hey, I never claimed to be sane or make sense.

By the time we got back up to Slappy's room, his Nurse was in there with him getting all of his discharge papers together. Yea!!! So we brought my step-Dad home with us this afternoon. He is looking SO much better. Honestly, he looked like crap yesterday. He was also in a VERY grumpy mood and it was driving my Mom and I nuts. Today he was completely different! He was able to take a shower before we showed up and he said he was feeling MUCH better. He was also back to his normal, goofy self. It's SO wonderful having him back! We stopped at the Pharmacy on our way home so that Slappy could have his prescriptions filled.

Feed Me

Sammi was in an excellent mood when I got home. Jeff was in the middle of seperating some soup for her and then he fed her once he was finished. I called Martha this morning and cancelled our afternoon visit today since I wouldn't be around to meet with her. I asked Jeff if he wanted me to keep the appointment and he said he'd meet with her, but you could tell he really didn't want to. No biggie. We'll be seeing her this Friday.

Harley Man

My Dad will be stopping by for a quick visit tomorrow morning. Sammi probably won't be able to see him since she'll be in school when he arrives and he'll be gone before she comes home. Can anyone guess why he'll be here? He's bringing an air compressor so that he can fill up Miss Samantha's pool! YEA!!! This week is suppose to be VERY hot and now Sammi will be able to splash around in her pool. WOOHOO!!! So I plan on feeding her when she gets off of the bus tomorrow afternoon, slapping some sun screen on her and spending the rest of the afternoon playing outside in her pool. I can't wait!!!

Well, I'm sorry for being so long winded tonight. I didn't realize I had so much to say. I did try to make it to some CaringBridge pages tonight, but I wasn't able to hit all of them. I'm hoping to make it to the ones I missed tomorrow while Miss Samantha is in school.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 7, 2004:

Little Jacob is in the hospital and continues to go through WAY too much! Please pass prayers along to him as well as his VERY courageous Mom who has had to go through all of this pretty much on her own.

June 9, 2004:

If all goes well with Little Jacob throughout the night, him and his Mom will be sent home via ambulance tomorrow!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

June 8, 2004:

The results of Christopher's ultrasound came back VERY good. It showed that his tumor has not grown. WOOHOO!!!

June 7, 2004:

The results of Connor’s bone marrow test should be known today. Surgery may be an option for this incredibly brave young man if all of his tests come back clear. Start flooding the Heavens with prayers everyone!!! I will be!!

June 8, 2004:

Little Corey is doing ok, but has been sleeping a lot lately.

Poor Alyssa (Corey's sister) is sick with a strep throat. Please pass some prayers along to her in hopes she'll be better before too long and also for Corey not to catch this next.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 6, 2004:

Mom is worried about Devin. Please hope and pray for those counts of his to go up so he’s able to stay home where he belongs.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.


Please pray that Little LaKota hasn't gotten Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 4, 2004:

Lexie spent the night in the hospital for observation. She also received platelets while she was there. She’s doing well – her and her sister were goofing around and Little Lexie got hurt.

June 5, 2004:

Lexie is home!!!

June 7, 2004:

Mark will begin his next round of chemo today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 3, 2004:

Nikki did VERY well receiving her chemo on June 2nd.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 10, 2004:

Miss Missa sees her specialist today. Pray, pray, pray!!!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:
(He's 11-years-old now!!!)

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Monday, June 7, 2004

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Wakka Wakka

My Mom joined Samantha and I this morning before Sammi headed off to school. My Mom fed Samantha some soup (that's right, I said SOUP) and the two of them read a couple of books together until Sammi's bus arrived.


Miss Samantha was a little cranky in school today. I wasn't very surprised to hear this since she wasn't in the best of moods before she left this morning. Sammi did a nice job using the pegs and pegboards again today. She also spent a little time working with Martha and rode in the wagon with Dominik at recess. I wonder what happened to Christopher???

Old Man

My step-Dad was admitted into the hospital last night. My Mom brought him to the ER around seven o'clock and he was brought to his room around eleven. This isn't anything serious, so please don't get worried. Last week when he was cutting grass, he got bit by something. Well it must have been something big because his whole arm is infected right now. You should see how swollen it is! You know what Popeye's arms look like? I've been calling my step-Dad Popeye because his infected arm looks like that from all the swelling.

Get Well Soon

My Mom and I visited my step-Dad in the hospital this afternoon. Jeff was sweet enough to keep an eye on Miss Samantha so I could spend some time alone with my Mom and Dad. Boy am I pooped! I think I'm getting too old for all of this. My Mom is wiped out too, so I know it's not just me. I didn't think visiting someone in a hospital room for the afternoon would wear me out so much, but it really did! Sammi was absolutely wonderful for Jeff while I was gone. I couldn't have my cell phone on while I was in the hospital, but I checked my messages once we had left. The only urgent message I got was that Sammi was out of ice cream and she was NOT happy about it. So Mommy (thank goodness for me) picked some up on my way home.


My Dad should be getting discharged tomorrow. I have a doctors appointment to go to once Sammi leaves for school and then I'll be going to the hospital with my Mom so we can bring my Dad home. He'll probably be sent home with some pain meds. (hopefully something good). He is in A LOT of pain due to this infection. He's been on Demerol (sp?) in the hospital, but he's still not sure what he'll be sent home with.


My doctors appointment isn't anything special. Just a follow-up with my primary. I plan on asking him if he would be kind enough to prescribe some Alavert to me. I don't mind buying the stuff because it works GREAT, but it is so darn costly! $16 for a box of 24. Hopefully he won't have a problem with this so I can save a few bucks.


Ok, I'm pooped. But before I go I have some apologies to make. I am VERY sorry for not making it to a lot of guestbooks today. I was all ready to sign all of the guestbooks I could while Sammi was in school today, but I ended up going with my Mom to the hospital. We got home around 9, I put Sammi in bed, I'm updating her page now and hopefully I'll be crashing for the night soonly. I do promise that I will be visiting MANY guestbooks VERY soon. If not tomorrow, definitely by Wednesday. Please know ALL of you are in my thoughts and prayers despite my lack of messages.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
June 5, 2004:

Jacob’s right lung has started giving him some trouble. Please hope and pray with me that Little Jacob won’t need to be admitted into the hospital.

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

June 6, 2004:

Christopher is still in the hospital and continues to go through so much every day. Please check his CaringBridge page – his Mom is WONDERFUL at providing daily updates.

June 7, 2004:

The results of Connor’s bone marrow test should be known today. Surgery may be an option for this incredibly brave young man if all of his tests come back clear. Start flooding the Heavens with prayers everyone!!! I will be!!

June 4, 2004:

Corey still isn’t feeling very well at all. Now this poor little boy is fighting against a nasty respiratory infection. The area around his g-tube has also become infected.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

July 25, 2004:

David and his Mom will be returning from Jersey so David can begin a new oral chemo treatment. I know Kathy (David’s Mom) and David would appreciate any and all prayers that are sent their way.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

June 6, 2004:

Mom is worried about Devin. Please hope and pray for those counts of his to go up so he’s able to stay home where he belongs.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 4, 2004:

Eli saw his Neurologist today. The only concern his doctor had was with the seizures Eli has. Eli’s medications have been upped to help him out.

June 2, 2004:

Jackson hasn’t had a sore throat for a couple of days now! Yea!!

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 4, 2004:

Thankfully nothing showed up on the ultrasound performed on Little LaKota. Please keep this sweetheart of a girl as she continues to fight against cancer.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 4, 2004:

Lexie spent the night in the hospital for observation. She also received platelets while she was there. She’s doing well – her and her sister were goofing around and Little Lexie got hurt.

June 5, 2004:

Lexie is home!!!

June 7, 2004:

Mark will begin his next round of chemo today.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 3, 2004:

Nikki did VERY well receiving her chemo on June 2nd.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

June 1, 2004:

Collin is a preschool graduate now!!!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

June 4, 2004:

Courtney and her family have returned home from their Disney vacation. Please visit Courtney’s site to read all about the fun they had on their trip. Welcome Home, Everyone!!!

June 6, 2004:

Kara (Devin’s sister) got to meet Junie B. Jones (children’s author) today. She was lucky enough to have some books signed by her and the two of them got their picture taken together!

June 4, 2004:

Miss Missa has lost ANOTHER tooth! At this rate the Tooth Fairy will be broke in no time!

June 4, 2004:

Brandon (Nikki’s brother) is officially a first grader now! Way to go, buddy! We’re SO proud of you!!

June 6, 2004:

I’m not sure yet (since Tiffany’s page hasn’t been updated) whether Tiffany has been sent home from Rehab or not. I’m hoping and praying she’s back home.


Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:

June 9:
Our Uncle Warren – We love you!!!

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Sunday, June 6, 2004

United StatesRemembering D-Day -- June 6, 1944Ship

Wood CrossMay 4, 2000 ~ June 5, 2004Wood Cross

Girl Angel*Sweet Little Miranda*
has become one of Heaven's newest *Angels*. Please take the time to stop by her CaringBridge page and leave any kind words you're able to. You'll NEVER be forgotten, sweetheart!Angel 3

Birthday Gifts

Miss Julianna celebrates her birthday today! This little sweetheart is 4-years-old now! Please stop by her site and leave her some very BIG Happy Birthday wishes!

Birthday Banner

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!

Yellow RibbonPink Ribbon

***June 6 is National Cancer Survivor's Day***


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Purple SmilesAutumn and Lexie have been addedPurple Smiles

Harley Man

My Dad showed up at our place around one o'clock this afternoon. He came by to drop off those free tickets to Canobie Lake Park. He ended up managing to get us 5 instead of 4, so we didn't have to pay for Miss Samantha. She's only 3 and we'd have to pay for her. How crazy is that? And she wouldn't be half price or anything like that, she'd cost as much as an adult ticket would. Hello?!?!?!? Last year we had to pay for her since my Dad was only able to snag 4 tickets for us. This year I noticed a sign at the entrance to Canobie that said children 2 years of age and under are free. Gee, that wasn't there last year!!! So of course (don't think differently of me after you read this) I would have lied about Sammi's age if we didn't have a ticket for her. If you look at her, you really can't tell she's 3. Especially since she insists on being carried everywhere all of the time.

Ice Cream 4

David (Jeff’s son) and Kelley (Jeff’s sister) went on most of the rides. Ok, they went on all of the rides. I don’t do rides and Jeff can’t because of the surgery he had, but the kids had a good time going on everything they could together. Jeff, Sammi and I had a good time sitting on benches, waiting for David and Kelley and eating. Don’t you just love the food at amusement parks? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. At one point during the afternoon we got some ice cream and Miss Samantha couldn’t have been happier! I would have been more than happy to feed her soup too, but I couldn’t find any booths that were selling soup broth at Canobie. (Not that I really looked).


Well, Jeff and I set Samantha up this afternoon and I wish I had my camera ready when we did it. It was THE funniest thing I had ever seen. (You’re all going to think we’re incredibly mean people after you read this and you know what? You’re right!)

There’s a ride at Canobie called The Boston Tea Party. (Here’s a picture: click here) A HUGE tidal wave is created when you go on this ride. If you stand beside this ride to watch it, you’ll get soaked. (I hope all of you are following what I’m saying here – I stink at describing things). Well I stood Sammi next to the fence where you get soaked and I ran. Poor little Samantha had no idea what was going on until a HUGE wave splashed down on her. She looked SO confused after this happened and she was drenched. I ran over to get her once the water started falling, but I couldn’t really comfort her because I was laughing so hard. Jeff was cracking up too – don’t think he’s Mr. Innocent. Ok, go ahead and call us cruel people. We deserve it.

The last ride everyone went on, except for David, was the Merry-Go-Round. This was Samantha’s first time on one and she was less than impressed. I tried to ride double on the horse with her, but I was kicked off. So I rode on the horse next to her while Jeff stood beside her. We (Sammi and I) held hands as we rode, but Sammi got a little cranky. We’ll try her on a Merry-Go-Round again the next time we’re at a Fair. I think her main problem was the fact that she had had a VERY long day and she was getting tired.

We left the park around 7, dropped David off at his Mom’s house (oh joy!) around 8, dropped Heather off at her house (more joy) around 8:30 and we FINALLY got home around 9:30p. Jeff and Sammi sat at our kitchen table together when we got home while Jeff fed Sammi some soup. Then it was off to bed! I crashed as soon as Miss Samantha did. I don’t know how these little kiddies can go and go and go and still have plenty of energy in them. I was worn out on the ride home and even fell asleep a couple of times. I want to be a kid again! *stomps foot*


I hope everyone has been having a terrific weekend! For all those NASCAR (Jeff Gordon) fans out there, let’s hope today’s race is MUCH better than last weeks!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 3, 2004:

Poor Amanda isn't feeling very well right now. June 4 is Field Day at her school, so please join me in praying that she'll feel well enough to attend.


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 31, 2004:

Christopher’s Mom is worried that he may have developed aplastic anemia. Poor Christopher has now been in the hospital for over a month.

June 2, 2004:

Possible bone marrow test.

June 3, 2004:

Possible chest CT and bone scan.

May 31, 2004:

Poor little Corey is sick. He has been running a temp., throwing up and is, all in all, a miserable little boy right now.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 2, 2004:

Please keep Eli's family in your prayers. Ann's (Eli's Mom) cousin has passed away very unexpectedly.

May 28, 2004:

Jackson is dealing with a VERY sore throat right now. Please join me in praying that it will not get any worse.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 3, 2004:

LaKota will be having an ultrasound performed today. Please, please, please pray that all turns out well for this little sweetheart!


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Lexie has been diagnosed with Ganglioneurolblastoma. In order to treat this she will need to receive 5 rounds of chemo, surgery, a stem cell transplant (her twin sister, Jaedyn, will be the donor), radiation and immuniotherapy. Please stop by her page and show some support to her and her family.

June 1, 2004:

Mark’s doctors would like to start him on his next round of chemo today if the lab work he had done comes back ok.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 2, 2004:

Little Nikki's chemo treatment begins.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

June 2, 2004:

It’s Missa and Zach’s birthday today!!! Happy Birthday you two wonderful kids! We love you and wish you the most terrific day possible!!!

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana
(She's 4-years-old now!!!)

June 8:

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*
(*Forever 4*)

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*
(*Forever 6*)

Friday, June 4, 2004

Little Miranda's *Angel* wings are quickly making themselves known. Please stop by and offer some support for this beautiful little girl and her VERY supportive parents. I'm sure they would love to hear how many people are sending prayers their way!!

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!

Yellow RibbonPink Ribbon

***June 6 is National Cancer Survivor's Day***


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Purple SmilesAutumn and Lexie have been addedPurple Smiles

TV 2

This is what Sammi looked like while she was watching Playhouse Disney this afternoon. Actually, you'll have to picture her with more of a "duh" look on her face. She watched 2 episodes of The Wiggles, 2 episodes of Jo Jo's Circus and 1 episode of Stanley. Sammi couldn't have been happier while she was watching TV. I was in the kitchen cleaning and she would pop in to see me every once in awhile to get some ice cream. As soon as I gave her a spoonful it was back to watching TV in our living room. Goofball.


Once Sammi had gotten her fill of Playhouse Disney (ok, truth be told, she NEVER gets enough of that show -- but I FINALLY dragged her away from the TV screen), I brought her outside. Martha was coming to visit us and I didn't want to waste such a beautiful day meeting inside when we could be enjoying the sun. That's right everyone -- it didn't rain here today. Not once. Not even a sprinkle. I don't know why I'm so excited, we're suppose to get storm after storm for the rest of the weekend -- starting sometime tomorrow.


Martha is working on putting together a book for Miss Samantha. I don't know too much about this little project of hers yet, but it sounds great so far! It will be an "ABC" book for Sammi. This afternoon Sammi, Martha and I worked on coming up with words for all of the letters of the alphabet.

A is for...............
B is for...............

Martha (I think) will be using one page for each letter and will be including pictures of these words. If A is for apple (I think that's what we decided on for "A") a picture of an apple will be on that page. I've been hired (by Martha) to find some pictures of Jeff, Samantha's Grandpa (my step-Dad), Samantha's Papa (my Dad), Samantha's Nuna (my Mom) and myself. Reason being...............

G is for Grandpa
J is for Jeff
M is for Mama (I prefer Mommy)
N is for Nuna
P is for Papa

Wish me luck on finding some half decent pictures of these people!


Martha brought a book for Sammi to read this afternoon. It was a brand new book that Samantha and I have never read before. The book is called "That's Not MY Bear" and Samantha loved it the minute Martha showed it to her. Sammi sat on my lap (we were still outside) and I read it to her. Sammi is such a HUGE fan of reading. I really hope this stays with her as she gets older and begins going to school. My Mom was always a big reader and I am because of her. I hope Miss Samantha continues to love reading when she's older just as much as she does now.

Roller Coaster

Jeff, Sammi, David (Jeff's son), Kelley (Jeff's sister) and I are off to Canobie Lake Park tomorrow afternoon. Every year my Dad goes to a rodeo sponsered by his work. No, it's not a rodeo with clowns and bull riding and all of that -- it's a truck rodeo. My Dad is a truck driver and every year his company throws a rodeo to show their appreciation (yeah right) for their drivers. Anyway, for attending his company gives him 4 tickets to Canobie. Canobie is an amusement park. Last year Jeff and I brought Sammi, Heather (Jeff's daughter) and Kelley. Heather is at her aunts house for the weekend, so she won't be able to come with us. And, just like last year, it's suppose to rain while we're there. Joy of joys! We got absolutely soaked last year and I'm assuming this year won't be any different. If any of the CaringBridge kiddies out there feel like doing a "Don't-You-Dare-Rain-Dance" for us, we'd really appreciate it!

Good Night

Wishing all of you an excellent weekend! I'm not sure how often I'll be able to check in on all of the CaringBridge families this weekend, but please know every single one of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 3, 2004:

Poor Amanda isn't feeling very well right now. June 4 is Field Day at her school, so please join me in praying that she'll feel well enough to attend.


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 31, 2004:

Christopher’s Mom is worried that he may have developed aplastic anemia. Poor Christopher has now been in the hospital for over a month.

June 2, 2004:

Possible bone marrow test.

June 3, 2004:

Possible chest CT and bone scan.

May 31, 2004:

Poor little Corey is sick. He has been running a temp., throwing up and is, all in all, a miserable little boy right now.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 4, 2004:

DEVIN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep getting that little self of yours well again, buddy!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 2, 2004:

Please keep Eli's family in your prayers. Ann's (Eli's Mom) cousin has passed away very unexpectedly.

May 28, 2004:

Jackson is dealing with a VERY sore throat right now. Please join me in praying that it will not get any worse.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 3, 2004:

LaKota will be having an ultrasound performed today. Please, please, please pray that all turns out well for this little sweetheart!


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Lexie has been diagnosed with Ganglioneurolblastoma. In order to treat this she will need to receive 5 rounds of chemo, surgery, a stem cell transplant (her twin sister, Jaedyn, will be the donor), radiation and immuniotherapy. Please stop by her page and show some support to her and her family.

June 1, 2004:

Mark’s doctors would like to start him on his next round of chemo today if the lab work he had done comes back ok.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 2, 2004:

Little Nikki's chemo treatment begins.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

June 2, 2004:

It’s Missa and Zach’s birthday today!!! Happy Birthday you two wonderful kids! We love you and wish you the most terrific day possible!!!

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana

June 8:

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*

Thursday, June 3, 2004

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!

Yellow RibbonPink Ribbon

***June 6 is National Cancer Survivor's Day***

Little Miranda's
*Angel* wings are quickly making themselves known. Please stop by and offer some support for this beautiful little girl and her VERY supportive parents. I'm sure they would love to hear how many people are sending prayers their way!!


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Purple SmilesAutumn and Lexie have been addedPurple Smiles

Burger 2

Sammi didn't take a book with her again this morning. Instead (are you ready for this?) she brought Casey's squeaky toy to school with her. I've mentioned Casey's toy in the past. Casey (our puppy) has a little plastic hamburger he likes to play with. Sammi likes it because it squeaks and she's always stealing it from our poor baby. Well Sammi was playing with Casey's toy this morning and decided to bring it on the bus with her when I brought her outside. So yes, my daughter brought a dogs toy to school with her today. I can only imagine what people thought of this!


Samantha has a good day at school! WOOHOO! She worked at the block area and also did a great job with the peg board today. Martha also must have visited Sammi in her classroom today since Miss Samantha brought home a page of braille. Sammi did such a wonderful job typing it out! Of course it doesn't make any sense but hey, she's learning and it's beautiful!!


Well, Miss Samantha decided to throw a temper tantrum in class today. I swear this is the first time I've ever heard of her doing this. I guess Sammi didn't want to clean up some blocks she was playing with today so she chose to throw herself on the floor and, in the process, bumped her head on a cabinet. She was brought to the Nurse's office and looked fine. You can't even tell she had a bump on her head. I had to laugh when I read the note Shelia sent home with Sammi this afternoon. Leave it to Sammi to throw a tantrum and hurt herself in the process.


Guess what? Guess what? (It won't take much to guess). It rained here again today! Woohoo!(I guess) Have I mentioned lately how VERY sick of all this rain I am? You should have seen how dark the clouds got today. Jeff, Sammi and I were heading home from running some errands. We were driving on the highway and I swear we were surrounded completely by darkness. But when you looked behind us, there was nothing but blue skies and white, fluffy clouds. It was the funniest thing. Tomorrow is suppose to be nice and rain free (yeah right), but storms will be returning this weekend. Oh joy!

Black Cloud(Jeff wanted me to add this)

Well, I should probably be going. Jeff's watching something incredibly stupid on TV, so I'm hoping he'll hop online so I can change it. hehehehe

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

June 3, 2004:

Poor Amanda isn't feeling very well right now. June 4 is Field Day at her school, so please join me in praying that she'll feel well enough to attend.


Autumn is living with Wilm's tumor. She finished chemo treatments in April 2004. She had scans performed in May 2004, which came back CLEAR!!!, and her port-a-cath was removed. Way to go, sweetie!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 31, 2004:

Christopher’s Mom is worried that he may have developed aplastic anemia. Poor Christopher has now been in the hospital for over a month.

June 2, 2004:

Possible bone marrow test.

June 3, 2004:

Possible chest CT and bone scan.

May 31, 2004:

Poor little Corey is sick. He has been running a temp., throwing up and is, all in all, a miserable little boy right now.

June 3, 2004:

Craig and his family have headed off to Disney! We wish you an excellent time everyone!

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 1, 2004:

Devin was admitted into the hospital.

June 3, 2004:

Devin is still in the hospital. Hopefully he'll start eating soon and will be able to return home before too long. Get well soon, sweetie!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
June 3, 2004:

All of Dillion's test results have come back good. There also isn't any concern with his heart!!! What wonderful, wonderful news!!!

Dillion's Mom, Kimbra, has posted some absolutely gorgeous pictures of him on his site. Please stop by to check them out -- I promise they'll bring a smile to your face!

June 2, 2004:

Please keep Eli's family in your prayers. Ann's (Eli's Mom) cousin has passed away very unexpectedly.

May 28, 2004:

Jackson is dealing with a VERY sore throat right now. Please join me in praying that it will not get any worse.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 3, 2004:

LaKota will be having an ultrasound performed today. Please, please, please pray that all turns out well for this little sweetheart!


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Lexie has been diagnosed with Ganglioneurolblastoma. In order to treat this she will need to receive 5 rounds of chemo, surgery, a stem cell transplant (her twin sister, Jaedyn, will be the donor), radiation and immuniotherapy. Please stop by her page and show some support to her and her family.

June 1, 2004:

Mark’s doctors would like to start him on his next round of chemo today if the lab work he had done comes back ok.

June 15, 2004:

Michael will be having an MRI performed today.

June 2, 2004:

Little Nikki's chemo treatment begins.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

June 3, 2004:

Tyler is home!!! Tyler is home!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

June 2, 2004:

It’s Missa and Zach’s birthday today!!! Happy Birthday you two wonderful kids! We love you and wish you the most terrific day possible!!!

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana

June 8:

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday

and her twin brother, Zach, turned 6-years-old today! What a VERY special day this is for them! If you haven't already, there's still time to stop by and wish them the happiest birthday EVER! We love you two! Happy Birthday!!


If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!

Yellow RibbonPink Ribbon

***June 6 is National Cancer Survivor's Day***


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Shock 4

Are all of you ready for this? Samantha did NOT bring a book to school with her today. Believe me, I was shocked when she grabbed a toy (a blue plastic button -- I have no idea where it came from) instead of one of her favorite books.


Sammi, Jeff and I waited outside this morning for Samantha's bus to arrive. Jeff fed Sammi ice cream at the kitchen table this morning and all of us headed out as soon as she was finished. Jeff and I had a couple of errands to run, so we waited outside with Sammi so we could get going as soon as she was picked up. Sammi and Jeff goofed off in our driveway while Mommy (lucky me) brought all of the garbage cans back into the yard (trash was picked up this morning). How come Sammi and Jeff get to have all of the fun while Mommy does work? No fair!!!


Well, I have absolutely no idea what Miss Samantha did in school today. Since it's Wednesday, I'm assuming Sammi and Laurie (O&M) worked together. Shelia (the aide who works with Sammi everyday) usually sends a note home with Sammi everyday so I know what she did in school, but she never sent one home this afternoon. So I'm completely clueless on how Sammi's day was, but I'm guessing it couldn't have been all that bad since Sammi came home in an excellent mood.


Grandma Rose came to visit Sammi and I this afternoon. Jeff had to work this afternoon (woohoo!) so he wasn't here when Grandma arrived. Since, for once, it wasn't raining, Sammi, Grandma and I spent most of our time together playing outside. Sammi had a great time playing with Grandma and pestering me. Grandma also fed ice cream and soup (that's right, SOUP) to Sammi. I talked with my Grandma and she said my Grandpa is doing well. He's using his nebulizer like he's suppose to (that's a BIG surprise) and he hasn't run into any other problems.


It was NOT a good bowling night for our team. My step-Dad and I didn't do well at all and all I can say is thank goodness for Mike. Mike is our third teammate and he pretty much carried us along tonight. Surprisingly we were able to win two out of three games against our opponents. Last week I beat my step-Dad in two out of three games; this week HE beat ME twice. Don't worry, I'll be sure to get him back next week! *evil laughter*


Ok, I'm running out of things to talk about so I might as well tell you about the dinner I made last night. It was a new recipe I came across and decided to try. Everyone agreed (I made the dinner for Jeff and I, but my Mom tried a bite when she was visiting) that it wasn't half bad.

Ok, I've probably bored all of you enough by now. Don't worry though, I've run out of things to say so I'm going to head on out of here. Jeff wants to play some games online, so I'll have to find another way to entertain myself until it's time for bed.

I hope all of you have been having a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 31, 2004:

Christopher’s Mom is worried that he may have developed aplastic anemia. Poor Christopher has now been in the hospital for over a month.

June 2, 2004:

Possible bone marrow test.

June 3, 2004:

Possible chest CT and bone scan.

May 31, 2004:

Poor little Corey is sick. He has been running a temp., throwing up and is, all in all, a miserable little boy right now.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 10, 2004:

David and his siblings (Mom will be following before too long) leave for their trip to Jersey today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 1, 2004:

Today is Randy’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, hon!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 30, 2004:

Stop by Dillion’s CaringBridge page to see some VERY cool pictures of him decked out in leather. The picture is on the front of his page.

May 29, 2004:

Eli’s Grandma is visiting him right now and little Eli is one VERY happy camper to have her with him!

May 28, 2004:

Jackson is dealing with a VERY sore throat right now. Please join me in praying that it will not get any worse.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

June 3, 2004:

LaKota will be having an ultrasound performed today. Please, please, please pray that all turns out well for this little sweetheart!


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 1, 2004:

Mark’s doctors would like to start him on his next round of chemo today if the lab work he had done comes back ok.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

June 2, 2004:

Little Nikki's chemo treatment begins.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

May 27, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is going through so VERY much right now. Please take the time to visit his site to leave him and his family some uplifting messages.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

June 2, 2004:

It’s Missa and Zach’s birthday today!!! Happy Birthday you two wonderful kids! We love you and wish you the most terrific day possible!!!

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach
(They're 6-years-old now!!!)

June 6:
Julianna Banana

June 8:

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

and her twin brother, Zach, celebrate their 6th birthday tomorrow! What a big day this is for these two wonderful kids! We wish you the most wonderful day possible, guys! Be sure to eat LOTS and LOTS of yummy cake for me!!!

Airplane Wishes 1

If anyone ever wants anything posted on Samantha's page (birthdays, *Angels*, good/bad news, etc.) please let me know by e-mailing me (humphity319@aol.com) or leave a message in Samantha's guestbook for me. Thank you kindly!

Yellow RibbonPink Ribbon

***June 6 is National Cancer Survivor's Day***


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

Happy everyone!!!


Miss Samantha brought her "Fox in Socks" book with her to school today. My Mom was able to join us this morning before it was time for Sammi to leave. As usual the two of them ate ice cream together while my Mom read to Sammi. Miss Samantha was VERY excited when the bus pulled up to our house this morning. It pulls up to the side of our house every day. Because of the big diesel engine it uses, you can hear it without seeing it. I know Samantha hears it every morning, but I never tell her when it has arrived. I've learned from experience not to mention this to her. Trust me. This morning was a different story. This morning Miss Samantha was the one who got all excited as soon as she heard the bus pull up. She started saying, "Wanna go on the bus?" and "The bus is here!" It was sweet seeing her so excited!


Sammi had a bit of a hard time getting back into the whole school routine today. Gee, can you really blame her? 5 days had passed, before today, since Sammi was last in school. Overall she had a good day.

Teddy Bear

Martha visited Sammi in her classroom today. In school Miss Samantha played with soft blocks and also worked on a table activity. Recess was held inside this afternoon since, once again, it's raining here. I am SO sick of all this rain!!! Will somebody please take it off of our hands for at least a little while? I'd be VERY appreciative!


Sammi, thankfully, took a nap for me this afternoon. I was SO tired by the time she crashed that I took one myself. Don't get me wrong, I got plenty of sleep last night. But being up so early this morning wore me out. Jeff worked this afternoon so I had him wake me up (so I could wake Sammi up) when he got home. Both of us got a good 2 hours of sleep.Spinning


That's when Samantha's last day of school will be. I found that out this afternoon when a school calander was sent home with Sammi. Sammi will be in classes (on Tuesday and Thursday) throughout the summer. I'm not sure of the exact dates that this will be taking place, but it's not for the entire summer. Mostly July and August. School resumes once again on September 8.


Ok, Jeff is bugging me. He wants to play a game online and I'm afraid he'll pull the computer plug on me if I don't give in soon. I hope all of you have an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 31, 2004:

Christopher’s Mom is worried that he may have developed aplastic anemia. Poor Christopher has now been in the hospital for over a month.

June 2, 2004:

Possible bone marrow test.

June 3, 2004:

Possible chest CT and bone scan.

May 31, 2004:

Poor little Corey is sick. He has been running a temp., throwing up and is, all in all, a miserable little boy right now.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 1, 2004:

Today is Randy’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, hon!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 30, 2004:

Stop by Dillion’s CaringBridge page to see some VERY cool pictures of him decked out in leather. The picture is on the front of his page.

May 29, 2004:

Eli’s Grandma is visiting him right now and little Eli is one VERY happy camper to have her with him!

May 28, 2004:

Jackson is dealing with a VERY sore throat right now. Please join me in praying that it will not get any worse.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

May 30, 2004:

LaKota had an x-ray taken of her lungs and, after looking at the films, her doctor thinks she may have a viral infection. LaKota and her family are still waiting for a specialist to review these x-rays. Please pray this is just a viral infection and nothing more serious.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 1, 2004:

Mark’s doctors would like to start him on his next round of chemo today if the lab work he had done comes back ok.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

June 2, 2004:

Little Nikki's chemo treatment begins.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

May 27, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is going through so VERY much right now. Please take the time to visit his site to leave him and his family some uplifting messages.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

June 2, 2004:

It’s Missa and Zach’s birthday today!!! Happy Birthday you two wonderful kids! We love you and wish you the most terrific day possible!!!

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Birthday CakeBirthdays in JuneBirthday Cake:

June 2:
Missa & Zach

June 6:
Julianna Banana

June 8:

June 10:
Jacob Thomas Deal

June 12:

June 18:
*Angel Jordan*

June 27:
*Angel Savannah Olson*

Monday, May 31, 2004

Yellow RibbonPink Ribbon

***June 6 is National Cancer Survivor's Day***



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

POW Ribbon

I hope all of you were able to spend a terrific Memorial Day with your families and loved ones. All of us had an excellent time celebrating the day.

Our weekend weather was absolutely beautiful! Believe me, after a week of rain it was VERY nice to sit outside and not get soaked. Samantha, Jeff and I spent all weekend playing outside. Sammi loves to be outside and I love taking her out when the weather is nice enough for her to do so. But (*sigh*) I heard a VERY NASTY rumor that we're in for rain all week again. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! I'm REALLY starting to think Jeff, Samantha and I moved to Seattle when I wasn't paying attention.


Memorial Day at our house was a family affair. My Mom, step-Dad, Jeff, Samantha Therese and I celebrated the day together. Slappy (that's what we call my step-Dad -- don't ask, it's a long story) cooked chicken and steak on the grill and everyone ate outside when it was done. Of course Miss Samantha opted for ice cream instead of delicious chicken or steak. She sat in a lawn chair next to me while my Mom and I took turns feeding her. Of course she finished eating before everyone else, so she played with her balls, head butted me a couple of times (this is her new way of playing with me -- she came up with it on her own) and sat in her Grandpa Slappy's jeep and listened to music.

Walking The Dog Male

Our next door neighbor, Nancy, recently got a new puppy. By now I hope all of you know that absolutely ever dog I see is a puppy, whether he/she is 1 or 15. This baby is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. His name is Sammy (cute, huh?) and he's part pit bull and part rotty. Oh he's SO sweet! My Mom, step-Dad and I were playing with him yesterday (Sammy -- the dog -- and I also shared a piece of chicken) and he's just too cute! Like Eddie (my Mom's dog), Sammy likes to play with rocks. So we were throwing a rock around for him. He'd chase after it, put his head between your legs (all of us were standing) and drop it so that you could throw it again. Miss Samantha wasn't too impressed with Sammy, so we held her while we continued playing with him. I've got to get a picture of this puppy so I can put it on Samantha's page. He just has the sweetest face!


I gave Sammi a bath tonight since she goes back to school tomorrow and boy did she need it! Ice cream was stuck the her face and hands and she was also dirty from sitting in the grass/dirt this afternoon. Talk about a Messy Marvin! She was VERY happy to take a bath tonight. She stayed in the tub for about 45 minutes after I washed her up. She played with all of her toys (we're going to have to buy her some new ones soon) and soaked our bathroom floor by splashing water everywhere. Sammi LOVES to splash! I always end up running out of towels whenever Sammi gets a bath. I usually end up using all of them to soak up all of the water that my little devil has splashed onto the floor.


Sammi crashed around eight o'clock tonight -- soon after I dried her off from her bath, got her into some jammies and tucked her in. I'm hoping and praying she'll sleep through the night. I'm not concerned for myself (as long as I get some sleep I'll be all set), I just want Samantha to be in a good mood when she heads off to school tomorrow morning.


Well Sunday's race certainly stunk (to a point -- the outcome wasn't bad) and, to top it all off, The Sopranos weren't on! Boy, talk about a Double Whammy!

I guess that’s about it from our end. I hope all of you are doing well and had a VERY happy weekend with your families.

Have an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

June 1 – 5, 2004:

Cam will be receiving his chemo.

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 31, 2004:

Christopher’s Mom is worried that he may have developed aplastic anemia. Poor Christopher has now been in the hospital for over a month.

June 2, 2004:

Possible bone marrow test.

June 3, 2004:

Possible chest CT and bone scan.

May 31, 2004:

Poor little Corey is sick. He has been running a temp., throwing up and is, all in all, a miserable little boy right now.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

???June 1, 2004???:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

June 1, 2004:

Today is Randy’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, hon!!!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 30, 2004:

Stop by Dillion’s CaringBridge page to see some VERY cool pictures of him decked out in leather. The picture is on the front of his page.

May 29, 2004:

Eli’s Grandma is visiting him right now and little Eli is one VERY happy camper to have her with him!

May 28, 2004:

Jackson is dealing with a VERY sore throat right now. Please join me in praying that it will not get any worse.

June 8, 2004:

Today is Jackson’s special day – it’s his BIRTHDAY!!!

May 31, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing an EXCELLENT job walking. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 31, 2004:

Keara continues to recover, but it’s happening slower than she would like. Hey, I’m just happy to hear she’s on the road to recovery!

Lots of prayers are needed for some of Keara’s friends right now. Please stop by her page to have a look.

May 30, 2004:

LaKota had an x-ray taken of her lungs and, after looking at the films, her doctor thinks she may have a viral infection. LaKota and her family are still waiting for a specialist to review these x-rays. Please pray this is just a viral infection and nothing more serious.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

June 1, 2004:

Mark’s doctors would like to start him on his next round of chemo today if the lab work he had done comes back ok.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

June 1, 2004:

Poor little Nikki isn’t feeling well. She has been running some high temps. Please pray this is just a bug and nothing more.

June 12, 2004:

Today is Nikki’s birthday!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! Have a blast today!

May 27, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is going through so VERY much right now. Please take the time to visit his site to leave him and his family some uplifting messages.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 30, 2004:

Connor, his Mom and Dad are home from their Disney/beach vacation and they had an excellent time! Please check out his page to hear all about their trip.

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

June 2, 2004:

It’s Missa and Zach’s birthday today!!! Happy Birthday you two wonderful kids! We love you and wish you the most terrific day possible!!!

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Sunday, May 30, 2004



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


is an awesome young man who lives every day with a condition called Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He is confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from having fun! Lately he's been receiving some bad news from his doctors, which has brought his spirits down some. This special young man could certainly use some cheering up. Please stop by his page and leave any happy messages for him that you're able to. His Mom has also asked me to post both his snail mail and e-mail addresses. Here they are:

Snail mail can be sent to:

Kyle Brown
P.O. Box 1782
Denver, NC 28037

Kyle's e-mail address is:


Please brighten this sweet boys day (and mine as well!) by sending him something happy. Thank you SO much!!!

I Love You Mug 2

Jeff visited his kids on Saturday. This was the first time Jeff was able to see them since before he went in for his neck surgery. I asked Jeff to wake me up before he left since I needed him to do a couple of things for me. He did, but he also woke me up with some bad news. Our coffee pot, my pride and joy, had broken! Now for any of you who know me, you know that coffee is a VERY important thing to me. Of course I was VERY mad at this but Jeff, being the wonderful man that he is, brought me home a coffee from Dunkin Donuts (we live right behind one) before he headed off to see his kids. Luckily Jeff and I went out to buy a coffee maker this afternoon, so all is well again at our house.


I'd like all of you to know that I HAVE been signing your guestbooks. I don't know if all of you are able to view the messages I've been leaving because I haven't been able to. Whenever I enter my message, it never shows up for me even if I reload the page I'm trying to view. So just please know that I AM trying to sign guestbooks though it may or may not be working out.

POW Ribbon

We hope all of you have a VERY Happy Memorial Day tomorrow!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 27, 2004:

Thankfully Christopher's blood sugars have been holding steady today. I'm hoping and praying they will stay this way for him.


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 25, 2004:


May 27, 2004:

Craig's team played tonight and Craig received the game ball for his excellent batting skills! His team also ended up winning the game (19-13).

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

???June 1, 2004???:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

May 27, 2004:

Devin and his family didn't get to take their trip to the Grand Canyon. Instead they took a flight over the Salt Lake Valley and still had a GREAT time.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 27, 2004:

None of Dillion's test results have come back yet. Keep those prayers a comin' please!!!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 27, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing EXCELLENT in PT. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 27, 2004:

LaKota is still experiencing lots of joint and muscle pain. Please continue to pray for this sweetheart!


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

May 25, 2004:

MARK IS HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 26, 2004:

Nikki is now considered to be in REMISSION!!!

May 27, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is going through so VERY much right now. Please take the time to visit his site to leave him and his family some uplifting messages.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 18, 2004:

Mr. Brilliant has made straight A's AND is on the "Principal's List"

Connor and his WONDERFUL parents left for their trip to Disney tonight. We wish them an excellent and safe time!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Friday, May 28, 2004



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!

In The Pool

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 26, 2004:

Little Jacob is HOME!!! WOOHOO!!!

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 27, 2004:

Chad's ANC is only at 400! He's been running a VERY low grade fever and can't stop coughing. Hopefully a trip to the ER won't be required for this sweet boy.

May 25, 2004:

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 27, 2004:

Thankfully Christopher's blood sugars have been holding steady today. I'm hoping and praying they will stay this way for him.


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 25, 2004:


May 27, 2004:

Craig's team played tonight and Craig received the game ball for his excellent batting skills! His team also ended up winning the game (19-13).

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 19, 2004:

David's surgery was done today. Apparently the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 21, 2004:

David was sent home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

???June 1, 2004???:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

May 27, 2004:

Devin and his family didn't get to take their trip to the Grand Canyon. Instead they took a flight over the Salt Lake Valley and still had a GREAT time.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 27, 2004:

None of Dillion's test results have come back yet. Keep those prayers a comin' please!!!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 27, 2004:

Kaidrie is doing EXCELLENT in PT. Keep up the wonderful work, sweetheart!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 27, 2004:

LaKota is still experiencing lots of joint and muscle pain. Please continue to pray for this sweetheart!


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

May 25, 2004:

MARK IS HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 26, 2004:

Nikki is now considered to be in REMISSION!!!

May 27, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is going through so VERY much right now. Please take the time to visit his site to leave him and his family some uplifting messages.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 18, 2004:

Mr. Brilliant has made straight A's AND is on the "Principal's List"

Connor and his WONDERFUL parents left for their trip to Disney tonight. We wish them an excellent and safe time!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Thursday, May 27, 2004




is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


Sammi didn't go to school today since her class went to the zoo for a field trip. Her next day back to school won't be until Tuesday since Memorial Day is Monday.

Pizza Pie

I usually make dinner for my parents on Thursday nights. My Mom works late on Thursdays, so I make dinner for everyone so that she doesn't have to come home after a long day and worry about what to make. Tonight was my night off. Samantha's school was having a fundraiser tonight. She was sent home with a certificate for Papa Gino's. Samantha's school would receive 20% of whatever our order came to. So my Mom, step-Dad, Jeff and I ordered dinner from Papa Gino's tonight. This makes 2 weeks in a row that I haven't cooked a big meal for everyone. Last week I didn't cook anything big since my parents were vacationing in Cancun and this week was because of Samantha's school fundraiser. Keep this up and I may never cook for my parents again. I'm kidding.

Bow Down Wave

I just want to take this time (before I end this journal for the night) to thank every single one of you who takes the time to check-up on Sammi and our family. Thank you for all of your compassion, prayers and VERY kind guestbook messages. Another BIG THANK YOU to everyone for taking the time to check-up on all of the kiddies I've got listed below. All of you are such wonderful and caring people.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 25, 2004:

Little Jacob is currently in the hospital. His left lung has collapsed. Please be sure to keep this sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers tonight.

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 24, 2004:

Chad sprained his knee pretty badly when he fell off his bike. He'll be wearing a knee mobilizer for 7 - 10 days. Poor thing!

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 26, 2004:

Chad will be going in for his CBC check-up today.

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 25, 2004:


May 25, 2004:

Today was Craig's last day of school and guess what? He's gotten all A's!!! What a brillant kid this one is. And VERY cute too!

May 26, 2004:

Today is Lauren's last day of school.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 14, 2004:

David had an MRI done today. Unfortunately it showed some regrowth -- about the size of a ping pong ball.

May 19, 2004:

David will be having surgery done today. Apparantly the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

???June 1, 2004???:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

May 25, 2004:

Devin was to receive 2 more units of blood and possibly platelets today. Hopefully this will help to make him feel better again.

May 26, 2004:

Devin and his family will be taking a trip to the Grand Canyon together. Have a GREAT time everyone!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 25, 2004:

Dillion was seen by his doctor and, unfortunately, his liver is still a little on the enlarged side. The doctors are also suspecting something may be wrong with his kidneys and/or heart.


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 19, 2004:

KAIDRIE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 25, 2004:

LaKota should have received her blood cord between 4 and 5p today. Please join me in praying that this will work out for little Miss LaKota.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

May 25, 2004:

MARK IS HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

May 20, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is experiencing lots of pain in his leg. On a happier note, some VERY BEAUTIFUL new pictures have been posted on his site!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 18, 2004:

Mr. Brilliant has made straight A's AND is on the "Principal's List"

Connor and his WONDERFUL parents left for their trip to Disney tonight. We wish them an excellent and safe time!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Here's an e-mail I received from a wonderful young lady. If you could help her out in anyway, PLEASE don't hesitate to get in touch with her. The dead line for this project is May 27th.

Hey Shannon!

Jennifer Thompson here! I am working with the Team in Training program for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Many of the participants are in the training mode as well as in the process of raising funds for the Society so they can get to their destination to do their marathon. One of the events is dinner (Carraba's) and family comedy (the idiot box). On the tables, they would like to put a ribbon in honor of a child that has been suffering.

The one person who is putting this together wrote me and asked for help. I am now asking for your help.

This is what she needs before the 27th of May:

You see, I'm doing the centerpieces for the dinner and I'm in desperate need of stories about cancer patients. I have 20 so far, but I need 60 more. I am taking the "stories" (for lack of a better word) and putting them on purple and green awareness ribons. These ribbons will be the main focus of the centerpieces. Would you please tell me a little about Michael so that I can add him to the collection. Jill's face lights up when she talks about him so I know he must be a very special child. Since he has done things at Peeler (where the fundraiser will be held) and helped her Team in Training I feel it's important to have him represented.

Specifically what I'm looking for is a few sentences about HIM. I don't want to know about the disease he has, or his battle with it. I want to know about what he loves to do, why he's special to you, etc. Here's an example from someone else:

Joshua is 2 years old and has Downs Syndrome and AML. He loves his Mom & Dad and his Sister (Samantha) and Brothers (Nathaniel & Benjamin). He loves Blues Clues and will make you sing songs forever!!!! He loves bubbles and baseball. He is the happiest child I have ever seen and I love him dearly!

Please pass on the link or my email address to everyone you know that could add to this as well. I have just a few more days to work on this and I'm really short on ribbons. http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/ubb.adp?frame_url=http://ubb-lls.leukemia-lymphoma.org/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro&item_id=9388

Her name and address is: KAY RADEBAUGH lkradebaugh@yahoo.com
If you write to her, please cc it to: Jill McClanahan - TNT jlmcclanahan@bellsouth.net



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!

Burger 2

My Mom (Sammi's Nuna)was able to come down and visit with us until it was time for Sammi to go to school this morning. She was able to make it down 3 days in a row this week! I know Samantha loved having her with us just as much as I did. My Mom fed Sammi ice cream (her breakfast of choice) and the two of them played with Casey's toy before Samantha's bus arrived. Casey's toy (Casey is our puppy by the way) is a plastic hambuger that squeaks. Casey only gets to play with it while Miss Samantha is in school since she steals it whenever she's home. In fact, she's in her room playing with it right now. I think I'm going to need to buy another one of these pretty soon so both my babies can have one to play with.


Sammi was a little fussy in school today, which isn't hard to believe since she didn't go to sleep until about two o'clock this morning. She may have even gone to bed later than that, but that's when I fell asleep myself. She was in a VERY bad mood when I woke her up this morning, so I sent a note to school with her letting Shelia know that she may have an attitude today. She didn't really have an attitude while she was in school, but it was very hard to get her to move on to different activities today.

Umbrella 2

Sammi spent some time playing at the sand table today. She also enjoyed a long wagon ride with Tatiana and Natalie. Recess was held in the gym this afternoon since we've been having so many rainy/cold days this week. If I didn't know any better, I'd think we were living in Seattle. (No offense to anyone living in Seattle).

Hula Hoop

Since today is Wednesday, Miss Samantha and Laurie (the O&M woman) worked together in the gym. The two of them worked on using a hula hoop, a beach ball and knocking over bowling pins. I'm assuming Sammi enjoys working with Laurie since I've never gotten a complaint from her (Laurie) on any project they've worked on together.


Sammi came home from school in a good mood. She sat at the kitchen table for a little bit and ate some ice cream while I rolled some coins. When she was finished eating, she "helped" me with my coin rolling. By "helping" I mean she came over to where I was every once in awhile, would steal a coin and run away. I'm trying to teach her what coin is what and I think she's starting to get the hang of it.

Eyeglasses 3

I got my new glasses today!!! Woohoo!!! Boy does it feel weird getting used to a new prescription again. My eyes have felt like they're going bugging all night long. I had a headache behind my eyes earlier, but some aspirin took care of that. These frames are a lot smaller (and lighter) than my last pair. I like them!


Sammi stayed with my Mom tonight while my step-Dad and I went bowling. Our summer league has started again, so we'll be bowling on Wednesday nights from now on while Sammi and my Mom spend some quality time together. For not bowling since last spring, I didn't do too badly. I was able to beat my step-Dad in 2 out of 3 games tonight. If any of you remember my talking about bowling with my step-Dad last year, you'll know we compete against each other even though we're on the same team. It's a lot of fun, but I have to say that I've beaten him A LOT more than he's ever beaten me (though he'll probably disagree if he read that).

Camera 2

There are some new pictures in the photo album if you'd like to check them out -- 2 new pictures to be exact. My Mom has been having trouble viewing them and says the old ones I had in there are still showing up for her. I don't know why. But you can try your luck and take a peek if you'd like.


Speaking of pictures, I wrote a note to Shelia today asking her which child in Samantha's school photo is Christopher. Are you ready for the results? He wasn't there to have his picture taken on that day. Do you know how devestated I was to hear that news? So what Christopher looks like is still a mystery. I'm sorry to keep all of you guessing about this.

Mini Bus

There won't be any school for Sammi tomorrow and since Monday is a holiday, Sammi won't be returning to school until next Tuesday. Tomorrow everyone in Samantha's class will be going to the zoo, so Sammi will be staying home with me. Jeff has a busy day at work tomorrow, so I'm not sure how long he'll be home with us.

I should be back to update sometime tomorrow. Please be sure to check-up on all of the kiddies who are listed below. Of course all of them are in need of prayers, but Jacob is in desperate need of them.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese


As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 25, 2004:

Little Jacob is currently in the hospital. His left lung has collapsed. Please be sure to keep this sweetheart in your thoughts and prayers tonight.

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 24, 2004:

Chad sprained his knee pretty badly when he fell off his bike. He'll be wearing a knee mobilizer for 7 - 10 days. Poor thing!

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 26, 2004:

Chad will be going in for his CBC check-up today.

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 25, 2004:


May 25, 2004:

Today was Craig's last day of school and guess what? He's gotten all A's!!! What a brillant kid this one is. And VERY cute too!

May 26, 2004:

Today is Lauren's last day of school.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 14, 2004:

David had an MRI done today. Unfortunately it showed some regrowth -- about the size of a ping pong ball.

May 19, 2004:

David will be having surgery done today. Apparantly the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

???June 1, 2004???:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

May 25, 2004:

Devin was to receive 2 more units of blood and possibly platelets today. Hopefully this will help to make him feel better again.

May 26, 2004:

Devin and his family will be taking a trip to the Grand Canyon together. Have a GREAT time everyone!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 25, 2004:

Dillion was seen by his doctor and, unfortunately, his liver is still a little on the enlarged side. The doctors are also suspecting something may be wrong with his kidneys and/or heart.


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 19, 2004:

KAIDRIE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 25, 2004:

LaKota should have received her blood cord between 4 and 5p today. Please join me in praying that this will work out for little Miss LaKota.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

May 25, 2004:

MARK IS HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

May 20, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is experiencing lots of pain in his leg. On a happier note, some VERY BEAUTIFUL new pictures have been posted on his site!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 18, 2004:

Mr. Brilliant has made straight A's AND is on the "Principal's List"

Connor and his WONDERFUL parents left for their trip to Disney tonight. We wish them an excellent and safe time!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Here's an e-mail I received from a wonderful young lady. If you could help her out in anyway, PLEASE don't hesitate to get in touch with her. The dead line for this project is May 27th.

Hey Shannon!

Jennifer Thompson here! I am working with the Team in Training program for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Many of the participants are in the training mode as well as in the process of raising funds for the Society so they can get to their destination to do their marathon. One of the events is dinner (Carraba's) and family comedy (the idiot box). On the tables, they would like to put a ribbon in honor of a child that has been suffering.

The one person who is putting this together wrote me and asked for help. I am now asking for your help.

This is what she needs before the 27th of May:

You see, I'm doing the centerpieces for the dinner and I'm in desperate need of stories about cancer patients. I have 20 so far, but I need 60 more. I am taking the "stories" (for lack of a better word) and putting them on purple and green awareness ribons. These ribbons will be the main focus of the centerpieces. Would you please tell me a little about Michael so that I can add him to the collection. Jill's face lights up when she talks about him so I know he must be a very special child. Since he has done things at Peeler (where the fundraiser will be held) and helped her Team in Training I feel it's important to have him represented.

Specifically what I'm looking for is a few sentences about HIM. I don't want to know about the disease he has, or his battle with it. I want to know about what he loves to do, why he's special to you, etc. Here's an example from someone else:

Joshua is 2 years old and has Downs Syndrome and AML. He loves his Mom & Dad and his Sister (Samantha) and Brothers (Nathaniel & Benjamin). He loves Blues Clues and will make you sing songs forever!!!! He loves bubbles and baseball. He is the happiest child I have ever seen and I love him dearly!

Please pass on the link or my email address to everyone you know that could add to this as well. I have just a few more days to work on this and I'm really short on ribbons. http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/ubb.adp?frame_url=http://ubb-lls.leukemia-lymphoma.org/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro&item_id=9388

Her name and address is: KAY RADEBAUGH lkradebaugh@yahoo.com
If you write to her, please cc it to: Jill McClanahan - TNT jlmcclanahan@bellsouth.net



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!

Grandma(No, my Mom doesn't look like this and yes, she'll probably kill me for putting this up)

Sammi brought her Snoopy book to school with her this morning. My Mom was able to join us in our house again before Sammi left for school. Sammi and my Mom sat at our kitchen table while my Mom fed Miss Samantha ice cream and the two of them read books together. Its been great having my Mom down here with us for the past two days before Sammi leaves, I only hope Miss Samantha doesn't expect to see her again tomorrow morning.

Gold Coins

Sammi had another good day in school today. She learned how to unscrew the cover of a coin bank all by herself that is in her classroom. Now all we have to do is teach her how to pocket the money she finds and we'll be all set! hehehehe


She also played at the sand table, in the block area, had fun during music time and rode in a wagon with Tatiana at recess. Recess was held in the gym this afternoon. Our days have been cold, rainy and bleh lately. I'm SO ready to see that bright sun again!


I'm sorry about my short entry last night. When I started changing things on Sammi's page, the rain began. As I was typing up the journal entry, the thunder and lightning began. I was half finished when all of our lights flickered. So I thought I'd better wrap things up before we lost power all together. We never did lose power, but our lights continued to flicker on and off a couple of times and our satellite (we have Direct TV) quit working for a couple of hours. RIGHT in the middle of The Sopranos I might add! Grrrrrrrrrr! But I had already watched it Sunday night, so I knew what was happening. Does anyone else watch that show? I'm addicted to it BIG TIME!!!

Metal Detector

Jeff, Sammi and I picked my Mom and Dad up at the airport Sunday night. Jeff stayed with my Dad's jeep while Sammi and I went into the terminal to greet my parents. Sammi was VERY happy to see them when we FINALLY found them. Boy are they tanned! They were tanning (in booths) before their vacation, but they got even darker (I didn't think that was possible) while they were down there. All in all they had a GREAT time! It was SO great to see them again! Sammi, my Mom and I sat in the backseat together on the ride home. Sammi was smiling non-stop the entire way. She was SO VERY happy to have her Nuna and Grandpa back!

Red Sox

Go Manny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff and I are watching the Sox game (they're playing against the A's tonight) and MANNY just hit a homer!!! Yeah baby!!! Go Manny!! Go Manny!! Ok, I can't say anymore because I don't want to be accused of jinxing our team. The last thing I'll say is that the Sox are leading 9 - 1 right now. hehehe

Nerd(this doesn't look like Martha either -- I just thought it was cute)

Martha visited us this afternoon. Her and Sammi sat at our kitchen table, read "The Blue Balloon" again (the same book Martha brought with her on her last visit -- Sammi is VERY fond of this book) and worked on some more braille. As you know, Sammi LOVES to read but she hasn't wanted to work on any braille when Martha comes to visit. I can hardly get her to work on it when we're home by ourself. I can't say I'm surprised since she's only 3 and would rather be doing more exciting things, I just hope she gets into it more before too long.

Question Mark

Martha couldn't help me out with this "Which one is Christopher?" situation. I'm talking about figuring out which kid is Christopher in Samantha's class photo. So I'm going to write a note to Shelia tomorrow and ask her for some help. The only help I got from Martha is that Christopher is a twin. So...............anyone want to help me out here? I have my Mom looking at the picture right now and I'm looking at it as well, but I'll still be asking Shelia tomorrow.

Ok, I think that's about it. I have a funny feeling I'm forgetting to mention something, but I'll be sure to paste whatever it is onto Samantha's page should it come to me later. I hope all of you are having a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 24, 2004:

Chad sprained his knee pretty badly when he fell off his bike. He'll be wearing a knee mobilizer for 7 - 10 days. Poor thing!

Jeff (Chad's brother) will need to have surgery to have his adenoids removed. I'm telling you, the fun never ends in this house!

May 26, 2004:

Chad will be going in for his CBC check-up today.

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 25, 2004:


May 25, 2004:

Today was Craig's last day of school and guess what? He's gotten all A's!!! What a brillant kid this one is. And VERY cute too!

May 26, 2004:

Today is Lauren's last day of school.

June 18, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done today.

May 14, 2004:

David had an MRI done today. Unfortunately it showed some regrowth -- about the size of a ping pong ball.

May 19, 2004:

David will be having surgery done today. Apparantly the doctors will be implanting a chemotherapy wafer into him. Please join me in praying that this operation will be a complete success for this wonderful child.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

???June 1, 2004???:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 25, 2004:

Dee is doing alright. She is currently dealing with an infection in her trac. Jen (Dee's wonderful daughter who does all of the updating on Dee's page) is asking for help on figuring out some of her Mom's counts. Please stop by Dee's page and take a look to see if you may be able to lend a helping hand.

May 25, 2004:

Devin was to receive 2 more units of blood and possibly platelets today. Hopefully this will help to make him feel better again.

May 26, 2004:

Devin and his family will be taking a trip to the Grand Canyon together. Have a GREAT time everyone!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 25, 2004:

Dillion was seen by his doctor and, unfortunately, his liver is still a little on the enlarged side. The doctors are also suspecting something may be wrong with his kidneys and/or heart.


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 19, 2004:

KAIDRIE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 25, 2004:

LaKota should have received her blood cord between 4 and 5p today. Please join me in praying that this will work out for little Miss LaKota.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Mark is a little boy whom I've recently had the pleasure of meeting via CaringBridge. He has kidney cancer.

May 19, 2004:

Little Mark is in the hospital (and has been for 7 days now) with a bacteria that has settled in his thigh. This little one could REALLY use some cheering up right about now if you're able to stop by his page.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

May 20, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is experiencing lots of pain in his leg. On a happier note, some VERY BEAUTIFUL new pictures have been posted on his site!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 24, 2004:

Tina Pottoff (from a local news channel) will be running in a marathon in Alaska in June for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training program and Collin is the honored patient for her team!

May 18, 2004:

Mr. Brillant has made straight A's AND is on the "Principal's List"

Connor and his WONDERFUL parents left for their trip to Disney tonight. We wish them an excellent and safe time!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

May 21, 2004:

Today is Crystal's VERY special day! It's her birthday and she's finally a teenager! Miss Crystal turns 13-years-old today!!! Happy Birthday, hon!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Monday, May 24, 2004

Here's an e-mail I received from a wonderful young lady. If you could help her out in anyway, PLEASE don't hesitate to get in touch with her. The dead line for this project is May 27th.

Hey Shannan!

Jennifer Thompson here! I am working with the Team in Training program for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Many of the participants are in the training mode as well as in the process of raising funds for the Society so they can get to their destination to do their marathon. One of the events is dinner (Carraba's) and family comedy (the idiot box). On the tables, they would like to put a ribbon in honor of a child that has been suffering.

The one person who is putting this together wrote me and asked for help. I am now asking for your help.

This is what she needs before the 27th of May:

You see, I'm doing the centerpieces for the dinner and I'm in desperate need of stories about cancer patients. I have 20 so far, but I need 60 more. I am taking the "stories" (for lack of a better word) and putting them on purple and green awareness ribons. These ribbons will be the main focus of the centerpieces. Would you please tell me a little about Michael so that I can add him to the collection. Jill's face lights up when she talks about him so I know he must be a very special child. Since he has done things at Peeler (where the fundraiser will be held) and helped her Team in Training I feel it's important to have him represented.

Specifically what I'm looking for is a few sentences about HIM. I don't want to know about the disease he has, or his battle with it. I want to know about what he loves to do, why he's special to you, etc. Here's an example from someone else:

Joshua is 2 years old and has Downs Syndrome and AML. He loves his Mom & Dad and his Sister (Samantha) and Brothers (Nathaniel & Benjamin). He loves Blues Clues and will make you sing songs forever!!!! He loves bubbles and baseball. He is the happiest child I have ever seen and I love him dearly!

Please pass on the link or my email address to everyone you know that could add to this as well. I have just a few more days to work on this and I'm really short on ribbons. http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/ubb.adp?frame_url=http://ubb-lls.leukemia-lymphoma.org/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro&item_id=9388

Her name and address is: KAY RADEBAUGH lkradebaugh@yahoo.com
If you write to her, please cc it to: Jill McClanahan - TNT jlmcclanahan@bellsouth.net



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


***Eli, Jackson, Lance & Mark have been added to our 'Prayers Needed' list below. There all new kiddies that we have had the extreme pleasure of meeting (online that is)***


Sammi brought "The Prince and the Pauper" book to school with her today. My Mom joined us this morning before Sammi headed off to school, so they were able to read it together before it was time for Miss Samantha to get going.


Martha visited Miss Samantha today in her classroom. They worked on a letter puzzle together and they also did some stuff on the light box. Speaking of Martha, she sent a note home with Sammi this afternoon saying she'll be out to visit with us tomorrow around 1:45 in the afternoon.

Lightning Bolt

I apologize for this entry being extremely brief tonight. We're in the middle of a really bad (AWESOME!) thunder storm and our lights have been flickering on and off for a little bit now. I promise tomorrow's update will be longer and I'll talk about some stuff I left out tonight.

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 19, 2004:


May 20, 2004:

Craig and Lauren are now the VERY proud owners of (what I'm sure is) a VERY beautiful kitten named, Sparkles.

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 18, 2004:

All of Dee's counts look good! YEA!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Devin's labs are absolutely horrible. Unfortunately he apparently needs to get worse before anyone is able to transfuse.

There is also some concern over Devin's sister, Kara. It's too much to go in to, but Devin's Mom has done a WONDERFUL job explaining everything on Devin's page. Please keep both of these sweet kiddies in your thoughts and prayers.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 17, 2004:

Poor Dillion isn't feeling well. He had a temperature on Saturday (5-15). Everyone is hoping to avoid any trips to the hospital. We're hoping they're able to avoid a hospital stay too!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 19, 2004:

KAIDRIE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 17, 2004:

LaKota had surgery today to drain her sinuses. Doctors also performed a bone marrow biopsy and put in a hickman. Please send some prayers (and maybe some nice guestbook messages) along to LaKota and her WONDERFUL family. All of them have been through so much but still they continue to go on day after day.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Mark is a little boy whom I've recently had the pleasure of meeting via CaringBridge. He has kidney cancer.

May 19, 2004:

Little Mark is in the hospital (and has been for 7 days now) with a bacteria that has settled in his thigh. This little one could REALLY use some cheering up right about now if you're able to stop by his page.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

May 20, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is experiencing lots of pain in his leg. On a happier note, some VERY BEAUTIFUL new pictures have been posted on his site!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

My Mom and step-Dad as they are enjoying their vacation in sunny Cancun, Mexico. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Boston when they return from their vacation on May 23, 2004. We miss them lots!


WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

May 21, 2004:

Today is Crystal's VERY special day! It's her birthday and she's finally a teenager! Miss Crystal turns 13-years-old today!!! Happy Birthday, hon!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Sunday, May 23, 2004


This is an e-mail I received from *Pam's*
father, Frank:

As you know we lost our daughter *Pam* on Oct. 7, 2003.

*Pam's* birthday is on May 23 and we are going to have a cake for her. My wife
has asked me to ask everyone to light a candle or at least say Happy Birthday to Pam at 9:52PM on May 23 (that is when she was born). Pam's birthday was always a grand event and instead of trying to ignore it, we feel it is only right to celebrate in honor of the wonderful, but short life she had. Please try to sign her guest book,
*Pam's Site*, in that day or weekend to wish her a happy birthday.

I hope everyone is well and thank you for your continued support.


This is another e-mail I received. There isn't a guestbook on *Kelly's* page, but I wanted to make everyone aware of her passing since it was brought to my attention:

Hi there,

I check in on you and Samantha daily, having come across your site from another little girl's page. Can you please add Kelly to you list of angels we've lost this month? She just earned her wings :(


Thanks so much.

(*Kelly* became an *Angel* on May 19, 2004)


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


***Eli, Jackson, Lance & Mark have been added to our 'Prayers Needed' list below. There all new kiddies that we have had the extreme pleasure of meeting (online that is)***



What a race! What a horrible, horrible race! Well, that's all I've got to say about it.

Red Sox

On a MUCH happier note, the Sox won against the Blue Jays Friday night (11-5) and again last night (5-2). They play again this afternoon, so I'm off to see if I can find it on TV.

Husband And Wife

Jeff, Sammi and I will be heading to the airport tonight to pick up my parents. Their flight lands (supposedly) around nine o'clock tonight. Sammi will be SO happy to see them. I haven't even mentioned their names or the fact that we're picking them up to her. I want her to be as surprised as possible! Unfortunately, Sammi will only be able to spend time with them on the ride home from the airport (about 30 to 45 minutes) and then it's off to bed with her as soon as we get home. She has to be rested for school tomorrow, but I'll probably end up bringing her upstairs tomorrow afternoon when she gets home from school to visit some more. Both my Mom and step-Dad have tomorrow off, so they'll be home when Sammi gets off of the bus.

I hope all of you have been having a fantastic weekend! I wish I could have made this entry longer, but I really need to run. I have a lot of stuff I want to do before we leave tonight and I'm not getting it done sitting here on my butt. Please remember to stop by *Pam's* page today (her link is still pasted above) as it is her first Heavenly Birthday.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. (still kind of sick) Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 19, 2004:


May 20, 2004:

Craig and Lauren are now the VERY proud owners of (what I'm sure is) a VERY beautiful kitten named, Sparkles.

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 18, 2004:

All of Dee's counts look good! YEA!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Devin's labs are absolutely horrible. Unfortunately he apparently needs to get worse before anyone is able to transfuse.

There is also some concern over Devin's sister, Kara. It's too much to go in to, but Devin's Mom has done a WONDERFUL job explaining everything on Devin's page. Please keep both of these sweet kiddies in your thoughts and prayers.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 17, 2004:

Poor Dillion isn't feeling well. He had a temperature on Saturday (5-15). Everyone is hoping to avoid any trips to the hospital. We're hoping they're able to avoid a hospital stay too!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 19, 2004:

KAIDRIE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 17, 2004:

LaKota had surgery today to drain her sinuses. Doctors also performed a bone marrow biopsy and put in a hickman. Please send some prayers (and maybe some nice guestbook messages) along to LaKota and her WONDERFUL family. All of them have been through so much but still they continue to go on day after day.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Mark is a little boy whom I've recently had the pleasure of meeting via CaringBridge. He has kidney cancer.

May 19, 2004:

Little Mark is in the hospital (and has been for 7 days now) with a bacteria that has settled in his thigh. This little one could REALLY use some cheering up right about now if you're able to stop by his page.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

May 20, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is experiencing lots of pain in his leg. On a happier note, some VERY BEAUTIFUL new pictures have been posted on his site!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

My Mom and step-Dad as they are enjoying their vacation in sunny Cancun, Mexico. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Boston when they return from their vacation on May 23, 2004. We miss them lots!


WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

May 21, 2004:

Today is Crystal's VERY special day! It's her birthday and she's finally a teenager! Miss Crystal turns 13-years-old today!!! Happy Birthday, hon!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Friday, May 21, 2004

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

turns 13-years-old again!! Watch out world, she's a teenager now!!! We wish you the VERY happiest birthday, hon! We hope it's a wonderful one for you!

Birthday Gifts


This is an e-mail I received from *Pam's* father, Frank:

As you know we lost our daughter *Pam* on Oct. 7, 2003.

*Pam's* birthday is on May 23 and we are going to have a cake for her. My wife
has asked me to ask everyone to light a candle or at least say Happy Birthday to Pam at 9:52PM on May 23 (that is when she was born). Pam's birthday was always a grand event and instead of trying to ignore it, we feel it is only right to celebrate in honor of the wonderful, but short life she had. Please try to sign her guest book,
*Pam's Site*, in that day or weekend to wish her a happy birthday.

I hope everyone is well and thank you for your continued support.


This is another e-mail I received. There isn't a guestbook on *Kelly's* page, but I wanted to make everyone aware of her passing since it was brought to my attention:

Hi there,

I check in on you and Samantha daily, having come across your site from another little girl's page. Can you please add Kelly to you list of angels we've lost this month? She just earned her wings :(


Thanks so much.

(*Kelly* became an *Angel* on May 19, 2004)


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


***Eli, Jackson, Lance & Mark have been added to our 'Prayers Needed' list below. There all new kiddies that we have had the extreme pleasure of meeting (online that is)***


Teacher 2

What a busy, busy morning Miss Samantha and I had. Lucky Jeff got to sleep through all of it. I wish that was me!

Mrs. Lynch (Samantha's Pre-K teacher) and Shelia (I'm sure all of you know who Shelia is by now) visited us at ten o'clock this morning. I really didn't know what to expect from this visit, but I'm VERY glad it took place.

Mrs. Lynch and I talked while Shelia and Sammi played. Samantha was absolutely thrilled to have Mrs. Lynch and Shelia visit us at home! You could tell she was VERY confused to have her two favorite teachers in our house. As soon as Mrs. Lynch knocked on our back door, Sammi turned her head towards the door and saw Mrs. Lynch and Shelia standing there. Then the BIGGEST smile came across Sammi's face. She was definitely overjoyed!!!

Samantha and Shelia looked at "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" book and sang their ABC's together. Sammi was also MORE than happy to show Shelia some of her toys. While Shelia was here, she also learned what a few words meant. Do to Samantha's autism, Sammi will sound off with words that some people don't know. Such as turtle fish (a toy Sammi LOVES) and pet names. I filled Shelia in on some of these words and promised her that I would be sending a list of common words to school with Sammi -- the ones Sammi says most often.

Famous 3

While Sammi and Shelia played, Mrs. Lynch and I talked. I was VERY thrilled to learn that Miss Samantha is progressing VERY nicely in Mrs. Lynch's classroom. Sammi has been playing nicely with all of the other kids. Sammi has her moments in class (when she's mad for some unknown reason), but Mrs. Lynch and Shelia have learned that music is VERY calming to Miss Samantha. So whenever Sammi has one of these "episodes", music is played and Sammi calms down immediately. Music has ALWAYS been very calming to Sammi ever since she was a little tiny thing. When I'm cleaning the house, I can have any type of music playing and Sammi will be fine with it. Sure she listens to The Wiggles A LOT, but she has no problem listening to Mommy and Jeff's music too. Don't worry, we're not blaring Kid Rock or anything with profanity. Lynard Skynard, Tim McGraw, The Calling, SOME Metallica, AC/DC, etc. Those are some of the bands Miss Samantha listens to and enjoys.

Mrs. Lynch and I also discussed the upcoming field trip that Sammi's class will be going on. Next Thursday (5-27-04) both the morning and afternoon Pre-K classes will be going to the Stone Zoo. A parent or relative is required to accompany almost every child on this trip, but a child is MORE than welcome to go on this field trip if a family member can't attend. HOWEVER, both Mrs. Lynch and myself agree that Sammi will not be attending this field trip. I can't make it on that day and I haven't been able to find anyone who would be available to take her/us. We agreed that this wouldn't be a good trip for Sammi to go on for a couple of reasons.

Bus Moony

One: The bus ride is a VERY long one. Sammi does alright on long rides, but only when Jeff, my Mom, my step-Dad, myself, etc., are with her. I'm more than certain she would become bored on this trip and would wind up throwing a tantrum or two on the way.


Two: This would be a VERY long day for Sammi. The classes will be leaving at 9:30 in the morning and won't be returning until 1:30 in the afternoon. Sure this may not seem like a very long time for some people, but it certainly is for a little 3-year-old.

Sure I'm bummed out that Sammi won't be able to go on her first field trip with her classmates, but I know there will be other trips for Sammi to go on. Plus the really great part about all of this is that Miss Samantha is pretty clueless that her class will be going on a trip without her.

Mrs. Lynch and Shelia stayed at our house for less than half an hour. Mrs. Lynch and I covered A LOT of subjects in that short amount of time. All in all, I believe this meeting went excellently! It was great to hear from Mrs. Lynch and Shelia just how well Sammi is doing in school. Sure I get letters from these two on a daily basis, but it's a lot better hearing about these things in person.

Shy I Love You

I asked Shelia what was up with Christopher. Actually, I asked her what was up with Sammi playing with all of the boys in her class all the time. Shelia laughed at my question. She's noticed it too that Miss Samantha enjoys playing with the boys in her class A LOT more than she likes playing with the girls. Oh boy! So the romance between Sammi and Christopher continues to grow. Shelia filled me in that Christopher is by far Samantha's best friend. There's also a little boy named Dominic whom Sammi is VERY fond of. Could there be a love triangle brewing here? Will Dominic profess his love for Samantha? Will Christopher flush Dominic's favorite toy down the toliet for trying to steal his woman? Stay tuned for more updates!

Balloon Heart

Martha showed up almost as soon as Shelia and Mrs. Lynch left. Sammi threw a couple of tantrums while Martha visited, but she reamined in an excellent mood. Martha and Shelia read a book called "The Blue Balloon" together. Sammi LOVED this book and both of us were VERY sad to see it go when it was time for Martha to leave. We also worked with Sammi on learning something with the braille cells. Martha came up with an awesome idea when it comes to teaching kids the braille cell. She buys a half dozen of eggs and keeps the carton once it's empty. This is how Martha teaches kids the braille dots. It's confusing to explain if you're not familiar with the braille cell, so I'm not even going to get into the details. But I will say that Samantha worked VERY well with this project. Martha also gave Miss Samantha and I some homework to work on until she visits us again next Tuesday (5-25-04). I'm to work with Sammi on learning what dots make up the letters S, A, M and I. Wish us luck!


The Mountain Man is no more. If you're a Red Sox fan, you probably know what I'm talking about. Johnny Damon (*sniffle*) shaved his beard, but the GREAT news is that he did it for charity (and he also said it may be returning before too long!) Boy did he look good with that long hair and fuzziness of his! I'm going to miss it, I just hope it doesn't affect how he plays!


NASCAR tomorrow night! WOOHOO! Jeff should have the night off, so we'll be able to watch the race together. All I have to say is -- GO GORDON!!!

Wishing all of you a fantastic weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. (Sick) Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 19, 2004:


May 20, 2004:

Craig and Lauren are now the VERY proud owners of (what I'm sure is) a VERY beautiful kitten named, Sparkles.

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 18, 2004:

All of Dee's counts look good! YEA!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Devin's labs are absolutely horrible. Unfortunately he apparently needs to get worse before anyone is able to transfuse.

There is also some concern over Devin's sister, Kara. It's too much to go in to, but Devin's Mom has done a WONDERFUL job explaining everything on Devin's page. Please keep both of these sweet kiddies in your thoughts and prayers.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 17, 2004:

Poor Dillion isn't feeling well. He had a temperature on Saturday (5-15). Everyone is hoping to avoid any trips to the hospital. We're hoping they're able to avoid a hospital stay too!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 19, 2004:

KAIDRIE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 17, 2004:

LaKota had surgery today to drain her sinuses. Doctors also performed a bone marrow biopsy and put in a hickman. Please send some prayers (and maybe some nice guestbook messages) along to LaKota and her WONDERFUL family. All of them have been through so much but still they continue to go on day after day.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Mark is a little boy whom I've recently had the pleasure of meeting via CaringBridge. He has kidney cancer.

May 19, 2004:

Little Mark is in the hospital (and has been for 7 days now) with a bacteria that has settled in his thigh. This little one could REALLY use some cheering up right about now if you're able to stop by his page.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

May 20, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is experiencing lots of pain in his leg. On a happier note, some VERY BEAUTIFUL new pictures have been posted on his site!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

My Mom and step-Dad as they are enjoying their vacation in sunny Cancun, Mexico. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Boston when they return from their vacation on May 23, 2004. We miss them lots!


WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

May 21, 2004:

Today is Crystal's VERY special day! It's her birthday and she's finally a teenager! Miss Crystal turns 13-years-old today!!! Happy Birthday, hon!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Thursday, May 20, 2004

Birthday Cake

turns 13-years-old tomorrow. Please stop by to wish her a VERY Happy Birthday.

Birthday Cake


This is an e-mail I received from *Pam's* father, Frank:

As you know we lost our daughter *Pam* on Oct. 7, 2003.

*Pam's* birthday is on May 23 and we are going to have a cake for her. My wife
has asked me to ask everyone to light a candle or at least say Happy Birthday to Pam at 9:52PM on May 23 (that is when she was born). Pam's birthday was always a grand event and instead of trying to ignore it, we feel it is only right to celebrate in honor of the wonderful, but short life she had. Please try to sign her guest book,
*Pam's Site*, in that day or weekend to wish her a happy birthday.

I hope everyone is well and thank you for your continued support.


This is another e-mail I received tonight. There isn't a guestbook on *Kelly's* page, but I wanted to make everyone aware of her passing since it was brought to my attention:

Hi there,

I check in on you and Samantha daily, having come across your site from another little girl's page. Can you please add Kelly to you list of angels we've lost this month? She just earned her wings :(


Thanks so much.




is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


***Eli, Jackson, Lance & Mark have been added to our 'Prayers Needed' list below. There all new kiddies that we have had the extreme pleasure of meeting (online that is)***



Sammi brought her "Hop on Pop" book with her to school today. "Hop on Pop" is a Dr. Seuss book. Miss Samantha is a VERY big fan of many Dr. Seuss books. Some of her other favorites are "The Cat in the Hat", "Are You My Mother?", Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog?", "Fox in Socks" and many, many others.

Dollar Smiley

Samantha played with her friend, Kelly, in school today. These two little girls took turns putting "money" in a jar. Boy, there are some days (ok, most actually) I wish I were back in school. I'd love to spend three hours a day putting play money in a jar, playing on a playground and goofing off with my friends. No more dirty dishes, laundry or responsibilities to worry about. Gee, I wonder if Sammi would be interested in switching places with me.


Sammi also enjoyed listening to music in class. She ate all of her ice cream up as well. I'm telling you, this kid is a BIG fan of vanilla ice cream! Jeff and I are running out at least every other day just to buy more ice cream. We have plenty of other food in the house, but God forbid we run out of ice cream.

Martha, Mrs. Lynch (Sammi's teacher) and possibly Shelia will be coming out to visit with us tomorrow morning. Mrs. Lynch and Shelia will be here around 10; Martha will be here around 10:30. Once those appointments are done and over with, we won't have anything else to worry about until next week.

Easter Cross

I can't thank all of you enough who took the time to pray for my Grandpa. It means so VERY much to me. He was released last night from the hospital. He's home now and is resting as comfortably as he's able to. He was sent home on antibiotics as well as a nebulizer. The doctors still aren't sure how my Grandpa came down with pneumonia in the first place. It could have been caused by his allergies and the fact that he wasn't taking the medicine he should have been. The doctors also said it could be due to sleep apnea, so my Grandpa will have to have some sleep studies done. All in all he's doing well!

Mariachi Band

I talked to my Mom a couple of times yesterday when she called from Cancun and her and my step-Dad are still having an awesome time. I couldn't talk to my step-Dad since he was out jet skiing at the time (my Mom is too much of a pansy to do this -- I would LOVE to though). When we were about to get off the phone with each other, I told my Mom I loved her and that I would see her soon. Do you know what she did after I said this? She yelled at me! Hey, it's not my fault her life in paradise will be coming to an end soon. Sammi will be VERY excited when she sees her Nuna and Grandpa again. Every once in awhile she'll pipe up with, "Wanna go see Nuna?" "Wanna go see Grandpa?" "Want Nuna to feed you some ice cream?" I think she misses them just as much as I do!


I received the supplies I needed for my pump at ten o'clock this morning -- while Miss Samantha was still at school! So luckily I had enough time to do everything I needed to do before my little Angel Bear got home. I figured out the hard way that it is VERY difficult to set my pump up when a little terror is on the loose. So whenever I get the chance, I do everything I need to do while she's at school. I also wrote a VERY thankful note to the WONDERFUL people who work at MiniMed (the place I get my supplies from -- the ONLY helpful people I talked with yesterday). I thanked them for their kindness as well as their promptness. It felt good to write a nice letter for a change. I'm so used to writing angry letters to people. Not because I want to, but because, well I'm sure at least one of you knows what I'm talking about.

Cab Driver

Guess what? Guess what? Guess what?

Jeff goes back to work tomorrow! WOOHOO! He only has two runs, but we'll be MORE than happy to take the money from two runs. Jeff being out of work has really put a strain on things around here. His car insurance is on its way to being cancelled because neither one of us could come up with a payment, his phone bill is due (cell phone), our gas bill is due and I'm sure a phone and electric bill will be rolling in sometime soon. It will be such a joy when Jeff is back working his regular hours and we have money rolling in once again.


Can you believe it? Sammi actually ate a whole bowl of soup for me tonight! I was stunned when she ate it for me and didn't refuse it because it wasn't ice cream. I swear this kid is going to turn into one big ice cream cone pretty soon.

I've Got A Headache

That pretty much sums up how I'm feeling tonight. My allergies have been driving me nuts ever since the weather started getting warmer. That combined with the cold that insists on hanging on to me makes me one unhappy camper. I'm hoping Sammi will be falling asleep soon so I can do the same.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 17, 2004:

Cam's counts are still running low.

May 21, 2004:

Cam's counts will be checked once again. Let's pray they've started to go up!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 19, 2004:


May 20, 2004:

Craig and Lauren are now the VERY proud owners of (what I'm sure is) a VERY beautiful kitten named, Sparkles.

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 18, 2004:

All of Dee's counts look good! YEA!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Devin's labs are absolutely horrible. Unfortunately he apparently needs to get worse before anyone is able to transfuse.

There is also some concern over Devin's sister, Kara. It's too much to go in to, but Devin's Mom has done a WONDERFUL job explaining everything on Devin's page. Please keep both of these sweet kiddies in your thoughts and prayers.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 17, 2004:

Poor Dillion isn't feeling well. He had a temperature on Saturday (5-15). Everyone is hoping to avoid any trips to the hospital. We're hoping they're able to avoid a hospital stay too!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 17, 2004:

LaKota had surgery today to drain her sinuses. Doctors also performed a bone marrow biopsy and put in a hickman. Please send some prayers (and maybe some nice guestbook messages) along to LaKota and her WONDERFUL family. All of them have been through so much but still they continue to go on day after day.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Mark is a little boy whom I've recently had the pleasure of meeting via CaringBridge. He has kidney cancer.

May 19, 2004:

Little Mark is in the hospital (and has been for 7 days now) with a bacteria that has settled in his thigh. This little one could REALLY use some cheering up right about now if you're able to stop by his page.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

May 20, 2004:

Poor little Tyler is experiencing lots of pain in his leg. On a happier note, some VERY BEAUTIFUL new pictures have been posted on his site!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

My Mom and step-Dad as they are enjoying their vacation in sunny Cancun, Mexico. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Boston when they return from their vacation on May 23, 2004. We miss them lots!


WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 28, 2004:

Courtney and her family are headed off to Disney for their vacation!!!

May 21, 2004:

Today is Crystal's VERY special day! It's her birthday and she's finally a teenager! Miss Crystal turns 13-years-old today!!! Happy Birthday, hon!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 19, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, team won ANOTHER GAME!!! (5-0)
Instead of 2 goals, Miss Alyssa scored 3 this time! Way to go, Alyssa!!!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:




Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Happy Graduation

Crystal Coin's
big sister, Brittany, celebrated a birthday yesterday and graduated from high school today! Congratulations, hon! All of us are VERY proud of you!!

Way To Go


***Eli, Jackson, Lance & Mark have been added to our 'Prayers Needed' list below. There all new kiddies that we have had the extreme pleasure of meeting (online that is)***



is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


School Bus Driver

Miss Samantha brought her Peter Pan book with her to school again this morning. We got to read it once before the bus came to pick her up for school. And, once again, Sammi only felt like eating ice cream for breakfast.

Beach Ball

Since it's Wednesday, Sammi and Laurie (O&M woman) worked together today. The two of them worked together in the gym as well as outside (I'm assuming on the playground). Miss Samantha had lots of fun dropping and picking up a beach ball while her and Laurie played.

Movie Reels

When Samantha met up with her classmates again, everyone watched two movies. Everyone watched 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' (I've read the book, but I never knew there was a movie) and 'Papa Please Bring Me the Moon.' I'm assuming Sammi liked these movies because she wouldn't stop talking about caterpillars when she got home. I'm not sure how well she does watching movies at school, but I've never had very much luck getting her to sit down and pay attention to a movie at home.


My eye exam went well this morning. I was in and out of there in plenty of time to get Miss Samantha off of the bus this afternoon. Jeff stayed home while I had my appointment, so Sammi would have been taken care of even if I had run a little late. I was right about my eyes getting worst. It's nothing serious, but my prescription has to be increased somewhat. Luckily, since my Mom works for Cambridge Eye, I was hooked up with a free pair of frames and I'll be getting a discount on my lenses. Woohoo! Anyway I'm able to save money is a blessing to me right about now.

Grrr(this is me when I was on the phone trying to get things with my pump straightened out)

Well, I've been having some technical difficulties with my insulin pump. Awhile ago I was sent some new things to try out. Don't worry, I won't get technical since I'm sure none of you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, the things that were sent to me turned out to be pieces of crap. So I called to complain today and, to make a VERY long story short, a recall was made (my letter is apparently in the mail) and I will be going back to what I had originally started with. Mind you I never wanted to switch to begin with, these new things were sent to me because (I was told) my old thingy's weren't being sold anymore. Why do people insist on changing something that works perfectly well? So I'm pump free tonight and will be back on it again tomorrow. The VERY nice and kind lady I talked with on the phone this afternoon said she would be overnighting my old stuff to me. Thank goodness for nice people!

Mum's The Word

Have I ever told you about us Sanford's (that's our last name, incase nobody knows)? Well all of us apparently like to keep secrets from one another. When I was growing up, my Grandmother had a scare with breast cancer. I still don't know the whole story to this day, but I didn't find any of this out until 5 years ago. A few months ago I asked for prayers to be said for my Grandfather who was in the hospital. Had it not been for my WONDERFUL Grandmother, I never would have known he was in the hospital or what for. And my father's condition -- well lets just say I'm still not supposed to know about that but, thankfully, one kind hearted soul filled me in.

Easter Cross

Don't worry, all of this is leading up to something. If it's not asking too much, could all of you pass along some prayers from my Grandfather once again. I just found out this morning (THANK YOU, DAD!!!) that he was admitted into the hospital on Tuesday (5-18-04) with pneumonia. X-rays were done when my Grandmother and he went to the Emergency Room and that's how it was found. Some more x-rays were done this afternoon, but when I called his room at four o'clock, he still hadn't seen his doctor. Hopefully he'll be out by tomorrow. Any and all prayers would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you all so VERY, VERY much!

Other than my two little situations today (having my eyes dialited (grrrrrrrrrr) and fighting with my pump), nothing much has happened. Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not too worried about my Grandfather. Sure I was worried when my Dad told me what was going on with him, but I feel A LOT better since I was able to talk with him tonight. He'll be fine, I'm just really asking for prayers so that he's able to get out of the hospital and heal quickly.

I apologize for not being able to sign very many guestbooks today. I've been dealing with blurred vision ever since my eye exam and its been driving me nuts. I ended up taking a nap this afternoon since I was bored and had my eyes shut pretty much all day. Please, please, please don't think I've forgotten about any of you. Every single one of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers.

Wishing all of you an excellent "rest of the" week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff and Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 17, 2004:

Please pray for Corey today

May 12, 2004:

Craig hit his VERY FIRST HOMERUN during his game last night! Way to go, Craig!!!

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 18, 2004:

All of Dee's counts look good! YEA!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Devin's labs are absolutely horrible. Unfortunately he apparently needs to get worse before anyone is able to transfuse.

There is also some concern over Devin's sister, Kara. It's too much to go in to, but Devin's Mom has done a WONDERFUL job explaining everything on Devin's page. Please keep both of these sweet kiddies in your thoughts and prayers.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 17, 2004:

Poor Dillion isn't feeling well. He had a temperature on Saturday (5-15). Everyone is hoping to avoid any trips to the hospital. We're hoping they're able to avoid a hospital stay too!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 17, 2004:

LaKota had surgery today to drain her sinuses. Doctors also performed a bone marrow biopsy and put in a hickman. Please send some prayers (and maybe some nice guestbook messages) along to LaKota and her WONDERFUL family. All of them have been through so much but still they continue to go on day after day.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.


Mark is a little boy whom I've recently had the pleasure of meeting via CaringBridge. He has kidney cancer.

May 19, 2004:

Little Mark is in the hospital (and has been for 7 days now) with a bacteria that has settled in his thigh. This little one could REALLY use some cheering up right about now if you're able to stop by his page.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

My Mom and step-Dad as they are enjoying their vacation in sunny Cancun, Mexico. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Boston when they return from their vacation on May 23, 2004. We miss them lots!

My Grandfather who is currently in the hospital trying to recover from his recent bout with pneumonia.


WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

May 21, 2004:

Today is Crystal's VERY special day! It's her birthday and she's finally a teenager! Miss Crystal turns 13-years-old today!!! Happy Birthday, hon!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 13, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, scored TWO goals at her soccer game AND her team won!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:



Tuesday, May 18, 2004

***Eli, Jackson & Lance have been added to our 'Prayers Needed' list below. We've recently had the greatest pleasure of meeting these three wonderful young men (online of course)***

Airplane Wishes 1

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***Crystal Coin's
big sister, Brittany, celebrates her birthday today! Happy Birthday, hon!***



RachelJoy is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


Ice Cream

Sammi ate ice cream instead of soup again this morning. She hasn't requested soup at all today. I've decided to let her be on an all ice cream diet for today, but tomorrow she gets some soup. After working this hard to get her to eat, I'm not about to have her stop. She only eats two things as it is and that will NOT be reduced to one. So tomorrow, whether she wants to or not, she'll be eating soup at least once. Don't think I plan on force feeding my little one because I don't believe in that at all. I just won't be giving her any ice cream until she eats what I think is a good amount of soup. Go ahead, call me a Mean Mommy because I guarantee that's what Miss Samantha will be thinking about me tomorrow.

Book Club

Speaking of Miss Samantha, I should probably fill you in on how her day was. Well she took her Snoopy book to school with her this morning. Unfortunately somebody (don't think I'm blaming people here) forgot to give it back to Sammi when she was sent home this afternoon. Hopefully it will be given back to her tomorrow when she returns. All I've heard since she got home is "Snoopy book, please" and "Wanna read your Snoopy book?" Sammi doesn't understand that it was left at school and I can't read it to her. Poor little thing.

Samantha had an excellent day at school! I'm hoping these wonderful days she's having are here to stay! She leaves our house in a good mood, gets off of the bus at school in a good mood, has a great time playing with all of her friends and comes home in a good mood. I could definitely get used to days like these!


Miss Samantha made a lady bug (art activity) in school today. It's the cutest little thing! I have it hanging VERY proudly on my fridge right now so everyone can see what my little artist brought home. I'll work on taking a picture of it so all of you can oogle over it as well.

Love Struck

She also worked VERY well playing on the lightbox with Christopher. Could a romance be brewing between these two munchkins? Stay tuned for the next episode of "Sammi's Life in Preschool" to find out.


Kelly pulled Sammi around in a wagon in the gym today. It must have been lady bug day at school because Sammi and Shelia also read a book together called "The Grouchy Lady bug" I'm surprised Sammi hasn't been talking about lady bugs ever since she got home from school. Sammi also played in the block area and participated in circle time today. Recess was held in the gym for some unknown reason. It looked like it may rain this afternoon, but it never did. I guess everyone just wanted to be on the safe side. Come to think of it, it did rain this morning for a couple of minutes before Sammi went to school. Everything on the playground might have just been too wet to play on.

Beach Ball

I ended up sending a note to school with Sammi today. I asked Shelia was color ball everyone played catch with yesterday and she told me it was a red one. See? Sammi tells me little things about her day when she remembers them.


Martha visited us for about an hour this afternoon. She brought a couple of books with her today and one of them was "Chica Chica Boom Boom." This has quickly become one of Miss Samantha's favorite books. She loves having it read to her and she has memorized many parts of it and enjoys reading along with you. Martha makes a lot of books. She'll copy popular books, word for word, and place braille underneath the printed words. She'll also trace a lot of the pictures from the original book and add some art of her own. Every book I've seen that she has done this to has come out looking fantastic! Sammi, as well as myself, was absolutely thrilled to see this book. We didn't get to keep it, but Sammi will be able to read it again when she's at school.


Jeff's throat has started to bother him, but he says it's nothing he can't live with. What a trooper! Wait a second, stubborn is more like it. I offered him some of my Dayquil, but he said he's fine. I never had a sore throat with this cold and I'm not sure if Sammi did since she can't really tell me. My throat ached a couple of times, but I just figured that was from reading to Miss Samantha all of the time. Oh well. Other than that, Jeff still isn't sick.

Afro With Pick

Well, I'm off. I'm going to lay Sammi down for the night and then Jeff wants me to shave his head. He likes his hair shorter (not gone completely) in the summer time. Believe me, if I thought I'd look good with my head shaved I'd be doing it too. I'm sure it's MUCH cooler than walking around with a full head of hair. I also have to take a shower tonight once I'm finished shaving Jeff's head since I won't have time to take one before my appointment tomorrow morning. I'll be getting Sammi ready in the morning, sending her off to school and then leaving myself.

Martha will be visiting us on Friday (5-21-04).

I have an appointment at my Mom's work tomorrow (5-19-04) to have my eyes diliated and examined. Because I have diabetes, I need to have this done once a year. Oh joy!

HOPEFULLY Jeff will be returning to work on Thursday (5-20-04). Things have been a little shaky in this department, so we'll have to see what happens.

Mrs. Lynch (Sammi's Pre-K teacher) will be visiting us on Friday (5-21-04).

I hope all of you have an excellent week. I've recently been introduced to three new kiddies. Please stop by and visit them should you have the time. And, please don't forget about all of the other kiddies listed below. All of them would love to hear from you

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Christopher is dealing with some pretty painful mouth sores (from his chemo treatments)right now. On a happier note, he managed to eat some food today! WOOHOO! Keep up the terrific work, buddy!


Mom & Dad's "Bravest Little Trooper"
Any and ALL prayers are welcome for this sweetheart of a boy as well as for his TERRIFIC family.

May 17, 2004:

Please pray for Corey today

May 12, 2004:

Craig hit his VERY FIRST HOMERUN during his game last night! Way to go, Craig!!!

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 18, 2004:

All of Dee's counts look good! YEA!!!!

May 17, 2004:

Poor Devin's labs are absolutely horrible. Unfortunately he apparently needs to get worse before anyone is able to transfuse.

There is also some concern over Devin's sister, Kara. It's too much to go in to, but Devin's Mom has done a WONDERFUL job explaining everything on Devin's page. Please keep both of these sweet kiddies in your thoughts and prayers.

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 17, 2004:

Poor Dillion isn't feeling well. He had a temperature on Saturday (5-15). Everyone is hoping to avoid any trips to the hospital. We're hoping they're able to avoid a hospital stay too!


Eli is living with a Mitochondrial disease called Leigh's. Although there is no cure for this disease, Eli doesn't seem to have any trouble growing and gaining weight. Good for you, buddy! We're SO happy to have met you!

Jackson is 10-years-old and was born with an unknown muscle disorder. Plus, are you ready for this?, HE'S A GORDON FAN!!! WOOHOO!!! There aren't enough of us out there.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!

May 17, 2004:

Keara is currently experiencing A LOT of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her to feel better SOON!

May 17, 2004:

LaKota had surgery today to drain her sinuses. Doctors also performed a bone marrow biopsy and put in a hickman. Please send some prayers (and maybe some nice guestbook messages) along to LaKota and her WONDERFUL family. All of them have been through so much but still they continue to go on day after day.


Lance is a VERY handsome 13-year-old young man. He is living with cerebral palsy as well as many other multiple disabilities. I met him through his WONDERFUL Mom, Donna, who was sweet enough to sign Samantha's guestbook. Please stop by to say "Hi" to this sweet young man.

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 16, 2004:

Nikki did a wonderful job in the Relay for Life over the weekend. Little Miss Nikki is now on summer vacation -- her last day of school was on May 14.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism and eating issues.

My Mom and step-Dad as they are enjoying their vacation in sunny Cancun, Mexico. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Boston when they return from their vacation on May 23, 2004. We miss them lots!


WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

May 21, 2004:

Today is Crystal's VERY special day! It's her birthday and she's finally a teenager! Miss Crystal turns 13-years-old today!!! Happy Birthday, hon!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~
May 13, 2004:

Jacob's big sister, Alyssa, scored TWO goals at her soccer game AND her team won!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:



Monday, May 17, 2004 5:26 AM CDT

Birthday CakeTomorrow is Brittany's special day -- it's her BIRTHDAY! Brittany is Crystal Coin's terrific big sister. Please take the time to stop by her page and wish her a WONDERFUL day. (She'll also be graduating from high school soon!)Birthday Cake



RachelJoy is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!



Sammi was in an excellent mood before heading off to school this morning. Sure a couple of temper tantrums were thrown, but nothing major. For some reason Miss Samantha wasn't in the mood for soup this morning, so she ate nearly two bowls of ice cream while we waited for her bus to arrive. I got her snack together (more vanilla ice cream!) and read Peter Pan to her (she ended up taking that book to school with her) while she sat at the kitchen table and ate.

Jigsaw Puzzle

Samantha's excellent mood continued while she was in school. She played at the sand table as well as in the block area this afternoon (Sammi worked on putting soft blocks together (like puzzles) in the block area).

Beach Ball

Recess was held outside today. Sammi played catch with Victor, Tatiana, Brian and Christopher on the playground. I'm assuming they played catch with a red ball. Sammi kept saying, "Throw the red ball to _______________" and "Catch the red ball, Sammi." I need to send a note to school with Miss Samantha tomorrow and I plan on asking Shelia what color ball they played catch with today.


Sammi and I are still sick, but Jeff isn't. He sneezes every once in awhile, but that's about it. Sammi and I continue recovering; slowly but surely. I've been giving her Tyelnol at night before she goes to bed so she's able to sleep. I'm now in the wonderful coughing stage of this cold (oh joy!) so I'll be giving Sammi Tylenol AND Delsym if she follows my lead.

Cinco De Mayo 2

I talked to my Mom on Saturday when she called. Her and my step-Dad are having a great time in Cancun! They went to Wal-Mart (yes, I made fun of my Mom for this -- "We live not even 10 minutes away from one up here and you travel all the way to Cancun to shop at Wal-Mart?!?!?!?") and also visited an orphanage that they donated money to. This orphanage takes in children of all ages who have been abused or neglected in any way. One boy my parents met was left in a dumpster; one little girl my parents met was abused for years by her own "father" before being brought to the orphanage. There are so many charities I would love to donate to and this is definitely one of them. I hope to get the web site address from my Mom when she returns so I can post it on Samantha's page.

Nothing special will be happening around here this week.

Martha will be visiting us tomorrow (5-18-04) and again on Friday (5-21-04).

I have an appointment at my Mom's work on Wednesday (5-19-04) to have my eyes diliated and examined. Because I have diabetes, I need to have this done once a year. Oh joy!

HOPEFULLY Jeff will be returning to work on Thursday (5-20-04). Things have been a little shaky in this department, so we'll have to see what happens.

Mrs. Lynch (Sammi's Pre-K teacher) will be visiting us on Friday (5-21-04).

I hope every one of you has a terrific week! If it takes me awhile to stop by your page, I'm apologizing in advance. I've been swamped doing a million different things around this house when Sammi is at school (mostly spring cleaning) and by the time she gets home I can't get online because she gets mad at me if I turn my back to her for one second. All of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers and I hope to stop by your sites SOON.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Angel 3June 25, 1988 ~ May 13, 2004

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 10, 2004:

Cam completed another dose of chemo today. WOOHOO!

May 11 & 12, 2004:

Cam will be receiving more chemo treatments. His last dose will be given on the 12th. Way to go, Cam!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 11, 2004:

Christopher is still receiving chemo.

May 13, 2004:

Christopher will be getting a dose of vincristine today.

May 12, 2004:


That is the time when the doctors will explain to Connor what is going on in that sweet, little body of his. Please also pray for his AMAZING parents, Rhonda and Eddie.

May 11, 2004:

Corey is doing well and is back to his old self again.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 12, 2004:

Craig hit his VERY FIRST HOMERUN during his game last night! Way to go, Craig!!!

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 10, 2004:

Dee's counts have continued to be off lately. Her potassium level is still very low and her platelets continue to run high.

May 11, 2004:

Devin is feeling well! WOOHOO! Please visit his site to read all about what he has learned from cancer.

May 12, 2004:

Devin will be having some labs done this afternoon. I'll be thinking of you all day long, hon!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 11, 2004:

Kimbra, Dillion's AMAZING Mom, has added a link to Samantha's page on her own son's. Thank you SO much, hon! It means a lot to us!

Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 11, 2004:

LaKota is currently in the middle of her 5-day testing. I'm thinking of and praying for you every second of every day, hon!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 12, 2004:

Today is Treatment Day for Miss Nikki.

May 14, 2004:

Nikki will be walking a few laps at their local Relay For Life.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism.

My Mom and step-Dad as they will be leaving for Cancun on May 13. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Cancun and then back again when their vacation ends. We'll miss them lots!

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:



Friday, May 14, 2004


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!


We didn't do much at all today. Well, we didn't do anything fun that is.

Mariachi Band

Since my Mom and step-Dad are in Cancun until next Sunday, I was nominated to pick my Mom's check up from work and then deposit it so they won't run out of spending money. I wanted to get all of our errands done early this morning, but we didn't leave the house until nearly one o'clock this afternoon. Jeff didn't sleep so well last night so, since he and Sammi were going out with me, I let him sleep as long as he could.


I also picked up another bottle of Tylenol for Sammi and mailed out my third braille assignment to my instructor while we were out this afternoon. See? I told you we didn't do anything fun today. We just ran a bunch of errands and did some not-so-fun-stuff. Sammi was perfectly happy while we were out. I brought three or four of her books with us on our trip and she had a great time flipping through all of them. She also enjoyed listening to the radio and eating vanilla ice cream. We were stuck in traffic on the highway this afternoon, so I climbed into the backseat and fed Sammi ice cream until we got going again. We were stuck in traffic because of a car accident. My thoughts and prayers are with anyone who was in that accident as well as their families. I don't know how serious this accident was, but it didn't look too good as we drove by.

Wishing all of you a VERY wonderful weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Angel 3June 25, 1988 ~ May 13, 2004

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 10, 2004:

Cam completed another dose of chemo today. WOOHOO!

May 11 & 12, 2004:

Cam will be receiving more chemo treatments. His last dose will be given on the 12th. Way to go, Cam!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 11, 2004:

Christopher is still receiving chemo.

May 13, 2004:

Christopher will be getting a dose of vincristine today.

May 12, 2004:


That is the time when the doctors will explain to Connor what is going on in that sweet, little body of his. Please also pray for his AMAZING parents, Rhonda and Eddie.

May 11, 2004:

Corey is doing well and is back to his old self again.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 12, 2004:

Craig hit his VERY FIRST HOMERUN during his game last night! Way to go, Craig!!!

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 10, 2004:

Dee's counts have continued to be off lately. Her potassium level is still very low and her platelets continue to run high.

May 11, 2004:

Devin is feeling well! WOOHOO! Please visit his site to read all about what he has learned from cancer.

May 12, 2004:

Devin will be having some labs done this afternoon. I'll be thinking of you all day long, hon!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 11, 2004:

Kimbra, Dillion's AMAZING Mom, has added a link to Samantha's page on her own son's. Thank you SO much, hon! It means a lot to us!

Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 11, 2004:

LaKota is currently in the middle of her 5-day testing. I'm thinking of and praying for you every second of every day, hon!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 12, 2004:

Today is Treatment Day for Miss Nikki.

May 14, 2004:

Nikki will be walking a few laps at their local Relay For Life.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism.

My Mom and step-Dad as they will be leaving for Cancun on May 13. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Cancun and then back again when their vacation ends. We'll miss them lots!

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:



Thursday, May 13, 2004


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!



Well we were up bright and early this morning. After attemptig to wake me up at 4:30a (I slept horribly again last night thanks to this wonderful cold), I finally rolled out of bed at 5a. Then came the fun part, waking Miss Samantha up. Her attitude is just as bad as mine is when she's woken up before she's ready. Needless to say, she wasn't the happiest little camper.


I got a few books and toys together to take with us. I wanted to keep Sammi as happy as possible during our journey. When it was time for us to leave, my Mom, Miss Samantha and I piled in the back of my step-Dad's jeep; my step-Dad drove into Boston while Jeff sat beside him in the passenger seat. My Mom and I had a great time goofing off on the ride (we're best friends) and Sammi had some silliness in her as well.

VacationVacation 2

Our good-byes were quick once we walked my parents into the airport. Sammi spent most of our time in their being carried by my Mom. Due to heavier security, we aren't able to walk my parents to their gate like we did 2 years ago.

Call Me

I talked to my Mom and step-Dad tonight when they called. It was GREAT to hear from them! I asked them to call me when they were in Cancun so I knew that they had gotten there alright. They said their flights went fine and the got to their hotel without a problem. Sammi was sitting next to me when I was talking to my Mom, so I got her to say some stuff as well. I don't know when I'll be talking to my parents again, but it doesn't bother me. As long as I know they arrived safely and are having a great time!

Well, that's about everything that happened with us today. Sammi and I crashed as soon as we got back home. Jeff ended up falling asleep once Sammi and I had woken up. We were all exhausted from being up so early this morning.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese


As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


Angel 3June 25, 1988 ~ May 13, 2004

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 10, 2004:

Cam completed another dose of chemo today. WOOHOO!

May 11 & 12, 2004:

Cam will be receiving more chemo treatments. His last dose will be given on the 12th. Way to go, Cam!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 11, 2004:

Christopher is still receiving chemo.

May 13, 2004:

Christopher will be getting a dose of vincristine today.

May 12, 2004:


That is the time when the doctors will explain to Connor what is going on in that sweet, little body of his. Please also pray for his AMAZING parents, Rhonda and Eddie.

May 11, 2004:

Corey is doing well and is back to his old self again.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 12, 2004:

Craig hit his VERY FIRST HOMERUN during his game last night! Way to go, Craig!!!

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 10, 2004:

Dee's counts have continued to be off lately. Her potassium level is still very low and her platelets continue to run high.

May 11, 2004:

Devin is feeling well! WOOHOO! Please visit his site to read all about what he has learned from cancer.

May 12, 2004:

Devin will be having some labs done this afternoon. I'll be thinking of you all day long, hon!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 11, 2004:

Kimbra, Dillion's AMAZING Mom, has added a link to Samantha's page on her own son's. Thank you SO much, hon! It means a lot to us!

Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 11, 2004:

LaKota is currently in the middle of her 5-day testing. I'm thinking of and praying for you every second of every day, hon!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 12, 2004:

Today is Treatment Day for Miss Nikki.

May 14, 2004:

Nikki will be walking a few laps at their local Relay For Life.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism.

My Mom and step-Dad as they will be leaving for Cancun on May 13. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Cancun and then back again when their vacation ends. We'll miss them lots!

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:



Wednesday, May 12, 2004


is a remarkable young lady and her Mom, Stephanie, is one of the strongest women I know. RachelJoy's struggles began when she was born weighing just 1 lb. 6 oz. She currently has 8 medical diagnosis and is considered medically fragile. Please take the time to visit this precious girl's site and leave a message in her guestbook. RachelJoy and Stephanie LOVE to read all of the wonderful messages so many people are kind enough to leave. Each beautiful word brings a smile to RachelJoy's face. Please make her smile by signing her guestbook, it would mean so much to RachelJoy, Stephanie and myself. Thank you!




Birthday CakeIf you haven't already, please stop by and wish Miss Amanda a VERY Happy Birthday. She turns 9-years-old today!Birthday Cake


I'm pasting the exact e-mail I received from someone. I'm not sure who this person is, but they asked for help and far be it from me not to try my best. I asked for permission to post their e-mail address and they gave it to me. If you're able to, or if you know someone who can help this family out, please feel free to get a hold of them.

My daughter was diagnosed with botryoid embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in bladder in May 9th 2003.And complete resection the bladder on August 5,during surgery, the regional lymph nodes was biopsied and no regional lymph node metastases .Before operation had done two times Chemotherapy using VAC.Unfortunatlly,after operation cause syndrome ileac and intestines.Now treated with Chemotherapy only use Pirarubicin and isophosphamide injection into a vein two times.now relapse in urethera.pls tell me your chemotherapy protocol and radiation .Our oncologist has no experience in china.



Sunburn 2

What a BEAUTIFUL day! Samantha and Papa (my Dad -- he brought me to my doctors appointment this afternoon) had a GREAT time playing in the gorgeous weather while I was stuck in a doctors office. Yeah, I'm just a little jealous about that.

Papa brought Samantha to a shaded area where he fed her soup. Samantha LOVES being outside and I was told she was VERY well behaved while Papa took care of her. She loves her Papa (and everyone else in her family) so VERY much! When I was finally finished with my appointment, my Dad came and got me. When I looked at Samantha sitting in her car seat in the back of Papa's truck, she was full of smiles. Her and Papa had a GREAT day together!


The outdoor fun continued as soon as we got home. When we pulled in to our driveway, we saw my Grandma sitting on our back porch waiting for us. She had called me this morning and asked if I would mind having her visit this afternoon. Of course I don't mind! She said she would be arriving at 12:30p (let me tell you, this woman is NEVER late) and would wait for us outside if we weren't back from my appointment. Well we weren't back at 12:30p, but we weren't much later than that. Miss Samantha and her Great-Grandma spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside together. They read books ("Bubble Trouble" -- "Are You My Mother?" -- etc.), ate some vanilla ice cream (that melted in about 3 seconds flat) and walked around our yard.


All went well at my doctors appointment this afternoon. My blood pressure and thyroids looked good. My breathing was a little off, but that could be due to the fact that I smoke and I have a cold at the moment. Oh yeah, and don't forget about those WONDERFUL allergies I'm dealing with too. Joy of joys! I will be meeting with a nutritionist in June. I need to attend a pump class in July. I'm on an insulin pump if any of you are wondering what I'm talking about. And I will be seeing my doctor again in August. This was my first appointment with this doctor and I don't think she's too bad. Who knows? We may have a keeper here!


I feel absolutely horrible, but I forgot to mention that Jeff also had an appointment to go to this afternoon. His appointment was a follow-up from his surgery. As far as I know (from what he told me, but he can't be trusted sometimes) all went well. He's been ordered to have a CAT scan done on, of all days, his birthday! What a way to celebrate, huh? He's got the free pass to return to work (thank goodness!) but still can't lift anymore than 30 - 35 pounds. That means he's still able to pick up Sammi -- YEA!!!!!


I'm feeling alright. I don't want to jink myself, but I think this cold might actually be leaving me. I've felt pretty good all day and I haven't been on any meds. I took some Dayquil and Alavert tonight (don't worry, the Dayquil won't keep me awake) because I started feeling a little crummy, but I'm ok now. The bad news is that Miss Samantha has my cold. I did my absolute best to stay away from her, but she got it anyway. She's been sneezing up a storm all day long. I forgot to give her some Tylenol tonight before she went to bed, but she's still awake so I plan on going in there in a minute or two to dope her up. I'm really worried about Jeff getting this thing. I just started coughing this morning and if he starts coughing it could do some damage. So far he's alright and I'm hoping to keep it that way.


I should get going. Jeff, Samantha and I have to be up at 4:30 in the morning so that we can drive my parents into the airport. I know I won't be able to go to sleep right now (Jeff's sleeping, but Samantha is WIDE awake) but I do want to go relax. Please keep my Mom and step-Dad in your thoughts and prayers (if you would) as they fly off to their vacation in Cancun tomorrow. Flying scares the life out of me, so I'll be thinking of them and praying for them until I know they've landed safely. I'm expecting a call from them sometime tomorrow afternoon/night.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 10, 2004:

Cam completed another dose of chemo today. WOOHOO!

May 11 & 12, 2004:

Cam will be receiving more chemo treatments. His last dose will be given on the 12th. Way to go, Cam!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 11, 2004:

Christopher is still receiving chemo.

May 13, 2004:

Christopher will be getting a dose of vincristine today.

May 12, 2004:


That is the time when the doctors will explain to Connor what is going on in that sweet, little body of his. Please also pray for his AMAZING parents, Rhonda and Eddie.

May 11, 2004:

Corey is doing well and is back to his old self again.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 12, 2004:

Craig hit his VERY FIRST HOMERUN during his game last night! Way to go, Craig!!!

May 21, 2004:

Craig has a doctors appointment.

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 10, 2004:

Dee's counts have continued to be off lately. Her potassium level is still very low and her platelets continue to run high.

May 11, 2004:

Devin is feeling well! WOOHOO! Please visit his site to read all about what he has learned from cancer.

May 12, 2004:

Devin will be having some labs done this afternoon. I'll be thinking of you all day long, hon!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 11, 2004:

Kimbra, Dillion's AMAZING Mom, has added a link to Samantha's page on her own son's. Thank you SO much, hon! It means a lot to us!

Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 11, 2004:

LaKota is currently in the middle of her 5-day testing. I'm thinking of and praying for you every second of every day, hon!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 12, 2004:

Today is Treatment Day for Miss Nikki.

May 14, 2004:

Nikki will be walking a few laps at their local Relay For Life.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism.

My Mom and step-Dad as they will be leaving for Cancun on May 13. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Cancun and then back again when their vacation ends. We'll miss them lots!

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:


Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Birthday CakeAmanda will be turning 9-years-old on May 12, 2004! Please stop by and wish her the BEST possible birthday!!Birthday Cake


I'm pasting the exact e-mail I received from someone. I'm not sure who this person is, but they asked for help and far be it from me not to try my best. I asked for permission to post their e-mail address and they gave it to me. If you're able to, or if you know someone who can help this family out, please feel free to get a hold of them.

My daughter was diagnosed with botryoid embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in bladder in May 9th 2003.And complete resection the bladder on August 5,during surgery, the regional lymph nodes was biopsied and no regional lymph node metastases .Before operation had done two times Chemotherapy using VAC.Unfortunatlly,after operation cause syndrome ileac and intestines.Now treated with Chemotherapy only use Pirarubicin and isophosphamide injection into a vein two times.now relapse in urethera.pls tell me your chemotherapy protocol and radiation .Our oncologist has no experience in china.



Butterfly 2

Sammi had another great day at school! WOOHOO! She read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (hence the butterfly) in school with Shelia. This was the first time she has ever read this book. She seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, so I'm hoping to pick up a copy of it soon so we can read it together at home.

Ice Cream

I sent some ice cream to school with Miss Samantha today and guess what? SHE ATE IT!!! We finally found a winner! Shelia told me she did a very good job eating her ice cream and held the spoon and scooped it mostly on her own with just a little help from Shelia. Reading this amazed me since Samantha doesn't like to hold a spoon at all when we feed her at home. I plan on working with her on this tomorrow when we sit down to eat.


Recess was held outside this afternoon since it was an absolutely gorgeous day! Sammi had a great time playing in the boat on the playground with Christopher. This is the second day in a row that Miss Samantha has had a lot of fun playing with Mr. Christopher. Hmmmm, do I smell a love connection brewing here? hehehe

Pill Bottle

I have a doctors appointment to go to tomorrow, so Sammi won't be attending school. I'll be long gone before she gets home, so I have no choice but to have her miss the entire day. She won't be going to school on Thursday either. That's the day my Mom and step-Dad will be leaving on their vacation to Cancun. Jeff, Sammi and I will be driving to the airport with them early in the morning and I do NOT want to send Samantha to school after getting up so early. I know she'll be a mess and I'm sure all of us will come home and sleep once we've dropped my parents off.


I'm still not feeling too well, so I think I'm going to do my best to hit the sack. Samantha's already asleep and I'm hoping to be in la-la land pretty soon myself. I haven't been sleeping too well lately since I've been sick and that's been driving me up a wall. It figures I sleep like crap when Sammi sleeps great! Grrrrrrrrrr!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 10, 2004:

Cam completed another dose of chemo today. WOOHOO!

May 11 & 12, 2004:

Cam will be receiving more chemo treatments. His last dose will be given on the 12th. Way to go, Cam!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 11, 2004:

Christopher is still receiving chemo.

May 13, 2004:

Christopher will be getting a dose of vincristine today.

May 12, 2004:


That is the time when the doctors will explain to Connor what is going on in that sweet, little body of his. Please also pray for his AMAZING parents, Rhonda and Eddie.

May 11, 2004:

Corey is doing well and is back to his old self again.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 11, 2004:

Craig's team is playing another game tonight. Wish them luck!

Lauren is singing for the choir in a program at school. This whole event is being televised. I think we may have a celebrity on our hands here! I'm SO proud of you both!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 10, 2004:

Dee's counts have continued to be off lately. Her potassium level is still very low and her platelets continue to run high.

May 11, 2004:

Devin is feeling well! WOOHOO! Please visit his site to read all about what he has learned from cancer.

May 12, 2004:

Devin will be having some labs done this afternoon. I'll be thinking of you all day long, hon!

~*~*~*Dillion "Boogieman"*~*~*~
May 11, 2004:

Kimbra, Dillion's AMAZING Mom, has added a link to Samantha's page on her own son's. Thank you SO much, hon! It means a lot to us!

Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 11, 2004:

Kaidrie's Mom and Dad got some VERY exciting news when an ultrasound was performed on Mom. Check out their page to read all about it!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 11, 2004:

LaKota is currently in the middle of her 5-day testing. I'm thinking of and praying for you every second of every day, hon!

May 10, 2004:

Michael has been doing pretty well lately and has had LOTS of energy! He enjoys playing outside whenever the weather is nice.

May 12, 2004:

Today is Treatment Day for Miss Nikki.

May 14, 2004:

Nikki will be walking a few laps at their local Relay For Life.

May 22, 2004:

Today is Tyler's (Nikki's baby brother) VERY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism.

My Mom and step-Dad as they will be leaving for Cancun on May 13. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Cancun and then back again when their vacation ends. We'll miss them lots!

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:


Monday, May 10, 2004

I'm pasting the exact e-mail I received from someone. I'm not sure who this person is, but they asked for help and far be it from me not to try my best. I asked for permission to post their e-mail address and they gave it to me. If you're able to, or if you know someone who can help this family out, please feel free to get a hold of them.

My daughter was diagnosed with botryoid embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in bladder in May 9th 2003.And complete resection the bladder on August 5,during surgery, the regional lymph nodes was biopsied and no regional lymph node metastases .Before operation had done two times Chemotherapy using VAC.Unfortunatlly,after operation cause syndrome ileac and intestines.Now treated with Chemotherapy only use Pirarubicin and isophosphamide injection into a vein two times.now relapse in urethera.pls tell me your chemotherapy protocol and radiation .Our oncologist has no experience in china.




I fed Samantha her breakfast (soup followed by vanilla ice cream) on our back porch this morning since it was so nice out. Since my Mom was going in late for work, she joined us. Sammi and her Nuna read 'Bubble Trouble' and 'Are You My Mother?' together until Miss Samantha's bus arrived. Sammi LOVES reading 'Are You My Mother?' with anyone who is willing. It's quickly becoming one of her new favorite books. She brought it with her to school today.


Samantha, Martha and Christopher played with the light box again today. Samantha definitely loves the light box. She uses the one we have at home all the time, so I'm sure she's absolutely thrilled to be able to play with one in school. I also heard that Miss Samantha made a new friend today. His name is Dominik and Sammi is VERY fond of him. I'm not sure if he's new to the class or if he's from another class, but Sammi and Dominik played together today and they had a great time.

People Watching

Recess was held outside this afternoon. The sun did its best to warm up our day, but it remained chilly. All you really needed to wear was a light jacket to keep warm, but it wasn't the kind of weather I was hoping for. Tomorrow (and Thursday too I think) are suppose to be humid days. We'll have to wait and see if the weather forecast holds up.


We picked up Samantha's drops this afternoon, but I don't think we're going to start giving them to her until next week sometime. The drops are called Poly Vitamins with fluoride and iron. Since I can't smell anything, I had my Mom take a whiff of the stuff tonight when she came in to visit and she said it stunk. It's also this horrible brown color. Samantha hasn't even had any of it yet and I already feel bad for her.


I want to send a HUGE apology out to all of the CaringBridge families tonight whose guestbooks I usually sign. I haven't signed a single guestbook tonight because I feel like poop. (There's a real grown up word for you!) I originally thought my allergies were acting up this morning, so I popped one of my Alavert. Samantha and I took a nap together this afternoon and I felt even worse when I woke up. My nose is running and it's stuffy (I still don't get how it can be runny and stuffy at once -- Go Figure!), I'm sneezing my head off and my throat kind of, sort of hurts. I took some Dayquil this afternoon and I'll probably be living on the stuff for the next week or however long it takes me to get better. I will be doing my absolute best to sign every guestbook I'm able to tomorrow. Please know, though I haven't signed your guestbook, all of you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Baby Jacob, Dillion and Keara have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I have recently had the pleasure of "meeting."


As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 6, 2004:

Cam's fevers have been going on for 3 days now and have been staying around 101 to 102. This poor little thing has hardly eaten anything in 2 days. Cam's oncologist would like to start his chemo in the next day or two. We wish you the VERY best of luck, hon!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 6, 2004:

Christopher began receiving chemo today.

May 7, 2004:

Connor's cancer has returned. Please pray for this sweet boy!

May 11, 2004:

Rhonda and Eddie (Connor's WONDERFUL parents) will be meeting with Connor's doctor today to discuss what can/should be done.

May 6, 2004:

Corey is sick with a respitory infection, ear infection, throat infection and eye infection. Please join me in praying that this sweet little boy recovers from all of his infections SOON.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 6, 2004:

Craig's team won their game tonight. 14 - 2! Way to go, buddy!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 3, 2004:

Dee's counts are off a little and her potassium is low.

May 6, 2004:

Dee will be going in for bloodwork and fluids.

May 4, 2004:

Devin went to clinic today and his counts are beginning to go up again! Woohoo! He will begin to receive chemo tomorrow as long as his counts remain up there. Please get those prayers going!


Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 6, 2004:

Sweet little Kaidrie is out of her coma! WOOHOO!

May 7, 2004:

Kaidrie isn't able to stand without assistance and she can't walk. She also isn't taking anything by mouth and the doctors are thinking she may need to learn to eat and walk again. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetheart!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 7, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it looks good, though her platelets are low. This means she won't be needing a transfusion at this time.


January 16, 1990 ~ May 6, 2004

Angel 3

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


Nikki is VERY proud of her new look! Please stop by her site to see some beautiful pictures of this little sweetheart! She looks absolutely gorgeous!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism.

My Mom and step-Dad as they will be leaving for Cancun on May 13. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Cancun and then back again when their vacation ends. We'll miss them lots!

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:


Sunday, May 9, 2004

I'm pasting the exact e-mail I received from someone. I'm not sure who this person is, but they asked for help and far be it from me not to try my best. I asked for permission to post their e-mail address and they gave it to me. If you're able to, or if you know someone who can help this family out, please feel free to get a hold of them.

My daughter was diagnosed with botryoid embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in bladder in May 9th 2003.And complete resection the bladder on August 5,during surgery, the regional lymph nodes was biopsied and no regional lymph node metastases .Before operation had done two times Chemotherapy using VAC.Unfortunatlly,after operation cause syndrome ileac and intestines.Now treated with Chemotherapy only use Pirarubicin and isophosphamide injection into a vein two times.now relapse in urethera.pls tell me your chemotherapy protocol and radiation .Our oncologist has no experience in china.



Flowers And A Gift

A VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the outstanding Mom's out there. I did my very best to sign absolutely every guestbook I was able to this morning, so please forgive me if I didn't get the chance to stop by yours. Please don't think it was because I don't care or that I've forgotten about you. That is VERY far from the truth! I hold each and every one of you VERY near and dear to my heart. I hope every single one of you were able to celebrate the most wonderful Mother's Day possible!

I Won

My Dad stopped over for a VERY quick visit early this afternoon. He stopped by so that he could drop a Mother's Day card off for me. I didn't get to open the card until after he had left since he was in such a rush. There was a scratch ticket sitting inside when I opened the card. Well I did win some money and guess how much? $100. Already I was having a GREAT Mother's Day!!!

Teddy Bear For Mom

My Mom and I spent the afternoon alone together to celebrate our special day. Miss Samantha stayed at home with Jeff (God Bless him) while we were gone. We went to Bickford's for lunch. Ok, ok. Let me explain. My Mom and I were originally planning on eating lunch at a cafe, but all of the ones we attempted to go to were closed for the day. We're not picky eaters at all. We don't need to go to a huge resturaunt to enjoy ourselves. Hence is why we wound up at Bickford's. Most people would think we were too cheap to go to an expensive, classy place to eat. But that's not the case at all. My Mom and I are able to have a good time together no matter where we are.

After lunch, my Mom and I did some shopping at Wal-Mart. My Mom wanted to buy me something for Mother's Day, so she bought me a bikini. I'm VERY self conscious about my body, so I won't be wearing this to any beaches or public pools. My main reason for wanting a bikini was so that I could soak up some rays in our backyard. Both my Mom and Jeff said it looked good on me when I modeled it for them and Sammi even named what color it was (yellow). I'm hoping and praying some nice days will be headed our way so I can get some sun. I'm in desperate need of a TAN!!!

In The Pool

I bought a new pool for Miss Samantha this afternoon! Yipee! This one is a lot nicer than the last one I bought for her. I'll have to take some pictures of it once we've got it set up so all of you can see. It's still a kiddie pool, but it's got a slide, a fountain in the shape of a palm tree, etc. It's pretty cool looking and it didn't end up costing me too much. I hope she enjoys playing in it as soon as the weather gets nice enough for her to do so.

Mother's Day

That pretty much sums up everything that took place around here today. I ended up getting 3 VERY beautiful cards from Sammi today. Each one had her little scribble "signature" on it, which made it priceless. I had an excellent Mother's Day and I hope all of you did as well. I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Every single one of you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese

Baby Jacob, Dillion and Keara have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I have recently had the pleasure of "meeting."


As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 6, 2004:

Cam's fevers have been going on for 3 days now and have been staying around 101 to 102. This poor little thing has hardly eaten anything in 2 days. Cam's oncologist would like to start his chemo in the next day or two. We wish you the VERY best of luck, hon!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 6, 2004:

Christopher began receiving chemo today.

May 7, 2004:

Connor's cancer has returned. Please pray for this sweet boy!

May 11, 2004:

Rhonda and Eddie (Connor's WONDERFUL parents) will be meeting with Connor's doctor today to discuss what can/should be done.

May 6, 2004:

Corey is sick with a respitory infection, ear infection, throat infection and eye infection. Please join me in praying that this sweet little boy recovers from all of his infections SOON.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 6, 2004:

Craig's team won their game tonight. 14 - 2! Way to go, buddy!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 3, 2004:

Dee's counts are off a little and her potassium is low.

May 6, 2004:

Dee will be going in for bloodwork and fluids.

May 4, 2004:

Devin went to clinic today and his counts are beginning to go up again! Woohoo! He will begin to receive chemo tomorrow as long as his counts remain up there. Please get those prayers going!


Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 6, 2004:

Sweet little Kaidrie is out of her coma! WOOHOO!

May 7, 2004:

Kaidrie isn't able to stand without assistance and she can't walk. She also isn't taking anything by mouth and the doctors are thinking she may need to learn to eat and walk again. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetheart!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 7, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it looks good, though her platelets are low. This means she won't be needing a transfusion at this time.


January 16, 1990 ~ May 6, 2004

Angel 3

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


Nikki is VERY proud of her new look! Please stop by her site to see some beautiful pictures of this little sweetheart! She looks absolutely gorgeous!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we work on her autism.

My Mom and step-Dad as they will be leaving for Cancun on May 13. Please pray with me for them to arrive safely in Cancun and then back again when their vacation ends. We'll miss them lots!

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:


Saturday, May 8, 2004

Adam turned 7-years-old today! We wish you a VERY Happy Birthday, sweetie!

Airplane Wishes 1


I'm pasting the exact e-mail I received from someone. I'm not sure who this person is, but they asked for help and far be it from me not to try my best. I asked for permission to post their e-mail address and they gave it to me. If you're able to, or if you know someone who can help this family out, please feel free to get a hold of them.

My daughter was diagnosed with botryoid embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in bladder in May 9th 2003.And complete resection the bladder on August 5,during surgery, the regional lymph nodes was biopsied and no regional lymph node metastases .Before operation had done two times Chemotherapy using VAC.Unfortunatlly,after operation cause syndrome ileac and intestines.Now treated with Chemotherapy only use Pirarubicin and isophosphamide injection into a vein two times.now relapse in urethera.pls tell me your chemotherapy protocol and radiation .Our oncologist has no experience in china.



Girl Angel*Maddie* is now smiling down on us from Heaven. She passed away on May 6, 2004. Her family is a wonderful one full of VERY supportive people. Let's pass on the favor and support all of them during this time. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.

Baby Jacob, Dillion and Keara have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I have recently had the pleasure of "meeting."


As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Wood CrossPrayers NeededWood Cross:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

~*~*~*Baby Jacob*~*~*~

Baby Jacob's Mom, Angela, signed Samantha's guestbook recently. Little Jacob is living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He is an adorable little boy and I strongly recommend checking out his site!

May 6, 2004:

Cam's fevers have been going on for 3 days now and have been staying around 101 to 102. This poor little thing has hardly eaten anything in 2 days. Cam's oncologist would like to start his chemo in the next day or two. We wish you the VERY best of luck, hon!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 6, 2004:

Christopher began receiving chemo today.

May 7, 2004:

Connor's cancer has returned. Please pray for this sweet boy!

May 11, 2004:

Rhonda and Eddie (Connor's WONDERFUL parents) will be meeting with Connor's doctor today to discuss what can/should be done.

May 6, 2004:

Corey is sick with a respitory infection, ear infection, throat infection and eye infection. Please join me in praying that this sweet little boy recovers from all of his infections SOON.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 6, 2004:

Craig's team won their game tonight. 14 - 2! Way to go, buddy!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 3, 2004:

Dee's counts are off a little and her potassium is low.

May 6, 2004:

Dee will be going in for bloodwork and fluids.

May 4, 2004:

Devin went to clinic today and his counts are beginning to go up again! Woohoo! He will begin to receive chemo tomorrow as long as his counts remain up there. Please get those prayers going!


Please take the time to visit this sweet little boy. I was directed to his site when his Mom, Kimbra, signed Samantha's guestbook. This little boy has a brain disorder called Hydranencephaly as well as some other things he deals with on a daily basis.

May 6, 2004:

Sweet little Kaidrie is out of her coma! WOOHOO!

May 7, 2004:

Kaidrie isn't able to stand without assistance and she can't walk. She also isn't taking anything by mouth and the doctors are thinking she may need to learn to eat and walk again. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetheart!


Keara is a wonderful woman whom I've met through Samantha's guestbook. You may have noticed the beautiful pictures she includes with every message she leaves. She is legally blind due to Nystagmus. Please feel free to stop by her page!

May 7, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it looks good, though her platelets are low. This means she won't be needing a transfusion at this time.


January 16, 1990 ~ May 6, 2004

Angel 3

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


Nikki is VERY proud of her new look! Please stop by her site to see some beautiful pictures of this little sweetheart! She looks absolutely gorgeous!!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.

WoohooHappy NewsWoohoo:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Boy AngelPlease remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004Girl Angel:


Friday, May 7, 2004

Girl Angel*Maddie* is now smiling down on us from Heaven. She passed away on May 6, 2004. Her family is a wonderful one full of VERY supportive people. Let's pass on the favor and support all of them during this time. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.


Wakka Wakka

Martha visited Sammi and I around eleven o'clock today. Since the weather was absolutely gorgeous, Sammi and I were outside playing when Martha arrived. By "playing" I mean that Sammi was sitting in a lawn chair while I fed her vanilla ice cream and read books to her.

Hula Dancer

Martha and Sammi didn't work together too much since the three of us were too busy enjoying the beautiful weather. While we were outside, Samantha listened to Raffi for the first time and she really seemed to enjoy it. Martha sang some of the songs to her (I didn't know any of them) and the two of them danced. Martha was also nice enough to let us borrow her Raffi tape until we see her again next week. Thank you, Martha!


We met with Sally, Miss Samantha's nutritionist, around one o'clock this afternoon. I honestly don't have anything to say about this appointment because, like I've said before, I think this is a complete waste of my time. However, Sammi was given a prescription for a flouride vitamin. It will be in liquid form and we will start giving it to her on either Monday or Tuesday.

Bouncy 5

Now, our meeting with Barbara was fantastic! We've only spoken on the phone a couple of times, and today was the first time we met face to face, but already I think VERY highly of this woman!


The first thing that impressed me about Barbara happened when we talked on the phone the first time, which was not even a week ago. When Sammi was a little over 1, I switched pediatrician's. Her old one was a joke and I just didn't feel comfortable with him. When we started seeing Dr. Bucher (Sammi's new pediatrician) I signed a release so that all of her records could be transferred. Come to find out, over 2 years later, Samantha's records were never passed on. Grrrrrrrrr! So I signed yet another release form this afternoon and Barbara will be making sure those records are received this time.


Barbara will also be in touch with Samantha's school. I will be mailing her a copy of the IEP that was prepared for Sammi in January 2004. Another meeting will more than likely be put together so that Sammi can start receiving more services. We are particularly interested in having a speech therapist and OT (occupational therapist) work with Miss Samantha.


And now on to the BIGGEST (and GREATEST) news!

Previously I had mentioned a woman named Becky who is a feeding specialist. Though Barbara assured us that Becky is the best, there was some concern that Sammi may not be able to receive her services. Barbara told us today that she has been in touch with Becky (I understand they're good friends) and it's a 95% chance that she'll be able to work with Sammi. The remaining 5% depends on our insurance coverage. So all in all, we had an excellent meeting with Barbara today. I really believe this woman is just what Samantha and I need to get the ball rolling. She really seems to know what she's talking about and seems more than willing to help us out.

Thank You

You know, just when I think everyone is against us, some kind soul helps us out. There have also been so many CaringBridge Moms out there who have been more than willing to talk with me. I probably sound like a broken record by now, but I'd like to thank all of you. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for your prayers. From the bottom of my heart -- THANK YOU!!!

Mother's Day 2

Wishing every single one of you a terrific weekend! And to all of the WONDERFUL and LOVING Mom's out there -- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Mr. Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

May 4, 2004:

Written on Cam's CaringBridge page:

"Please pray that Cam recovers soon, that the disease is not progressing in his marrow, and that his counts come up so he can be strong enough to continue with treatment."

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 6, 2004:

Christopher began receiving chemo today.

May 6, 2004:

Corey is sick with a respitory infection, ear infection, throat infection and eye infection. Please join me in praying that this sweet little boy recovers from all of his infections SOON.

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 6, 2004:

Craig's team won their game tonight. 14 - 2! Way to go, buddy!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 3, 2004:

Dee's counts are off a little and her potassium is low.

May 6, 2004:

Dee will be going in for bloodwork and fluids.

May 4, 2004:

Devin went to clinic today and his counts are beginning to go up again! Woohoo! He will begin to receive chemo tomorrow as long as his counts remain up there. Please get those prayers going!

May 6, 2004:

Sweet little Kaidrie is out of her coma! WOOHOO!

May 7, 2004:

Kaidrie isn't able to stand without assistance and she can't walk. She also isn't taking anything by mouth and the doctors are thinking she may need to learn to eat and walk again. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sweetheart!

May 7, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it looks good, though her platelets are low. This means she won't be needing a transfusion at this time.


January 16, 1990 ~ May 6, 2004

Angel 3

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in May 2004:


Thursday, May 6, 2004

I received an e-mail from someone yesterda afternoon asking me to visit this little boy's site and to pray for him. If whoever sent me the e-mail is reading this right now, I want to thank you for sending this to me. I didn't recognize the e-mail address it came from, but I do want to thank you.

is living with Rhabdomyosarcoma. I don't know much about this little boy or his family, but from what I understand he will be having scans done on May 11th and will be seen by his surgeon on May 13th.



Miss Samantha had a much, much, much better day at school. She was much happier and was a lot easier to deal with.

On The Hammock

Every morning, as long as it's nice out, Samantha and I sit out on our back porch while we wait for her bus to arrive. We did the same thing this morning, but we were joined by my Mom. She goes into work late on Tuesday and Thursday and decided to join us outside this morning since it was VERY beautiful out. Sammi sat on her Nuna's lap and they read her 'Snoopy' book together. She brought that to school with her today instead of her 'Bubble Trouble' coloring book.

Mad Cow

There's a radio station in our neck of the woods, Kiss 108, that has been advertising something called a "Cash Cow" for awhile now. Well, Samantha listens to Kiss 108 all of the time and she absolutely LOVES talking about the "Cash Cow." She loves it so much that she started bringing it up in school today and then laughed. Luckily someone in Samantha's class, I'm not sure if this was a student or adult, knew that the "Cash Cow" was from Kiss 108. Samantha likes to include the Cash Cow into everything. We've been reading the book "Are You My Mother?" a lot lately and there's a cow in it. Well that cow MUST now be referred to as the Cash Cow. Sammi laughs her cute little butt off whenever I read this to her.

Flowers & Vase

Ok, I got the VERY BEST Mother's Day present today. On Monday I mentioned that Samantha came home covered in yellow paint. Luckily I was able to get all of it off (I still think that was a miracle) and my daughter is white again. Anyway, Sammi brought her project home with her this afternoon. I thought it was going to be fridge art and I couldn't wait to hang it on our fridge. Boy was I wrong! Samantha came home with the MOST BEAUTIFUL flower. And the pot it was planted in was decorated with blue, white and yellow paint. I'm telling you, I literally had tears in my eyes when I saw the GORGEOUS present my little girl made for me. Shelia also filled out a Mother's Day card for me and Samantha made a few scribbles on it. I couldn't have asked for better presents. I took a couple of pictures of my flower tonight and I've been trying to put them on Samantha's page, but I haven't been having any luck. I'll work on it some more tomorrow and see what I can do.

Ice CreamIce CreamIce CreamIce Cream


Sammi chowed down on four bowls of vanilla ice cream today and two bowls of soup. We also enjoyed a nice, long nap together on our couch this afternoon. AND Sammi got a bath tonight since we have some things to do tomorrow. I was also going to report that Miss Samantha didn't go #2 today, but I just got back from changing her bum and she DID! Woohoo!

Tomorrow Martha will be out to visit us in the afternoon for about an hour. Then Jeff and I will be bringing Samantha to meet with that "wonderful" nutritionist we saw two weeks ago. After seeing the nutritionist, I will be meeting with a woman named Barbara. Barbara is the person who will be getting me set up with everything Samantha will need. She's going to arrange for us to be seen by a speech therapist if the school is unable to hook us up with one. When I was on the phone with Barbara last week, she also mentioned that she knew a woman (I believe her name is Becky) who is a feeding specialist. Please keep your fingers crossed for us so that we may get to meet and work with this woman. Barbara had only good things to say about her since she worked with her own son when he was younger. The only reason we may not be able to work with her is because she may or may not be accepting new patients at this time. I'm sure we'll be able to find another feeding specialist, but I'd really like to have Becky working with us after all of the wonderful things I have heard about her.

Ok, I've rambled on enough for tonight. Take care of yourselves and please feel free to sign Samantha's guestbook if you have the time.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon, Jeff & Miss Samantha Therese
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 4, 2004:

Doctors have come up with a plan to start Christopher on chemo again.

May 3, 2004:

Corey still isn't feeling well, but he was able to cause a little bit of trouble today. Keep making everyone smile, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 4, 2004:

Craig had a spelling test today and he got 100 on it! WOOHOO! We're SO proud of you, hon!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 3, 2004:

Dee's counts are off a little and her potassium is low.

May 6, 2004:

Dee will be going in for bloodwork and fluids.

May 4, 2004:

Devin went to clinic today and his counts are beginning to go up again! Woohoo! He will begin to receive chemo tomorrow as long as his counts remain up there. Please get those prayers going!

May 2, 2004:

Kaidrie will have her medications stopped tomorrow. Doctors are saying it could be a couple of hours or days before she is completely out of the coma.

May 2, 2004:

LaKota is now staying at the RMH. This sweetheart of a little girl was thoughtful enough to release 3 balloons to Heaven for her loved ones. This little girl has a VERY big heart.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2004

I received an e-mail from someone this afternoon asking me to visit this little boy's site and to pray for him. If whoever sent me the e-mail is reading this right now, I want to thank you for sending this to me. I didn't recognize the e-mail address it came from, but I do want to thank you.

is living with Rhabdomyosarcoma. I don't know much about this little boy or his family, but from what I understand he will be having scans done on May 11th and will be seen by his surgeon on May 13th.


Birthday CakeHappy Birthday, Tony! We'll love you always and forever!Birthday Cake



I swear that is what I'm going to look like if I have to explain Samantha's "condition" with anyone else from her school. Please, let me tell you why I'm so ticked off.

When we first started noticing that something was different with Samantha, I wrote a note to Shelia (the aide who is with Samantha all of the time in school) and Mrs. Lynch (Sammi's preschool teacher). I explained to them about the echolalia we were noticing in her and that was it. We weren't aware that autism was present as well at this time.

After Samantha's appointment with her Neurologist (April 20, 2004) I wrote another note to Shelia and Mrs. Lynch explaining what Samantha's new diagnosis was. I didn't bother writing a note to the school nurse or Martha or Lorie because I figured they would find out from Shelia and Mrs. Lynch.

A few days after Samantha's diagnosis of autism, I got a call from the school nurse asking what was up with her. Why she was cranky? Was she getting enough sleep? Is she eating enough? I answered all of her questions and gave her as much additional information as I was aware of at the time.

Then Martha calls me wondering what is going on with Samantha. So, once again, I explain everything I know and try to answer the questions she asks to the best of my knowledge.

Today's note from school was the final straw. Lorie (Samantha's O&M teacher) wrote a note to me this afternoon saying Samantha had an extremely difficult day in school. She refused to do any activities at all and she was asking for soup. Lorie said Sammi seemed hungry. Then the questions. "Is Sammi sleeping enough?" "Is she eating enough?" "Is she feeling well?" Reading the note just about made me scream. Why should I waste my time explaining my daughter's "condition" with people when they obviously don't listen to me or share the information I give them with others? I mean, come on! I can completely understand how Sammi's teachers may not know what to expect or how to handle a little girl with autism, but they could at least listen to what I'm telling them. So here's my plan. I've been doing some research on autism tonight since I only know a few things about it myself. I plan on gathering all of the information I come across and writing down what is visible in Sammi. I will write all of this down with explanations as to why Sammi sometimes acts the way she does. I will be addressing this paper to Shelia, Mrs. Lynch, the school nurse, Lorie and Martha. HOPEFULLY this will stop everyone from asking me the same questions over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind telling people about Samantha one bit. But when the same questions are thrown at me every single day, or week, it does get a little tiring. Please wish me luck with this.

So now all of you know that Samantha didn't have a very good day at school. She was in a great mood when I got her off of the bus this afternoon. The monitor and bus driver told me she kept saying, "Mama's making you soup" the entire way from the school to our house. So of course I made Sammi a bowl of soup when we got settled.


My Grandmother came over to visit us for about an hour this afternoon. Luckily she didn't have any of her spells while she was here, so we were able to have a nice visit together. Her and Sammi spent most of their time together sitting at our kitchen table eating ice cream and then soup. Sammi also enjoyed drinking some water out of the water bottle Grandma brought with her. Of course we were sad (as we usually are) to see Grandma leave, but we hope to see her again next week.

I have some numbers to share with all of you.

Ice CreamIce CreamIce CreamIce CreamIce Cream


Sammi ate 5 bowls of ice cream throughout the day (that's right, I said 5!) and had 3 bowls of soup. I was also able to weigh her tonight and are you all ready for this? She is now up to 31.5 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's gained two and a half pounds in a week! You go, Angel Bear! Everyone is so, so, so VERY proud of you!!!

I hope all of you have an excellent "rest of the" week! I haven't been able to stop by many CaringBridge sites today since I've been busy looking up information on autism. Plus Jeff is bugging me right now to get off line so he can go play some pool (online) so I will definitely be stopping by MANY CaringBridge pages tomorrow.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 4, 2004:

Doctors have come up with a plan to start Christopher on chemo again.

May 3, 2004:

Corey still isn't feeling well, but he was able to cause a little bit of trouble today. Keep making everyone smile, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 4, 2004:

Craig had a spelling test today and he got 100 on it! WOOHOO! We're SO proud of you, hon!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 3, 2004:

Dee's counts are off a little and her potassium is low.

May 6, 2004:

Dee will be going in for bloodwork and fluids.

May 4, 2004:

Devin went to clinic today and his counts are beginning to go up again! Woohoo! He will begin to receive chemo tomorrow as long as his counts remain up there. Please get those prayers going!

May 2, 2004:

Kaidrie will have her medications stopped tomorrow. Doctors are saying it could be a couple of hours or days before she is completely out of the coma.

May 2, 2004:

LaKota is now staying at the RMH. This sweetheart of a little girl was thoughtful enough to release 3 balloons to Heaven for her loved ones. This little girl has a VERY big heart.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Too Happy

Samantha had another good day at school. She left the house with her 'Bubble Trouble' Spongebob coloring book. This is Samantha's new favorite book to read. She handed it to me last night when she was supposed to be laying in her bed, I read it to her once and she was hooked. She's been asking for it ever since. I even had to read it to her about a dozen times before she left for school this morning.

Holding Hands

Samantha spent most of the day playing with the light box Martha left in the classroom for her. Today she played at it with Tatiana, Christopher and Brian. I hope the other kids are enjoying playing with the light box as much as I know Samantha is. She has a blast playing with the one we have at home, so I'm sure she loves the one at school just as much.

Cold Breath

It wasn't a very nice day out, but recess was held outside anyway. The sun tried its best to shine, but it didn't do much when it was compared to the freezing cold wind that insisted on hitting us. Yesterday Samantha went off to school without a coat and today she had to wear her winter coat so she wouldn't freeze. Gotta love that New England weather!


I've stopped sending soup to school with Samantha. I haven't sent it for her at all this week. I've been sending crackers and milk with her instead. I know she doesn't eat the crackers (she just licks the salt off of them), but I got sick of having to siphon 3 cans of soup every night. I only siphon 2 a night now; one for dinner and one to eat in the morning before she heads off to school. Things would go a lot more smoothly if she would actually eat the noodles, chicken and carrots so I wouldn't have to pick all of them out, but I can't complain since she is eating something.


Samantha and I didn't fall asleep together this afternoon. We didn't fall asleep together yesterday either. Jeff and I left Miss Samantha with my Mom yesterday afternoon so we could go take care of some errands by ourselves. I called my Mom as soon as we got home and she told me that Samantha was sleeping. My Mom laid down on the couch, with Sammi on her chest, and Sammi fell asleep. I'm surprised my Mom was able to move her without waking her up. This afternoon Miss Samantha fell asleep on our living room floor. I have a blanket kept on the floor for those times when Sammi wants to eat a fudge pop. Sammi knows to go sit on her blanket when she wants a fudge pop. Well apparantly I wasn't paying very good attention to her when she sat on her blanket this afternoon because she ended up falling asleep on top of it. Either she got sick of asking me for something (I swear I never heard her) or she was tired and decided that's where she wanted to sleep today. As soon as I knew she was asleep, I crawled in my bed and took a nap of my own. Boy, it sure felt good!

And now on to the BIG news!

Drum roll please.............................


Miss Samantha pooed today! Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo!

She's probably going to kill me when she reads this when she's older, but I know I'm excited! She pooed on Saturday, Sunday, missed yesterday and again today. Hopefully she's working on getting herself back on schedule. I'm still more than positive that some of her grumpiness is due to the fact that she's all backed up inside. Poor little thing.


I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying your (hopefully) nice weather!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!

May 4, 2004:

Doctors have come up with a plan to start Christopher on chemo again.

May 3, 2004:

Corey still isn't feeling well, but he was able to cause a little bit of trouble today. Keep making everyone smile, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 4, 2004:

Craig had a spelling test today and he got 100 on it! WOOHOO! We're SO proud of you, hon!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

May 3, 2004:

Dee's counts are off a little and her potassium is low.

May 6, 2004:

Dee will be going in for bloodwork and fluids.

May 4, 2004:

Devin went to clinic today and his counts are beginning to go up again! Woohoo! He will begin to receive chemo tomorrow as long as his counts remain up there. Please get those prayers going!

May 2, 2004:

Kaidrie will have her medications stopped tomorrow. Doctors are saying it could be a couple of hours or days before she is completely out of the coma.

May 2, 2004:

LaKota is now staying at the RMH. This sweetheart of a little girl was thoughtful enough to release 3 balloons to Heaven for her loved ones. This little girl has a VERY big heart.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2004

May 4, 2004:

Birthday Cake


Missy is my Dad's girlfriend and today (May 4th) is her birthday. We love you, Missy and we wish you the most wonderful day EVER!

Birthday Cake


Happy Cyclops

Samantha had a MUCH better day at school today! She was still a little fussier than usual, but she had fun. Martha (Sammi's vision teacher) visited Miss Samantha in her classroom today. She brought a light box with her and Samantha had a GREAT time playing with it. After Martha left, Tatiana played with Sammi at the light box.

Paint And Brush

Sammi also did some sponge painting as an art activity this afternoon. This was a dead giveaway. Samantha was just about covered in yellow paint when I got her off of the bus this afternoon. As soon as I read Shelia's note, I understood why my little girl was yellow. I'm not sure if I'll be able to post a picture of Samantha's latest art project, but I'll try when it's sent home with her this Thursday.


Recess was held outside this afternoon. Luckily it didn't start raining around here until after Samantha came home from school, so her class was able to enjoy the nice weather outdoors. It's almost eleven o'clock now and it's STILL raining out. Jeff and I had some errands to run this afternoon, but I don't mind the rain coming down now that all of us are in for the night. Our trash gets picked up tomorrow morning, but I think I'll wait until then to take the rest of our trash out. I'm SICK of getting wet!

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

May 3, 2004:

Chad's Mom, Jeannie, has fractured left ankle. Let's all pray for a quick and speedy recovery!


The unknown mass that has been discovered on Christopher's abdomen is a lot bigger than anyone expected. Please stop by and leave some well wishes for this brave teenager.

May 3, 2004:

Corey hasn't been feeling too well today. His nose has been doing nothing but running and he's been experiencing high temperatures. I hope you're feeling better soon, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 2, 2004:

Craig is not feeling too well again. Please pray that he's feeling better before too long.
Craig's baseball team WON their game! Craig even batted a triple! WOOHOO!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 27, 2004:

Dee met with her regular doctor today and worked out a plan to receive a hover round.

May 1, 2004:

Devin's dressing was changed tonight and it isn't looking very good. His doctors told his Mom and Dad to keep a close eye on him. Everyone is hoping to stay out of the ER.

May 2, 2004:

Kaidrie will have her medications stopped tomorrow. Doctors are saying it could be a couple of hours or days before she is completely out of the coma.

May 2, 2004:

LaKota is now staying at the RMH. This sweetheart of a little girl was thoughtful enough to release 3 balloons to Heaven for her loved ones. This little girl has a VERY big heart.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

May 3, 2004:

Collin's soccer team competed in their first game on May 1st and Collin scored the VERY first goal! WAY TO GO, COLLIN!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2004

Angel 3My thoughts and prayers are with *Savannah's* family tonight. Brave little *Savannah's* Angel wings came to her very early in the morning on April 30, 2004. Please keep this wonderful, heart broken family in your prayers.




Miss Courtney turned 10-years-old today! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!



WOW! What a race! That's right, everyone! For the second week in a row, Jeff Gordon WON!!! Once again, Jeff and I were overjoyed with his win this afternoon. Our eyes were glued to the TV set every minute of the race, while Miss Samantha had a lot more fun running around and playing with her toys. Even my step-Dad who is a secret Gordon fan (his favorite driver is, bleh, Marlin) was excited! I told you there would be many more wins to come for Gordon!!!

Magic Wand

That's really about it for our neck of the woods. All we did was watch today's race and Miss Samantha got a bath tonight. I really should have taken a picture of her before she was all cleaned up. To say she was a mess would be an understatement. She had fudge pop stains covering just about every inch of her little body. Her face, tummy, legs, hand, arms, hair and butt were all covered!


Tomorrow is weigh in day for Miss Samantha. Since we don't have a scale in our house (we use my Mom's upstairs) I'll probably end up doing this sometime tomorrow afternoon/night before I feed her dinner. I'm VERY anxious to see how much (if any) weight Sammi has gained.

Moony Wave

I hope every single one of you has a fantastic week! I also hope the above picture doesn't offend anyone. I thought it was cute!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

April 29, 2004:

Chad went in for his two week blood count check recently. All looks good as far as his counts are concerned! The chemo he is taking at home will be upped. Unfortunately poor Chad has been experiencing pain in his right leg. X-rays have been taken. Please join me in praying that this turns out to be nothing at all and that his pain goes away SOON!


The unknown mass that has been discovered on Christopher's abdomen is a lot bigger than anyone expected. Please stop by and leave some well wishes for this brave teenager.

May 2, 2004:

Corey was in a VERY happy/silly mood today! I love hearing about any CaringBridge kiddie having a good day like this!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

May 2, 2004:

Craig is not feeling too well again. Please pray that he's feeling better before too long.
Craig's baseball team WON their game! Craig even batted a triple! WOOHOO!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 27, 2004:

Dee met with her regular doctor today and worked out a plan to receive a hover round.

May 1, 2004:

Devin's dressing was changed tonight and it isn't looking very good. His doctors told his Mom and Dad to keep a close eye on him. Everyone is hoping to stay out of the ER.

May 2, 2004:

Kaidrie will have her medications stopped tomorrow. Doctors are saying it could be a couple of hours or days before she is completely out of the coma.

May 2, 2004:

LaKota is now staying at the RMH. This sweetheart of a little girl was thoughtful enough to release 3 balloons to Heaven for her loved ones. This little girl has a VERY big heart.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!

May 2, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, hasn't been feeling very well. He's been fighting high fevers lately. The highest his temp. has reached has been 104.1. Poor little boy! We hope you're feeling better VERY soon, sweetie!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2004

Angel 3My thoughts and prayers are with *Savannah's* family tonight. Brave little *Savannah's* Angel wings came to her very early in the morning on April 30, 2004. Please keep this wonderful, heart broken family in your prayers.



First off, Alisa (Devin's Mom) sent me an e-mail today and asked me to post that Miss Courtney will be celebrating her 10th birthday on May 2. Yes everyone, that's tomorrow! Please stop by her site and send some VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes her way.

Before I forget, some more information has also been added to Christopher (under 'Prayers Needed') below.

Ok then.......................


Wow! What a BEAUTIFUL May 1st we had around here! The weather was absolutely gorgeous all day long. Thank goodness! Sure it was a little on the hot side, but there was also a VERY welcome cool breeze that hit us every once in awhile. All in all, I can't complain one bit about today.

After making about a million runs this morning, Jeff, Sammi and I headed to my Dad's house. One of our runs was to the pharmacy so I could pick up some more allergy medicine. I was about to take some of the Benedryl that I had picked up a few days ago before we were going to hit the road. Before I took it, Jeff asked me if it was non-drowsy. Since most of the stuff I buy is, I just said yes. WRONG!!! Jeff looked at the box and I was proven wrong. So we went to the pharmacy and I picked up some Alavert. WONDERFUL STUFF! A little pricey, but it works great! This one is definitely a keeper!

We got to my Dad and Missy's (his girlfriend) house around 11. Sammi was in an awesome mood on the ride up to New Hampshire. We hardly heard a peep out of her the whole time. She sat in her car seat and listened to the music on the radio and flipped through her "Bone Book." She continued to be in a good mood when Papa (my Dad) met us as we pulled into his driveway and got Samantha out of her car seat. After saying "Hi" to Papa, Missy and Jake (Papa & Missy's dog), we headed out back.

Feed Me

After going for a walk around Papa's backyard with Papa, Sammi sat on her Great-Grandma's lap (they arrived about an hour after we had) and ate some vanilla ice cream. As soon as she was finished with that, she ate some of the soup I brought for her. Yes, my little girl who once had trouble eating has become a little piggy. I've been weighing her every three days, which means the next time I weigh her will be on May 3. I'm anxious to see if she's gained any more weight. So far she's up to 29 lbs.

We spent the rest of the time we were visiting eating fudge pops, talking and enjoying the sun rays. It was great getting out and spending time with my family. Luckily everyone who was supposed to show up did. My Grandparents and Uncle were there with us. Samantha did throw a couple of tantrums here and there, but everyone now knows why she acts the way she does and nobody minded. I asked my Grandmother if she had told my Uncle about what's going on with Samantha and she said she did, so I didn't have to give anyone the run down.


Samantha and I took our usual afternoon nap together on the couch about an hour after we had gotten home. Mind you, I was sweating my butt off and Samantha refused to have a blanket on top of her. So I fell to sleep HOT, HOT, HOT! I ended up waking up before Samantha and was able to take a picture of her at her sweetest -- sleeping. hehehe

Messy Eater

Jeff, Miss Samantha and I were invited upstairs to my Mom and Slappy's apartment for dinner tonight. Sammi was content eating her soup. She also had a bowl of vanilla ice cream and a fudge pop for dessert. I can't even begin to tell you just how messy this kid was by the time she was finished with everything! The were fudge pop stains on her legs, her tummy (she wasn't wearing a shirt while she was eating), on her arms and, this is the best, on her butt! You can do your best to figure out how this happened because I'm completely clueless. Especially since she was wearing a diaper at the time. Go figure!

Thumbs Up

I have some big news! Can I get a drum roll please?

Samantha pooed yesterday and again today. WOOHOO!!! I never liked changing her dirty diapers before, but now I get excited. I can't smell anything, so the only reason I know when Sammi has pooed is when I pick her up. Normally she'll wrap her little legs around my waist. When she poos, she lets her legs hang down. Before leaving my Mom's apartment tonight, I picked her up and.................THAT'S RIGHT! She wouldn't wrap her legs around me. I was thrilled!!! My Mom and Jeff were in the same room where I was changing Sammi so I had them saying "Hip-Hip-Hooray" and "Hell yeah!" with me. We're so happy for her. She's in a VERY good mood tonight (even though she should be sleeping by now) so I'm guessing her happiness has something to do with the fact that she's feeling some relief from going number 2. Keep up the excellent work, Angel Bear!


Ok, I don't have a lot of time to waste online tonight and I've already been on here longer than I had expected to. I'm going to go spend some time with Jeff and hopefully we'll be able to find a movie (or something good) to watch. I hope all of you are having a terrific weekend! Please feel free to sign Samantha's guestbook and PLEASE don't forget to check on some of the kiddies I've got listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!


The unknown mass that has been discovered on Christopher's abdomen is a lot bigger than anyone expected. Please stop by and leave some well wishes for this brave teenager.

April 27, 2004:

Poor little Corey has Conjunctivitis once again. I hope it clears up for you soon, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

April 29, 2004:

Craig is slowly, but surely, beginning to feel better. He was even able to eat, and keep down, some food. Keep getting yourself well, sweetie!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 26, 2004:

Dee went to Parker Hughes today for fluids.

April 27, 2004:

Dee will be meeting with her regular doctor today and will be working out a plan to receive a hover round.

April 26, 2004:

Devin couldn't receive his chemo treatment today sue to low counts. Let's all hope and pray those counts of his rise quickly!

April 28, 2004:

Angel 3

April 28, 2004:

Kaidrie is still in a coma, but she HAS BEEN responding to light. This is a VERY good sign! Please keep those prayers rolling in for this sweet girl.

April 28, 2004:

LaKota was supposed to start school yesterday, but that was called off for her due to bad tummy pains. Please pray that LaKota will start eating, will not throw up anymore and that she has a bowel movement (so her tummy stops hurting) before too long.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*






Friday, April 30, 2004

Girl Angel*Garnet*is one of Heaven's newst *Angels*. This sweetheart was called Home to Heaven on April 28, 2004. Please keep her family in your prayers during this very difficult time.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Devin's Mom, Alisa, has asked me to include a very special teenager below where I have all of the 'Prayers Needed' listed. I will be adding him, but I wanted to include a note first incase nobody noticed his listing. Christopher is a teenager who has the same type of cancer as Devin (a sweet little boy also listed below) -- Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Recently an unknown "mass" was discovered on his abdomen. Please join me in praying for this brave young man while the doctors figure out what exactly this "mass" is. And a BIG THANK YOU to Alisa for bringing this young man to my attention. If anyone else ever has any prayer requests they'd like me to post on Samantha's page, please feel free to e-mail me with them. I will be more than happy to post them. humphity319@aol.com



Thank you to Alisa (Devin's Mom) and Jennifer C. from Lighting Children's Lives on their help on figuring out what a bristle block is. After hearing the descriptions they gave and seeing some pictures, I realized I had seen these blocks before and had played with them with Samantha while she was receiving services from Early Intervention. I had never known this is what they were called. Thank you both VERY much for the help you sent my way! It was VERY much appreciated!!

On The Hammock

Our day was a very quiet one. We didn't do much at all. I like to try to sleep in on the days Samantha doesn't have school, and (thankfully) that's just what I was able to do this morning. For some unknown reason, Miss Samantha allowed me to sleep until nearly ten o'clock this morning and then she continued sleeping for another hour (once I was up) so that I could fully wake up. Thank you, Sammi! Samantha did wake up once during the night, around 5 in the morning. I went into her room and crawled into bed with her. I've already told Jeff that we definitely need to get a bigger bed for that child. She's sleeping in a youth bed and I wasn't too comfortable all squished up next to her. I swear my knees were touching my chin while I was laying with her. Luckily, after rubbing her head and dozing off myself, she soon fell back to sleep and I crawled back into my own bed around quarter of six. All in all, I can't complain about a thing.


Samantha and I didn't take our usual afternoon nap together today. I attempted to have Samantha lay down with me, but she made it perfectly clear that she was NOT interested. So neither one of us slept this afternoon, but I don't think we really needed a nap either. I know I was fine after all of the wonderful rest I got last night, and Samantha seemed to be doing just as well. I thought she'd end up falling asleep early tonight after not having an afternoon nap, but it's eleven o'clock now and she's still up. I'm telling you, I don't know how this little one does it half the time.

Hot TubSwimming

Jeff, Sammi and myself will be heading up to my Dad's house for the day tomorrow. Him and his girlfriend lived five minutes from us before buying a beautiful house in New Hampshire. They have a pool (though I'm not sure if it's ready for swimming) and a hot tub outside. Believe me, I'll be the first one to jump in that hot tub. My Grandparents (my Dad's parents) and Uncle (my Dad's brother) will also be there. It'll be great to get away from our neck of the woods, if only for a day. Sure we won't be traveling very far, but it'll still be a good trip.


That face says it all. I apologize for not signing as many guestbooks as I had hoped before this weekend hit. Fridays are always a mess with Sammi not being in school. Plus I've been consumed with following Savannah's story as her wings are rapidly making themselves known. Mark my words though, I WILL be catching up on my e-mails and guestbook signings sometime this weekend. We'll be gone most, if not all, of tomorrow so hopefully I'll get everything accomplished that I want to on Sunday. Wish me luck!

See You Soon

Wishing all of you and your wonderful families a VERY excellent weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!


A VERY brave teenager who was brought to my attention by Devin's Mom, Alisa. Thank you, hon! Please stop by his page so that you may be able to pass along some prayers for him as he fights against his cancer. Go Christopher!!!

April 27, 2004:

Poor little Corey has Conjunctivitis once again. I hope it clears up for you soon, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

April 29, 2004:

Craig is slowly, but surely, beginning to feel better. He was even able to eat, and keep down, some food. Keep getting yourself well, sweetie!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 26, 2004:

Dee went to Parker Hughes today for fluids.

April 27, 2004:

Dee will be meeting with her regular doctor today and will be working out a plan to receive a hover round.

April 26, 2004:

Devin couldn't receive his chemo treatment today sue to low counts. Let's all hope and pray those counts of his rise quickly!

April 28, 2004:

Angel 3

April 28, 2004:

Kaidrie is still in a coma, but she HAS BEEN responding to light. This is a VERY good sign! Please keep those prayers rolling in for this sweet girl.

April 28, 2004:

LaKota was supposed to start school yesterday, but that was called off for her due to bad tummy pains. Please pray that LaKota will start eating, will not throw up anymore and that she has a bowel movement (so her tummy stops hurting) before too long.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*





Thursday, April 29, 2004

Girl Angel*Garnet*is one of Heaven's newst *Angels*. This sweetheart was called Home to Heaven on April 28, 2004. Please keep her family in your prayers during this very difficult time.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***



Sammi had another fussy day at school today. No, I didn't have to go pick her up, but she wasn't as happy as she usually is. She never seems to be these days. She's always perfectly happy when I put her on the bus in the morning (I sent her off with her Dorothy -- from The Wiggles-- stuffed animal this morning), but her crankiness begins almost as soon as she's brought into her classroom.


Sammi played with some bristle blocks while she was at school today. If anyone knows what these are, could you please clue me in? Shelia never mentioned what they are exactly and I've NEVER heard of them. Supposedly she had a good time, though. Samantha and one of her friends, Tyler, also looked at a color book together.


Recess was held outside today since the weather was so VERY beautiful! Sammi LOVES playing outside and she especially loves playing in a plastic boat that is in the school's playground. Sammi has been a BIG fan of playing outside ever since she was little, little. Pretty soon I'm going to have to buy another inflateable (sp?) pool for her. The last one she had was left out all winter (yes, that was my fault) and we recently threw it out. I can't wait to get her swimming again!


Samantha and I took our usual afternoon nap on the couch together this afternoon. I can't even tell you how great it is to be able to snuggle up with her. She's so comfortable. I've watched her a couple of times when she had fallen asleep and she just looks so sweet and peaceful. Looking at that sweet, sleeping face of hers makes me fall asleep as well.


I don't think we'll be doing much tomorrow besides watching the WINSTON qualifying. I heard a rumor that this beautiful weather that we've been having will be staying with us over the weekend, so I'm already looking forward to spending most of our time outside.

As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 27, 2004:

Poor little Corey has Conjunctivitis once again. I hope it clears up for you soon, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

April 29, 2004:

Craig is slowly, but surely, beginning to feel better. He was even able to eat, and keep down, some food. Keep getting yourself well, sweetie!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 26, 2004:

Dee went to Parker Hughes today for fluids.

April 27, 2004:

Dee will be meeting with her regular doctor today and will be working out a plan to receive a hover round.

April 26, 2004:

Devin couldn't receive his chemo treatment today sue to low counts. Let's all hope and pray those counts of his rise quickly!

April 28, 2004:

Angel 3

April 28, 2004:

Kaidrie is still in a coma, but she HAS BEEN responding to light. This is a VERY good sign! Please keep those prayers rolling in for this sweet girl.

April 28, 2004:

LaKota was supposed to start school yesterday, but that was called off for her due to bad tummy pains. Please pray that LaKota will start eating, will not throw up anymore and that she has a bowel movement (so her tummy stops hurting) before too long.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*





Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Girl Angel*Garnet* is one of Heaven's newst *Angels*. This sweetheart was called Home to Heaven on April 28, 2004. Please keep her family in your prayers during this very difficult time.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Reading 2

I sent Miss Samantha to school with her Mouse Book today and she enjoyed reading it with Shelia. Samantha's mouse book is actually full of Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. The only reason she calls it her 'Mouse Book' is because she spotted Mickey Mouse on it one day and, since she didn't know the true name of the book at the time, started calling it her Mouse Book. Shelia said her and Sammi had a great time reading this book together and Sammi did a wonderful job of finishing most of the sentences for Shelia. When Sammi gets to know a book well enough, she'll finish some of the sentences for you.

Ice Cream 4

I guess Sammi was driving Shelia nuts today asking for a fudge pop every five seconds. She does the same thing to us at home. We'll feed her something and five seconds later she's either asking for the same thing again or something new. I swear this girl has a bottomless pit for a stomach now that she's started eating a little bit. The only thing that worries me is that she has not had a bowel movement since Saturday. I was hoping she would start having them more regularly now that she's eating more, but that hasn't seemed to happen yet. I'm sure some of the reason for Samantha's crankiness can be associated with the fact that she's feeling all backed up inside. I'm sure everyone has had that feeling at least once in their lives (I know I have) and it's NO FUN!


I don't think I mentioned this, but yesterday Samantha and I took our afternoon nap together. Sammi is just about impossible to lay down whether it be for a nap or for bed. She'll do nothing but sit in her room and cry, bang on the door, cry and cry. So yesterday afternoon I laid her next to me on the couch and we fell asleep together. It felt so great laying next to her and cuddling with my sweet little girl. This is where Sammi tends to differ from most kids with autism. Most kids, I'm not saying every one of them, tend to have trouble with relationships. Some don't like to be held or cuddled. Samantha, thank goodness, has NEVER been this way. She's always been a VERY lovey girl. Anyway, Samantha and I fell asleep together on the couch again this afternoon. Once I'm laying next to her it only takes her a couple of minutes to fall asleep as long as I'm rubbing her head. She absolutely LOVES having her head rubbed while she's falling asleep. I'm assuming she gets this from both my Mom and I as we're the same way. That's why (well, it's one of the reasons) I have my Mom cut my hair instead of going to a salon. I'm always afraid I'll fall asleep in the chair and a couple of times, when I was younger, I caught myself nodding off. Plus I sleep with my mouth wide open and drool tends to escape (isn't that a pretty picture?) so I'd be more than a little embarassed if this were to happen to me.

Harley Man

Samantha's Papa, my Dad, came to visit us for about an hour this afternoon. We don't get to see him as often as we did before he moved to New Hampshire, but that doesn't mean we love him any less! Samantha was excellent while she played with her Papa. The two of them read books together and Sammi showed Papa just how messy she can be when she eats a fudge pop. Too bad she didn't touch him with her sticky hands when she was finished. Of course Sammi threw a hissy fit when it was time for Papa to go, but I laid on the couch with her not long after that and all was well again.

You Are The Man

All I have to say is Thank God for Jeff. I know I've said this before, but Sammi and I certainly have a winner on our hands. I can't say enough about this guy. He's such a wonderful, kind hearted man. Don't worry, I'm not just feeding his ego here. There's actually a story behind all of this.

This afternoon, I'm not ashamed to say, I lost it. I had a complete melt down and luckily Samantha was still at school when this took place. I started yelling at Jeff because he said he was going to make coffee and it takes him about a year to do anything. Don't think the surgery he had is slowing him down. He can't drive yet, but he's perfectly capable of walking around on his own and getting little things done. Anyway, I started yelling at him and neither of us knew why. As soon as the tears started falling we both figured it out. No, I wasn't really mad at him for not making coffee. In fact, I wasn't really mad at him at all. I wasn't mad at anything really. I'm just VERY stressed out these days with all that's been going on with Sammi. Please don't think for one second that I'm feeling bad for myself. I'm not. I don't even really feel bad for Samantha because I know how tough she is and I know how much love she's surrounded by. I'm just fed up with everything always happening to HER. I mean, she's 3!!! First ONH, now Autism/Echolalia. I'm almost afraid to ask "What's next?" In three years she's been through so much and she doesn't deserve any of it. That's why I broke down. Another reason I lost it was because of all the stress and tension that is in our house these days. I'm stressed out because there are times when nothing seems to make Samantha happy. There are times when she'll sit in a room and just cry for no apparant reason. There are times when she absolutely refuses to go to sleep and cries and bangs on her door. I know I' capable of handling all of this, but I just had to get my emotions out for once before they ate me alive. When I was finished yelling at Jeff (for no reason I'd like to add once again) all he did was hug me. Great, that made me cry even more. I apologized to him and he told me not to worry about it. Of course I'm worried about it. I worry about everything. I apologized to him for yelling at him and made him understand that it's not him I'm frustrated with. He understands everything.

King Of Diamonds

Ok, I'm going to go play some games for a little bit. I still have A LOT of stress on my shoulders, but at least I'm not taking it out on anyone else anymore. I hope all of you continue to have a wonderful week. Please sign Samantha's guestbook if you have the time and PLEASE don't forget to check on the kiddies I've listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
As most of you know, I'm a HUGE animal lover. Please check this site out so you can feed a poor, hungry animal. And just think, it doesn't cost you a thing!

The Animal Rescue Site

Prayers Needed:


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 27, 2004:

Poor little Corey has Conjunctivitis once again. I hope it clears up for you soon, sweetie!

May 2004:

Corey will be having a sleep study done.

April 28, 2004:

Craig wasn't feeling too well today. He hasn't been throwing up, but he also hasn't been eating and his tummy has been bothering him. Poor thing. I hope you're feeling better VERY soon, hon!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 26, 2004:

Dee went to Parker Hughes today for fluids.

April 27, 2004:

Dee will be meeting with her regular doctor today and will be working out a plan to receive a hover round.

April 26, 2004:

Devin couldn't receive his chemo treatment today sue to low counts. Let's all hope and pray those counts of his rise quickly!

April 28, 2004:

Angel 3

April 28, 2004:

Kaidrie is still in a coma, but she HAS BEEN responding to light. This is a VERY good sign! Please keep those prayers rolling in for this sweet girl.

April 28, 2004:

LaKota was supposed to start school yesterday, but that was called off for her due to bad tummy pains. Please pray that LaKota will start eating, will not throw up anymore and that she has a bowel movement (so her tummy stops hurting) before too long.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 26, 2004:

Missa has now lost a total of 5 teeth! Thanks to the Tooth Fairy, Missa will have more money than I do before too long.


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*





Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Girl AngelAlexis was welcomed into God's Kingdom on April 24, 2004.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Take A Bow

Little Miss Samantha was successful in staying at school today. My phone was with me every second and I was thrilled when it never rang. She was good getting on the bus again this morning and decided to bring the book "Fox in Socks" with her. Samantha is a HUGE Dr. Seuss fan!


Samantha played in the listening center with Shelia today. She's been playing there a lot lately. The listening center is equipped with head phones, keyboards and music. Sammi loves to go over there and listen to the music. Shelia told me this also tends to calm her down if she's having a bad day.


Sammi requested this song while she was at school today. We've been singing it together a lot lately at home. Well, I've been singing it while Miss Samantha listens. I'm guessing she's started to like it since she wants to hear it while she's at school.


Sammi refused to eat her soup at school again today. I don't know why she won't eat her soup for Shelia. Everyone at home is able to feed her, but not Shelia. Samantha continues to eat, just not at school. I don't think this is a big deal, I just wish she would eat snack with the other kids at school.

Fingers Crossed

I'm hoping tomorrow will be as good of a day for Samantha. Hopefully she'll be able to stay at school until it's time to come home without my having to go and pick her up. Transitions for her have still be on the hard side, but that's to be expected. She has a hard time moving from project to project at home, so I was sure she was having the same difficulty at school.

I hope all of you have been enjoying this week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 26, 2004:

Corey enjoyed his 3rd birthday party VERY much!!!

April 26, 2004:

Craig took his first spelling test today. I haven't heard how he did yet, but I'm sure he was wonderful!!!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 26, 2004:

Dee went to Parker Hughes today for fluids.

April 27, 2004:

Dee will be meeting with her regular doctor today and will be working out a plan to receive a hover round.

April 26, 2004:

Devin couldn't receive his chemo treatment today sue to low counts. Let's all hope and pray those counts of his rise quickly!

April 20, 2004:

Garnet was sent home on hospice and was given (by her doctors) a few days to a week at the most. Ever since coming home, this young lady has been full of energy and has been tiring everyone else out. Isn't that wonderful to hear???

April 26, 2004:

Kaidrie is currently in a coma. Her doctors say it could take a few days (or weeks) for her brain to start to heal. Please send any prayers you could possibly spare to this sweet little girl and her family.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now riding big kid bikes. Only two wheels!!! We're SO proud of you both!!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*




Monday, April 26, 2004

Girl AngelAlexis was welcomed into God's Kingdom on April 24, 2004.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Crying Into Tissue

Well, today was a less than plesant day for Miss Samantha at school. I got a call from Martha around 10 this morning saying Samantha was uncontrollable. She was VERY upset, wouldn't stop hitting herself and was repeating everything that was said to her. She also refused to eat the soup I sent to school for her (don't worry, she continues to eat). So my Mom and I picked her up and brought her home. I laid her down after she ate a fudge pop and we both took a nap until it was time for her doctors appointment. I don't know what her problem was today. She was in a perfect mood this morning and didn't give me any trouble when I put her on the bus. Shelia said she was in a good mood when she was taken off the bus. I'm guessing April vacation threw her off schedule and she wasn't ready to return to school today. I'm planning on sending her to school tomorrow, but I told Shelia to call me if she has any problems. Please join me in crossing my fingers and hoping I don't get another phone call.


Jeff woke Sammi and I up when it was time for Samantha's doctors appointment. I love Samantha's pediatrician. He's a wonderful man who actually listens to what we say to him. He gave me a couple of phone numbers to call regarding finding some help for Samantha. Sort of like an Early Intervention that works only with autistic children. I'll be looking into them shortly.


Drum roll please.......................

April 19, 2004 -- Sammi weighed 28.5 lbs. (she dropped about a pound since February 2004)

April 26, 2004 -- Sammi weighs 29.5 lbs!!!!!!! Woohoo!!! I'm hoping and praying she's able to continue packing on those pounds.

Samantha's doctor told me about a pill that's out there that might be able to help Samantha gain some weight. He said it was originally used as an allergy medication, but it stopped selling when Benedryl and better medicines like that started selling more. The great thing about this medication is that it increases your appetite, which makes you gain weight when you eat more. I've been adament up to this point as far as Samantha and drugs are concerned. I mean, she's only 3-years-old. I really didn't want to get her started on a bunch of medications. But if it'll help, then I suppose I'm all for it. I guess I'll have to talk to someone about all of this before I make my final decision. I'm only trying to do what is best for Samantha.


I'm going to lay down. Samantha isn't sleeping yet (it's 10 past midnight here), but my back is killing me right now. I'm almost positive it's due to all of the stress I'm under, which is why I haven't bothered talking with my doctor about it. I don't think there's anything he can do for me except to tell me to cut out the stress in my life. Yeah! Like that's going to happen! I have a heating pad on it right now and it's helping a tiny bit.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Thank you for all of the supportive and uplifting messages so many of you have been leaving in Samantha's guestbook. It's so great hearing from all of you. Reading your kind words helps me more than I can explain when I'm having a rough day. Thank you, every one of you, from the bottom of my heart.

Please also take the time to check on some of the kiddies I've listed below. Some of them are in desperate need of so many more prayers than Samantha.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.


This beautiful teenager isn't expected to live much longer. She is hoping to have people from all 50 states leave a message in her guestbook. I'm hoping we can make this wish come true!

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 26, 2004:

Corey enjoyed his 3rd birthday party VERY much!!!

April 26, 2004:

Craig took his first spelling test today. I haven't heard how he did yet, but I'm sure he was wonderful!!!

May 27, 2004:

David & his Mom will be travelling to Miami so they can meet with a Pediatric Surgeon.

May 28, 2004:

Today is David's last day of school. Woohoo!!!

June 1, 2004:

David's MRI is scheduled to take place today.

April 26, 2004:

Dee went to Parker Hughes today for fluids.

April 27, 2004:

Dee will be meeting with her regular doctor today and will be working out a plan to receive a hover round.

April 26, 2004:

Devin couldn't receive his chemo treatment today sue to low counts. Let's all hope and pray those counts of his rise quickly!

April 20, 2004:

Garnet was sent home on hospice and was given (by her doctors) a few days to a week at the most. Ever since coming home, this young lady has been full of energy and has been tiring everyone else out. Isn't that wonderful to hear???

April 26, 2004:

Kaidrie is currently in a coma. Her doctors say it could take a few days (or weeks) for her brain to start to heal. Please send any prayers you could possibly spare to this sweet little girl and her family.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now riding big kid bikes. Only two wheels!!! We're SO proud of you both!!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.

May 21, 2004:

Tiffany will be leaving Rehab today! Woohoo!!!!
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*




Sunday, April 25, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***




What an awesome race today!!! Jeff, Samantha and I watched it this afternoon and I couldn't sit still during the last 15 laps. I was shouting, Samantha was mimicking me and Jeff had the biggest smile on his face. I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon. Seeing Gordon win his first race in 2004 was amazing!!! I can't wait to see his second, and third and fourth......................


3 years ago Samantha Therese was diagnosed with ONH. That was the worst day of my life and, unfortunately, I can remember everything about it. The thoughts, the feelings, the heart break. So many thoughts and emotions ran through my body that day. My perfect little girl, the love of my life, was born with something I couldn't fix. I suddenly knew how my own parents had felt when I was diagnosed with diabetes. Nobody knew anything about the disease since I was the first one in my family to have gotten it. I suddenly felt as lost as they must have felt. I felt like a bad parent. Though I knew her ONH wasn't my fault and it couldn't have been prevented, that didn't make me feel any better. I wouldn't talk about her condition with anyone. Anytime I even thought about it I would break down in tears. I stayed that way for a good month before it finally sunk it. Now I'm able to talk freely about her condition, I don't feel badly for her because I know how much she's capable of and I no longer think "Why her?"

And now, three years after being diagnosed with ONH and making amazing strides, we've hit yet another bump in the road.

Samantha was diagnosed with Autism on April 20, 2004. That's another date that will forever be embedded into my head. Suddenly we're being set up with a speech therapist and other help for Samantha. There's a chance that she may have to be taken out of the school she's in so she can get the help she needs. She won't be in a special school forever, just long enough for her to adjust to this new condition of hers.

Before she was born, my dream for Samantha has always been for her to grow into a successful woman. To do her best at everything she does. To not let anything EVER hold her down. I know this probably sounds like every mother and fathers thoughts for their children, so I guess I'm not much different.

Every day seems to be a struggle. Samantha will fly off the handle for no reason. One minute we'll be having a great time together and the next she'll be crying her eyes out, screaming at the top of her lungs and hitting her head. Due to the autism, Samantha feels the need to hit herself in the head (with her hands) whenever she's upset. Everyone is always telling her "No-no" and we try to hold her hands so she can't hit herself, but it does very little good. If she drops a book, she throws a fit. If the kitchen chair she wants to sit on has something on it already, she throws a fit. If the cartoon she wants to watch isn't on TV when she wants to watch it, she throws a fit.

The stress level in our house is high, yet Jeff and I still manage to get along with one another and we aren't screaming at each other. Samantha stays up until one or two o'clock in the morning before going to bed for the night. During this time she'll cry her eyes out, bang on her door and scream until either Jeff or I go into her room and lay her back in her bed. Jeff's been sleeping on the couch because of his pain and this tends to disturb him. I run on 3 hours of sleep every night, 4 if I'm lucky, because that's all Samantha needs. She's awake 3 hours after she's fallen asleep, so I try to jump into bed as soon as I know she's out. It's impossible for me to go to sleep while she's still awake and in her room because of the banging and screaming. My back and neck have been killing me lately and I'm guessing it's from all of the tension that has built up around here.

Don't think I hate my life, care less about my baby girl or feel sorry for myself. If anything I feel sorry for Samantha, though I know I shouldn't. She's a strong girl who has learned to deal with her ONH. I know she'll be able to deal with this latest hurdle we must overcome. I know nobody's life is perfect, but I want hers to be. I don't want her to be teased, stared at or made fun of. I know every parent has these same worries about their own son/daughter, but I think those worries double when your child has conditions/diseases in their life.

I'm sorry for my rambling, but getting some of these emotions out seemed to help a little. If you're still reading this, I appreciate it. Thank you for being there for us. For praying for us and wishing us well. I know we'll land on our feet in the end.

Wishing every single one of you a great week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 23, 2004:

Craig had a doctor's appointment to go to today.

Craig's Mom, Helen, is asking for prayers concerning her daughter, Lauren. Lauren is a VERY beautiful young lady who is feeling a little down these days.

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 20, 2004:

Garnet was sent home on hospice and was given (by her doctors) a few days to a week at the most. Ever since coming home, this young lady has been full of energy and has been tiring everyone else out. Isn't that wonderful to hear???


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 23, 2004:

LaKota's left kidney has been removed. Please pray for her right kidney to grow and function normally. Prayers for no more tumors or cancer for sweet LaKota would also be VERY much appreciated.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now riding big kid bikes. Only two wheels!!! We're SO proud of you both!!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*



Saturday, April 24, 2004 2:53 PM CDT

Boy AngelPlease remember *Matthew* and his family in your prayers. *Matthew* was called to Heaven very yesterday (April 22) morning.

Devin, Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Bear Pooping In Woods

Hip-Hip-Hooray!!! Sammi pooed today!!!!

I went to the ER with Jeff this afternoon (I'll get into that in a second) while Miss Samantha stayed at home with my Mom. When I got home, Samantha stunk. I asked my Mom if she had just passed gas (keep in mind I can't smell a thing) and she said she didn't think so. I felt like singing when I changed Samantha's bum. I was SO happy! I don't think I've ever been that thrilled to have changed such a gross diaper. Keep up the excellent work, baby girl!!!


Like I said, Jeff and I headed to the ER around one o'clock this afternoon. The ER was so backed up that I ended up having to leave before Jeff was seen. I needed to be home by 3 so that my Mom could get ready to go out tonight, which meant I had to be home for Samantha. Long story short, Jeff was put on yet another medication (this makes 4 now) to cure this little problem. If it doesn't clear up in a week, he needs to go see his Neurosurgeon. Everything's fine and Jeff will be better in no time.


I think I'm going to attempt to take a nap. I've been up since 6:30 this morning (thank you Samantha) and the lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me. Samantha's taking a nap for once, so I may just be able to sneak one in as well. Jeff is on his way home now. He just called and said he was heading to the pharmacy to get his prescription filled and then he'd be home. He's not suppose to be driving, but today we didn't have a choice. He'll be fine as long as he doesn't make it a habit.

See You Soon

Wishing every single one of you an outstanding weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 23, 2004:

Craig had a doctor's appointment to go to today.

Craig's Mom, Helen, is asking for prayers concerning her daughter, Lauren. Lauren is a VERY beautiful young lady who is feeling a little down these days.

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 20, 2004:

Garnet was sent home on hospice and was given (by her doctors) a few days to a week at the most. Ever since coming home, this young lady has been full of energy and has been tiring everyone else out. Isn't that wonderful to hear???


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 23, 2004:

LaKota's left kidney has been removed. Please pray for her right kidney to grow and function normally. Prayers for no more tumors or cancer for sweet LaKota would also be VERY much appreciated.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now riding big kid bikes. Only two wheels!!! We're SO proud of you both!!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*



Friday, April 23, 2004

Boy AngelPlease remember *Matthew* and his family in your prayers. *Matthew* was called to Heaven very yesterday (April 22) morning.

Devin, Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Thumbs Up

Well it looks like I was FINALLY right about something. Meeting with Sally, the Nutritionist, this morning was a BIG waste of time. Don't get me wrong, she was a very nice woman she just didn't help us out at all. She pretty much told us not to be afraid to try new foods with Samantha. (We've been doing that for as long as I can remember). She told us not to feed her diet soda because it doesn't contain any vitamins, minerals, etc. (We give her Diet Pepsi to drink because she isn't drinking anything else and we don't want her to become dehydrated). No crackers, regular soda or any other junk foods; we don't want her to become dependant on them and want only them. (Hey, my daughter DOES NOT eat. Whatever she successfully puts in her mouth and swallows, healthy or not, is fine by me). We have an appointment to meet with this woman in 2 weeks, but I have a feeling this appointment will suddenly be cancelled. We need to deal with someone who is trained in dealing with Autism as well as Nurtrition.


Every place I called today never called me back. I ended up leaving messages at three different places and will be calling again on Monday. I also have some e-mail addresses to go along with these numbers, so I'm planning on sending out some e-mails sometime tomorrow if I have the time. If not, I'll do it on Sunday.


Jeff and I may be taking a trip to our local ER tomorrow while Miss Samantha stays at home with my Mom. THIS ISN'T ANYTHING SERIOUS. Jeff is experiencing a minor set back related to the surgery he had on April 12. I'd go into detail, but it's a little embarassing. There's no reason Jeff should be admitted for the problem he's having. He called his Nurosurgeon (the one who performed Jeff's surgery) on Wednesday and discussed his problem with him. His doctor advised him to go to the ER and be checked out if things didn't clear up by this weekend. So that's what we'll more than likely be doing. You know, when it rains it pours. I honestly don't want to know what (if anything) else is in store for us. I don't know how much more I can take.


Sammi ate a total of 12 oz. of soup today. When I say soup, I mean the broth. She doesn't like any of the chicken, carrots or noodles that are in it. The broth is better than nothing!

She also ate a mess load of fudge pops and vanilla ice cream throughout the day. And of course she was content drinking Diet Pepsi from her sippy cup. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get her to try some different kinds of food.


Jeff has agreed to keep an eye on Samantha so I can go to bed. God Bless him. I think I'm coming down with something and I'm just wiped out. My throat has been bothering me for a couple of days now and my allergies are kicking my butt. Combine the two and you have one very tired person. My back has also been bothering me lately due to all of the stress I've been under lately. (I'll explain more about this tomorrow).

Tropical Island

Here's to a wonderful weekend for all of you! Please sign Samantha's guestbook (if you have the time) and don't forget to check up on the kiddies I've listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 23, 2004:

Craig had a doctor's appointment to go to today.

Craig's Mom, Helen, is asking for prayers concerning her daughter, Lauren. Lauren is a VERY beautiful young lady who is feeling a little down these days.

April 23, 2004:

Crystal found out today that she'll be able to take braille and cane lessons from the comfort of her own home over the summer. Which means no summer school! Woohoo! Congratulations, sweetie!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 20, 2004:

Garnet was sent home on hospice and was given (by her doctors) a few days to a week at the most. Ever since coming home, this young lady has been full of energy and has been tiring everyone else out. Isn't that wonderful to hear???


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 23, 2004:

LaKota's left kidney has been removed. Please pray for her right kidney to grow and function normally. Prayers for no more tumors or cancer for sweet LaKota would also be VERY much appreciated.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Missa and her twin brother, Zach, are now riding big kid bikes. Only two wheels!!! We're SO proud of you both!!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*



Thursday, April 22, 2004

Please remember *Matthew* and his family in your prayers. *Matthew* was called to Heaven very early this morning.

Devin, Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


I never got to make the phone calls I wanted to today. First of all, Samantha decided to wake me up at 5:30 this morning and was nothing but cranky. She finally fell back to sleep around 9 and I followed shortly after. The two of us didn't wake up until almost 3 this afternoon, so I didn't have time to do much. I was successful in finding a bunch of numbers online, so I'm planning to make all my phone calls tomorrow. All of the numbers I have are for eating disorder centers. Somehow, someway I WILL find out what's wrong with my baby.

Ice Cream Soup

Samantha ate some soup for dinner (quite a bit I might add) and followed it with some vanilla ice cream (thank you Auntie Mary) for dessert. Tomorrow night when I feed Sammi I'm going to measure out her soup (and whatever else I can get her to eat) before she starts so I know how much she's getting. I'm hoping this is just the beginning and means Samantha will start eating from now on. Either way, I still want her checked out. I'm still sure there has to be something going on in that little body of hers.

Cat 10

Tomorrow is Miss Samantha's appointment with Sally the Nutrtionist. We'll see what happens, but I have to say I'm not too hopeful about this. Samantha needs a doctor who doesn't think her Mom is being over protective and actually believes what I say.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 14, 2004:

I was just told about Garnet's CaringBridge page the other day and decided to stop by. This beautiful woman has been sent home and is now on hospice in hopes that she will be made as comfortable as possible. Please take the time to stop by her site to wish her well.


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*



Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Devin, Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Club Me 7 (What I feel like after our extremely long day)

Hi everyone! I just wanted all of you to know that we are home, against my wishes I might add.

I talked with Samantha's doctor, when she was given one, at the ER this afternoon. I explained to him that what she was going through has absolutely nothing to do with her being sick. She's sick because she isn't eating anything. This is the way things have been for awhile now. He actually understood what I was saying. Thank God. Finally someone listened to me.

Blood work was done on Samantha. It took 3 nurses and myself to hold her down, but we got the blood drawn. Meanwhile, I felt like I was going to pass out. All of you should know that I am the biggest baby when it comes to having blood drawn or seeing someone else who is having blood drawn. I can't stand to have it done or to watch it being done. So I kneeled next to Samantha's head while she was having her blood drawn. The nurses were almost finished when I started seeing double, sweating my butt off and thought I was going to be sick. Luckily nothing major happened, I just had to lay down once everything was finished.

Samantha's blood results showed that everything was fine. All of her levels were within the normal ranges, she did not test positive for diabetes (I told you so, Mom!) so the doctor absolutely refused to have Samantha admitted despite all of the arguing I did with him. I even threw in the comment, "So we're just suppose to take her home and watch her waste away even more?" I guess the answer was yes since we're home now.

Samantha was never given a diagnosis. Nobody knows what's wrong with her. Does anyone know how long a person can live without eating anything? I meant to ask this to the doctor we were seen by, but I never saw him once he came into our room for a whole 10 minutes. Gee, could he spare the time? Yeah, I'm pissed if you haven't noticed. And, to make matters worst, we were discharged by a nurse we had never seen. She had no idea what was wrong with Samantha, didn't know what blood tests were performed on her and even prounounced our last name wrong when she came to speak with us.

So I'm still left with a bunch of questions and NO answers. Have I mentioned lately that I think I'm losing my mind? Can you blame me? My daughter is absolute skin and bones, she looks like hell and no one knows what is wrong with her. I plan on calling Children's Hospital in Boston sometime tomorrow. I'd like to talk with someone who works in an eating disorders department. Even if Samantha isn't seen in Boston, I'd like to describe what's going on with her to someone and maybe get some information on what could possibly be wrong with her. I KNOW there is something wrong with my baby and it kills me not knowing exactly what is going on. Please pray with me that we'll get some answers soon.

Way Too Happy

On a happy note:

Samantha was running around tonight while I was eating some soup. She had just finished eating her 20th (I'm exaggerating here) fudge pop of the day and was standing next to me as if she wanted something. I asked her if she wanted to try some of my soup and she opened her mouth. I put some on her tongue and expected her not to want anymore. Usually when I try to feed her something, she'll stick out her tongue and then wipe whatever it was off that I put on there because she doesn't like it. Not this time! She actually ate spoonful after spoonful of soup! I'm telling you, it was amazing to watch! I called my Mom and she came right down to watch Samantha eat the first solid food she's eaten in a long time. I'm hoping and praying this is the beginning of Samantha starting to eat. Hopefully I'll be able to get her to eat some more stuff tomorrow.

Exclamation IMPORTANT DATES Exclamation

April 23, 2004 -- Samantha will be seen by Sally, a nurtritionist we've been set up with. Hopefully we'll be able to figure out some ways to get Samantha eating.

April 26, 2004 -- Samantha will be seeing Dr. Bucher (her Pediatrician) for a follow-up after being seen in the Emergency Room. I REALLY don't see the need for this appointment, but she'll be going to it anyway.

I'm sure there are some other things coming up, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

To Kathy -- Have a happy and safe trip to New York, hon!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 14, 2004:

I was just told about Garnet's CaringBridge page the other day and decided to stop by. This beautiful woman has been sent home and is now on hospice in hopes that she will be made as comfortable as possible. Please take the time to stop by her site to wish her well.


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*


Wednesday, April 21, 2004 -- 11:20am

Devin, Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Get Well Soon

Old Man(I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I thought it was cute).

Samantha is still sleeping, but I'm going to wake her up in a moment so we can get going. The only thing that has changed is the fact that we will not be visiting the toy store before heading to the ER. My Mom offered to go tonight when she gets out of work for us. My main concern is getting to the hospital and making Sammi well. All the other errands we have to run can wait.

Samantha woke me up at six o'clock this morning. I went in there, gave her an ice cube and hoped she would go back to sleep. No such luck. She was crying her eyes out so I brought her in my room with me. She wanted a fudge pop so I got one from the freezer for her. She ate that fudge pop on my bed and, when she was finished, set it down nicely on my sheet. So it looks like I had an accident in my bed and will remain that way until I'm able to wash my sheets. Anyway, she laid her fudge pop down because she decided she was tired and wanted to go back to sleep. She's been sleeping on my bed ever since. I keep glancing back at her (the bed is behind me) to see how she's doing. I'm so scared. I don't know what's wrong with my little girl but I can guarantee I will NOT be leaving that hospital without knowing.

I'm running on less that 3 hours of sleep, but for some strange reason I'm not tired at all. I'm not sure if it's because of all the worrying I've been doing. Or maybe it's because of all the thoughts running through my head. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I'm so scared.

I called my Dad this morning and filled him in on what's happening. He'll be meeting us at the hospital as soon as Samantha is put into a room. The only person I'm going to call when I know more stuff is my Mom who in turn will make all of the other phone calls I need made. A few of the WONDERFUL CaringBridge Mom's have given me their phone numbers to keep in touch and to let know what's going on. To all of you who passed your number along to me, please know I WILL be getting in touch with you.

To every single CaringBridge Mom, Dad or other family member who has shown their compassion for us -- THANK YOU! Reading all of the wonderful guestbook entries brought tears to my eyes. I can't tell you enough how much it helps knowing all of you are thinking of and praying for us. We appreciate absolutely every kind word that has been sent our way. We also appreciate all of the prayers so many of you are taking the time to say for our Angel Bear. I always say the hardest part is not knowing and I apologize to all of you who care so much for Samantha. I will do my best to keep all of you updated.

Ok, I'm stalling here. I'm anxious to get to the hospital so Samantha can be seen, but that damn scared feeling still overcomes me. While I'm gone, please feel free to continue leaving messages in Samantha's guestbook. I look forward to reading your words when I return. Please also continue to visit all of the kiddies I've listed below. There's a lot of you I'm going to miss while we're gone.

To Kathy -- Have a safe trip to New York. Think of us while you're there (I know you will!)

To Richard -- I'm counting on you to keep Kathy updated and if (God forbid) we're not home by Sunday, I want details of every lap of the race. Don't worry, I packed our Gordon shirts.

To every single CaringBridge family who cares for us -- THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS. WE LOVE YOU ALL!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 14, 2004:

I was just told about Garnet's CaringBridge page the other day and decided to stop by. This beautiful woman has been sent home and is now on hospice in hopes that she will be made as comfortable as possible. Please take the time to stop by her site to wish her well.


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Devin, Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!



Samantha's appointment with Dr. Robbins this afternoon went well. He suspects that she has a VERY mild case of autism as we had thought. He has ordered some blood work to be done, scheduled an appointment for us to meet with a Genetics doctor in Boston (that won't take place until August) and will be writing a letter to Samantha's school suggesting she start working with a speech therapist. Today's meeting was a very positive one and it felt great finally being able to get to the bottom of everything.


Ok, here's the deal. Jeff and I had originally planned on bringing Samantha to her Pediatrician's office tomorrow for her follow-up appointment. This won't be happening. Here's the new game plan:

Tomorrow, as soon as Miss Samantha wakes up, Jeff and I will bringing her to a local toy store. I'm hoping and praying they will have a certain Wiggles tape that Samantha has been requesting. As soon as we're finished shopping, we're heading to a local hospital to have Samantha admitted. I will NOT be leaving that hospital until Samantha has a room to stay in. She needs help and Jeff and I can only do so much. She needs to be tested, she needs to have fluids in her. She needs so much and it's killing me to know I can only do so much. I only want my little girl well again.

My baby looks like hell. You can just about count every rib. You can also see her shoulder blades jutting out. It's extremely scary. I notice this whenever I change her diaper and it scares the hell out of me. She's sick and she needs to be fixed. I want her to be checked for diabetes tomorrow. I have the dreaded disease and though I'm almost certain that's not what is affecting Samantha, I want every possibility to be tested. I decided tonight that we can't wait until Friday to meet with this nutrionist. This is serious. Enough time has already passed. I think not having a diagnosis is the hardest part. Ok, it's one of the hard parts.

I've already started packing a bag of things we will be taking with us. The laundry has been started and, even if I have to stay up all night, it will be finished before we leave tomorrow. I don't think I'll be getting much, if any, sleep tonight. My mind is clouded with about a million different thoughts and most of them are bad. Samantha is sitting on my bed as I type this. For once she isn't cranky. She's playing with a Leap Frog drum of hers and is talking happily. These are the times I love. Lately she has been so cranky that it is pretty much impossible to satisfy her. I don't blame her one bit for this. She probably hurts somewhere, but she just isn't able to tell her what exactly is wrong. She pees very little and hasn't pooed since Saturday. I don't know if she's experiencing cramps from not pooing or if her stomach hurts because she's hungry. Not knowing is the hardest thing.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to let all of you fantastic people know what's going on. When (notice I haven't said "if" -- that's because I'm determined for this to happen) Samantha is admitted I will be with her 24/7. Jeff will probably be with us as well since he won't be able to drive home by himself. He's still not allowed to drive by himself, so I will be driving us around tomorrow. I promise I will let all of you know what is going on just as soon as I'm able to. Please keep Samantha in your thoughts and prayers. She can use every one of them right about now. Please also feel free to sign Samantha's guestbook while we're gone. All of your messages will be wonderful to read when we return. One more request. Please don't forget to check on all of the CaringBridge kiddied I've listed below. Some of them are a lot worse off than Samantha is and could use all the prayers you're able to give. Besides being away from my babies (animals) while I'm in the hospital with Samantha, one of the hardest parts of being away from home will not being able to check up on all of the CaringBridge families I keep in contact with. Please know all of you will be in my thoughts and prayers while we are gone and I will sign every one of your guestbooks just as soon as we return.

With Much Love,
"A VERY Scared" Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 14, 2004:

I was just told about Garnet's CaringBridge page the other day and decided to stop by. This beautiful woman has been sent home and is now on hospice in hopes that she will be made as comfortable as possible. Please take the time to stop by her site to wish her well.


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*


Monday, April 19, 2004

***It's 11:45pm and Samantha just got finished eating half of a fudge pop and and ice cube! I sat with her on the couch while she ate these and believe me I loved watching every minute!***

Devin, Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


The day from hell. That pretty much sums up how today was for Jeff, Sammi and myself. It sucked more for Miss Samantha than for anyone else, but we were all involved just the same.

First off, it was SUCH a beautiful day here today. I swear the temps. had to have been in 80s all day. Absolutely gorgeous. I attempted to bring Samantha outside to play this afternoon, but she was less than happy to be out there. I didn't know what her problem was. She kept following me around wherever I went saying, "Up please" in that cute little pathetic voice of hers. She was also throwing temper tantrums left and right for no apparent reason. Finally I said the hell with it and brought her in the house.

Jeff had one more check waiting for him at his bosses house, so he asked me to drive him there so he could pick it up. After putting together Samantha's new car seat (the old one we still use was in my Mom's car and she was at work) we headed out. Samantha was silent the entire time. We had the radio on and a few of the songs she liked came on, but she never danced or sang. I passed this off as her just being tired and possibly hot.

While Jeff was talking with his boss, Samantha and I played with one of the toys she had brought with her. She seemed happy enough, but you could tell she wasn't her happy little self. There was something odd about the way she was acting, but I couldn't put my finger on what the problem was exactly. She wouldn't smile and she didn't seem excited about anything. She seemed like I was bothering her though she continued to play with me.

Jeff and I decided to stop at Wal-Mart before heading home. I've been wanting to get a wagon for Samantha and we decided to go try and find one. This is when our day from hell officially began.

I took Samantha out of her car seat, carried her into Wal-Mart and I couldn't help but think of how limp she felt. Again I thought she was just hot and would feel better once we were in the nice, cool store. I continued to carry her. I can't explain why I didn't want to put her in a carriage. For some unknown reason I wanted to hold onto her. Jeff, Sammi and I had only been in the store less than five minutes when Sammi put her head on my shoulder. Now you've got to understand that Samantha is a VERY lovey girl, but she doesn't normally do things like this. That's when a red flag went up. I knew something wasn't right, but I still couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong. Jeff and I continued to walk down the aisle (I was still carrying Samantha) when she started gagging. You could tell she was trying to throw up, but she didn't have anything in her stomach to throw up. She did throw up a tiny bit, on my shirt, and it looked more like bile than anything else. I looked at Jeff, with tears pouring out of my eyes, and said, "We have to take her to the doctor NOW!" My number one reason for overreacting the way I did was because, when Samantha was trying to throw up, she was facing me and I could see her eyes rolling back in her head. This scared the s*@$ out of me.

Jeff's still not allowed to drive, but he did. We didn't have a choice in the matter since I couldn't have drove if my life depended on it and we needed to get there FAST. Jeff drove like a complete a#@ and got us there in a lot less time than it should have taken. No we didn't get into any accidents along the way, but Jeff certainly did succeed in making a bunch of people angry. I'm sure they'll get over it in due time.

I jumped out of the car (I had been sitting next to Sammi in the back seat trying to keep her awake) as soon as Jeff pulled up in front of Samantha's doctor's office. I ran into the office, carrying Samantha of course. I told the receptionist that I had called from my cell phone and told them Samantha Sanford was VERY sick and needed to be seen immediately. "Ok, have a seat and someone will be with you in about 5 or 10 minutes." That was the response I got. My response? Um.........NO! The water works started once again as I told them all that had happened and how concerned I was. They assured me we would be brought into a room a lot sooner and that I should have a seat. Have a seat. Uh-huh. Needless to say I stood in the corner craddling Samantha. A mother with two boys was leaving when she turned to me and said, "Good luck. I can completely relate to how you're feeling. I hope everything works out for you." I have no idea who this woman was, but I would like to thank her from the bottom of my heart. Have you ever had a really horrible day and someone can just say something, something little, that helps you feel a lot better? That's how I felt after this woman said what she did. She didn't say a lot, but she said enough and it helped. So whoever you are, THANK YOU!

We were brought into an examining room where I spilled my guts about everything that had happened that afternoon. Gagging, throwing up, eyes rolling back in head, trying to fall asleep, etc. Samantha's temperature was taken and it was fine (99.0). She was weighed (she's lost about a pound and a half since February 2004) and examined. Her ears looked fine, lungs and heart sounded good, tummy and neck felt fine. Her throat was a little on the red side and a culture was taken incase she had strep. The test came back negative. We were sent home and given a follow-up appointment on Wednesday. We have also been set up with an appointment to meet with a nurtritionist on Friday. And, by the way, Jeff did end up parking the car and met us in the examining room. I didn't want any of you to think Jeff just left us high and dry the entire time. Believe me, this man was there for us 100nd I was sure to tell him how much that meant to me. I couldn't have done this alone. I know I would have lost it.

Ok, this is why we rushed Samantha to the doctor. The child does NOT eat. Anything. I'm serious. She doesn't eat a morsel of food and the only thing she drinks is milk and Diet Pepsi. I had always passed this off as her just being an extremely picky 3-year-old. I freaked out when we were in Wal-Mart because something told me her not eating had caught up with her. I cannot even begin to describe how scared I was as I carried her out of that store and sat next to her as Jeff drove like a bat out of hell to the doctor's office. My mind tends to run away from me when something like this happens and I immediately thought I was losing my little girl. Samantha Therese is the most important person in my life and seeing her like this just about killed me. And then the thoughts of "I'm a bad Mom" and "I should have done something about this a long time ago" started flooding through my head. I still have those feelings with me, though they're not as strong as they originally were.

So here's the deal:

April 20, 2004 -- Samantha will be seeing her Neurologist. We'll be talking about some things that have had us worried, though this doesn't have to do with her lack of eating. This appointment was scheduled 6 months ago, so don't think we called him because of what happened today.

April 21, 2004 -- Samantha will be returning to her Pediatrician's office for a follow-up. As long as she's peeing, which hasn't been much since she hasn't been drinking anything, they're not worried about her being dehydrated. There is, however, a chance that Samantha will have to have fluids given to her when we're seen.

April 23, 2004 -- We will be returning to Samantha's Pediatrician again, but this time it will be to meet with a nutritionist. I've never met this woman (Sally), but everyone says she's excellent and will be able to come up with some ways to get Samantha to eat. Please pray along with me that this works.

Tonight we got Samantha to eat half of two fudge pops (so I guess that equals out to one), suck on some ice and drink some Diet Pepsi from her sippy cup. She also took a bath tonight so I'm sure some of that water got into her mouth as well. This may not seem like she got a lot into her, but please believe me when I tell you it's a lot more than what's been in her body for a long time. She basically just likes to lick things, so the fudge pops are a good idea since all you need to do is lick them.

I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm physically and mentally drained. I want to put this whole day behind me and concentrate on making my little girl well. Please wish us luck.

Wishing all of you a MUCH better week than we're having!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Devin is living with Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He's a little boy whom I've just recently had the pleasure of meeting. Stop by his site and I'm sure he'll capture your heart just as quickly as he captured mine.

April 14, 2004:

I was just told about Garnet's CaringBridge page the other day and decided to stop by. This beautiful woman has been sent home and is now on hospice in hopes that she will be made as comfortable as possible. Please take the time to stop by her site to wish her well.


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma

Samantha Therese as we try to make her well again.
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*


Sunday, April 18, 2004

Garnet, Kaidrie and Nikki have been added to my 'Prayers Needed' list below. They're all new people who I've recently met.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi everyone! I hope your weekend was as beautiful as ours was! The weather around here was absolutely gorgeous all weekend long! It was a little more chilly out today, but still just as nice. As long as that sun is shining we're happy!

Shock 4

Bob, a very good friend of Jeff's, came over to visit us this afternoon. Bob is a wonderful man and (if you remember my entry from April 12 -- when Jeff had his surgery done) is the one who, with his girlfriend Judith, spent some time with me in Boston on the day of Jeff's surgery. This guy is SO funny and is VERY easy to get along with. While he was here we (Bob & I) took off for about half an hour. We picked up some lunch since everyone was starving. Samantha was also very pleased with seeing Bob again. Samantha hasn't seen Bob since she was months old so I know she probably didn't remember him, but she was very nice to him. Bob is supposed to come back and visit us again tomorrow, but we'll have to see what happens.

In The Pool

Samantha and I spent most of the day outside since the weather was so beautiful. It was a little warmer out yesterday, but it was just as gorgeous today! Jeff joined us outside for a little bit, but he ended up bringing Samantha inside while Bob and I were gone since he was hurting. He's able to get up and walk around the house whenever he needs/wants to, but he can only take so much before he starts hurting again. I'm VERY proud of him for making an effort though! He's also been cleaning his incision up and it's beginning to look a lot better. I mean it's still obvious that it's there, but it looks so much better all cleaned up.


My Mom and I brought Samantha grocery shopping with us this afternoon. We were in desperate need for some food since I'm not able to get out as often as I'd like to get the things we need. Samantha was VERY well behaved while we shopped. My Mom and I took turns carrying her around the store when she got sick of riding in the shopping carriage. I no longer have the convience of leaving Sammi home with Jeff when I need to get something done. Jeff can hardly take care of himself half the time, let alone an energetic 3-year-old. Hell, I even have a hard time keeping up with her sometimes!


Wow! What a bad weekend for sports. The Red Sox ended up losing against the dreaded Yankees (7-3) today and Jeff Gordon hit a pot hole (a POT HOLE on a race track!) in NASCAR this afternoon. Grrrrrrrr! I'm hoping (all of you can feel free to hope along with me) that next weekend will look a lot brighter for Gordon.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Samantha is on April Vacation this week and will be seeing Dr. Robbins (her Neurologist) on April 20. Other than that appointment, things should be pretty quiet around here. Hopefully the weather will be sunny and warm all week so we can enjoy most of the days playing outside.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 17, 2004:

The nasty stomach bug certainly seems to like Chad and his family. Nobody is feeling very well at the moment. Here's to wishing everyone gets well SOON!

April 18, 2004:

Corey is home after a VERY exhausting visit to the ER. Welcome home, Corey!!!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).

April 14, 2004:

I was just told about Garnet's CaringBridge page the other day and decided to stop by. This beautiful woman has been sent home and is now on hospice in hopes that she will be made as comfortable as possible. Please take the time to stop by her site to wish her well.


Kaidrie is a beautiful little girl whose site I was given a link to not too long ago. She's living with Diffuse Pontine Glioma. I promise you will fall in love with this little sweetheart just as soon as you see her adorable face!

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


This is another little sweetheart whom I've recently met. Nikki isn't even 4-years-old yet and already she's been through more than any of us will probably ever have to go through in our lives. Her Grandma was kind enough to sign Samantha's guestbook the other day and described what Nikki has been through.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*


Saturday, April 17, 2004

Birthday Banner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff was peering over my shoulder while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Princess Libbie became one of Heaven's Angels on April 9, 2004 after fighting a long and courageous battle with JMML.

Jordan fought so long and so hard before earning his Angel wings on April 14, 2004. *Jordan's* rules (posted on his CaringBridge page) will always be remembered in our house.



What a beautiful, beautiful day it was in our part of the world! The weather was absolutely gorgeous all day! Samantha and I spent most of the day playing in our yard and enjoying every second of this wonderful weather. Jeff attempted to join us for about half an hour, but he started feeling crappy and decided to go back into the house. He said his stomach was upset so he checked his temperature but it was fine. After sitting on the couch for a little bit, he started feeling better.

Hopefully tomorrow will be as nice of a day as today was so Samantha and I can spend some more time playing outside. Of course my eyes will be glued to the TV set in the afternoon while I watch NASCAR, but other than that my day is free!

Home Run!

Last night the Red Sox beat the Yankees 6-2. This afternoon the Sox pulled it off again with a 5-2 win. Baseball season is back, baby! And we're pulling, as always, for the Sox.

Wishing everyone a VERY happy weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:


Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 12, 2004:

Chad and his family had a GREAT time while they were in Oregon! Unfortunately Chad and Gerald are now sick! Please join me in passing along well wishes a 'Get Well Soon' prayers their way!!!

April 11, 2004:

Corey is at his happiest when he's being held. He hasn't been tolerating his feedings too well and his blood surgars have still be on the low side. Lots and lots of prayers are still being sent your way, buddy!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Silver Cross

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*


Friday, April 16, 2004

~*~*~*THIS JUST IN*~*~*~
Jeff was peering over my shoulder tonight while I was reading the messages all of you wonderful people have left in Samantha's guestbook and he wanted me to thank all of you VERY much for the well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts you've sent his way. He appreciates each and every one of them more than any of you could ever know. And from the bottom of my heart as well, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Angel 3Princess Libbie became one of Heaven's Angels on April 9, 2004 after fighting a long and courageous battle with JMML.

Angel 3Jordan fought so long and so hard before earning his Angel wings on April 14, 2004. *Jordan's* rules (posted on his CaringBridge page) will always be remembered in our house.


I think Richard will join me in saying "Way to go, JEFF!!!" For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about (no I'm not talking about our Jeff) I'll fill you in. Jeff Gordon (#24) captured the Bud Pole for this Sunday's NASCAR race. Needless to say I'm more than a little excited and I can't wait to park my butt in front of the TV on Sunday. Just about the only good thing about Jeff getting this surgery done is the fact that we'll be able to watch all of the NASCAR races together. Woohoo!

Wishing all of you an excellent weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 12, 2004:

Chad and his family had a GREAT time while they were in Oregon! Unfortunately Chad and Gerald are now sick! Please join me in passing along well wishes a 'Get Well Soon' prayers their way!!!

April 11, 2004:

Corey is at his happiest when he's being held. He hasn't been tolerating his feedings too well and his blood surgars have still be on the low side. Lots and lots of prayers are still being sent your way, buddy!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 14, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle Tony passed away tonight. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult days.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).


Silver Cross

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 15, 2004:

Jared's Mom, Geralyn, recently posted an update on Jared's CB page on how their Washington trip went. It sounds like everyone had a great time!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

*Princess Libbie*


Thursday, April 15, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Candlelight Dinner

First off, once again, I want to wish my parents a VERY happy 4 year wedding anniversary!!! Since my Mom needed to work late tonight, they didn't get the chance to celebrate by going out to dinner. But they will be going out this Sunday to celebrate instead. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU TWO!!! WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!


Samantha played at the water table today in school. It was important for me to send her to school today since April vacation begins next week and she was only able to attend two days this week. Hopefully she'll be able to attend everyday of school once it resumes.

Samantha, Collin and Kelly read the letter book together this afternoon. I'm happy that Sammi is making friends in school. She loves coming home and talking about all of the little boys and girls she knows. She also loves singing songs and including the names of her school friends.

Wheel 2 Keyboard

Recess was held in the gym this afternoon. I'm not sure why; I thought it was nice enough to play outside. Anyway, Samantha and David (a boy from another class) rode in a red wagon together. Sammi played with a keyboard that is in her classroom as well. Samantha is a HUGE music fan so I'm sure she had an excellent time playing with this.

Shy I Love YouShy I Love You

Jeff is doing as well as he possibly can be. He's in pain just about every minute, but (this probably won't make much sense) it's a different kind of pain. The pain he was experiencing before was because of all the tension running through his body. This pain is from the tension being relieved while the healing process starts. I know that probably doesn't make any sense at all, but that's how he feels. He's on 3 different pain meds. and they work to a point. He doesn't like taking them all of the time since he usually falls asleep once they start to kick in, but he's been good about it. He's walking around better than he was before his surgery, though it'll continue to hurt for awhile until he's healed. We're hoping it'll be nice out tomorrow so all three of us can spend the afternoon outside. I feel bad seeing Jeff bottled up in the house with little to do and Samantha loves playing outside in the nice weather. As long as we're able to find somewhere comfortable for Jeff to sit I think we'll be all set.

Wishing all of you an excellent weekend! Please sign Samantha's guestbook if you've got the time and don't forget to check on some of the CaringBridge kiddies I've listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Aidan received a TON of eggs due to the fundraiser his family started.

April 12, 2004:

Chad and his family had a GREAT time while they were in Oregon! Unfortunately Chad and Gerald are now sick! Please join me in passing along well wishes a 'Get Well Soon' prayers their way!!!

April 11, 2004:

Corey is at his happiest when he's being held. He hasn't been tolerating his feedings too well and his blood surgars have still be on the low side. Lots and lots of prayers are still being sent your way, buddy!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 10, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle recently had a stroke and is brain dead. Please pray for this man as he will be removed from the machines he is currently on on Friday.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).

April 12, 2004:

Jordan has been surprising everyone by showing off just how strong he really is. He's also been asking for his medicine like the big boy he is.

April 19, 2004:

Today will be the first of 5 days of testing for LaKota. All of this needs to be done in preparation of her transplant.

April 27, 2004:

Today is transplant day for sweet LaKota. Please join me in praying that all goes well for this beautiful girl.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

April 15, 2004:

Denise, Missa's Mom, just informed me that Missa is now also riding a "big girl" bike. Along with her brother, Zach, these two rebels are now hitting the sidewalks with only 2 wheels!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Falling In Love 2

Jeff's HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was another long day, but it wasn't half as long as Monday. Yesterday afternoon I talked with my Dad and he agreed to take Samantha and I into Boston to visit with Jeff today. Little did we know he'd be coming home with us.

We picked up my Grandma before we got on the highway. My Grandma was tagging along so she could keep Sammi entertained. Once all of us were ready, we headed into Boston.

What you have to understand is that, when I talked to Jeff on the phone last night, there was a slight possibility that Jeff would be coming home with us this afternoon. Nothing was set in stone and I was afraid to mention anything because, in the back of my mind, I thought I would jinx things. Then I talked on the phone with Jeff this morning and he said he needed to have a CAT scan done before he could be discharged. His CAT scan wasn't scheduled to be done until 12:30p and my Dad needed all of us to be back on the road and headed home no later than 1:30p. As usual we were cutting things close.

I called Jeff at 11:30a, while we were on our way to Boston, and to my surprise he said his CAT scan had already been done. Wow! I NEVER expected this to be done so soon! Now all he needed to wait on were the results and for some prescriptions to be written up for him.

We finally got to Jeff's room around noon and I'm VERY happy to say that he didn't look half as bad as I imagined he would. Actually, he looks pretty damn good! There was a drain hooked up to him just under his neck; not far from where the incision was made. This, thankfully, had been taken out prior to our arrival and was covered up with a bandage. He had an I.V. in his hand, but I could (somewhat) handle seeing that. The incision that was made was covered up with some tape. That was it! I'm explaining all of this because, as some of you might know, I am NOT good when it comes to I.V.'s, blood, veins or any of that other stuff. I get extremely sick to my stomach when I see, or hear, of any of this. Luckily none of this bothered me very much and the only time I had to leave the room was when Jeff was having his I.V. removed. He gave me a bunch of crap before I left ("I haven't seen you for two days" blah, blah, blah -- but he was just giving me a hard time), but Samantha and I went for a walk around the hospital anyway until everything was all clear.

Are you ready for this? Jeff's CAT scan results came back perfectly fine. His doctor is absolutely amazed by how well he's doing and how quickly he's recovering from this procedure. His doctor expected him to be in the hospital for at least the rest of the week, but he was sent home for good behavior.

Samantha was VERY well behaved while we were visiting Jeff at the hospital. She had a great time playing on his bed (until he scared the crap out of her), licking the salt off of some crackers, going for walks with Grandma and Papa and, of course, seeing Jeff! She wouldn't stop saying "Hi" to him when she first saw him. I think she thought he was gone for good. 2 days away is a long time for a little girl. She's been with him all night since we brought him home. You can tell she's VERY happy to have him home.

Casey, our puppy, and Gordon, Jeff's cat, were also VERY happy to see their Daddy this afternoon. Casey has been ignoring me and cuddling with Daddy all night. Gordon has also been a little pain in Jeff's butt. It's so cute seeing how everyone, even the animals, missed Jeff while he was gone. All of us are VERY happy to have him back home!!! We love you, babe!!!

Teacher 2

Samantha's last day of school is tomorrow and then she'll be off for a whole week due to April vacation. Please keep us in your thoughts as I'm sure I'll have a hell of a time trying to think of fun things for us to do everyday that we're together. Hopefully the weather will be nice so we can spend most of our days outdoors.

Bride And Groom

Tomorrow my Mom and step-Dad will be celebrating 4 years of being married. They're such a wonderful couple! I love them both with all my heart and I wish them both the most wonderful day possible! And, of course, may they spend MANY more happy years together.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 12, 2004:

Chad and his family had a GREAT time while they were in Oregon! Unfortunately Chad and Gerald are now sick! Please join me in passing along well wishes a 'Get Well Soon' prayers their way!!!

April 11, 2004:

Corey is at his happiest when he's being held. He hasn't been tolerating his feedings too well and his blood surgars have still be on the low side. Lots and lots of prayers are still being sent your way, buddy!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 10, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle recently had a stroke and is brain dead. Please pray for this man as he will be removed from the machines he is currently on on Friday.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).

April 12, 2004:

Jordan has been surprising everyone by showing off just how strong he really is. He's also been asking for his medicine like the big boy he is.

April 12, 2004:

LaKota's counts are still the same. Unfortunately her doctors were unable to find a bone marrow match for her, so they'll be using blood cord instead.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

THIS JUST IN---------

Samantha won't be going to school tomorrow. My Dad, my Grandma, Miss Samantha and myself will be going into Boston for the afternoon to visit with Jeff. Woohoo! I can't wait!

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Hi everyone! Please go to our 'journal history' if you missed out on reading how our day in Boston went yesterday. I'm still recovering from the whole trip. Luckily Samantha took a nap today, so I did too! Thank you VERY much, Miss Samantha!

Camera 2 Camera 2 Camera 2

Today was picture day at Samantha's school. Two sets of pictures were being taken. A class photo and individual photos. Shelia told me Samantha had her picture taken with the class, but she wasn't interested in having her individual picture taken. This doesn't surprise me one bit, but I'm still a little disappointed. I was hoping to get a school picture of Sammi, but I guess all of us will just have to do with the pictures I take of her.

Jellybeans Jellybeans Jellybeans

Sammi and Kelly worked on counting the jelly beans in Samantha's 'Jelly Bean Jungle' book. (Everytime I hear of or see jelly beans I think of *Angel Adam* His link is posted above. He loved jelly beans and his Mom, a wonderful woman named Holly, leaved them at his site from time to time). Samantha received her copy of 'Jelly Bean Jungle' from Martha. Martha also decided to leave a copy of the book in Samantha's classroom incase she ever wanted to read it while she was at school. Sammi LOVES this book!

Music Note 3 Dominos

Sammi also learned the song 'This Old Man' (we sing this at home too) and played in the block area today. She also participated in circle time, though I'm not sure how well she did.


I talked to Jeff a few times throughout the day and made some phone calls that he asked me to. As far as I can tell, he's doing well. Last night, when I talked with his doctor, he said Jeff would be started on liquids when he left the recovery room and would probably remain on them all day today. When I talked with Jeff this morning, he told me he had just gotten finished with his breakfast. I asked him what he had and he started naming off a bunch of things -- ALL SOLIDS!!!!!!!! So I'm assuming this is a VERY good sign and will help Jeff get out of there even quicker. An occupational and physical therapist came to speak with Jeff today. If you've ever dealt with anyone who is doped up on pain meds., you should know how difficult it is to get information out of them. So I pretty much know nothing. Not that Jeff told me much before his surgery, but it's gotten worst. I'm so happy to hear he was eating solid food (he actually said he was starving!Rolly)! Hopefully he'll be coming home soon!

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 12, 2004:

Chad and his family had a GREAT time while they were in Oregon! Unfortunately Chad and Gerald are now sick! Please join me in passing along well wishes a 'Get Well Soon' prayers their way!!!

April 11, 2004:

Corey is at his happiest when he's being held. He hasn't been tolerating his feedings too well and his blood surgars have still be on the low side. Lots and lots of prayers are still being sent your way, buddy!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 10, 2004:

Crystal's Uncle recently had a stroke and is brain dead. Please pray for this man as he will be removed from the machines he is currently on on Friday.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).

April 12, 2004:

Jordan has been surprising everyone by showing off just how strong he really is. He's also been asking for his medicine like the big boy he is.

April 12, 2004:

LaKota's counts are still the same. Unfortunately her doctors were unable to find a bone marrow match for her, so they'll be using blood cord instead.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

Monday, April 12, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Easter was a lot of fun around our house. Samantha and I ate dinner upstairs with my Mom and step-Dad. Jeff was invited as well, but he didn't come with us for two reasons.

1 -- For some reason he always gets sick the day after a big holiday meal. I swear nobody's poisioning him. With his surgery tomorrow, he didn't want to take that chance.

2 -- Since Jeff is always in so much pain, he can't climb the stairs to my Mom and step-Dad's apartment.

Samantha ran around her Nuna and Grandpa's apartment while the rest of us ate. I was busy running up and down the stairs between bites so I could boil some eggs.

Tonight Jeff, Samantha and I colored Easter eggs. We had a wonderful time coloring them together and Samantha caught on VERY quickly. She had a great time gently placing the eggs in the colors she wanted. She also had a lot of fun putting the eggs back in the colors they came out of once Jeff put them back in the egg carton.

EMT~*~*~*Jeff's Surgery*~*~*~

What a day!!!!!!!!!!!!

My step-Dad dropped Jeff and I off (thanks a bunch, Slappy) at the hospital a little before ten o'clock. Jeff and I went to the third floor (Surgical Day Care) and signed Jeff in. Once he was all registered he was called back in so he could get changed. Oh, this was fun!

You've got to appreciate Jeff's sense of humor to get this part of the story. Jeff was all dressed up in a gorgeous hospital gown complete with nylons (he's going to kill me if he reads this) and those cute little brown hospital slippers. Now of course he had to show off his new outfit, so we walked around the hospital and outside while we waited for Jeff's number to be called. Jeff had a blast telling everyone he had escaped from the 6th floor (the psych ward) and also that he was Batman. You're not going to understand what I'm talking about unless you spend a fun filled day with Jeff, but believe me he lightened the mood.

Jeff's surgery was scheduled to begin at noon, but so much for schedules. We were finally brought into the pre-op room around one o'clock. Gee, you'd think since he was brought back there that his surgery would be taking place soon, right? Especially since I was sitting with him and they kicked me out so they could start everything. Uh-huh. Well I let a few hours pass before I finally wanted to find out how everything was going. I figured they had started around 1:30p and it was 4:30p when I walked up to the receptionist and asked her to check on him. Come to find out, Jeff's surgery didn't even start until 3:30p. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob, one of Jeff's friends, and his girlfriend, Judith, showed up this afternoon and kept me company for about an hour. It was great to see Bob again since its been so long since I've seen him and it was also a pleasure to meet Judith. They helped the time pass a little more quickly and it was great getting my mind off of everything that was going on while we were joking around. I also found out Judith also doesn't like Jeff's ex at all, and that only made me like her A LOT more!

Matt (a friend of mine) offered me a ride home tonight. Thank God for Matt!!! So he calls me at eight o'clock and tells me he's ready whenever I am. Cool. So I start to gather my things up (mind you Jeff's surgery was scheduled to take 5 hours and the last time I had checked -- 5 minutes before Matt called me -- he was still in there) when my cell phone rings again. I think it's Matt again until I see a 617 number. That's the area code for Boston. I answered my phone and it was Jeff's doctor. Jeff was out of surgery, in the recovery room and his doctor wanted to know if he could talk to me before I left. What was I going to say? No?

This was the first time I had met Jeff's doctor and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about this man. He's a sweetheart! He talks to you so you'll understand what he's saying. We went into a private room and I have to admit that that scared the s*** out of me. I was preparing myself for bad news since he didn't feel like talking to me in the waiting room. Now read this: NO BAD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff's surgery went VERY well. No complications, no worries and (this is a big one) NO FEEDING TUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The incision that was made ended up being a little longer than anticipated. This was due to the fact that Jeff has a VERY big neck -- this is a long running joke in our house. We like, well I like, to call Jeff "No Neck." There was some concern that two surgeries would needed to be performed due to the severity of Jeff's problems. NOPE! This is where we REALLY need your prayers, but as long as Jeff heals nicely he won't need another surgery. YEA!!! The only thing we really need to watch out for are blood clots. I'm going to have to help Jeff move his legs around all the time so none form in his feet or legs. We also need to keep his head as still as possible, which means no sudden movements. If he whips his head around the procedure could rip or tear (*shudder*) and then we're back to square one again.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to see Jeff before I left the hospital, but I'm hoping to head up there before he's released. Jeff's doctor did tell me, however, that he told Jeff he was coming to talk to me before he left and Jeff gave his doctor a thumbs up sign. I had the biggest smile on my face when I heard this. I'll be calling the floor he's on tomorrow so I can get his telephone number and at least talk to him on the phone if he's up to it. It's past midnight now, so I imagine Jeff will just be getting into his room. Oh, I forgot to mention that, because he didn't have a feeding tube put in, he'll be out in 3 to 4 days. Yeah!!!!!!!!! This is the first night without him here and I miss him like crazy. I keep expecting him to walk through our door any minute like he does when he's working late.

Please also pray for my sanity as I'll be taking care of my little terror and Jeff who will more than likely be in pain and will be madder than hell at the fact that he can't smoke anymore. I'm dreading the day he comes home now!

Please excuse my rambling. My mind is a mess right now and I can barely keep my eyes open I'm so tired. As soon as Sammi falls asleep I will too!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 12, 2004:

Chad and his family had a GREAT time while they were in Oregon! Unfortunately Chad and Gerald are now sick! Please join me in passing along well wishes a 'Get Well Soon' prayers their way!!!

April 11, 2004:

Corey is at his happiest when he's being held. He hasn't been tolerating his feedings too well and his blood surgars have still be on the low side. Lots and lots of prayers are still being sent your way, buddy!

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

April 20, 2004:

Craig is scheduled to go in for surgery today so that his hickman can be removed.

April 9, 2004:

Something was seen on David's MRI, but the doctors think it's just an enhanced artery!

April 11, 2004:

Dee's strength is returning and she's been taking more steps lately! She is now on two different chemos (one for her brain and one for her lungs).

April 12, 2004:

Jordan has been surprising everyone by showing off just how strong he really is. He's also been asking for his medicine like the big boy he is.

April 12, 2004:

LaKota's counts are still the same. Unfortunately her doctors were unable to find a bone marrow match for her, so they'll be using blood cord instead.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he heals from his surgery.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

Baby Colton, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004.

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

Thursday, April 8, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Crib 2Baby Colton James Cole, little brother to Cameron and *Colby*, was born on April 7, 2004. This BIG guy came into the world weighing in at 9 lbs. 1 oz. Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*!!!!!!!!

Angel 3*Jake Austin Griffin*was called Home to Heaven on April 8, 2004. His family, of course, are heart broken and I'm sure they would love to read any kind words you'd like to share in *Jake's* guestbook.

Car 4

Sammi played with some toy cars in school today. I'm assuming that's about all she did since that's all Shelia shared with me.


Sammi also made a paper basket in school and helped put grass, candy (it's MINE -- hands off!!!) and some plastic eggs in it. It's a VERY pretty basket and since I can't hang it on our fridge, it's sitting on top of our microwave so everyone can see it as they come in our back door. As soon as I get some pictures taken (I still have a roll of film from Samantha's birthday party that STILL hasn't been developed) I'll be more than happy to get them posted.

Incase I don't update Samantha's page tomorrow, I hope all of you have an excellent weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

April 8, 2004:

Corey has returned home from his trip to Mayo. Pass by his site as his Mom has posted everything that went on during his trip there.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 3, 2004:

Craig is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

April 8, 2004:

Gold Cross

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~
April 7, 2004:

It's A Smiley!

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


*Jake Austin Griffin*

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Hi everyone. This is going to be short and sweet tonight. I'm not really in the mood for updating Samantha's page. As the date for Jeff's surgery gets closer, my stomach seems to get more upset. I'm just all around nervous in general. I've been successful in signing a few guestbooks throughout the day, but not nearly as many as I would have liked to. I apologize to all of you that I may have missed. Please do NOT think this has anything to do with any of you. I hold each and every CaringBridge family I know of VERY close to my heart. All of you are thought of and prayed for often. Please accept my most sincere apologizes for not signing your guestbook if it was one I missed -- I know I owe an e-mail to you too, Kathy!

Jumping Rope

Sammi and Laurie (O&M lady) worked together in the gym today. That's all I know. Shelia usually fills me in on what they did (I receive a little note from her every day telling me how Samantha's day has gone), but all she wrote today was "Sammi worked with Laurie today." Ooooooooook.

Miss Samantha was also chosen to be the class leader today. For a 3-year-old, this is a VERY big job. Samantha was in the front of the line as everyone walked out to the playground and back again. I'm VERY proud of my little leader!!!


Recess was held outside today. What a beautiful day it was! Finally there wasn't any cold wind blowing. I could definitely get used to days like this.

Wishing all of you a wonderful "rest of the week".

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

March 30, 2004:

Corey poked his Mom, Margo, in the eye with a pencil today while he was scribbling. Thankfully she's healing up nicely and it seems to have made Corey feel better as well.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 3, 2004:

Craig is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


Tuesday, April 6, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***



Sammi had a good day at school today. Her bus arrived right on time this morning, so I didn't have to worry that I had missed it again. I wanted to wait outside with Samantha until her bus arrived, but it was just too cold out. Lately these mornings have been frigid.

Music Note Music Note

Sammi sang the 'Hello Song' with her class at circle time today. Getting Sammi to sit still during circle time is certainly a task. She likes to be on the go at all times and HATES to be told to sit still. Shelia definitely has her work cut out for her and shes been doing an excellent job!


Samantha participated in an art activity this afternoon -- stamping with paint. I can't wait for her to bring this one home from school. The star she made last month (I believe there's still a picture of it in the photo album) is still hanging on our fridge since she hasn't brought anything else home for me to marvel over.

Swinging 2

Recess was held outside today. It was a little chilly out this afternoon, but that didn't stop all of the kids from going out and having a blast! Samantha loves playing in the playground and going down the slide. There's also a boat in the playground that Samantha enjoys playing in.


Laurie (the O&M woman who is working with Sammi) will be working with Samantha tomorrow. They work together on Wednesdays.

Wishing all of you an excellent week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

March 30, 2004:

Corey poked his Mom, Margo, in the eye with a pencil today while he was scribbling. Thankfully she's healing up nicely and it seems to have made Corey feel better as well.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 3, 2004:

Craig is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


Monday, April 5, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Samantha's bus usually arrives at our driveway around 8:30 every morning. It didn't show up until 9:15 this morning. I was so afraid I had missed it pull up. I ended up calling the bus company to see if they had arrived without my knowing. Apparantly the bus driver was running late this morning, which explained her lateness. I was relieved when I realized this wasn't my fault. Whew! I felt bad for Samantha as we waited. She was all excited and all set to get to school and couldn't understand why she was still standing with Mommy in our kitchen. She was thrilled when the school bus finally arrived and brought her to her happy place.


Samantha and Martha worked together in school today. Martha must have had her brailler with her since Sammi typed a bunch of braille on a piece of paper and brought it home. You can tell Martha had something to do with this as well since I know Samantha isn't skilled enough to braille out 'Sammi' or the letter B. Samantha did do a very good job making squiggly lines all over the paper. Hey, for a 3-year-old this is the first step in learning how to braille.

Jigsaw Puzzle

Samantha also worked on some puzzles during her table activity today. She wasn't able to do much else since she was late arriving to school this morning. Recess was held in the gym this afternoon since it was, get this, SNOWING out. Could someone please refresh my memory and fill me in on what month this is? As far as I knew it was April and, supposedly, Spring. Am I mistaken here? The snow that fell were just flurries, but it was enough to make everyone look twice at what was going on. If we didn't live in New England I would have run out to get my eyes checked.


Jeff seems to be doing well with the fact that he'll be going in for surgery in exactly one week. I, on the other hand, am starting to get anxious. We talked for about 20 minutes last night before Jeff went to bed. I was sitting in our bedroom online (he's been sleeping on the couch for awhile now) when Jeff called me. We ended up talking about what he'll be like after the surgery, what he'll be coming home with, etc. Just a bunch of questions nobody knows the answers to at this point. Jeff won't let on if he's worried about something, but you can tell it's on his mind as the day draws near. I feel horrible for him and I will admit that I'm scared to death of all this.

Ok, enough of my babbling. Please sign Samantha's guestbook should you have the time. Please also remember to visit the kiddies I've listed below and keep them in your prayers.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

March 30, 2004:

Corey poked his Mom, Margo, in the eye with a pencil today while he was scribbling. Thankfully she's healing up nicely and it seems to have made Corey feel better as well.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 3, 2004:

Craig is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


Sunday, April 4, 2004

I just learned of a new Angel watching over us from Heaven. *Corinna* passed away on April 3, 2004.

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Easter Bunny


Nothing much has been happening around here this weekend. Jeff went off to see his kiddies yesterday and was home in the early afternoon because he hurt. He also has a wisdom tooth that has been bothering him for some time, so that's just adding to all of the pain he's in. And I thought I had trouble getting a break! As far as I know Jeff won't be going to see his kids next weekend, but things with him change in an instant so I could be wrong.

Samantha's doing well. She stayed home with my Mom (her Nuna) for about an hour last night while Jeff and I went shopping. We didn't get anything good, just food. But I'm a HUGE fan of food, so I guess that was a good thing. Goofy


Sammi, Jeff and I will be watching NASCAR together this afternoon and that's about it. Well, Sammi and I will probably end up watching the race alone since Jeff has to work this afternoon. And yes Kathy & Richard, Sammi and I will be decked out in our Gordon gear!!!

I hope all of you are having an excellent weekend!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

March 30, 2004:

Corey poked his Mom, Margo, in the eye with a pencil today while he was scribbling. Thankfully she's healing up nicely and it seems to have made Corey feel better as well.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

April 3, 2004:

Craig is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 17, 2004:

Today is Craig's special day! Today is his birthday!!!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

September 27, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given today!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:

*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

April 9:

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

April 21:

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in April 2004:


Friday, April 2, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


Martha came out to visit us this morning. It was SO good to see her after so long. I know Samantha gets to see her once in awhile in school, but it's been at least 2 weeks since we've seen each other. Martha is just the sweetest person. She's VERY grandmotherly, Samantha loves her and she's great to talk with.

Martha brought an extra big light box with her. We have our own light box that Samantha loves to play with, but this one was HUGE! Martha placed some very big letter cut-outs on the light box and Samantha named each of them without a problem. Samantha also played with some circles, some light box pegs and she made a necklace (with the help of Martha and myself) with some string and light box pegs. Samantha was VERY proud of herself!


Daughter & Father Son & Father

Jeff will be attempting to go see his kids tomorrow. I don't know how long he'll be able to last down there, but I'm more than certain he'll be home sometime in the early afternoon. He'd love to spend more time with his kids on the weekends, he's just not able to due to all of the pain he's constantly in. This will be the last weekend Jeff is able to visit with his kids before he goes in for his surgery. Jeff's mother (joy) will be bringing his kids up here to visit with him once his surgery is over. Remind me to be out of town that weekend.

Wakka Wakka

I hope all of you have an excellent weekend. Please sign Samantha's guestbook, if you've got the time, and don't forget to add the kiddies to your prayers.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 31, 2004:

Chad is getting better and stronger each day and his pain is getting better as well.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

March 30, 2004:

Corey poked his Mom, Margo, in the eye with a pencil today while he was scribbling. Thankfully she's healing up nicely and it seems to have made Corey feel better as well.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

March 30, 2004:

Craig and his poor Mom have been waiting at the hospital all day to have Craig's scans done. They were suppose to be done around 8:30 (?) this morning and they still hadn't been completed when Craig's Mom, Helen, updated his page early this afternoon.

???March 31 & April 2, 2004???:

Craig will be having scans done.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:
*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Thursday, April 1, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

April Fools Day Happy April Fool's Day, everyone! So did anyone have any jokes played on them today? I haven't heard of anything special happening to anyone today, so please feel free to share any stories you have in Samantha's guestbook.

Schoolhouse Sammi's Day at School

Samantha had a good day today, despite the fact that it rained all day long. I ended up carrying her out to the bus this morning because of the rain. She was wearing a pair of pants that are a little too long on her, so I carried her so that she wouldn't mess her pants up. She was a good girl when I left her on the bus this morning. She decided to bring 'The Eye Book' with her instead of a toy and she was happy with it.

In school Samantha read 'Jelly Bean Jungle' with Kelly. KELLY! A little girl! Samantha FINALLY did something with a little GIRL! Anyway.........Samantha has this book at our house (Martha supplied a copy for us and one for Samantha's classroom) so I imagine she had a wonderful time reading it with her friend. She also read 'Gilberto and the Wind' with Shelia. I have NEVER heard of this book, but Samantha apparently loved it as well as the sailboat that was in the book.

Studying Martha Returns

Martha (the WONDERFUL woman who will be teaching Sammi braille) will be visiting us tomorrow morning. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Martha wasn't able to make it to our house last week. Apparently she came down with the 24-hour stomach bug that has been going around and she was absolutely miserable. Martha, when she has time, visits Sammi at school once in awhile. I know Samantha loves and works very well with Martha, so it will be good to see them together tomorrow.

More Days Until Jeff's Surgery

I hope all of you are doing well. Please take the time to visit some of the kiddies I've listed below. Some of them aren't doing very well at this time and I know they would love to hear something uplifting.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 31, 2004:

Chad is getting better and stronger each day and his pain is getting better as well.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

March 30, 2004:

Corey poked his Mom, Margo, in the eye with a pencil today while he was scribbling. Thankfully she's healing up nicely and it seems to have made Corey feel better as well.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

March 30, 2004:

Craig and his poor Mom have been waiting at the hospital all day to have Craig's scans done. They were suppose to be done around 8:30 (?) this morning and they still hadn't been completed when Craig's Mom, Helen, updated his page early this afternoon.

???March 31 & April 2, 2004???:

Craig will be having scans done.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
These children will be celebrating birthdays in April 2004. Please remember them:

April 17:

April 25:
Heavenly Birthdays:

April 3:
*Maxie* -- *Forever 10*

*AJ* -- *Forever 4*

*Ashley* -- *Forever 5*

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***


It's the last day of March and April has a whole lot of stuff in store for us. Doctors appointments for Samantha and myself, Jeff's surgery, Sammi's school pictures are going to be taken, April vacation will be taking place.........I know there's more, but my mind is a little clouded at the moment. The happiest news of the month will be taking place on April 15th when my Mom and step-Dad celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary!!!

Mini Bus Sammi's Day at School

This morning started out wonderfully for Samantha and I. I brought Samantha outside about 5 minutes before her bus arrived so I could get her car seat out of Jeff's car. When the school bus pulled up to our driveway, Samantha held onto my hand and walked to the bus by herself. She also amazed me by climbing the three stairs into the bus by herself. Incase any of you are wondering why I'm so impressed by this it's because Samantha was originally scared half to death by the noise of the bus. She would insist on having me carry her to the bus and would absolutely refuse to walk. So this is a VERY big step for her. Even if I don't get her to do it again tomorrow, at least she did it today and that was good enough for me.

Since it's Wednesday, Sammi worked with Laurie (O&M lady) in the gym today. They worked on rolling a ball back and forth to each other as well as catching the ball. Now all Sammi wants to do is play catch when she gets home from school. Samantha played in the house corner and participated in some sort of table activity when she was brought back to her classroom. Recess was held in the gym this afternoon since our wonderful six days worth of rain has begun. Shelia also included in her note this afternoon that Samantha was acting a little on the fussy side and felt a little warm. I've been keeping a close eye on her all night, incase she's starting to get sick, and she seems fine. She hasn't felt warm since she got home from school and she's been playing up a storm all day.

Nurse Jeff's Trip to Boston

Jeff's appointment went well this afternoon. His blood pressure is a little on the high side, but it's nothing too serious. He was weighed (I've been sworn to secrecy on this one), had blood drawn and was told what to expect during and after his surgery. Basically he may need to have a feeding tube put in and we already know about the paralysis issue. Everything's all set for him to go in on April 12th. Only 12 days from now! I know I should be excited that Jeff will finally (hopefully) be taken care of, but the truth is that I'm scared half to death! I'm going to be a nervous wreck waiting for him by myself in Boston on the day of his surgery. Wish both of us luck please!

I suppose that's it for now. Please visit the kiddies I've listed below and don't forget to sign Samantha's guestbook.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 31, 2004:

Chad is getting better and stronger each day and his pain is getting better as well.

April 1, 2004:

Chad and his family are heading to Oregon today for a 4 day getaway thanks to The Children's Cancer Society. Have a great time everyone!!!

March 30, 2004:

Corey poked his Mom, Margo, in the eye with a pencil today while he was scribbling. Thankfully she's healing up nicely and it seems to have made Corey feel better as well.

April 25, 2004:

Corey will be turning 3-years-old today. What a big boy!!!

March 30, 2004:

Craig and his poor Mom have been waiting at the hospital all day to have Craig's scans done. They were suppose to be done around 8:30 (?) this morning and they still hadn't been completed when Craig's Mom, Helen, updated his page early this afternoon.

???March 31 & April 2, 2004???:

Craig will be having scans done.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 31, 2004:

Jordan continues to survive. What a fighter this little boy is! He has been sleeping most of the time, is still able to communicate with his family and his pain is being controlled.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 28, 2004:

Zach, Missa's twin brother, is the VERY proud owner of his very own bike with only TWO wheels. Ok, it's the same bike he had before minus the training wheels. He is SO proud of himself right now and so are we hon! Congratulations!!

April 12, 2004:

Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:







*Savannah O.*

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Don't ask me why, I've stopped questioning the things Samantha does, but she decided to wake up at three o'clock this morning. She stayed up until it was time to go to school and was in an excellent mood the entire time. She didn't fight me and she didn't have a bit of an attitude this morning. In fact, she was in an extremely pleasant mood. Needless to say, I was VERY surprised since she was up so early in the morning. Don't worry about me though. Samantha took a nap as soon as she got home from school and so did I. A big 'THANK YOU' to Jeff who held down the fort while I was resting.

Samantha continued to be in an excellent mood, and had a great day, while she was at school. Today she played at the sand table with Collin, played a sorting game (Table Activity) with Tyler, participated in circle time and went outside with her class for recess. There are at least 5 little girls in Samantha's class, but I never hear of her playing with them. She's only 3 and she's following in my foot steps already. I'm scared!!!!!!!!!

Doctor ~*~*~*Jeff*~*~*~

He'll be heading into Boston tomorrow afternoon. He's going in to have some blood work done and everything else that his doctor will need to have done for him to go through with his surgery. Thank goodness everything is still a go for April 12th. I'm getting more and more nervous as that day draws near. I hate surgeries and this particular one scares the poop out of me considering there is still a chance of paralysis.

Everything is going good around here. Samantha's in her room, but she isn't asleep yet. Who ever said a bath calms kids down? I gave her one tonight about half an hour before I laid her down and she's wilder than ever. Even as a baby a bath never calmed her down. I still think there's something up with this little one.

Wishing all of you a fantastic week!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 26, 2004:

Chad is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chad has not thrown up since he's returned home. However, his cough is deeper and the pain he is experiencing has been non-stop.

March 30, 2004:

Craig and his poor Mom have been waiting at the hospital all day to have Craig's scans done. They were suppose to be done around 8:30 (?) this morning and they still hadn't been completed when Craig's Mom, Helen, updated his page early this afternoon.

???March 31 & April 2, 2004???:

Craig will be having scans done.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 24, 2004:

The first blood transfusion Jordan received gave him and his family a good 3 weeks together. This last one isn't working quite as well.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 29, 2004:

LaKota had blood work done today and it revealed that her counts are still about the same.

April 2, 2004:

LaKota will be going back in to have her blood counts tested again.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 28, 2004:

Michael recently had new pictures taken of him and they came out looking beautiful!!! Please go to his site to see his precious face!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 30, 2004:

Collin and his family are home from their Make-a-Wish trip. They had an excellent time while they were there! Welcome home everyone! We're glad to hear you had a great time and returned home safely!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:







*Savannah O.*

Monday, March 29, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

*Savannah O.* (NOT the same little girl listed above) also passed away on March 27; the same day as *Maxie*. Please stop by *Savannah* & *Maxie's* sites to leave any condolences.

Samantha had a good day at school today. Once again (thank goodness) she was VERY good while I was getting her ready this morning. I'm guessing (hopefully I'm right) she's gotten used to our morning ritual and knows what to expect by now. In school she played at the listening center, the sand table and she worked on a sorting game. Her class was also able to enjoy recess outside on the playground this afternoon since it was such a nice day. I got a note from Shelia this afternoon saying Samantha stayed through almost the entire circle time today. This is the first time I have heard that this might be a problem with Samantha, but I can't say I'm surprised. Samantha has never liked sitting still. I don't know how long circle time is, but Sammi is much happier when she's running around. I'm going to write a note to Shelia and see what's up with this.

Jeff's surgery is still a go for April 12. Please remember him in your prayers if you would on that day.

I hope all is well with all of you. Please take the time to sign Samantha's guestbook and to visit the kiddies listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 24, 2004:

Chad is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's still in pain and will continue to be until this nasty thing that is sticking with him runs its course and gets lost. Unfortunately narcotics haven't been working at controlling this pain.

March 25, 2004:

Craig needs to be brought into the hospital today so he can receive a blood transfusion and platelets. Let's pray he doesn't experience any fevers while he's there and will be able to return home without a problem.

March 31 & April 2, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 24, 2004:

The first blood transfusion Jordan received gave him and his family a good 3 weeks together. This last one isn't working quite as well.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 24, 2004:

LaKota's bone marrow biopsy showed immature cells. Everyone yell with me -- "BAD CELLS GO AWAY!!!"

March 26, 2004:

LaKota will go in for blood counts today. All prayers are more than welcome.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 22, 2004:

Collin and his family are headed off for Disney World today courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Have a great time, everyone!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:







*Savannah O.*

Saturday, March 27, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

2 months. *Maxie* was suppose to have at least 2 months left. But no. His little body couldn't fight anymore and he was welcomed into Heaven this afternoon. I apologize if this entry isn't too cheerie, but I'm not really in the mood to be happy. A little boy, a little boy who SHOULD have turned 11-years-old on April 3rd, is gone. My heart is broken and I can't stop the tears. Please find it in your heart to visit his site and to leave any uplifting comments to his devestated family.

I love you *Maxie*. Fly free, sweetheart! Dove 2

Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 24, 2004:

Chad is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's still in pain and will continue to be until this nasty thing that is sticking with him runs its course and gets lost. Unfortunately narcotics haven't been working at controlling this pain.

March 25, 2004:

Craig needs to be brought into the hospital today so he can receive a blood transfusion and platelets. Let's pray he doesn't experience any fevers while he's there and will be able to return home without a problem.

March 31 & April 2, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 24, 2004:

The first blood transfusion Jordan received gave him and his family a good 3 weeks together. This last one isn't working quite as well.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 24, 2004:

LaKota's bone marrow biopsy showed immature cells. Everyone yell with me -- "BAD CELLS GO AWAY!!!"

March 26, 2004:

LaKota will go in for blood counts today. All prayers are more than welcome.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 22, 2004:

Collin and his family are headed off for Disney World today courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Have a great time, everyone!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:







Thursday, March 25, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Hi everyone! Welcome back to Sammi's daily update on her day at school.

Today was the third, that's right the THIRD, day in a row that Samantha did not give me a hard time while I was getting her ready for school this morning. I'm loving this! I even forgot to give Sammi a toy to take with her on the bus this morning and she did fine without one.

Samantha had an excellent day at school. She worked with a little boy named, Collin, at a bead sorting game. She also played in the block area today. Recess was held outside today since it was another beautiful day! Samantha loves recess time. There really isn't much she doesn't like about school. She loves Shelia and comes home talking about all of her friends, what she did during the day, her teachers, etc. All of the worries I had about Samantha starting school have diminished. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to know she loves school so much!

Martha WILL be out here tomorrow afternoon at eleven o'clock. Unfortunately she'll only be able to work with Samantha for half an hour, but at least it's something. We've missed a lot of appointments with her, so we have some catching up to do. Hopefully she'll be able to find more time for us next week.

Samantha and I will not be staying in Boston when Jeff goes in for his surgery. I couldn't come up with enough money, so we'll be staying behind in Haverhill while Jeff is in the hospital. I'm really bummed out about this, but I didn't know about it enough in advance to save up the money I would need. I will be going in with him on the day of his surgery. Samantha is going to stay with my Mom for the day while I'm in Boston with Jeff. I'll be coming back that night and will be doing my best to get back there on Wednesday to visit him again. It's going to kill me being so far away from him while he goes through this, and not being able to see him everyday, but there's nothing else I can do.

Other than that, things are pretty quiet around here. I hope everything is going well with all of you as well. Please sign Samantha's guestbook (if you've got the time) and visit some of the kiddies listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 24, 2004:

Chad is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's still in pain and will continue to be until this nasty thing that is sticking with him runs its course and gets lost. Unfortunately narcotics haven't been working at controlling this pain.

March 25, 2004:

Craig needs to be brought into the hospital today so he can receive a blood transfusion and platelets. Let's pray he doesn't experience any fevers while he's there and will be able to return home without a problem.

March 31 & April 2, 2004:

Craig will be having scans done.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 24, 2004:

The first blood transfusion Jordan received gave him and his family a good 3 weeks together. This last one isn't working quite as well.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 24, 2004:

LaKota's bone marrow biopsy showed immature cells. Everyone yell with me -- "BAD CELLS GO AWAY!!!"

March 26, 2004:

LaKota will go in for blood counts today. All prayers are more than welcome.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 24, 2004:

Maxie would absolutely LOVE to meet Tom Hanks. His Grandma, Mom and so many other people are working VERY hard to make this dream a reality. Please visit his site to find links for The Ellen Show and Oprah. Everyone is working on flooding these people with messages in hopes something can be worked out for him.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 22, 2004:

Collin and his family are headed off for Disney World today courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Have a great time, everyone!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:






Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Happy Easter Bunny

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site
. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Welcome to Samantha's page! We're glad you could find the time to stop by. Please feel free to leave a message in the guestbook so we know you've stopped by. We love hearing from all of you!

~*~*~*Samantha's Day at School*~*~*~

This was the second day in a row that Samantha didn't fight me when I put her sneakers on. She also didn't whine or cry when I put her on the school bus this morning. I could definitely get used to this. Maybe we can make it three days tomorrow.

Samantha had a VERY busy day at school today. She worked with Laurie (her O&M instructor) in the gym. Then, when she was brought back to her classroom, everyone went into the gym for their Motor Class (sort of like a gym class). They also went outside for recess today since it was a beautiful day! I can't believe Samantha didn't come home and go straight to sleep this afternoon. She was in an excellent mood all day at school and continued to be in one when she got home.

~*~*~*Grandma & Papa Visit*~*~*~

We haven't seen my Grandma or Dad for a little while, so they both decided to stop by this afternoon. They arrived about an hour after Samantha got home from school and Sammi was VERY happy to see them. She sang her "Hello Song" to both my Grandma and Dad as soon as they started playing together. This was the first time Grandma and Papa had heard this song and they LOVED it.

My Grandmother kicked Jeff and I out of OUR house (something sounds wrong with that) so we could have some time alone. We usually get a break when my Grandma visits with Samantha, but today my Grandmother couldn't be alone with her (this explains why I've listed my Grandma under 'Prayers' below). She now suffers from a condition that makes her collapse. Literally. She'll be walking along, doing what she's doing, and all of a sudden she'll fall to the ground. She can feel this coming on, but there's nothing she can do to stop it. She had one of these spells last week while she was working and she didn't feel comfortable enough to be left alone with Sammi this afternoon. That's why my Dad accompanied her to our house. This condition isn't really anything serious, but it can happen at anytime without warning. It can happen while she's driving which scares the s*** out of me.

Samantha, Grandma and Papa had a great time playing together this afternoon. Sammi didn't fight me one bit when I laid her down once Grandma and Papa had left. She was one pooped little kid. After playing so much at school and then with Grandma and Papa when she got home, she was tuckered out. She had a very good nap and so did Mommy. Yea!

One more day of school for Sammi and then she's off until Monday. Here's to hoping tomorrow morning goes smoothly for us as I attempt to get Miss Samantha ready for school. I hope the rest of this week is a wonderful one for all of you.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

Check out Aidan's site to read about a really cool fundraiser that his Mom and Dad have put together to help pay for his medical costs.

March 24, 2004:

Chad is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's still in pain and will continue to be until this nasty thing that is sticking with him runs its course and gets lost. Unfortunately narcotics haven't been working at controlling this pain.

March 25, 2004:

Craig needs to be brought into the hospital tomorrow so he can receive a blood transfusion and platelets. Let's pray he doesn't experience any fevers while he's there and will be able to return home without a problem.

March 31, 2004:

David has an MRI done. He's had some awesome reports from previous MRI's, let's hope this one turns out the same way!

April 1, 2004:

David begins his 9th round of chemo today.

March 24, 2004:

Dee is HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because she may fall again, someone needs to be with her 24 hours a day incase she needs help. Dee is NOT crazy about this and I can't say I blame her, but at least this gives her a better chance of staying safe.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 24, 2004:

The first blood transfusion Jordan received gave him and his family a good 3 weeks together. This last one isn't working quite as well.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.


This boy and his family are absolutely amazing! (Incase you've forgotten, he's the one who gave me my new nick-name: Mrs. Shannon). Him and his big sister, Karyelle, are collecting donations (that will go to The American Cancer Society) for their Relay for Life. Stop by his site if you're interested in donating or just to have a smile put on your face.

March 24, 2004:

LaKota's bone marrow biopsy showed immature cells. Everyone yell with me -- "BAD CELLS GO AWAY!!!"

March 26, 2004:

LaKota will go in for blood counts today. All prayers are more than welcome.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 24, 2004:

Maxie would absolutely LOVE to meet Tom Hanks. His Grandma, Mom and so many other people are working VERY hard to make this dream a reality. Please visit his site to find links for The Ellen Show and Oprah. Everyone is working on flooding these people with messages in hopes something can be worked out for him.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 22, 2004:

Collin and his family are headed off for Disney World today courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Have a great time, everyone!

March 22, 2004:

Jared and his family are HOME!!!!!!!!
They had a wonderful time while they were in Florida. Keep checking back at his site as pictures from their trip will be posted shortly.

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:






Bouncing Hearts

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Welcome to Spring! It's snowing here. If you know me, you know I love the snow. But c'mon! I realize we live in New England and should be used to the weather changing every two seconds, but enough of the snow. Where are the blooming flowers? The bees buzzing? Gee, I'd even take rain right about now.

~*~*~*Miss Samantha's Day*~*~*~

Samantha was excellent this morning! She got dressed and on the bus without a problem. No whining, no crying, no tantrums. I want more days like this! As usual she took a toy on the bus with her and was content with it as she rode to school.

Sammi and her class had recess in the gym again today since it's so cold outside. Samantha and her friends had a great time rolling a ball back and forth to each other. Miss Samantha also played in the block area, with puzzles and with sorting games today. It really makes me feel wonderful knowing how much she enjoys school.

She was a little late coming home this afternoon. Around the time she should have been here, I received a call from Shelia. Yes my heart jumped into my throat when I knew it was her calling. A million different things ran through my head as far as why my little girl wasn't home yet. Ok, so I'm known to have an overactive imagination. To make a long story short, Sammi bumped her head on one of the van doors as she was getting on it this afternoon. Shelia brought her to the nurses office instead of sending her home right away, which is why she was late. Sammi has a little egg on her head, but it's nothing major. Believe me, Samantha is known for bumping into things all around our house so we're used to seeing a few bumps and bruises on her.

Martha didn't make it out to see us this afternoon. She was planning on getting here around two o'clock, and Samantha crashed around 1:45. Luckily Martha called me before she headed over so we ended up cancelling. Samantha is always exhausted on the days she goes to school and, despite my best attempts to keep her awake and entertained, she crawled into her bed, watched Spongebob and decided it was nap time. But than meant I was able to take a nap too, so I can't complain. Martha will be coming over this Friday instead.

My Grandma and Dad will be out to visit us tomorrow when Sammi gets home from school. Jeff and I will probably end up taking off for a little bit while they're here so they can have some alone time with Miss Samantha. I'll be sure to update tomorrow once everything has quieted down.

Hope all of you have an excellent week. As usual, please sign Samantha's guestbook and visit the kiddies I've listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

March 22, 2004:

Poor, poor Chad. He's still in the hospital and will more than likely be there for at least another 2 days. He is showing some signs of improvement, but he's been placed on IV morphine since the pain he has been experiencing has increased. He has been able to eat some crackers and has been successful with keeping them down.

March 23, 2004:

Craig's counts are the lowest they've been since January. Home Health came to his house today and says he will need a blood transfusion if his counts don't go up by Thursday (March 25).

March 20, 2004:

Dee was admitted to the hospital tonight due to the fact she had fallen for the third time in the past week. She will be sent home just as soon as she's able to get back on her feet again. Hopefully that won't take too long!

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 19, 2004:

After some scary moments at the hospital, Jordan is at home, happy and cooking with his Mommy's help.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

March 23, 2004:

LaKota will be going into the Cities for a bone marrow biopsy.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 22, 2004:

Maxie will NOT be having surgery today as his white count is down. He has also been experiencing high fevers and has been in a great deal of pain.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.

My Grandma
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 22, 2004:

Collin and his family are headed off for Disney World today courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Have a great time, everyone!

March 16, 2004:

Jared and his family are headed to Florida to spend some time with his grandparents. We wish them a wonderful and safe vacation!

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:






Monday, March 22, 2004

***Please rush over to Savannah's Site. Her Angel wings are making themselves more evident now.***

Hi everyone! I hope this Monday has been a good one for all of you. Fear Factor will be coming on in a couple of minutes (I love that show), so this shouldn't be too long of an entry. Jeff is working right now (poor guy) and I just tucked Sammi into bed, so I have the computer to myself for the night. Hmmmmmm, what to do, what to do.

~*~*~*Samantha's Day at School*~*~*~

As usual, Samantha did NOT want to get on the bus this morning. Every morning is a battle with her. I get her dressed in the morning and she's fine up until the point where it's time to put her sneakers on. Then she starts to fight me. I eventually win, but it's such a pain. Then we'll watch a half hour of The Wiggles on TV until it's time to put Samantha's coat on. Another battle. She usually whines the whole way out our door and until she's strapped into her car seat on the school bus. Once I have her all buckled in, and she's holding a toy of hers that I've given her, the whining usually stops. This isn't a big deal in the morning (probably because I've become accustomed to it by now), but I wish things went more smoothly more for Samantha than for myself. I know she has a great day when she gets to school, it's just the whole morning routine thing we could do without.


Today Samantha and Tatiana (a little girl/friend in her class) built a tower with blocks together. Samantha also got to play at the sand table and went to the recess for gym. She had a good day and, as always, she was fine as soon as Shelia got her off the bus this morning. Shelia is a wonderful lady and I'm SO glad Samantha gets along so well with her. It's a bittersweet feeling knowing Samantha is fine without me when she's with Shelia at school. But as long as Samantha has a good time while she's there, that's all that matters.

Martha, the woman who is working with Samantha on learning braille, will be out tomorrow afternoon to work with us. I'll be sure to update after her visit.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week! Please sign Samantha's guestbook so we know you stopped by. And don't forget to check on the kiddies listed on the bottom of Samantha's page.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

March 22, 2004:

Poor, poor Chad. He's still in the hospital and will more than likely be there for at least another 2 days. He is showing some signs of improvement, but he's been placed on IV morphine since the pain he has been experiencing has increased. He has been able to eat some crackers and has been successful with keeping them down.

March 22, 2004:

Chad's brother, Travis, turns 11-years-old today.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRAVIS!!! We wish you a wonderful day!!

March 17, 2004:

Craig is home, but poor Lauren (his sister) can't be around him since she's sick with a virus. She's staying with friends until she's well enough to come home.

March 20, 2004:

Dee was admitted to the hospital tonight due to the fact she had fallen for the third time in the past week. She will be sent home just as soon as she's able to get back on her feet again. Hopefully that won't take too long!

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 19, 2004:

After some scary moments at the hospital, Jordan is at home, happy and cooking with his Mommy's help.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

March 23, 2004:

LaKota will be going into the Cities for a bone marrow biopsy.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 22, 2004:

Maxie will NOT be having surgery today as his white count is down. He has also been experiencing high fevers and has been in a great deal of pain.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

My Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.

Jeff as he prepares for his surgery on April 12, 2004.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 22, 2004:

Collin and his family are headed off for Disney World today courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Have a great time, everyone!

March 16, 2004:

Jared and his family are headed to Florida to spend some time with his grandparents. We wish them a wonderful and safe vacation!

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:






Sunday, March 21, 2004

Hi everyone! Our weekend wasn't the most eventful one, but it was pleasant and peaceful. Plus, with this being the first "official" weekend of Spring, the weather was beautiful. It was nice and sunny all weekend long. Of course it rained on both Saturday and Sunday night, but that didn't matter because we were all in for the night by the time it began.

~*~*~*Friday -- March 19*~*~*~

My WONDERFUL Mom (thank you again, Mom) watched Miss Samantha for a couple of hours tonight so Jeff and I could go out to dinner in celebration of our anniversary. We went to Polcari's (I LOVE Italian food) around nine o'clock when Jeff got home from work. According to my Mom, Samantha was a very good little girl while we were gone.

~*~*~*Saturday -- March 20*~*~*~

Jeff went to see his kids for the afternoon but, once again, his visit was cut short due to the pain he was in. Will this ever end? I'm telling you, April 12th can't come quickly enough. I'm hoping and praying his surgery will be a success and will give Jeff the relief he so desperately needs.

Samantha and I went for a little walk this afternoon since the weather was so beautiful. When you live in New England and can't blink without getting a weather change, any amount of sun shining is reason enough to go for a walk. We didn't go anywhere special or do anything fun, we just walked to a local store so I could pick up some milk. Samantha did a wonderful job walking (I only carried her a couple of times and that didn't last long) and she was VERY interested in checking out all of the snow piles we passed by. She's never been a huge fan of snow, but she likes to stare at it and check it out. She also hates to wear gloves, so she won't touch the cold snow.

~*~*~*Sunday -- March 21*~*~*~

I am NOT talking about today's race! But I do want to let Kathy & Richard know that I'll be thinking of you both as I watch next Sunday's race in Bristol on TV knowing you're there. Don't forget my pictures!!!!!!! And have a great time!

I hope all of you have an absolutely wonderful week! Hopefully (I'm crossing my fingers here) Samantha will be attending school all of this week. She's feeling good except for the nasty cough that still doesn't want to leave her alone. Jeff won't be going to work tomorrow, but he should be for the rest of the week. Because of the pain he's in all the time, he's been having a lot of restless nights. He'll sleep for about 15 minutes at a time, wake up in pain, attempt to go back to sleep and it all starts over again.

Please sign Samantha's guestbook if you've got the time. And don't forget to check out the kiddies that are listed below.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:


March 19, 2004:

Chad was admitted into the hospital today. He hasn't been feeling well lately and his Mom wanted to get him taken care of as quickly as possible. He has pneumonia (AGAIN!), has been throwing up a lot and is in agony with leg pains he's been experiencing. His voice is also becoming VERY hoarse from all of the coughing he's been doing.

March 17, 2004:

Craig is home, but poor Lauren (his sister) can't be around him since she's sick with a virus. She's staying with friends until she's well enough to come home.

March 16, 2004:

Dee had an appointment with her doctor today and everything went well. Scans were performed and NO NEW CANCER was found! She does have arthritis, which may be contributing to the problems she's been having while walking.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 19, 2004:

After some scary moments at the hospital, Jordan is at home, happy and cooking with his Mommy's help.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

March 16, 2004:

LaKota had her blood counts checked today and they're up!

March 19, 2004:

LaKota will have her counts checked again.

March 23, 2004:

LaKota will be going into the Cities for a bone marrow biopsy.

March 20, 2004:

Lisa delivered her baby boy, Tanner Miller, today but all attempts to save him have failed. Please visit Lindsey's site and leave any condolences you're able to.

March 22, 2004:

Maxie will NOT be having surgery today as his white count is down. He has also been experiencing high fevers and has been in a great deal of pain.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 22, 2004:

Collin and his family are headed off for Disney World today courtesy of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Have a great time, everyone!

March 16, 2004:

Jared and his family are headed to Florida to spend some time with his grandparents. We wish them a wonderful and safe vacation!

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:






Friday, March 19, 2004

~*~*~*Tuesday -- March 16*~*~*~

Today was Samantha's first day back to school and she did VERY well. Her class played with flashlights today, in a darkened classroom, and they had a blast. Samantha loves playing with flashlights at home, so I knew she must have had fun with them in school.

~*~*~*Wednesday -- March 17*~*~*~

Sammi got sick early this morning and ended up sleeping on our couch once Jeff set her up there. She threw up a couple of times and then she was finished. This sickness came as soon as it went. I would have passed it off as being something she ate, but the kid doesn't eat anything. So I'm guessing she caught a 24-hour bug somehow, even though it last MUCH less than 24 hours. She was back to her normal self again by ten o'clock this morning; 7 hours after everything started.

Luckily, due to the enormous amount of snow we got last night, school was cancelled today so Samantha didn't have to miss anything.

~*~*~*Thursday -- March 18*~*~*~

Even though I was nervous about sending Sammi to school today (I kept thinking a call would reach me from the school nurse saying Sammi is throwing up again) she was good to go this morning. Sammi had a great time playing at the sand table, playing in the gym for recess and listening to her teacher sing songs to her class. She sang two of Samantha's favorites; "Bingo" and the "Barney Song."


He's a mess. He hurts every time he moves. It takes him about 20 minutes to get off of the couch, or out of the car, and then another 10 minutes to get where he wants to go. I'm still trying to work out everything so Sammi and I can be in Boston when Jeff has his surgery done. It's going to cost a pretty penny to stay there for a week, so I'm doing everything I can to come up with the money. I'm almost there, I just need a few extra dollars so I can make it work. Wish me luck, please! This is driving me nuts and I can't wait for all of it to be over.

~*~*~*To Jeff*~*~*~

Happy Anniversary! I love you so much, baby. These years with you have been absolutely amazing. I am more in love with you now than I was when we first started dating. I never thought that was possible. Thank you for all you've done for me and Samantha since we've been together. I love you, baby!

I hope all of you have a great weekend. Nothing much is planned around here except that Jeff will be traveling to see his kids on Saturday. In the past he's stayed there for the entire day, but that hasn't happened for awhile now. Two hours after he shows up he's in too much pain to sit still and usually cuts his visit short.

Please sign Samantha's guestbook if time permits. Most of the kiddies listed below have been updated as well if you'd like to take a look.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:


August 1, 2000 ~ March 18, 2004

*Amanda* put up such a courageous fight before earning her Angel wings. She will be forever missed and loved by so many people who had the pleasure of getting to know her. Please stop by her site and offer any condolences you may have to her family as they go through this difficult time.

March 17, 2004:

Craig is home, but poor Lauren (his sister) can't be around him since she's sick with a virus. She's staying with friends until she's well enough to come home.

March 16, 2004:

Dee had an appointment with her doctor today and everything went well. Scans were performed and NO NEW CANCER was found! She does have arthritis, which may be contributing to the problems she's been having while walking.

March 11, 2004:

Jake is a very tired little boy who has also lost the ability to speak. This is heart breaking for his parents as Jake is known to be a little chatterbox with lots to say about everything. Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family.

March 19, 2004:

After some scary moments at the hospital, Jordan is at home, happy and cooking with his Mommy's help.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

March 16, 2004:

LaKota had her blood counts checked today and they're up!

March 19, 2004:

LaKota will have her counts checked again.

March 23, 2004:

LaKota will be going into the Cities for a bone marrow biopsy.

March 12, 2004:

Lisa's water broke today and she's only at 22 weeks pregnant. She is in the hospital and doctors are trying their best to stop any more contractions from taking place. She's doing well and the kids are being taken care of at home thanks to their wonderful Dad and grandparents.

March 16, 2004:

Maxie's doctors are saying he has about 2 more months left on this Earth. I can't even begin to explain how my heart is breaking for him and his family. Lets prove these doctors wrong!

March 22, 2004:

Maxie will be having surgery today.

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.

March 16, 2004:

*Michelle's* Angel wings sprouted tonight and she is now living pain free in Heaven. Please stop by her site and leave any kind of support to her family that you're able to.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 16, 2004:

Jared and his family are headed to Florida to spend some time with his grandparents. We wish them a wonderful and safe vacation!

April 12, 2004:

Along with Missa's family, Jared and his family will be traveling to the White House for their Easter activities. We know both families will have a blast!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:





Wednesday, March 17, 2004

***Updates on Michelle & Amanda***


I also want to wish a VERY Happy Anniversary to Kathy and Richard Mayo, two wonderful people I've gotten to know through CaringBridge. It's their anniversary today AND they're Irish...What more could someone ask for? hehehe
Happy Anniversary, guys! We love you!

***It's 3:40 in the morning and Miss Samantha is sleeping on our couch. She's been throwing up for the past half hour. Unfortunately it looks like the stomach bug we've been trying desperately to avoid has hit. Luckily today should be a snow day (we've got a TON of snow on the ground) so she won't have to miss a day of school.***
Prayers Needed:


August 1, 2000 ~ March 18, 2004

*Amanda* put up such a courageous fight before earning her Angel wings. She will be forever missed and loved by so many people who had the pleasure of getting to know her. Please stop by her site and offer any condolences you may have to her family as they go through this difficult time.

March 17, 2004:

Craig is suppose to be coming home from his hospital chemo stay, but now his sister (Lauren) may have the chicken pox again (?).

March 11, 2004:

Dee should be having her radiation sometime this week.

March 11, 2004:

Jake's Mom has posted that she believes "Jake's little engine is running out of steam here on this earth." These words are so heartbreaking to read.

March 13, 2004:

Somehow, someway, it seems as though the platelet transfusion Jordan received has stopped/slowed the internal bleeding he's been experiencing.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

March 16, 2004:

LaKota had her blood counts checked today and they're up!

March 19, 2004:

LaKota will have her counts checked again.

March 23, 2004:

LaKota will be going into the Cities for a bone marrow biopsy.

March 16, 2004:

Maxie's doctors are saying he has about 2 more months left on this Earth. I can't even begin to explain how my heart is breaking for him and his family. Lets prove these doctors wrong!

March 16, 2004:

The results are in from Michael's MRI and they're not good. Although his old tumor has hardly grew, growth has been detected and it is covering the whole outside of his brain. Please pray for this sweetheart to prove the doctors wrong.

March 16, 2004:

*Michelle's* Angel wings sprouted tonight and she is now living pain free in Heaven. Please stop by her site and leave any kind of support to her family that you're able to.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!


Missa and her family have been invited to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt/Roll at the White House on April 12th. This is VERY exciting for everyone who will be attending!


Tayden is back to attending school again. He's been having a wonderful time and I bet he's making new friends left and right.
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:





Sunday, March 14, 2004

Hi everyone! How are all of you doing? Great I hope! Things around here have been pretty busy (nothing new there), but good.

~*~*~*Monday -- March 8*~*~*~

Jeff went into Boston this afternoon to fill out all of the free care forms he needs to have completed so he can have his surgery done. All the forms are filled out, now we just have to wait until they're processed to see if he's eligible (I don't know why he wouldn't be) to receive free care.

I went to my doctors appointment this morning, but the results from the blood work I had done over the weekend weren't back yet. My doctor called the lab but they never got back to him. So I should be hearing from him sometime during the week.

My Dad and Missy (his girlfriend) visited us for a little bit this morning. They returned home on Saturday from their vacation to Mexico. They had a wonderful time while they were there and came bearing gifts!

~*~*~*Wednesday -- March 10*~*~*~

My doctor called this morning and somehow, don't make me explain because I don't know, my cholesterol has started to come down on its own. Believe me, I'm not complaining about this. So I won't have to be put on any medication, but if it goes back up then the pills will start being swallowed! He also said my liver and kidneys are doing good! Woohoo! All in all I've got a pretty clean bill of health, thank goodness.

Grandma Rose came over to visit us this afternoon. Jeff and I had some things we needed to pick up at the store, so we left Grandma and Sammi alone to play while we headed out. Samantha always has a wonderful time playing with Grandma when she's able to visit. Hopefully we'll be seeing Grandma again next week if she's able to stop by.

~*~*~*Thursday -- March 11*~*~*~

Ok, here's the news we got today. Jeff will NOT be having surgery on March 15th as planned. Grrrrrrrrrrr! His free care forms weren't filed on time (he was approved, by the way), so the OR had no choice but to cancel his surgery. So the new date for all of this to be done is April 12th. That's right, A WHOLE MONTH!!!!!!!!! How they can allow so much more time to pass, knowing how much pain he's in and how difficult it is for him to get around, is beyond me. But now we have no choice but to wait for April 12th to roll around. A few other problems have also come up.

We also found out that Jeff will be in the hospital for up to 4 days following his surgery. His surgery is being held in Boston, which is 45 minutes from where we live. The problem is figuring out how the hell I'm going to stay with him for 4 days. Mind you I will more than likely have Samantha with me except for the day of his surgery, which is when my Mom will be watching her I believe. Hotels are expensive in Boston and I honestly don't think I could come up with the money to stay in a room for 4 days. I'd be more than happy to stay in Jeff's hospital room, but not when I have Sammi. Can everyone see this little predicament (probably spelt wrong) I'm in? I have a lot to figure out and a month to do it all in. PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!

~*~*~*Friday -- March 12*~*~*~

Sammi stayed out of school for the week thanks to this cold that doesn't want to go away! I plan on sending her little butt on the bus next Tuesday though so she can see all of her friends once again. She seems to be getting better, though the cough she has doesn't seem to want to let up. I still think she'll be well enough to go to school next week.

~*~*~*Saturday -- March 13*~*~*~

Jeff and I ventured into Boston tonight (my Mom and step-Dad kept an eye on Sammi -- Thank you, Mom! Thank you, Slappy!) to see the NASCAR 3D movie. Wow! To say it was great would be a HUGE understatement! If it's playing in a city near you, and if you're a NASCAR fan, I would definitely recommend seeing it. The only draw back of the night was trying to get Jeff out of the theater once the movie ended. After sitting in a seat for almost an hour, his whole body was killing him. It took him a good 10 minutes to get out of the chair and outside. Surgery can be held off, right? Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for rambling so much, I didn't realize I had so much to say. I'll try to make an update during the week so I don't put all of you to sleep next time! I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Please sign Samantha's guestbook if you've got the time.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:


July 14, 1995 ~ March 12, 2004
Flying free with all of the Angels in Heaven

March 11, 2004:

Amanda continues to survive and fight. This sweetheart is absolutely amazing.

March 12, 2004:

Craig will be returning to the hospital for another round of chemo.

March 11, 2004:

Dee should be having her radiation sometime this week.

March 11, 2004:

Jake's Mom has posted that she believes "Jake's little engine is running out of steam here on this earth." These words are so heartbreaking to read.

March 13, 2004:

Somehow, someway, it seems as though the platelet transfusion Jordan received has stopped/slowed the internal bleeding he's been experiencing.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

November 18, 1999 ~ March 12, 2004
Sweet *Kyler* has become one of Heaven's Angels.

March 12, 2004:

LaKota and her wonderful family met with a bone marrow specialist today. Go look at LaKota's site to learn what went on at this appointment. Debbie, LaKota's Mom, is excellent at explaining everything.

March 14, 2004:

Maxie is still in the hospital. This weekend hasn't been the best for him as he has been experiencing a lot of pain. Maxie's brother, Robert, is interested in playing soccer.

March 11, 2004:

Michael has an MRI today. No results have been posted as of yet.

February 24, 2004:

Michelle has good days and she has bad ones. She's been sleeping all of the time, waking to eat as much as she's able to and then returns to sleeping. The nurses working with Michelle have been talking of increasing her medications to keep her more sedated in hopes the bad dreams and stomach pains shes been having will stop.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

~*~*~*The Cole's*~*~*~

*Angel Colby's* amazing Mom and Dad will be welcoming a baby boy into their home soon. *Colby's* little brother, Cameron, will be a BIG brother before too long! Congratulations Laura, Jack, Cameron & *Colby*

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in March 2004:



Sunday, March 7, 2004

***Abby updated***
***Kyler added***

Hi everyone! I hope all of you enjoyed your weekend. Ours was good, but it seemed to go by too quickly. Before I knew it it was Sunday.

~*~*~*Samantha's School Days*~*~*~
~*~*~*Thursday -- March 4~*~*~*~*~

When I put Sammi on the bus this morning I got a VERY good report on how she acted on the way to school yesterday. I gave her her Silly Bee {a toy she likes} to play with on the bus ride and the bus driver said she didn't cry once. Woohoo! This morning I gave her another toy, her Letter P toy, so I'm hoping she was just as good. This was GREAT news to hear!

Samantha's friend, Kelly, drew a picture of Sammi jumping on a trampoline. Samantha brought this picture home with her this afternoon and I almost died when I saw it. It's so precious! As soon as I looked at it, I knew Sammi hadn't drawn it. But then I read the note from Shelia and it explained what it was and who drew it. So Samantha is making friends left and right here. She's still VERY fond of Matthew and speaks of him constantly. Uh-oh. Sammi also played with table toys, puzzles and she looked at the books Martha brought to the classroom for her today. Since the weather was kind of rainy and bleh, recess was held in the gym. I know Sammi loves going outside to play on the slide and on the swings, but I'm sure she had just as much fun inside.

Samantha has also learned two new songs that she LOVES to sing around the house every chance she gets. They're "Hello" songs that I'm guessing everyone sings at the beginning of the day. They go like this:

Hello Matthew
Hello Matthew
We're glad that you are here


Hello, Hello
It's time to say hello
Hello to you
Hello to me
Hello, hello, hello

She sounds so cute singing these to us. I used Matthew as an example because, ugh, she's VERY fond of him. I've been asking her to sing the "Hello" song (#1) whenever someone walks into our house. I hope no one is getting sick of this because I love it!

~*~*~*Saturday -- March 6*~*~*~

Today was my Mom's birthday and, because I'm afraid she'll beat me, I'm not allowed to reveal how old she is.

Jeff took me, while my Mom stayed home and kept an eye on Samantha, to get my blood work done this morning. I've been putting it off for as long as I could because everyone knows just how horrible I am when it comes to having blood drawn. I honestly didn't do too badly today though and --drum roll please-- I DIDN'T pass out. Go me! Jeff was great while I was having it done. Of course I had to have him come in with me when it was my turn. He stood next to me, held my hand and watched the color drain from my face. He got a kick out of that. I even got some stickers because I was such a good patient! hehehe

After having my blood drawn, Jeff and I went to pick up a few things for my Mom. We ended up getting her a very pretty bouquet {that's probably horribly misspelled} of flowers and a gift certificate for her to get her hair done. Samantha also gave her a Cherished Teddies figurine that she has wanted.

All of us {my Mom, step-Dad, Jeff, Samantha, Mary, Michael and I} went out to eat tonight. Samantha was so-so while we ate, even though she absolutely refused to sit in her high chair. She insisted on sitting on everyone's lap instead. The best part of the night came at the end of our meal. My step-Dad had told the waitress that it was my Mom's birthday {we do this to everyone when it's their birthday} so everyone came out clapping and singing. Samantha LOVED this and started clapping along with everyone.

Once again............HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! We love you SO much!!!!

~*~*~*Sunday -- March 7*~*~*~

Today's race? Bleh. I couldn't find Samantha's Jeff Gordon shirt today, so I was forced to put her in her Jimmie Johnson/Spongebob one {sorry Kathy & Richard}. I don't know where this shirt is, but I'm determined to hunt it down tomorrow.

~*~*~*Monday -- March 8*~*~*~

Today is going to be a busy day. I'm keeping Samantha out of school because she's not feeling well and she has the BIGGEST attitude right now because of it. She has a runny nose and has been coughing AGAIN, which I'm more than positive one of her classmates was nice enough to share with her. So I'll be keeping her home tomorrow and hopefully she'll be returning to school on Tuesday.

I have an appointment at 9:30 in the morning with my primary doctor. We were supposed to get my high cholesterol figured out and start to fix this problem, but all of that depended on how my blood work came back. Since I just got my blood work done on Saturday, I may have to visit him again for these results.

Jeff goes into Boston for an eleven o'clock appointment this afternoon. He's going there to electronically fill out his free care forms so his surgery will take place on March 15th as planned. Without these forms filled out, his surgery won't be happening. It's hard to believe he'll be having this procedure done one week from today. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting here complaining that the 15th was so far away. Now the nervousness and jitters in Jeff, as well as myself, have begun.

I hope all of you are doing well and are able to have a fantastic week. Please sign Samantha's guestbook. We'd love to hear from you. For all of the faithful people who check up on us and leave your kind messages, thank you! It means so much to know you care and are able to show your compassion.

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:


July 14, 1995 ~ March 12, 2004

*Abby* is now pain free and flying with all of the other Angels in Heaven.

March 5, 2004:

Amanda continues to survive and fight. This sweetheart is absolutely amazing. She's sleeping most of the time and her parents have been feeding her while she is asleep. This is an extremely hard time for her parents who hate watching their little girl go through so much.

March 12, 2004:

Craig will be returning to the hospital for another round of chemo.

March 9, 2004:

Dee will be having Gamma Radiation done today. This is an all day event for her. Please send some prayers her way. Dee is a very strong woman who has been through so very much.

March 7, 2004:

Luckily Jordan has been having good days! This sweetheart is such a fighter!!


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.


Kyler is such a sweet little boy who has been through so very much in his 4 years of life. Now it looks as though he may be leaving this world.

February 29, 2004:

You know it can't be good when a doctor calls you on a Sunday, right? Well Beautiful LaKota's doctor called today to tell her family the devastating news that she has, in fact, relapsed. Please pray for her as well as her wonderful family who are so very supportive and courageous.

March 9, 2004:

Maxie's doctors are going to meet today and, I'm guessing, are going to try and come up with a plan of action.

February 24, 2004:

Michelle has good days and she has bad ones. She's been sleeping all of the time, waking to eat as much as she's able to and then returns to sleeping. The nurses working with Michelle have been talking of increasing her medications to keep her more sedated in hopes the bad dreams and stomach pains shes been having will stop.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

March 7, 2004:

Lauren is feeling better! Yea! Keep feeling well, hon!
Craig and Lauren went to the rodeo with their Grandpa today. They've never been before and I hope they have a wonderful time!

March 7, 2004:

Jesse's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

March 6, 2004:


March 8, 2004:

RachelJoy heads off to school today! She saw her classroom and loves it! Wishing you the most wonderful day, sweetheart!

February 27, 2004:

Ryan's Mom, Michele, received the wonderful results of her surgery today and they are: NO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody do that happy dance of yours!

February 22, 2004:

Savannah was released from the hospital on February 20th!!!

March 2, 2004:

Savannah's sister, Cassie, will be turning 9 today.

March 9, 2004:

Savannah will be turning 7 today. Happy Birthday, girls!

Both girls will be celebrating their special days this weekend on March 6.

March 6, 2004:

Tayden is celebrating his one year of fighting Severe Aplastic Anemia today. Everyone sing..............
"Celebrate good times c'mon!"

Thursday, March 4, 2004

MARCH 6, 2004:


We love you SO much and we hope you have the best birthday possible! Not only have you been a WONDERFUL Mom, but you're also an excellent Nuna and Samantha thinks the world of you. I hope you know how VERY loved you are!


Tori is a wonderful big sister to Missa
and Zach. She's turning 12-years-old today and I know she'd love it if you could stop by Missa's site and leave her a 'Happy Birthday' wish. Happy Birthday, hon!!! We love you!

Tayden is celebrating his one year of fighting against aplastic anemia today. This is a VERY big deal for Tayden, his family and everyone who knows and loves this brave little man. Congratulations, Tayden! I love you, buddy!

Hi everyone! I hope all of you have been having the kind of weather we've been having. It's raining today, but it's been warm {in the 50's} around here since last Friday. Yeah, I think we're about ready for Spring to arrive. And guess what I heard is suppose to be rolling in next week? Yup, SNOW!!! Spring where are you???????????????

Ok, on to Samantha's week at school...................

~*~*~*Monday -- March 1*~*~*~

For some reason Samantha decided to wake up at one in the morning and stay up until it was time for her to go to school. Needless to say, she wasn't too happy that I made her go. She didn't have a very good day at all. I fell asleep on the couch while she was at school since I was so tired and Jeff ended up getting Sammi off of the bus in the afternoon. He laid her down as soon as she walked through the door and she crashed almost immediately. I gave her a 3 hour nap and she was in a MUCH better mood when she woke up. Luckily she hasn't pulled this little stunt of her's again since Monday. So here's the plan: Samantha goes to school Monday through Thursday. She gets up at 7:30a on those mornings so I can get here ready to go. As much as I would love to sleep in on Friday, Saturday and Sundays, that's no longer an option. She'll be up at 7:30a everyday just so this doesn't happen again. I hope my plan works.

~*~*~*Tuesday -- March 2*~*~*~

Sammi had a MUCH better day at school today! Samantha made Mommy VERY happy when I saw another school project stuffed inside her Spongebob lunch box/back pack. I can't hang this one on the fridge, so it's sitting on top of our microwave so I can show it off to everyone who comes into our house. It's a space shuttle glued onto an empty toilet paper roll. It's really cute! I've been walking by it just because I can throughout the day because I'm so proud of it!

~*~*~*Wednesday -- March 3*~*~*~

Lori {the O&M woman} worked with Samantha this afternoon, which means Sammi got to go outside to play with her friends AND she got to go into the gym to play with Lori. They {Lori & Sammi} played with a hula hoop and Sammi jumped on a trampoline. According to the note I got, Sammi worked VERY well and had an excellent time. She also got to play at the sand table and in the writing center today, but I'm not really sure what she did.

We've also discovered that Samantha absolutely HATES riding on the school bus in the morning. I'm not sure if it's because of the loud noise it makes, the other kids being loud {I doubt it} or Miss Samantha not getting enough attention. I'm kind of thinking it's because of the noise. Every morning, when it's time to put her coat on, she starts to get all upset and whines. The bus driver told me she had cried all the way to school the other day, but then she's fine as soon as Shelia gets her off the bus and brings her into her classroom. It breaks my heart having to leave her on the bus like that, but it makes me feel better knowing it's not school she hates, just the ride there. I'm really hoping this passes soon so Sammi will be able to enjoy her bus ride.

~*~*~*Jeff's Surgery -- March 15*~*~*~

As far as we know, everything is still taking place. But suddenly all of that could change. Jeff hasn't heard if he's been accepted for free care. If he isn't accepted, or if his application was sent in too late, the surgery won't be taking place. And if he isn't accepted, and there's no way for him to become accepted, then that means the surgery won't be happening at all. I'm a little nervous about all of this and I probably will be until we know what's going on. I'm hoping and praying nothing will stand in the way of his surgery and that he'll soon be fixed.

Well everyone, I hope all is well with all of you. Have a wonderful week and an excellent weekend! Please feel free to sign Samantha's guestbook if you have the time to do so. Oh! And I have to thank Kody for the new name he's given me. I love it and I'll be using it when I sign guestbooks from now on. Thank you, hon!

With Much Love,
Mrs. Shannon
Prayers Needed:

March 2, 2004:

Thank goodness little Abby is presently stable. Please continue to include her into your prayers as she is still in the ICU and also for her liver to recover from all of the damage its taken on.

March 1, 2004:

Amanda continues to survive and fight. This sweetheart is absolutely amazing. Her breathing has returned to normal and she continues to sleep nearly all the time.

March 12, 2004:

Craig will be returning to the hospital for another round of chemo.

March 9, 2004:

Dee will be having Gamma Radiation done today. This is an all day event for her. Please send some prayers her way. Dee is a very strong woman who has been through so very much.

March 1, 2004:

No word on Jesse's site yet, but rumor has it that he was going to go home from the hospital today. Hopefully he was able to be released as planned!

March 3, 2004:

Doctors had original given Jordan at week at the most, but now he seems to have tons of energy. He's surprising everyone!

Julianna and Nicholas' grandmother, Terry -- their Dad's -- Mom, passed away over the weekend.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

February 29, 2004:

You know it can't be good when a doctor calls you on a Sunday, right? Well Beautiful LaKota's doctor called today to tell her family the devastating news that she has, in fact, relapsed. Please pray for her as well as her wonderful family who are so very supportive and courageous.

March 2, 2004:

The results from the CT scan performed on Maxie still haven't rolled in yet. I hate playing the waiting game; it drives me nuts! Christy, Maxie's Mom, has been by his side since he was admitted into the hospital. Julie, Maxie's grandmother, has been keeping things together on the home front and sends Robert off to school everyday. Please pray for this wonderful family as all of them, not only Maxie, continue to fight on.

March 3, 2004:

Maxie has been able to eat some food and has also been able to keep it down! Woohoo! Keep up the great work, buddy!

February 24, 2004:

Michelle has good days and she has bad ones. She's been sleeping all of the time, waking to eat as much as she's able to and then returns to sleeping. The nurses working with Michelle have been talking of increasing her medications to keep her more sedated in hopes the bad dreams and stomach pains shes been having will stop.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen and her breast cancer.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

March 1, 2004:

Craig has met his new teacher and everything is going great with the two of them! He will also be a baseball star this upcoming season! We may have a celeb in our midst, everyone!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

March 6, 2004:


March 3, 2004:

RachelJoy gets to see her new classroom today! I can't wait to hear what she thinks about it.

February 27, 2004:

Ryan's Mom, Michele, received the wonderful results of her surgery today and they are: NO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody do that happy dance of yours!

February 22, 2004:

Savannah was released from the hospital on February 20th!!!

March 2, 2004:

Savannah's sister, Cassie, will be turning 9 today.

March 9, 2004:

Savannah will be turning 7 today. Happy Birthday, girls!

Both girls will be celebrating their special days this weekend on March 6.

March 6, 2004:

Tayden is celebrating his one year of fighting Severe Aplastic Anemia today. Everyone sing..............
"Celebrate good times c'mon!"

Sunday, February 29, 2004

*Most of the kiddies below have been updated*

*Ross David Joiner*

February 28, 2004
Fly free, sweetheart!


Part of Samantha's day at school was a bit traumatizing for her. When I thought about her going to school I thought about her getting along well with the other kids, listening to her teacher{s} when she was told to or not to do something, paying attention, etc. But you know what slipped my mind? Fire drills! Yup, there was an unexpected fire drill at Samantha's school on Thursday and she freaked out. This is the same little girl who would cry and cry and cry when she was younger and I vacuumed our carpets. A note was sent home with Samantha this afternoon explaining the catastrophe that had taken place. Shelia, the aide who works with Samantha, said she was VERY upset. They sat together when the ringing had stopped and Shelia was successful in calming Samantha down by singing with her. Thank goodness! Have I mentioned recently just how much I love Shelia? It makes me feel so good to know she's able to calm Samantha down if something should scare her and I'm not there.

Other than this minor setback, Samantha was able to have a great day. She played on the playground with a friend. I never got the name of this friend and Samantha still won't tell me. She does talk about Matthew and Brian quite a bit. Figures she makes two new friends and they're both boys!

Happier news of the day:

Samantha brought home her very first art project. I couldn't be a prouder Mommy right now. It's been hanging on our fridge ever since I found it in her back pack. It's a white cut out of a star with yellow stars glued in the center. Oh it's so cute!!!!!!! Happy, happy, happy am I!!!


Martha {the visual teacher who will be working with Samantha on braille} made her first morning visit today. Samantha goes to school Monday through Thursday and Martha will be coming to our house on Friday afternoon. Martha brought a brailler with her for us to keep and work with. Samantha refused to so much as touch this machine when it was first placed in front of her. If I attempted to type on it, she would pull my hand away. She does this from time to time if someone tried to touch our vacuum too. I'm guessing she thinks whatever this new contraption is will hurt us and she thinks she's protecting us. I could be totally wrong, but that's what I'm thinking.

Martha also let Samantha borrow a book called 'The Gumdrop Tree'. It's the same type of book as 'Jellybean Jungle', 'Roly-Poly Man' and 'Bumpy Rolls Away' -- braille typed under the printed words and tactile pictures. Samantha fell in love with this book the second Martha was finished reading it to her. Needless to say, this book has been read much more than a dozen times by everyone Samantha comes into contact with.

~*~*~*Our Weekend*~*~*~

Its been pretty quiet around here this weekend. Jeff visited his kids on Saturday. This is his last visit with them until he's recovered from his surgery. Today my Uncle visited us and brought presents for Samantha since he wasn't able to make it to her birthday party in January. He gave Sammi a t-shirt and CD; both of which Samantha loves.

Please check below for updates on some of the CaringBridge kiddies/adults. Please also feel free to sign Samantha's guestbook if you've got the time. We love to hear from all of you!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:

March 2, 2004:

Thank goodness little Abby is presently stable. Please continue to include her into your prayers as she is still in the ICU and also for her liver to recover from all of the damage its taken on.

March 1, 2004:

Amanda continues to survive and fight. This sweetheart is absolutely amazing. Her breathing has returned to normal and she continues to sleep nearly all the time.

March 1, 2004:

Craig met has met his new teacher and everything is going great with the two of them! He will also be a baseball star this upcoming season! We may have a celeb in our midst, everyone!

March 12, 2004:

Craig will be returning to the hospital for another round of chemo.

March 9, 2004:

Dee will be having Gamma Radiation done today. This is an all day event for her. Please send some prayers her way. Dee is a very strong woman who has been through so very much.

March 1, 2004:

No word on Jesse's site yet, but rumor has it that he was going to go home from the hospital today. Hopefully he was able to be released as planned!

February 29, 2004:

Jordan was brought into the hospital since his nurse suspected low platelets. Doctors found he is experiencing internal bleeding. His Mom and Dad are enjoying spending every waking minute with him. Please pray he doesn't experience any seizures.

Julianna and Nicholas' grandmother, Terry -- their Dad's -- Mom, passed away over the weekend.


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

February 29, 2004:

You know it can't be good when a doctor calls you on a Sunday, right? Well Beautiful LaKota's doctor called today to tell her family the devastating news that she has, in fact, relapsed. Please pray for her as well as her wonderful family who are so very supportive and courageous.

March 2, 2004:

The results from the CT scan performed on Maxie still haven't rolled in yet. I hate playing the waiting game; it drives me nuts! Christy, Maxie's Mom, has been by his side since he was admitted into the hospital. Julie, Maxie's grandmother, has been keeping things together on the home front and sends Robert off to school everyday. Please pray for this wonderful family as all of them, not only Maxie, continue to fight on.

February 24, 2004:

Michelle has good days and she has bad ones. She's been sleeping all of the time, waking to eat as much as she's able to and then returns to sleeping. The nurses working with Michelle have been talking of increasing her medications to keep her more sedated in hopes the bad dreams and stomach pains shes been having will stop.

March 3, 2004:

RachelJoy gets to see her new classroom today! I can't wait to hear what she thinks about it.

March 2, 2004:

Savannah's sister, Cassie, will be turning 9 today.

March 9, 2004:

Savannah will be turning 7 today. Happy Birthday, girls!

Both girls will be celebrating their special days this weekend on March 6.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

February 24, 2004:

Missa and her family have returned home from their vacation to California. They had a wonderful time while they were there! Missa's Mom, Denise, has updated her CB page with all of the details of their fantastic trip. Thanks again for the postcard guys!

March 6, 2004:

Tori, big sister to Missa & Zach, will be turning 12-years-old today. In advance....................

February 27, 2004:

Ryan's Mom, Michele, received the wonderful results of her surgery today and they are: NO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody do that happy dance of yours!

February 22, 2004:

Savannah was released from the hospital on February 20th!!!

March 6, 2004:

Tayden will be celebrating his one year of fighting Severe Aplastic Anemia today. Everyone sing..............
"Celebrate good times c'mon!"

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


Samantha returns to school! Unfortunately she was a little fussy throughout the day and didn't have a very good one. I'm passing all of this off as her being thrown into a new environment and not knowing how to react quite yet. I got a letter from her teacher saying Samantha wasn't interested in her snack today {crackers and milk}. Her teacher noticed all she did was lick the salt off of the crackers and didn't touch her milk. She asked if there was something else she would rather eat. This note brought a smile to my face. Samantha barely eats yet she weight almost 30 pounds. Could someone please explain this to me? I wrote a letter back to Samantha's teacher, explained everything and asked her to try with the crackers but it's no big deal if she doesn't eat them. I go through these same struggles with her every day.


Samantha's day at school was a much better one today. Another note was sent home with her from her teacher {I've asked to get these daily so I know how Samantha is doing in school} and it was filled with much happier news! Samantha did coloring sorting in her art activity today, she played at the sand table, she did well in cricle time and she went outside to play. Transitions for her were easy today {thank goodness} and Samantha's teacher wrote the comment of what a much better day Samantha had. Yea!

My Mom and I were sitting at my kitchen table with Samantha tonight. All of a sudden Samantha started talking about a slide, Matthew and Brian {two boys in her class}. I was thrilled that I was actually getting some feed back from her on what she did. Of course she didn't say everything in sentences so you had to guess, but we got most of what she was saying.


Samantha went off to school without a problem. As I left her on the bus she asked for "Hop on Pop." That's a new book she likes to read. I left the bus without giving it to her, so I hope she didn't throw a fit as the bus pulled away. I can't wait to read about her day {in the note from Samantha's teacher} when she gets home. It makes me so happy to know she's having so much fun in school.

~*~*~*Jeff a.k.a. The Gimp*~*~*~

I've come to realize that if I don't laugh about things I'll become a basket case. So I make fun of Jeff from time to time, he gets mad at me and I feel better. It's all in fun. I'm not doing it to be mean. When my glasses broke and I had trouble seeing, he made fun of me. See, it's all in good fun.

The big surgery day is coming up soonly {a special word of mine} and I'm hoping {and praying} all will go smoothly and this will work to Jeff's advantage.


I'm hanging in there. There are a lot of phone calls I have to make and meetings to set up, but I'm holding off on them. Why? I think it's because I'm scared of facing reality in the face. I'm talking about the new discoveries as far as Samantha is concerned. Excuse me if I sound shady or secretive, but I'm just not ready to share all of this yet. If I even begin to talk about it tears start rolling down my face. I was the same way when we found out about Samantha's vision problems and when Samantha was officially diagnosed with ONH. I couldn't talk about it for at least a few months after everything had sunk in. I'm not trying to deny whats been proven, I just can't deal with it right away. I don't know how to explain all of this, but I hope all of you understand.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week! Please feel free to sign Samantha's guestbook should you have the time to do so.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


February 25, 2004:

Thank goodness little Abby is presently stable. Her kidneys have started to fail, so she was placed on dialysis this morning. She is also on a ventilator. This little girl has a very long road ahead of her, but we're all rooting and praying for her.

February 24, 2004:

Amanda continues to survive and fight. This sweetheart is absolutely amazing.

February 25, 2004:

Craig had a high fever scare yesterday but, luckily, it went down on its on. Lauren, Craig's sister, isn't feeling too well and may have caught that nasty stomach virus that has been making its rounds. Please pray for Lauren to feel better soon and for Craig not to catch this yucky stuff.

February 23, 2004:

Dee has lost the ability to walk, but that doesn't mean shes given up! Only 2 more radiation treatments are left for this wonderful woman!


This sweetheart is currently at UVA Hospital battling high fevers that have been hitting him. The doctors are trying to figure out why he's got them.

February 25, 2004:

Jordan is still hanging in there and is showing everyone just how remarkable he is. What an amazing little boy he is!


Keith was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma in December 2003.

February 25, 2004:

Doctors have discovered blast cells while examining LaKota's labs. Her family is bringing her in to have a bone marrow done on her today. All extra prayers are VERY welcome!!!

February 24, 2004:

Michelle has good days and she has bad ones. She's been sleeping all of the time, waking to eat as much as she's able to and then returns to sleeping. The nurses working with Michelle have been talking of increasing her medications to keep her more sedated in hopes the bad dreams and stomach pains shes been having will stop.

February 25, 2004:

Unfortunately RachelJoy won't be able to attend school on March 1st as everyone had hoped. :o(

February 25, 2004:

Ryan's Mom, Michele, goes through surgery to have a lump found on her breast removed.

February 17, 2004:

Savannah's MRI results came back as fairly stable and showed signs of minimal growth.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

February 24, 2004:

Missa and her family have returned home from their vacation to California. They had a wonderful time while they were there! Missa's Mom, Denise, has updated her CB page with all of the details of their fantastic trip. Thanks again for the postcard guys!

March 6, 2004:

Tori, big sister to Missa & Zach, will be turning 12-years-old today. In advance....................

February 22, 2004:

Savannah was released from the hospital on February 20th!!!

March 6, 2004:

Tayden will be celebrating his one year of fighting Severe Aplastic Anemia today. Everyone sing..............
"Celebrate good times c'mon!"
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in February 2004:









Monday, February 23, 2004

***I hope you like the background. Jeff picked it out and he's mighty proud of himself***

Hi all!

This will be short since I don't have the energy or motivation to say too much. We discovered a few things at Samantha's doctors appointment on February 18th that I haven't told anyone. Please keep in mind that Samantha is fine, but we've hit yet another bump in the road that I need to deal with before spilling my guts on her page. I hope all of you understand. Please also know all is well with Jeff {his surgery is still scheduled for March 15th} and myself. Hopefully I will be able to do a real update soonly.

I hope all is well with all of you. I will work on updating all of the people listed below as soon as I'm able to. Please sign Samantha's guestbook if time permits.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


February 21, 2004:

For reasons nobody knows, Amanda continues to survive and fight. This sweetheart is absolutely amazing.

February 18, 2004:

Craig is home from his hospital stay, but he isn't feeling too well and may need a blood transfusion. We hope you're feeling better soon, buddy!

February 11, 2004:

Dee is home!!!!!!!!!!!


This sweetheart is currently at UVA Hospital battling high fevers that have been hitting him. The doctors are trying to figure out why he's got them.

February 17, 2004:

Jordan has not been feeling well. Everyone fears he is inching closer to entering God's Kingdom.

February 5, 2004:

Michelle has been sleeping a lot more lately and only wakes, from time to time, for food and drinks. Her Mom is heart broken seeing her daughter this way.

February 3, 2004:

Relapsed with A.L.L. Doctors are currently trying to find a protocol that will work for her.

February 9, 2004:

Ryan's Mom, Michele, has found a lump on her breast. She is scheduled for surgery on February 25. This family is a VERY optimistic one and they have high hopes that everything will turn out fine.

February 17, 2004:

Savannah's MRI results came back as fairly stable and showed signs of minimal growth.

February 4, 2004:

Relapsed with Neuroblastoma. Please pray the chemo he is currently receiving works.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 19, 2004:

Chad's last chemo treatment will be given on September 27, 2004!!!

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

February 13, 2004:

Denise, Darren, Tori, Missa and Zach headed out to California to meet up with Denise's parents while they're on vacation. I wish them all a wonderful time while they're away!

February 21, 2004:

Missa and her family sent us a postcard from sunny {cloudy at the time} Cali. Everyone is having an excellent time! They should have arrived home last night.

February 9, 2004:

RachelJoy will be able to attend the school both she and her mother wanted her to go to. RachelJoy is VERY excited about this! Her tenative start date is March 1st.

February 22, 2004:

Savannah was released from the hospital on February 20th!!!


Tayden, his Mom and his Dad have returned home from their Disney vacation. They had a wonderful time while they were there. Tayden's Mom, Trish, has done a wonderful job updating Tayden's page with details of their trip.


February 4, 2004:

Tori's chest scan came back clear! Woohoo! The results of her MRI haven't come in yet, so everyone is assuming they must have come back good. Keep praying though, please.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in February 2004:








Sunday, February 15, 2004

***Happy Birthday, Marble!!!***
Marble is one of our 3 cats. He's the one who sleeps on my pillow at night. He turns 5-years-old today. I love you, baby!

Hi everyone! I hope all of you have been having a wonderful weekend as well as a VERY Happy Valentine's Day.

~*~*~*Samantha's Day*~*~*~

Sammi's day could have gone a lot better than it did. All day long she was whiny and would start crying for no reason. She still isn't feeling well, so I'm assuming this is why she acted like this all day.

Papa Wayne brought Sammi a stuffed bunny {his name is Alfalfa} and a balloon when he visited for a little bit this afternoon. That balloon, added in with the 3 other ones we have that still won't deflate, was the only thing that made Samantha happy all day long. She also refused to take a nap today, so that just made things so much worse.

~*~*~*Jeff's Day*~*~*~

Jeff went to see his kids today, but he wound up coming home early since his pain started acting up. He nearly gave me a heart attack when he walked through the door 4 hours before he should have.

Oh, and today marks the beginning of Jeff's countdown. He'll be going in for his surgery in exactly one month. We're still not sure whether this will be day surgery or if he'll have to spend the night. His pre-op appointment is on March 12, so we'll find out more then.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


February 12, 2004:

Amanda's Mom and Dad went to the funeral home yesterday and made all of the final arrangements for Amanda. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this must have been for them.

February 13, 2004:

Chad's EEG results showed no signs of seizure activity during the test. Yea!!!

February 13, 2004:

Craig goes in for his next hospital stay to have an echo-cardiogram done and to begin round 9 of chemo.

February 13, 2004:

Criag's sister, Lauren, isn't feeling well. She has some kind of bug and has been throwing up.

February 11, 2004:

Dee is home!!!!!!!!!!!


This sweetheart is currently at UVA Hospital battling high fevers that have been hitting him. The doctors are trying to figure out why he's got them.

February 11, 2004:

Jordan has not been feeling well. Everyone fears he is inching closer to entering God's Kingdom.

February 5, 2004:

Michelle has been sleeping a lot more lately and only wakes, from time to time, for food and drinks. Her Mom is heart broken seeing her daughter this way.

February 3, 2004:

Relapsed with A.L.L. Doctors are currently trying to find a protocol that will work for her.

February 9, 2004:

Ryan's Mom, Michele, has found a lump on her breast. She is scheduled for surgery on February 25. This family is a VERY optimistic one and they have high hopes that everything will turn out fine.

February 8, 2004:

Savannah's Mom recently got a tattoo in honor of Savannah.

February 10, 2004:

Savannah will be having an MRI done. Please pray for good news.

February 10, 2004:

Savannah was admitted to the hospital due to high fevers. Everyone is hoping these fevers are being caused by a bug she caught somewhere and are NOT tumor related.

February 4, 2004:

Relapsed with Neuroblastoma. Please pray the chemo he is currently receiving works.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

Jared's Dad, Joe, and little sister, Mari, were involved in a car accident. Thankfully both of them are ok and walked away with only a few bumps and bruises.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

February 13, 2004:

Denise, Darren, Tori, Missa and Zach headed out to California to meet up with Denise's parents while they're on vacation. I wish them all a wonderful time while they're away!

February 9, 2004:

RachelJoy will be able to attend the school both she and her mother wanted her to go to. RachelJoy is VERY excited about this! Her tenative start date is March 1st.

Tayden, his Mom and his Dad have returned home from their Disney vacation. I haven't heard how their trip went, but I'm sure they had a wonderful time!


February 4, 2004:

Tori's chest scan came back clear! Woohoo! The results of her MRI haven't come in yet, so everyone is assuming they must have come back good. Keep praying though, please.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in February 2004:






Friday, February 13, 2004

Please bear with me as this journal entry may be a little jumbled. I didn't think about any of this before I started writing it, so this will be a rough draft. Since this entry may be a rather long one, I won't be posting all of the prayers, happy news and Heavenly birthdays that I usually do. Don't think for one minute that this means I no longer care. Please check my journal history to check up on the kiddies I list. I also wanted to say that everything here is fine. I have my voice back, but Samantha is still feeling cruddy. Ok, on to my rambling.....

What I'm about to write about is a very sensitive subject and is 100rue. It is happening right now to a beautiful couple, but I will not be using their real names since I haven't talked to them about what I'm planning on writing. If anyone, by any chance, knows who I'm writing about, please don't mention any real names in Samantha's guestbook if you'd like to comment on this subject. If you know who I am referring to, please visit their CaringBridge page {which I also will not be listing} to leave any comments you'd like to them. Keep in mind that this family does NOT need to be criticized at this time. They are dealing with another extremely difficult decision in their lives and could use some support, not negative feedback. With that said, I'll begin.

In 2002 these beautiful people gave birth to their first child. Since I mentioned they have a CaringBridge page, something must have happened to this child, right? He was born with a genetic disease that would ultimately lead to his death, shortly after his first birthday, in 2003. Visiting this little boys site everyday was both heart breaking and inspiring. His parents are wonderful with words and described everything in such detail that you felt you knew exactly what was going on in their lives. They expressed their thoughts and feelings and weren't afraid to hold anything back. They expressed their undying love for their little boy and how watching him struggle to live day after day was pure hell. As hard as things got, they stayed by their sons hospital bed {as faithful parents would} and complained very little. This little boy was so young and yet he went through more pain and suffering in his one short year of life than most of us will in a life time.

Ever since their babys passing, the only thing they've wished for is a happy and healthy baby. One born without the same deadly disease as their first son. And now they're pregnant. Tests have been done and this baby is confirmed to also have the same deadly genetic disorder. Now I ask all of you: What would you do? What would you do knowing how your first child suffered? What would you do knowing there's a chance this child will survive, but there's also that chance that, if this child receives a transplant, he/she too might reject it? What would you do?

I travel around many CaringBridge sites everyday and try my best to leave happy, uplifting messages for these children who are battling cancer as well as for their family members. I've become close to a number of families who have lost their child to this beast, but still I can't feel the full effect of this devastating blow when I only knew them via the internet. Of course I'm saddened when I hear of an child passing away, but until {God forbid} it happens to us, the full emotions are hard to come by.

These wonderful people have two options. Abort the pregnancy or give birth to this baby knowing full well what is probably in store. Again I ask, what would you do?

If you know me, you know I've always been 100gainst abortion. I have many strong feelings on this subject. While I was in school, I wrote many essays on this subject because it was something I thought needed more attention than it was getting. I never, for the life of me, understood how two people could find the time to fool around yet finding the time to take care of a life they created wasn't an option. Of course there are situations where I believe an abortion is the right thing to do, but for the most part I am completely against a woman going through with one. This courageous family, I think and PLEASE forgive me if I'm wrong, is leaning towards terminating this pregnancy. Now think long and hard about this. Can you blame them? Knowing what they've already been through, can you really sit there and say they're wrong when they're doing their best to spare this little baby from a lifetime {as long as he/she survives} of misery?

None of us has the right to tell these people what to do. If you're a parent who has lost a child to one of these horrible diseases and you found out you were pregnant again, what would you do? What if you had testing done only to discover this child would have the same disease that ended the life of your other child? What if there was no guarantee that this child's life could be saved and he/she could wind up life your other?

I hope this entry doesn't upset anyone. This subject was something that has been on my mind since I first heard of it yesterday and I just wanted to explain it to all of you. Once again I ask that you keep this families identity a secret should you know who I am referring to. Please don't post their names in Samantha's guestbook if you know who they are. This doesn't mean I'm not asking you to talk about this subject at all, just please don't add any names to it. Thank you very much!

With that said, I wish all of you a wonderful weekend! Happy Valentine's Day to all who celebrate this special day tomorrow!

With Much Love,

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Hi everyone! This is going to be a VERY quick entry.


I don't feel well. My throat started bothering me last night and it just got worse this morning. I can barely talk, so Jeff's been calling everyone I need to talk to. Thank you baby! You're a huge help! I'll be drugged up on DayQuil, and whatever else I buy when I run to the store this afternoon, until this lovely cold of mine decides to leave.

~*~*~*My Angel Bear*~*~*~

My poor little girl is sick too. She's also a HUGE grump because she's not feeling well. I've decided to keep her out of school for the rest of the week since she's being VERY clingy to me right now and doesn't really want others pestering her. She has an appointment to be seen by her pediatrician next Wednesday for her 3-year check-up. Sammi is being loaded up with Delsym {I love this stuff} and Tylenol at night so she can sleep. She has a cough, runny nose and she's sneezing a lot.

That's it! Jeff, my Mom and Slappy are all feeling well. My Mom is still coughing here and there, but it's a big improvement from how she was feeling before. Thank you for stopping by and checking up on us. Please sign Samantha's guestbook if you've got the time.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


February 12, 2004:

Amanda's Mom and Dad went to the funeral home yesterday and made all of the final arrangements for Amanda. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this must have been for them.

February 12, 2004:

Still waiting for those EEG results. I hate the waiting game!

February 13, 2004:

Craig goes in for his next hospital stay to have an echo-cardiogram done and to begin round 9 of chemo.

February 11, 2004:

Dee is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dylan is now is God's loving arms dancing among so many *Angels* in Heaven.

November 22, 2000 ~ February 11, 2004


This sweetheart is currently at UVA Hospital battling high fevers that have been hitting him. The doctors are trying to figure out why he's got them.

February 11, 2004:

Jordan has not been feeling well. Everyone fears he is inching closer to entering God's Kingdom.

February 5, 2004:

Michelle has been sleeping a lot more lately and only wakes, from time to time, for food and drinks. Her Mom is heart broken seeing her daughter this way.

February 3, 2004:

Relapsed with A.L.L. Doctors are currently trying to find a protocol that will work for her.

February 9, 2004:

Ryan's Mom, Michele, has found a lump on her breast. She is scheduled for surgery on February 25. This family is a VERY optimistic one and they have high hopes that everything will turn out fine.

February 8, 2004:

Savannah's Mom recently got a tattoo in honor of Savannah.

February 10, 2004:

Savannah will be having an MRI done. Please pray for good news.

February 10, 2004:

Savannah was admitted to the hospital due to high fevers. Everyone is hoping these fevers are being caused by a bug she caught somewhere and are NOT tumor related.

February 4, 2004:

Relapsed with Neuroblastoma. Please pray the chemo he is currently receiving works.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 5, 2004:

The results from Fisher's MRI are in and they have come back unchanged. Yea! His Mom, understandably, would have been more happy if the tumor had shrunk or disappeared completely.

Jared's Dad, Joe, and little sister, Mari, were involved in a car accident. Thankfully both of them are ok and walked away with only a few bumps and bruises.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

February 9, 2004:

It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!

Tayden, his Mom and his Dad are in Disney as we speak! I know they're going to have an excellent time while they're there. Please pass along some prayers for the plane ride down there since everyone, except Mom, is afraid to fly. Have fun guys! I can't wait to hear all the details when you return!!


February 4, 2004:

Tori's chest scan came back clear! Woohoo! The results of her MRI haven't come in yet, so everyone is assuming they must have come back good. Keep praying though, please.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in February 2004:






Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Hey everyone! I would have updated sooner but things have been more than a little crazy around here, so I thought I'd write now since Sammi and Jeff are still sleeping. Samantha's just being a lazy bum and Jeff's tired 'cause he had an early morning run to go on this morning. The house is nice and quiet, I'm sitting here drinking coffee and checking up on some CB kiddies. Ah, life is good before the housework starts.

~*~*~*First Day of School*~*~*~

Well, Sammi was a pro just like I thought she would be. I got her little back pack, snack and clothes together Sunday night so I wouldn't have to worry about them on Monday morning. Samantha got up as soon as I woke her up and didn't give me a hard time about it. She watched The Wiggles after I got her dressed while we waited for the bus to arrive. My Mom and I walked Sammi outside when the bus pulled up. After her car seat was put on the bus, it was Sammi's turn. I was walking her down the driveway {she was holding my hand} when she stopped and started walking the other way. She didn't like the sounds of the bus. Since her vision isn't all that good and she isn't able to focus on things right away, some noises will scare her. So I picked her up, put her on the top step of the bus and introduced her to the bus driver and monitor. Both women seem very nice. But still Sammi refused to walk down the aisle of the bus to her seat. So again I had to pick her up and put her in her car seat. I said good-bye to her {believe me, I was quick about it}, got off the bus and stood next to my Mom in our driveway. Now listen up people. The ONLY tears I shed was when I saw my little Angel Bear sitting on that bus as it pulled away. She just looked like such a big girl. There weren't any floods in Mass yesterday {KATHY!!!!!!!} and I didn't spend the 2 hours she was gone blubbering like an idiot. All in all, I'm really proud/surprised of myself.

I still have no clue how her first day of school went, but I'll be finding out either this afternoon or on Wednesday. She didn't come home crying though, so that's a good sign. Of course I took pictures of her in her first day of school outfit and I'll be posting them as soon as I get my film developed.

That's really all that's been happening around here. Jeff's still hurting, but he's dealing with that the best he's able to. My Mom seems to be getting better. She isn't coughing as loud or as bad as she was, so I'm assuming the medicine she's been taking has been helping her out. All of my babies {animals} are doing well. Aahz {one of our cats; the latest addition as of last September} has been my shadow lately. I can't walk anywhere around the house without him right behind me. So now I have Aahz, Casey {my puppy} and Samantha following me around this place all day long. We'll have a conga line going before too long if this keeps up.

I hope all of you are doing well. Give those kiddies of yours BIG hugs {if they let you} and have a great week!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


February 9, 2004:

Amanda has been spending most of her time sleeping. When she does wake up, she stares into space for a long time. Please pray for this sweet girl.

February 9, 2004:

Still waiting for those EEG results. I hate the waiting game!

February 13, 2004:

Craig goes in for his next hospital stay to have an echo-cardiogram done and to begin round 9 of chemo.

February 9, 2004:

Dee is doing great! She's been up and walking with the help of a walker. Her radiation is also going well and there's a possibility she'll be able to go home this week!


This sweetheart is currently at UVA Hospital battling high fevers that have been hitting him. The doctors are trying to figure out why he's got them.


Please pray for this sweet little boy. There's an absolutely beautiful prayer posted on his page if you've got the time to read it.

February 5, 2004:

Michelle has been sleeping a lot more lately and only wakes, from time to time, for food and drinks. Her Mom is heart broken seeing her daughter this way.

February 3, 2004:

Relapsed with A.L.L.

February 8, 2004:

Savannah's Mom recently got a tattoo in honor of Savannah.

February 10, 2004:

Savannah will be having an MRI done. Please pray for good news.

February 4, 2004:

Relapsed with Neuroblastoma


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 5, 2004:

The results from Fisher's MRI are in and they have come back unchanged. Yea! His Mom, understandably, would have been more happy if the tumor had shrunk or disappeared completely.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

Tayden, his Mom and his Dad are in Disney as we speak! I know they're going to have an excellent time while they're there. Please pass along some prayers for the plane ride down there since everyone, except Mom, is afraid to fly. Have fun guys! I can't wait to hear all the details when you return!!


February 4, 2004:

Tori's chest scan came back clear! Woohoo! The results of her MRI haven't come in yet, so keep up with those prayers please.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in February 2004:




Friday, February 6, 2004


Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I've tried updating some of the kids below as best I could, so please check them out if you're able to.

~*~*~*My Angel Bear*~*~*~

I don't really have a lot to say. Samantha's doing fine. She's been coughing here and there, but it doesn't sound like anything too serious. She's also a screamer {for no reason she'll just start yelling at the top of her lungs; she's not upset, just being goofy} and that makes her cough a lot. I'll keep an ear open though and give her some Delsym should it get any worst.

~*~*~*My Mom*~*~*~

My Mom is sick with bronchitis. I talked with her on the phone yesterday while she was at work and she told me she had made an appointment to be seen by her doctor. Now there's something you've got to understand, my Mom NEVER goes to the doctor. She was seen for the 9 months she was pregnant with me, had a blood test when she was married in 2000 and that's it. She's hardly ever sick so she just never bothers to go. So when I heard she had made an appointment I got more than a little nervous. Other than the bronchitis she's fine. The doctor gave her 6 pills {I can't remember what they are exactly} so I'm guessing they must be pretty powerful since that's all she got. She's also a smoker {no comments please}, which is why her doctor gave her a higher dose of medicine to help fight this. She'll be fine.


Jeff isn't feeling too well either. He hasn't come down sick, but we're guessing it's only a matter of time. He said his head has been stuffy and he's been having a rough time breathing. Now I don't know if the breathing is from this cold that's going around of if it's from the fact that he's slowed down a lot with smoking. Either way, he doesn't feel well. I'm guessing I'm going to have to pick up another bottle of Delsym soon just incase. He's also been in a lot more pain than usual. He's having more trouble walking and keeping his balance. No offense to anyone out there, but he walks like a little old lady using a cane. You know how they walk? All slumped over. I promise everyone that I do not mean to offend anyone by this comment, it's just the only way I could think of describing how Jeff walks.

~*~*~*And Then There's Me*~*~*~

I've explained this, in full detail, to a few people {you know who you are and THANK YOU for listening}, but I'll give all of you the short version.

I went to my doctor yesterday and he discovered, from blood work done in January 2003, that I have high cholesterol. I had no idea! Why didn't I have a clue? Because Dr. Quack, the doctor I was seeing before this one, decided not to tell me. Don't ask me why, but I'm VERY upset about this. High cholesterol runs in my family and it'd be nice to know I have it too. So I need to go in for more blood work next week sometime {be prepared for me to tell you I passed out} and then I'll be seen by my NEW doctor on March 8. We'll discuss what to do then.

That's about it! Boring isn't it? I hope all of you have an excellent weekend! Even though your kids probably try to wiggle away from you when you try to hold them still, make time to give them a BIG hug!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


February 1, 2004:

Mom called Hospice because Amanda was having a lot of pain and wasn't able to get comfortable. Amanda has been spending most of her time sleeping. Please pray for this sweet girl.

February 6, 2004:

Chad's Dad's Dad {confusing, huh?} isn't doing too well. Extra prayers would be very much appreciated and welcomed.

February 13, 2004:

Craig goes in for his next hospital stay to have an echo-cardiogram doine and to begin round 9 of chemo.

February 8, 2004:

My deepest condolences go out to dear *Dakoda's* family as his battle with cancer has come to an end. He is now pain free and living as an *Angel* in Heaven.

February 6, 2004:

Dee is now living in an assisted living facility where she can receive all the care she constantly needs so no one will be afraid of her hurting herself. A DNR/DNI order has also been signed. Jen, Dee's daughter, updates her Mom's CaringBridge page and, despite all that has been happening, she's been doing a terrific job!

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
February 6, 2004:

No news on how his surgery went.

February 5, 2004:

Michelle has been sleeping a lot more lately and only wakes, from time to time, for food and drinks. Her Mom is heart broken seeing her daughter this way.

February 5, 2004:

Savannah's sister, Cassie, isn't feeling well. She's been having high temps. I hope you're feeling better soon, hon!

February 10, 2004:

Savannah will be having an MRI done. Please pray for good news.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.

And my Dad whose condition I really can't talk too much about.
Happy News:

February 4, 2004:

Emily should be leaving the ICU soon.

February 5, 2004:

The results from Fisher's MRI are in and they have come back unchanged. Yea! His Mom, understandably, would have been more happy if the tumor had shrunk or disappeared completely.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

Tayden, his Mom and his Dad will be in Disney TOMORROW! I know they're going to have an excellent time while they're there. Please pass along some prayers for the plane ride down there since everyone, except Mom, is afraid to fly. Have fun guys! I can't wait to hear all the details when you return!!


February 4, 2004:

Tori's chest scan came back clear! Woohoo! The results of her MRI haven't come in yet, so keep up with those prayers please.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in February 2004:



Wednesday, February 4, 2004


For once I have absolutely nothing to write about. Everything is going well here and it's actually a little boring in our house. Boring is good though. I'd take boring over a busy, non-stop day any time! So here's a poem for all of you to enjoy. *Justin's* Mom, Susan, had it posted on her site once and I loved reading it. I think it's the cutest thing ever. Enjoy!
~I Am a Toddler~

If it is on, I must turn it off.
If it is off, I must turn it on.
If it is folded, I must unfold it.
If it is a liquid, it must be shaken, then spilled.
If it a solid, it must be crumbled, chewed or smeared.
If it is high, it must be reached.
If it is shelved, it must be unshelved.
If it is pointed, it must be run with at top speed.
If it has leaves, they must be picked.
If it is plugged, it must be unplugged.
If it is not trash, it must be thrown away.
If it is in the trash, it must be removed, inspected, and thrown on the floor.
If it is closed, it must be opened.
If it does not open, it must be screamed at.
If it has drawers, they must be rifled.
If it is a pencil, it must write on the refrigerator, monitor, or table.
If it is full, it will be more interesting emptied.
If it is empty, it will be more interesting full.
If it is a pile of dirt, it must be laid upon.
If it is stroller, it must under no circumstances be ridden in without protest. It must be pushed by me instead.
If it has a flat surface, it must be banged upon.
If Mommy's hands are full, I must be carried.
If Mommy is in a hurry and wants to carry me, I must walk alone.
If it is paper, it must be torn.
If it has buttons, they must be pressed.
If the volume is low, it must go high.
If it is toilet paper, it must be unrolled on the floor.
If it is a drawer, it must be pulled upon.
If it is a toothbrush, it must be inserted into my mouth.
If it has a faucet, it must be turned on at full force.
If it is a phone, I must talk to it.
If it is a bug, it must be swallowed.
If it doesn't stay on my spoon, it must be dropped on the floor.
If it is not food, it must be tasted.
If it IS food, it must not be tasted.
If it is dry, it must be made wet with drool, milk, or toilet water.
If it is a car seat, it must be protested with arched back.
If it is Mommy, it must be hugged.

I am a toddler!
Prayers Needed:

~*~*~*Angel Alex*~*~*~

After a very long and courageous battle, *Alex* is now resting peacefully with the *Angels*

February 1, 2004:

Mom called Hospice because Amanda was having a lot of pain and wasn't able to get comfortable. Amanda has been spending most of her time sleeping. Please pray for this sweet girl.

~*~*~*Angel Conor*~*~*~
*Conor* is now completely free of pain and is flying around with all of the other beautiful *Angels* in Heaven.

October 18, 1999 ~ February 4, 2004

February 13, 2004:

Craig goes in for his next hospital stay to have an echo-cardiogram doine and to begin round 9 of chemo.

February 3, 2004:

David will had an MRI of his brain done. The procedure went well. Pray all is clear.

February 4, 2004:

David goes in for blood work, a breathing treatment and hopefully he'll be starting his next round of chemo. All prayers are welcome!

February 3, 2004:

Goes in for an MRI today. Please pray everything is clear.

February 4, 2004:

Fisher's MRI couldn't be completed yesterday, so him and his Mom will be returning today to {hopefully} have it done.

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
January 30, 2004:

Jacob will be having surgery today to place the PEG and also to drill holes for his sinuses.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

January 27, 2004:

Savannah had day 1 of chemo last night. It went great. She doesn't complain at all about medicine taking.

February 10, 2004:

Savannah will be having an MRI done. Please pray for good news.

February 3, 2004:

Goes in for 2 physical's, a chest scan and an MRI of her hips. Please pray all goes well for this sweetheart.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 30, 2004:

Chad's EEG went VERY well. Now it's a waiting game until his family finds out what was shown on the EEG. As far as going back to school is concerned, Chad won't be able to go back for quite some time. His families plans for this weekend was to sit back, relax and enjoy spending time together. Sounds good to me!

February 4, 2004:

Emily should be leaving the ICU soon.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

Only 3 more days until Tayden, his Mom and his Dad are having the time of their lives in sunny Florida. They'll be flying down to Disney on February 7th. Boy, I'm jelaous but I know you guys will have a GREAT time!

January 29, 2004:

Today I received 2 pictures of Tayden from his Mom and I must say, this is one VERY handsome little man. Check out his CB page to see some more gorgeous pictures of Tayden.


February 4, 2004:

Tori's chest scan came back clear! Woohoo! The results of her MRI haven't come in yet, so keep up with those prayers please.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in February 2004:


Monday, February 2, 2004---2 new pictures are in the photo album


I'm back!!!!!!!!!

After a few technical difficulties, we're up and running again. I don't know exactly what happened, all I know is that one of our wires ended up snapping. Jeff fixed it tonight so we're back online. A very big THANK YOU goes out to Denise who helped me out by updating Samantha's page while I couldn't. Thank you very much, hon! You certainly are a life saver.

Before I begin, I need to send a VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY out to my baby, Eddie. Eddie is 5-years-old today. He's my German Shepherd baby who I love VERY much! Happy Birthday, Eddie! I swear you just get cuter every single day!!

~*~*~*How 'Bout Them Patriots!!!*~*~*~

To say our house was in an uproar last night while watching the Superbowl would be a HUGE understatement. Jeff, Sammi and I went upstairs to me Mom and step-Dad's apartment to watch the game. Samantha was content running from room to room, playing with all of her toys and laying in my Mom and step-Dad's bed to watch her Wiggles video. She could have cared less for the football game, but she did copy everyone with all their yells of excitement. And, thankfully, she's still too little to have seen that wonderful half-time show. That's all I'll say about that.

The picture on this page is from last year, but it's the same shirt she wore last night. Towards the end of the 4th quarter all of us were rubbing her shirt for good luck. I'm starting to think it worked. Now keep in mind, this still does NOT make me a Patriots fan. I will be rooting for my team again as soon as the season starts back up.

~*~*~*Samantha's Ear*~*~*~

Hours before the Superbowl we were in our own apartment cleaning and just sitting around. I was doing something on the computer {the computer is in our bedroom} while Sammi was playing on my bed behind me. I heard her roll off the bed and picked her back up. Two seconds later she was back on the bed and five seconds later she had fallen off again. This time she was bleeding. Now you've got to know I am NOT good when it comes to seeing blood. I get all grossed out and I feel sick to my stomach whenever I see the stuff. When Samantha had fallen off of the bed, she must have cut her ear on our bed frame. I'm not exaggerating when I say there was A LOT of blood and this cut was VERY deep. I honestly thought we would have found ourself in the ER getting her stitched up. Luckily her cut stopped bleeding and, amazingly, she left it alone long enough for it to heal. It still looks horrible and she still has dried blood all around her ear and in her hair. Yes I know this happened on Sunday and she should be cleaned up by now, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to do this. I want to make sure the cut is completely healed and won't hurt her much when we scrub the blood off of it.

~*~*~*Wiggly Party*~*~*~

Samantha's birthday party on Saturday was GREAT! Everyone had a wonderful time and Jeff did an excellent job with the balloons. He picked his kids up in the afternoon so they could come to Samantha's party and he stopped to pick up some balloons on his way home. He really out did himself on this one. I asked him to get 5 balloons and he came home with 18. Gee, you think he got a little more than I asked for? Honey, you did a great job! Thank you for making Samantha's party even better than it could have been!

Of course the party wasn't the same without a few people who were unable to make it.

The Hovey Family, who are very close friends of mine. I baby-sat their kids, Eric and Meg, years ago. Meg will be 9 at the end of this month and Eric will be 16 in October. They're great kids and a wonderful family.

My Uncle Warren unfortunately had a class to attend at the same time as Samantha's party and couldn't make it. He did call though and said he'd like to stop by sometime soon if it would be possible. Of course it's possible! We love seeing my Uncle. He's a great guy and Samantha is just in love with him. They have the greatest time playing when they're together.

Samantha's Auntie Mary, my step-sister, had to work all afternoon and finally came home about 10 minutes before the party ended.

Jeff's mother

All in all, we had a great time with everyone who was able to attend. The cakes came out looking GREAT and they were VERY delicious! Slappy was VERY happy as soon as he saw his cake.

More than anything, Samantha got a lot of clothes as presents. This is something I asked everyone for since Samantha will need to look very cute when she starts school next week. 1 week from today to be exact. She did get a few toys though, from me and my Mom. I also need to thank The Roberts Family, Andrea & Amanda Marino and Kathy and Richard for the wonderful gifts they sent in honor of Samantha's birthday. Everything you sent was great and Samantha loved all of it. Thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts!

~*~*~*Sammi's Ready for School*~*~*~

Jeff and I saw the classroom Samantha will be in when she starts school next week. We left Sammi home with my Mom this afternoon while we went to her new school. I have to say, the classroom looks great. Samantha's teacher is also a wonderful woman. She's very easy to talk to and she's very nice. I couldn't place where I had met her before, but it finally came to me that I knew her {not very well} when she worked with disabled children at our local high school. I'm getting more and more comfortable with Samantha starting school with the more I'm learning. Of course I'll still be a nervous wreck and I'll probably be pacing the floors the entire time she's gone, but at least I know she's in good hands.

Ok! I think that's about it. Of course, even with all of the rambling I've done, I'm probably missing some stuff. I hope all of you are doing well and are having a wonderful week. Please sign Samantha's guestbook so we know you've stopped by if you've got the time.

I try to update the links below as best I can. Please visit some of the children listed.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:

Prayers Needed:


February 2, 2004:

Please pray for Alex's lungs as they are becoming weaker. There's been a huge update added to Alex's page, so you're better off going over to check it out.

February 1, 2004:

Mom called Hospice because Amanda was having a lot of pain and wasn't able to get comfortable. Amanda has been spending most of her time sleeping. Please pray for this sweet girl.

January 30, 2004:

Chad's EEG went VERY well. Now it's a waiting game until his family finds out what was shown on the EEG. As far as going back to school is concerned, Chad won't be able to go back for quite some time. His families plans for this weekend was to sit back, relax and enjoy spending time together. Sounds good to me!

January 31, 2004:

Craig and his Dad spent an afternoon out alone together and went to the movies. Craig's been having a lot of problems with limping lately, but it seems to be improving at this time.

January 31, 2004:

*Christopher* is now dancing pain free with all of the other *Angels* in Heaven. Fly free, sweetheart!

February 3, 2004:

Conor's little body is getting tired of fighting so hard. Please drop by his page and leave some comforting words for him and his family.

February 3, 2004:

David will be going in for an MRI of his brain. Pray all is clear.

February 3, 2004:

Goes in for an MRI today. Please pray everything is clear.

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
January 30, 2004:

Jacob will be having surgery today to place the PEG and also to drill holes for his sinuses.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

January 27, 2004:

Savannah had day 1 of chemo last night. It went great. She doesn't complain at all about medicine taking.

February 3, 2004:

Goes in for 2 physical's, a chest scan and an MRI of her hips. Please pray all goes well for this sweetheart.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 27, 2004:

Doctors were able to remove 80f Emily's nasty tumor when she went through surgery today. She is now recovering nicely.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

Only 4 more days until Tayden, his Mom and his Dad are having the time of their lives in sunny Florida. They'll be flying down to Disney on February 7th. Boy, I'm jelaous but I know you guys will have a GREAT time!

January 29, 2004:

Today I received 2 pictures of Tayden from his Mom and I must say, this is one VERY handsome little man. Check out his CB page to see some more gorgeous pictures of Tayden.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 5*

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*

Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in January 2004:

*King Brandyn*








Sunday, February 1, 2004 5:54 PM CST

Just a note from Denise...

Shannon has emailed me to let us know all is well but the phone line they have has SNAPPED in half!! So she can not update until this gets fixed... Just tought you would like to know they are all ok just some technical difficulties... Shannon who I will try to keep you up to date. I for one can not wait to hear about the Wiggles party!!!

Thanks for checking on Samanthatherese

Sammis friend, Denise

Superbowl Sunday, February 1, 2004

I can't make this long since I have tons to do, not a lot of time to do all of it in and I feel like poop. There's a very adult word for you. Believe me, if I wrote out how I really feel all of you reading this would be blocking your ears. So I think I'll stick with poop. I feel like a big, fat, sickly poopie-head.

I just wanted to take this time to thank every single one of you for all of the sweet birthday wishes you left for Samantha in her guestbook. You're all wonderful and caring people. I was taking the time to sign everyone's guestbook to thank them personally, but I'm afraid I might have missed a few people and I didn't want you to think we didn't appreciate your messages. So from the bottom of my heart, and from my little 3-year-olds as well, THANK YOU ALL!

We'll be busy watching the Superbowl upstairs in my parents apartment tonight, but I will be more than happy to update Samantha's page tomorrow letting all of you know how our parties went this weekend. I have lots and lots to talk about, so be prepared.

I hope all of you have a VERY happy Superbowl Sunday!!!

~*~*~*Go Patriots!!!*~*~*~
{I'm being forced to say this}

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


January 31, 2004:

Alex is still in critical but stable condition. This is amazing since he is two days post surgery. Alex isn't bleeding from the trach or the chest tube site. It is amazing since they had such a hard time stopping the bleeding from many of this other wounds. Keep amazing everyone, Alex! You're doing an awesome job!

February 1, 2004:

Mom called Hospice because Amanda was having a lot of pain and wasn't able to get comfortable. Amanda has been spending most of her time sleeping. Please pray for this sweet girl.

January 30, 2004:

Chad's EEG went VERY well. Now it's a waiting game until his family finds out what was shown on the EEG. As far as going back to school is concerned, Chad won't be able to go back for quite some time. His families plans for this weekend was to sit back, relax and enjoy spending time together. Sounds good to me!

January 31, 2004:

Craig and his Dad spent an afternoon out alone together and went to the movies. Craig's been having a lot of problems with limping lately, but it seems to be improving at this time.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news, though I have to admit I'm starting to worry.

February 1, 2004:

After two days of continuous fevers, they've finally gone down. Yea!

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
January 30, 2004:

Jacob will be having surgery today to place the PEG and also to drill holes for his sinuses.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

January 27, 2004:

Savannah had day 1 of chemo last night. It went great. She doesn't complain at all about medicine taking.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 27, 2004:

Doctors were able to remove 80% of Emily's nasty tumor when she went through surgery today. She is now recovering nicely.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

Only 6 more days until Tayden, his Mom and his Dad are having the time of their lives in sunny Florida. They'll be flying down to Disney on February 7th. Boy, I'm jelaous but I know you guys will have a GREAT time!

January 29, 2004:

Today I received 2 pictures of Tayden from his Mom and I must say, this is one VERY handsome little man. Check out his CB page to see some more gorgeous pictures of Tayden.
Heavenly Birthdays:

February 3 -- *Forever 2*

~*~*~*Colby James Cole*~*~*~
February 14 -- Forever 5

~*~*~*Riley Kate Belcher*~*~*~
February 14 -- *Forever 2*

February 15 -- *Forever 12*

February 18 -- *Forever 5*

February 24 -- *Forever 2*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in January 2004:

*King Brandyn*






Friday, January 31, 2004


I've felt close to you since the very first day you and my Mom started dating. You've always treated me as your own and you have always been there for me. You changed my life and the life of my Mom's for the best. There aren't enough words in the world to tell you how much I admire you, look up to you and love you. You've been the most wonderful step-Dad to me as well as an excellent Grandpa to Samantha Therese. The bond between the two of you is a beautiful one; one I know will never be broken. Just like I do, she loves you so very much and you know she asks for you constantly when you're not around. I love the fact that she was born one day before your birthday. I've always thought, because the two of you were born a day apart, that it helped strengthen the bond you two have. Thank you for making my Mom so happy, for being a wonderful step-Dad and friend to me and for being Samantha's Grandpa Slappy.

Happy 42nd Birthday, Slappy! We're going to do our absolute best to make it the most special day for you. I hope you enjoy your presents!

With Much Love,
Samantha Therese

Friday, January 30, 2004 -- 9:57a -- Samantha was born

To my little Angel Bear on her 3rd birthday:

Three years ago on this day, at 9:57 in the morning, is when we first met. You were my first pregnancy, so I didn't really know what to expect when it came time for you to be born.

I had been up since 4:30 that morning in severe pain, by 9:30 I couldn't take it anymore and your Nuna called 911. An ambulance arrived at our house no more than five minutes later and I was carried out of the house on a stretcher. We weren't very far from the hospital {Nuna was in the ambulance too; she was sitting in the front seat} when you decided you wanted out and you wanted it NOW. Two big pushes and you made your arrival. So like I said before: You were born at 9:57a, on January 30, 2001, in the back of an ambulance parked in front of the hospital's ER.

I still can't believe all of that happened three years ago. It seems like only yesterday I was rocking you to sleep in my arms. Now I'm lucky if you'll hold still for 5 seconds so I can give you a hug. Remembering things like you saying "Mama" for the first time, taking your first step and giving you your first bath will always be special memories for me. Those, and so many other things that have happened in your little life, will NEVER be forgotten. And now that you're getting older, there will be new experiences for you to go through. You'll be starting school in a week, you'll be learning how to use the big girl potty and you'll be making new friends in school. These are all REALLY big steps for you, honey! This is all part of growing up.

I love you VERY much, sweetheart. And always know that you'll forever be my little girl no matter how big or how old you may get. I hope today is the happiest birthday possible for you.

Loving you always and forever,

Thursday, January 29, 2004

I've just learned of two of Heaven's newest *Angels*

*Angel Tyler*

November 11, 1998 ~ January 28, 2004

*Angel McKenzie*
January 29, 2004

First off.....................
A very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to David's Mom, Kathy! She's 29 {hehehe} today. Happy Birthday, hon! I hope it's an excellent one for you!
~*~*~*Happy Birthday, Kathy*~*~*~

I know I've been writing a lot more than I usually do, so you're better off checking out our past journals to get yourself on track with all that's been happening around our house. Right now I'm actually sitting down. Before this moment the only time I got to sit down and breathe was when I was in Jeff's car running another errand somewhere. It feels so good to be sitting in a comfortable chair that I just might stay here for awhile.

~*~*~*School Days*~*~*~

Samantha will not be starting school on February 2nd as originally planned. She will be starting school on February 9th instead. This is no one's fault. Barbara {the head of the Pre-K department at Samantha's new school} and I talked on the phone this afternoon and there are just too many things that need to be done before Samantha begins school. This is fine by me. When I first heard Samantha wouldn't be going to school as scheduled, I thought we'd be waiting another month before she was able to attend. Right now we're working on a bus schedule {I have to call the transportation department in a little bit}, I have to sign the IEP that I received this afternooon and we still need to see the classroom Samantha will be placed in. There isn't a possibility for all of this to be accomplished before Monday, especially when there isn't any school on Friday. So we would have to work everything out today in order for her to start on Monday. That isn't happening.

~*~*~*Registering Samantha*~*~*~

Jeff, Sammi and I went to Samantha's new school this afternoon so I could register Samantha. Jeff was there to keep an eye on Sammi while I sat and filled out tons of paperwork. Oh joy! I never realized how many phone numbers we have that need to be written down for everyone should we need to be reached. Our home phone, my cell, Jeff's cell, Jeff's work, my Mom's work..............I'm surprised I remembered all of them! So as of this moment, Samantha is officially registered to go to school. Thankfully this is one humph that has been crossed. Woohoo!


Does everyone realize that my little girl will be 3-years-old at 9:57a tomorrow? I don't think its really hit me just yet. I'm sure it will tomorrow morning when I wake up. I honestly can't believe my little girl is now a big girl. Does anyone know of any counseling groups that are out there for mothers who don't want their children to grow up? If you do, could you pass the information along to me? hehehe I'm kidding, but I'm not. So I'll end my babbling with this:

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I'll probably update again tomorrow once the cake is here and Samantha is officially {*sob*} 3.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:

January 28, 2004:

Thankfully another option has been offered to Alex's parents by the doctors and they've accepted it.

From Alex's CB page:

Alex cannot be weaned from the ventilator in the traditional way. The new option is to put a trachea tube in and slowly wean Alex this way.

There's a lot more written there about this, so please go to his page and read all you can. And don't forget to pray and think happy thoughts!

January 21, 2004:

MRI's show the right side of her head is almost completely covered with tumors and it is starting to push her brain over. Nothing can be done for this sweet girl. Please drop by her page to leave some kind words.

January 29, 2004:

Chad will be having an EEG done tonight. Check out his page for a full update posted by his incredible Mom.

January 29, 2004:

Please pray his counts are up so he can FINALLY leave the house.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news, though I have to admit I'm starting to worry.

Conor has been having a lot of high fevers lately. Luckily chicken pox has been ruled out, but the cause for these fevers is still unknown.

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
January 30, 2004:

Jacob will be having surgery today to place the PEG and also to drill holes for his sinuses.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

January 22, 2004:

Savannah's ANC was over 2100, so chemo has been ordered. Woohoo!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 27, 2004:

Doctors were able to remove 80f Emily's nasty tumor when she went through surgery today. She is now recovering nicely.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

Only 10 more days until Tayden, his Mom and his Dad are having the time of their lives in sunny Florida. They'll be flying down to Disney on February 7th. Boy, I'm jelaous but I know you guys will have a GREAT time!

January 29, 2004:

Today I received 2 pictures of Tayden from his Mom and I must say, this is one VERY handsome little man. Check out his CB page to see some more gorgeous pictures of Tayden.
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in January 2004:

*King Brandyn*






Wednesday, January 28, 2004

JANUARY 29, 2004:
A very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to David's Mom, Kathy! She's 29 {hehehe} today. Happy Birthday, hon! I hope it's an excellent one for you!
~*~*~*Happy Birthday, Kathy*~*~*~

First off, a very big thank you goes out to The Wiggles who recently signed Samantha's guestbook and wished her a 'Happy Birthday.' Thank you SO much!

Hi everyone! I have a couple of minutes to kill before I tuck Samantha in for the night, so I thought I'd stop by to write about a few things that have been going on around here.

~*~*~*Grandpa Slappy*~*~*~

I didn't forget to update on how he's doing on purpose. It must have slipped my mind with all of the running around I've been doing in trying to get everything ready for Samantha's birthday party on Saturday. He's doing well though. He started feeling better the day after he was sick as a dog. He was still feeling weak that day, but he wasn't throwing up anymore. And nobody has come down with whatever it was that had made him sick. My Mom has a head cold right now {we hope you're feeling better SOON, Mom}, but that's about it. Believe me, I'll take a head cold any day over what Slappy got sick with. We're glad you're feeling better, Slap!

~*~*~*Samantha's School Days*~*~*~

At this point Samantha WILL be starting school on February 2nd. Now keep in mind that these plans can change in a heart beat, but that's how it stands right now.

In the past I've talked about Harriet {Samantha's teacher from the Perkins School}. As much as I love this woman, I'm a little upset with her tonight. I received an e~mail from her saying {these are her exact words}, "I have NEVER met a parent that did not want to first see the program her child was going into before her child started school. This is a first!" -- Yes, she was referring to me when she said this. For some reason she's gotten it in her head that I don't care to see what program Samantha will be placed into even though I am going to her school tomorrow to check everything out. Honest to God, this statement that she made really hurt and it was VERY unappreciated. This came from someone I considered a friend and who I assumed knew me better than to think I don't care for what happens to my little girl.

~*~*~*Getting Things in Order*~*~*~

Jeff and I have to leave the house pretty much at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. My Mom is going to keep an ear open for Miss Samantha while we run to pick up some of my medical records from my former doctor's office. I'm switching doctor's and I need all of my diabetes records in order to be seen. So I'm hoping to get as much sleep as I possibly can tonight.

In the afternoon Jeff, Sammi and I will be going to Samantha's new school to get some things in order. I need to get her registered with the school nurse, then we'll be meeting Mrs. Lynch {Samantha's new teacher} as well as some of the aides that will be working in her classroom and we will also be seeing the classroom Samantha will be placed in. I'm excited about seeing the room and meeting the kids Samantha will be going to school with. Samantha could care less about all of this, but she really doesn't have a choice. hehehe

~*~*~*The Cake! The Cake!*~*~*~

Samantha's Wiggles cake has been ordered! Oh, it's going to look perfect! Jeff and I talked with someone in the bakery department at Wal-Mart today and we came up with a really nice looking cake. My Mom will be picking it up on Friday before she comes home from work. Wal-Mart is right down the street from where my Mom works, so it won't be a problem for her to pick it up. Thanks Mom! I love you! You're the best! Of course I'll be taking pictures of Samantha's cake, so I'll get them put on Samantha's page as soon as I possibly can. This is another thing I'm VERY excited about!

~*~*~*Jeff {Def}*~*~*~

He's been having more pain and more trouble walking these days. We went upstairs to my Mom and Slappy's apartment this afternoon and I swear it took him about 5 minutes to make the 2 second trip up the staircase. The poor guy. As much as I may joke around with him about this, of course it worries me. To me, it seems like he's getting worse and that scares me to death. Is there anyway we can speed up time? Maybe skip the month of February all together and go straight to March 15th {the date of Jeff's surgery}? I know it's not possible, but I don't want Jeff getting any worst.

~*~*~*Jeff's New Car*~*~*~

The day has finally come! It's on the road! Does everyone know what this means? It means no more running errands while freezing your butt off in an old car with no heat! It means arriving at your destination without having to worry about something going wrong with the car you're riding in! It means comfort, a lot more leg room and no 5 mile long crack in the middle of the windshield! Oh happy days! It's not too bad looking either and it isn't named Becky like the old one. {Jeff will know what this means when/if he reads it}. hehehe I love you, babe!

Ok, that's about it from this end. I'll probably be updating again tomorrow once we get back from Samantha's school to let all of you know how everything went.

I hope all of you have a terrific week!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:

Update on Alex's page.

January 27, 2004:
Alex failed his vent test. He seems to be comfortable. Unless God gives us a miracle I'm afraid his struggle is almost over.
Bless all of you who have prayed for him.

***My heart is absolutely breaking for Alex and his entire family***

January 27, 2004:

Chad has counts!!! Chad has counts!!!
Chad was put on another anti-seizure drug after seeing his Neurologist early this week. He will be having an EEG done this Thursday {Jan. 29, 2004}. Check out his page for a full updated posted by his incredible Mom.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news, though I have to admit I'm starting to worry.

Conor has been having a lot of high fevers lately. Luckily chicken pox has been ruled out, but the cause for these fevers is still unknown.

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
Jacob will have surgery on Friday to place the PEG and also to drill the holes for his sinuses.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

Savannah's ANC was over 2100 on Thursday {Jan. 22}, so chemo has been ordered. Woohoo!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had her surgery and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 27, 2004:

Doctors were able to remove 70 - 80f Emily's nasty tumor went she went through surgery today. She is now recovering nicely.

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

Only 10 more days until Tayden, his Mom and his Dad are having the time of their lives in sunny Florida. They'll be flying down to Disney on February 7th. Boy, I'm jelaous but I know you guys will have a GREAT time!
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in January 2004:

*King Brandyn*




Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I wasn't planning on updating today, but something really sweet happened to us today and I wanted to share it with everyone. Actually, it's about the only good thing that has happened today but that's another story for another time.


Today was our last visit with Carol, Samantha's OT from Early Intervention. When Early Intervention started working with us in 2001, we were told they would only be with us for the first 3 years of Samantha's life unless they found it necessary to continue working with her. And since Samantha will be 3 in 3 days, their job is done.

Anne, a family therapist who visited us every other week while Samantha was in Early Intervention, also visited us for the last time while Carol was here. What Anne did for us this afternoon was extremely sweet and VERY unexpected.

First off, I've always felt comfortable around Anne. She has a great sense of humor and she loves to read. Right off the bat we got along. We exchanged info about books we had read and we constantly goofed around with one another when she visited.

This afternoon Anne brought cup cakes over as a good-bye/Happy Birthday celebration. She removed 3 cup cakes from the package and put one candle in the center of each cup cake. Since she wasn't going to be here for Samantha's birthday or her party, she felt this was a perfect time to celebrate. I agreed! Carol, Anne, Jeff and I sang 'Happy Birthday' to Samantha while I held her and she smiled uncontrollably. Samantha thought this whole celebration was great!

After the cup cakes, Anne pulled out a present for Samantha and one for me. I'm telling you, this woman did WAY to much for us today. Samantha got a farm animals book that she insisted I read to her right away. It's the cutest little book. It isn't long at all and there are only a few words to read here and there. Samantha LOVES it!

I'm going to miss Anne so much. We exchanged e-mail addresses and she knows where we live, so I told her not to be a stranger. Incase Anne is able to check out Samantha's page: THANK YOU! You are a sweet and wonderful woman! It's been wonderful knowing you for the past 3 years.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Snow is headed our way tonight.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


Update on Alex's page.

January 27, 2004:
Alex failed his vent test. He seems to be comfortable. Unless God gives us a miracle I'm afraid his struggle is almost over.
Bless all of you who have prayed for him.

***My heart is absolutely breaking for Alex and his entire family***

January 27, 2004:

Chad has counts!!! Chad has counts!!!
He has an appointment to be seen by his Neurologist today. Please pray all goes well.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news.

Conor has been having a lot of high fevers lately. Luckily chicken pox has been ruled out, but the cause for these fevers is still unknown.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

Savannah's ANC was over 2100 on Thursday {Jan. 22}, so chemo has been ordered. Woohoo!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had surgery today and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. My step-Dad was going to visit Maureen and Jim at the hospital this afternoon, but Maureen wasn't up to having visitors. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

Lindsey's Mom, Lisa, is pregnant with baby # 4! Congratulations to all of you!

This sweet little boy, his Mom and his Dad will be leaving on February 7 to spend one week in Disney World. Make-a-Wish is making this possible. Tayden is also becoming a pro at writing the letters "T" and "A". His Mom, as expected, is VERY proud of him! Keep practicing those letters, hon!
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*
Please remember all of our *Angels* who were called Home to Heaven in January 2004:

*King Brandyn*




Monday, January 26, 2004


Hi everyone! I hope none of you are in one of those areas that have recently been slammed by a ton of snow. If you are, hopefully you're thawing {and shoveling} out as we speak. Some snow is making its way into our area and should be here sometime Tuesday night. In the end we should end up with about 3 - 6 inches. Thankfully we don't have anything to do, so we won't have to brave the weather and go out into it.

~*~*~*Using the Potty: Part 2*~*~*~

Well, we've decided to put using the potty on hold for a little while longer. I want Samantha to be able to tell me when she needs to go to the bathroom, so we're working on that for the time being. I finally realized I was just wasting all of the training pants {big girl undies} I was putting her in and I hate to waste them when they cost so much! So we'll continue working on getting Sammi to tell us when she has to go and then we'll take it from there.

~*~*~*Grandpa Slappy: Part 2*~*~*~

He's feeling MUCH better! Thank goodness! It must have been a 24-hour thing he caught somewhere. The next day he was still feeling weak, but A LOT better. Nobody {crossing fingers and knocking on wood} has caught what he had and I'm hoping nobody will.

~*~*~*Jeff's Saga: Part ???*~*~*~*~

Jeff went to my Mom's work {Cambridge Eye Doctors} on Saturday to have his eyes examined. Dr. Pearson {a WONDERFUL lady} thinks his vision problems are due to an ocular migraine. Not the best, but certainly not the worst news considering what's already going on with him. She does want him to be seen by an Optometrist {Dr. Pearson is an Ophthamologist} if his problems get worst. So far he's doing fine. He's also been having a lot more difficulty walking these days. Could March 15 take any longer to get here?!?!?!?!?


Saturday we didn't do much. We pretty much sat around the house and cleaned. Well, I cleaned while Jeff and Sammi goofed off. My Dad {Samantha's Papa} came over to visit for a few hours. It's always good to see him. Him and Sammi watched Spongebob and Ice Age together in our living room. She's such a little ham when she has visitors. Always yucking it up.

Saturday night my Mom, Sammi and I went out to do some shopping despite the cold weather and frigid winds. Samantha was a VERY good girl while we were out. Of course I looked like I had robbed Toys 'R' Us with all of the toys I brought along {per Samantha's request}, but they kept her entertained.


Since I didn't have anyone to watch Samantha, I had no choice but to bring her along while my Mom and I went shopping for birthday presents for her. Of course she ended up seeing and playing with one of the toys I bought her, but she is NOT getting it until the day of her party. I know this probably makes me sound mean, but tough. She's been asking for it ever since I bought it. I asked my Mom to grab Samantha's guitar for me and Samantha tried copying me, but asked for her letters {the toy she was playing with} instead. I'm telling you, she's a little scam artist when she wants to be.

Samantha, Jeff and I watched the Golden Globes last night until it was time for Samantha to go to bed. Did anyone see it? Didn't Johnny Depp look SO good? My Mom and I kept calling each other up and gawked over him the entire night. Al Pacino is adorable too! I've always loved that man. And William H. Macy. Oh! The list could go on and on forever, so I'll just end it there.

I hope all of you are doing well. If you check out some of the info I have listed below, you'll notice somethings {not everything though} have changed. Have a wonderful week and, depending on where you live, keep warm!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


Doctors are planning on taking Alex off of the ventilator today. Please pray all goes well and he's able to survive on his own. This is a VERY trying time for Alex, his family and everyone who loves him.

January 26, 2004:

Amazing Chad goes in to have his counts checked today. Prayers that his counts have risen would be VERY welcome.

January 27, 2004:

Chad has counts!!! Chad has counts!!!
He has an appointment to be seen by his Neurologist today. Please pray all goes well.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news.

Conor has been having a lot of high fevers lately. Luckily chicken pox has been ruled out, but the cause for these fevers is still unknown.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

Savannah's ANC was over 2100 on Thursday {Jan. 22}, so chemo has been ordered. Woohoo!


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had surgery today and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. My step-Dad was going to visit Maureen and Jim at the hospital this afternoon, but Maureen wasn't up to having visitors. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 21, 2004:

He's home and is doing wonderfully!!!

This sweet little boy, his Mom and his Dad will be leaving on February 7 to spend one week in Disney World. Make-a-Wish is making this possible. Tayden is also becoming a pro at writing the letters "T" and "A". His Mom, as expected, is VERY proud of him! Keep practicing those letters, hon!
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*
Please remember all of our *Angels*:

*King Brandyn*




Friday, January 23, 2004

Hi everyone! Well, the weekend is finally upon us. We won't be doing anything too special since it'll be VERY cold around here. I can usually stand the cold, but it's also suppose to be windy this weekend and that just makes everything so much worse.

~*~*~*Using the Potty*~*~*~

For everyone who just read that headline, this does NOT refer to me. Samantha is now wearing big girl undies {training pants} and is learning {yeah right} to use the big girl potty. My Dad and his girlfriend gave Samantha a potty chair as a present, but I wasn't going to use it. I was going to have her use the toilet instead, but that's a no go. I thought Samantha was going to fall in when I sat her on the seat yesterday. She also didn't like this and refused to sit down. The main hump we're trying to get over is that she won't tell me when she has to go to the bathroom. Of course she'll tell me AFTER she goes, but that isn't helping me much.

~*~*~*Grandpa Slappy*~*~*~

First off, his real name is George. I gave him the nick-name Slappy a few years ago. Has anyone seen the movie "Slappy and the Stinkers?" Well I never have, but it was in our house one weekend and that's how the name came to be. Anyway, he feels so horrible. I make dinner for everyone on Thursday nights and my Mom told me he wasn't going to eat since he couldn't stop throwing up. He's miserable and I can't say I blame him. You know, no one around here has gotten sick with this nasty flu that's been going around and it finally strikes. So, more than likely, it'll circle through everyone in the house before it decides to take off. Oh joy!

~*~*~*Jeff's Saga: Part 55*~*~*~

Now I ask you, could anything more possibly happen to this poor man? I don't really want to know the answer to that. The other night he was working and called to tell me he was having trouble seeing. Now he works for a limo company and drives people to and from the airport, so him saying he was having trouble seeing didn't make me feel too good. He said looking straight ahead was fine, but he was having trouble looking out of the corner of his right eye. This scared me because all of his other symptoms have been worse on his right side. So he called his doctor and then had him paged when I wouldn't let up about the subject. Jeff's doctor said he doesn't think it has anything else to do with the other problems he's experiencing, but he still wants him to be checked out. So after talking with my connection {my Mom who works at Cambridge Eye -- wonderful service and quality if you're ever in Salem, NH} Jeff will be seen on Saturday.

Well, I do hope all of you have a great weekend with your families. The links below haven't changed much, but please stop by and leave any well wishes for these families that you can. It would mean a lot to them.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


This brave little boy had quite a scare the other day, but pulled through as best as he could have. He's still on the ventilator and is still fighting as strongly as he can.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news.

He's having trouble hanging onto platelets. His transplant date {tentative} is February 12. Aidan {Conor's baby brother/donor} will be admitted into the hospital on February 11 for his surgery on February 12.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

Savannah is now free of kidney stones. Woohoo! But her tumor is progressing and her Mom, as well as some others, are beginning to notice changes taking place with her. Her counts have also been low lately, so she hasn't been able to receive any chemo.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had surgery today and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. My step-Dad was going to visit Maureen and Jim at the hospital this afternoon, but Maureen wasn't up to having visitors. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 21, 2004:

He's home and is doing wonderfully!!!

January 22, 2004:

HE'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His counts are still low, but he's fever free! He will remain at home until he has his counts checked on Monday! Thank you for this WONDERFUL update, Jeannie!

~*~*~*Jacob Beresh*~*~*~
Yesterday {January 22, 2004} he turned 7-years-old!

Maxie's got a new friend. Her name is Missy Sandlin Lagourney, she's a Lhasa Apso and she's absolutely beautiful! And now he'll be getting a second puppy!

This sweet little boy, his Mom and his Dad will be leaving on February 7 to spend one week in Disney World. Make-a-Wish is making this possible. Tayden is also becoming a pro at writing the letters "T" and "A". His Mom, as expected, is VERY proud of him! Keep practicing those letters, hon!
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

January 22, 2004:
I have good news and I have bad news.

Good news: I made brownies tonight and they came out awesome. {Ok, I didn't really have any good news to share, but I had to say something}.

Bad news: My step-Dad is as sick as a dog. We're guessing he has the flu, but I'm still saying it was something he ate. Wishful thinking I guess you could say. Well, we were lucky up until this point with no one getting sick and now that horrible flu is rearing its ugly head. So here's what's going to happen. If I end up getting sick, more than likely I'll be sent to the hospital. If that happens I promise I will find some way to let all of you know so you don't end up thinking I've fallen off of the earth. This isn't for sure yet, but when you're a diabetic and have more trouble than others getting over a sickness you need to think ahead.

January 22, 2004:
~*~*~*I've moved Chad into Happy News*~*~*~
<><><>A VERY Happy Birthday to Mr. Jake Beresh. He's 7-years-old today. Happy Birthday, buddy! I hope it's an excellent one for you!!!<><><>

Hi everyone! I hope this finds all of you doing well and enjoying your week. Hopefully your weather has been a lot better than ours. It's been really cold out lately and yesterday it was windy as well, so that didn't help out much.

~*~*~*Our Wonderful Grandma Rose*~*~*~

Grandma came out to visit us this afternoon for a little bit. I'm telling you people, this woman is such a blessing. Such a kind, loving, caring woman. Samantha is as crazy about her Grandma as I am. This is my Dad's Mom incase anyone is wondering. We hadn't been able to see her for about a month before she visited us today. She's been busy doing her own thing while I've been busy getting Samantha all set with school while trying my best to take care of Jeff at the same time. My Grandmother arrived with a pizza for lunch {as usual} as well as a balloon for Samantha. Samantha hasn't let this balloon out of her sight since Grandma handed it to her. Sammi is a HUGE fan of balloons and yes, there will be plenty of them at her birthday party.

~*~*~*The Wiggles Have Arrived*~*~*~

I ordered everything for Samantha's party online and it all arrived on our door step this afternoon. Cups, plates, banners, candle, invitations. Everything is here now! Now I'm finding it easier to breathe knowing everything will be ready for Samantha's party when the day arrives. Now everyone knows I am not a huge fan of The Wiggles, but I'm getting more and more excited for her party to take place with everything we're doing to make it great. I'll be sure to take tons of pictures on that day so I can share them with all of you.

~*~*~*The Birthday Boy*~*~*~

Today is Ruger's 10th birthday. Happy Birthday, baby! Ruger is my Golden Retriever who now lives upstairs with my Mom, step-Dad and their other dog Eddie {Demento}. Ruger is the best, most loveable puppy you'll ever meet. Don't tell Eddie, but Ruger is also my favorite. Happy Birthday, big boy! I love you lots!


He called SSI today to see what he would need to do to get on disability. This is a really long story, but the bottom line is that Jeff will have to get a letter from his doctor before anything takes place. I'm pushing him to get all of this squared away before he goes in for his surgery, so I won't get stuck doing everything while he's laid up on the couch. Besides the pain Jeff continues to go through, everything is pretty much the same.

~*~*~*Thursday's Dinner*~*~*~

Every Thursday night I make dinner for my Mom and step-Dad, as well as for Jeff and I. I've been doing this for awhile now since my Mom works late on Thursday nights and I feel bad seeing her come home after working a long day and make something to eat. Tomorrow night we're having chicken stroganoff {I know that's horribly misspelled}. Mmmmmmmmm.

I hope all of you continue to have a wonderful week. Thank you for taking the time to check on Samantha and everyone else in her family. Please sign her guestbook if you're able to. We love hearing from all of you!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


This little boy is amazing everyone by showing how strong he is. He is still in need of many prayers and he still isn't expected to make more than 1f recovery.

Sweet Chad will remain in the hospital for at least another day or two. He doesn't have any counts now, his fever's still flaring and his coughing has increased. This poor boy is having trouble sleeping and is becoming annoyed by this. Thanks go out to Jeannie {Chad's Mom} for keeping me updated.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news.

He's having trouble hanging onto platelets. His transplant date {tentative} is February 12. Aidan {Conor's baby brother/donor} will be admitted into the hospital on February 11 for his surgery on February 12.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

Savannah is now free of kidney stones. Woohoo! But her tumor is progressing and her Mom, as well as some others, are beginning to notice changes taking place with her. Her counts have also been low lately, so she hasn't been able to receive any chemo.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had surgery today and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. My step-Dad was going to visit Maureen and Jim at the hospital this afternoon, but Maureen wasn't up to having visitors. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

January 21, 2004:
Aidan's going home today! Yea! He's doing a lot better than anyone expected him to. He even took a step by himself!!!!!!!! Great job, buddy!

January 22, 2004:

HE'S HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His counts are still low, but he's fever free! He will remain at home until he has his counts checked on Monday! Thank you for this WONDERFUL update, Jeannie!

This little one is off of the breathing machine and is doing fine without it. Yea!

Fisher made it through his last chemotherapy in this protocal. Good for you, Fisher!

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
January 17 -- Jacob's doctor is VERY happy with him. His counts look good and the echo that was performed looked great. School is out of the question until next year. There's a strong possibility of cataracts.

Maxie's got a new friend. Her name is Missy Sandlin Lagourney, she's a Lhasa Apso and she's absolutely beautiful!

This sweet little boy, his Mom and his Dad will be leaving on February 7 to spend one week in Disney World. Make-a-Wish is making this possible. Tayden is also becoming a pro at writing the letters "T" and "A". His Mom, as expected, is VERY proud of him! Keep practicing those letters, hon!
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*

Monday, January 19, 2004

UPDATE {JANUARY 21, 2004}:

A VERY Happy Birthday to my baby, Ruger! Ruger is my BEAUTIFUL golden retriever and he turns 10-years-old today. I love you, big boy! You'll always be my baby! And don't tell Eddie, but you're also my favorite.

Samantha Therese

~*~*~*Updates on Chad, Maureen and Savannah have been posted below*~*~*~

Hi everyone! I hope all of you had a pleasant weekend. We didn't do much around here. Jeff went to see his kids on Saturday, but came home earlier than expected because he started to hurt. Grrrrrrrrr! The three of us pretty much sat around all weekend and enjoyed spending time with one another.

~*~*~*Celebrating Auntie Mary's Birthday*~*~*~

Auntie Mary is Samantha's Aunt, not mine. She's my step-sister. She turned 17 on January 16, but we didn't get to celebrate until Saturday night since she hasn't been feeling well. She's had strep throat and should be having her tonsils removed soon. So we celebrated on Saturday night. Jeff and I went upstairs for cake. We left Samantha downstairs in our apartment {with our doors locked} since she had fallen asleep early. She hadn't napped at all that day, so she was pooped by the time she laid down. I didn't have any cake, but everyone told me it was excellent. The cake that was served was an ice cream cake. Being a diabetic and growing up, I had an ice cream cake at every single one of my birthdays. After awhile I got sick of the stuff and don't want it anymore. Give me a real cake any day and I'll be more than happy to chow down!

~*~*~*Are You Ready For Some Football?!?!?!?!?*~*~*~

Ok, here's the deal. I am in no way, shape or form a Patriots fan. I never have been and I don't plan on ever becoming one. BUT, I am very proud of them for making it to the Superbowl and I will be rooting for them on February 1. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, around here is a stinkin' Pats fan so I get it rubbed in my face whenever they do well.

Jeff and I sat together {well, I sat; Jeff squirmed around since he finds it hard to get comfortable} and watched the Pats vs. Colts game all afternoon. Sure I was rooting for the Colts at first {just to drive Jeff, my step-Dad and my Dad nuts}, but I started cheering for the Pats after half time. So to all of the Pats fans out there, congratulations. Now all they've got to do is finish the job and win that Superbowl. And remember, this is the ONLY time I will be hoping for the Pats to win.

~*~*~*Ice Age*~*~*~

As pathetic as this may sound, Jeff and I saw this movie for the very first time last night. Samantha went to bed early, so we watched it alone. I absolutely LOVED it! Aren't Disney movies the greatest? I don't think I've ever seen one that I didn't like. My top 3 favorites are: The Little Mermaid, Shrek and The Emperor's New Groove. I'm still trying to get Samantha into watching Disney movies, but she's still at that age when playing with every toy she owns is more important than sitting still and watching a movie. Unless of course it's The Wiggles and then you can't peel her away from the TV.

~*~*~*The Life of David Gale*~*~*~

Has anyone seen this movie? I'm a HUGE Kevin Spacey fan, and have been for years now, so I make it a point to see and own every movie of his. I think I'm missing a couple, but that's another story for another time. I REALLY loved this movie. It had my attention from the very beginning and never let it go. Kevin Spacey's the best! I locked myself in my bedroom {yes I'm calling it mine now since Jeff's new bedroom is our living room and his bed is our couch} and watched this movie as soon as "Ice Age" had ended. I can't stop raving about this movie. If you haven't seen it yet, even if you're not a Kevin Spacey fan, I would highly recommend it.

~*~*~*My Little Angel Bear*~*~*~

I should have written "My Little Terror." You know how everyone always talks and complains about the Terrible 2's? Uh~uh. I'm a strong believer that it all starts when they turn 3. I don't know what's gotten into Samantha lately, but she's been a little demon. I'm considering getting her hearing checked out since she's ALWAYS ignoring us. Unless of course she wants something, then she won't leave you alone. I'm also thinking of investing in duct tape so she'll stay in her bed at night. You know, it's funny. All day long, while she's running around our house playing, she'll stay in that bed of hers for awhile just chilling and watching TV. But as soon as it's time for her to lay down and go to sleep, she's suddenly up and doesn't want to lay down anymore. Hello?!?!?!? She's also got a new sleeping schedule. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! She insists on going to bed around 8, waking up no later than midnight and staying up for quite a few hours. Saturday night I didn't go to bed until 4a and last night I didn't get to sleep until 4:30a. If anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE send them my way.


This will be quick. I promise.

Jeff still hurts.

Well, I hope all of you have a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


This brave little fighter is still on dialysis and is still being given a very small chance of recovery. Please send your prayers along that the pneumo thorax goes away on its own, his liver continues to improve, his lungs keep healing and the adenovirus goes away.

This sweetheart of a boy {who has been through and continues to go through SO much} is in the hospital with pneumonia, whooping cough and high fevers. He is on three different antibiotics and his chemo has been stopped since his counts have dropped. Please pray for this sweetie as well as everyone else in his beautiful family.

UPDATE {January 19}:
Chad's counts are still low and he spiked a fever this afternoon {January 19}. Blood cultures have been drawn, he's still on the antibiotics, his right lower lung sounds moist with a rattle and the results of the whooping cough test will be in tomorrow sometime. His platelet levels continue to drop, but not enough for him to receive a transfusion at this time. He will not be able to go home until he is fever free for over 24 hours and his counts start rebounding. {all of this came to me in an e~mail from Chad's Mom. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Jeannie!}

UPDATE {January 20}:
Sweet Chad will remain in the hospital for at least another day or two. He doesn't have any counts now, his fever's still flaring and his coughing has increased. This poor boy is having trouble sleeping and is becoming annoyed by this. Thanks go out to Jeannie {Chad's Mom} for keeping me updated.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news.

He's having trouble hanging onto platelets. His transplant date {tentative} is February 12. Aidan {Conor's baby brother/donor} will be admitted into the hospital on February 11 for his surgery on February 12.

Check out her page to read the beautiful letter this sweetheart wrote to her Mom.

January 20:
Savannah is now free of kidney stones. Woohoo! But her tumor is progressing and her Mom, as well as some others, are beginning to notice changes taking place with her. Her counts have also been low lately, so she hasn't been able to receive any chemo.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Maureen had surgery today and is doing well. As far as I know all of the tumors found have been removed and she's recovering nicely. Both of her breasts were removed during this surgery and she was then fitted with a brand spankin' new pair. My step-Dad was going to visit Maureen and Jim at the hospital this afternoon, but Maureen wasn't up to having visitors. I'll update her progress again when I have some more news.
Happy News:

Had surgery on January 16 and is doing wonderfully. He's also surprising all of his doctors and nurses with his progress. Keep up the great work, buddy!

This little one is off of the breathing machine and is doing fine without it. Yea!

January 19 -- Having last chemo treatment today. Woohoo!

~*~*~*Jacob Thomas Deal*~*~*~
January 17 -- Jacob's doctor is VERY happy with him. His counts look good and the echo that was performed looked great. School is out of the question until next year. There's a strong possibility of cataracts.

Maxie's got a new friend. Her name is Missy Sandlin Lagourney, she's a Lhasa Apso and she's absolutely beautiful!

This precious little girl turned 3-years-old on January 3. She's a big girl now!

This sweet little boy, his Mom and his Dad will be leaving on February 7 to spend one week in Disney World. Make-a-Wish is making this possible.
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

UPDATE {January 17, 2004} --
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RICHARD!!!!!!!!!! {I don't want to get yelled at, so I won't mention his age. hehehe}
~*~*~*I hope your day is a WONDERFUL one. It certainly sounds like Kathy is doing an excellent job with spoiling you. So, how 'bout all of us hook up and go see a race together in your new trailer? huh? huh? huh?*~*~*~
Lots of Love,
Samantha Therese {Gordon fan in training}

UPDATE {January 16, 2004}--
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUNTIE MARY!!!!! {she's 17 today}
~*~*~*Aren't you lucky. Celebrating your birthday by having the day off from school. Have a great day, hon! We'll be up tonight for cake.
Samantha Therese

UPDATE {January 15, 2004} -- Jeff went into Boston for his follow-up appointment this afternoon. Surgery is scheduled for March 15 and will last for 5 hours. My Mom will be taking that day off of work so she can stay home with Sammi while I go with Jeff to the hospital {thank you SO much, Mom! I love you!} I have many more details to add, but my mind is swimming with all of the information we've received today. I'll be updating Samantha's page soon and will add more details on things going on with Jeff.

Happy Humph Day, everyone!

Let's see, let's see. What to write about.......hmmmmmmm

~*~*~*Samantha's Birthday Party*~*~*~

We've decided to have Samantha's party on January 31, which is also the day my step-Dad {Slappy} turns the big 42. There are a lot of secrets that I can revel right now, but there are some things I'm able to share.

If anyone has read any of the messages left in Samantha's guestbook, you'll notice that Geralyn hit the nail on the head when she guessed what Samantha's birthday party theme will be this year. Yup, it's The Wiggles! I wasn't too excited about this since The Wiggles drive me absolutely nuts every day, but I've grown to love this idea after finding so much stuff to buy. My Mom asked Jeeves and found a site that sells absolutely every single Wiggles item you could possibly want to celebrate a birthday. It's going to be great. I ordered everything online on Monday night and it should be here in time for Samantha's party. Since Sammi isn't in school yet and doesn't know any other kids her age, it'll mostly be family celebrating together. If anyone else would like to come, you're more than welcome. Just give me a heads up first.

Other than Samantha's party and everything that happened this past weekend {Grrrrrrrr}, not too much is going on. I do have some more info about Tony, but I can't really share it right now. I don't want to tip anyone off since I don't know who exactly checks out Samantha's site. Believe me though, I'm about to burst holding all of this is!

~*~*~*Jeff's Saga*~*~*~

Jeff will be going into Boston for his follow-up tomorrow. Let me repeat that, he WILL be going into Boston for his follow-up tomorrow. God help this doctor if his appointment gets rescheduled again. I was looking through some old papers and I realized that this whole drama began back in November. Sure that was only two months ago, but it seems like an eternity when you're in pain every single day. I honestly think this should have been resolved a long time ago. If the doctor we saw that night we were in the ER had called a Neurologist himself, Jeff would have been seen a lot sooner. Instead Jeff made the appointment himself and had to wait nearly two weeks to be seen. It just drives me nuts when doctor's don't seem to give a damn as long as they get their money. This doesn't just apply to Jeff. I feel bad for all of the kids out there who have to deal with some of these doctor's too. I don't mean every single doctor, but most of them are a pain in the butt.

Ok, I'm going to end this here. I'll be back again to update when something new pops up. That shouldn't take too long in this house. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


My heart breaks for this little boy and his family. His liver functions still have not improved. The doctors are now giving him a 1hance of recovery. Please keep sending those prayers his way.

His page was last updated on December 17, 2003. Hopefully no news has been good news.

It has been confirmed that Conor does in fact have AML. Please pray for this little boy and his courageous family. Every single one of them are VERY strong.

Thank goodness this sweetheart isn't in any pain and is resting comfortably at home. Prayers are still needed for this family.

Unfortunately this beautiful girl has recently been having some problems with walking as well as keeping her balance. Savannah's Mom is worried that her daughter's days of attending school may be ending.


Katie's Mom, Mary, who is fighting against Cancer.

Jim and Maureen. Maureen has breast cancer and is undergoing treatment for it.
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- *Forever 4*

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- *Forever 11*

~*~*~*Hannah Elizabeth Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- *Forever 9*

~*~*~*Chassidy Leigh Dennis*~*~*~
January 29 -- *Forever 11*

January 10, 2004

~*~*~*Know who your friends are*~*~*~

After being friends with someone for over six years, don't you think you should be able to trust that person? Well, I did. I was friends with a guy named Tony for almost 7 years. This is how our friendship came to an end.

~*~*~*Getting to know him*~*~*~

I knew Tony before Jeff and I started dating. We {Tony and I} met through a friend I once worked with. He was a decent guy and we got along well, but we never dated. He met Samantha when she was about a month old. He was in my house countless times. When he would come over to visit, we would sit in my kitchen for hours and talk. We had a good relationship. He ended up going to Florida for awhile, but we kept in touch as soon as he got back. Soon after he got back from Florida he came over and met Jeff for the first time. Since both him and Jeff are into playing video games, they seemed to get along well and Jeff considered Tony to be a friend.

~*~*~*What he did*~*~*~

Tony stopped by one night while Jeff and I were both here to visit. We sat at our kitchen table and talked as we normally would. I was sitting at the kitchen table writing out some checks for some of our bills that needed to be paid. The checking account is in Jeff's name, so I'll have him sign so many checks and I'll fill out the rest. This way his check book stays balanced and we know how much he has saved. There was one point where I left the kitchen and Jeff was busy doing something, so his back was turned to Tony. Tony took this opportunity to steal one of Jeff's checks {the check book was still sitting on the table} and pocket it. We didn't know this had happened and the three of us continued talking as if nothing was wrong. He {Tony} sat there and looked right into our faces, after he had stolen this check, and continued to talk to us as if we were his friends. Tony left that night without us knowing that he had stolen something from us.

~*~*~*Friday Night*~*~*~
~*~*~*January 9, 2004~*~

Jeff went out to visit a friend of his who doesn't live too far away. Not long after he had left, he called my cell phone and asked what the check number was on the check I made out for $250. I told him I never made out a check in that amount and he told me to go look in his check book. That's when I noticed check number 185 was gone. That day when I was writing out checks, I knew all of the numbers and 185 was NOT one of them. At this point my mind was spinning. We had no idea when the check had been taken or who would have done this to us.

~*~*~*Our Mission on Saturday*~*~*~
~*~*~*January 10, 2004~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I had to run to my bank this afternoon to get some money to replace what was taken, so we figured we'd take a spin by Tony's house while we were out. Our excuse was to get back a video game that he had borrowed from us. So I called Tony up and asked if he could bring the game by; he couldn't because he was busy. I asked if we could stop by to pick it up; sure that wouldn't be a problem. I asked him what his address was; 41 School Street. Ok, Jeff and I were on our way. And guess what? 41 School Street doesn't exist! So we called his house and Jeff talked to Tony's Mom. They live at 41 Chestnut Street, NOT School Street. Right then and there we knew he had done this to us. Mind you, Jeff is a big guy and that's probably why Tony lied to us. I can't say I blame him. Jeff is the sweetest guy you'll ever know, just don't get him mad.

So we head back home after doing what we needed to do and low and behold, my cell phone rings. And guess who it is? The infamous Tony. Jeff answered my phone and Tony confessed to everything. That's when it was MY turn to say what I wanted to say. I've told a few people this before; if ANYONE messes with my little girl or Jeff, I will NOT hold back if I have something to say about it. And believe me, I had PLENTY to say. I was on the phone with this ****** for almost 20 minutes just telling him what I thought of him. I can't repeat everything I said, but he knows NOT to show his face around our house EVER again.

Here's a few interesting things I found out while talking to him {don't worry, I'm not going to say EXACTLY what I said to him}:

I asked him why he did it
--Because he was desperate and had lawyer fees to pay. THAT made me laugh seeing what he's going to go through with us.

I asked him when
--I already explained this. When our backs were turned.

I asked him if he does this to all of his friends
--Yes he does. I nearly died when I heard this. Only when he's desperate

And I told him if he EVER showed his face around my house or my daughter again he would be VERY sorry.

We called the police and filed a report after we had calmed down a little bit. Tony has 10 days to pay every penny back to us. If he doesn't a warrant will be issued for his arrest and we WILL follow through with every charge. I'm honestly hoping he doesn't pay us back and he does spend time locked up. He needs to learn a lesson. He was arrested before for theft. Mind you, nothing will change if he pays us back. He will NOT be a friend, this will NOT be forgotten and he will NOT be allowed into this house again.

~*~*~*Last Year*~*~*~

Someone came into our house last year and stole over $250 in video games. And, now that I think about it, there isn't a doubt in my head that is wasn't Tony. The funny thing about this robbery was that whoever did it knew what they wanted and didn't take anything BUT those games. They knew right were there were and even though a bunch of DVDs were RIGHT next to those video games, not one was taken. We never found out who did this, but there isn't a doubt in my head that it was Tony. He knew where those games were and I've always had trouble believing someone just came in off of the street and just took some video games.

~*~*~*More of my rambling*~*~*~

You think you know someone after 6 years. This kills me that this scum had so much disrespect for us that he would steal our money. I already told Jeff I will have no problem slamming our door in his face if he EVER shows up here again. I feel like such an idiot. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm too trustworthy and I know it; everyone tells me that. But I will continue to trust someone until they give me a reason not to. Believe me, he gave me a reason not to trust him.

Thank you for listening to me babble on. I just needed to vent and this did help. I hope all of you have an excellent weekend. After talking with the police and finding out who did this to us, our weekend is beginning to look up.

With Much Love,

January 8, 2004

Hi everyone! I hope this week has been a good one for all of you. Things have been a little hectic around here with all of the running around we've been doing, but nothing's going on this weekend so I plan on sitting back and relaxing. I already told Jeff I am NOT talking to anyone on the phone and if anyone stops by just tell them I'm not feeling well. Don't think I'm doing this because I all of a sudden started hating everyone or anything like that, I just need a break. I think everyone hits a point like this in their lives and I'm at mine. So it's relax, relax, relax this weekend. I think it sounds awfully good!

~*~*~*Sammi meets Shelia*~*~*~
~*~*~*Monday afternoon*~*~*~*~

Martha Gale came out on Monday afternoon to meet with Samantha and I. Martha will be working in school with Sammi on her braille. Martha is a WONDERFUL lady. I think very highly of her and I am so glad she will be working with Samantha. Martha brought a woman named Shelia with her for us to meet. Shelia is a young woman and she will be working side by side in school with Samantha. Sort of like an aide. Samantha and Shelia hit it off as soon as they met. Samantha usually isn't too fond of new people and tends to shy away, but this never happened with Shelia. The two of them sat on our couch and read a book together. Samantha sat on Shelia's lap the entire time and had a great time while they read, counted and felt/looked at pictures in the book. I'm glad Samantha likes Shelia so much. It makes me feel better that Samantha will be attending school with someone she gets along with.

~*~*~*The great Harriet returns!*~*~*~
~*~*~*Tuesday afternoon**~*~*~*~*~*~*~

The great and wonderful Harriet came out to see us on Tuesday. It was so wonderful to see this beautiful woman again! She looks just as good as she did when we saw her about a month ago. Have I mentioned she's been losing weight since she was put on an insulin pump? She's looking fabulous {I know I spelt that wrong} now! Anyway, Harriet and I talked about the IEP meeting we will be attending on Wednesday. We went over everything that will be discussed and Harriet gave me some homework to do. I needed to write up a vision statement to address everyone with. I e~mailed a copy to Harriet Tuesday night so she could tell me what she thought and I also let my Mom read it. They both said I did an excellent job on it. I always thought of myself as a good writer, I just hope it actually shows. Harriet spent a good two hours here and we covered absolutely everything we needed to. Thank you, Harriet! We love you VERY much, hon! {I know she checks this page every once in awhile}.

~*~*~*IEP Meeting*~*~*~
~*~*~*Wednesday afternoon*~*~*~

Up at 9, at Samantha's school by 9:15. My Mom kept an eye on Samantha while I was gone since she was still sleeping and I wasn't allowed to bring her to this appointment anyway. Our appointment was scheduled to begin at 9:30, but it ended up being delayed a bit since another meeting was wrapping up. Martha Gale {vision teacher}, Harriet Ward {vision teacher}, Carol Laverdure {OT from Early Intervention}, Barbara Feinberg {head of the preschool department}, Gerry Sligar {principal} and Nina Kagan were all present. Absolutely everything that could be discussed was at this meeting. Here are the things that are going to happen:

--Samantha's first day of school will be February 2, 2004. Does everyone realize this is less than a month away? She'll be starting school right after we celebrate her 3rd birthday. Needless to say, this is all a little breath taking.

--Samantha will be going to school for morning sessions. They run from 9a to 11:30a. I chose this time for her because she works much better in the morning hours than she does in the afternoon. The afternoon session ran from 12:45p to 3:15p. This would NOT work out for Sammi since she's usually exhausted and ready for a nap around this time. Samantha isn't exactly a morning person {she hates getting up before 10 since she goes to bed so late} but I'm guessing once we get her into a schedule everything will work out fine.

--Samantha will be getting a ride to school on a bus that will pick her up at our house. Do you know how heart breaking it's going to be seeing my baby ride away on that bus on her first day of school?

I know there are some other things I should be adding, but my mind is just flooded right now by all of the information I've heard about since yesterday as well as the heart breaking fact that my little girl is now a BIG girl. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

~*~*~*Issues with Jeff*~*~*~
~*~*~*Thursday afternoon*~*~

Jeff's appointment to meet with his Neurosurgeon this morning was canceled. It's been rescheduled for next Thursday. Does anyone remember me complaining about how much time this is taking and how waiting and not knowing is driving me nuts? Well, nothing's changed. Things wouldn't be quite so bad if we actually knew something. Plus Jeff's pain is getting worst and this cold weather we've been having isn't helping him at all. My knees have been killing me because of the cold weather, so I can only imagine how badly he feels when every single joint in his body aches. Plus, and I'm not supposed to mention this, Jeff practically fell on his face this morning when he was walking into our kitchen. You know how if you trip over something you're able to catch yourself before you fall? Well Jeff isn't able to catch himself anymore. If I so much as pushed him away from me he would fall over. And we're not talking about a little bean pole of a person here, Jeff is a big guy. It's so sad to see him lose so much strength.

Ok, that pretty much updates everyone on everything that's happening in our world. Jeff's going to see his kids this weekend and I plan on doing nothing. Me and Samantha will have the house to ourselves and I'm sure we'll be able to find something fun to do. Of course we're going to have to do all of our playing inside this weekend since the weather will continue to be frigid. Besides making dinner for everyone tonight {I feed my Mom and step-Dad on Thursday nights since my Mom works late} I plan on sitting back, watching ER and RELAXING. I think I'm going to make that my new favorite word.

I hope every single one of you has an excellent weekend.

With Much Love,
Prayers Needed:


From Alex's CaringBridge page:

January 7, 2004 10:33 PM CST

Please pray for Alex.

We received news today that Alex's chances of recovery are very minimal.

God granted us a miracle baby when He gave Mark and I Alex as a son. We had prayed for a child and Alex was the answer.

The doctor's have used the drugs they have. God must now do the rest.


*January 7, 2004 -- Conor's leukemia has changed. Although his doctor isn't certain what it's changed to, he's almost positive it's AML*

*Her family was informed on December 31 that she has relapsed*

*January 8 -- Michelle is currently pain free and comfortable. Thank goodness*

*Savannah is gaining weight and is now at 50 lbs. The tumor symptoms are holding steady, but the steroids symptoms are coming in full force*

***In the past I've mentioned Katie, one of the women my Mom works with. Her Mom is battling cancer and isn't doing so well. It seems as though nothing is helping her and the doctors said she will be lucky if she lives to March 2004. This is hitting Katie VERY hard. Katie and her Mom are like me and my Mom; they're best friends.

***Please also remember Jim and Maureen. I haven't heard anything new on what's going on with them, but I'll post whatever I find out.
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- Forever 4

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

~*~*~*Hannah Taylor*~*~*~
January 28 -- Forever 9

January 29 -- Forever 12

January 5, 2004

Hi everyone!

I wanted to update Samantha's page to let all of you know how very proud Samantha is of herself. She's a big girl now and she's SO proud!

Saturday night Samantha drove Jeff and I nuts. She had finally perfected climbing out of her crib without hurting herself and insisted on doing it every 5 minutes. As soon as Jeff or I would put her back in her crib and close the door, she would hop right back out. When you went into her room and told her to lay down, she would but she'd bounce right back up as soon as she saw that door of hers close. I even stood in her doorway for a little while and just watched her so she wouldn't do it again. She stared at me the entire time and said, "No thank you" a couple of times. This kid is seeing more than we're giving her credit for. Samantha insisted on keeping up this act from 9p - 2:30a. Towards the end of the night, before she fell asleep, I just stood in her doorway and watched her. Whenever she'd stand up, I'd tell her to lay down. Of course she gave me crap about this, but it ended up working in the end.

On Sunday {yesterday} I turned her crib into a big girl's bed. Samantha was VERY excited about this the minute she saw what I had done. She kept climbing in and out of her big girl bed all day and stated, "Big girl bed." Nuna and Grandpa {my Mom and step-Dad} came down to visit us last night and Samantha just had to show off her new bed. If you ask her to show you her bed, she'll run into her room, lay down on her pillow, cover up with her blanket and say, "Big girl bed." I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it is seeing how proud of herself she is. It's wonderful!

But then, of course, she felt the need to stay up until 2:30 in the morning again last night. Mommy is NOT a happy camper about how little sleep she's getting. Every 5 seconds she was climbing out of that big girl bed so she could play. I've taken everything out of her room that she can stand on so she won't hurt herself when she's in there. When she gets out of her crib, Jeff or I will either go in there and tuck her back in {we're in and out because I don't want to give her too much attention so late at night since I know that's what she wants} or we'll stay on the other side of her bedroom door and tell her to go lay back down in her big girl bed. If anyone has any other ideas on how to help us out, they'd be appreciated.

Sammi also has a little head cold going on. Sneezing, stuffy/runny nose, coughing, etc. So it was especially hard to hear her crying and getting herself all worked up last night when she didn't want to go to sleep. I think I'd deal with it better if she wasn't sick. I'm hoping this is where her sickness ends. I can deal with the coughing and all of that, but I do NOT want that flu in my house.

So, I think that's about it. I just wanted to fill all of you in on how big my little girl is getting. Martha Gale will be visiting us this afternoon. Martha will be working with Samantha when she starts going to school. She'll be right beside her as her aide. Martha is a wonderful lady. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be working with Samantha.

Wednesday {January 7} I have an appointment to go to at the Moody School to figure out when Samantha will be starting school, what type of class she'll be in, how many days she'll be attending, how many days of the week she'll be attending, etc.

Thursday {January 8} Jeff goes into Boston to meet with his Neurosurgeon. We're all getting antsy as this date arrives. We know what it means, now it's just a matter of working through everything.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. May your week prove to be an excellent one!

With Much Love,

~*~*~*Little Ashley*~*~*~

~*~*~*King Brandyn*~*~*~

~*~*~*Kody -- Forever *Ashley's* boyfriend*~*~*~
Prayers Needed:

From Alex's CaringBridge page:

January 7, 2004 10:33 PM CST

Please pray for Alex.

We received news today that Alex's chances of recovery are very minimal.

God granted us a miracle baby when He gave Mark and I Alex as a son. We had prayed for a child and Alex was the answer.

The doctor's have used the drugs they have. God must now do the rest.


*January 7, 2004 -- Conor's leukemia has changed. Although his doctor isn't certain what it's changed to, he's almost positive it's AML.

*Her family was informed on December 31 that she has relapsed*


*Savannah is gaining weight and is now at 50 lbs. The tumor symptoms are holding steady, but the steroids symptoms are coming in full force.

In the past I've mentioned Katie, one of the women my Mom works with. Her Mom is battling cancer and isn't doing so well. It seems as though nothing is helping her and the doctors said she will be lucky if she lives to March 2004. This is hitting Katie VERY hard. Katie and her Mom are like me and my Mom; they're best friends.

Please also remember Jim and Maureen. I haven't heard anything new on what's going on with them, but I'll post whatever I find out.
Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- Forever 4

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

January 28 -- Forever 9

January 29 -- Forever 12

January 3, 2004

Before I start this update, I need to send out birthday wishes to a VERY special little girl.

~*~*~*Happy 3rd Birthday, ~*~*~*Beautiful Sierra*~*~*~

~*~*~*Wishing you the most wonderful day possible! I'm so happy I met you and your terrific family. Party! Party! Party!*~*~*~

I'm not sure how long this entry will be. Samantha just woke up and I'm not sure how long it'll be before she demands I play with her.

We didn't do much for New Year's Eve, but we still had fun. All of us {Jeff, my Mom, step-Dad, Samantha and I} had originally planned on going out to eat to celebrate. When I called the place to see if we could make reservations, they told me it would be about 3 hours before we could get a table. So we ended up ordering dinner from them, picking it up and eating it upstairs at my parents place. So I pretty much got all dressed up for nothing. But we still had a good night.

I put Sammi to bed around nine that night just so she could wake up an hour later and be cranky. I don't know why she does this, but it's beginning to be a pain in my butt. So I sat downstairs in our apartment while everyone else was upstairs. I finally joined them again when I was able to get Samantha settled down.

Jeff and my step-Dad played PS2 football for the night while my Mom and I sat in the kitchen and listened to music. {Note to Mom: The next time I hear that Cancun CD I'm throwing it out the window}. With 5 minutes to go before midnight we made the boys turn off the PS2 so we could watch the ball drop in Times Square. I had such a good time with everyone that night. I would have much rather stayed in the house and be with my family then be out celebrating with a bunch of people I don't know. That may sound silly, but I mean it!

When Jeff and I got downstairs, about 12:30a, Samantha was still awake. We wished her a Happy New Year and she wished us one right back. And now, from our family to yours,

~*~*~*HAPPY 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*~*~*~

Other than celebrating the new year, not much more has been going on around here. My Mom and step-Dad aren't feeling well. We don't know what they have, but we're hoping it's not the flu. Samantha hasn't been herself lately either. She's been VERY cranky and refuses to go to sleep, so I think something may have gotten into her system too. Whatever it is that's going around, I hope it is gone SOON.

I have an appointment to meet with some school people on January 7. At the meeting we'll be talking about Samantha beginning school and what to expect. Jeff goes into Boston to see his Neurosurgeon on January 8. This will be a follow-up and I'm assuming discussion on surgery will also be taking place. I hope! The more time goes on, the worse Jeff gets. And it scares me even more since the doctor told us whatever damage takes place won't be able to be fixed. Gee, that makes us feel good.

Other than that, I don't think anything else is going to be happening. Oh, the picture above {isn't is awesome?!?!?} was taken in December when Jeff and I decided to have a little fun with our Miss Samantha. As you can see, Samantha wasn't too happy about this. But Jeff and I had fun! And just incase you're wondering, the bra Samantha is wearing belongs to me and not Jeff. I just wanted to add that incase anyone thinks some weird stuff is going on in our house. :o)

I hope everyone had an excellent time ringing in the new year. May 2004 bring all of you the peace, happiness and good health you deserve.

With Much Love,

~*~*~*Angel Ashley*~*~*~

~*~*~*Kody -- *Ashley's* loving boyfriend*~*~*~

Prayers needed:






In the past I've mentioned Katie, one of the women my Mom works with. Her Mom is battling cancer and isn't doing so well. It seems as though nothing is helping her and the doctors said she will be lucky if she lives to March 2004. This is hitting Katie VERY hard. Katie and her Mom are like me and my Mom; they're best friends.

Please also remember Jim and Maureen. I haven't heard anything new on what's going on with them, but I'll post whatever I find out.

Heavenly Birthdays:

~*~*~*Jacob Aaron Courtney*~*~*~
January 2 -- Forever 4

~*~*~*Davin Rucker*~*~*~
January 12 -- Forever 11

January 1, 2004

Please know I had every intention of leaving a happy, upbeat journal entry of our New Year's Eve celebrations. That was until I received an e~mail saying another *Angel* has earned her wings. Please forgive me for not following through with the journal entry I intended to write. I find it so difficult to think of happy things to say when so many beautiful children are being called Home.

Happy 2004.

~*~*~*Sweet *Angel Ashley**~*~*~

January 1, 2004
Inoperable Brain Stem Tumor

Please also take a minute to stop by Kody's site if you would. Kody and his family are awesome. So kind, thoughtful and loving. They've also grown to love little *Ashley* and are heart broken by her loss. I know they'd love to hear from you.

~*~*~*Kool Kody**~*~*~

December 29, 2003

The year 2003 is almost gone. And what an eventful year its been for a lot of people. Lately I've had some trouble thinking of what to write about when my mind has been clouded by so many {TOO many} CaringBridge families who have lost children to these horrible diseases. So, as my own little tribute, I'm listing the names and web sites of all of the CaringBridge kids I have known who have become Angels. They were Angels on Earth and now they belong to Heaven. I'll post again once the New Year has arrived to let all of you know how things are going in our house. I wish every single one of you a very happy and safe New Year's Eve. May 2004 be a wonderful year for all of you.

{I'm sure there are other children who have passed on in 2003 as well, but these are the ones I know of. I'm not trying to exclude anyone in any way, shape or form}.

***Maxwell Edward Adams***

October 4, 1999 ~ December 27, 2003
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)

December 27, 2003
Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET)

December 26, 2003
Glioblastoma Multiform Brain Tumor

***Adam Kindell***
December 21, 2003
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)

Due in April 2004
Passed away on: December 19, 2003
*Angel Meghan's* {February 2003} unborn baby sister

***Jake Aaron Courtney***
January 2, 1999 ~ December 18, 2003

***Dustin Earl Little***
November 24, 1999 ~ December 17, 2003
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)

***Alyssa Arebalo***
May 17, 1997 ~ December 13, 2003

***Davin Rucker***
January 12, 1992 ~ December 11, 2003
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Malignant Brain Tumor

***Tommy Bennett***
September 18, 1999 ~ November 25, 2003
Sanfilippo Syndrome

November 7, 2003

***Harris Alton Coller, III***
May 19, 1996 ~ November 5, 2003

***Madison Mitchem***
February 24, 2001 ~ October 28, 2003
Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (iALL)

***Jared "Jaydog"***
October 25, 2003

December 23, 1999 ~ October 24, 2003

***Justin Armenio***
August 2, 2001 ~ October 17, 2003

***Pam Ostrowski***
May 23, 1970 ~ October 7, 2003
Infiltrating Fibrillary Astrocytoma, grade I/III
Thank you, Frank!

***Noah Prichard***
September 16, 2002 ~ October 7, 2003

***Jessica Lynn Nielsen***
October 7, 2003

***Marissa Faith Miao Burghart***
September 19, 1995 ~ September 20, 2003
Diffuse Pontine Glioma

***Connor Summerville***
December 29, 1999 ~ September 16, 2003
Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)

***Taylor Nicole Hancock***
December 5, 1996 ~ September 14, 2003

***Zachary A. Herrera***
November 15, 1993 ~ September 14, 2003

***Julia Caitlin Levy***
February 18, 1998 ~ September 10, 2003
Inoperable brain tumor

***Addison Jasper Toivola***
April 9, 1999 ~ September 9, 2003

May 26, 1997 ~ September 6, 2003
Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)

***Brittany Alexandra Zipter***
November 25, 1991 ~ September 2, 2003

September 24, 1995 ~ August 28, 2003

August 25, 2003
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

***Luke Gabriel Ervin***
July 8, 2000 ~ July 31, 2003

***Chassidy Leigh Dennis***
January 29, 1992 ~ July 27, 2003

July 14, 1992 ~ July 26, 2003
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

***Taylor Rae Johnson***
September 4, 1995 ~ July 13, 2003

May 27, 2000 ~ July 11, 2003
Sanfilippo Syndrome

***Jillian Rose Lamparyk***
August 11, 1997 ~ July 8, 2003
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

***Riley Kate Belcher***
February 14, 2001 ~ June 30, 2003
Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)

***Colby James Cole***
February 14, 1998 ~ June 12, 2003
Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)

February 15, 1991 ~ April 30, 2003
Anaplastic Astrocytoma 3 Brain Tumor

July 23, 2000 ~ February 7, 2003
Bi-phenotypic Leukemia

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*"If tears could build a stairway*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*and memories a lane, I'd walk right~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*up to Heaven and bring you home again."~*~*~*~

December 25, 2003

Go to the bottom of this page for an update on Alex. Thank you.

Go to the bottom of this page for an update on Max. Thank you.

Go to the bottom of this page for an update on Nicholas. Thank you.

DECEMBER 26, 2003 --
A VERY Happy Birthday to Jeff's daughter, Heather, who turns 9-years-old today. Happy birthday, sweetie! We love you very much and wish you the most wonderful day!

Daddy, Shannon & Samantha Therese

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

So? How was everyone's Christmas? Great I hope! I hope everyone had an excellent day of celebrating. I also hope all of the kiddies out there were very pleased with Santa and all of the toys they got. I know Samantha got A LOT of stuff which is great for her, yet not so great for Jeff and I. When you live in a small apartment, it can be difficult finding a place for all of these new toys. I plan on going through everything tomorrow and getting rid of some of the old things Samantha doesn't play with anymore. I'll have to do this when she's with Jeff or laying down for her nap since she won't want me to throw anything out.

Jeff left to see his kids around 9 this morning. I swear he looked like Santa himself as he was leaving our house. He had to carry a huge box of presents out to his car that were going with him. I guess that made me Mrs. Claus since I was helping him at the time. If any of you kids out there mistook us for Mr. and Mrs. Claus, I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart.


I started a bath for Sammi and threw her in it not long after she woke up. I wanted her hair to look good since I knew a lot of pictures would be taken this afternoon. So she sat in the tub {after I washed her up} and had a blast splashing and playing {with some of the new bath toys she got from my Dad and his girlfriend} while I ran around the house and cleaned up. I knew our house would be trashed tonight after celebrating {and it is!} so I wanted to make it as clean as possible before that time came.

When Sammi was done in the tub, I brought her upstairs so we could start celebrating. But Jeff was late getting home, so we were forced to put off opening presents until after we had eaten. While we ate, Sammi laid in her bed. I was hoping she'd take a nap, but that never happened. I would have loved to have her eat with us, but I knew she wouldn't be interested in anything we had. She was much more happy laying down and playing with a few of her toys.

We FINALLY got to open all of our gifts at five o'clock tonight. Samantha had a great job ripping off more wrapping paper and seeing all of the wonderful toys she got. Unfortunately she's still at that age where she'll unwrap a toy she really wants to play with and she'll stop unwrapping gifts so she can play with that toy. So while she was caught on a particular gift, I continued to unwrap some more so we would be finished before midnight. I'd love to list all of the wonderful things Samantha received this Christmas, but it would take WAY too much time and I'm sure most of you would be bored after reading it all. The gifts she got from her family that she enjoyed the most are:

The Wiggles Toot Toot Musical Big Red Car -- The four Wiggles are seated in the car. When you push down on them, the car starts to roll away and the song "Big Red Car" is played.

The Wiggles Musical Guitar -- There are a bunch of different buttons on this guitar and all of them do something different. There are also buttons with The Wiggles and characters from The Wiggles on the guitar. They sing songs and Samantha LOVES to sing a long with them.

I know there are a ton of other gifts that Samantha is loving right now, but my head is a mess from all of the festivities. I've also been having one too many problems with my blood sugars all day and I'm at my wits end with it. Hopefully things will improve tomorrow.

Again, I hope everyone's Christmas was a wonderful one.

To my Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, Missy & Uncle Warren: Thank you for everything. All of the gifts you gave to Samantha, myself and Jeff were awesome and we can't thank you enough for all of them.

To my Mom and Slappy {step-Dad}: You two went above and beyond. Not only with the gifts you gave to Samantha, but the ones you gave to Jeff and myself. All of it was too much. Thank you!

To Jeff: You did it, hon. You finally topped me. You win. I know I've said this a million times, but THANK YOU so much for everything you got me for Christmas. You did WAY too much for me, but I love all of it. Thank you so much, sweetie. I love you.

With Much Love,
Please remember these special CaringBridge kids and their families during the difficult times they're going through:


URGENT PRAYER REQUEST - At 7pm last night {Dec. 27, 2003}, Alex's dialysis catheter clotted. At this time, they have not been able to get it unclotted. He has not been on dialysis since 7pm last night and the fluid is beginning to accumulate again. Pray for the clot to go away or for his kidneys to miraculously start working full force!!


***Angel Max***
Maxwell Edward Adams
October 4, 1999 ~ December 27, 2003
Fly free, little man!


***Angel Nicholas***
*Nicholas* was welcomed into Heaven on December 26, 2003 at 4:25a. Luckily he wasn't in any pain when the Lord called him Home.

Also, a very close friend of my step-Dad's just received some bad news.

Their names are Jim and Maureen. They've been married for years now {I'm sorry, but I don't know how long} and have two children. Awhile ago, Maureen's Mom passed away as a result of breast cancer and now it's been detected in Maureen. Next week she'll be having surgery to have both breasts removed. Jim is devestated by this news and has been taking it extremely hard. They're youngest daughter is just over the age of 1 and everyone's hoping for the best while expecting the worst. As if this news isn't enough, Maureen's sister is also battling breast cancer right now. All I'm asking is for you to send a few extra prayers along to this beautiful family. I'll keep updating on Jim and Maureen's situation as often as I'm able to. Thank you all!

December 24, 2003

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!

I hope everyone has been having a wonderful time celebrating. Are all the little kiddies out there excited that Santa will be making his rounds tonight? I know Samantha is. She hasn't stopped talking about Santa bringing lots and lots of presents. I hope everyone is as excited and as anxious for Christmas to arrive as my little Angel Bear is.

Tonight we went to my Grandparents house to celebrate Christmas Eve together. Its been a tradition for all of us to go there and celebrate year after year. We eat Chinese food, spend time together and have a blast opening presents.

Jeff, Samantha and I showed up at their house around 6:30p tonight. The food arrived shortly after. What timing! My Grandmother, Uncle and father's girlfriend took turns chasing after Samantha while everyone else ate their dinner. Samantha hates to be confined and would rather run around and play than sit still in one place and not eat. My Grandmother {bless her heart} had blown up a bunch of balloons before we arrived so Samantha would have something to play with while we were there. Sammi had SO much fun playing with these balloons.

When we were finished eating we immediately started opening gifts. I knew Samantha's good mood wouldn't be lasting too much longer since it was beginning to get late, so we wanted to get as much happiness out of her as possible. Sammi and I sat on my Grandmother's living room floor together and opened gift after gift. Samantha had a blast ripping open gift after gift. While I was watching her open her presents, I started thinking of last year's Christmas. Samantha could have cared less about opening presents or what gifts she received. This year she did an excellent job opening her gifts and, once the wrapping paper was off, LOOKING at what presents she got. She named a couple of familiar objects she actually saw too. It was great to watch!

Everyone had a great time tonight. Jeff took quite a few pictures for me since I was busy opening presents with Sammi. I hope they come out good. Believe me, A LOT more pictures will be taken tomorrow on Christmas Day. I also need to find the battery to our video camera so I can use that as well.

I hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful Christmas Day! May all of you have an excellent time celebrating with your friends and family. May all of you kids out there get everything you've asked Santa for. Make your day a great one!

With Much Love,
Please pass on some prayers for these special little CaringBridge children who are going through some difficult times right now:






December 19, 2003

And yet another sweet little boy has become an Angel just days before Christmas.

***Angel Adam Kindell***

December 21, 2003

The only thing I have to write about at this time are the CaringBridge children who have recently passed on to Heaven. Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

*Angel Jake*
January 2, 1999 ~ December 18, 2003

*Angel Dustin*
November 24, 1999 ~ December 17, 2003

*Angel Alyssa*
May 17, 1997 ~ December 13, 2003

*Angel Davin*
January 12, 1992 ~ December 11, 2003
Please also remember these children in your prayers as they are going through some hard times right now:

***Angel Adam Kindell***






December 16, 2003

--Please remember Dustin Little and his family in your prayers. Dustin was called Home to Heaven on December 17, 2003. There's a link to his CaringBridge page below if anyone would like to stop by.--

--Before I begin, please take the extra time to stop by Missa's CaringBridge page {there's a link above}. This is a VERY beautiful family who will be VERY happy you had the chance to meet. The messages in Missa's guestbook have started to pick up, but she would always love more. Once you see her beautiful face, her twin brothers beautiful face and her older sister's beautiful face, you'll be so happy you took the time to visit her page. Thank you for hearing me out. A very special thank you to Trish, Tayden's Mom, Roy, Cheyenne's Dad, and Kathy for already stopping by and leaving a message.--

Hi everyone! I hope everyone's week has been treating them well and hopefully all of your Christmas shopping is over with. Our isn't so we're going out this afternoon to finish some of it up. I love Christmas, but I hate the shopping that leads up to it. I enjoy giving presents to other people, but I hate having to deal with the crowds and rude people. So wish us luck please!

Not much has been happening around here lately. My Mom and I took Samantha to the Mall with us this weekend so she could have her picture taken with Santa {it's in the photo album if anyone is interested}. When you see the picture, you'll notice she isn't smiling and none of us have a problem with that. But she IS looking at the camera instead of down at her feet. It can be difficult having Samantha's picture taken since she has low vision. Most, but certainly not all, of the pictures we've taken of her is either with her looking down or with her eyes shut so it's a VERY big deal when she looks up for you. So we're all very happy at how her picture turned out this year.

Other than Christmas shopping that's about it. We've been busy non-stop picking up all of our last minute gifts and I've still yet to wrap even one present. Every year I leave the wrapping to the very last minute and every year I regret doing that. Jeff couldn't help me wrap presents if his life depended on it, so it's always up to me. I think we have plenty of wrapping paper left over from last year, so all I'll need to pick up is a sheet of birthday wrapping paper. Jeff's daughter, Heather, will be celebrating her birthday on December 26, so every year we give her Christmas gifts and one birthday present. Then, when she has her party, we give her a few more.

Speaking of Jeff, he'll be seen by his Neurosurgeon in Boston on January 8. I can't remember if I had already mentioned this. I'm happy his appointment will be after the holidays so we may be able to enjoy them a little more. This appointment will be a follow-up and then, I'm guessing, they'll start talking about his first surgery. Hey Denise, have I mentioned how fun its been looking at Jeff's MRI's? I'm going to be sad to see them go! hehehe

A big THANK YOU for all of the CaringBridge families who have been sending us Christmas cards. They've all been great to receive. Thank you for thinking of us. I did my best sending out Christmas cards this year. If I missed you, please don't think it's because I don't love you. I went through a lot trying to get everyone's addresses together and I think I may still be missing a few. All of you are in my heart, thoughts and prayers though.

I'm going to try to update again before Christmas gets here, but I'm not sure if that'll work. I hope all of you have a wonderful week and please sign Samantha's guestbook if you have the time.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With Much Love,

***Sweet, sweet Angels***

*Angel Dustin*

November 24, 1999 ~ December 17, 2003

*Angel Davin*
January 12, 1992 ~ December 11, 2003

*Angel Alyssa*
May 17, 1997 ~ December 13, 2003

***Prayers needed***








December 14, 2003 -- Samantha's Christmas picture is in the photo album if you'd like to see!

*Angel Alyssa*

This sweet little girl passed away on December 13, 2003 at 4:28p. She will be missed by many friends and family. Please include this beautiful little girl and her courgeous family in your thoughts/prayers.

*Angel Davin*

Davin became one of Heaven's Angels on December 11, 2003. His family has just posted funeral arrangement information if anyone is interested. Please don't forget this sweet little boy and his heart broken family in your prayers/thoughts.

December 11, 2003

UPDATED DECEMBER 12, 2003 -- Please click on Davin's site below as he passed on to Heaven on December 11. Words cannot express how I'm feeling right now. Oh wait, yes they can. I'm pissed off. Please offer any condolences to his heart broken family if you're able to. Thank you.

UPDATED DECEMBER 12, 2003 -- Jeff spoke with his Neurosurgeon on the phone this afternoon and he will be seen in Boston {once again} on January 8. I KNOW it's going to take forever for this day to come.

Missa Roberts {there's a link to her page above} is a beautiful little girl with an awesome family. Although people have been visiting her CaringBridge page {people have to be visiting it since their counter keeps going up} nobody has been signing her guestbook. I know all of you have very busy lives to lead, but could you please stop by and say "Hi" if you find yourself with a few extra minutes? Missa and her twin brother, Zach, have been given the leads as Mary and Joseph in this year's Christmas play. Tori, their older sister, is like me and is anxiously awaiting for Christmas to hurry up and get here. This is a VERY beautiful family and once you meet them I promise you'll be glad to know them.

Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated Samantha's page. Between us getting around 2 feet of snow from our latest storm and running around picking up Christmas gifts, I guess it just slipped my mind to update.

***Samantha's World***

Everything with Sammi has been going great. Except for the fact that she continues to get bigger and won't stop growing up. I'm still working on a way to stop the growing process, but I haven't had much luck.

She hasn't seen or played with Carol (OT from Intervention) or Harriet (teacher/friend from Perkins) in two weeks now. I cancelled our appointment with Carol two weeks ago when I thought Samantha was getting sick and she returned the favor by canceling on us this week. Harriet hasn't been here because she's been working on Samantha's discharge report. I've been able to read portions of this report here and there and it's coming out great, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Harriet.

Tuesday night (December 9) I brought Samantha upstairs to my parents apartment so she could see their Christmas tree. Last year you couldn't get Samantha more than two feet from the tree and she was the exact same way this year. She loves looking at the lights and touching the ornaments. My mother also has one of those dancing Santa's. He sings Rockin' Around the Christmas tree while his hips and arms shake back and forth. Samantha hated this Santa last year and it seemed as though she hated it this year as well. My Mom and I sat on the floor in front of the Santa with her while she danced to the music. Whenever my Mom or I placed our hands on Santa's tummy (she kept giving the Santa her cock-eyed look and wouldn't take her eyes off of him) she'd reach out, grab our hand and push it off of Santa. I guess Samantha thought this toy was evil and shouldn't be touched. So we let Samantha go and watched her while she played. Finally, before we went back downstairs, she stood right next to Santa and started touching his hat. A BIG step for her. It was a very cute experience that I of course took pictures of. I wouldn't be me if I didn't take pictures of every little thing that happened.

***Jeff's Issues***

Jeff had his second MRI done on Friday December 5. We don't know the results of anything yet since his doctor hasn't called him with any news. Hopefully this surgery will take place after Christmas so he'll be able to enjoy the holidays. I'm guessing, Jeff thinks so too, his Neurosurgeon will work on scheduling Jeff's surgery as soon as he's able to review the MRI's. We have copies of the MRI's here and have been looking at them on Samantha's light box and you can see the problems Jeff is having.

***Christmas Preparations***

I spent the entire day yesterday decorationg our house for Christmas and, if I may say so myself, I did a damn good job. The top of our entertainment center is covered with Blue Snowmen -- my favorite. Besides not having a Christmas tree, our house is filled with holiday spirit. Of course I have to watch Samantha when she's playing since a few of my decorations are within her reach, but so far so good. I get a kick out of decorating the house for Christmas. Every year I get something new to put up and I have a blast doing it. I also made stockings for our animals this year. They have their names on the top and are covered with pictures of them. They're being hung in our living room on the wall behind our couch. I should be done with them in a day or two, but I think they're looking good already.

I think that's about all that's been going on with us. Everyone is fine and we're anxiously awaiting Christmas to get here. I was hoping to get Samantha's picture taken with Santa this year, but I don't think that will be happening. Jeff and I will be lucky enough if we're able to finish Christmas shopping. Luckily Samantha was all done months ago, so she's all set. Jeff's kids are also all set, so that makes me feel better.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week. I also hope all of you are finished with your Christmas shopping and won't be one of those poor souls finishing up on Christmas Eve.

With Much Love,

Kids to remember:

Adam Kindell

Adam is experiencing a lot of pain right now and his Mom is devestated that she can't take all of it away from him. She's written some really great journal entries explaining how she's been feeling.


Conor's family has decided to do full radiation and Conor wants his brother Aidan to be his donor. Wish this family luck and send some prayers their way, would you please?

*Angel Davin*

Became one of Heaven's sweet Angels on December 11, 2003.


Jake is very weak and tired these days. He's also not eating well and has been losing weight -- he weighed in at 28 pounds not too long ago.

December 1, 2003

***Update on Davin's condition at the bottom of this entry. Kaycey & Adam have also been added to my list. Wonderful update on Fisher & Maxie below.***

Hi everyone! I hope your weekend was a good one. Ours didn't go too badly. I have a lot to talk about so grab something to drink, maybe even a small snack, sit back, relax and enjoy!

***Thanksgiving Celebrations***

Our Thanksgiving was a good one. Every year we spend it with my Mom, step-Dad and his kids if they happen to be spending the holiday with us. This year they celebrated the day with us. Since we live on the first floor of my parents apartment building and they live on the second floor, we usually go upstairs to eat, drink and be merry. My Mom does most of the cooking while my step-Dad and I help her out whenever we can.

Once again my Mom did a WONDERFUL job with all of the food. We had turkey {compliments of my Dad; thanks Dad!}, ham that my step-Dad made, a lot of sides and tons of desserts. Everything was perfect! And, as usual, I ate way too much food. But that's the fun part, right? hehehe

Samantha was a ham the entire day and had a blast listening to Kiss 108 {one of her favorite music stations}, dancing, singing and cracking everyone up. I took tons of pictures which I will be more than happy to put into Samantha's photo album tonight. I hope everyone else's Thanksgiving was as happy and enjoyable as ours was!

***In Samantha's little corner of the world***

Like I said, Samantha had a great Thanksgiving. She had lots of fun playing with my step-Dad's kids as well as a few of her Aunt's friends who stopped by. She really is a ham. She'll dance, sing and mimick people just so she can hear everyone laugh.

My Mom spent pretty much the whole day in our house on Saturday. We had originally planned on going out for lunch, but I got caught up in cleaning up our house and we never left. I took two days off from cleaning {Thanksgiving and the day after} and it looked like I hadn't starightened up in weeks. Why does that happen? I know how it happens {SAMANTHA THERESE} but I don't know why. So I had a lot of stuff to do. Sammi and my Mom had fun playing together while I was busy running around.

Late Sunday afternoon my Mom, Samantha and myself went out to do some shopping. We stopped at Burger King for lunch/dinner while we were out. Samantha was a VERY good girl while we were shopping. She did throw a couple of tantrums, but they were little ones and didn't last too long. All in all, once again, she was a HAM. She also, as usual, succeded in stinking up the grocery store while we were shopping. Why is it little ones always feel the need to poo when you're in a busy store and can't change them right that moment? That's the one thing you can always count on from Samantha. It happens absolutely EVER time we go out. It doesn't even matter if I change her right before we leave; it still happens.

Samantha gave me a run for my money last night. She fell asleep as soon as I laid her down around eight o'clock, which is odd. She usually lasts until at least ten. While she was sleeping I had the monitor turned on in our room so I could hear her if she happened to wake up. I swear that kid didn't lay still for 5 minutes. Every two seconds she was tossing and turning. She also talked in her sleep a lot more than she usually does, which made me think something was up. Ding, ding, ding. I was right. She woke up around eleven o'clock crying her eyes out. I gave her something to drink, but she wouldn't stop crying. So I gave her some Tylenol because I had a funny feeling she was getting sick. {She's been coughing and sneezing more than usual lately}. So I laid her down on the couch with me and we chilled there for awhile. We sang songs together, went through our ABC's and just cuddled. Finally I thought she was calm enough and I put her back to bed. I went to bed at one o'clock, she woke me up at two. I went back to bed, she woke me up 15 minutes later. She FINALLY crashed around 3 AM and so did I. She still isn't acting herself today, so I definitely think something's going on in that little peanut system of hers.

***Jeff's stuff***

Ah, Jeff. He went into Mass General last Wednesday (Novmeber 26} and met with his new Neurosurgeon. He was examined and told that he will need to have another MRI completed and his one surgery has been moved up to two. Oh joy! {Can you smell the sarcam?}

The Hospital called this afternoon and Jeff will be going in for his MRI this Friday (December 5} at 4:30p. As soon as the MRI results are read, surgery #1 should be booked.


Other than that he's doing good. Oh wait, no he's not. On Friday (November 28} he was sick. This happens after every holiday meal he eats. Throwing up, sweating, freezing; the whole nine yards. I'm not kidding when I say this happens after EVERY single holiday. So he spent the day on the couch, sleeping on and off, while Samantha and I spent most of the day upstairs with my Mom. I took Samantha up there just incase Jeff felt like passing whatever it was he had onto us. Thank goodness we didn't get anything.

Ok, that wraps everything up. I'm listing some CaringBridge kids below. Please stop by and visit their sites if you're able to. They're all in the Hospital and, even though I probably sound like a little kid, IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

With Much Love,
Davin Rucker

Davin is no longer in the hospital. He is now home with his family and is able to sleep comfortably in his own bed instead of those horrible hospital beds. The news on his condition is far from good. His tumors are growing VERY rapidly and are inoperable. Davin's Mom and Dad have an appointment to speak with Hospice at the end of this week. Please pray for a miracle for this beautiful family as they are running out of options.

Davin's younger sister, Tuesdey, will be celebrating her 11th birthday on December 4, 2003


Maxie is HOME!!!

He was released from the hospital yesterday (Dec. 3rd) and Robert, his younger brother, was VERY happy to see him home. Let's hope he's feeling better soon.


Fisher is also HOME!!!

He also broke out of the hospital yesterday (Dec. 3rd). All of the problems he had were figured out, except for his fevers. Luckily the fevers are gone and he's on the road to recovery.


Kaycey is currently in the hospital fighting against a virus that has entered her system. A lot of low blows have been sent her way lately. Everyone is hoping and praying she's able to go home by Christmas.

Adam Curry

Adam was recently admitted to the hospital due to high fevers and low counts. Hopefully he'll be able to go home with his brother and new baby sister before too long. Prayers are sent his way for nothing serious.

November 29, 2003

Davin Rucker

Please pray for Davin and his incredible family. Davin underwent brain surgery AGAIN on November 28, 2003 -- the day after Thanksgiving. Although this brave boy made it through the surgery well, the news is not good. Tumor cells were found and they appear to be inoperable. This young man, his sister, Tuesdey, Mom, Shauna, and Dad Rushell are all amazing people. Stop by his site and I promise you will fall in love with this adorable young man.

November 25, 2003


UPDATE November 26, 2003 --
What I'm thankful for.

Even though life's throwing some pretty nasty cruve balls lately, there is still so much I'm thankful for.

Samantha Therese -- Since she was diagnosed with ONH in 2001, her vision has amazed everyone by growing stronger. When she was born she couldn't see anything and now she's naming colors, her stuffed animals, cartoon characters and more! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think her vision would have grown so much. This has been a blessing to our family but most importantly to her.

Def -- We've been together for two years now and he's been amazing from the start. He accepted my daughter when her "father" abandoned her; he was there when we learned of Samantha's ONH; he's supported us in so many countless ways that it would take forever to describe them all.

My Family -- Through my pregnancy they supported me and have continued to do so to this day. They're always at our house visiting and are always doing little things here and there to help us out. I'd be lost without my family.

My Animals -- In total, we have 6. I love each and every one of them and couldn't imagine living life without them. When I'm having a bad day or when Samantha is acting up, I turn to them and they're always able to cheer me up. In a funny way {believe me, you won't understand this unless you're a HUGE animal lover} they're my children. So I guess you could say I'm a mother of 7 without all of the stretch marks. hehehe

Our Health -- Despite my diabetes and Jeff's issues, we're in good health. Samantha, besides ONH which isn't that big of a deal anymore, is in perfect health. Have I ever mentioned she never had an ear infection while she was a baby? Woo-hoo!

My Friends -- CaringBridge has been a wonderful experience for me. It started out signing one or two guestbooks a day and now I'm almost up to 40. Since joining CB, I've met so many wonderful people whose friendships I will always be thankful for. The ones who have helped me through this time of discovering what's wrong with Jeff {I hope all of you know who you are} have been wonderful. It helps being able to talk to people and it feels great knowing there are so many people out there who really do care.

I hope all of you have an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving with your families. Enjoy your holiday!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!! Ok, I promised this whole journal entry would be all about Samantha and I'm keeping it that way {with a little note on Jeff's condition at the bottom}.

Samantha's doing great! She's been a little menace these days and I swear she's turned into a monkey. Her day doesn't seem to be complete until she's climbed on absolutely every little thing she's able to. Our couch, coffee table, dresser, totes, chairs, dryer, etc. Mind you I end up telling her "No, no" when she starts climbing on some of these things. Maybe I'll have a low vision mountain climber on my hands when she gets older. As long as it keeps her off of my things.

This weekend was probably the most eventful one we've had in awhile now. Jeff's kids came to visit for a little while. Samantha was VERY happy to see them. At one point the two of them were playing video games in our living room and Samantha moved David's hand {Jeff's son}, sat on his lap and watched the video game they were playing. She's also in love with Heather {Jeff's daughter}. Samantha walked around our house saying, "Hi Heather" even when they had gone home. She's very fond of Jeff's kids.

Sunday we went to the annual Santa Parade that's held in our city. My Mom {Nuna}, step-Dad {Grandpa Slappy}, Heather, David, Jeff, Samantha and I all went together. We had a great time and, as always, I took tons of pictures. I plan on changing the pictures that in the photo album either tonight or tomorrow when I have some extra time. Samantha hated hearing the fire truck and ambulance sirens, but she loved everything else. Her favorite was listening to the marching bands go by. She had a blast dancing to the music they were playing. We were also lucky enough {and I still can't figure this one out} to see the Country 99.5 van drive by. Don't ask me why it was in the parade, but it was and no one complained. Samantha was in her glory!

Let's see.....Today Carol {Samantha's OT} stopped by for our weekly appointment. Sammi and Carol worked on playing with the game Connect Four. Samantha did a very good job placing the checkers in the spaces where they needed to go, but this exercise is also getting tiring. I'm not sure if she's tired of it yet, but I'm getting there. She's been working for awhile now on placing objects in or on something else. Just how many times can you work on one project before you've got it perfected? I think Sammi knows what she's doing by now. Hopefully Carol will have something new to work on the next time she visits.

Harriet was also here this afternoon. Samantha and Harriet did a couple of exercises on the light box and Sammi was a VERY good girl and worked with Harriet {either sitting on my lap or hers} for a record 15 minutes. Woo-hoo! Somehow we WILL get her attention span under control. Hopefully.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Carol is worried about the way Samantha walks. A lot of the time, when Samantha isn't wearing shoes, she'll walk on her toes instead of flat on her feet. When she runs she runs fine, it's just walking she has trouble with. She also falls once in awhile, but I always thought that had to do with her low vision. I guess I was wrong. So Samantha will be seen by an Orthopedist {I know that's horribly mis-spelled and I apologize}. She may be fitted with something, not braces or anything like that, to work on helping her walk right. As soon as I know more about this, I'll post it on her site.

I think that's about it in the Samantha department. Jeff will be home soon so I may have to wait until later on tonight or tomorrow to put those pictures in the photo album. There's something about having a medical problem that has made us start spending more time together. I used to sit online and play games while he was home from work; now I'm only on for about 5 minutes, if that, when he's home and that's just to check my mail.

As far as Jeff goes, I know I already wrote this but I figured I would throw it up here again, he either needs to have surgery done on his back or he will become paralized. Gee, what would you do? I love easy choices like that. Of course it's not all that easy because no one is very thrilled knowing Jeff will need surgery. We basically don't know anything else at this point. He's still waiting to get a call from Mass General so he can go in for a consult/second opinion. The Neurosurgeon wanted him to have this consult sometime this week, but it doesn't look like that's going to work out. Everyone seems to be booked, so we may just have to wait until next week to be seen by anyone. I know there are so many CaringBridge kids/families who need so many prayers right now, but if you've got any left over could you please send them our way? We're so stressed out over all of this. I'm about ready to throw in the towel and pretty much give up, but I know that's not an option. I'm getting headaches every single day now from all of the stress I'm under. Aspirin has become my new best friend. {I could think of some more powerful pills I'd like to take, but nobody's been offering me anything}. *hint, hint* I'm kidding!

I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving. Besides Jeff's problems, we have a lot to be thankful for this year. Again I'd like to thank absolutely every person who has showed their concern and support during this time. Denise, Kathy & Richard, Kathy {David's Mom}, Angie, Terry, Harriet, DeAnna.........Everyone! Thank you so much! All of your love, support and kindness is VERY much appreciated. We love every one of you. For anyone I may have forgotten, I do apologize. If your name was left out, feel free to yell at me in Samantha's guestbook. You haven't been forgotten, my headache has just made me miss your name.

~*~*~*Happy Thanksgiving!!!*~*~*~

With Much Love,

***Angel Tommy***

Little 4-year-old Tommy was called into Heaven on November 25, 2003 at 3:10a. His pain and suffering has ended only for his parents to endure with his loss. Please stop by his site and offer any kind words you're able to.

November 24, 2003

Jeff went to his Neurosurgeon this afternoon. Bottom line: he's getting surgery. If he doesn't, he'll become paralized. He's waiting to receive a call from Mass General right now. They're going to set him up with an appointment so he can go there and get a consult on all of this crap.

I'll be doing an update either tonight or tomorrow on Samantha. It seems like it's been so long since I've written about her, but there's just been A LOT of stuff going on around here lately. Please know she's doing well and getting into more things with each day that passes. I promise the update I make on her will be ALL ABOUT HER and nothing else.

With Much Love,

November 23, 2003

Jeff goes to see his Neurosurgeon tomorrow afternoon. If you're able to spare any extra prayers, could you please throw them our way? Thank you VERY much to everyone who has showed their compassion while we deal with this latest news. Things are extremely difficult around here lately, so I've sort of been missing here and there. I'm stressed to the max trying to figure out a way to pay for all of these medical bills that are already beginning to roll in (Jeff doesn't have insurance), PLUS paying our monthly bills, PLUS finishing up ALL of the Christmas shopping we still have left to do. Needless to say, I've been staying up very late these past few nights racking my brain.

Honestly though, thank you to everyone who has showed their support to us. Denise, Kathy & Richard, David's Mom Kathy, Angie..................Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! I realize I may have missed a name or two. Please, please let me know if your name was left out. You haven't been forgotten, my mind is just full of things at the moment and half the time I'm not thinking clearly.

Thank you!

With Much Love,
CaringBridge families who could use some extra support:


This little girl is in the hospital recovering from a surgery she had about two weeks ago. She's doing wonderfully and seems to be improving more with each passing day. Hopefully she'll be doing the rest of her improving from home before too long.

This extremely brave boy will be undergoing brain surgery AGAIN on November 28; the day after Thanksgiving. Davin and his family are amazing. They're wonderful to know and could use some extra prayers right about now. Please stop by and offer your support if you've got the time.

He's currently being hospitalized due to high, unknown fevers. Let's hope this isn't anything serious and he'll be back home acting like his goofy self in no time.

This little boy and his family could REALLY use some prayers sent their way. If you check out Tommy's page and read some of the journal entries, you'll learn all you need to know.

November 21, 2003

Jeff had his MRI done this afternoon.

It shows that he has arthritis of the spine, which requires surgery.

He'll be seen by a Neurosergeon on Monday.

November 18, 2003

ANOTHER UPDATE November 20, 2003 -- Jeff has an appointment to go for an MRI tomorrow at 12:30p. Please keep us in your prayers.

UPDATE November 20, 2003 -- I again want to thank all of the people who showed their support for our family while we struggle to find out what is wrong with Jeff. All of your kindness and support have been VERY much appreciated. I e~mailed some people tonight to let them know how Jeff's appointments (yes, that is plural) went today. If I forgot anyone, please let me know. I didn't do it intentionally, my mind is just somewhere else right now.

UPDATE November 19, 2003 --
Jeff goes to the Neurologist tomorrow.

Hi everyone! I hope all of your weekends were good ones! We didn't do much, but we had a good time. Jeff didn't go to see his kids this weekend because of his back bothering him and he didn't have to work on Sunday so the three of us got to spend some time together over the weekend. Getting the three of us to spend time together doesn't happen all too often since Jeff works pretty much every day and has VERY crazy hours. So we were thankful to be able to sit down, relax and play together all weekend. It sounds boring but it really wasn't.

Carol and Harriet came over today to visit and play with Samantha. Harriet had a VERY wonderful project for all of us to do. She had ordered some stickers with words on the top and braille on the bottom. Today Jeff, Harriet and I ran around labeling objects in our house. Our living room TV, refrigerator, stove, microwave, chair, back door, bedroom, bathroom, radio, table, window, etc. So our house is officially beginning to look as if a low vision child lives in it. Harriet's going to work on printing up some more of these labels so we can label some more things around our house. Samantha is also beginning to learn how to run her fingers over the braille and will eventually be able to put letters and words together. So sometime in the future I should be making a journal entry saying that Samantha is beginning to read.

Casey {our puppy} had an appointment with his Vet this afternoon. We had originally taken him in to get his nails trimmed, but that wasn't happening. He gets too worked up when he's pinned down and he absolutely HATES having his paws held. He wouldn't even allow the doctor to put a muzzle on his face. We requested having a muzzle put on him since he likes to nip at people who are holding his paws. He had blood drawn {to check for heart worm; he's fine} and was given a distemper and rabies shot. I also bought him a 12-month supply of heart worm medicine {which he took VERY well for me this afternoon} and I am planning to go to City Hall to get his license sometime this week. All in all, Casey was a VERY good boy while he was being examined. I was especially impressed with how well behaved he was while having his blood drawn and getting his shots. I expected him to start squealing and freak out on the doctor, but he was excellent. He sat still the entire time and didn't try to nip and didn't whine. What a good baby! Samantha was also an excellent little girl while we were at the Vet. She had a great time checking everything out and had even more fun running away from me whenever she got the chance. It was VERY difficult trying to pay for Casey's bill while chasing Samantha down the hall at the same time.

Does anyone {besides me} watch ER on Thursday night? I've been a HUGE fan of that show every since it first aired 10 years ago. Everything ends for me at 9:30 on Thursday night so I can sit down, relax and watch my show. My point: Did anyone see last Thursday episode? There was a part where Bob Newhart {sorry, I already forgot his character's name} was looking through his magnify glass while working on his scene. At one point they showed how he was seeing things. I wish I had been taping this episode because that is exactly how Samantha looks at and sees things with her eyes. I tell everyone who asks that Samantha cocks her head to the side when she's checking something out. I'm imagining, but not certain, that the way Bob Newhart saw the things he was looking at is the same way Samantha Therese sees things. I thought it would break my heart when I saw this, but in a way it was VERY comforting.

I think that's about all that's been happening in and around our house. I hope all is well with all of you. Have a wonderful week everyone!

With Much Love,

Please keep our VERY dear friend Harriet in your prayers. She's fine, but is currently fighting a vicous infection that's running through her body. She'll be fine in no time, but a few extra prayers would be VERY much appreciated. We love you, Harriet! Very much!!

November 18, 2003

Some humor for 'ya:

Seen in a John Deere sales office: "The only machine we don't stand behind is our manure spreader."

ANOTHER UPDATE November 20, 2003 -- Jeff has an appointment to go for an MRI tomorrow at 12:30p. Please keep us in your prayers.

UPDATE November 20, 2003 -- I again want to thank all of the people who showed their support for our family while we struggle to find out what is wrong with Jeff. All of your kindness and support have been VERY much appreciated. I e~mailed some people tonight to let them know how Jeff's appointments (yes, that is plural) went today. If I forgot anyone, please let me know. I didn't do it intentionally, my mind is just somewhere else right now.

UPDATE November 19, 2003 --
Jeff goes to the Neurologist tomorrow.

Hi everyone! I hope all of your weekends were good ones! We didn't do much, but we had a good time. Jeff didn't go to see his kids this weekend because of his back bothering him and he didn't have to work on Sunday so the three of us got to spend some time together over the weekend. Getting the three of us to spend time together doesn't happen all too often since Jeff works pretty much every day and has VERY crazy hours. So we were thankful to be able to sit down, relax and play together all weekend. It sounds boring but it really wasn't.

Carol and Harriet came over today to visit and play with Samantha. Harriet had a VERY wonderful project for all of us to do. She had ordered some stickers with words on the top and braille on the bottom. Today Jeff, Harriet and I ran around labeling objects in our house. Our living room TV, refrigerator, stove, microwave, chair, back door, bedroom, bathroom, radio, table, window, etc. So our house is officially beginning to look as if a low vision child lives in it. Harriet's going to work on printing up some more of these labels so we can label some more things around our house. Samantha is also beginning to learn how to run her fingers over the braille and will eventually be able to put letters and words together. So sometime in the future I should be making a journal entry saying that Samantha is beginning to read.

Casey {our puppy} had an appointment with his Vet this afternoon. We had originally taken him in to get his nails trimmed, but that wasn't happening. He gets too worked up when he's pinned down and he absolutely HATES having his paws held. He wouldn't even allow the doctor to put a muzzle on his face. We requested having a muzzle put on him since he likes to nip at people who are holding his paws. He had blood drawn {to check for heart worm; he's fine} and was given a distemper and rabies shot. I also bought him a 12-month supply of heart worm medicine {which he took VERY well for me this afternoon} and I am planning to go to City Hall to get his license sometime this week. All in all, Casey was a VERY good boy while he was being examined. I was especially impressed with how well behaved he was while having his blood drawn and getting his shots. I expected him to start squealing and freak out on the doctor, but he was excellent. He sat still the entire time and didn't try to nip and didn't whine. What a good baby! Samantha was also an excellent little girl while we were at the Vet. She had a great time checking everything out and had even more fun running away from me whenever she got the chance. It was VERY difficult trying to pay for Casey's bill while chasing Samantha down the hall at the same time.

Does anyone {besides me} watch ER on Thursday night? I've been a HUGE fan of that show every since it first aired 10 years ago. Everything ends for me at 9:30 on Thursday night so I can sit down, relax and watch my show. My point: Did anyone see last Thursday episode? There was a part where Bob Newhart {sorry, I already forgot his character's name} was looking through his magnify glass while working on his scene. At one point they showed how he was seeing things. I wish I had been taping this episode because that is exactly how Samantha looks at and sees things with her eyes. I tell everyone who asks that Samantha cocks her head to the side when she's checking something out. I'm imagining, but not certain, that the way Bob Newhart saw the things he was looking at is the same way Samantha Therese sees things. I thought it would break my heart when I saw this, but in a way it was VERY comforting.

I think that's about all that's been happening in and around our house. I hope all is well with all of you. Have a wonderful week everyone!

With Much Love,

Please keep our VERY dear friend Harriet in your prayers. She's fine, but is currently fighting a vicous infection that's running through her body. She'll be fine in no time, but a few extra prayers would be VERY much appreciated. We love you, Harriet! Very much!!

November 10, 2003

Hi everyone! I hope all is well with all of you.

I'm still not in the mood to write a very lengthy journal entry, but I'm sure this one will turn out to be long with all I have to say about Samantha.

First off, I mentioned that Samantha was seen at the Perkins School again on Wednesday November 5, 2003. This visit was made so Samantha could go through a Let's Move Orientation and Mobility Assessment. Samantha did wonderfully during her assessment. Of course I don't know everything since I don't have the finaly report yet, but I will update more as soon as that is sent to me. During this assessment, Samantha was given a pre-cane to work with. Since Sammi will more than likely be using a cane to get around when she gets older, everyone thought it was time to get her started on learning how to use one. She surprised us all by (once again) catching on very quickly to this. We brought her down a deserted hallway so she could practice, and she did a great job keeping the cane in front of her as she walked. We plan on going outside to work on this some more, as long as it's not freezing out. Harriet was also present during Samantha's assessment and, as always, it was great to see her. We haven't had any home visits with Harriet since Samantha has been seen at the Perkins School for two weeks now, but Harriet will be out here tomorrow to play with us. If it's not too cold out when she gets here, we might be able to go outside and have Sammi use her pre-cane in our driveway and on our street (as long as cars aren't whizzing by of course).

As far as Samantha's Discharge Evaluation from Early Intervention goes....................

This took place on September 17, 2003 and I just received the final report last week. All in all, Samantha did an excellent job during this assessment. I could type up all of the scores she received on each sections she was tested on, but I don't know whether all of you would understand all of that jumble. So I'll just add my own little comments.

Here are some of the comments that were made on this evaluation:

--Appears to navigate her environment with ease and with appropriate caution.
--Pets and interacts appropriately with family cats and dog.
--When given a baby doll, she was not sure what to do with it and threw it across the room. (she'll make a good Mom someday).

Ok, I think I covered just about everything I meant to. Jeff is doing ok. His back is still killing him and his body is still numb. He laid down to relax before heading back to work this afternoon and he was in a lot of pain when he got up. 10 more days until he's seen by this Neurologist. Yup, that's right, I am couting down the days. I honestly don't think this appointment could come soon enough. I realize we won't have answers right away, but it'll be good enough knowing we're getting the ball rolling and will soon (hopefully) be finding out what's wrong before too long.

I've had a lot of mixed feelings about Samantha's CaringBridge page for a couple of months now which is why (along with not knowing what's wrong with Jeff) I haven't been in the mood to write much lately. The support we received in the beginning was outstanding. It made me feel excellent knowing people were there for us and were interested in our lives. Since then, a lot of that support has ended and I honestly, for the life of me, couldn't tell you why but I can tell you that it certainly hurt losing so much support from so many people that I truly cared about. I am, however, very grateful for all of the people who have continued to care for us and leave us messages in the guestbook when time allows. Please know how much I appreciate knowing each and every one of you. You've all been excellent friends and have offered wonderful support to us. Thank you for sticking with us and I hope all of you continue to do so. For those I've lost touch with, I truly am sorry but I am so very hurt. I do wish things could have been different.

Ok, enough of me rambling. I hope all of you have a fantastic week. My love goes out to each and every one of you.

With Much Love,

November 3, 2003

UPDATE (NOVEMBER 6, 2003) -- Jeff's symptoms are just getting worst and it's scaring me to death. There's now a spot on his leg where he can't feel anything at all. He's still numb from his chest down, but was always still able to feel something. Now he can't feel anything on this spot. What the hell is going on with him? I hate having to worry about this until the 20th. It seems like an eternity until we find out anything. And do you know how much I hate WebMD? We were looking on the site together today and everything sounds horrible. Most of it isn't that bad, but it sounds like it is. I can't even begin to describe how worried and stressed out I am by all of this. If I'm mis-spell some words, I apologize. My eyes are all teary and I'm having trouble seeing the keyboard. I'm hoping and praying when he is seen by this Neurologist that all my worrying will seem stupid. That they'll tell us it's nothing and will have a simple cure for whatever is wrong with him. I know I'm just babbling and I apologize for that too. Please understand if I stop leaving messages in some of the CaringBridge guestbooks. DO NOT think it has anything to do with any of you. I don't want to leave any depressing messages to anyone and I'm afraid that's all I'll do with the way I'm feeling. I don't know. I'll write more later. Once again, thank you for all of your prayers and support. It means so much to us. Right now I'm going to go spend time with the two loves of my life. Samantha Therese and our Def.

UPDATE (NOVEMBER 5, 2003) -- Samantha's appointment at the Perkins School went very well this afternoon. Sammi did a wonderful job doing everything that was asked of her. I'll write more about this later since I'm still not in the mood to write much.

Hi everyone! This is going to be one of my shortest updates mainly because I don't have the energy to talk about much.

Ok, Samantha was seen at the Perkins School on Wednesday (October 29, 2003) to have her low vision exam. Everything went well and I think Samantha did wonderfully, but then again I'm not a doctor. I'll update more about this appointment when I receive her final report in the mail.

My Mom and I took Samantha to Groveland to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night. Samantha was dressed as my little bumble bee and had a great time walking (and being carried) everywhere. We even stopped at a house that was playing creepy music and Samantha had a blast dancing with two guys who were dressed up to scare people. They never scared us, but played with Samantha instead. She looked so cute shaking her little stinger while she was dancing. We (excuse me, Mommy) got lots of candy and I'm very happy pigging out on every bit of it.

Saturday night (November 1, 2003) Jeff and I spent at the ER. You know that cold that's been circling through our house? Well it's pretty much gone now (I'm still coughing here and there, but nothing serious). Anyway, about a week ago Jeff started feeling numb from his chest down to his knees. Both of us were concerned, so he finally agreed to go get checked out. What fun we had in the ER (sarcasm). They took chest x-rays of him but the doctor on call couldn't figure out why Jeff felt like this. So Jeff will be seeing a Neurologist on November 20 and hopefully all of us will have some answers. This has had me stressed out and worried, so I'm really not in the mood to chit-chat for too long.

But I hope all is well with everyone and all of the kiddies out there had a fantastic Halloween. Have a wonderful week and I'll be back again to update soon.

Oh! Samantha will be going back to the Perkins School this Wednesday (November 5, 2003) to have an Orientation and Mobility assessment. I'll update how everything went when we're finished. My Mom, my Dad and I will be going into Watertown with Samantha on that day.

With Much Love,

October 27, 2003

Two weeks in a row, baby! Now I'm just hoping he can take the final three races. I could care less about points right now, I just want to see my boy win the races! Richard, I'll be e~mailing you and Kathy later to gloat some more!!!

Things are so-so here. Samantha is feeling 100% better and Def's still his sick miserable self. And guess what? I'm sick too! Joy. Yesterday morning I woke up with a sore throat and my nose would not stop running. I feel the same today. Dayquil, tissues and sinus medicine are my new best friends until this wonderful cold decides to leave my body. I'm coughing here and there, but Def still wins for having the worse cough. So I get to sit here feeling miserable and yesterday's race being rained out didn't help too much. But seeing it today and watching my boy take 1st helped A LOT! Plus I taped it, so Def and I will watch it together tonight once Samantha goes to bed so he can see it. I can't wait!

Samantha's doing good. We got to go outside for a little bit over the weekend when the weather allowed us to. It's rainy and cold and windy today, so I think we'll be staying in. Samantha's new thing is counting and saying her ABC's, but she won't say them by herself. I'll start off by saying 1 or A and then we'll take turns until we finish. She'll count to 3 on her own, but not to 10. She'll also say her ABC's on her own, but she likes playing this new game.

Sammi stayed home with Def Saturday night while Mommy went out for awhile. I had a blast. I went out to dinner and did some shopping. What a difference it is shopping by yourself when you're so used to chasing after an almost 3-year-old while you're trying to look at stuff. Did I mention you can't even put Samantha in a shopping carriage while you're busy? Def and I were shopping one time and I had strapped Samantha into the shopping cart so I could look at some stuff. We both had our backs turned to her and it wasn't until Def said, "Did you let Samantha out of the carriage?" that I looked over at her and she was free. She was set next to a bin full of pillows and somehow managed to scoot out of her belt and she must have slid to the floor. She wasn't hurt at all and wasn't making a sound, which is why I didn't notice what she had done. Sometimes I wonder whether I gave birth to a baby girl or a female monkey.

I called today and canceled our appointment for tomorrow with Samantha's OT. We're still sick (well, Def and I are) and I don't want to pass anything onto her when she sees lots of kids all day long. But we're still going to the Perkins School this Wednesday (October 29) for Samantha's low vision exam. That should be interesting.

I also had to cancel my Uncle and Grandmother coming t visit us yesterday. I know how much I hate it when I go to visit someone who's sick and they "forget" to let me know they had a cold. Especially when I don't want Samantha to get sick. So they'll be out to visit next weekend. It'll be good to see my Uncle again since it's been about a month since I've seen him. Samantha also loves playing with her family, so I know she'll be excited to have visitors.

For now, since the excitement of today's race has ended (believe me, I'm still floating on cloud nine), I'm going to lay in my bed. It looks so big and comfy and I feel like I was run over 20 times by a big rig. Samantha will not like going in her crib, but she won't have a choice. It's either that or have her jump on me while I "try" to relax. It'll only be for an hour though, so she shouldn't mind too much.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Have a great week and I hope all of the kids have a great time trick-or-treating. We'll be going on Friday down where my Grandparents live. I probably won't be able to update Samantha's page with her results from her low vision exam until this weekend since Def and I will be going out Wednesday night, but I will be more than happy to e~mail a few people I know to explain what went on.

With Much Love,
His Angel wings came to him on October 24, 2003.

His Angel wings made themselves known on October 25, 2003.

***Please also keep my Grandfather's sister in your thoughts. She lives in California close to where all these fires are burning. I talked to my Grandma this afternoon and she told me she'll be calling them tonight to see how they're doing. Her husband just died early this year, so I'm hoping another tragedy (the fires) haven't touched her. I'll post what's going on with her as soon as I know.***

October 22, 2003

Jared is also a new Angel in Heaven. His Angel wings bloomed early this morning (October 25, 2003). Heaven's newest Angel has the biggest, sweetest blue eyes I've ever seen.
*Angel Jared "Jaydog"*

Jamie is now completely free of pain and is dancing on the streets of Heaven as we speak. Luckily he went peacefully in his sleep with his parents by his side. He was welcomed into Heaven on October 24, 2003.

The dishes are done (except for a coffee mug and bowl I'm staring at right now that I didn't see before), the laundry is being washed and here I am sitting on my butt until it's time to dry my clothes. Ah, life is good.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. I wanted to update Samantha's page on Sunday night, but I was floating on cloud nine after seeing my boy win in Martinsville (and my other two finishing an excellent 2nd and 3rd) and updating completely slipped my mind. Then I was going to update on Monday night, but I, um, forgot I guess. Actually I don't know why I didn't update on Monday night. Something must have been going on somewhere. Oh, I'm sorry. Monday night was when my little girl decided to stay up until 3 in the morning and refused to let me close my eyes for more than a second. So here I am! Finally! *applause*

Sunday was a so-so day. It rained on and off, so we stayed inside. The Subway 500 rocked! Samantha and I sat together on our couch and watched the entire thing together. She was holding the Jeff Gordon car I gave her and I got her to keep saying, "Go Gordon!" and "We love you Gordon!" and "Yea Gordon!!!" Needless to say, we had tons of fun.

Yesterday (October 21) my Grandparents celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. I called to wish them a happy one and found out they had gone out to dinner to celebrate. They had a great time!

My Mom and I also brought Samantha to see Dr. Robbins (her neurologist) yesterday for a follow-up appointment. As usual, he is VERY pleased with the progress she's been making. The only reason we continue to see Dr. Robbins is because he's interested on how well she's progressing and he also wants to keep an eye on her head size. Since birth Samantha's head size has always been on the small side. It's nothing to be concerned with (since it's only about a 1/2 centimeter below "normal"), but he wants to keep tabs on it to make sure it continues to grow. He feels another MRI would be pointless at this point. Samantha acts like a "normal" (I HATE that word) almost 3-year-old. She isn't behind in anything. She speaks well, is learning, is walking and is developing. If she did nothing but sit on the floor and drool, there would obviously be some concern and an MRI would be scheduled. (By the way, she did have an MRI done in July of 2001 which came back fine). The only thing Dr. Robbins ordered to have done was a blood test (to look at her chromosomes -- I know that's spelt wrong -- sorry) and a urine test to make sure there isn't any sugar in her urine. With my diabetes, it's always in the back of our minds that she could be diagnosed with it as well. All in all, Samantha had a VERY wonderful visit and Dr. Robbins doesn't want to see us in his office again until April 2004. If anyone is in our area and ever needs to be seen by a neurologist, I stongly recommend being seen by Dr. Robbins. He's a wonderful, caring and compassionate man.

We were suppose to have an appointment yesterday afternoon with Harriet, but she canceled because she's not feeling well. I actually meant to call her and cancel since Def and Sammi aren't feeling well either. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I haven't gotten it as bad as they have. Sure I cough here and there, but that's really about it. Def's been coughing so much that he feels like his chest will explode and Samantha has been coughing and sneezing all over the place. My poor baby. So every night before bed she gets a dose of Tylenol and Delsym. Has anyone ever tried Delsym? I love this stuff! It's for coughs and lasts for 12 hours. I can't take it since it's a liquid and me and liquids don't mix, but I give it to Samantha whenever she starts coughing. This stuff is the best! She stops coughing as soon as it kicks in and I don't hear another cough out of her until later on the next day. Def has used it too, but it doesn't work as well on him. I honestly think his cough is more due to his smoking than the cold, so the Delsym really won't work on him.

My Grandmother was going to come over to visit us today, but she decided against that since I told her everyone was sick. I especially didn't want to give our cold to my Grandfather. He has asthma and when he gets sick he usually has to visit the emergency room to get better. So hopefully she'll be able to stop by next week to visit. It's been two weeks since she was last her. I miss her and I'm sure Samantha does too.

Next week will be a busy one for us. Wednesday (October 29) my Mom, my Dad, Samantha and I will be heading into Watertown, Mass to go to the Perkins School so Samantha can have her vision tested AGAIN. That same night Def and I will be going to the WBCN Grave Rave in Boston while my Angel Bear stays at home with her Nuna (my Mom). WBCN is a local radio station and the Grave Rave is a concert they're putting on for Halloween. I'm not sure what's going to be happening there, but it sounds like fun. Def and I have to find costumes to dress in. I wasn't expecting to dress up this year, so we have to go a searching. Then on Friday night (October 31 -- Halloween) my Mom and I will be taking Samantha to Groveland so she can go trick-or-treating. Mmmmmmmm. CANDY!!! Hopefully Samantha will gets lots so I don't have to share with anyone. I'm going to miss stealing all of her candy when she grows up and wants to eat it all herself. We'll be trick-or-treating close to where my Grandparents live, so we'll be able to stop in and visit with them for a little bit. Hopefully my Grandfather will make his famous lasagna (he usually does every Halloween for us) and I'll be able to pig out. I can't tell you how horrible it was being pregnant with Samantha and not being able to eat his lasagna. Every time I put even a little in my mouth, I got the worse heart burn. But now I'm free to eat as much as I want. Yea!

Ok, I'm done babbling. Every time I update Samantha's page I tell myself I won't be making an extremely long entry. Just a short one to let everyone know how everything is going in our world. Does it ever happen? No! I promise one of these days you're going to sign onto Samantha's page, see a couple lines of an update and be stunned that I didn't write 5 pages. It'll happen sooner or later.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
Jared is a little boy who inches closer and closer to earning his Angel wings everyday. He is in the hospital surrounded by his family and is being kept as comfortable as possible.
Jaydog's Story

Jacob is home but is still having problems with his weight going up and down. He's also having problems with his feeding tube as he continues to be throwing it up.

This poor little thing fell and broke her right femur bone pretty badly. She had surgery on Saturday and is currently home recovering. Well wishes for a speedy recovery would be appreciated.

***Katie's Mom***
Chemo is still kicking her butt. I don't know the exact details, but I do know she receives one dose of chemo a month. After receiving, she feels like crap for 2 weeks and has to go in for another dose just when she's beginning to feel better. I also found out that one of her tumors is shrinking. Yea! She's also started pulling out her wig collection again (she went through all of this once before so she's prepared) because her hair has started to fall out.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

***There are new pictures of Samantha in her photo album if anyone would like to check them out.***

***Almost Sox. Almost.***

Angel Justin's Page

OCTOBER 17 -- Little Justin passed away at 10:42 this morning (October 17, 2003). Please stop by his site to offer any condolences possible. This 2-year-old's pain and suffering is now over and he has now been blessed with a beautiful set of Angel wings.

Jared is also a little boy who inches closer and closer to earning his Angel wings everyday. He is in the hospital surrounded by his family and is being kept as comfortable as possible.
Jaydog's Story

Hi everyone! I hope your Sunday weather was a lot better than ours is. It's been raining on and off all day and it hasn't let up since. The Sox game was even called off tonight because of this stinkin' rain. Bleh! Doesn't matter though. We'll be back to kick some Yankee butt tomorrow night when we play. (Keep that in mind, Kim!)

We had a GREAT time yesterday at the Fair. We got there around 2 in the afternoon and were finally home by 9:30p. Talk about a long day! Samantha was VERY good all day, thank goodness. She didn't want to ride in her stroller at all, she either wanted to walk or be carried, but we were able to strap her in there a couple of times to give everyone a break. Def brought his kids with us, so they went on some rides while the rest of us walked around, ate TONS of food (I love fair food), bought some stuff and saw some things. Samantha got a Spongebob and Patrick balloon from her Nuna (thank you Mom!). Samantha's favorite radio station (99.5 -- she listens to it all the time in her bedroom) had a booth set up while we were there. For about 15 minutes we stood in front of their booth while Samantha danced and sang to the music. I swear she knows the words to EVERY song they play. We were even lucky enough to get our picture taken with one of the afternoon DJ's before they packed up and left for the day. Samantha was in her glory the entire time.

And guess what I got at the Fair? The Red Sox t-shirt I've been searching for. Yea! Go me! Well, at least I'm excited about this. I've been wearing it all day since my boys were suppose to be playing tonight, but I suppose I can get changed for bed now since that's off.

Like I said, we had a blast at the fair. We saw baby cows, goats, pigs (I want a pig), tons of sweet little babies sleeping in their strollers, a couple of friends I haven't seen in almost 2 years, etc.............I took a lot of pictures and I'll be more than happy to post some of them as soon as I get my film developed. I was going to attempt to have it developed today, but the weather has just been so crappy that I haven't felt like leaving the house. Sammi, surprisingly, has been in an awesome mood despite not being able to go outside and play. Tomorrow is suppose to be ("suppose to be" being the key words here) a much better day, so I'm hoping we'll be able to go out and play then.

Thank you to everyone who wished us a good time at the fair and for congratulating me on my lost puppy situation. As much as he hates it, I've been putting Casey's leash on him when we're outside now and tying it up to something. I do NOT need him running away on me again. I'm in a tricky spot since I love having him outside with us, but I don't need him disappearing again. Hopefully we'll figure out something that works the best for both of us soon.

As always, I'm listing a few CaringBridge families who could really use any prayers you could spare sent their way. I'm sure there are more out there, but these are the only ones I know of. Please don't take offense if I don't list someone's site.

With Much Love,

Every day seems to be more of a struggle for this sweet little man. He isn't eating or drinking anything and he sleeps for most of the day. His Mom doesn't think he's going to last much longer.

Jacob was admitted into the Hospital. He is still having problems with eating and is having tummy issues. Hopefully he'll be home by the weekend.

This poor little thing fell and broke her right femur bone pretty badly. She had surgery on Saturday and is currently recovering in a local hospital. Well wishes for a speedy recovery would be appreciated.

***Katie's Mom***
Chemo is still kicking her butt. I don't know the exact details, but I do know she receives one dose of chemo a month. After receiving, she feels like crap for 2 weeks and has to go in for another dose just when she's beginning to feel better. I also found out that one of her tumors is shrinking. Yea! She's also started pulling out her wig collection again (she went through all of this once before so she's prepared) because her hair has started to fall out.

Thursday, October 9, 2003

***Kick some Yankee butt, Sox!!!***
***C'mon Patriots. Do me a favor and lose today!!!! (I'll update tonight about our trip to the Fair).***
*Angel Noah*
September 16, 2002 ~ October 6, 2003

*Angel Pam*
May 23, 1970 ~ October 7, 2003

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't written an update in awhile. Not a lot has been happening around here (that's one excuse) and I really haven't been in the mood to write anything (that's my other excuse). I've also been lacking in making guestbook entries to some of my very dear CaringBridge friends, and for that I apologize. I will be picking up the slack from now on. Please excuse my absence and lack of interest (not in the CaringBridge families I know, but on Samantha's page).

Like I said, not much has been happening around here lately. My Dad and Grandma came to visit on Wednesday (October 8). We played outside for the entire afternoon since we've been blessed with such beautiful weather. It's the 2nd week of October and we're experiencing temps. in the 70's. What more could anyone ask for? Samantha loves playing outside, so I'm not sure what we're going to do once the snow starts falling. Last year she absolutely hated the snow. We brought her out in it for about half an hour and all she did was cry and whine. At that time she refused to wear a hat (she always hated things being on her head until recently) and she hates to wear mittens because of her low vision. Which I don't blame her at all, but her hands get so red and so cold that we ended up going in. Hopefully we'll have better luck this year and Sammi won't be quite as picky.

Today my darling little puppy Casey (he's 5-years-old, but I'll always refer to him as "my puppy") decided to run away and disappear for 45 minutes this afternoon. You should have seen me looking for him. I was a basket case. You've got to understand, my animals are like my children. I love them to death and I'm heart broken if anything happens to them. So all in all, I guess you could say I have 5 kids. Anyway, Samantha, Casey and I were in our backyard playing this afternoon. I was out there the entire time with them and I NEVER saw Casey take off. At first I thought he might have run back into the house when I wasn't looking since our back door was open. When I realized he wasn't in there, I freaked. I left Samantha with her Grandpa Slappy, grabbed Casey's leash and walked everywhere I could. I couldn't find him anywhere. That's when the tears started flowing. Another thing you've got to understand, this is my puppy who sleeps with me every night. Whenever I'm curled up under the covers in bed, Casey will curl up under the covers with me and get as close to my legs as possible. That's all I could think about while I was looking for him. To make a long story short, I threw Sammi in her stroller so we could go look for my puppy. After walking around for another 15 minutes, I finally found him. Thank goodness he came to me as soon as I called his name. He was standing next to a woman who I went over to talk to once I had Casey on his leash. She said she had called animal control because she was worried about him and he didn't have any tages (that's another story all together). She quickly called them back and told them to forget about coming out. I'm just thankful I got to him first. The only thing I can think of is that something went by our house when I wasn't paying attention and Casey ran after it. He's NEVER run away before. He doesn't like motorcycles or those motorized scooters, so I'm thinking he must have run after something like that when I didn't hear it. I'm just so happy to have my baby back.

Ok, I'm done babbling. I just wanted to update Samantha's page tonight while I had the time and before CaringBridge went through its changes. This weekend (Saturday) all of us are going to the Topsfield Fair for the day. I wanted to write about everything we did when we got back, but I'll have to do it at a later time since I'm not a mind reader and I don't know exactly what we'll be doing.

I hope everyone is doing well. Please remember to keep all the CaringBridge families in your prayers. I hope all of you have a VERY wonderful weekend.

With Much Love,

Watch out on Saturday. We're coming back with a vengence!
Doctor's are not offering any hope for this little boy. He is living with an agressive brainstem tumor. This young man is in desperate need of a miracle. Get those prayers going!

This 3-year-old boy has a VERY aggressive tumor in his brain. Doctors aren't offering ANY hope and have given this sweet little boy 3 - 6 months to live. Every day seems to be more of a struggle for this sweet little man.

Jacob was admitted into the Hospital. He is still having problems with eating and is having tummy issues. Hopefully he'll be home by the weekend.

Someone who isn't a part of CaringBridge, but who could still use some prayers sent her way:

Katie is a friend of our family. Her Mom is currently getting chemo treatments and is not doing well with them at all. She's sick constantly and feels like crap. Doctors are trying to figure out an alternative route, but for now she doesn't have a choice but to put up with her nausea.

October 6, 2003

Let's go Red Sox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit -
Rest if you must, but do not quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup.
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.
(Just call on Jesus).

***Thank you, Frank!***
Please pass all your prayers along to these CaringBridge families:

***Angel Noah***
Noah's fighting is now over. He put up a hell of a struggle and is now resting PAIN FREE as an Angel in Heaven. My heart is breaking for this family.

***Angel Pam***
A lovely young mother who passed away on October 7. Please visit her site (above) and leave any well wishes you can.

Doctor's are not offering any hope for this little boy. He is living with an agressive brainstem tumor. This young man is in desperate need of a miracle. Get those prayers going!

This 3-year-old boy has a VERY aggressive tumor in his brain. Doctors aren't offering ANY hope and have given this sweet little boy 3 - 6 months to live. Every day seems to be more of a struggle for this sweet little man.

Jacob was admitted into the Hospital. He is still having problems with eating and is having tummy issues.

Someone who isn't a part of CaringBridge, but who could still use some prayers sent her way:

Katie is a friend of our family. Her Mom is currently getting chemo treatments and is not doing well with them at all. She's sick constantly and feels like crap. Doctors are trying to figure out an alternative route, but for now she doesn't have a choice but to put up with her nausea.

With Much Love,

Monday, September 29, 2003

UPDATE (OCTOBER 1) -- Happy October everyone!

My Dad and Grandma came to visit Samantha and I for a few hours this afternoon. Samantha had an excellent time playing outside with her Papa and Great-Grandma.

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 30) -- Finally, I have something to say. hehehe

Harriet (our WONDERFUL friend from the Perkins School) visited us this afternoon and Samantha had an absolutely wonderful time playing with her. She also got a new book called "Jellybean Jungle". It's from the same company that puts out her other favorites, "Bumpy Rolls Away" and "Roly-Poly Man". Samantha LOVES these books. I started reading it to her before she took the book from me and brought it over to Harriet so she could read the rest. Samantha was hooked the minute she had it read to her. So now I'm stuck reading this book 20 times in a row to Samantha. She does this to me so she can memorize the words. When she has them memorized, she'll go off on her own with the book, flip the pages and recite what's written on that page. It's really cute. She already has "Bumpy Rolls Away" and "Roly-Poly Man" down pat, now it's on to book #3! Just thought I'd share that with everyone since I wrote, well, pretty much nothing the other night. Have a great night!

La de da de da

Hi everyone! Hope you're all well and were able to have a fun filled weekend. Our weekend was pretty boring.

You know, I was going to update Samantha's page last night but then I realized that I have (for once) absolutely nothing to say. Nothing new has been happening with Samantha, nothing new has been happening with myself and so I don't have anything to write about. How boring is that? So I figured I'll just ramble a little and whenever you get sick of reading this you can stop because you're probably not missing much.

Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day. The race rocked! Even if my heart did jump into my throat and there were tears in my eyes when Elliott Sadler took that ride. My football team didn't play, but the Pats did and they LOST! HA!HA!HA! (That was especially meant for Slappy, my Dad, Def and all the other Pats fans out there). hehehe

As for Samantha..................
She sees her Neurologist (the WONDERFUL Dr. Robbins) on October 21st. Then we'll be bringing her into Boston on October 27th to have some tests done on her vision. Wish us luck, please.

Ok, I'm ending this thing. My mind is honestly a blank right now. I don't think I've ever been speechless. This is a first everyone! If I think of something later, I may add to this entry. If not, then I'll be making some updates at the top. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

With Much Love,
CaringBridge kids who could use some prayers:

This little girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is currently experiencing LOTS of pain. Her address is listed above if you'd like to stop by.

This 3-year-old boy has a VERY aggressive tumor in his brain. Doctors aren't offering ANY hope and have given this sweet little boy 3 - 6 months to live. His address is also listed above.

Currently battling against Stage 3 Rhabdomyosarcoma and is getting tired of it. He is back in the hospital after experiencing 3 seizures. His address is listed above.

Doctor's are not offering any hope for this little boy. He is living with an agressive brainstem tumor. This young man is in desperate need of a miracle. Get those prayers going! His address is listed above.

***Little Baby Noah***
He is on life support in the PICU and his parents are preparing for the worst. He could really use all of our prayers. Please stop by and leave any well wishes you can to his devestated Mom and Dad.

Sunday, September 21, 2003


Dad, you've been a wonderful father to me and you're an excellent Grandpa to Samantha. We love you very, very much!

Love Always,
Shannon & Samantha Therese


We love you, hon and hope you have the best possible birthday!

Shannon & Samantha Therese

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 22) -- Ah, life is good.

My 3 boys finished EXCELLENT in Sunday's race and the Dolphins beat the Bills (17-7) last night. Happy, happy, happy am I! :o)

Wow! What a busy day we had! Yesterday we didn't do much, but it seemed as if we were on the go all day today. But believe me, I'm not complaining at all.

Today was my Grandmother's birthday and everyone had a wonderful time celebrating. Our backyard was the fullest I've seen it in a long time. My Grandmother, Grandfather, Uncle, Mom, Step-Dad, Dad and his girlfriend were all here. We ate pizza, watermelon and cake to celebrate. Samantha had an excellent time playing with all of her family members all afternoon. She started to get a little grumpy when things started winding down, but she rebounded excellently.

When it came time for my Dad and his girlfriend to leave, Samantha didn't want them to. They rode over on my Dad's Harley and Samantha LOVES playing with it. So we stood at my Dad's bike for a good ten minutes before they left while Samantha playing with the bike's brake and throttle. When they finally left, Samantha followed them down our driveway and started walking up the street behind them. She didn't want them to leave! It was really cute, but it broke my Dad's heart. Samantha loves her Papa VERY much.

Luckily I got to watch the last 100 or so laps of this afternoon's race and I was very pleased with the results (all but the winner). All my boys made it in the Top Ten. Woohoo! What an excellent end to an excellent day. Now all I need is for the Dolphins to win tonight and I'll be one happy camper. I'm watching the game now and so far so good. For those who don't know, I'm a Dolphins fan. Save all your teasing, I get enough of it from my family members. They make fun of me for living in New England, liking the Dolphins and not being able to stand the Patriots. *phhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttt*

Things haven't gotten any better around our house. If anything they've gotten worse. (This is for the few people I've talked to about this subject). I don't know what we're going to do about our problem, but it's got to end SOON. The only thing I can think of doing is move somewhere else, but nobody is able to do this right now. So I guess we get to continue living here and dealing with all this crap. Yea! (sarcasm)

Ah, but anyway....................
I'm going to watch my game and TRY (keyword: try) to relax. I'm home alone and scared beyond belief, so this game probably won't be too relaxing. I hope everyone has had a great weekend.

Oh, I've updated the pictures in Samantha's photo album if anyone is interested in taking a look.

Update on Aahz (our new kitty):
Aahz is becoming braver. He now walks around our house and is no longer afraid of Casey (our dog). Aahz is a VERY affectionate baby. He loves to be petted and in the middle of the night I'll catch him walking around on my bed trying to nuzzle up to my hand. He's a sweetheart and I'm so happy he's getting used to my house.

With Much Love,
CaringBridge kids who could use some prayers:

This little girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is currently experiencing LOTS of pain. Her address is listed above if you'd like to stop by.

This 3-year-old boy has a VERY aggressive tumor in his brain. Doctors aren't offering ANY hope and have given this sweet little boy 3 - 6 months to live. His address is also listed above.

Currently battling against Stage 3 Rhabdomyosarcoma and is getting tired of it. His address is listed above.

Doctor's are not offering any hope for this little boy. He is living with an agressive brainstem tumor. This young man is in desperate need of a miracle. Get those prayers going! His address is listed above.

Monday, September 15, 2003

We love you VERY much and wish you the happiest birthday ever!!!
Shannon & Samantha Therese

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 20) -- Marissa became an Angel this afternoon, one day after celebrating her 8th birthday. Her link is listed above if anyone would like to drop by and offer and kind words.

*Angel Marissa*
September 19, 1995 ~ September 20, 2003

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 19) -- I just learned today that a little boy passed away a few days ago. I've listed his site above.

*Angel Connor*
December 29, 1999 ~ September 16, 2003

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 17) -- Samantha had her assesment with Early Intervention and Harriet (from Perkins) this afternoon. I'll write more about this as soon as I get the final report on how Samantha did.

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 16) -- A very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Baby Noah (his CaringBridge page is listed above) who turns 1 today!!! Happy Birthday, Noah!!!

Before I start with my NASCAR weekend, I need to express my most sincere sympathies to a little girl who passed away over the weekend. Taylor Nicole Hancock passed away on Sunday September 14 at 11:10a. There's a link to her CaringBridge site below if anyone would like to stop by and leave a message for her or her family.


I know I'm a little behind on things that have happened around here, so I'll work on catching all of you up to date.

On Thursday (September 11) Harriet FINALLY came out to see us again. We haven't seen this woman since June, so it was GREAT to have her here again. She's been well, except for the fact that she broke her arm so she couldn't play with Sammi too much. But we talked about Samantha beginning preschool next year and all that fun stuff that I really didn't want to talk about. She'll be back out here again next Thursday. Hopefully her arm will be feeling better by then and Samantha will be able to play with her.

Saturday (September 13) was a VERY long day for everyone. Def's kids (Heather & David) slept over our house Friday night. After getting everyone together Saturday morning, we were out of the house by nine o'clock and headed to Loudon, NH. We spent the day at NHIS watching Winston Cup Happy Hour, the Craftsman Truck Series race and half of the Busch North Series race. Everyone had an excellent time except for Samantha. She was scared half to death by all of the noise from the cars. So instead of watching the races, I stayed in the back near some trailers with her while Def and his kids enjoyed the race. So since I couldn't watch the race and I had money on me, Samantha and I went shopping. I bought her her very first Jimmie Johnson shirt. It's adorable! I also bought WAY too many things for myself, Def, Heather, David and Samantha. I wanted to buy the things I wanted today so I could enjoy the race tomorrow without having to worry about buying things. Samantha ended up falling asleep in my arms before we left NHIS. We were sitting on a bench near some trailers when she dozed off. The noise didn't bother her one bit and I had to carry her all the way to Def's car. Luckily Def hooked me up with a ride on a golf cart so I wouldn't have to climb the monsterous hills that lead to the parking lot. What a life! Fall asleep because you're tired and be carried all the way to the car. Of course she did something to me that I would do to my Dad all the time when I was younger. As soon as we got to the car, she suddenly woke up. When I was little and was being carried somewhere, I would wake up half way to where we were going and pretend I was still sleeping so I would continue to be carried. So I guess I can be thanked for Samantha doing this to me.

Sunday (September 14) was MY day. Samantha stayed home with my Mom for the day while Def, my step-Dad (George aka Slappy), Tommy, Mike, Matthew (Mike's kid) and I went to Loudon AGAIN to see the Sylvania 300. I'm telling you, I was in Heaven all day long. It's been 2 years since I attended a Winston Cup race and I was SO happy to be there. I made a promise to Def that this will NOT happen again. We'll be going to at least one race every year. Skipping a year in between is too much for me. We arrived in Loudon at nine o'clock in the morning and parked with my step-Dad and another truck. We pulled out the grill before the race, ate and then went to find our seats. I can't even tell you how much fun we had. I was wearing my Gordon shirt, Johnson scrunchie and Stewart pin so I was all decked out. Def also bought his first Gordon shirt while we were there and put it on. I'm so proud of him! I couldn't have asked for a better race (except for a few minor set backs here and there). Esepcially when my boy (one of my boys) won! NOBODY could have calmed me down. I was on top of Def's shoulders (probably killing his back) screaming at the top of my lungs. Ah, it was awesome. Eva, I have some pictures coming to you.

So all in all we had a wonderful weekend. We arrived home just in time for me to tuck Sammi in for the night and she was VERY happy to see me again. I love coming home and having her happy to see me. She had a wonderful day playing with her Nuna (my Mom) and she was VERY well behaved all day. Mark my words everyone, Def and I (hopefully my step-Dad too) WILL be at one of next year's Winston Cup races when they come to Loudon again. It'd be great to attend both, but one will be fine by me. And just so everyone knows, I refuse to call it the Nextel Cup next year. I DO NOT like the name, so to me it will always be the Winston Cup. Just incase you're wondering.

I hope all of you are well and enjoying life!

With much love,
(the SMART purple-haired troll)
CaringBridge kids who could use some prayers:

This little girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is currently experiencing LOTS of pain. Her address is listed above if you'd like to stop by.

This 3-year-old boy has a VERY aggressive tumor in his brain. Doctors aren't offering ANY hope and have given this sweet little boy 3 - 6 months to live. His address is also listed above.

Currently battling against Stage 3 Rhabdomyosarcoma and is getting tired of it. His address is listed above.

Doctor's are not offering any hope for this little boy. He is living with an agressive brainstem tumor. This young man is in desperate need of a miracle. Get those prayers going! His address is listed above.

September 11, 2003

Who doesn't remember where they were or what they were doing on September 11, 2001? Who doesn't remember how they found out our country had been attacked? Who doesn't remember the worry, concern, sadness, rage that ran through our bodies as we stared at our television sets? Who could forget that day?

Samantha was 8 months old in September 2001. The morning of September 11th was a hectic one around our house. I was busy running around getting all of Samantha's things together since my Mom, boyfriend (Def) and I were bringing Samantha to see her Neurologist. My Mom was in the shower (I was still living with my parents at the time), I was getting things together, Samantha was crawling around the living room and Def was at his house (he hadn't moved in with us yet).

Def called me a little before nine o'clock that morning. He said he was sitting at home watching CNN and they had just showed a plane crashing into one of the World Trade Center towers. Ok, you've got to know Def to understand this part of my story. Def has a crude sense of humor and, though we had only been together for 6 months at the time, I didn't believe a word he said to me. He tried telling me a plane really had been flown into one of the towers. I said, "Yeah, sure" and still didn't believe him. It wasn't until my Mom came out of the bathroom about 5 minutes later and told me to turn on the TV. She listens to Howard Stern in the morning and he said a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center. So yes, I'll admit I believed Howard Stern over my own boyfriend. And don't think Def doesn't rub this in my face every chance he gets. Just for the record. Def ~ I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

The rest of the day was pretty much a blur. We continued listening to the radio on the way to Samantha's appointment and our eyes were glued on the television in her doctor's waiting room when we were signed in. Nobody could believe what was happening. For the rest of the day my body was covered in goosebumps. The pictures on TV were horrific. And then we watched as those towers fell. I had tears in my eyes when they came down. I had tears in my eyes as I watched scared, helpless people throw themselves out of the building they were in. I'll never get those images out of my head.

That night we lit candles on our back porch in the memories of all those people who had perished. Not only in the Twin Towers, but in the Pentagon, all of the hijacked planes and in Pennsylvania as well. The most amazing thing that night was what Def, a friend of ours and I saw when we were walking along the main road next to my house. Our friend was carrying an American flag (I still don't know where he got it). People were honking their horns and flashing their lights as we walked down the street carrying that flag. Needless to say, more tears and more goosebumps came to me. It was funny. After all of the HORRIBLE events that had taken place earlier in the day, everyone came together. Everyone was kind. There was no yelling. No swearing. No cruel thoughts (except for the ones I, and probably many others, were thinking of whoever was responsible for this life changing day). In the blink of an eye, everyone was nice to one another. We were there for one another. Whether or not we had lost a loved one or friend on this day, it didn't matter. We all felt the same. We all hurt. We were all stunned. We didn't know why or how this had happened.

So, this is my tribute to all who died on September 11, 2001. Besides wearing red, white and blue today I'll also have a candle lit for the entire day in rememberance of all those lives that were lost on this day 2 years ago.

I know all of your lives are busy ones, but please take a couple of minutes out of it to say a prayer for all who died. Not only on September 11, 2001, but also for all of our brave troops. For the ones who died courageously while fighting for our country and also for the ones who are still over seas anxious to come home to their loved ones.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me ramble. I honestly didn't mean to make this entry so long, but I just couldn't seem to stop my thoughts once I started typing. So thank you all (everyone who reads this) for being patient enough to read it all.

Below is a link sent to me by Eva. Many of you may have already seen it, but it touched me VERY deeply and I wanted to share it with others who may not have seen it yet. It's a VERY touching tribute. Yes, I did have tears in my eyes as I viewed this video.

Before I end this (even though he won't see this) I need to send out a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jeff's son, David. He turns 12-years-old today. Happy Birthday, David! We love you VERY much!

With much love,
(the SMART purple-haired troll)

The video I was talking about. If you're as sensitive as I am, have some tissues ready.

***There are a couple more pictures in the photo album if anyone is interested***

Monday, September 8, 2003

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 9, 2003) -- Another brave little boy passed away at 1:17 this afternoon. He fought a VERY courageous battle and is now resting pain free in Heaven. If you have the time, please stop by his site to offer any condolences.



Hi everyone! I hope your weekend was a good one.

First off, I'd like to express my most sincere sympathies to the Golightly Family. Their son, Bret, passed on on September 6th after a VERY courageous battle with JMML. A link to his CaringBridge site will continue to be posted on Samantha's site if you'd like to stop by.

My Grandfather's birthday was on Saturday and he and my Grandmother stopped by to visit with Samantha and I for a little bit. I ended up taking a few pictures of Samantha, my Grandma and Grandpa together, so I'll be sure to throw them in the photo album as soon as they're developed. Samantha had a great time reading and playing with water while my Grandparents were here. We stayed outside for the hour the visited since the weather was so beautiful and we want to take FULL advantage of these beautiful days.

On Sunday we got a new cat. Yup, we have another one now. That makes 3 cats and 1 dog. As much as I love animals I will NOT be adopting anymore any time soon. Def calls me The Cat Lady. I'm a HUGE animal lover and if I could have a house full of dogs and cats I'd be VERY happy. Unfortunately we live in a small apartment, so four animals is our limit for the time being. We did have four animals in 2002 (3 cats and 1 dog), but the cat I had for almost 10 years had to be put to sleep after being diagnosed with diabetes. Ironic, isn't it? So we're back to four animals again and, mark my words, THIS is my limit.

Our animals:

Gordon -- He's an all white male cat. He'll be 2-years-old in February 2004. We got him in April 2002 from the same woman who gave us our new cat this past weekend. He's a sweet little kitty, but he's SO wild! It's always fun to wake up at 3 in the morning to a cat running over your bed at 100 miles per hour.

Marble -- He's a tiger cat. He'll be 5-years-old in February 2004. We got him in November 2001 when Def moved in. He was an outdoor cat, but we changed that as soon as he moved in. This has got to be the best cat EVER! He sleeps on top of my pillow every night as soon as I lay down for bed. He's VERY affectionate and loves having all attention centered around him. If you show him enough attention, he'll eventually crawl onto your shoulder. I don't think he realizes just how big he is.

Casey -- He's our only dog. He's a mix between a Chihuahua and a hot dog (sorry, but I don't know how to spell the exact name here). He'll be 6-years-old in August 2004. We got him in November 2001 after we got Marble. Casey is an EXCELLENT dog (even if he does have a pooping/peeing problem we're STILL trying to break him of). He came from an abusive family before we took him in. At first he was a little uneasy around people, but we grew on him pretty quick. While Marble sleeps on my pillow at night, Casey sleeps under the blankets with me. Because he's so small, he thinks it's ok to sit in our laps and sleep on the back of our couch.

Aahz -- He's the lastest edition to our little animal house. He's an all white male cat who will be 3-years-old in 2004. (I've yet to pick a special day as his birthday). He's a MUCH bigger version of Gordon. As soon as he comes out from hiding under our bed, I plan on taking pictures of him and posting them on Samantha's page. Since Samantha is unable to say "Aahz" her name for him is "Aah".

I've included 2 pictures of my babies that live upstairs with my Mom and step-Dad. The caption should explain enough.

Well, I think that's a long enough journal entry for now. Could you tell we had a pretty boring weekend seeing I did nothing but talk about our animals? Well, next weekend will be A LOT better. Def, my step-Dad, 2 of his friends and I will be in Loudon, NH for the NASCAR race. We'll be leaving VERY early in the morning. Samantha will be staying at home with my Mom for the day. My Mom can't stand NASCAR (what's wrong with her?!?!?!?) and I don't think Samantha would be too interested, though I am hoping to take her to a race in the future.

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week.

Take care and God Bless!

Lots of Love,
(the SMART purple-haired troll)

Thank you to Kathy and Jennifer for offering to send me the Faith Hill CDs I've been searching for. Your kindness is VERY much appreciated. I wish there were some way I could repay you two. Thank you once again!
CaringBridge kids:





Ok, I know there has to be SOME (well, at least one) country music fans out there. I'm looking for someone who owns all of Shania Twain's CDs. If these could be sent to me so I can make copies of them, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone is willing to do this, I would be more than happy to send them back to you in the same condition I received them in.

Shania Twain CDs I'm looking for:

Come On Over
The Woman In Me
Shania Twain

Thank you!

Monday, September 1, 2003

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 6, 2003) -- I've had Bret's CaringBridge address posted on Samantha's site for awhile now (ever since I learned he had relapsed in August). Today, at 5:15p, this EXTREMELT brave 6-year-old sprouted his angel wings and left this world. Please stop by his page and offer any condolences for his family. We love you, Bret! We miss you, but we'll NEVER forget you!


A VERY Happy Birthday, Papa Roger! We love you SO much! Hoping your birthday is a great one! See you soon!!!
Samantha Therese

UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 2, 2003) -- A brave litle girl became an angel this morning. Please drop by her site and leave a message for her and her family.



Happy September everyone! I hope this month treats everyone well.

Samantha had a VERY busy weekend, but was VERY happy through all of it.

My Mom, step-Dad, Def and I brought Samantha to the Stone Zoo on Saturday. If anyone reading this lives in Mass or is planning to visit, DO NOT go to the Stone Zoo. I mean, what zoo doesn't have an elephant?!?!?!? Samantha was DYING to see one, I promised her she would and she was VERY disappointed that she didn't get to see one. The whole trip was a great one. We took lots of pictures and video taped some parts of it, but I think we'll be heading to the Franklin Zoo near Boston next time. All in all, it was a great first trip to the zoo for my Angel Bear. She did get to see a wolf, snow leopard, sheep, mountain goats, snakes and birds. We went into this really cool room where the birds are free to fly anywhere they please. I was scared half to death in this room, but Sammi loved seeing the birds flying around her head. She also had a great time mocking the noises the birds were making. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of birds. I just tend to get a little nervous when they're flying so close to my head.

Sunday my Mom, step-Dad, his daughter Mary, Def, Sammi and I went to my Dad's new place in New Hampshire. We were hoping to get Samantha in the pool so she could go swimming, but it was WAY too cold for her to go in. But she did have a wonderful time visiting with her Papa and Missy (my Dad's girlfriend) and all of the other people that were there. We spent a good 4 hours there before heading home for the night.

Carol, Samantha's OT, won't be coming out for our appointment with her tomorrow. She had to cancel on us this week, so we'll be seeing her next Tuesday instead.

Harriet, Samantha's teacher from the Perkins School, should be coming out again soon. She stopped visiting us because the Perkins School has been on summer vacation for the past couple of months, which means Harriet has been on vacation as well. I'm assuming the kids will be going back to school soon, if they haven't already, so Harriet should be making her weekly appointments to start seeing us again. We miss you, Harriet! And we can't wait to see you again! For those of you who don't know, Harriet is like my long-lost sister. If you saw us side by side you'd think I was crazy. (Harriet's black and I'm white). When I say we're sisters, I mean that because we have A LOT in common. As far as our diabetes goes, our insulin pumps (I got on mine first and urged Harriet to be put on one as well), Samantha's vision as far as a ton of other things. Samantha and I love Harriet VERY much and we can't wait to see her again.

Besides having a wonderful weekend, my Angel Bear is doing well. She's in her crib right now refusing to go to sleep for the night since she took an hour nap this afternoon. She usually skips her afternoon naps, but once in awhile I catch her crashed somewhere. When she doesn't take an afternoon nap, she usually falls asleep no later than nine o'clock. When she does take a nap, she falls asleep anywhere between 10:30 and 11:30p. Luckily I'm not too tired tonight and Def is watching a movie I REALLY don't want to see, so I'll be able to stay up until she falls asleep.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. And for all of those kids who are back in school, I hope you enjoy it!

Lots of Love,
(the SMART purple-haired troll)
*Eva & Sammie*

Well, back to school tomorrow for you two. I hope you two have a WONDERFUL time. Sammie, besides having lots of fun, don't forget to learn something. I mean, that IS what school is for, right? I love you both!

Thank you to Kathy and Jennifer for offering to send me the Faith Hill CDs I've been searching for. Your kindness is VERY much appreciated. I wish there were some way I could repay you two. Thank you once again!
CaringBridge kids:







Ok, I know there has to be SOME (well, at least one) country music fans out there. I'm looking for someone who owns all of Shania Twain's CDs. If these could be sent to me so I can make copies of them, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone is willing to do this, I would be more than happy to send them back to you in the same condition I received them in.

Shania Twain CDs I'm looking for:

Come On Over
The Woman In Me
Shania Twain

Thank you!

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

UPDATE (AUGUST 27, 2003) -- Great-Grandma Rose came to visit Samantha, Def and I this afternoon. Great-Grandma also brought a balloon for Samantha which she absolutely LOVES. It's tied onto the back of her bike and she's had a GREAT time playing with it all day.

Hi everyone!

I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying the rest of their summer. It ends too quickly, doesn't it? We had a taste of fall this weekend. Nice cool weather with a beautiful breeze blowing. You would have thought we lived on the coast. Samantha, Def and I spent the entire weekend outside since it was so beautiful. And then today, it was humid again. Needeless to say, I'm dying for fall to get here. I love sleeping with all of the windows open while a cool breeze blows through.

On Saturday (Aug. 23) my Uncle visited us for a little bit. Samantha had a WONDERFUL time playing outside with him. They read, splashed in Sammi's pool, danced, walked around our backyard and made up an imaginary friend. His/her name is Zoppaplease. (PLEASE don't ask me what this is all about, I'm not too sure myself). Zoppaplease has a Mom (Mommaplease), a Dad (Papaplease) and a brother (Peterplease). Now can everyone see why Samantha has such a great time when her Great-Uncle comes to visit? The two of them have a wonderful time playing together and they always come up with the goofiest things to say and do.

The kids in our city went back to school today. Remember when we didn't go back to school until AFTER Labor Day? What happened to those days? These kids will have full days of school today and tomorrow, half a day Thursday and then they will have Friday - Monday off. Does anyone else find this a bit odd? Would it really be such a big deal for kids to go back to school the day after Labor Day and make up 2 days in June? I don't get this. I just thank goodness it isn't me! :o)

Carol, Samantha's OT, visited us this morning. Samantha did an EXCELLENT job working with Carol today. They worked on putting pegs into a peg board. I know, this probably doesn't sound like such a big project, but it was. Samantha was using her eyes as she chose a hole, placed the peg over it and pushed it in. I was SO proud of her for this and you could tell she was proud of herself as well. Everytime she placed a peg in the board, she would start clapping and get all shaky. Whenever she's excited her hands, fingers and toes shake uncontrollably until she calms down. It's VERY cute!

Def's back is bothering him once again. It started on Saturday for no reason as usual. Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon. I know it kills him when he's like this and I hate seeing him this way. I also hate sleeping on the couch because I'm afraid I'll touch him the wrong way in the middle of the night. So please pray for Def's back to heal so I can sleep in my bed again. Oh yeah, so he feels better soon too. hehehe

Enjoy the rest of your summer! It doesn't last long enough!

Lots of love,
(the SMART purple-haired troll)
People I'd like to thank:

*My Mom*
I can't thank you enough for all you've ever done for me. Most recently watching Samantha on Wednesday nights while Slappy and I bowled. Thank you SO much for not only being there for me, but for Samantha as well. You've always been a wonderful Mom to me and now you're a wonderful Nuna to Samantha. Both of us love you VERY much!

*Diane, Racquell, Ducky, Eva*
I don't know who exactly to thank here, but I noticed a link to Samantha's page on Diane's site tonight and I just wanted to thank all of you for that. I hope all of you are doing well and are in good health.

*The Fiveash Family*
Thank you once again for the beautiful musical carousel/jewelry box you sent for Samantha. She absolutely LOVES it and still will not let it out of her sight. I'm winding it up at least 20 times a day because she loves hearing the music play. All of you are VERY kind and we can't thank you enough for your consideration. I'm VERY happy to have gotten to know all of you. And Cheyenne, your picture is still hanging on my fridge. That is its permanent place now.

You're a wonderful friend. Not a day goes by when I'm not grateful to have met you. Take care of those beautiful girls of yours and please give them a hug and kiss for me.

I'm glad to have gotten to know you. For a duck, you're not such a bad guy.

There are so many words to describe you (don't worry, they're all good).......Wonderful, considerate, understanding, good listener, kind, exceptional......I could be here all night listing words. Just know you're loved VERY much by both Sammi and I and we hold you VERY close to our hearts. Oh yeah, one more thing:

CaringBridge kids:


This sweet little 8-year-old passed away on August 25, 2003. Please keep her, her Mom (Leela), her Dad (Satish) and brother (Nihal) in your prayers.



This brave little boy relapsed on August 19, 2003.


If ANYBODY knows ANYTHING on how I can work on setting up a charity/foundation (I'm not sure of the correct term) could you PLEASE let me know? This has had me extremely frustrated for awhile now. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you SO much.

Ok, I know there has to be SOME (well, at least one) country music fans out there. I'm looking for someone who owns all of Shania Twain's and Faith Hill's CDs. If these could be sent to me so I can make copies of them, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone is willing to do this, I would be more than happy to send them back to you in the same condition I received them in.

Faith Hill CDs I'm looking for:

It Matters to Me
Take Me As I Am

Shania Twain CDs I'm looking for:

Come On Over
The Woman In Me
Shania Twain

Thank you!

Sunday, August 17, 2003

The picture above is from 2001. I know it's old, but I've always loved it. Samantha looks so sweet and innocent (don't let her fool you) and Jeff really was sleeping when the picture was taken. Minutes after this picture was taken, I had to move Sammi because Jeff started to get comfortable and I was afraid he'd squish her.
This brave little girl became one of God's angels this morning.

Updated message to Ducky at the bottom of this page.


Hayden is the adorable little brother to Lindsey Brooke (her page is listed above).

UPDATE (AUGUST 20) -- Well, I didn't do too badly bowling tonight. My step-Dad still managed to kick my butt. See, even though my step-Dad and I are on the same team, we're in competition with one another to see who can beat who. It's a lot of fun. Tonight was our last night of bowling. We had pizza and our team won $50 for coming in 3rd place. Our prize money would have been higher, but 2 other teams also came in 3rd, so we had to split up the money. My step-Dad also won $25 for having the highest men's single score with a 136.

The whole clan is sick. Def just started feeling the effects of this cold this afternoon. We knew he wouldn't skip this one!

UPDATE (AUGUST 19) -- And it's happened. Mommy is know sick too. Ok Def! Get ready 'cause you're next!

UPDATE (AUGUST 18) -- Well, my poor little Angel Bear is sick. It's nothing serious, just a cold with lots of sneezes and a VERY runny nose. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but for a 2 1/2-year-old it's the most horrible thing EVER.

Hi everyone! Hope your weekend was a good one and rain free. Have I mentioned lately how sick of rain I am? If not, you're lucky. Everyone around here is sick of the rain and everyone I gripe to about it is sick of hearing it. I can't win! Somebody feel like taking all of this rain off our hands? I'd be VERY grateful!!!!

Let's see...............

Last Thursday (Aug. 14) Def and I went to the wake for Johnny's Dad. Yup, I MADE Def come with me. I found out that night, while we were at the wake, just how quickly Johnny's Dad passed away. Johnny was telling me he had talked to his Dad at 5:45a the morning he passed away and then his Mom talked to him at 7a. By 8a he was rushed to the hospital where he passed away. They're still not sure whether he had a heart attack or a blood clot or what exactly it was, but he went quick and didn't suffer one bit. Now, I'm not trying to be morbid at all, but that's the way I'd like to go when it's my time. Talk to the family I love and pass on without pain. But that's just how I'd like it. Samantha stayed home with my Mom while Def and I were at the wake. It was around 8p when we arrived, and I knew Sammi would be in a horrible mood. She would be going to bed an hour later, and she's usually a little grumpy pants from eight o'clock until bedtime. Thank goodness for my Mom.

Once we left the wake, I went with Def to his bosses house and FINALLY met them (his bosses). I think it was about time since he's been working with them for almost a year. Gee, think he takes me out to meet people much? :o)
I had talked with both of them (David & Denise -- Def's bosses) on the phone countless times, but we had never met. Needless to say, I LOVE them. They tease Def as much as I do, so the poor guy was picked on for the half hour we were there. Thank God Def has a good sense of humor.

Samantha and I went to my Dad's new house in New Hampshire on Saturday. Samantha had an awesome time swimming in the pool with her Papa. I couldn't go into the pool because of my wonderful insulin pump (grrrrrrrr), but I'm going to look into buying something so that won't happen again. I cannot believe how happy Sammi was all day swimming. Of course she threw a major fit when it was time to get out of the pool, but that subsided when I bribed her with food and juice. She also had lots of fun playing with two other kids who were there, Matthew - 2 and Lexi - 4. Sammi was a VERY good girl and shared all her toys with Matty and Lexi. She even said "bye" to them and gave them kisses when we left. She's such a sweetheart when she wants to be.

Well, Samantha now knows every word to her "Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog?" book. We'll read it together and I'll stop so she can finish the sentence and she always does. It really is cute. I ended up video taping her doing this so I can show her OT (grrrrrr) and Harriet, her teacher from the Perkins School. She also has a few other favorite books, though she can't recite them as well as she does her Bullfrog book. But give her time and I KNOW she'll have them down pat. The other books she likes are:

*The Tooth Book*
*The Hair Book*
*He Bear, She Bear*
*Great Day For Up*
*Roly-Poly Man* (this should be at the top)
*Bumpy Rolls Away*

Ok, I think that might be all for now. I'm sure there will be updates during the week when I think of more things to say. I hope no one is getting sick of the picture of Def and Sammi on the front page. I LOVE it. It'll be gone when/if I find another picture as cute as it, but don't hold your breath.

***Message to Ducky***

I hope you have a terrific day and take the time to enjoy yourself. Samantha is also sending along a QUACK for your birthday. It's the least she could do.

We love you, sweetie!

Lots of love,
(the SMART purple haired troll)

If ANYBODY knows ANYTHING on how I can work on setting up a charity/foundation (I'm not sure of the correct term) could you PLEASE let me know? This has had me extremely frustrated for awhile now. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you SO much.

CaringBridge kids who could use some extra prayers:

This brave little boy has relapsed

Sunday, August 10, 2003

The picture above is from 2001. I know it's old, but I've always loved it. Samantha looks so sweet and innocent (don't let her fool you) and Jeff really was sleeping when the picture was taken. Minutes after this picture was taken, I had to move Sammi because Jeff started to get comfortable and I was afraid he'd squish her.
UPDATE (AUGUST 12, 2003) -- Johnny's Dad (the kid I bowl with) died VERY unexpectedly this morning. Last I heard he was doing well, until I received the news that he had passed this afternoon. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his Mom at this time.

Hi everyone! I hope all of you had as much of a wonderful weekend as all of us had. We didn't go anywhere special, but we spent the entire weekend outside and had a GREAT time. Believe me, Samantha was the happiest being outside. Since it's been raining so much lately we haven't been able to leave the house. So I think she had the most fun.

Saturday my Mom, step-Dad, Def, Sammi and I went out for lunch together. Samantha does NOT like being strapped into a high chair and not being able to get out and walk around as she pleases. So Def and I had to take her outside a couple of times just so she would calm down. All in all she was a very good girl. She ate some french fries and bacon with us. We tried giving her some salmon, but she didn't like it. She tried a couple bites of a watermelon slice, but she had more fun playing with that than she did eating it. For those of you who don't know, Samantha is a VERY picky eater. Sausages, macaroni and cheese, Kix and crackers are about all I can get her to eat. She hates to try new things.

Once we got back from lunch (around 5p) we stayed outside until it was time for Sammi to go night-nights at 9p. Sammi had a wonderful time playing in her pool and being a menace. We also had music playing from my Mom's car so she enjoyed listening and dancing to that.

Today we stayed outside from 12p until I tucked Sammi in at 9:30p. It was another hot and muggy day, so I set Sammi's pool up and she had lots of fun splashing in there. We also read 'Roly-Poly Man' about 10 times. She loves this book so much and has heard it so many times that she'll flip through the pages and read it on her own if you ask her to. She doesn't remember absolutely every word, but she gives you the short version while she's on the correct page. When she first started doing this I figured she was touching objects on the page and knew what part of the story she was at. After watching her do this countless times, it is now obvious that she is using her eyes and not her hands. She'll actually LOOK at the page she's on (she'll give the page her little sideways glance that I love) and recite what happens in the book on that page. She continues to amaze all of us with her amazing talent.

She also learned something new while she was playing in her pool this afternoon. Nancy, our next door neighboor and my Mom's employee at work, was over visiting today. She loves Samantha and Samantha feels the same about Nancy. Anyway, Nancy was talking to Samantha while she (Sammi) was standing in her pool. There are three stars in the center of Samantha's kiddie pool; a blue star, a pink star and a green star. Nancy pointed to each star and said what color it was. Then she asked Samantha to find a certain colored star. Sammi had this down pat in about 5 minutes and would not be fooled. The stars are held onto an arch with velcro, so we switched them around, asked Sammi to find a certain colored star and she always did. I put a picture of how the stars are arranged in her photo album incase anyone is incredibly confused by reading this. I'm so sorry, but I am absolutely horrible at describing things.

Needless to say, Samantha is passed out for the night. I tucked her in around 9:30 tonight and it only took her about 10 minutes to fall asleep. So Def and I are going to watch a movie and take full advantage of the peace and quiet.

I hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying their summer with their families.

With lots of love,

Please keep these special children in your prayers:

RachelJoy's CaringBridge page is listed above. Please stop by and leave some well wishes and prayers to her and her Mom, Stephanie. RachelJoy is just about back to her old self. Her oxygen settings are back where they belong and she now has energy to spare. Keep up the great work, hon!



People who aren't a part of CaringBridge, but need prayers as well.

*Katie's, a woman my Mom works with, mother has had cancer for awhile now but it's been treated. At her last appointment with her oncologist she was told they don't know if there's anyway to remove the tumor(s) that are still growing. I'm not sure what's next for this brave woman, but I'll let you know.
UPDATE (AUGUST 8) -- Katie's Mom will begin chemo within the next week. As soon as I know more, I'll be more than happy to let everyone know.

August 5, 2003

The picture above is from 2001. I know it's old, but I've always loved it. Samantha looks so sweet and innocent (don't let her fool you) and Jeff really was sleeping when the picture was taken. Minutes after this picture was taken, I had to move Sammi because Jeff started to get comfortable and I was afraid he'd squish her.
UPDATE (AUGUST 8, 2003): My Grandfather has been released from the hospital and is doing well at home. Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers you sent our way. Every one of them were VERY much appreciated.

Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well and enjoying your summer weather. It's been raining here for 4 days now and we still have another 3 or 4 rainy days to look forward to. We got a pretty good thunder/lightning show on Sunday, but that's been the only excitement around here. I am SO sick of all this rain! Would it be too much to ask for some sun maybe? I guess so since it hasn't happened. Plus the rain isn't cool. It's hot, sticky, humid and GROSS!

But enough about our yucky weather.

Samantha's OT came today for her weekly appointment. Everything is going well with Samantha. She (Sammi) pretty much did what she wanted while Carol (the OT) was here. We had some paper work to fill out, so Sammi splashed around in the sink, brought books over for me to read and just had fun goofing off.

Sammi has a couple of new things she likes to do.

Since it's been raining out, she's been playing in our kitchen sink. We'll pull her high chair up to the sink, fill it with VERY little water, and she'll stand there splashing up a storm. Needless to say, my kitchen has been flooded since she started doing this on Sunday. She has such a great time and I don't mind cleaning up the mess as long as there are a few towels laid out to catch most of the water. She's usually soaked by the time she's finished and prefers to drip dry rather than letting me dry her off with a towel.

Samantha's new favorite book is 'Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog?" She's been driving everyone nuts with this book! I read it to her 8 times on Monday and 6 times today. She just brought it up to me on Monday, said "Wanna read?", sat on my lap and fell in love with the book. As soon as I was finished reading, she said "Wanna read again?" Of course she still loves to have her first favorite book, 'Roly-Poly Man', read to her. I'm so glad she's getting better at having people read to her. Before, when you attempted to read her a book, she'd get up after a couple of seconds because she was bored. When you read these two books to her, she stays on your lap until you're finished. I want her to enjoy reading when she gets older. My Mom got me excited about books and I'd love for Sammi to feel the same way.

I just found out tonight that my Grandfather is in the hospital. I talked to my Grandmother tonight and she said it's nothing serious and that he should be out tomorrow. If anyone happens to read this entry, could you please pray for him? I'm very worried, even though I know I shouldn't be. He's still a very young man; I just don't want to see anything bad happen to any of my family. But then again, who does? Any prayers would be VERY much appreciated. Thank you!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Take care of yourselves!!

Please keep these special children in your prayers:

RachelJoy's CaringBridge page is listed above. Please stop by and leave some well wishes and prayers to her and her Mom, Stephanie. RachelJoy is making small gains. She is definitely more alert and interactive. Keep up the great work, hon!



People who aren't a part of CaringBridge, but need prayers as well.

*Johnny's father (the kid I bowl with) is now at a Rehabilitation Clinic. He was released from the hospital on Monday and is now beginning the recovery process. My prayers are with him and his family for a complete recovery.*

*Katie's, a woman my Mom works with, mother has had cancer for awhile now but it's been treated. At her last appointment with her oncologist she was told they don't know if there's anyway to remove the tumor(s) that are still growing. I'm not sure what's next for this brave woman, but I'll let you know. I should know some more information on Wednesday (Aug. 6) or Thursday (Aug. 7).
UPDATE (AUGUST 8) -- Katie's Mom will begin chemo within the next week. As soon as I know more, I'll be more than happy to let everyone know.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

The picture above is from 2001. I know it's old, but I've always loved it. Samantha looks so sweet and innocent (don't let her fool you) and Jeff really was sleeping when the picture was taken. Minutes after this picture was taken, I had to move Sammi because Jeff started to get comfortable and I was afriad he'd squish her.


UPDATE (AUGUST 2, 2003): RachelJoy's CaringBridge page is listed above. Please stop by and leave some well wishes and prayers to her and her Mom, Stephanie. She has had 6 hours of on and off again seizures, and nose bleeds. Sad to say, this is evidence of further brain deterioration. RachelJoy is a courageous young woman who has been through so much in her 15 years of life.

UPDATE (AUGUST 1, 2003): Happy August everyone!
I just wanted to let everyone know that our little trip to the zoo won't be taking place this weekend. It's suppose to rain for about 5 or 6 daus around here so we've decided to postpone the whole thing until next weekend. Please cross your fingers for good weather on that weekend. If it doesn't happen next weekend, we won't have another chance to go until Labor Day weekend. So keep those fingers crossed!


I apologize if there are any spelling errors in this entry. My wrist is killing me tonight and it's not too easy to type while wearng a brace.

Samantha's OT, Carol, visited us on Tuesday (July 29). We decided to work outside since the weather was beautiful. Carol worked with Sammi on understanding the meanings of different words. Sammi learned to put objects on top of and underneath a table and beside her. Since Sammi has always been a quick learner, I knew she wouldn't have a problem with this and I was right. Whenever we teach Sammi something new (such as some of the phrases Eva has been asking her to say) it only takes her about two tries before she has it down pat. Carol was amazed at how quickly Sammi learned this new exercise, but I really wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of her, but I know how quickly she adapts to new tasks.

Samantha has also become Mommy's little helper and she's VERY, VERY proud of herself. She puts her dirty clothes in our laundry hamper, she helps hold the door to the trash compactor shut whenever it's being used and I just started teaching her how to start the washing machine tonight. Whenever she finishes one of these chores, she starts clapping her hands and repeats, "I help" or (while she's helping somone) "I'm helping." It's so cute and I love seeing her so proud.

Grandma Rose (my Grandmother; Samantha's Great-Grandma) visisted us this afternoon and brought the usual pizza with her for lunch. Sammi had a GREAT time playing with her Grandma as she always does. They sat inside and played with Grandma's bottle of water (Sammi has fun taking sips and getting herself soaked), they listened to Samantha's Wiggles tape and the played outside for a little bit. Samantha even picked a tomato from Def's tomato garden. Although it was still green and wasn't ready to be picked, she loved doing it. I'm so happy she's learned this because I've been dying to take her strawberry and apple picking in the seasons. Now that she knows how to pick something (trust me, she's a master at picking her nose) I don't think she'll have a problem picking strawberries or apples. I can't wait to go!

I went bowling tonight with my step-Dad while Sammi stayed home with her Nuna (my Mom). I don't want to talk about how I did bowling. Sammi had a great time with her Nuna. I love Wednesdays not only because I'm able to get out of the house for a couple of hours, but also because Samantha and her Nuna (whom she loves VERY much) get to spend time together. I'm so glad everyone in my family has a good relationship with Sammi and sees her often.

We (Def, Nuna, Sammi and I) were originally going to go to the zoo this Saturday, but we may need to put it off until next weekend. It's suppose to rain both Saturday and Sunday. I'm really bummed, but I know we'll get there before the summer is over.

If I don't post again, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Take care of yourselves and don't forget to hug your kids! It'll feel good for both of you.



Because I Can't See

Don't feel bad for me because I can't see.
I can do the same things as you, I just need someone to help me.
I can fly a kite; I can go swimming in a pool.
But I can't drive a car; I can't solve Blue's Clues.
I know how to love just like anyone who can see.
And I know how to locate my house key.
Don't feel bad for me because I can't see.
I can do the same things as you, I just need someone to help me.



Please keep these special children in your prayers:

July 8, 2000 ~ July 31, 2003
--Luke passed away today. I'm VERY sad to hear of his passing, but I'm also VERY happy now that he is finally pain free. This poor little boy has been through so much suffering, he deserves to be able to rest. We'll love and miss you forever, Luke!--



This brave little boy earned his angel wings on July 26, 2003.


People who aren't a part of CaringBridge, but need prayers as well.

*Johnny, a friend of mine who I bowl with on Wednesdays, informed me last week that his father is in a Boston hospital. An operation was performed on Friday July 25 and part of the tumor was removed. The whole thing could not be removed at once because the doctors feared he would become paralized. So part was removed on Friday and the rest was to be removed tonight (July 30). He's doing well, but wants to go home. As soon as he is released from the hospital, he will be in rehab. As far as Johnny knows, the tumor they removed from his Dad is NOT cancerous.

*Katie's, a woman my Mom works with, mother has had cancer for awhile now but it's been treated. At her last appointment with her oncologist she was told they don't know if there's anyway to remove the tumor(s) that are still growing. I'm not sure what's next for this brave woman, but I'll let you know.*


Thank you very much for remembering all of them. If anyone else who checks in on Samantha's page knows of anyone else who is need or prayers, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to add his/her address to this page.


Friday, July 25, 2003

The picture above is from 2001. I know it's old, but I've always loved it. Samantha looks so sweet and innocent (don't let her fool you) and Jeff really was sleeping when the picture was taken. Minutes after this picture was taken, I had to move Sammi because Jeff started to get comfortable and I was afriad he'd squish her.


Ok, i realize a lot of people are going to make fun of me for saying this, but I need some help finding something. Meat Loaf (the singer, not the food) put an album out in the 90's called Welcome to the Neighborhood. If anyone owns this CD or knows someone who does, could you please let me know? If it can be sent to me, I'll make a copy of it for myself and send the original copy back to whoever sent it to me. Or, if anyone has a CD burner, do you think you could make me a copy? I've been driving myself nuts looking for this CD and there's a very good reason I haven't gone out and bought a copy myself. If you're interested in why, just ask. Thank you all so very much. I'm hoping someone out there can help me out with this.


Eva's making me do this. Incase anyone is wondering, yes I wrote the poem below.


Because I Can't See

Don't feel bad for me because I can't see.
I can do the same things as you, I just need someone to help me.
I can fly a kite; I can go swimming in a pool.
But I can't drive a car; I can't solve Blue's Clues.
I know how to love just like anyone who can see.
And I know how to locate my house key.
Don't feel bad for me because I can't see.
I can do the same things as you, I just need someone to help me.


Please keep these special children in your prayers:

--Luke has fallen into a comma as of noon July 29. Things are not looking well for him at all. It's only a matter of time until God calls Luke to his kingdom. Please pray for this dear family and Super Luke during these VERY difficult times.--



This brave little boy earned his angel wings on July 26, 2003.


People who aren't a part of CaringBridge, but need prayers as well.

*A friend of mine, who I bowl with on Wednesdays, just informed me that his father is in a Boston hospital. A tumor was found on his brain and he was going in for surgery on Friday (July 25). The doctors aren't sure whether it's cancer or not. I haven't heard from my friend in a couple of days, so I don't know how the surgery went or what the results were. I'll update this page as soon as I find out.*

*Katie's, a woman my Mom works with, mother has had cancer for awhile now but it's been treated. At her last appointment with her oncologist she was told they don't know if there's anyway to remove the tumor(s) that are still growing. I'm not sure what's next for this brave woman, but I'll let you know.*


Thank you very much for remembering all of them. If anyone else who checks in on Samantha's page knows of anyone else who is need or prayers, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to add his/her address to this page.


Wednesday, July 23, 2003

The picture above is from 2001. I know it's old, but I've always loved it. Samantha looks so sweet and innocent (don't let her fool you) and Jeff really was sleeping when the picture was taken. Minutes after this picture was taken, I had to move Sammi because Jeff started to get comfortable and I was afriad he'd squish her.
Thank you all of your comments on the picture of Samantha and her Def. I also love this picture (it's the best one I have of the two of them), so I'm planning on keeping it up for quite awhile.

Not much has been happening in Samantha's world lately. It's been raining like crazy here lately, so I haven't been able to take Sammi outside to play. And believe me, she isn't happy about being bottle up inside one bit. I can't say I blame her, but I take it a lot better than she does. Every two seconds she's either asking for her pool, her swing (a hammock we have set up outside that she loves) or her little person chair. I feel so bad that I can't take her outside. It's suppose to rain AGAIN tomorrow, but should be nice by Friday. C'mon sun! We miss you!

Samantha's Great-Grandma came to visit today, so that took Sammi's mind off of going outside for awhile. The two of them had a wonderful time playing together. They listened to Sammi's Wiggles tape, danced, watched Spongebob on TV and played with water. Sammi always has a wonderful time when Great-Grandma comes to visit. Hopefully she'll be back next week!

I'm not sure what's up for this weekend. My step-Dad has been talking about going to Amherst, New Hampshire. There's a car show and booths open up there the last Sunday of every month, so we may go up there. I don't know yet. Hopefully the weekend will be a nice one, weather wise, and we'll be able to spend most of our time outside playing. We'll see what happens.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has taken time to sign Samantha's guestbook. It's been great to hear from all of you!

Please remember the children and their families whom I've listed below. Thank you so very, very much!


A friend of mine who I bowl with on Wednesdays is going through some rough times. His father has been admitted into a hospital in Boston since a tumor was found on his brain. They're not sure whether it's cancer or not, but he will be going through surgery on Friday to have it removed.

Please pray all goes well without any complications. Please keep Johnny (that's my friend/bowling partner) and his father in your thoughts and prayers. I'll update more when I find out more.

Thank you so very much!


The site above belongs to a little boy who isn't doing so well at the moment. There isn't much hope and his parents don't think it will be long before he becomes one of God's Angels. Please stop by his site to offer support to him and his family.

*Hannah Taylor*

Hannah received her angel wings on July 19, 2003. Please stop by her site to offer condolences to her Mom, Dad and little brother Alex.


Jesse still isn't doing well at all. PLEASE pray for him and his family.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003



Samantha and I love you VERY much, hon. And we hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Sammi wants you to know how special you are to her and how happy she is to have you as her "Def." She also wants to tell you that she loves you with all her little girl heart and she would like to thank you for being there for her, taking care of her and loving her.

I want you to know how much I love you, how in love with you I am and how I always will be. You're a wonderful man and I feel lucky every day to have met you. In the two years we've been together you've made my life so much better than I ever thought it could be. Thank you for being so wonderful!

Sammi and I would be lost without you, babe. Once again:

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2003

July 6, 2003:
Well, the sit and spin was a success. I'll write more in a day or so, but I thought that was important enough to write for the time being.

Hi everyone! I hope all of you had a great 4th of July and had lots of fun celebrating in your own special ways.

Every year the city of Haverhill has a fireworks show for everyone. This year it happened on Thursday (July 3) and we all attended. My Mom, step-Dad, Def, Sammi, some friends of ours and myself went down to our local hospital to watch the show. I was really nervous about bringing Samantha. I had no idea how she would react to the loud noises. From time to time a noise she hears will scare her. A Spongebob doll that sounds really weird (THAT scares me too), a talking Elmo phone, a loud motorcycle of car when she isn't expecting it, etc...The vaccum cleaner did scare her too (so much so that my rugs were growing fur because I couldn't vaccum them often enough), but thank goodness she grew out of that one. I'm sure she'll grow out of the rest in due time, it'll just take some working on. But anyway....The first firework that was set off caught Sammi off guard. She ended up jumping a little when she heard the BOOM. As soon as she jumped I thought, "Oh no. Here we go. She's going to start crying and I'm not going to be able to get her to stop until we're home." Boy was I wrong. I kept saying to her, "Hear the boom?" and "Look up" and she was PERFECT. She ended up LOVING the booms. I had her sitting on my shoulders and she almost slipped a couple of times because she was so excited. Her little hands were moving up and down, her legs were kicking everywhere and she was jumping non-stop. It was awesome to watch! Plus, she was actually tracking the lights in the sky. When I told her to look up, she looked at the lights and you could definately (sp?) tell she was seeing something. Whether it was just an out line, a flash or some color we're not sure. But who cares? She was WATCHING the fireworks! There's something I never thought I'd be able to say about her!!!

We lit off a bunch of fireworks at our house and had a HUGE party on the 4th. It was a great time. I let Sammi take her afternoon nap from 3 to 6 which is a lot longer than I would normally let her sleep, but I knew she would be up late and I wanted her to be in a good mood with all of the people we had here. She was great! She walked around and said "Hi" to just about everyone who was here. Everyone loved playing and talking with her. She got so much attention from so many different people I don't think she knew what to do with herself. She also got to sit in a 'little person's chair' which she loved. Nancy, our WONDERFUL next door neighbor, has two boys of her own, Michael and Matthew. (By the way, I think Samantha may already have a boyfriend. Matthew was following her around the whole night and made sure she didn't get into anything she shouldn't have. Matthew is 6, but he's so small he looks like he's not much older than Sammi. A four year age difference, huh? Guess I'm one to talk with the age difference between Jeff and I). Oh yeah, the chairs! Nancy has these adorable little lawn chairs for kids. They really are the cutest things I've ever seen. Samantha absolutely loived sitting in them. They were a lot easier for her to climb in and out of than the adult chairs she usually uses. She looked so sweet sitting in them.

So, our 4th was a GREAT one. Samantha loved the fireworks and sparklers. The only fireworks she didn't like were the ones that screamed. You know, the ones that let off a high pitched whistle when they're lit? I don't blame her though. I can't stand those ones either. As far as the sparklers and fireworks go, she was so cute trying to reach for them. She was determined she could touch them if she tried hard enough. Luckily she wasn't able to.

As far as tonight's Pepsi 400 goes (for the race fans out there) I don't want to talk about it. :o)


*Eva -- I'm going to pick up Samantha's sit and spin sprinkler tomorrow if you want to pop over and take a few spins of your own. I'll let you know how it works out for her. Hope your Mom is feeling better!*

Some kids to remember in your prayers:

Riley Kate Belcher
She earned her angel wings and met her buddy Colby in Heaven on June 30, 2003.

Yea! He's finally home! His parents couldn't be anymore excited. This little guy has been through so much and it finally seems as if he's winning!!!

Jacob Thomas Deal
This poor litte guy can't seem to get a break. He is currently in the hospital and the doctors are doing all the can to make him better QUICK.
http://www.caringbridge. org/va/jacob/

Tuesday, July 1, 2003 8:18 AM CDT

*Riley Kate Belcher*
*February 14, 2001 ~ June 30, 2003*

July 4, 2003 -- Happy 4th of July everyone! Be safe, but have lots of fun!

Happy July everyone!

I hope this entry finds everyone well and enjoying the weather in your state. We had a beautiful weekend. Last week, every day was extremely hot and uncomfortable. Saturday and Sunday it was warm, but cool at the same time. We spent both days playing outside for the whole day. That is the kind of summer weather I'd love to have all of the time. Nice and warm with a cool breeze. Why can't every day be like that?

Samantha had 3 visitors on Sunday. Her Papa (my Dad), Great-Grandma (my Grandma) & Great-Grandpa (my Grandpa) came to visit us. Sammi had a GREAT time playing with everyone and she especially loved the fact that my Dad came over on his motorcycle. Sammi loves her Papa's motorcycle. Originally she was afraid of it when it would be running, but she's learned to love it and feels the needs to play with every part of it while it's in our driveway. My Dad started taking me for rides on his bike when I was 3. I don't know if I'll let Sammi go on it that early (so I'm a tad over protective), but she will go for rides on it eventually. She's already got a couple of Harley Davidson clothes that look adorable on her, so she's getting there.

I've come up with a plan to get Sammi to like the sprinkler and I really hope it works. I don't see why it wouldn't. Samanthat absolutely LOVES her sit and spin. Well, I saw on a commercial the other day that they make a sit and spin with a sprinkler attached. I can't wait to go pick one up. I figure if she loves the sit and spin she has in the house, and she's on it all the time, I don't see any reason she wouldn't like the sit and spin with a sprinkler. And if she doesn't and I end up wasting the money, I'm sure I can pawn it off to someone else.

Well, I'll write more on Saturday after our 4th of July celebration. I need to go find a doctor for myself now since I've already put it off for far too long. Oh! Today is my last day of taking the antibiotics I've been on for my little throat problem and it's feeling 100etter. Yea! Mama's all better now. Woohoo!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and a wonderful 4th. Be safe if you're setting off fireworks or drinking or doing anything else to celebrate.


*Eva -- I was waiting for you to get back from your get away before e~mailing you again. I'll be sending one your way shortly. Hope you had a wonderful time with Mike.*

Friday, June 27, 2003

Happy Friday everyone!

Will this heat wave ever end? Today was the 4th day with temps. in the 90s. Thank goodness for air conditioners. We have one in Samantha's room, one in our parlor and one in our bedroom. Before Jeff put the air conditioners in, everyone was cranky and at each other's throats. Including Samantha! Now everyone is a lot happier. Nothing beats the feeling of falling asleep under a nice warm blanket while a freezing cold air conditioner is running. I love it! Samantha's been sleeping better too since it's cooled down a lot. She loves standing in front of the air conditioner in her room and saying, "Feel the breeze."

Samantha's Aunt Mary (she lives upstairs with my Mom and step-Dad) took Samantha outside to play in our sprinkler on Thursday. Samantha did NOT have a good time. I don't know why, but she hates being squirted with water by the sprinkler. So she didn't stay outside too long, but she did stay out long enough to tire herself out and take a good nap.

Mary took Samantha outside again this afternoon, this time to play in a small swimming pool that Nancy (our next door neighbor) let us borrow. Samantha had a GREAT time in the pool. She loves taking baths, so I really didn't think she would have a problem in the pool. She had lots of fun splashing and soaking Mary, and herself, from head to toe. Needless to say, she took another good nap for me this afternoon once she came in from having fun in the pool.

I'm hoping next week I'll be able to go out and play with Samantha. It's suppose to be another nice week, so hopefully we'll be able to go out and have fun. I haven't had the energy to do much of anything since getting out of the hospital, but I'm feeling a lot better today. I got up enough energy to clean my kitchen, so I think I'll be good to go next week when Samantha wants to go out and play.

We hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy yourselves with whatever it is you do. Take care!


Some kids to keep in mind:





Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Hi everyone!

Well, I had this whole big, long story to write up tonight, but I'm not in the mood anymore. Sunday night I got incredibly sick (throwing up, chills, sweating, etc.) and my blood sugar would not go down. It sat there in the 300s for the rest of the night. I was pretty much awake every hour, so I checked it then and Jeff got very little sleep so he was up checking my blood for me from time to time. Monday morning (around 7) I couldn't take it anymore. I woke Jeff up and asked him to keep an ear open for Samantha while my Mom drove me to the hospital. Just let me say, hospitals around here are a joke.

I am scared to death of needles. Not all needles, just the ones that need to be inserted into veins. IVs, having blood drawn, stuff like that. So there I am hyperventilating (sp?) while a very nice nurse tried to insert an IV into me. I finally got so bad they had to put me on oxygen. I'm telling you, it's all in my head.

So I was brought into an ICU room and then transferred to a Diabetes Ward. My Mom stayed with me for most of the day until she had to leave to get some stuff done. Plus she needed to watch Samantha at home. Do you know how difficult it is to keep yourself entertained in a little hospital rooom when you only get 5 television channels and you're dozing off every 3 seconds?

Jeff came up to visit me Monday night and that really helped. He only stayed for about an hour, but it was great to see him. I got very little sleep Monday night since my nurse (a wonderful lady whose name is Allyson) was in just about every hour checking up on my and checking my blood.

On Tuesday morning (today) I had finally had it. At one point my blood was at 94 and then shot back up (2 hours later) into the 200s. All of the doctors there were quacks. I tried explaining why my blood sugars were so out of control, but nobody listened to me. Why would they listen to someone who knows what they're talking about? Silly me.

What happened to me while I was in the hospital isn't very important. What I'd really like to do is thank everyone who cares about me, Samantha and who offered all of the help they could give.

You're wonderful. You got up at 5 o'clock in the morning with me when I called you to say I wasn't feeling well. You got yourself ready, drove me to the hospital and stayed with me until I was all settled in. You stayed with me even while I slept and I am so appreciative for that. Thank you so much for taking care of my Angel Bear while I wasn't able to. I can't thank you enough for caring for Samantha. I know you love her and you would do anything for her, but I am especially grateful for the way you rearranged your schedule to make sure she was being cared for.

Thank you for taking over the "Mom" roles while I was gone (especially thinking of picking up diapers for Sammi). And thank you so much for the shorts and tank top you brought to the hospital last night (I was sweating to death in that room). I love you so much, hon.

*Grandpa Slappy & Mary*
Thank you two for taking the time out of your lives to care for Samantha. I hope we didn't disrupt your lives while we needed you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

*Samantha Therese*
I'm sorry I was gone for a couple of days, sweetie but I'm back now. You were in wonderful hands while Mama was away. I loved talking with you on the phone last night and this afternoon. It made Mama feel so much better to be able to hear your voice. And you gave Mama the best "Welcome Home" present this afternoon when you smiled at me with that beautiful smile of yours and said "Hi Mama." I love you so much, Angel Bear.

(getting back to normal)

Friday, June 20, 2003

*I just put 2 new pictures up if anyone is interested*

Hi everyone. Happy Friday!!!

Ok, I just finished watching "More Than Meets the Eye." It was that Joan Brock movie that premired on Lifetime on Monday (I think it was Monday). I had taped it that night and I just got the chance to watch it this afternoon. There wasn't one minute when I didn't have tears in my eyes while watching that movie. I couldn't stop thinking about Samantha and how difficult some things will be for her when she grows up. I mean, things aren't that bad right now. All she does is walk around our house and play with her toys. She knows the layout of our house, she knows where she can find her toys, she knows where she leaves things, etc. So what about when she goes to school and her environment is completely different from the one she is used to at home? I realize being a mother (or a father, for that matter) means worrying about your child's future, but I also think the worry you go through climbs if your child is growing up with a disability. But anyway, the movie was wonderful. I have it on tape if anyone wants to borrow it. :o)

The other thing that started bothering me while I was watching the movie was my life. I'm worried enough about Samantha's future, but I'm worried about my own as well. (Don't worry, I'm not trying to steal my daughter's spot light here). I've had diabetes for 12 years now. I was put on an insulin pump in March 2003 and I'm telling you, it's completely changed my life. For the better! If anyone knows anything about diabetes, you'll know there's a chance of losing your vision, along with a bunch of other problems. Greg, a friend of Jeff's, is currently going blind from diabetes. It's a scary thing! So if I end up losing my vision, and Samantha's blind as well, what happens next?!?!?!?!? Like I said, I hate it when my mind starts working.

Samantha's doing well. Today marks the 5th day that she has decided to skip her afternoon up, so I'm pretty much giving up on her. I'm guessing she's at that age when she doesn't want to take naps anymore. So I'm throwing in the towel. Samantha wins! (again)

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Take care of yourselves and enjoy whatever it is all of you get to do.


Please remember these two wonderful children in your prayers:



Tuesday, June 17, 2003

I found this on a web site tonight and I fell in love with it. Just think, if more people thought this way I wouldn't have ran into the rudest man and woman in history tonight (I'm still REALLY ticked off about that). Anyway, thought some other people would be interested as well.

Courtesy Rules of Blindness

1. I'm an ordinary person, just blind. You don't need to raise your voice or address me as if I were a child. Don't ask my spouse what I want—"Cream in the coffee?"—ask me.

2. I may use a long white cane or a guide dog to walk independently; or I may ask to take your arm. Let me decide, and please don't grab my arm; let me take yours. I'll keep a half-step behind to anticipate curbs and steps.

3. I want to know who's in the room with me. Speak when you enter. Introduce me to the others. Include childen, and tell me if there's a cat or dog.

4. The door to a room or cabinet or to a car left partially open is a hazard to me.

5. At dinner I will not have trouble with ordinary table skills.

6. Don't avoid words like "see." I use them, too. I'm always glad to see you.

7. I don't want pity. But don't talk about the "wonderful compensations" of blindness. My sense of smell, touch, or hearing did not improve when I became blind. I rely on them more and, therefore, may get more information through those senses than you do—that's all.

8. If I'm your houseguest, show me the bathroom, closet, dresser, window—the light switch, too. I like to know whether the lights are on.

9. I'll discuss blindness with you if you're curious, but it's an old story to me. I have as many other interests as you do.

10. Don't think of me as just a blind person. I'm just a person who happens to be blind.

Monday, June 16, 2003

Hi everyone!

I know it's late, but I just wanted to get a 'Happy Father's Day' to all of the wonderful father's out there. For all of the father's who are there for their children, support them, raise them and love them.....thank you.

We didn't do much to celebrate the day, but we were together and that's all I really cared about. I gave Jeff 2 Playstation 2 games & a card (Samantha gave him one and a card) that he wanted since his other copies were stolen and Jeff and I chipped in and bought Slappy (my step-Dad) a fire pit. He's been wanting one for awhile. It doesn't look bad in the backyard. I also got a couple of cute pictures of Jeff and Samantha together. (Jeff, incase anyone is wondering, isn't Samantha's father. I'll tell more about this when the 24th rolls around).

We went upstairs to my parents apartment tonight for a cook out and cake. Once dinner was finished, we sat outside while Slappy had fun with his fire pit. It wasn't a bad night to sit out and enjoy the fire. It did get pretty cold at times, but all in all we had a good time. We hope everyone else had a great Father's Day too!

Hope all is well with everyone and their families. Please keep all of the Caring Bridge kids in your thoughts and prayers.


~Don't know how it happened, but I forgot to mention my #24 boy finished in 3rd place in yesterday's race. My #20 boy didn't do too bad either finishing in 8th place. Unfortunatly #48 didn't do so well. (we won't mention where he finished).

Friday, June 13, 2003

Sunday June 1, 2003:
Jeff Gordon finished 2nd today! Woohoo! It was close, but Ryan Newman pulled it off for the win. No big deal though, I know Gordon will be winning AT LEAST one more race this season. :o)

Wednesday June 4, 2003:
My Dad (Samantha's Papa) visited us for a little bit this morning. His main purpose of coming over was to take back the stroller that is broken and replace it with a new one, but he ended up spending some time playing with Samantha since she was awake.

My Grandma (Samantha's Great-Grandma) visited for a little bit this afternoon. She brought her usual half spinach, half cheese pizza for everyone but her to eat for lunch. I still don't understand it. She brings this whole big pizza for everyone to eat but her. I understand she needs to watch her cholesterol since it's usually sky high, but why wouldn't she bring something else for lunch so she could eat too? I've brought this up to her before, but no one ever listens to me. :o)

Wednesday nights are usually my nights to get out of the house and go bowling with my step-Dad. But, since he's vacationing in Cancun with my Mom, Sammi and Jeff went with me instead. I didn't do too badly tonight. Samantha was in a wonderful mood while we were there. I couldn't have asked for her to be any more well behaved than she was tonight. I tried to let her roll a ball down the alley before we left, but the ball ended up stopping less than half way down the alley since her arms are so little and she couldn't give it a good enough push. So, needless to say, I had to run down the alley after it and push it the rest of the way myself.

Thursday June 5, 2003:
We had a full house this morning. Usually Harriet and Maureen are the only ones who visit on Thursday, but Carol decided to visit at the same time as well. Incase anyone is curious, Harriet is Samantha's Orientation and Mobility worker from the Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Mass (a wonderful, wonderful woman!), Maureen is a woman who is taking courses at a university in North Carolina and has been assigned to observe what Harriet does with Samantha and how Samantha works with Harriet (another wonderful, wonderful woman!) and Carol is an Occupational Therapist from Early Intervention.

The appointment went well but (and don't take this the wrong way if you happen to see this entry Harriet, Maureen or Carol) I was releaved when everyone was gone. Two people here at a time isn't bad, but it gets a little confusing when three show up.

Friday June 6, 2003:
What beautiful, beautiful weather we had today! Please, please, please let us have more days like today!

Samantha and I walked to the Bank and Post Office this morning. Since I didn't have a stroller for Samantha to sit in, I figured she would be fine to walk on her own. Silly me! Half way to the bank Samantha let go of my hand, so of course I stopped walking. I said, "Hold my hand please." and Samantha leaned her head on my leg, lifted her arms up in the air and said "Up pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease." So I ended up carrying her a lot more than half of the way. My left wrist (the one I have carpel tunnel in) was killing me when I got home along with both of my knees (arthritis). But the weather was awesome so it didn't really bother me.

Saturday June 7, 2003:
Remember how I said yesterday was beautiful and I wanted more days like it? Well, I didn't get my wish. It rained, more like down-poured, all day.

Jeff and I brought Samantha, Heather and Kelley to Canobie Lake Park for the afternoon. It was Jeff's wonderful idea to go in the middle of a rain storm. While everyone else was miserable due to the rain (I ended up spending $35 on a jacket because I was freezing to death) Samantha was in her glory. She had a wonderful time being pushed around in her stroller, playing with her toys and eating ice cream. Hopefully she won't catch pnemonia (sp?) from being out in the rain today.

Sunday June 8, 2003:
What a beautiful race today. Jimmie Johnson (#48) won the Bud Pole for today's race and Tony Stewart (#20) won! Ah, I love it when that happens.

Samantha's Uncles Matthew and Michael (they're twins) turned 13-years-old today. Happy Birthday, guys!

Monday June 9, 2003:
Happy Birthday, Uncle Warren! We love you! *He turns 37-years-old today*

The bones that have been found over the past week turned out to be those of Molly Bish. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with the Bish family during this VERY difficult time.

My Mom and step-Dad (Samantha's Nuna and Grandpa) returned from Cancun tonight. Well, this morning I suppose you could say. Jeff, Sammi and I piled into the car to pick them up at Logan Airport. By 12:30a the cars were in the jeep and we were finally headed home. Samantha was VERY happy to be with her Nuna and Grandpa again. I think she was shocked when she heard her Nuna's voice. She stayed completely still and wouldn't say a word. I don't think she believed it was her after not hearing her voice for a week.

Thursday June 12, 2003:
Colby James Cole
February 14, 1998 ~ June 12, 2003
Always in our hearts and thoughts.
We'll miss you, hon. You're still the bravest boy I know.

Friday the 13th:
Harriet and Maureen visited this morning. Sadly, today was the last time Maureen would be visiting us. When we were first introduced to her, we were told she would only be evaluating Harriet and Samantha for 6 weeks. The time just flew by. We grew close to Maureen in those 6 weeks and both Samantha and I were very sad to see her go. Hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch from time to time. As a going away present, Maureen presented Samantha with a puzzle book that she absolutely loves. I haven't been able to get it away from Samantha for the entire day. She even went to bed with it tonight!

Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful father's in the world. I hope your day is a special one filled with happiness! Jeff, Slappy, Papa and Dad ~ this message is for you guys too!

Colby James Cole


Thursday, June 12, 2003

It saddens me to say that Colby James Cole was called into Heaven this morning. Colby was 5-years-old and fought a VERY brave battle up until the very end. As much as all of us miss his sweet smiling face, it comforts me to know there is an angel as sweet as Colby in Heaven watching over all of us. As soon as I read the update on Colby's page this morning I ran to grab a spare candle I had lying around. It will be lit for the entire day in memory of Colby. We love you, hon. We'll miss you forever, and you will always be in our hearts, but at least you don't have to be in pain any longer.

To Laura, Jack & Cameron:
Be strong! YOu are a wonderful family who has been by each other's sides through everything. Colby loved all of you very much and he wouldn't want you to be sad. Remember Colby's famous words "Happy faces, don't be sad."


Monday, June 2, 2003

Some updates on my little Angel Bear.

Wednesday May 21, 2003:
I went bowling with my step-dad tonight while Sammi stayed home with my Mom. While we were gone, my Mom taught Sammi what a donkey says. Now, when you ask her, she'll say "hee-haw." It sounds precious.

Saturday May 24, 2003:
I taught Sammi what a snake says tonight. When you ask her she'll say "sssss." It's sweet.

Sunday May 25, 2003:
My Dad and Uncle came to visit this afternoon. My Uncle is wonderful. For birthdays and holidays he usually makes his presents rather than buys them and he always does an excellent job. Today he brought Samantha a drum that he had made. It has 'Samantha Therese', 'boom boom' and 'drum' written all over it. It was an adorable present and Samantha absolutely loves banging on it.

This afternoon while my Mom and Samantha were playing together, my Mom taught Samantha what a rooster says. This is by far the cutest animal noise Sammi makes. When she says "cock-a-doodle-doo" it comes out all jumbled and hardly sounds like it should. It's so sweet.

In other news, Jimmie Johnson (#48) won the Coca-Cola 600 tonight. I'm a huge NASCAR fan and you can find me plugged into the TV every Saturday/Sunday watching my race. My favorite drivers are:
#24 -- Jeff Gordon
#48 -- Jimmie Johnson
#20 -- Tony Stewart
My step-dad is a fan os Sterling Marlin's (#40). I'm trying to break him from this habit of picking horrible drivers. hehehe

Monday May 26, 2003:
Happy Memorial Day everyone!

We (Jeff, Sammi and I) went upstairs to celebrate this afternoon. My step-dad cooked chicken and steak on the grill while we were experiencing torrential (sp?) down pours. I still can't believe he stood out there that whole time.

I swear this must be the month of learning for Samantha. Yesterday I was working on teaching her to tell people how old she is when someone asks her. She mastered it today. When you ask her how old she is, she proudly state, "I'm two!" She's such a sweetheart!

Friday May 30, 2003:
We (my step-dad, step-sister, Mom, Samantha and I) went out to eat tonight. Since my step-dad and Mom will be leaving for Cancun tomorrow morning, we went out to celebrate tonight. Jeff couldn't join us because he needed to work; reason number 500 why I hate his job. Samantha was in an ok mood while we were out. She had a little attitude problem, but nothing that ruined anyone's meal. All of us had a great time while we were out.

Saturday May 31, 2003:
This morning was the morning from hell for all of us.

Jeff woke me up at 3 this morning so I could take a shower before all of us left to drive my Mom and step-dad to the airport. I woke Samantha up around 3:30 a and she was NOT happy with me. Luckily she calmed down as soon as I played her Wiggles tape for her. The Wiggles is just about the only thing that will calm her down if she's upset.

We left the house around 4:30 and were at Logan around 5:30. Samantha was very happy and very talkative on the ride to the airport. She started cheering up the more awake she became. Since I didn't bring her stroller with us, she held onto my hand and walked around the airport with us. Thank goodness she was awake enough to be able to walk around. She also got to ride on a walking sidewalk and an escalator (sp?) for the first time this morning and she had a blast doing so.

After seeing my parents off, Sammi said her buh-byes and love you to her Nuna and Grandpa, we headed back home. Sammi wasn't too bad on the ride home. We played the song "Baby Got Back" for her (she loves that song) and she had some fun singing and dancing to it. I laid Samantha down around 7:30a since she was beginning to get cranky again and she fell right to sleep. So, all in all, the morning wasn't too bad. It just seemed really long.

My Mom called us tonight from Cancun. It was great to hear from her! I knew they'd be ok flying down there, but I always get nervous when people I know fly somewhere. Flying scares me. While I was on the phone with her, I got Sammi to say a bunch of things. One of the cutest things she said was, "Drink a Corona for me, Nuna." My mother absolutely loved hearing this.

I'll update again soon. More than likely it will be after my parents return from Cancun.

Hope everyone is well. Take care of yourselves and keep praying for the children who need it most.


Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Ok. I've reduced the number of journal entries since nobody has been visiting this site. If anyone starts showing some interest in this site, I'd be more than happy to start updating some more.

Wednesday May 7, 2003:
My Dad and Grandmother came to visit Samantha this afternoon. Everyone had a wonderful time playing outside in the beautiful weather. We've been lucky lately, the weather has been nice. Sammi loves playing outside on the nice days. She gets mad when she can't go outside when it's raining.

Saturday May 10, 2003:
Since Jeff is going to be working all day tomorrow, everyone in our family celebrated Mother's Day early. We went out to eat tonight (my Dad, my Mom, my step-sister, Jeff, Samantha and I). Samantha was in a wonderful mood the entire time we were out. She wasn't fussy at all and she had fun playing with some toys, straws and spoons. What a wonderful night out all of us had.

Sunday May 11, 2003:
Happy Mother's Day to all of the terrific mother's in the world!!!

My Dad, his girlfriend and my Uncle came to visit us this afternoon. We stayed outside the entire day since we had another beautiful day. We love this weather! Sammi had tons of fun playing with everyone and only got cranky when she wanted a nap. After hearing about a million, "Nap please" I laid her in her crib and she crashed almost immediately.

Wednesday May 14, 2003:
Samantha stayed home with my Mom and Jeff tonight while my Dad and I went bowling. Samantha was extremely well behaved and I had a great night out. The nights I get to spend out of the house come few and far between, so I take full advantage of them when they happen to pop up. Plus it helped a little that I beat my Dad bowling (by 44 pins). But who's counting? hehehe

Thursday May 15, 2003:
Well, tonight was a night of pure hell. Samantha was playing in her crib tonight until it was time for night-nights. She was all happy until about an hour passed and then she started to get cranky. I went in her room to see what was wrong with her and I got the surprise of my life. Samantha had taken her pajamas off (they were still zipped up and inside out when I found them) as well as her diaper. This wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't pooed. So, my wonderful little Angel Bear decided to smear poo all of her crib rails, all over her sheet, mattress and blankets, there were poo hand prints on her wall and all over her face. Needless to say, I had to rush her into the bath tub while Jeff (thank God for Jeff!) cleaned up Samantha's room. This is one night I'd be happy never to relive again.

Friday May 16, 2003:
Tony D'Orazio
May 5, 1961 - May 16, 1997
Always in our hearts

Sunday May 18, 2003:
My Dad came to visit Samantha for a little bit this afternoon. Sammi and her Papa had an excellent time playing and Samantha loved it when Papa read Roly-Poly Man to her (Samantha's favorite book).

Monday May 19, 2003:
Samantha mastered the art of scooting down our porch steps. Before she learned to scoot, she attempted to walk down the steps. When a girl like Samantha has depth perception problems, it's a little difficult for her to find the steps and know how to step down them. But she's doing a wonderful job with her scooting.

Tuesday May 20, 2003:
Samantha has a tendency of standing in or on things she's not suppose to. Nine times out of ten she'll sit down when I ask her too. But she won't always sit. Tonight, while Sammi was taking a bath, she decided to stand in the tub and reach for a toy that had fallen on the ground. Needless to say, she chipped one of her front teeth when she made her little escape. Thank goodness for baby teeth.

That's it for now. I'll update again next week.


Monday, May 5, 2003

It's been awhile since I've updated this page, but there hasn't been much to write about. That and the fact that this page isn't viewed by anybody other than me. Hopefully that will change in the future.

Saturday April 26, 2003:
Jeff watched Samantha this afternoon so I could go into New Hampshire and get the tattoo I've been dying to get for awhile now. I ended up getting a teddy bear with angel wings on my left shoulder. SAMMI is written in cursive underneath the bear. I decided on this tattoo since my nickname for Samantha Therese is Angel Bear. It just seemed perfect and it came out looking wonderful! No regrets!

Sunday April 27, 2003:
There's a car show and flea market held in Amherst, New Hampshire on the last Sunday of every month beginning in April. Jeff, Nuna, Grandpa Slappy, Samantha and I headed up there this afternoon. Everybody had a great time. Sammi was content as long as her stroller was being pushed and she had crackers to munch on. I also bought her an old Tickle Me Elmo doll that I found there. Hey, for $3 who can complain? All of us went out for lunch when we were finished and were home by 2p. Sammi crashed not long after we got home. She was exhausted from being in the sun (it was a beautiful day).

Monday April 28, 2003:
Our hearts and prayers are with a very close friend of ours, Dawn. She's not going through anything serious, just some discomfort. She went in for surgery on her arm this morning due to complications with carpel tunnel. I'm sure she'll be just fine.

Tuesday April 29, 2003:
Carol Laverdure, Samantha's teacher from Early Intervention, stopped by for her weekly appointment with Samantha this morning. The two of them played outside since the weather was so beautiful. Samantha did an excellent job scibbling on a chalk board. She made a very beautiful picture for Mama.

Thursday May 1, 2003:
Harriet Ward (from the Perkins School) and Maureen (from the University of North Carolina) visited Sammi for their weekly appointment this afternoon. Samantha was very happy to see Harriet after missing her for two weeks. They (Harriet and Sammi) read 'The Longest Noodle' together before Sammi went off to play on her own.
Great-Grandma Rose also stopped by to visit us this afternoon. After not seeing her last week, Sammi was very happy to spend time and play with her Great-Grandma.

Sunday May 4, 2003:
Happy birthday, Missy! We love you tons!

Monday May 5, 2003:
Happy birthday, Tony. We will always love you and will never forget you. You're in our hearts and prayers every minute of every day.
May 5, 1961 - May 16, 1997


Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We sure did!

My Dad, his girlfriend and my Uncle stopped over Sunday morning to visit and wish all of us a Happy Easter. They stayed for about an hour and everybody played outside until it was time for them to go. We couldn't have asked for better Easter weather! Temps were in the 70s the entire day, or at least they felt like it. Samantha loves playing outdoors so she was happy all day long.

We ate dinner upstairs with Nuna and Grandpa Slappy (my parents). Grandpa's kids were also there; Matt, Mike and Mary. Since Samantha refused to eat dinner with us, she walked around everywhere, played with all of her toys and watched her Wiggles video while the rest of us ate.

After dinner my Mom and I took Sammi for a walk. Samantha has always had a blast going for walks in her stroller. I still don't understand how it can be called a "walk" when we do all the walking and all Sammi does is sit in her stroller and laugh and talk. :o)

I really hope everybody else had such a wonderful Easter. We enjoyed ours very, very much!

Samantha was seen by Dr. Robbins on Tuesday. It was just a follow-up appointment and everything went fine. He's very impressed with all of her progress. Of course she's behind in her development, but that's to be expected from a child with low vision. He ordered some blood tests to be done, but he's not worried about them at all. He doesn't suspect anything bad will come back from the blood work. We'll be seen by him again in October.

Hope all is well with everyone. God bless you, your families and our courageous troops who have fought so bravely for our country.


Friday, April 18, 2003

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Easter (Passover). We hope everybody's holiday is a special one and everyone has a great time celebrating with their families.

To all the kids out there, I hope the Easter Bunny is especially good to all of you and brings you lots of goodies.


Tuesday, April 15, 2003

No new information to give about Samantha, just a few things I wanted to post.

Today is my parents (Samantha's Nuna and Grandpa's) 3 year wedding anniversary. They have been wonderful Grandparents to Samantha and have always been very supportive of me. To Nuna and Grandpa: We love you very much and wish you the happiest anniversary ever. Be sure to enjoy yourselves on your special day!

And to everyone else out there, Happy Easter (or Passover) to everyone who celebrates. Samantha is very excited about the Easter Bunny coming to visit her, as I'm sure a million other kids are. I hope the Easter Bunny brings everyone lots and lots of goodies. Just don't eat too much!

Hope everyone is in good spirits and health. Please be sure to keep the Cole Family in your prayers as we do every day.


Friday, March 21, 2003

Last night, while Samantha was sitting on the couch with Nuna, she was able to recognize a baba that was located on the other side of the room from where she was sitting. This amazed everyone that was present at the time. We all knew Samantha was beginning to regain her vision, but we weren't sure how much she could see or at how much of a distance.

Just thought I'd share that amazing discovery with anyone who happens to stumble upon this page.

If anyone out there knows of any other parents with a child with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, could you please give them my e~mail address? For two years now, since we've learned of Samantha's condition, I've never met anyone else who is going through this with a child of their own. Thank you!


Friday, March 21, 2003

Last night, while Samantha was sitting on the couch with Nuna, she was able to recognize a baba that was located on the other side of the room from where she was sitting. This amazed everyone that was present at the time. We all knew Samantha was beginning to regain her vision, but we weren't sure how much she could see or at how much of a distance.

Just thought I'd share that amazing discovery with anyone who happens to stumble upon this page.

If anyone out there knows of any other parents with a child with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, could you please give them my e~mail address? For two years now, since we've learned of Samantha's condition, I've never met anyone else who is going through this with a child of their own. Thank you!


March 19, 2003

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day to everyone!

On Monday (3-17) Harriet, Samantha's worker from the Perkins School, visited us. She brought a book, Popoid Man (don't ask) and some puzzles for Samantha to play with. Samantha's doing an excellent job telling the difference between the colors purple and yellow (the colors of the puzzle pieces). If she's holding one of them and you ask her what color it is, 9 times out of 10 she'll get the color right. She's also doing a wonderful job telling the difference between shapes. She can name a triangle and a circle when you ask her too. I'm not sure if she's doing this by feeling or seeing, since she's holding the shape when I ask her what it is, but it's still something. Anyway she learns is fine by me as long as she's learning something.

On Tuesday (3-18) Carol, Samantha's worker from Early Intervention visited us. We had to cancel our last appointment with her because of that nasty stomach flu everyone in the house came down with. Carol and Samantha worked on drinking from a cup with a straw. For being her first time doing this, Samantha caught on incredibly quick (as she usually does when she's learning something) and was taking baby sips by herself seconds after Carol showed her how. Thank God Samantha's starting to use a cup. For now she's still using her baba at nap time and before she goes to bed, but I'm hoping we'll be able to eliminate it completely before long. It's a little difficult when she loves it so much. Any advice is certainly welcome.

And today my Grandmother and father came over to visit for a little bit this afternoon. My Grandmother brought her usual pizza for lunch and played with Samantha until it was time for her (Samantha, not my Grandmother) to take a nap. I love it when they visit, they always exhaust Samantha so she'll take a good nap and I can relax for a little while.

We (my Mom, my boyfriend, Samantha and I) go into Boston next Wednesday to have Samantha's eyes examined. I'll definatly update the page as soon as I have some new information. I know her appointment will go great, I'm just curious what her vision is up to now. There's no doubt that it's increased, but we're not sure by how much.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. For any of those families out there who have family members and friends fighting for our country, our hearts are with you as well as them. I'm sure all of them will make us proud. My step-brother is in the Army, but we're not sure if he's going to be shipped out yet or not.

God bless America!


Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Happy bealted St. Patrick's Day to everyone!

On Monday (3-17) Harriet, Samantha's worker from the Perkins School, visited us. She brought a book, Popoid Man (don't ask) and some puzzles for Samantha to play with. Samantha's doing an excellent job telling the difference between the colors purple and yellow (the colors of the puzzle pieces). If she's holding one of them and you ask her what color it is, 9 times out of 10 she'll get the color right. She's also doing a wonderful job telling the difference between shapes. She can name a triangle and a circle when you ask her too. I'm not sure if she's doing this by feeling or seeing, since she's holding the shape when I ask her what it is, but it's still something. Anyway she learns is fine by me as long as she's learning something.

On Tuesday (3-18) Carol, Samantha's worker from Early Intervention visited us. We had to cancel our last appointment with her because of that nasty stomach flu everyone in the house came down with. Carol and Samantha worked on drinking from a cup with a straw. For being her first time doing this, Samantha caught on incredibly quick (as she usually does when she's learning something) and was taking baby sips by herself seconds after Carol showed her how. Thank God Samantha's starting to use a cup. For now she's still using her baba at nap time and before she goes to bed, but I'm hoping we'll be able to eliminate it completely before long. It's a little difficult when she loves it so much. Any advice is certainly welcome.

And today my Grandmother and father came over to visit for a little bit this afternoon. My Grandmother brought her usual pizza for lunch and played with Samantha until it was time for her (Samantha, not my Grandmother) to take a nap. I love it when they visit, they always exhaust Samantha so she'll take a good nap and I can relax for a little while.

We (my Mom, my boyfriend, Samantha and I) go into Boston next Wednesday to have Samantha's eyes examined. I'll definatly update the page as soon as I have some new information. I know her appointment will go great, I'm just curious what her vision is up to now. There's no doubt that it's increased, but we're not sure by how much.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. For any of those families out there who have family members and friends fighting for our country, our hearts are with you as well as them. I'm sure all of them will make us proud. My step-brother is in the Army, but we're not sure if he's going to be shipped out yet or not.

God bless America!


February 5, 2003

Samantha has amazed everyone yet again.

While Samantha was sitting in her high chair eating tonight, I tried a little experiment on her. Since she's been playing with the Scooby Doo doll her Uncles gave her for her birthday a lot lately, I held it just out of her reach over the side of her high chair tray. After asking Sammi "Who is this?" Samantha answered "Scooby Doo" without feeling the toy. She was giving it her little sideways glance, but never touched it. This toy doesn't make any noises, so I know she recognized it by seeing and not hearing.

Just to make sure this wasn't a fluke, I performed the test again this time using her Baby Tad doll. Again she recognized it without touching or hearing.

I did this test one more time using her Elmo doll (her favorite). Again she amazed me and my Mom as well when she named the doll without touching or hearing anything.

I'm not sure if Samantha's vision has changed from 20/960 when it was in June 2002, but it does seem as if it's getting stronger with each day.


February 5, 2003

Samantha has amazed everyone yet again.

While Samantha was sitting in her high chair eating tonight, I tried a little experiment on her. Since she's been playing with the Scooby Doo doll her Uncles gave her for her birthday a lot lately, I held it just out of her reach over the side of her high chair tray. After asking Sammi "Who is this?" Samantha answered "Scooby Doo" without feeling the toy. She was giving it her little sideways glance, but never touched it. This toy doesn't make any noises, so I know she recognized it by seeing and not hearing.

Just to make sure this wasn't a fluke, I performed the test again this time using her Baby Tad doll. Again she recognized it without touching or hearing.

I did this test one more time using her Elmo doll (her favorite). Again she amazed me and my Mom as well when she named the doll without touching or hearing anything.

I'm not sure if Samantha's vision has changed from 20/960 when it was in June 2002, but it does seem as if it's getting stronger with each day.


July 10, 2002

My mother, my boyfriend Jeff, Samantha and I went to the Perkins School in Watertown, Mass this afternoono so Samantha could have another low vision test completed.

I dread having these tests done because Samantha hates them and she isn't exactly helpful while the doctor's are trying to work with her. But everyone made it through this appointment ok.

After being examined (she had a test done that was in a way like the SVEP test completed in Boston in October 2001), Samantha's vision is now recoreded at 20/960. That means within 8 months Samantha's vision has improved on its own. No surgeries, no corrections, nothing.

This is simply amazing to me. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined her vision would improve. I honestly thought once it was diagnosed at 20/2000 that's where it would stay. Thank God I was wrong.


July 10, 2002

My mother, my boyfriend Jeff, Samantha and I went to the Perkins School in Watertown, Mass this afternoono so Samantha could have another low vision test completed.

I dread having these tests done because Samantha hates them and she isn't exactly helpful while the doctor's are trying to work with her. But everyone made it through this appointment ok.

After being examined (she had a test done that was in a way like the SVEP test completed in Boston in October 2001), Samantha's vision is now recoreded at 20/960. That means within 8 months Samantha's vision has improved on its own. No surgeries, no corrections, nothing.

This is simply amazing to me. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined her vision would improve. I honestly thought once it was diagnosed at 20/2000 that's where it would stay. Thank God I was wrong.


October 31, 2001

Happy Halloween everyone!

My mother, step-dad and I brought Samantha into Boston this morning for her appointment with Anne Fulton at the Children's Hospital. Yes, it was another exhausting day for all of us.

Samantha had a SVEP (Sweep Visual Evoked Potential) test completed which wasn't too easy to perform with an impatient 9 month old. A SVEP test is used to measure visual acuity. Samantha sat on my lap as the test was performed. Small metal discs were placed on her head (she hated this) while she stared at a TV set that projected moving ("sweeping") black and white stripes.

At the end of the test everyone was brought into Dr. Fulton's office so we could go over the results together. Samantha's vision is 20/2000 which is pretty much pitch blackness. She can't see anything at all.


October 31, 2001

Happy Halloween everyone!

My mother, step-dad and I brought Samantha into Boston this morning for her appointment with Anne Fulton at the Children's Hospital. Yes, it was another exhausting day for all of us.

Samantha had a SVEP (Sweep Visual Evoked Potential) test completed which wasn't too easy to perform with an impatient 9 month old. A SVEP test is used to measure visual acuity. Samantha sat on my lap as the test was performed. Small metal discs were placed on her head (she hated this) while she stared at a TV set that projected moving ("sweeping") black and white stripes.

At the end of the test everyone was brought into Dr. Fulton's office so we could go over the results together. Samantha's vision is 20/2000 which is pretty much pitch blackness. She can't see anything at all.


October 22, 2001

Harriet Ward from the Perkins School for the Blind made her appointment with us this afternoon. She, as well as Carol from Early Intervention, will be working with Samantha on a weekly basis.


October 22, 2001

Harriet Ward from the Perkins School for the Blind made her appointment with us this afternoon. She, as well as Carol from Early Intervention, will be working with Samantha on a weekly basis.


October 3, 2001

Early Intervention began working with us this afternoon. Our worker's name is Carol Laverdure and she seems like a very nice woman. Not much work was done with Samantha today, we pretty much sat there and got to know each other.

Carol will be visiting us once every week and will be working with Samantha an hour at a time.

Thank goodness there are people out there to help us out. I feel grateful for everyone who has given us advice and offered their services. Thank you all very much!


October 3, 2001

Early Intervention began working with us this afternoon. Our worker's name is Carol Laverdure and she seems like a very nice woman. Not much work was done with Samantha today, we pretty much sat there and got to know each other.

Carol will be visiting us once every week and will be working with Samantha an hour at a time.

Thank goodness there are people out there to help us out. I feel grateful for everyone who has given us advice and offered their services. Thank you all very much!


September 25, 2001

Samantha's appointment with Dr. Eagle took place this morning. Nothing, as far as Samantha's sight is concerned, has changed.

Dr. Eagle is going to talk with people from the Mass Commission of the Blind and have Samantha start to receive SSI. Samantha has been diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.


September 25, 2001

Samantha's appointment with Dr. Eagle took place this morning. Nothing, as far as Samantha's sight is concerned, has changed.

Dr. Eagle is going to talk with people from the Mass Commission of the Blind and have Samantha start to receive SSI. Samantha has been diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.


September 11, 2001

Samantha was seen by Dr. Robbins this morning. Her head circumference is now up to 39.5 cm. At least it's growing, right?

Just to update you on things Samantha is doing:

She will reach for toys that make noise, yet she will not reach for a toy if it doesn't make a sound.

She also smiles if she hears a toy make a noise.

She is now able to sit upright on her own.

She's been rolling from her back onto her tummy for a couple of months now.

When I first found out she couldn't see, I honestly didn't know how she would act when it came to playing and beginning to crawl. In the back of my mind I thought she wouldn't move a muscle. She wouldn't attempt to crawl since she couldn't see where she was going. Boy was I wrong. Despite not being able to see 20/20, Samantha crawls absolutely everywhere she can. She's also very playful. It just simply amazes me.


September 11, 2001

Samantha was seen by Dr. Robbins this morning. Her head circumference is now up to 39.5 cm. At least it's growing, right?

Just to update you on things Samantha is doing:

She will reach for toys that make noise, yet she will not reach for a toy if it doesn't make a sound.

She also smiles if she hears a toy make a noise.

She is now able to sit upright on her own.

She's been rolling from her back onto her tummy for a couple of months now.

When I first found out she couldn't see, I honestly didn't know how she would act when it came to playing and beginning to crawl. In the back of my mind I thought she wouldn't move a muscle. She wouldn't attempt to crawl since she couldn't see where she was going. Boy was I wrong. Despite not being able to see 20/20, Samantha crawls absolutely everywhere she can. She's also very playful. It just simply amazes me.


July 10, 2001

My mother and I brought Samantha to see Dr. Robbins this morning for a follow-up appointment. He gave me the best possible news I've heard in a long time. Samantha's MRI is perfectly normal. Somebody up there must be looking out for us. This is excellent news!!!

Right now Samantha's head circumference is 38.1 cm. Dr. Robbins assures us that this is not extremely small for a 6 month old.

Finally, some good news.


July 10, 2001

My mother and I brought Samantha to see Dr. Robbins this morning for a follow-up appointment. He gave me the best possible news I've heard in a long time. Samantha's MRI is perfectly normal. Somebody up there must be looking out for us. This is excellent news!!!

Right now Samantha's head circumference is 38.1 cm. Dr. Robbins assures us that this is not extremely small for a 6 month old.

Finally, some good news.


July 3, 2001

Everything has happened so fast since learning of Samantha's disability. With all of the worrying, running around, scheduling appointments and figuring out how I'm going to deal with this new adjustment, I'm exhausted.

My mother and I brought Samantha to Lawrence General Hospital this morning so she could have an MRI done.

My poor Angel Bear was put through so much hell before the MRI even began. The doctor's needed to start an IV in Samantha's arm so she could receive the drugs she needed to be put to sleep while the procedure was going on. I swear it took about 10 minutes and 15 tries before the doctor's finally decided to knock her out before administering the IV. Gee, could anyone have thought of that before causing my poor baby so much pain?!?!?!?!?

Once Samantha was wheeled away I was lost. I knew the procedure was simple enough and she would come out of it just fine, it wasn't surgery or anything, but as a mother I was still nervous and I continued to be until I was able to see my baby again. When my mother and I couldn't stand sitting in the waiting room any longer, we went outside to get some fresh air and try to relax (hahaha).

Finally a nurse called me and I was brought into the recovery room where Samantha was. What a relief it was to see my little Angel Bear and to hear her cry. It was the best feeling I've had lately. I took her out of the bassinet she was laying in and sat in a rocking chair the Hospital provided for us. We rocked back and forth together for a good half an hour before we were brought to another room.

Once in the new room, I put a new diaper on Samantha, stripped her out of her Hospital gown and dressed her into the clothes she was wearing when we first arrived at the Hospital.

Samantha slept on and off for the rest of the day, but thank God we didn't go through any vomitting due to the anesthesia she was given. Now comes the awful part of waiting for the MRI results.


July 3, 2001

Everything has happened so fast since learning of Samantha's disability. With all of the worrying, running around, scheduling appointments and figuring out how I'm going to deal with this new adjustment, I'm exhausted.

My mother and I brought Samantha to Lawrence General Hospital this morning so she could have an MRI done.

My poor Angel Bear was put through so much hell before the MRI even began. The doctor's needed to start an IV in Samantha's arm so she could receive the drugs she needed to be put to sleep while the procedure was going on. I swear it took about 10 minutes and 15 tries before the doctor's finally decided to knock her out before administering the IV. Gee, could anyone have thought of that before causing my poor baby so much pain?!?!?!?!?

Once Samantha was wheeled away I was lost. I knew the procedure was simple enough and she would come out of it just fine, it wasn't surgery or anything, but as a mother I was still nervous and I continued to be until I was able to see my baby again. When my mother and I couldn't stand sitting in the waiting room any longer, we went outside to get some fresh air and try to relax (hahaha).

Finally a nurse called me and I was brought into the recovery room where Samantha was. What a relief it was to see my little Angel Bear and to hear her cry. It was the best feeling I've had lately. I took her out of the bassinet she was laying in and sat in a rocking chair the Hospital provided for us. We rocked back and forth together for a good half an hour before we were brought to another room.

Once in the new room, I put a new diaper on Samantha, stripped her out of her Hospital gown and dressed her into the clothes she was wearing when we first arrived at the Hospital.

Samantha slept on and off for the rest of the day, but thank God we didn't go through any vomitting due to the anesthesia she was given. Now comes the awful part of waiting for the MRI results.


June 21, 2001

What a busy, busy day for a five month old!

First we were seen by Samantha's new Ophthalmologist, Dr. Janine Eagle. We were referred to Dr. Eagle by Samantha's pediatrician, Dr. Steven Bloom. My Mom and myself brought up concerns about Samantha's vision to Dr. Bloom who in turn referred us to Dr. Eagle.

After answering a few questions and having Samantha's eyes dialated, I sat in the doctor's waiting room with Samantha on my lap while my mother and father read magazines as we waited to be seen once again. NOTHING could ever prepare me for the news I was about to receive.

After examining her eyes, which wasn't easy with a little five month old who constantly squirmed because she didn't like her eye lids being held open, Dr. Eagle was remorseful as she told my family and myself that Samantha couldn't see a thing; she was completely blind. Needless to say, I cried on our entire trip home. I couldn't believe it. Nobody in my family, or in Samantha's "father's" family has any eye conditions whatsoever. This news was a shock to us all.

Not more than five minutes after we had arrived home were we gone again. We were lucky enough to get an appointment with a Neurologist also referred to us by Dr. Bloom. This time only my mother, Samantha and myself were present. Dr. Michael Robbins examined Samantha and also measured her head size. He was concerned that the size of Samantha's brain may be on the small side considering she had a seeing problem. Thank God her head size was just fine. He said it is a little on the small side, but only by a millimeter or two which is no big deal.

Samantha's still young so she really doesn't know what's going on, but this day exhausted everybody else who was with her.


June 21, 2001

What a busy, busy day for a five month old!

First we were seen by Samantha's new Ophthalmologist, Dr. Janine Eagle. We were referred to Dr. Eagle by Samantha's pediatrician, Dr. Steven Bloom. My Mom and myself brought up concerns about Samantha's vision to Dr. Bloom who in turn referred us to Dr. Eagle.

After answering a few questions and having Samantha's eyes dialated, I sat in the doctor's waiting room with Samantha on my lap while my mother and father read magazines as we waited to be seen once again. NOTHING could ever prepare me for the news I was about to receive.

After examining her eyes, which wasn't easy with a little five month old who constantly squirmed because she didn't like her eye lids being held open, Dr. Eagle was remorseful as she told my family and myself that Samantha couldn't see a thing; she was completely blind. Needless to say, I cried on our entire trip home. I couldn't believe it. Nobody in my family, or in Samantha's "father's" family has any eye conditions whatsoever. This news was a shock to us all.

Not more than five minutes after we had arrived home were we gone again. We were lucky enough to get an appointment with a Neurologist also referred to us by Dr. Bloom. This time only my mother, Samantha and myself were present. Dr. Michael Robbins examined Samantha and also measured her head size. He was concerned that the size of Samantha's brain may be on the small side considering she had a seeing problem. Thank God her head size was just fine. He said it is a little on the small side, but only by a millimeter or two which is no big deal.

Samantha's still young so she really doesn't know what's going on, but this day exhausted everybody else who was with her.


Sunday, March 9, 2003 1:44 PM

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----End of History----