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In Loving Memory Of Our Precious Zach

"Our little hero, God's little angel"


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:11 PM CDT

Can you believe it has been nine months since I last posted? I'm terrible! I have been so busy not to mention Zachasya gets mad when Nani gets on the computer and doesn't pay attention to her! Therefore all my school work was done at night and during nap time.

Dimas has been extremely busy with work, golf tournaments, and both of us have been traveling alot. Anthony is doing great! He did great in school the past year and hopefully by his birthday in December, he'll have his GED so that he can start college classes. Otherwise he can do both high school and college on line but he thinks that will be too hard and would just rather get his GED. Dimas and I don't care as long as he goes to college. Sam is doing great. In November she was married to Adam Chavez (he is from Los Lunas, NM) and they are expecting a baby in October. We are all hoping for a boy so keep your fingers crossed!! Zachasya is growing up so fast. She will be 2 in August and talk about miss personality! She is so funny and keeps us laughing. She is talking more and more everyday and copies everything you say or do. She is such a joy to have around. As for me, I am doing okay. I was busy during the fall and spring semesters with school and decided to take a break this summer. I needed it! I am enjoying spending time with Sam, Adam, and Zachasya (since they are living here with us for a while) and traveling with my wonderful husband. June 24th is our 19th wedding anniversary! 19 years! Can you believe it? It has been a rough, long road but with the help of our Lord jesus Christ we made it! We are more in love today than we were 19 years ago and it keeps getting stronger each and every day. I love you babe!

I would like to take this time to ask each of you to pray for our very dear friend Rhonda Madrid. She was diagnosed with liver cancer last month and will soon be undergoing treatments in Lubbock, TX. She was Sam's first grade teacher and her assistant coach the first year she played basketball. She has been our dear friend ever since.....We love you Rhonda!

We are still hanging in there 4 1/2 years later....We miss Zach so very much and wish we could have had more time with our precious little boy. There is not a second that goes by that we don't think about him and feel his presence among us. He is our guardian angel for life! Coming home from Austin Sunday night we were in Carlsbad and looked up at the moon and there was a cloud in the shape of an angel. You could see his halo and wings perfectly! Dimas saw it as well and we truly believe it was our Zach watching over us and letting us know he was right there with us. We love you baby boy, always and forever!!

I will try and do better on my updates my friends but won't make any promises. We love and appreciate you all and feel so fortunate to have friends and family that care so much about us. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts......


If we could have a lifetime wish
A dream that would come true,
We'd pray to God with all our hearts
For yesterday and You.
A thousand words can't bring you back
We know because we've tried...
Neither will a thousand tears
We know because we've cried...
You left behind our broken hearts
And happy memories too...
But we never wanted memories
We only wanted You.

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Hospital Information:

Amongst All The Little Angels In Heaven


http://quiltsoflove.com/quilt/ZachHerrera/ZachHerrera.html   Virtual Quilt
http://www.quiltsoflove.com/memorials/zach/zacharymemorial.html   Zach's memorial quilt
http://www.tbkf.org/cookbook   cookbook raising money for brain tumor research-Zach has a recipe in it dedicated in his memory.


E-mail Author: dmherrera@pvtnetworks.net


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