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Adam Douglas Kindell Some people only dream of angels, we held one in our arms for eleven years!

This website is a memorial to our wonderful 11yr. old son, Adam Douglas Kindell. He was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, when he was 3 and a half years old. He went through his treatments for 2 and a half years, and relapsed in his spinal fluid in 1998. Adam was put back on intense chemotherapy, which eventually put him in the ICU on a ventilator in an induced coma. By the grace of God, Adam got better, and went into another 2years of remission on maintenance chemotherapy, and off treatment for a year. He relapsed again in his spinal fluid in March of 2002, and underwent a unrelated bone marrow transplant on June 24 that year. Again God carried him through. Once Adam asked the dr. who was doing his spinal tap if he believed in God. The dr. said "Who's God?". He was joking, but Adam did not think it was one bit funny, and told him that he didn't want a dr. that didn't believe in God doing his spinal tap. The dr. saw that Adam was very serious, and when Adam told him that he prayed before every spinal tap, the dr. admitted that he did too. Adam once again got better, and was doing great until he received his immunizations. He began having trouble with his legs and walking, we took him to the dr. several times, and finaly found out that Adam had relapsed again, and only had a few months to live. Again Adam took it like a champ, and said that he was still going to pray for a miracle, that God could do anything. Unfortunately that wasn't in God's plan, and our angel became a heavenly angel on Dec. 21st, 2003. He went straight from my arms to Jesus's


Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:19 PM CDT

Hey guys!
I am so glad to hear from people on here again. I lo9fe this site and getting on here and talking about Adam keeps him alive. I saw a little girl at Walmart today with no hair and the prednisone puffiness, and it just took me back. I wanted to just run over and hug her. It brought back so many memories! I do not know her, I do not know her mom, but I am praying for her, please do the same. You will never know until you have been through it, how hard it truly is to watch your child suffer. My heart goes out to these kids and their families. Jen I am so glad to hear from you again, and you too, Linda and Kim. We think of you often. Well by the grace of God I made it through another quarter. Thank God! It is so hard.Thank you so much for getting on here still! It really does mean alot!

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No more hospitals for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1000 avenue Gods little angels.


http://www.heavenlylights.homestead.com/memorial.html   memorial website for children who have died of disease
http://www,geocities.com/griefpoetry/valentinesday,html   valentines to heaven
http://http://adam-kindell.memory-of.com/   Adam's other website


E-mail Author: doug_hollykindell@yahoo.com


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