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2 Corinthians 12:9 - "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."

Grace was diagnosed with PNET (Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor) in November, 2002. She was 9 months old at the time. For more information on this type of malignant brain tumor go the following web site, www.cinn.org/ibsc/braintumor/diagnoses/pnet Dr. Paul Grabb (an amazing surgeon) performed her surgery in December, 2002 to remove as much of the tumor as safely possible. She has completed her full course of chemotherapy under the awesome care of Dr. Alyssa Reddy and her fantastic nurse practitioner, Richard Brown. She received high dose chemo with Stem Cell Rescue (under the outstanding care of Dr. Sande and Dr. Lucas and the whole fantastic stem cell unit team) on June 11 2003 and did amazingly well throughout with very few complications (Praise God!!!) The care she has received at Children’s Hospital of Alabama has been nothing short of miraculous…from the housekeepers all the way up to management, and especially the nurses. Starting on Wednesday, August 28 2003, Grace will start receiving radiation treatments at UAB for 30 consecutive weekdays. Please pray for Grace as she battles this horrible disease for we strongly believe in the power of prayer and are thankful for all God has done thus far.

A new license plate that will help fund pediatric cancer research has been approved and is available for pre-purchase. For more information please go to the following web address. www.CuringChildhoodCancer.org

On December 27 2003 Gracie's battle with this terrible disease ended as she went home to be with the Lord.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:57 PM CST

Well, I bet your glad your sitting down realizing that I have updated the website.
Looking back, it’s been close to a year since the last update. A lot’s happened in that time, I’ll try to remember everything. Getting things out of the way, we all are doing pretty good I guess. Noah finished basketball, played baseball, and then went into soccer that ended about a month ago. Noah’s baseball team finished first place for the season. I helped coach his soccer team, which was an experience. So, we are actually glad we get a breather in right now.
Debra has started back to school she is going to get her BSN so that she could teach, the other day she was talking about if she should go ahead and get her masters. My opinion is that she should go ahead so that I can retire and let her support me….Like I know that’s going to happen.
We had a pretty good summer, went to the beach with family and then we were blessed enough to be able to go again with friends during the fall break. In my opinion again, that’s the best time to go.
We finally got Grace’s room cleaned out. Our sister-in-law is pregnant and was able to use a lot of her things. We would rather somebody use the stuff than let it sit around. Actually our sister-in-law had her baby; Kelsie Grace was born on November 7th. She was early and is at UAB in the progressive unit, she weighed in at 5 lbs. Please remember them in your prayers. Kelly, Kelsie’s mom called about a month ago and inquired about if she could use Grace’s name if that would upset us. We all talked about it and agreed that it would be good, and if she wanted to use her name she could.
You look around and Grace is everywhere, sort of like God. Where ever you are He is there, what ever your doing He is there. She will always be a part of our lives in all that we do. This month marks the anniversary of her diagnosis. It’s hard to believe that December will be two years since she left us. I would have thought as time passed it would be better, but not a day goes by that I don’t think of her. We were cleaning up in our room the other day and came across some of Debra’s baby pictures, she looked just like Grace. I don’t why God decided to call Grace home; He is the master of all. So we just have to try and understand and continue on. I guess for the rest of our lives this time of year will always be hard, at least on me.
We were so glad to see that the “Curing Childhood Cancer” tags were approved; we have one on both vehicles, personalized of course. Deb’s is AMZ1N and mine is GE. When we where at the beach during the summer there was a car up the road from us with the tag. Pretty cool huh? We always look for them when we are out and about.
Overall were doing good and we thank you for your continued prayers and support!!!

Love you guys!!!

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E-mail Author: pholmes766@yahoo.com


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