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Friday, December 21, 2007 4:38 PM CST


The birth of the Messiah is much cause for celebration but we are also silent as we remember the reason why He came. He came to save us.


The birth of the Messiah was a Holy birth and was followed by a Holy life and Holy suffering amidst sinners. His perfect Holiness and righteousness save us. Nothing else can.


Thank you for visiting and have a very Merry Christmas. To all our friends who have said an all too early good-night to a beloved child, remember that right now they are experiencing pure joy in the presence of the Holy Messiah!! With faith in the one true Saviour, we know we shall see them in the morning.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, December 14, 2007 6:16 PM CST


For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.(1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)


Trying to find peace in this rushed season to think about His Second Advent and to patiently wait for that Second Advent. Every year I tell myself I will not get caught up in all the rush of Christmas but every year my intentions fail.

Do we really have to buy presents for everyone?? (I don’t even participate in any name draws and yet still feel overwhelmed.) Oh well, our tree is up and most of my shopping is done.


Last night was Our Lady of Peace’s annual school Christmas program. Because I came straight from work I did not help Aubrey get ready and I was shocked to see that she was not wearing tights with her dress. I don’t know what the temperature was but it was pretty cold last night. She didn’t complain about her bare legs on the way home from the program even though I know she had to be freezing. Apparently her tights were itchy. John is usually pretty diligent about bundling the kids up but I think sometimes we simply don’t want to argue on and on and complaints about itchy tights won the battle.

But that aside, and despite Noah’s extreme naughtiness, the program was beautiful, as always. How nice that we can send Aubrey to a school where we can sing and pray about the birth of the Messiah!!


Today while driving Noah to daycare I was telling him how when Jesus comes again that everyone in the world will see Him…at once! But in this rushed season Noah was too busy for our conversation as he was looking for huge icicles that are hanging here and there from buildings and homes.


The Weber family who recently said “good-night” to their beautiful baby girl, Kayla, now with Jesus after her battle against Neuroblastoma.

*~* Site for Kayla *~*


I cannot help but remember and dwell, yes dwell, on a baby girl who rarely cried during her first few months of life. Or of a little girl fighting a wicked cancer and rarely uttering a single complaint. Or of a little girl who cried silent tears almost every night when her parents left the hospital.


Thank you for still visiting…even as the updates slow down. She is still on my mind all the time but it seems I have less and less time for updates.

Have a blessed weekend and may there be some slow down-time to think of the baby who came to suffer and die so that we may have life. He never uttered a word of complaint.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, November 30, 2007 5:28 PM CST


We survived another birthday anniversary without a beloved child. It doesn’t get easier but His grace always pulls us through in our weakest of times.

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)


Hard to believe that December begins tomorrow! We hear that time goes by faster as we get older and I once read an explanation for why that is: for a one-year old, a year passing is their entire lifetime while for a 40-year old, that year is only 1/40 of their lifetime.

I cannot stand the “shopping” part of this season but I am enjoying decorating the house with the kids and we might make Christmas cookies this weekend. And a good weekend to do that as supposedly we are in the path of a six-inch snowstorm. Supposedly. These little snowstorms are predicted all the time and then they never happen.

Snow or not, we do have very cold temperatures. I even road the West shuttle bus last night out to my car. Can you believe we now have year-round shuttle buses just for our parking lots? I usually shun the shuttle buses but on some cold and dark winter nights they are a welcome sight.


I have to share a comment made by Aubrey.

A few Sundays ago when I was volunteering in the toddler room at First Free, Aubrey decided to stay with me. At one point I noticed that one of the little girls had taken a marker and had colored all over her arm. While I was washing the marker off, Aubrey was watching me and she picked up the marker involved. She was reading it and it must have been made in the United States.

So Aubrey promptly remarked, “Good thing it wasn’t made in China!”

Because we don’t buy a lot of toys John and I have not really talked about all the toy recalls regarding China but she must have seen it while we were watching the news. They are more observant than we will ever know!


Same old Noah…good one day very naughty the next.


Sweet Anna Jane is now with the Lord. Please pray for her faithful but grieving family.

*~* Site for Anna *~*

Please also say a prayer for abused children all over the world. Most of you heard the story of Baby Grace whose real name is Riley Ann Sawyer. I wish I could greet her now (she is in heaven—brutally murdered by her mother’s boyfriend because she wouldn’t say “yes sir, no sir,”) and cup my hands around her little face and tell her….”Some of us, some of us, Riley, would have only offered you our love. And we do indeed love you.”


It’s so hard for me to think kindly of Riley’s murderers. Why is it some of us would easily give up our own lives for the the lives of our children while others throw their children away?

How does Heaven look down on the destruction of life created in His own image without a collective gasp or outcry?


Thank you for your gracious presence on this Web site! Give thanks to God the Father, Creator of all that is good and who will bring justice to all some day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, November 16, 2007 5:48 PM CST


Dear Gabbie,

We know you are with Jesus and we do certainly not grieve like those who grieve without hope. But you are missed more and more and we wish so much you were still here. It is not at all true that Heaven needed you but it is very possible that you needed very much to go home when Jesus called to you.

We miss you, Gabbie, and we love you more than you could ever imagine.


I rarely ask God for signs from Gabbie, and in fact, I don’t even really look for signs. However, when I pray at night, I literally beg God to please, please tell her how much she is missed and loved.

But does she receive my messages of love? Scripture is silent. So very, very silent.


Thank you, for still coming to visit Gabbie’s site. Thank you, for all the support and kind words.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, November 1, 2007 6:05 PM CDT


I came in to work today and listened to my one voice-message. At first I thought it was a wrong number but then I recognized Noah’s voice in the background. I listened to the message in amazement as it was from last night, Halloween. Auntie Sarah came over and went trick-or-treating with us and after we were done we were all in the living room while Aubrey and Noah dumped out their goodies. Noah literally picked up each piece of candy and counted them one by one, up to 45. All of this is on my phone message, including Aubrey chastising Noah to count silently as she was trying to count also and then Auntie Sarah chastising Aubrey to let Noah count out loud.

I haven’t talked to her yet, but Sarah must have my work number programmed on her phone and someone must have bumped or touched it so that it called my number. I still found it strange that Noah’s counting of each single piece of candy was completely captured. Shortly after he finished counting, the message ends.

And only a minute or two after I listened to the message a West employee I have never met or seen literally walked into my cube and made a very flattering remark concerning a picture of Gabbie. I thanked her for her comment and then told her that Gabrielle had died. I don’t think she was expecting to hear that but neither was I expecting a stranger to comment kindly on Gabrielle.

God does indeed work in strange and mysterious ways.


Miss Aubrey lost another tooth, number twelve. This time she was even more worried about it being a permanent tooth but we reassured her that this is not the case. The tooth fairy, who is still sick and so is tired, forgot to come that night but left a note the next evening with the excuse that over 9,000 children lost a tooth the day prior.


Noah ran his first race! Aubrey, Noah, and I joined one of Aubrey’s school friends and her mother and we walked/jogged the Monster Dash at Lake Harriet. I brought the stroller, just in case, but for the most part Noah walked or jogged the entire 3.1 miles!


For the families of Theresa Rose and Zachary, who have yet again to live through a birthday anniversary (Theresa) and a death anniversary (Zachary) of their beloved departed children.

*~* Site for Theresa Rose *~*

*~* Site for Zachary *~*


Thanks, as always, for visiting Gabbie’s site! Have a wonderful and safe weekend. Please seek the One and Only true Savior!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 26, 2007 5:12 PM CDT


”Man without a Savior is an eternally perishable being.” ~ Jack Hayford, I’ll Hold You in Heaven

Few, if any of us, ever expect to perish in a fire but the California wildfires did indeed claim some lives. These unexpected and tragic deaths always remind me of our desperate need for a Savior. And there is only One Savior!

Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
(Isaiah 43:10-11)


Most of us have ties to California and I was anxious for my sister, Nancy, who lives in San Diego. One day I pestered her with a few e-mails and hinted that I needed a visual map to see her location to the wildfires. She promptly sent me a map showing the fires and her home is close to the coast and was not threatened. But still, following those fires from way up here in Minnesota was nerve-wracking and depressing. To know that arson is involved is unspeakable.

I cannot complain as I went two years without getting sick (hard to believe!!). But I’ve caught John’s flu/cold and will not be getting rest this weekend. I signed Aubrey and Noah up to run, jog, or walk the Monster Dash at Lake Harriet tomorrow morning. Noah has no idea what a fun run is but he has been counting down the days and so how could I possibly deprive him? He is going to be a Ninja Warrior and not sure what Aubrey will wear as her costume is not designed for walking or running.

I tell you, trying to find appropriate costumes for children is very difficult. We went to a costume store this week and I said “no” to about 95f the costumes in Aubrey’s category as they were either too ghoulish or too sluttish, or a combination of both. So we settled on a starlet dress, which in Aubrey’s mind is simply a shiny dress (never mind the stance of the young girl on the packaging). Since they have not yet sexually demonized boys costumes, it was easier finding something for Noah.


Yesterday Aubrey lost her 11th tooth but because she didn’t know it was loose, she was very, very concerned that she had lost a permanent tooth. The tooth fairy still comes but I’m surprised she hasn’t figured this one out yet because I write a little note on cardstock and she is familiar with my endless supply of colored cardstocks.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site! We hope and pray that Jesus Christ is your Savior!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 19, 2007 5:34 PM CDT


Aubrey’s birthday was on Wednesday but because of MEA on Thursday and Friday I took a vacation day on Thursday and that is when we celebrated. We had to run a few errands but otherwise we simply enjoyed our time together making dinner and birthday cake of her choice.

And after a day off with me, today she was entertained the entire day by Auntie Sarah!! Aubrey and Noah are blessed to have such a wonderful aunt.


Still a daddy’s boy….still full of endless energy and much laughter. We gave Aubrey the game Operation for her birthday and I have teased Noah very much because he has yet to succeed in “operating” without setting off the buzzer.


A family with two twin baby girls who were both diagnosed with Neuroblastoma.

*~* Site for Isabella & Madeline *~*


There is a saying that we “love our children more and more every day.” So, too, we love the departed child more and more every day. This is one of only many reasons why this grief never, ever ends.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site!

We thank God for all the blessings He has given our family. While we miss Gabrielle ever so much we know His plans are best and that Gabrielle is most blessed now.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 12, 2007 11:08 PM CDT


For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. (Matthew 26:11)

Almost every night when I exit 35W near our home, I come face to face with a homeless and dirty person. I cannot always give money and have heard the many scam stories and believe that we are better off giving to charities that feed and clothe the homeless (John once saw two people asking for handouts exchange huge wads of money.)

But I'm reading Mary Doria Russell's The Sparrow and the verse from Matthew came up and one of the characters questioned if that verse is God's judgment upon us or our indictment. I never thought about it that way and it is food for thought.


Last weekend was a whirlwind as my sister, Nancy, was in town from California, Aubrey and I went to an apple orchard with her friend and friend's mother, and on Sunday we watched the marathon. The runners were decimated by the heat. We start viewing at the 9-mile mark and then go to the 25-mile mark, which is full of drama. If you follow national news you probably know the heat was even worse for the Chicago marathon on the same day and was even shut down prior to finish. Unfortunately one runner collapsed and died. Running a marathon can be a very unforgettable and positive experience but it can be very dangerous and can bring the human body to the maximum limit of stress and fatigue.

I haven't been able to run since June due to knee problems but am hoping to start running before Christmas. Watching the marathon made me even more anxious to begin!


Last Saturday I had John bring Noah in to a Great Clips. I guess it was a horrible scene and hopefully our negligence has not scarred Noah for life concerning haircuts. Noah had two snarls that I would literally soak with conditioner but we simply could not get out. I sometimes have trouble forcing my children to do things when they physically resist. It reminds me too much of how I had to force Gabbie to physically accept painful things done to her.


My friend, Ivy, Lukie's mom, introduced me to Anna Jane's site. Anna Jane's family is so faithful even as they watch their lovely little daughter fight terminal cancer. Please pray for them.

Site for Anna Jane


I never once said anything during her entire illness but I would grit my teeth and clench my fists and scream inside. Please stop, please stop, please stop. But you couldn't ask the medical team to stop as they were trying to save your child's life. And my internal screams to stop, while watching the medical team, were really to God. Please God, please stop this ravaging nightmare.


Thank you for allowing grieving parents to share our thoughts! Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 5, 2007 6:06 PM CDT


We have a very busy weekend and Monday will come too soon. Amongst other things, we hope to watch the Twin Cities Marathon runners on Sunday but it is supposed to rain. But it should be a warm rain so unless it’s pouring we will at least support the runners for a little while.


She has some big and ugly bruises now. John and I think we should go see the hem/onc doctor, who by the way was Gabrielle’s great doctor, just to find out if we should be doing anything considering she is likely to have ITP for the rest of her life.


Still keeping us busy…gotta love his energy! Today I took advantage of West’s casual Friday policy and put on jeans and a casual top and Noah looked at me and said, “You look beautiful. I like your top.” He is used to seeing me dressed up so not sure why the casual wear prompted a compliment—but I will take it!


Sometimes I stumble upon CB cites and then wish I never had. Hopefully this precious little Lily can beat AML after her recent relapse. Please keep Lily and her family in your prayers.

*~* Site for Lily Leyden *~*

In case the link does not work its:


“I will never get over this.” ~ A recently grieved father speaking on the evening news.


Thanks for your continued support on Gabrielle’s site!

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) And may I constantly remember this during the trials of life!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, September 28, 2007 2:24 PM CDT


One of the cases to be heard during term 2007 by the U.S. Supreme Court is a capital case regarding lethal injection. There is no question as to the guilt of the condemned prisoner, he admits shooting and killing two Kentucky police officers.

The question presented is whether death by lethal injection violates the prisoner’s constitutional rights. The lethal injection three-drug process involves, in this order, an anesthetizing drug, a paralytic agent, and, finally, a drug that stops the heart. The anesthetizing drug is given in amounts 10x to 20x what another person would receive for major surgery. The prisoner fears that there is a possibility he could still be conscious for the administration of the third drug and that if that were the case, it would feel like “liquid fire” coursing through his veins.

Prior to one of Gabrielle’s scans she was injected with a drug for which the anesthetist forewarned me would hurt Gabrielle and that to her it would feel as if she were burning. Sounds like “liquid fire.” A few seconds after the injection, Gabrielle did indeed scream in agony. The image of Gabbie sitting in my lap one minute in complete trust and then soon writhing in agony is forever etched in my heart.

And yet thousands and thousands of dollars will be spent in order to try to prevent the exceptionally (impossible, some experts say) small possibility that a convicted felon may experience a few seconds or moments of liquid fire.

Our legal system shows far more mercy to the condemned than life shows to innocent little children.

But that is why I know Heaven is beyond anything I could ever imagine it to be. God promises that our sufferings here pale in comparison to the joys and glories of Heaven. If the memories of watching Gabrielle suffer while I could do nothing shall someday be blotted out in comparison, than the glories and joys of Heaven truly are unimaginable!

As the Apostle Paul stated, For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)

As an aside, I’m not commenting on capital punishment.


The OLP fall festival, last weekend, was a great success and we could not have had better weather. Of course, the festival consumed our weekend and we are still trying to catch up.

There was a great tragedy in our neighborhood a couple of weeks ago. If you are from the Twin Cities you probably heard of the father of four who went out for a late night bike-ride and was found beaten to death the next morning. While the location of the beating took place over a mile from our home, the father lived only one block away from us. I never formally met him but do recall speaking to him on some occasions while out for walks with the kids. I will think of this family every time I set foot on their block.

The unfairness of life is beyond unfair.


Aubrey’s school year is going OK but as usual we are very busy monitoring homework at night. It wasn’t like this when I was growing up….


Noah’s days go up and down where his behavior is concerned. I wouldn’t call him hot-tempered so much as very head strong. We are almost always emotionally wiped out by the time he finally stays in bed.


I was going to ask for prayers for Noelle Naylor, who was having a tough time battling leukemia, but found out she died from septic shock.

I cannot tell you how many children die not from cancer but from other causes simply because their little bodies have been through so much. Noelle’s pictures always break my heart. Whether smiling or not, the eyes of these special children always scream cancer.

Please pray for Noelle’s family.

*~* Site for Noelle *~*


I know that if Gabrielle had been warned about the pain of her “liquid fire” injection she perhaps would have hesitated…but in the end she would have indicated that we could proceed (she did that once with another painful procedure).

But I am not surprised because it is the children who are bravest of all.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site!

His ways are higher than our ways and perhaps His greatest mercies will not be revealed until we enter our eternal lives. He promises us that these injustices will all be taken care of and while I think we wait unbearably long I trust His timing.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, September 21, 2007 5:26 PM CDT


There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is one, and the glory of the earthly is another. (1 Corinthians 15:40)

The Bible makes it very, very clear that the saints will have bodies and we will recognize them in those bodies. Heaven would not be the Heaven God has promised if we were simply to become disembodied spirits—no matter how joyous those spirits may be.

I will physically hug Gabrielle and I cannot wait! I also pray every night, of course, that Aubrey and Noah have the LORD as their Savior, so that I can forever hug them in Heaven.


We are headed into a weekend of gorgeous fall weather…perfect for the Fall Festival at Our Lady of Peace! Today when I stepped out of the house to go to work I had to fight the temptation to call in a vacation day because the weather was so lovely. But last night was a different story and I worked late because we had wicked storms right at evening rush hour and decided to wait it out. John called me and I had to calm down a tearful Aubrey because the tornado sirens went off right when John got home with the kids.

But thankfully there was no damage in our area. I will cry if and when we ever lose a beautiful but dangerously massive oak tree in our backyard to a storm. John always says we should have someone come inspect the tree and I usually plug my not want to even think about it!


Our friends, Zachary Buckentine’s family, have had their baby….a girl named McKenna. Please welcome baby McKenna!!

*~* Site for Zachary *~*


We recently saw Tom Burnett’s dad on the news. Tom Burnett was one of the Minnesota heroes killed on Flight 93 on 9/11. Tom’s dad tearfully said that it’s not about “moving on,” but that he wants “to remember.”

Remembering is not about being, as some would say, “stuck in the past.” Why honoring departed children with remembrance, whether joyfully or tearfully, is such a crime I will never understand.


Thank you for coming by to visit Gabbie’s site. I hope to soon have pictures of our trip to Colorado!

And please, REMEMBER God loves you. Remember God’s faithfulness. Remember God’s great sacrifice. Remember the GREAT I AM!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, September 14, 2007 5:07 PM CDT


But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)


It’s very cold…so not sure the neighborhood kids will be outside this weekend. During the summer I avoided “indoor” activities as much as possible so this will be a good time to start bringing Aubrey and Noah to the YMCA again for swimming. The Y’s kiddie pool is always heated very high, which is fine by me.

I have a tradition with the Aubrey and Noah on Friday nights: popcorn and a movie. We suspend this tradition during the summer so they will be excited when I start up our tradition.


Please pray for Anna Jane and her family. I wish they did not have to be on this journey.

*~* Site for Anna Jane *~*


Today, remembering Destiny Jackson, a beautiful smiling baby, murdered by her own father.

I continue to clip out pictures from the Mpls Star Tribune of children who are suffering or who have died. Today there was an article about baby Destiny, she was murdered a while ago by her father. He had repeatedly slammed his very large and adult fists into her little stomach.

The paper had a little photo of her face but also a very large photo taken of Destiny while she was once napping. She had her legs curled beneath her, as babies tend to sleep, but she also was sleeping with her arms around the family cat.

She was only a baby.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site! Have a great weekend.

Please look to the LORD and Savior for your strength and salvation.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, September 7, 2007 5:24 PM CDT


Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars, The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, Not one of them is missing. (Isaiah 40:26)


We spent the last week of August in Estes Park, Colorado, viewing His majestic creations!. It was a long drive there and back as Aubrey and Noah tested even John’s patience in the car. While we had rain every day we still were able to get out during dry times and enjoy the beautiful scenery. John and I were very captivated by Rocky Mountain National Park, which was only minutes away from where we stayed, and we could have spent much more time hiking. But you can only hike so much with Aubrey and Noah!

We stayed in a very nice cozy and rustic cabin at the base of the Rockies. We expected to see and hear more wildlife from our cabin but found it to exceptionally quiet. I actually hear more creatures outside our bedroom window in Minneapolis! But of course in Minneapolis we don’t get to see huge elk rambling down the streets as they do in Estes Park.


John and I learned a lesson about water and traveling. Because Aubrey and Noah seem to have such small bladders and we didn’t want to stop every 15 minutes (we did stop every 1.5-2 hours to switch drivers), we didn’t let Aubrey and Noah have much water in the car. That was clearly a big mistake considering our destination was a much higher altitude than Minneapolis.

Our first morning in Colorado was spent in an Urgent Care as Aubrey had altitude sickness. She was so sick that John had to carry her to the car and she threw-up as soon as we got to the clinic and again as the doctor was discharging her. But children recover quickly and we were out and about exploring later that afternoon.

Aubrey is back in school!! Noah has one more year before starting Kindergarten.


Pray for some fathers who are about to undertake a bike ride from California to Washington, D.C. to raise money for new treatments to fight Neuroblastoma. Pray that their bike ride is as successful as hoped and that God make His presence known while they travel this lonely road.

*~* Loneliest Road Campaign *~*


I continue to witness so many of my friends struggle on this journey, truly the loneliest road, as they continue to live day in and day out without their beloved child.

Please always remember that nothing changes one’s life as much as the death of a child. There is not one little pebble of our life that remains unturned…our jobs, our marriages, our relationships, our fears, our faith, our happiness, and our innermost beings.

Outside of God, our children are everything.


Thank you for continuing to visit Gabrielle’s site!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, August 24, 2007 5:33 PM CDT


Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great. (Matthew 5:11-12)

Americans still are not persecuted much for their beliefs in Jesus but it’s is coming. Because of the nature of my job, I am frequently exposed to current federal and state cases in our judicial system. Most people are not aware of this but the legal system is slowly chipping away our freedoms pertaining to Christian-Judeo beliefs. Oddly, that is not what is happening to the freedoms of those outside of Christianity or Judaism.


Summer is almost over and we are, believe it or not, set for school. Thankfully Noah has one more year before he attends kindergarten. Things have escalated in our neighborhood and my wariness has increased but I will say no more. I remember a guest book signer once commented, after I had mentioned something about our neighborhood, that that’s why they live in the country. I occasionally dream about living in the country but to be honest we like living in south Minneapolis way too much to give up on it yet.


One week can make a big difference….one of her legs is full of bruises but as usual she does not recall how she got them. She also got a nosebleed last night that lasted for a while so the platelet counts are down.


I was giving Noah and Aubrey a bath last night and Aubrey pointed out that Noah’s neck was red and when I lifted his hair I found an ugly bright rash with a few bumps that looked as if they had pus. But when we called the nurse line for our pediatric clinic they just told us to watch it. I suppose kids are supposed to so many things in the summer so he probably is just reacting to something.

Poor Noah, even with shorter hair he is still called a girl. Last week at church I was telling another couple about how he is called a girl all the time and Noah all of a sudden was sheepishly hanging on me and said he was just called a "young lady" by one of the ushers.


Visit another little Gabby. Her family is coming up on the first death anniversary.

*~* Site for Gabby *~*


The other day I was reflecting on when John and I first walked into the recovery room after Gabrielle’s surgery to remove the tumor. Our doctor was very pleased with the results so I remember I was a little “high.” Of course my heart sank when I saw Gabrielle as I’ve never seen such terror in a child’s eyes. I’ve shared this before.

But as I was thinking back to this, I remembered too that Gabrielle was sitting by herself and then I broke down. Why can’t a hospital have volunteers for tiny children awakening in a strange room? I’m not blaming Children’s Hospital—we know we were at one of the best U.S. hospitals.

So maybe my teary question was really addressed to God. Why?


As always, thanks for stopping by to visit Gabrielle’s site! Please seek the One and Only Savior! And know that our gracious God allows us to ask "why?"

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, August 19, 2007 12:02 AM CDT


It's been a while…we are doing fine and trying to enjoy what remains of summer. The hot weather that I enjoy so much seems to be over. But our short summers make summer all the more special!

While neither John nor I want summer to end our neighborhood life continues to be challenging and sometimes intense. The other day I came home from work and just as I rounded the corner of the house to enter our front door I witnessed a neighbor child smash her younger brother's head into our house wall. It’s a rough and tumble neighborhood at times and sometimes our parenting duties are extended far beyond Aubrey and Noah. When school starts things will calm down, at least on school nights, as the kids are not outside as much.


Aubrey is doing really well and has very few bruises. She did not read as much this summer as we wanted her to but I think she will be ready when school starts on the day after Labor Day.

Noah is still having some naughty days at daycare but he also can have periods of good behavior—or what is for him good behavior!


Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoy the remaining days of summer or the remaining weeks if you live south of us!!

May God bless you richly with the gift of faith as there is no greater gift.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, August 2, 2007 5:31 PM CDT


Aubrey and Noah do not understand the true horror of what happened yesterday, for which I guess I am thankful. Neither John nor I travel much on that particular 35W bridge but we are indeed very familiar with the bridge and its beautiful sights.

Wednesday night I was more stunned and shocked but today the shock was replaced with a heavy sadness. Sadness and grief for individual lives lost and their pain but also sadness for Minneapolis. A city is weeping.


Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life . . . will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:35-38)

God does not spare us from death and suffering—He does not take us OVER the rough times but right in the midst of the rough times. We will all die some day but if we believe in Jesus and place our faith and trust in Him as our only Savior, we will also live.


Last week while sitting out front watching the kids play a neighbor child came up to me and said Noah was eating green stuff in the back yard. I called to Noah and asked him what he was eating and he replied that he was eating kiwi. I said we do not have kiwi. He insisted he was eating kiwi so I told him to go in the back yard and bring the kiwi to me.

Noah came back with some dirty and old celery that I had thrown into our compost and he had indeed been chomping on it. That is Noah for ya!!


Aubrey has very few bruises at this time!


Please pray for City of Minneapolis. May God grant healing to all of us, especially those who lost loved ones in the bridge collapse. We can always hope and pray that this tragedy makes those who are not seeking God begin to seek Him.


Thank you for visiting! Thank you for praying for our city. Have a good weekend.

He is always there, please seek Him!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 27, 2007 6:25 PM CDT


It’s true…if we have faith in Jesus we can look forward to a bodily resurrection. Apparently many Christians believe we will only be disembodied spirits in Heaven but that is not what Jesus promised.

“Make no mistake: if He rose it was as His body; if the cells’ dissolution did not reverse, the molecules reknit, the amino acids rekindle, the Church will fall…Let us not mock God with metaphor, analogy, sidestepping transcendence; making of the event a parable, as if painted in the faded credulity of earlier ages: let us walk through the door.” ~ John Updike, reprinted in Randy Alcorn’s Heaven.

And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. (1 Corinthians 15:17)


I cannot believe that August will begin next week. I love this time of summer but it also depresses me because I see so many signs that summer’s twilight hours are approaching. I’ve been taking one day a week off on most weeks to spend time with Aubrey and Noah and I have enjoyed it so VERY much.

I am planning to take in some neighbor kids on Saturday, tomorrow, and will be busy with four kids! The two neighbor kids, a boy and a girl, are almost the same age as Aubrey and Noah and they get along really well.


Aubrey had VBC at First Free this week in the mornings and our neighbors kindly brought her there and then dropped her off at daycare for us. Even Aubrey commented that her week has gone fast.


He has had a string of “good” reports from daycare. We hope it continues.


Another mother recently mentioned on her CB journal that she feels closest to her departed daughter when she is sad. This is so very, very true. Maybe this is why the grief journey regarding the death of a child is so very difficult…the more happiness is pressed upon us the further we feel from our child.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site.

We have so much to look forward to in the next life. But eternity will only be good if Jesus Christ is your one and only Savior!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 20, 2007 6:04 PM CDT


"I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side...
I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your Face is before me!
I can only imagine. I can only imagine.
Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine! I can only imagine!

I can only imagine, when that day comes, when I find myself standing in the Son!
I can only imagine, when all I will do, is forever, forever worship You!
I can only imagine! I can only imagine!

Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel?

Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine! Yeah! I can only imagine!

Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel?

Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine! Yeah! I can only imagine!

I can only imagine! Yeah! I can only imagine!! Only imagine!!!
I can only imagine.

I can only imagine, when all I do is forever, forever worship You!
I can only imagine." Copyright 1999, MercyMe

We are all different and I think I will fall to my knees.


It was John’s 45th birthday this past Monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We are not big on birthdays and just had cupcakes. We took John shopping on Saturday morning for some dress clothes, since, like most men, he never bothers to buy himself any clothing other than his construction work clothes.

On Sunday we took the Aubrey and Noah to the Como Park Zoo…along with the thousands of other Twin Citians who chose to do the same. But it was a great day to do that and we hardly ever get to our “free” zoo.


She has survived her first week back from the lake.


When we were at the zoo and admiring the turtle/pink flamingo exhibit, a woman came up and stood beside me. Then Noah joined us but he was confused because I then saw his hand on the strange woman’s leg. He was absently rubbing his hand up and down until I pointed out to him that I was on his other side. The woman laughed but Noah was as embarrassed as could be!


Pray for the family of one of Aubrey’s classmates. While I have only exchanged a few words with the mother, I know they are a very nice family. The father is in construction and was in an explosion accident at work and was severely burned. Please, please pray for them.

Pray for Ava French’s family. Sweet Ava recently died from ALL. For as much as we hear how curable ALL is, children do still tragically die. Ava is a very special girl and I know her family is grieving mightily.


We were listening to a new children’s praise and worship CD last evening before dinner. I was watching Aubrey and Noah dance to “I Can Only Imagine,” when near the very end of the song it became quiet. And then we heard a very tiny voice from what I can only imagine was a two-year old girl, singing “I can only imagine….”

I simply wasn’t ready to hear that tiny, soft voice and I almost lost it but held it together for Aubrey and Noah.

Gabrielle has already had her “I can only imagine” moment with Jesus! And all the other little departed children, too.


Thank you so very much for visiting! Gabbie will some day know all about your kindnesses.

Please tell your children about Jesus. Please tell them that, against the false belief of today’s post-modern world, Jesus Christ is truly the only way. Tell them that when it comes to eternal life and meeting Jesus….we can only imagine.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 13, 2007 6:37 PM CDT


It’s warming up again after some unseasonably cool weather-which while nice does not feel like summer to me. It was a little less busy this week with one child up at the lake but seems like there is always an endless list of things to be done.


Aubrey should be arriving back home tonight from her week up at the lake in Alexandria. We had her call us every night to let us know how her days went. They started out with really hot weather but then most of the rest of the week, as it was here in the cities, was on the cool side. But she still had a great time and I’m sure she is very sad that today is the last day.


We missed our chatterbox Aubrey but it was nice to spend some time with just Noah—it’s so much easier! I even took a day off and surprised Noah—we just hung out and enjoyed the day and made cookies. At one point the phone rang and Noah was in such a rush to answer it, thinking it was “Daddy,” that he threw the beater he was licking (we made oatmeal chocolate chip) right back into the batter. Good thing we are not sharing the cookies outside of our family!

Noah always makes us smile during our evening prayers and I hope God has a sense of humor. Noah will cross himself as we do at the beginning but then he will not stop and will do it over and over many times. He also prays for the most bizarre things, such as Oreo cookies, the TV, his toenail, etc. They say that children learn from their parents but please believe me that John and I do not pray for such things!

Unless I were to pray that God help me NOT eat the Oreo cookies.


While I can go weeks without mentioning another child on this site I do follow many stories and every week I see children die. As much as I would like to be able to say my faith keeps me from getting angry, that would be a lie.

How long, Oh LORD, how long? How many more children must suffer and die?


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site and for remembering!

We must remember His ways are higher than our ways and compared to us His patience and longsuffering can seem endless. But someday He will make all of this well for His children.

Please believe and seek the one and only Saviour!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Saturday, July 7, 2007 1:40 PM CDT


One of my friends, Lukie's mom, has told me several times that I must read Randy Alcorn's book, Heaven. And so I finally bought it and have started reading it. While most of me has somewhat accepted that Gabrielle may be an adult when I meet her in Heaven, a part of me still hopes she is a child. And while Randy Alcorn is careful to state that we are not certain about this, here is what he has to say about departed children and their lives in the New Earth.

"…these children would presumably be allowed to grow up on the New Earth—a childhood that would be enviable, to say the least! Believing parents, then, would presumably be able to see their children grow up—and likely have a major role in their lives as they do so. This would fit something I'll propose later, that on the New Earth many opportunities lost in this life will be wonderfully restored. Although it's not directly stated and I am therefore speculating, it's possible parents whose hearts were broken through the death of their children will not only be reunited with them but will also experience the joy of seeing them grow up…in a perfect world." ~ Randy Alcorn, Heaven


We are heading into what should be a quieter than normal week. This morning Aubrey left for a week at the lake in Alexandria with Auntie Sarah. My mom's side of the family takes over an entire resort on Lake Carlos. I will miss her but can also concentrate on some Noah time!


She was as excited as could be!!


We get daily notes from Noah's daycare on his behavior issues. On most days he gets "Noah had a good day." But we also still hear he is an instigator. He got a report card yesterday and for the most part it was OK but again he is an instigator who only has to smirk or look at his peers to get something started.


Maybe it is true. The worst cross for a parent in this life is to be separated from a child by death. But to be rewarded in Heaven by raising the children we lost, including those by miscarriage, would be a blessing beyond blessing.

Perhaps the worst is rewarded eventually with the best.


Please pray for the Saint Luke's family as they face another birthday anniversary without Luke and also Luke's grandmother.

Lukie's Site


Thank you for coming to Gabbie's site!!

"It becomes us to spend this life only as a journey toward heaven….to which we should subordinate all other concerns of life. Why should we labor for or set our hearts on anything else, but that which is our proper end and true happiness?" ~ Jonathan Edwards, reprinted in Heaven.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 29, 2007 6:17 PM CDT


If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)

“This freeing of the self is the real purpose of righteousness: the rightness that God asks of His children. Yet all too often we have thought that righteousness means the end of our fun and freedom. Nothing could be further from the truth. God’s love means the sheer goodwill for us. Each of us can find the truth for ourselves only as we, step by step, walk the Faith Road, for God sees to it that sight never precedes faith.” ~ Catherine Marshall, Moments that Matter, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day

During so much of Gabbie’s cancer battle I thought that if she survived her survival would prompt faith in many. But that is not how God works and I know now what the above writer means when she states that sight does not precede faith. In Gabbie’s death faith is all the more precious because it is all the more true. I have not seen her yet and yet He gives me faith.


We are back to the tug of war between hot and cold weather! I took Monday off because it was over 90 degrees and I took Aubrey and Noah to a local water park. It was hot for one more day and has been very cool since then. But fortunately they are forecasting the 90s for the beginning of next week.

My mom and dad took Aubrey and Noah for a day-long adventure on Wednesday. They road the train downtown, saw the new library, had a picnic, and more. I have not talked to my mom and dad yet to see if Aubrey and Noah wore them out. Both kids are chatterboxes with high, high energy.


I once stumbled upon a site concerning a child who died from neuroblastoma and where a professional photographer had chronicled the dying child’s life. I lost a child to neuroblastoma and yet looking at the photos of this child were so gut wrenching that I felt as if I were imposing on the child and the mother.

But that is what pediatric cancer does to our children. Our children can look as awful as those children who die in extreme poverty. Pictures from afar that make us grimace and wonder how they can even face another day come to life right in our very own homes.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site! Thank you for praying for all the families on this journey.

Hug your children, praise your children, listen to your children…and thank God they are alive!

Thanking God for His assurances that no matter how hard or scary life here can be in the end it will be well.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 22, 2007 6:08 PM CDT


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
(Genesis 1:1-5)


Last weekend I did not know it was Father’s Day on Sunday until that Friday night. So not much was prepared for John but he has a July birthday so we will make up for it then.

On Saturday we went to the Arboretum because John had never been there and I had not been there since I was a child. Has it ever changed!! If you live in the Twin Cities and are looking for some beautiful gardens and settings you must go to the Arboretum.

However, if you have Christian beliefs be prepared for an onslaught of new-age indoctrination. Most of the exhibits were very focused on “Mother Earth.” It was unbelievable to see so much beauty and to not have any acknowledgement of the One and only Creator.


This week Aubrey attended daycare every day but didn’t seem to mind it too much. This might be one of the few weeks this summer where she will have attend all five days. For the most part, she will have at least one day away from daycare.


I suppose since this is Gabbie’s site and I have a section for Aubrey I should have a section for Noah too.

Noah continues to test us in all ways but he has been getting some good reports from daycare. He makes us laugh at the way he sees life. We were going through some old photos this week and one was of me while running my last ever marathon. I casually remarked that my legs were thinner. And Noah yelled, “I wanna see, I wanna see thinner legs!”


A cute little girl named Leah Galley battling relapsed neuroblastoma.

*~* Site for Leah *~*


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site!!

Please take time this weekend to enjoy the beauty of earth and thank the loving Creator! What an Awesome God we have!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 15, 2007 6:23 PM CDT


Blessed are the poor in spirit. Matthew 5:3

”’Blessed are the paupers in spirit,’ that is the first principle in the Kingdom of God. The bedrock in Jesus Christ’s Kingdom is poverty, not possession; not decisions for Jesus Christ, but a sense of absolute futility—I cannot begin to do it. Then Jesus says—Blessed are you. That is the entrance, and it does take us a long while to believe we are poor! The knowledge of our own poverty brings us to the moral frontier where Jesus Christ works.” ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest


I can no longer complain about our cool weather as we have had a gloriously hot week! I even took a spur of the moment vacation day on Wednesday and took Aubrey and Noah to a local swimming pool.

I didn’t even mind John’s forgetfulness as the kids and I opened the door to the warm garage on Tuesday morning and we almost fainted from the smell. Something died in our garage. Over the weekend John moved a squirrel from the yard that was dying but I wouldn’t let him put it in the garbage because it was still living so he placed it in a pail. We all forgot about it…until Tuesday morning and with the heat the smell was rather accentuated.


Last summer we had some incidents with Aubrey being unfairly criticized by adult neighbors. It already happened again this summer and Aubrey had not done ANYTHING wrong. She was simply walking across the street with the babysitter and minding their own business. It takes a while for me to get upset but please pray that we remain patient. Although she sometimes doesn’t listen well to John and me, Aubrey is a very nice and polite girl to all others and it hurts me to see her treated this way.

I have never once spoken a word about this to the adults involved…but thankfully another neighbor is a little more assertive, in a very polite manner, and she did address it for me!!

Aubrey is bruising a lot too.


Please keep praying that Tylar Gregory responds well to his kidney transplant. What a special and very cute little boy! If the link does not work the address is also below.

*~* Site for Tylar *~*


Maybe Gabrielle was always sad because she humbly recognized her poverty.


Thank you for visiting. If you are suffering remember that if we wait on the Lord we shall not faint!

Thanking God for all His wonderful blessings for our family.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 8, 2007 6:00 PM CDT


They have gone away; they were not driven away. They resigned their spirits, they died at the commandment of the Lord. They would have willingly stayed; but they gladly went. They have gone away; but they have gone home; their bodies to their long, but not last, home in the dust; their spirits to a better home in their Father’s house above…The Lord will bring their spirits with him when He comes from heaven the second time, for the complete salvation of his chosen, and their bodies will come forth out of their graves to meet them, incorruptible, immortal, powerful, glorious, and all death-divided Christians shall meet to part no more. ~ John Brown, Discourses and Sayings of our Lord reprinted in From Grief to Glory.

It really doesn’t bother me that Gabrielle does not yet have her body but it’s very hard to picture what it must be like for only her soul to be in God’s presence. One has to accept the supernatural because so much of our Christian faith is based on the supernatural. And maybe that is why….we can only imagine!!


We are still having see-saw weather between warm and very cool but I think our weekend is going to be summer-like with more summer temperatures next week. Regardless, Aubrey and Noah are enjoying summer and I am grateful for open windows with breezes blowing through our home!


Aubrey’s first week of daycare was not too bad and she went to daycare all five days. She is very excited for next week as one day we are having our neighbor girl babysit and another day she will be with Auntie Sarah for a sleepover with a cousin.


Little Rachel Hansen really had a long, long battle with cancer. Only God knows why some children survive several death sentences only to still die so young. Please pray for her entire family…it’s been a long, long road for them.

*~* Site for Rachel *~*


Many know how fondly I loved my daughter; and this love has not been extinguished by her death, but continues to be nourished by sorrow and ardent desires. ~ Philip Melanchthon (a 16th century theologian)


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site today. Jesus will come again some day and may that be our strength and hope!

Thanking God for all His mercies and bountiful gifts.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 1, 2007 6:07 PM CDT


The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of God stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)

Nothing in this temporal life is forever, we who bury loved ones know this especially, but we can be comforted and strengthened in knowing that His truth lives on FOREVER!!


I was very wrong and our Memorial Day weekend weather turned out to be pretty nice. We stayed close to home and enjoyed a quieter than usual Minneapolis. We had dinner with my mother-in-law on Saturday night (way too much food!). On Sunday Auntie Sarah took Aubrey, Noah, and a neighbor girl to Lake Harriet for some fishing, catch and let go! On Monday we took Aubrey and Noah to Fort Snelling to visit the graves of the many soldiers who sacrificed they lives for our nation.

Fort Snelling is the third largest national cemetery in the nation and it is more than overwhelming to see long endless rows of white headstones. While John and I were not sure what the rules are for burying family members, we do know that spouses of soldiers can be buried there. While I saw few, if any, adult children of soldiers, we also saw many markers for their infants. Many of them were not named on the marker and were simply remembered as “Infant Daughter of….,” or “Infant Son of …..” I am sure that the parents did indeed name those departed children but how sad to not have the names present on the markers.


While contemplating the soldiers’ graves at Fort Snelling, Aubrey remarked several times that they “did something good.” I agreed with her and started to tell her that while all in our nation benefit immensely from the sacrifices of soldiers not all in our nation, well, I stopped in mid-sentence as I didn’t have the heart to share this with her.

So for now I will let her dream as it should be.

School is out for the summer for Aubrey!!!


Please continue to pray for Rachel Hansen and her family.

*~* Site for Rachel *~*


Grief. The pain now is part of the happiness then. That's the deal. ~ C.S. Lewis


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site. May God’s Word be a lamp and a light to your path.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, May 25, 2007 2:52 PM CDT


Our family thanks all those who gave their lives to fight for our freedoms. Without their unselfish ultimate sacrifices, our lives to today would be missing many freedoms we take for granted.

Christians today also fight an ongoing spiritual battle against God’s enemies and we can never give up that battle.

And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:11-12


Not too much planned for our weekend. The weather has been dreary and in typical Minnesota style we will have some rain and temps in the 60s—maybe the 70s if we are lucky. Last night our heat even kicked on and we all keep switching from summer clothes and back to winter clothes. (This is when I like Minnesota the least.)

Next week is Aubrey’s last week of school—unbelievable how fast this school year went! She will once again be joining Noah at daycare but we will let her pick out some new workbooks which she can work on at daycare. And we pay her, nominally, for work well done. We will also break up her summer with one week of camp at Kici Yapi (YMCA) and one or two Bible camps at OLP or First Free. And we plan to pay our neighbor girl, Jackie, to take care of Aubrey a day here and there. Jackie volunteered to watch Noah too but I think it will be much easier and calmer if it’s just Aubrey. There will also be our week-long family vacation.

I am making a sacrifice this year and we are not heading somewhere steamy hot, as with our other vacations, but will be going to Estes Park, Colorado. It’s hard for me to imagine a summer vacation that isn’t drenched in heat and humidity but guess I can’t make others suffer in what I bask in!


My friend, Yolanda, and her husband as they live through another Annivesary of their only child’s going home to Jesus. A link to the site in memory of Anna is below.


There is another onward march of brave soldiers that never ends. That faithful march is found in pediatric cancer wards.


John and I want to thank all of you who remembered Gabrielle. There were so many touching guest book entries and we are forever grateful that she is remembered with such kindness.

Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Thanking all the soldiers who lost their lives for our great nation.

Thanking God for all his mercies and graces and gifts from above!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:54 PM CDT


What is it like, you ask, to have a child die? For a believer it is a battle between hope eternal and the present horrible nightmare of the child’s absence. I do not have a selective memory and so I remain haunted by memories but I have been blessed with the gift of faith and am ever hopeful.

Haunted: I remember the tears that would silently slip from their deep blue moorings when she saw Grandpa coming down the hospital hall with his overnight bag for she knew that we would soon be leaving for the night.

Hopeful: There is a coming day when all her tears, kept by the One who loves her, shall be wiped away by Him.

Haunted: I remember when her Daddy and I went to see her in the recovery room after a major surgery and scared blue eyes spoke nothing to us but of sheer terror.

Hopeful: Her terror has been completely replaced by overflowing joy in the safety of His glorious presence.

Haunted: After many promises that the cancer would be gone some day, I remember when she asked “cancer gone?” and I said, “No.” Quietly her languishing eyes soon overflowed with tears that glistened softly on her cheeks.

Hopeful: The cancer is gone now and has been utterly defeated and can make her eyes cry no more.

Haunted: When placed in my arms to die, she did not open her eyes at all but was very still and after a few moments simply took her last little breath.

Hopeful: She will open her beautiful eyes on the day of Resurrection and those eyes shall never, ever close again.

Haunted: What should have been spoken as words of protest from her mouth always emanated soundlessly from her truthful eyes, deep pools into the soul that laid bare her pain and suffering.

Hopeful: The deeper the pain and suffering here of the faithful, the more of His glory the eyes and soul will behold in Heaven. Pain and suffering of the chosen ones, you see, are used by Him to stretch them as vessels of mercy beyond imagination.

Haunted: She was only a baby and her eyes cried out to me in affliction as I helplessly looked on. She was my baby and I her mother…you cannot possibly know this haunting…unless…you also say good-night.

Hopeful: She is my beloved sister in Christ and when the times comes I will look into her eyes and my heart and soul will sing exceedingly with joy.

Thank you, everyone, for remembering quiet and solemn Gabrielle.

Below is the memoriam I placed in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. It was written by Hopeful but with Haunted hovering over her because they live side by side and will always do so until He brings Hopeful home and Haunted shall be no more.

November 17, 1999 – May 17, 2002

Dear Gabrielle, you are yet profoundly missed five years after your untimely death. But we know that as a chosen vessel of mercy the Great Potter has not squandered any of your suffering. The oppressive afflictions of cancer you humbly endured were bestowed upon you by the Great Potter to mercifully prepare you to behold and reflect the full manifestation of Christ’s radiant glory in the ages to come. Your beauty and joy in heaven is unimaginable not because of who you are but because you are overflowing with the brilliant radiance of Jesus Christ! And so our family gratefully thanks the always Good LORD for choosing you in eternity past to be one of His vessels of mercy. We love you so very much, Saint Gabrielle, yet Jesus loves you even more. Mama, Daddy, Aubrey, and Noah


Thanking God for all our children, those still here with us and those who have already gone home.

Thanking God for the blessed gift of faith that is, on most days, unshakeable and very certain. I need and cling desperately to this precious gift from God because I sail on a deep, murky, and haunted sea. That sea has a name and it is The Sea of The Death of a Child.

To all the other sojourning sailors on The Sea of the Death of a Child, always remember we said to them, “Good-night, Good-night, Good-night” and not “Good-bye.”

Good-night, Good-night, Good-night, Gabrielle. See you in the morning!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, May 11, 2007 5:39 PM CDT


And when she could no longer hide him, she took for him an ark or basket made of bulrushes or papyrus daubing it with bitumen and pitch. Then she put the child in it and laid it among the rushes by the brink of the river. (Exodus 2:3)

And so, too, should we mothers of today completely and faithfully place the lives of our children into God’s hands as did Moses’ mother. And for the sake of our children, we must teach them about God and go against the world that falsely claims we need not worry about salvation.


We have been having great weather this week so I’m sure we will be outside with the kids quiet a bit this weekend. We did get some more concerning news about Noah’s behavior at daycare so how many toys he has access to this weekend will depend on the report we get today. I grieve for Noah because I blame so much of this on the fact that I work full-time. Fortunately summer is almost here and I save many of my vacation days for spending completely care-free days with Noah and Aubrey.

I think we need to slow down with Noah. Last week one day I arrived at daycare only to see that the streets had NO PARKING signs up so I had to park away from the daycare. So of course I was rushing him after we got out of the car and he fell down and I remember thinking how it was all because we were rushing…as we always rush.


Last night Aubrey made me an early Mother’s Day card. It was mostly text but with a border of hearts and other shapes all around the text.

Happy Mothers Day, I love you! Love, Aubrey and Noah and Dad and Gabbie and 2 kids died.

I was so touched that she remembered Gabbie but even the two babies we miscarried.



Remembering a morning during Gabbie’s cancer journey when it was very apparent she needed to go to the hospital, if I recall, her counts were falling and she had become quite listless. That morning I drove Gabbie to the hospital and frequently looked into the rearview mirror to see how she was doing. My eyes were always greeted by silence…but very afflicted silence. When we arrived at the hospital not only did I have to carry her but I had to support her neck as she could not even lift her head.

We arrived at the Hem-Onc clinic and I told the receptionist why we were there (you didn’t just go straight to the 8th floor but had to see a doctor first.) We silently waited for almost half an hour and when one of the doctors finally saw us she admonished me that we should have been immediately admitted.

Even in Gabbie’s suffering, we too, were silent and waited in line at her expense. As always, we were following Gabrielle’s example.

I miss my quiet suffering child so very, very much.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site. May you be blessed richly by the gift of faith from God and may the Salvation that only comes from God with your families.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Remembering all the mothers who have given their children to God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, May 4, 2007 6:41 PM CDT


Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:29-31)

I never have to worry about whether we did enough to try to save Gabrielle. God is and always was in complete control down to the minutest of details.

There is no child in heaven, not a single one, whose death was not under God’s Sovereignty. While He does not give them cancer (our fallen world does that), He watches them every minute and it is His gentle hand that finally stills their hearts.


Last weekend we were really busy because John volunteered for set-up and clean-up at Our Lady of Peace for Starry Starry Night, which is OLP’s annual fund-raiser for the school. Aubrey and Noah were once again very excited to have Jackie, our neighbor girl, babysit them on Saturday night as John and I went to Starry Starry Night. We had a great time and we convinced one of Gabbie’s nurses to join us. Like last year, we came home with some goodies from the auction although I was a little upset with how much John spent on some Wild tickets. Maybe that was why I lost my bid on the “Chick Flick” basket that was loaded with DVDs for movies I’ve never seen—not that I have time to watch movies by myself, anyway.

Oh, but we did come home with something that made Aubrey’s and Noah’s eyes pop out. We are the proud new owners of a very, very large gumball machine! Hopefully the future cavities don’t really happen.

This will be our first weekend that isn’t real busy and we really need it!


Please pray for the faithful Johnson family as little MaKenzie battles relapsed leukemia. A woman at my church told me about her niece and while I only knew her first name, I was able to find her site by a Google search.

*~* Site for MacKenzie *~*


Remembering Gabrielle’s soft pleas in the first initial weeks at the hospital, “go home, go home.” You did go home, Gabrielle. When will it be our turn to “go home?”


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site.

In our fallen and very sad times, please reach out to the one and only true Savior, Jesus Christ.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 27, 2007 6:00 PM CDT


Recently someone told me that they are “not barring anyone from heaven.” That is a nice thought but we cannot put God in a box and define His mercy as we might see our mercy.

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

I once read that the above verse is much more of a testament to God’s character rather than a statement about who, or how many, will be in heaven. The above verse tells us that God does not desire that anyone go to hell. But, sadly, hell does indeed exist and that God saves any sinner is mercy beyond mercy. We can wish for universal salvation but nowhere does the Bible promise universal salvation.


Aubrey’s First Eucharist went very well and all the children were so beautiful! Poor John was still under the weather and he had even gone to urgent care on Saturday. He had, and is still feeling the effects of, a terrible sinus infection.

While I was able to curl Miss Aubrey’s hair and while I did not miss any of the ceremony at OLP, I wasn’t there for her when she fell and skinned her knees prior to coming to church and she skinned her knees hard enough to require a change into another pair of tights. I was “busy” with a commitment at First Free. We simply cannot do this anymore and I am doing what I can to end this endless busyness.

So we are pulling back from ongoing volunteer commitments that do not involve the entire family and are about to begin a new volunteer project that will involve Aubrey and Noah. I have contacted Minneapolis Children’s Hospital and we are going to purchase and deliver gifts for children or their families on a regular basis. Most of these purchases will be simple—such as balloons or snacks for an entire floor, but Aubrey and Noah should enjoy helping us.

We will not meet the children or families and will most likely even be doing all or most of the gift drop-offs at a sparsely staffed information desk but what better way to teach Aubrey and Noah that our gifts to others should often be given quietly and while no one is looking! (I know I mention this here but I would also welcome any ideas for gifts from any interested reader. We already have these suggestions: balloons, bubbles, snack-packs, juice boxes, and fleece blankets.) Any additional suggestions are welcome.


Please pray for our friends, the Nielsen family, as they endure yet another anniversary without Steven. It was words of wisdom from Steven which taught me that God is our friend.

*~* Site for Steven *~*


From the journal of another mother, I hope she does not mind.

“Prior to the transfusion [child] was so weak that his little hands were shaking when he attempted to play with any of his toys.”

They are denied the simplest things in life. How little did any of us suspect that “they” would include one of our own.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site.

Thanking God for His mercy...which we cannot earn and do not deserve.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 20, 2007 4:45 PM CDT


When parents have been told by their doctor that their child is dying, whatever decision the parents make at that juncture should be supported. Parents have every right to keep fighting or every right to go home. (I admire the sheer determination of those who choose to keep fighting even though they must be exhausted.)

Often this choice is painted as keep fighting versus giving up and quitting. We NEVER gave up and neither did Gabrielle’s hard-working doctor and caring nurses.

On that dreadful day we quietly listened to our doctor’s words of wisdom and knowledge. Without any dissent we quietly started packing our belongings and the next day we quietly wheeled Gabrielle out of her room in a stroller and passed by the solemn line of nurses and other hospital staff who came to watch us not give up but to go home. While our decision to go home was done quietly it was internally the most agonizing and excruciating decision parents could ever make.

In the end it was Gabrielle, who submitted daily to our LORD and Savior through quiet suffering, who taught us how to go home.


Aubrey is making her First Eucharist on Sunday! (I’m still and always will be a Calvinist but am fine with raising Aubrey and Noah in the Catholic faith—they know that Jesus is the only way!!) We only invited a few family members as we’ve been so busy and couldn’t plan a big celebration. In fact, we are not even having brunch at our house but rather letting Aubrey choose a restaurant for our celebratory brunch.

I suppose it is good to be busy but we have been so behind on everything and the messy state of our house is starting to wear me down. John has been sick since last weekend and we always fall further behind when one of us is sick. And it took four shopping trips (all this week) to find a pair of white shoes for Aubrey and while relieved that a pair was finally found I cringed at the price. That is what we get for waiting too long while knowing that hundreds of little girls across the Twin Cities will be making their First Eucharist this month and that we were all looking for white shoes!


All the students and families impacted by the horrific and evil actions earlier this week at Virginia Tech. Unfortunately we will probably see more of these tragedies rather than less. Individually, and as a nation, we need so much to turn to Jesus so that we do not succumb to the evil doings around us.

Please pray for this little sweet boy who desperately needs a liver transplant.


We drove home in two cars and I arrived first and waited for John and Gabrielle. When she came home I gingerly removed her from her car seat and as I carried her into the house she noted the beautiful breezy day and she remarked, “windy,” with a little smile.

She never took another breath of the outdoor air again. I never saw her smile again.

Choosing to go home requires stepping into the darkest and longest night a believing soul could ever encounter. Choosing to go home is only the beginning of the greatest challenge parents could ever endure.


Thank you for visiting and thank you for supporting cancer parents…whether they choose to fight or choose to go home!

Thanking the many departed children who have shown us in their dying days how to have faith and how to go home.

Thanking Minneapolis Childrens’ Hospital for their excellent doctors and nurses who never, ever give up on the children.

Thanking God for the gift of faith that assures us Gabrielle died when she did because God knew it was time to bring her home.

He is Sovereign and He chooses whom He chooses….but man is yet responsible for his own choices. Have you sought the LORD and Savior yet?

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 13, 2007 6:10 PM CDT


Father, I will that they also, whom Thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory. (John 17:24)

While I still sorrow over her death I remind myself that He rejoiced upon her homecoming. And I remind myself further that Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. While it’s hard to reflect upon Gabbie’s sad life and the many pictures of her sad eyes, it only makes me believe all the more that she wanted to go home.

So “Gabrielle’s Prayers” were answered and she is now with her Savior and LORD. But, please, her prayers are two-fold and we cannot stress enough how much we sinners all need the same Savior. Please, Will you be dere? is her eternal question and nothing is more precious than the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.


It is supposed to be quite nice this weekend so I know Aubrey and Noah will be begging to go outside. We are also trying to get ready for Aubrey’s First Eucharist, which is on April 22nd. She is growing up way too fast!


Prayers for our peace-loving nation that continues to overlook its own violence poured onto those least able to defend themselves. Without peace for them there will be no peace for us.

Today during my morning coffee while waiting for Noah to rouse from his sleep, I read a story in the Minneapolis Star-Trib that has made national news. A teenager in our metropolitan area gave birth to a baby girl. The teenager did not want her baby. The baby girl moved her finger and so the teenager killed the baby by stabbing her with a knife over 100 times. I literally sobbed in the quiet of our kitchen as I pictured my own innocent babies and that baby girl and imagined them being attacked by a knife….over and over and over.

Why should a baby even need to defend his or herself?

Children are a gift from God. How long will He suffer these things?


Thank you for visiting. Thank you for praying for so many of the cancer children!

May God bless you richly with the gift of faith and hope eternal!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 5:59 PM CDT


We had a “blessed” Easter although holidays do tend to scream that a child is missing.


Easter Brunch was with John’s family in Maple Grove. While there, one of my sisters-in-law handed me a vintage card she had received and asked me if the little girl in the vintage photo reminded me of anyone. She did, but because she was a girl I couldn’t quite place her. Then my sister-in-law mentioned Noah and I looked again and…wow…almost the spitting image of Noah down to one of his frequent facial expressions. Curl his hair and put on a pale blue dress and we would have twins!! I’ll try to scan it and get it added to the site later.

On the way home from Maple Grove John decided to exit the freeway and take a trip down memory lane—and I immediately locked our car doors because the neighborhood in north Minneapolis where John grew up has changed tremendously, and not for the better. While John was busy pointing out all the changes Aubrey spotted smoke and we went and watched a five-engine fire. We were out of our car only a minute, to watch the action, and a woman approached us with a very odd look on her face and she asked if we really were from the neighborhood. That’s how much north Minneapolis has changed—we were immediately identified as not belonging.

But we watched the fire with the kids and an assortment of, well, characters. I realized then that I had never really seen a house fire before and I was glad to know that it was a boarded up home and not someone’s place of residence. I must have mentioned to Aubrey and Noah five times, “This is why we don’t play with fire!”


Aubrey is doing fine but last night while readying a bath for both of them Noah saw Aubrey’s back and even he commented on several of her bruises. My biggest worry with ITP isn’t the bruising but that she will have an injury or accident on a day when her platelets are low.


As much as we cannot stand their absence, we are always so heartened to see some of the impact of their short life in the here and now. Below is a guest book entry from just over one week ago. It was from one of the nurses at Childrens’.

Hello Monica, I am happy to see that you are still keeping up with Gabbie's website! I googled her name after trying and failing to remember her caring bridge address. I just wanted to send another note out (I sent one a couple of years ago after the birth of my son) about how Gabbie touched my life. As I write this, I am holding my beautiful little Gabrielle Grace. She will be 4 months old on Easter. I am a nurse at Children's hospital and will never forget your beautiful Gabrielle. In my Gabrielle's short 4 months of life, I have told a countless number of people how she got her name. I tell people that her beautiful name is after a beautiful little girl who graced all those who were fortunate to meet her. Thank you for continuing to share your life and love of God. God bless you and your family.

What is so special about Nurse Timmi naming her daughter Gabrielle Grace is that when I think of the gifts God gave to our Gabrielle it is her “grace” in such suffering that stands out above all others. Gabrielle Grace….what a beautiful name! Thank you, Nurse Timmi.


Gabbie’s Godmother Elizabeth and her mother surprised John and me on Easter with an image of Gabbie, engraved by laser, on a silver heart chain necklace for me and a silver key chain for John. We are so touched!!

Thanks for visiting Gabrielle’s site!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Saturday, April 7, 2007 9:19 PM CDT


It has been said that very young children, perhaps because they are tainted least by sin, are very close to God. We do not doubt that Gabrielle's exclamation, "Jesus…Jesus….Jesus," the day before she died, was indeed the Risen Christ showing Himself to her, a child of God.

Children Gabrielle's age do not lie or embellish. Those words that flowed from little Gabrielle are a very treasured gift.

He is Risen!!

He is Risen!!

He is Risen!!


Thank you, Jesus, for taking our place on the cross. We can never, ever fully know the price you paid to redeem us. We can only thank you.

Have a very blessed Easter!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, April 1, 2007 10:07 AM CDT


O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. (Matt. 26:39)

Jesus drank a bitter cup—a cup full of the horrible sins of the world. Jesus was mercilessly beaten and crucified even though he never sinned. Jesus was separated from God the Father and felt forsaken.

All this for the love of God's children.


We finally made it to St. Cloud to visit the Buckentine's yesterday—a blessing that none of our kids were sick! It was a good day to do this as we are getting rain all weekend. John did not go with us as he was busy helping one of his brothers with some indoor painting.

We had parent-teach conferences last week and John and I are very, very happy with Aubrey's work. She still needs to slow down and do a little more work regarding the "threesome," but even that is much better.


So many families suffering while watching their children suffer. During this Holy Week please pray that God make His presence powerfully felt and that He bless them richly with the gift of faith which in turn blesses them with hope eternal.


We remember when they came to take away her precious little body the sight of the offending pool of blood that lie beneath her. Her life was literally drained from us and we will never see her here again.

But we remember it was the draining of the blood of Jesus, the innocent lamb, that gives her life eternal.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle's site. We pray you have a very blessed Holy Week.

Thank you, Jesus, for suffering and dying for us and blessing us with life eternal when you came back to life and defeated death.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 23, 2007 6:11 PM CDT


We never did make it to St. Cloud last weekend to visit the Buckentine’s. Their youngest boy had been sick most of the week and so we canceled. But strangely, Aubrey got sick on Friday night with fever and she threw-up once in the night and then later in the day on Saturday and then recovered.

Everyone seems healthy again and this weekend is supposed to be very nice so if all goes well I will be outside with Aubrey and Noah. I’m nursing a knee injury so while I would love to run this weekend I guess I will be happy if I can even walk! (Old age, too much skating, old age, too much pulling Noah on a slide up hills, and old age, I guess. However, with some rest and treatment runners can return to running after almost any type of injury.)


I spoiled Aubrey a little bit this week as I felt so sorry for her. I had taken Aubrey and Noah to Southdale one night because most of Aubrey’s sweatpants no longer fit her. We were there only a few minutes and Noah started acting up. No matter what I threatened him with he would not comply. We were walking along and all of a sudden I see Aubrey go flying down on the floor in front of me. Noah had literally shoved her as hard as he could. (He’s not fighting when he does this—you can just see his pent up energy.) She was upset but by then I was so frazzled by Noah I was short with both of them.

And then we cannot find any sweatpants for her as I guess retailers want us to buy summer clothes now. So while I never show my kids that we “must” acquire or buy something and keep shopping around, I did take her alone the next night to a different store. I simply could not get rid of the image of her being shoved to the hard floor so violently by Noah.

I knew raising kids was hard. But I never, ever expected my girls to suffer so much at such a young age. Aubrey went through so much when Gabrielle was ill and so it’s hard for me to watch what Noah does even though most of the time he’s venting energy and not venom or ill-will. (We are going to be working with Noah on this.)


Pretty soon Gabrielle will have been gone from our lives twice as long as she graced our lives with her presence. She is deeply, deeply missed.


Thank you for stopping by! Have a great weekend.

We thank the good LORD for his bountiful blessings!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 16, 2007 6:34 PM CDT


We were relieved to learn that Noah is fine. He may have sinus issues or a bronchial condition but neither can be confirmed until he gets sick again and we bring him in for testing. If it’s bronchial, then we would treat him with a nebulizer, which we are more than familiar with as Gabbie was frequently nebbed. But even so, he remains a healthy child! He was climbing all over the doctor and when the doctor left Noah chased him down the hall and into a little side-room to give him a hug.

Noah can be very, very charming but the opposite end of that behavior is very, very trying.

On Saturday morning I am planning to take Aubrey and Noah to Saint Cloud to go visit Zachary Buckentine’s family. It is so nice to go visit others who know exactly what you are going through in the never-ending aftermath of the death of a child.


Pray for a Minnesota child and her family who have been through so VERY much.

*~* Site for Rachel *~*


We thank the Good LORD for our healthy living children and for Gabbie who departed this life much too early but who now resides in peace and in the best place of all….and with Jesus!! We also thank God for the two children whose faces we never saw but who we shall see some day.

Thank you for visiting and have a very good weekend.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Saturday, March 10, 2007 10:12 AM CST


Last Sunday our Pastor at First Free based his entire sermon on three verses: Hebrews 1-3. It is amazing how many claims about Jesus are in those three verses. Only a God like our God….

God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by who also he made the worlds;

Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high…"


…this was a very fast week! We had back-to-back snowstorms totaling over 21 inches but now it is already melting very, very fast. Normally Friday night is "movie night" for us but I took Aubrey and Noah sliding after I came home from work because the snow will soon be gone. It's hard for me to take both of them because they bicker so much over who will slide with me but I was determined that we all get some fresh air—I love temps in the 30s and 40s in the winter because it is so refreshing.

Noah seems to be doing better with his coughing but I am taking him to the doctor on Monday (his 4th birthday!) just to have him checked out. A friend of mine was telling me about a little boy recently diagnosed with leukemia and his symptoms were vaguely similar to Noah's. I'm not that worried but it will be nice to have the doctor tell me he is OK.

And nice to know that, and by chance only, we will be seeing a pediatrician who has been ranked in the top 10 in the Twin Cities by his peers. He was the doctor who eventually INSISTED Gabrielle have a CT scan and he called Children's himself and ordered it. (He was also the doctor rounding when Aubrey was born and who very kindly told me that "most parents put the diaper on the other way."

Actually we have been very blessed with all our doctors—pediatricians, oncologist, and OB/GYN. I cannot imagine going through what we've been through and not having such great doctors.


Pray for abused children. A sad story in Minnesota came out this week regarding conjoined twins. One of the twin boys was finally healthy enough to go home with the parents but was back at the hospital within a week presenting symptoms of abuse. One of the doctors stated he had never seen so many bone fractures in a baby.

And please, God, may I not get angry when I reflect that while some of us beg and beg you to heal our children others abuse or take the lives of their utterly defenseless children. I truly do need God's grace when these stories come out.


Thank you so very much for your continued visits to Gabrielle's site. May God bless you richly with the gift of faith and hope!

If life seems unfair, and it certainly can be, and it seems as if the wicked are prospering, and they certainly do, we can know that our God is a just God and some day all shall be made well.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 2, 2007 6:14 PM CST


We did indeed get our snowstorm last weekend. But we had so much snow that when I took a very excited Aubrey and Noah sliding on Sunday afternoon they were disappointed because the snow was not packed down and sliding is simply not the same. Noah still does not like snow in his face but that is what he got because the snow was too lose. However, we all went on Monday night after I got home from work and the hill was packed down and icy—very, very fast. It was a beautiful and gorgeous night and very warm—for winter at least.

And we got another snowstorm this week! I even left work a little early on Thursday and left at the right time as someone parked next to me had a very difficult time getting his car out of the parking lot. Aubrey’s Extended Day was canceled today so she spent the day with me at work. She was very, very excited to come to West and even planned for our “work” clothes to match. She was pretty good but got a little bored at the end.

We have a busy weekend and are helping one of Gabbie’s kind nurses move on Saturday. May God bless her new home!!


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. Please keep praying for all the sick children and their families. Pray for all the families who lost children this week in bad weather or horrible bus accidents. We never expect to say good-bye in the morning and then never see them again.

Remember to praise our Creator this weekend!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, February 23, 2007 5:57 PM CST


According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. (Ephesians 1:4)

Baby Amillia Taylor was born just shy of 22 weeks gestation last October and went home with her parents this week. When she was born she was barely the length of a pen and weighed a mere 10 ounces.

What more could we possibly need to see that life begins…when God creates life!

If you have not heard about this beautiful story, just Google “Amellia Taylor.”


We’ve had somewhat of a worrisome week as Noah was sick once again. On Tuesday night I took Aubrey and Noah for a nighttime walk to a local coffee shop and Noah likes to “race.” While he didn’t think anything of it I was shocked at how much he seemed to be wheezing while he ran. He had a fever the next morning and does have a cold but once again the sickness was short-lived. We are going to have him checked out, however, as he hacks violently almost every night and keeps getting these illnesses.

On Thursday morning before Noah and I left for the day, John called from Our Lady of Peace and told me they were under a security alert due to a threat written on a bathroom wall and so he remained there to help out. While I assumed immediately that it was a student prank, there is nothing funny about this as we live in terrorist times and pranks breed complacency. The student has been identified and indefinitely suspended from attending school.


Please pray for the family of Luke Sharkey. As a guest book signer pointed out, he was born with a very serious heart defect. Sadly, this is yet another family forced to say good-bye to their first and only child.


Thank you for visiting and have a safe weekend….supposedly a snow-storm is headed our way but we shall see.

Thanking our Creator for this life and the promises of eternal life to whosoever believes!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, February 16, 2007 5:13 PM CST


Finally, the cold snap is over! We had a short break from the cold last weekend but had another cold snap this week. It wasn’t as bad as before and Aubrey and I were even able to go skating at a local rink on Wednesday evening. I’ve been pushing the skating because even though winter is far from over the temps are on their way up and most parks close their warming houses in mid-February.

Not too much planned for our weekend in addition to the usual hectic attempt at some housecleaning and loads and loads of laundry, church, errands, and entertaining Aubrey and Noah. Aubrey will have at least one more skating lesson this Sunday and after that it will depend on the weather. It can be brutally cold in March and yet the rinks are always done by February!


After I drop Noah off in his room at daycare I usually walk through the infant room and play and say “hello” to some of the older infants. I became very attached to a little red-headed girl who loved throwing balls back and forth to me.

Today was her last day at Noah's daycare.

Because I will never leave the world of pediatric cancer via the Internet I guess I will be saying goodbye to children for the rest of my life.

Thankfully, there are no goodbyes in eternity.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site and enjoy the weekend!

Please put your trust fully and only in the LORD so that you can live an eternity where there shall be no more goodbyes! He shall personally wipe away all our tears!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, February 9, 2007 5:49 PM CST


For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. (Ephesians 3:14-15)

Anna Nicole Smith, tragically, is the perfect example showing that we simply never know when our lives here will end.

“You’ve seen people treat this world like it was a permanent home. It’s not. You’ve seen people pour time and energy into life like it will last forever. It won’t. You’ve seen people so proud of what they have done, that they hope they will never have to leave—they will. We all will. We are in transit. Someday the plane will stop and the deboarding will begin. Wise are those who are ready when the pilot says to get off.” ~ Max Lucado, And the Angels Were Silent, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


Just trying to stay warm these days! We are stuck in a cold snap that was supposed to end this week but is extended into next week. We have been emphasizing to Noah and Aubrey that we need to be grateful for our warm house and we have been praying for our city’s homeless population during these very, very cold days and nights. (They need our prayers all the time but we are sure it’s even more difficult when the temperatures are horribly frigid.)

Last Sunday Aubrey was supposed to have her skating lesson outdoors but the teacher moved it into an indoor ice-arena because of the cold. It was nice for me because the ice in arenas is very smooth compared to the outdoor parks. There was a little boy younger than Noah skating--and it was so cute to watch him--so maybe we should get Noah some skates also. I would love to see our little jokester’s first attempts on the ice!

Once again, we are all well at the moment but John and I split a work day on Monday because Noah was running a fever. But it was very short-lived so we cannot complain about these odd illnesses that hit Noah all the time.


Aubrey is getting some very ugly and dark bruises. She has also had some trouble with the tops of her skates digging into her skin and the sores stubbornly refuse to heal. I imagine that is also due to her ITP.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s Web site today.

While we include them in our nightly prayers most of the time, our family thanks all of our American soldiers who are bravely fighting for our freedoms. If you have a loved one overseas we thank you and your loved one very, very much. We are trying to teach Aubrey and Noah not to take our freedoms for granted and to have great respect for our brave soldiers.

He is King of Kings and Lord of all Lords…please seek the Savior!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, February 1, 2007 6:03 PM CST

At His Expense

I recently read that “grace” can be thought of as an acronym for God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense!


Well we are all healthy now after a “sick” weekend. Actually it wasn’t too bad because it didn’t last long but Noah and Aubrey took turns throwing up Saturday night and into the wee hours of Sunday morning. But it didn’t even last 12 hours and there must be something going around because I heard of a few other kids who were sick for a very short time. Sadly, an 8-year old boy from Minnesota just died from the flu so it is that time of year.

But everyone is feeling good now and John even had a good check-up this week…I was a little worried because he gets sick a lot more than I do but then I am very, very diligent about washing my hands.

This Sunday Aubrey’s class is involved at the Mass at Our Lady of Peace regarding their upcoming First Eucharist. Yes, I know I’m not Catholic but I am perfectly fine with both Aubrey and Noah receiving the Catholic Sacraments!

Other than that it will be a weekend to just stay warm as we will see temps below zero—which means no skating lesson for Aubrey on Sunday. One can actually be quite safe outside in below zero weather but sometimes it’s simply the “hassle” factor in trying to keep your child’s extremities warm. Maybe I’ll go skating by myself and be utterly refreshed in the frigid air!!


Please pray for Baby Donovan’s family. Such a sweet little boy to have suffered so much from leukemia.

*~* Site for Baby Donovan *~*


Always remember these families as carrying a present and heavy cross rather than thinking the death of their child recedes further and further into the past.


Thank you so much for your continued presence on Gabbie’s site! God bless all of you and stay warm this weekend.

Please seek the Savior as He is the only One who can bring you home some day. Why He chooses to confer upon us His rich grace is not known to us in this life but He promises to those that believe in Jesus Christ that they shall indeed be saved and redeemed by Grace!

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God… Ephesians 2:8

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:07 PM CST


For all the tears we do manage to laugh at times. Noah can really, really test us but I somewhat turned the tables on him last night. He and Aubrey were getting settled into bed and I went into their room with a sample of some flowers I had recently stamped. The flowers have smiley faces in the middle and I told them that it reminded of how I felt when I thought of them. Noah asked why the flowers were smiling.

All of a sudden I had a vision of Noah being a father and his children being…exactly like him! I started laughing harder and harder and Noah was kind of laughing but nervously saying, “what?....what?” I told him his children would be just like him and laughed even harder because, really, envisioning Noah having to go through what we go through with him was simply too much.

Sometimes what makes us cry can be turned around with laughter. From now on when Noah misbehaves I am going to picture him having to deal with a child just like him!


Aubrey talked me into buying ice-skates for the both of us as ice-rinks in Minneapolis finally froze with the almost normal winter temps. I was, and still am, shocked at the price and so now I’m determined we will skate often this winter. Aubrey is even getting some free lessons from someone who used to skate competitively (thanks to the mother of one of Aubrey’s school friends). This is a blessing because Aubrey was pretty shaky on her skates


I am sure that some of you were also following Catie Wilkin’s journey and now know that she is with Jesus. Please pray for the Wilkins family as while one child has departed from this life another child is about ready to enter this life.

*~* Site for Catie*~*

I had been praying for Catie’s earthly healing for a long time and was very, very saddened to learn of her death. I tear up every night when I pray for healing for certain children because Catie’s name is no longer whispered even though I pray for her parents. I dearly miss praying for Catie but now there is one more child I cannot wait to meet in heaven.


But some tears will always be tears. John and I never, ever laugh when discussing Gabbie because her life was too solemn.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. Remember that while God is never the author of evil He has ordained all that is set before us and His plan, when fully revealed, will take our breath away!!

The LORD works out everything for his own ends— even the wicked for a day of disaster. (Proverbs 16:4)

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:30 PM CST


* handstamped by Gabbie’s Mama *

Cherish and love the children here with us today.

Remember and love the children who have departed too early and whose faces fade from our present lives but never from our memories.

Forget not and love the children never seen by us for they are deeply loved by God the Father.

January 22nd marks the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. This, more than any other US Supreme Court decision, has tragically altered the face of America in ways that we cannot even begin to fathom.

Today the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. ~ Mother Theresa


Why the children, God? Why?


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site and have a safe weekend.

Remember the loving Creator who knew us from the beginning of time.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, January 12, 2007 9:10 AM CST


My previous journal entry mentions little Tori Roth ( Someone pointed me to her CB site only two weeks ago or so. I immediately was drawn to her and now she, too, is gone. I would be lying if I said I never have any more anger about Gabrielle's death or even the death of these children I've never met. It's not days or hours of anger but rather momentary flashes of anger regarding the injustice of it all.

The latest issue of Touchstone, link below, is about life and death, including miscarriages. If you have time, please read the excerpts below from "Losing Justin," written by a father who lost a child to miscarriage.

"The experience of miscarriage ought to bring us into conflict with God, for it is a place where his interests and our own seem to collide. There is something deep going on here, a relationship more binding than the chains of death, to which the Lord is calling us. That is, as long as we keep listening….

The meaning of miscarriage is a mystery, much like the meaning of death itself. The Christian response to miscarriage is not guilt, but neither is it acceptance, as such. It is mourning. And, yes, questioning God….

If we have not questioned God, perhaps even raged against him, about how he seems to bless the sinner and curse the saint, then perhaps we have never encountered the powerful otherness of our Creator: a place where a man might find mystery and perplexity, but even so, an answer to his question….

The answer, in a word, is hope. Christians must remind themselves of this hope constantly. If the devil cannot make us lukewarm in our allegiance to Christ, he tries to make us hopeless. Love is the "greatest of these," but hope is indispensable. A man can know all the truth, he can love with his whole being, but if he has no hope, all his virtue will be sabotaged by suffering. Suffering can lead either to hope…or to despair….

God will be just to the victims of miscarriage. We just have to wait on him." ~ Touchstone, A Journal of Mere Christianity, February 2007


I am updating from home this morning as John and I are once again splitting a work day and staying home with Noah. In the middle of the night he started throwing up, ran a high fever, and had some hallucinations (he screamed and said he saw a bear, then a snake, then crawly things, etc.)


Please pray for Tori Roth's family. Another innocent saint child suffers and dies while all around the enemies of Jesus are seemingly blessed. Pray that God strengthen the Roth family and that He answer their questions with the cherished blessing of hope.


I must remind myself daily that they are living glorious lives before our Heavenly Father.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle's site. We hope you all have a safe weekend and stay warm if you are in the Midwest as we are finally getting some true winter weather.

Please seek the one and only Savior, the blessed Jesus Christ, as we are never good enough for God but must accept the free gift of the righteousness of the perfect Lamb.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, January 5, 2007 5:33 PM CST


We hope you all had very nice Christmas holidays and New Year’s celebrations. We survived another Christmas without Gabrielle and it was, to be honest, difficult.


I did take the week off between Christmas and New Years and spent a lot of time with Aubrey and Noah. Much of Minnesota has been without snow so we didn’t really have any winter activities to do. We did get a good few inches of snow on New Year’s Eve night and I took Aubrey sliding the next day because we knew the snow was going to melt and sure enough there is little left.

I keep telling Aubrey and Noah that our winters are now nothing like the winters of my childhood. If you went for walks you would almost always have to climb a snow-bank at the corners of every block while now it seems that what little snow we get melts within a week or so.


Last night we went to Our Lady of Peace to watch Aubrey and all of the other students for the annual Christmas show. The students sing carols by grades and the singing is interspersed with Bible readings. It's actually very, very beautiful, complete with handbells and chimes.


Please pray for a special little girl from the Twin Cities, Tori Roth, battling Medulloblastoma.


Shortly before Christmas I received a letter from The Voice of the Martyrs regarding persecution of Christians. And I was struck, again, about how different suffering is perceived by those not living the American dream. They request our prayers…but not an end to their suffering.

As we travel, our brothers and sisters often ask us to pray for them and to encourage other American Christians also to pray. Their request is not that the persecution will end, but rather that they will remain faithful in spite of their suffering.”

It helped me to read this because I have never asked God to end my suffering over missing Gabrielle. Some trials end while some trials are not meant to end but to be endured. The death of a child never ends in this life…it is simply endured.


Thank you for visiting! We hope God showers your families with His blessings in the New Year and if suffering visits you may He give you all the strength and encouragement you need.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, December 22, 2006 4:13 PM CST


We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and many blessings for the New Year.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23)


Merry Christmas, sweet and somber, Gabrielle.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, December 15, 2006 4:04 PM CST


If ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. (Galations 5:18)

“How blessed to know that we dwell in the domains of grace and not of law! When thinking of my state before God the question is not, "Am I perfect in myself before the law?" but, "Am I perfect in Christ Jesus?" That is a very different matter. We need not enquire, "Am I without sin naturally?" but, "Have I been washed in the fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness?" It is not "Am I in myself well pleasing to God?" but it is "Am I accepted in the Beloved?" The Christian views his evidences from the top of Sinai, and grows alarmed concerning his salvation; it were better far if he read his title by the light of Calvary.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening Devotions

I always know that Gabrielle resides with the Heavenly Father now because of the perfect and sinless lamb and not because of her goodness. She was washed by the blood of Jesus and is perfect and blameless before God only because Jesus is perfect and blameless.


Aubrey and Noah are getting excited for Santa to come! Our At Your Convenience gift shop on West’s premises was selling “magical Santa” keys—heavy cast iron and about six inches long--and so I bought one for Aubrey and Noah. I fake-mailed the key to Aubrey and Noah along with a note from Santa.

I linked Santa to Jesus in the note by having Santa himself state his own need for a Savior and that he delivers presents around the world in honor of the birth of special baby Jesus.

This time of year truly is very, very difficult for me and it is the almost unavoidable and relentless crush of consumerism that makes it worse. Today’s desperate and senseless consumerism is the polar opposite of Gabbie’s humble, simple soul and her absence during these times is deeply noticed.

And so while Santa is coming to our home, and I am excited for Aubrey and Noah, there will be an emphasis on simple things and games that we can play as a family.


She has some very ugly and large bruises. We probably should see a doctor for an update on Aubrey's diagnosis but it appears Aubrey will most likely have ITP for the rest of her life.


For families facing their first Christmas, or any Christmas, with a beloved child absent from their arms. For families watching a beloved child come near to death. For impoverished families and children worldwide who may have little or nothing to eat during this Advent season.


Remembering Gabrielle, who on her last Christmas was thrilled with a little simple decorated bib in her stocking. Remembering Gabrielle, a child who really never asked for anything but for love, to “go home,” to “hold hand,” or for her cancer to be gone.

May God bless Aubrey and Noah with simple desires, too.


Thanking God that our family can even afford Christmas. Thanking God for sending His only Son to live amongst humanity.

Thanking all of you and may God bless your family and our family richly with desires for Him and Him only.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, December 8, 2006 5:39 PM CST


For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
(John 3:17-18)

Sadly, those who don’t believe will be condemned. None of us deserve to be saved but Jesus came to save us anyway…if we believe He is the only begotten Son of God and that He died for our sins and that He rose from the dead.


Poor Noah doesn’t have a mother. The other night my mom stopped by our house on her way home from tennis and Noah talked us into a game of Candy Land. My mom made some reference to me as “mother,” and Noah said, “That’s not my mother, that’s my mom.” And then my mom asked Noah, “Well who is your mother?”

“I don’t have a mother,” replied Noah!

Poor Noah has been sick, too. John and I both worked half-days today and yesterday as Noah was running a fever and had a few episodes of vomiting. But he was never that uncomfortable and he seems to be much better this afternoon.

We have a few plans this weekend but might have to change them a little if Noah is still sick.


All those around the world persecuted for their belief in Jesus. All those around the world suffering from poverty and horrible living conditions. All those bravely fighting for our freedom and our nation. All children battling life-threatening illnesses. All our friends facing the holidays with a beloved child departed too soon. All those contemplating ending the life of their unborn child…may God whisper other plans into their hearts.


The birth of Jesus may be the same but the holidays will never be the same without Gabrielle.


Thank you so much for visiting and have a great weekend.

Thanking God for sending His only Son so that those who believe may have eternal life!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, December 4, 2006 6:21 PM CST


You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13-14)

“God reached into my life when I was merely a tiny embryo and began to shape me within. He originated me. He began to put me together while I was still in the soft silence of my mother’s womb….Mother Nature didn’t make me. Fate did not shape me, neither was I just a biological combination of mother and dad….Nor was I conceived through blind chance. You, God (and no other), made me!” Charles R. Swindoll, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


We had a good and quiet weekend. We took Aubrey and Noah to Southdale Saturday night to do some Christmas shopping. I hope people understand when I say I just want this time of year to end. But Southdale was not at all crowded and so it wasn’t that bad. We didn’t accomplish much, though, and I will still have to force myself to go back one more time.

Everywhere else in the Midwest got snow but all we got was bitter cold. If we have to have the cold, I hope we soon get our own snow storm! I’ve been waiting for a blizzard since I moved back from Atlanta in December 1992. Waiting, waiting, and waiting.


Please pray for the London family whose precious little Penelope is battling neuroblastoma.

*~* Site for Penelope *~*


Some kind guest book signers did not know that John and I also lost two other babies—one before Aubrey and Gabrielle’s twin. I’m not surprised because I don’t mention them that often on this site but they are mentioned here in there in the journaling.

Several years ago I once received a very angry and anonymous e-mail where, among other things, I was accused of lying about the miscarriages because they are rarely mentioned. (I was also accused of not caring about John’s grief because I didn’t mention his grief very often…but as most women know, most men grieve silently so there were no updates on John’s grief.)

We do think of those babies but the pain of those losses is greatly overshadowed by the loss of the child we knew and know. But we truly are looking forward to meeting the faceless children who are now praising God in His presence…perhaps with Gabrielle in between the two of them.

And by the way, I eventually had an amicable parting with the anonymous e-mailer.


Hug your children and listen to your children. But please, please also tell them they are wonderfully and fearfully made.

Thanks for visiting!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:38 PM CST


…Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? (Isaiah 21:11)

Sometimes I slip into complacency because it seems as if Jesus’ coming again is a long way off. I even stop worrying about those who don’t seem to believe.

But He is coming again and none of us know when (this was spoken of in the LHM sermon). I rarely mention hell on this site anymore but the reality is that Jesus spoke of hell more often than heaven. Hell is a reality but we do live in times that are constantly denying that reality.

Life here in the United States is changing rapidly and we have no idea what is in store for us down the road. There are some very, very much against us who will not stop until we are all under Sharia law.

There is no better time than now to accept Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.


Nothing much to report but we did have a nice four days off other than eating too much.

Noah continues to keep us on our toes and there have been some not-so-good daycare reports. At first when I inquired as to what was going on I thought I was going to be told that Noah hits the other children. To my relief, but still very much an issue, it turns out Noah is a rather distracting class clown. That does not come from me!

So now if he doesn’t earn his sticker or a good report from daycare we do not play any games with him at night. That’s too bad all around because I really crave my daily fix of Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders.


We thank The Lutheran Hour for sharing Gabrielle’s story on their November 19, 2006 broadcast! In the Twin Cities it was broadcast at 6:00 a.m. so we had to rouse ourselves a bit earlier than usual but it was well worth it.

If you want a copy of the sermon, go the LHM Website below and click on “The Lutheran Hour” in the left pane and then on “Sermon Text” and scroll down to November 19, 2006.

*~* Lutheran Hour Ministries *~*

One of John’s sisters received a phone call from an old boss and who recognized Gabbie’s story. We also got a phone call from California from someone, the “puppet lady” who used to come visit Gabbie and entertain her with Curious George and other toys.

And there was a very nice guest book entry from Louisville, Kentucky and we are deeply touched that Gabbie’s story is impacting other lives.

Thanks again to all those who remembered and to all those who've allowed their lives to be impacted by Gabrielle’s journey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 5:40 PM CST


O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 107:1

Thanking the good LORD for all the wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon our family. Thanking the good LORD for all the blessed promises of eternal life and eternal joy.


We will be going to John’s brother’s house for Thanksgiving and other than that we will be home and NOT traveling. Even the weather has been a little nice so we are just looking forward to a restful weekend.


Getting some ugly bruises but she is happy and I think we have accepted that she will have ITP for life.


We survived another painful anniversary and for the first time we did something to acknowledge Gabrielle with Aubrey and Noah. I’ve been rather paralyzed on the anniversaries but decided that we need to traditionally mark her anniversaries in ways in which Aubrey and Noah can participate. We released some balloons right outside our front door and to our surprise they did not pop in the cold. I also lit a candle and placed it outside our front door on Friday night.

We continue to miss her.


Thank you all for the kind guest book entries and for remembering Gabrielle’s birthday anniversary. We wish all of you a very safe and happy Thanksgiving!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, November 16, 2006 5:00 PM CST


Whatever bindings and ties this world once held us by, Gabrielle and her death have surely rendered them broken for us. “Daddy, Mama, Aubrey, and Noah, look up here, look up here, for here I am. I cannot return to you but you can come to me.”

There is no greater mission in life than to call out from suffering and death to those who remain in this temporal place. The binds to this earthly life can sometimes be cut by nothing less than the death of an innocent child.

Gabrielle would now be seven years old and we miss her not a bit less today then on the day she died. Neither do we remember her suffering a bit less nor her graceful composure, a gift from God, in the midst of such suffering.

We should always remember the anguished sufferings of Jesus and why He suffered so. And likewise, then, we shall always remember Gabrielle’s sufferings and her mission.

Thank you, God, for this cup of suffering infused with bitter tears as we know it is part of your plan for our profit and we know someday you shall wipe away all our tears forever. Thank you, God, for choosing little Gabrielle to be our family’s bravest and most humble missionary.

Thank you, Jesus, for suffering and dying so that those of us who believe can have eternal life.


Please keep praying for us because we shall never, ever see Gabrielle or hold her again in this life, which is nothing less than pure anguish. But thankfully in the midst of our anguish we have our hope in Jesus and the blessings of Aubrey and Noah!


Thank you to all who are still with us on this never-ending journey. We appreciate it so very much.

Note: Gabrielle will be mentioned in a Lutheran Hour Ministries broadcast coming up on November 19th—two days after her birthday anniversary. In the Twin Cities, the program will air on WCCO (AM) beginning at 6:05 a.m. If you are not from the Twin Cities, you can find broadcast information at the LHM Web site, below. Click on Radio & TV Programs from the left pane and then choose Broadcast Guide. Check The Lutheran Hour checkbox and then enter your zip code and state information and search!

*~* Lutheran Hour Ministries *~*

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 6:03 PM CST


When we went to Theresa Rose Clyde’s memorial this past summer, I was introduced to a young woman who had suffered two miscarriages and did not yet have a child. I assured her that indeed souls were created within her but also shared that initially I questioned such because I was a brand new Christian when I first miscarried.

I then relayed what I had read in a grief book, I’ll Hold You in Heaven, about the story of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. When Mary greets Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth (John the Baptist!) jumps for joy and Elizabeth immediately knows Mary is blessed as Mary is carrying our Savior.

And how far along was Mary? About three days.

Below is Luke 1:26-48 on the story of Mary’s conception and her immediate visit with Elizabeth.

”And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,

To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.

And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda;
And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth.

And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,

And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.”


Aubrey had a good time in Winona last weekend, or I should say she had a good time at the hotel in Winona. She loves being in charge of the room key, running down the hallways, and of course, the swimming.

Strangely, we both woke up in the middle of the night not feeling very well and Aubrey was worse off than I was. She was crying and wanted me to bring her home but it was 4:00 a.m. and I told her she would not be comfortable in the car. I coaxed her into trying to go back to sleep and she did and we were both fine in the morning.

We missed our guys, though, and by the way Noah was charging and roaring at us when we got home I’m sure he missed us! I now brace myself when I hear Noah running up behind me because I know he is going to charge his body at me. Boys sure are different. But Noah also always comes in the bedroom when I’m praying at night (he is supposed to be in bed at that time) to give me a second or third goodnight hug and to remind me that he loves me. Sweet and rough and loud all in one little boy!


She only has a few bruises on her body. We a very good conference with her teacher and just hope she continues to enjoy school.


I watched Aubrey, for the most part, play by herself in the pool at Winona. For a while she did play with a charming little girl who was very friendly. Her name was Gabrielle.

Although God knows best and does best, I wished so much that our Gabrielle had been there too.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site! We appreciate your prayers and kindnesses.

Note: Gabrielle will be mentioned in a Lutheran Hour Ministries broadcast coming up on November 19th—two days after her birthday anniversary. In the Twin Cities, the program will air on WCCO (AM) beginning at 6:05 a.m. If you are not from the Twin Cities, you can find broadcast information at the LHM Web site, below. Click on Radio & TV Programs from the left pane and then choose Broadcast Guide. Check The Lutheran Hour checkbox and then enter your zip code and state information and search!

*~* Lutheran Hour Ministries *~*

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 5:14 PM CST


No party or politician can save America, only God can save us.


Hmmm, yes, John and I were both initially quite disappointed with the election results but not surprised and not despaired. At least Minnesota hung on to our pro-life governor. As we cannot idolize politics, though, we both cheered up today and can only hope for the best in 2008!

On a lighter note, I am taking Aubrey to Winona this weekend for a one-night trip. As usual, the highlight for Aubrey will be the hotel pool. Winona has river bluffs I would like to see and I also want to take Aubrey for a walk around either campus for Winona State or Saint Mary’s. Not that we have any grand dreams that we will be able to afford college for either Aubrey or Noah, but I just thought it would be fun to have Aubrey see what a college campus looks like.


I added Aubrey’s new school picture to the main page and now I know how some have mistaken her eye color for brown. Aubrey actually has pure green eyes—not hazel and not a speck of blue or brown. But I’ve noticed in pictures that they can appear to be brown.

I remember very little from my college biology classes except for snatches of a genetics section and especially eye genes. No one from either side of our family has pure green eyes so that must have been passed down, but recessed, from an ancestor. I find such things fascinating!


Thank you so much for visiting and for caring. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the weather before winter comes!

Thanking God, again, as the Creator of all life.

Thanking Jesus, our Redeemer, whose sacrifice on the cross brings the departed little ones home to their Father.

Thanking Gabrielle and all the suffering little ones, seen and unseen, for inspiring us so much to always fight for life—no matter how tiny that life may be. We can never stop praying and never give up hope.

Note: Gabrielle will be mentioned in a Lutheran Hour Ministries broadcast coming up on November 19th—two days after her birthday anniversary. I will post station information in the next few journal entries. Or you can find broadcast information at the LHM Web site, below.

*~* Lutheran Hour Ministries *~*

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, November 2, 2006 6:07 PM CST


My OB/GYN, during Gabrielle’s embryonic stages, sadly informed me, I can give you very little hope that the pregnancy will go on.” I had already accepted that Gabrielle’s twin (a vanishing twin) had died and now this. But he then quickly followed up with, However, it would be immoral and unethical, at this point, for me to advise you to get a D&C.” He meant that we needed to give her life a chance as we are not the determiners of death.

But the pregnancy did indeed continue and astonished the ultrasound technician at week seven when the image of Gabrielle’s beating heart could not be missed. My OB/GYN later on remarked that vanishing twins can cause “great havoc” on the surviving twin. By week 20 or so, we were informed that Gabrielle had absorbed everything of her vanishing twin.

Advancing a little over two years, we found ourselves researching nutraceuticals (medicinal food) in a desperate attempt to save Gabrielle’s life as she battled neuroblastoma. In connection with nutraceuticals, we had been provided with research documentation on neuroblastoma. One sentence jumped out at us: a researcher had noted that one of the possible causes of neuroblastoma is the “vanishing twin” syndrome. I have always believed that Gabrielle’s neuroblastoma is in some way related to her absorbing her vanishing twin.

(Many do not know this, but embryonic stem cells cause malignant tumors and cancerous growths.)

Gabrielle’s twin and the baby I miscarried before Aubrey--our babies, our children, children of God--died during their embryonic stages of development. And during the embryonic stages of development of the child we came to know, love and cherish, when the fetal sac deceptively appeared as empty nothingness on the ultrasound image, we were told she would most likely never come to see this life. But she did come to see this life.

Personally, John and I have many reasons to vote only for those who oppose embryonic stem cell research (and many other issues on life and today’s world) and we shall do so. But the reasons to oppose embryonic stem cell research go far beyond our personal experiences with the untimely deaths of three of our children. I wish I could explain it more eloquently but cannot and so below is a link with thoughtful commentary in opposition to embryonic stem cell research and that will never be reported in mainstream media.

*~* First Things: On the Square *~*

“No life that is not a human being has the potential of becoming a human being, and no life that has the potential of becoming a human being is not a human being.” ~ That They May Have Life: A Statement of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, reprinted at First Things


I once placed tiny grains of rice on Aubrey’s and Gabrielle’s high-chair trays while telling them they started out even tinier than that inside me. Only a God like our God could knit His children so tiny that they are initially invisible to our eyes. But they are NEVER invisible to His eyes.


Missing Gabrielle always but also missing the two we never knew.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site and remembering our child whose beginnings were not visible to our eyes. The same beginnings we all had, come to think of it.

Thanking God, our Creator, from whom all life comes.

Note: Gabrielle will be mentioned in a Lutheran Hour Ministries broadcast coming up on November 19th—two days after her birthday anniversary. I will post station information in the next few journal entries. Or you can find broadcast information at the LHM Web site, below.

*~* Lutheran Hour Ministries *~*

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 27, 2006 5:52 PM CDT


He who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him. (Psalm 32:10)

“At times, God requires a season of waiting before He sends His blessing. Then trust becomes your greatest asset. If you don’t trust God with your need, you will cry out in fear and panic. At one point during the storm on the Sea of Galilee, the disciples thought they would perish. But Jesus commanded the wind and waves to be still. He taught those men how to trust Him even in the most tempestuous of circumstances, and He is teaching you to watch and wait for his outstretched arm.” ~ Charles Stanley, Into His Presence, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


We should be having a low-key weekend, the best kind! Aubrey and I will be running in the Monster Dash 5K on Saturday morning and it’s a good thing we’ll be moving around because while it’s warmed up a bit it’s still chilly. Aubrey and Noah are excited for Halloween, which we will keep simple with just a bit of neighborhood trick-or-treating.


Please pray for the Clyde and Buckentine families in their season of waiting. The Clyde family recently had another birthday anniversary without Theresa Rose and October 31 is the death anniversary of little Zachary Buckentine.

*~* Site for Theresa Rose *~*

*~* Site for Zachary *~*


As always, we thank you very much for visiting Gabrielle’s site.

If the changes happening all around you in today’s very uncertain times are troubling, then trust and know that Jesus surely will come again some day to gather all God’s children and bring them home. To our true home!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 20, 2006 5:48 PM CDT


I will post more specific information in the near future but wanted to note that Gabrielle will be mentioned in a Lutheran Hour Ministries broadcast in November. The Lutheran Hour “is the world's longest-running Christian outreach radio program. It airs weekly on more than 800 stations.” A link to the LHM Web site is below.

Lutheran Hour Ministries Web Site

We are so blessed that God continues to use Gabrielle’s story for His eternal purposes. Gabrielle is so very blessed also!


Miss Aubrey turned eight!! We went out to Appleby’s last Saturday to celebrate and brought a neighbor girl, Greta along with us. Aubrey and Greta play very well and Greta is very, very well-behaved so we are truly grateful they are friends. Tuesday was the actual birthday so I took off half a day and surprised her and picked her up early from extended day. And Saturday we are having one more event and having the grandparents and Auntie Sarah join us for dinner.


Please pray for Jake Raborn’s family. I hadn’t visited his site for probably a month and actually thought he was doing well and was heartbroken on Tuesday night to see he had died. We had just finished celebrating Aubrey’s birthday so Aubrey and Noah were real wound up and laughing there I was on the computer crying over Jake. It’s always the special pictures…their bald heads….their innocent eyes…that bring such waves of sadness.

I know they are with Jesus. But they are missed beyond description or explanation from our lives here.

*~* Site for Jake *~*


One would think that as time from Gabrielle’s death passes that the deaths of other children would not be so hard but, in fact, it gets harder all the time. I know why.

It’s one more departed child.


Thank you for visiting!

There is so much going on in the world, evil and violence and more, but we can trust that God will yet work all of this to good for His purposes. He is an Awesome God!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 13, 2006 5:16 PM CDT


He who promised is faithful.

“A number of years ago, somebody counted the promises in the Bible, and totaled up 7,474. I can’t verify that number, but I do know that within the pages of the Bible there are thousands of promises that grab the reader and say, ‘Believe me! Accept me! Hold on to me!’ And of all the promises in the Bible, the ones that often mean the most are the promises that offer hope at the end of affliction. Those promises tell us, ‘It’s worth it. Walk with Me. Trust Me. Wait with Me. I will reward you.’” ~ Charles R. Swindoll, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day

Grieving for the Amish community but knowing that they are holding on to God’s promises. Their display of forgiveness is beyond exemplary and their focus on God is inspiring (I had read that their funerals are about God and not about commemorating the dead.)


Last weekend we took John’s mother up to St. Croix State Park for some sight-seeing and a picnic lunch. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. On Sunday I went with Aubrey, one of her class-mates, and her class-mate’s mother to an apple orchard. It was gray and starting to turn chilly but not too bad. The weather has since taken a turn for the worse and it has been much colder than normal.

This weekend I’m taking Aubrey out looking for a Halloween costume. I might sign both of us up for a “Monster-Dash” 5K fun run at Lake Harriet scheduled later this month which means I will need a costume also. The run requires that you stop and “trick-or-treat” along the way (and carry your candy) so Aubrey will not have to run the full 3-miles without stopping.


Thank you for your continued visits. We hope you all have/had a great fall weekend. Praise God for His beautiful creation!!

Please seek Jesus as He alone can give the gift of eternal life!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, October 5, 2006 5:57 PM CDT


Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed. (Jeremiah 17:14)

“It is the soul prerogative of God to remove spiritual disease. Natural disease may be instrumentally healed by mortals, but even then the honor is to be given to God who gives virtue to medicine and bestows power to the human frame to cast off disease….’I will heal your wound,’ is a promise which could not come from the lips of mortals but only from the mouth of the eternal God.…All his patients have been cured in the past and shall be in the future, and you shall be one among them, my friend, if you would just rest in Him this night.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening Devotional


Last weekend was gorgeous and on Sunday we watched the Twin Cities Marathon, first from the 8-mile mark in Minneapolis on Minnehaha Parkway and then at the 25-mile mark on beautiful Summit Avenue in St. Paul. John said that he had heard the TCM organizers expected 250,000 spectators due to the great weather. We Twin Citians really do support our runners! Later on that day we just sat around outside and watched all the neighborhood kids play, I made the kids stay outside because it was so nice!

Sadly, we heard later on that day that one of the runners collapsed at the 6-mile mark and subsequently died. He was the father of seven biological children and many, many more foster children.


Picking up a bit on her bruising but doing well in school according to her teacher.


When I hear of others commenting that a bereaved parent has not moved on, I always want to clear up such a common misperception. I doubt history could find even one grieving parent who had not moved on in some fashion.

But a child’s death is so life-shattering that we no longer walk on same paved path we may have walked our entire lives. In fact, we are no longer traveling on a road but rather in a dense thicket with many thorns.

Thankfully, God’s Word is a lamp at our feet that guides our scythes of tears paving the way. He also faithfully plants roses for us to behold until eternity when the way of life after the death of a child shall be no more.


Thank you for continuing to visit Gabrielle’s site. It is very much appreciated. Have a great weekend! (Sorry to all the Twins fans....but there is still a chance.)

Praising God for his never-ending faithfulness…always!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, September 29, 2006 6:41 PM CDT


Well it did rain last weekend but not at all on Sunday and so after church we spent a good part of the day at OLP’s Fall Festival. We were gone almost all day Saturday so the weekend flew by and there was Monday…again.


Please pray for little Catie Marie who will be having brain surgery in October. I’ve followed her site for a long time and she has bravely fought her cancer with many smiles.

*~* Site for Catie Marie *~*


Because Noah was born only 10 months after Gabbie died, I was too exhausted emotionally to do much of anything…and that includes taking pictures.

The other night Aubrey and Noah were looking at pictures and Noah kept bringing me Aubrey’s baby pictures and asking, “Is this me?” Over and over I had to say, “No, that is Aubrey.” Each time his expression became more and more sad. Even I was about ready to cry and wondered how I could have let Noah’s baby years slip away. But I went and got out another box of pictures (our pictures are not organized—only in boxes and Gabbie’s are separate). I was so relieved to find at least a few pictures of Noah when he was very young.

The impact of Gabrielle’s death will be with us always and always in the present moment.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site. We hope you have a great weekend and we pray that Jesus Christ is your one and only Savior.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.(John 3:3)

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, September 22, 2006 6:15 PM CDT


And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table. ~ Matthew 15:27

“It was a very great thing to her, but she had such a high esteem of Christ, that she said, "It is nothing to Him, it is but a crumb for Christ to give." This is the royal road to comfort. Great thoughts of your sin alone will drive you to despair; but great thoughts of Christ will pilot you into the haven of peace. ‘My sins are many, but oh! it is nothing to Jesus to take them all away. The weight of my guilt presses me down as a giant's foot would crush a worm, but it is no more than a grain of dust to Him, because He has already borne its curse in His own body on the tree. It will be but a small thing for Him to give me full remission, although it will be an infinite blessing for me to receive it.’” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening Devotional


We’ve been under depressing weather and this weekend is OLP’s fall festival. We’ve had great weather in year’s prior so I suppose we cannot complain if this weekend is a wash. But it is a source of income for the church so hopefully the rain will clear here and there.

I think we are settling into the school routine. Aubrey has already reported a small incident regarding the tight threesome that she is involved in and that started in Kindergarten. It’s nothing alarming but we are going to continue to watch this and we are doing what we can to encourage her to foster other relationships, which she does have.


She’s been having a lot of bloody noses but her bruising has not been too bad.


Most people already know….but please pray for the Thomas family. Christi battled, so bravely, neuroblastoma for four years.

When I follow these children there are always certain photos of them that jump out at me with overwhelming sadness. The one of Christi that I will never forget was where she was sitting on their couch at home and crying and you could tell she was dealing with immense pain. One of her parents had captioned the picture “Precious child in pain.”

*~* Site for Christi *~*

Precious indeed.


Surviving siblings will have strange things to think about. The other day I was driving Noah to daycare and I happened to mention Gabbie’s soul. And Noah asked me a question:

"Does she have her skin?"

No, Noah. Her soul is waiting for her body to someday be reunited with her soul!


Thank you for visiting. Have a great weekend!

Please seek the LORD. There is absolutely no universal “we all go to heaven” found anywhere in the Bible. Only those who have accepted His free gift of grace shall see Heaven some day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, September 18, 2006 6:10 PM CDT


Above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

“What are the "flaming arrows of the evil one" that the Christian is to extinguish with the shield of faith? These flaming arrows, or fiery darts, as it is translated in some versions, refer to every kind of assault that the devil launches against us. There is no limit to Satan's ingenuity. Every arrow has our name on it specifically. Do you know how it is said in warfare that the bullet that kills a soldier is the one that has his name on it? It is the one he never hears, I understand. So every fiery dart has our name upon it…..He [the Apostle Paul] also referred to Satan's assaults as being messengers of Satan who would beat him about the head. But no matter what metaphor Paul, or we, might use, when these fiery darts come, they are unpleasant in the extreme. Every one of them has as its avowed purpose the goal of causing us to forsake the way of the covenant made with God in Christ. It is nothing less than that. Satan is relentless in his assaults on Christians.” Excerpts from sermon by Don Garlington, Ph.D., Grace Valley Christian Center

The date of this sermon was 1996 and so precedes Gabrielle’s entrance into this life but was on her birthday anniversary, November 17.


Please pray for Christi Thomas and her family.

*~* Site for Christi *~*


There are many in my circle of life who I would deem to be pacifists and they can be uncomfortable with terms such as war, warfare, warrior, power, fight, and who also believe that peace is the answer to all or most of the world’s problems.

But I don’t mind the ideology of warfare being a (sometimes) necessity. I know that Gabrielle was a warrior for Christ and she fought hard. Her battle was indeed very ugly and hideous which may likely explain for us her very solemn nature and character. So many of her pictures show battle-weary eyes and I don’t even want to know, in this life, how many of those “fiery darts” had the name “Gabrielle Paquette.” Not my name or John’s name but the name of our two-year old little girl (we had and have our fiery darts, too). But in spite of the long fatigue of her battle, she never, ever quit or gave up.

While she was too young to fully understand Scripture from either my guidance or her Daddy’s, God, Himself, gave her a battle shield and, I am sure, He also inscribed His law upon her heart. And so she fought the good fight of faith with all the power of God behind her.

Missing our quiet little warrior so very much but believing so very much we shall meet her again. She is resting now in complete joy!


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Thank you for praying for Christi Thomas and her family.

Please accept Jesus Christ as your Savior as it is only His righteousness that can bring you home to heaven some day. The battle cannot be won without Him!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:52 PM CDT


We often hear pessimistic views about today’s youth. But if we look, and not very far, we can also find very much good in today’s youth. Here is something that will take place this weekend in many states and that shows much hope and optimism for the values of young people.

Is your car dirty and in need of a wash? Then click on the link below to see if there will be a “Wash for Life” in your city. This is a “New, Nationwide, Pro-Life Youth Event.” Proceeds from the washing of your car will go to local pregnancy care centers.

*~* Wash for Life *~*

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you. (Jeremiah 1:5)


Aubrey and Noah love their new bunk beds. And I am lucky that John has spoiled Noah more than I have because John is the one called into their room at night when Noah falls out! He has fallen out every night but we joke about it so there are no tears.

It took John six hours to set them up and probably six hours for me to get all the bedding (remember they both only had crib mattresses) . From the lower-priced sets, I let Aubrey pick out her sheets and comforter after pointing out that she needed to see TWIN on the packaging. Well, Noah distracted both of us and when we got home and opened Aubrey’s comforter it was a KING so off we went back to the store for a long exchange process.

My sister, Nancy, was in town from California as she had gone on a cruise near the Netherlands with my parents and she spent a few days here before heading home. Sunday’s rainy/cool weather chased us into a coffee shop instead of a walk around the lake.

After Nancy left and now that our neighborhood babysitter is around again (her family spends most of the summer up north), John and I went out on a dinner date.


Her first week of school went well and her second grade teacher has told us she does not give out as much home-work. The homework situation last year got a bit tense. Her bruising is so-so but there are lots of bloody tissues in the wastebaskets in our house due to all her nose-bleeds.


Please keep praying for Christi Thomas and her family. What a stressful situation and all the more with the hospital not located near their home.

*~* Site for Christi *~*


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site. Please pray for a very successful Wash for Life!

Thanks to all those young folks dedicating part of their weekend to saving those dedicated by God Himself! Keep working and praying and perhaps some day the unborn will be oppressed no more.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:49 PM CDT


"Five years on, their recollections remain as vivid, shocking and painful as they were on September 11, 2001: The brilliant blue morning in lower Manhattan… the terror that swept Pennsylvania Avenue… the fear of becoming another target….the loss of a beloved son…the sickened realization that suspicions about a guy named Moussaoui had been right all along. For most Minnesotans, 9/11 was a remote event, witnessed on television or read about in a newspaper. For a few, it was immediate, awful and sometimes life-changing." ~ Bob Von Sternberg, Minneapolis Star Tribune


For our wonderful country, America.


"Tom and I still grieve for our son, and we'll probably grieve for the rest of our lives....I think any parent can relate to that." ~ Beverly Burnett, a Minnesotan, speaking of the death of her son Tom Burnett. Tom was one of those who assisted in the brave insurrection against the terrorists on United Flight 93.


I remember feeding Aubrey and Gabrielle in their highchairs one work morning and John called me and told me to turn on the news. One plane had already hit one of the towers and I watched in shock as the second plane hit the second tower.

Seventeen days later,"...she has a tumor. You don't want to see it." ~ ER nurse at Minneapolis Children's who said Gabbie's tumor was so large I should not see it. I saw it later that night and kept asking the doctor, "But where's the tumor?" The tumor was her entire abdomen, which explained my confusion.

Our lives have never been and never will be the same. We will always remember her and deeply grieve for her. We will always remember the unprovoked and horrible attack on our nation. But everything, absolutely everything, is in His hands and for that, we will always rest assured that some day this will all be made right.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, September 5, 2006 5:05 PM CDT


Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands. (Isaiah 49:16)

“….Even when any one of his people wanders from him, and grieves his heart, he says, “Yes, but I have loved thee with an everlasting love, and I will not cast thee off. Though all that thou now art might tend to wean me from thee, yet mine is not the love of yesterday, it is not a passion like that which flames within some men for a brief space, and then quickly goes out in darkness.” It is God’s eternal love that makes him keep us in memory. He has graven us, from all eternity, upon the palms of his hands, and therefore he cannot forget us....” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon Sermon: Neither Forsaken nor Forgotten, November 5, 1882


We had a good Labor Day weekend and the weather was much nicer than predicted. On Saturday Aubrey and I took a bus to the Minnesota State Fair and the rain, which was supposed to be all day, held off until we were done and on our way home.

We also finally purchased a bunk bed for Aubrey and Noah. Noah is still in a crib and poor Aubrey has been sleeping on a crib mattress on the floor for years. Her new bed and new mattress will seem like the Taj Mahal!


Today was back to school day for Aubrey!! She was very excited and we are hoping for another good year. She wrote out a three-week schedule for how I am to fix her hair—one day braids, the next a half-pony, the next a full-pony, etc, even including a corresponding picture she drew for each type of hairstyle. She has her schedule taped to the bathroom wall.

She went to school today with French braids created from the night before—which meant no hassles this morning. Maybe we will focus on French braids as often as possible. I have been told there will come a day when she will be very particular about her hair and brush it all the time but that does not seem possible!

A number of bruises and noticeable bleeding from the nose but otherwise she seems quite healthy.


Children and the excitement of another school year beginning…even in this life can be very, very unfair.

Please pray for the Thomas family. Christi Thomas has been battling neuroblastoma for years and the news from her doctor is not good. What breaks my heart when following the stories of these children is their love for things in this life that others take for granted far too often. If you read Christi’s journal you will learn that she absolutely loves going to school. She just wants to go to school.

These children are innocent and have asked for so little and yet they are the ones who seem to pay the most in this life for our fallen condition.

*~* Site for Christi *~*

And, yet, we know that God has not forsaken or forgotten these little and most innocent ones. After all, they are engraved in the palm of His hand. Not their names…but they themselves are engraved in His hand.


As always, we thank you so much for visiting Gabrielle’s site. Thank you for your guest book entries!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 28, 2006 6:31 PM CDT


O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.
For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.
(Psalm 117)

What a wonderful privilege to serve such a supreme God! God’s mercy is great and God’s truth endures forever! The changes around us can be pressing and many in this world claim that truth changes as discoveries and technology advance but that is not true. God’s truth is absolute and unchanging and we can surely cling to His truths as our only salvation and our only guidance.


We are back from our trip and we had a great time! While we had some rain the weather was actually perfect although Aubrey acted as if she was melting on one of our excursions to a beautiful sculpture garden. We went to Myrtle Beach but stayed south of the “party” strip. We went to a family-oriented resort that really is geared towards young children.

Noah was initially terrified of the ocean but on our last night he was so enthused with it that he was throwing himself into the waves even though we had just changed him into dry clothes.

Aubrey really enjoyed our trip and she was able to swim in the ocean or the outdoor pools every single day.

John was relieved that the flying was really not that bad. Our one and only hitch was on our way to the airport at the start of our trip when we realized we had left the traveler’s checks at home. We had the cab driver drop me and the kids off and drive John back to our house and then back to the airport. Thankfully I had insisted we get to the airport very early and so we had plenty of time to spare.

As much as I enjoyed the trip I am glad we are home—I’m a homebody and not sure I’ll ever change.


Please pray for Max Jordan’s family. Their precious beautiful baby boy is now with Jesus.

*~* Site for Max- *~*


I missed her so much on our trip. One night I had an intense dream about her and unlike the one I usually have (where she comes home to die but continues to live and I actually see her) this is the other dream and it is more painful.

Gabbie was still living in this dream but she remained at the hospital. What is so unbearable is that in my dream I have not been to the hospital to see her for quite some time. So obviously in my dream I am making all attempts to get to her but cannot do so. Why would I not be at the hospital with her?

I can only think that my inability to go to her grave is deeply ingrained in my innermost being and that in my dream watching her suffer at the hospital is too painful and so I choose not to be there. But, of course, I would never have chosen that.


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle’s site! Thank you for caring for the other children.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, August 18, 2006 5:57 PM CDT

FEAR of the LORD

The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom. (Proverbs 15:33)

“Freedom to choose or to reject, freedom to obey God’s commands or to go contrary to them, freedom to make himself happy or miserable. For it is not the mere possession of freedom that makes life satisfying—it is what we choose to do with our freedom that determines whether or not we shall find peace with God and with ourselves.” ~ Billy Graham, Peace with God, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


We are just about ready for our trip—the kids are excited beyond words, especially Aubrey. Should be a nice time to relax and enjoy the ocean as we live so far from either coast.


Poor Aubrey has another hideous bruise. It’s so bad that John is bringing our ITP information sheets with us on our trip in case anyone should question her bruises.


Please keep praying for healing from God and relief from pain for little Max. He is really struggling.

*~* Site for Max- *~*


Thank you as always for visiting. We hope you have a great weekend.

Remember, too, there is only one way to heaven and that is through acceptance of Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 14, 2006 6:26 PM CDT


Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20)

There are those who deny Jesus’ humanity (and others deny his deity) and yet the Bible tells us that he suffered poverty, thirst, fatigue, and hunger just as we sometimes do.


We are getting ready for our trip to South Carolina. Due to the foiled terror attacks on flights from the UK to the United States, the Northwest flight attendants have delayed their CHAOS strike long enough so that we shouldn’t have a problem getting to South Carolina but may run into trouble getting home. Fortunately, Aubrey and Noah are too young to have any apprehensions about flying, whether due to strikes, terrorism, or plane crashes.

Noah is still potty-trained and has not regressed!


My mom was visiting a few nights ago and we were outside while Aubrey was biking up and down the block. My mom then asked if Aubrey had fallen off her bike as she was just sitting on the boulevard several houses down from us. I assumed she was just sitting down for some reason but eventually I approached her and she cried as soon as I got to her. She had fallen and hurt herself and the next day she had a very nasty and IPT-indicative bruise on her groin. Her legs are also not looking so well but she doesn’t complain and we still hold out hope that she will outgrow ITP.


Please keep praying for Max Jordan. I can hardly bear to look at his innocent pictures and then imagine his intense suffering.

*~* Site for Max- *~*


There are so many ways in which the resulting grief from the death of a child resembles a famine.

Whether year one or year ten in a deep famine, hunger persists and does not ease at all. Imagine if well-fed missionaries went into countries facing famine and commented, “It’s been ten years, are you really still hungry?”

Of course, a true missionary would never say such a thing. But the grief from the death of a child is, unfortunately, greeted with such beliefs from some of those who have always been well-fed. (Not everyone…and I appreciate all of you for that!!)


Thank you for visiting! Thanks for praying for the other families.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 7, 2006 5:57 PM CDT


Aubrey is bruising a little more but otherwise holding steady.

This summer Aubrey has been going to daycare with Noah but it has not been as problematic as last year. She still does not like being the only older child but thankfully two days a week there are two other children her age. We also send her to daycare with several workbooks and she has been getting paid per page completed based on correctness and neatness. Normally we wouldn’t “pay” her to do homework but what a great way to motivate her to earn money during the summer and also to stay on top of what she learned in first grade. I’ve heard it can take some children weeks or even months to get back into learning mode when school starts in the fall.

Noah is, at least during the daytime, finally potty-trained!! Initially he resisted so I ordered some rubber-pants and thick underwear but by the time the package arrived in the mail Noah was trained. We still have some minor issues to work out but mostly it has gone well.

When we get back from our vacation we are going to buy bunk-beads so that Noah can come out of the crib and then we will start potty-training for nighttime. And poor Aubrey will have a real bed! We have two other unused bedrooms but because they are on a different floor Aubrey and Noah will probably share a room for a few more years.


Please pray for sweet baby Max Jordan and his family. Little Max was diagnosed with cancer when he was only one-month old.

*~* Site for Max *~*


Thank you for visiting. Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:52 PM CDT

How Long?

Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
(Psalm 83:1-4)


She was pressed on all sides,
She only wanted to love, play and run,
She was pressed on all sides,
While Aubrey and Noah love, play and run freely.

Gabrielle was pressed on all sides by the evil of cancer and submitted her life to suffering.

She is pressed on all sides,
She only wants her people to be free and her children safe,
She is pressed on all sides,
While our children love, play and run freely.

Israel, O Israel, pressed by your enemies, while our children live so free.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site. I smile when I watch Aubrey and Noah play so freely yet my mother's heart knows that tough times are truly coming and some day Aubrey and Noah will probably also be pressed on all sides.

While it seems God is too slow to respond we can know and trust that His timing is perfect. He is longsuffering mainly so that more and more will respond to His call and the offer of His free gift.

Thank you for waiting for us, God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, July 31, 2006 10:08 AM CDT


The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.


Minnesota could set some heat records today (we might see 104) so I decided to take the day off and treat Aubrey and Noah to a pool—maybe even a waterpark (to be honest, I'm not at all fond of waterparks but I know the kids would be very happy).

And yes, I caved in and we have had our AC on since Friday night. I enjoy this heat but for one thing and that is having our windows closed. Tomorrow is only supposed to get up to 90 so I'm hoping to turn our air off either tonight or tomorrow morning.


Her legs are starting to bruise again and it has been a year now.


Gabrielle knows neither sweltering heat nor shivering cold. And someday when the new heavens and earth are created all of God's children will live in a climate so perfect we will be in wondrous awe.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Thank you for caring.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:45 PM CDT


Always at the right moment God sends us friends with heartwarming words that lift us up…on this sad journey of the death of a child.

Below is something a friend sent to me by e-mail. We have never met in person although we hope to do so because she is here in the Twin Cities. Gabbie is by no means a prophet but like the prophet without honor sometimes the significance of her short life is far more understood by strangers then those much closer to her.

And I am so very, very grateful, so thank you, my friend. I've included everything, with the exception of names, because it means so much to me.

Dearest Monica ...

I have been spending a lot of time reflecting on what my life has become as
an adult and where I was before I found the Lord. I must honestly say that
Gabbie's story and the continuous strength that you tell it has helped me
find my way. I have become a different person and have become so much
stronger in my faith and in turn have tried so very hard to teach the same
to others, especially my daughter ….. I know that frequently you close
your journals with a message of finding God. I just wanted to say Thank You
again for helping me do just that. This is what I have come up with as I
reflected upon my journey to finding God. Thank you for helping me. I look
forward to meeting up with you sooner rather than later. God Bless You
Monica and thank you for sharing your Gabbie with me and so many others ...

How tonight can you have peace with the Almighty God, the Creator of the

1. Understand that the Almightly God, the Creator of the Universe loves
each of you desperately and that He has a wonderful plan for your life.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know that plans that I have for you, declares the
Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a
future and a hope."

2. When sin entered the world, we were separated from Almightly God and
we could no longer have communion with Him. Romans 3:23 "All have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God." That means all-every single one of
us. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

3. God has made a way for each of us to have peace with God and that is
through His Son, Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
but have everlasting life." John 3:16 Jesus said, "I am the way, the
truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except through Him."
John 14:6

4. We each have to individually come to the point in each of our lives
that we personally accept the free gift that God has offered. "If you
confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that
God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9-10

So that is the deal - the whole deal. If tonight in your heart you would
pray and ask the Lord Jesus to come into your life, forgive you of your
sin and to cleanse you from all your unrighteousness and be eternally at
peace with Gabbie's God, that is the greatest blessing you would ever
give her. This is the prayer that Gabbie prayed and that you can pray
also right now. . .

I continue to pray that so many others will ask the Lord Jesus to enter
their lives and forgive them of their sins and be eternally at peace
with Our God.

God Bless you Sweet Solemn Gabrielle, so much wiser than so many others.
I WILL BE DERE Gabbie! Thank you for teaching me the way ....


Some of my tears are not so sad as the letter above is a glimpse of God working the horrible tragedy of Gabbie's death for something good.


Thanks to all of you who have at one time or another shared with me the impact Gabrielle had on your life.

Thank you for visiting! God bless.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:32 PM CDT


But we had the sentence of death in our selves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead.


I took a day off today and Aubrey, Noah and I spent several hours at the pool. Perfect summer day!

And so although it is a beautiful day it is also a very contemplative day. When John gets home from work we are all headed out to the cemetery for a memorial service for Theresa Rose. Theresa Rose is buried in the same cemetery as Gabrielle but in a different section. I will stay in the car or have John drop me off at the front gate if he wants to go to Gabbie's grave.


Please pray for our faithful friends, Cathy and Nate Clyde, and their daughters, Mary and Sara.

Theresa's Site


"Pain plants the flag or reality in the fortress of a rebel heart."

"When God wants to do an impossible task, He takes an impossible individual—and crushes him."

Authors unknown.

There is no greater crushing of the entire being then the death of a child…nor is there any reality more real.


Thank you for coming to Gabbie's site today! Thank you for praying for our friends, the Clyde family.

Have a safe weekend. Do not trust in yourselves…trust in God only.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 14, 2006 9:42 AM CDT


Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. (Joel 1:3)

"It is a pleasant duty to talk of Jesus to our sons and daughters, and the more so because it has often proved to be an accepted work, for God has saved the children through the parents' prayers and admonitions. May every house into which this volume shall come honor the Lord and receive His smile." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening


I took a vacation day today and am home this morning with Aubrey and Noah as Aubrey got home last night from Alexandria. We are in a heat wave, which could become dangerous this weekend, so we will be heading off to a pool shortly. I really do feel sorry for those who cannot take the heat but for me, well, I enjoy it! We have yet to run our AC but I will probably turn it on this afternoon so that when my construction hubby comes home from a day of working in the heat he will be greeted by a cool house.

Aubrey had a great time at the lake and I know the kids are entertained constantly. It's a tradition that started in my mom's family before I was even born.


We are missing Gabrielle deeply as we try to start our own family traditions.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site. We are very grateful for Auntie Sarah's watchful care of Aubrey at the lake and for all those who helped Aubrey have a great time!!

Please take much care in this weekend's heat.

Share Jesus with your children…they are so open to Him when they are young.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 7, 2006 5:30 PM CDT


Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

(Matthew 10:29-31)


Tomorrow Aubrey is heading up to Lake Carlos in Alexandria with my sister, Sarah. I completely trust Sarah but like any mother I worry and worry when she is out of my sight. Last year was supposed to be the last year she went to the lake but I caved in for one more year.

We have told Aubrey that due to her ITP she will not be tubing behind a boat. I think she was a little disappointed but not too much. (Last week there was a story in the news about a 42-year old man who died after he hit the water hard while….tubing—that sealed the decision about tubing.)

And when Aubrey comes back she will start counting the day until our own family vacation, later in the summer, to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


The Olson family has now lost little McKenna to Alpers after losing a son, Drew, to the same disease. Please keep them in your prayers.

*~* Site for McKenna *~*

Please also pray for the Petz family who lost a beautiful boy, Benny, to neuroblastoma.

*~* Site for Benny *~*

If even the sparrows are watched…how very much more He takes seriously the death of these littlest and most pure saints.


Have a great weekend. Seems so trivial to say that when thinking of McKenna and Benny and all the other children who have died.

Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life. We will not see these little ones again unless our trust and faith are solely in Jesus Christ.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:20 PM CDT


We had a great four-day weekend although John did go to work on Monday. It has finally warmed up again and I had Aubrey and Noah at a park-pool twice and was relieved to see Noah finally take to the water. There’s a great park in south Minneapolis that few families take advantage of and I really enjoy sitting at a quiet pool with Aubrey and Noah.

We didn’t go anywhere special for fireworks as some neighbors down the street, once again, put on their own little show and that’s enough for us. Anyway, you hear the sonic booms all night in our neighborhood.


Well, the bruising I thought she had around her mouth turned out to be lipstick that did not come off in the shower! So she was doing better. But now more bruising is coming back and even her hands are a little black and blue.

We might be facing chronic ITP but I think John and I are ready for that diagnosis.

On a lighter note, Aubrey finally got off training wheels about four weeks ago and she has been pestering me to take her biking all the way around Lake Harriet (it’s just under 5-miles). So we tried it on Saturday morning and but for a few “stay to the right, stay to the right” nervous shouts from me, she did great! We biked the route again on Tuesday and she stayed to the right the entire time.


This little boy, Jake Raborn, is so cute! He has hepatoblastoma and has been through a lot and could use your prayers.

*~* Site for Jake *~*


Thanks for visiting! We hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! We certainly need His blessings more than ever.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:56 PM CDT


"Jesus Christ is Himself the sum and substance of the covenant and, as one of its gifts, He is the property of every believer. Can you estimate what you have received in Christ? 'In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.'" Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

I will make you to be a covenant just for the people. (Isaiah 49:8)

Some would tell me it's an indulgence but now that Aubrey is out of school she can sleep in with Noah and so after John leaves for work I have my coffee, the sounds of the outdoors, and beautiful scented breezes. And because I'm trying to avoid the TV I read a little of Charles Spurgeon on most mornings (and that's why I keep quoting him!)


The Lasik surgery went well and I had 20/20 vision at the post-op! I had the newer procedure, Intralase, and so it was without any type of knife and just pure laser. It was quite an experience but there really is no pain, mostly pressure. I was outside less than four hours later with the kids and the neighbors and the next morning took Aubrey for a jogger-ride.


I thought she had food on her face tonight but after her shower I discovered she has bruising around her mouth. So, we are still dealing with ITP.


Someone John and I know very well is really, really in desperate times. Please pray that God call out to him a little louder.

My mother has had her last chemo (except for the pill form that she will take for years) and all seems to be well. Pray that she remain in remission.


Thanks for all the good wishes on the surgery! Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 23, 2006 8:55 AM CDT


Mere infants in Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:1)

"Are you mourning, believer, because you are so weak in the divine life: because your faith is so small and your love so feeble? Cheer up, for you have cause for gratitude. Remember that in some things you are equal to the greatest and most full-grown Christian. You are as much bought with blood as he is. You are as much an adopted child of God as any other believer. An infant is as truly a child of its parents as is the full-grown man….." Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

It's so easy to look at other Christians further on their walk and compare your own walk which may seem like a failure. Yet one of God's promises if you are His is that He will work out your life for good….we must be patient.


I am taking a day off today with Aubrey because I am getting new eyes! (Lasik surgery) Everyone keeps asking me if I'm nervous and I've had so many other things on my mind that, no, I have not even been thinking about it very much. But I am hoping it goes well and am excited about not having to deal with contacts and glasses.

My mom is driving me to and from and will watch Aubrey during the surgery. The medical center where I'm going has lots of places to walk around outside with fountains and walking paths.

I almost didn't sign-up for this when the doctor started explaining the lifting of the flap during the procedure…..


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site. Hope you all have a great weekend.

There is so much going on in the world that can be so distressing. Please look to the Savior and know that no matter what may be down the road for America and our lives, God is in control and He WILL work out everything for good. Some day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:45 AM CDT


Devote yourselves to prayer. (Colossians 4:2)

"Our necessities are so deep that, until we are in heaven, we mustn't stop praying….Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus." Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

For the longest time I thought praying to God could only be done in the formal quiet of kneeling down in a room alone or with other believers. But you can pray while driving in your car, while sitting at your desk at work, while walking or running outside. You can pray just about anytime and God will listen!


This morning when I first got up John told me that there was one of "those pictures" in the paper that just get to you. At first I thought it was going to be of some poor child in a developing nation but it was from the obituaries. I gasped, as it was a little boy I just recently had pointed out to me.

Please pray for Luke Wood's family. Luke's picture in the paper is so sweet and yet we know the parents now are feeling the greatest harshness known.


Grieving for our children and the children of others, however deep and harsh, does not mean at all that we are wasting our time here or letting life pass by. If anything, we experience life more deeply then we ever did before.


Thank you for visiting and thanks, as always, for caring for so many children.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:17 PM CDT


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses… Hebrews 12:1

In some ways we are commanded not to forget the past but to remember, remember, the saints who have gone before us.


From CaringBridge journals only, it may seem as if we never stop referring to our departed child. But in life outside of our journaling I know that the departed children are spoken of far, far less often than our living children or the living children of those who never buried a child.

And yet….the merest mention of our child or grief brings about a restless impatience in some who cannot tolerate that we yet again speak of our departed child. How strange this is.

And so I remain ever grateful that we can remember, remember the departed children on our CaringBridge sites.


I took a vacation day yesterday to spend some time with Aubrey. We went for a short walk, had lunch outside on our deck, and biked a mile or so around the neighborhood. We also went to a movie which we will not do again on such a nice day—had to force myself to leave the warm outdoors to enter the cool stale air at Southdale. In the evening Aubrey and I went to a send-off gathering for a family we know getting ready for a mission trip abroad.

(We still cannot bring Noah to events that require even a few moments of decorum so only Aubrey and I could attend!)


Please pray for the Duckworth family as they have been through so very much. I know they, like us, begged and begged God to heal their Jacob in this life but God’s answer was to bring Jacob home.

*~* Site for Jacob *~*

And please all pray for Cameron Wood who is on hospice…another beautiful and suffering Minnesota child.

*~* Site for Luke *~*


Thank you for keeping me informed of the other children—I appreciate it very much. Hope you all have a great day.

Remember Jesus and all He has freely done for us!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:53 PM CDT


A couple of Sundays ago, I left church early because Aubrey was with me and she did not feel well at all. We got home and she settled herself on the couch. I had a volunteer commitment for that afternoon and while making the phone call to confirm I would still be coming, Aubrey was sitting on the couch looking at me with tears streaming down her face.

I should have canceled my other commitment. It seems as if today’s world thinks nothing of the fact that I am away from my children and my home 50+ hours a week.

I understand we are not here just to raise children. But Aubrey and Noah are still so young and I’ve decided from now on I will say no to any ongoing commitment UNLESS Aubrey or Noah can come with me or it’s something at church on Sunday when I would already be there.

I would much rather say “maybe later” to adults than to keep saying “maybe later,” to my children. The saddest song in the world is Cat’s in the Cradle….

…I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind."
He said, "I'd love to, dad, if I could find the time.
You see, my new job's a hassle, and the kid's got the flu,
But it's sure nice talking to you, dad.
It's been sure nice talking to you."
And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me….

My little girl is still bruising.


We lost a child and our other two children are growing up too fast. We are even pulling back on play-dates for Aubrey because it takes away from what little, little family time we have left. An occasional play-date is fine but life is already so hectic and if it doesn’t slow down then soon my own children will say….life’s a hassle… talk to you later.


Thank you for visiting and thanks for letting me vent frustration.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, June 1, 2006 6:23 PM CDT


The baby’s legs were limp. Folds of skin hung from his bones, easily holding the shape of the doctor’s pinch – a telltale sign of dehydration.

His face glossed with fever, his narrow chest heaved and fluttered. His milky eyes darted desperately around the dim tent. He was a month old, but weighed less than five pounds.

This baby is Mukhtar Ahmed and I found a picture of him in today’s Star Tribune and he is an innocent victim of the hunger in Darfur. His eyes, apparently, betrayed his desperation.

In what kind of world is this that even month-old babies, such as Mukhtar, have desperation in their eyes? Or toddlers like Gabbie and all the other children ravaged by horrible disease or horrible accidents?

What kind of world? A very, very fallen world.


The Fraher family just lost a beautiful little girl to neuroblastoma. I was looking at the photos and saw a picture of a little girl with a bald head and sitting on her hospital bed playing with beads…just like Gabrielle. And here in Minnesota, too. (Thank you, Sara.)


I consider the sufferings of the present to be as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed in us. —Rm 8:18

This Scripture verse is always worth repeating.


Thank you so much for visiting. We hope you have a great weekend…looks like we could have another few very warm days.

As always, look to the Savior for your salvation! There may be many paths to Jesus Christ but he is certainly the only way to the Father.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:58 PM CDT


The mother of the counselor at The Salvation Army who contacted us happened to be in town and she was there when we all went last week. She told me that the verse that keeps popping into her head, with regard to Gabbie, is that a little child shall lead them.

God does use children for His glory and for His purposes. He probably uses them far more than we will ever know in this life.

The wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat; The calf, the young lion, and the fattened calf together; and a little child will lead them. (Isaiah 11:6)


We had a fairly decent holiday weekend. It was hot, humid, and hot. I am now known in our neighborhood as the mean wife because we did not turn on our air. But I never said it couldn’t be turned on! On Sunday it was 89 degrees in the house when we put the kids to bed but John got hungry and baked a pizza. So then our house went up to 90 degrees. We did not use the oven the rest of the weekend.

We spent a lot of time outdoors with the kids and neighbors and ran sprinklers so the kids could cool off. On Memorial Day morning I met up with a friend visiting from California and we had hot coffee while sitting in the sun.

Summer is short here so some of us do not complain about the heat, and, in fact, we seek it out.

Later that day I took Aubrey, Noah, and a friend of Aubrey’s to get cold slushies at the Dairy Queen and then for some play time at a park. I was distracted with Aubrey and her friend for about 15 seconds and then noticed Noah was gone. I yelled and yelled and my heart and legs were racing to find him. I did find him around the corner of a building but found the whole incident very disturbing as would any parent.


A gentleman signed Gabbie’s guest book and mentioned a boy named Cameron in need of prayers. Cameron has neuroblastoma. I’m so sorry for Cameron and his family.


Over the holiday weekend I took a trip to a local drugstore with Aubrey and Noah in tow, in the wagon. Aubrey had been pouting because of where she had to sit in the wagon so I was simply letting her pout. But then she started to cry and I asked her what was wrong. This was her heartbroken reply:

”When we watched the video of Gabbie at the Salvation Army, you (me) called Gabbie your special child.”

This is why our grief runs ever so deep. Not only the death and illness of the child causes pain but the very natural parental focus on the ill child causes pain for the surviving child. There truly is not one area of our lives that is left untouched or unscathed.

And, yes, I did explain to Aubrey that she was special in her own way but that due to Gabbie’s cancer we had to focus on her for a while. Aubrey has now accepted that she has heard me call her special far more times than Gabbie ever heard me say it.


We are so grateful for your continued visits to Gabbie’s site. Thank you so very much!

By the way, you guys are special!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, May 26, 2006 5:40 PM CDT


I watch my children play, eat, and sleep. I watch knowing with much gratefulness that my children play, eat, and sleep in relative safety.

Remembering and thanking all the courageous soldiers who have fought for freedoms and who have given Americans so much to be grateful for. Without the soldiers, this great country would not be what it is today.


Please pray for my friend Yolanda, and her husband George, as they faithfully follow Jesus while missing Anna, their only child. Anna loved Jesus and went home on May 30, 1997. (Link at the bottom of the page to Anna’ site—Galations 5.)


All the mothers and fathers of brave soldiers who have heard these words, “We regret to inform you….”


Thanks, as always, for visiting and for remembering so many departed children. Hope you have (or had) a great holiday weekend and enjoy the hot and muggy weather!!

We are not in the land of the living going to the land of the dying, we are in the land of the dying going to the land of the living.

And that ever bright eternal land of the living has but one entrance, one way, one door, Jesus Christ.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:47 AM CDT


We are so blessed and God has been so kind.

Due to a turn of events from the "In Memoriam" for Gabrielle, we all went to the Salvation Army last night and shared our story about Gabbie. But we, especially John and me, are the ones who walked away blessed. The men we met last night, struggling with trials which we know nothing about, are very, very special. The way some of the men clutched their Bibles and prayed over us will be a memory we hold dear for a long, long time.

But we also know that every detail that led us to the Salvation Army was all in God's Sovereign hands.

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28

"Say not my soul, 'From whence can God relieve my care?'
Remember that Omnipotence has servants everywhere.
His method is sublime, His heart profoundly kind,
God never is before His time, and never is behind."

Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening


Our friends, those seeking and those already believing, at the Salvation Army.


We never expected that Gabbie's story would end up at the Salvation Army. We never expected that Gabbie's story (the memoriam) would be taped up to the wall of a classroom in a public high school.


We thank God for His Sovereignty and all that He has done.

Have a good day and thanks for visiting!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:30 PM CDT


I just wanted to quick update and thank everyone for all the wonderful guest book entries and all the cards. There were some special notes in some of the cards and we appreciate the loving remembrances of Gabbie.

I also wanted to say that God has really blessed us by using Gabbie’s memoriam. I’m still in a bit of shock but I will just say that much has happened. I wanted the memoriam to touch people but I truly had no idea that so much could happen in 72 hours. With God, all things are possible.

God bless all of you. We are so very, very touched.


As always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those who continue to support us on this journey. We will always remember you for remembering Gabbie and we are eternally grateful.

We thank the good LORD for all He has done and for his tender mercies. We thank the LORD for loving Gabrielle beyond our wildest dreams.

Below is the memoriam I placed in both papers for the Twin Cities in the obituaries. I also included a good photo and a suffering photo. Because that is who Gabbie was and what her life was....quiet suffering.


Departed Child, it has been four years and our sojourner hearts grieve harshly but our heavenly hearts rejoice gladly for your soul!

Patient Child, your soul eagerly awaits the coming Resurrection for the full redemption of your body.

Wondrous Child, your soul joyfully praises our Redeemer in His presence!

Persevering Child, we remember your exemplary composure of sad but so silent tears when you asked, “cancer gone?” and Mama said “No.”

Blessed Child, Daddy treasures the memory of the day before you died as you pointed at someone he could not see and said, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”

Wise Child, Mama told you it may be time to go home to Jesus, and you asked, “Will you be dere?”

Providential Child, you were cruelly scourged by cancer but the Sovereign Father carried you and gently stilled your heart in His timing.

Kind Stranger, thank you for reading about our Shy Child, could you please read a little more?

There is only one way home to the Father and that is through the Son, Jesus Christ. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

And so our Heavenly Child begs of you, please, “will you be dere?”

Saint Child, we love you so much. Daddy, Mama, Aubrey and Noah

Friday, May 12, 2006 8:43 AM CDT


In these ever increasing uncertain times isn't it reassuring to know God's Word is eternal and everlasting? I was listening to someone on KTIS who recently went to a talk on terrorism and said that his mood was light upon starting the seminar but that the room was appalled and gloomy by the end of the seminar. And the movie from the book that attacked Christianity, The DaVinci Code is soon set to release and how many more will be wrongly persuaded by Brown's fictional fantasy? I read a statistic and fewer and fewer Americans believe in absolute truth.

But we can't despair and need to go on trusting Him and Him only.

Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Psalm 119:89


The Carlsen family from North Dakota as their baby girls undergo a very, very difficult surgery. Sisters Abbigail and Isabelle are conjoined twins and we here in Minnesota have been privileged to follow their story in the Star Tribune and on the news. I believe the surgery is today.


Someone once told me I "probably now have a different perspective." That is somewhat true.

Gabbie's death and the impact of her death on my life is an experience. I don' t view life that differently but rather life is completely different.


Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for visiting and for your kind thoughts! Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers!! Prayers for all my mother friends who have buried a child as a mother could know no greater pain.

Remember that God is eternal truth. The only truth.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:53 AM CDT


I slept but my heart was awake. (Song of Songs 5:2)

"…With a perishing world around us, to sleep is cruel; with eternity so near at hand, it is madness. Yet none of us are as awake as we ought to be; a few thunderclaps would do us all good, and it may be, unless we soon move quickly, wake ourselves up, we shall have them in the form of war, or pestilence, or personal bereavements and losses. O that we may leave the forever couch of physical comfort and go forth with flaming torches to meet the coming Bridegroom!..." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening


We had great weather over the weekend and we were outside a lot on Saturday. On Sunday only Noah and I went to Nurse Kate's daughter's First Communion celebration as it overlapped with John's nephew's, Joey, First Communion Mass. Noah and I then later joined John and Aubrey at Joey's celebration. The First Communicant's at Joey's church let balloons go and Joey's note was to Gabbie—how sweet!


On Monday, Our Lady of Peace called and told us that Aubrey probably had pink-eye so we had to pull her out and bring her to the pediatrician. Turns out she did not have pink-eye but as long as John had her there the doctor checked her counts.

She is above the danger level but her platelets are only at 40,000. Normal range is 150,000 to 400,000. We just keep going and hope that she yet grows out of this.


Please pray for the Fraisse family who lost Raphael, an incredible son. I never met Raphael but he worked at the International School here in Minnesota with my sister, Sarah. Raphael is originally from France and he seems to have made friends in many places in the world.

Raphael's Site


I rarely ask for prayers but please pray for us. The sadness around this time of year is hard enough but I also am always flooded with very unpleasant memories. I get so edgy and by the time I prayed last night I simply asked God to forgive me because my thoughts were not so good through-out the day.

The most hurtful, hurtful things in life are when others do to you what would anger them deeply if the roles had been reversed. So as I struggle with these memories, and their numbers are overwhelming, please pray for me.

I would love to sleep through this but that is not what God wants.


Thank you for visiting. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for acknowledging Gabbie's suffering. Yes, her tummy was swollen and it must have been very uncomfortable for her. Thank you, Michelle, for noticing.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, May 5, 2006 5:53 PM CDT


I’ve been thinking about all the children and their stories that have painfully come into my life. However painful to think of their suffering, I am much, much richer for such heartache.

You are the Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand. (Isaiah 64:8)

”God is the Potter, we are the clay. His is the one who gives the commands; we are the ones who obey. He never has to explain Himself; He never has to ask permission. He is shaping is over into the image of His Son, regardless of the pain and heartache that may require. Those lessons are learned a little easier when we remember that we are not in charge, He is.” ~ Chuck Swindoll, printed in God’s Promises, Day by Day


We have a busy weekend—or I should say a busy Sunday. Church and Sunday school in the morning and then two different First Communion celebrations. We will attend one celebration in the early afternoon for the daughter of one of Gabbie’s nurses and another celebration later on in the day for one of John’s nephews.


She looks so battered and bruised. I would be a wreck if the bruises were painful but thankfully they are not. Just blue, black, and green decorations on her skin—how pretty!


An ever so faithful family just lost their beautiful little boy, Micah. His pictures are so sweet and yet so painful.

*~* Site for Micah *~*


Oh, I know the Potter did what was right for Gabbie but I long to see…I just want to see her.


As always, we thank you so much for continuing to visit Gabrielle’s site. We are so very, very grateful.

Have a beautiful weekend. There is an absolute and unshakeable truth…JESUS!!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 5:40 PM CDT


I know I’m not the only grieving parent who has noticed this new song by Natalie Grant. I thought I heard “appalling” in the lyrics regarding the death of a child but I wasn’t sure so I looked it up.


Two months is too little.
They let him go.
They had no sudden healing.
To think that providence would
Take a child from his mother while she prays
Is appalling.

Who told us we’d be rescued?
What has changed and why should we be saved from nightmares?
We’re asking why this happens
To us who have died to live?
It’s unfair.

This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.

This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we’d be held.

This hand is bitterness.
We want to taste it, let the hatred NUMB our sorrow.
The wise hand opens slowly to lilies of the valley and tomorrow.


If hope is born of suffering.
If this is only the beginning.
Can we not wait for one hour watching for our Savior?

Artist, Natalie Grant; Written by Christina Wells


Aubrey and I had a great time in Stillwater….in spite of the non-stop rain! For Aubrey, the most exciting part is staying in a hotel so the rain did not get her down. We swam several times in the pool but spent more time in the whirlpool. Downdown Stillwater has unique shops so we browsed but fortunately bought very little. We went to beautiful St. Michael’s for church and out to dinner on Saturday night.


Please pray for our dear friends-they are both such wonderful families. The Nielsen family recently faced another anniversary of Steven’s death and the Buckentine’s are facing another birthday anniversary for Zachary.

*~* Site for Steven *~*

*~* Site for Zachary *~*


I pray every night for the souls of Aubrey and Noah. And after I pray for their souls, I pray for their physical health and safety.

I prayed the same every night when it was Aubrey and Gabrielle. And every weekday after I dropped them off at daycare I tearfully thanked God over and over for such wonderful blessings.

Thank you, God, thank you, God. Please God, please God, keep them safe.

And in the midst of prayer…she suffered immensely and she died.


Thank you so much for visiting.

Thank you, God, for holding us and for your assurance that Gabrielle is now truly safe.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:35 AM CDT


Do this in remembrance of me. 1 Corinthians 11:24

"It seems then, that Christians may forget Christ! There could be no need for this exhortation, if there were not a fearful supposition that our memories might prove treacherous. Nor is this a bare supposition: it is, alas! too well confirmed in our experience, not as a possibility, but as a lamentable fact. It appears almost impossible that those who have been redeemed by the blood of the dying Lamb, and loved with an everlasting love by the eternal Son of God, should forget that gracious Savior; but, if startling to the ear, it is, alas, too apparent to the eye for allow us to deny the crime.
Let's charge ourselves to bind a heavenly forget-me-not about our hearts for Jesus our Beloved, and, whatever else we let slip, let's hold fast to him." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

How often during the day do we forget Jesus? Sadly, I am distracted too often.


Another weekend almost upon us! I'm so busy at work that the days fly by and so too do the work-weeks. This week-end I am taking Aubrey to Stillwater for our "hotel-trip." We took one several years ago and Aubrey asks every year when we are doing it again so I caved. Stillwater is only about 45 minutes away but we can spend some one-on-one time. And that time is priceless!


She has bruises all over and I'm sure her counts are quite low.


As another CaringBridge parent recently noted, busy lives do not ease the grief.


Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to visit Gabbie's site. Thank you for remembering Gabbie! We hope you all have a great week-end.

Remember, remember, the Savior. There is no other way. Great intellects have set out to disprove Christianity and they come away, however surprised, as believers.

So remember the Savior!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 21, 2006 6:00 PM CDT


And the Lord turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends. (Job 42:10)

“The real business of your life as a saved soul intercessory prayer. Wherever God puts you in circumstances, pray immediately, pray that His Atonement may be realized in other lives as it has been in yours. Pray for your friends now; pray for those whom you come into contact now. Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest


We had such nice weather and now it’s turned rather gray and dreary again. Well, we have somewhat of a busy weekend planned so hopefully we won’t notice the weather. John and I are going to a fundraiser for OLP on Saturday night—Starry Starry Night. I didn’t go last year so I’m not sure what to expect. We are hoping that one of Gabrielle’s nurses, Nurse Kate, will be joining us! Her daughter, one grade ahead of Aubrey, will be going to OLP next year so hopefully we will see more of her.

On Sunday John has volunteered to clean-up after Starry Starry Night and I will also start my first time as a teacher in Noah’s class at First Evangelical Free. I have never done anything like this but am actually looking forward to working with the two-three year old children.


So many families watching their children suffer from cancer. Please, please pray for them.


Thank you to all those who have at one time or another thanked us for sharing Gabbie and her legacy. You have NO IDEA how much it means to us!!


Have a great weekend. Remember that Jesus is THE only way and not just one of many ways.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 8:31 AM CDT


"How happy are tested Christians, later on. No calm more deep then that which succeeds a storm. Who hasn't rejoiced in the clear shining after rain? Victorious banquets are for well-exercised soldiers…..It is peace, sweet, deep peace, which follows the horrible turmoil which once reigned in our tormented guilty souls. See, then, the happy estate of a Christian! He has the best things last and, therefore, in this world receives the worst things first. (How very, very true for our dear Gabrielle!) But even the worst things are 'later on' good things, harsh ploughings yielding joyful harvests. Even now he grows rich by his losses, he rises by his falls, he lives by dying, and becomes full by being emptied; if, then his grievous afflictions yield him so much peaceable fruit in this life, what shall be the full vintage of joy 'later on' in heaven? If dark nights are as bright as the world's days, what shall the days be?....Oh blessed 'later on!' Who wouldn't be a Christian? Who wouldn't bear the present cross for the crown which comes later on? But herein is work for patience, for the rest is not for today, nor the triumph for the present, but 'later on."

Wait, O soul, and let patience have her perfect work." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

Morning and Evening is a daily devotional of some of the works of Charles Spurgeon with a morning and evening reading for each day. The excerpts above from Later on (Hebrews 12:11) are for May 18. The day after Gabrielle left us.

Later on. How very true.


We hope you all had a good Easter celebration! It was quite a day for us but it was a good day. My neighbor had volunteered my faith story to our pastor and I was asked if I wouldn't mind giving it on Easter—which was also the first Sunday that First Evangelical Free went to two services.

On Saturday night my neighbor called to tell me she had also invited many of our neighbors so I was nervous as public speaking is a rarity for me. And many of them did come…I was so very touched!!

John and Aubrey (Noah went to the nursery) came to the second service. After my faith story, I went back to the pew and found John with tears streaming down his face. I'm not a very prepared wife/mother and I never have Kleenex in my purse so we sent Aubrey off to the bathroom to get him some tissues.

A number of people came up to me and shared how they too had lost a child. The children ranged from ages six weeks to 61 years of age….no matter their age they are always our children and should never depart before us.

After church we went to Maple Grove to my brother-in-law's and sister-in-law's house for a nice Easter brunch. When we got home we faced the reality of a very messy house, no time for grocery shopping and no time to finish the weekend's laundry.

Well, it's all about Jesus so who cares about laundry and groceries!


She has quite a few bruises. But she also, finally, learned how to ride a bike this weekend and she is somewhat of a klutzy girl.


I shall see you, Gabbie. Your glorified body shall be forever reunited to your soul, Gabbie.

Later on.


Thank you all for continuing to visit Gabrielle's site. I want to thank my sister, Nancy, for sending me that photo of Noah, above, with the massive hair, as I was shocked when I saw it but it is a great photo to keep and treasure!

Have a wonderful day and never lose the hope that Jesus shall indeed come again, later on, and bring all His children to eternal life with God. And we can worship God in pure joy.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:36 AM CDT


I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. (Psalm 22:14)

"….He was wounded, and felt the sword; He drained the cup and tasted every drop.

As we kneel before our now ascended Savior's throne, let's remember well the way by which He prepared it as a throne of grace for us; let's in spirit drink of His cup, that we may be strengthened for our hour of heaviness whenever it may come. In His natural body every member suffered, and so it must be in the spiritual; but as out of all His griefs and woes His body came forth uninjured to glory and power, even so shall His mystical body come through the furnace with not so much as the smell of fire upon it." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening


Our family thanks our Heavenly Father for the most precious gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Without the pouring out of His innocent blood and His glorious resurrection we would be nothing and have no hope.


We hope all of you have a very blessed Easter.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 7, 2006 6:21 PM CDT


Albert Mohler reports on his blog that most Americans do not believe in a bodily resurrection.

(A poll undertaken and published by Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University points to a most interesting finding -- a majority of Americans no longer believe in the resurrection of the body.)

I’ve had both believing and non-believing relatives tell me that it’s possible we won’t have physical bodies. This is not true!!

As usual, Mohler had a lot to say but below are his closing remarks.

“Instead, this is further evidence of the doctrinal evasiveness of today's churches. My firm guess is that the vast majority of Americans simply have no idea that the Bible clearly teaches a doctrine of personal resurrection and that the claim is central to the Gospel itself. Whose fault is that?

I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. [1 Corinthians 15:50-53, English Standard Version]”


OLP had spring break this week so I took Tuesday off to spend time with Aubrey. We ended up having the neighbor girl, Greta, join us as we went to see Hoodwinked (pretty good I might say!).

Before we went off to the movie Aubrey and Greta wanted to walk around the block and pick-up trash. We came home with a lovely souvenier—a shell casing. Last Saturday night right after I went to bed I heard a spray of bullets and so John turned on his scanner. All we know is that a vehicle was shot at multiple times at the end of our block. Thankfully no one was hurt.

But it hurts us as we and all our neighbors truly enjoy living in our little south Minneapolis neighborhood. I do think that most of us still feel very safe during day-time hours. Lots of runners, lots of walkers, lots of families with kids, lots of coffee shops….and more.


Last weekend Noah picked up one of my rubber-stamps (they are mounted on solid wood) and whipped it at Aubrey’s head. She immediately got a little egg and a very, very ugly bruise. Noah was marched straight to his room after that and I did not suppress my yelling. I don’t know what prompted him but he and Aubrey had been playing and Noah can get whipped up easily and he has this intense amount of physical energy—hope he becomes a runner some day! But since he loves to throw I guess I might have to accept baseball.


So many children dying. Please pray for Cam’s family and visit his site. A beautiful boy who battled neuroblastoma and autism. Seems so unfair to have so much poured on one little body.

*~* Site for Cam *~*

Please also pray for Nick Snow’s family. Nick battled neuroblastoma and was NED…but as any cancer parent knows, the harshness of the treatment is so devastating that sometimes children die from results of treatment and not the cancer itself. Nick certainly also endured more than his fair share.

*~* Site for Nick *~*


Dearest Gabrielle, I fully believe I will embrace your physical and resurrected body some day. What a day that shall be!!


Thank you so much for visting….Gabbie’s site and all the other sites. God bless you!

Know that through the righteousness of the Son we look with much hope to a resurrected body in our eternal life. But only if we admit we are sinful creatures and we look to Jesus as our Savior.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, April 2, 2006 1:02 PM CDT


…The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come an perch in its branches." Matthew 13:31-32

Some day all the things of God, which may seem small now, shall produce results beyond our human comprehension.


Here is another little neuroblastoma warrior and his family who really need prayers. Please keep Cam and family in your prayers.

Site for Cam


You were so very little, Gabbie. But God's plans for you are so very, very big.


Thank you for visiting. Thanks to all those who went over to Ashleigh's site and offered condolences.

Only Jesus will bring us home some day and so only Jesus can offer that heavenly reunion with our departed loved ones.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 8:31 AM CST



I think it was her constant smile or maybe it was because she and Gabbie had the same wicked cancer. All I know is I’m very sorry and very saddened to note that she has died. I will try to concentrate on the mundane, mundane, unimportant things at work today but it will be almost impossible.


Please pray for sweet Ashleigh’s family.

*~* Site for Ashleigh *~*

* * * * *


We had a good weekend, especially with a visit from my friend, Jen Buckentine. Jen (Zachary's mama) drove down from Saint Cloud with Brady and baby Tate for a visit. Brady is so well-behaved and Tate is a very cute roly-poly baby!

On Saturday night we took Aubrey and Noah to the Minnesota State High School Boy's Basketball championship. John went to DeLaSalle so he was very happy to see them beat Duluth. Aubrey surprised me by paying attention to the entire game and she even corrected me once when I started daydreaming and accidentally clapped for the wrong team.


She has some bruising so we know her counts are not normal. Last night before she showered she was worried about a bruise right in the crotch area and so I asked her is she was playing on the monkey bars and, why yes, she was. Well, that's your answer.

If we hadn't been through Gabbie's cancer we would probably be at the pediatrician's office getting her counts checked every month just as they told us to. But why bother when the bruising is nothing to worry about and the bruises themselves can tell us her counts are not normal.


Please keep praying for Ashleigh….I guess she is feeling OK and has been out and about.

Ashleigh's Site


A couple of weeks ago we got a flyer from Common Ground at church along with the bulletin. It included a Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale that indicated in order or importance events that precipitated change or life transition. While other deaths were on the list, the death of a child was absent. How could that be? I know the answer.

Most children in America do not die and most American parents do not bury children.


Thank you for visiting and have a good day. Enjoy the beautiful weather and all the signs of a loving Creator.

Missing Gabbie very much but thanking God for a roof over our heads, food on the table, and jobs we like. Although I still dream about being a stay-at-home mom!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 5:52 PM CST


Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
(Philippians 2:9-11)


Just like everyone else these days….we are struggling to keep the pace with school work, work schedules, highly energetic children, and so much more. But we are thankful to God for all that we have.

Noah finally got a real haircut a couple of weeks ago. John took him to the Home & Garden show and he couldn’t believe how many times Noah was called a girl. So I took Noah to Great Clips the following day and I was asked if the haircut was for “her.” No, it’s for him and that is why we are here! Noah behaved well but had a very strange frown on his face the entire time—I think he was scared so I stood there and held his hands.


Keep praying for Ashleigh. Her story is breaking my heart so very much.

*~* Site for Ashleigh *~*

I can only imagine the heartbreak of finishing up chemo and less then two months later to learn that your child has relapsed. Please pray for Hunter and her family—Hunter has relapsed with her ALL. (Thanks to “a friend.”)

*~* Site for Hunter *~*


When I was still attending Wooddale, and months after I had given my faith story, I ran into one of the pastors on a Sunday and he told me that a mother had listened to my faith story and her very young child had been with her. Later on that day, the young child asked her mother Gabrielle’s question: Would she be there?

I never thought about Gabrielle’s journey touching other young children but I guess it has.

To this day I still pray that Gabrielle’s story bring others to Jesus. And yet while it is her story all the Glory belongs to God!!


Thank you for visiting our site and thank you for so many kindnesses over the years.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 17, 2006 6:11 PM CST

Noah Knows Holy!

”…Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts…” (Isaiah 6:3)

During a sermon several weeks ago our pastor was talking about the holiness of God and mentioned that the only “tripleness” in the Bible is “Holy, Holy, Holy.” So later on that day when we were all eating lunch I whispered the answer in Aubrey’s ear and quizzed John about what was the only “tripleness” in the Bible. I wasn’t paying attention to Noah but eventually could hear him singing, without any prompting from us, “We cry holy…we cry holy…we cry holy…”

John still didn’t get the answer until we told him but Aubrey and I sure got a kick out of Noah’s unintended hint. He must have remembered it from one of our Michael W. Smith CDs.

Oh, if only our family could be as holy as we are called to be.


Her bruises are getting better again.


Please continue to pray for Ashleigh and her family.

Site for Ashleigh


I’ve said it before but I think so many always forget.

I love my children far more than my own life. I love my children far, far more than life itself (this temporary earthly life).

That is why our grief for the child now gone runs so deep and is so enduring.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thank you for praying for or visiting the sites for other children.
Have a great weekend!

Jesus Christ is the only way. There is no other way and no other life.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, March 13, 2006 8:52 AM CST


Our Lady of Peace is closed so I am taking a vacation day. Aubrey and Noah are very excited as I have told them we are going to go out and play in the snow. After all, my children live in the great northern state of Minnesota and snow is quite a novelty.

We are surrounded and cloaked in brilliant white's very beautiful.


I took Aubrey, Noah, and a neighbor girl to the fund raiser for the Olson family. It was at "Jump-n-Spot," and the kids had a blast. It had eight very large inflatables—so large that sometimes I couldn't even see Aubrey and Greta even though I always knew which inflatable they were in.

Noah was a little hesitant and I had to go in, over and over and over, one of the slide inflatables with him—I worked up more of a sweat then I do running! I didn't see the Olson family but based on their updated journal entry I think they were there.

The neighbor girl joined us for dinner and cake and ice-cream for Noah's birthday. It was very loud good to watch Noah and the girls have such a great time.


Please keep praying.

Ashleigh's Site

And prayers for our friends, the Nielsen's, as they endure another anniversary.

Steven's Site


At Sunday's fundraiser I bought a ticket for you, Gabbie. Tickets for you and some of your friends never to be seen again in this life.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site. Enjoy the rare snowstorm.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 10, 2006 6:16 PM CST


She’s bruising a lot again.


I am taking Aubrey and Noah on Sunday (Noah’s b-day!!) to one of the fundraiser’s for the Olson family. This is the family that lost a young boy, Drew, to Alpers, and now their little baby girl, McKenna, also has Alpers. Please pray for them.

Site for Drew & McKenna

And please continue your prayers for sweet Ashleigh and her family.

Site for Ashleigh


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Have a wonderful weekend.

For God so loved the world,
He gave His only Son,
To die on Calv'ry's tree,
From sin to set me free;
Some day He's coming back -
What glory that will be!
Wonderful His love to me.

(Author unknown)

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:27 AM CST


Most of us are nothing like Adolph Hitler yet most of us are nothing like Mother Teresa. But we will be judged not against Hitler and not against Mother Teresa but against the PERFECT righteousness of God.

Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight be observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. Romans 3:20

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:25

Thank you, Jesus!


We will be celebrating Noah's third birthday this weekend! Aubrey, still Offrey to Noah, has him all worked up and he is quite excited. Last night I mentioned that in a few weeks we might all go as a family to watch the high school boys' finals for the state basketball tournaments and he ran around jumping up and down yelling how "cited" he was.


She only has one bruise right now but I know it's from the ITP because she didn't recall how she got it. If I had such a deep bruise, I would remember how I got it!


Even John sat with me one night as we read the history of Ashleigh's battle against neuroblastoma. He cannot believe everything she has been through either. Please pray for Ashleigh and her family.

Ashleigh's Site


I removed one of the pictures of the children of Niger's famine. I cannot bring myself to remove the remaining pictures because they remind me so much of Gabbie, especially the one with the child sitting up.

Images of Gabbie flash through my mind all the time and so often she is just sitting, sitting, and sitting in her hospital bed. She was always sitting with solemn wide eyes ever observing never complaining.

She is deeply and forever missed. But she has been fully rescued now from death.


Thanks again for the prayers for my mother. The pathology reports were good and they believe they got all the cancer.

Have a very wonderful day and thanks for visiting Gabbie's site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 3, 2006 10:08 AM CST


I’m home this morning with Aubrey as she started to throw up in the middle of the night. Hopefully it will not last long….….


Please continue to pray for Ashleigh and her family. If you can, read the introduction on the main page that chronicles all of Ashleigh's treatment. Neuroblastoma is already a very wicked cancer and it has been particularly harsh on little Ashleigh.

There are a lot of pictures of Ashleigh on the main page and the one that makes me cry almost every time is one where she has her arms and hands raised with a very happy expression at Christmas time.

Site for Ashleigh


"Small coffins are placed in the ground, but more than the body is buried. Parents also bury all the hopes and dreams they had for those children….dusty toy dogs and rusty toy soldiers pale before the glories of heaven, but they are present and profound losses just the same." ~ James W. Bruce III, From Grief to Glory


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today. Have a good weekend.

There are no tears in heaven. Please look to the one and only true and living Savior who can bring you to the place where sorrow is no more.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, February 27, 2006 6:09 PM CST


One of my dear friends who is almost upon another birthday anniversary without her only child recently sent me a link to a Charles Spurgeon sermon on the departure of loved ones.

“…Why this removal of the very best when we so much need the noblest examples? I am bowed down, and could best express myself in a flood of tears as I survey the line of graves so newly digged; but I restrain myself from so carnal a mode of regarding the matter, and look upon it in a clearer light. The Master is gathering the ripest of his fruit, and well doth he deserve them. His own dear hand is putting his apples of gold into his baskets of silver; and as we see that it is the Lord, we are bewildered no longer. His word, as it comes before us in the text, calms and quiets our spirits. It dries our tears, and calls us to rejoicing as we hear our heavenly Bridegroom praying, "Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am." We understand why the dearest and best are going. We see in whose hand is held the magnet which attracts them to the skies. One by one they must depart from this lowland country, to dwell above, in the palace of the King, for Jesus is drawing them to himself. Our dear babes go home because "he gathereth the lambs with his arm and carrieth them in his bosom;" and our ripe saints go home because the Beloved is come into his garden to gather lilies. These words of our Lord Jesus explain the continual home-going; they are the answer to the riddle which we call death….” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, March 21, 1886, Why They Leave Us


Please pray for my friends who miss their beautiful daughter, Anna, so very much.

Galations 5 Site for Anna


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

Thank you for the prayers for my mother. Aubrey and I went to visit her at the hospital on Saturday morning—less than 24 hours after surgery—and she shocked us by announcing that she was going home later that day!! Pathology reports are not ready of course but I believe the doctors are quite hopeful that all the cancer was removed.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, February 24, 2006 8:31 AM CST


But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…. (1 Peter 3:15)

On the night I ran last week it was very cold and dark so few people were out and about. So I was a little surprised when I heard someone calling out to me. I stopped running and watched two young men approach me (I knew they were safe…I've always had a very good instinct). One of them started to laugh and mentioned that "no way would a car hit me" as I was so reflective. I looked down at my running vest and mentioned that my husband makes me wear it.

And before either of them could speak again I knew who they were. They were Mormons. We briefly chatted and I told them that I had accepted the free gift of eternal life from Jesus. Yet obviously I wasn't very convincing as they still wanted to come visit and tell me about the Book of Mormon, which I politely refused.

We are supposed to be prepared but I was totally unprepared as to what to say to two young men braving the cold and the dark and, probably, uninterested people as they went door to door with such sincerity.

How come we evangelicals don't do that?


My friend Susan left a message in the guest book about a family on KARE 11. The Olson family from Minnesota has lost a son to Alpers disease and now their youngest daughter also has Alpers.
Please pray for them.

Site for Drew and McKenna

And remember prayers for Ashleigh and her family.

Site for Ashleigh


Thank you to those who gave us Baby Charlie's Web site! Thank you for the prayers for my mother who is having her surgery today.

Have a very good weekend and thank you for visiting Gabbie's site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:30 AM CST


Not too long ago I mentioned a little girl named Ashleigh battling neuroblastoma. Almost all the pictures on the site depict a very happy and smiling child. But now Ashleigh's pain is beyond words and her parents are also suffering beyond words. Please, please pray for Ashleigh and her family.

Site for Ashleigh


We had a good weekend even though both Aubrey and Noah are battling bad colds. John and I split our workdays yesterday because Noah was running a fever but I think he can go to daycare today.

Aubrey did not have school yesterday and so in the morning she actually wanted Noah to have a fever so that she could stay home with us as we keep our kids home if they have fevers. But Noah didn't have a fever initially so as I was getting to work I listened to Aubrey's sobbing as she does not like to go to daycare. (It's a very good daycare but there is no one there her age.) I told her I wanted to stay home too and that I was saving my vacation days to spend with her in the summer. Still, sobbing, sobbing, and more sobbing. I cried too. But she eventually cheered up and was only there a few hours because then Noah did develop a fever.


The Nuckolls family lost a very beautiful and very precious little girl a little over a year ago. Please visit their Web site for Star….another child has touched my heart.

Star Nuckolls' Site


"Life is a hard fight, a struggle, a wrestling with the principle of evil, hand to hand, foot to foot. Every inch of the way is disputed. But the night is given us to take breath and to pray, to drink deep at the fountain of power. The day, to use the strength that has been given us, to go forth to work with it till the evening." ~ Florence Nightingale

Missing Gabrielle very much every single step of the way and wrestling the temptations that seem never to have ceased since she took her last breath. Without Him, I would not even be standing.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site and thank you for the prayers for my mother and friend.

Did anyone see the Nightline special last night? About baby Charlie? If you know the Web site address for Charlie, please share with us!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, February 17, 2006 8:39 AM CST


Has anyone else been following the stories about avian flu? For over six months I've followed a "flu wiki" and there are people in this country, and outside this country, who have stockpiled a year's supply food and water in case of a pandemic.

There is nothing wrong with preparing but to stockpile a year's worth of provisions is too daunting for me. I don't know one single person who is preparing for a possible pandemic even though the experts say it's not an "if," but rather "when." So, I've made a few, tiny, insignificant preparations.

I used to be the type of person that would be panicking every day about avian flu. I think it can and will happen. I would be devastated if I lost my husband or another child or both my children. But yet I do sleep at night…because He will always be in control.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)


Aubrey only has a few bruises this week. OLP called me at work this week because Aubrey bumped her mouth and she bled on her lips and where a tooth is coming in. OLP has been so good about reporting every little incident—fortunately I get most of the calls as opposed to John! I just thank them and get back to work but John worries about every drop of blood. And rightly so, after all he has been through.


One of my friends is having her surgery for cancer next week so please pray for her.

My mother is having a double mastectomy next Friday the 24th. Please pray for peace and comfort.


Have a good weekend! If you are here in Minnesota make sure to bundle up as we were so very spoiled until now. Brrrr.

Hug your children….listen to your children….praise your children when they are good.

Thanks for all your support.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, February 13, 2006 8:40 AM CST


A friend once told me that maybe God allowed Gabbie to die because perhaps later in life she would have rejected Jesus Christ. I thought about that one a lot but decided God's effectual call to whomever He wants to save would have won Gabbie over, regardless.

While the full purpose will never be revealed in this life, the overarching purpose for her death is because God loved her.

Death, being the wages of sin, why are not the righteous delivered from death, seeing all their sins are forgiven in Christ? The righteous shall be delivered from death itself at the last day, and even in death are delivered from the sting and curse of it; so that, although they die, yet it is out of God's love, to free them perfectly from sin and misery, and to make them capable of further communion with Christ in glory, which then enter upon. Westminster Larger Catechism, 85

Aubrey likes the perfume inserts that come in Sunday's paper. Some of you may have seen this one if you get the Star-Tribune. I showed it to Aubrey and asked her if it reminded her of a story. She took two seconds and then replied, "Adam and Eve." The advertisement was clearly a reference to Adam and Eve. It was a seductive head shot of a man and a woman and she was holding an apple and had taken a bite. The perfume, with male and female versions, was called Be Delicious.

Today, sin is up on a pedestal as if it is to be desired.

Gabrielle is free. Aubrey and Noah are not.


Someone who was following Gabbie's site even as far back as the illness once noticed a picture that I put on the site included a friend she knew from college. Her friend turned out to be my sister, Nancy. And now my supportive friend's little boy is getting ready to have extensive foot surgery and they have set up a CB site for him. I guess the surgery has been put off because Noah has strep throat. If you can, please visit the site for little Noah.

Noah's Site


We hope you all had a great weekend! Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:31 AM CST


Law Five: It is not God's will that everyone be healed in this life.

During Gabbie's illness I fell into the trap known as Word of Faith (it has many other names). I thought my faith could heal Gabbie. And as Chuck Swindoll points out, the verse most often cited for faith-healing is By His scourging we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5b)

"'There is healing in Christ's atonement!' they shout. Of course there is! But what kind? Check the context, O shouter. By His scourging we are spiritually healed. The whole flow of thought in the fifty-third chapter [of Isaiah] has to do with the inner, spiritual needs of the man and Christ's priceless provision. That is why He was wounded and bruised. That is why He died…not to heal sick people but to give life to dead ones." Charles R. Swindoll, Come Before Winter, And Share My Hope

I remember I read all kinds of Word of Faith materials and saw the scourging verse many, many times. But strangely I never relied on that verse because deep down I already knew that the healing in that verse referred to spiritual healing.

Thank you, Jesus.


Parents of children who disappear. Another young woman (in Florida) is missing. John and I have both mentioned how much greater the despair would not know. It's so hard to watch them suffer but it is, I'm sure, even harder to imagine the unthinkable.


We were not made to handle loss. Adam and Eve were made to enjoy life without sickness or sin.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Have a great weekend.

God is our salvation!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:27 AM CST


It is expected that when a child dies, the Christian will have less pain than a non-believer. Our faith does give us a different perspective (and very much hope) but not always in the way that others would believe.

"There are many advantages to being a Christian, but absence of pain is not one of them. Believers are called to be people of godly integrity who honestly face the realities of living in a sin-stained world, in sin-infected bodies, and in sin-marred relationships. Experiencing pain is one of those harsh realities. If anything, the Christian's pain is intensified because he knows better then anyone else how different things might have been if it were not for sin. He also knows how different things someday will be. It is that hope of a better day that makes the bitter tears of today bearable." Tim Jackson, How Can I Live With My Loss?

God sovereignly ordained, but did not author, Gabrielle's cancer and untimely death. But that was not His original plan for her. Gabrielle was meant to live a long, long life. But only a God like our God can take this tragedy and in eternity it will be for good. Very good, in fact.


I have been paying for a family membership at the YMCA for several years but John rarely if ever goes. But I am trying to get us to do more things as a family and so we all went on Saturday. Noah is the only one without a card so we had his picture taken, or tried to at least. He is so defiant and I am waiting for the day that his strong-will can be put to good use! I still worry, however, that his behavior is a little out of control.


Aubrey has very few bruises right now but she is having nosebleeds. Never mind the six-month goal, I think we are now on track for a year-long watch process. But she is so healthy, otherwise, and we can be nothing but thankful!


Within days or weeks after one of my friends lost her child, her mother finally observed and remarked that there was nothing she could do to ease the grief.

That was so understanding but also so very blessedly humble.

(She didn't mean that people cannot help but that no one can change our pain.)


We thank you for the continued visits to Gabrielle's site. Thank you for so many, many kindnesses.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:17 PM CST


Here is Charles Swindoll’s second law on suffering. Little children all over the world who suffer needlessly and die have never sinned. That can be so hard to understand but we do live in a fallen world.

Law Two: Original sin introduced suffering, illness, and death the human race (Romans 5:12b).

Had there never been the presence of original sin in the Garden of Eden, mankind would never have known sickness or death. In the broadest sense of the word, all sickness and suffering today are the result of original sin. Literally, the Lord told Adam "in the day that you eat from it, dying you will die." (Genesis 2:17), Charles Swindoll, Come Before Winter and Share my Hope


Please pray for the Thomas family. Christi has been battling neuroblastoma for a long, long time and it is turning into a tough battle.

Site for Christi

Also, the doctors found more cancer in my mom and so things have changed. She will need much more invasive surgery but the doctor is very hopeful that the surgery will eliminate all the cancer.


We hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy the warm weather…it’s supposed to get cold next week.

Thank you for all your prayers!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, January 30, 2006 8:37 AM CST


I have a new devotional by Chuck Swindoll and he outlines five laws of suffering. Gabrielle fits into more than one, and I will share all five soon, but here is Law Four:

Sometimes there is no relationship between personal sins and sickness.

Some are born with afflictions—suffering before they ever reach the age of committing sins (John 9:1-3; Acts 3:1-2). Others, like Job (1:1-5), are living upright lives when suffering occurs. Jesus Himself "sympathizes with our weaknesses" (Hebrews 4:15) rather than rebuking us because we have sinned. Remember, "although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered" (Hebrews 5:8). Jesus never committed sins, yet He suffered. Charles R. Swindoll, Come Before Winter and Share My Hope


We had a good weekend with the kids—Noah does always test us, however. Poor Noah is still referred to as a girl almost every single weekend and usually by several people. I've decided that so many toddler boys have their hair shaved that people simply assume Noah is a girl the minute they see a head of hair.

We were also received good news on my mother's breast cancer. She had surgery last week and we were blessed to find out that it most likely has not spread to lymph nodes and she now will just need radiation. This is the best possible outcome for breast cancer.


Aubrey has lots of bruising and nose bleeds. We are still hoping this is temporary.


Please pray for this precious little girl, Ashleigh, and her family. Little Ashleigh is facing a very tough battle with neuroblastoma. Her little body has been through so very much and I wept the first time I went through some of their journal entries.

Ashleigh's Site

One of my supportive friends has recently been diagnosed with cancer. She has helped so many on CaringBridge so please pray for strength and healing for her and her family.


Thanks for visiting!! Thanks for all your prayers. He is always there and He is always Good!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:24 PM CST


"You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; put everything under his feet" (Psalm 8:5-6)

A guest book signer kindly pointed out that Aubrey may be too young to know about abortion. I trust our pastor and he talked about the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and abortion before the children were dismissed to children's church.

God values all human life and we want our children to know that but to also understand that the many in the world will teach them the opposite. We do not share graphic details with Aubrey so she is not fearful or judgmental. She just knows it is wrong.

I wonder if the guestbook signer knows that even some Girl Scout Councils in the United States have ties to Planned Parenthood. If any of you have daughters involved in Girl Scouts you might want to do some research on the Internet to find out if your Council supports PP.


Tanja Theriault has set up a Web site called Loyal Lambs and she profiles numerous children, those fighting disease and those who have gone on to Jesus. She set up a page in memory of Gabrielle and may even try to write a song that includes “Will you be dere?”

Loyal Angel Lambs


Thank you so much, Tanja! Thanks to all who still come visit our site!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, January 23, 2006 8:35 AM CST


Yesterday was the 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. How many more of God's beautiful children will bleed into the already flowing river of blood before God's longsuffering patience ends?

"You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!..." (Psalm 139:13-14)

Those children are with God and I always wonder, what does He say to them?


Aubrey's bruising is picking up a tiny bit but I remain hopeful as we approach the six-month mark. Actually, I've already accepted we might have to watch this for a year before deciding whether she will have it for the rest of her life.

Aubrey surprised me yesterday when we were driving home from church. She had picked up on the Pastor's comments on abortion and all the innocent lives lost. She mentioned to me that two of her friends have "American Girl" dolls and how she told them that American Girl supports abortion and so she cannot have one. All we did was tell Aubrey that we will not support American Girl and then briefly told her why.

I'm not sure if everyone knows this, but American Girl does (or did) fund pro-abortion groups. How strange that they would support the very actions that are reducing their income base.


Please pray for a family member who will be having surgery on Thursday due to a recent cancer diagnosis. (Not everyone knows so I cannot share other details.)


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. We thank God for all those who have helped us on this journey!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:09 PM CST


I was just commenting to another grieving mother today that sometimes I think about God’s purpose in Gabbie’s untimely death and how if I knew His purpose I would truly faint. And so how appropriate…a nugget from Oswald Chambers!

The first thing God does is get us grounded on strong reality and truth. He does this until our cares for ourselves individually have been brought into submission to His way for the purpose of His redemption. Why shouldn’t we experience heartbreak? Through those doorways God is opening up ways of fellowship with His Son. Most of us collapse at the first grip of pain. We sit down at the door of God’s purpose and enter a slow death through self-pity. And all the so-called Christian sympathy of others helps us to our deathbed. But God will not. He comes with the grip of the pierced hand of His Son, as if to say, "Enter into fellowship with Me; arise and shine." If God can accomplish His purposes in this world through a broken heart, then why not thank Him for breaking yours? Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest


For some reason, West chose to give us MLK as a holiday and so Aubrey and I went to Minneapolis Children’s to donate some stamping supplies. The bag I carried was so heavy that the Child Life Specialist asked me if I was giving up stamping and, no I am not…but I did have that much stuff! It wasn’t all stamping supplies but most of it was—I’m just glad someone else can use it.

Aubrey and I then went to visit my friend Cathy Clyde. We had a nice visit but their oldest daughter, Mary, was in terrible pain from teething and we felt so sorry for her. Baby Sarah is growing so fast and I was shocked (I haven’t seen her since she was only a day or two) at how big and chunky she has become!

Noah is doing fine…defiant as ever and testing our patience every day. Although I do hope to soon share some pictures of Noah while he was enamored with Aubrey’s pink shiny rain slicker. For some reason he likes to wear it and is oblivious to the “girly” color of pink!


Holding steady, we think. A few ugly bruises and some nose bleeds but I’m guessing her counts have been much lower in the past.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today!! I keep forgetting to share a new link concerning Gabbie and several other children...will do next time, hopefully.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:09 PM CST


…The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised. (Job 1:21)

Job praised God in the midst of terrible suffering. We simply cannot begin to understand God’s ways when so many little children continue to die from cancer. We might ask why, but God is free to do His will for all His creation.

We are doing alright and we still remain healthy. I am doing something new this winter and about once a week I run outside after the kids go to bed. This means, of course, that I am out in the black of night after 9:00 p.m. but I have felt relatively safe and once I start I truly enjoy the quiet time in the winter night.

You have to do something otherwise winter in Minnesota can become quite dreary.


The family of Dakota Rose…another precious child who left too early after battling neuroblastoma.

Site for Dakota Rose


As always, we can never thank you enough!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:12 PM CST


Christmas was very, very hard this year for me but as always we seem to survive.

Everyone remains healthy for now and we are so grateful for that. I took some time off last week while Aubrey was out of school and really enjoyed spending time with her. We went to the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe even though some thought that the final intense battle scene would be too much for someone Aubrey’s age. I knew that the movie never showed actual blood during battle and felt Aubrey could handle it and sure enough she did.

All I can say is….what a great movie!! I might try to drag John to see it (he isn’t much for movies).


She has enough bruising to indicate her counts are not normal but not so much that we are worried. However, we will soon be approaching the six-month mark, which some doctors use to determine whether the child will have to deal with ITP for the rest of their life. Other doctors suggest waiting one year so we shall see.


All the families of the miners from West Virginia. I cannot imagine the utter heartbreak of celebrating good news and then only to learn the information was wrong.


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, December 19, 2005 4:19 PM CST


We will be offline for a bit and so wanted to wish all of you an early Merry Christmas. We are forever grateful for all your support. We hope you all have safe travels and that your are much blessed in 2006!

Others can try with might to remove Jesus from America but Jesus reigns over all forever and ever!

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the increase of his government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the LORD Almighty
will accomplish this.

(Isaiah 9:6-7)

*~*~* handstamped by Miss Aubrey Paquette!! *~*~*

Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:06 PM CST


Ever wonder if the practice of Santa Claus runs contrary to Christian faith? We do Santa Claus for our children but I was always a bit uncomfortable with Santa until I read my latest issue of Touchstone (link to this wonderful magazine below). Excerpts below.

"When the Santa Claus tradition is practiced within the full context of the Christmas celebration, there is no danger of distrust or cynicism. To the contrary, a failure to cultivate children's imaginations with Fantasy makes them vulnerable to scientism and rationalism, and damages their ability to appreciate the mysteries of the faith….in the practice of the Santa Claus tradition, children are given a concrete experience of mystery, wonder, and happiness, which in some sense is a participation in and preparation for the mysteries of the faith.
The practice of Santa Clause tradition is more like Fantasy than Magic. Unlike Magic, the practice of the Santa Clause tradition does not desire 'power in this world,' nor 'domination of things and wills.' Rather, like Fantasy, it seeks to instill Secondary Belief in a Secondary World. Nor does Fantasy require that its Secondary World be completely separate from the Primary World." Nathan Schlueter, Yes, Aquinas, There is a Santa Claus, Touchstone, December 2005


Thank you for visiting! Hope you are all doing well.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 6:03 PM CST


Everyone is healthy again! On Monday Noah went to daycare, John went back to work, Aubrey went back to school, and I started my new job.

John never listens to my advice about taking vitamins, exercising, and eating right but the doctor he saw recommended all three and even John is taking note. Hopefully it will not just be a passing phase.


Aubrey is doing well but the situation at school with the threesome is still an issue and I did not get a very good report today in an e-mail from Aubrey’s teacher.


Please pray for the Brion family as another beautiful and special child has entered heaven after battling neuroblastoma.

Site for Brooke


For as much detail as some of us share about grief…few of us, if any at all, share with anyone the deepest and most painful parts of this journey.


Thank you for visiting!! We appreciate you so very much.

In His Arms,

Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:44 AM CST


Aubrey missed school every day this week and even with a strong antibiotic she ran fevers every day.

But I had Aubrey to the doctor yesterday and she is finally on the mend. The doctor and I were both extremely shocked at how high Aubrey's platelets turned out to be. They were only 9,000 on Monday and yesterday they were 120,000. The doctor even had the lab run the test twice just to make sure the counts were really that high.

It turns out that both Aubrey and Noah were fighting bacterial and viral infections. John also went to the doctor and he was told he was fighting only a viral infection (but a pretty potent virus). John feels better today so we are cleaning the house, of course.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today and thank you for thinking of us during the holidays.

I still follow so many CaringBridge sites and my heart aches for all the families who are losing children. Child after child after child after child….please think of those families during this season. We place all our hope in Jesus Christ who I know is embracing these children the second they die and our family is so thankful to have a Savior so loving that He came here to suffer and die so that we could live with Him in eternity.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 5:44 PM CST


The Napping House is a cute children's book that I never tire of reading to Noah but it also somewhat describes our house at the moment.

Noah has continued to do well and he went back to daycare on Monday. However, I had to take Aubrey to the doctor on Monday and she also now has a severe infection. On top of that, her platelets are dangerously low at 9,000 (normal range is 150,000 to 450,000).

Aubrey's body is so busy fighting the infection that it's not bothering to make platelets. Now she too is on the strongest antibiotic that can be taken orally. The pediatrician called Dr. Bostrom to see what we should do and he says we have to take care of the infection first and foremost. The antibiotic will also kill the some of the good bacteria that help make platelets and so Aubrey is also taking vitamin K to help with clotting.

John is also sick…and hence we are the napping house. Everyone is sick but me.


Through all this, we still have much to be thankful for!! Have a good day and thanks for visiting!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, December 4, 2005 3:30 PM CST


"Are you facing a difficult person or circumstances that leads you to question the goodness of God? Perhaps you know someone who severely doubts the Lord's benevolence? While it is important during difficult times to be honest about what we are facing and why we are facing it, we must never deny the kindnesss of God. Take some time today to meditate on the Lord's goodness as revealed in Genesis 1 and remind another believer of His beneficience." TalbleTalk, January 2006

And God said "….let the dry land appear….Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth." And it was so….And God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:9-12)


Finally…yesterday Noah turned the corner. Only after three trips to the pediatrician and one to Children's ER. Noah has an unidentified infection that was out of control. He had to get antibiotics via IV and shots on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. And this was after he was already on the strongest antibiotic that our pediatricians can prescribe.

It’s scary to see the effects of antibiotics losing their effectiveness right before your very eyes. Noah was very, very sick and it's a relief to have our defiant and naughty boy back.

Now Aubrey is sick although I don't think it's the same sickness (but we just took her temp and it's 103). She fell asleep around dinner yesterday and threw up a couple of times this morning. So we are all pretty much hanging around home today.


As horrible and awful as the memories are of Gabbie's suffering…we have never stopped believing in God's kindness.


Thank you for visiting!! Hope everyone had a great weekend.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, December 1, 2005 8:18 AM CST


For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ… (Philippians 3:20)

As the celebration of the birth of Christ comes nearer, the temptation to buy, buy, and buy some more should make us stop and remember that we are only passing through this life and nothing we buy here will ever remain.

This verse also helps when one is bogged down by the temporary problems of the day, week, month, or even year!


Noah was exposed to a sick cousin on Thanksgiving and Noah became ill Saturday afternoon.

Noah is still very, very sick. He has a double ear infection, a severe cough, inflamed tonsils, spiking fevers, and we are watching him for pneumonia. He is at times lifeless and other times he shrieks in pain—especially after horrible coughing attacks. We've been to the doctor and started antibiotics Tuesday night but so far we have seen no improvement.

He will be fine but it has been very hard to watch him suffer so much.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today. We hope you are all healthy!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:48 AM CST


Gabbie was not a "feel good" child -- she was very solemn and weighty and when I read this last night I thought of her.

"If indeed God loves us unconditionally and requires nothing of us, then obviously there is no need for us to do anything. But if God has judged us according to the righteousness of His perfect Law and has called the whole world before His tribunal to announce that we are all guilty, that none of us is righteous, that none of us seeks after God, that there is no fear of God before our eyes, that we are in the meantime, before the appointed day of judgment, treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath, then anybody in his right mind (and even those in their wrong mind) would have enough sense to cry out the same lamentation, [from Pilgrim's Progress] 'What shall I do?'" – Dr. R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk, January 2006


I am home this morning with Noah who has been sick since Saturday afternoon with fevers on and off and some vomiting. John and I switched morning and afternoon yesterday and will do the same today. While I can ride it out, I know if Noah is still not well by tonight John will have him at the doctor's office tomorrow.


Aubrey is the same—we are way overdue for counts but since her bruises are holding steady I'm not overly anxious to have her counts taken. Sunday she hit her mouth on some furniture and while I was getting a washcloth I sent her to the bathroom. When I went in to the bathroom it was a bit unnerving as there was a lot of blood in the sink (I know it always looks like a lot more than what it is) and it was more than trickling out of her mouth. But we stemmed it within 15 minutes and all is well!


Back in July I mentioned a little girl named Catie from Georgia who has medulloblastoma and she was doing well. While all of these children touch my heart, there are always those who for unexplained reasons impact me even more. Catie is one of them and I was very sad to learn yesterday that she might be facing relapse.

Please pray for Catie and her family. Please, God, an earthly healing for little Catie.

Catie's Site


She carried so much. She hurt so much.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today!! We hope everyone who had bad weather stayed safe.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 12:13 AM CST


We wish all of you a very safe and good Thanksgiving. All the wonderful blessings we have are from God and our family is thankful that He is always watching over us.


Gabbie’s birthday anniversary was very hard for both John and me but we are grateful for all the support. We appreciate all the cards and guest book entries and the Gideon Bible in Gabbie’s memory. A co-worker gave me beautiful roses and another co-worker left flowers anonymously…so now I don’t know who to thank but was very touched.

In the midst of all this I had to make a very hard decision at work and decided to accept a job offer from another department. I am leaving the department I have been in for 12 years and will start a brand new job in a newly created position in mid-December. I’m sure it will work out but I’m still in shock as this happened so quickly.


Aubrey is doing fine but we are overdue on a check-up for her counts and she is starting to get very dark bruises again, along with little nosebleeds and bleeding near her gums.

This past Monday I volunteered at her class and I brought in stamps and ink for the kids to make Thanksgiving placemats. We now know that first graders cannot really handle the mechanics of stamping (I can still see some of the boys placing the stamp on the ink pad and then taking their fists and pounding on the stamp…after I told them that was not necessary!). But Aubrey was so excited to have me there and I’m glad I did it.


We frequently see parents on these CaringBridge pages saying, “Hug your children!”

Yes, hug your children! But also listen to them…really listen to them. If you don’t listen to them now you never will.

Praise your children! Children need to know discipline but they also need to hear praise when warranted.


Thank you again for showering us with kindness. Please remember God wants everyone to turn to Him and fully trust that Jesus is the only way.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:24 PM CST


We miss you so very much and we all have a something to say to you.


Thoughts of your beautiful soul are with me every day. Even now, three and one-half years later, it amazes me that I have survived but that is only because God is carrying me. But you know that, don’t you? Your short life was packed with suffering but now you are with the Holy One who carried you as you gracefully submitted to the cross.

I love you and miss you so very much…until that day when I can be “dere.”


There is a song that reminds me of you….

"He has chosen you to share his glory, You are the light of the world."

May He continue to cradle you in the palm of His hand.


I miss you a lot. I hope you have a good life in heaven. Love Aubrey.

FROM NOAH (when we ask him where you are)

At home. In heaven. With Jesus.


From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all those who have supported us on this journey in so many different ways.

Thank you, God, for hope eternal which overshadows this ever enduring painful loss. Please tell Gabrielle we miss her every single moment and our love for her only grows.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, November 11, 2005 6:26 PM CST


The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you,not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)


It’s been a hectic and emotional week as we approach Gabbie’s birthday anniversary. On top of that I was presented with a choice at work, I guess you could call it a fork in the road. Either I stay in my present position and accept that the work will change dramatically or I take a new position in a new department. Blessed to have a choice but stressful nonetheless! But information technology is changing so fast and in some ways this is no surprise at all and I saw it coming.

John and I have another date night on Saturday!!!!


Please pray for the Trimper family. I haven’t followed their story real close but have been to their CaringBridge site many times. All three of their beautiful children, Max, Maddie, and Sam, are battling Metachromatic Leukodystrophy, MLD.

Maddie died November 7.

Site for the Trimper Children

How long, oh LORD, will the innocent suffer and the wicked prosper?

He is longsuffering, however, because of His love and His wish that none should perish.


Thank you for thinking of and praying for the other families. God bless all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:33 PM CST


We think Aubrey’s platelets are headed down again as she has started to bruise quite a bit. A few weeks ago she was almost bruise free. However, the bruises are not as dark and angry this time but I am not sure if it is their appearance or their number that is more indicative of platelet count. But at least she is feeling fine.

I have received one e-mail today and one yesterday from Aubrey’s teacher and other than a couple of reminders I guess she and her friends (the threesome) have behaved well this week.

I’m not sure if Aubrey was able to do her reading, but she wanted to bring her Children’s Bible to school today so she could read the story about King Solomon’s wise judgment. This is the true account of two women fighting over a child and the King’s solution is to offer that the child be divided in two—so then the real mother is revealed as she does not want her child to be killed. It’s not a short story and the text is straight from Revised King James so I am a little nervous for Aubrey.

For some reason, Aubrey is fascinated by this story and we have read it many, many times. So much so that when Aubrey asked me the question that follows the story, which is what did the King do to resolve the situation, I was reprimanded for answering incorrectly. I said that the King was going to cut the child in two and Aubrey said, “No, he said ‘Divide the living child….’”


For the family of Michael Romano. Brave Michael recently died from neuroblastoma after a long 7-year battle.

Michael’s Site


Most people understand that we love our children more than life itself…especially our own life. But I know that some people are quite surprised (and even a bit angry) when they see that we loved our child not just more than life but far, far, more than life.

God’s sunsets are still awesome but His greatest creations are His children. Gabbie is far, far, more beautiful than the most beautiful sunset of all time and so the sunsets I still eye in wonder are simply not the same.


Thank you for visiting and thank you for sharing your own lives. I am slipping again on e-mails and in signing other guest books but I am able to check the guest book entries and read each and every one. I think sometimes people are afraid to talk much of their children but actually I enjoy it when you share what has been going on with your families. * So please continue to share! * It helps me to know you more.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, November 4, 2005 5:03 PM CST


And though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:8-9)


We have a few things planned for our weekend but should be low-key…the best kind!


Aubrey is starting to bruise again and today I got a call from OLP and there was an “accident” with her friends and she has a bruise and a blood blister. Sounds like a table leg was accidentally placed on her arm…just what those kids do I am not sure.

John and I also had a parent-teacher conference with Aubrey’s teacher this morning. She is doing well, especially with reading, academically. However, we were told that the social situation with the other two girls is only getting worse. The teachers are getting concerned that it will even start to impact their learning.

Aubrey’s teacher told us she has never seen anything like this for children this age. Apparently the three are so close and very intense that other children are always excluded. And even when it’s the just the three of them I guess they fight because we all know “three’s a crowd.” The teachers are going to try and keep them apart as much as possible and it was strongly recommended that we avoid play dates on the weekends.


At the parent-teacher conference, I was looking through Aubrey’s papers and one of them was about “family.” There was a picture of Aubrey at the top and a line for how many brothers and sisters she had. Aubrey noted that she had 1 brother but she put down 0 for sisters.

I remember how Gabrielle would frequently remark about Aubrey, “She’s my sister.”

Gabrielle had the most beautiful soul and I have not seen or heard from her for 1,268 days. This pain is inexpressible.


Thank you for understanding that grief over the death of a child runs so very, very deep.

Have a great weekend! We thank God for we know that Gabbie is in His presence and that her joy is inexpressible!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 1:48 PM CST


Last Friday a glass company came out to West to put in a new windshield on my car, which had a crack along the entire window for over a year. (The poor man drove me out to my car but actually had to help me locate my car buried in row after indistinguishable row in West’s massive parking lot.) I did not see the new windshield until it was time to go home and I was shocked as my view was new quite different. In a similar way, we also do not really see what is going on in the spiritual world even thought it fully surrounds us.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
(1 Corinthians 13:11,12)

“….Yet in our human predicament, we don't have first-hand information about the ‘neighborhood’ we inhabit. We see what Philip Yancey calls ‘rumors of another world,’ but we are trapped in our own world. We have never been on the other side of the darkened glass to observe for ourselves the cause of all the shadows we see. We could assume the shadows of the spiritual world (such as loneliness or joy) are just that—nothing but shadows. But we would do better to accept the testimony of one who has been on the outside, whose vision was not hindered. This is the reason revelation is so central to the Christian faith. We acknowledge that we see in part, but we know someone who has seen in full: Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We look to his testimony and the testimony of God's Word to make sense of the dim outlines we see all around us….” Betsy Childs, Through a Glass, Darkly, Reprinted by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Copyright 2005


We had beautiful weather this past weekend (which meant running around Lake Harriet on Saturday and a long stroller-ride with Noah on Sunday) and I did get the opportunity to open windows wide and air out our home.

John and I also had the opportunity to go out on a “date” Saturday night. We have just started using our neighbor’s daughter, Jackie, as a babysitter. Aubrey and Noah love her and I tease Noah constantly about his crush on Jackie…and other girls. By the way, it was nice to just have some adult conversation with my husband!

Jackie’s family is the family that introduced me to First Evangelical Free and they also bring Aubrey to “Girl’s Rock” on Wednesday evenings at the church.


For Zachary Buckentine’s family as they lived through another anniversary of Zachary’s passing into eternal life.

Site for Zachary

For the Hamilton family who recently said good-bye to a precious little boy, Brant.

Site for Brant


It’s that time of year and Gabbie is missed as much as ever.


Thank you for visiting, we appreciate all of you so very much!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:58 PM CDT


Ye are in heaviness. (1 Peter 1:6)

Believers were the audience to the verse above, spoken by Peter. Christians are sometimes expected to always be lighthearted and without heaviness but that is not always so.

“So, though they [the believers] were in heaviness, they were possessed of living faith. Their heaviness did not destroy their faith. Neither did it destroy their peace, which is inseparable from true, living faith…..In spite of their heaviness, they still retained a hope full of immortality.” John Wesley, Renew My Heart, Daily Devotional Insights


Finally…everyone now appears to be on the mend. John actually had a mild case of the flu in addition to the stomach bacteria and missed even more days of work this week. He must be feeling better as he went back to work today and I know he even went downtown in the middle of the day to attend a retirement party for his brother, Greg.

Noah had a raw bottom so I suspect he caught it and while I didn’t have all the symptoms I am pretty certain I also had a mild version of what Aubrey and John had. It’s supposed to be in the 50’s and 60’s this weekend so I will have windows wide open to air out our entire house!


Aubrey has only a few bruises and seems to no longer be bothered by the stomach illness. Thank you, God!


Our friends, the Clyde family, had another birthday anniversary without their precious Theresa Rose (how I love her huge brown eyes!!). Please pray for this faithful family.

Site for Thersa Rose


The Ervin family (Saint Lukie) just had another little baby and they named her Autumn Rose. Please pray for years and years of health and pray for the whole family as Luke will always be deeply missed.

Luke Ervin’s Site


We appreciate all those who visit…even though I now only update twice a week. Hope everyone has a great weekend and can get outside and enjoy our autumn.

He is the only way, the only truth, and the only life!!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, October 24, 2005 6:18 PM CDT


For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

Today Albert Mohler reported that a university in London (Edinburgh) has decided that the Bible is offensive to some of its students and they are attempting to ban the Bible from residence halls. Some of America’s colleges and universities are probably not too far behind.

But no matter, His Word will ever remain!


John wasn’t feeling too bad this weekend so I did get out Saturday morning and met up with Janine Nielsen (Steven’s mom) at a rubber stamp convention. And later on, because we had canceled a play date for Aubrey, I took her to a movie, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. If you don’t know what it is about, don’t let the title scare you. It is a G-rated claymation that is mostly not offensive. There were a couple slaps at Christianity but Aubrey would not have noticed and Aubrey is already aware that hostility towards Christianity is a reality, however sad.


Aubrey is better but John is still trying to get over this bug. We may never know what caused these strange symptoms. The doctors wanted to test Aubrey for two other infections but when I looked them up on the Internet one had to do with fish (which we rarely if ever eat) and the other was caused by eating under-cooked pork or handling raw chitlins. We never eat chitlins and the meat I serve my family is usually hardened to a crisp and never under-cooked!

I think by the end of the week we will be past all of this. Thank you for your prayers!


Children who starve. Children who battle cancer. Children who suffer. The most unfair tragedies in life are, for the most part, all about the children.


Missing our Gabrielle very, very much.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 21, 2005 3:30 PM CDT


We are still very much in the dark on Aubrey’s condition. The only thing new is that the labs by both the hospital and our pediatricians show nothing. And now John is having some of the same symptoms of cramping and passing blood.

John just called me at work and said that the doctors want Aubrey to see a GI and she might have to be scoped. I said NO, NO, NO!

While I feel a bit mean pushing this on John, it would be much better for him to have an invasive (and uncomfortable) procedure rather than Aubrey. How bizarre to have both a child and an adult show the same symptoms yet suggest the “procedure” be done on the child. Maybe all my frustration over what Gabbie endured is kicking in….


We hope you all have a safe weekend and hope your homes are much healthier than our home!!

We know God is watching and in control and we are thankful for that.

I also know that there is much horrible and unbelievable suffering in other parts of the world and I will never forget that and the other children are forever on my mind.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:45 PM CDT


Good news…bad news.

Aubrey’s birthday party was fine but I am so glad that Auntie Sarah was there to help us entertain the girls. I still do not understand why children seem to treat all activities as some type of major race. We had a scavenger hunt and I followed them from point to point but was running almost the entire time!! Other games were also played at a breathless pace.

On Sunday afternoon Aubrey and I spent several hours at Children’s ER because she had stomach pains and blood in her stools. Her platelet counts are rising and are now 52,000. However, that means that ITP is probably not the cause of her other bleeding. It would have been more reassuring to know it was ITP-related rather than now facing more unknowns.

We were sent home with no instructions other than to provide a sample for the lab, which we did on Monday. Aubrey has continued to pass blood and complains and cries that she is also experiencing cramping. So this afternoon our pediatrician’s office told us we needed her to be seen right away and John and Aubrey are there now as I type this.

I know God is in control but this is all causing so much worry and tension in our home. Please pray for Aubrey.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. We appreciate all of you!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 14, 2005 4:44 PM CDT


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Albert Mohler has an article on his Web site on the biblical illiteracy of Americans….Christian Americans!Fewer than half of all adults can name the four gospels. Many Christians cannot identify more than two or three of the disciples. According to data from the Barna Research Group, 60 percent of Americans can't name even five of the Ten Commandments…. Multiple surveys reveal the problem in stark terms. According to 82 percent of Americans, "God helps those who help themselves," is a Bible verse. Those identified as born-again Christians did better--by one percent. A majority of adults think the Bible teaches that the most important purpose in life is taking care of one's family. Albert Mohler, The Scandal of Biblical Illiteracy: It's Our ProblemAUBREY’S UPDATES

A little early.... HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY MISS AUBREY!!!

Aubrey will be 7 on Monday and tomorrow (Saturday) we are having an old-fashioned birthday party in our home with some of her friends and classmates. We will only do this once so hope all goes well! Auntie Sarah is helping out, with much gratitude from me.

We still do not have an appointment to have her counts taken because the regular pediatrician must get an order from the specialist. Guess if we hadn’t already lived through pediatric cancer we would be hounding our pediatrician for an appointmen.


Please pray for the Musyl family who recently lost their little precious Madison to neuroblastoma.

Madison’s Site


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site today!! Have a great weekend.

Please remember that Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:49 PM CDT


We had a very busy weekend. The wedding was beautiful but I did not get to see my own daughter walk down the aisle as flower girl, flinging all her leaves from the basket in two handfuls rather than gently dropping them down the entire walk down the aisle. I was too busy frantically looking for an exit with my hand over Noah’s hollering mouth. Sigh, he is such a daddy’s boy and when he realized he was not going to sit with John he became unmanageable so he and I sat in the cold crying room for the entire wedding.

The reception was also beautiful and Noah and Aubrey got in lots of dancing!!

On Sunday, I went to an apple orchard with Aubrey and one of her classmates and her classmate's mother. Not sure we will eat all of those apples so we will have to find someone to share them with!


Aubrey is doing fine and we should be going in for counts anytime now. John is expecting no change or even lower counts because we are seeing more nose bleeds and a little bit of blood on her pillow in the mornings.


All those suffering in Guatemala from the mudslides (where my sponsored child is…I hope and pray she is fine) and for those suffering in Asia from the earthquake.

Where was God? Right there…on the cross.


I met someone new at church a few weeks ago and when she asked me how long ago we lost Gabbie, I replied, “a little over three years ago.”

Without any prompting from me, she immediately said, “Oh, that is really recent.”

I cannot tell you how pleasantly shocked I was that a stranger understood. Yes, three years ago…the pain is very fresh.


Thank you for visiting…thank you for understanding.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:59 PM CDT


Those in Minneapolis who get the Sunday Star Tribune may recall some disturbing photos from about 4-5 weeks ago. The first picture I saw was of an emaciated and crying baby boy in Niger and for some reason he was sitting in a bucket. The photo immediately below was of a man eating a hamburger. Apparently the Star Tribune had received both photos from different sources within only minutes. What is so disturbing is that the man eating a hamburger is stuffing it into his mouth because he is participating in an eating contest somewhere in the United States.

Food is a gift from God that is no longer appreciated in our abundantly wealthy nation. But we shouldn’t be surprised because children are an even greater and more precious gift from God and we have yet to stem the rivers of blood from abortion that freely flow across our nation.

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. (Psalm 127:3)

Perhaps many will forget about the children of Niger and the children never seen…but God will never forget them and their angels are ever by their side.


Miss Aubrey will be walking down the aisle as a flower girl in the wedding of John’s nephew, Jeffrey on Saturday!!! We are trying to keep her face bruise-free….

Congratulations to Jeffrey and Chris!


Thank you for visiting and thank you for visiting the other children. We hope you have a safe weekend.

Thank you, God, your goodness and mercy never end.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 6:12 PM CDT


We are doing OK….

We all went to OLP for church last Saturday night so that we could watch the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday. It’s a very exciting marathon to watch and the weather was perfect for spectators but a little warm and humid for the runners. Even Noah was cheering the runners on as he would copy whatever encouragements we yelled out to the runners.

Once again I was reminded that the Christian’s life is like a marathon and that however hard and even excruciating the journey may be the prize at the end cannot be described!


Aubrey is doing OK. We have taken some pictures of some of her bruises but John is wondering if someone developing the pictures would think of calling the police with suspicion of child abuse. I don’t suppose it will help matters that there will also be a picture of Noah with an eye swollen shut due to a bug bite??


Please, please pray for the Tamsen and Fitzpatrick families. Little Libby Tamsen is really struggling with ATRT and little beautiful Jill Fitzpatrick recently passed away from Hurlers.

Libby’s Site

Jill’s Site


Thanking God and knowing He is ALWAYS there!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 29, 2005 5:58 PM CDT


I don’t have a favorite Scripture verse because there are too many that are my favorites. This is one of them:

God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:17)

“The word ‘benevolence’ is derived from the combination of the Latin prefix bene, which means ‘well’ or ‘good,” and the Latin root that means ‘will.’ Together the prefix and the root mean ‘goodwill.’ The Incarnation was an expression of the goodwill of God. His benevolent love. Christ came into the world not only by the will of the Father but by the goodwill of the Father.” ~ R.C. Sproul, Loved by God, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day

God did not send Jesus to condemn sinners but to save those who would believe in Him. As sinners, we were already condemned.


I should have advertised this for all those who live in Minneapolis: Last night First Evangelical Free had a free concert featuring nationally known Sam Rotman, who is a classical pianist. At the end of his incredible presentation, Sam shared his testimony as a Jew for Jesus!

I had volunteered to help serve desserts but then also had the chance to listen to the concert for about 20 minutes. I confess to rarely listening to classical music but can certainly appreciate it after hearing Sam play. It was so dramatic and so beautiful!


Aubrey is doing well and, so far, no calls from OLP this week regarding accidents! However, she is still having them as bath-time last night revealed some angry and scary bruises.


Please pray for the Norris family who said goodbye to beautiful David on August 25. David went home after battling Neuroblastoma. However little these children are….to me there are the greatest Warriors for Jesus!

*~* David’s Site *~*


Thanks for visiting and thanks for caring for others!!

Thank you, God, for loving us while we were yet sinners.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:33 AM CDT


"How should American Christians pray for the church in China? So asked the reporter from the Baptist mission board, ending his interview with a leader of the Chinese house-church movement. His subject answered, 'Stop praying for persecution in China to end.' He added, 'It is through persecution that the church has grown.
Despite the clear teachings of the Bible, many of us actually think God has abandoned us when we go through difficulties, failures, and sorrows. We expect one glorious victory after another and are disconcerted when Jesus sends us a cross to bear.

We American Christians have become so prosperous, so successful, so optimistic that we have become spiritually soft and thus ineffective. The Chinese churchman sees that we could use the bitter medicine of persecution.

So when you find yourself struggling with hardship and opposition, or, even more so, when you are exulting in your success and popularity, remember: Someone in China is praying for you." ~ WORLD Magazine, Praying for Persecution, Chinese Christians Have a Slightly Different Idea of How God Blesses, October 1, 2005


I am really struggling with our church situation. At the same time that First Evangelical Free seems like the perfect fit for me, our going different ways on Sundays is wearing me down more and more. I was actually all ready to start having us all go to OLP for the sake of our family and marriage. However, last Sunday when I went to pick up Aubrey at Sunday school at First Free, I saw her happiness and all that she has learned and my heart sank to a new low. Aubrey loves going to church with me!! She sometimes begs to come with me.

Any of my Catholic friends can correct me but I read somewhere that, according to the Catholic Church, it would be a serious sin if John did not insist that Aubrey and Noah be raised Catholic.

There is a lot of advice available for intrafaith marriages but very little advice for which way the children should go. This is so very, very hard.


I sometimes see how protective mothers are of their little children from even the littlest of injuries. I always wonder if they realize that it is a privilege to be so protective and that some of us have our hands tied behind our back as we watch pain and suffering poured over our innocent little child.

There are no words to describe the helpless feeling of not being able to protect your child.

But then again, I now know that Gabrielle was refined, however painfully, to perfection…by the One and Only Creator over all.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site!! Please pray for our church situation…I want to make sure we do what is right and not just what we want.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 22, 2005 6:07 PM CDT


Our church gives out little flyers once a month that are published by Common Ground. Last week’s flyer discussed whether Christianity is a crutch or a cure. Those in Minnesota may recall that a comment made by Jesse Venture, below:

“Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak minded people who need strength in numbers.”

Common Ground goes on to explain how this is not true.

“The object of faith at the heart of Christianity that sets it apart from every other religion in the world is Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected. The Apostle Paul argues in 1 Corinthians 15 that the resurrection is the jugular vein of Christianity—if it’s true, so is Christianity. For centuries skeptics have sought to disprove this crucial event but very alternative explanation for the historical facts of the resurrection has failed. The direct evidence of the empty tomb and the appearances of Christ, combined with circumstantial evidence, establish the bodily resurrection of Christ beyond a reasonable doubt.” Common Ground, Christianity: Crutch or Cure, September 2005


Last night when I got home I hurried and got dressed to run so I could take Noah in the jogger before the rain came. But it was looking pretty stormy and John did not want me to take Noah so I went off alone. Aubrey asked me to hurry because she does not like storms. I was almost at the halfway point when all the tornado sirens went off. I wasn’t worried but picked up the pace and made it home just before the winds and rain.

I wasn’t surprised to find Aubrey crying as she is fearful of tornadoes and she was also worried because I was out there running. We did have some wicked weather last night and sadly a man in north Minneapolis was killed by a fallen tree so I guess we should always heed the weather warnings!

Praying, once again, for those down in the south and in the path of Hurricane Rita.


We get calls from Our Lady of Peace…almost daily!! While I am sorry for the school, I am glad they are being extra vigilant about Aubrey’s condition. She is always OK and tonight we will find a bruise on her head as a telephone was dropped on her while the kids were playing.


Hope you all have a safe weekend!

Thanking God for his deep love for Gabrielle and all the other children who have left us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, September 19, 2005 5:40 PM CDT


Please visit the CaringBridge site for Theresa Rose Clyde and congratulate Cathy and Nate on the arrival of Sarah Lucia!!! We are so very, very happy for the faithful Clydes.

Site for Theresa Rose

Always remembering, of course, how deeply Theresa Rose is missed. But we know our most faithful Father in heaven has brought her to his side and her joyful soul awaits a future reunion with the rest of her family.


Last Friday I went to the hospital to visit Cathy and meet baby Sarah. What an * honor * for me to be able to actually hold Sarah Lucia—she is so very precious and extra cute!


Gabrielle’s godmother, Elizabeth, and John’s nephew’s fiancée, Chris, picked up Aubrey and I on Sunday and we went dress-shopping as Aubrey is to be a flower girl in the upcoming wedding. We went to Penney’s and both Elizabeth and I gasped at the same time as we found a dress immediately that matched the wedding colors!! I thought it was going to be a long afternoon but everything went quickly although we had to do a bit more shopping to find some shoes for Aubrey.

Before we went, John was trying to wash lipstick off Aubrey’s face…but upon closer inspection it was a form of bruising. ITP doesn’t just cause typical black and blue marks as almost any blow or sustained pressure will cause some type of mark to show up. Hopefully we can be extra careful the week of the wedding so that she is not all bruised.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Thanking God for his blessings upon the Clyde family…we rejoice with them!!

New pics of Aubrey and Noah on photo page.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 15, 2005 5:46 PM CDT


For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. (Hebrews 13:14)

Some day there shall be no more troubles in our home because there shall be no Wentworth Avenue, no Minneapolis, no Minnesota, no America…

There shall be a new city!!


School hasn’t even been in session for two weeks and we have already had several “incidents” concerning Aubrey. Last week when John picked her up, a friend had a rope around Aubrey’s waist and was yanking her around and within hours Aubrey had an ugly and even swollen bruise on her waist.

Yesterday we were called by one of the Extended Day workers and Aubrey was on the monkey bars and a friend pulled her off and she landed on her back and hit her head. We called the nurse at the hematology clinic and were told to just watch for behavior changes and Aubrey was fine.

Today I was called by a school nurse assistant and this time Aubrey apparently walked into a pole and hit her head again.

Aubrey is fine but her platelets are very low. The normal range is 150,000 to 400,000. Aubrey’s platelets are only at 17,000. We ran some errands last night and people were staring at Aubrey and I was tempted to just loudly announce that she had a condition. I'm sure people stare and then contemplate whether there is abuse--because that is what it looks like.


For Scott and Shannon who recently lost their beautiful baby girl, Avery, to a Congenital Heart Defect.

Site for Avery


Thanks again for all your kind guest book entries.

Thank you, God, for watching our little Aubrey who only wants to swing, run, and play!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 4:41 PM CDT


The expression above was from today’s issue of the Minneapolis Star Tribune and is related to Hurricane Katrina. Many times when I have expressed to those who have never lost a child that “I died the day Gabbie died,” I have been scolded that I didn’t really, and couldn’t possibly, have felt that way.

Well, some of us do die and it really is that painful. Read below for an excerpt from “Heartbreak is All that Lives On.”

As Grady Samuels Sr., 82, sat in an evacuation shelter in Baton Rouge, La., he could not stop watching the images of children on TV. The elderly man, known as Grandpa Grady in his River Ridge, La., neighborhood, was sickened by the suffering.

“He was saying, ‘Ya’ll get those children,’” said Rosie Jackson, 35, one of his many grandchildren. To calm him, family members lied and reassured him that they would rescue the children on TV.

As the days wore on, Samuels grew quieter. He stopped eating or speaking. Last Thursday, he died.

“I think he grieved himself to death,” said daughter Julia Samuels, 56.


Yesterday Noah was exactly the same age as the day Gabbie died in my arms. By God’s plan, my aching heart is strong enough to continue beating but yet I now fully know why Grady Samuels Sr. died…deep, deep LAMENTING heartache. (Thank you, Yolanda, if you read this.)


Thank you for visiting. Thank you for updating me on the “other children.” Thank you for the many and kind guest book entries! Thank you for praying for Aubrey.

Thank you, Grady Samuels, for showing us the true meaning of having a heart for others.

Thank you, God, for gathering together all our heartaches that will be banished forever away some day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, September 12, 2005 9:48 AM CDT


Far away in Minnesota...we remember all those impacted directly and indirectly by September 11, 2001. We are sorry for all the families who lost loved ones on that tragic day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Saturday, September 10, 2005 9:31 AM CDT


We met with Dr. Bostrom yesterday and I am, once again, relieved. I had resisted the urge to go online and read up on ITP until Thursday and it was a mistake because I have a knack for finding all the "bad" news about a disease.

For now we are only going to monitor Aubrey as all medications have unwanted side-effects. There is no cure for ITP and we are hopeful Aubrey will grow out of it. However, while she has her young age on her side for complete recovery, it is balanced out by autoimmune issues on both sides of the family. Unless things change, we will only have blood drawn for counts once a month. Aubrey's platelets have gone up by 3,000 but in the scheme of things that is not considered a change. I think normal counts are 140,000 and she only has 17,000.

She can resume some activity but we will see bruises. There really is nothing we can do from the perspective of her diet or natural remedies as we do not want to "boost" her already active immune system.

After our visit with Dr. Bostrom, we went up to the 8th floor and because it was shift change we saw many of Gabbie's nurses and had a little reunion. We will always be so grateful for the caring nurses at Children's!!


We thank God, again, that this condition should be manageable. No matter what happens, of course, God is good and His mercies always endure. Sometimes as a parent watching children suffer we forget to praise Him as much as we should. No one deserves more of our loyalty than God!

We hope everyone had a great weekend!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 8, 2005 4:58 PM CDT


Tomorrow (Friday) is our first clinic visit with a hematologist. Please pray that Aubrey’s ITP is the classic textbook case and that within six months or so this will all be behind us. For most children this is an acute diagnosis but for some it becomes chronic.

I know that God is in control and I remain relieved that this is not leukemia. But now I’ve done some of my own research and am very frustrated by what we are facing. As a guest book signer noted, this is still a serious disease.

Aubrey has been through enough and she has been through far, far more than most adults. Just like Gabbie.


Thanks for visiting and thank you for your prayers.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:57 AM CDT


Here is another prayer request from a guestbook signer, Emily. Jeremiah was a preemie (whose twin, Isaiah, died) and has had many complications and needs prayers now. Please stop by and offer support for Jeremiah's family.

Jeremiah's Site


About 7-10 days ago John started to notice and worry about an increase in number of bruises on Aubrey. I brushed aside the bruises as a natural outcome to increased tumbling and when she had some nosebleeds I assumed it was because our humid air had become dry.

Aubrey was showering on Saturday evening and John came out of the bathroom almost despondent. I went in and looked at Aubrey and became very, very worried also. The bruises were increasing and some were huge and ugly. We called our pediatricians and they also thought we should go to Children's right away.

Less than 4 hours later and after midnight I floated out of Children's with Aubrey and I was so relieved!! She does have a diagnosis but it is NOT CANCER!!

Aubrey's immune system is attacking her platelets. The condition is called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia (ITP). Most children outgrow it in about 6 months and for now we are just to watch her. However, to Aubrey's dismay, she is to be very, very inactive. The ER doctor said, "lots of T.V., lots of movies…." So, we will allow T.V. but encourage workbooks and art!

We need to follow-up with a doctor at the hem/onc clinic and we hope to be able to get Gabrielle's doctor, Dr. Bostrom.


As Aubrey headed off to her first day of school today, I went out (still in my pajamas) and took a picture of her this morning.

Gabrielle should have been in that picture. Missing you, more than ever, dear Gabbie. Sorry your diagnosis was so ugly and so ravaging.


Thanks for visiting and thanks to all who are praying for our brothers and sisters in the Gulf Coast.

Our trip to Children's ER Saturday night went so smoothly and the doctor and nurses and the childlife specialist were absolutely incredible. Mpls Children's is a great hospital!

Thank you, God, for sparing us from what we thought was surely leukemia.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, September 2, 2005 11:21 AM CDT


The overwhelming devastation and sadness in the Gulf Coast is unbelievable but true. While I feel great sadness for the adults, every image of a child is crushing and, to be honest, infuriating. I’m also very sorry that this tragedy has predominantly hit people of the lowest level of income and blacks.

I will confess that I am not donating to the either of the charities I mentioned in the previous journal entry. Our company is participating with the American Red Cross and Thomson is donating $2.00 for every employee $1.00 donated to the Red Cross!! (No maximum amount on our donation either.)

So, the chance to double my donation was too good to pass.


Aubrey and John surprised me yesterday by coming to West for lunch (I recently had a birthday). Although I knew something was up because Aubrey kept peppering me with questions about meetings, what I did for lunch, would I be at work on Thursday, etc.

Last night we had the chance to meet Aubrey’s 1st grade teacher at Our Lady of Peace and we are all excited for Aubrey to start first grade.

Another low-key weekend and I think we will continue to have nice weather. All week Minnesota has had nice weather and it’s so strange to think of the stark differences between Minnesota and New Orleans.


Kelly, Dave, and Charlie, the parents and brother of Jamie (Beebo), who died on August 31 after a brave battle against neuroblastoma.

Beebo’s Site


The sad eyes of every hurt child in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, remind me of you, Gabrielle. May the angel of mercy who was your guardian angel, and many, many more, wrap their loving arms around those children. May God, who I know was at your side, whisper to them that some day it really will be alright, even if that day may not be until eternity.


Thank you for visiting and we hope you all have a safe holiday weekend.

My heart is also grateful for all those who ARE making an impact in the aftermath of this horrible, horrible disaster. While these times are so hard to understand, we praise our God of unfailing promise who tells us that “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 5:08 PM CDT


“The American Red Cross has requested Southern Baptists to prepare 300,000 meals a day by mid-week, increasing capacity to half a million meals a day by the end of the week.

During a natural disaster, the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army depend on NAMB [North American Mission Board] to coordinate the nearly 600 disaster relief units owned by SBC churches, associations and state conventions and staffed by Southern Baptist volunteers.”

For more information on how to help, click on NAMB

Or, click on Samaritan’s Purse


The utter devastation on the Gulf Coast is overwhelming and unimaginable. Atheists will surely ask, “Where was your God?” But not only are humans affected by the fall, so too is all of creation. Below is an excerpt from a Spurgeon sermon regarding creation and the fall.

"Creation glows with a thousand beauties, even in its present fallen condition; yet clearly enough it is not as when it came from the Maker's hand--the slime of the serpent is on it all--this is not the world which God pronounced to be "very good." We hear of tornadoes, of earthquakes, of tempests, of volcanoes, of avalanches, and of the sea which devoureth its thousands: there is sorrow on the sea, and there is misery on the land; and into the highest palaces as well as the poorest cottages, death, the insatiable, is shooting his arrows, while his quiver is still full to bursting with future woes. It is a sad, sad world. The curse has fallen on it since the fall, and thorns and thistles it bringeth forth, not from its soil alone, but from all that comes of it. Earth wears upon her brow, like Cain of old, the brand of transgression. Sad would it be to our thoughts if it were always to be so. If there were no future to this world as well as to ourselves, we might be glad to escape from it, counting it to be nothing better than a huge penal colony, from which it would be a thousand mercies for both body and soul to be emancipated. At this present time, the groaning and travailing which are general throughout creation, are deeply felt among the sons of men. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Creation’s Groans and Saints’ Sighs, January 5, 1868 Sermon


In the days, weeks, and months to come, all those impacted by the hurricane.


Thank you for visiting.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, August 26, 2005 5:50 PM CDT


Be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. (Matthew 24:44)

Every person who has ever lived will be present at that final gathering. Every heart that has ever beat. Every mouth that has ever spoken. On that day you will be surrounded by a sea of people. Rich, poor. Famous, unknown. Kings, bums. Brilliant, demented. All will be present. And all will be looking at Him—the Son of Man. Wrapped in splendor. Shot through with radiance. ~ Max Lucado, And the Angels Were Silent, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day

Not too much planned for our weekend—it’s supposed to be nice and with summer’s close pressing in on us so quickly I will make sure Aubrey and Noah spend a lot of time outside. School for Aubrey is only about 11 days away! She still has some issues with going to the bathroom but I’m just hoping that the change of pace will really help her and us.

Noah is still Noah…temper tantrums seem to be a way of life. Last Sunday, as John tried to walk quietly up the aisle for communion, Noah kept screaming:


Apparently Noah really wanted to push that elevator button.


Thanks for visiting! We appreciate all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 6:40 PM CDT


Per a request in the guest book, please pray for Jacob Duckworth. This family has recently received very bad news about Jacob’s progress in fighting adrenocortical carcinoma.

To those who pray for others…please remember this faithful family.

Amazing Jacob’s Site

When I went to Jacob’s site and looked at the pictures, I remembered that I had visited the site some time ago. So many children suffering…always, always far too many.


Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. (Proverbs 30:5)

Sometimes that is the most we can do when thinking of the suffering of children…trust in Him!


We had a busy weekend! On Saturday morning Aubrey and I went to my sister-in-law’s house and we helped John’s nephew and his fiancée put together some of their wedding invitations. I left before we were finished but since we already received our invite in the mail I’m assuming they finished!

After that I took Noah to Zach West’s birthday party. Zach is the little boy who is dealing Mitochondrial disease. Zach’s mom had arranged for a firetruck, the Twin’s mascot, and even the Timberwolve’s mascot, Crunch, to come join the party. I know all the children had a great time! Please pray for Zach and his family….they have had a long and frustrating journey.

Site for Zach

On Sunday night, my parents came over for a visit and also brought dinner. After we were done eating, Aubrey was showing John how she could completely swivel her latest loose tooth. Sure enough she turned it all the way around and then left it there…sideways!! I couldn’t even look at it and then Aubrey went to the bathroom and by the time she came out the tooth was out. (I can donate blood and not be one bit bothered by a needle in my arm but refuse to look at Aubrey’s teeth when there just hanging in there.)


I received a prayer request for this little girl, Maddy Bates. Little “Queen Maddy” is fighting AML and her family needs encouragement and prayers!!

Queen Maddy’s Site


Thanks for checking in! Hope you have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, August 19, 2005 6:21 PM CDT


I know I don’t update as often….just missing our dear Gabrielle so very, very much. Wondering why someone so very loving and gentle had to be taken away…not questioning God…just wondering.


Please pray for this beautiful little boy, David, and his family. David is battling neuroblastoma.

David’s Site


Hope you all had a great weekend! God is good and full of mercy even when we are sad.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:11 PM CDT


On Sunday while Noah was napping I decided to go through all my cardstock (used for stamping) in order to give some of it away. I gave a stack to our daycare center and have a whole bag loaded up for Children’s Hospital.

This wasn’t a sacrifice—I should never have accumulated so much cardstock and I know that it will be used at the daycare.

“Whatever we may own, whether in large or small measure, when placed gladly in God’s great strong hands can be blessed and multiplied a thousand times to enrich countless other lives. If clutched tightly and timidly to our own selfish souls it will shrivel away to a mere whimsy, wasted on one’s self.” Phillip Keller, A Gardener Looks at the Fruits of the Spirit, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day

The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself. (Proverbs 11:25)


John missed work Friday and Monday because he had some type of stomach virus but he feels better today. Aubrey was real moody during dinner on Sunday evening and John and I were not very patient with her but then we later realized she really was sick as she also had some vomiting and so she also stayed home on Monday. (I’m the only one who did not get the stomach virus!)

Otherwise we had an “OK” weekend. On Saturday the mother of one of Aubrey’s friends called us and invited Aubrey and me to meet them at a free Motown music festival that was held in south Minneapolis. It was a beautiful, although cool, evening and the girls really had a great time. Fortunately there were port-a-pots otherwise Aubrey would not have been happy. Her bladder issue has improved—but not very much. She will now not go anywhere unless she knows there is a bathroom.


Thanks for stopping by today!! Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, August 12, 2005 6:27 PM CDT


On our second day of travel on the way to Eureka Springs, we made an unplanned stop in Carthage, Missouri. We saw billboard after billboard for Precious Moments Park and out of curiosity we stopped to see it. We were very surprised to see that it was quite an operation and not just a store. There are beautiful and peaceful outdoor gardens, complete with piped in Christian music and child-high stone statues of Precious Moments characters.

There is even a beautiful chapel with extra rooms dedicated to those who have lost children but also other loved ones. Apparently the founder of Precious Moments also lost a 27-year old son, Philip. There is even a room dedicated to Philip named “Philip’s Room.” The room has many, many thick guest books—almost all signed by those grieving from loss.

There is also something else special in the chapel. It was a glass-enclosed display and was a Precious Moments view of heaven (but otherwise evident biblical descriptions of heaven) with Jesus standing in the middle. The display was aptly named, “Will you be ready when Jesus comes?”

Gabbie knows there is no question more important!


The fun never ends…John had to take Aubrey to the doctor as daycare called us and said she was crying about bathroom issues. She does not have a bladder infection but the doctor said that girls from the ages of 3-7 year can sometimes get a condition where the bladder shrinks. It might be caused by anxiety but it becomes real in the physical sense. Not to worry, though, they prescribed a drug that will relax her bladder and we are to start using timers and slowly increase the amount of time she must wait before emptying her bladder.

We have so much to catch up on since we both went back to work that day after our trip so hopefully we will have a productive weekend.


The Alain family who said good-bye to little and cute Ethan. He bravely battled a Wilms Tumor but is now resting with Jesus and Gabbie and all the others.

Ethan’s Site


We hope you all have a safe weekend. Thanks for being so kind and gracious!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:57 PM CDT


”Teaching children, said [G.K.] Chesterton, ‘is all a matter of tone and implication…It is not the things you say which children respect; when you say things, they commonly laugh and do the opposite. It is the things you assume that really sink in to them. It is the things you forget even to teach that they learn.’” Family Offices, Teaching Children to Love Being Sons & Daughters, Vigen Guroian, Touchstone, July-August 2005

So what we think, even silently, about Jesus and whether or not he is, as he says, the only way to heaven is of utmost importance for our children.


One of the bonuses of our trip is that we forgot to bring Noah’s “fodder” (pacifier). He only asked for it a few times and then again immediately when we arrived back home. But we said it was gone and now we are fodder-free!!

Poor Noah was sick on Monday with vomiting and fever but it must have been a very short-lived virus and he was better on Tuesday.


For another family who sadly said good-bye to their little girl, Kaitlyn, a few days ago. Kaitlyn had neuroblastoma and like Gabbie I don’t think she ever saw remission.

Kaitlyn’s Site


Those pictures you see in the paper of people in Iraq or Israel crumpled in a heap and screaming after a loved one has died—that is real grief. Here, we feel the same when our child dies but we are expected to keep it quiet and comfortable.

Quiet and comfortable for whom?


Thanks for visiting today! Thanks for sharing your own travel experiences as it really helps John and me to know it wasn’t just us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 8, 2005 6:22 PM CDT


We made it back from Eureka Springs!! We had some very good moments but to be honest this vacation was emotionally draining. Noah did not behave for us and at times he was difficult to manage. Aubrey also developed, psychologically, some bladder problems and she thought she had to go constantly. She does not have a bladder infection. We are certain it was psychological as it started right after we once told her in the car that we could not stop every half hour for a bathroom break. Sometimes she would go and then not even five minutes later state she had to go again. Now that we are home…the issue has resolved. This trip really was too long for Aubrey and Noah and not quite kid-friendly enough.

On the bright side, we are blessed to have Aubrey and Noah!

Eureka Springs is a very interesting town and we were told it is the only town where the entire downtown is on the National Register of Historic Places. It is a very hilly town as it is right in the Ozarks. Homes in the historic area sometimes appeared to be precariously perched right on the edge of cliffs—to the point of making my stomach turn. But I guess it’s safe because they are built upon rock and not soil that can erode.

We had sunny and very warm weather the entire trip so we used the hotel pool every day and sometimes twice a day, which was the highlight of the trip for Aubrey. The highlight for John was probably Pea Ridge battlefield—which Aubrey and I skipped and instead went shopping. The highlight for me was hand-feeding a camel in the Promised Land Zoo. And, based on his intense laughter, the highlight for Noah was when hungry Ostriches peered in our car windows looking for food, also at the Promised Land Zoo.


We hope everyone is doing fine….thanks for stopping by!!

We thank God for keeping us safe on our trip and for sparing us from what could have been a fatal accident (thanks to the difficult time we had navigating the freeway in Kansas City!)

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 27, 2005 5:51 PM CDT


All I know is that Rabilou was a tiny child who has already died from the horrible famine crisis in Niger. Appeals for help went out last November…but our world did not respond. Now that the crisis has reached catastrophic proportions the aid finally arriving on scene is too little and too late for many innocent children and families.

Much of Niger’s famine has been caused by drought and from severe locust invasions in 2004. Last night, ABC’s Nightline aired a BBC video regarding Niger’s famine. I will never forget watching a young child from a nomad family eat something we would never touch—I won’t even mention it here.

This morning as I ate breakfast (with much to choose from) with my children I opened the front page of the Star Tribune and was greeted with the sad and crying face of a little boy from Niger. There were four flies crawling near one of his eyes and more by his mouth and he is severely emaciated. I cut that picture out and it’s posted in my cube and even covering up one of my favorite pictures of Gabbie. He is next to the “And Surely I AM with you always to the very end of the age” poster with a child’s solemn face wrapped with a crown of thorns. The picture will remain until the famine is over.

How can we watch? How can we live as we do? How can we waste food?

Who was Rabilou?


We are leaving for our summer vacation on Saturday morning and will be offline until after August 8. We are driving to * Eureka Springs * in northern Arkansas. Yes, it’s a live link if you want to check out Eureka Springs.


We will be noticing Gabrielle’s absence the entire vacation.

But unlike the unfortunate in Niger, we will have money to plunk down for every single meal, snacks, refreshments…and more.

Those of us who have lost children to cancer will say that, “No child should have to bear cancer.” We should also never forget that, “No child should ever slowly starve to death.”


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site.

If anyone is willing to, please sign Gabbie’s guest book and note the international charities you think will best serve the Niger famine. While there are so many needy people in this world, this famine is too much and we really want to help out. THANK YOU!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 22, 2005 6:03 PM CDT


We are headed for a very toasty weekend!! I plan to bring Aubrey and Noah to a beach, probably both days. I am still working on Noah and the water as sometimes he will get in and sometimes not.

I took both Aubrey and Noah to Lake Harriet last night after work and Noah had a tantrum because I took his shoes and socks off. (He doesn’t like to be without shoes.) So he stood on the shore the entire time and just cried and screamed while holding a single sock. Then we all had to haul off to a port-a-pot because Aubrey had to go to the bathroom. She came out crying because the hand antiseptic squirted right into her eye. We went back to the beach and then we were attacked by biting flies so it was time to go home. Gosh, we had fun last night.


Here is a site I have been following for a while. Catie has medulloblastoma and as far as I can tell she is doing OK. Still, I get tears almost every time I go to her site and see her little bald head. Please, please pray for this special little girl.

Catie’s Site


Have a safe weekend….be careful in the heat.

Thanking God for his mercy and for all the blessings He has so generously provided to our family.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:18 PM CDT


Aubrey arrived back home all tan and happy. We are so grateful for all the care she received under Auntie Sarah’s watchful eye. I was also able to meet up twice with my sister Nancy, visiting from California and now flying back as I type this. We never did run on Sunday as it was very hot but we walked around Lake Harriet as the weather made a weak attempt at some storms.


Cathy and Nate had a beautiful and meaningful memorial service for Theresa Rose on Saturday. We had some chapel time and then we watched Cathy put in Theresa’s memorial tile on a wall at St. Paul Children’s. Cathy is so creative and their tile had a handprint from Theresa Rose and Cathy then superimposed a crucifix on the Theresa’s little palm print.

As beautiful as it was, Nate and I agreed that no matter what we do, the pain remains.

“Many waters cannot quench love, nor floods sweep it away...” (Song of Songs 8:7)

In memory of Theresa Rose.


Dear Becky….thank you so much for the luminary in memory of Gabrielle…we are so touched and so thankful!

Thanks to all for visiting Gabbie’s site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 15, 2005 5:36 PM CDT


Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them. (Psalm 119:129)

“There are those who regard the Bible principally as the history of Israel. Others admit that it sets forth the soundest ethics ever enunciated. But these things, important as they are, are only incidental to the real theme of the Bible, which is the story of God’s redemption as it exists in Jesus Christ.

Those who read the Scriptures as magnificent literature, breath-taking poetry or history, and overlook the story of Salvation, miss the Bible’s real meaning and message.” Billy Graham, Peace with God reprinted in
God’s Promises, Day by Day


Aubrey comes home tomorrow! We have missed our cheerful chatterbox very much and look forward to having her back with us. We also know she had a great time and that they had great weather this week.

I have been enjoying some time alone with Noah, however, as that is pretty rare. I’m still trying to get him to enjoy water so we have gone to the beach at Lake Harriet almost every night. Last night a neighbor’s sprinkler ran over on to the sidewalk so Noah and I ran through it over and over and over…well, you know how repetitive little kids can be!

It’s been very, very hot here…and I have no complaints! My sister Nancy will be in town this weekend and mentioned something about a run on Sunday—which is supposed to be 96 degrees. Perhaps we might walk instead?


This Saturday I am attending the second memorial anniversary for little Teresa Rose. Please pray for Nate and Cathy as their hearts will always deeply miss that precious little girl. Theresa Rose has her salvation but yet it still remains the hardest cross to bear.

Theresa Rose’s Site


Thanks for visiting! Have a great weekend.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:18 PM CDT


The LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

“How wonderful that God calls the seemingly unqualified to serve Him. Few of us are wthe eldest, the brightest, the most beautiful, or the most gifted. But God does not judge us by our outward appearance…God is not distracted by style, personality, appearance, or achievement. His gaze pierces the flesh and weighs the heart. Then he places His hand upon sincere souls and turns shepherds into kings.” Alicia Britt Chole, Pure Joy, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


For a sweet little boy named Ethan and the entire Alain family. Ethan is battling relapsed Stage III Wilms Tumor.

Ethan’s Site


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site today! Aubrey comes home in 3 days!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, July 11, 2005 6:20 PM CDT


The LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations. (Psalm 100:5)

“Truth is timeless. Truth does not differ from one age to another; from one people to another, from one geographical location to another. Men’s ideas may differ, men’s customes may change, men’s moral codes may vary, but God’s great all-prevailing Truth stands for time and eternity.” Billy Graham, Peace with God, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day

Much of today’s world does not accept the above truth.


We are in a perfectly beautiful heat wave!! I know so many cannot stand the high heat but for me summer is only summer if it’s hot. I took Noah to a wading pool on Saturday and even thought EVERY SINGLE other child was in the pool, there was Noah refusing to even let me take off his shirt and it was so hot. On Sunday night, I tried again and this time we strollered to a beach at Lake Harriet and I just let him play near the water—again fully clothed. By the time we left he had walked into the lake beyond his knees—but still fully clothed. He even screamed when he saw me pull his swimming trunks out of the bag.

Silly boy.

We are missing Aubrey but get a phone call from her every night and I know she is well cared for and is having a great time. I think what I worry about the most is all the “boating” activity on Lake Carlos because I know Aubrey goes tubing.


Always missing Gabbie.


Thank you for your prayers—we appreciate it so very much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 8, 2005 5:54 PM CDT


Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

“Maybe you don’t want to trouble God with your hurts. After all, He’s got famines, pestilence and wars; He won’t care about my little struggles, you think. Why don’t you let Him decide that? He cared enough about a wedding to provide the wine. He cared enough about Peter’s tax payment to give him a coin. He cared enough about the woman at the well to give her answers.” Max Lucado, Traveling Light, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


Tomorrow we will be seeing Aubrey go off with Auntie Sarah to Alexandria for a week at the cabin with my mom’s side of the family. It’s the last year I’m allowing Aubrey to go because it is simply too hard on me to not have her here. I already lost one child and am not looking forward to an entire week of worry (which is why I will try to remind myself of the above Bible verse). Of course, Aubrey loves the lake but even she knows this will be her last year.


Please pray for all those impacted by the evil that was poured upon London this week.


Thanks for visiting and please pray that Aubrey return home safe on Saturday the 16th.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 6, 2005 6:35 PM CDT


All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

“God didn’t creat you to be a failure or a sinner. He created you in Christ Jesus to be righteousness. He created you to live a life that is more abundant. Your genetic make-up, your family history, or your past experiences don’t dictate your future. God holds your future in His hands, and He has promised to work all things together for your GOOD as long as you love and trust Him.” Larry Lea Wisdom: The Gift Worth Seeking, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


We had a nice 4th of July weekend—could have been warmer for me but at least it did not rain during the days. Noah is still scared of fireworks so he would only watch them from a great distance. John was lighting off some fireworks on our front sidewalk and the resulting haze set off the smoke-alarms in our house. So now know our smoke-alarms are in working order!


While we do not know the family, we were very saddened to learn that a young baby died at Aubrey and Noah’s daycare. The baby simply did not wake up from a nap. Please pray for this family as we are certain they are devastated beyond words.


Thanks for stopping by!! Thanks for all the prayers.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:30 PM CDT


This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast. (Hebrews 6:19)

“God keeps His promises. It’s a major part of his immutable nature. He doesn’t hold out hope with nice-sounding words, then renege on what He said He would do. God is neither fickle nor moody. And He never lies. As my own father used to say of people with integrity, ‘His word is His bond.’” Charles Swindoll, Elijah, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


I would like to help spread the word that a grieving family is having a balloon release on August 9th in memory of their daughter, Hanna. (Thank you, Susan.)

Hanna’s Site


I had the dream last night of Gabbie being sent home to die but she continued to live. This time I was even more insistent that we bring her to the doctor because it was now more than three years since they sent her home to die and yet she still lived. My hope continued to grow larger and larger in this dream…until I woke up.

But God has promised and I know she now has eternal life. Her body is still dead…but her soul is alive and well!! And when Jesus comes again her body too will rise and forever be united with her soul.

He promised!


We hope you all have a very safe 4th of July weekend. We are planning on dinner one evening at my mother-in-law’s but not much else. Some neighbors have promised another grand display of “legal” fireworks!

Stay safe by trusting only Him and letting Him be your one and only anchor!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 6:13 PM CDT


When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then You knew my path. (Psalm 142:3)

“Hoping in God is hoping when there is no hope. Hoping in God is to trust that He will be there with us when we put our feet in places so godforsaken that He will be there holding us up when we are falling over the edge. Leading us through our private darkness. Being there—ahead of us, above us, under us, for us and even in us.” Lewis Smedes, Keeping Hope Alive, reprinted in God’s Promises, Day by Day


We had a good weekend—nice and hot outside!

Aubrey loves to move the furniture around in her bedroom but last night we did our own rearranging. Aubrey had positioned Noah’s crib so that he could look out into the hallway and the living room and see us. This meant he was hollering and yelling for his daddy for hours after being put down and, to be honest, we couldn’t take it anymore!

Not sure how much longer Aubrey and Noah can share a room anyway because Noah throws stuff from his crib all the time. Aubrey came crying to me this morning because Noah threw his tippy cup at her face. Another time I just entered their room and saw a huge and heavy book heaved out of Noah’s hands that almost landed on Aubrey’s head. We try to empty his crib but somehow things manage to get in his hands anyway.


Sydney is a beautiful little girl with neuroblastoma—I believe she is in remission.

Sydney’s Site


The quote, above, spoke to me because when your child dies…there is NO HOPE in ever seeing them again in this life. The gravity of “forever in this life” is most understood when one buries a child. The most “godforsaken place” is when your mind contemplates "forever missing from this life."

But His mercy never ends and so we turn to Him and forever look towards eternal hope. And we trust He has a plan...a great, glorious, wonderful plan!!


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Thank you for praying for our friends on this journey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 24, 2005 6:23 PM CDT


If you are like me, your finite mind has trouble thinking about how eternity future will last FOREVER! But what is even harder for me to think about is eternity past. God always WAS!

The number of God’s years is unsearchable.” (Job 36:26)

“We may search out the moment the first wave slapped on a shore or the first star burst in the sky, but we’ll never find the first moment when God was God, for there is no moment when God was not God. He has never not been, for He is eternal. God is not bound by time.” ~ Max Lucado, He Chose the Nails, reprinted in God’s Promises Day by Day


Our kids are growing up so fast! Aubrey lost a tooth on Tuesday night and then on Wednesday she lost another tooth. And, yes, we do the “tooth fairie.” I thought about it and decided it was harmless. These losses were actually the third and fourth teeth to fall out. Aubrey is so quick, however, and may discover soon that it’s all pretend. I have left little messages for her in a cup and after the first one she came to me in the morning and said that “We have this stamp, too.” And then she said, “And we have this type of marker, too.” So now I have to be creative and try to use stamping materials that Aubrey is not familiar with! This week she asked how the tooth fairie managed to hold a regular size pen if she herself was so small.

It has been very hot here this week so I took off Thursday to enjoy a true summer day. I took Aubrey and Noah to a local wading pool but not sure Noah enjoyed it too much. He rubbed sunscreen into his eyes and by the time we left his eyes were completely bloodshot. Plus he had a cold (which I hadn’t noticed earlier) and one eye was still swollen from a bug bite so he looked terrible by the time we got home. He was so wiped out he asked to go to bed a couple hours before his normal time.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site. Enjoy the summer weekend!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, June 20, 2005 6:30 PM CDT


We had a good weekend and really enjoyed the sunshine and heat! Yesterday was absolutely beautiful…we know people sometimes mock Minnesota for our cold winters but if you visit in the summer then you will understand why we tolerate the cold.

For Father’s Day we all went to Our Lady of Peace. Noah started a very loud protest as soon as we entered the sanctuary so I offered to take him to the crying room. However, even then John could still hear Noah screaming “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy…” and so soon John and Aubrey joined Noah and I for the rest of the service. Obviously Noah continues to be a “daddy’s boy.”

Later in the afternoon we drove down to Lake Harriet because Aubrey wanted to ride her bike around the lake. She is still on training wheels so we let her stay on the walking path with us. We are not being overprotective in keeping Aubrey in training wheels but she has never shown interest in removing them so we just leave it alone. However, a neighbor girl who is younger than is already without training wheels and it has inspired Aubrey so I’m sure this summer we will say goodbye to the training wheels.

We also spent some time with Cathy and Nate Clyde and baby Mary Angelina. We are so grateful for that friendship!


Thank you for visiting! Hope all the guys had a great Father’s Day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, June 16, 2005 6:02 PM CDT


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)


Another neuroblastoma child taken away yesterday. Jay Barnett was a bit older (that doesn’t matter—they are always are little children) then most who suffered from neuroblastoma. Please pray for his mother, Virginia, and all those who loved him and who were impacted by his short time here.

Jay’s Site


Sometimes well-meaning people point me to the stories of other grieving parents. That is fine…until they then make a comment that they hope my own faith journey becomes similar.

Apparently those of us who speak of lingering pain are not as faithful as we should be. But really, the presence of our pain is not a determiner of our faith. In fact, faith in God is almost a guarantee that one will suffer in this life. In Gabbie’s death, I have extreme pain as a mother but have I have blessed eternal HOPE as a Christian!


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thanks, Auntie Sarah, for having a sleepover with Aubrey. Her daycare teacher told me that she talks nonstop about you. Thank you for loving Aubrey!

We hope you all have a great weekend. Even when it hurts…God loves you so much…sharing this for me as well as all of you.

Thank you, God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 5:59 PM CDT


I and the Father are one. (John 10:30)

There are so many non-church goers in my life who are not pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ at all. Very nice people--sometimes the nicest folks I know.

If you are a non-church person, I would like to tell you that there was a time in my life when going to church was of little importance to me and now it is the highlight of my weekend. I can only thank God for that change in my life. I can only thank God for helping me to see that worshiping God is the first and foremost priority in our lives—something that I continue to need to work on every day.

Do you know Jesus? He is one with the Father! Please consider taking that first step and start looking for a church that is centered on biblical truths. Our times are changing fast…Jesus is our only hope!


We kept busy this past weekend (keep in mind we are not nearly as busy as other families as I simply cannot live like that). John allowed me to take a stamp class on Saturday afternoon so I got up extra early for a morning walk and to get a start on some overdue housecleaning. While I was gone to class, Aubrey went with a friend and her friend’s parents to Camp Snoopy (rides) at the Mall of America. Aubrey’s friend earned this little outing by good behavior—something we might soon start.

On Sunday night we took the Aubrey and Noah and met up with a neighbor, whose wife was out of town, and his two children at the Old Spaghetti Factory. It’s a very easy place to bring children and is inexpensive. Noah could scream all he wanted and it doesn’t really disturb anyone because of the cavernous design of the restaurant.


I had not followed this site closely but my heart still sank when I had learned that this little boy, Varun, died on June 4. The first time I saw his pictures I was completely won over by his big sparkly brown eyes and I think your hearts will feel the same way. Varun had Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome, which is not something I am familiar with. Please pray for the Bhaskaran family.

Varun’s Site


Thank you for your visit, today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 10, 2005 1:23 PM CDT


The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior! (Psalm 18:46)


School is out!!

John and I volunteered on Wednesday to work at the field day for K-4 at Our Lady of Peace. All we had to do was man a refreshment station with two other parents—we, and OLP, were very fortunate because originally that day was supposed to be a day of rain but turned out warm and dry. Aubrey had a very good year and we are thankful to God that we have the resources to send Aubrey to OLP. (Helps ease my guilt of working just a wee bit.)

A couple of weeks ago I was the VIP reader for Aubrey’s class and I was able to witness the beginning of their morning routine and it was so moving to have the principal come on the loudspeaker and lead everyone in prayer. Acknowledging God at school!!


A couple of weeks ago John and I saw a story on the local news about two children from the Twin Cities who are both battling mystery diseases that doctors cannot seem to diagnose. One of these children, a little boy named Zach West, has a CaringBridge site.

Zach’s Site


Acceptance of your child’s death is not saying that it is OK that they are gone. Rahter, acceptance means that in spite of the horrible absence of a much loved child…God is good…God is our rock…and God is to be exalted!!

Missing you ever so much, dear Gabbie.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thanks to those who sent me links to the new CB style sites. We hope you all have/had a safe weekend.

Please know the good LORD lives, praise Him as your rock of salvation, and exalt Him above everything and anyone!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 5:47 PM CDT


Some children were brought to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. The disciples told them not to bother him. But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.
Matt 19:13-15 (NLT)


We had a sick little Noah this past weekend—high fevers and some vomiting. I stayed home from work yesterday and he is now much better and back at daycare. We were also blessed with a beautiful summer day and I was privileged to be able to sit outside and read during Noah’s naptime and because Noah was feeling better we also went for a very long stroller-ride.


In a journal entry almost one year ago from today, July 7, 2004, I shared the links to three children battling neuroblastoma at St. Jude’s. I listed them in this order: Zoie, Stanton, and Emma Grace. Sadly, first Zoie died, then Stanton, and now I just learned that Emma Grace has died. Three beautiful, gracious, and courageous children are forever gone from this world.

While we hold fast to God’s faithful promise that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to children, this pain of separation cannot be erased or even eased. Please pray for strength for Emma Grace’s very faithful family.

Emma Grace’s Site


My note on grief on July 7, 2004 was that Zoie, Stanton, and Emma Grace all reminded me of Gabbie. They still remind me of Gabbie.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

We thank God for His promises for His grieving children.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, June 3, 2005 5:52 PM CDT


Last night I was checking on the kids after they were in bed and Aubrey was not on her mattress so I went looking for her through the house…with a little bit of panic. But we found her safe and sound and fast asleep under Noah’s crib!! Aubrey loves to rearrange the bedroom she and Noah share and is always finding a different place to sleep. I have promised her that before summer is over she will have a real bed.

Everything in our house is falling apart these days. Noah finally broke our VCR, the CD player broke, and last night our hot water heater quit. We already have a new hot water heater today--thanks to John’s brother juggling some of the sub-contractors that work for him! Of course none of these are essentials although it’s nice to have hot water.

All this made me realize, again, how life in America is so easy compared to those in developing or underdeveloped nations.


Thanks for visiting...hope everyone had a safe weekend! It’s finally warm here and actually feels like summer.

I would like to see one of the new CaringBridge sites so if you come across one (the design is completely different), I would greatly appreciate the link.

Please remember to thank God for all that you have. We are grateful for His promises but also the roof over our head, food on the table, water, each other…and more. And if all your children are alive…well, you couldn’t ask for more. We know because we remember what life was like before May 17, 2002.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 6:08 PM CDT


Whoever loses his life for me will find it.” (Matthew 16:25)

Consider the cross lying in your path with all its circumstances. It has a quality specific to you. It is prepared by God for you. And He gives it to you as a token of his love. If you receive it as such, it is ordered by Him for your good. After using such means to remove the pressure as Christian wisdom directs, lie as clay in the potter’s hand. It is for your good, both with regard to the quality of it, its quantity and degree, its duration, and every other circumstance.

In all this we may easily conceive our blessed Lord to act as the physician of our souls. He does not act for His pleasure, merely, but for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. …John Wesley, Renew my Heart, Daily Devotional Insights
It is hard to comprehend…but God sometimes gives even the littlest ones crosses to carry. But I also know that Gabbie and the others are now reaping their eternal reward for carrying such crosses.


We had an OK holiday weekend—especially since the weather was not nearly as dreadful as we all thought it would be. On Monday we even took Aubrey and Noah to Woodlake Nature Center for a little hike and Noah’s cheeks were beet red (it was warm) and Aubrey even complained that she was “hot.” It wasn’t really hot but Aubrey simply was not used to such warm weather. Noah did a pretty well for his first hike but slowed us down as he was so intent on wandering off the path.

Still, Gabbie was missed very much the entire weekend.


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie’s site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:37 PM CDT


Please keep in your prayers my friend Yolanda Rogers as she and her husband George will be facing the 8th death anniversary of their beautiful daughter, Anna, on Memorial Day.

Site for Anna

Anna died only 39 hours after diagnosis. I hope Yolanda does not mind, but below is an excerpt from her site for Anna.

It is Jesus who has lifted me, Jesus who has carried me, Jesus who has sustained me and Jesus has been the Strength for me to go on.

He knows this indescribable agony which time has not lessened. . . nor ever will. This pain is not a wound, it is a seed, the roots of which grow deeper each day. Our Lord has shown me how this seed will sprout and grow, depending upon the nourishment I provide, into twisted, spindled, thorny bramble or a straight, strong, lush tree.

Despite circumstances, by God's grace and for His sake and in memory of our beloved child, may we ever choose to yield and flourish under our Lord's loving Hand, branching out, always giving shelter and comfort in His precious Name to those who have been likewise wounded.

My hope, my comfort, my peace rest on the blessed assurance of His promise ". . . because I live, ye shall live also." (John 14:19) I pray that as I have, you too may have the "peace of God which passeth all understanding". Through my tears, I see the joy set before me grow ever brighter. She is in Heaven and our Lord draws nigh! - Yolanda Rogers

Yolanda is so right and while I dislike repeating myself, time is neutral and does not lessen the pain and longing we have for our children.


We hope you all have a safe holiday weekend.

Remembering our heroes…the brave soldiers of war who defended our great nation and the littlest soldiers who all so bravely faced a wicked disease called cancer with unbelievable courage.

Thanking God for being the rock of our salvation! Thank you, Yolanda, for all the comfort you have provided me!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 6:17 PM CDT


We were so very touched to see that someone with their own CaringBridge site dedicated a journal entry for Gabbie on the third anniversary of her leaving us. Thank you, Susan. That was very, very kind. A link to Susan’s site for her son Zachary is below.

Zachary Bern’s Site


Aubrey gave John a scare this weekend and it still continues this week. She has taken her crying about feeling guilty for her actions in the past to a new level. There were times when we could not even go 10 minutes without her coming up to us and crying and sharing another confession.

She seems to be tormented with thoughts that will not quit and I thought that only happened to adults. Some of the things she feels guilty about are absolutely nothing (“Mommy, I know it’s not funny but sometimes I think your frizzy hair is funny.” Said through somber tears).

But other thoughts are a little more concerning—such as she knows that the deaths of Gabbie and our neighbor are not funny but her mind sometimes thinks they are funny. To me, Aubrey is too young to have to deal with something that complex but at this point all we can do is listen. I did finally tell her she has to limit her sharing to a couple of confessions a day because I think that only encourages her very active mind even more.

To anyone who prays, please pray for peace for Aubrey.


Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site.

Thank you, Jesus, for preparing a place for us to come home to some day!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 19, 2005 6:09 PM CDT


He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

While it may seem as if God is more faithful to the child who is healed of cancer in this life, that is not true. While we yet cannot see the blessings Gabbie’s soul now enjoys in heaven, we know God was ever so faithful…in every single detail of Gabbie’s life.

There is no one more faithful than God.


Poor Aubrey. A while back we stressed to her that we always want her to tell us the truth – no matter what. The weekend before last, John came upon Aubrey sitting at the kitchen table crying. John asked her what was wrong and she said she had lied to Jackie, a neighbor girl who babysat for us a couple of times. Apparently Jackie had asked Aubrey if she wanted to watch a certain video and Aubrey, not wanting that particular video, said it had too much static. John told Aubrey it was OK but that she is not to lie.

The following day Aubrey came to church with me but sat one row behind me with some neighborhood kids, including Jackie. In the middle of a song and out of the blue, Aubrey is back in my pew and pulling on me and crying. She was all worried about her “lie” to Jackie. So I had Aubrey apologize directly to Jackie during donut time and all was well.

Well, last night Aubrey starts wailing again and she could barely choke out the words, telling us she had lied to her preschool friends by telling them she plays soccer. Who knows what prompted that memory, but she was wearing a shirt with the “SOCCER” emblazoned on the front.

We truly have not pounced on her for lying so I am guessing she simply has a very active conscience (thank you, God!). May it serve her well as she faces the temptations of life.


We pray for all our friends who have buried a child, more than one child, or their only child.


We hope you all have a great weekend!! It has warmed up a bit here in Minnesota but we have had lots and lots of rain and are very soggy.

Thank you, God, for your bountiful faithfulness.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 5:43 PM CDT


Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.
(Psalm 126:5-6)

So here is the lesson: When there are simple, straightforward jobs to be done, and you are full of sadness and the tears are flowing easily, go ahead and do the jobs with tears. Be realistic. Say to your tears: ‘Tears, I feel you. You make me want to quit life, but there is a field to be sown (dishes to be washed, a car to be fixed, a sermon to be written). I know you will wet my face several times today, but I have work to do and you will just have to go with me. I intend to take the bag of seeds and sow. If you come along, then you will just have to wet the rows. – John Piper, A Godward Life
Thanks, John Piper, for giving grieving parents permission to cry even when there is much work to be done. Thanks to all who understand our tears.


Another anniversary date behind us and one more anniversary date closer to going home. This was a hard one but they are all hard so maybe it really was just like all the others. Both John and I went to work and John worked by himself all day…so other than talking to me no one called or spoke to John to ask how he was doing on his daughter’s death anniversary.

Aubrey and I visited with Cathy Clyde on Monday and that was very good for me. We played with smiling baby Mary Angelina and sadly watched a very special DVD of Theresa Rose. Cathy’s gentle faith is such a beacon of light for me and I am so grateful we met but so sad that it was under such circumstances.

Theresa Rose

On Saturday I met up with Janine Nielsen (Steven’s mom) at the Rubberstamp Expo and we browsed and browsed and also spent a bit of money, of course. Yesterday we received a beautiful handmade card from Janine with stamps she bought at the Expo.



We did get some nice and thoughtful cards—thank you!! Thank you for all the wonderful guest book entries! So many, too, from people who have never been to Gabbie's site.

And thank you, God, you have carried us for quite some time now.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, May 16, 2005 9:34 PM CDT


"Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. ... He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain." (Revelation 21:3-4)

By God's providence, His children are called to suffer yet it is that very suffering that prepares God's children to share in Christ's eternal glory all the more. Gabrielle was called and her calling did indeed include much suffering. While it is so hard to think of what she suffered, we are assured that she was close to Jesus while here and now she is before him and her soul is HOME!! How we too who remain long to come home also!

Dear Gabrielle, child of God, we miss you so very, very much. God works in mysterious ways and changes us but one thing that is never changed is our love for you and the relentless pain of your absence from our life. Your sister and brother are growing up so fast and we mention your name to them every single day. We know that some sad day they will fully realize what they are missing by not having you here. But hopefully they too will feel the pull of heaven whenever they think of you and hopefully they too will answer God's call.

We are glad you made it home…where your tears and mourning and pain are now no more.


We are so thankful for all of those who have made such a great impact in our lives. Words are not enough to describe our gratitude. Thank you, also, for the time taken to listen and listen some more—it is an incredible gift to those of us who grieve. We thank you so very, very much.

I also want to thank the other children called to suffer and called home too early and for the friendship of their parents. Thank you, grieving parents, for sharing this road with us and helping us. We look forward with joy to meeting, or meeting again, Steven, Zachary, Theresa Rose, Anna, Lukie, Leilani, and so many, many more.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, May 13, 2005 12:43 AM CDT


Something I read in Touchstone last night, while I was on watch during Aubrey and Noah’s bath-time, really hit home when I consider how Gabbie’s painful absence is tempered with the blessed assurance, or as I think of it, the blessed *TRUTH*, of knowing where she is at this very moment.

Before he is my Lord, before he is your Lord, before he is Gabbie’s Lord, he is *THE* LORD!! And he is the only TRUTH!!

We hope you all have a nice weekend and that if you are not in Minnesota that your weather is better than ours. It is close to frosty here but might be better on Sunday.

As always, thank you so much for visiting!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:26 PM CDT


”Those who pray for the kingdom to come will receive the kingdom, but those who don’t love the kingdom and the appearing of the Lord probably will not bother themselves with this prayer….Anyone who says, ‘It is meaningless to pray, because the promise is certain,’ will be left out. Such soldiers will not share in the spoils of victory, for they have not shared in the battle. Let us pray and triumph with him in the battle that cannot fail.” ~ John Piper, A Godward Life

We prayed for Gabbie, and should have, even though God knew that she was to die. But I know that in eternity, our prayers that were answered with a “no” in this temporal life, will be answered in a way that we simply cannot fathom now.

I also know that I need to pray so much more.


It’s probably a combination of things happening right now but I am so anxious for Gabbie’s death anniversary to be over with. I do have a distraction this weekend and on Saturday morning will be going to a “rubber-stamp expo.” Next Monday, the day before her death anniversary, I am taking a vacation day because Aubrey does not have school and we are going to spend some time together and also to visit Cathy Clyde and baby Mary Angelina.

And I hardly ever talk about work but it has been so hectic that the days somewhat fly by. I like a degree of “hectic,” but this is almost getting to be a bit much.


The the families of Laura Hobbs and Krystal Tobias. Laura and Krystal are the two little friends who were murdered by Laura’s father. I had reminded Aubrey that she must never go off on her own, even with a friend. I stressed that an adult known by her must be with them.

But what about children who cannot even trust their own father?


Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Thank you, God, for all your faithfulness!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, May 9, 2005 6:54 PM CDT


If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:1-2)


Subconsciously it was probably deliberate, but I was a week behind on Mother’s Day and did not realize that Mother’s Day was upon us until Friday. I’m so grateful for Aubrey and Noah but simply want to brush these holidays aside anyway. But we survived!

For a Mother’s Day gift, John came to First Evangelical Free so the four of us went as a family and John even attended the ABF with me. It was so very nice to go as a family and I wish so much we were of one denomination. John found the members to be very, very friendly. People at FEF make it a point to greet strangers.

Aubrey had a pile of Mother’s Day cards for me that she had made at school. They sure do churn out the paper “projects.” And I did get in a long walk on our warm, humid day on Sunday so all in all it wasn't too bad.


I have mentioned before that I do not seem to be able to reflect on memories of Gabbie and smile and laugh, as others write of doing with memories of their child. (Neither does John!) I think Gabbie’s life was too solemn to be remembered that way and I guess as a realist I refuse to gloss over her long-term suffering.

So I like the above verse from Colossians because when I think of Gabbie, which is often, I think of hope eternal and what lies in front of us. It’s still hard…and it’s not something that makes me laugh…but it is ever so hopeful and does bring true joy.


Thank you, LORD, for all the many, many, blessings you have given us, and especially the gift of hope eternal.

Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 5, 2005 6:04 PM CDT


Today is Ascension Thursday…the day Jesus went home to the Father.

Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11)


For our culture of death…to please come to an end.

A perfect baby named Rowan was senselessly killed. Rowan’s mother went in for an abortion but the injection meant to murder baby Rowan, so that he could be delivered dead the next day, was never given while drugs to induce the contractions were given. Rowan’s mother appeared at the abortion clinic the next day in pain due to contractions. No one would help her and she ended up delivering Rowan into a toilet. And then Rowan’s mother was horrified and she noticed that baby Rowan, at 23 weeks and perfectly formed, was still alive. She cried and yelled for help but the clinic ignored her. Rowan’s mother frantically called a friend who in turn called the police but by then it was too late.

Baby Rowan, perfectly formed, beautifully created by God, loved by God, was murdered.


Missing you, dear Gabbie, ever so much. You are missed every day but these days around your death anniversary are unbearable.

But at least we know you, and Rowan, are home…soul to face with the Father.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 6:07 PM CDT


Noah is much better but now Aubrey is battling a bad cold—she has been active but is very congested. We kept busy over the weekend and on Saturday I took Aubrey and Noah for our first ride on the light rail system, which is fairly new here in Minneapolis. We road the train downtown, had pancakes at a café, picked up some workbooks for Aubrey at Barnes & Noble, and road the train back home.

Noah and Aubrey had fun and it gave John some time to add vents to our unattached garage. Last fall the entire exhaust system on my car fell off, while I was driving on the freeway, and I was told by the mechanic that given the year of my car the complete rusting of the exhaust system must have been due to humidity in our garage.

On Sunday night I took Aubrey back to church to see a play put on by the children at First Evangelical Free – Malice in the Palace, which was about the story of Esther. Not sure Aubrey picked up on the gist of the story but I think she enjoyed the acting because the kids did a wonderful job.


Our friends, Theresa Rose’s parents, have good news and bad news. They are expecting a baby this coming fall and I am so happy for them—they are such deserving parents. But last week they experienced another loss as Nate’s father passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack.

Please pray for this wonderful family.

Theresa Rose


Thanks for all your prayers! Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, April 28, 2005 5:42 PM CDT


Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to Him that He may make it a blessing to others. ~ Oswald ChambersSHE LEFT US 1078 DAYS AGO; OUR LIVES TODAY

I was home yesterday with Noah and we made yet another trip to the pediatrician’s office. When I got him up in the morning the appearance of his hives had changed, and in my opinion, the rash looked lacy so I thought he had Fifth’s Disease. But the doctor said it is still just hives, but by the way, he has an ear infection and eye infection. So John is home with Noah today and he will probably go to daycare tomorrow. He didn’t seem to be having any ear pain…which is something to be thankful for.


The Flory family had to say goodbye to Alexia early Wednesday morning. Lexy is a beautiful little girl who also died from neuroblastoma.


Always, always missing you Gabbie.

John and I were talking about “anniversary” dates last night and I said that the difficulty for me is that having a child dead in the ground gets old and tiresome. It never leaves…and I still wonder why God lets some have temporary trials and others such permanent trials.

But “why” is not for me to know in this life and I know many others carry the same “why?” Truly, in eternity, this pain will be wiped away and remembered no more!


Thank you for weeping for so many of the other families who have to say such early goodbyes. Thank you for signing their guest books and showing them you may not know but you certainly understand how hard it is to lose a child.

If by chance Auntie Sarah reads this...Happy Birthday!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 5:40 PM CDT


Sorry…another long excerpt but salvation, salvation, salvation…has been heavy on my heart. The current topic for our Sojourner’s class at First Evangelical Free is evangelizing. I am so grateful our pastor has no hesitation in expressing the reality of hell.

Albert Mohler has once again written an excellent commentary and today’s is entitled: Is This Evangelicalism's Terminal Generation?

The other pressing front in the current battle for the Gospel concerns the exclusivity of the work of Christ. The testimony of the Bible could not be more clear. Salvation comes to all who call upon the name of the Lord. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ--and through Jesus Christ alone.

In our culture of political correctness and intolerant tolerance, we are told that such a claim is simply unacceptable. There cannot be only one way of salvation. Who is to say that the religions of the world are wrong, and that Christianity alone is true?

Jesus identified Himself as the Way, the Truth, and the Life--and "no one comes to the Father, but through Me" [John 14:6]. Without this clear testimony, the Gospel is emptied of its integrity. The Bible allows no misunderstanding. Without conscious faith in Jesus Christ, there is no salvation.

Dean Kelley, a liberal Protestant, once noted that, "Even the most gentle, humble, and loving Christians must divide the world into those who confess Jesus as Lord and those who don't." Given the clarity of the Gospel, we have no other choice.

Even so, various forms of compromise erupt on this crucial front in the battle for the Gospel. Some advocate an open universalism, in which all persons are eventually saved. Others promote pluralism, promising that all roads will eventually lead to God, and that no faith has a privileged claim to truth. Closer to home, some have advocated a form of inclusivism in which other religions and faiths are seen to be included in the work of Christ. Still others advocate a form of "anonymous Christianity" or a post-mortem opportunity to confess Christ. – R. Albert Mohler, April 26, 2005 Commentary
For the entire article, click here: Mohler’s Web Site


And please, please continue to pray for Charlotte! The banner above is actually a live link to her site.

And prayers for Alexia Flory and family. This little girls journey is breaking my heart--it’s just hard to explain.


Thanks as always for visiting Gabbie’s site and for praying for all these other children.

Debbie, if you read this, I am still waiting for your good news…I could certainly use some!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 25, 2005 6:17 PM CDT


”It is not that I am seeking the gift. Rather, I seek the credit that abounds to your account.” (Philippians 4:17)

God does not need our money…it is for our benefit to be generous. While giving certainly helps others it is a spiritual gain for the giver that the Apostle Paul refers to in the above verse…and a spiritual gain that grows exponentially much like commercial interest.


It was Noah’s turn to go to church with John this past weekend and after mass Father Mike asked John if “she behaved,” so I took a scissors to Noah’s hair. I did not do a very good job but John did not even notice – which means I am not in trouble!

It was cold on Saturday but not too bad on Sunday so we did spend a lot of time outside. For Christmas Aubrey was given a razor scooter that she rides up and down the block but to date she does not ride very fast. So….we have been a bit lazy (I know, I know, we should be more careful) about making sure she has her helmet on. However, Noah is concerned for us. He will pick up her helmet and chase after her yelling, “Offrey, Offrey.”

Noah still has the hives and his cheeks are bright red but they do not seem itchy.


A little girl named Bailey Santana who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.

* Site for Bailey *

And please, please continue to pray for Charlotte!

* Site for Charlotte Wyatt *

And prayers for the Nielsen family as they face the third anniversary of Steven’s death.


Thank you for so many visits to our site! Gabbie will smile when she meets you in heaven!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 22, 2005 5:39 PM CDT


”Though Christians be not kept altogether from falling, yet they are kept from falling altogether.” ~ William Secker


Aubrey has a birthday party to attend on Saturday and I have been invited to a church function on Sunday evening. But other than that we have a low-key weekend. Noah still has the hives and I think Aubrey had them this morning. Which is odd because John was told they are not contagious.

Not sure it’s going to be very nice outside but not sure either how we can complain as we have had an unseasonably warm spring. Getting greener here in Minnesota by the day!

This little girl, Charlotte, needs prayers. Not just because she is sick but because of the world’s culture of death. If you are not familiar with Charlotte’s story…visit her Web site. Last Thursday a British judge upheld a court order allowing doctors to let Charlotte die if she stops breathing. The parents want to keep her alive…and I am with them!

Site for Charlotte Wyatt


We hope you have/had a great weekend. Thank for all the support!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:06 PM CDT


”In your own times of severe distress, which are you more aware of—your suffering or your salvation?” ~ C.J. Mahaney, Christ our Mediator

It is reminders like this that help me get through bad days—which for some reason I seem to be having these past few weeks. I am so very, very thankful for my salvation. Salvation means everything and no amount of suffering will not pale in comparison to the coming glorious day for all God’s children!!


Noah is fine—John took him to the doctor today and it is just hives. We are giving him liquid Benadryl and it already seems to be working.


Thank you, God, for amazing grace that saved a wretch like me!! How sweet the sound!! I pray that anyone who has ever visited Gabbie’s site…even just once…knows just how much we all need God’s grace and that while the gift is free to all is not accepted by all. No tragedy in this life will ever compare to the eternal tragedy of not accepting God’s grace.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:28 PM CDT


An article in Touchstone noted that there are two critiques of Christianity that beset our day and one of them is “the postmodernist’s insistence that morality and theological doctrine are relative and that the claims of Christianity change their meaning (or non-meaning) from culture to culture and individual to individual.” – Louis A. Markos, Intimations of Incarnation, The Apologetic Vision of Robert Browning, Touchstone Magazine, April 2005

I know very little of the RCC’s new pope, Pope Benedict XVI, but apparently he does not, and hopefully will not, tolerate relativism.


I wasn’t going to update tonight but I’m stuck at work on hold on the phone with the nurse triage service for our pediatrics office. Noah had a bit of a raised rash on his face last night that John noticed. I saw it this morning when I dropped him off at daycare and I guess now it’s all over his body and John says (he is at home with Noah and Aubrey) that Noah’s inner-lower lip is blue. I’m sure he will be ok—it’s just reassuring John.


Because of relativism, I know that the meaning of Gabbie’s “will you be dere?” is misunderstood by some. Her “will you be dere?” was never, for me, something “cute,” but simply a truth spoken by someone not lulled into false hope.

These children are close to God…they know the truth!


Thank you for visiting our site today!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 18, 2005 6:50 PM CDT


”Faith is a living and unshakable confidence, a belief in God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.” ~ Martin Luther

That is why, of course, our faith is an incredible gift!


We had a very rainy day on Saturday but I did get out for a run while it was still a light rain and not a pouring rain. Sunday was beautiful and I finally had Noah out for a nice long stroller ride by the lake and on Minnehaha Parkway. It actually has been nice for quite some time but I was nursing a foot injury so Noah and I got a late start this season.

Aubrey cried this morning when she left for school as she wants to be picked up earlier in the day. I really do not think we are in a position where I could quit working because if I do not work then there is no insurance and Aubrey would no longer be able to attend Our Lady of Peace. I have been praying about our situation and am just not sure that John and I can both continue to work full-time. Unfortunately, it’s my salary that is the safest one to keep--and not by just a little, but a lot--and that is why I’m not sure what we should do.


For the Crowley family who said goodbye to Olivia on April 11th. I think Olivia had relapsed Ewings Sarcoma.

Olivia’s Site


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today….and thank you for all the encouragement.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, April 14, 2005 6:32 PM CDT


”The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” G.K. Chesterton


I’m not too fond of professional pictures but because I wanted an update of Noah and Aubrey, with Gabrielle added, I finally brought them to Proex last Sunday. We have the proofs back already but because Noah cried almost the entire time I’m not sure we will get a very good picture of the three of them.

Aubrey got another report card and we are very happy with her progress. She continues to skip happily, most of the time, through life. I hope she is like that as a teenager as I have noticed that some teenaged girls go through phases of extreme sullenness. After all Aubrey has been through, it would break my heart to see her lose her cheery disposition.


The faithful Pearl family as they deal with Fanconi Anemia in their two children, Alex and Matt.

Site for Alex and Matt


The Bible tells us we cannot murmur or complain about our crosses. But that does not imply that we have to confess that life is easy after our children die. I was talking to one of my friends who also lost a child and we agreed it is so much more than sadness. Life without our child can be very, very difficult.


Thank for visiting Gabbie’s site today. May your crosses be carried with your eyes only on Jesus!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:46 PM CDT


I attend an ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) class on Sunday after the regular church service. Last Sunday we discussed why today’s church does not seem to attract the type of people (sinners) that Jesus attracted in his time.

There was some friendly disagreement and apparently some people do not think we should tell people that they are sinners. I disagree—if one thinks one is good, then why would one see the need for the Saviour?

Now, I have a mass of people here; and if I might use a figure, I should compare you to a great heap of ashes, mingled with which are a few steel filings. Now, my sermon if it be attended with divine grace, will be a sort of magnet: it will not attract any of the ashes—they will keep just where they are—but it will draw out the steel filings. I have got a Zaccheus there; there is a Mary up there, a John down there, a Sarah, or a William, or a Thomas, there—God’s chosen ones—they are steel filings in the congregation of ashes, and my gospel, the gospel of the blessed God, like a great magnet, draws them out of the heap. There they come, there they come. Why? because there was a magnetic power between the gospel and their hearts. AH! poor sinner, come to Jesus, believe his love, trust his mercy. If thou hast a desire to come, if thou art forcing thy way through the ashes to get to Christ, then it is because Christ is calling thee. Oh! all of you who know yourselves to be sinners—every man, woman, and child of you—yea, ye little children (for God has given me some of you to be my wages), do you feel yourselves sinners? then believe on Jesus and be saved. ~ A Charles H. Spurgeon sermon, Effectual Calling, March 30, 1856

Aubrey had a friend sleepover on Friday night and later on Saturday Aubrey went over to her friend’s house. After Aubrey came back we had a little neighbor girl, Samantha, join us for dinner on Saturday. It was kind of funny because for dessert Aubrey wanted sunflower seeds and I just placed the jar in front of her. And then I could hear Samantha chastising Aubrey because she had the jar to her mouth and was pouring the sunflower seeds directly into her mouth! Obviously we are still working with Aubrey on table manners. On Sunday night we went over to Auntie Sarah’s house for dinner and I am pretty sure we (Noah) left a stain on the brand new carpet. we did not get the housecleaning done that I had envisioned...


She did not sin but there is such a thing as “original sin.” Thank goodness for God’s grace!!


We are so thankful for all of you and we really do look forward to the day we can meet in eternity!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 11, 2005 6:20 PM CDT


I realize most people will not read a lengthy journal but because I frequently express concern for our children’s generation I wanted to share part of Albert Mohler’s Crosswalk Commentary for today.

Some of Aubrey and Noah’s cousins who live in Minnetonka go the Catholic school at St. Therese. We were there once for an event and I noticed the nuns lived on campus and they are all from India. My sister-in-law told me that once when she asked a nun why they came here (to America), she commented it was to evangelize to us!

The excerpts below concern a recent study on the spiritual life of teenagers. We parents really need to buckle down and show our children that there is only one way to eternal life with God.

As described by Smith and his team, Moralistic Therapeutic Deism consists of beliefs like these: 1. "A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth." 2. "God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions." 3. "The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself." 4. "God does not need to be particularly involved in one's life except when God is needed to resolve a problem." 5. "Good people go to heaven when they die."

That, in sum, is the creed to which much adolescent faith can be reduced. After conducting more than 3,000 interviews with American adolescents, the researchers reported that, when it came to the most crucial questions of faith and beliefs, many adolescents responded with a shrug and "whatever."

This radical transformation of Christian theology and Christian belief replaces the sovereignty of God with the sovereignty of the self. In this therapeutic age, human problems are reduced to pathologies in need of a treatment plan. Sin is simply excluded from the picture, and doctrines as central as the wrath and justice of God are discarded as out of step with the times and unhelpful to the project of self-actualization.

All this means is that teenagers have been listening carefully. They have been observing their parents in the larger culture with diligence and insight. They understand just how little their parents really believe and just how much many of their churches and Christian institutions have accommodated themselves to the dominant culture. They sense the degree to which theological conviction has been sacrificed on the altar of individualism and a relativistic understanding of truth. They have learned from their elders that self-improvement is the one great moral imperative to which all are accountable, and they have observed the fact that the highest aspiration of those who shape this culture is to find happiness, security, and meaning in life.

This research project demands the attention of every thinking Christian. Those who are prone to dismiss sociological analysis as irrelevant will miss the point. We must now look at the United States of America as missiologists once viewed nations that had never heard the gospel. Indeed, our missiological challenge may be even greater than the confrontation with paganism, for we face a succession of generations who have transformed Christianity into something that bears no resemblance to the faith revealed in the Bible. The faith "once delivered to the saints" is no longer even known, not only by American teenagers, but by most of their parents. Millions of Americans believe they are Christians, simply because they have some historic tie to a Christian denomination or identity.

We now face the challenge of evangelizing a nation that largely considers itself Christian, overwhelmingly believes in some deity, considers itself fervently religious, but has virtually no connection to historic Christianity. Christian Smith and his colleagues have performed an enormous service for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ in identifying Moralistic Therapeutic Deism as the dominant religion of this American age. Our responsibility is to prepare the church to respond to this new religion, understanding that it represents the greatest competitor to biblical Christianity. More urgently, this study should warn us all that our failure to teach this generation of teenagers the realities and convictions of biblical Christianity will mean that their children will know even less and will be even more readily seduced by this new form of paganism. This study offers irrefutable evidence of the challenge we now face. As the motto reminds us, "Knowledge is power." - R. Albert Mohler, CrossWalk Commentary, Moralistic Therapeutic Deism--the New American Religion, April 11, 2005
Click here for the entire article: Mohler’ Web Site


The family of Bret Brady. Little precious Bret died a few weeks ago from brain cancer.


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Please pray for all the teenagers in this nation and all the little children following in their footsteps.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 8, 2005 6:20 PM CDT


”Learn to know Christ and him crucified. Learn to sing to him, and say, ‘Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness, I am your sin. You have taken upon yourself what is mine and given me what is yours. You have become what you were not so that I might become what I was not.’" Martin Luther


Not much planned for our weekend although this morning I was silently ranting and raving that we must absolutely do some house-cleaning this weekend. And we will, of course, enjoy the warm weather.


Please pray for the Bauer family who lost baby Alex today. So many precious babies have left this world much too soon.


We hope you all have or had a very safe weekend. Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site.

Remember, His gift of righteousness is free!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, April 7, 2005 6:17 PM CDT


”Before we can begin to see the cross as something done for us, we have to see it as something done by us.” John Stott


A few days ago I received a baby announcement in the mail from someone who has followed Gabbie’s site. My friend was blessed with a beautiful second baby boy. She also wrote me a very nice note and commented that while she was at Fairview Riverside (where she had her son), she would look down upon the windows of the NICU and she wondered if Gabbie had ever been in a NICU. How strange that she commented on that because Gabrielle was born at Fairview Southdale but was immediately brought to Fairview Riverside’s NICU.

Before Gabrielle was even full-term, she was in three hospitals. After graduating from NICU at Riverside she went back to Southdale’s Special Care Nursery for about 3 weeks. Every day I just camped in a chair right beside her and sat and read or crocheted.

Gabbie was allowed to come home when she was about 38 weeks old but was quickly hospitalized again but with RSV and at Minneapolis Children’s. How little did we know that hospitals would dominate Gabbie’s short life.


All of us raising children in today’s world. While Aubrey’s only experience with the Internet is that we have recently allowed her to play a few games on the Walt Disney site, I know that she will be more interested as she gets older. Thankfully our computer is right in our living room for easy monitoring!

I know that many of you have older children who probably do know their way around the Internet and I’m sure you track the sites they visit. I would like to warn everyone about a site that may seem, by it’s name, harmless but that is really quite harmful and obnoxious.

The most recent issue of Touchstone (link down below) had an article about TeenWire, which has some affiliation with Planned Parenthood. To be blunt, it is very disgusting, shameful, and quite unbelievable how PP is indoctrinating today’s youth.

Please, please track your children’s Internet activities.


Thanks for your kind support. I thank God for including you on our journey!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 6:51 PM CDT


Aubrey does not have school this week and so I took a vacation day yesterday (otherwise she goes to extended day) so we could have some time together. In the afternoon we went to see a movie and almost had the theater to ourselves. Aubrey wanted to sit up in the front row so for the last 15 minutes I obliged her—way too loud.

The night before, Aubrey was so excited for our day together that she went through my closet and picked out jeans and a purple turtleneck for me to wear because she also has a purple turtleneck and jeans. But the weather was so warm that we ended up in different summer clothes. (I know our warm weather will probably depart—but it has been very nice.)


The family of Amanda Lynn Jeffries. Amanda passed away on April 1 from neuroblastoma and no link but below is the Web address.


As always, thank you for all your kind guest book entries! Thank you for thinking of the other children and for praying for them.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 4, 2005 6:15 PM CDT


I truly do miss the inter-linking we once had with other CaringBridge sites because those families are connections to people who share our journey and who know how hard it is to live on without a beloved child.

And so it occurred to me that I could instead share other children who also know suffering—perhaps even suffering much greater than Gabrielle’s.

I also want to say that while I know I’ve made many mistakes on this journey, there is one criticism a few people have made that simply is not true. I do not think I am the only one who suffers and am not sure why several seem to think I do. For all my faults, I have always had a heart for those who suffer – especially those who live in third world countries. I cannot tell you how many times I have cried and cried for other children who have died from cancer. I cried when I saw the picture of little Mihad. If my heart cries a bit more because these children remind me of Gabrielle, what is wrong with that? What is wrong with seeing the suffering eyes of Gabbie in the suffering eyes of other children?


I am so sorry, Gabbie, that this life is indeed unfair and that the innocent can suffer more than the wicked. But you are now with Jesus, and suffer no more.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, April 3, 2005 1:42 PM CDT


We are saddened for the world has lost a great man of faith.

We are saddened for the world has lost the one of the most faithful voices standing up for the protection of the unborn.

We are saddened for the world's loss but know that Heaven now rejoices.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, April 3, 2005 1:42 PM CDT


We are saddened for the world has lost a great man of faith.

We are saddened for the world has lost the one of the most faithful voices standing up for the protection unborn.

We are saddened for the world's loss but know that Heaven now rejoices.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, April 1, 2005 6:00 PM CST


This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

America thinks she had mercy on Terri but that is not what the Bible teaches about mercy and life. Terri’s life was valuable and I am grieved that the country I live in cannot see that.


We do not have much planned for this weekend. My neighbor that attends First Evangelical Free has arranged for another brunch for the neighborhood women for Saturday morning. We are trying a different restaurant because the last one was very smokey. I don’t mind the light smell of cigarette smoke but when it’s heavy and comes home with you it’s too much.

Otherwise, I'm sure Aubrey and Noah will keep us busy.


Missing Gabbie ever so much. Missing all the links to other children.


We hope you have/had a great weekend. Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site!!

Remember that God wants us to choose life and for us to also teach our children to choose life.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, March 31, 2005 4:59 PM CST


In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 6:14 PM CST


”Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it." Blaise Pascal

Pascal died in 1662. What would he think if he saw us today?


Noah had his two-year check up yesterday and all is well! I tricked him as we approached the pediatricians’ office by saying, “yoohooo, yoohooo, we’re going to see the doctor!” So Noah skipped his way into the office building waving his arms and shouting, “Yoohoo!” He has been battling a hacky cold and actually even vomited in his sleep last Saturday night but those things are normal and the doctor was not concerned.

Noah has now graduated from bath to shower but because Aubrey and Noah still have so much fun in the bath together we run the shower but block the drain so it ends up being a bath anyway. They could spend hours and hours in a bath.


Congratulations to our friends, Bill and Jen Buckentine! Baby Tate Michael, brother to Brady and St. Zachary, came into this world on Maundy Thursday. I cannot wait to see baby Tate!



We cannot comfort ourselves by saying this is what God wanted.

God does not want our innocent children to get cancer and die anymore than He wants innocent babies to be aborted.


Thank you for visiting! Thanks so much for your prayers.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, March 28, 2005 6:03 PM CST


Now, Terri Schiavo lies in her hospice bed in Pinellas Park, her life slowly ebbing away. At some point in the very near future, Terri will either die or reach a point beyond which recovery is impossible. Responsibility for her death lies upon all of us. This is not only about Terri Schiavo--it is about human dignity for all of us. If one member of the human race can be so devalued as to be considered unworthy of life, every single human life is effectively discounted. As the poet John Donne would remind us, the bell that tolls for Terri Schiavo tolls for all humanity. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Terri Schiavo--The Bell Tolls for Humanity, CrossWalk Commentary, March 28, 2005

Those of you living in the Twin Cities may have seen a recent “On the Road” episode with Jason Davis on KSTP 5 concerning an artist who was inspired by The Passion of Jesus Christ. Rick Kelley is a local but nationally known wildlife artist and is well known for his paintings, including some very patriotic paintings after 9/11.

Rick Kelley states he was “divinely inspired” to create a painting of Jesus on the cross and KSTP documented the creation of the painting from beginning to end. John and I happened to see the special and we were very impressed with the final painting, aptly named “Forgiveness of Sin.”

I have included a link directly to the “Forgiveness of Sin” on a site for all of Kelley’s artwork

There is something else that is very special about the “Forgiveness of Sin” as Kelley finished the painting on May 17, 2004, which was Gabbie’s second death anniversary.

Image of Forgiveness of Sin


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. We hope you all had a meaningful Easter that went well beyond the Easter Bunny.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:05 PM CST

Our family would like to wish all of you a very blessed Easter.

Our family thanks God for sending His one and only Son, an innocent lamb, to come and pay the price for our sins. It is a free gift offered to all but we must never, ever forget that not all have accepted the gift and the urgency of the mission of believers remains ever most important.

Thank you, Jesus, so very, very much.

Be back next week!

The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:12 PM CST


Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me. (Matthew 25:39-40)


Our nation as the fate of Terri Schiavo becomes more ominous. Who are we to decide to end an innocent life? And what if, by chance, Terri had not yet chosen Jesus Christ as her Saviour before her illness? God’s ways are higher than our ways and perhaps now He has plans to work out Terri’s salvation and call to her even in the state she now lives.

In our “culture of death” (thank you, Pope John Paul II, for coining that phrase), the most defenseless and innocent beings are deemed worthless and of no value to our society. Who are we to judge any life as not worthy and treat abortion and euthanasia as given-rights?

Who are we to not fear that our culture of death will lead to the death of our culture? (Source not remembered but thanked anyway!)


If Debbie N. reads this—thanks for pointing me to Katia Solomen’s site. It took me a while to find her link to the links but I may be able to do something similar.

Thank you for coming by Gabbie’s site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:12 PM CST


Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me. (Matthew 25:39-40)


Our nation as the fate of Terri Schiavo becomes more ominous. Who are we to decide to end an innocent life? And what if, by chance, Terri had not yet chosen Jesus Christ as her Saviour before her illness? God’s ways are higher than our ways and perhaps now He has plans to work out Terri’s salvation and call to her even in the state she now lives.

In our “culture of death” (thank you, Pope John Paul II, for coining that phrase), the most defenseless and innocent beings are deemed worthless and of no value to our society. Who are we to judge any life as not worthy and treat abortion and euthanasia as given-rights?

Who are we to not fear that our culture of death will lead to the death of our culture? (Source not remembered but thanked anyway!)


If Debbie N. reads this—thanks for pointing me to Katia Solomen’s site. It took me a while to find her link to the links but I may be able to do something similar.

Thank you for coming by Gabbie’s site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, March 21, 2005 6:03 PM CST

New Pics of Aubrey and Noah on Photo Page!!


Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9)

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, which is the celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. His entry into Jerusalem on a donkey was prophesied in the Old Testament and his choice of a donkey was important because a horse was a symbol of war and battle but a donkey represented peace. Jesus was coming as the king ushering in a kingdom of peace.


We are still all healthy and as it is now officially spring maybe we are around the corner! It snowed all day Friday so I took Aubrey sliding on Saturday for what may have been our last outing for this winter. On Saturday night we all went out to Appleby’s and the waiter asked us what we wanted to order for our “girls.” My response is automatic, “He needs a haircut!” And then on Sunday as I was leaving church, and I had Noah, another church member asked me, “How old is your little girl?” Gosh…and he wears such typical boy colors!


Well, I am still really uncertain about the links and the new CaringBridge policy but will refrain for now for posting any links in my journals. However, while I had contact with CaringBridge in the last few days, I was not one of those notified and word has it if we were not notified we do not need to do anything different.

I have a suspicious feeling that this is one of those situations where a few unscrupulous people have greatly impacted the many, many more CaringBridge families that are honest.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, March 17, 2005 5:54 PM CST

~ * ~ CaringBridge ANNOUNCEMENT ~ * ~

I heard from other two other CaringBridge families this morning who had received an e-mail from the director of CaringBridge. They have been told to remove their links, or at least some of them, to other CaringBridge sites. I thought it was someone’s idea of a joke but called CaringBridge and it is no joke. At this time, I do not fully understand the reasoning for this action but apparently CaringBridge has concerns about all the inter-linking of CaringBridge Web sites—especially in instances where permission has not been obtained from the families whose links are displayed on other sites.

I told the CaringBridge staff member that it would be of great help to us if they put an announcement on their site that explained why they are going to enforce this and what the new rules are so that we can abide by them, as opposed to having our site “archived” as noted in the CaringBridge e-mail if we do not comply.

CaringBridge is a wonderful service and most of us are very, very grateful for all those who work behind the scenes at CaringBridge. But this is also very sad because the bridge in CaringBridge is our connection not only to those who follow our journey but our connection to families who walk with us on this painful journey.

I guess I just wanted all of you to know that you may soon notice changes in our ability to link to other sites. I will follow whatever guidelines CaringBridge sets forth.


"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world". C.S. Lewis

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)


I have had a link to Alexia Flory for some time—she is battling relapsed neuroblastoma. I am so saddened every time I see the touching photo of Alexia and her new baby brother on the front page. Please pray for an earthly miracle for Alexia.

Alexia’s Site


As always, thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site today and thank you for the prayers for my friend.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 6:14 PM CST


Today has been a difficult day for a couple of reasons. A week or so ago I told John that I was worried about a friend and mentioned that I even felt some heaviness that something was wrong. I dropped off a card at my friend’s house last week and was hoping we could get together very soon.

My friend called me today before I left for work and in confidence I cannot share any details but her difficult life has handed her even far greater difficulties. I am beyond upset with what is now going on in her life. She is one of the nicest and most sincere persons I have ever known. She is also a sincere Christian who needs rest and a break but yet that seems beyond her reach.

Please, please pray for my friend. God will know for whom you are praying. Pray that God stop the unjust actions of some unjust people around her.


My friend’s phone call came right in the midst of something else that happened this morning that really upset me. So I am sorry if you do not like today’s grief comment but this has been a heavy burden for so long.

Over and over people have commented to me, “No one knows what to do or say.” I understand that, I really do. Even I sometimes do not know what to say to other families who lost a child. I understand the difficulty of not knowing what to say and have learned to accept that most people are very sincere—and that is what is important.

But sometimes we have truly grievous and deep injuries that go far, far beyond innocent mistakes. I have struggled with issues that I never discuss anymore on this Web site. I have slowly and painfully learned that some people do not want forgiveness but instead want their accountability to disappear. That is false forgiveness. (I’m supposed to forgive in silence.)

Forgiving and excusing are not synonymous and there is a huge difference between the two. Unfortunate and very real memories that are of great significance and consequence to me have been flicked aside as insignificant and of no consequence.

When our children die we are greatly grieved but we do not lose our ability to discern right from wrong.


Thank you for understanding. A special thank you to those who understand and even acknowledge that grieving parents can be wronged beyond the realm of “no one knows what to do.”

And I thank God as He continues to walk with me on this journey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, March 14, 2005 6:04 PM CST


By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God. (Hebrews 11:3)

Do you believe our world and universe were created by God’s words? I do!

“[John] Calvin alludes to a second teaching of this verse. He says that when we view creation as the Word of God views creation, we shall not limit the work of God in His universe to only the instantaneous act of creation. Rather, we know by faith that God works continually to preserve the created order. Moreover, not only do we understand from the Bible that God creates and preserves, we also understand that He is moving all things to a grand climax and renewal that will be experienced at the return or Christ (1 Cor. 15:20-28).” TableTalk, The Universe Created, September 2004


On Saturday we had a very low-key birthday for Noah—what does he know! I have some new pictures and will add them shortly to the photo page. On Sunday Aubrey had a friend come over so I took Noah over to see Auntie Sarah’s new house. It’s a small but cute little home in a safe neighborhood so that is all that matters.


Our friends, the Nielsen family. This past weekend was the anniversary of the death of Steven’s uncle and the birthday anniversary for Steven.

Steven Nielsen’s Site


Thank you for your prayers! Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 11, 2005 6:08 PM CST



"We may note in passing that He was never regarded as a mere moral teacher. He did not produce that effect on any of the people who actually met Him. He produced mainly three results---Hatred---Terror---Adoration. There was no trace of people expressing mild admiration."
C.S. Lewis




Missing Gabrielle beyond words.


Thanks to all who remembered Noah’s birthday. We don’t really have plans as I’m not big on birthday parties. But we will at least blow out some candles on a cupcake.

Hope you have/had a great weekend.

We thank God as we approach Easter for sending His only son to die for us. We will never understand how truly deep that sacrifice was.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 9, 2005 6:25 PM CST


One of the reasons I like to share quotes is because, like most of you, I simply don’t have time to read as often or as much as I would like to so I appreciate it when I stumble upon pithy statements that speak so much truth in so few words!

“He [the Christian] does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.” C.S. Lewis

Gabbie really was a shining example of grace under suffering—but I have always thanked God because I know He made her good due to His deep love for her.


I think we are all healthy now! Noah is growing up so fast and keeping us on our toes. When Aubrey first attempted her name it was “Aubba,” and when Gabbie first attempted Aubrey’s name it was “Aubee,” and now Noah came up with another version, “Auffrey.” He seems to be very jumpy and easily frightened and will walk around whispering “cary, cary” for scarey whenever something is amiss or there is a sudden loud noise.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~* Matthew Passarella *~*


Thanks as always for your kind notes! We hope you have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 6:35 PM CST


And the cold rain continues.

Please pray for Chris Becker’s family. Chris died from neuroblastoma on February 28th.

Chris’ Site


We sat in the rocker a lot with Noah last weekend because he was lethargic and clingy. So once when it was just Noah and me listening to some melancholy Michael W. Smith songs (melancholy but beautiful) I was telling him how much Gabbie would have loved him. Aubrey loves Noah and is a great big sister. But Gabbie also would have have been a very loving sister and Noah has been cruelly robbed.


Thank you for thinking of us. We pray for all of you!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, March 7, 2005 6:04 PM CST


It really concerns me that so many think hell is a notion of the past and that none of us should concern ourselves with eternal punishment. But what so falsely assures people of this? I long ago accepted that Gabbie’s early and untimely death did not change (most) people. But I have never stopped being concerned about the eternal destiny of those who show no interest in seeking God.

Our responsibility is to present the truth of the Christian faith with boldness, clarity, and courage--and defending the biblical doctrine in these times will require all three of these virtues. Hell is an assured reality, just as it is presented so clearly in the Bible. To run from this truth, to reduce the sting of sin and the threat of hell, is to pervert the Gospel and to feed on lies. Hell is not up for a vote or open for revision. Will we surrender this truth to modern skeptics? R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Hell Under Fire, November 30, 2004 Crosswalk Commentary

John had to stay home today because Noah was sick all weekend with a cold, fevers, and lethargy. So of course our weekend did not go as quite as planned.

It was my turn to stay with Noah on Sunday morning and let John go to church. Aubrey was very upset and crying that she would miss going to church with me (she wanted to turn in homework) so I called our neighbors who also attend First Evangelical Free and they were kind enough to bring Aubrey with them. Our neighbor, the mother, plays the drums at church and arrives over an hour before the actual service and so the kids are free to roam (read: run) around the church.

We had all been invited to lunch at the home of another FEF family but because of Noah, only Aubrey and I went. We had a very nice dinner and very nice conversation! Their little girl is Noah’s age so it’s too bad we didn’t have both of them there.


I hope I did not mislead anyone last week—I know for certain that Gabbie is no longer sad and no longer suffering, and, in fact, she is beyond joyful. What is so hard for us parents, however, is that we have not yet seen or experienced our child’s joy.

It is like standing in a cold, hard rain and knowing that for certain some day the sun shall return. But we do not know when the sun will return, and we still experience the cold, hard rain, which is her absence and memories of her torment.


I’m touched that some would like to see the poster I mentioned last week. The poster is produced by Universal Designs but this particular image does not appear to be on the Internet. I also brought the poster down to our Copy Center here at West and they cannot yet make color images by scanning (how strange considering we are a huge publishing company!). But…I might buy another poster to be framed for our home and I could try to scan part of the poster in at home. Anyway, thanks for your interest!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, March 4, 2005 4:07 PM CST


All of creation is waiting for Him.

”And while we know that the victory over evil and death has been won, we know also that it is a victory yet to come, and that creation therefore, as Paul says, groans in expectation of the glory that will one day be revealed. Until then, the world remains a place of struggle between light and darkness, truth and falsehood, life and death; and, in such a world, our portion is charity.” David B. Hart, Tsunami and Theodicy, First Things, March 2005


Tonight Aubrey is going to Auntie Sarah’s last pool party (she lives in an apartment with a pool but is now a proud new homeowner) and she and her cousin Elli are also sleeping over with Sarah.

On Saturday morning, I am joining some neighborhood women for a girls-only brunch which was organized by the neighbor who happens to be the one who enticed me to visit First Evangelical Free. On Sunday after church John and the kids and I are all going to have lunch at another First Evan Free member’s home. Just for the sake of getting to know one another!


Pray for Jay Barnett as his neuroblastoma is becoming very difficult to treat.

Jay’s Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~* Matthew Passarella *~*


The sad eyes on the poster stare at me all day long at work.

(One of my co-workers was in disbelief that it was not Gabbie.)


Thank you for following our journey. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and pray that you seek the Redeemer!

Our family thanks God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us, especially the blessing that is the desire to know Him more.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 2, 2005 6:30 PM CST


Some may have noticed that the tsunami, and the massive suffering from the tsunami, generated many articles by both Christians and atheists on the meaning of suffering. Some might disagree theologically with the quote below, but, personally, it made me smile in agreement. I’m not smiling about the suffering but about having this journey confirmed! If you don’t like what it says, try reading it again.

As for comfort, when we seek it, I can imagine none greater than the happy knowledge that when I see the death of a child I do not see the face of God, but the face of his enemy….[it is a faith] that has set us free from optimism and taught us hope instead. We can rejoice that we are saved not through the immanent mechanisms of history and nature, but by grace; that God will not unite all of history’s many strands in one great synthesis, but will judge much of history false and damnable; that He will not simply reveal the sublime logic of fallen nature, but will strike off the fetters in which creation languishes; and that, rather than showing us how the tears of a small girl crying in the dark were necessary for the building of the kingdom, He will instead raise her up and wipe away all the tears from her eyes—and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor any more pain, for the former things will have passed away and He that sits upon the throne will say, “Behold, I make all things new.” David B. Hart, Tsunami and Theodicy, First Things, March 2005
So often we are pressured to paint a rosy picture of our child’s death—perhaps because some believe she had to die for a grand purpose of God’s. That is not true. In fact, Gabbie died because of the ugly and hideous wages of sin. (As my friend Dianne pointed out, Gabbie did have a mission, which out of grace God gave her--but her death did not have to be.)

I once wrote in this journal that during the morning of Gabbie’s last day, I was overwhelmed with the sense of an evil and wicked presence and could almost feel it pressing on me.

It is not optimism that we need to have when faced with our child’s death…it is the blessed hope from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!


We had a teacher’s conference yesterday for Aubrey and we are happy that she is doing quite well. She continues, however, to race through projects, even those that are on her own free time and that are not required. We also learned that Aubrey is in a tight foursome and they are the only “group” in the class. These girls are all very, very nice and that is not the issue. Aubrey’s teacher told us that sometimes they do not know how to express themselves in a nice way and sometimes they can gang up on each other. Never mind grades, I just want my child to completely respect others—not ideas—people!!

Does that sound mean? Aubrey is only six years old but I have already, and sometimes repeatedly, warned her about worldviews that do not accept Jesus as the only way. What a world we live in!


Thank you for all the kind guest book entries. I still tear up sometimes when reading them.

Have a very blessed day and know that our hope is Jesus is most assured!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:19 PM CST


A few weeks ago John and I were at a Christian bookstore and I purchased two mid-sized posters for my cube at work. Last night I set them by my purse so that I would remember to bring them in to work and then studied one of them more carefully.

It's a collage of a six-paned window looking out upon a solitary winter tree on a gray cloudy day, three bright and vividly red roses, two yellowed and dying leaves, an intricately carved red cross, a thorny twig (crown of thorns) meandering through the scene, and a Scripture verse. That is what I saw when I bought it.

But last night my heart almost stopped as I saw what was barely visible and deliberately hidden. The face of a solemn and sad child is super-imposed next to the window. The crown of thorns wraps across the silent child. While it takes no stretch of the imagination to say the face reminds us of our solemn Gabrielle, in truth the child represents all suffering children taken from us too early.

What also makes this poster powerfully illustrative of our journey without Gabrielle is the Scripture verse claiming:

And surely I AM with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

God is with us always and to the end, never ever forsaking us. Gabbie is also here but hidden and completely silent. Her crown of thorns--the cruel rape and ravage of pediatric cancer--has followed her to heaven and upon that glorious day of completed redemption for the saints our Saviour and Redeemer will finally place upon her a crown of glory.


She never complained about her horrible crown of thorns. There is something excruciating about watching a gentle person suffer so quietly.


We thank you so much for following our journey.

We thank God for these beautiful "signals of grace," as my friend Cathy Clyde, Theresa Rose's mama, so aptly named them.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, February 28, 2005 5:52 PM CST


What if Jesus had waited to come in our times?

In humanistic times like ours, a contemporary virgin – assuming there are any such – would regard a message from the Angel Gabriel that she might expect to give birth to a son to be called the Son of the Highest as ill-tidings of great sorrow and a slur on the local family planning centre. As a matter of fact under existing conditions it is extremely improbable that Jesus would have been permitted to be born at all. Mary’s pregnancy, in poor circumstances, and with the father unknown, would have been an obvious case for an abortion; and her talk of having conceived as a result of the intervention of the Holy Ghost would have pointed to the need for psychiatric treatment, and made the case for terminating her pregnancy even stronger. Thus our generation, needing a Saviour more, perhaps, than any that has ever existed, would be too humane to allow one to be born; too enlightened to permit the Light of the World to shine in a darkness that grows ever more oppressive. - Malcolm Muggeridge
“The Virgin Mary though had a different response. ‘I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.’ Often the work of God comes with two edges, great joy and great pain, and in that matter-of-fact response Mary embraced both. She was the first person to accept Jesus on his own terms regardless of the personal cost.” Philip Yancy, The Jesus I Never Knew


Here is a Minnesota family fighting relapsed Ewings Sarcoma in their little girl, Rachel. Please pray for them! (Thank you, Rebekkah)

Rachel’s Site

After much suffering, little Benjamin Bowen finally left this life and now is with Jesus. This family is so very faithful but faith does not deaden the pain.

Benjamin’s Site


Mary was despondent after Jesus was crucified…until she witnessed the glorious resurrection. Of course today we have the gift of the Holy Spirit as our Comforter but we truly will not experience Mary’s joy until we too are reunited with Jesus and Gabbie.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thank you for the many, many prayers. May your day be blessed and comforted by the guidance of the Holy Spirit!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, February 25, 2005 6:01 PM CST


”The Lord gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

When I kept silence, my bones willed old through my roaring all the day long. For day, and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. (Psalm 32:3-4)


I’m sending John on some errands tomorrow morning so I will probably take Aubrey and Noah with me to buy some items for one of my friends who is soon leaving on a trip to the Honduras. My friend is actually going as a chaperone on her niece’s church mission trip—which should be quite interesting. My church is going on a similar trip, specifically a Dental Clinic, to Peru over Easter.

So I am going to let Aubrey help pick out small items like aspirin, vitamins, hair ties, flip-flops, etc. My friend and I have discussed how she will come back overwhelmed with the materialism that is so rampant here in America. We have no idea how much we have.


I could not find the last name for this family, but please pray for the parents’ of Joshua, who died on February 14 at the age of six from neuroblastoma.

Joshua’s Site


Thank you, to everyone! We hope you have a great weekend.

I thank God for all His blessings and pray and pray that everyone hears His voice.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:02 PM CST


Speaking of our Reformed/Catholic family, last night I was reading about a collaborative effort between Evangelicals and Catholics and they have now released their fourth statement in ten years: The Call to Holiness, A Statement of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, published in First Things, March 2005.

Of my friends who profess to believe, whether Catholic or Protestant, most of them recall a more general realization to their call from God while I will never forget my "moment" in time that has forever changed my life. God is so very caring of His children that He even calls us individually and in a way we cannot miss. And below is a quote from the statement mentioned above.

The relationship of the Christian to Christ is expressed in a variety of biblical metaphors….However expressed, our union with Christ is profoundly transformative. This transformation manifests itself differently to different people. For some it is experienced as a powerful and specifiable moment, engaging the deepest affections. For others, it is experienced as a deepening of faith in Christ and a peaceful sense of being welcomed into the communion of believers. For all, it is the knowledge of being called out of darkness into God's marvelous light. (I Peter 2:9) However differently experienced, the gift of grace is to be preserved and cultivated throughout the life of the Christian.

John was worried last night because Aubrey rarely, if ever, goes to bed in the early evening. She had complained of a severe headache for the first time ever. I had severe headaches when I was a child but they eventually disappeared. She has seemed fine all day today and I stayed home with her. Maybe now we can be on our way to health!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


Thanks for all you do!!

Thank you, God, for the call I shall truly cherish forever!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 5:36 PM CST


We are a not-so-well house again! John had to leave work early today because Aubrey was running a high fever. I will stay home with her tomorrow if she is not well. We have had more illness this January and February than we did all of 2004.

While I am still not an official member of First Evangelical Free, every Sunday I am more and more convinced that this is the right church and the right decision. Aubrey also likes First Evangelical, and sometimes too much so as we have had some minor battles in getting her to take her turn every other week with John.

I still understand that ideally it would be best if we all attended the same church as a family. But which one of us, John or I, should give up what we believe? I fully embrace and respect Catholicism for John, my friends and family, and for Aubrey and Noah should that be their free choice. (Neither John nor I will pressure them in this respect.)

Some have kindly expressed a desire for me to “come back.” Yet few, if any, family members know or understand my faith convictions—which are based on Reformed theology and Calvinism. Even John does not understand what I believe and when I asked him a few weeks ago if he knew who John Calvin was…he said he had only heard of him.

But from this John and I can teach Aubrey and Noah that while doctrine is certainly important, it is most important to follow Jesus and believe his claim: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

To Aubrey and Noah, whom we love so very much: Please, please choose the narrow path and the only way. Please choose eternal life.


My friend Becky brought this young man to my attention. Jaysen is battling AML and needs to find a match for a bone marrow transplant. (I’m registered and if ever the day shall come that I can donate, I shall be very glad! In memory of Gabrielle…)

Jaysen’s Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~* Matthew Passarella *~*


Thank you for coming to Gabbie’s site today. Thank you for sharing so many other families.

Thank you, God, for all the ways you call us to you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, February 21, 2005 6:35 PM CST


It is so hard to understand why so many good people have to die, and some of them so very, very early. But we can trust that God was with them every moment of their lives.

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15

Perfect holiness is reached upon death for those who belong to the LORD!


Noah had some vomiting on Friday night and ran a few fevers on Saturday but was fine yesterday and went to daycare today. We kept him in the house all weekend just to be safe.

Yesterday was my favorite kind of winter day—grey skies, warm, almost foggy, and a fresh coating of snow. I took Aubrey sliding at a local hill and the scenery was majestic. It was rather odd to be around so many screaming and laughing kids while facing a breathtaking view of one of Minnesota’s older and well-known cemeteries. Lakewood Cemetary is actually considered one of the most beautiful cemeteries, or was at one time, in the country.


Another precious child from the Pohl family has died. This family is battling a genetic disease and their daughter, Mearan, died in 2002. Yesterday, one of their little sons, Bracken, joined Mearan in heaven.

*~* Pohl Family Web Site *~*

Thank you, Mary, for notifying me. I simply cannot keep up with all the CB sites and, to be honest, did not know that Bracken’s final days had come so quickly. It’s almost unbelievable what this family is going through.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Thank you for praying for the Pohl family.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, February 18, 2005 6:22 PM CST



But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6)

I always appreciate my humble friends as they have shown me so much and they, without a word, remind me of how far I have yet to go.


Well, I’m just about to leave work and John just called and said Noah is sick and running a fever. Seems like we cannot go more than a week without anyone getting sick.

Fortunately we do not have too many plans. One of John’s nephews is getting married and he and his fiancée are coming over to our house on Saturday and then we are heading out to a stamp store as they are thinking about making their own wedding invitations. (I would have done that when John and I got married but at that time I did not even know what rubber-stamping was!) I’m always up for a visit to a stamp store….


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~* Matthew Passarella *~*


Thank you for your friendships. God bless you and hope you have or had a great weekend!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 6:24 PM CST


Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (James 4:4b)

As John Calvin said, and is quoted in TableTalk, March 2005, “So great is the disagreement between the world and God, that as much as any one inclines to the world, so much he alienates himself from God.”

It can be hard not to follow and befriend the world but to follow God we cannot serve the world.


I’m excited for John as he is just starting this week a 7-week long group sessions at Our Lady of Peace regarding Catholics and evangelizing. It’s actually across the archdiocesan and John’s brother, David, is leading another group in his church. This will be very different for John as he tends to be much quieter about his faith.

Aubrey and Noah are now both healthy for the moment. Noah spent a day yesterday with spikey hair as he placed his plate of syrup from pancakes on his head and I could not get the syrup out before we went to daycare.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~* Matthew Passarellat *~*


Thank you as always for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thank you for supporting the other families I mention here. Have a blessed day!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, February 14, 2005 6:10 PM CST


Here is an excerpt from R. Albert Mohler’s Crosswalk commentary for today, which is Valentine’s Day, and so very appropriate.

Marriage is about our happiness, our holiness, and our wholeness--but it is supremely about the glory of God. When marriage is entered into rightly, when marriage vows are kept with purity, when all the goods of marriage are enjoyed in their proper place--God is glorified.

Our chief end is to glorify God--and marriage is a means of His greater glory. As sinners, we are all too concerned with our own pleasures, our own fulfillments, our own priorities, our own conception of marriage as a domestic arrangement. The ultimate purpose of marriage is the greater glory of God--and God is most greatly glorified when His gifts are rightly celebrated and received, and His covenants are rightly honored and pledged.
John is such an easy man to be married to and so in some ways it is then too easy to just coast along in our marriage—meaning we rarely have to work things out. However, Gabbie’s death was so disruptive and so shaking that now I know we need to focus more on our marriage and how God is willing to bless our marriage even more.


A few weekends ago I was running errands with Noah and Aubrey and took a wrong turn and ended up far from our intended destination. As usual, the minute we arrived home Aubrey told John that I had gotten lost (again). So today for Valentine’s my gift from John was a brand new huge street atlas for the Twin Cities to keep in my car. He wanted to get me a cell phone also but for some reason I still have absolutely no desire to have one. When Aubrey gets older than I will probably cave in and join the crowd!


Stanton Haynes died on Sunday from neuroblastoma. Every time I see the picture on his home page my heart is ripped out. Please pray for his family.

Stanton’s Site


Aubrey still likes to lay out stuffed animals or dolls and then cover them up. On Friday night, I walked into Aubrey and Noah’s bedroom and there were three tiny dolls covered up with baby washcloths. It looked so sad to me and I couldn’t understand why.

Then I knew. These were the baby dolls without any hair on their little bald heads.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today! We continue to be so grateful for the support that you all offer and can only hope to raise our children to also have such compassion.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:26 PM CST


One of the reasons of stultification in prayer is that there is no imagination, no power of putting ourselves deliberately before God. We have to learn how to be broken bread and poured-out wine on the line of intercession more than on the line of personal contact. Imagination is the power God gives a saint to posit himself out of himself into relationships he never was in.” Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things. Isaiah 40:26


John stayed home again today but this time it was because Aubrey was sick last night with stomach problems. She is fine today but we didn’t think she should go to school without a day of rest.

Noah is still doing well. We are not concerned, but his language skills are far behind that of Aubrey and Gabbie. This is about the age Gabbie was diagnosed and while we at times had trouble understanding her, she could speak in complete sentences. I would say that Noah has about 30 words in his entire vocabulary. He is our first pacifier child and for some reason he never picked up on our calling it a pacifier or “paci,” but instead calls it “fodder.” Not sure at all where that came from!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


We hope you all have a safe weekend!

He never leaves us and is always faithful and we pray you are all seeking the One who is calling you. Especially you!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 5:43 PM CST


Christians and postmodernists view the world very, very differently. Here are some thoughts on this by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., printed in TableTalk, February 2005, Truth and Consequences, The Law of Life

Of course, one of the most cherished maxims of the postmodern mind is the so-called “death of the author.” The reader, not the author of a text is the ruling authority. Put simply, the postmodernist believes the text means what the reader says it means, not what the author intended….The Lord does not invite His covenant people to speculate about His character, His power, or His purpose….The choice is clear – it’s postmodernism or the Pentateuch. Or, as God spoke through Moses: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you…may live.” (Deut. 30:19)
When the Bible is not read with regard to what God intended, then all meaning is lost and it can mean whatever people want it to mean. And maybe that’s why hell is feared by so few.


1,000 days and yet I will never feel time going by too fast.


I have mentioned Stanton Haynes before and he and his family need prayers as he is on hospice and is battling neuroblastoma.

Stanton’s Site

And last I checked, little Benjamin Bowen is still battling his awful cancer but the pain has been very hard to control.

Benjamin’s Site


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thank you for understanding my entry on God’s faithfulness! Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, February 7, 2005 5:37 PM CST


I cannot count how many times I have heard others comment on the faithfulness of God because they themselves were spared from the very tragedy I live in every day.

“Our child lived, God must have been watching over us.”

“Nothing bad happened to our children, God was so faithful to us.”

But what about those of us who are not spared and who actually did have an awful and horrible tragedy? What about innocent Gabrielle and the other dead children, who suffered tremendously?

We live in a country overflowing with health, wealth and abundance. And slowly, slowly God’s faithfulness has been redefined and limited to only good times. But that is not true and God is ALWAYS faithful no matter what our circumstances. It is we who need to trust that He is working EVERY THING out for good some day even if we must wait until eternity.

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6).


John is finally on the mend and went back to work today. Last week John missed three days of work because of a combination of the flu, bronchial infection, and a sinus infection.

On Sunday right after church (and a potluck!) one of Aubrey’s classmate’s mother called and wanted to know if we wanted to meet at the YMCA. Aubrey was so excited that we could not get to the YMCA fast enough. So while Aubrey and Hollie played in the Kid’s Gym, her mother and I walked and talked while on treadmills. We went to high school together and so we had much to talk about! Then my friend took the girls swimming and I thought after all that Aubrey would want to go to bed early, not really!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


Why did I work so much during her cancer journey? Like every parent who has lost a child I ache to do it all over again.


I want to thank my parents who brought over a wonderful dinner last night. Noah loves to show off for others so he was quite loud and “peppy” during mealtime with my mom and dad. We are grateful for all they have done for us.

Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, February 3, 2005 6:15 PM CST


Some of you might know Jan and Glenn Livingstone, who lost their only child, Andy, to cancer. Jan kept a CB site for Andy for some time but eventually closed it. I would now like to share that their adoption efforts have finally come through and they have, not one, but two new beautiful babies from Guatemala!

Welcome twin sister and brother, Peter and Gabrielle!!

God bless the Livingstone's who have been so faithful during all their trials.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


I often meet people who have lost a sibling in the past. It never fails that they tell me how hard the child's death was on their mother and how their mother was forever changed. This would be for fathers, too, but I imagine because I am Gabbie's mother that they think of their own mothers.


Thank you for your good cheer! We hope you all have a good weekend.

Thank you, God, for your faithful presence in our lives.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, February 1, 2005 6:21 PM CST


I love studying the parables and was really surprised last night to learn of a different meaning for a well-known parable. The parable is only two lines and is found in Matthew 13:45-46.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

The common interpretation is that this parable represent the sinner seeking salvation and giving up all when finding it. But Herbert Lockyer, in All the Parables of the Bible stated that that is God's truth "turned upside down." I don't have Lockyer's book with me and so cannot provide Lockyer's explanation but found another source with a similar view.

And how true it is that we are not the ones who give up all to follow Jesus but that God seeks us and He gave His only son to purchase us!

I found this from a Christian Web site run by a Christian family in Ireland. Their site can be viewed at Feed My Sheep Web Site

The Mystery of the Precious Pearl

This is the story of a merchant man who finds this one great precious pearl and sells all that he has to purchase this one pearl…..

The normal interpretation is that the merchant is a sinner who is looking for salvation. This is obviously not true as it is God who seeks man. Also how can a sinner sell anything to buy salvation? The goodness of the whole world could not buy salvation. Jesus Christ is not for sale….
The pearl of great price is the Church. The merchant man is the Lord Jesus Christ who purchases the pearl.

1. How this pearl is wrought

The formation of a pearl is a wonderful picture of the church. The best pearls come for the Persian gulf at about 150 feet. Some grit or irritation gets into the clam and the clam begins to cover that ugly or filthy thing until something beautiful is made. A pearl is unique as it made of something living and cannot be divided. An emerald or diamond can be divided but if a pearl is divided it is ruined.

A pearl is just like the church. It goes from guilt to glory. The grit or grime of our sin has been covered over with the righteousness of Christ. The church has been taken from darkness in to life. A pearl is taken from the ocean deep and extracted. The church is formed from start to finish. The church cannot be divided or carved. There is one universal church without spot or blemish. God knows those who belong.

2. How this pearl is sought

See Psalm 45:11 We are beautiful in the eyes of Jesus. God seeks through so many different means to bring people to him. It may be at weddings or funerals. It may be when people are at their highest or lowest.

3. How this pearl is bought

The merchant man sold all that he had to buy the pearl. See 2 Corinthians 8:9. Jesus became bankrupt. He left heaven to die for our sins. Jesus could have called 10,000 angels to rescue him.

We cannot buy Jesus. He is not for all. Jesus took our sin and covered it with the glory of grace and made it beautiful.

Jesus is the merchant man and he is seeking you. You need to understand that Jesus Christ is the only answer for your sin. He will cover it over and over to make you a precious pearl in his sight.

The Bratulich family who lost a beautiful little boy. Marko was a 23-week preemie who did fight but his little body was overwhelmed.

Marko's Site


As always, thank you for visiting Gabbie's site.

Thank you, God, for your mercies and blessings.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, January 31, 2005 6:12 PM CST


Anyone who believes is called to spread the good news and to be a faithful sower.

"If then, you will be damned, let me have this one thing as a consolation for your misery, when I shall think of so frightful a thought—that you are not damned for the want of calling after; you are not lost for the want of weeping after, and not lost, let me add, for the want of praying after." Charles H. Spurgeon, June 27, 1858, Sermon: The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus


A week ago Sunday when I took Aubrey sliding the snow was so fresh that it was slow-going. Yesterday I took both Aubrey and Noah sliding and went to a bigger and steeper hill but because of the warm temperatures we had the opposite problem and I am not sure Noah appreciated flying through the air at such high-speeds.

It's the first time Noah went sliding and he cried most of the time. Obviously I had to pull him up the hill but he was so afraid of the tilt that I had to get behind the sled and lift the back end (to even it out) and push him up the slippery hill.

I've decided that sliding with young children is so physically intense it almost takes the place of a run!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


She might have been wordless but her quiet and graceful testimony, truly a gift from God, shall someday take part in the great harvest.

"A little child may drop a seed as effectively as a man; the wind may carry it, and accomplish as much as though an angel had planted it." Arthur Pink, quoted by Herbert Lockyer in All the Parables of the Bible, regarding The Parable of the Sower


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. We hope everyone had a good weekend.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, January 27, 2005 5:38 PM CST


We cannot lose our children and so we must fight for them and we have to be discerning. Our times are changing so fast and so much of that change is NOT for the best.

Do you think I'm overstating the need for worldview training? Look around: It's impossible to disconnect kids from the culture. The idea that we can separate ourselves from our social surroundings, as Christians did a century ago, is foolish—unless we move to a desert island. We simply cannot escape the long, grubby arm of television, the Internet, music, and magazines.

Our only hope is to teach discernment. It's no coincidence that of the five groups I've spoken to in the last year, the only student who had the right worldview answers was a senior at Virginia Tech who grew up in a family that is both godly and worldly-wise.

We've no time to lose. All the evidence shows that we're already losing our kids. With only 9 percent of born-again teens believing in absolute truth, can we rescue this generation? Can we afford not to try? ~ By Charles Colson with Anne Morse, Worldview Boot Camp, Evangelical Young People Need Training in the Truth
BreakPoint Web Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


We are robbed of so much when they die. I'm thankful for my blessings but her absence is so deep and wide.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. May your day be richly blessed by hearing the voice of God or answered prayer! I thank God for all the answered prayers and for such faithfulness.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:58 PM CST


"Reflecting poetically on the urgency and centrality of preaching, the Puritan pastor Richard Baxter once remarked, 'I preach as never sure to preach again, and as a dying man to dying men.' With vivid expression and a sense of gospel gravity, Baxter understood that preaching is literally a life or death affair. Eternity hangs in the balance as the preacher proclaims the Word." ~ R. Albert Mohler, Jr., The Urgency of Preaching (Mohler is an Author, Speaker, and President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)

"…And how will they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10:14)


Noah was sick on Monday night so I stayed home with him yesterday. He is not at all hungry and is only drinking milk—but we are grateful for even that! He was much better today and went back to daycare.

Aubrey is still doing well at school and still testing our patience on most days. She is not like me at all and the other day she told me she wanted to be in OLP's upcoming talent show. I asked, "WHY??" What I avoided, she is seeking! (Actually, if she wants to be in the talent show she is more than welcome to do so but I just cannot understand why one would want to do that!)


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


Thank you and bless you for your kindness!!

Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for dying for our sins and taking our place in the face of God's righteous wrath. There is no greater love.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, January 24, 2005 6:47 PM CST


We finally had a little snowstorm here in Minnesota. I was able to take Aubrey sliding at a neighborhood park yesterday late in the day near dusk and between the fresh snow and coming twilight it was very refreshing. Aubrey was a little miffed that I would not pull her up the hill but she is getting to big for that and I would have been done after one uphill battle!

Noah was sick yesterday but seemed peppy this morning so off we went to daycare. Sometimes he skips his way in to his classroom and I'm never sure whether to cry or laugh. I like my job but it is so hard to leave him at daycare every day.

We are still in the midst of our identity theft issues and apparently this is a very big case and John and I are but one of many victims. Right before Christmas, and I only share this as a warning, John accepted a UPS package that had my name on it. An hour later, a couple came to the door and claimed it was their package and that the store had made a mistake. They described what was in the package so John gave the package to them. Well, of course they knew what was in the package—they must have ordered it on my credit card number. Some nerve to actually come to our door!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today! Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:57 PM CST


On Christmas Eve, while we were at the home of John's brother Greg and his wife Lee, Noah noticed a mirror in the front entry way. The mirror is staggered up and down into several slats of mirrors placed next to each other.

Well, Noah had never seen such a mirror! So Noah kept grabbing different people to go with him to look at the mirror and he would mutter, "What happin? What happin?" or "Broken." Over and over Noah muttered about the brokenness of the mirror. Little children in their innocence will notice when something just isn't right and they will question brokenness.

And so as some in our country actually celebrate, rather than deeply mourn, the 32nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the anniversary that has taken the lives of millions and millions of innocents, I borrow my son's voice. America, America…

What happened? Broken. So very, very broken.


In memory of all the innocent lives that have gone before us and for all the lost memories that will never be we will light a candle outside our home this weekend.

We pray for God's forgiveness. Not just for America's abortive culture of death, as that is a symptom of our deep falling away from God, but for all our sins that are an affront to a Holy Father.

It is because of the wages of sin that Gabrielle is no longer with us in this life.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:18 PM CST


Here is the second "Will you be There?," from the many that I found.

Oh yes: the new heavens and new earth will be created to be inhabited for Yahweh's glory and pleasure. The question is: Will you be there? Do you want to be there? You can if you want to: because entry does not depend on how good or bad you are. Entry depends on faith in Yahweh and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Pause awhile, dear reader, and think about so glorious a prospect. And it's yours for the taking. See our pages on Salvation for more details about how to be there. (For we shall all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ – Romans 14:10) ~ Stewarton Bible School, Scotland

Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


We continue to be so grateful that you come by and read about our journey.

Thank you, Jesus, for such a blessed gift of eternal life!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, January 17, 2005 6:16 PM CST


Here is an excerpt from a BreakPoint article on sin and the tsunami.

The tragedy of the great tsunami reminds us that the ruin of our sin is serious business. More people are dying every year, all over the world, than perished on that one, terrible day. But we are so used to the regularity of death that it hardly impacts us unless it comes personally close or is spectacularly public. But the tragedy of death is nothing more than the tragedy of life without Jesus. Surely the great tsunami should crash against our own souls and stir up new resolve in us to preach the message of repentance.

The great tsunami of 2004 reminds us that sin is more than a merely moral affliction. It pervades the creation, stalks its inhabitants, and is set on a course of total destruction. Except we repent and press on in sanctification, it will drag us down to ruin as well. Except we show the compassion of Jesus to the sufferers of this world, they will never believe that our message is anything more than mere psychological nonsense. Except we take up again the work of calling people to faith in Jesus Christ, how shall we ever prove to the watching world that we take our Savior’s claims seriously? And how shall we lead any of those, stunned and deeply troubled by the evidence of sin’s continuing presence in the world, to escape its eternal devastation and ruin? ~ T.M. Moore, BreakPoint, The Ruin of our Sin, January 11, 2005
BreakPoint Web Site


Aubrey had two of her classmates over on Saturday and that kept us hopping most of the day! The girls all had fun but we did have a couple of "incidents." One of Aubrey's friends was quite enamored with our cat, Sesame, and poor Sesame was included in most of their games as an unwilling participant. We tried to keep doors open so that Sesame was never locked in a room with the girls but we failed and Sesame finally scratched one of the girls hard enough to make her cry.

So then I offered the girls some Oreo cookies to calm down the cat incident but then one of them ate too many cookies and looked a bit green and complained of a tummy-ache. Fortunately this seemed to pass also but I had to tell both of the mothers about these happenings. But neither girl wanted to leave when their parents came to pick them up so I guess that in the end they enjoyed their visit with Aubrey.


Some of you, I know, have been to Benjamin Bowen's site. He is in hospice and last we know the struggle to control his pain has been fierce and this is extremely hard on parents. Please, please pray for the Bowen family.

Benjamin's Site


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, January 13, 2005 6:23 PM CST


I see that we are approaching 1,000 days without our dearest Gabbie. We miss her very, very much. When we ask Noah where Gabbie is, he points upward. I did not teach him this and John claims that he did not either. I'm now trying to teach Noah that Gabbie is in heaven and most importantly, that she is with Jesus.

I recite Psalm 23 in the car when I am bringing Noah to daycare. I do change my inflection a little bit at the very end and Noah then gets all ready to say "AMEN." Even just saying, "and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever," makes me long for that day.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


Thank you so much for all the comments on Gabbie's PICU pictures. Some people might think that those were right before she died but actually they are months before she joined Jesus.

About a week after Gabbie got out of PICU, new tumors were discovered and she was deemed terminal. However, that was not God's plan and the picture on the far right (in the pink box with the birds & heart) was taken nine days after that first pronouncement of death. That is when we started the nutraceuticals and Gabbie appeared to get better.

However, a few months later she did indeed die in my arms. All part of God's plan and it shall truly be redeemed for something very good…some day. Until then, I will never stop missing her.


We just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your kind words, thoughts and prayers mean so much to us and I cannot wait to tell Noah and Aubrey about you.

Please have a safe weekend and bundle up if you are in Minnesota. Please seek Jesus Christ as the one and only Savior. There is an earth, a heaven, and a hell. God tells us so.

Thank you, LORD, for you have showered us with your mercy and we do not even deserve such mercy!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 5:50 PM CST


It is true that God will never make the Christian's life utterly unbearable. But what is little understood is that God is willing to bring the Christian very close to the unbearable.

But as they grow stronger, and are able to bear more, he exercises them in a tougher school. He exposes them to as much testing by the pressure of the opposed and discouraging influences as they are able to bear – not more (see the promise, 1 Cor 10:13), but equally not less (see the admonitions Acts 14:22). Thus he builds our character , strengthens our faith and prepares us to help others…Thus he glorifies himself in our lives, making his strength perfect in our weakness." ~ J.I. Packer, Knowing God
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

"…strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. 'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,' they said." (Acts 14:22)


The Breckas family, who lost little Cameron on January 6. Thank you, Susan.

Cameron's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


Thank you so much for all your kind comments. And yes, Debbie, if you read this, I know what you meant. What Gabbie has now is simply beyond anything we could ever imagine!

If they read this, I would also like to thank my parents for the wonderful dinner they provided us last Sunday. We appreciate it very much!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, January 10, 2005 6:33 PM CST


If you look closely, you can see a tear running down her cheek. I have nothing else to write today.


Thank you for visting Gabbie's site. May your day be blessed.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, January 7, 2005 6:27 PM CST


Tomorrow I am attending a day-long Bible overview given by Jeff Cavins. While Cavins is Catholic, I've heard that people of various denominations listen to his seminars. He is also currently leading one of the largest Catholic Bible Studies in the nation. I hope to meet up with Cathy Clyde (Theresa Rose's momma) and Jennifer Buckentine (Zachary's momma).

I promised John that when I get home I will take Noah and Aubrey to the YMCA. I generally do not like to be away from home all day on the weekend because I already work, but made an exception for this seminar.

We had more surprises this week with identity theft. On Tuesday morning as I was getting ready for work a police officer from New Hope called and said someone had made a fake ID in John's name. They actually had two young men in custody who admitted stealing mail for ID information. Fortunately this has been caught and fortunately I will not have to pay for all the fraudulent charges that are on my Visa.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia *~* Alyx *~* Juliett *~* Robin and Jaxon *~*


Have a wonderful weekend. Please know there are no second chances and we must all be ready to meet God the Father.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, January 5, 2005 5:35 PM CST


Gabrielle's question, Will you be dere?, may not speak directly of hell, but it certainly acknowledges the truth that we simply do not all go to a happy place when we die. A happy place for all is big lie, possibly the biggest lie out there, and a lie that delights the adversary.

And so I have collected some other Will you be there? truths from all over! Here is the first one. It is written, with God's Grace, by Shirley McNeilly, Copyright 2004,The Redeemed of the The Lord, MSN Groups

Will You Be There

When soon the roll is called up Yonder and we're
bound to earth no more, and the bridegroom
Says all's ready as He opens Heaven's

When He's checked the book of life will Your
name be written there, will there be a wedding
garment, and a place for you

Let our lamps be filled with oil and each one
burning bright, for we know for us
He's coming, and it may just
be tonight.

In my mind I see Him now King of Kings and
Lord of Lords for us He's prepared a
table, with Him we'll dine
forever more.

Will you be there when He calls, checks
His Book, and closed the door,
When He says my faithful servant, your
pain and tears will be
no more?

In our mind these are the questions as
we watch from day to day knowing soon
our Lord is coming, for to take His
Bride away.

Will you be there, when His Trumpet's
blown, and He sends His Holy
Angels, to bring His
Children Home?

Now's the time for getting ready to
meet Him in the Air, once
again the question IS,
Will You Be There?


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle's site today. Thank you for crying with me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:54 PM CST


The day before Christmas Eve I picked up new pictures while at work. (We have many onsite conveniences here at West, including photo development!) I opened the first set of pictures and smiled at Aubrey and Noah. I opened the next set and they were all of Gabbie. It was a surprise gift of never-before seen pictures.

But as I flipped through the pictures, my mother's heart was dismayed. These were truly the worst pictures ever. With the exception of two, they were all from Gabbie's PICU stay after the harrowing surgery on her lungs.

I sat at my desk and cried and called John and cried some more. Christmas is hard because Gabbie's life has always stood in very harsh contrast to the jingle-bell jolly of the secularization of the Christmas season. And now I wondered why God was showing me such suffering right in the midst of this jingle-bell jolly.

But our faithful God works in mysterious ways! As the day slowly marched on I came to realize that these pictures were a gift in more than one way. While incredibly precious to find a surprise roll of film, the real gift was the reminder that Gabbie never was of this world and that she is forever united with Christ through her suffering.

I'm going to share all the pictures over the next few months. While some may look really similar, each snapshot was a separate moment in which Gabrielle carried a heavy cross.


Remembering how gracious she was while carrying her cross. We love, and miss deeply, our little girl who is and was a witness to His own victory over death.


We are also thankful for the Christmas ornaments in memory of Gabbie from my mother-in-law and from Gabbie's godmother, Elizabeth. Gabbie's godmother has remembered Gabbie with a gift on every single anniversary. I once received a necklace with a grain of rice encased in pretty green glass. The grain of rice has Gabrielle's name inscribed, along with a heart. How that is done on a small grain of rice is a mystery to me!!

Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

Always remember that while our crosses unite us with Jesus and his suffering and pain at Calvary, it was Jesus who bore the most horrible cross of all. For a time on the cross, Jesus was separated from God the Father and that separation was nothing less than sheer hell. Thank you for remembering why He did this for us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, January 3, 2005 9:30 AM CST


I'm sure that most of you have now seen the horrible images of the wake of the tsunami and earthquake over and over. At the same time we struggle with the evil of it all, we must remember that, at least for God's children, death has been conquered.

"Death is not a friend to be embraced, but an ugly enemy, a vile intruder into the world. But God, in His common grace, gives us doctors and medicines, and we should use them to treat all illnesses, adding our prayers for God's blessings upon such treatment for the restoration of the body's health. And more than that, we should give thanks to God, who has conquered death through the resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Because of Him, death has no sting or victory over the children of God." ~ James W. Bruce III, From Grief to Glory

What is so heartbreaking, however, is that some of those who lost their lives may have rejected the gift of eternal life. That is not for me to judge but the reality of that has crossed my mind over and over. (I realize that some had never even heard the Gospel and fully believe God is gracious in ways we cannot imagine!!)


We had a very low-key weekend as we are a "sick" house for now. I had a mild case of the flu last week and cannot seem to completely shake it. Aubrey has been battling a horrible cough and on New Year's Eve, she complained of an ear-ache.

So John took Aubrey to ER at Children's and sure enough she had a severe ear infection in one ear. John brought Aubrey home at 9:00 p.m. but then had to shop around to find a pharmacy that was still open so we were not able to give Aubrey anything until much later.
I didn't think Aubrey would stop crying or sleep that night so I slept on the floor right next to her. She was fine the next day and seems to be her normal self.

So…that was our New Year's Eve!!

Because we already had our full allotment of "holidays," for the year, New Year's Eve, was a working day for us at West but in turn today is a day off!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia


Thanks again for so much support in 2004. We hope your day is blessed and thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 6:09 PM CST


I tried to donate online last night to one of the organizations that I continue to list below. I would get almost completely through the process and then would get an IE error message so I gave up, temporarily.

Today I decided to call Visa to see if any of the donations went through. They hadn't. Good thing I called, however, because I found out that within the last eight days someone has been having a field day with my credit card number. Numerous and over $2,000.00 of transactions were made via the Internet.

How nice. I had really wanted to help out with the earthquake situation right away but now will have to send a check.


I do like stuffed animals, especially teddy bears. But whenever I see a battered and abandoned stuffed animal on the road or sidewalk, I think of Gabbie and all those other children who were battered and ravaged by cancer...and ignored by some who knew them.

"Many were small children, as lifeless as the abandoned stuffed animals that also lay nearby." ~ Minneapolis Star Tribune article, Disaster in Asia, December 29, 2004


I will leave these links up for a few days. Many of the victims are children.

American Red Cross

Catholic Relief Services

Direct Relief International

Doctors Without Borders

Mercy Corps


I would like to say "Happy New Year," but somehow that does not seem right at this moment.

But we do wish all of you many blessings from God in 2005. Taking another break but will be back next week! Thanks for all you have done and continue to do.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 5:07 PM CST


Below are some links for organizations, some of which are literally begging for help, assisting in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami waves. Many of the victims are children.

American Red Cross

Catholic Relief Services

Direct Relief International

Doctors Without Borders

Mercy Corps


The misery they experience is unknown to us and for now we simply do not know why some are always spared and some are never spared. Thank you, God, for our comfortable homes and food on the table and clean water…always so convenient.

But God is faithfully watching over them too.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, December 27, 2004 11:37 AM CST


We have survived another Christmas without Gabrielle. I have a story regarding God's gift to me last week but will share later as I need to get some pictures scanned into our computer.

On Christmas Eve, I went to the Paquette's but left before the opening of presents to bring Noah home for a decent bedtime hour but also because of memories of Gabbie and how her life differed so much from those around us.

Last year when I arrived home alone with Noah on Christmas Eve I had set off our house alarm. This year, I was quietly greeted with a candle on our doorstep burning in memory of Gabbie. It was from my sister, Sarah. She has done so much for us.

But truthfully, Christmas was very, very hard this year. Numerous children have died this month and I am not at all comforted by the fact that so many others are joining our horrible journey.


Please offer condolences to the families of the children below. All three died from neuroblastoma.



Sophia Marie

And we pray for the thousands and thousands who are suffering from the earthquake and resulting tsunami wave.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. May your day be blessed.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:46 PM CST


And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)

And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
(Luke 2:1-20)


I will be taking a break until after Christmas but wanted to wish all of you a very merry & peace-filled Christmas.

Thank you, LORD Jesus, for your priceless gift of eternal life.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, December 20, 2004 9:48 AM CST


This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and is even now already in the world. (1 John 4:2-3)

No one knows greater sorrow or grief then Jesus did when he came to us in the flesh. We thank you, LORD Jesus!


Noah is going to daycare today and Aubrey and I are going to hop on a bus and spend some time strolling around downtown. I rarely go downtown these days but Minneapolis' downtown is very nice and I know it will be decorated. We are also fortunate for an extensive skyway system because it's quite cold here in Minnesota.

I have officially left Wooddale but I am not an official member of First Free Evangelical yet. I've been there several months now and feel quite comfortable and both Aubrey and Noah seem to be quite happy also.


Please visit Hayley's site and offer your condolences. I've been following their site for a while and once again a child I never met worked her way into my heart.

* ~ * Hayley * ~ *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, December 16, 2004 6:43 PM CST


My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.(James 1:2-4)

I was reading an article on suffering in my most recent version of Tabletalk, which I've now misplaced. But R.C. Sproul made a good point about the above verses and we do have to count our suffering as all joy as we know it is God working on us. But we can still call these things trials.

Today, not only are we living in a "culture of death," we are living in a culture that denies suffering, especially sustained suffering.


Just waiting for January 1 to arrive.


The Brestel family, who lost their son, Josh, earlier this month just before he would have turned five.

Josh's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia


It's amazing how my concept of how long she has been gone is so correct in my dreams. I dreamt of her again last night and it was the very typical plot where she was sent home from the hospital to die yet continues to live. In my dream I was even telling John, "We must take her to Dr. Bostrom because it's been 2 and ½ years since they sent us home and she is still living." In my dream I even start to hope against all hope.

And then, sadly, I wake up to the reality that her flesh is decomposing in the cold hard ground. Oh, yes, her soul is with Jesus and that IS a joyfuy reality! But for now, her grave is my only earthly reality. And it is such a trial.


Thank you, for hanging in there with us during this season where we celebrate Jesus but where even nonbelievers should see it has become so very, very secular. It is only the secular part of this season that drags me so very, very low.

Thank you for seeking Jesus. Thank you for remembering Gabbie, my so very solemn little girl.

Have a wonderful weekend!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 5:58 PM CST


“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’" (Matthew 25:40)


I finally cut Noah's hair! John probably would have taken Noah to the barber. Noah's too young to need a perfect haircut and it only took me ten seconds and I was even able to layer it. I must have cut off at least two inches and John didn't even notice. I kept whispering in Noah's ear for him to go show his "hair" to daddy. He tried several times, even once pointing to his hair, but no avail.

We had Aubrey at the pediatrician's office last night but she is fine. She has had a long-lasting cough and they wanted to rule out whooping cough, which they did. She is growing up so fast and just yesterday she lost her second tooth.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon *~* Queen Maddy *~* Taylor *~* Alexia


This is a different note on grief and is a gift from the mother of a reader of Gabbie's site. It is the expression of grief concerning an abortion. For confidentiality, I will just say that the author did not have the abortion and neither did anyone in her family. But it was someone the author knew, and she was very much grieved by the taking away of this precious life. Thank you, Dianne and Arlene, for sharing this beautiful poem.

Little baby did you know
that I would have loved you so?
But to me you're ever lost
in abortion holocaust.

Object of society's scorn.
From your mother's body torn
Object of the doctor's knife.
Tearing out your very life.

Helplessly I stand aside,
eyes are blurred from tears I cried.
Never will I hold you near
or tell you that I love you dear.

But Jesus called you for his own
to meet with angels near his throne.
And when I hear the Father's call
I'll know and love you after all.

~ by Arlene Frechette


Thank you for sharing your lives with me. I can only imagine our heavenly meeting some day!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, December 13, 2004 9:28 AM CST


O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. (1 Chronicles 16:34)

Thoughts of His never-ending mercy give us the strength to be thankful no matter our circumstances. I know that I do not thank God often enough and so today I share some thanks.


When I arrived at work last Friday morning, one of the first e-mails I opened up was from a woman named Amy. She asked me if I remembered her and when she shared that her husband worked at West, I did indeed remember our chain of e-mails from a while back.

Amy wanted to know if I was at work that day because she had a gift for me and her husband was going to deliver it. It is a beautiful name bracelet with Gabbie's name and made with November birthstones. It also has a sterling silver cross with reference to 1 Chronicles 16:34.

I cannot tell you how touched I was that someone I've never met would do that for me. I am forever grateful that Gabbie is remembered by so many.

Amy, thank you so very, very much. I still do not know what to say.


I also want to thank all the guest book signers for supporting me during the holidays which always seem to make me anxious and jumpy. Thanks Debbie and Susan for sharing so much on the guest book.

In fact, I've always wanted to encourage people to share their thoughts and/or similar experiences in the guest book. I lost my daughter but in that great loss I have gained so many great friends from all over the United States. Your experiences, sad and happy, impact my journey and so they have a place in the guest book.

I want to thank Dianne G. for sending a special poem which I will share later.

I want to thank my sister, Sarah, for all that you do. Your support has been endless and John and I frequently discuss how much you have done for us. Most of all, thank you for loving Gabbie.

Most of all, I thank the good LORD for even these trials shall not be wasted.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, December 9, 2004 5:15 PM CST


I still hope, and even sometimes pray, that in eternity God will present me with the gift of being reunited with Gabbie as my two-year old. And even though I know and trust that I will be filled with joy no matter her physical stature, I still ache at the thought she might be grown and not her little self.

But Scripture is indeed silent on this and I no longer search on this issue because where Scripture does not speak we must simply trust God's plans.

"St. Anastasios of Sinai described the importance of not seeking to know unknowable spiritual things when he wrote: 'Regarding those things which are passed over in silence in the Divine Scriptures, it is manifest that they must not be sought out. The Holy Spirit revealed to us those things which it is to our profit to learn, and again as for those things which are not profitable, he kept them hidden.'" ~ Thomas S. Buchanan, The Holiness of Unknowing, Touchstone, A Journal of Mere Christianity, December 2004


In October, the Joiner family said goodbye to Trevor….after having said goodbye to Ross in February. Please pray for them.

Trevor & Ross


There are so many ways I have denied Gabbie. Here is one my saddest memories as a mother. This story is not about what happened to Gabbie, but about how I denied her. My denials of Gabbie on this journey are not because I didn't love her but because I discovered my voice too late.

When Gabbie was born at Southdale Fairview, she was whisked away from us to NICU at Fairview-Riverside. I did not see her for days. The first time I saw her, I went to touch her and stroked her bare backside very, very softly. A NICU nurse saw me and explained that a soft touch was uncomfortable for Gabbie because it probably tickled her. I was told to exert a gentle yet firm pressure.

A few days later some family came to visit Gabbie. Like me, one of them put very soft pressure on Gabbie's bare back and stroked her. The NICU nurse looked at me with the assumption I would speak up for Gabbie. And she looked at me some more. I never said a word and finally let a stranger speak up for my precious child.

It was only after she died that I found and discovered my mother's voice.


We simply continue to thank you. We hope you all have a safe weekend in this turbulent world we live in. God is faithful no matter how much our world changes.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, December 8, 2004 6:35 PM CST


Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14)

We really were not created for this world. Our restlessness is simply our expression of longing to go home with Jesus.


I took Noah for a jogger-ride last night and he was determined to hold the house key that I had attached to a safety-pin. I didn't want him to lose our key so I pinned it to his mittens in case he dropped it. Well, that was not good enough and he screamed the entire way. He wanted to hold the key loose. Why on earth that would matter, I cannot imagine. I thought for sure he would quit but he made his anger known until we were almost home.

He has a temper but generally seems to be quite happy. I hope to post some new pictures soon as he has changed a lot. Every weekend Noah is called a girl and yet I have been too lazy to get him to a barber.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon


When I come home and exit the garage door, I can see up into our living room. And sometimes Aubrey and Noah are standing in a chair and looking out the window waiting for me with laughter and smiles. While I think of my friends who have lost their only child every day, this scene never fails to sadly remind me of those special parents even more.

Praying for all of you. I'm so very sorry.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today. Please look to the LORD and Savior who will come back some day to bring you home.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, December 7, 2004 6:02 PM CST


I would never expect to fully agree with every homily/sermon I shall ever hear. Several months ago, I heard a sermon on the issue of trust. I took note because of trust issues in my own life. I agreed with most of the sermon, but I disagreed with the order in which we were told to trust. We were told that if we don't trust people, we will never trust God. We were told to trust people first.

I couldn't disagree more. God always comes first: in our lives, in our praise, in our faith, in our trust….everything.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Psalm 20:7)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Noah does not have pinkeye but rather a cold in the eyes.

Noah also gave John quite the scare last night. Normally I give Noah his bath but we switched because Aubrey wanted me to help her make a card. In the midst of cardmaking, John yelled to me that Noah was bleeding in the bath. I ran to the bathroom and there was indeed a small pool of blood. We searched and searched but never found the source. I'm guessing he sneezed or coughed while John looked away, although John says that Noah did not cough. So I had the doctor give Noah a little extra examining and we are certain he is fine.

These things don't alarm me but they devastate John. To each his own agonies, I guess, in the aftermath of the death of a child.


Little and precious Hayley (link below). She is struggling and her family needs our prayers.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon


This journey of missing Gabbie includes so much broken trust. So I turn first and forever more to God, as He alone is worthy of unconditional trust.


As always, I am so grateful for all those who continue to support us. Thanks for listening and listening and listening. And I am so touched by those of you who have become, as Susan said, CaringBridge ambassadors.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, December 6, 2004 5:59 PM CST


If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. (Luke 9:23)


It is true that we must deny self to follow Jesus. But I would bet many of my grieving friends would tell you that for some of us, the biblical mandate to deny self is not enough and that we also are asked to "deny child."

Every single day I have to deny Gabrielle as my daughter. Day in and day out, over and over and over. For as much as people have pointed out my lapses of self-control and restraint, when I simply cannot deny her any longer, they have absolutely no appreciation whatsoever for the daily test of self-restraint.

If it were not for God and His assurances I simply could not make it.


We had an OK weekend. John took both Noah and Aubrey Christmas-tree hunting with some of the Paquette's. I stayed home and relaxed and read Christian magazines--reading truly is a luxury!

I guess we are just going to put our tree on the deck because John thinks Noah will be at the tree constantly. Personally, I think a few pokes from the needles and he would soon lose interest in pestering a tree in our living-room.

Tomorrow morning I have to take Noah to the pediatrician as our daycare is concerned that he has pink-eye. I think it's a cold but I'm not the expert so we will see!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon


As always, I so appreciate those who understand. Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today! May your day be blessed if you already are His child; may your day be blessed with whispers of His calling if you are a seeker.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, December 2, 2004 6:12 PM CST


Nevertheless, my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor allow my faithfulness to fail. (Psalm 89:33)


"Nothing can make up for the absence of someone whom we love, and it would be wrong to try to find a substitute; we must simply hold out and see it through. That sounds very hard at first, but at the same time it is a great consolation, for the gap, as long as it remains unfilled, preserves the bonds between us. It is nonsense to say that God fill the gap; he does not fill it, but on the contrary, he keeps it empty and so helps us to keep alive our former communion with each other, even at the cost of pain." ~ Deitrich Bonhoeffer (Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor who was executed by the Nazis for his opposition to Hitler.)

The intensity of the vivid and haunting memory of her last breath in my arm may lessen. But it is not their death, which is their door to eternity with Jesus, but their absence from our lives here that marches on and only seems to intensify.

Bonhoeffer is right and it is absolute nonsense to think that God fills the holes in our hearts. The journey we face is not a linear task that becomes easier in time but simply one where we need to just hold on to our faith.

Because He will be forever faithful, no matter our pain.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today. We hope you all have a safe and wonderful weekend.

Praying you seek the faithful Father.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, December 1, 2004 6:28 PM CST


I know that Christmas and the holidays are so very hard for those who have lost loved ones, especially children. While we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus, his birth, we can also be assured there is yet a future coming when all will be made well.

'Men of Galilee,' they [the angels] said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.' (Acts 1:11)

He is coming back and on that day we who believe shall be reunited with our departed loved ones. We must be ready at any time for only the Father knows when the Son will come again.


Please visit Dustin Little's site. He and Gabbie were born only about five days apart. His family misses him so very, very much. Another child with some solemn eyes that just break my heart.

Dustin's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site. Thank you so much for opening your hearts to so many of these other children.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, November 29, 2004 6:54 PM CST


Pray ye for the peace of Jerusalem: may those who love thee prosper. Peace be within thy bulwarks prosperity within thy towers! For the sake of my brethren and neighbors, I will now say, Peace be within thee! Because of the house of Jehovah our God, I will seek thy good. (Psalm 122:6-9)


We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws, Greg and Lee Paquette. However, these days are hard and John and I had little arguments Thursday morning. Although it's disguised, we argued about the need to get rid of stuff from our home and I made it clear that I had gotten rid of a whole bag of stuffed animals. (I tend to be protective of stuffed animals!) But in the end it is simply missing Gabbie. John brought up the fact that Thanksgiving 2001 was the last time we had a picture of the four of us.

The rest of the weekend wasn't too bad. We have a little bit of snow and so on Saturday evening we had our first nighttime wagon ride of the season. Aubrey and Noah were pretty good in the wagon until we were almost home. Then they both wanted to walk and both wanted to pull the wagon. I will just say that this ended up in a loud melee in the middle of an intersection where I finally rushed Aubrey and the wagon to the sidewalk but then had to chase Noah who was running down the street and who was indignant at the thought of taking turns pulling the wagon.


The family of Carl Thomas Robertson. Little Carl fought neuroblastoma for over two years and went home to Jesus the day after Thanksgiving. I don't even know the family but have tears as I type this. Another family must now enter the most painful journey.

Carl's Site

Thank you, Susan.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Madelyn Beamon


My friend, Andrea, has never lost a child. But she once remarked during one of our conversations about Gabbie that "the dead child is different." Thanks, Andrea, for understanding something so very important.

I have never once said that Gabbie was more special then other children. But these children who die so young are indeed very different.


Thank you, so very much, for visiting Gabbie's site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 4:41 PM CST


Yet even as we give thanks for our nation, the example of the Pilgrims reminds us that this beautiful place is not our home. That we were made not for it, or for any other earthly nation, but for God alone. That even this great nation, like all things here below, is imperfect, and will perish someday. That even as we make our homes, plant our gardens, and raise our families here, there will come a time when those families are no more, when our yet-unborn grandchildren will be vanished, our houses torn down, every earthly grace and beauty decayed into dust and scattered in the air. That this city on a hill is, like every earthly city, not a city for us to abide in.

So Thanksgiving is a time to love our country for the right reasons. It is, on the simplest plane, where God has placed us. That alone makes it a gift we did not deserve. It also is a nation that does not---yet---put Caesar in God’s place, and is still---for now---a land where the knowledge of God's Word and Kingdom have been given a special protection. Indeed, it has been a bulwark to pilgrims and seekers through the years, and remains so today, despite many threatening clouds. Long may it prosper. But may we always seek His Kingdom first. ~ Wilfred McClay, quoted from Mere Comments, Touchstone Web Site, November 24, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving to All!


We give thanks to God for Gabbie's salvation and our salvation. We give thanks to God for Aubrey and Noah. We give thanks to God for all the wonderful people who have supported us on this journey. We give thanks to all our other grieving friends who kindly share with us the agony of missing our children.

But mostly, we simply give thanks to God….just because He is worthy of all our thanks and so much more.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, November 22, 2004 6:22 PM CST


Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

This is a prayer…a very calming prayer.


Last week one morning Noah broke a small snow-globe. He climbs on anything and had climbed atop the toy chest and grabbed the snow-globe from a dresser in his and Aubrey's bedroom. Later that night I somewhat chastised Aubrey because a very big snow-globe was hanging precariously from the top of her dresser. So I moved this surviving snow-globe to the dresser in my bedroom.

On the eve of Gabrielle's birthday anniversary and right before I went to bed, I was examining the snow-globe, which had a cute Precious Moments girl and friend kneeling in prayer. I flipped it over and twisted the music switch to listen. It was Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

We used to sing that before we put the girls to bed and Gabbie would softly sway back and forth on her feet. We have never once done that routine again. The song slowly played out and finally stopped.

Twinkle, twinkle…

Gabrielle, Gabrielle, Gabrielle….


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Be still and know that He is the Great "I AM!"

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, November 21, 2004 3:12 PM CST


She died far too young for us, but obviously not in God's eyes. I always make it through these painful anniversaries by treating the actual day as a normal day. But as I left work last Wednesday evening her absence became a staggering and intense reality that really does feel like too much. Even going to church today was overwhelmingly difficult.

This afternoon I was cleaning out a drawer and came across a journal I must have started after Gabbie died. It had one entry, written only 19 days after her death. I ripped out the pages and threw them away because the words were too painful. But I also found a card in the journal that must have come from a family we do not know from Our Lady of Peace. I make that assumption because they quoted from Wisdom, a book that is found in the Catholic Bible but not mine. It is about early death and the deception of early death so I thought I would share it today. Although it is warm and sunny, is really a very grey dreary day for me as I cannot bear to be without Gabbie. But there is wisdom, however hidden, to be found in her death.

But the just man, though he die early, shall be at rest. For the age that is honorable comes not with the passing of time, nor can it be measured in terms of years. Rather, understanding is the hoary crown for men, and an unsullied life, the attainment of old age. He who pleased God was loved; he who lived among sinners was transported – snatched away, lest wickedness pervert his mind. For the witchery of paltry things obscures what is right and the whirl of desire transforms the innocent mind. Having become perfect in a short while, he reached the fullness of a long career; for his soul was pleasing to the Lord, therefore he sped him out of the midst of wickedness. But the people saw and did not understand, nor did they take this into account. (Wisdom 4:7-15)

A special thank you to all those who remembered Gabbie.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:28 PM CST

Gabrielle's Prayers

The address for Gabbie's site is "gabrielles.prayers," and how little did we know that it wasn't prayers for Gabrielle that God was after but rather her prayers for our dying world.

The sunbonnet baby reminds me of Gabbie as we know the child unseen is a very precious child.

The sunbonnet baby reminds me of Gabbie as we know her prayer is that others come to God through the Son.

The Sunbonnet baby, so very, very innocent and trusting…is holding the Holy Bible.

She is begging someone – it could be you -- to accept this gift.

Gabbie was a very solemn messenger from God. She never once fell for the trappings of this sinful world.

"Will you be dere?" is a reflection of God-given wisdom concerning eternity.

In memory of the child no longer seen, please turn to God and seek the gift of eternal life from Jesus Christ the Savior.

~*~ In Memory of Gabrielle on her Fifth Birthday~*~

There are no words to describe how much we miss her.

~*~In Memory of our two miscarried unseen Babies~*~

~*~In Memory of all unseen Babies ~*~

Thank you all so very, very much.

Thank you, Jesus. You are the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life.

The Paquette Family

Monday, November 15, 2004 8:49 AM CST


“…I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” ~ 2 Samuel 12:23


I hope that none of the elderly or those with breathing problems and living in the Twin Cities fell ill this weekend. An article in the paper noted that the Twin Cities are under a pollution alert for four days due to some nearby temperature inversion. I think that our air is full of soot particles.

That said, I found out that pollution can paint a breathtaking sunset. Late Sunday afternoon, I took Noah for a stroller-ride and we were greeted with a beautiful and very hazy sunset on Lake Harriet. Those soot particles really made a difference!

I hope everyone understands that I was not making a "moral" judgment on competitive sports as my reasons for avoiding it are numerous. I still run. My parents are very active in sports and so is my sister, Auntie Sarah. But they all have the time to easily fit in sports…we do not. What happened? At first enrolling children in competitive sports was a choice, but now today it is assumed our children will participate in competitive sports.


In two days, we will be spending Gabbie's fifth birthday without her in our presence.

I still dream often of Gabbie and it is almost always the same theme whereby she is sent home from the hospital to die, yet she never dies. In my dream, years pass and I even think we should have her scanned to see if the tumor is gone. In these dreams, Gabbie is there but unreachable and solemnly silent.

But I will never forget the horror of a different dream. Gabbie was dying in the hospital but I had not been by to visit her for several weeks. I frantically tried to get to the hospital without success. But worse then not getting to the hospital is that I have not been there for weeks. What did Gabbie think when I was not there?

I cannot go to her, now

But some day…God will call me home and I will go to her.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:02 PM CST


Jesus never hurried.


I have absolutely nothing against sports.

Last Saturday was a beautiful and unseasonably warm day for Minnesota in November. Around 2:00 in the afternoon, I took Noah for a stroller-ride, intending to only go around Lake Harriet. For some reason, I had been very crabby with Noah and Aubrey for about three days so this walk was good for me. Early in our walk Noah spotted a wilted dandelion buried among leaves so I picked it for him. When I gave it to Noah, he had tears streaming down his face from the strong breeze. His utter vulnerability and innocence melted my heart.

After we circled the lake, I decided not to go home and we furthered our walk on Minnehaha Parkway. We eventually came to a wooden bridge crossing the creek and Noah was so excited about the water that we stopped. And we just sat there…and sat there. People walked and ran by us and one couple had a dog that stopped to explore Noah's face. When the dog left, Noah looked at me with a huge warm smile and laughed. And we sat there some more because we were not in any kind of hurry.

Finally, reluctantly, we headed home and found John and Aubrey out front with the neighbors. It was after 5:00! We all casually talked and watched the setting sun turn the sky an incredibly bright red and purple and then said good-bye and went in for our dinners.

I know that the majority of families with young children get them involved in sports and that in not doing so we are an oddity. But most mothers I know would never have been able to stretch out their stroller-ride as I did with Noah. Most families we know are on a tight minute-to-minute almost breath-taking schedule on the weekend traveling from one place to another.

The point of this long story is that Saturday's rewarding stroller-ride with Noah only reinforced my determination not to make our weekends as hectic as Monday through Friday. Oh sure, my kids will miss something by not being involved in sports. But sports are only sports and in the end they will not miss out at all.

I have nothing against sports. Really.


Thank you for all your kindness. We hope you have a blessed and relaxed weekend.

Please take some quiet moments to think of all that God does for us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 8:57 AM CST


"As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice, the baby in her womb jumped. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and called back in a loud voice, saying, 'Among all the women you are blessed! And blessed is the fruit of your womb! Why am I so honored that the mother of my Savior should come to see me? See, when I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy. Blessed is the one who believed that those things would happen which were promised to her by God.'” (Luke 1:41 45)

I remember the very first ultrasound during Gabbie's pregnancy showed only her gestational sac that appeared, deceptively, to be empty. But life created lovingly by God and in His image was there.

I also remember the technician telling me that the other baby, Gabbie's twin, was not going to go any further. But that too was life, lovingly created by God and in His image.

All these little lives are beautiful gifts from God. The adoption of Mary Angelina for Cathy and Nate Clyde is final. I am so thankful for all of them that the birth mother chose to let her unborn child live.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. In memory of Gabbie, please pray for all those who take the lives of the unborn. Please pray that our country some day have the power within the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 8:31 AM CST


Death separates us from those we love. We truly mourn their passing because, for the time being, we cannot be with them in the way we once were and our lives become poorer without them physically present. Such is our punishment for Adam's felix culpa. Hope is that which sustains us until that time when the tail of death tries to sting us. It is that virtue that keeps us looking forward, and inward, to the kingdom of Heaven. ~ Thomas S. Buchanan, Springs Eternal, Touchstone, A Journal of Mere Christianity
"Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23)


I liked the above quote because it goes against the myth that life gets easier and easier as their death gets further behind us. My life without Gabbie is poorer and always will be…until the sting of death.

Thank you, God, for sustaining eternal hope.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. May God bless your day with hope eternal and sustain you in all your struggles.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, November 4, 2004 8:51 AM CST


Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things. I urge you the more earnestly to do this in order that I may be restored to you the sooner." (Heb. 13:18-19)

"This is not to say that God never knew when he was going to grant our request or that our prayers were unanticipated. Rather, it reflects the fact that we do not know God's will, and thus when we pray and things happen, from our perspective, God has sometimes moved faster than we thought He would. However, God always knows when He will move and when we will pray." ~ Pray for Us, Tabletalk, December 2004

I will never, ever forget the moment I was standing in Gabbie's hospital room with John. I was getting ready to go home and John was going to stay. All day we had struggled and failed in our attempts to get nutraceuticals in Gabbie's thin feeding tube line. I was walking out, turned around, and told John that we needed to pray that God send us a solution. Only seconds later the phone rang and the nutraceutical representative had a solution for us!

That was God.


We are doing OK. On Tuesday night before I left work I called John and I had a very sad husband as exit polls were not looking good for us. John stayed up most of the night but I gave up and went to bed while Bush was still losing. I had trouble sleeping (we all have colds) and did get up in the middle of the night to see that things had changed.

I can tell you that our house was NOT exuberant in the morning, just relieved. I'm much more of a fatalist (but trusting God's sovereignty) then John and I would have handled a Bush loss better. John would have been very, very upset as he is far more political than I.


The election was a temporary distraction. Missing you, Gabbie, so very, very much.


We hope you all have a good weekend and enjoy the autumn weather.

I also want to thank all my gentle Democrat friends for reminding me that we need to take care of the poor and disadvantaged. I obviously prioritize issues differently but will agree it is a Biblical command to support those less fortunate. You have all impacted me so much that I'm in the process of reorganizing my tithing.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 8:24 AM CST


Over the weekend I learned that Cheyenne Fiveash died and on Monday I learned that Connor Hunley also left this life for his true home. Please pray for these families and, if so inclined, visit their sites from the links below and offer condolences.

On Halloween evening, a Burnsville teenager was hit and killed by a car as he was trick-or-treating with friends. On Monday I learned that the teenager is the son of one of my co-workers at West.

Tomorrow evening I will be attending a wake for an elderly neighbor who died.

Connor Hunley's Site

Cheyenne Fiveash's Site


John and I are cautiously optimistic about the election results. While we may strongly disagree with some of the positions of John Kerry, it is always hard to see such dashed hopes after such a grueling and hard-fought fight.

Regardless as to the final and official outcome, I heard Cal Thomas last night on KTIS and he reminded us that we live in a post-Christian and post-modern world and that we are living in occupied territory. The imperative is not politics, but following Jesus.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:29 PM CST


Please, let us pray that Tuesday does not bring us violence as we all know how emotional and divided people have become regarding this election year. I think everyone knows that John and I will support Bush. However, I am not voting Republican or Democrat but simply for sanctity of life.

If we do not have life and family, that is, protection of the unborn and marriage as God intended, then how shall America live?

God is sovereign and if John Kerry wins then I will put my faith and trust in God's plan. The Bible tells us that the world will continue to get worse until Jesus comes again and America certainly is not indicating otherwise.

Until after the election, I pray you all vote and I pray you all think of life and family where they begin. God is longsuffering but He will never forget America's holocaust against the unborn.


Remembering all the saints who have gone before us…big and small. May their God-given grace inspire us all.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, October 28, 2004 6:27 PM CDT


Please keep the Buckentine family in your prayers this weekend. Sunday is the one-year anniversary of little Zachary's entrance to eternal life with Jesus.

Zachary's Site


Sometimes people tell me that the Bible is confusing because it can be interpreted in so many ways. Thankfully, there are good teachers on Bible interpretation and it is not as difficult as one might think. I went to a "Sojourner's" class after the service during my first visit to First Free Evangelical and this very matter was addressed and I will share the basic principles here.

1. Frequent reading of large sections is important to form a biblical frame of mind.

2. If you don't understand it the first time, read it again. If you don't understand it a second time, read it again. If you don't understand it a third time, read it again….

3. Context is the determiner of all meaning. A text without context is a pretext for a proof text. Without context, the Bible can be made to teach anything (and therefore the "Jesus is PRO-CHOICE" bumper-stickers). Context is the key to understanding. Words have meaning by the company they keep, so it is important to read phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, books. Any particular verse of Scripture is best understood in its literary context.

4. Always seek the ordinary sense: if the ordinary sense makes good sense, seek no other sense, or it may be nonsense.

5. A mature understanding of what God has communicated in Scripture requires effort. There are no shortcuts.
I don't know who the author was but the above was in a handout provided in our Sojourner's class so credit may be due the instructor.

Read, study, contemplate, and read some more!!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Thank you for your never-ending kindness. Thanks for remembering a little girl who was hardly here at all.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 6:20 PM CDT


Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. ~ 1 Timothy 6:12

The Christian life was never meant to be passive. We are called to fight, not contentiously, but to stand up for what is right and what is wrong.


Miss Aubrey failed her school eye exam yesterday so we are hoping that the retake today brings us better news. She did just have her pre-K check-up and her eyes were fine so I'm hoping it was just an error at school!


Our nation.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Kylie *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Some of the entries on Gabbie's site may seem unrelated to Gabbie, her suffering, her untimely death, and the resulting grief. However, Gabbie's death is tightly woven into every aspect of my life. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in life is left untouched by the death of a child.

That includes politics, especially as politics relate to the moral condition of our world. Gabbie is our child who is dead to this life but living safe with Jesus in eternal life. Conversely, Aubrey and Noah are our surviving and living children in this life but who are dead to sin. They live in an unsafe, increasingly immoral, and dying world.

Next week's election does matter. John and I love Aubrey and Noah and we are both concerned for them when it comes to living during these perilous times. Our Holy God is Sovereign and His will cannot be thwarted. Yet we are still accountable to try and press forward and do what is right for the common good.

Thank you, Gabbie, for your death has shown us the urgent necessity of fighting the good fight of faith and to never, ever be complacent about evil.


Thank you, so very much for understanding.

I think the election and Gabbie's birthday anniversary in the same month is a bit much for me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, October 25, 2004 6:23 PM CDT


We let Aubrey make too many decisions and this Sunday because it was her turn to attend church with me, I let her decide between First Free and Wooddale. She was curious about First Free so back I went and once again I feel very drawn to that church. They have donuts after service in the basement and the church members are exceptionally friendly and it really is a "family" atmosphere. I still need to pray about this decision but I won't be surprised if I end up switching over to First Free Evangelical. And Aubrey enjoyed her first visit too!

The sermon was on the very verses I have just shared—the Beatitudes. The pastor went verse by verse and it was interesting to see how close his sermon was to J.C. Ryle's interpretations.

On Sunday afternoon, one of my friends from Wooddale and from work came over for some stamping tips. We spent a couple of hours together while John watched the kids.

It was also another beautiful day and after my friend left I threw a jacket on Noah and we strollered all the way around Lk. Harriet in the early evening dusk.


The Prescott family in Georgia as little Shelby joined the other saints in heaven last Friday. Shelby had neuroblastoma and was only five-years old.

Shelby's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Thank you, Dixie, for your guest book entry. It is so very true that those who follow Christ are only imperfect representatives of Christ. If we are afraid to share the Good News until we are perfect…then we will never, ever have the opportunity to share such news. I do have planks in my eyes and it is a daily and sad struggle.

Thank you, for visiting Gabbie's site today. I pray and pray that Gabbie's story continue to touch those who are seeking. For every person who comes to Christ brings more glory to God and to Him all the glory belongs.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:12 PM CDT


I have gone on and on about how much I enjoy living in and walking around our neighborhood. Even though it is completely dark now when I get home from work, I am still taking Aubrey and/or Noah out for walks and jogger rides.

But there is something very, very sad in our neighborhood. It's one thing to be surrounded by Kerry/Edward signs but quite another to see bumper stickers reading, "Jesus was PRO-CHOICE" or "Jesus was a Liberal." If one says Jesus is PRO-CHOICE, then one is also saying that Jesus is FOR murdering the unborn that are lovingly made by the Heavenly Father.

While I'm not a schooled theologian, these bumper stickers seem to be almost blasphemous. The abortion industry is an evil pagan ritual where innocent children are sacrificed. Sure, the false gods of today are different than the false gods of the OT, but they are false gods nonetheless. (False gods of wealth, choice, "I don't have time for a baby now," "I can't be bothered with a special needs baby," "I don't want a baby")

What Jesus and the Father think of the unborn is very, very important. Your vote this election also matters.

They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was desecrated by their blood. (Psalms 106:37-38 NIV)


Kylie Drew Barry's family just found out that Kylie's neuroblastoma has an unfavorable marker. Please pray for them as this journey becomes even more difficult. (Thank you, Susan!)

Kylie's Site

Please also remember the Clyde family as October 23 is Theresa Rose's birthday anniversary. Theresa Rose would have been two years old.

Theresa Rose's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


How can anyone who has a child not want to protect the unborn? Sometimes I imagine the "what ifs" if Gabbie had been given to someone else. We were told that there could be problems with her and I know that some would have aborted her.


Thank you, Debbie, for sharing your church situation! I know we have much in common in our faith journeys.

Thank you to all for sharing this journey for so long. We are eternally grateful.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:12 PM CDT


Far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (Galatians 6:14)

"When you put your trust in Christ, the overpowering attraction of the world is broken." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ


There are some changes coming down the road. I have really enjoyed attending Wooddale Church and have learned much from Pastor Leith's good sermons. But I'm not sure I belong in a mega-church and a church that is not close to our home. Wooddale does an excellent job of encouraging its members to join small groups, so that one does not feel lost in the vast numbers of those who attend. But because of the geographical distance, which is even worse on the weekdays as West is twice as far to Wooddale, it's unlikely I would ever get involved in a small group.

I certainly do not believe in church-hopping, but sense a need to find a church closer to home. Some Christian neighbors across the street invited me several times to visit their church and I did so this past Sunday. It is much, much smaller than Wooddale.

It is an Evangelical Free church and their Statement of Faith is very similar to Wooddale's. I had actually e-mailed the Pastor the week before and asked him if someone with Reformed beliefs would fit in at First Free Evangelical and he confirmed that many of their members hold such beliefs.

I of course need to pray about this church and attend several more services but am really leaning towards making the change. For me it's not so much about moving on but about getting serious and settling down.


The family of little Benjamin Frank Reed. Ben was only eight months old and he died from a brain tumor on Monday.

~*~ Benjamin's Site ~*~

Baby Jack Corbo, who is recovering from a heart transplant.

~*~ Jack's Site ~*~


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

I know that some of you are seeking. Thank you for doing so.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:04 PM CDT


Miss Aubrey had a very busy day on Saturday with her Auntie Sarah. We really appreciate all the time Sarah spends with her. On Sunday Aubrey got to pick out a bike of her choice but she will not be able to ride it until Sunday—riding privileges were taken away during some acting out that happened later on Sunday evening.

On Saturday morning, I ran into Steve Nielsen's mother, Janine, the second I walked into the stamp convention. It was nice to catch up with her and I know she deeply misses Steve. We both agreed that some stamps actually trigger tears because the image on the stamp is closely aligned with memories of our children. Later on I ran into a co-worker and friend from work and was able to witness someone else fall into the addiction of stamping!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


I certainly understand that no one means any harm…but our death-defying culture makes jokes about death that simply are not funny.

I was taking Noah for a jogger-ride on Saturday and ran by a yard that was already decorated for Halloween. They had several fake headstones, one of which was in front of a skeleton partially coming out of the ground. The name on the headstone was NOAH MOORE. (No more.)

No doubt there really are some named Noah Moore. But even to just see "Noah" was startling to me.


Thank you for all the birthday greetings for Aubrey. Thank you, Chemo Angel Sheryl, for the wonderful gift for Aubrey—that was so thoughtful of you!!

Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 15, 2004 5:42 PM CDT


Yes, God does tell us how we should view the lives of the unborn. It's right there for all to see.

Before I formed thee in embryo
I knew thee;
and before thou wast born
I sanctified thee,
and I ordained thee a prophet
to the nations.

(Jeremiah 1:5)


Aubrey will turn six on Sunday!! We love you so very much, Aubrey!!!!


I think Auntie Sarah plans on doing something special with Aubrey on Saturday. John and I plan to take her and Noah out to dinner on Sunday night to celebrate. While John and I are not big on lavish toys, she does need a new bike and we are going to let her pick one out.

On Saturday morning I get to go to a stamp convention being held in Saint Paul. Never, ever did I dream I would some day have anything to do with arts & crafts, but rubber-stamping sure has been addicting.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Wish you could be with us, Gabbie, to celebrate Aubrey's birthday. You are still deeply, deeply missed.


Thanks to a special friend from Wisconsin who sent us a card this week. These special messages always mean so very much to us.

Hope everyone has/had a good weekend.

Please know that the call from God is there for everyone.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:52 PM CDT


It doesn't happen that often in America…yet. But I do believe that the day is coming.

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:
and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12

Lastly, the Lord Jesus calls those "blessed" who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. He means those who are laughed at, mocked, despised, and ill used, because they endeavour to live as true Christians. Blessed are all such! They drink of the same cup which their Master drank. They are now confessing Him before men, and He will confess them before His Father and the angels at the last day. "Great is their reward." ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts

Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Thank you for praying for the Backstrom family. And, my friend Susan is right: the other driver was talking on his cell phone and legally drunk.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:23 PM CDT


About ten months ago I shared the local story of three sisters killed in a car crash. Sadly, three brothers were killed here in Minnesota in a car crash on Sunday night. The three sisters came from a believing family and all three girls had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And so it is with this family, too.

Today I want to share the grieving father's words here because one could never express such sentiment after losing three sons if it were not for a true relationship with Jesus Christ. Please, please think about this wisdom from a grieving father that came forth less than 24 hours after he learned three of his five sons are now gone from this life.

There is nothing more important in life than first, acknowledging the need for a Savior, and secondly, accepting Jesus Christ as the Savior. He is indeed our ONLY hope.

Many have asked how we are doing…My answer is God is faithful. Justin, Jacob and Matthew each had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and they are now in the presence of their Lord and Savior. Our prayer is that because of this lives will be changed and God will be glorified." ~ Nathan Backstom, quoted in the Star Tribune, October 12, 2004 (emphasis mine)

The faithful Backstrom family as they face life without their precious boys.


While I am pained to think about what this family must face, I was grateful to hear such faithful and hopeful words shared by a grieving father on T.V. for our metro area to see. The Backstom family's faith will impact many, many lives.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, October 11, 2004 6:03 PM CDT


These departed little children truly are pure in heart. Is that why they were snatched away from us?

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:
and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12

The Lord Jesus calls those "blessed" who are pure in heart. He means those who do not aim merely at outward correctness, but at inward holiness. They are not satisfied with a mere external show of religion: they strive to have always a conscience void of offense, and to serve God with the spirit and the inner man. Blessed are all such! The heart is the man. "Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." ( 1 Samuel 16:7.) He that is most spiritually-minded will have most communion with God. ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts

It's almost over…but we had another weekend of unbelievably beautiful weather. I was able to meet my friend, Shelly, for a walk around Lake Harriet on Saturday afternoon. We brought Noah and I think we barely heard one peep out of him.

On Saturday morning, Noah and Aubrey did get their flu shots (whew!). And Miss Aubrey did go on her bike trip with my family and I was wrong about the burley. Aubrey actually pedaled on a tag-along (not sure what they are called) bike and I guess she worked very hard as I believe they covered 18 miles.

On Sunday, my sister Nancy came over and we also walked around Lake Harriet with Noah. My Californian sister even remarked, "It's hot!"

Rumor has it that Minnesotans will no longer be spoiled beginning Wednesday.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Thank you for including us in your thoughts and your lives! We are ETERNALLY grateful.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, October 7, 2004 5:51 PM CDT


I am so grateful for all the compassionate people in my life! You inspire me so very much.

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:
and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12

The Lord Jesus calls those "blessed" who are merciful. He means those who are full of compassion towards others. They pity all who are suffering either from sin or sorrow, and are tenderly desirous to make their sufferings less; they are "full of good works," and endeavors to do good. ( Acts 9:36.) Blessed are all such! Both in this life and in that which is to come they shall reap a rich reward. ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts

My sister, Nancy, who lives in sunny California, should be in town this weekend for a family visit. Sarah is taking Aubrey with her and Nancy to go biking on Saturday, I think on the trails at Cannon Falls. Aubrey won't actually be biking—just sitting in the burley and taking it easy!

And if all goes well, Aubrey and Noah are getting flu shots on Saturday morning. Noah is in the age they are recommending to get the shot, even in spite of the shortage. Aubrey is not in the recommended age so if they ask us to defer her shot, we will. I'm just hoping, however, that Aubrey does get her shot as it would be one less worry for John.

On Saturday afternoon, I hope to meet up with one of my high school friends for a walk around Lake Harriet. I'll bring Noah and that means John will have some peace and quiet!


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Thank you to my husband for ten wonderful years of marriage! We have been through so very much but I am so blessed to have gone through these horrible trials with such a nice guy!

We hope all of you have a great weekend.

The Savior never stops calling out to His children. Please take some quiet time this weekend to listen for His voice.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, October 6, 2004 5:27 PM CDT


I still have many verses from the Beatitudes to share, but wanted today's journal entry to thank the Clyde's, and many others, for a beautiful service last night.

Last night after work I attended a special Archdiocesan Mass of Remembrance for all families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. With help from others, Cathy and Nate arranged for this very special mass. It was the culmination of many months of work and I believe it was the kick-off to the newly formed Catholic grief group, God's Children.

It was a very solemn but hopeful service. As we arrived, we wrote the name of our child(ren) on a little tag and attached it to a candle. A wonderful sermon was given and it was a gentle yet powerful message that we have a great and sure hope our children are living eternal life with Jesus Christ. After the sermon, we brought up our candles one by one, lit them, called out our child's name, and placed the candles in front of the altar.

I watched all the other grieving parents come up one by one. One woman lost six babies, I assume to miscarriage. An elderly couple that miscarried 35 years ago came to honor that soul they lost so long ago. It is so touching, especially in our abortive society, to see that people never, ever forget their lost babies. Many, many tears freely flowed as the number of candles placed on the altar grew and grew while the lights of the church were dimmed.

There was a reception and gathering after the mass but it was late and I didn't stay long. I also had a brief introduction to baby Mary Angelina, hopefully to be legally and officially adopted by Cathy and Nate by November.

I have come to really appreciate the tradition of my Catholic friends.


Thank you, Cathy and Nate, for your friendship. Thank you for a wonderful service in memory of the children who have gone before us.

Theresa Rose's Site

We will always grieve for our babies and children but we grieve with hope.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, October 5, 2004 5:49 PM CDT


And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:
and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12
The Lord Jesus calls those "blessed" who hunger and thirst after righteousness. He means those who desire above all things to be entirely conformed to the mind of God. They long not so much to be rich, or wealthy, or learned, as to be holy. Blessed are all such! They shall have enough one day. They shall "awake up after God's likeness and be satisfied." ( Psalm 17:15.) ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts

Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, October 4, 2004 6:06 PM CDT


I am so glad that Aubrey and Noah seem confident and happy...but I will always remember that Gabbie was meek and so very soft.

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:
and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12

The Lord Jesus calls those "blessed" who are meek. He means those who are of a patient and contented spirit. They are willing to put up with little honour here below; they can bear injuries whithout resentment: they are not ready to take offence. Like Lazarus in the parable, they are content to wait for their good things. Blessed are all such! They are never losers in the long run. One day they shall "reign on the earth." ( Revelation 5:10.) ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts

Saturday morning Noah was still a little sick and lethargic. He cried and whined most of the day but we all made it through. On Sunday morning I sent John and Aubrey off to watch the marathon. But Noah seemed to be fine and it was a very nice day so he and I eventually joined John and Aubrey and we all enjoyed watching the runners. The runners could not possibly have had a better day to run 26.2 miles.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


When we get ready to do our family Bible reading and prayers, Aubrey marches out of her bedroom with the Bible on her head and makes a parade out of it. Sometimes Noah will pick up a little book and mimic her and it is quite a production. And while she means well, we do sometimes have to chastise Aubrey during prayers because of giggling.

But I remember when we would say the Lord's Prayer at the end of the day with Gabbie in the hospital, she would meekly hang her head and quietly whisper. With silent tears running down her cheeks because prayer time also signaled that we were going home…without her. (It was mostly John, my dad, and I who took turns spending the night.)

I miss my baby more than anyone could imagine. I don't think God expects me to forget all those silent tears and memories of those tears are as painful as ever.


Thank you, everyone. Thanks especially for the prayers for Noah and John's peace of mind. They are both much better!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, October 1, 2004 4:10 PM CDT


While I certainly believe that those of us who mourn for departed children will be greatly blessed with a future reunion, the mourning spoken of in the Beatitudes has a different meaning, as explained by J.C. Ryle, below.

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:
and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12

The Lord Jesus calls these "blessed" who mourn. He means those who sorrow for sin, and grieve daily over their own short-comings. These are they who trouble themselves most about sin then about anything on earth; the remembrance of it is grievous to them; the burden of it is intolerable. Blessed are all such! "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit" and a contrite heart. ( Psalm 51:17.) One day they shall weep no more: "they shall be comforted". ~ J.C. Ryle: Expository Thoughts

September is over and so is our beautiful warm weather. Hopefully Sunday won't be that bad because we hope to bring Aubrey and Noah over to Summit Avenue in Saint Paul to watch and cheer the runners as they near the finish line of the Twin Cities Marathon. We actually are walking distance from the 8-mile marker at Lake Harriet but it's much more interesting to get close to the finish line. (No one is tired at the 8 mile mark!!)

And I also hope that Noah feels better. I stayed home with him yesterday because he ran a fever on Wednesday night. He was fine all day but then was running an even higher temp by the end of the day.

John took Noah to the pediatrician today and I think it would have been better if Noah had actually been diagnosed with an ear infection or something. Unfortunately for John, we are where we were at when Gabbie was diagnosed with cancer. While I feel so very confident that Noah is fine, because children do get sick, this is not so for John. If Noah continues to run fevers over the weekend, the doctor wants to run some blood tests. Noah was also sick last weekend and ran fevers.

This is what we went through with Gabbie. Please pray for both Noah's health but mainly peace of mind for John. While I worry about car accidents and the like, John is terrified of another child getting cancer.


All the parents who have lost a child and are now haunted by the fear that they may lose another child.

It does happen.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


We hope you all have a good weekend. Our greatest hope of all is that people continue to look to Jesus as Redeemer & Savior.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, September 29, 2004 6:03 PM CDT


Since my husband has rarely commented on Gabbie's site, I thought I would share the Beatitudes and their meaning because they are some of John's favorite sayings from the Bible. Each saying has special meaning and I will try to work my way down from beginning to end, not all in one journal entry.

And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain:
and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12

The Lord Jesus calls those "blessed" who are poor in spirit. He means the humble, and lowly-minded, and self-abased; He means those who are deeply convinced of their own sinfulness in God's sight: these are they who are not "wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight." They are not "rich and increased with goods;" they do not fancy they "need nothing;" they regard themselves as "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked". Blessed are all such! Humility is the very first letter in the alphabet of Christianity. We must begin low, if we would build high. ( Isaiah 5:21; Revelation 3:17) ~ J.C. Ryle: Expository Thoughts

Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne


Gabbie was humble and poor in spirit. Blessed is she!


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 6:12 PM CDT


Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! ~ Philippians 4:4

I see more and more children die and I grieve for parents I may never meet in this life; yet I know that we must continue to look to the LORD and rejoice in all that He has done for us.


I'm sorry to say that Baby Jordan, whose link was previously noted below, has passed away.

Jordan's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne *~*


So many little babies. I never, ever knew that this many little ones died (in America).


We thank the good LORD for his faithfulness during such hard times.

We thank the good LORD for friends like you!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, September 27, 2004 6:16 PM CDT


It was another sunny and warm weekend for Minnesotans. On Friday night I took Aubrey to the Fall carnival at Our Lady of Peace. The family of one of Aubrey's daycare classmates called us up because their daughter missed Aubrey (Aubrey's friend Josie goes to a different school now). The girls were so very excited to see each other and I enjoyed getting to know Josie's family.

On Saturday, John, Aubrey, Noah, and I all headed back to the carnival. The tickets were cheap and even though the weather was perfect, it was never crowded. I took Noah on the Ferris Wheel and he was not too happy. We even went back on Sunday for the pancake breakfast and more carnival and this time Noah was ready to go on the Ferris Wheel!

Noah and I went on a long stroller-ride on Sunday afternoon and then we spent hours in our front yard hanging out with neighbors…all of us reluctant to go inside since it was so nice outside.


The Clyde family and their new baby, Mary Agelina. Cathy and Nate are hoping to adopt Mary Agelina so pray that the legal process goes smoothly. As most people know, there is a waiting period, 90 days, before all is final. While I am so very excited for them I know they continue to miss Theresa Rose deeply.

Theresa Rose's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


And with permission, here is a story from Theresa Rose's Web site.

A little girl was sent to the store with specific instructions to come right home after her purchase. But it was more than two hours before she returned, much to the distress of her anxious mother. “Where have you been?”, she scolded. “I’m sorry, Mommy. I know I’m late, but Ann broke her doll and I had to help her fix it.” “And just how were you able to help her fix that broken doll?”, her mother asked. In her precious childlike voice, the girl responded, “I really couldn’t, but I sat down with her and helped her cry.

Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie's site today. Thank you to all those who shared sadness for a little girl you never even knew.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 23, 2004 6:05 PM CDT


It has been almost two and one-half years since my innocent baby was lowered deep into the cold and cruel earth. Her body remains in that deep cold ground…all alone.

With some exceptions, I continue to update Gabbie's site about four times a week. Journaling on this site, while not taking my pain away, has been very helpful and mostly positive. The thousands of guest book entries are always uplifting and the outpouring of support to this day touches both John and me deeply.

I have only deleted two guest book entries this entire time, the second of which was deleted today. I was going to write a long journal entry and try to explain away the misunderstanding to "always unworthy in your eyes". However, I decided to take some advice that a pastor at Wooddale once offered: if you receive an anonymous e-mail, message, letter, etc., ignore it!

Gabbie's site is, of course, imperfect and full of mistakes as this is a real-time journey and not a book that has been edited over and over and over—with mistakes all carefully removed.

I share God and His word, not because I am perfect, but because I am painfully aware of just how imperfect I am and that makes me all the more inclined to share the joy of having a PERFECT Savior!!


Missing you so very much, Gabbie. I cried on way to work today as I simply ache to hold you again.


Thank you for all the kindness you have shown us over this long, long journey. We hope you all have a perfect weekend. I will close this week with some words on the PERFECT Savior! It was noted as "author unknown."

The Perfect Savior of Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd
Perfect Salvation

I shall not want
Perfect Satisfaction

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
Perfect Rest

He leadeth me beside the still waters
Perfect Peace

He restoreth my soul
Perfect Restoration

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake
Perfect Guidance

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil
Perfect Protection

For thou art with me
Perfect Companionship

Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
Perfect Comfort

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
Perfect Provision

Thou anointest my head with oil
Perfect Consecration

My cup runneth over
Perfect Joy

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
Perfect Care

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
Perfect Destiny

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:18 PM CDT


For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1:18-20)


The families of the innocent victims cruelly murdered by Iraqi militants. I realize we should also pray for the souls who are committing such evil atrocities but my mind always thinks of praying for the survivors first.

But there will come a day…


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Trey *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


This morning while I was feeding Noah his breakfast I happened to turn on Fox News and saw the brother of Jack Hensley (one of the hostages in Iraq who was beheaded) being interviewed. It's really hard for me to see grown men cry.

I know I am to be restrained as a Christian. But I will confess that as I was watching this poor man cry I felt a lot of anger course through me. Anger because too many sheltered Americans are so dismissive of the deep tragedies all over the world.


Thank you understanding that Gabbie's death has forever changed me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:16 PM CDT


"Prayer is the shield to the soul, a delight to God, and a scourge to Satan." ~ John Bunyan, quoted in The Evidence Bible


For Niki Camerena's family. Sally Torres has signed Gabbie's guest book many, many times and Niki Camerena is her mother.

Niki's Site


We can at times be so touched by others who are also on our journey. A while back, Steven Nielsen's mother, Janine, shared something with me about her own mother, Doris. Some of you know that Doris also passed away from AML, the same leukemia Steven had. Janine told me that one time she was going through a scrapbook of Doris' and there included was a page for Gabbie. I do not believe that Doris even personally met Gabbie, although she may have seen her in the hallways, yet there was Gabbie on one of her scrapbook pages.

Steven's sister, Laura, has recently journaled on Steven's site about how she misses him so much. She even had a dream about Steven in heaven…and she also saw a happy Gabbie eating a cookie.

Our family has such great respect for the Nielsen's as they have experienced so much tremendous grief and yet are so very gracious. Please visit their site for Steven.

Steven's Site


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, September 20, 2004 6:05 PM CDT


We were treated to another weekend of summer weather, although it still does not make up for the absence of summer from June through August. On Saturday afternoon we went to a wedding and as I mentioned before, I was able to meet a friend previously known only by guest book entries and some exchanged e-mails. It was really nice to meet, you, Susan.

The reception was in a decorated pole barn—which was pretty impressive! Aubrey and Noah had a great time and we were able to catch up with some friends that we have not seen for quite a while.

Yesterday I took Noah around Lake Harriet and it was actually even hot. Noah refused to nap and fought me every time I lowered the seat to reclining position. But he was tired and from behind I would watch his head nod and then hit the rollbar. What a stubborn little guy. We went for another walk after dinner to the fountains and Rose Gardens. By the time we left, it was pitch dark but a very beautiful night. I dragged my feet every inch of the way home…knowing this truly might be the last summery night for this year.


Please pray for Katja Sufka's family. Katja died this weekend from AML.

Katja's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


One would think weddings have nothing to do with our departed little ones. But, oh boy, they do and her absence was greatly noticed.


I am so grateful for all of you!!

Thank you, Jesus, for there is none like you. Life has been very hard without Gabbie, but we are so blessed to have you guide us on this journey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 16, 2004 6:24 PM CDT


No one is born either naturally or supernaturally with character; it must be developed. Nor are we born with habits—we have to form godly habits on the basis of the new life God has placed within us. We are not meant to be seen as God’s perfect, bright-shining examples, but to be seen as the everyday essence of ordinary life exhibiting the miracle of His grace. Drudgery is the test of genuine character. The greatest hindrance in our spiritual life is that we will only look for big things to do. Yet, "Jesus . . . took a towel and . . . began to wash the disciples’ feet . . ." ( John 13:3-5 ). ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
Gabbie, and so many of these dear departed children, faced sheer drudgery day after day after day. I mentioned once before that sometimes I would look out the hospital window and restrain myself from pounding on the windows. Not for me, as I got outside almost daily, but for Gabbie.

She will never be runner or a doctor or a preacher or a writer. She is forever in my memory the child who lived one hospital day after another without complaint. Languishing before my very eyes on a standard hospital bed with metal rails and IV poles never out of sight. And so she is my shining example of following Jesus.

Besides all this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. (2 Peter 1:5-7)


I had trouble with our computer this morning…so here we go again.

We have a wedding to attend this weekend and I will actually get to meet one of the guest book signers, Susan Bernhardt. Susan happens to be a neighbor to the couple getting married and John was once a roommate with the groom.

Otherwise, I'm just hoping for some nice fall weather and long stroller-rides.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


They think I have not moved on.

Perhaps if they looked ahead, rather than to past and to the person who died when Gabbie died, they would see I have moved on.


Thank you, so much, for visiting Gabbie's site this week. We appreciate all of you so very much.

Have a wonderful weekend. And remember, we all need a Savior and Jesus is the one and only TRUE Savior.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 5:57 PM CDT


Regarding comments on heavenly reunions:

We will dance with those within the kingdom with whom we now feud, because our sins will have been washed away….No reunion, however, will be sweeter than with those children of ours who have gone before us….I have long held, however, that the greatest joy of heaven is this: We will sin no more. The rest into which we enter is the end of warfare, the battle between the old and new man. No more shame. ~ Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr., printed in Tabletalk, September 2004
I believe that may be why our souls long so much for heaven.


Aubrey is still very excited about kindergarten. Even though she is getting up so much earlier in the morning the chatter is non-stop until she is out the door with John. Noah has been sleeping in so I am even getting a few things done in the morning other than just getting dressed for work.

I've been feeling guilty lately that both John and I work full-time outside the home. But at least when I drop Noah off at daycare…he literally skips his way in with his arms up in the air and a smile on his face.

Noah and Aubrey are two very happy children. If I truly hadn't moved on, that would not be so.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


I want to thank ALL guest book signers. But I also want to thank Colette for sharing the wonderful quote from Diedrich Bonhoeffer. What a wonderful description of the reality of our grief!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:44 PM CDT


Once again, I am so grateful for all the parents who work tirelessly to promote awareness of children's cancer and to raise funding for cancer research.

I must confess I seem to have little part in this even though my own precious daughter died from cancer. I think it is simply because Gabbie's death, for me, is so intertwined with God that cancer has been pushed from my mind. I think far more of the mysterious balance between God's sovereignty and the fact that while God did not give Gabbie cancer, she certainly was ordained by Him to suffer and die from cancer.

Gabbie was considered worthy enough by God to complete and finish her earthly role much faster than anyone in either of our families. While I ache so much when thinking of Gabbie's grave suffering, emotionally and physically, I know that God chooses only the most pure to finish a job so quickly and with such grace.


Allie Scott's family. Little Allie died yesterday from AML. She was only about nine months old.

Allie's Site

Thank you, Susan. I had never been to Allie's site before today.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


I have moved on. Why can't they see that?


I really do want to thank all of those who have thrown their hearts into Children's Cancer Awareness. Thank you for picking up my own slack.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, September 13, 2004 4:17 PM CDT


We were outside as much as possible this weekend because it was so warm and beautiful. John took Aubrey to the Children's Museum on Sunday and when he asked if I wanted to go I respectfully said, "No." (I couldn't be inside a museum!) So Noah and I went around Lake Harriet even stopping to just soak up the summer sun for about 45 minutes. Later in the evening I took both Aubrey and Noah to the Rose Garden and fountains (also at Lake Harriet) and didn't even scold Aubrey for soaking Noah with fountain water because it was still so warm.

I will also share that John and I both watched the 9/11 footage on Saturday even though we have seen it so many times before. John made a comment that resonates with Debbie Nagy's guest book entry. John said the problem with America is that too many people do NOT remember.

9/11 was sheer and pure evil and cost many innocent lives. It is folly for us as a nation to believe that we should stop thinking about 9/11.

The Bible itself is a book about remembering. We are to remember the good and the bad for our own good!


I had mentioned Carter Martin several days ago. Please pray for his family as Carter is now with Jesus.

Carter's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~* Jordan *~*


The same dismissal I have experienced in Gabbie's death I have also seen with regard to 9/11, the lives of the unborn, persecuted Christians, and on and on.


Yes, I have been a bit edgy these past few weeks. Thank you for understanding.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Saturday, September 11, 2004 8:14 AM CDT



Our family remembers.

We know that America is forever changed and that those who lost loved ones still carry tremendous pain.

So we solemnly remember. We will never forget.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:13 PM CDT


For in giving his Son [the crucifiction] he was giving himself. This being so, it is the Judge himself who in holy love assumed the role of the innocent victim, for in and through the person of his Son he himself bore the penalty which he himself inflicted….there is only unfathomable mercy. For in order to save us in such a way as to satisfy himself, God through Christ substituted himself for us. ~ John R. Stott, quoted in His Passion, Christ's Journey to the Resurrection
Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His [the Father's] presence. (Colossians 1:22)


I've heard it might be nice this weekend so we will definitely try to take advantage of that. We are hoping that Floridians get a break and are not hit by Ivan this weekend.

So far, Aubrey is really enjoying school. Even though she is getting up an hour earlier, we don't even have to rouse her as she wakes up on her own and immediately starts chattering away. Which means I'm constantly shushing her because we don't want Noah up that early.

The only strange incident so far is that apparently Aubrey will not play with the other children during the after-care time. She watches the other children patiently but will not join them. This is rather odd for Aubrey because she is quite social.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


Hoping you all have a great "fall" weekend! Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site this week.

There is nothing so precious as the gift of love from Jesus.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:39 PM CDT


I know so many who are busy reading fiction, work materials, school materials, etc. Please take time to read the Bible.

"The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world." ~ Charles Dickens

"We account the Scriptures of God to be the most sublime philosophy. I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history whatsoever." ~ Sir Isaac Newton

"The Bible is endorsed by the ages. Our civilization is built upon its words. In no other Book is there such a collection of inspired wisdom, reality, and hope." ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Now here's the picture: 1,600 years, 60 generations, 40-plus authors, different walks of life, different places, different times, different moods, different continents, three languages, writing on hundreds of controversial subjects and yet when they are brought together, there is absolute harmony from beginning to end….There is no other book in history to even compare to the uniqueness of this continuity." ~ Josh McDowell

All the above were quoted in The Evidence Bible


For the family of Carter Martin as he battles the very end stages of Ewings Sarcoma.

Carter's Site


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie's site today!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 7:15 PM CDT


John and Aubrey had a good time with some of the Paquette's up at the north shore and I believe the weather was good. I enjoyed my one-on-one time with Noah and since he doesn't really nap we certainly had a lot of time! I took him on errands and for quite a few stroller-rides. Noah was called a "she" twice this weekend so I'm sure we will soon have to cut those golden locks!


For Haley Rose's family. Haley battled neuroblastoma and her journey was eerily similar to Gabbie's.

* ~ * Haley's Site * ~ *

The families of victims in the Russian school siege. I completely agree with my friend's, Debbie Nagy, guest book entry that our children will some day be targeted. Whether it be in our schools, pediatric hospitals, daycare centers, etc., the children will be victims. We are far too complacent.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~* Cheyenne *~* Baby Jordan


We are ever so grateful for your support!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, September 2, 2004 7:55 AM CDT


You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the LORD. ~ Jeremiah 29:13-14

We need to offer and render our hearts to the LORD. On the one hand, He asks everything of us (to love him with all heart, mind, and soul), yet on the other, He asks so little of us as He has died for us and the free gift of eternal life is ours.


I'm home today as I decided to take a vacation day for Aubrey's first day of school so that I wouldn't have to see her off in a huge rush. People from Minnesota also know that we never had summer and it is going to be hot and sunny today and that is another reason I was tempted to take a vacation day!

I know some people frown on this, but I will probably bring Noah to daycare. I hope to get a few house things accomplished and go for a fast walk around Lake Harriet and enjoy one of the few summer days we have had.

John and Aubrey are going up to Blue Fin Bay (northern Minnesota off of Lake Superior) with some of the Paquette's for this holiday week-end and we decided it was best if I stayed home with Noah. So I will be spending three-days in a row with just my little Noah guy!

I know some would feel sorry for me and think it lonely, but I tend to need quiet time and am actually looking forward to three days with just Noah.


The hostages held by Chechen rebels. Can you imagine finding out that your child's school is under siege? I do not know the future but I sometimes think we in America are also headed for much rougher times as those who hate us become more desperate in their hate.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~*


We are not overly-sensitive. But we are in a very, very sensitive situation.


Thank you, so very much for friendship and kindness.

I know some of you have already found the LORD and that some of you are seeking. PLEASE keep seeking! The safest keeping for your heart and soul is in the arms of the LORD. In our confusing times please know that there is indeed an absolute truth—which is so comforting.

Have a safe holiday weekend!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:44 PM CDT


We are getting ready for Aubrey's first day of school this Thursday! Aubrey had her 6-year well-check today at the pediatrician and she is doing well. She is in the 25 percentile for height so I continue to assume she will be short like me. We have been buying uniforms and all kinds of stuff that is required for school these days.

We will also be disrupting our normal morning routine as Aubrey will need to be at school at the time she is normally just rising from her slumber. I will also lose the unhurried breakfast time that I spend with Aubrey and Noah. It's really disappointing that the school systems insist on starting so early in the morning.

Now it will just be me, Noah, and my coffee in the mornings.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby *~* Katja *~*


Sometimes it can be so frustrating when others judge our grief process. I am surviving this the only way I know how and that is to treat Gabbie's death as it is and do not live in denial. I bear this cross because this is what God gave me. My eternal hope is overflowing but the present pain cannot be dulled by anything in this temporal world.

But I accept that those of us who grieve the absence of our child the most will always be, in turn, the most harshly judged.


Thank you, as always, for understanding so much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 30, 2004 6:20 PM CDT


"Ah! What a mercy it is that it is not your hold of Christ that saves you but His hold of you! What a sweet fact that it is not how you grasp His hand, but His grasp of yours that saves you! Jesus Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon

Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. ~ 1 Corinthians 1:22-24


Poor Noah must have a Paquette stomach. We had a barbeque to attend on Saturday and Noah was cranky all morning and had several messy diapers. By the time we headed out to the barbeque, Noah's bottom was starting to turn red. By the time we left the barbeque, Noah had thrown-up and his bottom was broken down and even bleeding a bit. Although he smiled as he threw-up, he was all tears and yelling during diaper changes as I'm sure it hurt to even be touched.

But he was better the next day and is now his normal half cheerful, half cranky self.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers. I have added a link for the Pohl family as they are battling a rare genetic disease that has already taken the life of one child and is now impacting other family members.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie *~* Pohl Family *~* Shelby


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie's site today.

Please think about the cross and all that Jesus has done for you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, August 27, 2004 10:21 AM CDT


In some countries, children and adults die for lack of clean drinking water and here in America water is so bountiful that we have water-parks (part of our vacation) overflowing with water and give not a thought to how much is wasted on sheer entertainment. This is why I don't want my children to grow up thinking that life is all about having fun.

But even so, there is a life-saving water far more important:

Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." ~ John 4:10


We survived our trip and we are glad that Aubrey and Noah had a great time. The weather was cool most days so we were grateful for the indoor water-park, which was the highlight of the trip for Aubrey. She barely made the height requirement for the advanced waterslides, which would have been disappointing because those were the ones that entertained her the most. We took Noah down some of the more tame waterslides and he was very happy too.

We went for walks at dusk every night and were spectators to some gorgeous sunsets and more "clouds of glory."

Our accommodations were very nice and John is already talking about a return sometime this winter. Both John and I grew up with very practical family vacations, such as camping, but I no longer have any interest in roughing it and did not mind spending a bit more money. We tend to be practical in other ways so I didn't feel too guilty.


Kirk and Natalie, the parents of Madeline Grace. Baby Madeline died from undifferentiated sarcoma on August 21st.

* * * Madeline's Site * * *


My heart ached every time I saw a little girl around Gabbie's age.


Thank you, so much for your support. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, August 20, 2004 6:31 PM CDT



A political poll-taker came to our house two nights ago. She listed six issues facing us today and asked which was most important to me. It was hard to decide since the issue most near to my heart was absent from the list.

America's bloody war on the unborn innocent was never mentioned. Those babies belong to God and I simply cannot think of a more unjust war.

I will praise you: for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well. ~ Psalm 139:14


We are not packed or even remotely ready but we are leaving for our trip tomorrow morning. We will be offline for about one week!


The Grosclaude family as they now face life without their beautiful little boy, Jordan.

* * * Jordan's Site * * *

The Weil family, as they live through the first birthday anniversary without precious Josh.

* * * Josh's Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie


Thank you, so much for following our journey for so long. We hope you all have a safe weekend and I will look forward to being online again.

Always remember, we all need a Savior and Jesus is waiting for all who will admit they need a Savior!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:04 PM CDT


"And thus is the Scripture fulfilled, 'Blessed are they that mourn [over sin], for they shall be comforted.' Their fear and sorrow at being under the wrath of God is changed into joy when the Comforter Himself comes with witness that they are now His children." ~ John Wesley, quoted in Renew My Heart, Daily Devotionals, The Privilege of Assurance, June 18

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. ~ Romans 8:16


The Rhines family who recently lost their daughter, Kailie, on August 15th. Kailie was only 12 and already knew Jesus as her LORD and Savior.

* * * Kailie's Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie


Her death is not a temporary bump in the road where all I need is some time to correct my course and be back in the same place. Her death was, and is, a catastrophic tragedy that has forever changed the course of my life.

There is only one greater fork in the road than a child's death…and that is the fork in the road that appears when God's call is offered. There will be no greater impact, tragically, if the road chosen is the one refusing to heed God's call.


Thank you, so much for all you have done for us. I cannot wait to see Gabbie thank you when you join her in heaven…some day. Jesus loves you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:03 PM CDT


"Christ is not valued at all unless He is valued above all." ~ St. Augustine, quoted in A Woman's Garden of Faith

Even our own children must come after our love of Jesus and not before Him.


Just a normal week for us! Aubrey is getting excited as we are finally going on our vacation this weekend. We decided to stay close and are going up to a nice resort complex in Alexandria (central Minnesota) MN for four nights.


Beautiful Shelby Prescott as she battles relapsed Stage IV Neuroblastoma.

* * * Shelby' Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers.

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie


Missing you so much, Gabbie. I can still picture you softly swaying from foot to foot as we sang goodnight to the moon at bedtime. We never, ever do that anymore. We never, ever will.


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 16, 2004 6:12 PM CDT


"I do not want merely to possess a faith; I want a faith that possesses me." ~ Charles Kingsley, quoted in A Woman's Garden of Faith

(Robin, thank you for this book if by chance you stop by today!)


We had a busy weekend and while the weather was on the cool side (for me), it was very nice. Saturday night I strollered Aubrey and Noah to what I thought was going to be a jazz festival in south Minneapolis. It turned out to be rock-n-roll from the 70's but that was OK as Noah did a bit of dancing and Aubrey did some people-watching.

On Sunday afternoon we had Cathy and Nate Clyde over for lunch. As always, spending time with them is so humbling and I always learn more about the Christian walk. We are so very grateful for their friendship and my heart longs to see them blessed with a child…or even many children. While I know God always does what is right, or that everything in eternity will be made right, I simply struggle to think that the most undeserving are sometimes blessed with children while the most deserving must suffer without children.

* * * Theresa Rose's Site * * *

After the Clydes left I ran to get a cake for an evening neighborhood going-away party. We have a great neighborhood but sadly Aubrey will be losing two little girlfriends who live just a few houses away from us. We hope our friends have many blessings as they begin a new life in Pennsylvania.


The faithful Bowen family as little Ben fights a very tough Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor.

* * * Ben's Story * * *

Thank you, Susanne, for letting me know.


Thank you for always providing us with inspiration!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:50 PM CDT


You were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. ~ 1 Peter 2:25


The faithful family of little Brianna Mallory, who died from JMML. To the uninitiated in the pediatric cancer world, JMML is Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia.

* * * Brianna's Site * * *

The Grosclaude family. They have been told that their young son, Jordan, will die due to a line-infection that affected his brain. Sadly, Jordan is now at this time leukemia-free but the infection cannot be overcome. But we all know God can still work a miracle so please pray for one!

* * * Jordan's Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie


I imagine we grieving parents all want sympathy when our child dies. But what I have wanted so much in her death, from all those around me, was not temporary sympathy but a life-long commitment to try to * understand * that our trial is life-long.

I also wanted something else from those around me: commitment to seeking God and hopefully finding God. Of course, regardless of what those around me do, God's plans for Gabbie's purpose will not be thwarted.


Thank you, for lifting me up this week! As always, we hope you have a safe weekend and we hope Minnesota warms up a bit!

I will close with Aubrey's rendition of Psalm 23 – it is pretty close!!

The LORD is my Shepherd;
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;
he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul;
He leadeth me in paths of righteousness
For his name's sake.

Yea, that [though] I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death;
I will fear no evil;
For thou art with me;
My [thy] rod and my [thy] staff [they] comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies;
thou annointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life
and I will dwell in the house
of the LORD forever.

Thank you, sweet Aubrey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:37 PM CDT


So if sinful men and women find favor with God, it is grace upon grace! If God grants still to pour fresh blessings upon us, yes, even the greatest of all blessings, salvation, what can we say to these things, but, 'Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift!'

And so it is. 'God commandeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet still sinners, Christ died' to save us. Only by grace, then, are we saved through faith.

Grace is the source, faith the condition, of salvation; and both are gifts of His bountiful love. ~ John Wesley, Renew my Heart, Daily Devotional Insights, January 2, Grace Upon Grace
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. ~ Romans 3:23


I hope to be able to take Noah and Aubrey for a stroller-ride tonight…after I bundle them up in winter clothing. Summer has passed over Minnesota and now signs of fall are everywhere. It's been such a cool summer that on most nights, with rare exception, I have put Noah to bed in winter footsie pajamas.

But weather is weather and I would live in Siberia if it meant we could have Gabbie with us.


The Brady family as they now must journey without their five-year old daughter. Haley battled Rhabdomyosarcoma for almost 16 months and is now with Jesus.

* * * Haley's Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota * ~ * Connor Hunley * ~ * Hayley * ~ * Ethan * ~ * McKenzie


Thank you, always, for such uplifting guest book entries! It comes at the right time as I have been dragging my feet these past few days. So, thank you and thank you some more….

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:17 PM CDT


Remember the two thieves crucified with Jesus? One feared God and one did not. To the one repentant thief, Jesus said, "… Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)

What we think about God really does matter.


The family of little Hanna who died from Anaplastic Astrocytoma.

* * * Hanna's Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota *~* Connor Hunley *~* Hayley *~* Ethan *~* McKenzie


It is hard to have patience with people who say, "There is no death," or, "Death doesn't matter." There is death. And whatever is matters. And whatever happens has consequences, and it and they are irrevocable and irreversible. You might as well say that birth doesn't matter. I look up at the night sky. Is anything more certain that that in all those vast times and spaces, if I were allowed to search them, I should nowhere find her face, her voice, her touch? She died. She is dead. Is the word so difficult to learn?...The rough, sharp, cleansing tang of her otherness is gone...Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything. ~ C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed, reflecting on his wife's death to cancer.
Gabbie's death does matter…yesterday…today….and always.


Thank you so much for your never-ending kindness.

Our computer is fixed but now I just have to find the time to pick it up! I am very behind in e-mails and I do apologize.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 9, 2004 6:57 PM CDT


We had a busy weekend and now John is sick with fever and general malaise.

The wedding on Saturday was a small outdoor setting in the midst of some beautiful, hilly Wisconsin farmland. We spent a lot of time catching up with an old friend of John's and his wife. As beautiful as the surroundings were, however, it was very, very cold and I know that many of the guests left earlier than originally planned.

On Saturday night as we watched the news I thought for sure I would have to tell Aubrey we would not be going to the festival on Sunday as thundershowers were predicted for most of the day. Apparently this worried the festival organizers and they sent out by e-mail a request for prayers for good weather and their prayers were answered! Sunday turned out to be a beautiful sunny day and the festival was a huge success.

As soon as we got home from the festival Aubrey wanted to go swimming so I took both her and Noah to a local swimming pool. Out of sheer grief, I cannot go to the neighborhood pools closer to our home because of memories of Gabbie at those parks. In fact, I will never go to those parks again.


Baby Jack, who needs a heart transplant.

* * * Jack and Cooper's Web Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota *~* Connor Hunley *~* Hayley *~* Ethan *~* McKenzie


No, I really will not go to those parks. Do you know that whenever we make a comment like this someone usually says, "Oh, yes, some day you will go." Why do some doubt our grief so much as to actually deny our boundaries of survival?


Thank you, so much for visiting Gabbie's site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, August 5, 2004 7:02 PM CDT


John and I have a wedding to go to in Wisconsin on Saturday and we still have not decided if Aubrey and Noah will come with us. We are not always very organized.

On Sunday morning, John is going to help my sister, Sarah, by volunteering at her school's fun run for some sort of anniversary celebration. This means I will have both Aubrey and Noah with me at church…which is not something I am used to! John will get his "church" in at a late evening service on Sunday.

On Sunday afternoon, we all hope to head out to the Luis Palau Festival at the Capitol grounds in Saint Paul. I see that the Buckentine's are also going and we hope to meet up with them! Aubrey is so excited for this event that she looks for and always points out the Luis Palau Festival yard signs.

Aubrey has also been working on memorizing Psalm 23 and she is almost there. If she is ready on Sunday, I will find a kindly volunteer at the Festival to listen to Aubrey's recital of Psalm 23. (Just to encourage Aubrey some more.)


The family of Celeste Vida Young. Celeste battled an inoperable brainstem tumor known as diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Celeste and Gabbie share a date: Celeste was born into this life on May 17 (1999) and Gabbie was born into her eternal life May 17.

Please pray for Celeste's family. Celeste is survived by her parents and two younger siblings, a brother and a sister.

* * * Celeste's Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota *~* Connor Hunley *~* Hayley *~* Ethan *~* McKenzie


I should be helping Gabbie memorize Psalm 23. I know she already knows it now that her soul is with Jesus. But I really wanted to be the one to teach her these things.


Have a great summer weekend! Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site this week.

Oh, where oh where will you go when you die? While I believe the elect respond to God's call because He so graciously gives the elect that ability to choose Him…man is still responsible for seeking God!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, August 3, 2004 6:38 PM CDT


Today, I want to thank Yolanda Rogers for all that she has done. Yolanda has one of the most beautiful and faithful Web sites I have ever seen and it is in memory of her only child, Anna.

* * * Anna's Site (Galatians 5) * * *

Last week, Yolanda sent me an e-mail with a "Will You Be Dere" link and I almost broke down when I saw it. Yolanda has graciously added a page about Gabbie on her Galatians Five Web site for Anna. Please check it out below!

* * * Will You Be Dere at Galations 5! * * *

Yolanda and I also seem to share a similar faith and I am very grateful for her friendship. Just as I am grateful for so many other friendships!


Noah did not look too bad when I picked him up from daycare yesterday. I even took him for a long jogger ride that evening and although he was quiet, he seemed fine. Halfway through the jogger ride we passed a bird shop and I stopped to catch my breath and took Noah inside. Many of the birds are loose and will even step up onto your hands so it was an eye-opening experience for Noah. (My hands, not Noah's!)

But, he was running a fever again last night so John is home with him today. Not sure what he has because it's not a cold.


The Espeseth family has their first grandchild! The Espeseth family lost Jackson Ben to cancer and I have actually met with Jackson's mother, Michelle, a couple of times. Their granddaughter, Krysten Rose, was in NICU but I am hoping she is doing fine.

* * * Jackson Ben's Site * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota ** Connor Hunley ** Hayley ** Ethan ** McKenzie


I still cannot thank you all enough. Please know that I thank God for all of you very often!!

Our computer is STILL in the shop! I try to call them during the day but have been very busy at work and hang up when I realize I could be on hold for awhile.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, August 2, 2004 3:04 PM CDT


I have to leave work early to go pick up a sick little Noah guy. His temp is over 102.

So just a quick update on some other families....


The Scott family and the Yeatman family.

The Scott's daughter, Alex, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at the age of one in 1997 and she battled the disease for seven years—with much grace! Alex died on Sunday. Alex made national news with her "lemonade stand" to raise money for cancer research.

* * * Alex' Site * * *

And, beautiful four-year old Delaney Yeatman went home to the LORD last week. Delaney has one sister and one brother.

* * * Delaney's Site * * *


Noelle and Nicholas' baby sister Gabrielle is here! Please offer your congratulations to the Baber family and remember that they will always miss Noelle and Nicholas.

* * * Site for Noelle and Nicholas * * *


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota *~* Connor Hunley *~* Hayley *~* Ethan *~* McKenzie


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, July 29, 2004 6:36 PM CDT


Today my parents, my aunt from California, and a visiting friend of my mother's came to West for lunch. I've been here for 11 years and have yet to have anyone out here for lunch so it was about time! Dad treated.


The Ervin family as they approach Lukie's one-year death anniversary on July 31st. This is a very faithful family but yet the pain is still so hard to endure.

* * * Lukie's Site * * *

Always remembering, you, Lukie. Some day I shall be very pleased to meet you.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

LaKota ** Connor Hunley ** Hayley* ** Ethan ** McKenzie


Thank you…for remembering Gabbie. That fear of people forgetting Gabbie never bothered me but I heard it so often from others that I think it finally shadowed my own grief journey.


Thank you, Auntie Sarah, for yet another sleep-over for Miss Aubrey. Aubrey loves you so very, very much!

Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site this week. Have a great summer weekend!

As always…please remember:

Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.' ~ John 11:25

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:40 PM CDT


"When thou prayest, rather let thy heart be without words than thy words be without heart." ~ John Bunyan, quoted in The Evidence Bible

Don't ever shy away from prayer just because you do not know what to say. God already knows what is in our hearts. Prayer time is for communion with God, not for perfect words.


Strangers…still touching my life….

There was a special guest book entry today—I am so touched that Gabbie's life really has made an impact on others. Thank you, Michelle.

Also, a few months ago John took Noah to Children's to visit some of the nurses. While he was talking to one of the nurses that knew us, a newer nurse who came on after Gabbie died was listening to the conversation. She then told John that she has heard so very much about Gabbie.

Thank you, nurses at Children's for talking about Gabbie.

Thank you, Gabbie, for your never-ending impact on our lives.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

* * * LaKota * * *

* * * Connor Hunley * * *

* * * Hayley * * *

* * * Ethan * * *

* * * McKenzie * * *


Please don't forget Gabbie.

Some of my siblings/spouses have never once mentioned Gabbie since the day she died. Not one word. Not even on her anniversary dates.


Thank you for remembering a child you never knew! It means so much to us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:11 PM CDT


When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them still doubted." ~ Matthew 28:17

Everybody has an opinion. Everyone is choosing a side. You can't be neutral on an issue like this one. Apathy? Not this time. It's one side or the other. All have to choose.

And choose they did.

For every cunning Caiaphas there was a daring Nicodemus. For every cynical Herod there was a questioning Pilate. For every pot-mouthed thief there was a truth-seeking one. For every turncoat Judas there was a faithful John.

There was something about the crucifixion that made every witness either step toward it or away from it. It simultaneously compelled and repelled.

And today, two-thousand years later, the same it true. It's the watershed. It's the Continental Divide. It's Normandy. And you are either on one side or the other. A choice is demanded. We can do what we want with the cross. We can examine its history. We can study its theology. We can reflect upon its prophecies. Yet one thing we can't doe is walk away in neutral. No fence-sitting is permitted. The cross, its absurd splendor, doesn't allow that. That is one luxury that God, in his awful mercy, doesn't permit.

On which side are you?

By Max Lucado, reprinted in His Passion, Christ's Journey to the Resurrection


Aubrey and I have started going on regular nighttime walks after Noah goes to bed. She chatters our entire walk with hardly any time for me to get in one word. On a lark, we did this one night last week and Aubrey picked up on the "mother-daughter" time so much that it almost broke my heart.

She pays so much attention to the details: what we will eat on our walk (popsicles), on which side she will hold my hand, and which direction we should walk. All she has wanted from me during Gabbie's illness and then after Gabbie died was my undivided attention. So many times I simply was not there for her.

So, we will probably do this on most nights for the rest of the summer.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

* * * LaKota * * *

* * * Connor Hunley * * *

* * * Hayley * * *

* * * Ethan * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today and have a blessed day. We hope and pray that your choice has been wisely made as there is nothing more important than where you will spend your eternity.

Our computer is still in the shop so I have had little access to e-mails.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, July 26, 2004 4:41 PM CDT


I have been missing Gabbie so much lately that the temptation to turn around during my morning drives to work, and simply go home, has been overwhelming. But I overcome this by simply repeating over and over that God can be trusted and He has an incredible plan and purpose for Gabbie's short life.

But the grief does not end. Do not gasp, but below is a quote on grief from an atheist. But it is then adopted by a Christian and even compared to the "mind and heart of Christ."

But this is all wrong, on every count. Santayana, my favorite atheist, wrote an extraordinary letter to this effect. He says, in effect, I do not wish to be consoled, but instead want to mourn perpetually the absence of those I have loved. To which I always want to say Amen. Such a view mirrors the mind and heart of Christ better (albeit incompletely), than a reassurance that everything ultimately will be OK, which is of course true, but not the whole truth. ~ quoted in the Mere Comments Archive, Touchstone, A Journal of Mere Christianity Web Site
Gabbie was a child of God and her grace was a beautiful gift from God. We should never have to celebrate losing beautiful gifts that CAME from God and were MADE by God.


Please visit any of the links below and offer encouragement and prayers!!

* * * LaKota * * *

* * * Connor Hunley * * *

* * * Hayley * * *


Thank you for understanding that we simply learn to live with the pain but life is never, ever even remotely the same.

Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:06 PM CDT


Last night as Noah and I approached our block at the end of his stroller-ride, I looked at some beautiful clouds—mainly in their bright twilight color. And I wondered how some cannot see a designer's hand in the creation of our world!

And then later on I was giving Noah and Aubrey a bath and when Noah was done I let him run naked for a while as we always do. I followed Noah and couldn't believe the sight from our living room window—an even more beautiful night as everything was bathed in that yellow color that can happen before storms.

So I took Noah out on our deck and even had John and Aubrey come out. Every direction we looked was a different color of evening glory. And John noticed that some of the clouds were lined in lime-green. We've never seen anything like this before but I guess clouds can turn green before tornadoes. (We did not have a tornado.)

So after Noah went to bed and around 9:30, Aubrey and I walked around the block several times and even though it was dark, the clouds were still showing us the handiwork of our wonderful Father in Heaven.

Some greater clouds of glory shall be seen someday!


And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. ~ Mark 13:26


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Another grieving mother once expressed that while we still see the beauty in nature, that beauty can bring pain after losing a loved one. Maybe it's because no matter how beautiful a sunset or sunrise or clouds…nothing on this earth compares to the beauty of our children.


Thank you so much following our journey. I apologize for not answering many e-mails as our computer is still in the shop.

We hope you all have a safe weekend.

He is coming again some day and I will hope and pray that your eyes are ready to behold Him in all his heavenly glory. The remorse of those who have rejected him will be very, very great…and too late.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:41 PM CDT


"Christ is the life…because he never permits the life which he has once bestowed to be lost, but preserves it to the end. For since flesh is so frail, what would become of men if, after having once obtained life, they were afterwards left to themselves? The perpetuity of the life must, therefore, be founded on the power of Christ himself, that he may complete what he has begun." ~ John Calvin, quoted in His Passion, Christ's Journey to the Resurrection

For you have been born again. Your new life did not come from your earthly parents because the life they gave you will end in death. But this new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God. ~ 1 Peter 1:23 (NLT)

If you accept the gift of Grace from God, you will have life eternal!


I never met this little girl, but I have never forgotten her either.

* * * Princess Madi's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Fast food, fast grief.

It doesn't work that way.


I would like to thank my mom for bringing Aubrey to her dental appointment yesterday. I would also like to thank Sarah, and many other relatives, once again for taking such wonderful care of Aubrey at the lake!!

God bless you all.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 6:07 PM CDT


So many times in the weeks and months and months after Gabbie's death, and still sometimes now, I wondered why God was so silent.

Has God trusted you with His silence—a silence that has great meaning? God’s silences are actually His answers…. God will give you the very blessings you ask if you refuse to go any further without them, but His silence is the sign that He is bringing you into an even more wonderful understanding of Himself. Are you mourning before God because you have not had an audible response? When you cannot hear God, you will find that He has trusted you in the most intimate way possible—with absolute silence, not a silence of despair, but one of pleasure, because He saw that you could withstand an even bigger revelation. If God has given you a silence, then praise Him—He is bringing you into the mainstream of His purposes…. His silence is the very proof that He has....If Jesus Christ is bringing you into the understanding that prayer is for the glorifying of His Father, then He will give you the first sign of His intimacy—silence. ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest,Daily Devotional – October 11
When He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was. ~ John 11:6


Noah is testing us. His temper tantrums are so frequent that we have refused to indulge him anymore and he can be found lying on the floor anywhere in the house. He did switch to the toddler room at daycare last week—which means one less nap. He is so tired, which is probably part of the cause of his temper issues.


July 21st is the second anniversary of Noelle Baber's entrance to eternal life. We are all waiting for the news of baby Gabrielle, Noelle's sister. The Baber family also lost little Nicholas several months before Noelle.

* * * Noelle's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting our Web site today. May you have the peace that can only come from the Father above, whether in silence or not.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, July 19, 2004 6:19 PM CDT


Theresa Rose's one-year anniversary in heaven is July 20. Please pray for this wonderful family.

* * * Theresa Rose's Web Site * * *

I went to a memorial on Saturday out at Resurrection Cemetery, which is where both Theresa and Gabbie are buried. The service was beautiful and I so much appreciated hearing the TRUTH from Father Joseph about Theresa's eternal life. Cathy and Nate planned a very touching service for their beautiful daughter. Aubrey and I then joined the Clydes and some of their friends and family back at their house. We saw some videos of Theresa Rose's short life and I think all of us, even though we knew it was coming, were without words when the video went from a healthy Theresa Rose to a little baby with tubes in PICU.

John could have joined us but Noah is throwing extreme temper tantrums and it would not have been right for us to have him there. Thinking of Theresa Rose…

The Sacrament of the Saint

Let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well-doing. ~ 1 Peter 4:19

…Notice God's unutterable waste of saints, according to the Judgment of the world. God plants his saints in the most useless places. We say—God intends me to be here because I am so useful. Jesus never estimated His life along the line of the greatest use. God puts His saints [including Theresa Rose!!] where they will glorify Him, and we are no judges at all of where that is. ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest

Theresa Rose's short life has indeed glorified God but the fullness of that glory will only be seen in eternity.


I was baptized on Sunday evening in a lake in Carver State Park. I think there were close to 100 people who came out to see about 30 to 40 of us being baptized.

John, Aubrey, and Noah came with me. John had quite a job as Noah's temper tantrums did not subside for this special event. Aubrey behaved most of the time but at one point we were sitting in the sand close to the speakers (everyone shared a short testimony) and I was hoping no one noticed Aubrey's antics. At one point she was digging in the sand and it was flying everywhere and then she kept pestering me to bury her. But at least she stopped whatever she was doing and always clapped whenever someone was done with their testimony!

We also had a few minutes to catch up with John's nephew and his wife. One of the bridesmaids in their wedding attends Wooddale and she wanted to be baptized before going to teach Bible Study in Austria.


Thank you for your kindness! Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Friday, July 16, 2004 11:45 AM CDT


The righteous pass away; the godly often die before their time. And no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. ~ Isaiah 57:1

These two verses give us an important perspective on life and
death. In general the Bible views death as an enemy, and sees long life
as a blessing and gift from God. Yet death holds no terror for the
believer. In fact, there are times when life itself is a greater burden.
Here Isaiah observed that the premature death of a righteous man may well be a loving gift given by the LORD. What a powerful pair of verses to recall or to share when someone we know dies young. What assurance, here in the Old Testament, that upon dying those who walk uprightly "enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death." [The 365-Day Devotional Commentary], quoted at Abundant Bible Study Devotions
Thinking of Theresa Rose, Steven, Zachary, Jackson E., Lukie, Joe, Connor, Josh, Cameron, Princess Maddie, Jillian, Mitchell, Katherine, Mason, Elijah, Tristan, Maggie, Anna, Leilani, Nicholas, Noelle, Gabbie, and so many more dear children.

When I think "Why?" I think of Isaiah 57:1


Aubrey is home! John and Sarah and Aubrey pulled up after 10:00 last night but Miss Aubrey was not one bit tired. Aubrey had a great time and we are very grateful that everyone watched out for her. I wasn’t at all surprised to hear that she talked up a storm with anyone and everyone.

It is good to have my cheerful chatterbox back with us.

This will be an emotional weekend. On Saturday I am going to a memorial service for Theresa Rose, who is buried at the same cemetery as Gabbie. I can easily avoid Gabbie's grave but the emotional part will be thinking about Theresa Rose. To date, Theresa Rose is still the youngest of these departed children I have come to know.



On June 14, Jerica Lynn joined the Warrington-McDermott family. Jerica has an older brother, Tristan, with the LORD.

* * * Tristan's Site * * *

On June 24, Mary Catherine joined the Hammer family. Daniel Hammer battled neuroblastoma and is in remission and doing well.

* * * The Hammer Site * * *

And last, but not least, Eliana joined the Levine family on July 5. Eliana also has a big brother, Elijah, with the LORD.

* * * Elijah's Site * * *


Dear Gabbie: What is it like? You see, I can only imagine. Have you met Theresa Rose or any of the other special children?


Thank you and have a very blessed weekend. If the good LORD is already your Savior, may he shower you with peace and understanding in our changing times. If you do not claim Him as your Savior and LORD, know that He is willing and ready to accept you right now as you are. Right now.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 5:52 PM CDT


"The Resurrection also gives us assurance about our own salvation. Jesus was indeed 'raised to life for our justification' (Romans 4:25). Our salvation does not depend on our achievements but on Christ's achievement, which we know is complete." ~ Ajith Fernando, quoted in His PASSION, Christ's Journey to the Resurrection

He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. ~ Romans 4:25


A+! A+!

Noah, although a month late, had his 15-month check-up today and is as healthy as can be. He does now have a very small vocabulary and we can detect "thank you," "doggie," and, of course, "mama." But I still don't think "mama" applies to me specifically. "Mama mama" is the first thing out of his mouth when he wakes up, yet morning after morning it is John who goes in the room to get him. I've tried but for some reason Aubrey has a fit if it's not John. Guess it's not my job!

Miss Aubrey comes home tomorrow.


A beautiful little girl with a brain tumor who is approaching her time to join Jesus. We should always pray for an earthly miracle while these children are still here as only God determines when it is time to go home.

* * * Katherine Cross' Web Site * * *


Please continue to pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


We must love God more than our children.

But it is not a sin to love our children far, far more than our own lives. I still love Gabbie, Aubrey, and Noah, much more than my own life. And now this life is a life without Gabbie.


Thank you, as always, for visiting Gabbie's site.

Please pray for these other families I mention. I now have come across so many sites that I simply cannot follow all the stories. My hope in mentioning other families here is that maybe even one person will "adopt" another CaringBridge family. I pray for each of these families as I mention them but there really are, sadly, too many for me to follow as an individual.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 6:26 PM CDT


Miss Aubrey didn't call us last night until 11:00 p.m. I was actually just crawling into bed and jumped when the phone rang but was happy to hear from her. She is having a good time and was very excited to tell us that she went tubing and went on and on about how they fell off!

Missing Aubrey.

As to our computer situation, I was very relieved to dump our tower on the Geek Squad. I didn't know this, but they operate out of some of the Best Buy locations so the whole ordeal wasn't too bad. Can't wait to get the bill on this as I know it will need a complete overhaul. Dell wanted me to delete EVERYTHING and then reload all my apps. Now that would go without a hitch, wouldn't it?


One of my online friends contacted me and her nephew was in a terrible ATV accident. Please pray that Justyn fully recover from his injuries.

* * * Justyn's Web Site * * *


Missing Gabbie.


Thank you for all the support over these trying years. We so much appreciate it.

There is nothing more important than your salvation so please keep seeking!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, July 12, 2004 10:30 AM CDT


Right before my conversion, I read a book on near-death experiences. It was a warm, fluffy, and cozy book, but even my unconverted self sensed something was amiss with the stories. For all the talk about the great white light and beautiful surroundings in the ever after, God and Jesus were never mentioned. Well, Jesus was mentioned in one story that did not even fit in with the rest of the book.

A missionary couple’s four-year old boy was dying. He had picked up one of those diseases that still ravage our third-world countries. Unlike all the other stories in the book, where people claimed to have died and come back, this little boy did die. But before he died, he reached out his hands and said, “Jesus, Jesus.”

That is the only story in that book that I still remember—all the other stories are vague with their never-ending theme of white light but no Jesus. But the book itself, because I was wary of it’s Jesus-less message, is what prompted me to pick up a Bible in earnest and start searching for God. How little did I know then that the very story that stood in stark contrast to all others would one day be a story in our own home and in our own arms.

I have shared before that the day before Gabbie died, while in John’s arms, she also pointed and said, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”

I have been thinking a great deal of my conversion these days, and what prompted my conversion, because I have finally signed up for an affirmation of my faith that should have been done years ago. God called me in 1997; seven years later I am still not baptized. But if all goes well, I will be baptized this coming Sunday.


I decided to take a day off to clean the house, run some errands, and, to once again deal with a home computer that does not work. I’m updating from our ancient and very slow computer. If I don’t respond to an e-mail, please know that it is because our new computer has brought nothing by problem after problem. Currently, I cannot connect to the Internet, which means I cannot read or respond to e-mail.

While it will be very costly, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that we may have to call the “Geek Squad.” Yes, there really is an organization here in the Twin Cities called the “Geek Squad" and they will come into your home and fix your computer.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today! Thank you for the kind messages you leave in the guest book. We really appreciate it.

And if you can, please go back a journal entry or two and link to Zoie’s Web site. Zoie died on Saturday and I know her parents, Travis and Chastity, could use all the prayers and kind words you are willing to offer them. Normally I would put the link here but I don’t have any of the html coding here on our old computer.

Wishing your day be filled with blessings from the Father in Heaven.

God bless,
Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, July 8, 2004 6:24 PM CDT


"Rufus Moseley, a layman, called on to conduct a funeral, went to the New Testament to see how Jesus conducted a funeral and found that 'Jesus did not conduct funerals. He conducted Resurrections.'" ~ Quoted by E. Stanley Jones in His PASSION – Christ's Journey to the Resurrection

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." ~ John 11:25


Seems like the week just started and now the weekend is already upon us.

Miss Aubrey is excited beyond excited as she leaves Saturday morning for a cabin in Alexandria. She is going up there under the care of Auntie Sarah…which only adds to her great excitement. It is simply to crowded for me and too hard for me since Gabbie's death to go to this annual reunion. Some families have their own cabins while others pack in much too closely for me. But Aubrey will have fun swimming, going for walks, playing with other children, boating, and so on.

I will miss her and, as a mother naturally does, will worry a bit as she is out of my sight. We will have her call us every night so that we know she survived the day.

Sarah and Aubrey will be driving up with my brother, Joe, and Aubrey's cousin, Shane. I know that during last year's drive to Alexandria, Aubrey gabbed the entire way (it's just under a 3-hour drive), never once giving the others a chance to talk. John is taking next Thursday off and will drive up to the cabin and bring back Sarah and Aubrey the same day.


Today (July 8th) would have been Lukie Ervin's 4th birthday. Please remember the Ervin family in your prayers.

* * * Saint Lukie's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Thank you for your prayers and kind words to the other families we share on this site.

We hope you all have a great weekend. As always, it's not my opinion that Jesus is the only way. Jesus Himself declared as such!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 5:17 PM CDT


I read this story twice to Aubrey this weekend and neither time could I finish without a struggle.

The Courage of a Child
1966-1969 Mainland China, Red Guard Era

Over and over, a mother spoke soothing words to her five-year-old child as they sat in their dark, damp cell. The woman was in jail because she had protested against the arrest of her bishop; her child was in jail because the little girl had nowhere else to go.

All the prisoners were indignant at seeing the child suffer so. Even the prison director said to the mother, "Don’t you have pity on your daughter? Just declare that you give up being a Christian and will not go to church anymore. Then you and the child will be free."

In despair the woman agreed, and she was released. After two weeks, she was forced to shout from a stage before 10,000 people, "I am no longer a Christian." On their return home, the child, who had stood near her when she denied her faith, said, "Mummy, today Jesus is not satisfied with you."

The mother explained, "You wept in prison. I had to say this out of love for you."

Siao-Mei replied, "I promise that if we go to jail again for Jesus, I will not weep."

The mother ran to the prison director and told him, "You convinced me I should say wrong things for my daughter's sake, but she had more courage than I."

Both went back to prison. But Siao-Mei no longer wept. ~ Jesus Freaks: dc Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs - Stories of Those Who Stood For Jesus, the Ultimate Jesus Freaks
I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. ~ Psalm 34:4,5


Three young precious children all fighting relapsed neuroblastoma and all being treated at St. Jude's in Tennessee. Stanton's Web site has a picture of all three children sitting next to each other. This should never be but we must trust the LORD and His plans.

* * * Zoie's Site * * *

* * * Stanton's Site * * *

* * * Emma Grace's Site * * *


They all remind me of Gabbie.


Thank you, for supporting us and other families on CaringBridge! Have a blessed day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, July 6, 2004 6:19 PM CDT


The glory of heaven will make the greatest display of fireworks in this life pale in comparison. We will be in awe…forever.

Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed by My Father, enter the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world'… ~Matthew 25:34


We had a low-key weekend for the holiday. West gave us both Monday and Friday off so I had a four-day weekend. I wanted to spend more alone time with Aubrey so we did bring Noah to daycare on Friday and Aubrey and I just had a relaxing mother-daughter day.

We had dinner at my parents' house on Sunday and dinner at my mother-in-law's on Monday night (so little cooking for me!!).

What was somewhat strange about the 4th is that without any deliberate planning, our neighborhood really went all out with fireworks. I think that some of them, ahem, were illegal. Even John bought some fireworks and a neighbor commented to me how shocked they were to see John lighting fireworks. John, of course, only bought those that are legal in Minnesota. Since John's fireworks were so boring, I took both Aubrey and Noah down the street to where all the action was! I think we all woke up to the smell of acrid smoke in our homes.


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Always missed….ever more so on holidays.


We hope you all had a very safe weekend! Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, July 1, 2004 5:53 PM CDT


We hope you all have a very safe 4th of July weekend!


Thank you, Jesus. You are our rock of salvation!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 6:41 PM CDT


"The Christian world is in a deep sleep; nothing but a good loud shout can awaken them out of it!" And, "We are not a generation marked by passion. Passion can be lost in programs and progress reports and institutions and calendars. In doing what is good, we may fail to do what is best." ~ George Whitefield and R. Albert Mohler, Jr., respectively, quoted in The Evidence Bible, compiled by Ray Comfort.

So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold not hot, I will spue you out of my mouth. ~ Revelation 3:16


I was home from work on Monday with a sick little Noah guy. We think he had a cold on top of his teething because he was running a fever of 102 on Monday morning. He is much better now and went to daycare on Tuesday and today.

He looks funny though, as the mosquito bite welts on his face are very, very red! We were out for a stroller-ride last night and even just stopping for a few seconds would invite a swarm of mosquitos to descend upon us so we just kept moving on.

Welcome to Minnesota.


When will this end? Please pray for another family who lost a little girl to neuroblastoma.

* * * Paige Rutter's Web Page * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for grieving with me for these other children. Many of you keep reporting on the other children and I do appreciate it.

Thank you, Andrea, for always UNDERSTANDING!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 6:35 PM CDT


"Long before Christ came, God revealed Himself as the source of full and lasting pleasure. 'You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.' (Psalm 16:11). Then he sent Christ to suffer 'that he might bring us to God.' This means he sent Christ to bring us to the deepest, longest joy a human can have. Hear then the invitation: Turn from 'the fleeting pleasures of sin' (Hebrews 11:25) and come to 'pleasures forevermore.' Come to Christ." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. ~ Ephesians 2:13


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


This is how we are all different: some grieving parents, such as my husband, always include the sadness of the child's death at the end of all other life experiences; while some of us filter all experiences through the death of our child first, and not last.

Neither is right nor wrong. But I can tell you that many in the non-bereaved world prefer the former from the latter.

I am of the latter-type and everything that comes to me, good or bad, is defined first through the reality that Gabbie is gone.


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today. Thank you for visiting the sites of so many of my friends!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, June 27, 2004 1:10 PM CDT


Yet to all who received him, to those who believed his name, he gave the right to become children of God. ~ John 1:12

Maybe this verse explains why intellectual assent about Jesus is not enough. He must be received.


It's official: I'm out of shape! I finished our race on Saturday, and in the time frame I suspected, but I was disappointed that I had to walk a few times. I kept urging my friend, Cathy Clyde, to go ahead because I never want to hold anyone back. Cathy ran really well!

Cathy and I both had a very emotional few moments as we hugged and cried for our children. As we stood there listening to some of the speakers prior to the race, we (Cathy's husband Nate came to watch us), decided that the race itself is really geared towards families with cancer survivors. Every speaker was living a life where the child survived cancer. But the cause is still a great cause and Cathy and I hope to do this again. (And now I'm determined to run on a regular basis.)

My hotel trip with Aubrey went well. She kept me busy, busy, busy. We went out to eat, went swimming, explored the hallways, and more. She never tires of playing games and I so much appreciate her constant good cheer.


Theresa Rose's family has been such an inspiration to me. Not in a way where I am judging, but they truly are further in their Christian walk than I am. Whenever I spend time with them, I come away with a feeling of Godly sorrow over my sins because their gentle, humble faith is so evident…even in the midst of such suffering.

* * * Theresa Rose's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. We will simply keep praying that all of you will come to belief by receiving his free gift of eternal life.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, June 24, 2004 6:00 PM CDT


Aubrey had an exciting week because she had a sleepover at Auntie Sarah's with one of her cousins. Actually, she gets so antsy as the time approaches (Sarah usually picks her up) that she must ask us every 5 minutes throughout the day how much longer before Sarah will come get her.

And she is also excited for the weekend because Saturday night is our "hotel" trip. I'm sure she is already packed for that one.

On Saturday morning, I'm meeting Theresa Rose's mama, Cathy Clyde, and we are going to run a 5K that is benefiting children's cancer research. I've been running here and there but this will probably be my slowest run ever. Those things just don't matter anymore.

Noah is still wordless but loud.


Beautiful little Jillian's mother wrote a very touching journal entry for Father's Day. Actually, I found it to be quite heart-wrenching. I simply cannot wait to meet these very special ones in heaven.

* * * Jillian Lamparyk's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Sometimes it's as if the world expects us to apologize for being so deeply impacted by the death of our child.


Thank you for your kind ways! We hope you all have a safe weekend.

You know, the changes in this world are happening faster and faster. I know so many disagree with me but I truly think we are headed in the wrong direction. We all (this writer included) need to be more and more prepared and more and more fortified.

If He is not your Savior, please seek him now. And do not just OWN a Bible; STUDY it!

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." ~ Matthew 7:7-8

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, June 22, 2004 6:36 PM CDT


I've been thinking about a certain group of people in my life that is comprised of 30 or so adults. When Gabbie died, many of them sent condolence cards. However, very few, if even any at all, made any mention of Jesus or God. This wasn't a case of leaving the obvious out. In all my life, I have rarely, if ever, heard any of these people mention God or Jesus.

Now what should I think?

If you were to die, the BEST gift you could ever leave is not a will…but an assurance to those whom loved you that Jesus Christ is your Savior.

"'God has provided enough evidence in this life to convince anyone willing to believe, yet He has also left some ambiguity so as not to compel the unwilling.' We pray for elderly non-Christians that God will give them more time, even though they already have had plenty, because we do not wish them to perish. We can say the same about societies in travail, like our own." ~ Marvin Olasky, quoting Norm Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, printed in World Magazine, June 26, 2004

My two-year old daughter died…and secular liberalism marches on.


I'm just going to start including links for all my friends on this journey. When you can, please leave notes of encouragement.

* * * Leilani's Site * * *

* * * Anna Roger's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for the support, encouragement, and prayers. Whether you believe or do not believe, we are so grateful for your kindness. But if you don't believe…we continue to hope and pray.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, June 21, 2004 6:18 PM CDT


We didn't do anything special for Father's Day. For some reason, it was a very hard day/weekend for me and I'm not even a father!

Noah was called a "cute girl" twice this weekend when he was out and about with me. People always apologize profusely when I correct them but it doesn't really bother me at all. But he did have on boys clothing so I'm not sure what it is that makes people think he is a girl…unless it is his fast-growing hair.


Today an article in our local paper reported that Minnesota's atheists are the most active in the United States. The atheists are growing in number and, apparently, are more vocal than ever.

But what was even more chilling is that now the Fairview Hospice system, the one appointed to us for Gabbie (although we had very little interaction with them), is going to make sure that atheists are offered a non-Christian and final goodbye.

But we all need Jesus Christ, our Savior, and when would we need him more than while on our deathbed?

Sigh, yes, it is their human right to choose to reject God and His offer of salvation.


A family who had to say good-bye to their young son on Father's Day.

* * * Ian's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, June 17, 2004 6:26 PM CDT


God has a plan for your life. Did you know that? It is amazing how many people really do not understand that when they are called into the kingdom, God has a specific plan He wants to implement in their lives. Unfortunately, many people have what I call a “Middle-class Christian commitment.” They come to Christ, they attend a church, they ask Christ to forgive them of their sins, but they do not think much about what God wants to do in their lives.

What does God have for me to do in His kingdom? God has a plan and a purpose for our lives, and it is not to retire. He has a ministry for every one of us. You all know that you are ministers, don't you? Every Christian is a minister. You are not all called to be pastors, or teachers, or evangelists, but you are all called into ministry. You are all called with God's purpose in mind. ~ Pastor J. David Hoke, Who's in Charge, September 22, 1996
To read Hoke's entire sermon, click on * Sermon on Romans 8:28-30 *

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28


I know we have something going on this weekend but I cannot remember what it is!! Hopefully we will be able to get outside for more stroller-rides. Poor Noah is full of mosquito bites and we are supposed to have a mosquito-packed summer due to all the rain.


I don't think anyone is planning on meeting this Saturday, but if you are interested please call me!! (612.825.2643) I have a feeling that summer is too hectic—especially since summers are so short in Minnesota—and we may just try to regroup this fall.


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


We just hope you all have a safe weekend!!

God's plans for our lives are based on His deep, deep love for us. Please listen for His call into His Kingdom!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:29 PM CDT


I have a really good and faithful friend who is suffering from spiritual warfare in the aftermath of her child's death. I would bet that many do not understand that we are not just faced with overwhelming sadness when our child dies. We have so much more than sadness. The death of a child, for me, has exposed many cracks for the adversary to attack.

I once made a huge theological mistake because I had pronounced that if we did lose Gabbie, Satan would never be able to touch us again as we would have survived a fiery fire. But, now I know better and, really, Gabbie's death was only the beginning of attack.

I believe that Satan seldom attacks a man in place of strength, but he generally looks for the weak point, the besetting sin. 'There,' says he, 'there I will strike the blow.' God help us in the hour of battle and the time of conflict! Indeed, unless the Lord should help us, this crafty foe might easily find enough joints in our armor and soon send the deadly arrow into our soul, so that we should fall down wounded before him." ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life

Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I knew I would be very sad if Gabbie died. But I never knew there would be so many temptations to battle.


Thank you, so much for visiting Gabbie's site. And to all those who understand why there are more temptations than ever…I thank you!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, June 14, 2004 6:35 PM CDT


Our Pastor at Wooddale is on a theme of "top ten lists." This Sunday we were called to really make an effort concerning Scripture memorization. (So now I have Scripture verses for 10 journal entries!)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:6-7

Only God and no other can give us peace in these dark and perilous times.


Saturday morning we were greeted with some long-awaited sunshine. John even remarked that the "mud is glistening." Some were short, some were long, but I think Noah must have had at least seven different stroller-rides as we had to take advantage of the weather. And I must credit Aubrey for being a good sport because she will still let me push both of them in the double-stroller and even for 4-5 mile jaunts! (Walking from our house to and from and around Lake Harriet provides plenty of exercise.)


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I never imagined Gabbie's site would get to 300,000 hits. Thank you for visiting her site over and over!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, June 10, 2004 6:37 PM CDT


Gabbie's cancer came from evil—God does not give little children cancer. But God will use that evil, that very evil that has shred my heart to pieces, for good some day—most likely in eternity.

"But the most astonishing thing is that evil and suffering were Christ's appointed way of victory over evil and suffering. Every act of treachery and brutality against Jesus was sinful and evil. But God was in it. The Bible says, 'Jesus [was] delivered up [to death] according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God.' (Acts 2:23)" ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

Some have asked me if God did not have the power to heal Gabbie. I fully believe God has the power to provide earthly healings. But that God allowed Gabbie to die shows me He is even more powerful. Because only the most powerful being in the universe could allow such devastation (and present evil) and yet at the same time promise us in the end that it will come to everlasting joy and righteousness.


Noah is still at a vocabulary of ZERO! But he is very, very talkative and expressive and everyone is mamamama my my my. When I put him down at night, he loves to stand up in his crib and scream at the top of his lungs while jumping and jumping. If summer ever comes…and we can have windows open…we will probably scare our neighbors with all the screaming!


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Of course I will never stop loving her. But that is not the point. Only a grieving parent can explain what it feels like to love someone so much…who is not here.


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie's site today. We hope you all have a blessed weekend!

If Jesus Christ is not your LORD and Savior, please, please do not delay in seeking Him today. Only those who are His will be reunited in heaven with loved ones.

To whom do you belong?

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 9, 2004 6:35 PM CDT


We frequently hear in our post-modern era that God "hates sin but loves the sinner." There is some truth in this but it is not the whole truth. As Burk Parsons noted in his article, Of the Father's Love, Tabletalk, May 2004, think about the following:

"[I]t is not the sin that God condemns to hell."

I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. ~ John 17:9

The Bible is so clear that there is no sweeping salvation – no given right – that this is for everyone regardless as to whether or not one accepts the Gospel. But there is a call FROM God for all those who will take the time to simply listen and then accept the GOOD NEWS.


Aubrey will be very excited when I tell her that our "hotel" trip is finally on. Way, way long time ago I promised her that she and I would go spend a night at a hotel and go swimming and just simply have fun. So last summer, John actually bought a gift certificate for one of the Hilton Hotels in our area at the Our Lady of Peace fall fund-raiser. And I'm just now getting around to using it in the nick of time before the certificate expires. Aubrey has been after me and after me and is full of plans for our evening stay. We will be going a week from Saturday.

I also took a vacation day yesterday just to spend with Aubrey. It makes her so happy to have these outings together and I still feel so bad for all that she has been through.


The Shively family. I knew Miranda Rae had relapsed but I was not prepared to learn that she had died on June 5. I'm still not exactly sure what type of leukemia Miranda Rae had but do know that she certainly was a very special little girl.

* * * Miranda Rae's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you, Jesus, for the grace that helped me to hear God's call!!

Thank you for all those who have remembered a little girl gone too early.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, June 7, 2004 6:14 PM CDT


And as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. ~ JOB 19:25

Gabbie's Redeemer, my Redeemer, your Redeemer lives. It is so hard to think about our dear and precious Gabbie literally rotting away in the ground. But her Redeemer really does live and all those who believe shall some day see God.

Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God;… ~ JOB 19:26


Noah is really changing fast. This weekend I looked at him several times and simply could not believe the changes. I'll have to get some new pictures up soon. Poor Noah, he was very cranky all day on Saturday. During an afternoon diaper change we were pretty surprised to see that something he ate must have disagreed with him as the skin on his legs near the diaper was raw and even blistered. It's better now.

We had a wonderful time with the Clyde family on Saturday night. They made us a wonderful dinner and are such gracious hosts. It was also nice to be able to talk so openly about Jesus Christ and our faith. I will say that I don't think I've ever known a couple more deserving of children.


So many sick, sick children.


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant. There are now some concerns about possible GVHD. (Graft versus host disease to those of you not familiar with cancer lingo).

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for sharing our journey.

Thank you, God, for our Redeemer. He lives and will come again!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, June 3, 2004 6:41 PM CDT


I should never point out sin, as I did with abortion, without also mentioning that God's forgiveness is free and all one has to do is ask and truly repent! While I have never aborted, I am guilty of my own sins because the standard to be measured against is not other sinners but God Himself.

We all fall so short of His glory.

…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. ~Romans 3:23

If anyone who reads this has had an abortion, I am not judging you. If you brought the abortion to God, you know you have been completely forgiven. If you have not brought it to God…you need to trust that He is waiting to forgive you. Just ask and the faithful Father will forgive.


We do not have a big weekend planned but we are going over to have dinner on Saturday night with the parents of Theresa Rose. Cathy and Nate are so very, very faithful to God yet I know their hearts just ache in the absence of their little daughter, Theresa Rose.

I cry almost every time I read their journal entries as Cathy does such an incredible job of weaving the events of Theresa's life with Christian meaning. And of course, it is Cathy who has helped me to appreciate Catholicism for the Catholics in my life.

* * * Theresa Rose's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Missing her so very, very much.


Thank you, for all you have done.

We hope you all have a very blessed weekend and may His peace be with you.
Now is the time to seek Him and receive His loving forgiveness.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:37 PM CDT


I sometimes feel guilty using such emotional words as murder and kill rather than abortion, but those words speak the truth more than the clinical term abortion.

I visited the Planned Parenthood Web site yesterday and was dismayed to see an image of a woman flexing her biceps and smiling. Imagine placing that image of proud mightiness next to images of murdered babies.

Just where is America going?


The Scripture verse I quoted yesterday impacted me as I was driving home from work. I drove by an opportunity to help someone but three blocks later I remembered what I had just written and turned around and drove back and gave a small offering to someone.

This is what God wants us to do: meditate and meditate on His word so that we truly live out that word every moment of our lives. I can only hope that I do this even half as well as Gabbie did.

I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for Me. ~ Matthew 25:45


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


"I miss her more than I loved her and I never thought that would be possible." ~ A father's memorial for his two-year old daughter. Star-Tribune, May 31st, 2004.


To MariBeth, I am glad you shared that information in the guest book. It is really very disappointing to hear that someone thinks she can be pro-choice yet also pro-child.

Thank you all for your support.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 6:25 PM CDT


I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these you did not do for Me. ~ Matthew 25:45

I know I need to do something but just not exactly sure what it is.


Well, I was right: we were deluged with rain over the weekend. We did get out here and there for some stroller-rides—even getting caught in a rainstorm that made Noah laugh as I raced home.

I also took Aubrey to a movie for the first time and we saw Shrek 2. It did have some adult humor but it went right over Aubrey's head so I don't feel too bad about the choice of movie.

We have taught Noah how to blow on the dandelions. It's pretty cute because he tries and tries but just cannot blow hard enough. Doesn't matter though, because he is happy as long as his little hands are grasping some of those ugly weeds. We can't walk by a yard full of dandelions without Noah pointing and screaming for them.


America. Today, United States District Judge Phyllis Hamilton ruled in San Francisco that the law forbidding the killing of the child just before it leaves the birth canal is unconstitutional.

So apparently it is a constitutional right to dismember and kill innocent children.


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Today, I miss Gabbie, but am reflecting on the lives of some other babies.


Thank you for reading our journey!

By the way, that is NOT Gabbie at the top of this page—it's Noah.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 27, 2004 6:50 PM CDT


"In the Bible, 'rulers and authorities' can refer to human governments. But when we read that on the cross, Christ 'disarmed the rulers and authorities' and 'put them to shame' and 'triumphed over them,' we should think of the demonic powers that afflict the world. One of the clearest statements about these evil powers is Ephesians 6:12. It says that Christians 'do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this presents darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places.'" ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

I know so many, for some reason, think Satan does not exist. But he does.

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. ~ 1 John 3:8


Two nights ago I insisted that Aubrey come to Great Clips with me so that we could both get haircuts. Aubrey seems doomed to have snarly hair…and she would get that from me or from the fact that we are terrible about enforcing that grooming habit. She will only use a "soft" brush, which of course doesn't even touch the snarls. I keep threatening to throw away those useless "soft" brushes.

Well, I promised Aubrey it wouldn't hurt but felt bad for her because she did end up in tears as her hair did get pulled. But she settled down and eventually I could hear her explaining away that she had a baby brother and a sister who died.

Noah is yakking away but still no words. Still no worry, either!!


I had once mentioned Connor Hunley as someone to pray for who is doing well. Unfortunately, Connor's rhabdomyosarcoma has relapsed a third time and the outlook is not good. Connor's mother has generously supported so many of us on CaringBridge and I am very saddened for her. No, actually I'm very frustrated. Connor is an only child and a wonderful young man.

* * * Connor's Site * * *


Thank you, so much for sharing our journey. We pray for you, too!

Have a great weekend…we did get deluged with rain last weekend and are facing a typical not-so-great Minnesota Memorial Day weekend. No big plans for us.


In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 5:31 PM CDT


"God's design for marriage in the Bible pictures the husband loving his wife the way Christ loves his people, and the wife responding to her husband the way Christ's people should respond to him." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. ~ Ephesians 5:25

I have often commented that our marriage is strong and survived the death of a child. But John and I have personalities that rarely clash. Just sometimes. We will certainly probably never slide towards divorce…but we need to make sure we do not slide past all the blessings God has intended for our marriage. And how easily that could happen in today's fast-paced never-ending "do, do, and do more" world.


I was just alerted by our friend from Media Relations at Children's that CaringBridge is now so much a part of our culture that Gary Trudeau, creator of Doonesbury comic strip, mentioned CaringBridge in Saturday's and Monday's edition.

We have been so blessed by CaringBridge!


The Rutter family as their beautiful little girl battles neuroblastoma. It's looking pretty rough for them now.

* * * Paige's Site * * *


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I'm still behind in getting out our thanks to all of you! Please know, however, that we are very grateful for all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:47 PM CDT


"The measure of God's love for us is shown by two things. One is the degree of his sacrifice in saving us from the penalty of our sin. The other is the degree of unworthiness that we had when he saved us." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~ Romans 5:7-8


In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. ~ Ephesians 1:7


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you again for all your support. Thanks again to all who reached out to remember Gabbie! One more anniversary date down…how many more only the Father in heaven knows.

We wish all of you a very safe weekend! I think we might be deluged with rain, which means a lot of indoor activity.

God is ready to welcome you to His family right now. While God will win the war…but have you joined His army? God's adversary is very adept at disguising himself as an angel of light and those saved must strive all the more to help the unsaved see the need for Jesus Christ as personal Savior.

I know for certain that Gabbie's deepest desire is to see more souls won to God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:02 PM CDT


We have many to thank and I will start sharing how Gabbie's short life was acknowledged this week.

On Monday I stopped at Bachman's on my way to work because I wanted to bring in pink roses in memory of Gabbie. I also searched and searched for a frame for a picture of Gabbie that I wanted at my desk. I found some beautiful roses…but no frame. I brought the picture into work anyway and assumed I would eventually find a frame.

And there on my desk was a gift from a co-worker: a beautiful religious frame and the perfect size!

I also received another gift from another friend at work (the one who watched Noah and Aubrey a few weekends ago). It's a beautiful bead bracelet with several crosses.

More to come later!


…the young woman who appeared on our doorstep last night. I answered the doorbell and was greeted by NARAL (formerly The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League).

I was not at all angry but immediately shared my pro-life beliefs. She smiled nicely and said she understood my right to my opinion and she walked away.

I should not be shocked but I guess I never expected NARAL to appear at my front door. I wish I had invited this woman into our home. I would have shown her the painting of Gabbie and Aubrey hanging on the wall. I would have shared with her that John and I have three children with the LORD and that some of us beg God to spare lives. And then I would have let her go on.

I am going to pray for this woman.

I've never aborted yet last night my dreams were filled with abortions. That is how much that 15-second meeting impacted me.


Please pray for LaKota as she goes through her transplant.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I still cannot go to the grave. I actually noticed the cemetery from the freeway for the first time driving home from work last night. I saw some lilacs in bloom and then all of a sudden I saw the headstones. Gabbie's cemetery.


Thanks again for all your support and care. I really do have many of you to thank.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:33 PM CDT


I have many thank-you's to acknowledge concerning Gabbie's second death anniversary. But I found something special considering I love Charles Spurgeon and that I miss Gabbie deeply…and that both Gabbie and Spurgeon asked the same important question on where one will be for eternity. Below are excerpts from a Spurgeon sermon entitled, Why They Leave, dated March 21, 1886. I should also note that I saw parts of this excerpt in Lukie Ervin's guest book left by one of my other friends, Yolanda Rogers. I never saw anyone else quote Spurgeon on CaringBridge so I had to check it out and found that it was fitting for today. Because today has been harder than yesterday.

… and are not Christ's saints, as it were, a signet upon his finger, a token which his Father gave him of his good pleasure in him? Should they not be with Jesus where he is, since they are his crown jewels and his glory? We in our creature love lift up our hands, and cry, "My Lord, my Master, let me have this dear one with me a little longer. I need the companionship of one so sweet, or life will be misery to me." But if Jesus looks us in the face, and says, "Is thy right better than mine?" we draw back at once. He has a greater part in his saints than we can have. O Jesus, thy Father gave them to thee of old; they are his reward for the travail of thy soul; and far be it from us to deny thee. Though blinded by our tears, we can yet see the rights of Jesus, and we loyally admit them. We cry concerning our best beloved, "The Lord hath taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord." Does not the text sweetly comfort us in the talking away of one and another, since it shows how they belong to Christ?… Learn, then, that in heaven the saints will be nearer to Christ than the apostles were when they sat at the table with him, or heard him pray….We shall be with Jesus in the closest, clearest, and most complete sense. No fellowship on earth can reach to the plenitude of the communion which we shall enjoy above. "With him"—"for ever with the Lord"—this is heaven. Who would wish to detain from such companionship those whom we love? ~ Charles Spurgeon
Dear Gabbie: I mourn your absence from this life so deeply I simply do not have the words. Nothing could be more cruel than this. But you belong to Jesus. My little saint…I love you so very, very much.

Dear Jesus: Thank you for bringing Gabbie home to where she most belongs. Forgive my never-ending tears.


I have so many people to thank. Some of you really went out of your way to reach out to us yesterday and we are so very grateful.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, May 17, 2004 10:23 AM CDT


She was never proud
but rather she was shy and quiet and meek.
The riches and pleasures of this world were never hers.
But the riches and glory of His Kingdom
now surround her and she will bask
in His breathtaking glory forever and ever.

We are trying to follow her because she followed Jesus.

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. ~ Matthew 18:4


There are so many of you who have helped us tremendously on this journey. While most of you rarely interact with John, he is so grateful as he knows how much you have done for me.

Thank you to all who have been there for us and continue to be there. We love you and appreciate you so much.

Gabbie thanks you and loves you, too.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:59 PM CDT


Our computer is still out and I simply have no idea when I will have time to try to tackle this problem. The remote computer is not responding….as if that helps me! I do, however, want to let a guest book signer and others know that they cannot get a virus from Gabbie's site. I imagine as hackers rachet up their skills that some day maybe CaringBridge could get infected but for now there are no viruses on CaringBridge sites. Again, I have not been able to respond to any e-mails and am so sorry!

Not much planned for our weekend and again this is deliberate (at least for me) as it's too painful for me to do something special. Because doing something special would only be done because she died.

I am taking Aubrey to a rubber-stamp/scrapbooking convention on Saturday and hope to run into Steven's mom, Janine.


I've mentioned this wonderful family before but I know that sometimes it really is a struggle. They have such strong faith but that does not lessen the pain. Please visit Saint Lukie's site.

* * * Saint Lukie's Site * * *


I want to paraphrase a story I heard today as shared by Chuck Swindoll. It concerned some conversations Swindoll once had with a grieving father who had just lost his young son. Again, this is paraphrased as I can't recall the exact words spoken.

I gripped the steering wheel and drove all over the Los Angeles freeways. I yelled and yelled things to God I've never ever spoken before. I vomited out the anger and fury. And I knew that God could handle what I said. Words I've never ever shared with anyone.
So did I. So did I. To this day I cannot believe some of the things I yelled while alone. But today was the first day I ever heard anyone else's confession. I am so relieved and have had a great weight lifted from my soul.


I just want to thank all of you who have reached out. I am so very grateful and so thankful that there are so many of you. And I can tell you that my support system is made up of people from all walks of life. Sometimes where I least expected it!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Please seek the Lord and Savior. Gabrielle will be so happy to see you "dere" some day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:18 PM CDT


I miss her more than ever. I always picture her little head of soft curls and her completely innocent nature. I wonder why such a kind person had to be taken away when it's so clear to me the world needs more Gabrielles and not fewer Gabrielles.

I still know (sigh) that some have assigned a time to my grief. They need to get over that myth. You know what I think? You do take a step out of the raw and searing pain of immediate and acute grief. But that's it. Where I am today, where grief is concerned, is where I will be for the rest of my life.

Yesterday, today, and always….I would give anything but my salvation to have her back.

Several months ago, there was an article in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune about a family from the early 1900's. Although the article focuses on some manuscripts written by a writer in the family, there was mention of a horrible incident in the history of this family.

A few hours, and she was gone. It was one of those inexplicable illnesses that snatched children off in those days. Little Dorothy had been so golden-haired, translucent, seraphic, a golden perfection of a child. It was an inconceivable blow to Andreas and Clara [the parents], and they never spoke of it again but carried it in memory with a kind of horrified reluctance. Once Andreas raised his visor on the subject of little Dorothy. At the age of 80, shortly before his death, I had spoken jocularly of the fact that he had had too many children, and he said with a flash of misery in his countenance that they had lost one child and that was the greatest sorrow of their lives. ~ Mpls Star Trib, 2004
It is indeed the greatest sorrow. But I have Jesus Christ, my Savior, my hope eternal, and He will bring me to Gabbie some day.


Thank you for your kindness. We are always so grateful.

And if my friend Cathy reads this, thank you as always for inspiring me to follow Jesus in pain and thank you for such a very thoughtful gift.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:19 PM CDT


"The death of Christ is not only the demonstration of God's love (John 3:16), it is also the supreme expression of Christ's own love for all who receive it as their treasure. The early witnesses who suffered the most for being Christians were captured by this fact: Christ 'loved me and gave himself for me.' (Galations 2:20)" ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. ~ Ephesians 5:2


Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. ~ Ephesians 5:25


I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. ~ Galatians 2:20


When I left my coworker's house on Saturday (after our grief group meeting), my co-worker caught me pulled over to the side of the road. So while I did not get lost I did have to stop and check to make sure we were on right way home. Poor Aubrey is so used to this that she just asked, "Will we make it home?"

What is this that some people have maps in their heads while the rest of us just see jumbles of roads?


I had mistyped the link for Maddie Paguyo's site yesterday. I fixed it but here is the link again.

* * * Maddie's Site * * *


Thanks for visiting Gabbie's site today! I still have not yet gotten to my e-mails and almost dread turning on our home computer….but maybe I will be pleasantly surprised and the problem will be gone.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, May 10, 2004 7:20 PM CDT


I'm very behind in e-mails again. I know our computer picked up last week's Sasser worm but I thought I had taken care of it. I could not connect last night but that could also be due to the storm we had. I will get to everyone's e-mails but it may take some time, especially if I do have to figure out what is wrong with our home computer (I'm updating from work…after work).

The weekend was OK. The sermon at Wooddale on Sunday, of course, focused on biblical mothers but I was glad to hear our pastor take time out to mention the very special mothers who have to live on without their children.

Aubrey and Noah enjoyed their visit with my friend, Lise, from work and her children while I was at the grief group meeting. Lise even had Aubrey make a very special mothers' day gift! I really do work with wonderful people.


Maddie Paguyo's family. John read an obituary to me on Sunday and asked if I followed any "Madeline's." I said, yes, but that as far as I knew they were doing really well. I was very saddened, however, to learn that the Maddie I was thinking of had actually passed away. It also turns out they only live about 8 blocks from us and we must have strollered by their home many, many times.

Maddie had a generous spirit and I know she befriended many other children on CaringBridge.

* * * Maddie's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


When I went to drop Noah off at Wooddale's daycare on Sunday, I was so overwhelmed at the sight of all the families who are intact with their children that I gave up waiting in line and just took Noah to the crying room. (Yes, Wooddale is so busy that you actually wait in line to drop off your children!)


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today! Thank you to all who sent me messages – I was able to read them but cannot reply.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:02 PM CDT


Credit for the above image goes to Heartlight Web Site


We will be having our mothers' grief group on Saturday. I'm not even sure who is going to be there but we seem to draw five every time. I'm also dropping off Noah and Aubrey at a co-worker's home as she happens to live near our host for the grief group. My friend has three children and the middle one is close in age to Gabbie and is named Gabriella! Even more strange is that before Gabbie was diagnosed, someone saw a picture of Gabbie and told me she looked like Gabriella. We compared pictures and sure enough at that time they did resemble each other.

I don't think I'll get lost this time because we are meeting near West where I work. We will see, however, as it goes against my grain to not get lost.

Otherwise, no other plans and I want it to be low-key. Aubrey will also be going to a birthday party across the street.


I've never met her but please say a prayer of health for a special mother named Millie.


The news is not good. Some of you who check know that in addition to a relapse to AML, LaKota now has an unfavorable Wilms' tumor. I know her mother, Debbie, is begging God for an earthly healing. Remember, this family lost two other children.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I wish all the mothers a very special Mother's Day this weekend. To all my wonderful friends who are suffering the loss of a child, please press on and keep your eyes on Jesus. We really are "receiving the goal of [our] faith…the salvation of our souls." Our precious children already have that goal even more because they DO see Jesus.

Thank you to all family and friends and strangers who have helped us on this journey. As always, please seek the one and only Savior...Jesus!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, May 6, 2004 7:02 PM CDT


Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. ~ 1 Peter 1:8-9


We will be having our mothers' grief group on Saturday. I'm not even sure who is going to be there but we seem to draw five every time. I'm also dropping off Noah and Aubrey at a co-worker's home as she happens to live near our host for the grief group. My friend has three children and the middle one is close in age to Gabbie and is named Gabriella! Even more strange is that before Gabbie was diagnosed, someone saw a picture of Gabbie and told me she looked like Gabriella. We compared pictures and sure enough at that time they did resemble each other.

I don't think I'll get lost this time because we are meeting near West where I work. We will see, however, as it goes against my grain to not get lost.

Otherwise, no other plans and I want it to be low-key. Aubrey will also be going to a birthday party across the street.


I've never met her but please say a prayer of health for a special mother named Millie.


The news is not good. Some of you who check know that in addition to a relapse to AML, LaKota now has an unfavorable Wilms' tumor. I know her mother, Debbie, is begging God for an earthly healing. Remember, this family lost two other children.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I wish all the mothers a very special Mother's Day this weekend. To all my wonderful friends who are suffering the loss of a child, please press on and keep your eyes on Jesus. We really are "receiving the goal of [our] faith…the salvation of our souls." Our precious children already have that goal even more because they DO see Jesus.

Thank you to all family and friends and strangers who have helped us on this journey. As always, please seek the one and only Savior...Jesus!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, May 5, 2004 6:09 PM CDT


She left us 720 days ago.

He has never left us.


Some of you may remember that many weeks ago I posted the site for Savannah. She died on April 30th so please pray for her family. Savannah had one sister, Cassie. I know the road facing them will be so hard.

* * * Savannah's Site * * *


I've edited this grief note from the original. This really is so hard. I will simply leave my comments on Gabbie's overflowing grace.

In some ways I should just be filled with joy that she, so young, could be so gracious and so much like Jesus. Hopefully, some day….

Gabbie never asked....but was told....

The more that was poured on Gabbie, physically and emotionally, the more her quiet grace shone through.

I miss that gracious child so very much.


Thank you, Heather, for your love and prayers. Thanks to all who care so much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, May 4, 2004 6:51 PM CDT


Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. ~ Gal. 3:13

"Still, on the cross, Jesus was actually forsaken by the Father. Perhaps we can explain this by saying that, on the cross, the Father's wrath was poured out upon the Son in such a way that it interrupted their fellowship. This disruption was so awful that it brought fear to Jesus on the eve of his execution and caused His lament (My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? Matthew 27:46) on the cross." ~ The Curse of the Cross, Tabletalk, May 2004


I was having my morning coffee at the kitchen table this morning while I listened to Aubrey and Noah laughing and screaming in the bedroom. As long as you can hear noise, you usually know they are safe.

Eventually Aubrey came into the kitchen with a funny look on her face and announced, "Look at Noah." I couldn't believe it but she had dressed him. Shirt snapped, pants, socks, and even a clean diaper! What a nice surprise.


Please pray for a special family that has a special baby on the way. Remember the family of Noelle and Nicholas? They are expecting a baby girl in July!

Her name is Gabrielle. Oh, what a beautiful name.

* * * Site for Noelle & Nicholas * * *


Please pray for the Buckentine's this week as May 7th is Zachary's third birthday. So young, so precious. The Buckentine's are very faithful to Jesus during this trying time.

* * * Zachary's Site * * *


After I dropped the kids off at daycare and went back to my car, the minute I turned the ignition I was greeted with, "I can't live if living is without you…."

As a Christian, I can honestly tell you that Jesus is the only One I cannot live without.

But as a mother, it sure does feel impossible without them here.


Thank you to all who have been on this journey with only sincere intentions. This is my "edgy" time as we approach Gabbie's second death anniversary. Please pray for us.

I am forever grateful to those people who go through life treating others with respect. You will never know what you have done for me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, May 3, 2004 6:04 PM CDT


I remember once being confused by a statement that said the weak in faith are as securely saved as the strong in faith. But now I understand: whether you are weak or strong, because faith is a gift from God, you are secure because it is Jesus who does the saving. Yes, you must believe and accept him as Savior and Lord, but obviously there are those stronger and those weaker.

"[M]y security as a Christian does not reside in the strength of my faith but in the indestructibility of my Savior….I must walk in Christ in the same way I received Christ (Col. 2:6), not depending on anything that resides in me but on everything that is mine in Him. The reformed fathers and masters of spiritual counsel used to say wisely that the weakest faith gets the same strong Christ as does the strongest faith." ~ Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson, How Long Will it Last?, TableTalk, May 2004

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, [so] walk ye in him…" ~ Colissians 2:6


For the family of Matthew L. Mayer. Matthew recently passed away from Fanconi Anemia.

* * * Matthew's Site Site * * *


Theologically, Gabbie cannot see what is going on here. I am grateful for that.

Some day, I will understand why these things happened in such an innocent child's life and death but I still really struggle.

I do, however, trust God and know that in the end it will be fine.


Thank you for all your support. Thank you, again, for visiting the sites of these other children.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, May 2, 2004 9:35 PM CDT


TableTalk explains how we can be from different churches yet united in Christ.

"Though the visible church a truly regenerate person may belong to differs from the church another regenerate person belongs to, the two believers are, in reality, already united in the one true, invisible Church. The union of believers is grounded in the mystical union of Christ and His Church." ~ R.C. Sproul, One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, TableTalk, June 2004 ("Catholic" defined in the original ecclesiastical usage.)


I took Aubrey to the YMCA last Thursday night because I've been slack in bringing her there to swim. We got there and had the pool to ourselves. I did not bring my suit and was just going to watch Aubrey. However, I didn't know the pool rules and a lifeguard spied us and because I (the parent) did not have my suit on we had to leave.

So I brought her again on Sunday, with suit this time, but also thought Aubrey would like to try wall-climbing. She tried it for a bit but was too scared. It's the real thing with harness and ropes and spotters. I've never done any rock/wall-climbing but thought I would give it a try. Now I know why Aubrey was frightened but I did make it to the top! And to think I almost quit after a few seconds.


Dear Gabbie: I still miss you tremendously! That will never, ever change.


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. We hope you all had a very safe weekend!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, April 29, 2004 6:25 PM CDT


"But now, because of Christ, we may come near and feast our hearts on the fullness of the flaming beauty of God's holiness. He will not be dishonored. We will not be consumed [because of His holiness and our sin]. Because of the all-protecting Christ, God will be honored and we will stand in everlasting awe. Therefore, do not fear to come. But come through Christ." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

We have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh…" ~ Hebrews 10:19-20


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


That other myth is acceptance. When John and I went to the Wild hockey game, the Wild lost but the crowd accepted the loss.

Acceptance of Gabbie's death means that my mind has grasped that she really is dead and is never coming back. But I certainly do not accept it the way we accept any other disappointment in life. There is no comparison.

I guess you could say that the English language is woefully inadequate and cannot describe the death of a child.


Thank you for journeying with us! Thank you for your prayers. Have a wonderful weekend.

If He is not your Savior, please seek Him. Remember, you can only get to God through Jesus Christ. If you disagree, you do not disagree with me, you disagree with Jesus.

* * BELIEVE in JESUS!! * *

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 5:57 PM CDT


Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land and atonement cannot be made for the land on which the blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it. Do not defile the land where you live. ~ Numbers 35:33-34

"Today, children are sacrificed to the idols of selfishness, convenience, 'freedom,' and ambition--sacrificed to the very demonic powers that are behind such idols." ~ Mercy Aiken, Staff editor of Christ Unlimited Ministries and quoted on BIBLE.COM (link below).

They mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. They worshipped their idols which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughter to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan and the land was desecrated by their blood. ~ Psalm 106:35-38

I've heard some who favor abortion actually say that Jesus would want a woman to have a choice. Not the Biblical Jesus. See BIBLE.COM'S Comments on Abortion.

Those who seek God's forgiveness will be forgiven even this.


Those who continue to stand up in the face of adversity. Some Christian BLOGS have posted stories of the PRO-LIFE demonstrators who showed up at the abortion march last Sunday in Washington, D.C. Their accounts of what happened on Sunday are horrifying and downright frightening.

We all have someone in our life who chose abortion…that means we all have been robbed of a child to love.


We never chose to lose you, Gabbie. We never chose to lose your two other siblings either.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today!

To Melody Bell, if you read this, thank you again for being on this journey with me. I meant to tell you that you left a long guest book entry a few weeks ago and before I even got halfway through I thought, "This must be from Melody!!" And yes, there are saved and unsaved Presbyterians!

I'm so glad everyone understood my journal entry on my ties to Catholicism. Our family will have to try harder because we attend two churches but perhaps our children will understand early on that God's family can be defined by all those who put their saving faith in JESUS!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:43 PM CDT


No, I am not going back to my Catholic roots. But in some way I have come back full-circle.

I was very touched this past weekend that someone in our family expressed, in a very loving way, concern for our split-church family. I agree that this situation is not ideal but I need to be honest in front of my children about what I believe and/or do not believe. As Aubrey and Noah grow older, I will seek professional help on how to present both Baptist and Catholic beliefs in a way that does not pressure them or confuse them.

Before I am a mother, a wife, a Catholic-turned-Baptist, or a has-been runner, I am a child of God. My soul belongs to the Holy God of Scripture and no other. And my soul worships and longs for God through the words of Holy Scripture.

I believe that there is only one path to God and that is through Jesus Christ. There simply is no other way. But I also believe that we are called to Christ on many paths and there are saved and unsaved Catholics and saved and unsaved Baptists. I just happen to be a saved Baptist.

So how have I come full-circle? Because, strangely, after leaving the church, I have come to know more about Catholicism through some very Jesus-devoted Catholic friends. I now appreciate my husband's church and can embrace it for him and my other friends…even while I remain a Baptist in my heart and soul.

Your denomination does not get you to heaven. Only true faith in Jesus Christ will bring you to the eternal home with God.


Today, April 27th, is the second anniversary of Steven Nielsen's death. Please pray for this gentle and wonderful family. It would be great if you would sign their guest book also.

* * * Steven's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


After my first miscarriage, I prayed to God that even if He could only give me a child for a little while on loan that would suffice. And as painful as it is and was, I would do it all again.


Thank you so much for helping us on this journey. I have met, whether in person or online, some pretty special people.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 26, 2004 6:32 PM CDT


Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:15-16

All those who believe are called to be a light to our rapidly darkening world. I would imagine this call begins as early as one can grasp the meaning of the "Good News."


Last Saturday Aubrey went to a birthday party for one of her daycare classmates. Aubrey asked me a question before she went that indicates she is learning to have discernment.

Now, I don't know this family who had the birthday party and so I have never assumed to know their belief system. But a few minutes before we left Aubrey looked at me with a very serious face and asked, "Is it alright if I go to [name of child's] birthday party even if they don't have Jesus in their hearts?"

I told her, yes, it was OK because if they did not have Jesus, Aubrey was to be an example of someone who does have Jesus.

(I have never told Aubrey that we are to avoid those who may not believe and have actually tried to instill the opposite in her little mind. It is one thing to disagree with worldly views and beliefs; another to shun those who are in the dark. I so much want Aubrey and Noah to grow up with hearts for the lost! But as I've mentioned before, we are a family trying and not at all a family perfected!)


The family of Sydney Welch. Sydney passed from ALM and joined the other departed saints on March 17, 2004. Sydney would have been one-year old on April 21st.

* * * Sydney's Site * * *


Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. ~ Romans 12:15

I'm really grateful that some people take this verse to heart.


Thank you for your support. I hope you know you will be rewarded in heaven for your kindness!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:40 PM CDT


Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them." ~ Hebrews 7:25

"Being very God of very God, He is the power of salvation itself." ~ Saved to the Uttermost, TableTalk, May 2004

Jesus Christ brings about and effects entirely, our salvation. Isn't it wonderful to know that the object of our faith and our salvation is entirely Jesus and not of our own! Thank you, Jesus!


We had a busy weekend...John took Aubrey to one of the Paquette cousin's First Communion on Saturday night and on Sunday we had a baptism on the Paquette side. Well...not as busy as some but still we were on the go.

I just put Noah to bed in his crib and Aubrey had climbed in the crib to jump around and play with Noah for a while. She was also showing me how she got herself out and since I'm not one of those mothers who worries too much when kids are goofing around I didn't think much of it. But without warning she took a flying and very far leap to her mattress on the floor and I couldn't even believe what I just witnessed. But she's fine.

Isn't it amazing that children rarely break their necks?!


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie's site. We are eternally grateful and thank God for all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:28 PM CDT


I'm not sure what it is but my normal travel-longing husband seems reluctant for us to fly anywhere this summer so maybe we will just be tooling around not too far. Or, maybe if I can get him in front of the computer and he can do some searching on places to go he will get the travel bug.


For all the families who have lost children yet who do not have Jesus. When I gave my faith story, I hoped that I would not start to cry since of course I have never stopped missing Gabbie. And fortunately, I was only close to tears once. But my tears and stumbling had absolutely nothing to do with Gabbie.

During the first faith story I started to waiver and came very close to crying when I mentioned that there would be no heavenly reunion for some parents. Sometimes I think there is nothing more tragic. Envisioning those little ones up in heaven patiently waiting for their parents…and some day having to have tears wiped away by God as it becomes known that their mommy or daddy will not be joining them.

Thank you, God, for my salvation. I know I did not do anything to earn that salvation and am so grateful for your mercy and loving kindness.


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


One of the other terms mentioned at our last grief group meeting that is thrown at grieving parents is closure. This one is really easy to explain.

Yes, we do have closure. But not until the day the good LORD brings us home!


Thank you, for journeying with us. Your kindness will never be forgotten.

Have a safe weekend, everyone.

Is Jesus your LORD and Savior? If not, please honestly and sincerely seek him. Please do not trust our world for your eternal destiny. The world does not love you, but God surely does.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:38 PM CDT


Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. ~ Isaiah 53:5

"…But all this misery of disease is temporary. We look forward to a time when bodily pain will be no more. The subjection of creation to futility was not permanent. From the very beginning of his judgment, the Bible says God aimed at hope. His final purpose was this: 'that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God' (Romans 8:21)" ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ


Little Noah lets us put his shoes on now. His shoes are so stiff that it affects the way he walks but he doesn't seem to mind. Still no words other than "uh oh." We have to watch him more than the girls as he is much more daring (they just seemed to sit wherever we placed them.) I was right there…and still somehow last night he escaped my attention in the bath and he climbed out and fell onto the bathroom floor!


The family of Shawn Cassidy, who recently died. John and some of the other Paquette's are friends with the Cassidy's and Shawn was only 40 years young.


People can really touch our hearts on this journey. The above picture of Gabbie and Elizabeth is so special because Elizabeth was a very, very caring godparent. We are so very grateful for your love, Elizabeth. And so is Gabbie.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Thank you, Sarah, for all you do!


In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:45 PM CDT


Although I will keep our grief group meeting discussions confidential, I would like to share some thoughts on what one of the mothers read from a newspaper article (and so therefore public knowledge) at our last gathering. It had to do with "words" thrown at grieving parents that really cause us to struggle. As always, I think our situations are so misunderstood.

I don't recall all the terms, but three of them are healing, closure, and acceptance. We do have all of these, but not in the way that most who never experience this journey would ever imagine. Today I'll deal with healing.

Is God a healer? Yes, He is, and always faithfully so. But think about other trials and what God does or does not heal in this life.

Do those diagnosed with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis have their pain taken away? Not likely. The Christian does become as severely crippled as the atheist. (But the Christian will learn to embrace the suffering and will also have hope for a much better life in eternity!)

Wherever there is famine are Christians healed from the physical and very painful effects of slow starvation? No.

I watched Gabbie struggle while cancer scourged her insides. Did God heal her in this life? No.

I watched Gabbie struggle emotionally as her cancer progressively attacked her. Did God heal her emotional pain in this life? No.

The death of a child leaves parents with the greatest pain parents could ever endure and it is life-long pain.

So how does God heal us? He gives us the strength to endure this pain and live with this pain. He gives us hope eternal. But we are never healed in this life from the actual and very real pain of missing them.

Our loving Father in heaven allows extended periods of suffering yet we trust that in eternity the glory will far outweigh our momentary troubles.


Thank you for understanding.

Thank you, God, for the hope that all will be made well in eternity.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 19, 2004 6:07 PM CDT


I will apologize for being blunt but will not apologize for the Truth revealed in Scripture.

Be careful of the present day angel-mania. I do understand that some use the term angel figuratively or as a term of endearment just as sweetie or honey. We have an "angel" picture from Chemo Angel Sheryl on our dining-room wall and I consider it beautiful artwork and a very thoughtful gift.

But I've read enough to know that some truly believe these departed children are angels, even going to great lengths to describe the wings they believe their children now have.

I was driving somewhere with Aubrey this weekend and for the first time tried to picture wings on Gabbie. As I visualized the ugly lumps and bumps and mechanics that come with wings, protruding from her delicate human backside, I was so appalled I almost cried.

Our daughter is not a winged and multiple-eyed creature but rather a precious child of God.

In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. ~ Revelation 4: 7-8

It is important to note that only the cherubim and seraphs are described as having wings. Seraphs have six wings, and their voices can shake doorposts and thresholds. And at least some cherubim have four faces and what looks like the hands of a man. They are, indeed, identified as living creatures. ~ Kimberly Southall, Angels: According to the Scriptures published at 1 Way Only Web Site
Some might say, "What is the harm in angel-mania?" The danger of angel-mania is that some now worship angels far more than Jesus. With the exception of those evil angels under the dominion of Satan, the good angels will never accept worship as they themselves worship God alone.

It seems, too, that angel-mania somehow has a role in the dangerous and worldly view that "everyone goes to heaven." And we can also know, then, that Satan delights in helping to promote today's angel-mania.

Some People Only Dream of Saints,
We Held One in Our Arms


Thank you for remaining with us on this journey. We are so blessed.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, April 18, 2004 9:43 PM CDT


We did listen to Dr. Habermas and he is an excellent and very knowledgeable speaker. However, it wasn't what I had expected and is almost too hard for me to explain what we heard. Regardless, he shared some very good knowledge and I am glad we listened to him.

Just think, if Jesus was not raised from the dead, what then is our faith? Those who have gone before us have indeed perished. But fortunately we don't just have to "know in our heart" and we can also have reason and history behind our faith!

And if Christ be raised not, your faith is vain: ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:17-20

Jesus' resurrection is my greatest and most sure hope that Gabbie and all the saints who have gone before us have entered into eternal life!


I walked out of church today in a winter outfit and was greeted with warm humidity and temps in the 80's! Our balmy summer-like day ended with severe weather but we sure did need the rain.

Our lunch on Saturday with Allison, Media Relations from Children's, went well. As always these encounters bring memories of Gabbie to the forefront but that is to be expected.


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabrielle's site and for sharing our journey.

Thank you, Heather, for donating blood in memory of Gabbie.

We really are grateful for all the support and care from all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, April 15, 2004 6:44 PM CDT


He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:15

"'Christ died that we might live for him' does not mean 'that we might help him.' '[God is not] served by human hands, as though he needed anything' (Acts 17:25)….What Christ died for is not that we might help him, but that we might see and savor him as infinitely valuable. He died to wean us from poisonous pleasures and enthrall us with the pleasures of his beauty. In this way we are loved, and he is honored." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

God does not need Gabbie to help him, nor did God need Gabbie in heaven. Jesus calls us to himself knowing that we need him desperately. And I know that Gabbie also needed Jesus desperately and that Jesus did indeed come to her in her time of need. So much that he brought her home very, very early.


Considering that we are not social butterflies we have a busy weekend. On Saturday we will be visiting one of our friends from Children's Hospital. Allison is the Media Relations contact and we got to know her well since she had to be present anytime KARE 11 was filming us at Children's. We are looking forward to visiting with her and seeing her brand new condo.

On Sunday after church I may take Aubrey to go visit another special friend from Children's, who also came into our lives because of Gabbie's cancer. She is so kind and generous yet is suffering so much. I will just say that we live in a very cruel world.

On Sunday night, John and I are going to go listen to Dr. Gary Habermas speak at Wooddale. Habermas is the world's leading expert on extra-biblical proof on the resurrection of Jesus. Yes, yes, yes, I believe in the resurrection! But apparently this is a stumbling block for some believers and many unbelievers and it is very helpful for us all to learn of the historical evidence on the resurrection of Jesus.

In the name of defending the faith!


700 days and I still miss her deeply.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site. We pray you all have a very safe weekend and as always…if you have not already done so, please seek and you shall find!

Congratulations Becky, if you read this! You forgot to tell us his name.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 6:51 PM CDT


He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? ~ Romans 8:32

"If God did the hardest thing of all—namely, give up his own Son to suffering and death—then it is certain that he will do the comparatively easy thing, namely, give us all things with him….But what does 'give us all things' mean? Not an easy life of comfort….It means that he will give us all things that are good for us. All things that we really need in order to be conformed to the image of his Son. (Romans 8:29) All things we need in order to attain everlasting joy." ~ John Piper The Passion of Jesus Christ

Our suffering in this life is truly intertwined with the glorious joy that is lovingly bestowed upon all of God's children.


Re-orgs and more re-orgs at work. I was a little nervous yesterday but for now it appears my job is safe. I'm not worried about losing my job at West but rather a possible departmental transfer and I would rather stay where I am now.

We are getting a pretty good-sized tax-refund and are considering a summer vacation this year. With the exception of our jaunt to South Carolina after Gabbie died, we have not traveled at all as a family. And we simply do not know what next summer will bring so I'm sort of pushing John on this and normally I'm a HOMEBODY!

Where should we go….?


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. Thank you for your prayers and kindness. As always, thank you for loving a child you never knew.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 6:42 PM CDT


"…Last week, Christians recalled the real passion of Christ. It was indeed brutal and bloody, just as Gibson suggests. But the story is about more than the suffering and death of a carpenter on a Cross. The enduring significance of the Cross—undimmed through 2,000 years—is a message of hope. It’s about how a holy God loved the world enough to send his Son to die an excruciating, bloody death--so that all who believe in Him would have eternal life." ~ Chuck Colson, The Carpenter, the Cross—and a Question: Why Christianity Stands the Test of Time, published on the BreakPoint Web Site

I hope and pray that till the day I die I always share the message of Jesus. He died for you so please, please accept His gift of friendship and eternal life.


Our little Noah man isn't as fussy these days and is actually running around laughing and he usually seems to be quite proud of himself. I haven't checked his mouth lately and while I know one tooth did start to come in his teeth seem to be growing in slow motion—which is OK!

Minnesota is warming up again and with extended daylight hours I am finally getting around to pushing Noah in the stroller for some night-time walks.


We CaringBridge families really are a tangled Web. I was talking to a co-worker today who had never heard of Gabbie's story. She then shared that she had been following a CaringBridge family and that a young boy had died a few weeks ago. So here is the site for Alex Johnson who battled AML and who is now praising the LORD in His presence.

It's always comforting to see that some of these families are also believers yet we know the death of a child is still….the death of a child. Please pray for the Johnson family.

* * * Alex's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


It isn't that some do not know how or what to do. Simply, some are willing and some are not.


Thank you so much for you never-ending support. Thank you for praying for these other families.

We are so very thankful for all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 12, 2004 6:13 PM CDT


For holidays I go to John's church so that we can attend as a family. It really does not bother me although even John knows that Wooddale's music far outshines the affair at OLP! But they try at OLP and God loves heartfelt singing regardless as to the musical fanfare.

We then went to the Paquette's for Easter dinner. We are grateful that Gabbie was remembered…some Gabbie buttons worn by a loving aunt and loving godmother, Easter flowers at St. Therese in Gabbie's name, comments that Noah looks like Gabbie, and more. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

At dinner, Aubrey reminded me of how we can all be. I walked around the table laden with scrumptious food with Aubrey's plate and when we had completed circling the table she had only picked out a tiny, tiny sliver of ham, a pickle, and three olives.

We do that with God all the time. We think we want and need only this and that to make us happy yet God is offering us a banquet of spiritual blessings beyond our wildest dreams. So how come we don't take him up on his offer?

(By the way, don't worry about Aubrey. She can really pack the food in and even eats healthy food too!)


For the families who lost their little ones this Easter season. I believe that for both of these families, the child who went to Jesus was the only child. There seems to be a lot of this and I can only understand, but not know, the pain of losing one's only child. Please pray for the families of Jake and Jacob.

* * * Jake Griffin's Site * * *


* * * Jacob Rudisaile's Site * * *


I truly missed her so much this weekend but I simply cannot imagine the heavenly celebration that she participated in.


Thank you to all our family and friends who provided us with some musical notes this weekend by mentioning her name.

Thank you, for all the beautiful support on this Web site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:29 PM CDT

Our LORD and Savior has risen from the dead!

Our sins have been forgiven and we have been redeemed!

The children called home before us live…because Jesus lives!

The Paquette family thanks Jesus for giving us the joy in our great and assured eternal hope!

There is no other greater hope. There is no other Savior. Please, please, look to Jesus today!

Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:29 PM CDT

Our LORD and Savior was crucified.

My sins and your sins put him on the cross.

May we all find somber reflection in all that Jesus has done for us.

And God gave up this only Son before we loved Him and while we were yet still sinners.

The Paquette family thanks Jesus for his great and unspeakable sacrifice.

Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:29 PM CDT

Our LORD and Savior was crucified.

My sins and your sins put him on the cross.

May we all find somber reflection in all that Jesus has done for us.

And God gave up this only Son before we loved Him and while we were yet still sinners.

The Paquette family thanks Jesus for his great and unspeakable sacrifice.

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 6:32 PM CDT


"Adoption is not good news if it only puts us in the Father's family but not in his arms. This is crucial. Many people seem to embrace the good news without embracing God. There is no sure evidence that we have a new heart just because we want to escape hell. That's a perfectly natural desire, not a supernatural one. It doesn't take a new heart to want the psychological relief of forgiveness, or the removal of God's wrath, or the inheritance of God's world. All these things are understandable without spiritual change. You don't need to be born again to want these things. The devil wants them….But the evidence that we have changed is that we want these things because they bring us to the enjoyment of God. This is the greatest thing Christ died for." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. ~ 1 Peter 3:18

So very, very true. We cannot just desire heaven. We must desire God and put that desire above any other desire.


We have Noah completely off formula now and his tummy virus seems to have cleared up and his bottom is also back to normal! When we all say the Lord's Prayer at night before putting Noah down, he gets very excited and is all laughs and smiles. Actually, I don't think it is the praying so much as it is our voices all in unison.


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


My hope eternal for Gabbie and my own reunion with Jesus rings as loud as ever. But these days near holidays are still crushing me and my heart aches beyond words. This should never, ever be. Please God, any cross and all other crosses…but not this cross.

But your will be done.


Thank you, for caring. Thank you for remembering Gabbie.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 6:29 PM CDT


"The death of Christ is not only the demonstration of God's love (John 3:16), it is also the supreme expression of Christ's own love for all who receive it as their treasure. The early witnesses who suffered for being Christians were captured by this fact: Christ 'loved me and gave himself for me' (Galatians 2:20)." ~ John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ

Have you accepted and treasured Christ's extremely sacrificial love for you?


It was one of those warm April nights last night and while it was pitch dark I went for a run around 9:00 p.m. John always makes me wear a reflective vest. Although I have no fear about running at night (remember, to die is gain!!), sometimes I feel safer if I'm a dark blob moving through the night and remain unseen if by chance any crazy people are out there. A reflective vest makes you seen by all. But for the most part, runners still seem to be unbothered by thugs. Maybe they know we are unlikely to have any money or valuables on our person!


Just some more of my friends I've mentioned before…the mothers of Anna and Leilani.

* * * Saint Leilani's Site * * * and * * * Saint Anna's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


The greatest gift some have given me is for me to know that if they hurt me in regards to Gabrielle, I can honestly express that hurt and they will still be my friend.

I continue to miss her more than ever.


Thank you, Robin…for the wonderful book on Readings for the Holy Week! You are so thoughtful.

Thank you all for visiting Gabbie's site today.

Kathy, I will pray for clean results!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, April 5, 2004 6:40 PM CDT


Did you ever wonder why Jesus had to die if God is all-powerful and can do anything? So why couldn't God just save us?

God's attributes all work in harmony and while His love for us is very great He still needs to punish sin. God's holiness and righteousness are in harmony with His love for us. A sacrifice had to be made and blood had to be poured out because it is blood that is the life of the flesh.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. ~ Leviticus 17:11


And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. ~ Hebrews 9:22


Noah is much, much better!

I see my Ervin friends, see Saint Lukie's site, are still getting up to feed baby Dane at night. I wasn't going to say anything on this site because every time I announced Noah was sleeping better we took several steps backwards.

But it has been probably a good few weeks and Noah is sleeping through the night!

His only word is "uh oh," which he must have picked up at daycare. His walking is a bit steadier but he screamed when we tried to put shoes on him so he is walking in socks only.


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I should mind my own business, right? I was reading someone's guest book and a signer was trying to assure another mother that God does not allow children to suffer.

OH, YES HE DOES! But He is still sovereign and those of us who love Him know that no matter how much a child suffers God does what is best for that child. In fact, God's promises assure me that Gabrielle was personally invited to join Jesus on the an exceptionally young age!


Thank you for visiting our site today! Thank you for your very thoughtful support. May the good LORD shower you with spiritual blessings during this ever so Holy Week.

I should also note that Zachary Buckentine's mother, Jen, joined our grief group for the first time on Saturday also but since I already knew her I had not mentioned it. * * * Saint Zachary's Site * * *

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Sunday, April 4, 2004 5:08 PM CDT


"A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, 'Hosanna to the Son of David!' 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' 'Hosanna in the highest!'" ~ Matthew 21:8-9

This is the most somber week yet most joyful. We should all spend even more time contemplating the meaning of Jesus' horrible death…but joyous resurrection.

Today at church we heard an incredible young male soloist sing a song about the cross. And the worship/praise songs were so beautiful I simply did not want the service to end. I even had a chance to personally thank the soloist!


Saturday was quite the day! Before I went to the grief group I dropped Aubrey off at my friend Andrea's. My wonderful friend had offered to watch Noah and Aubrey while I met with the mothers and then come back to her house for lunch.

I openly confess I am directionally-challenged and after I left Andrea's house I spent time getting lost on the foreign-looking freeways of the north metro area. So I was flustered and late when I arrived at Janine Nielsen's house for the grief meeting but all the mothers were very gracious and still welcomed me. I had the chance to meet one new mother (you can meet Tammi at Connor's Site) We had some tears and a few laughs and I truly look forward to spending more time with all of them. We missed a few mothers but are thinking of them.

After the grief group I went back to my friend Andrea's for a late lunch and even got confused getting back to her home. Andrea is one of the "strangers" who, assertively, placed herself in my life and she is an incredible friend. And if Andrea reads this, the timing of your neighbor and pastor's visit while I was there was timed by God! God is really calling to you, my friend.

And then Aubrey and I went home…and once again I was confused on the roads but we finally made it back to Minneapolis.

(Noah went to his grandma's house instead of Andrea's because he does have a tummy virus. John took him to the doctor on Friday and their main concern was that the skin on his bottom was breaking down. It was pretty bad. When Aubrey watched me take off Noah's diaper Saturday morning she burst out that his private part looked like a cherry because it was so red. Poor Noah man. But he is much better now.)


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you, Grandma Paquette, for looking after our sore little Noah man. Thank you, Andrea, you will never know how much your caring means to me.

Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

Thank you, mothers, for sharing your grief journey with me ~ I am sorry for all of you.

Again, I can never thank any of you enough for loving a child you never knew. The special place in my heart for you is just overflowing.

And, Sarah, we continue to be so grateful for ALL that you do.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, April 1, 2004 6:45 PM CST


"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;…" ~ 1 Corinthians 6:19

The first thing God does is get us grounded on strong reality and truth. He does this until our cares for ourselves individually have been brought into submission to His way for the purpose of His redemption. Why shouldn’t we experience heartbreak? Through those doorways God is opening up ways of fellowship with His Son. Most of us collapse at the first grip of pain. We sit down at the door of God’s purpose and enter a slow death through self-pity. And all the so-called Christian sympathy of others helps us to our deathbed. But God will not. He comes with the grip of the pierced hand of His Son, as if to say, "Enter into fellowship with Me; arise and shine." If God can accomplish His purposes in this world through a broken heart, then why not thank Him for breaking yours? ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
So…I guess I am to thank my God for breaking my heart. I will always miss Gabbie very painfully and very deeply. But God is using her death to lead me to places I may never have ventured.


I sometimes think about the different people who helped us while Gabbie was sick. John has a brother who, in my opinion, has had a tough life. But this brother would come with his girlfriend and visit us at all hours. They would always come so quietly and there was no loud and noisy announcement of their arrival. And they would just quietly sit with us and sit with us. I saw John's brother shed many, many tears for Gabbie.

And sometimes they would leave so quietly I would not realize it until long after their welcome presence was gone.


I share the above because I was talking to another grieving mother this weekend. You know what it's really all about when you help others?

Sincerity. Money, time, gifts, words…sincerity wins out over all.


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


A big thank you to Helen Hudspith who made the banner for Gabbie!! She is making these all over CaringBridge for cancer children.

Thank you to all our friends and family and we pray that you have a very safe weekend.

Please say extra prayers for all the mothers I hope to share time with on Saturday at our grief group meeting.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:25 PM CST


I have a pretty strong stomach but today's news in Iraq really made me ill. For those of you who do not know what happened, four US contractors were burned and then their mutilated bodies were dragged through the streets in a town near Baghdad. The story gets worse but I will not share it here.

Our world continues to become more and more filled with hate and violence. I know this really frightens some people. So always know that if you are a child of God, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate God's love for His saints.

"The undiminished radiance, which is the result of abundant joy, is not built on anything passing, but on the love of God that nothing can change. And the experiences of life, whether they are everyday events or terrifying ones, are powerless to 'separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord'"( Romans 8:39 ). ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." ~ Romans 8:37


Noah went to daycare today and as far as I know he did well. We did not give him any milk last night and if all is fine then I guess we will reintroduce it and hopefully he just had a little virus.


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


We grieving mothers are not overly sensitive about our dead children.

We grieving mothers need no longer protect them physically, emotionally, or spiritually. So what is left? We pour all the normal mothering into simply protecting their grand significance in our lives.


Thank you so much for friendship, prayers, sharing, caring…and love.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:18 PM CST


Karen Watson was one of the recently murdered missionaries in Iraq. She wrote a letter that was only to be opened upon her death. She was aware of the risk but also aware of the glory. Here is an excerpt from her letter:

"To obey is my objective. To suffer is expected. His glory will be my reward." ~ Published in World Magazine, March 27, 2004

Thank you, Karen, for reminding us all that suffering will come but that it is followed by glory.


John left work early today because Noah was on his third outfit at daycare and was having very loose stools. Noah isn't acting sick and because we are still in the transition phase from formula to milk, we are beginning to wonder if Noah is having trouble digesting milk. This doesn't worry me but by now I know John will not relax until we get to the bottom of this.

I donated blood today and once again my "will you be dere" necklace caught much attention. One of the nurses shared her story about losing a brother and went on and on and on about how now we both have special angels watching over us. Sometimes even though I disagree I just let it go. Father Kevin once told me that Jesus will put the words in our mouth if something needs to be said.

But I've always wondered, "What does God think about this angel business?"


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for coming to Gabbie's site today. Thank you for being part of our journey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

Monday, March 29, 2004 6:26 PM CST


I will e-mail directions to Janine Nielsen's home to all those who have attended any of the previous two meetings. Interested newcomers please feel free to e-mail me and I will send the directions to you.


Although I have yet to talk to them, I am interested to hear from one of John's brothers and his mother as they were going to see The Passion today. As much as I want to encourage others to see it…whether or not others can handle the violence worries me a bit.

My co-worker enjoyed Aubrey's artwork that was taped to her glass wall so we are going to leave it up for a while. It includes torn pieces of paper, three pennies, a scribbled flower, and a pink post-it note that says, "I love you."


Here is a little Noah from Minnesota who is bravely battling leukemia.

* * * Noah's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


We grieving mothers are not difficult people.

But we grieving mothers are walking through the most difficult and painful trial in life.

I wonder if they will ever see the difference?


Thank you, so much for all your support.

If my friend Suzanne reads this, Aubrey and I read the first chapter of the workbook you gave us. I think it is perfect for us!! Aubrey will even get used to "King James" language at a very young age.

And Mary, the CD's are incredible! Hope you trip to Kansas is going well…if you read this.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ donate blood & save a child's life ~ * ~ donate blood & save a child's life ~ * ~ donate blood & save a child's life ~ * ~ donate blood & save a child's life ~ * ~ donate blood & save a child's life ~ * ~ donate blood & save a child's life ~ * ~

Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:48 PM CST


Most believers find no solace in the Bible when it comes to those who are indifferent to Jesus. I've known very, very few people who are openly hostile to Jesus. But I know many who are indifferent to Jesus.

But the Bible does not say, anywhere, that God is tolerant with indifference towards His Son.

"The reality of hell was a major theme in the evangelistic ministry of Jesus. We read time after time of Jesus' sorrow over a lack of response to this life-giving message. He knew the stakes were skyhigh with eternity hanging in the balance, and we must live with that same sobering realization." ~ Bill Hybels, Evangelism: Becoming Stronger Salt and Brighter Light

If we are all going to heaven, then why was Jesus so sorrowful?


John took Noah to the doctor on Saturday but Noah is fine. He was running a fever Friday night and still on Saturday morning. While I knew Noah was fine, this is all part of John's grief process and if he needs to run to the doctor anytime the kids are sick, why, it's his right!

I needed to catch up on some work and decided to take Aubrey with me to West. It worked well and I might do that once a month or so. We were not rushed at all and then I took her out to lunch. Aubrey is so happy. She just laughs and gets excited and loves to goof around. I watched her while we were at lunch and her huge smile and laughter never ended.

Hopefully the co-worker next to me won't mind all the things Aubrey taped to her outer-glass wall. I scribbled a note to my friend and told her I would take care of it on Monday.


How come Gabbie hardly ever got to laugh?


We woke up Saturday morning to a depressing item in the news. In a small town in Minnesota, an elderly man found in his basement was most likely murdered. The whole town claimed he was a KINDLY old man. He was very well-liked.

In his picture, he looked KINDLY.


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for all the prayers and support. Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:03 PM CST


My heart aches for another mother watching her child die. But my heart also aches because the world continues to be deceived. The deaths of these children are so misunderstood.

Mama: "Gabbie, do you want to go home with Dadda and Mama or home with Jesus?"

Gabbie: "Home with you." (And pointing at me, of course.)

I must have asked Gabbie that question at least 20 times over a period of several weeks and she never wavered in stating her preference. But Gabrielle was and is a child of God and her true and innermost longing was to be with God. These children love us mommies and daddies so very, very much but their souls, by far, know the true Father and the true Home.

"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee." ~ Psalm 73:25


"Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." ~ Romans 8:23

The moment these children die, they are before the face of God and have not even the slightest desire to return to us. There only desire for us is that we join them some day.


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


We wish all you a safe weekend. And now I can end the week with a quote on desiring heaven.

There is a great deal of difference between the desires of heaven in a sanctified man and an unsanctified. The believer prizeth it above earth, and had rather be with God than here (though death that stands in the way, may possibly have harder thoughts from him). But to the ungodly, there is nothing seemeth more desirable than this world; and therefore he only chooseth heaven before hell, but not before earth; and therefore shall not have it upon such a choice." ~ Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
What does this mean? It's not enough to desire heaven over hell as almost anyone would agree to that. You must desire heaven (and God) over life in this world…including your loved ones. I know it seems so hard to love God more than your children. But if you seek God, He will come to you and you will love Him above all else.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:14 PM CST


I was blunt with someone once as they were questioning how God could allow people to go to hell. I later decided that I had been too blunt in my presentation of the message and so I sent a card and apologized. But we cannot apologize for the message itself.

"Never water down the Word of God, but preach it in its undiluted sternness. There must be unflinching faithfulness to the Word of God, but when you come to personal dealings with others, remember who you are—you are not some special being created in heaven, but a sinner saved by grace. ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest

I know and trust that Wooddale will not soften or dilute the message of the Gospel as it concerns how we have to forgive.


Aubrey loves to share her bath with Noah and while I stay in the bathroom with them, I'm not always paying attention. While we have repeatedly told her that she cannot waste soap (the liquid soap we pour into the bath) she simply does not listen to us.

Last night I noticed the bubbles kept growing and sure enough she had poured out an entire bottle. It happened to one of the Johnson's soaps that is vapor smelling for colds. Even John starting harping on Aubrey because the entire main floor smelled like mentholatum. (Which isn't bad…but even he has lectured Aubrey on wasting the soaps.)


I do not know much about Hunter's Syndrome, but apparently Jordan is the youngest child ever to undergo an unrelated cord blood transplant.

* * * Jordan's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Yes, we tell people we are fine but inside our hearts are so crushed.


Thank you so much for following our journey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:29 PM CST


Gabbie and all the other children who have left us too early are doing what we normally cannot envision from such little ones. They are not playing as children play here but rather they are worshipping and praising God. And we can know with great assuredness that their souls really are overflowing with joy as they worship and praise God.

Heaven is not a playground. BreakPoint has an excellent article on heaven and what it is not and what we have shamefully done in our descriptions of heaven. Heaven is not about us. Heaven is about worshipping God. If you have time, visit the BreakPoint Web Site and scroll down for the commentary written by Chuck Colson, An Everlasting Playground.


Does anyone wonder where John is in all this?

My husband has different coping skills. If something unpleasant comes along, I think he immediately buries it. John has tried to be supportive but to tell the truth my situation is beyond John's reach.

And for some reason and with rare exception, I was alone when all the painful experiences happened. And I think we all know the impact of a situation is never the same when you only hear of it rather than experience it.

But sometimes I ache for John. He is one of the most respectful persons I know and Gabbie is his daughter, too.


Oops…I guess one of John's brothers does know how to swim. Sorry, Greg! Gosh, one out of eight. Who wants to go boating with the Paquettes?


Another friend sent me news of another dying little girl. I do not know this family at all but I can vividly imagine their pain. Please pray for Savannah and her family.

* * * Savannah's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


God bless all of you. I don't even ask…you just give. Thank you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Monday, March 22, 2004 6:21 PM CST


I cannot tell you how often I'll struggle on a certain day only to then read a guest book entry that lifts me up. All of you are so kind and so gracious. A special thanks to Kimberly H. because you said something that really, really hit home. And thank you for the beautiful poem, too.

Kimberly commented that Gabbie is loved by so many. Yes, she is. But without CaringBridge that would never be so.


"The troubles of my heart have multiplied; free me from my anguish. Look upon my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins."~ Psalm 25:17-18

Sometimes we have the idea that "good Christians" don't have strong emotions; they don't feel deep emotional pain or should act restrained. Or that we should "keep a stiff upper lip" when we hurt. But these beliefs aren't Biblically-sound. God created our emotions. The word of God has a good number of examples of God's servants who expressed their deepest emotions, both to God and to their friends. ~ Christian Fellowship Devotionals, March 8, 1998
* * * Christian Fellowship Devotionals Web Site * * *


When Gabbie was sick, John and I were so fortunate that some people insisted on helping us. We didn't have to ask and are so grateful for that. Asking for help can be very difficult and sometimes almost impossible.

And so today I reluctantly broke down and asked for help. I hope to meet with some people from Wooddale later this week. My situation has finally overwhelmed me to the point that I cry whenever I am alone.

I'm not talking about Gabbie's death but rather everything related to her death and our other loss. I know this wasn't done intentionally, but my family has severely underestimated the physical and emotional impact on me regarding numerous family incidents.

I prayed and prayed to God and waited and waited for an answer. And this weekend I finally heard God. And I think His answer is that I have to seek help from the church.

Because how can I ever, ever help others when I am in such a broken state?


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


When Gabbie died, neither John nor I ever once remotely suggested that Gabbie was loved by all family members. That simply was not our experience and I accepted that a long time ago.

So CaringBridge stepped in and now we can say that she is loved by many.


Thank you, all my special friends. I still wish there was some grand way I could express my appreciation.

And I still thank the family members who really did care and who still try.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Sunday, March 21, 2004 10:03 PM CST


"Christianity is a rescue religion. It declares that God has taken the initiative in Jesus Christ to deliver us from our sins. This is the main theme of the Bible." ~ John Stott, Basic Christianity

Unless you have already grasped His waiting hand, your Redeemer is waiting for you to open your heart to Him.


I think John and Aubrey and Noah all had better a better weekend than I. But that is alright and this is to be expected.

John took Aubrey to Auntie Sarah's pool party on Saturday. Aubrey had so much fun and used up so much energy she actually asked to go to bed early, which is a rare event in our home. I heard that an adult who does not know how to swim jumped in the pool with his clothes on. An adult who can't swim? That would be a Paquette, no doubt. (Sarah is very generous and even invites some of the Paquette's to her pool parties.)


These other children are affecting me much more now. I think I know why and I hope people understand. When Gabbie first died and then I heard about other children dying I was not as impacted because I was already as low as low can be. So with the exception of Steve Nielsen, who died 3 weeks before Gabbie, I don't think other deaths really hit me.

But they do now. Including those in the interim immediately following Gabbie's death.

So now it's not just Gabbie but all these other children. I cannot wait to meet them all some day!


A friend sent me an e-mail about Jacob and once again I feel my heart is overwhelmed. Jacob really needs our prayers as his battle against neuroblastoma is very, very tough.

* * * Jacob's Site * * *

Here is a cute little Aussie girl battling neuroblastoma. A friend thought Kaitlyn reminded her a bit of Gabbie. When I went to the site I immediately agreed.

* * * Kaitlyn's Site * * *


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Thursday, March 18, 2004 7:03 PM CST



I see that many others share the same concern about A&F. Thank you so much for sharing your comments. I'm so glad that Debbie shared her horror story about her own son commenting on another child's shirt. We have to tell our children what we want and what our rules are but we can't have them judging other children! One mother suggested I should have told the parents about A&F and it's true that we should make sure others understand what A&F peddles.

I remember in the years before we started a family I feared bringing children into this world and my mother assured me that a great-relative, decades before me, also had the same fear. It is true that the world has always been a not so great place. But the times are changing ever so fast and the slide into moral decay is more and more evident.

Our times continue to worsen.

Gabbie's cancer continued to worsen. And then she died.

Now is the time to make sure you have accepted the free gift of eternal life from Jesus. Now is the time not to just intellectually acknowledge Jesus but to call Him your Savior and your LORD.


Jesus is Lord, yet He allows men to crucify Him….No man can entertain an opinion of indifference regarding Jesus. If he has considered the subject at all, he must worship Christ or crucify Him. Where there is earnestness in the inquiry or the criticism, that earnestness ends in homage or in crucifixion. ~ Joseph Parker

Aubrey slept at Auntie Sarah's place on Tuesday night. Aubrey just loves Sarah and is teased by Sarah as being a "barnacle." That's because Aubrey literally CLINGS to Sarah when she is over at our place. Sarah diligently works with Aubrey on her swimming and we are so very grateful. Aubrey also loves to call Sarah on the phone but never lets Sarah get in one word.


Please visit the Web site for Maddisynne. This family lost a daughter, Taryn, and now baby Maddisynne is sick. I believe, but am not sure, that Maddisynne has been lovingly adopted by her family.

* * * Maddisynne's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


My grief will last for the rest of my life. But mixed in with heavy grief for the baby I shall never, ever again see in this life, is joy in my salvation and my LORD.


We thank you all for your never-ending kindness. I still cannot believe how long some of you have shared this journey with us. I thank God for you!!

Please have a safe weekend.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:32 PM CST


I just received word that KARE 11 will be doing a special on CaringBridge this Sunday, March 21 on the 10:00 p.m. news. Mark Daly will be reporting!


"If children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him." ~ Romans 8:17. See below for excerpts from an excellent sermon on suffering & glory by nationally known writer and pastor, John Piper, Bethlehem Church, Minneapolis, MN.

But I close by asking why. Does Paul tell us why suffering must precede glory? We can give at least part of the answer. It’s found in Romans 5:3, "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance." There’s the clue: Suffering, or tribulation, works endurance or perseverance. Perseverance of what? Faith. How? By knocking the props of self-reliance (and trust in things and people) out from under us, and making us rely more on God (see 2 Corinthians 1:8-9).

If there were no afflictions and difficulties and troubles and pain, our fallen hearts would fall ever more deeply in love with the comforts and securities and pleasures of this world instead of falling more deeply in love with our inheritance beyond this world, namely, God himself. Suffering is appointed for us in this life as a great mercy to keep us from loving this world more than we should and to make us rely on God who raises the dead. "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22).

There is no other way. Do not begrudge them. They are hard to bear. I know they are. But if you keep your inheritance before you, and if God gives you the grace to see what Paul calls "the riches of the glory of his inheritance" (Ephesians 1:18), then will you not say with the apostle, "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us"? Author ~ John Piper, April 21, 2002 (Sermon)

Noah had his one-year check-up this morning and all is well and quite average. He happily and joyfully wandered the hallways in his diaper as we waited for our doctor. Very, very proud of himself! Our doctor is so nice and he always mentions Gabbie. We even had a short talk about death and faith.


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I'm sorry, Gabbie, that you had no idea why you had to suffer so much. My heart weeps for you every day.


Thank you, so much for your support and understanding. We are forever and eternally grateful.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:04 PM CST


I'm glad that a guest book signer, Patty, mentioned that at least the teenager wearing the Abercrombie t-shirt was at church. Because then the teenager could at least hear the Gospel message that is competing with today's dark culture. It is the Gospel that has the power to save!

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." ~ Romans 1:16

Abercrombie is only one of many competing worldviews. Abercrombie is pornography.
If you don't believe me, run some Web searches on Abercrombie. Then narrow it down and read what Mark Millar has said about Jesus at the age of 12. (This was something printed in the A&F 2003 Christmas Field Guide that was pulled by A&F.)

That is the culture being fed to our children. Do parents really understand what their children are facing today? Please, please bring your children to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Connor Hunley's mother, Rhonda, has signed Gabbie's guest book many times and I see her offering support all over CaringBridge! Please visit Connor's site.

* * * Connor's Site * * *


Please keep LaKota and her family in your prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I know time goes by so fast for everyone else. But it ticks away ever so slowly for me.


Thank you for remembering the child who came and disappeared like a soft wisp and a vapor but left our hearts deeply pained.

Thank you, for visiting Gabbie's site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Monday, March 15, 2004 6:34 PM CST


Several weeks ago I listed my hopes for Noah and Aubrey, noting that following Jesus was far more important than anything else. Please understand that these are my hopes for my children and that I am not boasting that our home has risen above anyone else's home.

Everything I share on this site is not shared because we have perfected our following of Jesus but simply what we are learning on our earthly journey and the high hopes I have for my children.

And so this Sunday at Wooddale I stopped myself before making judgment on some other family. Our sermon was from 2 Peter and was about scoffers and God's future coming judgment. Our world will be judged…of this there is no doubt. And as we poured out of the sanctuary after the service was over, there was a teenager wearing a t-shirt displaying Abercrombie & Fitch in huge letters. At first I thought, "Why would a parent allow their teenager to wear that shirt, and especially to church?" And then I stopped and realized it could happen to our family some day. Aubrey may draw crosses now and talk of Jesus but the real test is yet to come.

And if anyone is wondering why I would care about a simple t-shirt, it's because Abercrombie sells a worldview message that is very hostile to the message from Jesus. You cannot have Abercrombie and Jesus at the same time.

"And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up." ~ Deut. 6:6-7

And so I hope and pray that John and I dig down much deeper and fortify Aubrey and Noah so that they have the strength to follow Jesus…in a world that tells them they do not need Jesus.


Noah is walking more and more but with a lot of plops. Auntie Sarah makes fun of him and says he walks like some monsters from a cartoon (I can't remember what cartoon). But she is right. He walks with his arms stretched out before him and his wrists are limp so his hands dangle and combined with the waddle it is humorous.


The Ervin family lost their little saint, Luke Gabriel, last summer. And yes, I said saint! This family is very devoted to God. Please visit * * * Saint Lukie's Site * * *


Please keep praying for LaKota and her family.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for all your kindness. May God shower you with blessings from above!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Sunday, March 14, 2004 9:34 PM CST


I am a doubting pessimist.

In my eyes, most of the time, the glass is half-empty (not about God but about the world).

My child's death almost killed me.

Every single negative emotion known to mankind roared over me in waves.

This is not a very good combination of character traits to have when your child dies.

So isn't it wonderful that Jesus Christ Himself is the author, finisher, and perfecter of our faith. Without Jesus, there would be no faith for Gabbie's mama.

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." ~ Hebrews 12:2.


We had a nice little birthday celebration for Noah. Little Noah was even hamming it up and enjoying himself. My mom made a very delicious dinner and brought it over here. So we had dinner with my parents, John's mother, and Auntie Sarah. And then we had Gabbie's godmother, cousin Elizabeth, and her family over for dessert. I felt bad but wasn't organized enough to have a big dinner…I hope Elizabeth and family didn't mind! (And I wasn't even doing the cooking....)

Noah received some very nice presents. Godmother Elizabeth had one of those personalized children's books made that referenced Noah's name but also his sisters Aubrey and Gabbie!! It's so cute.

Godmother Elizabeth is a little famous now. She is a security guard at one of the malls in the Twin Cities and she was recently mentioned in the paper for catching someone dealing drugs.


Another family has said goodbye to a beautiful little girl. Please pray for Abby's family.

* * * Abby's Site * * *


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


We thank everyone for a wonderful birthday party for Noah! Thank you very, very much.

Thank you for coming to Gabbie's site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:23 PM CST



A friend of mine who saw The Passion was wondering why Jesus had to suffer so much and so brutally.

God's perfect holiness cannot tolerate sin—any sin. Jesus became sin for us and God's holy and righteous wrath was unleashed upon His sinless Son. "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:21

And as brutal and crushing as the physical torment was, no human can fathom the spiritual pain Jesus suffered as he was separated from the Father. That pain was far beyond the brutal physical pain and torture.


The family of Princess Madison. Madi is with Jesus but she sure broke some hearts while she was here. I cried streams of tears when I saw the pictures of Madi in her little cheerleading outfit.

* * * Princess Madi's Site * * *


Please keep praying for LaKota.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I don't even know what my salary is and I don't even care. That's how much your life changes. (I suppose I could estimate within a few thousand but I truly do not know what I make.)


Thank you, so very much. We wish you all a very safe weekend.

We never know do we? When will we die? There are no second chances. You can trust the world or you can trust God and His word. It is the most important decision you could ever make.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:38 PM CST


I was getting ready for work in that hectic morning rush that confronts us daily. Aubrey was working on a coloring project and kept asking for some spelling help. She proudly told me to come out to the living room to see her latest artwork taped to the wall.

She broke my heart.

She had drawn a cross and colored it all in brown with the exception of the center where she squeezed in the three words she had asked me to spell for her. And outside the cross she also wrote the same words only bigger.

Miss Aubrey is beginning to understand concepts that many adults refuse to seek. Aubrey's three words were:




And of course, she knows the CROSS, too. Thank you, Aubrey. I hope you never, ever stop seeking.

If Jesus Christ is not your Savior and your LORD, please seek Him now. Jesus came out of love and to die on the cross for you. But remember, Jesus did not die for the demons who also call him Jesus. Please take that step beyond intellectual assent.


I worked today but still have a sinus infection. But, no complaints.

I think and hope that Noah is now sleeping through the night. We do have to get up earlier than our normal routine for a morning bottle but he is sleeping peacefully through most of the night.


The Nielsen family is approaching Steven's birthday, March 13th. Please keep this family in your prayers. They are such wonderful people and have experienced so much loss.

* * * Steven's Site * * *


Keep LaKota in your daily prayers.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you and thank you some more. Too bad there isn't a book out there on how to write THANK YOU a million different ways!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 5:24 PM CST


God is Holy and we are not.

God requires perfect righteousness and holiness and we cannot deliver.

So who can be saved?

Those who accept Jesus then have the imputed righteousness of Christ!

"Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD will not take into account." ~ Romans 4:8

(Paraphrased from R.C. Sproul, Right Now Counts Forever, Tabletalk, April 2004)


I'm on my second sick day home from work ~ hopefully I can go in tomorrow.

Losing an "only" picture when your child dies is very disheartening. I had one digital photo of my dad and Gabbie and I lost it. I searched and searched my computers at home and work. But thankfully I had once posted the picture on the site and Christine Russo had actually commented on it. Her comment is below and I even left her typo in as those things are endearing to me!

"Monica, there is someting really heartbreaking about the Gabby and Grandpa photo, just the way he is holding her little hand…." ~ Christine Russo

Now, there is more to the story. My brother Joe came by last night and I wanted to take a picture of him holding Aubrey and Noah as he is Noah's godfather. As usual my camera was full and so I decided to try downloading to our new home computer. Thankfully it actually worked and with little or no confusion.

And lo and behold, there was the picture of Gabbie and my dad. Now some camera techie will tell me what happened (it never displayed on the camera when I displayed all the pictures) from a technical standpoint but I would like to look at it another way. As my friend Cathy Clyde (Theresa Rose's mama) would say, we sometimes get signals of grace from God.

Here are the sites for Christine's son Ronnie (the Gooch) and Cathy and Nate's daughter, Theresa Rose.

* * * Theresa Rose's Site * * *

* * * Gooch's Site * * *

I consider both of these mothers as my very good friends!


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you so very much. We are so grateful for all that you continue to do.

Please look to Jesus for your salvation.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Monday, March 8, 2004 5:23 PM CST


I have seen several other grieving mothers make their parallels with The Passion, and will now make mine. Of course, none of us would ever say our children suffered as much as Jesus as no one can fathom the suffering he endured that is known as the wrath of God.

~ * ~ In memory of Gabrielle Anna Paquette ~ * ~

* Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane: "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup from Me; Nevertheless not My will, but Yours be done." ~ Luke 22:42

We begged God many times to take the cup away from us. Not sure if we ever were able to say "nevertheless, not My will, but Yours…"

* Much of Jesus' blood was shed.

I remember the blood dripping out of Gabbie's feeding tube and the pool of blood in her crib after she died. She was scourged on the inside.

* When Jesus was shackled to the scourging post the camera panned to his shaking hands.

I remember watching Gabbie shake uncontrollably from a reaction to platelets and after her first surgery.

* Jesus fell down many times as his life's blood drained from him.

Gabbie walked before her diagnosis but had to learn to crawl again. She was so very tired. She rarely if ever walked during the last two months of her life. Life was drained out of her.

* When Jesus died, Gibson expressed his creative license by having a large teardrop from heaven come crashing down to earth.

We told Gabbie over and over that her surgery would remove the cancer. I remember Gabbie softly asking me after her surgery if the "cancer all gone?"

No, Gabbie. It's not gone. Silent large tears.

* When Jesus was being crucified, Mary knelt on the ground and dug her hands repeatedly into the earth.

The first time we were told Gabbie was terminal I was in Gabbie's hospital bed and my hands grasped the handrail with all my strength and my whole body went rigid with unspeakable pain.

* Mary held her dead son and her eyes told us everything.

We held our dead daughter and I know our eyes spoke volumes.

* It's not in the movie, but in the Bible Mary saw Jesus after the Resurrection.

We are still waiting….

But blessed are we who have not seen and yet believe!


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for everything!

Thank you, Jesus, none of us deserve the gift bought by your painful redeeming work yet you did it anyway.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Sunday, March 7, 2004 7:33 PM CST


I feel like Peter when he denied Jesus.

I’m really, really sorry.

I feel, figuratively, that I'm walking through fiery flames (Gabbie's death and feelings). And every once in a while the intensity of the flames overcome me and I swear out loud. And the hand that flies to my mouth to stifle the swearing is too late. And because I love God I am then sadly shaken and frustrated.

I don't think my March 3rd journal entry on forgiveness was right. I shared too much on what forgiveness is not and not enough on what it is. And again I expressed my frustrations with certain people in my life.

I'm very, very sorry for sharing publicly what should have been private. The pain has been way too much for me. But I think I'm at a turning point as I've recognized that such things are temptations and that if I fully surrender to God He will help me be more restrained and patient with this whole process.


We had a busy weekend. I took Aubrey and Noah out to lunch with a friend and her daughter. Thank you, Andrea! Sorry I was so distracted. I will be praying for Mac's surgery this week. It was Noah's first visit to a restaurant and things went well with the exception of a huge messy upchuck at the end!

I don't believe in coincidence. The picture above was taken while we were at Steven's funeral. The flowers were left by Becky, a woman we got to know as she visited us many times. She was a children's entertainer and she always made Gabbie smile, even if for a brief second. Way back I have a note on a journal entry from Becky. It was about Curious George and how Gabbie closed her eyes for the last time before Becky could say good-bye. We haven't heard from Becky since Gabbie's death but Saturday she called us by surprise from California. I told her that I had just put up the picture with Gabbie and her flowers the day before.

John and I saw The Passion this afternoon. I haven't had much time to discuss it with John but I know it had an impact on him.


So quiet, so gentle, so loving…and so unassuming. We miss you deeply.


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you, Sarah, for babysitting so we could go see The Passion. Thank you for entertaining Aubrey so often and helping us out. We appreciate it very much.

Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today.

Thank you Jesus for loving us in spite of all our shortcomings.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:34 PM CST


"Prayer is the shield to the soul, a delight to God, and a scourge to Satan." ~ John Bunyan, quoted in The Evidence Bible.

It has always been easier for me to read the Word than to pray. But I am working on this and when you see results…it is a delightful reward! And after seeing the creepy and very evil depiction of Satan in The Passion, I truly want to make prayer-time a very high priority.


Little Noah has temper tantrums the girls never had. We go through the same routine every night. Noah gets his bath and actually has fun. When the bath is done, he starts to really scream on the changing pad because I believe he is a little cold. Then I set him down and try to coax him to come to the living room for his bottle. He wants the bottle but refuses to walk/crawl and wants to be carried.

Now, I'm not being mean, but I don't want our little Noah man to think he can scream and get his way! Last night he sat in my vision and just screamed and screamed. He eventually caved in and crawled to me.


This is another wonderful mother I met on the 8th floor at Childrens. Although our schedules no longer permit us to meet, after Gabbie died I would frequently meet her for lunch and we had long discussions…mostly about God and faith. And, I also have an online relationship with Melissa's mother-in-law.

Melissa's son Jonathan is doing well in his battle against ALL.

* * * Jonathan's Site * * *


Please keep this wonderful family in your prayers. They have lost two children and LaKota is battling a relapse from ALL to AML.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I heard from so many of you on forgiveness. Thank you again for understanding and for sharing. It really does help to know I'm not alone in this experience. Gabbie means the world to me and what I have to forgive is very diffuicult. (Forgiveness is a will and not a feeling.) But God is so wonderful and He will keep leading me!

We hope all of you have a very safe weekend! We are supposed to be getting lots of snow. I don't start dreaming about spring until May—why torment myself?

We are so grateful for all of you and your love is an incredible gift from God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Thursday, March 4, 2004 6:34 PM CST


"Prayer is the shield to the soul, a delight to God, and a scourge to Satan." ~ John Bunyan, quoted in The Evidence Bible.

It has always been easier for me to read the Word than to pray. But I am working on this and when you see results…it is a delightful reward! And after seeing the creepy and very evil depiction of Satan in The Passion, I truly want to make prayer-time a very high priority.


Little Noah has temper tantrums the girls never had. We go through the same routine every night. Noah gets his bath and actually has fun. When the bath is done, he starts to really scream on the changing pad because I believe he is a little cold. Then I set him down and try to coax him to come to the living room for his bottle. He wants the bottle but refuses to walk/crawl and wants to be carried.

Now, I'm not being mean, but I don't want our little Noah man to think he can scream and get his way! Last night he sat in my vision and just screamed and screamed. He eventually caved in and crawled to me.


This is another wonderful mother I met on the 8th floor at Childrens. Although our schedules no longer permit us to meet, after Gabbie died I would frequently meet her for lunch and we had long discussions…mostly about God and faith. And, I also have an online relationship with Melissa's mother-in-law.

Melissa's son Jonathan is doing well in his battle against ALL.

* * * Jonathan's Site * * *


Please keep this wonderful family in your prayers. They have lost two children and LaKota is battling a relapse from ALL to AML.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I heard from so many of you on forgiveness. Thank you again for understanding and for sharing. It really does help to know I'm not alone in this experience. Gabbie means the world to me and she wasn't really appreciated very much…so this forgiveness is VERY difficult. Forgiveness is a will and not a feeling. But God is so wonderful and He will keep leading me!

We hope all of you have a very safe weekend! We are supposed to be getting lots of snow. I don't start dreaming about spring until May—why torment myself?

We are so grateful for all of you and your love is an incredible gift from God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere?~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 5:41 PM CST


About a month ago I received an anonymous (first-name only) e-mail. It was very disturbing to me and some of the accusations are not true. But the sender was right on one account and I guess I should thank her.

I apologize to all readers of this site if I have misled you concerning the Christian's response to pain and the Christian's duty to forgive. While it would have been fine for me to state that I had frustrations in certain areas of my life, I should never have made hints at or mentioned the actual incidents and behavior from some of my siblings and their spouses.

And I apologize to the siblings and spouses involved. I should not have shared or even hinted at your actions and behaviors on Gabbie's site. Because Gabbie was not our first loss, I saw a pattern of hurtful behavior emerge and will admit that I was quite angry.

Most people know that I have been unable to attend family events on my side. I need a lot of time to heal from the choices of others that have taken a great toll on me (John has seen it). And in addition for time to heal, there are many serious issues that have to be addressed and openly discussed.

These were not mistakes made under the duress of nervousness. People were very confident and sometimes pushed on even when I/we indicated they should stop. In every instance there were other obvious options and choices—and they were not sacrificial or costly choices either.

So along with the apology, I'm also going to share some thoughts on Christian forgiveness as it is frequently misunderstood.

* Forgiveness and reconciliation are not the same.

* Anything and everything must be forgiven. If Gabbie had been raped and murdered, God would have called on John and me to forgive. (This I knew!)

* "Forgiveness is never sweeping things under the [proverbial] carpet. That is NOT God's way."

* "Forgiving is not tolerance….You can forgive someone almost anything. But you cannot tolerate everything."

* "Forgiving is not excusing. Excusing is just the opposite of forgiving. We excuse people when we understand that they were NOT to blame….Forgiving is tough. Excusing is easy."

* "Forgiving is not smothering conflict. Some people hinder the hard work of forgiving by smothering confrontation."

* "Forgiving is not forgetting. But even if it is easier to forget after we forgive, we should not make forgetting a test of our forgiving. The test of forgiving lies with healing the lingering pain of the past, not with forgetting that the past ever happened."

All the above that is quoted came from an article titled Forgive and Remember at the With Web Site.

I have this feeling that my family is looking at my pain as simply a response to Gabbie's death. When our children first die, sure, some of us really feel like lashing out. But I have worked through all the normal feelings that visit a grieving parent (we can struggle with resentment, bitterness, depression, anger, rage, anxiety, despair, and more) and God has really worked some miracles in my life.

But what remains completely unchanged are very hurtful actions that cannot be justified.

Only with God's help and grace can I ever go back yet right now I am very, very weary.

My family needs to be generous in how much time I need to heal.


We love you to the moon and back, Gabbie.


Debbie is pleading for prayers and I am so worried for them.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


To all my friends who have understood this deep, deep struggle…thank you so much.

And again, I'm sorry to all the readers and family who had to see such expressions of anger publicly documented.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all peoples ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all creation ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~

Tuesday, March 2, 2004 6:42 PM CST


Simeon lived in Jerusalem and was very devoted to God. He waited very patiently as God had promised Simeon he would not see death before he had a chance to see God's anointed One, Jesus Christ. One day, Simeon entered the Temple and saw Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus. He finally held baby Jesus and praises God as he does.

"Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." ~ Luke 2:29-32

Although it can be so hard at times, I know I need to patiently wait for the promises from God. For some day...complete peace.


I'm still drained from The Passion. I really want John to see it so I might be going a second time this weekend.

Noah is getting up earlier and earlier. Could be the early morning sun…what are we in for when we have daylight at 5:00 am in the summertime???


Little cute Lina is doing well after battling stage IV neuroblastoma. Her mother, Natalie, has signed Gabbie's guest book many times. If you can, go visit Lina's site.

* * * Lina's Site * * *


I didn't catch this earlier but LaKota's relapse is AML, previously she was battling ALL.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


I was doing really well in a meeting today and then my mind wandered to Gabbie and how unhappy she was the last few months of her life. It's is so awful to watch your baby struggle with emotional pain.


Thank you for all your support. Thank you for understanding!

If Mary A. reads this, I want to thank you again as I was able to give all the mothers who came to the grief group on Saturday a copy of Jeanette's CD. I am so very touched.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all peoples ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all creation ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~

Monday, March 1, 2004 9:11 PM CST


I took some vacation hours this afternoon and saw The Passion.

After all that I've read and seen and after all the hype…it was still more than I expected. It was moving and draining beyond words. The depiction of Satan was also beyond what I had anticipated but in reality I have no doubt that he is even worse. Every believer will be impacted in different ways. I just know that I am shaken that he would suffer so much for us...and we are sinners.

Heaven is real. But so is eternal torment.

I simply cannot tell you what Jesus went through to rescue us from hell. His offer of rescue is free to all but must be accepted in the heart. Intellectual assent is simply not enough.


LaKota is a sweet little girl from a family who has already had too much loss.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you, Jesus. For all that you have done for us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Sunday, February 29, 2004 10:10 PM CST


I confess we watched a few minutes here and there of the Oscars. Very, very successful people. But as I was giving Noah a bath and doing some reading (he entertains himself in the bath so I sit on the bathroom floor and read), I read about the other kind of success. It was an article on someone I've never heard of, Jan Comenius (1592-1670). Though he is said to be the "single greatest innovator of missions, education, and literature…, [regarding Christianity]" he is hardly remembered today.

The end of the article said this on success: "When he [Comenius] died at the age of seventy-eight, he left behind a glorious legacy, not of this world, that would inspire the likes of Whitefield, Wesley, Zinzendorf, Chalmers, and Kuyper, providing a powerful reminder that success in the kingdom rarely looks like success in the world.

Credit ~ Tabletalk, March 2004


Noah had a great weekend and a tooth is finally coming in! By great weekend, I mean he was cheerful for us most of the time. Normally our Saturdays and Sundays are spent wondering why Noah cries all the time.

He is walking a little more and has a great sense of pride when he can stand up in the bathtub. He just stands up and laughs and laughs or has a conversation with the shower/bath spigot.

Our mothers' group was small but went well. There were five of us and plenty of tears as we shared pictures and stories.


LaKota's AML is really back. I am just heartbroken.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today. We appreciate all the kindness you have showered upon us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~ will you be dere? ~ * ~

Thursday, February 26, 2004 6:37 PM CST


"Our present joy, to be sure, is often mingled with bitter sorrow and disappointment, all of which I am convinced is God's means of weaning us away from this world of sorrow to long for the joy that is to come….We may rest assured, He is making all things new." ~ David T. King, The New Day, Tabletalk, March 2004.

Gabbie has already been relieved of all her sorrow and suffering. Her soul is joyfully residing with Jesus and patiently awaiting the day when her new and perfect body will be reunited with her soul and spirit.

I wish I could tell you that I am forever patient in waiting to be called home. But then I would be lying.


The three peaceful nights in a row ended. Little Noah man is really keeping us up at night. He must cry every time he is awakened and just does not want to go back to sleep. We get up once to feed him and then let him cry it out the other times. I always heard that if you let babies cry it out it will just take a few nights and they will get over it. Well, this has been going on for months and months now.

But he is healthy and I see these families who lose all or their only child almost daily. So what can I say?


I have decided to keep this link for LaKota on for some time. She is in my thoughts…

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


It is the picture of LaKota with her hat and no eyelashes and eyebrows that is breaking my heart and reminding me of Gabbie.


Have a wonderful and safe weekend. We thank you as always for visiting Gabbie's site.

To all those planning to see The Passion of the Christ, think about this prayer.

"Look, Lord, and find both Adams met in me; As the first Adam's sweat surrounds my face, May the last Adam's blood my soul embrace." ~ John Dunne, quoted in the above Tabletalk article.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all peoples ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all creation ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~

Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:26 PM CST


I stayed home today…sick again. Either it's a second virus or the first one never left! Just that time of year in Minnesota. Some of Aubrey's Paquette cousins have also been really sick and we know that the whole family is getting very tired of this.


I have been so remiss in getting organized and I apologize. There are a few mothers I meant to contact but did not. If any of you who might be coming read this, please be sure to share with others who might be interested. Anyone is welcome!

The meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. at our home. Please bring a couple special pictures and stories to share.

Here are the directions to our home.

Take 35W and exit at 46th Street. If you going south on 35W (away from downtown) take a right on 46th. If you are going north on 35W (towards downtown) take a left on 46th. Go through Nicollet which is a major intersection. Two blocks beyond Nicollet is Wentworth. Take a right on Wentworth and go about 4 blocks to the 4200 block. We are on the right at 4219 Wentworth. It is a newer-style mauve-colored home. (612.825.2643)


All these children impact my life. I've pleaded for your prayers for so many children and each and every one of them, as are all your children, are so very, very special.

And so here is another story that I'm not sure I have the strength to follow but know that I will anyway. I normally check LaKota's site only once a week or so because I thought things were going OK. But LaKota has leukemia (ALL) and some leukemic blasts might be back. LaKota also has some genetic/DNA issue that complicates her battle against cancer.

LaKota has a brother named Cody who was diagnosed with Wilms' Tumor when he was a baby. The chemo from the Wilms' Tumor treatment caused Cody to then get AML, the more difficult from of leukemia. Chemo for AML caused Cody to go into septic shock and he died at two and one-half years of age.

LaKota also has a sister named Skyla and she died a few months after birth.

I am begging and pleading with God to let LaKota live. Please God.

* * * LaKota's Site * * *


Thank you, all our friends. We hope you have a very blessed weekend.

If you are weary or tired or hurting or angry always know that God cares deeply and is just waiting for you to accept his free gift. This is the yoke that is easy…life may be very difficult or even excruciating…but follow Jesus and eternal life will be yours. And it is hope eternal that gives us the strength to press on no matter how difficult earthly life may be.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ he died for our sins ~ * ~ he had to die for our sins ~ * ~ our sins put him on the cross ~ * ~ the depth of God's undeserved love toward us is unfathomable ~ * ~

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:05 PM CST


Go to the guest book and read the beautiful and faithful poem left by Kimberly. Thank you, so much Kimberly. And if you don't want to go to the guest book, then at least read this portion of the poem:
My greatest fear while on this earth
and the reason I say these words to you,
is so I can finally rest assured
that one day you'll be coming here, too.

Please don't delay in accepting Christ
who helped me reach my destination.
If you Believe, then I will rest in peace,
awaiting the day of our Grand Celebration!

Copyright 2002
Ferna Lary Mills

I wept.


A friend of mine e-mailed me and commented that it seems like a lot of children are dying. Yes, it does seem that way. Another friend e-mailed me the site of a little girl named Paige and she is battling neuroblastoma. Like Gabbie, she is having trouble reaching remission. I just had no idea that there was that much pediatric cancer. I don't think pediatric cancer will ever not be part of my life.


I remember when John and I were finally allowed into the recovery room after Gabbie's first major surgery for the tumor resection. She wasn't crying. It was worse than that.

I would rather hear and watch my child cry out then to watch her struggle in silent terror.


All the living children battling pediatric cancer. For those crying out and those who are silent.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site. Thank you for visiting the other sites that are often mentioned on Gabbie's site.

Thank you for your encouragement!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Monday, February 23, 2004 6:34 PM CST


Everything, everything down to the minutest details of our lives are part of God's plan for us. I have struggled with so many things in Gabbie's death yet know and trust it truly is all for good.

"The LORD will work out his plans for my life—for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever." ~ Psalm 138:8

This also means that every single moment of Gabbie's suffering, needless in my finite earthly understanding, has purpose for her role in eternity.

Gabbie, Gabbie, just what is your role?


A few nights ago I must have accidentally turned off the night light in Aubrey and Noah's bedroom. We have continued to keep the light off and Noah has been sleeping better since then but I imagine three good nights in a row are not enough to know if we are approaching…sleep through the night time!

Still no teeth but the longer it takes for baby teeth to come in the better.

I was corrected this past weekend by both John and my sister, Sarah. Apparently America is not the partiest nation, that distinction goes to Brazil. I hope people understand that I have no problem with fun events. John goes out with the guys almost every Friday and I encourage him to do so. It's not even parties per se that bother me. It is the overwhelming sense of carefree living that bothers me. That is not why we are here.

And I did stump John with this one. Brazil might party more. But I'm not sure anything can rival America's Hollywood.


My friend MariBeth signed the guest book and told us about a very little miracle. Life really does begin at conception.

* * * God's Little Miracle * * *


Thank you for taking the time to get to know Gabbie. We appreciate it so very much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ Prince of Peace ~ * ~ Prince of Peace ~ * ~ Prince of Peace ~ * ~ Prince of Peace ~ * ~

Sunday, February 22, 2004 9:55 PM CST


“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” ~ Isaiah 53:3-5

This is the opening of Mel Gibson's The Passion of The Christ. John and I are going to go see The Passion but because I doubt it will be anytime soon I might take vacation time this week or next and just go by myself. I do have some reservations but still want to see the movie.

I just hope that Gibson's The Passion is used as an evangelical tool and no more. I've read that "Passion" plays in Europe have had a role in the spread of anti-Semitism. Hopefully the movie will leave people with the great sense that Jesus died for us and because of our sins.


We had another low-key weekend. It's warm for Minnesota and Saturday night was perfect for a night-time wagon ride for Aubrey and Noah. Aubrey slipped on the ice several times but I've learned that once I know they are OK, it helps if we just laugh off the incident.


Please pray for the Stokes family as they lost young Connor last Thursday.

Connor Stokes


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site today! Thank you, Heather, for reminding me that we really are just passing through.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Thursday, February 19, 2004 6:06 PM CST


The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to you-ward, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. ~ 2 Peter 3:9

I can never complain that God is longsuffering. I did not deserve His mercy yet He chose and freely gave me such mercy.


Nothing about us today.


I'm not even the mother or the father and I'm very upset. I just started following Cade Smith's journey but did not know that this family lost another little boy, Cole, to the same disease in 2001. Gabbie's death has thrown me into a CaringBridge world full of suffering. Yet America is probably one of the "partiest" nations of all. I'm really struggling to reconcile the suffering of little children amidst such great and endless partying.

I know God is good and He is longsuffering for a very good reason. But when, when will we hear Him say "Enough is enough." When, O LORD?

The Smith family is actually from North Carolina but they have spent much time here in Minnesota as treatment for this specific disease must be at Fairview University Medical Center. I believe they have been living at the Ronald McDonald House.

Please, please visit their sites and offer them encouragement and prayer. Even if you never sign guest books…please visit them.

* * * Cade's Web Site * * *

* * * Cole's Web Site * * *

One of the chemo angels who has been very supportive for us has just e-mailed me and asked me to ask that you all pray for one of her chemo children. Sheryl is here in Minnesota but is even going down to Houston to see Abby. It is not looking well for Abby. Please add little Abby to your prayers.

* * * Abby’s Site * * *


My team at work is part of a very important project at West and probably even one of the biggest projects for the parent company, Thomson. We are having a happy hour tonight.

I am not going.

I cannot go.

Not on a day like today.


The timing of MariBeth's request for pictures of Gabbie as a baby is perfect because our new home computer came with a printer that scans. I never saved negatives but now I can scan away. But I'm just touched that someone would even ask to see them!

Thank you, for being long-consoling with our family. How can we ever thank you?

Have a very blessed weekend and seek God for there is no other Savior than Jesus Christ.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all peoples ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all creation ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~

Wednesday, February 18, 2004 6:33 PM CST


Another mystery that we simply do not know with certainty is the type of body that these children now have.

Do they have their resurrected bodies?

I have tried to read and read verses in the Bible and am still so uncertain. I do believe that Gabbie's soul and human spirit went immediately to Jesus. I do not believe in soul sleep.

I guess I believe that her soul and human spirit are still waiting to be "clothed" with her future perfect and glorified body. This is one reason I can never picture Gabbie playing in heaven. Another reason is that she rarely played here and had such a solemn life….that playing just doesn't come to mind for me.

She is with Jesus and the other saints and the angels and that is all that matters to me. And those who love Jesus are assured of a real body (we are not just happy light blobs—that's what I grew up thinking).

"The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." ~ 1 Corinthians 15:42-44


I left work a little early because I had the flu, thankfully just the kind with fever and body aches and not the stomach flu! I took the morning off today and came into work this afternoon…mainly because projects coming down the pipeline are coming a bit too fast.

Noah keeps crying at night and we are hoping he grows out of this soon. John fed him at midnight and then at 3:00 a.m. he had to pull Aubrey's mattress out because Noah had a fit. As far as we know, he is not teething yet.


Matthew's mother Andrea has been very, very kind to me. Sending me cards and e-mails even though we have never, ever met. Her son has a brain tumor and so far is doing well. But we should still always pray and I know that the fear is always there.

* * * Matthew's Miles Site * * *


I have a very generous friend. (Actually I have many generous friends!) The CD's, Listening for Your Angel Voice, arrived yesterday. I intend to share with other grieving families. My friend, Mary, split the cost and I am so very touched. I have never heard such beautiful music and I believe the artist was prompted to make this CD out of a great personal tragedy.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all peoples ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all creation ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~

Tuesday, February 17, 2004 5:21 PM CST


This came up at our mothers' grief group and I know that every parent thinks about it.

How old in heaven are these little ones who have departed?

I've mentioned this before and have personally accepted (quite painfully) that Gabbie will probably not be a child. However, sometimes I wonder if those of us who lose children and those of us who miscarry and even those mothers and fathers who wrongfully abort from the womb, are the ones populating heaven with children. It's hard to imagine heaven not having children.

And every once in a while I run across a quote from a learned Christian that keeps a tiny bit of hope in me. Here is one of them.

"I have often thought that, since God's family on earth is made up of all different ages of life stages, perhaps it is God's desire that the same should be true of his family in heaven." ~ Dr. James Van Dyke, "Why Lord, Why" (article)

We just do not know.


John and I received bad news yesterday from Aubrey's daycare. Aubrey and another girl had tag-teamed and picked on another little girl. I wasn't really mad at Aubrey but was hoping we would never hear this news. This morning daycare assured me that Aubrey is normally very nice and patient.

If Kelly (the girl picked on) showed up today, Aubrey was to have apologized. We once again told the daycare they are to inform us anytime Aubrey is out of line.

The most important thing for Aubrey and Noah is that they acknowledge and accept Jesus as LORD. After that, I want them to help people and be nice to people.

The best toys? Not important…at all.

Sports? Doesn't matter.

Exercise? That would be nice.

Swimming? Yes, because John cannot.

College? It would be nice but is not a concern of mine.

Smarts? Just do the best they can.

Drive a clutch? No. I drive a clutch and would prefer they drive John's car!

Marriage? If they so desire and hopefully to another follower of Jesus.

Jesus first and then hopefully the rest will fall into place!


Another precious child departed too soon. Neuroblastoma, again.

* * * Luke Sweet's Site * * *


At 3-4 months I thought she was deaf and would loudly clap and clang pots and pans by her and she would not flinch. (We finally had her hearing tested and it was fine.)

When changing her diaper during a night-feeding our house was very cool and the baby wipes were cold to the touch on her bottom, so I would watch her face. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What was wrong, Gabbie? There will never be words that describe this haunting aftermath.


We are so very grateful for all of you. It feels to me as if you have adopted Gabbie in your big hearts.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ Jesus is LORD ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all peoples ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD of all creation ~ * ~ Jesus is LORD! ~ * ~

Monday, February 16, 2004 6:17 PM CST

* * *New Picture of Aubrey and Noah on Photo Page!! * * *


I want to start sharing my thoughts on some of the questions about the death of children, and in some cases, the death of an adult loved one. They are just questions that arise because we wonder so much about our beloved children.

Do these children see us? Do they visit us?

IMHO, I don't think so. Hebrews 12:1 tells us that we are encompassed by a great cloud of witnesses. For me, that means that the great saints who have departed are witnesses to me, their holy lives, their holy calling, their enduring through suffering, and even their death. Their own lives are somehow cheering me on in my own difficult race.

So I have never once thought Gabbie could see me or visit us. But she knows who we are and she loves us as we love her.

I do, however, believe that all in the presence of Jesus do have an awareness of what is going on here.


Noah is still taking just a few steps. He absolutely loves to push things that will assist him in walking. We had given away the one walker toy we had because the girls never used it. So, my mom and dad brought over a walker toy they no longer use (they learned how to walk decades ago).

While Noah has lots of fun with his new walker, he cries even before he hits the wall. Noah is one of those babies who really lets you know how mad he is if he doesn't get his own way. He will sit himself down and hang his head to the floor and cry when he feels sorry for himself.

I wish I could be so limber as to sit down and then place my head on the floor!


I have been following a family whose situation is overwhelming and heartbreaking. Morgan Geddings had passed away from leukemia at the age of 12. Her mother, Gina, has now also recently passed away from ALS. There was just something about this family that crept into my heart. Last night I had Morgan's Web site up in our home to show John. When we went to the photo page and once again saw how cancer is so physically devastating on these beautiful children, I just sat at our computer and wept. For Gabbie. For Morgan. For Gina. For all of them.

Please visit Morgan's site and please pray for this family. I know that Michael, the son, will need so much support. I do not know anything about the father.

* * Morgan's Site * * *


Thank you, Amy W. for the "techie" tip!

Thank you for endless, endless support.

Thank you, Jesus, for dying for our sins, our one true Savior.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabrielle, and Noah

~ * ~ thank you CaringBridge community ~ * ~ thank you for caring ~ * ~ thank you for helping strangers…you are no longer strangers to us ~ * ~ you will never know how much you mean to us! ~ * ~

Sunday, February 15, 2004 9:36 PM CST


”You shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb.” ~ Psalm 139:13

Although I haven’t followed the instructions of one chapter a day, a long time ago I joined the thousands and thousands who are reading Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life.

Many, many times I’ve been struck with how on-point the lessons of this book can be. Chapter 31 is on understanding your “SHAPE,” and that God uses our SHAPE.

S for Spiritual gifts
H for Heart
A for Abilities
P for Personality
E for Experience(s)

And within the realm of Experience are these types of experiences: growing up (family), educational, vocational, spiritual, ministry, and last but not least, painful experiences. In fact, Warren goes on to say more about our painful experiences.

It is this last category, painful experiences , that God uses the most to prepare you for ministry. God never wastes a hurt! In fact, your greatest ministry will most likely come our of your greatest hurt. Who could better minister to the parents of a Down syndrome child than another couple who have a child afflicted in the same way. Who could better help and alcoholic recover than someone who fought that demon and found freedom? Who could better comfort a wife whose husband left her for an affair than a woman who went through the agony herself? ~ Rick Warren, A Purpose Driven Life

We had an OK weekend. John might have pink-eye and it might be back for Noah. The Wooddale nursery wouldn’t accept Noah although I didn’t think his eye looked like pink-eye. But I certainly was not going to argue and so we just went to the crying-room.

My mom and dad brought over a nice dinner. Always a real treat for John because I’m not much of a cook.

We like our new computer but it might just be a bit too smart. I always use a boilerplate Word document for my journal entries and had e-mailed a copy of it from work. (HR at West gave me permission to update Gabbie’s site at the end of my work day.) I open my own e-mail and am greeted with a message about “unsafe attachments.” It didn’t just give me a warning it actually deleted the attachments which were my own documents. And West is constantly checking for viruses so I can’t believe the documents had anything wrong with them.


I took Aubrey to the YMCA today and it really is OK. But this Y is always packed with children…most of them around Gabbie’s age. We don’t lose them just one day. We give them up to God day after day after day after day.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Thank you Dana for the wonderful suggestion for Aubrey!! And thanks again, Mary A., if you read this. Your last message to me provoked much emotion…thank you so much.

You are all teaching me so much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:51 PM CST


I took the day off as we had a Dell computer tech come out and set up our new home computer. And I am now without all my coding cheat sheets and am stuck with CaringBridge’s defaults!

John is taking Aubrey tonight to register for Our Lady of Peace as that is where she will be going to school next year. We are blessed to not be rich but to have enough money that we can send Aubrey to a private grade-school without much sacrifice. I have, however, hinted over and over to John that it will be very unlikely that we will be able to afford private high schools for Aubrey and Noah. But that is years and years away and hopefully we can prepare them well.

We thank you for your never-ending support. If my friend MariBeth reads this, I have been thinking of you and hope you are fully recovered from surgery!

We hope you all have a very safe weekend! I want to close the week with some of the hope we have for our eternal home. Some days…I just cannot wait.

“Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also, there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” ~ Revelation 21:1-2

This [New Jerusalem] is the capital city of heaven, a place of perfect holiness. It is seen “coming down out of heaven,” indicating it already existed; but it descends into the new heavens and new earth from its place on high. This is the city where the saints will live. ~ John MacAurthur, The MacAurthur Daily Bible

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:44 PM CST


“Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.” ~ Isaiah 53:12

He came to save sinners; not the self-righteous.


We have some Vietnamese neighbors living almost directly across the street from us. They are very quiet but friendly. The grandfather, who is a French-speaking war vet, used to live with them and was frequently outside in the front yard.

Whenever I would take Aubrey and Gabrielle out for a stroller-ride the grandfather would wave and we would cross the street to visit him. He knew very little English but we would still try to have small conversations. We never could remember his name so our family just called him “Friend.”

Friend loved Aubrey and Gabbie! He would hold them, tickle them, and try to make them laugh. Friend also drank beer and smoked. He would pick up Aubrey or Gabbie and I would just silently watch, ready to grab them if the cigarette dangling loosely from his mouth was about to burn one of the girls. It made me nervous…but I never said one word.

Friend disappeared right after Gabbie died.

I guess Friend now lives in St. Paul with different family members.

I miss Friend because he truly was part of my life with Gabbie.


When our child dies, so many chapters in our lives close. Not just one…but many.


Thank you, again. We are simply so very, very grateful. CaringBridge has introduced me to so many wonderful people.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 6:12 PM CST


“Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.” ~ Romans 1:1

Once someone begins to hear that call, a suffering worthy of the name of Christ is produced. Suddenly, every ambition, every desire of life, and every outlook is completely blotted out and extinguished. Only one thing remains—". . . separated to the gospel . . . ." Woe be to the soul who tries to head in any other direction once that call has come to him. ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest
I make so many mistakes that sometimes I feel I have no right whatsoever to talk about God. But no matter how lowly I feel, the urge to share the free gift of the Son remains as compelling as ever.


Aubrey went to daycare today but only as my mother’s weeping heart forced her to. She simply did not want to go. I know this sometimes happens after a special day at home. I really do like my job but it can be so hard to leave our children day after day.

Speaking of Aubrey, do any of you mothers (or fathers!) have any suggestions for creative ways to show a five-year old the lesson in the Bible that we need to do good deeds unobserved? I believe Aubrey is old enough for this concept but my mind is blank on what kinds of deeds we could do together that are not observed by anyone but God.

And if you do have suggestions, please share in the guest book so many others may also benefit. If you are uncomfortable leaving your name, you can do anonymously as I’ve never minded “anonymous” guest book signers.


“Will you be dere?” ~ Gabrielle

“No, Gabbie. You must go first, I will follow you when Jesus calls me home.” ~ Mama

oh” ~ Gabrielle

Whispered so softly I barely heard her.


Those who are just slumbering through this life.


When Gabbie was sick we relied on the same family members over and over and over. We are still so very thankful to the ones who helped over and over. My brother Joe came over to our sick home yesterday so that I would not have to leave work and so that John could pick Noah up from daycare without having to make sick Aubrey make the trip also.

I’ve seen enough CaringBridge sites to know that Childrens’ Minneapolis is one of the BEST! We are still so very thankful for the loving care from nurses, doctors, and staff.

Nurse Linda discharged us and I can remember how she cried and cried the whole time we were going through the process of forever walking away from the 8th floor. Thank you, to all the nurses who mourned the loss of Gabbie.

Thank you, to all who have mourned with us.

Thank you for still remembering Gabbie.

(I’m going through something that I cannot quite explain.)

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

~ * ~ “Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:22 ~ * ~

Monday, February 9, 2004 6:48 PM CST


Aubrey started throwing up around 5:00 a.m. this morning so John is home with her today. I can still picture her standing at the sink with a bewildered pale look and shaking hands. My heart aches for her today. Although I have reconnected with her, Aubrey has been through so much. We expect far more from her than some parents expect from a 10-year old.

Something about Aubrey getting sick today has hit me hard. I have let other issues in my life be so distracting that I have not been there for Aubrey. Aubrey deserves my attention 100nd those other issues will just have to wait. I will not make the same mistakes that I made with Gabbie.


I wouldn’t be at all surprised if most of you thought I was a very assertive and even aggressively protective mother.

But I want to share something about me, and even John for that matter, that makes me really sad when I reflect back on Gabbie’s illness. Most people know that it is crucial for hospital visitors to wash and wash their hands as these children in the oncology unit frequently have very low and suppressed immune systems. It literally could be a matter of life and death.

I rarely asked others if they washed their hands. Not because I trusted people but simply because it required an assertiveness that did not exist in me. I am the mother who sometimes could not even ask people to wash their hands.

The point is, I am not, or at least was not, assertive and really did let too many things happen. And now I pay the price with memories that should never have been made.

While I cannot fathom now the role these memories serve me, God’s ways are higher than my understanding and I trust He will do something. I’m not sure what…but He will do GOOD!! God turns everything, and I mean everything, into good.


Alfred’s family. We did meet them on the 8th floor at Children’s but did not have too many opportunities to get to know each other. Alfed’s mother just now created a Web site for him.

Alfred’s Site


Thank you, Bob Nagy, for the informative explanation on the Tribe of Dan. I need to go study this some more.

Thank you all for you incredible support!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Sunday, February 8, 2004 8:02 PM CST


So frequently we ask God to bless us, maybe sometimes forgetting our blessings to God.

”Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” ~ Psalm 103:1

I had to read this three times before I stopped transposing words into “bless my soul, O LORD.” This is King David, blessing the LORD with his soul.

“Don’t ever forget His benefits: forgiveness, absolute perfection in heaven, freedom from all sickness and death, abundant mercy, and everything you ever need. May everything that is in you bless His holy name!” ~ John MacArthur, The MacArthur Daily Bible.


John was sick all weekend so we didn’t do to much as a family but I did get out to my class, a night-time run, and a trip to the YMCA with Miss Aubrey. And if my friend Kathy Welch reads this, I also unfortunately did not avoid a stamp store.

The Trinity class on Saturday was taught by someone who was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and joined Christianity as a teenager. I did not know before this that JW denies the Triune God. During a break several of us were talking and one of the women looked very somber and ashen. (You never know if you should ask if something is wrong.) She finally told us that she had just left JW and that this class was very hard for her. JW is considered to be a cult.


Please do not misunderstand me as everyone should turn to God daily and for all the details of their lives.

But someone once said the bereaved parent MUST turn to God every single day if they are to survive. Because every day we are hit with the reality of the tragic loss.

I miss her. Not any less. But even more.


I hope everyone had a safe weekend!!

Thank you all so very much. John asked me tonight if I still sometimes hear from someone for the very first time. Yes, people are still reaching out for the first time. You will never fully realize the impact on our lives.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Sunday, February 8, 2004 8:02 PM CST


So frequently we ask God to bless us, maybe sometimes forgetting our blessings to God.

”Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” ~ Psalm 103:1

I had to read this three times before I stopped transposing words into “bless my soul, O LORD.” This is King David, blessing the LORD with his soul.

“Don’t ever forget His benefits: forgiveness, absolute perfection in heaven, freedom from all sickness and death, abundant mercy, and everything you ever need. May everything that is in you bless His holy name!” ~ John MacArthur, The MacArthur Daily Bible.


John was sick all weekend so we didn’t do to much as a family but I did get out to my class, a night-time run, and a trip to the YMCA with Miss Aubrey. And if my friend Kathy Welch reads this, I also unfortunately did not avoid a stamp store.

The Trinity class on Saturday was taught by someone who was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and joined Christianity as a teenager. I did not know before this that JW denies the Triune God. During a break several of us were talking and one of the women looked very somber and ashen. (You never know if you should ask if something is wrong.) She finally told us that she had just left JW and that this class was very hard for her. JW is considered to be a cult.


Please do not misunderstand me as everyone should turn to God daily and for all the details of their lives.

But someone once said the bereaved parent MUST turn to God every single day if they are to survive. Because every day we are hit with the reality of the tragic loss.

I miss her. Not any less. But even more.


I hope everyone had a safe weekend!!

Thank you all so very much. John asked me tonight if I still sometimes hear from someone for the very first time. Yes, people are still reaching out for the first time. You will never fully realize the impact on our lives.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Thursday, February 5, 2004 7:01 PM CST


“How can I know there is a God?”

“Answer: There are three sources of material. First, there is the Bible. Second, there is nature. Third, there is man. These point to the Creator. None are possible by happenstance. None could have been produced by accident.” ~ Editor, The Open Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers

”When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained.” ~ Psalm 8:3


Little Noah probably could have gone to daycare today but we decided to keep him home one more day. John reported that it looks like the other eye is coming down with Pink Eye but the drops seem to be working quickly and now we will treat both eyes.

Noah still gets up for a night-time bottle but our pediatrician thinks he will outgrow this soon. He still gags on table food and he does not show any signs of teething. So maybe once he starts eating more real food he will be more full and then no longer need a night-time bottle.

My mother-in-law told me she just loved getting up at night to feed her babies. Well, I seem to struggle with getting up in the middle of the night and will be grateful when we are past this stage.


I have been teaching myself some HTML tricks, which is why you see so many different colors and font types on Gabbie’s site. However, I found out that some of the images I’ve been adding are only displaying on MY computer! So obviously I’m still not very advanced with my Web tricks.

However…our new computer has been ordered and I am hoping to increase some of my coding skills. We shall see. I’ve never been a natural with computers.


Many, many thanks to God. Many, many praises to God.

If Mary A. reads this….thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mary has generously offered to purchase some CD’s that I would like to share with other grieving parents. It’s a beautiful CD and was lovingly produced as a response to some very tragic circumstances.

I hope all of you have a very safe weekend and please stay warm.

I am taking a 3-hour seminar Saturday at Wooddale on the Trinity so may have some things to share next week! These seminars are quarterly and are a treat for me.

Please SEEK Him.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* "The holy scriptures say that FAITH is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Heb 11:1) *

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 4:54 PM CST


I don’t read God’s Word because it is interesting. But the Bible is interesting and I don’t think people realize that we never, ever stop learning new facts.

I’m working on what might be my third read through the entire Bible and finally bought one of those “read the Bible in a year” Bibles. And last night I found something interesting and even quizzed John (since he is forever quizzing me).

Go read Genesis 49 where Jacob is dying and individually blesses each of his 12 sons, including “Dan.” These sons are the 12 tribes of Israel. Then go to Revelation 7:4-8 where the 12 tribes are again mentioned. Dan is missing. In Dan’s place is Manasseh, who is Joseph’s son. Joseph being one of Jacob’s 12 sons and not the other Joseph.

Just what happened to the tribe of Dan??

There are so many reasons for us to heed God’s command to study His word. It might be confusing at first, but no one who seriously studies the Bible is bored or disappointed.


John pays far more attention to Aubrey’s and Noah’s daily health then I do. He is forever placing his hand on their foreheads checking for fevers. I understand—since we lost a child—and say nothing.

So how surprising when John gets Noah out of the crib this morning and just comments to me that Noah’s eye is a little swollen. As soon as I saw it…PINK EYE!! It was blood red and somehow John didn’t see that.

So it was my turn and I took Noah to the doctor and stayed home.


As always, thank you, thank you, and thank you!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Tuesday, February 3, 2004 6:44 PM CST


So how can Jesus be both David’s son and David’s Lord? Because the Lord Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. Read 1 Timothy 3:16. My dear reader, pause and consider this for a moment. Our Lord Jesus, though humbled, and of a poor family, was the Root of Jesse and David! Our God was humbled, took part in humanity with us, without sin, and conquered sin and death!…The Lord Jesus is the root of David by virtue of the fact that He is David’s Creator, and He is offspring of David by virtue of the fact that He was God manifested in the flesh, born in David’s line.” ~ Credit: Dan Sheridan at

Although little Noah man cries and cries, I’m letting Aubrey get him dressed in the morning because she wants to.

Remember our neighbor in the Care Center? Her name is Rennie and she is back home. Aubrey was watching me do my 10-minute jaunt on the Gazelle FreeStyle (my exercize machine—it’s kind of fun) and then she jumped on it when I was done. But then she commented that she is going to exercise so that her “skin does not get old like Rennie.”

I’ve probably commented to Aubrey that exercising helps our mobility but not sure where the wrinkled skin idea came from. I told her she’ll get wrinkled no matter what!


I still feel completely and totally detached from the person I was and the life I had before Gabbie died.

Nothing in my life is even remotely similar.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today! We are so grateful and I hope someday we can return your good deeds.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Monday, February 2, 2004 6:20 PM CST


"But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil" ~ 1 Thess. 5:21-22

We are to be as discerning as possible.

I opened the “Mydoom worm” last week but fortunately West’s anti-virus software caught it. I’ve always been so careful about not opening attachments but that one tricked me. And while I knew it was Spam, some of the Viagra spammers program the e-mail to display Scripture verses as part of the text until you actually open the e-mail…and then lo and behold there is no Scripture but just an advertisement for Viagra.

Anyone would agree that we have to be careful about the Internet, our computers, e-mail, etc.

And so why not be careful about what we hear about our eternal destiny?


I want to thank “Jacque” for kindly pointing out that I did fall for what is known as an “urban legend.” I do try to be careful about quoting my sources but did not do so concerning domestic violence and the SuperBowl. Of course, domestic violence in America is still a problem and I was relying on something I read years ago.

I think “unworthy” parent has come back and I’m not sure what was meant but will simply let it go. I have always admitted that I have no idea why God chose me as I certainly feel small when I look at my own life.

Miss Aubrey did not want to go to daycare today because she said, “The roads are bad.” Miss bossy Aubrey went to daycare anyway! The roads were bad but not so bad that we had to stay home.


Thank you for caring so deeply! And thank you for being so honest with me about your own struggles—that really helps me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Sunday, February 1, 2004 7:19 PM CST


I always feel a twinge of guilt when I go to some of the CB sites of my friends who have “God is Love” all over their pages. How on earth did a site in memory of such a soft, gentle, and loving soul as Gabbie become so much about the warnings instead of the love?

God IS love. So much, that He graces us with undeserved love.

I know one stumbling block I have with “God is Love”: Some Christian writers say that the greatest deceits are the half-truths. The worldviews that take portions of Christianity, even right from the sacred Holy Scripture, are the most dangerous. “God is Love,” as shared by my Christian grieving (and non-grieving) friends is true. But “God is Love,” by worldly views that brush aside and even ridicule Jesus Christ leave me without words.

“God is Love” is acceptable to almost everyone. It stops me every time because I honestly do not know what to say.

“If every Christian could spend one minute in the fires of hell, he would become a soul winner the rest of his life and seek to warn men and women of the terrible and tragic fate that awaits those who believe not the gospel.” ~ General Booth, Founder, Salvation Army, quoted in How Could God Allow Suffering and Evil?, Garry Poole

…and so I will let my friends continue on in their good work of sharing God’s love!


We had an easy weekend—meaning no outside obligations. We are supposedly on the brink of a winter storm but “winter storm” in 2004 seems to pale in comparison to the “winter storms” I grew up with! The cold snap ended and I did get Aubrey and Noah out today for a wagon-ride in the falling snow.

Noah is over 10 months now and still no teeth. He is standing and taking a few hesitant steps…so I’m guessing he will be walking in a few weeks. Aubrey and Gabbie did not walk until 16 months so in comparison that will be early. But after losing a child, these kinds of milestones seem to hold little or no significance for me.


All the wives at risk on Superbowl Sunday. I’ve heard that for some this game is so important that wives become victims if the wrong team wins. What a sad commentary on America.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site!! Thank you for your endless support. Thank you for really, really impacting our lives…most of you never even met Gabbie.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:49 PM CST


”For who in heaven can be compared unto the LORD? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD? God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.” ~ Psalm 89:6-7

Just think, Gabbie can see God and is always in awe of this wondrous future event for all those who love Him!


We really are quite distracted and lost in thought after our child dies.

Last week I actually deposited a co-worker’s expense check into my own checking account. It had been misplaced in my mailbox and even though I questioned why I was getting $143.00 from West, I did not notice the fact that my name was NOT on the check!

Obviously I had to report this and unfortunately it has created a flurry of paperwork for others.


My new friend, Sandy Jergens, who I met at the new mothers’ grief group. She is greatly missing her beautiful boy, Mason.

* * Mason’s Web Site * *


Have a safe weekend and please stay warm!

We just never, ever know when we will face our own death. Please SEEK and you shall FIND!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you see God? * will you walk the streets of the New Jerusalem * Jerusalem my destiny!! * will you be dere? * please, accept the free gift of the Son! *

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 6:27 PM CST


“Frankly, I am skeptical about the whole matter.”

“The way to find out whether or not a thing is true and worthy of one’s acceptance is to put it to a personal test.” ~ Editor, Open Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” ~ Psalm 34:8

Sincere seekers find Him.


Father Kevin is leaving Our Lady of Peace. Sigh, we knew this was coming but it still saddens us. However, he obviously is listening to God’s call and needs to move on. We do not know where he is going yet but it may not even be parish work.

Yes, I still go to Wooddale but I really liked Father Kevin—his sermons are always very biblical.


Sara Hammer has signed Gabbie’s guest book many, many times and we have also exchanged many personal e-mails. Sara has been so very supportive of my grief journey.

I admire Sara because I know it must be hard to come to Gabbie’s site. Her son Daniel is doing well but he too has battled Stage IV Neuroblastoma.

So thank you to all the mothers and fathers who come to the sites where the dreaded outcome has come to be. We appreciate you and we thank you…from the bottom of our hearts!

* * * Daniel’s Site * * *


It’s dangerously cold. So pray that my mom and dad have a safe cross-county ski trip up north this weekend…where it is even colder than Minneapolis!! This is the kind of weather where one has to be careful with even minutes of exposure.


Thank you, so very much for everything. Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site.

Melody, if you read this…yes I was thinking of you when I met little Sarah!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 6:29 PM CST


“I intend to [accept Jesus] before I die.”

“Can you determine the hour of your death?….There is no time like the present time.” ~ Editor, Open Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers

“Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.” ~ Isaiah 55:6


Miss Aubrey seems to stay up later and later and sometimes I’ve already shut myself into my bedroom for prayer and Bible reading before she goes to bed!! So last night she had to interrupt me to remind me about our nightly Bible story/share time.

By the time I joined Aubrey, she was sitting completely in the dark bedroom and had strapped herself into a little plastic chair. Just quietly sitting and waiting for her mama to come in and talk to her. It was touching because Aubrey normally is loudly jumping all over the place.

After our story, she ran out of the room with some project in mind. 10 minutes later she came back to my room and she handed me a piece of paper with two plastic spoons taped in the shape of a cross. It was for me in memory of Gabbie.

In case you are wondering why Aubrey seems to have no specific bedtime, we fell into this because until she is older she must share a room with Noah. (We have a split-level and do not want her downstairs alone.) So instead of her waking him up, we just let her roam around with us in the evening although we try to stress that we need some time to get “our” things done, meaning she is supposed to entertain herself. Which of course she does not.


“Where are my babies? Where are my babies?” (Star Tribune, January 26, 2004)

This was a mother’s cry as she ran toward her home and was stopped by neighbors. Her two little boys died in a fire while she was away helping another family member.

And three years ago this mother lost her husband in an army helicopter crash.

Where are my babies? Where are my babies?


The mother whose anguish is beyond mine.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thank you for remembering a child you never knew.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Monday, January 26, 2004 6:55 PM CST


“I believe God is too good to damn anyone.” ~ Common misconceptions

“God places your salvation or damnation on your acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ.” ~ Editor, Open Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers

“There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day.” ~ John 12:48


Although Christmas is long over, something happened Christmas morning with Aubrey that was a just a little unnerving. I never know what to do about “Santa Claus,” so yes, our Christian home does have Santa come. I guess I’m hoping my children catch on very, very early. I actually hang the stockings more for decoration anyway.

Somehow one of the stockings for the girls was lost and since I had Aubrey at Michael’s (craft shop) one day and the stockings were 50ff, I let Aubrey pick out one for her and one for Noah.

Christmas Eve night I filled a stocking for Aubrey with little things and placed it under the tree. I don’t think we did anything for Noah because he is clueless! On Christmas morning, Aubrey got up and we told her she could check her stocking. She went to the tree and would not budge even though we repeatedly told her she could check her stocking.

Finally, Aubrey said, “Santa left Gabbie a stocking.” I obviously had not paid any attention to which stocking I filled. That Aubrey thought “Santa” left a stocking for Gabbie hit me in a strange way. For some reason, it made me feel uncomfortable.

Of course, John and I should know by now that Aubrey has a sharp memory and we should have filled the right stocking.


Thank you for prayers, friendship, and understanding.

Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:19 PM CST


We were busy this weekend.

The mothers’ group went well and six of us met. We have agreed to meet again in February, this time at our home. I really look forward to getting to know these mothers.

On Sunday morning I had the opportunity to again share my faith story, this time at Wooddale’s “Church at Champps.” Wooddale has a full church service at Champps (a restaurant), even leaving Bibles on the tables for patrons to bring home. A friend from grade-school showed up and after the service I had brunch with her and her teen-aged daughter.

Sunday afternoon we met up with Debbie Paquette and followed her and two of Aubrey’s Paquette cousins out to a celebration at the home of a family whose daughter has just finished chemotherapy. We did not know this family, but we were invited and decided to go. Wow! We think almost 100 or more people were there. It was a beautiful, very old, very large, very fascinating home.

But what really got to me was the “stranger” of the day. Sarah is the little girl who just finished chemo. She is around 2 or 3 years old and she has Down’s Syndrome. I hugged her but found out she likes to be picked up and hugged. Now I know why these special children are so loved. Little Sarah was overflowing with joy and love. I almost broke down when I held her. If asked, I would have brought her home with us in a heartbeat.

While Sarah is Sarah, her little bald vulnerable head did remind me of Gabbie.


We are so glad we went to Sarah’s celebration of life. Yet I still reached a point of being overwhelmed with grief for Gabbie. It may always be so.


For beautiful Sarah that she remain in remission.


Thank you for thinking of us. Thank you for thinking of our mothers’ group.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Thursday, January 22, 2004 6:49 PM CST


While I’ve never personally been on the receiving end of this charge, I do know that atheists will tell Christians that they are just believing in eternal life and Jesus because we want to.

Of course I WANT to believe that Gabbie is eternal.

So while I am unschooled in Christian apologetics (defending the Christian faith), I want to share my thoughts on how I would respond if ever confronted on this.

1. I’m not an easy believer. This is why I stressed my pessimistic and doubting personality in my faith story. God’s hand is clearly in my faith.

2. Not all is rosy and cheery in the Bible. So along with the good news we also accept that there is such a thing as God’s wrath. I don’t WANT to believe there is a hell…I accept that reality only because it is spelled out in the Bible.

3. When I accepted Jesus Christ, I experienced many changes. One example is that I used to think my paycheck was mine. But it’s no longer my paycheck but money that is a gift from God. I fully understand that I am only a steward of my paycheck. I do tithe and more…but I should really be giving even much more!!

4. God allowed Gabbie to die. I could never just “believe” in this God who allows such a trial…unless He is carrying me!

“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…” ~ Isaiah 49:16


It’s very cold.


There are no mittens on Gabbie. I just ache and ache to hold her and touch her plump little hands.


All the grieving mothers who are joining us on Saturday and those who would like to come but who cannot make it.


Thank you for holding us up. We hope you all have a very safe weekend.

I hope you have placed your eternity into the hands of the loving Son. He is the One who will FIRMLY hold on for you. When you cross a street with a young child, do you rely on them to hold your hand…or are you the one with the firm grip?

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 6:48 PM CST


“I will take my chances [that I am going to heaven.]”

But God always has the last word. “Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the King to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” ~ Matthew 22:12-13

Credit: The Open Bible, Thomas Nelson, Publishers

God is love; I don’t say it enough. But you must accept the undeserved gift of love that is the Son. We do not deserve this free gift yet His Word just beckons in offering this gift to us. That is HOW MUCH He loves us!


John always calls me once during the workday. Just to ask how my day is going and how the kids were during that hectic frenzy of getting all three of us out the door in the morning.

Today he called me a second time just to warn me to bundle up for my evening walk across the windy frozen tundra known as West’s massive parking lot.

Wasn’t that nice of him!

Looks like we will have several of us meeting on Saturday. I will know some while others will be new to me.


We don’t know what form of body our children have yet. I have nothing to picture in my mind.

But I do know that at the Second Coming those dead in Christ shall be instantly raised to their perfect and glorified bodies!


Our friends, Cathy and Nate Clyde. They miss Theresa Rose so very much.

Theresa Rose


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. Thank you a million times and more for your kindness.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* free gift * Jesus Christ * eternal life * Jesus Christ *

Tuesday, January 20, 2004 5:54 PM CST


…we are commanded…


”Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ~ II Timothy 2:15

“Study to show thyself approved unto God” is a command. As you study the Bible, you will discover that it does not just contain the Word of God—it IS the word of God. You must also keep in mind that the Word of God contains the words of God, as well as the words of Satan, demons, angels and man—both good and bad. God is truth and cannot lie. Satan “is a liar and the father of it” (John 8:44). Man is natural and is therefore limited, and does not always speak the truth. To illustrate: (Matthew 22:15-46). In this portion of Scripture, we have the words of Jesus, of the Pharisees, of the Herodians and of the Sadducees. The Pharisees, Herodians and Sadducees were trying to entangle Jesus in His teachings, that they might accuse Him of breaking God’s law. Their words were spoken with evil intent, revealing the thinking of the natural man, along with the words of God that came from the lips of Jesus.
As you study the Bible, ask yourself these questions:

(1) Who is speaking: God, demon, angel or man?

(2) To whom is he speaking: to the nation Israel, to the Gentiles, to the church, to men in general or to some individual man or being?

(3) How can this Scripture be applied to my own life to make me a better Christian? ~ Editor, Thomas Nelson Publishers

I do so much crying…while driving. I know I’m not the only grieving mother who does this.

But on equal footing over tears for the gentle daughter who suffered so much, is the other, “Why me?”

Why God, why did you choose me? I can only cry when I think of this beautiful mystery.


This family has been given a very, very difficult trial. What little I know about Sanfilippo Syndrome is that it is genetic and there is no cure. This family really hurts.

Web site for two brothers: Cameron and Douglas


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today. You have given us so much!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Monday, January 19, 2004 6:01 PM CST


This Saturday, January 24th, we will be meeting at Lisa Schrage’s home in Burnsville at 10:30 a.m. and will plan on ending around 11:30 or 12:00. Some of us may stay a little longer just to discuss future plans. I will bring donuts and rolls.

It was decided that Lisa’s address should not be put out on the Web. Please e-mail Lisa or me for directions. You can also call me at home at 612.825.2643. I think the directions to Lisa’s home are sitting in my e-mail box so I should have them with me tonight. Also, here is the Schrage Web site for Cameron and their e-mail is noted at the bottom of the main page.

Cameron’s Web Site

If you just want to come and listen—you are welcome to do so!

My hope for this group is simply that we can all help each other on this journey as we all have different gifts to share.


I had a sick hubby stay home today but I think he is better.

I have started something new with Aubrey at night. After she goes to bed, I go sit down by her mattress on the floor and I tell her a short story from the Bible—so many stories so little time! And then Aubrey gets to ask me one question about God, Jesus, the Bible, Heaven, etc.

It’s seems strange to me, but Aubrey is struggling with “forever” in heaven. I doubt she understands the concept of forever. But that is not what bothers her. She doesn’t believe that she will be content to be there forever and always asks, “We will never get to come back here?”

I just keep telling Aubrey, “WE WON’T WANT TO COME BACK!!”

Gabrielle would not want to come back.


I have been emotionally touched by a few nonbereaved mothers offering to help our new mothers’ grief group.


I will forever be grateful to those who have supported us. Thank you!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Sunday, January 18, 2004 7:17 PM CST


“…To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ our Lord…” ~ 2 Peter 1:1-2

Sometimes I catch myself saying that our children are the most precious gifts God gives us. But then I remember the gift of faith. And faith is by far the most precious gift.


Well, if John was frustrated with me he did not show it. As we approached the town for the wedding on Saturday I took one more look at the wedding invitation and cringed: we were heading to the town for the reception but the wedding ceremony was in another town! Fortunately, we discovered the towns were only 3 miles apart!

It was a beautiful Christian wedding. And while we had forgotten the names of Tucker’s parents, we knew we could not leave without talking to them. We are so glad we talked to them—it was actually hard to leave! Tucker and his sister are doing VERY well. Tucker also had Stage IV neuroblastoma.

We are thankful that my mom and dad rested the night before because they watched Aubrey and Noah for almost 7 hours! Thank you…we know Aubrey keeps people very busy.


Even weddings are tinged with a great heavy sadness.


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers.

Thank you, Heather B., for all your kind words!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Thursday, January 15, 2004 5:36 PM CST


Two thousand years ago the birth of Jesus Christ rocked the world. His birth changed its calendar and tailored its mores. The atheist dates his checks with 1999, declaring Christ’s birth. The rulers of countries, both east and west, regardless of their religions, use His birth date. Unthinkingly, we declare His birth on letters, legal documents, and datebooks. ~ Paul E. Little, Know What You Believe
And so as we watch with grave concern the inroads made by postmodern deceiving worldviews, we can turn to Jesus, our “object” of faith, and know this:

No mere mortal could ever impact the world the way Jesus did and still does.


My mom and dad are going to watch Aubrey and Noah on Saturday night as John and I are going to a special wedding.

It is a wedding that would have passed us by if Gabbie had not had cancer.

It is also a wedding that might not be if not for Gabbie’s death.

After Gabbie’s diagnosis, I frantically searched the Internet for survivors and I found a site for a boy named Tucker. I contacted the family and Tucker was doing well. The family was from Michigan but that very week they were coming to Minnesota. A brother/brother-in-law lived less than a mile from our house.

So we met Tucker’s family and Tucker’s uncle Jeff, who is the one getting married. Jeff walked into our lives and visited us at the hospital, brought gifts, and shared Christian support. And he was, initially, a stranger.

But here is where Gabbie comes in. Some of you might not know that I fell into Word of Faith teachings in desperation to save Gabbie’s life. WoF preaches that earthly healings are guaranteed if one has enough faith. After Gabbie died, I denounced WoF. But it also impacted Jeff and he later told me he did some research on his church’s background and teachings. He left…and met his bride-to-be at his new church.

Gabbie touched so many.


In my faith story I used the adjective “wicked” to describe my period of doubt. Do you really want to know how wicked that time felt?

I wanted all of us to quickly die as a family. And for as much as I tend to walk down memory lane and visit all the painful aspects of Gabbie’s death…I stay away from this memory.

Although we don’t always know why God silently allows people to doubt, believers usually come back with stronger faith after such doubt.


We hope you all have a safe weekend and stay warm. I am going into the weekend a bit relieved as I told my new boss I’m simply not the right person to go to NYC. I have much to learn and there will be other trips.

Please remember that Jesus was no mere mortal. Make Jesus the object of your faith for there is no other way to heaven.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* jesus * one way to heaven * jesus * he died for you * jesus * loves you *

Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:38 PM CST


“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for you have created all things, and for your pleasure the are and were created.” ~ Revelation 4:11

This alone should guide me to give even more and more of Gabbie’s death and all the consuming pain to God. All creation is for God’s purpose.


I just don’t think we will ever have one parent stay home. We probably could somehow make it stretch but I have the insurance and so our finances would change tremendously on that issue alone.

But a week or so ago, Aubrey used “hell” in a sentence. She was not talking about the place of eternal torment. She apologized to me but a pang welled up within me. For all our parental faults, we do not swear. She had to have picked this up at daycare from one of the other children.

And today I see a woman suicide bomber in Gaza was actually a mother of two.

It’s not getting better out there.


A poet once said that even eight years after the death of his child he still had no words. And poets are masters of language.


Although this site is dominated by children, I want to share an adult today. Those of you who read Gabbie’s guest book know that Sally Torres has signed many times with support. And now their family has learned the mother has leukemia. Sally has created a Web site for her mother, Niki, and I would like to share it with all of you.

Niki’s Web Site


Thank you for your kindness. Without knowing it, those of you with the spiritual gifts of compassion and mercy are mentoring to me in many ways.

Thank you, for visiting Gabbie’s site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:34 PM CST



Hebrews 4:12:

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” ~ Hebrews 4:12

Editor’s Note: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful. . . .”
(1) The Bible claims dividing power as a sword (above verse). The Bible will separate man from sin (Psalms 119:11) or sin will separate man from the Bible (Isaiah 59:2).
(2) The Bible claims reflecting power as a mirror (James 1:22025). In the Bible, we see ourselves as God sees us—as sinners (Romans 3:23).
(3) The Bible claims cleansing power as water (Ephesians 5:26). David prayed that God would “wash him from iniquity” and “cleanse him from sin” (Psalms 51:2).
(4) The Bible claims reproductive power as seed (I Peter 1:23). We are children of God because we have been born into the family of God by the incorruptible seed of God. This is the new birth (John 3:1-7).
(5) The Bible claims nourishing power as food (I Peter 2:2). The Bible is spiritual food for the soul. No Christian can remain strong in the Lord and not study the Word of God. ~ Thomas Nelson Publishing

Still no teeth for Noah and still getting up for a nighttime bottle!

Considering we are such stay-at-home people, we have a very busy January. And poor John, I think I have another trip next week to NYC. I have new projects at work that could involve some travel.


Thank you, so very much. I cannot imagine my journey if there was no such thing as CaringBridge!

Thanks for visiting Gabbie’s site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Monday, January 12, 2004 5:54 PM CST


“The severest trials of a true Christian are usually unknown to any but the Christian himself.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Life

Sometimes it seems as if my inner-heart is worse now then it was before Gabbie died. Are trials supposed to do that to our hearts?


I share Gabbie with strangers less and less and less. But any grieving parent will tell you that with the right questions/comments aimed at us, we will share. And so it was with the nurse who took my blood last Friday. We just briefly chatted about Gabbie’s cancer and even though she has never had children she was very sympathetic.

Then I went to the area where you sit and have refreshments and a man commented that I had quite a necklace on (my “will you be dere” necklace). As he squinted to start reading the letter beads, I briefly told him the story of Gabbie’s dying question. And then a woman approached me and said she had heard us talking about Gabbie. She expressed her condolences and even hugged me.

You might get tired of this: Strangers never cease to touch my life.

And then when I left the building, there was Father Kevin (John’s church) approaching! Somehow the new mothers’ grief group came up and he has graciously offered us a meeting place at Our Lady of Peace should we ever need one. He is so very nice.

* * I will be posting more on the new mothers' grief group this week. * *


I’ve said it over and over and over: Gabrielle is a saint. But…

One of the pictures on my desk shelves is of Gabbie in a teeny frame. That frame happens to be an angel frame and this was done before Gabbie died. I didn’t notice this until months after she died.

I also have another picture that needs to be digitized. Aubrey and Gabbie are sitting in high chairs and Gabbie has one angel wing. I have no idea what it is. But without any use of the imagination…that child has one angel wing.

So she is my angelic saint. I hope you know what I mean. For truly my surest comfort is knowing she is a saint praising the Lord.


My anonymous friends who keep experiencing losses. Why?


We thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

I am so grateful to those of you who have openly and honestly shared similar struggles. It makes me feel less lonely on this journey.

I am so thankful for the love for Gabbie.

I am so thankful for a merciful God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* donate blood * the gift of life * donate blood * save a child *

Sunday, January 11, 2004 2:30 PM CST


We had a very nice visit with the Buckentines on Saturday. When we were ready to go, we were looking for Aubrey and Brady (both about the same age) and found them snuggled together in Brady’s bed!! Brady and Aubrey had never met before and I guess it did take some time to warm up to each other.

Jen and I went out to eat and ended up sitting next to a woman who also lost a child as she sort of eavesdropped on our conversation.

Today after church I took Noah to a Care Center for the elderly to visit our neighbor who had fallen in her home. I felt so sorry for her as I was not prepared for the huge bruise that covered half her face. She wants so very badly to stay in her home but I cannot tell you how many times the ambulance has been out to her home.

We barely got out of the elevator and one of the Care Center nurses was all over Noah. She must know Jesus as she was even more enamored over his name and was going on and on about the biblical meaning of Noah.

After losing a child, you will find that strangers will touch you in the littlest of ways. I will always remember that cheerful nurse and our two-minute meeting!


Just want to clarify….

We know people are very uncomfortable around us after our child dies.

We know that the people who choose to pretend that the huge event never happened are even more uncomfortable.

I hope people realize that this guy (below) did not see me. I’m not hurt or angry. If he had approached me, I would have talked to him. Some of the incidents on our journey are purely uncomfortable and nothing else.

A grieving mother once wrote that if she was out walking and some friends who ignored her loss saw her, she said her friends would probably cross the street to avoid her.

Remember…many people WANT to avoid us. We slowly get used to it.

I saw someone today in our cafeteria and all I could do was turn away.
About six months after Gabbie had died he sent an e-mail that clearly indicated he knew nothing about her cancer or death. I sent an e-mail back and explained that I had lost a child.
I never heard back from him.

Thank you, Kathy…for your rescue call Friday night. Thank you so very much.

Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, January 8, 2004 5:34 PM CST


Believer, here is encouragement. Art thou praying for some beloved one? Oh, give not up thy prayers, for Christ is "mighty to save." You are powerless to reclaim the rebel, but your Lord is Almighty. Lay hold on that mighty arm, and rouse it to put forth its strength. Does your own case trouble you? Fear not, for His strength is sufficient for you. Whether to begin with others, or to carry on the work in you, Jesus is "mighty to save;" the best proof of which lies in the fact that He has saved you. What a thousand mercies that you have not found Him mighty to destroy! ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening Daily Devotional
Jesus is all about saving. He is not about condemning. People who are condemned have condemned themselves.


On Saturday we are all driving up to St. Cloud to visit Zachary’s family. Jen and I are going out to lunch and John, Aubrey and Noah will stay with Bill and Brady. We know they just ache to hold and see little Zachary. Jen is doing an incredible job sharing her faith in a dark world that needs light.

* * * Zachary’s Site * * *


I saw someone today in our cafeteria and all I could do was turn away.

About six months after Gabbie had died he sent an e-mail that clearly indicated he knew nothing about her cancer or death. I sent an e-mail back and explained that I had lost a child.

I never heard back from him.


We hope you all have a very safe weekend. I think we are going to have a little thaw from our Minnesota freeze!

I thank God for all you have done.

Please remember to reach for Jesus…not only is He is Mighty to Save but He is also mightily PLEASED to save you! Yes, you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Wednesday, January 7, 2004 6:02 PM CST


I will forever be impacted by these other children and their families so I’m going to start sharing them more often.

Jillian was and still is a beautiful girl. Although she is a little older then Gabbie, both John and I thought that Gabbie might have looked like Jillian had Gabbie survived. Unfortunately Jillian’s gracious family is heavily grieving because Jillian left this world in July 2003. Please visit Jillian’s site….she truly is a “line-leader to heaven.”

* * * Jillian’s Site * * *


”Men’s hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” ~ Luke 21:26

“It has been said that there are three types of people in this world: those who are fearful, those who don’t know enough to be fearful, and those who know their Bibles. ~ Editor, The Evidence Bible

Please read the Bible. God is the author. The Bible is a miracle!!


“For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” ~ II Peter 1:21

Editor’s Note: The oneness or unity of the Bible is a miracle. It is a library of 66 books, written by over 35 different authors, in a period of approximately 1,500 years. Represented in the authors is a cross-section of humanity, educated and uneducated, including kings, fishermen, public officials, farmers, teachers, and physicians. Included in the subjects are religion, history, law, science, poetry, drama, biography and prophecy. Yet its various parts are as harmoniously united as the parts that make up the human body. For 35 authors with such varied backgrounds to write on so many subjects over a period of approximately 1,500 years in absolute harmony is a mathematical impossibility. It could not happen! Then how do we account for the Bible? The only adequate explanation is “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” ~ Credit: Thomas Nelson Publishing


Two people have already told me they will also try to get on the National Bone Marrow registry. Thank you Andrea and Kathy!

Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

Thank you for being so understanding even if you have never lost a child or don’t even have children. We are so very grateful.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Tuesday, January 6, 2004 6:14 PM CST


”Same some, O Christians! By all means, same some. From yonder flames and outer darkness, and the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, seek to save some! Let this, as in the case of the apostle, be your great, ruling object in life, that by all means you might save some.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon, quoted in The Evidence Bible

Please seek the one and only Savior who can lift you from the dead sea and grace you with eternal life!


Miss Aubrey is still so very entertaining. I took her to the YMCA last Saturday to do some swimming in the kiddie pool as Auntie Sarah is making progress in teaching Aubrey how to swim. After we swam we went to the women’s locker room to shower. She left her bathing suit on and then even added a sleeveless summer nightgown. I asked her what she was doing and she just shrugged her shoulders and said, “This is what I’m going to shower in.”

Aubrey went through so much during Gabbie’s cancer and after Gabbie’s death that I just let her do these odd things.


Around 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 24th, we would like to invite any grieving mothers who live near the Twin Cities to join a new Mother’s Grief Group. This group will remain as unstructured as possible and for now we plan to meet monthly. We will vary our meeting places (usually homes) so that we can accommodate the varying driving distances.

We will open and close with Bible verses but after that the group’s purpose will be determined by the mothers. This will be a very safe place to discuss the frustrations so common to many of us.

Lisa Schrage has graciously volunteered her home in Burnsville for the first meeting. Lisa and husband Marcell lost their beautiful 14-month old Cameron on October 12, 2003.

I will continue to post details.

Cameron’s Site


Gosh, Mary Akagi, if you read this thanks for the very kind guest book entry. You made my day! (I need to get in touch with you because I want to find out where I can get more copies of that beautiful CD – we think it came from you – Listening to Your Angel Voice.)

Actually, all the guest book entries were wonderful today.

Thanks as always for visiting Gabbie’s site!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Monday, January 5, 2004 6:16 PM CST


"I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when I, the Son of Man, return, how many will I find who have faith?" ~ Luke 18:8

No matter what your situation is, keep your faith. It is sometimes so easy to give in to despair. I don’t so much struggle with doubt these days. But rather I struggle with my time remaining feeling like an eternity. It seems as if Jesus is never going to come. I simply cannot imagine that someday I shall die. But I shall die and Jesus shall come. It is not for me to know which will be first.

Just keep the faith. He is coming.


John stayed home with a sick Noah today. No fever but he is a mess from a big cold.


I have stumbled upon a turning point.

I have a long overdue appointment this Friday and will be going to our local Memorial Blood Center to donate blood but also to register for the National Marrow Donor Program. I’ve read enough pleas on CaringBridge sites begging for healthy people to join the national registry.

But I also have a more selfish reason behind the scenes. I am doing this in memory of my daughter. Someone was not willing to do the same for Gabbie and this was shared in Gabbie’s presence.

So this is for Gabrielle. She always put others first even though she was very sick and only a toddler. (She did…we have many memories of her very unselfish ways.)

The turning point? I am taking all of the incidents swirling around Gabbie’s illness and death and will attempt to help others by doing something to counteract the event that caused so much pain. Sure it’s a pretty small step. But it is a step.

This new mothers' grief group is also an idea born from pain. I will tell you this...these children will not be forgotten!!


Thank you for your endless support. Thank you for understanding our e-mail situation...I am not ignoring anyone! I say this because I had another incident of not reading an e-mail and then when I did I had much regret that I did not respond sooner.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Sunday, January 4, 2004 3:50 PM CST

** New Picture of Aubrey and Joey as Flower Girl and Ringbearer **


On Saturday morning the front page news in the Minneapolis Star Tribune was about the car crash that killed three sisters from a Minnesota family. There was a photo of the mother being hugged by a friend and next to her was another “family” friend. That family friend happened to be one of Gabbie’s primary nurses.

Please continue to pray for this family. Just on what I have read, their faith is strong and the young girls did work for the Lord. But this pain is enough to cripple the strongest of the strong.

I see too that little Maddie J. also just went to heaven. Maddie is the daughter of a nephew of a frequent guest book signer on Gabbie’s site – Deb Meyer. I’m so sorry Deb.

Maddie’s Site


I truly miss Gabbie very much but am always grieved for those just joining this horrible trial. I wish I could do more.

But…I did decide there is another way I can do more. With the help of some other mothers, we are going to start a mothers’ grief group here in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas. I will include more later but my friend, Lisa (Cameron’s mother), said something that really describes what I hope we can achieve. “Unstructured.” We will not set out to be anything specific, with the exception that I would like to open and close our gatherings with Bible verses. We are tentatively scheduling January 24th as our first meeting.

And…Khalita and I can now begin our other mission. Khalita did a lot of work and sent me a list with names, addresses, and what to include in our “Christian” care packages. I was able to order Bibles, grief books, and CD’s for about 24 families with the money left over from Gabbie’s fundraiser. And there will still be some funds remaining!!


I tell you in all honesty that some things do NOT upset me. Right after Gabbie died we received many, many books. Some are very new-age and fit right into our postmodern era. I’m not going to get rid of these books as people meant well. But I read one the other day and became more and more depressed as I read along. Why…why does this kind of false belief system actually comfort some people?

Here is a quote from a very depressing book that is geared towards surviving children. My heart got heavier and heavier as I read this book.

“The next place that I go won’t really be a place at all. There won’t be any seasons – winter, summer, spring or fall --…I will not be a boy or girl, a woman or a man. I’ll simply be just me. No worse or better than. My skin will not be dark or light. I won’t be fat or tall. The body I once lived in won’t be part of me at all….I’ll be embraced by all the family and friends I’ve ever known. Although I might not see their faces, all our hearts will beat as one, and the circle of our spirits will shine brighter than the sun.” ~ Warren Hanson, The Next Place

Hanson’s book stays as far away as possible from mentioning Jesus.

This worries me. It’s not right.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. Please pray for the families mentioned above. They need our prayers ever so much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Friday, January 2, 2004 4:39 PM CST

New Picture of Aubrey & Joey: Flower Girl & Ringbearer!!


“Oh God, let this horrible war quickly come to an end that we may all return home and engage in the only work that is worthwhile—and that is the salvation of men.” ~ General “Stonewall” Jackson, quoted in The Evidence Bible


Sigh. Of relief! Back to the normal day-to-day living without Gabbie but without the suffocating pressures of holiday celebrations.

Our New Year’s Eve was very relaxing. My sister Sarah and a neighbor family with two little girls joined us. We just sat around and talked and our neighbors left before 9:00 and Sarah left before 10:30. I tried to stay up but gave up shortly after 11:00. I greeted the New Year with a 2:00 am bottle for little Noah man.

And last night, shortly after Aubrey went to bed, John and I heard some pops. We nonchalantly sat there debating whether it was gunfire or firecrackers. John was certain it was gunfire, I was uncertain. But it sounded very, very close—just outside our house—so we turned off the pumpkin night-lights that wind through the blinds in Aubrey and Noah’s bedroom, which faces the street.

We generally feel quite safe in our very vibrant neighborhood. Coffee shops, the lakes, streets decked with beautiful oak trees, runners and walkers year-round, etc. But the world is changing ever so fast and I ache for Aubrey and Noah. It is not the world I grew up in.

Oh, but sometimes what a “small world.” These neighbors lost a niece to neuroblastoma years ago.


The Minnesota family grieving three sisters (ages 19, 17, and 12) who were all killed in a car accident last night while driving to their brother’s wedding. All three were going to be bridesmaids. Three children snatched away in a moment of time.

I am sure that the mother and father are experiencing unbelievable pain and shock. Losing one child leaves me without expression to those who have lost none. I am sure that losing more than one leaves them without expression even to those of us who have lost a child.


Thank you, for sharing so much of 2003 with us. We hope you all have a very safe weekend. We are not doing much this weekend but I already have an agenda for 2004 and we might actually be quite busy!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 11:54 AM CST


~ Many blessings in 2004 from God to all of you and your families.

~ We wish you peace from Jesus Christ.

~ May your holidays be safe.

~ Thank you for remembering Gabbie. She will greet you by name in heaven some day because I know God will give her knowledge of all those who care!

~ Pray for those suffering from Iran's earthquake and all the suffering throughout the world. Please.

~ Most importantly, I will close 2003 journaling with these important words from Jesus:

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

In His Arms,

The Paquette's: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, December 29, 2003 2:14 PM CST


I’m taking half a vacation day today but decided I could add the next part of the Christian Study that helped me to hear God’s call!


“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” ~ I Corinthians 2:14-16

The Bible is a difficult book because it came from the Infinite to the finite—from the unlimited, all powerful God, to limited man. Therefore, you cannot understand the Bible as you would understand the writings of Plato or Socrates. You can study the great philosophers with the natural mind, and by diligent application, grasp their profound meanings. If the Bible could be understood by natural man, it would be a natural book, and could not be the Word of God. Since the Bible is from God and therefore spiritual, before you can receive its teachings, you must be born of the Spirit (John 3:6) and filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). Always approach the Bible praying that the Spirit will be your teacher and will guide you to a better understanding of His Holy Word, or it will remain a difficult, closed book (John 16:12-15).

Credit: Thomas Nelson Publishers


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today!

I have not checked my e-mail for days...sorry.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? * will you be dere? *

Sunday, December 28, 2003 5:36 PM CST


I had lunch with a friend last Tuesday. In all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, she took time to remember Gabbie. She gave me a pewter angel with “Will you be dere?” engraved on the angel. Thank you, so much Andrea…for always thinking about Gabbie.

On Christmas Eve, I received another angel, homemade by my nephew, Jonathan Paquette. It had Gabby’s name…the cousin who died. I might have frightened my poor nephew as I broke down when I saw it.

Thank you, Elizabeth, for donating to Gabbie’s Gifts. We know you loved Gabbie, your godchild, so very much.

My dad had a friend make several copies of “Gabbie’s Song.” Actually, I think our new computer (not yet ordered—but the computer desk is coming on the 11th!) will have CD-burning feature/functionality.

Those are the special gifts I received!!


On Christmas Eve morning, I stopped by to visit my parents on my way to work. After work I drove way out to Maple Grove (I say that only because it took over an hour to get from West in Eagan to Maple Grove!) to the Paquette side to meet up with John, Aubrey, and Noah. We knew Noah would get very cranky if he was out too long so I did not stay late. I also knew I probably would not fare too well during the gift opening. Something about gifts and gifts while Gabbie is in the ground is too difficult for me. It may always be so.

The most unwanted surprise is that when I got home alone with Noah, John had forgotten to tell me that he had set our home alarm. And yes, because I panicked I did not hit the code keys right and I did set off the alarm. Those who have set off their own alarms know that the noise is deafening. It terrified Noah…and me a little! I couldn’t even think straight.


One more Christmas is done.


Max Adams Went to Heaven on the 27th…Pray for His Family


Thanks to all those who remembered Gabbie during this season of wrapping paper, wrapping paper, and more wrapping paper. I must admit I had an especially difficult time this December because of all the focus on gifts and presents.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, December 23, 2003 10:23 AM CST

”Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Emmanuel” ~ Isaiah 7:14

Our family wishes all of you a very blessed Christmas.

Our family thanks all of you for your gracious and sustaining support, love, concern and prayers.

Our family thanks God for His never-ending Love to His children

Our family thanks God for giving us His Only Begotten Son, our one and only True Savior


The Paquette’s

Sunday, December 21, 2003 4:25 PM CST


I really, really appreciate one of my friends for jumping in and telling me I am not unworthy. Really.

But from a biblical standpoint, we are all unworthy. This is one of the key reasons why I appreciate my salvation and God’s grace! Do you know that prior to my conversion, whenever anyone talked to me about God’s grace, I always wondered what on earth God’s grace was about? I would think about it for days…what is God’s grace???

I know now. Without His free offer of grace, I would be doomed.


I made a mistake that now I know I will never make again. I must have forgotten that John did all my Christmas shopping for me last year as my pregnancy was difficult for any periods of standing or walking.

I had not done any shopping until yesterday. I took Aubrey and John took Noah. I went to Southdale, expecting smaller crowds. It was packed and loud and so very overwhelming. Our hostess gifts were chosen hastily and I do not like to do that but I just had to get out of there.

Next year, I will do all my shopping in October. I have only one godchild and do not participate in the adult name draw so I can actually do my shopping whenever I well please!

Also, someone pointed out that I mentioned Gabbie’s wedding rather than her funeral in the previous journal. I was going to go back and fix that, but decided to leave it. It is a testimony to how jumbled our minds can become this time of year.


Even the music in the stores can shake our knees. It wasn’t even a religious song—just a haunting tune from my youth, A Whiter Shade of Pale. I stood there staring at pajamas for Noah and was frozen. I could not move.

I miss you and love you so very much, Gabbie. Only God knows how much I miss you.


Maddie & Family


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. I will say it again later, but we hope and pray you all have a very safe holiday.

We also hope and pray that Jesus Christ be the reason for your Christmas.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, December 21, 2003 4:25 PM CST


I really, really appreciate one of my friends for jumping in and telling me I am not unworthy. Really.

But from a biblical standpoint, we are all unworthy. This is one of the key reasons why I appreciate my salvation and God’s grace! Do you know that prior to my conversion, whenever anyone talked to me about God’s grace, I always wondered what on earth God’s grace was about? I would think about it for days…what is God’s grace???

I know now. Without His free offer of grace, I would be doomed.


I made a mistake that now I know I will never make again. I must have forgotten that John did all my Christmas shopping for me last year as my pregnancy was difficult for any periods of standing or walking.

I had not done any shopping until yesterday. I took Aubrey and John took Noah. I went to Southdale, expecting smaller crowds. It was packed and loud and so very overwhelming. Our hostess gifts were chosen hastily and I do not like to do that but I just had to get out of there.

Next year, I will do all my shopping in October. I have only one godchild and do not participate in the adult name draw so I can actually do my shopping whenever I well please!

Also, someone pointed out that I mentioned Gabbie’s wedding rather than her funeral in the previous journal. I was going to go back and fix that, but decided to leave it. It is a testimony to how jumbled our minds can become this time of year.


Even the music in the stores can shake our knees. It wasn’t even a religious song—just a haunting tune from my youth, A Whiter Shade of Pale. I stood there staring at pajamas for Noah and was frozen. I could not move.

I miss you and love you so very much, Gabbie. Only God knows how much I miss you.


Maddie & Family


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. I will say it again later, but we hope and pray you all have a very safe holiday.

We also hope and pray that Jesus Christ be the reason for your Christmas.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, December 23, 2003 10:12 AM CST

Sunday, December 21, 2003 4:25 PM CST


I really, really appreciate one of my friends for jumping in and telling me I am not unworthy. Really.

But from a biblical standpoint, we are all unworthy. This is one of the key reasons why I appreciate my salvation and God’s grace! Do you know that prior to my conversion, whenever anyone talked to me about God’s grace, I always wondered what on earth God’s grace was about? I would think about it for days…what is God’s grace???

I know now. Without His free offer of grace, I would be doomed.


I made a mistake that now I know I will never make again. I must have forgotten that John did all my Christmas shopping for me last year as my pregnancy was difficult for any periods of standing or walking.

I had not done any shopping until yesterday. I took Aubrey and John took Noah. I went to Southdale, expecting smaller crowds. It was packed and loud and so very overwhelming. Our hostess gifts were chosen hastily and I do not like to do that but I just had to get out of there.

Next year, I will do all my shopping in October. I have only one godchild and do not participate in the adult name draw so I can actually do my shopping whenever I well please!

Also, someone pointed out that I mentioned Gabbie’s wedding rather than her funeral in the previous journal. I was going to go back and fix that, but decided to leave it. It is a testimony to how jumbled our minds can become this time of year.


Even the music in the stores can shake our knees. It wasn’t even a religious song—just a haunting tune from my youth, A Whiter Shade of Pale. I stood there staring at pajamas for Noah and was frozen. I could not move.

I miss you and love you so very much, Gabbie. Only God knows how much I miss you.


Maddie & Family


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. I will say it again later, but we hope and pray you all have a very safe holiday.

We also hope and pray that Jesus Christ be the reason for your Christmas.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, December 18, 2003 6:40 PM CST


My dear friend, Michelle Espeseth, sent me this yesterday. Thank you, Michelle, it means so much to me. Some of you may know Michelle as she is on a similar journey living without her beautiful son, Jackson Ben.

JacksonÂ’s Site

Will You Be There?

When we gather before God's throne
After Christ has called us Home
When He says "My child, well done?"
Will you be there?

When your loved ones who went before
Wait for you at Heaven's door
As their hopes and spirits soar
Will you be there?

When God's Angels sing
Holy praises to our King
And the bells of Heaven ring
Will you be there?

When the old things have passed away
And all is made new
When all night has turned to day
Will you be there?

When sickness is no more
And all our tears have dried
When our Savior says "It was for you I died"
Will You be there?

Written By: Granville Bud Kelley


This jolly holiday season is becoming more and more difficult. I am overwhelmed with loneliness for Gabbie. IÂ’m tired of feeling guilty about not moving fast enough in the areas of my life where so many issues haunt me.

What do I want for Christmas? I hope my family can be grateful for the areas where I have been slowly but surely progressing.

I am seeking God every day.

My marriage is fine.

I love Wooddale and have a feeling I will gain so much in years to come.

I am coordinating with a good friend a mission to help other grieving families.

IÂ’m finding my way back at work after a long, long absence.

And so importantly, I’ve come full circle and back with love to poor Aubrey and adore and love my little Noah man—even though he keeps us up at night.

Yet I still grieve so much and I am not ready. The things that haunt me about Gabbie and how she was treated, both while alive and dead, have caused deep and unfathomable pain and the cloak of silence, however self-imposed, only made it worse.

Do you know why I'm not that upset about people being intoxicated at Gabbie's wedding? Why wouldn't it happen? There simply are no boundaries and I must accept that.

And so all this finally led to my bursting into tears in my cube today. I am grateful for the co-worker who gave a sympathetic ear and who eventually made me laugh. Thank you.


I wish I could be strong for you guysÂ…but sometimes I canÂ’t. Her death still takes my breath away.

I love God and want to serve Him more and more. He will help me get through this when I am ready to ask Him.

I will be more restrained next week and put on our Christmas journal.

Forgive me, Jesus, your unworthy servant.

In His Arms,
The PaquetteÂ’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 6:39 PM CST


What biblical doctrine stands over all others in significance? The doctrine of salvation. And there is no better authoritative source than God’s word. As much as I trust the brilliant minds that have gone before me, who also believe in salvation by grace alone, I continue to always look to God’s word.

And whom should you trust to help you interpret Scripture? The Person of the Holy Spirit.

”But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. “ ~ John 16:13

And remember, we are commanded to read the Bible ourselves.
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth" ~2 Tim. 2:15

Please, in whose hands have you placed your eternal salvation?


I will share a final few thoughts on Target Corp. until the letter goes out. I am fully aware that Abercrombie & Fitch’s immorality is far worse. But well-established Christian groups with money are going after A&F. Target Corp., in the minds of most, is still a trusted family company. A good Minnesota-based corporation.

I trusted Target Corp. I went out of my way to shop at their stores. So when they sent that unsolicited and obscene material into my home, I was very, very disappointed.


I feel I am far enough away from these situations to restrain my natural bent to be sarcastic and have decided to finally start sharing some do’s and don’ts for the non-bereaved. Sometimes, I will even share my own mistakes made towards other grieving parents.

~Please do not place a picture of your healthy child into the hands of the grieving parents…right in front of the dead child’s body. My sweet and precious Gabrielle had only been dead for about an hour. Please…spare another this pain.~


I am so grateful for your kindness. What can I say? Strangers have swooped into my life and impacted me in ways that I just never believed to be possible.

Thank you, so very much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:43 PM CST


“What we believe about God is the most important thing about us.” ~ A.W. Tozer, quoted in Know What You Believe, Paul E. Little

”For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome….Fear the Lord your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. He is your praise; he is your God.” ~ Deuteronomy 10:17, 20-21


I’m still boycotting Target Corp and all their stores. On Sunday, John was pointed to Target for a gift for a nephew whose name was drawn by Aubrey for Christmas. I looked at the item and told John that I would call Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., to see if the item could be bought somewhere else instead.

This came to mind because one of my friends just e-mailed me to express her shock as she just learned about the French Connection UK product line. (Actual product names edited out due to obscene nature.) These items, so far, are in Marshall Fields.

While it may be some time before I get my letter finished, I have been thinking how to best approach this company. My letter will express concern that this is not the right direction for Target Corp and that it sends a very bad message on corporate ethics. I do not expect Target Corp to make any changes due to my letter. So the second part of my plan is to resend that same letter and make one change. It will contain an extra page, or pages, cc’ing as many Minnesosota charities and organizations that I can identify that Target Corp supports in the community in the name of good public relations. That is, I want all organizations that benefit financially from Target Corp to know that the right hand and left hand are ethically in diametric contradiction.

Remember, employees are usually not impacted financially by these incidents.


Well, I must be very, very thankful that I just learned of this second-hand and did not actually witness it myself. And it doesn’t provoke me to anger but rather to pity.

I guess a couple of people were drunk at Gabbie’s funeral.

See, there is no boundary to what we will experience concerning the death of our child.


Thank you, Robin! We just got a letter from CaringBridge regarding your donation in memory of Gabrielle.

Thank you for coming to Gabbie’s site and supporting us. If anyone is interested, it would be great if some could do some Internet searches to identify beneficiaries of Target Corp. I would just need the name, address, and maybe an explanation as to how Target Corp supports that entity.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, December 15, 2003 6:26 PM CST


My friend Heather left the lyrics to a Twila Paris song in the guest book. These lyrics are very, very relevant for our times.

”I see a multitude of people
Some far away and some close by
They weave together new religions
From tiny remnants they have found
A bit of truth, a greater lie
And all the prophets stand and sing a pleasant song
A million cords to bind the spirit growing strong
My heart is breaking I must remind them

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
You are the only way
We need you here today
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

There is moment of decision
But all the days go rushing by
An undercurrent of confusion
To threaten all that we believe
With little time to wonder why
And all the prophets sing the same familiar tune
Even the chosen can be lead to sing along
These hearts are breaking
Will you remind us”
~ Lyrics by Twila Paris

Please always remember that we do not claim that we are right and others are wrong.

We simply believe Jesus and anything less is calling Jesus a liar.

What kind of postmodern world do we live in today? A world that sadly believes truth is subjective and not objective or absolute:

“Two plus two equals four.”

“No, Monica, ‘two plus two’ may equal four in your life but in my life it is five…in fact, it is whatever number I choose to perceive it to be on any given day.”


Aubrey and Noah are much better and both of them went back to daycare. Thank you to all who inquired about them.


I had been admiring a co-worker’s mother’s bracelet and decided I wanted one. However, I eventually decided on something else and I now have a beautiful necklace with silver letter beads spelling out “Will You Be Dere?” with a cross in the middle. For now, a heart serves as the question mark until I can actually find a question mark bead the right size.

Gabbie’s gift to me will last until eternity and in eternity as our lives here determine our lives in heaven. Who knows what that “Will You Be Dere” will bring?!

But still, I miss her terribly and wonder why some think it should be over by now.


Here is a family I have had a few online exchanges with concerning our daughters. They lost their beautiful Maggie about one year ago but in their pain are responding with a Christian endeavor.

Maggie Grace


Thank you for your support. We could not do it without you…but also not without Jesus!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Saturday, December 13, 2003 11:19 AM CST


Shepherd and Bishop of Souls!!

"For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." ~ 1 Peter 2:25

Are we the caretaker of our souls? Only in as much as we entrust our souls to the Shepherd and Bishop of Souls.


During Gabbie’s illness, I asked one of my friends to type for me the Christian Study Outline that was in the Bible that resulted in my hearing God’s call. She graciously typed it up and gave me a printed version and a disk. I have shared the printed version with a couple of people but decided to now share the outline via Gabbie’s site. It’s very, very long and so I will share it piece by piece.

Each section is in three presentations: the claim (bolded), the Scripture verse supporting the claim (italicized), and the editor’s note of explanation (colorized—I like colors…in case you have not noticed!!).

The first claim is that The Bible claims to be the inspired word of God.

Claim: The Bible claims to be the inspired word of God

Scripture: ”All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” ~ II Timothy 3:15,17

Editor’s Note: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” Upon this statement of fact, evangelical Christianity stands. The Bible claims to be the inspired Word of God. By “inspiration” we mean that the Holy Spirit exerted His supernatural influence upon the writers of the Bible. The writing were inspired—not necessarily the writers, for the Bible nowhere claims to have been written by inspired men.

The Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible (II Peter 1:21). Christ told His disciples that He would leave “many things” unrevealed, and that the Holy Spirit would come and choose certain persons and through them reveal His perfect will unto man; and that the Holy Spirit would be the believer’s teacher (John 16:12-15).

Man is the instrument used by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible.

Results: the infallible Word of God.

Therefore the Bible is free from error and absolutely trustworthy (Psalms 119:89; Matthew 24:35).


Noah’s rash looks a little scary but I trust our pediatrician and accept that it is just the virus coming out of him. He has red blotches all over his body but is not at all bothered by them. Sometimes when I look at his face…he does not even look like our little Noah man. Aubrey did run a high fever yesterday but seems better today!

I was very upset yesterday morning but the day spent home with sick children actually turned out to be a very gentle and pleasant day.


Thank you, my dear friend Kathy, for calling from Ohio just to check up on us!

Thank you, for visiting Gabbie’s site. Thank you for seeking God…nothing could be more important.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, December 11, 2003 6:43 PM CST


Sheperd and Bishop of Souls!!

"For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." ~ 1 Peter 2:25

Are we the caretaker of our souls? Only in as much as we entrust our souls to the Sheperd and Bishop of Souls.


”Since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by worshipping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a consuming fire.” ~ Hebrews 12:28-29

I just encourage you to start seeking Him in His word. You will then know “holy fear and awe.”



Noah is fine and the doctor said that the rash is the virus coming out. However, his ear infection is lingering a bit and we were switched to a new antibiotic. (Don't get me going on how antibiotics are losing their effectiveness due to over use and abuse! When will people understand that antibiotics do NOT help viral infections!!)

But I am home today because now Aubrey is sick and is running a fever. I decided to keep Noah home also in hopes that a three-day hiatus from being around people will make us all healthy.

I know we will get through this. But life without Gabbie has been very, very difficult.


Noah went to daycare today but John will be taking him in to the Ped’s office tonight because now he has a rash all over. Aubrey woke up without a voice but since she was without fever we sent her to daycare also. John and I are both starting to come down with something….

Noah is still having crying spells at night for no reason. We are all getting less sleep then we did when he was a newborn.

And we miss Gabbie more then ever. Sometimes it seems like we are at the breaking point.


I appreciate all the concern for my health (and I do take care by eating right and trying to exercise!).

I watched Gabbie succumb to cancer. I can’t explain this, but if I get cancer also I’m not sure I could fight it with much gusto. It would not seem right to me. I would get treatment but would take the path of least resistance.


Christopher Peters


Thank you, for visiting, supporting, praying, sharing your life, and just simply being there for us.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 5:50 PM CST


Another way to learn about Jesus is to study and contemplate His many names. This will be a journey for me also and I hope you will join me. I will change the names once or twice a week.

Sheperd and Bishop of Souls!!

"For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." ~ 1 Peter 2:25

Are we the caretakers of our souls? Only in as much as we entrust our souls to the Sheperd and Bishop of Souls.


We are a little disappointed that Noah will not be able to get the second dose of the flu shot. He did get the first half (babies cannot receive the full-dose at one time) but because he was sick he missed his scheduled second dose. I called our pediatrician’s office today to schedule a shot for the end of this week and they ran out of the vaccine just this morning.


My OB/GYN clinic is wasting their time as they keep mailing me notices to schedule a mammogram. These notices are ignored and tossed into our recycling.

I have no fear of cancer not because I can beat cancer; but because Jesus has defeated death for me.


Christopher Peters

Christopher just turned one and is battling AML. The family really needs your prayers.


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie’s site. Only in eternity will you fully realize how much you have helped us!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, December 9, 2003 1:17 PM CST


"Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" ~ Daniel 12:4

Not everyone interprets this the same, but many do believe that “shall run to and fro,” refers to our increasing ability to travel all over the world as one of the signs that we are near the end-times. It wasn’t that long ago that a trip from Minneapolis to Boston and back to Minneapolis in 13 hours could even be possible. But it is possible today and a president can visit three continents in one day.

The other interpretation is that near the end-times many will be running back and forth in search of knowledge regarding mysteries of the Bible and/or prophecy.

Either interpretation….both are happening today.

It is true that we do not know when Jesus is coming back. And it is true that the world has always progressively changed. But never before have the changes been so fast and furious and in all areas of our life.

Please, please do not delay and seek Him today.


I’m home today again with a sick little Noah man. We will be seeing the doctor later today to see why he is running a fever while on antibiotics.

Yesterday was an adventure as expected--my boss did not show up at the airport due to an “incident” with a paring knife and a Christmas tree on Sunday. So it was just two of us but we made it back safe and sound with only a few other incidents, such as running out of fuel. Thankfully airports are concentrated in that part of the country and stopping to refuel was not much of an issue. I imagine that Boston must have been very beautiful right after the storm. However, by the time we got there we were treated to a messy slop.

Yesterday, John’s brother, Greg, came out to help John install another phone jack so one more task done before getting a new computer.


Thank you, for caring so much. We appreciate your generous ways!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, December 7, 2003 5:40 PM CST


I’m including this today in hopes that the guest book signer who claimed that I seem to be “all-knowing” reads this, as I share just how much I do not know.

When I read the following verse, even in light of the parable (The Unjust Servant) it follows, I could not begin to understand what it meant. But fortunately I have a heavily annotated study Bible!

"And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home.” ~ Luke 16:9

Maybe you don’t need help with this one, but I do. Below is the explanation by John MacArthur.

16:9 unrigheous mammon. I.e., money. The unjust steward used his master’s money to buy earthly friends [go read the parable], believers are to use their Master’s money in a way that will accrue friends for eternity--by investing in the kingdom gospel that brings sinners to salvation, so that when they arrive in heaven (“an everlasting home”), those sinners will be there to welcome them….”
God does not need our money. But we are to share our money because of the eternal impact. It took me a while to get there…but my paycheck is not mine. It’s a gift from God and I am to use it wisely and as generously as possible. I can do far better than the tithing I am doing now. This verse will certainly help me.


Noah is crawling!! No teeth yet.

While I no longer fear my own death, I am not too fond of flying and used to actually start planning my funeral whenever I had to fly. So I am looking forward to finding myself back in my cozy cube at West on Tuesday morning. However, my boss is one of those people who can make an adventure out of anything. Which means anything could happen to us (blizzard or no blizzard).


There is a grieving mother who desperately needs prayers. She is being encouraged by some to follow new-age beliefs and Christ is openly rejected by the family.


If Renne’ reads this, welcome to Gabbie’s site! I have seen your name in so many guest books and when you signed Gabbie’s it was as if I already know you. Thank you for sharing the same concern for the family in California.

Thank you, for visiting Gabbie’s site.

Thank you, for supporting us for soooo long!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, December 4, 2003 6:58 PM CST


Even Jesus dreaded the coming cup of wrath.

”...My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” ~ Matthew 26:39

And again:

”...My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” ~ Matthew 26:42

Jesus was sacrificed in our place. His blood was demanded for our sins.

"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and gave his Son as an antoning sacrifice for our sins." ~ 1 John 4:10

Just what is God’s wrath?

John Stott has described it as “His holy hostility to evil.” (Sorry, reference unknown)

Wrath denotes God's resolute action in punishing sin. It is the active manifestation of His hatred of irreligion and moral evil. God is Holy, and His holiness demands that he not tolerate unholiness. ~ romans/1_24-28_wrath_depravity.htm


Today John stayed home with Noah. We think Noah will go back to daycare tomorrow.

This morning while driving to Aubrey’s daycare, I told her she has to be good for Daddy on Monday because I will be flying out to Boston on a day-business trip. I told her I might be flying over our house about the time she will be waking up on Monday. I also told her I was going with my boss and one other co-worker.

Aubrey then asked, “Is your boss driving the plane?”

NO!! Thank goodness for that.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

If you have not done so already, please ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK. God LOVES it when people seek Him.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 4:06 PM CST


Before He was crucified, He was whipped. Here is a medical comment on the whipping alone. Remember, this is only part of the physical suffering. There is much more to the physical suffering but also much emotional and spiritual suffering.

Here are the words of Dr. C. Truman Davis, a doctor who has carefully studied crucifixion from a medical perspective. This is reprinted in Josh McDowall’s A Ready Defense.

The heavy whip is brought down with full force again and again across [a person’s] shoulders, backs, and legs. At first the heavy thongs cut through the skin only. Then, as the blows continue, they cut deeper into the subcutaneous tissues, producing first an oozing of blood from the capillaries and veins of the skin, and finally spurting arterial bleeding from vessels in the underlying muscles. The small balls of lead first produce large, deep bruises which are broken open by subsequent blows. Finally the skin of the back is hanging in long ribbons and the entire area is an unrecognizable mass of torn, bleeding tissue. When it is determined by the centurion in charge that the prisoner is near death, the beating is finally stopped. Eusebius, a third-century historian, confirms Dr. Davis’s description when he writes: “The sufferer’s veins were laid bare, and the very muscles, sinews, and bowels of the victim were open to exposure.”

Jesus suffered this excruciating pain because a price had to be paid for our sins. My sins…your sins.


Noah seems to be a little better today. No word on the RSV yet so hopefully no news from the Pediatrician’s office is good news. However, even before Noah got sick, we’ve been having a lot of trouble with him at night. Almost every night now at any hour we end up dragging Aubrey’s mattress to the living room and shutting the bedroom door. Noah only requires one night feeding but wakes up and cries for no reason. So, we let him cry it out but we are all awake while he goes through this process.


Sometimes when I am overwhelmed, I whisper to myself, “Jesus on the Cross.” It helps.


I know that we all live such hectic lives and sometimes we have to let go of something.

So I’ve made a choice. The computer situation at home will not be resolved until we have a whole new system in place because I found out that DSL is not compatible with our existing computer. I’m going to really slow down on e-mails, but this is just temporary.

If you can tell – and we have all been there – I’m getting stressed out with the fast pace at work, home, missions, and everything!!

God wants us to work hard for him. But even God does not want us running around with our minds spinning. Jesus did everything with slow, careful deliberation. I need to slow down and really focus.


Thank you, so very much. To all my online friends, I hope to make this e-mail hiatus short and maybe I'll try to e-mail once a week. I will miss our online conversations very much.

I am so grateful and cannot believe how many wonderful and supportive people I have met on this online journey!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, December 2, 2003 6:23 PM CST


Our recent issue of World Magazine regrets the state of “born-again” Christians in America. Many born-agains are joining the beliefs of mainstream secular America (for example, some born-agains do not believe Jesus Christ was resurrected) and are confused in our Postmodern era.

This article also pointed out that many people come to Christ but no one ever explains to them what Jesus Christ did for them. I saw that sentence and recognized my own negligence. So in the coming journal entries I hope to share even more specifically what Jesus Christ has done for us.


John is home today with a sick little Noah man. In some ways we have been fortunate that Noah has hardly ever been sick since entering daycare. However, he does have an ear-infection and is also being tested for RSV. While I look at these incidents as normal childhood illnesses, this is how it started for Gabbie and John does worry.

Looks like tomorrow I will be taking a day off as I'm sure Noah will need another day off from daycare.


Feeling a bit guilty, I had edited my initial “note on grief” in yesterday’s journal. But because someone else noted that they shared the very same experience, I will share again.

We must face the fact that some people remain untouched by the serious and painful trials of others. I imagine these people rarely, if ever, for example, really think about starvation in third-world countries.

What I had said was that some people are unmoved unless something rocks their life. My difficulty is not that apathy exists, but that there is SO MUCH apathy and that it will be there for the rest of my life.

Many of Gabbie’s relatives never even acknowledged her death with even one single word. Many, many relatives of Gabbie acknowledged her death with maybe, oh, three words and that was it.

This has been very, very, difficult for me.


“THE MAN WHO IS SERIOUSLY CONVINCED that he deserves to go to hell is not likely to go there, while the man who believes that he is worthy of heaven will certainly never enter that blessed place.” ~ A.W. Tozer, The Dwelling Place of God


Max, A Handsome Boy, A Wonderful Family


Thank you for all your support and prayers. Thank you in advance…for understanding that we can be edgy during this season that focuses so much on children.

Thank you, though, for your wonderful friendship!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, December 1, 2003 5:30 PM CST


I had always assumed most people stayed away from the last book in the Bible, Revelation, because it scared them. (It doesn’t scare me…it’s quite exciting actually!) But someone else has a better explanation as to why this book is so frequently avoided.

“As the Revelation is the only book in the Bible recording the final perdition of the devil and his dupes, we can understand why he [Satan] hates this book, confuses the issues it presents, and strives to keep people from reading it. It is hurtful to his satanic pride to have the world know what a terrible humiliating end awaits him. How Christ, the Seed of the woman, is to triumph gloriously over him!” ~ Herbert Lockyer, All the Parables of the Bible

The final victory is vividly revealed to us in the Revelation. The victory is for Christ and all of those saved through Jesus Christ. People who reject Jesus Christ…do not fare well at all in this book.

Please ask, seek, and knock, today! He is waiting for you.


This might be hard to understand--how people respond to the death of our child impacts where I am in my grief journey with that person. With some, I am very, very far along. With others, Gabbie died yesterday.


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site! We appreciate all of you so very much. I have thanked God for you many, many times.

I am really lagging now in e-mails as the slow access problem continues to worsen. Like most of you, I am also getting bogged down in Spam mail.

My DSL package arrived in the mail today (in fact, I ran with a naked Noah to the door when I saw the UPS truck—if you don’t answer on the first knock they go away and I was told they would never leave a modem at the door). I have been promised that I will see much, much faster service once I get the DSL modem installed. We shall see!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, November 30, 2003 9:59 PM CST

I was going to scrub the bathtub tonight but decided I would rather update Gabbie’s site!!


Actually, this parable found in Luke 11:1-10 is referred to as the Parable of the Friends at Midnight. A man receives a late-night visitor and takes it upon himself that he must go get some bread for this visitor. He therefore goes knocking on a friend’s door. At first the friend refuses to give him bread because he does not want to wake his family. But the man knocking on the door persists. The friend finally realizes that it is better to just go ahead and give his importunate friend some bread in order to stop the loud knocking on the door.

Jesus follows this parable by telling his disciples that ”….Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” ~ Luke 11:9

Ask, seek, and knock. Ask, seek, and knock, AGAIN! Persist.

Although God came into my life in that one split second in 1997, that “second” happened after several weeks of persistent seeking. This persistence also applies to those already saved and is a reminder that we must be persistent in our prayers. That includes me—this is an area I really need to work on!


I will just say that my Thanksgiving had some major lows but that some parts were fine.

I got to do something very different the day after Thanksgiving. My brother Joe has season tickets to the Minnesota Wild (professional hockey for those like me who do not follow sports) and he gave John and me the tickets for Friday’s game. After much hesitation on my part, I finally agreed to go. We had a good time! I thought the crowd would be obnoxious but was quite surprised—they were loud but well mannered (for a sporting event).

My brother has actually taken John to several of the Wild games and we are very grateful for his generosity. He was the brother who really got to know and love Gabbie and we will never, ever forget that.


Growing up, I knew someone. One time at a gathering the Bible came up in conversation. This someone said, “We are better off not knowing what is in the Bible.” This is very sad.

At Gabbie’s funeral, something made me single this someone out. I asked, in memory of Gabbie, please read the Bible. This someone replied, “yea, yea, yea,” with a dismissive wave of hand.

Gabbie and the Bible: dismissed.

This is very, very sad.


I still cannot believe how many of you still follow our journey without Gabrielle. We are so very, very thankful.

I thank those who made an effort to make my Thanksgiving more comfortable.

To Debbie N., I hope your husband is better! I prayed for him and see you have since left another guest book entry but without an update on his condition—you have to let me know!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:20 PM CST


Theologians all seem to have differing opinions on the “age of accountability” concerning children who die and where they have gone. So of course we should always teach our children, no matter how young, about Jesus and eternity.

Aubrey already understands the concept that little children go to Jesus if they die but that older children and adults must make a choice in their hearts for Jesus.

I still find that the most comforting Scripture verse for infants and toddlers who have died is when King David states, “…I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” ~ 2 Samuel 12:23 This was spoken almost immediately after David’s infant on died.


We will miss her terribly during these holidays. We are planning to visit my mom and dad on Thursday morning and then go off to the Paquette’s for Thanksgiving dinner.

I am taking Wednesday off and will be bringing some art supplies to Aubrey’s daycare. We are going to make some “winter holiday” cards.


We thank you so much for all your support.

We hope and pray that your Thanksgiving holiday is safe whether you are on the roads or in the air.

We hope and pray that you not delay and that TODAY your heart chooses Jesus Christ.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* Charles Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life

Monday, November 24, 2003 6:19 PM CST


Yes, I did indeed ruffle some feathers, as my friend Christy noted.

I think I need to state some truths every so often. Because while we overflow in our joy of salvation as it is not only a gift from God, but a gift we did not and do not deserve, sometimes our joy for ourselves tempered with concern for others is mistaken for haughtiness or arrogance.

Here are the truths that are always with me but maybe I do not share them enough.

I am not all-knowing ~ only God is all-knowing.

The more I learn about God ~ the more I realize how much I do not know.

I am not worthy to pass judgment on anyone ~ yet we are commanded to share the Gospel out of concern for the souls of others.

I have not ascended to any level of “know-all” Christianity ~ yet I know my salvation is fully secured in Jesus Christ.

I am an unworthy sinner ~ yet I am a saved sinner.

I am only a grieving mother, “average” could be my nickname ~ yet my longing for Jesus is beyond my wildest dreams.

I have a doubting and pessimistic personality ~ yet God has given me convictions that shock even me.

I am nothing of merit ~ yet God has chosen me.

I have done nothing of merit ~ yet God has chosen me.

I know nothing about God on my own ~ yet God reveals Himself to me in Scripture.

There is one thing I did do. In the summer of 1997, when Minneapolis became “Murderapolis,” I was desperate and started TRULY seeking. I picked up a Bible and read in earnest for the first time in my life. I, the “unworthy” one, answered the knocking on the door…and there He was.

I would never pass judgment on anyone as that is only for God. But in the world of CaringBridge, it is very obvious that there truly are believers and there truly are nonbelievers.


”For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8-9

Thank you, God, for your love ~ your love to me means undeserved grace added to undeserved mercy.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* Charles Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life

Sunday, November 23, 2003 7:45 PM CST

CaringBridge would not accept a "new" journal I just added this to the front.


Yes, I did indeed ruffle some feathers, as my friend Christy noted.

I think I need to state some truths every so often. Because while we overflow in our joy of salvation as it is not only a gift from God, but a gift we did not and do not deserve, sometimes our joy for ourselves tempered with concern for others is mistaken for haughtiness or arrogance.

Here are the truths that are always with me but maybe I do not share them enough.

I am not all-knowing ~ only God is all-knowing.

The more I learn about God ~ the more I realize how much I do not know.

I am not worthy to pass judgment on anyone ~ yet we are commanded to share the Gospel out of concern for the souls of others.

I have not ascended to any level of “know-all” Christianity ~ yet I know my salvation is 100ecure in Jesus Christ.

I am an unworthy sinner ~ yet I am a saved sinner.

I am only a grieving mother, “average” could be my nickname ~ yet my longing for Jesus is beyond my wildest dreams.

I have a doubting and pessimistic personality ~ yet God has given me convictions that shock even me.

I am nothing of merit ~ yet God has chosen me.

I have done nothing of merit ~ yet God has chosen me.

I know nothing about God on my own ~ yet God reveals Himself to me in Scripture.

There is one thing I did do. In the summer of 1997, when Minneapolis became “Murderapolis,” I was desperate and started TRULY seeking. I picked up a Bible and read in earnest for the first time in my life. I, the “unworthy” one, answered the knocking on the door…and there He was.

I would never pass judgment on anyone as that is only for God. But in the world of CaringBridge, it is very obvious that there truly are believers and there truly are nonbelievers.


”For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8-9

Thank you, God, for your love ~ your love to me means undeserved grace added to undeserved mercy.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Many have asked me how unbelievers survive a child’s death.

I have asked myself the same question: How do they do it?

I know how. Their child is in heaven because they believe WE are ALL going to heaven or a better place. They will be reunited because they believe WE are ALL going to heaven or a better place.

Where we part ways is in knowing why the child is in heaven and why we are going to be reunited.

Unbelievers will cling to the promises of the world; believers cling to the promises of eternal life by grace through the gift of faith from God and through the one and only Savior—Jesus Christ.

Accepting Jesus as one’s personal Savior must go beyond mere intellectual assent. It must involve a sincere decision from the heart.

Some children will never see their earthly parents again.


I’m still waiting for my Minnesota blizzard! I moved back here from Atlanta in 1992 and not one blizzard yet. We were a little snow-bound on Sunday but I did get out and pulled Aubrey on a sled to a local drugstore. Noah experienced his first snow from the frozen mass of snow on my head after I went for a run Saturday night.


Noah is now in heaven. But his family is grieving.

Noah Jay’s family


Thank you, for visiting Gabrielle’s site today. Thank you for visiting the sites of our grieving friends.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* Charles Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life

Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:16 PM CST


”Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation. If we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.” ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-6

There couldn’t possibly be a more perfect Scripture verse for the mission with He Cares.


I braced myself and survived Monday. But all week the pain of losing Gabbie has increased because you can only brace yourself for so long. God has done wonders. But those wonders are the strength He pours into you as the pain increases.

Noah is really becoming a fun baby. He can laugh and laugh and laugh and seems to have quite the sense of humor. Still no teeth yet! He cannot crawl but he is able to pull himself around. We yell over and over at Aubrey not to pick him up but every morning while getting ready for work I find him in surprising places because Aubrey has lugged him there. This morning she had actually lifted him out of his super-saucer. How did she do that??


I just want the rest of this month and all of December to be over with.


They came to mind because I’m working on my letter of disappointment. So, pray for every single Target Corp. executive who signed off on that expensive and vulgar marketing campaign.

Everything we do will be judged. So, those executives really do need our prayers.


Thank you for a very supportive week. Thank you for not “forgetting” Gabbie’s birthday.

Have a safe weekend. We never, never know when we will be called to face our Father. Please accept the Son before you meet the Father.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* Charles Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer's Life

** Artwork - Kat Runge

Wednesday, November 19, 2003 6:03 PM CST


During Gabbie’s illness I was at a stamp store and gasped when I saw a stamp that looked like Gabbie. I hesitated to buy it because it seemed to me it would be a portent to her death (I do not believe in superstition—sometimes our minds do mean things and we actually think our child might die). I made my purchase and hid the stamp in a drawer at home.

Then Gabbie died.

Months after her death I found the stamp. The stamp depicts a solemn child around the age of two and is only from the shoulders up. Gracing the child are fir boughs with the script “Peace” underneath.

Then one day I found a miniature version of the same stamp but without the script (Peace).

Then I found a third version, another large stamp and without the script.

Then the manufacturer of that stamp shut down their business.

Several weeks ago I took Aubrey to a stamp convention and there was the stamp again under a different manufacturer but without the boughs or the script and in two different sizes. Stamp companies do sometimes make two sizes of the same design. However, I have yet to see another stamp in five different, but similar, versions.

I now have all five of those stamps. Stamps are usually named: This one is “Precious.”

I should note that I did not make the above card. This artwork was done by Kat Runge and I am hoping and praying that when she gets my e-mail she will not be angry with me for posting her artwork on Gabbie’s site. Maybe some day I will attempt my own card.

Pictures of Gabbie do not do justice to the likeness. Those of us with memories of her solemn moments know how close this art is to Gabbie.

“Precious” Gabbie now has her own stamp drawer.


Thank you.

Thank you for letting a grieved mother go on and on about a child’s likeness to a stamp.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* Charles H. Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Life

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 5:56 PM CST


Will you be there—will you see this pomp? Will you behold this final triumph over sin, death, and hell? Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Is He your confidence and trust? Have you committed your soul to His keeping?” ~ Charles Spurgeon discussing heaven, in Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Live

I would say that Gabbie’s and Spurgeon’s questions are one and the same!


“You know what happens to people who lie….They get sick and they get cancer. If they keep lying, they get it again." ~ Rosie O’Donnell , 2002

Surely Rosie knows little ones can die slow painful deaths from cancer. And they are probably the most truthful of all of God’s children.

Someone...please tell Rosie how much this hurts.


I am still so thankful for all who remembered Gabbie. Mary A. signed the guest book with a story of another little girl’s fourth birthday yesterday and I was overcome with emotion.

And a very special thanks to Jackson Ben Espeseth’s mother, Michelle. She actually dedicated a journal entry to Gabbie and left an incredible guest book entry. She too shares the Lord!

Jackson’s Journey

And another grieving mother sent me a beautiful e-card. I went to her site but could not find a guest book and cannot thank her. Just in case she comes by, thank you, Judy. She has a beautiful Christian Web site for her daughter who died from leukemia.

Catch an Angel

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

* Charles H. Spurgeon, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Life

Monday, November 17, 2003 5:51 PM CST


Let me tell you something about a man named Charles Haddon Spurgeon. I have frequently quoted Spurgeon and he is my favorite Christian writer.

Spurgeon was born in 1834 and died in 1892. It is estimated that he preached to 10,000,000 people. Spurgeon built the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London in the 1850’s. “The combination of his clear voice, his mastery of language, his sure grasp of Scripture, and a deep love for Christ produced some of the noblest preaching of any age….He remains history’s most widely read preacher. There is more material written by Spurgeon than by any other Christian author, living or dead…..Occasionally Spurgeon asked members of his congregation not to attend the next Sunday’s service so that newcomers might find a seat. During one 1879 service, the regular congregation left so that newcomers waiting outside might get in, and the building immediately filled again.” ~ Editor’s note, Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Life

On Sunday I was reading Spurgeon’s Spiritual Warfare in a Believer’s Life. At the end of the first chapter, Spurgeon was talking about all the joy and glory of heaven. And then he asked,

“Will you be there….?”

My heart did cartwheels.

Gabbie and Spurgeon: eternal wisdom shared.

I will share more of the text surrounding Spurgeon’s “Will you be there….?” tomorrow.


How can I ever thank you? I never imagined that this many people would honor Gabrielle’s birthday. We are so very, very grateful for all of you. If there were a million ways to say “thank you,” I would begin at this very moment.

Instead, please just accept a very heartfelt….THANK YOU!!

I also thank my mom and dad for the home-cooked meal last night and flowers in remembrance of Gabbie.

And, John just called me from home…thank you Jill W. for the beautiful flowers. We are so touched!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, November 16, 2003 9:44 AM CST

* * * * For November 17, the day she came into our lives. * * * *


Our daughter is four years old ~ no hugs today.

Our daughter is four years old ~ no soft and gentle voice to be heard.

Our daughter is four years old ~ no big blue solemn eyes in my sight.

Our daughter is four years old ~ memories of suffering have not faded one bit.

Our daughter is four years old ~ the veil between us too thick.

Our daughter is four years old ~ she is nowhere to be seen.

Our four-year old daughter is gone.


After Monica would get the girls dressed in their pajamas, Gabbie would come out to the living room to get me. With her protruding belly and arched back (this was before the diagnosis), Gabbie would take her pointer finger and motion for me to follow her into the bedroom for the goodnight kisses, hugs, prayers, and songs.

In heaven, I still picture Gabbie wiggling her little finger, “Follow me dadda.”

Her “Will You Be Dere?” question will guide me for the rest of my life.


I love you, Gabbie, and happy birthday. I will come with you when Jesus calls us. I will come give you a hug right when I get up to heaven.


aaaahhhh bbbbtht btttht aieeeeeee!


To those who have loved Gabrielle, thank you. I know who you are by your kindness and respect shown for our journey.


Thank you, Gabbie, for showing us your beautiful soul. There is no other.

Thank you, God, for choosing us as the parents of that shining soul in heaven.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, November 13, 2003 4:19 PM CST


“The man whom Christ illuminates with His message has eyes, and that resolves the old difficulty of blindness; but he must use his new eyes in a blind world, and that creates another problem. The world in its blindness resents his claim to sight and will go to any lengths to discredit the claim.” ~ A.W. Tozer, We Travel an Appointed Way

I share this today because I have started to notice what the Bible so clearly claims will happen to those who follow Jesus Christ. In our “free” country, Jesus is getting shoved out. “The only way” is sometimes deeply ridiculed.


I am home today with a sick little Noah man. But actually, we probably could have taken him to daycare as his cold now seems mild—except for all the snot!! Right now he is attacking a balloon with so much gusto that I know he is not feeling too sick.


There is a family out there that really needs prayers. I will just say that I know what they are going through and that they are doing what we all must do when our children are so very sick. We must trust that He will do what is best, no matter how painful the outcome may be.


I still have yet to visit Gabrielle’s grave. I have no plans to ever visit her grave.


I am so very, very grateful for all of you. And I will say this again, I never, ever expect people to sign Gabbie’s guest book or the guest books of the families I point to. But when I do see you sign their guest book after I have pointed you there…thank you!

Have a safe weekend!

As we approach her birthday anniversary, remember her mightiest and loftiest wish for you…be dere! Ask Jesus—TODAY—to be your personal Saviour.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, November 12, 2003 6:13 PM CST


This is the poem that Smile Quilts chose for Gabrielle’s Smile Quilt. (Click on Smile Quilt in Gabbie’s guest book if you want to see it.)

I do love this poem because reflections on Gabbie and her so very untimely departure always lead me to ponder Isaiah 57:1.

”The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.” ~ Isaiah 57:1

“Our dearest sweetest Gabrielle
Your life on Earth was brief
We can only praise the Lord
For our fervent Christian beliefs.

You were just too precious
In this world you could not stay
God loved you too much
He didn’t want you led astray.

Saints are forever and always
To God they’re kept so near
So now you’re basking in His presence
Your love for Him sincere.

This pain will never fade
Our hearts, time will not heal
We try to accept that you have gone
Although it all still seems surreal.”

~Author Sandra Tumminelli ~
Copyright November 2003


Last night when I came home Aubrey was even one step higher and just as I was admonishing her for how high she was, she took a flying leap. For someone who is so hesitant to jump into my arms in the safety of a pool, she certainly has no fear of flying over steps where she could really get hurt. We counted…seven steps.


I have pretty much relinquished hope that I will ever see my “two-year old” again. It will be perfect that way in heaven, I know. But it still hurts to know very much while still here.

As John MacArthur asked, “Are there strollers in heaven?”

I doubt it.


The special Levine family as their heavy hearts face the first holiday season without Elijah.

Elijah’s Family


Thank you for visiting Gabbie's site. Thank you for caring so very much!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, November 11, 2003 6:15 PM CST


I experienced God’s providence today.

Khalita mailed me with an outline of her vision for our mission. Christian CARE packages for about 180 to 200 families before this coming Christmas. My first reaction was where will all the money come from!! She noted we would probably need $1,500 to $2,000.

But then I remembered a phone call from just last night.

The priest who has the account for the monies raised at Gabbie’s fund-raiser called to tell us that he was going to mail us the remaining balance. Earlier, John and I had both agreed we would split the remaining funds, each to use the money for our endeavors in Gabbie’s memory.

My share will be $1,050. It will all go to the mission. This is God’s providence. There are no coincidences in the lives of God’s children. (That new home computer I want will just have to come from my own savings!)

”For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” ~Philippians 2:13


Last night I told Aubrey she better make sure her “victims” are ready to catch her. I had just walked in from work into our entry-way, a split level. Aubrey was about six steps up so I thought, “Surely she isn’t going to jump on me from that level.” But she came flying through the air at me and fortunately I reacted in time to catch her. It seems to be her new thing—jumping on people.


It is always good to see grieving mothers and fathers have the ability to share and laugh about some memories of their departed child.

Every child is different and the memories they create are different. John and I have never once laughed when talking about Gabbie. Her life was so very solemn.


Those who think they do not need Jesus.


I have to say I was very touched to see others at West have been impacted by this man I mentioned yesterday.

A huge thank you to Gloria at Smile Quilts…and a huge thank you to my special friend who actually made the request for me! When I went to check out this quilt and saw the poem dedicated to Gabbie, I saw God’s hand again as it is so very much Gabrielle and our journey without her. I will include that poem tomorrow. It is so beautiful and very much true to Scripture—how did they know that was so important to me?!

Thank you. Your impact will last forever.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, November 10, 2003 6:07 PM CST


Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” ~ John 12:31

We have to be careful because Satan--“prince of this world” is only one of his many titles--does have power over this world and he is the temporary ruler of this world. His influence is sometimes cunningly cloaked and sometimes quite obvious.


I normally quote my sources so I hope that today no one thinks I’m fibbing as I cannot recall where I saw this. In general--employees are usually not hurt financially when boycotts are directed at their company.

Almost everyone in Minnesota knows someone who works for Target Corp. or a Target Corp. company. John and I do know people (John’s family!!) who work for Target and yet I am still boycotting Target.

Do your own research on the “French Connection UK” product line. Decide if you think it is insulting and immoral to be targeting, no pun intended, today’s youth—our children—with this message. Remember that what shocks us today is commonly accepted tomorrow.

My children will face many temptations in this world and I refuse to give money to a company that is deliberately adding to those temptations with such openly obscene messages. (And I am no prude, having seen and experienced much in my high school and college days.)

PS: A Cambridge research project shows that an entire paragraph of misspelled words is quickly corrected by our minds as we read it. The acronym for this company is no accident. We sometimes have to choose our battles, and this battle I choose because my children will be impacted.

PSS: Paquette family members at Target are not in marketing!


“How is he doing?”

I was asked this today as someone at West pointed at one of Gabbie’s bald pictures. I showed this gentle man, he works in mail services and I think he has some disabilities, a picture of Gabbie with her hair and answered him, “She died.” Tears welled up and he looked so very, very pained. I told him that Gabbie is with Jesus.

I am thankful for that man. For he showed me his heart of gold and I have this feeling he too will someday share in the Kingdom of God.


A Twin Cities family who lost a little five-year old girl as she accidentally stepped in front of the school bus and was killed.


Thank you, Debbie N. for commenting on the quotes. I firmly believe we should always use the knowledge of those who have forged before us and it also does take some of the pressure off me if the message is true but not popular!

Just imagine heaven as we meet people and are given instant recognition of those whom we may never meet face to face in this life! I so look forward to meeting you guys!! Thank you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, November 9, 2003 3:47 PM CST


Those of us who lose children rely much more on the silence of Scripture then in what is explicitly stated concerning the eternal destiny of our children. In fact, at first it was maddening when I turned to the Bible but in the end there is much I can now rely on with complete assurance.

“Those who cannot believe are never called upon by God to believe. That challenge is issued to those capable of believing. God invites those to Himself who can, in fact, respond to His invitation….In all the biblical passages concerning the eternal state of the lost, only adults capable of making a decision are described. Infants and young children, and anyone who is incapable of making an intelligent choice, are never mentioned. The complete silence of Scripture regarding the presence of such people in eternal torment argues against their being there. Although this is admittedly an argument from silence, it is a compelling silence in which we can take comfort.” ~ Robert Lightner, Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Always remember that Gabrielle is in heaven because of God’s grace. As good as that beautiful child was…she did not earn heaven.

And what about we who are long and far from the innocence of our childhood? We too, need God’s grace…even more than we will ever realize in this life.

”For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that on one can boast.” ~ Ephesians 2:8

Martin Luther once said something along these lines: God is far more pleased with the Son who was crucified than anything we can do.


Auntie Sarah is still entertaining Aubrey all the time. We are very, very grateful.

We are fast approaching Gabbie’s birthday. I can only say that she is deeply missed and that while I am in a different place…that pain never goes away. It is always with me.



Please do not think I do not have heart and sympathy when looking at those who are crying over the loss of their home in the California fires.

But if given the choice between a burned home and a spared life for Gabbie...I would have chosen Gabbie.

And then I would have danced in the smoldering ashes of my home in ultimate joy.

Choices. I would have chosen you, Gabbie.

Love you forever.


Thank you so very much. You will simply never know how much you have helped me. We are so very, very grateful.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, November 6, 2003 5:48 PM CST


“Jesus said, ". . . believe also in Me" ( John 14:1 ), not, "Believe certain things about Me". Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how He will come in—but you can be certain that He will come. Remain faithful to Him.” ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, Daily Devotional

While Chambers was talking about other things here, it also emphasizes that if you believe in the Jesus of Scripture, you must believe all His claims.

Jesus Christ is the center of Christianity. If He is not the only way, then why did he die on the cross? If He is not the only way, then His claims in the Bible as such are a hoax. And that would mean all of Christianity is a hoax because, again, Christ stands at the center.

But Jesus Christ is not a hoax. And Jesus Christ is not a liar: He is the only way. He says so and I believe Him with all my heart.


Our home is still an absolute disaster….

On another front, my mission is about to take off because it is no longer my mission. I am joining hands with my dear friend Khalita! She has aplastic anemia and has her own CaringBridge site at the link below.

Khalita Jones

But she also founded He Cares, a Christian non-profit ministry. Our mission will be through He Cares.

He Cares Ministries

More will be forthcoming. For now, I will say that I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work on this with Khalita.


Noah Jay & Family


Thank you for being so caring. Some of you are already helping me face that dreaded date, Gabbie’s birthday. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness.

And we hope for you all a very safe weekend.

Wise men still seek Him….

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 6:04 PM CST


”Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” ~ 1 Corinthians 9:16

“Beware of refusing to hear the call of God. Everyone who is saved is called to testify to the fact of his salvation.” ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, Daily Devotional

I will never understand why so many people today think we are to keep the joy that is our salvation to ourselves. Why would I want to keep such “good news” hidden?


What if we were given a choice?

What if the day before Gabbie died I had been offered this choice: Gabbie’s life spared, but someday Gabbie would lose a child.

On the day before she died my selfish parental love would have jumped to have Gabbie spared.

But now, after all this pain, both the necessary and the unnecessary, I would never choose to have any child of mine suffer this way.

That’s right dear Gabrielle. I love you so very much I would rather have you in heaven and I will walk through the fire instead. (Although you certainly walked through your own fire with far more grace!)


Noah Jay and family


You all have helped me so much. I think I know who ordered a “smile quilt” for me. I can tell by the song they referenced when they sent me an e-mail to acknowledge “my” request! Thank you so very much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, November 4, 2003 7:27 PM CST


However sad, the service for Zachary was beautiful. The priest’s sermon was presented as a letter from Zachary to his parents and brother Brady. It really was very, very touching.

At the end of the service, Jen spoke. At some point she mentioned that they had promised Zachary they would do what they could to make sure that all those he loved in his family would also get to heaven.

We also all went out to the cemetery for the interment on a cold and dreary day.


”Beneath this stone, four infants’ ashes lie;
Say, are they lost or saved?
If death’s by sin, they sinned;
because they are here;
If heaven’s by works,
In heaven they can’t appear.
Reason, ah! how depraved!
Revere the sacred page, the knot’s untied;
They died, for Adam sinned—
They live, for Jesus died.”

~ John Bruce, A Cypress Wreath for an Infant’s Grave

I’m not much for poems but I like this because it speaks so much as to why these children are in heaven. God’s grace…children cannot refuse His grace. Sadly, adults can and do.



Thank you, all of my friends—gifts from God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, November 3, 2003 6:00 PM CST


”I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me . . .” ~ Galatians 2:20

These words mean the breaking and collapse of my independence brought about by my own hands, and the surrendering of my life to the supremacy of the Lord Jesus. No one can do this for me, I must do it myself. God may bring me up to this point three hundred and sixty-five times a year, but He cannot push me through it. It means breaking the hard outer layer of my individual independence from God, and the liberating of myself and my nature into oneness with Him; not following my own ideas, but choosing absolute loyalty to Jesus. Once I am at that point, there is no possibility of misunderstanding. Very few of us know anything about loyalty to Christ or understand what He meant when He said, ". . . for My sake" ( Matthew 5:11 ). That is what makes a strong saint. ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest Daily Devotional

I am not fully crucified—because while I have surrendered much I have hung on to fiercely protecting Gabbie and who she was. But Gabbie was fully crucified because she never complained. She gave it all up as much as a two-year old can. My little non-fighter.


I feel sick today and I know it is because I am dreading Zachary’s funeral. I mostly feel for Bill and Jen, but also because I still grieve for Gabbie very much.


Birthday parties are very painful for me. So to help them understand I put it in writing and said as such. In response, a birthday party invitation was mailed to me without one word about Gabbie or this difficulty.

The birthday party is for the same week that we will celebrate Gabbie’s birthday…without her.

I ache so much for Gabbie. I am a Christian first and need to surrender EVERYTHING to Jesus. Yet I am still a grieving mother struggling in pain and bewilderment.

I will attempt to take this event and turn it around. I will try to focus on it as my own Christian weakness. God is whispering over and over for me to let go of everything no matter how painful. But these things are excruciating because they are all about Gabbie.

My precious and so very respectful baby.


God’s Word fully assures me that Zachary is with the Father who loves him so very much. But my emotions for this family are so very, very weak. Thank you for supporting the Buckentines and for realizing that it hits us also.

I got a card this weekend and was so touched because it revealed that someone was listening to me in earnest. If you read this, thank you, my brother and his wife.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, November 2, 2003 10:11 PM CST


For anyone who is coming here on Monday and has not been here since Friday morning, our little friend Zachary Buckentine went to his eternal home on Friday afternoon.


There are so many Scripture verses I would like to write down for the Buckentines. But I remember this time so vividly and it is awful and horrendous and so I will wait for a while.

But here is just one of the many Scripture verses that I do like to think about.

”All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” ~ John 6:37

In eternity past, before Zachary was even born, he was chosen. Chosen by our Father in Heaven. God has plans for Zachary. The great pain of losing Zachary so early here will be far overshadowed in eternity as the Glory of Jesus is realized.

Zachary has his crowns now. Like Gabbie, he is also praising the Lord and his soul is overflowing with joy.

It was only three weeks ago that I visited the Buckentine’s at Children’s. Even after losing my own child, I find it so difficult to believe that I will not see Zachary again in this life.

John and I will be going to St. Cloud on Tuesday for the funeral.


While Zachary’s leaving this life overshadows everything that happened last week, it was a very emotionally exhausting week.

For all the bad memories I was dealing with, God presented me with one opportunity after another to shift my focus. I feel I have so very much to do. And I thank God for giving me these opportunities!


A thank you to all my friends. Whether you are the friends I hear from monthly, weekly, or daily…I thank you so much.

My dearest Gabbie is missed so very much. That never changes.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Friday, October 31, 2003 3:40 PM CST


Remembering a beautiful little boy who loved fire-trucks, boats, and airplanes.

Thinking of a gentle and kind-hearted family.

Trusting and knowing that Zachary is indeed now a saint praising the Lord.

Yet still, there is no greater pain and no greater cross to bear.

Pray for them. I can tell you that their hearts are shattered.

Zachary: Another Saint

* * * Our family will never forget Zachary Buckentine * * *

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, October 30, 2003 3:59 PM CST


What if they never repent in this life?

”Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” ~ Romans 12:19

How do the arsonists of the California fires sleep at night?

While I am sure Californians, and all of us really, feel deep anger towards such senseless destruction, the eternal fate of these people does not rest on the wickedness of this deed. It will all be on whether they genuinely turn to Jesus and repent. Yes, even such as these may see heaven.

But I always wonder: what is the likelihood of such people truly turning to Jesus and genuinely repenting?


Last night I had John come downstairs as I pulled up the Web site of my newest “family.” I wanted him to see how beautiful this little girl is but I also told him that I thought she looked very much what I imagine Gabbie would have looked like at the age of five or six. This child has big blue eyes with soft curly hair the same color as Gabbie’s. Even John found the resemblance striking.

While I have some problems with the holiday known as Halloween, I do allow Aubrey to go trick-or-treating. We will be meeting up with another mother and her two little girls for some light trick-or-treating. I met them only this summer and we have been on the same block for over 7 years!!


Thank you for coming to visit Gabbie’s site.

Please take some time out of your hectic weekend to reflect on the families living the life that is pediatric cancer. Please continue to pray for healing for Zachary and for strength for the entire Buckentine family concerning God’s plans for them. This is a very generous and caring family and I am grieving so much for them.

Zachary: A Brave Little Man

And as always, we never know when we will face our Maker. Are you truly ready?

* * * Miss you very, very much Gabbie!! Love you forever!! * * *

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 6:16 PM CST


"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." ~ Matthew 18:21-22

This is probably the first time in my life I have felt like I need to forgive. I think it is solely because it concerned my innocent child and innocent miscarried souls!


Regarding my mission, I have a new family! For purposes of confidentiality, I will never reference family names or Web sites. I do have a friend who also checks the sites of these families and she helps me decide whether it is appropriate to send them John MacArthur’s grief book, Safe in the Arms of God.

This book provides scriptural assurance that all newborns, infants, and young children who die go immediately to Jesus. This also includes the unborn, whether miscarried or aborted. The book asserts that a heavenly reunion will not happen if the parents do not choose Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

Because MacArthur’s book does all the speaking for me, I simply include a card expressing condolences along with hope and prayer that Jesus Christ is their personal Savior. I’m keeping a notebook on these families so that I can pray for them.

This mission has become very important to me. I feel society’s approach to the death of a child is a huge and cruel injustice as family after family is assured of a heavenly reunion on wishful thinking only.


If you are wondering what defines our grief issues, I can tell you in a very generic way that should hopefully not offend anyone.

There are grief resources all over the Web that list “what not to say or do.” I’m happy to tell you that with God’s grace, I’ve moved way beyond those lists. The little things no longer bother me as I know we all stumble with words.

So what does really hurt?

What I could never to do anyone else’s child or dead child or miscarriage.

What would never be appropriate if it had been their child or miscarriage.

Her little ears heard something so sad one day. She clearly was not very important to someone else. They say that little ones DO know what we are talking about around them.


Keep praying for Zachary. And thank you for understanding when we fall on this difficult journey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:23 PM CST


Most people realize that yesterday’s journal entry concerned an ongoing struggle with forgiveness. It is a sin not to forgive, and because I do love God, I do feel remorse. But I recently learned something. Forgiveness is not supposed to be hidden and silent and IS a two-way street.

I have some friends helping me work through this but because some of the issues are very, very difficult and complicated, prayers are very much appreciated.

Part of me would love to brush all bad memories under the rug and hope they would go away. But then I see her sad eyes and remember….

I hope people understand this is much more deep sadness than it is anger. Do you know what I really want? I want them to understand the graveness of their actions and allow me time to heal. That is all I want. Forgive quickly...rebuild trust slowly.


I love you and miss you so much Gabbie. I so much wish I could have protected you more. But what God allows…God allows. I know that where you are now means that none of this matters anymore. At least not to you.

My precious baby.


I must say that while I’m going through a very difficult time all of you are giving me so much support I am once again overwhelmed.

The online friends, old and new, who read my emotions with concern--you mean the world to me.

The family and friends who do support me are very important to me.

The gentle and forgiving readers of this site, I thank you forever.

I will also continue to ask you to pray for Zachary. My heart just literally aches for this wonderful family.

Zachary: Please Pray For Me

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, October 27, 2003 6:37 PM CST


"Most people today confuse forgiveness and trust. When a leader falls, forgiveness is to be instant, based on grace. But trust must be rebuilt over time, and it is based on a track record. Forgiveness eliminates the guilt of our actions, but it does not eliminate the consequences or scars of our actions." ~ Rick Warren (Author of The Purpose Driven Life

There are some areas in my life that will require major rebuilding of trust. That was my daughter. I will never again allow certain people to trample all over her significance in my life. She was the most respectful person I knew and did not receive the same consideration.


I learned something this weekend that should really lift a very heavy weight from me concerning a major struggle in my life. I will only say that I felt forced to do something in complete silence and that that was my only option. It’s not. I will share more when I’ve set some things in motion.

Sorry if this seems so negative, but the death of a child can be very, very complicated. Only in the past few weeks have I started to visit an issue that I constantly pushed aside. It was simply too painful and too dangerous. Now that I’ve finally tackled it…I’m devastated and quite angry.


Indifference to our new life is also indifference to the child we lost.


I hope the visitors of Gabbie’s site understand that the world that we interact with before our child dies is the world we interact with after our child dies. And the world is not always respectful.

Again, I’m sorry today’s journal entry is so negative. I should be back to my normal self tomorrow!

Thanks for understanding. She was just too sweet to have to endure those insults.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, October 26, 2003 2:23 PM CST

* * * NEW PICTURES * * * (I try to make them smaller but they are still very large.)


On asking people if they will go to heaven when they die: “So why is it that even the really good people at best ‘hope so’? I’ll tell you why. Because nobody can tell you how good you have to be to go to heaven.” ~ Andy Stanley, Since Nobody’s Perfect…How Good is Good Enough?

Are you as good as Mother Teresa? Are you even close to being as good as Mother Teresa? I’m not even close. But I am fully and confidently assured that I am going to heaven some day. Wouldn’t you too, love to have that same assurance if you do not already?

His gracious gift is free! We cannot be good enough on our own.

”As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.” ~ Ephesians 2:1-2

By the way, while I am certain Mother Teresa is in heaven, I am certain of this only because she accepted God’s grace. She worked so hard because she was so very grateful for her salvation.


We took a walk on Saturday and Aubrey rode her bike while I pushed Noah in the stroller. On inclines, Aubrey sometimes needs what we call a “boostie.” We give her bike seat a push so she can continue with the momentum. On one hill I thought she needed a boostie but as soon as I pushed her I noticed that she did not have her hands on the bike. If someone saw us, it would have looked like I had deliberately pushed my daughter right off her bike onto the concrete.

I felt so bad for her but she recovered quickly enough. Still, nothing hurts more than watching your child suffer from such a serious disease as cancer.

Another family who lost a child had sent us a gift for Aubrey. The mother e-mailed me on Friday to let me know she was being evacuated. Her family lives right in the area of the fires so I am anxiously waiting to hear news from them.


You do know that there are people in the world who relish the trials of others. Do you know that we are not protected from these people?


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today! And as always, thank you for never treating Gabbie as “someone else’s child.” It means so much to me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:20 PM CDT


”For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” ~ 2 Corinthians 5:10

Believers are judged righteous in Christ. But we will also be rewarded according to what we have done with our lives after knowing our salvation. ~ The Quest Study Bible, NIV


“In this dim world of pious sentiment all religions are equal and any many who insists that salvation is by Jesus Christ alone is a bigot and a boor.” ~ A.W. Tozer, Man: The Dwelling Place of God

I wish more people could see the truth in this warning. More and more we are asked to become more and more tolerant of all religious views. Take a good look at America and you should not be able to deny Tozer in the least. And Tozer later goes on to say:

“All great Christian leaders have been dogmatic. To such men two plus two made four. Anyone who insisted upon denying it or suspending judgment upon it was summarily dismissed as frivolous.”


I want to thank those who keep signing this guest book. I see some of your names over and over and I am so thankful. And…as always, I am thankful to those of you who come to read only. Thank you for following our journey so far! Never feel pressured to sign Gabbie’s guest book. What she wants from you is very simple, really. Be Dere!!

May you all have a blessed weekend. May you all seek the one and only Saviour who can give you eternal life. You simply cannot do it without Him.


Please keep our friends, the Buckentines, in your prayers. They have been “light” in this dark world yet more and more is heaped upon them. Simply put, pediatric cancer is very cruel.

Zachary Buckentine

The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:56 PM CDT


”….The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few: Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” ~ Matthew 9:37-38

Harvest is humanity and the born-again Christian is the laborer. When one knows and is secure in their own salvation, they should be ready to labor.


I had both Aubrey and Noah in for well-doctor visits. Seven shots total—whew! They both cried pretty hard but they both stopped soon after the shots were over and both were as happy as could be when we got to daycare. (All of us in this family get flu shots!)

Someone asked me how John responded to my idea about his taking a day off now and then and I will say he seemed a little interested. It really will all depend on how busy Paquette Construction is over the winter.


I have to thank over and over those who have stayed on this grief journey with me. While it is only a dream, last night John had a U.S. map out and I was mentally plotting the trip I would take to meet all my new friends!!

And then there are all the supportive friends I have here who did not run away when Gabbie died.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:08 PM CDT


“Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." ~ Luke 17:20-21


Like everyone else, we just get busier and busier and there is no time to clean our house. I have approached John with an idea. John works for his brother, David, who owns the family business, Paquette Construction. Sometimes John’s hours can taper off slightly during the winter months. (But not always: David is very trustworthy and Paquette Construction can stay very, very busy with new and repeat business.)

I have asked John if he would consider taking an unpaid day off maybe once every three weeks so that he could stay home, without kids, and clean the house! I would then compensate John for his unpaid hours.

Otherwise, our home will never ever get cleaned.


“The central point of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is a personal relationship with Him, not public usefulness to others.” ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, Daily Devotional


Many, many thanks to all of you who are so supportive. It fills some of the void that all bereaved parents experience.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, October 20, 2003 6:08 PM CDT

Faith Story

I have highlighted what I think is very important for people to understand: I am not strong or gifted in having faith myself...these things come from God.

God, Gabrielle, and Shattered Dreams

In May 2002, I had a private moment with my two-year old daughter, Gabrielle, who had neuroblastoma, a pediatric cancer.

I told Gabrielle it might be time for her to go home to Jesus. She pointed her finger at me and asked, “Will you be dere?” I said, “No, Gabbie, you must go first. I will follow you when Jesus calls me home.”

Gabrielle died the next day in my arms.

The anguish that followed her death cannot be described. Certain dreams were forever shattered.

I am a Christian and so I turned to God. But I turned to him in a furious rage. Over and over I yelled at Him and to Him.

Before I tell you how God graciously responded, I must tell you something about my personality. I am bent towards pessimism and doubt. Good things are always “too good to be true.” And, my child died. Remember this as I tell you what God has done for me.

God and His Word have assured me of many things.

Gabrielle is not an angel chasing butterflies. I’m assured that she is something far more than an angel: She is a saint worshiping the Lord in His presence. I know this because the Apostle Paul, in Philippians 1:23, boldly claims that he wishes to depart from this life and go be with the Lord because it is far better.

God pulled me out of a wicked period of doubt. Our son, Noah Gabriel, was born 10 months after Gabbie died. T.V. station KARE 11 had followed Gabbie so they also filmed Noah’s birth and aired it on Easter Sunday. That very night, I was crushed by doubt.

Doubt about God, Jesus, and eternal life after your child dies is suffering beyond suffering. Especially when you let your mind conjure up images of what is going on with the flesh of your child 10 feet under the ground.

But God’s gentle leading prevailed and I was rewarded with stronger convictions and stronger faith in God’s sovereignty.

God has assured me that I have a purpose here. There is a myth in today’s world that no one wants to talk about much less confront. When these precious little children go to Jesus too soon, society comforts the grieving parents with promises of a future reunion. But some of these parents have never chosen to personally follow Jesus Christ. Some parents will never make it to that heavenly reunion. And there is my ministry and purpose.

If you ask God to put a fire in your soul for others, He will.

God also increases my desire to pursue Him daily. This is an incredible and beautiful distraction from the pain of Gabrielle’s death.

Gabrielle is painfully missed. But God has graciously given me convictions, a stronger faith, and new dreams that will keep me going. God has obviously prioritized my dreams for me and I could never have done that on my own.

Remember, I am the doubter and the pessimist. I am the mother who watched a quiet little girl suffer and die. This is not “If I can believe, anyone can believe.” No, this is God’s gift to me because if I believe in and love and desire the very One who allowed Gabrielle to die, it is only because He Himself has plucked me from a sea of anguish.

I will close with Gabrielle’s question. If she could have a moment with each and every one of us, in her heavenly wisdom she would ask, “Will you be dere?”


Thank you, again to all those who supported me in this endeavor. I notice these things!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:21 PM CDT


Well, my faith story is done and for the most part it went well. I had been warned that people tend to relax too much by the fourth presentation and sure enough, all mistakes were made in that presentation. But the mistakes did not change or take away from the message – thankfully. I’ll never understand how Gabbie’s “Will you be dere?” came out as “Would you be dere?” in that last presentation. I almost slapped my hand over my mouth as soon as I heard it come out that way.

I thank all of you who came and listened. Some of you went well out of your way to do so and I do appreciate it.

I also thank those who could not make it but who contacted me and wished me well.

I received flowers from a staff person I have met a few times at Wooddale. I was very touched!

I will put the faith story on this week. It won’t be much new, but there is something I want to highlight for those who always say I am strong. Guess what? It’s not me. It’s Him.


I thought of you so much this weekend. You are the one who is safe. You are the one resting from all your earthly work. I pray so very often for that one glimpse. One glimpse of you in your heavenly surroundings, and I could simply turn around and patiently wait.

But then what is faith? I have faith in what I cannot see. And Gabbie, I thank the very One you are now worshiping for that gift of faith.


Now I can really concentrate on my mission. A friend passed along a CaringBridge web site with my mission in mind. To my horror and even fear, there is a family being led astray in the very act that God so severely warns us to stay away from. This family is talking to their departed child (demonic spirits, really) through a psychic.


Thanks again for all your support.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, October 16, 2003 7:16 PM CDT



It will be the Truth.

It will be about Life.

It will be about the only Way.

Please pray that my faith story may touch one unbelieving heart. Please pray that I am able to fully give up everything…so that the Holy Spirit can take over.


I thank all of you so much for all the support. I always think of you daily.

During this weekend, whatever it is you are diligently striving for, make sure that your striving to know God and Jesus far surpasses any earthly striving.

Chemo Angel Sheryl, if you read this, thank you so much for birthday gifts for Aubrey. You should soon receive a very illegible card in the mail from Miss Aubrey.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 5:46 PM CDT

** Faith Story ** Wooddale Church ** 6630 Shady Oak Road (Eden Prairie) ** Sat 18th: 5:15 ** Sun 19th: 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 **


”Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…’” ~ Matthew 28:18-19

“The key to the missionary’s work is the authority of Jesus Christ, not the needs of the lost. We are inclined to look on our Lord as one who assists us in our endeavors for God. Yet our Lord places Himself as the absolute sovereign and supreme Lord over His disciples. He does not say that the lost will never be saved if we don’t go—He simply says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . . . He says, ‘Go on the basis of the revealed truth of My sovereignty, teaching and preaching out of your living experience of Me.’” ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, Daily Devotional


“No one is beyond the reach of God to present the Gospel to them.” ~ Garry T. Ansdell, quoted in the Evidence Bible


I know I am not the only grieving mother who when going through my checkbook register, I glance at the date and mentally note that it was either before or after she died. I even look at the handwriting to see if the stress is revealed there also.

Every fiber of our being is soaked with their death.


I wish there were a million different ways to say…THANK YOU!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, October 14, 2003 4:56 PM CDT


…for they are leaving their mommies and daddies.

I had something else written for today but decided to share some more children.

I think sometimes I am biased. This time I am biased because we, too, have a little Noah man. And also because we, too, have a picture of a weary child resting on a mama’s shoulder. So yes, I am so biased in my deep love for children I never met.

Pray for them. And if you are willing, leave kind messages of support.

Noah Prichard

Noah, I know your parents are in extreme grief. I’m so very sorry.

Cameron Joseph Schrage

Cameron, your beautiful brown eyes have so much to say. But you are with Jesus now.
That picture…is so much like one of Gabbie’s.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, October 13, 2003 6:07 PM CDT

Faith Story ** Wooddale Church ** 6630 Shady Oak Road, Eden Prairie
Oct. 18, Saturday, 5:15 pm
Oct. 19, Sunday, 9:00 am, 10:15 am, 11:30 a.m.


Lord, please turn their hearts, because I love them so.


Is there anything as simple as just wanting to hold the child who has departed?

Is there anything as profound and complex as trying to explain the ache of never again holding the child in this life?

Yes, there is.

There is nothing so simple as this: Jesus died on the cross for your sins so that you, a sinner, could have eternal life.

There is nothing so profound and complex as this: Jesus died on the cross for your sins so that you, a sinner, could have eternal life.


Thank you. Although God’s presence is most important in this journey of grief, if I didn’t have all of you, my journey would be a very different color.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, October 12, 2003 7:17 PM CDT


Noah was baptized today and while everything seemed to have been hastily thrown together, all went well. Yes, I know I am no longer Catholic but this is something very important for Catholics and so this was done for my husband. The godparents and their families and grandparents all attended mass with us and then we all went to Champps for brunch, including Father Kevin.

We were not expecting gifts but of course received many gifts. Someone gave Aubrey some fancy underwear and she talked up a wild story to her underwear the entire drive home.

So it was hectic all morning and into most of the afternoon. But when the four of us came back to our empty home, Gabbie’s absence left me with a melancholy that simply did not go away. I even took Aubrey and Noah for a stroller-ride in the beautiful fall afternoon weather and still…

I miss you, Gabbie. Deeply.


”Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” 2 Corinthians 6-7

This weekend’s faith story will be a tough act for me to follow. We listened to a Korean war vet (he was a medic) tell his story of regret of hastening the death of an enemy. He carried his regret for 40 years and then had a supernatural experience with God’s forgiveness. Amazing grace!!


As always, we are so very grateful for your support.

Thanks to all those who celebrated Noah’s baptism today!! We really enjoyed your presence on this special day.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, October 9, 2003 6:03 PM CDT

Faith Story

Wooddale Church
6630 Shady Oak Road
Eden Prairie

Oct. 18, Saturday, 5:15 pm
Oct. 19, Sunday, 9:00 am, 10:15 am, 11:30 a.m.



A Christian woman, “Wendy,” was struggling with infertility. A friend who had a positive experience with a psychic talked Wendy into seeing a psychic. Wendy agreed. The psychic informed Wendy that her emotional feelings about infertility were so strong that she was scaring away any child entity from choosing her womb.

The psychic also told Wendy that she was pregnant at this time but would lose the baby because of her strong fears. She would learn from this, however, and would go on to have healthy babies. A visit to the OB the next day confirmed that Wendy was indeed pregnant.

Wendy did tell the OB her fears about the psychic’s predictions. The OB was a Christian and quickly pointed out Scripture verses that only God knows for sure what will happen. Because Wendy was so concerned, the OB allowed her to have weekly “assurance” visits that the baby was OK. Still, Wendy became increasingly concerned and worried.

Wendy finally missed a weekly visit to the OB. Out of concern, the OB phoned Wendy’s home and asked Wendy’s husband why Wendy missed a visit. The husband replied to the doctor that it was too late. Wendy took the matter into her own hands.

Wendy…aborted her baby.

(Paraphrased by me), Author ~ David Jeremiah, Invasion of Other Gods, The Seduction of New Age Spirituality

No more needs to be said here.


“Given our preoccupation with success, money, and leisure, we should not be surprised that a special Western god has emerged in the last decades.” ~ Erwin Lutzer, Ten Lies About God


We wish all of you a very safe weekend. As always, it is my deepest hope that you seek the one and only true God of Scripture. And there is only ONE way to Him, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 5:28 PM CDT


”I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears." Acts 20:29-31

The infiltration of New Age and New Spirituality teachings have silently disguised themselves with expressions of love and have silently worked their way even into our churches.

Tomorrow I will share a story that underscores just how cruel these “savage wolves” have become.


I am probably the last neuroblastoma mom to jump on this bandwagon because I am so uneasy about asking for money (it’s not wrong…I just am not comfortable in this role.) Some neuroblastoma families are trying to quickly round up $10M in donations in ten days for neuroblastoma research.

It is called “Lunch for Life” and the premise is giving up the cost of one lunch, $5.00.

Donations can be made on a secure site at:

Or, you can mail your check to this address:

CNCF (Childrens Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation)
P.O. Box 6635
Bloomingdale, IL 60108

Or, you can call this 800 number and give your gift by phone


In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 6:06 PM CDT


”Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

This verse clearly stands against New Age and New Spirituality teachings that any way to God is OK. No, there is only one way.


John brought Aubrey to Childrens’ ER at 2:30 a.m. this morning. Aubrey is fine, as I knew she would be. When a child dies, the mother and father can go in opposite directions. I’m not talking about our relationship but rather what worries us and what does not worry us.

John even twice asked me if he should call an ambulance. I understood his concern but simply said that going to ER was enough. Aubrey’s problem is that she does not like to go to the bathroom and she was, well, very stuffed up and was crying about a tummy-ache. (This can be an issue because she has been known to go two weeks or longer.)

While I would be devastated to lose another child, my mind doesn’t worry that it will happen. But I allow John his concerns because that is how he is grieving. And he allows me to have my concerns, however different they may be.


Thanking you always. A special thanks to those who do go to some of the other sites I mention here. I had lunch today with Theresa Rose’s mama and she mentioned your note, MariBeth!!

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah

Monday, October 6, 2003 4:30 PM CDT


”…I am the resurrection and the life….” ~ Jesus, John 11:25

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ was the doctrine of every disciple, the faith of every true believer, the courage of every martyr, the theme of every sermon and the power of every evangelist.” ~ Publisher, Thomas Nelson, The Open Bible

The disciples were defeated and lived in fear in the days following the death of Jesus. One of the infallible proofs, then, of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the change in the disciples after they saw Jesus in His resurrected state.

The disciples went “from fear to unlimited courage.”


This happened some time ago, but I will always remember Aubrey’s persistence. She kept asking me “why” the people were crying. We were watching some medical show and a baby in NICU died.

“Aubrey, the baby died.”

“But why are people crying?”

“The baby died.” I said with more insistence.

“But why do they cry?”

“Because, it’s sad.” I was even more insistent.

“But why is it sad?”

“Because we love our children and they should never die before us.” I finally broke down and literally shouted this at Aubrey.


Thank you so much!! I often wonder what Gabbie would think if she could see all the people following her journey and our lives after she left.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Sunday, October 5, 2003 4:51 PM CDT


Andree Seu is a regular writer for World magazine but normally I have trouble comprehending her extremely intellectual musings. But this week she wrote something that even I can understand and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

To all my friends who love the Lord yet hesitate to evangelize due to confidence in your ability, evangelize away anyway!

Sometimes I keep my mouth shut because I am not sure what I should say. But later on, I never feel good about that silence.

“Could it be that the gospel is a living, breathing thing (Hebrews 4:12), a force that ‘overtakes’ (Zechariah 1:6) like a thundering posse? A bristling, pulsating, throbbing, shimmering power…, so poised to strike and conquer that it will surge into the slightest crack like electricity, unembarrassed by the vehicle it rides on?
“There is one qualification for evangelism: to care that your neighbor is sliding into hell. There is one wrong way: to say nothing.” ~ Andree Seu, Lame Evangelism, October 24, 2003


I’m having trouble with numbers again. Our anniversary is actually October 7 and not October 4 as I had written. See, the marriage and the relationship is very important to me. The actual date is just clutter, to me.

Aubrey had another busy weekend…a pool party at Auntie Sarah’s on Saturday and cheering the runners at the nine-mile mark of the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site! I hope you realize that while it helps me to continue journalizing, I am always hoping and praying that seeds be planted. This extraordinary gift from God, salvation for all eternity, is something I want so much for others to have.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Friday, October 3, 2003 6:15 PM CDT


John and I have been married for nine years now and Saturday is our anniversary. I could not be on this most difficult and lonely journey without such a supportive husband.

”And that a man should leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife. The two shall become one--no longer two, but one! And no man may divorce what God has joined together. Matthew 19:5-6

I have a wonderful husband!! He helps with dishes, he does more laundry (and folds much neater), he is so patient, he doesn't care to know how much money I've spent on rubber-stamping (neither do I), he is a great father...and more.


I remember always checking the rearview mirror to see if you really were back there in your carseat. You were so silent. And when you were so were even more silent.


Thank you, thank you, and thank you. This has been quite the week. I’ve heard from so many new people and have received so many uplifting messages.

Have a safe weekend. Put the Lord first and know that He is always waiting to lovingly receive one more soul.

The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Thursday, October 2, 2003 6:16 PM CDT


“In the first year of my ministry, I sat at the bedside of a dying friend. As we talked of his homegoing, tears filled his eyes. Being young in the Lord, I thought he was afraid to die, and attempted to speak words of encouragement to him. He said, ‘I am not afraid to die; I am ashamed to die.’ He went on to say that Christ was his Saviour, but he had lived for self, and now had to meet the Lord Jesus Christ empty-handed. His life loomed up before him as ‘wood, hay, stubble.’” ~ Publisher, (Thomas Nelson) The Open Bible

Crowns will be the rewards.

The Crown of Life: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life…” James 1:12

The Crown Incorruptible: ”Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.” I Corinthians 9:25b

The Crown of Rejoicing: ”For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?” I Thessalonians 2:19a

The Crown of Righteousness: ”Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” II Timothy 4:8

The Crown of Glory: ”And when the chief Shepard shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” I Peter 5:4


You were about four months old and sitting on your Daddy’s lap. We caught eyes and you followed me. The look on your face made me silently think, “What is wrong with my baby? Please, Gabbie, tell me what is wrong.”

The heartache marches on, Gabbie. I still find it hard to believe that such pain is even allowed.

But those heavenly rewards you now have!!


I hope and pray you are pursuing the Shepard! Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site today.

The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 6:27 PM CDT


"They are not of this world, even as I am not of this world." (John 17:16) It was Jesus who prayed these words to the Father the night before he died.

There is so much in today’s world from which we should separate.

Sometimes we can simply remove our business or money in protest over actions (products) that are worldly and so far from God's truth.

I have updated this page today to edit out the specific names of some retail giants that I originally named.

But obviously I am very, very upset over a marketing campaign concerning a certain product line aimed at children and young adults. I can only tell you that the intent is deliberate and plays on the carnal temptations of the world.

What shocks us today will soon be commonplace. My children and your children are the targets.

Gabrielle is safe. At least I can say that for one of my children.


Aubrey was downstairs last night with John and I was upstairs with Noah. Soon Aubrey came running upstairs and was crying. I asked her what had happened and she said, “The chair pushed me.” So, beware if you ever come visit, our chairs are dangerous.


My heart still races when I let sink in the fact that she is truly gone. It does take your breath away.


Thank you, so much for coming to Gabbie’s Web site! I could go on and on about how much you have helped me. So just know that I often thank God for all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 6:24 PM CDT


My faith story at Wooddale is set for October 18 and 19.

So, while I hardly ever ask for prayers, you can pray that I present this in such a way that all the glory is for God!


“When you are willing, God will call you. When you are prepared, God will empower you. When you are empowered, God will test you. When you are tested, God will strengthen you. When you are strengthened , God will use you, and when you are used, God will reward you.” ~ Ross Rhodes, quoted in the Evidence Bible


It was mentioned to me that today we have the technology to have our children aged from a photograph. I could never do that, as I think the very sight of what I am missing would be too overwhelming.


Thank you, so much. I still, to this day, hear from people new to Gabbie’s site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah Gabriel

Monday, September 29, 2003 7:06 PM CDT


Last night we all went to Wooddale Church for the new membership dinner. It was a simple but nice meal and for the most part, Aubrey behaved. We were all given a Certificate of Membership, each with a different Scripture verse on the envelope. Mine was from 2 Timothy.

”For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord.” 2 Timothy 1:7

We are never told to be quiet about our faith. It is to be shared with everyone and anyone.


We have survived one more anniversary date. We both had periods of melancholy throughout the day. But we do keep busy and each day brings us one day closer!!


I used to hoard running shoes. Now I own only one pair and will not replace them until necessary. I know what’s really important now. And it is sure isn’t running shoes.


Thank you, for coming to Gabbie’s site. Thank you, for thinking not just of Gabbie but all the other children also.

We know that your children are also so very special. Remember always that they are a gift to you from God.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Sunday, September 28, 2003 9:03 AM CDT


September 28th is the day our quiet little girl was diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma.

In her memory, I want to share some legacies. Please remember them not just in September, but always.

~ Steven Nielsen

”I think of God as a close friend…I'll always be loved by God…By loving God and thinking of Him as a friend, this also helps me keep away from sin. When I commit a sin, I feel horrible. I feel a very large separation from God that I really don't like.” ~ Steve

You are so VERY wise, Steve. We love you guys.


~ Jackson Ben Espeseth

“Jackson sang to us all the time that he would fly away in the morning. On May 15, 2001 at 5:07 a.m. Jackson Ben took that flight…It was a surprise to everyone that morning, but not to the Lord. Jack had done his work and it was time to go home….

Every night when Jackson was saying his prayers, he would always end by asking God to bless all of the sick kids.”
~ Jackson’s mama

I know your mama, Jackson. And because of that I also know in my heart how very special you are.


~ Leilani Fernandez

”Mommy, you stay here to tell people about Jesus and I'll go to heaven now and wait for you there." ~ Leilani

“Leilani would say, ‘mommy, come give me some lovin’ and she would hold me and give me butterfly kisses.” ~ Leilani’s mama

Yvonne, you have a heart of gold and love God’s Truth.


~ Anna Rogers

“Anna’s favorite verses were Galations 5:22-24 and ’she did indeed display the Fruit of the Spirit.’

….When Anna was eight, she was required, as a school assignment, to make a scrapbook of her hero. Her scrapbook was of Jesus.”
~ Anna’s mama

Yolanda, your work for the Lord is an inspiration for us all. What a beautiful Web site…one could wander there for days and never want to leave.


~ Noelle and Nicholas Baber…two children in one year…silence….and more silence….

* Nicholas, “a little missionary”
* Noelle, who trustingly told her family, "God picked us to be sick."

Wendy and Van, I think of you all the time. Two children…I am so very sorry.


~ Elijah Levine….

”Elijah's heart was for the lost, and we will continue to reach out for "just one more" as Elijah would say.” ~ Elijah’s parents

I never met you, Elijah, but our desires of the heart and soul are the one and the same.


~ Theresa Rose….She and Nicholas are the littlest ones here…

”she has a perfect mouth and no doubt is singing praises to God in a beautiful musical voice.” ~ Theresa Rose’s grieving mama

Cathy, I pray for something very special for you and Nate, every day.



~ Gabrielle Anna Paquette….

”Will you be dere?”…and silent tears.

Dear Lord: You have done so much for me and I am eternally grateful. But when will my tears that flow so easily when remembering her silent tears be wiped away? I imagine not until eternity.

Dear Gabbie: You are deeply missed. I will never say, “Heaven can wait.” I am always ready.

Dear Grieving Parents: While we weep tears for their absence our souls are deeply touched….for we were chosen to be their mommies and daddies.

Dear Friends and Family: Thank you, for remembering Gabbie and sharing with me what she means to you.


The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:57 PM CDT


Driving home from the YMCA last night with Aubrey – our first attempt at doing that on a work night – I was listening to Charles Swindoll on our local Christian radio station. I was listening intently to his sermon on trials and how they shape our character.

At the end of his sermon, he started listing examples of Christians under trial. His very first example of being shaped in God’s furnace was, and he said this slowly:

“A mother…..(I knew what was coming!)…who says to God: You giveth…You taketh.”

Tears flowed. I just knew he was going to reference the death of a child. And it is a fiery furnace.


“Mass crusades, to which I have committed my life, will never finish the job; but one to one will.” ~ Billy Graham, quoted in the Evidence Bible


Have a safe weekend!

If you like to pray, continue praying for our friends the Buckentines, for Noah with AML, and for the Pohl’s. I guess the KARE 11 story on the Pohl’s may possibly be delayed a night or two. (

As always, thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site.

In His Gracious Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Wednesday, September 24, 2003 5:50 PM CDT


A friend e-mailed me and asked me to pray for another family.

Losing a child truly is the worst pain, I believe, that God allows a parent.

But some parents lose a child…and the trials continue. This mother truly humbles me!

For those of you who live in the Twin Cities and read this before you go home from work tonight, please try to watch a KARE 11 special (TONIGHT - maybe, or over the weekend) on this family. They lost a beautiful little girl to a genetic disorder. Sadly, another child in this family was also dx’d with the same and I believe that the father may also have it.



”O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” Psalm 95:6


“I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.” ~ A.W. Tozer, quoted in the Evidence Bible


Noah has an awful cold and we get up at night because the hacking is so severe.

How strange that I never pray about these things. Things spiritual are always calling and I forget to pray for the health of my own children…but do remember those still in the cancer battle.

But it is souls that are always on my mind and that is not always a pleasant journey.


Someone told me that someday I might not feel as disconnected from the world. I really don’t think that will ever happen…it’s not a bad thing, anyway.

I honestly do not see how people who lose children can remain “of the world.” But some do.


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site. Pray for another Noah…he is not doing too well with his leukemia. I read their journal entries and they love God dearly but are being tested dearly also.


In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie (worshiping 24/7!), and baby Noah

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:04 PM CDT


It’s official and I am now a member of Wooddale Church.

Wooddale urges people to find their niche in volunteering. I had mentioned to another Wooddaler that I’m always looking for ways to do something “Christian” with my hobby of rubber-stamping (making cards). She said I should write to the missionary families overseas.

That would be my niche! No surprise that I love to talk/write about God and Jesus on more than a superficial level.


“If you are saved, the work is only half done until you are employed to bring others to Christ.” ~ Charles H.. Spurgeon, quoted in The Evidence Bible


Some people still do not look me in the eye. Maybe they never will.


Thank you, for visiting Gabbie’s site! Thank you for your words of support.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Monday, September 22, 2003 5:56 PM CDT


”There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? Simon answered and said , I suppose that he, to whom he forgave the most. And he said to him, You have rightly judged.” Luke 7:41-43

Sometimes we experience Scripture firsthand in such ways that you know God is speaking directly to YOU!


Our little Noah man continues to be a very, very happy baby. While Aubrey was very excitable also, Noah seems to take it to an extreme. He gets so excited about some things that he actually stiffens his whole body…and then he’ll open his mouth and hold his breath. You would have to see it to understand.

We took Aubrey to the fall carnival at Our Lady of Peace this weekend . The weather was perfect and the carnival rides much longer and cheaper than those of the state fair. And of course, because it was in the church parking lot the whole atmosphere was also cleaner.

My husband did dish duty at the spaghetti dinner. I wonder if they noticed his "neatness" in his approach to washing dishes. (You can always tell when John has done the dishes at our house because the end result is perfectly neat.)


“You can be forgiven all your sin in half the tick of a clock, and pass from death to life more swiftly than I can utter the words.” ~ Charles Spurgeon, quoted in the Evidence Bible


The guest book signers always humble me with your generosity of spirit. Thank you so very much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Sunday, September 21, 2003 2:48 PM CDT

The wonders of technology. I doubt Proex has ever had a customer cry and say over and over…please thank those who worked on the picture.

I don’t have much to say today. But I leave you with this:

”…beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 1:7

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, September 18, 2003 10:12 PM CDT


”Every word of God is flawless….” Proverbs 30:5

”Everything in the Scriptures is God’s Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live.” 2 Timothy 3:16 (Contemporary English Version)


“There are more Bibles in print today than ever before, but a Bible on the shelf is worthless. Millions of believers are plagued with spiritual anorexia, starving to death from spiritual malnutrition.” ~ Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life


Where others go kicking and screaming…you silently slipped away.

Where others are remembered for so much laughter and life…we remember sad eyes.

Where others went running down the hallways…you rarely walked after your diagnosis.

Where others cheer their parents with hungry appetites…you never had any real food the last 10 weeks of your life.

Where others could at least take an occasional bath….you seemed to frail for even that.

Meek, mild, sad, quiet, wise, solemn…I thank the Lord for giving you these qualities.

I’m not at all angry that you were not a fighter.


Thank you. Have a safe weekend. Pray for our friends, the Buckentines.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 6:05 PM CDT


I was checking the CB site of dear friends who may be dealing with a rhabdoid relapse in their little boy, Zachary. Jen, the mother, wrote what I think about all the time.

If I were to die, I have many friends who would be biblically assured that my soul went to heaven.

But sometimes I think about the chance of someone I know dying (anyone—relatives, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, etc.). I do not judge the hearts of others—only God can do that.

But overwhelmingly, the majority of people in my life will not admit or acknowledge or even seek a spiritual rebirth from above. And as Jen reminded her readers, Jesus plainly spoke of the need to be born-again. He was insistent.

If I attended the funeral and someone approached me with, “Are they in heaven?” What would I say?

I hope so?

I do not know?

Or would the overwhelming crush of not knowing force me to walk away crying?

I’ve mentioned this before: Some say the tears in heaven that will be wiped away by God will be tears of realization that some loved ones will never “be dere.”

Here is Jen’s comment:

“The anniversary of 9/11 last week really got me to thinking about some things. I wondered, if something like that were to happen again, so unexpectedly, would all of my loved ones be assured that they would be going to be with the Lord? I hope and pray that you would be. Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3” ~ Jen Buckentine (


At least I know where you are, Gabbie. Of course, that doesn’t mean my heartache goes away.


We thank all of you.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah Gabriel

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:48 PM CDT


”…To him be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:36

“Let your desire for God’s glory be a growing desire.” ~ Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

Do you know why Gabbie was created by the Creator? For His glory!


I thank all the people who bring so much awareness to children’s cancer. So here is my little effort that pales so much in comparison:



John and I have our new Medica Choice insurance cards. Gabrielle was deleted.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Monday, September 15, 2003 4:59 PM CDT


“Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” ~ James 4:14

But eternal life? It never vanishes or fades.


John and I were very slack about getting Noah out of the bassinet and into a crib. I remember when I assembled the bassinet it said the baby should not be in the bassinet after the age of three months. And it was Noah’s bed until last night! Twice the recommended age.

We didn’t get much sleep last night because Noah cried a lot. He also chokes frequently at night so John took him to the pediatrician. Because Noah doesn’t seem to have a cold, the doctor thought he could have acid reflux and prescribed an antacid. What did they do before all this medical knowledge?


I was giving Noah a bath and we were playing with a wind-up toy duck. Several times I wound that toy up and would just watch it slowly wind down. And then it would stop.

I imagine that’s what happened to Gabbie’s heartbeat. It faded away…vanished...was but a vapor...a mist.


Thank you, so ever much. Words may fade away…but remembering that you offered words will always and forever be with me. Even in eternity.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Sunday, September 14, 2003 6:12 PM CDT


“That hostility exists between the once-born and the twice-born is known to every student of the Bible; the reason for it was stated by Christ when he said, ‘If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.’ (John 15:19) ~ A.W. Tozer, Man: The Dwelling Place of God

This is why I will expect and accept rejection in my mission. Urging bereaved parents to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior if they want that future reunion.


Membership at Wooddale is almost complete. For the first time in my life, I truly enjoy going to church. I know that Wooddale will be very good for me.

Last week I ran into Scott Jensen, the photographer from KARE 11 who did Gabbie’s story, and his wife. The mother of one of Gabbie’s primary nurses also goes there and because Wooddale is so large, I’m sure I’ll continue to discover that others I know attend.

My faith story is tentatively scheduled for October 18 & 19.


The sight of an abandoned and forgotten teddy bear…reminds me of the children who have left us too soon. While always dearly remembered by some, we must admit, they will be forgotten by some.


Thank you for coming to Gabbie’s site.

Thank you, Andrea, for always telling me how much you think of Gabbie!

Also, I think I confused some people. I did NOT write the book, Safe in the Arms of God. It was written by John MacArthur and it is the book I am using on my mission.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:36 PM CDT


God has creatively shown me that I can do something with my latest stumbling block that concerns Gabbie’s death. It will be worked into my upcoming mission. (My first order of 15 copies of Safe in the Arms of God is at Wooddale!!) Gabbie’s “Will you be dere,?” the grief book, and “remembering your child” will all be woven into each other.

This wonderful God…is weaving miracles into my grief. He is so gracious!


“Before the Spirit of God can work creatively in our hearts He must condemn and slay the ‘flesh’ within us; that is, He must have our full consent to displace our natural self with the Person of Christ.” ~ A.W. Tozer, Man: The Dwelling Place of God

This is very hard to do. But I must say that losing a child certainly does make it easier to take the steps of offering your life to God.


My quiet time with the Bible really is a serious matter to me. But last night I was reading in our bedroom and Aubrey was in her bedroom…being naughty. I was just about to go in there and say something but could hear John stomping down the hall. (Let him do it!)

It must have been the way John said it. Something about how Aubrey was headed toward the “time-out of her life.” John and I do support each other when one is the disciplinarian. But I had to cover my mouth as John’s threat seemed funny. Aubrey was already in her bedroom…which is where she lives out her time-outs anyway. I wondered how this time-out was going to differ from any other time-out.

Just what is the grand “time-out” in a child’s life?


Thank you as always for coming to Gabbie’s site. We hope you have a very safe weekend. As always, it is our desire that you turn from the distractions of the world and seek God.

And thank you, God. For showing me that pain can truly be embraced and counted as joy~especially as I consider the eternal.

Still, Gabbie, I would give all I have to hold you even for a moment.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 5:59 PM CDT


“There is plenty of good news in the Bible, but there is never any flattery or back scratching. Seen one way, the Bible is a book of doom. It condemns all men as sinners and declares that the soul that sinneth shall die. Always [the Bible] pronounces sentence against society before it offers mercy; and if we will not own the validity of the sentence we cannot admit the need for mercy.” ~ A.W. Tozer, The Dwelling Place of God

It was indeed revealed to me that heaven is my eternal destiny.

But what forever turned my eyes to God in gratefulness was the realization of what I was saved from.


It is so hard to imagine that someone as gentle and as good as Gabbie could be eternally condemned.

Thankfully, my Lord, my God, saved her from her natural inclination.

I know what Gabbie is doing. She is not basking in her goodness. She is basking in His goodness.


Thank you, to all my friends who didn’t disappear because a year has passed—because now the difficult journey without her really begins.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 5:59 PM CDT


“Jesus Christ is the only way” Christians are sometimes thought to be narrow-minded, exclusive, and even bigoted. But consider the following:

Jesus is Lord and King over all!

Heaven will include people from all tribes and all nations!

With the exception of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, any and all sins will be forgiven if there is repentance.

And the saved Christian cares for the eternal destiny of whom? All!

So who is narrow-minded, exclusive, and bigoted?


My special friends continue to make me cry.

“We grieving moms have to stick together. I wonder who will get the next greatest
gift... a reunion with our Father and our children.
Can you imagine what Heaven
will be like when we get there!?!?!?” ~ Wendy Baber – Nathan, Noelle and Nicholas’ mom, in reply to Yvonne’s journal entry on messages to our babies.

You have to love the Lord deeply to want heaven so much. You have to lose a child and deeply love the Lord to want heaven beyond your wildest dreams.


Many times I stared out that dreary window overlooking the dreary street of Chicago Avenue fronting Minneapolis Children’s. Like it was a prison.

Wanting to pound that window to pieces.

Agonizing for the quiet, gentle prisoner named Gabrielle.


Thank you for coming to Gabbie’s site. Thank you for talking about Gabbie. Thank you for thinking about Gabbie.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Monday, September 8, 2003 5:51 PM CDT


I am reluctant to go public with this but am hoping that someone can help us.

If anyone from Children’s Hospital reads this, maybe you can be of some assistance. We have been very unsuccessful in our attempts to get Child Life to provide us with documentation regarding the two Gabbie’s Gifts deliveries.

We are not fishing for a “thank you.” We simply want the documentation that would provide a rough estimate of the value of the gifts. This is for record-keeping and tax purposes only.

Can anyone out there help us?


Gabbie’s Gifts still exists!! We hope to open a trust account in the same name within a few weeks.

I also received some money from my mother recently that will start another mission that has slowly been forming in my heart. It is something that I want to do for God and recently bereaved parents that will be done anonymously and quietly. I will share, however, that I am going to take advantage of Gabbie’s wise question, “Will you be dere?”


Last night I was reading a dear friend’s journal entry that was so touching that I called John to the computer and had him read it also.

My friend, Yvonne, lost her beautiful and only daugher, Leilani, to cancer. Yvonne is also my friend in Christ. She speaks of things that are in my heart.

Yvonne wrote a journal entry addressed to me and a few other bereaved mothers. It was a message from the heart with a promise. You see, if she dies, Yvonne is taking with her some very important messages…messages of love to our departed children.

I would do the same. Thank you, so much, Yvonne. (Journal entry dated September 5)


And thanks to all of you for once again visiting Gabbie’s site. I cry every time one of you mentions a desire to have known Gabbie.

I have a tear rolling down my face. Why did some reject the chance to get to know Gabbie? I must say that I am grateful for someone honestly telling me she regrets she did not try to get to know Gabbie. Her dying niece.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabrielle, and Noah Gabriel

Sunday, September 7, 2003 12:41 AM CDT


Depictions of Jesus dying on the cross are almost always heavily sanitized. A little bit of blood from the crown of thorns and a little bit of blood in his nailed wrists and feet.

The truth, however, is that he was scourged almost beyond human recognition. Skin and muscle and tendons were torn to the bone with every lash.

And while painfully hanging naked on the cross, Jesus had God’s fiery cup of wrath poured upon him. It is beyond anyone’s imagination as to exactly what was endured by Jesus.

Jesus literally sweat out blood in dreaded anticipation of all this.

He did it for you so that you could have eternal life with Him.

He…was the sinless lamb.

His gift, so painfully crafted, is offered freely to you.

That teardrop?

It is the teardrop slowly running down His face…as His free gift is rejected.

I hope that none of you are the subject of that teardrop. ~ Gabbie’s grieving mama

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Friday, September 5, 2003 6:00 PM CDT


This week has been exceptionally hard. Even in the midst of busy activities, loneliness is overwhelming. To say, “She is deeply missed,” is a grossly unfair understatement but unfortunately the English language is without appropriate words.

So in this so very lonely journey, I constantly remind myself that He chose me. He actually chose me.

I listen to other stories of conversion and people always talk about how THEY CHOSE Jesus Christ.

I look back on mine and it wasn’t like that at all. HE CHOSE me! HE let me know I was chosen. I will never stop marveling at this.

”THE IMPULSE TO PURSUE GOD ORIGINATES WITH GOD” ~ A.W. Tozer, quoted in The Evidence Bible

”And he said, Therefore said I to you, that no man can come to me, except it were given to him of my Father.” John 6:65


Dear Gabbie…I cannot wait to see you again.


Thanks for so much support…even this many days later.

We hope and pray you all have a safe weekend.

As always, please seek Him. Do not put him in a church-only box.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Thursday, September 4, 2003 6:12 PM CDT


“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” ~ 1 John 2:19

True believers will persevere…but apostasy is real and present in our lives.

Not to offend anyone, but apostasy can be thought of as a falling away from God. And yes, there is a great falling away in these times.


An online friend and bereaved mother recently wrote that she wants to shout “I want my baby back.” I mentally and inwardly shout that daily. She also went on to say she would give ANYTHING, ANYTHING to have her baby back. So would I.

But she said she would never give up her SALVATION.

Neither would I. God gave it to me. It is a gift beyond measure.


“God's holy word, which has been handed down to us at such a cost of suffering and blood, is but little valued. The Bible is within the reach of all, but there are few who really accept it as the guide of life.” ~ Ruben benAbraham


Open heart surgery without anesthesia? Most would run or faint at the thought…I would run and gladly embrace it …in exchange for Gabbie.


I really again must thank those who love Gabbie. Thank you, Susan B., for what you did. You have NO IDEA what that means to me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah Gabriel

Wednesday, September 3, 2003 5:56 PM CDT


I do worry for Aubrey and Noah concerning the worldly temptations they will face.

When I was growing up, I did not have vile things (erotica and like matters) thrown in my face. Today we do have vile things shoved in our face. I begin every workday morning by deleting Spam e-mails, some of which I wouldn’t even begin to describe here.

Today, my Internet Explorer was hijacked by the SurferBar. The SurferBar added erotica folders to my desktop…and all I had done was begin research on state jury instructions, which somehow landed me on an infected site. The SurferBar constantly pushed Adult Entertainment, Romance and Dating, and Casinos and Gambling, search icons in my face.

It is of utmost concern that you bring your children to God’s Word as early as possible. If you love your children you will want to empower them to resist AND discern the temptations of today’s world that will not go away.

Gabrielle has been spared from evil temptation. My surviving children and your children have not.


”Dear Father,

May we never grow so ‘holy,’ may we never become so ‘religious,’ that we can see the footprints of Satan and stay calm.”
~ Max Lucado, On the Anvil


Sometimes we have to accept that some who knew the child did not love the child…in even the tiniest way.


Many, many thanks to those who did and do love Gabrielle…in big ways and in the tiniest way. Thank you so very, very much.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St Gabrielle, and Noah Gabriel

Tuesday, September 2, 2003 6:27 PM CDT


Aubrey had a very busy weekend. An exciting sleep-over with cousin Elizabeth (she’s actually Gabbie’s godmother). And John took her to a live Wiggles show on Saturday with cousin Joey.

Noah’s strawberry has so far remained flat! It could come back….

A lot of families that I follow received very bad news this weekend. Two relapses and one death.

America parties on while some of us soberly grieve the unnecessary death of little ones.


A grieving mother’s prayer can sometimes be very, very short and to the point.

“…Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” Revelation 22:20

“Come quickly, please.” ~ Gabbie’s mama


Thank you. Say an extra prayer tonight…for all those just aching to hold their long-gone child.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabrielle, and Noah Gabriel

Friday, August 29, 2003 6:00 PM CDT

* * * NEW PICTURES * * *


Noah has a strawberry that I had expressed concern about to the pediatrician. The strawberry mark is small in diameter but sticks out (a lot) and always looked so vulnerable to being popped. The pediatrician said that they rarely pop, but that if it did, it would bleed and then come right back.

Well, Noah’s strawberry, on the backside of his head, popped last night. The first time I was able to stop the bleeding immediately. Later while bathing him, I must have disturbed it and it bled more and did not stop so easily.

So, we used gauze and white tape for a pressure point. We did a horrible job bandaging his head but in the morning we did not see bleeding through the gauze.

Even some of the other mothers at the daycare were checking out Noah and commenting that he looked like a wounded soldier--white tape and gauze covering his tiny head!


“We’re complacent to God. Churchgoers pack the pews and sing to the back of someone’s head….people pay their dues by walking in the door, enduring a ritual, and walking out. Guilt is appeased. God is insulted…. Are we so ignorant that we put God in a box, thinking he can be taken in and out at convenience?” ~ Max Lucado, On the Anvil


Thank you, so much for supporting us. Thank you, Robin from Chubby Chica…that is so very nice of you!

Have a safe Labor day weekend.

Don’t let our world define Him for you. Seek Him in prayer and in the Word.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:17 PM CDT


”For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.” ~Matthew 12:50

If you don’t seek Him, how do you know His will?


Noah is still battling a cold – but not so bad that he is unable to go to daycare. It worries John because Gabbie battled so many colds. But I’m pretty sure Noah’s OK!

Work is fast and furious…but better busy than with too little to do.


“Judas bore the cloak of religion, but he never knew the heart of Christ. Let’s make it our goal to know…deeply.” ~ Max Lucado, On the Anvil


I still have not been to the grave. Why? Because her absence is as horrible today as it was the day she died. Some things change (hope, assurances); some things don’t change. Her absence from my life will always be deeply grieved.


Thank you so much for coming to Gabbie’s site.

The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah Gabriel

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 9:50 PM CDT


Someone recently asked me if I thought a very famous and very well liked T.V. personality, who has been identified as representing New-Age, is going to hell.

I said I didn’t know. I don’t know her heart. Only God can judge hearts, and He will. But we are to be discerning of the actions of others. This famous and well-liked person openly admits that she used channeling (speaking with the dead) for research for one of her movies. And she sees nothing wrong with channeling. But we know that attempts to communicate with the dead are strictly forbidden by God.

We cannot condemn people. But we do need to be wary of these times and false teachers. The Bible even tells us to be very careful and to not let “other” gospels be preached.

”But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Galations 1:8-9


I still do not pay enough attention when I’m pushing Noah and Aubrey in the stroller.

It wasn’t even a washable and non-toxic marker. It was a marker that only an adult should have and it was all over Aubrey’s face and a little bit on Noah. Now I’m not worried about toxicity or anything…but how come I never see these things?

Because I miss her so much.


Before she died, I had recurring dreams with specific themes. I haven’t had one single instance of those dreams since her death. Just shows how the wound of their death goes disturbingly deep into our psyche.


Thank you Jill for remembering WINDY! I was just holding Noah the other day outside and the weather almost matched the day Gabbie came home to die. It was windy and Noah was enjoying it. I was looking at his face and the flashback to Gabbie’s “windy” really hit me.

In His Arms,
The Paquette’s: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:55 PM CDT


"God's love always seeks the perfect well-being of the object loved, no matter the cost of that love. This is seen in John 3:16, above, as God the Father gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the sacrifice building our bridge back to the Father. Further, this was done through an act of grace at a point in time when we did not deserve such love. (Romans 5:8) But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." – Credit Jude Ministries – Contending for the Faith

No matter the cost…


Priyanka. Another beautiful child painfully ripped from the aching arms of her mother.


I do thank my Father in Heaven not for Gabbie’s death but for the suffering that really is a sign of His love. As Max Lucado would say, He obviously thinks we are worth it. Gabbie was worth it.

Whatever the cost.

In His Arms,
The Paquettes: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie and Noah Gabriel

Monday, August 25, 2003 5:47 PM CDT

* * * NEW PICTURES (Noah to be udated soon!) * * *


What if all inquiries to me about my husband were answered with, “He has blue-green eyes.” John really does have nice blue-green eyes. But that wouldn’t be fair to John. He is so MUCH more than just “blue-green eyes.”

In 1 John 4:8, we read that, “God is love.” So very true.

But He also, and even more than my wonderful husband, is so MUCH more.

In today’s New-Age must-be tolerant society, anything and everything is OK because “God is love.” All people go to heaven.

Truth has been forsaken in the name of love. But God is more than love. Some of His other attributes are listed below. Credit belongs to Faith Bible Institute of Corona, NY.


Those that reveal His personal nature:

* God is Spirit
* God is Life
* God is Intelligent
* God is Emotional
* God is Purposeful
* God is Active

Those that reveal His distinctive ability:

* God is Self-Existent (the independence of God)
* God is All-Powerful (the omnipotence of God)
* God is All-Knowing (the omniscience of God)
* God is All-Wise (the omnisapience of God)
* God is Always Present (the omnipresence of God)
* God is Sovereign (the control/authority of God)
* God is Unchangeable (the immutability of God)
* God is Eternal (the timelessness of God)
* God is Beyond Full Comprehension (the incomprehensibility of God)

Those that reveal His moral character:

* God is Holy (the set-apartness of God)
* God is Righteous (the justice of God)
* God is True (the honesty / truthfulness of God)
* God is Faithful (the loyalty / trustworthiness of God)

Those that reveal His expression of benevolence:
* God is Love
* God is Merciful
* God is Gracious
* God is Patient


First day back to work went OK. As I feared, I am very far behind and some of my jobs look very foreign to me. But some things have remained the same and it feels as if I have only been gone for a day or two.


Each new child that dies from cancer brings fresh grief to me.


Thank you so much for all your support. My greatest hope for all of you is that you have found the one and only Savior.

In The Arms of God,
The Paquette Family: Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah Gabriel

Sunday, August 24, 2003 1:30 PM CDT


”Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15

Today’s world is not careful. Today’s world is not obeying God’s call.

The story below about obeying a call caught my attention.

“In A.D. 1635 an Arab chief nicknamed ‘Farras the horseman’ was traveling through the desert with a large herd of horses. Suddenly, in the distance a body of water came into view. The herd, crazed by thirst, broke into a stampede, racing toward the stream. Farras tested the obedience of the animals by blowing loudly on his horn, sounding the call to battle. Out of that great herd, five horses stopped in their tracks, wheeled around, and returned to obey the call. These five mares, the story goes, became the stock of the world-famous Arabian horses.” – Erwin W. Lutzer, Who Are You to Judge?

I would like to be one of the few. Wouldn’t you?

We are not to follow the world.


Tomorrow will be my second attempt to reenter the workforce! First on the agenda will be to assure my boss that I can count. Second on the agenda will be to delete all the ‘spam’ e-mails.

My dad, Aubrey and I enjoyed the fair last Friday. While my feet would rather run 10 miles than slow-walk for hours on end, at least it is only an annual event.


Thanks again for your endless support. I only hope I can do the same for those who are newly bereaved.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Thursday, August 21, 2003 4:24 PM CDT


The other day, we received some grief materials from an organization affiliated, directly or indirectly I do not know, with Children’s Hospital. It is a healing group with, of course, very good intentions. The packet contained a list of grief book recommendations from 2003 bereaved parent support groups. John was going to read the list to me to see if I had read any of them. (He always likes doing those kinds of things.)

I immediately told John, NO! The Christian grief books I read are unlikely to be on such a list. He read the list and I had only vaguely heard of some of them from New-Age references. While you can’t judge a book by its cover, my Internet inquiry thus far has been very, very discouraging.

No sign of Jesus Christ exists in those grief books.

But it is only because of Jesus’ sacrificial work on the cross that these children are in heaven.

A child dies and parents do not seek the promises of Jesus Christ???


While I miss Gabbie dearly, I am very sad for those bereaved parents who seem content to cling to today’s spirituality that has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. From unborn babies ripped from the womb to the 95 year-old who dies in his/her sleep….all saved persons are saved by His grace.

Please come to Jesus. He died for you. He died for little Gabbie. He died for your departed child.


That gentle breeze softly brushing my cheek? Those flickering lights? I will tell you a secret: it’s not Gabbie.

I know where she is. I wouldn’t want her to be in the breeze or in our home flickering our lights. As if she has been diluted as one with the universe or is some unseen energy force.

But that’s what some of those popular grief books will tell you. And I have even been told by some that my daughter is a pure energy force…floating all around us.


Thanks so much for coming to Gabbie’s site. We hope you all have a very safe weekend.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:38 PM CDT


[Jesus is speaking] ”I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me, for they are thine.” John 17:9

“Them” are the ones to whom Christ revealed the Father. – Credit, Erwin Lutzer, Who Are You to Judge?


“One way that God accomplishes his glory in the life of the Christian is through suffering.” – Philip Graham Ryken, What is a True Calivinist?


Noah was only in daycare for 2 hours today. I almost hated to bring him home because he was having so much fun. But…I am trying to spend time with them this week even though daycare is fully paid for. On Friday I am meeting my dad and we are taking Aubrey to the State Fair.

I think Noah might be our mix-baby. Aubrey is all Totall; Gabbie was all Paquette; and Noah seems to be a little of both. He really is a very happy and content baby.

I gave in again today. John and I go back and forth over use of the air-conditioner. I cannot stand air-conditioning but our house was up to 87 degrees and I know that it’s hard on others. Poor Gabbie, we never had it when she was little and the summer she was sick was very, very hot. She was always dripping wet but never complained.


My glasses are very different. I know that what I see is not what others see.


Thank you for all your support. I can only hope and pray that you do have your salvation in the Lord.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Tuesday, August 19, 2003 6:53 PM CDT


“The Bible warns that it is so important to carefully consider where you are in your spiritual journey and to get INTENTIONAL about making a response. The natural tendency is to trivialize these matters when, in fact, they ought to be taken seriously.” – Garry Poole & Judson Poling, Why Become a Christian?

”Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless of course, you fail the test.” 2 Corinthians 13:5


“Studying theology is no mere academic exercise, though it is that. It is an experience that changes, convicts, broadens, challenges, and ultimately leads to a deep reverence for God.” – Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology

I wish more people realized that while God truly does want your heart and soul…He also wants you to pursue Him with ALL you mind. (You IQ level does NOT matter ~ He will not disappoint anyone.)


Noah really enjoyed his first daycare experience. Noah seems to get very, very excited when watching other children at play. His teacher noticed, as we have, that his head hardly stops swiveling as he does not want to miss a thing. Aubrey and Gabbie were not quite so excitable in that way.

(I'm dropping them off late and picking them up early since we paid for a full week.)


I still don’t think people fully understand. Like the elite marathoner, it only looks easy. We do get stronger but the challenge of what we must daily endure does not get easier.


Thank you so much for your endless support. Thank you, Sarah, for all the entertainment you provide Aubrey.

CONGRATULATIONS TO AUNTIE SARAH!! SHE IS NOW EMPLOYED AT THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL IN EDEN PRAIRIE. (The education market here in the T.C. is very tight…we were a little concerned.)

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Monday, August 18, 2003 4:08 PM CDT


Just as most people can read, I can count. John was the first to count the weeks of my maternity leave and he told me I would go back on August 18th. I also counted the weeks numerous times and it always came to August 18th. I was at work for only about one hour and my boss called and said HR had told him I would be back on the 25th. I counted the weeks again and I had indeed shortchanged my maternity leave by one week. A quick call to HR to explain what had happened and I was out the door. One more week!

Somehow, even with a calendar right in front of me, every time I counted (at least 10 – 15 times!) I did not see what I should have seen. I know how to count weeks. For some reason, I was literally blinded from seeing the true date of my return.

So it is with spiritual blindness. The Bible can be read, but greatly misunderstood if one isn’t truly seeking God.

As John MacArthur’s Study Bible explains, “Jesus’ veiling the truth from unbelievers this way [parables] was both an act of judgment and an act of mercy. It was ‘judgment’ because it kept them in the darkness they loved (cf. John 3:19), but it was ‘mercy’ because they had already rejected the light, so any exposure to more truth would only increase their condemnation.”

”He [Jesus] answered and said to them, ‘Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.’” Matthew 13:11


“Many Christians feel embarrassed about the fact that we believe in universal truth, specifically in the uniqueness of Christ and His death and resurrection as the only means by which we can be accepted by God. In an age when the greatest sin is offensiveness, and the greatest virtue is inoffensiveness [tolerance], it is difficult to share a message that, at its core, is offensive to the mind of fallen man.” – Erwin W. Lutzer, Who Are You to Judge?


I have a new friend who recently lost a beautiful little girl. We were talking about a grief book titled Mommy, Please Don’t Cry. My friend said it should be called Mommy, Please Don’t Slash Your Wrists. I fully understood what she meant.

Do others? Do people really understand that the child’s death is so awful we wish for our own?

While I am out of the raw grief phase, I can tell you that I still have absolutely no fear or dread whatsoever of my own death, whenever that may be.


Well, thanks for all the wishes regarding my return to work! Someone prayed extra hard…and yes I got my extra week!!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Sunday, August 17, 2003 6:19 PM CDT


At church today, I was reviewing a brochure on some half-day seminars to be held later this year at Wooddale. I picked one that will explore the spiritual temperature of the Twin Cities (for those not familiar, Minneapolis-St. Paul). Some very interesting facts regarding this place I call home.

“Over the past decade the face of our city [Mpls-St. Paul] has experienced major changes, both socially and religiously, including huge waves of immigrants, the rise of non-Christian world religions, and the increase of cult and occult groups. In addition, the city that was once mostly Lutheran and Catholic now contains churches from hundreds of different denominations….the Twin Cities has become the city with the most megachurches (churches in excess of 1,000 weekend attendees) in the U.S.; the most diverse neighborhood in the U.S.; the largest Native American neighborhood in the U.S.; the only Somali church in the country; the world headquarters to Eckankar (Religion of the Light and Sound of God); the largest Hmong concentration outside of Asia, and more….” – Wooddale Center for Christian Growth Fall 2003 pamphlet


“The love within the Church attracts the world; the holiness within the Church convicts the world.” – Erwin W. Lutzer, Who Are You to Judge?


The last day. After church, I took Aubrey to a public wading pool as it was pretty hot. For some reason, pools are OK for me, but parks are still out of the question. Poor Noah was stuck with me for a stroller-ride around Lk. Harriet and I know he was a little on the not-so-cozy side due to the heat.

I am getting very nostalgic now. But at least I will have some vacation time.


In my grief, I overlooked the cause of a problem. The harder she tried to help me, the more I withdrew. (Because nothing, absolutely nothing can take away the pain.) I haven’t been very charitable or Christ-like. I’m very sorry.


Thank you for all your wishes. I look forward to getting back together with my friends at West.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Thursday, August 14, 2003 8:24 PM CDT


Angels will announce impending judgments (Gen. 19:13; Rev.14:6-7; 19:17-18)

Angels will inflict judgment on the unrighteous (Acts 12:23; Rev. 16:1)

Angels will separate the righteous from the unrighteous (Matt. 13:39-40)

Credit: Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth

”The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.” Author – Jesus Christ, Matt. 13:39-40


”…I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Author – Jesus Christ, John 14:6


One more day of leave. Sad…but time to move on I guess.

Even though I lost a child, I still have a heart for animals. While out on a walk tonight, I rescued a baby mouse from a mean cat. I thought about bringing it home to show Aubrey but decided I have no idea how to feed a baby mouse. So I slipped him into someone’s yard of very tall grass, flowers and weeds. I thought Gabbie might like that. Saving something tiny and so unnoticed.


But I would much rather have been able to save you, Gabbie. Does God ever tell you how deeply you are missed?


Sometimes I come down to the computer in a very sad mood. Tonight, so many guest book entries really lifted my spirits. Thank you so much!!

Yes, Andrea R.,…I know I need to call you!!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Wednesday, August 13, 2003 9:52 PM CDT


“Angels then qualify as personalities because they have these aspects of intelligence, emotions, and will. This is true of both the good and evil angels. Good angels, Satan, and demons possess intelligence (Matt. 8:29; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Pet. 1:12). Good angels, Satan, and demons show emotions (Luke 2:13; James 2:19; Rev. 12:17). Good angels, Satan, and demons demonstrate that they have wills (Luke 8:28-31; 2 Tim. 2:26; Jude 6)….The fact that they DO NOT have human bodies does not affect their being personalities (any more than it does with God).” – Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth


“I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood.” – Comedian George Carlin, quoted in Why Become a Christian

Some day, he won’t think his comment was funny.


Today I decided to enjoy being shocked and took Aubrey shopping for fall clothes and back-to-work clothes. Thankfully we are not hurting financially, but the prices are alarming.

What has happened to kids these days? I never demanded certain clothing or shoes until I paid with my own money. I can’t believe I allow my 4-year old to tell me what kind of tennis shoes she should wear.

I wonder if I should now warn my boss I’m coming back on Monday. If anyone at West reads this you can let him know. Poor man. But I think now I’m ready to handle work…not so that first year.


Sometimes I share Gabbie with strangers. At one of our check-outs during shopping, the young woman chatted away with me and kept talking about kids, talking to Aubrey, asking about Aubrey’s baby brother, etc. So I shared Gabbie. Her face fell when she saw Gabbie’s picture.

Again, I thank the strangers.


And I always thank you.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Tuesday, August 12, 2003 7:14 PM CDT


Since there seems to be such an overwhelming interest in angels, especially as they relate to departed children, I thought I would share what Scripture has to say about them.

Angels are created beings. They were present when the earth was created so we do know that their creation occurred prior to the creation of man. “Originally all angelic creatures were created holy. God pronounced His Creation good (Gen. 1:31), and, of course, He could not create sin. Even after sin entered the world, God’s good angels, who did not rebel against Him, are called holy (Mark 8:38)….[t]hey are a separate order of creatures, distinct, for example, from human beings (1 Cor. 6:3; Heb. 1:14)…Like all responsible creatures, angels will be subject to judgment (1 Cor. 6:3; Matt. 25:41)” – Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth

Chemo Angel: Not found anywhere in Scripture. But if ever added to Webster’s Dictionary, would be defined as: kind-hearted human beings who freely lift the spirits of those who are downtrodden and devastated by the unwelcome presence of cancer.


“I don’t need to be born again. I got it right the first time.” – Comedian & writer, Dennis Miller, quoted in Why Become a Christian authored by Garry Poole & Judson Poling

I feel very sorry for people who joke about such matters.


I finally got to meet one of my dear online friends. We met halfway in Stillwater and had lunch. I once wrote about her special son, Jackson Ben. He died from ALL, with the Philadelphia Chromosome. We shared pictures, thoughts, and tears.

Thank you, Michelle. You’re a wonderful and supportive friend and I hope to see you again soon.


I now hate the haunting sound of wind chimes. And I’m the one who initially requested that we put them up.


Thanks for so much support. I’m always glad to hear from all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Monday, August 11, 2003 6:49 PM CDT


“Holy, Holy, Holy.” No other attribute of God is repeated three times in a row in the Bible.

”In the year that King Uzziah died, I [Isaiah] saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:

‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty: the whole earth is full of his glory.’”
Isaiah 6:1-3

Seraphim are an order of angelic creatures and even they must cover themselves due to the Holiness of the Lord. (Satan came from a similar order of angels, the Cherubim.)

Isaiah feared his own death during this scene because he knew he was not holy enough to be in the presence of the Lord.

“The absolute, innate holiness of God means that sinners have to be separated from Him unless a way can be found to constitute them holy. And this way has been provided in the merits of Jesus Christ.” – Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth


Every day I feel I am becoming more and more patient with Aubrey. I was home with both of them today and we had a nice walk around Lk. Harriet in the morning. The day almost went without any yelling…until I turned on the stereo at Aubrey’s request. She had turned the volume knob all the way up and we were all blasted away.


Almost all things in life that I thought would be bad were never quite as bad as feared.

Until she died. It’s worse than ever imagined.


Thanks for all the support. A special thanks to Becky who signs the guest book all the time!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Sunday, August 10, 2003 8:29 PM CDT


Until eternity, John and I will never know why God allowed Gabbie to have such a short life. But I do often think of the “why?”

Apparently there once was a father who had lost an infant and who had thought “there was something meritorious about believing his own child had gone to hell….he…boasted about how he and his wife had come to grips with the fact that their child was simply not among the elect.” Below is the reply from this father’s pastor.

”Because whenever Scripture describes the inhabitants of hell, it always does so with lists of sins and abominations they have deliberately committed. We might look at the biblical data and conclude that when God takes the life of a little one, it is actually an act of mercy keeping that child from being hardened by a life of exposure to evil and a life of deliberate rebellion against God. One’s position on this issue says a lot about one’s view of God and His grace.” Author – Phil Johnson, quoted by John MacArthur in Safe in the Arms of God

Gabbie’s gentle soul caused me heartache before she even became ill. I, too, have often wondered if God’s love for Gabbie was such that He saved her from this wicked world we live in.

He loves her so much….that He had to take her away.


“One world health organization reported that 4,350,000 babies died at birth in the year 1999.”

“Life begins at conception. Any death that occurs after the moment of conception is the death of a person. And persons have eternal souls.” – John MacArthur, Safe in the Arms of God


This is my last week of a 24-week maternity leave. I have very mixed feelings but to be truthful, I think that work is where I am meant to be.

As with all other major changes, I still feel each closing of a chapter takes me further away from Gabbie on the human side, but closer to her spiritually as I am that much closer to my own eternal destiny.


People probably wonder if we ever wish it had been someone else’s child.

I would never wish this on anyone.

However, I have sometimes wished that some could experience my pain for a day or two. Just so they would understand.


I am so very grateful that you are still willing to share Gabbie’s story…some 450 days later.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Thursday, August 7, 2003 5:56 PM CDT


As innocent as they are, babies and children are not in heaven because they did not sin.

“If infants were not sinful or morally corrupt, they would not die at all! If babies were born totally without sin or depravity, there would be no reason for their death. The Bible says very clearly, ’The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. (Rom. 6:23).’” Author – John MacArthur, safe in the arms of God

Babies are in heaven because of His grace! I thank and praise God for His never-ending graciousness!!

But adults are responsible for accepting the grace and fully acknowledging that they need His gift, through Jesus Christ, of grace.


Last night I was driving home with Noah and Aubrey. A woman pulled up along side me and was looking at Noah and Aubrey. She was a young black woman. She then looked at me and gave me the most sincere smile I’ve ever seen from a stranger. I smiled back.

Strangers…still touching me so much.

That incident, while seemingly insignificant, once again reminded me how much strangers have reached out to me. The note last week from the nurse who never had Gabbie as a patient is still so very much with me. I am so very grateful.


I wonder if he knows?? I have a brother. He is a Christian destined for heaven. I often wonder, however, if he knows that Gabbie, in her short painful life and in her death, has become a “fisher of men.” Maybe when he gets to heaven he will be surprised to see souls that are there because of a little girl. A little girl he never knew. You see, he was too busy to even attempt to get to know her. (Don't worry, if he came to this site, he only came once or twice.)

Too busy….

I’m so sorry Gabbie. I love you dearly. So do many others.


Thank you for understanding that Christians really can suffer.

Have a wonderful weekend. I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOU!!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Wednesday, August 6, 2003 8:21 PM CDT


”And Jesus said unto them, ‘Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many.’” Matthew 24:4-5

The following was taken from a CB guest book. The guest book signer is quoting a spiritual medium, James Van Praagh, who communicates with the dead. Discerning Christians know this is absolutely forbidden.

Van Praagh appears to be very sympathetic to bereaved parents. However, he is playing with fire. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 is VERY CLEAR on this matter.

If you have time, please read this long quote and note how kindness can be very, very deceptive. I have bolded some of the parts that are alarming.

”Each of us comes back upon the shores of this Earth for a very distinct purpose. When that purpose is accomplished, we leave. Some of us are here to experience a long life, while other souls need only a brief experience before returning to their spiritual homes in Heaven. The choice is made before incarnating into our physical bodies. When we can look at life from this perspective, and acknowledge that time and space are Earthly dimensions, and that we are eternal beings, we can begin to understand the nature of life and death in a much clearer light.

The death of a child is perhaps the ultimate loss for any person to endure. How can anyone be prepared for the shock of losing a son or daughter, a grandson or a granddaughter? Ask any parent, and he or she would probably say, "I could never survive it," or "I'd never be the same," or "I'd be completely destroyed for the rest of my life." Nothing can ever come close to the indescribable pain one experiences at a child's death, or of the hopelessness that follows. And though parents usually do survive, the loss changes them forever.

Each one of us is on a spiritual journey. We are individual sparks of light, a part of the one great light, or God Force energy. Each soul has it's individual path to follow in which to learn about it's divine self. The important thing to keep in mind is THERE IS NO DEATH. Parents WILL be with their child again, just as they have been many lifetimes before. Remember that the spirit of a child is alive in a mental spiritual world, and is always aware of it's parents' thoughts and feelings.

In time, each parent may recognize that the intensity of the child's death may subside. However, no matter how busy they keep themselves, parents never get over the death, but rather find ways to survive it.”
James Van Praagh

Please, be very careful and very discerning. I pray that others not be drawn into this false spirituality.


Thank you, so much!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Other Friends:


Tuesday, August 5, 2003 7:06 PM CDT


We who are so thankful for our salvation are not saying:

“Christianity is superior because I think it so, and you should agree with me.”

But rather,

“Christianity is superior because Jesus thought it so, and I agree with Him.”

On the other hand, New Agers “believe that anything can be true for the individual, but nothing can be true for everyone.”

Credit to Garry Poole and Judson Poling, Don’t All Religions Lead to God, and Ron Rhodes, New Age Movement

“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts.” Proverbs 21:2


It will take a long time but I am slowly repairing my relationship with Aubrey. I’m so fortunate that she is so young. I hardly remember anything under the age of 6 or 7, so hopefully she will not be too scarred or even scarred at all.


We rage for others. Some of you have probably seen this story as it has made national news. A family had a little girl abducted about 17 years ago. A hoaxer called the family and claimed to be their long lost girl. When the father was told it was a hoax, he broke down and cried. I can tell you, a rage flew through me in just seconds.


Thank you so much for your support. Really, there are so many more good people.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Monday, August 4, 2003 7:49 PM CDT


I am very concerned with the New Age movement. It is possibly one of Satan’s most insidious tools. Hopefully people will also see how “everyone goes to heaven,” or some other beautiful place, is camped with the New Age movement.

Reincarnation is the process of continual rebirths until the soul reaches a state of perfection and merges back with its source (God or the Universal Soul).

Karma refers to the debt a soul accumulates because of good or bad actions committed during one’s life (or past lives). Good karma leads to reincarnation in a more desirable state; bad karma leads to reincarnation in a less desirable state.” Author – Ron Rhodes, New Age Movement (Rhodes is critical of all cults and is reporting on this subject, not promoting it.)

This would mean that Gabbie was severely punished in her short life here for something she did in a past life. And she didn’t even know what she did that would warrant such suffering.

It would also mean I would never, ever see her again because she would be reincarnated into future souls. How many, I don’t know.

Fortunately, Scripture states:

”And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:….” Hebrews 9:27


Today I was pushing Aubrey and Noah in the stroller and we stopped to look at a house that has been lifted out of its foundation. A very nice woman stopped to talk to us and she explained why the owners are lifting the house. As the woman left and went before us, I looked twice at her backpack. It had a very frightening mug shot of the devil. I have no idea what kind of statement she was trying to make.


While others have fleeting moments where Gabbie is in their thoughts, I have only fleeting moments where she is not in my thoughts.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site.

I encourage those who don’t agree with what I write to undertake your own study of Christianity as it can withstand scrutiny. The highest scrutiny, in fact, because Christ is at the center.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Sunday, August 3, 2003 7:32 PM CDT

I am hoping that today’s entry provokes thought. There are many in my life denying the existence of hell.


”Hell disappeared. And no one noticed.” American church historian, Martin Marty, quoted by Erwin W. Lutzer.

“Universalism is the name given to the belief that eventually all men will arrive safely to heaven.” Author – Erwin W. Lutzer, One Minute After You Die

Lutzer also mentions that the question that vexes theologians the most is not whether hell exists, but rather how can those who are saved be happy in heaven when we realize some we love are not there.

”And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:14-15

God is holy. God is just. He must be true to Himself and therefore not all can go to heaven.

Do you want to trust the Bible and biblical scholars? Or would you rather trust New Age thought because it is more appealing?


I am Gabbie’s grieving mother. Those who read the site know that Gabbie is singing praises to the Lord.

And as Gabbie’s grieving mother, I will also firmly tell you that the people below are not standing next to Gabbie.

The unrepenting, Jesus-rejecting:

* participants in satanic rituals
* worshippers of Satan
* pedophiles
* Wiccans
* Hitler
* Cruel murderers, torturers, rapists, and persecutors of Christians
* wicked…and many more….

Please do not tell me that these people also had their names written in the book of life.


Thank you to those of you who have provided some resources on New Age religions.

Thank you for understanding what I am trying to do.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, July 31, 2003 3:29 PM CDT



God is more important to me than Gabrielle.

God is more significant to me than Gabrielle.

I love God more than Gabrielle.

”…and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10:37-38

Only by His generous grace can I say such things.



…after God, my children and my husband come first.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that departed children, just because they are safe in the hands of Jesus, are of any less significance in our thoughts and daily lives than our living children.

I will always fiercely protect Gabbie’s significance in my life.


I forgot to mention yesterday that the people who have hurt me deeply are not bad people. However, mental health professionals explain that some people go into deep denial when a child near them dies. They simply cannot accept that it could happen to their child. And so, their behavior seems very out of place and can be very painful.

They did not intend to hurt me. But they also may never be able to treat Gabbie with the respect that she deserves.


Noah never liked his bath. So, in order to get him all worked up and excited for this event, I always smile and clap and shout “B A T H T I M E!!” right before we give him a bath. As soon as he hears me yelling he starts pumping those chubby legs and arms. He likes his baths now.

Maybe when I have to start bringing them to daycare, I will clap and yell, “daycare time” as we pull up to the daycare.

I hope that isn’t considered being manipulative!


Have a safe weekend. Remember, His eyes are always searching for those who will love and follow Him.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:52 PM CDT


Does casual conversation with God count? I have always silently talked to God in the car or throughout the day, wondering if God likes that.

I just learned that He does!

”You will never grow a close relationship with God by just attending church once a week or even having a daily quiet time. Friendship with God is built by sharing all your life experiences with him. Of course, it is important to establish the habit of a daily devotional time with God….He wants to be included in every activity, every conversation, every problem, and even every thought….Everything you do can be ‘spending time with God’ if he is invited to be a part of it and you stay aware of his presence.” Author – Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

”Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him.” Psalm 24:14 (This is the Living Bible translation)


Family dynamics are not always positive in the death of a child. Most members on my side of the family are very supportive and understanding. But a few are not. (I didn’t have any problems with the Paquette’s.)

I won’t list the actions here. The general “do not do” lists can be found on numerous grief sites.

However, all bereaved parents have bad experiences that are so unique that they do not make it to the lists generated by Compassionate Friends and other grief groups.

But I will share this. I saw something happen many times as I talked to my Christian therapist. She lost her cool professional veneer of neutralism. If my family could only see some of those sessions, they may understand why even I am afraid of disturbing the rage.

Those few who hurt me so much will never know how many times I cried to Gabbie. Apologizing to her that some in our family would treat her significance in my life in that way.

I’m also so sorry to the innocent Totall members who treated Gabbie as their child. My role in the family is forever changed.

Gabbie, your death cut through our family like a knife.


I wonder if you know how many times I cry because you care so much.

Strangers…I never knew you could be so kind. You will never know how much of an impact you have had on my life.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Tuesday, July 29, 2003 4:59 PM CDT


”Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.” Revelation 1:7

I do understand that His Second Coming is hard to think about. Maybe because it is such a “supernatural” event. Even my husband has trouble with the word “supernatural” because of what it implies on junk T.V.

But as Charles Spurgeon noted, “…no truth ought to be more frequently proclaimed, next to the first coming of the Lord, than His Second Coming.” Grace & Power

Dates cannot be set, as only the Father knows when. But Scripture warns us to be ready at any time. When Aubrey asks when Jesus is coming again, I simply tell her only God knows when but that it COULD be in her lifetime or even mine.


Aubrey finally had her sleepover with Auntie Sarah!! She was very, very excited and we really appreciate all the time Sarah spends with her.

Noah is doing fine and is happy most of the time. I know, we are due for new pictures.

I’ve delayed my entry on the issue of anger, as I want to make sure it is carefully written.


Thanks again to my friend for being willing to clear up our misunderstanding. I really do want everyone to understand that while I didn’t know it, one of my journal entries was very ill-timed and without enough explanation. And anyway, I sincerely appreciated the reminder that I have much to learn. We can never know enough.

I just read a wonderful e-mail from a nurse at Children’s who contacted me for the first time. Strangers have been more touched by Gabbie, strangers have expressed more sadness, strangers know more about Gabbie than one of my own brothers. Thank you.

Thank all of you, for treating little Gabbie as if she had been your child. I love you for that.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Monday, July 28, 2003 4:33 PM CDT


I received a disturbing e-mail this weekend. My sister, Sarah, was here when I read it and I immediately called her over to read it because I was so shocked. So, today is just a chance to again explain what I am doing on Gabbie’s site.

Here is the e-mail in Italics.

"Monica - I'm very disappointed. You obviously have much more to learn than you think you do. I'm sorry you lost your child but I won't be visiting your site again. I'm no longer comfortable with your idea's of what it means to be a Christian. [name withheld by me]”

Here are my replies, bolded.

"Monica - I'm very disappointed. You obviously have much more to learn than you think you do. So true! My small human finite mind has so much more to learn about God. No matter how many more years I spend here, I will never learn all there is to learn. It is much more than I could ever imagine. So yes, I have more to learn than I think I do. It is exactly why I am signing up for the one-to-one discipleship program at Wooddale.

I'm sorry you lost your child but I won't be visiting your site again. Gabbie’s site has never been about how many readers there are…although I am grateful for all who do come and read.

I'm no longer comfortable with your idea's of what it means to be a Christian. Most of my “ideas” come directly from the Bible or from respected Christians. Highly respected and very learned Christians, in fact.

What dismays me is that this person did not give me one single clue as to what turned her off cold. It’s possible she read something out of context but she has not given me any chance to explain. (Kind of like when I expect John, without my telling him, why I am mad at him!)

I invite anyone and everyone to share their opinions on Christianity with me. Whether you have known God for 20 years or for only one month. I have never stated or even presumed to be an expert. I have actually asked some friends to even monitor my journal entries.

I truly am just a grieving mama who loves God and who absolutely CHERISHES His word.

So, I wish my Christian friend all the best on her journey that will no longer be shared with me.


Tomorrow I will somewhat answer “A friend who cares.” But, I need to withhold some details simply out of respect for my family. Please know that no one on this site has upset me.


Sigh, I had no idea all these strange things would happen in Gabbie’s death. Thanks, Michelle, for pointing out that for every person who hurts us…there are ten or more who truly care.


Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Sunday, July 27, 2003 7:40 PM CDT


As a has-been runner, 1 Corinthians 9:24 used to scare me.

”Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.”

Even though in today’s PC world many obtain prizes in races (age group, gender, etc.), I never have been fast enough to win an award. Only one person gets the prize even though all of us are running? What about us middle-of-the-pack runners?

But now I realize that the beauty in this scripture verse is simply to inspire us to run as diligently as possible…as IF there was only one prize. This is one of the verses that inspires me to press on even in Gabbie’s death.


Last week was really not very good. It finally dawned on me that I have unleashed misplaced anger on poor little Aubrey (although she is quite the challenge.) Although I am responsible for my own feelings and behavior, I am still very, very angry regarding treatment of Gabbie’s death, my grief, and that other grave loss before I had Aubrey. I need lots of time. More time than anyone could possibly imagine.

That was my Gabbie.
That was my miscarriage.
This is my grief journey. Do not push me, please.

I pushed both Noah and Aubrey in the double-stroller around Lake Harriet twice this weekend. It’s only the 2nd or 3rd time I’ve been around the lake since Gabbie died. It's just too sad.


Here’s another one to add to the list of what not to say to the grieved parent.

“No one knows what to say.”

I know that. Even I struggle with what to say to the newly bereaved.

But please, let us express frustration with those who really, really do cross a line of decency.


Thank you so much for caring. Please know that I am far enough along in my grief journey to really care about your own trials.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:17 AM CDT


”Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;….” Titus 3:5

He does change us.


Aubrey was very excited for a sleepover at Auntie Sarah’s that was to be tonight with her cousin Elli. Sarah had to cancel it because Elli has something going on. It’s all Aubrey had been talking about. After Aubrey went to bed, we had to look for “Petey,” her favorite stuffed animal. I found Petey, packed away in the suitcase all set to go to Auntie Sarah’s. The site of her packed suitcase brought a lump to my throat.

I cried for Aubrey last night. Not because of the sleepover (which is only postponed for a week or so), but for everything she has been through. I have struggled, and struggled, and struggled with Aubrey since Gabbie’s cancer and death.

I’m so sorry, Aubrey.


It’s in the millions annually, right? Those children who starve to death…the human need for food not being met.

I wake and go to sleep daily without my need for Gabrielle being met. This unmet need increases daily and relentlessly.

God does change us. But people must understand that He does not change the bereaved parent in such a way that we do not need our children. I need her as much as you need your children.

His works of transformation are focusing on higher, spiritual needs.


Thank you, for being our friends. I wish everyone a safe weekend.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, July 23, 2003 9:39 AM CDT


”For we know that if our earthly house [our earthly body] of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house [our future glorified body] which is from heaven.” 2 Corinthians 5:1-2

While we know that the resurrection of the dead has not yet happened, it is possible, as a guest book signer recently noted, that Gabbie does have some type of heavenly body. I know for sure her soul is conscious and is very much joyfully basking in the presence of the Lord.

It doesn’t bother me at all that she might not be running around playing as children do. I am very much at peace to know that it is her soul that is so much alive….and singing praises to the Lord.


We had Father Kevin, from John’s church, over for dinner last night. I actually went to grade school with Father Kevin and he has been very understanding of my leaving for another church. He had just had a homily on how people frequently have surprise visitors when they have him over for dinner (to bring them back to the church, save them, etc.) I promised him no surprises and then a knock comes on the door and it is my brother, Joe, Noah’s godfather! However, Joe lives by us and his visits are always welcome.


“A day with out orange juice is like a day without sunshine.”

We live in such comfort (in America) that we make such claims. Then it leaves me without adequate expression as to what my days are like without Gabbie.


Thanks for sharing Gabbie’s journey!! I still hope and pray for all of you that no matter where you are in life that you find Christ, your only true Savior.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Tuesday, July 22, 2003 9:57 AM CDT


”When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.” Matthew 25:31

“What, are the angels with Him? Yet He does not take up angels; He takes up the seed of Abraham. Are the holy angels with Him? Come, my soul, then you cannot be far from Him. If His friends and neighbors [angels] are called together to see His glory, what do you think will happen if you are married to Him? Will you be distant? Though it will be the Day of Judgment, yet you cannot be far from the heart that, having admitted angels into intimacy, has admitted you into union. Has He not said to you, ‘I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the LORD.’ (Hos.2:20)?” Author – Charles Spurgeon, Grace & Power

We, as saints, have much to look forward to!


I never read the obits daily until Gabbie died.

Theresa Rose Clyde, only nine months, is now with Jesus. Her parents, while obviously deeply grieved, understand that she is a saint and that a child’s death is indeed a cross to bear.

”The mystery of her sudden death is the biggest cross we’ve ever had to bear, but we bear it in peace knowing she’s in heaven….For all who prayed for a miracle for her these past few days, please know many miraculous things have occurred – just not the exact miracle we wanted. May the whole communion of saints, especially Theresa Rose, pray for us….” Authors – The mother and father of Theresa Rose.


We are forever changed after high school.

We are forever changed after college.

We are forever changed after marriage.

We are forever changed after having children.

We are forever changed when a child dies. Wait a minute. This is not the same type of change and should never be thought of as such. This change is the most unwanted and excruciating change that could ever be.


Thank you for understanding so much! Thank you to someone special who left a very nice guest book entry for our dear friends, the Nielsen family.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Sunday, July 20, 2003 2:42 PM CDT


"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” 1 John 5:13

“Yet the way to be sure is not just to feel sure. Most people who are at the beginning of their Christian life make this mistake. They rely too much on their superficial feelings. One day they feel close to God; the next day they feel estranged from him again….The basis of our knowledge that we are in a relationship with God is not our feelings, but the fact that he says we are.” Author – John R.W. Stott, Basic Christianity


Most of Saturday was spent at a new membership seminar at Wooddale.

Something very odd happened. Upon arriving, I sat at a table with one other woman. Soon, another woman joined us. Something prompted her to tearfully share that her boyfriend’s young son just died of leukemia. Then I mentioned Gabbie. And then the other woman told us she too had lost a child. We were the only ones in the room to have lost a child and we all ended up at the same table.


Dear Gabbie: I miss you and long for you as much as ever. But, Gabbie, something has changed. In this pain that continues marching on, I no longer feel forsaken. He is here, allowing the pain to continue yet assuring me He has not forgotten.

However Gabbie, it will never be OK that you are gone. This must be accepted by others.


Thank you. Always reaching out to us in ways I never dreamed.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Friday, July 18, 2003 9:10 AM CDT


”For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

”’Ransom’ refers to the price paid to free a slave or a prisoner; ‘for’ means ‘in place of.’ Christ’s substitutionary death on behalf of those who would put their faith in Him is the most glorious, blessed truth in all of Scripture….The ransom was not paid to Satan….Satan is presented in Scripture as a foe to be defeated, not a ruler to be placated. The ransom price was paid to God to satisfy his justice and holy wrath against sin.” Author – John MacArthur, The MacArthur Study Bible


Noah had his 4-month check-up yesterday and all is well. He is growing like a weed, per the doctor. We have very caring doctors. We go to a clinic where there are about 20 pediatricians and we have two as our main doctors. The doctor who checked Noah went and informed the other main doctor that we were in the office and he stopped by our room to see how we are doing (they were both very touched by Gabbie).


It’s mighty hard to lose a child and grieve for a child in a society that idolizes cars. In fact, when I see the idolizing, it’s maddening.


Thanks to all those who have affirmed my mother’s love for my surviving children. I’m not sure what that guest book entry was all about.

Have a safe weekend and remember to seek the good Lord.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, July 17, 2003 10:35 AM CDT


”But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

I don’t believe Gabbie has her resurrected and glorified body yet. But I do know her soul is with the Lord and that her soul is very joyful.

Did you know that Matthew is the only gospel that mentions the resurrection of some saints right at the time Jesus died? ”And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose…” Matthew 27:52


The other night I was out pulling Aubrey and Noah in the wagon and we ran into an elderly woman who lives on the block. She used to talk to us all the time when I pushed Aubrey and Gabbie in the double-stroller. I mentioned to her that Gabbie died from cancer. She immediately went on and on about her 35-year battle with cancer. I told her I had no fear of cancer. She said, “Oh no, it could happen to you.” So I said I had no fear of what cancer could do to me. She said, “Oh no, it could be horrible….” She didn’t get it.

I have no fear of death.


I know your soul is resting with Jesus. But where are you, Gabbie?


Thank you, so much for sharing in this journey.

Thank you, to the friend who told me that Katherine Hepburn’s death was discussed on our local Christian radio station. I felt guilty for discussing her death. But now I know I am not the only one who shares these concerns.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:19 AM CDT


While at the lake, my sister-in-law, Auntie Kari, learned that one of her grandmothers had died. Before I had a chance to talk to Kari, I sent a card. I wasn’t sure what to write since I am forever stating we cannot assume everyone goes to heaven. So, I wrote that God keeps His promises for those who are His.

I was so relieved, however, to hear from Kari that her grandmother loved the Lord. And because of her love for the Lord, Kari’s grandmother did not fear her own death.

Remember that Psalm 23 tells us God’s children only have to walk through the “valley of the shadow of death.”


I now allow Aubrey to help me give Noah his nightly bath. I had only turned away for about five seconds and when I looked back at Noah his face and eyes were all red. I asked Aubrey what happened to Noah. She said, “I’ll show you.” She grabbed the soapy wash cloth and just shoved and smashed it into his face.

As soon as Noah’s eyes caught mine, he did the classical baby face. His lips smiled, then trembled, smiled, then trembled. Not sure if he should laugh or cry at this rough treatment.


Are people disappearing from earth? Since Gabbie’s death, I have not been able to find some of my friends. Where are they?

Well, at least God sent me new friends to replace the old ones.


Thanks to all of you for your wonderful support.

Also, I don’t want people to worry if you call Gabbie an angel. For I know you mean it figuratively and, of course, I know she is a saint.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Monday, July 14, 2003 8:24 PM CDT


MY CONFESSION IS…that I am a cynic. I’m not cynical about God but about the world and society. Ask my husband.

MY CONVICTION IS…. because I am so cynical, I could never believe in God or His Word or my salvation…by myself. But I am convicted in my knowledge and belief in His Word because it IS the work of the Holy Spirit. A cynic like me could never believe just because I wanted to. ESPECIALLY AFTER MY CHILD DIED!

This is not “If I can believe, anyone can believe.”

But rather…the only way a cynic like me can believe is because the Holy Spirit convicted me.

And I am so very convicted that I feel very compelled to share.

”In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.” Ephesians 1:13

By the way, Gabbie’s doctor was very, very convicted in his diagnosis of neuroblastoma. We did not want to hear such news. No we did not.

Should he, even in his strong convictions, have kept quiet?

Should I keep quiet?

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Sunday, July 13, 2003 1:50 PM CDT


What would my hope be based on? The comments of today’s fickle society?

I would most likely be referring to Gabbie in terms of the angelic. That is, if I was still here.

But in my mother’s fury and agony, I turned to His Word. I searched for her. And then I found her in His Word. His Saints!

Gabrielle is a saint!

”Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” Psalm 97:10

The saints are FOREVER and ALWAYS kept near God.

Most of the angelic beings are good. But some left God on their own accord. Obviously, God does not KEEP them the way He keeps His saints.

”And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:9


This weekend, with one car, a clutch car that John does not know how to drive (I choose my cars well – just kidding), we all went to church together. This time, I told John I would go to his church. I liked the sermon so well that I tapped John’s hand and gave him “the look.” It was an excellent sermon by a wonderful priest who always welcomes me with open arms.

I am, of course, still joining Wooddale. But I am glad both of us will always be welcome at either church.


Who are we? Just who are we, whether a grieving angel mama or a grieving saint mama?

We are…



Some of you read my writings for a glimpse of my spiritual or emotional state. Thank you so much for caring that much.

Thanks to all those who kept Aubrey happy and very safe at the lake!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Friday, July 11, 2003 10:05 AM CDT

Yes, I’ve already written another journal entry…yesterday’s was too negative.

With the exception of Aubrey’s homecoming, yesterday was a very bad day for me.

I am going to pray and make an attempt to write about some of God’s other attributes on Gabbie’s site. The softer ones…but not fluff (thanks, Nancy—if you read this).

Last night, I looked up in my topical index a subject that I thought would be safe. A scripture verse about His love for the saints. But I’ve trained myself to always read surrounding scripture so as to understand the context and there was the word “wickedness” one verse away. I closed the Bible and did not even do my daily reading.

I’m not mad at the Bible. Sometimes I’m so full of worry for this world my mind can think of nothing else. It’s time for a change.

Gabbie’s death is enough weight.

Have a great weekend. You are all wonderful people.


A tired, grieving mama

A tired, grieving mama who just wants everyone to see they need the grace of our merciful God.


Thursday, July 10, 2003 8:08 PM CDT


Those who have gone before me in grief always talked about the deep waves that hit you suddenly. It was so with me, yesterday. I was very excited to have Aubrey back, but hearing about everyone else’s grand happy time at the lake – with all their children intact – hit me hard. I don’t care one bit about the lake. But I miss my Gabbie terribly. Actually, terribly doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Maybe, too, Gabbie’s site is too much fire and brimstone.

Maybe I’m upset, because I have been reminded once again that some have such lives that daily heavy drinking is proudly worn as a badge of honor. I’m so tired of hearing about such easy living.

Maybe I'm upset because everything good I see in the Bible, seems to come with a warning for those who won’t accept those good things.

I love God and all His wonderful promises. But the world I see, and maybe I’m wrong, does not seem to love God and His wonderful promises. And that distresses me much.


Aubrey is crying. Noah is crying. John’s car has now broken down for the third weekend in a row.


I miss you, Saint Gabbie. Maybe if you were still here I wouldn’t be so weary. And so wary. And so tired of talking about the warnings.

But your death, dear Gabbie, reminds me all to often of how short life can be and that we never know when we will meet our Maker.


Thank you to all of you who patiently bear with me.

Have a safe weekend. And as always, seek Him. He loves it when you seek Him.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:16 AM CDT


A friend came to visit me the other day and we talked about something that is so very sad. It almost makes me want to get down on my knees in front of some people and beg and cry.

These children who die so young really are with the Lord. So what is so sad?

The false assumption that all parents also go to be with the Lord someday. Some will; some will not. We are born dead in sin and must be saved.

”And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;…” Ephesians 2:1

We are born walking towards hell, not heaven.

A child’s death, perhaps more than anything, perpetuates the false yet popular opinion that we all go to heaven.


Aubrey comes home today!


We are a menace on the roads. “Lost in thought” has its strongest meaning when applied to those who have lost a child.


Thank you so much for visiting Gabbie’s site today!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, July 9, 2003 9:27 AM CDT


I am forever shocked at the beliefs of some.

When I was about 7 months pregnant with Noah, I walked into a store where one of the workers was aware of Gabbie’s death. She told me that as soon as she saw me, she “felt” Gabbie’s soul was reincarnated into the new baby.

These people swear they have recollection of past lives. They possibly do. But it is the same employ used by spiritual mediums who communicate with the dead. Sadly, evil spirits are responsible for this.

I do not get angry with these people. If anything, I am very worried and sad for them.

I do get angry with myself, however. Am I denying Jesus as I stand there shocked and not tell them the real truth? What kind of Christian am I? Allowing these folks to continue in their scary blind walk.


Pictures of children carrying great weight always bother me. Today I saw the picture of the three-year old boy who was the solo survivor of the plane crash in Sudan (I think it was Sudan). He is burned and had a leg-amputated. His look…was Gabbie’s look.

So much, so young.


I have never been told this. But I know it’s out there and it happens to many. “Get on with your life!”

We do get on. But not in the way people want or expect. As if THEY know exactly how they would respond to their child’s death.


Thanks to all of you who look at your own child and project Gabbie’s death onto that child. And then you turn to me and know what to say!

Thanks, Mari Beth, for the visit and ALL that you’ve done.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Tuesday, July 8, 2003 9:53 AM CDT


”And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours: and their works do follow them.” Revelation 14:13

Sadly, if one does not die in the Lord, none of the good works done during one’s lifetime will follow.

Joyfully, those that die in the Lord have their good works follow them!


We miss you, Aubrey. That “in-your-face” loving that sometimes drives your mama crazy is now noticeably absent. But we are glad you are having fun at the lake!


It is said that we all march to the beat of our own drummers.

When she died, my drummer died.

I have a new drummer, now. His beat is forever out of sync with mainstream society.


Thanks to all of you for your good deeds. I hope you have insured that they follow you into your own eternity!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Sunday, July 6, 2003 12:48 AM CDT

Most of today’s journal can be credited to what we heard in church today.


I hardly ever talk about His love. He loves His children more than any of us could ever possibly imagine.

His greatest commandment to us is also about love.

”Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.”
Matthew 22:36-38


John actually went to Wooddale with me today. No, he is not leaving the Catholic Church. But this is the second weekend in a row that his car broke down so he decided to go with me. He liked the music but missed tradition.

We brought Noah and dropped him off at the nursery. Wooddale gives parents a vibrating beeper in case of an emergency. Our beeper went off right during the last few minutes of service. It was no emergency but for some reason Noah’s diaper leaked and he was very wet! I hadn’t packed an extra outfit.

Aubrey is in Alexandria at Lake Carlos where my side of the family (about 60-80 people!) is spending the week. Auntie Sarah graciously volunteered to bring and watch over Aubrey.


God did NOT NEED Gabbie in heaven.

But He certainly does LOVE Gabbie.

He loves her more than I do.


Thank you for keeping Gabbie’s journey alive and so full of hope and eternal life!! Thanks again for visiting Jacob Levercom’s site.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, July 3, 2003 8:29 PM CDT


We do not labor for salvation. We do labor for rewards.

”Now that he planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.” 1 Corinthians 3:8

Credit to Christian Life Outlines and Study Notes, The Open Bible


The pain is the same. She is missed even more.


I’m ready for God to start showing me my purpose in life. On His timetable, of course.


I get out and about more. Not because the pain has lessened but because I am less wary of being out in public with the pain.


Thanks to so many for going to Jacob Levercom’s site. A special thanks to those who even signed his guest book.

Have a safe weekend and a safe 4th!!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, July 2, 2003 5:48 PM CDT


”For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

“The grace of God is nothing less than the unlimited love of God expressed in the gift of His Son, our Savior. It is the undeserved love of God toward sinners.” Author – Christian Life Outlines and Study Notes, The Open Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers

Maybe some of us see and accept His grace easier than others because we know how much we NEED it. I absolutely hate some of my past sins…but must say memories of them make me grab onto His grace with much grateful enthusiasm.


A motionless body. Life sustained only by machines. Swollen and closed eyelids. And unbeknownst to parents at the time, a child marching to an all too early death.

When I went to the photo page, I cried. I tried to explain to Aubrey why I was crying. This child’s PICU photos were so much like Gabrielle’s.

Little Jacob Levercom died June 15th. Please visit his CaringBridge site at


Someone told me they were “too busy” to acknowledge Gabbie’s death anniversary. I never expected acknowledgement. But I never expected to hear the words “too busy” as the reason for no acknowledgement either.


We thank you so much for your support. I’m really hoping some now go and offer support to Jacob’s family.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Tuesday, July 1, 2003 7:44 PM CDT


”But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14

If you don’t read the Word in earnest seeking of God, it can seem like foolishness. If you read it earnestly, however, you will have great joy over the nuggets more precious than gold that you find.

“The Bible is a difficult book because it came from the infinite to the finite, from the unlimited all-powerful God, to limited man.” Author – Christian Life Outlines and Study Notes, The Open Bible

But no one warned me about the converse of this truth. Reading secular materials sometimes seems like gibberish to me. I truly don’t understand. Like the reporter who today stated that millions of us who never met Katherine Hepburn are now diminished in her death. WHY ARE WE DIMINISHED?


We should probably ask permission to do this. There is a kidney dialysis clinic within walking distance of our house. Aubrey always drags me there on our walks so she can run up and down the very exaggerated wheelchair entrance that zig-zags at the front entrance. We even have foot races, which I lose for Aubrey’s sake and because I am out of shape.


Sometimes I feel like quitting all the tasks at hand and walking out the door. Gabrielle, please come back.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site. She is a heavenly witness. Please make sure you meet her some day. I really, really want YOU to meet her.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Monday, June 30, 2003 5:42 PM CDT


”….I don’t fear the next world, or anything. I don’t fear hell, and I don’t look forward to heaven.” Author – Katharine Hepburn to the Associated Press in a 1990 interview.

I cannot speak for the recently departed Katharine Hepburn’s heart (and would never presume to know anyone’s relationship with Christ). But when I read her words from a literal perspective, I was not very comfortable. Her words seemed distant and lukewarm to Christ.

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold not hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukeward, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out my mouth.”
Revelation 3:15-16


I am considering sharing my faith story at a future service at Wooddale Church. Fortunately, I’ve learned they go over your script several times.

I think I have about nine weeks left of maternity leave. As usual, I approach all major changes in life with mixed feelings. It will be good to have a regular paycheck again. It will be good to have adult interaction again. But Gabbie will be even further back in my life.


When out and about in public I frequently run into children her age. I have to grit my teeth when I see them cry over little things. Gabbie never got to cry over little things.


Thank you, so much. My faithful friends.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Sunday, June 29, 2003 8:53 PM CDT


”He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them [the tares] up?

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

Let them both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”
Matthew 13:28-30

“The separation of the one or the other [the wicked and the good] would be beyond the wisdom of the servants.” Author – Herbert Lockyer, All the PARABLES of the Bible

We live in a world where evil constantly mingles with the good.

For now.


We had been praying for “wacky” people for several nights in a row. I finally asked John why Aubrey prays for “wacky” people. John had told her to pray for the Iraqi’s.


The remembrance of her silent tears are far worse than those that were not silent.


Thanks for the support and prayers.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Friday, June 27, 2003 9:28 AM CDT


I think so much of this heaven and hell issue. So often we hear “God would never send anyone to hell. Maybe the key word, rather than send, is choice. Who would choose hell, you say? Maybe hell is chosen by default…when you don’t choose Jesus Christ.

We know for certain that hell exists and some are going there. That alone should be enough to make all of us seek Him.


I’ve started the process to join Wooddale Church. And what a process that is!

I’ve given much thought as to what a split-church family will do to Aubrey and Noah. I’ve determined that if John and I work really hard at it, we can do this so that in the long run, Aubrey and Noah will benefit. Aubrey has already been to one Sunday school class and she enjoyed it very much.

We will teach them that working together with some differences can be done as long as we always put God first.

Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3


Aubrey is a mighty challenge. This challenge never stressed me until Gabbie died.


Thank you, as always. We hope and pray you all have a safe weekend.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, June 26, 2003 9:12 AM CDT


As I was feeding Noah and watching T.V., curiosity made me listen to a well-known preacher from a “name it and claim it” church near Atlanta, GA. He was pounding into his congregation over and over that you can not have a harvest without seed.


But he was claiming that “seed” was money.

In the parable of the seed and harvest, Mark 4:26-29, seed is the “Word of God,” and harvest is “the end of each man’s life….” Credit to Herbert Lockyer, All the PARABLES of the Bible

Remember, let Gabbie’s death remind you that we never know when we will be harvested.


Because of her death, I think of Him all the time.

Thank you, Gabrielle, for saturating my mind with God.


Thank you so much. John also thanks you as he knows I get so much from all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:53 AM CDT


$10.7 million dollars. C.S. Lewis stated that humans are fickle. So is the substance of the things we build with our hands. A fire burned to the ground the $10 million-plus West River Commons ongoing building project in Saint Paul. I imagine there are some very upset investors.

”Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

”A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” Proverbs 13:22

Do you love your children? Then please do not teach them to love money. May they be wise with their money, but not in love with their money.


Noah laughs so very easily. Bring him to the bathroom mirror and stand him on the vanity and he just adores himself!

Noah’s easy laughter always reminds me how much Gabrielle did not laugh. At this same age as Noah, we had yet to even see one tiny glimmer of a smile from her.


The sad melodies of some songs on the radio just have to be turned off.


Thank you so much for visiting!

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah


Monday, June 23, 2003 8:27 PM CDT


A new friend of mine commenting on salvation shared that before she was saved, someone laughed at her and said he was “going to heaven” and that she was “going to hell.”

No true Christian would ever laugh at the prospect of someone going to hell. Even if we don’t like people, we never wish them eternal condemnation. We may worry that some are going to hell, but it is no laughing matter. Ever.

”So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 13:49-50


“’[T]he furnace of fire’ denotes the fierceness of the torment: the ‘wailing’ signifies the anguish this causes: while ‘the gnashing of teeth’ is a graphic way of expressing despair in which its remedilessness issues….’” Author – Herbert Lockyer, All the PARABLES of the Bible, and quoting AR Fausset


Maybe instead of branding me as “socially difficult,” it could instead be realized that my difficult journey is sometimes troublesome. Yes, I have been blunt.


I care so much, because you care.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Monday, June 23, 2003 9:54 AM CDT


While I do not believe she understands the true meaning of what she said, Aubrey told me that she will love me more in heaven than she does here. (Maybe that is her way of making me feel better since on most days she loves the cat MORE than me.)

However, it is true that we will love each other more in heaven because we will not be encumbered with any of the baggage that is in this life. We will know each other with a pure love not known on earth.

”For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12


I don’t know if I am more fearful for her or for him. Aubrey, as she is running at breakneck speed down a slight incline on our block, wearing sandals that would make me fall. Or poor Noah, who is actually in the wagon behind Aubrey. I can only see Noah’s innocent baby hands waving up over the sides of the wagon.

We have already started playing a few “don’t tell daddy” games!


You can speak her name. In fact, it’s very kind of you if you do.


You are my circle of friends. Thank you.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Friday, June 20, 2003 9:18 AM CDT


”These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on earth.” Hebrews 11:19

“Heaven is not here, it’s There. If we were given all we wanted here, our hearts would settle for this world rather than the next. God is forever luring us up and away from this one, wooing us to Himself and His still invisible Kingdom, where we will certainly find what we so keenly long for.” Author – Elisabeth Elliot, Keep a Quiet Heart

Personally, I felt I was already being lured to Heaven before Gabbie fell ill and died. But now the pull is very strong and always present.


This morning Aubrey was watching me change Noah’s diaper. It really didn’t smell too bad but Aubrey ran to get some room freshener spray anyway. I must have been lost in thought because I didn’t notice what she was doing until I saw her spraying it directly on to Noah’s private parts!


My spirit sometimes soars. But it can come crashing down when I bring myself back to this earthly present where she is missing.


We hope and pray that you all have a safe weekend. Remember, we really are strangers on earth.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:39 AM CDT


”The eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:27

I know she is in the arms of an eternal God.

Just who is this eternal God? My tiny human finite mind can sometimes comprehend eternity future but never the eternal past. He always was. I believe but cannot understand.


Noah is, well, an average baby. He is easy to laugh but also easy to cry.

How odd, both the girls were frequently mistaken for boys when they were this age. And now Noah is sometimes mistaken for a girl! I could see it with Aubrey and Gabbie but Noah really does look like a boy.


For John, Aubrey, and Noah:

”Surely, Lord, they know
if one of them had died instead,
I would have been just as devastated.


Author – Margaret B. Spiess


How can we ever possibly thank you all?

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:36 AM CDT


I’ve shared so much I might as well share my latest project.

Some people might remember that I was very upset by the remarks of a representative of a church. He came to visit us at the hospital and the first thing he said as he came into Gabbie’s room was “This is God’s way of weeding out the week.” He was looking right at Gabbie as he spoke those cruel words.

What I did not previously share was that later on in that very same visit he also stated that we “came from apes,” and that when God was pleased enough (with evolution??) he finally gave us souls.

I am going to write a gentle letter to this church representative. I will use Scripture to show why I disagree with his comments. My hope is that he never again is so misguided when visiting parents with a severely ill child.

”So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27


I’ll never know that feeling again. The feeling you have when you wake up in the morning and go to bed at night knowing that all your children are still alive.


Thank you so much for your support. I am very glad that this sometimes causes people to think about their relationship with God and Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Monday, June 16, 2003 7:54 PM CDT


I’ve often wondered if some think that a personal claim to salvation is arrogant. It’s not. It is complete trust in the Lord and realizing how blessed one is to have that salvation.

“Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” Romans 4:7-8


The littlest things can trigger very heavy emotions and downslides.

I sometimes feel like a hypocrite. Talking and talking about God even though my heart is so heavy. Fortunately, I read once that one of my favorite Christians from days of old suffered from depression. Yet he talked and talked about God also.


Without her, life doles out pockets of boredom so very severe it’s frightening. Even when I’m busy.


Thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for caring.

Pray for another family. A beautiful boy named Colby Cole just died from JMML. (It’s some form of juvenile leukemia.) Their site is

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie and Noah


Sunday, June 15, 2003 4:11 PM CDT


”Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.” Matthew 13:44

Salvation is such a wonderful treasure. It keeps me from going insane in her absence.


A little bit of pride, a little bit of fear. That is what I saw on the faces of my handsome young nephew, Joey, and my daughter, Aubrey, as they walked down the aisle as ring-bearer and flower girl. They were so cute!

We attended a Paquette wedding this weekend. John was the best man (the groom was his nephew). It was a very beautiful wedding with a lot of special thought.


Her wedding day…vanished….


Thank you. You’ve made such a difference in our lives.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie and Noah


Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:34 PM CDT



If God is all-powerful, couldn’t He just freely forgive? Why did Jesus have to be crucified?

”God cannot deal with sin except as in His holiness He perceives it. If He did not punish it, or make adequate satisfaction for it, then He would be forgiving it unjustly….

God exercises all His attributes in harmony with each other. His holiness demands atonement, or as we call it, a penalty for sin. His amazing love provides the payment. God’s attributes of love and holiness never violate one another, nor are they antagonistic to each other.”
Author: Paul E. Little, Know What You Believe

This is why I worry for souls. All of God’s attributes not only work in harmony but He is ALWAYS true to each of them. We may be fickle, but He is not.


I went to another funeral today. My friend Janine Nielsen, Steven’s mom, lost her mother. The Nielsens have had three deaths in less than 14 months. Steven’s dad, Mike, gave a wonderful eulogy. I wasn’t at all surprised to learn that Janine’s mother was a kind and gentle soul.


I am sure that all the mothers who come to this Web page have done this. Before Gabbie was even diagnosed, I used to look at them and cause torment by wondering who I would choose if one of them had to die.

And look what happened. One of them died. But there was no choice involved in this death.


Thank you for all your support.

We hope you all have a safe weekend in this so very rough world. I also pray that one more person give their life to God.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:04 PM CDT


Despair, utter despair. Sadness, anger, hurt, shock, denial, furious rage, and anxiety.

Those are the feelings you have when your child dies. There simply is not one positive feeling.

So how on earth could I have turned to the very God that allowed her to die when all the feelings were so negative?

Because He draws us to Him.

”All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37


We are simply waiting for summer weather. And waiting.

Aubrey is now out of daycare with the exception of Wednesdays. Today, I took her to daycare and she was very excited because Noah came with as her “show and tell.”


When a child dies, I think people either slow down to a depressed state, or speed up with edgy and nervous energy.


Gabrielle would graciously thank you. She also wants to make sure you get “dere,” and join her some day.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Tuesday, June 10, 2003 6:38 PM CDT


After Gabbie died, society told me that Gabbie was in heaven. Most people I know are willing to talk about heaven. So why are so many very uncomfortable with stating that they are “saved,” or “born-again?” You have to get to heaven somehow!!

”…Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” John 3:3

Would you make vacation plans without any mode of transportation? Isn’t your eternity far more important than an earthly vacation?


Today I went to visit some wonderful friends of ours. This family has in some ways shared our journey as they too lost a child. But they have also suffered much other loss and we just wonder why these things keep happening to our gentle friends. Why?


Their bald heads are so vulnerable. Their vulnerability provokes a deep, deep sadness within me.


As always, you will never know how much you mean to us.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Monday, June 9, 2003 8:35 AM CDT


”They lifted up the cross with Him on it, and then they dashed it down into its place in the ground, so that all His limbs were dislocated. This was done in accordance with Scripture: ‘I am poured out like water, and all My bones are out of joint.’ Psalm 22:14 ….The weight of His body was first sustained by His feet, until the nails tore through the tender nerves; then the painful load began to weigh on His hands and tear that sensitive flesh. How awful must have been the torment caused by that dragging iron tearing through delicate parts of the hands and feet!” Author: Charles Spurgeon, Grace & Power

He did this for you.

Do you hear His father’s call?


The visit to Children’s wasn’t too bad but I was anxious to leave. We did not get to see any of Gabbie’s primary nurses but did see her doctor, Dr. Bostrom, and some of her other caretakers.

I also went to church for the first time after a long absence. Wooddale Church is very large but I met up with a very nice family that we got to know during Gabbie’s illness. Never thought while I was growing up Catholic that I would some day be very drawn to the Baptist faith!


Our home becomes very silent when infomercials for pediatric cancer are on T.V.


Thank you. We pray for you even as you pray for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and Noah


Friday, June 6, 2003 9:21 AM CDT


Many, many months ago I wrote about my conversion experience on this site. I want to make clear that this wasn’t something based on a “warm fuzzy.”

On that summer night in 1997, as I was reading the Bible, God did not give me a warm rush or goosebumps. God FLOODED MY INTELLECT WITH KNOWLEDGE OF MY PERSONAL SALVATION. He imparted to me 100% assurance that I was saved and would be kept by Him forever.

We humans should never trust just our emotions when it comes to God.

I know I am saved.

Do you know? If not, please seek Him for your 100% assurance in salvation.


I tell Aubrey all the time that “we live in a very rough world.”

Last night my husband woke me up a little after midnight because he heard a spray of gunfire. We really do live in a decent neighborhood…but we are also walking distance to some of the rougher parts of Minneapolis.

John went to investigate (yes, he did) and there was a drive-by shooting at a gas station about six blocks from our house. A car was riddled with bullets and John even found some of the shell-casings for the police. My husband is a “police-junky.”

As John filled me in this morning on everything, I realized I wasn’t even worried even though we have two young children. Gabbie’s death has made me accept that God is in complete control.


I sometimes get frustrated when it seems that society confuses my emotional pain with spiritual pain.


We hope you all have a safe weekend in this very rough world. We thank you again for all the support and I wish I could somehow do the same for you.

I know you all have your own trials and tribulations. I really do like it when you share them with me, whether by e-mail or in the guest book. I would love to pray for people who have specific issues.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Thursday, June 5, 2003 9:01 AM CDT


God. Because He is my heavenly father.

Grace. Because I need God’s grace every day.

Gabrielle. Because her goodness showed me just how desperately I need God’s grace.

And she completes the circle.

God. Grace. Gabrielle.


My dad and I and Noah are going to Children’s Hospital today. We are going to be delivering the gifts purchased via Gabbie’s Gifts and from the donations of Michael Campbell and Elizabeth Denzer. We are also bringing cookies for the entire floor.

Speaking of Gabbie’s Gifts, my dad is doing some research for me on a Minnesota charitable umbrella foundation that we may be able to funnel donations through. If it works, we would not have to do the filing for exemption yet the donations would be tax deductible if they went through the foundation first. I didn’t explain this well.


We all sometimes divide our lives into before and after. Such as before marriage and after marriage.

Gabbie’s death has all but severed the connection between the person I am now and the person I was before her death.


Thanks to a seven-year old boy in California. I do not know him, but was told he is praying for us.


Wednesday, June 4, 2003 9:12 AM CDT


”For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

How could He allow such tragedy? We have to remember that where our knowledge ends, His just begins. This is related to the reference to two other children noted below.


Our marriage is very strong. (Thank you, dear John)

Our home probably seems like that of any other household with young children.

Our home still holds, however, tremendous pain.

Our home is graced with a painting of two beautiful girls, one of whom we will never see again in this life.

I am going to church this weekend for the first time since July. I tried four times after she died and was overwhelmed. I am going to try Wooddale and will be meeting some wonderful friends.

We believe in God even more.


Today’s In Memoriam section in the Star Tribune includes the beautiful pictures of Madison and Parker Turner. They died last year in a van fire.

I think of the sufferings of other children all the time.

Oh dear God, did you take them before they felt the fiery pain of fire? Please, did you take them?


Andrea, thank you for lunch and friendship!

Jennifer, I’m so sorry about your mother. Let me know if you ever want to talk. You’ve been very supportive.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah


Tuesday, June 3, 2003 8:45 AM CDT


If the gates of heaven held a sign that said “Goodness Required,” I would be at the end of the line or maybe not in line at all.

If the gates of heaven held a sign that said, “Believe God Exists,” why, we would be sharing a line with Satan.

But if the gates of heaven held a sign that said, “For my Elect; By my Grace and Mercy,” I would know I was in the right line. But His free gift of mercy asks for repentance.

”Sin and hell are married unless repentance proclaims the divorce.” Author – Charles Spurgeon


“Just don’t step on his head.” Poor Noah. That’s about the only directive that Aubrey will listen to and so anything else goes. It’s good for him!


”We are watched.” Author – A grieving mama and a friend


Did you all know that you are shaping me? Sometimes people leave compliments in the guest book that are so kind. Did you know that it is because of YOUR support! Your kindness, thoughtfulness, and willingness to share in this journey have made a powerful impact on my life.

You are the ones who are incredible.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah


Monday, June 2, 2003 9:35 AM CDT


Our Noah really is becoming a bundle of laughter. He is also a bundle of fussy in the evenings but sometimes if you go show him his friend, the blue lampshade, he’ll start laughing through his tears.

Due to an unexpected crisis, Aubrey will have one more week of daycare and then I will be home with both of them.


While the above-mentioned crisis was mine, it of course impacted the entire family. We have weathered the crisis, with much help. But there are times that you wonder how God could possibly think you have the strength to endure.

”Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.” James 5:11


I am not a courageous person. However, it took a tremendous amount of courage to walk into the doors of West Group on my first day back after her death. (I’ve said before, I work with wonderful people, that is not the issue.)

We hear how uncomfortable people are around us. We rarely hear about how uncomfortable it is for us.


A very special thanks to all those who helped us out this weekend. I know that my family was in good hands.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Wednesday, May 28, 2003 7:24 PM CDT


I have a dance with God.

He draws me near…..But you allowed her to die…He draws me near…But you allowed her to SUFFER and then die….He draws me near…But you allowed nine rounds of horrible chemo and then let her die…He draws me near.

He allows this going back and forth; never really letting go of me.

”And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me.” Jeremiah 32:40

Gabbie’s death is so painful for me that I could never be good enough to choose God on my own. He does it for me.


Aubrey is finishing up her last week at daycare. I feel Aubrey has been through so much and hope to really work with her this summer. We’ve allowed her to get a little too wild. I often wonder how different Aubrey might be today if she had not lost her sister. She would be Aubrey; but I know she would be different.


Last week I called one of my sisters-in-law, Debbie Paquette. I wanted to make sure she knew how grateful I was for something she did the day Gabbie died. When Gabbie took her last breath in my arms, Debbie was kneeling right next to me. Debbie cried out louder than I did.

When children come to us with a badly scraped knee, we do not show horror on our faces otherwise we would frighten them needlessly. But a child’s death truly is horror and why should we be stoic about it?

Thank you, Debbie, for weeping with me.


Thanks to all those who understand that sometimes we get angry.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah


Tuesday, May 27, 2003 2:00 PM CDT


Someday Noah is going to arch himself right out of…the bouncy, a car seat, the changing pad. I don’t remember the girls doing that. He seems very strong. He can stand up for long periods of time and I will help balance with only one hand.

He is still on pretty good terms with our friendly blue lampshade.

1,000? 100? 10?….NO, JUST ONE!

I believe that heaven will rejoice when 1,000 sinners repent.

I believe that heaven will rejoice when 100 sinners repent.

I believe that heaven will rejoice when 10 sinners repent.

No, His word tells us that heaven will rejoice when even just ONE sinner repents.

”Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repententh.” Luke 15:10


I feel very disconnected from our fun-loving, pleasure-seeking society.


A special thanks to Godmother Elizabeth and the rest of the Denzer family for placing the memoriam for Gabbie in the paper. We are running ours tomorrow (Wednesday).

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah.


Sunday, May 25, 2003 11:29 AM CDT


Some of you may have seen the signature of “Yolanda Rogers” in CaringBridge guestbooks. Yolanda also has a Web site for Anna, her beautiful daughter. Like Gabbie, Anna left this life way too soon.

Although Yolanda is probably much more gracious in her grief than I am, she too shares a GRAVE concern for the salvation of others and is using her daughter’s story to lead others to God. An incredible measure of faith was given to Anna from God. Yolanda has created a beautiful new Web page, and after much prayer, she has chosen some links to other Web sites, including Gabrielle’s. (See

Because I cannot stand the thought that so many seem blind to the free gift of eternal life, I have decided to continue to use Gabbie’s site. To journal grief, yes, but more importantly to use Gabbie’s story for a purpose. For God’s Glory. (If God doesn't want to use Gabbie's story...guess what...He won't!!)

May God grant John and me discernment to the truth and only the truth.



”For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

Gabbie is in heaven. Gabbie was a very, very good little girl. BUT SHE IS ONLY THERE BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE. FOR HIS GLORY.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah

Friday, May 23, 2003 9:56 AM CDT


When we watched Gabbie fight her illness daily, it felt as if my spirit was pushing and shoving the human part of me to accept her cancer.

And now in her death, it feels as though my spirit has to drag a limp and almost lifeless body.

”…The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.” Mark 14:38

I used to laugh when I shared pictures of Gabbie. I would comment that she was my “pregnant toddler.”

But now my memory replays those awful words, “She has a tumor….it’s so big you don’t want to see it.” It’s not funny anymore. Gabrielle most likely had more discomfort than pregnant women feel in their ninth month. It’s only one of many reasons why my spirit is dragging the rest of me along.


Don’t let the sufferings of little children pass you by. Do more than hug the ones you love. Let their death make you think about your own appointment with death. We all know there is nothing more sure than death.

”Men have been helped to live by remembering that they must die.” Author – Charles Spurgeon


We hope everyone has a safe weekend. We pray for you!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:39 AM CDT


I think, but I’m not sure, that someone questioned my absence at Gabbie’s grave on her anniversary. I’m sorry, but I just cannot go.

Gabbie’s grave is symbolic of the fact that we lost the battle. Death is not our friend. God did not lovingly create Gabbie in the womb only to have her body cruelly ravaged by cancer.

Gabbie bravely fought a very painful battle and she lost. The price to John and me is very, very dear.

”He wanted it [death] to seize our attention, shake our souls, and ENRAGE our passions.” Author – Rick Taylor, When Life is Changed Forever

”I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live.” Ezekiel 18:32

To say that Gabbie won her battle is to deny the reality of death. But John and I are FULLY ASSURED that He will win the war.


A lamp with a blue shade. Noah will stare and smile and laugh at one the lamps in our house as if it is his best friend.


I took Noah to West yesterday. Thanks to all those who came to visit us!! You guys have always been so supportive.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 10:18 AM CDT


Yesterday I asked John what he thinks Gabbie would tell us if she could send a brief message. He thought she would tell us that she is safe and in a wonderful place. And she probably would tell us that.

We often hear that our child “would want us to be happy.” I agree that Gabbie does not want us to be miserable. But if I had to guess, I would say that Gabbie would tell us to “keep your eyes on the cross.”

You only wish that those you left behind would know how important it was to be faithful to Christ….You weep as you think of all the people still on earth who most probably will not be there. You know that you would weep forever except that God comes to wipe the tears from your eyes.” Author: Erwin W. Lutzer, One Minute After You Die


One day I kept looking for a rank smell in our home. That night, as Noah was waving his balled fists before my face, I recalled that babies not only have toe-jam, but also finger-jam and neck-jam. He gets bathed every day but those tightly balled fists are almost impossible to pry open.

Noah is doing well and, so far, Aubrey still loves him.


I can’t believe how many of you still come to this site. Thank you so much!!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9:04 AM CDT


”’The LORD hath appeared of old onto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn thee.’ Jeremiah 31:3

That’s a strange way to show love, taking him away from this life he enjoyed so much. But wait—I’m forgetting that it’s heaven you drew him to.

I get confused, Lord.”
Author – Margaret B. Spiess, Cries From the Heart


“Gabbie is in a much better place.”

“You [me] have so much to live for even though Gabbie is not here. God has a wonderful life planned for you.”

So Gabbie is possibly missing out on a wonderful life????

Sorry, I get confused, Lord.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah

Monday, May 19, 2003 5:20 PM CDT


As I knew we would, we survived Saturday.

We thank all the friends and family who remembered and honored Gabbie on that day. Most of the Totalls went to the cemetery and Aunties Sarah and Kari helped Gabbie’s cousins decorate the road up and down near Gabbie’s grave in chalk and later released balloons. They then went on to Tom and Kari’s house for dinner.

Some of the Paquettes also went to the cemetery and to mass in honor of Gabbie. Gabbie’s godmother and her family came to our house afterwards and we played “Gabbie’s Song” for them. And that is when I broke down. The song (we are working on getting copies ready for sale) really is beautiful and it hit all of us very, very hard.

I did not join in any of the activities as I still struggle very much with doing something ceremonial BECAUSE Gabbie died. I still cannot believe my daughter is gone.

I survived Saturday because it is like most other days…very, very hard. I doubt I will ever compartmentalize (which is what OTHERS want you to do) my grief for Gabbie. That is, I will not pull out the grief during certain times then put it away.


A year has passed and I can still sense someone waiting. Please stop waiting for me to tell you it is OK. Her death and suffering are bad enough. But her absence is what is hardest.

I will come to an acceptance of her death (because it was the door to heaven) and her suffering (because God will work it out for good).

But the pain of Gabbie’s absence will only deepen.


Really, thank you so much for remembering Gabbie and honoring her memory.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Saturday, May 17, 2003 8:14 AM CDT


We long for the presence of your quiet gentleness every single day, hour, and minute.

Your beautiful and solemn eyes still haunt us and probably always will.

You suffered with endless grace which makes us strive all the more to have some of the same.

Your short life introduced us to some incredible people.

Your fight with cancer tested our faith and was very painful; however, we say with confidence that your death is a test of faith a million times greater.

A year means nothing. You left us yesterday.

You are missed, oh little gentle one. So very, very much.


”May we all see in each other that which we saw in Gabbie, the face of God.” Author - Uncle David Paquette


Choosing us to be the parents of a very, very special child.

Guiding our story to KARE 11 so that we can share Gabbie’s short life with thousands of others.

Getting us through each day no matter how deep (especially mama) we dive into the depths of despair.

Making sure we hear His gentle call even in the face of unimaginable pain.

Giving us Aubrey and Noah.

Assuring us that Saint Gabbie is in His loving arms.

Being our Father.



We couldn’t possibly thank our family and friends (you know who you are) enough for your loving and unconditional support. If we try to list individuals here, I fear so much we may leave someone out. Each of you helps us in different ways. Whether it is picking up Aubrey, signing the guest book, praying for us, checking up on me, sending cards, sending chemo angel messages, visiting, etc., we thank you. We also thank the grandparents whom we know would have given their own lives for Gabbie.

We can never thank you enough.

….oh little gentle one…we miss you so much…we miss you forever…until we meet again…we wish for you the brightest crown…

Mama, Dadda, Aubrey, and Noah

Friday, May 16, 2003 9:30 AM CDT


If you have always come to Gabbie’s site for the personal story only (which I know sometimes I turned into a soap opera with my rantings and ravings of grief), please read this short message today for Gabbie’s memory.

Tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of Gabbie’s death and we will put out a special journal entry. But as I did at her funeral, I plead with you again as to what you can do for us.


I love you all for telling me so often how Gabbie has changed your lives. I appreciate it when you tell me you hug your children more often.

But please, please let Gabbie’s so very unexpected short life be a reminder that WE ALL have to meet our eternal destiny some day. Please be AFRAID of hell; do not be neutral to what Scripture tells us is very TRUE. Turn to the Savior. John’s and my joy will be great when we see all the joy the Lord has set before us when we get to heaven. Our joy will be great when we reunite with Gabbie.

However, our joy will be without description when we meet the souls called to God…through Gabbie’s story.


Gabbie is no longer with us. But we know her crown is shining so very bright.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Noah….and SAINT GABBIE!

Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:14 AM CDT


A year has passed and certainly changes have occurred. The shock of having my so very young daughter suffer and then die in my arms has lessened. But shock is not pain. Oh, the pain has only deepened every day as the reality of what “forever” in this life means is absorbed more and more.

Relationships are forever changed and just as I have to accept Gabbie’s absence and the pain that comes with it, others have to accept the changed relationship.

Please do not ask “When are you coming back?” It takes all I have not to say, “When is Gabbie coming back?”


We have asked Gabbie’s godmother, John’s niece Elizabeth, to be Noah’s godmother. We have asked my brother Joe (“tickle me, Joe”) to be Noah’s godfather. My brother Tom is Gabbie’s godfather and I took advantage of his very easygoing nature…we asked Joe to be Noah’s godfather because he developed such a special relationship with Gabbie. (Joe would always tickle her with a stuffed bunny when he visited us at the hospital.)


With the exception of putting a tribute on the Web to Gabbie, I am treating Saturday as a normal day. I cannot do anything of a ceremonial nature related to the death of a child. While I will be so aware of what the day is, I am not even going to the grave and have never been there since the day she was buried.

Several of my family members are meeting at Gabbie’s grave and are having dinner after. I appreciate those who continue to pay respect to Gabbie’s life.


Thank you so much for sharing our journey for almost a year!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 7:30 PM CDT


Maybe we shouldn’t write in our CB journals during the week of the anniversary of our child’s death. As John and I were talking tonight at dinner I realized this morning’s journal might have appeared as if I am not aware of all our blessings.

We have been very blessed in many ways. Saturday’s journal entry will obviously be in memory of Gabbie but will focus on thanks.

God is slowly putting an assurance on my mind that Gabbie has a wonderful place in his Kingdom. A place so wonderful that IF I saw it I would not want to bring her back.

But as my good friends remind me, no matter what I am feeling, God has ALWAYS, ALWAYS been there. He is a mighty, wonderful God. All-powerful, holy, just, loving, merciful and so much more. And we don’t even deserve it. He just happens to choose to give it to us out of Grace.

Gabbie's Grieving Mama

Tuesday, May 13, 2003 9:53 AM CDT


It has taken me almost a year to realize that there is a rule in the aftermath of a child’s death for drunk drivers. They are excused.

Imagine that while driving, an extremely intense storm (a child’s death) comes up. The driver in front of you swerves uncontrollably (the nice people struggling to acknowledge your child’s death) but you understand they are doing their best and you are VERY grateful. Then along comes a drunk driver who hits your car and kills your passenger (the significance of the child in your life).

Guess what everyone does when you express frustration or anger? They excuse the drunk drivers because of the storm. The drunk drivers are allowed to slink off with all the decent rule-abiding drivers.

We who lose children fully understand that people do not know what to say. Even I still do not know what to say to the newly bereaved. But sometimes there are very unfortunate and extremely unnecessary incidents that happen in addition to our child’s death.

God wants us to forgive and I really will work on that. But it will take me a very long time to recover. It’s not just anger…it’s a very, very deep hurt. If taking a long, long time to recover from deep hurt is a sin, then I accept God’s dealing with me for that sin. But it is between God and me.


”There is no doctrine which I would more willingly remove from Christianity than the doctrine of hell, if it lay in my power. But it has the full support of Scripture and, especially, of our Lord’s own words; it has always been held by the Christian Church, and it has the support of reason.” Author – C.S. Lewis


So many of my family are loving, kind, and supportive. Please understand that I know most of you are not drunk drivers. Please also understand it could still take me years and years to come back. However, my home is open to all, including the drunk drivers. This is the balance you must allow me.

Thanks again to everyone else. Your unconditional support does not go unnoticed.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah


Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:10 AM CDT


I’m so grateful that so many of you understand that we will have our doubts. It is very easy to believe and be thankful when things are going well but not so easy when the child dies. Of course, we are extremely thankful that God allowed us to even have Gabbie at all.

This time of year is very hard as we are fast approaching the anniversary date of Gabbie’s death.

The absence of the quiet and gentle one is so evident.

"The rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock." Matt. 7:25

Devastating trials can come into our lives. But I know that even Jesus "was in all points tempted as we are." Hebrews 4:15. Credit - Charles Spurgeon


Noah had a check-up yesterday and all is well. The doctor thought he would weigh even more because he looks so chunky. Hopefully I can get new pictures on soon but it’s a lengthy process.

Per the doctor, Noah cannot sleep in the car seat anymore. So we tried the bassinet last night and while he didn’t sleep as well it wasn’t as bad as expected.


John just bought twelve summer play buckets with shovels that we are going to fill with toys for the two-to-five year old age group. This next gift delivery will be compliments of Michael Campbell from West Group and Elizabeth Denzer, Noah and Gabbie’s godmother.

Gabbie’s Song is on its way to Nashville. We will be getting the master CD soon and will look into getting copies made. I know the singer/song-writer, Bo Billy, is also including Gabbie’s song on his next CD that will include other songs.


Thanks so much for sticking by us for so long! I have a lot of new friends and you mean a lot to me.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie and Noah

Tuesday, May 6, 2003 10:43 AM CDT


Just a quick update on our family.

Noah is still growing very fast. He is in a pretty good sleep routine at night so John and I do feel somewhat rested.

We will be selling the CD of Gabbie’s Song in the near future. All profits will go to Gabbie’s Gifts. I hope to get a copy of the incorporation (of Gabbie’s Gifts) next week and will then open a trust account.

Everyone who has heard the CD is VERY impressed. It could be described as a ballad sounding somewhat like Kenny Rogers.


I have actually refrained from updating lately because of a painful period of doubt. This doubt became really distressing right after the KARE 11 airing. I know that doubt is actually part of the Christian life.

It’s so hard to explain. I do believe in God and KNOW that I will see Gabbie again. But the adversary will do anything he can to plant doubt and this is a very vulnerable time. John never seems to doubt…but John is also not as inquiring. The questions never stop forming in my mind.

Thank you to all of those helping and praying during this time of doubt.


As always, thank you for supporting our family. I have not read e-mails since the night of KARE 11’s show…but hope to set aside some time soon to get around to that.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:36 PM CDT


Below are the lyrics to the song written for us about Gabbie. The song was written by a local recording artist who wants to remain anonymous. We received the CD 5 days after the show on KARE 11. The artist has offered to cut some CD’s for us to sell. He is refusing any profits so any money made will go to Gabbie’s Gifts.

We’ve played the CD several times and it really is beautiful.









These lyrics cannot be reproduced without permission from the artist.

Gabbie is missed deeply. We are so touched that strangers understand how much she means to us. Gabbie is on my mind every waking moment. Sometimes these days are harder than those right after she died because reality continues to sink in.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah

Friday, April 25, 2003 8:15 PM CDT


Today in the mail we received a CD titled “Gabby’s Song” or “Forever in our Hearts.” It was from a local recording artist who happened to see part of the KARE 11 Special on Easter Sunday. I’m waiting for permission from the artist before I put the lyrics on the Web site. The song is beautiful and, of course, brought many tears to my eyes.

Once again, we are so touched that someone we don’t even know would do this for us.


Noah is giving us a little more sleep. Also, since we’ve gone to the bottle John has taken responsibility for the second night feeding, which is usually real close to morning anyway. I have to remember to thank him for that—it has made a world of a difference for me. Although I’m done having children, I’ve made a mental note to myself that I would never again waste money on baby clothing sized 0 – 3 months.


This is in one of my bibles in a “question and objection” section and relates to what to tell people when someone dies from cancer and they are questioning God.

”Be very careful not to give the impression that God was punishing the person for his sins. Instead, speak about the fact that all around us we can see evidence of a “fallen creation.” Explain how in the beginning there was no disease, pain, suffering, or death. But when sin entered the world, it brought suffering with it….” From - The Evidence Bible


I love all the short quotes found in The Evidence Bible and can’t resist sharing them.

”We must all mutually share in the knowledge that our existence only attains its true value when we have experienced in ourselves the truth of the declaration: ‘He who loses his life shall find it.’” From – Albert Schweitzer


I thank all the ongoing supporters and all the new people who signed Gabbie’s guest book. I am waiting for an opportunity to reply to all the new ones--especially that grieving mother whose faith has been shattered. I understand and would love to help you find some answers.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:37 AM CDT


Not sure if Mark or Scott will read this, but John and I thank them again for doing such a wonderful story. Sharing Gabbie’s story, along with Noah’s birth, has really made a difference in our lives.

We also thank everyone else at KARE 11. We have heard nothing but praise for the way the station has depicted our story. I know that based on our emotions, this last story was difficult to put together.



Noah is getting bigger every day and has outgrown many of his 0-3 month outfits. He is sleeping a little better at night but we are still waiting for those days when it gets a little easier. I think my unfortunate experiences with extreme insomnia make me very wary of these nights. I have seen a doctor and while I hate taking pills maybe this is necessary to get through these first few months.


Thank you for all the wonderful messages of support left after the KARE 11 story. I have also received many personal e-mail messages and will in time get back to everyone.

For some reason, God has directed that Gabbie’s story be shared with many. There are so many other children out there who die too early and their stories are not known. I want all those other parents to know that John and I do not think we are by any means different.

But we do want everyone to know that while we are in so much pain over Gabbie’s death, we have never lost our faith in God. He has promised us that He will do the best for us and
Gabbie and we accept that sometimes His promises are not fully realized until eternity.

Gabbie’s role in heaven is very, very beautiful and special. I know that God will work out her early death so that we all will someday see the best outcome.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 10:58 AM CDT


We just found out this morning that KARE 11 has decided to air the special on Noah’s birth on Easter Sunday. The special will air on the 10:00 p.m. news.


Noah is starting to smile when he knows we are about to swing him in the air. He is sleeping a little better at night. We give him a late-night bath and then bundle him in a double-layer of pajamas and put on a hat and little socks on his hands. I started this when I noticed he would fall asleep for stroller rides as soon as a hat was on his head.

Thanks for all the suggestions in the guest book. I know this will all work out in due time.


If I don’t get to update before Easter…

“…It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.” Romans 8:34

It was last year at this time that Gabbie was diagnosed as terminal for the first time. I believe the doctors thought she had only days to live. John and I went to the hospital chapel and gave her to God but He in his wisdom (which we will not understand in this life) decided she still had two months left here.


Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah.

Sunday, April 13, 2003 4:15 PM CDT


Today, as with all other days, Noah is sleeping away and the anxiety of what night will bring continues to build. I simply did not know that infants could confuse day and night for so long. We do everything we can to rouse him during the day and it does not work. I’m starting to dread the nights because it’s guaranteed that as soon as I crawl into bed, Noah starts his wailing. I'm sure this is why my insomnia has come back.

Nursing is working for Noah but not for me so we are trying to wean him off. If he is awake, he wants to eat every one and a half to two hours. Unfortunately, he only eats a little bit which is why he then has to eat so often.

If anyone has suggestions on the sleep issue or the eating issue…feel free to call us at 612.825.2643. I’m serious.


Unless the war brings more surprises, KARE 11 plans to air the story of Noah’s birth this Thursday, April 17th. I believe this would be the 10:00 news only. This date is exactly one month away from the year anniversary of Gabbie’s death.


I think the year anniversary will be time to think about ending our journey on the Web. CaringBridge deletes sites that are not updated for six months. So, in order to keep the site up on the Web, I will probably update occasionally on how we are doing but not on a regular basis.

I grieve and mourn for Gabbie just as much as the day she died. I realize now that no matter how much we speak of it, nothing much changes. I remember the first grief book I read and how I thought the writer kept repeating his thoughts. But then I understood that for a grieving parent, we can speak, write, and think those grieving thoughts over and over and they are still there. So while it may seem to some that I should be moving on, I confess that I still need much more time. A lot more time than anyone realizes.

Noah has added to our lives. But nothing fills the gaping hole in my heart for Gabbie. Lose an arm or an appendage…it never grows back. Lose a child, and children are a million times more cherished than an appendage, and whatever that child takes from you to his or her grave…it never comes back.

But still, I am so very grateful for all the understanding people in my life. And even more grateful for a merciful God who I know forgives all my stumbling.


Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, April 8, 2003 2:40 PM CDT


Noah is getting very fussy. Not all the time, but probably most of his waking hours are spent crying or eating. So yesterday, I jumped at John’s offer to switch roles and I picked up Aubrey from daycare and took her grocery shopping.

Aubrey is still pretty interested in Noah. She sang his name over and over throughout the trip to the grocery store.


The other night I was finishing Aubrey’s bedtime story when she asked John what he was doing. He misspoke and said he was dancing with Gabbie and then corrected himself and said he was dancing with Noah. (Turning on the stereo and dancing with babies seems to have always worked to calm down fussy babies in our house.) But then he went on to say how he is dancing with Gabbie all the time.

Aubrey then wanted John to dance with her so soon I took Noah and John was dancing with Aubrey. And then the slap of betrayal hit. People can tell us over and over we are not betraying the child who has left us. We even may know we are not betraying them. But some of us certainly feel we are betraying the child who left way too soon.

So many of my actions with Aubrey and Noah feel like outright betrayal to Gabbie. I know I’m not the only parent who feels that way.



”I desire to have both heaven and hell in my eye.” Author – John Wesley

Gabbie’s death shouldn’t be there to remind us how short life can be but how unexpectedly we can be held accountable for our lives and that eternal choice.


As always, we thank everyone for the continued support.

KARE 11 might do a little more filming so still no date on the show.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Friday, April 4, 2003 11:31 AM CST


Noah still has days and nights confused. We try so hard to make him stay awake from about 5:00 pm to midnight. Noah sleeps in the bathroom at night and worse yet, in a car seat because he doesn’t seem to rest in a bassinet. I noticed he would fall asleep when I showered so we turned on the bathroom fan last night and he cried for one minute and then stopped. It’s probably a fluke…but at least it worked for one night.

Aubrey still loves Noah but sometimes you can just see that she is restraining herself from doing something…not sure what. She is so loving but simply does not know how to be gentle.

It looks like Noah might look more like my side. Up close his cheeks are getting fat and he has a double chin (that’s what happens when you eat every two hours) but from a distance I still think he has a very tiny face.


I read many other CB sites and so many families get involved right away in volunteer activities after their child has died. John and I have done NOTHING! Maybe it just takes some of us longer to find something.

John has expressed a desire to volunteer at Children’s. The problem is, we know from personal experience that parents on the 8th floor do not really want to meet parents where the story hasn’t had a happy ending. That is, because Gabbie died, we know we would make people uncomfortable. This doesn’t bother us…we were the same way and we fully understand. So, I mentioned to John that maybe another floor that was dealing with illnesses other than cancer would be ideal. I cannot set foot on the 8th floor, but maybe years from now I would be able to volunteer on another floor.

John also mentioned bringing a few gardening tools to the cemetery when we go to Gabbie’s grave this summer (which I still have not once visited) and cleaning up some of the other graves. When John told me it looks like some of the gravesites for children are overlooked it broke my heart. So, while I probably could not go to Gabbie’s grave, I may be able to sit and prune and clean up around some of the forgotten gravesites.

Anyway, at least we are thinking about what we may do in the future.


When a child dies, nice people come out of the woodwork. Thank you.

We were told that the KARE 11 special could be coming up soon…but of course war news I’m sure is dictating many schedules.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:49 AM CST


Aubrey is actually being pretty good about Noah. She likes to get involved in diaper changes and is always asking to hold Noah. She’s also in that “ey” phase that kids seem to go through. She calls Noah her little “Noey.” Or, “Noah baboah.”

Surprisingly, she does not complain when she has to go to bed and Noah gets to stay up with us. Noah still has days and nights confused and John and I try so hard to keep him awake in the early evening.

I think the poor cat, however, is still Aubrey’s favorite.

He is changing so fast. He went from 7 lbs 10 ounces to 9 lbs and 5 ounces in 12 days!


I have to start thinking about how long we will keep Gabbie’s site updated. I’m not ready to close it down but obviously know that it can’t go on forever.

I do want to say that nothing has changed with the grief for Gabbie. Noah is his own person and neither John nor I expect him to fill even the tiniest part of the hole in our hearts left by Gabbie.

I realize now that my feelings don’t match what I know. I know Gabbie is with Jesus but have no feeling of her happiness. I know that our lives here are only a drop in the bucket compared to eternity but I can only feel this side of eternity. I know that the glory we will see will far outweigh the suffering we feel here.

There probably would be no such thing as emotional pain for the Christian if our feelings were always as high as what we know.

Be still and KNOW that I am God…. Psalm 46:10

The words feel, feeling, and felt appear in the Bible less than 15 times. Know, knowest, known, etc., appear in the Bible over 800 times.


A soldier’s last letter to his mother was reprinted in the Twin Cities Star Tribune this morning. It touched me so much I’ve already read it several times. Below is a short excerpt. The soldier was killed on the 26th.

…All this will pass. I believe God has a path for me. Whether I make it or not, it’s all part of the plan. It can’t be changed, only completed.” Author – Diego Rincon


As always, we thank all our friends and family for the support.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah

Sunday, March 30, 2003 12:30 AM CST


Noah’s doctor was a little surprised at his weight gain. I guess they like to see babies gain about an ounce a day and Noah is gaining 2 ounces a day. I was able to reassure John that all of Noah’s grunting and groaning is very normal and the doctor thinks Noah is doing extremely well.


A writer for WORLD had a comment on comfort during the war. I found it to be a something that could be applied to any trial, however.

”A comfort in times of war is that God never forgets the epignosis (intimate understanding drawn from personal experience – I didn’t know what it meant either) of the cross. Since He has a perfect memory, time for God does not heal all wounds. The suffering of the cross is always on God’s mind. The pain never heals. He never forgets it, and so He never forgets us, even in wartime.” Author – Marvin Olasky

Although I would rather have her here, at least Gabbie doesn’t have to grow up in a world that I believe will never see peace.



Aubrey is being entertained quite a bit by relatives—thanks for keeping her busy for us. Thanks again for all the gifts and acknowledgements!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie & Noah

Thursday, March 27, 2003 10:43 AM CST


Everyone is still doing fine. They didn’t get enough cells scraped from Noah’s blisters for the Chicken Pox test but he was positive for a bacterial infection and we are not concerned with Chicken Pox anymore. The bacterial infection is not serious and just needs to be treated with a topical antibiotic.

John worries much more than I do and thankfully we have Noah’s two-week check-up tomorrow. Noah is very grunty and so was Gabbie. I’m not worried but certainly understand John’s concerns.

Noah’s face is really filling out and he seems to associate wake time with feeding time.


Praying, which is extremely important, is something that is slowly coming around after Gabbie’s death. We, as a family, always try to pray for others but I think we were a little confused about how to pray for our own family after Gabbie died.

”Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks commensurate with your strength. Pray for strength commensurate with your tasks.” Phillip Brooks, quoted in the Evidence Bible.

I felt silently pushed to pray that God make Gabbie’s death easy and less painful. But that NEVER seemed right to me. More and more it just seems that there is a purpose out there for us as a family. We don’t know yet what that purpose is. For all those who really pray for us, pray then that we find our purpose. And as always, pray that God gives us strength. Losing a child really is a million times more painful then one could ever imagine.


We are being overwhelmed by the kindness of others. We will get back to everyone…eventually! One of my co-workers had a concert at his home and donated $250 of the proceedings to Gabbie’s Gifts. Thank you so much, Michael Campbell! We are going to open a bank account and hope to have gift deliveries at least three more times for the remainder of this year.

We think the KARE 11 special will run some time in the next two weeks.

To all of you, we simply cannot thank you enough!

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:52 AM CST


We had Noah at the pediatrician’s office on Saturday because of some blisters on his stomach and thigh. We don’t have lab results yet but the doctor was pretty sure it was not Chicken Pox.

They were very happy with his weight. He left the hospital at 7 lbs 10 ounces and in six days was up to 8 lbs 6 ounces.

Aubrey still loves her little brother. She watches everything I do and wants to help. We had some Paquette family over the other night and just as they were leaving we looked at Aubrey and she was on the couch with her shirt up and holding a doll to her breast saying “I’m feeding my baby.”


”If persecution should arise, you should be willing to part with all that you possess—with your liberty, with your life itself, for Christ—or you cannot be His disciple.” Charles Spurgeon

We had to give you to God, Gabbie. How much easier it would be if God or an obvious messenger from Heaven visually came to collect you. Instead, we had to watch you succumb to a cruel disease. But we know that your last moment was in God’s hands.

Every day, Gabbie, we miss you very, very much.


We thank everyone for the wonderful gifts. I will eventually get around to sending out some thank you cards.

Thanks Nurse Kate for the wonderful visit on Sunday. Thanks to several of the Paquette aunties and cousins for entertaining Aubrey all day on Saturday.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Friday, March 21, 2003 5:21 PM CST


Aubrey was playing with some of the newborn diapers that she thinks are so cute. She happened to get glitter in one of the diapers and I almost threw it out but thought the glitter was probably harmless and forgot about it.

Last night when changing one of Noah’s diapers I noticed sparkly glitter on his bottom and other…. Aubrey can tease him with that story when she gets older.

Noah is still doing well and we are able to get some sleep every night.

I added one new picture of Noah with his eyes open.


I wasn’t sure it could be done, but now I know that you can hold joy and grief at the same time. Noah is very, very special (and Aubrey) but Gabbie is missed as much as ever.

So many words are used when describing the aftermath of a child’s death, but one that isn’t used a lot is “haunting.” I’m not haunted by where Gabbie is now. But I am haunted by so many pictures of those hurting eyes when she was here. I wish so much the cancer had struck me and not a two-year old girl.

We love you Gabbie.


Thanks to everyone for your wonderful support.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby Noah

Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:29 AM CST

*** PICTURES ***

The second and third pictures on the photo page should be new.

Our computer at home is so slow I don't really have time for much of an update.

Noah is doing fine and the 2nd and 3rd nights were not nearly as bad as that first night. Aubrey seems to love him but must put him at the same level as our cat as she keeps asking how she should "pet" Noah. And when she is done holding Noah, we need to be right there for the not so gentle pass off.

I'm way, way behind in e-mails and as I get a bit more organized I'll find the time to get back to everyone.

Thank you Angel Sheryl for the lovely gifts...I've misplaced your address again. If you send it one more time I'll note it in our phone book.


Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and baby Noah.

Monday, March 17, 2003 10:07 AM CST

***WE'RE HOME!!***

We took advantage of the insurance policy limits and actually stayed in the hospital until Sunday. Noah had a little jaundice and if there is a cautious route available, that's what John likes to take!

As usual we were at a great hospital and the nurses treated us wonderfully. Everyone seemed to know that we were "that family who lost a child." It's not a bad thing, just something you notice.

Noah is doing fine but our first night at home was very rough. He nurses but not like Gabbie and Aubrey and he didn't settle down until 4:00 a.m. and even that was after we guiltily let him cry for quite some time.

...NO PICTURES YET! I have some digitally but need my laptop to cooperate. Hopefully by the end of the week I can get some on.

We don't see resemblance yet, but Noah does have, in my opinion, a tiny face. Which would then be from me.

We are VERY blessed. But I thank again those who recognize this is all balanced still with tremendous grief for Gabbie. Poor John has been dealing with a weepy wife.

Trust us! We love Noah as much as we do Aubrey and Gabbie. The love for all three children is the same intensity but I think parents who have lost a child will tell you that the "profoundness" of the death of a child can never be topped by anything.

But Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah are all the most blessed gifts from God!


I'll try to update several times a week.

Monica, John, Aubrey, St. Gabbie, and Noah

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:50 PM CST

Hi Everyone: This is Monica's dad, Grandpa Jerry and Monica asked me to give you the good news about the birth of Noah Gabriel Paquette who was born at 12:30PM today. Noah weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz and he's a cute, chubby little boy. Monica is doing well and so is John. Noah is 19" long and has nice hair already.

Monica and John are both excited and I imagine Aubrey will be anxious to have a little brother at home.

Monica will be going home on Saturday and she will certainly bring you all up-to-date.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:50 PM CST

Hi Everyone: This is Monica's dad, Grandpa Jerry and Monica asked me to give you the good news about the birth of Noah Gabriel Paquette who was born at 12:30PM today. Noah weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz and he's a cute, chubby little boy. Monica is doing well and so is John. Noah is 19" long and has nice hair already.

Monica and John are both excited and I imagine Aubrey will be anxious to have a little brother at home.

Monica will be going home on Saturday and she will certainly bring you all up-to-date.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 1:04 PM CST


On Sunday, we had a visit from KARE 11’s Mark Daly, reporter, and Scott Jensen, photographer. As always, they were so gracious even though John and I felt as if we went on and on about Gabbie rather than the baby.

During the interview, I learned things about my husband (I’ll share later) but also learned more about Gabbie’s story.

The KARE 11 story about “Angels on the 8th Floor,” concerning nurses who survived cancer and chose their careers because of their personal experiences with cancer, is where Gabbie’s link to KARE 11 started. In that story, there is a scene where the camera pans over Lake Superior and a child’s eyes are superimposed (??) in the scene. I found it haunting but beautiful. This is while a nurse is discussing how difficult it is to see some children die and the eyes are meant to depict a soul. When I saw those eyes, I remember thinking they looked like Gabbie’s eyes but never asked. And on Sunday, I learned that those haunting eyes were Gabbie’s after all--and this was months before she died.

Scott was just named “Photographer of the Year” by the National Press Photographers Association and Mark Daly told us that it is the most prestigious award in America for television news photographers. John and I are not at all surprised that Scott should win such an award. As Scott and Mark were leaving, we discussed the award and learned that Scott had turned in Gabbie’s story.

We will always be grateful for KARE 11’s sharing of our story and what we KNOW was sincere effort to avoid sensationalism.


Tomorrow is the big day. New joy is coming into our lives. But your absence remains and your absence is a deep sorrow.

I was driving Aubrey to daycare today and she became quite vocal about how the sun was too bright for her eyes. I remember when I had both of you in the car and I would look back when Aubrey complained and you would just squint and turn your head. You never uttered a word of complaint. I’m proud of your uncomplaining and obedient nature. But Gabbie, as a mama, it sometimes brings extra pain to think of how someone so good should suffer so much.

And as a mama, I’m not so vain that I do not recognize that MANY other children have suffered the same. They are all so very special.

We love you so much Gabbie. And the pain that comes with that love will never change. Even your dadda agrees.



Everything is still set for tomorrow at noon. I will try to have someone update the site after the baby is born. If I can’t get someone to do it through the journal entry, I’ll have someone enter a guest book entry. (My dearest husband is completely computer illiterate!!) Yes, that's why I have so much say in this Web site....

We have a digital camera but I can only download to my laptop and then e-mail to our home computer. Unfortunately, I’ve already discovered that, as usual, my connection on the laptop is faulty. So…not sure when we’ll get pictures on.


In memory of Steven’s birthday on the 13th. We think of you and Steven EVERY day. While our paths differ in some ways, we share the same thorn.


This is for everyone: thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything. Everyone helps us in different ways. We have never expected the same type of support from everyone.

We also thank God for all the blessings of this life. But we also thank God that in all our many, many imperfections He has offered us the most blessed gift of all: eternal salvation for our souls.

While it may not seem like it, we place God above our love for Gabbie. I would be lying if I said it was easy and it wasn’t a struggle. But God is there with us in our mighty struggle.

Thank you.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, and baby

PS: I'm very behind in e-mails but have every intention of catching up.

Friday, March 7, 2003 7:10 PM CST


While I’m only leaving work, it seems like I’m closing a chapter on my grief journey. A chapter I’m simply not ready to close….

So when I think of the meaning of Gabbie’s so very short life, what will really get us through is knowledge that she had an impact on this world. And while hugging your kids more or appreciating your health because of her matters, this is what it should be all about:


“As the fisherman longs to take the fish in his net, as the hunter pants to bear home his spoil, as the mother pines to clasp her lost child to her bosom, so do we faint for the salvation of souls.” Author: Charles Spurgeon, from the Evidence Bible

It’s all about purpose…and souls…not happiness.

And I’ll end with scripture from a friend who perfectly understood the journal entry about why we need Gabbie’s death to be nothing less than a trial.

”In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” 1 Peter 1:6-9


Thanks again to all my friends at West. I was so lost this year and no one complained.

And unless I need to thank Family Circle, I want to thank the anonymous person who must have signed me up for a subscription!

Have a good weekend.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie, & baby

Thursday, March 6, 2003 6:17 PM CST


Today we finally had the last OB check and tests. Although it turns out I did test positive for Group B Strep (no, it’s not a sexually transmitted disease), there will only be a little concern if we go into labor early. The mother sometimes gets antibiotics right before or after delivery regardless, but it is not a concern for the baby at this time.

All other tests are fine and the doctor even said it was the best non-stress test they’ve ever seen. Non-stress tests monitor the increase in the baby’s heart rate after any movement. The baby never stopped moving! Lots of contractions too, but that didn’t seem to worry the doctor so I still think we’ll make it to the 12th.


Friday is my last day at work. Work has been quite the mixed blessing. I work mostly with wonderful people. But it was a very non-productive year, which bothers me. How often does one wish NOT to get a raise? I asked my boss several times if we could just note a bad review and skip the raise. But I guess I’ll be getting a raise and now hope that it is so small that the guilt is also very small.

When I go back, the grief will be the same but I know my mind will be even better at juggling both grief and work. Actually, while other mothers are busy working and concentrating on their living children, I’ll also be busy working and concentrating on living children and a child who has died.


Thanks again for such wonderful support. I hope everyone realizes that my frustrations with the perception of a child’s death really are more societal. Just like most of us women sometimes feel frustrated with the ridiculous perceptions of the right weight, if you lose a child, you will sense society’s expectations on grief and some of them are very absurd. So, it’s not the people on this Web site—you have only helped!!

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie & baby

Wednesday, March 5, 2003 6:28 PM CST


I mentioned yesterday that I am willing to publicly journal the matters deep in the heart, good and bad. God knows EVERYTHING in our hearts anyway.

Some claim a completely sinless approach in their grief but only God really knows.

Here’s what Charles Spurgeon has to say about the heart: ”…I am very much afraid of mine, it is so bad. The heart is like a dark cellar, full of lizards, cockroaches, beetles, and all kinds of reptiles and insects, which in the dark we see not, but the Law takes down the shutters and lets in the light, and so we see the evil. Thus sin becoming apparent by the Law, it is written the Law makes the offense to abound.” From the Evidence Bible compiled by Ray Comfort.

“The Law” is the Ten Commandments.


I know so much that people who care for us want our pain to end. But the Bible promises us that if we let Him, God will use that suffering for a very good eternal purpose. To wish it be easier for us is to take away the very consolation the Bible teaches us about suffering.

”If we were to be delivered out of every trial we would be weak in spirit. The harder it is for us, the more beneficial the outcome.” From “Let Us Reason Ministries”

Gabbie, my cross, I love you so very, very much. I wish, I wish, that God did not give me THIS cross. But that is what He did…and if that is my cross than it can be nothing less than a heavy cross.


Thank you for understanding how we can love greatly Aubrey and our new soon-to-be baby and mourn deeply for Gabbie at the same time!

We think we have approval from the media relations group at Southdale Fairview for KARE 11.

Monica, John, Aubrey, Saint Gabbie & baby

Tuesday, March 4, 2003 6:12 PM CST


John and I really are looking forward to the birth of this baby. But people have to understand that Gabbie’s death is still so recent and this type of situation brings much anxiety to some bereaved parents.

Each child is a blessing and Gabbie came after a very hard and difficult trial. She was a blessing and a restoration—the very same concept pressed upon me now. A blessing and restoration that was shattered and ravaged by the “cruel destroyer.”

It would be very, very unfair TO THE BABY if there is any expectation that he/she can remove any of the pain of losing Gabbie. As I quoted from Gerald Sittser, the soul will expand to accommodate new joy, but the pain from the loss continues and sometimes goes even deeper. It is the most difficult balancing act life can dole out.

It will always look to others that we were a family with two children, who lost a child, and then gained a child. But children cannot be thought of in that way. We will soon be a family who had three children, but one of them died.


You are loved and missed deeply. As much as the day you died. I hope you know in your heavenly knowledge that you will always take up a large space in our hearts and souls.


I already know that some will find this view negative and ungrateful. But I take a risk because I am willing to journal the deep, dark feelings of my heart. People might be surprised to see how my feelings are most likely mirrored in some, but not all, private journals of bereaved parents all across the world.

This baby is a blessing. But Gabbie’s absence still sears my heart in ways that cannot even be imagined.


I can only say thank you again. I have been getting so much support from some people and I would love to list names but cannot.

And we thank again our families for learning and developing an understanding for how we have to grieve. I think people are starting to remove expectations...and I appreciate that.

Monica, John, Aubrey, & Saint Gabbie…and baby.

Monday, March 3, 2003 4:03 PM CST


A day or so after Gabbie died, an old friend stopped by with three of her four children. My friend remarked that she had heard 90-year olds went to their graves mourning their deceased children. As she was a born-again Christian, I waited for my friend to say that Christians don’t mourn that way. She said nothing of the sort. It was just stated as a fact of life.

John Bunyan also never fully recovered from the death of his blind daughter.

“From this sad event Bunyan never entirely recovered. It was a dark shadow all along his pathway until he, too, came to lie down peacefully in the silent tomb.” From Grief to Glory, James W. Bruce III

I read further in this book looking for the criticism that was sure to come. There was no criticism. Bunyan went down in history as someone who truly served God…even as he mourned.


”Jesus did not come to explain away suffering or remove it. He came to fill it with his presence.” Author: Paul Claudel


Nothing is confirmed yet, but KARE 11 might do a story on the upcoming birth of our new blessing.


A special thanks today to my co-workers at West. They had a “mini” food day and some presents. I work with wonderful people and as hard as life is, they have gone out of their way to make my journey more bearable. THANK YOU!!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, February 28, 2003 3:39 PM CST


John keeps mentioning that Aubrey will remain in daycare for about 2-3 weeks after the baby arrives…and I keep reminding him, “No, Aubrey will be in daycare for about 8 weeks!”

I’m not trying to get rid of Aubrey and I certainly know that some mothers have many children at home when they have a baby, but I do get paid for 6 weeks and more than ever need some time to recuperate. As they say, sleep when the baby sleeps.

After the initial 8 weeks, we will keep Aubrey in daycare 1 day a week so that she does not lose touch with her daycare life.

Although not yet approved by our Human Resources, I intend to take the full 6 months maternity leave that is generously offered by West Group.


John and I both know that this baby soon to arrive really is a miracle and a blessing. We obviously will love this baby as much as Aubrey and Gabbie.

However, my stubborn mind keeps thinking this baby should be coming into a world with two living siblings. We (I think I had John talked into it) had decided well before Gabbie died that we would try for another child in early summer. And the timing remained the same but with a major unexpected event: Gabbie’s death.

But still, we do know it is a blessing, as with all children.


Thank you for your understanding and patience. I know it is so hard to know what to say but I've mentioned it before, we develop a very sensitive ear to hear sincerity almost more than the actual words expressed. Have a safe and wonderful weekend.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:02 PM CST


I happened to pick up the “name card” that I have in our bedroom that Auntie Sarah had given us shortly after Gabbie was born. It’s one of those wallet-sized cards with a name and the religious meaning behind the name. I hadn’t read it in ages and was surprised to see it’s significance.

Gabriel / Gabrielle means: God is my strength; God is mighty; man of God; the strength of God.

How fitting that we chose a name with the meaning that I am forever trying to express as what I need in living with Gabbie’s death. Strength.


Here is a comment from a mother, Wendy, who has lost two children. She lost Nicholas in March 2002 at 11 months of age. She lost Noelle four months later to cancer at the age of 6.

”Someone told me just the other day that they wished that they could take my pain away. Though that comment made me feel good, I soon realized that I don’t want anyone to take my pain away. I am realizing that my pain is simply a reflection of my deep love for Nicholas and Noelle; I definitely never want my love taken away.” Author: Wendy, A Very Special Mama(

I know people want our pain to go away and I am so touched by the concern of others. However, I don’t pray that God “take away the pain,” because a lessening of the pain simply means nothing to me compared to Gabbie. My love for Gabbie FAR OUTWEIGHS any concern about pain.

Gabrielle, God is my strength in your absence.



As always, thank so much for all the support and concern for us. Know that John and I will make it but each in our own way. My way, and it is really the only way, is to take my pain with me to the grave. And John’s way….still to be seen.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:33 PM CST


I had to say good-bye to Gabbie one day as I needed to pick-up Aubrey from daycare. And Gabbie was in her stroller in the hospital hallway throwing up and looking at me without complaining but with tears streaming down her face. I didn’t even have time to clean her up.

One of only many, many memories why my daughter’s death will never be pretty or OK in this life.

While I know it’s because people care so much, another thing you notice after your child’s death is the desire by others for the horrible and tragic event to blossom into something pretty or good in this life.

But that is not what God promises. Instead, He promises to be there with us.

”For the child of God, life is understood in a proper way. Life can be harsh and cruel and it can be wonderful and kind. Life can be unfair. The Christian knows this all too well. Not because of self experience only but because the knowledge that God has given in His word is that life is not about the here and now but what awaits the faithful.” Author: Kent E.Heaton Sr. (


Still hoping that we will make it to the 12th. There are signs that everything is getting very close and the doctor can feel the baby’s head. The baby is still, even with no room, very active. Yesterday the baby moved so hard that she/he jolted my keyboard and sometimes I can feel jerks on the steering wheel.


A special thanks to David and Debbie for donating in Gabbie’s name to Pro Life Ministries.

As always, thanks to all for coming to Gabbie’s site. And I know some people went over to Tristan’s site to offer support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, February 24, 2003 10:36 AM CST


Tristan Warrington passed away on Saturday. While I never met this family, I’m sure they would appreciate some prayers and signing of the guest book if you are comfortable.

Tristan had just turned one and battled a rhabdoid brain tumor.

God bless,
The Paquettes

Saturday, February 22, 2003 12:26 AM CST


Tests on Friday went well again. The ultrasound was only on for a few minutes and the technician said all points were scored. Even though surrounded by fluid the baby was doing a lot of breathing which apparently happens only every 20 minutes or so.

We are still hoping to make it to the 12th but some mornings make that feel like an impossibility.


As always, we hope you have/had a safe weekend. Tristan is still waging his battle but his parents are now asking for prayers for Tristan's physical release from this world.

Someone made a comment on the guest book that I know is so true. I know people feel helpless when there is a realization that they cannot comfort us. But support is always welcome and John and I have been given plenty of support.


John, Monica, Aubrey, & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, February 20, 2003 7:00 PM CST


John was giving Aubrey a bath one day and he asked about the broken bottom on the plastic cup we use to rinse soap out of Aubrey's hair. I just told him I was mad one day.

I was told I should scream into a pillow for release. I tried that several months ago. And then I pounded my fists on the wall and screamed and screamed for Gabbie until I was a crumpled heap on the floor. And then I made my way to the bathroom and picked up the cup and pounded it on the vanity until it broke. And then I saw the utter futility. The agony of a child’s death is not only too deep for expression in words, it’s also way too deep for expression by any physical means.

Nothing earthly can help me through this. That is why people must accept that they cannot comfort me. They can only support by just watching and not judging.

Only God can give strength in this kind of trial.


"Many of us have come to understand comfort as the status quo, a digression to the way things used to be, a calm, 'there, there.' But the root of the word lies in the concept of strengthening." Author: Rev. Bob Hyde

The word “comfort” is derived from two Latin words meaning "to come with strength."

But that is not how the term is treated today. As with so many other biblical concepts, it has been corrupted by Disney World. When Gabbie died, I could sense the “there, there, now, everything will be OK, God will comfort you” belief.

If your child died, could you handle a “there, there, now” belief?

This is why I pray for strength from the great Comforter.

"Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4


I can’t thank people enough for coming to Gabbie’s site and for the continued support. It really means a lot to both John and me.

You didn’t leave an e-mail, but Lisa, I’m so sorry for your miscarriage. I know that it is very heartbreaking.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, February 19, 2003 5:27 PM CST


Some friends of John have reported that they have seen Gabbie on the KARE 11 Public Service Announcements (PSAs). Mark Daly, the KARE 11 reporter, informed us that footage of Gabbie might show up in some of these PSAs, which I’m assuming are related to cancer or childhood diseases in general.

Other than that, I don’t know anything about these PSAs!


TRUST: I trust that God has allowed my daughter to die for eternal reasons completely unknown to me…and that the reasons cannot be made known to me now.

HOPE: I have full assurance that when I step into eternal life, all tears will be wiped away.

PEACE: I have peace knowing that my daughter is resting in the “Bosom of the Almighty.”

LOVE: I have experienced unimaginable love from God and all those who have faithfully supported us.

BLESSINGS: I have been blessed to see that I am sharing in the suffering of the cross, for I know it has many eternal rewards.

SEARING PAIN: The human feeling left…after all the above is accounted for. Yes, Gabbie, you mean that much to me.


To know that God really is loving, kind, merciful, and everything good. But don’t forget that He is also VERY just and holy.

"The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions."Author: A.W. Tozer. (The reference here is to the existence of Hell.)


I’m finally allowing myself to count the days. 21 days before the baby comes. There really is no longer room for both of us but we still hope that the baby waits for the assigned date and is as healthy as can be.

John, Monica, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:04 PM CST


I have opened a new door in my grief. Some people will not like it. But it is based on the true gospel and not the gospel that has been so tainted by life in Disney World. It is only the beginning, but it refutes what I have been resisting.


What is that “abundant life” promised by God?

“….I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

Gabbie, while you languished in a hospital bed as cancer ravaged the insides of your little body, that was abundant life.

Abundant life flowed while I watched you slowly die, my much loved baby girl.

As I kneeled down in front of your stroller in the hallway and answered a question: “No, Gabbie, the cancer is not all gone,” that was abundant life. Even as tears streamed down my face when I saw the disappointment betrayed in your huge beautiful eyes. For we had lied. We had promised you the cancer would go away.

In my grief-stricken state, when I saw the unexpected pool of blood left behind when the morticians removed your lifeless body from your crib, that was abundant life.

My dearest Gabbie, the gift of an abundant life is defined by God…and not by us. And sometimes, the abundant life given by God can be very, very painful. The abundant life, as offered by so many modern grief books, is not a future event God is holding out from me and waiting until He determines I have grieved long enough. It is here and now and was. It is a very full abundance; and yet, a very painful abundance.

I love you, Gabbie. Thank you for showing me the way out of today’s false teachings. Thank you for showing me the way out of Disney World. Some will never know anything but Disney World. I feel sorry for them.


“The gospel is a promise of righteousness, not a promise of happiness.” Author: Ray Comfort, Revival’s Golden Key.


I really do want to thank those who are letting me roam and wander the grief pit. I know it’s taking me a long time…but Gabbie meant the world to me and always will.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, February 17, 2003 2:28 PM CST


Yesterday Tristan’s parents updated his site and said they had turned off his life support. Tristan is only 12 months old and has battled a rhabdoid brain tumor for half of his short life. Tristan is still hanging on but is receiving pain medication only. I mentioned him several weeks ago and believe I included the Web site.

Tristan’s parents said their hearts are very heavy but they don’t want to see him suffer anymore. My heart is heavy too. Tristan is so very young and will leave a twin sister behind.


Many of the modern-day grief books I read bluntly state that we should not ask God why our child had to die. Do not let the door that can bring you to a deeper knowledge of God be slammed in your face.

The soul’s journey includes asking God “why?”

Many of the psalmists, concerning their troubles, asked “why?”

Here is perhaps one of the most well-known verses in the Bible: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Author: JESUS!


For Gabbie’s age: 25.9 children out of every 100,000.

Another reason a mother can ask “why?”


Thank you for your support and prayers. We know that Tristan’s family is going through the worst imaginable times and ask that you pray for them also.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, February 14, 2003 6:24 PM CST


Aubrey was so excited this morning to wish both John and me a “Happy Valentines.” If it weren’t for Aubrey this holiday would have slipped by almost unnoticed! We made all of her cards for her class and she proudly signed her name on all of them.


I’ve been wondering why I’ve heard so many comments on how I appear to be doing so much better. But with the shock gone the pain is actually much deeper.

So maybe it’s like those elite runners who make the marathon look so easy. Fast strides and a look of sheer determination—almost looks like a piece of cake. But anyone who has run a marathon knows that as the race goes on, the miles only get harder.

I think bereaved parents must learn to internalize more of the grief. The tears are on the inside much more often than they are on the outside. But yet we work HARDER than ever before to focus. But even I know that it is God who is helping me to work harder.

"….Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

The English word "agony" comes from “agona,” which is the Greek word for race.


Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, February 14, 2003 6:22 PM CST


Aubrey was so excited this morning to wish both John and I a “Happy Valentines.” If it weren’t for Aubrey this holiday would have slipped by almost unnoticed! We made all of her cards for her class and she proudly signed her name on all of them.


I’ve been wondering why I’ve heard so many comments on how I appear to be doing so much better. But with the shock gone the pain is actually much deeper.

So maybe it’s like those elite runners who make the marathon look so easy. Fast strides and a look of sheer determination—almost looks like a piece of cake. But anyone who has run a marathon knows that as the race goes on, the miles only get harder.

I think bereaved parents must learn to internalize more of the grief. The tears are on the inside much more often than they are on the outside. But yet we work HARDER than ever before to focus. But even I know that it is God who is helping me to work harder.

"….Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

The word race in Greek is "agona." The English word "agony" comes from “agona,” which is the Greek word for race.


Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, February 13, 2003 5:56 PM CST


“Dreams fill the night of their own death that they might rejoin the child. The parent may drift away from the outside world. Parents do not "get over" their child's death. The grieving is a life long process. Author: Unknown

We love the same those remaining and I love Aubrey as much as Gabbie. I also love my husband more than ever after this ordeal…but Gabbie is pulling on my heart every second of the day. It can only be understood if you join our club.


”My search for spiritual peace has certainly strengthened my faith. It comforts me daily….It’s made me yearn earnestly daily for the return of Christ, praying each morning before I get out of bed that He will return before I arise, or if I awaken in the night praying that it might be now, or watching out the window during the day to see if there are any signs. Author: Deborah Kauffman (a bereaved mother)

So many who are having fun in this life do not want Christ’s return to be imminent. But when that innocent child who suffers and dies goes before you, that last prayer in the Bible comes to life.

”…Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20

To pray for His return is the last prayer in the Bible and second from last verse in the Bible.


Thank you so much for coming to Gabbie’s site today.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:38 PM CST


John reminded me last night about how Gabbie came home to die. Gabbie had her last scan on Tuesday, only 72 hours away from her death. There had been much concern that morning about whether or not she should undergo sedation for the scan.

If Gabbie had been sedated for the scan, and she usually was, there was a high risk that she would then have been intubated. She never would have made it home.

I wasn’t there but I guess Gabbie was different that morning. She did not need to be sedated. (She never fought it—she just was never still enough for scans without sedation.)

Our wonderful Dr. Bostrom later told John that Gabbie did what she needed to do…to go home.


If you don’t know who John Calvin was, he was probably one of the greatest reformers in the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s.

Calvin and his wife lost a premature baby boy. Apparently one of Calvin’s adversaries taunted him in the loss of his son. Calvin’s response was: “God had given me a son. God hath taken my little boy, but I have myriads of sons throughout the Christian world.” Author: James W. Bruce III, From Grief to Glory

This story helps me realize that we simply have to put up with people who will never understand the graveness of a child’s death. It also notes that the true "family" under God is not the family structure we live in while here.


We thank you daily for your support!!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tueday, February 11, 2003 6:28 PM CST


I really want to thank those who send e-mails or sign the guest book stating that this journal has helped their faith. But I need to be honest and let people know that my struggle with this event is far from innocent. True, I do have faith. But there are ugly struggles.

All glory related to Gabbie’s death and journey should go to God. And any human praise really needs to go to Gabbie. It is Gabbie who so graciously showed us how God wants us to suffer. It is Gabbie who showed faithful obedience while facing pain most adults will never know.

Below is my honest, and possibly offensive, mother’s struggle with losing Gabbie and others.

(I have been wanting for so long to let people know that they really should not give me any credit. I am stumbling so much where others seem to graciously tread.)


My wonderful husband and I have been given a very blessed gift from God: conception comes very easily even at an older age when fertility is supposed to be more and more difficult. But look at the painful losses. In less than five years, God gave life to five souls through us but three of them are already in heaven.

In the days shortly after my first loss, when my heart was so broken, I was called an unflattering name. My crime? I had conceived on the first try. A kind word for the loss? No.

The worst came as my very cherished daughter lie dead in her crib. My husband even sent up red flags that someone’s actions were beyond inappropriate for the moment or even the day. But my husband’s warning signals were completely ignored.

This isn’t everything, but is a representative snapshot of the struggle.

God tells us to not only forgive, but to turn the other cheek. I can work on forgiveness, but I’m afraid to turn the other cheek because these losses weigh so very much. And I had no idea that the same people would perpetuate utter thoughtlessness from miscarriage to death of a child.

The anger, while still there, is slowly subsiding, but what mostly remains now is a very hard struggle of not feeling safe.

My consolation? All the people who have been so respectful of Gabbie’s death. And more yet, I know her soul is so very dear to God. And so are the other two souls.



A special thanks to any and all of those who have been so accepting of all that is shared on this grief journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, February 10, 2003 5:22 PM CST


This is for Aubrey. I changed the gender reference.

The Child’s First Grief

Oh, call my sister back to me,
I cannot play alone;
The summer comes, with flower and bee,
Where is my sister gone?

The flowers run wild, the flowers we sowed
Around our garden tree;
Our vine is dropping with it’s load-
Oh, call her back to me.

She wouldn’t hear they voice, fair child,
She may not come to thee;
Her face that once like summer smiled,
On earth no more thou’lt shall see.

A rose’s brief, bright life of joy,
Such unto her was given.
Go, thou must play alone, my girl,
The sister is in Heaven.

And has she left her birds and flowers?
And must I call in vain?
And through the long, long summer hours
Will she not come again?

And by the brook, and in the glade,
Are all our wanderings o’er?
Oh, while my sister with me played,
Would I had loved her more.

Author: Felicia D. Hemans

Dear Aubrey: You lost your friend, your sister, your highchair playmate, and your nighttime companion. A sibling will soon arrive for us all to love. But your relationship with Gabbie was very special, snatched away all too soon.


Thanks to everyone for continuing to follow us as we live our lives without Gabbie.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, February 7, 2003 6:18 PM CST


”None of these things happen without the determinate counsel of God. He has ordained the sufferings of little children as well as that of persons more in years. And it is easy to think that God can as well foresee which of his elect shall suffer by violent hands in their infancy, as which of them shall die a natural death. He has saints small in age as well as in esteem. And although I desire not to see these days again, yet it will please me to see those little ones that suffer for Jesus, standing in their white robes with the elders of their people, before the throne, singing unto the Lamb.” Author: John Bunyan, prolific Christian writer in the 1600’s.

While I don’t believe she has been resurrected, I know Gabbie’s soul is probably right now singing praises to Jesus.


We hope all our family and friends have and/or had a safe weekend.

Again, I know these are very troubled times. Just remember: ”Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

The “peace” desired by most anti-war protestors doesn’t begin to compare to the “peace” offered by Jesus. Because if the war is avoided…some of us will still think of the 100,000+ plus Christians killed every year…for Jesus. I’ve never seen one anti-war sign express concern for those who are tortured and killed…for Jesus. Yet those Christians have peace…from Jesus.

In my grief I have peace. Not from the world…from Jesus.

Monica, John, Aubrey, and Saint Gabbie

Thursday, February 6, 2003 6:18 PM CST


Although Robert L. Dabney was a much, much better writer than I, his letter regarding his son’s death reminded me of Gabbie’s death and also the “pit bull” journal entry. Below are some excerpts from that letter written in 1855:

”A half hour before he died, he sank into a sleep….until he gently sighed his soul away….I saw him suffer such pangs, and then fall under the grasp of the cruel destroyer, while I was impotent for his help. Ah! When the mighty wings of the angel of death nestle over your heart’s treasures, and his black shadow broods over your home, it shakes the heart with a shuddering tremor and a horror of great darkness. To see my dear little one ravaged, crushed and destroyed, turning his beautiful liquid eyes to me and his weeping mother for help, after his gentle voice could no longer be heard, and to feel myself as helpless to give any aid – this tears my heart with anguish.”

While Gabbie’s suffering was spread over a longer time frame, this letter brought back crushing memories. Especially the part about the child’s “beautiful liquid eyes” beseeching the parents for help. We could do nothing.

The morning of the day of Gabbie’s death, my mother’s heart refused to think of her dying. But I felt a foreboding presence as I crawled out of bed, just as Dabney mentions above in the bolded text. God was there, I know. But so was the unwanted angel of death.

**Dr. Robert L. Dabney served with General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson in the American Civil War and was known for his great works as a theologian and in the founding of a Presbyterian seminary.**


Without CaringBridge, I would have never had this release or met so many wonderful people. We just continue to thank you. And thank you to Auntie Sarah, who picks up Aubrey from daycare almost every Friday…and gets Aubrey as hyper and wild as can be.

John, Monica, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, February 5, 2003 7:02 PM CST


“Klass begins by pointing out that, "Yes, it really does hurt as bad as they say." So often the pain reported by bereaved parents is so terribly overwhelming that the nonbereaved convince themselves to believe that it can't be so. I vividly remember the first time I went to the home of a bereaved parent. I had come to do an interview for my doctoral dissertation. Afterward, while reflecting on all the pain, I assuringly said to myself, "That's an aberration." Twenty-eight interviewees later I was convinced: the pain is real and it is real bad. Author: Dennis Klass, Ph.D., The Spiritual Lives of Bereaved Parents


What do you tell a four year old who wants assurance that she will go to heaven the same time as her parents? Some parents would be aghast at what I have told Aubrey. But I have only told her biblical truths.

However, I assured her that it is very unlikely that John and I would both depart before she does. And if we did, she knows that she will go live with Auntie Debbie and Uncle David.


Dear Gabbie: You are like a little young lamb taken from the flock and carried away. And your dadda and I are like sheep trying to follow you. We will never know why you were taken away so early. But I know He wants us to follow you.

It is said that children who die teach us more in their death than any living child ever could. You are leading us Gabbie…even though you are so very young. Stumbling through tears, we will always, always follow you. He calls all of us in different ways. I just never thought He would use you.

I miss you, Gabbie. It doesn’t get easier.


Thank you so much for the prayers for us and for all the others we’ve mentioned on this site. I mentioned Tristan a while back…his parents have actually started planning his funeral services even though Tristan is still here.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tueday, February 4, 2003 10:11 AM CST


”Your daughter was a part of yourself; and, therefore, being as it were cut in half, you will be grieved. But you have to rejoice; though a part of you is on earth, a great part of you is glorified in heaven.” Author: Samuel Rutherford, letter to a grieving mother in 1628.

When I was born, or really being formed in the womb, a very small, small part of Gabbie was already in me. Physically, there is nothing left of her here. We mourn so much your absence here, Gabbie. But we rejoice that your spirit and soul are gracing heaven.

As always, until we meet again, dear Gabbie, we love you and miss you deeply.


God says “I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from me.” Jeremiah 32:40

This is why I feel free to explore the dark abyss left after Gabbie died. If you really belong to God, He will make sure you persevere no matter how far you travel down the abyss. The perseverance doesn’t come from me. It comes from God: believers “…are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation.” 1 Peter 1:5

Credit to the John MacArthur Study Bible.


More tests showed the baby is still doing fine and can return to work tomorrow. But now they want bio-physical-profiles twice a week on top of the weekly doctor visit. I am so glad my doctors are so cautious (my doctor actually once again made the Twin Cities top-ten OB specialists) but I cringe when I think how the insurance money could really go to someone who has a more dangerous pregnancy.


We are forever grateful for your support. It comes in all sizes, shapes, and colors but all of it has a very special meaning for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey, & Saint Gabbie

Saturday, February 1, 2003 11:21 AM CST


Last Thursday I finally got to meet Dylan and his mother, Linda. Dylan was paralyzed from the waist down a little over a year ago in a car crash. They had come to the cities for surgery at Gillette. Dylan is only six years old and his spirit is incredible. Linda and Dylan, I hope you had a very safe drive back to Michigan and will look forward to seeing you again.


The baby is fine but we had some problems with bleeding on Friday and John and I spent the day at Southdale Fairview’s Labor & Delivery. Even though they did see some blood clots all other tests were fine. But they still want me off of work for a week.


”Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

When Gabbie was sick, “things not seen” meant to me her eventual earthly healing. Maybe sometimes it is for a future earthly event. But when your child dies, the real meaning of “things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…” becomes very eternal. John and I know that what we do not see yet, and won’t see in this lifetime, is very glorious. Jesus’ glory will far surpass everything. But the glory we will also see in Gabbie will bring much, much anticipated joy to our hearts.


Thanks for the incredible support. A special thanks to the people who send cards and notes. We hope everyone has/had a very safe weekend.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 06:03 PM (CST)


A new online friend of mine from Alabama shared something yesterday that was so uplifting. Thank you so much, Rhonda.

I was informed that my friend’s father, a minister, used the “Will You Be Dere?” journal entry for a sermon for his congregation on Sunday. He emphasized the hope we should all have of heaven and being reunited and that no better care of our loved ones could come from anyone but God.

I thank Rhonda and her father again because it really does help us to know that our child’s death serves some purpose in the present.

If you didn’t see the “Will You Be Dere?” journal entry, it was about Gabbie’s question to my telling her she may soon need to go to heaven. She asked me “Will you be dere?” and I had to explain to her that she would have to go before us and without us…but that we would someday later join her.

Gabbie, I anxiously await that day.


”Consider what God is doing. Your daughter has been plucked out of the fire, and she rests from her labors. Your Lord is testing you by casting you in the fire. Go through all fires to your rest. And now remember, that the eye of God is upon the burning bush, and it is not consumed; and He is gladly content that such a weak woman as you should send Satan away frustrated. Honor God now, and shame the strong roaring lion, when you should feel weakest.” Author: Samual Rutherford, in a letter to a mourning mother.

I have fully come to realize that it really is in our weakest moments that God is most at work. No one can fend off Satan by his or herself, especially while walking in the dark of the night. We can never stop leaning on Him.


In these troublesome times all over the world, we thank you for taking the time to think of us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 05:54 PM (CST)


“What lies beyond the cemetery is the valley of weeping. Even before we leave our child’s grave, we have begun the journey into that valley. Only, we don’t know how deep or how wide the valley is, and this can make the descent both sad and fearful. Worse yet, if we are married, our spouse will also be in the valley. And though we enter together, we may not stay together. Often, one spouse will take a different path and perhaps, go to places lower than the other can follow. Thankfully, there is a faithful Guide, a Good Shepard to lead us through the valley.” Author: James W. Bruce III, From Grief to Glory

This is so true with John and me. Actually, I’m relieved that John is not following me. We balance each other out and I’m beginning to think we really were meant for “…and two shall become one.” Ephesians 5:31

I could not do this without my husband.


The death of a child impacts us in odd ways that others may never think about. They aren’t always negative but still are the direct result of the child’s death. Here’s one of them:

- I was offered a tubal ligation to be performed during the c-section (do I look that old?). While John and I really are done having children, I decided to not deliberately remove the definitive decision from God’s hands. Gabbie’s conception and death were completely in God’s providence and therefore so is the future. I still really think my age will come into play, however.


John and his brother David delivered gift bags to Children’s last Friday. As I mentioned before, the gifts were, and will be, aimed at toddlers two to five years of age.


Thank you to all our friends. You will never know what you have done for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, January 27, 2003 at 06:36 PM (CST)


I used to think that if I lost someone in my life, I would prefer a disease to a quick accident because a disease would mean time to say good-bye. But when your child is dying, your mind isn’t functioning clearly and I did not say good-bye to Gabbie.

Gabbie was in and out of consciousness her last day. I didn’t know she was going until those last few moments. And I didn’t have the clarity of mind to say good-bye.

There really was no last hug either. Shortly after Gabbie had her chemo lines and her feeding tubes put in, picking her up was difficult. She would allow you to pick her up but automatically forced her body away with her arms. This was, I’m sure, due to some discomfort from the chemo port and feeding tube. I always thought I would drop her as the entire top half of her body would be pushed away from me.


“Losing a child goes against the natural order of life. A child’s death violates an implicit generational contract, that our own children will survive us. Most experts believe that losing a child is one of the greatest tests any human can face. A child’s death is off the charts in this category.

“Taken by itself my child’s death was senseless. Put in the spiritual light it was meant for, this senseless tragedy will somehow work to our eternal good. A child’s death is not a riddle to be solved or a question to be answered. Instead it is a mystery to be entrusted to the wisdom of Yahweh (II Cor. 4:16-18).”
Author Deborah Kauffman (Christadelphian Tidings of the Kingdom of God)


Thank you, Jody. Your kind words mean so very much to us!

“…I miss Gabbie and will never forget her. -She was a person who comes around only once in a lifetime, but makes such an impact on your own life that you will never forget her.-A recent guest book entry from Nurse Jody. Jody was one of Gabbie’s primary nurses.

Some of these children who leave too early have a greater impact on the world than someone who is here over 90 years.


A special thanks to all those who without losing children have a special grace given to them that allows them to understand our pain. THANK YOU!!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 10:33 PM (CST)



Gabbie was with us such a very short time and I have very few stories and/or memories left to share…without becoming repetitious. So that means Gabbie’s site is turning more and more into a grief journal.

Here is some advice from a Christian of days gone by.

“…The Lord has placed in the balance your submission to His will and your affection for your daughter. Which of the two will you choose? Be wise; and as I trust you love Christ better, pass by your daughter, and kiss the Son….” Author: Samuel Rutherford, in a letter to a mourning mother.

Looks easy in theory as it is God’s command, but in reality is the most difficult and fiery test of all.

Of course I will pass by Gabbie. But even Rutherford, a very great and strong Christian, realized that the test is an almost even balance of strain where human effort is concerned.


Aubrey is starting to talk about Gabbie more and more and wants reassurance that she will always be Gabbie’s big sister. Of course we reassure her she will always be Gabbie’s big sister here on earth.

Aubrey also continues to mention the possibility of the baby dying. There is nothing wrong with the baby (see previous journal for update on the baby) and I’m sure that Aubrey is starting to be preoccupied with death. But, I tell her no lies because Gabbie’s death does not protect us in any way from further tragedies. In all my searching on other grief stories, there are some that lose child after child. It is so hard as a mother to make the decision to let your four-year old hear only the truth.


John worked so hard all this weekend. We are getting ready for installation of wood floors in our kitchen and dining area and to save money John did all the prep work by himself. He really is a very good husband and a very hard worker. I appreciate him so much!!


We thank all the kind and thoughtful hearts out there. As much as this has been the cruelest experience I can think of, I am glad to know that there are so many wonderful and caring people out there. Andrea, thanks for lunch on Saturday!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, January 24, 2003 at 11:37 AM (CST)


We had another ultrasound yesterday just to make sure the baby’s growth was on track (due to the antibodies). I told John in advance that I would be shocked if the baby was small.

The baby is not small and is actually 2 weeks and 4 days advanced in size. In fact, the technician was wondering if I had diabetes. Due to the baby’s size, my emotional state, and the previous c-section, the doctor this time encouraged the c-section. We are scheduled for March 12, one week before the due date.


I wasn’t going to write this, but it is true and if it sways even one person to rethink the abortion issue, then it is worth it.

Those babies experience great physical pain from the instruments of death. Ultrasounds even show that the babies recoil from being touched by the instrument.


We hope everyone has a safe weekend and that it warms up even a little where we are.

Thank you for all the support. We know it’s been long and are truly amazed that some are still following our journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 05:47 PM (CST)


This isn’t political. It is something I’m willing to bet most grieving parents think about.

As John and I will always remember our fight for Gabbie’s life, we will never understand why some of us struggle so very hard to save a life and others choose to end it in the womb. 30 years of millions and millions of lives originating from the breath of God snuffed out for the sake of…I can’t imagine.

But some of us in the Twin Cities were fortunate enough a few days ago to see a story in the newspaper, complete with pictures, of a family who brought a baby into this world knowing the baby would die either before, or soon after, entering. Little Riley was diagnosed with Potter’s Syndrome about halfway during the pregnancy. Riley lived for 90 minutes after his birth. His mother and father and other extended family members held him, sang to him, read to him, and loved him.

Reading Riley’s story, while so sad, is also full of hope and respect for life given by God.

We also need to remember with compassion all those who make that awful decision because God forgives all sins but one. And we all sin.



The Paquette’s

Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 06:00 PM (CST)


This is somewhat reminiscent of “Dark Tuesday,” which I will occasionally still write.

Here is a quote from a father who writes on stress and loss. He lost 3 young daughters at different times to different illnesses.

“One of the saddest things in the world is to see some poor grieving mother being badgered by [anyone] who expects a few platitudes to heal all of her pain immediately. . . . and who will not let the poor woman go until she admits that she is completely healed of all her pain -- and generally this abuse occurs within days of the death -- years before any meaningful healing can occur.
Author - Stephen R. Marsh

Only a few weeks after Gabbie died I received a phone call I will never forget. Someone argued and argued with me that I had to be happy. I started to mention how much I loved Gabbie and was interrupted with “no, no, no….”

My grief and despair was totally denied.

Why? Why do people who haven’t lost children want us to deny our pain?

Why can’t others accept that God gives all of us pain and for some the pain is more severe and can last a very long time?

Our pain is relative to the love of our child and is not a denial of God’s grace. God doesn’t promise that His grace will remove pain but rather that we can go on no matter how bad the pain is. Three times Paul asked God to remove his pain and God said no.

...My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in thy weakness....–2 Cor. 12:9

And possibly the greatest weakness of my life, dear Gabbie, is my love for you and the everlasting pain of your absence.


Thanks to all who took the time to visit Tristan’s site. Thanks for thinking about us and remembering Gabbie. Thank you for not denying my grief—my only earthly connection to Gabbie.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, January 20, 2003 at 06:01 PM (CST)


Someone (thanks Suzanne) recently sent me a grief book that shares the thoughts of bereaved Christians from days long, long ago. Calvin, Luther, Spurgeon, Owen, etc. One of them, John Owen, lost ten of his eleven children.

The faith of old is very strong but the grief is not portrayed as linear. Instead, there is a focus on heeding God’s call in suffering and focusing on hope in eternity.

One of the grieving fathers mentions how his child had gone on to the land of the living and had left the “wasteland.” This is true even though I know so many don’t like to hear it. John says it is too negative for him, but I like it because it reaffirms that Gabbie, while I miss her more and more everyday, is in a much better place.

“Owen, the Puritan, lay on his deathbed, and his secretary was writing a letter, in his name, to a friend: ‘I am still in the land of the living,’ he wrote, and read what he had written to Owen. ‘No, please do not write that,’ Owen said. ‘I am yet in the land of the dying; but later, I will be in the land of the living!’ Authors: Unknown and John Owen

"They can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God's children, since they are children of the resurrection." Luke 20:36


Aubrey will always know that children can die at anytime. Last night Auntie Sarah was over and Aubrey said something about the baby (her soon-to-be sibling) dying. We all just kind of ignored it but our house will always know the word “died” so differently than most homes.

But Aubrey continues to amaze us with her cheerfulness and active mind. Her latest question is how does Jesus get us all up to heaven. Yesterday she told me that Jesus’ hands are too small to carry everyone. I hate to use the word “magic” in relation to God but Aubrey has never heard the words supernatural or all-powerful so I’m left with no choice.


Tristan is a very cute baby boy who is really struggling with Rhabdoid tumors. The tumors are growing and while remaining so positive I know this family is really hurting. Here is Tristan’s Web site:


As always, thanks for following our journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 06:46 PM (CST)


I asked John last night if he has dreams about Gabbie and he told me he hasn’t had a single one. I dream about Gabbie almost every night and it’s almost always the same: Gabbie is home and terminal but seems to be getting better. But the other night I dreamt that Gabbie was one of the missing and abducted children. So that morning all I could think about was Elizabeth Smart’s parents.

What do you tell those parents? Although likely, you can’t even tell them that their children are in heaven. And that is what we cling to…Gabbie is in heaven.

God is in control yet He is not controlling. He allows events that are simply beyond comprehension of the human mind.


A deep rock-based faith isn't about having all the answers, or about knowing the cheap platitudes to say ("There's a reason for everything" or "God never gives us more than we can bear"). A wise faith may not even be correlated with book knowledge. More often it's about accepting ambiguity, uncertainty, doubt, and wonder. AUTHOR UNKNOWN

I have a lot ambiguity…uncertainty….doubt….and wonder. But I still believe God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving.

I know Gabbie is in heaven (or Paradise), but I can only wonder about the glory she has received. What is Gabbie’s glory in heaven? I want more for Gabbie in heaven than for me.


Thanks for all the offers for prayers for Christy!

Thanks for all the prayers for our family.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 06:54 PM (CST)


About one month before Gabbie was diagnosed with cancer, I had gone to the OB/GYN to make arrangements to get my tubes tied. I had been considering it since Gabbie’s birth but had never gotten around to it. We are fortunate that I rarely act on decisions quickly.

While this baby will not change one once of my grief for Gabbie, we are blessed that we are able to have another child.


I did not go through pain and come out the other side; instead, I lived in it and found within that pain the grace to survive and eventually grow. I did not get over the loss of my loved ones; rather, I absorbed the loss into my life, like soil receives decaying matter, until it became a part of who I am. Sorrow took up permanent residence in my soul and enlarged it. Gerald Sittser

Sittser speaks for me…just more eloquently. Just understand that the enlargement of the soul will have nothing to do with crowding out the sorrow, it will just make room for my new life.


There is a bereaved mother who I am very worried about. For now I will only say her name is Christy. Her daughter, about Gabbie’s age, died in December. Her despondency concerns me and if anyone is willing to pray on a name…pray for a mother named Christy.

While my grief is so overwhelming, my faith will see me to the end. I may not achieve what seems to be the ideal of so many, but faith will carry me through. I don’t doubt that Christy has faith but she really is struggling in the abyss.


Gabbie’s friends…thank you!! When you finish YOUR race, you will get to meet her. And some of you I will never meet in this life, so I will get to meet you also!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 04:53 PM (CST)


Aubrey asked me the other night if God would save her if a burglar came into our house. I hesitated. And then I told her that saving her from a burglar is not God’s job. God’s job is to save her from other evils.

It also wouldn’t be fair to Gabbie. Gabbie was not saved from cancer. It wouldn’t be fair to the boys in New Jersey who weren’t even protected from their own relatives. It wouldn’t be fair to the children in this country and all over the world who die slow and painful deaths from starvation. That is not the protection God offers.

So after Aubrey contemplated this, she then asked if I would save her from a burglar. I told her I would do whatever I could to save her.

This might seem like a lot for a four year old. But she lost a sister. I would rather have her know truth and be a little afraid of this world.


I mentioned yesterday that I do not believe in communicating with the dead. That does not mean that I don’t send my love to Gabbie every day. But that is just for me. We just don’t know their level of awareness of our lives here.

I tell Gabbie I love her, but I ask nothing of her. We shouldn’t.

Gabbie’s time of labor is done and she is resting. And anyway, Jesus is the only one who died for our sins on the cross. He is the only mediator and our only intercessor.

”Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yes rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” Romans 8:34



There are no words for a child’s death. So many have gone the extra mile to at least try to understand. We thank you for walking that extra mile!

Monica, John, Aubrey, & Saint Gabbie

Monday, January 13, 2003 at 06:39 PM (CST)


This doesn’t really have anything to do with Gabbie but it is a situation, in a very disturbing way, which takes advantage of grieving parents and other bereaved facing loss.

Last Friday night, we saw part of a Larry King CNN special regarding an interview with a spiritual medium. CNN accepted live calls and the medium had one woman in tears with his accuracy.

I would feel as if I were defiling Gabbie’s death if I went anywhere near a spiritual medium because it is harshly condemned in scripture—which means God knew it would be attempted.

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 18:10-13

How do they do it? Most Christian experts explain that there are evil spirits out and about as spiritual warfare is always around us. These spirits have some limited knowledge about circumstances surrounding our lives and the lives of our departed loved ones. The spiritual medium simply has the ability to communicate with evil spirits. Scripture contains many warnings about the deceptive nature of spirits. So while it seems benign and/or caring, it is not.


“….But deep grief is not something that you ‘just get over.’ Rather, it’s something that you learn to live with, more like a chronic condition than something that can be cured. Some people try to use the Kubler-Ross stages of dying (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) to understand the grieving process. But these stages apply to dying patients, not the bereaved. There may be a level of acceptance that occurs with grief, but for the grievers, rarely is the ending clearly marked." Author Unknown

A chronic condition…something I have been trying so hard to explain. The pain of Gabbie’s absence is forever and until eternity.


Thank you as always for visiting Gabbie’s site!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, January 10, 2003 at 05:11 PM (CST)


Aubrey handled herself very well at my OB appointment. I gave her free reign to my purse and she had herself all “made-up” with lipstick by the time the doctor arrived. He was nice enough to recognize what she had done and complimented her on her lipstick.

We will have an ultrasound in two weeks and then probably schedule a c-section for mid-March. The doctor finally offered that a c-section is a little safer for the baby.

Aubrey is getting excited about helping out with the baby. She has offered that if I am too tired she will lift the baby out of the crib/bassinet for me. I’ll have to try that on her and see what she tries to do as she could never reach.


My mom sent a card the other day and mentioned how she and my dad think about Gabbie every day. She said something about Gabbie that is so true and that I hadn’t thought about.

Gabbie was always so patient in waiting to be acknowledged. People would come in to the room and sometimes greet and chat with John or me or whoever else was in the room. Sometimes it would be several minutes before saying “Hi” to Gabbie. And she would sit there patiently waiting and just observing.


“Many parents feel they never really recover from the loss of a child. They may adjust to it, they may be able to resume their everyday activities, and may even derive some pleasure from life but they feel they remain vulnerable. They are not the same people they were before. For some parents, the new identity is a stronger one – they feel nothing can affect them so profoundly again.” Author unknown.

I agree.


As always, we are so very grateful and blessed for the support from all the followers of this Web site. We hope all of you have a very safe weekend.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 06:04 PM (CST)


I have tomorrow (Thursday) off for an OB appointment and since Aubrey has been asking for a momma-Aubrey day, I’ve decided I will let her come with me. It’s just a standard check-up that will just check for size and the baby’s heartbeat, so I think Aubrey will be able to behave in that amount of time. We shall see.

On Saturday, I plan on taking Aubrey to meet an online friend at Gillette Hospital. I’ve corresponded with the mother of a little boy who was paralyzed in a car accident and they will be in town for a surgical procedure. They live in Michigan so we didn’t want to pass up on the opportunity to meet.


It would be considered sloppy research in my line of work, but I don’t always have the authors of these quotes.

“The loss of a child appears to be the most stressful of all human loss experiences, and perhaps the most tragic. The rarity, unnaturalness and untimeliness of a child's death frequently leaves parents ill-prepared for dealing with the inevitable tremendous grief. Mothers in particular appear to experience higher levels of grief and greater difficulty coping with the death of their child.” Author unknown.

I know John’s heart really is broken. But it seems that with the other bereaved families I’ve come to know, that the above quote regarding mothers experiencing a higher level of grief is true. I believe this is also more personality related than faith related.


And thanks to yet another new visitor to Gabbie’s site for sharing this with me today:

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our earthly troubles are achieving for us and eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 06:33 PM (CST)


While John seems to be doing OK now, I still ache for watching such a very good person suffer.

I’ve already told the story about how Gabbie died in my arms. But after she died…

I passed her limp body to John, who was sitting right next to me. This is what I saw: the man I love and respect so much was hunched over Gabbie and his eyes and nose were running uncontrollably. I reached over to wipe his face and then decided it wasn’t necessary. I will always remember the unbearable agony etched in his face. And John was the one who gently placed her back in her crib.

John doesn’t get mad. But sometimes I get angry with God for letting such a good man suffer so very, very much.(Don’t worry—God can handle anger!!)

TO GABBIE: Your Dadda loves you so very much. Just like me, he would have gladly given his life for you. (That goes for you, too, Aubrey. WE LOVE YOU!!)


We are all so very different in this painful journey. So I am going to start including pieces of grief and grief advice from others. I want to do this, because personally I feel there is this belief that bereaved parents all have the same experiences with the same likely outcome. But that simply cannot be.

Here is an excerpt from a book written by a man who lost his mother, wife, and one of his four children in a car accident:

“Recovery from catastrophic loss is a misleading and empty expectation ….Catastrophic loss by definition precludes recovery. It will transform us, destroy us [the old self], but it will never leave us the same…Sorrow never entirely leaves the soul of those who have suffered a severe loss. If anything, it may keep going deeper….” But he also says, “It enlarges the soul until it is capable of mourning and rejoicing simultaneously…” Gerald L. Sittser

I also believe this experience will enlarge my soul as I choose to turn to God for this suffering. But I also know I will forever deeply mourn my little Gabbie.

Why does the pain go deeper? Because the day I last held her gets further and further away.


We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing our journey for so long and for your kind thoughts and prayers.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, January 06, 2003 at 04:44 PM (CST)


I’ll never forget the day Gabbie was home between treatments and as I was getting her dressed she pointed her finger at me and said, “Stay home.” And I’ll never understand why I didn’t stay home from work that day. I know I was trying to save time for her hoped for remission, but really, that one day would not have hurt.

There are some things that no matter how people try to console us will forever haunt us.


I took Aubrey to the YMCA again this weekend. She gets so excited and even WANTS to go in the nursery while I walk/jog on the treadmill. For some reason, she brings “work-out” clothes and changes from winter clothes to shorts and a t-shirt for her stay in the nursery.

And then of course we swim.

And the last part of our routine is to go from the mother/child locker-room to the women’s locker room for the hair-dryers. Aubrey just loves hair-dryers and I refuse to deny her this little bit of fun. And twice, other women have complained about Aubrey’s presence. This has almost made me cry. Aubrey does nothing wrong and we are in and out of that locker-room in less than 3-4 minutes.

Aubrey is growing up too fast. And anyone who has lost a child will tell you that we lose even more because we are gone for a while. In fact, I’ve been absent from Aubrey three times in her short life. The insomnia, Gabbie’s cancer, and Gabbie’s death.


"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted," Matthew 5:4

This isn’t a comfort for grieving parents mourning the loss of a child. This is for everyone and it concerns mourning over sin.

This mourning over sin would and should involve mourning over our own sins as well as the sins of others. In other words, Jesus is saying fortunate are those who can be touched, those who care for the lost, and are deeply hurt to [see] souls in that state. Tom Moore

There is a biblical comfort in Gabbie’s death but I think I’ve given up on it being understood by most people. Comfort from God simply is not as comfort is described in Webster’s dictionary. Based on Webster’s…I simply cannot be comforted in Gabbie’s death.


And some mornings are really bad and then I read the inspiring messages in the guest book—thank you!! Thanks to my mom and dad for our wonderful lasagna dinner on Sunday night.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 07:04 PM (CST)


Obviously, cancer and death are not partial to holidays. Several children I follow lost their lives on or close to Christmas Day. So much celebration; so much pain.


We did not do anything on New Years Eve…however we would have done that even if Gabbie was still with us. We did not do anything on New Years Day other than to make a quick trip to Barnes & Noble.

Aubrey’s behavior is getting a little better and she really is a very funny child. She amazes me every day with how excitable she can be when I show very little emotion around her or pretend happiness for her sake. We truly are blessed by Aubrey.


A mother who very recently lost her son was commenting on the “God never gives us more than we can bear” platitude that is thrown at grieving parents all the time. I cannot explain how much that empty statement hurts. I truly believe God never gives us something that will make us completely turn away from Him. But it is used by so many to say that the weight of the death of child is bearable. For many of us the pain is very unbearable.

I know, however, that somehow He will get us through. But “getting through” is not the same for all and can vary greatly.


There are so many out there that I wish so many blessings on for 2003. The kindness shown to our family has been overwhelming.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, December 31, 2002 at 05:01 PM (CST)


We wish everyone many blessings in the new year to come. We are thankful as always for the family and friends who are supportive.


The holidays without Gabbie were far worse than anticipated. Gabbie is missed more and more every day. As most people can probably guess, it is not the religious aspect of Christmas that is bad, but rather the commercial side.

Fortunately, I had even dropped out of the adult exchange for gifts before Gabbie was ever diagnosed.

I worked all day on Christmas Eve and John took Aubrey to both sides of the family. On Christmas morning, I was getting ready for church but I could tell John was worried that we would not make it with Aubrey's antics, and he asked that I stay home with her. That part was fine anyway because by the end of the day I had picked up a stomach virus.

We stayed home the rest of Christmas day with Aubrey.

We have numerous bags for Gabbie's Gifts all set to go but a call from Child Life at the hospital was never returned and hopefully they will accept them even after the holidays.


Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 06:11 PM (CST)


Gabbie’s site will be taking a break until after Christmas.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We hope that all your travels are safe.


Yes, I will celebrate this part of Christmas…the gift of Jesus.


The other part of Christmas that is practically forced on us will never, ever be the same without you. And the change is a very, very sad change. I wish so much that you could be here. I love you, Gabbie. My heart will never stop aching for you….until we meet again.


Our thanks to all of you who have offered so much support.

God bless,
Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, December 16, 2002 at 06:32 PM (CST)


I always feared a passerby would stop us and question our game.

When I would need to tip the double-stroller up over a curb or bump, with both girls, sometimes I literally had to put all my body weight on the handle. And one day I did it too fast and the stroller came close to crashing to the ground.

But Aubrey and Gabbie laughed. So, I slowly tipped it and set the handle on the sidewalk and there were Aubrey and Gabbie tipped almost upside down in the stroller (tightly strapped in, or course). They would laugh and I would wave goodbye and start to walk away. And finally Aubrey would yell, while laughing, “Mama, come back.”

And they would ask me to do it again. And again. As long as they laughed, I did it.

John doesn’t even know about this game. We had a lot of “don’t tell Daddy!” incidents and games.


"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ" (Ephesians 1:3).

I think when we are given such horrible circumstances here, God is calling us to realize that His true blessings are eternal and spiritual and not temporal.


A family with a very little boy at Childrens with a cancer more deadly than neuroblastoma just found out this weekend that their son has relapsed. I’m sure the family is shocked and their Christmas will be VERY hard.

Thanks for everything. The people on this Web site have been so wonderful that you actually provide a sharp contrast with all those people who totally ignored Gabbie’s death. And they are many.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 09:26 AM (CST)


We want to thank again Aunties Sarah and Kari for taking Aubrey along with her cousins to the Marshall Fields Christmas show and the Holidazzle parade. We don't even mind that you fed Aubrey the tin foil from a chocolate santa. She has a tough stomach.

But really, thanks for making it easier on us to make sure that Aubrey still has a normal childhood. We appreciate it.


So many have asked us, so here are the signs we had for Gabbie that something was wrong. These may not be in the textbooks, but every child is different. Most of this happened in the eight weeks preceding dx, but when we look back, she had not felt well for some time.

1. Frequent trips to the pediatrician for fevers and various infections.

2. When I would get ready for work in the morning, Gabbie would pull on my clothes and beg, "Rockie me." Fortunately, I always took the time to rock her even if only for a few minutes.

3. Restless sleep habits.

4. Paler in color than Aubrey.

5. Gabbie would come out to the living room and crouch down on her hands and legs so that her stomach was lifted off the ground. (Why didn't we pursue that one???)

6. Her face and tummy were still plump. But when we got back the last professional photos ever taken, her legs were noticeably thinner than Aubrey's.

7. The clinic told us she was very low in iron. She had a healthy diet so I remember even thinking about how odd that was.

8. I used to joke that Gabbie was my "pregnant toddler." Little did I know it was a huge tumor.

9. She just wasn't the same. I think back and her discomfort is obvious now but wasn't then. We are so sorry, Gabbie.


Doug Grow's Sunday column shares a story about a well-liked Mpls priest battling cystic fibrosis. He even has a CB site if you are interested.

Although his situation is so different from ours, I was so happy to see someone express some similar thoughts...

"God's not about giving happiness...God's about being there to lean on."

"I have very little fuse left for people who are bitching about things like having to wait too long in the grocery store line or because their tee times got messed up."

Me too, Reverand Tolaas. No patience at all for those kinds of people.


We thank you always for sharing our journey.

I want to also thank my special friend, Janine, for a wonderful lunch on Saturday. Your family is very, very special.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, December 13, 2002 at 05:29 PM (CST)


It was such a very difficult mountain. At times, just as has been done by saints of the Bible—so don’t be shocked that people can admit this, I daily begged God to take my life. But then I got to the top and saw an incredibly beautiful sunrise. In the many months that followed, I thanked God daily for allowing the rugged mountain—the trial—and the most wonderful restoration—Gabbie—that followed the trial.

And in mid-sentence while thanking God for the trial and subsequent restoration, the entire sunrise, which was still rising, was smashed to pieces.

And that is not supposed to impact my grief journey?

Maybe that is why I focus so much on endurance rather than comfort.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. And sometimes the “good” being worked out by God in heaven is NEVER seen in this life.


The OB/GYN tests were fine and the heartbeat is strong.

My doctor will simply not budge from his 50/50 opinion on c-section vs. VBAC. If he would only lean a little bit one way I could make up my mind. John is just as indecisive but I’m sure he feels clueless in the matter. decision will automatically result in a decision as the day approaches.


I hope everyone realizes that I know there are people in the world who suffer much, much more than I do.

But when you live in comfort-land (America), a child's death is the largest cross. I would trade ANY cross for Gabbie’s life.

Thanks for staying with us! We really do appreciate all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 06:54 PM (CST)


Since so many people have asked, I should really update on Gabbie’s Gifts. While many have told us that the tax status simply doesn’t matter, John and I are not comfortable accepting any contributions this year. Next year we should have the tax-deductible status completed.

The hospital encourages sponsors to stick to one age group and so our easy choice was the two to five-year olds. I am going to be honest—we would rather spend more money on fewer gifts rather than trying to distribute more gifts beyond the oncology unit at Mpls Childrens. Gabbie will forever be two in my mind and she was never treated outside of Mpls Childrens.

We have most of the items and bags for this year. I just need to get organized and assemble the bags! However, we thank everyone for his or her very generous offers. Keep Gabbie in your thoughts and remember that we will do this next year and probably more than just once a year!


Tomorrow is the glucose test. I’m not worried that I have gestational diabetes but a nurse at my clinic forewarned me that they have gotten very picky about the results. If I’m even one point over—it means an automatic 30-hour observational stay in the hospital. The results can be greatly skewed just by what you eat that day.

Otherwise, all seems to be fine.


“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, no sacrifice I make can be too great for Him.” C.T. Studd

I know this is true. There is no sacrifice in this entire world that is too great for Jesus. He sacrificed more than we can ever imagine.

Still, Gabbie, you are a tremendous sacrifice.

Thanks to everyone for continuing to share in our journey. And I know that not everyone prays as I wrote yesterday. We just know that…some do. It is so sad.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 06:11 PM (CST)


Today is my day to talk about the dark side of a child’s death. By the way, there is no "light" side.


Do you know what it is like to walk around and sense the unspoken thought of gratitude that it was my child and not another’s?

Do you know what it is like to understand that others are extremely relieved it was not their child?

Do you know what it is like to feel someone’s thoughts that “the Paquette’s can handle it but we could not?” Gabbie means as much to us as ANY child.

I know that sometime and somewhere these words have been prayed: “Thank you, God, that it was Gabbie Paquette and not my child.”

Did you know I thank the same God?

Gabbie’s Grieving Mama
A Mama who hates the thought, “Thank God it was Gabbie Paquette...and not my child.”


Monday, December 09, 2002 at 06:51 PM (CST)


Violence and war and other unkind things going on behind me. A river before me and then I saw Him. He stretched out His hand to me across the river and as I gladly reached out for it I woke up. I was so disappointed that I was still here.

But I woke up to a wonderful life. John, Aubrey, and you, Gabbie. I thought you were healthy. That dream told me, however, that I was ready to leave this life at anytime if God so designed. There would be no sorrow if I learned my time was up. But there also was no sorrow in staying, either.

And then you died, Gabbie. You tipped the even scales of desire between this life and the next. The scales will be forever tipped. All because of you.

I have now reinterpreted that dream: His offered hand was to come to the Cross.


Aubrey was watching a Wiggles tape this weekend and when they were doing a dance with Wags the Dog, we remembered one of Gabbie’s favorites. She would lie down on her back and wave her arms and legs in the air as they do on the tape—they are imitating dogs.

Aubrey dances with wild abandon and no coordination. Gabbie would always dance carefully and slowly. I can still see her…standing way too close to the t.v. and softly swaying to the Wiggles.


You have laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the depths. Your wrath lies heavy upon me, and You have afflicted me with all Your waves. Selah You have put away my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an abomination to them; I am shut up and cannot get out; My eyes waste away because of affliction. Lord, I have called daily upon you; I have stretched out my hands to you. Psalm 88:6-9

Just because I don’t seek comfort the way people want me to…doesn’t mean I don’t cry out to God under this Cross.

We thank you for all your wonderful support. John’s back is much better!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, December 06, 2002 at 05:54 PM (CST)


Aubrey is growing up and experiencing more and more new things. Most days she goes to daycare with lipstick all over her face. Today for some reason, her lipstick was more expertly applied than it ever has been on me!! And she chooses such dark, showy colors! We will have to really watch her.

And my heart is so heavy that you are not with us to share those experiences. I so miss those hectic mornings of getting the both of you ready.

We love you. We miss you. We would give anything to have you back.


No, he is not seriously hurt. Just in serious pain and out of commission. I told him when he recovers this time he has to start doing back exercises.


We hurt so much, but put all of our trust in the Lord for Gabbie’s safekeeping. Because…

”I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8


Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, December 04, 2002 at 05:55 PM (CST)


My dear solemn Gabbie, shortly before you were to go into the first surgery, and the last time you were ever comfortable and feeling well, I made you laugh. You laughed so hard I couldn’t believe it.

I approached you in your highchair and then crossed my eyes as I looked at you. You found it so funny. So I did it over and over until it wasn’t funny anymore.

Later on, I had this tremendous headache that stayed for days. I eventually realized it was payback for repeatedly crossing my eyes. But it was worth your laughter. I would carry that headache (AND SO MUCH MORE) for the rest of my life to see you laugh…just one more time.


Unfortunately, a couple of the children I’ve been following lost their lives over the holiday weekend.

One was a boy named Seth, a/k/a Seth Loves Trains. Seth was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Lymphoma in June right before his 5th birthday. He relapsed with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) on November 8th and died this past weekend.

Jacob was the other young boy who died. He bravely fought a neuroblastoma relapse. All these kids put up such courageous fights.

We hear so often that these children should be our role models. Even people who aren’t that spiritual sometimes see God in these children. He really is calling to us through the lives of these children.


He loves them more than the grieving mothers and fathers. They have been chosen for His army. While I grieve so much for Gabbie, I am so honored that she is in God’s army!

"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." --Psalm 8:2

"At that time Jesus said, 'I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.'"--Matthew 11:25-26

As always, thanks to everyone. For your prayers, support, understanding, and just for sharing our journey. And to my special friend who just had a major change in her life…it really is the BEST gift in Gabbie’s death. There is NOTHING more important than that.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 05:54 PM (CST)


Before I ever say, “I’m tired, heal me,” I have much to do. Knowing still, that healing does not end the grief.

Psychological Obstacles That Come First

* Every day I think about what is happening to Gabbie’s little physical body buried underground.

* Gabbie was never healed until death. And I’m supposed to worry about my own healing?

* When our children die, those around us immediately turn around and focus on healing. I’m still looking for Gabbie. Gabbie, you can’t be gone…please…I need you.

* Healing from God is spiritual. Human pain outside the spiritual realm DOES exist and is sometimes never healed. If you disagree, then explain the ever-present and painful torment of children who starve to death.

* Like the minds of chronic insomniacs…some of us are wired in such ways that we get trapped in vicious cycles. The greatest void in grief books is how our minds and brains function and the subsequent impact on grief. The doctor told me, “Stop asking God to make your insomnia go away.” After much praying and begging, I realized the doctor was right. He doesn't change everything.

Dark Anger Must Be Dealt With

The souls of my children have slipped through my fingers. I never chose this. And the “choice” belief I so dislike has determined actions and attitude towards my losses.

You could only understand if it was your miscarriage…if it was your child’s dead body lying in the crib. Only an hour earlier and the belittlement would have occurred as Gabbie was taking her last breath in my arms. (Oh, then tact would have prevailed? An hour of death, with dried tears still on my face, makes a difference? I fail to see the difference—what’s wrong with me? Is dignity and respect in the presence of my cherished child’s dead body too much to ask? Is dignity and respect regarding the lost soul of a child I never knew too much to ask?)

It would be hypocritical of me to not acknowledge that I have to forgive someone. Even though the souls of my children have slipped through my fingers. One…two...three.


There is much anger in the death of a child. To not overwhelm Gabbie’s site with dark feelings, I’ve decided I will dedicate one day a week to releasing the darkness.

You must remember, I love God and one can love God with all their heart and still have pain and anger. These are my weakest and darkest days.

Thank you for understanding.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, December 02, 2002 at 05:18 PM (CST)


I did not celebrate Thanksgiving this year and plan to sit out Christmas also. John took Aubrey to celebrate with the Paquette family. This is the only way I can survive.


Loneliness has absolutely nothing to do with the number of people around you. It’s the person who is missing. Like many, many who have gone before me, holidays will always be faced with much dread, sadness, and loneliness.

I have very heavy psychological associations with Gabbie and the rest of my family and their homes. If it is a family event, Gabbie should be there. If I’m at the home of a family member, Gabbie should be there. For my sake, she needs to be there. But she will never be there again.

I’m very, very lonely for Gabbie when in the presence of family. That is when I long for her the most and always will feel that way. I’ve only been in the homes of family three times since Gabbie died and all three times I was screaming on the inside to get out.

This loneliness is not from a detachment from God. That would be even worse. This is a psychological and secular loneliness for Gabbie only. But it is still horrible.


He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isaiah 53:3


A special thanks to Auntie Sarah and all the others who helped make a little Christmas tree for Gabbie’s grave. We are so grateful!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 06:09 PM (CST)


The second Gabbie took her last breath, all imagery came to a halt.

Know one knows for sure, and we can only speculate, what it is like after death. But these are my biblical beliefs on where Gabbie is now and what she is doing.

I believe that Gabbie’s soul is with Jesus. But I do not believe she has her resurrected body yet. Is her soul happy? Yes! But is there anything for me to visualize? No. So while others envision their deceased children running around and playing in Heaven (and I would never deny or argue that with a parent), I can only believe that Gabbie’s soul is with Jesus.

“But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.” I Thessalonians 4:13-14

But when she gets her resurrected body, I know it will be perfect and immortal forever.

And if you are wondering when her body will be resurrected, it will be when He comes to gather all those who are His.


While we miss Gabbie so much and this holiday will be filled with sorrow from the perspective of Gabbie’s absence, we still have much to be thankful for.

We thank God for loaning Gabbie to us, no matter how short the time.

We thank God for our supportive families.

We thank God for our supportive friends: friends we’ve met and friends we’ve never met.

We thank God for giving us eternal hope.

We thank God for all his wonderful promises. We believe in all of them.

We just thank God. Even in mourning.

We thank God again…for the gentlest soul we’ve ever known.

We hope and pray that everyone have a very safe Thanksgiving. God bless all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, November 25, 2002 at 06:37 PM (CST)


Many gifts were delivered to Gabbie’s room anonymously. We never were able to thank those people.

The first gift delivered was a crocheted pink blanket. That blanket became Gabbie’s official hospital blanket. It was there during all her admissions.

I can still recall the many times when John would go with Gabbie down to the lower-levels of the hospital with Gabbie for a procedure or x-ray. Then later I would go looking for them in the basement hallways, never thinking twice as I went through doors marked “Authorized Personnel Only.”

And then I would turn a corner and see the swatch of a pink blanket and a little girl in bright yellow hospital pajamas. And that stare from Gabbie.


My greatest weakness in facing Gabbie’s death may be that I never willingly release the pain or sadness left in her absence. I don’t bemoan the loss of happiness; I just can’t stand Gabbie’s absence. (That’s probably the huge disconnect when people want to comfort us.)

There will always be people who insist we have to let go of our children. We are all wired so differently as to how we will respond to a child’s death. But God works not only with our strengths but our weaknesses.

St. Thomas the Apostle is known as the pessimistic doubter. And our gracious God deals with Thomas at his level at the time when Thomas refused to believe Jesus was resurrected.

"Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe" (John 20:25)

And then God works WITH Thomas’ unbelief in a very loving manner.

”Then He [Jesus] said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here, and look at My hand; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.’” John 20:27

So the grieving parent can turn to God in whatever way they can. I trust so much that He will work with who I am as an individual and not society’s definition of how I should grieve. Because that is how gracious He is!


We thank you all for the continued support. SO MANY WONDERFUL HEARTS!!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, November 22, 2002 at 06:35 PM (CST)



Aubrey is just Aubrey

For Gabbie, John and I actually flipped a coin as we were not ready to name her since she came before her expected time. I won. Her name would have been reversed, “Anna Gabrielle,” if John had won.

At daycare, she was frequently called “Gabbie, Gabbie, Gabbie Girl.”

At the hospital, she became “The Gabster,” or “Gabs.”

For me, she will always be little Gabbie with huge, solemn eyes.

I love you, Gabbie.


Another friend of mine is struggling with society’s response to her grief over her child. Maybe the grief-stricken parent’s view of comfort is completely different from the view of someone who never loses a child.

Comfort is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Comfort is knowing that God reaches down to save undeserving sinners. Comfort is strength from God to move on in life through great and tremendous pain. Comfort is knowing that Gabbie is a child of God. Comfort is knowing that I haven’t earned salvation—it’s a free gift from my loving eternal Father.

But in America, comfort is slurred with cozy and a complete absence of pain. I will never ever feel cozy without Gabbie. I will never have a day without the pain of her absence.

Yes, He is the great Comforter. While I don’t get to “feel,” the way others do, I know He is there. And maybe that will be His comfort for me.

I will always grieve for you Gabbie. If that is wrong, than I’m sorry. But it still won’t change.


Thank you for letting us share even the little stories. Stories that I know exist in all of your families.

Hold on tight to your kids. We know that the family who lost two boys in the pond is grieving madly.

Those who read the paper also know that the tragedy of last week for the family who lost a mother and child has deepened even more. They really need prayers. Even John and I cannot express our thoughts to this family.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 06:17 PM (CST)


I’ve mentioned how hard it is for me to never have seen once in Gabbie a desire to go on to Heaven. But it is possible that she saw Jesus.

John was holding Gabbie in the living room a day or two before she died. She pointed with her little finger towards a hallway and said, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” I have no doubt that sometimes Jesus does appear to those near death.

Of course, I did not get to witness this (but trust John). But I do know that Gabbie’s death was taken very seriously by God.

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15

My dear little Gabbie, while knowing has to be enough, I so wish I had seen your desire for your true home. We love you. Your quiet soul is painfully missed.


John and I are still so amazed at the incredible support that has come from Gabbie’s Web site. I want everyone to know that I now appreciate your difficulty in knowing what to say.

It’s too hard for you to know. All parents grieve differently. I shun “comfort” and seek solitude. Others parents probably want to be surrounded by people and comforting thoughts. I need to face the horror and evil and will seek God BECAUSE of the horror. But another parent may need to turn away from the horror.

So, once again, please do not worry about what you say or write. While I may not always agree with the words, we grieving parents develop a keen instinct for detecting sincerity. And that’s truly what counts.



Sharing Gabbie’s story helps us in so many ways. We are forever grateful.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 07:12 PM (CST)


Actually…this is not bad/dark and shows we do have some light moments. Last week was very draining with anniversaries and new deaths so Aubrey's antics are welcome.

Aubrey was in bed the other night and was doing her usual two-hours of yelling out to us in the living room, trying as always to see how often she could get John back in her room.

At one point she yelled, “I have bad memories.” And we yelled back, “Bad memories of what?” Aubrey said, “From T.V.” So I said, “That’s it. No more Sci-Fi.” And Aubrey said, “No, Sci-Fi is OK.”

So I guess I can’t comment anymore on Harry Potter if I let Aubrey watch Sci-Fi. (I only let her watch the real fake stuff, such as sharks that walk on land, and repeatedly tell her it’s not real.)


For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:21

“The idea conveyed is that just as the wind controls the sail of a boat, so also the breath of God controlled the writers of the Bible. The end result was exactly what God intended.” Josh McDowell


Thank you for helping us create such lasting memories of Gabbie! We will cherish all the guest book entries…until eternity.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, November 18, 2002 at 06:39 PM (CST)


We didn’t really do anything special on Gabbie’s birthday. John did take Aubrey to the cemetery and several other family members visited her gravesite. I have been very reluctant to go to the cemetery and am quite relieved to know that others are visiting in place of me.

I want her gravesite to always be treated with respect but will not be a frequent visitor—she’s not there! If I thought it wasn’t being taken care of…I would go all the time.


I went to a double funeral on Saturday. It was for a baby girl who died last Monday and for the mother who died of a broken-heart two days later. Not one person on this earth knows exactly how this mother felt when she lost her child. And that means not one single person should judge her for leaving. I know why she left. I understand completely.

This is forgiven.

"Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:4-6

This is part of God’s grace and infinite wisdom! He knows we ALL sin, all the time. He has reserved only one sin to be unpardonable and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

”Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.” Matthew 12:31


We thank all of you who remembered Gabbie on her special day. It really means a lot to us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 09:37 AM (CST)


You should be here, Gabbie. It's better where you are but even we know that God does not plan for little children to get cancer. You really are supposed to be with us still.






Mama, Dadda, & Aubrey

PS: While Aubrey has never shed a tear for you, that's OK. She makes cards for you all the time.

Friday, November 15, 2002 at 04:28 PM (CST)


I just want everyone to realize that I know there are many, many other playgrounds where other children are singled out. The reality of living in America is that those children who do face disease, cancer or death are literally surrounded by thousands of healthy children.


This week a family I know of lost a baby girl on Monday and then the baby's mother on Wednesday.

I could understand feelings of the first loss but even our family cannot begin to fathom what this family now feels with the second loss.

We really do ache for this family.


And in all this I know He is bigger and He doesn’t need everything to be perfect now.

“All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18


Thank you for continuing to follow our journey and for allowing us to so openly share Gabbie and our grief. We hope everyone has a good weekend. We ask that you pray for this special family that has been hit so very, very hard.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 06:21 PM (CST)


(Remember: God is bigger and He is not identified as the villain.)

You are with daddy, Aubrey and me in a protected, fenced-in playground. Thousands of other children and their families are present. The children are all happy and running around. There is a very Good One silently watching over all of us.

And then it appears. A fierce, mean pit bull. The pit bull ignores all the other children and focuses his eyes on you, my little Gabbie. Maybe your pure innocent shine was too much of a temptation. Your daddy and I run to protect you, to offer our own bodies, but Gabbie, our hands are tied. I’m so very, very sorry.

The pit bull picks you up in his firm grip and shakes you and hurts you. Your solemn sad eyes plead with us. We turn our eyes to the Good One and pray, beg, plead, and beg some more. “Please save Gabbie.” “PLEEEEEASE.” “Take one of us, please.” The Good One silently watches and doesn’t answer us.

We turn to you again, Gabbie, and can only watch as you are hurt over and over again while our hands remain tied. We continue to pray and beg the Good One to spare your life. He watches and doesn’t answer.

The experts then one day sadly pronounce that your days of life are very numbered. Your daddy and I pray to the Good One and say, “We love her but don’t want to see her suffer anymore. Please take her home.” The Good One listens but doesn’t answer. But then, after being so near death, you get better. And I truly believe the Good One is saving you.

But then the pit bull comes back and shakes you even more viciously. I can see more and more blood drained from your little body. And then, finally, the Good One says, ”Enough.”

The pit pull laughs and drops your limp body into my arms that have finally been untied. Your little heart is working so hard but keeps on beating.

And then the Good One gently reaches down and places his ever so loving hand on your beating heart. And He says, “Be still, you are mine. It’s time to come home.”

Good-bye Gabbie.

But good-bye isn’t the same as letting go. I won’t be letting go of you for a very long time. I’m sure you understand and I’m sure the Good One understands why I cannot let go.

You are mine, too.


Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 06:30 PM (CST)


The Tuesday morning before Gabbie died, I was still at home with Aubrey when John called from the hospital. While the CT scan had not been done yet, John’s news from the doctor was not good. I was filled with a sickening and overwhelming sense of dread.

I opened the front door to take Aubrey to daycare and she ran out ahead of me to the front sidewalk. She literally started running down the block with a huge smile on her face and she was laughing and singing with pigtails bouncing up and down.

I saw complete utter joy in Aubrey at the same time my heart knew Gabbie was going to die. I can’t even explain how odd it was. One joyous child; one solemn child dying.



Many have gone before me in similar trials, greater trials, or lesser trials. Many will write books where chapter after chapter will chronicle their struggles with God. Some will admit they hated God, some will admit they willfully rebelled, some will go over all the horrific details of the evil in their lives.

Eventually, their testimony will reach a point where their struggle with God ended and they have peace. Some of these testimonies take place over years or even decades, but readers are comfortable because the last chapter has already been written.

I’m not in the last chapter. I’m still on page one sifting through all the horror and pain. The Web is still relatively new and the sharing of raw grief in real-time is also a new experience for most people.

If it seems like I’m wallowing in grief, just remember Gabbie has only been gone for 6 months. It took me 37 years to accept salvation, which is something good and attractive. My daughter’s death, on the other hand, is very awful.

Rarely are grieving parents shown in this life the significance of their child’s life and death. So much of what we have to wait for is all in the very end.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28


Everyone has been so patient—we thank you so much!!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, November 11, 2002 at 06:48 PM (CST)


God can do anything and can even comfort the bereaved parent. But comfort from God is generally given only if we ask for comfort. And asking for comfort means letting go of Gabbie…again. Even John, whose grief journey is so different from mine, agrees wholeheartedly that we are being asked to let go a second time. As if once is not enough.

God’s part is easy. He can heal any hurt or pain. What I hope others realize, however, is that the step to ask for comfort is the hardest and most difficult step imaginable and comes after the most painful tragedy known to parents. Almost all lessons in the Bible about trusting God are about letting go. And I live in a country where most people refuse to give up their growing pile of material possessions yet the grieving parent is pushed to give up their child not once but twice.

It will be years and years before I even consider giving up Gabbie a second time. Comfort is simply not even on my list of wants OR needs.

Jesus’ own disciples were disillusioned and depressed after Good Friday. Their demeanor only changed after they heard about or saw Jesus in His resurrected body.

“Jesus said to him, ‘Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’” John 20:29

The fact that we hold on to our belief in God after such tragedy is far more important than how much we are comforted. Even some atheists can find a “comfort” in this life (don’t ask me how) after the death of a child.


John is also very interested in seeing that the hoax CaringBridge Web sites come to an end.

Without mentioning names, the first contact on the Web by one of the current hoaxers was made in direct reference to Gabbie’s story on KARE 11. While we know it is not our fault, we are very unhappy that our daughter’s Web site was the starting point for the most recent hoaxes. We just want everyone to know that we are very sorry if your family was in any way offended by these other Web sites. Obviously we had no control over this but very much want to see the sites discontinued.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site! Thanks for your prayers.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, November 08, 2002 at 02:04 PM (CST)


Gabbie's death has brought back the memories of miscarriages. At the time, the second miscarriage wasn't painful because it was a vanishing twin that was overshadowed due to all the problems with Gabbie. (Gabbie was not supposed to survive as her gestational sac was very misshapen.)

I don't think John thinks about them too much. I read an article that said husbands are generally 3 months behind the mother in emotional attachment during a pregnancy. That means most miscarriages happen before the husband even begins to be attached.

But I wonder about these souls all the time. I would loved to have known Gabbie's twin.

They will be in heaven, that much I know! But this is another issue that makes me think Gabbie won't be a child. Obviously, babies lost to miscarriage and abortion will not be fetuses in heaven. They will have resurrected and glorified bodies like we do. They will have the full knowledge we are all given in heaven.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5


Yesterday was another day full of bad news regarding neuroblastoma. I learned of one death and three more children fighting for their lives in neuroblastoma relapse.

It is a "rare" cancer that just doesn't seem that rare anymore.


We continue to thank you for your support. We hope everyone has a safe weekend and enjoys what could be the last of warm weather.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 06:16 PM (CST)


Due to the problems with hoax Web sites, CaringBridge staff has told me that they are currently working on adding tighter i.d. controls at the time new CaringBridge sites are set up.

Although many people have expressed disgust and shock, we have to remember the world we live in...


Because Gabbie was born and died on the 17th, we will be remembering the sixth-month anniversary of her death and what would have been her 3rd birthday on the same day.

I can honestly say I am just as grieved now as I was the day she died. I have peace with the assurance of knowing where she is. But it will be years and years and years before I even start praying for God to ease the pain. It is not the pain we is the absence of our children. We are pushed way too fast to fill the void our children leave.

We pray for strength and endurance.

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God." Hebrews 12:1,2


We always thank you for all your support! It would be harder than it is without all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 05:55 PM (CST)


There are some hoax CaringBridge Web sites that are interacting more and more with the “real” families on the Web. It has taken me awhile to admit this, but the game the hoaxers are playing is evil.

At first I thought we should just walk away and turn the other cheek. But the hoaxers take the game beyond their Web sites. Here’s how far they went with Gabbie’s story:

We were told that a baby was named after Gabbie and we were then asked to be honorary godparents of that baby. I wanted to send a card to our “godchild” named after Gabbie but was refused an address. I exchanged numerous e-mails with this person offering them support for the loss of their alleged child. This was only weeks after we buried Gabbie and it has all turned out to be hoax. How far do we need to let our children’s memories be abused?

I have contacted CaringBridge to see if they can address this concern from the standpoint of adding security-related deterrents at the time a Web site is originally created. I also plan to contact hospital administration at Children’s as the hospitals are unwitting participants since they are frequently identified as the bogus patient’s care provider.

I’m not angry or bitter but have this nagging concern about the evil this game represents. There is nothing neutral about this activity. We are all too aware of the Web functionality that gives anonymity to pedophiles and child pornographers. While this game is many steps behind those two evils from a legal perspective, morally and ethically, it’s only one step away.

It’s possible that nothing can be done to stop these games. But I will try! Otherwise the CB community needs to make a great effort to ignore these sites. Do not sign their guest books. Soon I will post a short list on how to identify the hoax sites.


It is so sad to see that someone has done this in your memory. You are so innocent and I love you so much. I won’t play their game. But I will try to stop them from hurting other families.


To the real people…thank you so much!! I know that most people honor Gabbie’s memory and I am so very grateful to you. The good I see in all of you far outweighs the bad in others, which is maybe why this issue doesn’t make me angry—just concerned for others. God bless.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 05:57 PM (CST)


This is actually a restrained plea for those involved in any way with the hoax CaringBridge sites to please refrain from commenting in Gabbie's guest book.

It is one thing that hoax CB sites even exist. It is quite another when Gabbie's guest book starts hosting comments from the creators of such sites.

At this point I can't even delete those guest book entries because I have seen what happens when the entries are deleted--the CB author is then accused of deleting guest book entries.

My beautiful, innocent, sweet two-year old daughter suffered and died. Please think about that.

And there is someone out there who knows I have repeatedly given you the benefit of the doubt even though your story has so many inconsistencies. I have offered to help you and have tried to talk to you about Jesus. Please leave Gabbie's site out of this. Please. I'm not angry. I'm begging out of the sadness this brings.


One day last December Gabbie was going to be discharged from one of her chemo stays.

That afternoon the ChildLife Services had planned a Christmas cookie-decorating event. Gabbie got wind of this and wanted to participate and we agreed, knowing we would not actually be discharged until much later in the day anyway.

All morning Gabbie kept saying over and over how she was going to “make Christmas cookies.” I think at one point we could have even left for home but she wanted to stay and make Christmas cookies.

It was finally time to make the cookies and I sat with Gabbie on my lap in the playroom while we frosted cookies. For some unknown reason, Gabbie seemed extremely disappointed with the event. It was so hard to see this obedient sick child look forward to something all day and then to be disappointed. (ChildLife did an excellent job—it was just something in Gabbie.)

Sometimes it seems as if the sadness was deliberately magnified. Why?


I was always taught that “life is good.” But I never believed that. I believe that life is very good for some and that my life was good because of the good things in it.

And God is very good in spite of all the horrible things that happen in some lives. The gift of this life that leads to eternal life is good. But life itself is not always good.

"And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented." Luke 16:24-25

This isn’t just Gabbie. There are children and persecuted Christians all over the world who live brutal and inhumane lives. Sometimes their stories are so horrible we simply turn away and refuse to think about it.

But God wins in the end! Don’t be shy about reading Revelation—it reveals Jesus and the full assurance of God’s final win.


A special thanks to Chemo Angel Lori! If you don’t read the guest book entries, you need to go read the beautiful poem she entered today (Tuesday). Lori wrote it herself. A few other people have sent me poems and I do intend to get them in a journal entry some day.

I’m sure little Gabbie greatly appreciates all of you!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, November 04, 2002 at 06:17 PM (CST)

** I've added the link to Gabbie's video on KARE 11 at the bottom of the page. **


I really do accept Aubrey’s lack of sadness concerning her sister’s death. And yes, it will hit her some day.

But I also know in the short time I knew Gabbie that if we had lost Aubrey, Gabbie would have expressed sadness. Gabbie expressed sadness many, many times in her short life. When she was first admitted to the hospital, she would frequently ask “Where’s Aubrey?” in her slow drawl. And then she would tell people over and over, referring to Aubrey, “She’s my sister.”

Aubrey and Gabbie are very, very different.


There were times before we got married that I expressed to John a strong hesitancy to have children. I was very paranoid about all the things that could go wrong, such as car accidents and disease. He married me anyway!! He is wonderful.

Within weeks after becoming born-again, I honestly thought God was whispering, “Trust me, start a family.” And I trusted God and have had deaths of children in the womb and out of the womb. The very reason I feared having children became true reality.

I still trust and love God! But my perspective for hope is much more on the eternal rather than on this life. More than once, Paul (my favorite apostle) expressed a desire to always obey God but also an extreme desire to be in heaven rather than on earth.

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ…” Phil. 3:20


We thank you for continuing to follow our journey after losing Gabbie.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, November 01, 2002 at 05:11 PM (CST)


I know so much of what I wrote this week was very dark. Obviously, the “age in heaven” issue is breaking my already broken heart. I admit that no one knows for sure and I certainly appreciate all those who disagree because it does give me a little hope.


A few of you provided new and helpful insight on Aubrey’s lack of grief. I never thought about protecting Aubrey and it’s true that a child that young probably could not handle such mental anguish. So, thank you! I don't want her to be sad, it's just hard to see Gabbie's life come and go without a blink from Aubrey.


Some people have the exceptional ability to write beautifully about God’s love, grace, and mercy. And Jesus does use the word “love” more often than “damnation” or “hell.” And as much as Gabbie’s site is an outpouring of dark grief, I still want people to know that I do know God’s love, grace, and mercy are bountiful. But I will always have more of an eternal perspective rather than one that stresses receiving comfort in the “here and now.”

Some people study the teachings of the Bible and see love, grace, and mercy.

I study it and see grave warnings. And I also see God’s sadness concerning the disregard for the warnings.

Because we are all wired quite differently, some people will be overjoyed to discover how much God really loves them. And others will be overjoyed to discover that God has chosen to save them from eternal damnation.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:28,29

If you heed His call, you will not be consumed in His righteous fire.

Have a great weekend! We appreciate so much your continued support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 06:15 PM (CST)


Although I worry about him crashing some day, John is doing very well in his grief journey. However even he has said “my day could be coming.” John loves Gabbie as much as I do and his heart is as broken, but he has a very different personality and it makes a difference in his grief.

John takes comfort in the familiar. I don’t. If I could make choices on what would make my grief journey more tolerable, I would move out of Minnesota forever and make very, very few trips back. Except for our house, all familiar things are simply unbearable and too painful. And John’s needs are the exact opposite.

John also believes that we will see Gabbie as she died—two years old. I don’t allow myself to believe that because it is supported nowhere in scripture. I hope I’m wrong but my overwhelmed heart believes we will all be the same age.

That is going to be one huge hindrance to finding any comfort in this life.


From the teachings (Catechism) of St. Thomas Aquinas:

“The Age of the Risen Bodies.--All will rise in the condition of perfect age, which is of thirty-two or thirty-three years. This is because all who were not yet arrived at this age, did not possess this perfect age, and the old had already lost it. Hence, youths and children will be given what they lack, and what the aged once had will be restored to them: "Until we all attain the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ."

This isn’t just a Catholic doctrine and is actually a view shared by many.

Memories of Gabbie at 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, etc. have forever been stolen from us.

But some day, in a blink of an eye, all of God's wonderful promises will be in front of John and me and I know we will be very happy. But that is in the future that begins with eternity.


Thank you for all the encouragement! We appreciate all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 05:50 PM (CST)


The other day Aubrey suddenly blurted out that she missed Samuel and Jonathan (two cousins she recently played with at her birthday party). I certainly don’t mind her attachment to her cousins. But I was suddenly struck with how Aubrey has never once mentioned missing Gabbie.

I know Aubrey’s reaction to Gabbie’s death is very normal for a four-year old. I also know that parents struggle when the surviving siblings are older because then they must also deal with the grief of the other children.

But this is so sad for me. Aubrey has never shed one tear for the life of her sister yet she easily sheds tears for things of no importance. I KNOW this is normal. But I feel extremely grieved. It’s like another cruel slap in the face.

I don’t want Aubrey to be sad. I'm just grieved by how such mundane and shallow things go on in life after Gabbie’s death.


"For in the resurrection they shall neither marry nor be married, but shall be as the Angels of God in heaven." Matthew 22:30

This was the reply of Jesus when asked a question about husbands and wives in heaven.

The earthly family unit does not exist in heaven. Several times in scripture Jesus makes it very clear that his brothers and sisters and mother are not his fleshly blood relatives but rather all those who belong to God. God is sovereign and all knowing so obviously this is best.

But in this life my heart will always ache so much as I know I will not really be Gabbie’s “momma” in heaven. I will know her, but I will not be her "momma."

Gabbie will be my sister in Christ.

Good for my soul from the eternal perspective, but agonizing beyond words for all my remaining days here.

Praise God that Saint Gabbie is eternal and we shall meet again. But the little Gabrielle Anna Paquette who lived in our house in south Minneapolis is gone forever.


Thank for all your prayers and support. We also appreciate the feedback on Gabbie’s Gifts. We are still hesitant to accept cash donations. But since so many have offered, maybe we will set up a way to accept items that could go into the gift bags. We’ll keep you posted.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, October 28, 2002 at 06:59 PM (CST)


On Friday I learned of another devastating story regarding neuroblastoma. This one is a bit different than the others as the quickness of death was shocking. Without permission from the parents, I simply don’t feel I can provide names so I will only include the Web site at a later date once I have contacted the parents.

A little boy named Jonathan was two-years old when he was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma in May 2000. Jonathan did reach remission but had relapsed twice this year. However, as late as early October Jonathan had NED, which is “No Evidence of Disease” and was considered by the doctors and his family to be in remission. But, within a time of less than 14 days this month, Jonathan relapsed and died on October 21.

I believe that Jonathan was an only child. Please pray for this family as I’m sure the shock of being cancer-free and then relapsing and dying in such an extremely short time is unthinkable.


"My dear children, do not grieve for me; it is true, I am going to leave you; I am well aware of my salvation. I have suffered much bodily pain, but my sufferings are as nothing compared with that which our blessed Redeemer endured upon the accursed Cross, that all might be saved who put their trust in Him...God will take care of you for me. I am my God's. I belong to Him. I go but a short time before you, and...I hope and trust to meet you all in Heaven, both white and black.” Andrew Jackson


We continue to thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Saturday, October 26, 2002 at 09:33 AM (CDT)


We had the level II/echocardiogram on Thursday. John was much more nervous than I, but the testing actually turned out really well. The doctor was very pleased with the results. After finding out I am 42 years old, the doctor said the ultrasound pictures looked so good that we could cut the normal age-related risk factors by 50%.

The baby’s size is right on target to the day for the estimated due date of March 17, 2003. He/she weighs 11 ounces.


I’m sorry that I keep forgetting to update on Gabbie’s Gifts. I have discovered that there is some voluminous legal paperwork that needs to be addressed (for purposes of making donations tax-deductible and other legal considerations) and that will probably not be settled until some time next year.

However, John and I really want to deliver gifts to Mpls-Children’s this Christmas and will be using our own money to purchase gifts. This will still be done under the name of Gabbie’s Gifts, which is incorporated, but will not be considered tax-deductible. Due to the tax status, we will not be soliciting donations this year.

I am keeping all volunteers in mind and am so grateful that there are so many people who want to help. WE DO WANT TO MAKE GABBIE’S GIFTS SUCCEED!


I have researched these quotes as best as I can. I apologize if by chance they are only rumors. And, while only God knows who is saved, it has been noted over the centuries that while Christians may die in severe physical pain, they do not exhibit the emotional fear displayed by non-believers.

“Damn it . . . Don't you dare ask God to help me.”
To her housekeeper, who had begun to pray aloud. ~~ Joan Crawford, actress, d. May 10, 1977

compared to….

”See in what peace a Christian can die.”
~~ Joseph Addison, writer, d. June 17, 1719


And these are the times when your political persuasion doesn’t matter. John and I both feel terribly grieved for the entire family of Paul Wellstone.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 05:58 PM (CDT)


I am a little reluctant to share this story but more and more I think about it and simply cannot dismiss it as happenstance. If you find it strange, my very credible husband can tell you that it is true.

In the summer of 1997, it took me weeks to get up the courage to tell John that I was born-again. (It’s actually not the easiest experience to relay to others!) I finally told him one Sunday as we were folding laundry down in the lower level of our home.

Minutes after I told John about my conversion, we both noticed what looked like drops of blood on the wooden ledge that runs along the walls in our lower level. There were about 10 drops and they were all fresh and as bright red as blood. We then realized the source was some hanging eucalyptus in an open wire container that actually had fallen into the shape of the cross. The eucalyptus had been hanging for a year and had never bled before; and has never bled since that day.

Back then, I took it as a reminder from God that His only Son shed his blood for our sins. And, how could I be afraid/ashamed to admit that I was born-again? Why did it require courage on my part to admit to my husband that Jesus was my Savior?

But for me the event now holds additional significance. When the morticians came to pick up Gabbie, I was shocked to see the huge puddle of blood underneath her as they wrapped her up in their stark white sheets.

And, sometimes, what is blood? A sign of suffering and sacrifice. I wonder if that day in 1997 our house was marked for the future suffering of the death of an innocent child. A lamb nowhere near like Jesus, but still, a so very innocent lamb.



And I also know and have eternal hope that blood does not represent only death. It also represents new life.

“For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Matthew 26:28


“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7


Tomorrow (Thursday) we will be having an echocardiogram and a level II ultrasound. We are not anticipating any problems.


My husband thanks you all! He is aware that I am getting so much support from all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 06:53 PM (CDT)


As Gabbie’s Web site slowly creeps up to 100,000 hits, I wanted to take the time to write an entry dedicated to all those who are supporting us.

If you are silent and have never signed the guest book or sent an e-mail, we are still so grateful that you share Gabbie’s journey by reading the journal entries. We don’t want anyone to ever feel obligated to make themselves known.

I thank you for allowing me to sometimes vent—especially on things people say. I know it must make people fearful of what to write, but I can tell you that I have only deleted one guest book entry and that was from an anonymous person who didn’t like one of my journal entries. We will always keep all other guest book entries as a memorial for Gabbie.

I thank you for not pointing out that other memorial Web sites are sometimes much more positive than Gabbie’s. I simply do not seem to have the same feelings as everyone else.

I thank you for reading Gabbie’s Web site so faithfully and for so long.

I thank those whom I had never met before Gabbie’s illness and death and who have made special efforts to reach out. If I list names, I fear I will miss someone.

I thank the Christian readers who are willing and unafraid to point out differing perspectives on scripture. I never want to stop learning.

I thank you for understanding that we all grieve hard, but in different ways, when our children die.

I thank you for understanding that while my grief is very negative and dark, that I really do love God.

I thank you for helping us and lifting us. While I will probably always struggle with society’s perception of my pain, I am so grateful that there are people like you who make up for the indifference of others.

I thank the family members who continue to read this site. I thank you, Auntie Sarah, for doing so MUCH!

While it may seem that I care so little for the trials of others going on around me, know that I really do care for your souls. There simply is nothing more important than your eternal destiny.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, October 21, 2002 at 05:42 PM (CDT)


They were far and few between, but I did have some outdoor wagon-rides with Aubrey and Gabbie before Gabbie’s 2nd set of tumors were found.

In order to accommodate her tubes and distended tummy, we dressed Gabbie in an oversized jacket that was a hand-me down from one of her cousins. It came down just inches from her ankles. I remember that on most wagon-rides Gabbie always wanted to at least try walking one or two blocks. It was slow going but she was so proud of herself. I will always carry the image of Gabbie, dwarfed in a coat way too large for her, slowly walking on winter nights holding my hand. And as always, in complete and total silence.



I remember that only six weeks after Gabbie died someone called me at work and told me I could choose happiness. Coming from someone who had never lost a child, this comment made me very sad. As Gabbie’s mom, I heard, “Did your daughter really mean that much to you?”

And sometimes I want to scream out loud, “Yes, she really means that much to me.”

We don’t choose emotions. We choose how we respond to emotions. The Beltway Sniper has chosen violence as his reaction to his pain. I have chosen faith in response to my pain. But faith does not equate to a pain-free and happy life.

Gabbie’s death is not an obstacle to overcome. Her death is not an obstacle to my secular happiness. Her death is an extremely painful ache that is a cross to bear for the rest of this life.

Yes, she really means that much to me. And she’s worth it.


We are never told that all our tears will be wiped away in this life.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4

Thank you so much for your kind words, kind thoughts, and your prayers.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, October 18, 2002 at 12:02 PM (CDT)



Yesterday was Aubrey’s 4th birthday. Thank you to all those who remembered Aubrey and to those who sent gifts. (We will be sending out thank you cards soon.)

I had the day off with a doctor’s appointment in the morning. I later brought goodie bags and cupcakes to Aubrey’s daycare to share with all her friends. Auntie Sarah is having a small party for Aubrey on Saturday.


We don’t know. We do know that one of the thieves crucified next to Jesus repented at the very last minute.

“Then he (wise thief on the cross) said to Jesus, ‘Lord remember me when you come into Your kingdom.’ And Jesus said unto him, ‘Assuredly I say unto you, today you shall be with me in paradise.’” Luke 23:42-43

Many believe that deathbed repentances are rare. John and I have been reading “fearful last words” from alleged non-believers in The Evidence Bible. Some of these last words are very chilling. The same book provides “last words” from faithful Christians. One list shows fear and remorse while the other shows comfort and excitement for the new life.

“As in the parable of the rich man who had a great year (Luke 12:16-21), many of us think we have many years left in this world. We may not. To put off forsaking sin and serving Christ, for any reason, is foolish. However, to put off forsaking sin and serving Christ, because we can do it later in life, is to provoke God.” From Christian Fellowship Devotionals


Your continued support is so amazing. One of the chemo angels remarked to me that Gabbie’s site is different than most in that we continue to journal even after her death. But the real blessing here is that we have been so surprised and grateful that people continue to visit Gabbie’s Web site in spite of the fact that she lost the battle to neuroblastoma last May. So, we thank YOU!

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 06:17 PM (CDT)


For some reason, the myth that "time heals all wounds" persists. The only thing time does is pass along. Time does nothing in the face of a child’s death. Even physical wounds are not healed by time, they are healed by processes that occur over a certain amount of time.

But unlike the broken leg that actually is changed by a process, twenty years from now Gabbie will still be gone. She will still be the little two-year old who took her last breath inches from my face. It never, ever changes.

I will learn to live in this world with the pain. But the pain itself does not go away. I am no different than the parent who never loses a child and I will love Gabbie more and more every day. And because she is gone, I will miss her more and more every day.

Gabbie was never healed by time. Time simply does not heal.

”Time does not heal,
It makes a half-stitched scar
That can be broken and again you feel
Grief as total as in its first hour. “
author unknown

"The sustaining loss to the individual involved in death, even a nontraumatic one, is never fully appreciated by the one who has not been in that position. Time does not heal all wounds, and the amount of time needed to heal the majority of serious wounds is well beyond that which the unwounded could ever anticipate." Willard Gaylin


My grief for little Gabbie may be stubborn. But it is that very same stubbornness that allows me to cling to the God who allowed Gabbie to die. If you ask me to let go of my stubborn grief, it’s possible my faith would go with it. And the tragedy of that would far surpass the tragedy of Gabbie’s death. It is my mourning that is leading me to God.


We will not be judged on how much we give but on how much we keep for our own wants. Believe me, John and I fall very short in this area. It is easy to tithe what is considered the legalistic amount. But in our country of wealth, it’s hard to give away all the “extra” spending money.

“…’He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.’” Luke 3:11


I just have to keep repeating myself: we can’t thank you enough!

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 06:23 PM (CDT)


First, I would like to thank my Uncle John, Aunt Monica and cousin Aubrey for asking me to be Gabrielle’s Godmother.

The Phone call- September 28th, 10:30 pm

I was getting ready to go out with my friends, and the phone rang. Mom picked it up. I listened closely, a long moment of silence and then an outburst of tears. I admit I was scared, horrible things were running through my mind. I met my grief stricken mother in the hallway. She told me the news. I was speechless. I couldn’t comprehend a 1 year old with such a complicated illness. I believe many people do not understand young children can get cancer just as well as adults can, until it happens close to you. At least that was my case.

Upon my many visits to Children’s to visit Gabrielle, one visit will stay with me forever. It was one of her bad days. She was very uncomfortable and maybe in pain. I started to scratch her back; it turned into a 45-minute massage session. I guess I thought I was helping her. She, very slowly started to fall asleep, she grabbed my finger and held on so tight I never thought she would let go. When she did wake up, she did want Mommy or Daddy but for that hour she and I were the only ones in the world.

Like many, I felt helpless, so I dealt with this journey my own way. I worked full time and was in school full time. All of my projects in school turned into a learning experience for many others and myself. I did projects and presentations on Neuroblastoma. I did projects and presentations on the Paquette family. Our family gave my life new meaning. Most of the family came together at this hardship, and helped each other through it.

The Phone call on May 17th 2:30 pm

Oddly I was taking my time getting ready that day. I don’t know why. I usually just throw my hair up wet, but that day I dried it instead. Our phone rang. My close friend Amy picked up the phone. She slowly walked up the stairs, her eyes were opened wide. I asked her what was wrong. She handed me the phone. My mom was on the other end pretending to be okay. She tried to ask me how I was, but her voice was trembling. She paused, and the words I never wanted to hear slipped out in a quiet whisper: you’re Angel went to sleep. I dropped the phone and my knees buckled. The tears wouldn’t stop. After I calmed a little bit. Off to say our good byes. I cried all the way to Uncle John and Aunt Monica’s house. I very slowly walked up the stairs; the only word mumbled out of my mouth was “sorry.” I received many hugs, but one really touched me. One of Gabbie’s grandparents said to me every time she looked at me that I reminded her of Gabbie, because of my big blue eyes. I proceeded to stand over Gabbie’s crib, where she laid in peace and with no pain. I gave her a kiss, told her I loved her with all my heart, and promised I’d never for get her and what she taught me.

The next couple of days were very hard for my family and friends. Very quietly those days went by and then Gabbie’s funeral. I walked up to her casket alone. I wrote her a letter and placed it next to her. My emotions were going crazy. I didn’t know what to feel--guilty, sad or mad. I told her again that I loved her very much and I would miss her with great sadness, but in her absence I’ve grown stronger emotionally.

The first couple of days back to work were difficult. Most of my co-workers were very caring and sympathetic. They made those past 9 months bearable. Thank- you to all PSO’s. My very first day back I was patrolling the mall, we have a saxophone player. A very beautiful player. I began walking towards him; he was playing a song call “On Eagles Wings.” I started to cry uncontrollably. This song was played at Gabbie’s and Gampa’s funerals. I turned to see people staring at me. I very quickly looked at the lady at our guest services desk. She said Gabbie was looking down at me that very moment. I smiled at her and said “thank you.” The only thing I hold onto right now is that. I know where she is and whom she’s with.

For many of Gabrielle’s cousins, we know how it felt to sit on Gampa’s lap and have him hold onto us for hours. I know how I felt that’s how I know she’s okay. Gabbie also has Paula around to show her the ropes in Heaven.

If it’s okay I’d like to thank a few people. I want to thank again Uncle John, Aunt Monica and Aubrey for letting me be Gabrielle’s Godmother. Thank you to my Mom, Dad and Jeff for being there for me. Grandma, thank you for everything, I love you. Thank you Jenny, Gina and Amy my great roommates. Thank you Nicole and the Timperly family for all that you have done. To my best friend, Chris, thank you so much, I love you. One special thanks to my cousin Jestine, thank you for holding my hand. Gabrielle, I love you, and miss you so much. Tell Gampa I love him to. Give Paula a hug and a kiss. P.S. You’ll be in my heart forever.

Love ya,

We thank you, Elizabeth for sharing your memories of Gabbie. Thank you for all the times you came to visit at the hospital.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, October 14, 2002 at 05:39 PM (CDT)


I opened a drawer this weekend that I have not opened since Gabbie died. It was full of hats we had been given when Gabbie lost her hair. The simplest things can bring back such painful memories, so I quickly shut the drawer.

One hat that Gabbie played with more than others was a dress-up hat. It came with gloves and she would put on the hat and gloves and announce that she was going to a “wedding.” We hardly ever talked about weddings at our house so I’m not sure where it came from. When I heard her talking about going to a wedding and knew she was battling a deadly cancer, I always cringed and thought that, symbolically, “Gabbie’s going to the great wedding banquet.” And I was right.

“Then he said to me, ‘Write: “Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!”’ And he said to me, ‘These are the true sayings of God.’” Revelation 19:9

While obviously the Great Banquet is partially symbolic, it is referenced often enough in scriptures for us to know that there will be a great celebration for all those who don’t refuse the invitation. And I don’t say this often enough: repentance is required in order to accept the invitation.


If we cringe at God’s holy and just wrath poured upon sinners in the OT, then we should cringe even more at the wrath of God inflicted upon the innocent Lamb who was slaughtered in the NT.

The physical pain of being nailed to the cross was horrible as Roman crucifixion was specifically designed to bring about incredible pain. But Jesus’ true and significant suffering came from God’s wrath. Some humans have suffered the pain of crucifixion; but no human will ever be able to comprehend even a fraction of the pain endured by Jesus concerning God’s wrath.

God had to unleash his just and holy wrath upon his sinless Son so that we sinners may have eternal life.

“For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:29



Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, October 11, 2002 at 06:13 PM (CDT)


Aubrey runs to get your picture every time I cry. Sometimes I can’t even look at your picture because the pain is so cutting and sharp. I love you, Gabbie. Your absence truly is so very unbearable.

God’s Timetable

Another thing to remember is that God considers a longer timetable than do most people. As in the case of Job, God allowed terrible things to happen for a while even to one of the most righteous men ever to have lived. Nevertheless, he eventually blessed Job in this life. Of course, this is not always the case -- sometimes people don't ever get blessed in this life. But God's timetable extends beyond this life. He will ultimately bless all those who are accounted covenant keepers, even if they know nothing but apparent curses in this life (e.g. Job 19:26). The apparent mistreatment of those who are faithful to the covenant is something of a mystery (e.g. Job 42), but it works for the good of those who suffer and is motivated by God's love (e.g. Prov. 3:12; Ps. 119:75).

I must confess I found this somewhere but forgot to note where I found it. So, credit goes to…someone other than me. As it often does.

I only want people to understand that sometimes suffering can last until death. Gabbie suffered until death. I will never forget that.


I hear we may have a blustery weekend. Keep your children warm and safe. Thank you for continuing to share in Gabbie’s journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 06:26 PM (CDT)


I had Wednesday off and took Aubrey to a YMCA. Aubrey was so excited to go and was disappointed that we had to wait until the afternoon (there was no “open” pool time in the morning). Of course when John got home, Aubrey complained and complained that I had accidentally left her shampoo in the shower room.

My employer offers discounted rates to the Y and so we have decided we will probably get a family membership. For me, the Y represents one of the few “safe” places as Gabbie was never at a health club. I still wanted her there with us, however.

In order to get through this, I have to set boundaries on where I can go. Some of my boundaries may be considered quite odd but it’s the best I can do.


I know so many people struggle with the violence depicted in the Old Testatment. But the violence in the OT provides understanding concerning God’s other attributes. The attributes that people always shy away from. God cannot be limited by the human finite mind as to what His attributes should be.

In Deuteronomy, the Israelites are told concerning the Canaanites and others, “And when the LORD your God delivers them over to you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them.” Deuteronomy 7:2

The Canaanites sinned and God wanted to prevent the spread of “moral cancer” to His chosen ones. Everything about their (Canaanite) sinful culture had to be destroyed. The Canaanites HATED God. “And He repays those who hate Him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack with him who hates Him; He will repay him to his face.” Deuteronomy 7:10 (Credit to John MacArthur)

And remember, violence comes in many forms. Gabbie’s human body was killed in a very violent manner by cancer. Her insides bled to death. To her mother, that is very violent. But God allows it and while my pain is unbearable I don’t question why.


Thank you for coming to Gabbie’s site today. It really does help to know there are so many caring people.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 06:49 PM (CDT)


Unless in pain, Gabbie never cried the way Aubrey does. Daily I say goodbye at daycare to a crying Aubrey who literally has to be torn from my clothing. And she cries loudly.

But when we would say prayers in the hospital before leaving Gabbie, especially if it was near the elevator bank, Gabbie’s big eyes would fill with tears and the tears would silently spill over. She never cried out loud. But the pain on her face was so evident. I simply can’t tell you how haunting Gabbie’s personality was. I also cannot tell you how it tortures me and makes everything in this life so unbearable.


How old will Gabbie be when I am reunited with her in heaven? Please do not tell me it doesn’t matter. I know it won’t matter when I am IN heaven. But I’m not in heaven now. For the rest of this life, I will agonize daily on whether the little girl who died in my arms will ever be seen again.

There are so many promises in scripture for others: the lame shall walk, the deaf shall hear, the blind shall see….and the grieving parent longing to hold their BABY…scripture is totally silent. Why is scripture silent on the grief that tears at the human heart the most?

If Gabbie is to be an adult in heaven, then that means that I truly did lose my so very young child, my baby, forever. Eternally.

Please don’t tell me it doesn’t matter. It matters to me.


“Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer.” Psalm 61:1

I can never pray the way I used to pray.

Some might say that God wants me to keep praying for earthly matters and that some day the prayers will be answered the way I want.

I see it differently. I see that God is more and more pointing me towards prayer that focuses only on spiritual and eternal matters and the learning of His will for me and my family, however painful that will may be.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, October 07, 2002 at 06:36 PM (CDT)


I think some people, in non-critical ways, are afraid I’m getting too dark and my testimony is too negative. However, no matter how dark my human grief, I express only high esteem for God and His Word.

Some people draw a line regarding how far they are willing to reflect on the matters of their own heart and the sufferings and evils of this world. I never draw lines on reflection. I go down very, very deep, no matter how painful.

So I may not be society’s perfect example of a grieving parent. In fact I’m the one society wants to hush up. But maybe my testimony can offer hope to others who also reflect deeply on the pains of life and who struggle with the dark side of life. For surely this world carries much darkness; and some of us simply cannot avoid our reflections on that darkness.

Even my own husband will sometimes look at me and say, “Why do you even think of such things?” I just do and I always will.


Not too long ago, Aubrey requested that we watch Gabbie’s KARE 11 video. John and I really did not want to do this but Aubrey insisted. As soon as I saw Gabbie’s face and heard her voice, I broke down. My crying made Aubrey cry but she insisted we watch the video. I then volunteered to leave the room but Aubrey insisted I watch it with her. So there I sat holding Aubrey on the rocking chair so frequently used to rock Gabbie and I sobbed during the entire video. It hurts so much to see Gabbie’s pain relived on T.V.


“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ That is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’” Matthew 27:46

While Jesus suffered more than the human mind can comprehend, this verse is there for us to know that while God is always present, there will be times in a Christian’s life when they feel utterly abandoned.

Feeling abandoned in no way means that I do not love God. Nor do I doubt His wisdom or His ways.


We are thankful on a daily basis for all the support. You still will never know how much you have helped us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 10:04 PM (CDT)

Through the worst nightmare parents could ever imagine and through the deepest pain...I couldn't ask for a better husband to help me through.


* * * *


I always wondered why it almost seemed as if our permission was sought every time Gabbie needed a blood transfusion or platelets. I was aware of the possibility of reactions, but Gabbie had never had any and I never thought twice about transfusions.

And then one day after Gabbie received platelets, I noticed a strange look on her face. And then she started to shake uncontrollably. I knew right away it was a reaction and quickly got a nurse. It didn't cause her pain, but it did cause her fear because she had no idea what was going on.

Sometimes I don't know what was worse. Watching Gabbie cry in pain or shake in fear. I'll never understand why young children have to go through something that even scares adults. At least God offers adults scripture to take away fears. Not so with a child.


On being born-again, straight from John's brand new CATHOLIC STUDY BIBLE. We were at Barnes & Nobles this weekend and I saw a Catholic study bible and encouraged John to buy it.

John 3:3 says, "Jesus answered and said to him, 'Amen, Amen, I say to you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.'"

And the note provided explains,"Jesus instructs Nicodemus on the necessity of a new birth from above...Jesus means 'from above,' but Nicodemus misunderstands it as 'again.' This misunderstanding serves as a springboard for further instruction."

Similar to my Bible editor's comments but with not quite as much depth.

And because I know so many who come to this site are Catholic, I will start sharing from John's bible also.


Thanks to all who continue to come to the site and offer us support. I still hope so much in my heart that you make sure you are assured of your own salvation.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, October 04, 2002 at 05:58 PM (CDT)


Last night I was out on our back deck throwing food to the squirrels in our yard, squirrels who surely lead the fattest lives squirrels could ever live. I then remembered for the first time since Gabbie was diagnosed that I used to quickly sneak the girls out, even in the dead of winter, for a quick “goodnight moon” before bedtime.

Never knowing I would someday view the vast night time sky with such an empty and depressing ache. Nature is beautiful. But for some of us nature loses all of its soothing touch when a child dies. In fact, for some reason nature’s beauty only adds to my pain.

Goodnight, Gabbie. The moon is a cold and empty sight to behold…when you’re not here.


My regular perinatal clinic had to turn me down. Turns out after they reviewed the file they want the baby to have a level II and an echocardiogram. (They can only handle the level II.)

We still aren’t worried and this is all precautionary. The echocardiogram will actually, in color, show the blood flow to and from the chambers of the baby’s heart. This extra test only has to be done once and is only being requested because of a predisposition to lupus. Lupus increases the risk of heart defects in the baby.


A friend signed the guest book and included these words found in a Gideon NT book. My thoughts exactly…just spoken much more eloquently!

"It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents."

What has taken me months and months to express is beautifully wrapped up in one short paragraph.


We wish all of you a safe weekend. Enjoy the health of your children. Thank you!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 05:57 PM (CDT)


In the course of reading many grief books, you are not so much comforted that this terrible thing happens to others, but rather reassured that God is still really there because other Christians experience the same tragedy.

In Zig Ziglar’s book, I came across a story that is beyond comprehension. A family lost a toddler to some form of cancer. Many, many years later, the family stated they felt somewhat normal but that life was still a struggle. However, they were happy with their other three children even though a little concerned about the eldest son’s use of drugs. One evening during dinner, the eldest son received a phone call from his girlfriend telling him the relationship was over. The distraught son shot and killed his two siblings (whom he loved) and tried to kill his parents. He was unable to kill his parents but he was then killed in the pursuing police chase.

So these parents lost a toddler to cancer and then years later lost their remaining three children to a very bizarre tragedy. And somehow they still found their way back to God. But that was because they already belonged to Him.


To perfect our faith. To make us more spiritually mature.

"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

The “joy” in the verses for James does not mean we have to have joy IN Gabbie’s death. That “joy” is a deep spiritual contentment and is not the same as human happiness.

John and I know that we have passed what is probably the most difficult fiery test of faith. If we didn’t belong to Him, our faith would have vanished. This is NOT our strength, this is God's faithfulness to me and John.

TO GABBIE: Your soft question of “Will you be dere?” is forever imprinted on my heart. I would give anything to hold you in my arms.


Thank you, everyone. People keep reaching out to us in so many different ways. We appreciate everything you do for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 06:19 PM (CDT)


We know for certain that Gabbie never had a bath after the second resection of her tumors in March. The nurses frequently offered to help, but for some reason we felt Gabbie’s reluctance and fear and never pushed it. Although baths could have been managed, Gabbie was sicker than most neuroblastoma patients and constantly had not only oxygen but also suctioning of her stomach contents. And then of course the normal chemo lines and IV’s on top of that. We simply did not want to put more fear in Gabbie’s life.

But unlike Aubrey, who requires a bath at least every other second or third day, Gabbie never smelled. We would give her sponge baths and make sure her feet were washed. But it amazed me that someone could languish that long in a hospital bed without a bath and still smell so sweet.

I’m sure the subject of a bath seems so meaningless. But Gabbie loved baths. When she was able to be home, she would gleefully watch Aubrey take a bath. I can still see her dancing from foot to foot as she laughed with Aubrey while she stood at the foot of the tub and reached for the bubbles. It was just one more thing she didn’t get to do due to the severity of her illness.


I have discovered, along with many grieving mothers before me, that while the death of our child is a heavy cross, we still have to deal with the thorns in our sides.

John and some of my wise friends will be happy to know that I have forever deleted a CB Web site from my computer. While it goes well beyond the Internet, I will only say that I have struggled with obvious jabs at my grief and love of the Word on another CB site. I thank the friends who are familiar with the site and who have urged me to delete it.

This was very hurtful and unbelievable but I should have walked away sooner. At least I am walking away now.

As a friend told me, you would think this person would be busy thanking God that her child has never faced such a grave illness as neuroblastoma.


And I close with a quote from a friend I’ve never met. Although not directly from scripture, it is something I have felt since Gabbie’s death. Thanks, Suz, for the quote from your preacher.

"For those who have Christ as their savior, this earthly existence is the only hell they will ever know. For those who do not have Christ as their savior, this earth is the only heaven." Author unknown.


Thank you so much for understanding that a child’s death is so horrible and should never be taken lightly. I also thank those of you who disagree with me at times but who have the kindness to let a grieving mother be. Gabbie thanks you, too.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 05:38 PM (CDT)



I have found a song I would have loved to sing to you. I always loved singing songs with you. I think of you whenever I play the song. I sometimes play it a couple times a day. I miss you very much. I am singing to you everytime I sing this song by the Carpenters.

"Why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near.
Just like me they want to be close to you.
Why do stars fall down from the sky, everytime you walk by.
Just like me they want to be close to you.

On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided
to create a dream come true, so they sprinkled moondust in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes a blue.

That is why all the girls (people) in town, follow you all around.
Just like me that want to be close to you."

Those many days I went to visit you(Gabbie) in the hospital I was hoping to make you smile, laugh and have fun. I was hoping to bring a little comfort and entertainment. I was hoping for the chance to hold your hand or sit on your bed. As you see I was just trying to get "close to you." I love you Gabbie.

Love Auntie Sarah

* * *

Thank you, Sarah for sharing so many of your memories of Gabbie!! She loved you so very much. If you left while she was sleeping, her first question upon awakening was always “Where is Sarah?”


Read Genesis Chapter 5. Note that the years lived and “he died,” is repeated for one OT saint after the other. But then look at v. 24: “And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” It breaks from all the others. Did Enoch not die? Some Eschatology experts believe that Enoch is one of the two witnesses who will preach during the tribulation time that is yet to come. (Elijah was also taken up to heaven alive.)

While this verse doesn’t hinge on salvation, it is an example of how so many things can be missed if you don’t study God’s Word verse-by-verse. We have to remember that while men performed the physical task of writing down scriptures for us, God Himself inspired it word by word. God is not superfluous in his writing or meaning like humans and therefore not one single word should be considered unimportant.


Thank you for visiting Gabbie’s site today! All our supporters are cherished in our hearts.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, September 30, 2002 at 12:22 PM (CDT)


…and he needs all the encouragement he can get! We watched the runners battle their demons on Summit Avenue at the 25-mile mark. While not to the same degree as being unable to explain the deep pain left in Gabbie’s absence, John and I can also never explain the desire to run marathons.

Hope to see you beat your marathon demons next year, my dearest husband. If this is what you want to do, than I will support you in any way that I can. Because you certainly are supporting me in my grief journey even though it is so very different than yours.


One night in November 1997, John and I were leaving the house to go greet my brother and his wife at the airport, with their newly adopted baby from Columbia. Minutes before we left, I went to the bathroom and knew instantly that I was having a miscarriage. I didn’t say a word to John and we met the rest of our family at the airport. I cried tears of happiness when I saw my sister-in-law with the baby she had waited so long for. But my heart was heavy for the baby that I was losing. The next day the miscarriage was confirmed. I continued on and went to every family/holiday event but was very grieved.

Then Aubrey came and things were fine. But I was soon shattered again when I was hit with severe post-partum depression and severe insomnia during Gabbie’s pregnancy. Again, I continued on and celebrated all holiday/family events even though I was exhausted beyond description and living in a very dark world.

And now my precious Gabbie has suffered and died. I hope my family can understand this: I have continued on in so many ways, but it has all now been too much for me. You may not see me at family events for a long, long time. I so much want you all to go on with your lives. I don’t want you to suffer with me or for me. Withdrawal is actually one of the normal reactions that can happen after the death of a child.

I am so grateful to know that if I need anything I can simply pick up the phone and call. I know you are there for me and want to help. But I want you to accept that I cannot be comforted or cheered up. Please just accept my suffering as it is and know that I am not rejecting you. I am surviving the only way I can. In time I will come back (although much changed), but I can make no promises as to when.

I hope you understand!


Special thanks to all those who remembered us on this anniversary weekend. And, we also want to thank Zachary’s parents for offering help with Gabbie’s Gifts. I have mentioned Zachary on this Web site before. I told Zach’s parents to focus on Zach as he is battling the rhabdoid monster. But we are so touched that a family going through a tough battle of their own would offer us their help—thanks Jen and Bill. Your offer is enough. We really do want you to focus on Zachary!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 10:59 AM (CDT)


I used to frequently play “there’s a monster” with the girls. They both loved the game although Aubrey was always the one seeking more assurance.

MOMMA: There’s a monster!

GABBIE: No monsters, no monsters (with a smile).
MOMMA: No, no monsters. JUST NEUROBLASTOMA. Please, my precious baby, run. Please run.

September 28th, 2001. We received the most devastating of news. “She has a tumor.”


Love always,
Momma, dadda, and your sister, Aubrey.

Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 06:00 PM (CDT)


John and I know that Gabbie made it to heaven not because she was baptized, but by the wonderful grace God extends to those who are too young to be held accountable.


“…Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity…” Luke 13:22-28.


“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:14

Unless one is real fuzzy on “few” and “many,” these verses are very tough to think about.

We’ve grown into the soft age of thinking that God is loving and merciful and that all are going to heaven, or that most are going to heaven with the exception of those deemed despicable by OUR definition. While God is loving and merciful, a wake-up call to his other attributes (just, righteous, holy, etc.) is severely in order.

And if some day all the Word-loving, verse-by-verse believers are chastised in heaven for taking His Word too seriously, I think we will gladly accept our chastisement because it will likely mean that everyone was saved. Our worries were all for nothing.

But…Jesus worried about our souls all the time. In fact, Jesus was VERY worried and concerned. Was Jesus wrong?

Are you assured? You never know when it will be your turn to leave this life.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 06:19 PM (CDT)


This dreary weather (at least in the Twin Cities) and the absence of Gabbie made for quite the gloomy day. I know that every mother who has lost a child has experienced this: On some days it takes all your strength just to crawl out of bed. And that is only the first few seconds of a very long day.

Any parent who has the assurance of salvation for themselves and the child who has gone on before them knows that each day the heavenly reunion gets one day closer.

But aside from my faith, each day also represents one day farther away from Gabbie. So that pain actually INCREASES with time. God has given me a great measure of faith and that is what gets me through every day. But I am still a human with very human emotions. And I fully feel the emptiness of the increasing human distance between me and my little Gabbie.


I know so many are worried about the increasingly loud drumbeats for war against Iraq. (Some may find it very selfish, but having your child die seems to wipe out any and all fears about what is going on in the world. I pray and care and follow world news very carefully…but fear is wiped out completely.) Please know that I am absolutely NOT expressing any opinion here on the ”right” or “wrong” of this potential war, except to say that I am neither a pacifist nor a warmonger.

It is true that even non-Bible readers can quote and/or find scripture supporting only a pacifist stance to violence. But know also that scripture does indicate that governments are responsible for ending evil.

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” (Romans 13:1-7)

We are called to pray for peace. But if (when) the wars come, know too that even wars are in God’s ultimate plans. Especially that last one that has yet to begin….


Thank you for all the volunteers for Gabbie’s Gifts. I think John and I will do some brainstorming so that we can come up with a list of “first-things” to do. We don’t want to overwhelm anyone and will try to really divide up the responsibilities. I’m always inspired by all your support!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 06:04 PM (CDT)


At home or in the hospital, Gabbie was like any other child and constantly getting bumped in the head. During her illness, we assumed she would cry easier and we would always hold our breath after she would bash her head (sometimes hard) on something. But she would look at us and smile and say “bonkie.”

So very patient, so very deliberate, gentle, and slow in all her actions. We miss you, Gabbie. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day.


On Sunday I met the family (Russ) who has started Gabbie’s Gifts. They are a very nice family and I am so touched that they want to help us in this way. Gabbie’s Gifts has been incorporated with the secretary of state and Mary Russ even had a few sample “gifts” for me to see.

Several people have expressed an interest in being on the Board of Directors and I will be contacting you. We still need more volunteers. The goal of this organization will be to purchase little toys and put together gift packages to be distributed at the hospital(s). Although open for discussion, I told the Russ family it would probably be easiest if we focus on children with cancer at Minneapolis Children’s and St. Paul Children’s.

Thank you very much to the Russ family! Thank you for helping us to keep Gabbie’s memory so very much alive.


1) Believe it (John 6:68,69)

2) Honor it (Job 23:12)

3) Love it (Ps. 119:97)

4) Obey it (1 John 2:5) ….I try….

5) Guard it (1 Tim 6:20)

6) Fight for it (Jude 3)

7) Preach it (2 Tim 4:2)

8) Study it (Ezra 7:10)

Once again, I’ve borrowed heavily from John MacArthur. But he is only repeating what is made clear in the Bible.


I thank all of those who continue to stand by us, even if you are doing it silently. I will always be so thankful that some people can reach beyond their own lives and understand our pain. God has put some wonderful friends in our lives.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, September 23, 2002 at 06:25 PM (CDT)


The Totall family just lost the last grandparent. Charlotte Totall (my dad's mother) died peacefully in her sleep in a nursing home in California. She lived a very full life but obviously we are very sad to hear of her leaving. Although my dad's parents lived in Illinois, as young children we would visit them once or twice a year and I have many memories of those Illinois summers! I LOVE YOU GRANDMA!


Last Friday night, I met four Chemo Angels (they sign Gabbie’s guest book frequently) at Lake Phalen for the Light the Night walk, which was a benefit for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. My sister Sarah brought Aubrey and joined us.

One of the Chemo Angels, Sheryl, presented me with a beautiful framed picture of an angelic little girl. She said it reminded her of Gabbie. I literally sobbed when I opened the picture: first from Sheryl’s kindness and second from the likeness to Gabbie in the picture. The picture is already hanging in our dining room.

The Chemo Angels have provided much comfort to me during these very dark days. They have stood by and never once judged my grief. Thank you, Sheryl, Tammy, Kelly, and Lori. Thank you so very much for being angels on earth!

In case anyone is interested in becoming a Chemo Angel, the Web site can be found at:


If your child had cancer, would you want the nurse to generalize as she read any and all instructions regarding your child’s treatment? Why not?

“The more purely God's word is preached, the more deeply it pierces and the more kindly it works.” (William Gouge, Preaching God’s Word)

Only errant and very misinformed teachers will tell you that a generalization of the Bible is the appropriate view. We all have excuses. Not enough time to study God’s Word verse by verse: then make time. The Word is too difficult to understand: then buy a study Bible. Relying on the over-used excuse that there are too many interpretations: God commands us all to DILIGENTLY study His inspired Word.

Ever wonder why even God calls it His “Word?” He never refers to it as a book of generalizations. It is full of wisdom…but only for the wise who take the time to study it diligently!

”Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD of truth.” II Timothy 2:15

As always, if you don’t want to believe me, I strongly encourage you to ask your church elder, priest, minister, pastor, etc., if God wants you to generalize his Word or if He would rather you study it diligently. And then look up “diligence” in the dictionary.

I have never claimed authority. I have always encouraged that everyone seek for themselves!


John Russell, another beautiful child, died last Friday from Stage IV neuroblastoma. I don’t know his age, but he looks to be younger than three. Maybe his parents will some day let me share his story also. (I’m so hesitant to show other children’s links without permission from the parents.)

Breanna Hemphill, a little girl around Gabbie's age, died on September 16, also from Stage IV neuroblastoma.

More children who really do share Gabbie's story.

I am currently following three other neuroblastoma relapses.


We love you and miss you so much Gabbie. You have inspired both your momma and dadda in so many ways. There are many things I will do in your memory, Gabbie. And the most important one is to share God’s Word. There is no greater honor I could give you! But no matter how much I love you, this is always for God’s glory first.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 01:20 PM (CDT)

Once again, John and I are so very grateful for the compassion from our friends at KARE 11. Today’s journal entry is from Scott Jensen, the photojournalist who helped create the beautiful story for Gabrielle. THANK YOU VERY MUCH SCOTT!


Things never turn out like you imagine them. As a television photojournalist, a storyteller, this is the truest notion I live with. Almost every day I have to will myself from conceiving ideas about a story that I know won’t come true. My mind wanders and I start to think about the great character whose essence I will capture and the Hollywood ending that I will chronicle. In reality, I come away with a boring city hall press conference and stagnant pictures of neighborhood streets. If I’m lucky something may happen right in front of my lens. This can be anything from a mother laughing with her baby to a firefighter saving one from a burning building. These are what we call natural moments. It is through these that a viewer connects with the people on TV. A natural moment can make you laugh, cry, care, or take action, perhaps all at the same time. One, captured just right, can be the heart of a story. Gabbie’s story is full of them.

My ability to capture a natural moment is based largely on the people to whom the “moment” is happening. John and Monica Paquette graciously allowed reporter, Mark Daly, and I to follow them through their family’s darkest hours. Their willingness to let us into their lives shows their selflessness and their courage. It speaks volumes about them that Gabbie’s story is so touching. Personally, I can’t imagine going through such trauma and opening myself up like they did, but the end result of John and Monica’s decision has touched an unbelievable and immeasurable number. This is directly related to the raw emotion that the Paquette’s allowed us to record. It is directly related to those moments we all were allowed to witness. It is directly related to the access we physically had to them. If it weren’t for Children’s Hospital’s cooperation, Gabbie’s story could never have been told in the way it was. Allison Sandve (Children’s PR representative) recognized this. She deserves credit for helping make our rendition of Gabbie’s story possible.

I have two favorite moments from the time we spent with Gabbie and her family. The first is when Monica was dressing Gabbie and she started laughing when her mom tickled her. They both were genuinely happy. I went back and watched the tape surrounding that moment. I thoroughly enjoyed their banter back and forth. None of this made it into the story but Gabbie entertained herself as I asked Monica questions. She sat there and talked about a loud noise outside being scary, a monster. But when her mom asked if the noise was a scary monster, she said in her cute baby voice, “No Mommy. It’s just a car Mommy. It’s just a car.” I think why I remember that moment so well is because it was the only time I was able to see Gabbie as herself. That was the only time she spoke in complete sentences. I wish I could have known her before her illness.

My other favorite moment is when she came home from the hospital in April on a day pass. The family went for a walk to the park. I will never forget John and Monica pushing Gabbie on the swing. I talk about natural moments and how they affect people who watch them on TV, but most of the time we only get a glimpse into someone’s life; we don’t really know them. Consequently the moments don’t mean as much as they should. During Gabbie’s story the person watching gets to know John and Monica. And at the end of the story, when we are watching them push Gabbie on the swing, we know how crucial this time in their lives is. The moment has been put into context. Since Mark and I spent eight months getting to know the Paquette’s, we recognized the importance of this trip to the park as it was happening. We saw the family happy; the way they deserved to be. I know we both enjoyed that day. We both are thankful the Paquette’s allowed us to spend some of that time with them. That’s why I think for both of us; it’s our favorite moment.

An important thing I learned during our time with the Paquette’s is about faith. At one point in the course of shooting Gabbie’s story, Mark asked me over lunch, what I thought about the Paquette’s outward display of faith. Monica in particular, spoke openly about God saving her daughter, every time we shot with her. She never shied away. She was consistently bold. I think my answer surprised Mark. I told him I admired that quality in her. I wanted to be like her in that way. And today, I still do. Though I’m a long way from that, I have a great example to follow.

Mark has told me before that if a story he tells makes just one person take the time to care, he feels he’s done his job well. That being said, I’ve never been part of a project that has garnered such a response. I have never been part of a story that has affected me so much. I think about Gabbie and John and Monica and Aubrey almost every day. Their story will always be with me. And what a good lesson I learned while chronicling the Paquette’s ordeal. Now I’m able to better appreciate how God has blessed my family. It’s my hope that when people see Gabbie’s story, they too will take a moment to thank God for the good things in their lives.


Thank you, again, KARE 11 for sharing Gabbie's story. It begins as a story for all families who endure a child's cancer. But as it ends, it is really a story for families who take the next awful step...and who have to say goodbye to their children forever. And that, is indeed a very different and much more difficult story.

John, Monica, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 09:37 AM (CDT)


Last night I met my wonderful Chemo Angel friends and we walked around Lk. Phalen for the Light the Night walk. More on the Chemo Angels later this week. They are wonderful, caring people. ( husband loved the gift!)

My sister is in town from California and we plan on going out tonight. John and I will be taking Aubrey to the church fair at Our Lady of Peace sometime today.

And, on Sunday I hope to finally meet the friend who is organizing Gabbie's Gifts. I know we will be looking for people to join the Board of Directors.

Busy sounds cheerful, but you all know me. These are all good things to do but always with a very heavy heart.


"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." Galations 2:20-21

To my friend Sue, if you are reading this, here is the interpretation of that last part of verse 21 from the MacArthur study bible: "Those who insist they can earn salvation by their own efforts undermine the foundation of Christianity and render unnecessary the death of Christ."

Have a good weekend everyone.

Love you so much Gabbie! You are forever on my mind and a severe weight on my heart. But you are so worth every bit of pain.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 09:15 PM (CDT)


Before Gabbie was 6 weeks, or even full-term, I took her to the clinic because she seemed to be failing more and more every day. After the RSV dx, they almost sent her by ambulance from the clinic but decided I looked calm enough to drive her myself. It was a hard drive because I was alone and could hear her struggling to breathe but couldn't touch her from the front seat as I was driving. So, when she was quiet, it was even more nerve-wracking.

When we got to ER, we were assigned a room right away. I remember Gabbie looked awful and I actually feared they might have social services check us out for abuse. They had me leave the room when they put the IV into her head. They thought Gabbie's crying might disturb me. When I came back into the room, I looked at Gabbie and said "What happened to her head?" They explained that in order to get the IV in, they had to put a tourniquet on her head. She hadn't cried after all, either. Just another instance of Gabbie putting up with pain in silence...or so consumed with the act of just trying to breathe.


I had a check-up today and all is well so far. My OB is so very understanding and he commented that he knows it doesn't get better with time. (Time and it's alleged powers are overrated in this country.) He's so very right.

We will have a level II ultrasound around Halloween. Nothing specific to worry about but it is a high-risk pregnancy for several reasons.

We are skipping amnio and similar tests as both John and I would never choose abortion.


"Hear my prayer, O LORD, And give ear to my cry; Do not be silent at my tears; For I am a stranger with You, A sojourner, as all my fathers were." Psalm 39:12

Many psalms contain heavy laments from their authors. This psalm is from David and David is expressing intense lament. When I read some of the psalms, I am given the impression that some of these OT saints grieved not just for short periods of times but sometimes for very, very long periods of time.

I'm just hoping again that people can see I have joy in the Lord and trust God even in Gabbie's death. But that simply does not rule out that Gabbie's death will not be an extremely hard trial for the REST OF MY LIFE.


As always, we thank all of our faithful supporters. We couldn't do this without you (or Him).

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 05:56 PM (CDT)


I was cleaning out a kitchen cupboard the other day, and in the very far reaches I came across two bottles. It was so hard to see those bottles as they were Gabbie’s.

Gabbie had already mastered the tippy cup well before her diagnosis. However, our nightly routine was to give her a bottle of milk and ovaltine. I was forever reaching over and turning Gabbie’s bottles or tippy cups right side up. She always held them upside down in a way that required her to hold the bottle or cup almost vertical if she was to get anything out of them.

After the diagnosis, Gabbie never ever had a bottle of milk and ovaltine again. We know that for some families it’s a long struggle to get the child to give up their bottles. For Gabbie, it was just another routine yanked from her childhood. And she never complained.


Shortly after I became a true believer, I wondered if God really did expect us to put our lives on the line for our faith. That is, if someone presses a gun to our head, and admitting that Jesus is your Savior guarantees your death, are we expected to confirm our faith? I thought, no, God doesn’t want us to lose our life over a statement of belief. But I was wrong. It was the following story that changed my heart in a second. It’s supposedly true, but I can’t make any claims. Regardless, the point of the story IS true.

Some believers had gathered at an underground church in Russia. During the worshipping, Russian soldiers with guns rushed into the house and lined all of them up against a wall, including the little children. The frightened believers were told that if they didn’t really believe in Jesus, they could leave unharmed. Several of them left. But several of them stayed, even with their little children present, and even as guns were leveled at them. After some of the people had left, the soldiers put their guns down. And they said to those who were lined up against the wall, “Good, we wanted to worship with only the true believers.”

Peter denied Jesus three times. And while we all know Jesus mercifully forgave Peter, we also know that Peter agonized greatly over his denial. We never know what we might do in a risky situation. But I truly hope that I never deny Jesus and that I never put my life above any other life. How easy of course for me to say now that my daughter has died.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, (Jesus is Lord) and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:9-10


Today was one of those days where the support just came pouring in. It will always mean so much to us to know that Gabbie’s life and death has made an impact, however small, on your life! Thank you for sharing with us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 05:54 PM (CDT)


It was actually John’s idea, but we decided to make public our letter of thanks to Gabbie’s wonderful doctor. We were extremely fortunate and we are forever indebted.

Dear Dr. Bostrom,

Please forgive John and me for taking so long to get to this letter. However, we simply did not just want to give you a card with a few lines of gratitude.

We will forever be grateful for the special care and concern you showed for Gabbie. I hope you know how much it means to a parent to actually realize that the doctor loved the child.

I was always so appreciative of the fact that you were assigned as Gabbie’s primary doctor. All the doctors you work with are wonderful, but from my perspective you were the best for our situation.

Your compassion intermingled with the professionalism that your career requires was handled ever so carefully. We honestly do not know how you are able to walk that fine line. We know it must be difficult.

We both know you did everything you possibly could do to save Gabbie. And I truly believe God wants doctors to put forth that effort. But know that we also fully accept that Gabbie’s days were numbered by God. Neither of us believes that God wills cancer on little children but obviously God knew the exact day she would die. While we are grieving so very much and our hearts ache for her, we have accepted God’s sovereignty and know that an extremely joyful reunion awaits us in heaven. Gabbie is not an angel…she is our saint! A saint loved by God and missed painfully by us.

During the course of a child’s life-threatening illness, so many parents, and I was one of them, hope for a miracle. A miracle that will also be shown to the doctors and possibly increase their faith. But I have heard that the faith of doctors is more often touched when a child faces their illness and death with dignity. And I believe with all my aching heart that for her age, Gabbie showed much, much dignity. I hope Gabbie has touched your soul. She certainly touched ours.

We will never forget you. We thank you and wish you peace and faith from God.

Monica and John Paquette

“…I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” 2 Samuel 12:23. Gabbie shall never return to us, but we will some day go to her.


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16

I know that some are embarrassed or “ashamed” to openly admit that Jesus Christ is their Savior. Do not be ashamed. Imagine how you would feel if your children were ashamed to admit you were their parents (which I know teenagers often are!). Remember whom your Father is, and that He lovingly sent His only Son to suffer and die for you.


I once again want to thank the people who have turned to the Word and have shared that decision with me. I still will never understand how Gabbie’s site turned into a journal where I evangelize…but it did. Always remember that if you do heed my pleading, you are really answering God’s personal and loving call to you. I am not a soul saver. Only God saves souls. And I thank God for saving my undeserving soul!

Monica, John, Aubrey, and Saint Gabbie

Monday, September 16, 2002 at 05:50 PM (CDT)

God’s Furnace

All Christians suffer, but we do not all suffer equally. (Look at the world!)

To all those who have lost children, this much we know: We know we would not want to spend the rest of our lives paralyzed; we know we would not want to be caught and tortured mercilessly by enemies; we know we would not want lifelong poverty and hunger. Those are all examples of other fiery and intense trials that we all recoil from. But faced with the impending death and suffering of our little children, we would all jump into the furnace of any of those trials in exchange for our child’s suffering. I wouldn’t have sold my soul to the devil, but I would have gladly accepted any other trial in exchange for Gabbie’s suffering and death. No matter how extreme. I think most of you would do the same for your children.

But…there is reason and purpose for our trials.

God doesn’t comfort us by REMOVING suffering. He comforts us by telling us what He is DOING with the suffering and how it relates to future glory. And here is a wonderful story about why we all need to go into the furnace. And what comfort it may bring, know that the hotter the furnace, the more God is focusing on you!


Some time ago, a few ladies met in a certain city to study the scriptures. While reading the third chapter of Malachi, they came upon a remarkable expression in the third verse:

"And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver (Malachi 3:3)"

One lady proposed to visit a silversmith, and report to them on what he said about the subject. She went accordingly, and without telling the object of her errand, begged the silversmith to tell her about the process of refining silver.

After he had fully described it to her, she asked, "But Sir, do you sit while the work of refining is going on?"

"Oh, yes madam," replied the silversmith; "I must sit with my eyes steadily fixed on the furnace, for if the time necessary for refining be exceeded in the slightest degree, the silver will be injured."

The lady at once saw the beauty, and comfort too, of the expression, "He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." God sees it needful to put His children into a furnace; His eye is steadily intent on the work of purifying, and His wisdom and love are both engaged in the best manner for us. Our trials do not come at random, and He will not let us be tested beyond what we can endure.

Before she left, the lady asked one final question, "When do you know the process is complete?"

"Why, that is quite simple," replied the silversmith. "When I can see my own image in the silver, the refining process is finished."

-- Author Unknown

More than reading the Word, more than attending church, more than doing good works, it is in your suffering that Christ forms you to His image. I do not have to thank God for Gabbie’s death. But I do give him thanks and praise in her death.


We thank you again for all your support. We are so very fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie (who so bravely endured her suffering to the very end)

Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 10:36 PM (CDT)


Jackson Ben Espeseth was born on September 16, 1997. At the very young age of 26 months, Jackson was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with the Philadelphia Chromosome. I don’t know much about the “Philadelphia Chromosome,” except that it significantly lowers the survival rate of ALL. Here is an excerpt from Jackson’s mother, in the CaringBridge journal: This abnormality is something that happens only within the leukemia cells it self. The Philadelphia is an abnormal chromosome produced when part of the chromosomes 9 and 22 get exchanged or translocated. This translocation creates a specific leukemia gene which makes these cells resistant to treatment.

On December 22, 2000 Jackson’s family received good news that the bone marrow test and Philadelphia Chromosome both came back negative. Wonderful news to celebrate right before Christmas. This was after going through the trials and tribulations of the BMT (bone marrow transplant), which leaves one with almost no cells to fight infection. Jackson actually had to be treated for an E. Coli infection and shingles during the post-transplant period.

By day 100+ post transplant, Jackson was leukemia free. In early March 2001, Jackson was still leukemia free and there was no sign of the Philadelphia Chromosome. On March 30th, Jackson’s mom received a call from Dr. Bostrom (Gabbie’s doctor), informing her Jackson’s blood tests showed 7% blasts. On April 2, it was confirmed that Jackson had relapsed.

An experimental chemo pill was administered and Jackson was well enough to spend time at home. However, tests began to show that the chemo was not affecting the amount of leukemia cells in Jackson.

Jackson would sing to his family that he would fly away in the morning. And he did. On May 15, 2001 in the early a.m. hours, God called for Jackson and he flew away.

To Michelle and family, I can never do justice to the stories of the other children. But know that you are in my hearts today and always as you celebrate Jackson’s 5th birthday.

Jackson’s Web site is:


This weekend was exceptionally hard. Life without you is beyond the English language’s capacity to express such emotional pain. But something I forget to do, is to let others know that I would never, ever trade any of that pain if it meant not having you as my daughter. I thank God for blessing your dadda and me with such a very special child.

In slow motion, I replay in my mind over and over, the numerous mornings I would arrive at your hospital room. I would always knock on the door, and you would slowly turn your face, with those huge soulful eyes, to see who was coming into your room. I love you, Gabbie. My heart screams in silent agony for you.


Thank you for coming to Gabbie’s Web site today. Thank you for remembering Gabbie and all the other children who have died.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 09:54 AM (CDT)


The numbness of September 28 was upon me. It would not be until the following morning that Gabbie's diagnosis would take its toll. I woke that monring to the sounds of a voice calling for daddy. Aubrey wanted out of the crib.

I remember standing over her crib, my tears flowing freely. I wasn't sure if the tears were for Gabbie, Monica, and me, or the thought of Aubrey without her friend and little sister.

Many times over the last 11 months I found myself asking God why. During this time it became difficult to thank God for all that we have been blessed with. It was Aubrey and her free spirit that would often bring me back to how truly blessed we were.

It was Aubrey, despite the chaos going on around us that brought us some form of normalcy. It was her never ending smile and wild story telling that would often provoke a smile or laughter. I remembered a night coming home from the hospital and finding the house in darkness, and Aubrey directing Auntie Sarah or grandma and grandpa on where to sleep for the big sleep over.

Who could forget the countless trips to "Old McDonalds," at Children's Hospital, for her chicken nuggets, french fries, and ketchup. To some these stories may seem trivial. To those around Aubrey, they were reminders that God was listening to our prayers.


To Guest Book Signers

I just want to remind people again that if you sign the guest book the first time without your e-mail address I cannot reply to you.

Sally...I'm very sorry about what happened. Thank you for sharing with us. (no e-mail address!)


Thank you so much for sharing our journey. Thank you so much for your prayers. Have a safe weekend. And to all those going through unbearable trials, God is there even if He is silent.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 05:52 PM (CDT)



On a Friday night last September, the phone rang quite late. It was Grandma Paquette. She called to tell me what she had heard. She could hardly talk as she told me the news. Then for me to tell my family was even harder.

On my visits to the hospital, I thought that I was going to comfort and help Gabbie and the family, but after I left it felt as if they were more comforting to me.

On night as I sat down at the hospital, Monica was getting ready to go home. And to my surprise, Gabbie put out her little hand to hold, and then they prayed. It meant so much that I got to pray with the family. That is truly something I will never forget.


Gabbie loved to share her toe jam with you. (Yellow fuzzies from her slippers), or ask you to pick them for her. Gabbie loved to share everything with anyone. She would share everything from her toe jam, lint, stickers and those wonderful bracelets (made with Auntie Sarah). But the thing she shared with everyone the most was her love!


We just wanted to tell you that were still praying for all of you. And you are in our thoughts everyday.


We want to tell you that we love and miss you very much, and that we pray and think of you everyday. Please give Grandpa Paquette a big hug for me. I hope that you and Paula are having fun on Grandpa’s lap.

Love you

Auntie Michelle


Auntie Michelle came to the hospital many times, usually with Elizabeth and Jeff, her daughter and son. Elizabeth is also Gabbie’s godmother. We will always be grateful for your support. THANK YOU!


We know there are families who go through this with hardly any support from extended family. Sometimes it is due to geographical distance, but sometimes it is due to other strange reasons. We are fortunate that that was not the case for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 09:40 PM (CDT)



Every marathoner, and I speak only as a "has been" marathoner, knows that while much joy is anticipated at the end of the race, the race itself can be grueling and taxing, both physically and mentally. How appropriate then that God more than once compares the Christian's faith-filled life to a race. Not a jog, not a 100-yard dash. But an endurance race like the marathon.

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1

God knows how hard your race is. And even in your pain, He is asking for your intense dedication. But even more than the marathoner, know that your reward at the end will bring exceeding joy. "I am focusing all my energies on this one thing, forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God through Jesus Christ, is calling us up to heaven." Philippians 3:13-14. I think this is a New Living Translation which is different from what I normally quote (KJV).

All God wants you to do is finish with your eyes on Him. Spectators cannot tell you how to run your race. And thankfully for people like me, speed is not a factor. Only endurance.

Most evangelicals believe that the "cloud of witnesses" referenced in Hebrews 12:1 refers to those who have already finished the race in faith. So, our children are silently cheering us on. They too, just want us to finish. I don't believe they expect anything more.


I'm not sure how bad it will be, as dates aren't that significant to me, but all day today as I watched the 9/11 events, I constantly thought of our own impending anniversary date: September 28th...your diagnosis date. I love you so much Gabbie. I have moved on in the empty motions of life. But so much of my heart is and always will be with you.


I'm finally beginning to see and fully appreciate all the different ways people have reached out to us. Boldly, shyly, quietly, loudly, or in silent prayer, we thank all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

P.S. I'm glad America is determined to forever reflect on 9/11. To do less would dishonor those who died. We should never take lightly how many children lost a parent. 9/11 is only the start of a very new way of life. I also hope America comes back to her true faith.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 11:12 PM (CDT)


God loves all of those who belong to Him who live in America and around the world. No matter what happens, He will be with us today, tomorrow, and always.

As Gabbie used to call the flag:


The Paquette Family

Monday, September 09, 2002 at 05:56 PM (CDT)

NEW PICTURES!! (Thx to CaringBridge)


Other memories I struggle with are those that pertain to so many of Gabbie’s innocent wishes being outright denied due to her sickness. The request to sit on my bed and look at photos the night before she died and the attempt to sit in her high-chair the very day she died and eat her favorite noodles one more time. Outright DENIED.

I also remember that Gabbie so often wanted us to carry her at home during the week right before the surgery to remove the second set of tumors. The first surgery date had been postponed due to pneumonia. While at home then, we were supposed to make Gabbie walk as much as possible so that the movement would loosen the fluid in her lungs. One night before dinner Gabbie was standing in the doorway of her room and asked to be carried to her high-chair. I wanted so much for her pneumonia to go away and in spite of her crying and begging…I made her walk. I’m so sorry, Gabbie. Such an innocent and so tiny wish by you. DENIED.

I wish so much that my family would see that the sad memories truly are overwhelming. You should be so grateful that I have not turned away from God and that I can have Joy in the Lord! But accept that my life no longer even remotely parallels your life. I no longer live in the same world you do but am forced to live as if I do! Once again, please refrain from any hints at secular happiness. My daughter means more to me than you will ever know. Please do not dismiss the feelings in my heart - it is very grievous.


I used to think that my friends who don’t read the Bible, or who only hear the word only on Sundays, would be judged by God only on what they actually did hear. Sadly, but rightly so because God is very just, I learned that belief is not true. The tribesman in a remote, inaccessible village will be judged according to only what he did hear. But I, and all my American friends, will be judged on the entire inspired word of God.

Why would God appear to be so partial? He’s not. We will be judged on the inspired word of God in its entirety because we in America all have ACCESS to the written word. Every single American of an accountable age has at one time or another heard the command to read God’s word. And the response to that command is very cut and dry: obey or not obey.

“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” John 12:48

You live in a country that touts its freedom. Bibles are easily obtained. How sad that the Bible is so cherished in other countries that people are willing to die to get their hands on one. What do they know that American’s don’t? Maybe they know that salvation comes from faith in Jesus Christ and that faith comes ONLY from hearing the gospel.

It is not up to your church to tell you all there is to know about God. YOU alone are responsible for seeking out God and His will for your life. If you don’t believe me, a grieving mother who has never had an ounce of scriptural training, ask your priest, minister, pastor, or church elder. Ask them if it is OK for you to just hear the Word of God once a week.


I am so thankful that most people understand my decision on changing churches. I also thank you as always for continuing to read Gabbie's Web site. I hope our little saint in heaven can see the touched lives!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 02:51 PM (CDT)

I'm sure you all knew I would not be able to resist writing about my first church experience following my announcement that I have left the Catholic Church.


Like John and me, I'm sure most of you have been reading or watching all the media talk concerning the upcoming anniversary of 9/11. I love America. I was saddened with the events of 9/11. But I have also been dismayed with America's faith response concerning 9/11. Even some clergy have been quoted as bemoaning "Where was God?" My bemoaning question is "Where is America's faith?"

Realize that I do sometimes see the log in my own eyes and not just the speck in the eyes of others. Days after Gabbie's first terminal sentence, I let a heartfelt question escape from my lips: "Where is God? Where is He?" This was muttered in Gabbie's hospital room as I looked at her dying, jaundiced little body. But I can tell you that months later, when she died only three days after her 2nd terminal sentence, I never once asked God where He was. I asked Him why He was silent, sure. But that is different.

The scripture leading into our sermon (credit to John Piper) was Romans 8:34-39. Specifically, v. 35 reads "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?"

The answer: NOTHING! God's love was not separated from His children when America was brutally attacked. But America must finally come to realize that immunity from horrific suffering is not a right. True, we have mostly escaped suffering...but not by right or because we are special. Christians suffer horribly all over the world. God actually promises that the true believer will suffer. And the suffering can be little or it can be absolutely horrendous.

As mentioned in the sermon, we can pray for safety from God. But we have absolutely NO RIGHT to expect it.

Remember what I said about Gabbie's death. It was very tragic, horrible, and evil. But God wins. He will turn Gabbie's death and 9/11 into something good and His will prevails.


I actually introduced myself to John Piper after the service. I told him I was struggling as I had just left the Catholic Church. He asked me what finally made me leave. While there were many hurts during Gabbie's illness, and this really was years in the making, I've never explained on this Web site what I told John Piper. And that is the role of Gabbie's death.

You see, Gabbie's death has freed me. When you lose a child, you lose what seems to be EVERYTHING. But I didn't lose God. In fact, now, in my greatest pain, God is all I have and nothing is in my way. When I lost Gabbie, I ceased to care about pleasing society on a secular level.

I love my family very much and I love Gabbie very much. But now I can say that I love God more. It was too hard to say that when Gabbie was alive. To hard to look at that innocent, beautiful and suffering face and think that I loved God more. Gabbie's gift to me...complete spiritual freedom. I'm exactly where God wants me. He'll even accept my anger and my pain.


I love you so much. I also know that in your heavenly wisdom you know why I am free. You also know that it wasn't you that tied me down. But you understand that the pain of your leaving has released me. Thank you, Gabbie. A very, very heart-breaking gift...but you have shown me the narrow path that leads right into God's loving arms. It is the best gift a child could ever give a grieving parent.


We thank everyone for continuing to share our journey in this life without our much loved Gabbie. This week we will pray, along with you, for America.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 06:52 PM (CDT)



"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8,9

God will allow much pain and suffering. It may be too much to bear from a human perspective. But He never allows you to be completely tempted away from Him.


"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." 2 Corinthians 4:17

The AMOUNT you suffer here while keeping faith, will determine your external weight of glory. God promises that all true believers will suffer. But He never says we will all suffer to the same degree. Everyone will experience exceeding joy in heaven; but those who have suffered more will have even higher joy and an even greater capacity to serve the Lord.


I love you so much Gabbie. I miss you more and more every day. I truly can't wait til we meet again.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 08:38 PM (CDT)


The outpouring of support caught me by surprise and brought tears to my eyes. To all my Catholic friends and family, maybe it will be easier if you look at it this way:

I am not excited about leaving something old; but I am excited about where I am going.

And, Our Lady of Peace (the parish I will be leaving) is a wonderful church, run by Father Kevin Kenny. Father Kevin offered us much support during Gabbie's illness. He was always very, very gracious. He leads souls to God, and that is what a priest should do. I firmly believe that God wants him to be part of the Catholic Church. We are all called to different paths.


At the last minute, I decided to keep Aubrey home from daycare today on my day off. The day started well but ended in frustration. I first took Aubrey to a car wash and shamefully wasted $20 on, well, not much. I'll do it myself next time. I then took her to a stamp store which is indeed like a candy store for anyone who likes to rubber-stamp.

All was going well until nap time. Everytime I responded to her request for me to come into her room, my eyes warily noticed changes. The third time I actually looked and lost my temper. (Don't worry, John and I would never get physical.) Clothing, books, toys, baby wipes, lotion, and powder were all over the room. As I was ranting and raving I was choking on a haze of powder. Don't sweat the small stuff, right? But when you lose a child sometimes the small stuff is overwhelming.

But, sigh, that is all sometimes normal in the Paquette household. Just like your house, I am sure.


Matthew 18:10-14 is the parable of the lost sheep. And after the shepard leaves the 99 to find the one lost, this is what we are told, "And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more ofthat sheep, than of the ninety nine which not went astray."

Of course, this is talking about God's rejoicing when one of his children has come back after straying. While I am not trying to make a biblical connection, is it really too far of a stretch to exchange the shepard for a grieving mother? We will always love so much the children we have here. But like the parable, my heart will simply not rest until I am with Gabbie again. That's how God treats us, one, one single person in a sea of thousands is just as important to God as all the others. And He will go to great lengths to have you come back.

So Gabbie, I will always be grieving for you. It is possible to love your sister and grieve for you at the same time.

I know I hardly ever mention the baby. I will also love the baby very, very much. But I really hope that no one is waiting for happiness to magically come back when the baby is here. Remember, 99 and one. And it still made no difference. All our children pull on us so very, very much.



You are all so incredible. I wish I could be creative and thank you in different ways every day, but sadly I am not creative at all! Just know we appreciate you so very, very much.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 10:00 PM (CDT)


I truly do not want to turn Gabbie's Web site into a place for theological debate. If you have any questions, comments (negative or positive) about my leaving the Catholic Church, please use the e-mail below. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

At the highest level, I need to leave because I believe that God's inspired Word is the final authority AND the only authority. All my questions concerning Catholic tradition, including the Eucharist,simply are not addressed or answered in scripture. They are answered in the Catholic Catechism. God is not drawing me to documents drawn up by men. He is drawing me to His inspired Word.

Tonight I will be adding something from John...another break for you from my evangelizing!


If some of you stop reading Gabbie's journal, believe me I can understand. To those of you who stay, I thank you again for your saintly understanding. To stand by me in my grief and let me express my beliefs...I will always remember you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 09:52 PM (CDT)


A friend whom I’ve yet to meet has generously taken the first steps to establish a non-profit organization in Gabbie’s memory. While the full realization of what Gabbie’s Gifts will be is yet to come, I understand that the focus will be to make gift-boxes to be delivered to hospitalized children. As you can imagine, John and I are so honored that someone would volunteer to create such an organization in memory of our little Gabbie. I do know that the required papers have already been filed with Minnesota’s Secretary of State. I will keep everyone posted as the organization becomes more fully developed.

To my friends at West Group, I am by no means requesting that you donate, but please know that West has informed me that it is very possible that Gabbie’s Gifts WILL qualify as a non-profit in West’s matching gift program. I was very, very pleased to learn this.


The one true Church is the “body of believers.” The body of believers, or “Body of Christ” can be found across numerous denominations. You do not have to belong to a certain man-made religion in order to be saved. If your church brings you to Jesus Christ, and you accept and trust your salvation in Jesus Christ, and can openly profess it, then YOU belong to the Church referred to in scriptures.

I tell you this because I am hoping to avoid the misunderstanding that may result when I say that I am leaving the church I grew up in. Yes, it means John and I will go to separate churches. All my life I have struggled to find meaning when I attended mass. Others do find it, but I never, ever did. I tried really hard to stay in that church so that we could always attend as a family. But it simply is not meant to be.

If you’re wondering if the “this is nature’s way of weeding out the weak” comment from a priest is the catalyst, it is. But only the final impetus and not the sole cause. I can forgive that hurtful remark but will never forget it’s unbiblical nature. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you….” Jeremiah 1:5. Gabbie is God’s handiwork!! His handiwork is nothing short of perfection! Gabbie was not some freak and/or weak creature of nature. All of God’s children in creation are perfect.

Please understand I am NOT criticizing the church I grew up in but that I have come to accept that there are irreconcilable differences in our approaches to studying God’s inspired Word. The powers that be in Rome look with much reproach upon a fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible and go so far as to refer to it as “intellectual suicide.”

This Sunday I hope to visit Bethlehem Baptist in downtown Minneapolis. If you’ve heard of John Piper, it is his church. He is very well known for his Christian books and contributions to Christian magazines.

If I have offended some, I sincerely apologize. I have really tried to present this in a way that simply shows I need to move on. Please know I am very proud of the way Catholics defend the rights of the unborn and minister to the poor. My favorite charity, which is Catholic, will always be The God’s Child Project. The founder is truly one of God’s most humble and extremely hard-working servants. He risks his life for his cause—which is all for the glory of God.


Thanks as always for your understanding and patience. Thank you for reading Gabbie’s Web site. Thank you for helping us keep her memory so very much alive!

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Monday, September 02, 2002 at 09:41 PM (CDT)


If you didn’t look closely enough, you would never have seen the raggedy yellow dandelions clutched in Gabbie’s hand as she lie in her coffin. I didn’t put them in Gabbie's coffin. I didn’t even see it happen. Aubrey had been outside with the other children running around and playing. And somehow she thought to pick some dandelions for Gabbie and she must have thrown them in the coffin. When I saw them, I was going to remove them...but when I learned they came from Aubrey, I gently placed them in Gabbie's little hands.

Both Aubrey and Gabbie loved to have me pick dandelions on our stroller-rides. Especially the ones that had matured into the blowing seeds. I would stand several feet in front of them and blow the seeds all over the girls. We all thought it was so funny.


Because there seems to be such a misconception about my future, especially from my side of the family and a few of my friends, I need to explain what I left in Gabbie’s coffin. I left my happiness.

If a marriage ends after, and due to, the death of a child, society does not even flinch. If someone loses all his or her faith in God, society does not flinch. But, oh, mention the absence of happiness after a child is gone, and society disagrees vehemently. Some people will even debate your own feelings with you…as if they live in your grieving heart and know what your heart feels.

What’s wrong with our society? Our (American) society takes the absence of suffering for granted. We see God much more clearly when things go our way. Other societies (think third world) take suffering for granted. They see AND praise God through extreme suffering.

I have picked myself up. I have returned to my job. I have clung to my marriage. I have saved and even GROWN in my faith. The same attributes of the person I was before Gabbie’s death. But my happiness is gone forever and that is MY change. Everyone changes after the death of child. Please accept MY change.

Please also remember that Gabbie was the blessing after a trial that almost ended my life. Not even my own, and very dear, husband knows the depths of the deep and dark despair I suffered during Gabbie’s pregnancy. You have no idea how much this also impacts my journey of living without Gabbie.

To those of you who still disagree and who think I’m speaking on happiness too early, I have some questions for you. Would you like to trade places and watch your child suffer and die? What will you place in your child’s coffin? Not your happiness I assume.

My secular happiness is in Gabbie’s coffin. Not my faith, not my marriage, not my ability to function in society, not my ability to feel for others, not my ability to love my family. I painstakingly salvaged all of that. That’s all I can give you. I hope it can be enough…my journey is already the cruelest and most unthinkable journey our God asks us to endure.


As always, thank you for allowing me to express such personal feelings on Gabbie’s Web site. To most of you: thank you for understanding why I will never be happy. To the others: thank you for caring so much to want me to be happy at all costs. I understand why you feel that way; however, I just want you to understand why it won’t ever happen and why you need to let go. I beg you to let go.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 09:45 AM (CDT)


I forgot to mention the other day that our trip to the fair went well. It was really for Aubrey and not for me. I hope that people understand I'm still in the very raw stages of grief and that the fair in all its noise, joy, shouting, etc. was a bit overwhelming--but only as I expected. No bad surprises. Aubrey went on several rides and we looked at as many animals as possible and ate some junk food. I did have to send off Grandpa and Aubrey by themselves in the sheep barn while I sat off an attack of sweaty hypoglycemia. I've had those attacks for years but this one was unexpected. Fortunately they are almost always over within 15-20 minutes.


"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 1 Corinthians 10:13


"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not: charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemingly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

I noticed that my New King James Version substitutes "love" for "charity."

The verses before this point out the emptiness in the Christian life when charity/love is absent. In these verses, charity is very active in it's positive attributes. It also "rejoiceth in the truth." Charity can endure whatever trial is placed before us.

Charity in the Bible is not just talking about loving our children or family...we all do that with ease and it is too simple. Charity is referring to the effort to extend kindness to all, whether you love them or not.


We wish everyone a very safe holiday weekend! We thank you again for all your support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Friday, August 30, 2002 at 10:01 AM (CDT)


of what a study bible can provide. I’m always referring to the value of a study bible but then I realized that some people might not know what is actually offered in a study bible. So, here is an example using one of my favorite “verily, verily” verses.

“Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

The following notes, all pertaining to this one short verse, are straight from The MACARTHUR Study Bible.

3:3 born again. The phrase lit. means “born from above.” Jesus answered a question that Nicodemus does not even ask. He read Nicodemus’ heart and came to the very core of his problem, i.e., the need for spiritual transformation or regeneration produced by the Holy Spirit. New birth is an act of God whereby eternal life is imparted to the believer. (2 Cor. 5:17; Titus 3:5; 1 Pet. 1:3; 1 John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1,4, 18.) Chapter 1:12,13 indicates that “born again” also carries the idea “to become children of God” through trust in the name of the incarnate Word. cannot see the kingdom of God. In context, this is primarily a reference to participation in the millennial kingdom at the end of the age, fervently anticipated by the Pharisees and other Jews. Since the Pharisees were supernaturalists, they naturally and eagerly expected the coming of the prophesied resurrection of the saints and institution of the messianic kingdom. (Is. 11:1-16; Dan. 12:2). Their problem was that they thought that mere physical lineage and keeping of religious externals qualified them for entrance into the kingdom rather than the needed spiritual transformation which Jesus emphasized (cf. 8:33-39; Gal.6:15). The coming of the kingdom at the end of the age can be described as the “regeneration” of the world (Matt. 19:28) but regeneration of the individual is required before the end of the world in order to enter the kingdom.”

A reliable study bible can help explain some of the difficult meanings and then you can let your heart (or the Holy Spirit) guide you the rest of the way. I never assume that John MacArthur is always right but have found that I generally agree with him. The purpose of a study bible is not to indoctrinate you to one person's beliefs, but to help open the door for your understanding of the most difficult book on earth.


I so much wanted to help you explore the teachings of God’s Word. I will now do it for Aubrey but will always wonder what joy I will be missing in seeing you accept Jesus in your heart. But, based on the way you lived...I guess you already had Jesus in your heart. Love you always.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 10:27 AM (CDT)


Figuratively, I have never minded that people refer to Gabbie as an angel. In fact, if I actually do hand-stamp my Christmas cards this year, I have chosen a stamp that depicts a little girl angel.

Literally, however, I have already explained that Gabbie is actually a saint! Also, while I don't mind if you pray for her, the saints in heaven do not need our prayers. Gabbie is already in all her glory.

Do I believe in angels? Yes! God created angels (Col. 1:16). What do the angels do? They serve and worship God and they help carry out His will. There are too many of them to number: "But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumberable company of angels." Hebrews 12:22

Some other thoughts on angels...

1. There are good and bad angels. The Bible states that a rebellion, led by Lucifer who later became known as the Devil, resulted in one-third of the angels falling from heaven. The remaining angels are the "elect" angels.

2. "Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." Hebrews 13:1-2 Here, the strangers I think of are the homeless, the hungry, the thirsty, those we despise, those we ignore, etc. God's own admonishment to care for all.

3. And most importantly, angels are NOT to be worshipped. "And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, 'See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.'" Rev. 19:10 This part of Revelation concerns some of the things being revealed to John by certain angels.


While you are certainly sweet enough to be an angel, I know that you are a saint. A saint loved so much by God, and missed so much by your family on earth. WE LOVE YOU!!


Thank you for your continued prayers. God does lift us...but He only lifts us so high. Otherwise, there would be no suffering. There is no promise in the Bible that we will not suffer. So thank you for staying with us in our suffering.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 08:50 AM (CDT)


Miss Aubrey and I are meeting Grandpa at the Mall of America and we are bussing out to the State Fair today. Aubrey has never been there and since I'm still on a 4-day work week I thought she might like to go.


"The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

If you know you belong to God, know that he exults over you and takes great delight in you.


I know God loves you to depths that even I, your mama, cannot even understand. But Gabbie, while I have so much hope, it is an eternal hope and not something I will feel tangibly today nor any of the days to come. I still grieve so much for you. I will always grieve with a very heavy heart.


We thank everyone for your support, we thank you for understanding that everyone grieves differently.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Monday, August 26, 2002 at 05:58 PM (CDT)


Shaylah's story makes my heart cry every time I re-read it. After Gabbie died, the first two neuroblastoma stories I read were Mitchell's (his link is on this page) and Shaylah's. I was drawn to Mitchell's story because I, and several other family members, cannot believe how his pictures remind us of Gabbie. I was only later drawn to Shaylah's story for reasons I still can't explain. And with permission from Shaylah's loving and grieving mother, here is Shaylah's story.

Shaylah was born on January 14, 2001. She was a very healthy and very happy baby. If you go to her Web site, you will see a beautiful baby with a joyful smile.

Ten months later, November 2001, Shaylah was diagnosed with Stage III Neuroblastoma. Because of her age and other known neuroblastoma markers, Shaylah was given a 90% survival rate.

Little Shaylah underwent chemos and some of the same other treatments that Gabbie endured. So much for one so very young. On February 20th, shortly after her first birthday, Shaylah's surgery (resection of the tumor) was a long nine hours but initially quite successful as 99% of the tumor was removed.

But only days after this surgery, Shaylah started having problems. It is this part of the story that always makes me grieve so much for a child I never knew. I don't really know the medical situation, but I think there was a problem with toxicity. Shaylah's organs were shutting down. It was all simply too much. So on February 26th, Shaylah's family sadly said goodbye. Another innocent child lost to neuroblastoma. Another neuroblastoma child who never even saw remission.

Shaylah's link has been added below.


Thank you for letting me share Shaylah's story. My heart will never, ever forget Shaylah. Or her friend Mitchell. I wish you peace and the eternal hope offered to us by Jesus Christ.


As always, I thank all the readers of Gabbie's Web site. You have helped us in ways you will never know.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 10:09 PM (CDT)

Once again, we thank Mark Daly for his wonderful journal entry from last Friday. John and I were always very happy with the way KARE 11 treated us and our story.


Although Children's Hospital did not prevent us from putting street clothes on Gabbie during her long stays, we always stuck with the hospital gown because it was so much simpler. I can still see Gabbie's smooth, tiny back whenever I sat with her on the hospital bed. We always thought she would be cold, but she never was.

Gabbie quickly learned that if we came in the room with her regular clothes, it meant she was going home. And, oh, would her face light up. This was a good thing. But as a parent with a deceased is a VERY painful memory. I live in a material-possessed world and watched an innocent child, who never gave a second thought to material possessions, slowly die.


I hope so much that you know we will continue to love you forever. The pain will lessen...but the pain that is left will still be extremely painful. I continue to ache for you, Gabbie. There's nothing in the world that scares me...because the very worst has already happened. LOVE YOU!!


Most of you know I firmly believe that it was not God's will for Gabbie to get cancer and die. One of the scriptures I did NOT use to make that point is MT 18:14, which is, "Even so it is not the will of your Father in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." This quote can frequently be found on memorial sites for children. I have no problem with it being used in that context, but I don't think that is the right context. Matthew 18:10-14 is the parable of the lost sheep. It really pertains to ALL of God's chosen children, or believers, both young and old. God is not willing that any of His believers should perish--meaning be condemned to hell.

In Luke 13, verses 3 and 5 also both use perish in the same fashion. "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Perish, again, is used in a warning. We all will face death; we won't all perish.

Death, on the other hand, is used quite differently. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from DEATH unto life." John 5:24

Death is something we will experience but can all overcome. Perishing is what happens when death is not overcome due to rejection of Christ.

Understand that while I've used only three verses to show the difference between the terms death and perish, those verses are only a very small representation of the numerous verses supporting this interpretation. If you buy a concordance, you can look up all the instances of death and perish and compare the intended meanings and the not-so-subtle differences.

Semantics? Sure. But understanding the difference between the meanings of death and perish will make God's point that much more within your reach. And don't believe for yourself.


Our thanks again to all of you. Thank you for reading Gabbie's Web site. Thank you for sharing with us the impact Gabbie has had on your life. And to those of you who have started reading the Word...I really thank you! And if you are getting closer to reading the Word...I gently nudge you some more.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 09:39 AM (CDT)


"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." Romans 15:4

God's Word...for our learning (how to live our lives), strength to go on through any trial, patience, and most of all...hope.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 06:33 PM (CDT)

Once again, John and I thank KARE 11 for sharing our story. We simply cannot express the extent of our gratitude.


Journalists are trained to be objective. By that I mean we are not supposed to allow our personal feelings about a given situation affect how or what we report. We're also advised to avoid getting too close to the subjects of our stories. Objectivity is a reasonable goal. It helps reporters remain fair, balanced and open-minded. But objectivity is sometimes humanly impossible.

Never in my thirteen years of reporting at KARE-TV has it been more of a challenge for me to remain objective than when I tried to tell the Paquette family's story. How could anyone not be impressed by John and Monica's courage and strength in the face of such an awful situation? How could anyone avoid being touched by Gabbie and her adorable big sister Aubrey? Witnessing their struggle, one could not help but be affected.

KARE photographer Scott Jensen and I met John, Monica and Gabbie quite by accident. We were in the midst of shooting a story about pediatric oncology nurses at Children's Hospital who once were cancer patients themselves. Despite the sometimes overwhelming challenge of trying to cope with their daughter's illness, John and Monica were gracious enough to spend a few minutes with Scott and me. They chose to do so, because they wanted to say something nice about the nurses who had been so kind to them and Gabbie. They also wanted to praise Rev. Brian Brooks for his compassion and guidance.

Immediately, Scott and I were impressed by the entire Paquette/Totall family. John and Monica were open and honest about how they had been emotionally devastated by the news that Gabbie was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that already was in an advanced stage. They told us that they could not imagine coping with such a grave prognosis if not for their deep faith in God and their tremendous circle of friends and family. We watched and videotaped as John and Monica poured every fiber of their beings into doing whatever they could to comfort and care for Gabbie. I was supposed to be objective, but I cried on my way home from the hospital that night -- thinking simultaneously about the Paquettes and my own two healthy daughters. How could any parent endure such pain? I wondered. How and why could God allow it?

The story about the nurses aired late last year, complete with several scenes featuring Gabbie and her parents. Many viewers called the station afterwards with words of praise for the nurses. Many others called worried and wondering about that cute little girl, Gabbie.

To my amazement, a few days after the story aired, Monica e-mailed me to say thanks. She thought the story accurately portrayed the nurses as dedicated, professional and considerate. Here was a mother -- physically and emotionally consumed by the task of taking care of her sick baby -- and she takes the time to thank me.

To this very day, I'm not sure what prompted me to respond to Monica's e-mail the way I did. Instead of thanking her for her kindness, wishing her the best and leaving her alone, I asked more of her. I wondered how she and John would feel about Scott and me documenting Gabbie's battle with cancer. Monica and John thought about it for a day or so and then agreed. They said they knew that television stations often shied away from religion, but if our story mentioned -- even briefly -- how their faith in God was helping them cope, then their involvement in yet another story might be beneficial to others and therefore worthwhile. I agreed to accurately portray what they were going through and how they were coping.

It's my experience as a reporter that many people "perform" for the camera. They worry about how they'll be perceived by the viewing audience and they "put on a show" to make themselves look good. John and Monica were nothing like that at all. In fact, they were quite the opposite. In the midst of their daughter's fight, the last thing they worried about was superficial appearances. Instead, they invited us into their home, shared their frustrations, and their fears and tears with us -- quickly winning our admiration and friendship.

I will never -- ever -- forget crying with John when he talked to me about his biggest fear: Aubrey having to grow up without her little sister. Nor will I ever forget the courage Monica demonstrated talking to me about the rollercoaster ride of emotions she experienced -- always faithful, but often baffled and angry that God was allowing her daughter to suffer.

Many times I wondered aloud whether Scott and I were invading John and Monica's privacy. People deserved to be left alone in their darkest moments. Repeatedly, John and Monica told us they did not mind. They didn't want to shy away from hard truths. They promised to tell us to go away if they needed time alone. But that never happened.

The Paquettes' story was compelling because there is nothing pretentious about them. They are extraordinarily strong, loving, generous, kind, insightful, and sensitive. But they are also (I mean this in the most complimentary way) very ordinary human beings. They love their children; they work hard; they value family and friendships above fame and fortune; they cry when they're sad and they believe in God.

As Gabbie's condition worsened and she endured surgery after surgery -- tortuous medical procedure after procedure -- my professional objectivity flew out the window. The pain in John and Monica's eyes (and their voices and their body language) was constant. Their only wish was simple: They wanted their precious daughter to live a healthy and happy life. It's the same thing every parent wants for his/her child. Against terrible odds they fought for -- and with -- Gabbie. I thought of them when I went to bed each night and when I woke up each morning. They changed my life forever, in so many ways.

In mid-April, Gabbie was well enough to go home for a few days. The sun shined, the birds chirped, and Aubrey -- alongside her little sister in a stroller -- sang with her mother as they walked to the park. It was heavenly -- an image I'll cherish in my mind's eye forever.

Immediately after that, I began to write Gabbie's story. As I scanned through dozens of videotapes, I alternately cried tears of joy and happiness. How wonderful it was to see Gabbie laugh when her mother tickled her. How heart breaking it was to see Monica sob after doctor's warned her Gabbie might not survive another surgery.

My promise to Monica and John was that I would use words and pictures to accurately document how they navigated through the stormy waters of Gabbie's battle with cancer. It was a story of hopes and dreams, of fear and uncertainty, of family and friends, of nurses and doctors, of mothers and fathers, of children, and of love. It was a story about all of us.

When the story aired, our station was flooded with calls. Viewers wanted to know what they could do to help. They wanted to tell us how much they admired the Paquettes -- especially how they remained faithful despite what seemed so unfair. Thousands of people visited Gabbie's website to leave personal messages. They wanted John and Monica to know they cared.

As a journalist, I'm not supposed to have a personal agenda. But I do hope that some of my stories cause viewers -- if only for an instant -- to be less egocentric. I hope that they see what others are going through and that they respond with empathy and genuine gratitude for their own good fortune. For if they do, then maybe they'll be kinder tomorrow.

It's been roughly three months since Gabbie passed away. I have talked to John and Monica only a few times since then. I feel terrible about that and I hope to see them more often in the near future. I'm certain I will.

Meanwhile, pinned to the visor in my car with a Winnie the Pooh button is Gabbie's obituary. I will never forget her and I'm sure that no one lucky enough to meet her ever will either.

Mark Daly

Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 10:12 PM (CDT)


When I reflect on all that has happened regarding Gabbie, I think the most painful reflections are how she so willingly trusted us. As all children do. Gabbie trusted me when I said Jesus would take away her cancer. And He did, but Gabbie trusted me that it would be in this life, as she knew no other way. She trusted me when I said her first resection of the tumor would be the last. It wasn't.

Gabbie also trusted me when I told her she had to go first, and without me. I did answer affirmatively, in that I would be there later, when she asked me, "Will you be dere?" I now trust God to keep that ever so special promise for me.

I know Gabbie is in a much better place. But I do agonize when I think of what SHE wanted for her life. Her little heart wanted to stay here with us. And she trusted us 100% that she would.

I am so sorry Gabbie. But human beings can make no absolute promises. We can only trust God.


I knew all along that Word of Faith teachings were greatly abusing the idea of trusting in God. However, I can't tell you how many times I would take a deep breath and just tell myself to trust God. To trust that He would do whatever was necessary to heal Gabbie. But that's not what trusting in God really means.

Trusting in God means that even if the worst and most unthinkable event happens, that you trust God is still in control. We should not trust God to do for us what we want here. We should trust, however, that He ALWAYS does what is best for us in eternity.

My biggest struggle with this concept is this: what if I am less of a Christian due to my sorrow over Gabbie's death? I don't mean my beliefs but rather my actions. That is, what if the rest of my Christian life pales in comparison to what could have been if Gabbie had lived? Just another of the many unknowns I face every day.

Gabbie's death will always reach very, very deep into my heart and soul. Her death cannot do anything less than greatly impact the rest of my Christian walk.


We thank you for your continued support. Our family will be forever grateful.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 09:45 PM (CDT)


No, no, and no. But only from our humanly earthly perspective. We are in no standing to question the fairness from God, because He is always fair. But for me, I won't see that until eternity. In this life, it is very unfair for a mother to have her husband call her from the hospital and hear her daughter moaning in pain, to the point that even the nurse was concerned. It is very unfair for a mother to tell her 2-year old daughter that she must cross the line of this life without her parents. It is very unfair to live in a country where, statistically, the odds of this happening are extremely rare. As far back as I can remember, no one else in either my family or John's family said good-bye to a living child. Of all the friends I have met over the years, colleges, six years in Atlanta, grade school friends, co-workers, etc., none of them have buried a child who experienced life. But John and I had to lower Gabbie into the cold earth. It is very unfair. (I should note that John did have a sister who was stillborn. I know that causes tremendous grief also. She is mentioned in Grandma Paquette's journal entry.)

I hope everyone understands I have chosen to not be bitter. But, I must be honest here, it will be a tiring battle the rest of my life. Because truly, Gabbie should be with us here. Her death is the worst trial that could ever come in my path.


"And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethen, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake, But there shall not an hair of your head perish." Luke 21:16-18

This is actually a promise that in this life YOU will suffer. But that ultimately, no child loved of God will lose anything that God wants that child to have due to the power of evil. Again, this is the eternal perspective.

With the exception of extreme moments when I'm just trying to get rid of rage, I never ask God why. The point isn't why...the point is what can God now do with all the suffering that remains after Gabbie has died. God can use this suffering and further perfect me and John. And I completely trust Him to do that.


I do get help with my thoughts sometime. Today I must give credit to Glenn Pease. He is a pastor in New Hope, I believe. He signed the guest book once and his Web address is available there. He has wonderful, thought-provoking sermons online if you are interested.


We always want you to know how we appreciate all of you. Thank you so much for continuing to read Gabbie's Web site. Thank you for allowing me to express all of the emotions that come with the death of a child.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Monday, August 19, 2002 at 10:25 PM (CDT)


I do believe that Gabbie's Web site was aptly named "Gabrielle's Prayers." We still thank all of you because we know that thousands and thousands of prayers were said for her.

I have mentioned that as a family we would always hold hands at the end of the day to pray, usually as one of us was leaving the hospital. We would say the Lord's Prayer and Gabbie would chime in using her soft voice that I miss so much. She was always a word or two behind us and for some reason, "Heaven" (Our Father who art in Heaven...) would always come out as "kevin." And she even knew to be reverent.


A few weeks ago someone told me they were somewhat unsure how to pray. Why pray if nothing comes of it? I have on this long journey realized that praying is much more than asking for things from God. It is fine to ask for a child to be healed, for someone to be safe, etc. But God really wants us to use prayer time as a time to commune with Him. We are also supposed to pray for what pleases Him. Ask God to show you what He wants YOU to do for Him. Give Him thanks and praise. Pray for spiritual guidance and ask that He reveal more of Himself to you.

So back to Gabbie. It is my hope that some of you who prayed for Gabbie became closer to God in the process. My prayers were not answered as I had hoped. But at least my prayers brought me closer to the ONLY one who can get me through this worst of all trials.

And when you pray, remember this, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5

Actually, all the verses from 1-8 here are about praying. But this verse in particular tells us that no one in Heaven can respond to our prayers but God, through his son, Jesus Christ.


As always, thank you so much for reading Gabbie's Web site. Thanks to all the special people who know how to pick me up!

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 11:43 PM (CDT)


Children are so funny when they reverse words and letters. The best Aubrey and Gabbie could ever do for "Lucky Charms" was "chucky larms." I used to sigh whenever I noticed John had purchased more of that sugary cereal. The only bits of that cereal the girls ever ate were the marshmallow pieces. And I can't stand to waste food. But I couldn't stomach to eat the cereal myself so the squirrels and birds in our backyard got to eat most of the box. Whatever wasn't marsmallow!


Even strangers have commented they don't understand Gabbie's death. I, as her own mother, never will fully understand it either. But I do know that the resulting faith growing in me and John will not be wasted...God would never waste something that is so precious to him.

Below is a quote from John Piper, or at least it is a quote from his church's Web site. (Emphasis is mine.)

"The proving and refining of faith is God's purpose in suffering. Faith is so valuable to God that he will SEEK IT AT THE COST OF GREAT SUFFERING."

Again, this does not mean Gabbie's death was the will of fact, just the opposite. However, God in His greatness is using all the impact for His glory and also for my and John's eternities.

TO GABBIE: I packed up more of your stuff today. One of the boxes is labeled "Funeral." I looked at your pictures a few you were most you were ever so solemn. I miss you so much Gabbie. I miss my spiritual, quiet, and so gentle child. Some have suggested I need to choose happiness...but that is not a choice for me, Gabbie. I will choose to not be bitter, I will choose to fight the good fight of faith, I will choose to go on loving my family. But happiness will never, ever be a choice for my heart, Gabbie. Only I know the impact on my heart your death has had. Gabbie, you were so much more than society's definition of "happiness."

This is for all the parents suffering the loss of a child...who feel society's pressure to be happy....

"OUR CHOICES IN SUFFERING, THOUGH WORKED OUT THROUGH MANY WORKS, REALLY BOIL DOWN TO TWO: FAITH OR UNBELIEF." Notice that happiness is not a choice. If you are happy, good for you. If you are not, but have faith, then keep your chin up through faith and ignore the absurd request from society.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 04:11 PM (CDT)



"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Romans 8:31-32

A declaration about God! He spared NOT His own Son.


"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us, for I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39

I think if we all had the ability to realize just how much God loves us, even in our moments of greatest evil or shame, we would weep in remorse. Because our love back, no matter how hard we try, does not begin to compare to the love he has for us. His love for us is more than a 1,000 times greater than our love for the ones most dear to us.

To Gabbie: I love you, Gabbie. Life will never ever be the same. I am forever changed...forever missing too much of my heart to grasp that happiness that some people think I will grasp. They just don't know deep my love for you is and always will be. But I will tolerate this life, this place I don't want to be, and keep the faith.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 09:26 PM (CDT)

I want to thank my mother-in-law again for her lovely journal entry. A lot of people have shared how that entry brought many tears.

Even John and I have trouble recalling who was there that day and I did have several non-family members drop whatever they were doing and rush over to our house that fateful day. I will mention them in a later journal. But today, I want to mention that one of my brothers, "tickle-me Joe," was standing right behind me with his hand on my shoulder when Gabbie took her last few breaths.

Today's journal entry is the second one from Auntie Sarah.


Gabbie loved her big sister. She used to watch Aubrey as Aubrey (miss busy bee) moved from one end of the room to the other with her toys. Aubrey was good at making Gabbie laugh. Sometimes I would turn the highchairs so Gabbie and Aubrey could look at each other while eating lunch. Aubrey would make babbling noises with her tongue that Gabbie would repeat. They both found this funny. Then I would tell them what a "messy" they had made on their trays. I would ask them "who is all messy?" Aubrey would point to Gabbie and Gabbie would laugh, then I would laugh because I was the one who had to clean up that "messy." Though they were too young to play with each other, Gabbie loved to be with her big sister.


for one more "hand hold," to sit on the bed with you, to gently rub your head (hairless), to sing songs with you, to watch a video, to get you "fresh" water and ice, to get you a different toy from the toy room, to see you smile or hear you laugh, to read you a book, to push your stroller or pull your wagon, to help you sit up, to hold your hand and pray, to make ONE more bracelet. I love you Gabbie.


I watched you deal with the ups and downs of Gabbie's cancer. I saw your renewed strength when there was good news during Gabbie's battle. I also saw your determination to fight when there was bad news. I admired your strength and faith through it all. With Gabbie's death, I watch you start a new battle to survive the pai of not having her here with us anymore. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.

Auntie Sarah


Most of you who read this site have already said it: John and I have the most wonderful and loving family one could ever have.

To both our families: I thank you so much for helping us. Even if you are hardly mentioned on this site...we remember....

I've never mentioned John's twin brothers, Tim and Tom. They came to the hospital ALL the time. Tim was usually with his friend Sue, and they always brought beautiful gifts. But know it was your company we treasured!

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 07:29 PM (CDT)


First grandma wants to tell you how much you are loved and missed by all of us.

Recently I had a conversation with one of your daddy's siblings about the many surgeries, pain, and suffering you endured. The outpouring of love, concern and care for you. Your daddy's siblings shared something so beautiful with me. Something many parents should hear and would like to hear but never do. I had to choke back the tears to be able to say thank you. Yes, Gabbie you touched the lives of many.

Gabbie, there were times that I spent several days at your home caring for you as you were too ill to attend day care with Aubrey. Mommy and Daddy would call often to check on you. Gabbie, staying with you and caring for you I learned what a ramen noddle was all about. You really loved them. I also learned to accept the grumpy looks as this fuddy duddy grandma did not know how to work the VCR. It was completed.

There was the time I spent with you, Daddy, and Aubrey, when Mommy attended a retreat in California. On Sunday we attended Mass, it was a very hot day in August. You were warm and we were to learn it was a slight fever. Aubrey needed restroom attention, so as Daddy cared for her needs I held you and you fell sound asleep in my arms. I watched the side door for your Daddy and Aubrey, it seemed forever, but finally there they were - Aubrey nude to the to the waist. Daddy explained, Aubrey had an accident. I told Daddy we should leave but he said not until I receive communion. I should have known -his deep religious beliefs. I was so proud of him and ashamed of myself for suggesting leaving. At communion time, Gabbie, Daddy carried you and I held Aubrey's hand. Just as I thought, a woman in the front pew said to the party with her, loud enough for me to hear - "It is hot out, but one would think you would dress a child properly for church." Remembering how cute Daddy and I had dressed you girls for church I really wanted to say something. I knew Daddy heard none of this. After receiving communion I took Aubrey's hand, at this point my funny bones were acting up. I felt like bursting into laughter but I knew I was in the house of the Lord and thought "act your age" and for my age I knew better. It was really funny Gabbie.

There was the time that I spent a few days with you and on Friday morning I went with you and Mommy to a clinic in Eden Prairie. That was the day sweetie, I wanted to pick you up in my arms and run as fast and as far as I could but I knew it was not the answer. The clinic doctor showed deep concern and sent us to Children's Hospital for further tests. We were joined by your Daddy, it was at this time that we learned of your tumor. There was so much anxiety, so many hugs, kisses and tears. It was like a wall closing in on us. I couldn't help but wonder why not me.
You were too young and too innocent for this. The many days, weeks and months to follow were filled wiht many surgeries and sufferings for you. Suffering for a mommy and daddy who loved you beyond words.

The visits to the hospital by friends and family were many. Each time I visited you before opening your hospital door it was with wonderment "will Gabbie be smiling or will Mommy and Daddy be teary eyed." Gabbie, Grandma was unable to spend as much time at the hospital as she wanted to, but my time at home was not spent idly. I spent many hours in prayer for you and your sick friends at Childrens and always for Mom, Dad and Aubrey for their strength to cope. As your Daddy's Mom and your Grandmother I saw my family's caring, loving and deep concern. There were prayers unending.

The day came when Mom, Dad and family were told that you were terminal. The hugs, kisses and tears were many. There was even some anger. This was during lent Gabbie, when Jesus suffered so and you were suffering so very much.

In the days to follow you were allowed to go home for short stays. The wagon and stroller rides - the trips to the lakes and parks - so many beautiful precious memories.

Then the day came when you went home for the last time, it was Wednesday, May 15th. I visited you on Wednesday afternoon and there were many family members there. At one point you asked Daddy if you could see Grandma "Ette," the name you had given me. I sat on the floor and put my hands through the spokes of the crib and rubbed your face so gently. I told you how much I loved you, you in return said "I love you too, where is Sess" (the cat) all in the same breath. With my hands palms up I said "I didn't know". You did likewise, as you so often did in the hospital and said you didn't know either. Auntie Debbie came to the rescue and found Sess. Oh, the smile with your big Paquette eyes. These were your last words and your last smile for Grandma - unforgetable.

On Friday when I arrived you were in a deep sleep. As I kissed you and told you I loved you, you did not move. I knew then that it was more than a deep sleep. There were many friends and family members present, it was at this time that your daycare providers arrived. One by one they stood at your crib so tearful eyed. At this time Grandpa and Grandma decided to take Aubrey for a walk. Father John Shelly and Uncle David decided to make a quick trip to a store. At this time Mommy decided she wanted to hold you. Auntie Kari freed your lines and so lovingly put you in Mommy's arms. Aunties Kari, Debbie and Laurie, Mom, Dad, and I were with you when Mom noticed your breathing had changed. Auntie Laurie grabbed her car keys and went to see if she could find the family. Auntie Kari and Auntie Debbie kneeling at your side. Daddy and I each holding one of your precious little hands. Auntie Kari guiding Mommy through your last breath, which you took. There was a moment of complete silence. I knew Jesus was in our presence, He so gently lifted you from Mommy's arms and took you to the highest spot in heaven. After hugs and kisses from Mom, she so gently handed you to Daddy. There were more hugs, kisses and big tears. Then Daddy so cautiously layed you in your crib he proceded to help Auntie Kari free your lines. Auntie Kari spoke so softly to you, it was precious.

It was time now for Mommy and Daddy to hug and embrace eachother. It was so painful to watch but so beautiful. The tears they shed were tears of love for you. They loved you so very much. Then followed phone calls and visitors, a steady stream of loved ones to say "Good-bye" to our Angel, you Gabrielle. Among the visitors were Father Kevin Kenny and your favorite Doctor, Dr. Bostrom, who grew to love you so very much. It was during this time that I was able to say the Memorare silently many times, one of my favorite prayers. My petition was that God would give Mommy, Daddy and Aubrey strength to cope.

Gabbie, the bracelet you and Auntie Sarah made for me hangs on your picture. It is a daily reminder of your beautiful courage and love.

Please give Grandpa Paquette and Auntie Paula a kiss for me and tell them I love them as much as I love you. Miss you and love you very much.

Grandma "Ette" Paquette


Thank you, Grandma Paquette, for a beautiful tribute to Gabbie. To all those reading this, I can tell you in all honesty that I believe Grandma Paquette said many, many, prayers for Gabbie. Probably more than anyone else.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 09:45 PM (CDT)


Before Gabbie was diagnosed, bedtime at our house was a zoo. We could usually get them into bed at the desired bed time, but Aubrey could sometimes holler and scream for hours. She found any excuse to get us back into the bedroom. John always fell for it; I did not. I let Aubrey scream and scream while John always went in. He never followed through on his threats that a particular trip back into the room was really "the last time." Poor Gabbie had to put up with all that hollering. Sometimes she too would finally start to cry but only after Aubrey had been yelling for a long time. Sometimes we would go in to hush Aubrey and Aubrey would say "Gabbie's keeping me awake." And there was Gabbie, fast asleep. As always, so quiet.

TO GABBIE: I wish I could just get a glimpse of your gain. I think it would instantly end all of my suffering. But I know we must continue on faith; believing without ever seeing. Just as you did, little one. We love you!


So many brush aside the claim that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and say it was just written by men. (That comment always makes my heart skip a beat.) But the Bible says: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." II Timothy 3:16-17

I don't know the author, but someone once said of the Bible: "Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be right."

How could the Bible, written over a period of many, many years, be so accurate for our lives over all time unless it was inspired by God. How could the themes be so consistent? How could so much prophecy predicted in the OT occur in NT times if the writing was not inspired by God?

What will some say, when they meet the author some day, and He asks them why they did not follow His command to read the Word? To me, it is the simplest of commands.

The Bible is unlike any other book ever written. It is a treasure!


This past week, a young boy named Marco Antonio died from relapsed neuroblastoma. In the week or so before he died, his parents found out that the three other children who went through treatment when he did, have ALL relapsed. Neuroblastoma continues.


We thank you again and again for all that you do. We are so fortunate to have so many that care for us. We know we are lucky.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Monday, August 12, 2002 at 10:26 PM (CDT)


During Gabbie's cancer battle, I had purchased some Frankincense oil as it is purported to have some anti-tumoral properties. I wasn't putting a lot of faith into it, it was just one of those extra little things I thought I would at least try. Gabbie didn't seem to want it on her stomach, so I would rub it on her feet. I would always prepare her for it by saying "no laugh time, no laugh time." And then I would tickle her feet as I rubbed in the oil. She seemed to really enjoy it as even she would start anouncing "no laugh time." But there were many nights when our poor Gabbie did not want to laugh and she would make it clear to me she did not want to be tickled. And I always respected that.


Remember....I worry.

Some people refuse to acknowledge, or just don't believe, that Satan exists. But Satan does exist and God warns us about Satan many, many times. If we didn't need to worry about whether Satan existed, why would we be warned about Satan? The deceptions of Satan are best recognized when one at least acknowledges that Satan exists.

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought against the angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Revelation 12:7-9

We are assured Satan will one day lose. But he does win little battles here on earth. (Sin, disease, death, etc.) How can you recognize temptation...if you don't believe in a tempter? God is not the tempter.


Your gracious support continues to amaze us. I can only imagine what our grief would be like if we could not share it with so many people. It is people like you who keep our faith in the goodness of others.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 09:46 PM (CDT)


For Halloween 2000, Aubrey wore some simple custom loaned to me from a co-worker. I didn't plan anything for Gabbie and at the last minute we threw on some crocheted hat from the toy box. It looked French. Auntie Sarah drew a thin, black, curly mustache on Gabbie's face.

The first house we went to was across the street and our neighbor's little girl was dressed up as a French painter. We all looked at Greta and then at Gabbie and realized they had similar costumes. So that's who Gabbie was! A French painter. A very solemn painter, as she never let even one tiny smile break from her lips that night. She wasn't scared...just being our ever so solemn Gabbie.

TO GABBIE: We talk about you all the time. We miss you all the time. Our hearts and arms ache for you all the time. Gabbie, it's not getting continues to get worse and worse. But our love for you will never, ever change. WE LOVE YOU!!


"I know thy works, that thou are neither cold not hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:...." Revelation 3:15-17

Just as I fear the meaning of "all are called but few are chosen," I also fear believers' complacency in today's world. Being good isn't good enough. God is a very jealous God who wants his children to follow and seek Him zealously. I was very lukewarm for most of my life. Believing in Him, trying to be good...but never seeking Him as He wanted.

I believe that Revelation is the only book containing a specific warning on a lukewarm relationship with God. It is easily overlooked because so many people have no interest (or are afraid to read about the Apocalypse) in the book of Revelation. Revelation, authored by the Apostle John, should not be ignored as it gives much hope for the end of Satan and evil.

You don't have to agree with me on my scripture interpretation, but once again I urge everyone to take their own time to seek. None of us, including those of us who do study, can ever fully know God. It is impossible for our finite human minds. But He really does call us to get to know Him as much as possible through His Word.


How can we thank you?! We really appreciate that people continue to read Gabbie's Web site. We thank you for all the encouragement you give us. A special thanks to Gabbie's godmother, who will be wearing a special "Gabbie" button at the Children's Hospital table at the PGA.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 09:48 PM (CDT)


Here is the scripture meditation for August 10.

For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Romans 6:14

We are saved by God's grace. We cannot save ourselves by any of our own works. God wants us to do good works, but scripture makes it clear that good works do not save us. God's grace is so abundant. Take the offer.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Friday, August 09, 2002 at 10:28 AM (CDT)


We know that in her own way, Aubrey really loved her little sister Gabbie. But it took Aubrey some time to even acknowledge that Gabbie was a person. For the longest time, Aubrey would call Gabbie "baby." She simply refused to use Gabbie's name.

Gabbie, on the other hand, adored Aubrey and watched her every single move. As soon as she could talk, she called Aubrey "Aubee." Strangely, until Aubrey could pronounce her own name she called herself "Aubba." I can still see Gabbie sometimes walking after Aubrey and if she was excited she would shout "Aubeeee!"

Gabbie constantly asked us if and when Aubrey was going to come visit her at the hospital. And of course, Aubrey always wanted to know when she could go to the hospital so she could go to "Old McDonald's" to eat. Two very different sisters!


Someone has asked indirectly that I again share my thoughts on whether or not Gabbie's cancer was God's will. Remember, I am not a biblical scholar, just a grieving mom trying to get closer to God and His Word.

The key scripture, to me, is Romans 6:23. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

When Adam and Eve sinned, they were kicked out of Eden. There was no sickness, disease, or death in Eden. But because they had sinned, they had to be separated from God. God is many things: and one of those is that He is very holy. His holiness simply cannot reside by sin.

Look at the world today (pollution, crime, sex all over t.v., pornograpy, child rapists, etc.). Do you really, really think this is God's will for us? I don't. He gave us free will. All humans choose to sin. God did create this world, but once sin entered, everything from plants and animals, to humans, is at the mercy of the law of nature AND the consequences of sin.

Cancer or other tragedy could strike anyone. God is not up there "assigning" it to us. Because of sin, we are all subject to the wages of sin. Death.

But the miracle in all of this is that God offers us the hope that Gabbie walked through the valley of the SHADOW of death. Gabbie has overcome death because God saved her. Gabbie is in the land of the living. Those of us here are in the land of the dying.

Go back to Romans 6:23 again. Sin causes death, not God. God HATES sin. In the end, God's perfect will will be done. But that does not mean that the present state of the world is His will. His miracle is that He can take all the evil outcomes from sin and Satan, and still give us a perfect and everlasting eternity.


Just wanted to mention to Monica K. that your e-mail address in the guest book is not correct, so I cannot contact you. Why don't you send me a private e-mail using the address near the bottom of this page.


We really are so grateful for all the support and prayers. We continue to pray for all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 10:22 AM (CDT)

I thank my sister, Sarah, for yesterday's journal entry. Sarah actually lived with us for several months and took care of the girls when I first returned to work. Aubrey and Gabbie love their "Auntie Sarah" very much. (Actually, so do ALL the nieces and nephews--she has that magic appeal with kids.)


This really doesn't concern Gabbie, but if it weren't for Gabbie I wouldn't be following the lives of so many children on the Internet. A few entries back, I mentioned that a boy named "Seth" was fighting for his life. I followed his journey and it seemed to be getting more and more tragic. I was actually pained for this family. However, as tragedy upon tragedy piled up, I started taking a closer look as the story just seemed too bizarre. Everything broke loose yesterday as many others began to realize the site was suspect. The site has now been removed.

This didn't really harm me, however, there was a little boy who also has a CaringBridge Web site (he is paralyzed from the waist down from a car accident) who befriended this "Seth" via e-mail exchanges. The little boy was seriously concerned for "Seth" and his family. And now this little boy's mother must explain to him that it was all a hoax. She must explain to him that the "wheat" grows near the "tares."

Easy for me to do, as my child wasn't lured into this cruel game, but God calls us to forgive those whose actions are hideous.

Matthew 6:14 "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." This is from the Sermon on the Mount. There are many other verses in scripture stressing that we are called to forgive. So easy to say, so hard to do.


Thanks again for all your support. Thank you for all of your congratulations. We really do know this is a blessing from God, but I hope people understand that, at least for me, my grief for Gabbie still deepens every single day.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 11:10 AM (CDT)

I have been told I can make more than one journal entry so today's entry is about Aubrey and Gabbie before Gabbie's diagnosis. When Gabbie was 6 months and Aubrey was 19 months Monica and John opened their home and the love of their girls to me. I want to thank Monica and John for that precious time (gift).

Oh my! It took but one week for the girls and I to settle into a routine and for me to become extremely attached to the two of them. Aubrey was very talkative and spirited. It was easy to get Aubrey excited about the days adventures. As to not forget Aubrey's memories I have written her a letter she can have when she is older.

Gabbie was sweet and lovable. Gabbie was so lovable that I couldn't help kissing her everytime I picked her up (which was many times throughout the day). Well Gabbie soon learned that the kiss was coming and she would open her mouth for the kiss (she didn't turn her head) so I would kiss her open mouth and make a funny noise which made her smile. Grandma Jeanine called Gabbie her "little lover." Gabbie also loved to swing. Sometimes she would get a little mad if you took her out of the swing to early. Getting babies into those swings at the park isn't the most fun thing but once you gave Gabbie that first push she would smile. She even loved the (inside) swing at home. Gabbie also liked songs. I would sing many songs when pushing the girls in the stroller.

Dear Gabbie: We all miss you very much. Your beautiful eyes, your gentle touch and your heart warming smile. Love Auntie Sarah

"May we all see in each other that which we saw in Gabbie, the face of God" (David Paquette)

God bless all of you who continue to give your love and support to Monica, John and Aubrey.

Sarah Totall


Some of you may recall that Aubrey was born Oct 17th, Gabbie was born Nov 17th, and Gabbie died on May 17th. My doctor told me March 19th, 2003. I said no, March 17th. Today an ultrasound confirmed that I was right. It truly is a blessing from God but we are still so very pained about Gabbie. We will miss her and ache for her no matter what. The heartbeat was strong at 172 bpm.

To Gabbie: After you died, we decided we at least had to try for Aubrey. No one, and I mean no one, can ever replace you. We love you so very much.

Love, Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 10:57 PM (CDT)

Some time on Wednesday morning, my sister Sarah will be updating the Web. However, I wanted to get rid of the "venting" that I did on Monday night. Unfortunately, the venting isn't really's just archived for all to see!

Until Sarah updates the site, however, I will just leave you with my Bible's meditation of the day for August 7.

"But God commandeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

...something I just talked about recently!!

Monday, August 05, 2002 at 09:38 PM (CDT)

NEW PICTURES!! Prof pics taken 7 days before Gabbie's diagnosis.


I suppose in a way it is good for me, but when I take Aubrey for stroller rides, she stays true to her cheerful and chatty personality. It would probably hurt even more if there was too much silence.

However, when I took Gabbie alone for stroller rides (at home, not at the hospital) when she was feeling OK, she was as silent as ever. She never said one word unless I prompted her. I remember once walking with her on one of those warm winter evenings. Snow on the ground; but wet sidewalks from the warm melt. It was dark and I was showing her Christmas lights. Gabbie never let out one single peep. I don't know why that makes me cry, but it does. Just me and Gabbie under God's starry sky. And silence.


I learned about another loss today. A little boy named Nathan died from a brain tumor. He has a little sister named Maddy. In their pictures, they looked the same ages as Aubrey and Gabbie.

There is another boy named Seth literally fighting for his life. I'm so tired of children's cancer. These children really are the bravest ones in the world.


I'm learning that all parents grieve in different ways. Some have told me they are mad at the world. I thought about that one as I have a lot of anger but not at the world. But, I do have a lot of disappointment with the world. Not with my friends who read this web site, but the world in general. Gabbie and the other children with cancer, especially those who DIE after all the pain of treatment, have set such high standards in my mind that the world will always disappoint me. (The children who die remind me of the OT heroes in Hebrews 11--they never receive the promise!) My OWN character and actions will forever be disappointing to me and probably more so than the world.

So...I know this is a weak lead, but here is my tirade of the day. Remember, I am never judging people...just the message they are bringing.

Most of you by now have probably heard of the school boy who wrote a letter to Jesus in response to a class assignment to write to a friend who would hopefully write back. His atheist teacher told him Jesus did not exist. The parents are fighting this. My support for this family (and John agrees too) dropped as soon as I heard "$1.5 Million lawsuit." The boy, who is not accountable but the parents should be, has been quoted as saying that he hopes God is proud of him and that he thinks God is on his side.
God is not litigious. God does not choose sides in a lawsuit. This incident (the school's act of religious intolerance) could have been the perfect opportunity for the parents to show their son what Jesus would NOT have done in a situation like this. He would not sue.

This does nothing to further the cause of trying to end religious intolerance of Christian beliefs. We are not to deny Jesus. But even Jesus answers the question of obeying authority that is not contrary to a Christian life. (Read Matthew 22:16-22, where Jesus tells the Pharisees to pay taxes to Caeser.) The boy did not follow the assignment and in some way set-up the school for this lawsuit. It really makes me sad that people are using their belief in God to take advantage of an already frivolous and extremely litigious society.

Sorry, but these things really do bother me. As I said, the way Gabbie and some of the other children held themselves up during their terminal illnesses leaves me with impossible standards of spiritual discern and/or judgment--which means I will forever be unhappy with this world.


We are so grateful that you have stayed with us on this journey. I'm sure John is even more grateful that so many of you put up with my daily tirades on this Web page. (Most of the time John has only the faintest knowledge of my ramblings.) Actually, you might get a breather from me as I know Grandma Paquette has her first journal entry ready and so does Auntie Sarah.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 04:45 PM (CDT)


With all her tubes hanging from her we never let Gabbie run around naked as so many children love to do. However, whenever I would get Gabbie dressed in her pajama's at night, she would insist that I not finish so that she could go show dadda. She would run out to the kitchen with only her diaper or just the top or bottom. She would laugh and smile and say "look it, dadda." John would always feign surprise and say "WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES!!"

TO GABBIE: We miss you and love you more and more every day. Gabbie, so many people are telling us how you touched their lives. All children are special...but you belonged to us and will always be so very special. This pain is unbearable but I thank God that we were chosen to bring you into this world.


Here is another view of teaching gone astray from the Word of Faith movement. Which do you think is true below, A or B?

A. We sin because we are sinners.

B. We are sinners because we sin.

If you chose A, you are following scripture. "As it is written: 'There is none righteous, no, not one,; there is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God.'...Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin" (Romans 3:10, 20).

If you chose B, you are following teachings from the Word of Faith, see quote below. I admire Joyce Meyer as I believe she has led many women to Christ, however, the teaching below is very dangerous. Please understand I am not judging "people," but rather teachings that stray from the truth.

"I'm going to tell you something folks, I didn't stop sinning until I finally got it through my thick head I wasn't a sinner anymore. And the religious world thinks that's heresy and they want to hang you for it. But the Bible says that I'm righteous and I can't be righteous and be a sinner at the same time ... All I was ever taught to say was, 'I'm a poor, miserable sinner.' I am not poor, I am not miserable and I am not a sinner. That is a lie from the pit of hell. That is what I was and if I still am then Jesus died in vain. Amen?" (Joyce Meyer, "What Happened from the Cross to The Throne?" audio)

We are all sinners. Even my baby Gabbie was a sinner by nature. She never sinned, but she was a sinner. There is not one single living person on this earth who is not a sinner. And to teach otherwise only opens the door to even more problems.

Whether from curiousity or frustration (if I've offended those who do follow Word of Faith), I hope some of this prompts you to read your Bible.


Again, thanks for sharing our journey. It means a lot to us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 09:41 PM (CDT)


Almost every time I dropped Gabbie off at daycare, once Aubrey was in the room for older toddlers, I would always sit down briefly and rock Gabbie in the rocking chair. For some reason, several of the other toddlers would always try to clamber onto my lap also. Sometimes I would actually hold one of them briefly in addition to Gabbie. But I always put them down to rock Gabbie alone. I wish they would have allowed me to just rock my baby. Because Gabbie, in her gentle way, would always try to brush their arms away from me. She obviously wanted me to hold her and only her. I wish I would have done that little selfish act. They had their own mothers. This was time for me and Gabbie.

TO GABBIE: I have a lot of "I'm sorry's." I wish for so many other things to have been done differently. I know I was a good mother to you. But my heart also sadly knows I could have been even better.


Gabbie will always be my "angel" in Heaven. But as one who follows scripture, Gabbie is truly a saint. The tradition of some churches (well, I only know of 2 or 3 churches, but that is not the point!) is to cannonize saints. But that is purely a human tradition and not scriptural. The true definition of a saint is found in scripture, as in the verses below.

"To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 1:7; "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given,that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;" Ephesians 3:8; and "...Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints," Jude 1:14

When I first started reading the Bible, I thought any references to saints were cannonized saints. But you must all know that we can all be saints. If you are born again, you are already a saint. Saints do not reside only in Heaven. I did NOT say that we who are born again are SAINTLY, but we are already part of God's army of saints.

You may all have realized by now that tradition is of no comfort to me. If it's not in the Word...then it doesn't help me. I truly believe the only way to really seek God is make sure nothing else is in your path. God wants you to focus only on him.


Some of you may have noticed a cat hanging out in Gabbie's guest book. That was added by a cancer mom, Chris Russo, whom I've never met but with whom I've exchanged many e-mails. Her son's (Goochie) Web site is the most decorated CaringBridge Web site I've ever seen. I noticed she was able to add graphics/icons to the guest book of others and asked if she would add a cat to Gabbie's. And she promptly did! So far, Goochie's story is a good one. He is battling ALL but is doing very well. His site is

Chris does a wonderful job of keeping her visitors informed about all the other kids with leukemia.

Thank you Chris!


How do I keep rewriting my thanks to all of you? Please know that I will grieve forever. But your support has made a huge difference. And know that if you ever get tired of my evangelizing, I care so much I will still pray for you.

Monica, John, Aubrey and Saint Gabrielle

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 08:36 PM (CDT)


The last time I ever saw Gabbie smile was two days before she died, the day we brought her home from the hospital. John and I left the hospital at the same time (Gabbie was in his car) but I got home first. It was a beautiful warm and breezy May day and KARE 11 had come to film Gabbie's last trip into the house. While waiting and waiting for John to arrive, I sat on the steps outside and talked to Mark Daly and Scott Jenson. I was so excited that Gabbie was coming home. John's car finally pulled around the corner and I ran up to the car to get Gabbie out. As I carried her from the car, she smiled and said "windy." It was the last time I ever saw my beautiful Gabbie smile.


I hope everyone understood that I am critical of the quote I included yesterday and not supportive. It was just meant to show you what some are teaching. It doesn't stop there...


Because I'm worried. Here is the scripture verse that worries me so much. I actually hope I am wrong in what I believe it implies.

"So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen." Matthew 20:16


"For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:14

Both of these verses immediately follow parables on salvation. I worry so much that it really is true: that only a few are chosen. That the true path is so narrow that many will not make it. I'm not perfect and have a lot of flaws, but I KNOW I am saved. I know I am born again.

I ran into a neighbor today and we shared this concern. (Thanks, Jenny--if you read this.) Believing isn't everything. Even Satan believes in God.

As I said, for these two scriptures in particular, for once I hope I am wrong. But what if I'm not? You have nothing to lose by immersing yourself in the Word. And so much to gain.

TO GABBIE: I love you more and more every day! Your silent suffering has inspired me in more ways than you could ever imagine. You are a saint, now, Gabbie. A beautiful saint.


Once again I am humbled by all the support. Today's guest book entries brought some light to another dark day...although they are all rather dark. We thank you!!

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 10:33 PM (CDT)


When Gabbie was still here fighting her battle someone gave me a poem that had all these positive inspirations about cancer. One of them was that cancer does not take away memories. Well, maybe it doesn't literally "take" memories away, but it can make the good memories harder to reach. I am constantly tortured with the bad memories. Those who came to this Web site after the KARE 11 special probably did not read much on Gabbie's PICU stay after the resection on the 2nd set of tumors. It was a very risky operation as Gabbie had pneumonia but we could not wait any longer. The surgery went well but Gabbie had to be intubated and was in PICU for almost a week.

Gabbie of course was not conscious for the first several days in PICU. And even though her pain was being controlled by a narcotic drip, we knew she felt some pain. Watching your child mouth her crying but having no sound (her vocal cords were damaged) come out is torture. She would even have tears coming out of her eyes. And I could do nothing but watch. I once asked about the gel in her eyes and was informed that it was actually her eyeball swollen from fluids--it was actually sticking out of her closed eyelids.

I do not ask or look for these memories. Unfortunately, they are my reality and they do block out the good memories. The spiritual journey and the eventual destination aside, there is absolutely nothing positive about cancer in a child.


Here's a quote from K. Copeland of the Word of Faith movement.

"I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is...The biggest one in the whole Bible is God...I mean, He lost His top-ranking, most anointed angel; the first man He ever created; the first woman He ever created; the whole earth and all the fullness therein; a third of the angels, at least - that's a big loss, man....Now, the reason you don't think of God as a failure is He never said He's a failure. And you're not a failure till you say you're one."
(Kenneth Copeland Praise-a-thon on Praise The Lord, April 1988)

So who can we trust?

Trust those who do not stray from scripture. Trust those who are NOT trying to paint a pretty picture of life in this world if only you have enough faith. Study His Word.

To Gabbie: I love you so much Gabbie! I will always cherish you. And because you were so innocent and suffered so much, my memories of you and my thoughts of God will always be tangled together. So your Web site Gabbie, is where I will write not to please anyone, but to try to write the truth. Because you lived and died in faith. As much faith as a two year old could possibly experience. And I want the true faith to go on in your memory.


We thank you all again for sharing our journey. We are so honored that so many are following Gabbie's story.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Monday, July 29, 2002 at 09:29 PM (CDT)


One day, my and Gabbie's eyes both widened as a strangely dressed woman entered Gabbie's room. It was Becky from Becky's Puppets. Becky had heard of us from a church that I had attended a few times. Aside from her regular day-time job, Becky entertains children and usually wears vivid and bright costumes. Anyway, Becky came to visit Gabbie several times. Becky always brought many things to entertain Gabbie, but one constant was a large Curious George. Gabbie loved Curious George and would always ask poor Becky to read the fine print in the tiny book attached to Curious George's hand. I don't even think Becky knows of this Web site, but we thank her for bringing smiles to Gabbie's face every time she visited. And below, is the good-bye letter that Becky gave us. It's from Curious George.

To: Gabbie
From Curious George

I was going to come and visit you at home and jump on your bed, because sometimes I'm a bad little monkey. I saw you when you left the hospital and jumped on your bed for the last time. You were going home and I promised you I'd come to jump on your bed at home (being the bad little monkey that I am.) Well, I was getting ready to visit so I called, and your daddy answered the phone and said your eyes were closed forever, so I could never see you smile when I jumped on your bed. I was the saddest monkey who ever lived. I remember you gave me "high five" so many times the last time I jumped on your bed. I have an idea---now that you're an angel I'll just have to come and jump on your fluffy cloud heavenly bed!! (Bad little monkey that I am.)

Curious George

Once again, a journal entry that made me breakdown as I typed it. We all love our children so much. But that love turns into unbearable pain when we are forced, through no choice of our own, to watch their life end.


Last week I was walking around Lk. Harriet with my mom and we lightly joked about how I get so upset about what appears to just be semantics when it comes to God's Word. However, you all know by now that I take not only my salvation (and yours) very seriously, I also take God's Word to heart.

I'm really not into semantics, but rather the damage to doctrine that incorrect semantics can lead to. Here is an example of what one comma can do.

This verse, Luke 23:43 is John's very favorite verse: "And Jesus said unto him, 'Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.'"

The comma in question is the one following "thee." Some preachers in the Word Faith movement have removed the comma (it is removed in some Bible versions but not in the KJV). Fine. But the damage comes when they say it should follow "today," making the timing of paradise for both Jesus and the robber some other undefined day. They then use this to teach that Jesus' atonement on the cross was not enough and that Jesus had to go down to hell for three days.

Jesus' atonement on the cross was enough and it really pains me to see so many being misled. But as I told a friend, I do not have any formal training in theology. That is why we are all called to read the Word for ourselves so that we can discern what others are saying.

What does this have to do with Gabbie? Gabbie's illness and death, for me, will never, ever be separated from the spiritual journey they presented to me. And because I love Gabbie so much, I will never stop trying to encourage others to come to the Word. You need to.


Grandma Paquette, the nicest mother-in-law anyone could ever have, might have a journal entry later this week. Auntie Sarah is returning from her European vacation and is also anxious to write some journal entries. And while I know they are so busy, we will eventually hear from two of our friends at KARE 11.


For sharing Gabbie's journey and letting us know how it impacted your lives: thank you so much.

Monica, John, Aubrey & St. Gabbie

Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 09:49 PM (CDT)


I just wanted to let everyone know that I was very proud of my husband's first journal entry!! Except for when it comes to politics and other drivers, he has a very, very patient and gentle heart.


Before Gabbie was ill, our normal schedule was that I did the daycare drop-off and John did the daycare pick-up. While I would get dressed in the morning, the girls would play or watch T.V. Sometimes they would watch the TLC maternity show. (I didn't see any harm in that!) The babies that are shown immediately after delivery are sometimes bloody. Gabbie would always point and say "bloody." Gabbie eventually started inquiring about her own birth and I would just tell her she came from my tummy, and yes, she was bloody also. To help Aubrey and Gabbie with the concept of how small they once were, I gave them each an uncooked grain of rice and told them they were that tiny once. Aubrey wasn't interested in my rice analogy, but Gabbie would always bring up the grain of rice whenever we talked about her coming from my tummy.


My immediate concern after my first miscarriage was whether or not there was a soul. This was only months after my becoming a believer and I still knew very little about Christian beliefs. I asked John if he thought there was a soul, and he didn't think so (he does now).

So, I did some searching. Here's only one of the scriptures that assures us that life truly begins at conception and that all miscarried AND aborted babies have souls. This scripture describes events that took place only a FEW DAYS after Mary learned from the angel Gabriel that she had conceived Jesus.

"And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda; and entered the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass that when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost; and she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of the salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy." Luke 1:39-44

The relevant meaning here is the recognition of Jesus' life after only 3 or so days from conception. In this world where life is sometimes so cruelly undervalued, all parents who have experienced losses from miscarriage, and yes, abortion, can be assured that their babies have souls. It doesn't matter how early the life was lost, or how early the life was taken. There is a soul.


Thank you again for your continued support. We know your lives must go on but the effort put forth by some to stay by us is amazing and we can never, ever thank you enough. I know the world continues, but some of you are here for us now as much as when Gabbie was sick. And that defies the common experience of most grieving parents. So we are blessed by all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 09:59 PM (CDT)


(This is the very first message from John!)

Over the last nine months you have had the wonderful privilege of Monica's writings. Her stories have truly been from the heart. Her words have filled us with joy and sadness, fear and hope, tears and laughter. She has written of our walk with a wonderful grace-filled God. A God that held on to Gabbie's hands and our hands. A God that today cradles Gabbie in His arms and continues to hold us.

More recently you have also had the privilege of reading stories by Grandpa and Grandma, aunts and uncles, and a representative from Children's Hospital. We would love to hear from others, including family, friends, and those who cared for Gabbie. This is a story that continues to be written.

I hope in the days and weeks to come to add to this written picture of a beautiful girl, Gabbie, and her equally beautiful sister, Aubrey, whose life was forever changed. I also hope in my writings to touch on so many of the wonderful people who shared in our journey.

Please be patient wtih my writing, a master of the English language I'm not! Despite my writings' shortcomings, know that the words will always be from the heart.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. In my silent prayer in my heart I continue to pray for all those who left their footprints in the sand next to ours. Also continue to thank God for the wonderful gifts He has given you.

P.S. When you get a chance, say hi to Gabbie and tell her you love her.

Gabbie's Daddy

I told you: John will be a much gentler writer than I am!


"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should EARNESTLY CONTEND for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." Jude 3-4

Almost all of Jude warns of false leaders teaching false doctrines about Jesus. Maybe some of these doctrines are trivial...but maybe not. One that is more common than you might think is the teaching that Jesus' atonement on the cross was not enough. But John 19:30 states "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost."


To everyone who is still with us on this journey, we thank you so much. There is no destination for grief; John and I will forever be traveling this road. As often as I point out the bad, you must understand I will always remember the good that has come from all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 09:30 PM (CDT)


Gabbie was only 2 and never expressed wanting to go to Heaven. In fact, whenever asked if she wanted to go home with us or Jesus, she always pointed at us and said "with you."

But in some of the many Web sites I've read, some parents do see their children express either knowledge and/or desire to go to Heaven. One mother even wrote that at the same time her son was praying and begging God to bring him home, she was praying the opposite. If Gabbie had ever given even the tiniest sign she wanted to go, I would have been on my knees in a heartbeat. And I would have prayed right in front of Gabbie that God come get her. But I never had that opportunity. If anything, I only saw Gabbie's desire to stay here even in her pain.

TO GABBIE: Obviously I love you so much I wanted you here; but I loved you enough to want whatever it was you wanted. I really wish God could have given me that little wish: that I had witnessed your desire for your true home.


The first family we met on the 8th floor was the Nielsen family: Mike, Janine, Steven (the patient) and Laura. This family is the gentlest family I've ever known. And Steven's battle was very, very tough. He died only a few weeks before Gabbie.

STEVEN'S STATEMENT OF FAITH (Remember, he was only 14!)

The second declaration in the Statement of Faith means something to me because I view God as a close friend. I see some people think of God as a strict parent that doesn't let them make their own decisions or let them do anything. Other people think of him as a dictator who is very strict and will punish them if they do anything wrong.

I think of God as a close friend because I know that no matter what, I'll always be loved by God and no mater what I do, God won't love me any less--he will just be disappointed in me. Also, a close friend will always be there for me. God is there to listen to me and to help me through prayer, and even though He might not be there physically with me, He's always thinking about me. And God always offers me another chance.

By loving God and thinking of Him as a friend, this also helps me keep away from sin. When I commit a sin, I feel horrible. I feel a very large separation from God that I really don't like. But when I pray for His forgiveness, I sort of feel Him forgive me for whatever I've done and give me a second chance not to do it again.

God is not actually demanding our love, but He is seeking it. God gives us the choice then to decide if we want to love Him back or not. He will love us just as much either way. (Steven Nielsen)

TO STEVEN: You exhibit spiritual maturity that takes some of us years and years and years to develop. But still, you left us too early.


We could never be as far as we are in our grief walk if it were not for the support and prayers from all of you. We simply could not do this alone.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 09:27 PM (CDT)


Today has been a very dark day, so I may as well start with very dark news. Here are some more children who have moved on from us. And, because I'm not really sure whether I should include links without permission, I have not included them this time. However, these children have been added to Heavenly Lights (link below) and their stars and links should be on page 7 of teh Heavenly Lights Memorial.

Austin Hughes
ALL (leukemia)
7 years old

Savannah Rose Mutchie
Rhabdoid Tumor of the Chest
16 months
Savannah's chest and esophagus were literally taken over by her tumors.

Hunter Duckworth
ALL (leukemia)
Diagnosed at three weeks old. :(
Left his family at 9 months.

And since my mood is so dark, I'm letting my dark sarcasm out also. To the "Father" who came to visit us when Gabbie was first diagnosed and looked at Gabbie and said "this is nature's way of weeding out the weak," I wish you could read these stories. Reading the stories of these children tells me, as I knew all along, that this "Father" is so very wrong. Sometimes the very best are taken first. I would love to ask him to read Isaiah 57:1. And then tell him to read the stories of these brave children. These children are not the weak ones.


I have already skimmed through numerous grief books. I was relieved to see that I was not being at all overly sensitive to the frequent remark that "this was God's will." This is not from's from the grief books: telling the parents it is the will of God for their child to be sick is usually listed up there as one of top things NOT to say. These were all Christian sources, and not secular.

My belief is that God did not intend for Gabbie to get cancer. Sickness and death are the result of sin. I don't even think it was God's will for Gabbie to die, but it was His will to come down and save her and heal her and bring her home. God takes bad situations and makes them work out for the eternity. Gabbie's death will never, ever be a blessing for me here.

Unfortunately, we all have to realize that what God intended and what the world is are miles and miles apart. We cannot be assured that nothing terrible will happen just because God did not intend for it to be that way. God did not intend, or will into our lives, all the pain and suffering of this world. It's there because we are in a fallen world. And Christians are not promised anywhere in the Bible that they will, or even should be, spared from suffering.

"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31

It's easier for me to discern the truth now, because Gabbie has died. I still hope and pray that Gabbie's journey bring more of you to God's Word.


Special thanks to Lee and Jestine Paquette and friends for participating in a Relay for Life in Gabbie's memory. Lee Paquette is married to John's brother, Greg. Lee and Greg, and sometimes Matthew and Jestine, came to the hospital many times to visit. And always in typical Paquette style: with presents!

But as always, we thank everyone for sharing our journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Monday, July 22, 2002 at 09:20 PM (CDT)



I'm betting that all parents have a story about something that is benign but that really scares their children. For Gabbie, it was what we eventually called the "dragon lady" on a Baby Mozart tape. If you're familiar with those tapes, each shape or toy or object is shown along with varying musical scores and both the music and shape change every few seconds. On this particular tape, before leaving one scene, a sound that I can only describe as operatic singing begins and then all of a sudden a golden dragon head appears. Gabbie would literally shriek and cry as soon as the dragon appeared. We didn't force her to watch it and she actually would request that particular tape. Eventually, however, Gabbie laughed at the dragon lady, and would request us to rewind the tape at the hospital so she could see the "dragon lady" again. I would even try to imitate the operatic voice by pinching my vocal cords and yodeling.

For Aubrey, who was so fearless in all other aspects of her baby years, it was one story line in a book. In the book, a mother hen is looking for her lost eggs. Each page is a different animal stating the eggs are not there. On the page with a large bumble bee, the text reads: "No eggzzzzz here." The first time Aubrey heard that line she got the strangest look on her face. So, I, the mama who never teases, read it to her again. And she cried. I even called my mom on the phone and read the line in Aubrey's presence and Aubrey cried again. I don't think I'll confess how many times I let that book amuse me. And anyway, the psychological scars that Aubrey will face from her sister's untimely death will be far worse than anything my teasing might produce.


I believed and believed that Gabbie was going to be healed based on my believing, my faith, all the prayers, etc. While I never doubted she would be healed, I filed away questions in the back of my mind hoping to see them answered by the "name and claim it" preachers. Here are just a few of those questions:

1. With the possible exception of Jesus' earthly ministry and shortly thereafter when the apostles had healing power, how come the world has not documented one single case of an amputated limb (whether by disease or accident) growing back? Does God not like amputees?

2. How come the world has rarely seen, if even ever, the healing of a mentally retarded person?

Do you know that before being allowed on Benny's (I won't use the last name...but you may have heard of him) stage during healing revivals people are screened for viability of healing. I bet people with painful and extensive burn scars would never be allowed. Or someone with cerebral palsy.

Anyway, please bear with me as I make my way back from stumbling upon a very prominent, yet misleading, Christian movement. A movement that causes more pain then it purports to cure. Thankfully, realizing my error only made me question my thinking. It did not make me question God, at least not in that respect.


Gabbie never sinned. But she lived in a fallen world. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) Gabbie has already experienced what the atonement on the cross was meant to do. It was not to keep Christians healthy, it was to bring us to life everlasting with Christ. It was not to "cure headaches."


Thanks again to all our family, friends and supporters. I try not single people out, but want to thank the wives of two of my cousins: Jen and Leslee. You two have no idea how much your sharing this entire journey means to me. Thank you!

Many more family members are still preparing their journal entries. We may also soon hear from Mark Daly and Scott Jenson, our friends from KARE 11.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 10:50 PM (CDT)

NEW PICTURES!! This past week I had every negative in the house developed into a digital format. Here are a couple of them.


I¡¦m Allison Sandve, a Children¡¦s Hospitals and Clinics media relations specialist. Two weeks after Gabbie¡¦s diagnosis, John and Monica met reporter Mark Daly and photojournalist Scott Jensen from KARE-11, then working on another story at Children¡¦s. They courageously allowed Mark and Scott to follow their journey closely.

My role at Children¡¦s differs from that of caregivers who have daily contact with patients and families, often getting to know them well. The long-term work I did with the Paquettes was unusual for me and a privilege because they are fine people.

On May 13, minutes after KARE aired Gabbie¡¦s story, hundreds of people began visiting this site. Many sent kindly messages. Since I¡¦m connected to the Paquettes via KARE¡¦s report, my entry is partially geared toward those who learned about them on TV.


Out of necessity, most TV news pieces run about 90 seconds, with segments like KARE¡¦s 11 Extra and WCCO¡¦s Dimension lasting four to six minutes. KARE commendably devoted about eight minutes to Gabbie¡¦s story. I cannot emphasize the rarity of such a decision in TV news.

Mark and Scott amazingly edited DOZENS of hours of film and interviews into Gabbie¡¦s story. But time restraints, and a focus on Gabbie¡¦s immediate family, meant those who learned about them on KARE didn¡¦t see some remarkable things.


„h The family support¡XI met more Totalls and Paquettes than I can name, but I can tell you they are NICE people. I wish you could have seen Grandpa Jerry watching Wiggles videos and playing with her for hours in her isolation room. That devoted grandfather spent countless nights with Gabbie so John and Monica could be at home with Aubrey.
„h John, the 8th floor manicurist¡XSeeing him gently indulge his daughter¡¦s request for pink fingernail polish was unforgettable.
„h All the caregivers¡XThey are kindness and professional skill personified. They tried so hard to save Gabbie. A cynic might say that¡¦s the ¡§PR person¡¨ in me talking. But it¡¦s what I see daily at Children¡¦s, and I have to say it makes me proud to be part of the same organization. Attending Gabbie¡¦s funeral were many of her nurses, her primary oncologist, and her chaplain. Many tears were shed in those pews.
„h The exclusive club no one wants to join¡XParents whose children have cancer develop bonds of empathy the rest of us cannot fully understand. Their vocabularies quickly become sprinkled with words no parent should ever have to know. G-tubes, J-tubes, vincristine, fentanyl, matured cells, MIBGs, high counts, low counts, oxygen saturation levels. These parents can rattle off such terms the way the rest of us recite grocery lists.
„h The occasional surrealism¡XExample: on March 11, Gabbie was in surgery for hours, her situation very serious. KARE¡¦s report documented that day well. And yet the surgery waiting room almost felt like a backyard cookout. Family and friends everywhere. Monica sharing observations about ¡§The Red Tent¡¨ with fellow reading enthusiasts. Pop cans and Tupperware containers full of cookies on the tables. Me talking politics with Gabbie¡¦s Uncle David. Finding out John¡¦s first end table was actually a stack of pizza boxes. But we could only sustain it for so long. Eventually we¡¦d grow quiet, and just stare at the clock or get up to gaze down the hallway toward the OR.
„h Good journalists, good people¡XMark and Scott genuinely cared for Gabbie and her family, and still do. At her parents¡¦ request, Mark served as a pallbearer for Gabbie.

Space¡Xlike KARE¡¦s time restraints¡Xkeeps me from going on. Hopefully, though, this observer gave you an added perspective.


On May 13, I braced myself all day to watch Gabbie¡¦s story. The hardest scenes, I assumed, might be those reliving March 11. But I didn¡¦t realize how painful it would be to see Gabbie at home, where every child should be. Doing kid stuff like eating pancakes and giggling at her mother¡¦s tickles. Not fighting a relentless disease. The Gabbie I¡¦d grown so accustomed to seeing was hooked up to IVs and monitors, enduring cancer¡¦s cruelty with her characteristic dignity and solemn sweetness.

She was special, that little girl in a pink bathrobe nearly identical to my own, a Christmas present from my only sibling, my brother Bill, and his wife.

Bill shares a November 17 birthday with Gabbie. For the rest of my life, I will remember the little girl who should celebrate another year that day, too. With sad heart, I will think about another big sister not as fortunate as I am.

Many readers¡Xboth those who personally know Monica and John, as well as those who saw their story on KARE¡Xsend their support and prayers. Please continue to uphold them. And please, pray for and support those scientists and physicians researching cancer (and other childhood diseases) so that in the future, there are plenty more birthdays.

In honor of Gabbie,


We thank Allison for her lovely memory of Gabbie and her journey. Allison was there for all the filming done by KARE 11 at the hospital. Allison, Mark, and Scott, all shared our tears. We are so grateful that Gabbie's story was done so well. We know there are many other cancer families, and somehow it was our story that was chosen to represent all. Thank you again.

We continue to thank all of our family, friends, and supporters. This would be even worse for us without you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:20 AM (CDT)


Three trees have been planted in memory of Gabbie in Israel. While all three are in memory of Gabbie, three were chosen because Gabbie has two siblings with her in Heaven. Our very grateful thanks to Kathy and Dan Kline. We appreciate this so much! Israel is very important to me so this was a very special gesture by Kathy and Dan.


Something I talked a little bit about in earlier journal entries is how Gabbie always asked for assurance in the hospital by asking "hold hand, hold hand." Initially, we needed to hold her hand for every little procedure done to her. Even the simple act of having her blood pressure taken required the assurance of having her hand held.

Eventually Gabbie did get used to the blood pressure and temp check, which were constantly performed. However, for all other procedures we were always there to hold her little hand. An x-ray doesn't hurt, but think of what must go through a child's mind as they enter a dark room, lay on a strange table, and have a strange large machine staring them in the face. There were times when I would almost lose it as I watched Gabbie struggle with fear, not pain. She always did as told, but I can still see the terrible fear in her big eyes. Fortunately, we were always allowed to stand right next to her during x-rays.


I started reading my archived journal entries to see when and how I started the "claim it and name it" belief. I know now exactly when it happened. It started with a book mailed to me that was written by a "claim it and name it" believer. Someone who has made lots of money off of his writings and who also claims that his 11 or so businesses "practically run themselves" as a reward for his faith.

If I had to this all again, I would change only a few things. I would still have looked to the Lord 100% for Gabbie's healing. I still would have prayed and studied the Word. However, I would instead have bowed down to the fact that I am the servant, not God.

By making God the servant, I practically belittled His Son's suffering on the cross.


I will not name these "prosperity gospel" leaders. But I will talk about them and why they lead so many astray. Remember the man who had a "rolex watch jump onto [his] wrist"? The same leader also claims that he has enough healing faith to cure himself of head colds, but not chest colds. Just think about what this message really means.


I just want everyone to know again that CaringBridge has suppressed the addresses of those who sign the guest book. I've told them that they have cut off my life line but have a feeling they will not change their minds. Sometime in the future, CB has promised that I will have access to those addresses.


We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend. As always we are so grateful and even humbled at how you continue to support us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 11:04 AM (CDT)



My heart has never been so heavy. I often think back to when we were younger and can not imagine that my lovely sister and her wonderful family would one day have to experience so much turmoil. My heart is heavy not so much with the loss of dear Gabrielle for she is resting peacefully now but, rather for the void created by the lack of her presence to those whom she met so much to. Monica, John and Aubrey I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words for me to fully express my sorrow that I feel towards all of you.

During Gabrielle’s fight at the hospital my visits created an experience that did not seen logical at first. I felt uplifted going to the hospital and rather deflated on the way home. I then realized that the feeling was the anticipation of the privilege of being able to spend time with your family. This may seem rather odd and it did to me at first. Regardless of the circumstances to which we were getting together it was a privilege. I now perceive life as a privilege that must be used and shared with others. It has helped me deal with the pain Gabrielle’s death and the sadness I feel.

To Monica And John:

Monica the courage and strength you hold is amazing. Not once did you back down in your fight to save Gabrielle. May that same courage and strength give you all the happiness in your future. You have so much to give those around you that need you. I need you.

John, your stamina and patience seem to provide you with the ability to understand and cope with even the most difficult of situations. You seemed to keep yourself and your family anchored when they needed you most. You’re a role model for all of us.

To the both of you. I watched your ups and downs with Gabrielle over the past months and feel that there are few couples who posses the desire to overcome the obstacles that you have faced together. Hopefully this desire can provide for you in the future.

Love, Joe Totall


Thank you, Joe, for sharing what must be so hard to say. We need you, too.

Joe is one of my four brothers. All of us were somewhat suprised at the intensity of Joe's visits with Gabbie at the hospital. Gabbie, so shy at first of big Uncle Joe, warmed up to him and would demand "tickle me, Joe." Joe now has the famous "tickle bunny" in his possession.


I know this is Gabbie's memorial Web site. But sometimes we are too anguished by the loss others to not mention them here. We will never be able to minimize our loss of Gabbie. But we can see that some parents suffer the "worst loss," in the "worst way." Gabbie was surrounded by loving hands during her entire illness. My heart cannot even comprehend the thought of Samantha being surrounded by so much evil. Was God there? Yes, but He was silent.


I stay up way too late at night as I try to sort through the e-mails and messages from more and more strangers! I usually try to reply to everyone at least once, however, CaringBridge has, for reasons I don't know, removed e-mail addresses from the guest book. Supposedly I have access to them but must not be computer savvy enough to figure it out. So...I'm reading your messages but am unable to reply just yet.


We are so grateful for your support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 10:18 AM (CDT)


Just in case anyone was wondering, John turned 40 yesterday. And I'm older...I'll be 42 in August. We had Aubrey and Gabbie a little later than most people. But we know there are many others who got a late start just as we did.


Several weeks ago I wrote that I had to retire my "two cool chicks" nickname for the girls as it just doesn't seem right to have "one cool chick." Something else I've slowly retired and John doesn't seem to mind is our nightly singing of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star right before bedtime. It started with just Aubrey and has been retired with just Aubrey.

When Gabbie was old enough to stand, she would softly sway from foot to foot as we sang that song and looked out the window. I can just see the top of her head of soft curls moving back and forth. Even when she was sick, she would sway. Gabbie did everything softly. (Except when she had the frog voice or was in extreme pain.)


Yesterday I talked about my beliefs regarding faith healing. When I said that it is still "propagated" by many, I of course did not mean the parents who have Web sites for their sick children, nor did I mean the friends who sign their guest book in agreement, nor did I mean the people who agreed with me during Gabbie's illness. I will always be very grateful to those who supported me in that way. That is what I needed ever so much at that time. Maybe, God wanted all of us to learn from this.

The people who I was referring to are televangelists, authors, some churches, etc. Generally, people who make money off of people who are so desperate to cure their loved ones.

There are those out there who believe in what is referred to by critics as the "prosperity gospel." Unfortunately, the Bible does not promise that believing Christians will be sheltered from disaster of ANY type. I don't know who was quoted, but I believe it was a televangelist who went so far as to claim that he kept giving away watches and then "one day a rolex jumped onto my wrist." His theory was that if you tithe you will be rewarded, monetarily, in this life. To me, that is such an insult as to what Jesus was all about. Jesus suffered and suffered and suffered. And we are called to live as Jesus did.

The reason this is so important for me to talk about is because as soon as Gabbie died, I realized I was wrong. And I thought about all the people who had been reading the Web site. I feel it is my duty to admit that I was wrong. We cannot CLAIM health from God. We cannot DEMAND health from God. We cannot CLAIM earthly wealth from God. That is not who my God is. I also worry about some of those families taking the same path (and believe me, there are many...they are all over the Web) as I did.

I have been relieved to also find many memorial Web sites where the parents say they believed until the very end that God was going to save their child. I wasn't the only parent to find out how untruthful those teachings are.

However, healings from God do happen and we are called to pray for the sick. But it is ultimately God's decision.


We are so grateful for the support that keeps coming our way. We hope everyone knows how much we appreciate you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 01:51 PM (CDT)


Happy Birthday Dadda! I love you and you are the best Dadda anyone could have. You were handpicked from God just for ME. I know you love me so much.


This is long...but I feel very compelled to speak out on this.

Those of you who discovered Gabbie’s site after the KARE 11 special may not know that during most of Gabbie’s illness I truly believed Gabbie would be healed (on earth) by God based on our faith. Obviously, I learned the hard way that guaranteed faith healing is not a biblical truth. I don’t believe that what I did was wrong, but I do know with all certainty I was misguided.

So many other families still fighting the cancer battle are now where I once was. So many well-meaning supporters sign guest books and praise the parents for their extremely strong faith that their child will be healed based on their faith—people did that for me and I was grateful. It helped me get through it all. And even though I now know the truth, I would never express to these families that they are grasping for something that doesn’t exist. Every family has to do, and has a right to do, what they think will save their child. And anyway, we should always turn to God.

Although almost always by well-meaning Christians, this non-truth continues to be propagated in many forms. I’m not saying that faith healing doesn’t exist. It’s just not a guarantee. I’m not an expert, but these are some of my thoughts on this matter.

1. God’s chosen people. Suffering and inhumane treatment displayed at its worst during the Holocaust. These are God’s special people! Many of them were God-fearing and continued to praise and love God in spite of despicable suffering. So I should expect God to swoop down and cure my child while He watched His own chosen people suffer such atrocities? The suffering of disease and untimely death during the Holocaust was never explained in any healing materials I read.

2. The suffering and inhumane treatment, also at its worst, of slaves was never explained in any of the healing materials I read. So, the children of slaves can be sold off in front of their parents, or die from preventable but inhumane causes, but I should expect God to swoop down and cure my child? And I think we all know that most of these people had tremendous faith in their beloved Jesus.

3. SIDS. When did the mom and dad, upon finding their child breathless and blue in the morning, have time to pray and read scriptures out loud and believe?

4. Car accidents. Read today’s obit section in the Minneapolis paper. A young father has lost his wife and two young children—his entire family. When did he have the time to pray and believe? (Reach out as you have for us and send him a condolence card. He will need a lot of support.)

5. Hebrews Chapter 11. One of my study Bibles is without notes but is color-coded in its entirety. Each verse is highlighted a certain color based on 12 pre-defined biblical principles. Hebrews Chapter 11 is one of the few chapters coded all one color—the color of faith. It is probably the most important chapter in the Bible on faith. These people did NOT receive God’s promise in their lives on earth. But rather, they are held up as examples to us concerning the highest form of faith. The faith that pleases God the most!

6. There are many who are healed with little or no faith. “Jesus healed them ALL.” Faith is obviously not the only basis for healing on earth. Many people during our modern times are healed and come to accept Jesus AFTER they are miraculously healed. God has a plan for them.

7. Gabrielle Anna Paquette. Her parents relied 100%, and nothing less, on God. There are many other children…way too many to list here.

8. God’s love. God loves us so much that rather than protecting us from disease, suffering, and death in this life, He makes sure that those He loves are guaranteed the best possible outcome in Heaven. That’s where the guarantee is.


Writing yesterday's journal was by far the most tearful time I've had. I could hardly type. I will never forget the crushed look on your innocent face. It will be a stake forever in my heart.


What can I say! You are all so wonderful.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:13 PM (CDT)


I will never forget the look of unnecessary shame on Gabbie's face. Gabbie was home between chemo treatments and she and Aubrey were sitting in their high-chairs just before dinner time. I don't even remember if it was me or John, but one of us must have noticed that Gabbie was doing something we didn't want her to do. It wasn't naughty, just something that maybe wasn't safe. I just remember that one of us said "No, no, no, Gabbie, don't do that." It wasn't even with a raised tone of voice, just one of concern. Gabbie's face fell and literally turned white and her big eyes were downcast. Her lips quivered a little. She looked as if she was terribly ashamed of a great crime. That look is frozen in my memory. Gabbie, you never did anything wrong. We never had to yell at you. (Unlike your poor sister. But she seems oblivious and we think she is hard of hearing.) To this day I am still shocked at how obedient you were, even through the most trying of times. Gabbie, what was it about you? I'm your mama and I can't even figure you out.


I want to talk briefly about some other children.

1. During this great time of grief, I have become fast friends with the mother of Nichelle Marie Pennington. Little Nichelle, younger than Gabbie, died of ALL on May 12, 1998. Her mommy has e-mailed me almost every single day. Nichelle's Web site is:

2. Some of you remember frequent references to Jackson Hay. Jackson was diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma about six weeks after Gabbie. Jackson finished his stem-cell transplant around the time Gabbie died. While nothing is known or certain, Jackson's family is now dealing with uncertainty concerning a possible relapse. Jackson's site is:

3. During the last few weeks at Children's, we got to know the family of Zachary. Zachary is barely over one year and has been battling a rhabdoid tumor. I believe that rhabdoids have a sucess rate lower than neuroblastoma. Zachary was dx'd as terminal in April but has since made a comeback and seems to be holding his own. While his family is very hopeful there is some benign reason, fluid has been found near Zachary's lungs. Zachary's Web site is:

4. Last, but not least, I sadly announce that another precious young child has succumbed to neuroblastoma. I don't know this family but the picture of their little girl with her two older sisters is a heartbreaker. Savannah "Annie" Kelly died on July 9, 2002. Annie's Web site is:

There are many more children I could talk about. But these were the ones most on my mind this weekend. I also plan to soon include here the statement of faith from Steven Nielson. Steven died about 3 weeks before Gabbie. Several of us who heard his statement of faith believe Steven was wise beyond his years.


"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not a the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." II Corinthians 4:17-18.

The death of a child (or loved one) a "light affliction?" No! But look at the other side (no pun intended) of the contrast: "...far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory..."


Every day I am more and more overwhelmed at how people are reaching out to us. I thank you for sharing your stories and how they relate to our journey. We are forever grateful.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 10:42 PM (CDT)


I don't think I've ever shared the details of that fateful day. It actually began the day before. John and Gabbie were sent to Children's ER the night before. Gabbie was to get a CT scan, but it never happened. Gabbie was sent home with a dx of constipation, which was true.

On Friday, I took Gabbie, along with my mother-in-law, back to the clinic for a follow-up. The doctor insisted that we go back to Children's and he himself ordered the CT scan.

So, Gabbie, Grandma Paquette, and I went to Children's. John arrived in time for the first attempt at a CT scan. They were having trouble sedating Gabbie enough to keep her still. Because they have to be very careful about doses, this whole process of giving her more was very long. So long that we were booted out because they needed the scan for a serious head injury. As I carried my awake, but limp, Gabbie back to the waiting room, I noticed blood on the floor. Gabbie's IV was bleeding.

We went back to the waiting room and eventually back to the scan room. More trouble again with sedating Gabbie but a scan was finally done. Back to the waiting room for results. The doctor finally came in and said, "She has a tumor." And I replied, "A what?" Both John and the doctor in unison said "A tumor." A few seconds later it sank in. And I wailed, "no, no, no."

We were admitted to the 8th floor that night. The oncology unit. I carried a very, very sick Gabbie in my arms. Halfway down the hall on the 8th floor, we were met by Nurse Kate. My first new friend. As we settled into the room, Kate told me that I had done nothing wrong. I then burst into tears and explained how Gabbie's pregnancy was a surprise and that the pregnancy was fraught with insomnia, stress, and fear of amniotic bands. It was my fault Gabbie was sick. Kate looked at me and said "I knew you were going to say that." Kate was an angel.

My parents then arrived and so did John's brother, David. A doctor showed us the scans but could not make a dx as to the type of tumor.

Everyone eventually left and I stayed with Gabbie. I slept right next to her in the hospital bed.

And that is how it all began...

GABBIE: We love you so much. It's hard to think of all your suffering. So young and too innocent to even know what suffering even means. My dreams for you and Aubrey were to raise you to respect people, but more importantly, to accept Jesus as your savior. I thought God would be happy with those dreams. But I guess His plans are different. I wish so much that I could send you just one message: that we loved you, and always will love you, as much as a heart can love. With the exception of God, you and Aubrey are our greatest loves.


I thank everyone for their support. I thank everyone for accepting my anger and frustration and grief just as it is! Your acceptance of my grief is sometimes all I need.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 03:10 PM (CDT)


I have offended some again. I will just say a few short things here.

1. I will try to write more carefully and sensitively. My entries are always written on the fly.

2. I have always appreciated when others share their suffering and pain with me. It helps me to know I am not alone.

3. I have never minded that some people read the Web but never sign it. My "Did You Know Me" entry, was for people who never read the Web...but who nknew it was there. For me, it was a safe way to express anger at the fact that people who personally know John and I chose never to acknowledge Gabbie's suffering or death. If you read the Web, it was not meant for you. Silent observers are more than welcome!!

4. It is a universally accepted fact that the "loss" of a child is the worst "loss." Are there greater tragedies? Yes. But greater personal losses? No.

This is our memorial for Gabbie. This is where we express our grief over the deepest loss known to man.

As always, thank you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Friday, July 12, 2002 at 04:17 PM (CDT)


It was sometime in the last few weeks of Gabbie's life. Of course, I didn't know that at the time. We were all at the hospital and Aubrey was sitting on the hospital bed with Gabbie. There were several bead bracelets laying on the bed. Aubrey was trying to take apart a special bracelet that had a big plastic heart on it. The bracelet was out of Gabbie's reach and all of a sudden Gabbie was crying and trying to reach the bracelet. Gabbie kept saying "Auntie Sarah made." Meaning, the bracelet was very special to Gabbie as I think I remember that Sarah had made it with Gabbie the night before. I grabbed the bracelet from Aubrey before she could take it apart and break Gabbie's heart in the process. It made me cry because I realized right away that Gabbie wasn't attached to the bracelet...she was attached to something that had been made by Auntie Sarah. I think it was Auntie Sarah's gift to Gabbie.

Gabbie always affiliated "things" with people. One time Jackson's mom bought Gabbie some nice butterfly tatoos. While Gabbie enjoyed the butterfly tatoos on her arm, she would always ask me "Jackson's mama?" And I would say "Yes, Jackson's mama gave those to you."


And so, you might wonder what Gabbie and the "bracelet" have to do with my grief. I wasn't going to do this, because to me it lacks grace--the very grace I am so proud of in my daughter who suffered much. But Gabbie loved Auntie Sarah and defended the bracelet out of her love for Sarah. And because I love Gabbie so very, very much, I will defend my grief over Gabbie.

So, now, with grace thrown out the window, I must say this: my grief for Gabbie is not the same as the grief for a grandmother. My grief does not "sneak up" on me. It is ALWAYS there. It is suffocating and incapacitating. My grief cannot be eased by looking at the birds outside. I cannot put on a cheerful face.

Study the Bible and study the temperament of Jesus. I don't think Jesus was "cheerful" of this world. I think He was cheerful of heart concerning love. Love of the Father and love of those He calls His own. There is a big difference in continuing to have faith during the worst of times and faking smiles. Faith cannot be equated to a cheerful countenance. I think, that all who lose a child sing an entirely different tune of faith. It is a tune of faith born not of a smile, but of the most painful suffering known to man.


Once again, I fear I risk offending the wrong people. Please believe that I never mind hearing about your trials and suffering. And some of you have suffered much. Just recently, a few (hi Susan, hi Cindy) finally shared with me all of their losses for the first time, and they were overwhelming. Most of you, almost all of you, are quick to point out that your loss or losses, if they are not a child, are not the same. But a few don't. (Although I know you mean well, I really do.) And you must know that it hurts very much to think that some believe the grief of the loss of a grandmother to be the same as our grief over Gabbie.


To Gabbie: I love you Gabbie and I hate it when I veer from what should be the right course, the narrow road. But Gabbie, you must know I love you too much to ever settle for a lesser explanation of grief. You mean so much to us.

Thanks again for all the support. Thanks for letting me pour out my grief, and of course, now my anger.

John keeps promising to write...guess I'll have to start nagging. Hopefully we will also hear from Auntie Susan next week. And I know Grandma Paquette is working on something. (And they, unlike me, do have grace!)

Monica, John, Aubrey, & Gabbie in Heaven

Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 08:07 PM (CDT)


The Friday Night Gang

In my first journal entry dated July 2, 2002, I promised to share with you a few memories from the past 9 months. Some of these are events that were relayed to me by friends, others I experienced myself.

For the past 20 years or more friday evenings have been a special night where myself and a small group of friends would meet, have dinner and chat. The talk would range from Abolition to Zoology and everything in between, but ususally spiced with a heavy dose of sports and politics. It is not the conversation or the food that makes these evenings special, rather the group of guys who meet. The group is made up of Don Laufenberger, Steve Briggs, myself and of course my brother John. When schedule allows Tim Brennan and a number of other friends occassionaly join us. At this point you maybe asking yourself what this might have to do with Gabbie and her illness. If I may share with you a few experiences of the past 9 1/2 months you will get a small glimpse of what friendship is all about.

Within a few days of Gabbie's diagnosis Don, Steve and Tim had all ventured to the 8th floor for what would be the first of many visits by these guys. That first visit as described by each was heart wrenching. It was difficult for each to see Gabbie so sick and her parents life turned upside down and inside out. We all knew how important these visits were, we do not need to remind ourselves who would have been one of our first visitors had this been one of us or our child. Well, needless to say for many months these outings were put on hold, instead fridays were spent visiting Gabbie's room or a short visit to John and Monica's home. Each day either by visits, phone calls or the web site all followed closely Gabbie's illness.

The following experiences were shared with me and left lasting impressions:
One of these guys and his wife prepared many meals for John and the family, as well as visiting often. But the most touching event was his wife relaying to me how my friend tried to hold his emotions in check while visiting, but the drive home was a steady stream of tears.

Another of these friends was visiting John one evening and sat in the living room while Aubrey was being tucked into bed. Aubrey being the loving and caring big sister proceeded to inform Dad that it was time for her evening prayer. The exact words escape me now, but those words to God by a 3 1/2 year old left my friend with a lump in his throat the size of a grape fruit. She prayed to God to take care of Gabbie; and now and forever he is.

You might be thinking that spending time with Gabbie and her family was only a time of tears and heart ache, but there were times when we shared laughter and lessons of life such as enjoying the moment and simple pleasures. Gabbie mastered both of these.

I mentioned in my previous journal entry that there was a gentleman whose path I crossed many times on the 8th floor. We never spoke, at least not until the memorial service for Gabbie when I attempted to offer him my condolenses. When I say attemped it is becasue in extending my sympathy to him I was only able to get out a few words between my own tears. I mentioned our paths crossed often, but our conversation consisted only of a soft "hello" and a warm smile (his smile of course). If you're wondering why I was extending sympathy to him, it is because only three weeks prior to Gabbie's passing he had lost his teenage son to cancer. He shared with me that his son Steven, an aspiring drummer, was in heaven with Gabbie teaching her how to make beautiful music.

I will always remember the way that Gabbbie's and Steve's parents carried themselves while dealing with lifes most difficult challenge. While living with pain they also have reason to be proud.

God Bless,

Uncle David

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 09:32 PM (CDT)


So many of the grief books/articles I've read instruct me to remember the good times. And so I search my memory for such times...but am always haunted by the memories that are not so good. Gabbie did laugh and she did smile. But not anywhere near as often as a normal child.

I was home one day taking care of Gabbie when she was in-between chemo treatments. I had just gotten her dressed and was following her out of the bedroom. She was laughing and started to run in the hallway. And then in a split second, Gabbie tripped and fell flat on her face. She was quiet for a second or two and then cried. I picked her up and brought her to a rocking chair. She was not hurt but I know she landed on her tubes--so there could have been some pain. So I cried with her. I was incensed that a rare moment of happiness was shattered so quickly by conditions related to her cancer. Gabbie was so vulnerable. I even yelled at God. Clearly, the cancer was not enough. When I look back, I don't think Gabbie ever got to run very far. Ever. And I know kids love to run. (Yes, yes, I know she "will" run in Heaven. But as to when...I'll talk about those beliefs on another day.)


While nothing can prepare us for the death of a young child, sometimes I wonder if God was whispering to me about suffering well before I was even born again.

When I was around eight years old, I remember that I would contemplate on the suffering that I knew was so prevalent in under-developed nations. I was also aware that I lived in a nation that did not have broad-scale suffering. I then wondered if maybe the poor and suffering were more special than we were, at least in God's eyes. I didn't get those thoughts from church--I never paid one bit of attention during mass when I was young.

Was God somehow speaking to me then of the necessity of suffering? Because those thoughts were forever with me even though I never discussed them with anyone. In fact, those thoughts made me question "why me!" Not the normal "why AM I suffering," but "why was I NOT suffering." I didn't want to suffer...but why did I escape it? Of course, now I know all about suffering and have no escape at the present moment.

Maybe the eight year old in me knew that somehow I would suffer tragically and uncommonly (uncommon for this country...but not others) at some point in my life.

The Bible clearly tells us that suffering is related to eventually being glorified with Jesus. "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs WITH Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." Romans 8:17

I think Uncle David will do the next journal entry. Auntie Susan may soon follow.

As always, we thank everyone for their support. Our journey is dark, but we know you are there.

Monica, John, Aubrye & Gabbie in Heaven

Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 11:09 PM (CDT)


Now, some day I will have to go through all of my journal entries and edit them so that nothing ever hurts Aubrey. But for now, I will continue to sometimes use my unsuspecting worldly child as a comparison to Gabbie, who was my unsuspecting and unwordly child. Aubrey is in a phase where she immediately quivers (usually fake) her lips and runs to us and tells us that she loves us whenever we reprimand her. She will also tell us she loves us at night or if prompted.

I remember that Gabbie's first "loveyou" came sometime during her illness. She alway ran the two together as if they were one word. But Gabbie's "loveyou" was very special and serious. She would say it and say it until you looked her right in the eye and acknowledged it.

One night I had just crawled back into the couch we slept on and I heard a messy diaper being created. A nurse happened to come in and I was going to leave the diaper to her. But, Gabbie insisted that I change it. I remember, guiltily, that I sighed as I got up. However, as I was changing Gabbie she looked at me and said "loveyou."

Another time, John was changing Gabbie's diaper at the same time he was talking up a storm to a visitor. I watched Gabbie as she kept repeating "loveyou" to John. Finally, I said "John, your daughter is telling you something." Gabbie never, ever let a "loveyou" go by without direct eye contact from us.

To Gabbie: I would spend the rest of my days and nights in a hospital if it meant I could hold you again. Or get you "fresh water" or "fizzy pop." Or watch the Barbie Nutcracker video with you. Or even to change your diaper in the middle of a sleepless night.


So many seem to feel the need to defend God when I mention His silence. But I've never said God can't be silent. I'm just expressing the emotions that come to me while God is silent during this terrible trial. C.S. Lewis, who was much more spiritually mature than I am, apparently kept a journal after his wife died. And even he stated that at the moment of his most profound need, God suddenly seemed absent. He went on to say that he felt fear and abandonment. The Bible tells us that God never truly abandons us. But nowhere does it say that we will never feel as if He really has abandoned us. And a child's death compares to no other death. So, of course, I do feel abandoned. (I must give credit to the knowledge of these C.S. Lewis thoughts to the author Philip Yancey.)


I still want to thank everyone for their support. Please know that my July 6 journal entry was not intended for you. Those who never acknowledged Gabbie do not read this Web site.

Please know that our family is very grateful for all the support you continue to give us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Monday, July 08, 2002 at 05:46 PM (CDT)


I want to thank everyone for supporting me regarding the previous journal entry. Obviously it was not meant to be directed to anyone who does read Gabbie's Web site. I can only thank those of you who do come to this site!


John was, and always will be, the more gentle parent. Gabbie really did take after him! The winter before Gabbie got sick, I was out in our street after a major snowfall pulling Aubrey and Gabbie on a sled. I would run about 30 yards and then quickly turn around. I know Aubrey was laughing really hard every time we turned around but I can't remember what Gabbie was doing. (I hope she was enjoying it at least a little.) Well, one turn was a little too much and both girls were dumped into the snow. Unfortunately, the snow, while fresh, was not that soft. I had to bring Gabbie into the house with a bloody nose. Of course, I felt terribly guilty. John was nice enough to not get mad at me but I know he would never have pulled them that fast.


The more complete scripture is "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

I think sometimes this is misconstrued to mean that giving our burdens to the Lord means our life will be easy. I'm also guessing these could be the scripture verses that provoke some to say that we are never given more than we can handle.

I believe that these verses are really focusing on repentance and acceptance of Jesus as your Savior. It's that easy! His yoke for US is easy because He has already paid the great, horrific price for sin, which was by no means easy or light. These verses do not mean that our lives will be easy. The rest offered is rest for our "souls", not rest for this life.


Any nurse who treated Gabbie and would like to share even a little story, please contact us. We would love to include your story in one of our journal entries. Or, is this somehow prohibited for professional reasons??


As usual, we thank everyone for sharing in our journey. Please know that we are so very grateful. We could not do this without knowing you are there for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 04:20 PM (CDT)



* That the doctor said there was no hope for me at five weeks conception?
* That I groaned and groaned in discomfort my first three months?
* That I stopped eating before I was even full-term because I was using all my energy to battle RSV?


* That in a room full of 7,000 children, I was the only one to get neuroblastoma?
* That in another room full of children with neuroblastoma, I was but one of the few who did not reach remission, however brief it may have been?
* That one of my tumors grew from nothing visible to the size of an orange in 11 days?


* That I was so gentle my mommy wasn't even sure how to mother me?
* That I had a reputation at the hospital for the most gentle of "high-fives"?
* That my mommy several times offered that I could "hit" her to release frustration and I would just gently place my hands on her?


* That my mommy cried when I asked her if the cancer was "all gone" after my first sugery?
* That my mommy cried again when she realized the promise of the "last surgery" was only a wicked lie?
* That my mommy and daddy taught me to believe, every single day, that Jesus would make my cancer go away? And, He did.


* That I sat very patiently in a hospital bed in an isolation room day and night for over two months, waiting to go home with my mommy and daddy?
* That I pleased the nurses, who've seen it all, as I patiently endured all types of physical intrusions?
* That I suffered much pain, yet with much dignity?


* That I have left this life?
* That some of you don't even know I have left this life, as you are much too busy to inquire as to how I am doing with my battle against a deadly disease?


* That I will never experience the things in life you take for granted for your own children?
* That the hearts of my family were and always will be forever broken?
* That my mommy and daddy now have three little souls in Heaven?


I guess you didn't really know me because otherwise you would have somehow passed along a word or two when you found out I had died. But never mind, now. My family has been lifted up by the family, friends, and numerous strangers who did take the time to share my journey, in whatever way they could. And, now, it is time for my mommy to let go of those feelings. Because my mommy knows that, truly, you missed out. Ask anyone who did get to know me. Because, you see, I touched their lives...forever. As my loving Uncle David wrote, I reflected the face of God.

* * * * * *

Please don't criticize my mommy for what she wrote. If you don't want her to fall into the dark abyss, which is a step away for any parent who loses a child, let her grieve the only way she knows how. She doesn't have as much "grace" as daddy and I do. Anyway, all eyes likely to read this DID acknowledge my life. And to you, my mommy will forever be grateful.

Gabbie in Heaven

Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 09:48 AM (CDT)

From Gabbie to the USA: GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

Gabbie: "one more time"

Mama: "God bless America, my home sweet home!"

Gabbie: "again"

Mama: "God bless America, my home sweet home!'

Gabbie: "sing again"

Mama: "God bless America...."

A routine that happened many times in our home, walks, or while driving in the car. We would spot a flag and say "there's a God bless America!" And then I would sing the one phrase quoted above. Gabbie would ask that I sing it several times.

So to all of you from Gabbie: "God bless America, my home sweet home!"

I would like to share here that one of Gabbie's regular nurses, Kate, would always loan Gabbie her American flag pin whenever she worked on the 8th floor.

We wish everyone a very safe and happy 4th of July. I don't think we are doing much today. But that is fine with me, as I don't feel like doing much.

We thank Grandma and Uncle David for Monday's and Tuesday's journal entries, respectively.

To all our other family members, I'm starting to panic that some may feel left out if you have not been mentioned in the journal entries. Please know that I really did appreciate all the visits to the hospital or other support. Some of you were there quite often and we thank you. But that is why we want everyone to share in the journal entries. Perhaps there are some stories about Gabbie that I don't even remember.


We love you so much. I'm telling you Gabbie, the pain of your absence continues to worsen. The harsh reality is becoming harsher by leaps and bounds every day.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 07:54 PM (CDT)


For many months I have followed your journal, as well as, the guest book and have yet to sign on. Speaking with or seeing you all each day gave me opportunity to share with you my love and multitude of emotions throughout Gabbies illness. I thank you for the opportunity to share with others a few thoughts about this journey.

September 28, 2001

A late evening phone call, a walk next door to inform Grandma, quick change of clothes, hugs and tears with Deb and off to Childrens hospital.

That first elevator ride to the 8th floor seemed to last an eternity. Exiting the elevator the first person I passed in the hall was a tall dark haired man who gave me a slight smile and nod. I wonder now if he wasn't saying in some small way "welcom to a new world, one you will never forget", nor do I wish to. More about that dark haired man at a later date.

Entering Gabbie's room that evening I began to witness a families life when the diagnosis is cancer. For the next several months every emotion imaginable by human kind would be experienced. For myself I wanted to help in anyway I could, but like so many I felt helpless, without words to console, but through it all I pushed myself to listen and learn from Gabbie, her sister and parents.

I think each of us is sent here to this earth to teach one another and as we do so, each interaction should be one that betters our life. Many of us spend years on this earth and pass up opportunity after opportunity to teach and share of ourselves. In Gabbies 2 1/2 years she and her family have taught me much about life, love and God. I thank them for the many opportunities they gave me and others to share in their families struggle.

This passed Christmas I shared in my annual letter a few of the powerful events I have witnessed, here are but a few:
*The resilience of a child.
*The love and commitment of parents (John and Monica).
*The love and prayers of her sister (Aubrey).
*The support of family, friends, and coworkers.
*The kindness of strangers.
*The power of prayer and deepening of faith.
*The dedication of medical staff.
*The love of Grandparents.
*The comfort of Priests and Ministers.
*The cuteness of short hair.
*The value of each day.
*Her incredible smile.

As we search for some understanding and a sign from God, I wonder if it wasn't God who led myself and numerous others to Gabbie's bedside. We live by faith, hope, and love.

Uncle David

P.S. I hope at a later date I can share with you a few stories of friends, tears, faith, courage, and the tall dark haired man with the pleasant smile.

Monday, July 01, 2002 at 08:43 PM (CDT)


I remember the day Gabbie was born, a beautiful child. As she grew older she would look at me with her big blue eyes. What a sweetheart.

After she became ill with cancer and the initial trauma of being in the hospital, she seemed to take everything in stride. But the last two months, when everything about her physical body became critical, she seemed to embrace everyone and everything. Being in Gabbie's room became a spiritual experience, partly due to Monica and John's faith and their willingness to share Gabbie.

My overnights with Gabbie were few but precious. Sometimes a request to "rocky" (in the rocking chair) or an invite into her bed was a real love treat. And those unending stroller rides were something else.

While trying to keep her distracted from her discomfort, I would promise to take her to a "Wiggles" concert. But one time she had a better plan .."Sarah's pool..swimsuit ..and walk the hallways". She looked so pleased as she demonstrated putting on the swimsuit. (Aunt Sarah lives in an apartment with a pool).

She would still make you work hard for a smile. But even giggles were possible.

Gabbie endured pain and discomfort with much dignity for a two year old. She's in heaven now and I miss her.

Grandma Jeanine

Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 09:43 PM (CDT)


I don't even remember when this happened, I just know that it brings me sadness when I think of it. I had brought Aubrey and Gabbie to Southdale. We would occasionally go there for an ice-cream treat and rides on escalators. We had just stepped off an escalator into the main court. I was ahead of Gabbie and turned around to see her smile and start to run and she said "Southdale!" What's wrong with that memory? As soon as she started running, she stopped and her smile faded. Pain perhaps, from that ugly huge tumor. So many tell me to focus on the good memories. But people must understand that while Gabbie did have some good times, we believe she suffered some level of discomfort almost her entire life. That's a lot to ask of a parent. I hope, God, that you know how that pains our hearts...even more.


Just tonight, I was rummaging through the closet in the girls' room and found a Children's hospital bag with a beautiful handmade baby quilt. There were also some new navy bath towels. The quilt is beautiful. One side is a light turquoise with flowers. The other side is a very deep turquoise with navy and purple. We are mentioning it here in hopes that someone will claim this good deed. We would like to thank you. I can't believe we just now discovered it! Another reminder as to how wonderful people have been for us.


I can just see some of my family members cringing at this topic. Well, I'm not really going to espouse too much on my view of "end-times" here, but rather humans and their refusal to make sure they truly are born-again.

The cover of TIME magazine's July 1, 2002 issue is about the Bible and the Apocalypse. From the actual cover story article, a minister from an NYC church is quoted as saying "But since September 11, hardcore, crusty, cynical New York lawyers and stockbrokers who are not moved by anything are saying 'Is the world going to end?'" The minister then says that "They want to get right with God."

The naivete of this type of reasoning continues to astound me. Should not every one be trying to "get right with God" regardless as to "when" the end-times may happen? Don't they (I'm not picking on the attorneys and stockbrokers but all who share this reasoning) realize they could die at anytime before end-times? Shouldn't God almost be insulted at that attitude: if it is almost time for the end of the world then I want to be "right with God."

Did we think our own daughter would die at the young age of 2 and 1/2 years? No. But we talked about God and Jesus from the day that Aubrey and Gabbie were born.

Now, no matter what the future holds, is the ONLY right time to get "right with God." There is a lot of belief among evangelical Christians that Satan loves it when people put off the time to get "right with God." I think I agree.

Just in case anyone is interested in my personal beliefs regarding end-times, here they are. No one knows the day, not even the angels in Heaven, only the Father knows. It could be could be later. But I tend to think it might be sooner rather than later. And even if the church is not to be spared the tribulation, I have no fear of the future world events. I could only be glad that we could be that close.

As always, thanks for sharing our journey. Although we wish our lives hadn't been changed, we are grateful to get to know our family and friends even more and to make new friends.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Friday, June 28, 2002 at 04:35 PM (CDT)


On November 17, 1999, in the a.m. hours, I was awakened from my sleep by a cry from Aubrey. I think Aubrey startled me and, because I was 34 weeks along, I really twisted my torso in getting out of bed. As soon as I returned to bed, I started to really ache up and down my hip on the left side.

To make a long story short, I finally ended up at Fairveiw S'dale at my insistence that something was wrong. After hours of laying in a bed and being denied nubain (they had already given me the maximum) they finally did an ultrasound. As soon as the results from that were seen, it was only about 30 minutes later that Gabbie came into this world via an emergency c-section. It turns out that a para-ovarian cyst, which we all knew was there, had twisted on itself. (And I was told the following day that that was almost unheard of to happen that late in the pregnancy.)

While Gabbie was only six weeks early, and was full-term weight-wise (6 pounds!), her lungs were severely undeveloped. She was immediately transported to Fairview Riverside's NICU. While NICU did not really disturb me, it really is an experience. The babies do not move or cry. All you hear is the drone of various machines at work--machines keeping babies alive.

Gabbie stayed in NICU for only one week. She was then stable enough to go back to Special Care at S'dale. After a few weeks there, she was discharged. I clearly remember a doctor telling me that we did NOT WANT THIS BABY TO GET RSV.

Gabbie did not seem to thrive at home. Several calls were made to our pediatricians, but I guess I never relayed the symptoms clearly enough. One night, in desperation and because Gabbie wasn't eating, I force-fed her via a syringe. She probably took less than .25 ounces of milk. The next day, I insisted the clinic see her. When I got there, I told the doctor I was worried about Gabbie. She looked at Gabbie for 15 seconds and said she was worried too. Gabbie had RSV. She wasn't even full-term. This time, Gabbie went to Children's. She was discharged after 5 days.

Finally, Gabbie started to thrive. But not without bouts of Reactive Airways Disease. Gabbie, we know you had a rough start. We are sorry too, for that.


The Apostle Paul said "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21 Paul went on further to say that at times he was torn between the two. Torn between continuing in the flesh gaining fruit from his labor and desiring to leave and be with Christ.

Gabbie's death is still so unnatural to me. But I know that if we all REALLY knew what was on the other side, we would try too hard to get there before our time. It has even been said that this life is the land of the dying and that those who have left us are in the land of the living. (It's probably scriptural too, but I don't have the verses.) I know that to be true. Yet I still search. I told a friend today that it is easy to believe that the older people I know who have died are in Heaven. But because a child's death is so unnatural and unwanted and unspeakable, I can't picture Gabbie there.

And, know that we are not in the land of the dying just because we are getting chronologically older, but because we are living in a world of sin.


We hope to have contributions from Grandma Totall and Uncle David next week. I might have to clean up after Grandma's entry (take a look at her recent guest-book entry attempt) as she has once again proved she is NOT computer-savvy. It's a family joke.

We eventually hope to hear from ALL our family members.

Thanks again to all for supporting us. Thanks for sharing our pain.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 05:34 PM (CDT)


Before I make my normal journal entry, I want to thank my dad for yesterday's journal entry. His comment about Gabbie telling him to "get coffee" hit home. Gabbie always remembered our needs during her trial.


While I normally am not very fond of the term "chicks" used for the female gender, it was one of my favorite nicknames for Aubrey and Gabbie. One day I had purchased identical t-shirts for them at Target. They were simple white t-shirts with three pastel colored baby chicks. When the girls had them on, I started calling them my "two cool chicks."

A child's death brings pain to parents in many different ways. For me, and probably John, something that really, really hurts is that Gabbie and Aubrey were same gender, close-in-age children. Any activity in our house, whether play or caring for them, was done for two children. Everything. We rarely separated the girls. Their cribs were so close that occasionally we would find one of Aubrey's toys in Gabbie's crib in the morning--meaning Aubrey had thrown it over to Gabbie's crib.

Gabbie, I have yet to call Aubrey "my cool chick." I think I need to retire the "cool chicks" nickname. We miss you, Gabbie. More and more each day. Not less and less. Every single day, I relive the physical sensations I felt when you stopped breathing in my arms. Some people would say that it should have felt like peace. I'm sorry, but that is not what it felt like. It felt like my daughter had died.


"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on earth." Hebrews 11:13

Another aspect of Gabbie's death that is so very hard is that John and I will eventually have to face our own deaths without ever seeing Gabbie again in this life. Without ever "receiving" the promise of seeing her again. We know God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts...but that is why it is so hard. Our thoughts are human. And Gabbie passed away right before our so very human eyes.

We thank you all again for sharing in our painful journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 03:53 PM (CDT)

During the past nine months, Monica has chronicled Gabbie's struggle with cancer: her first visit to the hospital, the surgeries, the chemo sessions, questions to God, hopes, disappointments. John and Monica opened their family for all the world to see.

And many of the people who have shown their love with cards, visits, gifts, financial support, food, and prayers have chronicled their thoughts on the web page guest book.

What more can be said?

It was a blessing from God that I could spend nights with Gabbie during some of her stays in the hospital.

You should know that Gabbie entered the hospital a frightened toddler and over time became an aware, determined little girl. She more or less managed what happened in her room. She told me where to sleep ("the couch"), let me lay on her bed (but only when I was invited), asked me to change her diaper rather than the nurse, and made sure I got my morning coffee. Once, on the way to get a cup of coffee, a messy diaper, IV refreshers, and vital checks delayed my trip 30 minutes. When everything was completed Gabbie said to me "get coffee".

You should know that Gabbie was a very brave patient. She accepted the intrusion of tubes into and out of her body, the constant replacement of bandages and tape, the poking and prodding, and all the awful things that happen in a hospital. I watched when a nurse told Gabbie a procedure wouldn't hurt (it always did hurt before) and Gabbie let the nurse continue. And she didn't cry.

Finally, you should know that my love for Gabbie grew so much during this time...more that I can describe.

Grandpa Jerry

Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 03:49 PM (CDT)


I know this seems morbid, but I have a need to journal all that has impacted us and all that happened to Gabbie.

Here are parts from Gabbie's death certificate. It is such a cold and harsh reality but it is OUR reality.

Cause of Death: Neuroblastoma

Contributing Conditions:
1) gastrointestinal hemorrhage; and
2) respiratory depression

Manner: natural

Natural? No parent in the world could look at this kind of death as natural. While I know that I should not torture myself, I know that Gabbie's stomach really bothered her the last few days. It is so painful to think that her insides were being ravaged by cancer. As to the respiratory depression, I'm not really sure if that resulted from the pain narcotics (because that can happen) or if it was from the tumors pressing on her lungs, or both.


While John and I may never feel in this life that Gabbie's death was a blessing for us, there are verses in the Bible that clearly state death was a blessing for HER. Revelation 14:13 tells us: "Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, 'Write: "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on."' "Yes," says the Spirit, 'that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.'"

Blessed are those who die "in the Lord," not those who die "in sin." We know that Gabbie died "in the Lord," and not "in sin."

John and I, of course, will never feel blessed about this event in our life until eternity.

If this Web site touches you at all, please heed God's call to you!

We thank everyone again. Our thanks will never end.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Monday, June 24, 2002 at 06:15 PM (CDT)


Today was my first day back to work. John went back last Thursday. While it was very hard to walk into this huge building that generally has 5,000 to 7,000 employees a day, the rest of the day was OK. I did cry several times as each day reminds us more and more of Gabbie's absence and the finality of it all.

I accomplished very little as I didn't even get through all of the e-mails that had piled up. I waded through hundreds, but still have over 50 e-mails to go. Most of the e-mails came from strangers who saw the KARE 11 special. So many people have shared how Gabbie's battle has impacted their lives. People have no idea how meaningful their messages are to us.

So once again, we thank so many of you for reaching out to us. We thank you for offering friendships and John and I plan to take you up on your offers. Don't be surprised if you get a call from us someday.


I hope people don't take this the wrong way. But as I read the e-mails from so many strangers, I grow more and more proud (not a sinful proud) of the way our daughter touched so many lives.

At the funeral, one of the nurses came up to me and said with all sincerity that Gabbie spoiled her for all other two-year olds. (Any nurses still reading this, please thank Ellen for sharing that with me.) Other than crying in discomfort, Gabbie always did what she was told even when she KNEW it would bring pain. I remember how sometimes she would get so agitated when we mentioned cleaning her feeding tube site, which had to be done twice daily. Sometimes, I would just say, "OK, we will do it later." Then Gabbie would wait just a few minutes and tell us it was OK to clean her site. I know that there were times when the site cleaning was very painful.

So, Gabbie, we become more and more proud of you everyday. We hope people don't think we are bragging, for we are not. We experienced first hand your gentleness and pureness of heart. We love you!!

Gabbie, through our broken hearts, we will continue to love the Lord. "Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'" Matthew 22:37

We continue to hope that Gabbie's journey inspire others to seek God. And know that while we are so grateful when you acknowledge that Gabbie's story has led you to seek God, you must also know that you are really answering God's call to you. God is using Gabbie, but He is calling YOU!

All our thanks. We think Grandpa Jerry (my dad) will be writing Wednesday's journal entry. I really hope all of you will continue to visit this site so you can meet the rest of Gabbie's family.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 10:28 PM (CDT)


A friend of ours, Jeff Spranger, brought a bead-making kit to the hospital. While most of us were clueless in the jewelry making arena, fortunately Auntie Sarah was not. Sarah spent a lot of time helping make bracelet and necklace gifts with Gabbie. Gabbie would pick out the beads and Sarah would do the rest. We wish we could have made more but the circle of care (our friends!) was so large that it could not be done.

Sarah, for some reason I cannot fathom, also knows all the Barney songs by heart. So, while I can only sing a few, Gabbie could always count on Sarah to sing anything from the Barney Songs tape.

Sarah also lived with us for a while and took care of the girls when I first returned to work after Gabbie's maternity leave. We are forever thankful. Gabbie loved you so much.


On the hospital bed, Gabbie was constantly sliding down off the pillows and we would "scoot" her back up. At first we couldn't figure out what she was talking about, but soon she was always requesting for us to "scoochie me." Finally we realized she had picked up on our "scooting" her back up on the pillows.


I've heard from so many parents who have also lost children. They have all offered hope and comfort. To Brenda and Kurt, thanks for pointing out Isaiah 57:1-2, which reads "The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from evil to come. He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness."

Now, since I'm not an expert in scripture, the KJV (King James Version -- not to insult anyone but some may not know what "KJV" means!) of those verses is a little confusing to me. So, I did some research and the consensus seems to be that the righteous are taken because of God's compassion for them. So that they will never, ever have to experience evil.

There is more meaning to those verses, mostly in the form of warning to the evil.

We continue to thank you. We are trying to thank everyone personally with a card, but it could take some time. I should confess that John is doing most of it! He's a wonderful guy.

GABBIE: We love you. You are always on our minds. Our grief for you, while we must go on with our lives, will never, ever end.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 02:14 PM (CDT)


My brother, Joe, and his wife and their son Shane visited us frequently at the hospital. Joe also came many times alone.

Although Gabbie was at first quite shy around Joe, she warmed up to him because he always gave her so much of his undivided attention. One of the games they played was with a little stuffed bunny. Joe would tickle her on the bottoms of her feet. If Joe was busy talking to us, Gabbie would even point at him and softly say "Joe, tickle me." Joe also entertained her in many other ways. I also know that it was Uncle Joe and Auntie Sarah were the ones who made Gabbie laugh two nights before she died. I had been so worried that Gabbie hadn't even laughed once during her last two nights at home and on this earth.

Thank you, Joe.


It's hard for me to give Aubrey a bath these days. I have so many memories of giving them baths together. (Actually, everything we did was with the two of them.) By accident, I discovered that Crayola's washable markers worked in the tub long after they were too dry for paper. Since they are non-toxic, we would just toss them in the tub with the girls. They would write all over each other. Sometimes they would finish their bath in very blue or purple water.


Hebrews 11 has taken on an entirely different meaning for me. While it was appropriate while Gabbie was sick, it is even more appropriate now.

"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." Hewbrews 11:13

We have not seen Gabbie's healing; but we have faith that she is fully healed. And as always, we confess that we long for another place.


We have decided to ask family members if they all want to take a turn writing a journal entry in Gabbie's memory. We hope to include their entries once or twice a week.

Thank you for all the continued support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 07:56 PM (CDT)


Sometime on May 16th, one day before Gabrielle left this life, I had a brief sit with her on my lap on the couch. As I've mentioned before, she was so uncomfortable we hardly got to hold her during her last few days, so I vividly remember this.

Gabbie's question to me, "Will you be dere?" was her response to my telling her that it might be time for her to go to Heaven. She pointed her little finger at me as she asked. I tried not to cry, but I couldn't help myself. I had to tell her, that no, I wouldn't be there. I did what I could to explain to her that Heaven would be a wonderful place even without her momma and dadda. I also told her that we would all follow her some time later.

Gabbie, how I wish it could have been the other way. That it was my physical body being ravaged by cancer and pain. WE LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH AND MISS YOU IN ALL THE WAYS OF OUR LIVES.


Most people, even if they don't read the Bible on a regular basis, are familiar with "The Lord is my shepard; I shall not want....Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Psalm 23.

As I mentioned before, I'm reading one of Zig Ziglar's books on grieving. He talks specifically about verse 4 from that psalm: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Zig pointed out something significant that I have always missed. That is, death is referred to as the "shadow of death." I am hopeful that God walked with Gabbie during her transition. And because Jesus' sacrifice on the cross has paid the price, the Christian suffers only the "shadow" of death and not eternal death. Death comes from sin and satan. Through Jesus, Gabbie was able to walk through the shadow of death.

We couldn't do this without all our family and friends and strangers supporting us. We continue to thank you. We continue to ask that you study the Word. Just see if it doesn't make a difference in your life.

Thanks, Susan, for taking care of the mail and Sesame!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Wednesday, June 19, 2002 at 05:36 PM (CDT)


I need to slowly share our various memories of Gabbie. This one is of a simple gift for Gabbie. John and I are, for the most part, very practical parents. We never showered Aubrey and Gabbie with expensive gifts. This past Christmas, I filled their stockings with things like toothbrushes, kids toothpaste, Clifford beanies, books, etc. Gabbie was drawn to a cloth bib. I had gotten it on sale at Kohls. It was just a simple bib with a winter scene. As I type this, I am crying many tears as I remember how Gabbie's innocence allowed her to treasure such simple things. A bib. We live in a world where even children as young as Gabbie demand high-tech expensive toys. Thank you, Gabbie, for reminding me of what we should all be like.


I went to a neuroblastoma site the other day and read a story about three boys named Steven, Nick, and Jacob. They all were diagnosed with neuroblastoma at the same time and all three were around the ages of 5 to 6 years. Eventually, they were all in the same hospital at the same time. They had become friends and even put up a sign on a door that said "Do Not Disturb The Dude Room." Then one day, Nick died. Then Steven. Then Jacob. How many lives will neuroblastoma claim? How many more families will suffer this awful reality?


All my reasoning about God and what scripture meant, regarding Gabbie's physical healing, was wrong. Yes, we can and SHOULD "ask" God to heal our loved ones, and sometimes He will heal. But we cannot "claim" such things here on earth. I know there are many who will disagree. But I am sorry, this family knows otherwise. We are living it.

"That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death: but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:4-6

This is what I now believe about all the scripture referring to asking and believing and receiving: the gifts we are to ask for are spiritual gifts, not temporal gifts. I tried so hard to find guaranteed healing for Gabbie via reasoning of what scripture meant and who God is. But now I fully understand that God wants to bless us with spiritual gifts, not temporal gifts. While God does sometimes bless us with temporal gifts, those gifts are much lower than spiritual gifts. (I'm not saying Gabbie's life was low--she means everything to us.) But her healing on earth is not as important as the eternal gifts God must have in mind for her.

As always, thank you to everyone. Thank you to the Gilmores who have given us an angel with a glazing ball. It will be placed in the little garden we will plant in Gabbie's memory in our front yard. Your gift was so very thoughtful. As you said, Gabbie will be the angel over Wentworth Avenue.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 04:35 PM (CDT)


This morning was my worst morning yet. I could not get out of bed. I wasn't tired, just didn't want to face another day without Gabbie. Fortunately, the phone rang and it was my boss. (I'm returning to work next Monday.) I have a wonderful boss and he and the other person on our team discussed the things I could do when I go back. I am grateful to hear that they are very busy so at least I won't be sitting at my desk with nothing to do. My boss also has an incredible sense of humor dosed with lots of sarcasm. My favorite kind of boss. He can take it and he can dish it out. I'm not trying to butter him up--he rarely reads this Web site. I'm just very grateful that given all the terrible things in my life now, at least my job is very pleasant.

I also received a gift from Aubrey. I was downstairs on the computer and Aubrey came down to show me a card that she made for me. Before she left to go back upstairs, she looked up at me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Aubrey never, ever does that. Maybe God let Gabbie whisper into Aubrey's ear that her momma needed a kiss.


Don't worry if you've said this to me: We are never given more than we can bear. So many have said it or written it that I don't think about "who" says it. I'm not mad that you've mentioned it to me. But, I do want to explain again (I think I talked about this before) that it is simply NOT true. Sometimes we are given more than we can bear. Just because we are here and are going through the motions of daily life, doesn't mean that John and I are bearing Gabbie's absence.

If we could all bear what has been given to us in life, the world would be an entirely different place. Do you think if we all woke up one morning and a child from every family in the world had been brutally murdered during the night that the world would go on as usual? Why wouldn't it? would be too much to bear. But some of us do have to face the worst possible trial this life can give. (While Gabbie wasn't murdered, her death certificate is ugly. Some day I will list the secondary causes of Gabbie's death and how those descriptions are a dagger in my heart--they really are too much to bear.)


We received a card today with a short note from someone who we don't know. At least we don't think we know them--we've heard from so many people it's almost confusing.

Inside the card was a separate card with a saying from Paul Claudel. "Jesus did not come to explain away suffering or remove it. He came to fill it with his presence." How very true. We have to accept that God will not remove suffering because there is an eternal purpose that He wants fulfilled for OUR benefit. Not His benefit, OUR benefit. I know that Gabbie did not die because God "needs" her in Heaven. She died so that God could give her the best possible eternal life.

Still, I ask, why God? Why did little Gabbie have to suffer so much of her life? I expect the children I know who will not succumb to cancer will also have wonderful things waiting for them in Heaven. So why did Gabbie have to suffer so much to get the same eternal reward?

Sometimes I don't feel His presence. But, as Matthew 28:20 reads: "And know that I am with you always." I know. I just wish I could feel.

Hopefully you will be hearing from John soon. He told me that he would like to write one of the journal entries. You will see much gentler writing from him!!

As always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Monday, June 17, 2002 at 06:53 PM (CDT)


I've been reading Zig Ziglar's "Confessions of a Grieving Christian." Zig is a very highly respected inspirational speaker and writer. He also happens to be a born-again Christian.

This particular book by Zig was written after the death of his 45-year old daughter. He has much to say, but this is what brought me comfort in the last few days. "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16 As Zig commented, "God had a departure date for us. He knows the exact date we will enter eternity." John and I did whatever we could for Gabbie. We had faith, we believed, we prayed and prayed and prayed. But God already knew when Gabbie would go home.


When Gabbie was an infant, we didn't want her to wake up Aubrey so we didn't let her sleep in Aubrey's room. I had already discovered that I couldn't handle the breathing noises infants make in our bedroom. Because we have a cat, we didn't want to leave her bassinet in the living room alone all night. And, our other bedrooms are on another floor. So, Gabbie spent her first 4-5 months sleeping in the bathroom. We would wheel in the bassinet and we also set up ocean sounds from a sound machine. I can distinctly remember how Gabbie's eyes would look at John and I as we wheeled her in every night. She never, ever once smiled. I'm sure she didn't care about being in the bathroom, but obviously she was not happy. Her look was so solemn and forlorn.


When we got back home from our trip, I had an electronic newsletter from Heavenly Lights (the Web site that contains memorials for children). The newsletter, as it always does, listed the new stars. Of five new stars, four were for neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a rare childhood cancer. Three of those children all died within a month of each other at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. One of those children is Mitchell, the boy whose story is so similar to Gabbie's. There is a picture at Mitchell's Web site where he is sitting in a high chair with his hands out. We have the same memories of Gabbie doing that as she would say "What's that all about?"

I also received an e-mail from the father of a 7-year old boy at Children's Mpls who was just diagnosed with Stage IV neuroblastoma. For such a rare cancer, seems like we know of many cases.

Gabbie, we love you, we miss you, we want to hold you. But that is not to be. God's plans for YOU in eternity are so much more important than our loss.

Thanks again everyone for all your support. Please keep praying for us. We will grieve for the rest of our lives.

Monica, John, Aubrey, & Gabbie in Heaven

Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 09:21 PM (CDT)


** One more new picture. The second picture on the photo page is of the "Totall" women. It includes Gabbie, my sisters Sarah and Nancy, me, and my mom. Thanks Nancy!! And, Gabbie is showing one of her rare smiles! **


Mitchell is a beautiful little boy who died of Stage III neuroblastoma. His story is similar to Gabbie's (chemo resistant tumors) and some of his pictures further reminded us of Gabbie. I've looked at his Web site several times and have wept everytime I have seen his beautiful eyes. I feel so drawn to Mitchell that, with permission from his parents, I have included a link to his Web site. See below under "Links."


We made it back home. John thinks we drove just short of 4,000 miles.

I think Aubrey is too young for a "road-trip" type of vacation. The last six days were mainly spent driving and I don't think three-year olds can handle sitting that long.

Aubrey would literally talk our ears off. The minute the car started she would start yakking and she would talk so fast it almost left me breathless to listen to her. She also started a habit we aren't too happy with, which is referring to John as "John" or "Johnny," rather than "daddy."
Very few people call him "Johnny," so I don't know where Aubrey picked that up.

She is also getting too smart for us. One morning I was trying to get her to dress and I told her that the fruit loops out in the hotel lobby, which she spotted the night before, would be gone if she didn't hurry. When we went to the lobby to eat breakfast, she looked around at the number of people in the lobby and commented that they would never be able to eat all the fruit loops. Although she makes up wild stories that we can ignore, her reasoning cannot be argued against.


Although I was very glad to be back home, Gabbie's passing has now hit hard and is a reality. Before it was a surreal numbness.

However, we have already read some of the cards and letters that came while we were on vacation. Once again, I am so touched by the way people are reaching out to us.

I am also comforted that some are even sharing their dreams about Gabbie with us. Mark Daly, the KARE 11 reporter who did our story, shared his dream about Gabbie in the guestbook. Thanks Mark. And Karen, whom we met at Children's and the mother of a very young infant with AML, the deadlier form of leukemia, shared in a card how she had never seen Gabbie smile at Children's but how she saw her briefly in a dream and she was smiling. Thank you both for sharing your visions of Gabbie. I have agonized very much over the fact that Gabbie really didn't have a lot of smiles in her short life.


I am so impressed with my husband's faith. While I used to think he was too quiet and private with his faith, I have now seen that John has a very strong, rooted, and steadfast faith, which I am so grateful for. Because while my mind is racing 90 miles an hour with hundreds of questions, John is there for me to hold on to. My questions are still there but at least I take comfort from seeing John's peace of mind. I guess we really do balance each other out.


I am starting to feel anger about Gabbie's passing. But that will not separate me from God. For, "I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39.

God is not afraid of the anger that comes when a child passes from this life. Nor is He hindered by any of the other emotions: fear, doubt, sadness, grief, loneliness, etc. His love for Gabbie and us is such that He is willing to let us go through this.


We cannot stop thanking everyone for their support. We came home to a very clean house...thanks so much you guys!!

Without sounding sexist, I also want to thank the guys out there who have included beautiful notes/letters in your cards. Usually (not always) that comes from women. So, I am really impressed.

We love all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey and Gabbie from Heaven

Wednesday, June 12, 2002


We miss you Gabrielle. More than words can explain. It just doesn't seem right without you...nothing does, nothing ever will.

We are starting to make our way back to Minnesota. Yesterday got a little hairy when we were having trouble finding a hotel room in Charlottesville, VA. But, eventually we found one. We happened to pick one that had some excitement for John and Aubrey. After we came back from dinner, there were three fire engines at the front of the hotel with several more coming. (Those of you who know John well know that he likes any kind of police/fire excitement.) Aubrey, unfortunately, was terrified as she has developed a fear of alarms and sirens ever since doors slammed shut in front of her during a fire alarm at Children's Hospital. However, southern hospitality ruled and Aubrey was offered a look inside the fire engine.

We drove almost half of the Blue Ridge Parkway yesterday--it was beautiful. This whole area is breathtaking. Today John got to see two different battlefields.


I am relieved to see that there are others signing Gabbie's guestbook, who have also lost children, and who are admitting that their faith waivered after the death of their child. My faith has waivered...but as I've mentioned several times I rest assured that God's grip on me is stronger than mine on Him.

I still want to seek God. But Gabbie's passing has left a terrible grief and I don't have much energy or zest for anything. I really think that God's hand on our lives is much more for the good of our eternal lives rather than our lives here. I keep thinking not only of John's and my suffering but of so many others. (The battlefield stories certainly tell of horrific suffering.) Suffering and/or pain cannot be avoided just by one's faith, prayer, belief, etc.

I think the biggest promise from God is the hope that is yet to come and yet to be seen.

We miss everyone.

We miss you, Gabbie. You are on our minds constantly. We hope you know how much we love you. Today Aubrey asked if you still had your "red toe." We told her that you are completely healed. No tubes, no med-comp lines, no red toe. (Red toe is what we called Gabbie's pulse-oximeter attached to her toe. It has a red light and you could always see the glow. She wore it so often it burned blisters into her toes.)

God does heal. But there is no guarantee when...this life or the next. We know this to be true.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Saint Gabbie

Friday, May 31, 2002 at 08:46 AM (CDT)


** We will eventually replace the hospital pictures. I've already included one of Gabbie before she was sick. **

Here are excerpts from a letter written to my sister-in-law, Debbie Paquette. We thank Debbie for sharing it and we thank Susan S., whom I have never met, for writing it. It was written two days before Gabbie died.

"I write to you in the middle of the night for lack of sleep. I am unable to get little Gabrielle out of my mind....

I do not know that there are ever words to express the feelings we have as we watch others suffer. These are the questions we have wrestled with throughout humanity....

As I spent time in prayer tonight, all I could think of is how very special little Gabrielle is. I have never met her, but I could assure you that looking into her sweet little face would be as if looking at the face of Jesus himself. She is so closely united with Christ in her suffering. She most certainly has a special place in His Heart. She must have a strength that God alone understands for he never allows us to bear more than we can....Being in the presence of Gabrielle must be as if in the presence of a saint. Her innocence and purity shine through, surely she knows nothing but to love and be loved....

Gabrielle and her family have touched so many people's lives. Their witness of love and trust have moved many. Their's is a beautiful story of faith. Their's is a faith that has moved us all.

As we try to make sense of why one must bear so much, we need only to look to the cross, the cross which is our hope. This cross, which is so heavy for some will always bring us to the glory of the resurrection. We unite our sufferings with Jesus that me might some day share in His Glory.

Gabrielle (our little saint) is a special gift to us all. May we all celebrate her little mark on the world. Surely in heaven her suffering is bedecked with jewels."

And Susan closed the letter with this verse from scripture: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

Thank you, Susan. Your letter is beautiful and echos my hope for Gabbie. I will always try to use Gabbie's story to bring people to God. For God's glory first, but God knows how much parents love their children, and as He knew I would have this cross to bear, He also knew I would forever share my daughter's journey.

I will try to update the Web one more time before we leave. I also hope to phone relatives and see if they will update the Web regarding our travels.

We have so many to thank. But today, I once again thank my co-workers at West Group. Even John keeps mentioning how impressed he is with how you are all reaching out to us. Some of you I hardly know! So, thanks for being a wonderful people to with.

Monica, John, Aubrey, and our saint in Heaven, Gabbie.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 07:53 PM (CDT)


Today, John and I went to visit Mrs. Drazan's 5th grade class at Guardian Angels school in Chaska. This class, like many others, followed us on our entire journey and touched our hearts in so many ways. We wish we could visit all the classes but time has escaped us and school is nearly out.

We are so glad we got to see all of you in person. We just finished reading your cards and we are impressed with your sensitivity and your artistic abilities. We were also amazed that you picked up on the theme of swimming and the sunglasses. We will keep those beautiful cards forever! Thank you for the flowers and the gifts for Aubrey.

"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."

This is but one of many descriptions of heaven in the Bible. That is where our little Gabbie is. And know too, that Gabbie will (or does) have a glorified body, she is not just a spirit floating around for eternity. Gabbie is a cancer-free, happy Gabbie!

Thanks to all of you. We hope your parents are proud of you. We will write to those of you who left addresses.

We also thank all the school children who prayed for Gabbie. A lot of you sent cards or made keepsakes for us that are really wonderful. Just remember that God loves all of you.


Mrs. Drazan's class asked us what Gabbie liked. We hadn't thought about that but talked about it on the way home. This is what Gabbie liked:

- kitties
- stroller rides/wagon rides
- swinging at the park
- stickers
- sunglasses

We forgot to mention this, but at the funeral we had all of Gabbie's young cousins wear sunglasses when we walked down the aisle. It was in honor of Gabbie and all the times she wore sunglasses while strollering inside Children's.

To Jill W.? We got your wonderful card/note but you did not leave your name.

We thank all our friends and family again for helping us in this journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie in Heaven

Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 07:34 PM (CDT)


"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." 1 Peter 4:12-13.

This is the comfort I am looking for from God. That Gabbie's suffering (and ours) is directly related to the joy we will feel when we see the full glory of Jesus Christ. This is the hope that I am looking forward to, the hope that will get me through this life without little Gabbie. This is my hope for Gabbie, the one who did so much of God's work in such a short time.

Soon, I hope to share a letter that was just read to me over the phone by my sister-in-law, Debbie Paquette. It was sent to Debbie from a friend of her's. It was a beautiful letter and closely mirrored the hope I have been thinking about these past few days. (And, I think God finally broke the silence. About 15 minutes before Debbie called, I was thinking about suffering and glory and asked God if He wouldn't send some type of acknowledgement on my thoughts. This letter blessedly shares my thoughts even though the author and I have never met.)


I think I mentioned before that I was actually starting to worry about Gabbie when she was an infant because she NEVER smiled. Aubrey started smiling at six weeks--while all children are different, that was then my benchmark for smiling. Gabbie was sixteen weeks and still no smile. We only got woeful but beautiful stares. Then, one evening I was sitting in our stuffed chair holding Gabbie and I saw a little smile creep across her face. I was so excited...even though she was smiling at a stuffed animal on the chair and not me. Gabbie would then smile occassionally, but I have truly never seen so many pictures of a baby with such a solemn countenance.

We thank everyone again...for everything. Friends, family, and strangers. But strangers we will someday meet!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie, our saint in Heaven

Monday, May 27, 2002 at 11:08 PM (CDT)


"He which testifieth these things saith, 'Surely I come quickly.' Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." Revelation 22:20-21 The last two verses in the Bible. Just thought I would put these on here because these verses sometimes make me pray for His Second Coming to be, well, in the very near future! Some people never think about that. But, Jesus really is going to come again. We don't know when, which is all the more reason to make sure you have accepted salvation.

I guess I will forever be compelled to make sure people realize their decisions here will greatly and profoundly impact their eternal lifes.


If anyone saw an adult chasing a naked three-year old girl near Lk. Harriet today, that was auntie Sarah and Aubrey. That little spitfire has endless energy and imagination. She is now going through the naked stage, which I know is normal.

There is one activity that Aubrey will probably miss out on this summer. I know that I have to cut way back on the stroller rides to the park. For the two previous summers that is what our day consisted of--stroller rides, sometimes two or three a day. But it was a double-stroller. I don't care what people say about getting back to a normal schedule. I simply cannot go for stroller-rides. Everything we do is painful. I refuse to make myself endure what is most painful and what produces an empty feeling beyond description.

I can remember all my empty threats last summer. "This is the last stroller-ride I am going to take you two on!" Aubrey was usually the trouble-maker. We had a side-by-side stroller, so that gave Aubrey ample opportunity to poke Gabbie or pull Gabbie's hair. Gabbie's only infraction was knowing that all she had to do was gently reach across and barely touch Aubrey's skin and Aubrey would complain. I can still see Gabbie gently and slowly moving her arm across the middle of the stroller to touch Aubrey after I had just put it back on her side. But, I never came through on my threats. We were always out there the next day and I could be seen lecturing them endlessly. What I wouldn't give to have those stroller rides again...

But, God has a purpose. God didn't give Gabbie the cancer. But beyond that, our finite minds simply can not answer why she was not healed HERE. She is healed, of course.

Thanks for all the support and prayers. We really hope that Gabbie's life is bringing you closer to God.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 10:52 AM (CDT)


Our hearts are grieving so much for Gabbie. But part of me really does believe that Gabbie was too pure and innocent for this world. Some of you might say, however, that all children are pure and innocent. That is true. But as with all things, there are degrees. Aubrey is a delightful child, but she is and was nowhere near as obedient and gentle as Gabbie.

Unlike most first-time moms, I was very carefree and almost wild with Aubrey. Starting very early (maybe 6 weeks old?), I used to put Aubrey on a blanket and swish it around on the kitchen linoleum floor. She loved it. One time I went to fast and she rolled off the blanket and on to her stomach, quite fast. She was quiet for a second, and then just laughed and laughed. And I know she wasn't more than 10 weeks at that time.

With Gabbie, I tried some of the same things that I had done with Aubrey, but very quickly my mother's instinct told me Gabbie was too fragile, not physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Gabbie was so gentle in all her motions. She was never, ever "naughty," even when she reached the age where Aubrey was constantly naughty.

Today, I glanced at the paper and saw an article regarding a lawsuit against an electronics company and the possible link between the company and cancer in some workers. These workers have lived full lives. Cancer snatched Gabbie's life and our dreams very early. But Gabbie never complained. And Gabbie was old enough to complain (we saw it in Aubrey), but she chose not to.

We are so proud of you Gabbie!


I went to the Northwestern Bible Bookstore yesterday. I will be honest and admit that I am frustrated with God because He knows that my comfort can only come from Him. All the things I used to love to do, such as running and going for walks, and rubber-stamping, mean nothing to me now. I actually ran this morning for the first time in months. I know that running is good for many things. But God knows that I can look only to Him. Nothing else in this world can comfort me. And that is why I am frustrated. He is still silent--at least with me. What if God knows that if I do hear Him or feel His presence, that my cross will be too easy? That is what I fear.

So, I purchased several books on grief and suffering because I want this journey, which will last until eternity, to be guided by God.

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

Also, please don't be mistaken, I am very thankful for my wonderful husband, John, and for Aubrey. When I speak of comfort from God only, I am speaking of spiritual comfort.

Thank you all, for your continued support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Angel Gabbie

Friday, May 24, 2002 at 08:44 AM (CDT)


This is what I feel God has asked us to do. Making it through Gabbie's illness was like a marathon. John and I have both run actual marathons, 26.2 mile races. We both know what it is like to reach "the wall." During Gabbie's illness, especially when we felt so trapped in an isolation room in the hospital, there were times when we felt like we could not possibly go on any longer. (Never, ever frustration with Gabbie...just frustration with the cancer and all it brings.) And now, with Gabbie's passing, we feel like God is asking us to run another marathon, a marathon that won't end until eternity begins for us. And just think, we never got to rest or recover from the first marathon. That is what we feel. At least we know the reward at the end of this marathon is greater than anything we could even imagine. We will see God. We will see Gabbie.


"Verily (REMEMBER, THIS MEANS PAY ATTENTION!) I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therin." Mark 10:15

"And said, 'Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

To me, both of these scripture verses hold two meanings. First, the warning to those who want eternal life and how they must be born again, and secondly, the assurances that children ARE of the kingdom of God. We are assured that Gabbie is in Heaven.


I'm not really trying to reach those who don't believe at all in God. That would probably require an entirely different approach. I'm trying to reach those of you who are in a luke-warm or warm relationship with God. You believe, but are not seeking Him with all your heart. So, if you believe in God, but aren't reading His word seriously, please think some more about it.

Do you really think God would leave us here on earth with no guidance? If the Bible is not inspired by God, then where can we turn? Priests, ministers, etc.? Where would their instructions come from?

"...for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." David, speaking in Psalm 138. Even God places high esteem on His word.

I will say it again, you all know that we are suffering so much. So, for God's glory first, and for Gabbie's memory and her eternal crown, please seek God. Start with His word.

Thanks again to all. Thank you for the wonderful guestbook entries and poems. We love all of you.

Please see Gabbie's star and all the other special stars at the Heavenly Lights Memorial (link below).

Monica, John, Aubrey & Angel Gabbie

Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 01:58 PM (CDT)


The following was printed on the back of Gabbie's funeral program and was written by David Paquette, John's brother. Thank you, David, for a beautiful tribute to Gabbie. Thank you for seeing what we want so much to share with others in Gabbie's memory.

"To all who are present, and to the many who have offered and continue to offer prayers, love, and support, we are forever thankful.

While our journey has been long and difficult, each of you, through God's guiding hand have brought comfort.

As Gabbie continues on her path from the hands of our loving family to the hands of God, we are reminded of the many lessons she taught us. One of the greatest of these is to embrace the simplest of life's gifts, a silly song, a gentle hug, and one more wagon ride.

May we all see in each other that which we saw in Gabbie, the face of God."

And thank you to Judy Makowske, and Mary and Steve Frank, for helping with the program.


"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a new white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." Revelation 2:17

Although we thought Gabrielle was a beautiful name, I am sure the name that God has chosen for her is even more so.


As I assumed, the numbness has worn off and we are truly heartbroken and long to hold Gabbie in our arms.

But I will continue to ask, that to help comfort us you can share Gabbie's story with your friends and relatives. Please ask others to go to Gabbie's Web site and to read all about her journey. And if they can turn to God even just a little bit more in Gabbie's memory, we would be eternally grateful.

We have so many of you to thank. Please understand that it will take us a while but know always that we are so thankful.

If you haven't done so, please also visit Gabbie's star at the Heavenly Lights Memorial, which is linked below. Gabbie's star is on page 6. (If the info in a star is underscored, you can link to that child's Web site to read about them.)

Monica, John, Aubrey & Angel Gabbie

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 05:23 PM (CDT)



A star for Gabbie has been added to the Heavenly Lights Children's Memorial Web site. Please see the Heavenly Lights link below. Gabbie's star is near the bottom of Stars - Page 6.

For some reason, I knew Gabbie's interment would be much harder on me than the funeral. Maybe because it is a "human" ritual and there is nothing about burying her body in the ground that I can relate to in the Bible. And maybe it is because I keep looking up when I think of her.

We just had family for the interment. Everyone then came over to our house, along with tons of food.


We are so proud of Gabbie. While there were times when she cried out in pain she NEVER, ever complained. She always did whatever we or the nurses asked her to do, even if she knew it was going to hurt.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7

Yes, Gabbie, you kept the faith. And again, we are so proud of you.

And as 2 Timothy 4:8 continues, "Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."

For those of you who were at the funeral, and if you listened to my words,(included in the journal entry dated May 21) this is what I was referring to when I spoke of Gabbie's crown.

Please, remember Gabbie. Please seek God...and remember Gabbie's hard, brave journey. For God loves all but is very happy when we bring others to Him. Let Gabbie bring you to God.

I am waiting for Gabbie's "star." There is a wonderful Web site (Heavenly Lights Memorial) for children who have died from cancer (and a few other specific diseases). While the site brings tears to my eyes, it has been such a comfort. There are so many other children who have suffered just as Gabbie has. This site is a very special tribute to very special children.

Thanks again to all our wonderful family and friends. We could not do this without you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 11:22 PM (CDT)


We thank all those who attended the funeral today. We felt it was a wonderful and uplifting service. We also thank all of those who worked or volunteered.

My dad (Grandpa Jerry) told a few stories about Gabbie and Brian Brooks, the hospital chaplain, read our eulogy. I also spoke briefly on something that is important to John and me. It is what you can do for us. And for Gabbie. This is what I wrote:

"What You Can Do For Us. Many of you ask, 'what can we do for you?' This is what you can do. Most of you know that we shared the spiritual aspect of Gabbie's cancer on the CaringBridge Web site. Most of you also know that we love God's Word and believe with all our hearts that we should all be doing our utmost to seek God.

So please, seek God. Read, study, and meditate on God's Word. Do it for God's glory, guidance for your own life, but also in memory of Gabbie's life. Because in doing so, Gabbie will be bringing people closer to God. And our hope is that God, in turn, will make Gabbie's crown, the crown of righteousness, glory, life, and rejoicing, shine ever so bright. Please do this for our little and so precious Gabbie. Let her crown sparkle in a brilliance we cannot even imagine. That is what you can do for us.

Gabrielle, we will always love you.

God, we will always thank you for choosing us to care for a child who did so much work for you in such a short time."

The above statement truly reflects what John and I want for Gabbie. All we are asking is that you seek the Father in Heaven.


For one, I intend to keep updating this site! I can't bear to part with some of the friendships we've gained over the Web.

Next, we are going to plan a roadtrip for the three of us so we can get away and begin our healing. No specifics yet but we are thinking about the Smoky's and possibly some beaches in South Carolina.


Monica, John, Gabbie & Aubrey

Monday, May 20, 2002 at 04:14 PM (CDT)


We just want to thank all the wonderful people again who are signing Gabbie's guestbook. We sign-on several times a day to read the new messages. Some of you make us weep but it is still a comfort.

And those of you who have never met us: thank you so much for sharing how Gabbie's journey has touched your lives. You have no idea how much that means to us.


Last night I spent some time on the Web going to memorials for children and related Web sites. While I was in tears the whole time, it confirmed our knowledge that we truly are not alone. Yes, losing a child is the WORST thing that could ever happen to a family. But I was able to read the stories of so many others and it really does help to know that we are not alone. I even found a memorial Web site for a girl younger than Gabbie who also never reached a period of remission with neuroblastoma. I was so angry for a while because almost all neuroblastoma patients at least reach remission. Now I know that someone else has had the same experience we have had.

Once again, thanks to all. We are grieving but by God's grace we know we will get through this. And once again, we know that the joy we will receive in Heaven will far overshadow the grief we know now.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Angel Gabbie

Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 03:14 PM (CDT)


We talked to the priest today about how Tuesday's funeral for Gabbie will be both a celebration of her life here and her new life in Heaven. We wanted to make clear, however, that Gabbie's short life really did have a lot of sadness and pain. To us, it would be very dismissive of Gabbie's suffering if we glossed over the difficulties. While Gabbie was diagnosed on September 28, 2001, she really had been suffering from the disease for a much longer period of time. The pictures we have of her confirm that. So if you attend the funeral, don't be surprised if the discussion about her short life is not all rosy.


Shortly before and after Gabbie died, I really struggled with all the feelings of hope I had about Gabbie being healed. And I really was confident that she would be healed in this life. But now I believe that God wanted us, or allowed us, to try as hard as we did because now we know that we tried all we could do in order for her to be healed.

And what do I believe now? I believe that God does offer healing and some are still healed. I will never, ever believe that God gave Gabbie her cancer. But we simply cannot put God in a box. While John and I may have a lot of suffering in this life and may never truly see the joy in Gabbie's death, I think we both know that God is working this out for the very best for what is in heaven.

But if such an illness ever lands in your family, I would still encourage you to do whatever you can to seek God's healing. I am so glad that we never stopped seeking. I am so glad that we never gave up the fight--for you see, the fight was never against God. It was the fight of faith. And Gabbie was worth every single bit of energy that was drained from us.


We are welcoming even those of you who don't know us to attend Gabbie's funeral. I have prepared something to say and will post it on the Web after the funeral is over. It is very important to us so I hope that everyone will check the Web site sometime after Tuesday evening.

Thanks again for your prayers. Please keep praying for our entire family. That includes all our extended family members who are also in much pain.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 12:36 PM (CDT)


We want to thank ALL of you. Family, friends, doctors, nurses, and strangers. For everything you have done. We truly are blessed to have so many people who care for us.


Today John and I went to the mortuary to make all the necessary arrangements for the funeral. I never in my life imagined that I would have to make funeral plans for a two-year old child.


Please continue to sign Gabbie's guestbook as you feel prompted. We will someday download the journal entries and all the guestbook entries in memory of Gabbie. While in some ways nothing can ease our pain, please know that we are so grateful to hear that our daughter's life has touched your life.


Although the prince of darkness may try to tempt us, I am assured that because we withstood this trial (and, yes, it's not over, but I know God will guard us), the worst trial anyone can ever have on earth, Satan has been defeated in our lives. While we are, and always will be, grieving Gabbie's absence from this life, our hope in God and a future reuniting with Gabbie remains. Is grief in our future here on earth? Yes, very much so. But the most important battle has been won. For Gabbie and for her family. And by the grace of God, my family was saved for eternity even before Satan knew who we were.

If I sometimes seem detached from this world, you must understand that I already longed for heaven. And now, with Gabbie already there, I long for it even more. This world is not where I belong, but until God calls me home, I must try to find out what He wants me to do.

Thanks again for everything.

Monica, John, Aubrey, and of course, little sweet, precious Gabbie.

Friday, May 17, 2002 at 11:10 PM (CDT)


I guess I want to share how Gabbie left. At 7:00 a.m. this morning, Gabbie was sitting in her highchair with sunglasses shielding her from the bright morning light. She asked for noodles...but we knew she wouldn't be able to eat. She was so uncomfortable in her highchair that, against her wishes, we put her back in her crib, which we had moved out to the living room. From 8:00 and on, she mostly slept and her breathing was labored. I knew. I just didn't know when. Due to her discomfort, we have not really been able to hold her in our laps. But, after watching her labor in sedation for almost six hours, I decided I wanted to hold her. We thought that with heavy sedation she might be comfortable enough for me to hold her. After less than 10 minutes of holding her in my arms, I noticed a dramatic change in her breathing. I told John to get close. She left.

We have such a long road ahead of us. But we want everyone to know that our marriage is strong, we love Aubrey, and most of all, we still love Jesus. We will still, eventually, make God our number one priority.


We don't know. I read some very good books on healing but always felt that something was missing. I've decided that while healing is offered and sometimes happens, God is simply too sovereign and infinite for our finite minds. Not one person on this earth can write a book that says "if you do this, you will be healed." I did all of it, and I am glad I did because now I know that I did all I could possibly do to try to save Gabbie's life.

John and I have already been reviewing Gabbie's life. Gabbie had her happy moments but really was a very solemn and sometimes sad-looking baby. Maybe Gabbie at a very young age realized that she was just a traveler on earth. Maybe she truly was not of this world. Just as He commands.

We will continue to write for a while. We will continue to request prayers. We believe. But we are hurting so much. And if you remember, I've commented on how God has been very silent. We need to really "feel" His presence. It has to be more than "knowing" that He is present.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Friday, May 17, 2002 at 05:28 PM (CDT)

We want everyone to know that today we lost our young and precious Gabrielle.

Gabbie died in her mothers arms, surrounded by many family members, and friends.

Our faith is still strong. We love Jesus.

But our hearts are in much agony. Please just let us say that this truly is the worst pain that could ever happen to a family.

Monica, John, Aubrey, and Gabbie

Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 07:49 PM (CDT)


Some neighbors are letting me use their Internet access so that I can update Gabbie's Web site.

Once again, we are so touched by all of your messages. Unfortunately, until we get our own Internet access (hopefully soon) I won't be replying to any one. But please know that we read all of these and every message means so much.

We have just been watching Gabbie today. She is sleeping most of the time and when she does wake up she seems uncomfortable. Early this evening she asked to go sit on my bed to look at pictures that we keep in a large shoe box. Both Aubrey and Gabbie used to love going through pictures. But after we got Gabbie and tubes all transferred to our bed, she was too uncomfortable to look at the pictures. We are asking God for such little things and it just seems like we are being denied EVERYTHING. We are literally watching her suffer away.

I hope no one worries that we will lose faith in God. A while back I wrote that God's grip on us is stronger than our grip on Him. So no matter what happens, we will always belong to God.

But what I worry about, is my faith in myself. Have I interpreted the Bible wrong? What was all the false hope about? How will I ever trust that I am hearing God correctly?

The Bible tells us to not be of this world. I already know I'm only a traveler in this world and can't wait to get to Heaven. John and I already have two souls in Heaven from miscarriages. While we know Gabbie would be so happy there, it will only make me hate this world all the more. I don't mean that I hate people, nature, etc. I just mean that I will have very little interest in this world.

It's not over yet. Both John and I know that God can and does perform miracles. Sometimes at the very last second.

Please pray for us and know that we are so very touched by all of you. We love you. And I care enough to still urge everyone to read and study His Word.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 01:33 PM (CDT)

Monica has limited access to the internet now that she is at home with Gabbie, so she is giving updates to family to enter for her. I am Gabbies Aunt Kari entering todays journal.


We were so excited to bring Gabbie home, but we ended up having a very rough night with pain control. My sister-in-law (updating the web) is an oncology nurse, and spent the night with us. She was a great help. We have increased the pain medicine in hopes to get Gabbie more comfortable.

We are still asking for your prayers. Several of us prayed over Gabbie and asked God to speak to us through Gabbie. We told her how wonderful Heaven was, and then asked her if she wanted to go to Heaven. Gabbie responded, "I want to go swimming." God is still silent, and we know that is His right.

We are grieving beyond words. We know that others are also suffering, so we hope our request does not seem selfish: please pray for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey, and Gabbie

Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 08:49 AM (CDT)


Those who know me well know that I have an inquiring mind. Of course, with our second terminal diagnosis for poor Gabbie I have a lot of questions for God. Those of you who don't know me, please read some of the past journal entries and be assured that I do really love the Lord. In fact, I've even been somewhat preachy on this Web site. I also know it's OK to ask "why?"

1. On March 23, 2002 we were told Gabbie was terminal. She was yellow all over and her liver was failing. John and I completely gave her over to the will of Jesus and said we didn't want to see her suffer anymore. Our hearts, of course, desired her healing. What did we get? MORE suffering and no healing. Gabbie got better--enough to make the doctors change their minds but not enough to take Gabbie's suffering away. And now, she is terminal again and still suffering. Why did our grief have to be doubled and repeated?

2. Someone signed the guestbook and said "move over, Job." I've always told myself that I have no idea how much Job suffered. But the Bible tells me that after Job's trials, he was rewarded and those rewards were not taken away. What am I saying? Gabbie was a reward after a trial that almost took my life. Gabbie's pregnancy sparked severe insomnia and severe depression. I was working full-time, Aubrey was an infant, I was pregnant, and I rarely slept. And insomnia doesn't mean you are not tired, it means you can't sleep no matter how tired you are. I will be completely honest here: I considered suicide as the only way out. And I had a good life. But insomnia takes away everything. But then I had Gabbie! And I thanked the good Lord every day for her and Aubrey. I even thanked Him for the trial because it made me stronger. But now today's trial could mean I would lose Gabbie. The very reward that made me thank Him for the other trial.


Yes, from a medical standpoint, Gabbie's outlook is very dim. However, it isn't over until God says it is over. And God commands us to pray without ceasing.

We are begging for your prayers. Maybe God was in control of the KARE 11 date of airing because He knew we would need a lot of prayers.

From the day of diagnosis I have looked only to God for Gabbie's healing. God knows that I am relying on Him 100%.

We thank you for your prayers and for all the wonderful messages on the Web site. We love you all.

(Charity addresses can be found in the journal entry dated May 14, 2002.)

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, May 14, 2002


Gabbie, from a medical standpoint, is terminal again. The cancer has continued to spread. Our goal now is to get her home tomorrow with as much comfort as possible.

We, of course, are in much pain and question why when Gabbie was terminal before and we truly gave her to God's will, that she then got better. This has only doubled our grief, which most people already understand is the worst grief possible.

However, only God can really say when it is Gabbie's time. It doesn't matter how bad the medical outlook is, nothing is impossible.

We are now really requesting your prayers. God is sovereign and John and I will do His will. But please continue to extend your prayers for healing. We will never believe that it is against God's wishes for us to pray that Gabbie be healed. But we do acknowledge His sovereignty.


I have just finished reading all the new entries that resulted from our story being shown on KARE 11. John and I thank all of you for your kind thoughts and mostly your prayers. As always, we are very touched when even strangers reach out to us.

Thank you KARE 11 for a wonderful story. We don't think it could have been presented any better. Thank you for working with us and sharing our journey.

Thanks again to everyone who is on this journey with us.


The God's Child Project
P.O. Box 1573
Bismarck, ND 58502-1573

Sharing & Caring Hands
P.O. Box 3182
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 10:07 AM (CDT)



Last night, I changed the way John and I pray together. I truly believe it is our weakest area in our Christian life. Our nightly prayer has become too rote. I've had a lot of my prayers answered, but they are my prayers and when I try to explain them to John they lose some of their significance. It's time that John and I see God's answers to OUR prayers together.

Part of this may have been prompted by our weariness. We try not to complain, but this is how yesterday ended:

I had to rush from the hospital at 6:40 with Aubrey so that I could get home before the pediatric home delivery service. I had to say goodbye to Gabbie as she was sitting in her stroller in the hallway vomitting. She stopped from vomitting to look up at me with big tears in her eyes.

I had no time for Aubrey that night as I spent a good deal of time learning how to use the oxygen compressor, portable oxygen tanks, an oximeter, and a intermittent gastro-suction machine. (However, the company rep commented on my Bible and we had a wonderful conversation sharing our Christian beliefs.)

John then came home late from the hospital with the report that Gabbie was still vomitting and that she had had no urine output all day. What are we to think?

So, we begged God that night in our prayers to show us something.

Fr. Jon, a friend of John's, called us this morning and kindly asked what he should specifically pray about. I told him about our lackluster prayer life. So, now he knows what to pray for us.

And, you too, can help us by praying that John and I be guided by God Himself to an abundant prayer life.

Thanks everyone!! We love you for caring about us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Friday, May 10, 2002 at 11:11 AM (CDT)



Today we will probably just get out for a day pass but tomorrow, we just might get discharged! I was in a state of disbelief when the possibility was mentioned to me.

Starting very early this A.M., Gabbie started throwing up and threw up again when I arrived at the hospital. I was concerned but kept reminding myself that God is never the author of the spirit of fear. Sure enough, we learned that the vomitting is most likely due to some meds that Gabbie got before and after her MIBG scans.


Last night, I was thinking more about our situation and how I am completely relying on God. I looked to God from the moment Gabbie was diagnosed. I have never, ever in my life looked and searched harder for God. And then it hit me. God is taking advantage of these unknown times (by that I mean John and I do not have a clue to Gabbie's medical prognosis) because He knows what I am like. He knows that it makes me search for Him all the harder. So, it is very good for me spiritually to be makes my heart want God more than ever before.

Sometimes I feel as if others want me to step aside and just rest and rely on God. While we are to cast our cares upon Him, I will never rest, at least not in that sense. I will actively search for Him, talk to Him, plead with Him, and beg Him for mercy on our family. He has me right where He wants me. I can only get through every day by keeping my thoughts on Him only.

I will close by including something I read last night. Sorry, but I cannot give proper credit because I don't have the book from which it came. But, generally, the comment was that no one human should ever quit studying the Bible (and how can you quit if you have never started!!) until they meet the author face to face.

Thanks everyone for your prayers and continued support.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 10:47 AM (CDT)


** Gabbie's Battle Against Cancer will be shown on the May 13th KARE 11 Extra **

Yesterday was a tough day. While we are quite hopeful that Gabbie's leg pain was due to the quick rise in her counts (which means there was a lot of metabolic activity in her bone marrow), Gabbie's cancer has been so unpredictable that we just never know what to think.

So, yesterday I was once again agonizing with God and asking Him what He wants with us. Then, I did eventually go to work and while going through my e-mails I read one from the mother-in-law of a mom (with a son with leukemia) I met on the 8th floor a few weeks ago. She gave me encouragement and included links to the Web sites of Charles Swindoll and John MacAuthur, both of whom I am familiar with.

I replied to her e-mail and said that I keep getting these thoughts that we are right where God wants us and that He wants others to see how faith is helping us during our long period of waiting. I even emphasized the word waiting in my e-mail. I then went to the Charles Swindoll Web site and the scripture for the day was Lamentations 3:25. "The Lord is good unto them that WAIT for him, to the soul that seeketh him." It mirrored my thoughts exactly! (Thanks Suzanne)

And, to reassure others that John and I are not blindly clinging to stray verses of scripture, please know that I always study the context around particular verses of scripture. Lamentations is thought to be authored by Jeremiah and is an expression of grief over the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon. Verse 3:25 is preceded by verses describing God's faithfulness, mercies, and compassions. So it truly is appropriate for our situation.

We are probably going home on a day pass today. Gabbie is doing OK and her leg pain seems to have greatly subsided. This morning she finished the 2nd part of the MIBG scans. We probably won't hear about the results for a few days.

Thank you to all for your prayers and support. Again, thanks to all our family members who are giving up so much of their time to visit or help.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 11:16 AM (CDT)


** GABBIE'S BATTLE AGAINST CANCER: KARE 11 Extra: Monday, May 13th, 10:00 news **

We are once again anxiously awaiting news on what is causing the latest of Gabbie's troubles.

This morning, as I was getting ready to head in to work, John called from the hospital and told me that Gabbie was in a lot of pain. Her legs were hurting so much she was arching her back. I could hear her crying in the background.

I cancelled my plans for work, dropped Aubrey off at daycare, and went right to the hospital. All I could think about was cancer in her legs.

However, while we don't know what really is causing the pain, it could be a side-effect from GCSF, which is a drug used to bring back the counts. Gabbie's counts had started a slow creep up yesterday but really shot up today. This process is known to cause pain and in older children the pain can be quite acute.

Gabbie's pain is now being controlled by medication but we will have to wait (and I don't know how long) before we know the cause. We know you are praying for us. But please say some extra prayers to help us get through this. Please pray that the cause is not more new cancer.


Just another example why every home should have at least one good study Bible....

In Matthew 8:21 a disciple who wants to follow Jesus says "...Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father." And in 8:22, Jesus replies "Follow me: and let the dead bury their dead."

When I first read that, I thought that Jesus' reply seemed, well, a little cold. Later, when I read a study Bible I learned that the phrase "I must bury my father" was a common figure of speech back then for "Let me wait until I receive my inheritance." So all Jesus was really saying was to leave material possessions behind.

Thanks again for all your support. Please remember to say extra prayers for us today.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 11:54 AM (CDT)


Yesterday's day pass was a success. Gabbie was tired, however, and chose to spend a lot of time in her crib. But, that allowed John and I some time to clean up the house and attend to some paperwork.

We will also be going home again today but Gabbie needs a platelet transfusion and we won't be going until mid-afternoon.

Tomorrow we will probably have to skip the day pass because Gabbie's hemoglobin is borderline and she may need a blood transfusion. She is also scheduled for an MIBG scan in the late afternoon.


Poor Aubrey is so often overlooked in this situation. Aubrey is our oldest and she is 3 and 1/2 years. Aubrey is very spirited and can out-talk anyone. Aubrey and Gabbie were complete opposites as babies. Aubrey smiled and laughed very early while Gabbie smiled and laughed VERY late. I remember once how my mom remarked when Aubrey was still an infant how "she loves life." That always struck me because it is true. Sadly, I do believe this situation is sometimes smothering Aubrey's zest for life. But, John and I are making an effort to really pay attention to her and her needs.


Without wanting to be "preachy," I once again wish that our journey would make others come to the Word. Sunday services simply cannot do justice to the wealth of information in the Bible. And a study Bible is almost a must.

One of my favorite words in the Bible is "verily." The term is not significant in and of itself; but it is significant when noted how and when it is used. "Verily" means "I tell you the truth." And, Jesus always told the truth, so imagine what He was trying to convey when He preceded "truth" with a statement saying "I tell you the truth."

And John 3:3 uses verily twice! "Jesus answered and said unto him (Nicodemus, a Pharisee), 'Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Yea, I'm pushing the born again subject again...I really cannot help myself!

Thanks again everyone! We appreciate and love all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Monday, May 06, 2002 at 12:44 PM (CDT)


** KARE 11 Extra: May 13th, 10:00 News **

Gabbie was home yesterday on a day pass and we may get day passes all week! Her counts are still pretty low but it looks like they have at least started to climb.

We are also experimenting with taking her off suctioning from her G-tube and so far it is working. Due to the tumors blocking her intestines, we had her constantly on suction so that her stomach could be emptied.

Tonight we will all sit down to dinner at home together! And, our supper has graciously been prepared by the mother of our regular evening nurse -- Nurse Jody. Thanks Jody and Donna. We are so touched at how people are reaching out to help us.


Although Gabbie wasn't with us, at least John, Aubrey and I were able to attend church together last night. Auntie Michelle watched Gabbie at our house.

I think last night was only the second time I've been to church since Gabbie was diagnosed. I felt rewarded for going because we sang one of my very favorite songs: They'll Know We Are Christians. I even chose that song for our wedding. I don't know what it is but that song always manages to produce a lump in my throat.


I know that some people who check this Web site don't even know us. So, here's a little about us.

I grew up in south Mpls and attended Annunciation and Washburn High School. I then graduated from Moorhead State Univ. I have four younger brothers and two younger sisters. They are all here with the exception of the youngest sister.

John grew up in north Mpls and attended Ascension and De La Salle High School. John has five brothers and two sisters and they are also all here in the metro area. I am so lucky to have John as my husband and his family as my in-laws!

Enough for now about us.

Thank you again, everyone!! We can't thank everyone individually but PLEASE know that we are grateful for everything. Especially prayers.

Also, Jackson is very, very sick from his stem-cell transplant. Please keep him in your prayers.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Friday, May 03, 2002 at 11:41 AM (CDT)


Gabbie had a pretty good day yesterday in spite of her horrible numbers (counts). Low counts not only make one susceptible to anything and everything but also feel lousy. Gabbie even let a hospital volunteer paint flowers on her fingernails.

Last night I was lounging on the bed with Gabbie after Grandpa Jerry arrived. Gabbie looked at me and said "go home." So, I said "OK," but wasn't in any hurry. A few seconds later she looked at me again and used her frog voice to tell me "go home right now." It was nice to leave the room with a big laugh.

All things considered, she looks great.


Last Saturday I spent the night at the hospital and that was the day Steven died. We were all so very sad (and still are). At night, Gabbie's sats (oxygen saturation) were so low at one point that the alarm was blaring and I had to go get a nurse. I started crying and mentioned Steven and the nurse just stood there and hugged me. Both Gabbie's nurse and another nurse on night duty were so very understanding.

The nurses (and doctors) at Children's have been incredible as most of them break the rules and DO share their emotions with us. Thank you!!


Due to Gabbie's illness and our hectic schedule, usually only John goes to church. However, yesterday I felt compelled to re-evaluate and decided that it's time for both of us to go together again. (So, volunteers will be needed to watch Gabbie at the hospital!) I also asked John last night if we could commit our lives to God and make Him our first priority and John agreed. We don't know where we are going, but we know He will lead us.

Thanks to everyone for whatever support you are giving us. Your help, no matter what it is, means so much to us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 01:59 PM (CDT)


Some of Gabbie's counts are lower today than yesterday. She is getting both platelets and blood transfusions. She is taking a peaceful nap, and considering that her counts are "in the toilet," as auntie Kari put it, she looks fine.

She had a restful night with Grandpa Jerry with the exception of a wakeful time at 4:00 a.m. Waking up at 4:00 a.m. seems to be the norm for Gabbie.

I knew it would happen sooner or later...I've been warned by the speed police. Apparently some new parents on the 8th floor have expressed concern that I walk too fast with Gabbie and her IV pole. (I only walk at my natural pace!)


I just had to share this...Aubrey says the Lord's Prayer every night in addition to her own special prayer for Gabbie. The other night, instead of saying "...deliver us from evil...," she said "...and give us evil...." We know God knew she meant the opposite! We don't need anymore evil in our lives.


In my journey seeking God, another thought has come to my mind. Once again, I will not profess to know all the answers. But, I am doing what God calls us all to do: I'm meditating on His Word, praying, and having faith.

What if one of the reasons we are to "pray without ceasing," 1 Thessalonians 5:17, is to bring more of His will to earth. Look around at our world. Do you really think that all of the horrible things (crime, immorality, drugs, environmental decline, etc.) are His will? I don't.

What if when our children are sick, we are to pray without ceasing IN ORDER for His will to come about?

I cannot, absolutely will not, prepare for Gabbie's departure. I will continue to hope, seek, pray, & seek some more!

Thanks to Mr. Gale's 4th grade class for the wonderful cards!

David and Judy, we hope you received good news about Sara today (I'm sorry but I have misplaced your phone number. Please call us!)

Thank you all for supporting us! EVERTHING you do is appreciated! God bless you all.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 05:35 PM (CDT)


** KARE 11 airing: Monday, May 13, 10:00 p.m. **

Gabbie's counts are still rock bottom. She is a little uncomfortable and crabby but looks pretty good. She's getting very bossy, which I am sure is due in part to sheer boredom.

Grandpa stayed at the hospital last night and Gabbie made him watch a "Barbie" video several times. Auntie Kari came in the morning and took over so that John and I could attend Steven's funeral.


Steven's funeral was a very nice service. Steven had written his own "statement of faith" during his confirmation classes and the statement was read to us at the service. I think we were all amazed at the insight he had concerning God and his relationship with God.

We are really hurting for Steven's family. Please continue to pray for comfort for Steven and his family.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 01:19 PM (CDT)


** KARE 11's airing of Gabbie's story scheduled for Monday, May 13th, 10:00 news **

Gabbie's counts are really low (seems like we were just at that point yesterday!) and she must wear a mask when she is outside of the room. However, Gabbie is feeling pretty good and is out strollering in the hallway for several hours a day.

Gabbie's doctors have added a pain narcotic to her regimen. It is a 20-hour drip that seems to be making her more comfortable. The thought behind the pain control is that it may allow more of her natural killer cells to develop. It is also just simply to make her days more enjoyable. (She wasn't in a lot of pain--just could never quite get comfortable.) And, last night she slept really, really well. Prior to last night, her nights were very wakeful and restless.

Those who read yesterday's journal entry know that we lost a friend on Saturday. Steven died right here in the hospital across the hall from Gabbie. We are so pained for Steven's family. As much as I have faith and love looking up to God and talking about God, the only words I have for them is that I am so sorry. And I cry for them. For even Jesus cried when Lazarus died.


John and I are still taking this walk one day at a time. So, please excuse us if we brush aside questions concerning CT scans, when she might get to go home, etc. God tells us to only look at today. That is why he gave the Israelites DAILY manna. He clearly instructed them to take only what they needed for one day.

And He has been giving us our daily manna, even though sometimes it seems he has forgotten us. I slept (although I was awake the entire night) here the night we lost Steven. You could feel the overwhelming grief on the entire floor. Words cannot describe this kind of experience.

Tomorrow, John and I will attend Steven's funeral. Please pray for comfort for Steven's family. They are in so much pain.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Monday, April 29, 2002 at 09:53 AM (CDT)

Today's journal entry is dedicated to the memory of Steven Nielson.

Steven lost the battle to leukemia this past Saturday. Steven was only 15.

Our hearts grieve for Steven's family.

Monica & John

Friday, April 26, 2002 at 11:34 AM (CDT)


** KARE 11 Special on Gabbie, Monday, May 13th, 10:00 news **

** I finally removed Gabbie's PICU pictures. One of the new ones includes Gabbie and our doctor. **

I guess Gabbie had a restless night and Grandma Totall was up most of the night. Gabbie was running a fever and was constantly asking for water. Gabbie hasn't seen a doctor yet today so we don't have anything new to report. Sometimes with chemo and cancer that doctors just do not know what causes fevers. Cultures are always taken but so far Gabbie has never had any real infections.

Gabbie's cousin Emma is still in the hospital but I believe she may be going home today.

To the Merry family: you really didn't have to do that. Please know that we are so very grateful. Thank you.


Yesterday I was studying the Gospel of Mark. And not for healing scripture, but just to study God's Word in general. Furthermore, while Bartimaeus is a story of healing, that is not what jumped out at me. I wasn't even focusing on the healing verses because I already knew Bartimaeus was healed.

And, today, for a change, I will not comment on the scripture. I will just report it. Some of you might understand what those verses mean to me, without my making one comment.

"Now they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging. And when he (Bartimaeus) heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.' Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, 'Son of David, have mercy on me.' So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called...." Mark 10:46-49.

Thank you for your continued support and your prayers!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 01:41 PM (CDT)


*** KARE 11 story on Gabbie to be aired Monday, May 13th, 10:00 news ***

Gabbie had a restful night with Grandpa Jerry and is doing OK today with the exception of nausea.

The doctor on rounds today commented that Gabbie looks great (we think so too!) and that this is the 2nd day in a row that it has been harder for him to find the tumor when he feels Gabbie's stomach. We'll just keep giving thanks to the gracious Father in heaven and keep looking up.

Emma Paquette is doing much better but is still in the hospital. It's kind of odd going down one flight in the hospital to visit other family members!

I wanted to talk about the "spirit of fear" today based on something that happened Tuesday night. John had already left the hospital for the night and I was getting ready to leave when I noticed that contents from Gabbie's J tube had leaked onto the floor. The small puddle had blood in it. I debated and debated but decided that I would NOT tell John about it that night because even John has admitted that he rides every little medical incident like a roller-coaster. When I was driving home I started to have a little fear (concerning the "why" of the blood) but thought about how the Bible tells us the spirit of fear is not from God. Take a guess who the author of that kind of fear is?!! Anyway, 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind." I reassured myself that God did not want me to fear the reason for the blood and that only Satan would delight in my getting worked up over the blood. Sure enough, I slept well that night and learned the next day that it was nothing to worry about.

As always, we thank all of you for your support and we are so fortunate that so many people are praying for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 03:18 PM (CDT)


** KARE 11 Airing: Monday, May 13th, 10:00 **

Gabbie is doing ok today. The doctor thinks she looks well. We will just keep praying and seeking God!

Pray also for Gabbie's cousin, Emma Paquette, who is one floor below us at Children's. Emma is 13 months old and is suffering a very bad bout of viral pneumonia. (Really, there should be a room here reserved for Paquettes!)

On a related note, although discharged today, the boy in the room next door to Gabbie is the son of a West Group (my place of employment) editor. It really is a small world.


Knowing what I believe about God's Word, imagine how I would feel if we lost Gabbie and I hadn't taken that step over the abyss and relied solely on faith. I believe God will heal Gabbie. I will pray that God heal Gabbie. I will ask that God heal Gabbie. I am Gabbie's mom. I am willing to walk out in faith and confess her healing before it happens. Remember, God's grip on me is stronger than my grip on Him. And with that assurance, I will walk in faith and faith alone. And my wonderful husband is coming with me.

We thank all of you! Words cannot express our graditude.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 12:06 PM (CDT)


** KARE 11 Airing Scheduled for May 13th, 10:00 news **

What a surprise given my journal entry from yesterday. Gabbie has already finished today's administration of a third chemo session.

Yesterday morning our doctor discussed the possibility of a 3rd chemo but given the very unimpressive results of the 2nd chemo he wasn't leaning that way. We agreed to pray on it. After the doctor left, John commented to me that we surely couldn't expect God to give us an answer in 4 hours and I just shrugged and said that we had several days to think about it. About 4 hours later, the doctor came in and said we should probably proceed with a third chemo. God provides the answer when needed! What shocked me is that we started today. But Gabbie's counts were sufficiently high enough to start and now one day is down and three more to go.

Gabbie has trouble getting comfortable and our hearts are breaking for her. Last weekend she said "counts high." And we said yes, your counts are high. And then she said, "go home." That a two-year old should have to know that high counts mean she can go home is heart-wrenching.


Everyone who lives in this area is familiar with Mary Jo Copeland. When Mary Jo plans her homes for children, she announces her plans before she has the money to do so. She acts on faith. She maybe doesn't know how or when. But she acts as if she already has them.

John has always been very quiet about his faith....especially when compared to me. But yesterday he shared with me something he prays for in silence. He told me that he prays that Jesus see Gabbie touching the cloth of His garment--just like the woman with the years of bleeding. I was so thrilled that John and I both believe that one's faith and trust can heal.

John and I cannot just keep our faith and hope that God will heal Gabbie silent in our hearts. We will speak it. Faith is believing in the unseen. We don't know how or when. But we believe.

Remember, Job has taught me that only God knows what is best. I am by no means demanding God to heal Gabbie. But I am asking Him to heal her while believing that He will.

Thank you everyone for everything!!

Please pray for Steven's family and Jackson's family. Steven's family has had even more bad news. Jackson is back in the hospital for the stem-cell transplant. While Jackson is disease-free, the chemo dosages for the transplant are extremely dangerous.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Monday, April 22, 2002 at 04:13 PM (CDT)


John and I are living in gray days where nothing is clear to us. Those who know me well, know that I always like things to be "black or white." I don't like the gray, confusing areas of life.

At this moment, we do not know if another chemo will be done. But, we are going to pray on this matter WITH our doctor tonight. We are so thankful that Dr. Bostrom is a Christian and willing to pray with us. But even he admitted that he is on the fence regarding the decision for more chemo--that is why I feel we must pray on it.

We are, however, going foward with a new drug (thank you, Lee Paquette). It is not a chemo drug and has no, or very few side effects. Interestingly, I believe it was first developed for heroin addicts. But in much smaller dosages, it is believed to be effective for AIDS, MS, and some cancers. Neuroblastoma is specifically mentioned as a cancer that should react to the drug. And, our wonderful doctor just got the article from us this morning but immediately made arrangements for the pharmacy to have it ready for Gabbie tonight.

I called an old friend today and cried to her that I don't know what God wants us to do. All I know is that we don't want to disobey Him and that our hearts love Gabbie so much that we are still reaching out for that great big "hope."

The reason I feel this is a spiritual battle is because I always feel down and beaten after talking to the doctors. I don't mean it's their fault, what I mean is that when I attempt to focus on anything in this temporal world I lose hope. When I am buried in scripture and prayer and I have much hope. I try not to live in "this" world. Some of you may think this is strange but if you study His Word you will learn that He asks us to look above and beyond this world.

I know some of you are afraid for me. You're afraid that IF we lose Gabbie I will lose my faith. Here are my assurances to you:

1) God's grip on me (and John) is much, much stronger than my grip on Him. Don't ever fear that.

2) Gabbie is not an entity. She is not a job, she is not money. If we lose her, believe me, our pain will be so much that what I think now will have no impact on that pain.


We are going to take the walk of faith...TOGETHER. We still have faith and hope that the good Lord wants to heal Gabbie. We will never give up hope.

What's new about this is our faith is finally coming together as one. We will pray and hope.

Please continue to pray for us.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 03:11 PM (CDT)

KARE 11 Special on Gabbie to be aired Monday, May 13, 2002.


Gabbie's counts are rising faster now but she still needs to wear a mask. She had a good night with Grandpa Jerry. (Grandpa Jerry spends most nights at the hospital!)

Gabbie is out for stroller rides in the hall and once we start she doesn't want to quit. If she falls asleep and we try to sneak back into the room to rest our feet she almost always wakes up again and duty calls us back out to walking the 8th floor.

Some people have been quitely urging us to prepare for the worst. But we will not give up hope!


Like most people, I rarely spend time in Job because it seems so depressing. But yesterday, when I kept asking God over and over, "what do you want from us?", I happened to flip my Bible open to Job. And there the answer jumped out at me. And I feel like the answer is more for me than John, as my wonderful husband has been patiently waiting on God's answer. The book of Job doesn't focus on the loss of Job's children, but rather on Job's final realization that ONLY God knows what is best for us. And we are not to question why things are happening to us but to step out in faith and acknowldedge that only God could possibly know what is in our best interests. I can now stand in faith that God will do what is best for my family.

I do not take back anything that I have written on this Web site. I still believe in healing scripture and that the Word is a living Word that can heal. But I left out one thing. God is sovereign in EVERYTHING. I still believe He is more than willing to heal Gabbie. I still believe that we are to seek His will. (If we didn't seek His will, then some extraordinary priests, pastors, elders, etc. would have missed the calling God had in store for them.) So really, we are to seek His will in everything we do.

We love Gabbie so much. Our lives will be broken and our hearts filled with sorrow if we lose her. And with that said, we are going to stand in faith that God will do what is best for our family, whether we understand it or not.

Please continue to pray for us! Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Friday, April 19, 2002 at 02:05 PM (CDT)


Even John now feels we are fighting a spiritual battle for Gabbie's life.

Yesterday Gabbie had a CAT scan. I felt very hopeful all morning but just a few hours before the scan I felt weary and pessimistic. The results of the scan were very hard to read so we had to wait overnight (and such waits are getting harder and harder). The scan results weren't real bad but neither were they good. There was some shrinkage of the new tumor but also some areas where the doctor thought the tumor had grown a little.

We are now asking ourselves, what does God want from us? We really did will Gabbie over to Jesus. But then what happened? She got better. Why do we have to have all our hopes dashed AGAIN? We have experienced so much pain that sometimes we don't feel we can go on any longer. Aubrey is suffering also and we have finally decided we need help for her.

But giving up on hope for healing is probably what Satan wants us to do. John and I will never give up hope that God wants to heal Gabbie.

Losing a job, missing out on a promotion, financial setbacks, house problems, etc., those are trials that can turn into blessings. There is no blessing in losing a child--a child's life absolutely cannot be categorized with all other calamaties that are considered trials.

So please pray that we have strength to continue our in our battle. Please pray God's will for us.

Thank you for all your prayers.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 02:01 PM (CDT)


Gabbie's counts are still very low although I do believe that her ANC has creeped up from 12 to 13. The normal, I believe, is over 1,000. At least she's started going up!

Gabbie is also running a fever and her feeding tube site continues to give her a lot of pain when it is cleaned.

Still no word on when we get to bring her home for a while. Hopefully soon.


Although everything is always subject to change, it looks like the KARE 11 airing will be on Monday, May 13th. We are asking our friends and family to spread the word to as many people as possible. John and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Mark Daly and Scott Jenson and we are so grateful that they will be sharing our story with so many people.

As always, we thank you for your prayers.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 02:06 PM (CDT)


Our Make-A-Wish has been granted! We plan some time this summer or fall to go on an RV trip.

Gabbie is feeling a little better today. She is back on oxygen (just via a nasal canula) but had been off for several days. We all believe that the severe stomach distension is causing her not to be able to take large breaths. She is also not getting her regular feedings, with the exception of IV food and nutraceuticals, due to lack of room in her tummy.

Last night I had the job I despise, and that is cleaning her feeding tube site. It looks a little infected and Gabbie cries a lot when it is cleaned. I smile on the outside so that it doesn't scare her. But on the inside, I'm begging God for all her suffering to end. And I don't mean her life...I mean her suffering.


To all my West Group co-workers who have donated money and prayed for us. Please know that I am grateful to work with such wonderful people.

To the Pax Christie prayer group, I may have overlooked your gifts for Aubrey and Gabbie, as they came the weekend we were told Gabbie was terminal. THANK YOU!!

As always, we are forever grateful to all our family and friends!


What I am trying to say here is difficult to conceptually describe. Throughout this whole ordeal, the idea of it being a trial or test of faith is only for John and me. Is Gabbie suffering? Yes! (Most of the time she is comfortable but believe me this child has suffered much.) Is she going through a trial? No, at least not the type of trial mentioned in God's Word. She is too young. She only knows she is sick. She has no idea what death means.

So what am I getting at? I'll try.... Does God really ever will some of his young children to heaven before they can repent? Before they can go through their own trials? Before they can come to Him in faith? What about good works? Good works do not get us into heaven but our rewards in heaven are based on our works. Why would God will someone to heaven before they had done any works?

We all have free will. We are all free to choose Jesus as our savior. Don't you think it makes God happy to welcome His children to heaven some time AFTER they have chosen Jesus as their savior?

God's Word is for ALL his children. I just don't think God would take someone so young before they've experienced the Word. Children do leave this world very young, but I don't believe it is His will. Rather, I believe it is His sovereignty that terrible events can be worked out for the best.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:27 AM (CDT)


Gabbie had a pretty good day yesterday but is uncomfortable today. Her counts are very low and she still has a very distended stomach.

Several doctors from the UofM came to look over Gabbie's medicals. She does have some abnormalities regarding her electrolytes which is likely from one of the chemo drugs. The UofM doctor rattled off a list of electrolytes that are low in Gabbie. Fortunately, they think that adjustment of one will help correct the entire balance.

Yesterday Gabbie asked that we put on her regular street clothes. As soon as we did she asked to go home. She is still our little heartbreaker!


Mrs. Drazan and class, Gabbie finally opened the bag of gifts--thank you so very much. We also got the book you recently sent and she frequently asks us to read it to her.

Jack Mittleman, thank you for the lovely music! Your music is wonderful.

Everyone, for your continued support and prayers.


I pray several times a day. But there is no such thing as praying too much. I say this because I have felt some Godly nudges over the last few days that I need to pray more.

Forgive me if I repeat this story about the nutraceuticals. Most of you may recall that we struggled with the nutraceuticals after we bought them because they are granular and clogged the feeding tube. One night as I was about to leave the hospital, and AFTER we had already said our regular prayers with Gabbie, I felt prompted to pray about the nutraceutical problems. I then stood in the middle of the room and simply prayed "Lord Jesus, if you want Gabbie to get the nutraceuticals, then you need to give us a solution." Not two seconds after I finished, the phone rang and the nutraceutical rep told me he had a solution for us.

Now, I don't believe that God prompted the rep to call at the right time but rather that He prompted me to pray at the right time. Why? Because then I could see how specifically the prayer was answered. It was God's way of showing John and me how He was working for us.

Prayer is very important! Here is a great parable on "how" to pray. "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee,and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself 'God, I thank You that I am not like other men-extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.' And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God be merciful to me a sinner!" And then Jesus continued the parable by saying "I tell you, this man (the tax collector) went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 18:10-14

So what does this mean? It means we are fortunate that God is as merciful as He is because every day we must beg for His mercy when we pray.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Monday, April 15, 2002 at 12:01 PM (CDT)


Today we just got back up to Gabbie's room after what I believe is the 7th surgical procedure. The feeding tube saga continues. We have a new tube that will hopefully work...Gabbie hasn't had food via the tube since Friday night due to clogs and kinks.

Our day pass on Friday was wonderful and a 2nd pass was granted on Saturday!! Both days we got out for stroller rides to a park near our house. (Probably not near enough for poor Scott from Kare 11 who lugged a heavy camera. Mark worked hard, too!)

Yesterday Gabbie was sick and feverish but her counts are very low and she is likely sick from that. However, we were quite surprised to see her sitting up so straight as she was wheeled out of the recovery room this morning--she didn't even look sick.

Do I look for healing scriptures? Sure--I believe any parent with a severely ill child would. Do I pray that I not be led astray? Sure. Could I be wrong? Sure! But I am doing a lot of thinking and this is what hit me over the weekend.

Let's say three friends have recently accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Imagine then, however, that each of them has an affliction that prevents them from effectively witnessing their reborn lives to family and friends. All three of them go to a church elder (the particular religion does not matter) and they ask the elder if Jesus will help them. Sure, says the church elder. What are your problems? The first man says he has an additiction to drugs. The second man says he has a problem with gambling. The elder says, why of course, God is more than willing to help you overcome your problems. For Matthew 5:16 instructs you to "Let you light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." The elder further tells the men that they cannot possibly be a light to the world if they are high on drugs or if they are sending their family to the poor house with their gambling habit. God is MORE THAN WILLING to help you. I believe that none of us would find that scenario far-fetched.

The elder then asks the third man what his problem is. He says he has cancer. The elder replies: "Oh, I'm sorry, but it could be His will for you to die."

This is not what I find supported in scripture. But as I said, I don't have all the answers. So, my friends, this is food for thought.

We thank all of you again for all that you have done for us. Please keep us in your prayers and pray the will of the merciful Father in heaven.

Thanks also to West Group and specifically my boss, Steven Anderson. Thank you for giving me the flexibility I need. Thank you for making me laugh!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 11:53 AM (CDT)


It looks like we will still be taking Gabbie out for a day pass tomorrow. Rain or shine, we will have fun!

The doctor is still pleased with Gabbie's progress. We don't ask about treatment too far out in the future because we are taking this one day at a time as the Lord asks us to.

I want to take the opportunity to clarify what "stem-cell transplants" are as they relate to neuroblastoma. I am, of course, against embryonic stem-cell research. Stem-cell transplants, however, as they relate to Gabbie's original prescribed treatment, are the use of the individual's own stem-cells. (We don't know if Gabbie will get a transplant.)

Yesterday someone was talking to me and said they were very happy that I was hopeful. But then they said "but don't have too much hope." So, I pondered that the rest of the day...

The usage of "hope" in the english language is not the same as the "hope" presented in God's word.

We hope in our eternal salvation. We hope in the glory of God. Clearly, we are never, ever to doubt our salvation or the glory of God. So, hope is an expectation that something desired WILL come to be. In fact, "faith is the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

God has given me hope for Gabbie's healing. I am not drudging up this hope from somewhere in my mind. (Remember, I think I've explained before that I am one who has always been a pessimist when it comes to beating the odds--the odds are always daunting to me even when they are on my side!)

My hope for Gabbie's healing is a gift from God. Hope from God is not meant to contain uncertainty.

Thank you all for your prayers!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 01:33 PM (CDT)


Gabbie is still doing fine. We think our day pass will occur on Friday. We will probably have to come home with a portable oxygen tank, but that is fine with us. If the weather is as promised, we will be out and about in the stroller and will go to a park. (Kare 11, you expressed an interest in filming our outing--you are more than welcome to join us.)

I believe also that Gabbie will get a third administration of this chemo. As all the other chemos, it would be within 21 days of the administration of the chemo that she just finished yesterday.

As usual, I was once again thinking about the difference between "can" and "will." Imagine you had a very good friend that you cared deeply for. Imagine that the friend was getting ready to move to a new house. How would you feel if that friend went around telling people that they knew you could help them move (you have a big truck, a strong back, etc.) but that they told everyone they weren't sure if you were willing? Wouldn't you feel really bad if your friends thought of you as a "can" person but possibly not a "willing" person?

That is why I feel so much hope for Gabbie's healing. I believe that the Father is willing, not just that He can. Anyone can say that He can. But I believe that God calls us to take the next step and say that He WILL! God does not want us to wait until people are healed but to believe that they ARE healed before the symptoms disappear. If people only proclaim God's instances of healing AFTER people are medically healed, then why would faith be necessary?

Read Matthew 8:3. A leper came up to Jesus and said IF you will, you CAN heal me. Jesus replies "...I WILL; be thou clean..." Not I can. I WILL.

Thank you again for all your prayers and support!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 11:40 AM (CDT)


NEW PICTURES!! The first two are from Gabbie's stay in PICU after the surgery in early March. The stillness of the pictures might bother some people...just letting you know. The third picture is about a week or so after we were told Gabbie was terminal.


We might get a day pass this weekend!! Yea!!

Gabbie is still doing fine although her stomach is very distended with fluid. I still don't understand what that is all about but it looks uncomfortable to me. Last night during a diaper change I could barely get the diaper to fasten due to the distension.

Auntie Sarah made Gabbie an audio tape of Barney songs which get played over and over. I try to sneak in my "Jesus" tapes but she is the patient so mostly it is Barney. Sometimes she gets so excited she wiggles around and moves her arms to the beat of Barney. Yesterday morning, and I have a witness that it was not done intentionally, the Barney tape unraveled. I told Gabbie that it was broken and was she ever mad!! But Dr. Bostrom came to the rescue and told us that if it was rewound it would still work.

Some of you might wonder what the meaning of "born-again" has to do with Gabbie. Well, since this illness is truly a spiritual battle (in addition to a medical battle) and I claim to be a "born-again," it has a lot to do with Gabbie.

Many people have asked me what it means to be born-again. I was born and raised Catholic. John is also Catholic and we belong to a Catholic church. However, in 1997 I went through a depressing period of severe doubt (about the existence of God). I then picked up a Bible in our house and read a study outline that, among other things, explains how we are saved by Jesus' atoning work on the cross. There was a minute one night, when I was hit with the revelation that I was saved. I know where I will spend eternity.

John 3:3 mentions being born-again as separate from water baptism. The notes (from the editor) in my Bible for John 3:3 explain that new birth is an act of God imparting eternal salvation to the believer. That is exactly what happened to me. God revealed to me that I was saved. I didn't even know what being born-again implied but from that moment on I have always known that I am born-again.

Without the faith of knowing that I am saved for could I ever face Gabbie's illness? I couldn't!

Thank you Carla (Jeff Spranger's friend) for the book on Christ the Healer!

Thank you Paula (Jeff's friend again) for the tapes--especially the one called "Jesus Healed Them All." It is so beautiful.

Thanks Jeff for being such an incredible friend! I want to attend your church sometime.

Thanks Lisa for sharing your message about last week's sermon.

Thank you everyone who reads our journal and/or signs the guestbook. We read your messages every day.

Thank you Jesus. Sometimes I beg you to make sure that the Father hears our thank yous!

Monday, April 08, 2002 at 02:25 PM (CDT)


Gabbie's chemo started 3 days early!! Gabbie's counts recovered so quickly that the doctor decided to start the next chemo 3 days early. Gabbie is still doing well and looking very healthy. Some of her weight gain is from the tumor and fluid build-up but some of it is obviously plain old fat! It's amazing how quickly she gained weight after her PICU stay.

I hope everyone who follows our Web site realizes that Gabbie's turn-around from her terminal status a few weeks ago is truly a miracle from God. There should be no doubt about it!! We give thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus! (And thank you Pam T. for sharing your recent miracle story. I'm very happy for you family.)

I cannot claim to know God's ultimate will. But I do believe that He wants us to seek His will for our lives here on earth. So here is some meditation on God's will. "For I came down from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of HIM who sent me." John 6:38. Read also Matthew 26:39. It is so clear to me that Jesus ALWAYS did the will of the Father during Jesus' earthly ministry.

And he healed them all.

Please continue to pray the Father's will for us. We thank you....again.

PS: Jackson is doing fine. Jackson should be going home soon and will be getting ready for the last big treatment...the stem-cell transplant. His parents are nervous as the stem-cell transplant can be very dangerous. Please keep Jackson in your prayers.

Steven is currently enduring another round of chemo. Hopefully his leukemia percentages will stay low enough so that he can soon go the the U of M for a bone marrow transplant.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Friday, April 05, 2002 at 02:55 PM (CST)


Never a boring day at the hospital. Today Gabbie had another x-ray to see what is going on with her feeding tube. (We still don't know the results.) But...the "J" tube is working again!! Once again, Jesus has helped us with the nutraceuticals. The GI doctor gave the order that Gabbie's J tube will get a "clog-buster" solution every day--even if it is running fine. The J tube is running smooth today and she already has almost half of today's nutraceuticals.

Gabbie's room is sometimes a party room. Today grandma, mom, auntie Sarah and auntie Nancy were all singing and clapping with Gabbie. Gabbie was all smiles and waved her arms all over the place. The aunties then had to leave to bring auntie Nancy to the airport and Gabbie asked if the party was over. Fortunately, auntie Sarah is spending the night at the hospital so Gabbie will get another party!

Everytime I mention how God is helping us get through this, people comment on the strength of "our faith." It is not really "our faith." It is God. Our strength and faith is nothing that is coming from us. It is all about what God is giving to us and working through us. John and I are ORDINARY people. We would be truly overwhelmed if we relied on any strength we thought was coming from ourselves. We are leaning ENTIRELY on God and what He is GIVING to us.

And so I thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gifts of strength and faith that you are giving us. Thank you for your endless compassion and mercy!

We also want to thank the wonderful nurses at Childrens. Thank you for never giving up on our daughter even though she was considered terminal. Thank you for your endless patience regarding the feeding tube that has clogged numerous times. Thank you for treating our daughter with dignity. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!

Have a safe trip Auntie Nancy!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 03:45 PM (CST)


We are still ever so hopeful for Gabbie's healing. Today her heart rate creeped up a bit but it seems normal again this afternoon. The last time we saw a slow creep of the heart rate was right before the newest tumor was found. (Two days before discovery of the new tumor her heart rate was at 200 - 205.) But, we think today's creep was/is from congestion in her lungs.

Gabbie is cheerful most of the time and seems to be comfortable. Most people who see her comment on how healthy she looks--especially compared to the days when we were told she was terminal. She does still use the frog voice when she gets mad or is disturbed from her sleep.

We are once again having trouble with the nutraceuticals and the feeding tube. The feeding tube is simply too narrow but because of the tumor it is the only one we can use right now. But I know (and rest) that if Jesus wants Gabbie to have the nutraceuticals then she will get them somehow.

We feel your prayers. We feel God pulling our entire family closer to Him. John and I know that no matter what happens, our lives are forever greatly changed. God can look into our hearts and know that we want every aspect of the rest of our lives to be directed by Him.

Thank you, Sharon, for your wonderful last message. From that, this is what I want people to do: get our your Bible (and dust off if necessary) and memorize Proverbs 4:20-22. This is God's perfect short message on how to read and study his Word. I love this scripture because it so neatly instructs how we are to study God's Word. It makes it so clear to me that He really wants to have us study His Word. The Word is not meant to be heard only on is meant to be taken in every single day.

Thank you, Maureen, for the prayer site for Gabbie!

We are so grateful for all our family and friends and strangers! Praise to our Lord Jesus for all that He has done and will do.

It is written "...I am the Lord that healeth thee." Exod. 15:26

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 02:04 PM (CST)


Gabbie's CT scan, as reported to us yesterday, did not show too much change in tumor size. However, it does look like there is some calcification and the tumor did not grow and there were no new tumors! The results are good enough that Gabbie's doctor has agreed to proceed with another chemo--probably sometime next week.

Gabbie is still doing well and laughs a little more every day. She is actually taking food by mouth and via the feeding tube. We are still having a few problems with the feeding tube but at least it is working.

I know that a lot of people were worried about my thinking that God will heal Gabbie. We want everyone to know that we are submitting to God's will for Gabbie. But I still believe that God wants to heal Gabbie. Scripture tells me that God wants to pour His tender mercies on us. The hope and peace I feel is NOT a hope and peace that Gabbie will die and God will comfort us. It is a hope and peace that He wants to heal her. He forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases. I believe that the atonement on the cross includes healing from disease. While not all people receive healing, I believe it is offered to ALL. Just as salvation is offered to all but not all will receive.

A special thank you to Aubrey's and Gabbie's daycare for our free week!

Thanks again to all of you supporting us in our trial.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the wonderful news regarding the CT scan. Thank you for the hope and healing!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 10:01 AM (CST)


One morning last week I prayed to God that He send me someone to bring me hope. He sent me my friend Sharon with her message of hope. And then later on in the day He sent another friend. This friend is the uncle of Tucker, the boy we met who has survived Stage IV neuroblastoma. This friend wrote the most beautiful letter I have ever read. Thank you, Jeff. Gabbie made a bracelet for you. And Jeff, I don't think it matters how long we've been a Christian. What matters most is how eager we are to keep seeking Him.

Last Thursday we struggled and struggled to get the nutraceuticals into Gabbie. The nutraceuticals, even when dissolved in water, are granular. Even though the granules looked so fine and tiny, they clogged her feeding tube every time we attempted to put in even the most minute amounts. Before I left that evening, I stood in the middle of the room and said a short prayer. I told the Lord that if He wanted Gabbie to use the nutraceuticals then He would need to provide a solution. Not two seconds after I prayed, the nutraceutical rep called and told me he had a solution. (It involves vitamin C and coffee filters.) I don't think the Lord made the rep call right after my prayer, rather, I think He prompted me to pray right before the phone call so that I could see He was answering our prayer.

Last night Gabbie had an abdominal x-ray because she hasn't stooled and she had some vomiting yesterday. Once again, we had to stop the feedings. However, she finally stooled last night for the first time in weeks. This means the digestive system is working!! Gabbie is also gaining weight. In fact, she has a double chin now. When my mom told Gabbie that her baby fat is coming back, Gabbie asked "where is the baby?" Gabbie actually weighs more then her big sister. How could this be??!! Aubrey is by no means small and is a sturdy girl.

Today, Gabbie has a CT scan at 11:00 a.m. I will try to update the Web site later with news, if any.

We thank you all again for your support. We thank the good Lord Jesus for giving us "manna" to make it through every day. We thank Jesus and the Father for hope. We pray that the Father continue to hold us tighter and draw us nearer.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 01:09 PM (CST)


We thank you Lord Jesus for your atoning work on the cross. We thank you for your endless grace and mercy.

John, Monica, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 01:21 PM (CST)


Gabbie is still doing OK today. Especially considering that her counts are extremely low. No fevers! Not too much discomfort!

We are trying something called nutraceuticals. Briefly, the best I can explain is that it is a mix between food supplements and drugs. The doctor behind the scenes of these products is well known and we've been told he holds, at least in part, the patents to Ensure and Slim Fast and I also know he helped to develop a type of scanning machine that is very sensitive. We are not grasping for straws but are looking at this as something that God put before us. (Thanks to Jon Medin's wife, Kim.)

We started the nutraceuticals this morning but already the feeding tube is clogged. Hopefully that will be resolved sometime today and we can begin again.

We are looking and looking up for our strength. While I have such a feeling of relief and peace that we have given Gabbie to Jesus, I, personally, am still confused about what I should now be doing. I know that He will do what is best for her. But I also know that it is OK for us to still hope and pray that His will is for healing. When I read God's Word, I still see all the examples of healing and how God wants to heal us. He wants us to live a certain number of days. I have never seen anything that indicates His will would be to place a young child only a few days on this earth for His glory OR for the salvation of others. Generally, healing in the Bible is followed by stories of others coming to salvation by the miracle finally bringing them to belief.

Anyway, please understand that while we have much faith and are seeking our Father every day, we are humans who are wearing down. It's almost as if our love for Gabbie grows more and more everyday even as we are telling Jesus we will obey His will.

Please continue to pray for Gabbie's strength and our strength. And once again, thank you, thank you for all the spiritual support.

Thanks to the Medin family. We are so touched that some of your young children are fasting for Gabbie. Your family is pretty incredible.

And...Aubrey is doing fine. We know that you are keeping her in her prayers.

Some words from Gabbie. Last night I told her we hope to go home soon. She said "Not with Jesus. With you and daddy." I then asked her if she would go home with Jesus at a later time and she said yes. I am not going to hope that this was God talking through my daughter. But Jesus knows that Gabbie and Aubrey love Him so I hope He heard Gabbie's wish.

We boldly come before the throne of grace and ask for much mercy and grace for our family in this time of great need.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 04:38 PM (CST)


Sorry for the late update--computer problems at Children's Hospital today.

Yesterday was a scary one if one looked only at the visible signs in Gabbie. Today Gabbie is looking and feeling better and this is in spite of the fact that her counts are bottoming out or are already at the bottom.

Yesterday our doctors did ask us for a status code for Gabbie. That is, do we want them to go to extreme measures or not to keep her alive. We think we know our decision but it is one that we could change if we had to. I will just say that we don't want her to suffer needlessly.

You all keep asking us what you can do. Just keep praying. Pray the will of Jesus and His Father's will. It took me so long to finally give her to Jesus because so many times I was offered comfort by others that ended with a mumbled statement that God could be willing her to die.

God is sovereign and can do what He wants. We are asking Him what He wants from us. But once again I am getting so much comfort from His word and in prayer and believe that He wants to heal Gabbie. Just as the "saved one" must believe in God and that God willed salvation for him, so the one to be healed must believe also. There are places in the Bible where reference to God's forgiveness to all is followed by God's healing to all.

When John and I first willed Gabbie over to Jesus, we almost started planning her funeral. What an insult to God! We don't know God's plans for Gabbie. Thankfully His Word promises me His plans for her are wonderful.

God IS life. God IS love. Never God WAS.

Thank you for letting us know how Gabbie is touching your lives. We love all of you.

Monica, John, Aubrey and Gabbie

Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 02:35 PM (CST)


We are taking this one day at a time and waiting on the Lord. I am still hopeful. While we don't know what God will do, we are praying God's will be done and still hoping and crying for Gabbie's life.


The procedure to put in the feeding tube went well. The doctors didn't seem all that hopeful that it would work but all was well in the OR. (It is not a coincidence that 24 hours prior we had finally asked for God's will and not ours!)

Gabbie even laughed--several times--last night while Aubrey was sitting on the bed with her.

Gabbie is very quiet but does not seem to be uncomfortable. Gabbie has thrown up a few times today and as I write this I know the nurses have placed a call for the GI doctor to come take a look at Gabbie. I don't think they will start feedings until they think she can handle it.

Gabbie's counts are low and going lower from the last round of chemo. So, until her counts are higher we are limiting visitors to family. (However, if we are both here and you want to visit with one of us in the family room please let us know.)


We had so much support yesterday that once again we are overwhelmed. Please know that your support is very much appreciated. We can't list everyone individually but here are a few.

- To the wonderful young adults at Pax Christie, thank you for the toys and stuffed animals for Aubrey and Gabbie. We are so touched you are sharing our journey.

- I think I know who cleaned our house...but I'm not certain. Thank you! I walked into the house late last night after an exhausting day and the house was clean!!

- Thanks to everyone who "picks up" or "drops off" Gabbie at daycare.

- To Charles' mom and dad. Thank you for signing our Web site after so soon burying your son from the same deadly cancer.

- To all of those offering spiritual support. Some of you obviously realize that sometimes we need others to help our faith in times like this.

- To both of our families, thanks for hanging in their with us.

- Most of all, thank you to God. Thank you for drawing me to your Living Word. Thank you for speaking to me through your Word.

We pray Lord Jesus that you do your will. But please here the cries from our hearts. Please, Lord Jesus, let your healing power be worked here on earth over little Gabbie. Jesus, you are the divine physician who can heal Gabbie. Look into our hearts and you will know that we really have placed her in your arms.

Monica & John

Monday, March 25, 2002 at 09:00 AM (CST)


Gabbie is still living but John and I yesterday, together in union, gave her completely to Jesus. Although we've always said she is in God's hands we have never really let go, until now. That's how much we love Gabbie...enough to give her entirely to Jesus. Most of you should realize that our sacrifice is the ultimate sacrifice ever to be asked of God's children.

We haven't given up entirely, but we told our gracious Lord Jesus that we don't want her to continue suffering. But His will be done. It would be just as wrong for us to say that she is going to die as it was for me to say that He was going to heal her. I realized two nights ago that I had never asked God what He wanted. It was all what John and I had hoped for.

I still believe in healing scripture and God's Word will always be alive for me. But none of us can ever say what God is going to do.

When I told our parish priest that we have finally asked God what He wants, the priest asked if we had ever asked Gabbie. Gabbie is very young, but children know Jesus. I have gently asked her three times over the course of 24 hours if she would rather go home with Jesus or go home with Momma and Daddy. All three times she has chosen us. If she had said Jesus the first time I would never have asked again.

We ask that people not be afraid to talk to us, visit with us, pray for us, and cry with us. Please stay in touch with us and help us.

Although we are in much pain, no matter what happens now, Satan lost. Satan tried so hard to get us to curse God. Satan has to leave now. Jesus has His arms thoroughly wrapped around Gabbie. Satan threw unbelievable medical obstacles at us. Through God's grace we are not mad at God. But please understand that we are in a pain that cannot be described in words.


Gabbie's Aching Momma and Daddy


The new tumor grew to the size of an orange in a time frame of 11 days or less. The new tumor is positioned near the intestines so that it pushed out Gabbie's feeding tube. They are going to try one more time later today to get a feeding tube in. Otherwise, Gabbie is only drinking water and getting electrolytes.

The tumor is also hindering intestinal absorption. Almost everything Gabbie drinks comes out the drainage tube. At least now it is being suctioned out. Prior to yesterday it not only drained out the tube but through the hole in her stomach. We changed the sheets as often as possible but the drainage was so constant she was usually all wet. Her pajamas, her blankets, the sheets.

Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 04:09 PM (CST)

New tumors found today. Please continue to pray for hope, strength, and healing for Gabbie. If anyone reading this does the Laying on of hands we welcome your support. Will update more as soon as possible. Pray John 11:4.

Monica, John, Aubrey, and Gabbie

Friday, March 22, 2002 at 02:46 PM (CST)


Gabbie is now even gracing us with a few smiles and some laughter. She is using her soft voice more and more but even this morning the RT (respitory therapist) commented on her deep voice--she was mad about something.

John is worried again because last night Gabbie's heart rate was high and is still high today. However, I just don't expect anything to be normal after everything that she has gone through. Her heart rate is constantly monitored so if it was at an alarming rate the nurses would know right away.

However, I do think that we were too hopeful when we thought she might come home Sunday. She is still getting a lot of drainage of bile via her gastric tube and I was told she wouldn't go home until that decreased.


When I told another parent on the 8th floor who has a gravely ill child that I am getting so much comfort from God's Word, he said he was glad for ME. I understood right away then, that he was saying it might not be the same for his family. I can certainly understand...if five years ago someone expressed to me the same feelings I now have for God and His Word, I would have dismissed that person as crazy.

But that is why I feel so blessed. I was a born-again prior to Gabbie's illness. But I was a born-again who didn't understand how God's Word can truly come alive for us. We don't have to TRY anything; we just have to TRUST Him.

Will I still have fearful days? Yes. Will I still cry with great sadness for Gabbie's pain and suffering? Yes. But I have so much hope in healing from God's Word.

"Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope in God: for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." Psalm 42:11

John and I refuse to give up. We will continue to praise God for we know that as we seek Him with all our hearts He is healing Gabbie. It took me a long time to do this, but I have told God that my life is His. He can use me however He wants to. And while before that always frightened finally let is no longer frightening.

So that is why I am blessed. I don't know what He is calling me to do. But He knows that I am ready AND willing for that call.

We thank everyone again for all their support--no matter what shape or form that support comes in. A special thank you to all who are supporting our faith.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Little Gabbie

Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 01:27 PM (CST)


Still much the same but maybe not quite so crabby. John spent the night last night and Gabbie kept him up most of the night. Even John mentioned "the voice."

Gabbie's new chemo is an infusion that only lasts about 30 minutes each time but will be given for five days. It is possible that she could come home on Sunday. After that, another chemo with scans before and after. We won't really know whether or not she will get a stem-cell transplant until the doctors see what happens with this new chemo drug.

I want people to know why we are looking for a miracle and healing from God. Neuroblastoma is a very deadly cancer. And, the new tumors that were surgically removed last week were alive and well. That means her neuroblastoma was resistant to six rounds of intense chemo. From a medical perspective...that's not good. But I am looking to God for He is also our divine physician.

Special thanks yesterday to Sharon M. from West and her aunt and their prayer group. They came and prayed over Gabbie and the rest of us and shared their gift of speaking in tongues. I might talk about this more tomorrow.

Mrs. Drazan: I hope your class is still following our journal entries even if I am speaking of deeper subject matters. Today's thoughts are for your class.


God loves children. So much that I know He does not give diseases to children. Even though sometimes John and I get mad at God about the cancer, we know that God did not give Gabbie the cancer.

I also want everyone to know that while I was very hurt that someone would tell me that illness is nature's way of weeding out the weak, that I am not mad at that person. They were only stating their own beliefs. Mentioning this incident on the Web site was my way of finally getting rid of the pain caused by that remark. (Also, I mentioned it knowing that that person never reads our Web site.)

God made Gabbie and He made all of us. We are wonderfully made and we are not made weak. But when sin entered the world, disease and death were also introduced. Thankfully, God sent His only son to atone for our sins by dying on the cross. So, while all men are destined to a physical death it is not a permanent death.

When I was younger, I always thought that Jesus' fear of dying on the cross was the anxiety of the physical pain He would have to endure. Dying on the cross is known to be terribly painful. But most of Jesus' pain and suffering, I now know, was that He had to endure the wrath of God for ALL of our sins. God is very just. That means that while we are saved, a price for sin had to be made. So Jesus suffered that...for ALL our sins. Because He loves us so much.


Some of you might remember that I mentioned a boy named Steven on Gabbie's flyer that we tried to circulate after her diagnosis. This family needs a lot of prayer. Prayer that they find the same hope and peace in God's Word that I do. Steven is very, very sick. I feel blessed that I can recieve God's Word in my heart and feel it. I know this doesn't happen to everyone. This family needs God's Word and they need it NOW. Pray for them.

Thank you all. Thank you God for drawing my heart even closer to you.

Monica, John, Aubrey and Gabbie

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 12:53 PM (CST)



Gabbie is still very unhappy. Very squirmy and never knows what she wants. However, in spite of all that we can still find some laughs. When she is at all upset, which is most of the time, and she tries to talk it comes out in a very strange way. Finally, one of the nurses said it sounds like that girl in that movie...and I said, yes, the Exorcist! Poor Gabbie. So imagine that sound and that is how all her commands were directed to me last night. "SIT DOWN," "HOLD MY HAND," "DON'T WANT TO," etc. Almost every time a nurse came in the room there was Gabbie with her scary voice yelling for me to come hold her hand. She could have some vocal cord injury from the intubation but it is not something we are concerned with.


Those of you who read yesterday's journal know that I was in much despair. But that was good, because it threw me right back to God's word where I found much comfort. Remember, I said I FELT forsaken but KNEW that I wasn't.

The social worker came and talked to me today and asked how we were holding out. I started crying but told her my faith is really helping me. She then asked if I was getting support in that faith. And I said that yes, I am getting much support from friends, family, and strangers on Gabbie's Web site. But I also told her how several people in different ways have told me that it could be God's will for Gabbie to die and that I should prepare myself for that. I also told her that one priest told me that illness was nature's way of weeding out the weak. Even the social worker was stunned that a priest would tell me that. (So that means everyone who reaches 80 or so is very strong but all who die of disease young are weak people??)

And, of course, almost everyone who has told me that yes, God does will children to die has never lost a child. So, very, very easy for them to say that.

Anyway, I refuse to believe that God wills children to die. Are children allowed to die? Of course. But that's why God's word is such a comfort to me. God's word gives me hope that Gabbie can be saved. But belief in healing is not the same as internally recieving God's medicine (his Word) and keeping it firmly rooted in one's heart.

Once again, God's Words in Proverbs 4:20-22 tell us that His words are HEALTH to the flesh. The Hebrew word for health is medicine. But this scripture also tells us that we must "attend to the words; incline thine ear unto my sayings; let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thy heart." I think that is pretty much the same as the instructions we always follow when given a prescription drug...if you don't swallow it to get it in the midst of your won't all.

I am also one who takes the Bible literally with the exception that some imagery and symbolism exist. Scripture clearly tells me that God is Gabbie's physician.

So, maybe going down a darker path then most neuroblastoma parents are called to is good. For it is clearly making me cling to His word and NOTHING else. The Word is the best place for my family to be.

I have also slowly come to realize that I cannot allow people who have been a Christian longer than I have or who have been schooled or trained in a faith to intimidate me with their knowledge of the Bible. God's Word is for everyone. And it was reading the Bible in a literal interpretation that brought me to the very moment in my life when I knew I was saved and received Jesus. So I will always take His Word literally.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 02:14 PM (CST)

** We were featured in the March 14th Catholic Spirit. We have only one copy. Any Catholics out there who have an extra copy please save it for us. We also thank the Catholic Spirit for their excellent reporting--everything stated is true. **


Gabbie was transferred out of PICU this morning. We thank all the caring nurses and RT people who watched closely over Gabbie.

Sometime today the new chemo will start. It is so hard to imagine that she will once again be getting drugs that tear down the immune system. Especially since we don't even know if these drugs will work. The plan is to do two of these chemos on the 21-day cycle and check for results via scans. The performance of those chemos will then determine the next steps.

It is with very mixed emotions that I have decided to return to work next week. Even if Gabbie does end up getting a stem-cell transplant (which is why I started my leave of absence in the first place), it will not be soon and we don't want to use up all of the family leave act now. It was hard enough concentrating when things were going as well as can be expected...and now I have to try to concentrate when things are as bad as never dreamed. If you can tell, I am very mad. Very, very mad. But I still love my God. So please, please pray for strength for us. We KNOW we have not been forsaken but my heart surely FEELS forsaken. The light at the end of the tunnel which I so patiently waited for has been yanked away from us.


Gabbie is suffering and it is very frustrating for us. She refuses to smile and looks at us with big, forlorn eyes. She will squirm and cry out but cannot tell us where her owies are or what will make her comfortable. Sometimes she will call for us but bat us away at the same time with her thin arms in frustration. Some may wonder how God can allow little children to suffer. But God does not feel emotions the way we do and one of His many divine qualities is that He is longsuffering. He can endure suffering so much longer than we can...not because He doesn't care but because He is all-knowing.

So while I feel He is just watching us squirm, and now suffer, for I am in much pain now and am suffering in ways I cannot explain, He knows our limits and maybe is going to allow us to be tested to limits most people (but some do) will never know. But He also knows that when we are finally lifted up our joy will also hugely surpass the joy that most people will ever know in their entire lifetimes on earth.

So I keep my eyes on my Savior but beg that the suffering end soon and that the tide start turning in our favor. I know I am being repetitive, but I cannot describe the agony of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and being patient and thanking God every day for the hope...and then having that light cruely snuffed out.

I will fight the spiritual battle for my daughter and will never give up. But please pray for us because I am groping in the dark. I feel so forsaken. Please God. Please make your presence felt and known.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Little Gabbie.

Monday, March 18, 2002 at 12:21 PM (CST)


Gabbie's oncologist was ready to have her transferred back to the oncology unit but due a sedation drug that Gabbie will continue to get through today she cannot move until tomorrow.

After enduring numerous breathing treatments and suctioning via insertion of a tube down the nose, Gabbie is finally getting better.

A big thank you to cousin Kevin Totall and his first-grade classmates at John Ireland school. You all made beautiful cards for Gabbie.

Thanks to Juletta, Tom A., and Khalita for supporting my faith. To Sara--yes, we actually have Leanne's book and I will be altering Gabbie's diet.

Thank you to everyone who is supporting us in whatever way you can! Please know that while I am not replying to personal e-mails that I read the comments in the guestbook EVERY day. They are such a comfort.


Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us why we should read His word. God's word really has brought me much comfort because now I understand what is meant by a "living word." I had, of course, heard of that through-out my life but never gave it much thought.

Because God's word is a living word and can take healing scriptures and claim them for my family. I can read them out loud and they will become more than "just" words.

There is nothing in the Bible that I do not like about God. Some people don't like the OT because of the violence (like our world today isn't comparable); others stay away from Revelation because of the vivid and scary imagery; still others think the Bible doesn't apply to their life.

While I am God-fearing, nothing in the Bible scares me. (I do however, nod off when reading so and so begat so and so, and they begat so and so, and on and on.) Sorry about that God! Revelation doesn't scare me because I am one of those that if I thought tomorrow was the last day I would be joyfully celebrating the second coming of our savior.

But, I'm still here in this temporary place. Fighting for my daughters life. Please, God, hear my heart crying to you for a miracle for Gabbie. Our family will forever proclaim to others her healing and how it came from YOU!!

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 01:33 PM (CST)


Hello everyone. I want to let you know that I am slightly changing the format of my journal entries. For those of you who are only interested in the medical status, I will always include a medical update in the first one or two paragraphs. For those of you who are following our spiritual walk, I have decided that I now need to really bare my soul. I will sometimes be talking about concepts or beliefs that children may not understand--so I just want you to be aware of that.

The Medical Update:

Gabbie is still intubated but the breathing tube may come out some time today. Our doctor talked to us last night about the new plans. Gabbie will get two chemos with
two chemo drugs, one of which has never been used on Gabbie before. I saw a nurse's chart on Gabbie yesterday and while I knew it to be true, I was distressed to read her dx as Stage IV neuroblastoma, progressive disease. Even our doctor has admitted to me that clinical remission for Gabbie is getting harder to reach as her tumors seem resistant to chemo. So, you can imagine my anger: we are already in the minority--only 1 in 7,000 kids get neuroblastoma. Almost ALL go into remission but even that is running away from us.


Some of you may disagree with my beliefs and I fully understand that.

I do not believe that God ever wills a young child to die. I believe that sometimes children are allowed to die because God in His Almighty Power can make even that right in the end.

I believe in God. I believe there is also an evil one, a fallen angel, Satan, the devil. I believe that Satan is taking much delight in my and John's pain.

I believe that this battle to now be fought is a spiritual one and that God will give me whatever is necessary to win. I trust our doctors so much and they will do whatever they think is best for Gabbie. All my energies are now going to focus on this battle, the battle of good v. evil.

I believe that God's Word really is a LIVING Word and will be immersing myself in scripture. I will be reciting it in Gabbie's presence.

I will be seeking out God in more prayer time. I will be seeking Him in more talk time. The LORD my God is my only one and true savior. Only He can save Gabbie.

Thank you for your prayers. I am begging some of you to stay with us on this journey and look up to God as the ultimate healer for Gabbie.


Friday, March 15, 2002 at 01:26 PM (CST)


Gabbie is still intubated...maybe tomorrow she will be extubated.

Today Gabbie was able to make it clear to me that she wanted to sit up even though she cannot talk. I asked her if she wanted to dig through my purse and as soon as I offered she was struggling to sit up. I watched her shaking little hands attempt to open lipstick and apply it to her mouth. One hand is tied up with a splint holding an IV line. She also tried to hold a pen and scribble in my checkbook--which she loves to do.

We know Gabbie isn't in too much pain but coughing makes her cry. It's so hard to watch because she can't make any sounds. She just struggles and big tears fall out. My heart aches so much for her.

Since I have not talked to a doctor directly, I cannot report this with all certainty, but we think there is a new plan for Gabbie. She might get an extra chemo with a different chemo drug. Regardless as to how she veers from her prescribed treatment protocol, she will still eventually get the stem-cell transplant.

John and I are grateful for the miracles from God. One, Gabbie's sucessfull surgery on Monday was a gift from God. Secondly, while we are in much pain, I don't think John and I are suffering--we have peace from God. And that is very much a miracle.

We still have so much hope in God! Maybe there is a reason for the timing of all of this. If we hadn't veered off course, we would now be into the transplant procedure. Maybe this way is better....

We thank all of you again. We thank family, friends, AND strangers. Your messages to us give us strength and inspire me to seek out God even more. And while the doctors are doing all the hard work, I know in my heart that only God, the designer, can heal Gabbie.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 12:16 PM (CST)

In God's Time:

Gabbie will not be extubated today as a result of fluid remaining in her lungs. At least the swelling in her eyes has gone down considerably. Gabbie will remain in PICU for at least 24 hours post-extubation.

We still don't have word on the pathology of the tumors that were removed Monday. We are also still waiting to hear what will be the next step in Gabbie's treatment. God is calling us to be patient and His timing, I know, will be perfect.

Gabbie is now even more aware of her surroundings. She clearly nods her head in response to "yes" or "no" questions.

Although it could have been an attempt to cough, for a few minutes this morning it looked like Gabbie was trying to cry but no sounds were coming from her mouth. She was contorting her face and squirming a bit and it just broke my heart.

The epidural has been removed but other pain medications are being administered. The drainage tube from her chest may be removed today. A nurse told me the removal of the tube can be quite uncomfortable so I will definitely be at Gabbie's bedside for that.

My heart is crying out to God and I am leaning heavily on His living word for comfort. I want people to know that John and I are completely relying on His divine healing.

Pray John 11:4 for us. And pray that God guide the coming decisions of the doctors for Gabbie's care.

We thank you again for all your support. God has listened to your prayers and is bringing us comfort in the face of this terrible trial.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 12:04 PM (CST)

A Little Update:

We thought Gabbie would be extubated (weaned from the breathing tube) today but she is not ready yet. It's not a bad thing and is quite common considering her surgery and the condition she was in prior to the surgery.

Gabbie is semi-aware of her surroundings. She will nod her head after being questioned. This morning I asked the nurse if the goop in her eye was a certain gel. Unfortunately it is actually edema and/or swelling of her eye so what I see sticking out from her eyelids is part of her eye--ouch! But she is still on an epidural and is comfortable.

Gabbie is still fighting sedation and they switched drugs last night but the other med they switched her to left her too awake so we are back to the original sedation.

The main concern now is "why" two new tumors appeared to grow during intense chemo. We know that our doctor has placed calls to other oncologists around the nation. We pray that God guide their decisions. It is possible that Gabbie's treatment protocol may now need to deviate from the original plan.

Last night I was talking about my faith to a dear friend. I told her that I still had much hope for healing from God. She asked, "but when?" It made me cry but sometimes crying is good. Later on in the evening I recalled that many times earlier I had prayed to God that He heal Gabbie but that He do it in His own time frame. Well, maybe that is what He is doing. As I mentioned yesterday, His understanding picks up where ours ends. Just think, God's knowledge and wisdom (of everything) begins where it ends for the most intelligent people on earth.

Today I want to quote 2 Corinthians 11:9. "...My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." Many times I have responded to comments on my strength that it is God's strength. I'm glad that I know my weakness. I am very weak in the face of Gabbie's deadly cancer. But like the Apostle Paul, this provides the opportunity for God's strenght to come shining through. Like Paul, I am honored to have God's strength pouring through me. Please believe me when I tell you that I am weak. It truly is God's strength that enables me to face this cancer.

Once again, we thank all of you. We continue to get all kinds of support--cards, gifts, financial help, etc. We don't know how, but we are going to thank you some how. (By the grace of God and good friends we will eventually get a letter of thanks out to everyone!!)

God bless you all.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 09:00 AM (CST)

The gift of another day!

To those of you with little time I will just say that all ended well. For those of you who can spare a few minutes, please read on and share our trials from yesterday.

But first, thank you again to Mrs. Drazan's 5th grade class...we haven't opened the gifts yet but want you to know you are surely stealing our hearts!!

At first the surgery was going to be canceled due to Gabbie not recovering from pneumonia. I believe then that the results from the morning's chest x-ray showed that Gabbie was sick because of the tumors. The doctors debated but all finally agreed that the surgery must proceed. WE THANK ALL THE DOCTORS...WE KNOW YOUR JOBS ARE VERY DIFFICULT...YOUR CONCERN AND CARE AND LOVE FOR GABBIE WAS REVEALED.

We then moved from the cancer clinic to short-stay/pre-op. It was there that the anesthesiologist and surgeon talked to us about Gabbie's condition. At one point I stopped listening and sobbed as it slowly dawned on me that Gabbie was in danger. Before carrying Gabbie to the OR John and I hugged each other and Gabbie and we cried. I haven't cried for a long time because most of you know that God's gifts of faith and hope have really lifted me.

Although Gabbie was in OR for six hours the surgery dealing with the tumors lasted four hours. On all counts, everthing went as well as could be expected. We believe that most of the tumor was removed but don't have word on how much of the tumor was calcified (dead) and how much was malignant.

Gabbie is still in PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). When I checked on her this morning her nurse told me that Gabbie was "naughty" last night and had coughed out her breathing tube. She is now re-intubated through the nose rather than the mouth. He also told me (and he was a wonderful nurse) that it was pretty tough to keep her sedated. That's our Gabbie!!

We once again thank ALL of you who were there in spirit and those who waited out the day with us at the hospital. We are so fortunate to have such incredible family and friends.

I also thank my God. Forgive me for faltering in the face of what knowledge I have. Proverbs 3:5 instructs us to "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." He gave us a miracle of a better than expected surgery even though we fell. That is one of the wonderful things about our Father in Heaven. He is so full of mercy and understanding. He understands our human weaknesses and He was faithful even though we caved into the fear of our limited medical knowledge.

The last few weeks have been full of shocks and surprises. We want everyone to know that Neuroblastoma is a very difficult cancer. We have the utmost respect for our doctors and nurses at Childrens and know that Gabbie is getting the best possible care.

We thank Kare 11 again for their presence and for spending the entire day with us well into the evening. We know you are doing your "job," but also know that you are becoming our friends.

Thank you everyone...for sharing our journey.

Monica, John, Aubrey & Gabbie

Monday, March 11, 2002 at 02:20 PM (CST)

We are really praying for a miracle today. John and I are still shocked at the turn of events that have happened today.

Gabbie is now in surgery but prior to surgery we found out that the tumor(s) is more pervasive than originally thought. We also learned that Gabbie is not recovering from the pneumonia because the tumors are pressing on her lungs.

We were told that we are in a very bad spot. Gabbie's surgery had to happen but due to her illness is very high risk.

We feel we are where we were when first diagnosed last September. Even one of the doctors told us that Gabbie is very sick.

So please pray for us. Pray John 11:4..."this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God; that the son of God be glorified through it."

As always, thank you for your prayers and support.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Friday, March 08, 2002 at 12:36 PM (CST)

Day 164:

John, Gabbie and I are here at the hospital for a clinic visit and chest x-ray. We are hoping that everything looks normal.

Gabbie has been pretty whiny at home but seems to be feeling better today. As far as we know, surgery is still scheduled for Monday at 12:45.

We want to thank everyone again for all your support...which is coming to us in so many ways. Please know that we are so very grateful to all of you.

Gabbie is sittin on my lap pushing computer buttons and says "hi" to all of you.

God is working through our family. Again, I cannot say enough that He has truly given me hope and peace. It is not just our faith in God giving us these gifts, it is God supernaturally giving the gifts to us.

Thank you everyone!!

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 01:10 PM (CST)

Day 162:

Going home!! We think Gabbie just has a little something of whatever virus is going around. We will go home and try to keep her healthy for Monday's planned surgery.

Thanks to those of you who are encouraging me in my faith by your messages in the guestbook. I know my faith makes some people uncomfortable but others know exactly where I am at. My faith in Jesus is something I will never ever apologize for! I am so glad to know that some of you completely understand my walk even if you have never experienced something like this.

Gabbie's feeding tube is still clogged (my fault -- strawberry seeds). Fortunately she has a double feeding tube and while we prefer using the J tube we can at least still feed her via the G tube. They will hopefully fix the feeding tube during Monday's surgery.

Thanks again everyone for your support, no matter what it is that you are doing for us. We hope some day that we can return the favor--although it has become much more than a favor!!

My family needs God. Keep praying for our miracle from Him.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 02:44 PM (CST)


Gabrielle was running a fever and was very congested so it was determined that it would not be wise to have the surgery today. As of now, the surgery has been rescheduled for next Monday.

A chest x-ray first led the doctors to believe that Gabbie has pneumonia but we just now got word that it is not pneumonia. We are truly being tested with all the obstacles being thrown in front of us but we remain strong because we know who is on our side. Every time something else happens I am more determined to walk on faith in God only.

Again, for those of you who have children following Gabbie's progress, please assure them that Gabbie's mom and dad still have a lot of hope that God will heal her. Tell them that God wants us to remain strong in Him and that this helps us get even closer to Him. Tell them that God WANTS us to rely 100% on Him and not on anything else. God wants us to look up to Him and admit that without Him we are lost.

Thank you again to everyone for your support and thanks again for a wonderful benefit that has forever touched our hearts.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Monday, March 04, 2002 at 11:30 AM (CST)

Day 160:

Another Update: A third tumor has been identified. Please realize that we really do need God's supernatural healing hands to touch Gabbie.

HOW CAN WE EVER THANK YOU ALL!! The benefit was wonderful and John and I are still overwhelmed at how much people care for us. Please know that we are so very grateful to all of you. Words cannot express how much we want to thank you. Special thanks to Andy Knaeble for organizing the event. But there are many more people we want to thank and we will try to do so.


Today is my last day at work (with the exception that I may come in once in a while to catch up on e-mail). Gabbie needs John and me to be there for her.

Gabbie will undergo surgery #2 tomorrow at 11:15. She may remain in the hospital until she recovers enough to begin the stem-cell transplant. The Michigan treatment is still undecided.

I will be able to continue updating this site thru the Resource Center at Children's. I will not, however, have access to personal e-mails except on the few days I come in to work.

Please continue to pray for our family. Your prayers have given us strength and hope. And to those of you who know what I mean when I say that God's Word is a living word, please pray John 11:4 for us with all the conviction that you can.

Thank you everyone. Thank you God. You are our savior and our Lord.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Friday, March 01, 2002 at 10:28 AM (CST)

Day 157:

We have received bad news. Yesterday a CT scan confirmed the doctor's fear of another tumor. All we know is that neuroblastoma is a tricky cancer and that this tumor is just now being detected.

The tumor is in the chest cavity behind her heart. Another surgery will be required and has already been scheduled for Tuesday, March 5th at 11:15 p.m. The doctor thinks she will heal even faster from this one (because they won't be digging into the abdomen) but that there will be more healing pain. The incision will be somewhere along the side of her ribs and the surgery will require that one of her lungs be collapsed.

I now have to explain to my little Gabbie that she indeed will have one more surgery...after promising her she was all done.

While I did some stumbling on Thursday and felt a sickening fear in my stomach, God has truly given me my hope again. Wednesday night something told me not to pray that the spot wasn't a tumor--I think I already knew. But I did pray that sometime during the day God restore my hope for her healing and He did! (And I am by nature a VERY pessimistic person when it comes to thinking about beating the odds.)

To those of you who have children who check Gabbie's Web site, please explain to them that God is listening to their prayers. I still believe He will heal her but He may do it in ways that we would never expect or understand. Tell them to keep praying.

As always, we thank everyone for their support. Pray that God give us strength and endurance to see this through.

We hope to see some of you at the benefit! Kare 11 might be there and a reporter from the Catholic Spirit may also show up.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Benefit: March 2nd at Ascension Cafeteria. 1704 Dupont Ave North, Mpls. 7:00 pm - 1:00 am. Music, food, beer, etc. Contact: Andy Knaeble at 612.529.7619

Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 11:08 AM (CST)

Day 155:

UPDATE: All we know now is that there is something in the chest cavity. If it is indeed a tumor, another surgery would be required. We are hoping and praying that this is not the case. Please pray with us.

Gabbie's doctor called our home this morning to tell us that one of yesterday's scan picked up a spot on the chest that they don't like. Unfortunately, the scan didn't go up high enough (they were probably focusing on the tumor area) so they aren't sure what it is.

Now, I'm not a doctor, but I can't believe it would be a new cancer growth after all that chemo. We know her chest was not affected with cancer cells previously. We are obviously hoping that this is some controllable type of infection.

This is very hard on John but I still have a calm hope that God will heal Gabbie!

So, obviously, today's scripture is... "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

I will update later this afternoon if we recieve any news.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

*** Benefit Info: March 2nd at Ascension Cafeteria -- 1704 Dupont Ave North, MPLS.
7:00 pm to 1:00 am. Music, food, beer, wine, silent auction, etc. Contact Andy Knaeble at 612.529.7619 ***

Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 05:27 PM (CST)

Day 154:

Gabbie is home again!! Counts are rising fast and the infection at her G-tube site is healing.

Gabbie will be having scans tomorrow and Thursday and we are hoping that by Friday we will be getting word on the scheduling of her transplant.

As always, we are praying that God be in full control of the rest of Gabbie's treatment. Even though we have excellent doctors and Gabbie has done well with her chemos, her healing still has to come from God. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT in my mind that Gabbie's healing needs God...very much! And that healing will be given out of his wonderful mercy and not based on anything that I or John have done or will do.

Your prayers mean everything to us! Thank you all for your support.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

*** Benefit on March 2nd at Ascension Cafeteria. Time: 7:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Food, beer, wine, etc., music, and silent auction. Contact: Andy Knaeble at 612.529.7619

Monday, February 25, 2002 at 02:04 PM (CST)

Day 153:

A special "THANK YOU" to all the students at St. Jude of the Lake School. We thank you for your prayers for Gabbie and for the prayer chains which are now decorating her hospital room. You have touched our hearts!

We spent the weekend in the hospital and are still there today. Gabbie might be able to come home tomorrow!

We are closing in on the stem-cell transplant. Tests this week will tell us if she is still positive for cancer. If she is still positive, we may go to Michigan for a treatment protocol that is not yet available in Minnesota. I believe that we would also have to stay there for the course of the transplant.

Gabbie is feeling a little better and is asking for food--of course we now have to withhold food in preparation for all the scans. She can, however, probably eat tonight and tomorrow.

As I've mentioned before, I am getting a lot of hope and strength from God's word. Here is my favorite scripture commanding us to diligently study the Bible:

"My son, listen to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are LIFE to those who find them and HEALTH to all their FLESH."
Proverbs 4:20-22

We thank you for your prayers and may you all also seek the Lord, for He is our one and only Savior.

A Benefit For Gabbie - Sponsored by friends of the Paquette family. March 2nd, 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Ascension Cafeteria, 1704 Dupont Ave. No., Mpls. Food, wine, beer, etc. ?? Call Andy Knaeble at 612-529-7619.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Friday February 22, 2002 12:45 AM CST

DAY 150!!

Gabbie is still at the hospital. We think she does have mouth sores and a nurse noticed that she is cutting some teeth--we totally forgot about normal stuff like that!

As usual, she was in her wagon when I got there last night. I didn't get to pull her for long because the batteries on the IV pumps needed recharging. When we got back to the room I forgot to take off her mask even though she was mumbling something to me. I finally got it on the 4th try: "Aubrey's a screwball." So...she still has her silliness.

I am still so overwhelmed and thankful to God for the gifts of faith and hope. We are so grateful for his mercy.

Do you know the greatest of the ten commandments? "Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37

John and I have to desire God more than we desire Gabbie's healing. Parental love is so could we ever make our hearts actually feel that way? But we must never forget God's mercy and grace. All we need to do is seek Him and ask Him to put that desire into our hearts. He truly is a perfect God.

*** Benefit: March 2nd, 7:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. at Ascension Church Cafeteria. 1704 Dupont Ave North, Mpls. Contact Andy Knaeble 612.529.7619 ****

Thank you all for your prayers!

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Thursday February 21, 2002 12:34 AM CST

DAY 149:

Well, we are settled in the hospital again and we could be there for a while. Gabbie's G-tube site (feeding tube) is pretty red so it could be infected. She is also still throwing up and running fevers.

Next week Gabbie will be getting some scans that may determine whether or not our family will head to Michigan for a certain procedure that is not yet done at Minneapolis Children's.

I feel more and more blessed every day because God keeps giving me more faith and hope! "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Other than turning to God with all my heart in this time of need, I have done nothing in my life to deserve the blessed gifts of such hope and faith. These gifts are not earned....

Once again, I thank you all for your prayers.

*** Benefit: March 2nd at Ascension Cafeteria. 1704 Dupont Ave North, Mpls. 7:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Contact: Andy Knaeble at 612.529.7619 ***

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Wednesday February 20, 2002 11:52 AM CST

DAY 148:

***Afternoon update: Gabbie is going to the hospital. Poor Gabbie is running a fever, listless, and throwing up. Hopefully it will be a short hospital stay. ***

Gabbie had a visit at the cancer clinic yesterday. With a few exceptions, everything was pretty normal but we know her counts are falling. Hospitalization could occur any day now.

We did learn that Gabbie will probably need to see the physical therapist. One of the chemo drugs is causing extreme tightness of the tendons/muscles near the ankles. We had noticed that she sometimes walks on "tippy toes," but hadn't given't it much thought.

This post-chemo is the least Gabbie has ever eaten and she has lost weight. It's a good thing that she was at 115% of her ideal a few days after the surgery. She is simply not interested in food.

Thanks again to you all for your prayers!

We also thank Andy Knaeble and friends for planning the benefit. The benefit is March 2nd at Ascension Cafeteria. 1704 Dupont Ave No, Mpls. 7:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Music, food, etc. Contact person: Andy Knaeble 612-529-7619.

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
Hebrews 11:6

It's hard for me to explain, but now that I am reading the Bible as food for my heart and soul, it has really come to life. I've been reading it for years now, but until recently, only as one would read any other book. And it's as if God is rewarding me by the inpouring of much hope. (And not hope that we will be comforted if Gabbie dies; but hope that God WILL heal her.)

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Monday February 18, 2002 12:10 AM CST

Day 146:

*** Benefit information can be found in the journal entry dated Friday, February 15th. ***

A couple new pics! The middle one shows Gabbie only 3 days after her surgery.

Gabbie is a little weak but had a good weekend at home. Things were a little rough yesterday because Aubrey picked up a virus that made her quite uncomfortable.

I even had Gabbie outside on Saturday for a wagon ride that lasted almost an hour. Just like the hospital, she did not want to get out and cried the last few blocks when she realized we were headed home. She will tell us now when she is upset by saying "I'm mad."

I am ever so hopeful that God will heal Gabbie! I also feel that He is pulling me closer to Him and it is a very wonderful and peaceful feeling.

As always, we thank all of you for your prayers and support. May anything good (faith, hope, strength, courage, etc.) that you see in us be recognized as gifts from God and not coming from me and John. God is graciously blessing us with those wonderful gifts.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Friday February 15, 2002 10:47 AM CST

DAY 143:

*** We are once again overwhelmed by the generousity of family, friends, and strangers. Some of John's friends want to have a benefit for us. Please know that anything given to us is used only for costs directly related to Gabbie's medical care. ANYTHING left over will go to charity. The benefit is scheduled for March 2nd from 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. (I have no idea what will be going on that late!!) It will take place at the Ascension Club located in the 1700 block of Dupont Avenue North. We did not request this and are very touched (and humbled) that people want to do this for us. ***


In one week and one day Gabbie went through major abdominal surgery and a 6th chemo that was a 72-hour continuous drip. And by the healing hands of our wonderful Father in Heaven she was strong enough to come home yesterday. She was discharged as soon as the chemo drip ended.

I'm calling her the wagon queen because with the exception of sleeping at night, she spent the last three days in a little red wagon.

We know that it's very likely she'll be back at the hospital sometime next week when her counts are really low. But after that....ONE MORE CHEMO! It's the big one that is in conjunction with the stem-cell transplant. It's dangerous but it must be done. God will be there with us the whole time.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. Thank you God for your healing touch and the gifts of faith and hope!

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Wednesday February 13, 2002 11:25 AM CST

Day 141:

Gabbie started her 6th chemo on Monday, only 5 days after the surgery. She is struggling with this one but we anticipated that. She's not happy so I've decided to take another vacation day and will camp out with her on Thursday.

Last night I could hear her crying before I even reached the hallway. When I got to the room she was sitting in the wagon with a beet red face, tears, and struggling to throw-up. Thankfully, we have been assured that she will forget almost all of this.

I was talking to a friend at work yesterday and I told her that I hardly ever feel anger anymore. That is from God! I rarely think "why us" or "what did we do to deserve this." My big one was, "God, don't you remember how I thanked you every day for over 700 days for Gabbie's and Aubrey's eternal salvation AND their physical safety." I never got peace from any of those pleadings. But now, I go before my God and thank Him for his gracious mercy that I have not and could never earn by anything within me. I pray to Him that Gabbie be healed only by His mercy and our gift-given faith and not by anything that John and I have done or will do. And now I have my peace. We believe with all our hearts that the Heavenly Father is Gabbie's one and only Healer.

We continue to thank all of you for your prayers--your prayers are working.

Gabbie's Mom

Monday February 11, 2002 2:50 PM CST

DAY 139:

**Anyone wishing to see the surgery results please refer to journal entry date February 7, 2002.**

Gabbie is sufficiently recovered from last week's surgery and her 6th chemo session will begin today. There was some concern about a decrease in heart function from a recent echocardiogram but another test was performed today and the results were fine.

The doctors are concerned about the possiblity of Gabbie getting teflitis (probably grossly misspelled by me) again from one of the chemo drugs. Teflitis is an infection of the bowels and can cause lots of problems. (Gabbie was very, very sick from it after her 1st chemo.) So, the doctors are going to lower the dose of one of the drugs used during this chemo session.

Gabbie is in high spirits and I was happy to see that she has enough energy to throw temper tantrums. She did not want to go to bed last night and I am sure we woke up some other patients on the 8th floor.

While I am ever so hopeful that God will heal Gabbie, there are still heartbreaking moments. I was telling Gabbie that she was "all done with surgery, no more surgery." She looked at me and asked "Cancer all gone?" How do you tell such a young child after everything they've gone through that no, the cancer is still there. She almost had me crying in the hospital hallway.

Anyway, we know that God is leading us and guiding her treatment. We're getting there!

We are ever so thankful to God for the healing received thus far.

~Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Thursday February 7, 2002 4:26 PM CST

Day 133:

He was there...and we thank Him.

Gabbie's surgery was successful! Live cancer cells still remain (not all the tumor could be removed) but we were reminded by the doctors that Neuroblastoma is not a surgical cancer. All in all, the doctors said yesterday's events were better than expected!! And, of course, God's word reminds us to have faith in things not yet seen.

Gabbie is recovering as expected. She's very frightened as she knows something happened to her. She's on an epidural so she shouldn't be in too much pain. Other than an unexplained fever her post-op was normal.

If Kare 11 is reading this, we thank you again for the opportunity to work with Mark Daly and others. Mark was as compassionate as ever.

We thank the wonderful doctors and nurses who took such excellent care of Gabbie yesterday. We know and appreciate very much how difficult your jobs are.

We thank all the family and friends who were present (physically or in spirit) and who really helped the hours go by.

We thank Mrs. Drazan's 5th grade class at Guardian Angels School--we just got your cards today. We are so touched by your cards, thoughts, and prayers. We thank God for friends like you!! We will put these in a special place for Gabbie to keep forever. You all made wonderful cards and have a fantastic teacher.

We also thank the nice young people from Sarah Totall's classes at Olson Middle school in North Mpls. Your beautiful cards and thoughts are wonderful. Thank you for caring about Sarah's niece!

But most of all, we thank our Heavenly Father again for the cherished gift of faith and hope. We know He will heal Gabbie...we know He was in the operating room.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Tuesday February 5, 2002 11:39 AM CST

Day 131:

Tomorrow is Gabbie's big day for the surgery. She has been home for several weeks now and laughing, playing, and eating so will be going into the surgery strong!

She knows that many people will be at the hospital that day and also knows that Jesus will be holding her the whole time, even when she is sleeping (she knows that she will be given something to make her sleep). We have openly talked about the surgery and she is not afraid. In fact, when watching real hospital shows on cable T.V. (a favorite for both of them), and a surgery is shown, I point at the T.V. and say "Surgery,just like Gabbie will have!"

I probably won't be able to update the Web site until Friday so don't be concerned when you don't see any news on Thursday.

We thank you again for all the support we are getting from family, friends, and even strangers!!

We thank God for never letting go of us. God, while much, much more, is my Healer and Gabbie's Healer.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Friday February 1, 2002 2:59 PM CST

Day 127:

SURGERY DATE: February 6th, 1:00. Anyone wishing to come can find us in the family waiting lounge for surgery at Children's Minneapolis.

Gabbie is still doing fantastic at home! It's supposed to warm-up this weekend so I hope to get her outside. This could be her last week-end at home for awhile.

Gabbie will probably remain hospitalized after the surgery and through the administration of the 6th chemo. She will then come home and probably go back for a few days when her counts are low. Then, her last visit home before the big procedure, the stem-cell transplant. I will be taking a complete leave of absence from work in order to stay at the hospital with her.

And more on believing faith...

Mark 9:23 "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."

God does not WILL children to die. Therefore, my faith that believes Gabbie will be healed by God is not against His will!!

Please continue to pray for us. Pray that Gabbie does not have to suffer much pain after the surgery!

Thank you all for following us. If you stay with us, you will see a miracle!! Some of you have commented on my faith--you must remember that that too, is a VERY blessed gift from God.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Wednesday January 30, 2002 1:32 PM CST

DAY 125:

The surgery date is still set for February 6th at 1:00 p.m. We will be in the family lounge for surgery patients--which I think is on the 1st floor. All friends who wish to come and offer support are welcome!

Gabbie is doing fine. I keep telling her that God is going to make her cancer go away. But whenever I ask her who will make her better, she says Jesus!

From Mark 5:34
"And He said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague."

I must have been blind but I never noticed this before. While of course FROM God, she was healed BY her faith.

Some of you might think I'm grasping at whatever I want to believe. But that's not true. I've struggled with "this" since the day of the diagnosis. I've been praying that God not lead me onto any false paths. Anyway, if I sit here and think that she might die, then I'm giving up on God. God does NOT will little children to die. Sin on earth has brought death and illness. But we are not here without a lifeline and I see God's lifeline for Gabbie a little more every day.

God will save Gabbie but we still want everyone to pray. Pray that God continue to lead our family on this journey.

Thank you and God bless.

Gabbie's Mom ~ Dad

Tuesday January 29, 2002 3:04 PM CST

Day 124:

Gabbie's surgery is only 8 days away! It is nerve-wracking but we are anxiously counting down the "parts" of her treatment. After the surgery it will be one more regular chemo and then the extra-strong chemo / stem-cell transplant. I sometimes get sick to my stomach when I think about how she will react during the stem-cell transplant.

The very nice guys from Kare 11 were at our house this morning. It took a while for Aubrey and Gabbie to get over the initial shyness but other than that it did not bother them. We have really enjoyed getting to know Mark Daly and Scott Jensen.

Gabbie's feeling good! We all enjoy it when Aubrey makes her laugh. Gabbie will laugh and say "What's Aubrey doin, mum?" Sometimes it's just Aubrey being naughty, but whatever makes her laugh is fine with us. (It's impossible to seriously lecture Aubrey when Gabbie is laughing so hard.)

Although it has taken us a while to figure this out, we know that God is calling us to get closer to him. So while we are answering that call and making it our number one priority, the rest of you can pray and thank God for healing Gabbie. Think about most or all of the instances of healing in the Bible. Who was rewarded...the very rich, the very poor, the very smart? NO. Healing went to those who had faith that impressed even God. Nothing else about their circumstances mattered one bit.

We thank God. We thank all of you.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad.

Friday January 25, 2002 5:24 PM CST

Day 120:

Well, a visit with Gabbie's wonderful doctor calmed down some of my distress from yesterday. It is not uncommon for tumors to shrink down on themselves and then reach a point where they can't shrink anymore. Also, calcification is a good sign because it usually means those cells are dead.

But more importantly, every day I feel like I'm on a spiritual journey seeking the Truth and Word of God. I was actually seeking specific help today and found it. (Maybe later in this journey I will identify this source.) Anyway, I know that God did NOT give Gabbie to us with the intentions of her falling to a deadly disease before she was even two years old. He does NOT want her to die; He does NOT need her to die in order to bring others to him; He does NOT need her in Heaven. He wants her to be healed and He wants us to believe that He will heal her.

I also know that God did not place us in this world to be at the mercy of sickness and disease. He is there to help heal us; He was a Healer in the OT and still is today!

So when you pray for us; pray with as much conviction as you can. Pray, as John and I are going to start doing, that you BELIEVE He will heal her.

Glory to God forever! We thank him for all the healing Gabbie has received so far.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Thursday January 24, 2002 4:34 PM CST

Day 119:

A very disappointing day. We learned that the tumor mass has not gotten any smaller since the last scan. The nurse who relayed the information to me over the phone did say that the mass appeared to be calcifying, meaning that maybe the cells could be dead or dying.

However, we have to remain as hopeful as ever so that Gabbie can only sense positive thoughts from us. And, at least I know that Tucker's (the survivor we met from Michigan) tumor was also very ugly prior to his surgery.

Please pray that all the remaining cells in the tumor consist of dead cells only.

Thank you for all your support and prayers. We can only keep looking up to God to heal little Gabbie. Maybe a rough road now means more Glory for God in the future when she is healed.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will.

Tuesday January 22, 2002 12:31 AM CST

Day 117:

We have a surgery date! February 6th, 1:00 p.m. So, we have two whole weeks to pray for a miraculous surgery. Please pray with us and know that we are ever so thankful for your prayers.

Gabbie had a CT Scan today so that the surgeon will know the location of the tumor. We don't know the actual results of the scan yet. Kare 11 was at the hospital filming the scan.

We were also surprised to learn that Gabbie's counts are even lower than they were last week. Maybe that's why she's been quieter than usual at home. However, nothing was low enough to prompt either a blood or platelet transfusion. She has had some bloody noses which we do have to monitor. (For those of you unfamiliar with all this--platelets help with clotting.)

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Monday January 21, 2002 12:07 AM CST

Day 116:

We had an uneventful weekend--which is good! Gabbie does wake up crying several times a night but it usually only takes us a few minutes to get her back to sleep.

We do see the cumulative signs of chemo on Gabbie. While she is still in high spirits most of the time, she tires easily and is looking somewhat peaked and pale. She is having a lot of trouble going to the bathroom and is on three different medications to make her go but to no avail. Of course, it would help if she would eat more than noodles or cheese.

Gabbie will have a scan tomorrow to help the surgeon know where the tumor is positioned. We are praying that the scan also shows more shrinkage of the tumor!

We thank all of you who are praying for us! Please know that your prayers really are touching us and that we are ever so grateful.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Thursday January 17, 2002 1:22 PM CST

DAY 112:

Gabbie had her cancer clinic app't today and is doing fine. Her hemoglobin is low so she is in short-stay with Dad for a blood transfusion. Looks like we might avoid hospitalization after this chemo!! We were fortunate enought to experience that after chemo round #3 also.

We now think surgery will take place January 28th or 29th. Not sure why it is being bumped back but it could be because the surgeon has requested a scan and that can't be scheduled until the end of next week. But that means Gabbie will be home with us longer and gives us that much more time to make her laugh every day.

I saw something incredibly positive on Jackson's Web site (Gabbie's neuroblastoma buddy--he's a little less than 2 chemo sessions behind Gabbie) and it has brightened my day. With the exception of the death of a young child -- WHICH STARES US IN THE FACE EVERY DAY BECAUSE NEUROBLASTOMA IS A DEADLY KILLER EVEN IF "CLINICAL" REMISSION IS REACHED -- nothing could be more painful than what we are going through. So while, yes, God is helping us get through this terrible time, it doesn't mean that are lives are not filled with pain and fear every day. So...please keep praying for Gabbie and our whole family no matter how strong we might "seem" to be. We "seem" strong on the outside for Gabbie's sake and because of our faith. But I've never seen scripture that describes faith as meaning no pain will be experienced! In fact, those truly faithful to Jesus are told to expect extreme pain in their lives here on earth.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Day 110:

Gabrielle is still staying home with Dad! She looks pale and peaked but I don't worry too much because those are all normal effects from the chemo. She's not eating much but at least she is getting nutrition from tube feedings at night.

I try not to complain--but I read something disturbing yesterday. I was actually focusing on my work and was reviewing a competitor's jury verdicts Web site. I stumbled upon a lawsuit re: a child's late cancer diagnosis. The case involved a stage IV neuroblastoma dx--the same as Gabbie's. The girl SURVIVED (well beyond the 5-year mark) but the parents brought about a lawsuit because they feel their daughter didn't need to go thru chemo. She's ALIVE and they are suing over minor, minor side affects. I guess facing a low survival rate and winning meant nothing to them. I know that it would mean EVERYTHING to us.

Anyway, we are thankful for things going well so far and are ever grateful for your prayers!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Day 109:

Gabbie had a good weekend at home. We got outside both days for wagon-rides. For some reason, Gabbie gets extremely upset when Aubrey tries to get in the wagon with her--she was actually screaming and arching her back so much I had to make sure she didn't arch herself right out of the wagon!
(Hey, it's just like the good ol days before Gabbie got sick!)

We are still looking at surgery to be scheduled some time next week.

Although we won't know until the end of February--we could be making a trip to Ann Arbor, MI for a procedure not yet done in MN. It is "MIBG treatment" and is still in clinical study. The UofM here in Minneapolis is getting ready to start doing it, but they may not be ready. Everything will also depend on the results of a scan that Gabbie's doctor has wonderfully agreed to give her after the 6th chemo.

We have a family in Michigan to thank for leading us to this procedure...

I can't say it enough: we are feeling your prayers and are ever grateful!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Friday, January 11, 2002

Day 106:

Chemo round #5 is done!! Gabbie is coming home today. :)

Yesterday Gabbie was visited by two Timberwolves!! Not the furry kind...the basketball players. I guess she played shy, as always with strangers or even family she hasn't seen for a while. How nice of the players--I guess they were making some rounds at the hospital today.

We are still hoping and praying that the tumor slips out easily during the upcoming surgery. We don't have a date yet but my best guess is the week of Jan 21-25.

We thank you for your prayers for Gabbie and the prayers for our entire family. While it seems impossible that there could be any greater pain, we know that it would be even harder without all your prayers.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 11:38 AM (CST)

Day 104:

Gabbie has now had two nights of chemo administered for this session. She seems to be in high spirits. When I arrived last night she started pumping her arms and legs and laughing and demanding a wagon ride. A little on the wild side....maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was the only girl on the 8th floor last night!!

Once Gabbie's counts reach a certain level of recovery from this chemo, she will have surgery. We continue to ask that you pray that ALL the tumor be easily removed in one piece!

We are really feeling God's presence with us on this dark journey. We know that if it weren't for God's holding of us during this time that we would literally be out of our minds.

Almost all neuroblastoma patients do reach a period of remission; however, in the majority of cases the cancer comes back. That is why we are looking up to God. The doctors will do what they can; the rest is up to God.

We continue to thank each and every one of you for your support.

***New Pictures***

Gabbie's Mom & Dad; Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Monday, January 07, 2002 at 01:13 PM (CST)

Day 102:

Gabbie is back at the hospital today. Her counts are high and with the exception of a kidney test she is ready to begin chemo round #5. This will be the last chemo before surgery to remove the tumor (more chemo will follow after the surgery).

There have been cases where the tumor is easily removed. That is what we are now praying for and ask you to pray for also. Please pray that this chemo session shrink the tumor even more and that it unwrap itself from other internal organs.

There have been many people who are telling me they are inspired by our faith. I thank you all for sharing those thoughts because it is our great HOPE that God use Gabbie's ILLNESS for his Glory; but that in the end she be healed for even MORE Glory.

I also have already learned in this journey that John and I have done absolutely nothing in our lives to deserve any of God's blessings. However, God is ever merciful so please pray that God have mercy on our family and heal Gabrielle.

Thank you.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 05:41 PM (CST)

Day 98:

Nothing new at our house.

Gabbie is still doing really well at home. I'm hoping we do get the predicted warm spell this weekend so I can take her out for some fresh air.

We are on track for chemo round 5, scheduled to begin on January 7th. Please continue to pray that the tumor shrinks even more--surgery will occur before the 6th chemo.

Thanking God and all of you for your continued support.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 10:58 AM (CST)

Day 97:

Gabbie was able to come home last Saturday. She was pretty quiet and lethargic initially but has picked up a lot of energy and seems to be herself.

Next Monday we go back for chemo round 5. When she recovers from that round, she will have surgery and the surgeons will remove whatever can be safely removed. We ask that you please pray for the tumor to continue shrinking and that it be EASILY removed by the surgeons.

We thank you all for your continued support. Most of all, we thank God for listening to all of our prayers.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (from Max Lucado)

Friday, December 28, 2001 at 11:32 AM (CST)

Day 92:

...and some days are much harder than others. Gabbie went back to the hospital yesterday with fever and listlessness. This is typical of when the counts are low but it is still heartbreaking. Today when I talked to John on the phone, I could hear Gabbie whimpering in the background. Hopefully she does not have an infection and is just feeling the effects of low counts.

We are still getting so much support so I thank you all. Yesterday I opened a Christmas card from a friend from high school. I failed to keep in contact with this friend on a regular basis but we have connected every few years or so. This wonderful friend and her family sent wonderful messages and money (too much!). It actually made me cry. This is only one example. John and I sometimes struggle to think how we can ever thank all of you.

You guys all mean so much to us!! Thanks.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 12:15 PM (CST)

Day 91:

Gabbie's visit to the cancer clinic was fine; she did not require any transfusions but her ANC count is only 15 (which is very, very low). She seems to be lagging in spirit and energy but this is a very normal response to the aggressiveness of chemo drugs. We could end up being admitted for a night or two but at least we know that that is normal.

We had a scare last night with the feeding tube. She was doing a lot of tossing and turning and whimpering and at one point when I went in to check on her the feeding tube was tightly wrapped around her neck. But all ended well.

Thanks for all your wonderful prayers.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 06:07 PM (CST)

Day 90:

We were very happy to have Gabbie home for Christmas. Although she seemed fine we did not want to risk infection therefore did not take her anywhere over the entire holiday weekend.

Gabbie had a check-up at the cancer clinic today and her counts are very low but she did not require any tranfusions (blood, platelets). Although it's a little early to say...we might have another little miracle in that she won't be hospitalized between chemos 4 & 5.

Gabbie is in very high spirits and plays a lot with Aubrey. She eats but her eating is pretty bland: cheese, noodles, and more cheese. We literally stockpile string-cheese.

We hope all of our friends had a wonderful and safe holiday. Thanks again for your continued support.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will (Max Lucado)

Friday, December 21, 2001 at 10:35 AM (CST)

Day 85:

Coming home today and some GOOD NEWS and some OK news!!

I have already thanked the Lord many times since hearing the news. Gabbie's tumor has noticeably shrunk. The doctor even said it is a "great response." Even I could tell, when shown the x-rays, that the tumor is much smaller. Please keep praying...the tumor is still mingled with other things.

The OK news is that her bone scan showed an "almost normal scan." While we had been under the impression from the beginning that her bones were free of cancer we were informed yesterday that the cancer had indeed spread to her skull and lower legs. However, we will be happy with the news that there was improvement in that area also.

I want to keep our list of thanks on the Web for awhile, so here it is again...

To friends and family who keep sending e-mails or messages in the guestbook (please continue--it really helps);

To friends and family who make offer after offer to help us with anything;

To family members who pick up Aubrey at daycare;

To my dad who sleeps many nights at the hospital so we can stay at home with Aubrey;

To the two nice guys who set up a tree with lights on our back deck;

To the anonymous Santa (someone who works at West) who left two BEAUTIFUL large raggedy-ann dolls for Aubrey and Gabbie (I wish I could thank you in person and I hope you see this);

To the wonderful doctors and nurses at Children's--we know your job is very difficult;

And of course, we thank always our Father in Heaven. We know He is watching over us and pray that He continue to heal Gabbie; and

The list goes on....WE THANK YOU ALL.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Monday, December 17, 2001 at 10:59 AM (CST)

Day 81:

God is working for us! Because John and I have accepted Gabbie's cancer we pray that God use it for his Glory but that he then heal her. This morning on my way to work I asked God to show me that he really is using Gabbie's cancer for some good. Two answers within several hours of my prayer!!

1) Later that morning I received an e-mail from an old friend who told me she has been inspired by our faith and that she is praying more and seeking God even more. She had much more to say but the answer from God was VERY clear. And she was already a strong Christian.

2) In the afternoon, another good friend who happens to be a co-worker stopped by and told me about a woman at his church. The woman had asked him this past Sunday how Gabbie's parents were doing. Even though she doesn't know us she told my friend that she is praying for us and is very moved by our situation. My friend also told me she is Jewish. All the more special to me because the Bible tells me and I believe with all my heart that Jews are God's beloved and chosen people. And it helps me to know that some of God's special chosen ones are praying for us!!

Gabbie's counts last Friday were perfect so we got to stay home over the weekend. We also found out that while we didn't shatter any records it was pretty amazing that Gabbie got to stay home the entire time between chemos 3 & 4.

Saturday night we took advantage of the weather and went and watched the holidazzle.

We're back at the hospital today to begin the 4th chemo session. This session is harsher than the last one. We are hoping to be home for Christmas but we will not be taking her anywhere because her counts will be very low.

We thank all our friends and family who are praying for Gabbie. We thank God for every minute we get to spend with Aubrey and Gabbie.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 11:41 AM (CST)

Day 77:

Gabbie is still doing really well at home. However, she is now losing her eyelashes (see the middle picture on the photo page).

She will briefly be on TV tonight on Channel 11's 10:00 news. The story is actually about nurses and other professionals who have chosen their careers based on their personal experiences with surviving cancer. We agreed to be filmed while the cameras were following the nurses and the chaplain at Children's.

Depending on her platelet counts, Gabbie will be readmitted either tomorrow or on Monday the 17th. We are, of course, hoping that she can spend the weekend at home.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

Gabbie's Mom and Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Monday, December 10, 2001 at 11:11 AM (CST)

Day 74:

Gabbie had a great weekend at home. We went to the hospital Christmas party on Sunday. While there, we ran into mom's friend from high school, whose son is being treated for leukemia. We also saw some of our other friends, Steven and Jackson, from the 8th floor. Jackson is a little more than 1 chemo session behind Gabbie.

Tomorrow we are calling Santa Claus at Aubrey's request: Aubrey wants to make sure that Santa Claus is very careful of Gabbie's "tubes" (the catheter line and the G-tube for feeding).

We really know and believe that God can heal Gabbie; so we continue to ask that you please include her in your prayers. Please pray that God use Gabbie's sickness for his Glory and that further down the road he use her healing for his Glory.

God bless all of you.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado)

Thursday, December 06, 2001 at 12:56 PM (CST)

Day 71:

Gabbie had her appointment at the cancer clinic today. Most of her counts were fine (low but as expected) with the exception of her platelet count, which was extremely low. We have to watch for bruising or other unexpected bleeding.

Last weekend we had another special visitor: Tucker's grandpa!! Tucker is the Stage IV neuroblastoma survivor whom we met several weeks ago. Tucker lives in Michigan but has an uncle right here in Mpls not even a mile from our house. Tucker has a wonderful family and they continue to give us lots of hope.

We are so grateful for your prayers!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (Max Lucado - a very inspiring Christian writer!)

Friday, November 30, 2001 at 01:07 PM (CST)

Day 69:

Gabbie has surprised both me and John! We were pessimists and thought that we would be back at the hospital by now; fighting off fevers from the low counts resulting from chemo. But she is actually doing quite well at home on preventative antibiotics. She is moving around quite a lot without our help. She is still wobbly but even ran a few steps the other day.

This strange Minnesota weather allows us to go outside for wagon rides everyday.

If this continues, we may not have to be readmitted until the 17th. It's hard to believe that we will then be starting the 4th chemo session.

Thanks to God and thanks to you all!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Know that He can; Hope that He will. (From Max Lucado)

Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 04:35 PM (CST)

Day 62:

The 3rd round of chemo ends today. If all goes well, Gabbie will be discharged tomorrow afternoon. We will probably be back next week when she gets sick from her low counts but hopefully it will be a brief stay.

SOME GOOD NEWS from Tuesday!

We just found out that the percentage of tumor cells in the bone marrow is 20%--down from the initial 60% at the time of diagnosis. The doctor also told John that the current tumor cells are larger and that this could mean they are are maturing and will maybe be more benign. We can only hope.

The clinical nurse assigned to our case also thinks Gabbie looks pretty good. While we still have a very, very long road ahead of us,every ray of hope is comforting!
Your prayers ARE so important!

We also found out that Gabbie was voted to receive the annual Christmas gift, donated by some family, that is given to one child on the 8th floor. I believe it is a fancy Christmas dress.

Thank you everyone!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Faith: Know that He can; Hope that He will!

PS: Mom bought a digital camera--as soon as I figure it out we will have new pictures.

Monday, November 26, 2001 at 10:54 AM (CST)

Day 60:

We all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Gabbie was able to stay home for five days and seemed to really enjoy it. She ate, went outside for some stroller rides, played with Aubrey, and LAUGHED!!

That's why it was so hard to say good-bye to her this morning when John had to take her back to the hospital. Gabbie cried; mom cried.

After some tests, the 3rd round of chemo will start today or tomorrow. We should hear news this week on the amount of tumor cells in the stem-cell harvest (hopefully none!) and whether the tumor is shrinking.

We hope everyone had a safe holiday!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ We couldn't do it without your prayers!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 02:34 PM (CST)

Day 55:

Gabbie came home last night. She was very tired and actually cried for us to put her to bed.

She cried again this morning for me to "stay here" when I told her I had to go to work. (It was hard but somehow I did manage to leave the house.) At least she had a few smiles in her before I left.

This morning John took Gabbie to daycare to see some of her friends. I guess it was hard on Aubrey to see Gabbie once again get all the attention. I also heard that some little eyes at the daycare got really big when John took off Gabbie's hat. We are just hoping that doing some "normal" outings will help Gabbie feel better.

We will be re-admitted on Monday for the 3rd chemo and for tests on the tumor.

We hope and pray that all of our family and friends have a safe Thanksgiving.

Gabbie's Mom and Dad ~ Carried by your Prayers

Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 02:41 PM (CST)

Day 54:

The two-day stem-cell harvest is done. We think from testing done on the first day that there are enough stem-cells. We don't know when we will hear about the testing for presence of tumor cells. John and I are both very nervous about this but all we can do is wait.

Gabbie is coming home this afternoon!
If nothing unexpected happens, she will stay home until next Monday. Then it will be a bone-marrow test and the 3rd chemo session.

She will also be getting CAT scans next week to check on the tumor. The last CAT scan did not show any shrinking so we ask for prayers that her tumor starts to shrink.

Thank you for your prayers!!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Monday, November 19, 2001 at 02:40 PM (CST)

Day 53:

A big thank you to all those leaving birthday messages for Gabbie!!

The stem-cell harvest procedure is being performed today and tomorrow. Each session will take anywhere from three to four hours. A nurse assured me that Gabbie will not feel pain but will probably be agitated by the noise.

We had day passes for both Saturday and Sunday! Saturday was perfect for a long stroller ride on an almost unheard of warm November day. Sunday was OK but we rushed back to the hospital when Gabbie had an unexplained high fever coupled with no appetite.

We might be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with Gabbie along with some relatives on the Paquette side. If not, one of us will celebrate in the hospital with Gabbie!

Please pray that the results of this procedure bring us good news.

Thank you.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Carried by Your Prayers

Friday, November 16, 2001 at 06:01 PM (CST)

Day 50:

Saturday is GABRIELLE's 2nd BIRTHDAY!!!

I won't be updating this weekend because my laptop needs to be fixed.

Thanks for your prayers!

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Carried by Your Prayers

Friday, November 16, 2001 at 10:34 AM (CST)

Day 50:

Nothing really new to report. It could be that the sole source of the infection Gabbie is now fighting is a site infection relating to her feeding tube. John and I were not aware that the "thing" holding the tube in place could be loosened. Gabbie must have gained weight when we were last home and her stomach skin was getting pinched and no air was getting to the site.

Her counts are slowly starting to rise again and so far we are still on schedule for the stem-cell harvest procedure on Monday.

Thank you.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Carried by Your Prayers

Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 12:47 PM (CST)

Day 49:

Looks like we'll be staying in the hospital for a while. The counts are very low and Gabbie will be getting her 2nd blood transfusion today. The G-tube site probably is infected but it is mild so far and is not uncommon.

We are aiming for Monday the 19th for the stem-cell harvest. We ask that you pray that this procedure goes well and that tests on the stem cells show that they can be used and are relatively tumor-free.


Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Carried by Your Prayers

Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 10:33 AM (CST)

Day 48:

We're back in the hospital, earlier than expected but we knew this road would not be easy.

Gabrielle has an infection(s) that has not yet been identified. Hopefully we'll get some preliminary results today.

Her feeding tube site also looks infected and whatever it is that holds the tube in place was pinching her stomach. She was batting our hands away everytime we came near her stomach so we should have known that something was wrong....

We are still hopeful. We keep hearing from people we don't know but there are connections that only God could have known about.

We thank all of you who are offering support. It means so much to us.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad ~ Carried by Your Prayers

Monday, November 12, 2001 at 11:25 AM (CST)

Annunciation Friends: Mary Lee (Pierson) Shand's son, Davis, has leukemia and is also being treated at Minneapolis Children's. He's already had some close calls so keep in your prayers also.

Day 46:

Gabbie had a great weekend at home. We had special visitors on Sunday: a Stage IV Neuroblastoma survivor and his family! Both families agree that this visit was delivered by the hands of God. Tucker's family is from Michigan and just happened to be visiting Minneapolis this weekend. We only started exchanging e-mails last Tuesday....Tucker's family ended up staying less than a mile from our house....

Gabbie is eating and even laughing. The weather has been beautiful and we go for stroller rides every day.

Your prayers really are helping us. Thank you.


Gabbie's Mom and Dad ~ Carried by Your Prayers

Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 11:07 AM (CST)

Day 43:

To any of my "Annunciation" friends: I have just found out that another classmate is going through the same trial. MaryLee (Pierson) Shand's son is also being treated at Children's for leukemia. His name is Davis and we ask that you pray for Davis also.

A Gabbie Update: Gabbie comes home TODAY!!! We'll be back at the hospital, of course, at the first sign of fevers or infection.

The stem-cell harvest procedure will be scheduled sometime after her counts go back up and before the 3rd chemo treatment.

We also continue to ask for prayers for Jackson. Jackson has the same diagnosis as Gabbie. Stage IV Neuroblastoma -- it's a very tough dx.
But God gives us Hope!

Gabbie's Mom and Dad ~ Carried by your Prayers

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 11:59 AM (CST)

Day 41:

Gabbie had a good night with Grandpa! This is in spite of some bad luck with the central line catheter and the feeding tube.

The catheter has to be restitched to her chest and the feeding tube placement is not where it should be. Gabbie will be put under general anesthesia today to have both of those things taken care of.

UPDATE: GOD Intervened! Gabbie was taken down for the repositioning of the feeding tube and it was discovered that it was already back in the right place. That means that Gabbie did not have to be put under general anesthesia, which always carries a risk. I know it was God because I specifically asked God to lay his hands on her when I woke up this morning.

This chemo session will end tomorrow morning and Gabbie might be coming home on Friday or Saturday.

I don't have any details yet but John and I are going to start an informal weekly prayer group at our house. We know that no one can attend them weekly but will arrange them on different nights so that hopefully people can attend every now and then. We will obviously be praying for Gabbie but are open to suggestion as to what the other focuses should be. EVERYONE is welcome but should know that these sessions will be GOD-focused. John and I need to make sure that God is our top priority.

Thank you.

Gabbie's Mom and Dad

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 11:40 AM (CST)

Day 40:

This is the second day of chemo. Gabbie did throw up a lot this morning but fortunately she has been eating a lot.

There might be some problem with her MedComp line, which is the permanent IV for her chemos and other medicines. We will be so disappointed if surgery is required to fix it; however, it has to be in complete working order for the stem-cell harvest, which will take place sometime after this chemo cycle.

Thanks for visiting. We will continue to ask for prayers for a long, long time to come.

Gabbie's Mom and Dad

Monday, November 05, 2001 at 01:42 PM (CST)

Day 39:

The 2nd chemo session has started. Gabbie's dad is with her at the hospital today and so far she is doing well, although it is too early for her to feel the affects of the chemo.

She's still eating...which is a good thing but we probably won't be surprised if she stops eating as soon as the chemo hits her.

We ask for your continued prayers. We know that blessings from God come from faith and prayer.

Thanks, from Gabbie's Mom and Dad.

Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 11:26 PM (CST)

Day 38:

Grandpa is staying overnight at the hospital for us. Gabbie had an OK weekend. She's eating a little food but is getting most of her nourishment via a stomach tube.

When she's feeling OK Gabbie insists on stroller rides. I now know that 16 laps on her floor at Children's is one mile. With two breaks provided by the wonderful nurses and volunteers I pushed her for six hours on Saturday. We try not to be rude but we always end up staring into the other rooms.

Please help us pray that the tumor starts to shrink after this next chemo. It didn't shrink after the first one.

Thanks again, everyone. We appreciate all of you. We are devastated and in pain beyond description but it helps to know that everyone is praying for Gabbie.

Gabbie's Mom & Dad

Friday, November 02, 2001 at 03:29 PM (CST)

Day 37:

The G-tube procedure was successfully done without surgery!! However, Gabbie will still be admitted to the hospital today because the doctors want to monitor the tube site. We're assuming she'll stay in the hospital over the weekend because chemo will start Monday.

One little positive outcome, but we will take whatever we can.

Gabbie's Mom and Dad

Friday, November 02, 2001 at 11:24 AM (CST)

Day 37:

Gabbie is back at the hospital today. We will be anxiously awaiting the outcome of the insertion of a permanent feeding line into the lower intestines. If it can be done without surgery she'll come home for the weekend. If surgery is required, she'll stay in the hospital and begin chemo again on Monday.

The stem cell harvest (retrieval of her own stem cells to be used in a stem cell transplant some time next year) will begin after the 2nd chemo.

Please pray that the testing of her stem cells reveals that the tumor cells are not present in her stem cells.

Thank you for visiting.

Gabrielle's Mom and Dad

Photos working.

Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 10:53 AM (CST)

Day 35:

It's a beautiful day and Dad is taking
Gabbie for a stroller ride. She's been
on several stroller outings since she has
been home. Last night we were out for
over an hour watching Aubrey and the other

Lots of trouble for Mom and Dad with the
feeding tube but fortunately Gabbie
is eating her new favorite: noodles,
noodles, and more noodles.

It's back to the hospital tomorrow. We
hope her recovery from surgery and another
round of chemo is fast so that she
can come home again.

Thanks again for all those praying. We
ask that you continue.

Gabbie's Mom and Dad

(Still working on the photos. Any advice
welcome. I've downloaded photos from
the Net with .jpg extensions but they
don't seem to work.)

Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 11:38 AM (CST)

Day 33:

Gabrielle came home on Sunday. While we
are so excited to have her home for a
few days, her care is constant and we
are exhausted. Home health care nurses
have been out twice but we are still a
little uneasy about the feeding pump.

Gabrielle will be readmitted to Children's
on November 2nd. She will undergo a non-
surgical procedure to insert a permanent
feeding tube directly into her stomach;
however, should that procedure not work
the doctors will immediately do a re-attempt
via surgery.

Depending on recovery time from the G-tube
procedure, the 2nd chemo session should
start shortly thereafter.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate all of you.

Gabbie's mom.

Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 11:38 AM (CST)

Day 33:

Gabrielle came home on Sunday. While we
are so excited to have her home for a
few days, her care is constant and we
are exhausted. Home health care nurses
have been out twice but we are still a
little uneasy about the feeding pump.

Gabrielle will be readmitted to Children's
on November 2nd. She will undergo a non-
surgical procedure to insert a permanent
feeding tube directly into her stomach;
however, should that procedure not work
the doctors will immediately do a re-attempt
via surgery.

Depending on recovery time from the G-tube
procedure, the 2nd chemo session should
start shortly thereafter.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate all of you.

Gabbie's mom.

Friday, October 26, 2001 at 11:41 AM (CDT)

Day 28:

We just found out that Gabbie MIGHT be able to come home on Sunday. She's been fighting an unexplainable infection but if a CT scan scheduled for today does not reveal a noticeable infection she might be given the OK for a home visit. Of course, a feeding tube was just inserted (3rd attempt) last night. She has to tolerate the feedings otherwise she will not be able to leave the hospital.

We are reaching out to God as much as we can. Please, please pray for Gabbie's recovery! Thank you and God bless you.

Photos coming soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 12:07 PM (CDT)

Day 27:

Gabbie is still in the hospital. We are waiting for some complications to clear up before she can begin her 2nd round of chemotherapy.

We are trying to get her to walk as much as possible so that pneumonia does not settle into her lungs. She has had a cold for almost her entire hospital stay.

We think that the doctors have decided to put in a permanent feeding tube so that means she will undergo a 2nd surgery prior
to the 2nd chemo session.

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, October 22, 2001 at 04:03 PM (CDT)

Today is Gabrielle's 24th day in the hospital. On the evening of September 28th during an ER visit, we found out that most of Gabrielle's recent illnesses were due to a very large tumor found in her abdomen. The next day we learned that she had neuroblastoma.

Gabbie has fearfully but courageously adapted to her new surroundings. While we are so saddened by this we are very proud of how she is handling this.

Gabbie had her first cycle of chemo on October 6th. She will have six 21-day cycles. Her counts are on the way up for the next cycle but she will not get her 2nd cycle until her intestines recover from the side effects of the chemo drugs.

Thanks for visiting and please pray for Gabbie!

Monday, October 22, 2001 at 03:58 PM (CDT)

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