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~*~ Justyn with his mom Jennifer and his new baby cousin Hannah Alexis Thompson - Born May 7th, 2005 (isn't she beautiful ... and of course Justyn LOOKS GREAT! ~*~

Justyn turned 7 years old on September 5th and is an amazing little boy. He was in a serious ATV accident July 11th and spent a total of 3 weeks in the Albany Medical Center PICU, Pediatrics and Sunnyview Rehabilitaion Hospital. THANKS to SO many of your prayers and thoughts he has amazed EVERYONE with his healing, courage and strength. Though his battle has entered a NEW stage we will forever be thankful that he was welcomed HOME on Tuesday August 3, 2004 ... Keep stopping in to watch the continued progress of this Brave Little Man ...

Check out the Slide Show put together FILLED with pictures of Justyn - there's music so turn the volume up ~*~

~*~ NEW PHOTOS ADDED OCTOBER 14th 2004 ... ~*~


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:50 PM CDT

Well - it has been entirely WAY TOO LONG for me to personally do an update ... here is one from Jenny that she left in the guestbook a while back ...

October 27, 2006 ~
Justyn mommy and daddy are so proud of you and all that you have done and accomplished in this past year. I cant believe that you are 8 now and oh how much you have grown so.. You are so smart and determined to make all the right choices! I love you so much bobabowie!! Ha Ha I know that you hate it when I call you that but it sounds so cute! :) Keep up the AWESOME job Justyn! Love you Mom
mommy beaulac
Johnsonville, NY us - Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:11 AM CDT

March 3, 2005 ~
Hey Hey Hey!!!!! Thank GOD things worked out the way that they did for my little brave Bubba! Tuesday March 1st Justyn had his Neorologist appt and Dr. Waldman said that he is REMARKABLE!!!! Is that great or what! Justyn has been itiching to get back into "GYM" and he asked the Dr. if this now means that he can play gym again, and Dr. said OH YES YOU CAN!!!:) Awesome huh? Well Friday the 4th is the big GYM day and Justyn is looking forward to that. I love you so so so much Justyn, you are such a BIG BOY. Mommys little fighter huh? Have fun on Friday in GYM Justyn and I'm sure that I will hear about it all that night. HUGS AND KISSES BUBBA!!! Love you mommy
johnsonville, ny 12094 - Thursday, March 3, 2005 3:12 PM CST


This is from Aunt Bekah - sadly I am not living close enough to share in Justyn's daily life but I am very proud of him and how far he has come. He is the "normal" little 9 year old we always prayed he would be. He is doing all the things he should be doing at his young age! We recently got a visit from a friend of his - "Flat Stanley" was mailed to us with strict rules to go on plenty of adventures and to send him back to Justyn at school with photos and a letter. Well when we got the letter in the mail from Justyn it made my heart smile. Seeing his perfect writing on that enevelope and realizing how we almost lost him ... I was so happy to read his letter and of course to help him with his school project. Flat Stanley is a book he is reading at school and with that book came this great idea to send Flat Stanley in the mail, well since he's flat! I am looking forward to seeing Justyn in about 4 weeks when we fly into New York for the 4th of July Week ... I promise to update with new photos and hopefully Jenny will continue on with these updates! Thank you to all whoe supported us along this journey - please pray for all the children out there suffering ... God Bless!

Love ~ Aunt Bekah

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E-mail Author: mommy_jaden@yahoo.com


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