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We love you Zachary!!

Halloween 2002

Zachary Ray Buckentine

May 7, 2001 - October 31, 2003

Zachary was diagnosed with a brain tumor on January 9, 2002 at 8 months of age. Just one week later he was in surgery at Children's Minneapolis for a tumor resection. Pathology reports showed that is was Atypcal Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor, a terribly aggressive and difficult to treat childhood brain tumor.

Zachary underwent 3 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy that hospitalized him several times. The tumor recurred in April 2002. Due to the aggressive nature of this type of cancer, he was given 1-3 months to live. We're eternally grateful that Zachary outlived the odds and fought this beast for another 1 1/2 years. Over that time, he underwent continuous chemotherapy (several different kinds) as well as 29 rounds of radiation. At one point he appeared to be cancer free.

During that time, we had a wonderful 1 1/2 years with Zachary. But then the cancer recurred again on August 29, 2003. Zachary had another tumor resection on September 23, 2003. However, this time his little body just could not fight the cancer anymore and he died 1 month later on October 31, 2003 at the age of 2 1/2. He is in heaven, cancer free and happy. However the void in our hearts and in our family will not be filled until we meet him again.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support during this most difficult journey.

~*~ We love you Zachary! ~*~ We will never forget you! ~*~ We love you Zachary! ~*~ We will never forget you! ~*~


Monday, October 31, 2011 0:11 AM CDT

Eight years. Unbelievable how fast 8 years goes. Eight years since I held Zachary in my arms. He is never far from our thoughts and is ALWAYS in our hearts. The other day we were at Lake George for an evening Halloween event. They had lights pointing up into the sky, dancing around. McKenna (now 4 yrs old) looked into the sky as the lights moved around and asked “can Zachary see them?” She has never met Zack, but she knows she has three brothers.

We moved into a new home last March. Although excited for our new house, it was sad to leave the only home Zachary ever lived in. So many memories were made in that house and in that neighborhood. We have found ways to incorporate Zack’s memory into our new house, but I sure wish he was here to experience this wonderful place. What am I saying? He’s probably thinking the same thing about his home in Heaven….wish they were here to experience this glorious place! Until that time comes, we have memories to hold onto. And we have the love of our Lord Jesus Christ helping us to pick up our cross and carry it.

In His arms,
Jen, Bill, Brady, St. Zachary, Tate and McKenna

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~*~ Heaven ~*~


http://www.childhoodcancerawareness.org/goldribbon.asp   Gold ribbons for childhood cancer - visit this site to get your free gold ribbon to promote childhood cancer awareness.
http://www.caringbridge.org/mn/wiggles   Our friend, Tristan's, website.
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E-mail Author: jenbucke@hotmail.com


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