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Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:30 PM

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~*~New Years Eve~*~

The entire "K" Krew would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy/medically boring New Year.

Happy 2007!!!!

Kody, Kim, Karl, Karyelle, Kayara, Kyle James, Kaysha, Kolin and our favorite lil' spitfire, Alona :0)


~*~Take a Walk on the Wild Side~*~

I did it, I have to admit...I took this beautiful child of mine and with one quick trip the the hair stylist's shop...I aged him by a few good years.
SIGH...Dad Bear is sooooo not happy with me.

You see...
I took Kolin and Kody for their every two weeks haircut, because we all know those German/Irish/Polish/Italain lad's have the most fastest growing hair on the planet, even faster then a Chia joke.
In a very snap decision I asked Kolin if he wanted his long, loooooonnng, beautiful blonde hair cut shorter.
And because his big brother, Kody, is his all time idol {when he doesn't have him in a headlock}, he said "Yeah...just like Kody's!!!"
And....because maybe I induldge them just a little too much, I said "OK, that's cool".

Poor Dad, you could hear his heart fall to the floor when Kolin showed up at home with short spikes instead of long silky strands.
Dad Bear swears it makes him look even more "Wild Child" then he already is.
Me? Ohhh....I just think he's even more a mischevious/wild kind of way.

What you do think??

Can someone explain to me how and why is this lil' boy allowed to have the most prettiest eyes and lashes ever? I mean, what about us females...the lifetime members of the "Tube of mascara a week" club, don't we count at all?

My Kolin....what else can I say except maybe...

"Heartbreaker". :0)

On the flipside, all I can say to end this with tonight is...

"Who's yer Punk Baby now, Dad???" LOL!!!!

Have a wonderful night!!!

Love, half of the beautiful "K" baby maker team

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 9:32 PM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

~*~The Unveiling of "The Greatest Gift On Earth"~*~

Welcome back faithful followers, friends, family and and all humor-filled folks of the internet!!

Welp, tonight's the night...tonight we unveil what will be forever known as...

"The Greatest Gift On Earth".

But before I do, let me just thank you all for the many, many reply's I've gotten...the guesses were wonderful, totally cool guesses but sadly, not even close baby. LOL!!

I've been telling my loving, adoring husband of real close to 27 years, Karlio a/k/a "Daddy Bear" that I've really been wanting one of these, I had one, but I was just sooooo badly wanting a new one.
After all...why would I want my ole' cranky hand-me-down one of these forever, I deserve something new, shiney, cushy soft and teflon coated? Right?

Teflon coated? Oh yes..only the very best for this spoiled ole' wifey. After all..I gave him six krazy kids and because he loves me soooooo dang much, my man gave me...

Gave me....

He totally SURPRISED me with....


Ohhhhhhh....I can't keep it to myself anymore...

I woke up Christmas morning to find this bow filled beauty under my 6 foot, pre-lit Christmas tree...


Isn't it just awesome? Don't you just love it? Come on...admit it, you want one of your very own...don't you?

And who says men don't listen. :0)

Now then, if that didn't have you peein' {no pun intended}, I think perhaps this face will...

Honestly, how could a Mom not love a face like that one?? :0)

Till tomorrow...Love you all!!!

Kim...One VERY spoiled wifey and proud owner of a new bow covered, teflon caoted, pretty, soft seat toilet.

PS. I just have to ask because we have no idea...what is a "roomba"? I swear, I will not sleep soundly until I know for sure.


~*~Rhyme Time~*~

I've searched the net, the dictionary and quizzed complete strangers and the verdict is, the last hint before the the release of the greatest gift on Earth is...

Final Hint: Nothing in the english langauge rhymes with "?!?!?!"

OK, so now that I've got your brain totally frazzled..let's move on to other things tonight.
For instance, a day in the life of the "K" kids or let's rephrase this..
"A day in the life of trying to get one good family snapshot".

A little history..
How do they do it? How do people do it? How on this wonderful Earth do families get those completely adorable, perfect, sugary sweet photos of siblings, together, loving each other? Holding hands, smiling so bright?
Obviously my "K Krew" has a lot to learn.

Case in fact, yesterday afternoon...
{please excuse the mismatched outfits, I wasn't even going there!}

Does "line up and act like you love each other" mean anything at all to this motley group? I think not.

Oh....but looky here, I think they can actually line up, smile and it only took 26 tries.

Wasn't that sweet? But not as sweet as this...a big, ole' smackaroo from your oldest sister...

Which got our poor Bear all in a tizzy because #1, he realized I got him on camera getting smooched by his favorite {shhhhhh, don't tell the others} sister and he just knew I'd have to show the world or #2, he just realized that this was "good-bye" and Karyelle was due to leave on a plane back to New York in about five minutes.
Poor Bear...he just hates "good-byes".

Oh my gosh...will you just check this out...
Another "K" kid arrives for a picture. 53 takes later and although Kody's face is still pretty teary eyed red...they do kind of look like they love each other, don't they?

Just another day in the life around here. :0)

Be back tomorrow with the unveiling of the greatest gift on Earth....friends, family..this one is sooooo definetly picture worthy. Words just won't do it justice...I just have to show you using the power of digital...from my heart to yours. LOL!!!!

Later Gators!!


Christmas Eve

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~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

Call your last lifeline...

The final hint is here...

It's bigger then a Bedazzler and smaller then a new Lexus. :0)

Gotta run to work, see ya'all this afternoon/evening sometime.

Love, Kim..the proud owner of a new ?????


~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Thinking Out of the Box

Hint #4. Think out of the box because if I am lucky my big round thing {I MEANT CHRISTMAS GIFT....holey moley, what were you thinking??} will be out of it's box by tomorrow.

#5. It came with it's own hardware, but only needs a lil' "software", for spoiled wifey's like myself, of course.

#6. It's sort of starring in a recent movie.

OK, that's it for tonight...LOL...I'll be back on in the morning.
Happy guessing...this is the BEST gift a girl could want, seriously....really, no kidding, and it's all mine, mine, mine. :0)

Have a beautiful, restful night everyone.

Love, Kim

PS. Chef David...we sure did get that huge box!! :0)
E-mail is either {Karl's} or {mine} and the phone number has never changed.
Thank you's, {{HUGS}} and big smiles from Kody, Kolin and Alona. :0)


~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

Happy Holidays...The Day After

OK, so we may not have a chimmney but Santa still found his way amount of tornado warnings was gonna stop that jolly ole' way, no how. does appear that he brought three quarters of Toys-R-Us with him.

Guess what else he brought with him?
Welp, after consulting with the Dad Bear of the family....he brought me, ohhhhhh...he brought me... know what? You'll have to guess. This is TOO GOOD, TOO BIG, TOO DARN EXCITING to blurt out this morning.

OK, here are your morning hints...

1. It's round
2. It's shiney
3. I will love it and use it
everyday of my life.

OK, that's it for now...happy guessing. ;0)

Let me just back up for a moment.
Just a minute ago I mentioned toranados. Yes, my friends, only in Central Florida do we hunker down for pending tornados on Christmas Day.
And, only in Leesburg do we actually get one that touches down.
But...thankfully it was about 3 or so miles from our home and though we got some awfully nasty winds and rain and leaky ceilings and so on and so forth...we are still intact and I 've been told that no, I cannot blame the strong, stormy winds on the amount of toys parts and wrapping paper that are still strown all over our previously, semi-picked up living room.

Welp guys and gals...I am off to spent what little bit of time I have with my oldest daughter, Karyelle, who is flying back to New York this afternoon.
A day and a half just isn't enough time and Easter seems sooooo far away.
Also, I've got two lil' boys and one spitfire of a grandaughter who want more then anything this morning to hop on those brand spankin' new bikes Santa dropped off and pedal their way up and down the street....of course, with this Gramma/Mom at full speed {welp, whatever full speed my wide load can muster} running behind them, camera in hand.

Enjoy your day, eat some chocolate, enjoy your babies and totally enjoy...

"The Day After"

Love you all....



~*~Merry Christmas to all~*~

And to all a good-night. :0)

Love, Kody and The Entire "K" Family

Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:14 AM

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~*~May you always see Christmas, through the eyes of a child~*~

Just one for fun this morning. :0)

We've got a pretty busy day today and there are more pic's to come.
I'll be back on a little later after all the running, hustle and bustle is done for the day.

Kody's doing pretty OK. His eyes are an issue for him again as of last night {hurting}, so since he had his school party and took home all his handmade goodies yesterday...I gave him the day off today.
My day off too, so he, Kolin and I will spend it together until we pick Kaysha up at noon.

Have a great one all...

Love, Kim

Sunday, December 17, 2006 9:00 PM

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~*~Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree~*~

"Hey Mom, isn't it time to break out the Christmas tree?"

That, my friends, was the cute lil' voice of my cute, lil' youngest son when he realized everybody, absolutly everyone in the world that he personally knows has a beautifully lit Christmas tree, in thier cozy lil' homes, up for display and we...

Welp we...
OK, I, have been too dog gone busy to actually drive myself to the storage unit where our beautiful, pre-lit family Christmas tree still sleeps in it's festive Wal-Mart cardboard box where we bought it from many, many years ago...
The same year that we found out the hard way that mice really do eat and poop all over artifical tree's that are not properly boxed and stored.
My bad.... :0(

That was the same year Dad Bear and I stood on a five mile line at Wally World, two days before the big day, waiting our turn to buy this gorgeous six foot PRE-LIT, oh yes...PRE-LIT Christmas beauty.
Did I mention, pre-lit? Because honest to goodness after listening to the four letters words fly out of Dad Bear's potty mouth for a decade...there was nothing more beautiful in the world then a tree that has it's own lights installed, no knots, no tangles, no broken bulbs whatsoever.
Yesirree, our Christmas tree rocks!!

And first thing tomorrow morning when all my little Santa {Mom} helpers are in school...I will get on over to storage and toss that bad boy into the back of my car, lug it into our home, sort out all the color coded branches, and set our six foot fir up into our spacious corner of our living room.
Spacious? Did I mention spacious?
Spacious, only because it took me three hours this morning to find.
Toys, computer parts, back-packs, backdrop stands, dust bunnies, stools, tools and the family dog...
Everything, oh just everything in that corner of space, the only corner of space in our home that we need to squeeze that tree into this year.

Our home is being over-run by aliens...and all those aliens have names, "K" names that we gave them.
Why in the world, how in the world could their belongings multiply so darn fast?
Wasn't it just yesterday we when moved in here and for the life of us couldn't figure out how we'd be able to fill up all these rooms of ours?

Anywhos...that being that, I can happily report to you all that there will be a few happy "K" kids in Leesburg, Florida when they come home from school and see they're tree standing proud.
Do you think, that perhaps, they will joyfully stand, hand in hand around they're tree and sing loud and strong...
Christmas tree...oh Christmas tree?
Can you just picture it?


Welp...I can't. What I can picture is three kids and one spitfire of a grandaughter loudly singing...

"Can we decorate it now? Can I put on the first ornament? That ones mine, don't touch it!, Moooooom, he's touching MY ornament!!, Get the cat outta there!, Can we climb it?"


~*~Oh Christmas Tree...Oh Christmas Tree~*~

Have a great one everyone...

Kody is still hangin' strong and kickin' cancer cell at a time. :0)

Love you all,

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:09 PM

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~*~Lean on me, When you're not Strong~*~

And I'll be your strength, I'll help you carry on...

Last Saturday we had the privledge of being invited to Camp Boggy Creek's Annual Winterfest, the party of the year!!

You know what we saw?

We saw games and prizes, we saw great food and treats, galactic gobblers, hot dogs, sno cones and popcorn for lunch.
We saw face painters and ornament makers, companion dogs and harleys.

We also saw wheelchairs and walkers, oxagen tanks and pain med. packs.

We saw the Boggy Creek Gang, volunteers of all ages, of all races, of all walks of life...coming together for an entire week of preparation to give to our Boggy Creek familes one whole day of celebration, love and compassion.

We saw bald kids and siblings, we saw unsteady kids, silly kids and Mom's and Dad's everywhere holding those kids up.

We saw something so beautiful there are no words to describe it.

We saw smiles and laughter, happiness and hugs.
We saw love, we saw life, we saw hundreds of Christmas miracles.
Every child, every single one of them we saw is a true Christmas all their amazing glory.
They showed us life, they showed us how to live, they showed us the beauty of cotton candy in your hair, candy canes painted on your cheek, and how to dance like nobody was watching, whether it be standing or sitting...they were rockin' and a'rollin'.

We saw some sleepyheads and a few tears when it was time to leave {mostly from us!!}.

And the very best part? We were invited back the last weekend of March for an entire family weekend!!!!
Now, what in the whole wide world could be better then that?
Not much...LOL..not much. :0)

Kody Bear is still doing his best to bounce back. This latest setback took a little out of him and he's not quite 100 percent back yet.
His memory is not great, his balance is another biggie...not always but sometimes he just "goes down".
He's been blurting out some things he probably shouldn't be saying, ahhhh....not out in public anyway.

He's had the blues a bit yesterday. Seems since football is something he'll never get to play, a few kids at school have been purposely teasing him by wearing football jerseys and playing without asking him to join in.
Yesterday a kid he's been having problems with since last year came up behind him and knocked him right over.
I'll tell you, I am amazed at his patience but I really feel if the bullying doesn't stop very soon..Bear is gonna lose it and I can guarantee someone will end up hurting, and it won't be Kody.
I don't want it to come to that but darn, that school WILL NOT do anything about it. Why? SIGH..I don't know.
I used to think it was just us, but I have been hearing ALOT about this from other parents.
I just don't know anymore...

Sometimes I look at that kid and my heart breaks...I wonder if he'll be able to ever be OK on his own. Will he be with us forever?
Whatever path life chooses for him though, that's OK with us.
Karl and I are so blessed that Kody is still with us...if it is meant to be that we care for him forever, we will, and just like we do now...we'll love every minute with him, good or bad, happy or sad.

Everyday, whether Kody knows it or not....

I lean on him.
When I'm not strong...he is my strength. He helps me to carry on....

Before I jump off tonight I just wanted you to know two important things...

One, I FINALLY got the photo page updated, welp..let me rephrase soon as I complete this update I'll complete the photo page update.
I know, I know...I do just about everything back*s*wards.

Our favorite "Goth Girl" Kaysha has for the very first time in her entire school career has....






OK Kaysha...are you and your friends happy? I know your reading this in GET BACK TO WORK!!

Here's the deal...

Kaysha had been helping me for a couple of months bus tables on the weekends. All the while saving her pay to get herself a kick butt eyebrow piercing.
Welp, she got the piercing a couple weeks ago and I have to say, it is cool..very cool.

However, her third period science teacher didn't think it was so cool {come on Man, you were young once too} and told her in no uncertain terms to "take it out NOW"
To which my kid said "No way"
Well..they went round to round and she ended up in the office, I guess, when they finally called Dad Bear and myself.
First Karl said ", she's not taking it out"
Then I said pretty much the same thing, then they said they would suspend her for a day and then I said "That's cool..her Dad will pick her up and take her out for lunch"
The school said we couldn't do that and I {menapausal day, believe me} said "Oh watch me!"
And that ended that.

She, of course, is back in school and just slaps a tiny round bandaid on her brow before she walks into that class.
Crazy thing is I want sooooooo badly to draw a little barbell ring on that bandaid...LOL...but I won't.

Oh, and by the way....her very long bangs covers the ring and written right on top of her suspention notice was "never been in trouble before".

The day after she went back to school...the same teacher threatens to send her to the principal if she doesn't take it out.
Soooo....after her saying {oh she is sooooo my kid} "Go ahead, take me out of class, deny me an education...yadda, yadda, yadda...."
They've pretty much given up and dropped the subject.
Kaysha {and our} point is, if she has to take her's out...then every single child in that school should too..and there are alot.
Does a piercing make her a bad kid, uncapable of learning? Nah....I think it makes her a cooler kiddo. :0)

Welp my friends...I really have got to tuck my young un's in bed.
If Kolin comes out one more time and says...
"Ohhhhh.....I used to have a Mommy that tucked us in, ohhhhhh where is that Mommy? Oh please computer......give us our Mom back"

Where does he get his wise guy from anyway?
Oh...that's right, his Dad...oops, I mean Kaysha!! :0)

Have a beautiful night everyone...

Love, Kim

Friday, December 8, 2006 4:16

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~*~Because I can, Mom~*~


The BEST news ever!!!!!!!

I am so sorry it's taken me way too long to update. The past few days have been spent on the phone, running here, running there, and on the phone somemore cutting past the red tape world of insurance people.

After all is said and done, Kody's latest hurdle was, as best as we know, a seizure that struck as he was laying down resting, possibly dozing off Sunday night. WHEW!!

As I type this right now, he and Kolin are outside, running around, trying to unleash some of that endless energy that have today.
Though he still stumbles {he took a fall walking to the car after school today}, his short term memory problems are back, his personality is not quite right yet, and his eyes are still rolling a bit too much upwards....he is remarkably, unbelievably, amazingly, AWESOME!!!!!!

As Kody likes to day, "Man..that must have been one heck of a 'brain fart' the other night".

Soooo.....our next plan of attack is an EEG and to have neuro. check his blood/medication levels. Looks like he may just need more med's in him. Hope so anyway.

However, as for right now.....the seizure took somewhat of a toll on him and like I said, he's not 100 percent bounced back but I can tell you, as compared to Sunday....that child of mine ROCKS!! :0)

We had this lil' conversation last night...very little, short, sweet and to the point because all he really wanted to do was watch "Pirates of the Caribean"...not converse. LOL!!

It went something like this...

Me: "Bear, you amaze me, do you know why?"

Kody "Because I can, Mom" "Now please be quiet".

And that my Kody's whole take on these few days, nothing, not anything will take that child down, he is the true meaning of the words "Courage" and "Perseverance".

Tomorrow is Camp Boggy Creeks annual Winterfest party and the kids and I are attending for sure.
Trust me, right now...we need nothing more then a day get away. :0)

SIGH....gotta run, Kody and Kolin are fixing themselves sandwiches..
Candy cane and apple sandwiches.
Help me please.....

Have a beautiful weekend everyone, thank you...THANK YOU so much for the never ending prayers.
We've come across another miracle, we are sooooo blessed to have all of you in our lives. :0)

Love, Kim

Monday, December 4, 2006 11:00 AM

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

OK...this is, the forth time I'm going to try and update tonight. LOL!!

First I'd like to THANK every one of you, you are all our Angels on Earth.
What can I say? Prayers....I think nearly everybody believes prayers and miracles go hand in hand. I know I do.
I think, if you didn't believe in the power of prayer, you wouldn't ever want to visit a Caring Bridge family site.

Within minutes after posting about Kody on here and my photog. forum, that Bear received prayers from everywhere, from all over and they didn't stop...the prayer chains were simply put it...

Gradually, little by little, Kody's droopy eye and face started to improve. I tiny bit by yesterday afternoon.
By later on yesterday afternoon.....he woke up from another nap and, you won't believe this...

No headache!!

He was completely painfree all of last night.
When I came home from work about 10:30 {last night}, I checked in on him and when he woke his eye was OPEN, no half mast, no droops, no swollen looking anything!!!!
I couldn't believe it and I have to tell you, I darn nearly jumped out of my Nikes. LOL!!

As of today, his eyes are still kind of wonky. They roll upwards, even the one he had surgery on years ago to straighten.
Tonight he has another headache and as of right now is trying to sleep it off with somemore Tylenol.
He tells me he's been seeing "double" again after a long time of not seeing double at all.

My best guess, though I am no Dr., is that Kody may have had another seizure two nights ago.
Since his seizures have been silent and far and few inbetween, perhaps he seized as he was laying down watching TV?
I don't know.....but his symptoms seem much like what happened two years ago when his tumor grew...but back then his symptoms got worse, not better.

With his seizures, his symptoms are similar but since he is on med's two times a day....his seizures are not full blown gran mals, or as Bear likes to say "Grand time at the Mall".
Also, after a seizure...he sleeps an awful lot, his eyes roll, he is forgetful and clumsy, but as the day goes on he gets better.

That, I think, is what is happening.
Actually, that I pray is what is happening. I'll take a seizure over tumor changes any ole' day.

The only thing I still can't figure out is why his eye started closing on him and why was his face droopy too? That is what scared me the most.

Please don't stop praying for Kody.

I do know without a doubt, for sure, something was wrong with him, something happened to him and with the entire world in prayer, something turned around and went very right for our Bear.

We are so blessed to have you all in our lives.

Thank you all sooooo much. {{{HUGS}}}

I'll keep the updates coming . He is still scheduled for that MRI on Thursday IF I can get someone at Shands to agree, without insurance, that he can still be covered for things like this.

Inbetween that darn restaurant and here I'll be on that phone pulling every string I can and cutting through all the red tape I can muster.

I'm still trying to find time to update pictures. Lemme get the young uns' to bed and I'll try to get at least a few up tonight.

Love you all......

~Kim {Kody's Mama who DID see a miracle yesterday!!}~*~


~*~~*~Dear Santa, please bring us a Christmas Miracle~*~

First of all Santa, I want to apologize for being such a Grinchmeister the other day. I saw greedy people and is was kind of ugly, you know?

Christmas, the month of miracles...I know you make them happen, I've seen them time and time again.
I also know you have alot of help from God. Eleven years ago He gave me my beautiful son, Kody, that handsome kiddo you see plastered all over this page.
That sweet, smiling, goofy faced kid you see everytime you look into my heart, where everything and everyone I love is kept.

There has been many times there past five years when all signs pointed to Kody becoming my "Angel Bear". But don't you just know it...everytime things didn't look great, that Bear would fool us all.
When he couldn't walk...he bounced back by not only learning how to walk again but also by jumping back on his beloved skateboard and flying down the street waaaaaaaay too fast for my liking but also, his most biggest accomplishment yet...his incredible talent at the martial arts.
Sometimes I think to myself that his soul must have been reincarnated at one time. I believe he was a Korean warrior many 100's and 100's of years ago. How else could you explain such talent?
When you look into his big brown eyes, there is so much there, so much that cannot be explained but oneday I hope to have explained to me becasue I'd really love to know...why was Kody picked for this cancer journey? Was it becasue he doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure"?
Was it because of the way that he has, his style, his personality that makes complete strangers just fall in love with him?

Do you rememer a little over two years ago when Kody took a very sudden and unexpected turn for teh worse when his tumor started to grow rapidly, without warning..quickly paralyzing him?

Well Santa...last night I came home to the news that Kody was trying to get some sleep in my bed. Kaysha {his big sister} tucked him in because of yet another "monsterache" {headache} and also because he was complaining that his right eye didn't feel "right".
Sure enough, when I checked in on him...that same right eye, the one that gave us that huge scare two years ago, was surely "dropping" again.

Kody slept pretty good last night, monsterache and all. I didn't leave his side. Even Kolin {Kody's lil' brother} invited himslef in and we all curled up together last night.

It's probably a good thing I couldn't sleep last night, memories of two years ago kept creeping into my head and those two boys took over the WHOLE bed, blanket stealin' lil' thieves that they are. :0)
How could this be happening again?
Just yesterday afternoon he was skating, then he spent a good hour and a half practicing his forms with his mee-gee-kie {his weapon} in the hopes of being picked for his karate schools new demo team, "Team Musa".
He looked so good, so sharp....sooooooo serious.

This morning I woke him for school, as usual, hoping that last night was just a bad dream, or even Kody's way of trying to pull one oever on me, since he knew I didn't have to work this morning...I really thought he was trying to toy with me to stay home and hang out.

But....that theory ended when I saw, once again, that his eye was closing, the right side of his face looked slightly droopy too.
I tried to close halfway my own eye to see if it could be done. Nope, not without some obvious twitching. Kody's face is still....silently, beautifully still. You can't fake that. :0(

His monsterache still lives on and as I write you, he is sleeping soundly on the sofa about 10 feet from where I sit.
His Dad's instincts are kicking in too and he noticed something I didn't, that Kody's speech is a bit slurred.
Maybe it was just too early in the morning to be having a conversation? Maybe he had a mini stroke? PLEASE let it be because Kody just didn't feel like being a talkative, morning person today.

Before I go and wake him up...please Santa, please send us a miracle, some good news..please make this all go away.

On Thursday at 2:30 Kody will be having another MRI. We should find out right after what is going on.
In the meantime, since Thursday feels like such a long time away.
Keep him stable, keep him happy and painfree.
Make it all go away please? Pretty please with candy canes on it?

Love, Kim {Kody's Mama who still believes in miracles}

PS. I'll post new pictures soon, a little bit later on. :0)

Saturday, December 2, 2006 9:00 AM

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~*~Very Late Saturday Night~*~

Tonight was Christmas parade on Main Street night.
Tonight Kody outdid himself.
I know, I know...what could he have possibly done this time?

Ummmmm.....more on that tomorrow and a bunch new pictures too. ;0)


Love, Kim


~*~My name is not Grinch, really it's not~*~

So why, walking through the mall last night with 2 and a half kids {two boys and a watchful eye on Kaysha, following her butt as she strutted her independance hanging out with friends} did I have this eerie feeling of...

"This is not what Christmas is it?"

Maybe I'm getting old, maybe I'm getting more, in the EXACT words of my oh soooo loving husband
"Psychotically, Menopausalally, Hormonal". Maybe I was hot flashing, could have been the loooooong line at Starbucks but when, oh when did a pair of shoes/sneakers in Kody's size become $80 to $100.00??
Did they jack up the price cuz they knew I'd be there? Dd they think I'd fall victim for that lil' absurd attempt at price gauging?
Ahhhhh, heck no!!

OK, OK....there's more...

Why people, why all the arguments to be first on line, to be first to have whatever it was you were shopping for, to flaunt all those darn shopping bags from Baseline, Belk's and a half dozen other pricey stores I'd never had the pleasure {or maybe displeasure?} of walking into?

Elves exist only in the North Pole.
Elves DO NOT live in my mall, trying to attack me with scented perfumes and hand creams every single stinkin' time I walk by.

Girlie elves dressed as Santa's "helpers" Victoria Secrets elf outfits, even tried to get me to purchase a "once in a lifetime" portrait package of my children...for only $59.99, plus add this on and that on.....
A mere $400.00 later.

"No", I said..."I am a photographer" {OK, so maybe I'm not "really" a photog...but I had to think of something, right?
This is what I heard as I walked past..

"But even 5 star chefs eat out once in a while"

Oh yeah...well stop me in my tracks....

Insert "Psychotic, Menapausal, Hormonal and what do you get?

A lil' something like answer, short, sweet and to the point...

"True, but when they want to eat the BEST, they cook for THEMSELVES"

LOL...welp if that didn't shut that lil' tram*...huss*...bimb*, trust me...nothing did.

I've been there before, I've taken small children out shopping, I've taken them out shopping at Christmastime.
Maybe it's just me but aren't the children supposed to be making "wish lists"?
If I had two choices to stifle the obnoxious whines of my child and those two choices were..

#1 Give in and buy them something quick, or
#2 Take them home, go out another time and leave the lil' boogers with their Dad.

I think we ALL know what I'd choose. I'll bet you would too. Holy Cannoli's...have you all seen the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"?
I still imagine that brat that was pushed down the trash compactor/disposal thingy.

OK, the soapbox. Sorry. :0(

I have to say, I am jealous...I am very, very jealous of alot of you.

For the very first time in over 8 years I would love to see some snow.
Call me crazy, but that fluffy cold white stuff would make a great photo op.

Maybe that was my problem last night.
Christmas shopping, winter coats, slushy mall floors?? It all goes hand in hand, doesn't it?
Last night in Leesburg, a balmy night. I and 100's of others just like me floated around, browsing here and there in out tank taps and flip flops.
What is up with that?

I came home and watched the 10 o'clock news and saw ya'all covered in snow. a twisted, crazy attept to try and recreate something wintery, I cranked up the A/C, watched the news, cruised the interent and sipped sweet tea. No..not hot tea, ummm...way to warm for that.

Today we have a cold front coming through...YAY!!
It should be topping out at 70, bring on the sweaters....

A couple of weeks ago I picked up the sweetest book from Wal-Mart.
I was actually loking for a hard cover, classic looking version of "The Night Before Christmas".
Couldn't find one anywhere, welp..I did but it was the "new and improved" version of "Eye Spy with my lil' Eye Night Before Christmas".
Anywhos...when the boys were younger they had a book called "God Gave Us You" and they LOVED that book.
I found the same book, well sort of. This one called "God Gave Us Christmas".
I bought it and with the daily craziness of our rushed lives, put it up and forgot about it until a couple nights ago when I took it out, took both boys in my room, shut the door and we read. Well..I read, then Kolin, then Kody.

I'm not meaning to sound too mushy here but the way their faces lit up, because I took time with them, just them. No computer, phones, errands, chores, nothing stood in our way {well, except for Kaysha when she came barging through to see why we were so quiet...GRRRRRRRR} that night. me, that's the stuff that twenty years from now they will remember.
Not what they got for Christmas this year...sure, they'll love what they get, they'll play with what they get but someday it will be put up and forgotten.
The time we spent together will, hopefully, be passed down to the next generation when they take the time to do th esame thing, with the same book with their children.

Now, to me...that is the Christmas spirit.

Gotta run for now and get ready for work.
Tonight we will be attending the Leesburg Christmas Parade on Main Street.
We'll have fun, watching the floats, catching candy canes and my most favorite part...
The one thing I LIVE for every year at this time.
The beautiful Christmas carolers?
The spectacular lights?
The laughter, the joy?, I was actually referring to the funnal cake man. Gotta love um'!!

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:51 PM

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~*~Five Precious Minutes~*~

Sometimes a Mom has to think fast. Sometimes you wonder who's page is this anyway's...Kolin's, Molly's, mine...hmmmmm, maybe Kody's?

Sometimes between school, homework, dinner and karate lessons there is only five precious minutes.

And during those five precious minutes I get...

TWO minutes of this....

And TWO more minutes of this....

But I suppose all is good because in addition to a few others gems, this is my one minute final treasure....

I'll post more tomorrow sometime..they'll be on his photo page.

Have a restful night..this Mama Bear is headed off to bed.

Before I leave though...prayers please that Kody's monsterache he ended up with tonight is nothing more then old history when he wakes up in the morning.
Right now he is sound asleep and snoring in Daddy Bear's arms. :0)

Love yaz...


Saturday, November 25, 2006 10:14 AM

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~*~Monday Afternoon~*~

This is for everyone who thought yesterday's "On Molly" pic. was hilarious.
I swear, I think I love the outakes better then the finished product.

I had about 10 of these to choose from. :0)

Off to fetch some schoolkids!!

Love, Kim


~*~Sunday Afternoon~*~

Are you looking for a laugh today...maybe a smile or two?
Cool....check this out....

LOL....yeppers, I know....high school yearbook/future girlfriend bribery. :0)
For now though...let's just say that kid will do almost anything for a Coca-Cola. :0)

Later Gators!!



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Kody's dog bites are healing up pretty well. His leg is bruised up alot and his finger on his hand still keeps opening up once in a while but all in all he's doing great.
It definetly hasn't slowed him down any...though, playing football with Kolin yesterday and opening up that finger again didn't do me a world of good. He, on the other hand thought drippin' blood was cool. GROSS!!!!!!!!

Not much new around here, same old, same old.
I went back to work at the restaurant yesterday...I had to and I guess I'll just leave it at that for the time being. :0(

Welp....this isn't going to be one of my famous novels today...I've got a ton of things to accomplish before I have to be at work at 4 o'clock.

Hey...guess what? For all of you worried about Gatorland..
I am happy to tell you all they are open and better then ever as of yesterday. I saw the ribbon cutting ceremony on the news this addition to the ceremonial cutting with huge scissors...only Gatorland would think to use a real baby gator too, to slice that ribbon. How cool is that?
We've never been there, but I know alot of ya'all "Make-a-Wisher's" have been and I know one lil' girl in particular was real worried about those cute as a button gators.
Juliana worries my love, the gators are doing great and waiting for you to come back and visit!! :0)

Have a beautiful weekend everyone..

Love, Kim

Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:02 AM

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The turkey's in the oven and the pies are in the is good. :0)

We had a rough Kody Bear day yesterday as he was attacked by a neighbor's dog. :0(
He's OK but he's got a really good size bite on his upper leg and hand.
Hmmm...started out a little like this..
We had just pulled in {the boys and I} from the hardware store yesterday afternoon when a couple of neighbor boys were running up and down the street goofing around like boys do.
As I was saying "good-bye" to Kayara, who was about to leave for the day, I saw one of the boys run up to Kody and throw him on the ground, headfirst into the road.
Kody got up and the other kid threw a trash can lid at him. Welp, Kody...whom I have never really seen angry before, chased those two kids into their yard {which is right across the street} and...ummm...saying this nicely, whompped their butts.
However, one of them, according to Kolin, who ran back there to get Kody...hit Kody with a tree branch right across his ankle, while the other threw a soda bottle at Bear's head.
To which....SIGH....Bear, took the kid, picked him up and tossed him on the ground and....ahhhhh....POW, POW, POW!!!!!!

As Kody came around the side of the house to get himself back home the kids dog, {half rottweiler, half german shepard}, who was chained to a fence, went after Kody and bit him a couple of times.

And that's when we took ourselves a ride to the ER. No stitches, no broken/crunched bones but he does have a pretty nice size punture and cut to his leg and a couple of cuts/tears in his hand, from where I believe he was bit again when he tried to punch the dog away after getting his leg bit.

All in all, though he couldn't outrun a dog...I'd have to say that those there two kiddo's have a new found respect for Kody, who when he needs to defend himself, is a pretty powerful and fast martial arts machine.

NOT that I encourage fighting...I definetly don't BUT I do believe that nobody anywhere, at anytime, has the right to just step back and be pummeled. We ALL have the right to defend ourselves, you, me, our children, all of us.
And truth be told, self defence is an awesome thing to learn.

Oh, BTW....he is on a 10 day course of antibiotics, just incase and the dog? Ummm....he's supposed to be under quarantine but he's gone. I am hoping maybe he was just taken to a relatives home for the time being.
Oh, BTW again...the parents of the boys and owners of the dog were very understanding and apologetic about the whole thing. Offering to pay for Kody's hospital bill {once again Kody has been booted off insurance}.
The boys who decided to use Kody as a hitting bag...LOL..not so lucky indeed.

OK, enough of that. :0)

I added some new pictures just a little while ago...enjoy them!!
And like I said a year ago almost to the day...
It is Thanksgiving and that can only mean one thing..welp, OK..two.
In addition to stuffing our faces today it is the official countdown of



And to start us off in a holiday spirted way, our first set of photos is entitled "Four weeks of endless Christmas pictures, Part One"

Our second set I affectionatly call "Life is a Highway".

Sorry I couldn't get more of Bear, but you all understand if he wasn't exactly in a picture taking mood yesterday. :0(

Welp my friends and family...I'm outta here for now.
Have yourselves a beautiful Thanksgiving get off of've got taters to mash and birds to stuff.

Thank you all for the blessing of YOU!! :0)

Love you all....


Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:56 PM

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~Monday Morning~*~

We're doing good...but, WOW..I just realized yesterday, that Thanksgiving is here this week. This week? What the heck happened, it was just Halloween like seven days ago, right?

Guess I'm off to rustle us up a turkey and some fixins' today.
Fixins' being pie, lots and lots of pumpkin pie. :0)

Thank you...Thank you to the Bear fan who left the coolest poem on Kody's GB.
I have to tell you...I don't know who laughed more, me or Karl. That was great.
All you young uns' out there...just a friendly warning...this too shall happen to you, ain't purty.

Welp my friends, like I said....I have got to get myself in gear and get that dinner those kids of mine will be expecting on Thursday so I better jump off for now.

I put some new pic's up over the weekend..enjoy!! :0)
Hoping to get will be some kind of true miracle if I can get all three kids in one spot for one picture all at the same time.
Man they are FAST!!

Have a great one all..

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Kody Bear's week in review....

After a rough start, headaches, cruddiness, falls, clumsiness, confusion and sleepiness I am happy to say that today is a much better day. Just look at that face up top...posing for his Mama in a homemade hat and scarf just so he can score points with me and earn that training sword he soooo wants for Christmas.
LOL...don't you just love bribery and kissin' butt? :0)

I'll have to post some new pic's up over the weekend....Kody isn't the only one with swords on his mind...LOL..I got some cute pic's of his lil' brother too.

Welp, as you all know...Dad Bear is home and back working at the garage he tried soooo hard for years to get away from.

What was I thinking? Where was my head? How could I be so selfish?

Here's a little something I wrote about myself that pretty much sums up these past couple of days..

My name is Kim

I am...
Hot {to bad it's only in flashes}...
Borderline Pyschotic
Menopausal {did I mention that?}...

My name is Kim

And I almost let my man give up his dreams for my own being...cuz I love him, I love him ALOT but sometimes love has to let go once in a while so today I am screaming to the world...

Karl, my man, love of my life, my very reason for waking up every morning..

You go for, travel, roll on!!!!

OK, I bet by now you are all wondering..

OK, she is borderline pyschotic...but why? Why the change of heart?

Here's why...

Yesterday morning after the kid's were safely sent to school, Karl and I took off on a date.
He in his truck, me sitting by his side..and we drove, we drove right to our local truck stop so he could turn in some paperwork and we could both splurge on a Pilot truck stop coffee..which, BTW, Karl swears is the best darn truck stop coffee ever.

Picture this...
Pulling into the stop and parking...oh wait let me back up...

Karl drove, I stared {nice shiftin' arms, what can I say?}
Then we pulled into the lot and he parked..not just "parked" but parked so perfect.
And it was right then and there when I realized..
Karl just doesn't "drive" a truck, he "is one" with that truck.
Sounds crazy, right?
You could see the pride in his face, you could see the schoolgirl/teenage giddiness in mine upon seeing him sooo darn stinkin' cool. was right at that very moment when I knew, in my heart, that talent like that should not go wasted.

He was meant to be in that truck...and with all the love I have in my heart for that man, I am willing to let him go, drive, drive.

And at the end of all that highway, he knows that when he pulls up home and put's down that truck key....
The next key he has is the one to my heart. And that my friends, is forever and one that can never be put down. :0)

Sooooo.....I am leaving it up to him, but if this is his dream, then who am I to take it away, right?

That's about it for right now, gotta run, places to go and people to see.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone..

Love yaz!!!!!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:08 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Hmmmmm….where do I begin??

OK, the beginning sounds pretty good.
This has been one heck of a week so far, starting from Saturday night when I walked out of my job and vowed to myself never, ever to go back to that place.
It was getting bad, real…real bad and not the type of environment that I need to be placed in, so without any regret, I quit, and my kid’s have never been more happy then they have these past four days.

No worries…I am looking around for another but you know what? I seriously, seriously need to find time to get this photography thing rolling.
I’ve been neglecting it and maybe now is the time, I don’t know…maybe.

OK, if that wasn’t enough…more changes for us are in the very near tomorrow. How’s that for near future? :0)

These past couple of months have been really stressful between Dad Bear and myself.
Without going into detail and boring you all to tears, Karl {and I} have made a huge decision.
Tomorrow he is coming home after dropping a load off in Jacksonville.
He won’t be going back to driving long distance.
Some families get used to the change, the good-byes, the tears, the loneliness, the crazy routine. Ours wasn’t one of those families.
The kids were stressed, I felt like I was going out of my mind playing both Mom and Dad, holding down a job, keeping up with school, house, bills, appointments, Dr’s, just everything.
In order to save our marriage, in order to raise our children the way we always have…truck driving will wait about another 10 years when the boys are good and grown and Karl and I can take off together.
It wasn’t a decision we made on a spur of the moment…lot’s of things and happenings got us there.
Maybe though….it was during the worst night of all for the both of us about two days ago, when Karl checked his miles for that day and wouldn’t you know it…
419 miles.
4 {April} 19{th}, our anniversary.
God sure does work in mysterious ways, doesn’t He?
Right then and there is when he called me and told me he had had enough.
I think, in my heart, in the “high” of trying to “have it all”, we came very close to losing the one very important thing we had.
There is nothing, nothing in the world that is more important then that. Without “us” {Karl and myself} there is no “them” {our family}, the most precious and important thing in the world.

Soooo…that being that, I’d like to thank you all soooo much for dealing with my many “moods” lately and my lack of updates. Now you know why and I really can promise you now that I’ll do much, much better. :0)

Kids are doing great. YAY!!!
Kody was feeling crummy after school today and fell into a long, sweet nap. I woke him up for karate class but he was really feeling awful so we stayed home instead.
He’ll be better tomorrow..I hope.
If not, this back at home Mama will be taking care of her Baby Bear and thinking nothing of it, no calls to work, no finding a replacement, no finding a babysitter, no stress, no worries. Just me and my Bear. :0)

Welp my friends..I have a full house here tonight. Kaysha, Kody, Kolin, Kayara, Kyle James, Alona and Kyle James g-friend, Amanda. The house is buzzing, loud, happy, and laughing.
Plus….they found my pumpkin pie I hid in the fridge..I have GOT to go so I can get me some too. LOL!!!

Only two people missing right about now, Dad Bear and Karyelle. How cool would it be to have a full house once again?

BTW…I don’t know if you’ve seen it written in the guestbook but there was a Dad Bear siting in Newburgh, NY two nights ago.
Around 8 PM he was seen in a Italian Restaurant having dinner with Karyelle, Billy and Christine.
LOL..those three boogers traveled like mad after their workday to go see him. Gotta love those kids. :0)

Have a beautiful night everyone. Love you all…


Friday, November 10, 2006 10:20 PM

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~*~Sunday Afternoon~*~

Hey everyone..

Just a quick "Hello" and "Happy Sunday" from us today.

Dad Bear is officially back in New York {our home state} as of an hour ago {2:30 pm}. He's headed towards Wilton, NY which is just outside Saratoga Springs, I believe.
If any of you is traveling East on 90 {NY State Thruway} for that big orange Schneider just may spot him. :0)

Have a wonderful one all...
I'm still trying to get Kody Bear to sit still long enough to update his photos. That one on top is as best as it'll probably be today, he is in a crazy, funny making face mood today.
Heck, I had to pay him a buck for just that one.

Love you all..



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just stopping by tonight to wish you all a very happy Veteran's Day and a very FANTASIC weekend. :0)

We're doing pretty cool...Dad's back on the road as of yesterday, real reluctantly, as you can all imagine.

The three kids and I had a pretty good day today, they had no school and I had no cool is that?

Sooooo....we made pretty OK use of our time and the boys let me snap away for oh about 20 seconds and they were over it.
Something about slippin' hats on those heads when it's still 80 something degrees just does nothing for them.

So, if you have nothing much better to do tonight, stop on by Kody's photo page and see what we were up to for 20 seconds this afternoon.
They did promise me though that becuase I was able to treat them to a movie tonight {Santa Claus/Escape Clause} that I could get even more time tomorrow...maybe 5 minutes if I'm lucky. No worries, I can shoot fast. :0)

Welp my to spend my night updating but this old Mama Bear is about ready to hit the sack.
I should {Sheila, I REFUSE to promise!!} be back on tomorrow so I can get somemore photos up....hopefully, ummmmm....OK, we'll see.

Thanks for not thinking I was totally off my rocker for updating about urinals. If you could all hear what I heard this'd freak. I did. And nope, I won't even go there on here cuz I happen to know some of our friends are kiddo's. E-mail me for more details.
ALl I will say is "Ohhhhh...being the Mom of boys is not boring, no not ever".

Have a great one all...

Love, Kim

Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:03 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry...I was told this morning by one Dad Bear that I've been a major slacker in the updating department.
I have GOT to teach that man how to update one day.

Not much new here....though our Bear had woken up with a "monsterache" {that's a big time headache extreme to any newbies here} so he is medicated and trying his best to sleep it off as we speak/type/read.

Thankfully Dad Bear is here to mind his lil' cub this morning because I have to get Kaysha to the dentist to get a UGH, cavity filled. Her first and better be last.
You hearin' me Kaysha girl?????

Other then rolls on one day at a time.

PROPS to Dad Bear who has made some darn good use of his home time this week....we have finally managed to save enough $$ to get some kitchen cabinets {we found our old ones in pieces on the kitchen floor one morning after a huge rain} and a new toilet for the front neded it bad...reallllll bad, I'm pretty sure the one that was there came with the home when it was built...ewwwwww.

Speaking of gross things like toilets....what is it with boys? I'm talking boys of all ages but mostly boys of my familes age, 9 {Kolin}, 11 {Kody} and the other "Kid" who does nothing to stop them by laughing, Dad Bear {no age included...this time!}.
OK, what I am talking about is the new use of the newest word that they think is the most hilarious word on Earth..

OK, stop laughing....I am at my wits end, seriously. :0(

They won't....just won't stop saying it. Why I ask? My only explaination is...
"Because they are boys".

Kyle James' 21st birthday went well. He walked into a mini mart and bought a beer. Not because he wanted it...but because he could so he did.
Yes, they checked his ID and then told him "Hey, it's your 21st..this ones on us"
So...he came home and put it in the fridge...then partied with his lil' brothers and sister.
After and birthday cake just don't go together. Bleech!
BTW....that Bud was mysteriously missing the next day...guess he couldn't resist. :0)

Welp my friends...all things must come to an end and it looks like my daughter kid is ready for that dentist appointment so I better jump off of here for now.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day everyone and in the words of one very knowledgable Bear Kid,
"Hug your Kids, Hug your Mom, Hug your Dad, Hug a Tree....But for goodness sake, DON'T go huggin' on any cactus' cuz man that HURTS...WOOOOOO-WEE!!".

Love ya'all!!


Thursday, November 2, 2006 9:36 PM CST

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~


Just jumping on quick tonight to send "Happy B-Days" to Kyle James and to let you all know we are still here, still hanging in there.

Not much exciting going on....just stuff, the kind you just have to work through one day at a time.

You know, I just realized the background color on Kody's site is, ummmmm.....kind of hard to look at. I'll have to work on lightening that up a bit...until then, I'll make my journal entries in a lighter font so it's readable. Sorry about the rest.

Welp my's been a very, very long day and tomorrow is fixin' to be an even longer one so I better rap this up for tonight.

Thanks for stopping by and checking on our Bear Bear.
Thanks for dealing with my cranky butt on days like this when I'm in a real serious funk. :0(

Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming....

Love, Kim

Saturday, October 28, 2006 10:08 PM

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~*~Monday Night~*~

New photos up...enjoy!! :0)


~*~Monday Morning~*~

Hi all...

I have to run out in about two minutes but wanted to stop by and say GOOD MORNING!!

I'll try to get those new pictures up later on, there are sooo many and I think I must have edited and resized about 50 of them last night.
Now the job is to narrow that 50 down to 15. :0)

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sooooooo, soooooo sorry to keep you all un-updated.
I have had no internet at all this past about a week and finally Dad Bear came home very late last night. He just now literally got done fixing this computer for me. Let's hear it for the Big Bear Man!! :0)

Everything here has been OK. The kids are rockin' and for the next week or so Karl's truck will not be rollin'.
Schneider sent him home for some much needed R&R after the accident he was in 8 days ago.

I am definetly going to have to spend some time this weekend updating more and posting some new photos, I have soooooooo many but without internet I haven't been able to post anything Man it feels soooo stinkin' good to be on the web once again.
Don't ya just love a man who can fix anything? :0)

I have some great news and this isn't going to wait until the next update, no way.
Last Monday night Kody and Kolin passed, with flying colors to the next rank in karate.
YAY Boys!!!!!!!!!!!

They both did AWESOME, seriously it was a show I would gladly have paid to see and oncore of.
Kody is now a green belt with three stripes and Kolin is one rank ahead being an official red belt one stripe.
Next color after red? That would be black!! How cool is that??
Kody was absolutley sensational...breaking a wooden board with a "flying side kick" and smashing that thing to near splinters. He also landed beautifully and gracefully.
It was for sure the high point of the night and pretty much at that point when his teacher couldn't hold back anymore and very emotionally shouted "Kody, brainstem cancer my butt...You are awesome!!"
It was then that everyone who was there that night found out about one of the bravest kids on Earth.
See, until then...nobody really knew. :0)

Kolin was equally awesome, flying side kick and his board was history. His forms were flawless and his sidekicks {he is famous for his perfect sidekicks} were better then perfect.

Believe me when I say, there was not a prouder Mom in the crowd.

I will be putting up some photos of that this weekend. Right now I am just soooo darn excited to have internet back. LOL!!

OK my's getting late and I have two sugar-highed boys that have just come crashing down and need to be put to bed.
Tonight was the their annual Halloween party at karate and man oh man did those two have a GREAT time. Maybe too great a time, HA!!

I am also sorry for not getting back with e-mails. I am sure there must be a bunch waiting for me and I'll be getting back to all of you within the next few days.
Thanks for your patience.

Have a beautiful weekend. Tomorrow we will be spending time as a family...with everyone having the same day off, what's better then that? :0)

Love you all...later gators!!


Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:22 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

This will have to be pretty quick as our decent computer has bit the dust badly days ago and I just can't seem to revive it.
The one I'm on now is our very old one and it works at a snails speed, plus it just loves to shut down on me at the most worse times...which if I don't hurry, may be in the middle of this update. :0(

The kids are doing OK, but I have some upsetting news to tell you all.

Our day yesterday was not a good one, not good at all.

First, let me start off by saying..
Karl is OK, he is really OK....but yesterday...
he was in a very, very bad wreck.

Early yesterday morning in Tucson, Arizona he was driving along 1-10.
There was a pretty bad wreck just ahead of him and he saw the police cars, ambulance, etc and of course he slowed down.
Unfortunetly the man driving a semi behind him didn't slow down and hit Karl's truck at full speed, which was estimated to have been at least 70 maybe 75 miles per hour.

I totally lost it when he called me right away....he was upset, real it had literally just happened and he was telling me to quickly call Schneider.
I was on my way home and ran through the house to call...
It wasn't until Schneider called me after what seemed like way too long to tell me that the accident was, for sure, not Karl's fault at all BUT the guy who hit him, hit his truck so hard, that he was pushed about three quarters the length of a football field across the highway and that the others guys truck was stuck three quarters of the way inside and underneath Karl's truck.

About two hours {I think?} later Karl called me back even more upset when he said he had just witnessed the other driver die after being pulled out of his truck.
Apparantly the other driver was not wearing a seatbelt and it took about 3 hours to cut him out. We will never really know for sure what happened or why he didn't stop.

The Tucson police dept. and DOT was great and really helped to calm Karl down. Sitting with him, getting him water, assuring him it was not his fault and there wasn't a thing he could have done. They kept the media away and told him his actions helped saved the lives of the people who were still in the road due to the accident he was slowing down for.

Last night Karl spent the night at a truckstop in his truck {after DOT inpected it and gave it back to him...all clear and fine} and as of today, he is spending the rest of the weekend in a hotel and will head home with another load to deliver sometime this week.
He was supposed to be home Wednesday, but it looks like that won't happen. :0(

Right about now, as beautiful as Tucson is, all he wants is to get out of that town and back home for a little while.

We talked, last night, about him giving up the truck, but as that conversation was in the mist of all this and filled with emmotion. Today he is not wanting to give it up and says he will continue to drive.
But...still wants more then anything to be homebound.

As horrible as this was....I am so, sooo thankful that the phone call that I received was not worse and of course, all of us here in the "K" family pray for the man and his family who passed away yesterday.

I've included this newspaper article that came out today in the Arizona newspaper...
Karl was the driver in the freightliner.

Arizona Daily Star

Kody was the worst of all the kids as far as taking the news goes. I buffered it so he really doesn't know how bad it was, he does know that Daddy was in an accident and late last night, after finally hearing Karl's voice on the phone....Kody broke down and cried his eyes out until he finally fell asleep in my arms.

I won't feel right until Dad Bear is back home and I can actually, physically hug him. That's when I'll be able to know everything is OK again. I'm pretty positive Kody and Krew feel the exact same way.

Welp my friends.....I really better get off this computer.
In the event you don't hear from me for a while, we are having some major computer and interent problems here.

Have a beautiful weekend...Love you all!!


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:13 AM CDT

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Promise? Did I say "promise"? Nahhhh.....what I meant to say was "promise to try to".
OK...OK...never mind, your not falling for it, I messed up again and this time I promise not to promise anymore cuz everytime I do, it is a sure fire promise something will come up and that promise won't happen.

On a brighter note...
I'm here tonight!! :0)

Everybody here is doing great.
Everyday is a constant blur of activity, but could be worse, I could be sitting around bored. Bored? What the heck is bored?

Hmmmm...let's see, Oh I know!

My first thanks of the day {actually week!} goes out to Miss Jen for the HUGE can of Hershey M&M's!! :0)
As much as I'd love to show you all in living digital color what a huge can of brightly colored M&M's looks like...I can't. They're about gone.

My Hershey obsession has been finally passed down. My kids are in need of intervention. They have been on a constant sugar high since last week.

Thank You...Thank You!!
I hardly feel the need to take them out for halloween anymore, not with the candy floating around our home lately.
Wait? Did I just say that?
No..couldn't have been me. :0)

Yeppers, A Halloweenin' we will go.
I mean, Kody made me work to the bone to find him the perfect costume this year and it finally arrived today, safe and sound.

What is it you may want to know?

HAHAHAHAHA....yeah right!! Now you know I couldn't just give away something that darn good.
Stay tuned....

So, I've decided to do a little something different with my life, something for just me.

Every morning I lovingly toss my children out of the car in front of their school and I happily venture out for some "Kim Time". A whole hour to myself doing something that I very surprisingly LOVE!!

Can you guess what I'm up to?

Tanning? Nope.
Nails? No Way.
Massages? Never.
Pedicures? Good Lordy NO, remember that "foot" thing. :0(
Ballroom dancing lessons? Don't make me laugh.
Skydiving? Sounds fun but no.
Bowling? Hate the shoes.
Golfing? Hate the silly hats.
Education? Sort of.
Working out? Yep, your on the right track.

OK, I won't make you read on anymore then you need to.
This, my friends, is the new and improved me....

Remember a few weeks back I told you all about the self defence class and how cool that was and how I was walking around with a new self confidence that I had never had before?

Welp, I took that one step further and actually joined Kody and Kolin's karate school.

I go in the morning, before work, so that nobody can see how embarrassingly uncoordinated I look and I learn the art of Korean Karate.
I also learn the art of hurting in places I didn't know possible to ache in.
But it's a good ache, really. Really? Ummm...really. know, my boys think I am the coolest Mom ever now, and after all is said and done...what is better then that?

Truth be told there is another Mom who joined a couple of months ago and I've been constantly hearing my boys talk about "How soooooo very cool Mrs. "P" is, coolest Mom on this planet, you know".
Welp...thanks to Mrs. "P's" lil' inspiration..I'm the cool Mom now too.
Though...Mrs. "P" looks like she could really hurt me and I am soooooo totally staying out of her way. :0)

Other then all that, not mush else is new around here.

Dad Bear sighting of the week.
As of this afternoon he is in California.
There is a little story to that.
See, Sunday night he was telling me about New Mexico, Texas, and all the back and forth he was doing between the two and how bored he was getting.

So, to make conversation I said "When are they ever going to send you somewhere exciting, like California?"
Don't you know it...come Monday morning he gets a message on his truck computer..."Your going to California!"

Sooooo....although I don't remember exactly where in Calif. he is..oh wait, lemme go call him and check.

I'm back...

He's at the Schneider National Operations Center in Fontana, California and he's heading out to Ontario, Calif. in the morning, then back to Fontana and then...welp, after that he has no idea.
But....if we keep those fingers crossed...he will be back home on the 24th and will be able to watch, on the night of the 25th, his two boys take and pass their karate tests!! Fingers, toes, cross them all please. :0)

OK, it's getting late, I'm outta here tonight.

Check out the photopage, I updated that too. Yeppers, I'm on a roll tonight. :0)

Love you all....



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I'll update a little later on.
The kids have no school today and I have the day off.
Busy morning but I promise I'll be back. :0)

Love, Kim

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:53 PM CDT

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~*~Thursday Afternoon~*~

Introducing my next unsuspecting victim..


Same victim, 2 seconds later....

And Kody's whole take on the situation...

Your next Kody, your next.


Welp, it's been an interesting week but all fun things have to come to an end and this Mama Bear has to get her butt back to work in a little while. :0(

Have a great night everyone!!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Thursday Morning~*~

Big Ole' Heavy SIGH....

It appears our Bear Bear had a mild seizure last night.
I saw his face and eyes twitching last night {he didn't feel anything...just stared blank into space while it happened} and while he was trying to fall asleep at bedtime he told me he didn't feel "right", as if he felt he was dozing off but he couldn't close his eyes.
Most of the night was spent with a monsterache and this morning his eye is "off/floating" and he is sleeping alot.

He hasn't had any seizure activity in about 7 months. Was last nights due to the hit in the temple he took from that brat at school yesterday or coincidence?
I seriously don't think it was a coincidence.
Awaiting a phone call from Mr. Principal as we speak.

Kolin ended up staying home too. Benedryl isn't even touching his gagging/gunky allergies this morning.
He'll end up with some Claratin and Albuteral breathing treatments today and hopefully all will be better as soon as he can gack some of that allergy gunkness out.

Other then just rolls on for us. :0)

I'll try to update later on again.
Gotta run...

LOve, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry once again…forgive me my friends, I have been straying. Yes…nursing head trauma can be an exciting time and I have been on a roll.
I’ve found something that not only keeps me amused but gives me frequent trips to the ladies room. Ever hear of the "laughing so hard ya pee" myth? I am here to tell you it is not a myth, check it out on Mythbusters one day..this is true, trust me.

OK, I started off innocently enough one day cruising the internet looking for Kody’s idea of the perfect Halloween costume.
I have no idea how I did it but I ended up here…>>>

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman

It’s a horrible addiction, I know. :0(
If you find yourself sitting around with say, 2 to 3 hours to spend…you've got to check this site out. In particular, please check out the audio/video clips entitled "Juice Bag".
I promise you, you will be sooo happy you did. Just, those bathroom trips.

Oh….the 2 to 3 hour thing? Trust me, once you start…you won’t stop. LOL!!!!

Life rolls on around here. This has by far been the week from H**L. Starting with myself {Crash}, a lil’ of Kaysha in the middle and ending {FINALLY!} with Kody today tripped while running by a very bi-polar {GRRRRRR….OK, I’ll say it Pyscho} boy in his class who claims Kody "invaded his personaly space by running to close to him.
Not only did Bear's head hit the ground hard, but his left temple is roughed up {which took the brunt of the hit}, so is his face and directly afterwards he got very disorientated, confused, couldn’t remember what went on and I guess it goes without saying I flew to the school to get him.
He’s doing OK tonight was he was pretty wobbly/unsteady and headachey this afternoon.
Needless to say, sending him back in tomorrow will be difficult, if not boardering impossible for me to do until that kid is out of his classroom for good.
Talk of the school was he was taken out, put back in, taken out again and put back in again.
All because of his violence towards other kids.
What’s it gonna take anyway?

Kody got his testing forms for karate tonight. He’s going to be testing for his third stripe on his green belt in about two weeks. Red looks to be in his future next.
Kolin hasn’t gotten his forms yet but there’s still time and that boy has been practicing like a madman.
Upon waking up, during breakfast, while getting dressed, brushing his teeth, he can practice in the shower, walking to the car, shopping in Wal-Mart.
The child is obsessed.
About as obsessed as I am creating yarn things.

Oh yes…I did it, I did it again and I’ll do it again and again and again.
My talent has hit hard in our home again and this time my next unsuspecting victim was…

Oh heck, I really can’t say tonight. Why? Welp, because we all know it just wouldn’t be the same without that "MOOOOOOOOOOM....QUIT IT!!!!!" face in true digital color.
Tomorrow for sure.
By then he/she {?} should have a matching scarf. No matter that it’s still 90 degrees, the truth of the matter is we are in for a cold front this weekend.
Anytime we have to wake up to a blustering 60’s time to break out the winterwear as far as this spoiled, cold weather wussy Mom is concerned. :0(

Ok friends and family members from all over the globe, it’s about that time.
Time to lovingly tuck the children into their nice warm beds?
NAH…time to see if Pioneer Woman has done another update. LOL!!!!!

Have a great night everyone!!

"K" family fans….if your in Texas, Dad Bear will be there tomorrow. Louisiana tonight and bound for the Lone Star State in the morning. Watch those big ole’ orange trucks…and if you see him, flip him a {NO, not a finger!} a wave!! :0)

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:42 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry once again…forgive me my friends, I have been straying. Yes…nursing head trauma can be an exciting time and I have been on a roll.
I’ve found something that not only keeps me amused but gives me frequent trips to the ladies room. Ever hear of the "laughing so hard ya pee" myth? I am here to tell you it is not a myth, check it out on Mythbusters one day..this is true, trust me.

OK, I started off innocently enough one day cruising the internet looking for Kody’s idea of the perfect Halloween costume.
I have no idea how I did it but I ended up here…>>>

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman

It’s a horrible addiction, I know. :0(
If you find yourself sitting around with say, 2 to 3 hours to spend…you've got to check this site out. In particular, please check out the audio/video clips entitled “Juice Bag”.
I promise you, you will be sooo happy you did. Just, those bathroom trips.

Oh….the 2 to 3 hour thing? Trust me, once you start…you won’t stop. LOL!!!!

Life rolls on around here. This has by far been the week from H**L. Starting with myself {Crash}, a lil’ of Kaysha in the middle and ending {FINALLY!} with Kody today tripped while running by a very bi-polar {GRRRRRR….OK, I’ll say it Pyscho} boy in his class who claims Kody "invaded his personaly space by running to close to him.
Not only did Bear's head hit the ground hard, but his left temple is roughed up {which took the brunt of the hit}, so is his face and directly afterwards he got very disorientated, confused, couldn’t remember what went on and I guess it goes without saying I flew to the school to get him.
He’s doing OK tonight was he was pretty wobbly/unsteady and headachey this afternoon.
Needless to say, sending him back in tomorrow will be difficult, if not boardering impossible for me to do until that kid is out of his classroom for good.
Talk of the school was he was taken out, put back in, taken out again and put back in again.
All because of his violence towards other kids.
What’s it gonna take anyway?

Kody got his testing forms for karate tonight. He’s going to be testing for his third stripe on his green belt in about two weeks. Red looks to be in his future next.
Kolin hasn’t gotten his forms yet but there’s still time and that boy has been practicing like a madman.
Upon waking up, during breakfast, while getting dressed, brushing his teeth, he can practice in the shower, walking to the car, shopping in Wal-Mart.
The child is obsessed.
About as obsessed as I am creating yarn things.

Oh yes…I did it, I did it again and I’ll do it again and again and again.
My talent has hit hard in our home again and this time my next unsuspecting victim was…

Oh heck, I really can’t say tonight. Why? Welp, because we all know it just wouldn’t be the same without that "MOOOOOOOOOOM....QUIT IT!!!!!" face in true digital color.
Tomorrow for sure.
By then he/she {?} should have a matching scarf. No matter that it’s still 90 degrees, the truth of the matter is we are in for a cold front this weekend.
Anytime we have to wake up to a blustering 60’s time to break out the winterwear as far as this spoiled, cold weather wussy Mom is concerned. :0(

Ok friends and family members from all over the globe, it’s about that time.
Time to lovingly tuck the children into their nice warm beds?
NAH…time to see if Pioneer Woman has done another update. LOL!!!!!

Have a great night everyone!!

"K" family fans….if your in Texas, Dad Bear will be there tomorrow. Louisiana tonight and bound for the Lone Star State in the morning. Watch those big ole’ orange trucks…and if you see him, flip him a {NO, not a finger!} a wave!! :0)

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim

"Pictures are mirrors. They are reflections of not only what is photographed, but also who made the photograph."
-Amy Deputy~

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy


Still leaving these links/messages below....


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


A site that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Monday, October 9, 2006 2:27 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Not much time to update this afternoon so I'll get back on after the kiddo's are in bed tonight.

Though, I just wanted to let you all know that Kaysha's High School homecoming was a blast this past Saturday night. She had a great time and she looked AWESOME!!

We took almost 100 pictures, here's just a few until later on.

I guess these aren't exactly your typical "homecoming portraits", but then again..Kaysha isn't exactly your typical "Homecoming Queen". LOL!!!!
But she still is my lil' Goth Princess no matter what.

BTW, the wings stayed home...they were only for effect, actually, truth be told..they are Kolin's.
But that wil be seen in pic's coming soon. :0)

Gotta run, it's about time to start the school pick ups.

Love, Kim

"Pictures are mirrors. They are reflections of not only what is photographed, but also who made the photograph."
-Amy Deputy~

Saturday, October 7, 2006 1:42 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Another update…that’s like three in three days…WAA-HOOEY!!!!!!!!!!

I got to thinking today, you know…I’ve been an udating fool but have I mentioned Kody, remember him? Ummmm…nope, can’t say I have so in honor of the kid this site is all about just let me tell you…he rocks!!

Really, he’s doing great, being the onery beast only he can pull off and I suppose all things considered…that’s cool.
What NOT cool is the way he is working Kaysha and my last nerve with his new found "talent", harmonica playin’, or as I call it, the day we all realized Kody knows only one tune…blow in, blow out. Therefore, as the rest of us "K" family members..Kody has the family tradition, ultimate talent of not being able to carry a tune in a bucket.
My head feels like it is going to fall off…seriously.

OK, back to me.
Oh wait no….not yet.

Last night while Kaysha made her every other weekend trip to the mall…where only the coolest of the coolest hang on a Friday night, Dad Bear and his two youngest Bear Cubs decided to throw caution to the wind, live it up, party till you pop and set out around 8 last night to "live like the truckers do" and camp out in that big ole’ orange truck that is parked across the street in an empty lot.
Yes my friends, they grabbed some pillows, some drinks, some snacks and rocked with the only form of trucking entertainment they had…the radio.
Sometime around 9, they tell me Dad passed out cold…sometime around 1 o’clock this morning the Lil’ Cubs tell me they were still rockin’ out.
I don’t even want to imagine the torture they inflicked upon their unknowing and willing Dad before they finally collapsed from their sugar high.

But…the best of the trucking experience was yet to come when sometime just past sunrise…Kody and Kolin decided that only full fledged, hardcore truckermen like themselves don’t walk back to their home to take that first morning whiz..instead they opted to sneak out and let er’ rip right in the bushes next to the truck.

Yes it was a Kodak moment for sure…but I as the prissy, way too girlie gal that I am, was happily snoozing in the comfort of my own bed, with the sound of the A/C, my own bathroom and the scent of the coffee machine set to auto.
How’s that for spoiled rotten?
Anywhos..neddless to say that moment will stay in my memory bank cuz I sure as heck didn’t catch it on film.

OK, now back to me..

Just wondering before my husband forcefully forces me into the car for a trip to the ER…is it possible to have a fracture {skull/face} without a bruise?
My face, seriously feels like it is going to rip apart. Anyone touches it, I’ll fly through the roof.
The rest of me is slowly but surely on the mend but the whole eye/nose/eyebrow/forehead things has got this Mama Bear quite miserable.
So miserable in fact that last night, for the first time in 7 months since I started working, I called out. I just plain couldn’t do it.
The way the schedule is, I don’t go back until Tuesday anyway…this is a 5 day break that I really, really needed.

So…me being me and not the kind to sit still ever, welp, I’ve been devising new ways to force myself to stay on that couch while the kid’s are in school.
And, much to my bull headed surprise…I’ve been secretly enjoying it.

I have found a new fascination for making things with yarn. LOL…and this week my need for a quick intervention is because I have taken this love of yarn a bit too far as far as Kaysha is concerned.

What starts off innocently enough as this…

Has turned into my chasing down the slowest, most unexpecting kid and planting the brightest colored homemade hat I can find on, in this case…
Kaysha {my gothic daughter’s} head.

Just want to send positive props to my kid so that her friends who read this realize she has not lost her coolness is…
She was NOT willing, She was NOT happy, She would NOT smile, that is, of course, until I reminded her of the kick butt Hot Topic "Helena" dress I got her for homecoming tonight.
She gave me exactly 2 minutes of her time before she stormed off. No worries, 2 minutes was all I needed. :0)

Before I get off of here for today, all of us chocohalic "K" family members would love to extend a HUGE "Thank You" to Miss Kassie for this lil’ {OK, not little at all!} gift that arrived via one of my most favorite people in the world, the UPS Man!!

I may never get off the couch again….

Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend everyone!!

Stay tuned for homecoming pictures and a few others real soon…hey, maybe tomorrow..I won’t be doing anything else. :0)

Love, Kim

Thursday, October 5, 2006 2:13 PM

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~*~Friday Morning~*~

LOL….Welp, being stuck at home because my body aches like mad can work to an advantage…I have time to update more often. :0)

It wasn’t until later yesterday afternoon when I realized that the other car that hit me, actually ended up not "wedged" inbetween the fence and telephone/electric pole but actually ended up IN my yard.
I still have to go out and finish picking up the glass and plastic pieces of his car that are surrounding Kody’s fort.

Someone in Kody’s GB summed it up perfectly…God was watching over us and thankfully Kyle James was not standing out there waiting for me to pull up, he would have, for sure, not lived through an impact like that.

The boys weren’t told until yesterday when my best friend, Karrie, drove them home from school for me.
Kolin wouldn’t stop huggin’ and leaving my side. Kody bawled like a baby until he was 100 percent convinced that I really was OK.
Kaysha and Karl were my biggest help, Karl made dinner, Kaysha cleaned up. I mostly hung out on the couch…LOL…hmmmm, you know, I really could get used to the spoiling. HA!!!
Kyle James called every half an hour just to check up, bless his heart.

Anywhos, I have a ton more phone calls to make, lunch with my boys and unfortunately, I have to suck it up and get myself to work tonight. :0(

Even though it was a bummer of a day yesterday, Kaysha came inside last night and told me all about the baddest, brightest moon that was just "lighting up the sky".
Sooooo…I slipped out and this is what I found hovering over our back yard, OK, so I slipped the purple tint in myself…I told ya, I just love purple. :0)

Kinda neat, huh??

And as I was going though some photos from the past couple of weeks, this one just cracked me up…these two snaps were the best way to end my day yesterday. :0)

I call this the "I don’t care that you let me play hookie from school, and drove out of your way for your dumb train tracks, and finally found the perfect vintage suitcase props, I AM NOT LOOKIN’ UP…SO THERE!!!!"
"But….you still gotta love me cuz I am your kid".

Or other wise know as….Photog’s Child Syndrome.

Hope that leaves you with a lil’ laugh or two today…have a sweet one!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

What a day….UGH!!

So here I am thinking this morning, Hmmmm…, my day off, excellent! I am going to get some things done and maybe relax by doing some hat making crocheting today. NOT!!

At around 9:15 this morning I was driving Kyle James to work, when he realized he had forgot his wallet at home. So, we turned around and headed back home to get it.
I dropped him off in front of our home, drove down the road a little ways to turn around, turned around in my neighbors driveway and pulled back up to the front of our home.
Welp, after I pulled out of my neighbors driveway I looked in my rearview and saw nothing. I was just pulling up, turned my left blinker on, starting to cross over to get to my driveway and BAM….some ***BLEEP*** decides to cross over the double yellow line on our street and pass me on the left {this is a small private road….what was he thinking?}
He bashes into my car and he ends up wedged inbetween our front fence and a telephone/electric pole.

I have no idea where he came from except that he did admit to the police that he was speeding and he did cross over and it was his fault.
All great and fine but he walked away uninjured and I am sporting and enormous, ugly black and blue goosehead.
All I remember is hearing a huge crash, my head slammed into something, and I am thinking "OK, this is another dream…wake up girl!"
Darned if it wasn’t a dream.

And Kyle James..Oh man, he was just in his bedroom getting his wallet when he heard the crash which was right outside his bedroom window. He totally lost it and thankfully Karl came home from the garage {he was working there today} in his big ole’ truck and managed to calm Kyle and me down. WHEW..I married a great man, have I ever told ya’all that?

I am fine, just feeling kind of woozy and headachey {is that a word?} but OK otherwise.

The police were here, fire trucks, rescue truck, EMT’s and the electric company.

And who do you think go this all on film..LOL...Dad Bear did. He carries around a disposable camera for accidents, just incase they happen. What a guy!

Anywhos, I am still waiting for the Car Ins. Company to call me back, I still need to get hold of our homeowners insurance…we no longer have a front fence or a drivable car.

BUT… I said to Kyle James, things could have been a lot worse. Suppose this were to happen in the afternoon when the kids are out playing, either on the street on their bikes or on Kody’s Make-a-Wish fort…which thankfully, by some miracle, was missed being crushed by about a foot. Now that would have been tragic, what happened today was a major thorn in the side, well actually a thorn in the “head”, but not tragic by any means.

Just keep swimming…Just keep swimming….

On a brighter note, cuz I would not want to end this on a bad one.

No matter how crazy my life is, no matter how many things can go wrong…

When I wake up to this stinky poo sweetheart and her a cute lil’ voice say "I wuv you Gwamma, you’re my best girlfriend", how could I ever be in a bad mood? :0)

And ahhhhh, when she’s not telling me how much she loves me, she usually telling me to put that camera down…NOW!! LOL!!!!

Have a good one all…

"Wuv", Kim

Tuesday, October 3, 2006 10:13 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I have the most exciting news!!!!

Last month on some crazy whim...maybe because it was late at night and I couldn't sleep, and crazy ideas started popping up in that pea brain of mine..
Anyway...I'm getting off track, aren't I?

So...I entered a photo contest, on-line with a whole bunch of extremly talented professional know, the kind I only dream of being one day.

So..I totally forgot all about it because, welp...truth be told, I've seen the photos the others entered and I knew I didn't stand a chance.

I went to check my e-mail this morning and wouldn't you just know it...I almost fell off my chair....

There it was in all it's beautiful glory, an e-mail addressed to me asking for my shipping address because...

I WON FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this, my friends, is the photo that gave me that honor...

I am sooooooo stoked!!! I mean seriously there were hundreds of photos entered and mine got picked!!!
I am still in shock over that one. :0)

Other then that life is great..the kids are wonderful, Kody is awesome and Karlio is still home, until Sunday when he is off for another two weeks again.
We're really starting to settle into a routine now and it isn't all that bad anymore. I think we'll survive the next year or so just fine. :0)

Welp...It's getting late and I'm going to get some ZZZZZZ's.

Love you all...


Friday, September 29, 2006 9:38 PM

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~*~Monday Morning~*~

Heeeeeeeeeee's Back!!
Dad Bear is back in the building!! :0)

I'll update somemore later on, I've got a ton of errands to get done this morning.

Later Gators!!

Luv, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Happy Birthday to ME
Just yesterday I was 43
44’s Not so bad either…
If only these cute new wrinkles would give me a breather!!!


Tonight in the town of Leesburg, Florida a chubby, oldish woman will attempt to blow out a few dozen plus, candles.
DO NOT call the fire dept., everything will be under complete control.
DO call the Oil of Olay Company, any age defying cream they can spare will be highly appreciated.

OK…OK….no time to pity party..I have an update to do here tonight.’s the day, it’s all about me baby.
I know, I know…but it’s Kody’s page. That was I am claiming this site to be my “Hall of Fame”..or “Shame”, I dunno.

I’ll bet there’s a few things about me that none of you know.
So, on this day of September 29th, 2006 I’m gonna clue you in on all 44 well kept secrets. I mean, it’s my day, right? Mine..Mine..Mine. :0)

Truth be told, my family and close friends can honestly tell you straight up that I am not wired right.
I am blonde and I really am a airhead….most of the time. Occasionally I have a second or two of “ohhhhhh…so that’s how that works”

Some things in this world scare me to death.
Natural disasters, street gangs, e-coli in my spinach.
Nope, none of those are it.

These are the things I am scared of/dislike really badly.

#1. The Pop and Fresh dough boy and all his obnoxiously loud pop and fresh products. Scary!

#2 Balloons. Scary times 2.

#3. Frogs. YUCK…sucker feet, need I say more??

#4 Feet. OMG I cannot stand feet.
Yes, they are sort of adorable when they are baby/very small child feet, but anything beyond that..YUCK…YUCK!!!!!!!!

#5. Loose teeth. I will pass out if one of my kids flashes me a loose tooth. I will go into coma if they actually push on it with their tongue and I can see underneath. No joke.

#6. I would loose my will to survive if the Herbal Essence hair product company ever goes out of business.

#7. Ditto with the Hershey Company. My world would seriously end. Stop laughing.

On to my next part of "It’s All About Me Today"

Uselss Kim trivia facts…

#8. I have odd moments, my family can tell you that. I do things or wont do some things and these things I do really, REALLY makes my family cringe…sometimes.

#9. I can sing a song about anything and I do it often. This drives Kaysha, in particular, insane…especially when she is on the phone with her **Thump..Thump** boyfriend.

#10. I will not, could not, refuse to drink Gatorade. Yes, they come in very pretty colors these day but ever since someone {no names mentioned…thank you Pete..oops, my bad} told me "Drinking Gatorade is like drinking back your own sweat" I just can’t do it. BLEECH!!!!

#11. I will drive around with the sole intent on scooping out photo op places.t almost anything for that “perfect picture”. I’ve been known to jump a fence, stand in a lake with gators, trespass {don’t shoot me for that please}, stand within inches of spiders, snakes and YUCK…Frogs!

#12. Everyday I plant a handful of kisses in my childrens hands. Not the chocolate ones, Oh dear no, those are mine. I’m talking about the "pucker up cuz I love you" kisses. I’ve done this with all of them. Sometime though, around the 6th grade…the cuteness effect wears off and they plead with me not to embarrass them at the school drop off line with those "kisses".
After I fill up those dirty lil’ hands, they toss them {the kisses} in their pants pocket and pull them out when they need a lil’ love.
This all started when my oldest were tiny and their kindergarten teacher had to pry their screaming bodies from mine. Or was it my screaming body from their’s..I can’t remember.

#13. I love the color purple. A couple of years ago one of Kody’s fans kitted a beautiful, super soft purple blanket. The box it came in had my name on it. I wont give it to Kody, that darn blanket is mine and I cannot sleep without it touching my face. Call me weird.

#14. I am not a perky person PRE at least 2 cups of very strong coffee.
After 3 cups I start that singing thing. My family tries to take my coffee away after two.

#15. I have many tattoos and piercings and I love all of them.
HA..HA…betcha that was a shocker, huh?? :0)

#16. Ever since our small town got a drive thru Starbucks a couple of weeks ago I have been a regular/valued/gold card/preferred customer.
They even know my voice on the drive thru speaker.
The Starbucks gals think I’m kidding when I say I am getting a job there. HA, I’m not.
My final say on Starbucks today…
Strawberry and Cream Frappachino’s are God’s way of saying…
:Life is Great!!”
It’s an addiction, I know.

#17. I am a pear, I have always been a pear. I’ll be a pear till the day I die. I am a pear that doesn’t care. Want to know why? Because some men like a lil’ “junk in the trunk”. I know this cuz I married one.

#18. I adore taking pictures, I love it, live it, can’t get enough of it. But, I do not like having pictures taken of me. The only time you’ll see me is, #1..if Kaysha ever figures out my password and sneaks some on here or #2 if you look close you can see my reflection in some of Kody’s eyes.

#19. I want to see “The Marine” really, really bad. So do my boys….YEAH, I can use them as my excuse.

#20. If I don’t park in the same spot in parking lots it’s a given I will get lost. One time I had Kody with me and we parked in a different spot. Between his short term memory loss and my blonde/old age problems..we frantically looked for our car for a good 15 minutes before we placed a panic call to Karl who talked us through it and guided us out of panic mode.
Yes we found the car. Yes, our ice cream sandwiches turned to mush.

#21. God really meant to give me bigger knockers..but, I got lost finding that line too. :0(

#22. I LOVE to fold hot, fresh out of the dryer laundry.

#23. On the flip side of that, I hate hanging all that laundry up. Therefore I keep the Downy Wrinkle Reducer Company very happy.

#24. I can’t sew, can’t manage my paper piles, don’t do windows, I toss trash into the trash can like I’m shooting basketballs, I am very basically and in two simple yet powerful words…
Non Domestic.

#25. I leave serious conversations with our kids to Karl. He’s always been better with that kind of stuff. But I can make my kids laugh in a heartbeat until they pee.

#26. Karl taught me how to swim a few years ago. I never knew how until then. I still wont go in over my head though.

#27. I can’t walk in flip flops. I am a klutz. Please stop laughing, this is so embarrassing.

#28. I can’t stand the feel of anyone touching my hair. I haven’t had my hair professionally done in about 4 years.
I am a basket case.

#29. I snort when I laugh. OINK!

#30. I can’t breath when I am forced to drive over a bridge..I hate them that much. Refer back to #26 as to why. If someone else is driving I close my eyes and throw my head between my legs.

#31. I have this special cookie jar my Mom got me. It’s ceramic and beige with cookies all around it. We had one when we were kids and it was thrown away. I loved that jar and now I have one of my own. Someday my ashes are going in there and I am not kidding about that either cuz I’ll do literally anything to keep my sister from getting that jar. LOL…Love ya Vik, but your NOT getting the cookie jar.

#32. My husband thinks I have a cute round head. He is the ONLY one on this planet that is allowed to rub my head and touch my hair.

#33. Karl still opens doors for me and wont sit in a restaurant until I am seated. He also always lets me order first.
What a guy!

#34. I like the toilet paper over the roll.

#35. At the moment my bedroom is a mess, worse then a mess. Karl is in for the surprise of his life when he comes home.

#36. I’ve never regretted getting married at 17 and never regretted having kids at a young age. Heck, if it weren’t for all of them I’d be one boring girl, wouldn’t I?

#37. Once I was shopping at Toys R Us, this was a very long time ago when Kyle James was about 8 years old. He wanted an erector set for Christmas. I couldn’t find one so I did something smart, I asked the very young, fresh out of high school guy standing on a ladder where he kept his "Erection Sets".
Thank God he didn’t break his leg when he fell off that ladder.

#38. Nine years ago when I still lived in NY I was driving my Mimi Van/Mommy Mobile and a deer the size of a house leaped in front of me and I hit it. I still laugh till I snort when I picture that stupid deers face as he stared right at my in the windshield.
BTW…After I went home and told Karl he ran out to find it thinking we’d have enough meat to last all winter.
Darn if that monster deer survived and walked away.
My van, however wasn’t so lucky.

#39. I am Desperate Housewives biggest fan. I get depressed when I haev to work Sunday nights. :0(

#40. When I was a kid, my pets were my horses. None of my kids is horse crazy, isn’t that weird?

#41. I think Digger the Dermatophite guy on the foot fungus commercial is GROSS!!! Really, that just grosses me out bigtime.

#42. My biggest accomplishment and greatest joy in my life ever was being a "Stay at Home Mom"
Nothing says lovin’ like breaking up fights, toothbrush nagging, stepping on small army men, watching Days of Our Lives, eating grilled cheese leftover scraps, being able to update regulary, and gazing at new Mom’s in Wal-Mart, you know..the ones with the adorable screaming, tantrum throwing toddlers and saying to myself "Holy Moley..I am soooooo glad those days are over".

#43.Yesterday Kody, Kolin and I were at Wal-Mart and the song "Hero" by Mariah Carey came on the speakers. I mentioned to the boys {who were arguing about something}…oh wait, I didn’t mention, I said something like this "Would ya be quiet, I love this song" and right then and there in the raw hamburger dept., my two boys stopped fighting and slow danced with me.
People stared…we didn’t care.
Kody didn’t want to stop dancing when the song ended…people stared even harder. I had to pry him off of me at about that time.
Kolin laughed so hard I had to get him to the bathroom.

#44. At this very moment Kolin is decorating a triple chocolate birthday cake, Kody is trying to sneak in the kitchen to "help", the kids are calling me to hurry up, I am missing my man A LOT, Kayara just put a tiara on my head, one of my older kids just yelled out "holy s**t, that’s a lot of candles", and I am rolling my eyes and fixing to go celebrate.
Remember…no fire dept. needed but I may just need some oxygen ASAP!

If you made it this far… really are a good friend!!

And so my friends…I off to party hardy with a bunch of people who call themselves my kids.

Karlio is due to come home tomorrow and believe me, after three weeks I am ready to hug all over that guy.
Roll er’ home baby…Mama is missin’ those big ole’ guns of yours!!

Take care everyone….gotta run!!

Love, Kim

Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:09 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Welp, we made it through another school bug. SIGH, thankfully it didn't hit too hard but it did take down 4 kids within Sunday afternoon {Kolin & Kyle James} and late Monday morning {Kody & Kaysha}.
By Tuesday...all was about back to normal and by Wednesday they were all back in school again to see if they could catch up on work and dodge more germy bug things.

I've got some good news....
Looks like Karl will be home over the weekend. :0) We haven't seen him in almost three weeks, yeppers...we are a little on the overdue side.
This time though, he's coming home with his own big orange truck and I have a crazy lil' feeling his two boys are pretty stoked about that.
Sleep outs in Dad's cab...yeah, sounds about right. LOL!!

Unfortunetly, my work schedule is for crap, so I'll be working most of the day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Blah. :0(

I was up late last night adding even more pictures on Kody's photo page, so if you haven't been there...hop on over and enjoy.
I've got even more ideas and hopefully by the time the weekends out, I'll have even more up.
Heck, even Kolin and Kody are coming up with their own "out of the box" ideas, makes a Mom proud, if ya know what I mean??!! :0)
I can't wait to make Kody and Kolin's latest ideas'll take a little planning and I'll have to be somewhere at just the exact right time with Kody but.....we are one determined bunch and we'll "git er' done". HA!!!
Bet your all wondering..."What the heck are they gonna do next?" Ummm...big surprise, you'll just have to wait a little while longer.

As for everything else around here...we're just rolling right along.
Big day tomorrow...I turn 25 again. WAA-HOO...I can hardly wait.
I guess this "turning 25" thing can only last so long though...I am really starting to feel my age and we are NOT going to get into that tonight. is still medically boring around here and that is the best news of all.
Although, October is fitting to be packed full of Dr. visits for all the kids, all maintenance though, physicals, dentist, and Kody Bear's eye appointment in Gainesville.

OK my friends, I'm outta here for tonight. It's getting late and this 25 year old is heading for the best late night, wild party of all times...
My bed, my favorite PJ's and my remote...
Yeah Baby, life is darn good!!! :0)

Thanks so much for stopping by!!

BTW...karate testing is in a couple of weeks. Kody is looking pretty sharp but Kolin is having a little struggling problem. Prayers for that lil' booger that he gets it right and gets that red. He can do it, I just know he can...he just has to concentrate and get some more power in his punch. :0)

Good night all...

Love, Kim

Sunday, September 24, 2006 10:48 AM

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

I'll update tomorrow and add even more pictures.
I'm kind of very tired tonight.

Take Care!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Monday Morning~*~

Good Morning!

Just wanted ya'all to know that I put some new photos up on the photo page.
I'll be working on getting some more up later on.
For now though, I've got to start waking up the kiddo's and getting them off to school.

I'll update later too. :0)

Have a good one all...

Later Gators!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

The three kids and I are about to set out for a day to ourselves.
No work, no errands, no phones, no anything...just a picnic lunch and a day off for all of us.
Believe me, this is a day very, very much needed about now.

Yesterday was a total bummer kind of day as I found out early yesterday morning that Kayara had a miscarraige.
That news just had us all in a blah mood. :0(
She's on rest for a few days but I am sure she'll be fine...once the shock and sadness wears off, if it ever wears of completely...I kind of think that it never really does.

As you can see in Kody's newest homepage photo...halloween can never get here early enough.
Kody and soooooooo facinated with masks, crazy kid...he always has been. So, yesterday while we were doing some grocery shooping at Wally World, I took the kids for a quick stroll down halloween lane.
Kody found that mask and it was all over for him. So, he begged for his b-day money {can you believe how long he's held on to it?} and bought himself that mask...guess you can call it a "Fu Man Choo", or would it be a "Fu Man Kody"??!! :0)

I took this one of Kolin addition to a few others, but this one just made me crack up.

***Black eye compliments of black halloween lipstick***

Welp my friends...the last of the kids is about to exit the shower so I better get going on getting that picnic lunch packed up.

Have a beautiful weekend all!!

Love, "Fu Man Kody's" Mama

PS. This week I will be doing some serious revamping of Kody's website. If you click on and it looks out of sorts...just please know that I'm working on it and it should be looking much better real soon.

Sunday, September 17, 2006 8:47 AM

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~*~Thursday Morning~*~

The good news of the day...

~*~Drum Roll Please~*~

No new tumor growth or changes!!!!!!!

The very best news we could have ever received!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the many prayer chains that went out for Kody at 12:30 yesterday afternoon...see how awesome you all are?

Some new photos are up today, I hope to have alot more by the time the weekend is over.
My "Mini Me/Prodigy", Kaysha and I have got the creative juices flowing and we've come up with a bunch of new ideas we are wanting to try out. :0)

Gotta run...Love you all!!



~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

With a very broken heart, I just wanted to let you all know, that Christi Thomas passed away yesterday morning.
For 4 years that sweet child fought one heck of a good fight. She will be very, very missed.
Sweet Dreams Christi.

I am on my way to Gainesville this morning to bring Kody in for his MRI.
Please, if you will, at 12:30 this afternoon when he will be in that machine having his brain scanned for the, what seems, millionth time, say a prayer that we get only good news. No new growth, no new changes, no new tumors anywhere.

We'll see Dr. Pincus afterwards and I think he'll be having his eyes video clipped for that research video they were talking about making the last time we were there.

Have a sweet day everyone...

Love, Kim


OK, so I must have been still sleeping when I updated this morning.
I totally forgot this...

Our oldest daughter, Karyelle, who lives in NY was driving out to Connecticut last night for a three day stay for a class her job was sending her to.
Around 9 last night she called to tell me she had just been in a 4 car wreck....including a semi that hit her.
She was taken by ambulance to Danbury Hospital.

That's about all she told me when she said "The ambulance is here, I have to go".

OK, so you can all imagine how freaked out I am right about then.

About an hour later a nurse from the hospital calls me and puts her on the phone.

She is OK, but was due to have x-rays of her head and back.
She really doesn't remember the accident except that she remembers getting clipped by another car and spinning and then landing in the median.
Everything else is coming from witnesses.

Karl's oldest son, Billy, was on route to pick her up from the hospital last night and take her back home with him.
I'm not sure about her SUV....apparantly it is pretty crushed. She had just bought that truck while she vacationed here last June. I always say, material things can always be replaced..lives cannot.
So, I am VERY THANKFUL that she is OK...because things could have been very, very worse.

OK...time to get the boys up and ready for our Gainesville trip.

I'll update tonight with more Kody news.


~*~Monday Morning~*~

OK, I know now that I have got to stop the promises...something will always come up and it never happens as planned. replace of last nights update, I'll do a morning one instead.

Things around here continue to roll right along.
Dad Bear is somewhere heading towards Lousinana and headining into Texas today.

Kody is doing awesome and has joined an in-school flag football team. Guess what position he is?
Quarterback!!!!! How cool is that?

Kolin is on a team too...since he is allowed to play a little more aggresively...he is playing actual football...well, as actual as third graders can be. :0)
He tell's me he is a linebacker, or something like that..I am soooo football illiterate. Anywho's....he get's to tackle and when he was describing what he does..."tackle" was the most important thing. Crazy kid.

Kaysha is doing great.....her school progress report is a million times better then last years...pray she keeps at it. That girl and her "social butterfly" business is going to make me grayer..I swear she will.
Add to that, "peer pressure" and sometimes this Mom feel's like she is going to go a tad bit crazy some days.
Gotta love her though...she is my best friend and still, not very willingly, but she does it, babysits for Kody and Kolin nearly everyday. And that, my not an easy job, trust me.

Looks like Karl and I are going to be blessed with another grandbaby.
Our number 2 kid, Kayara, {Mommy of Alona} is expecting again.

Karyelle {kiddo number 1}, who lives in NY is doing awesome. She is our over achiever, no doubt that child will make it in this world without a problem at all.

Kyle...our numer 1 boy....he has his ups and he has his downs but he is by far my greatest source of joy and entertainment. :0)
Never a dull moment with him....and ahhhhhhhh, that can be a good thing sometimes and a not so good thing other times.

My job is fitting to see the last of me real soon.
Our paychecks are bouncing, and you know....when you barely live paycheck to paycheck, having one bounce is never a good thing.
Keep those fingers crossed something will be done to fix this latest problem or I swear, I am so outta there today. :0(
That actually would be a great thing for the kids...yesterday, as I was leaving, Kolin said to me "Mom, PLEASE do something today to get fired". LOL...he is a hoot!!!

I do have to apologize for this choppy and very quick update this morning.....I just realized how late it's getting and I have to rock.
I started working on some new pic's to post last night but the old, I do mean "OLD" eyeballs started to fall out on the keyboard again so I had to stop.
I'll try again for later.

Also...apologize's for not staying in contact enough with old friends...ya'all know who you are and ya'all know me well enough that we will be talking very, very soon. And that, my friends, is a "PROMISE" that I will be keeping.

Before I leave, please keep the prayers for little Trenton Duckett going....the FBI and Police have been searching the Ocala National Forest these past few days and so far, nothing.
Trenton can also be found on the America's Most Wanted website..I believe that's what Kaysha told me.

OK guys and gals...I better get going.

Have yourselves a beautiful day today and please keep Christi Thomas and family in your thoughts and prayers today as this brave family faces the last few days with their little girl.

Love you all...


PS. WOW..I am such a dork, I forgot to tell you all something I did this weekend.
OK, anyone who knows me knows that I am by nature a real chilled out, very non-aggresive person.
In the face of danger...I run like a chicken, cry baby.
Welp, this past Saturday I very reluctantly took a "Kubaton" self defence seminar at Kody and Kolin's karate school.
Well let me tell you....I recommend to ANYONE, {especially females}, if you have the opportunity to participate in a class like this, DO IT!!!!!
I was soooooooo embarrassed at first, but after a while...I have to say, I was looking better. By the time the two hours was up I had developed self confidence in myself that I never, ever had before.
I have vowed to myself that I will never leave my house without that kubaton on my key chain stuck right into my front pocket. :0)


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Busy, busy...story of my life lately.

I promise I'll be back on by tonight to update, right now I've got a houseful of hungry kiddo's and I have got only 45 minutes to feed them, dress them, and get myself ready for work. LOL...blame it on the computer...running late again. :0)

Hopefully I'll have some new pic's to post later on, as you can see from the new picture up "supermodel" is ready to go on strike. About the only willing subject I can find these days is Kaysha. Ummmmm....hope it's OK, you may be seeeing more of her then the boys.

Welp, gotta run...sorry. :0(

Have a beautiful day all....

Love, Kim

Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:21 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It’s a dreary, rainy, gray day here but from where I’m sitting right now {living room} I can see some blue sky poking through those dark clouds.
Kody and Kolin were hoping for rain and lots of it today as I promised them some "puddle jumping" after school if they’d just cooperate this morning and get, I am in for it if those puddles dry up..can you see me walking down the street with the garden hose, filling them back up? :0)

I’m still feeling a lot on the blah side….
Little Trenton Duckett has not been found yet. Looks like Nancy Grace from CNN is in lots of hot water today. I don’t know how many of you have been following this story but looks like Leesburg, FL is on national news now.
Personally I did not agree with Nancy Graces’ whole approach, attacking Trenton’s very young Mom the way that she did….what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Whatever the outcome, we can only keep praying for Trenton and his whole family…Mom’s and Dad’s.
Also, for the Leesburg PD who hasn’t rested in over two weeks…those men and women are really relentless in this search…and they are not about to quit until that sweet little boy is found. Gotta give them props for that, they are an amazing group there. Makes me real proud to be living in Leesburg.

Blah Part Two…

This one photo just sums this up.

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate cancer? You should be able to click on Christi’s photo and get to her "MySpace" site…where you can also access her "Blog" site. Please pray for the Thomas’…what an incredibly strong and loving family. It really breaks my heart to even think what today may bring.

I have to apologize for not keeping my photo tip blog going strong. Seems like everytime I might have a minute, something always comes up..or better yet, my computer get’s taken right out from underneath me. Kody is my biggest culprit lately, he has figured out the computer and is liking it..especially the e-mails he’s been sharing with a certain lil’ girl. LaRae…you cutie you!! :0)

Welp my friends..I am going to wrap this up because I just got a phone call from the very best friend a gal can have…who just so happened to pick up on my blahness yesterday and has invited me out to Red Lobster.
I’ll tell ya….only another girlfriend would know how to pick those spirits up. :0)

By the way…Dad Bear is back in North Carolina, he got there this past Monday. He’ll be gone a couple to a few weeks so watch those big orange trucks…you may just have a "Dad Bear" encounter. LOL…welp, that is WHEN he gets a truck..he’s been waiting since Tuesday afternoon and they don’t have one for him yet. :0(
Hopefully today will bring some better news from him.

**Edit for a Dad Bear Update**
Looks like he'll be on his way today to go to Pennsylvania to pick up a truck or to stick around till Monday and wait for one, or come home and wait for a call, or be sent to Atlanta for a truck.
Wish someone would make up their mind. :0(

Have a great day everyone….

Love, Kim

Monday, September 11, 2006 9:46 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry, it's been a while that I've updated....rough week so let me begin..

First please let me tell ya'all that Kody is doing fine.
Last week we went through the first school virus of the year..luckily it was only a one to two day thing and it ran it's course with all three kids...not at once but they lived through it.

I apologize for all the type-o's you'll see in tonights update, I still don't have my glasses and I seriously cant see a thing...anything up close to three feet away is an absolute blur. Right now I'm sort of depending on those typing skills I learned in High Schol..Thank Good ness I had a teacher that would rap my knuckles if I looked at my hands. :0)

The twon of Leesburg has been an emmotional mess this week with the dissaperance still of 24 month old, Trenton Duckett.
I think some of you may remember my mentioning him?
The story is getting more and more horrible everyday with Trenton's young Mom killing herslef last Friday afternoon.
Trenton's sweet face on a flyer is posted everywhere you seee, all over the town.
As of yesterday the police dept. has given up hope of finding him alive and they are now concentraing on just finding him at all. His Mom did not leave a note behind...and it is looking that he wasnt abducted out his bedroom window at all.

At about 6 o'clock this evening I understand a lead came in and that cadaver dogs were being brought to a new retirement community in Leesburg that has many new homes going up and lots and lots of construction sites.

As you can imagine..we are all heartbroken about this. Not only myself but the town of Leesburg in general. It just doesnt seem right seeing news helicopters, crime scene tape and police everywhere.
Everytime we hear a siren, we freeze.
I am scared to death to turn on the 10 o'clock news tonight...but if I don't I'll just see it in tomorrow mornings newspaper anyway.
There are no words to describe just plain out sucks.
Please, if you would..pray for little Trenton's family...even his Mom. As I have told the's not up to us to judge..we can only pray...for Trenton, for his Mom, for his Dad, for the police, for those searching, everyone involved.

Welp my friends..I really, really apologize for being so lazy in updating, for all the spelling mistakes and for being such a downer tonight.
I better jump off for now, my 10 minutes of computer time is up already...BLAH...dang eyes! :0(

Prayers also please for everyone who's lived were affected or touched in anyway due to 9/11.
Gosh..what a week it's been. :0(

Love you all..I promise next update will be sooner and happier.

Love, Kim

Monday, September 4, 2006 10:00 AM

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Tuesday Night~*~

New photos up tonight...sorry there is only a very glasses broke and I seriously cannot see anything on my tiny computer screen. :0(
These were all taken yesterday....enjoy!!

Sweet Dreams!! :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

Just wanted to stop by and wish you all a "Good Morning".

I'll be working on getting some new photos up a bit later..I have a pretty busy day today so look for them by tonight.

Love you all...



~*~Hi Everyone~*~


We hope you all have beautiful weather and a wonderful, relaxing BBQing kind of day today.
With a little luck...we will too. :0)

Looks like this week is bringing more "K" family changes...soooo, here we go again.

LCT {Trucking place} was a nightmare, five days of living like a gypsy did nothing for Dad Bear's peace of mind. {so much for all those start up promises} His partner/trainer was....ummmm...OK, never mind, let's not go there. One word though..."Gambler", and that is something Karl detests.

After placing quite a few phone calls back and forth to Schneider National...I am happy to say that starting this week you can all start peering into those big orange trucks once again because that my friends, is where you'll find Dad Bear.
WHEW....what a relief. Personally I've always thought Schneider was the place for us. I know Karl wanted to be based closer to home but honestly...we'll be OK.

Karl's happy...the kids are happy...I'm happy...what's better then that?

News on the Kody front...
He's doing great!! He's been attempting skating a little more every other day or so. He can only really stay out for about 15 minutes because it's just too stinkin' hot out there still.
But...those 15 minutes do him a whirl of good...his balance isn't perfect but it is as perfect as can be for him. The thing about Kody is, balance problems or not...the kid never, ever gives up. When he wants to perfect a skill, he keeps at it until he's got it completed at least one time that day.
Some days, I swear, he balances better on wheels then he does on his own two feet. :0)

What will be be doing today?
Welp...R&R sounds pretty good but there are only like a trillion things that need doing first so errands and chores for us this morning followed by an afternoon of yard work, floor fixin', food shoppin', and then...the best part...

Hanging out on the swings, gossip magazine in hand, lemonade by my side, watching my kiddo's play and gazin' at Dad Bear working the grill.
Sounds like a slice of Heaven, doesn't it?? :0)

I've got some news to tell you all that is pretty disturbing..

The first...8 days ago right here in Leesburg, about a mile 1/2 from our home in an apartment villa...a 2 year old boy was stolen from him bedroom. His Mom put him to bed at 7 o'clock, checked on him at 9 o'clock and found his screen cut and him missing.
To this day he has not been found. Though..last night on my way home from work, I drove by and there was a ton of officers, cars and police dogs around that area.
Please, if you will..pray for Trenton Duckett's safe return back home.

The second....I woke up this morning to find out that Kody and Kolin's beloved "Crocodile Hunter", Steve Erwin has died.
I haven't told them yet but it looks like I'll have to. :0(
As you all know Kody is the BIGGEST Animal Planet fan and Kolin is absolutley nuts over the Croc Hunter.

Please also pray for Chisti Thomas, a sweet lil' girl who's story we have followed for a while as her Mom and Dad battle her brain mass which seems to be taking over much of her brain. She is do to have radiation on her entire brain starting today. Not to cure her disease, but instead to relieve the massive pain she is in because of it.

Welp my friends...I am off to get some things done around here and coax my lazy Bear out of bed.
Have a beautiful day today!!!

Love, Kim

Monday, August 28, 2006 11:35 AM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

We are all doing fine...I promise I'll update in the morning, even if it means I have to wake up waaaayyyyyy earlier then everyone else to get my computer time. :0)

It's just been a very, very crazy busy week again. I am looking soooo forward to some R&R tomorrow.

Happy Labor Day everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

Looks like "Ernesto's" a bust...
The kids still come home early so that's a plus. :0)

The restaurant is staying open so I'll have to work the nightshift {Kody will freak about that}.
And...Dad Bear will be home tonight to mind his young uns' that's cool. :0)

Kody feels better so I highly doubt he had strep...that's great news.
I got a call from Kody's teacher yesterday...

Oh Lordy, Oh Lordy, Oh Lordy.

Real quick...
Seems that Kody is a "Leader" and his classmates {all boys except for one} are all "followers" who thinks Kody is all that and 16 bags of chips.
These were his teachers words.
Anywhos...Kody has been teaching all the boys {there are 10} in his class all about shaking their "laffy taffy" and all 10 boys were shaking it {to the total horror of the one girl} and laughing their butts off and not getting any work done at all on Monday.

He's not in trouble at school or anything but let me tell ya, when he woke up yesterday afternoon...he did get the "lecture" thing from Mom.
Ohhhhhh that Bear, he totally keeps me on my toes.

Have a great day everyone..I have got to get ready to gather up the chillins'.

Love, "Laffy Taffy's Mama"


~*~Tuesday Afternoon~*~

Another update? Could it is!!

First, let me please apologize to Mavis, Sorry KAM..the next part of this update will tell you where I was today. :0(

Kody came home from school late this morning, feeling pretty horrible, headache, sore throat...blah.
I had to get out and collect him and then get home, medicate him and keep an eye on TS {or is it hurricane status now?} Ernesto, who plans on showing us his ugly butt sometime later on tomorrow.
The schools are already planning on closing early, the stores are packed {and I have nothing...couldn't take Kody out}, and my job is closing at 2 o'clock. Since I was supposed to start at 4 o'clock, that means no work for me. UGH, that makes three days in a row.

But...all is not lost, Kody Bear is needing his Mama and home with him is where I'll be.

Oh...I understand strep is running rampid around the schools and I have to tell you....sick kids' and hurricanes just don't mix.
What am I gonna do???

Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...

Welp guys and gals...Kaysha is home to keep an eye on things so I better get out and fight the water and battery buying crowds at Publix.
Oh joy....

I'll update tomorrow while we ride the storm as long as we have electricity.

Have a great one all..

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Check out that crazy boy on top!!! Yeppers....Our Bear was back on his board for the first time since May and kickin' skateboard butt!!!!! :0)

Granted, he was only out there for 15 minutes but it was a very ground breaking, earth shattering, most awesome 15 minutes that I've seen in wayyyyyy too long.
Way to go Kody "Skull" Bear!!

OK...where are we here in the "K" house....

Kolin's b-day on Friday was a very piratey "RRRRRRR" good party. He had the greatest time, we all have a really fun time acting and talking like pirates all day long. Even Alona got into was too cute.

Saturday was Kody's 15 minutes of fame day when we took him to Shands for the Childrens Miracle Network radiothon fundraiser. do I explain this? How do I describe this? No way to avoid it so I'll just blurt it out...
Kody said "PIMP" on the radio!!!!
I know...I know...but seriously, he thinks the word means "someone who's hot and has a lot of girls lovin' on him" did it go? Welp, the DJ asked Kody to describe himself and Kody said "HOT". Then, after a good, kind of shocked laugh...they said something like "Your hot?" and Kody said "Yeah, I'm Pimp-Kody"
Ummmm....let's just hope and pray they have that 5 second delay thing on that station or all of Gainesville just got a huge dose of "Kody Gone Wild".
That wasn't all...Kolin was on air too and the both of them went on about breaking windows with baseballs and torturing Kaysha. I'll tell ya..those two DJ's laughed till it hurt. :0)
And...all I could do was hold my breath because I had no idea what those two boys of mine were going to say next, although, I did give them the "DO NOT embarrass me or I will embarrass you" lecture the whole drive there.
My plans for today? Welp, it seems I need to think of something to embarrass them by, and soon.

Saturday night was pretty exciting in Leesburg...
We had a couple of tornados touch down...can you believe it?
I was at work and it was about 8 o'clock or so when the skies got very, very eerie dark and then the rain and wind came...then Kaysha called just panicking becuase a friend called to tell her tornadoes were turning up everywhere. So, she turned on the Weather Channel and sure enough...
Anywhos....I tried my best to calm her down but that wasn't happening so I left work early, drove home, nearly got plowed into by another car, swore I drove through a lake that used to be a road, had a bolt of lightening hit directly in front of me, got drenched running from the car to the house...all the while protecting my take out lasagna that was supposed to be my dinner.
I walked in and found one scared out of her mind daughter and two boys playing video games.
Not 15 minutes later, the wind stopped, the rain stopped and all was well once again...welp, expect for our leaky roof...that was alot of fun. :0(

Too late to get back to work since we ended up just closing up early so I broke out the lasagna dinner...
Kody ate the lasagna, Kaysha ate the salad, Kolin ate the garlic bread.
I had leftover birthday cake...I'm pretty sure I got the better end of the deal. LOL!! of Kaysha's friend actually was driving by Lake Griffen and caught a photo of one of the tornados..I'll have to find that photo and show you all a bit later's kind of fuzzy {rain on the lens...snapped fast and they were trying to outrun the tornado in a car} but you can still see that big ole' funnel coming out of the sky and onto the lake.

I put some new photos up just this morning...enjoy them but I have to tell you, a couple come with a warning and should not be viewed by the faint at heart...

OK there are 22 pictures, the first 20 are fine...
Number 21 is a banana spider we found in our driveway yesterday. It is beautiful....sweet colors and huge. It's wrappin gup what looked like a pretty good size beetle in it's web. The cool part is that the beetle was actully glowing a bright blue...awesome!!

Photo number 22 is Kyle James' {Kody's big brother} pet trantula, "Purity". He's holding Purity in his hands but it's a nice sized closeup.
So, serioulsy...if you have a thing about spiders..skip pictures 21 and 22 for today.

OK...gotta run for now, I hope you all have a very beautiful yaz!!!!

Love, Kim

Friday, August 25....Kolin's 9th Birthday!!!!!

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday Dear Kolin {and Helen!!!}
Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Sorry it took me way too long to has been full of busy days and pretty cool surprises.

First off though, as you can see by my cyber singing...we've got another birthday in the "K" home and this time Kolin is the lucky dawg of the day {Friday}.

Happy NINTH Birthday Buddy...we love you lots and lots and a whole lots more...
And Kolin, know what? We love you even lots more then that!!
We hope you have the happiest birthday and bestest "Pirate Party" ever.

Oh...and guess what else is soooooo cool about having an August 25th birthday? Our wonderful friend, Helen {Founder and creator of the official "Kickin' Cancers Butt" store} shares a birthday with Kolin. Let's hear it for the Virgo's of the world!! :0)

Soooo...the other day, welp..OK...days and days ago I promised you an update and darned if I got sidetracked again.
It has been crazy, nuts busy but in a good let me share with you all some terrific "K" news...

#1...This Saturday at 11 AM, coming at you from Shands Childrens Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, live on air will be none other then our Skull Bear telling everyone, everywhere about his wonderfully awesome Dr's and nurses at Shands. He'll also be telling folks everywhere all about the Shands Childrens Miracle Network...who BTW is sponsering Kody's lil' celebrity appearance.
Lots of fun activities and food on hand for all the kiddo's and welp, heck...Mom's like myself, who are always up for a little free fun can also call this "birthday party fun part two" and completely get away with it. Why not, right?

#2...Dad Bear is "on the road again", but you all won't be seeing him in a big orange truck..instead watch the road for a big white, local Florida truck that looks a little something like this...

Dad B. scored a job with a truck company about 12 minutes from our home!!!
The best part...he walked in last week and was hired on the spot, he started this Monday and today he got his truck and is gone...

More news...after 90 days of driving for LCT, they will pay his Schnieder tuition for truck driving school {$4,900.00} in full. WHEW!!

More news...LCT pays better and he will be stationed very close to home and not a few states away. 12 minutes of driving to get home instead of 12 hours works for us.

Down side...SIGH...two more weeks without a paycheck until one will finally kick in. GULP. :0(
Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...

Wonderful news...
LCT is extremely family oriantated and many of the people who work there know exactly who Kody is.
They have agreed that if, God forbid, something should happen to Kody while Karl is away, they will move mountains to get him home right away, no matter where he may be. Cool beans, huh?

Welp my's fittin' to be that time of night where sleep is looking mighty fine, so I think I'll quit my novel and jump off for now.

Thank you so much for your patience with my "update slacker" stuff.

Oh...almost forgot..I have GOT to scan this into the computer to show you all but for now I have got to tell you all about a letter that Kody got in the mail two days ago..
It's from the Connecticut Humane Society and it goes a lil' something like this...

"A gift of $25.00 to the Connecticut Humane Society has been received in honor of Mr. Kody "Skull" Kruppenbacher.

"Happy Birthday! Remember, cute girls dig guys who love animals! You are one good kid and I hope you have a great day.
Your friend, Jamie"

This gift is graefully acknowledged by the Connecticut Humane Society and will be used in caring for animals who give us so much and ask for so little.

Richard Johnston, Esq. President"

How about that??
The part about the "Cute girls diggin' guys who love animals" has Kody noddin' that lil' head and saying "ohhh yeah"
But it was the part about "giving us so much and asking so little" that put this Mom in tears. How true is that. ;0)

Oh...also Kody got, and on the same day...a very cool t-shirt and cap from the Pennsylvania Humane Society/Animal Rescue.

Miss Jamie and Miss Linda...Thank you all soooooo much!!

And also, a HUGE "shout out", "props" and "thank you" to Miss LaRae and Snowflake.
LaRae is one of Kody's biggest fans {and possible future wife} and Snowflake {we LOVE your picture!!} is LaRae's white german shepard dog that she adopted from a "German Shepard Rescue Center".

OK all...I'm outta here!


Love, Mommy/Kim/Mama Bear/Skull's Mudda

Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:39 AM

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~*~Monday Afternoon~*~

Sorry...just another quick one to let you know we are all doing wonderful!
Today was a 10...a really, REALLY good day. :0)

We're off to karate right now though, so I'll have to tell you all about it later on tonight.

Have a great one all!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

No time to update this morning but I wanted you all to know that I did find a few minutes to update the photo page. Enjoy!! :0)

Later Gators!!!

Love, Kim

Friday, August 18, 2006 8:58 AM

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What a beautiful day...
Who would have thought we'd all be seeing this day come true?
Kody did, that's who. :0)

Kody "Skull" Bear...You Rock Baby!! We all love you soooooo much!!
We wish you the happiest birthday in the whole wwide world....keep rockin' Buddy....and keep "Blingin"" cuz looked HOT this morning!

Thank you's too all who donated in honor of Kody to his favorite charity...Humane Society/Animal Shelters everywhere.
He really loves you for it...and I'm sure all those lil' critters do too.

Gotta sure to come back over the weekend for some 11th b-day photos.

Love, Kim...PROUD Mama of the coolest 11-teen year old kid anywhere. :0)

Hmmm...before I leave though...just a little Kody trivia I'll bet only a few of you know.
OK...the day Kody was born he was...
8 days late...
8:30 PM is when he arrived...
8lbs. 15 oz...
818is his birthdate.

I guess it's safe to say "8" is his lucky number.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

Love, Kim

Monday, August 14, 2006 9:48 PM Sunshiney Rainy State Time

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Kody is going to be F*I*N*E FINE!!!!!!!!! :0)

OK, first, sorry I got on here so late to update you was along day, first Gainesville, kids, homework, karate, more homework, Kaysha's youth group...
Welp, you all know the deal..ride here, drop off, drive there, pick up...and so and and so on.

So, here's what went down...
Dr. Pincus said that yes, there is a "divet" or something like that in Kody's skull, but it is caused by Kody's third ventriculatomy and shunt placement being in the same exact surgical spot. {one scar, two different surgeries}
There is really no reason why it happens but it does happen to some kids and Kody is one of those kids.
But, the great news is that there will be no surgery to correct it because nothing at all is exposed, his titanium plates are screwed in tight, and Kody is doing awesome.
Ummm...welp, expect for huggin' and I seriously mean huggin' on about every nurse and female Dr. there today..causing Dr. P and Dad Bear to have a pretty durn good laugh about something Kody did that I totally missed.

Kody does, however, need another MRI next month to check for any tumor growth/changes and while we are there having that MRI {no date yet}, we are going to have Kody's eyes photographed and videoed for research and learning purposes.

Oh..wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.
There was an Ophthomologist/ nuerosurgeon/nuerologist there today.
He was real intersted in Kody too...and this Dr. B {can't recall his real name right now} examined Kody's eyes {only his eyes now} for like one minute and could tell us exactly where Kody's tumor lies {brainstem}..just by looking at Kody's eyes!!
Amazing huh? We were told this Dr. is the best of the best in his field.
Anywhos...Dr. B asked us if it was OK for him to be there on the day of Kody's MRI so that he could take photos and video's of Kody's eyes.

OK, so it isn't the Abercromie and Finch {spelling} modeling shoot I've always wanted for him, but's a start, we'll take it. :0)

So...looks like that's where we stand for now.
Great news and sooo well worth waiting up for, don't you think??

We're gearing up for Kody's 11-teenth birthday on Friday..
His theme?? Tiki guys and lil' hula ladies in grass skirts and coconut tops. Can you believe it? :0)
His cake this year??
He insisted, and I mean insisted that this years cake states one very important motto for him....


Sure you can handle it?


Here goes.....

"GIT 'ER DONE!!!!!!!!!"

I've said it before and I'll say it a million more times until the day I leave this Earth..
That kid is a hoot!! :0)

Thank you all so much for the endles prayers for my Bear, who will always be my "Bear" but prefers being called "Skull" now.
Everytime we reach a hurdle...FROGGING keeps us all exaatly where we need to be.
You all continue to amaze us with your Grace...and Kody {Skull} continues to amaze me everyday with his unbelievable will to live each like it was his last...laughing, loving and living.

Have a beautiful night everyone..I certainly will be sleeping a lot better tonight.

Love, Kim a/k/a Skull's Mama



Dr. Pincus' office called this morning and left us with a message that he needs to see Kody tomorrow morning.
As soon as I drop Kolin off at school at 8:30 we'll be on our way to Gainesville.
Wish us prayers please.

Love, Skull's Mama

PS. On a funnier note...
Kody, in all his good humor this morning, has been joking about playing golf, t-ball and skee ball off his head...LOL!!!!!!!
Gotta love that kid, he is a hoot. :0)


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry about the update slacker thing!!

What's new?

Welp...I took Kody a/k/a "Skull" to the endo. last Friday and looks like his thyroid is doing great, Synthroid kicks butt, that's for sure.
We did some bloodwork where Kody informed me that "That vampire lady was trying to take blood like it was free!"
I haven't gotten the results yet but we will soon enough if there is anything not normal..otherwise, no news is good news.
His Endo., Dr. Shatz did confirm that darn pesky "head hole" and his first impression was that it is "ping pong ball size"..which certainly outdoes my original dx. as something like a "large-ish marble".
I'm seriously thinking that it isn't my's getting bigger. Even Kody has started to take notice of it now.

I called Shands today to remind Leigh Ann to remind Dr. Pincus to look over his scans and call me ASAP..they said I'd get a call after 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Guess what? No big call ever came.
So, I'll just get on them again first thing in the AM.

~*~Cool news update~*~

We got a phone call from one of Kody's fans today!!!!
Miss Linda called from Penn., and in addition to having a job during the day, she also volunteers at her local animal shelter and is soooooooo impressed with Kody's act of 11-teen b-day genorousity that there will be a bunch of very well treated ctitters at that particular addition to a very well dressed Kody Bear, who will soon be supporting his own animal shelter t-shirt, or beanie hat.
Thank you so much.....the stories of the snakes, horse and GATOR {yes my friends, this shelter turns no animal away..not even gators!!} really made Kody's day today.
You know what else made Kody's day...he was saved by the bell when we got the call right in the middle of spelling word homework. LOL!!!! Needless to say, he really loved that! :0)
I'll have to get the website on here for you all to see but it's written on Kody's notebook and it's somewhere on his desk, in his room, in the dark. I'll get it tomorrow.

More news...
Check out Kody's GB {Bravenet} and see our friend, Helen's message...much GREAT stuff going on at Radio Lollipop...a wonderful organization who provides much needed everything for our sick babies.
Also, Radio Lollipop is the recipiant of profits made from the "Kickin' Cancers Butt" store. Click on Kolin's banner up top to get there.

OK, looks like I am getting to that time of night where I'm fixin' to leave the old eyeballs on the keyboard, so I better had cut this short.

Just a friendly reminder...
Kody's 11th birthday is Friday {August 18th} and as he did last year, all he really would like, if at all possible is for all his fans to donate to your local animal shelter...treats, vitamins, food, litter, toys, anything....please make the lives of our critter friends a little more special. Animals cannot take care of themselves, they depend on us for everything good.
Kody is a true animal lover..all animals, big ones, small ones, furry ones, ones without legs {snakes!}, ones that are cuddly and ones that would freak us out if we saw one up close {trantulas!}.
Please, if you can...and tell them lil' critters Kody "Skull" Bear sent you. :0)

Have a great night everyone, I will update tomorrow night if I get any answers from Dr. Pincus. It'll be at night though because I have to work until 4, come home, gather up my young uns', take them to karate, get home, make dinner, homework, showers, all know the deal. :0)

Love you all....

Skull's Mama

PS. I know I have been highly neglecting my Photo Tips Blogger...please be patient with me, I will be updating again very, very soon.

Monday, August 7, 2006 5:56 PM

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~*~Thursday Afternoon~*~

Hi everyone..

I just put new photos up...enjoy!!

You know???
This house is WAY TOO QUIET!!! many more minutes till my lil' firecrackers get home??

Ah well....
What to say..

Oh..Kody's birthday is almost here...On August 18th he will be the big "Eleven-Teen".
Last year I was asked by many people.."What would Kody like?" and when I asked him his answer was very simple and the same answer he has this year...

"I would love it if all my fans who want to get me a present...DON'T DO IT!!"
Instead, Kody has asked for the second year in a row for anyone who would like to, in his honor to please donate to Kody's favorite charity in the world...The Humane Society.
Food, treats, litter, toys, anything at all...please bring to your local animal shelter for our Bear, who has without a doubt the biggest weak spot for all creatures small and big, from toads, lizards and frogs to cats, rabbits, and dogs..
These are Kody's favorite things...these are the things that perk him up when he's feeling down and if he had his way...we would have every stray dog, cat and snake living here. :0)

Last year the response was phemomenal...Kody fans from everywhere were showing up in animal shelters everywhere armed with everything a lil' four legged creature could need.
We would love to surpass that amount this year.
So, if you can and if you do..please let us know and please..tell those sweet lil' ones that "Kody sent you". :0)

I think one of the most prized possessions Kody has is every month or so, because of one generous fan, Kody get's a photo, a thank you card and stickers from an animal shelter {off hand I cant remember where}.
Of all the things...that boy is just estatic when he gets that mail.

In advance...we'd like to thank you all...please know that Kody appreciates this gesture sooo much. Caring is in his heart...caring for others, especially the animals who cannot take care of themselves, is in his soul.

We are off to Shands early tomorrow morning for his endocrinologist appt.
Gotta keep that thyroid going strong.

The first day of school {today} went off really well..and the kids looked absolutley awesome!!
More pic's to come soon..
Oh, and don't forget to check out the photo page...Kolin's showing off his good looks in his new eyeglasses. Yeppers, Kolin's got the dreaded "astigmatism" {spelling??} like his Daddy and oldest sister have. :0(

Welp my to cut some grass before the kiddo's all get I miss those kids!!!

Have a beautiful day...

Love, "Skull's Mama"


~*~Wednesday Night~*~

Hi all...

Just wanted you all to know things are still going pretty good.

The kids first day of school is tomorrow {Thursday}, this summer went by too fast, am I the only one who doesn't want them to go back? :0(

Kody is still in his same class..the one he's been in for 2 years.
Kolin got the teacher he wanted sooooo bad this year. :0)
Kaysha is Kaysha....I met her teachers today {they are real is very strict} but I think she was more concerned with what everyone, including herself was going to wear that first be young again, huh?

I have a ton of new pictures to get up...but it's pretty late now so I'll get them up sometime in the morning...when I'm home, all alone, in a quiet house..hey, you know...this might not be too bad after all. :0)

As for Kody who is now known as "Skull" thanks to Mr. P...Kody's karate teacher...that hole in his head in my a little bit bigger.
I don't test it everyday...but today I felt it a little and yes, I do believe it's deeper/bigger.
I won't get to talk to his neurosurgeon until Tuesday. We do go back to Shands this Friday morning though for a scheduled appt. with his endocrinologist.

Welp my's late so I'll continue this update tomorrow.

Oh...the new pic. up top...that was Kody today. I'm not sure if you can see it in that picture but he is now doing the "California Surfer" look...see his hair-doo? His spikes are bleached!!
Looking pretty hot..that's my beautiful "Skull"!!!!!

Many thanks to Mary Jane, who has been cutting Kody's hair for years...he mentioned really wanted his hair highlighted at his last haircut last week and she had me bring him back on Monday so she could, as an early b-day gift, highlight his brown locks.

Speaking of birthdays...more to come on that tomorrow but be prepared...Kody wants something very, very special..and it isn't for him.
If you all were around here last year..I think you will all know exactly what I mean. :0)

More to come....

Love, Kim a/k/a "Skull's Mama"


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I wanted to update real quick while I have a minute or two..

I heard from Leigh Ann, Kody's nurse prac. from Shands this afternoon.
Dr. Pincus is on vacation this week but he quickly looked at Kody's scan before he left on Friday.
He agreed that what he saw isn't "right" or "normal" but had no idea what it is. {the hole in Kody's skull}.

Leigh Ann promised to make him sit down and review Kody's scans in more depth when he get's back on Monday {a week from today}. And call us with a prognosis/diagnosis or whatever.
She is pretty sure that the plates are coming loose and that his skull/skin flap is exposed.
We can fix this through surgery right away or wait some and see if this problem will be a problem for Kody.
The only thing that is a concern for us and for Leigh Ann is that the area still feel's pins and needles tingly.
Other then that Kody is doing great...having fun these last few days of summer vacation and today did something soooooo totally cool! :0)

I'll have to tell you all about that lil' secret a bit later on...LOL..gotta run!! :0)

Have a great one everyone!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 12:08 AM CDT

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~Saturday Night~*~

No real update tonight...I just wanted to update the photo on top.
I was photographing Kaysha yesterday {pic's will be posted soon} and in an attempt to make her laugh...I turned around and caught this very quick moment of Kody dancing with Molly.
Pictures like this are just too precious to me...and this one just makes me smile whenever I look at it. :0)

We're doing OK, just enjoying the time that we have as a family this weekend.
Hugz and lovez all around this home, that's for sure. :0)

Love yaz...



~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

Just spoke with Shands and nothing yet, they've not even read the scans.
The only thing they could tell me was not to even expect a call back until Monday sometime...BUT, Dr. Pincus will be on vacation, so I'll be getting a call back from someone else. :0(

I just took Kody & Kolin for their haircuts and asked Mary Jane, the girl who has cut Kody's hair for years, if she's ever felt that on his head....
Like I expected, she has never.

The "hole" is, according to Kody Bear, feeling "pins and needles tingly".
I'm not sure what that could mean but I do know that he will be staying inside, chillin' for the weekend.

And...the best news, Dad Bear is on his way home as we speak to spend a few days up to maybe a week with him.
Schneider gave him the week off before he has to start and he'll be able to work at Dale's {where he used to work...about 5 minutes away from our home} while is is home. :0)

Unfortunetly, that's our story for, if I could just get Kody to stop listening to his loud music on TV and yelling "Mosh Pit" everytime someone walks by him I'd be very, very happy. :0)
That child is making me grayer..and grayer and grayer....

Have a beautiful weekend everyone, take time for some R&R!!

Thank you soooo much for the prayers...please keep them coming this weekend and hopefully Monday morning we can all wake up to a phone call full of GOOD news!! :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Friday Morning~*~

Just a quickie...

We should finding out something around 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The scans weren't read as of this morning but neuro. told me that they will be going downstairs to radiology to read them around 1 o'clock today.

Keep "FROG-GIN'"!! :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Thursday Night~*~

Hi Everyone…

WOW, it was a really, REALLY long day today!!

So….here’s the rundown..

The verdict is in, it is read it here first!!
Kody Bear does have a “HOLY HEAD”..or is that “HOLEY HEAD”?? :0)
We saw Leigh Ann, Kody’s nurse prac. And as she told me, she was expecting me to bring him in and find a small indentation on or near his surgical site. She was like “WHOA” when she felt his head and realized that there was a pretty good size hole going on there.
So…we were sent for a Cat Scan right away, well kind of right away..we waited ALOT.

We had the scan and went home….but with all the waiting, and waiting, and waiting…this visit that I just wrote up in one paragraph took 5 hours not including drive time. Yeppers..Kody was one whooped Bear by the end of the day.

OK, back to his head. We won’t have the results back until tomorrow but what they are looking for at this point is..

Senerio #1…His titanium plates have come loose and his skull flap is exposed. If that’s the case…surgery to repair those plates is the cure.

Senerio #2…Maybe an infection of some sort?? Hmmm..I don’t know about that, I always thought if there is an infection anywhere in your body…you have infection kind of symptoms. Kody isn’t…he looks and feels just fine.

Senerio #3…This being the worst possible and we HOPE, PRAY and FROG that this is not even an option..
That there is something, and I hate to say this, but cancer eating away at his skull.
UGH…there I said it and even though I’ve told a handful of people today {family} the same thing it is still stinging to even say it/think it/or type it.

But, like I said…as of today Kody is feeling GREAT, he looks beautiful…OK, handsome..OK no, he would want me to say this….
Kody looks HOT!!
And for that we are all so very, very grateful!!

I’ll leave you with a few snapshots of our day…

This is right outside Neurosurgical Specialties.

Getting some "contrast" juice before his scan.

LOL...told you all it was a long day..Kody asleep at Dr. P’s desk. :0)

On a happier note..we had two TERRIFIC things happen today!!

OK, the first…while Kody and I were waiting in the neuro. Waiting room, and while Kody was kicking my butt in thumb wrestling and talking to his Dad Bear on the phone, in walks in none other than one of Kody’s biggest fans here in Florida..Miss CJ Partridge, Kody’s old Ped-I-Care worker, our most wonderful friend, and at that point a shoulder to rest on.
Thank you sooo much CJ for taking the time to drive out and see us…it was an absolute pleasure meeting you and I really can’t wait to meet up again..but next time for lunch. :0)

**BTW..I do have a photo, but need Miss CJ’s permission before posting**

OK, now on to more news…the news that we all have been anxiously waiting for, for ohhhhh….I’d say the past five weeks or so.


Dad Bear PASSED his truck drivers test this afternoon with flying colors!!!
He is now the proud owner of one CDL truck drivers license and a very proud member of Schneider National Truck Company.

Let’s hear it for Dad Bear…WAA-HOO!!!!!

Ok my friends…this Mama Bear is exhausted and though I know I’ve probably left stuff out tonight, I think my brain has turned to fudge.

Please, please keep the Bear Prayer chains going strong.
Thank you all sooooo much!!

Love you all..

Oh no, I just realized how big those pictures are..I'll have to resize them, very sorry dial uppers. :0(


~*~Wednesday Night~*~

Please pray for our Bear..
We are going to Shands tomorrow morning, they want him there by 11 o'clock.

Tonight I am a mess, drained emotionally, tired, frustrated, sad, lonely...
Guess that just about sums things up.

Karl is taking his drivers test tomorrow morning....he's been passing everything with flying colors..I know he'll do great.

Kody is taking tomorrow's trip real, I wish I had that childs positive attitude. :0)

I'll have Kaysha update just incase we need to stay....but please check the GB {Bravenet}, thats probably where she'll be updating from.

Welp..I think I'm going to turn in early tonight.

Love you all...



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

So far this is what I know for sure....

Kody is going to have to be seen by his neurosurgeon at Shands and it looks like that will happen on Thursday.
I don't have an exact time yet and may not until later on or even possibly first thing tomorrow morning.

The down side is that his neuro., Dr. Pincus won't be there next week at all. So, if this is a problem with his titanium plates loosening up, then he will have to have something done about it this week.

The "hole/dent" seems a bit bigger to me. It is now shaped like a "Y". It starts around where a babies soft spot would be and ends in a "Y" shape toward the front of his hairline...near his forehead.

He is still acting fine...which means he's an onery booger and he says other then some "tingling" he feels pain or anything.
But...the tingling is where his scar is, and scars do tingle. However...the dent is where his scar is also so go figure. :0(

Dad Bear will be having his drivers test on Thursday so there is no way he can be here..., what else can we do...rely on our friends {all of you!!}, FROG and most of all...
Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming.

Welp, gotta run and pick up some milk and other everyday stuff before I head out to work for the dreaded nightshift.

Later Gators!!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:47 PM CDT

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

Looks like a call to Shands is definetly in order for tomorrow.
Unfortunetly I really do have to work to get up some gas $$ for the trip there.
No worries...LOL...Shands has never been known to call me back right away anyway. :0)

I'm trying, little by little to get up some new pic's...bear with me please, they should be up by tonight sometime.

Have a great night!!
Love you all...



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I just realized it's been almost a week...SORRY!!!!
Seriously, updating has been on my mind everyday....having three minutes to sit down and update has been another story lately.

OK...I'll start off with the good news...

Dad Bear came home Friday night...late Friday night after sending me and his "not good in the car" cubs on a long trip to Jacksonville to pick him up...that was last night.
Tomorrow morning we drive him out to Gainesville to pick up a rental car and from there he leaves to pick up two other people and then hightail it to Evergreen, Alabama where he'll spend three solid days training on absolutely everything that will be on his drivers test on Thursday.

At least we had today together, right...right and we'll take that anyday.

On Friday, if all goes as planned he'll be handed the keys to his new truck and the road will be his. more week of more week without a paycheck and we can finally hold those heads up high and breathe once again.

Now....the not so good news...or maybe it's nothing but we'll see.

I have this habit of constantly running my hands through Kody's hair and rubbing his cute lil' round head.
This morning, for some reason, his head/scalp felt "squishy" or "soft", not hard like a normal head.
A few hours later he was in the pool with Kolin and Karl when he got out to sit next to me and like a habit that I can't seem to ever quit....I ran my hand through his hair again and that's when I almost fell off my seat.
Where it felt squishy this morning was now a definate indentation.
Tonight, no kidding....that "hole" has gotten even bigger.

He looks fine and he feels fine but that "hole/dent", my intuition tells me it's not normal and for sure I know it was never there before...I mean no exaggeration...I run my hands through that kids hair every single day, a few times a's just something we do. long as he feels OK, I suppose I can wait until Monday morning to call Shands and ask if he needs to be seen....Cat Scanned or something.
And this leads to another problem...
I know Kody comes first...I do know that..
But I was asked just tonight if I could work all day on Monday and right now we need that little bit of $$$$ sooooo stinkin' bad.

Welp.....please just pray that it is nothing {the dent} and that I can do two things at one time...
Be there for Kody {and Kolin & Kaysha} when I need to be and keep working at least until Karl's paychecks start coming in.

I can tell you all one thing for sure...
I have, without a single doubt, have a new admiration and respect for ALL single working Mom's and Dad's.
I'm telling you there needs to be a holiday that lasts a a month for these special people..I don't know how they do it, I really don't.

Other then that life goes on in the "K" home.

Oh....before I leave tonight let me tell you two "K" kids stories...

Yesterday I had a whopping 15 minutes to myself before we had to leave for Jacksonville.
The boys wanted to go outside and I told them I'd go with I brought a crosswrod puzzle mag., a pen and took my rightful place on the swingset...hoping they would follow suit.
I was getting into that puzzle....guessing as many as I could when I heard a SLAM and looked up just in time to see a baseball fly through the front yard and CRASH into the kitchen window.

On a brighter note...Kolin did make sure Kody was wearing a motorcyle helmet {yes you heard that right} to protect his bean. kitchen window wasn't wearing anything and now supports a baseball sized hole in it.
And I thought these things only happen in the movies...nope.

Imagine our family converstion in the car last night when Dad said "So what kind of interesting things did you guys do for fun this week?"
That's when Kody's proud lil' voice spoke up from the back seat and said as sweet and proud as could be said "Welp Dad, today we broke a window with a baseball".
Then Kolin chimed in with the 100 other things he and Kody had been doing all week {long story}.
You could have heard a pin drop with the very thick silence that fell till Dad's voice broke the barrier by saying very calmly...
"So...did you do ANYTHING that didn't have anything to do with destruction??"
And that's when Kolin said "Yes..I helped Mommy vacumn yesterday"
To which Dad said "Well...that's good"
To which Kolin said "Dad...the vacumn doesn't suck anymore"
To which Dad wondered {but didn't say out loud..welp, not too loud anyway}..
"Tell me again why I came home??"

One more Kody story....and Connie you are going to LOVE this cuz it's all about you!! :0)

On Kody's photopage is a picture of him kissing a toad. Gross, yes I know but the kid refuses to release anything into the wild without kissing it first...go figure.

***NOTE...I ALWAYS sterilze him afterwards...always***

Kody got a message from Miss Connie who reminded him that toads, when kissed, turn into princes...not princesses.
When I asked Kody what he thought of that..
His exact words were...are you ready for this?? OK, here goes..

"Shoot...I got over "princesses" a long time ago..I was hoping it would turn into the....

And that, my friends, is what I deal with in and day out. :0)

Alright everyone...with that lil' chuckle for the night I am ready to spend one more night with the ole' man before he heads out again tomorrow and my kiddo's take over his side of the bad again.

Please, please pray for Kody to be head problems at all.
And...for Dad Bear to have a safe trip out to Alabama tomorrow.

Love you all...

Love, Kim

PS. New pic's coming soon...this week I decided to play with the kids instead of taking pictures of them playing...
Just a little trade to keep them happy. :0)

Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:49 AM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

If it’s true that pictures can speak 1000 words…then I’ll let these speak for themselves…

We had the BEST weekend….but as all fun things come to an end…we are off in a few hours to bring Dad back to that big orange truck.
No telling when we’ll see him again but we’ve got lots and lots of treasured memories to keep us going in the meanwhile.

Welp…gotta run, Dad Bear’s got the Belgian waffles and blueberries ready and they are smelling mighty fine!! :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone!!!

Love, Kim and the entire "K" Krew


Monday, July 17, 2006 3:16 PM CDT

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~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

New photos up...



Love, Kim


~*~Friday Morning~*~

Everythings going great...Dad Bear "might" be home this afternoon and stay until way early Sunday morning when I have to have him in Jacksonville at...HOLY MOLEY...7 AM!!.

I have a TON of new pic's to post but, SIGH, no time right now...gotta get ready for work.
I will work on those later on though...there are LOTS!! :0)

Have a GREAT day!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Great news...

They are NORMAL again!!!
My bratty kids turned loveable once again...OK, maybe not 100 percent loveable but much more loveable then they were yesterday. :0)

Heck, I even sort of overlooked coming home from work and finding Kolin perched on the two arms of a lawnchair, skillfully balanced, hanging from a basketball hoop.
With, Kody, lovingly standing on the front deck watching him chanting " it".

It was all I could take to grab that camera and proudly snap a picture to show dear ole' Dad when he does get home. HEE-HEE-HEE!!

I put a few new photos up tonight, a very few. I have the whole, entire day off on Thursday and the kiddo's are well aware that because of the grief they put me through..they owe me bigtime to keep my silence.
Soooo...a photo shootin' we will go!!

Thank you to all who took the time to persoanlly e-mail me with advice, support and are ALL the best!!

Julie, I am so sorry...YES, you got the right number..however I was at work and didn't get the message that you called until tonight.

If it's OK with you...I'd love to chat on Thursday?? I have to pull a double tomorrow so I'll be gone from 10 AM until 10 PM. :0(

OK...I am awfully tired....have a great night everyone!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I don’t know if I should start this off as…
GRRRRRR…I am sooooooo not perky today or SIGH, I am just plain out not perky today or “The K Family…not so lovingly normal after all”

Every just have one of those days when you just want to throw in the towel, or soggy wet pool noodle and run away? My past 36 hours have felt that way.
I know…I know…
But girl you have it sooooo good.
Kids are doing great….
Husband’s training for a job he loves….
You still have running water AND a running car….

What could possibly that bad?
Hmmm……now that you put it that way, I guess not too much…


Oh the heck with it, today I’m going to vent a little…is that cool with ya’all?

OK, first off….Having Papa Bear home was great, having him leave so soon was not.
What was worse….all he did while he was home..OK, maybe not ALL he did but he sure did spend a lot of time doing it..
Was truck work stuff, paperwork, phone calls, map stuff, log book stuff, returning rental cars {Oh, but that’s another story}, running to truck stops for some paper stuff so we could someday get the $$ back for endless gas and toll bills..which BTW, nobody ever did give us {the paper stuff that is}.
Family time? Welp, between him working at the garage {so he could have cash to get back on the road with} and me working…mostly our time was spent rushed or sleeping.

I ask any of you who are “Truck Driver Wives” this NORMAL?????

So now that he’s gone again the kids have been out of control…I mean they have been onery with a capital “O”.
Yesterday I was supposed to have the day off but the girl who was supposed to be covering my shift decided not to come in so I was called in anyway at 4 o’clock.
As soon as I mentioned it to Kaysha…that’s when things got a lil’ ugly…
And this is what I heard…
Moooommmm….you are soooo running my social life!!!”
***SLAM*** {bedroom door}

Yeah…I know it’s not fun minding two hyper boys all day and I know I totally forgot she was supposed to go to some concert thing but did she forget that my tips are the only income we have right now?
I guess she did. :0(
Anywhos…long story short, after going round to round Kayara jumped in and said she’d work my shift even through she was supposed to be in Tampa, having the time of her young life, on a beach, with her man and a bottle of Corona.
Talk about, my kids have got that down to a science.

Sooooooo….I manage to find myself home with one snot nose daughter and two sons who fought about everything and anything all day long.
They worked each others nerves bigtime which sure worked my nerves bigtime.
You know what the real kicker was…OK, I’ll tell you.
My neighbor bought his kids one of those water park super water slide things. My kids never thought twice about it until late yesterday evening when those other kids were playing in the pouring rain on it..dark sky looming overhead.
That’s when mine decided to take their offer up on playing on it and I wouldn’t let them because silly me, I really thought that…
Dark clouds and heavy rain in Florida more often then not mean…
Lightening will pop up at any second.
I thought I was being such a good Mom telling them “No way”
Guess I was wrong…I was definitely not on my kids top 10 list of people they loved last night.

Now, in the mist of all this Karl is calling every chance he get’s saying “I’m in South Carolina, I’m here, I’m there”
And do you know how badly I wanted to scream…
So badly that I let my pre-menapausal self go and I did it, I said it and I said it loud.
And poor old Dad…he was speechless for a few seconds and then calmly said “Do you just want me to come home?”
To which I politely said “NO!”

Guess what I did last night?
I had a cold beer…yes I did!! Only one {that’s all we had} and I don’t regret it not for a second.
Welp, OK..I kind of did at 6 o’clock this morning when I woke up with a pounder {I am such a lightweight dork} headache and fumbled around the medicine drawer for something, anything to make it go away. Finally, my trustly bottle of Excedrin for Migraines was in my ever lovin’ hands.
Gotta LOVE those Excedrin people..I sure do.

So…today’s a new day…the headache left the building, I spent my morning making phone calls, mowing the grass, catching up on laundry and running errands.
And that is how my migraine came back…

I should have known…I mean this was a no brainer I a messed up bigtime.

A few days ago Kody and Kolin begged and pleaded for Tag Body Shots {a spray cologne for guys} and like a moron I let them get a bottle with the one and only rule….
“NEVER spray that around Mom”
Why? Because I am very, VERY allergic to colognes and perfumes of all kinds…
One sniff and it’s migraine city for days.
So…as we are gleefully driving down the road to get to CVS where we picking up Kody’s med’s..this smell started wafting throughout the car…a closed in car and just like that…BAM….the headache from H**L started right up.
And when I looked in the backseat with those “what did you just do” dagger eyes {Mom’s…Dad’s you know what I’m talking about} I found two boys with the “Oh No we are TOAST” face.

I guess it’s safe to say that bottle of Tag Body Shot now lives in my outdoors trash can.

So that my friends has been my past 36 hours and you know, I’ve thought about it long and hard today and came up with this.
Life isn’t so bad after all.
I’ll laugh about all this one day.
And my personal favorite…
If they do one more thing to make me nuts I WILL take them for a lovely trip down….


That ought to shut um’ up.

New pic’s coming soon…you wouldn’t want to see the most recent ones….onery kids is all I’ll say.
Actually I may put a few up later but seriously, it’ll probably only be a few.

BTW…Mary, Mavis..I’m home tonight and would LOVE some cheering up. LOL!!!!!

OH C**P…I better run, I hear someone {KODY!!!!} jumping on a bed and yelling WAA-HOO…we have VERY low ceilings and I just know you can all picture what I'll be pulling out of the ceiling!!!!!!

Have a great one all…

Love, Kim

Kim Says You Can Do It Photo Tricks.

Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:02 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Welp..I guess all good things must come to an end...Dad Bear got the call today and he has to be in {I'll most likely spell this wrong} Polatka, Florida at 7 AM} Once he get's there he's getting in a truck with his instructor and driving out to Virginia.
The day and a half with him went by waaaayyyyy too fast...but the good news is...

Drum Roll Please

If all goes well he should be back home late Friday night before heading back out Sunday night for wherever the wind...or that big ornage truck takes him.

The kids have been having a blast but I have to tell you...they wore that man out!! :0)
Honestly....they were a blur of commotion/action every minute from the moment they saw him....when he woke them up in the morning.
Now that was priceless!!

Hopefully this weekend I can find myself at home more and not at
Though, I have to give props to Kayara, who worked my shift last night so that I could spend time with Dad Bear...or as he's know called at my job, "Papa Smurf".
I have no idea why...go figure.

Welp my friends....I really want to get to bed and catch some sleep. I'll be back on tomorrow as I took the day off to be a family and now I'll just have a day with the kiddo's instead...that's so cool though...I need them.

I'll leave you with this lil' snapshot we took today...

They sure do love that man...
And speaking of lovin' that man...

"Roll over one more night Baby...Mama's on her way"

Love you all..


Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:32 AM CDT

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~*~Saturday Night~*~

I will update tonight...promise!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Great news…
Dad Bear is leaving Charlotte, NC this afternoon and driving home for a couple, maybe a few days!!!!!!!
He’s picking up a rental car around 3 o’clock or so, has to drop two people off…one in Georgia and one in Florida and he should be getting in sometime around 4 in the morning!!!

The kids don’t even know….I think I’ll just leave it as a BIG surprise….LOL…I cannot wait to see their faces when they wake up tomorrow morning. :0)

I know he’ll only be home for a very little while….but heck, we’ll take that anyday, right?
He leaves again on Monday {I think?} for Evergreen, Alabama.

Kids are doing awesome….they are bored silly and I had a near panic situation when I took them out and they saw school supplies in Wal-Mart….I can’t believe that will be coming up soon. They go back on August 10th. :0(

Welp…I am real sorry…I have to run and get ready for work again. My job has been a constant source of stress around here, Kolin is the one super stressed out lately and Kody…ahhhh, my Bear is just a teary ole’ mess when I walk out that door….how I need sooooo bad to get another job.

Prayers that the one job I want will come true, a local photo studio {not a chain store, but a real studio} is hiring and I am calling them today.

Have a beautiful day everyone….

Kim Says You Can Do It Photo Tricks.

Friday, July 7, 2006 9:26 AM

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~*~Monday Night~*~

New pic's up...just a few from yesterday, I ran out of bribery ice cream truck dollars so nothing new today. :0)


~*~Monday Morning~*~

Ahhhh...a day off!!
I think we'll just have a lazy kind of catching up on things day.
Gotta get to the grocery store, catch up on laundry, buy a watermelon, get to karate class, swim and flag down the ice cream man's truck.
Gotta love summer. :0)

Speaking of "gotta love" things....
Our Bear was having a GREAT "Eye Day" yesterday and yeppers...I took full advantage of that. Paid him a buck and dragged him outside for a full 7 minutes of papparazzi time.
I'm still editing but I thought you'd all enjoy those beautiful brown eyes on top.

Have a beautiful day's summertime, get out there and enjoy!!

Mama Bear and the whole "Bear" Family


~*~Sunday Afternoon~*~

Kids and I are headed out for a swim before I have to leave them for work...

Kody's been having a rough few days..only at night though.
Something tell's me he is starting to really miss his Dad.
Sooo...for you my Bear and for Dad Bear and his lil' Cubs...this song is for you today!! :0)

I have some great news...
I recieved in the mail on Friday and bunch of postcards with Kody's picture and story on them.
They were given to us from the Shands Childrens Miracle Network.
Looks like our celebrity had scored big this time..
He is the new Shands Miracle Network Feature Child for June, 2007!!
Yeppers...Kody's face and inspirational story will be plastered everywhere around Shands 11 months from now.
How cool is that?

Just as soon as I can I'll get that postcard scanned so I can show you all.

Welp..we've got some swimming to do....

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Love, Kim isn't working, I'll work on it again later. :0(


~*~Friday Night~*~

Two updates in one day...can you believe it?

OK....who can stand some more good news?
At 3:30 this afternoon Karlio has offically graduated the first {and most difficult} part of CDL school!!
He's going to train another week in North Carolina.....things like backing up and stuff, then it looks like POSSIBLY he'll come home for a week before he heads out to Alabama for another two weeks of hands on only training and then...

***Drum Roll Please***

An offer fell right into his lap that he could not give up...
A chance to drive based out of Florida that will keep him out two weeks and home for ONE WEEK...instead of the original out two and home for two days.
Can you believe our great luck??

Now...all we have to do is get through these next couple of weeks of training and he will be paid to do all this...
I know I for one can't wait for that. :0)

He is soooo happy today, every time I've talked to him he's just been beaming...but man, he sure does have that homesick sound to him.
If all goes right we'll be reunited for a little while in another week.
Prayers...oh boy, could we use those prayers, so please..if it's not too much...keep them coming.
You have ALL made a HUGE difference in our lives this week and we will be forever grateful for all of you!!

BTW...I almost forgot...
As I type this we have living in our green belt with two stripes and one green belt with three stripes!!
Yeppers..our two boys passed their karate testing with flying colors!!

Pretty soon Kolin will be going on "Red" and Kody will be right behind him. :0)

I've put some new photos up...enjoy!!

I better get going, kids to put to bed and I think I'm headed in that same direction myself.

Love yaz!



~*~Hi Everyone~*~


I JUST got off the phone with Dad Bear..
He is graduating this afternoon with a PERFECT score of 100!!!

Next to Alabama for "Phase Two" of driving school for the next two weeks.

YEAH BABY...we're getting there!!

Keep those prayers coming...see what you have all helped us to accomplish??
Bless you ALL!!!

I have to go and get ready for work but there was no way I was going to NOT get on here and let you all be the first to know. :0)

Have a beautiful day...

Love, Kim

Monday, July 3, 2006 1:20 PM

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~*~Wednesday Morning~*~


Dad Bear is doing a million times better...THANK YOU...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

WOW...I knew I could get on here and have you all get things done...WOW!!!

OK, this is the story...two mornings ago when I talked to him he seemed very, very down. He had alot on his mind, missed us, missed being home and was making alot of driving mistakes that were so unlike him..I meam, the guy knows how to drive them and fix them.
He told me how they are on a "3" point system. 1 being real bad, 2 is better but not enough to graduate, 3 being great and you graduate.

On Monday morning he was a "1".
By late Monday afternoon he was up to a "2".

I am very happy and very proud to tell you all that late yesterday afternoon when we talked he was a THREE!!!!!!

Now, if we can just keep him stress-free and he keeps doing what he's doing and staying a 3....he's got it in the bag and will graduate CDL class on Friday, be sent to Alabama probably Monday for a week, drive back to Florida to take his actual drviers test and then back to Alabama again. we like to live around here...
One day at a time...
One step at a time.

Thank you soooo much again for the prayers...they are working..YEAH!!!!!

Kayara and I took the kids to see fireworks last night at Venetian Gardens here in Leesburg...the kids really liked it but were pretty bummed about not having Dad around.
See...the 4th is Dad B's favorite holiday and he always puts on a pretty cool display in our yard.
Not to mention his BBQing skills which Kody flat out told me I pretty much stink at. :0(
Who knew you couldn't grill frozen burger patties???
Maybe next year...

I'll post some new photos from yesterday and hopefully some from today up a bit later, possibly even tonight as I have to go to work this afternoon and stay till closing.

Welp..I better get some lazy kids up this morning...late night and all but one {Kolin...the kid with endless energy, you'd swear that boy did nothing but drink Vault all day} are still sleeping the day away.

Karate testing tomorrow night at 5:30!! :0)

Have a great one all...

Love, Kim


~*~Monday Night~*~

Some new photos up from today, just a few but there will be more tomorrow for sure.

Ahhh....yes, your seeing right, that's our Bear with SHORT HAIR!!!
He wanted it off and off it came two days ago.

Now, just a warning...when you check out the photo page...gross as it will see Kody kissin' a lizard.
Oh those Florida boys!! :0)

Till tomorrow...



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Much to do day off!!

I really wanted to get on here though and ask for many, many prayers for Dad Bear.
OK...I'll give you all the shortened condensed version...

Alot of stressful family things have been happening around here'd think we'd be used to it by now but I suppose that isn't going to happen.
Anyways....because of it Dad's mind is not where it is supposed to be and this has been a horrible week for him.
If it doesn't get better, unfortunetly, he'll be sent home this CDL, no truck, no job.
This can't just can't!!
He didn't go there to fail and I sure as heck didn't willingly let him go to please, if you could take a monet and pray for peace for this family and for Dad's mind to go back to being focused on what is all good...
Passing that CDL class and getting his licence.

Also...our very much loved dog, Zeke {our rottweiller} passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday.
We have no idea why but yesterday morning that is how I found him when I went outside to grap the paper and feed all the animals.
Since we can't afford an autopsy, Kayara, Kaysha and I buried him ourselves.
Trust me when I tell you we are all hurting and the boys are devestated.

I know Zekers was just an animal to some but he was our family dog...heck, he was our family.

OK...I'm off to finish the yardwork I started this morning and get us to Publix for some very much needed grocery shopping.

Personal note to Cindy...
Girl, I am so sorry we missed each other. I've been working doubles alot and have been so behind in checking all my e-mails..the eyes just don't focus great at the end of the day.
Saturday was probably one of the worst days for us. :0(
I'm glad you had a great vacation though..wet but great!! :0)
Next time, I promise!!

Gotta run..please keep the prayers coming...Thank You!!!!

I'll post some new photos real soon...just have to get some taken.

Love, Kim

Kim Says You Can Do It Photo Tricks.

Friday, June 30, 2006 9:52 AM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Friday morning, coffee at my side, kids are still sleeping and I can finally update….what’s better then that? :0)

Things around the “K” home are pretty good. It has been raining sooooo stinkin’ much though….seems like every day for the past two weeks….not all day but, welp, you know…those every afternoon Florida monsoons. Yesterday was a doozy…I was stuck at work, trying to get home when the kids called panicking about the lightening, wind, roof leaking like crazy…driving in that one was interesting, let me tell ya.
But I made it and 30 minutes later the sun came out…wouldn’t you just know it.

Let’s see now…Kody news…
Kody has been doing awesome!! Don’t you just LOVE summer when the kids are home and not exposed to every little virus? Makes me for one very happy Mama Bear that’s for sure.
I’ve been asked a lot lately about his next Shands visit. Here goes the schedule as I know it so far…
Thyroid Doctor in August
Eye Doctor in September
MRI & Dr. Pincus in September
Seizure Doctor in November

Pretty cool schedule, huh? I told you he’s been doing awesome. Our new saying around here…
“Kody Rocks”

Oh….more Kody and Kolin news…
Next Thursday at 5:30 PM our two boys will be testing for their next higher rank in karate!!!!!!!!
Kody goes for his second stripe on his green belt and Kolin is third stripe on his green belt. After that, Kolin becomes a “red” belt.
Maybe we should say…
Kody AND Kolin ROCK!!!!!!
I am sooooooooooo stinkin’ proud of those two, I mean really…who would have ever figured my Bear, who not so long ago couldn’t hardly sit up by himself is taking on the martial arts world?
Wait a minute..this is Bear we’re talking about…never expect anything less then 150 percent from that kid. :0)
It’s funny how quite by accident Kody found his one little thing in life that keeps him going, keeps him strong, keeps him focused. Something that he never grows tired of, that he can’t live without {his words}, somewhere where he is accepted, treated the same, respected and loved.
I honestly feel that we were lead to Central Winds by Him because He knew what was best for Kody & Kolin..
Or maybe it was a certain lil’ mockingbird sent by one lil’ Angel Cheyenne. If you can recall it was Cheyenne’s martial arts talent that inspired my boys a whole lot. :0)
You never know, right?

Speaking of karate…the karate pictures have been retaken this week and as of last night were sent off for printing!!! I am soooo stoked, I can’t wait to see them.

So let’s see..what else, what else??
Oh yes…Dad Bear!!
He is doing GREAT!!!!!
School is very, VERY intense..he tells us there is A LOT of info. to absorb. He goes to class all day and has hours of homework at night. Yes, he’s tired at the end of the day but he is happy, doing what he’s always dreamed of and working so hard to make a better life for all of us here.
So, until that better life starts we….
Just keep swimming….just keep swimming.
Please, if you would though…just pray that my job get’s busier so that we can live off of what I make in tips until his paychecks start…which may not be for at least a few more weeks.
He actually got to drive around in his big orange truck these past couple of days...parking, highway driving, and such…I wish you all could have heard him when he called to say what he was doing…I swear he sounded like a kid on Christmas morning.
I got a postcard from him yesterday with, what Kaysha calls…”A love note” on it. LOL…that was so cool!!

Now on to some bummer news…
It has come to my attention that another CB site has found to be fake.
I won’t give out any details that I know or what I’ve been told BUT please just keep in mind what is important…
The children are FINE {Thank God}. Please send your prayers to the Mom who realizes what she did was wrong.
I am gracefully backing out of the whole situation as this is someone whom I actually talked to on the phone and that my children have also talked to.
As upset as I am that anyone would make a mockery out of our life, our {and by “our” I mean every one of us who has had cancer in our lives} cancer life…I am relived to know that there is one less child in the world without cancer and no, I will not..I refuse to harbor any bad feelings. I just want this “Mom” to get help. I will pray for her.
OK…enough said.

A cute story before I leave today…
Two nights ago Kolin was having a rough night, missing me { I worked a double that day}, missing his Daddy, rainy day kept him inside…anyway he couldn’t get to sleep so he climbed in bed with me.
And…he slept great.
I snuck out of bed a bit early yesterday morning so I could get in my computer time before I had to leave and Kolin comes walking out into the living room in tears.
When I asked him what was wrong…he said lips quivering “I heard a 18 wheelers horn and it reminded me of Daddy” {keep in mind my bedroom window faces a sort of busy road}.
Sooo…I hugged him and started the typical mushy “We all miss Daddy, I’m so sorry your feeling sad” kind of stuff.
When Kolin looked right at me and said “Mom I’m sad cuz that dang horn woke me up from a GREAT how about some waffles?”
How quickly they get over things, huh??!! :0)

Welp my friends…sounds like my lil’ “waffle king” is making his way down the hallway so I better jump off for now.

Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend everyone!!

Love and Hugz…


Saturday, June 24th 2006 12:24 AM

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~*~Sunday Morning~*~

New photo's up this morning...I gotta run and get ready for work...Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Daddy Bear....
If your reading this...

Kody says "Have fun at school today, do all your homework and NEVER, EVER eat school's mystery meat".

Later Gators...



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Know what’s cool? It’s Friday right now but as soon as I’m done with this…it’ll be Saturday. LOL…simple things, huh??
Know what else is cool? That Bear with the “attitude” on top? HA….pop a hat on that kids head and it’s over….he is a natural born ham, that’s for sure! :0)

These past few days have been a blur…
Let’s see…welp, first things first…Dad Bear is now living in Charlotte, North Carolina.
He boarded his Amtrack on Wednesday and was settled in by Thursday early afternoon. He visited the training center today and his first class starts tomorrow morning…very, very early.
We won’t know a return home day…but I’m sure we’re looking at weeks and weeks down the road somewhere.
Wednesday, saying “good-bye” again was tough…so we opted to leave the kids at home and let them say their “good-byes” from home. That worked out much better then seeing Dad leave with suitcases and getting on a train. Almost no tears…a lot less then the last time, that’s for sure.
As for me and Karyelle..we drove him out to Deland to board that train and although Karyelle did better then I was just slightly better.
Can you tell we are a family that positively HATES to say “good-bye”?

The first night was rough…the second night was rough…and since you can all see it’s in the middle of the night, I guess it’s safe to say…the third night is rough too.
This is defiantly going to take some getting used to. :0(

Kody and the kids have been doing great this week…Karyelle is still here to keep them entertained and I have to tell you, they are having a blast being spoiled by her. Movies, trips to the mall, swimming, McDonald’s, video games, you name it…she’s done it with them.

Tomorrow we’re heading out to the State Park for hopefully, some beautiful pictures to remember this lil’ vacation by…before she heads out back North on Monday morning.
Trust me..I ought to be a basket case by then…it’s that “good-bye” thing again I tell ya.

Sunday…we’re celebrating her belated birthday party in style with CAKE!! Yeppers..we are a family who hates to say good-bye and drowns our sorrows in cake.
Tell me now, what’s better then that?

As for me? I wish I could say I’ve been enjoying every minute with them but sadly I’ve been working near about everyday. Not a whole ton of hours this week so I was able to go to the movies with them last night and this huge mall out in Sanford today…which…I have to tell you…Kaysha was in “Goth Heaven” when she walked through the doors of the happiest place in Earth…
“Hot Topic”
OK…so maybe your thinking “Disney”…ummmm, nope…not exactly. This store is THEE store for Goth Princess’ like our fun loving Kaysha.
She ended walking out with a few new buttons and a pair of arm warmers…goth style of course.
She also walked out whining something about “HAVING” to do her back to school shopping there.
Yeah…we’ll see…..

Kody did a bit of shopping there himself today…not wanting to be outdone and always on the prowl for something extremely cool to wear {you just have to know Kody..he is sooo not into toys} he ended up with a black sweatband wristband thing that says very simply “I like booty”
Enough said.

Kolin? Well Kolin is just too cute…all he ever wants is quarters for those bigger then life gumball machines that have every gumball/candy/bouncy ball known to man.

We did take a bunch of pictures today but it’s late right now and I have to be up way too early so I’ll get to posting them up sometime tomorrow.

I better get going…I have got to try and sleep tonight. It’s so strange being alone and I kind of don’t really like it. :0(

Thank you all for coming back to check in on us…Love yaz!!!


PS. “Blogger” has been updated...please bookmark this site just incase I take the link off of here.
Kim Says You Can Do It Photo Tricks.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:26 AM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

OK…I’ll never say those two dreaded words that I can never seem to manage to make happen…”I Promise”.
How’s about “I’ll try”, “I’ll do my best”, “I really meant to but….”

Sorry…I didn’t mean to make anyone worry… always, things are insane in the “K” home.

Let’s see…..
Friday was a disaster….I wanted so badly to be at Jacob’s service Friday night…that was my only priority. I was to get out of work at 2..leaving me enough time to get home, clean up and get on the road…BUT….because of a very selfish fellow employee walking out because of her “Can not cancel dinner reservations” {which I later found out was a big fat lie}, I didn’t get to leave until later that night.
Was I furious? Oh…you bet…so furious in fact I let loose to Boss Man’s wife {whom I adore} on Sunday, and guess what? Fellow employee has not a job this morning to come back to.
BYW…this isn’t the first time she’s done this…and, oh…she was found at a local bar that night DAAS.
I hope you all don’t think I’m rotten for that but that was just plain wrong…just wrong and hurtful.

Sunday…..Dad’s Day…first let me please extend a lil’ late..
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all Dad’s out there…hope your day was a great one!!
Our’s was cool….
After walking around Target on Saturday, aimlessly looking for the perfect gift for a Dad who never wants anything, me rephrase that….he wanted a chef’s apron, go figure?? But we couldn’t find one in an entire mall full of lot’s of stores that had everything except a chef’s apron.
Anywho’s..the kids decided on..
Please don’t laugh…

It’s a real nice toaster though and believe me the kids have been happily toasting every piece of bread in the house.
Dad, on the other hand, was kind of wondering why he would need a toaster when he’d be on an Amtrack train in three days. Face it Dad…it’s all about those three huge appetite kids we call “T1, T2 and T3”
Translation….Trouble 1, 2 and 3 or as seen on their birth certificates…
Kaysha, Kody and Kolin.

The rain let up on Sunday afternoon finally so that Dad Bear could fire up the BBQ and burn us some burgers…OK, not “burn”…”burning meat” is just a phrase we use every weekend. :0)
But the best part of the day was about to come when, as soon as that grill was lit…our oldest daughter, Karyelle, pulled up right in front of the house!!
Yeppers…her first real road trip alone..she drove from New York to Florida and did it all in time to wish her Dad a “Very Happy Father’s Day”.

Let me tell you….things got even better when she pulled out a dozen each of REAL NY bagels and hard rolls!!!!
Hey, maybe that toaster wasn’t such a bad idea after all, huh?? :0)

OK…..YIKES!! I just checked on the time and I have 3 minutes and have to get ready for work..

Let me make this quick right now..sorry!!
On Sunday we bought Dad Bear his Amtrack ticket and on Wednesday {tomorrow} he’ll be leaving from Deland, FL to North Carolina.
Greyhound just doesn’t get a second chance with us.
Sooo…here we go again..wish us luck. :0)

Alright, I hate to do this but my novel will have to wait till much later.
Have a beautiful day everyone…Love Yaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS. I’ll update the “Blogger” later or tomorrow..that I promise!! Oh, there I go again!! :0(

Kim Says You Can Do It Photo Tricks.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:29 PM CDT

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~*~Thursday Night...Very Late~*~

Time got away on me today...sorry. :0(
I'll update after work the meantime, I got some more new pictures up today.
I'll have some more of Kody by the weekend...just gotta get the lil' booger to stay still. :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~


I wanted to jump on tonight real quick to let you all know we are doing pretty fine.

I will….PROMISE…to do a real update tomorrow sometime..I will, I will.

Dad Bear has an appointment in the early morning to get his CDL drug test again, since it’s been over 30 days it’s a do-over….because…

Plans have changed again and he is shipping his own self out and has to be in Charlotte, North Carolina by the 23rd of this month. Class starts the 24th.
We are looking at two things…
We know we have to get him there ourselves cuz no way is he doing Greyhound again…so, we drive or he takes Amtrak.
Either way he has to be there…fingers crossed things work out this time …saying “good-Bye” will be traumatic again for our Bear…and Kolin too…and Kaysha too..oh heck, for me too.

So, I’ve decided to do something totally crazy…create a blog. I know….what else could I possibly have to say, right? Soooo…it’s not about me this time…it’s actually a way to help everyone who e-mails me about “Photo Tips and Tricks”. Since I can’t possibly answer everyone…well, I could IF I have any kind of organization skills..but since I don’t, I’ve taken to create this really cool {I think so anyway} “Blog” to make it so you never need to spend another hard earned dollar at so called “portrait studios” again.
Wally World, Sears, etc... faithful employees…please don’t hate on me, K?
Every day or so I’ll have a new tip, trick or photo visual.
Have fun with it…
Kim Says You Can Do It Photo Tricks.

OK….I better get going for tonight…new pic’s up…a few, a VERY few. :0(

One last thing before I go..please keep the prayers going for Angel Jacob’s sweet family. I could never begin to imagine the pain they are all feeling and Jacob’s three brothers…what else can I say? Children’s feelings change daily, sometimes minute to minute…please pray that they can somehow find peace without Jacob. Please pray that Jacob will live on in their hearts, in their memories and in the silly, beautiful “boy” things that they do everyday.
As for Heather and Donnie….as a parent, my heart breaks for them. I know it’s been said “time heals”…but “time” is not now…”time” is way, way later on. Please pray for them.
As always..we thank you all so much.

Love you all…I’ll be back tomorrow.

Love, Kim

Monday, June 12, 2006 12:08 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It is with a broken heart that I let you all know Heaven has gained a bright blue eyed, beautiful Angel last night.

Sweet dreams Sweet Jacob.

Out of respect for the Duckworth family, there will be no "K" updates today.
We will, as a family, be using this day to pray for Jacob's family...for their strength and faith to stay as strong as ever, for peace, for serenity and for them to be able, through relive every happy Jacob memory.

God Bless each and every one of you who has prayed without ceasing for Jacob and for his amazing family.
Don't imagine life without Jacob...instead imagine a healthy, sweet lil' boy with the biggest of smiles playing, laughing, loving and looking after his family for all of eternity until the day they are reunited again...forever.

Miss you so much already Jacob..."Our Hero".

Love you all...


Monday, June 12, 2006 12:08 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It is with a broken heart that I let you all know Heaven has gained a bright blue eyed, beautiful Angel last night.

Sweet dreams Sweet Jacob.

Out of respect for the Duckworth family, there will be no "K" updates today.
We will, as a family, be using this day to pray for Jacob's family...for their strength and faith to stay as strong as ever, for peace, for serenity and for them to be able, through relive every happy Jacob memory.

God Bless each and every one of you who has prayed without ceasing for Jacob and for his amazing family.
Don't imagine life without Jacob...instead imagine a healthy, sweet lil' boy with the biggest of smiles playing, laughing, loving and looking after his family for all of eternity until the day they are reunited again...forever.

Miss you so much already Jacob..."Our Hero".

Love you all...


Saturday, June 10th 10:00 AM

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~*~SATURDAY, JUNE 10th~*~


Today, at 12 noon, JACOB will be annointed with oil, a very sacred sacrament.
Please join us today for prayer vigils to last all day long...but especially at 12 noon.


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Because of the very emmotional and critical circumstances surrounding Sweet Jacob today...I really am not into a "K" family update.
Just so you all know though...

Dad Bear is back home.
Greyhound was a complete disaster.

After boarding the bus in Leesburg and being told there were no seats left, he was made to stand with his bags...the whole trip to Orlando.
He {and a whole bunch others} were then stranded in Orlando for hours and hours with no guarantee of being picked up...or getting a seat IF a bus showed up.

A couple of buses showed up...only a handful of about 60 to 100 people were let on.

People were getting aggravated, tempers started flaring...

Finally, for the most part, everyone stranded did all they could to get a ride somewhere, home, hotel, it was beginning to get dark.

End of story...
Thank God is was only Orlando and not a different state...
One hundred bucks later for a taxi {my eyes have gotten so bad I can't drive at night, at all}..Daddy Bear showed up in Leesburg...and into the very welcome arms of three cub bears and one very, VERY happy Mama Bear.

Sometimes, I think, things happen for a reason.
Kody and Kolin {yes..Kaysha too!} were so stressed, so sad, so terribly sad to have to say "Good-Bye" to Daddy.

**The photo on top of Kody's page just says it all, doesn't it?**

I wish you could have seen their faces when Dad showed up again. :0)

There may be light at the end of this though....
There is a more semi-local school he can go to.
I found a car that we can buy cheap that should {we still have to go see it} get him there and home everyday.

He went to a local, well known trucking company yesterday...and they said they would gladly hire him on the spot as soon as he has that CDL licence in his hand.
The best part...he would only be gone a few days at a time..not weeks.

So, you mad as we were about nothing ever going right on Thursday....
I really feel fate worked for us and not against us this time. :0)

Please, please keep praying without ceasing for JACOB'S miracle of healing on Earth.

Love you all...




~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Welp my friends and is the day, the big day, the day I've been dreading.
Today Daddy Bear leaves us for truck drivers school in Charlotte, North Carolina. He get's on his Greyhound bus at 3:00 this afternoon right here in Leesburg. :0(
Let's just say..right now, Kody and Kolin are laughing because "Daddy has to go to school", Kaysha is the "worrywart/mother hen" and I am just.....
Sad, sad, sad.
I just have got to get some of that "positive energy" that Karl seems to have....cuz right about now I am BLAH!!!!

The good news is that my camera is fixed and I can be back in business.
The bad news is it cost me almost everything I had managed to save. Fingers crossed and lots of prayers I can make that up quickly.
I had borrowed one but that was very temp., mine couldn't be out for 5 weeks...and it would have cost anyway, so we just bit the ole' bullet and fixed the thing.
I guess all things happen for a reason because last night I took, by far, the most beautiful picture of Kaysha ever. I'll have to downsize some and put them up a lil' later on.

Not much else going on around here....looks like the restaurant I work at may be going out so I went for an internview at a brand new restaurant in town which is opening at the end of the month and I was hired on the spot.
Still waitressing...but I'll do what I need to do for now.
It's pretty cool..the whole entire place is New York themed and room, full bar, 37 tables, gigantic menu, dessert bar, 16 flavors of ice cream and my personal favorite that sold me on the whole idea....


As an good Floridian knows...cannolli's are a very absent life's necessity here...and they will be shipped from good ole' NY, so I know they are gonna be GREAT!!!! know me, right? I just MAY stayed sane after all. :0)

Welp....I better jump off of here for now....there is a TON of things to get done before Karlio leaves.
Good news is....since I'll be up all hours of the night not'll be a great excuse to update more and, ahhhhh, reconnect with those friends that think I've fallen off the face of the planet...Mary, Mavis, Aunt Joan, Chris....
And the list goes on...

Love you all!!!!!!!


PS. If any of you managed to reach me at my "" only worked for one day. PLEASE reach me at:

PPSS. WOW..I almost forgot...keep in mind this is still under construction and in it's beginning stages...but I'd like to welcome you all to the grand opening of Kimberley Kruppenbacher Photography

Saturday, June 3, 2006 9:36 PM CDT

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~*~NEW E-MAIL:*~

Please keep the prayer vigils going for JACOB.
Although his new PICU Dr. is giving us "Hope", Jacob still has a tough fight ahead. Keep praying, keep FROGging {Fully Rely On God}.
We love you soooo much Sweet Jacob!

~*~Hi Everyone~*~


My mommy and I are thinking about joining me when it's basketball season. I am so happy because I've been doing basketball for a very long time and I am very good at it.
Me and my Mom are going to get "noodles" for the pool.

KODY BEAR IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In karate, in July, I dont know what day, I hope to be testing for my green belt, three stripes. When I go to break the boards, I hope Mr. Chuck didn't bring the boards because last time I think he had a number two or three board, I don't know which one but it was REALLY hard to break. I hope he buys the half of a number one and number two. That's the one we usually get.

I can't and I mean I CAN'T WAIT TO BE A BLACK BELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welp, I'll let Kody talk now.

Bye-Bye Peace Out Homie...

KOLIN ROSS KRUPPENBACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How are you guys doing? This is Kody....the English Buckaroo. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got back from Camp Boggy Creek. It was fun but I missed you fans the most, besides my Mom, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. I hope you guys didn't miss me too, too, tooooooo much.
I know I'm hot but there's no reason to miss me too much.

My nurse, who gave my my pills everyday was totally hot. I know she was checking me out. Erin was so hot too.
I did the "Macrarena" with the hot pill lady.

I found out that when you eat spaghetti with your face, the little bits of sauce gets stuck up your nose.
You really should not try to eat your pills with your face.

I caught a fish, I kissed it but if you guys really want to know, it actually a minnow...I caught it with a net. It was teeny, tiny. Then I let it back.

Then this one hot chick from "yellow", she offered to ballroom dance with me and she was FINE! HOT...HOT...HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I fell asleep one night and my counselors painted my fingernails and then I went swimming and I wanted the people to put a fish in the water, but they didn't.
Oh, the lifegaurd girls, were totally hot.

I put frogs in the hot camp leaders bed one day.....she screamed and she was totally hot when she screamed.

I took FIVE showers while I was there I didn't take my socks off in four days. I wore them in the shower..I wore them everywhere...except the pool. I put them back on when I was done swimming.
When I came home and took my socks off my feet smelled worse then a junkyard. The smell was bad, bad, family, especially my Mom. she was looking over my feet and she almost cried like she was peeling onions.

Then I came home and I slept alot.

That's it for now my fine Buckaroo's.

Love and Kisses,

Hey all..
This is Kim...
The next update is all mine Baby..stay tuned!! :0)

Thursday, June 1, 2006 5:05 PM CDT

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~*~NEW E-MAIL:*~

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry for not updating that much, with the pool and karate and stuff I am one busy man!!

So tomorrow is Kody Bear is coming back home, I am sooooo happy!!

Kody has been having alot of fun swimming and fishing and kareoke singing. He might be doing arts and crafts.
Guess what, Kody has too many girlfriends at Boggy Creek that he made. They called my Mom to tell her that alot of girls have crushes on him. He was ballroom dancing with them too.
I hope he doesn't come home married!! That would be very strange.

My Mommy and me are going to try and get that rocket thing that you can swim aroun dwater without paddling. Not today because we are out of time because of karate. If my Mommy has a couple of dollars maybe we can buy it tomorrow, if she has the money, I have no idea how much it costs but that's the fun part.
If it's too much money I have to get a job and beg from my Mommy.

For desert tonight I am going to try and mix strawberry and mango together for one great smoothie. First I am going to try mango and then strawberry. I like strawberry and I like mango so why not try to mix them together.

My sister, Kaysha, is going to see a movie and I'm going to have a new babysitter that day, my karate family.

The prank on Kody is that when he comes home we are going to say "Sorry Kody but the dogs messed up the pool" and a couple of minutes or seconds that day we are going to jump in and then we are gonna laugh and then he is going to jump in.

Oh yeah, my Mommy's camera is broken so that is why she can't take any more pictures until it gets fixed. So, sorry no new pictures. :0(

I can't wait until "Barnyard" comes out beacause I really want to see it.

OK, I have to go to karate peace out!

Love and kisses and hugs...


Monday, May 29, 2006 8:07 AM CDT

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~*~NEW E-MAIL:*~

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

This is Kolin....Kody's WONDERFUL and HOT brother.

When I dropped Kody off at camp I was gonna cry because I miss my brother so much. But now since he's going to be swimming in the Boggy Creek pool and I helped my Dad put our pool up we can both go swimming.
Kody gets to do something really cool there, almost cooler then swimming...almost, I said almost...FISHING!!!!!!
I hope he get's to catch the big bass fish, "Sourpuss".

Today I am going to try to go swimming if the pool water isn't too cold. I can't wai till Kody comes home because I made this humungous sign out of big red peper that says "Welcome Home Kody" from me and Kaysha and Mommy and Daddy and Kayara and Kyle and KK. I'm going to write on the back of it "We all Love You Kody So Much....Just Welcome Back Home Kody".
He HAS to see our coolest pool ever that we have.

My Dad and my sister and me are saying that we all have "Mad Skills" at something...Kaysha's "mad skill" is playing Spider Solitaire and my Daddy has mad skills at Spider Solitaire AND cooking. But my mad skill is the best of all...playing video games!!!!
Kody's mad skill is having fun with everyone and hugging.

Today me and my Mommy, the hottest Mommy ever in the world...{**YES...Kolin said that!!!} and the bestest Mommy are going to try to get me a rocket thing that you can swim in the pool with. It has a propeller and you hold on to it and it drags you, you can turn it and it drags you. On the one part it has a light so we can swim in the dark and I can see under the water.

Happy Memorial Day...Have a WONDERFUL Memorial Day!!!

That's all I have to say for now because my Dad has my breakfast ready...I try to get with you all tomorrow.

Bye Homie...Peace Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS. My Mommmy will put up some new pictures later...we have to go now...BREAKFAST TIME...and my Dad makes a GREAT BREAKFAST!!!!! Go Daddy!!!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006 9:13 PM CDT

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~*~NEW E-MAIL:*~

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Welp....this week has brought lots of "K" family news, are you all ready for this?? OK, here goes...

Dad Bear a/k/a "Karlio" {in my heart} has PASSED his DOT physical...and that's not all...
The last step here in Florida was for him to pass his Florida State truck drivers permit test and this afternoon at around 2:30....he called me, excited to say he was holding in his hand, his brand spankin' new Florida Truck Drivers Permit.
At some point tomorrow he'll find out exactly what day this coming week he will be Greyhound bussed to North Carolina for probably the next 5 weeks or so.
His school starts Saturday, so I know for sure it'll be at least the day before. Which...just so happens to be the same day Kody Bear comes home from Camp Boggy Creek.

Yes...I'm real excited that Karlio is finally getting to forfull the dream he's had for so long...but, face it...let's be sleep next to someone darn near everyday {OK..even we have had our "couch nights"} for 26 years and BAM, they're off truck drivin'...welp, let's just say it's going to be a real, real huge adjustment.
And...for now, that's all I have to say on the subject...more to come when he is officially in that truck and can't read my updates...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime...I am praying for some good days and nights at work because those tips will be the only income we have for at least three, to four weeks.
Better yet...pray real hard for lots more photo gigs...that would be SWAH-EEEEEET!! :0)

Today is the first day of summer vacation for my bunch....and what did they do you may ask?
Sleep in????
NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kolin was up at 6:30 AM like some kind of jumping bean saying "It's Summer....It's Summer...It's Summer!!"
New rules...nobody under the age of 16 gets out of bed before 9.....and that is no joke. RRRRRRRRR!!!

Saturday Kody get's his butt over to Camp Boggy Creek for a fun 6 days of boating, fishing, golfing, archery, horseback riding, food fights, ice cream days, ice cream nights, swimming and most important.....NO SHOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm packing him some shampoo and body wash anyway...I doubt he'll use it but I really feel I've done my part as a responsible mother figure by at least packing the stuff.
I'll just, with the windows down on the way home as I always do. :0)

Kolin, our lil' update King is really looking forward to his new job...he'd actually like to start updating today, but I held him down and told him "No Pal, this is still all about me.....Ummm, I mean Kody".

Welp my friends/family...I've got to get my stinky kids in the shower...two hours in the "Doo Jang" {I'll never hear the end of that is I spelled that wrong...but it means Karate school} for my boys made for two sweaty, smelly kids. Gotta get them those showers while I am still in "semi-charge".

Have a great night...and an even more beautiful day tomorrow.

Love and Hugs...


Monday, May 22, 2006 9:41 AM CDT

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~*~Monday Night Update~*~

New photos are finally up, we hope you like them!! :0)

The first bunch are of Kody's Homosassa Springs Wildlife trip last Thursday.
After that is one of Kolin...let me just explain this's a definate "Proud Mommy" picture...

Kolin has the best, best, BEST second grade teacher in the world...Mrs. Frates was Kody's second grade teacher and has turned into one of our best friends.
Every year Mrs. Frates takes the entire second grade and every week they work real hard to make handmade quilts that, at the end of the year, they donate to a worthy it foster children, hospitals, animal shelters, etc...
This year over 100 quilts were hand made and last Friday they were presented to the United States Army, where they will be shipped to Iraq and given the the children left orphans who are living alone in orpahages there.
Each quilt comes with some necessaties, cup, toothpaste, soap, etc...
Also...they come with a personalized hand-drawn picture and a special letter written to a child from the child who made the quilt.
There is a pocket in each quilt and in it a message to the child saying that "Love was sewn into every stitch".

As you can all imagine, there were many poked fingers throughout the year, but not one child ever complained, gave up or quit.

The picture I put up is of a very proud Kolin and the quilt that his love went into.
Don't you just love it?? :0)
I am sooo proud of that sweet boy of mine.

Lastly is a series of business card and postcard pic's...
The first two are business cards.
The last four are postcards...
The first set is front and back and the last set is front and back.
Mind you, I don't have them all printed up yet...but we're getting there..slowly but surely.

And....because I am off to bed to catch some ZZZZZZZ's...
I wanted to leave you all with some GREAT news!!

This evening I found out that I have...


OMG...I only HOPE I can do this and do it well!! :0)
It's at Kody's karate school...One week from today I'll be photographing portraits of all the black belts to be hung on the new school's wall.
How freakin' exciting is this??? Oh man, you have noooo idea Baby!!
I'm on my way I'm tellin' ya!!!

Thank you again to Aunt Joan and Uncle Tony for believing in me and giving me the means to do this.

Thank You Mavis and Mary for believing in me and giving me the encouragement and push {Ok, more like a hard shove!!}that I really, really needed!!

Thank you to all of you out there for the e-mails of support.

Thank you to the great family I have here for the many hours of practice and for not complaining too, too much.

Thank you to the Peterson's who are putting their trust into my talent and letting me "go for it".

Thank You God!!! :0)


Love you all....



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Oh My Gosh....I just clicked on here and realized it's been one day short of a week that I last updated.....

My excuse?? Hmmmmmmm???? Welp, this past week 4 people have been fired from my job {that creepy guy being one of them} and guess who is picking up the slack until things get straightened out?'s true, when you want something done, ask the busiest person you that case, that person would be me.
It's been rough...but mainly on my let's just leave it at that. :0(

One good thing has come out of it though and that's Dad Bear has a whole new meaning and respect for us Mom's....especially those "Stay at Home" Mom's. He know see's very clearly that...

#1.....SAHM's really do have jobs and that...

#2.....the "eating bon-bon's all day" rumor really isn't true.

However...he did trek out out yesterday for a real grocery shopping trip and came home with a huge jug of ice cream, cones, mini M&M's and three very happy kids.
Oh...and vegies, he did bring home vegies. As a matter of fact he brought home Kolin's new favorite vegie..."purple pickles".
Purple pickles?? I was wondering about that myself this morning when over breakfast Kolin was telling me all about Daddy and his favorite vegies, "purple pickles".
LOL...turns out purple pickles are actually beets...or as Kolin said "Mom, they're really called WHEATS" Wheats? That kid kills me!! :0)

Speaking of Dad Bear...he's on a real strict health kick all week....and has been visiting CVS blood pressure machine everyday. He's, you ready for this? Dropped his BP by 30 points!!!!
Soooo....tomorrow morning just as soon as the kids get to school, we are headed back out for his last chance at passing his DOT pysical.
Wish us lots and lots of luck, please.

WHat else? What else?

Oh..I know....Kody's eye seems much better and when I get some new photos up later of our Homosassa Springs trip, you'll see just how beautiful those big, brown, dreamy eyes do look.
Our trip was a lot of fun...we did everything together...everything except share a seat on the bus. Ahhhh, yeah..that lil' booger decided to scoot right to the back with the "cool" kids and left me stranded up from with the teachers. WHich...truth be told, isn't a bad thing at all...not when you consider that the space shuttle is more quiet then a busload of 4th graders.

School is out on Wednesday....and belive me you, I have a few kids here that are waaaaayyy looking forward to saying "So long and good-bye" for another summer.

Then, on Saturday I drop Kody off a Camp Boggy Creek for a week of fun in the sun for his "Rock Star" themed week.
We all know Kody and "Rock Star" is right up that boys alley.
And are girls and sooooo, he has been putting together his "cool" outfits, packing his "bling" jewelry, and stocking up on his "hair needs".
ANd he's only 10....what will I do when he's 16????

Maybe some of you will be wondering what I'll update on while he's gone? Welp, your all soooo lucky because Kolin volunteered to help get us all through this lil' rough spot. Trust me, that kid is a natural born won't be bored. LOL!!

Ok my friends and family...I have got a ton of phone calls to make, errands to run and CB kids to check up on so I'm going to jump off for now.
I'll be working on new photos throughout the day and when there up I'll put in a lil' updated blurp so keep watching.

Have yourselves and very, VERY Beautiful day today and always....

Love, Kim

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 11:08 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just a few prayer requests tonight...

The first is our "FROGing" friend, Jacob, who is back in the PICU again and fighting so, soooo hard. PLease keep Jacob in your heart just breaks whenever I hear he is back in the hospital.
We love you Jacob!!!

Second is for Kody Bear who woke up this morning complaining that he couldn't open his right eye all the way. Sure enough it was droopy.
When he got home from school, Dad Bear checked him out and noticed that his eye seemed a bit swollen, not really droopy, but more so "swollen" we are praying that he may have just got bit by something and not...please....NOT...something stirring inside his brain {tumor growth}.
Many of you may remember back in October, 2004 when the same thing happened and he ended up having brain surgery a few days later.
As soon as he complained about his eye Karl and my heart just dropped to the floor.

Third is for Karl...prayers that his blood pressure which is waaaaayyyyyy too high comes down by Friday so that he can pass his second chance at his DOT physical for the truck driving job.
As it stands right now, that darn BP is the only thing keeping him grounded...he's passed everything else with flying colors.
And, you much as I don't want to see him go..I know it is only temporary and besides....the kids will think they have the coolest Dad in the world when he drives up with that big ole' semi.
We've seen pictures of it already and trust me, it is HUGE!!

Everything else is going fairly well...always on the run, always busy.
Busy can be a good thing through....I am never, ever bored.

I do have some really great news...
Looks like we'll be meeting a CB friend next month!!
Elliot ALdridge who is a leukemia SURVIVOR and his most awesome family will be in Ocala visiting relatives.
Welp, Ocala is only a 30 minute drive and we are for sure going to meet cool is that???!!!

What else?? Oh..the e-mail thing.
I still cannot get into my COmcast e-mail account..the one most of you know me

Please get hold of me at:
I know I have quite a few e-mails waiting to be answered...if you don't hear from me by tonight..I will definetly be writing you back by tomorrow.
I do apologize for taking forever to get back to ya'all....
BUT....Kody and Kolin have learned how to play Spider Solitare and I tell ya, I can never get any computer time anymore...well, I can...but I have to wait until nighttime, you know..the time of day my old eyes are ready to fall out on the keyboard.

Oh....wait, I can get on in the AM after Karl and the kids are gone but before I have to leave...but that precious 40 minutes leaves me time or get dressed/put on make-up/straighten hair/look alive/do some speed cleaning.
Lately I have...forgot to put on work apron/left the Oil of Olay behind/scrunched frizzy humidiyized hair in a ponytail/chugged down a triple caffinated coffee hoping to "look alive"/left countless laundry piles on every unmade bed. I will never be June Cleaver BUT I do squeeeze in my computer time nonetheless....hey, a girl's gotta have her priorities, right?

So...I mentioned going blueberry pickin' the other day and we did.
Check out the photo page for some recaps of our "Fun Blueberry Pickin' Day" a/k/a
Our "It's hot I can't find any berries do we have to do this can we go home now" Day.
Or....Kolin's idea of berry picking...

Kolin: bucket just never wants to get full and I am pickin' like crazy"

Me: Kolin...why's your face blue?

Kolin: IT IS?????????
{I know all you Mom's know the face that goes with that one, right?"

Me: How many did you eat cuz honestly...I don't want to be here forever.

Kolin: Oh, about 6 handfuls.

Me: Kolin, we have to pay for those!!

Kolin: that have security cameras here????

Right around here Kody who is just belly laughing changes his mood and says ...
"It is TOO HOT OUT HERE!!! Can we please just leave so I can play video games before Daddy comes home"

And my response....I know, I know...
Bad Parenting Rule #7921

Me: two are picking MY Mothers Day breakfast right now and we are NOT leaving until those buckets are full...If ya love me, you'll do it???

Kody: I swear she will do anything to us to get her "BLEEP" pictures!

Kolin: Tell me about it!!!!

So my friends, as you look into those cute lil' berry picking smiley, sweet faces....just remember that
One...I didn't include the "bloopers" and
Two....I did get my blueberry french toast Sunday morning. :0)

Thank you Dad, Kody, Kaysha and Kolin for all the sweet spoiling for Mom's was GREAT!!'s getting late and I have one of "those days" to look forward to tomorrow so I better get some sleep while I can.

Thursday, Kody's 4th grade class is going to Hoomosasa Springs and guess who is the class chaparone?!!
Kody and I are totally looking forward to this trip..the Springs are wayyyy cool.

School is out for summer next Wednesday and Kody starts Camp Boggy Creek that Saturday.

More pictures to follow in the next couple of days..

Love you all!!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 11:20 AM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Bet you all think I've dropped off the face of this planet?? LOL...I feel like I have some days.

First...Alot of you may have been e-mailing me...we have been having computer problems all week and still, as of this morning, I cannot get into my "mamabear6" e-mail account.
So...please, please...until I can manage to get that mess straightened out, please e-mail me at:

Basically...everything "Comcast" is giving us alot of headaches lately. At the very least I can still get on Yahoo.

OK....Kody news..

Our trip to Shands for his Neurology appt. this week was a waste of time. Not only could we not get any straight answers...we both {Dad Bear and I} felt rushed, talked down to and...welp..pretty much, had none of our questions answered in straight out fact form.
About the only thing we got out of the visit was that the abnormalities that showed up on the right front part of his brain is where all of his seizure activity is coming from.
What will they do about it? Nothing. Just the same ole...same ole...his twice daily dose of Carbatrol and "call 911 if he starts to seize".

There is another facility in Tampa that is just for Ped's Neurology and Epilepsy. More then ever I want to take him there...but, with Dad Bear leaving us soon for the trucking life....I don't know how fast I can get him in, but for sure I'll be working that phone come Monday morning.

I got my business cards in...YEAH!!!! Postcards are coming next. I'm going to try my best to get those up on here so you can all check them out.
I'm also trying my best NOT to have to go to work tonight...too much hassles there, drama,'s gotten ridiculous since they hired someone new to work in the kitchen. Since day 1 that I walked in there this week, he has made it real uncomfortable. I'd speak to the boss...but I already know he won't do a thing.
Sooo...I just have to suck it up and stick it out until I start to get this business of mine up and running. I would have never figured there are sooooo many ducks in a row to get done before hand. Seems like one thing after another. Ah well....I've got the gusto, I'll git 'er done. :0)

Welp my friends...the kiddo's and myself are wanting to get out and do some blueberry picking this morning before it gets too hot out there so I better get myself ready. They're all set...LOL...I'm not.

I'm leaving this update today with a very HUGE...


to all of our friends and family..have a beautiful and blessed day tomorrow. :0)

And...some "Mom's Day" goodies for you all...

Things Mothers Say

All of us were guided by our mother's voice, wisdom and common sense, even if we didn't think so at the time. Whether we remember what she said fondly, or try to forget these phrases, they are still part of us. Ultimately, without even realizing it, we pass them along to our children, who will in most likelihood pass it on to their children. Here are some that I remember WELL !!!

Someday your face will freeze like that!
What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it, too?
You're going to put your eye out with that thing!
How many times do I have to tell you...don't throw things in the house!
Close the door behind you -- were you born in a barn?
Don't put that in your mouth, you don't know where it's been.
Why? Because I said so, that's why?
Don't use that tone with me!
Eat those carrots, they're good for your eyes.
Did you flush?
You can be anything you want to, if you just set your mind to it.
There's enough dirt in those ears to grow potatoes!
Be good -- but if you can't be good, be careful.
I don't care what "everyone" is doing, I care what you are doing!
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
I hope someday you have children just like you.
Don't talk with your mouth full!
Always put on clean underwear in the morning, in case you're in an accident.
Sit like a lady!
Don't pick, it'll get infected.
I'm not just talking to hear myself.
I'm going to give you until the count of three.
Put that down! You don't know where it's been!
Don't cross your eyes or they'll freeze that way.
If you swallow a watermelon seed, a watermelon will grow out your ears.
Men perspire, ladies glisten.
There's enough dirt behind those ears that you could grow potatoes.
And last but not least, my personal favorite: I LOVE YOU


You Know Your a Mom When...

1. You count the sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure they're equal.
2. You find yourself cutting your husbands' sandwiches into cute shapes.
3. You can't bear to give away baby clothes - it's so final.
4. You hear your mother's voice coming out of your mouth when you say, "NOT in your good clothes!"
5. You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you.
6. You hire a sitter because you have't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.
7. You say at least once a day, "I'm not cut out for this job", but you know you wouldn't trade it for anything.

Real Mothers...

Real Mothers don't eat quiche; they don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried playdough doesn't come out of shag carpet.
Real Mothers sometimes ask "why me?" and get their answer when a little voice says, "because I love you best."
Real Mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grade. . .
It is marked by the progression of Mama to Mommy to Mother.
- Author Unknown.


How God Picks a Mother of a Sick or Handicapped Child

This year nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children. Did you ever wonder how mothers of a sick or handicapped children are chosen?

Somehow I visualize God hovering over the earth selecting His instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs His angels to make notes in a giant ledger. "Armstrong, Beth, son. Patron saint, Matthew." "Forrest, Marjorie, daughter. Patron saint, Cecelia, etc." Finally, He passes a name to an angel and smiles. "Give her a handicapped child." The angel is curious. "Why this one,God, she's so happy." "Exactly," smiles God. "Could I give a handicapped child a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel" "But has she patience?" asks the angel. "I don't want her to have too much patience,or she will drown in self pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wears off, she'll handle it.

I watched her today. She has that feeling of self and independence that is so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see the child I am going to give her has his own world and that is not going to be easy." But Lord, maybe she doesn't even believe in You." God smiles, "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has just enough selfishness." The angel gasped. "Selfishness?" Is that a virtue?" God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she will never survive.

Yes, here is a woman I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't relialize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a 'spoken word'. She will never consider a 'step' ordinary. When her child says "Momma" for the first time, she will be present at a miracle and know it! When she describes a tree or a sunset to her blind child, she will see it as few people ever see My creations. It will permit her to see clearly the things I see... ignorance, cruelty, prejudice... and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life because she is doing My work as surely as she is here by My side."

"And what about her patron saint?" asks the angel, his pen poised in mid-air. And God answered, "A mirror will suffice."

Happy Mother's Day!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, May 6, 2006 10:26 AM CDT

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~*~Waaaaayyyyyy too late Monday Night~*~

Hey all...

I wanted to jump on here quick tonight to let you know we are all hanging in there.
In our case this weekend, no news was good news.....pretty much that means, we just had a real busy weekend.

I'm not going to stay on long...
Oh, please, please, please...if you've been e-mailing me, I will answer all of you. We've been having some internet problems, running slow, freezing up, etc...
So....between that and just being plain out krazy busy...I haven't had a chance to answer everyone but please do know that I love getting your mail and I will answer ya'all within the next couple of days.

Great news..
The photo page is now updated.
Be prepared to be "gothed out" cuz yesterday was Goth Girl's day to shine....Oh man, my lil' girl is growing up entirely way to fast.

Tomorrow I work from opening until'll be a long day, believe me.

Wednesday we are off to Kody's Neurology appt. to find out about that not so great EEG. Wish us prayers and luck please that all he will need is maybe an adjustment in his med's.

OK my friends...I am off to catch up on some much needed sleep.

Enjoy the photos!!! :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

When Dad starts complainin', it's time to Git 'er Done

Soooooo...I woke up this morning to very bright sunshine....two energetic non-perky daughter and one Dad Bear that said "When are you ever going to update???"
And all this before I had one hot cup of coffee down....YIKES..."K" people, give me a break!!

OK, here it is...

Let's see....hmmmmm.....
Kody is doing awesome!! His leg is on the mend and he is putting up a stinky fit every time I come close to him with the dreaded tube of Neosporin. It is helping though, but let me tell ya....he is going to scar, which really doesn't bother him cuz after of Kody's motto's is, "Bones heal...Chicks dig scars".
Do the scars bother me? Well....I figure I can always Photoshop them out, right??

Kody and Kolin's first karate class in their new school {same building} was a huge hit last night, especially after receiving their new fighting gear. heard me right, fighting gear. So......ever since last night I have not seen their actual heads..instead all I have living with me is two foamy head helmet boys who are sparring each other every chance they get.
I am living with two martial art monsters...bring on the coffee...espresso shots very much appreciated.

School will be out for summer real soon....May 24th. You can feel the friskiness of summertime's about here especially when your around Kolin. Or maybe that's the friskiness of no more homework nights, no reason for Mom to fix that hair just right, match clothes just right and shower regulary. After all this is summer and the garden "hose down" will work just fine.

Thank you sooooooo much for the prayer chains that have been said over and over and over for Kayara. I still really can't comment on that much, but I can tell you that they are starting to work but please, please keep them coming.
It's a long road........................

I have some good news to share and I am going to do my best to sound perky and upbeat about it..LOL!!
Dad Bear, after completing his second telephone interview with the truck comp. of his choice...was hired!!
He takes his truck drivers Florida permit test this coming week, his physical the week after and on June 3rd they are Grayhound busing him to Charlotte, North Carolina where he'll spend three weeks at their trucking school. After that he get's his own truck and will be on the road for two weeks, home for two days.
And..that my friends, will be our new life for at least the next year or more.

Karl's happy...the kids are happy and I am happy for all of them.
Are you all sensing a little anxiousness here? SIGH...I would be lying if I told you all I wasn't scared to death about becoming a sort of single working Mom for all but 4 days out of a month.
The no paycheck for three weeks has got me going bug-eyed tossing numbers around and praying that we will be OK. My job as of this past week is very slow..all the snowbirds {people who live here half the year from the North} are gone and my hours have been cut. Add to that, we used to have a packed full it is just trickling with customers. Not much in the way of tips anymore....but heck, at least I can keep a full gas tank. LOL!!
My only savings grace is that I can start to pass out business cards {I'll post a picture of that a lil' later on when I swap out some photos} and start making some $$ using my talent and passion.
Hopefully....HINT...some of my kiddo's will move back in and help out?? Ya listening kids? You know who you are!! :0)

Welp my friends...I had better get a move on. The animals are out of food, the kids just used up the last of the milk and it looks like Wally World is a callin' my name.

Have a beautiful weekend all......We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. Please, please, please say a special prayer for our Favorite Krazy Aunt Mavis and her even Krazier family. I can't say why but please know that peace and serenity are the word of the day.

Love and lots of hugs...


Saturday, April 29, 2006 10:28 AM CDT

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~*~Very Late Monday Night~*~

SIGH...another night and sleep just isn't happening. :0(
I'm jumping on here tonight real quick to please ask for prayers...many, many prayers for yet another "K" kid.
Please pray, if you would, for Kayara to have strength, keep holding on and to look up, "look up" to Him for help and guidance.
I really can't say why...but please know that if it's bad enough for this Mama Bear's eyes to be swollen shut from's bad enough to need lots of prayer chains.

Other then's been a pretty OK weekend. Work was horrible...I'd rather not say why but it wasn't great.

Today the kids and I had a "let's play hookie" kind of day....I really had planned a great day but unfortuntely that didn't work out either.
During a trip to the park to feed the ducks...Kody took a real hard fall on a cement hill. His leg from the knee down is a mess. :0(
He'll be OK though...tough as that lil' booger is. :0)

I do have some good news...
On Saturday Kody, Dad Bear and I met up with one of Kody's biggest fans...Mrs. Mary and her very cool hubby from South Florida. They are actually Mrs. Terry's {Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw"} best friend.
Since they were here for Bikefest....we got together for a bit on Saturday and let me tell you....Kody was lovin' every bit of that!!
And Mary, if your reading this...just wanted you to know that on the drive home...Kody admitted that he thinks your "HOT!!!"
LOL....I, ahhhhh....did tell him though to ease up on the {{HUGS}} next time!! ;0)
I'll post those pictures soon...hopefully tomorrow.

Welp guys and gals...I'm going to try again to sleep.

Love you all...



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Walking in Sunshine...WAA-HOO!!

I am still flyin' high on "Cloud Nine" over the whole photo. gig in June...LOL...amazing what good news, running water, a car and professional lights will do!! :0)

This weekend is Leesburg's "Bikefest", the streets of Leesburg are shaking with the thunder of motorcycles everywhere. Please, please pray that a whole lotta them come to my restaurant to eat tonight because, well one...the cash will help out tremendously {Kody and Kolin had an enormous growth spurt lately and nothing fits!!}, but even better then that is the great news I got last yesterday afternoon from Dad Bear. goes....

I was at work yesterday and it was soooooooo slow, other gal and I were there and we literally stood around all day long...maybe 5 tables at best. It was so dissapointing. But.....then Dad B. called and said that something that he'd been working on for a while {it's been a secret!!} is on it's way to working out bigtime. YES!!!

Dad B. has been applying for truck driver jobs but since he doesn't have his truckers licence {that CDL....something, whatever it's called} and since they are soooooo costly to get, and since one really needs one to drive trucks {which is a GREAT job}, it didn't look like we'd ever be going down that route anytime soon.
That's when the phone rang at our home while I was at work yesterday.....

One of the trucking company's he applyed for asked him to come in for an interview this Tuesday!!!!!! If after the interview all works out...we pay $200.00 for the test filing paperwork and they will send him for the class!!!!!
It'll take three weeks of driving class...which means no paycheck coming in for three weeks so we'll be really living off off what tips I bring home BUT, it is a small price to pay for the end outcome and with a whole lot of prayer...we can do this, I just know we can!!! :0)

Ready for some better news...they way we figure {if our figures are right}, this job will enable me to go back to being a full time Mommy with my own photo. business to work on...from my home and in my own time There are alot of dreams at stake here...Karl's, mine and mostly Kody, Kaysha's and Kolin's who are all showing signs of needed that old routine of Mom always being there for them again.
With that......I'd like to ask you to please say a special prayer for Kolin...poor baby, this has been a bad week for him. So many tears, he even offered me ALL his toys the other day if I would just please stay home with him again. It's gotten so bad that I had two calls from his school this week...they are concerned also. I have GOT to figure out something and make this all work.

OK now...Kody news, let's see...
Welp, remember I told you all about the cast that "had" to come off??? I think I forgot to let you all know that after a trip to the doc's......a new cast wasn't needed!! However, two more weeks of resting that wrist is needed {hmmm, Kody, rest? OK...LOL!!}. Actually what the Doctor said was "No, we won't put another on...he'll only take it off anyway". :0)

***Sorry this update is so choppy....interuptions...interuptions***

Welp my friends...I really have to get Kolin ready for a Chuckie Cheese birthday party he was invited too, I was going to take Kody to Bikefest for a little while but he tell's me his head can't deal with all the noise, soooooo....I think I'll take a bunch of the quarters I've been saving and treat him to an hour in Wal-Mart's arcade.
Kaysha's big plans make brownies for her Sunday school class she helps out in {Kody's class}. Tomorrow is the last day of the year for that and she wants to treat the kids to something sweet for being so sweet...isn't that so sweet?? :0)

Please, please pray for a really busy night at the restaurant tonight.....with great tips.

Have a beautiful day all...we love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No new pictures today...I'll try and get some together this weekend though.
BTW...Thank you all soooooo much for the compliments on Kody's top photo on this page. I somehow caught the light just right that day. His eyes? Yes, they are that beautiful/dreamy/intense in real life. :0)

Love, Kim

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:08 AM CDT

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~*~Wednesday Afternoon~*~

No cavities for Kody!!!


I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!

It won't happen until June but it's all mine Baby!!!
Plus, there is another school in Ocala, about 30 minutes from here and the parents are requesting/demanding {LOL!!!} pic's done there too....
I am beyond happy!!!!

New photos up. :0)

OK, gotta run...

Love you all!!



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Lights, Casts and Waitressing as my Forever Career...I Think Not!

Yesterday was a GREAT day!! Today is fixin' to be a GREAT day...Life is pretty darn good!!

Let's see...yesterday morning, after I got off the phone with Kody's orthopedist's office {story to follow}, Karl and I took a ride out to Eustis, Florida where we met a very sweet lady who's name is Fran. Fran was sent to us to deliver something wonderful, something spectacular, something sooooooo awesome I am still in shock!!
Fran is Krazy Aunt Mave's Mother -in-Law and in the back of her car she had....


Oh yeah Baby.....this waitress is on her way to something great!!!!

I have to say, beside Mavis who did all the krazy work, and besides Mr. Frank who did all the krazy driving around in NJ to accomplish this, I have two very, VERY special people whom I will owe my whole future photo. career too...and that is Aunt Joan and Uncle Tony from New Jersey who made this dream happen...without them, those beautiful lights would not be standing in my house right now!!
Thank You...Thank You...Thank You Aunt Joan and Uncle Tony!!!!!

And guess what, as if yesterday couldn't get any did...

I got a phone call back from Miss Linda Wilson whom Kody and I will be meeting this morning. Miss Linda is the lady who runs the children's with medically special needs school in Leesburg and guess who has the opportunity of a lifetime to be the school's photographer? Yes...ME!!!! :0)

Soooo...there are two things I need to get done quick and that's play with these new lights until I nail it just right and get over the "No way, I can't do this" feeling that is still lurking in there somewhere.
I can do this..I can do this...I WILL DO THIS!!!

Know what else I'll be doing today? Creating some business cards and getting those printed too. I think that'll be a great idea and thanks to Mary from Tumbleweed, who pointed me in the right direction as to where to print them at...I can get an awesome deal, cheap, super cheap and with free business postcards to boot. Oh yeah, what's better then that??!! :0), since this is Kody's webpage and since I've taken up most of it about me {sorry}, let me clue you in on some BEar news...

Saturday's "Way of the Warrior" was AWESOME!!!!
Unfortuently I had to leave the boys at lunchtime and never got to see it all. :0(
Actually, I missed the BEST part when Kody recived an award that only one person get's per year and that is the "Myron Zipperer Key Concept" award.
And why did Kody recieve this honor? Welp, for his courage, his bravery and for never, ever backing down to any matter how big, no matter how difficult. For being an inspiration to so many others from white belts to black.
That award is being framed and hung in his bedroom....I cannot even tell you how proud he and Kolin were....almost as proud as I am of him. He is something, isn't he?

Soooo...speaking of "isn't he something"...let's get to this "cast" thing.

Two nights ago, after dropping his casted arm into the bathtub {accidently of course}, Kody decided enough was enough and took some matters into his own hands...or wrost...or whatever.
Anywhos...yes, he got his cast drenched and as I went to get a hair dryer to see if I could dry it out some, Kody said "Ugh...Mom, can't I just take this thing off".
Well, actually No, I being is because it's not due to be x-rayed again until May 2nd and second because I said "Kody, you CAN'T get that off".
Ummmm...remember what I said about the whole "No denying paternity thing} a few updates ago...if you recall the whole "skittles, crayon, eraser"
thing?? the short time it took me to go get that dryer...Kody jiggled and he wiggled and in that short one minute he brought to me, with a HUGE smile and look of soaking wet, super smelly red cast...not on his arm, but in his hand!!
Yes....he had had enough of that uncomfortable thing in this 90 degree Florida heat and decided "today was the day"...he took his own cast off.

Soooo...what did I do?
Welp, let's see....I tried my best not to laugh in front of him but honestly, the look on his face was priceless and I messed up, I broke "parenting rule number something" and I laughed at him and with him.
What did Dad do yesterday morning when I told him?/ Weeeellll...same thing. Excpet with a look of "That's MY son!!". So, see the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

OK, so I send Kody to school yesterday because his wrist seemed fine, no pain, no anything...he was free and feeling great. And that's when I called the Orthopedist's office and the poor girl on the phone didn't know whether to laugh or freak so she did a little of both.
First she laughed, then she said he needed his wrist immobilized right away until we could rush him there. Rush his there? 10 minutes before I cam supposed to leave for Eustis?
But...I told her I would get him there as soon as I got back. Which was fine....but before I hung up she said "OK, I'll write down that you'll have him here ASAP and that he, ahhhh, he....ummmmmm....well he took his own cast know Mrs. K., we've never had a child take his own cast off...this really is a first for all of us here."
LOL....yes, would you ever expect anything different from my kid? Nope!!

YIKES!! I just looked at the time, I better hurry...

OK, one mor ething and then I have to get Kody to the dentist for a cleaning, get to that school, get to the store, gather up the school kids, snack them, get Dad Bear from work and then get my own butt to work...

In Kody's GB I had just gotten some really sweet messages about applying for Extreme Home Makeover and I do appreciate you all thinking of us, that is soooooooo wonderful.
Just so you all know though...we actually did apply last year, the application was filled out perfectly, pictures and video were sent with it, I did absolutley everything they asked and......unfortuently, we were never picked. :0(
I won't let it get me all upset though...I feel it just means it wasn't supposed to happen and maybe somthing else will come along some day.

OK, I am seriously running late....gotta go!!!!

Love you pictures {and there's a TON of them!} will be soon, I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Kim

PS. Sorry about all the type-o' a hurry.

Monday, April 24, 2006 11:38 AM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I've got the whole day off today and I'm off to have lunch with my back on later to update.

I just wanted you all to know we're doing great.....busy but great!! :0)

Later Gator!!


Thursday, April 20, 2006 10:47 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Good...Bad...Good...Bad...riding that roller coaster again

I thought I'd jump on and update quick tonight.....I won't be able to tomorrow that's for sure.

WHOA...OK, let's see....
Yesterday brought a lil' drama in the morning and I thought for sure Dad Bear and I aged a few years.
Back up to the beginning.....I got Kody and Kolin on the school bus at 7:45 8:10 Kody's school called to say that the bus was just pulling in, the nurse was running out to meet them, Kody was having a hard time breathing. Oh great....just what any parent needs to hear....Sooooo, we hightail it to the school and finally we were directed into a resource room where he, Kolin, Nurse Brenda and the assistant principal were.
Kolin looked whiter then a ghost...honestly, he was so scared and looked in worse shape then Kody did at that point..LOL!! But, he did manage to tell me what had happened.
They were on the bus, driving along when Kody looked "not right". He told Kolin he was having a hard time catching his breath and that he was having sharp stomach pains and was feeling very, very hot.
I hugged on Kolin while Dad Bear hugged on Kody Bear, sent Kolin to class with a HUGE "You are the BEST brother" hug and then tended to Kody.
Nurse Brenda took his vitals before we got there and told us that other then a little bit high blood pressure, everything was within normal range.
Soooo.....the school nurse is thinking maybe acid reflux from all his med's....but my maternal instinct tells me it's anxiety. Anxiety over my working, anxiety over riding a school bus {which he's never done}, anxiety over Mom not being there always, missing things that are important to him, anxiety over his whole comfy routine being broken.
Funny how Kolin can adjust to any situation...but Kody, welp...Kody is Kody...we share an incredible bond and it's just killing me to think that somehow I broke that bond with him. won't last forever, a few more bumps and hurdles along the way...but with hope and a prayer, maybe after the summer I can be back with my lil' cubs 24/7 again.

Anywho's....he did opt to stay in school yesterday and he stuck it out bigtime. :0)
And ummm, not only did he stay but when I asked him if he was still hot, he answered "Oh yeah baby, I'm always hot". Uhhhhh-huh, that's my Bear. LOL!!!

OK, sooooooo.....Dad and I get home, he packs his lunch and heads for work on super scooter. 10 maybe 15 minutes goes by and the phone rings...a pay phone call so I answer. I hear Karl's voice say "Hey" and the phone just starts a buzzin' like mad, I couldn't hear a thing. So, I call the number back and the same thing.....BUZZZZZZ.
OK, so now I'm thinking either he broke down or got into an accident...I have 20 minutes to get to my job, I'm not nearly ready but I have got to go look for him, right? Yeppers, right...I mean after did finally dawn on us sometime around 8:09 {exactly one minute before the school call} that it was April 19th and DUH....our 26th wedding anniversary.
I go looking and I found super scooter on the side of the road looking no worse for the wear and I keep driving to Karl's problem, Karl anywhere.
So, like the good wife I am I say to myself "Well "BLEEP", the man's got bad far could he have gotten?"
I found him....only after one of his customers found him walking and brought him to the garage. No accident....Thank God...just a badly broken down super scooter.
The bad news is is isn't fixable anymore...the good news is we still have a car, one vehicle is way better then none at all.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon and me and three kids getting into the car to get Kaysha to her youth group and the boys to karate. Now picture this...
Kolin grabs hold of the bar between the front seat and back seat to get in the car and Kaysha closes the front door...right on Kolin's hand. OUCH!!!!!
The good news is we iced it right away. The bad news is it swelled up anyway. The good news is I caught him playing Gameboy last night so I know he's OK. The bad news is Kolin tells me it hurts way too much to hold a pencil....Ummmm, OK...I think not!!

Now then...On to today.
As I was getting two boys rady for school this morning, Dad Bear was driving Kaysha to her school. He comes home in a not so good mood and tells me super scooter is gone, not where he left it {we were picking it up today...which ends up picking up will have to wait until tomorrow}, stolen.
The good news is super scooter didn't run anyway. The bad news is our tag {licence plate} was still on there.
Soooo...I call Leesburg PD, who tells me that because we live outside the city limits, but the scooter was taken inside the city limits, we have to go to the station to fill out a report. The bad news, we both had to get to work so that would have to wait until much later. The good news....while driving Karl to work, we found super scooter...someone had pushed it behind a bush...hopefully to keep it out of view, so it wasn't stolen after all. WHEW!!

One more bit of craziness before I take the plunge for bed....
We lost two servers at my restaurant this week and I was asked if I could pick up the slack which means tomorrow I'll be busting my butt from 10 AM until 10 PM. The good news is hopefully it will be extremly busy and I can make some tip money. The bad news is I haven't told Kody yet that after he gets on the bus...he won't see me at all until he wakes up Saturday morning. :0(
Wish me luck, that will be a difficult conversation.
SIGH...a little more not so great news...
Kody and Kolin have a special karate training session on Saturday, all day long at our local state park. They call it "Way of the Warrior" and they are both, very VERY excited about it. At the end of the day {around 4 o'clock} they have a huge banquet and they have to dress in full uniform for it. Sounds soooo great for them and it is, believe me it is. But...getting back to that short on servers thing again. I'll miss most of the boys big day. :0(
The good news though...I'll be there in the AM and snap as many pictures as I possibly can. One very important thing...please, please, please pray for no rain. First we are in this huge drought and now of all the days, they are calling for storms on Saturday. GRRRR...if it could just please hold out until Sunday that would be awesome.

OK, enough of that craziness....

I never did hear back from the woman at that school about the photo. job. I know she's very busy...theres alot of kids/families there, so I'm hoping that's just it. CJ?? Any ideas??

And now a few words about CB. I've noticed alot lately that many CB sites are popping up with "Active X" message windows. As far as I know, Kody's doesn't..I believe it's got something to do with the sites that have music on them. Just a lil' advice, in my opinion..if you get one of these pop up's, "X" out of them, do not download anything. There is just way too much computer uglies going on these days and that small download could be a virus that takes your PC down with it. Maybe not but you never know and better safe than sorry.
Also...I have heard that there is someone leaving spam messages, something about casinos in GB's. Kody's Bravenet GB is 100 percent safe. All messages are on a pending lock down until I approve them. That way if there is anything that looks like spam, or is in any way is deleted right away. Like I said, better safe then sorry. So, if you happen to not see your GB message right away, please be assured it's there, it's just waiting on me to post it.

Ok my friends....I'm out of here. I know there is at least 100 things I'm probably forgetting but the old eyes are getting very tired.

Before I go, please say a prayer for Krazy Aunt Mavis, who got pretty ill yesterday.....high blood pressure that was stroke material. And in addition to that, in trying to bring home one of her dogs who happened to get loose and run through the woods....she stepped right on a rusty old nail. OUCH...OUCH...OUCH!!!
The bad news was our Krazy Mave was NOT having a good day yesterday....The good news, she still kept her Krazy sense of humor and sweet compassion worrying more about Kody Bear then herself. :0)
We love ya KAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, a prayer please for Kyle James who is having a horrible time with his teeth this week, he is hurting so bad and can't even get in to see a dentist for another week or two. Anyone who's ever had teeth pain knows exactly how painful that is. I hate, absolutly hate seeing my son hurt so bad. I didn't know if you all knew this but Kyle James is the head cook/kitchen manager at the same restaurant I work watching him work his butt off in a hot kitchen and holding his jaw because of the hurt, is just so sad. I truly wish I could take all the pain for him.

So, my parting words for today are....
Black cloud.....take a hike man!!!!!!!!

You know, let's end this on a good note though, OK??

The good news is....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bad news....
Your gettin' old man!!! LOL....kidding, just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I'm really going now...have a BEAUTIFUL day all!!

Love you all,

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:31 AM

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

I just got done updating Kody's photo album page...enjoy!! :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Stopping by this morning to let you all know....
Life is GREAT!!!!

Spring Break was awesome for the was even more awesome when I had a few days off to really spend with them. I didn't realize how much I missed just hanging with them young uns.

Unfortuently, all good things must come to an end...and the "K" kidz sadly marched their way back into school this morning, though I have got to give Kody credit for trying....he tried everything and anything to be able to stay home with me. LOL...just wanting that "Mom" time all to himself, I guess.
Truth be told, I am missing him right now so much, it's incredible. make some kind of amends, I'll be taking off this moring to have a good old fashioned school cafeteria lunch with Kody and Kolin.

Kaysha had a real good time on her birthday and she and I managed to snap some really sweet memories on film, or should I say "digital"? doubt you'll all be seeing glimpses of those and much, much more throughout the day. I know, I have been super lazy about the photo excuses, just some very tired eyes at the end of the day.

Easter was great...very low key, just us, jellybeans, chocolate bunnies, peeps and two very, VERY hyper sugar high lil' boys.....who came crashing around 4 o'clock and fell into a deep sleep right where they were playing at around that time. :0)
Kody.....fortunetly, fell asleep holding his stuffed rabbit in his bed watching Kolin play video games...he looked comfortable and really sweet too.

Yesterday was the last day of spring break...and since we literally did nothing the whole 10 days, those kids of mine talked me into spending some time having fun in the sun playing mini golf in the Villages.
Did I say "Fun in the Sun"?? Oh right, I meant "Break up a near fist fight over what color ball to use, catch golf clubs used like baseball bats from hitting anything, retriving balls out of the pond endlessly, grabbing Kody by the shirt before he leaned over too far and fell in that same pond, listening to the non-stop "It's hot out here, can we go to the movies intead" whine {not a chance, I spend good $$ on this, you'll play every round}, and my personal favorite...stopping my boys, who thought they were sooooo funny from saying over and over and over....

"Hey everyone......Don't lose your BALLS!!!!!"
"Hey Kolin....Hold on to your BALLS!!!"
"Hey's hot out, my BALLS are slippery!!!"

****NOTE....GOLF BALLS****

One game of mini golf....$26.00
Stopping off at Burger King for 3 "Ice Age 2" drinks...$5.50
Watching Kody and Kolin's sweaty lil' butts fall asleep in the backseat and finally getting some peace and quiet for a whopping 15 minutes....PRICELESS!!

School never looked so good this morning. :0)

OK all...I better jump off for now. I'll be working on those new photos throughout the day. If there are some new ones this morning....check back because there just may be more later on and into the night.

Thanks for stopping by....Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!


Friday, April 14, 2006 11:05 PM

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~*~Easter Sunday~*~

To all our friends, family and Kody Bear Fans everywhere...

We wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Easter Holiday!!

RED is for the blood He gave.
GREEN is for the grass He made.
YELLOWis for the sun so bright.
ORANGE is for the edge of night.
BLACK is for the sins we made.
WHITE is for the grace He gave.
PURPLE is for His hour of sorrow.
PINK is for our new tomorrow.
A bag full of jellybeans colorful and sweet,
is a PRAYER, is a PROMISE,
is a child's SPECIAL TREAT.

Love always....

Kody and the Entire "K" Family


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It's Friday? WHOA....It's Friday alright, where did this week go?

Thanks for all the Dad Bear B-Day messages...there may have been a little "I can't believe I'm 50" whining going on.....just a little, but you all know he just loved his B-day wishes. I can tell you that he really particulary LOVED Krazy Aunt Mavis' "Sympathy" card...LOL!!!!!!

Tomorrow, my favorite "Goth Girl's" 15th B-Day. Yeppers....15 on the 15th, how cool!! I'm not too sure what we have planned for tomorrow but I do know one thing is for sure...I have the day off Baby and there isn't anyone in this world that can make me miss spending Kaysha's birthday with her.
She did get some spending $$ from Kyle James and Karyelle and tonight, after karate, she dragged me and the boys to the mall for some shopping time. Krazy girl couldn't find anything she loved so it's Hot time for her tomorrow. I, on the other hand, found a few things I just know she is gonna freak over. :0)
It's pretty amazing how easy it is to shop for her when you find #1 a young girl working in the "Body Shop" who is FAST to jump when I say "She's my daughter, she's "gothic" , she'll be 15 tomorrow and I just ditched her for 5 minutes...put something together QUICK!!"
Even better then that....bumping into another "Goth" kid in Claires who not only knew Kaysha, but knew exactly what she'd like. All's I had to do was pick something up and say "Think she'll like it?", everytime he'd say "Yes" and Badda Bing Badda Boom....Kaysha's B-Day gifts were purchased painlessly. Thank Goodness for a few good tip days at work...WAA-HOO!!!!

Tomorrow Kaysha and I have a "Tutu" making project and some pictures to take...we've got visions and we've got plans...we are two females on a mission...LOL....ain't nothing stopping us!! :0)

OK, let's see...some Kody news...

I got a call back from Neurology concerning Kody's latest EEG, the one that came back with right frontal brain abnormalities. Not much said over the phone but they do want us back, so our appointment is scheduled for May 10th.
Other then a few episodes of falling and acting kind of "goofy" Kody rocks! thing is is torn about though is the fact that I'm working now and he is NOT, I mean NOT liking the idea at all. Poor kid cried himself into tossing his cookies a few days ago and cried again so hard yesterday when I came home and got called back to work a double, that I didn't know if the red blothces would ever clear up. SIGH....he is my best friend, and I think he feels like he is losing his. He'll be OK though...I know he's not the first kid in the world to have a "detaching" problem..certainly he won't be the last.

I was at my job Wednesday night picking up a couple of pizza's and left Kody, Kolin and Kaysha sitting outside on a bench next to the building wall. Safe, out of the way and a good place for them to just sit still for a minute while I fixed them up a soda while Kyle James worked on those pizza's. Welp, as I was sealing up the tops on their cups...Kyle James looks at them and see's...Kaysha on the phone, Kolin practicing his karate forms {much to everyone's "delight" who were trying to eat dinner on the other side of a huge glass window} and Kody...wellllll.....
That's when Kyle James said "Mom, what is HE doing???"
Our Bear...yes, Only our Bear was out in the parking lot opening the car doors for all the ladies, young ones, older ones, it didn't matter to him. Kody was on a mission...the "Make a new friend a day" mission. I honestly didn't know whether to laugh at him or yell at him, so I just rolled my eyes and collected his lil' butt before he got to be too big a nuisance. :0)
Funny thing {or maybe a sad thing} is that in this day and age...nobody really knew what to make of it...except Kody, of course, who was just innocently trying to lend a hand, help a lady, make a new friend. I've said it before and I'll say it again....that boy is a hoot.

I have some great news...potentally really great news and I better make it quick because my Norton Antivirus is 10 minutes from making it's every Friday night scan. OK, here goes...
I got an e-mail from a truly beautiful friend who's name is CJ. CJ was one of Kody's workers when Kody was on Ped-I-Care. Kody isn't covered by Ped-I-Care anymore but CJ {and all the other sweet gals there} still remain true Kody "K" family fans. make this short cuz time is a ticking.....CJ has a friend who is in charge of a school for medically fragile, special needs children of all ages. Welp, this school is looking for a photographer for their children but is having a very difficult time finding one that will take the job because of the emotional effect, I assume.
When they do get one..the photos are very, what I call, "Cookie cutter", no emmotion whatsoever.
This is where I hopefully, come into the picture {no pun intended!!}.
On Monday morning I'll be calling Miss Linda and offereing my photo services. It has always been my dream to specialze in photographing these beautiful souls and I just pray that I can do this. I think I can...I think I can.
I would never ask of you all to say a prayer for myself...but I sure could use a few right now. This could be my "big break". I want to do this sooo bad I can just feel it way down in my heart and soul.
The kicker is that I will second guess my work forever. UGH, Mavis gives me such a hard time about that...LOL..I really have to stop doing that. :0(

OK my friends...three minutes till Norton kicks in and slows my computer to a snails crawl so I better get this up. More pictures tomorrow...I just haven't had much in the way of time lately.

HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY GOTH GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mommy, Daddy, Kody, Kolin...oh heck..I have no time, ALL your "K" siblings, niece, pets, friends everywhere just love ya Baby...have a GREAT day today!!

Love you all...


Sunday, April 9, 2006 11:20 PM

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~*~Tuesday, April 11th...12:28 AM~*~


FIVE DECADES OLD and still hot to me!!!! :0)

We love ya Baby!!!

Love, Kim and all your Lil' "K's"

PS.....New photos's very late right now, or I guess early...depending on how you look at it.
Hmmmm...come to think of it, if your up reading this at 12:30 in the morning.....go to bed!!

Anywho's...I'll work on getting the karate, field day and Silver Springs ones up real soon...enjoy!!
Gotta get some ZZZZZZZZ's.

Love yaz!!

~Mama "Oh's a Birthday Cake Day" Bear~


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I am sooooo happy to report that my new secretary has been really on it these days....Mavis, you rock girl!!
Geez, I can hardly wait for Secretary's Day when I can box up something special and send it straight to New Jersey....Hey Mavis, can you say "CHOMP"?? LOL!!!!!

I am so sorry though...I know my updates lately have been far and a few inbetween. Seems that by the time I get home at night...WHEW...I seem to have tunnel vision going on....sleep, sleep, sleep.
Tonight.....happily, I got home earlier then usual. I was even happier when I saw my young uns' were still up waiting for me. Even happier yet when my Bear LEAPED off the couch and into my arms with the biggest "Bear Hug" ever. HA-HA....Seriously with that cast one.....ummmm, "back breaker" pretty much describes that boys hugs. I was really happy when I realized I have a few minutes to jump on the computer tonight. YEAH!!

Now, I don't know how many of you saw Krazy Aunt Mave's update on Kody's "medical emergancy" site but just so you can all recap.....I'll just include it right here tonight....

Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:20 PM CDT
Okay... I am BACK!! KRAZY AUNTIE MAVE HERE!!! (I'm SURE that makes you all VERY happy) ;O

Well, I DO have Kinformation!!!

First, I must tell you, that yesterday I got some calls from the Kraziest... most SLAP-HAPPY Floridians I have ever encountered!! The news??? Not JUST water mind-you... but HOT WATER!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim had had a MARATHON day of Field-Daying with those two littlest Krazy Kids, so after spending roughly six or seven hours out in the hot sunny Florida field, you might guess she was pretty darned happy to find HOT RUNNING WATER in BOTH her kitchen AND bathroom last night!! Honestly, she might've been a little loopey from all that sun, but she was JUST KRAZY over all that WATER!!!

To the kitchen faucet's: "OOOOooooo Baby, it has been WAY too long!!!" ... and just the thought of a HOT SHOWER (!!!!) well, let's just say I was a little concerned for her, that her neighbors might like it, even just a little bit better, than those Herbal Essence commercials!!! :O

More memorable comments from the K-nut gallery (past and present)?

Kolin (at Shands after exiting the restroom on coaxing from Kim to hurry): "I am NEVER leaving here... they've got RUNNING WATER!!!!"

Kody (after flushing and washing his hands at home after 2 1/2 months without...): "MAN, is THIS what RICH people feel like???"

Karl (after first experiencing HOT WATER from the tap): "You KRAZY- loco- nutty- well-meddlin' lady you... THANK YOU!!!"

Kaysha (on hearing that "today" might be "THE" day): "..............REALLY??!!! Oh my gosh... she's going to be in the shower for THREE DAYS! We're never going to get her OUT!!"

Kim: (in an e-mail yesterday) "On a happier, and wetter note...
I just gave Kolin the FIRST shower of the night...and I didn't even * not one bit when he "forgot" his towel and ran out of there stark naked leaving soaking wet footprints EVERYWHERE!!!!! ...


There was more too, I know... but listening to those messages on my cell phone while at work today.. honestly, I just don't remember them now, but at that time... well (YAY!!!), they just MADE MY DAY!!!

So please give yourselves each a GREAT BIG BEAR HUG!!

YOU are ALL- SO REPONSIBLE for those big huge squeaky-clean sloppy-wet smiles on all those K-faces!! :D

Please don't forget though, that Papa Plumber Bear and the whole Plumb Krazy staff down there still have to figure out what's up (or DOWN rather) with the rest of the pipes. Something "down under" just doesn't belong there... and it's keeping that GLORIOUS HOT WATER from the rest of the house. So please, don't rescind that pledge just yet, we're still in just a little bit 'o hot water, but not quite enough to make ME sing yet.

Now, before I copy you Kim's e-mail from TODAY... let me just share just one little bit more of Kinformation with ya's!!!

Kim doesn't know it yet, but my in-laws (from FLORIDA) will be arriving here in NJ tomorrow. I know that doesn't mean much to you yet, but trust me, "AUNTIE" JOAN AND "UNCLE" Tony are going to be very pleased indeed to hear this news. You see, we have been working together on a VERY SPECIAL hmmrnnna mhfjnim project for Kim that is just going to make her squeal almost as loud as that HOT WATER did!! She doesn't even want to acknowledge our little plot until she see's the fruits of our labor with her very own eyes... but with any luck at all (PLEASE, PLEASE PRAY FOR TRAVEL MERCIES AND SPACE is all I'll say), you'll be hearing sometime in the next couple weeks ALL ABOUT this li'l plot that I schemed up and executed along with JOAN & TONY and a little practical help from my nutty friend Frank (hehehe!!). Stay tuned, same time, same channel! I'll let you know when they depart New Jersey! ;)

Now... heeeeeeeere's Kim!!! (with a very Squishy update!):

Kim's day today...Saturday, April 8th 2006...

Woke up at 8 with a full blown bladder buster...note to self, stay away from the green tea late at night.

Made coffee cuz darn husband didn't, his excuse....."I didn't think you'd be up this early".

Saw Karl off to work, fed the kids breakfast and then...

Took my FIRST HOT SHOWER in two and a half months!!!!

Dressed the boys in pastel Easter shirts and snapped about 100 pictures....I'll keep maybe 20. Eye rolls, sour faces and closed eyes don't make for purty Easter pic's.

Ate a handful of chocolate {OK, two}...the boys unruly behavior MADE me eat that much just to stay a lil' bit sane.

Listened to Kaysha whine about that darn rabbit.

Grabbed Kody and went out for ONLY hot dog buns.....

Ended up at Walgreens cuz Wally World was too crowded and bought Wonder bread instead. It'll work if you just roll those dawgs in there.

Walked around for 20 minutes while Kody picked out "MEN'S scented shampoo and body wash...his words "I'm TIRED of smellin' like you women".

Left Walgreens and rode down the street to Tractor Supply to buy ONE bunny cage and ONE white bunny with pink eyes....

This is where things went horribly wrong...

Oh why, oh why did I take Kody with me????

We are now the happy owners of Squishy, Finley and Peter.

Pictures to follow tomorrow cuz I really have to get ready to go to work...

Mavis, my dear....all I am thinking of right now is....
There has GOT to be a way of boxing a baby gator and sending him via Fed Ex to New Jersey.

Pass this around to as many Squishy and well lovers as you like.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim a/k/a Up to my !#$@! in Cottontails

Just a lil' update on that update....
Kody named his bunny "Peter Cottontail" yesterday. However, this morning he informed me that Peter is now the bunnies middle name...his first name is going to be "Hope". cool is that? how many of you are saying "THREE bunnies.....HAHAHAHAHAHA.....doesn't that girl know what bunnies do??"
RRRRR....yeah, and I sooooo totally plan on keeping the lil' boogers separated for all of eternity. Well...OK, soon because right now they are all sharing one cage. But....they really, REALLY are adorable!! :0)

Oh....and just so you know, after I wrote that lil' "Please help me with this update Mave", update yesterday...Dad Bear came home. Kaysha heard him first....the boys second. The boys were heard saying "Oh no, Daddy's home" Kaysha was heard saying "$*^!$ gonna hit the fan now" I ran like lightening into the bathroom to hide, oh...I mean do my hair...and that's when I heard one very chilling word and it sounded a little something like this....


And that's when I slammed the door shut.....and that's when I heard....


Oh man....I am sooooo toast!! :0)

On a funnier note...I understand last night when Kolin's "Finley" hopped out of Kolin's hands and was bunny hopping around the living room....who do you think was the first one to chase that bunny and capture him behind the sofa and gently put him back in the cage? Uh guessed it. :0)

Welp my friends...the kids are on Spring Break starting tomorrow and since I won't have to be back at work until Wednesday I'll have lots of time to work on getting the new pictures up. I have sooooo many of them, what I haven't had is time to go through them, resize, etc. I promise I will get that's definetly a priority.

Before I sign off tonight I just want to say again to everyone of you who visits us here, who prays for us, laughs with us, cries with us, worries with us. For all who jumps in with help, encouragement, support, with love. For all who's lives were made a little bit better because of one sweetheart of a lil' boy, for all who keep coming back....even when we've been medically boring and slacking in updates, for each and every one of you who not only love the stuffins' out of Kody...but adore Kaysha and Kolin too...
We love you, we thank you, we pray and wish that everyday of your lives is filled with love, with peace, with sunshine and warmth.
We wish you beautiful memories, simple pleasures, spring flowers, mud puddles, dandalions and rainbows.

There is a place in our hearts that belongs to only all know who you are and although we may never meet...or maybe someday we will...always, always know that we love you. Thank you. :0)

I'm leaving you all with this story...I've kept it forever and for some reason...I just want to share it tonight. Simple pleasures...I believe is one of the greatest gifts of all.

Mama "Smiling, all chocolated out and feeling mighty fine" Bear

Big Mud Puddles and Sunny Yellow Dandelions

When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard. My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff you can wish on.

When I look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, I see a smelly, dirty person who probably wants money and I look away. My kids see someone smiling at them and they smile back.

When I hear music I love, I know I can't carry a tune and don't have much rhythm so I sit self-consciously and listen. My kids feel the beat and move to it. They sing out the words. If they don't know them, they make up their own.

When I feel wind on my face, I brace myself against it. I feel it messing up my hair and pulling me back when I walk. My kids close their eyes, spread their arms and fly with it, until they fall to the ground laughing.

When I pray, I say thee and thou and grant me this, give me that. My kids say, "Hi God! Thanks for my toys and my friends. Please keep the bad dreams away tonight. Sorry, I don't want to go to Heaven yet. I would miss my Mommy and Daddy."

When I see a mud puddle I step around it. I see muddy shoes and dirty carpets. My kids sit in it. They see dams to build, rivers to cross, and worms to play with.

I wonder if we are given kids to teach or to learn from?

No wonder God loves the little children!

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

I wish you Big Mud Puddles and Sunny Yellow Dandelions!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Monday, April 3, 2006 11:00 AM

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~*~Thursday Afternoon~*~


Guess who's family has WATER????!!!!! :0)

Yeppers...WE DO!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK.....let me start from the beginning real quick because the kids will be home real soon.

Yesterday, thanks to our BEAUTIFUL extended family we have made throughout the world, two men from Bill Nelson's came here late yesterday afternoon.
As I type this we have the prettiest blue, brand spankin' new, well pump installed right outside our back door!!
As of yesterday we have water coming into our front yard spiket and front bathroom.
Since there is still a plug of something somewhere in the pipes....that is why the water is only to those two faucets.
But.....the good news is that the well guys are coming back today or tomorrow with a huge air compresser and they are going to pump some air into those pipes to see if they can get that water flowing to the whole house.

Since the water isn't flowing, that leaves the water heater not crossed, say a prayer....
By this weekend we will all be taking.....SIGH.....

HOT SHOWERS!!!!!!!!!!

Oh My Gosh.....never will I ever be able to express how grateful we are to have friends like you all and to have running water. No more lugging in those five gallon buckets everyday.....YEAH!!!!!

Now, there is one thing though...if they can't get that plug out, then we'll have to rip apart all those pipes under our house and start from scratch ourselves. UGH...pray, pray, pray!! :0)

OK, let's see....Kody?
Well...I had to bring Kaysha back to the Dr. yesterday for her MRI results which came back....GREAT!! No surgery needed!!!!
They are not sure exactly what happened but for now they are calling her knee tendinitious, or something to that effect.
While we were at the Orth., and since I had Kody with me, I thought I might ask if they could possibly check out Kody's cast. Hmmmm...seems that yesterday while at school...Mr. Bear got hot and decided to toss some cold water down his cast. :0(

Welp, the verdict was....after questioning Kody and finding out that indeed he does take after his Dad.....
That cast needed to come off.
And what did they find? Ohhhhhh.....a blue crayon, a few skittles, a pencil top eraser and some skin that was real raw and real sore. of yesterday Kody is now wearing a brand new red cast and I hope that he really realizes now that his cast is not meant to be a storage facility.

So....I went to Wal-Mart big shocker there, huh??
And when I came home my neighbor came out and said there was a package delivered for me and he took it because...


Imagine my surprise? Imagine my happiness? Imagine how FAST I ran those boxes in and opened them??
Imagine how even faster I HID them before they kiddo's get home!!!!! LOL!!!


These next two weeks ought to be a piece of cake now, for sure! :0)

WELL {HA!!}, I better get going....Kaysha walked in, asked if there were a "Squishy" {the name she's already given the bunny she does NOT even have...oh that girl!}hidden somewhere yet, walked into her room, turned on the radio and is asking if we have any chocolate in this house cuz it was one of "those days".
Ahhhh......Kody may take after his Daddy...but I defiently lay claim to that child, a girl after my own heart! :0)

Before I go....let me all tell you that thanks to one of Kody's super terric, wonderful fans...we have a new movie {DVD} in our house! It was specially paid for and requested for the kids to have the "Nardia" movie....and so...that's one of the reasons why I was found luring around Wally World today.
LOL...well that and the insane way everyone around here likes to eat so darn much.

I just want to leave you all with a prayer request and this one is for someone very dear to our hearts.
Kody's karate instructors son, who was in a car wreck yesterday and is now, as of today, our newest "Shands" family member.
If you all remember, this is the boy who took Kody aside last May and told him how much he believed in him....Pepe is the reason why Kody does what he does and has the confidence in himself to tackle anything and overcome everything.

I am sure I am leaving something out.....UGH.....I am seriously having a blonde moment.
I do have to gather up the boys...hug on them for a little while and then off to work. Since I have to close the restaurant tonight I'll be getting home late but I promise you if there is anything left of me when I walk in the door...I'll get some new pictures up.

Love you all...

Mama "Happy in Hersheyland" Bear


~*~Monday Night Update~*~

The Good....

Palimenary reports for Kody's MRI show that his tumor remains stable with NO evidence of new growth.
We're still waiting for the final report from his Neurologist, Dr. Pollack....who's in Italy and won't be back for two weeks.

The Bad...

Kody's EEG shows abnormalities in the right frontal portion of his brain. Obviously something is going on in there but we won't know exactly what until Dr. Pollack comes back from two weeks.

And The Ugly...

We've got two weeks of worrying to look forward to and I am out of Hershey's.

Mama "Jelly Beans Just Aren't Cutting It Anymore" Bear


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Guess what?? The "Green Swamp Screen" has left the building!!! Good news...the video graphics card worked like a charm, the green screen was just a loose wire...WHEW!!
That good news can only mean one thing....yeppers, new photos will be on the way!! :0)

Can you believe I am still waiting for all of Kody's MRI/EEG results to come in? I called again this morning and since Kody has been down with another monsterache since last night...I'll be staying home waiting by the phone today.

Saturday was GREAT!!!! We now have living with us one very proud new GREEN BELT WITH ONE STRIPE {Kody}and one very proud GREEN BELT WITH TWO STRIPES {Kolin}!!!!!!!! How cool is that??? I'll get to working on those pic's sometime, stay tuned.

Waitressing is defiently for the, let me rephrase's for the young chicks!!'s OK, really...I just have to stay focused on that well water problem, getting my at home photo. business started, making it through the next round of holidays & birthdays {Goth Girl turns 15 this month!}, and oh.....about a half dozen other not so fun things......and we'll be A-OK.
I would love to though extend a HUGE BEAR FAMILY...

****THANK YOU****

to each and everyone of you who has jumped in with help and have all touched our hearts bigtime and we will never, every forget you.
We will get that well fixed....just keep swimming, just keep swimming......

LOL...I just realized how funny that need water to swim, right? :0) Oh man.....I have GOT to catch up on some sleep soon. :0)

Tomorrow Kolin and I are in for a fun filled day at Silver Springs Park out in Ocala...about 30 minutes from here. I don't know who'd more excited...Kolin or me!! :0)
I hope he wakes in a terrific mood cuz the boy is gonna have a camera stuck in his lil' face all day. LOL!!!!

All the kids are on "Spring Break" next week.....I don't know what we'll be able to do for fun but I'm sure it will resemble something like "Spring Break 2006 a/k/a K-Kids Gone Wild".

Welp, I hate to cut this short....but I can hear my Bear moanin' and a groanin' so I better get off quick and check up on his achy little head.

Thanks so much for stopping sure to check for those new pic's a lil' later on, maybe by tonight.

Love you all....

~*~Mama "Feeling Alot Less Frazzled But Still Craving Chocolate" Bear~*~

Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:33 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

First please let me say I am real, real sorry for the update slacker thing.
This was not a great week for my computer to crash on me...but, it did anyway.
Right now, Dad Bear has it running but I have this awful, neon green/yellow screen and everything is soooo hard to see. In order for this to actually make it up on Kody's page..I better make this fast.

Important things first...
I haven't gotten the results of Kody's tests back yet. {His EEG and MRI} I'm still please bear with me, life has been busy, busy...too busy. :0(
Anyway......Kody has been feeling good, very...very good this week and despite everything that keeps crumbling around me....Kody feels great, and in the end...that's all that matters, right?

Thank you soooo much to the WONDERFUL "Kody Fan" who sent him a can of "CastBlast". Two sprays into his cast and all the "itches" are gone. He is lovin' it...and so am I!! I have no idea who sent it came straight from a medical supply place. We love you though!!
BTW...CastBlast is a kind of talcum power's cooling and keeps the moisture out. How cool is that?

Kaysha had her knee MRI this past Tuesday. We get the results back this coming up Wednesday.

I spoke with Krazy Aunt Mave today, and because I'll probably loose this if I try and copy everything she wrote.....please just go to his Bravenet GB and read through the entries from NJ, which are more of an update then a GB entry......warning prepared to laugh you behind off...that KAM is a riot! :0)
It will explain alot of what's been going on with all of us.

OK guys and much as I would love to stay around and update one of my famous novels...I better see about getting this up before I lose it, or my mind...cuz I am going to start to call this screen/monitor color "headache green" real soon. Man, it is bright!!

Have a wonderful, beautiful most awesomest ever day!!

Mama "Green is soooo not my color" Bear

PS. Saturday morning at 9 AM our two boys will be testing for their next higher rank in Tang Soo Do {Karate}. Kody is going for his green belt w/one stripe {yeppers, broken wrist and al!!} and Kolin for his green belt w/ two stripes.
If I have to search every available library {incase my PC crashes again} for a computer...I will update this weekend with the minute by minute play of what they did and how terrific they did. I am soooo proud!!!!!!! :0) :0)

PPSS. No new pictures until this "green screen" takes a hike. Sorry. :0(

Friday, March 24, 2006 3:22 PM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

Hi all...

Just wanted to remind you all that Kody's EEG and MRI are scheduled for tomorrow.
EEG is at 8 o'clock and his MRI is at 3 o'clock.'s going to be a long day at Shands.

I'll update again tomorrow night.

Love you all....



~*~Saturday Morning~*~

What do Cool casts...Broken wrists...cancer...Seizures and Shunts all have in common??

Ya all ready for this??

They are NOTHING compared to Kody...yeppers, just something else that tries to but fails to get in the way of one incredibly determined kid.

Last night Kody earned and received his karate testing forms!!

And that can only mean one thing....
On Saturday, April 1st....Kody will be testing for his GREEN BELT!!!!!!!!

Guess what? It get's better...
Kolin was picked also and he will be testing for his second stripe on the green belt he earned in January!!!!

WOO-HOO....can you tell I'm just a lil' bit proud of those two?? :0)

And right here, right now, I just want to give a BIG shout out to Kolin...who practiced everyday with Kody, to make sure he knew all his forms, to make sure that his "Hero Brother" was right there by his side on testing day.

Have a good one all...Later Gators!

Love, One Very Proud Mama Bear


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Green Casts and Household Objects...No Denying Paternity Here

I just have to tell you all this lil' story...a true story, because really....I couldn't make this up if I wanted to. :0)

Many moons ago, maybe 13 or so years ago, Dad Bear broke his leg, or maybe it was his knee surgery...oh wait, it could have been a broken ankle. Back then we lived in NY and back then our family orthopedist, who happened to LOVE our family because between Karl being kind of....ummmmm....I'm going to say "clumsy" here {and hope he doesn't throw something at me later when he reads this} and Kayara, who was big into gymnastics and forever breaking something, well...let's just say, when he got a phone call from me.....Dr. Orthopedist and his family were likely to either take a vaction or buy a new car. Yes my was that bad.
Anyway...where was I ?? Oh yes....
Living in NY we were HUGE NY Jets fans. So huge in fact that I promised Karl if ever {thats a big EVER} the Jets won the Superbowl, he could paint out house "Jets Green".
So huge that when Karl broke that leg bone he supprted his own green cast with the Jets logo stamped all over it.
Kaysha was about 2 or 3 years old at the time and was totally fasinated with that cast.

As anyone who has had a cast on knows....after a couple of days those things start to itch, and they itch BAD! I remained busy with our litter of kids, Karl thought of all kinds of genius ways to scratch that leg.
This is where household objects comes into on...

Now, I knew about the pens and pencils. I noticed that some of my kitchen spoons were missing but it was only until 6 weeks later when that cast came off did I realize...."Good Lord, That's where all my stuff went!!"

I was sitting in the waiting room the day thay Jets cast came off and I remember very well hearing some laughter {female nurse laughter} coming from the exam rooms.
Knowing my husband only too well I got to thinking "Oh great...what is he saying".
When those nurses came out to giggle somemore with the receptionists I started lifting my magazine higher to cover my face and slumped down further into the chair. was when they looked towards me and one of them said "Hee Hee Hee.....Yes, that girl's her husband", I knew it was time to walk outside and pretend I didn't know that man.

So....what were they laughing at??
Ohhhhh....could have been the 3 pens, 2 pencils, 2 spoons, 1 butter knife, 1 radio antennea, 1 emery board, a screwdriver {flat head of course}, 6 green grapes, a bunch of Cheeto's, 13 raisins and 9 tiny Barbie shoes that gracefully fell out on the floor as soon as that cast was cut and separated.
Now, I have to give Karl credit...he didn't put all that stuff in there.
Remember I told you Kaysha was fasinated with hat "Jets" cast?? Well..everytime Karl would take a nap, Kaysha would lovingly "share" her snacks and toys with her "Dad-Doo".

And this takes me right to last night....
Kody had been itchy for two days now...and so to help him relieve some of that "itch" I gave him a nice, flat, wide emery board. Two nights ago Karl gave him a plastic spoon with a long, .long handle on it and told him the story of his own cast and how he used to accidently "drop" things in it, in his attempt to relieve the "itchies".

Last night Kody and Kolin were playing a lovely game of checkers.

You kind of know where I'm getting at here, right??

This morning we were all soooooo happy to see Kody wake up early, happy and perky...ready to start his day.
Imagine our surprise when I said "Wow Kody...your in a hurry to get to school today, aren't you??"

His answer.....
"Well, not exactly Mom...see I put a checker down my cast last night and it's really driving me crazy!" tell me....
The apple sure doesn't fall fall from the tree in our house, now does it??

Hope you all have a BEAUTIFUL weekend!! If I'm lucky at young uns' will let me start some Easter photo shoots tomorrow. :0)

Love you all....

Love, Kim

Monday, March 20, 2006 9:48 AM

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~*~Tuesday Afternoon~*~

Our PC moniter is going nuts since, I have to keep this short and sweet since I have maybe 10 to 15 seconds to cut and paste this right now before my screen blanks out and I lose everything.

Kody and Kaysha got to the orthopedist this morning. Kaysha needs an MRI of her knee, they should be calling me in the next couple of days with that appt.
Kody is now supporting a brand new green fiberglass cast and believe it not, that boy can even make that look cool!! :0)

In 4 weeks I'll take him back for x-rays and maybe, just maybe he can have his cast taken off.

New pictures up..If you saw them last night, scroll down a little more....I'm going to try and see if this computer will let me have 15 seconds to put up a few more.

Love you all..



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Somebody please take this dark cloud away!! :0(

OK..OK...wait, somebody did take it away last night...

Mavis, Frank and Joan.....WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait to share a lil' something with you all but it'll have to wait just a bit longer...this is a really fun surprise, but it's something I have to show you...not tell you. LOL..sorry!! :0)

As for that pesky cloudy bit us in the butt again this weekend when our well said "No can do" and took another crap {sorry} on us.

But...that was nothing as compared to our day yesterday...which really did start off great. I took the kids to church and afterwards since the weather was absolutley beautiful...I gave in to Kody & Kolin's constant begging and pleading and took them to a new skatepark that is about 5 minutes from our home.
The kids get all geared up, we get there adn there is about three other kids there, about Kaysha's age.
Everything was great for the first few minutes...the kids skated and everyone took turns and had fun and then a truckload of least 10 teen boys and 1 girl shows up and they just took over the place..rowdy wasn't even the word.

The boys tried to skate {Kolin was on his scooter} but those teen's just wouldn't let was so unbelievable. When I saw one kid push Kolin into a fence I said "That's it...let's go".
But...UGH...Kody was just about to go across a ramp and stuck out his "just one more" finger and I...DOUBLE UGH...said "OK, one more".
Welp..that's all it took...Kody went up one side of that of those teen boys decided to go up the other side...they met in the middle and the other kid bumped Kody right out of the way.
Kody....knowing he was going down tried to balance but that didn't happen.
Long story short....when I saw Kody shaking his head and then a tear I knew it wasn't good.
Quick trip to the ER and Bear is supporting a temporary cast on his fractured right wrist.
Well..actually it starts at his fingers and stops past his elbow.'s one of those days when I'll be working the phone trying to find an orthopedist that will see him {and Kaysha for her knee} ASAP because he really does need that plaster cast put on.

Now...just so I don't end on a crummy note...last night, the only thing that bothered Kody was that he wouldn't be doing karate for a bit. Which....really stinks since next month is his gren belt testing and he has been practicing like a mad man. He was actually in the kithcen trying to figure out how to do his "forms" with one arm. LOL..he is a riot!!
Today it's a different story though....he is hurting and miserable. :0(

I have a bunch new photos to post up on the photo page. I am really going to try and get that done today. They are from Saturday when Kody, Kolin and I had a really fun day at the State Park....AHEM...not to be confused with "Skate" Park...which stinks big time!!
The soccer pic. up top is just one of them.

Have a good one everyone and now a word from the Bear....

"Please pray for my arm. I love you to ALL my fans. Peace out I'm going to bed now."

LOL..he is usually a man of alot of words, guess not today.

OK, gotta run!!

Mama "Take this Cloud and Shove It" Bear

Monday, March 13, 2006 3:00 PM

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~*~Friday Morning~*~


And "Happy One Year" anniversary of the day Kody became for the first time, as he likes to say, "Kody...Unplugged" or "Havin' a Grand Time at the Mall" or doing the "Funky Chicken".
All his lil' wee ways of saying Grand Mal seizure.

Have a good one everyone...gotta run...Ummmm, I mean RIDE!! :0)

Love yaz...



~*~Thursday Evening~*~


We feel soooooo mighty blessed!
Thank you so much Lake Sumter Transmission...We LOVE you guys...and gal!! :0)

Be back on later or tomorrow....gosh, we are so blessed...YEAH!!!!!

Love, Kim "Havin' Wheels is Wonderful" Mama Bear


~*~Thursday Morning~*~

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just a quickie for now...

Kody is doing AWESOME!! Really, no kidding, he's been having some of the best days ever.....just a teeny bit of allergies this week. {but if you live in Florida...everybody is sneezing, wheezing, and runny nose dripping}. Allergy stuff...LOL..welp, we'll take that anyday. :0)

I've been doing a little research, since **UGH**, I still don't have a car and have nothing but time on my hands, about another Pediatric Neurology/Epilepsy group of Dr's at St. Joesph's Children's Hospital in Tampa.
**Thank you Caitlyn's Mom**

I am seriously thinking of having Kody seen there, that's if I can get his insurance to pay for a second opinion.
A few things really rubbed me the wrong way about last weeks appointment at Shands. Tampa is about the same distance as Shands..just in a different direction so we'll see.
But first....wheels...please pray for wheels. :0)

I got the referral for Kaysha's knee to see an orth. surgeon...but , as usual...nothing local. I have to take her to Orando for that. I can't even see making that call until that darn wheels problem get's taken care of.

Well my friends.....CVS has Kody's seizure med. perscription ready and waiting...look's like this MamaBear is going to pound some pavement. On the bright is a beautiful day here in Florida so being outside is always a good thing. {Unless of course you have those sneezy, wheezy's!} :0)

Have a great day everyone...till tomorrow...

Later Gators!!

Love, Doc Bear

PS. Thank you for all the compliments on the "Hanging on to Childhood" photo. I am almost considering contacting card companies, boutiques, day cares and ped's offices to see if I can display it. Wouldn't that be so cool?? I just wish I had the outgoing kind of "hutzbah" that one needs to get it done.


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Look who's back...
The "Update Slacker" is back!! :0)

After having some major, major problems with that dang black cloud that kept hovering over us for a month or so now....this week is fixin' to be....

As of yesterday we have running water again..thanks to Dad Bear, Kyle James Bear and one of our neighbors. Granted, it's only working in one bathroom right now but's truly a HUGE improvement and we'll take that anyday!! :0)

About the car...
Well.....we won't be able to get the new tranny after all. It's price is way out of our ballfield and our heap of a car just isn't worth putting that much $$ into.
Soooooooo...we were about to go with an un-warranted junkyard tranny when we got a call from the most awesomest man in the world..Roger, who is owner or co-owner of the tranny shop our car is sitting at.
Seems that when one of his workers heard about what was going on, he called his mother-in-law and told her about it, knowing she had a nice car for sale.
As the story turns out that this sweet woman lost a daughter at the age of seven, to a brainstem tumor.
Without skipping a beat....she offered her car to us, for free.
The people at the tranny place are fixing what needs to be fixed on that car {it needs some tranny work} and later in the week when it's done...they will call us and hand us the title to our new 1995 Eagle Summit.

I believe, with all my heart, our paths were meant to cross and the reason was...
To renew the faith that I was starting to lose very quickly.

Having water and wheels...well, those may seem like the little things in life that are taken for granted. I can tell you....these things are the little things in life that make us the most happy.
I've always lived by the "just enough" thoery. As long as we have "just enough", that is all that really matters. :0)

I put a few new pictures up today. Hope you all like them!
I want to explain a few of them to you the one on top here on Kody's front homepage.

That's "Little Bear" or "Little B". as Kody's calls him, in Kody's arms. LB {Little Bear} has been Kody's best Bud since Kody was three years old. Kody dragged that Bear everywhere...where Kody was, LB was sure to be.
LB has been in the operating room with Kody 4 times and has stayed by Kody's side during hospital stays more times then I can remember, LB's had his own hospital wristbands, IV's and bandages.
As kids do, Kody has been growing up and as kids do...they start to push away those little stuffed animals they depended on for so many years. This being the case with LB. During Kody's last hospital stay {when he had that huge seizure}, I stuffed LB into a bag quickly to take with us. When Kody finally came around, out of the deep post-seizure sleep he was in, he insisted that, though he loved LB...please keep him in his suitcase. Guess he was worried about what all the blonde nurses would think. :0)
Well...little did Kody know but while he slept, LB came right out of that bag and I would snuggle with that bear until I fell asleep. Pretty grown woman hugging one little boys teddy bear. In an unsure, scary a cold hospital far from was amazing how comforting that bear was.

Lately I've been noticing that LB isn't in Kody's arms at night anymore {replaced with a picture of Trish Stratus, a Diva pro-wrestler}...although I put him there when I tuck Kody in. A few days ago I found LB squashed between the mattress and the wall.
So, before that Bear gets lovingly tucked away with so many of those sweet childhood memories..I wanted just a few photos to remind me of how Kody is struggling to "hang on to childhood, just a little bit longer".

Hope you love the new pic's!!

Love you all!!!!!

Love, Mama Bear

Thursday, March 9, 2006 2:45 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I'm back!!
Sorry it took so long, I really planned on getting on here last night to update you'll soon see, yesterday and last night was a nightmare.

OK...before I start, I am really going to try my best to be please know that, before I start, we are, please read on and don't happy. :0)

I have to back up a bit so this all makes sense so bare with me....

This past a lil' over a month we have had major plumbing issues with our well. It's been a pain in the butt and a money pit all at the same time. Yesterday was a beautiful day, sunshine, warm, perfect weather and since Dad Bear got off early from work beause of Kody's appt. at Shands, it was decided that he should take advantage of the daylight hours and work on that well somemore.
So, at around 1:15...snack bag packed, pillows packed, camera packed and with three kids in tow I took off to Gainesville, an 80 mile trip, one way.

Things went great....I75 had very little traffic, the two boys fell asleep in the backseat and Kaysha and I finally had an hour of meaningful conversation. This, as any of you with teens a good thing.

We got off at our exit and no sooner did we turn on to Archer Road the car stated making some strange sounds, shaky stuff. Everytime we would come to a red light {and there are lot of reds on Archer}, we'd stop and then when it would turn gren we'd go except that "go" wasn't exactly "going". I'd step on the gas and that tranny would slip slide away.
I called Dad Bear a couple of times but being caught up in the well...he never heard the phone.

So, we finally get to the Medical Center and park the car. I call Karl again and he answers. I told him what happened and the only thing left to do is get Kody's appt. taken care of, and get to a nearby gas station to have someone check my tranny fluid. Sounds easy enough, right? Ummmm......wrong.

We get Kody to the Dr's and, well, let me give you all the news your really here for...

OK, here goes...

Dr. Pollack is thinking that possibly Kody's medication levels are too low...well, at least we are hoping. They did bloodwork yesterday to determine that {Bear is looking like a pin cushion today, darn those scar tissued veins}. But, because of the symptoms that I am describing and because Kody was having a decent day yesterday...Dr. Pollack is telling me that he isn't sure if Kody is having small seizures, though in my maternal heart...I say he is.
Also....Dr. P also thinks that perhaps Kody is just a naturally, very, VERY bubbly...goofy kid..maybe this is just his personality.
Welp...yes, Kody is outgoing, funny and he is a nut but....what I see, not always but occasionaly isn't that bubbly, funny kid stuff. Again, call it instinct but when he slurs his words, falls, drops things, can't remember what he did an hour's something else more then just the ordinary.

Please don't think that I am hoping for anything else...actually I pray that Dr. P. is right but seeing as Kody's symptoms could possibly be {Dr. P's words} "disease progression" {now those are two of the most ugliest words in the world}, he wants Kody to have an EEG and an MRI ASAP.

And, that being that...we took off for home. Well, we thought.

We get back out to the car, put it in reverse and don't you just know reverse. Try "drive" and nothing, nothing at all.
Another call to Karl, a couple of offers of help from a bus driver and a cafeteria worker...nothing.
A call to Triple A and my only thing I have to say about that place is they S*!k. cell battery was real low and I had this moron man on the phone giving me this long drawn out help from AAA at all. {and they expect me to renew my membership in June..NOT}
Basically...this is what happened. I have a "premium" membership which I was told includes unlimited tows up to 100 miles. Gainesville to Leesburg is 80 miles.
But...since this guy on the phone insisted I had "basic" coverage that tow would be $30.00 plus $3.00 for each mile.
OK, but what about me and the three do we get home.
His advice..."why don't you find a place that rents cars". Not for the life of him could he comprehend that I was stuck with three kids, one with cancer, one with a braced knee, and one with ADHD....and the road we were off of is a six lane highway. Where in the world would he have liked me to walk to, I don't know.
His final words..."good luck". My final words...not printable.

OK, so now...Karl is scrambling to find a way for us to get home....I called a taxi...$200.00. YIKES!

Right about now, the Med. Center is closing up and locking up...soon it will be dark. So, I lock up the car, grab the kids and we walk to the main hospital {Shands} which isn't real far...but rush hour on Archer {the 6 lane hywy} is not fun, not fun at all. But....we did it! :0)
I figured at the very least, Shands has bathrooms, food and a place for us to park ourselves for a they never close. have to imagine, by now I am in a mood..a really bad mood and there is pretty much nothing that is gonna make me smile....that is, except for one cool Kody Bear.
As we were walking....Kody see's this ledge right off the side of the sidewalk we were walking on and it is covered with the most beautiful, bright, spring looking flowers I have ever seen. And right then and there he parks his butt, looks at me and say "Mom, take my picture...I'll make you feel better".
My first instinct was to say "No, let's keep walking".....thankfully that instinct didn't kick in as fast as my second instinct that said " are sooo right!"

And here is that picture that came exactly 5 seconds before the phone rang and I got some pretty wonderful news....

Dad Bear called to say that Kolin's teacher {she was Kody's second grade teacher also!} and her husband were on their way to pick us up and bring us home!!!
Angels....they really are everywhere!!

So...we get to the hospital....the kids wash up, grab some pizza and sodas and we wait outside. The boys played in the grass until it was about that time I figured Mrs. F. would be there and we parked ourselves right in front of the the plain view, because I was not about to mess this up. :0)

It was dark out by the time we left to come home and the ride was great...happy, talkative, uneventful...then about 6 miles or so from our home, we drive through the worst accident I've ever seen. Unfortuently, it was so bad that when Kaysha looked out her window, she saw something she will most likely never get out of her mind. A body in the road that had obviously been hit by a car. Bless his soul, the poor guy, I don't think, ever saw knew what was about to happen.
Anyway...that got all three kids freaking and I swear, if they don't need counseling after this..I don't know.

So..let's get to the end of this story because I am borderline novel right about now.

The car??
As we speak it is being towed to a local transmission place, who, out of love, good hearts, compassion, are going to put in a brand new transmission....all we have to do is pay for the tranny and they are donating the labor. We won't have it back until the middle of next week...but that's cool...I will never have to worry about that beast of a tranny again.
Oh...and Karl insisted on working there as many Saturday afternoons and night as it took to help out....they told him "No, take care of your family and let us take care of your car". How cool is that??

I said it before and I'll say it again...
Those Angels of ours..they are everywhere!!

As for our well? SIGH...that's another story for another time. :0(

So, Kody's appointment for his EEG and MRI are set for Monday, March 27th. EEG is at 8:00 AM and MRI for 3:00 PM. It'll be an all day adventure, thats for sure. But hey, look on the bright side...we'll have gears!! :0)

And, a little more Kody news....well, he went to bed feeling crummy last night and woke up with a throat on fire and a fever.
Tylenol, popsicles, patience and a whole lotta lovin' is on the menu today.

And a very special THANK YOU again today to Mrs. F. who came and got Kolin for school this morning {although he had just settled down for some Spongebob time, thinking he had the day off!!} and is bringing him home this afternoon

OK...I'm off for now. I'm still working on some new pictures....I think I have a few I can put up. If you don't see any right away on the photo page, please check back tonight.
Phone keeps ringing and it's taken me since 10 this morning to get this update done. LOL!!

Later Gators!!

Love, Mama a/k/a Frazzled in Florida Bear

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 12:30 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

We're leaving in about another 45 minutes for Shands..wish us luck for a smooth ride and pray, pray, pray for nothing but awesome news, please.

I started working on some new photo's this morning, looks like I won't finish them until tonight though so keep a lookout. :0)

Welp, I still have a ton of errands to do before we head out so I better "git er' done"!!

Have a great day all....UGH...boys are trying to stomp each other, gotta run!!

Love, Doc

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1:02 PM

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~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

I just wanted to jump on here quick so ya'all didn't think I had forgotten.

Good news...

Kody woke up feeling well enough to take a day trip to an Indian reservation with his classmates. :0)
He should be back around 2 o'clock. I can't wait to hear what he's got to say...since yesterday he's been talking about all the "hot Indian girls" he'd see.
Geez...if he is like this at 10, what am I in for at 13? 16? 18? 20??
Good grief!!

Here's hoping you all have a beautiful weekend...

Love, Kim


~*~Thursday Night~*~

Hey all...

I FINALLY put up those Special Olympic photos from last Saturday...enjoy!!

I'll be back to update tomorrow morning. Since it's fixin' to be Friday real soon...I think I'll jump off and get some ZZZZZZ's.

Quick Kody news though...
He seems a little better. He's still "wobbly", and I think having small seizures. Yesterday he was smelling things that were not there. {he said it was a gross smell}. Right after he would blank out for anywhere from a few seconds to maybe 10, 15 seconds or so.

We're still set for Wednesday's Neurology appointment.

Check out our boy in pink!! :0)
He wanted that shirt for soooo long. I finally gave in and got it for him. He is a hoot...he really loves it! :0)

OK....I'm you all!!!



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Check it out...another update, COOL!!

OK...there is a reason behind this one though and that's why I wanted to jump on here quick and put in another update so quickly.

As things go in the brain tumor/hydrocephlus/seizure/shunt world...things change and they change rather quickly. Such is the case for our Bear today. :0(

For the past week, week and a half or so we've been noticing some "changes" in Kody's personality. The past couple of days brought on even more changes. Regressing to childish behavior...not bad behavior, just very imature for his age behavior...maybe more like a 5 or 6 year old then a 10 year old. He's been getting headaches more often, sleepiness, he's been so impulsive..sometimes blurting out he most embarrassing things sometimes. He's started some odd behavior....and his balance since Sunday is getting a little worse everyday.

This morning I dropped him off at school at 8:30...he was pretty excited about taking his FCAT {Florida Acheivement test}. By 9 o'clock the schol nurse called me to come and pick him up..another headache, dizziness and while he was taking his FCAT he kept "phasing out". His teacher kept having to snap her fingers in front of his face to "wake him up".

Dad Bear and I were comparing "notes" this morning and we've both silently been seeing signs and symptoms we don't like...but both hoping it was our imagination and it would subside. Unfortuently, it hasn't....

I placed a call to Neurology as soon as I came home with him and thankfully {gotta LOVE Shands ped. Neurology group!!} they called me right back within 5 minutes.
To make a long story short....Dr. Pollack {Kody's Ped. Neurologist/Seizure Doc} wants to see him. Our scheduled appointment was in April, but these changes Dr. Pollack is not liking. So......they quickest appt. we could get is for next Wednesday, March 8th at 3 PM.
We need to rule out medication, seizures and shunt failure before tumor growth/changes. Kody will most likely be getting an emergancy MRI that day. we ride this next wave, please ride it in prayer with us so that Kody's get's through this as unscathed as possible.
Thank you and bless your all's hearts bigtime. can still sign into Kody's Bravenet guestbook. There's a link above my journal entry and one at the bottom of Kody's webpage. Just as soon as I can I plan on upgrading from the free version to the pro version so that signing in will be a snap. No ad's, pop-ups, nothing in the way at all.

Still leaving this up for a while longer.....

" Thank you for the magazine cover compliments {SEE PHOTO PAGE}. I'm selling them so if you'd like one let me know. I also have baseball, basketball, football, soccer, kids magazine {colorful primary colors}, teen magazine, and a little girls magazine {lots of pink}.
These are 8X10's and print out beautifully.
Any of the wording can be changed and personalized. Please e-mail me for more info."

I'll be having some {hopefully, fingers crossed} skateboarding, cheerleading, car racing and wrestling magazine covers soon. Possibly dancing and gymnastics too. Keep checking in. :0)

Welp my friends....Kody is such a sound, peaceful sleep....I just have to do the snuggle thing {and maybe the camera thing!}...that's IF I can get Kyle James away from him....Big Brothers, are they the coolest or what?

Have a sweet day....

Love, Mama Kim Doc Chocolate Kravin' Coffee Drinkin' Bear

Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:18 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry again for the "Slacker" in me. :0(

I should be able to bounce back on here tonight for a real better update...but the condensed version of these past few days goes a lil' something like this...

Kaysha decides to get a bit of exercise walking Zeke {the dog}and ends up doing something funky and very painful to her knee. We wait a couple of days thinking it will pass..she must have twisted it and then she tells me "But Mom...I didn't twist it, the thing actually popped".
UGH..popped, huh?? So, I make a Dr. appointment and since we are in peak flu season we have to wait three days. OK, no problem, since she does start to walk a little more normal and then...BAM...or maybe I should say..."POP", the knees goes out again as she is making it across the living room.
So, we see the dr. on Friday and he tells us there is nothing he can do, we need to go to the ER and wait for an x-ray.

Fast forward...Friday at the ER....wall to wall, standing room only very, very sick people. And here we are...two healthy people walking into the middle of all this. Wondering, are we gonna make it out unscathed...hmmmm...probably not.
Welp after waiting and waiting and waiting and after hours not being able to make it into triage...we left to get the boys from school.
And, since we couldnt come back and take more healthy kids into this mess {especially Kody}...we finally were able to make it back this morning while Dad Bear was home watching his onery lil' cubs.

You know...hold on, let me back up cuz I know Mavis will correct me if I don't throw this in...

Back up a bit...

Yesterday morning Kody had his Special Olympics Track and Field meet at Tavares HS, about 25 maybe 30 minutes away. So...after taking a cab there {SIGH...yeppers, my car decided Friday night was a good night to croak} we make it...I swear just barely..OK, it is me or are cab drives CRAZY??!!

Kody and Kolin had a GREAT day...really, really GREAT!! Kolin making new friends and Kody kickin' butt in the 100 meter race and Shot Put.
Did he score?? Oh better believe he did!!
Second place in the 100 meter race and FIRST PLACE in Shot Put!!!!!
That first place ribbon, I believe, may just get him into the regionals or state meet. GO BEAR!!!!!

I started working on those photos last night, hopefully I can wrap them up tonight and post them. :0)

OK, so where was I?
I walk in from another frightening cab ride home and Kaysha informs me that thanks to internet {internet?? oh yeah...thats another story..LOL!!!}, she and a friend have diagnosed her knee problem and it looks like she only has but 12 hours left. OK...a definate shout out for "my knee hurts let's try this hospital thing again".

About 3 o'clock Dad Bear calls to say my car is fixed...YEAH!!!!

Anywhos...back to the ER this morning and the final dx. is a painful lil' something called "Patellar Femoral Pain Syndrome".
For all of you that are scratching their heads and saying "What is that??"....
Heres the Non-Doctor talk given to me on a computerized paper when we left the hospital {minus the smart comments of course}....

"Pattellar Femoral Pain Syndrome is also called patellar femoral stress syndrome or runners knee {My kid? Runner? Not a snowballs chance in h-e-double hockey sticks unless theres a great sale at Hot Topic}. Runners knee is when the patella {kneecap} rubs against the end of the femor {thigh bone} as the knee moves. This causes pain. {DUH}"

So...she is in a soft cast/brace thing...has gotten herself some trendy crutches, some pain med's {how come I can get her pain med's and not Kody? Oh, thats another wonderful story!!} and anti-inflammatory med's.
We also got as a door prize a referall to an orthapedic surgeon who just may want to stick a needle into her kneecap and scrape out the excess knee tissue stuff that is causing all this problem in the first place.

And that, my friends is our week in a nutshell.

Just keep swimming.....Just keep swimming......and while your paddling...

Love yaz all...I'll be back tonight or tomorrow, well..more then likely tomorrow since this did end up being an update, didn't it?? :0)
I am sure without a doubt I forgot to tell you all alot.

Gotta run for now though....three hungry kids does not make my computer time very happy.

Love, Mama "Doc" Bear

PS..I just have to say one more time...
FIRST PLACE...WAA-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PPSS. Thank you for the magazine cover compliments. I'm selling them so if you'd like one let me know. I also have baseball, basketball, football, soccer, kids magazine {colorful primary colors}, teen magazine, and a little girls magazine {lots of pink}.
These are 8X10's and print out beautifully.
Any of the wording can be changed and personalized. Please e-mail me for more info.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:10 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Kody's eye dr. appt. with Dr. Levine in Gainesville today went pretty well.
His eyesight itself is not better but it's also not that's cool.
His upwards glance is still not great but it is alot better then his downwards glance...which he has none of...nothing. :0(
That will most likely never, ever get better as the problem lays in his brainstem.

But...Kody is young and he is adaptable. He's learn ways to get around it this past year and a half...and I know he'll continue to do great. :0)

Welp guys and gals...I really wanted to get on here earlier so I could update propery but as usual I got all caught up in something else and now it's...SIGH...late.

The good news about that is the other thing I got caught up in is fixin' up some, let me get them up on the photo page right now.

I'll be back on tomorrow...have a great night!!

Love, Mama "Doc" Bear

Friday, February 17, 2006 9:47 PM

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~*~Sunday Morning~*~

Here he all his "life is one big party" style...

~*~Mardi Gras Bear~*~

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Luv, Kim


~*~Saturday Night~*~

Sorry...I didn't get a chance to update the photo page tonight.
I didn't realize I took soooo many today and have to go through all of them.
I'll try again tomorrow.

Later Gators...




Twenty Four Hours of Madness

Or at least the 3 1/2 hours of Mardi Gras madness we partook in was a whole lotta fun!!
Man, it felt great to just step out of the house, away from it all and P*A*R*T*Y...Party!!

Food...Fun...Entertainment...Rides...Balmy 80 degree weather...And..


Guess what?? 1000's of kids there and guess who's kid is going to be in our local newspaper?? LOL...yeppers, our Bear! :0)
The newspaper photographer, who doesn't know Kody from anyone, spotted him having the time of his life on the swing ride and couldn't help but snap a few of that face that was looking a lil' like this....


**Picture wide eyes and an even wider mouth**

I'll be working on getting some pictures up tonight sometime.

Thanks for stopping yaz!!

Love, Doc Bear


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Whatever it WAS!!
Kody is feeling much, much better and it looks like we'll be partying in the streets at Mardi Gras tomorrow.
Many, many pictures coming to the Bear's site this weekend. :0)
Thank you soooo much for the Bear Prayers..I know that's what got him on the mend so quickly.

You may notice that Kody's guestbook is out of service, just temporary, so please use Kody's Bravenet GB for now. I heard there was problems getting on Bravenet...all that seems fixed so everything should be just fine.
Sheila...if your still having troubles, please throw me an e-mail and let me know..thanks!!
The link to Bravenet is right on top of my journal entry and there is another link down at the bottom of Kody's can't miss it.

I received an e-mail about a sweet, brave and...Kody's words here...CUTE girl. Ten year old, JENNA is also a fellow brain cancer survivor. After doing real great since 2004...Jenna's cancer returned in the form of another tumor in her brain last month. She is currently recovering from her third brain surgery...the great news is that the surgery was very successful.
If ya'll have but a moment...please stop by and tell Jenna that Kody sent you. :0)

Welp...this is going to have to be a short one for tonight. My boys are catching up on their wrestling shows and they want me right there watching it with them. Oh joy! :0(

Have a beautiful weekend you all!!

Love, Kim a/k/a Doc a/k/a Mama Bear

PS. WOW, two updates in two days?? Call me "Slacker" no more!! LOL!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:00 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just real quick right now to let you all know Kody came down sick at school today and is running a fever of 100.
I know that doesn't sound like much but for a kid with a shunt and seizures...101.5 puts us right into the ER. :0(

Other then that....things keep rolling along, kind of.

I am sorry, I have been horrible at updating lately, just one thing after another keeps me jumpin' through hoops.

You know what they say though...
"Just keep swimming....Just keep swimming"

Hopefully Bear's fever will be a thing of the past because this Saturday is...
Marti Gras on Main of Leesburg's biggest parties that starts Friday night and ends Saturday night.
If all goes well, you'll find us there on Saturday afternoon, painted faces, silly hats and lots and LOTS of beads!!
Ahhhh......wait, that's where you'll find the'll find me on the funnel cake line! :0)

OK..better scoot so I can tend to Kody and then start my school pick-ups.

Thanks for stopping by and THANK YOU for all the V-Day messages and pic's...
Yeppers, that is one loved Bear!

Have a great day all..

Love, Doc Bear


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~*~Sunday Night~*~

New pictures up...I'll update tomorrow. :0)

Love, Doc


~*~Friday Morning~*~

Ladies and Gentlemen...
Mr. Monsterache has...

Looks like we are in for a great day today. Kody is in school and is visiting Leesburg High School with his class to use their track for Special Olympic Track and Field monsterache was going to stop him from going to that! :0)

Gotta tell you all one thing though...we have got to get on Kody's case and I am defiently going to be more watchful as to how Kody takes his med's everyday...or in this case, NOT taking his med's. :0(
Last night was 5 times in two weeks that we've found one of his Carbatrol {anti-seizure} pills..."hidden".
Yeppers..can you believe it, the lil' turd has been not taking his med's correctly, leaving him with not enough medication in his system which is explaining why the head wobbles, headaches, forgetfullness and sleepiness.

Soooooo...after I had a complete cow last night and am watching like and eagle every pill he takes {5 a day not including headache med.}...
one pill at a time, let me see you swallow it, move that tongue around so nothing is hidden...
Kody is now, as of this morning calling me "Doc". And he's saying it in a real...UGH...your such a mean Mom kind of way. LOL!!!

As a matter of fact..this is what happened this morning...

I drop Kody & Kolin off at school and get home. 15 minutes later the phone's Kody and this is what I heard...
Me: Hello?
Kody: Yo Doc, we have a problem..I have to cancel our lunch date today.
Me: Yo Doc?????
Kody: Yeah...well we're having lunch at the High School cafeteria so try to get along without me, OK?
Me: Ahhhh...yeah, OK..I'll try.
Kody: Alright Doc, gotta run...later.
Me: Ummmm, bye.

OK..I was kinda stunned....but Dad Bear thought it was about the funniest thing he's heard in a while.

Doc??? I WAS Mommy yesterday.

Tomorrow..if all goes well, there is a huge "Winterfest" party in Fruitland Park at a Church right next to the boys that's where we'll be found, sledding down man/machine made snow/ice hills.
Hey, it's Florida, it's in the 70's...we do what we can do. :0)

Lots of new pictures this weekend!!

Have a beautiful day all....I still have one lil' boy waiting on me to have a lunch date with. :0)

Love, Doc


~*~Thursday Morning~*~

Kody's still fighting that monsterache...keep praying that "monsterache" will....
Leave the building!! :0)

Love, Mama Bear


~*~Update at Noon~*~

Kody just came home with another nasty monsterache. :0(
He's medicated and trying his best to fall asleep...
Going to go snuggle with the Bear.
I'll update again a lil' bit later on.

Luv, Mama Bear


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

This ones for you my friend...can't have any riots starting!! LOL!!!!

First, thank you all soooooooo much for the compliments on the kids new pic's.
A photography career is a dream, a huge dream and someday I hope to make that dream into a reality. A little more work, a little more practice and a little more steps, but sometimes taking baby steps will get you there quicker.
In the meantime, if any of ya'all are in or around the Leesburg me!! We'll eat, we'll chat and we'll snap a ton of pic's...gotta have that practice, right? Truth be told, my kiddo's who were literally born with a camera in their face are starting to rebel and demand payment of some sort for all my whining about "Come on guys...just a few more". LOL...Skittles goes a long way around here so I have to keep them on hand always.

On to some "Kody Bear News"...

Our Bear is doing extrodinarly GREAT!!! He's still practicing for the newest big event in his life..Special Olympics Track and Field". Now granted, he's not going to run and jump over things but he had defiently got the running part down to an art.
Now..if I could just get him to kep his tennis shoes tied tight, the running wouldn't bother me half as bad as it does right now.

I have noticed this week some impulsiveness and forgetfullness with Kody though and it's got me a little in edge.
Here's a little example so you know what I mean...

This past Monday night we were driving home from karate class. Before we were supposed to come home I had to drop Kaysha off at Church for Confirmation class. As usual, Kaysha forgot her bible and so instead we had to drive home first to get it. In the meantime Kody fell fast asleep in the back seat. He'd of only been asleep maybe 10 minutes and while I was pulled up to the house waiting for Kaysha to get her bible...Kody woke up and before he even knew he was awake, he grabbed hold of the door handle and opened the door.
Now while this could have been a disaster...thank God it wasn't, but as I told him " did you know I was parked?" Well...he didn't and he actually has no recollection of what he did at all.
So, needless to say, the childproof locks are back on the car doors...just incase.
There was a time before this {months ago} that he thought he was putting his seatbelt on and he opened the door instead.....again, just waking up from a sleep.

His memory is getting a bit worse, his "head wobbling" is coming back and his need for extra sleep during the day is back again also.

But..all in all....that boy rocks!! Seriously, by just looking at him, you'd never know there was a problem at all.

Oh...and might I mention he is growing like crazy...his hands are officially bigger then mine {Ms. Carolyn...his hand was bigger then the tile!!} and he is only but a couple of inches shorter then me and I'm like 5'3". Man, what do I have to look forward to when he's a teen?? :0)

OK, some Kolin news...because if there is Kody news..there's always gotta be a lil' Kolin on the side.

Our lil' Wild Man has been getting some horrible headaches this past week or so. Now, Kolin is never, ever one to complain...that child always feels great and is always on the go...but not so much this week.
He has an appointment with his pediatrician tomorrow morning and we are praying that it's nothing more then needing a pair of eyeglasses. Not too unusual in our home since Dad Bear and Karyelle have been wearing spec's since they were kids probably about Kolin's age now.
Mine, on the other hand...came with classic "old age eyes". I think alot of you out there can relate to the "holding the book/newspaper/measuring cup/anything with numbers or letters waaayyyyyyyy out" routine. Yes young sure does take a bite when you turn 40.

Before I jump off of here right now...because I can hear the dogs/cats outside rioting about wanting to eat...I wanted to leave you all with some info. on a great cause that costs nothing but will bring money back into theTumbleweed Foundation Family Emergancy Fund.
All you do is download Yahoo's Good Search Task Bar for your internet browser.
Be sure to put in "Tumbleweed Foundation and Eighty Four PA" into the charity box and each and every time you use the search bar to search the web, Tumbleweed Foundation Family Emergancy Fund earns a few cents. Those few cents add up pretty quick when we all search the web.

OK my friends...I am off to face the world, or at least face a few hungry puppies. :0)

And ahhhhhhhh.....contrary to what my kid's think, no I do not want to keep any of the lil' boogers. Even though...they've already named the last boy puppy "Roscoe". I just have to keep repeating "Not keepin' any....Not keepin' any....Not keepin' any".

Have a wonderful day everyone....

Love, Kim a/k/a "The Update Slacker"

Wednesday, February 1, 2006 2:38 PM

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~*~Friday Night~*~

Hey guys and gals...

Just wanted you to know that the new pictures are FINALLY up. :0)
Sorry it took so long.'s late so I'm off to get some ZZZZZ"s. I'll update tomorrow for sure.

Love Yaz!!



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I was told this morning that riots may be breaking out on Kody's site if I don't get an udate done here we go!! :0)

The kids are doing great....staying healthy but, UGH....that virus took one more swing {actually more like a sucker punch} at us before it "left the building".
This time it took on the form of pneumonia {spelling?} and socked Mama Bear right on her butt.
Getting old{er} stinks....and I think I'll just leave it at that. :0( was great for dropping 8 pounds without I guess every cloud has it's silver lining, huh?? LOL!!!

Saturday's karate testing was without a doubt, FANTASTIC!!!!!!
What we have in our family now is one brand new green belt {Kolin} and one brand new purple w/two stripes {Kody}.
The boys kicked karate butt and made spinters out of those boards.

Since Kody was having a very "off balance" day on Saturday, it took a few times of him trying before he smashed that board...but he did it!!
Kolin threw a kick that is so difficult that I've only seen it reserved for "red belts". It took his leaving some skin on that board his first try but his second went a little like this....

His back to the board......he turns his head...the rest of his body leaps and spins...leg up...foot out and BAM....that piece of wood was history. Sounds pretty cool?? It was!! :0)

***WOW...I just realized I started this update at 9 AM and it's almost 2:30 PM...always busy, that's me*** where was I?? karate kids..well, not trying to brag or anything but those boys of mine ROCK!!

Kody's been practicing for Special Olympics "Track and Field" just about everyday. He has a big practice at Kaysha's High School on the 10th of this month and the big event is at the end of this month. I can't remember exactly the day off hand. He is soooooooo excited!!
Kody tells me that gymnastics is coming up next...LOL...that ought to be too funny, you see, Kody is alot like me....if there is anything to trip on, including dust...I'll find it and I'll trip on it.
Hopefully, with Kayara's help {she was a GREAT gymnast back in the day....still is!} he'll do just fine.

Welp ya''s time for me to get about a hundred things done around here so I can be on time to pick up Kolin from after school tutoring. The other two {Kody and Kaysha} are already home. Then it's off to drop Kaysha off at her Drama Club meeting, fetch Alona from daycare, pick up Kyle James from work and get Kody & Kolin to karate on time.

I always thought of myself as a "Stay-at-Home" kind of Mom..but it's pretty clear that title is soooooo wrong. "Stay-in-the-Car" Mom is more like it. :0)

Thank you all for stopping by...have yourselves a GREAT day!!!!!

Love, Kim

PS. In the GB is a message about a little girl named Christ Thomas...she is a beautiful girl who is in deperate need of much prayer. Her address, I believe is,

PPSS. If I don't get any new pictures put up this afternoon...I'll work on that tonight....promise!!

Friday, January 27, 2006 9:42 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

We have officially, as of today, {knock on wood!!} defeated and kicked the heck out of the stomach flu!!!!!

Everybody is back to themselves and back in school....YEAH BABY!!!

Can you all stand a little more good news?

This week we received the official word that both boys {Kody and Kolin} are ready to kick some karate butt...tomorrow morning at 10 AM there will be some kicking, punching and the sweet sound of boards breaking as Kody tests for his "purple belt w/two stripes" and Kolin for his "green belt w/one stripe".
How cool is that????
It's pretty hard to tell who is more excited...Kody, Kolin, myself or Dad Bear. :0)
Oh heck, the whole family is excited and we'll be right there cheering them on every step of the way and by tomorrow night I ought have a whole ton of new pictures to show you all.

Well guys and gals...I hate to cut this short...but I have about a billion things to do in this house this morning so that in a couple of hours I can go have my every Friday "lunch date" with my two boys at school.
But before I leave for that..I think I just may Lysol everything again just for old times sake, you know?? :0)

BTW....we're down to 4 puppies? Any takers?? LOL!!!

OK, I have to run.....thanks for stopping by!!

Love you all...


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:30 PM

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~*~Wednesday Night~*~
This morning at 12:30 AM I woke up to two words that send chills to any parent...


And so, with those two words blasting from the bathroom...this Mom, who forgot where she was sleeping, sat up quick and smashed her head once again on that *&$#!* bunk bed and ran to the bathroom to find Kody Bear all in his stomach flu glory.

And this pattern went on every 20 minutes alllllll night long...

Talk to you all soon, hopefully with a much funner update! :0)
Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I am sooooo totally convinced that Lysol wipes were the greatest thing ever invented...and Wally World rocks for selling them in the huge monster sized bulk packs.

So...can you tell we are still a tad bit flu infested? :0)

Kolin is feeling much, much a matter of fact, by Sunday morning you not not tell he had any booger bug at all.
Kyle James is on the mend...a bit slower then Kolin but getting there.
Kaysha is miserable with a capital "M".

And Kody...LOL...well, he just keeps rolling with the flow and the reason why the Lysol company is getting rich off of me this week.

However....if you can believe this...he actually went to school this morning, feeling great...walkin' on sunshine..ready to get a great start on a great day....
And.....just a couple of hours after getting there, I get a call from his school...
Kody Bear had just been exposed to the flu and pink eye all at the same time.

Soooo....I hightail it over there to pick him up as to not risk any more virus exposure, bring him home with all his schoolwork packed up and ready to go.
While I was again wiping everything touchable down with Lysol..I kept saying, "OK Kody..5 more minutes and I'll be done, we can knock out that work of yours" And for 3 more minutes I heard coming out of Karl's and my bedroom "OK Mom...take your time..I'm fine".

And.....when I was done shleppin' the ole' wipes around....this is what I found basking in a warm sunbeam that was peeking through my window...

And so I did what any good Mom would do...
Snapped a picture, squeezed that cheek you see there, kissed him and whispered "Sweet Dreams Bear".
I guess his work can wait...sometimes a Bear just needs his sleep. :0)

I am really hoping that the cold snap we are supposed to have starting tomorrow will abliviate every single lil' germ that hanging around.
I know that I will be, for sure, keeping the windows wide open tomorrow...cold or not, this bug has got to go!! :0(

Thanks for stopping by..I gotta run for now!!

Love, Kim

PS. A HUGE "Thank You" to Billy for getting Karyelle's truck back to running with heat and to Christine for all the "Wedding Talk". You know she has the best time hangin' with ya'all. Now...if we could just get her out of that nice toasty warm truck...Hmmmm??? LOL!! Take care guys!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:55 PM

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~*~Monday...Jan. 23rd~*~



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Thank you so much for the ongoing "Bear Prayers" for Michael's family, I know they appreciate it more then you'll ever know.

Last night was crazy, today was even more nuts....
Not to be outdone by his big brother....Kolin landed himself in the hospital E.R. today.
Tell this not the most pathetic "I feel like poop" face you've ever seen?? :0(

As the story goes...Kolin was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday but by dinnertime he started the fever spiking thing and by bedtime he was full blown, full throttle hurlin' all over the place.
A word of advice...never, not ever, no matter how much they beg....give a kid chocolate pudding when they are feeling queazy.

By this morning his cough had gotten "bad", to "pretty bad" to "Holy Moley..that's one heck of a hack ya got there Bud". Matter of fact, it was so bad that while trying to take his temp. this morning, he couldn't stop coughing long enough for an accurate reading...however, when it went to 104.4 and still going up...we figured it was best to pack him up and ship him off to our local ER.
They were great there at Leesburg Regional....they took his hot lil' bod in right away and since he was pretty dehydrated at that time, hooked him up to an I.V., drew some blood and socked him full of a bag of fluids.
As if this wasn't enough...they "almost" made him walk to get some chest x-rays...but, LOL...Kolin wasn't having nothing to do with "get up on yer feet lil' man"...ahhhh, nope..this lil' man has gotten alot of great tips from his brother bear and he was going to x-ray only one style and in his bed on wheels.
You know...these kids of mine are pretty smart...they know that when any adult in the place see's them layin' there, all hooked up, looking soooo sad and miserable, they are just going to suck up that attention like a chocolate Wendy's frosty....
Chocolate.....UGH....I wished I hadn't of said that, flashbacks from last night and that wasn't cool. {barf on Mommy!!} :0( make this long story short....
No ear infections, no strep infections, white blood cell count is normal, chest x-rays look good, and so we have what may be the dreaded stomach flu virus..which has been rearing it's very ugly head around Fruitland Park Elementary school like wildfire these past couple of weeks.
And..I was stupid enough to think "My kids won't get it...not with the way I douse them in Purell every 5 minutes".

Fast forward to tonight....
I.V. fluids and Zithromax are two kick butt things cuz Kolin is starting to feel alot better then last night and way better then this morning.

On the flipside of that...

Kyle James feels alot like he was run over by a semi tonight and the only thing I have seen of him is the back of him sprinting into the bathroom.

Looks like this flu thing is definetly going to make it's rounds. :0(

So far so good with Kody...a headache tonight but he still plays hard eats like a horse.
Maybe if you could, say a quick prayer for him though...if he does get it anything like I've seen with Kolin and Kyle...he may be admitted. Double UGH!!

Well guys and gals..I am off to put up some new pictures on Kody's photo page. All of them from the previous week that I have been meaning to work on and get up, I finally did it so.....enjoy!!

Have a great weekend all...

Love, Kim

Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:00 PM

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After scanning Michael's brain twice yesterday, it was found he had absoluley no brain activity at all.
Michael's parents made the heartwrenching decision to take him off life support and shorty after Michael passed away.
Please continue the prayers...Michael's family needs them now more then ever.

Michael Weidner

I've been reading all your entries...they are beautiful.
Thank you.

Love, Kim



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I'm on here real quick right now asking you all to please, please start as many prayer chains as possible for a little 10 year old boy who's name is Michael Weidner.
Here is a lil' background...

One of the ladies/photographers on a forum that I am on has a neighborhood boy named Michael whom she has known since Michael was 3 years old.

On Monday Michael's Mom went into his bedroom to wake him up and found him lifeless and not breathing.
He was rushed to the hospital and put on life support. The doctors say it will take about 3 to 5 days before his organs to start to shut down. They {the doctors} still haven't been able to determine why his brain swelled so suddenly.
Though Michael doesn't have a website, this was all so sudden, my friend, Tricia, has taken her own personal site and opened a guestbook where everyone can leave Michael's family prayers and encouragment and also see photos of Michael that she took herself not long ago.
As you can all imagine, Michael's family is in shock and completely heartbroken.
Please help us out and send prayers for a miracle to Michael.

This is where you can leave them at...

Michael Weidner

As always...please know that we thank you from teh bottom of our hearts. Love you all!!!


Monday, January 16, 2006 10:31 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Kody's still battling waves of headaches and some vomiting too. {sorry} :0(
He hasn't ran a fever so this can't be some bug he's picked up..though he says he "feels" like he has a fever, his skin is cool and he registers normal on the thermometer.
SIGH....My skater boy is snuggled up right now in my bed, where he feels the most comfortable and secure, I guess.
Please pray this isn't something brewing with that stinkin' tumor of his.

Everything else here keeps kickin'...the kids were off from school today, three day weekends are the best!

Not much else to say tonight....geez, what's up with that??

Oh...I know.....Uncle Bulldawg sent us a new friend, how cool is that?? If any of you would like to stop by Brent's page and say "Hi"...please do, and don't forget to tell him the Bear sent ya there. :0)

OK my friends...I'm off for now, my heart belongs to Kody tonight and more then anything I am just wantin' to get some snuggle time in when he's feeling so awful.

Have a wonderful night all....I'll be back on tomorrow, hopefully with news that the dreaded "monsterache" has left the building.

Later Gators!!!


Saturday, January 14, 2006 12:01 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Everything here has been rolling right along....

Kody's headaches have been getting much and there but not nearly as bad as they were in my last update.

A couple really cool things to tell you is...

Kody and Kolin are getting ready for their next karate testing coming up in 2 weeks....we should be finding out this coming week if they'll be picked for testing, Kody to advance to his "purple belt 2 stripes" and Kolin to advance from "purple belt 2 stripes" to "green belt 1 stripe".
I have to tell you...they have both been training real hard, three days a week and practicing at home's not up for me to decide but just between us, I say they are ready to rock!! :0)
As soon as they are handed the official testing'll all be the first to know.

Kyle James is joining this coming now when I say our family "kicks" cancers butt together, I really do mean it.
Now...if I could just get Kaysha more interested in joining....thet would be awesome.

Let's see..what elase??

Oh....Special Olympics training is right around the corner.
After watching Kody in PE this week, his teacher asked him if he would please participate in this years event...Track and Field. Now, ya'all know he was happy to say "YES!!!!!"

Speaking of Kody's teacher...I don't know what's up but things there have been going pretty good, even to the point that Kody enjoys going to school now. Go figure...a month ago he'd do anything and everything not to have to be there.
I had an IEP meeting last week and he's actually been improving quite a bit in school...especially math and reading, the two subjects he dreads. Right now he's up from a second grade level to a third grade. He still has the most horrible time trying to decifer math word problems...but I know he gets that from me....UGH, I hate those. :0(
His favorite subject...that would still have to be science and PE...he is awesome at anything physical or hands on. He may not be able to "keep up" with most of his peers in PE but he, as his karate teacher says, "puts his whole heart and soul into everything his does...which makes Kody a true warrior".

The puppies are doing great and man are they getting HUGE!!!
I'm off to deliver two of them today and another is being picked up over the weekend. So, that leaves us with 6. Any takers? I'll deliver!!

I'll have to apologize for the lack of updated photos today {sorry Bulldawg!!}. I've got some V-Day ones in the makins'...lots of new ideas I've been thinking of that I'm really anxious to try. Thing kiddo's are not sharing my anxious feelings and I'm running out of bribery ideas.
By the time the weekends over...I should have some up though.

***Brittney...your picture was sent off for printing...Kody picked the one he wanted to send you..please don't think we forgot. As soon as he signs it, it's yours!!***

Ok guys and gals..the computer is in demand today so I better get off of here for now.

Thanks for stopping by...Love yaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:12 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I am sooo sorry, I didn't mean to make any of you, I've grabbed a cup of coffee and am off to update right now. :0)

Kody's 4th "Kickin' Cancer's Butt" anniversay on Sunday was great...we had some beautiful weather and it really fit our celebratin' moods.

Happily, Kody was able to get by almost the whole day "headache free", but honestly for a bunch of days now he's been getting waves of headaches that come and go and are pretty intense.
Kody is not a "cryer" in any way...I mean really, that kid refuses to give into pain...but some of these headaches are even enough for him to shed a few tears.
Last evening he started up with another that hasn't gone away, he's medicated and sleeping it off, or trying to anyways.

On the flipside of that...when the headaches subside...he is feeling AWESOME!! :0)

Our next appointment is on the 24th of this month with his eye doc.
Dr. Levine is darn good at spotting problems, whether they are glasses related or tumor related, he is the best of the best...that's for sure.

Well guys and gals...I'm not going to make this real long.
Actually...I think I better swap out some pic's, but first have to downsize them, so let me get going on that, watch for them..they should be up this morning.

Have a great day everyone...Later Gators!!!


PS. THANK YOU DOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You defiently know the way to my heart!! Today, oh yeah...I am in chocolate heaven baby!! :0)

PPSS. Paloma.....our glass hutch resembles "bikes on parade", I have GOT to get all those awesome motorcycles lined up for a picture...Thank You, the boys { no actually...we ALL} love you!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:57 PM

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~*~Friday but fixin' to be Saturday real soon~*~

Mary...He's FINE!!
I will...repeat...WILL call you tomorrow, promise!!
Just an incredibly crazy day and I'll leave it at that. :0)

Have a great night all..

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I really so wanted to make this a longish update but as soon as I sat down to do one this morning, Kody's school called...UGH....headache again, this makes 2 in 2 days.
Yesterday he stuck it out and stayed but today's got the better of him.
Don't you just know soon as I get home and settle Kody down, the phone's the school again and this time it's Kolin's turn.
As pain in the butt as that may sound, it's actually a good thing...since Kolin has a headache {which is something he never gets} too...whatever it is that had ahold of Kody is more then likely just a "Back-to-School Bug". doesn't take long, does it..I mean school just started back up yesterday. :0(

Not too much else new around here after all, I really thought I'd have something, anything interesting to say but as it is...looks like life in the "K" house is a tad bit on the ole' boring side this week.

I'd like to ask you all for lots of prayers for Matthew who will be starting radiation to his brain very soon.
Actually....I would love to ask for prayers for Matthew's Mom, Andrea, who has always been a huge source of support for us, as she struggles with the decision to have the radiation. Sometimes the word of the Dr's vs. the gut feeling of a parent is the worst and wrenching feeling of all. Please pray for this family to make the right choice and to be comfortable with that choice.

Yesterday was one of those anniversay days here that we would have rather forgotten, but in hindsight it was the anniversary of the day a local Leesburg eye Dr., whom we will FOREVER hold in our highest standards, saved Kody's life by being smart enough, when examing what we {and his pediatricain} thought was lazy eye, found something seriously wrong....a brain that was so swollen inside it's skull, that our son was only within days to one week of going into a possible irreversable coma.
If it weren't for Dr. Whorly, we certainly would have lost Kody in Jan. of 2002.

That being that....the anniversary of "D-Day" or "diagnoses day" is coming up real soon too.
You see, Kody saw the eye dr. on a Friday afternoon. Because of the weekend we could get him in for an MRI until Monday evening.
On Tuesday morning, Jan 8th, 2002, I received the most devestating call of my life when Kody's ped. at the time called to tell me the results of his MRI...."Mrs. Kruppenbacher, I am so sorry but Kody does have a *lesion* in his brain."
Stupidly on my part...."lesion" didn't sound anything like "tumor" and for a moment I thought, "This can't be all that bad".
When I asked "What exactly is a lesion?" His words to me "A tumor"
And that my friends were the two words that made me fall to my knees and cry like a baby. I didn't think it was possible for a heart to hurt that bad...but as too many of you is possible.

As soon as I hung up, I called Karl...I will never know the whole impact that news had on him as I wasn't there, but rather, on the other side of the phone across town, but I can tell you from the people he worked with that day and the customers that witnessed him...he would have been in less pain if someone would have reached right into his chest and pulled his heart right out.
I can also tell you that after the crying stopped...the dumpster in the back parking lot took quite a beating. :0)
It was right then that Dad Bear walked into the shop, declared that he is NOT going to lose his son, got on his bike and rode home to spend every single moment with his Bear, vowing to not lose this fight but silently knowing in his heart that our 6 1/2 yr. old son could be taken from us quickly.
That day was one of the very few that I have witnessed my husband cry in pain.

That day was filled with phone calls, but the one phone call that stunned us and made reality hit the most was the one that told us "We've made you an appointment with a ped. brain surgeon at Shands Hospital in NOT miss this appointment, they will be waiting for you as soon as the clinic opens at 8 AM".

Later that day {Tuesday}, we went back to the eye dr's to pick up Kody's MRI & radiology report.
When we walked into the room where Dr. W sat, holding Kody's MRI..words cannot describe what we saw.
Here he was, a man who days before was a complete stranger to us, holding in his hands our childs future....with no words and with tears in his eyes, he handed Kody's films and preliminary radiology. report over to us.

We tried to keep it together, we really did...I in stunned, shocked silence and Karl asking questions...needing answeres so badly.
The one answer we wanted to hear, "Kody will be fine" never did come.
Instead we were told "All of us are praying for Kody".
We were also told if you had to pick a spot on your body to have a tumor, this was "the worst possible location".

We walked into our car and drove home trembling, holding those films and a single white sheet of paper with our son's name and the words "malignant brainstem glioma" highlighted on it.

Wednesday morning was cold, really cold for Florida..or maybe it was just "chilly" but the ache inside of all of us was taking it's toll and making the weather seem much worse then what it was...maybe not though because I remember seeing frost in Gainesville and in an attempt to make Kody smile {who's head was pounding}, I told him it was snow.
At 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, Jan. 9th 2002 we were sitting in the office of Dr. Pincus, who I humbly call "the greatest man on Earth".
Within 3 minutes of examing Kody...we were told he would need surgery immediatly...and that immediatly would be scheduled for the very next morning at 7 AM, Shands first surgery of the day.

Thursday, Jan. 10th 2002...Karl and my 22nd anniversary of the day we met {ironic, coincidence or fate that we met around 7 AM}...our beautiful son was being whisked away for his first of three brain surgeries {so far}.
9 hours later we were finally able to see him, tiny, full of tubes, sick, frail, with small bandages on his forehead covering the drill holes from the screws that held down his "halo".
I have never felt so alone and helpless in my life as I sat vigil next to Kody, holding his small hand, resting my head close to his chest to hear his heartbeat, to feel him breathe, waiting for him to wake up, as I did that night.

Friday, Jan, 11th....sometime very early in the morning, Kody started to wake late morning he was chewing on ice chips and munching on ice pops, by that afternoon he was demanding cheeseburgers and chocolate milk...LOL...the steriods were starting to kick in for sure.
On Saturday he flirted with one of his young blonde nurses...and as you all can imagine...
The rest is history. :0)

To say these past 4 years have been nothing short of a roller coaster ride would be summing it up pretty mildly...the ride keeps going up and it keeps going down, some corners are sharp, some falls are steep...but we keep those safety belts buckled snuggly at all times cuz we know the ride probably isn't over just yet. Sometimes those roller coasters stop briefly and then start back up with vengence again. any well maintained ride...there is an end and in my dreams...that end see's Kody going on to live a very full, happy and healthy life....full of laughter, love, hope and promises of a new tomorrow.
After all..that's what dreams are made of, aren't they?

Summing up {or finally ending...LOL!!} this update, which started off with what, a paragraph and ended being another of my famous, "mini novels" is that on this Sunday, January 8th.....
While you are eating dinner with your family, get your favorite drink and lift your glass as we all toast Kody's "KICKIN' CANCERS BUTT FOR 4 YEARS" anniversay...


Have a totally rockin' day all...

Love, Kim

PS. A few new pic's up....there will be plently more just as soon as I get 10 minutes to downsize and collage them....they should be there by tomorrow.

PPSS. Thank you all for asking about Baby Alex...he came home two days ago and is doing really great. He is on Fenabarbetrol {spelling is wrong, I know}, antibiotics and round the clock tylenol.
Ends up his seizure was caused by an ear infection. Can you believe it?
Keep the prayers up though please because he is having a heck of a time adjusting to everything that happened to him {he's only 21 months old} and the side effects of the seizure medication.

PPPSSS....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM/GRAMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK...back to my sicko's...Love yaz!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 11:26 PM CST

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just a quick note to let you know we're doing great, just trying to fit alot into the last couple of days of vacation.

I will update in the morning just as soon as my house becomes mine again...well, as mine as 9 puppies walking over and on top of anything will allow.

Back to school for the "K" kids tomorrow, I am really going to miss them, is that crazy or what?

Love yaz!!


Friday, December 30, 2005 4:11 PM CST

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~*~New Years Eve~*~

Great news!!!
Alex is awake and it seems there are NO signs of brain damage!!!!!!!!!!!
What a wonderful start to 2006, don't you agree? :0)
He's scheduled for an EEG but because of the holiday weekend may not get one today or tomorrow so they are keeping him admitted for observation until that is done. Thank you so much for all the prayers...see they are definetly working bigtime!! last favor for 2005...

As alot of you will remember, Jan. 1, 2003 was a day that will always be remembered with so much sorrow.
I think many of you were around in the days when Caring Bridge was on fire with the plans of a future marriage for the two most biggest internet lovebirds, Ashley and Kody.
The two of them would share GB love notes and word had it that Kody actually proposed and that the plans were to marry at Jesse James Monster Garage. :0)
Sadly, Kody and Ashley's story came to a heartbreaking end when 5 year old Ashley passed away of a brain tumor.
Kody was beyond crushed, he was heartbroken, for the longest time his beautiful, fiesty spirit was broken. He asked for us to place "Tears in Heaven" on his site for Ashley but he could never sit and listen to it without crying himself.
This was Kody's first experience with love and his first experience with hurt him so bad.

That night Kody took a candle outside so he could talk to his Ashley one last time and on a whim I grabbed the camera and went with him.
Though it was pitch dark out and I couldn't see a thing through the lens I pointed that camera and to my surprise this is the picture that came out...

Isn't it beautiful?

On January 1, 2004 at 1:15 PM Ashley earned her little pink with Harley flamed Angel wings. Although she took a piece of all our hearts with her, it was Kody's heart and soul that went the most.
If you could, please stop by Angel Ashley's site and send her beautiful family warm wishes and encouragement as this day will be a difficult one for them.
There will also be a balloon release and or candle ceremory and we would love for all of you to participate tomorrow.

When you stop by Ashley's site, you'll also find two "Hug-a-Meters" for her sister and brother and also a poem that Kody wrote himself and requested that it be put with Ashley in her casket so she could keep it forever until the day they meet again.
I have to warn you all..this poem was written in it's entirety by Kody at the age of won't know whether to cry, laugh or both....true Kody style. :0)

Thank you all so much!!

Welp, it looks like midnight is right around the corner and I've got 2 boys, 1 girl and that girls friend over tonight to bring in 2006...LOL...let's all hope that I can stay awake because they are sugared out and I know without a doubt they will have no problem at all keeping those peepers open.

Before I jump off...I'd like to share with you Kody's "Resolutions List for 2006" goes....

1. Be as good as posubl {possible}.
2. I resolve to do a kik {kick} flip and a 619.
3. Mack {make} a dolr {dollar}.
4. Love Mommy to a hole {whole} new perspective.

***He is a hoot***

And this is mine...

1. I resolve to help Kody with his spelling more.
2. To catch that kick flip on film.
3. To get on track with that photography career I've been dreaming of.
4. To love my Bear and everyone else in this Krazy "K" family to a whole new perspective!!

And this last thing here is from the Bear himself....crank up the speakers!!



Love Kim


~*~Saturday Morning~*~

Happy New Years Eve!!!

Thank you all so, soooooo much for the prayers, offers to help out and outpouring of "Bear Love" for baby Alex.
You are all the BEST!!!!
With that, here is the latest update which I received late last night....

When Alex was orginally brought to hospital number 1 by ambulance, the seizure wouldn't come under control so he was airlifted to St. Josephs Childrens Hospital in Tampa.

The doctors at St. Joesphs told Alex's parents that hospital #1 had overdosed him on Valium, apparently in an attempt to stop the seizing, however, the baby had enough valium in him to take down an adult. :0(

Alex was admitted in the PICU at St. Joesphs and was able to be extubated last night and was breathing on his own.

They did a Cat Scan and I believe the plan is for an MRI to be done today while Alex is still in a heavy sleep.

So far, what the doctors are thinking is that Alex has something called a "Roto Virus" and that this virus can be fatal to babies and toddlers.
Where he may have picked it up, nobody knows but he was in daycare for one day a couple of weeks ago.

That's about all I know for now...oh, the seizures? They seemed to have subsided..Thank God!! :0)

Please keep the prayers coming, I know they appreciate them tremendously and of course, I'll print out every message ya'all send for them. What a great "baby book" page!! :0)

Now...for a lil' Kody news..
You all ready for some good news to start off 2006 with??

Here goes....

Yesterday Kody decided the weather was too sweet to stay inside and video game his day away so he put on his helmet, grabbed his Bam board and outside he flew...

That boy of mine had the most {pardon my language} KICK BUTT SKATING DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!

He was totally on the money, skating fast, skating hard, up ramps, down ramps, putting on quite a was awesome, totally awesome!!
you know, for the first time in years...seeing him yesterday so happy with himself, I was able to finally think to myself, "Hey, this kid is going to be OK".
It was a great feeling, let me tell ya!! :0) is beautiful and he is itchin' to be back outside on his board...this time, I'll take some pictures..LOL!!

Have a beautiful day all...and of course, a VERY HAPPY, SAFE AND HEALTHY 2006!!!!!

Love you all...

Kim more thing, new pictures up today!!


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Today I am asking you all for a huge favor....

We need prayers and lots of them...PLEASE!!

This afternoon our daughter, Kayara, and a friend were on their way South to spend the weekend on the beach somewheres around the Tampa area {I think?}.
As they were driving down I75 Kayara's friend's 21 month old son, Alex, went into a full blown seizure.
Alex is a healthy little boy, not sick and this was of course, real scary for all of them.

They were able to pull over and call an ambulance and Alex stopped breathing.

They got him breathing again and the ambulance showed up and he was brought immdietly to the nearest hospital.

The latest news as of a little while ago is that Alex's seizures will not stop despite all the drugs they have given him and he was being airlifted to a hospital in Tampa.
I am assuming and praying that it is All Childrens...they are the best there.

As you can imagine this is just awful...we are so worried and Kayara is doing her best to keep it together for her and her friend.

As I type this Kody is beside himself...crying and so worried about little Alex.

I will update as I find out more...please, PLEASE start as many prayer chains as possible.

As always...we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
Love, Kim

Monday, December 26, 2005 9:10 PM CST

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~'s my update, long over due. :0)

Thank you to everyone who left us with Merry Christmas messages....our day was GREAT!!
Extremely low key...just alot of toys, laughing, picture taking, eating, napping and of course, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the "bag a' batteries/toolbox/some assembly required line".

There are plenty of new pictures up tonight so you all can get an idea of our weekend.

As for Kody News....he's been feeling really, really terrific!! :0)
He even went outside today to do a little skateboarding. Kolin, on the otherhand, tried his new inline skates, which was of that craziness will be up in a few days.

Well my friends, I really hate to cut this short tonight by my keyboard is going nuts on me and before I lose this update completely I better get it up.

Oh, before I go I have to tell you, the puppies in two weeks have tripled their size {yeppers, I said tripled!} and have officialy started opening those peppers yesterday. These past few days we've been finding a bunch of them on all fours and in other rooms...LOL..I guess the fun starts now!!

Ummm...OK, so the keyboard stopped bonkin' out, looks like I can still update.

What else is new here?
Christmas Eve mass was awesome and the boys sang like cute lil' out of tune Angels. Especially Kolin who was without a doubt, the loudest Angel in the chior.

We made a quick pass after mass to Christmas Tree Lane, a real sweet retirement community in Leesburg who's homeowners deck out to the max, their property for folks like us and hundreds {no, more like thousands} of others can drive through the neighborhood and check out the lights and deco.
Every night Mr. and Mrs. S. Claus is there to meet and greet and every night that we've been there {8 times I think?} they have shaken Kody's hand who by the way, swears to me that the Claus' are celebritys.
It is an awesome treat and I have to tell you, there is soooo much to see that every time we go back, we find things that we hadn't seen before.
Our favorite this year....the water sking Santa and his speed boat riding reindeer.
I'll have to put up some pic's so you can all see for yourself. :0)

After that we came home to the traditional Italian seafood dinner...well OK, not 100 percent traditional because we ate at 7 o'clock and not midnight and we had shrimp scampi instead of 6 different kinds of fish/shell fish.

And after the kids put on their PJ's and waited patiently for Dad/Grammpa to read "The Night Before Chistmas" we had another visitor who read to them'll have to check out the picture page for that! :0)
Here's a little hint though, Alona's face was priceless and she kept turning to Kolin and saying "I think it's Grammpa, Kolin"

YIKES, my keyboard is typing out 3'3s by the 33333333hun3dreds, I 3better finish this tomorrow, SORRY! :0(

Love you all

Sunday, December 25, 2005 12:17 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

From all of us at the "K" each and every one of you....

We wish you a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas!!
May "Santa" bring you every wish you could ever dream of.

With that....I am off to play somemore, laugh somemore and of course, snap somemore pictures!! :0)

Till tomorrow...Love you all!!

~*~Kim and the Entire "K" Family~*~

Saturday, December 24, 2005 9:33 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Happy Christmas Eve!!

I'm off to take the boys to chior practice for tonight's mass so I'll update later on...

Till then I've left some new pictures up, hope ya'all like them!! :0)

Love, Kim

Monday, December 19, 2005 1:33 PM CST

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

New pictures are up tonight...

By the way, the "dead mouse" thing was the computer clicky thing, not a real dead mouse.
LOL...I GOTTA watch what I say. :0)

CJ {a/k/a one of two of our most BEST medical insurance blunder fixers}...Hey girl, please do me a huge favor and e-mail me your address...we have something small to send you. TY!!!

Have a great night all....

Love, Kim


~*~Monday Night~*~

Finally.....Back again!!

OK, where to start?
Karyelle flew in last Sunday afternoon....I wish you could have all seen Kody's face at the airport when he saw her come down the was priceless!!!
That girl got some mega "Bear Hugs" that day!!
Have I ever mentioned how totally bonded those two are? :0)

The entire week seemed to go by in a blur....we tried to really get as much fun time together as we could....but, the weather for the most part this past week didn't cooperate much and what we did was just spend good old fashioned family time with each other and to be honest with you....even a day at Disney could not have meant more to all of us then to just be together again, you know? pretty crazy thing did happen on the Sunday Karyelle came home.
Keep in mind, Molly {Karyelle & Kody's dog} had been looking a bit on the chubby side lately, but since the vet told us she wouldn't be in heat until December...we really thought we had just been overfeeding her, which we definetly been guilty of more then once.

So, we come home and Karyelle says "Where's Molly?"
Since Molly had been digging her way under the house these days, we called her but she wouldn't come out. So, we went inside to settle in, eat dinner, clean up..thinking Molly would come out when she was hungry like she always does.
When she wouldn't come out Kyle crawled underneath and found her....
Well....he actually found her and some mini-Molly's.
Ahhhhh.....yeah, puppies. :0)

So, things went a little like this...

Kyle: "Oh My God....there's PUPPIES under here!!"

Me: "What?????"

Kyle: "PUPPIES MOM...Quick get me a pillow case"

Me: "'s a pillow case and hey....KAYSHA, get your butt under the house and bring Kyle the pillow case cuz your like, the only one that will fit"

Kaysha: "UGH.....What did I do to deserve this??"

ME: "Kaysha, listen Kyle is under the house and he needs our help and....."

Kyle: "MOM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Me: "Kaysha just get your butt under there now please!!"


OK, so right about now...Kaysha scoots under the house, pillow case in hand"

Karyelle: "Ohhhhhh....I am a Gramma!!!!"

Me: "Give me strength Lord"

Kyle: "Ok, I have 4 7....HOLY **BLEEP** there's NINE PUPPIES!!!!"

Me: "Oh Lord, give me a Malibu Rum"

Karyelle: "Oh no, I can't touch'll ruin my nails"

Kaysha: "YOUR nails, what about MY shirt??"

Kyle: "Will you people move so I can get these puppies in the house???" Kyle gets all nine pups and Mama Molly inside, on a blanket and sweetly settled onto our living room floor.

And since Dad Bear was conviently sleeping through all of this, imagine what we were thinking as we were plotting how we were going to break this to him.
Better yet...what was he going to say when he woke up in the morning and finds nine little puppies right next to "his chair".

Welp, we didn't have to plan and plot for long because about an hour later, Dad Bear woke up, walked into the living room and we yelled "Surprise"!

What did he do??
Well, what any cool Dad Dude does at a time like that...
He shook his head, walked into the kitchen, grabbed a handful of cookies, walked back into the living room, shook his head again, walked around Molly and over the puppies and went right back to bed.

Anyone out there want an adorable, fat puppy?? Free to good homes!! :0)

The rest of the week was spent having Santa pic's taken at the mall, watching movies, playing outside {when the weather cooperated}, and cuddling those puppies.
Did I mention how cute they are?
So cute that I really think they would make a GREAT just in time for valentines Day gift!!

This Sunday it was take Karyelle back to the airport and say "Good-Bye" until ther summer.
If I told you all everything went well I'd be lying so let's just say Karyelle, Dad Bear and I were a basket case at that dumb escalator again as we said "Bye" and watched our oldest fly the coop once again.

As for Kody?? He is still a pretty sad Bear.
He really misses his sister. :0(

But...the good news is that Christine and Billy {remember them? Karls' oldest son and finace`} will be here for a week in about a week.
Kolin is the one who is really, REALLY looking forward to that. :0)
Those two really have a pretty cool great is that?

The kids started their Christmas vacation this week and they've been a handful already, believe me.
Kody's plans for winter break?
Seriously, that's what he wants to do and that's pretty much what he's been doing...hibernating as we like to say.
Heck, he even told MARY tonight on the phone that sleeping was his priority the next two weeks.

Well guys and gals...I think I'm going to get going.
The boys are watching Monday Night Raw and I'm sure they'd think I'd be pretty cool if I watched some of it with them.

If I don't get the new pictures up by tonight, they will be up tomorrow so please check back.

Thank you all for stopping by...Love Yaz!!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Our update will be here by tonight...that's a promise!!

It has been a real, real busy week trying to pack in as much family time as we could while Karyelle was here, so that's where all of of time has gone into.

Last night I went to update and found a dead mouse on our computer problem quick trip to Office Depot this morning and all is well once again. :0)

Anywhos....I have a million chores, phone calls, and errands to run right now so look for that update with new pictures, the works....coming tonight.

Love you all..thanks for waiting!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:33 PM

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~*~Really Late Wednesday Night~*~

Camp Boggy Creek Winterfest photos are up tonight!!
More pic's from our week coming real soon...
Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Guess who's back??
Karyelle's back!!! :0)

She flew in from New York on Sunday and...SIGH...will be flying back out this Sunday. :0(
Looks like we'll have to celebrate a "mini Christmas" this week because there is no way she'll be able to be back on Christmas Day, actually...there's no way we'll see her again until maybe sometime this summer.
Let's not mention this to Kody Bear though because that one throught just tears him up.

Needless to say, we've been trying to pack in as much together time as possibly...and trying to squeeze in 20 days worth of quality time in 6 days is turning out to be not as easy as it sounds.
Tonight...we are all exhausted...but, it's a good kind of exhausted. LOL!!

We have sooo many new pictures to share, I haven't even had a minute to work on them so in the next day or so, for those Camp Boggy Creek Winterfest photos..they came out too cute.

***Note to Brittney***
We haven't forgotten our "One Millionth" friend....MamaBear's camera decided to act pretty ugly for a couple of days. All seems well now but with everything going on here, we've been going a lil' nuts.
Your 8X10 will be flying out to you real soon though and that's a Big Bear Promise!! :0)

Well my friends....I'm going to get going here tonight, we've got another very busy day tomorrow and we all need some sleep..badly! :0(

I can tell you this though, as for Kody Bear news...
Having his big sister/best friend here this week is exactly what the doctor ordered. He has been feeling great, smiling, laughing, funny as all heck, and having the time of his life.
This is what he said to me "My Christmas wish came true this week".
He only had one breakdown so far and that was at Wal-Mart today when he picked out a WWE wrestling figure guy and wanted to hide it in the back of the shelf so nobody else would buy it. Karyelle saw what he was doing and right away said "Bear, you take that out..I will buy that for you, but you cant open it until Christmas".
Kody was sooo happy but he looked at me and said "I'll put it back if you think I should". Welp, I told him "No way Bear...let your sister spoil you while she's here"
SIGH...that "while she's here" part totally got to him and he had himself a lil' cry right then and there.
Happily, it didn't last long when Karyelle said "Don't cry and I'll get you a corn dog too!!!!!!"
LOL..that's all Kody needed to hear..I swear that boy lives for deep fried corn dogs. {they sell them at the entrance to our Wal-Mart...and proceeds go to, kids with cool is that??}.

I'll be back in the next day or so with lots more news, lots more events and lots more up and coming bigtime cool news that I hope will really make alot of happy time memories for many.

Thanks for stopping by......have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:21 PM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~


I'll be back on you all!



~*~Thursday Morning~*~


Be sure to e-mail me at: with your home/shipping address and within the next week your celebrity photo will be hanging in your home!!

WOW...this is too cool, I never thought that overnight we'd see 1,000,000!! :0)

One more thing this morning that I totally flopped at mentioning last night {blame it on middle age} is CARING BRIDGE.
Without the wonderful Caring Bridge staff where would we all be?
One of the most greatest gifts of all is the friendships and family we have made these past few years through caring Bridge.
One of the most greatest honors of all would be to have a donation made in Kody Bear's honor to CARING BRIDGE. That one donation will keep the "Bridge" of friends, family and support going strong.
That just does a heart good you know. :0)

Have a great day all...stay warm as we Florida peeps try to stay dry today.

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I'm back!!!

OK....let's see....hmmmmmm, where to start?

Kody news? Sounds as good as any to here goes...

Seems Kody's seizure on Monday was brought on by Tuesday's tonsillitis. Right before the telltale tonsillitis symptoms rear their ugly haed, Kody's immune system takes a pounding which in turn messes up his med's and breakthrough seizures occur.
But...the Augmentin is kicking butt and he hasn't had any breakthroughs since then. Matter of fact, he's feeling much better and is off to school tomorrow.

Kolin ended up with the achey/cruddy thing this morning but luckily since he doesn't have any tonsils, he never ended up being anything more then "miserably cranky".
And....since he was such a cranky butt today...he's going to school tomorrow too!! :0)

Since Kody and I had a couple of days together to bond we talked some about the upcoming particular, gift giving.
He is making it real impossible to get an answer out of when asked "What would you like Santa to bring" {Yes, he still believes....well, let me repharse that...his "believing" is hanging on by a thread and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get at least another year out of childhood innocence}.

Many, many of Kody's fans love to spoil him and I've been asked what he wants. Truth is...and this comes from Kody himself, he does NOT want anything for himself. What he does want is for his fans to share the Christmas spirit the Kody Bear way and adopt a child/family from SHARE THE LOVE. His goal this year is to see more sites creep up to that one million hit mark. That would really make him happy.

Another thing that he would love for Christmas is to ask you all, like he did for his birthday, to please, please, PLEASE run to your local Humane Society and supply the hungry, abandoned animals who live there with food, treats and love.
If there is any room in your heart and your home....Kody asks to please consider adopting a new pet.
And if you think this can't possibly all come from a 10 year old...remember, this is not any ordinary 10 year old..this is Kody.
The picture on top of Kody's site today was put together by him!! Really!!
He asked to have that photo taken because he wants the whole world to know that he and Molly are asking you to do this for him instead of sending him a Christams gift this year.
And, like he said to me "How can you say no to a cute face like that??" LOL!!!

Other then that...he actually did make a Christmas wish list after some prodding....
It went something like this...

#1 Meat
#2 Summer Sausage
#3 Lots of fruit
#4 Karyelle to come home
#5 Santa to come
#6 You too Mom
#7 To skate
#8 A pogo stick

***A Pogo Stick?? Yeah right!!***

He is a trip, isn't he??!! :0)
He definetly has developed that "Kruppenbacher Love of Food". LOL!!

OK...let's talk "shopping" for a little while...
Guys...don't stop on...
Gals...Your gonna LOVE this part!!

The malls are packed, parking spots are scarce, lines are long, but....I've found a few places that you can shop at right in teh comfort of your very own computer.
Now, these are no ordinary places..but places, in my opinion..worth spending some $$ at.
All these places give back to our most precious gifts, our children. OK, let me explain...

Stop by CLAIRE"S BOUTIQUE and you will find some awesome purses, wallets and keychains. These are not just everyday purses and such but are called "The Handbags of Hope", inspired by the story of Hope Elizabeth Strut, a 12 year old girl with cancer.
When you purchase these "Hope" products, a portion of the money goes right back to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Many, many children with life threatening illnesses are watching their dreams unfold right before their very eyes because of the popularity of these beautiful products.

Something else I mentioned in a recent journal entry is the CANDLELIGHTERS HERO BEADS.
A portion of the monies from the sale of Candlelighters products goes right back to our "Hero's", our cancer children.
The starter kit for the "Hero Bead" necklace is priced at a very resonable $5.00 and "hero beads" run anywhere from 10 cents to $1.75.
Each bead represents a diagnoses, a procedure, a hospital stay, life flight, remission, and much, much more. As you can imagine, each Hero necklace is unique and original and really...they are just plain out cool!! :0)

***Think Stocking Stuffer***

Next we have two local organizations that are extremely dear to our hearts...and when I say "local", I'm talking Caring Bridge local.

First is our 2006 Cancer Fighters Calender featuring many of our bravest Caring Bridge kids and also filled with the artwork of the ones that get pushed to the backburner way too often.....our CB Kids SIBLINGS!! :0)
The monies raised through the sales of these incredible calenders goes right back to Caring Bridge kids, Angel families and siblings. Whether it be a t-shirt, hat, ornament, poster...Our sweetest friend, Helen, works way into the night most nights making sure those who cannot afford a "Kickin' Cancers Butt" item, will find one in their mailbox. are the QUEEN of Caring Bridge and we love ya girl!!!!
You an also find the link to the calender on top of my will be a flashing blinkie.
Helen's site can always be found at "Kody's Kool Page II", also on top of the journal.

Last but never least brings me to THE TUMBLEWEED FOUNDATION.
Shop at the Tumbleweed store for t-shirts, magnets, bracelets and tonz of cool stuff, and no that the $$ you spend is going right back to the Tumbleweed families who need it the most. Bills, wishes, emergancies...when there is a need...Tumbleweed is there to care and to help.
While your there anyway...take a minute and drop Mary a line....this "Wild Woman" {Not wild, wild...Ok, more like Slow Down Girl Wild!!} is CRAZY about our children and has granted the wishes of sooooooo many, Kody included!! Yeppers..Tumbleweed is where Kody's beloved "Bam" skateboard and X-Box came from.
Also...siblings are always included in the spoiling. As a matter of fact, I've three kids who would have a coranary if anything ever happened to their "personal Tumbleweed fleece blanket"
And while your there bidding Mary some warm wishes..don't forget the many volunteers who keep Tumbleweed running everyday.


I know this may be a tough time for so many, money can be tight all year round and there is never enough to go around...well fear not my friends!!
Thank you soooo much to Eva from Werbe Racing for telling me all about something you will all love that not only is heartwarming and free, but it's also something that I think is perfect for this time of year when so many of us are rushing, running and trying to cram 40 hours worth of things into a 24 hour day.
Please click on LIGHT A CANDLE. Light a virtual candle and send a prayer as a tribute to anyone you would like. Don't forget to keep your code to share with the one you lit the candle for so they can see their message from you. The candles stay lit for 48 hours.

In our home we are about to enter into something that is pretty darn exciting!
Check out Kody's hit counter at the bottom of this page and you'll see that very soon Kody will be blessed with ONE MILLION HITS!!!!
Yes sir...that's a big one million!! And to think, we were partying when that thing went to 1000!! :0)
Pay real close attention to that counter because lucky 1,000,000 is in for a one of a kind super treat.
If you are person 1,000,000 please let us know because showing up at a mailbox near you, with your name on it will be a 8X10 personalized autographed and framed photo of Kody Bear. And, to make this even a bit more special...the picture will be printed one time only for the 1,000,000th visitor. After that, that one photo will be "retired", never to be printed for anyone else again, wellll...except Mom of course. :0)

I'd like to give a shout out and a BIG "Thank You" to Mrs. Joan, one of Kody's biggest fans for providing me with an e-mail packed with info. about "Tourettes Syndrome". We are still awaiting the referall for Kolin's Neuro. appointment and because of the medical ins. flub up again, we may have to wait until January.
But...I've have alot of homework and research to do and Joan lovingly provided me with every source I could possible need to get my homework done the right way.
Thank you again Joan!!!!

Before I jump off I have got to ask thsi one crazy thing..really, you will think I've lost my mind but I am desperate!
Where in the world can I find "My Chemical Romance" action figures?? This, as lots of you know with teenage girls is like the "hottest" band around and supposely they have some action figures out in December and I'm kind of going on the nuts side trying to figure out where to find them at?
Anybody have teenage kids out there that can ask for me??

Ok guys and's getting way late and if I'm not mistaken...I've just written a small book...LOL..see what happens when coffee at 6 o'clock sounds too good to pass up.
Can we all say WIRED!!!!! :0)

I'll be talkin' to you all real soon...Camp Boggy Creek Winterfest party on Saturday...lots of new pictures will be coming from there but in the meantime I've updated the picture page with some new ones....ENJOY!!

Oh...and speaking of "Cool Pix", have I got some good news in the very near future...this is gonna be great! I just have some loose ends to tidy up and I think alot of parents are going to have something original and cool to look forward to. That's all I'm going to say for now...I LOVE surprises...LOL...especially when I'm on the surprise secret keeping end!! :0)

Love you all...


Monday, December 5, 2005 2:30 PM

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~*~Wednesday Afternoon~*~

New pictures up!!
I'll get back on and update tonight....crazy day with two sick boys. :0(

Love, Kim


~*~Tuesday Afternoon~*~

The verdict is in...


WOW, I never thought I would be so happy to hear that word. LOL!!

Looks like it's Augmentin to the rescue and Bear will be back to his totally awesome cool self in a couple of days...just in time to make his "Arabian Knights" school field trip to Orlando on Friday and our Camp Boggy Creek "Winterfest" party on Saturday.

New pictures coming soon and I have sooooooo much to share but I'll leave that until my next update cuz I gotta have some Bear time right about now.

Oh...and continue to make some more important phone calls...I just found out this morning through Kody's PCP that it seems Kody's insurance switched him to an HMO that Shands does NOT except.


So, as of Dec. 1st Kody is no longer eligible to be a patient of Shands.

CJ...I know you know this doesn't make for a very happy Mama Bear and so far I've have nothing but "buttheads" on the phone passing the "it's not our problem" buck around.

And, since Kolin is on the same HMO....I can't get him into Shands either for his Neuro. visit. :0(

OK...I'm outta here for now.

Thanks for stopping by...Have a GREAT day!!

Love, Mama and Kody Bear's


~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

WAA-HOO.....Kody woke up with a sore throat!!!!

OK...before you all think I've lost my mind...this is a good thing, really it is. :0)

Sore throat means tonsilitis...
Tonsilitis means his immune system is low....
Low immune systems brings on breakthrough seizures....
The seizures will go away just as soon as some antibiotic takes the crud away.

Sounds simple, right?
RIGHT!! :0)

OK..I better run, be back later.

Love you all...



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I promise I will do an update later's been a crazy day and I really wanted to get you all updated this morning, but...SIGH...that didnt happen.

Kody had a seizure in school today...he's home right now wanted soooo bad to sleep off the headache and fatigue his seizures bring but I really have to get him in the car in a minute and pick up Kaysha from school...then pick up Kolin...luckily Kaysha can mind Kody while I am gone getting Kolin.

Lots of things kind of have got us a lil' down lately...
Just keep swimming...just kep swimming.

Mary...I am so sorry I missed your call again, KEEP TRYING!! :0)

OK, I better run...I'll be back on tonight but it'll be late because Kaysha has a special Confirmation class tonight in which I need to be there for...then come home, get homwork done, baths done, and try my best not to let the boys watch the whole two hours of Monday Night Raw Wrestling on TV.
You know...who am I kidding, that's something I've yet to accomplish. LOL!!

Love you all...


Thursday, December 1, 2005 9:36 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Baby...It is COLD outside..and I am not kidding!! :0)
Seriously...tonight is going to be the coldest of the season....bundle up and hunker down with the coffee pot weather for sure. LOL!!

This week has just gone by wayyyyyy too fast and I realized {OK, after some not so subtle prompting} that I need to update tonight.
Let's see...what new? What's new?

Oh....welp, we have tonsillitis running rampid today. It's been a not feeling great at all week for Kaysha that ended up turning to tonsillitis this morning.
Kody is so far, so good but had another headache in school and another one tonight. I seriously hope it's not something creeping up on him.

This Saturday morning starts children's chior practice for Christmas Eve Mass at our church. The boys are going to be singing...and let me tell you..they have been brushing up on their Christmas song much that a few times this week I've had to have them go outside and practice so all the neighbors can hear too..with the door closed, the windows closed, the vacumn running......
I wouldn't want them to spoil me too much with their crooning.
Have I ever told you all that not a one of my kid's can carry a tune in a bucket? HA...but they do try...oh boy, do they try!!

Speaking of many of you are wondering what to give that special "Hero" in your life? Something different, something you just can't pick up at the mall?
Well...let me let you all in on a lil' secret...this is just way to cool.
Then click on "Store" and then check out the "hero" beads and necklace set.
For $5.00 you can get a starter set with necklace lace and 3 beads including the childs {or adults} name. Beads sell for as little as 10 cents to $1.75 each. may be wondering....OK, so whats so special about this necklace? What is so special is that each bead represents a procedure, a dignoses, a scan, a surgery, a ICU/PICU stay, an airflight, a relapse, a remission, a wish trip......
There are soooooooo many I couldn't possibly name them all right here.
So....go on over and shop....10 percent of what you spend goes right back to our cancer kids in many ways through Candlelighters...which I know many of you are aware, light up that HUGE Christmas tree every year with gold "Hero" ribbons on it. Kody's gold ribbon will be placed once again this year....and Candlelighters is so cool..because every year we get Kody's ribbon back to hang on our own tree.

Well guys and gals...I really don't want to cut this short...but I have some miserable kid's on my hands tonight who are needing of my "lay down with me Mom" time.

Thank you sooo much for stopping by!!

Oh...Paloma...the envelope went out today...I am so sorry but with sick kids home this week and a car that decided to take a dump yesterday, getting to the Post Office was a bit of a trick. But, it was mailed today so hopefully it will be to you by Monday. Thank you so much for having soooooo much patience...Love You!!

One more thing...Chris {Chloe and Hannaka's Mom}...what's going on?? I can't access the girls site and am worried....get back to me by e-mail...Love you too!!

Please, please, please keep up the prayers...especially every night at 10 o'clock {prayer warriors prayer vigil time} for our favorite guy, JACOB and FAMILY.
Although Jacob has amazed all of us by flying through another hurdle...he has got such a rough and long road ahead of him.
Thank you sooo much, I just knew I could count on all of guys are the BEST!!

One more thing...really, last one...I'm not kidding. :0)


OK..I really better scoot now...if I hear one more "MOOOOOM"...UGH!!

Later Gator's....
Love, Kim

Monday, November 28, 2005 9:02 AM

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~*~Monday Night~*~

Hey all...

Kody's bloodwork for his thyroid and med. levels went took almost an hour of poking around his veins before one would cooperate and give up some of the red stuff..but he did it, and without a flinch, tear or complaint.
Actually he was being typical Kody and had Nurse's Bobby and Robin just crackin' up. :0)

Not much else new here...I really wanted to update this afternoon but as usual, my day got way ahead of me.
So...I apologize for that.

Paloma...I got your message and I'm clueless. But, fear not girlfriend...tomorrow morning I'm hand delivering another envelope stuffed with bookmarks myself. And, this time instead of the local pick up mail carrier guy, I'll take it straight to the post office.

Well guys and gals...I really hate to cut this short but in two minutes it'll be Tuesday and I seriously gotta get some sleep.

By back tomorrow!!

Oh....I put some new photo's up tonight, Enjoy them!!!!

Love you all..



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I'll update this afternoon...I just wanted you all to know that we're doing just fine. :0)

Kody and I are off in a few to have his bloodwork done this morning...then he's off to school and that's when I'll be back on to update.

Please kick up the prayers for JACOB today {and always!}. Jacob is back in the hospital as of yesterday with a high fever.
Keep Praying...Keep Froging.

We Love You Jacob!!!!!!

Have a great day all....

Love, Kim

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:51 AM CST

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~*~Thanksgiving Night~*~

We ate...we ate...and we ate somemore.
And, when it was over...we ate some dessert.
We're full, we're stuffed and we're on our way to slumbercity...but before I check out...
I have got to tell you all....
That Dad Bear, he is one heck of a GREAT cook, and he does the dishes too!!!

And, just incase you needed a lil' more proof of that fact, check out out Bear....all in his "Galactic Gobbler Drumstick" Heaven!!

Good Night All....we hope your day was a wonderful one!

Have fun shopping tomorrow. :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Wednesday Night~*~

The turkey is thawed!!!!!!


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

OK, OK..I's day early but's never too early to start the 7000 mega billion calorie day, is it?

There are so many things to always be thankful for no matter what time of, friends, health and happiness.
But lately I've been finding myself thankful for just one more thing....
Kids that will, for a small bribe, drop anything for 20 minutes of picture snapping time. And with that....I'd like to invite you all to pop on over to the photo page to preview the first set of "four weeks of endless holiday picture taking madness".
Featuring, our two pretty cool models.....the ever awesome Kody Bear and his fun loving, energetic, krazy brother, Kolin.
Trying not to be too goth anymore, big sister you will see, was MIA yesterday. Somehow she must have gotten wind of my plans and beat feet to a freinds house for the night. No problem though...she's gotta come home sometime, right??!! :0)

These new ones are just a few of the about....ahhhhh.....maybe 100 I took yesterday.
What did it cost me?? A very resonable ride to Pizza Hut so the boys could turn in their "Book It" certificates for a free pan pizza and one totally, into her kids, devoted Mom to watch "The Polar Express" with.
It was pretty tough to figure out who got the better deal. LOL!!

As you can all see...Kody wasn't having one of his better "eye" days...and so you'll notice that darn eyeball looking upwards in his pic's. I am really working on figuring out different poses, but for's a part of Kody, a part of his life and something that doesn't really bother him or us. That cute "mega M&M" eye is a part of him just as much as that bumpy head shunt....and seriously, we never even notice it anymore until we see it on film, or the computer screen, or whatever.

Before I jump off of here today...the kids are home for 5 days...and I have two boys doing anything and everything to get me off of here so they can go outside and play...
Let me just leave you with our "Thanksgiving Story...2005".
A story that will go on and on for generations...

This morning Karl was getting ready to leave for work, I was trying to get down my third cup of coffee and watching Kenny Chesney sing on Good Morning America.
Welp, as I was downing my java I thought to myself, "You know self...Kenny Chesney really is bald under that cowboy hat of his" Well..this got me to thinking, "Kenny Chesney, bald, butterball turkey" OMG....That is when I realized that in all my airheadedness, our 23 pound Butterball was still sitting in the freezer...frozen solid!!
Yes my friends...Thanksgiving Eve and our Butterball is a 23 pound cannon.

To make matters even worse, or funnier, depending on if your laughing or shaking you head right now...
After I dropped Karl off at work, I'm driving hom thinking..."Ahhh, what am I gonna do???"
What comes on the radio but the Bud Lite "Man of Genius" commercial!! The "Man of Genius" this morning??
You won't believe this...
"The Frozen Turkey Hotline Guy"!!!
Yeah....I laughed so hard I didn't know whether I'd cry or "P". make this long story short...
I now have our Butterball cannon soaking in water in one of my prop bins and if that doesn't do the trick...welp...just have a look at Kody's "Thanksgiving" border...cuz, we "K's" may be eating ham this year.
Pass the cranberries and plop them on the pork because Thanksgiving 2005 is sure to go down in "Mommy is such an unorganized dork" history.

Watch for me on the Butterball FAQ's hotline today!! :0)

Have a great Thanksgiving all....Love yaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, November 19, 2005 10:00 AM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

I'll be back on tomorrow...there's a few new pictures up, not many but some new ones just the same.

Have a great night all...

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

OK..thanks to our Krazy Auntie Mavis' friendly kick in the keester, my slacker days are coming to an end.
An update is in order this morning and before the coffee pot is empty...this update will be done!
BTW Mave..I swear you have a partner in crime cuz Dad Bear has been not as gently hinting around for an update, some new pictures..anything!!

So.......let's see....

OK, Kody's droopy eye problem was nothing more then some funky infection that went away by itself in 48 hours...he is fine and his "Mega M&M" eyeballs are back to as perfect as they can be. And with feeling better also comes his "Pimp Daddy Kody" attitude too. out...if you live anywhere in the general Leesburg area, you will be found and you will be hugged.
The Kody Bear Hug-a-Meter averages about a Catagory 5 on any given day.

Kolin's "ticking" is progressively a little bit worse "tics" and other annoying things that have that poor kid just miserable. Plus, the teasing in school yesterday has really got his spirits down. true "big brother" style...Kody is jumping right in with some TLC and lots of "Kolin and me" playtime...which, really only lasts minutes then it's back to "Kolin and Me, martial arts killers/wrestling weirdos/siblings in rival" then back to the "I love you/I feel your pain twins" once again. It's a never ending cycle..but heck..someones gotta do it and they do it soooo well.

Molly news.....Yes, you read it right and you read it here first...Molly is back home where she belongs!!
Thursday moring our newspaper ad came out and first thing in the morning as soon as I dropped Kolin off at school, my friend Sharon called to tell me not to get my hopes up BUT, she had just gotten a call to tell me someone had found a golden retreiver two nights previous.
BTW...Sharon left her phone number because as anyone who knows me well, knows that getting ahold of me can be tricky, somedays impossible.

Anyway, I called the number and the sweet woman on the phone told me how a golden retriever showed up at her kitchen window looking like she wanted to be let in...HA...well, thats all I needed to hear, I knew it was Molly.
Then Mrs. Pam {the sweet woman} told me that as she was speaking with me, Molly was sitting right next to her with her paw on her lap...LOL...well, that was it for me, I knew, without a doubt, that was our Molly.
So, I rode over right away, called her name and she came bounding like a speeding train!!

When I brought her home, everyone was like "What the???"..I hadn't told anyone, just incase it wasn't her.
Kolin and Kaysha were already in school...but Kody was home that day and still sleeping sooooooo....
Molly and I went into his bedroom quietly and I said to him "Hey Kody..there's a girl here to see you...and she's blonde"
Well, that perked him up a bit...enough to roll over in interest, but not to the point of opening his eyes...then I said "She wants to kiss you" and right then and there Molly jumped on his bed and licked his face top to bottom!!
You could not have found a happier Lil' Bear anywhere!!! :0)
Now, normally I dont let the dogs lick on the kids...cuz, people out there, you know why, right?
but that kiss/sloppy wet lick was priceless!!
An ahhh, yes...he did get up and wash real good...but, honestly, Kody and Molly spent the entire day on my bed, {yes Karlio..our bed} watching TV and munching away an entire box of Cheez-Its.
I have some cute pictures..and later on I am going to work on getting them on here.

I would start the picture thing right now BUT, I just heard K&K {Kody and Kolin} in the kitchen attempting their own version of "Let's help Mom and make our own breakfast cuz it doesn't look like she'll be off that computer any time soon". some that may seem like helpful kids, but to this Mom when I yell out "Don't make a mess" and Kody yells back "I'm not making a mess, I'm making a disaster!!"...that my friends, is cause for alarm.

Today's plans...
We are off to take advantage of some pretty decent weather this afternoon.....
It's the official "Christmas picture taking Saturday at Venecian Gardens"!! I'm thinking I had better get this done because it looks like we have another storm brewing for Monday. Shouldn't this tropical storm/hurricane business be history by now?? Seriously though.....not until the end of November. Even more least it's not snow.

OK.....I really have got to go now...I honestly don't think the boys are gathering up anything "breakfasty" to eat.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone....relax, have fun, make memories and ladies, start working on getting yourselves in tip-top shape for the happiest day of the year...

The Day After Thanksgiving Shopping Frenzy!!!!!!!

Love you all....

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 1:15 PM

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~*~Thursday...4:55 PM~*~


More tonight...busy, busy, busy! :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry to make you all worry...this week has been a it was just SUnday and BAM, fast forward to Wednesday.

Anywho's...when it rains it pours around here and yesterday and today was no exception to that rule.

For the past few days Kody has been getting waves of vicious headaches. They come and they go, come and go but since yesterday it hasn't given him much of a break.
The good news is that he came home from school about 11 AM yesterday with some nasty stomach cramps.
Well, at the risk of sounding gross....all I could do was hail the "runs" {Sorry Bear!} because it made it even more possible that what he's got is viral.
I took him to the ped. this morning and he agreed, let's wait it out a couple more days before we jump to conclusions.

Now...for more news and this involves Kolin.
First....if you could say a prayer for him....this is why....

Two days ago Kolin came home from school and I noticed that he had some "tics" going on around his head and neck.
A few hours later those tics spread down to where he was arching his back.
Yesterday about two hours after fetching Kody, the school calls back again to ask me to pick up Kolin who had a headache, brought on by the amount of twitching he was doing, which was getting bad enough to scare his teacher.

This morning Kolin also had an appt. with his ped. {same Ped. as Kody...thank goodness, two kids, one stop}.
Dr. Franks couldn't diagnose Kolin but did tell me that what we and he see's is something called "Tourette's Syndrome", involuntery movements of the face, neck, back, legs, etc...

Now, let me just back up for a second...
Last March when Kolin was put on Aderall for his ADHD, he right away developed "tics"...they had gotten really noticable and his Dr. {NOT Dr. Franks, his ped.} wanted him to go on another ADHD med. plus two other med's which were basically downers.
This "Dr." wrote off three script's like it was nothing and handed them to me....I , in turn, tore them up and handed them back to him.
After all..this is my, then 7 year old child, and I will not be forced, pressured and coherced into heavily medicating him...especially with the side effects these med's caused him. {Tics, violent behaviour, ups, downs, nighmares, night tremors and sleep walking}.

Since then Kolin has been drug-free for ADD and though he is not a straight "A" student, he is passing and hasn't a single behaviour problem at all..well, in school anyway...he's a lil' booger when he's home!
He is however, very, VERY active....but I am sure you can tell that just by looking at him. LOL!!

The side effects went away quickly except for the tics which lasted about another 3 months. They did go away, just very gradually.

Now, all of a sudden, they are back..and they are getting worse by the day...sooo,
Dr. Franks is giving us a referall to take him to a nuerologist.
I requested Kody's neurologist at Shands so hopefully that's who we'll get to see. I should know by the end of the week.

Anyway..I guess to make a long story short....something is going on inside Kolin's brain and we need to address it right away.

More "raining/pouring" news...

Last night I left to pick Kayara up from work, before I left I put out both dogs to do their nighttime potty thing. Zeke {the rotti} usually likes to hang out at night and sleep under the kitchen window or in the kennel, Molly {the golden retriever} does not, so, everynight we take Molly inside and she sleeps right next to Kody. She is incredibly attentive to him, although she's never been trained to.
WHen we got home about 40 minutes later we came home to find both dogs were missing.
Now, mind you..we have a 4 foot chain link fence going all around our house.
After searching, we found Zeke, hurt but he is home and otherwise OK...he just has that "Man, I messed up bigtime" look on him now.
Molly....this is a dog who never, ever leaves the front door when she's home, she's the first to be by your side when you walk outside, she scratches at the door and window to be let in as soon as it gets dark out, she stays right by Kody's side...whether he is awake or sound asleep.
Molly never made it home.
We looked and looked, we looked even more first thing this morning.
No sign. :0(

Now..I did call animal control this morning and came up with nothing. But, they have the info. and I'll keep calling.
A very dear friend of mine, Sharon, is doing her own search, making calls and even took out an ad to be run in tomorrows newspaper until we find her. {She is soooooo sweet!!!}.

Kody {well all of us but mostly Kody} is beside himself...and as if his stupid headaches weren't bad enough....his sadness is making it worse.

I know Molly, to some, may be "just an animal" but, she is Kody's best friend...she's a part of our family.
If you could all send some messages around and pray for her safe return home we would be really appreciative.

BTW..if any of you are new to Kody's site...that's Molly in the top photo...not the greatest picture but her "laughing" smile made that picture worth a thousand bucks to us.

ANd, case you are wondering, is Kody's lil' brother. His picture is on the photo page...but, not for much longer cuz I have GOT to swap those pictures out very soon. No problem though...Kolin is my camera ham, he makes it into pretty much all photos. :0)

Ok my friends, it's time for me to start picking up Kaysha from school, pick up Kody's headache med's, figure out dinner, yadda, yadda, yadda....ahhhhh, the joys of being a domestic goodess. LOL!!!
Kidding, just kidding!!

Thanks for stopping you all!!


Saturday, November 12, 2005 8:49 PM CST

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Man, where did this week go? Is it me or are the days/countdown till Christmas going by faster and faster?

Everything here is going, it really started off to be a horrible week...but, I am happy to's ending on a better note.
I'd like to thank sooooo much my precious friends who jumped right in, to make things right, to lend me a shoulder to cry on, to be there, to all know who you are. There is a very special place in Heaven for friends like you all....and I know that one day your path through those pearly gates will be paved in gold.
As Jesus put himself aside to help a perfect stanger with complete have all done the same for us. Although I really don't think of us as "strangers"....just really, really great friends that haven't met face to face yet. Someday though...I'm tellin' ya!

Once again, I can look outside and see sunshine and not dark, gloomy clouds. :0)

Kody's doing pretty good. Something is up though {I think?} because he has taken several hard, nasty falls within the past three or so days. A couple of headaches and that pesky eye is acting up again. He tried his skateboard today and sadly, that didn't go real, he opted for a warm bath, the couch and a movie instead.
But...all in all, I am not complaining because all things given, that kid of mine ROCKS!!

Today was our once a month Lowes kids clinic...what did they make today? Ahhhh...the cutest turkey recipe boxes you've ever seen.
I'll be posting those pic's and some others {those you'll all you can all see what's it's like raising "K" boys when Daddy's not home!} in a day or so...can you believe I haven't even had a chance to take them off the camera yet.'s been busy around here. you all don't get bored...I did post a few new pictures enjoy, enjoy!!
And, HeeBee JeeBee Quads...there is nothing to be screamish about, I promise.

Well guys and's finally quiet around here and I think I'll take that opportunity to check on a couple of dozen of our CB friends.

Thank you all for stopping by....we love ya.....we REALLY do!!!!

Later Gator!!!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 11:25 PM

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I'm having some problems with Bravenet...Kody's page "should" look normal again sometime today...sorry for the mess. :0(



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It's real late....I've been trying to upload new pictures but it seems there is less space on the photo page sooooo...
I resized twice and ended up with some....ahhhhh, funky looking pictures. :0(
Since it's late, I'll work on them again tomorrow.

I'll also be updating tomorrow since the kids are home from school for a 4 day weekend starting'll be way easier for me to be here and not everywhere else.

Things here are hectic...kind of like the week that doesn't want to end and the week I'd rather forget. Hopefully....tomorrow will be much, much better.

Kody is doing pretty good.....his second week of full time school went great.
Tonight though, he is whooped...and went to bed with a splitting headache and instructions for me NOT to wake him up early for anything or anybody, except his pills. LOL....Guess I know of one Bear that'll be hibernating in the morning. SIGH..wish I could say the same for his lil' brother, a/k/a The Energizer Bunny.

Well guys and gals..I am going to jump off of here for now, sorry for the short update...tomorrow's will be much better. Plus, I'll finally have the time to get that video clip uploaded for viewing.

Which reminds me...Paloma, Kody's prayer cards are on route...I am so sorry, my brain has been fudge lately and when I was trying to make sense of yet another paper pile, I found your envelope..UGH!!! Fear not my is on the way, or OK, maybe not help...but a whole lot of bookmark/prayer cards.

Love you all...have a great night and enjoy the photo will looks grainy....I'll be fixing them tomorrow. :0(

****HeeBee JeeBee Quads and one's cool..nothing creepy, crawly, slimey or slithery this time****

Love you all...


PS. CB is acting crazy, I can't get my update up without forgoing the bottom part of Kody's page. What's going on here? Is anybody else getting "Internal Service Error" messages?

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 11:25 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It's real late....I've been trying to upload new pictures but it seems there is less space on the photo page sooooo...
I resized twice and ended up with some....ahhhhh, funky looking pictures. :0(
Since it's late, I'll work on them again tomorrow.

I'll also be updating tomorrow since the kids are home from school for a 4 day weekend starting'll be way easier for me to be here and not everywhere else.

Things here are hectic...kind of like the week that doesn't want to end and the week I'd rather forget. Hopefully....tomorrow will be much, much better.

Kody is doing pretty good.....his second week of full time school went great.
Tonight though, he is whooped...and went to bed with a splitting headache and instructions for me NOT to wake him up early for anything or anybody, except his pills. LOL....Guess I know of one Bear that'll be hibernating in the morning. SIGH..wish I could say the same for his lil' brother, a/k/a The Energizer Bunny.

Well guys and gals..I am going to jump off of here for now, sorry for the short update...tomorrow's will be much better. Plus, I'll finally have the time to get that video clip uploaded for viewing.

Which reminds me...Paloma, Kody's prayer cards are on route...I am so sorry, my brain has been fudge lately and when I was trying to make sense of yet another paper pile, I found your envelope..UGH!!! Fear not my is on the way, or OK, maybe not help...but a whole lot of bookmark/prayer cards.

Love you all...have a great night and enjoy the photo will looks grainy....I'll be fixing them tomorrow. :0(

****HeeBee JeeBee Quads and one's cool..nothing creepy, crawly, slimey or slithery this time****

Love you all...


PS. CB is acting crazy, I can't get my update up without forgoing the bottom part of Kody's page. What's going on here? Is anybody else getting "Internal Service Error" messages?

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 11:25 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It's real late....I've been trying to upload new pictures but it seems there is less space on the photo page sooooo...
I resized twice and ended up with some....ahhhhh, funky looking pictures. :0(
Since it's late, I'll work on them again tomorrow.

I'll also be updating tomorrow since the kids are home from school for a 4 day weekend starting'll be way easier for me to be here and not everywhere else.

Things here are hectic...kind of like the week that doesn't want to end and the week I'd rather forget. Hopefully....tomorrow will be much, much better.

Kody is doing pretty good.....his second week of full time school went great.
Tonight though, he is whooped...and went to bed with a splitting headache and instructions for me NOT to wake him up early for anything or anybody, except his pills. LOL....Guess I know of one Bear that'll be hibernating in the morning. SIGH..wish I could say the same for his lil' brother, a/k/a The Energizer Bunny.

Well guys and gals..I am going to jump off of here for now, sorry for the short update...tomorrow's will be much better. Plus, I'll finally have the time to get that video clip uploaded for viewing.

Which reminds me...Paloma, Kody's prayer cards are on route...I am so sorry, my brain has been fudge lately and when I was trying to make sense of yet another paper pile, I found your envelope..UGH!!! Fear not my is on the way, or OK, maybe not help...but a whole lot of bookmark/prayer cards.

Love you all...have a great night and enjoy the photo will looks grainy....I'll be fixing them tomorrow. :0(

****HeeBee JeeBee Quads and one's cool..nothing creepy, crawly, slimey or slithery this time****

Love you all...


~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy


Still leaving these links/messages below....


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


A site that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Wednesday, November 9, 2005 11:25 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It's real late....I've been trying to upload new pictures but it seems there is less space on the photo page sooooo...
I resized twice and ended up with some....ahhhhh, funky looking pictures. :0(
Since it's late, I'll work on them again tomorrow.

I'll also be updating tomorrow since the kids are home from school for a 4 day weekend starting'll be way easier for me to be here and not everywhere else.

Things here are hectic...kind of like the week that doesn't want to end and the week I'd rather forget. Hopefully....tomorrow will be much, much better.

Kody is doing pretty good.....his second week of full time school went great.
Tonight though, he is whooped...and went to bed with a splitting headache and instructions for me NOT to wake him up early for anything or anybody, except his pills. LOL....Guess I know of one Bear that'll be hibernating in the morning. SIGH..wish I could say the same for his lil' brother, a/k/a The Energizer Bunny.

Well guys and gals..I am going to jump off of here for now, sorry for the short update...tomorrow's will be much better. Plus, I'll finally have the time to get that video clip uploaded for viewing.

Which reminds me...Paloma, Kody's prayer cards are on route...I am so sorry, my brain has been fudge lately and when I was trying to make sense of yet another paper pile, I found your envelope..UGH!!! Fear not my is on the way, or OK, maybe not help...but a whole lot of bookmark/prayer cards.

Love you all...have a great night and enjoy the photo will looks grainy....I'll be fixing them tomorrow. :0(

****HeeBee JeeBee Quads and one's cool..nothing creepy, crawly, slimey or slithery this time****

Love you all...


~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy


Still leaving these links/messages below....


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


A site that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Saturday, November 5, 2005 11:30 PM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

New photos are finally up...enjoy!!


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I am so sorry for the lazy update usual, it's been one thing after another.
I know how Kody fans worry....I know because my e-mail mailbox goes on quadruple overload....and I think you all because it reminds my middle age brain that I'm forgetting something real important...Kody News. :0)

This week went by in a blur...seriously, it was Monday, we went to be and woke up to Saturday. Ever have one of those weeks?

OK, so Monday...hallowen was a blast...Wednesday, Kyle's 20th birthday was even better.
When asked what he wanted...all he said was "family time together". He is an amazing kid....he really is.
So, we gave him plenty of family time and while I had the boys at karate class...he and Dad Bear put together and entire pasta, meatballa and salad dinner and it was darn good..I mean darn freakin' good!!
Kyle told us that this year was the best birthday he ever had {though I seriously think the Teenage Mutant Ninja party he had at age 5 was the best, you would have had to have been there when Mom decided to rent a Ninja Turtle for the afternoon and 12 five year olds started ninja kicking the poor guy at one time}.
He also said that spening the time cooking with his Dad was about the best memory he will ever have. know us and we weren't about to let Kyle's b-day go un-noticed by having nothing to open and so, what would one very fun, pretty unusual, not your typical Beaver Cleaver household {I know...your all shocked to hear that...but really, I've always thought of us as more like The Ozbournes meets the Brady's} get their 20 year old son/brother/uncle??
Well....I'll just have to have you all take a look at the photo page...


HeBee JeeBee isn't scaly and it doesn't slither...but you may want to flip through the photo page carefully...very carefully.
On the flipside of that.....Our Krazy Aunt Mavis is gonna LOVE it!! :0)

Yesterday Kody went to his first school field trip without Mom Bear. He did great...Mom Bear did not. It is truly amazing how many new gray hairs will sprout in six and a half hours of cuttin' that Kody Kord.
But...I have to give him credit....he stuck it out all day, kept up with the rest of the kids and had a really fun time.
Oh, BTW...he went to a Rennisance Fair about 15 minutes or one town away.


Next month he takes another Orlando to see "Arabian Nights" Orlando is an hour away...guess who's chaperoning that trip??

Today was the most awesome day.....guess you can all se in that new top picture that Kody and Kolin were involved in a karate tournament!
Yeppers...their first one ever and can I just brag a teeny bit about my boys? OK, thanks..I think I will.
OK....there were four events....forms, weapons, one steps and sparring. There were I think 7 groups of kids and adults...all divided into groups of ranks.
Since Kody and Kolin are both purple belts, they were in the same group with a bunch of other kids.

This boys brought home a combined....

THREE first place ribbons....
FOUR second place ribbons and...
ONE fourth place ribbon!!!!!!

Can you belive at tournament the Kruppenbacher boys ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, let me just break that down a bit so you know who earned what.

Kody brought home three second place ribbons in each, sparring...weapons and one steps and a fourth place ribbon in forms.

Kolin brought home three first place ribbons in each, sparring, weapons, one steps and a second place in forms.

I wish you all could have seen them...they NEVER expected that and everytime their name was called they had that look of "what, me? No way!" on their face.
It was too really was.

After tournament we all went across the street to a park and BBQ'd and had a lot of fun. Those kids of mine, let me tell ya....they had the best day I have seen them have in a long time. really didn't quite hit home for me until we were home and Kody, who was sitting at the kitchen table with all his ribbons spread out, was talking to himself, and said something like this "You know what Kody, I really believe now that you are an acheiver".
He had no idea I heard him...he was just staring at those ribbons sooooooooo proud of himself. :0)

Well guys and gals....I better get going...6:30 is going to come mighty fast and if I want to be out pounding the street doing my 4 miles by 7 o'clock, I better get a move on.

Thank you all for stopping by....PLEASE send prayers to Jacob Ducksworth and family as Jacob is not doing well and back in the PICU. I don't know if it's my computer or that there is alot of traffic to his site and GB, but I tried to get on the GB about six times today and can't get on.....and I have HSI, so I normally don't have a problem with loading. You can find the link to Jacob's site on top of my journal where it says "Kody's Second Page".

Have a great night and an ever greater weekend...Love you all!!


PS. By tomorrow night I should have that video clip up I promised...sorry for the wait.
There are some new photos up though. :0)


Seems there won't be new pictures going up tonight. :0(
I've tried three times and CB won't let me get them up...something about an internal error?? SIGH.....I'll try again tomorrow...sorry!!

Saturday, November 5, 2005 11:30 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I am so sorry for the lazy update usual, it's been one thing after another.
I know how Kody fans worry....I know because my e-mail mailbox goes on quadruple overload....and I think you all because it reminds my middle age brain that I'm forgetting something real important...Kody News. :0)

This week went by in a blur...seriously, it was Monday, we went to be and woke up to Saturday. Ever have one of those weeks?

OK, so Monday...hallowen was a blast...Wednesday, Kyle's 20th birthday was even better.
When asked what he wanted...all he said was "family time together". He is an amazing kid....he really is.
So, we gave him plenty of family time and while I had the boys at karate class...he and Dad Bear put together and entire pasta, meatballa and salad dinner and it was darn good..I mean darn freakin' good!!
Kyle told us that this year was the best birthday he ever had {though I seriously think the Teenage Mutant Ninja party he had at age 5 was the best, you would have had to have been there when Mom decided to rent a Ninja Turtle for the afternoon and 12 five year olds started ninja kicking the poor guy at one time}.
He also said that spening the time cooking with his Dad was about the best memory he will ever have. know us and we weren't about to let Kyle's b-day go un-noticed by having nothing to open and so, what would one very fun, pretty unusual, not your typical Beaver Cleaver household {I know...your all shocked to hear that...but really, I've always thought of us as more like The Ozbournes meets the Brady's} get their 20 year old son/brother/uncle??
Well....I'll just have to have you all take a look at the photo page...


HeBee JeeBee isn't scaly and it doesn't slither...but you may want to flip through the photo page carefully...very carefully.
On the flipside of that.....Our Krazy Aunt Mavis is gonna LOVE it!! :0)

Yesterday Kody went to his first school field trip without Mom Bear. He did great...Mom Bear did not. It is truly amazing how many new gray hairs will sprout in six and a half hours of cuttin' that Kody Kord.
But...I have to give him credit....he stuck it out all day, kept up with the rest of the kids and had a really fun time.
Oh, BTW...he went to a Rennisance Fair about 15 minutes or one town away.


Next month he takes another Orlando to see "Arabian Nights" Orlando is an hour away...guess who's chaperoning that trip??

Today was the most awesome day.....guess you can all se in that new top picture that Kody and Kolin were involved in a karate tournament!
Yeppers...their first one ever and can I just brag a teeny bit about my boys? OK, thanks..I think I will.
OK....there were four events....forms, weapons, one steps and sparring. There were I think 7 groups of kids and adults...all divided into groups of ranks.
Since Kody and Kolin are both purple belts, they were in the same group with a bunch of other kids.

This boys brought home a combined....

THREE first place ribbons....
FOUR second place ribbons and...
ONE fourth place ribbon!!!!!!

Can you belive at tournament the Kruppenbacher boys ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, let me just break that down a bit so you know who earned what.

Kody brought home three second place ribbons in each, sparring...weapons and one steps and a fourth place ribbon in forms.

Kolin brought home three first place ribbons in each, sparring, weapons, one steps and a second place in forms.

I wish you all could have seen them...they NEVER expected that and everytime their name was called they had that look of "what, me? No way!" on their face.
It was too really was.

After tournament we all went across the street to a park and BBQ'd and had a lot of fun. Those kids of mine, let me tell ya....they had the best day I have seen them have in a long time. really didn't quite hit home for me until we were home and Kody, who was sitting at the kitchen table with all his ribbons spread out, was talking to himself, and said something like this "You know what Kody, I really believe now that you are an acheiver".
He had no idea I heard him...he was just staring at those ribbons sooooooooo proud of himself. :0)

Well guys and gals....I better get going...6:30 is going to come mighty fast and if I want to be out pounding the street doing my 4 miles by 7 o'clock, I better get a move on.

Thank you all for stopping by....PLEASE send prayers to Jacob Ducksworth and family as Jacob is not doing well and back in the PICU. I don't know if it's my computer or that there is alot of traffic to his site and GB, but I tried to get on the GB about six times today and can't get on.....and I have HSI, so I normally don't have a problem with loading. You can find the link to Jacob's site on top of my journal where it says "Kody's Second Page".

Have a great night and an ever greater weekend...Love you all!!


PS. By tomorrow night I should have that video clip up I promised...sorry for the wait.
There are some new photos up though. :0)


Seems there won't be new pictures going up tonight. :0(
I've tried three times and CB won't let me get them up...something about an internal error?? SIGH.....I'll try again tomorrow...sorry!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy


Still leaving these links/messages below....


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


A site that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005 10:30 PM

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Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy 20th Birthday dear Kyle James...
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!

We love you Dude....

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Karyelle, Kayara, Alona, Kaysha, Kody and Kolin

To all our friends...
I'll be back to update tomorrow, it's been a crazy busy day and I'm off to catch me a few ZZZZZZ"s.

Mama Bear

Sunday, October 30, 2005 10:36 PM

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~*~Tuesday....1:30 PM~*~

That monsterache from last night has, just a little while ago, finally started to subside.
This is exactly how Kody described it to me...

"I feel like poop, but at least I don't feel like the biggest poop in the poop pile anymore".

Ahhhhh....words only a Mom could be proud of!! :0)

I'll work on those pictures later's been a Kod-a-fied kind of day today.

That's fancy talk for "Hey Kody, I'll trade you a Reese's for a Snickers". LOL!!!

Later Gators!



~*~Halloween Night~*~

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

As promised...I'm back again!!
And as usual....another quickie!!

Kody's first day back to school full time went great...and for the first time in a long, long time he was able to participate in P.E.
Nothing could slow that kid down today and instead of taking it easy, he absolutley kept up with his classmates by RUNNING not walking laps. He is something else, isn't he?

Now...for another terrific milestone...last year on Halloween, Kody was laying in a hospital bed...waking for only very brief moments at a time, just long enough to be belted snuggly into a wheelchair because his legs forgot how to work. Though he doesn't remember it, Dad Bear and I dressed him up in his beloved "Pimp" costume and strolled him around the hospital, stopping at the gift stores candy counter to pick up some treats.
This year...not quite the "Pimp" he was last year...more like a "Gangsta" this year...but still Kody, the kid that can cut up any situation, the kid who's presence really starts up a party, the kid who went out and trick-or-treated for a whopping two hours, who laughed, screamed,danced in the street, hugged on ALL Kaysha's girlfriends, the kid who had every parent laughing till it hurt, the kid who's friends lovingly and tenderly lead him through walkways, sidewalks, driveways and steps, the kid who challenged Freddie Kruger to steal his "hot" girlfriend, the kid who has outdone every single obstical thrown at him, the kid who has won my heart and the hearts of everyone who meets him.
Yeppers...that's my Bear!!

Soooooo...I guess it kind of goes without saying, Kody, Kolin, Kaysha and even Kyle had a GREAT time tonight.....and should see all those Hersheys, yeah baby!!!

When we finally came home around 8 or so, we all sat down to a real "spooktacular" dinner. What was on the menu? Ohhhh......great things, real great things...let's see...

There was fried worms {fried hot dogs strips}, deviled egg eyeballs, brains {raman noodles}, zombie bones {breadsticks knotted on the ends}, bloody dip {marinara sauce in little cauldrons}, and slime for drinking {green punch with Dad's famous ice hand floating around in it}
There were also plenty of creepy spiders, bugs, snakes, body parts, bones and eyeballs on our table and each kid had their very own skull goblet...which they really got into when they each filled their cups with slime {bug guts} and toasted to Kody and for all of them being together this year.
Yes my friends...watching those goblets clink, there was not a prouder Mom to be found anywhere. :0)

I'll be posting some pictures tomorrow so you can all see for yourselves.

Welp, unfortunetly...all fun things had to come to an end and while the kids were getting ready for bed, Kody came down with a very sudden and nasty monsterache.
Soooooo...right about now he is curled up in his bed, medicated, with a cold rag on his forehead. He wants me to lay down with him and that is exactly where I need to be. He is a tough guy, that's for sure...but this monsterache even has this monster feeling down.

Thanks for stopping by tonight...we hope your day was a "Spooktacular" one!!

Love, Kim



I'm hoping to make this quick tonight and be back on tomorrow when I'm feeling alot was a rough day. :0(

First, it's with a broken heart that I let you all know that Brant, peacefully passed away late last night, with his beautiful, loving family surrounding him.
In his six years here on Earth, that sweet child has left behind so many memories, so many cute and wonderful things...if one day you all find yoursleves with some time on your hands..please read Brant's journal history...what an awesome lil' boy!!
Super Brant...God Speed Lil' Dude!!

We all did make it to the Halloween party on Friday night and the boys had a BLAST! It was so incredible and I have sooo many pictures to get up here, I'll be working on that within the next couple of days so watch for them.
I honestly haven't seen Kody and Kolin have that much fun in a real, real long time.

Yesterday was one of those beautiful Florida days that just screams out "GO OUTSIDE!!", so....after dropping Kayara off at work we took a small trip about 5 minutes from her job to a place called "Lake Sumter Landing" in the Villages.
This place is sooooooo beautiful, I had heard so much about it but since the weather has been miserably hot....I decided a while ago to wait until it cooled down enough to take the kids there.
What you do is park your car and then walk everywhere, sidewalks, bridges, and what we stayed on the most was the pier. There's a ton of shops and restaurnts everywhere but we were just interested in walking around and enjoying the sites.
I put up some pictures from there on Kody's photo page, these are just a few of about 100 pic's that I took. :0)

Well my friends...this Mambear has a whopping monsterache that refused to go away since early this morning. I'm off to try and get some sleep but I'll be back tomorrow when I'm feeling tons better.

Oh...before I go, I dont remember if I told you all but Kody Bear is officially a full time student again starting tomorrow!!! :0)
He actually made this decision himself of Friday....I am soooooooo stinkin' proud of him. :0)

Please, if you could..say a little prayer for him..he went to bed nervous as anything...not changing his mind, but just butterfly feeling. When I asked him what he wanted me to pack him for lunch...he said, "Surprise me when you bring it to me tomorrow" Ahhhh...guess I'll be having lunch with my Bear and while I'm there, I'll try again to give him the "We really can't do this everyday" speech.
Oh heck, if'll give me a subtle way of checking on him, right?

Also, if you could add into those prayers,a prayer for his balance to get better. He took three hard falls yesterday and one tonight in the bathroom. He's extremely wobbly lately...but no headaches, so that's always a good thing. :0)

OK, I'm outta back tomorrow with a video clip from Kody and Kolin too all of you {but especially Paloma!!} that you all just have got to see, it was all their idea.

Love you all...


Thursday, October 27, 2005 10:30 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Good Morning...Good Morning!!

Before my busy day starts getting too busy, I thought I'd get on here quick and update you all.
First, I have some terribly sad news...

Our Sweet Lil' friend, Sugarbear has grown his wings and is now spending eternity, healthy and happily playing with so many of his CB friends he has made while his journey here lasted.
Sugarbear, Baby....we will miss you so much...Sweet dreams, until we are all together once again. Look over your Mom and Auntie...they love you so, so very much.

I also have news of another miracle...and we can never have too many of those.
I asked , a few days ago for prayers for Brant, who it seemed was ending his earthly life only too soon.
Well...I should have never second guessed this beautiful child.....he has crossed yet another hurdle thrown at him and is not ready to give up his fight. Please keep praying for Brant, so that he may continue, with all of our support, to make it to and cross that finish line to excellent health and an earthly healing.

As for Kody Bear, welp...he woke up with another monsterache this morning that is keeping him grounded to home in the comfort of his bed, the sofa, my bed, or any other place his head feels comfy and toasty warm.
No school for Kody today...and ahhhhh, that pretty much means, no errand running for me. So, it looks like we are both grounded...I suppose it'll be a good day to get something done around here.

Tomorow night will find us doing the "Party Hardy" thing at Karate class, as there is a big ole' Halloween bash going on. Costumes, candy, games and lots of music...this is going to be the event not to please, please, please pray that Bear a/k/a "Halloween Gangsta Boy" is feeling much better by the end of today. As much as he wants to feel like a part of things going on, it would break his heart to miss his very first {really..his first!} Halloween party ever.

I better dash out of here for now..anything comes up, you'll all be ther first to know.

Oh...thank you so much for the GB entries and e-mails about Kody's eyesight.....a few were so full of great info., that I am definetly following up on them. Please, if you don't hear back from me today, I haven't forgotten...just plain busy but I will absolutley get back to you all.

With that...I wanted to leave this picture I told you about so you can get a clearer idea of what I mean by his head tilting.

Imagine not being able to pull your eyes downwards......this is how Kody tips his whole head in order to see anything that requires looking down.
I am going to seriously look into optaining him a "slantboard". I have no idea where to get one....hey, come to think of it...Poppy? If you reading this...could you make one?? :0)

OK all...I better run, 7 tons of dirty clothes awaits this laundry goddess!!

Thanks for stopping by, ya'all come back now...ya hear??!! :0)

Love, Kim

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:37 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I wanted to jump on here fast this afternoon before the dinner/homework/shower rush gets here....

Kody's appointment at the eye dr's went pretty well...his vision is the same and about all he really needs is the reading glasses that's he's been wearing when he does up close work, schoolwork, etc...
His upwards eye glance is getting worse off...which is something I've noticed myself lately, ever since that seizure he had about a month ago....his eye has been worse.
Unfortunetly, this all stems from the midbrain/brainstem and there are no prescription glasses that can cure it. He's already tried the prism lenses and that did nothing for him.
So, he will just have to keep doing what he's been doing and that is adjusting his head in ways that help him be able to see things. For example, if he wants to write his name, paint a pumpkin, eat dinner.......instead of just picking up a pencil, paintbrush, or fork and using it like we would...Kody has to bend at the neck so he is "face down" on top of what he is doing in order to see it.

I had taken some new pictures of him painting a pumpkin over this past weekend...I'll get that up tonight so you can all se what I mean, it's so hard to explain.

Since he's young...his brain will adapt quickly to his compensating for the lose of sight. Unfortuntely, since it's been this way for just over a will most likely never get better..possibly worse as time goes by.
But....Kody has been known to pull off some miracles before...maybe his sight will be another gift of a miracle too. :0)'s the day!!
Today's the day Kody officially earned the nickname "Metalhead" from all of us who love him soooo much!!
Today is Kody's one year anniversary of his crainiotomy. AT 8 AM this morning Kody was being wheeled into the O.R. and on his way to a long, bumpy recovery. A recovery that he totally kicked butt in!! :0)
Oh...the meaning behind "Metalhead".....well, that's because of the two titanium plates that hold his skull together. Get it? Metalhead??!! LOL!!!

Please keep our friend, MATTHEW, in your prayers as he is having a huge brain surgery today. This is his biggest one yet and as you can all imagine, very stressful and scary for not only him but his family also.

OK guys and gals...I better run, instead of homework, I'm hearing the sounds of "Destroy All Humans" on the X-Box....hmmmmmm, somebody {or somebody's!} thought they could pull one over on Mom while she was updating!! KOLIN!!!!!!!!!!! KODY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)

Oh....we came through unscathed during yesterdays storm. Branches here and there but thankfully nothing more serious then some yard clean-up.
But I gotta tell you is DOWNRIGHT COLD around here today.....Brrrrrr Baby!!!!

Thanks for stopping by you all!!!

Love, Kim

Sunday, October 23, 2005 11:10 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I thought I'd come on here one more time before this storm hits us to check in....the rain is already here and it's beginning to lightening too.
Soooo...please keep those fingers crossed we won't end up losing power so I can still stay in touch.
But...if by chance something happens and I can't update...please refer to...


Just incase your wondering...we call it the "just incase" site because just incase I can't update and I have to ask someone else's a much more basic and easier site to journal on.
And, just incase someone tried to update this site....ahhhhh...let's not go there, it is one confusing mess to try and copy and paste everything without losing it...just incase, ya know?! :0)

Kody's day today started off pretty good but took a turn for the not so good by early this afternoon when he started getting bombarded with headaches. Those darn monsteraches really tried to beat him down but Kody being the "Iron Man" that he is....battled back and he won!!
It did take some out of him though and he slept quite a bit today.
Tonight he was telling me that his eye was bothering him again with blurriness and double vision.
Tuesday's eye Doc appointment at Shands can't come quick enough for me. Let's just hope the roads are drivable and we can make that trip with no problems whatsoever.

I have some news about a few of our friends tonight...some good and some not so good.
BRANT is sadly for us, starting to really grow his lil' angel wings. Although we always love to pray for does appear his sweet body is shutting down. Our loss will certainly be Heaven's gain. :0( Please pray for Brant's painless passing and comfort for his loving family.

MATTHEW, will be having his third brain surgery on Tuesday. Tomorrow he'll be going in for all the pre-op testing, MRI's, etc...
This is a difficult day, full of worry, full of emotions. Please pray for the Passarella's to find peace within themselves and for Matthew to come through with flying colors.

AMAZING JACOB is out off the vent and out of the PICU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great day to celebrate...that little boy is about the bravest child I have ever seen in my life!!
However, Jacob's road is still a very long and bumpy please keep the prayers and "FROGing" going bigtime for Jacob's full recovery and miraculous healing here on Earth.
Also...BIG "Thank You's" to Jacob's Grandma for keeping us all updated on him and all his cute lil' ole brothers while Heather & Donnie {Mom and Dad} spend every moment with Jacob. :0)

Last but not least...prayers for all Floridians who will be hammered by hurricane wilma tomorrow...and for all those who have already felt her wrath.
SIGH.....The Flintstones will never be the same to me anymore.
Let's just hope she gets her Bedrock butt on out of here fast!!

If anything good can come of this crazy weather...the kids are happy as hogs in mud that school has been cancelled tomorrow. LOL!!

The thunders getting louder, I should probably jump off of here for now.

Thank you all for stopping ya for it!!!!

Love, Kim

"One happy, feeling truly blessed, but kind of worryed about eye's, monsteraches and wilma, Mama Bear"

Friday, October 21, 2005 11:20 PM

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~*~Saturday Night~*~

Our weekend's off to a pretty decent {and so far dry...but not for long} one and we hope that yours is too!

Monday is fixin' to be very wet and very windy so we will most likely lose power.

Incase we do and I can't get back on to update...our prayers and thoughts are with all of you in wilma's path.

God Bless....

Later Gator!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~'s taken way to long for me to jump back on here to update!!
I mean, you know, when Dad Bear starts getting cranky because of lack of updates..somethings got to give. :0)

Anyway, first things first....Kody and Kolin are much, much better. Actually by later that day, they were both once again feeling pretty froggy and by the next day that were back in school and feeling F*I*N*E...FINE!!
Whatever it was, was very short lived..unfortunelty, this week it's taken everyone else down with it and we have all felt the effects of this latest "bug".
The good news through is that it's over, gone, finished, outta here and we are free to be Krazy and feeling great once again.

Let's see...Kody? Kody? What's up with him??
Oh...welp...he's been complaining a bit about his left eye bothering him. Dry, can't see great, annoying, blurry. What great timing though as we have an appointment to see Dr. Larry {Levine} on Tuesday morning. This was an already scheduled appt., so it's not a big emergancy...just a maintanence appointment.

Tuesday marks a HUGE milestone for Kody...that's the one year anniversary of his crainiotomy...the day he decided he wasn't about to wake up and gave most of the world, worry wrinkles and gray hair. we year later and "Iron Man" is doing soooooooo good...better then good and we are blessed..I cannot even describe how blessed we are!!!
God is great and HE sure does answer prayers. :0)

Speaking of prayers, our friend, MATTHEW, will be having another brain surgery on Tuesday.
This Tuesday's surgery will be Matthew's third and I know that he and his sweet family could use and appreciate as many prayers as you all can muster.
Kody and Matthew's stories are so incredible similar..even down to the dates, that I am still in awe that Tuesday was picked by Dr. Carson {Johns Hopkins} as Matthew's next date. about the weather a/k/a hurricane wilma.....
From what I can see...we should be OK. Now, I know...I know...Bulldawg and our Krazy Aunt Mave are about now wanting to holler their heads off...but I'm telling yaz..we'll be OK!!! I promise!!! We'll stock up {if there's anything left on the grocery shelves}, we'll hunker down, and we'll be fine...just fine!!
What I do have to do tomorrow is tarp everything and anything that we love around here {pictures, electronics, my props, etc....} to keep it from getting soaked from the leaky Niagra Falls roof of ours.
But seriously....we should be getting the outer bands, that sloppy, wet stuff that keeps you inside, without power. Without power, we all like to play that krazy age old game of "let's quickly eat all the refridgerated food before it goes bad". The winner gets the last box of frozen Little Debbie swiss rolls to themselves. :0)

***On a personal note...Karyelle, you are a Catagory FIVE worry wart....we love you but girl you have got to stop all that worrying now!!!!!***

Oh, you know...speaking of food reminds me of Malibu Rum!! {Funny how that works, huh??}
Please let me clear up something cuz my hubby seems to think that I made myself out to be an AA dropout......LOL...that bottle has been sitting in the back of the fridge for over a year, HA...really...I don't drink. :0)
BUT....if I ever did decide to kick one would defiently have to be Malibu and pineapple juice.
Ummm......that doesn't make me sound like a pro. lush, does it?

OK, OK...enough of that.

The good news of the night is I have new photos right after this update, please go on and jump right over to the photo page and take a gander of some pic's of our time at my kiddo's most favorite place on Earth {right up ther with Disney I tell ya!}, Fruitland Park Community United Methodist Church's Pumpkin Patch!!
In fact...we love it so much we're going back tomorrow for the annual "Pumpkin Patch Party"...a five star rated "place to be" this weekend. I mean really..everyone who is anyone is gonna be there!!
Thank you soooooo much Pumpkin Patch people....we love you and we really love your pumpkin patch!!

Well guys and gals...I'm off of here tonight, I've got a walking date with a friend at 7:30 AM. Four miles a day has been our goal and we've met that goal....well, let's see...tomorrow makes TWO TIMES!!!!
Hey, you gotta start off slow, right? man, my love, my dirty sock dropper...maker of all BBQ'd meat...
I know your reading this and I know your reading this very crank up the coffee pot and hit that dusty trail down on to our bedroom. And Babe, while your going that way's about a nice hot cup of java juice...please?? :0)

I'm outta here my friends...thank you so much for stopping by...enjoy the new pic' to you all soon!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:30 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I was just on JACOB'S site and am heartbroken to see that he is very ill and has just had to endure yet another surgery. Please "FROG" and "PRAY" without ceasing for our sweet friend.

The bad news here is that Kody is home sick today...

The good news is Kolin is too!!

The bad news is that headaches are the main {but not only} symptom of this latest bug...

The good news is they are both medicated and while Kody prefers to sleep off not feeling well...

The bad news is Kolin prefers to whine every minute of every hour...

The good news is I stashed a bottle of Malibu Rum in the back of the fridge...

The bad news is I may need to break it out by tonight!!!

***Kidding...Just Kidding***

On a more serious note...

One year ago today {WOW...a whole year!!}, Kody scared us all when he came home from school with that droopy eye. Two days later, Dad Bear had to carry him through the hospital as he was quickly being paralyzed by a tumor that was growing rapidly and without warning.
Who would have ever thought that I'd be updating one year later...showing the world video clips of that same boy, who stayed in coma for 4 days, who had to relearn how to walk, talk, hold a cup and sit in a chair, breaking a board with one foot.
Talk about a true gift of a miracle...I believe with all my heart, I saw one this weekend. :0)

Have a great day everyone...I should be back on later. more thing, after talking with Neurology yesterday, we're all in agreement that he is having break through seizures.....
Sooooo......his Carbatrol is being kicked back up to 500 mg {this week} and starting next week, he'll be back up to 600 mg's.
Pray that this does the trick for him..seizures are scary...even for him. :0(

Better run!

Love you all...


Friday, October 14, 2005 11:15 PM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

New Pictures Up!! Enjoy!!!!

Be back on sometime tomorrow...we are spending the morning making major school decisions and changes. ;0)

Have a relaxing night everyone...

Love, Kim


~*~Saturday Night~*~

They can kick...

They can punch....

They can block...

They are the the new, the improved, the coolest, the baddest boys on the block...

They are....

PART ONE..."Float like a Butterfly and Sting like a Bee Kody"


PART TWO..."Kolin, the kid with the killer feet"

Enjoy the clips everyone and to my two most favorite boys in the world....

"CONGRATULATIONS PURPLE BELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend will be soon to follow within a couple of days.

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

OK..OK...I can take a hint as well as the next gal...
Update time before I start a riot!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do apologize, this week has slipped away from me that fast...I mean it was Monday just it feels anyway.

Everything here is rolling right along...hectic, crazy and very, very busy.
Actually, truth be told, it was one of those weeks that I wish would just hurry up and go has been that let me fill you all in...

Kody and Kolin are karate testing tomorrow which meant four days straight of unstop practice {after school of course}.
Wednesday after class my car decided it was a great time to Thursday was spent with Triple AAA towing and tracking down a new fuel pump. All's well though and thanks to Dad Bear, as of Thursday afternoon we have a car once again.
Kaysha's school's homecoming and school spirit week was this week so she has had a flurry of activity {after school again} night, football games, parades, you name it..she wanted to do it. Now, tonight was supposed to be the big "Homecoming" event/dance...and can you belive, tickets were sold out. So, we thought {Kaysha and I} that we'd have an Italian movie night {Godfather I, Godfather II and lots of junk food....} but since I got involved with picking older kids up, she fell asleep and it looks like movie night is postponed until tomorow.

Kody has been feeling great this week...I think he may have had a small siezure on Wednesday afternoon...but I'm sort of unsure. Maybe any Mom's or Dad's out there that can tell me...
He and I were having lunch at his school when he kept telling me he felt "funny". He looked very uncomfortable...not with it at all. When I asked him "funny how?" he said "I feel like I have butterflies, like when you get real excited or nervous about something but instead of the butterflies being in my stomach, they are in my head".
There was also the sound of the schools huge A/C unit humming and a lawmower in the distance and he said those sounds were really bothering him.
Sure enough..not 10 - 15 seconds later he gets one of those blank stares and in oh about 5 or so seconds, snaps out of it and says "Welp, that was strange..I just had flashbacks of when we moved here".
The thing is, is that we moved here 7 years ago when Kody was 2 1/2 years old.
But he very accuratly described the weather when we left NY {pouring rain}, the white mini van we drove {which was sold just a couple of months after we moved here}, where he sat in the van and the bag of candy I had for the kids to pick on...he was able to tell me exactly what candies were in there.

I asked him if he still felt funny...and he said "No, I'm just fine" and though he was a bit unbalanced...he went back to class and went about his day like nothing had happened.

Things at school are not much better for him...his teacher is stressing him out to the point of he is throwing up {sorry!!} his lunch a few days a week in class.
Why? Well...probably because of his teacher. Just this week when another child asked him for help spelling "sea", his teacher trotted over and said "Kyle, don't ask Kody...he isn't a very good speller you know".
Not only did this make me Mama Bear angry but it hurt Kody alot.
Oh...and just to make him fell a bit better about himself...I asked him to spell "sea" and he knew it. I also asked him to spell "see" like you do with your eyes. And he had no problem spelling that either.
So why in the world does she insist on torturing him day in and day out? And why in the world does they're so called principal just turn the other cheek every single time?
I am so ready to pull the boys out {but Kolin has the best teacher and he loves her} and transfer them to another district. :0(

Well guys and gals...I really do hate to cut this short, but I have got to try and get some sleep tonight.

I'll be back on here tomorrow to let you all know how karate testing went...with a whole lot of prayers and crossed fingers...I should have two video clips to put up.
One of Kody smashing a board and one of Kolin. COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)

Until sure to check out the new pictures!! Believe me when I tell you, these "halloween" pic's are just a fraction of the amount of ones I took and still need to post.
I was going to wait until halloween got closer but, heck, I have enough to swap out every other day and still have leftover. LOL!!!

Have a great night everyone and thank you so much for patiently waiting on my lazy butt to get this update up.

Love and Lots of it...


Monday, October 10, 2005 8:35 AM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Happy Monday/Columbus day to you all....

I don't have too much time to update right now but didn't want to put it off so here goes...our weekend in review...


But guess what?? It was totally medically boring!!! So, that would make it, in my opinion...a darn good weekend. :0)

Saturday we met up with our friends, Bily and Mandy for some fun at Lowes..our four kiddo's are now known as the new age, coolest fad group of 2005..."The Carpenters". They can hammer, they can sand, they can hit Mom's nails with the speed of a run-a-way 2 by 4...
And they can sing too!! Well....ummm, some of them can anyway. LOL!!!

Since Saturday afternoon was a wet one...we took the time to create some picture magic..some of theose pictures are up but most of them I'm still working on. Those will be put up a little more towards Halloween...cuz I sure wouldn't want to ruin the kid's costume surprise too soon.

Thank you all sooo much for the compliments on the latest snap's and to answer a few questions... day, just as soon as possible...or Kody quits surprising us with medical things that make me jump out of my skin, a career is in the makings. Little by little, baby steps will get me is a dream, a dream I really hope to make big on someday. But for now....we just keep plugging on.
Props? Well..while some can spend mega bucks on authentic props...I prefer to make something out of nothing..things I find in my home, things I find at yard sales adn my best find of all is....
Taking part in my parents pre-moving sale....where the price is always right {pictures of the grandkids!!} and something that I had the time of my life taking part in yesterday!!
WAA-HOO...the things I came home with....and let's just say...I'll need a to rent a truck to bring back the things I left behind. :0)

Do I have a studio?, just a spare room that I HAD cleared out but is slowly but surely being over-run with "stuff" again. However...that is the room I prefer to snap pix in because..well...I don't have to move furniture around and the natural lighting isn't so bad.
The down side to that is...the roof leaks like Niagra Falls and we run like mad people to start the bucket brigade when it rains heavily so that nothing gets ruined.
Someday, I totally plan on becoming "bin organized". Until then..I feel more like a Wal-Mart plastic bag packrat.

Oh great...I just realized how late it's getting and I really have to get Kody up for school...then it's of to try and tackle an entire day of phone calls, paperwork, problems and other related "pass me the Clariol...I'm getting grayer by the minute" projects.

Let me all leave you with this before I get out of here...

Please check out the newest, the greatest, hot off the press "2006 Cancer Fighter's Recognition Calender"
If any of you have the means..please send for turn it will help children of Caring Bridge everywhere, who cannot otherwise afford to purchase "Kickin' Cancers Butt" gear to receive and item of their choice.
Just click on the blinking picture and it will take you right there.

Ok guys and gals.....I gotta run!!

Later Gators...

Love, Kim

Thursday, October 6, 2005 12:40 PM

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~*~Sunday Morning~*~

A few new pictures up....more to come real soon.
Gotta run!!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Friday Night~*~

Hey all..

Thought I'd jump on here quickly tonight to let you all know how the Endro's appt. went.

Welp...we are adding a new medicine to Kody's pill poppin' morning...this one called "Synthroid".
It's supposed to help Kody's sluggish thyroid become more healthy, in turn, making him more healthy as far as physically acting like a normal 10 year old....and ummmmm, not his middle aged Mom. :0)

Dr. Shatz was really wonderful and took to Kody right away. He's also great friends with Dr's Pincus and Levine and that went over really, really well with Kody.

Anyways...what we think may be happening is that Kody has "hypothyroidism"...which explains why he sleeps alot, is uncoordinated, cranky/mood swingy, and had cold spells quite often.

However...all these symtoms can also point to the Carbatrol anti-seizure med's and or/his tumor...which would you believe I found out today is in the "pons" area of his brainstem.
I had to find this out from an endrocrinologist??

Starting tomorrow morning he'll take his 75 mg's of Synthoid, once a day and in about 7 days we hope to see a difference.
Since this is a "trial", I have to say "we hope to" because if the med's don't work then we know that like mentioned, it is tumor/medicine related.

He had his blood drawn today and he'll have another date with the "Vampire Lady" in about 6 weeks.

Now..onto his seizure issue....
Endro. thinks that he may just need his med's increased again....while they are writing up their reports today, they are also sending a copy to Neurology.
On Monday I'll need to call Neurology and get that Carbatrol increased.....hopefully we won't be seeing anymore breakthrough seizures.

OK friends...that's about all I have to report on today.
We've got ourselves a busy, but as Kody says "fun day" tomorrow.
I'm sure you'll be hearing from me again sometime tomorrow.

Keep those prayers coming...we love them and we love you for it!!

Have a great day...

Love, Kim


~*~Thursday Night~*~

New pictures up...FINALLY!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Well butter my behind and call me a bisquit!!
LOL...I am soooo sorry, the airhead in me took over and I realized the last update was Mondy....Monday? I need to get these fingers flying over the keyboard and do some fast updating. :0)

Things here have been going pretty good...that is until eary this morning when our favorite Bear decided to wake up with a splitting monsterache and shaky hands/arms.
This went on a couple of hours till his shaking stopped...but the headache still rermains, though not nearly as bad after Maxalt has just about kicked the monsteraches butt once again.

So, we are wondering if maybe Kody had another breakthrough seizure in his sleep. :0(

Tomorrow is Endrocrinology day and fortunetly, neurology is in the same office. So, with any kind of luck {and a whole lotta parenting Bear presuation} we'll get to the bottom of this whole seizure/shaking/headache/fatigue/unbalanced mess.

I have two things to tell you all and I am just sitting here sooooooooooo excited to let you all in on this!!

OK, #1.....Our brand spanking new air conditioner/heating unit is being installed right now as I type this!!!!!!!! is going to feel great in this house very, very soon!!!
Now, our window units will defiently still be used as 1/3 of our home is not equiped for duct work, therefore, un-air conditioned. So, we can still use the units in those rooms.
All our "THANK YOU'S" to Mrs. Sherri for her unending energy and boundless love of one lil' boy for making this dream come true. Also, to Mark Draper AC in Mt. Dora and his awesome employees for devoting all your time today to arrange for and install the new Carrier unit and replace all the duct work in our home.
To Kody's fans who helped in purchasing the new unit....
Thank You...Thank You...Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On to great news #2.....Yesterday we found out that Kody and Kolin were picked to go on to the next rank on Karate testing day...which will be Saturday, Oct. 15th at 10 AM.
This is such an honor for both boys, but so much more sentimental for Kody who has worked so hard, nearly everyday, since May to be able to be strong enough, physically and mentally, to go on to the next rank in Tang Soo Doo. He will be tested for his purple belt/one stripe.
Kolin will be testing for his second stripe on his purple belt.
Don't forget now...if you all remember from Kolin's first testing, Kody will have to be able to break a board with his foot.
I think that is the part of the test that has him to most nervous...he is so afraid of losing his balance and falling. But, as we all know....what can get him through this so that he is able to compete with 100 percent? Prayers can!! And although prayers #1 reason is to provide him with good health....I believe in this case, his health and all around attitude will be all the more better because he will, like many kids out there, have that "I can do this, I am a normal kid, I am strong" mentality.
I can't wait to show you all a clip of him when he does {not IF he does} break that board. :0)

This Saturday is "Lowes Kids Clinic" day, so both the boys will be off to build some pretty awesome Jack-o-Lanterns.
Is there a Lowes or Home Depot near you? Get those kiddo's involved...I am telling you, they are great there!! And the projects are so cool..and the price is absolutely right....FREE!!
Plus, with every project they make...they earn a certificate and a patch that we Mom's {or in my case...Dad!} gets to sew on the Lowes carpenter apron that they get to keep.
Saturday also brings us to another important project....

Oh yeah...Mom's idea's are jumping all around and we are going to be snapping away. Kids? I know you read this {Kaysha}..prepare yourself...we're gonna be having some Spooktacular fun on Saturday!!

In the meantime..I do have new photos to put up, I just have to manage to keep the old peepers open long enough at night to resize and collage them. Maybe tonight? I'll let you know if I do.

Well guys and gals..I have to run, since I kept Kody home today, he is giving out some not so subtle hints for me to hang out for a while and watch some "Mythbusters" with him. Man oh man...he loves that show!!

Thanks for stopping by........Love you all!!


Monday, October 3, 2005 9:30 AM

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~*~Monday Afternoon Update~*~

It is with tremendous sadness and a broken heart that I let you all know that over the weekend we lost, not only a beautiful Caring Bridge family member, but a true voice of an Angel.
On Saturday night, HALEY was welcomed into the Heavens and is, I am sure, gleefully singing in Jesus' chior.
Please, if you would, take a moment to say a prayer for Haley's family....The Vincent's.

Haley...from the moment I "met" you stole my heart!! We were all floored with not only your unbelievable kindness for others, but your love of hurting/scared children everywhere.
Kody treasures your CD's that you sent him..he always will. And, I always know when he's in a great mood becasue he will come out of his room singing on the top of his lungs "I've Got the Dirty Rotten Liver Blues".
Thank you so much Sweet Girl, for always managing to put a huge smile on the face of a little boy, whom you've never met, but have made an incredibly huge impact on.
We will miss you "Little One".

Love,....Kody's kind of teary right now Mama Bear


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I'm about to wake up my hibernating Bear for school, but thought I'd jump on here quick just to let you all know we had a pretty cool weekend.

We didn't do all that much, pretty relaxing, not too shabby....

Hmmmmmm....let's see...what the heck did we do anyway?
Yesterday I had taken the kid's to Target to mosey around the costume dept., just to get some idea's. Kaysha and Kolin definetly have got something in mind....Kody? Well....since Target was pretty picked through...there was nothing there that struck him as "perfect". No problem though...we still have time.

Just for the record...I soooooooooo wanted the three kid's to be Bo, Luke and Daisy Duke...but they were having NOTHING to do with it. cute would that have been?

We were't there all that long when Kody, who was having a rough afternoon anyway....took a spill and tobbled down an entire halloween display. Then he dropped his, very much loved, "Brain Freeze" candy a few times.
Incase you all have no idea what I am talking about...Brain Freeze is so's gummy brain's that are in a cup that looks exactly like a "icee" or "slushie" cup.
There are a bunch to choose from...all kinds of gruesome, gorey things that kids {not girlie-girl kids though!} love..."eyeball gumballs", "finger fries", "foot long feet in a hot dog bun" all get the idea, right?

Welp..hate to leave you all hanging but I just's not as early as I thought and I really have to wake Kody his Mama, he is NOT a morning person. :0)

I'll be speaking to you all later...more pictures to come very soon. Which, reminds me....a GB question??
Yes...I sure do, do all the kid's portraits. I shoot them, fix them, purty them up and art work is getting to be a very fun and quite addicting habit of mine these days.
Also...something I someday hope on making a career out of {if I can just convince myself that they are really that good}....but with my life being dragged from pillar to post these is something that is in my future...but unfortunetly, not a tomorrow future.
I would like to thank *Stef* for patiently teaching me to be who I am and to *Krazy Aunt Mave* for always throwing me soooooo many compliments and support that I kind of feel a swelling head going on. :0)
Also....especially to my terrific Man/Husband, *Karlio* {Karl/Dad Bear}.....who tells me over and over that someday he will make my dream of photographing children and familes come true.
Until then...I'll just keep my practicing my passion on my kiddo's....and paying Kody that $1.00 he earns per every 10 pic's!! He tells me "Mom, a face like mine doesn't come for free anymore". Gotta love him...that boy could very well become a millionaire one day with an attitude like that. LOL!!!!

Ok guys and gals...I'm out for now.....busy day and I have one very important phone, make that two, that I have to get done when Kody is in school, but he won't get to school unless someone get's him ready!

Love you all.....have a BEAUTIFUL day!!!!!

***Prayers to all the families effected by the Lake George, NY boating tragedy. :0(***

Love, Kim a/k/a "One pretty chilled out after a crazy couple of weeks Mama Bear"

Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:30 PM

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~*~Friday Night~*~

New Photos Up Tonight!!!
Enjoy them....
Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Thank you so much everyone for the birthday wishes...and thank you soooooo much my wonderful daughter, Karyelle, for letting my lil' secret out...LOL....ahhhhhh, to be 29 again!! :0) day was great....hectic, non-stop, busy and flew by too quick...but great nonetheless.

Today I received gifts that were fit for a Queen...

Today I received hugs and "I love you's" from all six of my children.
I serenaded by Kody and Kolin.
I was played all my favorite love songs {and a few not so love songs too!} by the man that I love, cherish, adore and plan on keeping forever.
I didn't have to lift a finger after dinner as Kyle and Kaysha did all the clean up.
I was given a handmade notebook paper book that Kody put together himself today.
Dad Bear helped me update this evening while I ran out for calorie laden, carb stuffin' garlicy breadsticks.
I spent my day with Kyle.
I had lunch at school with my Bear.
Kolin actually stayed still for three minutes to let me hold him, rock him and smell his sweaty hair.
Kody climbed on me and let me do the same with him, one difference is that is was, LOL...kind of hard to walk after Kody got up. :0)
I listened as Dad Bear led all the kids in a beautiful dinner prayer and nearly cried as he confessed to God his love for me.
My family lovingly only used one box of candles instead of two.
Kaysha told me I was the most coolest Mom ever.
I have BEAUTIFUL friends, right here and all over the world.
After this update...the best is yet to come....
I get to snuggle up with the good stuff and snooze my whole night away next to the guy I married....happy and content after a very long but very wonderful day.

Oh and being 29 again? It's COOL!! I mean really....this age thing? It's only a number, right? all know I am not really 29, more like...cough, gag, choke.....43. Yes, I said 43...the big 4-3. But, after belting out "Love Shack" that was blasting on our living room computer tonight....heck, I sure do not feel a day over 29!! Well, OK....maybe my "Love Shack Shakin'" back does. :0(
So...let's keep that number 29 our lil' secret for another year, OK?

Now then....on to the real reason as to why you are here tonight...that well overdue update!!

As you know, Kody's Dr. P, cancelled Kody's MRI for yesterday because of the fact he just had one three weeks ago.
After asking alot of questions and getting very in depth about what has been going on with Kody since last Thursday night...everything defiently points to seizures, or "Funky Chicken's" as Kody likes to say.
Since the Augmentin for the strep has really kicked in {and kicked the tar out of his belly this week}, I haven't seen anything that resembles seizure activity since Tuesday, when he had his last "staring spell" and head jerky thing.

I am still waiting for a call from Neurology {which I was told would happen yesterday} to talk to them, since seizures are their specialty. I am going to request another EEG be done just to be on the safe side of things. I also still want to know why the heck we were not told that any of this could happen.

In the meantime, basically, what we know for sure is that there isn't a possibilty that Kody will be weaned from or off of his seizure med's anytime in the future.
We were praying that the siezure he had last March would be his one and only and that eventually he could be weaned...but that will not happen.
This makes Kody even more of a "Seizure procaution kid", since we now know he has had and may continue to have, breakthrough seizures.
I ask that if he does have to have a seizure...that we all pray that he never, ever has one as traumatic and damaging as the grand mal he had in March.

Other then that....for today, Kody looks great, he feels great and that is most defiently the most best and precious gift a Mom could ever ask for. :0)
See, those prayers..they are a wonderful thing!!

I never did put that blurb up about new pictures but I did put up three new ones the other day.
Tomorrow I'll be swapping those out with a few sure to watch because there will be one of Kaysha that is just soooooooooo awesome!

Ok guys and gals...I'm off of here tonight to catch some ZZZZZZ"s.

Hope you all have a restful night and a blessed and beautiful day tomorrow.


One very happy, happy, HAPPY middle aged and lovin' it Mama Bear!!! :0)

Monday, September 26, 2005 10:30 PM

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Normally I'm a huge roller coaster freak...but this is one ride I think we all want to get off.

Kody's neuro., Dr. Pincus' secretary called today to tell me that Dr. P. wanted Kody in for an immediate MRI, mainly because of the eye rolling incident from Friday.
Of course, I agreed to have him there at noon, no problem.
This evening, Dr. P's nurse practioner, Leeann, called and after talking in depth about what exactly happened Thursday night, Friday and was decided that since Kody's MRI from 3 weeks ago looked so good, that whatever happened was most likely seizure activity.

I mentioned to Leeann that yesterady I saw Kody, twice, stare into space for about 20, maybe 30 seconds. He didn't fall, he didn't even drop the book he was holding...but he just blanked out/stared straight ahead without moving.

Today, Kody came home from school after only two hours because, we believe the augmentin was making his belly very, very woozy. On the ride home Kody was doing what I call the "bobble head", the bobble head went into stiff jerky head movements and only lasted seconds.

Leeann told me that both things sound exactly like seizure....not tumor issues. me, is good...real good, right? {I hope...I pray..I really, really do}

Oh, she also told me about the virus/low seizure threshold thing too.

Anyway, to make a long story short...Leeann was calling Dr. Pollack from Ped's Neurology and discussing with him everything that has been happening.
I was supposed to hear back from Neurology, but didn't...hopefully I will by tomorow or else they can expect a call from me in the AM.

Perhaps all he needs is a higher dose of Carbatrol, perhaps a change of med's all together....but personally, I feel that another EEG is definetly in order...since we have seizure activity again.
Let's see if they agree.

Thank you so much for all the prayers that have been said today...I am so sorry I didn't explain myself better..I was on my way out the door as usual. :0(
Plus...I had just told Kody about needed to go back for another MRI, and let's just say that didn't go over real well with him.

Kody's tired...I'm tired...we are all so tired of this crazy roller coaster ride...but, SIGH....such is the life in the brain tumor world I suppose....

Once you think it's safe to breath...welp, you better think again. :0(

Before I go, I'd like to ask you all to pray soooo hard for our friend, MATTHEW {who's link is also on the "Matthew's Miles" banner up top of my journal}.
Dr. Carson found a new cyst and will have to operate again. Matthew just underwent his second crainiotomy last June.
Please pray that although this is crummy news, that Matthew's tumor has not changed. Unfortunetly his MRI didn't go well and the best that Matthew could handle was a Cat Scan, which is a great test...just not as good as an MRI in the case of checking up on tumors.

Have a wonderful night everyone...thank you so much for checking up on our Bear.

A much more happier but very tired Mama Bear

PS Thank you so much CJ, you gals are the BEST!!!!!!


~*~Tuesday Afternoon~*~

Kody will be going in for an emergancy MRI tomorow {Wednesday} at noon.
We'll be finding out the results tomorrow also.
Please pray for him...please. :0(

One very brokenhearted Mama Bear


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

YIKES...another long day and another day I realized I hadn't updated, man I gotta get with the program!! :0)

First....Mavis, I will call you back...I literally have been in that car all day, appointments, dropping off, picking up...the madness didn't stop until 7:30 tonight when the car got put in park for the night..BUT...then there was dinner, homework, baths....
What can I say? Another wacky but wonderful day!! :0)

OK, so it started out with Kody back at the ped's office for his throat that didn't seem to be getting much better.
Since he has done nothing but gag and choke on that liquid {or gluey substance or cement stuff or whatever you want to call it} Augmentin, his ped. Dr. Franks, gave him a script for the pill form which came directly from Kody's request.
As soon as I picked up that bottle of pills from Walgreens I noticed that for three bucks Walgreens will "flavor" what else but Kody's personal favorite...bubble gum! Now why didn't I know this before? DUH!!
So now he's got these huge horse pills...but I have to give him credit...he got it down tonight with no problem.
Hopefully we should see an awfully big difference by tomorow.

OK, sooooooo....
The question of the day....
Did Shands ever call back?
No they did not.
BUT, since I have some really super cool friends out there who are going through similar situations I was able to get some really great advice and support and the answers I was looking for...since I knew in my heart Kody DID have another seizure late Thursday night or very early Friday morning..but the ER DOc said "No way"....the answer to this mystery is this...
Yes, more then likely Kody had a seizure...through a mild one, a seizure that caused his both eyes to roll back, made his slur his words and took him to sleeping off most of the day.
The link that put this all together was the strep itself. Virus' cause kids that are seizure prone to have their seizure threshold turn causing break through seizure. When antibiotics kill that virus, the seizure generally stop....
Until the next virus comes along. I suppose then it's just a never ending cycle kind of thing.
Now, since last March when he had that massive grand mal, or "Grand time at the Mall" or "Funky Chicken" or "Kody Unplugged" as Kody likes to call them he's never been sick.
So, since he finally did catch something gross {thank you back to schoolers!}, this was a first for all of us and something we always need to be on the look for and careful with, since like I mentioned, could happen again.
What I can't figure out is, why didn't his neurologist tell us something like this could happen? Especially since he knows Kody goes to school, and where a better breeding ground for germs and virus' then school? know it's weeks like this that make me want to find a new hospital for him to go to. Walt Disney Cancer Institute is a really wonderful one...I know because that is the place Karyelle went and she had the best of the best working with her.
It's something to seriously consider.

Some of you may know Chloe and Hannaka a/k/a "Squeezy Cheeks". These two sisters do have a CB site but since it is password protected I won't be able to link to it for you but if you would, please send over prayers for them and Mom, Chris. They have just found out that Chloe's Daddy passed away last Thursday. was Chris who signed Kody's GB on Thursday to let me know what was up with his health. See, I told you I have some awesome friends out there!! :0)

Oh...I have some more school news...your all gonna love this!
Well, it seems Kody's new "Teacher writes down assignments and provides Kody with proper books " only lasted a couple of days when Kody came home with an assignment book with at least 30 assignments and NO BOOKS!!!
YEppers, you heard that right, no darn, what's a Mamabear to do in a situtation like that?
Welp, follow the advice of somemore great friends out there and demand Kody have a second set of books left at home for his convenance. Would you believe I made that call on Friday and again this morning and no big call back yet.
Is it me or are they delibretly setting Kody up for failure?

Thank you all so much for the millions of prayers from all around the world for Kyle. He is doing better...not 100 percent better but he is still fighting and thank you to all of you, he is happy and smiling because of al the beautiful entries that went out just for him.
It is a tough world out there...but with all of us backing him up...when he is at his sure that there is only one other place for him to go, and that is up.
He'll make it....this is Kody brother we're talking about, right??!! :0)

Well my friends...I'm gonna boogie on out of here tonight, everyone else is asleep and that sounds like a really good place for me to be right now also.

Have a sweeeeeeeeet day and remember...

"Ya'all come on back now, ya hear??"

Love yaz like Krazy!!


PS. Yes Dad B., new pictures WILL be up soon {this man is really starting to complain loud} soon as I can manage to sit down here for a while, or be home for a while or keep my peepers open for a while. Let's plan for tomorrow, OK?

Monday, September 26, 2005 10:30 PM

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~*~Saturday Morning~*~

YIKES...another long day and another day I realized I hadn't updated, man I gotta get with the program!! :0)

First....Mavis, I will call you back...I literally have been in that car all day, appointments, dropping off, picking up...the madness didn't stop until 7:30 tonight when the car got put in park for the night..BUT...then there was dinner, homework, baths....
What can I say? Another wacky but wonderful day!! :0)

OK, so it started out with Kody back at the ped's office for his throat that didn't seem to be getting much better.
Since he has done nothing but gag and choke on that liquid {or gluey substance or cement stuff or whatever you want to call it} Augmentin, his ped. Dr. Franks, gave him a script for the pill form which came directly from Kody's request.
As soon as I picked up that bottle of pills from Walgreens I noticed that for three bucks Walgreens will "flavor" what else but Kody's personal favorite...bubble gum! Now why didn't I know this before? DUH!!
So now he's got these huge horse pills...but I have to give him credit...he got it down tonight with no problem.
Hopefully we should see an awfully big difference by tomorow.

OK, sooooooo....
The question of the day....
Did Shands ever call back?
No they did not.
BUT, since I have some really super cool friends out there who are going through similar situations I was able to get some really great advice and support and the answers I was looking for...since I knew in my heart Kody DID have another seizure late Thursday night or very early Friday morning..but the ER DOc said "No way"....the answer to this mystery is this...
Yes, more then likely Kody had a seizure...through a mild one, a seizure that caused his both eyes to roll back, made his slur his words and took him to sleeping off most of the day.
The link that put this all together was the strep itself. Virus' cause kids that are seizure prone to have their seizure threshold turn causing break through seizure. When antibiotics kill that virus, the seizure generally stop....
Until the next virus comes along. I suppose then it's just a never ending cycle kind of thing.
Now, since last March when he had that massive grand mal, or "Grand time at the Mall" or "Funky Chicken" or "Kody Unplugged" as Kody likes to call them he's never been sick.
So, since he finally did catch something gross {thank you back to schoolers!}, this was a first for all of us and something we always need to be on the look for and careful with, since like I mentioned, could happen again.
What I can't figure out is, why didn't his neurologist tell us something like this could happen? Especially since he knows Kody goes to school, and where a better breeding ground for germs and virus' then school? know it's weeks like this that make me want to find a new hospital for him to go to. Walt Disney Cancer Institute is a really wonderful one...I know because that is the place Karyelle went and she had the best of the best working with her.
It's something to seriously consider.

Some of you may know Chloe and Hannaka a/k/a "Squeezy Cheeks". These two sisters do have a CB site but since it is password protected I won't be able to link to it for you but if you would, please send over prayers for them and Mom, Chris. They have just found out that Chloe's Daddy passed away last Thursday. was Chris who signed Kody's GB on Thursday to let me know what was up with his health. See, I told you I have some awesome friends out there!! :0)

Oh...I have some more school news...your all gonna love this!
Well, it seems Kody's new "Teacher writes down assignments and provides Kody with proper books " only lasted a couple of days when Kody came home with an assignment book with at least 30 assignments and NO BOOKS!!!
YEppers, you heard that right, no darn, what's a Mamabear to do in a situtation like that?
Welp, follow the advice of somemore great friends out there and demand Kody have a second set of books left at home for his convenance. Would you believe I made that call on Friday and again this morning and no big call back yet.
Is it me or are they delibretly setting Kody up for failure?

Thank you all so much for the millions of prayers from all around the world for Kyle. He is doing better...not 100 percent better but he is still fighting and thank you to all of you, he is happy and smiling because of al the beautiful entries that went out just for him.
It is a tough world out there...but with all of us backing him up...when he is at his sure that there is only one other place for him to go, and that is up.
He'll make it....this is Kody brother we're talking about, right??!! :0)

Well my friends...I'm gonna boogie on out of here tonight, everyone else is asleep and that sounds like a really good place for me to be right now also.

Have a sweeeeeeeeet day and remember...

"Ya'all come on back now, ya hear??"

Love yaz like Krazy!!


PS. Yes Dad B., new pictures WILL be up soon {this man is really starting to complain loud} soon as I can manage to sit down here for a while, or be home for a while or keep my peepers open for a while. Let's plan for tomorrow, OK?

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy


Still leaving these links/messages below....


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


A site that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Friday, September 23, 2005 10:14 AM

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~*~Saturday Afternoon~*~

Kody has strep throat. :0(
He's miserable, on Augmentin {that thick, nasty, white stuff}, and is sleeping soundly.
Thank God it was nothing serious. :0)

On some very great may appear that maybe, just maybe Kody could have had an allergic reaction to the shrimp he ate the other night.
Although he has eaten fried shrimp before, he hasn't had any since being put on Carbatrol. Perhaps Carbatrol and shellfish don't mix and thus caused the chest pressure/pain and difficulty breathing.

I'll be taking him to the Ped. on Monday...I'll definetly ask if that could have happened.

Better run....lots to catch up on, phone calls, house stuff {yeppers...4 hours away from home and it look's like Toys-R-Us threw up in the living room.

The new "baseball" picture on top {Is for you, Poppy!!!!} was taken yesterday can still see where his eye was still turned up a tad.

Have a great day....

Love, Kim


~*~Saturday Morning~*~

Good Morning!!!!!

I apologize for leaving you all hanging last night....I meant to update and then fell asleep with my Bear instead.
It's been probably one of the most emotionly draining weeks I think I've felt in a long time and for the first time in a long time I've even had to question whether or not "strength" was really one of my stronger virtues.
BUT.....It's the start of a brand new weekend and I feel, in my heart, that because of the millions of prayers that have been said for us "K's" that things can only get better. :0)

So.....with that new outlook on life..let's get on the the reason why ya'all stopped by today!!

Let's start off from the beginning, Thursday night.

This past Thursday, our family welcomed with open arms a new member of the "K" Krew...soon to be two new members, Karls' son, Billy {from a previous relationship way before we met} and his fiance`, Christine.
Now....because of circumstances many, many moons ago...Karl and Billy had never met. Since they we're in Florida working out some initial details for their Disney wedding....they came out to Leesburg for a very emotional {a good kind of emotional} meet his Dad and of course....all those siblings...which I know had to have been pretty overwhelming at first!! :0)

Though the older kids knew of the situation, Kody and Kolin didn't until the night before. Because kids hearts are always so open to new things...they were estactic about the whole idea...and totally could not wait to meet their new older brother for the first time.

Without going on and on endlessly....I am happy to tell you all that our day went FANTASTIC!!!
Lots of hugs and catching up in a very short amount of time....but even with those few hours...alot was accomplished and we couldn't be happier.
The boys?? LOL...well, what can I say.......they BOMBARDED Billy with hugs and "I love you's", wouldn't leave him alone for two seconds and kept saying "He's our brotha...from another motha"!!

***Mental note...ease off the "Drake & Josh Show a little***

Of course, we took a ton of new photos...I should have them up sometime this weekend, I just didn't have a minute to get anything ready at all these past couple of days, so watch for them before Monday...I'll throw in a lil' blurb when they're up.

As we were coming home from the Chinese restaurant that Billy & Christine treated us to...Kody & Kolin were riding with B&C. We pulled up to our home and Christine came out and said "Kody was having a hard time breathing".
I saw him get out of the truck and he was holding on to his chest...he was breathing but he said it hurt and was difficult.

We right away took him inside, calmed him, accesed the situtaion....which made him on the miserable side, but not critical. I got to thinking that he had just ate a bunch of fried shrimp, and since I don't cook fried anything..possibly he had heartburn and was feeling that heartburny burning....which anyone who has ever had it, knows is painful and can make breathing hurt too.

After a while he seemed better, not 100 percent but laughing, having his picture taken and generally having fun again.

When it was time for bed, to be on the safe side...I scooted him in our bed so that we could be right there keeping a close eye on him and though he had a rough and tumble, all over the place night....he seemed to sleep well.

At 6:30 yesterday morning I woke him up early for chorus and he complained that his chest still hurt and that his left eye was hurting also.
His left eye was the one he hurt last week and I know it had already healed up just fine.....sooooooo, I told him to go on back to sleep and I'd check on him at 7 o'clock for school.
When I woke him at 7, hewas still feeling yuck, maybe I thought {I hoped} it was because of the excitment and late night the night before and opted for him {and Kolin} to just stay home and chill for the day.

At 10 o'clock, I woke him up once again for breakfast and he held on to his eye and said "It hurts Mom, the whole left side of me from my eye on down hurts"
I then told him to roll over adn open his eyes...he did and what I saw nearly made me fall backwards. His left eye was almost completely rolled back up into his head.
Well, needles to day...I freaked, and ran to get the phone and call Dr. Pincus...
In the meantime Kolin had walked in to say "Good Morning" to him and he came tearing out to get me crying "Mommy...something is wrong with Kody's isn't there!!" He was literally panic stricken.
As I was explaining the situation to the person at Shands...I was also having Kody walk out into the living room so I could see his balance..which usually isn't terrific in the morning anyway.
As Lisa {from Dr. P's office} had my on hold while trying to get ahold of him, I kneeled in front of Kody {who was laying on the sofa} and said "Kody..look straight at Mommy" He did and what I saw now was BOTH his eyes rolled upwards.
At this point I swear I have no idea what kept me from know, it's like someone just punches you in the stomach and you think you are just going to lose everything.

I was told that Dr. P must be in a "bad area" because they couldn't reach him but that they would keep trying and he'd call me back.
Hmmmmmm.....everyone including the Dr's in that hospital uses Nextel''s the ONLY phone you can use and I know, because I have used Karyelle's Nextel in there that reception is beautiful no matter where in the hospital that you are.
So, I'm thinking...he wasn't even there.

So...we waited, and waited, and waited....

And in a couple of hours one of his eyes had gone back to normal. In a course of about 8 hours yesterday his left eye went down..not completely all the way but definetly better then it was that morning.

Oh..and BTW...his appetite was right on the money all day. LOL!!!

By afternoon he was watching movies with Kolin...but he never actually got up to play and didn't want anything to do with video games because of his eye.
Also by afternoon he started having some major mood your face, onery type mood swings which is soooooooo NOT Kody's personality.

He ate dinner like a straving wolf, finally played some video games with Kyle and very happily fell asleep around 9.

Just to sure I knew every move he made last night, I opted to battle that darn bottom bunk bed, crawled in like a twisted ole' pretzel and made a mental note to NOT get up quick in the middle of the night, which sooo much easier said then done..."BONK!!!!!"

Oh, the call from Kody's Dr.?? Never happened...never, ever came..can you believe it?

We {Karl & I} feel that it is quite the possibility that Kody had a seizure in his sleep that night {two nights ago}. Because he is still only on Carbatrol {his medicine has not been changed as of yet}, that prevented it from becoming anotehr grand mal...but, because off all the clear symptoms he had {eye rolling, personality change, fatigue....}, well..those are classic signs of a seizure.

It sure is amazing how things can change so fast. :0(

Kody had his med's at 8 this morning and right now it's about 10 o'clock...time for Kody Bear to rise and shine, I pray with all my heart that today finds Kody back to being "Kody". I pray that he has a good day, a happy day...a day without pain, discomfort and tears.
I pray he and Kyle get to spend serious bonding time and I pray that Kyle knows in his heart how much we all love him so, and that he can battle those demons that threaten his life everyday lately...because if they do win...they will take all of us down with it..especially Kody.

Well my clockwork my Bear just got up and can you believe it? His throat is on fire and bright red.
Looks like we are making an E.R. trip after all. SIGH......

Please rememebr all of our friends today who were effected by hurricane rita...especially Kody's Uncle Bulldawg, as you all know by Aunt Mavis' entry....will only by God's Grace, have a home to come home to.

And of course...Chance & Angel, who lost their beautiful Mom just days ago. {link in my entry below this one}

Also...Matthew who is going in for an emergancy MRI Monday. If you all rememebr Matthew has just very recently undergone his second crainiotomy adn recently started experiencing balance problems....please pray for him....
and Chance....
And Angel....
And Brant....
And Bulldawg....
And our friends everywhere....

***Links listed on Kody's Kool Page II, above my entry***

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I need to make this very qucik this morning...

First PLEASE kick up some mega Kody Bear prayers today. Last night he started having difficulty breathing and pain in his left chest area. After a while he seemed better, not 100 percent but better enough to laugh and have fun again. But sluggish...very sluggish.
This mornign when I woke him for school, he was complaining that everythign from his left eye, down was hurting.
Just a bit ago I woke him to check on him and his left eye is rolled back alot. He still hurts and is telling me it is still hard to breath. {but he is breathing enough!!}
I placed a call to Shands and am waiting for Dr. Pincus to call back...look slike we'll be on our way to Gainesville today. :0(
After getting him out of bed and on teh couch, I looked closer at his eyes. They are both rolled back.

PLEASE keep the prayers for Kody's big brother Kyle coming he fights off the demons in his life.

Also, a very dear woman named Patty, whom all of you will know as Chance's Mom, passed away of cerival cacner very early yesterday morning. Please pray for Chance and his sister, Angel during this very difficult time in their lives. I hope this link works..I seriously don't have time to look it up. :0(

And it goes without saying...everyone in the path of hurricane rita needs lots and lots of prayers. May God be there with all of you always....especially today with Kody, Kyle, Chance, Angel and the people of the South in rita's path.

I really have to run....SIGH...I feel I am being pulled in every direction today and they all lead to places I'd rather not be. :0(

Love, Kim

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 12:53 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

WOW...looks like I've found my answer...nobody better ever try to take Kody's IEP away, mainstream or not...I have a feeling there will be at least 100 or more irrate Bear fans out there knocking down school doors!! :0)
It appeared to me that at school conference time the reasoning is, without coming right out and saying it, is that the school didn't want to or couldn't afford to hire an extra teacher/assistant to assit Kody in a mainstream class.
But.....get this, I found out today that just this week Kody's school was presented an over $62,000.00 check for making an "A" rating this past year.
I know for sure that I will be at the next PTO meeting wanting to know where that funding is going to if not to hire educators for the children they claim they are NOT leaving behind. Interesting, huh??

Other then continues to roll on as it always does....busy, crazy, non-stop floods of activity.

I better run for now....

Because I tend to be the kind of person who likes to take apart rooms and do some heavy duty clearing out when I'm feeling superly stressed out...Yesterday, I kicked butt in a spare room we have that will now be known as "Mom's picture taking room and place to store props"..and I have got to get some storage stuff to our storage unit that's been in there forever. Seriously, that darn bin of a million plastic Easter eggs has got to go until March, at least. :0)

I'd like to ask you all for a huge favor....this means alot to me, more then you will ever know...

Without going into details because Kody's big brother, Kyle is a very private, keep to himself type person...
Please, please, please pray for him. I would never ask unless he and I truly needed it. God knows why and that's all that really matters.

Thank you so much....

Love you all...


Monday, September 19, 2005 9:28 PM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Oh my gosh, what a day...I have soooo much to say...soooooooo, grab a drink, make a snack and let's get going!! :0)

OK..first things new job at the restaurant won't be happening. We found out yesterday some shady and potentally dangerous activity/drama was going on around there and turns out it wasn't going to be a place where I would be confortable to be in at night.
I still have to get Wal-Mart going, application-wise but with the craziness of our day today, there wasn't a minute to, Wednesday's another day because tomorrow we have to take a trip out to Ocala for Kolin's E.N.T appointment.
That appt. couldn't come at a better time as he came home with a sore throat, fever and tonight is telling me his ears are aching too.

As for Kody's Dr. appointment today....he is doing WONDERFUL!!!
Though his motor skills are strong {very, VERY strong!!}...he does have a coordination problem..mostly with the right hand and side of his body.
The anti-seizure med. that he takes, Carbatrol, can cause thyroid problems but not the kind of problems Kody is having. It might, that's a big might, been caused by his last brain surgery. But that isn't proven.
So, Dr. Pollack wants us to go right ahead with the appointment with the endrocrinologist next month and if the endr. feels his med's should be switched to something else that may not give him thyroid problems, then they will put him on something new called Kepra {not sure if I spelled that right}. In the meanwhile Carbatrol kicks butt and since he's been seizure-free since he started it back in March...we kind of like the stuff.

OK guys and gals...I'm being made to watch Monday Night Raw so I better get going.

Thanks for stopping by tonight....till tomorrow...

Have a wonderful night!!


OOPS.....MY BAD!!!!!

I bet you are all wondering about that lil' ole school siutaion, huh??? :0)

OK..OK...I've strung you along way to far....sorry!!

Here's the scoop on "Mama Bear goes Wild" not to be confused with "Girls gone Wild". LOL!!!

First, thank you to EVERYONE who has signed the GB about this and to all who have sent me e-mails about it...offering GREAT advice.
Last night I went ahead and printed quite a few e-mails {one in particular that was packed full of everything I need to say...and said} and brought them all with me.
Not only did his teacher, the principal and guidance counselor find out how upset I was but they also got a darn good dose of all Kody's fans...many teacher themselves and found out how upset they were {BTW...I did not print out names or e-mail addys for privacy reasons}.
Well....let me tell you, I called teh school at 8 this morning just to double check that everything was set and that his principal would be there also. Of course, he started to make an "Well, I am the only one here today" excuse BUT I quickly stopped that by saying "Mr. So and So...let me rephrase WANT to be at this meeting". And so, he said "Yes..of course KIM, I'll be there."
I got off the phone not to pleased that I had just called him MR. and he just called me not Mrs. K but "Kim". and vowed if he did it again I'd call him Charlie for sure. the way...he did and so did I , you should have seen his jaw drop. :0)

First thing I did was call them on leaving Kody alone.....right away Charlie jumps up and says "that ever happened"...ah, excuse me? Yes it did and since I brought Kody to the meeting....I had him there as my backup.
His teacher said "Oh no, he was never alone..I left Mr. whatever with him" to which I said "I know you left Mr. whatshisname with him but Mr. whats... didn't stick around very long..Kody was ALONE, as a matter of fact..Kody finally found the dude walking around the lunchroom."
OK, so know there was totally could just hear jaws dropping. Right then his teacher admitted Kody was right and that in fact...she left him alone with another teacher who wasn't responsible"
But...then adds..."But Mr. whoever doesn't know about Kody's 'condition' and Kody would have been in the classroom had he of had his reading glasses that day but since he didnt have them he couldn't do the classwork".
Note on that....I remember that day very well..Kody's reading glasses were right in his backpack where we leave them...nobody looked.

I vented about a few other issuses and the principal, Charlie interuppted by saying we should stick to the acedemic, I did, I ranted abotu that too...the No Child Gets Left Behind Act, the lack of understanding about his medical issues, his IEP, and the neglect of written assignments and the books to go with it.

So....though he tried to have the upper hand {Charlie}, it wasn't happenin' how, no way. This Mama got her native New Yorker up and I was on a roll. :0)

In the end...toes were stepped on, I may have overstepped my boundries slightly, feelings were hurt {but not Kody's!} and Kody and I caused some embarrassment...BUT,

WE WON!!!!! major problem is that for the next couple of weeks at least, Kody needs to stay in thast class BUT, I believe we caused some attitude adjustments to happen and every single demand...which were very simple ones, for example...I asked that his teacher personally write his assignments in his adgenda book and put his books in his backpack, were met. {I hope!}
He is still dual enrolled until we get his thyroid problem fixed and he is more about to handle full days.
The teacher Kody really wants this year only teaches 5th he couldn't have that. The only teacher that they claim would be available for him is well, like going from bad to worse so....until we can come up with a teacher that will take him he has to stay where he is.

Now..they tried to have me believeing that once he is mainstreaned his IEP no longer applies and he will not be eligible for the extra help. I don't think this is true, but if anyone knows about this so called rule, will you please let me know?
I know he still needs that IEP, I know he needs the extra help his IEP spells out...and I know he will fall behind quickly without it. more thing before I realy do jump off...

The very first thing Kody's teacher said to me was "Well, you know Kody has the attention span of about one minute"
LOL...even if I had come to that meeting in a great mood...that one sentence would have had me on a roll.
So...not being one to miss up on an opportunity I said "Well no kidding and welcome to my world"
I then told her to remember not only has Kody had three major brain surgeries and one grand mal seizure in three years but he also was diagnosed by Shands as having ADD and no, I will NOT medicate my child".
That's when Charlie jumped in and said "Well, be thankful he doesnt have ADHD" to which opportunity struck again and I said "Hey, you know...I have a couple of ADHD boys...and NO, I will not medicate them too".
And oh, BTW...I could have it in writing today that Kody does suffer from short term memory loss becasue of his last surgery. Small price to pay when you think of all we got back that day.
They did tell me it wouldn't be neccesary but.....
***Oh if looks could have killed***

And, not to vent more but something else was said that, in the words of my Kody, "really chapped my a*s", I called his teacher out on the "You need to give up your social life and study more". She denied it, Kody jumped in and said she did so say that, she said she didn't remember and I piped in by saying "This child is lucky to have a life at all, as a matter of fact..if you can all look back, Kody should have died a few years ago. His social life? What social life? He NEVER gets invited on playdates, he NEVER gets invited to birthday parties,, he NEVER gets invited anywhere by anyone because parents are scared. His social life, please. If it werent for karate class and Camp Boggy Creek...his ONLY life would be at home and at his hospital..the two places he feels safe and really is a shame he can't even feel that at school"

WHEW...well, I think I certainly made my point. There was quiet.
And at the end, Kody got up to go back to class with the goal of very soon mainstreaming in mind. But before he got up I hugged him like I'd never hug him again, I told him I loved him bigger then the galaxy and then we high fived and said to him "We'll show them who the toughest of the tough is won't we?"
What did Kody say? He said "You KNOW we will Mamabear!!"

OK my is getting way late and I have got to get these kids to bed, they are wrestling in the living room. No school tomorrow for the boys because of Kolin's ENT appt. in the morning. We've got another busy day ahead of us...

Love you all!!


PS. Sorry about all the spelling mistakes tonight. :0(

Friday, September 16, 2005 10:55 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

WHOA...I just realized tonight how behind I am in the updating department. :0(

Everything here is cool though, just so, soooooo non-stop. Every week just seems to be busier and busier.
But, in any assured that everything in the "K" home may be busy, but it's a good kind of busy if you all know what I mean.

Kody's eye is much better today. The past few days have been rough for him but as always...he toughed it out and is pretty close to being back to 100 percent again.

Hot topic on the kid front {OK, and Mom too} is Halloween. Now, I know it's a ways away but in our home, it is never too soon to start planning on the biggest party of the year.
The kids...well, OK..the boys have been throwing around costume ideas like crazy and I, personally, have been throwing around Halloween picture ideas in my head.
Like I's never too soon to get the planning in full swing.
So, what do the boys have in mind? I am gonna tell...yeah right!!!!
You'll just have to wait and hints...but I can tell you that the ideas are AWESOME....gruesome, but awesome!! :0)
Even Kaysha is getting into it since it just may be her final year...her Halloween pic's this year, oh man..I cannot wait to take them cuz between her and I we have something truly one of a kind, superly cool in mind.

OK..on to another subject....

I have a meeting at school at 9:30 Monday morning. I have a few things to say, there will be a few toes stepped on and some feelings may be hurt BUT....keep in mind that for a change, Kody's feelings will NOT be the ones getting hurt this time.
No matter how much they think they can humilate him, bring him down and act like he is a ain't happenin'!!
Mama Bear is on the patrol and she is not happy...not at all.

A few things I am raging about....

#1...Lack of interest or communication from his teacher ever since I have decided to dual enroll him.

#2...The way Kody was left alone in a back spare room of his class to make up work, when he was done and came out of that room...his teacher had taken the class and left, forgetting about him and leaving him alone to walk around outside to the main school building looking for her and his classmates.

#3...Watching Kody fend for himself while being left behind again, struggling while trying to balance himself, a breakable school project he was real proud of, his backpack, and his water thermos...all that while trying his best not to fall while walking around about 30 other kids standing in his way.
Where was his teacher you ask? Leading the rest of the class into the lunchroom 20 or so feet in front of him.

#4...The way his teacher insists on humiliating him daily by saying loud enough for the whole class to hear "Kody, I might as well just give you an "F" for the semester seeing as you can't seem to get anything right".

#5...Telling Kody he needs to "give up his social life and study more".

#6...Looking though Kody's backpack everyday and discovering again that his teacher did not supply him with the proper books and assignments to go with them...and then insulting him and I by insisting she did.

#7...Hearing his teacher tell me just today that she doesn't doubt Kody needs a little sleep every afternoon "seeing as he falls asleep in class everyday", and if that wasn't a kicker...she also told me that she feels Kody plays the "I don't feel good game a little too well and believes he is lazy and selective about doing his work"

#8...Here's the one that just about had me shoving a school hoagie down one !@*#@! throat....
When Kody told his teacher today that he would need to leave early on Monday because he had an appointment with his Dr. at the hospital...he was told...
" need to be at school...NOT at a hospital on Monday!"

Now....I have a feeling that there are alot of burning up Kody fans out there right about now...especially Chef David, Miss Sabrina Uncle Bulldawg and Krazy Auntie Mavis, who I can only compare to die hard, hard core football fans, but replace football with Kody Bear. LOL!! Seriously, you do NOT want to get these four on a roll when someones been messin' with the Bear and his lil' Bro Kolin. :0)

Oh...hold on, I left out one lil' important conversation...
This morning as I dropped Kolin off at school {Kody went earlier that morning for chorus}, the principal made a point of coming over to my car and saying "We need to have a conference about Kody, he isn't doing very well in school..he isn't keeping up"
Well...DUH....I wonder why? Not only do I wonder but I wonder why the heck that school hasn't called me back after I've been calling and calling for a conference.
In any is at the point that Kody is making himself physically ill at the thought of having to go to, not really to school because he basically loves everything about school...chorus, PE, music class, quilting club.
He just can't stand having to be with that woman during the day...and quite honestly, I don't blame him one bit.

So...what are my plans/demands??
That Kody still be dual enrolled and taken out of that Special Ed. class and mainstreamed back into regular 4th grade. I've talked with Kody many times and this is what he wants too...he wants to learn, he wants to fit in, he wants to get "A's", he wants to be included in on the "A/B" honor roll parties, he wants to make it to the 5th grade, he wants more then anything to be "normal", and I will see to it with every breath in my body that he gets exactly what he wants.
That Kody's IEP stay right in place and I will personally monitor it daily to see that everything on it is done for him, that he never get's left behind, that he gets an education...just as every other child out there...disability or not.

No matter what...Kody is the most important person here...he didn't pick what his life has was randonally handed to him and I have to say, for a child of only 10 years old..he has handled his life and his disabilities with more courage and pure innocent sheer determination then I have ever seen in any adult I have ever met in my life.
I wonder if his teacher can say that about herself? I think not.

WHOA....I sure did vent...sorry!! You know, sometimes the thoughts and finger typing tend fly about 150 MPH. :0)

Welp, I better get going...I promised myself some sleep and I am defintely going to try and get some tonight.

I apoligize to everyone that has been calling and e-mailing me this week or two. I have been getting the phone messages and I've been reading each and every e-mail.
I am soooo way behind in answering and I am sorry. Thank you so much for always remembering to personally tell me how much Kody means to you and how much you are praying for'll never know how much we apprecaite it.
As soon as I can I will get back to all the phone calls...I will, it just may take a little while.
This weekend I am starting to work night a local Italian restaurant and also, most likely Wal-Mart..stocking shelves or whatever.
During the day when the kid's are in school, when I'm not running errands, I'll be trying my best to play sleep catch up. My afternoons and evenings are always a blur of never-ending activity.
Please keep Kody in your prayers at this time...he's been crying himself into headaches for two days since I told him of these new plans, a part of him tells me he is "worried" that I'll be gone at night, another part of him doesn't want to give up the good-night kisses, hugs and tuck-me-ins.
Another part comes from the bond he and I share that goes deeper then any ocean, bigger then any mountain. Sometimes I actaully feel like we are invisibly connected...never letting each other stray too far away. I'm his life and he is mine.
He is a self-proclaimed "Mama's Boy and PROUD of it!!". :0)

I think it'll be rough for him at first...but I bet you anything as soon as I take home that first pizza...he'll be hooked on the idea!! ;0)

OK, I better get going...Have a beautifully blessed weekend everyone and thank you a ton for stopping by!

Also..before I forget..thank you to whoever is keeping the "hug-a-meters" cool is that??!! :0)




PS. Neurology {seizure Dr} appointment is on Monday

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:15 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Holy Macaroni....what a day!!!

Sorry about the lack of's been nuts but I just knew I had to jump on here tonight and let you all in on our day.

As most of you know, Kody is ahhhhh, Kody....original, unique, funny, personable, but how many of you really know Kody??
Welp, come on and take a look as to what I deal with on a daily in!

Everything was going smooth.....really smooth.....TOO SMOOTH!!
When this afternoon around 1:30 Kody decided to rake some leaves. Harmless, right? Wrong! Oh, you all don't know Kody like I know Kody. ;0)
After taking the rake to the leaves and the moss that was still hanging ON the tree {yes, you read that right!}....Kody came inside, sat down to play Destroy all Humans on his X-Box {C.J., Connor, Hallie &B John, we love you guys and owe you a HUGE "Thank You" for that surprise!!!!}, and that's when he started complaining loudly about his eye burning.
Oh, it was red and looked kind of bad, you I figured, Oh great...he's got something in there from those trees.
After flushing it , ice packing it and eye drops......things were going from bad to worse.
After him telling me it was really hurting and on the 1 to 10 scale it was definetly a big ole' 10 I gave him some Mortin and tried flushing again.
No dice...he was miserable and our next step.....Emergancy Room since it was about 6 o'clock and all ped's offices are closed for the day. all have to know that tonight of all nights was Kaysha's High School oriantation and right about now, there was no way we could go which was a pretty nasty bummer for her and me too since it was also our night to have some female bonding time.
So while Dad Bear stayed home with Kolin....fed him, homeworked him, I am hoping SHOWERED him, and deserted him...Kaysha and I took the Bear to the hospital.

And as we were sitting there waiting...and waiting...and waiting....Kody, who was feeling a alot better due to numbing eye drops, was trying his best to lighten the mood of his big sister.
Now...some kids are just natural born comedians...some kids will just do anything for a laugh, some kids are just so boldy un-shy it's unbelievable...
And then we have Kody, a combination of all of the above...

Yes my friends....that is a "potty thing" on top of his head. :0)
Can you imagine this boy at his first keg party??

Oh...but it gets better....

After two hours of waiting in a very, very super tiny room...this is what they did next...

~*~Kody & Kaysha get jiggy with it~*~

And, after 4 hours of waiting, another squirt of numbing drops and a very soaking wet eye flush we patiently waited for his discharge papers and prescription, well, no, let me rephrase that......SOME of us waited patiently and some of us sounded like this..

~*~I Wanna Go Hoooo-oooo-oooooome~*~

If you listen very carefully...towards the end of "I wanna go home...." you can actually hear his very heavily Bronx New York accented nurse yell from the nurses station "YA GOIN' HOME!!!!"

So, the final verdict??
A scratched eye and lots of icky irration that should, with his new med., clear up in a couple, maybe three days.
Hmmmm....great, he supposed to be having his chorus picture that is being sent to Disney at 7:30 tomorrow morning. :0(

Well my friends....I better get some sleep, it has been a loooooong day.

Oh wait....I have a little more news I think just may make your day!!

The radiology reports are in...

I found this out this afternoon....

And they say......


LOL......Can I hear a WHOOP-WHOOP??!!

Yeppers....I thought you all might like that bit of hot off the "K" Press news!! :0)

Good Night...Love you all.....


Saturday 12:10 AM

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Happy days are here again....

Kody's been riding his skateboard ALL WEEKEND!!!!!!


We'll be back tomorrow with lots more to say!!

Later Gators....



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Tonight I come here with a special prayer request for the family of the most sweetest, little baby, Avery who earned her lil' Angel Wings this morning.
Sadly, I learned of Avery through an e-mail this evening. I wish I had the opportunity to have known her longer...what a beautiful little girl, what an awesome family.

I still have no news to share of Kody's radiology report, after two calls and two voice mail messages, we still have no answers.
SIGH...we'll just get on it again first thing Monday morning.

Kody came home from school this moring feeling horrible, headache, sick belly. He slept the day away and when he woke up late this afternoon he was just fine.
Now....he's been having some problems in his classroom with his teacher that totally, completely have my Italian New York blood boiling.
It's pretty late right now but I will update again tomorrow..really, I am still seething over the way he has been humiliated and forgotten in that class. Needless to say, Kody will be 100 percent homeschooled until something is done. I called the school this morning and demanded a conference between the principal, the teacher, the guidance counselor and myself. I told them name the time and day and I would be there. I never did hear from them again.
Looks like Monday morning is fixin' to be a busy day. :0)

***News from the Chili Pepper's***

Kody is receiving peppers...WHOA BABY...Kody is receiving peppers!! :0)
And, since he is having peppers popping all over his CB page, things were getting very, VERY hot around here, sooooooooo
Tonight I decided we are seriously geting...HOT...HOT...HOT, so to cool things down on CB a bit, we've arranged a brand spankin' new site to show off all of our Chili Peppers.
Check this out....


Well my friends, I'm out of here tonight!!

Be back tomorrow to update a little longer.

Love you all and thank you a trillion times for all those spicy chili peppers, you all have got me in the mood to make a big ole' pot of chili!! :0)

Have a beautiful, relaxing kind of weekend.

Love, Kim

Tuesday, September 6, 2005 10:35 PM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

No word on the radiology results today but....


Kody's peppers are coming in by the minute...they are cool, they are colorful, they are pink, {he loves IS punk you know!}, they are totally HOT BABY!!!!
And, this I can't 10 year old son has "Secret Admirers" who thinks he's "hot"...LOL....too much!!! :0)

You all have just got to check these out....yes, including the ones he's made himself again.

And...this one paticular very special one...

To Kolin, #8565...From someone who loves you very much!! ;0)

OK, here we go, these are Kody Bear's newest chili peppers...

6420 from Karyelle
8304 from Kaysha
8310 from Kaysha
8319 from Kaysha
8619 from Kolin
8673 from Kayara
8559 from Daddy
7569 from Kayla
8646 from Kody :0)
8592 from Mrs. Pam
8406 from Miss Alana
8388 from Miss Dallas Mom
8103 from Miss Marci
8001 from Miss Holly
7971 & 7989 from Miss Rebecca
6525 from Miss Stephanie & Cody
7824 from Miss Jaynene
6564 from Miss Mary
7602 from Miss Andrea
7566 from Miss Cathy
6846 from "Secret Admirer"
6855 from Miss Beth
8106 from Miss Jennifer and Angela
8034 from Miss Debbie
8046 from Miss Lynn, Christopher & Jeffrey
7833 from Miss Dot
7779 from Miss Rachael
7740 from Krazy Aunt Mavis!! :0)
7026 from Miss Viks
7011 from Miss Eileen
7014 from Miss Mel
6951 from Miss Kim
6855 from Miss Beth
6816 from Miss Melanie
6726 from Miss Jennifer
and last, but not least....
8625 from Miss Taffy

WHEW....can you all feel the heat??!! :0)

Gotta scoot for tonight...thank you for all the peppers, prayers and being pretty awesome friends!!

Love, Kim


~*~Wednesday Night~*~

Sorry it took so long to get on here is the news you have all been waiting for....

The MRI went off without a hitch and on time. Kody was lucky enough to get the open MRI this morning with the headphones and all the cool music he likes. He did great, even though it was pretty tough for him to stay still...not because he has a hard time laying still, but because he was boppin' to the music. :0)
His IV for the contrast went in his wrist and on the first shot...which for Kody is a pretty big deal because of all the scar tissue on his veins. He didn't flinch but he is sporting a nice sized bruise tonight.

Fast forward to Dr. P's office and our 1 o'clock appt. that kept us sitting in a 8 by 10 foot room for something like...4 hours.
Kaysha came with us today and she managed to kep Kody entertained but after about 2 or so hours...having him hit her in the knee with one of those rubber mallot reflex things was even starting to wear her nerves thin.
Then Kody decided...enough of this, I'll write Dr. Pinky a letter....and that letter said...."Dr. Pinky, your taking too long...I'm out of here. From Kody a/k/a Metalhead" {Kody finally found out today his skull is being held together by two titanuim plates when I mentioned it to the MRI guy}
LOL...welp, we didn't leave but we did have to think of something to keep him sitting still and that's when Kaysha came up with the idea of letting him sing into her phone {not a working cell....just an old one with no service}. 1,783 songs later and the one that was a true keeper had Kody belting out {think Sandy from Spongebob} "I wanna go hooooome" You get the idea, right?
We couldn't help but get a pretty good laugh when he told us about all the "old school' songs he's been learning in chorus. As a matter of fact, Kody told us the songs are from the 70's!! {Whoa...very old school!!} and his favorite song was from "Betsy Ross and the Supremes". According to Kody...that Besty Ross can really get jiggy with it!!
Well...imagine his surprise when we told him Betsy Ross sewed the first flag, but Diana Ross was pretty cool also.

Going into our third hour of being stuck in that room we noticed that Kody got busy working on a little something, and when he slapped that little something on his forehead, we soon enough reliazed what that little something was.
So, to all of you who remember last year when Kody sprouted a "third eye" {made of a round bandage and pen}...
Here's to let you all know that after a hard day at the hospital, the third eye still lives on....

Look close and you can see his "third eye" on his forehead. :0) I figure I've strung you all on long enough...the results we've all been patiently wating for...

The "prelimanery" results look great, "No new tumor growth"....all things considered that is the best news we could have hoped for.
But...{I hate buts}, we were also told that the definate results from the radiologist will be in tomorrow or Friday and so I need to call back and find out.

Last September Kody had, what we all thought, a great MRI...though he'd been having a few problems, we were told "no new tumor growth". Then Kody crashed in October. Turns out after receiving the radiologists written results after his surgery, that the tumor did in fact grow alot. Unfortunetly, we were the last to find out and we had to find out the hard way.
So...I want to celebrate, I really, really do...but that incident last year has me a tad bit "gun shy", so just as soon as radiology tells me he looks good...I'll be whoop hollerin' so loud you won't need to read it'll hear me from all over the world. :0)

As for the problems he's been having with balance, leg & belly pain, sleeping alot, etc....
They seem to think it may be seizure med. related and want us to ask his Neurologist about that. We see him on September 19th.
And of course...he still has that appt. for his thyroid in October and who's to say that isn't producing it's own set of problems also.

All in all it was a long day...but a good day.
As soon as I get that fax from radiology in my hands and it shows me good news.....I will jump on here ASAP and we can all celebrate in style. :0)

OK guys and the words of my Bear...

"I'm out of here"!!

It's late and I am beat. Till tomorrow....

I thank you all for all the prayers for our Bear, once again the Heavens were virtually flooded and they have been answered...YEAH!!!!!!!! :0)

Love you all...


PS. Thank you all soooo much for all the new chili peppers!!!!
Kody is having the best time checking them all out.
For anyone who wants to see them, or paint him one, please go to CHILI'S CREATE A PEPPER and paint away.
You can also paint one for all of your favorite cancer kids. After school tomorrow I know Kody has a whole list of kids he's painting peppers for.
Here's his "pepper number codes"

6462 from Miss Theresa
6456 from Miss Lisa
6540 from "Secret Admirer"
6582 from Miss Nicole
6645 from Miss Sheila
6159 from Miss Kristi
6870 from Miss Ladybug Girl Katia
6783 from Uncle Bulldawg
6666 from "Secret Admirer"
7332 from Miss Silvia


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I just got done putting up some new photos...enjoy!!

Great news about JUSTIN and his family, they are home and safe!!! :0)

You know, I heard this pretty cool thing on the radio this elementary school in Florida {I didn't catch which} is doing a fundraiser for the hurricane katrina victims...I thought it was such a great idea that I went to Kody & Kolin's school with the idea to kick around.
Most schools, as we know, don't allow hats of any kind...BUT...on fundraising day, for only 50 cents ALL the kids are allowed to wear a hat/cap. The teachers, that day will pay 1 to 2 dollars to be able to wear blue jeans & tennis shoes. Then at the end of the day...whichever grade brings in the most money gets to throw pies at the Principal!!
So, if you can imagine....1000 kids per school plus teachers..that makes for some great hurricane relief dollars, don't you think? fun would it be to see the kiddo's tossing those pies? :0)
I'm wondering..well, actually hoping that this idea will spread all around the country..that would be awesome!

Not to much to chat about tonight...just very, VERY worried about Kody's balancing problems, plus the pain he's getting in his legs, his eye rolling up and of course the occasional monsterache.
Someone hit it right on the nail when they said "I want the test {MRI}, I just don't want to know the results" true is that.
Please...please...please keep Kody in your prayers tonight and tomorrow. His MRI is scheduled for 11:30 and we'll see Dr. Pincus at 1 o'clock for the results.

Have you all seen the Chili's chili peppers going around?? If you haven't, Chili's restaurant is doing a huge fundraiser for St. Judes Hospital to help in conquering childhood cancer...excellent idea since September is Childhood Cacner Awareness Month.
Anywho' can virtually paint a chili pepper and dedicate it to whomever cancer kid you like. So far Kody has from me, one from Karalyn and one from himself....LOL...yes, you heard that right!! :0)
Click on Chili's Create a Pepper and get painting!! When your done , your peper will be assigned a number...that's how you'll find it.
Kody's pepper numbers are: 3549, 4419, and 5355

I'm sure I'm forgetting alot of info. tonight, but I think I'll get going and try to catch some sleep...maybe.
Then again...maybe I'll be back on surfing around CB if sleep doesn't happen. Man, I hate these nights. :0(

Thank you all for stopping by....Love yaz!!!


PS. I thought I'd leave you all with this, it's beautiful....

A Very Special Gift

Written by S. Guevara

Once upon a time, three angels were busily working in the miracle factory. They were responsible for wrapping up all the little miracles and sending them on their way. Normally they wrapped each one in bright, sturdy paper with big, shiny ribbons. They stamped it with a delivery date and away it would go to the parents who eagerly awaited its arrival. Things usually ran pretty smoothly.
One day, however, down the conveyer belt came a little miracle that made the angels pause. "Oh my," said the first angel "this one's uhm...well...different." "Yes, he is unique" said the second angel. "Well I think he is quite special," said the first angel "but I don't think he will quite fit our standard wrapping procedures." And the second angel added, "And we know he's special, but will everyone else?" "Not a problem," said the third angel "obliviously a special miracle deserves extra special wrapping; and of course we'll send him off with our most heartfelt blessings. Then everyone will see how special he is." "What a wonderful idea!" replied the others. So they searched the shelves high and low for their finest paper, and their most delicate ribbons.
When they were done, they stood back and admired their work. "Beautiful!" thay all agreed. "Now for our blessings," said the third angel "for it is time for him to go." "I will bless him with innocence and happiness," said the first angel. "And I will bless him with strength to face the many challenges that lie ahead" said the second angel. "And I will bless him with an inner beauty that will shine on all who look upon him" said the third angel. Before sending him off the third angel, who was very wise, gently tucked a note inside.

And it said:

Dear Parents,
Today you have received a very special gift.
It may not be what you were expecting,
And you may be disappointed, angry and hurt.
But please know that he comes with many blessings,
And, while there may be pain, he will bring you much joy
He will take you in a very difficult journey,
But you will meet many wonderful people.
He will teach you patience and understanding
And make you reach deep inside yourselves
to find a source of strength and faith you never knew you had.
He will enrich your lives,
And will touch the hearts of all who meet him.
He may be fragile,
But he has great inner strength.
So please handle him with care,
Give him lots of attention,
Shower him with hugs and kisses,
Love him with all your heart,
And he will blossom before your eyes.
His spirit will shine like the brightest star for all to see,
And you will know that you are truly blessed.

Sunday, September 4, 2005 11:11 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Happy Labor Day weekend all...

This may just be a short update tonight...but I wanted you all to know we are fine, and more importantly...Kody's doing great as can be!!

We had a couple of scares though...well, don't know if it was a scare or one of those things where you take a deep breath and then count the seconds until you can breath again.
All because...sigh...our Bear decided to take a few falls this weekend. :0(
Two yesterday....inside the house and another outside on the swingset/fort. He wasn't swinging real high...but he did tumble right off the back and right onto his back.
Today he tried to balance on one foot and flopped. guessed right...we're worried and Karl and I seem to be having the "who's going to get grayer faster" race going on again.

Wednesday/MRI day can't get here quick enough..then again, since I totally fear the's also a day I sort of dread.
I know that's probably hard to understand.

We found a really cool note in Kody's GB today...from a Dad in LA, Calif.
WOW...that was so sweet. So, to answer a question.
Yes, I have thought more then once to put my thoughts into writing, Karl is always telling me "Kim, write a book, will ya", but...honestly, I wouldn't know where to begin.
You cute and funny as I make Kolin and his lil' ADHD problem sound...he gets alot of that from me.'cha never knew that!! joking, ask my bank ladies..they are constantly having to "fix" and "figure out" my checkbook mess.
My housekeeping skills? UGH...paper piles everywhere.
Writing though, is something that, for some just there.
Before I need to write something big, something important {like journal's}, I have to literally close my eyes, take a deep breath and silently say "OK God..lead my fingers on this keyboard please".
It works everytime...really!! :0)

A movie? Now that would be da bomb baby!! That would be a dream come true...
Maybe we could call it...
"Life's Tough, But I'm Tougher...The Kody Kruppenbacher Story"
That would be something, wouldn't it?

In any case...I do thank you from the bottom of my heart Dad from LA...I am flattered and you really made my day!!

This is the newest news I have about our CB family, BENJI and the ZELLO's...
Due to horrible living conditions because of hurricane katrina, they are desperate to get out of town and to San Angelo, Texas. If there is ANYONE out there with connections of any kind, please, please, please help out this family.
Loriann's phone number is on their site....please call and help if you can.

As of this afternoon I haven't received any more e-mails about any more families and so I am praying like mad that all is OK.
Still, we won't rest and we will continue to use Kody's site for communication until all our CB families are found safe.

According to today's newspaper, there are several places now set up in Leesburg, that are accepting donations for the hurricane victims.
Tomorrow Kody, Kaysha, Kolin and I are heading out to Wal-Mart, so that the kids may use their birthday gift cards and cash to purchase supplies and non-perishables.
I believe it will be a day that will fill their hearts with love and compassion.
It will be a day that I will never forget.

OK guys and gals...I'm going to have to cut this short. Kaysha is watching some concert on TV {'s My Chemical Romance...AGAIN!!} and if I don't quiet her down a little, she'll be waking up her lil' brothers, which means I'll have all three kids dancing in the living room tonight. :0)

I'll be swapping out some new pictures tomorrow.

Have a great day...I hear it's starting to get a tad bit chilly in the North?? Better get those BBQ's running...cuz soon ya'all will be breaking out the snow shovels....right Karyelle????!!! :0)

Love you all....


Thursday, September 1, 2005 2:30 PM

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I have a few families to tell you about tonight.....

NOAH, who's family has made it home safely.
Thank you God!!
Their home and property have some damage but all in all they are blessed. They still have a home and they still have each other.
Noah's hospital is bad shape. If anything happens medical wise...they are just not sure yet where he can be taken to.

JUSTIN and his family have not been heard from since August 28th. Please pray for this families safe return.

CAMERON and his family are home!!! They are OK and are taking in relatives that are not doing as well.
Same problem for Cameron with his hospital is flooded and they are having a heck of a time trying to get his medication.

Also, I mentioned my friends, Stef and Bill, who live close by {our kids are all the best of friends}. They have not yet heard word from their two neices and as you can imagine are scared beyond belief.
The two girls and their Mom were not able to evacuate on time. Lots of prayers are needed.

As always...we thank you all so much for the non-stop prayers.

If anyone out there needs help getting the word out for friends, family, all CB familes effected by hurricane katrina...please feel free to e-mail me.

Together...we will do whatever it takes to get our "family" home.


I called the Red Cross and spoke to them about Kody, Kolin and Kaysha's offer and as of date they are only taking cash and check donations. about another week they will be taking supplies and getting them to the families.
I promised them we would be back next week with supplies and non-perishables.
The Red Cross was thrilled...but not as thrilled as the kids were when I told them that they were counting on them bringing their supplies and food next week. :0)

Thank you for all the GREAT e-mails I have gotten this week......I am still playing "catch up" with answering everyone. Please know...I haven't forgotten, I just need a bit more time to reply to all.
You guys are all so wonderful!!!!!!!

As soon as I hear about any more all will be the first to know.

Love, Kim


~*~Friday Morning~*~

This just in...

I just spoke with Loriann Zello, Benji's Mom....


They have no electricity and no drinkable water.
There are no words to describe the devestation...and I could hear in Loriann's voice so much sorrow and shock.
They are doing all they can to get by until they can make it out to San Angelo, Texas.
Please keep the prayers coming for the hurricane families...especially our CB familes effected in any way.

If there is anyone at all who would like to use Kody's site as a lifeline to let us know of a family down south who needs prayers, is still missing, or if you have heard from a family who cannot update but would like to let everyone know they are safe....

Please...use Kody's guestbooks as freely as needed and/or e-mail me at: and I can update right here on his front page for you.

Until every single one of our CB families are accounted for, Kody's site will be open to all who need communication and prayers.

Love you all....



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Thank you all so much for patiently waiting for me to has been non-stop around here and right now there's some thunder and dark clouds in the before it gets closer, I better update pronto!

First and foremost...the news that has been on everyone's minds this week is the devestaing damage hurricane katrina {if you all remember from last year...we dont cap. hurricanes....they dont respect us, we dont respect them}has inflicted on so many Americans.
As much as we tried to get away and "de-stress" this week, we also kept turning on the news and were horrified by this storm and the innocent people whom have lost so much.
As a family we prayed constantly. Still, as of today...we are hurt...hurt for our neighbors, our fellow Americans, mankind, woman and children everywhere who were caught in the path of katrina.
We pray for all of our CB families in katrina's path and anxiously await an update telling us they are OK.
We pray for my friends, Stephanie and Bill, who are awaiting and praying for a phone call from their two neices {ages 12 and 15} to let them know they are OK.
In the mist of such sadness, I have decided not to sugarcoat this weeks events to my own younger children...
And this next part of my update is a story of compassion and love sent out to all who need a good old fashioned "lift" today.

After watching shelters filled with orphan children who lost their parents, their homes, everything...
After crying for a man, whom I will never meet, who held on for dear life...his wife and two sons, only to have his wife make the most unselfish decision of her let her go, to sacrifice her own life, in order for him to hold tight their two beautiful sons.
After seeing the look of fear, of shock, of horror on the faces of compete strangers...
I held my children close, even closer then I usually do because it was this week when I fully realized that what we have here in our home may be little...but we have so much...we are blessed with so much.
Our family is classified as the typical American "working poor". It's true that my children receive a free lunch in school everyday because we fall below the poverty level.
I will happily wear rags in order to ensure my children are dressed well, eat well and are provided everything they could possibly need and even some things they don't necesserily need.
Our home if falling down around us BUT...we still have a home, we each have our own beds to sleep in every night.
Our one car is old BUT we have a car, it provides transportation to school, to work, to church, to dr. appointments, to the store.
Our family may be slightly towards the "dysfunctional" side BUT we are a family, an intact family who loves each other unconditionally and furociously.
There is no favor we wouldn't do for a friend in need.
Karl and I have hearts that are combined for all of eternity and every ounce of love pouring from those hearts we give to our children and grand-daughter.
I've made a ton of parenting mistakes in my day and our children are far from perfect...they fight, argue and press each others buttons daily.
They get hollared at, grounded and have even been known to have their priveleges taken away weekly.

But when all is said and done, when push comes to shove...I am so very proud to say...
We have raised some totally AWESOME kids!!

Kody and Kolin have been sitting on Wal-Mart gift cards and some cash they each got for their birthdays. They have been busy trying to decide which X-Box game they really want to spend it on. Kaysha earns a few dollars each week {her "mall money"}, when we can give it to her, for helping out minding her brothers.
After school today {or weather permitting possibly tomorrow at the latest}, my children asked me to take them to Wal-Mart so that they could personally spend what they have purchasing necessities for those people who need it most.

There are so many loving children in this heart just bursts with pride every single day that I am honored to be the Mom of three of those kids.
As many mistakes as I've made....I must have done something very right to have made them so special. :0)

And some good news....

Shands Childrens Hospital must be thinking the same thing because on Tuesday, when we came home, I got a letter in the mail asking if they could have my permission to make Kody a "Shands Children's Hospital at the University of Florida Champion".

This is just a small part of the letter I received...

"Dear Parents of Kody Kruppenbacher,

Parents teach their children about life over many years. Then there are a select few children who, through an unexpected illness or injury, teach theri parents and those around them the most profound life lessons: struggle, resolve, perseverance adn triumph. These special children inspire us all to focus on what truly is important in life; they are the Shands Children's Hosptial at the University of Florida Champions. Each year we highlight a group of these exceptional individuals to share their stories so others may know the importance of the work we do at Shands Children's hospital.

Our champions are children, just like yours, who pass through our doors every day on their way to a clinic visit, to the inpatient unit or the intensive care units. We would like to invite you and your child to join our company of Shands Children's Hospital Champions familes.

Isn't that amazing? Kody's story will keep continuing to grow, far beyond we ever imagined, to spread the word of a little boy who is tough as nails and has the biggest heart of gold.
I believe Kody has done more on this Earth in 10 short years then most adults accomplish in a lifetime.
I can't wait to see what he can do in the next 10 years!!! :0)

OK......since the storm is getting closer..UGH...I may have to make this next part short. Well, actually I am typing this in notepad right now, I may have to finish up later.
But..for right now....let's get on with...

"Kody and the K's meet the WWE"

WHOA.....Monday and Tuesday were the BEST!!!!
In Kody's words "That was the best time of my life, do we have to go back home?"

First thing we did Monday was check into to the Tampa Waterside Marriott. What a hotel, I am talking OH BABY, what a hotel!!!!
We had two enormous rooms on the 15th floor...enough room to sleep every one of us and then some, two baths, one king size bed that Dad Bear and I happily took, two TV's, three balconeys with a view of the Bay and the marina, dining room, living room, kitchen, three huge closets, and plently of room for us all to spead out and chill out.

We were treated like royalty from every staff member we met, including the valets, the girl working in the novelty store, even the maintance man.

After settling in we decided to walk around the marina and check things out..and so we did and I was able to capture a ton of great pictures...the looks on the kids faces were priceless as they compared this guys boat {yatch} to that guys boat.

The kids even got into checking out the hotel lobby which was soooooooo huge that the palm trees growing inside of it went up past the second floor.

At 2 o'clock it was time to walk across the street to the St. Pete Times Forum {can you believe it..the WWE was only right across the street?} and get ready tp pick up our tickets and meet Triple H.
It was probably sometime around 2:30 when we were led backstage to a room where two minutes later..Triple H walked right in, got down right to the boys level, shook hands with all of us...he was just the greatest!!
Not only did he give Kody and personalized autograhed photo but he made sure each kid {all 6!} got a personalized pic. too. Then he autographed a t-shirt for the Bear {the one he's wearing in the snapshots}. He laughed, joked with and totally was wonderful with the kids...LOL..even when Kody said to him "You know, my Dad's about your size...can you come to my house and wrestle him?" Oh man, you all should have seen Karl's eyes!!
Well..Triple H said to Kody "Kody if you build the ring and promote it..I'll be there".

***Update on that...Kody is in the process of creating an outdoor wrestling ring***

Just when we though the fun was over and it was time to leave, Triple H asked Kody who else are his favorite wrestlers. Unfortunetly The Rock and The Undertaker weren't there so Kody said "Hey Triple H...can you bring in a girl?'
Triple H: Sure want a chick?
Kody: Yes..can you make her a BLONDE chick?
T.H: I'll see what I can do

And no sooner then walks Miss Torrie and Kody Bear's eyes nearly fell right out of his head!!
Especially when I went to snap a picture and Torrie said to Kody, "I'm gonna pretend I'm your girlfriend, OK"
To which Kody said "Hey Baby..that is F-I-N-E with me!!

The good times kept walking in when next came Ric Flair {who was about the sweetest, kindest man ever}, Shawn Michaels a/k/a The Heartbreak Kid {awesome, absolutly awesome!}and "Big Show" {the most biggest man I have ever seen..and for every 500 pounds of him he was just beautiful with all of us} were taken, Kolin was just smitten with all these guys and as you can see by the pictures, he even managed to get himself caught up in a head lock with an arm that was two times the size of his head.

We were all beyond happy at this point and when everone left we packed up and were about to walk out when we were told "Hunter {Triple H} wants to know if you could wait just a minute...he has someone who wants to meet Kody"
And one minute later, John Cena, walked in bearing tons of gifts for Kody, tons of smiles, handshakes, warm wishes, and encouragement for all of us.
Kaysha, at this point, was on the verge of passing out...that girl only has eyes for that guy!!

J.C. and Kody talked and joked for quite a while...and Kody was right up there talking about "bling" and whatever else rappers discuss.
JC thought Kody was the coolest kid ever....Kody thought JC was the coolest guy ever and Kaysha..well, ahhhhh...lets not go there.
Over all...Kody had to have been the best dressed kid at the WWE Monday night, and all thanks to Triple H and John Cena.

We left the Forum and headed back to the hotel where the kids practicaly flew into their swimsuits and flew down to the 3rd floor where the pool is.
Now, I have to tell you all...there were quite a few people there by that time, ummmmm.....shall we say, well to do people....gathered around the lounge chairs, drinks in hand, cell phones in hand, and when those three Krazy K's of mine saw 6 feet of sparklin' blue pool water...well, what else would kid sdo?


It took maybe 3 minutes and we had the whole pool to ourselves.

If Kaysha, Kody and Kolin didn't think the pool was cool enough, there was a hot tub right there on the spot and when those three got used to the 105 degree water temp., they were living the life of luxury hanging out in that pool. tubs and pools can be very fun....but Kolin found the secret to fun success was all in the outdoor shower....

And it didn't stop there because he was quick to share his cold shower secret with Kody...

There was only one thing that freaked me out and that was this Krazy guy who kept wolf whistling from wayyyyyyyy up.... I wasn't freaked..actually I was flattered!! :0)

When finally I had, on my hands, three starving kids....we took that opportunity to go back to our suite and rustle up some sandwiches....which Dad B. and I had bought the fixins for from Publix beforehand.

We let the chill out with some downtime, then shower and before you knew was time to head over for Monday Night Raw.

Our seats? Our seats were AWESOME!!! Section 117, three rows up. Which were fantastic seats to see everything but not for TV taping. So, though we saw everything first hand, up close and personal...I have to say, as far as I know..we were not on TV. :0(

Now, after a while.....a big guy in a nice suit and Rolex came and sat down right behind us. When Karl realized who it was, we were both like "Holy *$#@!, do you know who that is??"
Well..all you guys that are more my age will probably remember B. Brian Blaire, one of the tag team guys called "The Killer Bees".
Yeah Baby...right behind us hanging out with his son and friends. Well..Karl and him got to talking {nice, NICE guy!!!} and the conversation turned to Kody and Mr. Blaire asked Karl if Kody had met any of the wrestlers. When Karl said he did....Mr. Blaire said that was great because if Kody hadn't he'd be willing to take him backstage right then and there.
See, I told you he was a really nice, NICE guy!!}

One of the last guys in the ring was John Cena himself...and since we had told him where we would be sitting, we were soooooo hoping he would remember to look over.
Welp, I don't know how many of you may have seen him stare for a bit and smile...but our Bear and Kolin too, were right in the isle, with those big JC blow up hands...just waving and going nuts.
We are 100 percent absolutley positive JC saw the boys!!!

At around 11....when Raw had ended we called it a night and got out of there, walked back across the street to our hotel and Kody, Kolin and Kaysha all fell asleep in about three seconds flat. Kody...still wearing his wrestlemania and holding tight to his John Cena Chain Gang "bling-bling" spinner necklace that JC gave him.

Fast forward to Tuesday......time to check out....
Now I have seen some sad, long faces in my lifetime..but never as sad and long as I saw that morning coming from Kody. He simply did not want to give any of this up, not ever.

But...not wanting the day to end on a sad note...Dad Bear surpised us with a trip out to Clearwater Beach.....

Where we spent two hours having the best time ever body surfing.....

Collecting shells.....

Professing our love...

And building sand villages a/k/a "Bikini Bottom"....

We also came home with something else...SUNBURN!!!

And Dad B. has informed us....


OK guys and gals....I believe I have just wrote out a novel...I guess I should have warned you this would be long winded!!

I better wrap this party up cuz I have got kids to pick up from school and another two from work.

Thank you all for stopping by and waiting so patiently for my update!!

Love to you all...


Sunday, August 28, 2005 10:36 PM

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~*~Very Late Wednesday Night~*~

I will....really, really will update tomorrow.
I have no idea how but the day just completely got away from me today.

I did get some new photos up a little while ago though so please enjoy them!!!

In a couple of days I'll swap out some new ones...because Monday and Tuesday...I think I averaged about 180 new pictures!!
LOL...not a bad couple of days!

Unbelievable news about Jacob {see link below}...I mean, anyone who previously did not believe in miracles...just has to now!!
I really think the high point of my day today was waking up to Dad Bear giving me the news that Jacob's "do not resesitate" bracelet was officially cut off his wrist.
I mean mornings get any better then that?? :0)


Till tomorrow....stay cool!!

Later Gator!!



~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Hey all....

I just wanted to get on here quick tonight to let you all know that we are home and had the absolute BEST two days of our lives!!!!

There are so many people to thank but tonight I'd like to say a HUGE "Thank You" to the man who made these two memorable days possible....Chef David and everyone from Chef David's Wish Foundation...You guys ROCK!!!

Also, big "Thank You's" to the WWE...especially Mr. Marc, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Ric Flair, Miss Torrie, and John Cena.

All of you guys and one gal are so very special to us....
Because of your kindness and beautiful have made the dream of one little boy {well, actually two little boys and one teen girl!!} come true.
We will never forget you and our time together as long as we live!! :0)

Also, the staff of the Tampa Waterside Marriott Hotel...
You treated us like royalty, our rooms were gorgeous, the pool and hot tub were, ahhhh...refreshing!! Thank you so much for all your southern hospitality.

Friends and family...I am exhausted tonight, so I promise new pictures and an update tomorrow.

Love you all....



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

This afternoon, surrounded by the ones he loved the most, our friend, COLIN passed peacefully and without pain, into eternal life.
Colin...your CB family misses you so much already...God Speed Little Man.

Have you ever seen a miracle? I have!! :0)
Tonight as I clicked on Jacob's page, I held my breath and said a prayer...
I believe tonight all our prayers were answered....Jacob, you are so awesome!!! Keep fighting Buddy, and we...your family here on the internet, all over the world, will keep praying and FROGing every minute of every day until you are home with your brothers once again.

Tomorrow's the day!!
We'll be leaving for Tampa in the morning...checking into our hotel...meeting "Triple H" at 2 o'clock...relaxing by the pool...taking LOTS of pictures and Monday night at 7:30 we'll be a part of the "WWE Raw" experience!!

I really won't know for sure where exactly our seats will be but....I snapped a picture of the shirts we will all be wearing at the show.
Here's Kody to model it for you...

And just incase we still blend in with the crowd too much, if I can get it in...this is the poster I'll be holding up everytime the camera comes around...

The show is taped if you all can figure out what time and what channel....look for us!! :0)

Ok all....I'm off to get some sleep, or finish the laundry, or watch the music awards with Kaysha....
WHEW....maybe I ought just get some sleep. LOL!!

Thank you all for stopping by...have you all checked the counter at the bottom of Kody's page?
I wonder.....just wonder if Kody will hit one million by Christmas?? Wouldn't that be a great gift?? :0)

OK, Kaysha is about to tear this house down if "My Chemical Romance" doesn't win an award. I may have to find her some chocolate...and quick!!

We have internet service in our hotel room...but since this site is a pain in the rear to copy, paste and update from any computer except this one...please check KODY'S SITE II for any exciting updates that just can't wait until we get home.

Have an incredibly awesome day all....

Love, Kim

Friday, August 26, 2005 10:30 PM

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~*~Saturday Afternoon~*~

New pictures up...enjoy!!!!


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sadly, this update will begin with some very upsetting, heartbreaking news.

As most of you know, our sweet friends, JACOB and COLIN are nearing their last few days on Earth.

It's so hard to find the right words...I'm thinking it's because there really aren't any.
So, I leave the first part of my update to ask for prayers for these two families, prayers of peace, of comfort and of strength.
I ask for compassion, support and warm wishes left in their guestbooks.
And I ask for love to spead throughout our Caring Bridge family.
In times where the hurt is so bad, that there are no words but only tears...what a better way to honor these two little boys then to love a little more, hug a little longer, and to count those blessings we are given, every single day.

Thank you all so much for the dozens and dozens of birthday wishes left for Kolin. He came home from school {checked out a little early yesterday but shhhh...don't tell!} and read every one of them....I cannot tell you how happy you all have made him!!
His birthday was great....almost an exact copy of Kody's..because, as we know...everything Kody does, Kolin does too. :0)
I'll be posting some new pictures up tomorow...they came out beautiful!!
Only one tiny difference that I can think of was that while Kody has a thing for fast cars, Kolin's b-day theme was centered around his favorite thing these days...
Yeppers...thanks to "Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel and Dad Bear's comfy bed and remote, a few weeks ago, Kolin was introduced to sharks and everything about them. He is now my "shark expert" and can tell you just about anything you need to know in 8000 words or more. LOL!!
You just got to know Kolin, that kid LOVES to talk!!

Before I jump off and head to bed, a lil' friendly reminder..

IT'S A GO!!!
On Monday night, August 29th we, the Krazy "K"'s..featuring the Kraziest "K" of all...Kody Bear, will be on WWE's Monday Night Raw wrestling. I'm not 100 percent where we'll sit but I've a feeling it'll be close, very, VERY close!!
Watch for us...because it will be taped "live".
Oh, and I still don't know what Kody will wear that day but I'll let you know beforehand.
I really want him to wear that bright green shirt you see in the top picture...but WWE sent us black shirts and black and grey {I think} I'm assuming we are supposed to wear them.
If it seems we are blending in with the crowd...well, then I'm thinking about putting together a bright poster board sign. Maybe we can take it in.
Also, we have a meet and greet scheduled with Triple HHH Monday at 2 o'clock.
Now, I am no wrestling expert, but from what I hear...Triple HHH is like the coolest guy out there.
Best part is...ALL my boys know who he that works for me.

Ok guys and gals...I'm out.

Thank you so much for stopping by...till tomorrow...

Have the GREATEST night ever and remember...let the love never stop.

Love, Kim

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:48 PM

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~*~August 25th...Kolin's 8th Birthday~*~


Being 8 really is great, isn't it Buddy??!!

We all love you soooo much and we hope your day is filled with love, laughter and lots and LOTS of cake!!! :0)

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Karyelle, Kayara, Kyle, Kaysha, Kody and Alona


Hello friends!!!

Crank up those speakers, sing along and rock out with Kolin today cuz today Kolin is EIGHT....and EIGHT IS REALLY GREAT!!!!!!

The most proudest Mama Bear in the whole wide world!! :0)


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

We made it through another day.....YEAH!!

This half day of school, half day of home school seems to really be what the doctor if I could just get Kody to bring home the right books for his assignments, I'd be so happy.
And, if I could get that PE teacher to listen, really listen to me when I say "Keep Kody OUT of the sun", I would drop of a darn coronary. My next resort...phoning Kody's Dr. tomorrow and having him put it in writing. Something has to happen because Kody was out again this morning running laps in the sun.
The average temp. these days is 95 the sun it's more like 110 degrees. Healthy kids don't need to be out there in that heat, let alone a kid with a shunt and seizures.
Needless to say, he was so wiped out when we got home...he fell asleep while I was making his grilled cheese, and didn't wake up till 3 hours later. :~(

Other then that...everything is running pretty smooth here...Kolin is soooo hyped up for his b-day this'd think it was Christmas or something.
He's even got me hyped up and the two of us are walking around all day singing "It sure is GREAT to be turning EIGHT". many of you know that our friend, Helen {the banner and Kickin' Cancers Butt lady} shares a birthday with Kolin?? Since she'll be on a mini vacation, and won't have access to a's about we all fill up her GB with Happy Birthday wishes as a big surprise for her when she gets home?

I have got some very, VERY exciting news to share!!!
I waited until the last minute for this because the plans were not set in stone and I didn't want to jinx them but, I just found out yesterday that thanks to the wonderful people {especially Chef David} of Chef David's Kids Wish Foundation and the WWE, all of us "K" family are going to a night of wrestling and a meet and greet with "Triple H", or is that "HHH"??
We're leaving Monday bright and early...checking in at 10 AM, meeting Triple H at 2 o'clock, which was especially set up for Kody, and Kolin too for their b-days this month. The wrestling show starts at 7 o'clock and I think is taped live, so looks like we'll be on TV whooping it up...towards the front, I believe, so look for us. :0)
We've also been made reservations at the "Marriott" hotel and from what I understand that is a wayyyy great place to stay. What's even nicer...they are giving us to stay in a three room suite..LOL..I may never get my kids out of there, heck....they may never get me out of there!!
Now, I don't know how close we'll be to the beach but I can tell you...if there is time to spare, I'll be finding one somewhere...gotta have those fun in the sun pcitures, you know.
Isn't that so cool??!!!

What else...oh, I know...
On November 6th we've been invited to The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation's Ride For Kids.
This a HUGE motorcycle event which not only dotes on our BT kids, but the siblings as know, come to think of it, they spoil rotten the whole darn family!! :0)
So....all three kids will get to ride in the parade and we'll all partake in the days events.

This is something we are really looking forward to as last years event we had to miss because of Kody just getting out of the hospital and not being able to walk on his own yet. It would have really broke his heart not to this year we are making up for it bigtime.
Through this event and the money raised....lots and lots of research will be done to CURE all of our beautiful BT kids. I only pray that cures are found in our kids lifetime.

Brain tumors are so different then other cancers.....see, with other cancers {not all but a good majority I believe}, there is a timeframe where one is considered "cancerfree". With brainstem tumors...that option is never possible as these tumors are inoperable and can never just "go away", not even with the most intense treatments. There is this thing called a "blood brain barrier"....that barrier protects that brainstem like a Mamabear protects her cubs. This barrier blocks everything from getting to the stem, including chemotherapy. That being, is one of the reasons why we have opted not to treat Kody that way.
So....our brainstem babies will walk around always with this time bomb living in their heads. Which, I can honestly tell you is the reason why us Mom's and Dad's stress every little change, every little headache, every little "something just doesn't seem right".
It's a vicious cycle but somehow, someway, we all deal with it and live with day at a time.

Why is the brainstem so important that it is naturally guarded? Welp...the brainstem controls all of lifes funtions...the functions that keep you alive...heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, temp. control...these are just a few of the things, and that is why these tumors are "inoperable", or "untouchable".
In Kody's case...his tumor was debulked {removed} where it lay on top of the stem. Unfortunetly, the part of the tumor that lives inside his stem will never be touched, not ever.
Nor will the tumor that has entwined itself into the brain itself.
Because Kody still has tumor left in him, there is always, of course, a very great chance that it will grow back again.
But "HOPE" and "PRAYER" tells us it won't....not ever. :0)

WHEW..I hope that helps some of you understand a little more about BT's, and caring for our precious gifts who live couragesly with them everyday.

OK guys and gals...I'm going to jump off of here for now. Kody has joined chorus in school..and he LOVES it!!! But, the downside of that is he needs to be in school at 7:45. UGH!!
But heck, he loves it and Kolin really, really LOVES going to school early with him and having breakfast in the cafeteria, so as long as they are happy...then I'm lovin' it too.
Off to catch some sleep....

Take care all....and have an incredibly fun day!!

Love, Kim

Sunday, August 21, 2005 9:51 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Today was a really great day...Kody felt wonderful and we did basicaly nothing but watch Kody's "Karate Kid" movies and junk out!
Boring never felt so good. :0)

I do have to run and pick up Kyle and then get some ZZZZZS"s {6:30 comes around way too quick} so I'll update some more tomorrow.

Hope your weekend was a good one.....Till tomorrow...

Love, Kim

Friday, August 19, 2005 9:40 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Though we are still mourning the loss of our Buddy, CODY with a "C"...we are just beginning to realize that Cody is free and peacefully at rest, in a better place that someday we will all live for eternity, too.
I think it's that thought that's keeping us going, living one day at a time again.
I have to admit though, time sure did stand still for a while last was almost like a bad dream you just cannot wake up from.

I don't know how many people will be able to attend, but there will be three "Celebrations of Life" in different states so that a whole lotta CB familes can join in.
Unfortunelty for us, Fort Lauderdale is 3, I'm not sure, possibly 4 hours it's still very up in the air as to if we'll get there.
We will, of course, be there in spirit.

Many of you may have noticed that Eleasha {Cody's Mom} signed Kody's GB last night to wish him a "Happy Birthday".
That in itself made me realize, more then ever, what a remarkable and beautiful person Eleasha is. For in her grief, she still found it in herself to wish Kody a happy birthday.
That entry last night, really did make me cry like a baby...I can't imagine being that strong.

Life will go on for all of us, that's just the way life is...but please don't forget Cody's family. Please keep dropping by. I know they will appreciate it.

On to Kody's b-day party a/k/a The day my little boy decided to GROW UP!!!!

First, let me tell you...there are new pictures up. :0)
Actually they have been up...but I'm just now updating. My bad! :0)

OK...the day went a little like this...

I picked him up from school and while I was there I asked the guidance counselor what it would take on my part to make Kody a part time school student and a part time home-schooled student.
And, like that my wish was granted. Really..she said "When do you want to start?" and I said "Now's good" and that's all it took.
They'll do an official IEP meeting and all should run smooth. {I hope!}
Already Kody is feeling much to relax, to concentrate, to breath once again.
Like I said before, home is Kody's "safe haven", a place to come back to when things get tough, when the world and life gets to be too much for any one of us.
I guess you can say "Home is where the heart is".

We left school and took off to the party store to pick up some plates, cups, napkins, streamers and balloons.
BTW...."Nascar" ended up being his theme this year, the party store just didn't sell "hot babe" paper products. Though, Kody did suggest it and they promised to try and get some in for next year.
We came home, frosted that cake {I ended up making in the morning so the kitchen wouldn't be too heated up}, Kody took a snooze, we picked up Kolin and before you know it...

It was time to check out a surprise waiting at Ramshackle Cafe {where Kyle works}.

**Picture Page**

Then we came home, ate dinner and opened those boxes Kody had been driving me nuts to get into...

**Picture Page**

Thank you...Thank you...Thank you to everyone who left Kody a package and/or cards....Wal-Mart gift certificates, toys, Old Navy card, oh man..this kid's pocket is burning to go shopping!!
And the best...HIGHLITERS!!! Mrs. sure do know the way to Kody's heart!!
Big Thank You's also to Mrs. Marty and Savannah for the motorcycles and t-shirt {cool shirt!!} and The Tumbleweed Foundation for the Spongebob shower radio.
Shower? Radio? Kody? What were ya thinking??!! LOL!!!!!!

Then it was time to go back outside where Mom Bear {that's me} had a lil' surprise waiting for the kiddo's..
What was this great surprise???
Welp, you'll have to turn to the picture page to find out...but let me tell you, it was great, funny, hysterical and lots and lots of fun.
OK, can't wait? Wanna know?
It was a SILLY STRING fight!!!!

Back in after cleaning up the yard and pulling silly string out of Molly's mouth and it was time to bring on da' cake!!

I had gotten some candles that are like sparkers...well, they were pretty cool...but they burned pretty fast and by the time we sang the last "Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuu"...those sparkler candles were bent over backwards and dripping all the colors of the rainbow, hot wax all over the cake. :0)
Hey, it was a great idea at the time, you know?

Ahhhh...what next? Oh yes...our presents to Kody.
This year, after thinking and thinking what to get this kid....I mean, it's so hot outside that he really is into nothing except his treasured X-Box and watching movies...I decided, "Hey, movies, I can work with that"
And so I found him a movie, actually four movies, the whole "Karate Kid" trilogy...then I added some candy, single serve sized microwave popcorn, slim jims {Kody's favorite thing!}, other little assorted cheap things I knew he'd love.
To make a long story short, I just created him a little "Afternoon at the movies" b-day bag. He loved it, but what he loved most was these dumb, ugly looking Billy Bob gold teeth things..oh man, they're gross..I'll have to take a pic. tomorrow.

Oh, and what he really, really loved..was the new X-Box game his big bro, Kyle gave him. There is nothing in the world quite like boys and their car games.

As I mentioned last night, the kids went out after to release Kody's balloons to Heaven.
As you can see by the picture on top, our Cody decided it was the perfect time to let us all know that he is there and he is perfect once again by painting us that magnificent orange sunset sky. {Cody's favorite color}
What an awesome birthday present for Kody. :0)

Speaking of awesome presents....words cannot describe how happy Kody has been everytime we read him another message about all his BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME fans donating to animal shelters.
Kody is on top of the world knowing that somehow he had a way in making the lives {and bellies} of sooooooo many animals happy.
Thank you so much....your kindness and generosity is something Kody will never forget.

OK guys and gals..the kids really need to get to bed and they're patiently {well not too patiently} waiting for me to get them there.

Thank you all for stopping by....

Can you believe those Hug-a-Meters...the {{HUGZ}} are flying off the wall these days....KOOL!!

Have a beautiful night and an even more beautiful day tomorrow...

Love, Kim

Thursday, August 18th....KODY BEAR'S 10th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

I am heartbroken to come on here tonight to let you all know that our precious friend, CODY, passed away at 4:23 this afternoon.
I never thought I could be so attached to another woman's child...yet Cody, who we lovingly nicknamed Cody with a "C", was entwined around my heart just as my own children are.
As I photographed Kody, Kolin and Kaysha tonight releasing Kody's balloons to Heaven...the sky was a beautiful beautiful in fact, there are no words to describe it's brillance.
Cody's favorite color is orange....
I believe that his entrance into Heaven was so specatular tonight that he was able to show the whole world.
Cody with a "C", we thank you so much for lighting up our Florida sky tonight...we hope you caught those balloons..they were just for you Buddy!! :0)

I will update tomorrow and let you all know how Kody's day went.
Tonight this page is dedicated to a little boy named Cody, who changed my life and made my whole world shine.
I love you Sweet baby Boy!!!

Have a beautiful night everyone..and please, for Angel Cody and for Kody, go tip-toe on into your childs room right now and give them a kiss on the cheek. Whisper in their ear "I love you", and please take a moment to realize just how blessed you really are.

I'll be back tomorrow with pictures and updates.

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It's's today...


Happy 10th Birthday to the most awesome, most beautiful, most bravest, most bestest, most HOTTEST boy on the block!!!!!!!

Kody Bear...we love you so much...Have a great, great day filled with lots of fun, lots of laughter and most of all...

Love and all kinds of mushy stuff to our "Mr. Double Digit".....

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Karyelle, Kayara, Kyle, Kaysha, Kolin and Alona


Another year under our belts...what an absolute miracle to be sitting here tonight {b-day eve} typing out this entry...celebrating my son's 10th birthday.
Kody is TEN, just basic words to most Mom's...but to me, those words take my breath away.

Hmmm....what will we be doing for Kody's big day?
Not much...low key family stuff. He's going to school till noon {belly pains permitting but I'll get to that in a minute}, then I'll pick him up, take him to the party store to pick out the b-day paper plates of his choice, come back home, have a lil' lunch together, bake a chocolate cake together, pick up the other kids and before you know it...dinner and cake time!!!
Oh.....and of course...he'll finally get to open the stack of boxes in our living room. :0)
I REALLY hope there isn't anything breakable in them because I have caught him more then once doing the "shaking" thing. LOL!!!!

OK, about our day today...

Welp, first of all Kolin was up most the night wheezing and coughing and Kody was still having those belly pains.
Sooooo....I ended up keeping both of them home from school so I could get them in to see their pediatrician.

The final verdict? Kolin has another {UGH!!!} ear infection and because of this awfully hot weather we're having, his asthma is kicking his lil' butt. So, he's on Albuteral on his breathing machine...which I'll have to pick another one up in the morning cuz ours is on it's last leg these days.
Plus...we have a referral to an ear dr., cool beans because this is his second set of ear has fallen out the other is on it's way out and Kolin has gotten two infections in one month. Yikes!! Not good. :0(

Kody's stomach pains seem better today. Since he shows no signs of any virus, but is having more frequent headaches and sleepiness....if it gets worse or continues and we're not comfortable..back to Shands we go. In the meantime his Dr. thinks is safe to wait until Sept 7th...which is out MRI day and neuro. visit also.

But, we are starting to have possibly another theory in our home about these sudden headaches and belly pains{between Dad Bear and I} and that is maybe Kody isn't handling school well this year. The work, the class, the time away from home {his safe haven} is causing much stress on him and his body. You see, since that seizure he just hasn't been the same...we just haven't gotten him up to the point of being the "old Kody".
He literally doesn't skate anymore, ride his bike anymore...anything that requires good balance he shows no interest in. Don't get me wrong...he loves his skateboard...he just doesn't have it in him to ride anymore. :0(
Really...the only outdoor things he will do is swim, float in the pool and take short walks with Kolin and me after dinner.
Where am I going with this? Oh yes..
I am asking the school to allow him to go for 3 to 3 1/2 hours a day and then come home and I will home school him for the rest of the day.
All they need to do is send home the work and I will help him complete it.
That way....Kody is more relaxed, the school work gets done without tears, Kody has the convienance of laying down and napping when he needs to {usually around 1 o'clock everyday}, and I get my Bear home with me.
So....I believe it will be a win-win situation. I just hope the school agrees.

Let's talk about Kaysha for a second....

That girl is beyond thrilled with all the messages she has gotten. Thank you so much, you all have no idea how much she needed that to boost her confidence.
You guys sure do rock, you know????!!!!

Please keep the prayers coming big time for our friend, CODY.
The whole situation has got our hearts broken. Kody has never fully gotten over his two friends, Ashley and Cheyenne. He still lights his candles at church {Kolin & Kaysha too}, he still cries when he hears their names, he still hurts. No child anywhere, for any reason should have to face losing friends at such a young age.

Thank you all so much for stopping by and wishing Kody a "Happy Birthday".
I have been telling him about all his friends and fans that are donating animal food to their local shelters and he is sooooo happy, he really is!!
He told me today "Mom, is anybody helping to feed the animals" and I told him "Yeah Pal, they sure are...lots of people are doing that for you"
To which Kody said "They're doing that for me, huh??"
Me: "You bet...just for you"
Kody..."Welp that just makes me really, really happy...would you tell them that for me?"

So here you go Bear..this ones for you....

Thank you very, very much to everybody who has taken it upon themselves to help feed all the stray animals everywhere. Kody definetly loves you for it!!!!!

Have a great one everyone....

Love, Mama Bear and Kody Bear

PS. I had a request to put up a picture of Kody when I first made this web-site as compared to what he looks like now. Be on the look out for it tomorrow. :0)

Sunday, August 14, 2005 8:45 PM

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~*~Tuesday Afternoon~*~

Kody came home from school about 11:30 this morning not feeling well again.
Since last night he's been having lots of sharp pains rip through his stomach.
Problem is, he's not been showing me any signs/symptoms of virus things and he keeps pointing to where his scar on his belly is which is where his shunt ends, soooooooo.....
We'll be watching him closly today and keeping "Please don't let this be anything shunt related" on our wish list.

The picture on top was taken just about 15 minutes ago {it's 1 o'clock right now}.
It's pretty easy to see in Kody's beautiful brown eyes that he's whooped/tired/just not been himself for a few days.
SIGH...stop this roller coaster...we'd like to get off. :0(

I'll update later on if anything comes up.

Love, Kim


~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

This morning I come to all of Kody's friends and family asking for prayers for our beautiful friend, CODY.
This morning I have found out the heartbreaking news that, unless Cody receives a miracle within the next couple of days, his life support will be dissconnescted either Friday or Saturday.

Some of you may remember back about a year and a half ago when we were honored to have met Cody and his family as they traveled from Virginia to Florida.
It was a day full of fun time memories that will live on in our hearts forever.

The news that there is nothing more the doctor's can do is beyond upsetting.

Please pray without stopping today...I know I will be.

How in the world do you tell your own child that he may lose another friend? How??

I better go....

Love, Kim


~*~Monday Afternoon~*~

WOW...OMG....Never in a million years did I think last nights entry would have such a huge impact and response...Thank you all so much!!
Kaysha is going to be floored when she gets home from school today.
You all are going to make her feel about 10 feet tall this afternoon...

Kody news....
Monsteraches are back. I just returned about 30 minutes ago with him, where I picked him up from school.
As far as I can figure out, because when he hurts he really doesn't like to talk much...
But anyway, he was out for PE this morning in the direct and HOT sun and told his PE teacher he was getting a headache and needed to get inside.
Well..the teacher told him "Why don't you hang out a few more minutes"...and that "few minutes" turned into the whole 40 minute class by the time Kody was let in with the rest of the kids.

I was waiting for Kody to get to the office...{no, they wouldn't even let him stay in the care corner with a cold rag as his Dad requested on the phone} and about 15 minutes passed when I asked he be called down again.
I heard his teacher on the intercom say "He needs to pack up his work"
So, she made him stay to finish his math work and then made him pack about 4 huge textbooks and 3 hours worth of work into his backpack to take home and bring back completed in the morning.

What in the world are these teachers thinking???

Guess Kody's elementary school needs a phone call and a refresher course in "Kids with medical needs".
Unbeliveable, just unbelievable.

Anyway...Kody is medicated and resting and I am going to hop off of here, hang with him and rub his head till he falls asleep.

Thank you all so much again!!!

Love, Kim

PS...Paint Shop Pro is what I use to do all my picture work with. {A GB question}.
Paint Shop Pro was also giving me grief and a headache of my own last night so that's whay I wasn't able to put text on Kody's latest pictures.
Plus, I have more pic's to put up but since PSP was acting crazy, I'll get those up in the next day or two.


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

The Monsteraches have officially left the building Baby!! :0)

Let's see...where to start? I guess with yesterday...not a bad day, as a matter of fact...a pretty decent day.
Lowes had that build-it workshop for kids, so the boys partook and came home with some pretty spiffy looking space shuttles.

And...not one single headache all day long. However, just a lil' boy who looks "tired" all the time. A few people, I know, have mentioned this lately. We're all hoping it's because of the new school schedule...something "Mr. Kody Sleeps-a-Lot", still has to adjust to. Plus, headaches a/k/a "monsteraches" do have that tendency to wear one down.

Today was awesome though!!!
We had one of our normal family kind of "hang out...chill out...crash out" days which to anyone watching would look more like...Cartoons, swimming and cat naps on the couch.

Kody's big 1-0....that's the big TEN will be here on Thursday and a corner of our living room looks like the UPS mailroom. :0)
Because bribery can be such a good thing sometimes....I've decided to leave those boxes right where he can see them until he can tear into them on Thursday.
Oh..come on guys, that's not really being mean...I just thought the anticipation would be a good thing.

Now...if anyone else wanted to send Kody a b-day gift...please, please, please....Kody has personally asked me, other then donating in his name to Tumbleweed Foundation Family Emergancy Fund or Caring Bridge, his most favorite charity in the whole wide world is "The Humane Society". celebrate Kody's 10th birthday, if you wanted to, please donate to your local shelter for animals. A bag of dog or cat food, a box of bisquits...anything, we know would be greatly appreciated.
Kody loves animals...all animals {even gators!!}, and this would mean the world to him.
How many 10 year old kids ask for nothing for themselves on their birthdays? I truly believe that is what makes Kody so special...his love and concern for others, especially animals who simply cannot fend for themselves and depend on people for nutrician, shelter and love.

This next part of my update today is purposly written for Kaysha...I promised her days ago so here goes...

Lately Kaysha has been catching some slack on the way she dresses, maybe not so much the "way" she dresses, more so in the "color" she dresses in....mostly black with a lil' red and white thrown in for good measure.
BTW....NOT by 99 out of 100 of our internet friends...yes, there is one internet "person/female/G" {you know who you are}.
She mainly catches grief from a few people we personally know, who know Kaysha too...which really surprises me, especially since they know Kaysha is Kaysha, a darn good kid.
Which leads me to this...
I'd like to take a minute or two and tell you all about our youngest daughter, Kaysha Nicole Kruppenbacher, who we lovingly refer to as "Goth Girl".

#1...Yes, Kaysha has gone Gothic. She loves the color black, she also thinks skulls, chains and safety pins are pretty cool too.

#2...No, Kaysha does NOT worship the devil, nor does she dance in the moonlight, disrespect the Bible or sacrifice small animals.
{where do people come up with this???}

#3....Yes, Kaysha used to have beautiful blonde hair and yes, Kaysha used to wear pink. Not pastel pink, the official "girly" color, but hot pink instead. She still does wear the color pink, but prefers it on her jelly bracelets or stones set in her skull choker instead.

#4...Yes, I gave Kaysha my blessings to color her hair jet a matter of fact, I bought her the hair dye and helped her do it. It was a great bonding experience. It kind of made me sad, but when I saw how happy she was..what could I do??
And truth be told...I love the way she looks...she totally cute and totally pulls it off.

#5...No, Kaysha does not only hang out with other Goth kids....she has friends of many backgrounds, races, heritages and High School cliques'. Her friends come in many groups...preps, jocks, military geeks and nerds. But the friends Kaysha bonds with the most are the ones left out by others.
On the second day of school Kaysha saw a boy her age sitting alone in the cafeteria eating lunch by himself. It was then her heart lurched and she said to her friends "Grab all your things and follow me".
And right then and there Kaysha sat next to that boy, who was not only new to the school..but new to the area, struck up a conversation, shared names and shared lunch. That boy now has a few dozen new friends and a reason to feel happy about going to school.
Why? Because my daughter is a very compassionate leader and not a follower.

#6...Because of the way Kaysha was raised, in a Catholic home, with darn good values {that I am very proud to say that I had a part in}, Kaysha has never, in her life "judged a book by it's cover".
It pains me to see others {adults} do that to her.

Take the time to know my daughter, to talk to her, to laugh with her. You will find a very talented artist, a great sense of humor, a girl with a love of life, a dedicated friend, a child who is respected by ALL of her school teachers and Sunday school teachers.
You will find a big sister/little sister/Aunt who is adored, who is looked upon as a role model, who brings fun into any situation.
You will find a girl who's heart breaks into a million shattered pieces when her Kody suffers, when any CB child suffers.
You will find a girl who loves boys, the phone, the computer, sketching, designing clothes, photography and school.

Most of all, you will find a 14 year old girl with feelings...feelings that can break easily. Think back to when you were her age. Critisizm hurts, it leads to tears that you won't see but she will feel. Tears bring broken hearts, red noses and smudged mascara.
And in Kaysha's case, it also leads to poetry...another of Kaysha's talents not many know about. You see, because in order to spare your feelings, Kaysha will never lash back but she will share her feelings in the poems she writes. I can always tell when she's been put down or hurt, just by picking up her journal.

I believe, with all my heart, the world would be a much better off place if we could all just live by Kaysha's rule "Never judge a book by it's cover".

#7...Yes, Kaysha's "phase" this year is "Gothic". I have no problem with it, her Dad has no problem with it {heck, her Dad is where she got the love of the color black and skulls from!}.

Kaysha Nicole Kruppenbacher...My BEAUTIFUL 14 year old daughter..I could scream that all day long just to let everyone in the world know how proud I am of her. :0)

#8...A bit more advice from Parenting Mama Bear Style...
Pick your battles, don't sweat the small stuff, hug liked you'll never hug again, laugh, sing and dance like you'll never have the chance to again...especially to your "goth kids" My Chemical Romance "Helena" videos. Believe it or not...they will get a kick out of it!! :0)

Kaysha...that was all for you girl...
With all my Love, from your Mom who proudly wears her black and red jelly bracelets, given to me, from you. Love ya girl!!!

Before I leave I'd like to ask you all to visit Angel Meghan's site.
I have been e-mailing Angel Meghan's Mom, Carolyn, and she is asking any of Kody's fans that can come by to help out. You see, Carolyn is desperatly trying to form a team called "Everyone Loves Meghan", in honor of her beautiful daughter. This team will be walking in this years Annual Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night in Central Florida {Orange and Brevard Counties}.
This is a huge task and takes lots of planning and so we are asking any of you who can be there to walk, raise money and donate, please do.
We must stamp out these diseases, for once and for all.

Also, please don't forget....any of you who live in or close to New Jersey to stop by Matthews site {link on banner on top of my journal}. The 3rd annual "Matthew's Miles Walk for a Brain Tumor CURE" is coming up in October.
It would be awesome if we could get as many Kody fans there as possible to represent him...with bracelets on of course!! :0)
I happen to know of three, possibly four of Kody's fans that will be there...YEAH GIRLS!!!
Also, Kody's own big sister, Karyelle is arranging to be there with a couple of friends {fingers crossed her job will allow her the day off} and hopefully Kody's Uncle Peter from NY can get there too...BIG HINTS PETE!!!!!

As always...for all you do for Kody, for sponsering him in his many endeavors, for loving him, for praying for him, for making him laugh, for always being there for all of us...we thank you soooooooo very much!!

Thank you all so much for stopping let me get the bear cubs to bed so I can work on getting some new pictures up tonight.

Love you all....

Sunday, August 14, 2005 8:45 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

The Monsteraches have officially left the building Baby!! :0)

Let's see...where to start? I guess with yesterday...not a bad day, as a matter of fact...a pretty decent day.
Lowes had that build-it workshop for kids, so the boys partook and came home with some pretty spiffy looking space shuttles.

And...not one single headache all day long. However, just a lil' boy who looks "tired" all the time. A few people, I know, have mentioned this lately. We're all hoping it's because of the new school schedule...something "Mr. Kody Sleeps-a-Lot", still has to adjust to. Plus, headaches a/k/a "monsteraches" do have that tendency to wear one down.

Today was awesome though!!!
We had one of our normal family kind of "hang out...chill out...crash out" days which to anyone watching would look more like...Cartoons, swimming and cat naps on the couch.

Kody's big 1-0....that's the big TEN will be here on Thursday and a corner of our living room looks like the UPS mailroom. :0)
Because bribery can be such a good thing sometimes....I've decided to leave those boxes right where he can see them until he can tear into them on Thursday.
Oh..come on guys, that's not really being mean...I just thought the anticipation would be a good thing.

Now...if anyone else wanted to send Kody a b-day gift...please, please, please....Kody has personally asked me, other then donating in his name to Tumbleweed Foundation Family Emergancy Fund or Caring Bridge, his most favorite charity in the whole wide world is "The Humane Society". celebrate Kody's 10th birthday, if you wanted to, please donate to your local shelter for animals. A bag of dog or cat food, a box of bisquits...anything, we know would be greatly appreciated.
Kody loves animals...all animals {even gators!!}, and this would mean the world to him.
How many 10 year old kids ask for nothing for themselves on their birthdays? I truly believe that is what makes Kody so special...his love and concern for others, especially animals who simply cannot fend for themselves and depend on people for nutrician, shelter and love.

This next part of my update today is purposly written for Kaysha...I promised her days ago so here goes...

Lately Kaysha has been catching some slack on the way she dresses, maybe not so much the "way" she dresses, more so in the "color" she dresses in....mostly black with a lil' red and white thrown in for good measure.
BTW....NOT by 99 out of 100 of our internet friends...yes, there is one internet "person/female/G" {you know who you are}.
She mainly catches grief from a few people we personally know, who know Kaysha too...which really surprises me, especially since they know Kaysha is Kaysha, a darn good kid.
Which leads me to this...
I'd like to take a minute or two and tell you all about our youngest daughter, Kaysha Nicole Kruppenbacher, who we lovingly refer to as "Goth Girl".

#1...Yes, Kaysha has gone Gothic. She loves the color black, she also thinks skulls, chains and safety pins are pretty cool too.

#2...No, Kaysha does NOT worship the devil, nor does she dance in the moonlight, disrespect the Bible or sacrifice small animals.
{where do people come up with this???}

#3....Yes, Kaysha used to have beautiful blonde hair and yes, Kaysha used to wear pink. Not pastel pink, the official "girly" color, but hot pink instead. She still does wear the color pink, but prefers it on her jelly bracelets or stones set in her skull choker instead.

#4...Yes, I gave Kaysha my blessings to color her hair jet a matter of fact, I bought her the hair dye and helped her do it. It was a great bonding experience. It kind of made me sad, but when I saw how happy she was..what could I do??
And truth be told...I love the way she looks...she totally cute and totally pulls it off.

#5...No, Kaysha does not only hang out with other Goth kids....she has friends of many backgrounds, races, heritages and High School cliques'. Her friends come in many groups...preps, jocks, military geeks and nerds. But the friends Kaysha bonds with the most are the ones left out by others.
On the second day of school Kaysha saw a boy her age sitting alone in the cafeteria eating lunch by himself. It was then her heart lurched and she said to her friends "Grab all your things and follow me".
And right then and there Kaysha sat next to that boy, who was not only new to the school..but new to the area, struck up a conversation, shared names and shared lunch. That boy now has a few dozen new friends and a reason to feel happy about going to school.
Why? Because my daughter is a very compassionate leader and not a follower.

#6...Because of the way Kaysha was raised, in a Catholic home, with darn good values {that I am very proud to say that I had a part in}, Kaysha has never, in her life "judged a book by it's cover".
It pains me to see others {adults} do that to her.

Take the time to know my daughter, to talk to her, to laugh with her. You will find a very talented artist, a great sense of humor, a girl with a love of life, a dedicated friend, a child who is respected by ALL of her school teachers and Sunday school teachers.
You will find a big sister/little sister/Aunt who is adored, who is looked upon as a role model, who brings fun into any situation.
You will find a girl who's heart breaks into a million shattered pieces when her Kody suffers, when any CB child suffers.
You will find a girl who loves boys, the phone, the computer, sketching, designing clothes, photography and school.

Most of all, you will find a 14 year old girl with feelings...feelings that can break easily. Think back to when you were her age. Critisizm hurts, it leads to tears that you won't see but she will feel. Tears bring broken hearts, red noses and smudged mascara.
And in Kaysha's case, it also leads to poetry...another of Kaysha's talents not many know about. You see, because in order to spare your feelings, Kaysha will never lash back but she will share her feelings in the poems she writes. I can always tell when she's been put down or hurt, just by picking up her journal.

I believe, with all my heart, the world would be a much better off place if we could all just live by Kaysha's rule "Never judge a book by it's cover".

#7...Yes, Kaysha's "phase" this year is "Gothic". I have no problem with it, her Dad has no problem with it {heck, her Dad is where she got the love of the color black and skulls from!}.

Kaysha Nicole Kruppenbacher...My BEAUTIFUL 14 year old daughter..I could scream that all day long just to let everyone in the world know how proud I am of her. :0)

#8...A bit more advice from Parenting Mama Bear Style...
Pick your battles, don't sweat the small stuff, hug liked you'll never hug again, laugh, sing and dance like you'll never have the chance to again...especially to your "goth kids" My Chemical Romance "Helena" videos. Believe it or not...they will get a kick out of it!! :0)

Kaysha...that was all for you girl...
With all my Love, from your Mom who proudly wears her black and red jelly bracelets, given to me, from you. Love ya girl!!!

Before I leave I'd like to ask you all to visit Angel Meghan's site.
I have been e-mailing Angel Meghan's Mom, Carolyn, and she is asking any of Kody's fans that can come by to help out. You see, Carolyn is desperatly trying to form a team called "Everyone Loves Meghan", in honor of her beautiful daughter. This team will be walking in this years Annual Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night in Central Florida {Orange and Brevard Counties}.
This is a huge task and takes lots of planning and so we are asking any of you who can be there to walk, raise money and donate, please do.
We must stamp out these diseases, for once and for all.

Also, please don't forget....any of you who live in or close to New Jersey to stop by Matthews site {link on banner on top of my journal}. The 3rd annual "Matthew's Miles Walk for a Brain Tumor CURE" is coming up in October.
It would be awesome if we could get as many Kody fans there as possible to represent him...with bracelets on of course!! :0)
I happen to know of three, possibly four of Kody's fans that will be there...YEAH GIRLS!!!
Also, Kody's own big sister, Karyelle is arranging to be there with a couple of friends {fingers crossed her job will allow her the day off} and hopefully Kody's Uncle Peter from NY can get there too...BIG HINTS PETE!!!!!

As always...for all you do for Kody, for sponsering him in his many endeavors, for loving him, for praying for him, for making him laugh, for always being there for all of us...we thank you soooooooo very much!!

Thank you all so much for stopping let me get the bear cubs to bed so I can work on getting some new pictures up tonight.

Love you all....

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy


Still leaving these links/messages below....


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


A site that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

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Friday, August 12, 2005 10:00 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Thank you all so much for the bazillion "Get Lost Monsterache" prayers!!
As of aroun ddinertime yesterday, Kody's headache left the building!!
However, **SIGH**, this evening it's back in full force again.
And here I was soooo convinced it was virus related. :0(
Kody's medicated, out of Maxalt {UGH} and trying his best to fall asleep, so I thought I jump on here quick and play catch up on my update before he calls me in.

Other then that, Kody had a pretty good day. He went to school and hung out the entire day, got an 80 on his first spelling test of the year, had a lunchdate with Kolin and me, and practiced for the Special Olympics {Yes, after all the drama last year..there WILL be a Special Olympics this year!!!}. First order on the Olympic agenda....Bowling!! :0)

Now....I had promised myself I was going to do a lil' update on Kaysha, I even promised Kaysha I would...but right now, I am beat up tired and with Kody not feeling very great....I'll save that update for tomorrow. {sorry Kaysha, but you will have your day tomorrow!}

What's in store for the "K" kids tomorrow??
Welp, monsterache permitting...I signed the two boys up for a sort of woodshop class at Lowes {I think??}.
Thank you Goochmiester for recomending this fun thing to do on a Saturday morning for us.
Anyway...the theme is make a "Space Shuttle". Pretty cool!!

Ahhhhh.....just as I thought, I'd get 5 minutes to update and the Bear needs his Mom.

Thank you all so much for stopping by, the incredible GB entries and all of those "Bear Prayers".
I better run and take care of the Bear.

Love you all...


PS. New photos will be up this weekend....promise!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:00 PM

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~*~Thursday...1:35 PM~*~

You know....I might just feel a little bit better if Leo's tail wasn't constantly WHAPPING me in the face.....

Love, Hugs and other good stuff...


~*~Thursday Morning~*~

It's just a little after 9:30 AM right now....I just wanted to let you all know that monsterache hasn't gone away yet. :0(
As of 7 o'clock this morning Kody has had the max. dose of Maxalt {headache med.} and Tylenol also.
So far...nothing has touched it and he is pretty miserable....enough to make him cry, and that takes ALOT of pain...Kody just is not a cryer.

Please keep those fingers and toes crossed that this is nothing more then that stinky virus Kolin & I had over the weekend and that by tonight he'll be back to his ole' Bear self.

Gotta run and keep those cold washcloths on him....
Which reminds me...
Thank you VERY much to Pam C. who sent a box of cool t-shirts and motorcycles to the boys and girl stuff and tanks to Kaysha, and for the sleep "smell-o-pathic" lotions {I have no idea what the right name is for stuff that smells good and puts you to sleep...refer back to the "everything is a "a-meter" entry}.
But mostly for the cold rags in every cool design possible that worked out sooooo well last night in keeping Kody's forehead and neck cooled off.
Sometimes the best remedy is a cool rag, a dark, quiet room and a Mom right next to you.
Which...truth be told, only lasted two hours before Kody gave me the final "boot" and knocked me clear off the bed one too many times. :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just a quick note tonight to let you all know we're doing OK.

Kody came down with a very sudden, very painful monsterache {headache} about 45 minutes ago.
I will update again heart needs to be with him when he hurts, soooo......
I'm off of here tonight to lay down with him but will be back tomorrow.

Hey....was that groaning I heard??!! :0)

Love you all....thanks for stopping by!!

Love, Kim

Monday, August 8, 2005 1:50 PM

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~*~Tuesday Morning...New Photos Up~*~

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

SORRY!! I know I said I'd be back fault totally!!

Whatever bug got us down didn't have us down for long and by later on in the day yesterday it seemed to have run it's course. About the only only who sailed through, virus free was Kody. How cool is that? Pretty darn cool cuz the brunt of this virus thing was non-stop headaches...something he gets enough of and doesn't need more of.

I only have two new pic's to put up...I wish there was more, but it's an "eye thing" lately, so Kody is kind of iffy about having his picture shown. Something about the girls not thinking he's "hot" of something. LOL!!
Just give me a minute or two or ten and the pic's will be up on the photo page.

Welp guys and much as I would love to update with one of my famous novels, I think I just have a serious case of the blahs. I have alot of Cody and Jacob on my mind and have been pretty bummed all weekend seeing these two sweet boys are fighting for their lives. My hearts breaks for the families too, but I think I mostly cry for the Mom's of these two little boys.
How I wish there was more I could do then just pray all day, everyday.
But...I do have "Hope" and alot of it. "Hope" is a beautiful word that I have loved ever since Kody's D-Day {diagnoses day}. Heck, I even had the word put into a cool, one of a kind tattoo, a couple of years ago.
I never really fully realized how much that word meant until Daddy Banana put it all into perspective when he wrote "Without Hope....there is no Hope". Think about it?

I put one of those ticker things on top of my's a countdown to Kody's next MRI. I figured it was easiet that way then trying to remember to mention it all the time.

Also...Kody's 10th b-day is Aug. 18th and Kolin's is Aug. 25th.
Last year so many of Kody's beautiful fans sent him the greatest gifts...and this year it's been like a birthday year round for him, he has TONS of fans that make sure his mailbox trips are always happy ones. Even Kolin and Kaysha have been very well thought of.
This year, though, we are asking that if anyone at all would like to send a birthday gift Kody's PLEASE, instead, donate in honor of Kody to either The Tumbleweed Foundation Family Help Fund or to Caring Bridge.
The importance of these two organizations means everything to us.
Because of the sale of Kody's awareness "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" bracelets...many families have been helped bigtime.
And Caring Bridge....what can I say....Caring Bridge is the reason as to why I can communicate with all of you everyday. It is our "bridge" between family and friends. Caring Bridge is the reason you all have met Kody and we have been able to "meet" all of you. We would be lost without the wonderful people of Caring Bridge providing such a great service to so many.

Besides that...the very best way to honor Kody's birthday is to pray endlessly for not only Kody's cure on Earth...but for the cure of all diseases, everwhere, that are taking the lives of the ones we love the most.
I need that lil' boy in my life forever.

I believe, with all my heart that one child can make a difference...that a child will lead the way to greater and better things for all of us. Who knows, Kody could be that child....crazier things have happened, right? :0)

I better get going...time to start picking up the kiddo's.

I will definetly try to update with more upbeatness tomorrow...or tonight, we'll see.

Thank you so much for stopping you all!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, August 6, 2005 10:30 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

We have set a new record in our home....

Two days of school and Kolin has brought home the first virus "Super-sized headache and somebody stop that truck that just ran me over" crud of the year....GO KOLIN!!!

About the only one it hasn't hit is, with that...

I'm off to pop a few more Excedrin and catch about a dozen more hours of sleep.
Update and teh next segment of "Parenting 101 According to Mama Bear" will follow tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience...see you tomorrow!!

Love, Kim

Thursday, August 4, 2005 11:30 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

First day of school this morning and can you believe went off without a hitch!

Kaysha's first day of High School...her morning went a lil' like this...

Dad wakes her up...Kaysha rolls over....Dad wakes her up....Kaysha drags herself out of bed, stumbles over the cats, the puppy and makes her way to the bathroom and let's her presence be known with a huge "UGGGGHHHH...I HATE MORNINGS!"
But...she did, however, manage to get dressed, get fed and walk out that door right on time and this is the last I saw of Gothic Girl at 7:10 AM...

Update from Dad who drove her to school this morning...she and about 100 other kids her age all walked together looking very nervous and very confused...while still maintaining that "yeah, I'm cool" composure.

And now on to the boys...

Wake up time 7 AM.
Time the boys got out of bed....7:20 AM.
Time we need to be on the road....8:10 AM
Time boys were ready at....7:45 AM

Whoever says there is no difference between boys and girls never has had...boys and girls.

The morning went flurry of last minute paperwork signing {which kept me and my coffee pot up till midnight last night...think I'm kidding, try writing "Kruppenbacher" over and over 159 times..then move on the the medical info form}, lunch making {nothing screams lunchbox lunch more then PB&J and juice boxes} and coordinating outfits...
Because, as we know...Leo from Russia would be very, very disappointed if he saw Kody and Kolin unmatched!! :0)
So, Leo, my friend...this ones for you....

And...if you think those shirts are pretty cool....these guys were total hotness in all their matching glory right down to the shorts baby!!

Not much more to say this morning except, yes..I got a lil' teary when the three of them left. Just when you get used to having the lil' boogers around...they up and leave you again.
Oh...Kody's parting words as he got out of the car...
"Mom...your the biggest part of my heart and that's where you'll be all day so don't be sad, OK?"
Kolin's parting words..."Oh that was so touching I think I might pee myself".

Oh yeah...there is NOTHING like having boys!!

You that the kids are in school and I won't have their ususal daytime antics to tell you about....though, in hindsight I am sure they'll make up for it when they come home, I think I'll start an advice segment here...
Parenting advice...I'm talking REAL parenting advice, not that sappy Dr. Phil stuff {Sorry Dr. Phil fans!!}

So..grap a cup of coffee, women of the world...join me this morning to our first...
"So you thought that cute newborn would grow up perfect...then they learned how to talk" Part One...

First advice tip...
It took nine months to put that weight takes at least nine years to take it off.

Number Two...
Mom's of newborns...learn how to do everything with one hand..start practicing while you are preggers.

It is totally normal to dream about pushing your baby's Daddy off a bridge, running him over with your mini van or sticking a rocket where the sun don't shine and sky-rocketing him to another galaxy. No matter what anyone says..we all do this. True, you'll feel guilty in the morning BUT trust me, during labor..those thoughts will keep you focused and smiling.

Rethink the name "Wolfgang". Ask any Dad of German heritage what he wants to name his son and "Wolfgang" will come up almost immediatly.
Now...all us women are thinking "NO WAY PAL" reality, not too much will blow you mind away like a teenage son who says "That is such a cool name, why didn't you let Dad name me that??" Trust me on this one. :0(

Number Five and final tip of the day...
Use your camera and use it daily. Your squeezy cheeked, Cinderella loving toddler in the pink dress, blonde hair and patent leather shoes, in the blink of an eye, will trotting out the door for her first day of High School.
***Refer to Picture Up Top***
There is nothing more sweet then reliving the days when Barney was her best Bud and Goldfish crackers were her favorite food.

Number Six...{sorry, just one more, OK?}
Love on those days when your little one seems more like a hip ornament then a child with working legs. Those days, they just don't last long enough.

Now....if you all think I have some warped ideas on child raising...LOL...I am nothing compared to this, and I honestly meant to put this up for Fathers Day but completely forgot.
So, here goes...

Daddy Bear's Rules for His Daughter's Boyfriend

Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk, you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up.

Rule Two: You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you cannot keep your hand's off my daughter's body, I will remove them.

Rule Three: I am aware that it is considered fashionable for boys of your age to wear their trousers so loosely that they appear to be falling off their hips. Please don't take this as an insult, but you and your friends are complete idiots. Still, I want to be fair and opened minded about this issue, so I propose this compromise: You may come to the door with your underwear showing and your pants ten sizes too big, and I will not object. However, in order to ensure that your clothes do not, in fact come off during the course of your date with my daughter, I will take my electric nail gun and fasten your trousers securely in place to your waist.

Rule Four: I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without a "barrier method" of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate, when it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I will kill you.

Rule Five: It is usually understood that in order for us to get to know each other, we should talk about sports, politics, and other issues of the day. Please do not do this. The only information I require from you is an indication of when you expect to have my daughter safely back at my house, and the only word I need from you on this subject is: "early."

Rule Six: I have no doubt that you are a popular fellow, with opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with my daughter. Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to date no one else but her until she is finished with you. If you make her cry, I will make you cry.

Rule Seven: As you stand in the front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh and fidget. If you want to be on time you should not be dating. My daughter is putting on her makeup, a process that can take longer than painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Instead of just standing there, why don't you do something useful, like changing the oil in my car?

Rule Eight: The following places are not appropriate for a date with my daughter: Places where there are beds, sofas, or anything softer than a wooden stool. Places where there is darkness. Places where there is dancing, holding hands, or happiness. Places where the ambient temperature is warm enough to introduce my daughter to wear shorts, tank tops, midriff t-shirts, or anything other than overalls, a sweater, and a goose down parka - zipped up to her throat. Movies with a romantic or sexual theme are to be avoided; movies with feature chain saws are okay. Hockey games are okay. Old folks homes are better.

Rule Nine: Do not lie to me. I may appear to be a potbellied, balding, middle-aged, dimwitted has-been, but on issues relating to my daughter, I am the all-knowing, merciless God of your universe. If I ask where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I have a shotgun, a shovel, and five acres behind the house. Do not trifle with me.

Rule Ten: Be afraid, be very afraid. It takes very little for me to mistake the sound of your car in the driveway for a chopper coming over a rice paddy near Hanoi. When my Agent Orange starts acting up, the voices in my head frequently tell me to clean the guns as I wait for you to bring my daughter home. As soon as you pull into my driveway, you should exit the car with both hands in plain sight. Speak the perimeter password, announce in a clear voice that you have brought my daughter home safely and early, then return to your car. - there is no need for you to come inside. The camouflaged face at the window is mine.

Have a great day all and HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL....To all of our friends out there today!!

Please remember JACOB in your prayers as his newest chemotherapy treatments have not done anything for him and his latest scans show disease progression.

Also, please send prayers to KATIA'S Mom, Tracy, who lost her youngest sister yesterday.

And to CODY who is still fighting with all his might.

Thank you!!!!!

Love, Kim

Monday, August 1, 2005 11:36 AM CDT

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~


Check out the new pictures of "Our Day at the Beach"!!

We left yesterday late in the morning and spent most of our day {till 4:30 anyway} at Eaton's Beach in Lake Wier, Fl.'s not a ocean kind of beach, but instead it is a lake kind of beach...but it was fun nonetheless. The kids were still able to find some small shells and Kody even found a whole bunch of fresh water oysters. They also found a group of boys about their age to play with, everyone got along and they really had a blast.
Kaysha, on the other hand...had alot of fun too but chose to spend part of her day checking out guys in surfer shorts. :0)

Our next beach stop though is definetly going to be the know, when you've been to the ocean, there is just nothing that is like salty air and dolphins.
But, I have to say....our three oldest kids grew up on a lake in NY {where we lived before moving here}, every summer day that is where you would find us.
The lake experience was something new for the three youngest. it was cool though....and I've got to tell you, my boys are just craving to get out on a jet ski!!
Talk about some NY boys gone Floridian. I have a feeling Kolin will be my first to try that jet ski {with Dad driving}, that boy loves anything fast and on water. His dream is too learn how to surf one day.
Anyways...I'll let the pictures tell the story because today is Aug. 1st, three days before school starts and otherwise known as the first official "I'LL DO ANYTHING TO SEE YOU SMILE DAY"! :0)
Soooooo...with that, my kiddo's tell me swimming with their music playing and eating sno-cones for lunch will, for sure, put a smile on those faces of theirs!!

Please keep those round the clock prayers coming for our friend, CODY with a "C", as he was put on a vent. this weekend which is a machine that is doing all his breathing for him.

Have a great day all.....and remember Mom's and Dad's, Gramma's and Grampa's, Aunts and Uncles, friends everywhere...gather up those kids of yours today for "I'll do anything to see you smile day", a day made up by one pretty cool kid we call our "Bear".

Love, Kim

Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:45 AM {Florida Time}

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Here I am guys.....all refreshed and ready to is GREAT with a half a pot of java juice running through the ole' veins! :0)

My very first priority this morning to is to update ya'all on a couple of our friends who are in desperate need of prayer and well wishes, plus an upcoming world-wide Sunday night event you won't want to miss.

We all know everyone's favorite teen, Chance. I am sure by now almost all of us have heard the devestaing news that Chance's Mom, Patty, was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. Yes, this disease is as horrible as it sounds...please believe me when I tell you I know.
As Chance and Patty {who has always sent me wonderful e-mails of support} have always been there for us, we are asking you all to take a moment, everyday...many times a day and say a prayer for this family. Stop by their site and please let them know how much you are thinking of them.
And.....on Sunday night {tomorow} at 7 o'clock PM Georgia time {which is the same as Florida time so if your reading this at 11 AM my time and it's 10 AM your time, you'll know what to do} there is to be a circle of friends all around the world lighting candles and looking to the Lord pleading for a miracle for Patty. And also please don't leave Chance out he is a typical teen, and any of us with teens knows...they tend to keep things bottled up inside, hoping that if they don't talk about can't be happening. Please send Chance love, comfort and support. After all...he has always been there for all us Caring Bridge families and now, more then ever, he needs the love only his Caring Bridge family can offer. Surround Chance with hugs, and lots of them, pretty please?

Next is Cody, whom I have spoke about in a recent past entry.
Cody has leukemia....but leukemia does NOT have Cody as long as we, his CB family once again keep Cody in good spirits. Please stop by and help Cody and family to a brighter day with a lil' good cheer and a lot of good old fashioned, on your knees, nagging the Lord with prayer, prayers.
BTW...I heard somewhere that God loves the naggers of the world!! :0)
You will notice on Cody's site some really great news though, and that is one of pure goodness and unconditional love.
Many of you are wearing Kody's "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" bracelet on your wrist right now. And right now I am personally sending out a huge "Thank You" to you...because of your love of Kody, Kody's profits from the sale of his bracelets has been able to provide another derserving family with the help they so desperatly need.
You see, Cody has been in the hospital since June. He does not have an estimated release date because he is so sick. In addition, Cody is being transported to Duke, to remain in the hospital for who knows how long.
I don't want to ruin a good surprise but I can tell you that when Cody's Mom, Eleasha, opens that envelope this coming week...there will be happy tears all around. :0)
And that my friends, is what Kody's bracelets and The Tumbleweed Foundation is all about.

And...when Mary {hint..hint} gets me the list together of all the familes that have been helped tremendously when they needed it the most, you all will see how one tough little boy with a heart of gold has managed to change, for the better, so many lives.
If Kody never fully accomplishesd anything else in his life...what he has accomplished, I have to say, is more then most people accomplish in a lifetime.
Have I ever told you how proud I am of him?? :0)

OK...what else, what else??

Oh...I know...our beach day tomorrow a/k/a the day we might be stormed out of again. Looks like the same rain and lightening storms that ame through here yesterday are headed back today and tomorrow. {they were vicious!}
So far it looks like every afternoon this weekend will be stormy, but who knows if that will things for sure, it worked with Kolin's communion and I am more then willing to try again...
Becky, I am hanging the Blessed Mother in my kitchen window tonight!!!!
We need some dry weather and lots of it tomorrow.

Now then..on to our day Friday.
As you can tell by the new pictures, we all had a blast!!
The Villages is a retirement community about 15 minutes from our home. Karyelle used to work at a bank there and now Kayara works at a restaurant there and is a sound check girl for VNN, The Villages media group.
The Villages is growing in leaps and bounds and for the most part, everyone living there is from everywhere except Florida which really makes it interesting. {Gramma Carolyn is from Texas and has the sweetest accent!!} Since the Villagers are retired people, so many of them have grandchildren who live far when a child, or children show up, they become everybodies grandchild!! :0)
There are a trillion things to do there...anything you could possibly want to eat, outdoor concerts, beautiful landscaped senery and renting golf carts for the day is cheap and fun..there are tunnels and bridges to drive through to get anywhere.
But, what we decided to do was something we've never done before and that is mini golf.
Now, me being blonde and not too bright sometimes didn't even think we would be out in the direct sun more most of the day and even though I did remember the sunblock and dutifully carried bottled water everywhere...we spent 10 minutes playing and 20 minutes cooling Kody off and dousing him with water.
He did great though and he never complained.not once!! Oh wait, I take that back...he complained alot when it was time to go. He could have stayed there all day shooting golf balls into the pond and fetching them with a net. :0)
Afterwards we visited Hermans, the local ice cream shop, found a fountain for the kids to get soaking wet in and before you know the blink of an was time to head home.
We're going to get together again very soon..but this time, until fall gets here and the temp. drops by 20 degrees....we'll stick to an air conditioned movie theatre or maybe try out a new place called "Amazing Glaze" where you can paint your own pottery and take it home. The kids are STOKED on that one...sounds like alot of fun!!

As you can see by Kody's picture update last night...all fun has to come to an end sometime and early yesterday morning Kody, Dad Bear and I took that very long trip to Shands for Kody's eye appointment and his appointment with the "Vampire Lady" {bloodwork}.
Check this out...while we were there....the one and only Kody Bear met the one and only Shands Bear, that was so awesome!! {see picture page}.
As for the bloodwork...the V.P. {vampire lady} put that tightening band on Kody's arm and right away Kody spoke up and said ", you DON'T want to use that vein there because of all the scar tissue you WON'T get any blood and I will NOT be happy".
So, VP looked at me as if to say "Is he serious?" and I said "He knows what he's talking about" which Kody piped in "Take it from this hand" {and pointed to his left hand}.
Welp, she put on that band....tapped his hand a few times and Kody pointed to the vein of his choice and said "use that one".
She did and we were out of there one minute later with only one poke....which made for one happy Bear family.

Off to the eye doc's which we found out Kody's vision is getting ALOT better!!! All he needs now is a simple pair of dollar store reading glasses and he is set for a while. So, weather permitting {it doesn't look real good out right now}, I'll get him to the Dollar Tree to pick out a pair or two.
And if I know Kody...he will insist on a new pair of sunglasses too....I have never, in my life seen anybody so darn facinated with sunglasses..which really is a good thing because of the eye protection...but as Kody says...they make him look "hot".
On the flipside of the good news is that his left eye {which has always been his good eye} is definetly starting to roll it wasn't my imagination after all. :0(
Since the nerves behind the eye look very healthy...we can only chalk this up to it being brainstem related.
Does that mean his tumor is growing/changing" Dear Lord I hope not. But...we'll find out for sure on September 7th when he has his next MRI.
In the mean time...constant prayers are ALWAYS a good thing.
Also...he still does not have any downward glance and not much in the way of upwards either. Side to side is terrific though. :0)

No news on the Endrocrinologist yet. Neurology told me if I hadn't heard anything this week, to call them back on Monday so that they can get on their case. Hopefully we'll have that appt. this week.
And in the meanwhile...if I hear Kody say one more time "Oh, I can't make my bed/put my laundry away/pick up my video games/go to school next week because my thyroid is broken"...I will just scream!! :0)

Ok guys and gals..I started this update an hour ago and have finally finished up...I probably left a ton of useless info. out so bear with me and check in again later on as I remember things. {sorry....out of coffee!!}
And for all that may be wondering...Yeppers..I did have that very important first cup made for me by Karlio this morning. Not delivered cuz he didn't weant me wearing it, or me falling back asleep...but it was waiting right on the coffee table...which was soooo cool too! :0)

Have a beautiful day all...

Love, Kim

Thursday 12:15 AM

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~*~Very, Very, VERY early Saturday Morning~*~

Hi everyone...

Guess you can tell I am up way, waaaayyyyy too late again tonight so I promise to update in the morning...about 9 hours from now when I'm more, ahhhhhhh....what's the word?
Oh yes...caffinated and alert!! :0)

Till then, please enjoy the new pictures I just put up minutes ago.

See you when the sun's up!!

Love, Kim

PS. Karlio...hey handsome, I know your up early reading this so how's about some coffee delivered?? :0)


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I've been busy tonight getting some new photos cleaned up, touched up and put up so, please enjoy them tonight!!

I'll update tomorrow....Kody is doing pretty well....we had a small scare when he woke up with a pretty painful headache/monsterache two nights ago that popped up out of nowhere around 11 PM. It woke him right, he took some pain med. and I slept with him the whole night...just incase.
I am happy to tell you all by morning he was back to being Kody Bear...that Krazy Kid we all love so darn much.

It's real late...I better run, we have a busy day tomorrow.
We get to spend some time with the kids adopted Gramma, "Gramma Carolyn" in the Villages!!
You'll find us riding around on golf carts...teaching Kaysha how to drive a golf cart {watch out Villagers!!}, eating pizza and playing putt putt golf.

Marci....I PROMISE I'll call you in the morning before we was a crazy, hectic day today..but I did get your message tonight so grap a cup of coffee and so will I. :0)

Mrs. Melissa....WE GOT THE PACKAGE!!!
OMG...I cannot tell you how many happy squeals were let out around here today!!!
I promise to snap some have definetly made three kids very, very, very happy!!!!
And, you did something even better then've got a couple of them actually looking forward to school now so they can label everything!! :0)
And thank you soooo much for the Hersheys!! Right now they are in the freezer trying their best to become solid again!! Darn Florida weather!!! LOL!!!!!!

Chef David...Thank you soooooo much for the awesome "birthday box" Kody received today!!
The shirts are soooooooo cool....check out the photo page, the kids took a special picture just for you. :0)

OK guys and gals I have got to get some rest but before I do I'd like to ask you all to stop by two friend's sites...

Cody....who is the most sweetest lil' boy ever. Cody has leukemia and is in the hospital very sick and just keeps getting worse and worse. He and Mom, Eleasha {my WONDERFUL friend!!} could defiently use prayers.

Also, Victoria

We has sadly relaped with medulloblastoma. Please pray for this beautiful little girl.

As always we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

From one "WELP" club member to another...

Signing off till tomorrow...

Love Yaz!!


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:00 PM

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~*~Afternoon Update~*~

To "Lance"....
So, here's the story on the word "welp".
Welp, as we all know is just a made up kind of word. When Kody was little, maybe about 3 we always knew he'd be telling a story, tall tale of fib when he'd start out his sentence by saying "Welp". His version of "well".
As pretty much all parents do at one time or another, we start using these words our kids use and before you know it, the kid is grown up {or in our case not quite grown up, not quite little}but you still catch yourself saying the same word.
Now, I always thought I was the only Mom in the world that said "welp", but as it turns out..I've seen at least three, maybe four other Mom's say the same thing.
So....though you may think "welp" sounds "stupid", it doesn't to me..I think it's kind of cute and everytime I say it/hear reminds me of Kody when he was just a surfer haircut, chubby cheeked, baby toothed very little boy.

Welp...gotta run, things to do, places to go, people to see....


PS. For anyone who's been trying to call via telephone today...
Because of the heavy rain and winds we got yesterday afternoon, our phone lines are again, drenched. So on my side, I can only hear static and alot of it.
It's borderline imposible to make out a single sentence.
By the time the phone company can come out, it will most likely dry up on it's own.
So, if you don't hear back from me for at least another day...that's the reason why. Sorry. :0(


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just checking in this morning to let you all know the weekend was a pretty decent one, as far as weekends go....wet, but good.

The sun is out this morning though so I think I better get the kids in the pool for a little while.

Now, about that picture of my "Happy School Shoppers"....they are kind of cute, huh??
Truth be told Kody LOVES, I mean LOVES pens and highlighters.....he is facinated with walking up and down Office Depot and checking out the latest and the greatest anything having to do with pens and highlighters. much as he was thrilled to see "highlighters & red pens" was on his school supply list, he was equally unthrilled about boring things like folders, notebooks, pencils and lunchboxes.
Kolin...well he just avoided the whole school shopping scenerio by moping around and staying at the waaaaayyyyy end of the isle where he wouldn't have to be too close to those evil things we call "school supplies".
So, I'd have to much as I did have to bribe them for that photo..those were their real faces the whole time.
Having girls and boys, there is definetly a difference...girls naturally love to shop, even for school. That way they can match everything...I mean everything. They sort through it, label everything, put their personal touches on every available space on notebooks, etc...
And boys...well, boys will be boys and they will always have other things on their minds about "matching" and "labeling".
Case in point....
Kody's backpack from last year was still in good shape since he spent most of his year not in school. Kolin's on the other hand...wasn't. So, I took Kolin over to the backpacks and within a fraction of a second he pulls one of the shelf and says "This ones fine can we go?"
Now...there were plenty of pretty cool colors but what did he pick? Basic black. :0(
He must get that from Kaysha.
Being a good sport I asked Kody if he saw one he liked too...and his answer "No, I have last years, I hate change..can we go now?"
Kolin's list...."two folders any color"
Kolin's folders he came home with...."Two Black Folders".
Are we all starting to see a pattern here?
Kody's idea about "matching".....his lunchbox, bright red...his folders...10 of the brightest ones he could find....his colored pencils {now we're talking!}, a huge box of every color even though the list said "12".
Finally...a kid who likes COLOR!!!!!
Kody's idea of labeling is slightly different though...
Kolin labels things with a big, bold BLACK marker.
Kody....well, last year he tore a hole in the front of his notebook...which told him right away, "That ones mine..the one with the hole".

This year though...things are going to be different..very, very different and I happen to know three kids that are going to go gaa-gaa over labeling their things just as soon as a lil' package from Mrs. Melissa gets here this week...YEAH!!!!
Wish I could tell you all but it's a surprise..sorry Kaysha!!

Looks like our day at the beach is coming to a reality this coming up Sunday and weather permitting {pray..pray..pray for sweet weather} three kids, Dad and myself will be soaking up some sun and water at Eatons Beach {Thank you so much for the tip Kathy!!} about 45 minutes from our home.
I couldn't have done it without you all!!!!!!!
This isn't an ocean beach, but instead a "lake beach" but that's cool because the west coast has had nothing but reg flags for three weeks and sharks to boot and the east coast still has those rip currents.
We'll get to the coast just won't be this weekend.
And pictures??? OH BABY....I have been itching to take some cool beach pictures! For Mom's Day my kiddo's got me this great book on black and white photos of children, most taken a beaches adn you know I am going to have to try as many as I can. :0)
That will be sooooo cool cuz I don't know about you all, but I am running out of new ideas to take around pictures, I believe, are starting to get a tad bit on the boring side. :0(

On the medical side of news...

No word on the endocrinologist yet, so I'm sure his appointment won't be until August sometime.
But..we do have an appointment this Friday with Dr. Levine, Kody's eye doc. Time to find out what's up with that eyeball.
On the same day we need to get Kody's bloodwork with the "Vampire Lady" redone.
September 7th is a big day.....Kody's next MRI and appt. with Dr. Pincus {Kody's neurosurgeon}
September 19th takes us back to Shands again for an appt. with Dr. Pollack {Kody's neurologist a/k/a seizure Doc.}
Barring no problems...that's what we have to look forward to on the medical front.

August, thankfully, won't be too busy {knock on wood} and that's a good, GOOD thing because August 18th is Kody's big 1-0....yeah baby, that's a big ten years old..double digits!!!!
Now, last year he picked "biker" for his party theme..well, this year...{ baby is growing up!}..he picked, ready for this? Hope your all sitting...
He picked "Sports Illistrated Swimsuit Babes".
He's got it all planned...even down to the "bikini babe cake with a belly ring".
Hmmm....if he's this way at ten, what in the world do I have to look forward to at 15???

Oh...and BTW...two more birthday's to celebrate in August.....Kolin will be 8 on August 25th and so will our friend, Helen {the Banner and Kickin' Cancers Butt Store lady!}..same day, how cool is that??!! :0)

Welp guys and gals...I better jump off for now.
Oh...don't forget to visit us on "Kody's Kool Pages" on top of my journal.

Have a Marvelous Monday all....



Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:15 AM

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~*~Saturday Night~*~

Hey all....

I put some new photos up tonight...a VERY few because it seems my "supermodel" is getting business savy and is starting to make some lil' ole demands per picture.

See that one on "Happy Little Back to School Shoppers"?
Welp, let's just say that one cost me a Coke, bubblegum shaped band-aids and a king sized Reeses....each!!

Darn...those two are good!! :0)

***On a more serious note...Kody was a tad bit embarrassed by his floating eye, but promised more pic's when it looks better***

Now..on to something else pretty exciting and well overdue {no, not "Kody's Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" Wall of Fame..I promise that project is next!!}.

Friends and Family...welcome back to shopping with the Bear!!
Just copy this address to your browser and add it to your "favorites" bar.
And don't forget to scroll all the way to the end....big surprise there!!

If that doesn't get you these..try leaving off the http:// part. Sometimes when it's not a link, that http:// will mess things up just a little.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

***Crank up those speakers***

Now if this doesn't get you in the "take me away beach baby" mood...I'm not too sure nothing will...I take that back...I'll find something that will!! :0)

OK, so I know I told you all Dad Bear would be posting the next update...but he never did leave me his handwritten post to post so looks like ya'all got me again today. know,a lil' encouragement can go a long, long consider a {{HUG}}, just another plea to get his family to the beach before the dreaded "S" word starts..that's..YUCK...School, ya know. :0(

give DaddyBear more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

Go for it Gals...give him all you this case, I don't mind sharing!! :0)
Super Lyn...I have a feeling you'll be the biggest {{HUGGER}} of all. LOL!!

So...what's new around here? Ahhhhh....not to much, just another hot, miserable, sticky day...perfect for being in the water with a cool tropical drink...OOPS...I mean breeze, cooling you off.
Ewwww...another low trick, subliminal messages...darn, I am good!!

OK..enough cuz I am sure by now D.B. is ready to take my butt halfway around the world to some nice sandy beach on some deserted island and leave me there for all of eternity.
I'll just let you guys handle it for me, OK?? :0)

Looks like Aunt Vikki should be home this morning, so she should be checking out Kody's pictures by this afternoon. That's a good thing because I'll be able to update with some new pic's by tonight.
Just a little warning though, Kody had been having some not so great "eye days" can tell by the picture on top. So, if you see his eye flipping/rolling in any photos...just know that Kody doesn't realize it, he can't feel it, and he hasn't complained about it not once. He has however, been falling/tripping..and that he has griped about a couple of times.
His sleepiness is coming back too...hopefully this will all fall back to something as simple as that thyroid problem and as soon as I get a call back with an appointment with endrocrinology we'll get him there, get him fixed and get him back to the Krazy ole' Kody we all know and love.

I have got to tell you all something so KOOL that happened to Kody last night...
We were at his and Kolin's karate class and while the boys were doing their thing, the Master's son...who is only 17 and also a Master {the 9 year old sister is a black belt and Kody Bear turns to mush whenever she is there..she is a cutie!!} came over to me to tell me how much he is impressed with Kody's ability to handle his weapn, which is called a "Mee Gee Ki Bo" {spelling...wrong I am sure} which looks like a long a broom with the broom part cut off.
Anyway...I was floored, especially when he said that weapons just comes natural to Kody..he could see it right away. The way Kody handles it, respects it, the way he just has to be told something one time and he does it perfectly. heart was just a pumpin' proud and after class he told Kody this and Kody's heart was just a pumpin' proud and that is all he talked about last night until he finally fell asleep.
Talk about one ego booster that Kody really, really needed {remember now, Kolin has always been the one that "forms" came natural too and Kolin has been praised alot for it, which he deserves too}.
That was about the best gift anybody could have given that sweet boy...Thank you so much Pepe`!!!!!!

I would like to post here a HUGE THANK YOU to our BEAUTIFUL friend, Paloma!!!!
Paloma...the boys motorcycle collection is getting to be could we ever thank you enough for keeping that special collection going for them, you have no idea how excited to get whenever they see a box in the mail and it says from Paloma on it. :0)
Look for a picture soon as I want to take a very special one with the whole collection to date...but, since we keep them all behind glass..this will take a little bit of organization so not a one gets chipped or damaged in any way. I can do it me I can!! :0)
And thank you soooo much for the Angel statue..Hun, I was having the worst day the day the mail came and when I saw that statue...all my blues just melted away. You are the most sweetest friend ever and I thank God everyday for sending you into our lives. You are family to us!! :0)
By the way...I don't think I ever told you this but Kody is facinated with your name, he absolutley loves it!! He actually told me one day that he wants to name his someday child "Paloma"!! :0) He is such a hoot!!!

Welp..I think that's all the news that's fit to print today. I really have to get my lazy bones kiddo's {Kody and Kaysha} up and adam so we can get to Wally supplies await us, that ought to be fun...NOT!!

Have a chilled out, layed back, lazy day today!!

Love you all....


Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:30 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

It's working girls and guys!!!
Dad Bear was talking "East Coast or West Coast" tonight!!!
And....deligently watching the weather for the weekend...WAA-HOO!!
Keep it up, we are wearing the man down Baby!! :0)

Now...just two important things....
Please keep those fingers crossed Storm Franklin swirls it way out to sea and that Storm whatever her name is collapes into the sea...leaving us with a beautiful weekend.

Slip on those flip-flops, slather on the sunblock, pack a cooler, grab the camera....


No news on the tyroid doctor yet but they did say it would take 3 to 5 business days to get a call back with an, we'll just wait patiently.
OK, who am I wait patiently? NOT!!

I took a bunch of new photos today that came out awesome {that one on top is one of them} but since I promised my sister I'd leave her Florida vacation ones up till the weekend when she can see them on teh photo page....I'll post some new ones probably Saturday night or Sunday.

Not too much else to tell you all about tonight except that I do believe Dad Bear will be doing the next update....HA...we are soooooooo toast!! :0)

Oh....just to let you all know, Kody's "Life is Tough" store, the "Kickin' Cancers Butt" store and Kody's "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets for Tumbleweed will be back very soon.
I can't put them on CB but I CAN put them on look for the address coming real, real I'm thinking by the weekend.
We proudly admire many "Hero's" who wear these items and we LOVE to hear about the smiles the profits of these items gives to other families.
Thank you to our many fans who refused to hear that "Life's Tough" and "Kickin' Cancers Butt" would go away forever. :0)

Ok friends...I'm off to check up on a few dozen kiddo's tonight.

Love you all....


PS. A Hug-a-Meter for Dad Bear?? You know...I like it, I really do!! :0)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:15 AM

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~*~Wednesday Night~*~

Hey all...

We got the results of Kody's bloodwork from last week.

#1...They failed to do one of the most important parts of the testing..the CBC.
I have no idea how they missed this as it was clearly written right on the orders.
Because of that, we have no idea how his immune system is.
Last time it was on the low side of normal...we're hoping because of the decrease in his doseage of Carbatrol {anti-seizure medicine}...his white cell count will be higher this time.
So...we have to bring him back to have the bloodwork all redone again.

#2..They did find a problem with the thyroid part of the test.
His T4 part of the thyroid test level was low and his adrenal gland {I think??} was pretty high.
So, this tells us that the adrenal gland is working overtime to get his thyriod to work right but despite all that hard work on adrenal's part...his thyroid is still not up to par, bringing it's levels down.

So...what does all this stuff mean?
Ummmm..I have no idea really except that we are currently awaiting a call that will take us to see a new specialist at Shands...this one called a endro..something or other. :0(

Seriously...I've been saying it all day and now my mind has turned to mush because I can't remember at all.

Other then this newest mess..everything is just great here!!

Just keep swimming....Just keep swimming.....

Love you all..



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I know I was supposed to update yesterday...sorry!!
The kiddo's and I were going through the "I miss our family" blues we tried to keep busy all day just doing stuff around here...watching movies, swimming, video gaming, you know...just another lazy, crazy summer day.

Speaking of summertime days....can you believe it's almost over for the kids? They go back to school on August 4th this year. That does seem kind of early....probably because they wanted to pre-plan some hurricane days this year. No school's were prepared for last year and the kids had a lot of making up to do. me crazy if you want but if the school's went to an all day program on Wednesday's and stuck to it all year, they'd have plenty of extra time right there.
In Florida...Wednesday's are always an early day, the kids get out of school an hour earlier then a normal school day.

You all have got to see Kolin & Kody when we go to Wally World and the back packs and supplies are right there hitting you in the face when we walk about some pouting, sad, don't go there, I'm not even trying to see it kind of kids.
I have definetly raised some "summertime babies". {A note to Kaysha, Kody and Kolin....NOT "awwwww...what a little baby "babies"....more like you guys are my "babies" babies, OK?}
Truth be told...I hate back to school too...I love, really..really LOVE having them home for the summer.
OK...truth be told..that extra hour of snooze time in the morning just sets my heart on fire.
OK...truth be cream cones for lunch just makes my day worth while. LOL!!

You has been the rainest summer I have ever seen this year. It has rained literally every single day. Not all day, but more like on and off.
For example yesterday......the sun is shining....the skies are blue...pool is sparkling clean...bathing suits on....towels in hand...sunblock is slathered on...ear plugs, goggles and noodles all accounted for....ready to walk out the door and
The skies open up.
Seriously.....that's how most of our days go.
Or, check out this senerio...
All of the above except we are in the pool...soaking are bopping each other in the head with colorful, foamy noodles, I am trying my darndest to float on them there colorful are shooting each other and me with water guns...everything is great...until I look up and see this big, ugly mean looking dark cloud floating right above us and....
The skies open up!!
And this my friends is the famous "Florida Lifestyle".
But....mark my 20 minutes that sunshine will be back out again and we'll be repeating that cycle over and over again until the sun goes down.
. make sure our kids are not the only ones, when asked "what did you do this summer?"...say "nothing but run back and forth in and out of a pool"...we've {the kids and I} have been putting out some very clear "hints" to Dad Bear about spending a day at the beach and staying until sunset {you know me..always looking for that perfect photo op}.
Heck, we even went so far as to scoping out, on the internet, some pretty nice beaches out in St. Petersburg {Katialand!!}.
Soooo...this is where all you wonderful Kody fans come into this.
A lil' good old fashioned "hinting" on the GB might go a long, long ways towards making this dream come true. :0)
I know...I know..that's low right? Welp..a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. And that's my final answer. :0) now for our weekend in review...
There is so much to say......but I better keep this downsized cuz I could be here all day but we all wanted all of you to know that...
WE HAD THE TIME OF OUR LIVES!!!!!! definetly did not last long enough. :0(
I have not seen my sister & brother-in-law, and their kids in three years....waaaaaayyyyyyy too long to be without the ones you really love, right? Right!!
No sooner did we see them the kid's took to each other all over again like they were never apart....not one squabble, not one "Mmmmmooooooommmmm...he's doing this, he's doing that"...none at all, just an entire weekend of fun and love all around!!
They played, they laughed, they ran around, they hugged, they ate entirely way too much chocolate...oh wait..that was me and Vikki, my bad!! :0)
All in all...everything summed up in a few words...
"Vikki, Phil, Phil and Jesse....COME BACK...WE MISS YOU!!!!!"

Now..on to another subject...

The Hug-A-Meter and WOWZEERS have those things been getting some hits...Oh Baby!!!
It is really fun to see who's in the lead everyday...and so far, not one single "Ha..Ha...I have more then you!!" Instead, we have "Oh no..let me click on Kolin's/Kody's and get some more hugs for him". {This mostly coming from Kaysha!} for the question of how to get back on Kody's site without having to shutdown and start over, this is how we've been doing it...
Just go right up to your "back" button on top of your computer screen and press the arrow...then look for Kody's site in there and click on it..that will bypass all those hug-a-meter thingys.
Now then.....if you have been giving alot of hugs, your "back" button may only be filled with "hugs"...just take it down to the last "hug", hit the arrow again and somewhere Kody's site will be there. could go to "history" {another button on top}, click it...look for "today", click on Kody's site from there.
Hope this helps!! :0)

Alrighty guys and gals...the kids are all starting to wake up and if I don't want them eating cookies and cheez-its for breakfast I better get myself off of here quick.

Thank you for stopping by...and if you all have an extra minute {it's summer right, we all have an extra minute somewhere!} you all have just got to go check out the coolest kid on the block...
Go to Kody's CB guestbook and click on "Boogieman's" link....Oh are just gonna fall head over heels in love with this cool lil' biker dude!! {I know I have!}

Before I go let me say a few "HAPPY BIRTHDAY'S" to......

Kody's cousin ALYSSA from N.Y. who rocked till she dropped and celebrated in style this past Saturday, July 16th.
Kody's UNCLE PETER from N.Y. who whooped it up racking up the years this past Saturday, July 16th.
And to Kody's AUNT CRYSTAL who is ready to P-A-R-T-Y today {Tuesday, July 19th} to the big 2-0....yes sir, that's a big twenty today!!


I'm outta here for yaz all!!

Love, Mama Bear

Sunday, July 17, 2005 Midnight

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I will be updating again in the morning...this is an insane hour right now. :0)

Our weekend was wonderful and I just put a ton of new pictures up so you can get a lil' sneak preview before my update tomorrow.

I am totally whooped so I am off to catch some ZZZZ's.

See you again in the AM....I'll bring the coffee!! :0)

Love, Kim

Thursday, July 14, 2005 10:15 AM

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~*~Saturday Morning~*~

Real fast....
Kody is doing pretty good...he's been having a ton of fun with his cousins and holy cannoli...the non-stop playing has been wearing him out quick. :0)

I want to thank Cody and Benji for the new blooming basketss they sent to Kody...but, can anyone tell me why they don't want to work this time??
I've fiddled and fooled with the codes, went back every time to how they originally come in the e-mail...but both just do not want to seem to work. :0(
But you know...Cody and Benji, we love you both and really appreciate the baskets just the same...Thank you!!

OK, I better are all waking up and I haven't had nearly enough coffee yet!!

Have a beautiful day all...

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Kody Bear is in for one heck of an exciting weekend!!
Sometime this afternoon he'll get to see his Aunt Vikki, Uncle Phil and cousins Phil and Jesse...they are driving down from NY and should be here later on!!

I don't know if you all remember back in the fall when Kody was in the hospital and Karyelle had to fly Kaysha and Kolin up to NY to spend a week with their Aunt, Uncle and cousins because we had nobody to watch them...never in a million years expecting Kody to be in coma and then spend as much time as he did in the hospital,
Anyway....I had always promised Kody he would have his day too and to make it really happen without him having to travel.....

Now, granted they can only spend until Saturday with us but we'll take it, right??

So what do we have planned?? An all nighter slumber party!! :0)
And a HUGE BBQ party on Saturday....cuz that will be the last time we see them for a while. :0(

Pray and keep those fingers crossed the weather is perfect and that we all get to see the Space Shuttle try again...which, according to the news this morning, just may be on Saturday.
If they do...and since we can watch from our yard...I'll video clip it for you all...another "history in the making" moment.

I was asked via Kody's GB about X-Box and seizures and that is really a great question. :0)
So far so good...Kody has never had a problem with video games. Although there are warnings on every game box, I have watched him carefully and never a problem. But, we still don't let out guard down and while Kody is playing there is always somebody in the same room or very, very close by should he appear to be having a seizure. Thank God for his Carbatrol...that one medication ROCKS!!
Oh....and Kody also has danced {at Boggy Creek} in front of strobe lights, disco lights and watched fireworks {we were real careful though and stayed away from the very flashy on ground bright ones}. Never a problem though....and that is soooo cool, since keeping Kody away from video games and all things "boy" would be pretty much impossible. :0)

Welp, I better get a move on....there is a ton of things to do today. Yep...once again the procrastinater in me put everything off until the last minute.

But, before I do please if you could all say a teeny prayer for the Bear...I've seen his good eye roll upwards a bit too often these past few days and his balance {especially during karate class or is he's trying to walk around things/furniture} has been awful.
But God love him...he always, always says "I feel great!!" whenever he's asked. :0)

On a funnier note....this morning I brought him his Carbatrol pill and his tiny paper cup of orange juice...he was still in bed {I always give him teh pill and thetn let him catch an extra hour of ZZZZ"s}.
When he handed me the cup back he said "Wait...give me the cup back" and right then and there he prompty popped that cup on his forehead and crushed it.
Though he was soooo proud of would have had to have seen his face {and mine!} when he realized there was still a little O.J. in there and he was now wearing it {and the bed, pillow and me} you can guess...the washing machine is doing the spin dance and as soon as sticky boy is fully awake he is being thrown into the shower.

Have a beautiful day everyone!!!!!

And a BIG Thank You to everyone who has reserved October 8th to attend Matthew's Miles 3rd Annuel Walk for a Brain Tumor CURE in New Jersey.

***Banner on top of my journal***

Don't forget to bring a part of Kody Bear with you that day by wearing those "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" bracelets.

Also..please send some prayers to Matthew's family as they are currently facing some very tough decisions concerning Matthew's next step in treatment.
Matthew's parents are so appreciative of all the support they have gotten from Kody's fans...please e-mail me for the addy if you need it.

Gotta yaz!!


Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:45 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

I really have got to make this quick today...we survived our first hurricane of the season...well, OK...actually it wasn't bad at all in central Florida...just some squalls of rain and wind, some lightening but all things considered, Dennis was a kitten. Now, what's up with Emily?? is way too early for this...let's just hope it ends early too. {hurricane season}.
Two things that happened though, and one was pretty funny...

I was outside sitting at our picnic table..watching Kody and Kolin play/act like two crazy nuts, sipping on my ice tea...just chillin' out when out of nowhere this gust of wind {microburst} comes by and lifts that picnic table, huge umbrella and me right up and almost over.
Now....I really didn't know whether I should laugh or scream cuz it was kind of shocking, you know....but I figured...OK this is worthy of a good laugh because thankfully God blessed me with the means to keep that table from completely going over...I was "sitting", remember. So, I figure this...I saved the's got back {a/k/a Mom's got a big butt} in this family.

The next event wasn't as funny but thankfully, once again...could have been worse but wasn't.
Kayara had walked into her bedroom and right then a microburst blew by, I heard a loud POP from the next room, she yelled and that burst blew her bedroom window in. Glass flew and she did get cut BUT, it wasn't bad and all in all she was more scared for a few seconds that hurt.
Thank God that Alona, who was just in that room a few minutes before was happily playing with the two boys in their room over.

Matthew's Miles has been getting a great response and I thank you all so much for that...I have heard from a couple of Kody fans {Mavis and ROCK!!} who are definelty going and we couldn't be more happier!
One day Kody will get there himself...wouldn't that be so cool?
For at least the next couple of months I'll be leaving Matthew's banner on Kody's page, you can find it right on top of my journal entry. Please feel free to click on it and it will take you to one of the most bravest boys we know "Matthew's Miles" homepage.
And if you can make it to the Matthews Miles walk in October...PLEASE do, I promise you this is fixin' to be the event of the year! :0)

I also wanted to share with you all a portion of an e-mail I received from our friend and yours too...Helen {the banner lady!}....>>>

"I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been by my page in the past few days to offer their words of encouragement after the terrorist attacks in London. United we stand! The terrorists will not win. A special thanks to Kody's fans who have been as magical and proactive as usual. That one little boy has touched so many hearts and brought out so much compassion in people around him. I have written a little more about our experiences in London on Thursday on my site at"

Kody's fans...You ALL deserve a hug today and everyday!!
Thank you so much for jumping in and passing some love around...all we need is love, right?? :0)

We found out last night at karate class that we have the opportunity to partake in a huge tournament for a weekend in Port St. Lucie next month..actually the weekend of Kolin's birthday, August 25th!!
Kolin would be participating in "forms" and "weapons forms" competition. If we can get Kody's forms up to par by then {he's almost there} he will have the opportunity to compete also. Kolin has been patiently working with him out in our yard every single day. :0)
But...our going is still iffy so more on that later as things progress.

Starting next Thursday and every Thursday night the boys will start an additional class...this one being a weapons class. Now...this will include of course real weapons but it will also include using other common things as weapons. This being great for the younger bunch. For example the theme of the night may be "bring a towel/back pack/hanger from home" and the kids will learn how to use such things to defend themselves if God forbid, something every happens to them. {they get grabbed by a stranger, etc....}
In this day and just cannot be too careful when it comes to your young uns', that's my opinion anyway. :0(

Kody's trip to Shands went pretty well yesterday...he only went for bloodwork {because of his seizure med's} so we were in and out quick.
Though...getting blood out of his arm veins was going to be impossible {entirely way too much scar tissue}, the lab tech. was able to get three vials out of his hand with no problem...and that in itself was so well worth the trip. Otherwise we'd have been dealing with poke after poke and blown veins.
The lab tech. girl said to Kody..."Are you OK?" and while Kody was happy to have only one jab...his answer? "I'm fine but this IS summer vacation and I DO have things to do so could we please hurry Vampire Lady?"
Hurry she did and we were so outta there and on our way to Toys-R-Us where Kody and Kolin were able to really budget themselves and got two games instead of one.
Thank you soooooooo much for the gift. certificate Kare 4 the Bear fans!!

While Kody is a real outdoors kind of kid...the Florida heat does not mix well with headaches and seizures and so he spends his days mostly inside {except for the pool when he can spend an hour in and an hour out}.
Playing on his X-Box allows him to have fun doing something he loves and also, without him even realizing it, provides him with extra hand/finger excersise which in turn helps him to better control holding things without dropping them.
What's better then that?? :0)

Welp guys and gals...I believe I have finally run out of things to say this morning...LOL...was that applauding I heard? :0)

I did put up a few new pictures and with any kind of luck I should have some new and pretty good ones by the weekend.

Have a beautiful day!!

Love, Kim

Friday, July 8, 2005 9:31 AM CDT

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

It breaks my heart to let you all know Ryan passed away today.
God Speed my Sweet Hero.

I will update again tomorow...the news of Ryan really is hitting us hard tonight.

Love, Kim


~*~Saturday Afternoon~*~


Kolin is now offically a PURPLE BELT!!!!!!

Check out this "Karate Kid...

~*~Break a leg...I mean BOARD Kolin!!~*~

Thank you all so much for all those {{HUGS}} you've been giving, and getting back!!
I put Kolin's Hug-a-Meter up a couple of hours after Kolin and it didn't take but a little bit before his was higher numbered than Kody's.
Wanting Kolin to feel special I called him over and said "Look..your in the lead with the hugs" And, his answer to me...
"That's because I am so especially charming"
I should have known, I just really should have known!! :0)

By the way...the "meter" thing, I just use that to pretty much describe alot of things..I may be married to a mechanic but believe me, I am about the most NON-Mechanic person you will ever meet.
Most everything is a "thingy", "whatever it is", "you know what I'm talking about" or "meter".
For example....
"That thingy in the car, whatever it is, the thingy that measures how fast you are going is called a "speed-o-meter", you know what I'm talking about, right?"

And that pretty much is what is it like to convers with me about anything mechanical.
Well, except that cars also have, gas-o-meters, heat-o-meters and about a dozen gauge and valve-o-meters.
Enough said. :0)

OK friends, family...we have got some celebrating to do in our home today!!

I'll put up some new photos of today later on...but, my camera was PMSing and alot of my real good pic's came out "unrecongnized file format" with a black screen when I got home. Man, I HATE when that happens.

Love you all!!!



~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

This just in...
Many of us know Helen from the UK, she is the wonderful gal who lovingly creates all the blinkie banners you see on so many of our sites. She is also the founder and owner of the original "Kickin' Cancers Butt" Cafepress Shop.

I just received this in an e-mail from her...

Hey Kim, I've had a pretty bad day


I have been down in London for my exhibition of my university work and was
very close to the bombings when they happened. There was a good chance that
my friends and I would have been on the tube at those stops at the time but
thankfully we weren't. We were waiting to go to the tube because we wanted
to get off peak day passes that didn't start until 9.30am. I am back home
in Newcastle now thank goodness.

Calling all Kody's fans...Calling all Kody's fans....

Please stop by and send your warmest thoughts and wishes Helen's way. As we Americans know so well, what went on yesterday in the UK is shocking, painful and horrible. Many emotions run wild at these times...especially when you are that close to the tragedy site.
You can find Helen at

Just copy and paste that into your search bar and it will get you there.

Thank you so much...please remember Helen is a HUGE supporter of our children, let's give back some of that love times 100!! :0)

Thank you so much again!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Please help us pray and support two beautiful CB families this morning, Ryan Brown {ky}, who is nearing the end of his journey and appears to be going home to God.
And for Hannabanana {fl}, who's family just learned she has indeed relapsed with neuroblastoma.
Hanna and Kody share the same Dr. at Shands, Dr. Pincus.

Man, this sure wasn't how I wanted to start out this update...but, as we know...the familes of these precious children need as much encouragment as they can possibly always amazes me how much GB messages can lift spirits and take some of the pain out of a very broken heart.

We didn't get to take Kody to Shands yesterday..the car situation wasn't going to be a quick fix so for the next few weeks I'll be using the car we had gotten for Kyle, quite a while ago. I think it's a Dodge something or other...small, 4 cylinder and boxy. So, pretty much that's what I did yesterday...swapped out insurance, tags and tried to get the cigerette stink out of it from the previous owner. {Kyle hadn't driven it yet, it had been sitting around at the garage for a while} runs and that's all that counts for now...I'll have my "Pimpmobile" back in a few weeks. :0)
Karl aranged to get Monday morning off so we'll take a trip out to Shands then and stop off at Toys-R-Us on the way home cuz if I have to hear one more time....
"Are we going to Toys-R-Us today?????" one more time...!! :0)

Some of you may have noticed Kody is now the proud owner of his very own "Hug-a-Meter", OK, so that's what I call it anyway. :0)
If you look just on top of this entry you can find it there...since Kody did get his nickname from the "Bear Hugs" he is soooo famous for, I figured what the heck..let's share some of them.
So, everytime you click on that Hug-a-Meter...feel the love/hugs comin' right back at you twice as hard.
I still have to contact Tracy {Katia's Mom} to fin dout how to get that phone mail thing that would be COOL!

**Updated...Not to be left out, Kolin now has a Hug-a-Meter too, right on top of Kody's**

Thanks so much for the compliments on Kaysha's "My Mom is not my Friend" photo.
Here's a lil' story to follow that picture...
A couple of weeks ago Kaysha had been on the computer chatting to a friend, at the same time she had MTV blasting away {in the same room}..I was outside on the phone with Krazy Auntie Mavis and right about then the whole house, boys, Kaysha, Kyle went into a complete meltdown loonie bin with Kaysha's lil' bad habit of wanting to control everything electronic.
Soooo...I said a quick "Call ya later Mavis!" and came inside to have a blow out of my own...I looked over her shoulder and demanded to know who she was chatting with, made her close out everything, put parental blocks on every music channel, password protected the computer, and hid the remote. shouting match lead to another when Kaysha yelled out "Mom, I thought you trusted me!" and I told her "I do trust YOU, it's other people I don't know that I have a problem with".
Kaysha: "I thought you were my FRIEND Mom!!"
Me: Kaysha...I am NOT your friend, I am your Mom!!"
And with that she gave me one of that eye rolling loud sighs, the one that sounds alot like "HAHHHHH", and ran to her dungeon....oops, I mean bedroom.

Well..a little later on I took the boys outside with their watermelon so they could drip outside instead of inside and that's when Kaysha came out to join us {she never could pass up watermelon} and taped to her t-shirt was a piece of computer paper with the words "My Mother is not my friend, she is my Mom" written on it.
Well..thankfully I had the camera right there beside me and snapped that priceless picture.
Right then we both had a huge laugh and while we were munching watermelon and spitting seeds I gave her the "Kaysha in this day and age there are crazy people in this world and my first job is to be your Mom and protect you but I am also your friend, in fact I am your best friend but you won't come to realize that for a long time, not till your much older" speech.

Hoping that, that spech had sunk in just a little we all went around our business for the rest of the day.
It was later on that night when she had a tiff with one of her friends that she came to me and said " really are my best friend, I'm sorry".

We hugged, we laughed, we ate a gallon of ice cream and all was well between Mom and daughter again.

Now...if I can just get her to stop the "Gothic Stage"....holy life would be complete!! :0) on to some good news...

I have been telling you all about our friend, Matthew, from New Jersey and I got the most best e-mail from Matthew's Mom, Andrea just yesterday telling me all about the hundreds of hits they have gotten because of Kody's fans!!
From Kody, myself and all the rest of us "K's" guys ROCK!!!!! Thank you so much!!!

Now...on to the 3rd Annual Matthew's Miles Walk for a CURE for ALL brain tumors...

This walk is a HUGE event taking place in New Jersey in teh month of October and I am asking anyone and everyone {Mavis, Lisa, Karalyn, Karyelle, Chris????} who can join in to PLEASE get there, raise $$$, raise awareness and especially give those Passarella's a big ole' Kody Bear hug from us. :0)

I'll be leaving Matthew's banner up until his walk so if you can't pop over will be there for long time.

Ready for some more good news?

Kolin has been practicing and practicing and practicing for his next step in the martial arts and on Wednesday night Kolin was picked to be tested this coming Saturday morning for his purple belt/one stripe!!!!

I have to tell you...when they were passing out the forms, there was only one form left and you could se him sitting at attention, his heart pumping kool-aid.
Then they called his name and you could just see the big breath of sigh of relief coming from was too cool!!
So, this Saturday morning at 10 AM our youngest of the litter will be trying his best to get the honor of a higher rank.
There is no way I can put into words how darn proud I am of him!! :0)
And I know, without a doubt, that Angel Cheyenne will be right there guiding him flawlessly through all his forms..that's our Cheyenne...always there for a friend, no matter how far, no matter what...nobody ever got left out and Chey always made sure of that.
Man I miss that sweet little girl so much!! :0(

Have I ever told you guys that it was seing Cheyenne's martial arts photos and tropheys long ago that got Kolin totally infatuated with wanting to learn himself??

As for Kody....well, he was a pretty upset he wasn't picked...but, Kody WILL get that belt the next time..I just know he will!!

OK guys and gals...I have to get off of here and get some stuff done but before I do I have to type in this message by Dad Bear he left for me penned onto some paper and left right where I could see it this morning.
So, here goes...

Hi everybody...
This is Kody's Dad.
Mavis..YOUR DA BOMB!! Thank you everybody for Kare for da Bear, never in my dreams did I think that you all would respond like you about shock!!
Mavis, one of these days I'm gonna get you girl!!
Hey, all of Kody's fans in the UK, I hope your OK. terrorists suck and I pray your all OK.
Super Lyn in Pensocola...I've been missing you girl!! Hope your well and hunker down. I think Dennis is going to be rough. I'm praying that you all will be OK.
Hey Roy...if you stop in and read this I love you man! Hug your family for me.
Hey Bulldawg!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for your support and kind words.
Love, Kody's Dad...Karl

OK everyone, kids are up, they want breakfast....I'm out!!

Have a beautiful day and like Karl said....our prayers to all of our friends affected by the cowardly acts of terrorists and of course, prayers to all our friends everywhere who are in the path of hurricane dennis.
From what I can make out we should be getting the sloppy outer bands...but these things sure like to change course without warning so I guess you just never know.

Love you all...


Wednesday, July 6, 2005 10:07 AM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Our July 4th celebration was a BLAST!! OK, so did that sound kind of corny or what?? :0)
We ended up not going out to see fireworks though becuase Kody was having one of those days where his balance way just way off. So, instead of packing him and his wheelchair up and fighting the crowds and skeeters {mosquitos} we had ourselves a little ole' 4th of July firework display in our own backyard....compliments of Dad Bear and Kyle {big bro Bear}.
The kids loved it firework in particular was so loud {that sceaming loud sound}, it startled Kody right into falling of his chair. I screamed and Kody laughed so hard we both had tears.
Ahhhh...the joys of being completely nuts

Oh you guys...I have GOT to tell you about something Kody recieved in the mail yesterday...
A one of a kind, totally awesome, coolest, most beautiful, filled with love needlepoint of "BAM" {Kody's fav. skater} and one of Bam's symbols. He nearly flipped when he saw it and after showing it off the EVERYBODY, it now proudly sits on display on top of his dresser.
Thank you sooooo much Mrs. Melissa and daughter Sara...Kody absolutley adores his gift and I know it will be one of those treasured items he will keep forever and ever. Melissa....I wish I had a quarter of your talents...I still swear by duct tape, staples and WD-40. Those are my three main "fix-it's" And, ahhhh...I think we all can remeber that day I spent {no joking} all day while the kids were in school to sew on three patches to Kolin's karate uniform.
There will be some pictures to follow this story...I didn't get any yesterday, yesterday was one of those days I would rather forget ever happened and you know, before I knew it it was 11:30 PM and I just had no clue as to where to day went...except that it was busy, busy, busy.

Kody also got another surprise in that mail and this being from Mrs. Pam's "Preschool Penpals" who we love so much in our home...
And ooops...while I am on the subject....The "Mama Bear" jar is priceless....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
At first I thought...hey, you know...I'll stash all my change in there and one day we'll all go away for the weekend...but that never happened so now my Mama Bear jar happily holds my stash of mini Hersheys..but please, let's not tell the kiddo's. :0)
Anyway....I'm off track, Kody received a picture postcard of a "rock garden"...not just "a rock garden" though...this rock garden brings prayers for the children who's name is painted upon the stone. I'll scan that in later is precious, thank you so much Mrs. Pam.
We all thought that was so special. :0)

Kolin's ear is feeling much better but as we ear infection parent profession's all know, the test is when he is off the antibiotic. Usually within a couple of days to a couple of weeks that infection will strike again.

Which...reminds me, the kids medical insuance that was SUPPOSED to start up again on July 1st was messed up again by Florida Kidscare and though there is sufficient enough amount of money sitting in there account which I was promised would be used for July and August, it appears that somebody didn't do their job and they will not reinstate until August 1st.
Well...that didn't sit well with me and right now I am awaiting a call back because somebody has got to have the power to override that {though they tell me NO} and get these kids put back on med. ins. so that Kolin can get his ears checked before he loses hearing {which, these past few months his voice when he talks is getting louder and louder and sometimes we can't even understand him..could he already be losing hearing?}

OK, I'm going to end this on a happier note.
Kody is in Passion herbal tea Heaven!! On some pretty great advice I called Starbucks and they sold me a bottle of Valencia Orange Syrup. It's a pretty big bottle {picture something behind a bar used for mixed drinks}. At first I thought, this ought to last a year but judging from at least three other kids that live here yesterday...welp, maybe not. What the heck's good for them and just may help in keeping them a bit more healthier too.
They tell me that this tea/lemonade can be made with green tea too so I may have to try that one later on Dad Bear...he is the green tea drinker of the family, cold or hot.

OK friends and family..I've got to get off of here and get my car in for a once over before our Gainesville trip tomorow. The tranny is slipping like mad and for some reason that darn car wants to stall, stall, stall. I'm sure {OK, I hope} it's just something simple..maybe just an adjustment or something like that. Ever since Christmas when Kody, Kolin, Kyle and Karl "Pimped" it out for me...I love that car!! :0) LOL...yeppers...watching a middle aged Mom cruising around with plastic spinners on is always a sight to behold...well, at least it's a sight that you'll never forget. :0)

Thanks for stopping by today and watch for those pictures you all!!

"Matthews Miles" Walk for a Cure in NJ will be going up later too. Karalyn....we really hope you can make it for us!! :0)


Sunday, July 3, 2005 1:30 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Happy Independance Day to all!!

All us here in the "K" home would like to wish all of our friends and family a relaxing and fun filled, sunshiney {I hope!} 4th of July weekend.

What will we be doing? Hmmmmm....BBQing for sure, swimming if the sun stays out definetly! Also, with a little luck we will be able to see some fireworks at Venecian Gardens on Lake Harris in Leesburg tomorrow night.
That would be pretty cool. :0)

Sorry I hadn't updated in a couple of days.....Kody is fine...really, really fine!!
His lil' bro, Kolin, though, woke up yesterday morning with an on-fire fever and raging ear infection.
A quick trip to Urgent Care Center and we found out that one of his ear tubes {his second set he had put in a year and a half ago} was falling out so the Dr. took some forceps and helped it along.
But, the ear that is pretty badly infected..well, the tube is in place but it appears to be plugged up..which caused the infection. It also looked like skin was growing around the tube, which isn't good. That itself could cause some hearing problems.
So, what we're looking at is a trip to the pediatrician this week and a trip to the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.
Will he need another surgery for a third set of tubes? It wouldn't suprise me at all. Poor kid, he has has ear infections and ruptured eardrums since he was six weeks old.
In Kolin's case, the mechanics of his ear {the bones, parts and whatnot} are not formed that's why he's had nothing but trouble with them his whole life.

We are also looking at a trip to Gainesville this week for Kody's bloodwork. This because of his seizure med's...
The last bloodwork he had was real good except for the white blood cell count which was on the really low side of normal.
Now, I don't know if this makes a difference or not but I have been really pushing the green vegies and protien foods.
Also, I've been doing some research and Kody is now been drinking more "green" and "white" teas mixed with fruit juice to sweeten. The antioxidants in these teas have been kicking cancer and tumor butts for a long time.
With "Hope" and prayers maybe it will help in kicking Kody's tumor too.
Anybody out there with a "Starbucks" close by? You have got to try Kody's most favorite's called a "Shaken Lemonade Iced Tea" made with "Passion Tea".
I don't know who's more crazy about it, me or him!! :0)
It's made with an herbal tea with lots of great stuff in it.
As a matter of fact, he loves it so much the girl who works at out local Starbucks {in Target} gave me the recipe. Fortunetly I found the Passion Tea. Unfortunetly I still cannot find the clear orange sweetening syrup that it calls for. Heck, I can't even remember the name of it..starts with a "V".

Welp, looks like the sun is back out so I better gather the kiddo's up and toss them back in the pool before another dark cloud passes our way.

I'll be back to update, if not tomorrow then the next day...I have got some really, REALLY exciting news about Matthew's Miles which is a HUGE event coming up in N.J. this October.
This is an even anyone who can get to it will not want to miss...and it is in honor of our friend, Matthew, who just went through his second crainioty a couple of weeks ago.
Matthew's Miles 3rd Annual Walk to CURE brain cancer is definetly the event of the season.
More info. coming soon! :0)

Have a beautiful weekend everyone...Love yaz!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:30 PM

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***Thursday Night***



~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Just checkin' in tonight to let you all know we've been having a pretty cool....but very soaking rainy...past couple of days.

Since we have to bring Kody back to Shands next week for bloodwork {because of the Carbatrol} and since the closest Toys-R-Us is in Ocala which is about the halfway point to Gainesville...Kody and Kolin will be able to get the X-Box game of their choice with their certificate...welp, that's IF they can possibly decide on what....Kolin favors Superhero/Movie kind of games and Kody lives for anything with fast cars, racing & skating.
Ahhhh...their good kiddo's though, I know they'll work together and figure it out.
Kaysha, on the other hand, is going through the "I am 14 years old and wanna be different/unique gothic stage" and lives for only Hot Topic.
I am sure any parents of teens knows exactly what I'm talking about here. :0)

Kody and Kolin are rockin' with the karate {Tang Soo Doo}lessons they have been taking...Kolin for two months and Kody for about a month and a half..minus the week he spent at camp.
Testing for the next belt/rank is on July 9th and although I already know {and he does too} that Kody isn't ready takes him so much longer to learn, remember and balance...but, in another three months when they test again he will be hot on the trail.
Gotta have faith!

Kolin was "pre-tested" tonight. He did good, not his best though. :0(
So, tomorrow I'll have him practicing looking sharp...I know he can do it, he knows he can do it but if it ends up he has to wait too..then that's fine.
It'll give him three more months to make his forms absolutley flawless.

The difference in the two of them is that Kolin takes his Karate soooooo seriously and he get's sooooooo aggrivated at Kody when Kody starts to laugh.
Kody, on the other hand, bless his heart..well, sometimes he falls, sometimes he walks right into the person next to him, sometimes he weeble wobbles, sometimes he just can't help but laugh at himself, but he never,ever gives up.
Now that's a kid with a heck of a lot of heart.

Don't know what we'll be doing for the rest of the week or even the 4th of July weekend since the summer rainy weather has really settled in and it literally downpours every single least every single day in Leesburg.
As much as the kids and I would have loved to go "beachin'"...the rip currents on the East Coast are still real bad and now we are having shark attacks in the Gulf.
I am kind of thinkin' the beach just may be out of the question.

I've been brainstorming about some new ideas for photos and if I get some cooperation from the kids tomorrow I just may try a few so watch for them.

Have you all heard Katia's "Questions" debut yet? Oh my gosh...if you want to hear the most beautiful voice in the world {well 4 actually...Katia, her two sisters and her Dad} you have got to check out...

Alright friends and family...I'm off for now, I have got to get the "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" wall of fame up and running so I'll be working on that for a while tonight.
If you haven't gotten your pic's's a perfect time. :0)

Have a great night....

Love you all..


Monday, June 27, 2005 9:45 PM

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~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Today was the best, the greatest, the most exciting day we have had in a loooooonnng time!!!!!
Today was the day we found out about "Krazy Auntie Mave's" big ole' Kare 4 the Bear surprise!!!!

OK...well let me tell you all what Kody and I did this morning...

We got ourselves ready and headed out for our local Post Office in Leesburg where we met a pretty cool guy named Ron.
Well...Ron knew of Mrs. Mavis very well and sounded extememly impressed by her and by the amount of mail he was about to hand to Kody.
But first he asked us if we were affiliated with "Kare 4 the Bear"...LOL...affiliated? Well, to that Kody said in a very clear voice "Sir....I AM the Bear!!"
And what did Mr. Ron say? He said "Well then these must be for you". And he handed Kody a stack of envelopes with "Kare for the Bear" written on every one of them. our excitement Kody and I had a very hard time waiting to get in the car and take that long 10 minute drive home so we stopped in the lobby and opened up "just one" envelope.
And what should fall out? Exactly what Kody needed to make his whole day a whole lot more sunny...a $50.00 gift certificate to Toys-R-Us.
I have to tell you....he knew right away that was for him, Kolin and Kaysha to share without my even having to say anything and the whole way home I could see him just dreaming of what X-Box game will show up next in our home.

That certificate made him just as happy as he is on his birthday and Christmas combined.

So...we got home and all three kids and myself sat outside at the picnic table and each opened envelopes and what we found in those envelopes brought Kaysha and me to tears..which pretty much brought Kody and Kolin to tears too...then the tears turned to hugs and laughter and I personally walked around on "Cloud Nine" all day long.

Because of one beautiful woman we lovingly and fondly call "Our Krazy Mavis", tomorrow I will be able to pay some very overdue bills, including our car and house insurance. We will be able to go to Wal-Mart and with our heads held high and shop for groceries and ice cream treats for the kids.
And for the first time in a long, long time...when the kids ask for a candy bar treat and pop at the register I can finally say to them "sure you can".

From the bottom of all of our hearts {Dad Bear's too...he came home to find all the mail sitting at his first stop when he comes home...the computer desk} we would love to thank all of the "Kare for the Bear" fans and supporters who took it upon themselves to give of themselves and make our family feel what it is like to have the weight of the world lifted off of some pretty aching shoulders.
There are not enough thank you's in the world to let you all know how much we love you!!!!

And so my friends...that is what the new picture up top is...Kody with his "Kare Mail".
***Just so you know, I digitally blurred the addresses for privacy reasons.***
Does that look like a boy with shopping in mind or what??!! :0)

Oh....and a little more news before I sign off for the night...
Our family is growing a little bit more again this week.
Welcome back home Kayara and Alona...we love you both, now it's time to let Mom and Dad a/k/a Gramma and Grammpa take some of the weight of the world off your shoulders.
No matter what life throws at us, Kayara you know Daddy and I will always do whatever it takes to make all of you guys happy. Chin up...things will work out.
And...I cannot wait to get my Grandbaby back into my arms where she belongs. :0)

Good night friends and family....WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Love, Kim

Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:25 PM CDT

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After spending much of my day yesterday stewing over Kody's GB entries, I am now going to be deleting them.
And, after reading the newest one today I come on here to apologize for reacting so strongly.
As always, my main focus was to protect a nine year old who can read and can obviously jump on here at any time and see what was said about his mom/family. suggestion to please e-mail with personal questions.
Kody's GB is a source of support for him. It is true, we ALL gain strength in every GB entry that encourages us as a family...without that support we would crumble, we are strong but we also need the occasional "you can do it", "stay strong", "we love you" messages.
With so much uncertainty in our life...we appreciate more then you all will ever know the friends we have made throughout our journey as a CB family.
For that I will always thank you with all my heart.
For Kody though, I am asking to please...sigh....let's just all get along.
AS one of Kody's favorite sayings "All we need is Love...Love is all we need". LOL...listening to the Beatles with Dad Bear has helped alot in his quest for a peaceful kind of world. :0)

I am also asking that whomever is sending the most hateful messages to Tumbleweed to please stop.
The Tumbleweed Foundation was used and abused by this family as well as Make-a-Wish and many innocent people who were lured into their web.
As "Kaidrie's" site is now under full investagation by the FBI, I know I can sleep better knowing that it is in good, capable hands.

Again, I aplogize for my ranting right away....but I will always stand by what I believe and I will always protect my young and my family with my life. They are who I am.

I bid everyone of Kody's fans the most beautiful of Sunday's. May your day be filled with love and laughter.

I'm off to do some serious splashing around with my kiddo's. :0)

Till tomorrow...

All my love, Kim


A messge to person the who left an unsigned message in Kody's GB....

Re: Kaidrie's site...Check with Sona at CB if you must, I had NOTHING to do with Kaidrie's fact, I myself have been seething over the fact that "Fake Girl #2" has wormed her way into my son's heart only to be found a phoney.
Yes it seems that there are some sick people out in the world who find humor or whatever at picking a disease as horrible as a brain tumor inflict upon an innocent, healthy child.

Re: Tumbleweed....
No, I have not yet met Mary from Tumbleweed, however, she and her family will be here this summer and we do plan on meeting.
Tumbleweed, as I mentioned in a past journal has helped us tremendously in the past when Kody was discharged from the hospital and we were in grave danger of losing our home.

Tumbleweed has also sent the funds to cover an a/c unit for our home while we are awaiting news of central A/C.

ALL the profits from Kody's bracelets have gone right back, 100 percent to Tumbleweed. Aside from one check for $10.00 which was made out to and sent back to Tumbleweed, no money has crossed our home.

Yes, I do trust Mary....Yes, I do trust alot of different organizations.

Re: Kody's stores....
Yes, 5 percent of Helen's profits get sent back to us as "referral" money.
That $30.00 or so I receive every three months get's put right back to the children of CB...whether it be a shirt, DVD, whatever.

Re: Kickin' Cancers Butt Store...
Does NOT belong to us. Though, Kody was one of the first children to get a "Kickin'" shirt, he somehow became one of the poster children for the store.
Do I trust Helen? Yes, as a matter of fact..with all my heart. And, I believe I am not the only one..just ask every family who's sites support a banner. Ask anyone who has received a gift from Helen. Helen keeps nothing..but she does give everything.

Re: Life's Tough..I'm Tougher" Store...

After thinking about it I came to realize that not every child/adult has cancer yet in their own way is fighting a disability of their own.
And so, "Life's Tough..I'm Tougher" was born.
Still a great idea as far as I'm concerned.

Kody's other stores..same thing there but with a small twist.
Kody's stores never really took off. Only a few shirts and coffee mugs were sold.

You's getting to be a pretty sad world when we ALL have to place distrust upon others. Maybe kaidrie's was the topper today BUT, fake sites have been going around as long as we have been on CB. Will it stop now? Of course'd have to be pretty gullable to think so.

Is Kody's site legit? Well, let's see...I have posted pictures of him hooked to IV's, in coma, at Shands...I've taken phone calls from plenty of other Mom's on CB while sitting next to him in a hospital room.
We've personally met many CB families at Shands, at Boggy Creek and right here in Leesburg.
And further more...
Being told your child has an illness as serious as a brain tumor causes pain like no other pain I have ever felt. Imagine being stabbed with a hot knife..that would hurt less.
I think you all know me better then that.

To the person who felt the need to post on Kody's GB instead of e-mailing me directly...
Your not in the same league as I am continue on.

To all of Kody's real supporters...I apologize for this entry. I had planned on journaling later on when things were quiet around here.
But, instead I came in from spending PRECIOUS time with my children to confront the person who felt the need to trash Kody's site.

With that I am off to spend what's left of the day before it rains again outside having some time with my children.




Hey everyone....
I've got a few things I need to get done around here right now, but I just wanted you all to know that we're doing A-OK today...I put some new pictures up on the picture page and I will be updating a little bit later on.

Thanks for waiting and have a GREAT day!!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Sorry...I didn't mean to start a riot in the's my update FINALLY!!!
LOL...Mavis, you kill me woman! :)

OK.....Karl did not have his surgery and the reason is because a new doc. that he saw at his appt. on Tuesday wants him to wait two more weeks and have the surgery done in the hospital instead of in the office.
But...there is a good side to all of this and that being his elbow looks a little bit better then it did a week ago so if he can heal himself by waiting then the chances of him needing surgery go down alot....which makes us all happy because Dad Bear does NOT want to be cut up and he sure as heck does NOT want to be out of work for not even a day.
I know "dedicated family guy" may sound a little blah hum-drum boring to some but the sound of that really rocks my world and guess what? Dad B. is, for sure, a "dedicated family kind of guy".

Speaking of family guy/Dad....ahhhh, there has been a lil' something I have been meaning to show you all for the past couple of weeks.
Welp, seeing as education is so important in this world and spending time with your young'uns is equally important, back in May I decided how great it would be to send two spitfire lil' boys to work with their Dad for "Take your Kid to Work Day...2005".
And this my friends is what I found when I went to pick them up....

I apologize for the grainy picture but you see, that picture made the copy of June's "Dixie Biker" magazine!! :0)
Can you believe it? My sons' in a kick butt biker cool is that??!

Oh...and while I am thinking of it...Mrs. Terry and Mrs. Mary...PLEASE e-mail us at: with your addresses so we can mail you each a copy of that magazine.
Note to Mary...lots of Leesburg Bikefest pictures in your two favorite guys, what's better then that? :0)

OK guys, gals and kiddo's of all ages...I have to run, the thunder is starting, the sky is about to open up and pour on us, I left all the kids swimsuits and towels outside and I have got to get son #1, Kyle, to work.

I'll be working on getting some new pictures up tonight when all is quiet around here.

Love yaz like Krazy!!


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:30 AM CDT

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Please take note of my new e-mail address...
If any one has been sending mail to: I have NOT been getting them...please try again at the new address.

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Things are going pretty well's the day Dad Bear has his elbow surgery and since I've got six tons of errands to get done I better make this a quickie this morning.

Thank you for all the support we have gotten from the GB and from personal e-mails about the whole "taking Kody's stores" off thing.
LOL...and as one of Kody's fans put it: Time to take back that Porsche and fire the maid!!"

On a brighter note...I am in the process, in my free time {free time, what was I thinking??}, looking into web may take a little bit but in the near future you all may be visiting Kody at a new and improved "Kody Bears Korner Part 2", a place where friends can make new friends and everyone has a right to "Kick Cancers Butt" and join in on the "Life's Tough but I'm Tougher" bandwagon.

And on that note I am asking PLEASE for many prayers for our two sweet and brave friends, Matthew from NJ, who is having his second, yes I said second "crainiotomy" today in the skillful hands of Dr. Ben Carson at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
I think most of you know how back in Oct., Kody gave us all a up close and personal glimpse into the word "crainiotomy" and it's good and not so good after effects. Please pray for Matthew for a complete successful surgery, comfort and strength for his family and God's skillful hands to guide Dr. Carson's skillful hands.

Also...many prayers and tears for Ryan from KY as he grows his wings and prepares to take his final flight to Heaven.
Prayers, prayers and more prayers for Ryan's awesome family as they face the most heartbreaking days in front of them.
As Ryan and family have always said though...."Keep BEElieving in Miracles".
We will keep BEElieving Ryan, we will always BEElieve in you, Buddy...Our Hero Forever. :0)

And, of course, Jacob D. from FL, who has just gone through a very tough surgery in which many tumors including one the size of a grapefruit were taken from his little body.
Please pray that they will never, ever grow back and that cancer will stay away forever so that Jacob may enjoy for every day of his life...the joys and fun of being a little boy playing with his three brothers...just as his life should be.
Jacob...For you and because of you we will never forget to FROG!!! :0)

OK friends...the Bear has gotten himself out of hibernation and he is growlin' starvin'!!

One more little bitty prayer..for Kody's balance to be alot better today. He took a hard fall yesterday, landing hard on his knee when he started falling over during our walk last night and couldn't catch himself.
SIGH.....and it happened so darn fast and and out of the blue there was no time to react quick enough to catch him.
True to Kody's "Lifes Tough...I'm Tougher" style though...he looked right at me and said "Well that sucked!". {sorry!!}, then he "sucked" it up and walked it off.
Can't take the boy out of the boy, that's for sure. :0)

Have a great day everyone....we love you all!!!

Love, Kim

PS. That very cool picture of Kody and friends up top was sent to us from Disney.
That's our Bear receiveing his Disney Dreamers and Doers award.

Friday, June 17, 2005 9:40 AM

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~*~Friday Night~*~

As per Caring Bridge's request, Kody's "Kody Bear" store, "Kickin' Cancers Butt" store, "Life's Tough..I'm Tougher" store and "Life's Tough...I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets available through The Tumbleweed Foundation will no longer be available through Kody's web-site.
If anybody would still like a "Life's Tough" product or "Kickin' Cancers Butt" product please e-mail me and I will be happy to send you the information.

Although it may have appeared too some or someone that I was "solicating" money through these stores and products, PLEASE know that everything with Kody's name, motto, or picture on it was done to raise funds for other families going through hard times because of medical finacial setback. We {Helen} and I also used "Kickin' Cancers Butt" to purchase gifts for sick children, their siblings and Angels families.
The profits to Kody's awareness bracelets, we all know, goes right back to Tumbleweed which has helped out every family that has asked for help.
I really just wanted you all to know this...we, in no way, are using our son to collect money. Never.

Till tomorrow...



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Sorry for the delay in updating!!
We've {well the kids and I anyway} have been going nuts trying to get this yard sale/lemonade stand going.....but, everything is outside and looking pretty good. The kids are out there ready to yell should someone show up.
So, I figured since they are so god at yelling I might as well get on here and update quickly before there is a riot. 0)

#1...Kody and Kolin's lemonade stand....
Alot of you may remember back last summer when Kody had these huge visions on getting his lemonade stand going and donating the $$ he earned back to The Shands Brain Tumor Research Program. The plans never got into full swing because the the hurricanes started, then when we got through that Kody crashed and ended up in the hospital. By the time he recovered enough, the cold weather was settling in.
So...Kody and Kolin decided, "Hey...why not do it this weekend?"
Sounded great to me BUT, there wasn't enough time to get the media involved so....try as we might this weekend {and I know my kids will do the best they can}, we are going to give today a practice shot and pick another weekend when we can better prepare for the full swing real deal.
I have a feeling today will be mostly spent cleaning up spills, stopping Kody from eating all the cookies, Kaysha and myself jumping in and taking over when they get too hot/bored, and of course listening to "Hey..I want to do the ice, no I want to pour it, I want to take the money!"
I keep picturing sweet, homestyle children from years gone know..they get along, work together, smile, syrupy sweet and oh too cute..working their lil' homemade lemonade stand.
Then there are my kids....and the cost that darn stand just cost us yesterday. :0(

Anyway...since I have to really make this quick today let me all tell you that Karl is F-I-N-E FINE!! He is fine because he never went for his surgery....
OK, honestly he had a good excuse. Work came into the garage...lots of work, it was such a good day workwise and since for the past month maybe over a month work has been slow...very, very slow...and when there is no work there is no $$.
So, he opted to postpone his surgery till Tueday at 4 o'clock so he could take in all the work he possibly could. Also, 4 is later in the day she he could still get in a whole day.
Can't take the family out of the man, can you?? :0)

Ok guys and gals..let me jump off of here for now and see what my trouble makers are up is way, wayyyyy too quiet out there.

Please remember Ryan, Spencer and Leah in your prayers...they are such fighters...all three of them.

If anyone has been using, I haven't been getting any of your mail. I have no idea what's going on...Bravenet says it's not a problem on their side, Comcast says it's not a problem on their side...and I've ben so darn busy I really haven't had the time to sit still and try and straighten it out myself.

Gotta run!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 10:12 PM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

We saw Kody's new Neurologist, Dr. Pollack today and he is a great doctor...we like him alot. Taking all Kody's newest problems into consideration he suggested lowering the dose of Carbatrol from 600 mg's everyday down to 400 mg's. So...really , the only simple change is Kody would take one capsule instead of two at night.

This lower dose might help the personality changes, balance and sleepiness. But...he also, on the other hand warned us to keep a very, very close eye on him as lowering his med's may cause him to seiz. It's kind of a give or take situation, we give up Kody's symptoms but in turn we may take a seizure. If that happens....we simply just give him his Diastat {Valium/rescue medicine} right away {within 1 1/2 minutes}, call 911 and then increase the Carbatrol to 600 mg's again.
Sounds simple? I hope so because we all know how I panic when anything happens. :0)

He'll have his labs done the first week of July and go back to see Dr. Pollack in September, barring no more seizures. Which fits in nicely because Kody has an MRI scheduled for Sept. 7th and a visit to Dr. Pincus the same day.

Other then that....Kody's day was a pretty good one....oh, guess what he did tonight?
Yes sirree.....he cruised up and down the street tonight while I walked next to him. OK, so your thinking "well, he couldn't of been riding that fast cuz we all know Kim don't run!"...
That's true..very true. He rode slow but while he was riding on two wheels and balancing on his chopper bike he made me laugh till it hurt by saying things like "Oh yeah...I love to I go...the wind in my face...looking hot". That kid is such a riot sometimes.

Now..let me take a minute to ask you all to say a prayer for a very good friend of Kody's and mine, Matthew from NJ who has the same kind of tumor as Kody {the Astrocytoma one} and is, because of tumor growth, be having a crainiotomy on June 21st at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Matthew is one year older then Kody, was diagnosed one year earlier then Kody....he and Kody have been through so many similar circumstances these years it's been unbelievable.
They are a wonderful and such a loving family...definetely #1 to all of us here in the "K" home.

Now on to some really great news!!
This morning Kody woke up to a very special GB message!!
Because of the kindness and thoughtfullness and absolute COOLNESS of Kaysha and her best friend, Kayla....Kody received a beautiful message from.....
Linds a/k/a LINDSAY LOHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That boy of mine has been beside himself happy today...he thinks Lindsay is HOT and he is definetly one of her most biggest fans!!
Guess I'll have to find a way to get him to see the new Herbie Fully Loaded movie, he's been asking me everyday for a week to see I know why! :0)

Well guys and gals..I wanted to come on here tonight to let you all know how our appointment went but now I'm off of here cuz I took some pictures today and I want to see how they came out. I'll have them up on here tonight or tomorrow for sure.

Oh...and I'll update again tomorrow after Daddy Bear's elbow surgery...just to let you all know how miserable he is...hey, why should I be the only one sufferin', huh??!!
Just kidding Karlio..we love you, we really, REALLY do!! :0)

Thank you so much for stopping by and I'm sorry it took me so long to update tonight but for the first day in weeks it didn't rain today sooooooo, after we got home from Shands we were working the grill in the sunshine!! Ya'all think those pancakes looked good? You should have been here for "oniony provalone cheeseburgers with smokey mesquite A1 sauce" about HAMBURGER HEAVEN!!

Single girls out there..a lil' advice from a gal who knows....always, always marry a man who LOVES to cook!! Trust me, you'll never regret it!! :0)

Have a great night yaz!!


Monday, June 13, 2005 10:52 AM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

First let me start off by asking for prayers for Gage's family as Gage left us yesterday after a truely couragous fight.
Also...for Chance's Mom, Patty, who is in the hospital after being diagnosed with cancer herself.
And of course, Ryan, who is fighting with every ounce of strength he has..and is also now known as a VIP Burger King consumer!!
If any of you need to know where to find them...please throw me an e-mail..but please e-mail me at:
My "mamabear" e-mail address hasn't been working right since yesterday..I can't receive I'll just borrow Kody's until that's resolved.

Pretty much we had an uneventful, kind of boring...well if you were to ask the kids they would say "SO FLIPPIN" BORING WE COULD JUST SCREAM" weekend!!
Tropical Storm Arlene had just been hovering around since Saturday...raining on and off till yesterday afternoon when the skies just opened up and it came down in sheets.

Hmmmm..what to do today? Well....I had better get myself moving because today is the day I promised myself I would start to get things going for a yard sale that really needed to be done weeks ago. So.....hopefully the rain will give us a break this weekend so the kids and I can get this thing going.
Kody and Kolin had this great idea of setting up a lemonade/cookie stand at the yard sale and you should have seen them yesterday.....179 sheets of computer paper and 17 different kind of markers and they were in "planning" Heaven!! They are sooooo unlike me...well, no I can't say that...they ARE like idea pops up and they plan QUICK and then go for it.
Anyway...then they pooled all their money, including everything they found in the couch cushions and the floor of the car, and the dryer, and Kyle's room cuz he wasn't home to kick them out and they walked away with $7.00.
I wish you could have seen their faces when I told them they would have to spend it for supplies.....LOL...and they thought all they would have to do is throw some water in a jug, add some lemons and raid the kitchen cookie jar!! :0)
Guess a small trip to the dollar store will work for them....
And no, I probably won't make them spend their hard earned seven bucks. may be wondering..what do those kids have in mind? Welp...seems they have decided that they are good enough to officially start their own professional band and want to take it one step further before they hit the road.....
They are pretty sure $20.00 ought to cover everything. :0) They are just too funny sometimes but, heck, it keeps them busy, right?

OK, so about this medical insurance craziness that we are still going nuts over.
The way I figure.....the squeaky wheel gets the oil, right? Right!
So..that being that...last week I sat myself down for a little while and penned a Letter to the Editor of our local newspaper.
Yesterday, that very letter {minus the part they edited out which didn't make me happy but I'll get to that} made the paper. Now, I don't know how many big shot/head honchos actually get to reading the Sunday paper but I'm willing to bet it turned a few heads and opened a nice can of big fat worms.
I'll have to scan the letter in {it's not on-line} a little bit later for you all to see.
Oh..the part they left out?

OK..."Medicaid" has been giving out, for FREE...Viagra, to sexual predators. Yes, you read that right.
**I'm not allowed anymore to go to our local CVS pharmacy to get Kody's seizure and headache med's cuz they will NOT pay for it**

Now, it seems the same Viagra they are getting for free is causing them poor fools blindness sooooooooo....
Medicaid is paying for treatments to control their blindness/bring back their eyesight BUT......

**Kody is NOT allowed to get a very much needed pair of eyeglasses because they won't pay for it**

Then what are the glasses he's been wearing in his pictures you may ask?
Those are mine, we share....they're not perfect for him but they are better then nothing and if you look close you can see they are "pink"...which Kody actually thinks is cool cuz as we all know "Pink is Punk"!!
Unfortunetly, the bifocals are not nearly high enough for him so he is constantly lifting them up to see. {remember, he has no downward glance, a little upwards glance and we found out last week his side to side vision is a bit worse}

Anyway..we'll see what happens, if anything happens, and you know you all will be the first to know!!

OK guys and gals..I have kept you all here long enough so let me jump off and get some work done around here...

Oh, one more thing..I have been applying like a mad woman this past week and weekend for a job...darned if those summer kids are scraping them all up but please if you all could kick in the prayers for us...we seriously need for me to have a job, especially at *Sears Portrait Studio*!. {hint!!}
Downside of that is......Kody Bear has been crying his eyes out over the mear thought of my leaving him for a job...he wakes up crying, he goes to bed crying...that lil' cub is seriously attached to his Mama. :0)
Someday when my ship comes in or I win the lottery, whichever comes first, I really...REALLY want to be able to do my own photography or even just work on pictures at home...someday, right?

OK, I better run and check on the kids...Kolin is down with a sore throat and runny ears this morning, maybe his ear tubes have fallen out?
Kody went to bed with a headache last night and has been having the worse stomach cramps all weekend.
Tomorrow Kody goes to Neurology for the seizure's Dr. Pincus feels he may be still having. I have to agree...this morning when I woke him up to take his seizure pill, he was not exactly asleep, not exacly awake..but somewhere in-between and oddly, he kept "picking" at the sheets, putting it towards his mouth and saying "I took my pill already".
Hopefully....he was still in dreamland. But....he did say "I love you more" {something between me and him we do everyday} that was SWEET!!

And one more thing {sorry..I never seem to stop, do I? should try living with me!}.
Karl a/k/a Daddy Bear is having his elbow cut open and drained on Wednesday. The Bursitis he had been having a problem with isn't really getting much better so now a new workers comp. doc says it is "severe or chronic bursitis", it's filled with blood {it really looks nasty!} and he'll need it cut and drained. They wanted to do it right away on Friday...but he told them he had a job to finish at the garage and there was no way. He wasn't missing Kody's appt. on Tuesday so it was agreed that Wednesday will have to do.
So..prayers that he recovers very quickly would be appreciated by all of us soooooooo much...
Thank You!!!

Alright, gotta run..the sale stuff isn't going to haul and price itself.

Have a beautiful day!!!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, June 7, 2005 10:24 PM CDT

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~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love and support for Ryan's family. The Brown's are just the most sweetest family and I just know they appreciate every single note they are getting in their GB.


I'll be working on putting up some new photo's up tonight..including one of "Daddy Bear's Out of this World, Delicious, Famous Blueberry Pancakes"...
That's what us "K"'s are doin' for dinner.
And since it is summertime....what would complete those pancakes?
Vanilla ice cream and whipped cream...
But of course!!!!!! :0)

Gotta run and get my boy's to karate class.

Love yaz alot!



~*~Thursday Afternoon~*~

I know I will probably get chewed up and spit out for doing this but there is a little boy and his beautiful family, that we just love so much, that have just been sent home with hospice.
This news is too we have followed...
since Ryan's family first opened a page and shared his brave story with us.

Here is a family needing of prayers so badly and through Kody's fans is the best way I know how.

Please, please, grief about the link. There is enough grief in this house today...just please storm the Heavens with prayer and the GB with support for this sweet little boy and his family.

Thank you so much....Love, Kim


~*~Wednesday Night~*~

Hey everyone...

First, let me please say...

Mary...I am sooo sorry, I knew I told you I would call you but our stupid phone battery wire thing split. We thought the battery was dead but...DUH...after waiting hours for it to charge up we realized it was a wire problem soooooo.....

Here's my update....


Mary: "Hey you crazy woman!!"

Me: "Hey Girl....what's up??!!"

Mary: "Never mind what's up....what happened today?"

Me: OK..OK...hold your cannolli''s the news you've been waiting for!!"

Dr. Pincus feels very strongly that Kody's latest problems are not tumor nor shunt realated...which is GREAT!

But...he also feels just as strongly that Kody is having seizure activity despite being on medication.

Our next step....we see Dr. Pollack, Kody's pediatric neurologist at Shands on Tuesday.
He'll most likely need another EEG, which is a painless test BUT, in Kody's case having all those electrodes gluded to his thick brown locks is a sticky pain in the **BLEEP** a nutshell, the Carbatrol is doing it's job which for now is keeping Kody from dropping with grand mal's everyday. The thing is though...all the problems he's having plus his personality changes, his slurred words, his balance, tingling legs, dropping things...they seem to be seizure activity.


Me: KEWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)

Thank you so much for checking in on Kody today...and waiting patiently for my update, which I know is late but I HAD to watch Dancing with the Stars...LOL...
Yes, I know..I need a life! :0)

I'll be back tomorrow...lots going on in the "K" house that has got the "K" Mom and Dad super stressed which has got our "worry wart" Bear a little stressed too.
I swear, one day I will find that light at the end of the tunnel but because I am me...I'll get lost finding it.

Have a beautiful night all...

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Ohhhhhhhh....I cannot believe what I just did!
OK, I was just about to add a pretty long journal entry and somehow pressed something, I have no idea what key I touched and deleted the entire bottom half of Kody's site.
Tried to get it back and nothing...nothing...
So, I have no idea when I'll have time to try and fix this huge mistake so please, please bear with me for a while. :0(

OK, let me see if I can try the update again.

I wanted to come on tonight so you all wouldn't worry.

Tomorrow we are off to take Kody to his appointment with Dr. Pincus, so you probably won't hear from me again until tomorrow night with {prayers} hopefully nothing but good news.

You know...I've been thinking about things alot and I have a very sneaking suspicion about Kody's round of newest problems...which don't happen everyday. Actually they happen for maybe a week or two straight and then he looks and feels fine for a bunch of days.
A couple of years ago when we were going though something similar, Kody had a third ventriclotomy. Well....that hole to drain the fluid would close up {and then Kody would get real sick} for a couple of weeks, then it would drain itself {and he would bounce right back as soon as that fluid was out of there}.
This crazy cycle continued for about 6 months until finally a Cat Scan proved that there was fluid and swelling on his third ventricle.
That's when we had the VP Shunt placed and that shunt has worked like a charm.
When Kody had his crainy in Oct., we were warned that there was a huge possibilty that the surgery could cause shunt failure and that could last well into the first year.

It just seems to me that, that cycle is happening again. Two weeks of him being very "off" and then one week of him feeling great.

Yesterday, during Karate class I saw Kody fall three times while trying to kick. He doesn't even kick real high but he lost his balance almost everytime. But...crazy kid that he is, he just laughed it off and went right back to what he was doing.
Today...he had a GREAT day!!!
Today Kody RAN...yeah, funny I be celebrating running. True, he could only run about 20 feet before he tired but the beautiful thing is, Kody ran!! :0)

While Kody was away at Camp last week I decided to sift through about 70 or so video clips that I keep stored on our computer. I needed to watch them so I could delete the ones that weren't great.
That's when I happened upon {I know alot of you "classic" Kody fans will remember this} his month's worth of weekly suprise video clips after his Crainiotomy last October.
Kody would get up everyday and work till it hurt to learn how to walk again all week and then every Sunday I would take a small video clip of his progress.
Progress that was supposed to take 4 to 6 months.

I think the one that will always come to mind is the very first clip when Daddy Bear mostly held him up, protecting him from falling, yet guiding him towards independance.
Four weeks {OK, one month and three days but who's counting?!!} worth of clips later we all watched Kody proudly get back on his Bam skateboard and fly down the street yelling "NEVER SAY NEVER!!!!"

So here I am, 7 months later, on a clear but humid Tuesday night...rejoicing in the fact that my son is running, with his little brother Kolin, down the street, playing "red light green light" and "freeze tag" and whatever else little boys play.

Life will never get in the way, in the eyes of a parent, who will never look at life the same again.
Tonight to my neighbors, they saw two brothers playing on the street after dinner, laughing, yelling and maybe making too much noise.
To us...we saw two beautiful brothers running, laughing, playing and making the most of a lazy, quiet summer night.
That is a miracle and a true blessing, isn't it?

Thank you all for stopping by that counter at the bottom is just clicking away triple time!!
That's a lotta love!!

OK my friends.....I know I have probably left a whole bunch of important things out that were on my first {and really good update...UGH!!} but since I can't remember I think I'm going to head off to catch some sleep.

Have a terrific day!!

Love, Kim

PS. Sorry again about the messed up page...I'm going to try to fix some of it right now but it'll take a while to be complete again.

Sunday, June 5, 2005 3:20 PM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Oh, what a day...just when I thought we could all go outside and play...UGH...more rain!!
This has been the most rainiest season I can remember in a long, long time. But...Florida is always needing the wet stuff, so let it flow baby!
***Just not in my kitchen, OK?*** :0)

Right now I have three very bored to tears kids on my hands so I figured I'd go do what any cool parent does...turn on the X-Box and get on the computer.
Yes, I know....Bad Parenting Rule #78....but heck if I didn't break some rules every now and again you all would never hear from me.

I finally updated the picture page with a few photos from the morning I picked Kody up from camp. But, I have got some awesome news and that is...
Our camp friend, Haley made a couple of cool photo albums and if you click right here, you can check out a week at Boggy. It'll give you a glimpse into a little bit of what goes on at Camp and you know..might even make some of you teen's and twenty somethings want to volunteer. It is a magic week and a complete life changer, that's for sure.

So getting back to camp talk and you remember when I told you all he never did shower?
Well...I have some positive proof here, this is Kody ready to leave Boggy...check this out...>>>

~*~No Showers for me Mom so Open up Those Car Windows~*~

Did I tell ya??!! And Kody...what is up with that funky hair Dude??!! :0)

I'd like to ask you all to kick up the prayers a notch for Mrs. Melissa's Dad who, after having major heart surgery, took a turn for the worse causing some very unexpected and very unwanted problems.

Also...seeing as CB has really stressed in their new "Terms of Use" about not linking, I still won't, unfortunetly, be able to include Kody's drop downs any time in the near future. That's really too bad because instead of dedicating my time to making Kody's "Life Tough Wall of Fame" this past week...I decided to update the drop downs in hope we could get them back up.
So, looks like I'll be spending my rainy day today making that Wall of Fame...look for it very soon. And PLEASE get me some more pictures...we don't have nearly enough yet.
I will though update on the kids that are having a rough time or celebrating a good time as often as I can.

OK...Now on to some not too pleasant but I can't ignore it forever news...

In order not to bring down Kody's very happy week at camp and in order to let Kolin have his couple days of fame, I decided to hold off on some important news that all of Kody's fans needs to know.

This Wednesday Daddy Bear, Kody Bear and myself are making a trip out to Shands for one of those ASAP appointments with Dr. Pincus.
I know alot of you have noticed Kody's eyes not tracking right or maybe looking a bit "droopy" in alot of his recent pictures. Well..the picture's that I put up on his site are actually the good ones. I always feel very uncomfortable posting pictures of Kody when he looks real "off" mostly because Kody doesn't want me too and I honestly don't like looking at them.
These past three maybe four weeks we've noticed Kody's balance has been pretty bad...some days more then others. He's taken quite a few falls. Also..some days he sleeps so much...usually he wakes up in the late morning, eats, takes a nap, wakes up, has lunch, plays a little while, takes another 4 hour nap.
Well...anyone who knows Kody, KNOWS this isn't Kody.
Add to that he has been dropping things alot and every once in a while his speech is slurred.
Oh...and here's something new to add to the mix, lately Kody has been limping alot. He complains about his back always hurting and that he feels like his legs/ankles are "pins and needles asleep". This just happens at any time.
And the thing is Kody is NOT a when he complains, we really listen.
Well...SIGH...we mentioned these recent problems and Dr. P wants to see him this week.
I'm not saying this could be bad news but we have always been the "better safe then sorry" kind of family and if we make this whole trip to find out he's OK..then that is AWESOME!!
But...if we find out something is happening in there then we want to jump on it like white on rice.

On a very brighter note...I was testing Kody's eyes last night and he really seems to have regained some of the upward glance that he has lost after his crainiotomy last Oct.
I was throwing him a toy and he caught it everytime, which is a HUGE improvement from even just a month ago.
His downward glance is still not there but we keep praying that it will come back someday as well. Sadly, the swelling he had just before crainy {surgery} day {when his eye drooped alot} may have damaged beyond repair that downward glance.
BUT...miracles have been known to happen, right?? :0)

I also had him stand on one leg and although he did it....he was really wobbly BUT, before he was in danger of falling...he caught his balance using his arms everytime.
When I asked him to stand with his eyes closed..he couldn't do that at all.
But...LOL..then again, I can't either. :0)

OK guys and gals..with that said and with two starvin' boys on my back right now I had better wrap this up.

Have a WONDERFUL day!!

Love, Kim

Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:11 PM

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~*~Friday Afternoon~*~

Hey all!!

Guess what??

Lets see...he talked and talked and TALKED the whole drive home about everything and anything and I am very happy to let ya'all know that he had a BLAST!! :0)

I'm sure I'll be hearing alot more but I can tell you this, his #1 favorite highlight of his week happened yesterday when Tiger Woods showed up for Camp Boggy Creek's new "Putt-Putt" {mini-golf} grand opening.
Kody shook Tiger's hand and introduced himself and get this...
When the kids started to putt-putt, the clubs were too small for Kody, he kept having to bend over soooo...
Mr. Tiger GAVE Kody his own personal club/putter/whatever you call them things to use!!!
Kody was nearly floored!!!

Other highlights...

Having a food fight thrown only at the counselors.

Watching J.T./Earl {Kody's counselor} belly flop into the pool.
Kody tells me they had to replace the water everytime cuz the guy is HUGE!!

Stealing Dorcus' ice cream {the top/this camp would not run without/funniest person on Earth Camp person) last night.

Being in a play titled "Kody and the Pricesses" and having TWO "Hot" {Kody's words!!} girls hanging on both his arms.

Singing at least 30 songs on "Kareoke Night".

Eating with his "face" and not having to shower BUT.....
He did shower maybe once, I guess if being hosed down is to be considered showering??

Learning the "Beans, Beans the magical fruit...The more you eat the more you toot" song.

Yelling "Bombs Away" right before a lil' ummmm......gas attack after eating all that "magical fruit". :0)

I am sure there are a million more stories I'll hear about today, but for now....our Bear came home, hugged everyone, ate a cheeseburger and then fell into a deep sleep right on the sofa.
He is so adorable..I really have to go snap a quick picture. Shhhhh...don't tell!! :0)

OK, I better run but before I do I just want to ask you all to say a very special prayer for a very special family that we absolutly LOVE with all of our hearts.
At 3:08 this afternoon we, in our home will remember with broken {but love filled} hearts a little boy named Jalen, whom fell in love with well over two years ago, by releasing yellow balloons in his memory.

Mrs. Terry {a/k/a Angel Jalen's Am-Maw} and Janette....
We pray with all our heart and soul that although today must be such a bittersweet day for you, that you will always continue to feel the love and the presence of beautiful Jalen with you, today and forever until that wonderful day when you are all reunited once again, never, ever to part.
God Bless you both my sweet, dear friends.

Until tomorrow tomorrow...Have an awesome day everyone!!

I'll have some new pictures up by tonight.

Love, Kim

PS....Thank you so, so, soooooo much from Kolin for all the sweet messages for him in the GB.
You all have made him feel so incredibly special. :0)

PPSS. Congratulations to Mrs. Melissa's Dad who is kickin' butt after heart surgery.
"Life is Tough...But YOUR Tougher" Mr. Mrs. Melissa's Dad!!!!!!


Hi...It's's KOLIN!!!!!

Today I had a very fun and my Mom went blueberry pickin' and man oh man was I ever blue!!!
Not in a sad way but more like a Smurf way, get it?

I took a lot of pictures of my Mom and she took alot of pictures of me.

The most funnest part was when my Mom let me go on a tractor ride with the farmer guy. Well, he let me lean over...wayyyyyyyy over and pick and eat all the blueberries I could while we were driving and then guess what???

My Mom took her eye off of me for a minute and that farmer guy let me drive the tractor!!!!!
That was the Mom's face was like "What the????" HA...HA...HA!!!!!
Got ya that time Mama!!

Tonight after dinner I shot basketball hoops. I did a hoop backwards, I wasn't even looking and I made it....Nothing but net Baby!!
I made 25 hoops in a row...nothing to it Baby.
And I did it with ONE hand and I made it Baby!!

OK bye for now, I am going to have some ice cream with chocolate syrup {Kody's chocolate syrup, don't tell him!!} and whipped cream.
Then I HAVE to go to bed...UGH!!!!
But then my Kody Bear will be home...HAPPY DANCE TIME!!!!

My Mom says there are new pictures on the picture page. When you get to the last one I want you all to sing "She thinks my tractors sexy..."
Oh crabbie Mom says "Don't" sing that song. :0)

I love you, it's been alot of fun updating for my brother, I think I'll have to fill in on those days my Mom and Kody have nothing to say cuz you know what? I always have something to say!!

And thank you for all the notes for me....that was very, very sweet.

Love, Kolin with a "K".

PS. And now ten lil' ole words from my Mom....


Thank you Mom...I love you, now go have some ice cream and go to bed, you are more hyper then a kangaroo on a sugar high. :0)

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 2:15 PM

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~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

Hiya everybody....

This is Kolin here today filling in for my big brother, Kody, who is still at camp.
My Mom was complainin' that without Kody home, things were looking pretty boring..nothing to write about, no excitement going on. Anyway, you get it right? the cool kid I am I decided to do some updating of my own.
This is my FIRST update ever...thank you Kody for this opportunity, I feel so KOOL!!!!'s day #2 of RAIN...yes freinds and family we are stuck inside once again because wet weather. Now, normally I don't mind cuz you see...I am Kolin a/k/a "Couch Potato"..give me a movie and a bag of popcorn and I am happy as a ant at a summertime picnic.

So, what were we supposed to do today....blueberry pickin' which I thought would be SWEET!!
Mom and Kaysha thought so too since we had some blueberries around here but I ahhhhh..ended up eatin' them when nobody was lookin'.

What will we do today? Mom say's that's still up in the air so I suppose she means kite flyin'. Kite flyin' in the rain...Mom, you are too weird.

Tonight I go to Karate class..have I ever told any of you haw much I LOVE Karate class??

I have been doing some serious kick butt learning of my forms and my kicks and my sparing.
Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll have my purple belt...but first I have to learn to break a board with my foot.
I can do it..I know I can!! :0)

So, Mom told you about my bubble machine, did she?
Well....she was serious when she said that wand can make some humongous bubbles...and the best batteries needed, just genuine kid power is all it takes.
Still don't think a sword shaped wand can spit out some impressive bubbles?
Then check this out baby cuz I am about to dazzle you!!

~*~The Adventures of Bubble Boy~*~

Welp mine and Kody's friends, I am about to go pop some corn in the nuker and pop the Spongebob Movie in for the 10th time in two days in the DVDer.
Trust'll hear my Mom's heavy complaining about my singing "I'm a Goofy Goober...Your a Goofy Goober" any time now!! :0)

I put some new pictures up on Kody's picture page...sorry, there is none of Kody this time...

HA...HA..I have been waiting for this opportunity for a whole year...YEAH!!

Hope you guys have a very fun day and I hope the rain stops so my Kody Bear get's to have a fun day too.

See you all tomorow...

Love, Kolin...
Kody's little brother and co-author of "Kody Bear's Korner"..just until he comes home.

PS. A small but very powerful message from my Mom.
Take it away Mommy...



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Just a reminder that Caring Bridge will be down tonight from 8 PM until midnight.
When you click back on apparently there should be some big changes. I have no idea what kind of changes...hopefully we will be seeing our links back again.
I know alot of you have been missing them big time so fingers and toes crossed all our sites will be back up and running smoothly by this time tomorrow.

And now a Kody update....
Well, according to Kody's GB message from Sunday it appears our Bear is having a great time.
Are we having a great time?
Well let's see....

67 HOURS....15 MINUTES and I'll be huggin' on my Bear once again!!!!

OK..I miss him a little. :0)

You know though...I think the one person that misses him the most is Kolin and I do believe I heard Kaysha, a couple of times yesterday, say she misses him too.

Our Memorial Day was pretty boring...yardwork in the morning. I did the grass cutting and can you believe it, everyone {Dad, Kyle, Kaysha & Kolin} jumped right in.
We got alot of spring/summer cleaning done.
Ummm...can't say as much for the inside of the house, but heck..the outside looks great.

Yesterday we watched Kolin blow some huge monster bubbles with this new "big bubble wand" thing he got for his Communion.
That thing can put out some impressive size bubbles...I am talking probably over 15 feet.
Yeah, a 15 foot bubble...COOL!!
Now I know what your thinking and I thought about it to...
Won't Kolin be covered in one big soap bubble blob when it pops?
No...he didn't. Before it pops it breaks down into several smaller, beachball sized bubbles.
Just "DUCK" and you'll be fine. :0)
I'll have some pic's of that up a little later.

So...I think I'm going to go call Camp Boggy and get an update right now...
Oh come didn't think I wasn't going to, did ya??!! :0)

Thanks for stopping by although I seriously have nothing to write about...having only three kid's here is kind of...well, it's kind of....

Your all so cool to be stopping by anyway!!

I'll get to working on those pic's after you all!!!


Saturday, May 28, 2005 10:00 AM

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~*~Saturday Night~*~

WAA-HOO....We met Haley!!!!!
You all probably know Haley by the Boggy Creek Countdown messages in Kody's GB these past few weeks.
She knew us right away and greeted us with a HUGE Boggy warm and very energetic welcome. LOL!!

Kody is so happy...he left me once again for another week of fun, though he was a little hesitant to be in the "Red" cabins this year because that means he is not in "Green Cabin" and not one of the "little kids" anymore. :0)

Before I go I just have to tell you guys, Kody left me with a message that he made me promise to tell you so here goes...

"I love you all and I'll see you on Friday...try to miss me, OK?"

I miss my Bear sooooooo much! :0(

Kody can get mail so if you would like to send him a lil' card, postcard, letter..anything at all you can mail it to him at:

Kody Kruppenbacher, Red 7
Camp Boggy Creek
30500 Brantley Branch Road
Eustis, Florida 32736

OK guys and gals...I'm off to get Kolin washed and in bed, he is missing on his brother alot so this ought to be fun. :0)

Love yaz, Have a beautiful weekend!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Today's the our Bear leaves for Camp Boggy Creek!!!!
Guess what?? One of Kody's fans is a Boggy Creek counselor this cool is that??!
And I happen to know that Miss Haley is planning a surprise for Kody but...LOL...I am under oath to keep it a secret until later. Hopefully I can get a picture to show you all.
Plus, if that's not exciting enough, Kody get's to find Miss Lacie...a fellow camper, Shands family member, BT SURVIVOR, Dr. Pincus Pal and one of our most favorite teen's in the world.


Look's like it's fixin' to be a pretty fun day. For Kody, it'll only get better and for us....SIGH...well, let's just say we'll be doing the countdown until our Bear is home again.
Though...I have to admit, it does get a little easier every year.
My biggest worry? There will be nothing to journal about.
Hold on....wait a minute, this is the "K" family we're talking about here...DUH...OF COURSE there will be something to journal about.
I mean really, when does a day go by that something krazy doesn't happen? :0)

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank from the bottom of our hearts, from the "K" family the kindness of a few people who after hearing about Kody's problems with heat, have taken it upon themselves to jump right in and help us to help him be more comfortable.
I am uncomfortable naming anyone without permission but I will tell you all that we now have a A/C window unit in our living room, where Kody spends most of his day.
We will have another coming via Home Depot that we will put into Kody's bedroom when it get's here and if I am not mistaken, a possible unit from Sears?
If that is true then I am happy to say it will be placed in the kitchen/dining room so that Kody can eat, color, craft and all the other things he loves to do in the kitchen in blissful cool comfort.

And...the excitement just keeps getting better and better.

I recieved a e-mail from a HUGE Kody fan who told me a couple of A/C contractors would be coming out to our home.
Sure enough I had two contractors from two different companies come out to look at our A/C and heater.
LOL...let's just say there was ALOT of head shaking and "Oh Man....this thing is OLD!!!"
I guess they figure it came with the home when it was built, in 1981. I have no doubt, the thing really is ancient.
Anyway, to make a long story short. One contractor told us he remember's reading about Kody in the paper and is very familier with our family. He also does work at Camp Boggy Creek.
The other contractor was equally as sweet...letting us know that the woman who called them was the most nicest, sweetest person they have ever had the pleasure of speaking with. And, that she obviously is madly in love with Kody. :0)

Since it is a holiday weekend we probably won't know anything until next week but so far it looks like both contractors are working very hard to make things happen quickly. I know there are lots of phone calls going on and in my heart I believe this is really going to happen.
As you an all imagine, we are so incredibly happy...I mean just teh beginning of this week Kody was laying on the sofa so darn miserable.
Today he is laying on the sofa so healthy headaches, no sleepiness, no cold rags...just one very happy little boy.

Thank you again to all the beautiful families and to Tumbleweed for making this happen.

You know, some people wish for big cars, big toys, vacations....
We have never been that way. It is the simple things in life that are the best.
It is the friendships in life that we make that we keep in our hearts and treasure forever.

We may not have a beautiful home, the things we have are small. But...the people we have in our life because of Kody, are the most biggest and best part of everything imaginable.

Our family is beyond blessed because of all of you and for that I thank you.

Have a beautiful Memorial Day weekend!!!!

Love you all...

Kim & Kody Bear

PS. While Kody is away at camp I'll be setting up the "Kody's Life is Tough...I'm Tougher Wall of Fame"
We have been getting some BEAUTIFUL pictures..thank you!!!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:15 AM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Kids last day of school today....

Kody Bear made it in for his last day!!

Daddy Bear felt well enough after being pumped to the max with steriods and antibiotics to get to work...

The weather has given us a temporary break...low humidity and an awesome breeze...

Life is so, so, so , sooooooooo SWEET!!!!!!!!

I'm off to bake my three graduates a chocolate graduation cake!!

Thank you all so much for the prayers, well wishes and e-mails.....they worked, they really's a GREAT day!!

Now....what is going on with a "surprise"??? I am stumped and getting very, very excited here!! :0)

Love you all....


PS. Oops, almost forgot...the song on Kody's site today...none other then Alice Cooper's "School's Out for Summer".
This song has been a last day of school tradition in our family since the oldest kids were Kindergarten graduates.
As soon as the last kiddo is home we crank up the speakers and we BLAST it!
Just another Krazy "K" family tradition. :0)

PPSS. Please take a moment to say a prayer for one of our favorite "Kody fans", Melissa who's Dad just recently suffered a major heart attack after driving home from watching her child's pre-school graduation.
You can see Melissa's GB entry.
"Get well soon "Mrs. Melissa's Daddy"!!!!!

PPPSSS. Jenn...I am soooooooo sorry I called you at 9 AM my time but it was 6 AM your time! DUH...what was I thinkin'??!!

Have a beautiful day everyone!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 4:45 PM

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~*~Wednesday Afternoon~*~

Picture a map of the USA...focus in on Florida...zoom in on Leesburg, now see that big, ugly dark cloud? is right over the "K" house today.
As I type this Daddy Bear is hooked up to an IV at the hosp.
Yesterday he slammed his elbow on the lock part thingy of a car and thought he had broke his elbow.
When he got home it was swollen 5 times the size. We iced it but it kept swelling and man, oh man...was that dude in some pain last night.
Anyway..since it was work related and when it happened his boss had already left for the day he had to wait until this morning to see a workers comp. dr.
So, what they tell us is no broken bones {good!} but he had a "spur" which becasme aggitated when his elbow hit hard which in turn caused a nasty infection to spread like wildfire thoughout his arm.
So....they put some pain med. in him and hooked him up to an IV which takes an hour to get through.
So, I ran back home quick for a pit stop, to update you all and now I have to run, pick up the boys, get Karl, drop Kolin off at a friends {because we only have three graduation tickets so he can't go}, figure out dinner, make sure Kaysha is totally prepared for tonight, see her graduate an un-air conditioned gym, gather up Kolin and hopefully be home for American Idol at 8 o'clock.
Can it all be done? Holy Canolli I hope so!! :0)

Gotta run....have a great day!!

Love, Kim

PS. On June 1st Caring Bridge is making some major changes...could we be getting our links back again? I sure hope so!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Back again...

OK...first I really need to apologize. I know it seems like I have been a total downer's OK, I have I admit it.
Guess it just seems like one thing on top of another just keeps flying in our direction and just when you think it's safe to take a the words of beautiful Kendrie's awesome Mom, Kristy....we get thrown at us another "crap sandwich".
But...instead of feeling sorry for myself, I really...really...REALLY have to concentate more on "things could be worse" as I am choking down that sandwich, right?

OK, so with that an update on Kody Bear.

He finally woke up at around 6:30 tonight....I had to wake him up cuz, well #1 he looked miserable and I can't stand looking at him miserable and #2 he hadn't drank anything since lunchtime in school which is 12 o'clock so I slipped him some ice cold gatorade and #3 he had to eat something so Frosted Flakes it was {no hot food, not today} and #4 How in the world can you watch a cute as all heck lil' boy in his boxers and not want to give him a pinch or two??

So...I woke him and after a few minutes of him talking gibberish {something about "Oh yeah Kaysha, you think your so cool, watch this....} he finally came around when he realized I wasn't Kaysha. He flashed me that big dimply smile and said "Oh hey Mom...what's up?"

Tonight he went to bed in much better spirits but still sticky hot so after cool baths I put him and Kolin in my bedroom where we have an old window unit that tonight is just barely squeaking by. Hopefully it's not breaking down but just a little on the lazy side because it really was 92 degrees and humid all day.

Now, onto some "It could only happen to that Krazy "K" Family news...

Let's reverse back in time to this past Sunday when my newly New Yorker daughter and my somewhat airhead son decided to take a day trip into NYC.
NYC...a GREAT place to be IF you are streetsmart and in the next few lines I'll tell you all just how Non-Streetsmart my native NY'er but turned Southern hospitalitized {is that a word?} daughter has become.

I shall call this "Karyelle in the City"

When I last spoke to Karyelle on Sunday night I asked how her day in the city went and she answered "Oh, pretty good Mom..Kyle bought a Rolex"
Me: Kyle bought a what?
Karyelle: A Rolex Mom, he bought a Rolex out of a suitcase.
Me: {eyes rolling} You have GOT to be kidding?
Karyelle: I'm serious and Mom I got a real genuine designer purse and I hardly paid anything for it!
Me: Tell me you did not!
Karyelle: Mom, I did but let me tell you what happened...the nice guy who sold it to me all of a sudden yells out "I gotta go...cops" and he started looking scared and he was quickly packing up his stuff so I thought I'd be nice and help him pack"
Me: {jaws dropped...heart stopped} What were you thinking!!!!!
Karyelle: Oh, it's OK Mom...Uncle Phil grabbed me and said the same thing as he was dragging me away.
Me: Remind me to thank Uncle Phil
Karyelle: Well...I just wanted to be polite you was I supposed to know he was doing something illegal?
Me: Could of the warning Daddy gave you before you left hinted you in any way...remember he said "Never buy anything off the streets".
Karyelle: Well, don't worry I'm fine BUT there were so many angry people in the city Mom, I wanted to tell them they should all just say 5 nice things about each other and they'd feel alot better but Uncle Phil wouldn't let me.
Me: Oh my God KK {that's Karyelle's nickname and btw..I am getting so tired of typing out Karyelle so I'm shortening it from here on end}.
KK: Oh, it gets better...Aunt VIkki needed some things from the grocery store when we got home so I offered to go for her.
Me: That's a good way to repay Uncle Phil for saving your life.
KK: HA...well my cashier was sooo rude...she never looked at me, she did not say thank you when she took my money AND I had to pack my own bags...Mom, she would NEVER make it at Publix! {where we Floridians love to grocery shop}
Me: Yeah KK...that's how they are sometimes...don't you remember?
KK: I swear Mom I have a good mind to contact the manager and tell him how we do customer service in the South
Me: KK stop, your killin' me.

Laughing yet? Hope so!
Check this out....
I shall call this "Kyle spreads his wings and forgets to get on his flight"

This morning as I was in the middle of some strenuous vacumning I get a "chirp or beep-beep" call from KK.
Thankfully I accidently yanked the cord from the wall and I hear her voice in a panic yelling "MOM...PICK UP THE PHONE!!!" seems she had dropped Kyle off at the airport in White Plains, NY for his 10 AM flight back to Orlando. BTW, before I go on Kyle is my original ADD kid..let this be a warning to all you ADD Mom's out there...

Karyelle could only get him to security and couldn't go in any further so she carefully explained to him where to go, what to do, where to sit, which gate, etc...
Then she said her "good-byes" and left for Poughkeepsie for a job interview.
Poughkeepsie is 2 hours away from the airport.
She was almost there and lost {again!} when Kyle calls her and says "KK...I missed my flight!"
KK: How in the world Kyle did you MISS YOUR FLIGHT!!!!!
Kyle: It was delayed 20 minutes because of the rain so I put my headphones on and went to walk around, when I came back the plane had already left.
KK: You have GOT to find a customer rep. and tell them what happened.
Kyle: I did, they are rude..they said it's my fault and they can't help. Oh by the way..I am out of money and I only have 5 minutes left on my phone.
KK: Kyle...Oh My God..this is NOT a small mistake!
Kyle: Call Mom OK, she'll know what to do.

***Hello.....Mom is 1500 miles away*** make this long story short...the airlines tells Kyle they will get him to Chicago and then he'll have to get a room and wait for the next Orlando flight.

Fast forward to the "K" home here, one frantic Mom and one "I am gonna tear his A*S up Dad"

I bought him some minutes for his phone but since I didn't know his password and couldn't get ahold of him...I spent a real long time with a pretty cool Boost Mobile rep. who did fix things up as far as his phone goes.

Then KK calls me back and says "Kyle is being escorted onto a plane heading for Chicago...then they are putting him on another plane for Orlando but nobody knows when that flight will be"
Then Kyle's phone went the time the minutes went into effect he was already in the air with his phone shut off.

So, what could we do? Well...I got grayer and Karl paced a hole in the floor of his garage.
Finally Kyle lands and hoping to get one more call on his phone he calls KK...

Kyle: KK...plane, florida, flight number, yadda, yadda, blah, blah...
KK: Kyle, Mommy got more minutes on your phone you don't have to talk fast!
Kyle: She did? COOL! How did she do that???
KK: Kyle...that is NOT important...what is important is where the heck are you?
Kyle: Chicago..I think I'll call Mom. This airport is huge, I'm lost, I'm broke, I don't know where to go and oh yeah, I leave for Florida in a couple of hours, I have my taxi money but the taxi guy won't come out to get me cuz it's too late...should I go find some food?

Fast forward to 11 tonight....and only because I am exhausted and I just realized how late it is....

Kyle landed in Orlando at 9:45 PM, he is on his way home after being picked up from one of his good friends he works with which I thank with all my heart because #1 Karl and I are both lousy night time drivers and #2 I didn't get to miss American Idol!! :0)

Which reminds me Bo AND Carrie rocked...I can't decide, I love them both!!

Which reminds me Kaysha's graduation ceremony is at 6:30 tomorrow night, American Idol comes on at 8...that graduation better be over get that certificate and let's BEAT FEET!!

OK guys and gals am going to park my butt on the sofa, get the fan crankin' and wait for my boy to get home.

Thank you so much for stopping by...Love Yaz!!


PS. You know how sometimes God works in mysterious ways? Well..this afternoon when Kyle would have been coming into Orlando...the Orlando/Sanford area had a horrible and vicious wind and lightening storm. They showed on the news planes that were toppled and some were tore up.
For that reason I have to believe Kyle was supposed to miss his flight.
See..what some of you may not know is that Kyle, the rest of the kids {except Kayara} and myself were on a flight back to Florida from NY the morning of 9/11...about 45 minutes before the first plane went though the Towers.
Kyle has been terrified of flying since then and only because of helping KK move he agreed to get on an airplane. Turbulance would have probably set him right over the edge.
That was a morning the kids, Karl {who was not on the plane but on his way to pick us up} and myself will never forget...and that is definetly a story for another day. Hey, maybe next week when Kody's away at camp and I have nothing to write about??? :0)


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you for all the compliments on Kaysha's are all right, she is growing up TOO fast and definetly into a beauty!!
She takes after her Mom...Kidding Daddy Bear, just kidding!!

I have a ton of things to update on but because I am going out of my mind right now {ahhhhh....Kyle missed his flight back to Orlando, he is in Chicago as we speak} I'll update more in depth tonight.
Funny stories about "Karyelle in the City", not so funny story about Kyle "spreading his wings and forgetting his flight" and kind a kind of blah story about Kody and teh heat monster. know, I just thought of something.....I could cause a riot if I don't speak up so let me all let you in on the Kody news....

This past Sunday Kody had been having a "off day" as he likes to call it. He was having some achey ouch kind of pains in his lower back and legs and had a ton of problems with walking.
Since he and Kolin slipped into my bed with Daddy Bear the night before I chalked it up to sleeping all squished and squashed in one bed. Which, by the way....left the ole' lady {me} in that dreaded bottom bunk and since Kaysha and I had just got done watching "White Noise"...ummmm, that left ole' scaredy pant Kaysha in the top bunk.

As anyone who is living in our around Florida these days you all are pretty aware the weather has been in one word "HOT"!!!!
Well...seems the Beaar doesn't do real well in the heat and though he toughed it out and went to school for "spaghetti and meatballs day" by the time I got him home at 2 o'clock he was starting to drop. :0(
Five minutes after we walked in the door he collapsed in the couch. I stripped him down to his boxers, have cold wash clothes on him and the fan is directed right at him. Poor guy can see he is miserable.
I so totally wish I had a Fairy know with the magic wand and all...A/C would be ours once again.

OK...I just found out {Thank You so much KK for leaving that little Nextel Beep-Beep thing for Kody!!!} that Kyle has got a flight out to Orlando at 6:10. Now I have to figure out how to get him home from there.

I better run..But I will be back on tonight!!

Love you all soooo much....


PS. I know some of you have been trying to call...the phone should be back on tomorrow afternoon sometime. Sorry. :0(

Saturday, May 21, 2005 10:55 AM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

Hey all....

I put up a few new photos tonight, some of Kody and some of Kaysha's 8th grade graduation portraits.


Till tomorrow...Love you all,


PS. Any of our friends heading out to the beaches on the East Coast of Florida...PLEASE be careful of rip currents, they are BAD these days and can be deadly if you are not a very strong swimmer.
I worry!! :0)


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

OK...I know I'm a day late. :0(
I just couldn't stay up last night...sorry!!

First, I would like to thank Don for the beautiful message to Kyle in Kody's GB.....I do belive that is exactly what the Dr. ordered for him.
Right now Kyle and Karyelle are both in NY {they drove, can you believe it?? They are wayyyyy braver then I am} but Kyle will be back Tuesday night. Karyelle, on the other hand, won't be back for at least a few months, if that.
Which is just one of the few reasons why Kody and I have been totally, completely down in the dumps lately.'s a dream Karyelle wants to follow and she might as well while she only has herself and no responsibilities tying her down. Plus...add to the fact that she is completely petrified of hurricanes and hurricane season is only, I think, 11 days away.
From what I hear this year is fixin' to be worse then last year.
I have a funny feeling this year the "K" family might be doing a re-make of the Wizard of Oz. {when the house blows away} :0)

Nothing really planned for the weekend here. Maybe I'll have a chance to get some photos updated...I have definetly been slacking in that department these days.
I actually do have some of the day Karyelle and Kyle left, I just have to resize them and I'll have them up by this morning.

The boys last day of school is Thursday and Kody leaves for 6 days at Camp Boggy Creek on boy is gonna be gone for SIX DAYS!!!!
I really, really, REALLY need to stock up on the ole' Hershey's cuz God knows, I am gonna need them!!
You know...I just thought of something.
Kody, my only normal kid will be gone. Leaving me with Kaysha "The Drama Queen, why don't I have a life, but my friend's Mom's let them, I have NOTHING to wear that's cool, let me just lock myself in my room all day, if my music is too loud then you are too old Mom" Kruppenbacher
Kolin "Hyper Spaz, just recently turned Star Wars freak, I'm bored, there's nothing to do, can I go to this kids house, can I sleep over that kids house, I hate my life, why doesn't anyone notice me, I miss Koo-wie {Kody} how many more days till he gets home, why can't I go to Boggy Creek, I had my tonsils out" Kruppenbacher
Kyle "work all night and sleep all day" Kruppenbacher
Karlio "Love ya Babe but one of us has got to go to work, I'm soooooo outta this zoo!!!" Kruppenbacher.

Is there a life after Motherhood/Wifelyhood?????

Let's see.....Kaysha get's out Wednesday and is officially and 8th grade graduate!! We'll get to go to her graduation at school Wednesday night. YEAH!!
Holy Macaroni....that child was just in Kindergarten!!!!!
I feel so old.

OK...Kody news, which is what you all came here for in the first place, right??
Every couple/a few days it seems that stupid tumor will do something to chip away at Kody's physical being. I can see it, Karl can see it, even Kaysha and Kyle can see it.
Kolin never does...funny, he's lived with it so long that Kody is just Kody even when he falls, drops things or sleeps alot. I wish I could be Kolin for a day...everything has a silver lining as far as he is concerned. Even when he and Kody fight and argue {yeppers, I am NOT making that up..they fight!!}, if I go to punish Kody...Kolin jumps right in and says "No wasn't Kody's fault..I LOVE him, punish me!!"
Seeing Kody sit on the sofa for 20 minutes is like the end of his world.
Kody, on the other hand.....ummmm...let's just say he is the total opposite, "Let him have it Mom" kind of kid.

But, getting back to Kody.
Although he has his bad days, that tumor has never {and will never} chip away at his remarkable spirit.
When Kolin was enrolled in Martial Arts classes, Kody sat and watched for a couple of weeks, envying his little brother for taking part in a sport that comes so natural to him. Even as a beginner white belt, Kolin takes his lessons very seriously, picking up on the moves and making them seem so easy to do.
Which may be one of the reasons Kody begged to take lessons too.
I never had planned on it, I never thought Karate/Tang Soo Do and kids with brain tumors go hand in hand.
Boy oh Boy was I wrong.
Watching Kody last night, side by side and partnered with a very experienced and very patient adult, Mr. Chuck, I saw with my own eyes and felt with my own heart a boy so full of life, willing to try anything life has to it his best shot, which may not seem like a typical nine year olds best shot...but it was HIS best and that's all that matters.
Yes...he got his left and rights confused, yes he fumbled over his own two feet, yes he missed the target he was supposed to kick or punch BUT each and every time he caught me looking at him he flashed me that beautiful, perfect smile of his and every single time he gave me the "thumbs up".
Did he really care that others might just see him as a clumsy kid with no business being there? No, not ever...he told me he had the best time of his life and to me, that's all that really matters.

I would like to send many "Thank You's" to the Peterson's for taking Kody and Kolin under your wings and for insuring that my checkbook did not suffer for the dreams of two little boys.

Before I sign off for today let me just leave you all with this very true story.
Now, I KNOW Kaysha is gonna want to kill me for telling but, you know, if I don't leave you all with at least a little laugh, I'll feel guilty all day long so here goes....

Last year, before the hurricanes came our roof was getting to be in rough shape.
The winds and rain we had tore a hole right threw the roof and in our kitchen we have an ugly open hole that whenever it rains starts the "running faucet effect" right onto the stove.
About a week or so ago we had a few days where every afternoon the skies would just open up and the rain came down in buckets...which was also what we were using to hold underneath this particular hole.
That is until Kaysha and I hit on a GREAT idea!!
As only two females could come up with we took some maxi pads and pinned them to the ceiling.....seriously, this is no joke!! :0) worked, I mean it was really doing the trick. Then Daddy Bear came home and I wish you all could have seen his face when he saw what we had pinned to the ceiling.
It was priceless but what may have been even more priceless was the look on Kaysha and my faces when those super absorbant night time maxi's with wings got a little too heavy, push pins started popping and...SPLAT...came down heavy, full of rain water onto the kitchen floor.
Ahhhhhh yes, it was a Kodak moment for sure...and me without the camera!! :0)

Welp, that's it for now...go have yourselves a BEAUTIFUL day!!

Love you...


Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:50 PM

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~*~Friday 1:30 PM~*~

Hey all....

I will update tonight...just having a real blah kind of couple of days. :0(

I did manage to get a few new photos up and should have somemore up this weekend.

Love you all...



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Sorry...I didn't mean to make you all worry!!

It's been a difficult past couple of days. On Sunday morning we found out that another of Kyle's friends had been killed in a car wreck making this 5 friends in 2 years.
So, as you can imagine Kyle is devestated. I mean how many funerals is a 19 year old kid supposed to attend before the age of twenty?
To make it even worse...Kyle had just hung out, talked, and listened to music with Casey {the boy who died} just hours before the crash. Casey was to have graduated High School next Wednesday.
My heart just screams in pain for Casey's Mom who was robbed of the chance to say "Good-Bye" to her son.
My heart is also crying for my own son who has spirled into a deep depression over this.

Other then goes on day at a time as it always has.

School is about to end for Kaysha next Tuesday and for Kody and Kolin, next Thursday. Is it just me or does the last two weeks of school seem incredibly hectic?
At least though, the kids are excited to be "outta there" as they say...wel, maybe not Kolin...he absolutley adores his teacher...he just doesn't like getting up in the morning!! :0)
Kody, on the other hand......well....he really, really does NOT want to be in that special ed. class, or whatever they call it.
Had I have known he was being tossed into a class with emmotionally disturbed kids, I would have never taken him out of mainstream.
Live and learn I guess. I haven't said anything to Kody yet but if better solutions aren't found next year for school..then I'll probably go the homeschooling route after all. But...with the stipulation that he is allowed to join in on the things he loves...chorus, quilting club, P.E., etc....
We'll see....

Speaking of Kody and school, he was pretty upset when I picked him up today and when I asked why he told me that while his class was out on the P.E. field playing baseball, one of his classmates & friends, Jacob, who has a bad heart..went to catch the ball and fell. Apparantly Jacob's heart stopped briefly and he was air flighted to the hospital.
Kody....bless his heart, has such a bond with other kids that are a lil' different then others {like himself}...well, he was very, very hurt and upset watching this all happen.
Right away he said a prayer....I don't know if the school liked it, but he said they didn't stop him.
Sooooooo...for Kody Bear would you all please just say a quick prayer for Jacob too??

Great news!!
Kaidrie from "ut" has her page reopened again!!! Waa-Hooey...that is such great news!!!! :0)

Well guys and gals, that's about all the news I have today.
Sorry again about not updating earlier..I know alot of you had been worried...I won't let it happen again!! :0)

Thanks for stopping by....

Love you all.


Saturday, May 14, 2005 10:30 AM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Lately I have heard some nightmares about computers crashing and photos being lost forever and it got me to thinking...Hmmmmmmm, I better get my butt in gear and start burning some CD's. know, my computer has been acting on the slow side thses days...maybe it was because I had approx. 6000 { read that right!!} pictures stored on here. :0(
So....these past two days {today makes three} I've been burning and deleting. That is some time consuming work and that is my excuse as to why I haven't updated. Sorry!!!!!
Now..I haven't saved all those pic's..actually I couldn't believe some that I'd been saving, they were...ahhhhhh...lousy if you know what I mean so those, Thank God, have been trashed for eternity.

Welp, I called Kody's Dr. on Monday to let them know of the changes in him and the MRI I want done sooner then September and as usual I should never hold my breath because I haven't gotten a return call back yet.
As well as Neurology whom I called to schedule his labs at Shands seeing that those insurance blunders keeps me from getting them done in Leesburg.

In any case, I am off Monday morning to take the drive to Shands so I can transfer Kody's seizure med. prescription because he only has enough to get him by till Tuesday issues again say he can only get his med's from Shands instead of...well, you know..convienently done here at CVS in Leesburg.
Refills, I understand, can get mailed to me BUT will they mail them on time? I'm not sure if I want to take the chance...I see they don't make phone calls promptly. :0(

Somedays I swear, if Kody didn't have the #1 BEST neuro-surgeon in the world...I would truly consider switching facilities.

Anyway...back to the Bear....

After our trip to Epcot on you all know, he was quite wiped out. It literally took him a whole day and half of sleep to bounce back. But when he did bounce back...he REALLY bounced back and his onery old self came back with a vengence.
So...taking that into consideration, I sent his butt to school yesterday where in one school day he twisted his neck and got iced, fell walking to his classroom from another classroom and scraped his leg up {it looked like Wolverine got ahold of him} on the cement sidewalk and ran a couple laps in PE, in the sunshine and heat and ended up guesed it...another headache.
But, in true Kody style, he sucked it up and stayed the whole day and he even felt good enough last night when the sun went down and the shade came out to ride his skateboard up and down the street for about 20 minutes.
Who's the Man???!!! :0)

What will we be doing this weekend?
Nothing...absolutley nothing this weekend!!
Though..and I only mention this because I know Daddy Bear will be reading this later...
Maybe soon, huh Dad?? :0)

I had gotten a couple of e-mails and would love for you all to meet and give a BIG Caring Bridge welcome to two new friends...

Norma and her son, Erik Z. who is 10 years cancer free!!!!! Rock on da man now!!!!
Erik, sadly, has been having some bad lasting effects due to the treatments which rid him of, I am sure he could use some encouragement and new friends.

Also we have Jesse...a sweet girl who we are meeting though Cody's Mom, Eleasha. Let's send some {{{HUGS}}} through cyberspace for Jesse too.

Oh...but wait, how will we get there??
Hmmm....let's see. We have "erikz" from "nj" and "jesseman" from ""nc"
That should help you all down the right path. :0)

OK...I can't think of anything more to say {of course I will as soon as I get this update up....growin' old is such a bummer}, so let me run outta here and get my yard mowed before it reaches the 90 degress the weather guy is talking about.
{and for all you die hard "K" family fans out there...Karl will NOT be home for this one}

Please don't let a day or an even an hour slip by today without a huge prayer for Kaidrie and family.

As always I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for not only the ongoing support and prayers for all of us here but also for every friend we mention.


Alrighty...I am off to cut and burn...
Ummm, I mean cut grass and burn CD's. :0)

Have a beautiful day all...

Love yaz!!

~Kim, Kody and Krew~

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:40 am

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Yesterday was one of those magical days that will live on in our hearts forever.
The Disney Dreamers and Doers Ceremony at Epcot was unbelievable beautiful, emotional and awesome all wrapped up into one.
It's funny how you can see Disney many, many times {we did when we first moved here} but never in a million years do you expect to ever see your own child on stage there.....well, I can't really say that because Mrs. Frates {Kody's second grade teacher and dear, dear friend of our's who nominated him} was there and she told me she always knew Kody had that certain something in him that made him just shine. Yeppers..she always knew he'd be on stage with that star quality of his. :0)

Though I tried to get some pic's came out pretty dark but there was a pro. photographer snapping pictures of each child so I have a feeling we will be recieving a nice photo in the mail in the very near future.
In the meantime I'll be taking some of my own with his trophy at home...but...we are going to be anxiously awaiting his new trophy because...SIGH...Kody's been having so much trouble holding onto things lately and as soon as he walked off that stage he dropped his {they are ceramic} and it broke. Daddy Bear tried gluing it up last night but there's alot of missing pieces.

We were all treated like royalty throughout the day and Kody was treated like a King. though I tried to take a bunch of pictures...while Kody was with his Dreamers and Doers people, we only had Kaysha and Kolin...I don't know, it was just not right not having Kody in the pictures so through I took some...there will be more to come with Kody in them from our next trip which will be soon because they gave us four more tickets for another fun day!!
Gotta just LOVE those Disney people!!!!
I figure I'll just wait till school lets out and pick a weekday before the schools up North let out and we should be crowdless and good to go.
Yesterday was great...the lines were not that bad, except on Test Track but that ride has always had a long line anyway.

So...before and after the ceremony we went on some rides...which by the way...if anyone is heading over to Epcot you just have got to try out "Mission Space", it's new ride and it got the double thumbs up ride review from all of us...mostly Kolin who as we know is a daredevil anyway.
Honestly...even Karl loved it and he is not the ride kind of person if you know what I mean...he hates anything that makes him disney...oops, I mean dizzy.
Test Track is cool too but by the time the ceremony was over and we collected Kody and let him ride Mission Space, the lines were soooo long for Test Track so he didn't get to go on that one.
So....we decided to monorail over to Magic Kingdom because heck...what's a Disney trip without the Buzzlight Year ride, right? And as always, that was COOL!!! But, what was even cooler is we all had on our Busy Kickin' Cancer's butt" shirts on and as soon as we got on line for Buzz, a girl who was working the line for that ride called us off to the side, handed Kody a blue ticket with something written on it and lead us straight to the "Fast Track" line which took us straight to the front of the line and they even held up the line so we could get our Krew on Buzz safely. cool is that I tell ya??

Afterwards we went on something new called "Stitches Great Escape" {From Lilo and Stitch}, that was pretty cool too except let me warn anyone who is attempting this takes the place of "Alien Encounter" which was one of my most favorite Disney things to do {you have got to have NY hootzbah to laugh your way through ALien Encounter}...'s a tiny bit scary for way little ones, Kolin did hold Kaysha's hand for dear life and Kody mine but they were just really isn't all that bad except for the "chili dog breath".....but I'm not giving that one away, you'll just have to live through that one yourself!! :0)

By the time we got off that one it was about 6 PM and since Karl and I are not great night drivers anymore we really had to monorail it back to Epcot to pick up and our car and head back home. Which, really worked out OK because Kody was really starting to fizzle by then anyway

Oh....let me just say a big KUDOS to Daddy Bear for carrying around our over stuffed with things we hardly even got to use 5000 ton backpack all day long and not even complaining once.
Thanks Dad!!!!!!! is a new day and today Kody is having a very off/bad day so he stayed home from school and is with me all day which is good cuz I truly love his company..when he's not sleeping that is!!
What's he doing right now? Well...he is heavily medicated with pain/headache med's so he is still asleep. Poor guy, you can just see it in his eyes that he feels awful.

I haven't heard back from any doc's about getting him in earlier for an MRI...guess as soon as I jump off of here I am headed to bug them a little bit more.
He has also started limping alot, it's getting to be an everyday kind of thing and when I question him on it he either says his leg or ankle feels asleep or aches or he doesn't realize his limping at all.

Here's a "It's a Small World" story for you all...
On the way back to Epcot on the monorail we sat with two their couples and their kids. I am sure they noticed Kody's shirt and struck up a conversation amongst all of us. Well, one couple from Tampa was telling us that the husband's co-worker's {I believe?} son was just recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, several of them actually and was being seen at All Childrens Hospital in St. Pete.
Well...if that name sounds familier it is because our very own BabyBug Katia goes there...sooo, I showed them my Ladybug Club bracelet and told them all about her and her wonderful family.
Maybe one day they will meet up and tell them Kody Bear sent them there. :0)

OK guys and gals it looks like it's time fro me to run some errands while I have Kyle home to keep an eye on Kody.
So...I am off to run them so I can still have plenty of Kody Bear time when he finally wakes up.

Thanks for stopping you all....


PS.....I'll get the new pictures up a little later on and sorry about all the type-o's....I am in a huge typing hurry!!



Kody's "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" bracelets are starting to show up in mailboxes everywhere!! YEAH!!!
There are still some more as the company who made them sent extras because of the big delay in getting them out mix up.
So.....if you all want one {They are soooo up of them later too} please visit The Tumbleweed Foundation and get yourself one. While your there, maybe you know someone who is "Tougher then nails with a heart of gold"? Send them over too!! :0)
Bracelets are going fast...real fast and there isn't many left so go..go...go!!
As always on behalf of us and all the families the sales of Kody's braclets will benefit...we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Monday, May 9, 2005 11:00 PM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Mother's Day here in the "K" home was great..great breakfast in bed, great dinner, great know, the school ones that always make you cry!!
What else...oh yes...GREAT FAMILY!!!!

Remember when I told you all the other day that Kody and Kolin begged for a ride to Wal-Mart at night and I caved in?
Well...the whole reason behind it was so that Kody could pick out a very cute pair of pink heart earrings and Kolin picked out a necklace with two dolphins on it, Me and Kolin!! :0)
It was perfect...absolutley PERFECT!!
As was the photography book {from Karyelle & kids}, the dolphin hoop earrings {from Kyle} and the strawberry, raspberry and banana pancakes ala Daddy Bear.

I honestly think Mom's Day needs to be renamed "Mom's Weekend" cuz I sure could have used an extra day of that good stuff. :0)

Tomorrow we are off to Epcot for Kody's Disney Dreamers and Doers award ceremony.
We need to be there in the morning, after that Kody gets the VIP treatment with lunch in the "Living Seas" which is a VIP lounge that only VIP's can general public allowed there.
The official ceremony begins at 2 PM.
I was talking today to one of the Disney Rep's...just to make sure they knew that Kody is a seizure precaution. That is totally being taken care of and he will be in good hands and never left alone, always in A/C, etc...
He also let me in on a huge surprise for the audience at the end of the is going to be so awesome!!
Expect to be seeing a ton of pictures from that!!
The kids are about ready to burst from all the excitement...kind of like Christmas Eve.
Oh...he also told me {the Dis. Rep} that 600 kids were nominated from schools all over Florida...only 100 were chosen. What an honor to have Kody be choosen one of those kids.

OK guys and gals...enough jabbering from me tonight...I have got to get some sleep.

I put some new pictures up...enjoy!! more thing.
A little story about a not so little girl making a very "right" decision about maturity and responsibilty.
Well...the girl is Kaysha and over the weekend she was invited to an end of the school year/8th grade graduation party by a friend.
We were under the impression this party was being chaperoned and since Kaysha and this girl {no names mentioned for privacy} have been friends forever we felt comfotable, still Dad gave her the "lecture" anyway about making good choices. didn't take very long for Kaysha and another friend to realize what they happened upon was a party out of control. Drinking {yes, these are 13 and 14 year olds}, breaking personal items, trashing a house and no parents.
Who was chaperoning was an Aunt..a very intoxicated Aunt.
Well...walking through our front door very early that night was Kaysha, who with another friend {the one she went to the party with} walked out of the bad situation quickly and walked to a payphone to call her friends Mom who kindly gave Kaysha a ride back home.

***Mental note, always make sure she has the cell on her at all times***

In this crazy world things can go very can go very wrong.
In our crazy home things are always going wrong BUT our kids...thankfully they never go wrong.
Kaysha...Daddy and I {and Karyelle and Kyle too!} are so proud of the responsible, mature young woman you are becoming.
Now...GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM!!!! :0)
Love Ya Girl!!!

Please let me end this tonight with a prayer request for Kaidrie who is taking more and more turns for the worst.
Also...please include Kaid's big sister, Kycie and Mom and Dad {Amber and Josh} in those prayers too...they are all hurting so, so bad.
Amber, Josh, Kaidrie and Kycie...know that we, the "K" family love you guys so much. If you need anything, if it is in my know I will do it...just ask my friends, I will be there for you. I'm REALLY outta here...

Love you all..


Saturday, May 7, 2005 11:22 PM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Happy Mother's Day to all of our Mommy's and Gramma's {and "Am-Maw's!!} everywhere...may your day be blessed with love and hugs and sticky wet kisses.
We especially wish all of our friends of Angels a day blessed with beautiful memories...
These Mom's and Grandmother's everywhere especially deserve a sweet day as they are the strongest of all.
Without a doubt you all have taught me so much more about being a "Mom" then life and experience could ever teach me and for that, I thank you with all my heart for a gift so much from the heart.

I have no idea what tomorrow will bring us here but I can tell you that tonight my two lil' boys dragged me back to Wal-Mart "one more time" so they
could get me one more sweet little surprise with their very own dollars.
I am still sitting here getting all misty over it. :0) all know my boys and they also detoured over to the toy section for a little something for themselves too.
Gotta love um, you really do.

We took a trip over to Lake Griffin State Park in Fruitland Park today and we had a blast.
There are some new pictures up tonight so you can all see for yourself.
Some highlights...well, we ALL laughed our butts of listening to Kody "talk" {make some kind of sound} to a Mama Gator and having her {wherever she was because we found her babies but couldn't find her} answer him. It was very strange but very funny in it's own little way. :0)
BTW...we stayed in a very safe location...really!!
Playing baseball and for once and for all proving to my kids that I really CAN hit a ball, but forget running around bases cuz I am just not into that anymore.
And of course our educational nature hike that was pretty much anything BUT educational.

I also took some pictures of the boys this morning before we left and some of those are up too on the photo page. I still have some to tidy up and touch up so those I'll get up within the next few days...they are beautiful!!

You know...I have seen some changes in Kody this past week, sadly not for the good. He has been dragging his feet and sort of limping...he tells me he always feels like his foot is asleep. Lately he's been dropping things constantly but I think the final straw was seeing the photos I took today.
I hadn't really noticed it but when I pulled those pictures out of the camera and onto the computer screen I was pretty shocked..his eyes looked pretty messed up.
Please don't get me wrong..he is as handsome and beautiful {or like Kody would say...HOT!} as ever but...WHEW...the photos just kind of knocked me for a loop and put the topper on my suspicions. matter what medical insurance says, I simply cannot wait till September for another MRI. I have to call and get him in quicker then that.
Call it "Mothers Intuition" if you want but I know in my heart something is changing.

Before I jump off here tonight please if you all would say a prayer for Kaidrie who is taking a horrible turn for the worst...many seizures and many steps back.
You can always find Kaidrie's updates on The Tumbleweed Foundation site.

OK Dad's and Mom's and Guys and Gals of all ages, I am going to leave you all tonight and try to wait patiently {NOT} for Karyelle and Kyle to get home. They have been in Orlando all day at a huge concert called "Earthday Birthday" and I am at my wits end waiting to hear the sound of Karyelle's car pull up.
I know...I know...
Once a Mom, always a Mom!!
Guess it doesn't matter how old they are.

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom!!!!!!!

Love you all...


Friday, May 6, 2005 10:44 AM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Kody Bear came home from school early yesterday not feeling his best, well...actually he felt real badly,
bad headaches, sore throat, fatigue.
This would be a great time to take him to his pedicatricain...
Oh wait...I can't!


Sorry...looks like I had a surge again!! 0)

Anyway....I'll just keep praying and hoping tylenol and rest will help so he can be in tip-top shape for this Tuesday's Disney Dreamers and Doers ceremony at Epcot.
We are all sooooooo excited about this...Kody Bear You Rock Buddy!!!

I better get going, watching Kody all sleepy, warm and snuggly makes me just want to crawl right in there with him.

Thank you so much for stopping by....Oh, look slike our Bud, Justin W. from "nj" just may be coming home today after having his heart surgery....Go Justin!!!!

Love you guys!!


Wednesday, May 4, 2005 12:20 PM

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~*~Thursday Morning~*~

Just wanted to jump on quick and answer a question in the GB before I start my running around and forget.

Re: Blood donating....

Yes, it is perfectly safe for us to donate blood. We are always 100 percent honest in the screening forms...everytime we donate we are asked to same questions {51 of them} and one of those question's is "have you ever had cancer?"
Fortunetly, mine was many, many moons ago and never in the bloodsteam.
It was called "something, something in sitro" which means it stays put right where is is without spreading to the blood, other vital organs or bone.
The only place it did spread to was within that areas and organs that were affected.
Pretty much ditto for Karyelle. Karyelle never needed treatments, thank God, many surgeries finally cured her.
The hysterectomy I had years ago had nothing to do with cancer.
There is alot of criteria one must pass before donating and even when you donate, your blood is still tested throughly before it is even considered safe blood for another person in need to use.
If the blood donation were not suitable we would be contacted over the phone and the results would be permanetly posted on the blood banks computer data base, this inforamtion is available all over the country so no mistakes are ever made.
As always there has never been a problem and since our current health is excellent I feel blessed to not foresee a problem in the future.

To be honest...the blood bank calls me when there is a dire need for my type and Kody's dr's have told us that should he ever need blood for a scheduled surgery, mine would be first choice because we share the same type.
But...since it takes seven days to test, like I mentioned it would have to be a scheduled surgery.
Unfortunetly all his surgeries {except for the eye surgery which was basically bloodless} have been emergancy ones.
Fortunetly Kody has never, ever needed a blood transfusion.

So...I hope that clears up any confusion...I am off to get some grocery shopping done before my lil' piranah's get home!! :0)

Have a great day all...

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Quickie update for now because I have to keep shutting the computer off due to some crazy Florida Springtime weather today.

Yes...Springtime in Florida...
Green palms as far as you can see, fields of beautiful purple wildflowers, cardinals singing in the trees, tropical looking birds in the backyard and of course, let's not forget....

Sudden dark skies....hurricane force gusts of wind...lightening strikes everywhere and....

Hail the size of quarters!!

Yes my soon as I was to walk out the door to run some errands Mother Nature decided to have a major attitude problem and she let loose with some pretty freaky weather. any concerned and responsible person would do, knowing very well that hail sometimes spawns tornadoes I ran and got the camera and started snapping off a few photos! :0)

As soon as I opened the front door the wind blew the hail about 20 feet buzzin' past me and through the living room into the kitchen...COOL and OUCH at the same time!!

So, it only lasted maybe 5 or so minutes but it was the biggest hail storm I've seen in the almost seven years I've lived here. And..BTW...the news people tell us it's no where near over till about 4 PM today.

It didn't take long for it to melt but as I walked out to the car to get those errands done {nothing comes in-between me and Wally World} I found this all over the yard...

And even more all around Kody's fort...

No word back yet from Jeb. :0(
No better news about insurance issues either but I'll keep waiting and waiting.

OK all...that's our morning in a nutshell...stay tuned for more exciting adventures of the Krazy K's, coming soon to a computer near you!! :0)

Love Yaz,

Monday, May 2, 2005 10:12 AM

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~*~Tuesday Night~*~

I spent most of the morning on the phone battling this insurance stuff...I ended up calling Jeb's office {as in Jeb Bush, Gov. of Florida....George Jr's Bro} and asking to speak to him...BTW...I just love going straight to the top.

They tell me I have to e-mail, fax or write in a request to have him call me, so..I did just that..e-mailed the man. soon as I pressed the "send" button...Kody's CMS worker called {we LOVE this lady, I call her my "pitbull"!!}, because she had gotten a call from another one of our favorite ladies from Ped-I-Care {who read Kody's site this morning} and after CMS placing a call to Tallahasee it was finally said that...UGH...
Basically Kody is without medical insurance for 60 days.
Now..there is an OK side to this and that being CMS has a safety net for kids like Kody so as long as I take him to Shands Dr's he will be seen and the visit paid for BUT, this also means he cannot get his new glasses {I just got the referral for them last Friday} for 60 days and he cannot go back to see the ENT for the baruim swallow tests results for another 60 days.
He also cannot see his pediatrician should he get sick with something common {ear infection, throat infection, etc..}

The other two kids...well, I am still working on that.....nobody returns my calls, but as far as anyone can tell me...they are without insurance for 60 days also.

And all because having a million other things on my mind I sent in a check a little late instead of remembering to pay on-line, which of course would have been a whole lot quicker...modern technology and all, DUH.

And you much you want to bet they cash the check and I still don't have coverage for the kids?
So..if they do they are keeping two months worth of payments to cover medical insurance that the kids don't even have.

Oh....and Kody's Carbatrol and Diastat{seizure med's.} and Maxalt {headache med}..I have to take those prescriptions that I fill locally here in Leesburg and take a 160 mile round trip to Shands to have it filled.

So...that basically was my migraine for the day except for one other tiny little thing...

Today I sewed with Kaysha's sewing machine 3 patches on Kolin's karate uniform.
Please don't took all of FIVE hours!
Seriously, this is no joke.
I sewed, lost thread, busted my bobbin, stitched his sleeves together eight times, got the patches all crooked, stapled them, then opted for pins which I didn't have so I had to run out to CVS to buy, repositioned the patches all over, bent my pins, stuck myself, lost my thread spool because it flew off the top of the machine and into a bag of dog food I forgot to close up this morning, jammed my bobbin thingy again, caught my finger in the mess, ran the thread off the patch and onto the material while yelling about the finger thing but finally.....FINALLY I got those blasted patches on.

I hope they hold up to the washing machine.

You know...I got to thinking tonight after being told this should have only taken me 10 minutes....

Some people are just born domestic...others are born to PAY other people to be domestic for them.

Guess which one I am?? :0)

With those words of wisdom tonight...I'm outta here, sleepy time baby!! :0)

Love you all...


PS. Man did Carrie rock tonight!!
All you American Idol fans know what I mean.
But...I don't know, I'm still leaning towards Scotty, what can I say...I always root for the underdog..LOL!!
And what was up with Simon...was he doing shots before hand, I have never seen him be so nice before. :0)



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Kolin's Communion yesterday went off without a single was absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!
I'll have to post some pictures up but may not get to that until later on....busy day today!! :0)

Anyway...some hightlights of yesterday.....
The weather was great, not a single drop of rain!!
Kolin was chosen to be first on line, first to actually recieve the Eucharist and he was chosen to bring up the gifts to the alter.
He truly looked awesome!!
Afterwards we hit Olive Garden and had the best time...great waiter...and when we were ready for desert {we brought a cake with us} all the waiters and waitresses came over and sang an Italian "Good Life" song...I have no idea what the name of it is.
Anyone who works at Olive Garden know the song? It's the same one they sing for b-days, I believe.

Speaking of singing...Kody and Kolin had sooooo many people laughing and in awe of their singing skillls...
While we were seated waiting for our table they suddenly got the urge to sing "That's Amore" You know, the "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie...That's Amore" song.
Well....I mean really, how many 9 and 7 year old kids actually know this song, every single word? Mine do!!
Crazy as this may sound, though it fits right into our insane household, we all play that song on the computer stereo every Christmas Eve at dinner and we sing along LOUD right before we eat.
Plus...the kids love it so much I have it burned onto a CD that they insist on playing every single morning on the drive to school.

Though I didn't get a video clip of them singing really loud...I got a small one when they decided to sing again at the table during dinner so later on I'll get moving on getting that up.

By the time we got home {around 5 I think} we were so full, fat and tired we just came home, kicked off those dress clothes and sprawled out over every available bed, sofa, recliner chair and we did nothing but FLOUNDER and count the minutes till bedtime!! :0)

BTW...In Florida when you donate blood you receive, in exchange, gift certificates for local restaurants, Olive Garden being one of them.
Between Karyelle and myself we've been racking those baby's up for quite some time and hanging on to every one of them.
They definetly came in handy yesterday. :0)

I had gotten an e-mail a little bit ago from one of our great friends, the Wyatt's who you all may know as that other crazy "skating and music lovin'" family.
Justin, who is from New Jersey so that would be NJ is having his long awaited, and many times postponed heart surgery at CHOP.
Please send some prayers Justin's way...he is such a wonderful kid...and does so many things for my boys..he is like a big brother who lives too far away.
So..let me go over this one more time....

justinw from nj

would love to hear from Kody's fans..thank you!!!!

Well...I am off to make about 100 more phone calls today...

This morning I am sooooooo sething mad at the kids insurance group I could spit.
The kids {Kaysha, Kody and Kolin} have been with the same medical insurance for years and years. I have never sent a payment in late...and actually for a while I had sent in three months worths of payments early but as things happened, last months {April's} payment went in late.
I tried to make up by sending in April and May's at the same time hopefully thinking they would graciously accept both payments but on Saturday I get a letter in the mail saying "Sorry to inform you but your childrens, Kaysha, Kody and Kolin's, medical insurance has been cancelled starting May 1. You can reapply and be put on a waiting list that we review every year".
Hello??? Has any of these !*$#@*! seen they have a kid on there with some pretty severe medical problems? Guess not.
Well...after calling there and ONLY getting a computer to talk too and after slamming the phone on the table a couple of times, the best I could come up with was some stupid pre-recorded message that said "If you would like us to call you back punch in your phone number and account number"
Now what ever hapened to the days of pressing "0" and getting a real live person to speak with? of right now, everything we had scheduled for the month of May is cancelled...

No eyeglasses...
No barium swallow test..
No Oncology appointment...
No ENT follow up....
No labs...
No Maxalt {headache med}
And no more Carbatrol...which is the medicine Kody takes everyday, twice a day to keep the seizures away.

Let's not even get into June. :0(

Kolin has an appointment with his ADHD doctor this afternoon...I have to call an cancel that one too.

Did you ever just want to scream becasue you just can't win no matter how hard you try?

OK guys and gals...I am on my way to wreck havoc over the phone, wish me luck.

Thank you all for stopping by...have a GREAT day!!!

Love, Kim

Saturday, April 30, 2005 12:07 PM

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~*~Sunday Morning~*~

Greetings Everyone from the NON-RAINING "K" Family!!!!!!!!

I just had to come on this morning and tell you all this....a true story of belief, miracle and a little 7 year old boy's prayer. goes..

About two or so months ago a dear friend of mine, Becky from Penn. was telling me how on days her family would have huge events like weddings and such and the weather was predicted to be horrible, they would always hang a picture of the Blessed Mother, Mary in the front window. all my commotion filled days I totally forgot all about that....that is until I clicked on Kody's GB yesterday and found a message from another of Kody's fans, Mrs. Debbie, who left me a lil' reminder that she too does the same. {BTW...she and Becky don't know each other}.
So...last night I hung that picture in our front window and got a few "Huh, what is she doing??"

I told Kolin what I was doing and he thought it was so cool but as I told him "Cool isn't cutting it Dude, you've got to say a prayer to Her too."
And so..Kolin went to bed last night and silently asked Mary for a no rain kind of day for his big day.

About a half an hour after Kolin went to bed, as predicted the rain and wind and lightening started.
Did I have doubts? Nope...not at all. You gotta have faith, right?

This morning when Daddy Bear woke me up with also woke up to the sound of birds singing outside and I thought...
"Hey, birds don't sing in the rain"
That's when Daddy Bear said "Well Kim, you did it...the weather report says NO rain for today, the storm just left".
As much as I'd like to take credit for that wasn't me.

It was a heartfelt prayer from one Mom to another, topped off with a sweet prayer from a little {soon to be big} boy on his First Communion Day.

And so this afternoon at 12:30 Kolin Ross Kruppenbacher will be walking into St. Pauls Church, first on line to make his Communion.

Thank you Mrs. Debbie for the subtle reminder and thank you Mary for our miracle today. :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone...we sure will!!!!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

We just got back from Kolin's Communion practice...he is going to be first on line and he was chosen to carry up the cool is that?! :0)

Tomorrow ought to be a sweet day.....BUT....{always a but, right?} it is supposed to pour rain, wind, lightening and they've already warned us of potential toranado warnings. UGH!!!!
Anyone out there know of a "No Rain Dance/Prayer"?

Yesterday I had all three kids home with sore throats, headaches and mild fevers...just great, right?
Today...they seem alot better but I'll tell ya, that Kody Bear..he is sleeping sooooo much these days, at least a few hours every afternoon.

I'm going to make this a quickie today...I have to get to the florists to pick up a white spring rosebud booteneer {spelling???} for Kolin's suit jacket tomorrow and since the weather today is gorgeous...and Kaysha is doing "something" to Kody's hair right now {I can hear the two of them in the bathroom and I am really afraid to look}...I think I'll take Kody and Kolin over to our local Honda dealer..they have a ton of choppers on display, they'll love it.

Ahhhh...Kody just showed me his hair...Oh Lord!! :0)

I better many things to do today. :0(

Love you all....


PS. Sorry about the so-so entry today....Mamabear is having one of those days, you the fuse is lit on both ends, camel's back ready to break, plates too full, everything I touch turns to poop kind of day.

I'll update tonight and be sure to add on some new pic's of that Kaysha/Kody Doo".

Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

PPSS. The Kody bracelets....and those who haven't gotten theirs...I'm on it, I am so sorry I haven't answered everyone's e-mails yet...but I do have your mail so please know that I am looking into it.

Dot....AGAIN I apoligize for saying I'd be home when you called and then realized I had to get Kyle to work.
We will talk and the kids will too...I promise!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:35 PM

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~*~Thursday Afternoon~*~

Hey all...

I have to run out soon and do the school pick me up's but wanted to take a minute to let you all know how yesterdays ENT visit went.

Well....first they numbed up his nose with some spray stuff which dripped down his throat that he said tasted like !@#*#@!...
Then they took a long, thin tube with a light at the end and stuck it up his nose, bypassing all boogers great and small and finally stopping somewhere towards his throat which BTW...
Kody HATED every blasted second of it but hardly flinched at all.
Amazing..truly amazing....cuz I would have leaped off that chair and out the second story window.

So...everything looked normal but the swallowing issues appear to be possibly tumor pressing on his 9th nerve ever so slightly. be 100 percent positive he has to have a "modified barium swallow test".
I'm still waiting for the referral to come through on that so I can get him in for that, probably at Shands, Arnold Palmer Hosp. for Women and Children was our other option but why throw another hospital in the mix.

Now...should that barium swallow test come back OK, then we can be certain it is that pesky 9th nerve giving him a hard time. Should his tumor grow any in that place, it will get worse.
But...for now he doesn't really bother him too much, I mean it could be a whole lot worse and Thank You God, it isn't.

And now, with that out of the way...let me let you all on in a lil' secret about those "adorable, angelic Communion pic's" of Kolin.
Well...if you look hard enough you can see that bit of devil shining through!
I think somebody in the GB hit it on the nail when they said "onery".
Kolin is definetly the "Home Alone" type kid...or Dewey from "Malcom in the Middle".
One day I'll have to show you his "Home Alone" picture.

While I tried my best to create a very beautiful, well behaved portrait of Kolin this is really how it went....

I get him dressed up, tie is perfect, rosary's are perfect, hair is perfect and sit him down.

Imagine him posed on a barstool and me camera in hand...

Kolin: This is so weediculous Mom, I hate...

And then he turns to me and SMILES!

Kolin: I hate the tie, I hate dressing up and I hate...

And then he turns to me and SMILES!

Kolin: Why do I have to do this, this is so dumb...

And then he turns to me and SMILES!!

OK, so that went on about an hour and I wish you all could have seen the photos I deleted...rosary's swinging, eyes rolled, finger up the nose.

I know everyone who has a son is right now saying "Oh yeah....I know what you mean".

But...thankfully I did end up with some nice shots...and thankfully putting him in a suit won't happen again for a loooooong time. :0)

No, wait...his Communion is this we go again.

OK, so this brings me to Kody who is soooooo completley opposite of Kody.
While at Wal-Mart last night looking for shoes for Kolin {which they didnt have, go figure} Kody begged, and pleaded and begged for a "white button down shirt, a cool tie NOT from the boys dept and khaki shorts"

So...I am thinking "who is this kid and where is my Kody??"

But seriously...he wants that shirt, tie and shorts in the worst way and no, I didn't buy it for him.

But, last night when we got home I asked him why in the world he wants that outfit so bad and he said to me...

"Mom...I would look sooooooooo hot..just think of all the possibilities!"

SIGH....looks like another trip to Wally World just might be in my near future...I mean after all, who am I to mess with "hotness"?

They grow up so fast, don't they?

Gotta run, it's that time of day and soon my house will be bombarded with backpacks, snacks, kids, school papers and all those toys I put away this morning?

Take care and have a fun filled kind of day...

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

You know how some days it seems like your parade is constantly being rained on?'s been that way for a few weeks now but....I have got some GREAT news to share tonight that just put a whole lotta sunshine on that dark cloud we've been carrying around....

Well...a couple of months ago Kody's 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Frates, nominated Kody for Disney's Dreamers and Doers.
500 kids were nominated and a judging commitee comprised of community leaders and Disney Cast Members reviewed the applications.
Of all these 500 kids from schools all over Central Florida, only 100 were chosen to be finalists because they have "demonstrated outstanding efforts in the area of character development, positive attributes, and serve as role models to others."

I can't keep this in anymore......


On Tuesday, May 10th we are off to the 2005 Disney Dreamers and Doers Awards Ceremony at Epcot's World ShowPlace Pavilion where Kody will be honored and recognized for this great achievement.

One child that day will be picked from each school group {elementary, middle, high school} as the DisneyHand Shining Star.

I guess it goes without saying that we are sooooooooooo proud of Kody and soooooooooooo happy that Mrs. Frates, out of love for one little boy, took time from her very busy schedule {we go to Church together..I know Mrs. Frates schedule!!} to nominate our Bear.
Thank you...Thank you...Thank you so, so very much!!!

I heard from and was faxed the results of Kody's labs from last week and those look pretty good too...let's see, I'm new to this so let me see what I can remember...
His Medication Levels are 8.07 which are perfect...the Carbatrol, {anti-seizure meds} are staying in him and doing their job. His liver is fine but his WCC {White Cell Count} is on the low/normal side. They say not to be concerned but because white cells control your immune system, just keep him away from sick people.
I talked to the nurse at his school and she'll call me should any virus start rearing their ugly heads around the elementary group.
Only 21 more days of school to go...we can make it!!

Kody did come home around 2 o'clock today with a headache and slept. He's been back to sleeping everyday again. Strange?

Tomorrow is his appointment with the ENT. You know...that's going to be a kind of bittersweet appointment, I mean...if they find something wrong then OK, but if they don't find anything wrong then OK, but there still is something wrong because good results from the ENT only mean that it will be bad results from neuro.
So...if the swallowing issues are not throat related then that makes them neuro. related.
Guess this is a good example of "ya can't win for losin'".

Well guys and gals..I'm off to check up on a few kids and then sleepytime for me.

Kolin's Communion Pictures are up on the photo page....there are many, and that isn't even all of them!! My bad!!!!! :0)

Love you all...


Monday, April 25, 2005 10:51 AM

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~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Oh Man....yesterday was such a great day for Kody!!
If you look on the photo page you'll see a very happy, smiling Bear holding up an award he earned at CCD {Sunday school}.
This award was for "Faithful Attendance"...and he wanted that award soooooooo bad ever since last year!! :0)
I wish you all could have seen his face when his name was called...only one of a handful and that includes Kaysha too.
Everybody there was just besides themselves cheering, clapping, banging on the tables, yelling his name....what an accomplishment!
You know what's so cool...after brain surgeries, seizures and what not...he still insists on going to Church and CCD every single week.

Kolin though was upset that he missed by one day but he still walked over to Kody, congratulated him and gave him the most precious hug...sorry, no pic's I was kind of busy saying "AWWWWWWWWWW".

But....things still will work out for Kolin because I found tucked in his backpack this morning a note inviting all of us to go see Kolin get his Math Superstars Trophey next week....GO KOLIN!! :0)
Plus...his progress report {pre-report card} shows that he is on the AB honor roll once again.
And....this coming Sunday is Kolin's First Holy Communion!!!!
Looks like Kolin's coming up days are gonna be terrific after all. :0) let's back up to this weekend when we met one of Kody's HUGE fans!!
Mary, who is Terri {Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw's" best friend} was here in Leesburg for Bikefest.
On a very rainy wet, icky, damp and cool Saturday we met!! That gal was all over Kody like white on rice and Kody was lovin' every single minute of it!! :0)
BTW...The smiles all around chased away all the rainly miserables.

****Pictures on the Photo Page****

Hmmmm...let me tell you what Kody said to all of this at first....
OK, well first Mary's husband Robert was there at Karl's garage that he works at....seems he was having some bike problems and Karl was there to fix him up. When things were fixed he pulled out of the bay where Kody was standing to pick up Mary from up a fe wblocks.
However..Kody didn't know this and when he pulled back into the bay about 10 minutes later Kody turns around and says "Mom....that Dude just left by himself and came back with a girl on the back.....COOL!!!!"
We had such a fun time visiting and Kody and I even had a chance to talk to Mrs. Terri on Mary's cell. Kody was so happy......when he got off the phone he told me "Wow Mom...Mrs. Terri told me she loved me about 7 million times!!".

Though we didn't get a chance to hang out for too long and since it was pouring out and I had to run back home to get Kyle to work we did manage to hang out and watch the bikes crusie up and down Main Street for a good while yesterday after CCD.
Kody was totally lovin' it and Kolin was too until he started nodding off on Kody's lap. It was too cute watching Kody run Kolin's head. :0)

Let's what will today bring?
Welp, we were supposed to be at Oncology this morning but as usual something will always come up and so we had to cancel...we'll go back on Tuesday May 10th.
We go to the ENT Doc this Wednesday to see about those swallowing problems he has every so once in a while.

Since the kids are on a mini vacation from school today {for Passover} it'll be a great day to dress Kolin in his suit and get his Communion pictures done...that way it'll save me from having to do them on Sunday when 100 other people and myself are struggling to get the perfect shot at the perfect location at Church.
I found that thinking ahead saves a whole lot of time and sometimes tears. frees us up for beautiful memories that could never be replaced.

And...since the weather is beautifully cool today...I better get the grass cut again, all that rain we had on Sat. just made our grass pop up everywhere.
I yardwork. HATE housework though. and I are definetly opposites there!! :0)

OK guys and gals....times a wastin' and I am ready to get my day started.

Thank you all soooooooo much for stopping by...Have yourselves a "Totally Sickular Day Dudes!!"
****That was from Kody****

Love you all....


Friday, April 22, 2005 11:45 PM

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~*~Saturday Night~*~

Nobody's mentioned it yet and I am kind of surprised. :0)
But.....yesterday morning Kody got tired of his long hair always being sweaty and in his face so as he watched Kolin get his haircut, Kody decided he wanted his short and spikey for the summer.
I miss his long locks soooooooooo much!!'s OK though, it'll grow back in three weeks...gotta LOVE that kids fast growing super thick hair!! :0)

Relay pic's are up tonight and there will be some more tomorrow of our time we had today visiting with of Kody's super biggest fans!!
And ahhhhhh.......Kody has become a Super BIG Mary fan....shhhhhh, don't tell Robert, her hubby, and Mrs. Terri {Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw"} cuz she just may get a tad bit jealous too!! :0)

Terri....Kody had a GREAT time talking to you via Mary's cell today and SO DID I!!!!
Now....Git your butt to Leesburg Girl!!

Have a great night all....

Love, Kim


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Tonight's Relay-for-Life was AWESOME!!!!

I'll have lots of pictures to share this weekend so stay tuned....
Though it's pretty late, let me just highlight a few things that happened at Relay...

OK, the kids had a blast playing in this inflatable slide till the darn thing collaped...but that didn't stop my kiddo's from having a great time anyway. :0)

The award ceremony was great, Kody, Karyelle and myself all walked up hand in hand to get out Survivor medals and pins.
We were also given "caretaker" pins to keep but since Kolin and Kaysha are wonderful caretakers too, I think I'll just pass those well deserved pins on to them.

The Survivior lap was awesome and this year there were three children there including Kody. Cool that Kody wasn't the only one but so sad at the same time, you know?
Kody was though...without a doubt, the one with the most personality/flair. :0) That kid can just capture an audiance anywhere he goes.

I think the part that will stick with me the most is the "Luminari Lap" where we all walk with a lit candle silently around the track in loving memory of all those who have passed.
This is when Kolin finally "got" why we were there...because without a cure, people will die every single day. I wish you all could have been there because it was so quiet walking around that lap but the only thing I will always remembering hearing as long as I may live is the sound of Kolin crying.
I tried as best I could to make him feel better by telling him how all the Angels are so happy because they see him with their candle but it really was no use...over and over he said "But why did Cheyenne have to die Mommy?" and the worst part is when he realized his own brothers mortality {for the first time ever} and he started crying hard and saying "Mommy..what about my Kody, Mommy could something bad happen to Kody, could Kody be an Angel too...Please tell me no, please Mom"
Oh...I can't even tell you how that tore me up..that's when I basically lost it too soooooo....
In order to feel better we left to find the ice cream guy and wouldn't you know it...he ran out of ice cream! :0(

We met some really great people and I will always remember them...a husband and his wife who wore the "Purple Shirt" {survivor}, how great they were to talk to the kids and play with them so Karyelle and I could eat actual hot food. :0)

And then there was the gentleman who spotted Kody and wanted to give a blinking light up happy face necklace. He was there in memory of his daughter who passed three years ago. I saw his pin he was wearing with her picture and dates on it...she was my age.
As to not make Kolin feel left out at all....he pulled out another light up smiley and gave it to Kolin. I LOVE when people do that, it means so much to him and he treasures that smiley necklace.

OK....more news of the day...>>>

We made it to watch some bikes pull into Leesburg today for day #1 of Bikefest...the boys and I hung out at Karl's job for about an hour this afternoon. We're going back tomorrow after Kolin's parent/child retreat and guess what? We are going to meet one of Kody's biggest fans {Mary} who will be here in Leesburg for Bikefest tomorrow! How cool is that??!! :0) know how streaks of bad luck just seem to run in our family?
As I was home this afternoon getting ready for relay, Karl calls me and says "Sit down, you are not going to believe this" of Karls customers had lent him a know, the kind with an get back and forth to work from because he knew we only have one car.
Just last week, the guy asked Karl if he wanted to buy it...$20 a month till it was paid off and we thought "Heck yeah....$2.00 a week in gas to get back and forth to work"
Well, we were supposed to make our first payment next week when this afternoon a drunk woman backed up into it where it was parked at the garage he works at. So many people were yelling at her to stop, including Karl but she just kept going in her huge pick up truck.
Needless to say, the scooter is totalled. She backed up into it and pushed it right into a brick and plastic were everywhere.
And we are back to square 1 again.
And...while I was there taking pictures of it she had the nerve to say "Oh...this isn't so bad, your lucky" Then she had the B***S to say "Well, you shouldn't have parked it there". UGH!!!!

Oh...but it gets worse...last night at around 11 o'clock our well pump which had been acting crazy lately decided it was a great night to seize up on us and so we are out of running water for a while.

You know...alot of people tell me God only gives you what you can handle but...ahem...Lord...I am at my breaking point here so how's about backing down a little, OK?

OK guys and's way late and I have to be up way early in the AM so I'm about to jump off for tonight.
I'll get those new photos up this weekend.


Love you all...


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:00 AM CDT

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~*~Thursday Morning~*~

I hate cancer...even more then that I hate cancer and how it affects friendships that should have lasted a lifetime.
I am sure many of you had recently come to know Carrison. An absolutley great young man with a heart of pure gold.
Carrison "adopted" Kody through Share the Love and the two hit it off immediately...both loving life, skating, girls and both having something very much in common....a brain tumor.
When Kody just "had to have" those treasured Adio Bam Margera Heartogram skate shoes...Carrison made sure a brand new pair in Kody's exact size showed up in our mailbox.
When Kody was in the hospital or just not feeling great...Carrison spread the word like wildfire and the Heavens were flooded with prayer.
On the morning of April 14th, our lose was Heavens gain when Carrison passed away.
I had just found out myself last night....we actually had been wondering why Carrison hadn't been signing in lately nor e-mailing as he was very much a part of Kody's life and Kody's page. That news hit me hard last night and I haven't got it in me yet to tell God that child has lost so many precious friends. I know I have to...I mean how many times can I look at Kody as he watches his GB or the mailbox hoping for "Carrison's magic" to just show up at any time.
Please...if you all would, extend prayer and support to Carrison's family and many, many friends...especially to Michaela...his wife of only two weeks.
Thank you all so much and God Bless.

Love, Kim


~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $550.00 and Karyelle $480.00~*~

~*~Hi Everyone~*~

WOW....we are down to two more days till The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life. and thanks to the kindness of so many of you...Kody and Karyelle have come out huge winners on the top of the donation list!!
Together they have a combined total of over $1,000.00!!!
You are all the BEST!! :0)

Friday also starts Day #1 of Leesburg's Bikefest....a HUGE event here in Leesburg and one we take part's only 3 miles from home and two blocks up from Karl's job. I swear, all day Friday, Saturday and some of Sunday you can actually feel the ground shake from all those bikes. This year they expect at least 150,000 bikes from all over the country. Cool, huh??
So...if any of you happen to be in the Leesburg area this weekend, let us know.
Kolin has his last Communion "Parent and Child" retreat until 1 PM on Saturday and after that it's good possibility you'll find us camped out at Dale's Exxon {Karl's job} at the corner of HWY 27 and Main St., kickin' back on lawn chairs, sippin' on some soda's and watching the bikes cruise up and down the street.
Lots of fun and great weather this weeekend....Leesburg is a GREAT place to live!!

~*~Leesburg Bikefest 2005~*~

Not much else happening here....oh, our true "old people" style, SIGH...we ended up eating at home with our kids and falling asleep fairly early.
We'll save the Olive Garden for a weekend when we can drive out in the afternoon instead of night.
Heck, we didn't even get to eat the giant heart shaped brownie I made us.....but, there's always tonight, right?? :0)
The song...well..sooooooo many of you knew it and I am REALLY IMPRESSED!!!
Yes, it was Peaches and Herb "I Pledge my Love" and the song had literally just come out right before we were married.
Amazing how things happen..I mean Karl REALLY had his hope set on something "Van Halen"...whew..thank you fate! :0)

Many of you are new to Kody's site and probably didn't see my last years anniversay message to Daddy I think just for today I'd like to post that one again...just for old times sake. it is....

~*~Written April 19th 2004~*~

Today is a really special day for me...
One that I am truly proud of yet one that sometimes gets brushed to the side when life gets in the is Karl and my 24th wedding anniversary!!!!!

So..with that I dedicate this next part to man, the love of my life, my soul, my heart and everything else that is good in my life....

{Please feel free to skip this if your not into mushy stuff}

Dear Karl a/k/a Bub a/k/a Babe a/ka Dude!!!

Sometimes we don't always take the time everyday to say "I love you"...sometimes life get's in the way, the kids are always wanting something/fighting/or generally being a pain in the rear....
Whenever we seem to have a minute to doubt the phone will ring.
Your a morning person...I'm a night owl.
You zonk out on me when you play Spider Solitaire...
I zonk out on you when I play "Spongebob Collapse".
We are complete opposites in so many ways..yet we are so alike in even more ways.

When things seem to much to handle...when I can't take anymore...
It is YOU that helps me through everything, it's YOU I can depend on to fix things, to fix me.
I could not imagine ever not having you...not waking up next to you..not hearing your voice on the phone 6 times a day asking me "What's for dinner?" :0)
My favorite part of the day is when I hear your bike coming down the street...slowly and catiously avoiding our kids and at least 8 to 12 of their friends on the street every night.
I can depend on you...knowing in my heart that you will be there at the same time side trips, no bars, no friends..just a husband and a Dad anxious to get home to his family.
Maybe we don't own a mansion...maybe our bills are sent out late sometimes...maybe vacations seem like something that only other families get...maybe I don't own a new SUV and we all wear Wal-Mart's finest.
I own something more precious and sacred then all of that...I own your heart and you own mine.

When we are rushed to get out of the house in the morning and the only thing we have time for is a quick cup of coffee together...please know that in the few minutes I have to myself...I close my eyes and think of the crazy, fun and sweet times we have had throughout these past 24 years.

I remember the first day I ever laid eyes on you, later that day I saw you again in the grocery store where you swiped the brightest red apple off the shelf and asked me if I wanted a bite? I still can't believe I told you "no"...:0)
Who would believe we would be married 3 months later??

I remember how we couldn't afford fancy outfits and tickets for my senior prom because we were just newly instead you took me to a local carnival...won me a white teddy bear with a red bow and bought me a vanilla sundae with chocolate syrup, nuts and marshmallow gooey stuff. That ice cream tasted better than a lobster dinner ever could have!

I remember the look on your face everytime one of our kids was you were the first to see and hold them, and yes...I can still remember the tears in your eyes after each miracle.

I still remember plain as day when Karyelle was born and you were so excited you ran around the nurses station asking if "there were any single mom's who needed a coach!!" You were definetly the talk of the hospital for as long as I was there!!

I remember all those lazy weekends B.K. {before kids} when we would go to a school and fly kites all day...we'd lose them to the wind or a tree..and we would go out, buy another {remember they were only 50 cents for a real decent one back then} and try again.
Who would think 24 years later we still do that..only with a few kids, RC cars, planes, helicopters, snacks, juice boxes and lots of wet ones in tow?

I remember how you would proudly wear all those handmade painted Father's Day t-shirts our kids made...even in front of your more tougher friends!

I remember when I was going though cancer treatments and the chemo. would make me feel like a mack truck with chains ran me over a few times and the interfron would make me shake like a were there, sitting by my side...never letting go. Scared...but holding on to every bit of strength you had to make me feel better and care for for our then..4 kids.

I remember practically begging you to go out ice fishing or to watch a football game with your friends because you needed a break too...not too often you would actually listen but would always pack Kyle up and take him too. One of my most favorite pictures is of you and Kyle at 5 years old...all bundled up in his winterwear standing on a frozen lake holding up a fish that was almost as big as he was...I still don't know who looked prouder in the picture...Kyle, or you looking at him.

I remember a day when I told you I didn't think I would live to see all our kids grow up after cancer hit hard the third would have nothing to do with that...and you said you would sell your soul to the devil before I missed out on a single day of our kids lives.

I remember how all our kids friends thought you were the craziest Dad they had ever they thought that was so cool and how many of the ones without Dad's in their lives would always be hanging at our house on Sunday's because they knew you would be there to fix a broken bike, toss a football or just be there to talk and hear out their problems.

One of those kids will stay in my mind forever....I remember when Kyle, at 15 brought home Steven..a great kid, polite, sweet and so smart. Unfortunetly...his parents never thought so or took the time out to tell him this and Steven it turns out...was living on his own since the age of 13.
I remember how you took us all to Bikefest..of course, with Steven in he could do something so cool...check out women/girls in leather...OK...maybe not a whole lot of parents would approve of that, but Steven thought you were the most awesome Dad in the world!
I remember how badly you wanted to adopt that you drove around in a hurricaine looking for him when you thought he got "lost in the system" again.
And...I remember how hurt you were when his Mom refused to sign him away. Whatever becomes of that boy...I know you will always hold a very special place in his heart.

I remember our anniversary a few years back...when we had a bit too much to drink, found a park bench..then a helicopter with very bright lights found us!!! Now that had to have gone down in history as being one of my most favorite anniversaries yet!! :0)

I remember how for my whole life I was embarrassed because I couldn't swim...and how you put a pool up in our backyard and would wait till it was dark everynight so nobody could see and I wouldn't be embarrassed even more...and you taught me how to float and then eventually swim. Only because I trusted you with all my heart was I able to let go of my drowning fears.

I remember one beautiful spring day when we thought how romantic it would be to go for a canoe we rented one for an hour. was awesome...till we got chased by that gator that was the same size as our canoe!! I have to admit..I was scared, but I knew I was safe...because you were in charge of the situation.

I remember the day our first grand-daughter was born. How you held her tiny body, kissed her sweet face and then gave her back to God. I still remember how badly your heart broke that day and how that piece of you will never mend until the day you get to hold her again.
I know you wrote her a beautiful and touching letter...and I know it is stored in our computer. I also know you drive by her grave twice a day just to throw her a kiss.

I remember the day our second grand-daughter was born...and how your heart was bursting with pride...and how you swore there was never a more beautiful child anywhere in the world. And...I remember how you said without a single doubt...that she had ALL the Kruppenbacher features! Remember how we won $500.00 in the lottery's cash three the day she was born...and how we spent practically all of it on Pampers, rattles and cute baby clothes?

I remember watching you one night trying to figure out how to burn your first CD...and when you were done you handed it to me and said it was mine. When I played it I realized that every song on there was all my favorites. You called it your "Poker Hand" and you said that one CD would get you out of the doghouse everytime!!

I remember not long ago Kody asked you why you always drive when we are in the car...and you said "Because a womens seat is in the passenger side"...I KNOW you saw "that look" I shot you...and without skipping a said "Kody, Mommy drives all day long....when I'm in the car, it's time for her to relax"
I remember there were a few rumors going on in our house that "Daddy's says he drives because Mommy's driving scares him"....and I would like to thank you for squashing those rumors by getting into the passenger seat the next time we went out!! :0)

It still amazes me that the hands I see at work...picking up transmissions, slamming tools, aching and bent from a lifetime of holding wrenches, all calloused and hard can still be so soft and comforting when they hold my hand, when they touch our sleeping childs cheek, hold a newborn baby and even warm up a scared baby duck.

I guess I could go on and on....but, like you've told me 100 times "Stop being so long winded!!!"....
So, I'll cut this short and just say one more time....


True...some things on there have changed a bit...
Karlio's new computer game of the year is "Zuma Deluxe" and I'm completely wrapped up in every reality show you can imagine but for the most part, that bike he loved so much...well that was sold to pay bills when Kody's hospital stay made us in debt once again....but, some things never change, especially the truly good and memorable ones.

Thanks for stopping by today...I have got a ton of things to do around here and the kids come home from school early today so I better get my butt in gear.

Have an absolutley BEAUTIFUL day everone!!

Love you all....


PS. On a more personal note...

Love all of your "K" family here in Florida.

~*~April 19th....Happy 25th Anniversary Baby~*~

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $550.00 and Karyelle $480.00~*~

~*~Hey Everyone~*~

Hi, this is Kody's Dad!
It's my 25th wedding anniversary and I thought I would give Kim the night off. life has been a long and interesting ride, beer drinking, h**l raising, bike riding, fighting, arguing, working late, partying hard, my clothes thrown on the front lawn.
My friends said I wouldn't live to be 30 and then on January 10th, 1980 I met Kim and BAM...I was in love.
My brother introduced us and I knew I wanted her to be my partner for life!!!!
On April 19th 1980, three months after we met we were married.
It hasn't always been easy, that's for sure!
Well, here we are 25 years and 6 wonderful, beautiful kids later.
Everyone said it wouldn't last, they gave us 6 months at the most. Good thing they weren't betting with their lives.
Has it been hard? Yes!
Has it been fun? H**l yeah!
Would I do it all over again? Well, what do you think? Oh Yeah....a Double H**L Yeah!!
Kim...thank you for my life, my kids and our love!
I loved you from the minute I laid eyes on you and everyday since. Thank you Kim for the happiest days of my life, for being you and your undeniable love.

Oh yeah...Hi Kids!!!

Love Always and Forever....


~*~Hi Everyone~*~

Kim here....
Welp, I know I am supposed to take the night off but...WOW...How do I sit here and not respond to that? goes...

Dear Karl aka "Karlio" aka "Bub" aka "Dude"....

Just like the day you first came into my life and knocked me off my feet...the entry tonight that you left also knocked me off my feet.
All night I've been thinking of how after dinner you turned our wedding song on the computer for me to hear and then walked out the room fast. As I stood there washing the dishes, I couldn't help but smile and think of our day, 25 years ago.
I was OK...really OK all morning....just, you know..getting ready the way girls do, hair...nails...make-up {you know the routine}.
All I kept thinking of was how you were my Prince, the man who was going to wisk me away and we would be so happy forever.
Then....I remembered hearing somebody yell "The groom is here!" and that's when the butterflies hit hard!!
Good butterflies we were in the house, just one floor away yet you were too far away and there was only one place I wanted to be, only one place I needed to your arms. {Yep..those hunky arms!!}
On April 19th 1980 at 3:10 PM we both said "I will", exchanged gold rings and as our song says we became "Two hearts beating as one".
Twenty five years are not my Prince are my King and I your Queen and our hearts still beat as one.
Thank you Baby for my life, my kids and our love...a pure and unconditional love that nothing can shatter. has tried, it has also failed many, many times.
You and I were meant to be together forever...soulmates to the end.
Tonight, what I look most forward to is standing in the middle of our messy living room, amongst the toys and clutter...slow dancing in your strong arms to this, our song.
I love you Pal....For always and forever.


And oh yeah.....Hi Kids!!! :0)


OK.....back to our family and friends...

Thank you so much for stopping by today and celebrating with us!! :0)
Soooooooo......because of several requests last year {Lyn aka "Mohawk Man's biggest fan"....I mean you here girl!!} I've added a picture of us on our wedding day, this is the only picture we have and it sits on Karl's night table where it has lived forever.
So...without any further ado...may I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Big Hair on their wedding day....>>>

OK...quit laughing!! On a brighter note...we were both waaaaaaaayyyyy thinner back then! :0)

Now...I wish I could put up somemore pictures but years and years ago all our wedding proofs {our photographer had a fatal heart attack and we never got our actual prints or negatives} were distroyed in a fire.
Someone once asked me if I have ever had any regrets...well yes, actaully just one and I think it would be those darn pictures. :0(
Quite some time ago, probably around our 15th or so Karl and I got to talking and joking around and we both made this crazy pact to renew our vows on our 25th anniversary...complete with lots of new pictures, plenty of family, friends, good food, lots of drinks and hopefully on a beach with dolphins playing in the background {hey...a girl can dream right??!!}.
SIGH....that was way before cancer came into our lives and struck Karyelle...then as lightening is sometimes known to do, struck twice when Kody was diagnosed.
Suddenly our lives were consumed with doing everything humanly possible to see our children live.
It really just dawned on me yesterday about the "pact" we had. Maybe on our 50th?? How does that sound Karlio, think we'll be too old?? :0)

Oh...One more thing before I jump off of here...Our wedding song? I'm not going to tell you many of you can tell us the name of it and who sang it?
Come on Mary, Becky, Chris, Terri...your all my age, right?? One of you's HAS to know it.
LOL....I'll tell you all tomorrow!! :0)

Have a great day everyone...what will we be doing on this day?
Going out for dinner to the Olive Garden compliments of my BEAUTIFUL sister and very AWESOME brother-in-law, Vikki and Phil!!
Guys...we PROMISE to go alone and I PROMISE the card and pictures are in the mail!! Love you both!!!!

Karyelle....Thank you for the gift of "Silver"...the silvery wheels on our new lawnmower are sooooooooo BLING BABY!!
Love you too girl! :0)

All our other "K" kids....make us desert...we'll be comin' home for some sweet stuff!

Later Gators...

Love, Kim

Friday, April 15, 2005 2:02 AM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

Just a quick note to let you all know Kody had a GREAT day today!!!!
Have I ever told you how much I LOVE days like this? :0)
That boy must have told me at least 700 times today "I love you more then the universe..more then my heart can possibly hold, more then tater tots"

Now that's love Baby!! :0)

I'll update tomorrow...Kody goes for his labs in the AM, school afterwards.

Thanks for stopping you all!!



~*~Saturday Night~*~

Hi everyone...

Sorry..I almost forgot to update today..DUH!

I have no idea where the day went..ever have one of those days where it goes by so fast that you just totally lose track of time?

Anywhos...Kody is doing great today...Kyle is hurting like a son of a gun but, hopefully with the antibiotics he's taking, he'll be on the will just take lots and lots of time.
And..since he's on the injured list, that kind of meant all possible yardwork became my job today.
Oh..I had help...yeah sure, Daddy Bear helped..hmmmm, let's see...
I mowed the yard and he watched...from behind...and his own words, ahhhhhh...."I like what I see baby!"
Men, you just gotta love um'!

Speaking of men and love, April is still fixin' to be a busy month as this Tuesday Mama Bear and Daddy Bear celebrate the big 25 Baby!!
That's right....twenty five married years, a whole quarter of a century...holy cannoli...TWENTY FIVE years waking up to the same person!!
And so...with that exciting news, I have something I'd like to share..

Yesterday Karl tells me "Kim, I'm doing the update on Tuesday, so just set me up and DO NOT correct anything".
So...with that in writing...let's see if he can walk the walk!! :0) all our adoring fans who celebrated with us last year...there were a few entries in the GB about posting a wedding picture and though it took a year of seriously considering it, I've decided...Heck, if you can handle that big hair then who am I to keep it to myself?
So, on Tuesday splashed right here will be not only a note from Karl, and wedding picture but also our wedding song too.
Now...let's see how many of you 40 somethings will remember the song?? :0)

Let's see...what else did we do today?
Well...actually we did pictures, lots of them!
And because I went a lil' overboard and since CB only gives so much room on the photo page, it looks like I may be swapping them out every few days so please keep stopping by the photo page...
I am sooooooo seriously proud of these pictures, my kids ROCK!
I have to tell you...if ever they become celebritys, they will have no problem whatsoever with papparazzi. :0)
Some kids are just naturals with a camera shoved in their face..luckily I have three kids just like that.

OK...let me go fetch some of those pictures right now and get them up...enjoy, enjoy!!

Till tomorrow I wish you all a beautiful and peaceful night....Sweet Dreams!!

Love, Kim


~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $550.00 and Karyelle $480.00 as of Wednesday, April 6th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~


I promise to update later's about 2 o'clock AM and Kyle and I just walked in the door from the E.R. {yeppers...the good old hospital again!}. To make a long story short, Kyle sliced the top of his finger off with a knife at work tonight...well,'s Friday now so I guess I should say Thursday night.
Since there was nothing left of the sliced off part, there was nothing that could be done except keep us waiting around for endless hours.
Anyway..enough of that...I sure hope none of you is reading this and trying to get down that first morning cup of coffee. :0(

Karlio...I truly apoligize cuz I know your probably reading this even before I am up and saying "What the !#@*!?!".

So...with that, let me go try and catch a little sleep until the next shift starts.

Kaysha....We love you girl...keep on being that crazy, sweet, unique little lady we love so much...and please, please, please for Daddy and Kyle's sake, don't grow up too fast. Poor Kyle sat around tonight saying "I can't believe Kaysha is 14, where does the time go??" :0)
And poor Daddy...well, let's not even go there.

I'll be back on later...
Stories to tell and pictures to show. :0)

Have a great day!!

Love, Kim

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:40 AM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $540.00 and Karyelle $470.00 as of Wednesday, April 6th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

The Bear is back in school!!!!!!!!!

As of yesterday morning he walked through those doors and never looked back..Kody had a great day, I stayed home and counted the minutes till he was back. Hey, what can I say...I totally love his goofy company. really, it didn't go real smooth at first and I really didn't stay home all day because 30 minutes into being there the school called to tell me more forms, more faxes, more phone calls and more signatures were in order. So, let's just leave it at 4 hours of running around, faxing from Karl's job {I really HAVE to get one of those things one day, we had one for two weeks a couple years ago when lightening took out the fax machine, computer and three TV's...what a day that was}. make a long story short, it all got accomplished and it looks all is far, anyway.

Thank you so much for all the Daddy Bear B-Day wishes...the cake was great {when is chocolate not ever great??} and the day was great too, busy and crazy but great.

Working on authorization numbers and referall forms was another top 5 things to get done yesterday and hopefully by this morning I'll have the paperwork to get Kody to the ENT and get his new glasses ordered.
We decided to stay local for the ENT since the reason for the appointment is to rule out anything not normal. Should something come back positive for problems with the swallowing then of course we'll take him to Shands ENT doc's.

Well..believe it or not I am off to make more calls...I have to get Kody a lab appoitment set up for Monday. Because of the Carbatrol, he needs to have his labs drawn every month. Who knew that med. could lower his white blood cell count? Hmmmm...not me until recently. Thank God for internet and great cyber-friends cause I swear I would be so clueless.
Plus I have to get the car brakes fixed, do Kyle's taxes {that kid is so last minute}, stuff some laundry in, figure out diner, go grocery shopping, feed the animals, wash the dishes, make the beds, and best of all...
Try to find the floors...I know somewhere under all those toys there really is a floor here somewhere!! :0)

OK guys and gals from all over the world, thanks for stopping by....I'm off...

Have a beautiful day...Love you all to pieces!!!!!!!

Love, Kim

Monday, April 11, 2005 1:09 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $540.00 and Karyelle $470.00 as of Wednesday, April 6th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~


We love ya Dude....we love you soooooooo much we won't even mention how many fingers and toes and fingers and toes and.....oh, never mind!! :0)

Quick update today, Kody and I have a cake in the oven that's coming out any minute and we have to tend to Kody's idea of the perfect birthday cake...chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate with a few star sprinkles mixed in for good measure.

I did take Kody to his pediatrician this morning for the swallowing problems and he is referring us to an EMT {ear, nose and throat doc.}
If all that comes back normal then we can chalk his swallowing {or lack of swallowing in our case} up to neurological problems coming from the brainstem.

Still going round to round with Kody's school....he's been out 3 weeks, he should have been back 2 weeks ago but I am getting the run around. Fortunetly I mentioned this to a good friend yesterday at church and as of this morning {Thank You Stephani and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!} she's been right on it for me and came up with lots and lots of great info. that I need as ammuniation on my attack to the school board for denying Kody an education..something every single child has a right to, disabled or not, especially since we are tax payers to Lake County and Fruitland park Elem. is in Lake County.
So...we'll see, I called back the head nurse this morning but called during her lunch break.
I told the nurse at his neurologist and he was pretty appalled last Friday. Nurse Mike also said there was no problem whatsoever getting that letter the school wanted faxed over right away.
I'll keep you all updated on that.

BTW...It was Aunt Vikki and Uncle Phil's anniversay yesterday...let's hear it for long lasting pretty cool marriage bliss!! :0)
And Vik...I DID NOT forget you head has not been there lately but I know you'll understand...all that peroxide throughout the years.

Ok guys and gals....the oven timer is beeping and I am outta here....

Love you all!!!!

Love, Kim and Kody Bear says to include him to

Love, Mama Bear and Kody Bear

Friday, April 8, 2005 11:10 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $535.00 and Karyelle $465.00 as of Wednesday, April 6th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Are you ready? Are you really, really ready?

Alright then...back by popular demand and better then ever...guaranteed to make you laugh till you drop....or is that shop till you drop? In either we go with....

****Drumroll Please****

"Our Camp Boggy Creek Weekend of Wonderful, Wacky and Whoa Baby does the fun ever stop Weekend Part Three"

When we ended Part Two the kids and I were on our way back to our cabin to ready ourselves for a fun filled night of Disco Dancin'!
As you can imagine, this straight out of the 70's Mom was excited and ready to get her Stayin' Alive Freak on going. Her kids on the other hand couldn't wait to get hold of that DJ and rattle his cage until they heard some songs of their own liking.

But first....we MUST go get our beauty treatments and before you know it our brown haired boy was soon sporting a "Only real men wear pink is punk hair" and this my friends is what we found waiting for us just outside the "hair booth"....

Could he possibly of picked a better color to clash with that lime green shirt he just HAD to wear because it makes him look sooooo "hot" and "irresistable"? I think not.

It didn't take long at all before we were all Bee-Geeing and Sister Sledgeing through our night....mixed in was some Saturday Night Fever and Donna Summer and Mamabear was back in "WOW...this was my life at one time Heaven" kids and I bumped and we hustled and then I heard a little ole' "pop" and felt a little ole' "ow" and remembered to remind myself " my dear are NOT 16 anymore".
So...I sat out a while while the DJ switched modes and as time has a tendancy to fly when your having fun...time flew right into the 2000's and my kids and their camp pals were dancin' devils all over the dance floor.

Yes..the girls LOVED him....a regular Casanova you might say and when the DJ played "Shout" every gal on the floor found themselves at one time or another with my Bear. They grow up so fast.

At around 10 o'clock it was time for us weary parents to take our young un's back to our cabins and get their hyper hynnies washed and PJ'd so their camp pals could spend some time with them playing games and finalizing plans for Sunday mornings talent show.
This is where all parents anywhere on CBC grounds got together and chilled after such a fun filled night. And what did we find waiting for us? Ohhhhhhh Baby...let me tell ya!
Nothing...absolutely nothing "kid friendly" was GREAT!! gets better, a soothing fire crackled gently in the fireplace, slow music playing in the background, dimmed lights, candles and here comes the best part...rocking chairs and lots of them just waiting for tired, child bearing butts to rock, I mean rock away.
It was so romantic...couples rocking, relaxing, hugging and me all alone.
Oh...don't feel bad for me guys....I sat there with my tootsies up on a table, plate of wings in one hand, a plate of sweets in the other and one of the top Boggy Creekers asking me every two minutes "Can I get you anything else Mrs. K?"
Ahhhhh....the life!! :0)

But...all good things must come to an end and truth be told after one hour I was kind of missing my hyper offspring, soooooooo I casually walked up to the food table, looked to my right, looked to my left and quickly grabbed 4 chocolate bars...enough for me and three cocoa bean deprived kids to hog on as soon as I got back.
Then I was so outta there.

The next morning I was up early...after all camp activities starts at 7 AM and this was the last day....this family was NOT about to be late.
So....I jumped out of bed, showered and primped and got my little campers up. Kaysha dragged herself out, Kolin sprung out and Kody wouldn't budge.
Hmmmm....OK, now what? problem, I tell Kaysha "Your camp pals will be here in 15 minutes...take Kolin, have some fun and I will show up a little late with Kody".
OK, no problem so we waited, and we waited and we waited. Our camp pals didn't show up.
So....I dragged sleepy Bear out of bed and got him ready and we waited and we waited. It was 7:30 and NOBODY was there...nobody was even walking around outside, how unusual.
So...I took my kids and said "OK, no problem...Mommy will take you all and we will have so much fun!"
So, we left our cabin and started weird, there was nobody out. So eerie, so very spooky, the place looked deserted. didn't take long at all for Kaysha to start announcing that the camp looked like something out of a scary movie....the quietness....the mist over the lake...

Did I mention "quietness"...well, that didn't last long until my two brave boys started sreaming and hanging off my legs...I can still hear the sound of velcro when I peeled those two off.
We walked into the dining hall cuz I was having my coffee no matter what and that's where we found three kitchen workers having breakfast. WHEW...we were not alone!
Anyway....let's just names mentioned but someone {OK...ME!!!!} forgot about daylight savings time. CBC was set to work on NON-Daylight savings time as to not confuse everyone there but my Sprint phone automatically set itself to the "right" time which was CBC's "wrong" time and to this day I am still getting grief from my three kid's for waking them up at 5:30 in the dark.
I still can't understand how I was the only moron who did this???

So...we finally found our camp wait, they actually found us and we were off for some more fun, fun, fun!!

Before you knew it, activities were over, breakfast was over, dancing, singing and acting like nuts without shame was over too and we were off to pack up and get to the Theatre for the talent show.

Here I sat, in the front row, with a leaflet printed on it what I was about to see and my boys were on there twice...WOW!! And better yet the first act was "Kody and Kolin..Rock Stars" COOL!!
Oh...but the cool was about to come because when that curtain was pulled back I could not have been prouder!!
There in front of me and hundreds of others were Kody and Kolin's Rock Star Band.....

Kody, Kolin, Nick, Katie and Mohan brought down the freakin' house!!!!!
The music was blasting...what music you may ask? Well...crank up your speakers cuz it is the same music on Kody's site today..."Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" and let me tell kids ROCKED!!

Kolin as lead singer and Kody on electric guitar...Nick, Katie and Mohan as back-up....BTW....Nick were too funny! We are still laughing about the whole head banging wig losing thing!! :0)

There were people screaming, there were people trying to get on stage, there were people wanting to touch Kody's hand...

I heard someone yell they would never wash their hand again...another girl nearly fainted. These kids were AWESOME!!

We saw plenty more very talented kids.....singers, acting, some so funny and at the end...the final finally was "Mrs. Sylvia's totally cool line dancing Hokey-Pokey shake that thing all around CBC's #1 Green Cabin Krew"

From left to right....Nick, Katie, Kolin, Mrs. Sylvia, Kody and Mohan.

I'm telling you...I could very easily become one of those annoying, obnoxious stage mom's!!

After lots of hugs, promises of "see you in the summer", e-mail and web-site exchanges, a few tears and more hugs it was time to say good-bye.

I think one person all weekend really summed things up for all of us and it was through a handwritten note that was found and read to all of us campers/families before we left that theatre last Sunday morning.
This is what it said....

"Thank you Boggy Creek for making me feel special too".

The author of that note?

Kolin, that's who. :0)

Thank you all for following our story....I had so much fun with this and judging by the reviews I think you all had fun with it too!!

Now..on to some serious stuff before I leave you tonight.

Our visit with Kody's eye Dr. went real well today. Although Kody still has vertical eye loss {up and down glancing} his horizontal {side to side} is perfect.
Want some good news??
His eyesight is getting BETTER!!!!! We left with a scrip. for a new pair of glasses that are not as strong as his last and news that we were good to go until the end of July.

You know?? After the news of Benjamin {oh/benjaminj} we honestly really needed some good news for a change. We sure did get that news today.

Oh..I have even more great news!!
Remember when I told you I was blocked from all of our "Cheyenne" pictures?? Well...after fighting with them and arguing with them {the pictures that is} I have got my pictures back!!!!
Tomorrow, as per Kody's request I'd like to share some of them with look on the photopage sometime tomorrow and I'll put up a few of our favorites from the day we met.

Gotta run!!

Love you all...



~*~Friday Morning~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I am so sorry..I know I promised to update yesterday but we had a wicked storm, {rain, thunderstorms, lightening, hail, tornado warnings, lots of wind} and a few panicked kids, come through Central Florida and of course my internet went right out. It did come back but was acting real funky and I didn't want to take any chances. One minute I could get on a site and the next minute I couldn't.

Now...I know I told you all I would include part three of our weekend today BUT, sadly I found out last night that a little boy very, very close to my heart passed away and as much as I would love to laugh and make you laugh right now..I just can't.
At 8:20 AM on Thursday April 7th, Benjamin Jones beautiful spirit flew to the Heavens.
There are no words to describe the pain in my heart..some kids out there for whatever reason are just incredibly easy to fall in love with. Benajamin and his little brother Zachary....SIGH..what can I say? Everytime I read about their brotherly antics I would just laugh...everytime I read about the love they shared I would smile.
Benjamin jumped right in when Kody was afraid to get his shunt...sending Kody pictures of his and letting him know it wasn't all that bad. Benjamin did more to ease Kody's worries then I ever could have.
Thank you so much Benny....Sweet Dreams and God Speed little man.

I will update again later on but out of respect for the Jones' I would like to keep this mellow this morning.

Thank you so much for understanding.

Love, Kim

Thursday, April 7, 2005 9:40 AM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $535.00 and Karyelle $465.00 as of Wednesday, April 6th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I promise a little bit later on I'll have "Our Krazy Lazy Weekend at Camp Boggy Creek" up. Right now I have a ton of errands to run, one sleepyhead boy to wake up, a million Dr. calls to get done and for this morning I really, really wanted to ask you all for prayers for two of my most favorite familes.

Benjamin and Kaidire....

I am sure most of you know that Benjamin's flight is about to happen, please pray for this brave, sweet little boy and his loving family.
I know we can't link BUT Benjamin lives on that's "oh" and his last name is Jones making that benjaminj.

Kaidrie's site is now password protected. This family has ben through so much and is now preparing to say their final good-byes to a beautiful daughter/sister.
I have gotten a ton of e-mails asking me for more information. I get my updates from The Tumbleweed Foundation.
That would be the best place to get Kaidrie news.

I hate to cut this so short but I really have to get these calls made...every one of them has to do with Kody so it's pretty important.

Check back later for Part Three...guaranteed to make you laugh, rock out and maybe even "shake your bushy tail"...LOL...a little "Boggy Creek" humor there!! :0)

Have a great morning everyone!!

Love, Kim

PS....Kudos to Caring Bridge for fixing Kody's guestbook so it loads up a whole lot faster.

Monday, April 4, 2005 1:09 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $530.00 and Karyelle $460.00 as of Tuesday, April 5th~*~

~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

~*~Hello Everyone Again~*~

Here we go...Part Two of "Our Camp Boggy Creek Fun Filled, Action Packed, Laugh Till It Hurts, and Hug Everyone You See Weekend"

****Scroll down for Part One if you missed it yesterday please****

And the story continues at the lake with Kody dragging his Camp Pal, Katie out to do a little canoeing. Katie, being the kind hearted soul that she is, would never tell Kody "No" like his Mama would and so, although she is not a canoer, she donned a lifejacket with him and took off in a wobbly, little canoe.
And how you may ask did Kody convince Katie to trek out in a canoe?
Glad you asked...the little turd told her he knew all about canoeing!!

Well...they got out oh I'd say about 15 maybe 20 feet when we campers on the dock started to realize that they weren't going anywhere. So, some pretty cool guys tried to help by telling them how to row...
Kody's paddle on one side and Katie's paddle on the other BUT....nope, those two could not grasp the idea and they both paddled like crazy on the same side and ended spinning in circles!

As you can imagine this was quite entertaining and had the audience on the dock laughing and yelling for "Photo Op's". :0)
So, what would a good parent do right at that point but grab her camera a snap away!!

It really didn't take but about 5 or so minutes when Katie figured out how to paddle and I am pretty sure Kody may have too but since he was sooooo busy picking up water with his paddle and splashing poor, patient Katie on the back, I was a little busy hanging off the dock and yelling "KODY STOP IT!!!!" to Kody who was laughing with all his might and in turn causing the canoe to wobble and shake which made Katie semi-freak, which made the audience take more pictures, which made Kody laugh even harder, which made me want to crawl in a hole somewhere, which made a couple other kids canoeing come back in to see what the commotion was about and to finally bring Kody and Katie back home to land where they REALLY DO BELONG!! :0)

And this my friends was a perfect time for CBC's daily "time out" session, where the camp pal's take a much deserved break and the parents try to get their offsprings to settle down for a nap.
So we walked back to our cabin, hand in hand to catch some ZZZZZZZZZ's before the fun started back up again.

Well...sleeping went well for Kody who was out like a light and Kaysha who LOVES to sleep anyway.
But Kolin, on the other hand didn't have his Aderall {ADHD Med.} and he wasn't about to have anything to do with settling down and slowing down.

Finally.....10 minutes before I needed to rise and shine em'...Kolin fell asleep.

When we all woke up {yes, even myself} and freshened up we hooked up with Nick, Katie and Mohan again and took off for "The Theatre" which is just about the coolest, most awesome theatre/stage you ever want to see. It was built with a whole lot of TLC from Universal you can all imagine how great this place is.

We all sat back and watched a group of very talented girls and boys dance {man, these kids could shake it!!} and sing {next American Idols stars I'm tellin' ya}.
Of course...there will ALWAYS be a blonde in the crowd and of course my son will ALWAYS spot that blonde out and so we stayed for a few minutes after the show
so Kody could catch a glimpse of some blonde cuties.

We had some fun with bows and arrows, arts and crafts, and making sure we all had a hand in signing this years "That 70's Weekend" Camp Boggy Creek banner which shall forever hang with pride in the dining hall along with many others that camp children of all ages have signed.
Have you all found Kody's name yet??
Just look under the "weekend" part and you'll see.....

Before you knew it, as the saying goes, "Time flys when your having fun" and the dinner bells were about to start ringing.

Now...some of you come from big families and when I say "dinnertime" I need not explain any further. But for all of you who do not come from big families "Dinnertime" means FIRST ON LINE BABY!!!!
And as soon as we spotted the food tables starting to be set up, like the GREAT Kruppenbacher she is....Kaysha ran full speed ahead and sat at the table most close to the food tables.
Yes...we may like to party but we also like to EAT just as much!! :0)

Isn't she so cool just sitting there saving us all a seat??

I am happy to say that Kody was the BIGGEST eater that day...totally blowing away the competition by scarfing down THREE loaded up cheeseburgers, TWO bags of chips, ONE plate full of beans {I sure would hate to be the person in the bunk next to him tonight!}, TWO huge cups of Gatorade and ONE desert that he almost passed up but decided "what the heck..go for it".
Sorry, I didn't get any pic's of this cuz I was sort of on my own lilttle chow hound heaven.

After dinner we packed it up and carried Kody's butt back to our cabin to get ready for our beauty school makeovers and a night to remember at "Our 70's Disco Party"!!

So....Please everyone come back soon for the next chapter in....
"Our Weekend at Camp Boggy Creek" where to fun, excitement, good times and laughs still keeps coming!! :0)

Till tomorrow..Love you all!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Here it is, the update and "Lifestyles of the Rich{ly blessed "K" Krew} and the Famous {Kody Bear Rock Star}".

Let me please just start off by saying, as a Catholic, today as all of this week, is a day of morning as we mourn for our Pope.
I hope that nobody takes my update today the wrong way as it is meant to hopefully bring smiles and belly laughter. I believe with all my heart that Pope John Paul LOVED us so much that like Jesus, he wants our children to be happy and carefree. Life is too short not to enjoy the silly antics of one brave nine year old little boy who's love of life is so entertaining and contagious.
Life goes by way too fast {especially when you are in the 40 something group!} not to find yourself totally caught up in happiness over every single one of our children's "good days". Even those healthy children of ours deserve sunshine and happiness whereever they go.
And so with that....may I fill you all in on "Our Camp Boggy Creek Weekend" a/k/a "The BEST Time of our LIVES!!"

After the long drive there, which really isn't that long at all but seems endless when the driver {that would have been me} has to hear, coming from the back seat, over and over and over "Are we there yet??"

We pulled up to the camp and YEAH BABY...WE ARE HERE!!
To which we checked in and listened and watched Kody jump around like a Mexican jumping bean chanting "We're here...We're here....WE ARE REALLY HERE!!!"

OK...we get to our cabin to unload my ONE bag with every toiletrie, medication, every beauty product sold at CVS, hair appliances {who says you can't have a good hair day in the woods?}, phone chargers, camera chargers and clothes...we unload Kody's ONE bag with his clothes, Kolin's ONE bag with everything he could possibly need and Kaysha's SIX bags {can we say Paris and Nicole here??} with only God knows what in it.
Standing outside our cabin were three happy, just as excited as we were, energectic Camp Pals....Katie, Mohan and Nick. case you didn't notice, Kolin has got a HUGE crush on you!!
Nick? Are you available on the weekends?
Mohan.....Kody still swears you are a "coconut-a-vore".

We unload our bags and we are off to start our weekend with something we all could use, DINNER, DESERT and DANCING!

And there in the dining hall was where we met a true and loyal "Kody Fan", Nurse Renee! How cool was it when Renee came up to us and asked if we were "Kody's family" and when I said "Yes" she told us all about how she's been following Kody for at least a year....would you believe she found Kody through Katia's site?? Thank you sooooooo much Katia for sending your freinds our way too! :0)
Nurse Renee actually saw Kody sitting at our table and said "WOW..that looks exactly like Kody from CB". Small world, huh??
And..this summer Kody is in for somemore loyal fan excitement when Haley is there to volunteer at Week #1.....Cancer Kids Week.

OK, so we ate {some of us ate more then others, can you guess who? was a long, tiring trip listening to those chant monsters for an hour.} in true Boggy Camp style and a rule my kids never tend to forget...."You don't have to finish all your dinner to still get desert" and so Kody was off like a streak of lightening to help himself and to devour the ice cream bar.

Some dancing followed and off to the gym for some free time and "ice breaker" which I excelled in!! OK, not really, I was put to shame by a couple of 4 year olds. :0(

Lastly was the traditional "Camp Fire" and a visit from "Mr. Spivey" who is 103 years old and lives by the Camp. Great stories, great songs and great times always surround the campfire.

By now it was late and though the kids wanted nothing to do with showers and older folks sure did. But, somehow I got them to sleep but it took alot of bribing on my part.

The next morning started at 7 AM...yes, that is 7 AM, bright and shiney up with the sun and the birds...a time when Kody Bear is still normally sound asleep but this morning he was up and ready in ohhhhhhh, I'd say about 10 minutes. But wait...sometime very, very early in the morning I woke up to the sound of pouring rain and thought "Oh no...this is not happening"
But you gotta love Florida because by 7 it was a drizzle and by 8 it was sunshiney and warm and by 10 we were swimming.
But before swimming there was a ton of fun to be had.
So...let's see....what did Kody do? Well, the first thing he did was jump into wood shop and build Camp Boggy Creeks very first ever wooden race car with SPINNERS!!!! Ah yes, that's our Kody...take everything to the extreme...even wood shop!

After wood shop came breakfast and with breakfast came, what else..more songs, more dancing and Kody Bear up on stage showing all the new families how to properly get down to the "Chicken Dance", "The Casper Slide", "The Y.M.C.A." and "The Space Jam".

This made us all laugh till it hurt but nothing could have hurt more then watching Mom do "Morning Aerobics"

***No Pictures to Follow so don't bother looking for any Please***

After breakfast we split fast again to fit in tons of more fun and that's when we had the great idea of swimming in this too cool of a swimming pool built lovingly by Seaworld. Wonder if Seaworld pool builders has anything to do this weekend cuz my kids have been craving a pool that cool since the day they put on their first swim wing. :0)

After swimming we took in a delicious lunch....those CBC kitchen people are Da Bomb!!
And after lunch and full bellies that were about to bust...we campers busted out into "The Train" lead by who else?? KODY!!

Next came some fun with "Caring Canines",

Posing for pictures,

More fishing and the most entertaining time of the whole trip.....


****This Just In****

Kody Bear is out of hibernation and hungry!!!
I'll have to finish this up a little later....sorry!! :0)

Oh heck, I 'm not that sorry...I just want to keep you coming back for "Our Weekend at Camp Boggy Creek" Part 2.
Guaranteed to make you laugh just as much, if not more, then Part 1.

Love you all...



Sunday, April 3, 2005 11:58 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $510.00 and Karyelle $440.00 as of Sunday, April 3rd~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Our weekend trip to Camp Boggy Creek was in one word....AWESOME!! No actually it was better then awesome, it was magical, wonderful, fun, it was everything we could have dreamed and more.

Thank You Camp Boggy Creek and inparticular...
~*~Nick, Katie and Mohan~*~

We love you guys...FOREVER!!!!!

It's almost midnight right now and I PROMISE I will update again tomorrow and full you all in on the hightlights of our trip including a surprise meeting with one of Kody's fans!!
Yes, that's right...Nurse Renee who has followed Kody from Katia's site was there and she found great is that??!!??

Also...I have the funniest Kody and the canoe story to tell about, plus Kody's first but definetly not last, Disco Dance.
I have GOT to tell you all about Rock Star's Kody and Kolin and their big debut rockin' to Good Charlotte's "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" which totally and completely brought down the house!!

There is sooooooo much more to tell but I'll leave that till tomorrow cuz it's an early day for us tomorrow and it will be here in just a few minutes...I have got to get some shut eye. :0)

Till then, enjoy the photos...I literally took over 100 and it was soooo hard to pick favorites but I think these tell a little of just a few things we did this weekend.

Love you all....


Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:58 AM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

YIKES.....I guess I spoke too soon about having a medically boring kind of day. :0(

Kody told me today the reason why he couldn't sleep last night was because his legs kept shaking...he didn't want them to, but they shook anyway.
Of course the first thing I am thinking is a mini-seizure, maybe.
Kaysha feels really, really awful because she walked by his bedroom last night and saw his legs shake but she said he was awake just staring at the ceiling and she asked him if he was OK and he said "Yes".

Then he told me he's been having a problem swallowing for a couple of days. Only on drinks though...he try's to swallow and the muscles don't then he ends up spitting his drink out and trying again. After a couple times he gets it down.
It happened today while he was having some juice with his lunch.

Now, I am no Dr. but it doesn't take a genius to know that the brainstem controls swallowing, so I placed a call to his dr. at Shands about both these problems and also why the heck they are dragging their feet about getting a note faxed to his school so he could go back and I was told...

Call the neurologist about the seizures, I did call and didn't get a call back.
Asked about the school note...not their problem, call the nuerologist. You all know where that got me and here's the real kicker...

About the swallowing issues...
They told me to call his Primary Care Physican...his Pediatrician!!!!!

OK, great as his pediatricain is here in Leesburg, he freaks about anything with Kody and he directs me right back to Shands...who wants to pass the ball back to the ped.

So...what now??
We can't leave him alone to eat and drink anymore for fear he chokes.
Tonight Kody is in bed with Daddy Bear just incase any more shaking episodes happen and me? we speak, Kolin is waiting in the dreaded bottom bunk for me to show up!!
Just call me "CLUNK". :0(

Please say a prayer and keep those fingers and toes crossed we still get to go to Camp Boggy Creek tomorrow night.

Take care...Love yaz!!!!!!



~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $495.00 and Karyelle $425.00 as of Thursday, March 31st~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I am sooooooo, sooooooooo, sooooooo sorry for the delay in updates!!!!
Forgive me, please????

Let's see, I'd like to start off with this very sad news....
Our sweetheart of a friend, Kaidrie's MRI came out with the worst news possible. Her beautiful and loving parents were sent home with the "there is nothing more we can do, take her home, love her, enjoy the time you have with her" news.
When I found out this morning I was crushed....heartbroken. Just last week Kaidrie sent us the most beautiful Easter picture card of her and her sister, Kycie. I know alot of you also got this photo and it is one I will cherish forever.
Unfortunetly, this gets worse....Kaidrie's site is now password protected thanks to someone who decided to post notes in the GB claiming Kaidrie's site is fake.
It is a matter if fact, Mary from The Tumbleweed Foundation spoke with Amber {Kaidrie's Mom} last night. Just so you all know, Mary will be posting Kaidrie's updates on The Tumbleweed Foundation so it will give all of you a chance to stay in touch somehow.
Thank you so much Mary!!!

Speaking of Tumbleweed....
I was on the phone yesterday morning with Mary when the Fed-Ex guy stopped by to drop off a box...what was in that box???
Well....Kody's awareness "Lifes Tough...I'm Tougher" bracelets, that's what!!!!!!!!
WAA-HOO......get those mailboxes ready because there is a mass shipment going out to all of you would asked for one by this weekend!!!!, pictures, we LOVE pictures!! :0)

OK, on to some Kody news...

Well.....we weer supposed to be on a trip to Kennedy Space Center this morning but since his school/health/safety issues are still not in place {most likely due to some feet dragging...UGH!!} he couldn't go.
He was devestated when I told him yesterday...he wanted to go so bad, I mean he had literally asked to go there since we first moved here and he saw his first space shuttle go up right from our own yard.
We all know how facinated he is with anything that flys....
Well...there is light at the end of this tunnel too because one of Kody's fans sent a message to KSC {Thank you soooo much Penny!!!!!} and because of this beautiful gesture, KSC contacted me via e-mail and we, as a family have been invited to come spend a day at the Center!!!!
You cannot believe how happy, excited, jumping through the ceiling the kids were yesterday...and when I say kids, I mean Karl too!! :0)
Note to Jillian and are both the can I ever thank you both enough for enabling us to forfill one of Kody's dreams??

Kody has been feeling pretty OK these past few days and I am very happy to say we have been on the "medically boring" list this week!!

Now last night I was about to update when my computer started acting funky, then Kody started acting funky saying he just didn't feel "right" and couldn't sleep...which is way unusual...Kody is a bigtime sleeper. So, after fixing what was wrong with this machine...Kody asked if I'd lay down with him which was fine except that's where I ended waking up this morning, on the bottom bunk and soooooooo......
Today I am walking like a 100 year old, cranky, humpback woman.
Has anyone of you parents out there ever slept on the bottom bunk and got up during the night to roll over and forgot you had a hard wooden ceiling above you??
Yeah...well I did like SIX times last night and SLAM....BAM....CRASH....!@#*$#!...let's just say it wasn't pretty..not pretty at all.

So, more wonderful news.....
There was a cancellation at Camp Boggy Creek this weekend and so Friday around 5 o'clock Kody, Kolin, Kaysha, Kayara, Alona and myself are taking off for a fun-filled, stress-free weekend!!!
I know there are computers there so I'll be checking up on all of you!! ;0)
Seriously though....this place is the happiest place on Earth {even more then Disney} cannot help but leave a changed person. Every single child there is smiling all weekend long, no frowns, no tears, no fears just plain old fashioned good times!
Can you tell I'm just a little excited??!! :0)

OK guys and gals, my Bear just got up and he is one hungry Bear so I better get him fed and get my errands ran.

Thanks for stopping by...I've put some new pictures up...more to follow later on I just didn't have the time to down size all of them last night.

BTW...Check out those Relay-for-Life totals??? AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Love you all....

Friday, March 25, 2005 10:15 AM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

Please see Mary's GB entry for Tumbleweed info. {either GB is fine}.

Rough day today...though it was a beautiful Easter and the kids loved their baskets and they really enjoyed seeing how their Easter cookies {see recipe below} came out we were sort of blown away when our hot water heater started stinking like gas. Then the fridge broke down....but with all the craziness we really didnt notice until dinnertime when everything in there was warm and was soooooo humid today too so it went warm fast.
Then tonight, about 9:30 "J-Man" {the kids kitten} died....I had three very shaken kids upset. Kolin just bawled and bawled...he kept saying "But I didn't want him to die". Kody put his head under a pillow and said "No..I don't want to hear it...please don't say it". Kaysha...well, she has been taking care of him for two days non-stop. She's been up every two hours feeding him....we have all been holding him and as you can see by the photos {photo page}that lil' kitten hasn't been alone at all. Kaysha though...she is hard to pull emotions from...I know she cried but she ran outside to have her breakdown. Then drew a beautiful drawing to put in his shoebox.
Funny how each kid takes things so differently...and I know it was just a cat but, you was their cat, they watched it be born, learned about the miracle of birth....they knew all along J-man was a very sick kitty but their hearts held on to the hope that J-Man would be a much like Kody.
This was really their first real experience with kind of put a huge downer on their day. I said, it's been a very long and very crazy day so I'm going to make this short and sweet tonight.

Please keep the prayers coming for Benjamin Jones and family...I wish so badly I could link to his page and send you all there, but I really can't. I kills me to say that because I know personally how much GB entries are so uplifting.
Benjamin is nearing the end of his journey....Bless his heart, he is one truly brave boy.....our Hero and for Benjamin, for Kody, for J-Man and for all of our very brave friends fighting the big fight everyday...we dedicate this song on Kody's site tonight...."I Believe there are Angels Among Us" by Alabama. Enjoy!!

Love, Kim


~*~Saturday Morning~*~

On behalf of all us "K"'s...
May you all have a very Happy and Blessed Easter Day!!

I meant to add this last night but forgot. :0(
So...I'll put it up today...

RED is for the blood He gave.
GREEN is for the grass He made.
YELLOWis for the sun so bright.
ORANGE is for the edge of night.
BLACK is for the sins we made.
WHITE is for the grace He gave.
PURPLE is for His hour of sorrow.
PINK is for our new tomorrow.
A bag full of jellybeans colorful and sweet,
is a PRAYER, is a PROMISE,
is a child's SPECIAL TREAT.



1 cup whole pecans
1 tsp. Vinegar
3 egg whites
A pinch of salt
1 c. sugar
A zipper baggie
A wooden spoon
Mixing bowl
Electric mixer
Wax paper
Cookie sheet
Your children

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place pecans in zipper baggie and let the children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers.
(Read John 19:1-3)
Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. of vinegar into the mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. (Read John 19:28-30)
Add the egg whites to the vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. (Read John 10:10-11)
Sprinkle a little salt into each child’s hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. (Read Luke 23:27)
So far the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. (Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16)
Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God’s eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. (Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3)
Fold in the broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. (Read Matthew 27:57-60)
Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. (Read Matthew 27:65-66)
GO TO BED! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. (Read John 16:20 and 22)
On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice that the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! Explain that on the first Easter Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the the tomb open and empty. (Read Matthew 28:1-9)
****HE HAS RISEN!!!!!!**** Alleluia!!!!!


~*~Friday Night~*~

Guess what???
We have KITTENS!!!!!

OK..OK...I know you rall thinking..."Are they crazy??"...well, truth be told, yes we are...BUT..this was a really great experience for the kids...seeing the miracle of life today and they weren't even grossed out by it...
Unlike their very weak Mom {OK, Kaysha too} who nearly had a heart attack {and almost tossed her connoli's} when they saw Lola EAT the afterbirhtey gooey thing.
Thank goodness Aunt Vikki was home and coached us through this via a long distance phone call until Daddy Bear came home and had to help deliver a breech baby.

So...without any further ado...may I introduce....

Matthew, Mark, Luke, J-Man and John as named by Kolin in honor of Holy Week or.....

Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and J-Man as named by Kaysha in honor of some crazy band she likes alot...My Chemical Romance, or something like that.

BTW...J-Man stands for {Oh Lord..please don't give me grief on was Kolin's idea} "Jesus". :0)

More pictures to follow soon...I know they are all nothing but kitty hineys in this picture...they must be all boys cuz they absolutley refuse to get off the...Bleep!

Also..I have an update to do tongiht for Mary of The Tumbleweed Foundation.
Here goes...
Some of you may have been wondering "I have e-mailed Mary and haven't heard back yet"...Well, sadly Mary's got a worm...OK, no wait let me rephrase that...
Mary's computer has a worm. Maybe some of you can picture that huge, nasty, giant worm from know the one Sandy the Squirrel thinks she can take head-on?
Well..something that big, that awful, that mean has taken over Mary's computer and she has been trying like a mad woman to make things right again.

She wants you all to know...she will kick that worms butt and be back on-line very any of you has sent an e-mail, please wait for the A-OK from me and resend that mail cuz chances are she may not get the one you sent.

And as a personal note from me to Mary and Becky....

It's 9:30...the kids are in bed and this insane Mom is ready to be in Cannoli Heaven...all thanks to my two most wonderful, cooler then February in Pennsylvania, just like me and proud of it friends!!
Love you guys too!!!!!

Have a great night all...



~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $440.00 and Karyelle $370.00 as of Friday, March 25th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~


Check out those new Relay-for-Life totals....WOWZERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you sooooooo much to everyone who has helped to make this years The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life a huge success...I feel lots of new research and cures right around the corner. :0)

Kody's still asleep...he's on a bigger dose of Carbatrol starting this morning and the stuff just makes him a bit more sleepy then usual, combine that with a lazy Spring Break and you got the fixins' for one lazy hibernating Bear.

Oh Lord...I better run, Kolin is doing the hyper-spaz get me out of this house and into the outdoors before I go crazy like a caged animal routine.
Kaysha on the other hand is chillin', rockin' and is begging me to "Please Mom, do something about that kid!".

Another day in paradise, wouldn't you all agree??!!
Lovin' it...Lovin' it. :0)

****New Photos Up Last Night****

Love, Kim

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 8:52 PM

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~*~Thursday Night~*~

New photos up tonight....enjoy!!



Hi all..

Thanks for stopping back for the update...sorry, this is coming to you so late...crazy day!!

Anyway, Alona is FINE!!
Early this morning we were having a horrible Florida storm...winds, heavy rain and alot of lightening and thunder.
Unfortunetly Travis had to be at work early this morning and since he had Alona {they share custody} he was driving her to daycare.
Well..the car slid and swerved and in one brief second spun, hit a curb, a guardrail and finally came to a stop within inches of a retention pond.
One thing to keep in mind here is we are at the peak of alligator mating season and being anywhere near a retention pond is not a very good place to be.
But...a couple who saw it all had called 911 and help was there quickly.
Though this really shook all of us up badly, Alona took it all in stride {that girl is a daredevil like her Uncle's!} and while she was here today visiting she kept saying "Daddy bwoke the car...we went round and round and round" had to have pictured her moving her finger "round and round and round", it was so cute!! :0)
So...the car will be replaced or repaired and our baby girl will be just fine. She was obviously not feeling any soreness when she played "horsey" on Kaysha's back tonight...but, ummmmm...Kaysha may be feeling some soreness tomorrow...HA!! onto the Kody Bear update.

First off, the seizures are considered epileptic seizures and they look to be a result of the crainiotomy Kody had in October. Though...the surgery itself did not come near the part of the brain that controls seizures so having seizures now is not real common..but then again, nothing about Kody is very common. :0)

Will he continue to have seizures? Yes, it's quite possible...but then again it is also possible he may never, ever have another. It's basically a waiting and watching game that we'll play for at least another year.
If he does have another seizure that lasts more then one minute, the plan is to give him his "rescue med"...which is the Diastat {Valium}. His other medicine is Carbatrol, which is a pill he takes everyday. Right now he takes one 200 mg pill a day, next week two and by the third week, three pills and that's the dose he'll take up until he is eventually weaned off.

His MRI taken last week as compared to December's was, to be honest, AMAZING!!
Actually it was know, if MRI's of a brain can actually be beautiful.
It looks like what was left of the outer portion of the tumor {the part that was debulked} has shriveled up and died.
Can it come back?? Yes, sadly it sure can but we like to think it never will.
Of course the tumor that has entwined into Kody's brainstem and the tumor that has infiltered into his brain can never be taken dig any deeper into the stem would mean certain death, so what tumor is there, is there and we pray everyday that it never effects his ability to breath in addition to the many other life funtions the brainstem controls {heartbeat, blood pressure, consiousness, swallowing, etc....}

What do we do if the tumor does start to grow back? hasn't been proven that brainstem astrocytoma's react well to chemo. or radiation, so unless some miraculous, life saving discovery comes along then our only option is another crainiotomy.
That thought just kills me so I'd really rather not talk crainy's anymore unless I have to...and God knows, I pray I never have to.

Good news is Kody is showing improvements every day...small steps for a kid with a big heart!!
I know he'll be just fine because today he fixed his hair and clothes about 20 times just to make sure he looked "hot" incase there were any good lookin' girls at Shands today.

Yup.....he'll be just fine!! :0)

OK...I better head to bed.

Have a great night and have an even greater day tomorrow.

Love you all...


BTW...I know I can't link his site but I know alot of you remember Benjamin. Benjamin is declining rapidly and it won't be long now before he enters the gates of Heaven. Please if you will, say a prayer for Benjamin and his family.

Also...if you all take a visit to Gooch's'll find all the answers to all your CB link/e-mail questions. Chris talked to CB for an hour tonight and got off the phone with a ton of info. I think you'll really appreciate.



Alona {our grand-daugher} and her Daddy were in a car wreck early this morning. We were having vicious rain, wind and lightening.
I don't have all the details yet but Alona was safely, snuggly strapped into her car seat {as always} and appears to be OK.
The car is totaled so it was a bad one.
They are all at the hospital right now.
I'll update later on when I find out about Alona and also when I have Kody's Dr. visit news.
Please keep the prayers coming....does it ever end?? :0(



~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $340.00 and Karyelle $275.00 as of Sunday, March 20th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~


What a difference a good night's sleep can make!!

Today Kody looked great and he felt great and he was...nope, Kody IS GREAT!!!!
There were no shaky hands, no wobbly head, he walked perfectly, his eye's are straight and dreamy as always.
Heck....he didn't even really nap today...just hung out on the sofa watching movies, in particular "Freddie versus Jason" {Go Jason...Go Jason!!} and "Fat Albert"...laughing, rolling his eyes and calling me a dork because I knew ALL the words to the Fat Albert theme song.
Nah...Nah..Nah....Gonna have a good time....HEY...HEY...HEY!!!!

OK....I'll stop!! :0)

Tomorrow we are off to Shands again to see Dr. Pincus. With us we are carrying our list of questions, concerns and thoughts on this "Funky Chicken/Kody Unplugged" situation. We should come out with alot of needed answers.
Plus....I sure would love to find out why after my calling for two days, why I haven't gotten a call back about Kody's postive blood culture. I'm hoping no news is good news but still, it would have been awfully nice to have a quick call back.

OK friends, family and fellow Kody Bear fans...I have a few kids that just got done painting Easter eggs and they have every color of the rainbow on their fingers, faces and kitchen!! :0)

I'll update when we get home tomorrow.

Love you all....


Monday, March 21, 2005 3:15 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $340.00 and Karyelle $275.00 as of Sunday, March 20th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Although I myself have not received the famous e-mail from Caring Bridge...out of respect, I have taken Kody's "Friends" and "Angel Friends" drop downs off his site.
If any of you need a certain child...maybe you've misplaced the can e-mail me and I'll give you the address. I hope that's not breaking any CB rules. :0(
You was with a very heavy heart that I took those see, so many children..especially new ones have gotten such a huge response and a great start because of Kody's fans.
Please bookmark or add to favorites Kody's hospital update site though incase I cannot get on this one and I need for whatever reason to update that one.
Kody's Hospital Updates

Kody continues to have bouts of shaky hands and arms and bursts of violent behavoiur that is sooooooo not like him. I mean, this kid literally has not a violent bone in his body yet he threw a toy drill at Kolin's head this morning and popped Kaysha a few times for "touching his drink".
He feels soooo bad afterwards but can't seem to control this new impulsiveness.
From talking to Kody's CMS nurse this morning....this is not good news, it means something is going on in there..changes, possibly another seizure about to happen.
And..these hand trembles...well, those could be mini seizures.

Welp..I wish I could stay on a little longer but I have got to wake up Kody, throw him in the car and get Kyle to work.
I want my old life back so bad....

We are all just mentally exhausted right now. I feel like I am on info. overload contantly.
Please forgive me if I make no sense at all...and if your calling my home, if there is no answer...please forgive me there too. Just try again a little later...eventually I'll be able to pick it up.
E-Mails..I promise I'll get to those too...
Right now I really feel the need to be by Kody always...not overbearing, but just hanging with him. He see's it as spending time and that's true but I am also on the watch for anything changing.

Have a great day everyone!!

BTW...I had put up new pictures on Kody's other site..I'll try to find time to get them up on this one today too.

Love, Kim

Friday, March 18, 2005 10:00 PM

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Pease visit Kody's Hospital Updates Page for an imporatant prayer request for our Bear.....
Thank You!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:10 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $375.00 and Karyelle $285.00 as of Wednesday, March 16th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I'm off in about 20 minutes so this one will be quick...I'll update tonight with more "K" family Kraziness details. :0)

Kody is home today with...yeppers...another monsterache. He woke up with it and as of now {about 1:00} he is feeling quite a bit better and happily watching "The Incredibles"...OK...let me rephrase that "He AND Kyle are watching The Incredibles". LOL!!!

Yesterday when we came home from school Kody let me know that he was bullied again by the same 5th grade kid in his class that wanted to "slap the glasses off his face".
Well..yesterday the same boy cornered Kody and said "I'm gonna punch those glasses off of you four eyes". Then as Kody was using the boys bathroom before lunch...the same kid walked in and pulled Kody out of the stall...while Kody was trying to use the thing...UGH!!!
Well...Kody has a field trip to Kennedy Space Center coming up on March 31 that I'll be going on with him and as to not ruin his chances at getting into trouble and not going, he opted to do nothing. Errrrrr....OK, he actually did do something but to save him some embarrassment I won't mention it here...however, if you need a good laugh, e-mail me!! :0)
Soooooooo....I called his school right away and they were supposed to have this well known bully taken care of this morning. I called...and haven't gotten a call back.
I seriously hesitate at sending him back until this kid is taken out of the class...I mean really, how do I send him everyday and worry like mad at what could be happening?? One good shot to the head and Kody is back at Shands..that isn't happeneing, believe me.

What else?? Oh....Kyle is feeling slightly better...he still hurts like crazy but it seems to be starting to turn into some itches too which to me is a good sign of healing.

Alona is back to her usual silly and happy self and we all know how much I LOVE to see that!! I was in Wal-Mart yesterday morning and Kayara pulled in the parking lot, which is huge {it's a Super Wal-Mart} and that lil' stinker spotted my car right away and said to her Mama "There's my Gramma's car...FIND HER!!!"
LOL...and find Gramma they sure was so cute!! And BTW..Yes, Grammpa...I slipped her a dollar for a "tweat".

Speaking of Grammpa a/k/a Daddy Bear...he has been in super bad condition for two days....and if he's not better I am sure he'll have pnemonia in no time flat.

Kaysha started feeling horrible yesterday during school and came home early... it my imagination or is there something in this house making us all sick??? I have aired everything out, washed and rewashed everything, Lysoled like some mad germaphobic woman on a rampage and still...everyday it's something new.
SIGH...or maybe it's just the weather...rainy & cold one day and hot and humid the next.

OK...OK...enough of the sick scene and on to nicer news.

Like I said, Kody is going to Kennedy Space Center on the 31st, after Spring Break...he is soooooooo excited about that trip. Because it is an all day thing {7 AM till 8:30 PM} I volunteered as a chaperone mainly so I could bring his wheelchair for when his lil' legs fizzle on him. take pictures...lots and lots of cool pictures!!
Oh come all know me by now...Photo Freak...that's me!!

Kody's MRI is scheduled for 9:30 on Monday morning. He was supposed to see his neuro-oncologist that same morning but Dr. Smith, I found out yesterday is on maternity leave until the end of April. Dr. Pincus has surgery in the morning and is triple booked for the afternoon, there is no other ped. neuro-onc at Shands so we'll just come home and page Leeann {Dr. Pincus' right hand woman} first thing Tuesday morning for the results.
We pray there is no problem, no changes, no tumor growth but the sad fact is he has been getting alot of unexplained headaches these past few weeks, sleeping more then usual and his balance isn't great....not everyday though, just some days are better then others.
So...we'll go in praying hard, we'll leave praying hard, we'll continue to do the best we can living one day at a time but more then anything we'll keep the fight and the love going for us. :0)

Welp...looks like I've just updated a bunch so unless things change or I hear word from his school I'll update again tomorrow.

Oh...I almost forgot...
YES..That sure is a baby gator on the photo page.
We searched high and low, we walked till we were about to drop and when we were heading back to the car, what did we spot on the very edge of a small pond?? Yeppers, that beautiful little baby gator you see there.
We were very quiet, snapped a couple of pictures and then realized "Hey....where there is a baby, there is a Mama" and that my friends is where Kody and Kolin screamed like lil' girls and ran full speed ahead to the car!! But..please don't tell them I told you that...I mean really, they did look like "manly croc. hunters" in the pic's! :0)

I'm off to pick up Kolin....

Thanks for stopping by and oh yeah...
I know we heard from 2/3rds of the HeeBee-JeeBee's...which means there is one more still out there who hasn't seen the pictures yet and HB-JB, if your here today...
The "Skater Boy and Friends" picture. Hee...Hee...really, we warned you!! :0)

Love, Kim

Kody and Karyelle can collect Relay-for-Life sponser monies for a few more weeks so I'll leave our address up longer...

Kody/Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

To all our friends who have given so much of their hearts for my two survivors...May God Bless You ALWAYS!
I'm running late but keep a watch out for a lil' something in your mailbox...sorry for the delay though, I've been swarmed these past couple of weeks. :0(

Thank you so much for stopping by....


Sunday, March 13, 2005 11:48 AM CST

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~*~Monday Night~*~

Hi everybody....
It's Kody Bear here tonight doin' the update. I have my Mom doing all the typing but it's me...really!

I want to say something tonight to one of my most biggest fans....

Carrison...YOU ROCK DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you sooooooooo much....I LOVE my new Bam Adio skate shoes with the totally SICK Heartogram....
Your the best Man!!!!!
Thank you Mikayala too...I really love you guys!!!!!!
Your gonna be seeing some pictures real soon...I promise!

OK...back to Mom..I got to get to bed, school tomorrow. :0(

Hi all...

Just a quick note to let you all know new photos are up tonight...the surprise we told you all about is there but not to let a good secret slip...I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. :0)


HeeBee JeeBee Triplets...
When you get to the "Skater Boy and Friends" pic., Halt!! Go no more!! Freeze!!! Look Away!!!!
trust us on this one....OK now...deep breathe, click on the photo page and scroll slowly, very...very slowly!! :0)

Have a great night everyone!

Love, Kim and Kody Bear


~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $325.00 and Karyelle $265.00 as of Monday, March 14th~*~

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~*~Monday Morning~*~

Calling all Kody's loyal fans..
Please send some prayers and well wishes to our pal, Elliott's site. Elliott is very sick and in the hospital...possible having seizure's or/fainting. As you can imagine, Mom Cindy is scared and heartbroken. Cindy is such a great friend, we had the opportunity to chat via telephone last Christmas Day...what a wonderful Mom..what a wonderful friend!! :0)

Sorry I didn't update Kody's photo page last night like I said I would...but {here we go again!}...
I spent another 7, I don't know maybe 8 hours in the E.R. with Kyle again yesterday into late last night.
He was getting sooooo much worse and let me tell you, I have never seen pain like I saw on that kid yesterday.
To make a long story short....the dr. there told me that when a child get's the chicken pox, though the disease itself goes away, that virus lays dormant in the spinal cord for a lifetime. Usually it never rears it's ugly head but for some reason when the immune system is out of whack or low {Kyle had the flu a few weeks ago} that's when it decides to pop up as something called shingles which then attaches itself to whatever nerve it wants and spreads the entire length of that nerve. So...Kyle's is from the middle of his ribcage all around to almost where his spine is.
He's taking Prednasone {steriod}, Percaset {pain} and something else I just can't remember.
Unfortunetly it's not a quick fix and just has to ride it's course which could take weeks.

OK..on to other things...
The kids and I did make it out for a little fun in the sun before we got the call from Kyle and a bit later when I can update the pictures....
Have we got a surprise for you!!!!!!! Stay tuned ya'all cuz Kody is about flipping off the walls with this surprise!

I'm on my way to get some housecleaning done this are all off from school for something called "teacher's holiday" so it looks like I have some cheap help today...well, ummmm....what am I Let me rephrase lil' tornados can trash a room faster then Mr. {or as in my case MRS.} Clean can pick it up. :0)

Hope you all have a wonderfully cool day today!!

Oh...this message is to Mrs. Mavis from Kody....

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

It is with a broken heart and lots of tears today that I relay the news that a new Angel was born to Heaven last night.
If you all haven't seen Angel Emerald's beautiful, touching slideshow, please do today. The love of three siblings is absolutly breathtaking and the beauty that shines through the eyes of Angel Emerald is something you will never, ever forget.
I have seen Em's birthday portraits that were taken by the very talented photographer, Shelley and I can tell you...the love this family has for one another is about the most awesome thing I have seen in a long time. :0)
Sweet Dreams Caring Bridges precious are so, so very missed.

I do apologize for not updating sooner...sorry if I had any of you worried. :0(

Kody's headaches have seemed to subside for a while...which is always a great thing!!
But....{oh man, there is always a "but" in this house}...
On Friday Big Brother Bear, Kyle was taken to tha E.R. Actually Mamabear pretty much put the pedal to the medal when I saw the shape he was in Friday morning.

OK..let me back up. On Wednesday Kyle asked me if there was anything on his torso that I could see because he said "Something there was driving him crazy, burning".
Well..there was a small pick a bite and so I had him put some cortasone cream on. By Thursday it was really starting to bother him and it looked like it spread so he added some Benadryl to the mix.

On Friday morning after I drove the kids to school and Karl to work, I came home to find Kyle on the sofa shaking like a leaf. When I asked him what was wrong he said he was in alot of pain...then he lifted his shirt and no exageration, what I saw was beyond the most horrible rash I had ever seen. In all honestly, that thing was so bad and had spread so much I thought he had that flesh eating disease.
Sooooooo.....I practically threw his butt in the car and got him to the E.R., where they put him in isolation right away.

The final result?? Shingles!
Which....he was told was a result of the chicken pox he had as a kid of 5 or 6.
Now...Kody had shingles at 15 months and we were told back then it was a side effect of the chicken pox vacceine that he had three months earlier at his one year check-up.
I thought that was unusual.....but Kyle having shingles all these years down the road....that is crazy.
But....though he is still quite miserable, he's on some heavy duty med's and will be on the mend soon.

Which leads me to my next statement...
I am the old one so what's up with my older kids falling apart so much these days?

Yesterday a couple of friends, their 5 kids total and me and my three young uns' took a trip out to our local park/skatepark...which is really just an old hockey rink with nothing in it.
Everyone brought their skateboards and had a great time.
Now...whoever says kids don't feel for each other had to have been there yesterday.
Kody was having an awful balance day and had to spend his time safely "body surfing" instead of actually flying around on his board. Instead of seeing Kody be the different kid...everybody got into the whole body surfing on a skateboard thing! They had so much fun and had a whole lot of, all in turned out to be one really great day.
Everyone of those kids without being prompted by a parent bonded together, took Kody's needs into consideration and things just worked out perfectly.
Kids are so cool, aren't they?

I have some pictures to put up but I probably won't have time until later on tonight...right now I have some kids just itchin' to spend some time is BEAUTIFUL out today...about 80 degress right now.'s off to find a park, some ducks, a few jars of bubbles, maybe an alligator and of course, my ever faithful, always by my side camera!! :0)

Have a wonderful day everyone...Love youz guyz!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:05 AM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $230.00 and Karyelle $255.00 as of Wednesday, March 9th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

This is probably going to be my quickest update yet...LOL...was that sound I just heard applause?? :0)

Yesterday Kody came home from school around 11 o'clock with a fever, nothing else, just a bummer of a monsterache.
It lasted most of the day and he slept alot....well, that headache gave him a break later in the afternoon for about 2 maybe 3 hours and came back again.
This morning...another one so today is a day of snuggles, cuddles and a whole lot of lovins'.
Geez I hope my family doesn't hope for a clean house and a wonderful dinner. :0)
I am not typicaly a person who freaks out about every little headache, ache and pain but for some reason....something tells me somthing just isn't right lately.
I actually wish he'd develop a fever, stuffy nose, earache...anything that would explain the headache....but it look's like that isn't going to happen.

His next MRI is on the morning of March 21 and we'll see his neuro-oncologist, Dr. Smith that same day. I'm on one hand antsy to go and find out..on the other hand I want to avoid finding out anything not great.

Please send some prayers today to another Cody...Cody with a "C" we call him!
Many of you may remember how Cody's family, while traveling through Florida, stopped by our home to meet was a beautiful day...full of great friends, great times and cherished memories.
The thing that always amazes me is how within 15 seconds of meeting, Cody, Kody and Kolin played like they grew up best friends their whole lives.
I believe with all my heart that is what makes these special kids and their very special siblings in a world and class all of themselves.
Cody is pretty sick right now and could use many, many prayers.

The bone marrow donor/registration event set for this month is going to be a great big GO.
It'll be in New Jersey...if anyone can make it or would like to volunteer to help out..please throw me an e-mail at: and I will be more then happy to direct you to the right place and the right woman for the job...Mavis...our super cool New Joisey Gal!

OK...I better get going, Kody is still asleep and if I time this just right I can sneak right in there and rub his neck and back...that just makes him smile no matter how cruddy he feels. :0)

Oh....Kody and Karyelle can collect Relay-for-Life sponser monies for a few more weeks so I'll leave our address up longer...

Kody/Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

To all our friends who have given so much of their hearts for my two survivors...May God Bless You ALWAYS!
I'm running late but keep a watch out for a lil' something in your mailbox...sorry for the delay though, I've been swarmed these past couple of weeks. :0(

Thank you so much for stopping yaz, love yaz, love yaz!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 8, 2005 10:30 AM

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~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

I've often sat here and wondered what it must be like at that very moment when a person, a child is lead to Heaven. I'm not saying this in a morbid way but more like the bible verse when it says something like this "Jesus said let the children come to me".
In my mind I see vivid, beautiful colors, peace, serenity.
Before the heart stops, the soul is already escorted by angels into it's eternal home where a man named Jesus waits....arms wide open.
The pain still exists though, only it exists in the hearts of the ones left behind. I've always thought, maybe more prayers should be said for the familes...perhaps they should never stop, after all...does the pain ever really stop? Prayers shouldn't either.
With that I sadly relay the news this morning that Heaven has gained another Angel, Rayanne.
Please, take a moment to visit her family...
Sweet Dreams Baby Girl!

Thank you to everyone who has been worried about Alona, my grand-daughter. She was released from the hospital about 4 o'clock yesterday morning.
Alona has been fighting this virus that's been going around for over a month now. Everytime her course of antibiotics is over, within three days that virus comes back with a vengence.
Well..the other night was the absolute worst.
She was severly dehydrated {very bad vomiting} and her white cell count was very low. So..they hooked her up to I.V. antibiotics, rehydrated her and sent her home with more medicine.
I talked to her on the phone for a couple of minutes yesterday...she sounded miserable but said "I love you Gramma" quite a few times...then she said {Oh, this just broke my heart!} "I gots a boo-boo on my arm" {where the I.V. went}.....oh, you all know me by now...
This Gramma promised her "suprises" and lots of them!! :0)
Have I ever mentioned how this child is completely wrapped around my heart?? :0)

Have a wonderful day everyone...Love you all...



~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $280.00 and Karyelle $245.00 as of Tuesday, March 8th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

First news first....PLEASE extend many prayers to Emerald and family. While your there take some time to check out the slideshow that was taken this past'll have to go back to "journal history", grab some kleenex and be prepared to watch the most touching tribute to the most beautiful little girl and her younger siblings you'll ever see.

Also..more CB news...Justin's heart surgery for today was postponed which brings this sweet family back into that stressful land of the unknown once again.

Heartfelt prayers for Rayanne as she prepares to enter her next that will last for eternity where there is no pain, no disease, no sadness.

And or course, our best bud, Benjamin...who has taught all of us the true meaning of bravery and how to truely enjoy life as he too fights with all his might, tumor progression symptoms that just won't stop.

Great looks like Jaysen's bone marrow donor/registration event set for this month is going to be a great big GO.
It'll be in New Jersey...if anyone can make it or would like to volunteer to help out..please throw me an e-mail at: and I will be more then happy to direct you to the right place and the right woman for the job...Mavis...our super cool New Joisey Gal!
If at all possible, Jaysen is in desperate need of a donor of Puerto Rican decent. Of course, all registry's are absolutly appreciated...Jaysen, sadly does not stand a chance without a donor.

OK....Now that I've mentioned all the important things for today let's move forward with some Kody Bear news....

Special Olympics....Not gonna happen. :0(
Much to Kody's disapointment, his teacher tells him the school did not recieve the necessary grant from the school board to make this happen. Yes..he is VERY disappointed and so am I...enough said, you all know me well enough to know I should stop right here. BUT...{Oh come knew I couldn't hold out!}...since when did paving the front parking lot AGAIN become more important than the feelings of 10 very excited but pysically disabled kids.
OK...I'll quit. that's something we can all be excited and proud of....Kody has SURPASSED last years's amount by $5.00!!!!! And Karyelle has too...not sure by how much...but this year due to the kindness of a whole lotta Kody Bear fans...They going into that Survivor Lap with their head's held high.. How much you want to bet Kody "runs" that lap??!! :0)

We're having some freaky weather actually started during the night when squalls of wind up to 60 mph have been tearing things up. I found some of my neighbors roof tiles in my front yard and our palm branches are laying in the yard instead of on the tree. Our one window unit A/C system is even being pushed inside the house, piece by piece. The wind even managed to take out our well pump till Dady Bear worked on it and got it started again. Man, I was never so happy to see running water!!
But the worst of it was when this morning I found Kody and Kolin all twisted up like pretzels in Kody's bed. You see, just last week..maybe a week and a half ago...Kaysha, Kody and Kolin admitted to me that they were very afraid to spend another hurricane season in our home..scared that we won't have a home left.
I guess those two must have thought another one was coming and climbed into bed together for some moral support....cute as it was, it was kind of sad, you know?
On a brighter's still windy but it seems to be dying down a whole lot more then it was this morning. I heard I75 was a disaster this morning with tractor trailor trucks and SUV's being flipped over. :0(
Kolin..always being the class clown took me seriously when I told him we'd have to put rocks in his pockets to keep him from flying away...sure enough, that child stuffed his jeans pockets on the way to the car this morning!! :0)

OK..not much else happening here this morning so I better jump off and get some work done.

Oops...before I do please let me take a minute to WARN the Hee-Bee Jee-Bee triplets that new photos were put up a couple of days ago BUT photo #15 is the one you will want to avoid. It's the very last one...hey, we saved the best for last!! KIDDING...JUST KIDDING!!!!!

About pic #15.....His name is Korey {Kody named him after some dude in Slipknot...but he put a "K" in there intead of a "C"}. He's a red tailed boa and he was given to Kody from big brother, Kyle. Since Kody was hospitalized Kyle has always felt the need to do something to make Kody happy. This place can't hold anymore toys, he's got the best skateboard ever, the ADIO skate shoes he has his hopes up for are not available in stores around here yet...
Anyway, to make a long story short..after Kyle saw the photos of Kody holding that snake at the pet store a couple of weekends ago he knew exactly what he's been saving and scrimping for. When Kody was in school last Friday Kyle went out and set everything up as a huge surprise...and Kody was VERY pleasantly surprised!! :0)
Korey is only about two feet right now, I think he's 3 months old?? His expected length will probably be somewhere around 10 to 15 feet.
Am I worried about snake escapes?? Nope...Kyle keeps all slithery reptiles in his room and he has them locked up tighter then a 1980 style Jordache jean.

One more thing.....please if you could say a special prayer for my lil' grand-daughter, Alona {that 2 year old puddin' pop in the pic up top}. Mom {Kayara} and Dad had to rush her to the hospital last night...everytime she comes off of antibiotic, she lasts three days and get's even sicker. Last night being the worst. I'm on my way to call Kayara because I haven't gotten a call yet..kind of hate to wake her but this Gramma can't wait anymore!! :0)

Have a beautiful day everyone....


I'm going to leave this info up a little longer...

Kody's "Life's Tough...I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets will be shipped out the second week of those mailboxes and as always we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness towards donated to The Tumbleweed Foundation Emergency Family Relief Fund.

As of today Kody has raised $280.00 big ones and Karyelle, $245.00 towards The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life.
On a personal all of our dear friends who have helped to sponser Kody and your mailboxes cuz the Bear has a surprise for you too!
Oh...also, I do know that both kid's would love to send something...but that one will have to wait until right after's surprise!! :0)

There is still time if you would like to sponser Kody and/or Karyelle in their quest for a cure...please make checks out to: The American Cancer Society or Relay-for-Life.
If you forget and make it out to Kody or send cash...that's OK too, he has a white envelope with his name on it that everything goes in to and he'll turn that in next month.
Relay is scheduled for April 22nd.

Mailing address here at home is:

Kody/Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Saturday, March 5, 2005 10:06 PM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~


We had a very busy and very fun day today...enjoy the pic's!!


Hee-Bee Jee-Bee Triplets....
When you count down 14 pictures...DO NOT look at number 15!!!! :0)

Till tomorrow...Love you ALL!!!!



~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $210.00 and Karyelle $175.00 as of Saturday, March 5th~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Have you all seen those Relay-for-Life amounts up top!! They are adding up....I really have to go back and look at last years, I really think Kody and Karyelle will be topping their last years record! :0)

Great looks like Jaysen's bone marrow donor/registration event set for this month is going to be a great big GO.
It'll be in New Jersey...if anyone can make it or would like to volunteer to help out..please throw me an e-mail at: and I will be more then happy to direct you to the right place and the right woman for the job...Mavis...our super cool New Joisey Gal!

I am sure by now most of you have heard the news that another Angel was born to Heaven late Thursday night. Sweet Little Melody, your flaming red hair and your bright smile will be missed so much. Sweet Dreams Baby Girl...
Please pray for Melody's parents, Rob and Deb and brother, Devin.

Another prayer request is for "Cool Dude Justin". Justin is due for another mega serious heart surgery on Tuesday...but....Justin has decided now would be a great time to come down with a booger virus sooooooo.....
Please say a prayer that he feels much better so he can get fixed up and get himself, Mom and Dad to Disney!! Wow...Heart Surgery/Superbowl...both the winners are going to Disney!!
Oh...and while your prayin'...check out Justin's site cuz you can rock yourself away and check out some totally awesome photos, not to mention Mom's {Lyn} totally cool "Justin Updates"...which if there are any Green day fans out there, your gonna want to see this!
Go ahead...go check it out, I'll wait. :0)

OK, so on to some Kody news...

Let's see...well, to be completely honest with you...Kody had a GREAT DAY!!!!!
That boy was on the groove and on the move all day, nonstop. So...I guess there isn't much to report cuz as we like to say "No news is good news".

OK friends...I am off to go spend some snuggle wuggle time with Kody Bear, because Kolin has stolen my bed again {three nights in a row} and I promised Kody we'd hang and watch Spike TV for a little while...That "Man Show" or whatever they call is on and he thinks it's hysterical.

Thank you a trillion times for stopping by...have a beautiful weekend!

Oh...BTW...I stopped by Sears yesterday and snapped some pic's of our "Kickin Butt"'s beautiful. And, Miriam..if your reading this, check out the two guestbooks...alot of Kody fans are lovin' on that picture. :0)

Later Gators...


I'm going to leave this info up a little longer...

Kody's "Life's Tough...I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets will be shipped out the second week of those mailboxes and as always we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness towards donated to The Tumbleweed Foundation Emergency Family Relief Fund.

As of today Kody has raised $210.00 big ones and Karyelle, $175.00 towards The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life.
On a personal all of our dear friends who have helped to sponser Kody and your mailboxes cuz the Bear has a surprise for you too!
Oh...also, I do know that both kid's would love to send something...but that one will have to wait until right after's surprise!! :0)

There is still time if you would like to sponser Kody and/or Karyelle in their quest for a cure...please make checks out to: The American Cancer Society or Relay-for-Life.
If you forget and make it out to Kody or send cash...that's OK too, he has a white envelope with his name on it that everything goes in to and he'll turn that in next month.
Relay is scheduled for April 22nd.

Mailing address here at home is:

Kody/Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Thursday, March 3, 2005 10:30 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $190.00 and Karyelle $100.00 as of Thursday, March 3rd~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

So how about that totally awesome picture on top??
Yes...that is our Sears picture I talked about a week and a half ago...isn't it great?!
I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am of my kids for putting aside everything and taking the time to pose for that is defiently going to stay a favorite of mine for many, many years...OK, maybe a lifetime.
Just incase any of you are new to Kody's site...let me introduce my Krew...
From left to right they are....Kolin, Kaysha, Kayara, Alona, Kyle, Karyelle and Kody. I bet right about now some of you are saying...OK, all "K"'s so what's up with "Alona"? Welp, Alona is my grand-daughter...her Mommy is Kayara {holding her}.
Now...let me let you in on some more exciting news!!
Kayara went out last night to pick up this picture for me and as she was leaving a picture hanging on the wall of Sears portrait studio caught her eye...sure enough, the manager of the portrait studio {Miriam} loved the pictures so much she created a beautiful collage {they took lots of shots that day} and hung it up right there for everyone walking by the studio to see!!
I nearly flew through the roof when she called to tell me. So...I guess my kids are kind of like celebrity's, huh?? I know one thing for sure..with Mom and her camera always in their face...they sure do get alot of "paparazzi" experience. :0)
Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow to take the trip out there to check this picture out for myself and snap a picture of it. I wonder what they'll do with it once it's not on display anymore??
Karlio....I know what you think I'm thinking {$$$}, sorry!

So...I got Kody feeling better, I got Kayara feeling better and what happens next? Do I dare start my part time job today, HECK NO...Kolin woke up with a fever this morning.
It seriously never ends, does it?
One thing that just may be our saving grace is it got cold here...really, it was rainy and chilly all day so maybe alot of those cruddy germs going around will die. Cold kills germs, that's why hospitals are so darned cold.

I have some news about Kody's bracelets...SIGH...please bear with us, it looks like they will be finished the second week of March and that will make it possible for them to be shipped out to you all who ordered them the third week of March. I am sooooooooo sorry about this week delay, I just found out today myself.

So...let me just leave this up for you..same broken record I layed on ya a couple of days ago but with a new twist...

Kody's "Life's Tough...I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets will be shipped out the second week of those mailboxes and as always we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness towards donated to The Tumbleweed Foundation Emergency Family Relief Fund.

As of today Kody has raised $190.00 big ones and Karyelle, $100.00 towards The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life.
On a personal all of our dear friends who have helped to sponser Kody and your mailboxes cuz the Bear has a surprise for you too!
Oh...also, I do know that both kid's would love to send something...but that one will have to wait until right after's surprise!! :0)

There is still time if you would like to sponser Kody and/or Karyelle in their quest for a cure...please make checks out to: The American Cancer Society or Relay-for-Life.
If you forget and make it out to Kody or send cash...that's OK too, he has a white envelope with his name on it that everything goes in to and he'll turn that in next month.
Relay is scheduled for April 22nd.

Mailing address here at home is:

Kody/Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

I'd like to add a new friend prayer request....and this one comes with a twist too.
Please warmly welcome Jaysen. Jaysen is 22 years old and is fighting AML {leukemia} alone.
Jaysen desperatly is in need of a bone marrow donor/transplant. Please consider taking some time to give blood and register to become a Marrow Donor.
I myself will be proudly giving blood and registering this coming week...when I can get all my kiddo's healthy and in school. Really, giving blood isn't all that bad, it takes maybe 30 minutes start to finish. The way you feel walking out those doors after giving is incredible. You walk with your head held a little taller, you feel a great sense of accomplishment, you get COOKIES, as many as you want and someone told me once that you can even lose up to three pounds! Heck, what's better then that? :0)
BTW...if you live in or close to New Jersey {or is that New Jawzey??} and are interested in really getting involved in honor of Jaysen, please e-mail me at
Have I got a lady for you to talk to!! Mavis....WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also...please let's not forget our lil' friends battling the beast, if only for a little more time with their loved ones...


Please pray for peaceful, painless passings as they leave their Earthly bodies to become Heaven's perfect Angels.

Speaking of Angels...I have to tell you all this.

Yesterday Kody recieved a small package in the mail and on the drive to go pick up Daddy Bear he opened it. In it was a cool little jet plane with a sweet note about Angel Cheyenne. The package was sent with so much love from Cheyenne's fellow basketball girls, The Mystic Slates.
As we all know, Kody has been experiencing more and more memory problems and this can be so frustrating for him.
Anyway...I remember Kody overhearing us at Church about two maybe three months ago talking about Cheyenne...Kolin wanted to light a candle for her. Kody said nothing and since then has always talked about Cheyenne in a "present" state.
As he read the note it said in it "Our Angel Cheyenne"...but since I was driving, I had no idea what he was reading. Suddenly he turned to me and said "Mom, I am confused".
That's when I realized he doesn't remember...he forgot she had passed. :0(
So...carefully I choose my words and explained to him that Cheyenne went to live with God while he was in the hospital and how one of the very last conversations she had with her Daddy was about Kody. Cheyenne knew Kody was very sick in the hospital and was worried about him. She wanted to pray for him because she worried about her stinker. :0)
While I tried to drive and explain....before I actually got to the part that Cheyenne had died, Kody threw his hands over his ears, closed his eyes and yelled "I don't want to hear it...I don't want to hear it...please don't SAY it". Then he started to cry and sob and shake...which made poor Kolin who was sitting in the backseat cry too.
By the time we made it to the garage to get Karl he was clearly still very upset...but what upset him even more, I think, is that he couldn't remember when Cheyenne and her family were on their wish trip to Florida and he couldn't remember eating and having the time of our lives at The Olive Garden. He also couldn't remember when he and I went to their hotel room here in Leesburg and Kody gave her a Teddy Bear/Kody Bear.
I have been trying to locate on my computer my pictures of that day...can you believe for some crazy reason...all my pictures I took with my first original digital camera are locking me out from seeing them. ARGGGGG...This is driving me nuts, I was soooooo hoping some photos might jar his memory. Man, I HATE what this tumor has done to him sometimes. :0(

Anywho's.....Mystic Slates...we THANK YOU sooooo much for thinking of Kody, he loves the plane and I found the note that came with it stuck underneath his pillow...where he keeps ALL his private, personal and most favorite things. :0)

OK whole house has gone to bed and left me behind! I think that is my que to get off of here and get some sleep myself.

Till tomorrow...have a wonderful night. Peace out....

Love, Kim

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:45 PM

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~*~ Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $170.00 and Karyelle $90.00 as of Tuesday, March 1st~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I'll need to make this a quick update for now {sorry for all the spelling mistakes I'm sure you'll find}....

Kayara was discharged from Leesburg Regional this morning..thank you so much for the well wishes and prayers that were sent her way..I can't wait for her to feel good enough to jump on Kody's site and see all her get well messages. :0)
She's not 100 percent yet but thankfully, on the mend.
Sadly, her new job decided they feel she isn't cut out for ourdoor work {she works at a pool company} and put her on as a part time office worker. SIGH..that won't a single Mom, she needs full time for her and Alona. Keep those prayers coming though, something is bound to work out.

Kody update for today...
Well, our Bear started out OK...feeling great and took off for school, but by 9:45 I got a call he was in the care corner with a headache.
He took a Maxalt {pain med.} and gave it 30 minutes but unfortuently his headache got worse instead of better and off I went to pick him up.
Right now he is sleeping on the sofa about 10 feet away from me..poor kid, I can hear him "moaning" in his almost sounds like he is very faintly "crying".
So...that is really the reason why I need to make this a quick update because I hate the thought of him not having me right there to rub his lil' head.
Also....before he layed down to sleep..I looked into his eyes and found that his right eye is starting to turn up again....never a good sign. :0(
Hopefully he will wake up later on looking and feeling better.
BTW...His next MRI is on the morning of March 21st.

Because of everything kind of going crazy here this morning, I wasn't able to make it to my new job caring for Miss Dorothy again today...I'm starting to think I just may not be the person cut out for this job. I'm not sure what to do at this point..but my heart sure does lie with my Bear right now.

Kody's "Life's Tough...I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets will be shipped out next those mailboxes and as always we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness towards donated to The Tumbleweed Foundation Emergency Family Relief Fund.

As of today Kody has raised $170.00 big ones and Karyelle, $90.00 towards The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life.
On a personal all of our dear friends who have helped to sponser Kody and your mailboxes cuz the Bear has a surprise for you too!
Oh...also, I do know that both kid's would love to send something...but that one will have to wait until right after's surprise!! :0)

One more thing before I leave you today...

It is with a broken heart that I pass on the news that we lost out friend, Christopher yesterday.
God Speed Chris...
Kody looke dup to you always like a very cool big will always live on in our hearts as one of the most bravest and strongest kids we've ever had the honor of knowing.
Please send prayers for Chris' Mom, Leslie as she faces days no parent should ever have to live through.

While your storming the Heavens please also keep these sweet kids in your prayers as they fight with all their might to stay a little longer...


I do apoligize if I missed anybody..pleae let me know via Kody GB or my e-mail if you know of anyone lese who is need of "down on one knee" prayers...or as our sweetheart of a friend, Rachel Joy puts it...
"Good old fashioned get His attention Foot Stompin' Prayers"!! :0)

Thanks for stopping by...I am off to love on my Little Bear till it's time to go start collecting the kids from school.
{Kyle is home to watch Kody today while I run to do the pick-ups...gotta love Big Brother Bear}

Have a great day everyone....stay safe...stay healthy!!

Love, Kim

Friday, February 25, 2005 10:30 PM

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~*~Sunday Night~*~

Prayers for SisterBear needed tonight please!!

Tonight, after spending the day in the E.R. Kody's second oldest sister, Kayara, was admitted into the hospital.
That's Alona's all may know her better that way.
Anyways...what started out this week as the flu and/or a bad case of broncitus had gotten worse and worse.
She was admitted with extremely high fevers and pneumonia.
Kyle {Brother Bear}, after spending the whole day working a double has gone down to the hospital to stay with her and we'll all be taking shifts until she get's better. She is really out of it now.
Kyle called me and told me they put I.V. Z-Pac {I didn't spell that right, did I?} in her so I pray that takes effect very soon.

Tomorrow I was supposed to start a part time job caring for Miss Glenda's Mom...but I am torn, I feel I need to be there for Kayara...I guess it's a "Mom" thing.

Sleep isn't going to come easy tonight...too much on my mind, will it ever end? I suppose around here, when it rains, it pours!! :0)

Speaking of raining and pouring...the weather was rainy all day which is nothing new...but the crazy part came tonight around dinnertime when the skies looked totally freaky. Then we heard on the Weather Channel we were in a tornado watch.
Soooo....I grabbed the camera and tried to capture a funnel cloud forming but one never came.
Hey....have I ever told any of you Karl and I plan on being storm chasers in our old age?? :0)

I better get some sleep. LOL!!

BTW...New pictures on the photo page, I put them up last night and completely forgot to mention it.

I'll update again tomorrow as soon as I can.

Love, Kim


~*~Kody's Relay-for-Life Update....he has raised $160.00 as of Saturday, Feb. 26...WOW!!!!~*~

~*~Saturday Night~*~

Tonight I put up the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by a very talented guy with an awesome voice, one of my favorites...Isreal Kamakawiwo'ole.
Not sure why I wanted to hear it so badly tonight....I guess maybe it just fit my mood. all of our new Angels and our children who are still fighting to hang on...this ones for you all.

The kids and I took off to check out Son of the Mask was pretty cool, they really liked it alot.
Then we strolled around having some fun and snapping a whole ton of new pictures...LOL...I can't go anywhere without that camera! :0)

Thank you to everyone today who made Kody one happy Bear when the mailman showed up...can you all believe how much he has raised for relay?? You guys are AWESOME!!!!
Even better then that in Kody's eyes today was the Wendy's restaurant gift certificates he got with one of those checks...he was ready to run out the door and get down on his beloved Wendy's chicken sandwiches...he is a hoot!

Check out these three kids....

The newest members of the Ladybug Club.
Thank you so much Katia a/k/a "BabyBug"...we all LOVE our new bracelets and we will wear them proudly with Ladybug prayers everyday!!

OK's real late and if I stay up here any longer my Saturday night is fixin' to be a Sunday morning update. :0)

Have a beautiful weekend...



~*~Saturday Morning~*~

I am absolutley heartbroken to tell you that our lil pal, Big Ben passed away yesterday late afternoon.
Please spemd a moment in prayer for this beautiful family.

Also, Melody as she is in the final stages of her Earthly life.
Please keep her Mom & Dad {Deb & Rob} in your prayers.

And of course, Emerald, and Mom, Kim, who need lots of prayers and words of comfort as she spends precious time with her child during Emerald's last few weeks to 2 months. {So Dr's say anyway...but we can all pray for a miracle}

Please don't forget Benjamin and his parents & baby brother, Zachary, as Benjamin continues to fight although his tumor progression is more and more apparent every week.

It sure has been a sad week on Caring Bridge, hasn't it?

Stay strong.....Love you all.



~*~Kody's Relay-for-Life Update....he has raised $105.00 as of Friday, Feb. 25...WOW!!!!!~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

First and foremost tonight I would like to ask you all for prayers for one of Caring Bridges most loved familes.
Seven year old Bracken Pohl a/k/a Scooby passed away this past week.
This was an absolute shock...with Kody being home not feeling his best and everything else keeping me so busy, I hadn't the time to check on many kids this week. I was stunned, sickened and saddened to learn of his passing.
Suzi Pohl...what an awesome Mom. As busy as she is, she still finds time to volunteer to send cards and mail through The Tumbleweed Foundation Million Card Campaign to so many children...Kody being one of her "adopted" kids.

God Speed are missed more then you will ever know Buddy.

Can you believe how much Kody's Relay-for-Life donations went up today??!! I wish you all could have seen how excited he was opening up a few envelopes today...Karyelle too, I just know they will make a huge difference, hey you of those checks could be the one to find us a cure! :0)
There is still time if anyone is able to sponser Kody and/or Karyelle...Relay is April 22nd so we have until then to get it all together.
You know, come to think of it..I should have taken a few pic's of him opening up that mail today...but I was so excited watching him be so excited, welp..I guess I got caught up in the moment cuz I plum forgot.
Here is the address and once again, please make out your check to "The American Cancer Society".
Thank you so much to all of you who gave of your hearts to a little boy and his big sister who will walk those laps, hand in hand, two survivors, to help in their own way to find a cure for all cancers.

Kody & Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

I've been asked alot lately about Kody's "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets and when the heck will they be in the mailbox. :0)

Welp...due to a real huge demand which we are absolutley FLATTERED about...really we are like crazy going nuts over the many, many Kody fans who wants that bracelet!!
Oh..anyway....the manufactuer who is making them tells us they will be ready on March 3rd. Right away they will be shipped to Tumbleweed who in turn will be shipping them to you.
So...I believe we are looking at the second week of March.
Trust me...I don't think there is a more excited boy in the world who keeps living by the mailbox everyday then the Bear himself. LOL!!!!
Thank you all sooooo much for your patience and also for donating to Tumbleweed's Emergency Family Relief Fund.
Every single bit of the money raised through the sale of Kody's bracelets goes directly to the families who need the money the most.
This is sadly a place where so many of us have been and will be again...please help if you can. The weight you will be lifing off the shoulders of a stressed out parent, in the hospital with their child, is worth more then all the gold in the world.
We are really looking forward to seeing all those bracelets start popping up on Kody's "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" wall of fame.

The fundraiser is still going strong, so there is still time to get your bracelet, keychain, lapel pin, etc...

So, guess what?
This afternoon I received a phone call from Camp Boggy Creek!!
This could only mean good news and it did!!
On the weekend of April 1st through the 3rd the "K" family is going to Boggy Creeks Family Weekend!!
WAA-HOO...I have some very, very happy kids around here today!!
Not to mention Mamabear who is definetly looking forward to some R&R.
Boggy Creek is a great...well no...better then great place for Kody to hang out for a week in the summer but really, they make the whole family feel so special at family weekend, especially the siblings a/k/a Kaysha and Kolin a/k/a the poster children for the "left out".

Speaking of poster children...check out Matthew P's site {drop down}...this news is too cool!!
Way to go Matthew!!

OK guys and gals, time for me to catch up on some sleep. Hopefully the rain will go away by morning and we can find something to do tomorrow....
Which is pretty much my way of saying "PICTURES...PICTURES...MOM WANTS MORE PCTURES!!!!"

Thank you for stopping you all!!


Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:00 AM CST

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~*~Kody's Relay-for-Life Update....he has raised $35.00 as of Thursday, Feb. 24~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Just wanted to stop by quick this morning before I start my running around and let you all know that Kody's headache FINALLY split for parts unknown yesterday late afternoon. :0)

This morning he is back in school and feeling pretty, ummmmm...froggy!
That's always a good thing...LOL!!

Kyle is feeling alot better but it seems my grand-daughter is not. :0(
So...I am on call to pick her up incase her daycare caregiver isn't up to the job.

Also...I am off to meet the Mom of one of our most favorite people....Miss Glenda who writes those great articles about Kody {has from day 1}, her Mom is in the early stages of Alzhiemers. Miss Glenda asked me a couple of nights ago if I would be willing to kind of "sit" with her Mom for a couple of hours a couple of times a provide company, a ride to Publix {grocery store}, have lunch with, etc...
Well..How could I say no? I couldn't!! So, as soon as I get myself off of here I am going to drive out to their home so I can meet her.

Please send some extra prayers to Emerald and her beautiful family.
Just the other day they found out the news no parent ever wants to get.

Also..I just wanted to clear up something I now realize alot of you hadn't known. is true that before Kody, our oldest daughter, Karyelle, was diagnosed with cancer. Karyelle is now 23 years old...this happened the year after she graduated from High School.
***She is a very private person and I'd rather not discuss her cancer without her permission.***
As you can imagine it threw our family headfirst into the world of cancer.
Kody's diagnoses two years later took what was left of our hearts and sanity, tore it to shreds and tossed it out the window.
There are many days when I would rather not get out of bed and face another day of sadness and dissapointment...cancer/brain's the first thing I think of every's the last thing onmy mind at night.
But..I have never wanted Kody's site to become somewhat of a "downer"..that is NOT like Kody, that is not like any of us.
So...with everything we have left in us, we dedicate to Kody's {and Karyelle's} life and to helping and praying for otehrs, whether they have cancer or makes no difference to us.
If there is someone out there who needs encouragement, support and prayers..we are there for them every step of the way.
I can't think of a better way to celebrate the life of two of the bravest kids I have ever known.'s getting late and I really have to run now!!

I also wanted to leave this up..I found it on another cancer site and thought it was too good not to share...

What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited . . .
It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot destroy peace,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot suppress memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot steal eternal life,
It cannot conquer the spirit.
~Source unknown

Because I really don't have time right now to retype everything all over again...I'm going to leave this down below, sorry I sould like such a broken record. :0(

Thank you all soooooooo much for stopping by and a HUGE Thanks to all who have e-mailed me to let me know they sent for a Kody Bear bracelet

and are planning a Relay-for-Life donation to the American Cancer Society.

Every year 46 children in the USA are diagnosed with cancer. In the year 2000 my daughter, Karyelle, was one of those children.
In the year 2002 lightening struck twice when Kody was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Together...hand in hand my two beautiful children will again walk the survivor lap and help with all their might to find a cure for this horrible beast that is robbing innocent familes of their children, parents, loved ones.

These facts were borrowed from Candlelighters....

Childhood Cancer Facts
Each day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer
One in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20
Although cure rates are steadily increasing, 35f children will die
Cancer remains the number one disease killer of children; more than genetic anomalies, cystic fibrosis, and AIDS combined

Please help if you you all!

PS...My broken record speech and be found below...>>>>

As so many of you probably is that time of year again.
The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life".
The team name hasn't been decided on yet but I can tell you that Kody was the most popular pick for big sister, Karyelle's team, which is through the bank she works at.
Each team member was asked to complete a personal goal of $100.00 each. know my go-getters...they want a CURE and they want it NOW!!
So far Kody has $35.00 and I think Karyelle is slightly more then that.
If anyone would like to sponser either kiddo of mine, as siblings, they walk the "Survivor Lap" once again this year to help in their own way to find a cure for all cancers...
Please send to:

Kody and/or Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Relay is April 22nd this year so there is plenty of time.
In advance we would like to thank you all VERY much...together we will make a difference...cancers of all kinds will be day at a time.

Also...just so you know, Kody's blue "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets are a huge hit and flying off the internet faster then rockets on the 4th of July.
There is still some time to get yours...just click on" The Emergency Family Relief Fund.
Towards the top on the right hand side is a link to "Thank You gifts"
For a $6 to $13 donation to the Family Relief Fund a bracelet will be sent to you as our special "Thank You" for helping The Tumbleweed Foudation in this very much needed and worthy cause.

Many...Many thanks to all who have already sent for yours...PLEASE send us a picture!!
E-mail to:

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:30 PM

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~*~Relay-for-Life Update....Kody has raised $35.00 as of Tuesday, Feb. 22~*~

~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

Didn't get much sleep last night...I slept next to Kody and he tossed and turned...moaned and groaned all night.
That D**N headache just wouldn't leave him alone.
He's in a nice slumber sleep right now {9:20 AM}, I hope he is finally having some sweet dreams.

I'll update more to hit the ole' coffee pot again! :0)



~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Just a quickie to let you all know Kody came home with another headache around 1 o'clock.
He fell asleep around 2 and didn't get up until 6:30....still with a headache.
It's almost 10 right now and he just went to bed...his head is still hurting and he is stumbling quite a bit.
Even Kaysha just quietly came over to me and asked me what was wrong with Kody. I told her he still wasn't feeling great and she said "But he's so unsteady Mom".
LOL...I think she has developed my worrying habits! :0)

Welp..I promised our Bear I'd lay down with him so let me jump off.

I did update the drop downs tonight but I really don't have time right now to hyperlink everything here so I'll leave you with the new names and you can find them up there on the drop downs.

Brant, Angel Brynn, Angel Dave, David, Dustin, Dylan H, Gage, Ivy, Jace, Jean, Jennifer, John, Johnny, Kari, Keegan, Kevin, Kevin M, Lindsay B, Angel Nelson, Savannah, Shannon, Angel Tiffanie, Travis.

All these sweethearts need so many happy messages and prayers and many sites are pretty new also.

Have a restful night!

Luv, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Yesterday all six kids of mine {which wasn't easy for Kyle but he stuck it out....keep reading to see why} and one cutie pie grand-daughter of mine did something really cool and really special. As much as I'd love to show you right'll have to wait two weeks, sorry! It'll be worth the wait though, I promise!!

OK...OK...OK...I WON'T make you all wait...I can't actually show you what they did for two weeks cuz that's how long it will take to get the print back but yesterday....all 7 of them donned their "Busy Kickin' Cancers Butt" t-shirts for an absolutley awesome photo at Sears.
Five kiddo's wore "My Brave "little/big" brother is busy...." and Alona wore her "My brave Uncle Kody is busy....", Kody had on his "This brave kid is busy...."
I have to tell you....the picture came out so nice that the photo manager asked if I would sign a release form to let them use the picture in their "Sears Brag Book"...which is an album of sweet pictures that they keep in front of the studio for people to look at.
Now tell cool is that?? :0)
Anyway...they used to print the pictures right on the spot so you can take them home that day...well, they don't anymore {at least for the time being}, it's a two week wait for us.

Now then....back to Kyle {big brother bear}.
We sure could use some Bear Prayers for him. Saturday morning he woke up sick as a dog...called his job, nobody would cover for him so he worked all day until FINALLY late that afternoon another guy saw how bad off he was and told him he would cover the night shift. {Kyle works doubles every Sunday}.
He came home, we tylenoled him up, made him some hot green tea and he slept for a couple of hours. When he woke up, he looked even worse. Kayara was here hanging with the kids and she offered to take him over to the Urgent Care Center.
Well...they were there a couple of hours when they called to say they were on their way home but stopping at CVS for Aleve because they were told kyle has the flu. After I hung up with them, the doctor that saw Kyle, calls home and tells me there was something wrong with Kyle's bloodwork and could I get him back there first thing in the morning. He wouldn't tell me what, other then he would need further testing.
SIGH...Sure I would bring him...but not knowing what's up in a house with two cancer kids already is a real killer...not to mention a stress factor and a half.

So..yesterday, first thing Kyle and I go back...and we wait, and wait and wait while dozens of sick people are hacking their lungs up everywhere. Finally they call his name...slap a bracelet on him and tell him to sit in the waiting room some more cuz there was at least another 4 hour long wait.
WHOA...the kid needs SLEEP! So, after waiting a little more he decides, "Forget this Mom..I'll see a Dr. at the health center tomorrow".
OK...sounds good.

So.....he drags himself to the picture place last night {by then he was feeling yuck, but a bit better}...smiles, smiles again cuz someone closed their eyes, smiles again cuz someone tilted their head, smiles again cuz someone got cut out of the picture, goofs around with Alona cuz he is the only one that can make her laugh and finally smiles again and the picture is taken!

He's sleeping right now but we are ALL worried about what is up with the bloodwork, I mean other then being anemic {he works alot and doesn't eat right at all}..he is perfectly healthy. He has "off days" but I think it's because he works so much...and he has achey days...but then again, working and skating will do that. He has some days of just feeling not all there...ADD will do that too.

Anyways...I called up the health center this morning thinking we could get in, no problem {the three youngest go there and we always get right in}.
At first everything was A-OK but then we found out because he is a new patient the next available appt. is next Tuesday, a week from today.

So....we are asking all of you to please pray for Kyle that his labs are nothing more then...#1, a big mistake or #2...something simple that we can take care of with no problem.
Please more cancer in this family. :0(

On to some Kody Bear news....
He is really starting to be bothered by this short term memory loss thing....he was begging me to tell him when he will feel "normal" again. We keep telling him he is still healing on the inside...but Kody wants his old self back yesterday. :0(
Truth be told...his memory problems may never get better, nor will his balance, his speech, his vision...but we have our Little Bear and that in itself is truly a miracle and blessing beyond any.

Just so many of you know...RachelJoy's site is back up and running. You can visit her link on the drop down..which speaking of, I have MANY new names to add {it's a sad job and I always put it off..but these kid's need prayers and many of them} so as soon as I can grab a few minutes I'll be updating that list again.

OK all...Kyle is up and Mamabear is about to go make him some hot tea and soup.

Thank you all soooooooo much for stopping by and a HUGE Thanks to all who have e-mailed me to let me know they sent for a Kody Bear bracelet

and are planning a Relay-for-Life donation to the American Cancer Society.

Every day 46 children in the USA are diagnosed with cancer. In September of the year 2000 my daughter, Karyelle, was one of those children.
On January 8, 2002 lightening struck twice when Kody was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Together...hand in hand, my two beautiful children will again walk the survivor lap and help with all their might to find a cure for this horrible beast that is robbing too many innocent familes of their children, parents, loved ones.

These facts were borrowed from Candlelighters....

Childhood Cancer Facts
Each day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer
One in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20
Although cure rates are steadily increasing, 35f children will die
Cancer remains the number one disease killer of children; more than genetic anomalies, cystic fibrosis, and AIDS combined

Please help if you you all!


Saturday, February 19, 2005 11:10 AM

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~*~Happy Marti Gras Ya'all~*~

Today Main Street in Leesburg officially is known as "The 11 Hours of Madness" :0)
And who will be joining in on the madness this afternoon? Kody Bear a/k/a "Wild Man" will!! However...he THINKS he will be flashing for beads...Mamabear begs to differ with that.
I'm sure I'll have a ton of new pictures to get up here later on.

President's Day and what it really means to our young...No, I'm not talking JC Penney's big blow-out one day only super sale. What I'm talking about is something sweeter then that and you can all find it plastered on the photo page.
{If you don't see it..try again in a few minutes...I am still scanning and loading up}

This week I've noticed a few bumps along our journey...maybe they mean nothing at all...then again, who knows. Hopefully it's just my over-protective imagination working on triple time these days.
I have noticed Kody is slurring his words...not all the time, just once in a while. Occasionally his eye's are not quite aligned as they were a couple of weeks ago..again, not always...just sometimes.
And....he is back to napping...anytime, anywhere...he literally will be playing X-Box and fall asleep with the controller still in his hand.
Maybe it's just these new full days of school catching up with his at the end of the school day. Which by the way....he protested a bit last night when he announced "Hey Mom...I thought you said we would {insert a visual of Kody puttting up his fingers in that "quote" sign"} EASE our way into full days...not throw me to the wolves??!!"
LOL..think it's funny? Try living with him!! :0)

Speaking of school....Mamabear is not the happy camper today.
Kody came home with a doozie of a story yesterday. Seems one of the older girls {he thinks she's 12?} in his class {he was freaked a couple of days ago when he told me how much she stares at him all day...he finally chalked it up to his being "hot"...his words, not mine!} was on the classroom computer where they have access to the internet. The teacher caught her on a not so kid oriantated web site and proceeded to boot her off of it when the lil' 12 year old decided she wasn't getting off any "hot men" web site and threw herself a complete meltdown tizzy tizzy in fact the POLICE had to be called to come into the clasroom and take her out. would think that perhaps the school may want to warn us parents before we find out from our kid what happened. Of course not, better things to do I guess.
My main concern is what if this girl threw something, a chair, a book, anything and hit Kody in the head, the eye, any of the many vulnerable parts he has? Would an apology call come in? Well..seems I am still hopelessly waiting for that call to come back from the shunt tube biting episode we had last year.
Anyway...I have just about had it with school and am looking sooooo forward to three days off from it.

Looks like our pal, Cool Justin..."The Man" has come through his heart surgery with flying colors!! {link on drop down}
Unfortunetly he'll need another heart surgery soon..hopefully AFTER their big Disney trip...that would be awesome!!
You all just have to check this kid out...he reminds me soooo much of what Kody will be in another eight years or so. :0)

****HOT NEWS****

Please check out my new e-mail's listed at the bottom but I'll go ahead and toss it here also so you can update your address book, for anyone who's got it saved anyway.
My other one..well, let's just say I get more junk mail in one day then my snail mailbox see's in three years.
It's getting to be a pain in the ole' waazoo to check and weed and sift and reply anymore. So..let's start off fresh with a new one..compliments of Bravenet who has succeeded in making me a happy camper once again. Freeing my Comcast, which I thought was running waaaaaayyyyy too slow, with video clips and music when we all feel the need to rock out.
Also..please send those "Kody Awareness Bracelets" photos to that e-mail...lot's of storage so there will be zero problems getting them all.

Now then...if you haven't ordered your bracelet yet..please refer to the bottom of this journal for my broken record ongoing plea to PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE support our Tumbleweed Foundation Emergency Family Relief Fund and pick up a bracelet or two as a "Thank You" gift from the Bear.

OK...there is something I would like to clear up on the GB. My flawless skin and how I managed that at the age of 42.

My ten simple rules for looking young at an old age...I like to call this K.I.S.S.

****Keep It Simple Sweetheart****

Rule #1....I don't smoke...I tryed it once when I was young, never did like it and gave it up for Hershey Bars.

Rule #2...Hershey's not just junk food anymore. Hersheys are made of milk chocolate...milk is full of calcium, great for one's bones..I mean really....who wants a humpback anyway?
Cocoa beans, beans are a vegetable...we have a rule in our house and you can ask any of my kids and husband what the vegie rule is..."Eat your vegies or you will get the RICKETS"! I mean honestly...who wants a humpback AND bowed legs?

Rule #3...Drink water everyday and lots of it. Don't like the taste? Try those cute little "to go" lemonade packets you find in the Crystal Light section of your local grocery store. Buy the Wal-Mart brand..their cheaper.

Rule #4...This goes hand in hand with Rule #3....locate a close bathroom EVERYWHERE you go.

Rule #5...Exercise everyday....walking to the mailbox counts as does, walks to the fridge, through the isles of Wal-Mart, pacing while on the phone, and especaily vacumning which brings me to...

Rule's not just a "housewifey" thing anymore. Shake that thang...shake it hard and learn how to "back it up", no husband on Earth can resist wifey "backing it up" with a vacumn. Don't know what "back it up" is? Ask any 10 to 20 year old and they'll tell you. Can't find a 10 to 20 year old? Wait and I'll get a clip up of Kody demonstrating.....which can bring you back to Rule #4...cuz you will be PIMPING. {peeing in my pants...well, not mine..yours}

Rule #7...Learn to meditate....that is breathe deeply and have positive thoughts. OK..this one I had to teach myself and it took like 5 pregnancies to perfect it.
Kids driving you crazy? Phone ringing? Dinner burning? Dog pooped on the floor?
Yes..these are stressful moments we all see from time to time...OK, for some of us...daily.
Take a deep breathe....walk briskly into your bathroom {this also helps because we combine this exercise with Rule #5} the medicine cabinet...look behind the bulk sized bottle of Excedrin...pull out that king sized Reeses Peanut Butter Cup pack you stashed there..sit on the potty {yours, not the toddlers}...breathe, close your eyes, bite Reeses, smile, breathe somemore...continue in this pattern until candy is all gone.
BTW...just so you know...back to Rule #2...but add peanut butter which is very, very healthy.

Rule #8....lift weights daily...
Things that count...laundry baskets, especailly full of wet clothes. Laundry soap jugs, grocery bags, diaper bags, squirmy toddlers, sleeping babies
{who mysteriously increase their body weight something like 20 times when asleep}, garbage bags, mail...this holds especially true when you forget to get the mail out of the box for three days.

Rule #9...Give in to the 10 finger work out...this can be done very simply by working out on our good friend "Ms. Keyboard...or Mr. Keyboard", depending on what floats your boat. The best way to reach our daily goal of finger stretches is to sign a few go ahead, pick yourselves a handfull of kiddo's and go wish them a happy day!! :0)

And finally...

Rule #10...Get yourself some kick butt software like the kind I use that can erase unslightly blemishes, lines and wrinkles. In one simple, quick click I can even make Susquash look F*I*N*E....FINE!! :0)

Have a great weekend everyone...we are off to our Marti Gras Madness!!!

Oh...let me just throw one more Rule into the mix...
Rule #'s your very best accessory....makes your whole face glow and it makes people wonder what your up to!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Wednesday Morning~*~ we go with the Comcast good news and the Bear not so good news.:0(

Last night Kody started another with another monsterache {headache} lasted all night and hasn't gone away yet.
But...he is also telling me his throat is killin' him so lets just hope for a stinky virus and nothing else.
Right now he's just hanging on the sofa with his cat, Bam and we are all hoping that his Maxalt & Motrin will kick in soon.
I'll bet Bam hopes so too as every once in a while I hear "Meeeeeow" and a lil' boys voice say "Nope...don't leave me please, Bam". :0) on with the good news.

Got Comcast internet?
Got a web site?

Get yourself a drink, a snack and search out some graphics, clip art, backgrounds, whatever floats your boat and save them to your computer.
I'm hoping all Comcast homepages are the same when I say this...
See the bars on the left? The ones that say "My Account" "My Web Page", "Online Storage", etc.....
Go ahead and get yourslef on "online storage" and save those graphics you just got from searching on the net in there.
Guess what? You can now transfer them to your site!!
All these years I spent wasting money paying for web hosting {Yahoo, Bravenet} and all along I had no idea I could do the same thing on's a service they provide us cuz, well..they are just too cool.
Know what else is phone call {heck you can even live chat with a tech} and anything you ned answered is right there, that minute. No waiting for support tickets to be opened and answered which can sometimes take days, especially if you have a problem on the weekend.
Anyway...just thought you'd all like to know.
Actually...I'll bet most server's provide this and we just don't know..I am pretty sure AOL does too.
Check it out and get busy.....take it from me...
It can be very, very habit forming and lots and lots of fun!! :0)

Once you get totally into it...get yourself Paint Shop Pro 9 and you can really have graphic, picture, background fun.
I think you can still get a free 60 trial version of it at
{just make sure your computer won't throw up...PSP takes up some space..but it won't slow your comp. down}.

Thank you so much Mick for telling me about Benjamin's link...I fixed it minutes ago.
Please...if ever there is a broken link to any kid's..let me know. Sometimes I do these things so late into the night I an't see straight.
Thank you again!! :0)

The movie "The Grudge"....
SIGH....I got bored with it halfway through and decided sleep was more of a thrill at that point.
Guess I am just a tough one to scare...I have always loved scary movies...totally into "Chuckie" and anything Alienish!! :0)

Funny...not to many things really scare me but I'll let you all in on a little secret...don't laugh, K?
You know those Pop-in-Fresh Pillsbury Grands bisquits?
Opening them scares me!!
No joke...ask my sister, she was on the phone with me last night when I opened one....I thought she'd laugh herself silly.
Seriously....once I had some in the car...just coming home from grocery shopping in the Florida July heat and I left them in the trunk....well, I was stopped at a red light and the things started exploding in the trunk...real funny right? I almost peed myself!! {sorry!!}
So..there you have it...The Pillsbury Dough Boy and Balloons scare me to death.
Yes...I am a hoot at birthday parties.
Oh wait...let's not forget to mention the time Daddy Bear taught his young'uns to blow up those little party balloons, chase Mommy Bear around the house and pop them right in front of her.
Oh funny, how amusing....HOW SCARY AND RUDE COULD THEY BE??!!

OK gals and guys...I am off to spend some one on one time with a very miserable Bear.

Thanks for stopping by....

Luv, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Today was the first day in a brand spankin' new classroom and Kody had a GREAT time!! :0)

Since he wasn't sure where the room was {it's in a just built over the summer new brick building on campus but not in the actual school building he is used to} I walked him in.
I don't know if anyone else does this with their kids but I always have to hold his hand...everywhere, even more so when I see crowds of people or in our case this morning, kids. He was OK with that while we walked through the school building, but in order to get to his building you have to keep on walking until you get outside again.
So...we get back out side and no crowds...but me being overprotective me....still kept a tight hold on that {not so little same size as mine} hand. Finally, I guess I was embarrassing him cuz he said "OK Mom, there are no can let go now".
So...I looked at him and kinda sad to be told to let go....I said "OK Pal, if that's what you want".
Well...without skipping a beat he said "Oh heck....why don't we just touch shoulders while we walk!". :0)
I wish you could have seen the two of us goofs trying to walk "touching shoulders"...we got a few stares but so what...we had a good laugh and it made both our mornings!! :0)

The kids in his class made him feel so welcome when he walked in, and he felt at home and at ease...soooo, I left. It wasn't easy but I did.

This afternoon he can home with the great news that he gets to be in Lake County's "Special Olympics" field and track event coming up soon!!! He is beyond happy...he really is.

I'm going to have to cut this short tonight...I just popped in a movie {The Grudge} and it looks pretty kind of movie! LOL!!!

I promise I'll update some more tomorrow....

Oh before I leave let me just ask that lots of heavy duty prayers be said for Benjamin who is rapidly taking a turn for the worse.
Melody and Big Ben who are both nearing the very end of their Earthly journey's.

And...if anyone ever doubted the existance of a higher being, of a true miracle, of those who leave before us not coming back then I ask that you all go take a stroll on over to Angel Cheyenne's...bring tissues and read about the lavender pillow. You may have to go back on the journel history page to get the whole story....and then go look on the photo page...I promise you that what you will read will stay with you forever.

All the links to these children can be found on the drop down up top.

Let me just still leave this up.....

As so many of you probably is that time of year again.
The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life".
The team name hasn't been decided on yet but I can tell you that Kody was the most popular pick for big sister, Karyelle's team, which is through the bank she works at.
Each team member was asked to complete a personal goal of $100.00 each. know my go-getters...they want a CURE and they want it NOW!!
So far Kody has $10.00 and I think Karyelle is slightly more then that.
If anyone would like to sponser either kiddo of mine, as siblings, they walk the "Survivor Lap" once again this year to help in their own way to find a cure for all cancers...
Please send to:

Kody and/or Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Relay is April 22nd this year so there is plenty of time.
In advance we would like to thank you all VERY much...together we will make a difference...cancers of all kinds will be day at a time.

Also...just so you know, Kody's blue "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets are a huge hit and flying off the internet faster then rockets on the 4th of July.
There is still some time to get yours...just click on" The Emergency Family Relief Fund.
Towards the top on the right hand side is a link to "Thank You gifts"
For a $6 to $13 donation to the Family Relief Fund a bracelet will be sent to you as our special "Thank You" for helping The Tumbleweed Foudation in this very much needed and worthy cause.

Many...Many thanks to all who have already sent for yours...PLEASE send us a picture!!
I'll be putting up an e-mail link for that in the very near future, if that's how you'd like to send yours.

OK....Love you all...till tomorrow, gotta run and watch my movie!!



PS. Tomorrow when I have more time I have to tell all of you who are on Comcast and have CB sites you want fancied up some really, really GREAT news I happened by accident to stumble across a couple of days ago. This is defiently going to make your day, it sure did make mine!! :0)

I left you an e-mail, be sure to e-mail me back with your mailing address so I can get that bracelet out to you!!
WAA-HOO...Half a million..I still can't believe it!!
I still remember 10,000 hits...we thought we were bad to the bone back then. :0)

Sunday, February 13, 2005 9:52 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Happy Valentines Day Everyone~*~

We had a pretty decent weekend here, was going almost perfect till we realized this morning Kody lost his glasses.
After searching all day...and I am talking, stripping down everything, calling stores we were at yesterday, basically going nuts since those spec's of his are real pricey.
Anyway....I am happy to report they were found about 45 minutes ago by the Bear himself!! The crazy thing is, where they were...we looked about 50 times today. Weird??

So, tomorrow will be Valentines Day...and in honor of V-Day Kody has left all "his ladies...and little ladies" a little gift straight from his heart.

Get ready...Get set...crank up the volume girls cuz without any further ado may I introduce...

~*~Wild Thing...I think I love you~*~

LOL...that was better then any old box of chocolate and a dozen roses anyday!! :0) on to a more serious note...
The school situation.

First I would like to thank everyone who has left us a GB message and e-mail. The outpouring of love and concern for Kody was unbelievable. I never imagined him having a bad day could rip through so many hearts...yet he seems to have had.
I could tell by hearing so many of you that you actually felt his hurt. Trust me, as his Mom, I think I felt the hurt more then he...see, he is OK now, but I still, for some reason, feel the sting.

So...our decision, together with Kody's feelings and input is this.

I explained to Kody what the meeting was about. He knew for the most part what I'd be talking about there and he knew right away that he is lagging way behind his friends and it is embarrassing for him to see the other children fly through their assignments while he struggles and is left behind.
Though I honestly thought he would freak at the thought of being taken out of his classroom and in to another, he absolutely liked the idea alot.
He said he even knows the teacher and likes her, he also knows two kids in the class and likes being from his class he is in now.
Tomorrow morning I'll be calling the guidance counsler and arranging for Kody to be in an "inclusion class" {at least I think that's what it's called}.
He is going to try it out for at least 2 weeks and if things don't work out then I'll check him out and together he and I will venture out as Mom/Teacher and Kody/Student.

I am going to mention this to his school tomorrow and see what services they can offer him and myself. I don't know much about the "Americans with Disabilites" act but I do kow that he definetly applies and they have to help somehow.

We have been through alot together that Bear and myself...we can do this, I know we can. But...we'll cross that bridge when and if we come to it.

Thank you again everyone, I really have spent the entire weekend thinking, thinking and more thinking. As a matter of fact I was thinking so much you could actually smell something burning!! :0)
Kody, Daddy Bear and myself agree 100 percent this is the best road to follow, at least for now.

What else is new this weekend? Oh...Bravenet and Kody's CB site graphics.
Well...turns out his domain name expired after a year and they wanted $175.00 for me to get it back, in addition to the $$ they get from me every month.
OK..yeah, right.
After a few go arounds with Bravenet...I hope that things will be back to normal very soon.
On Saturday I paid for a new domain name and Bravenet offered to pay to registar the new domain name for us.
How sweet was that??
Welp...that was yesterday morning and so far I still cannot get into that new site to transfer any graphics, pictures, music...whatever I may need for Kody's site.
I guess I just need to wait for normal business hours.

So..until then...Kody's site won't look at it's best just yet. I am fiddling with Comcast tonight {where I store his video clips} so hopefully I can get Kody's song up here...he REALLY wanted "Wild Thing" up for V-Day.

Thank you to the two beautiful ladies who offered us the use of their sites to store Kody's gals are the BEST!!

OK...I am jumping off of here tonight, gotta get my weekly dose of "Desperate Housewives"!

So it doesn't go back in the history page too far, I am leaving this still up from my last update...

As so many of you probably is that time of year again.
The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life".
The team name hasn't been decided on yet but I can tell you that Kody was the most popular pick for big sister, Karyelle's team, which is through the bank she works at.
Each team member was asked to complete a personal goal of $100.00 each. know my go-getters...they want a CURE and they want it NOW!!
So far Kody has $10.00 and I think Karyelle is slightly more then that.
If anyone would like to sponser either kiddo of mine, as siblings, they walk the "Survivor Lap" once again this year to help in their own way to find a cure for all cancers...
Please send to:

Kody and/or Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Relay is April 22nd this year so there is plenty of time.
In advance we would like to thank you all VERY much...together we will make a difference...cancers of all kinds will be day at a time.

Also...just so you know, Kody's blue "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets are a huge hit and flying off the internet faster then rockets on the 4th of July.
There is still some time to get yours...just click on" The Emergency Family Relief Fund.
Towards the top on the right hand side is a link to "Thank You gifts"
For a $6 to $13 donation to the Family Relief Fund a bracelet will be sent to you as our special "Thank You" for helping The Tumbleweed Foudation in this very much needed and worthy cause.

Many...Many thanks to all who have already sent for yours...PLEASE send us a picture!!
I'll be putting up an e-mail link for that in the very near future, if that's how you'd like to send yours.

Thank you all for stopping by....

Hey...BTW..have you seen the hit counter lately?? We are sooooooooo close to half a million!!! :0)
Kody get's about 1000 hits a day so it won't be long.

If you happen to be lucky number 5000,000 PLEASE let us know in the GB...for being such a great Kody Bear fan, we will personally donate to Tumbleweed in your name and you'll be sent your own "Life's Tough...I'm Tougher" awareness bracelet.

Karl...Karyelle I am warning you two....NO CLICKING REFRESH 100 TIMES!!! :0)
Love you both but I know how you both are!!

Love you all and a Happy V-Day to you!

Love, Kim

Friday, February 11, 2005 10:52 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Saturday Night~*~

Everything is great today...a really great day!!
Kody attempted his skateboard, fell about 4 times and I had him call it quits, it was just a bad balance kind of day.
He really loves that board...the top picture shows him how I caught him watching TV this morning.
Board leaning on his face and eyes on a TV show. :0)

I'll update more's late {almost 11 PM} and the Bear doesn't want to sleep. Something about a spike bracelet at Claire's he cannot live without.....geez, and I always thought it was the girls who drove me nuts with the late night "But Mom...if you want me to be cool you'll get it for me" blues. LOL!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone...more pictures tomorrow!!

Luv, Kim

PS. Bravenet has been working dilegently with me and things should be fixed very soon...long story, I'll explain later.

PPSS. Nope..Kody didn't get a new haircut...well, he did get a trim but not a new style...that slicked back hair is wet...he just came out of the bath. :0)


~*~Friday Night Update~*~


I forgot to mention this morning when I talked about Relay for Life and sponsers...
Please, if you wanted to send a check Kody and or Karyelle's way for sponsership....
Make that check out to "The American Cancer Society"
Please DON'T make it out to Kody...that kid can spend it faster then you all can make it!! :0)

Have a great night everyone...I am off to put the kids to bed, check on a bunch of our friends on the net and go round to round with Bravenet somemore.

Oh...just incase you didn't read this mornings update..we call the front picture and the picture's on the photo page...

"If Kody can't go to the party.....The party will come to Kody"


Luv, Kim

On my own lil' personal note...

"Happy nine years in Heaven Pop-Pop...the sting of missing you is still there everyday.
Please continue to pull strings up there and keep our Bear going strong.
Till the day we meet again...."


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you soooooooooooo much to everyone who jumped to Kody's defense yesterday and for not thinking I was too much of a pre-menapausal psycho!! :0)

Here's the latest on the school situation...

Yesteray morning I placed a call to the school to have my say about the teacher who wouldn't let Kody go to that party....oh, BTW..I don't think I mentioned this in my yesterday's update...he was made to sit in a room, alone, doing worksheets the whole time his class was in the next room having a blast...and he could hear them having fun.
I'm sure some tear spots still adorne those worksheets...and I think that teacher should keep them always to remind her NEVER to single ANY child out for things that are NOT in his/her control.

***Oops..there goes another "surge"***

Before the meeting I got a call back from the assistant principal {whom we love...and Kody loves her daughter!} who was completley shocked, mortafied and embarrassed. She apologized several times for the acts of this teacher and said she was going to let the principal know what happened.
Honestly...I don't know what will ever become of this other then Kody chanting "Oh Mom is gonna get her fired!!"
Oh Lord...that kid!! :0)

OK...the meeting...
Kody is on a IEP so basically the meeting was about that, the fact that they stopped his hospital homebound tutoring and his teacher wanted me to know {without my saying I already knew} that his memory is getting worse and he is falling behind even more so lately.
Currently...Kody is only on a 1.5 grade level.
I think he's better then that but that's what they tell me.

In a nutshell...I voiced my opinion about a bunch of things and Kody will very shorty be getting PT in school, tutoring after school, and possibly a new classroom setting as to where kids of grades 3, 4 and 5 who are not on grade level have special accomodations and can get graded properly on the level they are at.
Which would mean instead of bringing home F's on third grade work he simply cannot do...or failed spelling tests {because he knows the words on a Thursday night but has forgotten most of them by Friday morning}...
He would bring hom maybe C's and B's on his grade level that he is at. nice as that sounds there is a downside so I haven't made up my mind and it is completely up to Karl and I to decide what to do.
One thing I didn't like was the kids in this clas are not allowed to be graded with an "A", the best they can get is a "B" even if their work is completely worthy of an "A"...some stupid Board of Education rule...and I do stress "stupid" because to me that is biased and degrading.

Is this a "Special Ed" class?
Though it is called something else these days {I can't remember what}...I believe it is.
My oldest son Kyle was put into special ed in grade 1. It was humiliating for him his whole life to life with the special ed label and stigma that goes along with it.
So much so that he dropped out of school before making it out of the ninth grade.
He was made fun of by his peers, he was thought less of by his teachers and while going though the most important growing up years of his life...the humiliation he endured throughout his school years made him very, very angry and dangerously depressed.
On a happier note...he will be 20 in November...he is a great son and brother, he's reliable, strong, responsible, trustworthy and a hard worker. He is Kody's best and most favorite role model.
It's true he still struggles but he has made me a promise that he will get his GED in the year 2005. If have to drive him there myself...mark my word, he will get that diploma. getting back to Kody Bear...

Last night as I went to bed praying for an answer to this school mess...a thought popped up in my head. Don't know if it was the exhausted side of me wanted to drift off to sleep or maybe it was a sign from God.
Anyway...the thought was BAM...
Now....I tried homeschooling Kyle and I found that I {I'm gonna be honest so please don't all get mad} had absolutley no patience at all, then add to the fact that I am about the most unorganized person you'll ever meet...and let's just say, it was a disaster from day one.

I know there are alot of pro's and con's and I am heavily weighing them out today {I'm a Libra..I have to weigh everything out before deciding!!}
My sister has been homeschooling her two boys for years. My own mother is big on it too. {not for me I always went to public school}.
Kody's dr. once asked me not to homeschool as so many parents of ill children do for the fact he needs to socialization.
Honestly...I don't think I'm smart enough, but then again it's only second graade stuff, right?
Kody is a procrastinater like myself.
Homework time is a nightmare in this house...between Kody not understanding/not remembering/ADD and Kolin's ADHD....yes, it's nightmare city.

But...on the other hand..this is a child I love with all my heart and soul and he deserves the very best life has to offer.
Could I offer him a good eduation at home? Let's not forget..this is the Mom who was overwhelmed trying to find math worksheets on-line. :0(
Welp...I think if I take a deep breath, a few tylenol, and a nice strong cup of coffee each morning...I think I can.
So...what I'm wondering is...if I go this I have back-up from ya'all great friends of mine??!! :0)

Oh's something else I thought of...
Kolin will freak out and most likely be a booger a/k/a pain in the **BLEEP** to get to school everyday.
Would I consider homeschooling him?
I love that child with every fiber of my being...but the answer is NO WAY!!

***Spend a day with'll understand***

So...that's my dilemma and that gives me an awful lot to think about over the weekend.
Kody loves the class he is in now, he loves his teacher...all his friends are there...but he is not learning in that situation.
Hmmmmm...I wonder if I can put him in school for the fun stuff and leave him with me for the rest??

I am going to try my best to get some new pictures up this morning but I have a very special date with two good looking guys in a little while so the pix may have to wait until a little later on.
But...just as a quick verbal preview...we call these new ones...
"If Kody can't go to the party...the party will come to Kody" "dates" are Kody and Kolin!! :0)

One more thing and I am jumping off of here for now...

As so many of you probably is that time of year again.
The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life".
The team name hasn't been decided on yet but I can tell you that Kody was the most popular pick for big sister, Karyelle's team, which is through the bank she works at.
Each team member was asked to complete a personal goal of $100.00 each. know my go-getters...they want a CURE and they want it NOW!!
So far Kody has $10.00 and I think Karyelle is slightly more then that.
If anyone would like to sponser either kiddo of mine, as siblings, they walk the "Survivor Lap" once again this year to help in their own way to find a cure for all cancers...
Please send to:

Kody and/or Karyelle Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Relay is April 22nd this year so there is plenty of time.
In advance we would like to thank you all VERY much...together we will make a difference...cancers of all kinds will be day at a time.

Also...just so you know, Kody's blue "Life's Tough, I'm Tougher" awareness bracelets are a huge hit and flying off the internet faster then rockets on the 4th of July.
There is still some time to get yours...just click on" The Emergency Family Relief Fund.
Towards the top on the right hand side is a link to "Thank You gifts"
For a $6 to $13 donation to the Family Relief Fund a bracelet will be sent to you as our special "Thank You" for helping The Tumbleweed Foudation in this very much needed and worthy cause.

Many...Many thanks to all who have already sent for yours...PLEASE send us a picture!!
I'll be putting up an e-mail link for that in the very near future, if that's how you'd like to send yours.

OK gals and guys...I'm off for my date!!

Thank you all again and again for stopping by!!
Love you all...


PS...What is going on with Bravenet? Does anyone know cause I am about to have another "surge" if I don't get my grahics back VERY soon!!
Bravenet is totally ruining a Valentines surprise Kody Bear has planned for all of you gals out there!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

****Thursday Morning****

Last night Kody didn't seem like himself...sleep wasn't coming easy for him as it ususally does and late last night I found out why.
As if dropping a tray of food on himself wasn't embarassing enough {there was no applause...just laughs, and not the good kind}, yesterday in reading class there was a party going on in a class called "fast forward", which is a computer class.
Well...excited and happy, Kody got up to go attend {it was in another room} and his reading teacher {her name I won't mention but she will remember me always after today} right away told him to sit down, he wasn't going.
Then she proceeded to tell him in front of his classmates, who were going to the party that only the children that have completed all their assignments were invited.
Yes...Kody is still struggling to catch up, but he is trying and giving it 100 percent...I mean after all...he was out of school recovering from brain surgery, not the flu.
Yes...this teacher knows this and why she felt compelled to single out my son and humiliate him in front of his classmates I will never know.
But I do know 12:30 today I have a meeting at his school to discuss this among other why I was told on the phone a couple of days ago that they are "worried Kody's isn't keeping up with his peers" and they "just don't know what to do for him anymore".
Ahem...well...for starters...denying him his tutoring twice a week because he is back to school full time was, well...hmmmm.....STUPID!!
But...I suppose it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.

Sorry ya'all...I just had a "surge" {that's what we call my pre-menapausal self here these days..or maybe it's just I'm a P.O'd Mom on a mission}...
Sorry to vent....I'm home alone right now and there is nobody to call. :0(

Thanks again for bein' ma' friend!! :0)


PS. No luck with the Bravenet people...they are next on my hit list!! :0)

PPSS. As I am sure most of you know...Our BabyBug Katia is back in the hospital...pray, pray, pray!!

Ladybug 3




HeeBee JeeBee may want to skip the last two pictures!!
There are four pix altogether. :0)

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Seems we're still waiting for Bravenet to get their acts together...after some supports tickets being tossed around, they still haven't come up with a solution.
It might not bother me too much if they weren't being paid so darn good every month.
Guess it's just a waiting game, if in a couple more days nothing happens...I'll just find another transfer site cuz honestly...we hate seeing Kody's site look like a mess. :0(

Tonight I've a special "Prayer Request" for our sweet friend, Haley {link in the drop down}.
Haley is a beautiful girl with the voice af an Angel.
Kody fell in love with her style {and her cuteness} and a few months ago he was surprised with a CD in the mail from none other then Haley singing away!! He really LOVES that CD. :0)
Anyway a few days ago Haley, unexpectedly experienced a sudden severe headache and after getting her to the hospital ER in an ice storm it was found she had a horrible brain bleed and half her brain was filled up with blood.
Of couse, emergancy surgery was next, then learning to talk, walk...SIGH....the things that still bring bad memories here.
And...after all she went have just GOT to read what she did minutes upon waking up.
What an incredible girl...loving, so caring of others, sunshine on a rainy day...that's our Haley!!

Kody's headaches are finally least for the moment.
Karl and I have been worried...not just about the headaches but some other changes we have seen lately.
March 21st....his next MRI can't seem to come fast enough for us.

Today was Kody's first day of full day school where I didn't have lunch with him. He wanted some time with his friends and he wanted to buy his pizza at school.
In my heart I know he still isn't real great at carrying things, especially trays full of food but he was determined and sure of himself and he really wanted to try.

I wish I would have went...but I can't change time and I sure can't be stuck in his hip pocket all day, right?
Well....he told me he had his tray and was walking to his table slowly when the kid behind him walked way too fast and clipped him in the back of his ankle causing him to, guessed it...drop everything all over himself and the floor.

***Why wasn't I there to protect him??***

I asked him what happened next and he simply said..."I went back and got another tray and this time I made it!!"

***Picture me smiling here***

Then he said "And this time Mom...I made sure I got EXTRA pears and whipped cream!!"

***Picture me laughing till it hurts here!!***

Thank you so much to all of you who have been sending him Valentines...and a BIG THANK YOU to "Pre-School Pen-Pals" for all the Valentines and Valentine games sent to all the kids.
I can't even begin to describe how happy Kolin is when he see's something, anything with his name on it.

As always...please keep Big Ben and Melody {links in drop down} and their families in your hearts and in your prayers as they enter into the final stages of their journey here on Earth.
Ben is having such a rough time with pain but thankfully, by some incredidible miracle...Melody is in no pain at all. Praise God for that!! :0)

Also..this has nothing to do with our CB familes but today in Lake County, Florida in a town called Paisley, not too far from here we experienced the loss of one very brave Sherriff's deputy. While his two partners were injured...thank God, they will be OK.
Some of you may see it on the news but a 29 year old guy...a well known trouble maker hid in the woods next to his home while the Sherriff's were there questioning and roping off his home because of a domestic incident.
While the police were outside..this sick monster ambushed them and shot them killing one and like I said, injuring two.
The gunman...he was caught this evening, hiding in the woods 6 miles from his home. We watched the whole thing unfold live on TV.
It was horrible...really horrible...I think all of Lake County is just sickened and saddened by the senselessness of the whole sitution.
Please pray for the familes...
Thank you.

Ok guys and gals.....I'm outta here for tonight...thank you for stopping by and checking on the Bear!!

Love you all...


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Seems we're still waiting for Bravenet to get their acts together...after some supports tickets being tossed around, they still haven't come up with a solution.
It might not bother me too much if they weren't being paid so darn good every month.
Guess it's just a waiting game, if in a couple more days nothing happens...I'll just find another transfer site cuz honestly...we hate seeing Kody's site look like a mess. :0(

Tonight I've a special "Prayer Request" for our sweet friend, Haley {link in the drop down}.
Haley is a beautiful girl with the voice af an Angel.
Kody fell in love with her style {and her cuteness} and a few months ago he was surprised with a CD in the mail from none other then Haley singing away!! He really LOVES that CD. :0)
Anyway a few days ago Haley, unexpectedly experienced a sudden severe headache and after getting her to the hospital ER in an ice storm it was found she had a horrible brain bleed and half her brain was filled up with blood.
Of couse, emergancy surgery was next, then learning to talk, walk...SIGH....the things that still bring bad memories here.
And...after all she went have just GOT to read what she did minutes upon waking up.
What an incredible girl...loving, so caring of others, sunshine on a rainy day...that's our Haley!!

Kody's headaches are finally least for the moment.
Karl and I have been worried...not just about the headaches but some other changes we have seen lately.
March 21st....his next MRI can't seem to come fast enough for us.

Today was Kody's first day of full day school where I didn't have lunch with him. He wanted some time with his friends and he wanted to buy his pizza at school.
In my heart I know he still isn't real great at carrying things, especially trays full of food but he was determined and sure of himself and he really wanted to try.

I wish I would have went...but I can't change time and I sure can't be stuck in his hip pocket all day, right?
Well....he told me he had his tray and was walking to his table slowly when the kid behind him walked way too fast and clipped him in the back of his ankle causing him to, guessed it...drop everything all over himself and the floor.

***Why wasn't I there to protect him??***

I asked him what happened next and he simply said..."I went back and got another tray and this time I made it!!"

***Picture me smiling here***

Then he said "And this time Mom...I made sure I got EXTRA pears and whipped cream!!"

***Picture me laughing till it hurts here!!***

Thank you so much to all of you who have been sending him Valentines...and a BIG THANK YOU to "Pre-School Pen-Pals" for all the Valentines and Valentine games sent to all the kids.
I can't even begin to describe how happy Kolin is when he see's something, anything with his name on it.

As always...please keep Big Ben and Melody {links in drop down} and their families in your hearts and in your prayers as they enter into the final stages of their journey here on Earth.
Ben is having such a rough time with pain but thankfully, by some incredidible miracle...Melody is in no pain at all. Praise God for that!! :0)

Also..this has nothing to do with our CB familes but today in Lake County, Florida in a town called Paisley, not too far from here we experienced the loss of one very brave Sherriff's deputy. While his two partners were injured...thank God, they will be OK.
Some of you may see it on the news but a 29 year old guy...a well known trouble maker hid in the woods next to his home while the Sherriff's were there questioning and roping off his home because of a domestic incident.
While the police were outside..this sick monster ambushed them and shot them killing one and like I said, injuring two.
The gunman...he was caught this evening, hiding in the woods 6 miles from his home. We watched the whole thing unfold live on TV.
It was horrible...really horrible...I think all of Lake County is just sickened and saddened by the senselessness of the whole sitution.
Please pray for the familes...
Thank you.

Ok guys and gals.....I'm outta here for tonight...thank you for stopping by and checking on the Bear!!

Love you all...


~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Still leaving these links/messages below....

~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork raised over $500.00 for The American Cancer Society!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us



To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Sunday, February 6, 2005 4:55 PM....SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Tuesday Morning~*~

Sorry about the mess here on Kody's site...Bravenet is down and that's where everything is stored and transferred from {graphics, clip art, backgrounds, pictures}. It should be back up sometime today...fingers crossed.

Kody has been down since yesterday evening with a pretty nasty headache. It's a little after 10 o'clock now and he is still in my bed, hurting and trying to sleep it off. I gave him the highest dose of med's I can but it still isn't touching it.
Poor kid. :0(

Anyway...maybe with a lil' prayer he will bounce back this morning, that would be so cool.

Better run...there is nothing more yummy then snuggling with a Bear who wants his Mama.

Have a great day everyone...


PS. When you can see it again...special thanks to HELEN for creating Kody's new background. :0)


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

What a cool day we had yesterday!!

And....yesterday was a HUGE milestone for Kody Bear...something he had been begging for, for over a year now came true for him.
SURPRISE...see the photo page for his big "Kodak Moment"!! :0)

The kids and I also took off to Fruitland Park's Methodist Church "Winterfest 2005" which was a lotta fun {and all for free!!} and as Kody put it "The very best day of his life"!!
{He has alot of those, doesn't he??}
Lots of pictures on the photo page from yesterday.

One thing though, was a little difficult for me to watch yesterday, and I'll tell you about it pity parties for the Bear because yesterday Kody put a whole new meaning to the words "Never give up" and Kody's motto "Life is Tough...But I'm Tougher" has never been more true.
Let me explain....the two boys, first thing, wanted to do this inflated obstical course and off they went.
Kolin, thinking Kody was right on his heels, FLEW through at lightening speed.
Kody...on the other hand was struggling with everything he had to make it through...falling and getting stuck everywhere...unable to even get himself over a {blow up} rock wall.
But....Kody laughed and he laughed and he tried and he tried...he fell, he wobbled, he even had some help from the crowd...cheering, encouraging and then out of the blue..a little boy about his age climbed right up there with him and pulled him over that wall.
Then...Kody fell again...But, it never stopped him from having fun.
Did Kody feel sorry for himself? Not a snowballs chance in H**L!!
DId he quit after one try? Not my Bear...he went back 4 more times to try again and again.
Did he ever make it on his own? Nope..he sure didn't but he never gave up and he never stopped laughing! :0)

Then it was off to the "Rock Climbing Wall".
Kody's first try went a little something like this....he made it about 12 inches.
"Monkey Boy" a/k/a Kolin scooted the whole way to the top...and this rock wall was HUGE...heck, even the teens were not making it but halfway.
When he came down he hugged his proud Mama and he found his big brother...standing on line to try one more time! Well..Kolin ran to Kody at full speed ahead, hugged him and said "Kody...all the time I was so scared, especially when I looked down but I thought of you and said I'm doing this for Kody...and I made it!!"
Kody was one very, very proud big brother!!
~*~See Photo Page~*~
Kody's second try....he climbed about 5 feet, it wasn't easy for him and I figured out why as I watched. He has no downward glance and so trying to see the little rock ledges to put his feet on were just about impossible...everything he did, he did by feel. Combine that with his balance isssues and it was pretty clear why he just can't do the things he was able to do in the past.
Still...when he came down off of that wall and ran over to Kolin and would have been pretty hard pressed to see more prouder, happier and huggier people in the place.

What else? Oh.....there was face painting, clowns, balloons, kettle corn, drinks, hot dogs, inflatable slides, sno cones, cotton candy, deserts of all kinds, chili contests {which a tiny little chinese guy won...HA...go figure?}, pie eating contests, music, entertainment, prizes, lots of pictures, games, pugil stick competions {which the boys took part in}, a bunch of other things I am probably forgetting and our most favorite part of the day....


Yes heard it right...I don't know how but somehow we managed, on a sunny 70 degree day, to sled on some packed down icey snowy stuff and it was F-U-N...FUN!!!!!!

I have a bunch more photos that I took with a regular 35 camera so as soon as I scan some I'll put those up too.

All in was a day full of wonderful memories that I know we will all never forget.
Many Thank You's and Kudo's the Fruitland Park Methodist Church for the "best day of Kody's life"...I will always hold close the memories of a little boy who never says quit, very close to my heart.

Before I jump off of here, because I have GOT to get those hot wings going for the big game tonight...please let me again take another moment and ask you all who can help to please stop by The Tumbleweed Foundation and if you have any means possible, please donate to The Emergancy Family Relief Fund.
Remember...please don't forget to specify which gift you would like...
A Tumbleweed Foudation key chain, label pin or many other great gifts.

Or, Kody Bear's very own personal line of "Life's Tough...I'm Tougher" blue awareness bracelet. Which also comes with an autographed note from The Bear himself.

OK guys and gals...a few things are calling my name and I gotta go tend to them....
Wings...Franks Hot Sauce...and my "Da Bomb" killer hot wings secret ingredient. :0)

Oops..almost forgot...

THANK YOU to EVERYONE who sent us a ton of web sites to find math sheets on!!
Kolin has been busy as a mathamatics bee and Kody has been busy creating the funniest "brain" things you ever want to see. I found a site {through another site that someone in the GB sent} that's called "Neuroscience for Kids".
Can you believe, at only 9 years old, Kody knows the answer to most of the questions?? {parts of the brain, etc...}.
He has been happy as a hog in mud making greeting cards, brain mazes, connect the dot brains, brain awareness bookmarks, brain coloring pages, crosswords, word searches...
Sounds as cool as it is....if you want to check it out, here's the link...>>

Neuroscience for Kids.

Love you all....


Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Friday...10:15 AM~*~

Hi again!

I need help PLEASE!!

I've just been searching the net for way too long looking for fun, colorful printable math worksheets for first and third graders and can come up with nothing fun looking or exciting.
Does anyone out there know of any cool sites I could try??
Seems on the drive to school this morning I had two bright eyed little boys wanting these...can you believe it?
They didn't want "computer games" but real actual worksheets.
Soooo....who am I to argue with future genius'...right?? :0)
I mean after all..these are the kids that will be supporting me in my old age someday. LOL!!
Anyway....if someone knows and can drop me a line in the GB I really, really would appreciate it....




I have just gotten a phone call from Mary from Tumbleweed Foudation Emergancy Family Relief Fund.....
Please I am asking any of Kody's fans who might be able to help!!
Tonight as you and I prepare to turn in for the night there is a family with a beautiful baby girl who is in the PICU fighting for her life. As if watching theri daughter fight for every breath isn't hard enough, this Mom has done something that took alot of courage on her part...she has asked for help.

This is taken from Tumbleweed's site and I would like to share with you so you will all know where your donation is going and to ask for any who can to please help.

"If you were waiting for a special day to donate to the Family Relief Fund, today is that day! Kaitlin K's family needs our help. Kaitlin (Featured Jan '05) is in PICU on a vent, and is spiking fevers, and not doing real well. Her Mom has been able to take a leave of absence to be with her, and her dad has been with her as well, but had to go back to work. This is what this fund is for. No Dad should have to leave his little girl like this to go work. WE have collected a little bit of money, but , please, whatever you can donate would be a tremendous help. A local company here in Pittsburgh will match the first $250 raised for Kaitlin. Please - even if you can afford $1, it will get us there. This is from Katilins' journal:
Thursday February 3rd:

Kaitlin spiked a fever over the night. They took more blood cultures, but they take 24 to 48 hours to get back. The Doctors didn’t want to wait that long, so they started her on another antibiotic. Her blood pressure started dropping, so they are trying to increase the fluids on her 1st, before putting her back on the blood pressure medicine. I am so sad to say, they needed to increase a couple of the numbers on the vent. I am on my way back to the hospital; I will be staying the night. I am so upset, this is happening. Why can’t she just get better? I feel so sick inside.
God, please help Kaitlin’s blood pressure go up. God, please no more fevers. God, please help my baby get stronger and better.
Thanks again for your help. I promise to NOT become a burden!"

If you would like to visit Kaitlin and check for updates, her site is: patient name is KAITLINKOOI

Please...Please include this family in your prayers also.

Thank you so much!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Good news {I hope} about the PT issue.

First of all a big "THANK YOU" to C.J. from Ped-a-Care and Deidra from CMS for acting so quickly on Kody's benefit and for making all those stress-filled phone calls your job so that I could better concentrate on life here at home, where would I be without you two gals?? :0)

The first thing I found out was that the wrong paperwork was filed long ago.
But...then this afternoon I found out that the PT place was billing some insurance comp. that had nothing to do with Kody.
Which, to me, is a pretty careless mistake considering copies of Kody's insurance cards were found today, neat, tidy and safely tucked inside his medical file at the PT place.

In any case...whatever it takes, PT will be paid eventually. I was also told if I were to get a bill to call insurance ASAP as they don't want me bothered with that or have any negative credit should it go to collections.

As for any further PT....well....I found out today that all I need is a scrip. from Dr. Pincus or Kody's PCP and his school has to provide one. If they fight me on phone call is all I need to make and the pit bulls in Tallahasse get involved.

Ahhhh...the joys of red tape and migraines!!

As for Kody Bear...he does not want to talk about PT, as a matter of fact, he told me that coversation ranks right up there with the "Boomer" conversation which is still too painful for him to talk about.
BTW...Boomer has never showed up, no signs of him anywhere. He was listed with "petfinder", "lost pets", our two local papers, the humane society, animal control, police name it, his picture was plastered everywhere. more thing and then I'll give you all a break from me! :0)

Kody's bracelets and how to get um'.

Click on The Tumbleweed Emergancy Family Relief Fund.
For a donation of $6.00 to $13.00 Tumbleweed will send you a bracelet with a personal note from and signed by Kody.
Just please be sure to specify that the bracelet is what you would like for your "Thank You" gift.
Every single bit of the money raised goes directly to the familes who need it the most.
I have always been quite a bit of a stickler about charaties because without trying to sound harsh...there are so many in this world who don't give 100 percent back to where it belongs.
I can tell you, from personal experience, that Tumbleweed is by far the most wonderful, honest and hard working bunch of ladies I have ever had the honor of "meeting".
My only wish {other then the Tumbleweed fundraiser being a complete success} is that someday all the telephone and e-mail conversations with Mary end up being a "one-on-one let's hang on the beach all day" conversation!! :0)

OK guys and gals..I have got to go watch The Happy Days reunion!!

Love you all....


Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Thursday Night~*~

Good news {I hope} about the PT issue.

First of all a big "THANK YOU" to C.J. from Ped-a-Care and Deidra from CMS for acting so quickly on Kody's benefit and for making all those stress-filled phone calls your job so that I could better concentrate on life here at home, where would I be without you two gals?? :0)

The first thing I found out was that the wrong paperwork was filed long ago.
But...then this afternoon I found out that the PT place was billing some insurance comp. that had nothing to do with Kody.
Which, to me, is a pretty careless mistake considering copies of Kody's insurance cards were found today, neat, tidy and safely tucked inside his medical file at the PT place.

In any case...whatever it takes, PT will be paid eventually. I was also told if I were to get a bill to call insurance ASAP as they don't want me bothered with that or have any negative credit should it go to collections.

As for any further PT....well....I found out today that all I need is a scrip. from Dr. Pincus or Kody's PCP and his school has to provide one. If they fight me on phone call is all I need to make and the pit bulls in Tallahasse get involved.

Ahhhh...the joys of red tape and migraines!!

As for Kody Bear...he does not want to talk about PT, as a matter of fact, he told me that coversation ranks right up there with the "Boomer" conversation which is still too painful for him to talk about.
BTW...Boomer has never showed up, no signs of him anywhere. He was listed with "petfinder", "lost pets", our two local papers, the humane society, animal control, police name it, his picture was plastered everywhere. more thing and then I'll give you all a break from me! :0)

Kody's bracelets and how to get um'.

Click on The Tumbleweed Emergancy Family Relief Fund.
For a donation of $6.00 to $13.00 Tumbleweed will send you a bracelet with a personal note from and signed by Kody.
Just please be sure to specify that the bracelet is what you would like for your "Thank You" gift.
Every single bit of the money raised goes directly to the familes who need it the most.
I have always been quite a bit of a stickler about charaties because without trying to sound harsh...there are so many in this world who don't give 100 percent back to where it belongs.
I can tell you, from personal experience, that Tumbleweed is by far the most wonderful, honest and hard working bunch of ladies I have ever had the honor of "meeting".
My only wish {other then the Tumbleweed fundraiser being a complete success} is that someday all the telephone and e-mail conversations with Mary end up being a "one-on-one let's hang on the beach all day" conversation!! :0)

OK guys and gals..I have got to go watch The Happy Days reunion!!

Love you all....



~*~Wednesday Night~*~

Looks like there will be no more P.T. for Kody.
I received a phone call today from the receptionist at Florida PT asking me not to bring Kody there anymore because it seems they were informed today that Kody's insurance will NOT pay for any of his visits starting from day one. could say I am just a little P.O'd at this.
I was also told "Let him take extra P.E. classes in'll be better for him.
I just can't believe this...and if you think I am all should see Kody, he was in tears tonight when we told him.
Then...after the initial shock wore off and the tears almost dried up he started crying again.
So....Daddy Bear asked him what was making him so upset this time and he said ....
"Oh Daddy....I am gonna miss going to Dunkin' Donuts sooooo bad!!"

LOL...that boy is such a hoot!! :0)

In any case...I will be on the phone first thing in the AM....this is so not fair to Kody, it really isn't.

Have a great night...I am turning in early for a change. :0)

Luv, Kim



~*~Wednesday Morning~*~

Happy Groundhogs Day and Happy Six More Weeks of Winter!! :0(

Everything here on the homefront is just fine these past couple of days...just very, very, very busy all the time.
I swear..all I do is visit my house for a quick pit stop if you all know what I mean. {and I know you gal friends know what I'm talking about!}

Kolin's feeling better enough to go back to school...he is still trying to get his voice back though....
Note to Kolin....No rush on that voice thing Dude!

Kody started FULL school days on Monday!!
He goes full days three times a week...freeing up his other two days for P.T. in the AM and a half day of school in the PM.
I go to school with him for about 40 or so minutes on the days he's there all day so we can have lunch together...the cafeteria is sooooooo loud, with approx. 200, 250 kids at a time in there talking loudly. I know his head won't handle that so we just sit outside when it's nice or in the car when it's not so nice.

I know I have been TERRIBLE lately at answering e-mails and answering the phone for that please just bare with me, one day I will actually sit down long enough to answer a call.

And with that my dear friends..I have to rush off again.
Places to go...People to see!! :0)

Love you all....


~*~Please don't forget to scoll down and read about "Tumbleweed"~*~

If you have the means at all...Please consider donating to this wonderful and very much needed fundraiser.

And please don't forget to pick out your "Thank You" gift/gifts.

On behalf of The Tumbleweed Foudation, Kody Bear and myself...
Thank you...Thank you very much!!!!!!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Our's was a pretty good weekend...real busy though, but we made the most of it and we even managed to have some fun too.

Let's see.....yesterday Kolin made the sacrament of his First Penance {first confession}. He was so proud of himself, when he was done he had to find his little lost sheep {a paper one with his name on it that was "hiding" in the vestable} and bring it back up to the alter and place it in a basket with the other kids sheep...and would you believe, I forgot the camera! DUH!!!

He was soooooo nervous going in that little room to confess, but I stood on the outside of the door and it sounded to me like he was having a few laughs and high fives with father Kent.
You know...thinking back all those 100's of years ago when I was 7, that confession thing was so scary. But these kids were all coming out was pretty cool.

Today Karl and I skipped out on our kids for a few hours so that he could be the honorary "Judge" of the annual Gumbo tasting contest at Mr. Pubs.
That was alot of fun...loud...but alot of fun!! :0)
Check out the photo page...that cup sitting there next to the Gumbo King says "Bribes Accepted".

Now on to more news...

As most of you know, The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to my heart.
This group of wonderful people, all volunteers, has been so wonderful to Kody. You all know that "Bam" skateboard Kody carries with him everywhere? It was given to him through "Tumblewishes".
In addition to that board, Tumbleweed {and Mavis Friederman too!!} helped us out of the dark hole we spiraled into after coming home from the hospital with Kody this past November. We were given a gift of a check made possible through Tumbleweed and a few beautiful people who donated to Kody's post-hospital expenses.

When Kody's tumor grew and he crashed so quickly a few months ago we weren't prepared...everything happened so fast. Kody was skating one day and 48 hours later his Daddy was carrying him through the hospital because he couldn't walk himself. Within days Kody was having the most intensive brain surgery imaginable.
As hard as that was....imagine having to face needing to go to work versus needing to be there for Kody as he lay in coma. That was the heartwrenching desicion Karl was making everyday.

The Tumbleweed Foundation is at this moment sponsering a fundraiser I truly believe in. It is called The Emergancy Family Relief Fund.
What this relief fund provides is gas cards, money for food, money to pay bills, anything a parent could possibly need in times of crisis and stress when a child is in the hospital.
Every bit of the money raised goes directly to the families.

In a perfect world there would be no money worries...we would always have enough stashed away for an emergancy.
Sadly...this isn't a perfect world and most of us live day by day, paycheck to paycheck. Toss in one {sometimes two} sick child{ren} and the results are disasterous.
No parent should ever, I mean not ever have to decide whether to go to a job or hold the hand of ones scared child. Our babies are our future...they deserve to have us with them and we as parents deserve to not have the burden of how will we pay for groceries/gas/electricity should we choose to be with our child.
I have seen a single Mom, with a newly diagnosed child ask me for anything leftover I may have in my suitcase because she had no money and her childs hospitalization was so sudden.
Imagine how hard that must have been for her to ask...imagine how hard it was for me to only come up with $5.00, a can of soda and some cookies.

I know many of us are still trying to play catch-up from the holidays. I am asking...I am actually begging for any of you who can possibly help out to please, please do so.
I am speaking from experience when I say the help in which you can provide will mean the world to the parent of a sick child.
In turn The Tumbleweed Foundation and Kody himself would love to thank you all so much for sharing your heart and helping us.
There are quite a few beautiful gifts you can choose from as a "Thank You" from us to you.
One of those gifts is this beautiful monarch butterfly keychain or lapel pin...

Another is Kody's own line of bracelets...We call these the "Life's Tough....I'm Tougher" Awareness Bracelet which come with a personal thank you note from Kody.

Kody is so proud of those bracelets...he really is!!
And...we would absolutley LOVE it if when you receive yours to please send us {e-mail or snail mail} a picture of you wearing it..or the keychain, lapel pin, car magnet, anything....we just want to see how our thank yous are traveling the world.

Oh...and PLEASE, if you have a site and would like to mention Tumbleweeds fundraiser...please do!!

OK guys and gals...I'm going to jump off of here's getting late and I am ready for some serious sleep. Kolin has come down prety sick tonight and I feel a very long night upon us.
Plus "Desperate Housewives" is on and I LOVE that show!! Gotta run!! :0)

Thank you all for stopping you all!!!


Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Our's was a pretty good weekend...real busy though, but we made the most of it and we even managed to have some fun too.

Let's see.....yesterday Kolin made the sacrament of his First Penance {first confession}. He was so proud of himself, when he was done he had to find his little lost sheep {a paper one with his name on it that was "hiding" in the vestable} and bring it back up to the alter and place it in a basket with the other kids sheep...and would you believe, I forgot the camera! DUH!!!

He was soooooo nervous going in that little room to confess, but I stood on the outside of the door and it sounded to me like he was having a few laughs and high fives with father Kent.
You know...thinking back all those 100's of years ago when I was 7, that confession thing was so scary. But these kids were all coming out was pretty cool.

Today Karl and I skipped out on our kids for a few hours so that he could be the honorary "Judge" of the annual Gumbo tasting contest at Mr. Pubs.
That was alot of fun...loud...but alot of fun!! :0)
Check out the photo page...that cup sitting there next to the Gumbo King says "Bribes Accepted".

Now on to more news...

As most of you know, The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to my heart.
This group of wonderful people, all volunteers, has been so wonderful to Kody. You all know that "Bam" skateboard Kody carries with him everywhere? It was given to him through "Tumblewishes".
In addition to that board, Tumbleweed {and Mavis Friederman too!!} helped us out of the dark hole we spiraled into after coming home from the hospital with Kody this past November. We were given a gift of a check made possible through Tumbleweed and a few beautiful people who donated to Kody's post-hospital expenses.

When Kody's tumor grew and he crashed so quickly a few months ago we weren't prepared...everything happened so fast. Kody was skating one day and 48 hours later his Daddy was carrying him through the hospital because he couldn't walk himself. Within days Kody was having the most intensive brain surgery imaginable.
As hard as that was....imagine having to face needing to go to work versus needing to be there for Kody as he lay in coma. That was the heartwrenching desicion Karl was making everyday.

The Tumbleweed Foundation is at this moment sponsering a fundraiser I truly believe in. It is called The Emergancy Family Relief Fund.
What this relief fund provides is gas cards, money for food, money to pay bills, anything a parent could possibly need in times of crisis and stress when a child is in the hospital.
Every bit of the money raised goes directly to the families.

In a perfect world there would be no money worries...we would always have enough stashed away for an emergancy.
Sadly...this isn't a perfect world and most of us live day by day, paycheck to paycheck. Toss in one {sometimes two} sick child{ren} and the results are disasterous.
No parent should ever, I mean not ever have to decide whether to go to a job or hold the hand of ones scared child. Our babies are our future...they deserve to have us with them and we as parents deserve to not have the burden of how will we pay for groceries/gas/electricity should we choose to be with our child.
I have seen a single Mom, with a newly diagnosed child ask me for anything leftover I may have in my suitcase because she had no money and her childs hospitalization was so sudden.
Imagine how hard that must have been for her to ask...imagine how hard it was for me to only come up with $5.00, a can of soda and some cookies.

I know many of us are still trying to play catch-up from the holidays. I am asking...I am actually begging for any of you who can possibly help out to please, please do so.
I am speaking from experience when I say the help in which you can provide will mean the world to the parent of a sick child.
In turn The Tumbleweed Foundation and Kody himself would love to thank you all so much for sharing your heart and helping us.
There are quite a few beautiful gifts you can choose from as a "Thank You" from us to you.
One of those gifts is this beautiful monarch butterfly keychain or lapel pin...

Another is Kody's own line of bracelets...We call these the "Life's Tough....I'm Tougher" Awareness Bracelet which come with a personal thank you note from Kody.

Kody is so proud of those bracelets...he really is!!
And...we would absolutley LOVE it if when you receive yours to please send us {e-mail or snail mail} a picture of you wearing it..or the keychain, lapel pin, car magnet, anything....we just want to see how our thank yous are traveling the world.

Oh...and PLEASE, if you have a site and would like to mention Tumbleweeds fundraiser...please do!!

OK guys and gals...I'm going to jump off of here's getting late and I am ready for some serious sleep. Kolin has come down prety sick tonight and I feel a very long night upon us.
Plus "Desperate Housewives" is on and I LOVE that show!! Gotta run!! :0)

Thank you all for stopping you all!!!


~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Still leaving these links/messages below....

~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork raised over $500.00 for The American Cancer Society!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us



To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Our's was a pretty good weekend...real busy though, but we made the most of it and we even managed to have some fun too.

Let's see.....yesterday Kolin made the sacrament of his First Penance {first confession}. He was so proud of himself, when he was done he had to find his little lost sheep {a paper one with his name on it that was "hiding" in the vestable} and bring it back up to the alter and place it in a basket with the other kids sheep...and would you believe, I forgot the camera! DUH!!!

He was soooooo nervous going in that little room to confess, but I stood on the outside of the door and it sounded to me like he was having a few laughs and high fives with father Kent.
You know...thinking back all those 100's of years ago when I was 7, that confession thing was so scary. But these kids were all coming out was pretty cool.

Today Karl and I skipped out on our kids for a few hours so that he could be the honorary "Judge" of the annual Gumbo tasting contest at Mr. Pubs.
That was alot of fun...loud...but alot of fun!! :0)
Check out the photo page...that cup sitting there next to the Gumbo King says "Bribes Accepted".

Now on to more news...

As most of you know, The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to my heart.
This group of wonderful people, all volunteers, has been so wonderful to Kody. You all know that "Bam" skateboard Kody carries with him everywhere? It was given to him through "Tumblewishes".
In addition to that board, Tumbleweed {and Mavis Friederman too!!} helped us out of the dark hole we spiraled into after coming home from the hospital with Kody this past November. We were given a gift of a check made possible through Tumbleweed and a few beautiful people who donated to Kody's post-hospital expenses.

When Kody's tumor grew and he crashed so quickly a few months ago we weren't prepared...everything happened so fast. Kody was skating one day and 48 hours later his Daddy was carrying him through the hospital because he couldn't walk himself. Within days Kody was having the most intensive brain surgery imaginable.
As hard as that was....imagine having to face needing to go to work versus needing to be there for Kody as he lay in coma. That was the heartwrenching desicion Karl was making everyday.

The Tumbleweed Foundation is at this moment sponsering a fundraiser I truly believe in. It is called The Emergancy Family Relief Fund.
What this relief fund provides is gas cards, money for food, money to pay bills, anything a parent could possibly need in times of crisis and stress when a child is in the hospital.
Every bit of the money raised goes directly to the families.

In a perfect world there would be no money worries...we would always have enough stashed away for an emergancy.
Sadly...this isn't a perfect world and most of us live day by day, paycheck to paycheck. Toss in one {sometimes two} sick child{ren} and the results are disasterous.
No parent should ever, I mean not ever have to decide whether to go to a job or hold the hand of ones scared child. Our babies are our future...they deserve to have us with them and we as parents deserve to not have the burden of how will we pay for groceries/gas/electricity should we choose to be with our child.
I have seen a single Mom, with a newly diagnosed child ask me for anything leftover I may have in my suitcase because she had no money and her childs hospitalization was so sudden.
Imagine how hard that must have been for her to ask...imagine how hard it was for me to only come up with $5.00, a can of soda and some cookies.

I know many of us are still trying to play catch-up from the holidays. I am asking...I am actually begging for any of you who can possibly help out to please, please do so.
I am speaking from experience when I say the help in which you can provide will mean the world to the parent of a sick child.
In turn The Tumbleweed Foundation and Kody himself would love to thank you all so much for sharing your heart and helping us.
There are quite a few beautiful gifts you can choose from as a "Thank You" from us to you.
One of those gifts is this beautiful monarch butterfly keychain or lapel pin...

Another is Kody's own line of bracelets...We call these the "Life's Tough....I'm Tougher" Awareness Bracelet which come with a personal thank you note from Kody.

Kody is so proud of those bracelets...he really is!!
And...we would absolutley LOVE it if when you receive yours to please send us {e-mail or snail mail} a picture of you wearing it..or the keychain, lapel pin, car magnet, anything....we just want to see how our thank yous are traveling the world.

Oh...and PLEASE, if you have a site and would like to mention Tumbleweeds fundraiser...please do!!

OK guys and gals...I'm going to jump off of here's getting late and I am ready for some serious sleep. Kolin has come down prety sick tonight and I feel a very long night upon us.
Plus "Desperate Housewives" is on and I LOVE that show!! Gotta run!! :0)

Thank you all for stopping you all!!!


~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Still leaving these links/messages below....

~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork raised over $500.00 for The American Cancer Society!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us



To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Friday, January 28, 2005 10:45 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Friday Night's Update to the Friday Morning Update~*~

I tried....Lord I tried to get in some nice snapshots today...but he did it again!!
The little booger got me five times out of six....
Sooooo, I did what any good Mom would do...I posted them on his photo page...ENJOY!!
{Just scroll down to the bottom ones}

***Note to the HeeBee JeeBee Triplets....
He tried his best to sneak Jake in but trust me...Jake is nowhere to be seen on the photo page***

Have a great night!!

Love, Kim



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Great news....

Whatever it was that took Kody down a couple of days ago couldn't keep him down for long...he is back to being a complete 100 percent wild man maniac once again! :0)

Yesterday, after getting a few complaints from one particular family member who lives here {who's name I won't mention but starts with a big "D"} about not updating pictures enough, I decided, welp let me take a few shots of ole' goofyhead a his silly sidekick {Kody & Kolin} hanging outside...just doing the things boys do.
Easier said then done, right? Right!

Seems Kody is developing just the right blend of wise guy as soon as I take out the camera...see, he is perfecting that "digital delay response" and using it to his advantage.
Just as soon as he knows the delay is done and the picture is being taken...well, that is the time he....
Sticks his finger up his nose, rolls his eyes back in his head, shows us his tonsils, ect., ect., ect.,
You get it, don't you??

Now...if I was a really mean mom, I'd teach him a thing or two and post those embarrassing pic's....however, Kody doesn't embarrass real easily so I guess I'll try to weed out a couple of OK ones and get them up today.
You know, thinking about it...I really should put some of the others you can all see what The Bear's REALLY like. :0)

We finally got Kolin in for the appointment we've been waiting two months for and after only being there for say, five minutes it was very, veeeerrrrrry obvious to the doc that Kolin has a full fledged dose of ADHD.
So, that makes kid #3 for us.
Yes is a crazy and very loud house here everyday, all day.
Kolin now takes {I know I wont spell this right and I'm too darn lazy to get up and look} time release Adderall in the morning and Clonidine at night {a mild sleeping pill} to take the edge off so he'll sleep.
Hmmmm...let me explain.
I bet some of you might wonder from time to time why in the world do I update Kody's site at the earliest, sometimes 11 PM, sometimes midnight...
Well, that's because I am still up at that time waiting for Kolin to fall asleep.
Yep...he is a bit hyper. Well...I am very happy...I mean we are all SO VERY HAPPY to say for the past two nights he has been sleeping soundly by 9:15!!
And...instead of us waking up grouchy boy, he has been waking up on his own, well rested, in a great mood and asking me to get him to school earlier because he loves school so much now!! YEAH!!!!!
And...oh this is the cutest thing...
He wrote "I'm so sorry" notes to his teacher for being such a booger but he is going to be much better now.....
Oh my was too cute!!
I wish I would have saved and scanned it before he taped it shut with a entire roll of scotch tape and 7000 staples...his poor teacher!

The down side to all this though is that now Kody see's Kolin not struggling at school as much anymore and unfortunetly because of Kody's problems, we can't let him take anything for his ADD.
So...Kody, sadly, will always continue to struggle. :0(
Combine that with his problem with short term memory loss and it's so sad, and so ugly and I wish sooooooooooo much I could just wave a wand and make it all better for him, take his struggles away.

On a funnier note....
He went to the grocery store with me a few days ago and between my old age memory loss and his short term memory loss...
I parked in a different spot because SOMEBODY took MY spot and well, let's just say the both of us walked around aimlessly for a good 15 minutes because we both couldn't remember where we parked the car!
Go ahead..laugh all you want, it could happen to you someday to you know. {I'm speakin' to all the young'uns out there}
By the time we got home out ice cream sandwiches were "ice cream slopwiches".

OK guys and gals out there...I got to get my act together, grab another cup of coffee and make it look like I did something around here today so let me jump off for now...get some pic's up, throw in some laundry, wash a few dishes, figure out dinner, let the dog in, kick the cats out and run out to fetch the Bear from school.

Thank you for stopping by to see us today.....Lots of Lovins' to you ALL!!

Love, Mama Bear

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 1:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Wednesday Jan., 26th~*~


A lil' update on Kody...since yesterday afternoon, when he came home from school after not being there very long, he has been having headaches and sleeping and awful lot.
Not to panic though because he is beginning to show a fever so it's got to be a virus....YEAH....let's hear it for fevers and virus"!!!!!

Have a great day all...



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

We've been watching the news and seeing all that snow ya'all from up North have been whomped with and all I can say is....
Holy Macaroni I DON'T miss the white stuff!!!!!

I can't say the same for everyone else here who would jump through hoops at the chance to play in snow again {and for Kody & Kolin, the first time}...guess I must be gettin' old cuz I really prefer sunshine....even is it means sunshine and a blustery 40 degrees first thing in the AM. :0(

I wish you all a very quick Springtime!! Maybe the Groundhog will have some mercy, huh?? :0)

I have two prayer requests today....both can be found in "Kody's Friends" drop downs...
The first being Big Ben...a beautiful, brave little boy so close to leaving his family on Earth.
And the second being absolute Sweetheart of a little girl who's Daddy is a HUGE supporter of so may of our familes.

Of course, I always pray for a miracle on Earth...but sometimes that isn't always meant to be.
Prayers for peacefulness and a beautiful passing and strength and love for the familes left behind, I think, are always right and needed at this very sad time.

Kody has been doing pretty well....kickin' butt at PT again today but lately he has been so tired in the afternoon.
Yesterday he slept his whole afternoon away and didn't wake up till 6:30 PM...then he was right back asleep at 9 o'clock.
I guess it was just one of those days his lil' body needed some extra ZZZZZ's.
He's in school right now so by 3 o'clock or so he ought to be pretty whooped.
We're also still having major issues with short term memory.

Kody Bear was so cool this morning on the drive home from PT when he announced he HAD to stop by Daddy Bear's job because he couldn't remember if he hugged him good-bye this morning. {he did, several times!!} way was he going to wait until later to give his "Dude" a {{HUGGERS}} so we made the pit stop...making us a little late for school again but what the heck, a hug is a hug...right?
And...the best part?? It made BOTH their days!! :0)

You know, it dawned on my the day after my last update that I never mentioned the bracelets Kody is wearing in that picture up top...DUH!!
So....without any more delay please let me take a minute to say a very HUGE "Thank You" to the Ferren Family for sending Kody a package with all those colorful and meaningful bracelets in it!!
No kidding...he has been wearing them every single day!! :0)

Before I get out of here right now...please don't forget to stop by Gooch's page and wish him a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!!!!!

Gotta run some errands and pick up the kiddo's!!

Love you all....


Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:20 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Yesterday's trip to Seaworld with Kaysha was AWESOME!!
And...very, very tiring which explains why I never did update last night...sorry!! :0)

You know.....I finally have my positive proof that Kaysha is indeed my daughter....that crazy girl {and her friends too!} went on Kracken {a BAD roller coaster}, I thought about 12 times but she tells me it was more like 20...she just kept going on again and again until the guy running it told her not to bother getting off....just stay on, stay buckled and go around again.
She went on Journey to Atlantis I think 9 times...and she and her friends got SOAKED, it was so cool!

The whole day was really alot of fun...but really, it wasn't going to Seaworld that was the fun was spending time one on one with Kaysha and just watching her be a "13 year old".
Sometimes I forget how goofy that age can be. :0)

Anyway...there are plenty of pictures on the photo page...enjoy!

Kody's day was real good today. We {Kolin too!} even found some time to go "alligator hunting".
But.....SIGH...we didn't find any, it's just not warm enough for them to come out of hiding.

Great news about that little boy from Ocala, Florida...the one that was stolen by the sicko friend of his Dad.
Incase you don't know, Adam was found alive and safe in the woods of Georgia. He is back home with his parents as we speak....unfortunetly, his abductor has not been caught and that is pretty darn scary.

We have had some sadness around Leesburg this whole week...and though I hesitated to mention it, I kind of feel tonight if by my posting this saves just one teenage life..then it will be well worth it.

Last week a friend of our son, Kyle, was killed in an auto accident.
Just a bad move on his part ended up disasterious.
There is nothing more horrible than watching your own child deal with the death of a friend, especially when this is the second friends death in two years.

Yesterday we found out that on Friday {yesterday}a car full of 5 teens from our town were out driving and lost control of the car they were in.
Not a one was wearing seat belts.
As of right now, one is dead, one is in very critical condition at Shands.
Three were injured badly.
What a shame....what an absolute shame.
I know I sound like the typical "Mom"...but I beg of all you young carefully and always, always wear those seat belts.
The Daily Commercial Article we say good-bye to Kyle's friend, Kyle today...we prepare to say good-bye to another teenage child, Adam, this coming week.

What else is new here??
Hmmmmm....not to much...
Oh wait....I do have news!!

Well....Looks like it is finally official, our oldest daughter, Karyelle, is moving on.
In about another month she is taking the plunge and forfilling her dream of moving back to and making it on her own in New York.
Am I upset????
Really....I was sooooooo close to being OK with it and then last night she had me listen to a song she heard that made her start crying...
Next thing know I am beside myself and on the drive to Eustis this morning for Kody's PT, the song came on and I swear, no exaggeration...I was a blubbering idiot on the highway!
You should have seen the two boys trying to pat my back in the car going "Mom...what is wrong with you...people are staring!"
So...then I had the song stuck in my head all day and I really, really, REALLY don't want her to go.
But....SIGH....I know I have to let her try, right?

Oh...the song, I am pretty sure it's called "Breaking Away" and it's by that girl who won American Idol the first time...oh, what is her name!!
Wait...I have it...Kelly Clarkson.
If I can, I may put the song up on Kody's site...not tonight though.
Then again, maybe not...I would need a box of kleenex and a six pound Hershey everytime I clicked on here. :0(

So....I guess my parting advice/words to all you parents out there tonight would be something like this...

Our kids...they grow up so fast, I mean really....once you get over the fatigue factor...just blink an eye and they are grown.
All the stress you feel everyday raising our babies is nothing compared to the ache in your heart the day they decide to cut that cord once and for all.
Just yesterday I was 18 and Karyelle was a newborn. I spent days/months/years trying to figure out every little cry.
How I wish I could go back to those days when she needed me for absolutley everything....I was her world and she was mine.
Cherish those times, they really don't last long enough.

I wish you all many years filled with many wonderful memories with the children you love the most.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!!

Love, Kim

Thursday, January 20, 2005 7:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Once again I am really, really happy to tell you all Kody had a rockin' great day!!!!

We drove out to his PT place and he wowed um' all with the way he has been working with his therapy ball at home. Balancing was not an issue today...having his therapists keep up with him was. :0)

So.....typically, on a normal day, we drive home, Kody eats some lunch and then he takes off to school...but today, weeeeeellllll....we got a little distracted you could say.

There is an awesome lake that Kody swears is an ocean on the's on HWY 441 in Tavares.
This morning the sky was the bluest of blues and on a whim I grabbed my ever-faithful and ever-present camera.
Sounds perfect right? almost was till I left my travel coffee cup on the roof of the car and KERPLUNK.....SPLAT!!!! No problem though...I can scope out a Dunkin' Donuts place anywhere.
Anyway....back on track.
So....Kody and I spent about 30 minutes just walking around, checking out the water, the birds, the boats and oh yeah...looking for gators!!
I got some pretty nice pictures...none of gators was even too chilly for them to be out of their hiding spots.

Then we headed back out....destination home.
But....just our luck, a car dealership on the way had a cool looking NASCAR car on display and so we HAD to stop.
Well...10 maybe 15 minutes after listening to Kody point out every single little thing that only a 9 year old boy could see on a car, we were off again.
I did mention stopping for a LARGE coffee, right? The trip was starting to get very long.

When what could possibly happen next you ask??
Well...let me enlighten you....
We saw the most baddest, sickest, car of both Kody and my dreams....
A Vipor!!!!!
And on it was the baddest, sickest paint job ever....
And it was parked at a car alarm/security/stereo place and so.....
We just HAD to stop!!!!!!

~*~Take note HeeBee JeeBee TRIPLETS...the car is on the photo's only paint...breath deeply, you'll be OK~*~
~*~We love you gals but you are killin' us making us all laugh so darn hard~*~

OK....So one more time....Kody was eeeeewwwwin' and aaaahhhhhin' and I was just standing there thinking of the day I hit the lottery and how this car will be parked in my driveway...
Oh wait...that was a dream sequence, sorry!!

I Must Be Dreaming

And then finally we made it home.
And...Kody did get to school...late but he got there and like I told my Bear...
"Sometimes my Little Bear......making memories are much more important then anything."

Tomorrow I am taking off with Kaysha and the eighth grade class of Carver Middle for field day...I got picked as a cool is that??
Wait till you all hear where we get to go....
Now tell me, how freakin' cool is that??!! I mean really...Florida field trips kick butt!! :0)

So....tomorrow we'll be hangin' with Shamu, riding every roller coaster at least 5 times, feeding our faces at "Key West" {their pineapple/coconut/orange fritters are the BOMB!}, feeding the dolphins and maybe....just maybe we'll even learn a little something educational....maybe!! :0)

Last but not least before I run out on all of you tonight, please I ask you all to say a very special prayer, not for a sick child but an innocent child who was abducted yesterday afternoon, from a town very close to us, by a very sick individual.
Please...let us ALL pray tonight for 11 year old Adam Kirkirt's safe return.

OK...gotta scoot and start the dunk em' and scrub em' routine a/k/a "bathtime".

Thank you for stopping by tonight....has anyone noticed our counter? We are going to hit A HALF A MILLION pretty soon!!
How incredibly COOL is that??!! :0)

Love you all...


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:20 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Kody had a GREAT day today!!!!!!!!!!

Now that is how I like to start off an update!! :0)

Let's see...when he woke up first thing he said was "I feel GOOD!"
Then we took off for PT and he did every single exercise perfect and over and over again...things he could not do last week he excelled in today.
Then we stopped off at home, he had a quick lunch and said "Come on Mom...time for school!"
He went...he kicked butt...

My only question is...
"Who is this kid and what have you done with my son??!!" true Kody style, when he came home from school...he plopped himself in front of his X-Box till dinner.
Now that's MY boy!!

I still haven't updated his picture page yet, actually Kody's reponse to some pic's today was "no pictures please, not today".
He did this so perfectly celebrity like it was unreal.
So...I did what he requested and put the camera down, I mean who really wants to take the chance of him jumpin' the paparazzi??

I'll catch him doubt, mark my word. :0)

Kody and Jake the Snake have really taken a likin' to one another. I know it's not exactly a "warm fuzzy"...but it is kind of sweet to see them bond so well.
You know...I do have a picture of that, I'll try to get that one up tonight.

~*~HeeBee-GeeBee Twins...let that be a NOT look on the photo page~*~

OK, welp...let me work on the pictures for tonight and then hunker down to 12 maybe 20 blankets cuz's COLD out here!!


Have a great night...stay warm!!

Love, Kim

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:20 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Kody had a GREAT day today!!!!!!!!!!

Now that is how I like to start off an update!! :0)

Let's see...when he woke up first thing he said was "I feel GOOD!"
Then we took off for PT and he did every single exercise perfect and over and over again...things he could not do last week he excelled in today.
Then we stopped off at home, he had a quick lunch and said "Come on Mom...time for school!"
He went...he kicked butt...

My only question is...
"Who is this kid and what have you done with my son??!!" true Kody style, when he came home from school...he plopped himself in front of his X-Box till dinner.
Now that's MY boy!!

I still haven't updated his picture page yet, actually Kody's reponse to some pic's today was "no pictures please, not today".
He did this so perfectly celebrity like it was unreal.
So...I did what he requested and put the camera down, I mean who really wants to take the chance of him jumpin' the paparazzi??

I'll catch him doubt, mark my word. :0)

Kody and Jake the Snake have really taken a likin' to one another. I know it's not exactly a "warm fuzzy"...but it is kind of sweet to see them bond so well.
You know...I do have a picture of that, I'll try to get that one up tonight.

~*~HeeBee-GeeBee Twins...let that be a NOT look on the photo page~*~

OK, welp...let me work on the pictures for tonight and then hunker down to 12 maybe 20 blankets cuz's COLD out here!!


Have a great night...stay warm!!

Love, Kim

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Still leaving these links/messages below....

~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


Here's a little story about a boy any parent would be proud of. I had gotten this message in Kody's guestbook and right away just had to check this kid out.
This is about a boy named Rob who is skateboarding to raise funds for cancer reasearch. Rob lost his own Mom to cancer and was so affected by her death that he wanted to something real drastic to raise awareness and money for a cure.
Rob's skating journey has already began...and you can view each day in his daily journal from his site.
Rob is skating from L.A., California across the continent and North up to Newmarket, Ontario. He will be skating across the Rockies, the Appelachians and through the Mojave Desert.
Doesn't this sound like something my own son, Kyle would do?? :0)
Anyway....check out his site....he may be passing through your own hometown...and if we can in any way, get to Jacksonville we will be high fiving Rob like crazy!!

Skate 4 Cancer


The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork raised over $500.00 for The American Cancer Society!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us



To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Monday, January 17, 2005 10:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Crazy day...Busy day...Tiring day!!

~*~Tracy...I know just how you feel today my friend!~*~

Tomorrow morning Kody has PT and then school in the afternoon.....
So, in-between those two things I will definetly update and hopefully get some new pictures up.

Oh...wait, let me add this....LOL....
To the Heebee Geebee twins...
Please don't look on the photo page just yet...Jake is still there.
You are both too funny!!!! :0)

Thanks for stopping by....Love you all!


Friday, January 14, 2005 11:00 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

You have got to check this out...

The newest, creepiest, non-slimy, exotic member of the "K" family....
May I introduce in all his slithery glory...

"Jake the Snake"

Kinda cool, isn't he...or maybe it's a she, who knows.
Anyway...Karyelle came home from work last night and we see her parked in the driveway...but she calls on the phone inside and says "Get Daddy...there is a HUGE snake out here!!!!"

Would you believe our luck to find this beautiful Corn Snake climbing right up our fence.
Well...Karl caught him with no problem at all...well, OK, at first we didn't know what kind of snake it was and since we have already gotten rid of a highly venomus coral snake, he said "get me some tongs...those things you use to take out hot dogs"
Well.the kids were freaking and making a ton of noise and I yelled back {from the safety of being indoors of course}...
"THONGS did you say????"
HA...wrong answer there!!
Errrr...those tongs were trash and I threw them away months ago..I never did remember to replace them.
No problem...right? I'll find something...
And so I did...
Ice tongs...a little short but I figured it would do the trick.

So...Jake turned out to be non-poisones, non-harmful and a real docile snake.
And as it stands today, Jake is being spoiled with frogs and lizards and living la vida loca in our turtle tank.

Our turtles..well, they've been temporaraly evicted until I find a snake tank with a locking top {I mean he's cool and all but who really wants to find out the hard way he escaped?} sometime today.

Oh..and about those little ice turned out to be the laugh of the night..."And your MOM brings me those little tongs...what was she thinkin'???"

Well guys and gals...I'm getting ready to put up some pictures and I have to be at the boys school real soon so I better run and get that done.

BTW...The skating pix on teh photo page were taken last week....Kody hasn't had the balance this week to be outdoors on wheels.

Later Gator {which might someday be the next thing we find in our yard!!}

Love, Kim

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 10:22 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Tonight I come on to apologize to Sara F., who was NOT the person who left that horrible message on Ashley's site.
In fact..I have communicated with Sara via e-mail tonight and I absolutely believe with all my heart that Sara's identity has been stolen.
I won't get into anything alse besides that, except to tell you all the matter is under investigation and it will be resolved, I am sure.

My comments...though considered too harsh by a certain someone still stand...
The person who has been writing these messages in not only Ashleys GB but others is still scum in my eyes and in need of some serious help.

To the person who e-mailed me, my actions are ALWAYS from the heart...yes, I jumped the gun, got info. I should have checked alot more throughlly.
I am fearce when it comes to my children, family and friends...their feelings mean the world to me and I do NOT like to see any of them hurt.
When they do I.

You've let me know in no uncertain terms that I am pretty much the most horrible person on Earth...whatever...I have nothing more to say to you or about you.
If I am so awful, do us all a favor and stay off Kody's site.
I see you have never signed his GB so I suppose we won't be missing much.

Sara..I am truly sorry...I wish you only the best, your son's good health and of course, good luck in finding the person who has wronged you this week.

To all of Kody's fans...
I am still keeping a good eye on him...his headaches continue..and as I said before, we are just hoping it is nwe glasses and not a shunt malfuntion, which Dr. Pincus has warned us several times, can happen easily with the surgery he had.

More new pictures tomorow...

Love you all!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Now that the whole "Sara" fiasco is over..I want to start the day fresh...leave it behind. I am sure she knows the pain she caused...whether that will ever make a difference in her life, I have no idea.

Maybe now would be a good time to pray real hard that she looks deep into her heart and realizes she needs help...professional help.
Let's just leave it at that...
Today I will take a deep breath, say a prayer and go on to the reason why this whole site was created in the first place...for Kody.

Yesterday at PT, Kody seemed to struggling with exercises he found to be pretty easy last week. His balancing was way off and he slept most of the ride home.

He took off for school after lunch but that didn't really last very long when I was told he needed to come home...headaches and dizziness.

Well...He did finally get those new glasses two days ago and they are very thick and very heavy and so I figured "Well, maybe it's the glasses..he needs time to get used to them".

When he walked back to his classroom to collect his backpack...that's when I noticed he was dragging his right foot and just plain walking kind of "funny/clumsy".

When we got home he stayed on the sofa and didn't really get off until bedtime. Today..he woke up with another dreaded headache.

So...this morning I put in a call to Shands and I guess I'll be waiting all day for a call back. madness just never seems to end, does it?

Anyway...with that...let me run and get some things done around here while he is sleeping...then it's off to replace those Hershey's...I am having MAD withdrawls!! :0)

Love you all....


Friday, January 7, 2005 7:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Saturday Morning...9:00 AM~*~

Happy Third Anniversary to one of the world's most bravest, coolest, strongest and inspirational boys ever...

Kody Jacob Kruppenbacher...
Our's Sweetheart!

Your bravery and strength is something we all admire.
Your kooky smiles and goofy ways keep us all in stitches.
Your charisma lights up our life.

Three years ago today our world was changed, turned upside down and given a good hard shake.
But...God has stood by our side throughout this journey, we know this because of all the miracles we have seen over and over again.

Keep Kickin' Cancers Butt Kody Bear....all of us that love you dearly will forever be there kickin' with you every step of the way!!

Oh...and Karl would like me to remind you all that today is also Elvis' birthday...

Thank you....Thank you very much!! :0)



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

OK...OK...I will...
I will tell you who the call was from!! :0)

The call was from....

Oh wait, first let me tell you that Boomer still isn't home. :0(
Darn dog.

Kody is plain feeling bad all day...headache, achey, icky...the works. I think it's a virus though cuz Kaysha came home early feeling pretty cruddy too.
Darn kids.

Anything else new here? I don't think so......well nothing except I talked to Laura from New York.

Oh sorry...I meant to say Laura from WOMAN'S WORLD magazine from New York!!
Of all the crazy things...they want to do an article on Kody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was the mystery phone call ya'all!!

Let me explain a bit more....being on Oprah would have been way cool but as of right now Kody's Story has a slim chance on being featured in "Woman's World" which I am sure all you gals out there know, is the weekly woman's mag. that we purchase at the check out counter. It gives us great diets I can never stick too...great stories, fun recipes, comics, cute kids, cute pet pictures and in every issue a heart-tugging story that will knock your socks off.

In three months or so that sock knockin' story just may be Kody's!! :0)

But...first it has to pass the dreaded "Editors" who kind of like to stamp a great big "REGECT" on most {OK, just about all} stories.
So...we can only hope and pray that Kody will be picked...wouldn't that be awesome!!
Imagine that....Kody...a household name....COOL!

And as a personal plea from one proud Mama....if anyone from Woman's World is reading this right now....
PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE...Give us a chance!! don't suppose several dozen GB entries might help, do you?? that's my big news of the week, thank you so much for your patience...or HA lack of!! Because as of about 5 o'clock this evening when Daddy Bear came home from work...he clicked on Kody's site and started reading the GB entries...
His advice to me??
" better update and tell who that call was from or I feel a gang of Kody fans is gonna find you and hurt'cha!!".

So...thank you so much for keeping me in one piece today. :0)

OK...gotta go and tend to the sick young'uns.

Have a GREAT weekend everyone....Love you all!!


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 9:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Thursday Night...9:40 PM~*~

Hello again....

No Boomer yet...Keep the doggie prayers a comin'!

OK...about the mysterious phone call, well can you believe my luck?
I got my return phone call back this morning...unfortunetly it was on my cell on the drive to Physical Therapy and since Kody was rocking away to Linkin' Park I never heard the phone ring!!

On the way home I saw I had missed a call and as soon as we got home I called back and got an answering machine, I'll wait and wait no matter how long it takes cuz you guys...
This is soooooooooooo GOOD!!!!!! :0)

Oh wait...who was the call from??
Well let me tell you....

Oh No....I gotta run....Oprah is getting too good!!

Until you all!!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I just wanted you all to know tonight that we still have no Boomer. :0(

We have searched and searched with no greatest fear right now is that he got hit by a car and wandered off into the woods...and, can all take it from there.
Searching around these Florida woods on foot is not a real good idea since you never know when a gator or snake will be lurking in the swampy areas.

The kids just keep praying and wishing and begging God to send their Boomer back home....but, we all know as time goes by so does our luck. SIGH.....still, we gotta keep the faith going, right?

I was asked in the GB {sorry, right now I can't remember who asked} if Boomer had a "chip", he didn't. Nor was he wearing tags because last summer he outgrew the most biggest collar we could find for him...since he never in 5 years left our yard...we cut the collar off and never found one big enough to replace it with.
We do have plenty of pictures though and I'll be making copies at Office Depot tomorrow to tack up anywhere I can.

Kody had a OK day today...he went to school for a few hours this morning and came home exhausted. Then.....he did the unthinkable...went in his room, layed down in his bed to watch TV, got back up for something, went back in his room and CRUNCH!!! Stepped right on his eyeglasses that he put on the floor!
Luckily...Daddy Bear has had a ton of experience rigging up broken glasses and he was able to temporary fix them. I called on Monday to see if his new glasses {the bi-focals with prisims} had come in yet and they haven't. I guess they are behind because of the holidays...or maybe the prisims are making it a tougher script. to fill.

This afternoon he wasn't himself and opted for a long nap....that is until Miss Alona showed up and Kody got right up for some playtime....she absolutely adores that boy!

Other then that...all is quiet on the homefront....except for a very interesting and very exciting phone call that I got today {but wasn't home for}. I called back but am still waiting for a call back...and, sorry but I am keeping this one a lil' secret until I get an actual call back...cuz this one is a BIGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's hope I get that return call tomorrow because I am sooooooooooo bad at keeping secrets! Well..this kind of secret anyway! :0)

OK...let me go check the camera because I am pretty sure Karyelle took some pictures today and I want to see how they came out...if they are too cute to keep to myself, I'll get them up tonight.

I just found that picture on top...could you just squeeze the stuffins' out of those cheeks...on both of them??!! :0)

Shoot...better go...I hear electric guitars playing when some kids {BOYS} are supposed to be sleeping! Daddy is gonna have a cow if he wakes up to that!!!!!

Oh wait, one more thing...on the drive home from school today Kody told me a little more advice he says he has been thinking about all day....
"Never be ashamed of who you are". He is so cool, isn't he? He also told me "Mom, you know...everybody has their own style and nobody's style is ever wrong, right? really should never be ashamed of who you are, right Mom".
Yes are soooooooooo right!! On the outside we may look different but on the inside we are all the same.
That boy is really going to go places, don't you think?? :0)

Until tomorrow....

Love you all!!


Monday, January 3, 2005 10:20 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Tuesday Night...9:30 PM~*~

It is with a heavy heart and many tears that I tell you Griffin passed away today.
What an amazing little boy...please go on over and read how he thoughtfully, before he made his journey to Heaven, made sure the ones he loved most were comforted by his very own personal "good-byes".


~*~Tuesday Update...4:00 PM~*~

No signs of Boomer yet. :0(
Kyle pounded the streets for hours this last night and this morning {that's Kyle in the top picture}.
When Kody came home from P.T., Kyle skated with him for a little while to get his mind off things...
While Kody did manage school in the afternoon.....I got a call at 2:20 to tell me he was in the office and very much out of sorts.
Poor kid was real upset so I pulled him and Kolin out 40 minutes early for a little extra TLC today.
Mollie {Karyelle's dog} sleeps all day and won't eat and Zeke won't come inside, preferring to sleep in Boomer's usual spot.

I put some new pictures up in the photo album...enjoy!!
I'll let you all know if Boomer finds his way back home.

Till tomorrow....



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you so much for all the New Years well wishes...I read on another site {it was real late and for the life of me I can't remember where I saw it} but it was from another Mom who wished us parents "a medically uneventful and even kind of boring 2005"...
Boy, if that doesn't hit it right on the nail!

The kids are set to go back to school wait, let me rephrase that...
I am ready for the kids to go back to school tomorrow and the kids are resisting every step of the way.

I have a crazy kind of favor to ask of you all tonight....
It seems Boomer got his freak on {ummm...sorry, I know..not too appropriate} and got through the chain link fence and out of our yard sometime this morning.
The kids and I were out most of the day so it wasn't really until we got back around 4 o'clock that we noticed the furball wasn't sleeping in his usual spot next to the house.

This is sooooooo weird because Boomer has never, ever attempted a stunt like this.
Anyway...we looked and looked and looked and then Daddy Bear came home, grabbed a recent picture and looked and looked somemore. Nothing.
Animal control was already closed for the day so no luck there. of right now {believe me right now cuz it has taken 45 minutes and four tries to get this small update done} I have got two red faced, stuffed up nose, crying boys and one very sad and doesn't want to talk to anybody little girl on my hands.
Not only that but us older ones are pretty sad too....I went outside a little while ago like I do everynight and all the time Boomer will walk up to me and hit me with that cold nose of his just to see what I'm up to...well, he wasn't there tonight and was rough. :0(

Please if you could all say a little prayer and will that pup back home to his kids...maybe just maybe I'll have some happier kiddo's tomorrow.

Just two days ago it was Boomer's 5th birthday and just yesterday Kody was tossing goldfish crackers at him and he was catching them in the was hilarious!

Kody Bear has cried so much tonight he has worked his way into a giant sized headache.

Welp...I'll update again if we find him, if he shows up on his own....until then thank you so much for the puppy prayer!!

Also....I HUGE Thank You to Jamie Smitte of New Jersey for the AWESOME handmade American Choppers blanket Kody received today!!
I'll get a picture tomorrow....he was a bit too red eyed tonight but he is in bed cuddled up in it as I type. :0)

Also...a HUGE Thank You to Wabeno Jr/Sr FCCLA Chapter of Wabeno High School from Wabeno, Wisconsin for the totally COOL box of goodies Kody also received today!!
He is completley crazy over the Linkin' Park things and plans on wearing his shirt all day tomorrow...actually he told me "Try to pry this one off Mom!!"
Pictures to follow tomororw. :0)

Kody has gotten so many cards, letters and gifts, it's like Christmas/Birthday just about everyday!!

Oh...and I would also like to thank lil' Mr. Wyatt {link to his site in drop down} for sending Kaysha and Kolin a Happy New Years greeting complete with a photo of himself...oh you handsome guy!!
Happy New Years to you too Wyatt....we wish you a lifetime of health and happiness!!

Oh more thing...
I understand that Kody has a pretty big fan...I mean a really huge fan who has signed his GB many times. I think many of us know {especially those of us lucky enough to have teens in the home} Jo-Jo....
Well, from what I understand there is a picture of Kody hanging up close to her heart...AWWWWW!!!!
And I hear Kody may want to hang out by the phone this week??
Girl...let's just say the boy is sleeping with the phone!! :0)

OK guys and gals..I have to wrap this up's after 10 PM and the boys are still up, snuggled up in Kody's bed, hanging onto each other and whimpering about Boomer. :0(
SIGH...Dog, you better get your big hairy butt home tonight!

Thanks for checking in....Love you all!!


Friday, December 31, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Tonight as I try my best to wind down four hyper and excited kids {Alona's here too!}, I can't help but think back to all we have seen and all we have been through this past year.

Certainly losing so many precious children has been a horrible all seems so needless, so senseless.
But I as just a human being have no say in this at all...I can only stand by and watch...give support, help in any way I possibly can.
Tonight as we ring in another year I offer all my prayers to those familes we love so much.

This has been quite the year for us too...if you can remember back, our year in recaps went something like this....

On New Years Day 2004 Kody lost the love of his life, Sweet Ashley and we watched our boy grieve this lose, his very first. It was very hard to watch....but little by little he came out of his depression and was able to talk about Ashley without tears. To this day he still sleeps with Ashley's picture by his side.
To honor Ashley this day we invite you all for the unveiling of Ashley's Bench.
This beautiful memorial page was created with love by Ashley's Mom and Dad, Norine and Al.

This year brought alot of ups and downs for Kody.

With yet another Relay-for Life under his belt...Kody has become quite popular amongst the older group now...teaching them the "victory dance" in the "victory lane" {where you get your survivor medal}.

As in all ups and downs how could I possibly leave out memories of all those lost know, the RC ones that we would take to the Middle School field on the weekends and watch them go up...up...up and then down...down...down into trees, roofs, yards with big dogs. Those times also came with a dance..this one being the "wave my arms and shake my butt and hope the airplane will turn" dance.

How about that time Kody and Kaysha decided to take off down the street into parts unknown without telling Mom. Remember how Mom flipped out and remember how Kody got grounded and had no idea what "grounding" was? HA...he's come a long way baby...just the threat of a good grounding usually sets him straight real quick.

Last Feb. 8th we hot 100,000 hits!! Check out that counter today...YEAH! Kody's Korner is averaging 1000 hits a day...I'd call that celebrity status. :0)

Camp Boggy Creek in the of Kody's most favorite of my most dreaded weeks. We all know how I go into "get things done around the house heaven", anything just to keep busy and make the time go by fast when he is drives me crazy, it has no effect on Kody at all...and all the people in my family think I need a good dose of prozac that week.

How many of you remember who called Kody the morning he was leaving for Boggy Creek?
Give up?? Pauly Sr. from Orange County Choppers, that's who! :0)

Kody....the poster boy for "Kickin' Cancers Butt". Defiently something a parent can be proud of!

June brought us to near craziness when Daddy Bear spent the good part of a week in the hospital and we almost lost him...but like his son, he went in fighting and came out stronger.

The one thing that most sticks in my mind is Kody's ninth birthday in August..I know alot of you will remember the famous "I can't believe I lived to be 9" birthday cake! :0)

September brought us a gift from Mother Nature...two massive hurricanes back to back. Though our home and yard were pretty trashed..we came though with flying did, Boomer..the famous "Hurricane Dog".

Now things were going quite alright with Kody, a headache here and there....some stumbling...some feelings of not feeling right. Life was good and Kody along with all of us were enjoying it. But nothing, I mean nothing could have ever prepared us for October when the brain tumor beast took a sucker punch at us...virtually paralyzing Kody within 48 hours.
Without a doubt...those were the most horrible, blackest days of our lives. Were we going to lose our son after all? No...No way...not Kody, he is too strong, too much of a fighter and so without a second thought we agreed to the most intense, most dangerous surgery we could ever imagine.
On Oct. 25th Kody's brain was separated in two and through his mid-brain 80 percent of his tumor was taken him life once again.
For 4 days Kody lay in coma.....this, without a doubt tore me up more then anything.
But...he came back...he opened his eyes and he was like hearing his first words when he was a baby.

Kody had to learn many things..things he took for granted, walking, talking, holding a cup.
I can only describe the feeling, at every triumph....his first steps was like watching him take his first steps when he was 9 months old. Everything, including brushing his own teeth was a reason to celebrate...and celebrate we did...every single chance we got!

One month and three days after Kody's surgery...our son took off on his beloved "Bam" skateboard. This was something that was never supposed to happen again...but as we all know, Kody is a true fighter, our hero...he will never be taken down, never be told no....he is, after all "Iron Man" and he has a job to do....and he is in no way through.

2005 will be a great year...I just know it will!!

So...this brings me to the slide show and song I have put up tonight. The song is "Faith of the Heart" by Rod Stewart and the slide show shows how far our Bear has come, the obstacles he has overcome and how hard he has worked for it. We hope you enjoy it!!

These are the lyrics to the song incase you'd like to follow along.....

~*~Faith of the Heart~*~

It's been a long road
Getting from there to here
It's been a long time
But my time is finally near

And I can feel the change in the wind right now
Nothings in my way
And they're not gonna hold me down no more
No there not gonna hold me down

Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith
I've got faith
Faith of the heart

It's been a long night
Trying to find my way
Been through the darkness
Now I finally have my day
I will see my dream come alive at last
I will touch the sky
And they're not gonna hold me down no more
No there not gonna change my mind

Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith
Faith of the heart

I've known a wind so cold and seen the darkest days
But now the winds I feel are only winds of change
I've been through the fire and I've been through the rain
But I'll be fine

Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith
Faith of the heart

Faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
That no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith
I've got faith
Faith of the heart

Its been a long road

From all of us to all of you.....We wish you all a very happy and healthy New Years!!

With love...


Friday, December 31, 2004 1:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you so much to Colleen for the cool "Livestrong" you can see...the kids think they are pretty awesome!

I'll be back to update tonight...promise!!

Luv, Kim

Monday, December 27, 2004 11:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Drop down's have FINALLY been updated...sorry it took so long!
If your name {or childs name} isn't on there and you would like for it to be, please just throw me a line or better yet, leave a message in one of Kody's guestbooks...I check them more often. Thanks!

Till tomorrow...




~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WOW...our Christmas was great!! The kids were off the chain Christmas Eve. After we got home from Mass we had our traditional Italian meal {this year lasagna}, Kayara, Josh and Alona were there...we had a really good time.
Alona is so cute this year because she is totally into Christmas, gifts, lights and she LOVES getting clothes and shoes....she is sooooo girlie girl...I love it!

Fast forward to Christmas morning.....ahhhhhhh, the joys of being a parent on Christmas morning in our house.....see, Karl and I have always had this little rule...."No opening ANYTHING until Mommy and Daddy have a cup of coffee". would think, one cup of big deal, right? Wrong! Now try being a kid with a mountain of presents in front of you and that one cup of java takes forever to finish...especially when Mom and Dad take their sweet time...LOL!!

The kids favorites this year?
Hmmmm...well...Kody and Kaysha both got electric guitars and they have been jamming...that is a favorite of their's. Also...Kody's RC Escalade was a HUGE hit as was all his new "real skater" clothes!!
Kolin's favorite was his Orange County Chopper bike...the same one Kody has only a different his Jesse James car, his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle things, his tools...heck, that kid loves everything!
And Kaysha...well, besides the guitar...she now has the sewing machine she has been begging for, for a year and a half and since then she has been in pillow making heaven!
Tonight I cleaned out a bunch of Kolin's pants he has gotten too tall for and she has been happily cutting them up and making herself some skirts, flares in her old jeans, aprons, you name it..she is creating it.
All the kids have been going gaa-gaa over their kareoke machine...the guitars, the singing, the microphones, the amplifiers....
How many more days till school starts again????

Have you all noticed the forehead clunk marks on Kolin's pictures lately??
Well...Thank God he isn't old enough to come on here and read my updates cuz this story is going down as a classic Christmas Eve story in the "K" home.
Here goes.....
When I am busy, real busy or on the phone and I lock myself in my room because of the kids noise and constant interupptions...a long, long time ago when the three oldest were real young I once, out of complete frustration yelled out to them "Don't bother me unless one of you stop breathing or is bleeding from the head" {Bad parenting rule number 36....yeah, I know}.
Well...I hadn't had to say that in a lonnnnng, sometime that afternoon as I was busy cleaning up the house, baking cookies, getting the lasagna ready, ironing the kids church clothes, answering the phone, making last minute trips to the store....I decided I had to take the time to lock myself in my room and wrap the presents I had been ignoring. the midst of cutting, wrapping and tagging I hear Kody yell out "Mom...Kolin is bleeding from the head!".
So...not wanting to stop what I was doing...cuz really I was on a roll and soooooooo close to being officially done {until around midnight when I found two bags of unwrapped kiddy things} I pretty much ignored him because they were driving me nuts and I didn't believe him anyway. {Bad parenting rule number 37...but come on, I didn't hear any crying}.
When I finally came out I was just binging around getting stuff done, barking out orders, giving baths, and that's when I noticed two scrapes on Kolin's banged up head. I am thinking "OK, this chid is going in front of our whole church to sing very soon...what did he and Kody get into this time?"
And so I asked him { I was actually going to get a real answer} and he said "What bumps? I didn't do anything. Your kidding..I have cuts on my head? "
So...this was getting me nowhere in a hurry.
That's when Kody....who we all know just HAS to be the one to tell it like it is at all times says "Mom....he got his head stuck in the ceiling fan."
OK.....HE WHAT?????????????
And that's when I had a thought and could imagine the whole thing as it played out....
You see, since Karyelle and Kyle moved back in....bedrooms and space were geting sparce. Kaysha and Karyelle were sharing a room....Karyelle is a neat freak, Kaysha is not. It wasn't working out, believe me.
So...Karl and I decided the only thing we could do was get a bunk bed and double up Kody and Kolin. Simple plan, right? Wrong!
Kody and Kolin have never been in a bunk bed...naturally we put Kody at the bottom. Kolin went on top. In the middle of the room is a ceiling fan {our ceilings are pretty low}.
The very last thing Karl stressed was " NOT ever put your head over the side where the fan is".
But trying to get a better view of the TV {which we've since then moved}...forgot and stretched his head out over the side and CLUNK....he got it stuck in the ceiling fan which banged his head right up.
So...the moral of this story is "When your kids says someone is bleeding from the better believe it and come running"
I didn't {bad parenting rule number 38} and I've since then learned my lesson...but then again, so has Kolin!! :0)

Kody has been doing OK otherwise these days...but, both Karl and I have been noticing lately that Kody just isn't his energetic self anymore....preferring to lay in bed and watch TV rather then play outside.
He never skates anymore {even though he still loves it}...he never rides his bike either. His vision is so bad he has to tilt his head in odd angles just to see anything. He has been losing balance and sadly, his memory is getting worse. We spend alot of time repeating and re-explaining things to him. His left eye seems more droopy.
We are worried, of course...but then again, we worry about our boy every single day. I guess with everything that just recently went on...we are so much more aware how things change so quickly and what we have to watch out for.
Still though....he is silly....God knows he is the funniest kid ever...he has got so much spunk and so much charm. Not a day goes by that he isn't making us either laugh, cry or a combo of the two.
In a way I am looking forward to March 21st, that's Kody's next MRI....then again I am dreading the day. I think it's just a crazy thing that only another parent of a brain tumor kid can understand...that one test is really the only way we have of knowing exactly what is going on in there. One small change can mean devistating results. No change at all gives us three more months to breathe and worry more.
The cylcle never ends.
It really doesn't get any easier.

What does make it more bearable is the friendships we have made through this site. The support and encouragement we get from you all gives us the "lift" we need to keep on going everyday...and I thank you for that with all of my heart.
I've often been told I do so much for others...I don't think I do. I think what I do is I give back as much as I get....I wish so much that there was more I could do..take away pain, fix a broken heart, find a cure. Some things are out of my hands and I hate that because I really am a control freak {don't believe me?...ask Daddy Bear}.
I think I was put into this situation with Kody so that I could find my way into the hearts of others. I also think I was put here so that others could be placed into my heart.
When I ask for prayers for those children and adults in need and I see the prayers flowing through guestbooks....when I see those same children/adults overcome heath issues and obstacles because in part due to those prayers..I know I have done my job...and it feels great, it really does!

A couple of weeks ago I was feeling stressed.....mad at the sick of everything, cancer, tumors, dying, holidays, bills, shopping, uncaring people, selfishness, rudeness....
A very wise man said something to me that made a big difference in my life.
He said to me "Just do kind things and good things will happen to you."
And so I did.....I let people cut in front of me and didn't say a word. I smiled at my cashier and said thank you. I listened to other people problems and didn't judge, although the problems seemed pretty petty to me.
I became more happy, more pleasant and yes..good things started happening to me.
That man was very wise indeed.....and his name you might ask?
His name is "Kody Jacob Kruppenbacher"
My beautiful son.....Out of the mouths of babes. :0)

We wish you all a very wonderful week.....take the time to slow down, enjoy the day, make memories, have dessert, laugh till it hurts, squish play-doh blobs, color, watch a movie, eat popcorn, kiss a childs neck and most of all.....
"Just do kind things and good things will happen to you".

Thank you for stopping you all!!



Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~To all of our family and friends~*~

On behalf of the entire "K" family....we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

May your day be full of joy and many blessings.

The song on Kody's site today is "Oh Holy Night". Last night Kody, Kolin and the entire childrens choir of St. Paul's sang this song. It was beautiful and pulled at many a heart, mine included.
We hope you enjoy it today.

With all our love...

Kim, Karl, Karyelle, Kayara, Kyle, Kaysha, Kody, Kolin and Alona

Christmas Day.....2:30 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Merry Christmas~*~

I've been trying for over and hour to get some new pictures up but for whatever reason my PC tells me no way.
I'll try again's 2:30 and I'm just too darn tired to argue with a machine tonight. :0)

I hope your Christmas is joyous and beautiful!

Love, Kim


~*~Friday Morning~*~

Is anybody wondering exactly where Santa is right now and when he will be where you live?
Have we got something for you all to check out....

~*~Santa Tracker~*~

Many things to do today...cookies that never got made yesterday {there in the oven now!}, lasagna for Christmas Eve dinner {Italian style baby!}, wrapping, cleaning, and Christmas Eve Childrens Mass tonight {the boys will be singing!}.
Better get a move on.....

Have a beautiful and blessed Christmas Eve. I should be back on tonight to let you all see how the boys did at Mass tonight. Pray no Home Alone 2 episodes become a reality. :0)

A very huge and special "Thank You" to Helen for sending Kaysha an awesome "My brave little brother is busy kickin' cancers butt" shirt and the "I'm helping Kody Conquer Cancer" buttons.
Kody will be proudly placing the buttons in all the stockings of the people he loves and Kaysha is so thrilled with her shirt she wore it to a Christain rock concert last night and got sooooooooooo many compliments on it!!

Also...Thank you to Morrison Methodist Church, The Eagles Club, St. Pauls, Leesburg Presbyterian Church, The Tumbleweed Foundation, Lisa, Dad and Donna K., Gramma Carolyn, everyone of Kody's fans that have sent him a package and Dr. Lichenger's office for making our Christmas a whole lot brighter this year!

Also...I would love to extend a very big THANK YOU to the sweet soul who sent UPS our way.
Found in a box with only "Anonymous" and "The North Pole" written where the return address goes was a DELL LAPTOP!!!!!
I may never find out who you are but I am positive you are a friend who comes to us through Kody's site...May God Bless you one thousand times fold....I am in shock, so happy, overwhelmed....Thank you so much!!
No matter where Kody's journey may lead us, we will never again be unable to let all of you know exactly how our Bear is doing.

Love you all....


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

As most of you may have already is with a very broken heart that I let you all know that Trey passed away last night at 9:30 after fighting so very hard.

Also...please send many prayers and Christmas wishes to everybody's most favorite Ladybug in the whole wide world, Katia.
Our poor sweet lil' baby girl is back in the hospital fighting an infection and fever.
Please pray that she will recover quickly and be home for Christmas, happy and healthy.
That is my one Christmas wish this year....for the Solomon's to be all together at home sweet home.

OK...I'm boot scooting off of here for now...cookies, pictures and memories to make this morning.
OK...before you all think " Martha Stewart/Ozzie and Harriet/Brady Bunch", I'm talking Pillsbury" already made into convenient pre-cut blobs.

Love you all...


Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:30 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

First things first....PLEASE go on over to Trey's page today as he continues to grow those sweet lil' boy angel wings. What a fighter he has been!!
I have always had a soft spot for this little cutie. :0)
Prayers for Trey's Mama, Misty also...this has to be the most saddest and horrible time for her as she watches her baby fight so hard.
I know there is no good time to lose a child..certainly anytime is the worst time, but so close to Christmas..when it seems the world is at it's happiest...well, to put it bluntly and I am sorry for this but It Sucks!

I am sooooooooo sorry...really I am!!
I just realized there are alot of worried Bear Fans out there!!

OK...this morning before anything else gets done...let's update with Bear News, not BARE news cuz that wouldn't be pretty but Bear news for all the fans who Care for the Bear...OK...I'll stop, too much coffee...or maybe not enough in my case. Heck, I've been on a DUH roll since I attempted the Post Office this morning. :0) in our house continues to be blessed with constant commotion and turmoil.

Kolin couldn't be anymore spazzy with excitment....Kody is pooped with being dragged from pillar to post...Kaysha keeps remembering friends she forgot to shop for....Kyle is working crazy hours at Ramshakles {restaurant}....Karyelle is getting ready to fly the coop for a few days in New York {but she'll be home for Christmas...just like the song}...Kayara is working like crazy and loving on Alona every minute she is home....Daddy Bear can't keep up with where I am and what I'm up to all day {try's a sure bet you'll find me there!}...Alona is the sanest of all of us...she is just to cute when she see's Christmas lights and says "Oh my GOODNESS!!" :0)
And Mama Bear...well, there's school drop offs and pick ups, Physical therapy appt's, Physical therapy practice at home, tutoring for Kody after school, house cleaning stuff I can in no way keep up with {My dream fantasy...a maid for a day}, trips to Wally, trips to the mall, kids party's here and there, keeping the laundry pile down to 4 feet, grocery shopping, holiday decorating {HA..that's a good one...unlike Martha my decorating consists of whatever Kody and Kolin bring home in their backpacks}, and the never ending "Mommmmm....can you do me a favor today?
Oh and my car decided it was a wonderful day to give me some major troubles.....

Other then those few is GREAT!!

Kody is actually doing pretty good these days....some balancing issues have kept him off anything with wheels and his memory issues are getting a bit more prominent every day. Which you know, could be a blessing in disquise....he never remembers all those trips to the store!!
On a serious note nearly broke my heart last weekend when he couldn't remember the name of his CCD teachers. He kept saying "I know who you are, I just can't rememebr your name".
Yesterday at his first day of tutoring he tried so hard to relearn simple arithmatic. A few nights ago Karyelle followed me and the kids to drop off my car for Kyle so he could get himself home at midnight. We made a quick trip to Christmas Tree Lane and when we pulled back home with Karyelle's car..he didn't see my car in the driveway and not remembering dropping it off for Kyle...he said "Mom...where's our car, it's not in the driveway".

I put in a call to Shands to see if there is maybe a vitamin or mineral that can help with the memory thing but they won't be back until Monday.
Also..combine that with his ADD...sometimes it's like we are ramming ourselves into a brick wall, especially at homework time.
Oh...and Kolin also has been affected with the dreaded ADHD {as Kyle too at that age}...well, you can all imagine what homework time or anything elee that requires attention can be around here.

Today Kody's tutoring consists of Science only...something he loves so hopefully, fingers crossed tutoring will go alot more smoothly.

Thank you soooooo much to everyone who has been sending Kody packages and Christmas cards...he is having a ball opening them {sorry, he has never been very good with having patience and waiting!}...especially the ones we received yesterday from the third grade students of "Peebles Elementary School"....we ALL had the best time reading those precious handmade cards!!
This message comes directly from Kody....

"A Cheery Hello to all of you!!!! Thank you very much for the cards...they were AWESOME!! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas this year and I hope you all get everything you ever wanted from Santa!!"
Love, Kody

Well...I better run for now so I can get some stuff done around Kody is trying to exercise on his exercise ball {a huge, heavy ball} and it looks like he could use a little help.

Thank you all for coming back to check on Kody....We love you all!!!!!!!!!



Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I am heartbroken to say, as most of you may already know...we lost Travis this past Thursday.
A beautiful article was written about can get there by clicking HERE.
Rock on will be missed very, very much by all of your Caring Bridge family.
Our prayers go especially to his wonderful family and mostly his loving parents who stood by every step of the way while their brave son fought this horrible demon and WON!!

Kody is doing OK lately...but something we have noticed this week is that his short term memory is getting worse.
Also...he's been falling again, mostly when he tries to walk too fast. true Kody Bear style...he just keeps going and going and going...

I'll be updating a bit more tomorrow, which is turning out to be a busy day for us.
Let's see...Church and CCD in the morning...the kids are having their annual Christmas party and since there will be alot of singing...Kody is really looking forward to it.
Tomorrow night..Christmas Tree to follow!
Lot's to do to get this house ready for Santa...I really could use an extra few hours in the day. :0)

OK guys and gals...Daddy Bear just made a guest appearance and wants to know when I'll be showing time like the present, huh??!! :0)

Oh...I'll get a new song up tomorrow. I'm sure whatever Kody picks, it'll be a hoot. Hmmmmmm.....maybe I should pick this time??

Love you all....


Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:10 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

The roads are so crazy.....the malls are insane....Toys-R-Us is madness and Wal-mart is a PAIN!!!
Everywhere I turn I see Santa there....Friends have sweets and their always wanting to share.
My head is achin', my jeans are too tight....
Christmas songs on the radio...wrapping paper and tape flying everywhere...
I just spilled my coffee and where are those stupid scissors...I just left them there!

It's almost Christmas...the kids can't settle down....
My list is a mile long and tomorrow I hit the town.
I Pass by a church and see something pleasin'...
Baby Jesus on hay and I remember He is the reason for the season.

Time to calm down....hold my babies real tight.
Keep reminding myself that everything will be alright.
Jesus didn't have big screen TV's, RC cars and a perfect Christmas tree.

He had the love of a mother and the love of a father...
He had a beautiful soul and a heart made of gold,
He didn't wear designer, he wore rags so I'm told.

Nine days till Christmas....eight days to shop.
How could I ever compete?
He gave us a gift of love, life and eternity.
So much more then I could ever leave under our tree.

AHEM...OK, OK...I'll stop!! I know...I am no poet!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like our Bear's vision will be alot better in about a week...YEAH!!
Thank you to CJ and Deidra at Ped-I-care and CMS for seeing that Kody get's yet another pair of spec's, these with bifocals but better. These glsses will have prisms in the bifocal part which is so cool becasue the prism actually brings the things down below that Kody can't see {remember, he still has no downward glance} up to where he can see them. It just sort of pops up...really cool...really!!
He will have to get used to the effect...but he will and since he is so young and adaptable, he will get used to them real fast.

I have a prayer request tonight for a little girl who's name is Erin.
Sadly...Erin has brain tumors behind her eyes and is blind. Her site is brand new and I am sure she would love some visitors. Spread some holiday cheer to this little one..her Mom reads all her GB entries to her and it really brightens up her sweet day.

Also...our little pal Benjamin has taken a turn and having some problems. As most of you know..Benjamin is home on hospice. He has been having lots of pain...mostly some very painful headaches.

And Travis since he has stopped treatments has been very ill.

And Heidi who is a young wife Mom who was diagnosed with end stage lung disease and has been very weak and frail as this horrible disease attacks what is left of her lungs.

I also have a very special request from Kaysha and this one is for her friend, Nina, who some of you may remember suffers from seizures. Just recently Nina had a very bad seizure in school while sitting in-between Kaysha and another friend. It was scary and upsetting enough where Kaysha came home early that particular day.
Nina could use lots and lots of a matter of fact..PLEASE flood the Heavens with prayer that her Dr's can find out why she is having these seizures and how they can treat them.
I have recommended Shands...but I have no idea if her parents will take her there. :0(
In any heart is with her and my prayers are for her.

Let's see...what's up with Kody these past couple of days??
Well..he has been working hard, struggling some but really trying to kick butt in P.T.
If being a wise guy was part of his therapy...he would be at 100 percent right now. :0)
He's also been trying to make it to school everyday...but by the time he gets home...he just conks right out.
Today he went to P.T. in the AM and school in the afternoon..poor kid, he was so out of it by the time he came home. But...he never complains..he just keeps on going strong.

Tomorrow he has his Christmas party in his class...he is so excited!! So excited that he made a shopping list of al the things I really HAVE to bring to school for him tomorrow...cookies, candy, lunchables...LOL...yeah, he threw a lunchable in there too...guess I know where I'll be for lunch tomorrow...eating those oh soooooooooo delicious taco supreme lunchables with the Bear and those incredibly yumm-a-licious chicken dunker lunchables with Kolin.
Oh boy...I can hardly wait. :0) the way...Kolin's party is tomorrow too and all Kaysha has to look forward to is a day of the dreaded halfway through the year EXAMS! Ahhhhh...remember those days?

So...I still cannot get Leonardo to stay out of the tonight I put him in "kitty jail". One of those cat carrier things. Well..he is not a happy cat...I can hear him from two rooms away. And....Lola, who always hated that kitten is standing guard right over him. Protecting him....NAHHHHHHH....mocking him is more like it!! :0)

OK all....I think I'll be jumping off for now.
Thank you all again for stopping you all know that Kody gets over 1000 hits per day?? That is a heck of alot of prayers, isn't it?
All those prayers...well they just have to be the reason that our Bear is the silly, wild man that we all know an love.'s past 11 PM...why are you all up? Go to bed!!

Tilll tomorrow....have a great night!!



Tuesday, December 14, 2004 11:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Crank up those speakers cuz tonight your all going to rock out to Ozzy Osbourne's "I am Santa Claus". this may not be a traditional Christmas song is one of the Bear's personal favorites!! :0)

Sooooo....guess what?
I come here tonight with some pretty awesome news.....

News #1....I talked to Lisa from Dr. Pincus' office tonight...he read Kody's MRI yesterday and has declared Kody to be "Stable" new growth, no new changes...and his shunt is working perfectly!! YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So....what about the Smurf-a-Vison you may ask? Well....Kody is seeing a blue outline around things still...and this can be one of a few different things...

One...possibly the brain still trying to rewire itself.

Two...Just par for the course symptoms of what's left of the tumor...nobody really can predict what the thing is going to do next.

Three...Just might be a sign of possible seizures and since he is getting that "eye twitch" often now...I'll keep a good eye {no pun intended} on things and see if it get's worse.

Our next right away if things change in any way.
If he has no further symptoms, we are free to be normal {well..OK, that's if we can possibly be normal..this is the "K" family we're talking about here} until March 21st when he has his next MRI and see's Dr. Smith, his neuro-oncologist. He may have to see Dr. Pincus too this day...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Our next great news....

Those bifocals Kody needs.....
Weeeeellllllll....I found out today from Ped-I-Care and CMS that as long as it's medically necessary...Kody is entitled to as many eyeglasses as he needs.
So...there will be no out of pocket expenses for us exept for the upgrade on the lenses because non-scratch, non-breakable and tinted {because of the strong Florida sun} are not included.

Many of you all have complimented on Kody's black and white much as I would have loved to have taken the credit for it...I can only take credit for having a totally good lookin' son...the rest comes from Sears portrait studio, who in my opinion...really kicked butt and went totally overboard yesterday when I brought to them three kids....

One who wanted nothing to do with changing outfits, smiling, posing with different backgrounds and missing cartoons.
One who wanted it over with in record time as to get back to important, computer, phone, phone, phone, computer.
And one who wouldn't stop posing, smiling, picking backgrounds, kept insisted on more photos and was convinced about being "Hot".

So...can you all guess who was who??

Seriously...the gals at Sears spent two hours with these kids, taking about 50 to 60 photos and never complaining for a second...even when I accidently forgot Kaysha's black shirt and they made a bee line with her to take one off the rack for a snapshot. Pretty cool, huh??

I'll most likely wait another day or so and put the rest of them up...just to give everyone a chance to see the ones already up.

I'd like to say a HUGE "Thank You" to Lori who created this oh sooooooo Kody background for Kody's site. It totally goes with the music, don't ya think??
We have another background to put up that is just as cool.....and I will in a few more days....
Holy Macaroni....Lori is very, very talented!!

Well guys and gals...the temp. is dropping outside {repeat after does get cold in Florida}...but Daddy Bear has got it warmed up baby make some room for Mama cuz she's coming in for some foot warmin' and loud snorin'.

Love you all.....


Monday, December 13, 2004 10:25 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Monday Night~*~

While I was out having the kids Christmas pic's taken this afternoon, Shands called back.
They won't give us the results over the phone...we need to be there Wednesday at 12:30.
SIGH...the waiting game continues. :0(

I put a few new pic's up tonight....more to come!! :0)

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

What a great morning.....the sun is shining...the kids are ALL in school {even Kody!}...I've got three tons of things to do....waiting for the MRI results still...feeling like nothing can go wrong's gonna be a good one today! :0)

Kody and Kolin's chior pratice on Saturday morning was real good....though he had a tough time reading the words and keeping up, our Bear gave it his 100 percent all and lip synced his way through the whole hour. He smiled, he laughed, he had fun and he even lip synced in time with the words {no pun there Ashlee Simpson.}. He even told me "Mom..I hope nobody laughs at this but I really love going to chior practice...even if I have no idea what I am doing".

We put up our tree yesterday and the kids decorated it last night. Today the cats are undecorating, other then a water gun blast of water....any idea on how to keep the lil' furrballs out of our tree?
I'll have some pic's up later of the tree decorating.

Well guys and gals...I'm not going to stay on here too long this morning as I have some things to get done here and Kody to pick up in about an hour.

Hope you all enjoy the song we put up here last night...this and The Little Drummer Boy are my absolute favorites....crank up the volume and enjoy!
I know I should be letting Kody pick the song and I probably will in a few days but just to let you in on a little warning...have you ever heard Ozzy Osbourne sing "I am Santa Claus" {sang to the tune of "I am Iron Man"}...well, ahhhh...that's one of his favorites.

To all our friends out there celebrating holidays right now...we wish you all a very Happy and Healthy Hanukkah Season....Love you all!!
My kiddo's cannot get enough of the gold wrapped chocolate candies out in stores these days...honestly, they treat that bag like it is gold!! :0)

I'll be back on today sometime with the results of Kody's MRI just as soon as I get them myself and it still looks like we wil be going back to Gainesville on Wednesday to see Dr. Pincus.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!!!

Love, Kim

Friday, December 10, 2004 11:05 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

We won't have any MRI results back until probably Monday...but, Dr. Levine {eye doc.} is going over to radiology sometime tomorrow to take a look see for himself.
Everything went was just a very, very long and tiring day for all of us.

Let's see...the eye appt., well..Kody is now going to be wearing bifocals. So..I'll have to get that script. filled right away on Monday since it takes a week to get them in. I doubt CMS will pay for another pair so I figure this one is on us.
The reading glasses just weren't cutting it as his distance was not great...but with the bifocals he can see 20/20 distance and reading. They will have a really high bifocal on them since he still cannot turn his eyes downward....hopefully these will work out. He also see's everything in pairs {double} when he looks to the side because his eyes are not tracking right...totally normal and hopefully in time will go away. Same with the could get worse but then again maybe not.
Barring no new problems...he goes back there in three months.

We talked about the "blue" vision {a/k/a Smurf-a-vision}...which today was more of a blue "haze" { Smurf-a-haze maybe?}. As explained by Kody...this morning he was seeing a blue outline around everything...different from what he was seeing.
Now...Dr. Levine did say that some people see things, objects or colors before they have, say a seizure...but as far as I know, Kody hasn't had any. But...after we left I remember Kody telling me Monday night {I think} that his eye was "shaking" and he couldn't get it to stop. Then he woke up seeing in blue on Tuesday. I have no idea if this is connected but I'll mention it on Monday.

The MRI went OK...except when it was time for contrast. Kody has so much scar tissue from being poked so many times in the hospital that his veins kept rolling and wouldn't cooperate. It took quite some time but they did get the contrast in on the inside of his wrist.
Since we left there at 8:30 PM there was nobody around to read his we wait...and wait..and wait. :0(

Tomorrow is Kody and Kolin's chior practice day...they always look so cute when they practice but I swear...while I am sitting there in that front pew, so proudly watching my two youngest children sing beautiful religious Christmas songs...I can't help but picture in my mind the two brothers from "Home Alone 2" you all remember the scene in the beginning when Kevin and his older brother are singing at Christmas Eve mass and one punches the other...the slugs back and before you know it the scenery falls right on the head of the pianist/chior teacher?
OK....we all know where this is going....please, if there was ever a time to pray for sanity, Christmas Eve mass at 6 PM in a big church in a lil' town called Leesburg would be it. :0)

Alrighty guys and gals..the kids are finally asleep...I've got a few CB kiddo's I need to check on so I'm outta here for tonight!

Thank you all soooooooo much for flooding those Heavens with lots of Prayer for the matter what...he looks as beautiful as ever...we couldn't do it without the support of all of you!! Thank you again and again and again.....

All my love...


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:00 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Wednesday Night~*~

Just dropping a quick update tonight to let you all know that Kody still doesn't feel great but he did say he was seeing a "lighter" shade of blue.
This afternoon his left eye was starting to turn up...sigh...that's never a good sign but we all know Kody...and he will not stand for this one minute so with lot's of prayers...his tough as nails attitude will see him through this again.
I wish I was as stong as him. :0(

Have a great's late and the Bear wants me to lay down with him tonight.
Gotta love that boy!! :0)



~*~Prayers for the Bear Please~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~


Kody will be going for an emergancy MRI this Friday night...

Let me explain.

When he woke up this morning he was off balance...he wanted to go to school anyway, especially because it was "pizza day"! :0)
I dropped him and Kolin off at 8:30 and by 9:30 his school called to tell me that he was VERY off balance and seeing "blue" out of his left eye {the good eye}.
I right away went to pick him up and by then he said he couldn't see much of anything out of his right eye {the bad eye} even with his glasses on.

We came right home and I called LeeAnn at Shands {Dr. Pincus' right hand woman!!} and she seemed concerned. She had me call Dr. Levine {eye doc} and he said I could take him there now or give it 6 or so hours to see if it would go away BUT....the blue tint problem would seem to be and "oura" which would be more of a brain problem, possibly swelling. The blurry vision would be typical signs of worsening vision because his right eye is much worse off then the left. {but so fast??}
We decided to wait a little while and see...but in the mean time if we felt he was getting worse we could certainly get him in today, tomorrow night, whenever.
However..he did say if he was not acting "himself" call LeeAnn right away because is s sure sign if a neurolological problem. it stands right now, unless things take a sudden turn for the worse....we are scheduled to have that MRI this Friday night at 7:30. And, we'll see Dr. Levine as his last appt. of the day...which gives us a little break inbetween....perfect for a growing Bear's appitite...cuz he is already requesting...UGH...what else?? A Wendy's chicken sandwich and root beer!! :0)

As of right this moment..he is hanging out on the couch watching some TV...but his is very tired, dizzy and not himself. :0(
He says he feels healthy but he doesn't think he can do backflips today...LOL!! {his words!}

Please...keep Kody Bear in your prayers that whatever this is will either go away by itself or can be treated real quick.

I'll still leave these links below for some of our pals that could use a few hundred or more prayers....BTW..Thank you so much, I am seeing some familiar faces in GB' guys are the BEST!!

Trey, Benjamin, Rayanne, Matthew, Noah, Travis, Stephanie, Kaidrie, Heidi, Michael and Danny.

OK...let me jump off and spend some time with my Bear....

Love you alll...


PS...I have had some requests for those cartwheels I promised when Kody was in the hospital...I'm still working on it...but just a warning, seeing me cartwheel can be very scary for all of us....BUT....Daddy Bear can turn a perfect one....any requests??
HEH...HEH...HEH...Gotcha baby!!

Monday, December 6, 2004 12:14 AM CST

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Yesterday's big bash at the Shamrock Lounge was GREAT!!!!!
I have never seen such a bunch of party animals as I saw in my kids yesterday...LOL...they were INSANE!!!!

There was sooooo much delicious food, {we are pretty sure Kolin ate about 8 man size ribs and two huge plates of peach cobbler!} great entertainment, lots of well wishes and prayers and my most favorite part..the balloon launch!
For $1.00 people bought a balloon and then wrote a prayer for Kody on it...towards the end, the balloons were taken outside and released to the Heavens. It was awesome..and gave me the goose bumps just watching.
Kody picked out a bright red balloon and wrote on it two small yet very powerful words "Hi Ashley", with a heart. Then he told anyone that would listen all about Ashley and how they were going to be married someday.
Kolin wrote on his "Thank you everyone..We luv you".

And then there's the story about the leather hat...a really cool leather hat that was being auctioned off...and much to Kody's dissapointment was bought. When a real sweet lady named Alice found out how much Kody had his eyes on that hat...she went right over to the man who bought it and bought it right back!! Then she came right on over to Kody and put that hat on his head...the expression and excitement on his face was something else...Thank you so much Mrs. Alice!!
BTW....Daddy Bear's lookin' quite hot in that hat also...YEAH BABY!! :0)

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from Shamrock who worked themselves to the bone to make sure that yesterday was a day to remember for our family. Because of your kindness we will be able to recooperate from Kody's Oct/Nov surgery and hospital stay and get back on track. And even better then that...our children can look forward to some gifts under our tree this year!!
We love you all!!!!!!!!

For a preview of of our Christmas party..check out the photo page.... may want to get a drink, make a sandwich, throw some laundy in, build an addition on your home, climb Mt. Everest. :0)

I only have a few minutes to stay on right now but I wanted you all to know I have gotten together a huge list of prayers, teens and even one adult in need of prayers and miracles.
Tonight when the kid's are in bed and things settle down I'll update with that list...also, I know I have got to work on my drop excuses, just plain busy these days.

But..a few I can think of off hand are...

Trey, Benjamin, Rayanne, Matthew, Noah, Travis, Stephanie, Kaidrie, Heidi, and Michael.

Please...I ask if you have a few extra minutes on your hands..stop by and sign a few GB's...we all know how important a few words of encouragement can be. Heck...skip Kody's GB today and pick someone from our way too long list of's OK....we understand and we love you for it!!

OK....let me get off..the toaster oven just beeped and Kody's chicken tenders are ready.

Have a terrific day everyone...
Love, Kim

Saturday, December 4, 2004 1:18 PM CST

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Sunday Afternoon~*~

I put some new photos up last night...
The kids had a great time at the parade...though...WE FROZE!!
Yeppers...the temp. dropped to about 50 degrees and we were bundled up like a family of eskimo's! Two shirts, a coat, blankets, gloves, hats and if it gets any colder I am definetly investing in "hot seats". :0)
See...I keep telling you all it does get cold in Florida...when are ya gonna belive me?? :0) is back up to almost 70 now and the low 80's in a couple of days....Whew...I do HATE the cold!

We are off this afternoon to P-A-R-T-Y...PARTY!!!!!
Thank you Shamrock Lounge for choosing us to be your "Christmas Family of the Year. We will see you at 4 for some serious "get down and get crazy time". have no idea what kind of insane, loves to party family you have invited!! :0)
On a serious note...we do appreciate everything you have been working so hard to get together for us today....from the sounds of will be BEAUTIFUL!!
Thank You...Thank You...Thank You!!!

Thanks again and again for stopping by

Have a warm and wonderful weekend.

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I didn't want you all to worry much...sorry it's been a few days since my last update. :0(

I'll make this one quick though and update tonight when I have a bit more time.

All has been pretty well...Kody's new glasses have been ordered and he should have them in a week or so. He kicked butt at P.T. this morning...doing so many things that came so difficult last week...he did it with ease today!! :0)

The picture on top came from Wal-Mart today..they, and it seems the Coke Comp. were having some free picture/Santa thing but looked to me like Santa had been hitting the egg nog and was no longer in the mood for kids with red hats and Christmas wishes. No will get us by till we can get to the mall and see the real deal.

I'll be putting up some new pictures in particular of Kolin with the Childhood Cancer Recognition Calendar that he himself helped to design. We recieved ours a couple of days ago and it is absolutley beautiful!! Please consider picking one up for yourself..all orders completed by December 9th will arrive in time for Christmas. Plus...not only are you getting an awesome piece of art...but cancer kids and their siblings are receiving well earned gifts from the same shop with profit money made.
To get yours...just click on top where you see the black picture of Kody wearing his "Kickin' Cancers Butt" t-shirt or click on the words "Childhood Cancer Recognition Calendar"...those links will take you straight there.

Oh...before I go let me tell you this Kody story from this morning..I may forget later and it was too funny not to share...OK, here goes...

On the drive to P.T. this morning Kody, very seriously said to me "Mom...I really think I am the chosen one"
So...I said "What do you mean" and he said "Welp..I really think God picked me to be the chosen one"
To which I said "Chosen to do what??" and without skipping a beat and very, very seriously he said...
"To spread the word of gossip!" :0)
To which I laughed so hard my freshly made Dunkin' Donuts coffee came flyin' out my nose and I said to him "Do you mean "spread the word of the gospel?" and he said "Yeah...right...that's what I meant!!"

LOL...told you it was funny!! :0)

Now...if there was any doubt in anyone's mind that God and his lil' Angels don't work in mysterious ways you all just have got to check out Daddy Roy's journal entry about the Mockingbird and Angel Cheyenne.
This is one amazing and beautiful story about the love of one little girl Angel and her Daddy on earth forever.

OK guys and gals..I have got to drop Kyle off at work and pick up Daddy Bear from work and tonight the kids and I are off to the Annual Leesburg Christmas Parade on Main Street. Sounds like fun! :0)

I'll be back tonight to update some new photos...thank you a trillion times for stopping by!!
Love you all...


Monday, November 29, 2004 11:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Wednesday Afternoon~*~

Here it is....

More popular than The Incredibles....
Cooler than The Spongebob Movie...
More action filled than Spiderman 1 and 2.....

The newly released.....

~*~Never Say Never~*~


Love you all....



~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Hi all....

Today's eye doc appointment went pretty a few days Kody will be sporting some new and very cool reading glasses!!
Seems there is still a quite a bit of damage to the third nerve {the main nerve that controls the eyes}, because of the swelling to the brainstem, and because of it, it is effecting Kody's ability to see things up close.
That third nerve is also the same nerve that caused Kody's eye to be paralzed so fast.
While we are waiting for the insurance issuses to be ironed out...hopefully by the end of the week, so we can get his precription filled...we went ahead and picked him up a pair of reading glasses from CVS. He's walking around reading things and saying "I can can see!!". Heck...even eating dinner came sooooo much easier to him tonight when he could actually see what was on his plate.
But...those generic glasses don't fit him real well...probably because they are made for it's only temporary to get him by until his spec's come in.

Well guys and gals....I have some pretty messy kids waiting on their baths so I better get going.

Oh...but wait!! I did say something about some news yesterday, didn't I?? Right...well...just so you all know.....

I AM NOT PREGNANT!!! Holy Macaroni...please don't wish that on me...I am NOT young anymore you know!! :0) Love babies..I really do, especially when they are someone else's!!

Car? No....

Lottery? No...better then that!

Marraige for, nope..not yet.

Another pet...heck, even I'm not that crazy!!

Extreme house makeover....SIGH..only in my dreams....

Let's see.....

is it...

could it be.....

Weeellllllll.....I could string this one out a little bit more....

OK...OK...I'll stop.......ladies, gentleman and kiddo's of all ages....

It is with great pleasure I introduce to you....

The one....

The only...

In living color....

Better and Badder then ever......

Yessirree......Our Bear is BACK ON HIS BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK....let me take out five minutes to explain....

On Sunday Kody was begging me to ride his board, but our deal was he had to pass his "sobriety test" {walking the straight yellow line down the road, heel to toe}. Well, he did, kind of...slightly wobbly but alot better then he has walked it in the, I told him get his helmet and board and he could sit on it and let Molly {Karyelle's dog} pull him.
Welp...I turned around to do something else for 5 seconds when I heard Kaysha yell out on the top of her 13 year old lungs....."OH MY GOD MOM...TURN AROUND!!!!!!"

And when I did...Kody came whizzing by at full speed ahead, on his board.....laughing like a maniac!!

Well...I dropped what I was doing and tried {key word here...tried} chasing him to get him to stop and that's when he came whizzing by again in the opposite direction.

And the whole time he was yelling "They said I couldn't do it....I'm skating....I'm back!!!!!"

So.I guess the moral to this story is "Never say Never" to Kody Bear because he will prove you wrong every single time!! :0)

What I really wanted to do today was surprise you all with a video clip...but...since his eyes were dialated today, there was no skating this afternoon. {anyone who has had their eyes dialated knows what I'm talking about}
So....even though a picture is worth one thousand words..the video clip should be up here by tomorrow. :0)

OK....I really do have kids that need to be bathed so I better get going.

I'll be back soon with new pictures & video's.

Love you all...


PS. Thank you so much for your all patience!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Guess what???

We have a new member to the "K" Krew....that's him right on top with Kody....our beautiful new Rottweiller pup..."Zeke".

I know...I know...we are crazy, gluttons for punishment, totally nuts, lost our minds....LOL....your probably right but, it was an early Christmas gift from Karyelle to the family and you know what...we love the lil' guy!! :0)
Zeke is no trouble, and he completely fits in with the family and with the other pets...well, OK...Bam and Lola are taking a little while to warm up but Leonardo loves him....they even nap together and I really have got to get a picture of that, it is too cute.

Tomorrow morning we are on our way to Shands for Kody's appointment with the opthomologist, though he says it is slightly better...his vision is still very blurry. Could be temporary, could be a forever thing...we'll know more tomorrow. Fingers crossed...a simple pair of eyeglasses, or better yet just a little more time will do the trick.
Also..on December 15th at 11:30 AM is Kody's post-op MRI. Lots of prayers that day should bring us home with nothing but great news.

OK...I have no other way of saying this next here goes....

Yesterday {Sunday} at around 3:30 PM something happened here that will forever effect everyone in this family...something big...something mindblowing and something I just can't tell you about tonight. Sorry!!!
But.....come on back sometime tomorrow late afternoon or evening and see for youself.
Honestly....Sunday, November 28, 2004 will go down in the Kruppenbacher family history page...and I would love for all of you...our family and friends to be the first to share in this with us.
Any guesses??

I posted some new pictures up tonight...most were taken yesterday. Enjoy!! :0)

I better jump's real late and the morning gets here way to early for me anymore.

Have a great day...I'll update with Kody's eye dr. appointment news tomorrow.

Love you all.....


Saturday, November 27, 2004 11:25 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~New Photos Up Tonight~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Check out that happy, smiling boy up top!! WOW...imagine Kody's surprise when he WALKED {yeah baby...he walked beautifully!!} out to the mailbox and pulled out an envelope from Tony Hawk!!!!
Imagine the scream he let out when he opened up a personalized autographed picture from the skating king himself?? :0)
Thank you so, so , sooooooooooo much Tony Hawk {and Lenore and Rielly!!} you have made one nine year old little boy very, very happy!!

This picture in the mail couldn't have came at a better time..I mean, really if I had to pick a day for something like that to is the day. You see, this afternoon Kody was talking to Kaysha..I was listening, though he didn't think I could hear. Well, seems Kody was trying to stay on his board in the living room yesterday and couldn't balance on it. He was on carpet and next to a recliner chair for balance...but he kept toppling off the board anyway.
He told Kaysha he was seriously thinking of quitting skating...he felt he'd never be able to get on and do the things that came so naturally to him ever again.
As much as I wanted to jump in...I bit my lip and let Kaysha go at it..and she did great!! She told him all the right things..but he insisted "No, Kaysha...I am quitting".

Not minutes later the mailman's truck pulled up and I asked Kody to walk with me to get the mail, figuring some alone time was what we needed to talk over this skating problem.
We talked a little about not giving up, having patience, and practice. We talked about how even the most famous skaters in the world have gotten seriously hurt, and although it took some time to heal..they got back on and praticed until they were better then ever.
We talked about how Tony and Bam wouldn't want to hear of him quitting...then we opened the mailbox and Kody pulled out a brown envelope.
Because he still see's blurry, I read the return address label and I wish you all could have seen his eyes when I told him it said TONY HAWK on it!! :0)

Well..he practically ran home, dragging me with him and pulled open that picture you see up there...."Stay Strong Kody....Tony Hawk".

Can you guess what comes next??

Kody is NOT quitting....he got his "it's gonna be OK" sign in the mail today and he will be back in no time and better then ever. That is a promise!!

Other then that...he's still fighting off a rotten stomach bug, this one is just lingering forever. Hopefully he'll get this thing out of his system by the time the weekends out.

Thank you all for stopping by today...I'm going to make this one short and sweet tonight. :0)

Have a great you all....


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Friday Morning~*~

Hi everyone...

We hope your day yesterday was a wonderful one!! Our's was definetly one to cherish and remember always. :0)
We had the pleasure of meeting Jodie and Kathy {whom I believe both Kody and Kolin had a "thing" for!!}...our newspapers reporter and, without any further ado may I introduce to you all.....

~*~Beyond Blessed~*~

Our annual football game was a hoot.....the boys won but it was the girls who definetly got the most laughs!! For a few laughs of your own....please check out the photo page. :0)

Well...I'm not going to stay on here long this morning, Kody had come down with a nasty ole' stomach bug last night and Kolin woke up with a sore throat this morning. :0( to spoil my boys for a while.

Thank you for stopping by...just as soon as Karl brings me home the other newspaper article I'll scan that in so you all can take a look see.

Have a "beyond blessed" kind of day...and be careful if you decide to head off to the mall...stay safe!!!!!!

Love always....


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

As I sit here sleeping, pumpkin pies baking, tea to the left of me, a cat to the right climbing on the keyboard, I have been thinking alot about what tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day truly means.
I mean...we all know about the pilgrims and the indians...I for one have learned alot of things about pilgrims & indians through the eyes and knowledge that only a first grader could have...Kolin has really taught me well this week.
We have handprint turkeys with "I am thankful for" quotes from all the kids, including Alona hanging from the wall in our kitchen, we have a huge bird in our fridge, a ton of food and treats....I bet right now my home is much like most of America tonight...full of food and thoughts of a great day tomorrow spent with the ones we love.
How many times in my life have I said grace at the dinner table, told what I was thankful for and thought "Oh yeah...pass the sweet potatoes" all within a minute. Lots and lots of times, that's how many. things change so quickly the day your child is diagnosed with a terrible illness. Suddenly "thankful" has a whole new meaning.

And so...that is how it is in our little home.

I am thankful for a husband/soulmate who tries his best to understand my many moods and pre-menopausal ups, my downs, my good days, my fat days, my I don't want to grow up days.

I am thankful for my six beautiful, perfect children. They are the reason why I was brought into this be their Mom..the giver of their lives...the only one who can say "I gave you life and I can take that life away" and totally get away with it.

I am thankful for two precious grand-daughters. Alona who is my trusty sidekick and her big sister Alexes who became an Angel in Heaven on the day she was born here on Earth three years ago.

I am thankful for my extended family...we may be miles apart..we may be 30 minutes are still in my heart everyday.

I am thankful to have three best girlfriends here in Florida....who else but a girlfriend would schedule their child's birthday party at a bowling alley because that was something Kody could participate in, instead of having a to die for roller skating party?
Who else but a best girfriend will babysit a sibling and treat them exactly like one of their own with a touch of extra TLC when they are scared, lonely or homesick.

I am thankful for Kody's team of doctors, especially Dr. Pincus. As I said in an earlier journal entry...Dr. Pincus gave us Kody's life back three times in three years. He is our lifesaver at the times we feel like we are drowning.

I am thankful for my family of friends on the internet, especially all of you who we have met through Kody's site. You are there for us with love and support..with prayers, with tears and with joy. But most of send chocolate and promises of a strong cup of coffee ASAP when I feel like I am teedering on the edge.
You have all shared a huge part of our lives with us, not to judge, not to critisize, but to take in every disappointment and every triumph. You've let me know it's OK to cry, scream, vent and you've even laughed at the times when my parenting skills could have used a little cleaning up.
You've all told me it's OK not to be normal and you've all told me what a great family we have...I agree! :0)

I am thankful for the simple things in life...a home, a man who works himself to the bone without a single complaint, Wal-Mart, a 12 year old car that still runs, Hershey bars {plain, no nuts}, coffee, fun times, silly jokes, purring kittens, and high speed internet. :0)

I am thankful for a man who loves to cook.

I am thankful for "The Kruppenbacher Family Annual Football Game" coming in tomorrow!

I am thankful for the hundreds of Caring Bridge families who have shared their lives, their children and their stories with us. Actually..I am more then thankful..I am honored.

Tomorrow as we sit down to feast....grace will be very different this year.
We will mourn for the familes who are facing an empty chair at the dinner table. We will be greiving for the pain that exists in their hearts. We will be praying for God's love to surround them and we will pray that their sweet children will somehow give them a sign that they are with them...a part of their soul will live on inside the hearts of many Mom's and Dad's forever.
We will give thanks once again to God for allowing us to have Kody with us for another Thanksgiving and pray that we have him for many, many more.
We will pray for peace on Earth...for sadness and badness to somehow be wiped off completely.

And then we will all being saying Kody's two favorite end of dinnertime prayer words....."DIG IN!!!!!" :0)

I'd also like to pray tonight for the person who thought they needed my daughter's wallet out of her purse more then she did as she put her two year old daughter in the Spiderman ride at Wal-Mart tonight. She is a single, working Mom...the little bit of cash she had till next payday could not have bought you more then a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. I do hope you at least used it wisely. As mad as I want to be at you...maybe you really did need food, but all you had to do was daughter would have given it to you of her own free will...she is like that, you know.

Thank you tonight to Mrs. Ellen for the absolute BEAUTIFUL knitted afgan I recieved this morning...I am so in love with that soft, so purple, so perfectly me! :0)

Also...Thank you's go out to Mrs. Lisa and her 6th grade class from Anchorage Alaska for the t-shirts for all three kids, the postcards and most of all the bear claw socks which Kody really, REALLY loves!!!!!!

Well guys and oven timer is about five minutes from beeping and my pies are smelling pretty darn good!!

May you all have a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. Eat...Eat...Eat!!!!

Love always...


Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Tuesday Night~*~

Hey all...

WHOA...this afternoon Kody and I were going through a bunch of cards and things he got in the mail while he was in the hospital.
Knowing he wouldn't remember much, it was a great idea to look through his well wishes again.
Well..that's when we noticed an envelope that was never opened...
Well, imagine our surprise when Kody pulled out SIX PERSONALIZED AUTOGRAPHED PIX FROM BAM MARGERA AND CREW!!!!!!!

I am soooooooooo not kidding, Kody, Kyle and I were totally freaking out!!

Thank you so, so , sooooooooooo much Bam Margera, his parents, his brother and the crew of Viva La Bam and CKY.
Today you made Kody the most happiest and proudest boy on the planet...there are no words to describe how happy he has been, showing his pix off...checking out his CKY stickers...
You all are the absolute BEST!!!!!

~*~New Pictures Up~*~

Looks like Kody will be having some celebrity status this week...two local newspapers have contacted me today and would like to do a Thanksgiving special article about Leesburg, Florida's most thankful family.
I did the phone interview for one paper tonight, the photographer will be taking a picture for that article tomorrow morning and the other news reporter will be here on Thanksgiving morning to check out this family's craziness and interview all of us about the true meaning of Thanksgiving this year.

Unfortunetly, the first newspaper doesn't have an internet link, but I'll try to get a good scan of it.
But...luckily, the second paper will have a link. Not sure about pictures but at least the article will be there.

Thank you also to Lisa and Brian for all the Thanksgiving Day was so sweet of you both to take the long drive out to our home...Thank You...Thank You...Thank You!!!!!!
May you both have as beautiful Thanksgiving as you have made for us.

OK...better jump off tonight!

Love you all...



~*~Monday Afternoon~*~

Please say a prayer for these two little boys who are having a real rough time...

Matthew and Noah.

Thank you so much!!

Also..I just realized some of you may not understand what Kody is saying on his video clip {below} so here it is in Kody Bear's own words....

"See...Two weeks back on a bike.
Yup, after surgery...Crazy...Very Crazy!
But then's Amazing!
A walking miracle.
OK...shut the camera off Mom"

Kody did go to school this morning...only to have the school call not 45 minutes later to tell me we needed a Dr's note before Kody could return. So, after leaving a voice mail at Shands to fax one over, I was told to come to school and pick Kody up, he couldn't stay without a note.
Needless to say he was very dissapointed. :0(
But....he was very happy with a lil' gift bag one of his classmates, Brady, gave him today. How sweet was that? :0)
Absolutely every child was so happy to have him back and although it didn't last long..he said he had alot of fun anyway.

Gotta run...that kid and those cats are keeping me hoppin' today!




Hi everyone...

I found out some very sad news this morning...our friend, Benjamin, has been put back on hospice.
Sadly, Benjamin's last option chemo, has not worked at all...his tumors are growing and spreading. Words cannot ecpress how sad and hurt we are today. :0( appears the same horrible thing is happening to Trey.
I'd also like to ask for prayers for RachelJoy as her health has been pretty bad. Though RachelJoy does not have a website anymore...we are asking for you all to please pray for these three beautiful families tonight.

Kody had a pretty great day today but crashed somewhere around 2 o'clock. He finally woke up around 8 o'clock with a headache. I'm pretty sure he'll be fine though because he really wants to go to school for a couple of hours tomorrow.

OK...Everyone ready? Drumroll please...
May I introduce the latest and the greatest newly improved by the week...
Kody's latest Sunday afternoon video clip!

~*~Kody's New Wheels~*~

And this one that I just couldn't resist!! :0)

~*~Kolin's Love Song~*~

I've put up some new photos tonight..enjoy!!

OK..let me get some kiddo's ready for bed.

Till tomorrow...Have a GREAT day!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

A few words from the man himself....Kody Bear....>>>>

"I love you. Everybody, I hope you have a very good Thanksgiving. Good Bye everybody...LOVE YOU!!"

He is a man of few words, huh?? :0)

Physical therapy has been going pretty good this week, but Kody is being real challenged these past couple of times. He has been coming home with some real sore muscles...a good thing since those muscles haven't been used much these past weeks, but they sure are now! :0)
Though he is surpassing everyone's expectations...he still has some balancing issues to work on before I cut him loose on his board...he'll get there though and if I know Kody it will be well before Christmas gets here.
Yesterday was not a great day...even Kody himself said "I'm having a real off day" but today was better. He even played some soccer and baseball out in the yard with Kaysha, Kolin and Kyle. Tonight as I was making dinner I heard him yell out "Hey Mom, I'm running!!" Sweet words to hear, made me panic slightly though when I saw him run past teh kitchen window with Kaysha flying right behind him trying to keep was pretty darn funny.

You know...Kody's really cool though, instead of getting aggrivated and frustrated when he can't easily do something he used to do, or when he falls...he laughs at himself and makes a joke. He never, ever feels sorry for himself, not ever.

So...this leads to tomorrow's video clip time!! Yes guys and gals it is Sunday once week since we taped the Bear making his way around by himself...tomorrow is sure to bring alot of surprises, a few tears and I am sure...a whole lotta good laughs! :0)

Great news...I found this out last night.
You all know about The Tumbleweed Foundation. Well, some of you may know there is a huge event going on next month as Tumbleweed prepares to celebrate the holidays, Tumbleweed style. That includes making sure every Tumbleweed child and siblings gets a lil' something from Santa or a Hannaka treat.
There are plenty of children to adopt...families that are hard pressed into making dreams come true..but you my friends, can help with this. For Kody and in honor of how much he is kickin' cancers butt...won't you please adopt a family??
Every child really must count and as we say in our home "If one can't play...nobody plays". Words to live by, you know?
More great organazation called The Siren Society, coming straight from California has decided to adopt Tumbleweed and has volunteered to help out by holding the very first ever "Toys for Tumbleweed". How freakin' cool is that???!!! :0)

You know, I can tell you all from experience that kids and siblings who deal with life and death situations in their lives...I mean, things that NO child should have on their minds, can be so, soooooooo unselfish.
Case in point....Kaysha "The Drama Queen" Kruppenbacher..13 years old, loves boys, phone calls, e-mails, boys, instant messaging, music, boys, singing, shopping, teaching herself guitar, clothes, trying on clothes, looking at clothes, boys, boys, boys...
OK, she's all get what I mean right?
I asked her what she really wanted for Christmas this mind you, I never said "stay within fifty bucks girl!" so in her mind at that moment, heck the sky was the limit right?
She said simply "Nothing".
"Nothing....what do you mean nothing??"
"Mom...I mean nothing, really"
"Kaysha come on....your 13, your female..there are things you cannot live without or why have a life at all...I was 13 once, I know"
Coming straight from the most unselfish 13 year old I have ever met in my life...."Mom, I have my brother home, I can tell him I love him and he answers me, I can play with him, I can tease him and argue with him again...that's all I ever wanted".
And here I am...trying so hard not loose it as I handed her the JC Penny and Wal-Mart catalogs and said...through the tears, blurry vision and snotty nose "I absolutely LOVE go circle a few things...please!!!!"

And here comes along Kolin....
"Kolin Baby...what can Santa bring you this year?"
I would love to tell you all what he said but that was days ago and he hasn't shutup yet. BUT.....he is thinking of Kody too and saying "And Kody can play with me with this...and that..and this..and that".
He is a hoot!! :0)

So..I bet your all thinking, what did Kody say?
Well..obviously Kody is hoping we win the lottery very soon because he thinks a Stretch Hummer and a real Orange County Chopper is in his near future! :0)

OK..OK..enough Christmas talk...we gotta get through Thanksgiving and before I go on another second I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of my entire "K" family....
Thank You sooooooooo much to "Community United Methodist Church" for the great food box and gift card to Wal-Mart we recieved yesterday from Kody and Kolin's school...because of your kindness we now have a 20 pound Butterball in our fridge!! Thank you so much....I'll be picking up the rest of our fixins' on Monday. :0)
You all will never know how much we appreciate you thinking of us this Thanksgiving. God Bless you all!!!!!

I would also like to take the time to thank the three beautiful ladies who thought about us these past couple of weeks...because of you, we are in the process of working on a wheelchair ramp {for Kody's bad days}, rails in the bathtub for Kody's safety, and mending a well pump that decided now was a good time to croak on us.
May God bless all of you and your families 100 times fold. You are certainly Angels to us. :0)

On with the Thanksgiving talk....
I found this cool recipe for "Turkey Cookies"...these lil' cookies aer so darn cute and so darn easy to make...because of my lack of craeting in the kitchen skills..this is a good one for the kids and myself to contribute to Thanksgiving dessert. Check this out....

~*~Very Cute, Very Festive and oh so easy to put together a 7 year old could do it Turkey Cookies~*~

OK guys and gals...I have a sink full of dishes calling my name and a few kids begging for some attention...OK, beyond "wanting" attention..they are stuck like velcro to my back and not exactly making it easy to type.

Oh..I almost forgot...
Who makes Thanksgiving dinner around here?? That's an easy one...Daddy Bear does, start to finish....honest!!
Gals...he even cleans the pots and pans as he goes!!!! Reckon that one's a keeper, huh??
BUT...before you all go singing the praises of Daddy Bear...just know one thing...when dinners over and he's had his nap...he likes his WOMAN to serve him his pie and ice cream, in bed, in front of the TV, with the A/C crankin'. bad...yeppers...we still have the A/C on, sorry!! :0)

OK...gotta run!!!

Thank you for stopping by...hope the rest of your weekend is a GREAT one...make some memories, take some pictures, share a sweet treat with the one you love, or at least treat the one you love sweet. :0)

New pictures coming later on tonight.

Till you all!!

Mommy Bear

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:05 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Wednesday Night Update~*~

Hi again everyone....

Today's Dr. visit went really well!!
Kody is doing beyond anybody's expectations...YEAH! But..before I get into any more details....let me show you all this...

~*~Hi-Ho...Hi-Ho...Walking into my Doc's office I go!~*~ cool was that??!!

Sorry though that clip was a little choppy...I guess some people {that would be me} shouldn't try walking and filming at the same time. :0)

One more thing....see that picture on top? Isn't that something?!
I like to think of it as....God created Kody....Karl and I gave him life...The man in that picture gave us that precious life back three times in almost three years.
Dr. Pincus is as much our "hero" as Kody himself is.

OK...about the appointment...
Kody still is having a hard time seeing..he see's very blurry and cannot turn his eyes downward just yet. But..this is a HUGE improvement since we were in the hospital when he couldn't move them much in any direction.
So...sometime next week he'll go back to see Dr. Levine, his eye dr.

His next MRI will be in about 3 or 4 weeks from today. With a whole lotta prayer...we hope to see even more shrinkage to his tumor. As explained...alot of times this happens, where after surgery the rest of the tumor just withers away and dies. That would be awesome...Kody without any tumor at dream come true!
But...of course...we cannot predict the future or how that tumor will react. Young children often have no problems with this tumor...or little problem anyway. As they get older they do alot worse. Usually around 18 or so starts the "being older" cycle.
Nobody can predict what this tumor will do down the road and yes, the possiblity that it will take Kody's life someday is a very good one...but for now we know he is doing great and should things go wrong, we have a whole arsenal of ammunition to fight back with. The fight has only just begun, and as in true Kody style...he'll win....he is so like his Dad...doesn't like to lose and won't take "no" for an answer.
I guess being stubborn has it's advantages :0)

All in all though...Dr. Pincus rocked and Kody is better then ever. It will probably take several more months for him to be 100 percent again, but even Dr. P see's skating in his future soon enough.

We talked about Kody returning to school and he is leaving it up to us. First he needs to complete PT, which there was already talk that he'd be ready to graduate that soon and be dicharged. Plus we want to wait to see what Dr. Levine has to say, I mean school is great but if he can't see anything how will that go. However..I may just let him go for a couple/few hours at least for the socalization again. We'll see...I have a real hard time letting go. :0(

Tomorrow morning I am placing a call to the "film library" of Shands so I can get a copy of Kody's before and after surgery MRI. If there's a way to download it to this site, I sure will try so you all can get a better grip as to what I am talking about.

Are any of you looking for a very unique gift to give this holiday season? Well look no more because I have a great idea I think you will love!!
I know you all know Helen, who creates those awesome Blinkie Banners you see on so many sites.
Well..through the creativity of Helen and through the talents of many siblings of Caring Bridge kids {Kolin being one of them!!} can now purchase a 2005 Childhood Cancer Recognition Calender for yourself, a grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend, teacher, boss, just about anybody who is on your list.
The best part about these calenders is that the money from profits goes right back to our Caring Bridge children...those who may not have the funds to purchase "Kickin' Cancers Butt" gear. Helen has graciously set out to purchase them a gift also...isn't that sweet, and what the holidays are all
I just can't say enough about Helen...she is one of our most favorite people in the world..a true friend and an inspiration to us all. Plus...she and Kolin share a birthday so they have a bond that is so cool and unbreakable. :0)

OK guys...I'm going to jump off of here tonight, it's late and Kody is up with a headache and not feeling real great.
Have a great night and Thank You for stopping by!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Today is the day Kody goes back for his post-op appointment. We should be leaving around 1 o'clock for his 2:30 appt., so I'll update again later on tonight with the news.
Last night I noticed his left eye starting to droop and we are praying that it was just because he overdid things and was tired. He didn't notice it though, which is a good thing.

I put up some new photos on his photo page...just a few from him pumpin' iron and working out yesterday. :0)

Two days ago while Daddy Bear was at work he heard a few cars and screeching brakes...then he heard someone yell out "There's a kitten in the road!". Well, Main Street is a real busy street in the later afternoon and Daddy Bear being Daddy Bear ran out into traffic to rescue a teeny, tiny little gray kitten with the most beautiful blue eyes.

OK...I bet some of you know where this story is going, right?

So...without any further explanation....let me introduce "Leonardo" to all of you!!


Since Bam is mostly Kody's cat and Lola is Kaysha's..we gave this one to Kolin.
The name Leonardo?? Well, Kolin named him after one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!! :0)

OK guys and gals..let me get going and wake up my sleeping Bear...he sure has developed a love of sleeping these days!!

Love you all...


Sunday, November 14, 2004 10:55 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Monday Morning...


Kody's having a real sleepy day this morning. He's wobbly, so today's the day we'll be resting up.
Later Gators!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Just a quick update tonight to let you know our day was AWESOME!!

Today was by far the best day yet for Kody and we decided to hang with our biker friends from Mr. Pubs this afternoon.
The kids had alot of fun shooting pool and Kody...well, the boy had just about every girl there hanging all over him!! Heck..he even helped the band sing Metallica's "Enter Sandman".
Lots of new pictures...I just don't know if I'll have them up tonight or tomorrow, so please check agin tomorrow if you don't see them tonight.

By late this afternoon though it was pretty obvious that Kody was whopped...tired...and losing coordination quickly...BUT....he had a great day and that's all that matters.
I'd like to say tomorrow will be a day of rest for him...but we all know Kody and there is a real good chance that won't ever happen.

Just incase you haven't seen yet...Kody's "into message" {under his picture of the day} has been updated...just trying some different things. :0)

OK...Here's what I know you have all been waiting for...the newest, most anticipated video clip of the week....drum roll please!
We call this one....

~*~4 to 6 months...Yeah right!!~*~

He is something else, isn't he?! :0)

Alrighty...a bigger update is coming soon but tonight is turning into morning faster then I can type this out so with that...I bid you all a great night and I'll talk to you all again tomorrow!!

Love, Kim


~*~Saturday Night~*~

That's Kody's "Love Quilt" on top...I told you it was gorgeous!
The Yankee Bear picture is on the photo page tonight and oh more thing...

Kody RAN about 10 steps today!!!!!!!!!

He and I were talking about Thanksgiving and what he loves the most and after him telling me "eating the drumstick" he said he is most looking forward to the "Kruppenbacher Annual Backyard Football Game".
I told him we better practice alot so he can run with the ball..
right then and there he got up out of the chair he was sitting in outside and RAN!!
He got about 10 paces when it dawned on me what he was doing and I let out a yelp, OK maybe a scream. :0)
Hmmmmm..maybe I should of just let him keep going?
Ahhhhh.....running today...skating in the very near future! :0)

Gotta love the spunk that boy has! :0)

One more PT today he was being made to work hard..lifting leg weights, really exercising his left arm and hand, practicing balancing on a thera. ball. When the work out was getting pretty tough, Kody told his therapist...
"I'm NOT a quitter...bring it on!"

God...I LOVE THAT BOY!!!!! :0)

Watch for Kody's newest video clip tomorrow coming to a Caring Bridge website near you...

Love, Kody's very proud Mom...



Friday...Nov. 12, 2004

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I am so sorry for the lack of updates this me a slacker! :0) can call me exhausted...LOL...I think the "Whoa...this is tiring" mode has set in these past couple of days.
Anywho..enough of that....on to the Bear.

Tomorrow makes Day #3 for PT and OT. On Thursday he graduated to level 2 in his therapies...seems the exercises he did two days before that were too easy for him. He is working like a Bear to get back into shape and the difference week by week is amazing!
He isn't even complaining about his homework/exercises..well, not too much anyway.
Tomorrow we go back to therapy. He goes every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning.

I plan on taking another video clip of him walking on Sunday...which makes exactly one week from my first clip of him walking with Daddy Bear. I want to you to be able to see the difference one week can make.
But..until I get that clip taken I have another one just waiting for you all...this is from Kody Bear himself and it is sent with a whole lotta love...enjoy!

~*~From Kody...With Love~*~

Kody has been getting so much mail these days and, I would like to thank you all so much for the cards and the get well gifts Kody has been recieving everyday...little by little he is opening everything. His left hand is still pretty weak and his vision is still very blurry but he does love to open things and loves it even more when Karl and I read his cards to about good medicine...I can think of nothing better for him.
We have at least a ton of thank you notes to get out...we'll get there..slowly but surely...we love you all!!
Here's a story just so you can imagine for yourself how many times the mailman and the UPS man have been here over these past two weeks.

Yesterday Kolin was playing outside on the fort in the front yard when the UPS man pulled up..well, since this guy is so used to being here just about everyday, he handed the package over to Kolin who SIGNED FOR IT!! :0) Too funny...the UPS guy was like.."Here you go Buddy, sign here and bring it to your Mom". Kolin was sooo proud of himself!

I'd like to say a special Thank You to al the wonderful women and nurses at Ped-I-Care who sent Kody a box full of Blue Angels everything...gals...he LOVED it!! We are so sorry we missed you on Thursday...but home awaited and that's where we wanted to be more then anything. Aunt Vikki, Uncle Phil, Phil, Jesse, Karyelle, Kaysha and Kolin for the NY Yankees Build-a-Bear...the picture on top just says it all...he LOVES that Bear so much! :0)

To things I'd like to mention tonight...

#1...Many of you know "Cam the Ham" now I am sure most of you know that the sweetheart of a woman, Ivy, who kept up Cameron's site passed away during open heart surgery. This is truly a shock to all of us...I for one had no idea she was ill.
Please pray for Cameron....he must be so confused and lost..Ivy was not only his babysitter but she was someone Cameron loved very much.

#2...It's that time of year again to purchase a gold childhood cancer ribbon for the Candlelighters Christmas tree which stands tall in Washington DC.
For a small donation you can buy a ribbon with your childs or Angels name on it and a small description on back.
This will be Kody's third always gets mailed back to us and we proudly display it on our own Christmas tree every year.

Also...while I'm on a roll...
Please, if you would every night, everyday say a special prayer for the familes so dear to us that have lost a child recently...there has been a very harsh and unfair wave of children, Cheyenne, Connor, Troy, Kara just to name a few.

I had gotten a form in the mail today which describes the name of Kody's surgery....
"Stereotactic guided craniotomy for interhemispheric transcallosal approach and microsurgical resection of brainstem tumor"
And to think...I thought it was only called a "craniotomy". Talk about a smack back into reality. :0)

Kody still has a long road ahead of him...whatever happens down the end of that road is not up to us, but I can tell you that inbetween now and the end of that road..Kody will fight with everything he has to beat the crap out of this tumor. Everyday with the strength and determination that only Kody could excell..he makes himself get out of bed each morning, he makes himself walk, eat with utensils, work a peg board, write and talk.

No...he is not 100 percent back to Kody yet...but he will, someday he will.
But honestly..if God decides this is as much of Kody as we get back.....we are so unbelievably happy!!
Yes...he sometimes still stutters and slurs his words, he tires easily and needs a wheelchair to go out in, he drops things and cannot throw a ball with his left hand, occasionally he still stumbles....
But...He still has that beautiful, goofy Kody Bear smile and he has not lost his great sense of humor!! my heart and I know his Daddy feels the same way too...Kody will beat every disability he has now...he absolutley will come out the winner.
After was predicted 4 to 6 months until he can walk again and....
I can't wait for Sunday to get here cuz I think all of you will be very pleasantly surprised!! :0)

Thank you all for coming back today to check on us...Have a great and relaxing weekend.
See you Sunday!!

Love you all..


Tuesday, November 9, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

When we left the hospital five days ago there was alot of talk about Kody not walking again for months...possibly four to six.
Everyday our whole family comes together at dinner and each night we take a turn saying grace...everyone of us has asked God to please let Kody get stronger..even Kolin never lets Kody out of his thoughts for long.
Today at about 5:30 PM...Kody walked UNASSISTED for the very first time since the morning of October 25th when he walked himself into the pre-op holding room.
How can I ever describe the joy in our home tonight...our prayers have been answered...our Bear is on his way to a full recovery! :0)

Now..let me tell you how this all came about.
Kody had a busy morning with his first day of PT and OT. To say the least the therapists were very impressed at his strength and determination. All things considered they worked his little legs and arms pretty hard and put us on a 3 day a week for at least two months schedule with "homework/exercises" {would you believe playing video games is considered therapy? It is!} to be done twice a day everyday. We were cautioned that because of the trauma to his brain...though his stregth is great..his coordination was not and that he should recover but it would take time and practice. He may need a walker...he may never fully recover all his skills.
When Kody was asked what he missed the most...what he really wanted to be able to do the most..his answer {no surprise here!} was "Ride my skateboard".
Well...Kody is a very determined boy and may I easy bribe!
You see..yesterday I told him that when I can see him walk...alone...without falling, across a room into my arms...I would buy him the Bam Margera Audio skating sneakers he has been begging for, for about a year now.
Guess what? LOL...I see a trip to the skate store coming real soon!! :0)

We got home around 11:30 and Kody had some lunch and tried watching Shrek 2 for like the 4th time in two days but by 12:30 he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and he asked to go take a nap. And nap he that kid can sleep!

Around 5:30 I was in the kitchen making dinner when I heard some fumbling around on the monitor. Now, Kody knows not to get up himself...he can call and I'll hear him. I figured I better check on him anyway and it's a good thing because by the time I walked down to his room he was at the edge of the bed...he looked right at me and said "Good Morning Mom" and then he got up and walked the whole way to the door!!!
It was one of those moments where I knew what he was doing...yet I was kind of shocked, couldn't move and the whole time I'm thinking "Steady baby...easy...slow" My heart though, was ready to burst with pride!!! What a day...what a moment!
I wish you all could have seen his was priceless...and he did walk right into my arms and gave me the biggest Bear Hug I have gotten in a long while.
I love that child so much!! :0)

More great news...We heard from Kody's Dr. who told us that his EEG results were normal and we could stop the Dilantin. {anti seizure med.} which is great because I have a feeling it is that medicine that is making him so tired all of the time. I mean...the kid is trying so hard to watch his Shrek movie and hasn't stayed awake for the whole thing yet..LOL!!
Tomorrow is the last day for steriods and I am really looking forward to see how much of the old Kody Bear we get back without drugs in him.

On thing I have noticed lately....and I really hope it's just one of those temporary side effects is that Kody holds his left hand kind of "crooked". It's hard to explain but his therapist told me to help his put it in the proper position whenever it happens. He doesn't notice himself doing it and I've beven seen his sleeping like that too.

Oh...I almost forgot, Kody goes back to Shands to see Dr. Pincus {his neuro-surgeon} on Wednesday..the 17th for his post-op appointment.
Kody and Dad have made a pact that Koldy will walk into that appointment. He might need his chair for the rest of the day but walking into Dr. Pincus office is going to be a classic Kody moment.
His next MRI should be about 2 to 3 weeks after that appointment. That is a very important will tell us what the heck that tumor is up to if anything and what we need to do to knock it back down...or as Kody says "kick the crap out of it" {'s the NY in him still!}.

We'd like to say a big "Thank You...Thank You...Thank You" to Kelli...Kelli...Kelli for the awesome Dale Jr. teddy bear and cap that Kody recieved yesterday...the bear is right next to him as he sleeps and the hat hasn't left his head yet...HA!

Tomorrow I'll get his quilt pictures up, the ones I took yesterday just don't do it enough justice so tomorrow I'll get some really nice shots. It is just too beautiful a quilt not to be able to see every single square...all hand embroidered. I am really in awe of this quilt because honestly...I am the kind of person who can fix absolutely anything with duct tape, a staple gun and a can of WD-40. Sewing is something I never could do..if we need something sewed, I give it to Karl..he's the parent that always helped the girls with their home-ec. projects. I wish I had of taken pictures about 9 years ago when he stayed up till 3 AM hand sewing a puppy dog pillow for Karyelle when she was in the ninth grade. And, she didn't stay up but she did score the highest grade in the class! :0)

Welp..I think that's about all that's new around here today.

Thank you all for coming back again and again to catch up on the crazies around here...there's alot of them!
I better get running cuz I know there is a warm body in my room awaiting my arrival....cute round butt....squirmy toes...snoring....snuggles and cuddles...
Yes folks...Kody has found his way into my bed again tonight! Married life may never be the same.

Love you all..


Sunday, November 7, 2004 9:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet



Hello all...

Halloween...Kyle's birthday and Kody's homecoming all in one day....what does that make?
One heck of a fun day!!!!!

Let's go back to the morning...Kody woke up feeling well enough to attend Mass this morning and so many people {most we've never met} were so happy to see him back. I think Father John was the should have seen him smile and gaze over at Kody who, with us, was sitting right in the front this morning.
When the kids left for Childrens Liturgy...Kolin took control of pushing Kody in his chair to the alter and then out the door. While they were in front of the alter with the other children and the catacists being blessed by Father John...Kolin, at the end of the blessing reached over Kody's shoulder {from the back of Kody's wheelchair} and took his own hands and made the sign of the cross on was so sweet! I know Father John saw because he looked right over at me and smiled. :0)
When Mass was over we were walking out..Kolin was "at the wheels" of Kody again and he stopped suddenly before we were about to leave. So..I said "Come on Kolin..keep walking" and he said "Not yet Mom!". Well..the little stinker stopped at the holy water...dabbed his fingers into it and then once again...made the sign of the cross on his big brother.
It was the most precious thing I have ever seen. :0)

By the time Mass ended..we dropped Kolin and Kaysha off at CCD but Kody, though he said "Hi" to his classmates just wasn't up to anything else.
So....we brought him home and he asked to go to bed. :0(
He slept for hours until I finally woke him up to P-A-R-T-Y!!!!!!!

And PARTY he did!!!

Daddy Bear and Karyelle were in charge of cotton candy making and the kids were in charge of eating pure sugar for hours this afternoon.
Which made them real hyper and us ready to pull out what's left of the gray...but hey, they had fun, right?
A couple kids from the neighborhood showed up...they all took turns taking Kody for rides up and down the street...but for the most part it was a total Kyle/Kody day. Kyle was Kody's Buddy and there was nothing in the world that was going to come between that. :0)

Unfortunetly...I guess with one good day...sometimes a bad day will follow and Kody needed constant tending to today. He had alot of difficulty balancing and also alot of trouble speaking. But....happily...he still flashed us that winning, heart melting smile all day long and for that alone we are so very grateful.
You my heart I know that mentally Kody is still 100's just physically he needs so much help and work.

And although I am grateful because I still have him..because I can tell him how much I love him, even when he can only barely whisper the words still tears me up so much to see him this way. To watch him stare at other kids running, skating, hear him struggle to get out a sentence...four little words "I love you Mommy" watch him work so hard to hold a can of soda or pull a chip out of a bag....Lord how I would take this stupid tumor from him in a heartbeat, even if it meant leaving him and the others without a's OK, he deserves so much more then this..he deserves a shot at a normal childhood and a long healthy and happy life.

It's so hard to imagine that only a few weeks ago he was so quickly things can change.
Today I sat in the sunshine watching Kyle push him up and down the street in his chair. Kyle was telling him something and Kody was belly laughing at whatever joke they were sharing....I kept trying to picture Kody jumping out of that chair and running, grabbing his board, catching some air, crashing, laughing, trying again.
I guess he is still doing that though...he gets up...he puts his best foot forward...sometimes he stumbles...sometimes he laughs...he always trys again...
Only for now he has someone who loves him very much holding his hand, keeping him steady and never letting him crash.
That little boy has alot of heart..he really does.

Kyle's belated 19th birthday was also a big hit tonight and tomorrow we have a very special picture planned so stayed tuned!!

Also..I still have to get the quilt picture up so that will be on here within the next day or's beautiful, I can't wait for you all to see it.

OK guys and gals...I think I'll get an early night in tonight. Thank you for coming back to check in on us...

Love you all!!



Saturday, November 6, 2004

~*~Hello Everyone~*~


It has been an amazing couple of days back home!!!

I have to admit, this is a big adjustment and Kody has a long road ahead of him...but in true Kody style...he will NOT stay down for long!!
And so...before I go any further tonight..without further ado...may I introduce...

~*~Life is Tough...But Kody is Tougher~*~

Isn't he amazing??!! :0) after a very big day of stretching those legs and doing the Daddy/Kody Bear work out our Bear ate, bathed and by 7:30 was sound asleep!! :0)

What else new here?? Well...after another huge insurance mix took all day Friday to figure out where Kody will have his PT & OT. Turns out I need to bring him to Eustis, which is about a 40 minute drive from our home. His first day, in which he'll be evaluated is Tuesday at 10 AM.

Kody is still having a real hard time with his sight and we are starting to wonder if maybe he has lost a good part of his eyesight. We do know for sure he hasn't got his periferal vision back yet and when we walk him we have to be sure there is nothing he can trip on because though he is trying to get around..he still can't see well.

He's grip is getting better but when he tires it's easy to see that he has a hard time focusing and holding on to things. Same thing goes for his speech...the more tired he gets, the more difficult it is for him to talk.

He is spunky though...he has, actually never lost his wit and sense of humor.
Today when I was out food shopping {yep..I miss everything!} Dad woke him up to take a walk..but first Dad had one important thing to do and told Kody "one minute Dude"..just then Karyelle came home and heard on the monitor Kody say " goes nothing" and in a flash he was out of bed and walking himself to the bathroom. :0)
His excuse..."When ya gotta go...ya gotta go!".

I would like to say a very HUGE "Thank You" to Love Quilts for the beautiful quilt Kody received in the mail today...this quilt is absolutly gorgeous!!! It is all hand embroidered and personally made for Kody. The middle square even says "Life is Tough..But I'm tougher". Tomorrow I'll take a snapshot of Kody with all will just not believe how incredible this quilt is and made with so much love.
Thank you again Love Quilts!!

Since we missed out on Halloween and Kyle's 19th birthday this past week we have some making up to do...soooooo tomorrow we are having a belated Halloween/Kyle's birthday and Kody's homecoming party all wrapped up into one.
Lots of candy, ice cream cake, even a cotton candy machine donated by Karyelle's boss from True Value Hardware. {she works there on the weekends}
Kody is soooo psyched for this.
While we were in the hospital he never cried..not once about anything, not the surgery, the stitches, the needles, med's..nothing...except for one thing.
Missing out on Trick-or-Treating. :0(
Well...we have alot of making up to do and tomorrow's the day.

So..with that , let me jump off of here and get some decorations put up so the Bear can wake up to his very own haunted house.

Thank you everyone for all the GB entries...your love and support means more to us then anything in the world and Kody, well he just thrives on the attention and the prayers. It is the perfect medicine for all of us.

Oh..before I forget...I came home to over 700 e-mails and am still trying to sift through them...if I haven't answered back yet, I just may take a few days.

A couple of people had told me they were having a difficult time viewing the pictures I put on Kody's other update, I put them up on here tonight. Hope you all can see them...even hibernating, he is beautiful!! :0)

OK..gotta run!

Love you all....


Sunday, October 24, 2004 11:56 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you all so much for the GB entries and the prayers from all over the world!!

This weekend we did our best to spend as much time together as possible...there was so much to do to prepare but we still snuck in alot of time together.

I am going to use Kody's second site as a way to update until we are home again. This site is so much easier to update just incase I need someone from home to update for me or Norine, Angel Ashley's Mom has offered to update for me also.
So...this is the link to get there...


Soooooooo.....I heard that tomorrow is official "Third Eye for Kody Day"!!!
Oh funny is that??!! Well, I know for sure I'll be finding a band aid for myself and definelty I'll be slapping one of Dad too!!
So...get your markers ready everyone..color in your bloodshot eyes and slap that sticker/band aid anywhere on your body. :0)
I swear this is the funniest thing I have ever heard..and if you think I'm getting quite the kick out of it, you should see Kody!!

Today was such a cool day...I saw so much that made me appreciate my kids and my community so much. Let me start off with this morning at Mass.
Kody walked in on his own...but after a while when he was walking back from Childrens Liturgy, with Kolin wrapping his arm around him...Kody told me that he really couldn't stand or walk anymore, he was very unsteady.
So...Kaysha ran out to the car to get his chair and he sat down in it. Well...we were all supposed to turn to song 551 or something like that when Kolin took the song book...scooted his way over to the edge to be with Kody, and then knowing Kody couldn't see the words...Kolin reached over and shared the book with Kody...pointing his little fingers at every word so Kody could follow along.
It was the most sweetest brother moment I have ever seen.

Right after Mass ended Kody had a special sacrement of healing of the sick. This is Kody's third one and usually only a handful of people have ever stayed.
Today....there had to have been 200 maybe 250 people...all there for Kody.
It was so beautiful....I saw his teacher from last year in many people just crying for Kody. I also lost it...I couldn't help it. Here I am trying not to look around but when I saw the outpouring of love for my son and when I saw that even Father John was in tears...and when I realized that Kody was the only one NOT crying, I just broke down once again. :0(
SIGH...I'm not sure there is enough chocolate in the world for all this crying stuff. :0)

OK...I just had a 15 minute break here. I thought Kody was asleep but he walked out of his room crying and telling me "I can't do it Mom...I don't want to do it...please don't make me".
I don't know what else to tell him except we'll do this together...I won't leave him...we have to give it a try. Oh God...what do you say to a kid who really does not want to go through this but has to in order to save his life? What ever happened to a simple normal childhood when his biggest worry should be whether he gets on a baseball tean with his best friends?

I heard something the other day and it gave me a sense of peace. Somebody said "Somebody out there is ALWAYS praying for you". Judging from Kody's GB I believe that to be 100 percent true.
Still...this crazy part of me says "Do prayers really work..isn't our life already planned out long before we are concieved?" If that's the case...then does it matter how many prayers are said?
I am so sorry....I am an absolute downer tonight. :0(

On a brighter note...a couple of things Kody did today were pretty worthy of a few good laughs. :0)
Let's see..there was my shopping list this morning. I had to make sure there was enough groceries in the house while I was gone. Kody saw what I was doing and I said to him "Is there anything you'd like to add?"
BIG mistake with a kid on steriods. :0)
First he added a few things...then he took up a second page....finally I went from a shopping pad size paper to a whole looseleaf size paper. was quite the list and tonight he partook in everything on it!! :0)
Somehow he seems to go into "panic mode" when you tell him "no food and drinks after midnight".

Hmmm..let's see..oh yes,
Let's talk wheelies...better yet, let's talk Wheelies on a Wheelchair". Yes..Kody Bear has got that down to a perfection. He is now in the process of figuring out how to make a chopper wheelchair complete with a wheelie bar. gotta love them!!

Now yesterday he had me take him to the mall, for what?? Well...a Bam Margera t-shirt and cap to wear tomorrow. He's been wearing that cap all weekend and the shirt is ready to be donned by the Bear first thing in the morning. He wanted it because of the simple fact that he thought Bam and he were tougher then tough...ready to take on anybody...and besides as Kody put it "Bam likes to get hurt on purpose like me freaking cool is that???".

Tonight was the official "Viva La Bam Season Premire Party" in our house. At 10 PM tonight we all gathered around to watch "Viva La Bam"...Kody's most favorite show in the ranks right up there with his other favorite show "American Chopper".
Kody made us popcorn...chilled some cokes and we laughed till it hurt!! It was so much fun and what memories are made of, right?

Speaking of Bam...Did any of you happen to see who signed Kody's GB the other morning?? Bam's MOM!!!!!!! Oh man, I wish you could have all seen Kody when I read that to him...he is still flying high on Cloud Nine over that!! I'll tell you, that one message from Bam's Mom, Dad, Bam and the whole Viva La Bam crew was the very best medicine for truly lifted his spirits.
Thank you April Margera....Thank You!! There are no words that I know of to describe the joy I saw on Kody's face yesterday.
You are all the BEST!!

Well guys..that's it for tonight. Kody is still up and waiting for me to lay down with him. We have to be up in about four hours so I better see about getting a little sleep.

BTW..We have to be at the hospital at 6:30 AM. I still don't have a time for surgery but since he is a child and since the surgery is so lengthy, I am assuming he will be first. The first surgeries normally start at 8 o'clock.

I will make sure there is an update up on Kody's other site just as soon as I find out anything myself.

Thank you so much for the continued support you have given us through this past week. It has been a rough one but we WILL make it...

Just keep swimming....Just keep swimming...

Love you all....


Sunday, October 24, 2004 11:56 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you all so much for the GB entries and the prayers from all over the world!!

This weekend we did our best to spend as much time together as possible...there was so much to do to prepare but we still snuck in alot of time together.

I am going to use Kody's second site as a way to update until we are home again. This site is so much easier to update just incase I need someone from home to update for me or Norine, Angel Ashley's Mom has offered to update for me also.
So...this is the link to get there...


Soooooooo.....I heard that tomorrow is official "Third Eye for Kody Day"!!!
Oh funny is that??!! Well, I know for sure I'll be finding a band aid for myself and definelty I'll be slapping one of Dad too!!
So...get your markers ready everyone..color in your bloodshot eyes and slap that sticker/band aid anywhere on your body. :0)
I swear this is the funniest thing I have ever heard..and if you think I'm getting quite the kick out of it, you should see Kody!!

Today was such a cool day...I saw so much that made me appreciate my kids and my community so much. Let me start off with this morning at Mass.
Kody walked in on his own...but after a while when he was walking back from Childrens Liturgy, with Kolin wrapping his arm around him...Kody told me that he really couldn't stand or walk anymore, he was very unsteady.
So...Kaysha ran out to the car to get his chair and he sat down in it. Well...we were all supposed to turn to song 551 or something like that when Kolin took the song book...scooted his way over to the edge to be with Kody, and then knowing Kody couldn't see the words...Kolin reached over and shared the book with Kody...pointing his little fingers at every word so Kody could follow along.
It was the most sweetest brother moment I have ever seen.

Right after Mass ended Kody had a special sacrement of healing of the sick. This is Kody's third one and usually only a handful of people have ever stayed.
Today....there had to have been 200 maybe 250 people...all there for Kody.
It was so beautiful....I saw his teacher from last year in many people just crying for Kody. I also lost it...I couldn't help it. Here I am trying not to look around but when I saw the outpouring of love for my son and when I saw that even Father John was in tears...and when I realized that Kody was the only one NOT crying, I just broke down once again. :0(
SIGH...I'm not sure there is enough chocolate in the world for all this crying stuff. :0)

OK...I just had a 15 minute break here. I thought Kody was asleep but he walked out of his room crying and telling me "I can't do it Mom...I don't want to do it...please don't make me".
I don't know what else to tell him except we'll do this together...I won't leave him...we have to give it a try. Oh God...what do you say to a kid who really does not want to go through this but has to in order to save his life? What ever happened to a simple normal childhood when his biggest worry should be whether he gets on a baseball tean with his best friends?

I heard something the other day and it gave me a sense of peace. Somebody said "Somebody out there is ALWAYS praying for you". Judging from Kody's GB I believe that to be 100 percent true.
Still...this crazy part of me says "Do prayers really work..isn't our life already planned out long before we are concieved?" If that's the case...then does it matter how many prayers are said?
I am so sorry....I am an absolute downer tonight. :0(

On a brighter note...a couple of things Kody did today were pretty worthy of a few good laughs. :0)
Let's see..there was my shopping list this morning. I had to make sure there was enough groceries in the house while I was gone. Kody saw what I was doing and I said to him "Is there anything you'd like to add?"
BIG mistake with a kid on steriods. :0)
First he added a few things...then he took up a second page....finally I went from a shopping pad size paper to a whole looseleaf size paper. was quite the list and tonight he partook in everything on it!! :0)
Somehow he seems to go into "panic mode" when you tell him "no food and drinks after midnight".

Hmmm..let's see..oh yes,
Let's talk wheelies...better yet, let's talk Wheelies on a Wheelchair". Yes..Kody Bear has got that down to a perfection. He is now in the process of figuring out how to make a chopper wheelchair complete with a wheelie bar. gotta love them!!

Now yesterday he had me take him to the mall, for what?? Well...a Bam Margera t-shirt and cap to wear tomorrow. He's been wearing that cap all weekend and the shirt is ready to be donned by the Bear first thing in the morning. He wanted it because of the simple fact that he thought Bam and he were tougher then tough...ready to take on anybody...and besides as Kody put it "Bam likes to get hurt on purpose like me freaking cool is that???".

Tonight was the official "Viva La Bam Season Premire Party" in our house. At 10 PM tonight we all gathered around to watch "Viva La Bam"...Kody's most favorite show in the ranks right up there with his other favorite show "American Chopper".
Kody made us popcorn...chilled some cokes and we laughed till it hurt!! It was so much fun and what memories are made of, right?

Speaking of Bam...Did any of you happen to see who signed Kody's GB the other morning?? Bam's MOM!!!!!!! Oh man, I wish you could have all seen Kody when I read that to him...he is still flying high on Cloud Nine over that!! I'll tell you, that one message from Bam's Mom, Dad, Bam and the whole Viva La Bam crew was the very best medicine for truly lifted his spirits.
Thank you April Margera....Thank You!! There are no words that I know of to describe the joy I saw on Kody's face yesterday.
You are all the BEST!!

Well guys..that's it for tonight. Kody is still up and waiting for me to lay down with him. We have to be up in about four hours so I better see about getting a little sleep.

BTW..We have to be at the hospital at 6:30 AM. I still don't have a time for surgery but since he is a child and since the surgery is so lengthy, I am assuming he will be first. The first surgeries normally start at 8 o'clock.

I will make sure there is an update up on Kody's other site just as soon as I find out anything myself.

Thank you so much for the continued support you have given us through this past week. It has been a rough one but we WILL make it...

Just keep swimming....Just keep swimming...

Love you all....


~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

I Love You Teddy

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Still leaving these links/messages below....

~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


Here's a little story about a boy any parent would be proud of. I had gotten this message in Kody's guestbook and right away just had to check this kid out.
This is about a boy named Rob who is skateboarding to raise funds for cancer reasearch. Rob lost his own Mom to cancer and was so affected by her death that he wanted to something real drastic to raise awareness and money for a cure.
Rob's skating journey has already began...and you can view each day in his daily journal from his site.
Rob is skating from L.A., California across the continent and North up to Newmarket, Ontario. He will be skating across the Rockies, the Appelachians and through the Mojave Desert.
Doesn't this sound like something my own son, Kyle would do?? :0)
Anyway....check out his site....he may be passing through your own hometown...and if we can in any way, get to Jacksonville we will be high fiving Rob like crazy!!

Skate 4 Cancer


The Tumbleweed Foundation is an organization that is very dear to Kody's on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's artwork raised over $500.00 for The American Cancer Society!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us



"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Saturday October 23, 2004 12:40 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

As I sit here tonight reading through each and every GB entry and e-mail I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love for one little boy.
Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think one child could make such a difference in the lives of so many.
Thank you...all of you!!

And now...the Kody Bear update I know you are all here for tonight.

On Monday morning...we won't have an exact time until Sunday night...Kody will be having what is called a {bear with me...I stink at spelling!} "craniotomy".
This is the more envasive surgery and it will last 4 to 8 hours.
His Surgeon and we choose this one because it will offer more hope for Kody's recovery and or amount of time he will have left here on Earth.
You all have no idea how hard it was for me to type out those last ten words. Never, ever did I think we would ever have to go there...still, we are facing a surgery so serious, so dangerous that the end results will be in God's hands only.

The surgery will go something like this..and I know I will probably leave something out because today I took in so much was not easy.

Of course, Kody will be prepped for surgery with some "goofy juice" then he will be put to sleep. An I.V. will be started and also a cathader. A "halo" will be screwed into his head and his surgeon will cut away approx. a 2X4 inch piece of his skull. The cut will be in the back of his head towards the top. Dr. Pincus will be going through Kody's midbrain {the most sensitive and dangerous part of the brain} and will take a good sized piece of the tumor for pathology. Then and only if he feels it is safe Dr. P will try to debulk..or cut away as much of the tumor as he safely can without putting Kody at any risk at all.
If Dr. P feels it isn't safe...he will quickly get out of there.
When Kody's skull is closed again it will be held in place by two titanium plates that he'll have there forever. No problem getting in airports alarms!! :0)

Kody will have to spend at least two days/nights in PICU and then at least 3 in a regular room if all goes well. looks like if Kody stays as tough as he always has been..we will be home in about 5 or so days!!

OK..the side effects....
There is always the possibility of stroke..but is it small, very small, still it could happen.
What most likely will occur is that Kody will have some freaky eye movements..something he has already had in the past. We can live with that.
Also...his hearing may be effected for life....again, we are OK with that.
He may not be able to walk right...he may drop things. This will be temporary...lasting days, weeks maybe months. Nobody knows but it's OK!!
Will Kody come out the same silly, daredevil boy he went is? God I hope so.
Can the tumor grow back? Yes...but patholgy will tell us all about that.
Will we still need radiation...chemotherapy or a combination of both? Yes...absolutley....but again, we'll find out more and cross that bridge when we come to it.

Right now we are concerned out today, can we make it through today?
It's almost 12:00 AM right now...we've made it through another day so that's good...very good! :0)

I would be lying to you if I told you I am fact, I don't think I have ever been so terrified in my whole life.
When Kody was first diagnosed 2 years and 9 months ago we went into "numb mode"...numb mode is an awfully good place to be. This time the numbness lasted only moments and then the reality that Kody's life is in serious danger hit me hard...very hard.
I think last night was the worst so far...when everyone was I read though e-mails suddenly it hit me...kind of like a punch to the stomach and a kick to the head at the same time. Have you ever felt fear so intense you couldn't your heart has stopped?
Last night I broke, the tears, the fear, the unknown, the whole unfairness of it all just came to life and all I could think of was "I want to hold him and never let go". And so I did.....I climbed right into Kody's bed and snuggled right with him...totally engulfed in the scent of my own child....the softness of his skin...counting every breathe he took until I was able to finally stop crying and enjoy that moment of total bliss...of pure love for my beautiful baby boy.
Then and right then...he started talking in his sleep about Kaysha and the cats...he rolled over...sighed and cut loose the biggest fart you ever heard!!
It was so good to end the night laughing instead of crying. :0)
And I really slept and Kody Bear all squished on a twin bed stealing blankets from each other.

Somebody asked me if Kody is aware of what is going on and he certainly is.
I don't know...maybe the steriods are making him have mood swings..maybe he is scared too but yesterday afternoon he had a meltdown of his own. After a little while he said to me "Mom..I don't want the surgery" and I asked "why?"
He wouldn't tell me and I had to say to him something I never thought I would..." know without the surgery you will get very sick and never be able to ride that board again" and he said "I know".
I told him "I won't lose you now Kody..I can't lose have to do this, you have got to fight" and in a very tired voice he said "I don't want to fight anymore".
Imagine that...Kody, not wanting a fight? No Way!!
Finally I was able to pull out of him what was on his mind. He was scared of being in pain.
Today at the Dr's he had his time to ask away anything that was on his mind and he asked what any child would..."Will it hurt?" "Will I wake up during the surgery?" "Will I have a big hole in my head?"
Everything was answered in total honesty and Kody left feeling alot better.
So much better in fact him and his Dad took a round band aid and drew a bloodshot eye on it and stuck it right on Kody's forehead. So the biggest joke of the day was Kody's "third eye". And he went around telling everyone and anyone that would listen "My other eye broke so I made this third I'm cured...who needs dr's!"

Well guys and gals...with that lil' chuckle I'm going to head on off to bed. Thank you so much for stopping by...Please keep the prayers coming!!

All my love...


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Hello all...

WOW...We are completely taken back by the GB entries....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

Our Bear seems to be responding to the Decadron this afternoon....his balance is slightly better though today I noticed his right foot is starting to drag and his right hand shakes uncontrollably.
More signs...I am sure. :0(

He does however..still have that BEAUTIFUL smile and his personality is still Hot...Hot...HOT!! :0)

I'd like to thank Leesburg Methodist Church "Opportunity Center" for donating a wheelchair for us to borrow until Kody is Kody once again and can walk on his own without stumbling.
Kody thinks he's pretty cool in it...he is however, requesting "spinners"!!

Also...THANK YOU so much Julie and Shannon from Ellensburg, WA for the wonderful Bear and balloon assortment that was waiting for us when we came home from picking Kolin up at school today....The Bear really loves his Bear...Thank you again!!

While we were at school Kody asked to be taken in to see his classmates and principal and his favorite janitor "Mr. Speedy" so he could tell them all "See ya later!!" No Good-Byes...just a promise to see ya later!

We are still numb and in a state of disbelief but we are dealing with this blow as best we can.
As we all know...when all else fails..when things go from bad to even worse..the one and only thing we can depend on and put all of our faith and hope in {besides all of you!!} is our religion.
So...that is exactly what we are doing.
Kody's life is in God's always has always will be.
He has seen us this our hearts..though it can be so hard sometimes to believe...He will see us through. We won't be alone.

Thank you again for supporting our family so much these past few I said before we are overwhelmed by the amount of love and support we have received...this is what is keeping us going.
You are ALL the BEST!!

Also..before I leave....I'd like to say Thank You for all the personal e-mails I have gotten....I wish right now I had time to answer every one of them but PLEASE know that every single e-mail is being read.
Thank You!!!
I will may take a little bit..but I will answer them all.

OK..I better get going for now.




~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Please let me start out tonight by thanking all of you from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of love, the well wishes, the prayers and to those of you who have mentioned Kody on your own web sites...Thank you all so much!!

Our day was a long one and only went from bad to worse. :0(

To get right to the point...Kody will be having major brain surgery on Monday morning.

Now...let me back up and tell you why and how our day went.

As we were waiting for our turn at Dr. Pincus'...Dr. P happened to walk by our room on his way to another....he looked in, took one look at Kody and practically froze in his steps. He came right into the room immediatly and accessed Kody quickly {looking at his eye and having him attempt to walk} and told us right away what was going on was in fact tumor related.
He did another exam right after when it was our turn and ordered another MRI right away. After that we went across town to see his eye dr, Dr. Levine and then back to Dr. Pincus' office.

By the time we got back which was about 4 o'clock, Dr. Pincus had already consulted with other Dr's...Dr. Smith {onc.} being one of them to figure out what to do for Kody.

According to what they believe from the MRI Kody's tumor may have grwon slightly but what really bothers them, what the big problem is, is for some reason it {the tumor} has decided to do something {but nobody can tell us what} in his brain which has caused some pretty bad swelling around his brainstem which is the cause for the drooping eye and his balance problems which today have gotten alot worse then yesterday.
Actually...Kody's balance was so off today that he pretty much lost the ability to walk on his able to get around the hospital Karl pretty much carried him. {no wheelchairs available..can you believe it?}

I asked if it was "normal" for things to happen so quickly...
No, not really but the thing is Kody's tumor is so rare, so unique that they {the dr's} don't know what to consider normal.

Anyway....when we got back to Dr. P's at the end of the day we were told the best option right now would be to do surgery to biopsy the tumor again so it can be sent out to the best of the best neuro-pathologist in the country and hopefully he will be able to tell us why this tumor is acting the way it is, what to expect and what can we possibly do, if anything to stop it.

As of tonight it hasn't been decided which surgery will be done...
The first one would be another stereotactic needle biopsy which Kody has already had. This means putting him to sleep and setting him up in a "halo"..going through the midbrain they would insert a huge needle and snip a very small piece of tumor out.

The second option is an "open surgery" where Kody's back of his skull would be opened allowing a bigger piece of tumor to be biopsied and also Dr. Pincus may be able to "debulk" or cut away some of the tumor.

The second option would probably be the best for Kody but...this comes with a huge but/price.

But...we won't know which surgery will be done until we go back Friday morning because Dr. Pincus is still undecided about which to do..because of the severity and because of the rarity of Kody's tumor...he was going to be on the phone alot between tonight and tomorrow getting opinions from other experts.

The first surgery may not give us a big enough piece of tumor for pathology to work with...putting him through brain surgery needlessly
and the second surgery has an over 10 percent rate that Kody will not wake up the same little boy that he went in as. Some serious side effects could occur that could last days, months, forever.

Also...even if debulking is possible...Dr. Pincus told us that only when he is in Kody's brain can he decide what would be too dangerous. If he goes in and see's a very angry tumor...he will without a doubt "close him up and get the hell out of there."

After surgery Kody will need to start on some kind of treatment...which may or may not work.
#1 being radiation...which would mean 6 weeks, everyday and Kody and I would have to live in Gainesville near Shands at this time because we live too far away to make the trip everyday.
This, without a doubt will be hard on all of us..but mostly Kolin. But, saving Kody's life is the goal here and so we will do whatever it takes.

#2...chemotherapy...but again, that hasn't been decided and nobody really knows if it will make a difference anyway. Plus, this comes with a whole mess of problems too. you can see we have some very big desisions to make over the next 24 hours...Please, please pray that we make the right ones.

I an tell you all this though...Kody remains in great spirits!!
He made us all laugh so much with his sillyness today....but, it is so obvious that Kody is "different" and it is breaking our hearts.

Only a week ago he was sailing on his skateboard...flying over ramps and landing perfectly.
Today...he cannot walk across a room unassisted.

He has lost almost all the sight in his droopy eye.

His speech is going too...he can still talk but it is "different"...kind of slurred.

As of tonight Kody has been put on Decadron....a steriod... in hopes that it will take some of that swelling away and therefore make some of his symptoms ease up for him.
I know alot of you know about Decadron and by tomorrow there will be a "feeding frenzy" going on around here!! :0)
This is though..a temporary fix as he cannot stay on steriods forever.

We asked what if we were to do nothing...could this go away..sadly the answer was "No".
To do nothing and wait and see would ultimetly mean death for Kody. looks like the real fight has finally begun. We knew it would happen sometime...but you know, when you see Kody so full of life everyday...I really got into the "it will never happen" mode. This was a shock...this was not supposed to ever happen..yet it did and so know we need to put on those boxing gloves and NOT let this beast of a tumor take over my childs life.

Today as I watched Karl with Kody...oh man, it just broke my he is holding his son {a very BIG son weighing in at 90 lbs today!} so gently and rubbing his head saying "I love you so much Kody..your my best friend, you know that Buddy...we're gonna be OK...Daddy will make sure everything is OK"
And Kody just looked up at him and said "I know Dad...I love you Dude". Then our baby just drifted off to sleep in his arms like he has been doing for days now.

I need this little boy in my life forever..I won't let cancer win...I won't!! Without Kody there is no me...he is my life, my world, my everything.

Please keep those prayer chains coming.

I will update more just as soon as I find out anything at all...

Until then...we love you all...thank you for checking in on us today!! :0)

BTW...Incase you have been having problems getting on Kody's Bravenet was down for a while today.
I will put up Kody's old CB's guestbook tonight too.

All my love...


Monday, October 18, 2004 10:45 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Thank you so much for all the GB entries and the prayers that have been said around the world for one very cool Kody Bear!! :0)

I don't really have concrete news until, let me start from the beginning today.

As his ped. wanted, I got him to our local hospital's E.R.
Right away Kody's nurse asked me why we were there and not Shands. I told her his ped. requested we get here, because they have to do something, by law, to treat him, they did another Cat Scan.
They also ran chest x-rays becasue they didn't think his broncitis was responding to the ammoxicillin.

They told us that the Scan showed his shunt was working {duh!} and that he needed a stronger antibiotic for the broncitis.
I asked them..."OK, but what can you tell me about his eye?" and they said "Nothing..only Shands can help you with that".

Soooo...we got home and I called Dr. Pincus' office again and spoke to his nurse prac/assistant, Leeann who asked me quite a few questions...she seemed real concerned and told us to have Kody there at 10 AM tomorow morning with the Cat Scan results on CD Rom that he had today.

About 15 minutes after that call...Georgette from Dr. Smith's {onc.} office called and she seemed real worried also. I told her that I had just gotten off the phone with Dr. P's office and we had an appointment set up for 10. She was real happy about that as she was calling to make sure that we were seen at either office ASAP because of the severity of the whole situation.

So, basically we know nothing until we see his neuro-surgeon tomorrow morning. :0( always is taking this all in stride in his usual "Kody Style".
He had the nurses at the hospital today laughing so hard by calling his hospital bracelets "bling...bling", answering all his personal and medical questions with 100 percent accuracy and taping a bloody eyeball gumball {thank you to the guys in radiology} to his face so that when his big sister, Karyelle saw him come back to his room after his scans...he could scare her by telling her his eye fell out and he taped it back on. Then he ate them!! :0)

He also "escaped security" {his words!} and snuck out to make a vending machine trip...
Like I said...he is a riot and a half!! :0)

He is however, getting very frustrated and agitiated because of the sudden vision loss and seeing double. His coorination is real bad. He has tripped, walked into walls and bumped his head more times then I can count today.

But..about 30 minutes ago he made me almost have a heart attack....we were spending some quiet time in his room after his shower..and he said "Mom, I want to play you a love song"..
"Sweet" I 'm thinking...
No wait, this is Kody we're talking about remember??!!
He turns on and BLASTS his Linkin' Park CD and starts HEAD BANGING!!!
Yeah...I freaked and that head banging stuff didn't fly well tonight!!
He, on the other hand..thought it was pretty funny, not to mention pretty cool.
Man that kid can age me 10 years in 10 seconds!!

Thank you so much again for the outpouring of love that we have seen on Kody's site tonight.

Thank you Karyelle for hanging out with me today and watching Kody while I was at running errands and getting Kolin instead of going to see the President like you had planned for so long.

Thank you Kayara for jumping in, forgetting about work and making sure Kolin has someone to care for him after school tomorrow.

BIG Thank you's to Lyn and Justin for making Kody's day so happy yesterday when he got his pacakge of skater stickers and his "Fairmans" t-shirt!!
Fairman's is a skate shop in West Chester, PA where Kody's idol, Bam Margera shops at.

Please, if you could keep those prayers coming...we would just love the stuffins out of you all for it!!

I'll update tomorrow just as soon as I can...





Please..Please...Please keep Kody in your prayers today. :0(

Yesterday at school he called home twice complaining of headaches.
The nurse medicated him and he called back a third time to tell me he was seeing blurry.
The whole situation was very much downplayed and I had him go back to class...{Kody is notorious for making things up so he can come home}.

What I didn't know and what nobody told me was that he had been stumbling around most of the day..tripping, walking into walls.
And the worst part...his right eye was drooping badly.
After school, when I saw him is whan I got a good look at him and was shocked.....his whole right side of his face looked horrible.

If you all remember, his Onc. told us in July to watch for signs of facial drooping...that will tell us things are changing and not for the good.
It seems to be happening.

I called his Onc and left a message. I called the neuro-surgeons and left a message.
I called his ped. and he wants him seen in the E.R. right, that is where we are headed right now.

I am not ready for is happening too fast. He was fine...just fine yesterday morning at his follow up at the ped's and now this.
What is going on??

I will update just as soon as I can but I am begging you all to please pray that he will be OK.



~*~Good Morning~*~

Our day started off pretty early today..Kody had to be back at the Dr's for a follow up at 8 this morning.
It went well...YEAH!!
His headaches are subsiding...he had two over the weekend but wouldn't take anything for them, preferring to lay down in a dark, quiet room with a cold pack.
Yesterday was the first day he really wanted to get up and play was a beautiful day too so that was great..fresh air and play makes for a real tired kid by the end of the day!!

Now...yesterday his balance was really way off, he tried to skate but took a hard fall on his elbow. That was it for skating yesterday. He actually preferred to just sit outside and hang out anyway.

Oh...He did try a game of baseball with Kaysha and Kolin {his running to the bases was soooo choppy} and a couple games of "red light green light" but...well, balancing again was tough so that didn't work out well. But...not wanting him to feel bad by going back to the beginning of the "red light green light" line...we all overlooked any wobbling he did and he won a game or two. :0)

Anyway....except for continuing the albuterol breathing treatments for his broncitis that is just starting to break up and the ammoxicillin which he needs a whole 10 days of...he is looking and feeling a million times better. His color is there again, his smile and most of all...his bratiness!! :0)

He is back in school as of 9 o'clock this morning...and I'll tell you, after spending over a week inside he couldn't wait to go back!!

Do you all remember last year when Kody painted a picture for the American Cancer Society's Cattle barrons Ball?
If you scroll down a bit you can still see the picture on this site. That picture was autioned off and was sold for over $500.00 towards cancer research.
Well....It's that time of year again and Kody's newest masterpiece is ready to be delivered to ACS off the press and previewed here on Kody's own web site you can see before anybody else, this years picture....

It's beautiful, isn't it??
OK....Let me take a minute to explain to you what he drew and his reasoning behind it.

The Cross and yellow ribbon represent God and childhood cancer.
The rainbow divides Heaven and Earth. Anything as beautiful as a rainbow could only be painted by God and his helper Angels. It tells us that they are always with us.
The Angel with the pink dress and purple wings you see is Kody's sweet and very much missed, Angel Ashley.
The word "HOPE" is on Earth and that is Kody standing on top of it waving to Angel Ashley.
"HOPE", of course tells us that there is always "HOPE" that a cure will be found for all of our beautiful children and Kody standing on top of it and not at the bottom is a great reflection, in Kody's eyes, that he WILL beat the cancer monster.

I am so proud of Kody..everything he does, when he puts his mind to it...always comes out so precious and with such deep meaning. :0)

I put two new pictures up on the photo page today.....they are at the bottom.

OK all...I better get going...lots of catching up and cleaning up to do from the weekend plus the coffee pot is calling my name!! :0)

Love you all.....


Saturday, October 16, 2004 2:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


SIGH....Our Bear has been struck with another headache tonight. :0(
Maybe he just took on a little too much activity today...I sure do hope so.
In any case, he's been put to bed and hopefully the breathing treatment Dad gave him tonight will take that cough away so that he can rest.

You know..I had forgotten when I updated this afternoon that I had a question in Kody's GB about the kids middle names.... goes...

Karyelle Ann...{pronounced CAR-E-L....rhymes with Ariel from "The Little Mermaid"}
She got her name as a sort of "spin" on Karl's name. You see, Karyelle was the first girl born into the Kruppenbacher family in 175 and though most Dad's want a son first, Karl prayed everyday that he would have a girl, he wanted a daughter so bad.
Ann is my middle name so she got a little from the both of us.

Kayara Rose..{pronounced KAY-R-RA}
One night, while pregnant I had a very vivid dream that the baby was a girl and I named her Kayara. For some reason I even got up during the night and wrote her name down...exactly like you see it. Sure enough, a month or so later...Kayara was born.
Rose is the name Karl picked out in honor of his Mom.

Kyle James...
While pregnant with Kyle...I REALLY wanted to name him Damian...Karl wouldn't have it. Karl wanted to name him Wolfgang...I wouldn't have it.
Then Karl and I realized this would be our last baby {HA!} and we wouldn't want him to feel left out with the "K" names so Kyle it became, after Kyle Petty the race car driver.
James is in honor and memory of my little brother who passed away 36 years ago at the age of six.
To this day Kyle really wishes we would have stuck with Wolfgang...he swears it's the coolest name in the world. :0)

Kaysha Nicole...{pronouned just like it's spelled KAY-SHA}
Kaysha was a name I fiddled with and thought I was being so original..turns out I wasn't..there are alot more "Kaysha's" out there then I ever thought.
After I had thought of the name I called my sister, Vikki and asked her to spell it for me...and that's how Kaysha came to be.
Nicole...No reason whatsoever except I really loved the name. If she would have been a boy, her middle name would have been Nicolas.

Kody Jacob....
Quickly running out of "K" names we had to resort to using "C" names and converting them. :0)
Karyelle actually came up with the name Kody right in the beginning. At first I didn't like it because of the whole "Katie Lee/Cody" thing but after a while I ralized I loved the name, I started callinghim by it. So, Kody became Kody long before he was born.
Jacob is in honor and memory of my maternal grandfather who passed away when Kody was 5 months old. I can still remember him holding Kody in the hospital and calling him "Cowboy Kody".
By the way....Karl wanted to name this one Wolfgang too!

Kolin Ross...
Kolin's name is pronounced with a short "O".
"K" names that weren't already taken by other family members and people we didn't like were getting very, very rare once again. And so we went back to "C" names.
Would you believe we actually almost called him "Kwits"??!! {That's Quits with a "K"} :0)
Yeah...he was DEFINETLY our LAST!!
Anyway...not coming up with any names and being kind of preoccupied by raising five others at this point..we almost forgot to name him. {Don't laugh, it could happen}
Nothing we could come up with worked. Finally one day when Karl was in the shower, about 2 weeks from giving birth, I was watching TV and there was the the man we had always wished would become President, Colin Powell.
I loved it and ran into the bathroom and said "Hey...How about Colin with a "K" To which Karl yelled out "Yeah..thats fine...what happened to all the hot water??!!"
Ross is in honor and memory of my father. His name was Richard Ross...but loving anything unique, I opted for "Ross" which I think is a totally cool name.
I have to tell you all though....I sometimes wonder if we should have called this one "Little Karl" because this is a kid who completely attaches himself to his Daddy the second he comes home from work everyday.
Oh and by the way...Karl wanted to call this one Wolfgang too!! :0)

Well guys and gals..that about does it for the names in our home.

I'm gonna hop off here tonight, watch my Yankee's kick some baseball butt {I hope because Karyelle's watching it now and she doesn't sound very happy} and then go in and give my lil' Wolfgang #2 a kiss on his throbbing forehead.

Thanks for stopping by tonight and don't forget..the picture page has been updated...ENJOY!!!!!

Have a BOO-tiful weekend...



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Just a quick one for now...

Kody woke up feeling better, not 100 percent just yet but better then he has been in a week. :0)

So...we took this opportunity and this beautiful blue sky, sunshiney day to hit the Pumpkin Patch.
We had a GREAT sure does feel good to be out and about and having some fun in the sun.

I've posted some pictures...ENJOY!!

Our Bear was even feeling good enough to go Halloween outfit shopping this morning....LOL....he is gonna be hysterical,'ll all just have to wait and see!
He's had this planned for a long time and believe it or not, he's not scary or gorey this year...
Much to my disappointment, of course!! :0(
Oh well, what can you, they have a mind of their own!

I'm outta here for now....lots of things to catch up on today and I have a ton of CB kids that I defintely need to catch up on. :0)

Catch you all later....


Thursday, October 14, 2004 3:50 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~FRIDAY...2:10 PM~*~

Hi Guys!

We're home....
And the news is GREAT!! :0)
After seeing Kody, Dr. Franks {Kody's ped.} arranged for him to have a Cat Scan. As luck would have it...a new place called "Lake Imaging" was opened 2 doors down from the Health center and they were willing to scan Kody right away.
The radiologist saw "small ventricles" and "No signs of any brain bleeds".

~*~Insert a BIG sigh of relief here~*~

So...What we are looking at is all viral and he just needs some more days of R&R in order to bounce back to the same old Kody Bear we all know and love.

Any signs of him getting worse over the weekend and he'll need to get to the E.R. right away...other then that Dr. Franks will see Kody Monday morning at 8 AM for a re-check. He won't be cleared to go back to school until he is deemed once again to be A-OK perfecto!

Thank you soooooooo much to everyone of you who prayed so hard for Kody Bear this morning!! :0)

I've added some pictures to the photo page...absolutely no "I don't feel well" pix today...just alot of Kody being Kody.
These are not new pictures and go back a couple of years so appropriatly I'm calling these "Oldies but Goodies".

Hopefully we'll get to that Pumpkin Patch after all this weekend and get some nice "Fall" themed pix...LOL..even with palm trees in the background!! :0)

Have a beautiful weekend everyone.....

Love, Kim


~*~FRIDAY MORNING.....9:55 AM~*~

Our Bear seems to be needing to do alot of hibernating today.
Sleeping...Sleeping all the time...this is so unlike Kody.
These damn {sorry!} stupid headaches just don't want to leave him alone.
I'm going to make this real quick because I really have to get him up and going so I can get him to his Dr. appointment this morning at 11:15.
Today is the first day, when I look at him...I am scared.
Please keep the Heavens flooded with "Bear Prayers"...he sure needs them.

In the mean time..I'm putting back up my favorite Skater Boy picture...I can't look at that sad face anymore.
I need, for myself, to see my Bear that way...not the way he looks today.
I think, if I can get 10 minutes, I'll put some old but favorite pix on the picture page least until I can swap them out with some new ones.

I'll update later on...



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Sorry to keep you all waiting without an update yesterday...but, look on the bright side...I'm here today!! :0)

Yesterday's neuro-psych testing went fairly the time he was done being tested though, Kody came out looking bad...real bad. His head hurt and his skin felt real warm.
We got him in the car and he slept the whole way home. :0(

We should have a written report on the testing in about another week or so. We can do one of three things then...try to read and decifer it all ourselves...make an appointment to return and have the results explained to us or arrange a telephone conference call.
They explained to us that there will be a "recommendation" section...even if medication is recommended...they do not write out script's...
Which is fine by us because in turn, we will make an appointment with Dr. Smith {onc.} and discuss her views about the situation and see if she feels if stimulants would or could effect Kody's tumor into growing.
If so...then I guess we have a very, very long road ahead of us as far as making sure he gets the best education and resources possible.

Kody thought he could make it through a whole day of school today {even though he woke up with another headache}...and he tried, he really did but by late morning he was calling home asking for me to bring him some Motrin and by 1:30 he was home for the day....another headache just did him in.
Poor kid...he came home, stumbled to his bed and crashed.
All I wanted to do was stand there and cry...I mean how much more of this crazy non-normal life does he/we have to go through anyway?

Tomorrow morning is Kody's re-check at the ped's. If The Bear doesn't see his way into a quicky recovery...I am not looking forward to what tomorrow will bring. :0(

As for me? I'm getting better..a little at a time, I think maybe stress is just pulling down whatever chance I keep getting at getting better fast. Mentally and physically I am drained.
But...Gotta keep swimming, right?

I should be posting some new pictures soon...and I know "Cheezey" will be happy about wouldn't believe how I had to bribe her to let me snap that picture!! :0)

This weekend, if all goes well....Kody is home and feeling fine and we can escape for an hour I'm bringing the kids to the "Great Pumpkin Patch" in Fruitland Park.
Lots of beautiful Fall colors....lots of pumpkins...lots of smiles...lots and lots of photo op's. :0)
It should be alot of fun!!

So..any guesses as to what Kody wants to be for Halloween this year?
Well...I can tell you that Kolin will be "Raphael" the red Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Kaysha will be herself...except she'll be herself all the way in The Big Apple!!
Yeppers...she has been doing sooooooooo good in school and trying to be soooooo good sharing a room with Karyelle that Karyelle has decided to treat the both of them to 4 days in New York!! out because two "K" sisters are coming to take over Aunt Vikki and Uncle Kenny's home's in about two weeks!!

Now then...back to Kody's outfit...sorry, it's a'll just have to guess and wait!! LOL!!!!!!
Keep watching for our annual "haunted house" here real soon.

Well..I better get off of here for a while, you know those sad eyes Kody Bear has sometimes? Well, they are looking right at me right now.

Thank you all for stopping by....We Love You All!!!!!


Monday, October 11, 2004 9:30 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Hello again!
I just got home from LRMC Urgent Care...guess what??
Mom has got broncitis too!! :0) around 4:30 - 5 o'clock today I honestly couldn't take it anymore.
So....Thanks Dad for coming home and holding down the fort...Thanks Karyelle for finding me and hanging out with me, it was fun...well as fun as it could be anyway!
OK...I just wanted to check in, I'm medicated, tired and ready for bed.
Till tomorrow....
Sleep Tight!!




Finally, we're home!!
Kody has got an infected gland in his throat and broncitis.
He's medicated with antibiotics...let's hope this does the trick. His Dr. wants to see him back on Friday for a recheck whether he is feeling better or not. If he isn't getting any better then we'll have no choice but to admit him.
Right now he's laying on the couch...tired...headachey...backachey...but watching one of his favorite shows.."Punked".

His Dr. mentioned to me that Kody needs...and he stressed "Needs" to have the flu shot this year.
Unfortunetly since there was a huge recall on flu shots...there is none available at the health center.
My only choice is stand on line with him at Publix or Walgreens for about 4 to 6 hours and pray they don't run out.
Seems Florida is only getting 15,000 shots statewide.
SIGH...That is NOT enough. :0(
Is it just me or shouldn't they have "special needs people" take the shot first?

I see alot of Kody's fans have warmly welcomed Calvin into the Caring Bridge family and I thank you for that so much!!

As a Mom who's been there..done that...there is nothing in the world quite like being welcomed into this huge and most loving family.

Tomorrow we have to be at Shands at 9:30 AM for Kody's final neuro-psych. testing.
As much as I wish I could, I cannot cancel this appointment. Because of the storms this past month we've cancelled tomorrow has to be a go.
Man, I wish that place was was everything I had today to get him the his local Dr.
Driving with a fever and when your head is totally 'clogged' just isn't fun. :0(
But...ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

And right now guys....


HEH...HEH...HEH....Talk to you all later!! :0)




Wheezey {Kolin} and Cheezey {Kaysha} are back in school....not exactly willingly so we'll see how long they stay.
Sneezey {Kody} is still home with fevers that spike with a headache and then go away and then come back and then go's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
So...He has a Dr's appointment set up here by home at 10:30 this morning.
I'll let you all know what's up with him as soon as we get back.

As for myself...well, all I can say on being 42 and having the flu is....

Tongue Out

Later Gator!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

What a weekend...Oh Lord....what a weekend!

For the past 3 days we've had three sick kids, toss in one sick Mom and as of this morning minus one Daddy who is thinking he is not cut out for the housewife/Mom/nurse job he took on most of the weekend....he took off for work where whatever he does there today HAS to be better then being moaned on, coughed on and defiently better then being barfed on. LOL...Actually he left early...and he looked happy to go....I'm feeling a little slighted here, you know?

Tylenol and Motrin have been flying off the counter....and cough medicine is like gold here.
Food is tea is great...temp's are on the flashes...cold flashes...headaches...bodyaches...
Hey...isn't this where Florence Nightingale/Mary Poppins/Mrs. Doubtfire should be floating through my front door? :0)

You know...some people say the hurricanes are bringing viruses and such from other countries...last week I wouldn't have believed it but this week....true..very, very true! :0) you all know where we've been around here and this is why this will be my shortest update yet. HA...OK, you can stop clapping now. :0(

How many of you have enough room in your hearts to welcome a new member to our Caring Bridge family?
GREAT...that's exactly what I was hoping for!! :0)
Kody Bear and I would like to introduce our newest friend, Calvin.
Calvin was diagnosed with a brain tumor just this past June. He has gone through radiation treatments and is currently doing chemo. Calvin is definetly "Kickin' Cancers Butt" and we would love it if all Kody's fans would drop by his brand new site to say "Hi" and please, please send a whole lotta prayers Calvin's way.
BTW....How could you look into those big brown eyes and not melt?? I think Kody Bear's going to have some competition with the girls!! :0)

I'm going to leave this next part up as a friendly reminder to pop a birthday card for our buddy, Connor, in the mail.


Alot of you may have already heard that our sweet Buddy, Connor's scan results came back very bad.
Connor is now on hospice. :0(
I cannot even begin to imagine having to hear the news Rhonda and Eddie heard, let alone arrange a meeting with hospice for your only child. {Gosh, any child!}
Please continue to pray for this beautiful family, especially for Connor..the most bravest boy we have ever met.

Many of you may have heard about this...but for all of you who haven't, our Sweet Texas Rose, Cheyenne has started a "birthday card campaign" for Connor, as his birthday is at the end of the month.
Please...won't you send Connor some birthday wishes? Let's flood his mailbox with cheer as we flood the Heavens with prayer.


You can find Connor's mailing address on his website.

Thank you so much!!

OK guys and gals...I'm outta you all!!!


Friday, October 8, 2004 10:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Looks like I spoke too soon....a little while ago a very icky looking Bear came up to me and said "I really don't feel well".
Looks like 102 degrees is going to be with us for a little while longer. :0(
Oh...and Kolin.....don't let out this little secret, but he just wanted a little attention and TLC this morning...seems he is fine and playing with his big bin of army men. :0)
Crazy kid even had me fooled. LOL!!

Right now Kody is in Karl and my bed with his Bam and trying to get some sleep...his head is pounding.

I put a few new pictures up a few minutes ago if you all want a look see...enjoy!!

Better go and cuddle with the Bear, he really needs it today. :0(




This morning as I sat here pouring over Connor's photo page, Kody, who was over my shoulder asked me why I was so sad.
I told him the news and he said "Mom, don't cry...miracles can happen and you got to have HOPE" :0)
Have I ever mentioned how much I love that word, Hope??

BTW..I totally forgot to update on Kody...
Whatever crud/bug was in him last night has found it's way back out....he says he feels great and he definetly looks great today.
Wish I could say the same for Kolin. :0)
Funny thing is when Kolin woke up feeling the same way Kody did last night I was soooooooooo happy!!
Yes, happy...I know, that is so crazy but when you are tossing and turning all night long worrying about the 'what if's'....
a simple thing like a brought home from school virus is the best thing that could ever happen.

So...with that, let me jump off of here and toss around somemore bubble gum flavored Motrin. :0)




Alot of you may have already heard that our sweet Buddy, Connor's scan results came back very bad.
Connor is now on hospice. :0(
I cannot even begin to imagine having to hear the news Rhonda and Eddie heard, let alone arrange a meeting with hospice for your only child. {Gosh, any child!}
Please continue to pray for this beautiful family, especially for Connor..the most bravest boy we have ever met.

Many of you may have heard about this...but for all of you who haven't, our Sweet Texas Rose, Cheyenne has started a "birthday card campaign" for Connor, as his birthday is at the end of the month.
Please...won't you send Connor some birthday wishes? Let's flood his mailbox with cheer as we flood the Heavens with prayer.


You can find Connor's mailing address on his website.

Thank you so much!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

This evening Kody started complaining of a headache....soon after that he started running a fever. :0(
SIGH...when he went to bed around 9 tonight, his fever was up to 102 degrees.
I'm not in a total panic situation just yet....we'll wait a few hours or maybe into the morning and see if he needs a hospital trip.
Please...Please...Please pray that the Motrin kicks in so that the fever breaks and stays away, also that his headache subsides right along with the fever.

Thank you BullDawg for those cool posters Kody got today.....guess which one he liked best?
I'll give you a was not the truck!! :0) Seriously though, he really loved both of them and as soon as I can snap a picture I'll hang them right up in his room. I think he mentioned something about wanting the cheerleaders on his ceiling so it's the last thing he see's and the first thing he see's. LOL!!!
Man, I remember when I used to be the one he wanted to see first and last.....he is growing up too fast!! :0)

Not much else new here today....the kids just hung out and played all day, the weather was beautiful so every kid from everywhere popped out of the woodwork and ended up at our house today.
Unfortunetly, there seems to be another storm brewing out there who goes by the name of "Matthew".
Matthew, Dude....Stay Away!! Your friends Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne were not welcome guests and you won't be either.

Well guys and gals...I am exhausted tonight...long day and Kody's fever & headache has got me even more stressed out tonight. :0(

Thank you all so much for stopping by...have you noticed Kody's counter has gone way past 250,000 already? Can you believe just seems not long ago when we were at 1000 and I thought that was so cool.
Then at 10,000 hits we celebrated big 250,000... that is so awesome...thank you so much to all of you who have made all those hits and all the prayers that came along with all those hits possible.

Have a beautiful weekend...Love you all...


Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:37 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet




Thank you Uncle Bulldawg for the cool "Bulldawg" t-shirts!!
This was such a great surprise to come home to after school today....Mom left the packages in the car and Kolin and I were tearing them open and putting them on as we drove home. :0)

Love, Kody Bear


***Bulldawg...I have a very good feeling I won't be able to tear these t-shirts off of them all weekend. HA!!!***


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Sorry to keep you all waiting...Kody is MUCH BETTER!!!
I have a feeling it was just a bad case of his head falling down flat at night and his shunt not working properly.
Hopefully, I can find somebody, somewhere with a hospital type bed they would donate or or sell for extremely cheap.

This coming up Wednesday at 9:30 AM Kody will finish up his neuro-psych testing at Shands and approx. 2 weeks from then we'll get the results. I absolutly cannot has been real rough again trying to get him to memorize spelling and vocab. words, and don't even get me started with math. He has been kicking butt with Science though, he loves anything that can be "hands on" taught.

Ok guys and gals.the laundry is not going to get done by itself so I better jump off here for now. I'll update better later on tonight. :0)

Oh, BTW....the interview at Wal-Mart portrait studio never happened...they seemed very annoyed that I had Kody home sick with his headache the day that they called and couldn't jump and drive an hour each way for an interview.
Yes...I am upset and pretty blue about the whole thing but you know what...I couldn't have commited to 10 to 7 every single day anyway. We only have one vehicle, Kody & Kolin were starting to panic not having Mom at the end of the school day and weekends and we are so commited to all sitting down each night and having dinner together like a family...that was a worry. Plus...combine that with the promise that Karyelle would have to cook for them....HA.....didn't go over well. That is until she told them she'd call for pizza every night! :0)

I've decided to fill out Wally World's computer application and just take anything that will allow me to work while the kids are in school. Hopefully the photo lab.....or second choice...TOYS!!! Now that would be too much like fun!! :0)

Until then.....Just keep swimming....

Please if you all would say a prayer for our second oldest daughter, Kayara {Alona's Mommy}.
Without getting into too much detail until I ask her...she has been having alot of female medical problems for quite some time now. They are getting alot worse and the pain is severe.
Her gyn. has told her that he can no longer do anything to help her and he has sent her to Shands {Kody's hopsital}. It is at the point of being very serious.
She goes on October 18th and I'll be taking her.
Just so you all know...and I know I haven't mentioned this yet, but Kayara is also going through a divorce. She is commited to making it on her own, working way too many hours and sharing the responsibilty of raising Alona.
I see what she goes through everyday and it is breaking my really is. her little brother, Kayara is a strong's in her blood!! God will see her {and all of us with her} through this...we have to believe and have HOPE. {I love that word!!}

Love you all...Have a BEAUTIFUL day today!!


Sunday, October 3, 2004 10:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Today Kody woke up with a headache/monsterache that was pretty seemed the worst one he's had in a long while.
So......he's been hibernating today, medicated and feeling tired and wanting to sleep it off.
He was up for a while so we could get Dad and Kayara to work and started complaining of a sore throat....
I'm now wondering if maybe he is getting the onset of Kolin's strep that he had a week and a half ago.
SIGH....I seriously hope not because when the fever goes up...and the oral antibiotics do nothing...we get a mini vacation at Shands 4th floor.
Antibiotic cocktails and R&R for the Bear and lots of strong coffee and sleepless nights for Mom. :0)

And...if luck couldn't get worse, this morning, I finally recieved a phone call from Wal-Mart Portrait Studio to come in for my interview today. :0(

Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming......




First and foremost I would like to ask everybody who is checking on Kody today to please go over to Jophie's page and say a prayer for this sweet little boy.
After seven long weeks fighting for his life in the hospital...Jophie came home for only three days and sadly, is back in the hospital today.
Jophie is fighting so hard and Mom, Trina, is right there with his 24/7 although leaving her other special needs child, Jamie, is so difficult and so heartbreaking.
This whole family could use lots and lots of prayer.

Kody's appointment with his pediatric eye dr. could not have gone better!!
His eyesight is a perfect 20/20 in both signs of swelling on or near the optic nerves and both his eyes are still lined up perfect!! :0)
Needless to was another day of miracles and blessings for us and we thank you all as we could not have come back here tonight with such great news if it weren't for the outpouring of love and prayers Kody get's from all that love him so dearly.

At one point today, there were three Dr's all in Kody's exam room...every one of them totally and completely amazed at this child.
His eye Dr., whom he has seen exclusively for almost three years intruduced Kody to another Dr. as "Kody, who had a brain tumor"...LOL...When we corrected him by saying "HAS...not HAD a brain tumor"...Dr. Levine said "Oh...that's right, you know it's so hard thinking there is anything wrong with him because he always looks so healthy!"
The other two Dr's...well they just shook their heads in amazement at Kody Bear. :0)

~*~What do you think, a future eye doc maybe??~*~

We won't have to go back to have his eyes checked again till April!! YEAH!!

Now...We just have to get through his final neuro-psych. testing and God willing, no problems popping up, we'll be good to go for six whole months.

I know life holds no guarantees and things can change faster then you can blink an eye...but my heart says Kody is going to be with us for a long, long, long while.
Hearts always win, don't they?

Have a great night everyone...Love you all...





~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Did you all happen to see "Extreme Home Makeover" tonight? All I can say is WOW...WOW...WOW!!! What a great show....what great families...I just LOVE that show so much!!

Today in the mail..OK, really yesterday in the mail {because we lost the mailbox key but thankfully found Bam and Lola playing with it!} Kody received the greatest package full of goodies sent from the sweetest and bravest boy ever...Ryan Brown.

Thank you soooooooo much Ryan...The gifts were perfect and kept Kody and Kolin busy for hours today blowing up balloons and scaring the heck out of Mom by popping them in her direction!! HA....Mom is so scared of balloons you wouldn't believe it!!

The best past of the whole package though was the special ribbon that was created in honor of Ryan and a reminder to us to pray for this beautiful little boy who sadly was diagnosed with a diffuse pontine glioma...and inoperable brainstem tumor.
Ryan...Sweetheart...We all love you so are our "Special Hero" Buddy and yes, of always have been and always will be in our prayers each and everyday. Thank you!!! :0)

Yesterday was alot of fun for the kids....Leesburg Cruisers held a car show at our local Wendy's and Kody somehow talked me into going last night. I am so glad I did because the kids had a great time....especially Kolin who, as you all know...loves things with engines!!
Kody, on the other hand...loves cars but looks at them from the outside. {paint jobs, spinners, etc...}
Guess we all know who is the mechanical one, huh?? :0)

Now Kaysha...she totally had a great time too...checking out BOYS!!! Sorry Dad, but the truth had to be told, you know??

Speaking of Kaysha...Kody has been giving her some skating lessons these days and I am proud to announce we have a new Sk8er Girl in our house.....

Kody is very proud of his a matter of fact he is so proud he had this to say on the subject today...

"Teaching Kaysha to skate is pretty fun...of course, it takes alot of patience on my part but it's pretty cool". :0)

Today we decided since it was an absolute beautiful day...not a chance of rain or flying debris of any kind we took a very well needed day off and hung out at Kaysha's school for a while so the boys {that includes Karl too} could fly their RC airplanes and ride their boards {that includes Karl too!}.

~*~See Photos~*~

They all had a great time...Kaysha stayed with Karyelle helping her unpack and officially move back in..they are bunking together, this ought to be fun!!

Anyway......Yeppers, they all had a great time...Kody was balancing perfectly...Kolin was a total clown....and Karl....Weeeeelllllll...Let's just say at one point Kody said "Hey Dad...wanna try my board?" and Dad said "No Kody..not right now"...Then Mom said "He can't do it....snicker"
Then...well, I bet you can all guess what happened next....
Dad rode a skateboard...Yes he sure did...downhill too!!!
Now mind you.....Dad hasn't been on a skateboard in twenty plus years and the last time he rode one I think they were made out of plywood and roller skate wheels!!
But...I am happy to say, HE DID IT and he even managed to jump off before he had to bounce and roll.

YOU ROCK DADDY'O!!!!!! :0)

You know, I had some heavy duty thinking to do today and I thought I'd share some thoughts with you all....

Quite a few people have asked me if I consider myself "lucky". Lucky because Kody is doing so well, despite the odds that were given against him right from day one of d-day {diagnoses day}.

Well....a couple of years ago I would have never thought we were "lucky" a matter of fact, you could say we were the most "unlucky" people in the world.

As any parent who is faced with tragic news regarding their child...when that day comes, when that hour/minute comes when you are being told the worst possible news you will ever receive...when your world crumbles around you and you feel like you can't breathe, like you are feel and you think that you are the only one in the world who is going through this. The word "lucky" is the furthest thing in the world.

Lucky is winning the lottery....finding a ten dollar bill in the laundry...catching every green light on a day your running late...getting the last container of Chunky Monkey ice cream.

No....I don't feel lucky at fact, what I feel is "Blessed".

Yes...blessed, because with that horrible news we received on Jan. 8. 2002 came with it a brand new appreciation of life.
I became a better mother, Karl a better father. Together we became closer, stronger, more in love, better able to handle whatever life throws at us.
Our children became better siblings...they grew up quickly and were able to take on responsibilities most adults would crash from stress taking on.
We all learned that life is too short to sweat the small stuff....memories are what life is made of...making them is our job...our legacy.

Kody has taught us about bravery and about strength. He taught us how to laugh and that it's OK to sometimes cry. He taught us that a "Bear Hug" is a quick cure all for a down day....

With everyday that Kody wakes up in the morning, jumps out of bed and says "I Love You" to all of us....with everyday that he can get up and play hard with his brothers and sisters...with everyday that he amazes us with his beauty and his silly way of getting out of his mischevious trouble making ways with the way he can raise his eyebrow...with everyday that his smile brightens up the darkest of days...

We have found a new family on Caring Bridge...friends that keep our spirits uplifted everyday. We laugh with you and you laugh with us...we cry with you and you cry for us...we grieve with you and we rejoice with you. How many people in the world can say they have friends from all over the world...friends we wouldn't give up for anything in the world {short of a cure for all of our children!}

We are indeed blessed.'s that time of night where I need to seriously get some sleep...or beat Karl's Zuma score...or watch some TV...or read todays paper....or heck, maybe I'll just throw caution to the wind and roll the ole' man over and have us a snorefeast like only old married couples can. :0)

Take care everyone.....Thank you A Zillion times for coming back to check on us....for praying for our son...for being our friends!!

Oh...By the way....

By popular demand...I have included lots of Kody skating pictures on his photopage tonight.
A few weeks ago when I got curious about favorite pictures....skating won hands down and so tonight we've got all the skating photos you all can handle!! :0)

Love you all...


Friday, October 1, 2004 2:10 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet



First I'd like to announce that Kody's big sister, Karyelle, is officially moved and back HOME once again!!
Thank you Daddy for working like crazy today getting that moving truck and loading her up.
I know it's only temporary till the winter when she makes that big move back to N.Y. but, for's just like old times again...YEAH!!
As I type this she and Kaysha had a hankering for McD's shakes and are out cruising the drive thru line. :0) promised...a little story about Kolin.
Yesterday as he helped Karyelle unload her truck he spotted a wrench, nothing special, just a wrench but to Kolion this was a super cool, one of a kind prize find and he HAD to have that wrench.
Kolin, as you all know....loves his Daddy and wants to be just like him one day and has a facination for tools of any kind. He loves to fix things, any kind of things...things with engines, things made of wood, play-doh things....and yes, I do rent him out on the weekends!! :0)
Anyway...he stuck that wrench in his pocket and it never left his side. He even took it to bed with him last night {and tonight!}, slipped it into his backpack this morning so he wouldn't be without it at school and just like Spongebob has his "best friend Plank"...Kolin now has his "Best Friend Wrench".
Right now he is holding onto "wrench" and is sound asleep, smiling. :0)

Kody had a great day at school today....he completed 5 days worth of homework in 2 days {even with 2 hurricane days they still had to complete 5 days worth}...I mean he really worked so hard so he could partake in Fun Friday. He passed his spelling test with an 80 and I have to tell you...he was so proud of himself, his ego was lifted waaaayyyyyy high today!!

After school the three of them wanted to skate, well after a few dozen tries I really had to get Kody off the board..his balance was off badly and he took two pretty nasty falls which cut his leg all up.
Would you believe the daredevil gave me a hard time about quitting for the day? Yeah....His excuse was "But Mom...chicks like scars!!" LOL!!!

Well, my girls are back with the shakes and I've got a strawberry one sitting right here calling my name...this is gonna be soooooo good!!

Till tomorrow...have a beautiful night!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

OK...I am completely, totally convinced, some people were made to fling dead tree branches like itchy, leafy, red ant covered missles and some people were meant to stand around , look pretty and hand out drinks.
Guess which one I am? :0(

See that picture on top? Is that the coolest t-shirt ever??
Let me tell you some about our friend, Matthew from New Jersey.
One year before Kody, almost to the day...Matthew was diagnosed with a diffuse pontine glioma...the worst possible childhood brain tumor. On the day that Matthew was diagnosed, his Mom, Andrea {one of my very first internet friends!!} gave birth to Matthew's baby sister....imagine in one day being told one child was dying as another was being born.

Matthew was given very slim odds of surviving at all....
This was taken from Matthew's site and in his Dad's {John Passarella} own words....

"On February 5, 2001 Matthew underwent a seven-hour surgery during which the neurosurgeon was able to safely remove over half of Matthew's tumor. A few days after surgery we were told the final pathology report revealed Matthew had the lowest grade tumor possible—a pilocytic astrocytoma. With tears in his eyes, the doctor told us Matthew could plan on celebrating many birthdays to come."

Yes...Matthew is every meaning of the word "miracle" and every year for the past two....his Mom and Dad celebrate Matthew's birthday with the most greatest and unselfish gift of all...
And year ago this past September Matthews Miles Walk for a Brain Tumor Cure was born.

This year, despite downpouring rain and harsh winds compliments of hurricane jeanne....Matthew's Miles raised $19,000 towards Brain Tumor Research!!!!
Combined with last years total...Matthew has raised $39,000 in two years {that's two walks!!} for our beautiful children!!

Yesterday when Kody wore his shirt to school he proudly explained to everybody about his "Bud Matthew" and the meaning behind the shirt.
We are very, very proud and happy to tell you all that Matthew is Fruitland Park Elementary School's most biggest celebrity!!

Dude....You and your beautiful family are so amazing...we are honored to call you our friends. We believe with all our hearts that God has some very special plans for alone will be absolutely 100 percent responsible for many happy tears that other parents will shed because they will be told that through research and the money you raised for it...that their child will LIVE!! :0)

Everybody...Kody's family, friends and faithful fans...Please, will you go over and give Matthew a huge hand of applause...he sure does deserve it, don't you think??!! :0)

Matthew's Site

OK...I'm going to run for a bit...Kody and Kolin will be out of school soon and I am looking forward to some "Bear Hugs".

Tonight I'll be updating the picture page and I just have to tell you all the cutest story about Kolin and his "best friend wrench"!! LOL..You won't want to miss that one! :0)

Love you all....


Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you all so much for the B-Day wishes today!!
Being 25 again is alot of fun...a little more tiring but it was a heck of a lot of fun tonight! :0)

We had a houseful...after about 5 o'clock all the kids were here and Alona too...Kayara brought Josh and WOW...did our house get loud!!

Thank you sooooo much Kayara for helping Karyelle with moving boxes...Karyelle is back home!!!
She and Kyle plan on moving back to NY this winter so she's back home to save some $$ for her move.
I think Kyle will be backing up and coming home next. I hope so because Kody REALLY wants him too.

Thank you Josh and Kyle for helping Dad with that all worked your butts off tonight.

Thank you Kody, Kolin, Kaysha and Alona for all the homemade presents...Alona for the picture card, Kody for the chopper picture, Kolin for the 5 cents {so cute!!} and Kaysha for decorating the whole kitchen while everybody else slept last night.
Mommy/Gramma loves you all so much!! :0)

Right now, while I am updating....a show on TLC is on called "Eye of the Hurricane". Did any of you all see it? It's a very graphic look at hurricane ivan and others. What they show is exactly what a hurricane looks like. It's a pretty intense show and gives a perfect view of what Florida has seen over this past month or so.
Thank God hurricane season is over in eight weeks.....I'll tell you this, I'll be celebrating big time!

We weren't able to make Kody's appointment for his second neuro-psych. testing today....I'll be getting a call tomorrow as to when we can reschedule...hopefully we won't have to keep postponing...the testing won't be accurate if it isn't done soon.

We are still on for Monday's opthomologist appoinment. Look's like, so far, we can make that one. Fingers and toes crossed LOL!!

Before I go tonight...let me just say "Thank You" to one very important person...

Hey Baby...
Thanks for fixing the water hose thing, thanks for fixing the well pump today, thanks for the cappachino, thanks for fixing the washing machine, thanks for fixing the vacumn {again!}, thanks for making me laugh, thanks for working so hard in the yard, thanks for the dinnertime prayer, thanks for singing the loudest, thanks for the cookie when nobody else was looking, but most of all THANKS for lovin' me all day long!! :0)

Love...Your bestest friend for 24 years, 8 months, and 19 days...

BTW...I know it sounds bad but I don't usually break that many things in one day, it was just...well, one of those days today. :0(

OK guys...time for me to get some sleep.

Thank you all so much for stopping back and checking up on Kody Bear a/k/a "The Bear with the Awesome Hair" {shhhhh....don't tell him I told you that!!}

Love you all.....


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:50 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WE ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!

And....We have ELECTRIC AND CABLE!!!!!!!!!! :0) :0)

I've added some new photos tonight but I'll update tomorrow...I am so tired!!

Thank you for checking up on us and for the continuing prayers that saw us through once again.

I haven't been able to check on most of my kids because today just has been so busy packing and unpacking and cleaning....there is so much more to do.

I did find out today that Heaven has a new little angel...Beautiful Angel Jordan, who fought for almost his whole two years here on Earth...
Sweet Dreams Baby Boy....Your Caring Bridge Family misses you so much already.

Until tomorrow,

Love you all.....


Saturday, September 25, 2004 1:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I just wanted to let you all know real quick that hurricane jeanne, it seems has decided that Leesburg would be a great place to visit tomorrow afternoon.

Unfortunelty for jeanne...she isn't a wecome guest here so while she may want to join us for lunch and dinner tomorrow...we won't be home to join her.
Look's like late tomorrow morning we'll be going to stay at Kayara's as soon as I can I will make sure an update is posted.

jeanne is a serious gonna be Cat. 4 storm....
frances, which hit us hard was estimated at 75 mph max winds...
jeanne is 105 - 115.

My feelings on this....Mother Nature has a serious PMS problem...she really should learn the joys of chocolate! :0)

And, speaking of PMS problems...I was in the Winn-Dixie stocking up {or attempting to anyway} and somebody tried to steal my TUNA!!!!!
HOW RUDE!!!!!!
No problem though.....HA...I took it back and in my cart that tuna stayed!
Nobody takes fish out of my family's face. :0)'s the lastest map I just grabbed of the internet a little while ago.

WFTV Weather Updates

When it comes down to the wire and I am able to call out for Chris and Vikki to help can get to that update site by clicking below.


OK...enough of the weather stuff...on to more happy news.

Is that the most cutest teddy bear you have ever seen up there on top?
Well that bear came all the way from Canada..Vancuver, Canada to be exact. Now, I don't know much about Canada...except of course that is is Banana Country, but I can bet that a "Skater Bear" from Canada that has "Ice" written on it's sweater instead of a bikini....well, it has got to be a bit.....ahhhh...chilly. No...wait, chilly is 70 degrees....OK, it gets downright freezin' cold up there!! :0)
Well...Our little Skater Bear comes from two of the most Cutie Pie lil' girls you ever want to lay your eyes on.

Chloe and Hannaka

Thank you sooooo much Chloe and Squeezy Cheeks Hannaka....Kody Bear LOVES his Skater Bear!!! You girls sure do know how to make a little boy happy!!

OK Guys....the packing isn't going to get done by let me run for now. I'm getting a few new pictures up today and I'll have some more up later that I took not long ago.

Oh..BTW....the last picture {if your looking at them this afternoon} is of Kolin, who has been a wheezing and coughing for a couple of days...Dad's got him on the nebulizer and that is a dinosaur mask he's got on. As cute as it was just a tad too small so we had to switch to a regular hose kind of thing which had Karl and I laughing till it hurt when I sort of commented on how Kolin looked like "Cheech and Chong"!! Need I say more? :0)

OK....phones ringing, kids are starvin' and the packing need doing.

Later Gator!!

Love, Kim



This afternoon at about 2:30 I recieved the most greatest early birthday gift a Mom could ever hear....

Kody's MRI results from Wednesday reveal that his tumor is still STABLE!!!!

Thank you so, so , sooooooooo much for everyone who has set out to flood the Heavens with Kody Bear prayers this week....they were definelty heard!!

We are set to go back in six months...March 21 and at that appointment he'll have another MRI and see his neuro-oncologist, Dr. Smith.

As you can all imagine...there are hardly words to describe the joy in our home tonight!! :0)

These are his next upcoming appointments...

This Wednesday his second part of neuro-psych testing.

Monday, October appointment with Dr. Levine, the neuro-opthomoligist. This is an appointment that Dr. Pincus requested to look at his optic nerves. It is still possible that he may have some swelling going on because of the shunt not working properly.
If you all remember...Kody's headaches stay away only if his head is propped up all night. Looking at his optic nerves will tell us exactly whats going on in there. looks like another hurricane is coming our way by late Saturday or early Sunday morning. SIGH....People in and around our town are just not happy campers...I mean everybody is literally on each others nerves, they are getting meaner and meaner by the minute. It's really sad..I mean how often do you hear of community's pitching in and coming together as one....unfortunetly....not here. And the worst part is after the storm..people get worse.
What's up with all this? Guess they never heard of the golden rule, huh? "Treat others as you want to be treated".
But then again...I guess who can blame people..we are only human and hurricane after really can wear you down. :0(
I would like to take this opportunity to "Thank" {NOT!!!!!} hurricane karl for giving hurricane jeanne a nice big push towards Florida.
HOW RUDE!!!!!!!!

Ok everyone...I better get this posted. I noticed Kody has has well over 1000 hits today...YEAH!!!!!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to check on, care for, love and pray for our baby..Kody Bear.

Love ya's!!!!


Friday, September 24, 2004 2:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


This afternoon at about 2:30 I recieved the most greatest early birthday gift a Mom could ever hear....

Kody's MRI results from Wednesday reveal that his tumor is still STABLE!!!!

Thank you so, so , sooooooooo much for everyone who has set out to flood the Heavens with Kody Bear prayers this week....they were definelty heard!!

We are set to go back in six months...March 21 and at that appointment he'll have another MRI and see his neuro-oncologist, Dr. Smith.

As you can all imagine...there are hardly words to describe the joy in our home tonight!! :0)

These are his next upcoming appointments...

This Wednesday his second part of neuro-psych testing.

Monday, October appointment with Dr. Levine, the neuro-opthomoligist. This is an appointment that Dr. Pincus requested to look at his optic nerves. It is still possible that he may have some swelling going on because of the shunt not working properly.
If you all remember...Kody's headaches stay away only if his head is propped up all night. Looking at his optic nerves will tell us exactly whats going on in there. looks like another hurricane is coming our way by late Saturday or early Sunday morning. SIGH....People in and around our town are just not happy campers...I mean everybody is literally on each others nerves, they are getting meaner and meaner by the minute. It's really sad..I mean how often do you hear of community's pitching in and coming together as one....unfortunetly....not here. And the worst part is after the storm..people get worse.
What's up with all this? Guess they never heard of the golden rule, huh? "Treat others as you want to be treated".
But then again...I guess who can blame people..we are only human and hurricane after really can wear you down. :0(

I would like to take this opportunity to "Thank" {NOT!!!!!} hurricane karl for giving hurricane jeanne a nice big push towards Florida.
HOW RUDE!!!!!!!!

Ok everyone...I better get this posted. I noticed Kody has has well over 1000 hits today...YEAH!!!!!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to check on, care for, love and pray for our baby..Kody Bear.

Love ya's!!!!




~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I am sooooo sorry to have keep you all worrying!!

So far we have no results...this waiting is killing me!!

Anyway, I called yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon....once already today and I should be calling again in about a half an hour.
Yesterday they said it was doubtful they were even read at all....I told them no way could I go all weekend without knowing and the said they we'll see. :0(

Now...I know that is not a good enough excuse for not updating but...well, see that cutie pie right on top with Kody? LOL.....She is the reason why I was very busy yesterday...I mean come on when that little stinker says "Come on Gramma...Let's go"...
This Gramma gets up and goes!! 8:30 last night this Gramma who is no young chick anymore got up and went....right straight to bed!!
So...Thank you Alona Jane for making sure Gramma was pooped enough to get in a good night's sleep. Grammpa really appreciated it!! :0)

Other then that..I wish I had more news for you, I really, really hope by the end of today to be about to add a lil' update with some great news.

Oh...Speaking of great news...

Have you all heard the great news about Benjamin??
Well, let me tell you...if ever there was a true miracle child that could reduce you to happy tears with just one journal have got to check out what Benjamin's been up to lately.
Here's a little hint....
Benjamin has been kicked OFF Hospice!!!! have read that right!!!! Please go over and applaude loudly this brave little man and his extraordinary family!!

OK..It's almost time for me to pack it up and get myself back over to the Elementary school to get on that pick up line...
Oh wait!! Speaking of Elementary School...the meeting with Kody's teacher went GREAT yesterday!!

Kody's homework is minimized so he won't be so easily frustated....10 spelling words instead of the full 20. Only doing the even numbered math sheet problems which cuts his work in half. Bringing his reading textbook home every night so either he could read it or I could read it to him..anything to keep refreshing his memory. He has got a problem with short term memory but could tell you exactly what happened 6 years ago in complete detail.
Last night Kody took out what was left in his folder of homework to do...did exactly what was expected and was sooooooooo proud of himself!!!

He told me he was so happy because he would be allowed to join in on "Fun Friday" at school. :0)
Seems that he was excluded because of not getting all his work done by Friday...which tore me up....I mean if I would have known about that I would have scheduled that meeting a very long time ago.

But I guess the bottom line is he is happy now and couldn't wait to get up and go to school today!! Which...I swear is a miracle in itself!! :0)

OK...I really better get going. I will update just as soon as I hear anything!!

Love you all.....


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:55 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Sorry to keep you all waiting tonight....I really wish I could give you the results of Kody's MRI tonight...but..SIGH...we don't have them yet. :0(

Let me explain...We had the MRI done this morning and then had a 2 hour break before we could see Dr. Pincus. We took Kody down the street to Shoney's for lunch and that's when my very good friend, Karrie...who was at my bank called me to say they were giving her a hard time depositing Karl's paycheck.
Can you believe it? Anyway, without his signature they wouldn't take it. And without his check in the bank today...well, I'd be playing basketball with some checks if you all know what I mean.
This is a bank we have used forever and they know us very well....heck I am there every week. And she was putting IN money, not taking out. Go figure???

Sooooo....we checked back in with Dr. Pincus who was already running behind schedule anyway, we couldn't stay another minute because of this stupid banking thing and we had to take off for home {70 miles away} to do the banking ourselves.

So, Dr. Pincus told us to call tomorrow for the results....hopefully we'll have them then.

You know...I have never, ever had to wait for Kody's MRI results so this is new territory to me. I absolutely feel for all those parents who have to wait because having the test is stressful enough...but the waiting is the worst, it really is.

Of all the things Kody has to go through.....seeing him in that MRI machine still tears me up everytime. It always reminds me of the very first one we had {when he was diagnosed} and I still remember seeing this huge loud machine and Kody's little workboot feet sticking out. He looked so small and so scared, still he never moved a muscle, even at the age of 6.
I guess it's just a sight no parent should ever have to see their child in.
Still...I have lots of faith that all those prayers that were given on behalf of Kody today were well heard and we WILL get the results that we crave so bad.

About the new picture on top.....
I snapped this photo right about halfway through his MRI. They stop halfway through to put the contrast into his vein. Kody knew I was there but his head is so snuggly wedged in there he really couldn't {and shouldn't!} move. He isn't asleep....actaully he was wide awake and listening to some tunes through a pair of earphones that not only protects his ears from the loud MRI noise...but it cranks out some music for him to listen to.
Next time..he's bringing his own CD because he told me it only played "Daddy's old school music!!" That would be "classic rock and roll" to you and me!! :0)

So....on to other news...

The manager at Shoney's restaurant remembered us coming in about a year ago..WOW...that was so cool!
And, the first thing he wanted to know was how Kody was doing. When there wasn't anything Kody wanted at the buffet bar for desert, right away the boy had a huge bowl of ice cream sitting right there in front of him.
But the best was yet to come...
Howard told us when we were ready to leave that there would be something waiting at the counter for Kody. And oh boy there was!! He gave Kody this awesome framed photo of hurricane frances covering the entire state of Florida and then some!!
This is certainly a keepsake as Kody can someday tell his own kids that he survived his first hurricane and her name was frances. Someday his kiddo's will be taking that picture into school for show and tell..I can see it coming!!

OK...I think that's about all for tonight. I am getting this done early tonight cuz I am headed to get some ZZZZZZ's very, very soon. :0)

Thank you for stopping by!!

Love you all.....


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Kody's next MRI....September 22nd...9:30 AM~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Did you all see that very happy boy up top??

Well...those smiles today were brought to you by "BullDawg" of Kody's biggest, greatest and faithful fans!!

For a week or so now, Dad and I have known about a huge package coming in the mail for Kody....Kody knew too, but he had no idea how big and what was inside.
Well...this afternoon via UPS a 4 foot 8 inch by 2 foot box came in the mail!!

It was really supposed to be a surprise while Kody was in school...he did go to school today but by noon was home with a headache and feeling queasy. :0(
However...while he slept off his headache is when the package came.
BTW..sorry UPS Dude, but the next time a big sign on the front fence says "Beware of Dog" really should take it seriously!! :0) {Long story!!}
And...when Kody Bear woke up, he woke up to find a package almost as tall as he...and if you were all wondering...the measurments were exact because Kody being Kody couldn't help but take out Dad's tape measure and see for himself!!

I made him wait all day...I mean alllll day. First Kolin had to come home, then Kaysha, then we brought Kayara and Alona that time Kody kept saying "Mom...isn't it time for Daddy to get home YET??!!" soon as Dad was home...the phone already had BullDawg on it {Thank you Kolin for keeping BullDawg very amused with your stories!!} and Kody was ready to dig in.....
But...not too fast!!
First Dad had to handle the scissor part...Mom had to handle the camera part and BullDawg had to handle the being 750 plus miles away and hearing first hand on the phone part.

Well...the box was opened and packing peanuts were flying...bubble wrap was being torn and popped and torn and popped and in that box was a 4 foot replica of Kody's favorite NASCAR driver's car...Dale Earnhart Jr. {or as Kolin says "Dale Heart"}.
How cool is that??!!
Well...according to Kody Bear...."WAAAAYYYYYYY COOL DUDE!!!!!"

Thank you BullDawg for making Kody the happiest Bear in Florida today!! And...Thank you for making Kolin the happiest boy in Leesburg today as he played in that box and popped that bubble wrap for hours!! :0)

Tomorrow is the day...Kody's next MRI.
As always..we will go in cautiously optimistic...praying for the best but prepared for the worst.
In our hearts we truly believe that tomorrow's test will give us great results and we will be free and clear for the next six months when he'll have another and see his oncologist, Dr. Smith

Next Wednesday...the day I become 25 again {forever 25, right?} we'll be back at Shands for the second half of Kody's neuro-psych. testing..then back again a couple of weeks later to hear all the results.

This can't come too soon for us as Kody has been having such a terrible time keeping up with his peers in school. Homework time is really frustrating and it's getting worse and worse with each failing test.

I've set up and appointment with his teacher for 3:30 on Thursday...I really hope we can settle for once and for all that Kody really cannot keep up with the others and to expect him to do homework for hours every night where other kids it takes 20 - 30 minutes just isn't happening.
Last night after Kody's tears and my lack of patience...I had to give myself a "time-out". I went in and told Karl everything that was going on...had a good cry...took some deep cleansing breaths...sucked it up...brushed myself off and went back out to find Kody really tense and real upset.
I told him no more crying, no more being upset, I was going to talk to his teacher and we will settle this. I had him do 2 vocab. sentences instead of 6. 10 spelling words instead of 25. 6 math problems instead of 40 and a short book we read together {well, OK..I did the reading and he did the listening} instead of watching him struggle through a chapter book on his own.
When he was done....he went over to the an microsoft paint and typed in big beautiful blue letters "I Love You so much Mommy".

I thought I'd have to cry again..but instead I gave him a hug and told him "no worries...we will get through this and I babe".
Then he gave me back a hug and said four words I'll never forget..."Your the best Mom". :0)

Well all....

It's about time for me to get some sleep, we are in for a long drive and a long day tomorrow.
Please...if you would flood the Heavens for Kody Bear prayers...anytime would be great...9:30 AM would be really, really great!!

Have a beautiful day.....



Sunday, September 19, 2004 2:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Kody's next MRI....September 22nd...9:30 AM~*~

~*~Monday Night~*~

Really great day today!!

Kody received the most awesome ceramic Orange County Choppers gas tank bank!!
He was soooo excited when he opened that package and pulled that OCC bank out...all I heard was "WOW...WOW...WOW!!!!!!" ;0)
As you can see from the photo on top..he is one happy boy....
Thank you so much Mrs. Terry, "Angel Jalen's Am-Maw"
Kody loves you so much!! He really wanted to call you tonight but I misplaced your phone number. :0(
Please...Please e-mail me!!

I put some new pictures up tonight of most of us "K" Krew goofing around yesterday. Enjoy!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Bet your all wondering about all the new photos?? OK..maybe not all of you, maybe some of you are saying "Huh? What new photos?" Well, click away because after some heavy duty complaining from Dad about a serious lack of new pictures...I have updated the photo page.

We never made it out to the skatepark yesterday but instead had a fun couple of hours hanging out at a great place about a 7 minute drive from our home called "Venetian Gardens". There is so much beautiful scenery there, lots of wooden bridges to walk over, exotic birds, purty flowers and usually lots of gators floating around to see. Unfortunetly....we left a little to late in the morning and we didn't get to see any gators at all. :0(
Maybe next time!!
All was not lost though...I was able to capture a ton of great was so hard to decide which to put up, I mean I must have about 25 more, at least.

Afterwards, Kyle and Kayara came by while they were on their breaks from work. Both worked a double shift and it was pretty darn cool how their one hour breaks were both at the same time...and even cooler that Dad's day at work ended at the same time.
I took some pictures of us all just hanging out and having fun...but those I'll put up in a day or two when you all get bored of the newer ones. :0) many of you think Kody is just too sweet and innocent??
Let me tell you a couple of Kody stories to prove my theory...

OK..first while at Venetain Gardens....

The cute "chasing the geese" picture.
Kaysha wasn't too keen on getting real close to the geese...on the other hand, Kody loved it. So, about 20 seconds after that picture was taken...Kody ran at full lightening speed towards two geese that were very close to Kaysha and they flew about one inch from her head making her let out a scream that was heard clear across Leesburg.
Which in turn made Kody laugh until he couldn't walk.

Story #2...Everybody that knows Kayara, knows she is petrified of lizards. Kody, on the other hand loves the little critters.
While outside having a chat with Kayara and myself, Kody catches a lizard and holds it a millameter next to her head. Well, at first she has no clue until she turned slightly and BAM...a lizard in her face.
Well, let's just say the scream Kayara let out was heard well into Orlando.
And Kody's laugh {and the rest of us too} made Kody almost have a little "wet pants accident" if you all know what I mean.

Unfortuntley I didn't capture any of this on film...I did however catch Kody with a lizard hanging from his earlobe. :0)

Last Wednesday was "Open House" at Kody and Kolin's Elementary school. They both did great...their teachers just love the stuffins' out of them!!
Now...this year Kolin has Mrs. Ritchen, who was Kody's first grade teacher and in our opinion one of the greatest teachers ever.
Mrs. Ritchen had told me a story that was just too good....

Seems, every morning without fail Kody walks Kolin right straight to his classroom, and every morning without fail Kody gives Kolin a peck on the cheek and a hug and says to him "OK remember to make good choices".
Every morning Kolin rolls his eyes and walks into the class before Kody turns around and leaves.
Well, this one morning in particular Kody didn't leave right away and instead choose to stick around to whisper in Mrs. Ritchen's ear....
"You know Mrs. Ritchen, sometimes the young ones just need a little reminding and encouragement to stay on the right track." :0)
Honestly....I really wonder if that was better coming out of Kolin's mouth...because if anything it really is the other way around!!
Mrs. Ritchen let me know that it took her about 20 minutes to stop laughing and compose herself that morning. church this morning...great news!!
Today was "Catacists Celebration Day" These great people who have hearts of gold and lots and lots of patience are our childrens CCD or Sunday school teachers. And today is their day!!
Right before Mass started one child and two teachers were choosen to walk up to the altar. The teachers were to be there in honor of all the teachers and the one child was choosen to lead them and carry the "gifts".
Guess who was the choosen one today?? Yeppers...Kody Bear himself!! always our Mass was televised, so this was all caught on camera film.
I whispered to him when it was time..."Do a good job Baby" and off he went.
LOL...Well...I think somebody may have forgot {OK, I forgot} to tell him to "walk slow" and as soon as it was time...Kody took that basket of envelopes and made a mad dash down the isle leaving the two teachers wayyyyyyyyyy behind. :0)
You should have seen the look on his face {and Father Kent's} when he turned around expecting to see the two teachers next to him..and me without my camera.
It was kind of cute though I wonder if Mr. Lightening Legs will ever be choosen again. HA!!

After Mass and CCD we all came home and on the way...SIGH...Kody came down with another headache/monsterache. About 2 minutes after walking in the door he was sound asleep on the living room sofa for about 2 hours.
Happily.....he woke up not too long ago, feeling much better and is microwaving popcorn as I type.

Some of you have been wondering where your GB entries are? Well...they are there...well actually they are hanging in limbo for a little while.
Kody's GB is on a sort of lock down until the entries are previewed. I check them alot during the day so if you don't see yours right away, believe me by the next time you check, it will be there.'s that time again where one of my kids will be calling asking for a ride to work so I better rustle up some lunch for the younger ones so I can get out of here.

Remember if you will....Kody will be back at the hospital Wednesday for an MRI and an appointment with his neuro-surgeon. Please say a lil' prayer for him that all will stay stable and A-OK. Seeing that beast gone would be the best news in the world...but seeing it shrink would also be a reason to celebrate.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Love you all.....


Friday, September 17, 2004 1:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Kody's next MRI....September 22nd...9:30 AM~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Hey everyone....welcome back again!!

First and foremoset...our love and prayers go to all who's lives were effected in anyway because of hurricane ivan this week.
As lucky as we were to escape this one...we have been watching the news and looking at the pictures, the devestation is unreal, like some crazy nightmare. Unfortunetly there is no waking up to this one and so we will continue to pray everyday, several times a day that all of our friends and even people whom we don't know can somehow regain the strength to rebuild their lives.

I wish you could all see Kody and Kolin everynight as we sit down to dinner...they always HAVE to be the ones to say grace...and other then thanking God for their food and their family...the only thing that is on their minds these days is the "people who are sad cuz they got ruined in hurricanes'. {Their words exactly} :0)

Well...according to the latest radar's appears hurricane jeanne has turned more East and is headed straight for...yeah, you guessed it...Central Florida. And this should happen Tuesday night or Wednesday morning...yeah, you guessed it...Kody's next MRI apointment in at Shands. It's going to take a good long time before we can possibly make up all these missed appointments.
Then after that we have...would you believe "huricane karl" brewing and swirling out in the Atlantic. We'll have to keep an eye on that one, though I can tell you from experience...that one might be loud during the day but by 8 PM it'll be sound asleep forever. LOL!!!!!

Looks like this weekend should be real nice out...typical paradise weather so if all works out and we can swing it...I am seriously thinking of taking the kids to a skatepark in Tavares..a town about 25-30 minutes away. I am hoping to take some great pictures of Kody Bear doing his thing on wheels.

Speaking of pictures..I have a question.
As you all know, I feel like "Queen Mother" of picture taking and I was al the pictures I have put up of Kody on his site, which one is your personal favorite?
How about of the kids together...does anything stick in your mind of being memorable?

Alot of the e-mails I get are on my Yahoo site...well, Yahoo for the past few days has been really weirding out on me. If I don't answer your e-mails right away it's only becasue everytime I reply or compose an e-mail, my computer keeps shutting down. It is the craziet thing....I've tried everything I know and have contacted Yahoo but haven't heard back yet.
Now, Kaysha's Yahoo e-mail account works just it's a mystery to me.

I promise, just as soon as I can I'll get back to all of you!! :0)

I'd like to thank "Just Cause"...your a true friend, thank you.

BullDawg.....You really make Kody's day right before school with the phone truly sets him in just the right mood. And..just so you know BullDawg...Kody walked around giving us all "BullDawg" {{HUGS}} this morning!! :0)
Sorry, I had to rush him off the phone this morning though...someone's Mama overslept by a half an hour this morning and we were all running way late.

Kayara....for making me laugh so much this week. Please don't worry too much about Kyle...maybe we can change his mind. HA!!

Karyelle...for the pineapple upside down cake and for the "heart to heart" last night. BTW....The cake is almost gone..hint!!

Well all, I better run off. I know there are probably 100 things I am forgetting to say but it's getting to be that time of day when I have to start the after school pick ups.

YAA-HOO...Their mine for the weekend!!!

Love you all...


Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Kody's next MRI....September 22nd...9:30 AM~*~

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WOW...can you all believe another hurricane brewing out there? I think Tracy said it the best when she wrote "The sea needs some Alka-Seltzer". :0)
Our love and prayers go out to all of our friends who will be feeling the effects of ivan this week. Please let us know as soon as you can that you are all safe and sound..we worry!!

Kody had quite a day yesterday.....thank goodness today was much better.
Let's see....after dinner the three kids wanted to go bike riding. I wanted them to do their homework but you have to admit, bike riding sounded way more exciting so off they went.
I watched Kody for some time weeble and wobble and had a crazy feeling he was going down.....his balance was way, way off eysterday.
No sooner did I say "Let's put the bikes up" when Kody took a fall right on the side of his head...the shunt side. As always he was wearing a helmet but his head took quite a hit. He was pretty sore last night, a little sore this morning and at this moment is feeling fine and on his way to play outside till Kaysha gets home...then they all, I am sure will be off on the bikes and boards again.
Nothing...not bumped up heads, rain, hurricanes, any natural disaster at all, not even a stern "NO" from Mom keeps those kids out of trouble!! And you all thought they were so cute?? :0)

We'd like to say "Thank You" to Kaidrie and her beautiful family for the three hand held radios that the kids are just lovin' like crazy!! The warm wishes was so thoughtful...keep checking your mailbox Kaidrie...Kolin has taken a special liking to you and a "Kolin" original will be on it's way very soon!! :0) many of you knew that September is "Childhood Cancer Awareness" month? Raise your hand.
OK....COOL...or as we like to say in our house...."KEWL!!"
But for those who are new to this...let me direct you to a site where you can learn all about this very important month.
Meet Gooch and his Mom, Chris. We call her "Crazy Chris" around these parts...when you meet her, you'll know why.
Seriously folks...Chris makes our family look normal. LOL!! Love you Chris..BTW, we are up to TWO breathing treatments a is good!!

Anyway..stop by and learn all about Childhood Cancer and the why's and how's this month's "awareness" has got to stop.

Thank you so much BullDawg for totally brightening Kody's morning with the wake up call...Kody absolutley ADORES you Dude. And he'd like me to send you, through the computer a big ole' Kody Bear {{{HUG}}}.

Would you beleive I am still waiting for our appointment for the neuro-psych testing part 2, to be re-scheduled? First they want the appt. close together, like within days for an accurate result and now we've been waiting 2 weeks. Sigh..I guess it'll happen when it happens, but right now the Bear is struggling in school bigtime and without those tests we have no idea where we stand as to how much damage tohis brain the hydrocephlus and tumor has done.
I have found that giving him silly clues helps for example one of his science facts: All of the frogs in the ecosystem are an example of a population.
So..the way Kody memorizes the answer when asked would be: All of the frogs in the ecosystem are an example of "Blank".

In Kody's mind he pictures frogs jumping all over making the "pop...pop...pop" sound and he knows the answer is "POPulation".
Pretty genius, huh?? :0)
This is a sure fire way to get Kody to pass his science tests. I haven't figured out spelling words yet..they are tough this year.

OK guys and gals..I am going to get this up quickly so I can go do some older kid pick ups and drop offs.

Take care...stay safe...have fun...make memories that last a lifetime!!

Love you all....


Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I really wanted to get this update up last night but time slipped by so here goes.

How we remember September 11, 2001....

On this very morning, about 30 to 45 minutes before the first tower was hit, Karyelle, Kyle, Kaysha, Kody, Kolin and myself were just returning home from a mini vacation in New York.
As a sort of tourist attraction our pilot dipped the wings over NYC to show all on board the Statue of Liberty. The Empire State Building, The Twin Towers and I remember clearly showing the kids and saying "Look!". How were we ever to know what would become of NY, our home state in just a few short moments?
The flight home was very different from the flight there...but it was pretty early in the morning and I just figured we were on a plane with a whole lot of non-morning people. But, the stewardessed weren't talking much either, and neither was the pilot. No problem, the slept and Karyelle and I watched out our two window seats.

I remember us flying over the ocean instead of the land we flew over to get there. Didn't think much of it excpet that I really HATE bridges so flying over an ocean wasn't exactly my idea of fun either.

We landed a little over a half an hour early in Orlando and while the kids and I sat in Delta's terminal waiting for Karl to get there, we saw alot of signs that said "All Flights Cancelled", alot of stewardesses with their rolling luggage leaving in a hurry, men with some pretty impressive looking guns, and after as little while an almost empty Delta waiting area. Still, we had no clue...we were told nothing. Not thinking anything was possibly wrong in my mind I was thinking "Wonder why there are no flights out and man, they sure have beefed up security since I've flown last".

During this time Karl was on the Florida Turnpike, listening to the radio, on his way to get us. He was listening to 96.5, a classic rock station where the DJ's, Jim Bob and Billy joke about everything and anything. He heard all the talk of the plane crashing into the first tower but thought it was all a joke on the radio...a very sick joke but a joke nonetheless.
It was when he pulled into "Turkey Lake Rest Area" to use the men's room when he saw a bunch of people crowed around a big screen TV, women were crying, men were in total shock...he heard someone say "It was a plane coming from the East but nobody knows which one". That is when he felt a feeling much like a punch in the stomach. As he got closer to the screen he witnessed the second plane come crashing into the second tower and that's when he felt his heart stop...his life stop...and a scream that came from deep within "My whole family is on a plane right now!".

Nobody stopped him when he tore out of there...not even the toll booth collector when he flew through going at leat 100 mph. He made the 20 minute trip to the airport in about 8 minutes. He told me he never had prayed so hard in his life "God...please don't let my family be on those planes". His heart was racing so fast he thought he'd have a heart attack before he got there.

I remember sitting and watching for him and seeing him walk down the hallway....his face was darting back and forth, looking at everything. He was looking for us, any sign at all that we were still there.
I spotted him before he spotted us, he was about 50 feet away and looked so strange, like he was about to collapse or maybe just explode. I told the kids to sit tight, I'd be right back and walked up to him. I was nearly right on top of him when I called his name and he looked right at me with tears in his eyes and held on to me for dear life.
And here I am thinking...."Wow, he really missed us"...little did I know what was about to be told to me.

We grabbed the kids and their backpacks and left...we stopped very briefly by a TV monitor and I saw for myself the recaps of the planes...I felt like I couldn't move, like time was standing still, like this was a nightmare. Maybe I fell asleep on the way home, it had to be a dream..this couldn't be for real. was and it was then that Karl took me by the arm, Kody in his arms, Kolin in mine....Karyelle and Kyle holding onto Kaysha. I remember him saying "Kim, it wasn't an accident...terrorists...we have got to get out of here now".

We got into the glass train thing {anyone who's been to OIA knows what this is} and people were in a panic....people crying...nobody could get out on their cells. Just then my cell rang...nobody could believe it and everyone was so silent.
It was our daughter, Kayara, who was watching the whole thing on TV. Imagine waking up to this...and knowing all her siblings and Mom were on an airplane that very morning. When I answered "Hello"...all I heard was crying and "Mommy...Mommy??!!" What a relief...we were OK and we were with Daddy and coming home. As we about to hang up....that is exactly when the first tower came crashing down.

As we were leaving many airport security men and police were yelling at us {and others} to forget their belongings and get out now! We were about to run out and that's when we saw all our suitcases lined up perfectly in a if they were put there just for us. We grabbed them and left.

On the drive home, all over every radio station, 9/11 was being broadcasted. On the drive home was when we found out about the Penn. plane crash and it's also when we heard that the Pentagon had just been hit.
God...this felt like the most awful dream you could ever imagine. The kind of dream you never shake...the kind that stays with you always and brings you down into a terrible depression.

We made it home safely.....back into our home, our saftly net. But as we watched TV...we couldn't help but think and pray for all those innocent lives that were robbed fromt he face of Earth forever. How many other families were coming home from many children were asleep leaning on their parents shoulders, how many people were traveling alone....who faced this alone.
How many people who got up to go to work that day...just another day. The firemen and woman, the police, the volunteers who just jumped right in only to give up their own life so that another life may be spared. The familes who's loved ones never did come home that morning.....
For these people we pray...for every single life that was taken from us, for every single person who was affected in any way on that fateful day three years ago...we offer our love and our prayers. May you feel God's love and His strength and let it guide you to that one beautiful day when we will all be reunited once again. Where there is no hate, no war, no predugice, only love towards all human kind.


Our weekend was a really good one.....

First from what I can understand, it appears hurricane ivan has made a turn towards the West. If it stays on that course, we will feel tropical storm winds and rain...but nothing like the Cat. 4 or 5 that was first predicted. seems to be heading towards the Panhandle and we have many friends please pray with us that they will be spared too.
Lynn...we are there for you girl!!!!!!!

We had gotten such a great phone call this weekend from none other then "BullDawg" himself!! How cool is that?? would have been alot cooler if I didn't nod off into sleepland this afternoon and miss the call!! :0) Don't know what happened but the last thing I remember was watching cartoons with Kolin...LOL!!
Anyway....Kody, Kaysha and Karl had a great chat and BullDawg...all afternoon we have been sitting here saying "What do you think is gonna be in that package??" I don't know which one of us is more excited so we will be calling you when it arrives and we are all here. Plus...I'll have that camera rolling!! :0)

Well guys and gals....I'm going to jump off of here tonight and see about getting somemore sleep...I have been a self-induced sleep depervation thing since I discovered the joys and addiction of "Zuma Deluxe"...a computer game. It's crazy how 1 AM can get here so fast when your having fun!!

~*~Kody's next MRI....Spetember 22nd...9:30 AM~*~

~*~New Pictures Up~*~

Love you all....


Sunday, September 12, 2004 9:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I really wanted to get this update up last night but time slipped by so here goes.

How we remember September 11, 2001....

On this very morning, about 30 to 45 minutes before the first tower was hit, Karyelle, Kyle, Kaysha, Kody, Kolin and myself were just returning home from a mini vacation in New York.
As a sort of tourist attraction our pilot dipped the wings over NYC to show all on board the Statue of Liberty. The Empire State Building, The Twin Towers and I remember clearly showing the kids and saying "Look!". How were we ever to know what would become of NY, our home state in just a few short moments?
The flight home was very different from the flight there...but it was pretty early in the morning and I just figured we were on a plane with a whole lot of non-morning people. But, the stewardessed weren't talking much either, and neither was the pilot. No problem, the slept and Karyelle and I watched out our two window seats.

I remember us flying over the ocean instead of the land we flew over to get there. Didn't think much of it excpet that I really HATE bridges so flying over an ocean wasn't exactly my idea of fun either.

We landed a little over a half an hour early in Orlando and while the kids and I sat in Delta's terminal waiting for Karl to get there, we saw alot of signs that said "All Flights Cancelled", alot of stewardesses with their rolling luggage leaving in a hurry, men with some pretty impressive looking guns, and after as little while an almost empty Delta waiting area. Still, we had no clue...we were told nothing. Not thinking anything was possibly wrong in my mind I was thinking "Wonder why there are no flights out and man, they sure have beefed up security since I've flown last".

During this time Karl was on the Florida Turnpike, listening to the radio, on his way to get us. He was listening to 96.5, a classic rock station where the DJ's, Jim Bob and Billy joke about everything and anything. He heard all the talk of the plane crashing into the first tower but thought it was all a joke on the radio...a very sick joke but a joke nonetheless.
It was when he pulled into "Turkey Lake Rest Area" to use the men's room when he saw a bunch of people crowed around a big screen TV, women were crying, men were in total shock...he heard someone say "It was a plane coming from the East but nobody knows which one". That is when he felt a feeling much like a punch in the stomach. As he got closer to the screen he witnessed the second plane come crashing into the second tower and that's when he felt his heart stop...his life stop...and a scream that came from deep within "My whole family is on a plane right now!".

Nobody stopped him when he tore out of there...not even the toll booth collector when he flew through going at leat 100 mph. He made the 20 minute trip to the airport in about 8 minutes. He told me he never had prayed so hard in his life "God...please don't let my family be on those planes". His heart was racing so fast he thought he'd have a heart attack before he got there.

I remember sitting and watching for him and seeing him walk down the hallway....his face was darting back and forth, looking at everything. He was looking for us, any sign at all that we were still there.
I spotted him before he spotted us, he was about 50 feet away and looked so strange, like he was about to collapse or maybe just explode. I told the kids to sit tight, I'd be right back and walked up to him. I was nearly right on top of him when I called his name and he looked right at me with tears in his eyes and held on to me for dear life.
And here I am thinking...."Wow, he really missed us"...little did I know what was about to be told to me.

We grabbed the kids and their backpacks and left...we stopped very briefly by a TV monitor and I saw for myself the recaps of the planes...I felt like I couldn't move, like time was standing still, like this was a nightmare. Maybe I fell asleep on the way home, it had to be a dream..this couldn't be for real. was and it was then that Karl took me by the arm, Kody in his arms, Kolin in mine....Karyelle and Kyle holding onto Kaysha. I remember him saying "Kim, it wasn't an accident...terrorists...we have got to get out of here now".

We got into the glass train thing {anyone who's been to OIA knows what this is} and people were in a panic....people crying...nobody could get out on their cells. Just then my cell rang...nobody could believe it and everyone was so silent.
It was our daughter, Kayara, who was watching the whole thing on TV. Imagine waking up to this...and knowing all her siblings and Mom were on an airplane that very morning. When I answered "Hello"...all I heard was crying and "Mommy...Mommy??!!" What a relief...we were OK and we were with Daddy and coming home. As we about to hang up....that is exactly when the first tower came crashing down.

As we were leaving many airport security men and police were yelling at us {and others} to forget their belongings and get out now! We were about to run out and that's when we saw all our suitcases lined up perfectly in a if they were put there just for us. We grabbed them and left.

On the drive home, all over every radio station, 9/11 was being broadcasted. On the drive home was when we found out about the Penn. plane crash and it's also when we heard that the Pentagon had just been hit.
God...this felt like the most awful dream you could ever imagine. The kind of dream you never shake...the kind that stays with you always and brings you down into a terrible depression.

We made it home safely.....back into our home, our saftly net. But as we watched TV...we couldn't help but think and pray for all those innocent lives that were robbed fromt he face of Earth forever. How many other families were coming home from many children were asleep leaning on their parents shoulders, how many people were traveling alone....who faced this alone.
How many people who got up to go to work that day...just another day. The firemen and woman, the police, the volunteers who just jumped right in only to give up their own life so that another life may be spared. The familes who's loved ones never did come home that morning.....
For these people we pray...for every single life that was taken from us, for every single person who was affected in any way on that fateful day three years ago...we offer our love and our prayers. May you feel God's love and His strength and let it guide you to that one beautiful day when we will all be reunited once again. Where there is no hate, no war, no predugice, only love towards all human kind.


Our weekend was a really good one.....

First from what I can understand, it appears hurricane ivan has made a turn towards the West. If it stays on that course, we will feel tropical storm winds and rain...but nothing like the Cat. 4 or 5 that was first predicted. seems to be heading towards the Panhandle and we have many friends please pray with us that they will be spared too.
Lynn...we are there for you girl!!!!!!!

We had gotten such a great phone call this weekend from none other then "BullDawg" himself!! How cool is that?? would have been alot cooler if I didn't nod off into sleepland this afternoon and miss the call!! :0) Don't know what happened but the last thing I remember was watching cartoons with Kolin...LOL!!
Anyway....Kody, Kaysha and Karl had a great chat and BullDawg...all afternoon we have been sitting here saying "What do you think is gonna be in that package??" I don't know which one of us is more excited so we will be calling you when it arrives and we are all here. Plus...I'll have that camera rolling!! :0)

Well guys and gals....I'm going to jump off of here tonight and see about getting somemore sleep...I have been a self-induced sleep depervation thing since I discovered the joys and addiction of "Zuma Deluxe"...a computer game. It's crazy how 1 AM can get here so fast when your having fun!!

~*~Kody's next MRI....Spetember 22nd...9:30 AM~*~

~*~New Pictures Up~*~

Love you all....


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 7:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~THURSDAY...1:00 PM~*~

Hello all....

I would like to start this journal today with the most biggest and warmest "Thank You"...complete with a huge cyber-hugger {go on, give yourself one and pretend it's me!} to every single one of you beautiful people who jumped to our defense concerning the message that was left in Kody's Caring Bridge guestbook on our ""K" Family Hurricane Update" site.

A few people who I'd like to extend a special "Thank You" too...

Members of our "K" all know who you are and to protect your privacy I won't mention names but I thank your endless devotion and support of our family.

Christine...It was a pleasure speaking to you last night. We got a lot of things resolved and I believe this family is headed in the right direction despite the intention of the dirtbag who is trying so hard to throw a wrench in everything that means so much to us.

Billy...I want you to know and this is coming directly from me, you are family and we welcome you with open arms and an open heart. There is and always will be enough love in our family to go around. I do hope that you and Karyelle will get to meet over the weekend before she heads back home again.

BullDawg......Dude...some people come into our lives that leave a lasting impression in our hearts. When I picture you in my mind I see a very big, strong guy with a warm smile, a heart of gold and a tender spot for children. Especially little boys who dream of someday becoming just like you. One day, somehow, someway...I would love the chance to meet you...and I know one little stinker of a boy who would love to too!!
If you are ever near Florida....please let me know..we will make every effort to find you!! :0)

"Just Cause"....I don't know who you are but I would like to personally "Thank You" for standing up for us. I have a feeling the person in question won't be able to access Kody's GB as his IP's have all been blocked. So, unless he finds himself on another computer he won't read it. However, and I hope this is OK with you...I'd like to leave your message right here for him to read:

Kim... you don't know me but I have been reading Kody's page for months. He is an inspiration to me and my family as we struggle with our own family crisis.

This is directed to the low life that left the nasty message here for The K family. I now know you are a family member in Poughkeepsie NY with a shaded past of your own. I know about your cheating past and I wonder how much of it your wife knows about it? Hmmm.... maybe she would enjoy reading it here with the rest of the world. I truly hope to expose you as the low life dirtbag that you are. Leave this family alone and crawl back under your rock or I will persue this issue.

Karl, Kim and the rest of the K's you are in our prayers always. Please don't let this loser get you down.

Chris....Girl you are a GREAT friend!! Thank you for doing the upkeep on Kody's site while we were out of electricity and internet. I have a very good feeling you'll be doing it again by Monday!!
Also..sometime around 4 AM this morning Karl woke up with a very big THANKS CHRIS!! And Hun..I am in total agreement with him!! HEH..HEH!!

To everyone who took the time to personally e-mail me with so many kind words of support...Thank you....Thank You!!! We LOVE you ALL!!!!

Marty and Savannah...You both are true friends. Our "Angels"....I will carry your friendship in my heart always. now on to another weather report.

It looks like hurricane ivan is about to knock what is left of Florida right off the map. I honestly don't see how we will re-coop from yet another hit..this one 4 times as strong. When will it ever end? I'll be updating more as it gets closer but I believe we should start feeling it here Monday and Tuesday AM at 2 o'clock should be the worst. If we can't find a way out of the state with all the kids and pets...we will most likely be back at Kayara's. Problem is, I don't know if her apartment will stand up to those kind of winds.

You know....sometimes in life, when things turn to's always good to have a sense of humor and laugh anyway. That's the way we do things around here. So...with all have GOT to check this out, a letter to Ivan...sent to me and created by my wonderful and talented, not to mention very, very funny friend, Lori Strevels...who also makes those cool little skateboarding and my coffee lovers siggy that you see on our site and in many a guestbook.

Dear Ivan

LOL...well, now that you have all had a great laugh..I better get my butt moving and get some errands done around here! The kids are finally back in school today and I have a ton of things to get accomplished before they come stormin' {no pun inteded!!} through the door again. :0)

I put some new photos up of our "clean up" day...hope you all enjoy them!!

Love you all...


Hi everybody...
This is Kody's Dad,
I need to clear up a few things. First I want to thank everyone for thier prayers and thoughts during the last couple of weeks as most of Kody's regular fans know charley missed us but not by much we were lucky . frances on the other hand reeked havoc on our city compared to alot of our neighbors and some local business we did pretty good. Yes we have trees down in our yard, limbs all over the place the roof leaks but were all safe and healthy. We have home owners insurance but the hurricane deductable is crazy money and it would be cheaper for us to handle it ourselves besides we have so many biker brothers in so many trades here im not worried now. Second please everybody do not worry about Boomer. I guess I better explain, Boomer is a Leonburger he's a rare breed dog he can sleep outside in 20 below. He has two layers of fur, the outside long and thick, inside like ducks fluffy and oily. Boomer had complete access to our enclosed back porch but he choose to be outside in this storm. Same as he will not stay inside our house and I'm done replacing screen doors and window screens when he decides to make an exit in a hurry. ok third, I went to the pawn shop on Friday to pawn some specialty tools that I rarely use but are nice to have when you need them. The reason behind this is that if the power would have stayed off for any length of time checks, credit cards and atms are useless. Better safe than sorry. Example Eckards drugs opened yesterday morning with a sign that said cash only. I'll get my tools back Wed or Thursday when they open. OK forth, I have been married to my wife Kim for 24 years. she is "Mommy #1". I have 6 kids with both our names on their birth certificites. Yes I fathered a child before Kim and I ever met. I have seen him once, not my choice. Am I sad about that yes I am but I tried and he knows I did. Billy you know the # dude. Fifth I have never asked anybody on this site or any place for any kind of money funds or fundraisers. When we tell people of whats going on around here it's just to share it is not subtle hints for anybody to send us money. Neither Kim not myself have ever solicited any money from our sites. Kodys t-shirts are in income but it is so small that it is insignificant. At this point in time we are fine and we don't need anybody to do any fundraisers for our storm damages. Thank you Lynnie and Marty for your offers. OK #6...I am sorry for everybody that had to read the dirtbag guestbook entry on Kodys site. Please be aware that the person who is writing these entries needs to look in the mirror and take a good long look and see if you like what you see but of course you will. I will be up there in February, you better crawl back under your rock or you will find out what a tough guy I am. Not a joke, not a threat just a promise.

Hey everyone....

This is Kim...I'll add some new photos up later on and update sometime tomorow.

Love you all...


Thursday, September 2, 2004 11:50 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Please check with our update site from now on until the storm is over and we can get back to updating this site. It is so much easier to update the other site as compared to this one and we are soooooo busy around here preparing and getting ready to evacuate.
I just got a phone call telling me that we are under a mandatory evacuation by the end of today.
Wish us luck!!




~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you so much everyone for the 1000's of prayers we are receiving as we prepare ourselves for hurricane frances.

I don't know if you have all heard but frances is, as of this afternoon 57,000 square feet....the total span of it is bigger then the state of Texas.

The entire state of Florida is under a state of emergancy and those of us who do not live in a sturdy house will be boot scootin' it out of here by sometime tomorrow.
We still don't have a 100 percent positive plan yet but it looks like we may try to ride to be by Kody's hospital...which is 70 miles North of us.
However...because the evacuation routes to Gainesville were bumber to bumper traffic all day and because there are absolutly no hotels available we just may stay at Kayara's apartment.

Which, may not be too bad after all as frances looks like she is turning slightly and the full brunt of her may be just below us. Still, we will be living through at least 80 mph winds and flooding rains...not to mention the tornados that will be popping up everywhere.
And the thing about hurricanes is that they can change direction at hurricane charley taught us a few weeks ago. So, although she may be turning now, all that can change again an hour from now.

I know I probably should be panicking right about now but honestly I am pretty calm so far. You know things can change from bad to worse quickly and I may be a blundering idiot by tomorrow. :0)

Speaking of panicking.....Please Karyelle's me a big favor...

Stop making her a freaky freak half out of her mind full fledge worry wart!! HA...OK, just kidding....seriously yesterday she was, as Kaysha and I have renamed her, a Catagory 4 Worry Wart. She has been told if she gets up to be a Cat. 5 Worry Wart we may have to smack the stuffin's out of her!! :0)
Karyelle...we are NOT serious, we love you and all the junk food you brought over. Where we come from, every storm is deserving of a box or two of Entemanns Chocolate Lovers Donuts!!

Now I mentioned yesterday...Aunt Vikki or Chris Russo {Mama Gooch to most of you} will be updating for us in the event I cannot get on-line.
Remember to bookmark or favorites bar our update site...

The "K" Family Updates Incase Of Ugly Weather Web Site

I have also {Thank You Mrs. Judy!!} put up on that site a weather tracking link so that if you don't see any updates you can click on Florida, scroll down to Leesburg and check the current weather at anytime night or day.

Now I know alot of you know I am one of those "picture taking crazed parents" and I have been trying to document some of what is going on in our town of Leesburg, sure to check out our updates page as I attempt to get some pix up there of what the next few days will be like for us.

OK..enough of the weather!!

Kody had an OK day today....he made it through the whole day of school but by 4 o'clock it was pretty plain to see he was dropping. After picking up Dad from work and driving around like a lunatic in all the evacuation/shopping/gassing cars madness to find a "hock/pawn shop" that would take some of Karl's tools his headaches and fatigue was at full tilt once again.

I don't know if it is medical related or school and storm related becasue he did tell me that his school made the kids watch some pretty graphic films of hurricanes and he said some of the kids were so scared they were crying.

I am pretty shocked and pretty pissed too that his elementary school a/k/a a safe place away from any talk of bad stuff would show things like that to such young kids.

Isn't it the parents job to explain and comfort? Well.....Karl and I had alot of explaining to do and even more comforting and reassuring that we will protect him, the other kids, Alona, our pets, our home and each other with every ounce of strength we have and we promise that with all our hearts.

I really hope he felt better because he insisted on sleeping in our bed tonight, tucked in safely and snuggly next to Daddy. His head was still aching and I think his nerves were shot from all the thinking and worrying he has been doing today.

As much as I would love to climb in right next to him and hold him close all night....three is one too many in our bed....Kody is not a tiny kid anymore and he packs quite a kick in the middle of the night when you least expect it...and usually right in the ole' bladder when you REALLY don't expect it!! So, I think I'll just take Kolin's bed tonight because Kolin, in an attempt to be closer to Kody...took over Kody's bed.

In this crazy never know where you will find yourself or anyone else in the morning!! :0)

Please pray for our Sweet little Texas Beauty, Cheyenne who is feeling very, very sick today and spent most of her day in the E.R. We gotta get this girl smiling again.....Kody fans? Are you up to the job?? Kody and I say "Let's Do It!!!!"

OK guys and gals...I am going to jump off of here tonight but before I do please say a special prayer for all of us who will be affected by the wrath of hurricane frances.

Dear God...
May all of our friends and family stay safe and have a safe and intact home when this is all through. Only you Lord can give us the miracle we need by making this storm turn and go away.

Thank you so much for stopping back on by to visit with us!!

Later Gator!!


Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Today's neuro-testing went pretty well. It was a long day....about 6 hours worth of testing with a half an hour to take Kody out for some lunch...we cheated though and stretched 30 minutes into more like 45. :0)
They wanted us to come back tomorrow to complete {it takes two whole days} but since funds, Karl's job and the hurricane heading for us we decided best to wait until next week.
So we'll go back again next Wed. at 9 AM.
After that it takes about two weeks for us to come in and discuss all the results...which works out well since we will be there anyway for Kody's next MRI on Sept. 22nd.

I will update again tomorrow to let you all know where we will be during this seems it will come right up through Central Florida hitting Leesburg hard, real hard.
Of course...there is a chance, a very slim one that it will turn to sea.....that would be so sweet.

Either my sister, Vikki, will be updating or Chris...either way, I'l stay in contact with them barring the cell towers are still up and running.

Thank you so much Sandi for the phone call tonight and the offer of your home for shelter.
Your kindness and genorousity expand well beyond the clouds, the rainbows, the Heavens.
We love you!! :0)

~*~Some new photos up tonight~*~

Take care everyone...



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

As most of you probably already know, Florida is about to get hammered with yet another hurricane..."frances" is the name this time. According to the latest it looks like Central Florida will be taking a pretty good hit....and us being right in the path.
This hurricane is enormous...the last one, Charley was 7 miles wide. tonight on the news they said this one so far is 36 miles wide...that is a mother of a storm guys!!

I don't know what we will do as we live in a mobile home that was built in 1981. Not the place you want to be during that kind of a storm. Karl thinks we should just fill the tank up and drive and drive and drive until we know for sure we are out of danger.
Sounds good to me except once again...I am pretty scared to come back home to no home whatsoever.
Please pray that hurricane frances {on the great advice of one very sweet Juliana Banana we won't be capitalizing things we have no respect for...hurricanes don't respect us...ditto for it!! } blows itself out to sea and far away from civilization of any and all kind.
What Floridian's do not need right now is more destruction and more sadness.

And...a huge THANK YOU to Mrs. Ellen and Lori S. for inviting us into their homes!! have no idea what your asking for!! :0)

As for us...
We are doing OK. Lots of stressful things going on these days that kind of have me down in the old dumps....but somehow I have to have faith they will work itself out and things will be fine...jeeeest fine!! :0)

Kody Bear is feeling much better then yesterday...rough night last night and he took some med's this morning, but ended up staying home with another morning headache. He complained some of his throat feeling scratchy...maybe allegies, maybe a virus, maybe anything at this point.

I wanted to put a more "perky" picture up of him but he just wasn't in the picture mood...tomorrow will be better, promise!!

Tomorrow we will be spending most of our day at Shands for Kody's neuro-psych testing. It should be a very long day as they tell us it takes anywhere from 4 to 8 hours so plan on being there all day.
I have a very good feeling that Kody has ADD. If so, it runs in the family...Kyle being diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 7. He did take Ritalin for a while but the side effects were so bad he begged me to take him off.
I wish I had never of put him on nobody knew what it would cause in 10 to 15 years and I can tell you that Kyle still feels the side effects of that dumb pill.

If Kody does have ADD or ADHD I am at a loss once again as to what the best plan would be. Definetly NOT Ritalin....I know there are many new drugs/stimulants but my major problem with that is...if they will stimulate his brain into working better what's not to say it will stimulate his tumor into growing.

Since there is virtually no research at all on his tumor...nobody knows. So do I take the chance and let him have it so he can concentrate in school or do I let him keep going the way he is right now...and know in my heart that he will struggle everyday of his life with simple things like adding, subtracting, reading and writing?
And that doesn't even include his impulsiveness....his fear of nothing at all...his daredevil antics.

If it weren't for that stupid tumor I would be more open to helping him through medication...but I don't know, I guess I am just a worry wart.

It's a tough call and not one I want to make without alot of thought. So....looks like tonight will be spent heavy in thought and prayer that we make the right desisions for our son.

Speaking of prayer...we have a little friend who is absolutely adorable!! Kaylyn Mei is a four year old Sweetheart who has relapsed with a brain tumor. She will be having surgery tomorrow. Please take a moment to pray that God guides her surgeons hands and that Kaylyn will be on the road to a speedy recovery in a snap.

I almost forgot to tell you all....this past Sunday Kody had, at our church, his second Sacrament of the Healing of the Sick. It was a simple yet very beautiful little ceremony and we definetly felt the Lord and all of Kody's Guardian Angels around us.
I would like to thank all of Kody's devoted fans at our church who stuck around after Mass to support Kody and you all!!
Even Father Kent was so impressed with Kody's lil' crowd he had to ask Kody..."So Kody, how does it feel to have your own fanclub??!!"
And what did Kody say?? He said "What...I have a fanclub??!!" :0)

Well guys and gals....I hear some thunder in the distance which means lightening could be upon us at any moment so I am going to end this tonight and see about getting some sleep..we have to leave way early in the AM.

Thank you all for coming back again and again to check up on Kody.
I like to think that he will be one of those kids that someday changes the world...sometimes I can look into his eyes and see that.
Other times I can look into his eyes and see the boy he is and the man he will become.
Most of the time I can look into his eyes and see "Here Comes Trouble" written right in them!! :0)

Have a great night and an even greater day tomorrow....I leave you all with a little "Kody Bear-ism"...

"count your fingers, count your blessings, you can even count your toes....
But never try to count birds cuz they never stay in their rows!!"


Love you all.....

Sunday, August 29, 2004 10:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~MONDAY...3:30 PM~*~

Kody's headaches are becoming more frequent today and right now his temp. is going up. It's 100.5 right now which I know doesn't seem real high but when you have a kid with a foreign object in his head {his VP shunt}, temp's are always a concern for infection. Especially when nobody else in the home is sick.
I'm keeping a very close eye on him and will keep you all updated.

~*~Lord....Please heal my son~*~



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WHEW.....The weekend is over and we made it!!
Friday started off as a pretty miserable day for Kody. He woke up at 5 AM with guessed..."Monster-Ache". Except this one was complete with....{EWWW}...throwing up bigtime. {sorry...I know that was maybe too much info.}.
This headache thing lasted on and off during the fever but oh boy, was Kody ever tired all day.
Really..he slept on and off all day long. Everytime he woke up, he woke up with a headache.
So...I am pretty sure because there was no fever, we really have to figure out something better for him to sleep on. So far...everything we try, he squirms out of when he's sound asleep. This is a child that runs laps in his sleep so keeping him still just isn't an option.
A friend of our's today told us we could have their old lazyboy chair...and I took her up on it. They live pretty far away though so we will have to figure out where to get a truck and get to their home. I said, they are very, very good friends and I am sure as soon as Sue tell's Scotty why she is giving his lazyboy away....he will come right over with it.
And I'll tell you all why.....
Because Sue and Scotty are Kendra's Mom and Dad and like I told you...they are one of the best friends we could ever have and also because Sue had already planned on buying Scotty a brand new one.
The one they are giving us is a woman's size chair....Scotty is well over 6 feet!! :0)

Now, yesterday Kody had a pretty decent day but today another headache. This one I am sure is from too much "fun in the sun". However, he did go to bed around 9 with a mild fever so the best I can do is keep an eye and if it gets to be's to the hospital we go for some R&R and some really stinky I.V. antibiotics.
Seriously....has anyone ever smelled those I.V. anti's.....I had the not so pleasant experience of accidently breaking one open one day {last year}....WHOA...the God awful smell was worse then any bathroom cleaner I have ever smelled. And the real kicker was I was allowing this to drip into my kids me the williies just thinking about it.

Then again in all fairness...
It is school season again and with that comes all kinds of funky viruses. I am hoping it's just that and not some shunt infection thing going on. Not that there is ever a "good" time to vacation at Shands but seriously...this is NOT a good time.

Alot of you might have noticed that Lindsay's site is gone again.'s unbelievable that someone could be so sick to do such a thing but her site was hacked into and deleted for the third time.
So, instead of a CB site her Mom, Angela has set up another.
Lindsay's Place

Well....all our August birthdays are over....WAA-HOO!!
And now it's time to totally throw myself into helping Kody with his "Kickin' Cancers Butt" lemonade/cookie stand.
I have the letter I was waiting on and some free time {knock on wood here!} so it looks like we won't have to put this off anymore. time? Did someone say free time??
Ummm....yeah, after Wednesday's appointment at Shands for neuro-psych. testing, the appt. for the neuro-opthomologist and his next MRI and neuro-surgeon appt.
Toss in bed propping stratagies, school, homework, running here and there, laundry, meals, grocery storin', open houses {school}, 7000 phone calls, picking up toys, vacumning up small toys, feeding the ever growimg list of animals, herding in ducks who have found a cool way to "limbo" under the fence and onto the street and the ever present "Mommmmm....I dont feel good!!"
It shouldn't be too busy the next few weeks!! :0)

Keep those pictures coming please...we need all the BT kids and BT Angels we can get.

Thank you all so much for stopping by today. I'm going to jump off of here for now and see about getting some zzzzzzzzz's.
Karl Baby...get the coffee brewin'....your java juice drinking buddy is on her way!! :0)

Love you all.....

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 3:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~SATURDAY...12:12 PM~*~

Hi everyone...
Just wanted to throw a quick line to let you all know I will be updating later.
Crazy day so I have to make this quick.

Please...before I go any further take a moment or two to pray real hard for our sweetheart of a friend, Connor.
Connor's mom Rhonda as so many of you one of all of ours greatest supporters here on Caring Bridge.
Now is the time she needs us the please stop by and sign in with some wonderful words of encouragement.

A very special Thank You to Mrs. Julie for the package the kids recieved yesterday and the beautiful letter that had me crying and Karl telling everyone what an incredibly sweet woman you are.
My words or beautiful.oh no is your words that were beyond beautiful...and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
BTW...I had the most relaxing shower ever this morning!!

BTW...The picture up top was taken yesterday....although Kody had one of his worst days yesterday with headaches, vomiting and lethargy...the skateboard/handboard really, really cheered him up!!

~*~Do you think Kolin was just a little happy??~*~

More Thank You's to Lori who made that cool siggy {Kody Xtreme} up on top of my journal.
She also made a bunch more..some for Kaysha, Kolin and myself too....
Lori...You are the BEST!!
We absolutley LOVE them and every one of them hit our personality right on the nail!! :0)

OK..I really have to run but I wil update tonight when all is quiet around here...

Love you all..till tonight...



~*~HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOLIN~*~ baby is seven years old today!! Kolin, I remember the day you were born...Daddy was leaving for work early in the morning and I was up all night with the craziest feeling that it was the day I was going to finally meet you. {Could it have been the 700 bathroom trips during the night??}
Anyway...Daddy woke me up to kiss me good-bye and I remember very clearly telling him "Don't go on any road jobs today" see, back then...we didn't have a cell phone so if Daddy wasn't at work I had no way to call him. Isn't that crazy, A life without cells...imagine that??
Well...Daddy went to work which was a pretty long drive and when he got there he told "Joe Boss"..."Sorry, No road jobs today...the baby's coming" and Joe Boss said to Daddy in his loudest Italian voice "GO HOME!!!!!" :0)
Yeppers...Daddy made it back in record time!! And it was a good thing too because were KILLING me!! Sooooo...we called our midwife {kind of like a dr. only much, much gentler...except for one very important thing I didn't realize until it was way too late...THEY DON'T LIKE TO MOM'S DRUGS!!!!}
She told us to come in and we did...then she said..."Looking good you'll be meeting your new little boy today, go have some lunch and come back when you feel like you can't walk". OK, I thought...Can't that's something new to me.

So we went to the By-Pass Diner in Verplank, NY and ordered up some lunch. I should have known right then and there that I would never have another hot meal again because as soon as our food wanted out bigtime!!
Well...Daddy not being one to ever miss a meal wasn't leaving just quite yet and so I sat there and waited for him to eat while my fists were turning pure white from gripping the side of the table, my teeth were grinding and the words I was mumbling under my breathe...Oh...Daddy felt some love that day!! Then Daddy kind of carried me {and Baby, I was very, very preggers..there was alot of me to carry!} to the car.

We walked back up the steps to the Dr's and she said "'s time!!" so then we walked all the way back downstairs across the street into the parking lot and finally drove to the hospital.
I remember telling the midwife telling me to walk somemore {so much for the not being able to walk anymore theory} and I have to tell wasn't too bad...yet!!
A nurse finally tracked us down in the hallway and said "Mrs. K..would you like to come on back and have that baby now?" and Daddy said "Yeah...that's what we're here for and by the way...can you all pop this one before Jeapordy comes on??"
Crazy Daddy!!! Crazy Daddy got some new battle scars that day when mommy squeezed him just a little too hard! :0)

Well Baby Boy...we went back and not 10 minutes later I was holding the most beautiful, perfect screaming lil' puddin' pop I have ever layed eyes on.

And that was the day....August 25, 1997 that your Dad and I fell head over heels in love with you and vowed that six was FINALLY enough!!
Plus...Daddy was having a real hard time breathing with all those Mommy love squeezes going on...he just would have agreed to anything right then. :0)


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

We are back from the hospital and bring back with us some pretty good news!!

Kody's scans results came back that his ventricles were small...which means his shunt is working and there is no swelling going on in there.
On the other hand...since he is getting morning headaches and they subside when he is up and about...Dr. Pincus seems the think that while he is sleeping and laying flat the shunt could be malfuntioning or just not working at a horizontal angle. Which would make sense since if you are draining something...things drain downwards. {the path of least resistance} When he is asleep the CSF {cerebral spinal fluid} has no place to go and stays put in the ventricles thus pockets of fluid and swelling build up leading to heaches and clumsiness and the feeling of wanting to barf.
So..what we have to do is rig up a way on Kody's bed that his head is propped up all the time.
As we have had it...Kody sleeps on two, sometimes three pillows...but by the time he gets up in the AM, those pillows are on the floor and Kody is laying flat on the mattress.
I was talking to Norine last night and she really told me the same thing. Also, this is quite common with brain tumor kids..and as Dr. Pincus said...especially the BT kids with shunts...or anybody with a shunt really.
Norine gave me some really good ideas about bed/tv watching pillows and Karl even said maybe we could buy some kind of foam wedge to put inbetween his mattress and headboard.
So...this gives us something to work on and it has to be done right away.

As a procaution Dr. P wants Kody to see his neuro-opthomologist ASAP so that he {Dr. Levine} can take a picture and look for signs of optic nerve swelling. If you all remember it was an eye Dr. who found through looking into Kody's eyes the orginal dx. of optic nerve damage and brain swelling which quickly lead to the dx. of a brainstem tumor and hydrocephlus. Those little nerves can tell us a whole lot...sometimes I think even more then the Cat Scan can.

As for the inability to be able to concentrate, learn and his impulsive behavior...possibly ADD. Next week {Sept. 1st} he has an appointment with the neuro-psych. Dr. and we will find out alot more info about what exactly is going on in there on that day.

We still need to keep our Sept. 22nd appointment for Kody's MRI and see Dr. P again. After that, unless there is a problem...Kody will be seen for MRI follow ups with his neuro-oncologist, Dr. Smith.
Cat Scans and MRI's differ in that Cat Scans are basically looking at his ventricles and shunt. With MRI's..that is the test to look at the tumor itself. You can also see the ventricles on an MRI but why do that long, long test when a CT Scan will do.

Other then that...Dr. P absolutely LOVES the way Kody healthy!! And..he even thinks Kody's new "Bam Madgera"/Skater hair style is pretty cool too. Usually Kody will show up with the craziest hair styles and colors when he see's Dr. P...but one time I put chrome/silver hair dye in Kodys hair before an messed up the whole test and I had to wash it out in the hospital bathroom with that nasty smelling hospital shampoo...silver flakes, who knew??
Well...since then we have been kind of easing Kody out of crazy colored hair at test appt's.

Hey...Have I ever told you that Kody's neuro-surgeon and his wife are very good friends and hang out alot with the Tony Hawk family?? Just a bit of trivia that convinced us right from day one that Pinky was the Dr. for us!! :0)

Guess who Kody talked to last night??
OK...can't guess..I'll tell you....
They both must have been having a great conversation because everytime I tried to come in to his room...he shooed me right back out!!
He did tell me they talked about skating alot and the great pictures she has on her site and about her new puppies, Kody and Bear. Hmmmm..let's see, what else. Oh...I asked him what Lindsay sounded like and he said, with a big smile "Very Perky!!"
I see a very special freindship coming along here. Someday they both dream of meeting and skating at one of Lindsay's skate parks she has by where she lives.

I do have some new pictures to put up but probably won't get to them right away. Possibly tonight...oh heck, let me try and crunch some time and get them up now. If you don't see new ones anytime soon...check back, I promise they will be tehre by tonight. :0)

Well fellers and feller-ettes....I better get going. Lots to do so we can celebrate Kolin's b-day later this evening. Thank you soooo mcuh to all of you who have left Happy B-Day messages for him...he has been looking at them over and over an over.....
He is so happy!! :0)

Take care everyone....stay safe....keep smiling!!

Love you all....


Monday, August 23, 2004 1:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~TUESDAY UPDATE....10:00 AM~*~

We have the appointment for Kody's Cat Scan/Shunt Series w/Contrast at 8:15 tomorrow morning {Wednesday}. Then we'll see Dr. Pincus {neuro-surgeon} at 11:15.
I'll be sure to update again tomorrow.

Also...if you all could remember Kolin is his 7th birthday...I just know he would love to see some Happy B-Day messages in the GB.
Any message that he see's with his name on it just really brightens up his whole day.
It just kind of stinks that I have to drag him out with us to the hospital all day...but we'll make it up to him tomorrow night with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cake made by his big sister, Karyelle and of course some laughing, singing, gifties and lots and lots of huggers.

I also would like to leave up a very urgent prayer request for our friend, Lindsay who has taken a horrible turn. Her headaches are getting worse and worse and the chemo. isn't touching her cancer. The Dr's say the cancer is filling up her chest pretty quickly.
We absolutely love this little girl to pieces...please pray that she recieves her miracle on Earth.

As always...we thank you!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WOW...Yesterday was such a great day...we celebrated, we partied, we had a surprise visitor, and Kody and Kolin had "Happy Birthday" sang to them by about 100 or so biker friends!!
I'm going to have to get that video clip up sometime's pretty cool!!
Now...back to our day...

We Celebrated...with the most awesome bunch of people in the world.
Special "THANK YOUS" to...

Gator Rick a/k/a Mr. Pub for allowing us once again to celebrate in style and also for the GREAT told us you were in charge of food and it was the absolute BEST!!

Crazy Marion and Mr. Bill for stepping right in when Kody came up with this great idea for his and Kolin's birthdays...for making this day happen and for always, always being there for us.

For Big Rob for keeping all the kids happy all day...especially Kody, whom I know in my heart you have an extra special spot for. Thank you for keeping the party rolling right along so that I could take a breather once in a while...for being brave enough to take over the pinata...that was a dangerous job Dude and you did great and for that totally unbelieveable circle lollipop thing/burnout. COOL...COOL...COOL...or as Kody says "SICK MAN!!!"

To each and everyone of you who showed up, putting your own life aside and sweating it out in the Florida heat just to have a chance to make two little's boys dreams come true. Friends for life...all of you. :0)

We the most rowdy, crazy and fun Kody style ever.

We had a surprise visitor...from one of Mom's High School best friends, Mrs. Terry and her husband Carlos and son Carlos Jr.. What a surprise and shock it was to be sitting there scarfin' a burger, look up and BAM...a face I hadn't seen in 9 years or so! And can you all believe that we went to HS together back in New York and here we are together again in's a small world!

Kody, of course...brought along that chopper of his and had gotten sooooo many compliments!! After cruisin' around and making every girl from 7 to 70 swoon he parked it....right up there with the big guys in his own designated "Bike Parking Only" space. {See photos}. LOL...if you look close enough you can also see his BAM board. That's Kody for you...if he's not on one, he's on the other!!

I took so many new pictures yesterday. It will take me a few days or so to show them all to you...they are really cool pictures though!!

When the party was ending and we were taking the decorations down...Kody grabbed a huge red balloon and said "Mom, follow me"..well off we went to release a balloon for Angel Ashley so that she could be a part of Kody's day too. It was so sweet, I swear I just had to shed a tear or two!!

Now then...I know you all know Kody Bear and of course you have already met KodyBear. Well now we would like to introduce to you all...Kody and Bear
And believe me...they are CUTE!! And, from what I up thier names. Kody Bear meaning HERE COMES TROUBLE!! :0)

I still haven't heard when we should bring Kody in for his Cat Scan. I called back again this call back yet. As soon as I find out anything, I'll leave a little update right up on top. He did wake up with another monster-ache this morning. But after getting up and moving around a went away enough for him to go to school.
Either he is just getting used to head pain or he has a very high tolerance for pain. I tend to think tolerance because headaches, for lack of a better word...suck!!

So....after being outside and having fun all day yesterday...we came home around 7:30 last night. It didn't take but maybe three seconds for the kids to ask to go outside and ride their bikes...which was cool since I envy anybody with that amount of energy cuz quite honestly...Dad and I were so ready to crash and burn!!
Well....maybe 45 minutes later I go out to collect them all up for baths and bedtime when Kody, who was riding like a bat out of !* did some crashin' and burnin' of his own.
Seems like the handle bars decided to flip forwards towards him which made him lose control which caused him to go airborne, somersault and flip head over heels onto the side of the street.
I ran like an even bigger bat out of !* to him.....and other then a few bangs and bruises he was just fine. {Thank God for helmets!!}. As a matter of fact the very first thing he said "Dude...That was a SICK crash!!!"
BTW...I never said he was a "normal" child. :0) :0)
Just so you all know...Dad fixed the handlebar problem first thing this morning!!

Well folks...I better get going so I can get this entry up before it's time to go start collecting kiddo's.
Thank you so much for stopping by!!!

Love you all.....


Saturday, August 21, 2004 Midnight

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Hi everyone!!

Just thought I'd throw in a quick update tonight to let you all know we had a GREAT day celebrating Kody and Kolin's birthdays at Mr. Pubs.

I'll add a more detailed update tomorrow...until then, I put up some photos taken today.
There were sooo many good pix, it will take me a few days to get them all up!! :0)

Take care...

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I'm typing this off line right now...our internet has been down since yesterday so there is no telling when this will be posted..but I figured, I can't surf CB sites or play Zuma Deluxe...the kids are busy wrecking the place...Karl's gone to work and my lazy teen Kaysha is still sound asleep {10:00 AM!!} what better time then start an update that won't get posted. :0)

I heard from Leeann {Dr. Pincus' nurse prac. and right hand woman} yesterday and given the amount of headaches Kody has had this past 9 days or so {six of them}...combined with that queasy-bo feeling....they are concerned enough to want to schedule him for a Cat Scan this week.
His next MRI is Sept. 22nd...but they didn't want to wait that long, and quite honestly...neither did we.
More things that seem to be changing are....his personality..he is getting very, very impulsive. He cannot concentrate on anything for longer then 2 minutes...especially schoolwork but also TV shows, drawing, writing....forget math work....absolutley everything math-wise he is getting wrong.
His balance has been way off...he actually spent his birthday watching everyone else skate while he sat out.
I have no idea if any of this means anything...but they are changes nonetheless.

Hopefully his shunt {the reason for the scan} is working properly...and on Sept. 1st at his Neuro-Psych testing they can give us more definate answers as to how much damage the tumor and hydrocephlus has caused and how we can work with and around it.
Well...let me run right now, Kody has a surprise idea for Kaysha that he thought of last night and I need to get him to Wally World to see if we can make that idea happen.

Hey.....We're back!!
I have just got to tell you all..this can't wait!!
OK..Last night Kody asked me if it was OK if he could spend his birthday Wal-Mart gift certificate he had gotten from his Village Fans and his cash he had gotten for his birthday on a BMX stunt bike.
Since jumping ramps with his OCC bike is a huge no...I figured, sure why not.
Lately the kids have all been riding and sharing their bikes with Kaysha who doesn't have one. Well...Thank you to Kody Bear...Kaysha is now the proud and very happy owner of her own bike!!
You see..last night Kody also asked me if he could spend his money on Kaysha...when I asked why, he said he wanted so badly to get her, her own bike. I thought that would be a great idea but figured....after Kody got the one he wanted...there wouldn't be enough $$ for another.
Well...Kody looked and looked...comparing prices and he himself found one that was alot more inexpensive then the others just so he would have enough to get Kaysha her's too....
You know...sometimes he drives me so crazy..sometimes they fight like cats and dogs...sometimes I swear, I could just walk out that door and get a one way Greyhound ticket anywhere....
And then all that just completely flies right out the window when I take a step back and see how absolutely unselfish and kind my Bear really is deep inside. I know I have said it before and I will say it again...he really does care for others way before he thinks of himself. Honestly..this isn't the first time he has done this. And again today, when Kolin was short a couple of dollars for his Ninja Turtle action figure...Kody LEAPED at the chance to hand him two dollars more. There was no way he was going to be stopped...and I let him, if only to make him feel about 6 feet tall in that store today!! :0)

Well guys and gals..I am going to jump off for now..I just checked and the internet is still down. I'm sure with this crazy house..there will be more news later!!
Guess I'll just keep adding as the day goes on. :0)

~*~11:47 PM~*~

WAA-HOO....We are back on-line again!!
I have no idea what the problem was but it had something to do with Comcast...anyway, teh great news is we are back on....the bad news is, it's almost midnight and I am sooooooooo outta here!!

We'll be at Mr. Pubs for Kody and Kolin's big birthday bash tomorrow...stay tuned for some fun stories and some crazy pictures. :0)

If I could just ask for prayers for Kody Bear....he had another monster-ache {headache} again today....please pray that tomorow will be better and he will stay headache free for his big day.

Also....for Kody's friend, Lindsay who is feeling the effects of some very harsh chemo. Please pray that everyday brings better health...she is such a cutie!! And....if you are reading this Lindsay....We ALL thank you sooooo much for the letters and drawings we got in the mail today!!
Expect some mail back....and this is from Kolin...." are a professional artist!!" I can tell you this, Kolin was busy right away drawing a picture for you and Kody....well...your letter is hanging up right on his bedroom "Wall of Fame"!! :0)

Thank you all so much!!

OK...Time to get some sleep...

Love you all...

Wednesday, August 18th 2004

Free Guestbook from Bravenet




Nine years ago today a chubby, nine and a half pound, blonde haired, squeezy cheeked baby boy came into our lives....
In his own unique way he decided to enter this world in a shower...we called him "Splash" for the longest time!!
There was never a baby more wanted and more loved then this little boy we named {with the help of big sister, Karyelle}, Kody Jacob.
It didn't take long at all until he earned the nickname "Kody Bear"...he was a mischevious little cuddler and "Bear" just seemed to fit.
Pretty soon "Kody Bear" changed to "Kody Get Down Off of There!!" and I knew it was time to go back to Bear again when his Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Taylor asked him his whole name.
What did Kody say? He said Kody Kruppenbacher. When she asked him "But what is you whole name?"....he responded " whole name is Kody GET DOWN OFF OF THERE Kruppenbacher".
LOL....Back to Kody Bear we went...well most of the time, I can still tell you all..."Get down off of there!!" is used alot around here with Kody.

He was Mommy's baby boy, Daddy's Little Man and Biker Buddy, he was totally spoiled and a fun lil' guy to have around according to his big sisters, he was big brother Kyle's best friend throughout all these years...even till this day.
He was a "babe magnet" or a "guy magnet" depending on which sibling he was hanging with that day.
He was the most protective and patient "big brother" to Kolin...even when he was threatening us with running away, at the age of two, when Kolin's crying got too loud.
He wanted so badly to be able to share a birthday with Kolin, who was due on Kody's birthday. Instead Kolin was born exactly one week later...two years and one week after Kody's day.
He could wrap himself around our finger in a heartbeat.....he could make us laugh till it hurt so easily.

He has taught us all so much about life...without even realizing it.
He has made us stronger...tighter...showed us how to love, respect and treat life one day at a time with joy and a lot of humor.

Kody...We love you so much Dude...words can never describe how much another birthday means to us. you it is a chance to eat cake, play and get a few gifts.
To Mommy, Daddy, Karyelle, Kayara, Kyle, Kaysha and Kolin it is much more then see, anyone can celebrate a birthday with cake and gifts. But how many kids can celebrate a birthday and say they recieved the greatest gift of all...the gift of life.
God had given us a beautiful gift nine years ago today...He gave us you.
And on this day...August 18th, 2004...that gift is still as beautiful as the first day I held you in my arms.
Your smile, your big brown eyes, your laughter, your innocence, your love of life and everything good in we celebrate something we never thought we would see.
Our Kody Bear sitting in his "birthday chair" blowing out nine candles.
If you happen to see Mommy and Daddy with a tear or two in their eyes tonight...Baby...Please know that those are only tears of joy...for our beautiful, beautiful baby boy!!

Happy Birthday Kody Bear!!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you for stopping by and celebrating this day with us!!

We have a HUGE "Thank You" to Mrs. Terry {Angel Jalen's Am-Maw} and Mrs. Mary for the most AWESOME b-day presents Kody recieved today!! I will be putting up a pic. tomorrow...wait till you all see is soooo cool!!
And the most greatest thing is that Kody saw this gift on Sunday at Mr. Pubs and hinted how he would really love to have one because he thought it was that cool!!
OK...OK...I won't keep you till tomorrow...Kody's b-day present was a Orange County Chopper blanket......the pictures will just tell it will love it too!!

Now then...if you all think we are in the partying mood just have to check out Lindsay's site...she made Kody the most special "Birthday Celebration" of her own....and she did it all by herself!!
I have to tell you...this girl has a future in computer graphics....can you believe she is only 8??!!
Lindsay's Mom, Angela, and I have been e-mailing alot lately and are having the best time getting to know each other and share stories of our two skater kids.
They are pretty funny, Lindsay and Kody and they both share a great love of the movie "Grind". If anyone at all ever needs someone that can tell you every word of that movie or sing any song on it...Kody and Lindsay are your kids!!
OK...Now go...check out the party on Lindsay's page!! :0)

Alright...Now that your back...
Let's see...what happened around here today....Well, unfortunetly Kody woke up with another morning headache. Hours later and after the max dose of headache med. it finally let up.
This makes 5 morning headaches in a week. I put in a call to his Dr. at Shands to see if maybe he should be CT Scanned but they never called back. I am guessing they don't think it's a very urgent problem. I hope their right. :0(

Look what we got today!!

Our friend, Helen, made these for Kaysha and Kolin...aren't they great??!!
The kids absolutely LOVE them...I cannot even begin to tell you how happy having their own "blinkies" made them.
Click on each one to see where it takes you!!
And please...check out and take part in the competition going on at Cancer Fighters. {click on Kaysha's blinkie}.
I'll tell you some about it...
Do you know a kid who is busy kickin' cancers butt? Would you like them to win a t-shirt or other "kickin' items?? Well...from now till November 3rd...when you purchase an item from the "Cancer Fighters" store you can place a vote for any child you like.
This is a great way to support "Radio Lollipop", a hospital for sick children...and win a "T" for the bravest butt kicker you know!! :0)

Kolin and Kaysha both recommend very highly the organization that is on Kolin's banner...SuperSibs! means the world to siblings of a child with cancer...SuperSibs recognizes they have feelings and needs too...and SuperSibs treats them to so much happy mail, little presents, T-Shirts, notes of love and encouragement.
I wish you all could see how happy they are when mail comes in for them. They even have a special drawer where they keep all thier treasured SuperSibs things.

Well guys and gals...I believe that is about all the news that's fit to print tonight...
Thank you so much to everyone for stopping by..Thank you so much to everyone who has sent Kody birthday cards in the mail and sent birthday wishes in his guestbook....

We love you all...And I really, really mean that!! :0)


Sunday, August 15, 2004 10:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet



The moles are benign!!!

Dr. V told us that he wants to keep a good watch on them for anymore changes and that he may very likely need them removed....but not just yet.
So....Kody will go back in Feb. to have them looked at again.....
Isn't this the best news??!! We were so happy and you cannot believe what a relief it was to walk out of that office today.

Speaking of offices...remember when I told you all about the other dermatologist's office we went to about a week and a half, almost two weeks ago, and how is was absolutley discusting??
Well....this office we went to today was immaculate....friendly staff....a very caring Dr....It was definetly worth the two hour drive to get there!! :0)

Thank you for the prayers that we are positive brought us the good news we got today!

BTW...It dawned on my late last night that I forgot one very important and very sweet new friend...
May I introduce,
Cutie Patootie Madie!

She is such a doll face with those squeezy cheeks we love so much around here!! {It's the Italian!!}

OK....better run and get the kiddo's to beddo's so Mama {that would be me} can stayed tuned for another exciting week of "Growing Up Gotti"...
Come on...ya gotta love a Mom who scarfs Hershey Bars in times of stress!! :0)
And night time TV buddy, Kaysha just so happens to think the boy Gotti's are Hot, Hot, HOT!! {Easy now Dad...don't get crazy on us...HEH...HEH!!}

More news tomorrow...our two newest projects..
Kaysha is starting her own "Hurricane Charley" drive to collect well needed supplies and toys for all our victims of that horrible storm that claimed so much for so many.
And project 2....Kody's lemonade stand will soon be a reality...the letter we have been waiting for should be here anyday now.


Love you all....



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Last night, completely out of the blue the most beautiful rainbow appeared. It was huge, bright and the most gorgeous piece of artwork I have ever seen.
On the other side of the yard...the sky was bright, bright orange and blue...incredible!!
The kids and I just sort of stood there staring for a minute and that's when I realized..."Hey...the camera...I have GOT to get a picture of this!"...
***Insert Sigh Here***
Too late...within seconds rain clouds covered the rainbow. The memory of that rainbow and that God is still in control no matter what will follow us forever.

Today....despite heavy sadness all over Florida, because of Hurricane Charley, we went out and celebrated...the occasion was called "A Celebration of Life" and the life we were celebrating was our friend, Kendra's.
Alot of you may still remember our friends, Scotty and Sue who's 23 year old daughter was in a horrific car accident last April. She was in coma for three weeks and for weeks after that still could not remember her Dad.
She fought with all her might and today was her day...though Kendra still requires 24 hour care and is not 100 percent herself yet...she, Mom and Dad are doing a remarkable job...Kendra will be OK..she is a true fighter and the reason why there were smiles today instead of tears.

If you have a minute or two...stop by Kody's photo page to meet Kendra and family...and a few other pic's that are kind of amusing too!! :0)

Tomorrow we are headed out to Tampa for Kody's appointment with the dermatologist. We should be there around 2 o'clock. I will absolutely update when we get home...or tomorrow night at the latest.

This Wednesday is Kody Bear's 9th birthday...I still can't believe we are able to celebrate another birthday, he is amazing, isn't he?
Since Kolin's 7th birthday is exactly a week later {he shares a birthday with Helen from "Kickin' Cancers Butt" stores and her cool personalized banners, how cool is that?}...We are celebrating in a big way at Mr. Pubs in Belleview, FL.
Lots of bikes, burn outs, loud music, rowdy guys and gals....absolutely everything that is important in Kody's life!!
All he asked me for was a chance to celebrate with his biker buddies..and he will get his wish!!
If any of you are local and out and about...the party starts at 3 o'clock on Sunday, August 22nd and EVERYONE is welcome....
Remember.....No Presents for either of the boys....just lots and lots of hugs, happiness and fun!!
Times like these are so important to Kody and to all of gives us a breather from the medical really does wonders to get us to take our minds off anything having to do with brain tumors, ugly moles, shunts and headaches {monster-aches to Kody}.
So.....Be there is you can!!!
BTW...You will probably find Kody and Kolin hitting anyone up for pool table quarters and hitting the pool tables! :0)

Oh....the picture on top.....isn't it awesome??!!
That is the picture I was telling you all about a few weeks ago..the one that came out so sweet that the photographer at Wal-Mart submitted it into a photo contest Wal-Mart has every few months or so.
That would be so great if Kody was the winner and everytime anyone visited Wally World photo studio...the Bear's pic. was hanging there.
I've put some more of the kids photos from that day on the photo page...they are all so beautiful!!

I'll be putting up so new friends on our drop down list tonight...but just so you know who they are, I'll add them here too.
These kids are the greatest and we are so honored to have the chance to get to know them. :0)

Lindsay...This is Sk8er Girl Lindsay's new site.
Haley...You all have GOT to hear this girl sing!!

I hope you all have a great time getting to know them...they are all sweethearts!!

Well ya'all {sorry Vik!!}....I better get going for tonight...thank you so much for stopping by. I'll be back on tomorrow after our appoinment.

With a whole lotta love...


Saturday, August 14, 2004 1:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~UPDATE...1:40 PM~*~

Oh no...Just when I thought all was safe...we are getting tornados popping up very close to our home. The weather is turning very ugly, very fast again.
Karl is trying to make it home from is just me and the three kids home right now.
Alerts and alarms are going off like crazy.
Please keep the prayers a comin'!!!

I'll leave our other site up for a while longer, just incase.

Kruppenbacher Family Updates


~*~Hello Everyone~*~


Oh wow...what a day yesterday...

First I'd like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU all so much for the endless prayers that went out to us of us...not just our family, Katia's, Luke D's and many others but for all Floridians in general.
Our prayers go out to the families in Punta Gorda and up to and through Orlando, Cassleberry {Mrs. Ellen whom we love around here!!} and Daytona Beach.
Especially Punta Gorda who went through the worst of the storm and is absolutely devestated. Much destruction and many casulaties and missing persons.

THANK YOU to my sister, Vikki who took over helping me with updating {even through her own tears and worries} you all {she did great didn't she??} and also to Chris Russo who was willing to take over and help Vikki with updating at a moments notice {isn't she the best too??}.

Recaps of our day goes like this...

We were packed up and bringing everything over to Kayara's apartment in the morning. Between bottled water, canned food, pillows, blankets, clothes, flashlights and other supplies and only one small car trunk and three kids this was at least a two trip job.
The Red Cross Disaster truck was going up and down neighborhoods, including ours yelling at everyone through megaphones to evacuate the storm was now turning into a Catagory 4. {Cat. 5 being the worst}.
I couldn't find Kyle {our oldest son} and Karyelle {our oldest daughter} was at work until noon.
The kids and I drove to Karl's job {where he was} to pick up what was left of the bagged ice and then I went to Kyle's to try and find him. I did find him and he was about to leave for that time the alarms on every radio station were telling everyone that at least 5 tornadoes were popping up locally...I pleaded and pretty much DEMANDED Kyle forget work and pack up a bag and head to his sisters. I got Kayara on the phone and she let him have it too....he really wanted to stay alone at his place. Our biggest concern was we wanted us ALL together as a family so there would be no finding lost kids the next day. he agrees and says he is headed to the cemetary first to get all the flowers and angels off of Baby Alexes' grave. {Kayara's first daughter} and then he would meet us at Kayara's apt.
I picked up Karl from work, dropped him off at home to finish up getting ready, dropped another load of things off at Kayara's and that's when my friend, Karrie called me to tell me that they were predicting a full Cat. 5 by 9 PM.
OK...this was the worst news possible as Kayara's apt. is on the top floor and now we weren't safe there either.

During this time the skies were black..I mean the most eeire looking black I have ever seen and then it started to rain.
The kids were upset...we were scrambling to get everything back out of Kayara's apt., pack up Alona's things, Karyelle was already there and she was a great help too.
By this time Kaysha was crying so hard that she ended up throwing up...and Kody, my poor Kody Bear...he was hysterical. I have nver seen a person become so uncontrollably hysterical as I saw him yesterday...he stood out in the rain in the parking lot of the apt. and cried and screamed "Mommy...I don't want to die..I am not ready to die!!"
It was words can possible describe the fear in his eyes.
Finally..I think it was Karyelle who dragged him back upstairs and I heard her say "Kody...Ashley WILL take care of you have got to believe that she and Grammpa Hughie and Pop-Pop will protect us".

We were about to head to the Melborne/Orando area to look for shelter...when Karl called to tell us that he had found us a place to stay in Fruitland Park. I super great woman, Sarah from our local Auto Parts store was willing to open her home to us...all 10 of us {including Kyle's friend and room mate, Josh}.
Her home is poured cement and safe.

We got as much done and we could and I left to get Karl and see our home, our pets and everything we own for the very last time.

We met back up at Kayara's and Kyle pulled up at the same last quick check {it was pouring rain, windy and still very black out} and off we were to find Sarah's house.
I still don't remember much of that ride...we were all so scared..I do think I rememeber telling Karl to slow down once or twice!! :0)

We got there...unpacked everything again and waited.
About an hour, maybe an hour and a half later...the news channels started showing something not predicted by anyone.
This Hurricane was now a Cat. 5 and it was turning East....straight towards Orando.
I heard on the news this morning they are calling this the "I-4 Storm" because it traveled straight up Interstate 4 {the most busiest, crowded road in Orlando} and it was indeed hitting them headon with 145 mile an hour winds.
The most horible part of this was...East of us was NOT supposed to be hit....they were not prepared and all the people evacuating from the South {Tampa area} were in Orlando...I mean the hotels were booked solid. Heck, the hotels in Leesburg were booked solid..I tried calling every one and got told "no vacancy" everytime.

About a half hour later...when we realized we were most likely safe to go home....we were supposed to get some rain and maybe 40 MPH winds...if anything, we could head back to Kayara's and we'd have been OK.

We got home around dinnertime..I made everyone dinner and as we watched the news...would you believe it was turning back to Leesburg??
All we could think of was "Oh great..did we move too fast?" moved back East was so weird..I mean nobody could predict was was going to happen next with this thing.

I have to say....I can only believe in my heart that the amount of prayers going out for Kody had to have had something to do with this chain of weird events.
It was our home that was supposed to be leveled..our lives here that were in serious danger..
And, in all honesty...I have never, ever in my life been so happy to walk through my front door and see my non-mansion of a home!! :0)
Stained on the floor...sticky grape jelly counters...unmade beds...all these things mean nothing, absolutely nothing to me anymore.
We walked away with our lives...we have a roof over our heads...we have all of us and we have all of you...
And that is the only thing that really matters.

Thank You God...Thank You Angel Ashley...Thank You Grammpa Hughie...Thank You Pop-Pop and Babci...Thank You Karl's Nana too!!!!

Now..on to some Kody news...

Right now he is feeling fine..much more calm..much more happy. Though I am not letting him watch the news today...there are so many graphic scenes...I know he can't handle that right now.
He did wake up with another morning "monster-ache" and that had us a bit will be his 4th this week.
But...happily, his Maxalt {headache med.} kicked in after a while and he woke up again feeling great and feeling hungry!! :0)
Oh, and did I mention he is terrorizing his sister, Kaysha terribly??!!

Well..I better go get this update up, I believe we have had close to 2000 hits over the past couple of days and I imagine alot of you are nail biting worried and waiting for an update.

Looks like we are about to get hit with a skies, thunder and it is raining like mad. Great..I can hear sirens outside, you know I will never take these sounds for granted again. :0(

BTW...according to this morning news there is a Tropical Depression coming up to Florida in about five days. By the time it hits Florida it should have Hurricane status. And the line of it's path? Would you believe straight up Central Florida??!!

Thank you all so much for stopping by everyday...Please know that if anyone of Kody's fans have been effected by Hurricane Charley and TS and your familes are in our prayers always.

With love...


Monday, August 9, 2004 10:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~THURSDAY....11:30 AM~*~

Hello everyone!!

I just need to say a few things this morning before I get really busy around here trying to pack bags, collect important papers, med's, clear the yard, cover the pool, all the things basically that are important in a storm.
It looks like we are in the direct line of Hurricane Charley and it should be hitting Central Florida about 10 PM Friday night. As if our luck would have it..Leesburg and Fruitland Park will be the worst hit here. That ulgy old orange line cuts right in the middle of the two..Leesburg our home and Fruitland Park, the next town over {literally a 1/2 mile away} where the boys go to school.
And if our luck couldn't get worse...we live in a 1981 mobile home....not the place you want to be in a hurricane/tornado.

In the event something happens and the only computer I can get to is not my own...I had set up another Kody web site that is alot more user friendly....this one here we are on now takes me about an hour for a quick update....lot's of copying and pasting...something I don't mind but it would be difficult if I wasn't on my own computer and on my own time.
So...if you haven't heard from us in a few days because of the weather, please go to Kody's Story Page 2 for updates....
BTW...this is the page we'll use for extended hospital visits that Karl can help update without my stressing that he has "Oops...deleted Kody's site"!!


Now...on to a little Kody news...

Today has not been one of his better days...waking up with a headache which I thought was pretty much gone by the time we left for school..unfortunelty an hour after school started his headache came back worse and he threw up {sorry!!}.
So...right now he has his pain medicine in him and he is attempting to rest so hopefully he can rid himself of that monster-ache {that's what he calls them!!}
He did manage is pretty big smile though when I brought in the mail and he saw he had a package!! A birthday present from Mrs. Marty that he convinced me he really should open today...LOL!! that package was the COOLEST Orange County Chopper T-Shirt with Paul Sr. on a chopper and an equally really COOL OCC cap...
Thank you sooooo much Mrs. Marty!!!!
I'll have to see if I can snap a picture of him sleeping with that cap is so sweet!!

Well Kody fans...I really must be getting off of here...I have so much to's kind of overwhelming.

Oh...Kody's new appointment for the Dermatologist is Monday afternoon at 2:15. They called me to say the offices were officially being closed...and also I found out that school's are closed too tomorow.

Please...I would like to ask all of you to please pray very hard for all of us everywhere who will be effected by the devestation of Storms Bonnie and Charley.
In all my years of living here I have yet to see Florida get hit with two storms right on top of the other. The lightening and tornadoes are predicted to be extremely vicious and unforgiving.

To all our friends out there...

God Bless You All.

With love...



~*~WEDNESDAY 3:30 PM~*~

Hi All...

In light of Hurricane Charley which should be pounding us at full force by Friday, it looks like we'll be cancelling Kody's dermatology appointment. :0(
They say we could reschedule for sometime next week...the appt. would have to be double booked which means an all day thing, but at least he will be seen.

Great news!!
I got the phone call today from Elizabeth from Dr. Smith's {onc} at Shands and she is mailing me off the necessary paperwork to get Kody's lemonade stand dream a reality!!
As soon as the weather permits that project will have my full attention...we are so excited and really, really cannot wait to take the plunge!! a bonus, we will be meeting Mrs. Elizabeth in person at Shands next month when Kody goes in for him MRI and visit with Dr. Pincus.

I do have a few prayer requests sent to me this past day or so and I'll get them up tonight because right now the thunder is really starting to kick up and it won't be long till the lightening does too.

I better run for now and shut this computer down till the storm subsides..

Thanks for checking in!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Is that one happy Yankee up there?!! :0)

A very BIG "Thank You" to Kody's Uncle Peter from NY and the New York Yankees...especially Derek Jeter for making the wishes of Kody, a true NY Yankee fan since birth, come true!!

Today in the mail Kody got a birthday present, I'll call it an "early" birthday present because there was no way Kody was going to last another nine days of waiting....and in that package sent from Uncle Peter K. was an official NY Yankee #2 jersey signed especially for Kody from none other then "The Man" himself....our personal favorite Yankee in this house {esp. with the girls!!} Derek Jeter!!!!
Also...Derek also signed one of Kody's prayer cards/bookmarks...take a look see at the photo page!!

As you can all imagine....he hasn't let go of that jersey yet today...since 3:15 when he walked through the front door from school this afternoon...he has been admiring, staring, showing off and bringing that jersey EVERYWHERE!!! {Pete...I promise it won't get dirty....really!!}
I promised him he could bring it to Tampa for the doc appointment on Friday and I'd take it into school for show and tell next week then it is going to be framed behind glass with the bookmark..that is IF I can pry it out of Kody's hands...or back!! :0)

WOW...What a great day..I cannot even begin to tell you how happy this gift has made Kody and how much it means to all of us to see him so happy and so proud...

Well guys and I promised you all last night I'd let you all know if something exciting happens around here and true to my did!! hours things change like crazy in this insane house of ours! :0)

I better get going....that alarm clock of mine I call "Karlieo" {Karl} likes to ring my bells very, very I better run and try my best to play catch up on some sleep tonight!!

Thank you all so much for stopping by to check up on all mean the absolute world to us...Until tomorrow...

Love you all......


Sunday, August 8, 2004 10:10 PM CDT

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Hope you all had a great weekend....our's was pretty decent, rainy most of the day today but a real good day nonetheless.

Thanks sooooooo much for all the well wishes about those pesky headaches....they are GONE!!!

I put some new photos up yesterday...Kody was completely into skating...his balance was at 100 percent so he decided to drag me out to the street {as if I really minded!!} and snap a few you can see, he was a daredevil!
Crazy thing is...I don't worry about him, I really don't...he knows when he is right on target and those days he is so active. He has been skating since he was about 5 I believe, so seriously....though I used to be the kind of Mom who stands by on guard ready to leap and I just stand back watch and snap any good skating groupie would!! :0)

Tomorrow sometime I'll be adding a bunch of new friends to Kody's drop down list....I'll let you all know who they are, I know they would love to have some new visitors...and since Kody's fans are the coolest around...I know I'll find you there!!

Also...tomorrow I really need to place a call to Shands to find out why the big holdup on that letter I am waiting to be faxed so we can jump in and get this lemonade stand for rare BT research up and can't happen without that letter and believe me...research that has the potential to save any of our childrens life is a top #1 priority thing for us.

Well this has got to be my shortest journal entry ever...but I have to tell you...I am really beat up tired tonight!!

So...until something exciting happens around here {give it 24 hours...things are always changing!!} I think I'm going to go grace the Dude I married with an early bedtime tonight. :0)

Love you all......

Friday, August 6, 2004 10:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I'm am so sorry to be making you all worry.....this update was long overdue, I know. :0(

No excuses really except I've had this nasty migraine since Wednesday morning and it really shows no signs of letting up. Even Excedrin isn't touching this one and that is really weird cuz Excedrin for Migraines is some really great stuff.

Anyway...enough of that....

Kody's dermatology appointment on Wednesday...

Well...we drove there...through some dirt back roads...and ended up somewhere around the Ocala National Forest....drove through nothing, and I mean nothing for miles and miles only to find out we were on the right road but the wrong side of it {should have made a right instead of a left..TY Mapquest}.
Found the place...walked in, took one look at it...I looked at Karl, Karl looked at me..and we both looked at Kody who was backing himself right on out of there.
Without going in to gross detail...I would not have taken my dog to be seen was that bad.
Well...Karl said "What do you want to do?" and I told him "Get out of here now"....
Sooooo.....out we went!!

Right away I called his CMS case worker/nurse and told her what we saw...who in turn called the head person at Ped-I-Care, who by some weird coincidence had the head person of investigating these offices they send us to walk in on the phone conversation and by the time I got home I received a phone call to tell me that she {the head investigator} was on her way to that dermatology office for a surprise check.

Now...that being that, Shands {Kody's hospital...where we wanted to go all along} denied our request for him to be seen there because "they only see adults". No amount of pleading was going to change there mind...why would they make it easy right?

So...Yesterday I found out from Kody's case worker/nurse, Diedra...that the closet place we can get him into be seen was out in Tampa...near All Childrens Hospital {if that sounds familier it is because that is the hospital that Katia spent 11 months at}.
We figure it's a two hour drive, at least. But...happily he will be seen...and so his next appointment is on Friday the 13th...My lucky day!! {LOL....I also love black cats, scary movies and Halloween!!} at 8 AM...we need to be there at 7:45 for the paperwork trail.

The first day of school went....oh...lets say it was a disaster!!

All day I had this nagging feeling that something was the boys were having a bad day. That feeling just sat there and wouldn't go away. I swear, I paced the floors at home all day...headache getting totally worse and then I left an hour early to pick them reason really except I figured I'd be first on the pick up line and we'd be out of there alot I just wanted to be near them, you know? let out at 3 it has for all the six years I have lived here. About 10 minutes of watching kids leave....Kolin finally shows up. Then 15 minutes passes and no Kody. The adults in charge are yelling out his name and telling me to move up that they would find him.
Twenty minutes passes and no Kody and I am getting really steamed...25 minutes of promises to find him and some woman who works there who kept coming to the car about 10 times saying "What is your boys name?" comes up to me again and says "Just get out of the car and look for him yourself"....
Uhhh...OK, there are kids, 100's of them everywhere, cars everywhere...people yelling, walking in front of cars, really no place safe to park...but I was furious and so I pulled up even further {out of Kody's sight even if he was out there} and took Kolin and we looked through about 350 - 400 kids and no Kody!!
So...I walk down to his classroom where I find him and all his classmates...
Seems the teacher didn't know what time school ended and didn't dismiss them.
Geez lady...didn't all the noise in the hallways clue you in? How about the fact that you've been a Lake Cty. teacher for years and they have always been dismissed at 3 o'clock.
Anyway....I get the boys in the car and ask them how their day was.
The very first thing Kody says was "It sucked"...Ohhhh great, I was right!!
He said he was hollered at for bringing in a 24 count box of crayons instead of 16 count one. {my mistake, Kolin was suposed to get the 24}
And...though I packed him a lunch, he had to wait on line with all the kids buying lunch {even though he had nothing to buy} and by the time he got to a table...his teacher was hollering "Pack up it's time to go to class"
So...he unpacked his lunchbox in the car and ate at 3:30 ish...
Now imagine...he had breakfast at 7 AM..and went 8 1/2 hours without food or drink, and in the Florida heat & humidity...I still can't believe he didn't work himself into a giant sized headache.
It was so hard to see him sitting there so miserable...that is just not Kody, I mean that kid finds humor in everything.

Kolin said his day was OK but he teacher told him that when he was at school she was his Mom!
Yeah...OK...well #1: I clearly remember all 9 lbs. 1 1/2 oz. of him and do believe I have earned the right to not be replaced in the Mom dept.
And #2...if she wants to play Mom then it's serously time to cough up some of that school supply money...

I said to them "Guys...If I can get you back into your old school {which I realize we should have never listened to rumors and left in the first place} do you want to go back"....
I don't think I need to say much more when I can tell you that both boys were welcomed back "home" at Fruitland Park Elementary yesterday afternoon with lots of hugs all round and started their first day of school part 2 this morning...and they both got the teachers they wanted the most!!
Kody's being Mrs. Miller..who was Lake Cty's "teacher of the year" last year.
And Kolin got "Mrs. Ritchen" who was Kody's first grade teacher and in my opinion...the most loving and wondeful woman in the world!! And..her husband {Captain Play Doh} who stops by to see the kids is absolutley the funniest, sweetest man ever!!
Plus...Mrs. Ritchen's Mom and Dad stop by for fun projects like rocket launching during the year and that always bring great times, lots of memories and smiles that last a lifetime.
Kody still talks with so much love and happiness about those days. :0)

I'll tell you...when we drove into FPE's parking lot was really like we were "home" and all that weight I was carrying on my shoulders all day just lifted right off.
The boys are so happy, they love school again...and that is really what matters the most!! :0)

Well guys and gals..I'd like to thank you all for being so patient waiting on this update and I am sorry to do this but I am going to really have to cut this short tonight because this headache is just a cross between throbbing badly and being drilled with a hot power drill in the head. :0(
It is really killing me tonight so I better get off this now.

I promise I will be catching up with my e-mails...if you have mailed me...I haven't read any in a couple, maybe a few days...but I definetly will tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a day for catching up on friends. Ahhh...that's if Kody, Kolin and Kaysha will give up the computer for a while tomorrow!!

Love you all......

Monday, August 2, 2004 11:40 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Although it isn't posted on her site just appears that Celeste has become our newest little Angel. fought so hard Baby and defyed everything that every Dr. told us about you. You are truly a fighter and a "HERO" in all our eyes and hearts.
Fly free Sweetie, run with the Angels!!

Girl Angel



The race is on!! We should be hitting TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND HITS today!!!!
Keep an eye on the counter and let Kody know if you are the one!!



Angel 3

As I am sure many of you already know....we lost Alex yesterday. Alex was and will always be Kody's inspiration as he attempts to start his own lemonade stand. As you can imagine, this news hit Kody very hard hit all of us very hard. touched the hearts of so many and in viewing your guestbook tonight...the love from so many people around the world was overwhelming. You accomplished much more in your 8 years of life here on Earth then most adults will never come close to.
Sweet Dreams Little One...We hope with all our hearts that you will be setting up another lemonade stand in Heaven and we really hope that Jesus and all his Angels bring lots and lots of change!!
Your dream will be met...although you will oversee it from Heaven...Know that your dream to meet One Million Dollars will become a reality.

If you all would like to see a CNN article about Alex...please click.... here.


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

It's Monday morning and Monday's can be dreary as all heck....but we have got the perfect solution to the Monday Morning Blues...
Please, stop by Cheyenne's house today and check out Daddy Roy the newest, most coolest "Mohawk Man" on the Caring Bridge curcuit {or is that circus??}!! {see Cheyenne's picture page}.
And please don't forget to tell him Kody Bear the original Mohawk Man sent you all...this is just too funny and if it doesn't get you in a great mood...heck, nothing will!! :0)

I called DCF about the kids medical insurance mess first thing this morning and got a voice mail that said "someone will call you back in 24 hours" to which I sure did leave a message to which according to Karl will "either really piss someone off or really get their attention" and found another number that said "to talk to someone right away call...". I called that number over and over this morning and no answer.
Sooooooo...not being one to back off, decided "hey..let's take this to the top" and I called Florida's Governor, Jeb Bush {George's bro} and spoke to some very nice women who are working on this as we speak.
Moral of this story...Do not mess with my childrens health cuz Mama Bear tends to get very unpretty. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0) :0)

Dermatology appointment {for those nasty moles on Kody's back} as far as I know is still on for Wednesday morning @ 10:30.

Well..that's about it for right now...gotta go have some play-doh lunch lovingly made by Kolin. He is sweet!!

Be back on later.

Parents of Brain Tumor children..Please don't forget to e-mail photos of your children and Angels for Kody's "Childrens Rare Brain Tumor Research" lemonade stand coming soon!!
We'd like to create a huge collage of all Kody's friend's pictures to make it really personal...your childrens beautiful faces can help us raise money for a CURE!!!!
E-mail pix to~

I've only gotten THREE pictures so far.....HINT....HINT...HINT!! ;0)

Love you all......

Saturday, July 31, 2004 8:55 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

OK...I have to admit...I really, really thought I wouldn't be too keen on kittens...but I have to admit it...
Those little furrballs are so cute...and sooooo funny!!
I would have never imagined a couple of cheap cat toys would cause so much belly laughing in this family!!
I really owe that to my sister, Vikki....loved cats all her life, has owned cats forever...
She told me to get them some toys and watch. So I did, thinking...hey their cats...what do they know about toys?
Oh man..was I wrong! Even Dad...a lifelong non-cat person is having a good time watching the lunitics at play. Oh...and Dad is also the FIRST person every morning to say..."Look what your cat's did last night"...pointing to knocked down pictures, the fallen vacumn, my important never ending paper pile all over the floor.
It'll get better, right?

Kolin has been fighting another ear infection...the second in two weeks and in the same ear even with the ear tubes and today Kody has been at war with two really, really painful and the other..not too bad, but a headache nonetheless.
Thank God for that wild man cat of his, "Bam Magera Kruppenbacher"...who somehow "sensed" Kody wasn't feeling well and settled down long enough to crawl in bed with him and take a nap. It was so sweet and just now I realized...why didn't I take a picture? DUH!!!

For all of you who have been e-mailing me...please have patience with me...I haven't had much time to check my mail and answer. Seems that I have so many projects going on...

Hmmmm, let's see...well first of all school...and how it is starting in 5 days and how I have a trillion supplies to still get, sneakers that fit, clothes without stains and Kody needs about 10 new combs {the boy loves his hair!!}!!
As you all heard from me last week...I put the boys in a Charter School about 25 minutes from our home. Well, last week I found out that both boys were accepted into a brand new elem. school about 4 minutes from our home. This is where I originally wanted the boys to go but when I filled out the paperwork in May I was told since there were so many requests for children to transfer...there would be a huge waiting list and only one child per family would be accepted. could I split up the boys? I couldn't and so that explains the Charter School.
We are beyond happy that they will go to the new Leesburg Elementary..but since I aleady registered them for CS...and had their records sent there...what a pain to have to re-register and have records sent again.
Even more of a pain to fight with the uniform comp. to get my $$ back to cancel my order...which wouldn't have been ready for 6 weeks anyway, so I have no idea why the big problem.
And Wal-Mart may be losing patience with me as I return a few bags of school supplies only to go and buy different supplies for a different school. {This week makes the third trip}
But anyway...enough said, they are in the school of our choice and that's what really I am 4 minutes away from them incase of headaches, accidents, whatever.

I am still working on the lemonade stand project and that is going too painfully slow for me! {Can you tell I am a total go-getter freak?} Right now I am waiting on a letter to be faxed to us with the programs official name {well, I already know what it is but I need it on letterhead from Shands} and what the funds will be used for {rare brain tumor research in children}. This will help us with donations from local businesses and with checks.

I am also in the process..for about a week now of writing personal letters to 11 different head honchos about getting Kody's {and about a couple thousand other kids} health insurance HMO to be more patient/parent/dr/case worker friendly. Right now it is a total nightmare, too much red tape, way too much waiting for services and I was sort of the choosen one to make things happen....

Which leads me to my next obstical and source of my latest migraine...
Today in the mail I recieve a letter from Floida's Dept. of Children and Families to inform me that Kaysha, Kolin and KODY no longer have health insurance!! heard that right.
Seems they say they sent me an application/survey to fill out in June and because I didn't fill it out the kids have been dropped from Florida Healthy Kids and Kody from Childrens Medical Services and Ped-I-Care {the HMO people}.
See...the thing is though...Something that important I would have filled out immediatly and mailed back the next day. I never got their stupid application/survey. And just like that they take the kids health benefits away.
Which leads to our next problem...
Kody's appointment at the dermatologist to look at his moles is this Wednesday. And so we may just have to cancel. Wonderful....just wonderful! can bet the farm that first thing Monday morning there will be one hot Mama { not that kind of hot Mama!} on the phone with DCF...Oh, they have not heard the last of me and I can promise you....they WILL remember me for a lonnnnnnng time comin'!! :0)

If I can somehow manage to get health ins. back....Kody's neuro-psych. visit is on September 1st. We have been waiting for this appoinment to be approved for over a year. His school IEP and everything that he needs help in to stay afloat in school this year depends on this appointment.

Then he is scheduled for his MRI and visit with Dr. Pincus on September 22nd.

Let's see..what else?

Oh....the Wal-Mart portrait studio job. I got a call back from them two nights ago....
Your all not going to believe this...the girl on the phone was so impressed with what our photographer from last week told her about me {thank you again Kimberley..the kids really miss you girl!} that she wanted to hire me and train me as the manager for the Leesburg store's Portrait Studio. A dream for me...really..but one big problem.
The job would require I am there from 10 AM to 8 PM everyday.
SIGH....not very workable with school schedules, tons of dr. appointments these next two months...and combine that with three kids who are used to having Mom when they need her...picking them up from school...being with them. I'd be dropping them off at school in the morning and coming home right before bedtime. {this can't be good for a marraige either, could it?}
The kids are going to need a ride to and from school everyday as there is no buses yet. {Not that I think I would put them on one anyway...I've seen the way they fly}
Plus..we are down to one form of transportation in our family.....well..let's just say it is not the right time for me.
But...this also comes with good news...
She {Donna} said that if I wanted to I could call her back at the end of September when she hires a ton of people for the Holidays...which would give me a very flexible schedule and if I wanted to after the Holidays...if they need one...the manager job.
See...good things do come to those who wait. :0)

Well....I am so sorry for babbling on and on tonight!!

I better run though for now because....SIGH....Kody just got a piece of cookie stuck in his throat and choked {he's OK!!} and he has that look like headache #3 is soon to arrive.
Does it ever end?? :0)

Parents of Brain Tumor children..Please don't forget to e-mail photos of your children and Angels for Kody's "Childrens Rare Brain Tumor Research" lemonade stand coming soon!!
We'd like to create a huge collage of all Kody's friend's pictures to make it really personal...your childrens beautiful faces can help us raise money for a CURE!!!!
E-mail pix to~

I've only gotten ONE picture so far.....HINT....HINT...HINT!! ;0)

Have a great weekend!!
Love you all......

Thursday, July 29, 2004 11:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Heaven has gained another beautiful you look up to the sky today wave to Angel Grant. I am sure you will see him jumping from cloud to cloud laughing and acting silly as all three year olds do!!

Grant...Your Caring Bridge family misses you so much Sweetie...till we see you again in Heaven..Love you Baby!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Where to start...hmmm, let's see..I think I'll call this journal...

~*~Mom's mind turns to mush as kids finally break her with visions of fluffy, purring cute kittens dancing in their heads~*~

OK....I've never been a cat person, never really trusted them...I've always have loved having big, loud obnoxious dogs around though {thus we have an 180 pound Boomer in our family}.
But yesterday...something very crazy took ahold of me. No wait..this goes back to a little more then a week ago when we were introduced to Kody Bear's namesake...Kody Bear! A really cute little kitten who now lives in Elliott's household.

I guess the kid's have been keeping a really good eye on this and decided to spring something on me out of the blue....
And so, as I sat quietly having my morning coffee yesterday....Kaysha, who never, I mean never reads the newspaper picks it up and wouldn't you just know it...finds an ad for "free 10 week old kittens"...
"Moooommmmm...oh...pullllleeeeze...can we have one, please, please, I will do ANYTHING you want??!!"
Enter...a very sleepy eyed Kody and Kolin..."What's going on?"
"Kittens you guys...don't you want a cute kitten to love and hold and play with" says Kaysha.
"YES...PLEASE...Oh Mom..PLEASE...we will massage your back, paint your nails, leave you alone when your playing Zuma Deluxe forever..PULLLLEEEEZE???!!!"

SIGH..."Well, OK but only if the ad is local" says a "yeah you guys I got you now cuz there is never anything advertised local in our town" Mom.

And so I take a look and darn if I didn't eat my words...yeppers....about three miles away a/k/a "local". DAMN!!
So..I call and yes they have three cute lil' black kitten left. in the world do I break this to your Dad kids??"
And their answer..."Just be real nice to him and cook him something" {they had a good point} forward to the ride to the adopt a kitten home and the whole way there I am saying "Just one kitten..I mean it...any fights, arguments, anything and we leave with no cat at all"
And so we get there...right away Kaysha picks up the most prissiest, girlie girl kitten you will ever see and LOVES it! Kody picks up a mischevious, trouble makin' hyper spaz kitten and LOVES it!!
Kolin...well, he couldn't care less as long as we were leaving with something!
And me? Well..I was torn between a kitten who reminded me of me and one that reminded me of Karl...LOL!! :0)

And so when all was said and done...may I introduced to you...the newest members of our getting' more and more crowded everyday family...
Lola and Bam :0)

Let me tell you all about the new photo on top tonight...
Kody and Kolin got two new soldier teddy bears in the mail yesterday!! See the cool ties on the bears heads? Well...if you all remember..Kody, Kolin and Kaysha were in charge of testing these cool head ties for our troops overseas. They actually tested two ties {which you can wrap around your head or neck or in Kody's handlebars} and cool heads which you pop into your helmet when you are out in the heat.
And the winning "coolie" goes to...."Cool Ties" won hands down as the favorite of all three kids.
And so...we would like to thank you from the bottom of our Big Bear hearts Mrs. Kathy for making them {the teddy bears} and personalizing them with the boys names and Mrs. Ellen for sending them out with lots and lots of love and #50 sunblock {same kind our soldiers use!!}...

Today the kids and I had a really fun day spent out in The Villages with our adopted Gramma Carolyn...
I mean it when I say WE HAD A BLAST!!!!!!

For starters...Gramma Carolyn rented us a golf cart so that we all would have something cool to putt around in and explore...I have never driven one and I have to tell you...
I was bad to the bone baby....Yeah.I was born to ride a golf cart...I looked good...people were waving at me...I was waving back...
I think it was Kaysha who pointed out I kept leaving the blinkers one which were beeping like a son of a gun and so I guess maybe, just maybe I may have embarrassed myself just a little and that's explains all the waves..
Not waves like "Hello fellow golf carter"...but more like "Hey stupid..turn your blinker off!"

Oh heck..we had fun though...going on bridges, through tunnels, down narrow roads, 4 wheelin' them carts though some dirt roads and then would you believe we happened upon something I have never seen in my life...a heard of buffalo {just like the kind on the Pizza Hut buffalo wing commercial and BYW...they had no wings that I could see!}.
And...get this..those buffalo looked just like our dog!!
So..we got out and snapped a few pix which you all can check out on the photo page.

Then we ate some pizza...ahhhh...Pauley's, you gotta love them..the only pizza I have ever had in Florida that comes close to a real New York pizza!!

We went golfing....yeppers..really, we went golfing! Now that is something I have never, ever tried and honestly..after digging some major holes in that finely manicured grass..I doubt I will ever try again...But..
The kids LOVED every minute of it!!
And Kody, after a quick 5 minute mini lesson given to him by a very nice gentleman who was most likely so tired of seeing him hit nothing and laughing about it...
started swinging like a pro and splashing them in the pond everytime...he's got a great swing!
Kaysha was Kaysha...gently swinging as to not ruin her nail polish or appear silly to any cute boy that might be watching. She did manage to hit a few pretty nice ones though!
Kolin...oh how do I describe Kolin...hyterical comes to mind and what also comes to mind is the Adam Sandler movie "Happy Gilmore"...need I say any more?

We ended the day with lots of ice cream, messy, sticky ice cream and thats when Kolin spotted "his" water fountain....and, I am so sorry but I was so busy laughing I didn't take a picture as he leaned over and fell in! Try to imagine :0)

Lots of pretty amusing photos on the photo page...enjoy!!

Parents of Brain Tumor children..Please don't forget to e-mail photos of your children and Angels for Kody's "Childrens Rare Brain Tumor Research" lemonade stand coming soon!!
We'd like to create a huge collage of al Kody's friend's pictures to make it really personal...your childrens beautiful faces can help us raise money for a CURE!!!!
E-mail pix to~

OK guys..Now I know there was something else I wanted to tell you all tonight but darned if I can remember...soooooooo
Till tomorrow or the next day when I swap out some more photos with kitten ones...because the kids are driving be nuts to take some and I haven't yet..

A big..huge...Good-Night to you all!!

Love ya...Love ya...Love ya!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:25 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~'s almost official...the happiest day on Caring Bridge is just about upon us....


Get those yellow balloons and Celebrate Good Times Come On!!!!

Heyyyyyy....I have to thank you all soooooo much for helping to take down "Jessica Thomas'" that you all know what to look for...please just be aware and stay alert. Anything suspicious, please just let me know. No doubt, she'll be a nasty bad habit she always returns. Ahhhhh...but enough of that, on to better news,

It's that time again for Kody to break out the art supplies and design The American Cancer Society's newest piece of artwork ala Kody Style. The supplies should be delivered very soon and Kody is free to create. Remember last years artwork raised over $500.00 for cancer research? We hope to top that this year! For last years picture...scroll down a'll find it eventually!! :0)

What else is new? Oh......WOW...this is so cool!! I have been chatting with Michelle Lear {Colton's on drop-down} who goes to Shands and has the exact same Dr's we do. Well...Dr. Pincus {Kody's neuro-surgeon} and Dr. Smith {Kody's neuro-oncologist} have started a new program to research RARE brian tumors in children. Kody's and Colton's being on top of the list...these two boys are miracles and I stress miracles because their cases are so darn rare and they are doing so darn great!!

Well..when I told Kody about what his Dr's are doing his little mind started brain storming like crazy and in loving memory of his Angel Ashley and in honor to all his BT pals and to thank Dr. Pincus and Dr. Smith for all their hard work devoted to children....

Next weekend {fingers, toes and anything else keep crossed here!} Kody will be opening up a lemonade and sugar cookie stand right in our front yard. Absolutely everything that he raises will go right straight to Dr. Pincus from Kody in the hopes that through Dr. P's and Dr. S's research a child..or two or three {at the very least!} will live long, healthy lives!!

Now I know there is alot of work I have to do for calls, gathering supplies, making signs, newspaper articles.....alot of work...we have to do it right as I am sure there are plenty of laws and the very last thing we need is some crazy, noisey neighbor trying to shut him down. But with lots of prayers and a lil' sprinkle of good luck tossed in I believe we can make this happen...and Kody is pysched beyond belief!!'s where you can help {HA...come on, you knew this was coming!!} order to make this a more personal thing {tug at those heart strings baby!} we would love if you all BT parents out there would e-mail us a photo of your child and we will print it out on our side...all photos will be made into a huge collage with the wording "Would you buy a cup of lemonade to save our life?"...or something like that, not 100 percent positive if that's what it will say...any suggestions....send them on!!

Please send those pix to:

Also..any suggestions on actually making this work {we are jumping into water without knowing how to backstroke here!!} please throw me an e-mail...thank you!!

As I mentioned before, Kody will be having a big biker bash birthday party {rough and rowdy, just how he like to party!} on Aug. 22nd at Mr. Pubs...Kody has requested...NO PRESENTS PLEASE!! And I mean it this comes from Kody Bear the Man himself....Spend your money on "The Childrens Brain Tumor Program" and help me save my friends!!
Have I ever mentioned how darn proud I am of him?? And....Kaysha is completely totally getting in to this idea too...spending her last days of summer vacation designing signs, thinking up ideas...
Have I ever told you all how proud I am of her too??!! :0) {Love you Lola!!...insert wink here}

How many of you have noticed that we have a new cutie, let me rephrase that..a new Cutie Pie Sk8er Girl Friend??? Well...let me introduce Kody's {OK..not just Kody's...all of ours!!} super cool...this girl rocks...boy skaters watch out cuz this girl is friend...


Stop by and say "Hi"...don't forget to mention Kody sent you and watch the magic begin...Kody is totally amazed by Lindsay's skating....if there was ever a way to jump into his heart...toss in one cute girl, a skateboard and a grinding rail...LOL!!!

Well guys...I hate to cut this short but I've got a very hungry Bear in the house and I have to run and break out the Jimmy Dean sausage bisquits!!

Thank you for checking up on us...the endless prayers and good wishes..the GB entries which we LOVE!!!
Now go on and give someone a hug...OK..mabe not a stranger...hug a kid, hug your better half, hug a dog, hug a cat, heck...hug a tree...but as Kody Bear likes to point out...
"Do Not...I repeat Do Not...Hug a BEE!!!!"

Love you all.....


Saturday, July 24, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Hey....did you all hear the hottest news on Caring Bridge??


If all goes well...and I know it will...she is breaking out of the hospital after 11 months and on her way back to Home Sweet Home on July 27th!!
Isn't that just the best news ever?? You Rock BabyBug!!!!

We finally had those picture retakes done today {remember the first set got ruined by the butthead photographer}...the camera was broken yesterday but you know how people say "all good things come to those who wait"?
Well..I am sooooooo glad we did because we ended up with the most craziest and awesome photographer....
Kimberley...if you are reading this girl..Thank you so much again for making our day!!
The kids relaxed, laughed and totally had fun with the whole sitting.
The pix won't be in until August 13th so, I'm really sorry but you'll have to wait until then...I could send you a slide show, if you want to preview them just send me an e-mail and I'll get them to you.
Kody decided this time he wanted his individual picture done with his treasured Bam Mangera skateboard he had gotten as a gift from The Tumbleweed Foundation {link below...keep scrolling}. Well...your all not going to believe this but his photo came out so nice, sooooo cool....I mean Kody's style just shines through in this picture...
Anyway...he was picked to be sent off for a photo competition that Wal-Mart does every so often. I signed release forms and we are just thrilled that Kody made his mark would be great if he won, it really would!! :0)

And....another plus thing happened today...It looks like I just may be training and working for Wal-Mart portrait studios sometime in the near future...WAA-HOO!!!!
Let's just hope that Wal-Mart has a very good sense of humor when it comes to kids who need dropping off, picking up, and of course the never ending trips to the dr's, hospitals and headache filled sick days. {Kody's...not mine..LOL!!}
Karl thinks I am nuts...and he may be right but hey, you never know...right?
Or...maybe I'll stick to the volunteering at school thing til I can get a paid job there... know, I LOVE is my dream hobby...heck, I think I might actualy be good at it considering all the practice I get with my three youngest everyday.
Well...we'll see, I am a firm believer in "If it's meant to will".

Is it just me or do kids seem to be getting the 12 days till school starts and let's see how crazy we can make Mom until she threatens us with running away? {Mom...not the kids}
Maybe it's just mine but they are totally on each others nerves all day long...seriously from the minute they wake up till the second they are thing after another. I know I should be thankful, grateful and I am but Oh My God...they need to be back in school so I can retain some of the sanity I think I might have left.
Crazy thing is......20 minutes after they are gone and I start to feel a little bit of freedom...I start missing them again. :0)
Crazier thing is 10 minutes after they are back home...I am counting the hours till the school bell rings again!! :0) :0)

As some of you may know...Kody Bear's 9th birthday is coming up real soon...August 18th.
Our really great friend, Gator Rick from Mr. Pubs is throwing Kody a big ole' birthday bash on Aug. 22nd, complete with a band, fun things to do, lots of burger and hot dog flipping, and best of all..the one and only thing Kody party with his biker friends!!
Remember the story a bunch of months back...just after Ashley had passed when Kody said to me he wanted "I can't believe I lived to be nine" written on his b-day cake? Incase you haven't heard the story....I'll leave you with a little recap of that journal entry in Feb. 2004...

"On a funnier note...this afternoon after picking up the two boys from school..we made a quick detour to the grocery store, in the pouring rain for the country ribs that Dad was craving.
Thank goodness we love that man!!!
So....driving back home on Highway 27 in the rain {which isn't pretty!} Kody says "Hey Mom, do you want to know what I want written on my birthday cake this year" and so I said "What's that Kody?" and he says very seriously "I want it to say I can't belive I lived to be nine"....OK, so there I am thinking "OK, this is whats wrong...Oh God...he is thinking about what do I say"....sooooo, I say "Why do you want that?" and without skipping a beat he says.....
"Because as many times as you've said Kody I'm gonna kill ya..I figure I'm lucky to be alive that long!"
Well...I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did right there in that mid-day traffic....I'll tell you, I had tears coming down which made Kody start belly laughing like a little nut which made Kolin burst out laughing.....I had to seriously pull the car over...
And would you just believe my luck..I pulled right into a Payless Shoe Store where they were having a Buy One Get One for Half Off SALE!!!!!
Thank God for crazy, silly kids!!!!!!" addition to a whole lotta choppers on Kody's requested he will have "I can't believe I lived to be nine" written on there too!! :0)

Just a note to let you all know something and then I will drop it because honestly this person is not worth my time but I know alot of you might be new to Caring Bridge so it's always good to be aware of the phoneys. looks as if Jessica Thomas has escaped from the loonie bin again and has created herself yet another Caring Bridge site.
Please friends...don't fall prey to this wacko...we are sure the photos on there are not even her. She is in fact a 50ish year old woman with a whole ton of problems...mental and criminal being amongst the tops. She and her Mom are well known in the CB circuit...often stealing diseases, making a mockery out of legit sites, leaving inappropriate messages in GB's and stalking childrens sites. This time she has actually had the b***s to make herself an Amazon wishlist for all her adoring fans. SIGH...this person just never learns.
I'm sure when some of the people she has burned find out she will, as always in her style delete this site too.

Thanks for stopping by...hey, did you see we are almost up to 200,000 hits? OH YEAH...Two Hundred Thousand Hits's gonna be time to PARTY on Kody's site!!
Love you all...


Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


I am absolutley heartbroken to have to let you all know that we lost Isaac today.
He fought so very hard and was comforted in the loving arms of his Mom and Dad as he made his way to the Heavens.
Isaac...Beautiful Boy...we you will be greatly missed by your Caring Bridge family.


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

The first thing I would like to share tonight is some totally AWESOME news....
Our oldest daughter, Karyelle is still in REMISSION!!!!! Her latest tests taken last week showed NO CANCER CELLS!!!!
{insert a very happy dance here!!}
She will repeat her tests in another 3 to 4 months and then she'll be cleared for a 6 month wait. Pretty cool, huh?? This coming September makes one whole year cancer free...what a great feeling!! :0)

The second very cool news is...

TAA-DAA...Kody and Kolin are, as of this morning, the newest, proudest and most excited students of "The Learning Curve" which is Leesburg's very first free Charter School.
I took the kids there this morning to check it out and fill out the application papers...what we saw was so classroom per grade {this year they have grades K through year 4th and 5th will be added}, one teacher and one assistant in every class. Class size is 18 kids max. Each classroom has their own kitchen...a nurse on campus all day...a mini amusement park for a playground...a petting zoo...a gymnasium set up with a trampoline, lots of other cool stuff and a gymnastics coach in addition to a PE teacher. The list could go on and on and we didn't even get a chance to see it all.
Tomorrow night at 7 is Open House. This get's even better...I'll be starting out as a volunteer and evenually into a paid position. So, I'll get the best of both world' income and a chance to be around the kid's all day.
I don't know how we could have possibly fell into something so great...see, the boys old school was taking on the students of a couple of schools that had closed down. The classes were crowded enough last year and this year is supposed to be something like 38 kids per teacher, no assistant. The school fired them all last year.
Twelve of the schools best teachers left for other schools and I've had this nagging, horrible feeling that Kody would slide downhill fast this year.
This past Monday I had gotten a notice/flyer in the mail telling about this new school and figured it was too good to be true...well, I called...they invited us there and if you all can believe this...we actually had some good luck for a change!!
One downfall is Kody is not too keen on wearing a uniform...but he'll get over it.
Kolin wanted to stay today and said he wanted to start school today!! Tonight at dinner Kody was telling Karl how he couldn't wait to go to school. This is incredible because Kody has never, ever been the kind of kid who looks forward to school..he'd stay home every day if I let him.

Now...if only I could get Kaysha out of Carver Middle School I'd be sooooo happy!! :0)

My good internet friend, Ellen was doing some web research last night and sent me the most fasinating site. This site is about three very inportant people...A little boy named Colton, and two special Dr's.,Dr. Pincus and Dr. Smith. If those names look familier to you it's because they are Kody's neurosurgeon and oncologist.
We have always had great feelings for Dr. Pincus and his abilities as an amazing neurosurgen...and this really confirms our on....

Touched By An Angel

And here is another article about Dr. P....

Save One Child

BTW....Colton's Mom, Michelle and I have been talking via e-mail..and we are planning on meeting someday soon. It really is a small world, isn't it?

We also have a new friend and would love it if you all might go pop on over and welcome someone new to our Caring Bridge family....Gerri is a young Mom who is bravely fighting a "Malignant Thymona". I know she and her family could use lots of prayers...don't forget to tell her Kody Bear sent you!! :0)

Gerri's Site

Another very special family to us has some exciting news and I want soooo bad to share it with you all...

Laura V., who is a die hard Kody Bear fan lost her son Brian in 2002 to a brain tumor. Laura has worked very, very hard on a most beautiful loving tribute to her handsome Angel son, Brain. You can find the link to Brian's Foundation on the drop down menu up top. Anyway..she and her husband were at The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation's "Ride For Kids" in Il. this past weekend....Not only did Brian's foundation raise $5,000.00 which sent two BT survivor's to College...but they also are now the proud winners of a BRAND NEW MOTORCYCLE which they won in a raffle!!! What luck, huh??!!

So...all in all I believe this run raised over $400,000.00 for brain tumor research for children...our children!!

Oh...and they also met Norine and Al...Angel Ashley's Mom and Dad...who also rode in memory of their little girl. Isn't that awesome??

Our "Run For Kids" here in Florida is coming up on November 7th...and we found out that it isn't too far away so we will definetly be there...showing all the guys and gals who come out to help these kids...exactly who they are helping. I know Kody is one child that they will never forget.

Well..I better boot scoot my butt on off of here for now. Tomorrow morning is picture retake day at Wal-Mart...I had the kids pictures done and the $#!*&#! that took them a couple of weeks ago could not have been more rude. When I went to pick them up on Monday...every single one of them was ruined...and the people at the portrait studio are pretty sure they were ruined on purpose.
Sooooo...they are getting them taken again tomorrow. SIGH...Kody and Kolin are not looking forward to the primping and fussing again...they really are not!!

The Blue Angels picture on top is one of the actual photo you can see the wall at the studio in the what I did was take the picture home anyway {they gave me all the 8X10's for free} and cropped it so I could put it up. At least the girl who I talked to on Monday was totally understanding and real upset about this whole she gave me all the 8X10's for free and is personally doing the kids pix over again tomorrow.

BTW....the girl who ruined the pictures in the first place?
Well...can you say "YOUR FIRED!!" :0) :0)

Take care everyone....

Love you all....

Monday, July 19, 2004 11:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

We had the appointment with the neuro-oncologist today and WHOA it was a long day!!

While we were there we met the oncologist, Dr. Amy Smith, her assistant, two nurses and a social worker.
I was really pleased with the appointment...everyone was very plesant and extremely concerned and helpful. We talked in depth about the uniqueness of Kody's tumor and Dr. Smith had actually been discussing Kody with Dr. Pincus {Kody's neuro-surgeon} for quite some time...the latest being this morning, so she already knew quite a bit about his history.
We asked a ton of questions and I have so much new information to try and soak up and rememeber but all in all I would say the day went real well.
First of all, Dr. Smith is pretty certain that Kody has had this tumor since in-utero. It has, thus far acted like a low grade, slow growing glioma {tumor}. It took 6 years to show it's ugly head...but, luckily it hasn't been too ugly yet.
We showed her the moles on Kody's back and she agreed right away he needs to be seen and was very happy when we told her an appoinment was already set up for 8/4.
We talked about the nevus Kody was born with on his back and the link so many BT children have with moles. Though she had never heard of the brain tumor theory and moles she was very intersted and even told her assistant to write it down because it really was worthy of some research.
In Kody's case...his nevus is right next to the spine. Alot of times kids with spinal bifida have these. Possibly Kody's nevus was the start of his tumor..a cell deep beneath could have...and I have to say could have because we have no proof...just a hunch...traveled up his spine and up the brainstem and housed itself on top of his stem and that is where it stayed and multiplyed.
I know this sounds incredable...and believe me I am still shaking my head over this...but, you does make sense to me.
Though the brainstem is the worst place in the brain to have a tumor...we can, at the very least, be thankful that his tumor traveled all the way to the top instead of planting itself in the middle. Had that of been...we would for sure of lost Kody a long time ago.

Will the tumor stay slow growing and low grade forever?
We sure do hope so but as always we have to "hope for the best and prepare for the worst".

Treatments won't be an option yet. Look at that face up there...would you mess with that? :0)
Seriously...he wouldn't benefit from chemotherapy yet. It would make him sick and bring on a ton of other problems he doesn't need right now.
However..we were told to look for changes and the changes being a facial droop on one side and weakness on the opposite side of his body. Both are definate signs that something not good is going on in there.
At that point we will be trying chemotherapy.
Radiation was discussed and that, we have decided will not happen. Dr. Smith firmly believes that radiating him will cause more tumors to grow in his brain and we don't want that, ever.

Kody goes back for an MRI and a visit with Dr. Pincus on Sept. 22nd...after that he will be followed with his normal MRI's but instead be seen at oncology. They are very kid oriantated and of course, Dr. Smith has constant contact with Dr. Pincus so I am trusting there will be no lack of communication.

What does the future hold for Kody?
Well...Nobody knows. We pray to be making plans for his High School graduation in 2014...but since it was told to us again today that nobody knows enough or really anything about the way this tumor will act...the best we can do is wait and watch and above all...let him be a boy!!
Well...all things considered..that sounds great to me!! my heart, I see Kody growing up to become an awesome man and of course, a Blue Angel jet pilot. And in his free time, I am sure you'll find him jetting to NY and helping out with some choppers at OCC. Hey..I'm his Mom and my dreams for him will always be big! :0)

We met a new friend today, not even 2 minutes after being there. A new family who's little boy, Austin was just diagnosed with a brain tumor and operated on, on July 1st.
They don't have a CB site yet but I gave them the info. and I am hoping that Austin will have his very own site soon.
Jennifer..if your reading this..e-mail me girl, I'll get you started!! :0)
They absolutely thought our "Kickin' Cancers Butt" shirts were cool and one thing lead to another...we have alot in common.

OK...before I fly off tonight cuz it really is getting late....let me all tell you a Kody Bear Funny...

We were chatting with the social worker at oncology today and she and Kody were talking...Kody was telling her all about Ashley a/k/a "The one that he adores!!" and then the conversation went to wishes. She asked Kody if he had made a wish yet and I guess Kody didn't really understand she was talking about Make-A-Wish because no sooner did she ask when Kody said "Yes, I made a wish about an hour get the heck out of here so I can go get some skateboarding in!!"
Oh man...was I ever turning six shades of red!!

I am sure there is plenty more things I could be telling you tonight that would have you all bent over sideways laughing but I have to save a little something for my next update, don't I??
I told you it was a long day!!

Hope you all enjoy the new pictures today...have a restful night and a great day today....

Love you all....

Friday, July 16, 2004 11:58 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

First..some good news...

I had gotten a call today from Amy, the referral specialist at Leesburg Comm. Health Center, this is where Kody see's his new pediatrician. She has set Kody up with an appointment with a pediatric dermatologist in Silver Springs which is in Ocala...about a 45 minute drive from here. This is a much quicker trip then taking him to Shands...and they are all affiliated, so it works out.
His appointment is for August 4th at 10:30 AM.
I have a really good feeling in my heart today that Kody will be A-OK. I just have to keep that faith going strong.
Please...keep those prayers a comin'....we really appreciate them as we KNOW that they are the main reason why Kody amazes us all with his ability to overcome absolutely everything thrown his way.
Man...I wish I could be more like him!! :0)

We are still on to see the oncologist this Monday morning at 9 AM. I'll definetly let her know about these the very least, she really should know. I don't know if she can do anything till he see's the dermatologist but maybe she knows something we don't, right?

I had to run Kolin to the dr's this afternoon....he'd ben complaining of an earache since yesterday. Would you believe even with the tubes he still managed to get another infection? This one though, is an outer ear infection...still, a concern for his Dr. and I was told Kolin needs to see an ENT right away.
Which..BTW..I told him about last weeks drama with Kolin's ENT and he referred me to another in our own hometown. I called today, figuring with my luck they would say "we don't take Kolin's insurance"....well, my day got even better when they said "Yes..we take it". YEAH!!! So, Kolin goes to see this new ENT next Wednesday at 8:45 AM.
After just one dose of his antibiotic and childrens bubble gum Motrin he felt alot better. Still real tender to the touch...but he was in a much better mood.

So....what did we do for fun today?? HA...Glad you asked!!
As you'll see in the photo was a perfect day for a water balloon fight!!
They had a blast...and the fun did not stop this afternoon...oh no on...

Tonight after dinner the kids convinced me to let them ride their bikes and skateboard on the was still light out and I figured, OK, what the heck.
I stayed out there with them to make sure there were no mishaps with the neighborhood brats. And..everything was going well...Kody would fly up his ramp and back off on his Bam Mangera skateboard {given to him by the Tumbleweed Foundation}...then he'd take off on his chopper {thank you again and again Uncle Kenny!}, then he and Kaysha would take turns, he and Kolin would take turns on Kolin's bike and before you knew it, Kaysha left for a bit and when she came back...she came back with a whole lotta water balloons to torture her brothers with. After all...revenge is sweet!!

Well...they were pretty funny...OK, they were really funny and totally getting in to the whole bust a balloon on Kody's head thing. He loved this and don't ever let him tell you he didn't!!
I made the lethal mistake of laughing hard...which made Kody break out a few balloons of his own...BTW, he broke them right over me!!
Of course...seeing me sopping wet like some drowned rat got Kaysha and Kolin's evil little minds thinking and they were off to the outside faucet armed with balloons...lots and lots of water balloons...ones that looked like grenades, cherry bombs and my personal favorite..the tie dye girlie ones.
I tried to get away..I really did and hearing an...ahem..older Mom squeal like a pig and run like a kid made a few of our...ahem...wayyy older neighbors come out and shake their heads...most likely thinking "those damn crazy yankees!!"

Soooo...picture this....Mom trying to get away by riding Kodys OCC chopper bike up the street. I really, seriously thought maybe I could pull this off...till I heard Kody's voice from behind saying "Hey have to come back sometime!!!"
Let's just say my pedaling was no match for three really energitic kids and they soaked me to the bone. :0) kind of drifted back into the yard...where the little *# found buckets and while I was trying to get something, anything to get them back with...
What should my wandering mind appear....but three bucket...five balloons and a garden hose pointed right at my rear!!

I finally gave up and so did they when they chased me up the pool deck and we all jumped in clothes and all!!

You know..I haven't had fun like that in a real, real, real long time!! :0)

Seeing Kody fly tonight on his BAM skateboard really got me thinking tonight about the beautiful people who made Kody's ultimate wish of owning a real Bam Mangera skateboard a reality for him...none other then "The Tumbleweed Foundation".
For some of you who haven't had the chance to stop by Tumbleweed for a would make a great time!!
Let me explain a little about them....
Tumbleweed was created in loving memory of a very beautiful, special little girl who's name is Angel Julia Levy. Like Kody, Julia fought a war against a brainstem tumor that she finally did win. Though...Julia had to leave her Earthly body to win that fight...I believe with all my heart she is the winner, happily playing, skipping and dancing amongst the clouds. Painting rainbows in the sky and sending butterflies to her family as her own little personal "Hello".
Tumbleweed features children and every month there is a new batch of beautiful, special children...some who are fighting cancer...some who are fighting other disabilites. All heros...all amongst the bravest of the brave.
Tumbleweed sends out small packages of happy mail and gifts and also grants small wishes to these name a few...
Kody's skateboard...RachelJoy's camping vacation this past week and Angel Maxie's GameCube which is now enjoyed so much by his brother, Robert.
Please, take some time to stop by and see the wonderful things they do. Add your child too...I promise you, you will be so glad you did...this is an awesome foundation and it is run by some very awesome women that someday I pray I will have the honor of meeting. Especially Mary and Judy, Angel Julia's Mom. The work they put into Tumbleweed is so obviously driven by the love of a sweet little Angel named Julia.
I still have a link on Kody's site with Julia's picture on it...just scoll down a bit.

Well guys and's almost midnight and I am ready to hit the sack...

Thank you so much for stopping by...have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004 2:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


I am absolutely heartbroken to say that we lost two year old Katherine this afternoon.

I still haven't heard a word about the appointment with the dermatologist. Although I called twice today I had gotten no response.
I'll keep trying tomorrow and let you all know when I hear anything.
We are still shocked and not wanting to believe that the big "C" could be thrown back at us...
Please, Please keep the Heavens flooded with prayer for Kody Bear.
Thank you....
Have a peaceful night.


~*~WEDNESDAY UPDATE.....3:00 PM~*~

When life throws you lemons...
Suck em' down....Pucker Up....And SPIT!!!!!

We took Kody to his pediatrician, Dr. Franks this morning. over-active mind wasn't imagining anything.

Kody's "moles" are indeed very suspicious looking. They seem to have the classic look of, and I hate to say this word, but....melanoma a/k/a skin cancer.

How could this happen? I have no idea. We douse our kid's in sunblock especially made for children every single day. We try our best to keep them out of the hottest part of the days sunshine. Kody always wears a t-shirt when he plays outside. Heck, if anything...Kolin is the one who never, ever wears shirts of any kind.

As I type this, arrangements are being made to get a referral going fast to a dermatologist at Shands. Thank God because there is no other hospital we would rather go as all Kody's Dr's are at Shands. I've told you all before..our problems with Ped-I-Care continue and God only knows when the red tape will be cut so we can get him there.

I am stunned..shocked...numb.

Is life so cruel that Kody will win the fight with brain cancer only to have another cancer thrown at him?
It doesn't seem possible...It really doesn't seem real.

I better get going before I have another break down....I promised the kids they could make their own bedroom posters, so today, after the Dr's visit we went to Wally World and picked up some poster paint and poster board. They are so excited....simple things are the things that all of us love the best.
I'll snap a picture or two of the finished projects.

Love you all.....



~*~Hello Everyone~*~


YAA-HOO...My camera is back to working again!! you can see from the picture on top...Kody's sense of tumor...or is that HUMOR is still going strong!! LOL!!!

Let's see...what's new around here??
Well...tomorrow I'll be taking Kody to the Dr's for a quick look at some moles that I have been keeping track of that are on his back. They have been popping up and one inparticular has been growing in size and shape. Plus...they seem now to be slightly raised and are brown with a black dot in the middle. They just don't look like the ones that the other kids have...which I always have called "beauty marks". Just to be on the safe side...his Dr. will have a look see tomorrow. Please pray that it is nothing but my over-active mind. :0)

I'd like to mention two new children...well one new and one not so new but has a new CB web-site.

First...Cody with a "C" has a new can all visit him there now. You'll all know his old site as "".
Cody's Site

And also Justyn..who is a sweet and very handsome 6 year old. Justyn was in a horrific ATV accident on July 11th, so his site is brand new. He is in the ICU as we speak fighting for his life. Please, if you could all stop by and offer some encouragement and prayers as he fights for his life and of course, for his family and sister who was also in the accident...but Thank God was able to walk away.

Oh....and please let's not forget Katherine as she slips out of her Earthly body and into her brand new, beautiful, healthy Heavenly body.

I'll also be adding some new friends to our drop down menus...most likely tonight since right now I have a few big eyed, sad looking faces staring at me wondering when the rain will stop so they can cannonball there way into backyard pool bliss.

I'd like to mention a very big THANK YOU to our friend, Ellen...who after hearing about Kody's problems with headaches and heat...sent us a huge package of a product called "Cool Ties/Cool Heads". What these are is a gel filled fabric shaped like a bandanna that you would wear around your head or neck and the gel keps you cool. There are also round ones to put in the kids helmets when they are out riding their bikes.
Now..the very cool thing about these are is that Ellen send these out to our troops to keep them cool and it is Kody and Kolin's official job to report back to Mrs. Ellen and let her know how well they work and which ones work the best.
Right now...since the package came a few minutes ago..I have two very excited soldiers standing at attention just waiting for their big job.
Hmmmm....somebody has got to tell them they have to be put in the freezer for a while!! :0)
That's OK because Mrs. Ellen also sent them a big bag of lifesavers...and they are just as excited about that too!! LOL!!!

Can you believe 3 more weeks and school starts again??
I'M READY...I'M READY!!!!!!!!
But....Kolin is not..he says he has a "fear of school supplies"!!
He seriously let out a yell and ran for his life when we stumbled upon the "backpack rack" last night a Wal-Mart. Unfortunetly for Kolin...he ran right into the womens bra section without realizing it right away and when he did...he let out an even bigger yell!! {why does he remind me so much of the kid from Home Alone??}

Kaysha is ready, willing and able to get out of this house and back to her friends...and Kody...

Well...Kody wants to stay home and be home schooled....I don't think so!! we all know Kody so well....he is beyond thrilled to walk into Wal-Mart and check out all the new school supplies...because Kody is so like his Mom and has this love of PENS AND HIGHLIGHTERS!!!!!
WAA-HOO...we love our pens and highlighters and there is nothing in the world like the smell of a new box of crayons!!
Top that off with a new notepad and Kody is in Heaven Baby!!

Alright guys and gals...the sun is shining once again, I have got to go try and pull Kody away from his favorite movie of the week "Grind" and toss my hyper kids into the pool to burn off some energy.

Thank you for stopping back in to check on the crazy adventures of this wayyyyy crazy you all!!

Don't forget to scroll down a bit and check up on the Quilting Angels E-Bay fundraiser...there are some seriously talented kids out there who's pictures are realy bringing in the bucks...check them out and get some bidding done! :0)


Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I've got some very exciting news for all you natural born shoppers out there...

Quilting Angels....those wonderful and talented women who stitch till all hours of the day and night creating those beautiful quilts you see on so many sites...remember Kody's "100 Wishes Quilt"? The one that ended up being more like a "270 Wishes Quilt"??!! :0)
Anyway....QA is having a fundraiser on e-bay. We were asked to have our children make a drawing and submit it to all remember Kody's picture.....him and Angel Ashley on a chopper?? {Incase you haven't seen it, it is on the journal history page and also the link below for e-bay}
Well...they are up and ready to be bidded get those e-bay accounts fired up gals and guys....I've taken a look at the artwork and the pictures are PRECIOUS!!!!


Just so you know...all money raised is going to Quilting Angels so that they may keep on quilting and keep our children wrapped up in lots of love and hugs.
Thank you so much!!!!!

Love, Kim


Saturday, July 10th 2004 ~ 12:20 AM

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Please pray tonight for these beautiful children.....

Nathaniel who was admitted into the ICU as his liver is failing and he is slipping into coma. I had gotten a personal e-mail from his Mom, Vickie, and sadly, it appears without a miracle, Nathaniel will only hold on a few more days.

Katherine, who is an adorable two year old baby who has been fighting a brain tumor for one year. Katherine is growing her Angel Wings a bit more everyday. Please pray for Katherine's miracle on Earth and also please pray for her big brother, Nathaniel who is having a very difficult time dealing with the fact that he may be losing his little sister.

Connor, as many of you know has been bravely battling Rhabdomyosarcoma. His parents, in fact did learn that there was an increase in mass size as compared to the MRI taken before his final round of chemo. Connor has surprised us all in the past with his unbelieveable will to fight...and with prayer, I know he can win this once again! You go Buddy!!!!!!

Angel Ashley's big brother and sister, Al and Andrea could use some cheering up. Sadly...quite often, after our babies pass....their sites are not visited nearly enough. This leaves siblings feeling very alone as they try to grieve in their own way. Please, if you could all visit them and leave a GB message for them so they can still have something to look forward to...we would really love you for it! Especially Kody...Ashley was {and still is!} the love of his life....."The one that he adored". He would really love it if Ashley and her family were never, ever forgotten.
By the way...I talked to Norine tonight {thank you for calling Norine!!} and they are headed off to the NASCAR race tomorrow....NASCAR was one of Ashley's favorite she and her Daddy would watch the races together. As you can imagine...going to the race without Ashley is very bittersweet...she really should be there to cheer on her favorite driver...Dale Jr. {Kody's favorite too!!!} So....look for them, they will be the ones waving at us from the first turn...first row. Great seats!!! :0)

Everything here is pretty good....

It's been really, really hot so it is getting tougher and tougher to convince Kody to stay inside once in a while..he is an all outside, all day kind of kid. The thing is....since he had gotten that shunt last year...he has a heck of a time with the heat. It really plays on his head and makes it pound. He seriously thinks if he just stays underwater swimming he will stay cool...but honestly, I mean how long can you stay underwater??!! :0)

No new pictures yet {sorry!}...but my camera dock and Kodak software are still making me pull out hair by the handfull.

So...I've been telling Kody how his sister friend, Cheyenne has been driving her Daddy nuts by announcing every night that it is "Family Fun Night".....which to Cheyenne means lots and lots of board game playing.
Well...I myself feel Roy's pain...believe me I do...because I am a board game hater too {sorry to all of you who are board game my WONDERFUL but very CRAZY sister, Vikki!!}
Anyway...Kody thinks that ANYTHING Cheyenne does is cool anyway and now he announces at around 9 - 10 o'clock PM that it is......
Yep, you guessed it...."Family Fun Night"!
And so....he and Kolin both made me sit and play Candy Land over and over and over and over.....
BTY....I did not win a single game and a word of advice for anyone who should ever play with careful, be very, very careful. Enough said.

I had tried so hard to talk them into "Family Fun Night Watching Movies/eating popcorn/relaxing on the couch" didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow??

Oh....after the Candy Land game was put away Kody gave me a big old Bear hug and said "Mommy...I love nights like this".....awwwwww!!!! :0)
Now the big question on my mind tonight is....Did he really mean that or is he preparing me for another night of.....AHHHHHH....BOARD GAMES!!!!

Well guys...I hate to leave so quick but I think finally Kolin is I am going to jump off for now...wish you all a really good night...and go catch some ZZZZZ's myself.
Roll over Baby....Mama's on her way!

Have a wonderful weekend....and don't forget to watch the race and wave to those crazy Carro's! :0)

Love always....

I Love You Teddy

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I'd like to still leave this up for a while more...let's see if we can make the wish of one special little boy come true...

~*~Fisher~*~ who has got a new postcard collection going far he is up to 125 cards. Won't you please send him one from your hometown so he can see all his friends from all over the world.

Still leaving these links/messages below....


~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


Here's a little story about a boy any parent would be proud of. I had gotten this message in Kody's guestbook and right away just had to check this kid out.
This is about a boy named Rob who is skateboarding to raise funds for cancer reasearch. Rob lost his own Mom to cancer and was so affected by her death that he wanted to something real drastic to raise awareness and money for a cure.
Rob's skating journey has already began...and you can view each day in his daily journal from his site.
Rob is skating from L.A., California across the continent and North up to Newmarket, Ontario. He will be skating across the Rockies, the Appelachians and through the Mojave Desert.
Doesn't this sound like something my own son, Kyle would do?? :0)
Anyway....check out his site....he may be passing through your own hometown...and if we can in any way, get to Jacksonville we will be high fiving Rob like crazy!!

Skate 4 Cancer


Kody is a featured child on The Tumbleweed Foundation this on the logo below...

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Quilting Angels is having a huge fundraiser going on..please stop by, this is a great chance to win an actual Quilting Agels beautiful quilt!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

Kody's artwork raised over $500.00 for The American Cancer Society!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us



"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids

One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Wednesday, July 7, 2004 11:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WOW...what a past couple of days....whew, I am so glad they are almost over.

Where to start.....OK, let's see...thank you to "Kody's Fans" from the Villages, Florida for the village money which he spent on tickets for all of us to see the movie Spiderman 2. Great movie....if any of you have little boys....this movie is well worth it. And, by the way...if you have not so little girls.....
let's just say Tobie shirt...need I say more. Kaysha was in 7th heaven!!

Directly after the movie as I was trying to collect the garbage that only three hungry kids can make into a tiny popcorn bag....well, speaking of bag...this bag in front of us looks right at me and says "Those kids of yours kicked us the whole time!"....then she ran off as I was yelling back "Well lady if those little *!* grandchildren of yours weren't throwing candy at them the whole time...." I guess you all get the picture, there is always someone out there that is miserable.

So...we leave and head over to Burger King where Kolin swears that he will not survive another day without a Spiderman toy and a chance at winning $25,000 with his "spidey senses". we go...and does Kolin have good Spidey Senses?? YES...HE SURE DOES!!!
We won a FREE medium milkshake!!!!
YAA-HOOEY...who is better then us??

As we were about to walk ou the door anyway, Dad calls and says..."Watch the weather on your is bad in Leesburg".
Well...bad wasn't the word...holy macaroni!! I looked south toward Leesburg and the skies were black and the lightening was bad...reall bad and all I can think of is "Oh great, I left the pool pump running and the computer plugged in".
We drive, pick up Dad from work and head home, fast. UGH...SIGH...Double UGH!!!
Not fast enough!!
As soon as we walked in the door...Dad unplugged the pool, I unplugged the computer...the lightening hit too close, the lights went out, the kids let out a scream {so much for tough boys!!}....
The lights came back on and I found Kolin velcroed to one leg and Kody stuck like glue on the other.
In any case...our beautiful bedroom TV....TOAST!!
Our computer...Semi TOAST!!
Hmmmm...the TV, I doubt is replacable although Comcast is coming over to check out how and why the strike went through the cable box without harm and then hit the TV.
The computer...well...we had lost internet connection and thought "Well..Comcast must be down". SO we waited and waited and waited. this house...we LOVE our computer and waiting for interent to come back on is not is a major stressor alright...I mean kids...I have to check my kids, my will I ever laugh without Mrs. Judy's e-mails??!!
I waited till about 10 PM and called Comcast who said..."No, there is no internet problem in your area". And so after an hour and was decided my cable...something that starts with an "en" was dead. Nothing to do but go to Office Depot in the AM and buy another. OK, no problem.
SO...I went, I purchased, I plugged in and internet.
I called Comcast back and got disconnected..called again and was told "Looks like you need a new modem"...
So...I pack up the kids and head out to Comcast..picked up a new modem, came home, plugged it in internet.

Finally I call back, get someone with a few braincells left who says..."your modems look like you have a fried network card".
So...we make another OD trip....find us a network card and me being "Nervous Nellie" says to her man..."Call someone and have it professionally installed..this is my computer we are talking about here!!"
And Karl..being "Take Charge Karl at all Times"....says "I am not spending money on something I can do myself" and so he takes apart the computer and I stay right over his shoulder biting my nails down to nothing untill he finally says "Kim..go away".
Well...Lookey Here....I am back on the computer..we have internet once again!!!!!!
Good job Dad....OK...OK....I will say it....
"You are the MAN". forward to this afternoon....
Kolin has a follow up appointment with his ENT which is about 30 miles away. Karl was supposed to go but got bogged down with work and so I decided no problem, I can find this place alone. {btw....his dr. had moved from the place he used to be located at}.
Now...keep in mind..I cannot find my way out of a paper bag and bravely and without trying to pee myself I am agreeing to all this "I'll be alright" stuff.
OK...I tell Kody he is going with me and he has a royal tizzy fit..and storms into his bedroom. I leave him there and forget all about him till I realize it is getting late and we have to go...NOW!!
So..I yell out "Kody, Kolin let's go!" and out comes Kody bouncing down the hallway in nothing but his b-day suit and a pair of boxers.
Yes all of Kody's great wisdom he actually thought if he got undressed I would leave him home!!
Do you all remember the incident a few months ago when he told me he wanted "I can't believe I lived to be nine" written on his next b-day cake?? Well..times like this...that is the reason why.

I get tehm in the car and do the drive...and we made it just fine and I am happy and I'm thinking..."OK, everything is going great". We get up to the office and wait twenty minutes and the receptionist says "Mrs. K can I see you"...and so I walk over with Kolin's insurance card and my co-pay in hand.....
and she says "We don't take Kolin's insurance'll have to leave".
My jaw dropped...The whole place got real quiet and I was treading on some very big anger problems. So..I took a deep breath and said "Are you trying to tell me the dr. will not see Kolin at all today?" and she says "Yes..that's right you need to leave and ask your PCP what to do."
BAM....I lost it!!
It got slightly ugly so I won't really get in to it...but let's leave it at I made a lasting impression.
Then..the boys and I drove home in....big surprise...another stinkin' lightening storm. Gotta love Florida in the summer!! :0)

So...after a quick trip to the grocery store and a few cookie bribes with the boys and a small lecture on "Mommy really lost it...don't ever act like I did...I shouldn't have said that...balh, blah, blah...maybe we shouldn't tell Daddy...yadda, yadda"....
What did my boys say? Well..through chocolate chip covered mouths " were so cool!!!" gotta love those boys! :0) now this takes us to "Thank God I am not a drinker cuz I would have been bindging today"

Part one....this happened before we left for the dr's....

I came across a pretty impressive sized rool of wrapping paper and in an effort to get Kody out of my face for 10 minutes I handed it to him and said "Here...go practice wrapping". And Kody, with a Grinch Like evil smile...took it and took off.
Exactly 10 minutes or less later I hear the distinct sound of Kaysha except her voice was real muffled and it kind of sounded like "Help!!".
I found Kody standing outside the bathroom belly laughing...and when I walked in I found Kaysha wrapped up with wrapping paper an duct tape, taped to a childs size chair sitting in the bathtub.
And Kody...after I chased him down could only yell..."Mom...You TOLD me to practice wrapping....OWWWW!"

:0) And you all thought they were so cute??!! :0)

Part two...this happened after the dr's and the last trip to Office Depot...

Karl and I come home and find a ranson note next to the computer and it said
"If you ever want to see your son, Kody again...leave $2..00 on Kody's bed. Love, your daughter, Kaysha"
Karl looked at me....I looked at him and all I could say was " bad do you want him??"
Luckily Kody has a decent Dad who pulled $2.00 out of him pocket and said "Give it to her". I went in and said "Show me the boy first" and that's where I found Kody...hiding and cowering under his desk...I handed Kaysha the $2.00...pulled Kody out of there and right away he got up, walked up to Kaysha and said "Where's my half?" and she very willingly and lovingly handed him a single...then they high five...had a good laugh and I still cannot believe we were duped like that.

A few "Thank You's" go out tonight to Mrs. Terry {Angel Jalen's Am-Maw} for the beautiful box full of gifts!! The kids are beyond themselves happy with the new OCC wallets...Kaysha's very cool Jansport backpack and I wish you all could have seen there faces when they each pulled out $10.00!!! It was priceless!!
Also..thank you from myself for the body spray {yum!}, candles and the fridge magnets....We love everything soooo much!!!!!

To Mrs. Mary for Kody's black OCC doo-rag...he LOVES it and hasn't taken it off he has gotten compliments on it everywhere he goes...thank you so much!!

To Mrs. Suzi and the Tumbleweed Foundation for Kody's name cool is that?? I will be taking a picture and posting it within the next day or so. {my camera connection still isn't working right}

To SuperSIbs....for Kaysha and Kolin's brand new super cool "Super Sibs" t-shirts!! I cannot even tell you how overjoyed Kolin and Kaysha are whenever they receive anything form the Super SIb's...and like Kolin says "I really am a Super Sib!!"
Pictures to follow...soon as the camera connection to the computer is fixed.

To Ms. Trina...for the Kody Spiderman gif that is right on top of my journal...Ms. Trina, you really know your way into Kody's heart!!

To Mrs. Judy, Mrs. Sherry and the Catch an Angel Foundation...Your gift to our family brought tears to my are always there for us, how do you know when we need you the most is beyond are our Angels sent from above. We love you Mrs. Judy!!!!!

Let me just leave you with one more "Kody Story" before I go tonight...

This one was on the night of July we were watching Dad shoot some fireworks Kody came over and said to me "Mom...someday when I am grown up my dream is to be able to have the biggest firework show in the that all the children who are stuck in the hospital tonight can all enjoy a fireworks show...I know that will make them very happy".
Awww...see, he can be sweet....sometimes!!! :0)

Good night..we love you ALL!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2004 11:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Hope your 4th was a good one today!! Our's was pretty darn great!!
Let's see...we went to Kyle's new home for a cook out where Kody met two new friends...Cody with a "C" and a cutie named Daisy...see picture page!!
We had one very, very scary moment when out of nowhere lightening came down and struck a tree at the house next door..these houses are so close though, I mean you could literally spit a watermelon seed and hit the front door. Anyway...I had just walked inside to pry Kolin of a video game so we could leave and that's when it I never saw it but I heard, I went tearing outside {Kody was still out there}...that poor kid, he didn't know whether to freeze or run for the door. He was looking around for his Dad or me...I think I was the first one he saw because he came running over and said "Mom...I felt that in my feet...and the ground shook and can we go home PLEASE!!!"
Poor guy...he still hates lightening storms and that bolt was a very rude awaking for him..and most of the people there too..I heard a few screams. Can't say it was the girls cuz it sure sounded like some guys to me...LOL!!!

Other then that..the day was great and I have to say Kyle is a pretty good cook! And, considering alot more people showed up then he had planned...he held tough and cooked for everybody...and I can tell you all this, my son rules at chicken wings!!

Tonight...we had a firework show in our backyard and so I shall dedicate this day to Dad and call the new photos I put up tonight...
"Give a man gun power and a firework show you will have!!"
Good job Dad...even better then last year.

Sorry...but I had no time at all today to check up on so many of our I won't have any updates on them until tomorrow.
But..I can tell you all this...we have a birthday coming up tomorrow {July 5th} for Michael and another one coming up on July 7th for RachelJoy.
I am sure the very best present of all would be some "Happy Birthday's" in their please go on over and tell them Kody Bear sent you there on their big day.

Well guys..I better jump off tonight, Kolin my night owl has just made his 25th trip out here to see what I am doing and tell me about the 100's of different noises he I better go get him off to bed.
You'd think he's sleep in every morning...NOT!! He is up with the birds..or in our house, the ducks!!

Till tomorrow..have a great night everyone!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2004 11:50 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

It's been crazy surpirse!! First, Kody wakes up at 4 AM with another headache...ahhhh...days like these!! So, I tuck him into our bed, toss Dad out and let him sleep it off. Funny thing is, he is hating taking any med's so bad now that he waits and waits and waits until he really needs it. On the flip side...Dad and I can't go back to sleep because of the "what if's" flowing through our heads...and so, it started out as a lonnnnnng day and it pretty much ended as a lonnnnnng day too.

By the way.....6 hours later when he finally woke up...he was fine, hungry and ready to start his day. Gotta love him!! I was running around taking care of a few errands....I just about lost all of "drive" in my car. { I still have D2 and 1st though!} Then the windows get stuck down...then the a/c starts acting up. Oh man...when it rains it pours, doesn't it?? And...throughout all this I am thinking...."We are supposed to go to Orlando to meet the Zello family {Benji's link on drop down} on Tuesday." SIGH.....double SIGH.....triple SIGH...this is the third time we are trying to meet...the first two Kody ended up admitted into the hospital, now this. least we can be thankful we are not in the hosp. this time, right?

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting a new family through Kody's GB. This family is amazing....ultra awesome and I can tell you all this..I will never, ever complain about being tired at the end of the day again!! Check these guys out and see for yourself....
Jophie and Jamie's Site

Many of you may have gotten the same e-mail as I did...those of you all with quilts from the "Quilting Angels". {scroll down for link} They are planning on having a huge fundraiser and had asked the kids to draw a picture...anything, even a few marks on a piece of paper would be precious. They are then framing them and they will be up for sale. I'm not sure if it's a bidding thing or what. I don't have all the details just yet but will update when I do.

Anyway..Kody drew a great picture...though it took forever to get him to sit still long enough to do it...he did it in his own time {a day before the deadline!}...and his picture is beautiful!! Take a look see for yourself...I'll explain it also as told by Kody Bear himself...

This is a picture of Kody and Angel Ashley on a chopper. Ashley has a golden halo and Kody has a spiked mohawk. On top is the sky, a cloud and Heaven. The yellow light is God bringing Ashley down from Heaven so she could ride with Kody, just like he promised her they would.

:0) See, I told you it was precious!! :0)

Welp....I am going to jump off of here quick tonight. Just incase I don't get a chance to update again tomorrow....I'm planning on it but you never know around here what will happen next. And I know I have forgotten at least a half dozen things I meant to say.

Have yourselves a very Happy and Safe 4th of July!! Whether you are going out to see fireworks or staying home and having your own show {like us!!} careful...stay safe...we love you all!!!!!


Monday, June 28, 2004 11:25 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Sorry about the little delay in updates...whew...those kids of mine are keeping me hopping these past couple of days!!

Not too much to update on Kody today...he is kickin' butt as usual!! He's really been into swimming and riding his chopper...but with the Florida heat...well, it makes him tire so easily. No problem though...usually you can find him playing X-Box in the A/C. Today you can find him watching some movie called "Blue Crush", it's been on TV all day long. If I am not mistaken...he has watched it three times today..and...WOW...just my luck, it's on again all day tomorrow too. :0)
I know some of you already know this movie..but for those who don't...well, it's about bikini clad surfer girls and Kody Bear has been in some sort of staring trance all day. Man...they grow up so fast!! LOL!!!

I'd like to give a few shout outs today to some very special people....

The first one is to a beautiful little girl, Katherine. Sadly, Katherine's tumor {diffuse pontine glioma}has taken a horrible turn and it seems that treatment options just may have run out for her. This little sweetheart is an absolute doll...please stop by her will be so happy you did.

Secondly...we would like to extend a very big THANK YOU to the very special people who helped us to be able to get all Karl's med's. They were extremely expensive and we were going to do without and hold our breath, cross our fingers, knock on wood and pray an awful lot...but we were blessed beyond belief and I am happy to say that slowly but surely, Kody's Daddy is on the mend!! And if you all thought he was a family man before all this scary medical should see him now. It's like he simply cannot get enough of his babies..and his "baby"...if ya'all know what I mean!! :0)

Thirdly...A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kody's {and all the other "K" kids} Grammpa and Karl's Dad who lives in New York. May your day be a wonderful one!!

Forth...If you have any means to do so..please stop by our friend, Elliott's site. He and his Mom, Cindy.{.who is one of CB's most favorite Mom's and a great support system to so many of us!!!} are participating in a fundraiser for the leukemia/lymphoma foundation. Please help them meet their goal of $1,000.00. Your donation could be the one that finds a cure for all these precious children!!! This is the link that would take you straight to the donation site..or you could send Cindy a check to her home.
Elliott's Leukemia Fundraiser

Fifth...Miss Cheyenne..I am happy to report has made it through her surgery to have her port inserted with flying colors. She was released to go back to the hotel her and her parents are staying at and will return tomorrow morning as an inpatient to start some very serious and toxic chemotherapy. Cheyenne has, what is probably the most worst type brainstem tumor {diffuse pontine glioma}..and this really could be their last shot. We are all so close to Cheyenne in our home..especially Kody, after meeting her..she has truly become one of our "kids" and Kody's "sister" too.

Sixth....Our buddy, Benjamin, who was sent home on hospice, has started showing signs and symptoms that things are starting to progress inside. Please pray that he stays stable alot longer...and that ultimately...his healing will be here on Earth.

Well guys and gals...I am going to cut this kind of short tonight, it's getting way late and I am getting way tired.
BTW...before I go...if anyone would like to purchase a shirt from Kody's newest store "Life is Tough...But I'm Tougher" {scroll up to top of journal for link}...Please know that sayings can be put on different t-shirts or personal touches can be added. Cafe Shops don't really leave much room to show keep in mind, if you see a shirt..but want a saying that is on a different shirt, it can be arranged with no problems at all.

OK..better get going...LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!

Have a Happy and Memory making kind of day!!

Love and Hugs,

Friday, June 25, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Saturday Night Update~*~

Kody's Shop Part 2 is ready for it's Grand Opening Debut!!!
Click on the T-Shirt image above the blue arrows on top of the journal.
Thank you and have a sweet night!!!!!!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I may have to make this a quick one tonight...Kody Bear has gotten himself another headache...not monster sized just keep all fingers and toes crossed it's just a passing thing. It's really been creeping up all day but finally go to the "YOWCH" point. I know, Youch is not a word but hey, it's what he says. :0)
Right now he's watching "Austin Powers" with the other kids...yep, you read that right...he is watching Austin Powers...he laughing though and that's what really counts, right? Come's a funny movie!!

Today was a pretty chilled out kind of day...what can you really do when one doesn't feel up to much anyway>

But yesterday....that was a day to remember!!

OK...I can't keep you waiting too long so here goes....we were invited by the kids adopted Gramma Carolyn to a whole day of where else, Kody's favorite restaurant...Pauley's Pizza...then bumper bowling...then ice cream and finally some penny throwing and wish making in the fountain.
The day was definetly one I will never forget and rates right up there with our best summer day so far!! did the bowling go? are speaking to the world's most UN-athletic family in the world and so it went a little like this...Kaysha did well...however since she decided that 2 AM was a good time to go to bed the night was all she could do to thow a 6 pound ball.
Kody did terrific and I can only describe his bowling style as "Fred Flinstone" a/k/a "Twinkletoes". He threw the perfect zig zag ball...and managed to knock down a few...a very few.
I did pretty good....I may have broke 40 or so. Don't laugh ego was crushed enough yesterday by....
Gramma Carolyn who swears she hasn't bowled since she was a kid...HA...she kicked all our butts!!!
And so that leaves us with sweet, crazy Kolin. Kolin, who kept us laughing so hard it was very hard to concentrate...Kolin who made Kody laugh so hard he almost didn't make it to the bathroom a few times...Kolin..who's bowling style/technique I cannot possibly put in to words and so as a little entertainment treat tonight...may I present....

~*~Kolin...The Mad Man Bowling Dude~*~ that I have you back I only have nine words for you...
How would you like to live with him everyday??????

I almost have Kody's new shop part 2 ready...check back by the is going to be very cool, baby!!
Ummm, sorry...that darn Austin Powers movie is playing in the same room.

Please remember all our CB friends in your prayers tonight. There are so many but a few that come to mind tonight are...
Cheyenne as she and her family mentally prepare themselves for Cheyenne's port surgery and the oncoming chemo. that awaits to fight her beast of a brain tumor.

Also...Colin who is back in the hospital and fighting complications from medulloblastoma.

Juliana Banana who not only has the funniest web page you will ever see but is also in the hospital fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia, as is Gooch. You gotta love Gooch's family...they make us look normal!!

~*~Note to you back Buddy!!!!!!!~*~

Celeste, who is battling the same inoperable brain tumor as Cheyenne. Please pray that she will pull through this latest setback she has been having.

Rayanne who was sent home on hospice. Please pray that the Protocel she is now taking will shrink her tumor so that hospice will not be needed.

The Pohl Family who's Mom, Suz is about the most strongest woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting via CB.

Connor who as we all know recently relapsed...Mom, Rhonda needs prayers as well as Connor. Pray that Connor will be healed on Earth.

Benjamin that he continues to have pain free days and fun memories as he slowly prepares to grow his wings.

Forgive me if I have missed anyone..I'm just thinking off the top of my head.

Aw geez...Kaysha is screaming..I have to run and kill a spider....BRB....
Oh is a huge one, better run!!!

Thank you all for stopping by....have a wonderful and safe weekend!!



Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Before I say one word tonight..please...please stop by Cheyenne's site. So much sadness and so much stress has left one of our most favorite CB Dad's feeling very down these days.
A few words of encouragement I know can go a long, long way. Just so you know...Cheyenne's tumor is growing, leaving the left side of her face partally paralyzed. The next course of chemotherapy treatment will be vigorous and will be leaving her in the hospital for a while.
Mom and Dad {Roy and Donna} are busy figuring out where to get another apartment for their stay {the hospital is quite far away}, plus a whole list of other worries.
But above all that...what they need most is prayers for their Sweet Cheyenne.

Another beautiful little girl is Celeste. Celeste has the same type brain tumor as Cheyenne {diffuse pontine glioma} and has taken a horrible turn for the worst. Please remember this precious little girl in your prayers.

Last night was such a great night...I had the honor and the pleasure of talking to one of the most beautiful women I have ever "met".
I know alot of you know "Mrs. Judy" from You all might even know her as the lady who created our childrens "Heros" page and Kody and Angel Ashley's "Wedding Page". {scroll down if you haven't seen it yet}
Mrs. Judy has been one of my most biggest supporters and a place where, though a click of a mouse, I could always find encouragement and a kind heart. Mrs. Judy has her own little Angel daughter, Jenn and has the most beautiful web site dedicated to her...also, even more beautiful pages where you can even meet more of her family.
I have to tell you...that was one welcome phone call....and the crazy thing was just before the phone rang...I was washing the dinner dishes and thinking of...none other then Mrs. Judy herself!!! Isn't that something??

I also, unfortunetly missed a phone call from Terry, Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw". Mrs. Terry I PROMISE you we will have our time to sit down with a cup of coffee..a few cookies and a nice long chat!! I am really looking forward to that day!! :0)

Things around here today were not too bad...Karl's feeling a bit better everyday. His breathing med's are starting to really kick in and it really helps especially with the Florida humidity...and him having to work all day outdoors, breathing in car fumes and no a/c.
It looks like he won't be able to see any of his Dr's for follow ups...because we haven't insurance...but, well..we just have to say our prayers and keep the faith that he will continue to get better and better.
Just keep swimming, right?

Kody had a pretty good day today...and he spent most of it swimming like the fish he is!
He had a couple of those choking on food episodes today...but oddly enough, this time it was on liquidy foods and not the hard, chewy stuff like meat. Hopefully, it is because maybe he was drinking too fast...sometimes he does that, or he blows bubbles or he makes these slurpy noises because he knows it drives Kolin nuts. A big part of me does not want to believe that his tumor could possibly have grew/moved/whatever and is interferring with his gag reflex.
Another part of me tells me it could very well be, I'll just keep a watch on it and next month I'll mention it to his Dr. and see what they have to say. It doesn't seem to bother greatest fear is that the liquid will drop down into his lungs while he is choking.

Our appointment with the pediatric neuro-oncologist is still on for July 19th.

Great News...
Kody's Store part 2 will be opened by the weekend....lots of cool t-shirts...featuring the "Life is Tough...But I am Tougher" T.
We figured...not every child has cancer but every child and adult that is fighting a war of their own is definetly worthy of being Tougher then Life little and big guys and gals...this T-shirt is for you...>>>

This shirt and many others coming soon to a Kody Bear store near you!!
~*~Cindy...Hun...Please don't be mad at me...I know you are a natural born shopper like myself!!~*~

Let's see...oh I know, the picture on top! :0)
The new doo...or shall we say "Reggae Bear"!!
Actually this all started when Kody watched the movie "Biodome" quite a while ago. {remember that one??}. Anyway..he thinks Doyle is totally the coolest and wanted his hair in dreads just like him. He had been bugging me like crazy for at least a few months now and I won't give in only because I knew it would ruin his hair so yesterday, after being bugged again I figured there is only one way I am gonna shut this kid I compromised and twisted his hair into some harmless braids instead.
Kody loved it...Kolin loved it...Kaysha loved it...Dad almost had a heart attack!
So...I took them out at night for his bath..but then I had three kids sitting here bugging me for, last night we had a hair braiding marathon and you can see on the photo page how that all came about.
I kind of think they look real cute!!

OK everyone, I am about to jump off of here so I can go resize those photos and get them up. Thank you so much for stopping by...Love you all!!

I'll leave the "He's My Son" lyrics up a bit longer...

Later Gator!!


by Mark Schultz

I'm down on my knees again tonight
I'm hope'n this prayer will turn out right
See, there is a boy that needs your help
I've done all that I can do myself
His mother is tired
I'm sure you can understand
Each night as he sleeps
She goes in to hold his hand
And she tries
Not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes

Can you hear me
Am I getting through tonight
Can you see him
Can you make him feel all right
If you can hear me
Let me take his place some how
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son

Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep
I dream of the boy he'd like to be
I try to be strong and see him through
But God, who he needs right now is you
Let him grow old
Live life without this fear
What would I be
Living without him here
He's so tired
And he's scared
Let him know that your there

Can you hear me
Am I getting thru tonight
Can you see him
Can you make him feel alright
If you can hear me
Let me take his place some how
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Monday, June 21, 2004 10:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WOW...see that picture up on top??
Uncle Kenny and Aunt Lori came through big time this morning when Kody Bear woke up to a huge surprise...a framed {thank you so much Lori!!} autographed poster of the OCC crew!!
Man...Kody has been hugging and staring at that poster all you may think after watching the Discovery Channel all day marathon of American Chopper yesterday, he might have had his way, not Kody, he really loves those guys!!
I seriously don't know who had a better time watching all those episodes yesterday, Kody, Dad, Me or Karyelle!
Especially those shows featuring Mikey who is Kody absolute favorite. The guy is just too funny...they all would fit right into our family!!

Our Fathers Day was great...we were all just so happy that we weren't celebrating in a hospital. The kiddo's were so happy passing out bear cub hugs and showering Daddy Bear with lots of love and even a few presents. Not much...but you know, it was the handmade drawing that Kolin worked on that was the most sweetest. There is nothing like getting a picture from your child that can reduce you to tears faster!!
Oh...and Dad really loved the "My brave son is busy kickin' cancers butt" t-shirt...they are going to look great when we show up for our next appointment at Shands..Dad in his and Kody in his..what a team!!

Later in the afternoon we went to our sweet lil' grand-daughters b-day party...she turned two!!
I can tell you...that party and spending time with Alona did so much to lift Karl's spirits..he is so completely in love with that little girl!!

I know alot of you have seen the lyrics to "He's My Son" by Mark Schultz written in many web sites. tonight I am adding on Kody's site the actual turn up your speakers and grab a box of tissues.
The lyrics alone are so beautiful but there is nothing that can prepare you to hear the actual song, sung. It is heartwrenching...amazing and beautiful all at the same time. And I believe it truly does reflect the emotions every Daddy has for their ill child.
These are the words if you'd like to follow along.....

by Mark Schultz

I'm down on my knees again tonight
I'm hope'n this prayer will turn out right
See, there is a boy that needs your help
I've done all that I can do myself
His mother is tired
I'm sure you can understand
Each night as he sleeps
She goes in to hold his hand
And she tries
Not to cry
As the tears fill her eyes

Can you hear me
Am I getting through tonight
Can you see him
Can you make him feel all right
If you can hear me
Let me take his place some how
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son

Sometimes late at night I watch him sleep
I dream of the boy he'd like to be
I try to be strong and see him through
But God, who he needs right now is you
Let him grow old
Live life without this fear
What would I be
Living without him here
He's so tired
And he's scared
Let him know that you there

Can you hear me
Am I getting thru tonight
Can you see him
Can you make him feel alright
If you can hear me
Let me take his place some how
See, he's not just anyone, he's my son

Before I go, I'd like to leave you with this little Kody story...

Today was a very bittersweet day for us. Although in our family, we have so many many things to be thankful and friends being two of them.
Three years ago today Karl and I became grandparents to a beautiful baby girl named Alexes Rose.
Sadly...we were not meant to be Grandparents for very long. As we were at the hospital waiting for her birth, holding each other up as we knew already that our grand-daughter would only live moments, counting the minutes wishing she would arrive...yet dreading when she would arrive.
About 8:30 PM, at 22 weeks...1 lb 8 oz., Alexes Rose was born "sleeping". In our eyes, there was never a more precious baby anywhere. She was perfect...long fingers, the "Kruppenbacher" nose...and the sweetest, smallest lips you have ever seen.
Karl and I held her soon after her birth...we rocked her gently, we told her how much we loved her, we kissed her sweet face and then we gave her back to God.

I can only think a a few days in my life when I thought the world was crumbling down around me...that was one of them.
Burying our grand-daughter in a white casket that was small enough to put a childs baby doll in broke our heart in a way that they will never heal from that kind of pain.

Every year on her "birthday" we always leave a balloon at her grave. Visiting her used to be so difficult and all of us has spent alot of time showering her tiny plot with our tears...but it has gotten better. Yes, we still is still sad...but we know that Alexes is waiting for us to one day welcome us to our eternal home. This leaves us all not sad, not scared, but very excited for the day we are reunited.
Kody, inparticular has a special place in his heart for Alexes..and always throws a kiss whenever we drive by.
And so this morning Kody asked to go with me to put out a balloon.
Kody always says a prayer while we are there..well, I don't know if it would be considered a "prayer"...but he always "talks" to Alexes. And he always kisses the ground where she lay.
This morning we tied our balloon on and I asked Kody if he's like to say a prayer and he said " can do the prayer today Mom". So I did and then he said "Mom...I'd like to sing Happy Birthday, do you think it would be OK?"
"Absolutely!" is what I told him....and so there we were...singing "Happy Birthday to Alexes" just as loud as could be.
Maybe we got quite a few stares from passerby's...we didn't care. We were living for the moment and at that moment the innocence of one child came shining through like a beam of warm sunshine as he kneeled down and sang for a baby...a baby that watches over him from above and waits for all of us to make our grand entrance into Heaven someday.
And before we left to go home....Kody bent down and kissed the ground where she lay.

By the way....Alona Jane was born almost a year to the day of her big sister Alexes. God really does grant miracles, doesn't He?

I thank you all for stopping by...I've put on some new photos today...I hope you all enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them!!!

~*~Father's Day...2004~*~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


I am absolutely heartbroken to have to tell you all that our little friend, Ian, passed away just a little after 6 o'clock this morning.



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

First of all I'd like to say a very big...

To every Daddy, Grand-Daddy, Step-Dad, Foster Dad, Dad of an Angel....
To every man who has ever loved and felt the love of a child...whether you are or are not that childs biological father...
To every Dad fighting for our freedom in the military...
To every Single Dad raising his children alone...
To every hard working Dad who goes to work everyday without a single compliant...
To Uncles, cousins, friends, neighbors and anyone who is a role model to all children...
To all of our Dad's in our Caring Bridge family...
This day is yours....from all of us, to all of you....God Bless You All...Happy Father's Day...ENJOY!!!!!!!

We are so happy and truly blessed in our home this Father's Day...
As he promised all of us,
Daddy Bear is back home with his little cubs where he belongs and where he has been very, very missed!!
You would think though with as much hospital experience we have we would realize by now that "You can go home today", in hospital lingo means "You can go home sometime today, whenever the dr. shows up to discharge you, on a Saturday...oh in about 7 hours...give or take a few more hours".
And so our saga finally ended at 3:00 PM today when Dad tore off the bracelets, hopped on the elevator {he never did wait for the volunteer with the wheelchair}, and beat feet out of there.
And this is what he looked like upon release...

He goes back to the dr's...he has three of them now, in two weeks.
More Cat Scans will tell us if he will need to have surgery and that will mean taking out the abcessed parts of the intestines. :0(

Between Karl's appt's and Kody's Oncologist and Kolin's ENT and the kids dentist...July is looking to be an incredibly busy month.
The dr's told work, take it easy for another week....not my man, he is planning on being at work at 9 AM Monday morning.
Can't keep that one down for long!
Sad as it is...he really doesn't have much of a choice....he went to fill his antibiotic script's....WHOA....let's just say that didn't happen. He didn't even dare ask how much the breathing med's would be.
I really have got to get together a quickie yard sale.

Anyway....enough of that...

Before I scoot out I'd like to leave you with a little something that I know will make alot of you Dad's of daughters out there laugh. We love this and I have no idea why I am posting it on Dad's Day...just fitting I suppose cuz it really does remind me of Karl!!
BTW...I have a couple of adult daughters that can confirm Rule #6...LOL....been there, done that as they say!

~*~Dad's Rules for His Daughter's Boyfriend~*~

Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk, you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up.

Rule Two: You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you cannot keep your hand's off my daughter's body, I will remove them.

Rule Three: I am aware that it is considered fashionable for boys of your age to wear their trousers so loosely that they appear to be falling off their hips. Please don't take this as an insult, but you and your friends are complete idiots. Still, I want to be fair and opened minded about this issue, so I propose this compromise: You may come to the door with your underwear showing and your pants ten sizes too big, and I will not object. However, in order to ensure that your clothes do not, in fact come off during the course of your date with my daughter, I will take my electric nail gun and fasten your trousers securely in place to your waist.

Rule Four: I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without a "barrier method" of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate, when it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I will kill you.

Rule Five: It is usually understood that in order for us to get to know each other, we should talk about sports, politics, and other issues of the day. Please do not do this. The only information I require from you is an indication of when you expect to have my daughter safely back at my house, and the only word I need from you on this subject is: "early."

Rule Six: I have no doubt that you are a popular fellow, with opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with my daughter. Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to date no one else but her until she is finished with you. If you make her cry, I will make you cry.

Rule Seven: As you stand in the front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh and fidget. If you want to be on time you should not be dating. My daughter is putting on her makeup, a process that can take longer than painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Instead of just standing there, why don't you do something useful, like changing the oil in my car?

Rule Eight: The following places are not appropriate for a date with my daughter: Places where there are beds, sofas, or anything softer than a wooden stool. Places where there is darkness. Places where there is dancing, holding hands, or happiness. Places where the ambient temperature is warm enough to introduce my daughter to wear shorts, tank tops, midriff t-shirts, or anything other than overalls, a sweater, and a goose down parka - zipped up to her throat. Movies with a romantic or sexual theme are to be avoided; movies with feature chain saws are okay. Hockey games are okay. Old folks homes are better.

Rule Nine: Do not lie to me. I may appear to be a potbellied, balding, middle-aged, dimwitted has-been, but on issues relating to my daughter, I am the all-knowing, merciless God of your universe. If I ask where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I have a shotgun, a shovel, and five acres behind the house. Do not trifle with me.

Rule Ten: Be afraid, be very afraid. It takes very little for me to mistake the sound of your car in the driveway for a chopper coming over a rice paddy near Hanoi. When my Agent Orange starts acting up, the voices in my head frequently tell me to clean the guns as I wait for you to bring my daughter home. As soon as you pull into my driveway, you should exit the car with both hands in plain sight. Speak the perimeter password, announce in a clear voice that you have brought my daughter home safely and early, then return to your car. - there is no need for you to come inside. The camouflaged face at the window is mine.

Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as Roy and Donna {her Mom & Dad} found out yesterday that her tumor is growing.
But..the fight rages on and DPG will not...we repeat NOT win this time!!

Ok guys...I'm outta here tonight...
Thank you so much for stopping by and checking in on us...we love you all more then you will ever know.

"Daddy Bear...Mama Bear is on her way...make some room cuz I have been missing you big time!!"

Have a great day everyone...
Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming....

Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:30 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


We have got a Daddy Bear on his way home tomorrow!!!!!!

White blood cell counts are back to normal...temp. is still low grade, but maybe that is just a normal temp. because other then a bit of pain still...he is feeling and looking a trillion times better.
His words to me tonight..."Kim, I am NOT going to be here for Father's Day....even if I have to lie my way out!"
Crazy..Crazy Man of Mine!!


Today I had to go to, yes, you guessed it..the happiest place on Earth...Wally World! {come know those little senior citizen door greeters are too cute!!}.
Anyway...Kolin had spotted this teeny, tiny..I mean super small Dr's kit hanging on a shelf. And...normally something like that wouldn't even give him a second thought but today...he HAD to have that Dr. kit. So...joking with him I said "Do you have 48 cents?" and he said "No"....
Me: "Well, how are you going to buy it Dude?"
Kolin: " can make me work my butt off at home..I'll make dinner, take out the garbage, anything..I NEED that!!"
Me: "'s a make dinner...I get you the kit"

*****Note....He never did make dinner...I think I was duped by a 6 year old.*****

Well...we get home...put stuff away...get ready to see Dad at the hospital and Kolin grabs that kit on his way out the door. all have to know something about Kolin...we pat him down everytime we go out because for some reason...he HAS to be carrying something with him always...there always has to be something in his pocket.
So..I stopped to remind him..
" toys in the car, remember? We're only going to be in the car for 10 minutes"
And Kolin said "Mom...I have to take this..I am going to fix Daddy today. And when I do...he will be able to come home" could I say no..yep, that's right..I couldn't.
So..we get to the hospital...and Kolin goes to work..with Kody right with him telling him to do things this way and that..and Kolin saying "Kody I KNOW!!!"
So...anyway...that pretty much sums up the picture on top...I don't know if Dad felt any better afterwords..but it sure did restore my faith in one lil' 6 year old who not only has a heart of gold...but who truly, way down deep in his heart..believes that he cured his Daddy.

And..according to what the Dr's tell us...Daddy is on the mend. He'll need to manage this thing forever..but he is going to be OK.
Fingers croosed...toes crossed that the fevers will stay away...the pain will keep away..and that Daddy Bear will be cut loose tomorrow sometime.

Kody...on the other hand today..had the nurses in stitches when he was talking about "capping off" IV's, different gadge needles, and side effects of different antibiotics.
Sometimes I swear he is an adult in a childs body!! :0)

Well...I am going to jump off of here tonight...I think I just may be able to sleep OK tonight.
Well..that is if Kody the blanket theif doesn't keep doing the "one good roll gets the blankets" routine.
You know..if I was smart, I'd just walk out the door and go sleep in his bed tonight!!

Thank you again for the encouragment not to give up...the prayers which made all the difference in the world..and the GB entries that make all of us smile.
Especialy Kody who all day says "Welp..this person said this...and that person has this to say...and can you believe it..that person said that!!"
A couple of days ago..he even said " I know all these people...I mean, how do they know so much about us Mom??"
Oh Bear of mine...if you only knew all the little secrets I share about you!! LOL...and one day you will and am I ever in for it!!

"Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming"

Good night everyone....
Love, Kim



~*~UPDATE...3:15 PM~*~

WAA-HOO...Thank you to everybody that has been flooding the gates of Heaven with prayer!!!
Karl's white blood cell count is starting to come down....he is finally responding to the antibiotics!!!!
They have finally about a half an hour ago put him on a liquid diet...the Cat Scan was cancelled because it is a bit too soon to do another.
His surgeon says he is doing remarkably well and added that he "must have a lot of people praying for him"!!
He is now getting another round of antibiotics and more pain med's.
Unfortunelty is still not of of the question so we will just keep praying that it doesn't happen becuase it will mean him getting a part of his intestines cut out and quite a bit of recovery time.
I know you all know Karl well enough by now to know that he does NOT like being still and especially doesn't like being cooped up in a hospital.

That's about all I know for sure right now..stay tuned for another exciting episode of "Our Life is a Soap Opera" coming to you on the CB Network soon!!
Till tonight...Thank You and God Bless you ALL!!!!!!!!!

Love, Kim

May I take this opportunity here to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to our most greatest Mr. Pubs family for stepping right in and helping out....
Words cannot describe how much we love you ALL so are by far the GREATEST!!!!!!!!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Things are pretty much unchanged from yesterday. Karl is still pretty miserable, in pain and pretty darn hungry food or drink in three days Man cannot live by IV alone!! :0)
I took the kids to see Daddy yesterday...we only stayed about an hour because Dad's pain med's hadn't kicked in and he was a little..well, I figured we would leave and try again another time.

He had his blood drawn at 6 this morning and they are planning another CT Scan so they can make the final decision as to when and if they are going to do that surgery.
I guess we'll find out about the white blood cell count this morning too.

The kids are doing OK...they just really miss having their Dad home and I cannot get used to the idea of setting up only one coffee cup, watching Good Morning America alone, and sleeping with Kody and Kolin is an adventure every night...Kolin runs in his sleep and Kody is the ultimate blanket thief!!
Kaysha has been doing an excellent job watching over the boys while I am gone..she is growing up so fast. And I know I'm her Mom and all...but isn't she just BEAUTIFUL in that picture on top?? She is absolutley just blooming into a out boys out there...her Daddy and big brother, Kyle, carries a big Louisville Slugger!! :0)
Kayara, Traivs and Kyle have been taking turns on their lunch breaks to check on them throughout the day and Karyelle has been spending her nights here so I can go to the hospital and spend some quiet time just Karl and I...wait did I say "quiet time"...DUH..this is a hospital..there is no quiet time!! :0)
This morning I am fighting a monster of a migraine so I won't be on here too long. I guess things are starting to catch up big I took the last two Excedrin in the house.and watch out Eckerds because I'll be back to buy some more in bulk. LOL!!!!

I have a question form Kayara, who called me last night while I was with Karl...
OK..she is the daughter who just had the surgery for endreo., anyway..she was having more severe pain and went back to the Dr. yesterday. He thought maybe the endreo. had come back but instead found "non- maliganat fibroid tumors" this time. He didn't elaborate on it too much...just said to her "You'll need a shot of Nuprin {sp??} once a month for three months before we can do surgery."...oh, at the mere cost of $400.00 per shot...and she hasn't any insurance either.
She asked him what fibriod tumors are, what they do, how dangerous they are? And his answer..."Ask your Mom to ask her friends...I am sure they will know all about it". I am asking any of you wonderful gals who have had these pesky lil' fibroids to maybe throw her a line or two about them. You can e-mail me at or and I'll make sure to forward it directly to we talk several times a day so I can always read them to her if she is at work.
BTW...all the messages and mail about the endreo. were right on target and helped us all so much understand.

Please keep our Sweet Texas Rose Cheyenne in your prayers today as she as another MRI for her beast of a tumor, diffuse pontine glioma. Cheyenne has been having left facial paralysis. Her last MRI recently showed changes in her tumor. Let's pray that this one shows a stable tumor and that the protocel and chemo. together are working to shrink and dissolve this tumor forever.

Also for Ian who is struggling with pain as he grows his Angel Wings.

And for Benjamin who has been told he will be going to Heaven soon. Benjamin is only six years old..and is handling things so well...this boy is absolutley amazing!! We pray that he keeps having good, pain free days and that ultimetley...He will be granted a miracle on Earth.

Well..that's about all the news that's fit to print this morning...I better run, rid me of this headache, and get myself looking good...well, good enough for a dude in a hospital bed...LOL...and then get my butt back to the hosp.
Then..come home, make lunch, get to the store, mow the lawn, clean the pool, get back to the hospital, come home, make know, it's gonna be a real busy day today!! :0).

Thank you for checking in...and thank you ALL sooooooo much for the e-mails. I will reply to each and every one...I have just been out of my mind busy these past few days but please know that I have read them all..and I will get back to you..
Thank you for taking the time to personally mail have no idea how much it means to me when someone takes the time to write whether it is a e-mail or a GB note...
Oh..and in my absence...Kody and Kaysha have been really, really great at keeping up with the GB..they LOVE reading all those messages!!

Have a great day everyone...
Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming....

Love, Kim

Monday, June 14, 2004 10:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


White blood cell count still going up, not responding to antibiotics and he is not leaving the hospital.
I need to get off here and get my act together so I can get up there...
Thank you so much for all the prayers, GB entries and big THANK YOU's to Nessa and Stephanie for the correct name of this disease!!

Love you all!!!



~*~TUESDAY UPDATE...11:30 PM~*~

{{SIGH}}....Where do I begin??
It has been a very, very long day today....
First off all...Kody and the other kids are FINE!!
However, it is their Daddy who needs prayers tonight.
Last week I had mentioned that Karl was pretty sick...more sick then I had ever seen him in my life. We thought for sure it was food poisoning and he figured after a week or so he'd be back to normal.
Well..he has been attempting so hard to make it to work everyday but the pain he has been having in the lower abdomen has been getting worse and worse everyday.
Yesterday he couldn't drive himself home from work and this morning I had to drive him in...still, he tried getting to work anyway. {crazy man!!}
At around 10:30 this morning he called home and told me he "had enough of trying to be a tough guy...he needed medical help quick"...
So...leaving Kaysha in charge until Kayara could get here on her lunch break and Kyle could get here during his break, and finally Karyelle got here after work to spend the night...
Ahhh..wait, I'm getting off track...sorry! :0(
Anyway, I rushed over to his job to see him barely walking out to the car...I got him to the ER at Leesburg Regional Medical Center and that is where I have just spent the past 11 1/2 hours.
Seems he didn't have food poisoning after all...what he does have is a severe absyss {sp??}and twisting in and on the entire colon. There is a name for starts with a "D" and for the life of me..I am so tired I cannot even remember what it is.
Also...his white blood cell count are at least double as to what is considered normal.
He has been admitted and if the antibiotics they have been giving him today have no effect he will be facing some serious surgery tomorrow.
Please..if you could...and I know there are so many families out there with worse problems...but please, I am asking tonight if you could all send some prayers up to God to make him get him home....we have NEVER been without him.
The kids are confused and upset...their comfortable little routine with Daddy has been broken.
And myself....I wish I could say I am OK but was so damn hard seeing my big strong, tougher then nails man that I love laying there with tubes and machinery all over him, in such excruciating pain. was so sad.
He is my "Rock" and our childrens "Hero" could he have fallen so hard without warning?
Please pray that things will get better for us...for Karl.
And please pray that we won't spiral down this dark hole of bills because as so many of us missed paycheck can mean doom for a family just barely making ends meet.
Not that I wouldn't pick up a job somewhere...I hope you all know I would in a heartbeat..but the three kids still need tending too...and well..we have quite a few hospital & dr. appointments this coming month...
OK..I got to stop....I am so sorry!!

Anyway...right now I have the two boys waiting in my bed for Mommy to come in and go to sleep with them, they don't want to be alone and neither do I...
Right now, there is nothing I want more {except for Karl to be home}..then the snuggle up and hug my babies...I need that so bad.

Thank you so much for hearing me out tonight..I am so sorry, I wish I could be my normal perky self...but tonight, I am broken and just really, really sad. I suppose there is no other way to explain...




~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Our grand-daughter is two today!!! seems like just last week she was a tiny pink little squiggly baby and now....she is known around here as "Miss Diva"!!
Here comes the two's...Kayara, I hope your ready girl!!

I have some great news about our friend, Kendra {the girl who was in the horrific car accident}. She is HOME!!!! Within the past 5 or 6 days she has improved so much...finally recognizing her Dad and trying her best to escape the hospital. She was starting to be known as "the walker" and had to have a special bracelet on just to let everyone know when she got too far..LOL!!! That girl is definetly a fighter!!
She talks in a whisper, and stutters her words...but step by step she will be there 100 percent very soon.
Kendra is a very lucky girl...with the love of her parents and family...she was able to overcome an accident that in all honesty, should have been fatal. God was defiently looking after her when the guy in the pick-up decided that he was runing late and slammed into her car on the interstate, going about 70 to 80 MPH.
And the prayers that you all have been sending have helped greatly in bringing her back to her family and ultimately..back home.
You all should be soooo proud of, get up off that seat and give yourselves a great big hand!!
On behalf of Kendra's family and our family...Thank you very, very much!!

Time is getting short for the "Friends of Caedan" Relay-for-Life....get your photos in soon!! As long as Lori has them by 12 noon on June 25th, they will be included in their tent. {see above}

Not too much going on around here tonight..and right now Kody really wants me to watch the OCC guys on, I am going to end this real soon and give my Bear some well deserved atention.

I'd like to still leave this up for a while more...let's see if we can make the wishes of two little boys come true...

~*~Fisher~*~ who has got a new postcard collection going far he is up to 75 cards. Won't you please send him one from your hometown so he can see all his friends from all over the world.

~*~Michael~*~ who will be 4 years old on July 5th. Sadly, this will most likely..if his Dr's are correct, be his very last one on Earth. Please, let's make this one a very special and cheerful one for this cutie pie so that he may forget, if just for a day the tumor inside his sweet head and the pain that it has been causing him.
Here's his home address if you'd like to send him a card or small gift...

Michael Dornauer
241 Sycamore Road
Elkton, MD 21921

Thank you all for stopping back again....Till tomorrow...
Have a great night...gotta go catch up on Orange County Choppers!!

New photos up today..enjoy!!

Saturday, June 12th 12:30 AM

~*~Sunday...10:00 PM~*~

Normally I wouldn't give this person a minutes worth of attention because honestly, she is not worth it...but some of you may be new to Caring Bridge and may not know who "Jessica Thomas" is.
Jessica Thomas is Caring Bridges worst enemy....a fake, a phoney. She prys on our sickest children, befriending them and their trusting parents and luring them into her twisted web. She will link to their site hoping to seem legit..however, Caring Bridge knows all about her and NOTHING she does is on the up and up.
Well looks like Jessica has escaped from the looney bin she resides in and had created herself yet another fake site.
Not to worry though..she has been caught, but before her site get's deleted...some of you may want to take a look. Especailly those whom I already know have been burned by her....

CarrieAnn a/k/a "Jessica Thomas"

Till tomorrow...I wish you all a very happy and restful night...


Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Saturday...10:05 PM~*~

Some of you may have seen this following message on other children's sites and I am asking all of our Cancer Hero's...this includes anyone who is currently kickin' cancers butt, has beat cancer's butt and of course, our never to be forgotten Angel Friends who really did beat cancer's butt, to e-mail a photo on please....>>>

"Caedan Gallagher was a 9 year old boy who lost his valiant fight with ALL in 2002.
The "Friends of Caedan" Relay for LIfe team is hoping to decorate their team tent with pictures of people whose lives have been touched by cancer...fighters, survivors, angels, etc.
We are hoping that our tribute tent will have 720 pictures covering picture for each minute of the 12 hour fundraising relay. Please help us with this awesome, inspiring endeavor. Pictures can be emailed to just be sure to include "Relay Pic" in the subject line. The Relay for Life is on June 25th so we would need the pictures before then. Thanks again."

BTW..I had gotten an e-mail from Lori today and as long as the photo is on her computer by 12 o'clock noon on June 25th, it WILL be included as they are leaving for Relay-for-Life and setting their tent up at 3 o'clock PM.

Thank you to everyone who will help to make this awesome event a huge success!!



Birthday Surprise Party

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Finally...A great day around our parts!!
You know how alot of folks will say {about the bully problem}..."What goes around comes around" and cool sayings like that?
Well....How True...How True!!!!

Let me let you all in on a little story about one very hot and humid Florida day...5 ugly, sweaty, hot, miserable street rats a/k/a bullies walking around in the hotter then H**L sunshine and 3 chilled out kids happily splashing and keeping cool in their backyard {but in full view from the street} 27 foot round swimming pool...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Well..let me tell you...If I had a camera handy...I could have shown you all the best about a few jaws hanging about dagger about "NAH..NAH..NAH...NAH...NAH..Your hot and we're not!!!"
Welp...I think you all get the picture. And the motto of this weeks lesson as I have tried to instill in three little minds....
"Evil never wins".
I know...sounds familer to all you familes with little boys.....hmmm, it sounds familer to me too...I think Buzz Lightyear said it. I could be wrong but I know for sure one of Kolin's superheros has said it before.

That Kody Bear of mine...he is so cool sometimes. Around 3 o'clock or so we came in from the pool when it started sprinking a little and he was OK with that. Any excuse to grab some snacks is a good thing to Kody. :0) About 45 minutes, maybe an hour later he says "Can we go back in"...but..I told him "Net yet, I have to get dinner started" so he says "Oh...OK...I'm going to watch TV in my room"....
well..15 minutes later Dad comes rolling down the street and the deal was tonight..He and Kody were going to have a little race down the street...Dad on his bike and Kody on his chopper. {They did this last night and it was so cool..but...again, no camera handy for me.}
Well..I went to get the Bear and the Bear was OUT COLD!!!!
A little sunshine, a little water play, a little food and I had on my hands one totally pooped out Pup! :0)
He got up long enough to eat dinner.and oh man, did he eat!! Then he went back in the pool for another hour or so then he casually came inside, snuck an ice cream sandwich and brushed his teeth and fell back to sleep again. I went to check on him because as we all know...a quiet Bear is a Bear in trouble...and he said "Mom...Can a person have TOO much fun cuz I am TIRED!!!"

Kody Bear...I know someday you'll be reading this on your own...and I can tell you this Pal...
"Everyday that you wake up and play and hug me and tell me you love me a perfect day to no way can we ever have too much fun...but...we'll have Fun, Fun, Fun till your Daddy takes the "toothbrush" away!!"
OK...a little explanation...
Kody heard that Beach Boys song on a commercial the other day and started singing "And she'll have fun, fun, fun till her Daddy takes her toothbrush away"...
He made us laugh so hard..and so now it's a little Kody/Mom joke.

Another song flub funny...and he was sooo serious about this one...
Do you all remember "Give me the beat boys and save my soul..I'm gonna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away" {OK, I think thats how it goes}
Well...Kody's very serious rendition of that song went a little like this...
"Give me the BEACH BOYS....."
HEE...HEE..He is gonna have a cow if he ever finds out I am telling you all this!!

Oh...about the bike permiting, it's on for tomorrow...may the better {or faster} man win. And Dad, if your reading this and I know you are so where's my coffee??? Ahem..anyway, don't be too hard on him, OK..I mean he can only pedal those little legs so fast.

Now, on to some serious stuff...

During this weekend I'll be updating my pull down list of friends, we have gotten much, much more and I'll be putting them up probably tomorrow night.

Prayer requests....

~*~Connor~*~ as he continues to fight the cancer beast over again. His scans showed even more growth..if the tumors cannot be slowed down or be
made stable with two more rounds of chemo., nothing more can be done. If however, the chemo does do it's job..Connor will be facing some very extreme and difficult surgery. And the surgery will be the only thing that may save his life. BTW..Connor does not know about the surgery yet, so please...don't mention anything. If he has the surgery, thats when his parents will tell him.

~*~Celeste~*~ As she and her family are at the beach trying to have some family memory time, Celeste has started experiencing some pretty horrible symptoms of her brain tumor.

~*~Tracy~*~ who we all know as "Katia's Mommy" as she fights some very painful neck and back pain she thinks may mostly be brought on by stress. However, an underlying medical problem could be responsible...please pray that the pain goes away or she can see a Dr. who can help.

~*~Ian~*~ as he is fighting so hard the pain which comes with his cancer and for him Mom who is having such a hard time right now because of Ian's pain, stress and the whole horrible situation they are living in general.

~*~Christal~*~ as she faces another brain surgery on June 15th because of relapse and more tumors found.

~*~Baby Howard~*~ How would you like to fall in love today? Well...visit baby Howard and I can promise you that it will be love at first sight!! This site is brand new and it is about a little baby boy born a bit to early. He just had a shunt put in yesterday for hydrocephlus {same thing Kody has} and is having a very hard time getting off the ventilater/breathing machine.

And here is a special request for two very special little boys that we just love to pieces!!

~*~Fisher~*~ who has got a new postcard collection going far he is up to 75 cards. Won't you please send him one from your hometown so he can see all his friends from all over the world.

~*~Michael~*~ who will be 4 years old on July 5th. Sadly, this will most likely..if his Dr's are correct, be his very last one on Earth. Please, let's make this one a very special and cheerful one for this cutie pie so that he may forget, if just for a day the tumor inside his sweet head and the pain that it has been causing him.
Here's his home address if you'd like to send him a card or small gift...

Michael Dornauer
241 Sycamore Road
Elkton, MD 21921

Has any of you visited Helen's "Busy Kickin' Cancers Butt" site lately?? Well..if you haven't, let me be the first to tell you...Helen has craeted some very, very cool t-shirts and tank tops!!! These are us proud parents of "Brave sons/daughters who are busy kickin' cancers butt".
Mom's...these are going to make GREAT Father's Day gifts...Kody already has some big plans and I don't want to ruin them incase "you know who" is reading this but oh..."You Know Who" is going to be soooooo surprised this year!! shhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Just click on that link above my journal entry to get there...

And speaking of stores and shopping {oh I do love that word!!}...
Kody's little store is going to be featuring some very cool shirts very soon.
I won't ruin a good surprise but let's just say Kody has a big hand in the newest design..and since it is a universal t-shirt..anyone fighting the "C" word and anyone who has that "Kody-Tude" will be wearing these a matter of fact...oncology clinics from all over the country will never be the same again cuz our kids {yours and mine} are gonna be on a roll with their very own designer duds from Kody Bear.

Well guys and gals..I have just realized that the journal entry I have started on a Friday has now turned into Saturday and this Mom has got to get some sleep!!

Have a terrific weekend everyone..we will be thinking of you and sending you plenty of sunshine and happiness your way!!

Love you all.....

Wednesday, June 9, 2004 11:25 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I have got to tell you all first thing...I am sooooooo sorry for the mini-meltdown yesterday!! Just one more word on the subject and I'll stop.

If I ever win the lottery...I am so out of this neighborhood and fast!! It was never like this when we moved here almost six years was quiet and it was safe. But now we have too many familes moving in with apparently no parental skills whatsoever. We have kids at home alone, all day, free to roam the streets day and night and there are no parents home, not a one.
When they are home {the parents}..where are they? Inside kicking back the cold ones, sitting in front of the TV.
I am not making this up...your kids have told mine many times.
Now, I know parents need to work but HELLO these kids are 13 years and younger...they need supervision and they need day camp, sitters, something other then harrassing the neighborhood kids. And..I know if they happen to read this they will say "Yeah, then you pay for it Kim" them...
These are not my kids and I won't pay for kids are at home, with me all day long. I know where they are, I know who they are with. I play with them, feed them, talk with them, laugh with them, entertain them and have fun with them every day. They have friends over, they have playdates away from home...I know who their friends are and I know when they are away from home they are being supervised by a responsible parent.
When was the last time you actually took yours kids outside and played with them? Have you ever riden bikes with's fun, lots of fun. I have never seen you BBQ on the weekends but I do see the pizza delivery truck at your door 4 times a week.

I am not a perfect parent...I am far from a perfect person but I do know this...the more time you spend with your children while they are young...the more benefits they will reap from having a loving parent who is there for them. Ask any one of my older children who are adults and on their own...they are caring and responsible. They are making their way in a harsh world and they are succeeding at doing it themselves.

Sure...if I worked outside the home we could have an awesome SUV instead of a 10 year old Ford Taurus. We could have a real house instead of a mobile home. We could go places, take vacations and see the world. What we do is spend time together...splashing in the pool on a hot Sunday, grilling hot dogs in our backyard, we spend family time everyday...and when Dad get's home at the end of every day, we all sit down at the dining room table and we eat dinner together everynight without fail.
This is nothing new...anyone of our older children can tell you what time we eat and if they are hungry what time to be sitting at the table...grab a paper plate and a fork because absolutely nothing we do is classy...we are ultra casual and we love it. We are family...we are good friends...we are what we are...what you see is what you get and we are not ashamed at all.

I guess what I am aiming at here after watching my kids get the "F" word thrown at them again and again today by your "perfect never do anything wrong kids", I have had to listen as Kody get's teased again and again by your "not my child" kids...While you were home tonight did you happen to see your "perfect kids" surround our fence and threaten my six year old with a beating? Anyway...well, how do I put this nicely...
OK...I have seen baboons with better parenting skills then you all...get a life...admit your kids are a problem and DO something about it because I can tell you this...
It won't be mine who ends up in jail or pregnant. Think about it.

On to better things and the reason why you are all here tonight...

The life and times of one "Kody Bear"...

Well...He is still making us laugh till it hurts with all the dances and the songs he learned at camp! He is definetly a ham and I have got to capture the moment on video clip...if anything it will make a great video for "America's Most Funniest Videos" :0)
For a boy that didn't sleep much at camp..he is full of never ending evergy. I asked him today if he EVER gets tired from running around the yard and as he buzzed by he yelled "No...Never!!!!!!" But I can tell you this, at the end of the day...he is the FIRST one to fall asleep....or "recharge" as we call it around here.

I don't remember if I told you all this but his neuro-oncologist appointment was changed again for hopefully the last's now officially on for July 19th at 9 o'clock. This new appointment was made by me so that Karyelle would be able to hang with Kaysha and Kolin while we take Kody. We need to give this appointment our full attention and that wouldn't be real possible with three, "he's looking at me, she touched me" kids in tow.

Next MRI and neurosurgeon visit is September 22nd...I know that's a long way's away but I figured while it's on my mind I'll mention it.

Now then....for all you lovely people from the South...then you all know what Publix is {a grocery store}.
Well...I know the Publix here in Leesburg is doing a huge fundraiser for The Childrens Miracle Network at Shands hospital in Gainesville and as you all may know, this is Kody's hospital with what we believe are the best team of Dr's we have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Oops..that's with the exeption of Dr. Woorley who was the eye dr. who originally realized something was very wrong with Kody and he was also the dr. who lead us straight to Shands and Dr. Pincus. can donate at the register $1.00 to $15.00 {I think??} just buy a paper balloon, sign your name and it gets hung up in the window...kind of like the March of Dimes paper sneakers.
Kody has got quite a few hanging in our Publix window...I had been giving him a dollar or two for a candy bar and he has ben buying his paper Shands balloons instead of a treat everytime.
What's kind of amusing is that Kody HATES going food shopping and he LOVES candy but he puts up with shopping so he can buy his $1.00 balloon.
Not to worry though...I always slip him and the other two a candy bar and surprise them when we get home...:0)
Every dollar counts and the children of Shands Hospital will be the ones to benefit from everyone's kindness and genorosity. much as we love Kody's Dr.s...Shands pediatric floor could really, really use some cheering up. It's depressing enough being there...but the walls...well, there really isn't much there. The playroom is only open two hours a day and the videos are old...really old. For a perfect example...The Backstreet Boys concert video and Wrestlemania tapes from 10 years ago. I would love to hope that with the money the 4th floor can get a total make-over...that would be so cool!

Before I kick myself off of here tonight I know many of you already know that
Connor Hunley had his pelvis MRI was done to compare it to his scan of one month ago. I haven't heard anything yet as to the results but I am praying like mad that "No news is good news"...please say a prayer for this sweet, strong and brave boy..he has been through too much and he needs a miracle.

Many CB parents have been telling me {and I've been reading on their sites} about a little problem with the mysterious disappearing journal entries. OK...I have to admit, this is not a little problem, it is a big major pain in the neck, stress building, heart pounding, nerve damaging problem, especially after typing out a long entry and having it end up missing, never to return.
I have learned this lesson the hard way myself and after beating my head upside the wall a few times and screaming like a drunken sailor, here is my bit of really great advice.
Go to "Wordpad"...journal away all you like and save it. Put in in a folder that you create and call it whatever you like..mine is called "Kim's Journals".
When you are done {this is particualry great when you have constant interruptions..just keep clicking save as}...highlight the whole thing, copy it and paste it in as a new journal entry.
If you lose is still there in your folder...just paste it again.
Want to make a new journal entry? Delete what you last wrote and go for it again.
Before you hit the "preview journal entry" button, copy one more time and then click. That way if you have to go back to make changes and your entry disappears...paste it in and it will reappear again.
This is a simple and really good way to save alot of money on Excedrin.

OK guys....
Thank you soooooooo very much for listening to me rant and rave about our neighborhood craziness these past couple days...I seriously didn't mean to get so crazy mad but...Well, in the heat of the moment I was just pounding on the keyboard....looking at Kolin....pounding some more...looking at Kody...pounding even more and I guess I lost my head and my sanity..what's left of it anyway!! :0)

Have a peaceful night and a really fun-filled day tomorrow!!

~*~God Speed President Reagan~*~

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 11:13 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

My Bear is Home...My Bear is Home...WAA-HOO....YAH-HOO...My Bear is HOME!!!

It is unbeliveable how "complete" I feel again, we are all going to sleep sooooo good tonight!!

As you can see by that photo on top, Kody is now the proud owner of a Orange County Choppers Stingray and he has been cruising the street all afternoon into evening, he is definetley one very happy camper/biker/little boy/bear. :0)
I wish I had a camera on me as we walked through Wal-Mart today with that bike...all eyes were on him, a few dropped jaws here and there, lots of "cool bike dude" and I think maybe even a tear or two from a big Harley guy as Kody wore his blue bandana and white Boggy Creek/R.O.C.K. Camp {Reaching Out to Cancer Kids..."R.O.C.K., A Place Where Kids With Cancer Can Just Be Kids...that's the logo on the shirt} T-Shirt and proudly wheeled his chopper through the store and out the door.
If ever there was a little boy who could pull together a bunch of strangers to stand still briefly for a moment and awe over the true meaning of bravery Kody Bear was it today. I would have loved to have seen what would happen if we could pull ALL our brave kids together to strut their stuff through the store...LOL..they sure would bring the house down!!

So...tonight the three kids were outside riding their bikes and hanging out together...around 7 o'clock. Well...Kolin decides about 5 minutes later he had enough and squatted down on the side of the street by our mailbox to play in some wet sand & dirt. Kaysha was standing next to him and Kody was on the other side of the street, about 10 feet away. of the neighborhood brats {is bastard an OK word to use here?} decides to take his moped out on the, mind you..this is one of the kids who likes to think he is terrorizing Kody when they are outside together...Kody is 8 and this kid, Matt is 13 or 14 and twice Kody's size. Kody...well, he takes no crap if you all know what I mean. And..he will protect fearcely his brother and sister.
Well, there is Matt trying his best to scare them when he get's close to Kolin, wayyyy to close and RUNS OVER HIS WRIST!!! Which, in turn because Kolin is so small, when the moped made contact with him caused him to flip and come landing down on the back of his head. Thank God he was still wearing his helmet because that one little thing saved his head from being split open.
Kody goes running over and goes after Matt...and I mean Kody was looking for blood at this point and Matt goes running back into his house like the cry baby he is.
Kaysha, Kolin and Kody come tearing in the house screaming "Kolin got run over by Matt's moped" and me...being not too bright sometimes, see's that Kolin is standing on his own two feet and not even crying...but he was mad...Kolin was seathing, vein popping mad and quickly I figure he's OK and I go running outside like a bat out of H**L and see Matt's sister and the other neighborhood brat we had some problems with a couple of weeks back walking quickly in to the house and I start my ranting...HA...yes, I got crazy, not a very pretty site but anyway. I never did get an answer from them..just some blank stares and I say "Forget it, your useless, I'm calling the Sherriff."
The Sherriff shows up, we talk..the kids talk...and then he talks to Matt and family...who, BTW....couldn't even come out to see if Kolin was alright but says the the Sherriff..."Well, why didn't the parents come over and talk to us?" MORONS!!! the end of this little saga...the Sherrif comes back to our house and says "Well, according to the other family...Matt was riding his moped down the middle of the street and saw Kody and was so scared that he went and rode on the other side of the street where Kolin was and when Kody came across the street Matt accidently rode too close to Kolin but there was never any contact made. Lies, lies, lies...that's all I have to say on the subject.
So..then the Sherriff says "Well, you talking to Kody I can see he is somewhat of a spitfire". OK, so I cannot disagree with that...because #1...he is 200 percent all boy and yes, he is a spitfire like his Dad {and me too I guess!!} But, like I tried to explain...If you had three to four, 13 and 14 year old boys telling you everyday that they are "going to F**K you up"...well, that just might make you a "spitfire" too. I also tried {key word here..tried} to explain about Kody's medical problems and a punch from one of these little criminal boys could mean death to Kody...
Well, to make a long story short..I was pretty much blown off.
So..does Matt still have the moped?...Yes
Did he get a ticket?...No
Will he still be allowed to ride on the street whenever he wants?...Yes.
And Kolin...what does he get...a very achy back and wrist...a Sherriff who doesn't believe he was hit by the moped and a family across the street who thinks they got away with hurting a 6 year old.
I am pissed and with that I can honestly say once again...Thank God he was wearing that helmet, even though it was hot out and even though he wasn't even riding a bike...just playing in the dirt for a few minutes, he kept it on and that saved us a mad dash trip by ambulance to the E.R.

OK..enough of that....
Kody and camping...He had a GREAT time and never even missed us, not even for a minute. He was kept very busy..hmmmm, let's see...
He made 9 new friends and two "best friends"...he learned how to eat with his face {lovely..he tried this one at home tonight!}, painted a live cow, slow danced with a goat {don't ask}, chased a hog, passed his swimming test with ease, swam like a fish, was in a talent show {free-styling..whatever that is but I think it has something to do with rapping}, was on stage for every mornings session of "morning aerobics {which is the funniest thing you will ever see}, horseback riding, made a cool wooden race car, burned himself in woodshop, baked cookies, had a food fight, got washed off with an open fire hydrant, amazed everyone by knowing every single word to "Build me up Buttercup" and "That's Amore", and lots and lots more...but I'll have to ask him in the morning because right now...he is passed out cold!!!
He has been soooo tired all day but there was no way he was going to miss out on a minute of bike riding...LOL!!
Oh...BTW...he took three showers!!!!! And two swims in the pool plus one fire hydrant makes a total of six god cleanings and he hardly stunk at all on the way home.

Well guys..I am going to get some new pictures up in a little while {one of Kolin so you can see for yourselves}...and then I've got to jump off of here because Kolin has gotten up about four times within a half hour and says his back is hurting him. He is going to be sore for a few days and to make sure all really is OK, I'll call his Dr. in the morning and bring him in for a look see. :0(

Have a super terrific, really cool night and an even better day tomorrow!!!

Oh..before I update on Dad..
We have been trying to narrow this all down and it started a couple of hours after we ate at a Chinese buffet bar Sunday night...he was down on oysters and I had mussels. That was about the only thing we had that was different from each other so, this is kind of leaning us towards we thing food poisoning.
{{SIGH}}...Does it ever end??

Oh..and Kody's "Busy Kickin' Cancers Butt" t-shirt was a HUGE hit with everyone!! I even had a nurse chase us down as we were leaving to ask where he could get one. Isn't it so cool that Kody will be known as the "Poster Boy" for Kickin' Cancers Butt!! :0)
Don't can your t-shirt too...just click on Kody's "Kickin' Cancers Butt" logo up top and it will take you there. The shirts are excellent quality {it has to be to stand up to Kody Bear}, the colors don't fade...even when bleached and the shirts are true to size. Stop by..pick up one, you'll be soooo happy you did. And while your there anyway...say a big Hello to Helen {link in drop down box} because she is the talented lady who created these "attention getting" t-shirts. She also creates those personal "blinkie banners" you see on so many sites these days.
And if your anything like Kody and myself...well, I have to admit...we LOVE the shock value!! :0)

Monday, June 7, 2004 10:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Ten Hours...Fifty Minutes...29 Seconds And Kody Bear is HOME!!!!!

LOL....yuppers, I am just a little excited! :0)

To make the time pass by quick today...Kaysha and I decied it would be a great day to rearrange four bedrooms. Now Kody is in Kyle's old room, Kolin get's Karyelle's old room, Kaysha gets Kody and Kolin's room and Kaysha's old room {since there is no a/c in it} is now the storage room...thereby freeing up my closet with assorted pack rat stuff and the never ending holiday things that take up way, way too much space.

So...about 3/4 of the way through all this mess...Kaysha turned green and ran for her life towards the bathroom...where she has spent most of her afternoon today.
Seems that Dad {poor Dad, he is one sick pup today} woke up with a severe stomach flu...I mean, here is a guy that is never sick and this has got him down.
Anyway...looks like Kaysha got a dose of it, only not as bad.
As for Dad...I am at the point tonight of saying to myself "Be a good wife and call an ambulance" but he would freak so I am just sitting here tonight wishing he would "Be a good husband and willingly get into the car and let me drive him there".
{{{SIGH}}}....I pray this all passes and tomorrow he wakes up just fine. :0(

Meanwhile, it looks like I'll be taking the drive to Boggy Creek myself. Kyle took the morning off from work to be here to watch over the other two kids.

Not much else going on here...Kyle moved out officially yesterday {see photo page}. Geez...I have just FINALLY gotten over Karyelle leaving and BAM I just sucker punched by another one.
These kids are killing me.

Oh...Speaking of Karyelle..she is going back to NY on a mini vacation the first two weeks of September...checking out jobs and what not and she is seriously thinking of moving back there in Feb.
I may need to be medicated for that move.

So..some of you may be wondering how our Second Honeymoon a/k/a We Got Rid of the Kids for One Night went...
Well, here's a little recap...
We went out to eat, we came home, we went to bed, we watched a movie, we slept, we woke up and Karl whined for hours "where are my kids" until I couldn't stand it anymore and I went and picked them up.
Talk about SOMEBODY having "empty nest syndrome". Then Kyle moved out that afternoon...Poor guy...he want not doing well on the emotional side yesterday.

Well guys..moving furniture all day is definetly letting me feel it right about now and I have a very early day tomorrow....

So, I'm going to jump off tonight and I will for sure update tomorrow when we get home and after Kody Bear get's his BIKE!!!!
Thank you once again to everyone who jumped right in and made that happen so fast....he is going to be one happy camper tomorrow..and truth be told, so am I!!!! :0)

Have a wonderful, restful night and I'll be talking to you again tomorrow....

Saturday, June 5, 2004 12:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~New Photos Up This Morning...Real, Real Early Monday Morning~*~

Update coming up tomorrow...sleep tight everyone!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I hate to start this off today with bad news but sadly, we lost
Miranda Rae this morning around breakfast time.
God...I hate waking up to news like this. :0(
Please, if you would stop by Angel Miranda's site...I don't know how many of you have followed her story but her Dad really pours his heart out in every journal entry...he is truly one dedicated and loving Daddy.

I spoke to, Kimmie, Kody's camp counselor this morning and she tells me he is doing fantastic and having a GREAT time!! She is so impressed by his willingness to kind of help out and guide all the new campers this year..LOL..he is a "take-charge" kind of guy!!

So...I did wait 2 whole days before I called to check up on him...and yesterday's phone conversation went something like this....

Me: Hi this is Kim, Kody's Mom...blah...blah..blah...checking on him...blah...blah...I miss him so much...blah..blah..I tried to wait as long as I could to call...blah..blah..blah...."

Camp BC: HIYA KODY'S MOM!!! {all perky and stuff!}...yes we know Kody very well and we rememeber you too...actually we had a few bets going on that you would call yesterday.

Me: know, I wanted to wait and well I tried to wait and well you know...I just COULDN'T wait..."

Camp BC: Well we here at Camp Boggy Creek are very proud of you for going a whole almost 48 hours!! We will be sure to have his counselor call you back..and BTW..I have seen him and he is very happy and having lots of fun!

Me: Lots of fun? Very Happy? WITHOUT me his is doing all this??? OK..would you tell him I love him, I miss him, I can't wait for him to be home?

Camp BC: OK Mrs. Kody's Mom...we will tell him you said "HI"....we wouldn't want him getting homesick now would we??

Me: You mean he's not?? :0( I'll really try not to call again.

Camp BC: Call anytime you want...Ok Bye Now!!

And so my conversation ended untill today when his counselor called to tell me how wonderful things are going.

It's not too late {I think} to send him mail...if you'd like to, here's his address....

Kody Kruppenbacher, Green 2
30500 Brantley Branch Road
Eustis, Florida 32736

Even if it happens to get there late, it will be forwarded back home to him anyway.

So..guess who get's to have an 18 hour second honeymoon?? Yuppers, Karl and I are!!
Kayara and Travis are taking Kolin and Kaysha tonight and we get a whole night and a few hours tomorrow morning without kids!!!!
So, what are our plans?? {get your mind out of the gutter...HA!!}...
Dinner without spilled milk, a night-time swim without fighting, whining and beach balls flung at our heads, TV shows that don't include "The Cartoon Network" or "The Disney Channel", a whole cookie jar full of pecan sandies, and a full nights sleep with only two in our bed...WAA-HOO..what in the world is better then that??!!

Hey...want to see something pretty darn cool?? Check out these photos...

The guys from Orange County Choppers meets Crazy Uncle Kenny

I've got a couple of sweet photos of Kolin and Kaysha sending their balloons to Angel Jalen. I'll get them up today...I just have to take some time to down size them before I can get them up. The kids had alot of fun releasing them to Heaven..two got stuck in a tree for a few minutes before a breeze swept them back up but the "baby duck yellow" one shot right up...kind of as if grabbed by Jalen was so cool to watch!!

Well guys..let me bounce off of here for a while.

Have a wonderful and very safe weekend...

~*~2 days...21 hours...30 minutes...18 seconds till Kody gets home!!!~*~

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 10:55 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Thursday...Mini Update...1:15 PM~*~

I just got of the phone with Uncle Kenny who is back at OCC getting some more autographs and dropping off a picture of Kody from yesterday with a Thank You note...Come on Guys and Gals..let's all say "Crazy Uncle Kenny...You are THE MAN!!"
He had a conversation with Pauley Jr. who says to Kody.."HI KODY!!!" and Pauley Sr. who is getting to be a pretty big Kody Fan himself...he is autographing Kody's photo so there is no doubt that our Bear is talking to the real deal Dude!!

Kody can get mail while is is away at camp..for anyone that would like to send a postcard, jot a note, draw a's the addy...

Kody Kruppenbacher, Green 2
The Boggy Creek Gang Camp
30500 Brantley Branch Road
Eustis, Florida 32736

The oncologist's office called and needs to reschedule Kody's appointment from June 14th to July 12th...actually, that's works out better for us too.

About Kayara's eye/vision loss..another girl came in with the same problem, she had surgery within the same week as Kayara...they are thinking is because of the anesthesia. I don't know if they had the same anesthesiologist so I assume there is going to be some kind of investigation going on.

Balloon release for
Angel Jalen today at 3:08 PM...please help us in flooding the Heavens with a rainbow of colors from all over the world.

Sadly, another child is earning her Angel Wings as we speak...please stop by and visit
Miranda Rae's site and offer her and her very loving parents support and prayer.

As always...we thank you ALL for your love and continued support for all our families!!

Thank you Gramma Carolyn for the "Village Money"...Kolin and Kaysha are really going to enjoy it by going to see
Shrek 2 this afternoon!!

Have a beautiful day all....

Luv, Kim

4 days...20 hours and 15 minutes till my Baby comes home!!!!!


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

WOW...what an amzing day today was!!!!!

Let's see...
I'll start with that photo on top....

That is Kody Bear chatting with Pauley Sr. from Orange County Choppers!!!! Cool, isn't it??!!
OK..OK..I know alot of you {especially the gals!!} are wondering..."How in the world did Kody get a phone call from Pauley, Sr.?"... Well....Kody just so happens to have a very awesome Uncle Kenny {Karl's brother} from New York who lives about 15-20 from OCC and took some time today to make a trip there with the intentions of getting an autographed poster.
That, it turns out wasn't going to be so easy as they were filming today and there were at least 30 or so people gathered around outside wanting the same thing.
After a chat with Pauley, Jr's girlfriend and telling her about Kody...she told Uncle Kenny to wait around...and so he did for 90 minutes.
That's when both Pauley's came out and they were happy to sign a poster for Kody...but wait, it get's better...
As Pauley Sr. and his wife were making their way towards their Hummer to grab some lunch {this was so cool cuz I was talking to Ken at the time and could hear everything} ...Kenny stepped up and asked Pauley if he would talk with his 8 year old nephew from Florida who has cancer and is a HUGE fan of the show...
Well...this man took it upon himself to stop everything to get on the phone and chat with Kody for a good 5 minutes!!
Kody's face just lit up....he was just bouncing with excitement and I heard him say "Holy Moley I am talking to Pauley are so cool man, I love your bikes and your show!!"

What was so great was that we were just about to walk out the door to leave for Boggy Creek when we go the call...the timing could not have been better.
Well..needless to say the whole ride to Boggy Creek all Kody talked about was "How cool Uncle Kenny is and how cool Pauley Sr. is" and he even said "I am so STOKED!!!!"
Not sure here what exactly "stoked" is but it sounds really, really great!! :0)

From what I understand Kenny is going back tomorrow, if it doesn't rain, and see if he can get the autographs of Mikey {Kody's favorite!}, Vinny and Cody.
Both Pauley's signed today....and that is one poster Kody will treasure forever!!

Oh...Kody asked/recommended they make a "Navy Blue Angels Bike"...but, unfortunetly there will be no more military bikes...however, as luck would have it...check this out...

An OCC Cancer Awareness Chopper! Now tell me, how cool is that??!!

We owe a HUGE, REALLY HUGE "Thank You" to Uncle Kenny for all he's done for Kody today but also to Uncle Kenny and Aunt Lori for making it posible for Kody's dream bike wishes to come true...WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Also...we have two beautiful and wonderful Angels, Leesa and Marty who are huge "Kody fans" and Marty's sweet grand-daughter, Savannah who have taken it upon themselves to not only help out with Kody's dream bike but to also make sure that Kolin get's his dream bike too...and that Kaysha also get's included in some spoiling too....

There are no words that could describe the happiness in our home...seeing our children so happy makes us feel like we have won the lottery.

Though we may not be wealthy people...we are the "richest" people in the world because we have the most wonderful family and friends ever. No amount of money could ever buy that...without all of you, there wouldn't be any of us.
There is no way we could have ever made it this far in our journey with Kody without the love and support of all of you....the e-mails I get daily telling me that "I" have touched someone through Kody's Story give me the inspiration to keep on journaling...through the good times and the not so good times, I can always open up Kody's site and see an unending supply of love.
I Thank You ALL for this!!

OK...Now on to....

"How I Survived Dropping My Baby Off At Camp" a/k/a "I Begged, Pleaded, and Bribed...But It Got Me Nowhere...Kody Bear is now a Camping Bear" I mentioned before..the whole trip there was centered around Uncle Kenny and OCC...not even highering the radio {Yes Karl, I don't "hire" a "raise" the volume}...I couldn't get a word in edgewise and I suppose that was OK...because it wouldn't have helped my "PUHLEEZE STAY HOME" cause anyway.

We pulled up and there they were...The Boggy Creek Cheerleaders....clapping and waving and dancing and carrying on and then they saw it was Kody and they broke out into a very cool rendition of K-O-D-Y...which was sang to the tune of Y-M-C-A.
This got Kody and myself laughing pretty hard....
Which BTW was kind of on the dangerous side because of the long ride and the real big bottle of water I "Just HAD to have". the whisk Kody away and Dad and I park the car and then we get whisked away, to pick up Kody, by a very perky dude on a golf cart...I swear this is Karl's favorite part!! {ahem..the golf cart ride...hehehe}
We check in to "The Patch" {the mini-clinic},...have his picture {mug shot} taken...get his med's and updates set up..pick up a goody bag, water bottle, t-shirt...Dad finds the snack baskets {good ole' Dad you can always depend on him to find the food}...and we are off to the "Panther Path" to go find his cabin and fellow camper buddies a/ka partners in crime.
We get to his cabin with no problem...he picks a bed, tosses his stuff on it and says "Bye Mom..Bye Dad"...
YEAH RIGHT...Not so fast Dude!!
So..I tryed, I mean I really tryed to convince him it wasn't to late to change his mind...
But...Kody has a mind of his own, and I am not included in it this week.
So...Dad and I head out for another golf cart ride..this one in the "limo" of all carts which I thought "Hey..this one has to be a smooth ride, right?" {think bladder problems here}...NOT..but we'll get to that in a minute.

We are about to leave and who do we find but Kody's friend Lacie from Georgia..fellow BT survivor and they even share the same wonderful Dr at Shands.
Well..thinking there may not be another opportuntity to get a photo...Karl drags Kody back out of his cabin for a picture...
well the two of them hugged and it was soooo awesome!! And, Lacie being the good big sister and all promised me she would keep a good eye on him and report to me any flirting he did.

OK...So...Kody heads back to his cabin and the cart with his backpack shows up...he grabs it and heads for the door...never looking back.

Now...about that golf cart cart, seats six, looks smooth, I am figuring..."That water is about to make me have a bladder buster..this could work"... luck would have was smooth, while it was on the pavement but our perky driver "Thank you soooo very much camp counselor Cody".decides, let's take a short cut and four wheeling we went...
By the time we got to the car I was "dancing" alright!! :0)

So..that was pretty much our see it recapped in photos just click on to the photo page and have a look see of your very own.

I miss him..I miss him alot tonight...he's been away for eight and a half hours BUT....
In 5 days...9 hours and 35 minutes...
He'll be home again!!!!

Before I sign off tonight I'd like to ask a favor.
As so many of you know...tomorow marks
Angel Jalen's one year anniversary in Heaven.
We would love it if you would remember Jalen by stopping by his site....Jalen's "Am-Maw" is a very big supporter and friend to all of us..and I know they could use some kind words.
We will be sending off a balloon in Jalen's Memory...Kody won't be here but I know Kaysha and Kolin would love to release a soon to follow.

Well guys...I am going to scoot out of here tonight..time for this Mom to catch up on some sleep...

Thank you for stopping in...have a GREAT day tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 1:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

First of all...thank you so much for the support and kind words about Kody's "dream bike"....I am happy to say because of the love and genorousity of a couple of beautiful people {I won't mention names yet until I ask permission}...Kody's bike will be waiting for him by the time he arrives home from Boggy Creek Camp next Tuesday!!
I honestly shed some happy tears about this news...I found out two days ago.
Now...if anyone would like a preview, please just click below....

Kody's Dream Bike

I don't think the picture does it justice...this bike is wayyyy cool!! It's also designed by one of Kody's most favorite group of men in the world..."The Orange County Choppers Crew"..
As you can imagine....Kody Bear is a HUGE fan of the show..and really thinks Mikey is the coolest...LOL!!
One word of advice from Kody {and in his own words} to OCC...."Make a Navy Blue Angels bike Man!!!!!"

Next picture of the bike you will all see is Kody himself cruising the streets on it!!
Really...he has the page up on our "favorites" bar and stares at it every 5 to 10 minutes...and if you were to walk through the door...he'd have you right there next to him so he could show you every single little detail...boys, you just gotta love them!!

OK...on to more Kody news....
Well...unfortunetly, he woke up with a pounding headache this morning.....I medicated him and he seemed to be a bit better but when I checked on him an hour or so ago {because he was quiet, and if you know Kody....quiet is never a good sign...LOL!!}....
Anyway....he is sleeping and seems to just be wanting to hibernate his whole day away.
I am praying it's just the weather {it is very, very hot here} and nothing else because a sleeping Kody usually is not a good thing.
We don't take his battery pack out at night for nothing, you know. :0)

I was hoping to get some pictures today....but so far, no...but we'll see, he may be up to it later on.

Boggy Creek Camp starts tomorrow afternoon...we will most likely be leaving after lunchtime....and my Bear will be gone for 6 days. I don't know how much I'll have to update on him as they don't let us frantic Mom's call and talk to them...they do this to avoid homesickness...which is a good thing for some kids but Kody proved last year....he is definetly NOT one to miss home. :0(

I was wondering...would it still be OK for me to update an whine a little??!!

OK..let me give you all a quick update on Kayara before I jump off this thing...
Yesterday would you believe she woke up without vision in one of her eyes!! She said it looked like as if you stared directly into the sun...with the dark spots. And her pupil was so big and wouldn't come back down to normal like the other eye.
Her Dr. opened his office yesterday and had her come in...he put some drops in and it returned to normal..but today he is referring her to an eye Dr. and wants a CAT Scan done by the end of the day.
He doesn't think it has anything to do with the endreo. and/or surgery because it was caught pretty early but better to be safe then sorry.

Oh...let me ask one more question....this would be a question for BT parents...
Lately, every so once in a while Kody has a difficult time swallowing food. Not soft, slidey things like ice cream and pop's..more like meat, sandwiches...things like that.
What he does is he chews and chews and tries to swallow....then he puts up his finger as if to say "wait, let me try again" then he tries again. It usually goes down but with effort.
I know alot of kids do this when they don't want to eat something..but you see Kody is a "carnivor"...he LOVES meat!!! So...that surprised me and I believe he isn't faking it because he doesn't want to eat...but he really is having, once in a while, a hard time getting the food down.
I was just this normal? Has it happened to anybody else?

OK...Kody's up and about so let me jump off and see if he's OK.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!

~*~Kody Bear Mini Update~*~

He feels better and is starving....YEAH!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Monday Night...May 31st


Thank you so much Mrs. Judy for the beautiful
Memorial Day Tribute Page.
So much love went into this page...for our "Heros"...our children.

Thank you also to everyone who corrected me with the "endometriosis" mix-up...if you thought I messed up the spelling pretty should have heard me try and say it!!! :0)

Sorry to cut this short tonight....I'll be updating more tomorrow and also adding some new pictures.

Have a very great and restful night!!

Love, Kim


~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Thank you so much to everyone who has been praying for and asking about our daughter, Kayara. Here's the update on her...
She is home...she's hurting alot, cut and stitched in three places...but she will be OK...we hope.
The diagnosis was something called...bear with me, I know I am going to mess this one up...
endreosimosis. And...what it is, is that her uterine lining was falling off and attaching itself onto other vital organs....which, as you can imagine is a very dangerous and potentally fatal thing to have happen.
Thankfully, it was caught fairly she should be OK. However, it is not 100 percent guaranteed and it may happen again. Only time will tell so we will just keep praying that she will be healed.
As far as having any more children {she is 21 and has an almost two year old daughter}...that looks extremely bleak.
So..we will be thankful to God that she does have a very healthy, chubby and beautiful little girl, Alona Jane. {our sweetheart grand-daughter}

The stress of having another thing happen to one of our children is really starting to show...I try to be happy for the others but they know something is wrong. Mommy is having a real, real hard time smiling these days.
I know things will get better...when you are at the bottom, there is only one way to go and that is up, right?
Just like Dora from "Finding Nemo" says {and I thank Angel Jakie Bear for teaching me this very important life lesson}..."Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...."

I have two prayers is for

who has relapsed with medullablastoma.
The other is for
Miranda who has relapsed with luekemia.
Please keep these two beautiful children and their families in your prayers today and always.'s a little happy/silly story which happened to Kody and me today... we are at the happiest place on Earth...Wally World a/k/a Wal-Mart...which was not only happy...but happy with ALOT of customers on a busy Memorial Day weekend stocking up on burgers, hot dogs, charcoal and beer.
To be honest with you...I wish I was one of those beer swiggin' people today...LOL..just kidding!!
Anyway...I went to get my very necessary "Oil of Olay just keep me young looking forever cream" and Kody...who HATES the make-up section almost as much as he hates the womens bra section begs me to let him check out some bikes.
Well...the bike section is directly across from the make-up section and so I figure..what the heck, let him go.
Well...I found what I needed and kind of browsed around looking at some other cool stuff...a few minutes later I leave to go find Kody Bear.
Well...I found him...I found him sitting on top of the most awesome, coolest bicycle I have ever seen. Well..he must have thought the same thing because he was just sitting there with the biggest smile and the kind of eyes that all guys have when they set them for the first time on their first love...{not a woman..but more like first car/bike/all big boy toys in general}.
So I said "Oh cool is that?" and he says "Mom...thank God you came back...some rich people with a huge purse with money hanging out of it wanted to buy it but they said let's finish shopping then we'll come back for it"....
So I said "No, you've got to be kidding" and Kody says "I am SERIOUS!!!" {and you should have seen his face, he was serious!!}
So then he says "So...I sat on it and I wouldn't move and the whole time I was saying to myself 'Come on Mom..hurry, please'"
Well...whatever got the better of me..and I still don't know...maybe it was flashbacks of MRI machines, hospitals, veins that wouldn't cooperate, tears, missing home, headaches and being teased about his "bump" {his shunt}....
Then I got to thinking of something I read in the newspaper a few days ago about local elementary school kids Kody's age being interviewed about what they would be doing this sumer and they happily said "vacations, beaches, theme parks, etc..."
Then I thought to myself..."well, he does have Boggy Creek {cancer kids camp}...and then he has oncologists, more MRI's, more pokes, and God only knows what else..this isn't a normal summer and what the is only a bicycle"
I said to Kody "What are you waiting for...we have got to get this bike to the Lay-a-Way department right now!!"
If I could have bottled the look on his face right then and there I would have....big brown eyes, a huge beautiful smile, the biggest hug I have ever gotten and I even think I saw a teeny tear when he said "Mommy...I love you so much...thank you!!"
I wish you all could have seen how proud he was walking that bike through Wal-Mart to the Lay-a-Way dept.!!
I wish you all could have seen how proud I was walking with my son who was wearing his "Busy Kickin' Cancers Butt" t-shirt and "Survivor" bandana proudly.

I don't know how long it will take me to pay it off...but somehow, someway, to give him a half a chance at a "normal" summer...I'll figure something out. :0)
I have to...I'm his Mom...his "Hero"..the do-er of everything good....
But in all actuality....
Kody is the "HERO"...the do-er of everything good in my life.

Well guys and gals...I am going to cut this short tonight and try to catch up on some sleep.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day lots, relax lots and please, please be very careful if you are out driving!!

Thank you all for coming back to visit...And to all our Veterans...THANK YOU...We love you all!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Summer Vacation...Day #2...
I'm still alive, just missing alot of hair.
Pulling My Hair Out
Kids are bouncing off the walls...the weather is HOT..the house is becoming smaller by the minute..
Against all parental advisory's...I am off to pick up "Scary Movie 3"...what the heck, it's worth a shot and an hour of silence, right??!!
Sharing Popcorn

I'll update tonight when the kiddo's are asleep....ahhhhhhh, beautiful that word is!! :0)

Have a great day everyone!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

And here it is, as promised.....
The Update

We are at the end of summer vacation day 2...the kids haven't stopped for a second and Mom is heavily into drinking mass amounts of coffee with southern butter pecan creamer....
I figure...a girls gotta have a little something to look forward to everyday, right?

We heard from our friend, Scotty tonight. You all remember Scotty...Dad of Kendra who was in the car accident last month.
Well...Kendra is doing better...little by little and baby steps later, she is continuing to remember more and get healthier. She even gave her Dad a kiss the other day....they are not sure yet if she fully understands that's her Daddy...but, she will soon...I just know she will.
We understand there is a HUGE poker run planned for her in the coming months and that ought to be about a big a blowout bash as Kody's poker run was a year and a half ago. Karl is leaving tomorrow night after work for Mr. Pubs to help with the details and planning.

So...I am trying to get Kody to learn to do his own hair everyday, so when he's at Boggy Creek next week it won't be hanging down in his eyes like a sheepdog. His hair is getting so long now he can actually ponytail it {like Dad}..which was his final "hair goal". Well, the problem is {LOL} instead of getting that low manly tail, he is hiking it up a bit too high {see photo page, graduation cake pic} and looks something like a "Suma Wrestler".
Now...imagine this if you will....
Kody "Suma's" his hair, hikes his boxers up into a wedgie and when Dad walks into the room, yells "SUMA WAR" and butts Dad hard with his belly.
Yeah...OK, not exactly what Dad expected on a just ate a platter of food for dinner stomach. know what they say about the look on his face....PRICELESS!! :0)
And me without a camera handy..can you believe my bad luck??

So....within the next week or baby....OK, he is not a baby anymore, he is now a man. Anyway....our son, Kyle {18 years old} is flying the coop and moving out.
He and a couple of the people he works with are renting a real nice house in Fruitland Park {the next town over and where the boys go to school}
I guess I have to let him fly...but trust me, I am NOT letting him go willingly or without guilt...LOL!! Kody and Kyle are very, very close.....and I kind of thought Kody would be crushed but actually....Kody has got big plans on taking over Kyle's bedroom and claiming it as his own. Which would be the first time ever that Kody and Kolin have been separated.
Kolin, on the other not too happy about Kody leaving him.
Poor Kyle, his room isn't even empty yet and Kody is moving his stuff in!

Before I leave you all tonight I'd like to ask a HUGE favor of you all....
Our daughter, Kayara, who had that mishap in the ER a couple of months ago {mis-diagnosis of appendixitis}...the one with the never ending cyst problem is going in for emergancy surgery tomorrow morning. She was originally scheduled for surgery on June 23rd but her Dr. called this morning to say he is not comfortable waiting and wants this done immediately. He feels something bad is going on in there so he is opening her and putting in a tiny video camera and having a look see.
Seems like she is having some major uterus problems and the lining is growing off of the uterus. There is a name for this, I just can't remember what it is.
Please keep Kayara in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow....I'll update just as soon as I find out anything.

Well guys and gals....I'm about ready to boogie's getting late and would you believe my three night owls are still up watching movies??!! :0)

Have a wonderful night and a really, really wonderful day tomorrow!!


Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Summer Vacation...Day #2...
I'm still alive, just missing alot of hair.
Pulling My Hair Out
Kids are bouncing off the walls...the weather is HOT..the house is becoming smaller by the minute..
Against all parental advisory's...I am off to pick up "Scary Movie 3"...what the heck, it's worth a shot and an hour of silence, right??!!
Sharing Popcorn

I'll update tonight when the kiddo's are asleep....ahhhhhhh, beautiful that word is!! :0)

Have a great day everyone!!



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

It's Tuesday...and you know what that means??? Well, at exactly 3:05 PM.....


I know three very excited kids that will be bouncing off the walls today...LOL!!

As in our families tradition...the song on Kody's site today is....get ready for I said it's a family tradition since our oldest kids {23 & 21} were Kolin and Kody's age..

Alice Cooper's...."School's Out For Summer"

OK...I may just owe you all an explaination's a tradition in our home forever that on the last day of school...when the last kid gets home, we BLAST...and I mean BLAST "School's Out for Summer"!!
The kids love it and get this...they actually for three whole minutes, think their parents are pretty cool....HA!! you all must know by now, we are no "Ozzie and Harriet" kind of family...I'd actually lean more towards "Ozzy and Sharon"...but hey, we love each other, we have fun...lots of it...and that's all that really matters, right?

Now..on to the "Field Day" adventures of Kody and Kolin....
Let's start with Kody.....>>>>>

FIrst thing....painted handprints on a nice white wall....Kody's legacy will live on forever at Fruitland Park Elementary School...and it will live on as a big blue handprint. {see above photo}.
Next...water fight with the opposing second grade class..did they win, I'm not sure but they were pretty darn wet. Did he dry quick? Yes he was 92 degrees today!!
Next....dancing to silly songs...defiently NOT Kody's favorite event and one he would have rather lived without...still, I did catch him if just for a brief moment attempt the "Chicken Dance"...before he realized he had an all girl audiance...and then he promptly straightened up and went into complete "cool mode".
Next...Thank goodness..a true "boy sport"..Tug-of-War. Yes folks...he tugged, he pulled, he grunted and he near busted a gut...did they win??
No..they did not..but, they had fun!!!!!
Next...the 100 meter dash...did Kody run? Nope he didn't...{he is big, he is brave.....but Kody is no runner!!}. He cheered though....loudly, very, very loudly!! Guys..his lungs are fantastic!!
Next event....popsicle eating and hanging with friends...
I am proud to say he excelled in this event!!
Lastly...throw a wet sponge at the principal...did he do it?
Right smack in the ole' kisser!!

And that about describes Kodys Field Day on to Kolin....

First event..throw the wet sponge at the principal..did he do it...
YES HE DID!!!! What is with these kids and "principal torture"???
Next....Kolin's shot at leaving his legacy a/k/a the big purple print!!
Next...popsicle eating and he did great..all day long he carried around that red, sticky popsicle face in pride.
Next...Tug-of-War...Kolin's style....he pulled, he talked to the kid next to him, he laughed, he tugged more, he belly laughed...and that's when he fell....then what did he do after that??....Why of course, he BELLY LAUGHED SOME MORE!!!
That boy has got an awesome sense of humor and an incredible laugh :0) fight!!! He got his water cup ready...he thought carefully as to who made him mad the most this year and who was gonna be the victim of his first attack..he thought some more....he is friends with EVERYBODY...sooooo....he just ran when the whistle blew and threw water on everybody including himself!! I did mention it was 92 degrees at 10:00 AM...he is smart, isn't he??
Next....50 meter dash...something like the 100 meter dash only downsized I suppose for kids with shorter legs.
Did he run? Yes, he sure did...he ran as fast as his lil' legs would take him, he looked back, he was in the lead...his sneaker flew off and then.....he BELLY LAUGHED AGAIN!!!! So much for a blue ribbon...his laughter was all the ribbon I will ever need!!
Next....dancing to silly songs....does he take after his "too cool" brother?
NO HE DOES NOT!!!! :0)
He chicken danced, he hokey pokeyed, he twirled, touched his toes, shook his booty and he barked to "Who Let the Dogs Out"...
And the best part.he didn't care who saw him...he was having way to much fun!!

Welp, that about does it for this years Field Day...and yes, it was as fun as it sounded!! :0)

For a visual of some of Monday's right on to the photo page.

Let's see...what else is new?
Oh..I know...that STUPID Tylenol contest...seems that now they are NOT set up for public voting and so the judges at the Tylenol company will make all the decisions as to who wins. Makes me want to keep using Motrin..lasts longer and tastes better anyway.
Anyway...supposely they will decide after June 15th...which may also be a bunch of hooey since they lied about the deadline of April 15th and then May 1st and then May15th....
{{SIGH}}...I guess I'll just sit back, wait and see.

Kody Bear will be leaving us on June 2nd...and he'll be back on June 8th...
It's that time of year again...Boggy Creek Camp!!!!
Great news for Kody...bad news for all of you who will hear me whine and sulk for six straight days.
Seriously though...Boggy Creek is definetly the Country Club of Camping. I know this because we went to Family Weekend last November. And..not only is is very sweet for us adults but where else can you send your precious child knowing darn well they will not be taking a shower, changing their clothes, or combing their hair for six days....honestly, it is a little boys dream.
A little word of advice for all the news parents sending their kids this year...bring car air freshener for the trip me, you'll need it.
Ever smelled a boy who's gone fishing everyday for six days and hasn't touched a bar of soap.
Some more useful advice....
don't even think of spending $200.00 on new matching outfits and toiletries....they won't get worn and they won't get used. Enough said :0)

Well guys...I had better get off this thing, it's getting late and I believe I have talked your ears off again!!

Have a great day everyone...have fun, make memories....can you really get enough of those??!!

In the words of Kolin at the start of Field Day..."Mom...I'm so glad your here..these ARE my childhood memories you know!!"
CUTE!!!!!!! :0) :0) :0)

Friday, May 21, 2004 10:10 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Update...12:20 AM~*~

It absolutely breaks my heart to have to tell you all that 7 year old
Benjamin, who had recently relapsed with medulloblastoma...was found to have a second tumor deep in his brain and even more tumors throughout his spine.
He is now home in hospice....
Please pray for this beautiful little boy and his very loving family. They just don't deserve this...nobody does. :0(



~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Drum roll please.....

And the First Place Award for Fruitland Park Elementary School's 2004 Flight School/Build Your Own Airplane Contest......
~*~Kody Bear Kruppenbacher~*~

Not only did Kody's plane fly the furthest {great piloting Kody!!}...but he also won the school's record for having the largest homemade airplane.
In Kody's own words..."The record was two desks long...mine was three!!"

Kolin's Kindergarten graduation was so sweet and so special today....his teacher made a point when Kolin went up for his "diploma" tell everyone about Kolin...and in Mrs. Montgomery's words...
"Kolin has a natural and special way of caring so much for others. He just knows, inside when someone is hurting and he will go to them and always with his warm and wonderful ways...encourage them to laugh again.
Kolin has a brother who is very sick and Kolin tells me everyday how much he loves his big brother and how he helps Mom take care of him when he is feeling bad.
I do hope this virtue stays with Kolin forever...I love this little boy so much and he is going to be a GREAT first grader!!"
I have got to tell you...I don't think there was a dry eye in the class...especially my own best friend who had to pull out the Kleenex...LOL!!
I don't know if you all know this but this year was Kolin's second year of see, he struggled so bad last year, and though he made the first grade requirements last our hearts we knew he would have struggled through first we thought about it carefully and decided to give him the extra year. This by far was the BEST decision we ever made...he just opened up and blossomed this year and is at the top of his class.
Last year at this time he was barely writing his own name and could only read three letter words...
This year...not only can he write his first, middle and last name..but he can do it in cursive and he is reading first grade chapter books!!
I'll get some pictures put up tonight..I am so proud of Kolin!!
First Grade

Kaysha has been going back to school again..she started back this Tuesday...everything, Thank God is going great. She has two more days of exams {which she has been kicking butt on} and then school's out for summer....

Kody and Kolin have Field Day on Monday....those two boys are beyond excited about Field Day....and Kody has been practicing like crazy for his all time favorite event...
Tug-of-War!!! The great thing about being Kody, who happens to also be the biggest kid in second grade, is he gets to be the "Anchor"...which is definetly his favorite place to be on the Tug-of-War line.

Have you all visited Helen's Cafe Shop?? It sure looks like it is taking off in leaps and bounds...please, take a look if you haven't yet...just click on the picture of Kody up on top of my journal and it will take you right there. And shop....please shop..there are so many cool "Kickin' Cancers Butt" t-shirts and other things...for all of you who are fighting the "C" monster with an attitude.

Well guys...I am going to cut this short tonight...
I've got some things that still need price tagging for tomorrow's yard sale my daughter and I are having...then off to slumber city for me.

Thank you all for stopping by and checking in....please tonight before you go to bed...take a moment and say a little prayer for our super, wonderful, really good friend...Kody's sister in Texas...
Cheyenne who has been having some problems with the side effects of radiation. Please...would you say a prayer that her Dad and Mom will find a Dr. that can give them some great advice and some great news as how to get those pesky side effects to go away forever.
As always...we thank you so much for taking the time to not only care for and pray for Kody...but for keeping his friends in your prayers too.

Good night all!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hello Everyone~*~


Dr. Levine, Kody's eye dr. tells us that Kody is doing WONDERFUL!!!!!
His eye that I thought was starting to turn upwards is actually perfect...what is happening is that we see an "opstical illusion"...when Kody had the surgery on his right eye last September...the muscles were cut, realigned and tightened. The eyelid needed to be tightened just a bit more because in time it will loosen up. So, since that lid is still a teeny bit tight, it seems as if the other eye doesn't line up right when actually it is, not only, lined up perfect but his vision is perfect too!!
It has even improved within the past six months...
We are on Cloud Nine over this news today!!!!
Way to go Kody Bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
About the double vision Kody has once in a while...well, that is tumor related and it's just something that we'll put up doesn't really bother him and when it happens he is so uneffected by it that he doesn't even mention it. I only know he still has double vision because I'll ask him ever so often and he'll say "Yeah...but don't worry, I'm fine".
He is such a fighter, isn't he? 0)

How about that new picture on top?? Is that about the coolest?? I have been mentioning Helen Hudspith's new store...and that t-shirt you see on Kody is just one of the few very cool items there.
It is definetly for anybody {children, babies, teens or adults} who is "Kickin' Cancers Butt" with an attitude...much like Kody Bear....LOL!!
I will leave the link below if you would like to browse around...

"Fighting Cancer with an Attitude"
Helen's Caring Bridge Site
Hero Banners for your Child are the BEST girl!!

Thank you to everyone who has been visiting our newest friend,
Heidi. I know she and her family appreciate the messages they have been receiving from all of you....thank you so much!!

I still cannot believe the Tylenol Be a Simply Star contest isn't working....I started wondering if it was a hoax or something...but I kind of figured, why would a huge company like Tylenol do such a thing? I don't know what's going on but tomorrow I'll get on the phone with them again and tell them I have a few thousand irrate Kody Bear fans wanting to know when they can vote. That ought to get them! :0)

Kody's neuro/oncologist appointment is on for June 14th...9:00 AM.
We were talking to Dr. Levine about this today...and he knows exactly who Dr. Smith {onc.} is and says she is sooooooo great...we will love her. She is brand new..the first neuro/onc. Shands has ever had and best of all..she is very conservative/doesn't jump in to things...much like us.
I have a feeling we will get along just great.

Welp....four more days of school and we are home for the summer.....WAA-HOO!!!
Now...seriously, that wasn't sarcastic...I am one of those carzy Mom's who really loves having the kids home for the summer...maybe because there is so much less running around and stress...we really love to just hang out and play, swim, picnic, and everyone's favorite part of closets when it rains!! maybe that is NOT Kaysha, Kody and Kolin's favorite part of summer...but I kinda like it....hehehehe!!
Some people like to "Spring Clean"..I like to "Summer Clean"...besides I get really, REALLY antsy when Kody is away at Boggy Creek some of you might remember, last year I remodeled a bathroom and whined alot....who knows what this year will bring. :0)

Kolin is having his big Kindergarten graduation this Friday...I swear I will cry like a baby when I see my baby get his...{sniff}...{snort}...diploma!! honor of my kids graduating the 7th grade, the 2nd grade and Kindergarten...I've choosen what I think is the sweetest song ever for my babies...and of course, your graduating babies too {no matter if they are graduating pre-school to college}...."Forever Young" by Rod Stewart....
who by the way, Karl swears I had a crush on in my younger days...but I really don't think I did...OK, maybe I did a little..but not alot...OK...I did OK, I admit it!!

I have put up some new pictures on the photo page tonight...enjoy them...we had a blast creating them today....
In one, Kody is holding a huge bright green airplane....let me explain that one.

Kody had an end of the year project to do...something that he thought was the COOLEST project ever...he got to make his own airplane and tomorrow his whole class will bring in their planes and compete in "Flight School"...the plane that flies the furthest wins.
So..this was Kody's idea...tape two pieces of poster board together and fold it into a huge paper jet...believe it or not, it actually worked.
Anyway...Let's hope Kody has a good arm cuz when Dad threw it, it went across the whole yard...{an acre}...
when Kody threw it...about 16 and a half feet. I think we may need to get Dad to school tomorrow!!
Anyway...on Kody's request..I tried to "flame out" his plane...and as you can see, Kody is very proud of the end result...he really can't wait for school tomorrow!!

Now...let me explain another one..
Who says men can have nicer/longer hair then women?????!!!!! {GRRRRRRRRRRRRR} You'll see what I mean when you click on.

Well guys..I would love to stay and chat all night....really, I am not kidding..I LOVE to talk!! But..I have got to get that song up and attempt to get some sleep.

I'll leave the "Why Us?" poem up for a bit longer...thank you for all the compliments I have received on it. It was sent to me from Cindy, Elliott's Mom. It is a pretty powerful and beautiful piece, isn't it?

Alright guys..have a great night and an even greater day tomorrow!! :0)


Why Us?

Most women become a mother by accident, some by
choice, a few by habit.
Did you ever wonder how mother of children with
cancer are chosen?
Somehow, I visualize God hovering over the earth
selecting his instruments for propagtion with great care
and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs his
angels to make notes in a giant ledger...
"Armstrong, Beth, son, patron saint Mathew"
"Forest, Marjorie, daughter, patron saint Cecilia"
Rutledge, Carrie, twins, patron saint Gerald. He's
used to profanity"
Finally, he passes a name to an angel and says, "Give
her a child with cancer."
The angel is curious. "Why this one God? She's so
"Exactly, smiled God. "Could I give a child with cancer
a mother who does not know laughter? That would be
"But does she have patience?" asks the angel.
"I don't want her to have too much patience or she will
drown in a sea of self pity and despair. Once the shock
and the resentment wears off, she will handle it"
"I watched her today," said God. "She has that feeling of
self-independence that is so rare and necessary in a
mother, You see, the child I'm going give to her has its
own world. She has to make it live in her world and
that's not going to be easy."
"But Lord, I don't think she even believes in you," said
the angel.
"No matter. I can fix that. This one is perfect, she has
just enough selfishness.
The angel gasps, "Selfishness? Is that a virtue?"
God nods. "If she can't seperate herself from the child
occasionally, she'll, never survive.
Yes, here is a women I will bless with a child less than
perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be
envied. She will never take anything her child does for
granted. She will never consider a step ordinary."
"I will permit her to see clearly the things I
see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice...and alow her to rise
above them."
"And what about her patron saint?" asks the angel, his
pen poised in mid air.
God smiles and says "A mirror will sufice."

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I know this is a little late for Mother's Day but I had gotten this from Cindy, who is Elliott's {link is in drop down box} mom and I knew I just HAD to get this up.....


Why Us?

Most women become a mother by accident, some by
choice, a few by habit.
Did you ever wonder how mother of children with
cancer are chosen?
Somehow, I visualize God hovering over the earth
selecting his instruments for propagtion with great care
and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs his
angels to make notes in a giant ledger...
"Armstrong, Beth, son, patron saint Mathew"
"Forest, Marjorie, daughter, patron saint Cecilia"
Rutledge, Carrie, twins, patron saint Gerald. He's
used to profanity"
Finally, he passes a name to an angel and says, "Give
her a child with cancer."
The angel is curious. "Why this one God? She's so
"Exactly, smiled God. "Could I give a child with cancer
a mother who does not know laughter? That would be
"But does she have patience?" asks the angel.
"I don't want her to have too much patience or she will
drown in a sea of self pity and despair. Once the shock
and the resentment wears off, she will handle it"
"I watched her today," said God. "She has that feeling of
self-independence that is so rare and necessary in a
mother, You see, the child I'm going give to her has its
own world. She has to make it live in her world and
that's not going to be easy."
"But Lord, I don't think she even believes in you," said
the angel.
"No matter. I can fix that. This one is perfect, she has
just enough selfishness.
The angel gasps, "Selfishness? Is that a virtue?"
God nods. "If she can't seperate herself from the child
occasionally, she'll, never survive.
Yes, here is a women I will bless with a child less than
perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be
envied. She will never take anything her child does for
granted. She will never consider a step ordinary."
"I will permit her to see clearly the things I
see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice...and alow her to rise
above them."
"And what about her patron saint?" asks the angel, his
pen poised in mid air.
God smiles and says "A mirror will sufice."


~*~We are off to Shands tomorrow morning for the eye dr. and we FINALLY got the appointment for the oncologist...
June 14th at 9:00 AM~*~

Have a great day!!
Luv, Kim


Monday, May 17, 2004 1:45 PM

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

For everyone who has been wondering..."How the heck do we get on that Tylenol Be a Star contest...."
Whew..I know, I still can't believe it isn't working...but...I just got off the phone with the company and they assured me it would be up by late this afternoon or tomorrow morning at the very latest....
Soooooo...the Kody Be a Simply Star Contest is on....PLEASE vote everyday as many times as they will let you!!
The link is still below but as soon as I know it is up and running I'll put it here at the top of my journal entry.

Our appointment with Kody's neuro/eye Dr. is on Wednesday...please, if you could all say a lil' ole Kody Bear Prayer that we will leave there and be able to come home and report good news to you all...that would be so great, so cool, so spectacular...soooo, everything good!!

No word on the oncologist appt. yet, so I called Kody's CMS worker as directed and am waiting for a call back. She told me to let her know if I never get a call from the onc. office so she can play pit bull and get things rolling right along.
Just so you all know though...we are just going to met Dr. Smith {the oncologist} and discuss the rareness of Kody's tumor and options for the future if ever needed .We {Karl and I} are in complete 100 percent agreement that there will be no chemo. or radiation at this time. Especially the radiation part. Nothing against modern medicine because it has certainly saved Kody's life...but as far as we can tell, Kody remains pretty much symptom free and other then a few learning disabilities and minor symptoms relating to his eyes and/or tumor...he acts so normal...and that's the way we want it to stay until the day {if ever that day even comes} that his tumor is takes a turn for the worse..and we have no choice.
Maybe I am in denial..maybe I am not...I don't know. I do know one thing though....I just want my son to live a very long, happy, healthy and forfilling lfe. I want him to experience school, proms, cars, girls, college, forfilling his dream of becoming that jet fighter pilot {or maybe comedianne as Dad says!}, love, marriage, holding his own child, teaching his own son {or daughter} how to ride a skateboard and motorcycle and feeling the joy of holding his own grandbaby...another generation...another "mini Kody Bear" :0)
I know medicine has a part in all of this...but I also know a greater source has an even bigger part. Your prayers for Kody have brought him to where he is today...and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt...they will continue to see his through the rough times and on to a beautiful life.

I have met a new friend today..and I'd love you all to meet her too...

Heidi is a young Mom who has recently found out she has a rare lung disease. I am so sure she would love to meet you all...and bring some prayers and cheer...she has been through alot recently, just got out of the hospital and is in need of a lung transplant.
Stop love her!! As always, in advance...we thank you all so much!!

Well's about time for me to get on out of here...the boys need to be picked up from school...but before that I am sure my friend Karrie is gonna drag me kickin' and screamin' on yet another one of her "healthy power walks"....oh, I can feel the whining starting already...from me!!

Before I go though...please pray for another one of my friend's {Teresa}....who's daughter, Kayla, who is going into the 5th grade..but is super tiny {about the size of Kolin}. Anyway...she was at a friends house on Friday after school...the two girls were running in the yard with the family dog running behind them when Kayla stopped..but the dog didn't. Well, Kayla went flying up and backwards and landed on her neck on top of a privacy fence.
Kayla has a broken, in two, coller bone...she is hurting so bad. I know they were seeing the othapedic {sp?} surgeon today so in a short while at school I'll get an update.

~*~Kayla Update~*~
{{SIGH}}...The orthapedic's here in Leesburg will not take her insurance and Kayla's parents have to wait until tomorrow at 1 PM to see a dr. at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Women and Children in Orlando....good dr's but a heck of a long drive to have to keep taking back and forth.:0(

OK...I'm now late...darn...
Gotta run!!!!!!


I would love to tell you all about our friend Helen who has opened a shop with items such as t-shirts, postcards, etc...
Her shop is so COOl....really, really cool because it is for anyone who is fighting cancer with attitude!! {much like Kody LOL}. She has so kindly offered to give to Kody's fund 5f the sales from her items. Please stop may find something you really like!!

"Fighting Cancer with an Attitude"

BTW...Helen is also the wonderful and talented girl who makes all the blinkie banners you may see on so many can see Kody's up above..and if you would like one, PLEASE feel free to drop her a line...I am sure she would love to create one for your childs site too.

Saturday, May 15th

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday Kody's shunt...
Happy First Birthday to you!!!!!!!!

Birthday Song

Thursday, May 13, 2004 10:30 PM

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Just a quick update tonight...

Has everyone seen
Katia's newest News video clip? This is by far the BEST one yet...and let me tell you, Katia is soooooo adorable {you can hear her sweet little voice!!}...and Tracy and Myron sound exactly like I thought they would...what an amazing family, aren't they?

We got another little one who is in need of a few prayers and a few guestbook entries...if any one is up for the challenge!!

RachelJoy is having a rough time and, according to Mom {Stephanie} she is cheered up so much by her GB entries.

Thank you so much for the prayers for "Our Bravest Trooper",
Connor. Mom, Rhonda has personally told me that she is so appreciative of all the prayers and messages for Connor. Yesterday, at 2 PM the prayers were definetly felt and Connor was surrounded by them as his parents and Dr's told him his cancer has returned for the third time.
And so the fight starts once again....please keep praying.

A BIG "Thank You" to Debbie Nagy from three VERY HAPPY kids!!!!!
Kaysha, Kody and Kolin got your package today and they are beyond happy...especailly Kaysha and I thank you so much for cheering her up and truly putting a smile back on her face...she loves EVERYTHING...and Kody and Kolin...they are in motorcycle Heaven!! Would you believe they actually took their motorcycles to bed with them tonight?
Please check back tomorrow as I'll be updating pictures.....and while I'm thinking of it, let me see if I can snap one of them sleeping with their new toys....shhhh, don't tell!!

We still don't have that appoinment with the neuro-oncologist. If I still don't hear anything by Monday..I was told by Kody's CMS worker to call her back and she will play pit bull for us. Thank God...because between phone calls to Schools, Board of Education Safety Dept, and Dr's...and am definetly telephoned out.

Speaking of schools...Kaysha is still home...the bully is still in school and the schools principal is in West Palm Beach...UGH!!! The last I heard..we will NOT be reimbursed the money for Kaysha's hair and instead of moving the guilty party out of classes...they want to move Kaysha instead.
Soooo..we have a meeting Monday morning at 9 AM where I already know...nothing will EVER happen to the brat that put all that bonding glue in her hair...and I'll just tell them, I will hand deliver Kaysha for her exams, wait around, and then drive her home. And...not only that...but Kaysha will not be in the same room taking her exam as the bully. I'll make sure of that.

The appointment with Kody's new pediatrician went very, very well...looks like we have got a keeper!!
The funny thing was he {the Dr.} walks into the room...looks at Kody, looks at me, looks at Kody's chart, looks at Kody again, looks at the chart again, looks at me and says "Is this Kody?" I said "Sure is" and he sits down {jaw to the ground} and says "Oh, I am so's just that I expected to walk in and see this very sick child"....LOL!!!!
Anyway...Dr. Franks is very cool and Kody likes him that's what counts. He is aware that all Kody's special needs are strickly taken care of at Shands...and the best part...Dr. Franks is ready and willing at a moments notice to write us a referral for any Dr. we need or want to see.
What else can you ask for?

I would love to tell you all about our friend
Helen who has opened a shop with items such as t-shirts, postcards, etc...
Her shop is so COOl....really, really cool because it is for anyone who is fighting cancer with attitude!! {much like Kody LOL}. She has so kindly offered to give to Kody's fund 5f the sales from her items. Please stop may find something you really like!!

"Fighting Cancer with an Attitude"

BTW...Helen is also the wonderful and talented girl who makes all the blinkie banners you may see on so many can see Kody's up above..and if you would like one, PLEASE feel free to drop her a line...I am sure she would love to create one for your childs site too.

Well's getting late and it has been a loooooong day around here {too much to even type right now} I am going to say my "good-nights" and I will be talking to you all again real soon.

Watch for some new pictures tomorrow...Kody hasn't been much in the picture taking mood lately..but tomorrow he promises he will pose with his new very cool t-shirt sent to him by "Mrs. Debbie". :0)

Have a beautiful day.....

Saturday, May 15th

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday Kody's shunt...
Happy First Birthday to you!!!!!!!!

Birthday Song

Thursday, May 13, 2004 10:30 PM

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Just a quick update tonight...

Has everyone seen
Katia's newest News video clip? This is by far the BEST one yet...and let me tell you, Katia is soooooo adorable {you can hear her sweet little voice!!}...and Tracy and Myron sound exactly like I thought they would...what an amazing family, aren't they?

We got another little one who is in need of a few prayers and a few guestbook entries...if any one is up for the challenge!!

RachelJoy is having a rough time and, according to Mom {Stephanie} she is cheered up so much by her GB entries.

Thank you so much for the prayers for "Our Bravest Trooper",
Connor. Mom, Rhonda has personally told me that she is so appreciative of all the prayers and messages for Connor. Yesterday, at 2 PM the prayers were definetly felt and Connor was surrounded by them as his parents and Dr's told him his cancer has returned for the third time.
And so the fight starts once again....please keep praying.

A BIG "Thank You" to Debbie Nagy from three VERY HAPPY kids!!!!!
Kaysha, Kody and Kolin got your package today and they are beyond happy...especailly Kaysha and I thank you so much for cheering her up and truly putting a smile back on her face...she loves EVERYTHING...and Kody and Kolin...they are in motorcycle Heaven!! Would you believe they actually took their motorcycles to bed with them tonight?
Please check back tomorrow as I'll be updating pictures.....and while I'm thinking of it, let me see if I can snap one of them sleeping with their new toys....shhhh, don't tell!!

We still don't have that appoinment with the neuro-oncologist. If I still don't hear anything by Monday..I was told by Kody's CMS worker to call her back and she will play pit bull for us. Thank God...because between phone calls to Schools, Board of Education Safety Dept, and Dr's...and am definetly telephoned out.

Speaking of schools...Kaysha is still home...the bully is still in school and the schools principal is in West Palm Beach...UGH!!! The last I heard..we will NOT be reimbursed the money for Kaysha's hair and instead of moving the guilty party out of classes...they want to move Kaysha instead.
Soooo..we have a meeting Monday morning at 9 AM where I already know...nothing will EVER happen to the brat that put all that bonding glue in her hair...and I'll just tell them, I will hand deliver Kaysha for her exams, wait around, and then drive her home. And...not only that...but Kaysha will not be in the same room taking her exam as the bully. I'll make sure of that.

The appointment with Kody's new pediatrician went very, very well...looks like we have got a keeper!!
The funny thing was he {the Dr.} walks into the room...looks at Kody, looks at me, looks at Kody's chart, looks at Kody again, looks at the chart again, looks at me and says "Is this Kody?" I said "Sure is" and he sits down {jaw to the ground} and says "Oh, I am so's just that I expected to walk in and see this very sick child"....LOL!!!!
Anyway...Dr. Franks is very cool and Kody likes him that's what counts. He is aware that all Kody's special needs are strickly taken care of at Shands...and the best part...Dr. Franks is ready and willing at a moments notice to write us a referral for any Dr. we need or want to see.
What else can you ask for?

I would love to tell you all about our friend
Helen who has opened a shop with items such as t-shirts, postcards, etc...
Her shop is so COOl....really, really cool because it is for anyone who is fighting cancer with attitude!! {much like Kody LOL}. She has so kindly offered to give to Kody's fund 5f the sales from her items. Please stop may find something you really like!!

"Fighting Cancer with an Attitude"

BTW...Helen is also the wonderful and talented girl who makes all the blinkie banners you may see on so many can see Kody's up above..and if you would like one, PLEASE feel free to drop her a line...I am sure she would love to create one for your childs site too.

Well's getting late and it has been a loooooong day around here {too much to even type right now} I am going to say my "good-nights" and I will be talking to you all again real soon.

Watch for some new pictures tomorrow...Kody hasn't been much in the picture taking mood lately..but tomorrow he promises he will pose with his new very cool t-shirt sent to him by "Mrs. Debbie". :0)

Have a beautiful day.....

Monday, May 10, 2004 11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Hey everyone~*~

We hope your Mother's Day was a good one...mine, I have to say was GREAT!!!

Hmmmm, let's day....well, it started around 8:30 {early, I know!} with two little boys {Kaysha does NOT do mornings} and one big Daddy saying "HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY BEAUTIFUL!!"
Lucky for me Kody and Kolin see beauty in Mommy even in the AM and Dad...well, just between us...I will NEVER let that man renew his eyeglasses script..LOL!! :0)
Oh...and they came bearing the all important java juice/coffee..Oh Yeah baby!

OK...let's see, presents...well, you see that photo on top? That was Kody's...a beautiful corsage and a beautiful framed thumbprint picture {look how he spelled "Happy Mothers Day"} made in school. Kolin's present was a beautiful flower picture with a poem on the backside about what he loves about Mommy. It made me cry!! I'll have to get a picture is so cute! You know, I'll get it on the photo page tonight or tomorrow check there. know, breakfast is so really sets your day..and my day was set that's for sure. Thankfully I married a man who can and loves to cook...especially for others. Really, come to our home anytime, anyday...if he is here you will leave full...if I'm here, we eat out.
OK..breakfast...waffles, crispy bacon, fresh strawberries and whipped cream...and of course, lots more coffee. It was sooooooooo good, and the best part...he called the kids in the kitchen for their breakfast and I didn't have to share....heheheheh!!

We basically relaxed all day...watched movies {The Birdcage...funny!!!} and in the afternon the kids and I decided to take a trip to the schools track so they could skateboard and I could walk laps. {hey, after a breakfast like that..I had to!}. Of course, I, the photo queen forgot the camera and so I missed some really cool shots of Kody skating off a cement hill, on to the track and weaving in and out of some orange cones. {Sorry Dad, did I forget to mention that yesterday?}. time, which will probably be this coming weekend.

Dinner...we didn't go out, I really didn't want to. So...Dad made my favorite chicken which I kind of hinted about three weeks ago and I can't believe he actually remembered. Anywho...the chicken was marinated in Dales marinating sauce {or something like that}, cooked on the grill and darned if it was the best chicken I ever had. Plus some yellow squash grilled on the BBQ and I was once again in hog heaven.

Welp, that pretty much somes up our day because after all that food, I mean really what else is there to do...CRASH!!!!

What else is new..well, Kaysha did not go back to school today as hoped for. Seems the principal whom promised me she would be there today to make sure things go smooth and uneventful forgot her promise and took of for parts unknown. Leaving her staff in the fog as to what was going on with "the bully" who is still attending school so instead of having anything go wrong...we kept her home again. And guess what, we'll keep her home again and again until we all feel safe leaving her there...if ever.

Speaking of bullies...this evening as I was making dinner and Karl was checking on his CB kids, Kaysha and Kody who were playing in the front yard on the fort comes running in saying a neighborhood kid {girl} was throwing rocks at Kody's head. {Does it ever stop?}. Now...this kid is a year younger then Kaysha, knows all about Kody but she decides to throw rocks at his head anyway....even after being told to stop it by Kaysha and another neighborhood what does the brat say "I want to see how close I can get to his head". Well....let's just say this was NOT flying well with Dad {who already had a couple coors lite in him!} and he went flying outside. Well, by then the kid runs into the neighbors house which was no problem because Daddy'O has patience and can wait and so he did and as soon as she came out he swooped in.
I think it's safe to say we will NOT have a repeat of that, ever.
You know what's crazy about all that? This is the same kid who missed the bus last week and calls me to ask me to bring her to school. Kaysha wasn't going and I had no other reason to be there but me being me...I said "OK".
Then she throws rocks at Kodys head. Unbelievable, I know.

Guess what I found out today?
All Kody's referrals went through and ALL his dr appointments have been APPROVED!!!! Wednesday we will be at his eye dr. at Shands and I am still waiting for the oncologist appointment which I should be getting a call about anyday.
Tomorrow afternoon Kody is going to see his new pediatricain {the one from Hawaii} so we can do the "meet and greet" thing.
I am beyond happy that at least that is starting to go it helps for me to finally figure out the system.

I would love to tell you all about our friend
Helen who has opened a shop with items such as t-shirts, postcards, etc...
Her shop is so COOL....really, really cool because it is for anyone who is fighting cancer with attitude!! {much like Kody LOL}. She has so kindly offered to give to Kody's fund 5f the sales from her items. Please stop may find something you really like!!

"Fighting Cancer with an Attitude"

BTW...Helen is also the wonderful and talented girl who makes all the blinkie banners you may see on so many can see Kody's up above..and if you would like one, PLEASE feel free to drop her a line...I am sure she would love to create one for your childs site too.

News for May.....

On May 15th starts the voting for Tylenol's Simply be a Star. Please vote for can vote everyday and the child with the most votes wins a $1,000.00 scholarship and one year of having his mug on the bottle of Tylenols Simply Cough or Simply Stuffy. The link is below and as it get's closer to the 15th I'll have the link splashed on top of my journal entries in big, bright letters!! :0)

May 19th...Kody's visit to see Dr. Levine, his neuro-ophomologist {sp?} we can find out why he is doing the "flippy eye" thing again. Not always, just sometimes.

May 25th...last day of school!!
I know this isn't breaking news...but Kody and Krew are pretty thrilled about it.

Well's getting late but before I go tonight I'd like to ask you all to say a prayer for these four beautiful children and their families...

Angel Maddie who passed away..much to all our surprise this past Thursday.
Connor Hunley who has indeed relapsed.
Benjamin who has also relapsed with Medullablastoma {brain tumor}.
Cheyenne who had a very important appointment with her nuerologist/oncologist today...On April 14th Cheyenne's aprents found out the devestating news that Chey's tumor {Diffuse Pontine Glioma} was changing/activity in it. They are there today to find out what they are going to do now.

Thank you all everyone...for always being so faithful not only to our family but for all Kody's friends {Angels and those still on Earth}...for your support, encouragment and for the way so many of you make us laugh till it hurts!!!

Have a great day!!!!!!! :0)

Saturday, May 8, 2004 10:35 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


From all of ALL Mom's, Grandma's, Step-Mom's....and to everyone who has....

Given birth...given birth and selflessly given that child to another woman...and the women who adopt them...
All of you who have gotten up in the middle of the night just to place your hand upon your sleeping child...
Mom's who have stayed up late to complete a science project...
Mom's who juggle double strollers and snugglies, night time feeding and night time accidents...
Mom's who wear 10 year old shoes and buy your baby Nikes...
New Mom's who wear the look of fatigue so well...
Veteran Mom's who give great {and usable!} advice...
Mom's who bake cupcakes and the Mom's who buy them pre-made...
Working Mom's...
Stay-at Home {and hard working!] Mom's...
Mom's who balance checkbooks, bills and car pool schedules...
Mom's who cheer the loudest at baseball and soccer games...
Mom's who know every dance move in their little girls recital...
Mom's who swear no girl will ever be good enough for their boy...
Mom's who protect their young like a mama bear...
Mom's who swear they know why some animals eat their young {LOL}...
Mom's who are not afraid of frogs and worms...
Mom's who freak when frogs and worms get within 6 feet of them...
Mom's who have worn lollipops in their hair, while driving down an Interstate doing 75 {or so!}...
Mom's who cook healthy dinners, from at least 4 major food groups every night...
Mom's who have Pizza Hut on speed dial {on their home AND cell phones!}...
Mom's who create beautiful handmade cards...
Mom's who e-card beautifully...
Mom's who know every inch of their child, every size, every favorite color, animal, etc.....but could not tell you where the oil goes in their car...
Mom's who not only know where the oil goes but can pump gas too...
Mom's who have gone gray teaching teen's to drive...
Mom's who get grayer when their teen's do get their licence and take off for the first time alone...
Mom's who keep 4 bottles of their favorite color hair dye under the bathroom sink {just incase the color get's discontinued}...
Mom's that can sing the words to Blue's Clue's, Dora, Britney and Eminem...
Mom's of our brave soldiers...
Mom's who hold their child's hand when the pokes go in...
Mom's who hold puke buckets and can eat a sandwich at the same time...
Mom's who keep EMLA in their purse where lipstick is supposed to go...
Mom's who go to sleep crying, unsure of the future...
Mom's who dream of the HOPE of a new tomorrow...
Mom's who live at home...
Mom's who live at a hospital...
Mom's who bring balloons to their child's grave and of course...
All the Mom's who cry right along with them....
Though they may be miles away, may never meet, may never even talk in person....
To all the BEAUTIFUL Mom's with BEAUTIFUL hearts.....
We wish you the most wonderful Mother's Day ever.

To all the Mom's who have Angels in Heaven instead of Angels on Earth...You are all so particulary special to us. though Mother's Day may be will always be a and forever.

I have included tonight a few things I thought you would love...
OK...the first is Kody's Loving Tribute to Mother's Day...this is for ALL of you!!!


And here is a poem written by Kaysha..13 years old....

Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to you
You know that we love you
So Happy Mother's Day
And know that it's your day
We will give Daddy all the gray!!

These I got in an e-mail..I thought they were too good to keep to myself!!

You Know Your a Mom When...
1. You count the sprinkles on each kid's cupcake to make sure they're equal.
2. You find yourself cutting your husbands' sandwiches into cute shapes.
3. You can't bear to give away baby clothes - it's so final.
4. You hear your mother's voice coming out of your mouth when you say, "NOT in your good clothes!"
5. You stop criticizing the way your mother raised you.
6. You hire a sitter because you have't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.
7. You say at least once a day, "I'm not cut out for this job", but you know you wouldn't trade it for anything.
Real Mothers
Real Mothers don't eat quiche; they don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried playdough doesn't come out of shag carpet.
Real Mothers sometimes ask "why me?" and get their answer when a little voice says, "because I love you best."
Real Mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grade. . .
It is marked by the progression of Mama to Mommy to Mother.
- Author Unknown.

Please keep these familes in your prayers as this Mother's Day has to be by far the toughest....

Angel Maddie who passed away..much to all our surprise this past Thursday.
Connor Hunley who has indeed relapsed.
Benjamin who has also relapsed with Medullablastoma {brain tumor}.

Please pray for these precious children and their families.

The song I put on Kody's page today is called "How Do I Live Without You" by Leanne is one of my favorite "Kody Bear" songs...the reason why is the memory behind it. This is the very first song that Kody actually asked me to dance with him...and is was at an outdoor concert, in public, in front of 100's of people. He wasn't embarrassed at all...and I remember my heart just bursting with love for my son. I think if you listen to the can see why. :0)

Shout outs tonight go to.....

Uncle Kenny....for working like crazy to get Kody's drop down menu in ABC order...Thank You Uncle Kenny!!!!
BTW...sorry girls...he is happily spoken for!!

Everyone who has sent messages for Kaysha...the smiles have been endless lately...all because of the wonderful compliments!!

ALL my Mommy/Gramma and "Am-Maw" spoiled ALL deserve it!!

My children..Karyelle, Kayara, Kyle, Kaysha, Kody and Kolin for making me the Mom that I am...not perfect...but awfully fun to have around!! :0)

My husband, Karl...for making me a Mom {should I have said that????}

My daughter, Kayara...for making me the "Am-Maw" of two beautiful girls...Angel Alexes and my "Puddin" Alona Jane.

Thank you so much for stopping by...Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend...make memories...take lots of pictures!!!

OK..that's all for now...Karl, I know your reading this....and know it's morning Baby...get the coffee going...I'll be in bed waiting!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2004 9:40 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~May 2nd - May 9th is National Brain Tumor Awareness Week~*~

~*~Friday Night Update Again~*~

I just can't believe I am going to say this...but I just found out that our friend,
Connor Hunley has relapsed.

~*~Friday Night...Update~*~

I am so saddened to let you all know that 14 year old Maddie passed away last night, Thursday, May 6th at 6:30 PM.

Kody's headaches have gone away and he made it through school with no problem at all...YEAH!! the crazy part of the day...
Tonight, after dinner, after the kitchen was cleaned, after Karl and I hung out in our bedroom munching on some pecan sandies {please don't rat me out to my fellow diet friends} and talking about how soon he would HAVE to sleep overnight in Kody's fort with the boys because he had promised them, after thinking maybe I would have a few more precious minutes of peace to read my tabloids {yes, I'm addicted to the Enquirer} and answer some e-mails, I hear this voice....Kody's voice coming from outside and he said "Mom...{laughing}, I don't think Kolin and I can possibly get any dirtier".
I think all mom's of little boys are all shaking their heads right now and saying "Oh No"....
I won't get into any icky detail, I will just let the photos on the picture page speak for themselves.
It's true....
Girls are from Venus...
And boys are from Mars!
{Mars must be a really dirty planet!!}

Till tomorrow....
~*~Good Night All~*~


~*~Hello All~*~

Thank you all so much to EVERYONE who has left Kaysha such kind words of support and cheer....whether through Kody's GB or through e-mail..I have to tell you, all those words have brought back so much of her self esteem you just wouldn't believe it!!
Thank you so much...I really wish I could reach out and {{{HUG}}} every single one of you!!!!!
I really mean it this year when I say...I can't wait for school to be out...May 25th is the kids last day here..and we are looking so forward to home time, swimming, chillin' out, bowling on Tuesdays and sleeping late....YEAH!!!!
So far things with the school are going painfully slow and one sided....the other kids side, not ours. The school expects to see Kaysha back on Monday morning...but Kaysha is having nightmares about it and honestly, so am I.
In any case...I'll leave Kaysha's link up a little while longer incase there is anyone who hasn't seen it yet. She really does love her new least that's going great. So...for the brat who decided that she was going to destroy Kaysha's hair....well, thank you...she is even more beautiful now then she ever was....LOL..funny how things work out, isn't it?

~*~Kaysha's New Doo~*~

On a sad...very sad note tonight, I received an e-mail from a very special family who just found out that their little boy Benjamin has relapsed. Benjamin had surgery two years ago to remove his brain tumor and has been doing awesome. During a routine MRI the dr's have told them that a new tumor has grown on the original spot on his brain...and so the fight begins once again.
This was a shock to Benjamin's family as he had no symptoms at all...and so they were really expecting to see a clean MRI.
Please stop by if you would to brighten Benjamin's day...he will be having brain surgery again next week. Don't forget to tell him Kody Bear sent you!!

And now the latest on Kendra...We heard from Mom and Dad who went to the hospital last night.
Kendra is still the better but no worse either. She still doesn't recognize her Dad and is still fighting very hard. Please keep praying for this beautiful girl...pray that she recovers from the critical injuries she sustained from the car wreck and please pray that she will very soon recognize her Daddy once again.

And now...a little Kody Bear news....
Today started a little on the rough side....yes, you guessed it....those pesky headaches came back again. late this afternoon he was back to being the same old Kody Bear we all know and love. I have a very, very good feeling it may have something to do with the weather, sinus and migraines. He really takes after his Mom about the migraine part.
Of course...always in the back of my mind is the "Please God don't let anything be happening in his head"...I guess for the reast of his long, long will be my first thought everytime something doesn't feel right up there.

I still haven't heard a word about the oncologist visit...actually I haven't heard a word as to whether his eye dr. visit on May 19th is approved yet.
I did get in the mail all the hard copies of all the referrals I let's hope the papers get pushed and he is able to get to his dr. visits ASAP.

I'm adding a few new friends to our pull down menu..since I still haven't found the time to alphabetize them...the new ones will be towards the bottom. There should be about eight or nine new children who I bet would love a they say in the Girl Scouts...
"Make new friends and keep the old...One is silver and the other is gold".'s been YEARS since I have heard that...I can't believe I remembered it!!

Well..that's about all that's new here....I think I'll try to catch the last part of "Friends", then the season finale of "ER"'s gona be a long night!!

Love you all....till tomorrow....

Later Gator!!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2004 11:11 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~UPDATE...TUESDAY, MAY 4th 10:40 PM

Thank you so much for all the GB messages and e-mails about our daughter, Kaysha.
As of today, the school continues to give us a difficult time.
The bully deny's everything. Kaysha will remain at home for the rest of the school year where she will be safe. I'll pick her work up everyday...we will NOT rest until this bully is properly taken care of.
I have put up some you can all see the before and afters of Kaysha's new hair.
Remember...Kaysha used to have long, silky, light brown hair that matches the color of her eyes perfectly.

~*~*~Kaysha's New Doo~*~*~


~*~The Villages Daily Sun Newspaper Article...April 28, 2004~*~

~*~May 2nd - May 9th is National Brain Tumor Awareness Week~*~

~*~Hello All~*~

Yesterday at Mr. Pub's Family Fun Day was soooooooo much fun!!! The weather turned out beautiful, we saw so many friends, the band of 13 to 15 year old boys ROCKED!!! Oh man, I cannot even begin to tell you how talented these kids are!!
Their logo..."Same DIfference Classic rock with a 21st century attitude". Check out their web site and see for yourself...

Same Difference

OK..the new picture on top....those two beautiful people Kody and Kolin are standing with are Kendra's Mom and Dad and our good friends, Susie and Scotty.
You may remember my asking you all for prayers for Kendra who was in a horrific car accident about two weeks ago. Here is the update straight from Mom and Dad themselves.....
First of all they would like to say a big THANK YOU for all the prayers!!! Prayers are an amazing thing and the update is Kendra has started waking up from her coma. As of now, she is very confused, can squeeze hands, really can't talk yet, is fighting to get her trac and restaints off, can recognize Mom but unfortunetly hasn't recognized her Dad yet. We have faith that she will soon though!!
She doesn't, Thank God, remember the accident.
The brain damage...well, they just don't know about that yet.
Susie and Scotty are trying to get her transferred, just as soon as she is stable, to Shands {Kody's Hospital} where they have a great rehab. program.
With prayers and hope Kendra will walk again and go on to live a wonderful life...gotta keep the faith.

I put a bunch of new photos up tonight...they came out great, so please enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them!! :0)

You may notice that Kaysha isn't in any of them...well, that's because she ended up not going. Looooong story so I will try to make it short and sweet.

She told us yesterday she wasn't feeling good and wanted to stay home. I thought this was kind of odd because I knew she was looking forward to going, but, I told her OK...and had Karyelle come over and stay with her until Kyle came home from work.
Saturday night Kaysha told me she needed to talk to me and when we sat down she said she was having some problems with her, I am thinking ", it's just her hair she is having problems with" {Little did I know what was to come...}. She said it was "knotty/tangly" and so I told her how to put some conditioner and detangler in it and comb it all out...easy right? Not!
Sunday...she wore a bandanda..she never mentioned her hair again and I never thought to ask if she solved to tangle problem. Today she goes to school and on the way to the car I notice her hair is put up with a scrunchie...but looked VERY matted. I told her when she got home that I was going to have to work on that hair since she wasn't doing a good enough job herself.
This afternoon I walked down the street to the bus stop to meet her off the bus and as we were walking down the street I saw, what I can only describe as the most discusting, matted down hair I have ever seen. We came home and she showered, conditioned and then I got to work with the detangler spray.
Well....her hair, I mean the entire whole back of her skull was one enormous, massive matted down blob...and I freaked. I mean, even if she didn't brush her hair for a week, this is not even possible., everyone who knows me knows that I am an absolute hair fanatic...and this was too much...I just couldn't come up with a reason why her hair looked like this and so I combed and pulled and did nothing except rip a huge amount of hair.
Finally Karl came in and says "What are you doing to her hair" and so I said "Go show him Kaysha"....
Now Dad is freakin' upset...Oh man was he mad and he said "Kaysha how did this happen?". Well, Kaysha kept saying she didn't know...but it was so obvious she was trying to hide looked like she had a bucket of glue/cement dumped on her.
After a good 15 minutes she finally got started crying her eyes out and admitted that she had been being bullyed in school...and Friday morning this girl {who is in her homeroom and every class all day} put something in her hair..the girl sits behind Kaysha.
Kaysha went to the homeroom teacher and said "Angel just put something in my hair" and the teacher told her to sit down, that she'd take care of it...which, by the way...she never did!! This school..well, they wouldn't even let her call home.
So...anyway, it turns out that she didn't want to say anything because this girl {who has a rap sheet a mile long}..has scared her so much that Kaysha was afraid even to tell us!
Well...I took a ton of pictures and called the Police...we went there and filled out a report...and YES, we ARE pressing charges!!!
It seems that Kaysha is not the only girl who has been bullyed...there have been others, one beaten so bad she was hospitalized. There are other incidents with this girls family...which are bad, very, very bad and I won't post them here...but they are bad.
Well...I will NOT take my child being bullyed...being afraid to go to school..and I will, mark my words, be this kids worst nightmare..I WILL NOT back down until justice is served.
I am mad..really. mad that she went through this afraid, I'm pissed {sorry} that nothing was done at school and I am completely broken hearted that she most likely will lose most of her beautiful long, silky hair. I have put vegatable oil on it tonight...hoping that it will break down some of that glue. Tomorrow morning we are going to see our friend, and the best hair stylist in Leesburg, Tonia.
I won't send Kaysha back to school....they can get her a tutor, I will home school her..but believe me, she will not be going back to Carver Middle School.
I am praying that maybe some of her hair can be saved...but, I am not holding my breathe because as I is badly damaged.

Well..I said I would make it short and sweet..I didn't did I?

Kody is doing great...a bit on the bratty side this morning...but, great nonetheless...he and I had a bit of a "power struggle", can you guess who won?? LOL!!!

Other then that....all goes well here.

OK...I better get going, it's late and I need some serious shut eye!!

Thank you all for stopping by.....

Monday, May 3, 2004 11:11 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~UPDATE...TUESDAY, MAY 4th 10:40 PM

Thank you so much for all the GB messages and e-mails about our daughter, Kaysha.
As of today, the school continues to give us a difficult time.
The bully deny's everything. Kaysha will remain at home for the rest of the school year where she will be safe. I'll pick her work up everyday...we will NOT rest until this bully is properly taken care of.
I have put up some you can all see the before and afters of Kaysha's new hair.
Remember...Kaysha used to have long, silky, light brown hair that matches the color of her eyes perfectly.

~*~*~Kaysha's New Doo~*~*~


~*~The Villages Daily Sun Newspaper Article...April 28, 2004~*~

~*~May 2nd - May 9th is National Brain Tumor Awareness Week~*~

~*~Hello All~*~

Yesterday at Mr. Pub's Family Fun Day was soooooooo much fun!!! The weather turned out beautiful, we saw so many friends, the band of 13 to 15 year old boys ROCKED!!! Oh man, I cannot even begin to tell you how talented these kids are!!
Their logo..."Same DIfference Classic rock with a 21st century attitude". Check out their web site and see for yourself...

Same Difference

OK..the new picture on top....those two beautiful people Kody and Kolin are standing with are Kendra's Mom and Dad and our good friends, Susie and Scotty.
You may remember my asking you all for prayers for Kendra who was in a horrific car accident about two weeks ago. Here is the update straight from Mom and Dad themselves.....
First of all they would like to say a big THANK YOU for all the prayers!!! Prayers are an amazing thing and the update is Kendra has started waking up from her coma. As of now, she is very confused, can squeeze hands, really can't talk yet, is fighting to get her trac and restaints off, can recognize Mom but unfortunetly hasn't recognized her Dad yet. We have faith that she will soon though!!
She doesn't, Thank God, remember the accident.
The brain damage...well, they just don't know about that yet.
Susie and Scotty are trying to get her transferred, just as soon as she is stable, to Shands {Kody's Hospital} where they have a great rehab. program.
With prayers and hope Kendra will walk again and go on to live a wonderful life...gotta keep the faith.

I put a bunch of new photos up tonight...they came out great, so please enjoy them as much as we enjoyed making them!! :0)

You may notice that Kaysha isn't in any of them...well, that's because she ended up not going. Looooong story so I will try to make it short and sweet.

She told us yesterday she wasn't feeling good and wanted to stay home. I thought this was kind of odd because I knew she was looking forward to going, but, I told her OK...and had Karyelle come over and stay with her until Kyle came home from work.
Saturday night Kaysha told me she needed to talk to me and when we sat down she said she was having some problems with her, I am thinking ", it's just her hair she is having problems with" {Little did I know what was to come...}. She said it was "knotty/tangly" and so I told her how to put some conditioner and detangler in it and comb it all out...easy right? Not!
Sunday...she wore a bandanda..she never mentioned her hair again and I never thought to ask if she solved to tangle problem. Today she goes to school and on the way to the car I notice her hair is put up with a scrunchie...but looked VERY matted. I told her when she got home that I was going to have to work on that hair since she wasn't doing a good enough job herself.
This afternoon I walked down the street to the bus stop to meet her off the bus and as we were walking down the street I saw, what I can only describe as the most discusting, matted down hair I have ever seen. We came home and she showered, conditioned and then I got to work with the detangler spray.
Well....her hair, I mean the entire whole back of her skull was one enormous, massive matted down blob...and I freaked. I mean, even if she didn't brush her hair for a week, this is not even possible., everyone who knows me knows that I am an absolute hair fanatic...and this was too much...I just couldn't come up with a reason why her hair looked like this and so I combed and pulled and did nothing except rip a huge amount of hair.
Finally Karl came in and says "What are you doing to her hair" and so I said "Go show him Kaysha"....
Now Dad is freakin' upset...Oh man was he mad and he said "Kaysha how did this happen?". Well, Kaysha kept saying she didn't know...but it was so obvious she was trying to hide looked like she had a bucket of glue/cement dumped on her.
After a good 15 minutes she finally got started crying her eyes out and admitted that she had been being bullyed in school...and Friday morning this girl {who is in her homeroom and every class all day} put something in her hair..the girl sits behind Kaysha.
Kaysha went to the homeroom teacher and said "Angel just put something in my hair" and the teacher told her to sit down, that she'd take care of it...which, by the way...she never did!! This school..well, they wouldn't even let her call home.
So...anyway, it turns out that she didn't want to say anything because this girl {who has a rap sheet a mile long}..has scared her so much that Kaysha was afraid even to tell us!
Well...I took a ton of pictures and called the Police...we went there and filled out a report...and YES, we ARE pressing charges!!!
It seems that Kaysha is not the only girl who has been bullyed...there have been others, one beaten so bad she was hospitalized. There are other incidents with this girls family...which are bad, very, very bad and I won't post them here...but they are bad.
Well...I will NOT take my child being bullyed...being afraid to go to school..and I will, mark my words, be this kids worst nightmare..I WILL NOT back down until justice is served.
I am mad..really. mad that she went through this afraid, I'm pissed {sorry} that nothing was done at school and I am completely broken hearted that she most likely will lose most of her beautiful long, silky hair. I have put vegatable oil on it tonight...hoping that it will break down some of that glue. Tomorrow morning we are going to see our friend, and the best hair stylist in Leesburg, Tonia.
I won't send Kaysha back to school....they can get her a tutor, I will home school her..but believe me, she will not be going back to Carver Middle School.
I am praying that maybe some of her hair can be saved...but, I am not holding my breathe because as I is badly damaged.

Well..I said I would make it short and sweet..I didn't did I?

Kody is doing great...a bit on the bratty side this morning...but, great nonetheless...he and I had a bit of a "power struggle", can you guess who won?? LOL!!!

Other then that....all goes well here.

OK...I better get going, it's late and I need some serious shut eye!!

Thank you all for stopping by.....

Saturday, May 1, 2004 3:55 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~The Villages Daily Sun Newspaper Article...April 28, 2004~*~

~*~May 2nd - May 9th is National Brain Tumor Awareness Week~*~

~*~Hello All~*~

I am sure a lot of you may have already heard...
BabyBug Katia has broken out of All Childrens Hospital {her home for 8 months!} and is now residing in The Ronald McDonald House....How cool is that??!!
Tracy has added some very beautiful photos on Katia's page....check out the one or Katia and Daddy saying "Good-Bye" to her old hospital is awesome!!

On a sad I posted yesterday...our beautiful rosey cheeked, red haired angel
Savannah has become Heaven's newest Angel. Imagine how precious she must look with a golden halo on top of her beautiful red hair. :0)'s a little story about a boy any parent would be proud of. I had gotten this message in Kody's guestbook and right away just had to check this kid out.
This is about a boy named Rob who is skateboarding to raise funds for cancer reasearch. Rob lost his own Mom to cancer and was so affected by her death that he wanted to something real drastic to raise awareness and money for a cure.
Rob's skating journey has already began...and you can view each day in his daily journal from his site.
Rob is skating from L.A., California across the continent and North up to Newmarket, Ontario. He will be skating across the Rockies, the Appelachians and through the Mojave Desert.
Doesn't this sound like something my own son, Kyle would do?? :0)
Anyway....check out his site....he may be passing through your own hometown...and if we can in any way, get to Jacksonville we will be high fiving Rob like crazy!!

Skate 4 Cancer

Tomorrow looks like it is going to turn out to be a great day for us...we have been invited to Mr. Pubs in Belleview from the man himself...Gator Rick a/k/a Mr. Pub for an event called Family Fun Day, Mr. Pubs style!! The winer of The Battle of the Bands which took place a couple of months ago will be keep in mind, the winner of the band battle is a crew of 14 and 15 year old boys!!! We hear the are great...and tomorrow we'll find out for ourselves. Especially Kaysha...who after hearing the band was 14 and 15 year old BOYS..has been faithfully trying on every outfit she owns and declaring "I have NOTHING to wear!!!" Ahhhhh, 13 year old girls...gotta love them!! :0)
So...tomorrow will be lots of fun, lots of noise, lots of good food, lots of seeing our biker friends again whom we don't get to see enough of...and most of favorite event and I know yours too....
Watching poor Dad keep Kaysha and the Boy Band seperated at all times!!! LOL!!!!
I PROMISE I will take alot of pictures...sorry Dad!!!

Let's just pray the weather holds out as the old weatherman is telling us to expect lots of "sea breezes" over the weekend.
BTW..."Sea Breezes"....a fancy shamancy name for "Mini Hurricaine". We had one roll over us yesterday and it wasn't pretty. It did, however pack down all the sand in our yard so Dad can once again park his bike next to the house where his Hunny is safe and sound and close.
Some people have beautiful, carpet looking grassy yards..we have a sandy beach.
The down side and most funny part {Thank God nobody thought to break out the camera} of yesterdays Sea Breeze was when Mom {that would be me} ran outside to pick up Kaysha at the bus umbrella {it would have never stood up to the "breeze" a/k/a gale force winds anyway}. Yes..I took the car...but inbetween that 8 seconds it took to run to the you know how a cat looks after a bath...OK, enough said. Happily...waterproof mascara really does live up to it's name. Unhappily...I forgot I was wearing a white shirt. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow also starts the beginning of "National Brain Tumor Awareness Week". I think I'll be keeping the "Survivor" background on this just seems very fitting for the occasion.
Please...if you would, in honor of our BT Survivor...stop by and spread the cheer with our other Survivors. Maybe just a "Happy Brain Tumor Awareness Week" in the GB. Wouldn't it be cool if Hallmark had a card for that??!! :0)

As for Kody Bear....he is doing sooooooooo good these days. He wakes up every morning bursting with energy and goes to bed every night sleeping soundly {or maybe I should say he is "recharging"!!} And that my a blessing every single day!!!

Well..let me get going. Kolin is at a roller skating birthday party for his "bestest buddy friend", Trinnen...and it's about time to go get the little booger.

Thank you so very much for stopping by...Have yourselves a beautiful weekend!!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Friday...3:50 PM~*~
At 1:30 AM this morning Heaven welcomed it's newest Angel.

Angel Savannah
Thank you Norine for keeping me updated.


~*~The Villages Daily Sun Newspaper Article...April 28, 2004~*~

BTW..Sorry it looks a little crudely's getting late and my eyes are ready to fall out on the keyboard!! :0(
Till tomorrow...Take care!!!
Luv, Kim


~*~Hello All~*~

Today's edition of The Daily Sun was AWESOME!!! The article was great...but, unfortunetly there isn't a link on-line so tomorrow when the kid's are in school and I have a few minutes to myself I'll try to scan it in and see if I can get it clear enough to read.

Kody's appointment with his new PCP went pretty good yesterday....though, after reading Kody's chart and asking me about a ton of questions...he decided that he would rather refer Kody to another dr. in the practice...which was OK with me, since he is a family dr. and not a pediatrician. week I'll meet with the new pediatrician, Dr. Franks who's first day is tomororw..he arrived from Hawaii just a couple of days ago.
I was able to get every single prescription/authorization form that I needed for the eye dr, the oncologist, neurosurgeon and next MRI. The referral specialist, Amy whom I spoke to today was really wonderful!! She assured me that whatever we needed referral wise, just let her know and she will make sure it gets done right and promptly. can tell you, this was a HUGE weight lifted from our shoulders.
Thank God for some really professional and caring people!! :0)

We haven't heard any news on Kendra...our good friends daughter who was in the car wreck last soon as we find out anything you can be sure I will let you all know.

Tomorrow I'll be adding a few more new friends we've made this past week to Kody's pull down menu...look for them, they are AWESOME kids!!! And...yes, we love them all!!

Well guys and gals...there is not too much more to say tonight and it looks like it's getting with that I'll bid you all a good night....

Wait, before I do, let me ask a favor for two of our beautiful kids who are becoming Angels as we speak....
both Savannah and Michael have both taken a turn for the worst. Please pray that if it is God's will that they go on to live in Heaven...that their passing are pain free and very peaceful.

Also....Katia who is still not at the Ronald McDonald House. She is having to stay at the hospital with her counts being very messed up. Katia and Mom, Tracy are very down in the dumps and feeling very blue these days. They have been living in one room at All Childrens Hospital since August when Katia relapsed. Please take a moment to stop by and spread some cheer.

OK...I'm off to turn off night lights, tuck some blankets around some kids, give a few kisses and make sure teddy bears are in place under the arms of the kids who love them. Then I'm off to to get myself on the arm of the teddy bear who loves me!! :0)

Thanks for stopping by tonight...there are some new pictures up today. When you see that first one..of Kody "climbing the wall", well, this is a new little trick he has taught himself...he is pretty impressive..LOL...he can actually get all the way to the ceiling...but we didn't want to give Dad a heart attack by taking a photo of his kid on the ceiling!!!

Have a WONDERFUL night tonight....

Monday, April 26, 2004 10:05 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


~*~Hello All~*~

OK...where do I start? Sorry...Sorry...Sorry...about the lack of updates these past few days!!! PULLEEZZE forgive me!!

First and foremost tonight I would like to ask all our friends out there to please, please, please say a prayer for the daughter of a very good friend of our's..Scotty from the Sick Boys Society {Kody's and our really wonderful biker bud} and his wife. Last week their daughter, Kendra was involved in a horrible car wreck and she is in the hospital in a medically induced coma. Her skull was severly fractured....and she is in very bad condition. She was trying to cross over a median on interstate 75 when a guy in a pick up truck passed a semi and t-boned her car. As you can imagine...she is lucky to be alive and with prayer from all of us..I know that one day she WILL walk out of that hospital on her own.
Thank you so much, as I already know all of you are in prayer right now....

Also...prayers needed for Michael Dornauer. Michael's Aunt e-mailed me to tell me he is getting alot worse. The dr's found protein in his head which means there is tumor activity and most likey major growth. Michael is such a cutie and is so loved by his Momma, sisters and Aunt's so unfair.

A specail THANK YOU to Norine, Angel Ashley's Mommy for the balloon you sent up to Ashley from Kody on her birthday, April 21st. Kody was soooooo happy about that! Let's make a day to chat.....Please!!

Bikefest was a lot of, crowed and very loud, but as boys will be....they had a lot of fun just sitting on the curb and watching the bikes pass by. They also thought the Rat Hole Custom Bike Show was pretty awesome was!!
I'll tell you....Leesburg has once again put on an awesome weekend event...definetly better then Daytona. Sooooo...if any of you Daytona lovers out there need a change of pace next year....we are the town that LOVES our come on down!!!

I'll be putting up some pictures just as soon as I get this journal entry watch for them and enjoy!!

Tonight we had the pleasure of being interviewed by our most favorite newspaper person in the world...Glenda Saunders from The Daily Sun. She had sent her photographer to Relay last Friday night...and called me today to tell me about the greatest photo she was looking at of Kody and wanted to come by tonight to get some words from the man himself! Well....enough said right? As we all know...that boy of ours is very "media savy" and set out to do his interview...Kody's way!!
He spoke about Ashley, The Tumbleweed Foundation and his new Bam Mangera skateboard...isn't sweet how these things are so important to him and he is so basically oblivious to anything relating to himself....tumor wise?
Anyway...I'm sure it'll be great....unfortunetly, The Daily Sun doen't have it's articles on-line so there won't be a link. :0(
Fortunetly...I may be able to scan it in and you all can still have a look see.

Not too much else new here..we are down to our last few weeks of school and that is always a very hectic activities and kids, it's a never ending battle! LOL!!!!

Tomorow is Kody's first apointment with his new PCP. With a lot of prayer and a little luck mixed in, all should go OK.
I needed to have some important papers faxed over today from neurosurgery....but they never showed up. Which will delay the process of Kody seeing the oncologist. The paper trail and phone calls just to get an appointment is getting pretty ridiculous. Is it like this with everybody, or is it just me?

In any case...I am getting the twist on pretty much taking over getting things done {Kody's worker has 400 kids to do on a daily, that's why I do it all}. I even ride around during the day with my Ped-I-Care handbook, member directory and a huge legal sized pad of Dr names, numers and fax numbers. Gotta be prepared. there is a downfall with that....and that is...I was never a very good girl scout {always be prepared}...I sort of accidentaly spilled diet coke on my them..left them on top of the car...drove them...put them in the trunk...placed a bag if ice on top of them...left it in the back seat...the kids drew on them...
well...this list could just go on all night!!
As of now, they are safely sitting on the kitchen table waiting to be tortured in the car again tomorrow as we attempt to take them to the Dr's with us.

Any suggestions on organization would be very appreciated!! :0)

Well guys and gals...I've got some laundry screaming for folding {this has to be done..I do not iron!} and some photos to get up here.

Thanks you soooooooo much for stopping by tonight....Have a great day!!!

Friday, April 23, 2004 11:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet



WOW...What an awesome night!!!
Tonight was our "Relay-for-Life".....we had the BEST time!!!
Would you believe that we set the record for the state of Florida's most "Survivors" to show up at one single Relay-for-Life event?? It was so cool....and Kody was the youngest there!!

We've got a little video was taken by Kaysha and it was her first time to practice, I just sort of threw her the camera and gave her about 5 seconds of directions...she didn't do too bad. The little voice you hear in the background shouting "Go Kody!" is Kody's very proud little brother, Kolin. :0)


OK...let's see...more news about tonight...{sorry this is so choppy tonight..I am beat up tired but really wanted to get this up}.
The picture on top.....Kody holding the Luminari candle bags we made for him and Ashley. Kody decorated Ashley's himself....and if you can see written in green, top right..he wrote "Kody Loves Ashley".
Let me tell you all....Kody and I really, really believe Ashley was there we lit a candle in her memory all was going well....then Kody went to walk the silent lap for those we've lost...he started walking...taking things very seriously....covering the candle light, but it kept blowing out. He'd turn around, have Karyelle or I re-light it...he'd start to walk and then it would blow out again! Well, after about the 10th try he finally looked up and said {while laughing} "Ashley...are you blowing our candle out??!!"
It was so cute! On a more serious note...when the lights were off and everyone was quiet...Kody held that candle so sweetly and whispered to me "Mommy..I feel Ashley here...she is with me and I feel so much love".

I have a huge that has us totally puzzled....but also one that has us so incredibly happy...
OK, as we walked our laps looking at all the candle bags...there were soooooo many...anyway, I looked down and saw "Ashley Carro" written on one! We couldn't believe it...somebody somewhere other then us knows Ashley! Then we walked some more and saw two more bags....Karyelle's and one for me! OK...this was getting we walked some more and Kody yells out "'s one for me!". question....someone who is a true Kody fan had these put there..please tell us who you are so we can thank you personally...we took pictures...but really, we would LOVE to know who you are..:0)

Anyway...the kids had a blast was so beautiful to see the word "HOPE" written out and all lit up in candles. I love that word so has a very personal meaning to me. You see....after Kody's diagnoses..and Karyelle's too...we started changing our night time prayers around. Now, every night as we go to sleep we thank God for another day....and at the end of every day we only ask for two things...another day and the HOPE of a new tomorrow.
Someday I'll have to post a picture of one of my tattoo's that I am so proud of...I won't say's a surprise!! While I'm at it, I'll have to snap a picture of the tattoo Karl has that he is the most proud of...a portrait of Kody that was done a few months after we found out about Kody's is beautiful and really captures the boyishness/mischeviousness/beauty of Kody Bear.

OK...I am sure I am leaving out so, I'll let the photos on the photo page speak for themselves...they are all from tonight. I'll leave a better update this weekend when I'm not falling asleep on my face!!

Take care eveyone...thanks for stopping by!!

Oh....I BIG, HUGE Thank You to Fisher's family for the beautiful card that we recieved in the mail today!!!! We love you guys so much....THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend....Leesburg Bikefest for us tomorrow....Leesburg is swarming with bikes...I really mean it when I say you can even feel Main Street shake today!! Kody and Kolin are LOVING it...they sat at Daddy's job after school today for a long time checking out and going nuts over all the bikes {100's of them} that went past...even I have to admit, some of those choppers were wayyyyyyy cool!!

Have a wonderful weekend...

Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:25 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~9:45 PM Update on Katia~*~
After spending 8 months in a hospital room Miss Katia is busting out and is going to live at the Ronald McDonald House for the next 4-6 weeks....
Next stop in 4 to 6...
Way to go BabyBug!!!!!

Ladybug 3

~*~Good Morning~*~

Thank you ALL who left such awesome guestbook entries over these past few days...Our Anniversary was great...we didn't do a thing!! :0)
His gift to me hour of just chillin' in bed..watching TV and sharing a cookie jar full of Keebler pecan sandies..perfect...just perfect!! :0)
Now..about the request for the "wedding picture"...ahem...ummm, well...we got married in 1980...for all of you old enough to remember this, let's just say...our "big hair" would never fit onto the computer screen. OK, let's leave it at that please!! :0)
Karl LOVED...and I mean really LOVED the tribute I put here for him. You see, I think I know why...his life in the wayyyyyyyy past has not always been the greatest {think teenage years}...and he had always told me "Nobody ever remembers the good things I've done, only the bad".
Well...I do rememeber the good. Now don't get me wrong here...we have had our downs just like every other marriage...we have been through some seriously difficult moments. But through it all and in the end, who do we both turn to...each other. Who will always be there for us? Each other. When the kid's are all grown up with families of their own...who will we still have? Each other.
I love like our's is an awesome and very rare find....I never would have believed in "love at first sight" until that one day on January 10th, 1980 at age 17 {oh great, I just gave away my age!!} when I went walked right smack into my first and only love...yes, "Love at first sight" bit me in the butt and whapped me one upside the head that morning!!
And you know what? Twenty four years later...I still get the "butterflies" whenever he comes down the street and in the door!! :0)

OK...let's see...We still haven't gotten the authorization form signed for Kody's next appointment with Dr. Levine {his eye dr.}....which is starting to get on my nerves since from the point of signing the form and getting the appointment takes approx. 4 weeks. Kody's appointment is on May 19th and since his eye is turning is according to Dr. Pincus {neurosurgeon} a very important appointment.
No word about the oncologist appointment either.

In the meantime...Kody Bear had a VERY rough night last night...many headaches and right now is sleeping off the effects of pain medicine. Sadly..he looks miserable and in pain even in his sleep. Today..I will spend my day cuddling and doing whatever it takes to make him feel better..even if that means a trip to "Taco Bell"!! {His favorite fast food joint!} Thankfully...Kyle has the day off from work today so I don't have to drag Kody out anywhere.

Relay-for-Life is tomorrow night....ceremonies and the survivor lap begins at 6 PM. Kody, I believe will once again be the youngest "survivor". Unfortunetly...I've been told he will not be leading the lap. Funny how things work out...this is the second year the smallest kid will not be up front....well, {{sigh}} what are you gonna do?
I think I've mentioned this in the past...but Kody is on his big sister Karyelle's {also a survivor!!} bank team. {We were never able to get the funds together to have out own family team} The bank is Citizens First Bank {a wonderful bunch of women!!} and the name of their team is called "A League of their Own"'s a baseball theme and in addition to Kody's official "Survivor" t-shirt...he also gets to wear a really cool baseball jersey and baseball cap.
I would like to take this opportunity again to thank everyone who sponsered Kody and Karyelle.....I don't have a total on how much the entire bank raised...but I can tell you that the Villages community {the town the bank is located at} raised just over $100,000.00!!!! Yes...that is One Hundred Thousand Dollars for cancer research...and money is still coming in. Unbelievable!!!!!
We should have the bank's total maybe tonight or is still being tallied. will all find us at the 6th annual Leesburg Bikefest....a HUGE biker fest/party/really fun way to spend a weekend thing we have here. We live about 3 miles away and Karl actually works about 2 blocks away. Lots of cool custom contests...many live bands...great food {lots of gator tail..our favorite place to hang out!}..about a zillion friendly people...{some a little more friendly then others...LOL!!!}'s gonna be alot of fun and Kody is really looking forward to riding in on the back of Daddy's bike again this year.

If you all get a chance..please stop by Angel Ashley's was her birthday yesterday and I am sure her Mom could use some cheering up.

Speaking of birthday's....our friend Aaryn is turning the big SIX today!!!
Happy Birthday Aaryn!!!!
Birthday Song

Also...CONGRATULATIONS to Katia who will be living in the Ronald McDonald House by June!!!!! Katia & Tracy...we are so proud of you both...and love your family as if you were our own!!!! Positive thoughts and prayers are always being sent your way!!
Yeah Baby

OK...I better see about getting this entry internet just went out...hopefully it will be back up any minute.

Thank you all for stopping by....please if it is at all possible...stop by Kody's store. You can pick up the "Official Kody Bear" there. By shopping there you are helping us tremendously as Kody goes through his headache pills that we will be paying for until this insurance mess is ever cleared up. Our percentage of the sales are only about $3.00 dollars more then the base every sale really does count.

OK..I really have to run...Kody just woke up and he is a little off balance, still hurting and just wants his Mom right now.

Have a wondeful day everyone!!!

Monday, April 19, 2004 1:35 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Look....he's even sleeping with his board!! Shhhhhhh :0)

~*~UPDATE...9:48 PM~*~

Check out our Skater Boy on his new Element BAM Mangera skateboard...



Things may....and that's a big may be starting to work out with the medical insurance issues we've been having. I have FINALLY found a PCP at our local Leesburg Health Clinic that is willing to take on Kody as a patient!!
Our first appointment will be next Tuesday, the 27th at 1:00 PM. This dr. is not a pediatricain..which I was really hoping for but at least it is a foot in the door and a step in the right direction. After Kody's appointment he will be eligable to see the pediatrician's there. Hopefully....nobody will call me back between now and then and say they changed their minds....they really did seem nice, professional and OK with all of Kody's health they REALLY seemed to know how to handle all this ins. BS from their end. I have faith things will work out if I can just hold on to some well needed {{patience}} at this point!! :0)

To be honest with you..between last week and this morning I have started feeling like the Dad on "Cheaper by the Dozen" know when he is calling child care centers and he says he "Only has 12 children" and after being turned down again and again he calls another center and says "I'll just hang up on myself!"...
Well, LOL...I felt that way when I would call and call and say Kody "Only has a brain tumor"!!! Darn...I must have forgotten, some people still freak out a little over those two words!! :0)

I'd like to say a BIG, HUGE "Thank You" to the anonymous donor from "The Tumbleweed Foundation" {link is below} who sent Kody a real and complete "Bam Mangera" Skateboard!! It just arrived about 15 minutes ago and Kody is in school...he is going to absolutely FLIP OUT when he see's this!!! And, it couldn't have arrived at a more perfect time....Kody's trucks {the hardware that attaches the wheels??} split on his Termite board so as of this weekend...he miserably sat out skateboarding..which pretty much stunk because his balance was right on and he would have been flying!!
BTW...If you are wondering how something so heavy and tough on his skateboard could split...all you have to do is watch him for 5'll understand why!! {hint..ramps, rails and really great air time!!!}

Thank you to ALL who have written us to let us know that you would love to own an "Official Kody Bear" or t-shirt or one of the many really cool items on sale at Kody's store.
As a mentioned before...a percentage of the sales {after Cafepress get's their cut} will go directly into an account set up for Kody's medical needs not being paid for by insurance any more..headache med's, etc.} When the day comes that we are back on our feet again...the money will be used to help other families experiencing financial burdens...which can come on way too fast and way too strong when you have a child with a life long/life threatening illness. Especially those newly diagnosed...who ever expects to find themselves in that situation? Absolutely none of us.
If you would like to check out Kody's store and shop around...just click on "Kody Bear" and he will take you there....

I'd like to thank you all in advance who will shop with us and for us!!!!

Today is a really special day for me...
One that I am truly proud of yet one that sometimes gets brushed to the side when life gets in the is Karl and my 24th wedding anniversary!!!!!

So..with that I dedicate this next part to man, the love of my life, my soul, my heart and everything else that is good in my life....

{Please feel free to skip this if your not into mushy stuff}

Dear Karl a/k/a Bub a/k/a Babe a/ka Dude!!!

Sometimes we don't always take the time everyday to say "I love you"...sometimes life get's in the way, the kids are always wanting something/fighting/or generally being a pain in the rear....
Whenever we seem to have a minute to doubt the phone will ring.
Your a morning person...I'm a night owl.
You zonk out on me when you play Spider Solitaire...
I zonk out on you when I play "Spongebob Collapse".
We are complete opposites in so many ways..yet we are so alike in even more ways.

When things seem to much to handle...when I can't take anymore...
It is YOU that helps me through everything, it's YOU I can depend on to fix things, to fix me.
I could not imagine ever not having you...not waking up next to you..not hearing your voice on the phone 6 times a day asking me "What's for dinner?" :0)
My favorite part of the day is when I hear your bike coming down the street...slowly and catiously avoiding our kids and at least 8 to 12 of their friends on the street every night.
I can depend on you...knowing in my heart that you will be there at the same time side trips, no bars, no friends..just a husband and a Dad anxious to get home to his family.
Maybe we don't own a mansion...maybe our bills are sent out late sometimes...maybe vacations seem like something that only other families get...maybe I don't own a new SUV and we all wear Wal-Mart's finest.
I own something more precious and sacred then all of that...I own your heart and you own mine.

When we are rushed to get out of the house in the morning and the only thing we have time for is a quick cup of coffee together...please know that in the few minutes I have to myself...I close my eyes and think of the crazy, fun and sweet times we have had throughout these past 24 years.

I remember the first day I ever laid eyes on you, later that day I saw you again in the grocery store where you swiped the brightest red apple off the shelf and asked me if I wanted a bite? I still can't believe I told you "no"...:0)
Who would believe we would be married 3 months later??

I remember how we couldn't afford fancy outfits and tickets for my senior prom because we were just newly instead you took me to a local carnival...won me a white teddy bear with a red bow and bought me a vanilla sundae with chocolate syrup, nuts and marshmallow gooey stuff. That ice cream tasted better than a lobster dinner ever could have!

I remember the look on your face everytime one of our kids was you were the first to see and hold them, and yes...I can still remember the tears in your eyes after each miracle.

I still remember plain as day when Karyelle was born and you were so excited you ran around the nurses station asking if "there were any single mom's who needed a coach!!" You were definetly the talk of the hospital for as long as I was there!!

I remember all those lazy weekends B.K. {before kids} when we would go to a school and fly kites all day...we'd lose them to the wind or a tree..and we would go out, buy another {remember they were only 50 cents for a real decent one back then} and try again.
Who would think 24 years later we still do that..only with a few kids, RC cars, planes, helicopters, snacks, juice boxes and lots of wet ones in tow?

I remember how you would proudly wear all those handmade painted Father's Day t-shirts our kids made...even in front of your more tougher friends!

I remember when I was going though cancer treatments and the chemo. would make me feel like a mack truck with chains ran me over a few times and the interfron would make me shake like a were there, sitting by my side...never letting go. Scared...but holding on to every bit of strength you had to make me feel better and care for for our then..4 kids.

I remember practically begging you to go out ice fishing or to watch a football game with your friends because you needed a break too...not too often you would actually listen but would always pack Kyle up and take him too. One of my most favorite pictures is of you and Kyle at 5 years old...all bundled up in his winterwear standing on a frozen lake holding up a fish that was almost as big as he was...I still don't know who looked prouder in the picture...Kyle, or you looking at him.

I remember a day when I told you I didn't think I would live to see all our kids grow up after cancer hit hard the third would have nothing to do with that...and you said you would sell your soul to the devil before I missed out on a single day of our kids lives.

I remember how all our kids friends thought you were the craziest Dad they had ever they thought that was so cool and how many of the ones without Dad's in their lives would always be hanging at our house on Sunday's because they knew you would be there to fix a broken bike, toss a football or just be there to talk and hear out their problems.

One of those kids will stay in my mind forever....I remember when Kyle, at 15 brought home Steven..a great kid, polite, sweet and so smart. Unfortunetly...his parents never thought so or took the time out to tell him this and Steven it turns out...was living on his own since the age of 13.
I remember how you took us all to Bikefest..of course, with Steven in he could do something so cool...check out women/girls in leather...OK..maybe not a whole lot of parents would approve of that, but Steven thought you were the most awesome dad in the world!
I remember how badly you wanted to adopt that you drove around in a hurricaine looking for him when you thought he got "lost in the system" again.
And...I remember how hurt you were when his Mom refused to sign him away. Whatever becomes of that boy...I know you will always hold a very special place in his heart.

I remember our anniversary a few years back...when we had a bit too much to drink, found a park bench..then a helicopter with very bright lights found us!!! Now that had to have gone down in history as being one of my most favorite anniversaries yet!! :0)

I remember how for my whole life I was embarrassed because I couldn't swim...and how you put a pool up in our backyard and would wait till it was dark everynight so nobody could see and I wouldn't be embarrassed even more...and you taught me how to float and then eventually swim. Only because I trusted you with all my heart was I able to let go of my drowning fears.

I remember one beautiful spring day when we thought how romantic it would be to go for a canoe we rented one for an hour. was awesome...till we got chased by that gator that was the same size as our canoe!! I have to admit..I was scared, but I knew I was safe...because you were in charge of the situation.

I remember the day our first grand-daughter was born. How you held her tiny body, kissed her sweet face and then gave her back to God. I still remember how badly your heart broke that day and how that piece of you will never mend until the day you get to hold her again.
I know you wrote her a beautiful and touching letter...and I know it is stored in our computer. I also know you drive by her grave twice a day just to throw her a kiss.

I remember the day our second grand-daughter was born...and how your heart was bursting with pride...and how you swore there was never a more beautiful child anywhere in the world. And...I remember how you said without a single doubt...that she had ALL the Kruppenbacher features! Remember how we won $500.00 in the lottery's cash three the day she was born...and how we spent practically all of it on Pampers, rattles and cute baby clothes?

I remember watching you one night trying to figure out how to burn your first CD...and when you were done you handed it to me and said it was mine. When I played it I realized that every song on there was all my favorites. You called it your "Poker Hand" and you said that one CD would get you out of the doghouse everytime!!

I remember not long ago Kody asked you why you always drive when we are in the car...and you said "Because a womens seat is in the passenger side"...I KNOW you saw "that look" I shot you...and without skipping a said "Kody, Mommy drives all day long....when I'm in the car, it's time for her to relax"
I remember there were a few rumors going on in our house that "Daddy's says he drives because Mommy's driving scares him"....and I would like to thank you for squashing those rumors by getting into the passenger seat the next time we went out!! :0)

It still amazes me that the hands I see at work...picking up transmissions, slamming tools, aching and bent from a lifetime of holding wrenches, all calloused and hard can still be so soft and comforting when they hold my hand, when they touch our sleeping childs cheek, hold a newborn baby and even warm up a scared baby duck.

I guess I could go on and on....but, like you've told me 100 times "Stop being so long winded!!!"....
So, I'll cut this short and just say one more time....


Thank you all for stopping by....

Don't forget..this Friday the 23rd is Kody's Relay-for-Life..stayed tuned for updates and photos of it.
Till then, I put up a few new ones last night...enjoy!!!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:00 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Update...Saturday, 12:15 PM~*~

Here is the link to the newspaper article I mentioned below in this mornings journal.
As of right now, I am still waiting a call back from The Daily Commercial so that I can tell our story.
Since we are the local family effected by this and Kody is definetly well loved in this town...let's see what happens.

The Daily Commercial..."Health Cuts May Hit Home"

~*~Good Morning~*~

The first thing I would like to do this morning is ask you all to please stop by and leave a prayer or two or three or more for Cheyenne and family.
Sadly...they did not get the news they were hoping for about Cheyenne's MRI on Wednesday. There has been a change in density in Cheyenne's tumor {DPG}. Now....the Protocel could be causing these changes which is a good thing...or it could be tumor activity..which her oncologist thinks it is...but then again..he is from the old school of.."No alternative treatments works", so...I guess...we here in cyber world...from all over the world need to pray...pray...pray that these changes are a good thing. Many of you, I know believe in the power of being one of let's flood the Heavens and nag very wise parent told me at one time "God loves the "naggers" go for it all....we have been!! :0)

Here on our homefront...the power struggles with the healthcare system still rages on...
The pediatricain who said she would take Kody on as her new patient called yesterday to say "after giving it some more thought...she won't take Kody on...he has too many complicated medical problems".
So, back to square one and with the member directory guide in hand...I started called PCP's listed in there. Only to be told "No, No, No and No again"
This is becoming very frustrating to say the least. A lot of dr's close shop early on Friday so....I'll keep trying come first thing Monday morning.
The sad and most difficult part of all of this is...without a new PCP...Kody will NOT be able to go back to Shands to see any of his specialists. Now, how in the world does one ignorant person...sitting in some dreary cubicle somewhere have to right to dictate if and when a child with a brain tumor can see his own neurosurgeon/oncologist/eye dr.?
Then again...if we were to sell our home, live on the street and walk in with wads of cash...Kody could see a dr., get his tests, and have a supply of headache questions asked.
I was also told..and this isn't recently but goes back about a year and half ago when we were going through almost similar problems..but where Kody had no insuracne at all because everyone kept drooping him and wouldn't pick him up because "they didn't think he would live long anyway"...
anyway...we were told by a social worker that if we were to divorce we could get Kody any kind of services we needed.
I just don't get it. a quick fix anyway..just to be sure Kody get's at least his medicine at this point...Dad has a "For Sale" sign on his bike and Mom is looking for a night job. We have to do what we have to do and we both believe it is a small price to pay for our son.

Today's local paper actually had an article about this type stuff on the front page...I'll link that up a bit later if any of you would like to read about this.
In the meantime..I am contacting the person who wrote this article this morning..just as soon as I post this...and I will tell her our story.
A little public embarrassment can go a long way and at this point..I don't care who's feelings get hurt. If at the end of my day I have stepped on a few toes, made a few people upset...I don't care.
The bottom line is there is only ONE person I care about...and he is happily playing with his little brother right now...a scene I would like to see forever. And I will...but not without the help of his wonderful dr's and specialists.

OK..on to more happier things...

I've been working like crazy on a new project and would like to share it with you all now....:0)
Now..Keep in mind, this is still under a bit of construction and I'll have lots more cool things to choose from...but for now...
Would any of you like to have your very own "Official Kody Bear"??

Kody now has his own little store....just click on the "Kody Bear" and he will take you there.

This is a real cool free service from percentage of the money raised through sales {after Cafepress get's their cut} comes right back to us via a check once a month and will be deposited into an account for Kody's medical expenses not covered by insurance including his headache pills {$22.00 per pill...outrageous, isn't it?} and hospital stays.
If and when we ever get back on track with this insurance nightmare...Kody's fund will help out others in need and/or help out with childhood cancer research.
Unfortunetly...I have heard about too many newly diagnosed children...and as we were helped by our community when this was all new and fresh...we would like to help others. They may not live in our community, they may live 1000's of miles away, we may never meet....but we are all one big family nonetheless.

I'd like to thank you all in advance who will shop with us and for us!!!!

Kaysha's birthday was so much fun for her...and we THANK all of you who left her "Happy Birthday" messages in Kody's GB and who sent her e-cards to brighten her day...
You are all the BEST!!!!
I'll put some new photos up later...

But for right now....I have got a couple of little boys here starting to complain loudly that if they don't get some breakfast soon..they are going to make it themselves!!
As for me...I am in no mood to spend 6 to 8 hours cleaning my I'm outta here!!!

Thank you for stopping by this morning...Love you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 4:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet



Who's ready for some good news???

Kody's MRI looks stable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His ventricles look small...alot smaller as compared to last year...which tells us his VP shunt is working perfectly. {thank God after that biting incident}

We saw his scan on the computer at the hospital...though it is still ugly to look at and it is still there...and though we were praying so hard that it would show up smaller...{{SIGH}} isn't.
His tumor is the size of a cherry...the round part being on top of his stem, then the cherry stem part {I guess??} goes down into his stem. So..though he is still considered to be stable...not one dr. knows enough about this very unique type of tumor to guarantee it will remain stable forever. And still seems that his tumor has the potential to have devesating results...if ever and whenever is anybody's guess.
His neuro. feels that his symptoms are just going to be par for the course, and as of now..they are not bothering him too terribly. Actually, I think they bother me more...especially when he falls down.
About the eye tilting's to be expected that his eyes will do some freaky things once in a while and next month we have an appointment with is neuro/eye dr., so we can discuss his eye problems with him.

Our next step...Dr. Pincus is setting us up an appointment to meet and discuss Kody with Dr. Smith, who is a pediatric neuro-oncologist. See, Dr. Pincus doesn't think there is a chemo. combination out there as of yet that will actually help Kody...but, since that is not his field of expertize...he wants us to see this other dr. who is an expert.
Radiation we are still balking at because of the side effects which right now, could be much worse then the tumor itself.
In any case...Karl and I are very anxious to meet Dr. Smith...we have alot of questions for her...some of which we won't allow Kody in the room to hear...grown up stuff, you know. Nothing a child needs to hear or even be concerned about. And since Kody has a tendency to hear and remember EVERYTHING...{little corns have big ears!!}, we just as not have him in the room when there are adult topics to discuss.

Other then that though..we pretty much include Kody in every decision. It's his little body and he is defintely mature enough to make a few decisions here and there.

LOL...Speaking of "little bodies"...well, his is not so little anymore...he weighs 92.5 pounds!!! Now, granted he is tall...but man, none of our children have ever been as huge as he is.
Hope your hearing this Uncle Peter...cuz, have got some a spot on that football team, I have the perfect sign up for you in about 7 or so years!! :0)

Right now...Kody is still terrorizing/loving his brothers and sisters...raising havoc where ever he goes...being completely 100 percent all boy...making us all laugh...being a silly, goofy "cherryhead" {sorry Kody..joke, joke, joke!!}...being the protector of all baby ducks...and we wouldn't have it or want it any other way!!

He is actually such a goofball that written on his hospital chart is "Kody is WELL KNOWN in neurology"...
I can take that one of two ways!!!

OK, about the insurance mess up...the battle still rages and the plot still thickens.
Seems that Kody's PCP was recently {maybe about a year ago} investigated {I can't say by who just yet}...and since he is leaving town fast, is selling everybody's child's records to them, and refuses to sign anything for Kody are even get involved anymore.... makes many of us wonder if he had his licence suspended???

On a brighter the end of the week Kody will have a new PCP and hopefully things will go much smoother whenever he needs medical help/prescriptions/whatever.

So...that's all the news today...
Though we would have really hoped to see no tumor at all...we are happy that we got "the best of the worst news"...a stable tumor and no signs of hydrocephlus whatsoever.

In about an hour or so...we are taking off to Kody's favorite restaurant..."The International Grand Buffet", an all you can eat chinese/seafood buffet bar to celebrate our day today...and also an early birthday dinner for Kaysha who turns the big 13 tomorrow!!!!!

Birthday Song

Please..before I leave here today...keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she and Kody had an MRI at the same time this morning.
Also... Angel Jake's family in your prayers also as they lay their beautiful little boy to rest today.

Thank you so much for the prayers, support and well wishes that have been sent our way today!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:45 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~UPDATE....6:50 PM~*~

Kody WILL get his MRI and be seen by his neurosurgeon tomorrow...
But...the fight with the healthcare system still continues...and NO his PCP NEVER signed the autorization form.
Thursday..we will work with CMS and find a new PCP.
Luckily..I have had a great recommendation from a friend for her pediatrician and the best part...she accepts CMS and Ped-I-Care, would love to have Kody as her patient, and is a smart and caring Dr.
In these days...what else can you ask for?
I will update again tomorrow when we get home...
Thanks for checking in!!
~Luv, Kim~

~*~This Mama Bear doesn't take any C**P~*~



Kody's next MRI/Shunt Series...April 14th...9:30 AM

~*~Hi everyone~*~

OK....first, let's insert a HUGE aggrivated, stressed out, head pounding {{{sigh}}} right here...LOL!!
Pulling My Hair Out

Ready for this? As of this afternoon it looks like Kody won't be having his MRI/neuro. visit tomorrow. Why you ask? Well, thanks for asking..:0)
It's because Kody's WONDERFUL, CARING PCP refuses to sign the authorization/referral paper because he feels "It's not his job".
Hmmmmm, not only IS it his job {according to the "official member handbook"}...but it seems that suddenly he "doesn't accept" Kody insurance. NOT!!! His name is still in the most recent member directory.
And, on top of all of this I find out through the grapevine that this Dr. has a "for sale" sign in front of his office and he is boot scootin' it to a different county in two weeks.
Imagine that...leaving and not telling your own patients? So, basically that leaves Kody with no PCP whatsoever.

You see...Kody is covered under CMS {Childrens Medical Services} as his they have switched over to Ped-I-Care for the primary and CMS for secondary. CMS is for children with life threatening/life long illnesses...and they have been great. When Kody needs anything health wise....MRI's, med's..anything, he has always gotten it. If he gets sick on the weekend and needs medical help, we would take him to the problem.
Now that Ped-I-Care is involved...the rules change and the paper trail for a stinkin' Dr. visit is a mile long...and we have to have permission from his {right now} butthead PCP for everything and anything.

Meanwhile....Dr. Pincus' office and the CMS office are rolling their eyes...can't believe this man is holding everything up and they are working on it....I've called his PCP office several times..only to be told a different story each time. Like..."they willl sign anything, just fax it, of course we accept your ins.". Well, they have had the fax paper to sign since yesterday and they are not signing it. When the PCP office gets on the phone with Dr. Pincus' office or CMS...their attitude and story changes dramatically.

And..while we all try to wait patiently for an answer as to whether we go tomorrow or not....Kody's school nurse called around noon to tell me he had another headache. I picked him up...his good eye looked a bit droopy and right now he is just hanging on the couch, trying to watch "Cheaper by the Dozen" {Oh My God...that movie was based on our family!!!!!!} and waiting for the Maxalt to kick in.

Now..tell me, why in the world is it so easy for me to get decent health care and referrals for specialists when my other healthy kids need them...but for Kody...everything has to be a disaster? I'll never, as long as I live...understand this crazy system.

Makes you wonder though..if it were their kids that had a tumor growing in their brain...would their carefree, careless attitude be a little different?

And...I'll tell you, they sure do never have a paper trail or a problem when they accept my check in the mail every month.

Ok...enough screaming..let's change the subject. :0) But..thanks for listening just the same!!

Please keep my good friend, Tammy's 16 year old son, James in your prayers as they await the results of his heart tests. As, I mentioned in my last journal entry...James, an otherwise very healthy 16 year old fell in the shower last week...they are running tons of tests and think he has a leak in his heart valve. Please say a prayer that the dr's can fix him up quick so he can live a very happy and healthy life. And..please, if you could say a prayer for Tammy and her husband, most of you know...we parents, when faced with such news..can use all the prayers and support we can get.

Well guys...I'm going to wrap this up for right now. I need to spend some "Kody/Mom time"...just as soon as I find out anything, I'll add a little update on top.

Thank you all so much for stopping by and letting me vent away today!


Monday update....
Just incase I don't get to update again tonight, I'd like you all to please keep my good friend, Tammy's 16 year old son, James in your prayers.
James is a healthy boy but fell in the shower last week...Dr's are running tons of tests and think they have found a leak in his heart valve.
Please pray that this in not the case...but if it is, that the dr's can fix his heart.
Tammy, like I mentioned is a real good friend of mine {we are neighbors}..she has been by my side and supportive since day one with Kody.
Thank you all so much!!

RED is for the blood He gave.
GREEN is for the grass He made.
YELLOWis for the sun so bright.
ORANGE is for the edge of night.
BLACK is for the sins we made.
WHITE is for the grace He gave.
PURPLE is for His hour of sorrow.
PINK is for our new tomorrow.
A bag full of jellybeans colorful and sweet,
is a PRAYER, is a PROMISE,
is a child's SPECIAL TREAT.

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Kody's next MRI/Shunt Series...April 14th...9:30 AM

~*~Hi everyone~*~

<><><><>HAPPY EASTER<><><><><>

<><><><><>HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD<><><><><>

Thank you so much for stopping by I promised....I will be upbeat this time. though, I have to admit....Jake's passing is still being felt throughout our home..thoughts of him make us smile...on the other hand, thoughts of him make us cry.
We know in our hearts though...that Jakie Bear is healed...he no longer carries the burden of brain cancer and he is to play and laugh and run and skip...and he will be "Big Jake" a/k/a "Jakie Bear" forever and ever.
It is Susan, Mark and Jake's family he left behind that will need all of our prayers. Happily Jake will never cry again....sadly, Jake's family will. :0(

I'd like to send a big Thank You to all of you who left such great GB messages for us and also to those who sent us e-cards and e-mails...You guys are the best!!

We had a great time visiting the Easter Bunny...we had an even better time hanging around the mall and window shopping here and there. We had an even better time at McD's!!
So...what did we do today {Saturday}.....well...we colored some Easter eggs {see photo page}....played with the baby ducks...ran some errands...jumped on the trampoline...hung out in Kody's fort...and oh yeah...
I almost forgot....
We made a very special video clip for you all to see...well, person in particular...
So...without further ado..may I present....the "NOT so perfect "K" kids doing their rendition of "Happy Birthday to you Daddy".
BTW...Now, you can all see the "REAL" kids that we all know and love...and not the cutie ones in the pictures...LOL!!! It only took 78 tries...and believe me, this was the best we could come up with. :0)


Shout outs tonight go to....

Tracy and Katia....for having so much patience and faith. Do you have any idea how much respect I have for you both..and of course, Dad and sisters too!! It has to be so hard being in the hospital at every holiday...still, they always make it so pleasant and memorable.

Dad....For having a great sense of humor {most times...and I hope today is one of them!}. HAD to have known we would have something planned out...this wasn't so bad, was it?

Mrs. Terry {Angel Jalen's "Am-Maw"}...For totally brightening Kody's day today with the package of "Blue Angel" things...pencils, t-shirt, and even a "Blue Angel" teddy Kody's words..."Mrs. Terry is one COOL Gramma....THANK YOU!!!!!!!" :0) BTW...You can see a picture on the photo page.

The Miami Dolphin cheerleaders....for the autographed poster Kody recieved took a while, but I was finally able to push his eyes back into his head long enough to snap a pic!! Oh...and Heather...#35...Kody has got the hots for you girl!!!!!

My son, Kyle...for stepping up to the plate once again and taking it upon yourself to make sure all your little brothers and sisters have a really great Easter. We are so proud of the man that you have become.

All the wonderful friends who sent Kody Easter cards in the mail...he loves them so much!!'s really getting late, the kiddo's are sound asleep and I think the Easter Bunny needs to make her rounds pretty soon...

Before I go though..please remember Cheyenne in your prayers this week as she and Kody...though states away will be having their MRI's on the same day and at the same time...they were destined to be friends, weren't they?
Let's pray that Wednesday night...both the Fivaesh's and we can both report excellent news.

Have a beautiful and blessed easter Sunday!!!

Easter Bunny

Thursday, April 8, 2004 11:08 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Kody's next MRI/Shunt Series...April 14th...9:30 AM


~*~Hi everyone~*~

As I am sure most of you already know...this morning at 6:04 Heaven welcomed it's newest
Angel, Jake. Jake passed peacefully at home and in the arms of the two people who loved him the most...Susan and Mark, his Mommy and Daddy.

I would be lying if I told you writing this tonight is easy, it is not. You see, Jakie Bear was one of the first children we started following on Caring Bridge.
When I was interested in two days everything I ever needed was in my mailbox.
Whenever I or anyone else needed anything, advice, a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to talk to..Susan was there.
I talked to Susan a couple of months ago...and we chatted like old friends do, though we've never even met. We talked alot about our boys..but never about their mortality. Probably because we both believed we would never become Mommy's of Angels.

Losing Jake broke my heart today the same way losing Ashley last January was like losing a baby of my own...the pain just tore through my heart. Then the anger set in and I am ashamed to admit I questioned God today...once again.
Weird....I question Him...I yell at Him...then I thank Him for giving us another day...and I always ask for another, which He so lovingly gives. I hope He realizes that some days even I become a whack job!

I told Karl this afternoon about Jake. I really didn't want to tell him while he was at work, but it was obvious that something was very wrong whe we talked on the phone. When he came home today I was out picking up our grand-daughter, Alona from daycare. When we came home I stayed outside another 10 minutes or so pushing her on "Weeeee" {LOL....our swingset/Kody's fort}. When I came inside what I saw was a man broken...staring at a little boy he had never met yet was so crazy over. It was then when I realized he wasn't wearing his glasses and his eyes were pretty red. I saw him trying to compose himself so he could hug his own grand-daughter.
Yes..even big biker dudes cry...not only for their own children, but for the children who's lives touch our hearts. Children we have grown to love, laughed at all the funny things they had done, worried with at every MRI/Scan/symptom. Children who's innocent eyes stare at us from our computer everyday.
Jakie wasn't just another CB child..he was a part of our family...and lately everyday Karl or one of the kids would always call or come home and say to me "Have you heard anything about Jakie Bear today?"

After the tears subsided and the shock wore off...that's when the "silent conversation" started. I know all you parents of sick children know this one. we looked at each other...we thought of Jake...we thought of Savannah....we thought of Ashley..we thought of Maxie and all the other children we have recently lost, and then we thought of Kody. I think Karl was the first one to say "I am scared".
You know...I am scared too. But we have to think positive thoughts only...and though we may be dying inside everyday that leads up to Kody's MRI next week..we have got to stay strong, not only for ourselves but for all of our kids. They do not need or deserve parents that are falling apart right now. We don't need to fall apartt on each other.

For everything that seems like a symptom lately...we make up an excuse for. Kody falls alot...most 8 year olds with big feet do. Kody gets's allergy season. Kody's good eye turned up slightly in his last photos...maybe it was just the angle. Kody is seeing double sure doesn't stop him from playing X-Box!!
I pray with all my heart that the "excuses" win.
But for now...all we can do is "keep the faith" and live "one day at a time".
After all...
"Life is Tough....but Kody Bear is Tougher"

I thank you all for stopping by today...I promise my next update will be alot more upbeat. Tonight I am mourning a little boy I loved dearly.

Tomorrow I will feel a little better...I have to, I have three kids whom I promised to take to the mall to meet "The Easter Bunny". And we have a birthday party to plan for this weekend...Happy Almost Birthday Daddy...We Love You!!!

Good night all....

BTW....I do have some good news tonight...Angel Colby's new little brother, Colton was born yesterday..healthy, big and beautiful..just like his big brothers.
Congratulations Laura and Jack!!! Colby's link is in our "Angels" pull down menu if you'd like to stop by.

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:30 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Thursday Update~*~
I am absolutely heartbroken to have to say our beautiful little friend,
Jake has been called to Heaven.
I will update later...right now I am crying like a baby and need to step away. Please understand...Jake was one of my first "CB Kids" and I feel like I have lost my own baby.



Kody's next MRI/Shunt Series...April 14th...9:30 AM


Just wanted to let you all know
Jake's Mom, Susan has updated his page.
I can't even put into words the hurt I am feeling in my heart for this beautiful little boy and his family. Please stop by if you would.


Kody's new baby ducks were born today..April 6th!!
Duck 4
We're putting a video clip up and a photo on the photo page.

~*~Baby Duck Video Clip~*~


~*~Hi everyone~*~

Just a quick note to explain that picture up top....

When Kody came home from school yesterday he was feeling awful..
I thought for sure it was the dreaded stomach bug but mostly he just ended up with a headache. This morning when I got him up..another headache. So, look's like me and him will be having some serious bonding time today...which is so cool because I know he's been missing "Days of our Lives" since Spring Break ended...LOL!!!

Well...let me get going here...I'll write more later..
Shout outs.....

Tracy...She got my drop downs working last night....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris...because she has been sooooo good at updating lately....LOL...{sorry, got you back for the "yell at Kim for making us wait & worry entry a few weeks back!}

Everyone who has been signing Kody's GB with well wishes...Thank You!!

BTW...I know the drop down list is soon as I can get a few minutes...OK, maybe an hour or two, I'll get all those names in ABC order. list of ^i^Angels^i^ will be up today.
Anyone whom isn't on either list and would like to be...throw me a line..and I'll add your site ASAP.

OK, better run, he needs me.

Later Gator!!!

Luv, Kim

Saturday, April 3, 2004 11:06 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Kody's next MRI/Shunt Series...April 14th...9:30 AM


Hello All :0)

We never got to Tampa for the airshow...Kaysha is still feeling very puny from the stomach bug but....still the day was a pretty good one anyway!!

Kody was very bummed about the airshow...oh, and it looks like we are having some transmission problems with my car so, the show is out for tomorrow too. :0(
No problem...there will be plenty more shows...Florida is big on air shows!! was Fruitland Park Day....although we live in Leesburg, the boys go to school in Fruitland Park...a very cute town with an awesome fire dept!! {they have Harley riders there too!} So..the boys and I {Kaysha stayed home...she was still hanging tuff with the "porcelain god"} took off bright and early to see the parade and partake in some Fruitland Park Day activities...
#1 being....Find Mom is still wayyyyyy to early to be up and adam....and..
#2 being...watching my young son's get strapped into some funky looking harness just to scale a HUGE rock wall!!

Yes...Kody did make it to the top...smacked some button and leaped down to what have had been his final farewell had it not of been for that wonderful funky looking harness!!
Kolin..on the other hand, who is lovingly known as "my little monkey boy"...didn't have as much luck thanks to his "over-protective/over-bearing brother" who yelled out "Kolin..whatever you do...don't look down!!" Sooooo....what do you think happens...yes sir...Kolin looks down and down he comes. I seriously thought he was going to deck Kody...who by then was apoligizing profusely.

Next stop...giant slide...great idea...great fun...not so great for Mom's with digital cameras. Darn that "delay" feature. I din't get them coming down the slide but I did get a great shot of an empty slide with the two of them at the way far out of camera lens reach.
OK...on to what I called the "Double Dare" obstical course challenge. {Is that show still even on??}
Now this was fun...and had I not have been laughing so darn hard watching Kolin try to pull Kody out of that roller ball...squeeze through thingy..{it looks like two huge logs one on top of the other and the kid has to squeeze through it}..I might have gotten some pretty amusing photos.
I do...come to think of it, have a few...let me get them on here later. I think they are one of Kolin pulling Kody out of a tube thing and Kody and Kolin falling on their heads.
BTW...they have hard heads and it was a soft landing..they are fine.

Next stop...oh, of course..what's a day out without spending every dime Mom has on over priced hot dogs and sodas. was hot out...they were having so much fun..why not?
I'll tell you why not...because not 20 seconds after I bought the darn things..Kody drops his in the dirt.
You know...I thought that was a really great clue that it was time to go home! :0)

So...what did we do the rest of the day....
We started some yardwork..then Dad came home {Thank God!} and Dad even got into the whole yardwork scene...which was so cool because Kody and Kolin then became Dad's lil' helpers instead of Mom's!!
So..Mom raked and bagged leaves....Dad trimmed the palm's and the boys dragged the branches away.
We were pretty grossly dirty but we had alot of fun.
BTW...Kaysha did not get to help....she was still bowing down to the Goddess of Potty's. {Kaysha..your 48 hours of stomach bug are up tomorow...we're gonna get ya girl!!}

Today Kody got not one..but two packages in the mail!! {see photos}
One was a very cool ceramic teddy bear on a Harley...doo-rag and all!! It looks just like Kody and he LOVES it!! Thank you Paloma!!!!!!!

Th second was a package from "The Tumbleweed Foundation" {see link below}..a box full of all kinds of goodies..and even a tank top and mouse pad with beautiful Angel Julia's picture/logo on it...Thank you Tumbleweed...Kody is so happy and loves the airplane..we're going out to fly it tomorrow!!

I'm still working on, with Tracy {Katia's Mommy} help...the drop down menus. I thought for sure they would link when I worked on it this morning...but, no luck as of yet.
We'll get it....I promise!!

Tomorrow, after CCD I think the plans are to go out and do some serious "Monster Truckin'". {with Kody's RC truck} and maybe we'll go lose another's Sunday, don't we always lose planes on Sundays!! :0)

Before I leave you guys { fellow Yankee friends and family..I said "Guys" and not "You All"} all important shout outs today go to...

Tracy...for patiently trying so hard to figure out where I am going wrong with the drop downs.

Paloma...for bring smiles, smiles and more smiles to Kody and to all of us.

Tumbleweed...Angel Julia's name will go on and on and today I can honestly tell you...Julia's beautiful spirit lives in Kody's heart and in the smiles your package brought to him today.

Jeff {BE MY} Guest...who Kody thinks is soooo cool...but ummm, hey Jeff...Dude...the pictures..please send the pictures Man..Kody is driving us nuts asking everyday!!! :0)

All of you who take so much of your time to visit us and all our friends in need. To pray for laugh with cry with us and to worry with us....

We love you all!!

Have a beautiful weekend!!

On The Hammock

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Prayers Needed Please~*~

Tonight I found out that our good friend Aaryn is having an emergancy MRI tomorrow due to some pretty nasty headaches he has been getting.
Please..if you could, pop on by his site and leave a few prayers Aaryn's way.
Thank you!!


Thank you to everyone who has left messages of concern for our daughter, Kayara!!
Here's the update on her...
After spending 15 1/2 hours lying on a ER gourney without so much as a pillow she was finally moved to a room around midnight last night.
By then the demerol she had in the AM for pain had worn off and left her with a splitting having no pillow didn't help matters much either. She begged for tylenol for 11 hours during the night/morning and never got it.
She called her gyno. in the AM..he had no idea what was going on because the hospital NEVER called him like they said they would.
By then she and Travis decided that they were checking her out and going home to make an appointment with her Dr. and so they did.
She saw her Dr. this afternoon who without so much as a problem, gave her another ultrasound and found a 2 inch cyst on her left overy. He thinks it might go away on it's own but if it hasn't in about six weeks he will surgically remove it.'s the kicker...
Yesterday the ER Dr. at Leesburg Hospital wanted and was scheduling an O.R. to do emergancy surgery on her for a ruptured appendix she never even had!!
And here I thought these kind of stories only happen in the tabloids...go figure??!!

Thanks for stopping by tonight...
The kids are sleeping in their own beds tonight FINALLY...
Baby...Your woman's on her way!!
Husband And Wife

OK..before you all think anything here...
Karl's got Kolin's stomach bug!!!
Sick In Bed
So...they'll be none of that tonight!!
Too Happy

Love you all!!!

Monday, March 29, 2004 11:00 PM

Hello everyone...

Their baaaaaack.....
In School!!!!!

And guess what?? I kind of missed the little boogers!!

Wow...what a day...where to start?
OK...Travis, my daughter Kayara's husband calls this morning to ask if he can drop the baby off...Kayara fell in shower and needs to get to the problem.
Turns out she fell because she had a horrible pain that started very suddenly in her abdomen.
They get to the ER by 8:30 this's now 10:30 PM and she is STILL in the ER!!
I am not kidding but wait, it gets better...
She saw a total of three dr's today...for about 5 minutes each.
The first one says "Your appendix is about to need surgery right away".
The second says "No, it's a cyst on your overy"
The third says "I don't know what's wrong"
The surgeon never shows up....her gyno. never shows up..
there is no pain med. orders for her and all the dr's leave, she is still in a ER room, alone, in agony, bored and scared.
They won't let her go home because Dr #1 says if she goes home and her appendix bursts she will die before she can get back to the hospital. So, naturally she is scared and stays.
I talked to her last about an hour ago...Travis picked up the baby and Kyle {my 18 year old}...Kyle is spending the night so if Travis needs to get to the hospital ASAP, Kyle can mind the baby and I am only 5 minutes away.
I want soooo bad to get to the hospital and have a freaking fit...but Kayara knows my temper which really only flares when I know my family is being done wrong...
and she told me "Stay home Mom".
What I can't believe is the way she is being treated not to mention the lack of a room...
Could it be because she hasn't any insurance...I bet it is.
Mark my word by 9:00 tomorrow moring if things haven't changed drastically..well, when I am done..things will change, believe that.
I am seething mad tonight, I really am.
Oh....Travis was going to go back and spend the night with her...the hospital told him "No, he wouldnt be allowed in because it is too late"...
Funny, I always thought the ER was open 24 hours. :0(

OK...Sorry, I just had to get that out...on to other things....

Kody had a real good day back to school. He tried..but failed to come down with a "headache" this morning but {{LOL}} well, like I said...he failed and boot scooted it to school anyway.
And..after all that..he actualy had fun and learned a whle lot about the sun which he spent a good hour after school telling me all about.
He really cracks me up sometimes!!

My drop down menus were off to a good start..or so I thought. But, unfortunetly they are just not working. Luckily...Sammi P's Mom, Karen is working very patiently with me so they should be running at 100 percent very soon.
I would just like to mention...if I have forgotten anyone, it really isn't intentional, please just throw me a line and say "Put me on there too!"
On the flip side...if your child is on there and you would rather not, just let me know and I will take him/her off right away.

Before I leave tonight I would like to thank all of you so much for the outpouring of love you have shown to so many of our families...especially ^i^Angel Maxie^i^
~Jakie Bear~ and
Although there are way too many families in need of extra prayer and love...these four familes have touched our hearts in a way that is just unbelievable.
Please..if you know of any other families who are facing the heartbreak of watching their loved one gaining their wings...let me know and I would be very happy to include them too.
I don't always have a chance to check my e-mail everyday so the best way to reach me quick is to leave a GB message..we read those everyday.

"Shout Out's" and "Thank You's" today go out to...

Miss Judy for always keeping me laughing!!

Dana for the awesome "Tony Hawk" book...Kody hasn't put it down yet and reading it was the PERFECT thing for Spring Break....he'd go outside everyday on the big swing and read, read, read!!

Karen for the patience and help with the drop downs...anyone else by now would have said "Girl, you are on your own!"

Kody and Karyelle's Relay-for-Life sponsers.....they have exceeded their goals and are so proud of themselves. They can't wait to get started walking those laps for a cure!!

Every one of you for allowing me to scream, holler and vent in todays journal!!'s late..I feel a long day coming on tomorrow so I better go catch up on some ZZZZZZZZZZ's.

Love you all!!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:45 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Saturday night...Midnight...
I am absolutely saddened to tell you all we lost Maxie tonight.

~*~Angel Maxie~*~

To turn off the music on the on the headphones {where it says "Music"}

Head Banger

~*~Good Morning~*~

Spring Break Countdown or a/k/a I will finally stop hearing...
"MOM...She's looking at me!"
"MOOM...Get him out of my room!"
"MOOOM...I'm bored!"
"MOOOOM...He/She touched my arm/leg/toe/elbow/hair!"
"MOOOOOM...I can't find my shoes/shirt/Buzz Lightyear action figure/floor of my bedroom/bed!"
"MOOOOOOM...When is Daddy coming home!"
"MOOOOOOOM...I cannot possibly survive another Wal-Mart trip with you!"
"MOOOOOOOOM...Since we HAVE to go to Wal-Mart...Can we buy a new video game/movie/bike/junk food/life for Mom!"
"MOOOOOOOOOM...Get OFF the computer and play with me/look at me/take notice that I am finger painting your bathroom walls with mud!"
Mom And Kids

And the countdown is...
1 day...22 hours...45 minutes...12 seconds. NASA even this accurate??!!
They would be if they lived here!!

Seriously though...yesterday was definetly the best day.
Our adopted Gramma Carolyn invited the three kids and I out for a day of pizza, bowling {I proudly broke a high score of 17}, playing with wild ducks, {OK, so we didn't exactly play with them...they ran for their lives..the ducks that is, not the kids}, golf cart rides and ice cream.
The fun never ended and neither did the {{{HUGS}}}!!
I'll post some pictures in a little while...I stayed up till midnight craeting a Zeocast slideshow only to find out their little Java Script link won't work on a HTML only page.

On the drive home, Kolin who was too pooped to party anymore fell asleep in the backseat only to wake up before we got home and HURLED {sorry} all over the backseat.
Let's hope #1..This little bug worms it's way out of our house before Monday morning and #2...I somehow find the miraculous cure to getting the stink out. Any suggestions would be great...
I've tried Windex, Clorox Wipes, Spray & Wash liquid and even rubbed in some Downy for a little good luck. Aired it out since yesterday and still has the smell.
I'm getting out to Wally World this morning to try some carpet cleaner and that stuff that is supposed to take out baby stains/smells..I have no idea what you call it but they sell it in the laundry section.

I'd like to leave my list of children who are still in dire need of prayer....

If you can, please stop by and offer support to our friends and devestated parents/step parents/grandparents/siblings/all family members in general.

A few GB entries have got me thinking..I don't explain myself well sometimes {NO comments from you Karl!!}...sorry!!
The voting for the @Tylenol Simply Stuffy~Simply Cough takes place the whole month of April.
The tylenol web site I have linked below will put up a link then and that's where you can click and vote for Kody everyday...maybe even a few times a day. They won't put the voting link up any sooner as to make it fair for all the children.
If Kody win's...and I believe the child with the most votes will...will have their face on the bottle of @Tylenol Simply Stuffy~Simply Cough for an entire year and in addition will win a $1,000.00 scholarship towards College.
We're pretty excited about this...especaily Kody. He's got to go to College in order to be a Blue Angel pilot someday!!


Well..Gotta go.
Kody just commented on watching Emeril Aggasi on TV and is now frantically searched for all the ingredients he needs to make that "perfect breakfast"..
I feel a serious kitchen cleaning happening any minute!!

Have a great weekend everyone....I'll get those new pictures up this morning.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004 3:10 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Sadly...once again...we prepare to say "Good-Bye" to another beautiful child as she prepares for her journey into Heaven.
Please...take a moment to stop by Savannah's site to pray and offer support to this beautiful little girl's heartbroken family.


Hello...Welcome Back!!

First, I'd like to thank you all for stopping by and opening your heart to Miss Savannah and family. I wish I could say things are better but unfortunetly they are not. Savannah has started to have seizures..never a good sign. Please continue to pray that Savannah's entrance into Heaven is a peaceful one.

Things with Kody are great...he's happily trying to enjoy Spring Break..when he's not too busy telling me how bored he is...he's busy telling me how bored he is. :0(
How many days till school starts again???
4 days...17 hours...20 minutes...but hey, who's counting!!!

We were actually supposed to go to the beach tomorow but...{{SIGH}}...the paycheck as compared to the bills tells us it's not meant to be.
Oh well...maybe next week we can pull the kids from school for a day and take off. Try to explain that to an already bored beyond tears 8 year old...I might as well try to explain the situation to a wall...a wall with tears.
Poor kid...he has got no patience for waiting...LOL!! order to ease his boredom while I am updating right now...he, Kolin and Kaysha are plastering my kitchen with play-doh hot dogs, burgers, pop-corn and ice cream sundaes.
If I could only trust them to make, I would have it made!! :0)

Are you all ready to see the latest in "My Life as a Celebrity" a/k/a "Kody Bear the World's Greatest HAM!!"

We call this one...

~*~Kody and Daddy Biker Buds Forever~*~

Please...Please...Please...before anyone freaks...
they really, seriously, honestly did NOT go 110 mph as Dad {our speed freak lover} describes. 40 mph to Kody might as well be 110...he doesn't know the difference and we're not going to tell him!! :0) :0)

Cool motorcycle...I know some of you have seen this little graphic on "Smiley Central"..
Now you can too add graphics to your site and guestbooks. If you don't have it SMILEY CENTRAL. It's quick, it's easy, takes up little space and will not slow your computer down {unless your PC happens to be on it's last leg!!}. There are over 8,000 pictures to choose from...just right click on the one you like...highlight "copy HTML code" and then paste it on your site or GB.
Cool, huh??

Well...that about covers all the news thats fit to print today..
Thanks again for stopping by...I believe a wad of green play-doh has just flown past me..I better go!! :0)

Monday, March 22, 2004 5:56 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Sadly...once again...we prepare to say "Good-Bye" to another beautiful child as she prepares for her journey into Heaven.
Please...take a moment to stop by Savannah's site to pray and offer support to this beautiful little girl's heartbroken family.
Just so you know...I had gotten of the phone with Norine, Angel Ashley's Mommy just a few minutes ago and she is the one who passed on the news to me.
Lisa, Savannah's Mom is the first friend Norine met through the internet..they have shared their journey's together.
Norine is beyond heartbroken...and if you could stop by Angel Ashley's site..I know she would love to hear from you. Hard as it is to update..she still does read and appreciate every guestbook entry.
Thank you all so much!!

Saturday, March 20, 2004 2:05 PM



Hi...I just wanted to update quick...this was TOTALLY Kody's idea so if there is any chokin' to do...I lay it all on him!! He has had this planned out since yesterday!!
Anyway...Here is Kody's way of welcoming Springtime...

~*~Kody's Springtime Welcome to All~*~

A bit of advice...all of you who are still experiencing winter wonderland may want to skip this!!
OK...go ahead, but don't say I didn't warn you!!

Have a wonderful First Day Of Spring!!

Love you all..

Thursday, March 18, 2004 9:20 PM

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

I am soooooooo soory about the delay in updates..and to all of you who are worried....stop right now...
Kody is feeling good...really good...
Unfortunetly, I cannot say the same for everyone else who keeps coming down with, what else? HEADACHES!!
OK, there must be something going around or else it has to be the pollen and humidity combined because Kaysha woke up with a pounding headache on Tuesday and stayed home from did Karl, he went into work a couple hours late...which, if you all know something he never, ever does. On Wednesday Kyle got his and as of Wednesday night....yours truly has one that hasn't gone away yet.

As for Shands....would you believe thery have yet to return any of my calls...and I've made a few.
Even if it is just allergies/sinus/ sure would have been nice to at least get a phone call back.
I haven't seen Kody's eye turn again..but...I am really keeping a good eye {no pun intended!} on it because the last time his eye turned {before diagnoses day} was a gradually thing, so gradual that I never even noticed it till it was pointed out be someone else. Looking back at photos, it was as clear as a bell...still, I didn't see it. I'll kick myself forever for that!

Isn't that a cool picture up top? {picture is now seen on the photo page} Tonight was "Family Night Book Fair" at Kody and Kolin's school. Yes..Dad was really getting into it too...good thing Clifford had a terrific sense of humor!! :0)

Kody's next schduled MRI and visit with his neuro. {if we actually get to see him this time..long story} is on April 14th...I'll keep reminding so that we can hopefully flood the Heavens with lots of prayer.

Speaking of prayer...please keep them coming for our three friends, Maxie, Jake, and Michael as all three are doing poorly and sadly will be gaining their well earned know though...well, miracles happen everyday and let's hope that they each recieve theirs...wouldn't that be something??

Don't forget...April will be here soon and with that comes lots of fun stuff...

Easter, which is one of our all time favorite Holidays..a day of miracles, right?

And what could make Easter even more exciting?? It's also Kody's Daddy's birthday!!!!!! Expect lots of kiddie surprises that day...oh we have some very cool plans in the making!! {sorry Dad, you'll just have to wait..insert evil laugh here!} :0)

April 14th...Kody's big MRI...well, I don't know if that qualiies for fun stuff, but I thought I'd throw it in anyway.

After that comes Kaysha's big 13 on April 15th {our tax day baby!}

April 19th is Mom and Dad's 24 year wedding anniversary.

April 23rd....American cancer Society's Relay-for-Life where Kody Bear will be leading the Survivor Lap in true Kody style!!

And...a month long, everyday fun kind of thing....
Visit Be A Simply Star and get in your vote, everyday for the whole month of April for Kody's cutie pie face....
If he wins {the kid with most votes will}....he will get...
A $1,000.00 scholarship for that all important College he will go to someday and his face will be on the bottle of @Tylenol Simply Stuffy or @Tylenol Simply Cough for an entire year...
Now, how cool is that??!!
We're pretty darn excited about it!!

Some more exciting news...can you believe it just keeps getting better and better??
Scroll down a bit and check out Kody's Relay-for-Life sponsership $$$ amount...

Well guys..I better get Kolin to bed, Kody has already drifted off..he LOVES to sleep!!

Oh..let me leave one more message for my guy {thats you Karl}...get the coffee going Babe...
After all, you know the rules and as the Bible clearly states it is the MAN who makes the coffee.
That's right folks...haven't you ever heard of

Have a great day!!!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2004 1:22 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Sadly, another Angel prepares to take flight...please, if you would, take a moment to stop by Maxie's site. His Mom and Gramma Julie have found out late on Monday that Maxie will only have two more months here on Earth.

~*~New Photos Up on Tuesday~*~

Tuesday...2 o'clock...still no phone call back from Shands. Are we a number or are we concerned parents of an ill child? Makes you wonder sometimes. :0(

~*~Please click here for a special "Thank You" from Kody~*~
You'll need Quicktime Player to view it.

Hi everyone..

Thank you so much for the GB messages and the e-mails...WOW..Kody is a popular guy!!

Anyway...After Saturday nights fiasco...he seemed to be OK Sunday morning. Karl fixed the broken well pipe bright and early on the off chance we had to make a run to Shands.
We watched him all day and...he was OK.
He didnt want to go to school this morning...but went anyway.
As soon as I got home from dropping him and Kolin off this morning I called his neuro's office and as of right now...1:05 PM...I'm STILL waiting for a call back.

Now...I don't want to panic here but...and I pray that it was just my imagination...but I saw Kody's left eye {the good one that was never effected by the hydrocephlus} turn upwards ever so slightly. {That was Satuday night} Of all the symptoms he could have...that one is the worst, tell tale one. Eyes just don't turn for no reason and Kody's eye was the one thing that clued the dr. in a couple years ago that something was terribly wrong.
Soooo....We are still waiting and waiting and when they call, we are insisting that an MRI is done ASAP..instead of waiting for his regular MRI appointment next month.

Thank you all so much for all the GB messages I am seeing in Jake's and Michael's web sites.
They are such sweet little boys and your words mean so much to their hurting parents.
What they are facing is unbearable..something no parent wants to imagine...still, sadly it is happening once again. Jake and Michael will be going to live in "the land of sunshine" soon.
~*~You'll have to visit Jake in order to see what I mean by "the land of sunshine!!~*~

Well...let's me go..I told Kody Bear I'd work on a St. Patricks day background by the time he gets home...thought I had it up and forgot to press "update", don't you just hate when that happens??!! :0)

BTW...I haven't had a chance to work on my pull-down menus..because of Kody feeling so awful....but I'll be starting them little by if you see the menus up and not many names on there..please know that you can drop me a line via e-mail or guestbook and I will include your child too.

Have a geat day everyone and thank you so much for dropping by!!!

Friday, March 12, 2004 12:53 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~Saturday Night Update~*~

Thank you to everyone who has been going over and signing Jake and Michaels are all the best!!

I do have one more prayer request for tonight and that is Kody Bear himself....
As you all know, Kody has been having severe headaches that just seem to come out of nowhere and are pretty painful. Kody has a high tolerance for pain..but these headaches are really doing him in.
It is 10:40 PM right now...and not long ago I was able to finally get Kody calmed down and asleep...he had another headache. This one had him holding his shunt, shaking, crying and wanting to vomit {sorry again} but just couldn't. Looks like tomorrow we are heading off to the promises on when we'll be back..hopefully the same day, but in the crappy {sorry} world of brain never knows.
Tonight Kolin is sleeping with Karl so that I can sleep in Kolin's bed, next to Kody. make things more complicated...a pipe on our water pump for our house burst tonight {so only one kid got a bath...the others still stink!!} so we are without water till Karl can fix that tomorrow...
We're down to one vehicle so the pipe has to be fixed before the hospital trip {Shands is far away}...
Kyle needs a ride home from work at midnight tonight {possibly even later}...
Man..when it rains, it pours..doesn't it??
I know..this too shall pass...but in the meantime...

~*~Saturday Update~*~

Sorry...I had to take Kody's "Song-of-Love" off was giving some of Kody's fans a problem getting on his site..I have no idea why but I will figure it out later when I have more time. I may have to link it to Kody's other site in order to hear it.

Please...Please...Please stop by our little friend Jake Griffin's site. He is the sweetest little boy who unfortunetly has a horrible brain tumor. Jake has outlived all his Dr's predictions and has blown away all statistics. However, the radiation Jake recieved a couple of years ago has caused serious problems and setbacks. In Jake's Mom's own words "Jake's little engine is running out of steam here on this earth".
This brave little boy is a true "Hero" in our hearts.

~*~Hello Everyone~*~

Whoa...what an absolute beautiful day here...looks like one of those days that everyone thinks Florida should be like everyday...LOL..we do, we really do have cold winters..really!! OK...all 2 or 3 weeks of it anyway! :0)

Yesterday started off great for Kody..but {insert frown/sigh here} by 12:30 his school called to say he had a monster headache. I got him home and did the "headache routine"...cold rag to the forehead, Maxalt, Mom & Dad's bed, snuggles and of course the all important..1 hour of "Days of Our Lives", uninteruppted!'s a rough job but someones gotta do it!! He was better..much better by the time Days was over. total agreement with more of these sudden monsteraches and we are high-tailing it to the ER.

Today...there's no school, teacher work day or day off day..or something to that tune. Either way..the kids are feeling great and totally taking advantage of having a day off.

Isn't the song on Kody's site pretty cool?? This song was written especially for him from Songs of Love.
Your child could be the proud owner of his/her song too..just click on the Songs of Love link and request a takes a while to recieve it but it is well worth the me!! :0)

Starting this weekend I will be doing some revamping to Kody's site..I would love to list a whole lot more kids then what I have now..since space can be a mega problem..I'm putting together some drop-down menus. If you would like your child {or very big children...that's you Mr. Brian!! :0)} please drop me a line via e-mail or let me know in Kody's guestbook...
Kody has got some very, very cool fans and prayer warriors and I know how much they love to meet new friends!!
BTW..this also goes for our ^i^Angel Friends^i^...nobody gets left out and our Angels families are so important to us.

Some real cool news here...Katia is 100 percent donor cells!!!!
We have been doing the Happy Dance for days over this news!!
You Go Ladybug Girl!!!!!

Kody's smiling face just may be featured on a @Tylenol Simply Stuffy/Cough bottle next year...but first he needs your help to do so.
During the month of April, 2004...please vote for Kody by going to Be a Simply Star and vote for Kody. You can vote everyday..I just don't know how many times a day.
The child with the most votes is the winner and not only will he be featured on this product but he will also win a $1000.00 scholarship for College someday!!
How cool is this...VERY COOL...remember, he's got to go to college in order to become a Blue Angel Pilot!!

Well...I had better get a move on for now. Kody and Karl saw some kind of "really cool recipe from Charlie & Emeril" {Kody's words} on Good Morning America this morning and I promised him I'd look it up on their site. Karl just called to remind, those guys of mine love their food!!

Plus...the kids are getting along sooooo good {knock on wood please!} that I think I'll head outside to enjoy some time with them..and of course, use this opportunity for somemore photos!! {They are gonna hate me for this!}

Have a wonderful weekend everyone..Thank You for stopping by...Love you all!!

Still leaving these links/messages below....


HERE to see Kody's video clip of his talent show!!


Drum roll please.....
Kody's Relay-for-Life team is up to...

Thank you sooooo much to everyone who is helping Kody with exceeding his goal and finding a CURE for cancer!!!!
There is still plenty of time....please if you would like to sponser Kody and/or his big sister, Karyelle {our other cancer survivor!!} for
The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life, please send checks {made out to "The American Cancer Society"} or cash to....
Kody Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748


Kody Bear...Live and in living color!!


Kody is a featured child on The Tumbleweed Foundation this on the logo below...

Well..I think that wraps it up for today...
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Quilting Angels is having a huge fundraiser going on..please stop by, this is a great chance to win an actual Quilting Agels beautiful quilt!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


For a truly inspirational experience you will never forget...Jennifer's {Angel Ty's Mom} touching and beautiful words to her sweet son and to other parents will keep you coming back and back again.


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is in the hospital and very sick.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant on Feb 5th...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Cody is very sick right now and could use lots of prayers. Mom too...lots of support is needed during these rough days ahead.



Cheyenne's lastest MRI results...FANTASTIC!!!! Keep those prayers coming!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


RachelJoy is very sick with pnuemonia...many prayers are needed for her and Mom, Stephanie



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:14 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello everyone!

Kody is doing ALOT better...despite his bite turning every color of the rainbow...and one whopper of a headache on Sunday...he seems to be OK, Thank God!!
Still...he isn't out of the woods yet, so we wait and watch.
The headache...OK...on Sunday he seemed fine, he went outside in the afternoon and wasn't out there too long when he came running in and ran to Karl on his tip-toes, holding he head and screaming "It hurts so bad Dad". Poor Dad...darn near had a heart attack!!
Anyway..I came in from the backyard and we calmed him down with a cold rag to the forehead, 5 mg's of Maxalt, our bed, and by then Karyelle {big sister} had shown up and she layed down with him...45 or so minutes later he was OK....and in true Kody style...hungry!!! :0)

He's been doing fine in school...and the school is well aware of signs and symptoms to watch for shunt failure...
About the kid who bit him? Well...seems like nothing happened to him, unbelievable...I know. And do you think a phone call from his parents ever How about this....turns out his Dad parks a couple cars behind me in the pick-up line every afternoon...nothing said except a few stares. No problem, I can stare back with the best of them. LOL!!

The little biter better watch out...Kody's got Cheyenne {the Kung Fu Queen} and cousin Alyssa {the Bully Buster} on his side...they make quite the team!!

OK..on to some good news...
Kody's Relay-for-Life sponserships are up to $275.00 as of today!!!
We are sooooooooo happy about this!! Wouldn't it be great if someone, somewhere were cured because of Kody and fans?? That would be something!!

So, how about that picture up top?? Pretty funny!! The guy in the middle is Kody's brother-in-law, Travis. Our daughter, Kayara's husband and our so, so, so, so beautiful grand-daughter, Alona's Daddy.
Travis...well, he is a big kid himself...and this is so great..Travis is an only child...when he met Kayara and she brought him home to a family of six about shock!! But, I can tell you...he has absolutely LOVED every minute of it...and he really, really loves Christmastime because of all the toys and noise!!
The kids...oh man, they think Travis is GREAT!!!!
Anyway....Travis cut his hair into a mowhawk last Friday after work and before he had to cut it off for work today..he wanted to come show Kody and Kolin. The boys were freaking out...and even Kolin is now into the mowhawk that's where that photo came from.
In a bit..I'll add another photo from last night on the photo page...the three of them goofing around. They are pretty funny when they all get together.

Well guys...that's all the news for tonight. Have a great night..and an even better day tomorrow!!!

Love you all....

Saturday, March 6, 2004 2:10 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~*~UPDATE...4:50 PM~*~*~
HA...HA...and they said it couldn't be done!!
HERE to see Kody's video clip of his talent show!!

Hello...Happy Saturday!!

I know lots of you were waiting very patiently for an update on Kody's talent show last night...{{sigh}}....we did go, but something happened beforehand to make it not as fun as we would have wished.

OK..let me back up...
Every Friday I have a very special date with two boys..Kody and Kolin. I go to their school and we have lunch outside at the picnic tables...Kolin from 11 o'clock till 11:30 and then Kody from 12 o'clock till 12:30.
Not 2 minutes after Kolin came out for lunch...Kody, 3 other boys and the PE teacher come walking down to the school from the field, past where Kolin and I were about to have lunch. The teacher has "that look" and is shaking her head and of I'm thinking "Oh great, what did he do".
Well...the PE teaher says to me "We're on our way to the office to fill out an incident/accident report" and I'm thinking "What??" So...she says "Kody show Mom your chest"....
Now.....Kody looks like he is about to burst out with some tears...he lifts up his shirt and there is a HUGE bleeding bite mark on him....right where his shunt tubing is!! now I am just slightly..OK, honestly...more then slightly having a freak out attack and I say "Kody...what the H**L happened??!!" and he says "J**H bit me...we were playing tag and I was going to tag him on the shoulder but I missed and I tagged his ear instead and then he grabbed me by my shoulders and bit me hard".
Now the PE teacher is saying.."we have to go to the office" and I am saying " might be but I am taking Kody to the care corner so I can clean him with alcohol". to the care corner we go where, yes, we got the alcohol wipe but first I had to hear how {coming from the nurse} "I cannot use an alcohol wipe on him, only a parent can"... heard right....had I not of been there {thank God I was} he would have had to have waited until I got a call and then got there before his wound could be cleaned.
So...after an ice pack {he was starting to swell and turn purple}...we headed off to the office where the little biting brat was sitting like some totally innocent angel {only God had the strength right then to hold me back}.
We get called into the assistant principals office where I explain as clear as can be "Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?" and she says "Yes, I know" and I say "No, I dont think you do...first of all Kody depends on that shunt working perfectly everyday like you depend on your heart beating everyday...without his shunt working perfectly HE WILL DIE!!!"
UHG......anyway...she told me that the biters parents would be called and he would be disiplined. So, I asked "And how might that be?" and she said "Can't tell you...privacy laws you know".
Folks..this gets even better...
Kody goes back to class because he really wanted to...and I went back outside to try to have lunch with Kolin who was really, really upset about all this {even worse then Kody}. That was useless....we were together about 20 seconds and he had to leave to go back to class. I have this 30 minute break by the time Kody comes out and I use it to call Kody's neuro. in Gainesville...or maybe I should say I used the time to stay on hold with Kody's neuro's office for 45 minutes till I finally hung up. BTW..I was calling from my cell and those minutes add up quick.
I had lunch with Kody...and flew home to call the dr's again...this time in the privacy of my own home...if you can imagine that conversation...LOL...I had a call back in less then 5 minutes!! where do we stand...his dr. feels that the tubing is deep enough where it should be OK and Kody is up-to-date on all his shots so he wont need a tetnus the event the tubing was damaged, kinked, torn...we have to watch for signs/symptoms of shunt failure!!
Shunt failure...just another wonderful term for...
"Your son's brain is swelling as we speak"..
just great!!
Now..I am no crazy Mom who panics at every little thing but....
Wouldn't it have been just great if they would have said "bring him in and lets scan that shunt to be sure".
And, we are still waiting for a phone call from the biters parents...just a quick one to say "sorry" would be great...nothing yet.
Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture??

In any case...I put a photo of the bite on his photo page...if you don't like grossness...don't scroll to the last photo.

Getting back to last night's talent the time we went, Kody's chest was hurting alot and he just wasn't in his usual funny, playful mood.
He sang two songs with his second grade classmates and looked like he was having fun. When it came time for his solo preformance..he looked like a sad little boy who just wanted to go home. And so we did...and ordered up some pizza to cheer him up a little.

I put one picture of his show on his photo page..the only picture I was able to get.
The video clip...UGH...was a little too long {about 30 seconds} and my hosting site that I store the video clips on will not let me download something that long. I'm still trying to figure out how I can get it the meantime for anyone who would like to see it...throw me a line and I can e-mail it.
From now on though..I know I have to stick to 10 to 15 second clips.

Today...he seems better. He is still hurting but won't take anything for it {he is so much like his Dad!!}.
We went to a grand opening for a local car parts store so thats where the new race car pictures came from...then off to Karyelle's second job at True Value Hardware..where they were having "customer apreciation day"...and you know Kody Bear...he took advantage of all the free hot dogs and soda...nothing, I do mean nothing will prevent that boy from chowing down!!

Well..I had better get always it is so great to hear from you via guestbook, e-mail...
Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to hug someone today...OK, stay away from strangers...but everyone else is cool!! :0)


Wednesday, March 3, 2004 10:20 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~*~New Photos Added Tonight~*~*~

Good Morning to You!!

Lonnnnnnnnng morning for us so far...Kody woke up with a pounder and it's been a Maxalt {headache med.} kind of day.
Hopefully this first dose will start to kick in and he won't need another.....we'll see.
He's trying so hard to get down some scrambled eggs he's been craving but tells me he feels "barfy". :0(
We might have to perform the old "bucket brigade" pretty soon...LOL!! :0)

A few nights ago Karl and I were talking about our lives and how they've changed so much these past couple of years and it got me thinking about a friend of mine from H.S. who has a son Kody's age. He is having a real tough time trying to understand why Kody has cancer and what cancer is. This, I know is so hard to explain to a child..after our perfect world before the big "C" came along....cancer was something that only happened to other families and something we virtually never hear of associated with a child. little little sentence from a Dr. changes your life as you once knew it forever.
Now....change can be a bad thing or it can be a bad thing that you can make out of a good thing and in really thinking about it...
We've had lots of positive come out of a very potentially grim situation.
First try and explain the why's....I can think of at least 100 different "what I did wrong" senerios....none of which Kody's Dr. will agree upon. I don't know if it's because "what's done is done so don't beat yourself up over it" or if the "nothing you could have ever done caused this...nobody knows why" theory really is correct.
In either case...Kody has a nasty, horrible monster lurking around the most important part of his brain and at any given moment that thing can grow, change shape and become lethal.
Do we think about it everyday....sure do!
Do we dwell on it....sometimes!
Do we let it get the better of us and fall apart...not any more!
Can we find some postive out of this...Definetly!!!!

In two short years Kody has given us
"Hope"...of a new tomorrow.

He has shown us
"Strength"...of one thousand men in one little boys body.

He's given us
"Faith"...that the power of prayer really can work some miracles.

He shines
"Light"...into the darkest of days.

He has brought
"Love"...not only into our family but to so many others too...

He has brought our family together that were estranged for too long and has formed an eternal bond with Uncles, Aunts and Cousins.
He has brought an entire community of people together..some I might only see once in a while at Wal-Mart, Church or school..yet I know in my heart...when I need a friend..they are there for me, always.
He has thousands upon thousands of "internet fans" who check on him daily, some for encouragement, some for a good laugh, some just to gaze into those big, brown eyes.

Every single one of you means more to us then you will ever know...every single guestbook message brings smiles too all of us....especially to Kody when he realizes he's made someone else laugh!!

We thank you all...for the love you have shown and brought into our lives...we couldn't make it without you!!

Saturday, February 28, 2004 8:55 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I have just recieved an e-mail from
Maxie's Grandma...Maxie is extremely ill, is back in the hospital where the dr's are pretty sure his cancer has spread to his brain. Please stop by and offer words of support and of course..many, many healing prayers.
Thank you!!

Happy Mardi Gras Day.....

This message is particuarly for you
Cameron S. who is Kody's friend {and shunt brother!} and who lives right in the heart of Mardi Gras Country!!

Well...I guess you can all tell that today was a total "Party in the Streets of Leesburg" kind of day...and Kody, Kaysha and Kolin were definetely big fans of that!!
Mardi Gras for kids day was real cool...and, uhhhh...did I mention kind of expensive??!! But...what the often do three seemingly innocent kids transform into tigers, spiderman and hearty, pinkish, pretty, girly {I'll find the right word..I promise!} princessy looking mask thing. OK, I couldn't find ther right word...but nonetheless, Kaysha's face paint mask was AWESOME!!
And the "Joker" hats and beads.....two "Must Haves" for Mardi Gras really completed the outfits.
Plus..the cotton candy {see photo page}...well, who can live without that? Not only does it provide hours of sugary hyperactivity but who in their right frame of mind wouldn't mind super sticky hands everywhere!! :0) there was no flashing of anything today {unless you count cash}, but Kody did manage to get himself some colorful beads and candy thrown to him by some lil' hottie {his words, not mine} 7 year old cheerleaders.

This week..{Friday night} Kody's school is having a talent show night and BBQ dinner. The entire second grade {Kody again} wil be singing two songs "This Land is our Land" and "I'm Proud to be an American".
Kody also has auditioned {and passed it} to sing a solo song of his front of 300 or so parents.
Before you all say "Awwwwwwwwwww"..think about it....on stage, all eyes on him, has the attention of everybody, who doesn't have a shy bone in his body....
are we all following me here? Does anybody remember the Christmas Concert at CCD last December?
OhhhhhKayyyyyyy then....
Friday night ought to be very interesting!! Be prepared to see a video'll be up Friday night!!
Oh..the song he wants to sing, well...he hasn't exactly made up his mind but it looks like Van Halen & Sammi Hagars "Where Eagles Fly" is the big winner.
Don't know the song? No problem...crank up the volume!!! :0)

Kody's sponsers for Relay-for-Life are really starting to come in...drum roll please....
As of today Kody has raised $225.00 for The American Cancer Society!!!!
Thank you soooo much to all of you who have send him $$$$ towards his goal which he had actually exceeded on his very first day!!
Theer is still plenty of time and your sponsership would mean so much....if you would like to send a check to Kody for this years
American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life please make checks out to: The American Cancer Society and mail to.....
Kody Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

In return Kody is sending out a little surprise from him to you with lots of love.

I'll leave Kody's video clip up fro a little while longer before I replace it with another. If you haven't seen it and would like to met the man
You'll need Quicktime Player to view it and incase you haven't got Quicktime Player it can be downloaded for free...a real good thing to have, especially if you are into movie trailor clips...Kolin's favorite thing to do on the computer!!

Have you all seen the really cool blinking "Hero/Survivor" banner up top? It was created with a whole lotta love from our good friend
Helen would love to create a personal "blinkie" for your site too...just visit her site and drop her a line. {Her e-mail addy is on her site}

It's never to late to visit The Tumbleweed Foundation, where Kody will be a featured child in March. I know I sound like a broken record {Kody, Kaysha...that's a really big CD} but this is truly a great site in memory of a beautiful Angel....
click on the logo'll be so happy you did.

Kody's appointment with this new Dr. {the kiddie shrink one} is in three weeks. I'm just not sure if he needs to go yet..I've been warned about medication and the fact that he will more then likey want Kody medicated...however...he has met his match and no child of mine will be medicated unless he absolutely needs it, and I just don't feel that Kody does.
What I do fel is that Kody is still greiving for his Ashley and since this is his real first experience with death, let alone the death of a child...he needs more time, more love, more hugs, more time to talk....and in the end...he will be OK. I just know in my heart he will. He is strong...yet tender {like a teddy bear}. He can be real hardcore...yet so loveable {like his Dad}. He keeps some things to himself...yet isn't afraid to speak his mind {like his Mom}. He is one of a kind, truly amazing, a priceless gift from God and my one true Hero...
Just like Kody Bear!!

We hope your weekend is a good one, have fun, relax, play, do whatever makes you happy...just be sure to do it...
life is too short to let any opportunity to laugh escape!!

Wednesday, Feb. 25 9:33 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Today I took Kody for the appointment at his pediatricain and he found nothing physically wrong with Kody...{not that in my opinion he knows about shunts}, he referred us to a pediatric psychologist. His Ped. thinks that Kody may be having something like "Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome", which I don't know much about but I am assuming it's something like soldiers and war....anyway, the traumatic thing was Ashley's passing. As close as we can figure...after Ashley died, Kody's went in to a two week huge depression. Then after that his personality started to change. Very subtle at first then things would just make him snap.
Maybe this is just another step in the grief process..I don't know, that's up to the next dr. to decide..but I can tell everyone this...contrary to what his Ped. thinks, I will NOT medicate my son. Kody will just have to learn like everyone else what is and what is not acceptable in this here world of ours. I hope that doesn't make me a horrible Mom but I really am against doping him up, to me thats a temporary fix to a problem that just needs a little time and a whole lot of patience.
Hopefully, this is just a temporary thing on Kody's part because when he saw how sad Mom was about the whole situation...he in turn got real upset..because as we all know...A Mommy's Boy is a Mommy's Boy forever and seeing Mom hurt is a huge "No Can Do".
I am pretty sure though that is not shunt malfunction related problem because he has had no headaches.
On the flip side of that...his balance is getting alot worse if, and only if he has to balance on one foot {right or left} and he's been dropping things alot lately too.
But...on the other flip you can see in his video clip...he can fly on a skateboard without a problem!!
Thanks for checking in on us again...till tomorrow...
Have a great night!!
And..oops, one more thing...
I still need to get the jewelery pic's up, sorry no excuses this I am now known around here thanks to Eleasha and Karl I am signing this off tonight as....
"The Slacker"!!!!

Kody's "Funny" of the day...
When I told him how much I love the Kody Bear in him because of him being so much like my Teddy Bear...cute, cuddly and fun to have around...I caught him a few minutes later posing in the bathroom mirror saying to himself "Kody, you are NOT a grizzly Bear!"...and with that he made this God awful ugly face, blew up his chest, flexed his muscles and GROWLED!!
Oh...of all the Kodak moments..and I missed it!!!

Tuesday, Feb. 24 10:18 PM


Tomorrow at 9:15 Kody is having an appointment with his pediatricain for an evaluation for his mood swings. His neurosurgeon thinks this is way extreme and not normal {especially for Kody...after all this is Kody Bear as in Teddy Bear}.
If all turns out OK tomorrow then we'll have to have a shunt series done. Sometimes when shunts malfunction they can cause this behavior because of the pressure building up in the brain.
Please pray for Kody that this isn't the case as that shunt is virtually what is keeping him alive.

Also....I forgot to tell everyone something about the Kody Video...OK, you need to have "Quicktime Player" to view it. If your computer doesn't have Quicktime can download it for free. It won't hurt anything and as far as I know won't slow things down, plus it's a pretty cool thing to have anyway...alot of things to view on-line run on Quicktime.

On a funnier note...this afternoon after picking up the two boys from school..we made a quick detour to the grocery store, in the pouring rain for the country ribs that Dad was craving.
Thank goodness we love that man!!!
So....driving back home on Highway 27 in the rain {which isn't pretty!} Kody says "Hey Mom, do you want to know what I want written on my birthday cake this year" and so I said "What's that Kody?" and he says very seriously "I want it to say I can't belive I lived to be nine"....OK, so there I am thinking "OK, this is whats wrong...Oh God...he is thinking about what do I say"....sooooo, I say "Why do you want that?" and without skipping a beat he says.....
"Because as many times as you've said Kody I'm gonna kill ya..I figure I'm lucky to be alive that long!"
Well...I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did right there in that mid-day traffic....I'll tell you, I had tears coming down which made Kody start belly laughing like a little nut which made Kolin burst out laughing.....I had to seriously pull the car over...
And would you just believe my luck..I pulled right into a Payless Shoe Store where they were having a Buy One Get One for Half Off SALE!!!!!
Thank God for crazy, silly kids!!!!!!

Have a great night all...I'm off to hunker down with the guy I love!!



Monday, February 23, 2004 1:59 PM

~*~*~New Photos Today~*~*~

Hello all :0)

So....who's ready to meet Kody?? I hope you are because he is soooooooo ready to meet you!!
Please click
HERE to see our "Skater Boy" live in motion picture!!

Thank you...Thank you...THANK YOU...too everyone who has been sending us checks for
The American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life.
As of yesterday we have exceeded our $100.00 goal...we are up to $175.00 and still growing!!! Can you believe it??
Please...there is still time {Relay is in April}..if you would like to sponser Kody please send a check made out to The American Cancer Society" and mail to...

Kody Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

As a personal Thank You from Kody..he is sending out a lil' surprise and an autograph to all his fans and sponsers. :0)

Not much else new here...Karyelle made it home safely from New York last night and we can all breathe easier again...I am NOT a very easy person to live with when someone I love is up in a plane. :0(

Kody has been having some crazy, weird, major personality changes lately...I dont know if he's just being an 8 year old stubborn brat but let me tell you...he is pushing the limits sometimes. ARRRRRRR!!!
Then in the blink of an eye he back to the norm...I really can't figure it out. He's not on steriods or any med's at all so it can't be that. Any BT parents out there...I'd love some feedback on this if it's happened to you to and did it have anything to do BT wise???

Other then that...everything is blissfully boring.

A few kids come to mind today who could use some extra prayer...Katia, Cody, Maxie, Gooch and Maddison just to name a few. Please forgive me if I'm forgetting someone...blame it on "Old-Timers" disease.
Holler if you'd like to be included in Kody's Kids who need a lift.
Soon..when I have some time I'll be putting up a "Table" of kids so you can just pick and click.

Also...for a truly beautiful inspirational lift...stop by
Butterfly's for Ty

The Tumbleweed foundation in Memory and Honor of ^i^Angel Julia Levy^i^ is really taking hold and bursting..stop on by if you can, Kody will be a featured child in March.
Mom's...Dad's...this is a beautiful site to have your child on too.
Just click on the logo below...

Another site that has taken off and grown this past month and a half or so is Miss Judy's "Hero's" {listed below}.
I was visiting a week ago and was amazed by how many familier faces are on there...Miss are our "HERO" too!!

Well's about that time of day when I should be off and running to start my after school pick ups..
Thanks for stopping by!!

Sunday, February 22, 2004 4:37 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hi....I promise to update some more later but I thought you'd all love this little treat....
Please click
HERE to see our "Skater Boy" live in motion picture!!
Luv, Kim & Karl

Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:48 PM

Hello everyone!!

Thank you to everyone who has been letting us know that "checks are in the mail"....with your help, hopefuly one day in Kody's lifetime there will be no childhood cancer anymore...that will be the greatest day!!
If you would like still to sponser Kody in this years
American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life...please send checks made out to "The American Cancer Society" and mail them to:
Kody Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Yesterday was a big and real happy day for Kody...for all of us...
Kody's Uncle Pete from New York..whom he hasn't seen in about 6 or so years visited us yesterday!!
I'll tell you...that guy is Kody's new found "Hero"!!! He totally idolizes him...and I kind of think Uncle Pete feels the same way about Kody!! All the kids just loved him and they played with him all day...and when I say play..I am talking fort, biking, skateboarding, board games, video games, hide and seek, bb gun shooting, basketball, you name it...they played it!! I'll bet Uncle Pete slept real good...LOL!!
About 30 minutes after Uncle Pete left last night...Kody had a crying meltdown and said "I really miss him so much was the most funnest day of my life!"
Isn't that something..I mean, you know...if he could do anything in the world or have anything..he would pick spending time with family..he sure is a cool kid, isn't he?

I still have to take some photos of Kody with his charm necklace on...and I will tomorrow..promise!!

Well...Karyelle and Aunt Vikki did make it to the Big Apple today...imagine waking up and seeing your kid and sister on Good Morning that was cool!
Actually the morning went a little more like this...

Dad sitting at computer playing endless rounds of Spider Solitaire...about 6:35 AM....
RING...RING....RING {that was the phone}
Karl answering thinking the worst...I mean how often do people call that early unless its bad news...worse then often do PERKY PEOPLE {Karyelle and Vikki!} call that early in the AM..especially to a poor man who hasn't even had a cup of Folgers yet!
Karyelle..."Hi Daddy...I'm in NYC!!!"
Dad..."Your where???"
Karyelle with Aunt Vikki lauging in the back..."How do you get the ABC Studios Dad"
Dad..."Are you in Grand Central Station?"
Dad..."Look for the Jumbotron and look across the street"
Karyelle..."Dad..what in the BLEEP is a Jumbotron??"
Dad..."KK...its a REALLY big, big screen TV"
Karyelle..."Ohhhhh....I see it...I SEE IT!!!!!!!"
Dad.."OK, let me wake up me back when you get there"
Dad waking Mom up..."Get up KK's on TV!!"
Mom..."Huh...Coffee...KK...TV...Coffee" {Mom's not a real great morning person}
Dad..."yeah...Coffee..get up and make us some"
Karyelle..."Daddy, no time to talk...we're inside...look for us"

And with that...Dad's eyes were bolted to the TV...I'm still not sure if it was for Diane Sawyer or Karyelle and Vikki...but we saw them...they were the cute short ones in the back jumping up and down trying to get their faces on TV..
Talk about making us proud!!
So...I guess the rest of the day was spent wandering around the city..oh, then there was the call I got today saying they were lost in Central Park looking for the pigeon stuatue from the "Home Alone" movie...:0)
Haven't heard from them again after that...I do hope she remembers she's supposed to be home on Sunday!!

Well..I better get going, I know there were some others news things to tell..but darned if I can remember them now.
{insert how I hate getting old sighs here}

Have a wonderful night...Love you all!!

Don't forget to visit The Tumbleweed Foundation where Kody will be a featured child in March...Mom's, Dad's..this is a really great site...please stop'll be real happy you did.

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Tuesday, February 17, 2004 10:15 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Welcome Back...

This week on the most exciting adventures of the KNN {Kruppenbacher News Network}...

Karyelle, who is vacationing in NY goes shopping with her Aunt Vikki and decides to do a little shopping at the Danbury Mall in Connecticut...but due to a "reading correct directions map" given by Uncle Phil...they end up in PENNSYLVANIA!!!!!
HA...HA...HA...HA...HA...HA :0) :0) :0) :0) gets better...tomorrow they are taking a 4 AM train into the city with the hopes of finding the ABC Good Morning America show....Now that ought to be FUNNY!!!!!
Not them finding the show and waving to us..the thought of them actually getting there is hilarious!!!

OK...with that...Vik and KK...if you are reading this I know by now you are PIMPING {family joke...really it is nothing like you think!!}..lets just say "I got you back!!"

More news...Tomorrow we are getting a visit from Karl's brother and his wife from NY..we haven't seen them in years and years so that ought to be lots of fun and good times.

The votes are tallied and looks like "Kody's Jets" is the winner for Relay-for-Life...just one thing though...{insert big sigh here}, we just coudn't come up with enough people to make a team or the funds to get things started {insert big frown here}, so although Kody will always be "Kodys Jets"....Kody will be joining his big sister, Karyelle's {the one with no sense of direction...LOL!!} banks team and it will be called "A League of their Own". The bank is called Citizens First and it is located in The Villages, Florida.
Kody's goal to is raise $100.00 and so if anybody would like to sponser him...please send the checks this way but make them out to
The American Cancer Society.
Please, feel free to put Kody's name on the "memo" line so everyone knows that he raised that money.
Thank you soooooooo much!!

Kody Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

I'd like to send a BIG Thank You to Vickie, who is a good friend of Norine, Angel Ashley's Mom...for the beautiful gold necklace Kody got in the mail today!!
I'll be taking some photos tomorrow but first let me explain...this was just no ordinary necklace.
When Kody opened the envelope a card with a little Angel on it fell out and the first thing Kody said was "Oh, that looks like Ashley"..well, I turned the card around and it was Ashley!! It was a prayer card from her services last month!!
The charm on the necklace says "friends" on it...and the note with it explained that it is half of a charm that interlocks...Ashley is wearing the other half {the "best" half} on her right wrist so that Kody and she will be connected forever. Someday a long, long, long {there were about 10 or more "long's" on the note!!} time from now when Kody gets to Heaven..he'll be able to meet Ashley and their charms will interlock perfectly, forever.
Isn't that absolutely beautiful??
He is soooooo happy and wants so bad to wear that chain but I am so afraid with as active as he is..he will break it.
Man...what a dilemma!! I will though take some pic's tomorrow so you can all see is so sweet!!
Thank you again Vickie...your note reduced me to tears...your words to Kody are so beautiful and how can I ever thank you enough for your kindness and for thinking of Kody in such a loving way?? Thank you!!

Before I take off for tonight please take a moment to stop by The Tumbleweed Foundation. This is an awesome site created in loving memory of
Angel Julia Levy who bravely fought a brainstem tumor for two years.
Kody will be a featured kid in March...I urge all parents to have your child {Angels too!!} featured too..this is a great site!! Just click on the logo below to get there.'s getting late and I have two people in NY waiting sooooo patiently for me to update...HA...they have nooooooooo idea what they are in for!!

Have a great night and an even greater day tomorrow!!

Saturday, February 14, 2004 12:20 PM

~*~*~New Photos Up Tonight~*~*~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello and....

Great news...

Kody is going to be featured on a brand new web-site called
The Tumbleweed Foundation. This wonderful site was created to honor a very special Angel, ~*~Julia Levy~*~ who bravely fought an inoperable brainstem tumor for two years. She did beat this horrible disease..she just had to leave her Earthly body to do so. She still remains in all of our hearts...and now as a complete act of love..her name will continue forever as she continues from above to help other children with illnesses.
I urge all of you to visit this site...and parents of children with cancer and/or other can have your child featured there too. Give it a try..I can promise you, you'll be happy you did.
What better way to spend Valentines Day then to go and meet some new friends?

Kody brought home his progress report this week...usually something he dreads {and tries to hide!}..not this time, Kody kicked butt...his grades are AWESOME..and as a treat for doing soooo good he got to go to Wally World {Wal-Mart} and get a new video game.
Thank you Kody's Fan Club from The Villages, Florida for supplying him the gift cards to do so...WE LOVE YOU!!!!
All the extra help and tips he is getting in school is really paying off....
You Rock Kody Bear!!!

Well..that wraps it up for today..I'm on my way to my newly discovered "torture chamber" a/k/a Windsor Pilates...{it's NOT as easy as it looks on the infommercial!!}.
But...Leesburg Bikefest will be here before I know it and I have got to get back into that cute lil' leather thing I got 2 years ago...LOL!!!
Enough said there :0)

Alright the computer and go find yourself a little romance..hug a kid, hug your partner..hug a tree...but first...
Go visit "The Tumbleweed Foundation"!!!!!

That's Amore!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004 10:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


I don't have much in the way of new stuff happening kind of news....which means pretty much..our lives are boring and we are just plugging away. my wayyyyyy cool!!

I do have a little story to tell though...this has not much to do with Kody Bear but, I dont know...I guess I just have to share it with someone.
It's 9:20 at night..everyone here is sleeping, so looks like you all get the job of hearing me out...lucky you!! :0)

OK...8 years ago today God called home someone very, very special to me. My Grandfather and Kody's Great-Grandfather...we call him "Pop-Pop".
I never had a Dad, as far as I can rememember Pop-Pop was the only paternal figure in my life. He loved his grandchildren and he REALLY loved his great-grandchildren!!
He also loved Reeses peanut butter cups,York peppermint patties and yellow Juicy Fruit gum.

One day Pop-Pop was out shoveling snow {we lived in NY} and I came by for a quick visit just to pick something up...we said Hi real fast and he asked if I would stay....nope, couldn't...had to run.

That night Pop-Pop fell walking across his room and cut his head pretty bad. The next day my Mom found him bleeding and took him to the ER where they stitched him and admitted him for observation.
Karl and I got there...and here's something that further proves I come from a family of nuts.
My Mom goes in and says tells him everyone that is there to see him..including Karl...well, Pop-Pop upon hearing Karl was there yells out "Karl's I dying??!!"
{told you we were crazy!}

To make a long story short...Pop-Pop was admitted into the ICU and all was going great...he was laughing, complaining, flirting and was really looking wonderful.
Karl & I went there to see him around 5 PM...but, needed to get gas first we were 10 minutes late.
It was during that 10 minute period that Pop-Pop decided to hold Jesus' hand and fly to Heaven where his Grandmother, Babci, was waiting for him.

I can't even begin to tell you how guilty I have felt all these years...being late, not being there at the time he passed,but mostly for not sticking around for a few minutes to hang with him that day before.

Throughout these past 8 years Pop-Pop has only come back to visit me twice..or sent an angel..I dont know, I guess it has to do with what you believe.
Anyway..once was in a mall {don't laugh...we LOVED going to the mall..they had a Friendlys restaurant in would just have to known him to know how much he loved breakfast at Friendlys!}
He saw Kody sitting in a stoller who was just a baby at the time and said "what a beautiful baby"...then he was gone, just like that...dissappeared completely.
But...I can tell WAS him..even down to his favorite flannel shirt and blue jeans. He also had the same piercing blue eyes which I am so honored to have had passed down to me.
The second a sad kind of which something horrible did happen but I won't get in to that.

Kody was just not quite 6 months old when we made the trip to Massachusetts for his funeral...his hometown and where Babci was buried. there is an ending to this..I promise!!

Don't get me wrong...Pop-Pop lead a very long and full life and I am so, so , sooooo happy for that but...
Today was one of those...I miss his so much days...the 8 year anniversay of his death....all day I thought..."wouldn't it be great if he could just give me some kind of sign that he is still here watching us, taking care of us..especailly Kody..who needs his watchful eye the most."
But..nothing..all day I looked for that sign and nothing.

Tonight as I was setting up the two coffee machines {that's read it takes two to make Karl and me happy campers!!} for the morning...I wasn't thinking of anything to get the kids homework done, baths, teeth brushing, bedtime, and oh man..this coffee smells sooooo good!!

Well..thats when I heard a little boy's voice next to me say " you want a piece of gum?" was Kody Bear and in his hand was....
a stick of yellow Juicey Fruit!! :0) :0)

That was it..that was my sign..he is still with us when we need him..he is still totally in charge of making sure Kody's prayers are heard.

Now..before you say..."OK, so..whats the point?"

Well...I NEVER buy yellow Juicey Fruit...only Trident, know, the sugerless gums.
So...I asked Kody..."where did you get that?" and he said "Oh, over by the phone"..and with that...I had to smile...say a quick "Thanks Pop-Pop" and then I said "Yeah..Kody..I would LOVE a piece of that gum!!"

Remember up on top of the story I told you what Pop-Pop loved {what I and the older kids remember most about him}..he loved Yellow Juicey Fruit...and would pass that darn gum around to the kids all the time!!

I really am in a much better mood tonight..I know he is in a really beautiful place..and I know he is holding a spot for me one day...a long, long time from now.

Thanks for listening...Have a wonderful day!!

~*~New Photos Up~*~


Sunday, February 8, 2004 9:25 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello and welcome to another exciting edition of "KNN"...otherwise known as your friendly neighborhood "Kruppenbacher News Network"...

Top news tonight....
The race for Kody's Relay-for-Life team is dwindeling down to it's final few days...get those votes in!!!
In the lead so far...."Kody's Jets"...following closely and as in true NY Yankee style...ready to deliver that ol' one, two Sucker Punch is "Kody's Yankees".
Who will be the reigning champion...we will let our audience decide!! :0)
Now...though..."Kody's Jets" seems very appropriate {Blue Angels/big dream/future pilot}...and who can forget that precious pic. of Kody at 15 months and Dad at....errrr...lets not go there!!...waving to us from Jets/Giants Stadium...

Let us not ever forget those more cuter then anything ever pinstriped little cutie pie Pumpkin Yankee Boy wearing his stripes at 13 months.

A word of parent may seem to be pitting against the other in this little war...
please know this is all in fun...we love each other...we really do. Dad actually would love to see Mom win...Dad doesn't mind taking Mom out to an all you can eat Chinese/Seafood Restaurant/Jewelry Dept./Big Screen TV Store/Electronics Dept., just incase she loses...Mom would like Dad to know..
That's a BIG just incase!! :0)

More news on the homefront.. heard it here first...
OVER 100,000 hits!!!!!!!
WAA-HOO....keep them coming and please keep those Heavens flooding with Kody Bear prayers!!
Thank you from all of us to all of Kody's fans for the huge outpouring of love!!

Postive proof that God hears our prayers lives right our house...he's cute, has awesome brown hair, big brown melt your heart eyes, a heart of gold, a mischevious grin and believe it or not he is sleeping in his OWN BED as we speak...Go Kody...You Da Man!!!
And Mommy gets Daddy tonight...YEAH!!!!!

Well...that about wraps it up for tonights edition of KNN's "My Life is a Soap Opera".
Daddy is waiting and Mom is sooooooo outta here!!!!!

Take care..LOVE YOU ALL!!!! more bit of news...

Once in a while, completely out of the blue you will run across a Mom who's GB entries are more then just entries..they are words spoken directly from the heart...they are breathtaking and they have the capability to make you feel every single emmotion in your own heart.
With that..may I introduce our newest friend...Jennifer.
Many of you may already know Jennifer as she follows so many of our children faithfully. What you may not know is that Jennifer lost her own baby boy, Ty three short months ago.
Angel Ty now has his own web-site and his Mom's entries {which are new everyday} will leave you in complete awe.
Stop by and please tell her Kody Bear sent you...
As always...thank you!!!

Butterflies for Ty

Friday, Feb. 6th...11:00 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

There are no words to describe the heartache that is felt throughout Florida today as we woke up this morning to the news we were so dreading. Carlie's body had been found.
There is no good reason that I can ever think of that this should all make sense and I cannot in my most worst nightmare imagine the pain ripping through her parents hearts.
I can say one thing my faith has taught us, in times like this...Carlie's beautiful spirit was already holding Jesus' hand and she felt no pain...only the warmth and beauty of Heaven.
Please pray for Carlie's family, friends and clasmates...that their healing process begins soon.
Sweet Dreams Angel were just a child who's sweet face I watched on TV all week..but you found a spot in our hearts right away. We will never forget you and your life was not taken in vain as today, I watch so many parents watch their children more closely, hug them more tightly and treasure them wholeheartedly.


Today we reached over 100,000 hits!!
Thank you so much to all of Kody's fans...we love you all!!
To celebrate...we did what we did when we reached 10,000 hits {and we were freaking out then!!}..we celebrated with dinner at McD's!!

Today was also Kody's big day to meet his longtime internet friend, Cody with a "C"!!
What a great morning it was...Cody, Kody, Kolin and Kaysha {who was a HUGE help with Rielly!} just took to each other right off the bat like they had been friends was so much fun to watch them play like just a bunch of "normal" kids...running, climbing, laughing, jumping...what a day!!!!
I've put some pictures please stop by the photo page and enjoy!!

Eleasha, Chris {Eleasha's friend and traveling buddy}, Cody, Baby Rielly and Gunner {their little dog}....


You guys come back everytime your in Florida..OK??!! :0) :0)

Take Care everyone...thank you for stopping by....
More updates from the KNN {Kruppenbacher News Network} coming soon....stayed tuned!!

Love you all...


Thursday, Feb 5th 11:40 PM

Crank up the speakers today cuz Kody is...

Hello everyone..Thanks for coming back!!

First and foremost...PLEASE say a prayer that Carlie Brucia...the 11 year old girl who was kidnapped from Sarasota, Florida will be found alive and safe!! Also...that the piece of S**T that took her will talk.
I know all of you reading this...especially Dad's {believe me I know...I live with one of those Dad's!!} are saying "Give me 5 minutes alone with that B*****D..he'll talk!"

I know this was a hard lesson for the kids to learn but after last weekends walking down the street and not being found right away's grounding around here...I truly do hope that my kids...and many others...have learned from this. Especially the part where Mom says "There are too many crazy people in this world and I have to know where you are all the time".

Soooooooo....tomorrow is the day...the day we finally get to meet Cody, {} his baby brother, Rielly and his wonderful Mom...Eleasha!! We can't wait!!! They should be getting into Leesburg around midnight and we'll be getting together first thing in the AM...we are so ready!!
The kids have the day off from school, we made a trip to Wal-Mart tonight for some breakfast type goodies, cookies, donuts, fruit..the works...the kids are sooooo excited and the weather is really beautiful...tomorrow {sorry...some of you may not want to read this!!} is going to be 83 degrees and sunny...YEAH!!!
Now...before you seriously want to reach right through that computer and choke me...
It won't Friday night, the temp. will drop until Sunday morning when we wake up to a low of 40 something....OUCH!!!
Mental note...Sunday is "Official Hang Around the Coffee Pot Day!!"

Kody had a terrific day today...I put some pictures up in the photo was one of those "I am not getting off my skateboard so don't even try to make me" afternoons into evening...
I know...I know..what about the grounding thing? Come on...look at those big brown long was I supposed to last??
Truth be told...he is still going to bed early...but instead of him thinking of it like he is still being punished...he actually likes it! One huge problem though...what he does is climb in my bed around 8 o'clock with Dad..they turn on Discovery Wings..and wouldn't you just know 8:30 - 9 o'clock they are sound asleep and there is no way I can get Kody, Kody gets my bed and I get his.
Is there something wrong with this picture??'s getting way late and I am making spelling mistakes like mad, so I'll be hitting the old bed...Kody's bed {yep..he's in mine!}.
I'll update again tomorrow and post new pictures of Kody with a "K" and Cody with a "C"'s day also.

Before I go though...please, for Kody...stop by a few sites. These are Mom's like us who need some Mom's {and Dad's!} like us to leave some supportive, kind words.
Thank You from Kody and Crew!!!


First we have Katia...who celebrated a new birthday is the day she got her "new blood" is also the day that I believe God will give her a miracle!!
Tracy...Katia's Mom has been sounding so tired lately {who can blame her}..GB entries sure do go a long way in cheering up!!

~*~Miss Ladybug~*~


Norine...Feb 1st was the one month mark of Ashley's passing. Time does not really heal and Norine's heart is breaking more and more everyday as she sorts through Ashley's things and memories start fresh again.

~*~Angel Ashley~*~


Susan...Jake's Mom is having a very hard time right now...very blue and finding it hard to update.
~*~Jake's Site~*~


Kelly..our newest friend who's beautiful little boy Sam became an Angel recently.
Through her grief, Kelly has set up a site to help spread the word and find a CURE for childhood cancer. This is an amazing Mom and her description of Sam, through his eyes is truly awesome.

~*~Angel Samuel~*~


Stephanie..RachelJoy's Mom...This I cannot even begin to talk about without blowing up. Please check out past and present journal enries in RachelJoys page to understand better.
~*~RachelJoy's Site~*~

As always...we thank you from the bottom of our hearts...have a great day everyone!!!

Monday, February 2, 2004 11:21 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Congratulations New England Patriots Fans!!!!!

Great game guys...really...
The halftime show...well, all I can say about that is...Thank God we are the kind of family that turns on cartoons during halftime!!

For all you fans out there who are feeling just a little blue cuz football season is over {and baseball will be here before you know it!!!!} I have added on the photopage some recaps from yesterday's "Kruppenbacher Family Annual Football Game"...photographed completely by Dad a/k/a "Substitute Quarterback for the Girls Team"...when you see the pic''ll understand, I mean the man can only stand there shaking his head for so long!!
:0) :0)

Well..ALL the kids are in school today...YEAH!!! Surprisingly, Kolin didn't even put up a, I must be boring!! He did tell me though..."Make sure you tape Days!!"

5 minutes after this posting..Kaysha's school called...she is now home sick..UGH!!

Please be sure to stop in on Katia..she is really feeling the effects of the conditioning she needs before transplant which is coming up this week. Poor little Miss Ladybug..she is really feeling awful.
~*~Miss Ladybug~*~

Also...A few Mom's who could really, really use some support and kind words right now... yesterday was the one month mark of Ashley's passing. Time does not really heal and Norine's heart is breaking more and more everyday as she sorts through Ashley's things and memories start fresh again.

~*~Angel Ashley~*~

Susan...Jake's Mom is having a very hard time right now...very blue and finding it hard to update.
~*~Jake's Site~*~

Kelly..our newest friend who's beautiful little boy Sam became an Angel recently.
Through her grief, Kelly has set up a site to help spread the word and find a CURE for childhood cancer. This is an amazing Mom and her description of Sam, through his eyes is truly awesome.

~*~Angel Samuel~*~

Just wondering...have any of you tried Tahitian Noni Juice? I had just gotten a phone call from a local woman who wants to donate it to Kody. Before I give him anything..and I do mean anything..I always have to do my homework first.

Well..I better get going...have a wonderful day everyone!!!!!


Saturday, January 31, 2004 10:20 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello and welcome back to our internet family home!! marked a HUGE milestone. Here goes..this day should have came years ago but since anyone who knows me knows I am a huge Kody got his first, official, GROUNDING!!

OK..please don't laugh or say ", not Kody!"...let me explain here.
Here goes...picture this...
Mom {that would be me} is inside vacumning, laundry, dishes, the works and Kody is bored and wants to ride his bike. long as Kaysha goes with him and they both {key word here...both} stay in front of the house .I think my exact words were "If I can't see you, you've gone too far". Sounds reasonable, right? HA...not to my two.
So...I'm now..mopping floors, wiping bathrooms a/k/a locker rooms and then yell outside..."lunch is in ten minutes"..which to anyone with a big family knows pretty much means "Be at the table in two minutes or chances are you will get nothing" {Kolin has learned this little lifes lesson really well!}.
So..there I was...flippin' pancakes, havin' a great old time with myself and Kolin...who's already at the table {smart child!} and I yell outside for them to come in now, but...wouldn't you just know Kaysha.
So...I go outside and yell...and yell..and yell.
Still..No Kody...No Kaysha.
Kody's bike is laying in the grass on the side of the road on the other side of the street with his helmet hooked on the handle bars.
I call the one neighbor that I know they are friends with and they are not there.
And now I am starting to freak! So..what do I the police? No. Call 911? No. Call Dad at work? BINGO! Dad is kind of freaking and it's starting to rain..hard...and I have this awful idea that they are far down the street where {hate to say this but here goes}a couple of not so very nice families live. Especially a new family full of boys Kaysha's age who are bullies...hmmm, just last week they yelled to Kody they were going to kick his A*S. Then they went after him with a stick..then Mom {me again!} came out and threatened to kick they and their parents A*S. {Did I ever mention that I am from NY?}
Soooo...I take off walking {no car today..Dad took it} down the street with Kolin in hot pursuit, in the rain and what do I see....
My two walking back home guessed it...the bad side of the neighborhood.
Wellllll...after a quick call to Dad that I found them...
picture me just hollering like a mad woman and Dad saying "Don't be too hard..just be happy they are safe". I hang up with him and take these two little boogers inside. Where they were safe and there were no witnesses.. {KIDDING...JUST KIDDING!!!!}.
Well..after giving them the "You are grounded" which Kody said "Whats grounded?" and Kaysha is just sitting there rolling those darn eyes. I had to give them the "There are crazy people in this world and children get killed every single day" speech.
Now, Kody..being really, really sensitive to Mom being mad just cried and cried and tried to explain..but I wasn't having it. I was too busy saying...
"and no TV, and no phone, and no video games, and no leaving the yard, and definetly no desert!"
That was the part that broke him...take away every toy and priveledge..but never, ever take away Kody's desert. :0) forward..
this is why they went...or Kody's version anyway.
the little bully brats from down the street found them outside riding their bikes and saaw Kaysha had a Spongebob doll she had won at Universal Studio yesterday {Florida field trips are COOL!}.
They took her beloved Spongebob and played football with it, threw it in the dirt and then ran down the road with it.
This hurt Kaysha and this was NOT going over well with Kody who took off down the street to get that Spongebob back. Kaysha following close to his heels..and not one of them thought for a second.."Lets go get Mom..she'll get it back".

End of story..Kody did get that doll back..but..he and Kaysha put themselves in a very dangerous situation so...the grounding must stick.
For how long...well..I dont know..not long.
Kody was very, very remorseful..he really doesn't like for Mommy to be mad at him. So...he did get his desert tonight {he was having a total how dare I buy his favorite Little Debbie snacks yesterday and then take it away today}. He did go to bed at 8:30 tonight and all the while he claims he has "learned his life lesson". LOL..right!
And believe me...they will not be leaving the yard for a least a couple of weeks which I know will feel more like a couple of years!!

So..OK.the milestone..
I got mad at and grounded this kid whom I admit..have made him into a monster. A little monster who doesn't understand the word "grounded" and nearly had a coronary when he heard what exactly happens when you are "grounded".
Seriously many of us, upon hearing the dreaded news of our childs illness..have given way to the spoiling thing.
All guilty parties..please raise your hands. I'll go first!!

On a brighter note...Kolin's post op check went well yesterday. He can go back to school on Monday but it will take another week before he really starts to feel better. His voice is coming back a little more everyday..he's still swollen and full of scabs..but he is doing great and things are going normal in everyway.

Yesterday Kody and I took a quick trip to the happiest place on Earth...Wal-Mart!
I had wanted a new plastic tablecloth for our huge kitchen table and had Kody pick one out. So...he did...a red check one, real cute with forks and spatulas on it...but it wasn't until I got home and put in on the table that I realized my red check tablecloth with the forks and spatulas were actually red checks with screwdrivers and wrenches!! He picked out a NASCAR tablecloth...and he knew it all along!!
Now...Dad wants to put in chrome kitchen cabinets and I can just see my whole house going way to "Monster House" {think monster garage with a homey kind of feel!}
This scares me..I can only imagine what is stirring up in their minds as they sleep.

Well...that about wraps it up for todays episode of "My Life is a Soap Opera"....
speaking of soap operas...
Can you believe MARLENA is the Salem Stalker??!! Sorry...huge Days fans here!! :0)

Till next time...have a great day!!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant on Feb 5th...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne's lastest MRI results...FANTASTIC!!!! Keep those prayers coming!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:45 PM

New photos added this morning.
Also...I had a few e-mails asking if it was OK to send Kolin a card to help cheer him up...YES..he would absolutely LOVE that!!
Thank you so much for all the love you show to not only Kody...but to all of us!!

Kolin Ross Kruppenbacher
2402 Myer Avenue
Leesburg, Florida 34748

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


This will just be a quickie tonight...

We lost out Internet Explorer for a couple of days and trying to get on sites was a real pain in the butt..but thanks to a very cool tech. with smarts {it took 5 of them!} we are back in business and running at 100 percent!!

Kolin still feels horrible...thank you so much everyone for leaving food ideas and all the e-mails have been real great too!! He still won't eat much and has been dropping you all know, he is real thin to begin with and losing weight...well, that isn't going over well, especially coming from a family who loves their food!! He also isn't talking right...very low and mumbling and he has got a full blown case of the blues..nothing, and I mean nothing makes him smile. thing did..a card he got in the mail today from his CCD teacher from last year..she is so sweet and he felt so special!!

Kody is still doing great..though he woke up with a bad headache yesterday {#9 on the 1 to 10 scale} so I gave him a dose of his prescription med. and after an hour it wasn't working so he had a second dose which is the max for 24 hours. He stayed home from school and at around 9:30 I get a call from the school saying "Kody isn't here today?" I said "No" and explained why. Well..turns out that yesterday was his OT {occupational therapy} testing and that was the only day they could do it or it would have to be put off another month which means his OT would be delayed another 6 or so weeks.
Well..since we live in Florida and school lets out in May he wouldn't be getting much in the way of help if I let it go so in true "Kody Brave Trooper" style...he sucked it up and went in for the testing. 45 minutes later he was home again. complaints...and once again, another really great day!!

I changed Kody's hairstyle a couple of days ago...I'll put up a new picture tomorrow...and the little "dawg" comes home telling me that girls are hitting on him...going nuts over his hair..wanting to touch it and giving him their phone numbers!! Hello...this is ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! I really don't know what to do or feel about this one, I know he's got to grow up sometime but...he is only 8 and still a self-proclaimed "Mommy's Boy"...he does have an awesome head of hair though!!

Well..thats about it for tonight..the house is quiet..everyone is sleeping and this Mom is going to join them!!

Before I go...THANK YOU Karol for the very, very cool "Kody's Jets"...Kody loves it..we ALL do!!! {See top of page}.

Have a great night/day everyone..

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant on Feb 5th...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne's lastest MRI results...FANTASTIC!!!! Keep those prayers coming!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, January 26, 2004 2:39 PM CST

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello...Welcome Back!!

OK..I think I can break away from my "shadow" {Kolin} for a few minutes to update...{Thank You Kody Bear for FINALLY getting home!!}.
Kolin is doing OK..yesterday being the worst, which was no surprise..his dr. told us he would "crash and burn" on the third or forth day, that's when the swelling is at it's worst.
Any ideas what to feed him from anyone who has been through the tonsils taken out thing would be great..he is living off of Ready Whip whipped cream..the stuff in a can that you just directly shoot into your mouth...LOL!! Come on guys...we honest...we ALL do it!!

Kody is doing great...and that is a gift. Everyday that is a good one is priceless...and today is one of them days!

OK..about this "Jets" theme today...
No...the men have not yet broken me down. As a matter of fact..I'll just let them have their way for a few days till my order from NYYANKEES.COM comes in...HA!!!! will not break Mommy with those big brown got me??

Well...there is not much new here today so I better get going and get my chili for dinner started nice and early.

To all our friends and family who live where it's snowing, icy and the weather has turned ugly again...STAY SAFE...we love you all!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant on Feb 5th...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne's lastest MRI results...FANTASTIC!!!! Keep those prayers coming!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, January 24, 2004 12:35 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello!! :0)

Kolin's surgery went real well yesterday and he is home and very, very miserable...which will explain why the mega short journal today...sorry. :0(
He'll be home all week eating ice cream and pop's and goes back for a dr. check on Friday.

This morning we got a surprise phone call from Eleasha
{}..they are in Florida for the next two weeks and we'll get to meet on Friday...Feb. 6th. Kody is sooooooo excited...he has his "Welcome Cody with a "C" sign all drawn and flamed out and ready to be hung. I'll be a very long two weeks listening to him say "Are they coming today??"

If you haven't been to Ashley's site lately...please do stop by. Many new links are posted and your GB entries mean so much. Also there is a beautiful poem written by Norine's cousin that is just amazing.

Kody is doing OK...I guess you could call him on the "headache a day club"....he usually gets one everyday. Hopefully they aren't tumor related but we're still waiting on that next MRI to see.

The battle of the Relay-for-Life team is still going strong...get in your vote today!! Kody's Jets or Kody's Yankees. Now...I know it seems like I am not my usual crazy self today...{are you hearing this Lynn and Karl??!!} doubt..just let me get one good nights sleep and I'LL BE BACK!!! And I've got would not believe!!
So..until then here's the cutie pie photos once again..and by Monday...LOL...more tricks will be launched!!

Come on..he does look cute in got to admit :0) :0)

One more little bit of news/warning...."Jessica" has crawled out of her hole and is popping back up on the net once again. Don't be tricked by her..she is a fake and CB's most bigest scam artist..has been for years.
These are her newest sites just incase she happens to run into you.

OK..I have a little boy here who seriously needs some Mommy time!! Thanks for coming back and checking on us....
Have a GREAT weekend!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that little angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant on Feb 5th...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne's lastest MRI results...FANTASTIC!!!! Keep those prayers coming!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday, January 22, 2004 1:20 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

OK...OK...OK...just to play fair was highly requested...borderline DEMANDED that I include this photo too...
Kody's first Jets game...15 months old.

On the other hand...being outnumbered...I have to include this too
Crank up the volume for a little MAMBO NUMBER 5...NY YANKEE STYLE!!!!!

Heh...Heh...thought you had me, didn't ya pal??!!


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:15 AM

Hello...Welcome back to Kody's home on the net!!

Are ya listening Lynn??? Hmmmm...seems that I have two Kruppenbacher dudes that seriously look forward to your GB entries!! :0)
Now then....for those who don't know what's going on with the YANKEES versus ehhh, Jets contest...{that would be you Vik!!}...Kody is getting together his team for the American Cancer Society's Relay-for-Life and the theme for all teams this year is sports.
So...the names we have chosen are either "Kody's Yankees" or "Kody's Jets" {our two favorite teams in this house}. Well...since we are kind of at odds about this we're letting Kody's loyal fans {that's you guys!!} battle it out in the GB. The team with the most votes in another 2 1/2 weeks is the winner.
Just a little suggestion....wouldn't we all look so great in pinstripes??!!

Not to play dirty here but....these are pic's of Kody at around 13 months...sorry Karl you had this one coming!! :0)


OK..on to more news...
Kolin's sugery is a go for this Friday morning...his pre-op appt. went well...the hospital is brand spanking new, the people who are there were really sweet to him and the best thing of all...they have a coffee vending machine!!!
WAA-HOO....bring on those dollars Karl Baby!!!!!!!
Kolin wanted you all to see a picture of him we took there...just like his big brother, Kody, Kolin says "Vending machines are COOL!!!"
It's on the photo page.

Let me leave you all with a tearjerker this morning before I go...get the tissues out....Kody has struck once again. This time in a song he wrote for his Sweet Angel Ashley two nights ago..he is currently working on putting guitar music to it.

This is a song about a special girl named Ashley.
She was very sick.
She could not hold on anymore.
She was very special to me.
I could not do anything without you.
My world is different without you.
My life is different without you.
If I could know where you are I know that you are safe.
I know you are protected by God.
I know He is good to you as I am too.
If I could see you I'd wish to stay.

~*~By Kody~*~

Have a wonderful day everyone...I'll update again after Friday to let you all know how Kolin is doing.

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Sunday, January 18, 2004 7:58 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello....and WELCOME BACK!!!!

Well...what do you think? Can the Kody's Jets hold out for the big win...I don't know..I mean, take one look at Baby Jeremy's photo in Kody's's not too hard to see where my heart lies!! Couldn't you just squeeze those cheeks??!! :0)

Two and a half more weeks till we end the should Kody's Relay-for-Life team be named "Kody's Jets" or "Kody's Yankees"....Get your vote in today!!
As some of you can see by Karl and my GB entry last night..
This is WAR!! LOL...I REALLY wanted to put pinstripes on Kody's page...but Dad said real loud "That's Not Fair!!". I guess he'll just try to beat me in the GB...HA..he may have Kody on his side...but I have Jeremy!!

OK..on to other "K" family was a kind of Dad and his boys day...oh, I was take pictures!! Kaysha was invited too...but choose to stay home and burn CD's, listen to music, talk on the phone and watch TV.

So..what did the boys do you ask? Well..thanks for asking...
Today they went to a local school where the track/football field is HUGE and they played with their AirHog planes they got from Santa. Lots of fun you all think right?? didn't exactly start off that way. {Karl...DO NOT WAKE ME UP RUDELY FOR THIS..YOU KNOW I HAVE TO TELL!!!!!}.
OK..where was I? Oh yes...the plane....the one that on the box says can fly for 150 feet.... they assemble the plane...pump it up 50 or so times...walk to the middle of the field...and Dad launches it and it soared beautifully...simply amazing..then the wind picked up and it turned...and it turned right towards a HUGE TREE!! Well...there we were the four of us...saying "Turn...Turn"...and there we were the four of us...doing the hand jive/butt moving motion thing "TURN...PLEASE TURN".
Did it it did not..and it smashed head on right smack into this very bushy and large tree.
Nobody said a word at first...till Kody broke the ice by saying "I'm glad I wasn't flying it!" and then they {notice I didn't say "we"} ran across the field to get what was left of their plane out of the tree. was up high..very, very high and Karl, being the real cool Dad he is, he went and climbed that tree..
Girls...all I can say right now is...
And while it would have been the perfect photo op., I was soooooooo amazed watching him climb...I totally forgot I was holding the camera!!
Maybe next time!!!
And in the mean time...we learned not to do that again...and all in all, the flying for the afternoon turned out really fun.
Lots of new pictures on the photo page....have a look!!

Tomorrow is Kolin's pre-op appointment and Friday is his big surgery...OK, maybe it's not real big..but this is a kid who actually can't wait to have an operation. Isn't is terrible when siblings look forward to things like that just so they can get attention too??? I really never thought I'd be saying that...
but here we are snapped back into the brain tumor/cancer reality show...and this week's episode features....
tripping, headaches and droopy eyes.
Two things we have noticed alot of lately and so we still wait for that MRI..which hopefully will be maybe this week but just not Friday...different kid, different hospital that day.

Well..that about wraps it up for todays adventure of "My Life is a Soap Opera"...
Stay tuned for more exciting shows coming to a Caring Bridge site near you soon!!

Till then...sending you some warm stuff from the Sunshine State...

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:16 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello everyone...Welcome back!!!

Thank you so much for the prayers that went out to Katia this most of you know she came through her surgery with flying colors and the preliminary pathology results from her lung look pretty, she will be having her transplant as soon as she recovers from surgery.

Tonight was The American Cancer Society's kick-off party for Relay-for-Life. It was a great party and it looks like there is going to be a terrific turn out this April. This year we've decided to join RFL in the Villages instead of Leesburg this year...the people of the Villages have been so supportive and interested in could we not?? They really do make us feel so welcome whenever we are there and Kody loves it..I mean he just eats that attention right up..imagine having 50 Gramma's at one time on any given day??!! :0)

So...this year we are having our own team...and looking for members...anyone local??? Please??!! :0)
We plan on asking our biker bud's this year to honor us by placing Kody's "Survivor" medal around his neck and so I am sure we will have a "Team Biker" this year!!
Sounds very cool to me!!
On a serious note...this years theme is "Sports" and each team needs a sport name....which leads me to my next favor....
We have two favorite teams in this house...The NY Yankees and The NY Jets. Now...I'm not going to tell you who likes who {although alot of you already know!!} but we have to pick our team will either be "Kody's Jets" or "Kody's Yankees". We're having a three week contest starting today so please...feel free to sign the GB and pick your and
Thank you soooo very much!!

I'll be putting some new pic's up tonight..after my update, which I am trying to keep short and sweet...some family members here are kind of complaining about the long winded ones lately...can you believe it???!!!!

Oh...back to the American cancer you remember the picture Kody painted that was autioned off..."I Believe I Can Fly"'s down below if you've forgotten. Well..I did find out that his painting was sold for...are you ready for this??
Over $500.00!!!!!!!!
Unbelieveable...this really blows my mind!
Let's just pray that $500.00 is finding a cure for brainstem tumors/cancer as we speak...if not Kody..then somebody, somewhere.

Kolin will be having his surgery on Friday, January 23rd {big sister Kayara's 21st birthday}...I don't have a time yet but will find out Monday when we take him for pre-op. Though he knows he will be pretty sore for a week he is definetly looking forward to spending a week at home, playing X-Box and eating popsicles by the dozen.
Incase you don't know..Kolin is having his second set of ear tubes put in and his tonsils and adniods taken out.
Incase you don't know....Kolin is a video game freak!!! Staying home and playing video games is Kolin's idea of Disney World.

Well...that is pretty much all thats going on around here...oh wait...I'm wrong!!

I had Kody's IEP meeting at his school..FINALLY... he is now entitled to extra help, OT, homebound tutoring and extra services {more time on work, answering verbally, etc..} They tested him and tested his IQ...well...verbally his IQ score is a 107....normal for a child of his age is between 92 and 110.
On to the bad news....
His score where he has to write, do puzzles, think and apply it to paper, etc....scored a 77...that's a big difference. least we know for sure that the tumor/hydroceplus has indeed caused him damage to that part of his brain and the dylexia thing was not in my imagination or him just being lazy.
So...that's where the school and all their profesionals come into the picture. I'm really looking forward to next report card time to see the difference.

OK...I had best get going here...
To all our friends up North.....
STAY WARM....we're sending you some Florida sunshine...

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~



Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.



Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, January 12, 2004 9:04 AM CST

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Please join us all today in flooding the Heavens with prayers for Katia as she undergoes a very serious surgery today to remove part of her left lung that is being invaded by a fungus infection.
"Please God..heal this beautiful child so that she may receive the cord blood transplant she so desperetly needs to cure her leukemia.


From all of us in the Kruppenbacher home...we THANK YOU all so very much for the kindness and support you have given to not only us but the precious children that we ask prayers for.
~*~*~YOU GUYS ROCK~*~*~

Thank you all so much for the anniversary wasn't our wedding anniversary but it was the anniversary of the day we started dating {we were married three months later...I was 17 and he was 23..geeeezzz...I just gave my age away!!} or as Karl would put it..."The day I said she was going to be my woman!!" Sweet! :0)

I haven't got a date for Kolin's surgery that's still up in the air. It will be next week or so...thats what they say, we'll see.

Kody is doing much better...still he has some times of sadness and tears, mostly when he hears certain the one on his "wedding page". But...he will not shut it off..he loves the song and the words...he is just getting through his grief in his own way. I know he'll be OK..never the same..but OK nonetheless.

Thank you to Mrs. Judy for the BEAUTIFUL "Angel Kisses" figureine you sent to Kody. {Top picture}
He absolutely LOVES it and the first thing he did was give "Angel Ashley" the sweetest kiss.
How can we ever thank you enough for making Kody's heart sing?? We love you!!!!!!!!!

This is just unbelieveable and every parents if having one child with ALL isn't bad enough...Mom and Dad just found out that their baby son has it too.


Well...I best get going. Kyle...our 18 year old has got to get to the skate shop this morning...
He is going to be in a skateboarding competition in a couple of weeks..the winners will be sponcered by a well known skating company...
now, I am not trying to brag {well OK, maybe I am a little}......
But Kyle is GREAT on a's as if he was born with wheels instead of feet!!

GOOD LUCK KYLE!!!!!!!!!!

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~


Take care and have a beautiful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday, January 10, 2004 11:00 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~*~Karl and Kim~*~*~
24 Years together today!!!

Thursday, Jan. 8, 2004 11:47 AM

~*~*~UPDATE ~ 5:30 PM~*~*~

Seems that Yahoo Web Hosting isn't quite satisied with the bunch of dollars they charge us every month to keep Kody's site looking the way it does so in an effort to keep the $5.00 extra per day they are charging us this month I've had to take off alot of links and reduce the size of a bunch of graphics...also, no music.
Hopefully this will only be temporary until I find another web hosting service that isn't so money selfish and
demanding about the amount of data transfer they allow.
Thanks for understanding....


Hello everybody...Welcome Back!!

Today is Kody's
Let's hear it for Kody Bear....Keep fighting Baby!!!!!!

Kody is getting a little better everyday...though his heart still hurts..he is able to laugh and smile once again.
I have got to share with you this is beautiful!!
The day after Ashley became an Angel..I found a letter Kody had written to Ashley and her reduced me to tears and made me laugh at the same time. I told my most wonderful frind, Angel {from Quilting below} all about it and she asked if she could see the letter...
Well...with all the love in her heart that she has for our children...she arranged to have that letter and the picture of Kody holding his candle sent to Ashley...and Ashley's Uncle Ron read it on behalf of Kody!

To Ashley's Uncle Ron..
From our whole family...Thank You so very much for reading Kody's letter..though I know it was painful and I know the tears were unselfishly gave of your heart for a little boy who's pure and innocent love of Ashley was shown in that little letter.
We will always hold a special place for you in our hearts.
God Bless You!!!

So...Ashley took with her to Heaven, Kody's letter...Kody's picture and two flowers from Kody, a pink one and a blue one..they were absolutely requested from Kody..and he asked if they could be close to her..
they were and Kody is one very happy little boy.
Norine and Al...You are the two most awesome and caring people in the your grief for your own beautiful still had it in your hearts to make sure that Kody's wishes were forfilled can we ever thank you enough??
I hope this is a start...
Last night I talked to Norine on the phone..and the tears were coming from all sides...her's, mine, Kody and Karl's too...and Norine asked me and made me promise that I would do something for her...
"Please get Kody an MRI sooner then April" {that's when he next one is scheduled} because of the news we got when Kody was in the hospital the last time {about is tumor growing in the stem} Norine asked me, begged and made me promise I would....

Norine..I made that call this morning and am waiting by the phone today for our appointment..
Thank you so much for the wake-up....I told Karl last night and he agree's 100 percent with you...
Better safe then sorry.

I'd like to share with you all the letter Kody wrote {bet you thought I was never going to get to it!!} more thing...Norine did tell me last night that during one part of this letter, every single person {and there were ALOT!} in the funeral home was just laughing like crazy...see if you can figure out what that part is!!

Jan. 2, 2004
Dear Ashley...The one that I adore,
I really want you to hear this so you know what I have always wanted to say.
I have all your pictures hanging up on my walls.
Ashley, when my Mom and Dad told me that you went to live in Heaven, my heart hurt so bad. I am pretty sure I felt it break.
To know that you were going to Heaven, I was really, really sad. I am crying right now too.
I know that God knew this year wouldn't be a good year for you and He said "Bring that little girl to me". I'm not mad at God but would you please tell him that I wanted you to be here with me even more.
I know that in Heaven you don't hurt anymore and that you will never be sick again. No more needles, ever.
I just want you to know I love you so much and I am really sad that you had to go to Heaven. I know that your leaving is very painful for your family too and it is very painful for me too. It is hard to wake up and even want to play or watch TV. I think about you all day and alot of things remind me of Jesse James monster garage, scooby doo, teddy bears and Harley's.
Ashley...I promise you if you wait for me in Heaven I will marry you the same day that I become an angel too. So PLEASE don't go and marry another cute angel.
Ashley, I will keep you in my heart forever and ever and ever.
Love, Kody
Kody loves Ashley forever and ever.

To Ashley's Mommy, Daddy, Al and Andrea....
Please could you put this letter with Ashley, close to her heart so she can take it to Heaven with her?
Love, Kody

~*~*~*~He is something else, isn't he??~*~*~*~

With that..let me just tell you a little more news on the homefront...

Kolin is having surgery in a couple of weeks...we brought him to the ear specialist yesterday and he'll need another set of tubes {his second} and he also will be getting his tonsils and adnoids taken out.
They didn't know the story of our family at the ear dr's yesterday {it was our first visit} and so they were real careful about how they were telling us what he would need...I wish you could have seen their faces when we were like " problem, this is a walk in the park for us!!" this makes 3 different kids and 4 different hospitals and on the drive home yesterday Karl and I were joking how someday we are going to {in complete exhaustion} bring one of the kids to the wrong hospital and not notice it until we get there...and it will be, for sure one of the boys because as soon as we get in the car...their nose goes directly into Game Boy Advance and we never do get to see their face again until we get to where we are going! :0)
On a brighter does make traveling alot more quieter...if you can deal with the sounds of Sonic the Hedgehog for hours on end!!

Well...I think that's about it for today.
I'll be working on Ashley's site for a while so I may not be on Kody's too much over the next couple of days. I want to make Ashley's site special..and though it is still painful for Norine to get on..please don't stop visiting and leaving GB more then ever are kind and loving words of support needed..even just a note to say "I was thinking of you".

~*~*~ANGEL ASHLEY~*~*~

If you haven't had a chance to visit Kody and Ashley's "wedding page"...please do, it's beautiful. Also..Mrs. Judy has made another beautiful tribute page to our children, our heros..
If you would like your child included..please drop Mrs. Judy an I am sure she would love to include your "hero" also.

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~


Thank you all for coming back again and again..
Have a wonderful day!!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids


"Precious Child" took a huge piece of our hearts with you..especially Kody's. What keeps us going everyday is the hope that everyday here on Earth is another day closer till the day we meet in Heaven.
"Kody loves Ashley forever and ever...."


Colby...your beautiful and endless smile lights up the Heavens...Forever missing you Colby James Cole


Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, January 3, 2004 11:32 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

~*~*~ANGEL KISSES~*~*~

Thank you so much Mrs. Judy for the beautiful page you lovingly created for Kody...he absolutely adores it and refers to it as "His and Ashley's wedding page".
This beautiful page is sure to bring a smile to all..I know for a fact it will because it makes Kody's face just light up!! Click on the words "Angel Kisses" to get there.

~*~*~Kody Update~*~*~

He is doing a little bit better today.though he has his moments of complete sadness.
Tonight he asked me to lay down with him when I put him to bed...something he never does anymore...and he just talked and talked about Ashley and Blue Angel Jets and flying and Heaven and pretty soon he had just talked himself to sleep.
Just before he fell asleep he said something to me that was so beyond his years...he said "Mom, do you know how sometimes people will say I know how you feel...well, nobody knows how I feel. I feel the biggest sadness and there is a hurt in my chest and my heart that hurts so, so bad Mom"
God..I would do anything to see him not so sad...but as we all know..night time is always the worst and I know that time will heal his broken heart and though he will never forget..the pain will lessen and he will smile again when he talks of Ashley..I just know in my heart he will.
Thank you for all the GB entries..the words of encouragement are our strength and it is what keeps us going everyday.
Have a great night...
Love, Kim

Just a note...please stop by and send prayers to our newest child who has relapsed...while on treatment for ALL
Julianna Banana

And for little Katia...what else can possibly go wrong for this poor family...Katia's transplant which is her ONLY hope to beat her leukemia might have to be delayed due to a very serious lung infection.
Katia's Page

~*~*~Thank You!!~*~*~


Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:30 PM

At 1:15 this afternoon Ashley's beautiful spirit soared to the Heavens. She entered into God's glorious Kingdom from her home surrounded by the people who loved her the most.
Our hearts will never be the same.


Ashley...the song we have put on Kody's site today is just for you from Kody. You were his first love...and I know you are looking down on him and will always be there taking care of him.


January 1, 2004 9:34 PM

To all of our dear friends...

We would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the support you have shown not only for Ashley's family but for Kody as well. We are absolutely overwhelmed by the kindness of so many as to Kody's well being today.

I wish I could tell you all that Kody is doing OK, but the sad truth is that he is hurt, he is wounded, his heart is broken and it so hard for him to understand "why?".
I wish I could give him and answer..the words that he needs to hear..but the truth is, I don't have the words, so all I can do for now is to love him and hold him and tell him that we will always be there for him, always. He now knows that it's OK to cry.

Kody picked the song that we will keep on his site until he thinks the time is right to switch back to his Blue Angel song. Though...this song is a sad one and Kody is no exception to tears when hearing it...he understands the love that is in the words..and that is his final gift to more pink rings and necklaces, no more teddybear backgrounds, no love letters..he leaves her with his love..a love that he will keep in his heart forever.

Kody has gained a guardian angel today and Ashley...I would like to thank you for the gift you gave to Kody this afternoon.
You see...when Karl and I told Kody that Ashley had gone to live in Heaven..he fell apart completely...he cried and he shook and he buryed his head in his lap and shook somemore. After the tears subsided a little he went outside to talk to his big brother, Kyle and Kody asked "Why did Ashley have to go live with Jesus?" Kyle tried his best to explain that there was no pain or sadness in Heaven and Ashley would always be looking down on him...two airplanes appeared out of nowhere...very low and flew right above Kody's head.
And Kyle said to him..." you see those planes...I bet Ashley just sent them, one for her and one for you, because she knew how much you love a way to tell you she is OK and that she loves you".
With that...Kody smiled, a smile I thought I would never see again for a long time...and he blew her a kiss and said "I love you Ashley".

He has been having moments of thinking, of crying and of not understanding. He is only eight and is growing up way too fast.
Tonight he lit a candle for Ashley and said a prayer..he told God he wasn't mad at him, that he kind of understood but that it still hurts a whole lot." He told God to "take good care of Ashley and to make sure she knows everyday that he loves her and will marry her someday when they get to Heaven together".
As you can imagine...that prayer reduced me to tears all over again. Not only does the pain of losing a little girl that I cherished hurt so much..but seeing my baby hurt so much is about the most painful thing I can think of right now.

Tonight, after you read this..please take a moment to picture Kody and Ashley..two beautiful children, an innocent young love, and pray that Kody heart heals soon.

Thank you so much for stopping by...and thank you so much again for the guestbook entries in Ashley's page..I have been reading them all...and it is obvious that she was a very much loved little girl.

Take Care..and God Bless You ALL!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids



Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



No new updates and I am praying that "No news is good news" in Michael's case.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday, January 1, 2004 4:46 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

At 1:15 this afternoon Ashley's beautiful spirit soared to the Heavens. She passed away at home surounded by the people who loved her the most.
Our hearts will never be the same.


Ashley...the song we have put on Kody's site today is just for you from Kody. You were his first love...and I know you are looking down on him and will always be there taking care of him.


~*~*~UPDATE...11:30 PM~*~*~

I talked to Norine {Ashley's Mom} on the phone tonight..
That was by far the most difficult phone call ever. I keep hoping that this is all avery bad dream that I'll be waking up from soon..but I guess in reality it isn't.
I'd like to thank you all so very much for the quick responce to my e-mail...your friendship means so much to are all so beautiful...Thank You!!
I did update Ashley's page so you'll be
able to read about her is sad, very sad. Our beautiful Ashley is growing her pink angel wings as I write this.
Kody is devestated..completely. I did tell him that Ashley had gotten very sick and she MAY be going to live in Heaven soon.
Kody fell to his knees, got up, ran to the bathroom, got sick, and then cried and cried like I have never seen him cry before.
I held him and I hugged him and I let him cry on me as I cried on him..and he said "But we were supposed to get married" and I told him "Kody, someday you will marry her". I also told him to say his prayers extra hard for Ashley because God always listens to the childrens prayers first.
My baby was so shook up...he was shaking and I knew that he had to be scared and so I told him that some children have tumors that are very bad...others have tumors that aren't too bad at all and that he and Ashley have two totally different kinds.
He's only 8...why bombard him with all bad, grim news.
He really semed OK with that...when he finally left the bathroom, he sat on the couch and cried silently some more...what could I do? Just hold him and love him and tell him that Ashley needs him to be strong right now...she is in his heart and there she will remain forever.

Well's getting late, I had better get going...thank you all so much again for the outpouring of love for Ashley and family.


Have a Happy, Safe and Healthy New Years!!

God Bless You All...



Our babies have been born!!! Please take a look at Kody's photo page {the last photo}...we have 7 {so far!!} baby ducks and a couple of more eggs hatching as I write this...they are sooo cute!!!
^A^Angel Jalen^A^...
these duckies are for you Sweetie


Monday, December 29, 2003 3:52 PM

~*~*~UPDATE...6:25 PM~*~*~

This just in...Ashley is still in the hospital and having many problems, including seizures and shunt failure. Please pray very hard for this little girl, she has been through so much and still amazes us with her determination and fighting ability.



Hello everyone...

See that really cool silver necklace Kody is wearing in his photo up there? Well...that necklace came in the mail today from Kody's really best friend, Miss Cheyenne!! How I wish you could have seen his face when he saw it....and read the letter that came with it. are so beautiful...and yes, you sure are one of Kody's bestest friends ever...I have to tell you though...if Kody was just a few years older...hmmmmmm, he's have his eyes on you girl!!
LOL...anyway, back to the is silver with Kody engraved on one side and Cheyenne engraved on the other. This, Cheyenne tells us is for a reason...because in her own words... "I thought that I would send these to my best friends. Your name is on one side and my name is on the other. That way, when you are feeling lonely or sad, you can look at it and know that I will be there as your friend always."
Isn't that the most sweetest thing ever?? Can you believe she is only 12 years old...Roy and guys have got to be the BEST parents in the world..and Cheyenne proves that!!
We love you guys.....Thank you so much, Kody treasures his necklace and I know he will treasure it forever. :0)

Speaking of sweet things...some of you may have read the GB entry I put in Katia's page yesterday....for those of you who didn't here is a story that happened to us yesterday and how Katia has touched so many lives, even the little ones...who you would think doesn't pay attention to important things..but they really do.
Yesterday I had some returns and exchanges to do at Wal-Mart....which was very crowded, full of people trying to do the same thing. Since the two boys had some spending money that was burning a hole in their pockets, I took them with me. I was standing on line in the jewlery dept. desperetly trying to get the attention of the girl working there and in the meantime Kolin {6 years old} was desperetly trying to get the attention of me. When I looked at him to ask him what was so important...he pointed to a case of earrings...and in that case was the most prettiest, shiniest pair of red ladybug earrings. And he said to me "Mommy, look..Katia's little ladybugs are here too...aren't they beautiful? Mommy...we should say a special prayer for Katia right now"
And so..right in the middle of that busy, crowded store..Kolin said a little prayer {my job was to be quiet!!}, he was so serious and so sweet and when he was done he said "OK can go shop now!!"
I think I may have forgotten to put this part in last night {in Katia's GB} but he also said to me "Mommy, is 1-9-9-7 alot?" and I said "well, yes that's almost twenty dollars" and Kolin said "Well..when it's my birthday I am going to ask Daddy for twenty dollars and I am going to buy those earrings for her and Mommy I am going to buy you beautiful round ones too"
Is this not the most sweetest story?? He absolutely made my heart burst yesterday...and the quiet all around us from shoppers stopping to listen {and pray!!} was nothing short of a miracle!!

Well..Kody and Kolin have just gotten their first tattoos by our new tattoo artist, Kaysha...Im going to get those pictures up in about 5 minutes..those 3 just crack me up sometimes. Santa got Kaysha a airbrush tattoo kit and I heard her say "Hey Kody...want to get inked!!"...yes, she said "inked"..she has been hanging around Mom, Dad and Kyle alot!! :0)

I put a new song on here today...this is another of Kody and Dad's big time favorites and it was special requested by Kody to have it on his site for a while.
The song is "Where Eagles Fly" by Van Halen and Sammi Hagar {can you tell we are big Van Halen fans!!}. The words are beautiful...I think really describes Kody's desire to be "where eagles fly". There is a video that goes with this song, it features the Air Force F-15 Strike Eagles...if any of you with HSI ever have a chance to download it {the Dreams one too!} is truly awesome.
Staring hard into the screen to capture a glimpse into Kody's future, you will find Kody and his Daddy every night when he comes home from work...watching this song/video and the Dreams video too...
Dream BIG Kody Bear...just like the dreams Daddy and I have for you!!!

Thank you all for coming back to check in on us, and please don't forget to visit the families of our newest Angels...

Angel Gracie

Angel Max

Angel Nicholas

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids



Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley has developed pnemonia and is back in the hospital..please pray that she will be home for Christmas.



No new updates and I am praying that "No news is good news" in Michael's case.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Sunday, December 28, 2003 9:08 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I am absolutely sickened to say we have lost another baby this weekend.
Angel Gracie


Saturday, December 27, 2003 2:24 PM

Hi everyone...

Sorry to have to start this out with bad news but we lost two little boys since Christmas...I cannot even begin to imagine how devestated their parents must be.

Angel Max

Angel Nicholas

Everyone here is doing well and staying healthy which is really great since even my friends healthy kids are all coming down with the flu. I know it can be embarrassing and certainly I would never want Kody to look like "the sick kid" but I refuse to take him out in public {Wal-Mart, Target, Publix, Church, etc...} without his little face mask on. Knock on wood..he has not even had so much as a sniffle...though, out of the blue started running a fever last weekend which just went away in a few hours.

Christmas was beautiful this much fun and so "normal". My wish is that we continue to see many, many more of them and that Kody will someday be reading to his own children "The Night Before Christmas" every Christmas Eve.

Well...I really hate to cut this short but I have got to run out and do some exchanges and of all the crazy things...Kody's most favorite present is not that's going back too. I really hope Target has some left...all he has begged for since his last hospital stay when he saw it on TV was that darn Land Air RC. If not then I was shown by Dad last night a HUGE army RC tank at Wal-Mart...real cannon sounds and all...hmmmmmm, now who could be wanting that more...Dad or Kody??!! :0)

Have a wonderful weekend...and please do stop by our newest Angels sites...prayers are needed and so much appreciated. As always...we thank you!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids



Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley has developed pnemonia and is back in the hospital..please pray that she will be home for Christmas.



No new updates and I am praying that "No news is good news" in Michael's case.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, December 22, 2003 10:30 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

December 26....
SOme new Christmas photos are up...have a great day everyone!!

~*~*~The music you are listening to today is John Lennon's "So this is Christmas"...isn't it beautiful?~*~*~


Some of you may be wondering where the guestbook is...LOL...well, I heard from a few that the download time was getting pretty long {even for me and I'm on HSI}...which is a good thing, that means lots and lots of you have been signing in..Thanks!! Anyway...I have kept the guestbook and plan on printing out the whole thing..which could take a few days...{it's long!!} I'll be putting all those pages in a binder and it'll be Kody's keepsake forever. Until I get that GB back up and running...please sign in on the Bravenet one that I've set up...lots of room on that one and some really, really cool smileys too. {Kody's favorite is "headbanger" looks just like him!!}

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here...I really can't believe how many things have changed here in our home since last Christmas when we thought for sure Kody was going downhill fast and we found it impossible to accept that Christmas 2002 may have been our last. How that boy amazes us...he just keeps fighting and fighting.
This Christmas is really the first one since D-Day {diagnoses day} that has been pretty much "normal" illnesses, no ER trips, no hospitals...the kids are loud, crazy and can't stand each other again...nobody feels left out, ignored or put out....yes, life is good and we pray that it stays that way forever.

Still my heart I find it so hard to be Very many children have passed away over these past two weeks...too many and I can't help but cry for the parents who have been left behind...picking up the pieces, figuring out how to start a new life with someone they love very much, missing forever. It really just isn't fair!

Now..I know that none of these parents would want any child, Caring Bridge or not...being caught up in the depression and so Christmas will be a happy time here...a time for family, for laughter, for memories, for lots and lots of pictures and mostly a time for us to enjoy the greatest gift of that is priceless, one that cannot be put under a tree or stuffed into a gift box or stocking. That gift is Kody...pure and simple...our son/brother/nephew/grandson/friend/goofy clown/silliest kid you'll ever see is with we celebrate Jesus' birth we also celebrate Kody's life...and pray everyday that it will be a long one. Kody has alot to accomplish...and he has a lifetime to do it all...I am sure of that. After all becoming a Blue Angel pilot takes time, doesn't it??!! :0)

OK....anyway..on to some "My Life is a Soap Opera" stuff....

Some of you may have read the "Gingerhouse Adventures" on Gooch's site...Can I relate or what?? Yes..we too did the "gingerbread with the kids" and....hmmmm, let's just say...after keeping the things together with propped up cans and other sturdy objects...we did end up with a couple of houses Bob Villa might have even been proud of. The thing is though..they just don't give you enough icing {a/k/a edible super glue} in those kits and so I had this great idea of mixing confectioners sugar and water...which turned out looking alot like after the snow ends and the pretty goes away stuff...I believe we used to call it "slush". Well...this slush was alot of fun to the boys and they sprinkled and sprayed every sugar product in the house into it and all over them, the floor, their siblings, me and some even got on the gingerbread house. Three days and counting and I am still walking on bally sprinkly things. Must be like the Easter know how you'll still find that years to come??

Our next Christmas project was yesterday...cookie making...{see photo on top}. This turned out well...learning from past experience with the G-Bread houses and how kids will be kids and how sometimes Mom's have no patience for stepping on hardened sugar products...this Mom bought the pre-made, pop in the oven and let the kids do their thing when they cool down cookies. Hey, I never, ever claimed to be the Martha Stewart type...and I figure, it's the thought that counts, right??!!

Todays project...Stocking Stuffer shopping and one of lifes greatest mysteries...How the heck can little, tiny stocking stuffers add up to so much money?? My cashier must have thought I completely lost my mind when right in the middle of Wal-Mart madness..I demanded a recount! End of story...she was right, I was wrong.

Tomorrow's big day goes like this....Battery Shopping!! I have already decided we may need to take out a loan for this adventure...enough said.

Sunday was the kids "Christmas/Happy Birthday Jesus" party at CCD {Sunday school}. cute they looked up there on stage..Kolin saying his lines so perfectly...Kaysha singing and helping out the pre-K kids...and then we have Kody..dressed like a candy cane {red and white...well, and kakhi...he has nor will he ever have white pants} singing "Do you hear what I hear" up on stage...yes folks...I shed a tear or two or three....then my baby...started taking over the show and the tears came even harder when I said to myself "Oh My God..what is that kid doing??!!"
Don't know if any of you know this but Kody will someday be a preformer of some sort....HE LOVES THE STAGE AND HE LOVES TO SING...and his teachers made the mistake of giving him front and center. A little Elvis swivel here...a little John Lennon peace signs there...a wink, a bow...and some of the funniest faces only a mother could love! Hmmmmm....they had to practically drag him off the stage...I PROMISE to get some of those photos up tomorrow!! :0)

Well's getting way past my bedtime so till the next time....
Keep Smiling!!!
Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and PLEASE keep the families of our Angels and also the families who are celebrating Christmas in the hospital this year {most recently Ashley...Kody's Love of his Life} in your prayers. Thank you so much!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids



Heaven's most silliest Angel. Be free Jake to "PING" from Cloud to Cloud! We will be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is home and ready to enjoy a wonderful Christmas due to the genorousity of some very beautiful and giving people.



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Katia will be getting her cord blood transplant in January...this is Katia's ONLY must not fail..please pray very hard for this baby!! :0)



Despite the devestation going on inside Cody's body...he still {Thank God!} remains symptom free...playing and having fun like every little boy should. Pray this lasts forver!!



Cheyenne is the proud Mommy to a tiny, I know I'll never spell this right, so I'll say "Taco Bell Puppy". Cinnamon Sugar Fivash is her name...please don't let Kody know about this...LOL..I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


After a month long trip, Stephanie and rachelJoy came home to a flooded house. When their pipes froze and burst, neighbors tried desperetly to save what they had...unfortunetly...alot of damage was done. Please go to their site and help if you are able.



JEREMY IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley has developed pnemonia and is back in the hospital..please pray that she will be home for Christmas.



No new updates and I am praying that "No news is good news" in Michael's case.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Friday, December 19, 2003 9:49 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

I am absolutely sickened and heartbroken to say that Jake lost his fight with neuroblastoma last night at the loving arms of his Mommy and Daddy.
I miss you so much already Jake!!
Please, please send this family prayers and support.


Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 10:37 AM

Hello everyone...

It's so hard to write about anything happy given the news I found out about Jake yesterday...this boy has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember...his parents have been so strong, but now they seem so broken. God how I wish I could take the pain away from every single person who has had the lousy luck of having to use "cancer" {or of course, any of the other too many horrific diseases we have heard of} and "their childs name" in the same sentence.
Where are the cures...where are the freaking cures??!!

OK..well..we put up our tree two nights ago...after a minor mishap..seemed that rain and a leaky roof had gotten into our tree and Christmas decorations and they were completely ruined. to Wally World {as Karl says..Wal-Mart to the rest of us...LOL!!} to get another. No big deal...the new tree is 100 times nicer then the last and already comes with the lights put on...YEAH...what is better then that??!! :0)
The miracle of all of this is that one box I had stored with the tree and decorations had all the kids ornaments in it...a new one every year since birth and all the ones they have made in school..which to me {I know all you Mom's and Dad's agree} are the most precious things to unwrap year after year...
well..would you belive that one box was not touched by a single drop of rain?? It should have was wedged in-between the tree and the decoration box...the leaky rainy roof stuff skipped right over it...unbelieveable!!

The kids had a blast decorating the tree...I'll get some pictures up a bit later...they came out so cute. But for now..I have promised myself a pot of coffee and a wrapping party..since today is the last day the kids are in school for the next three weeks...I had better get a going on that task.

Speaking of having a blast....last Sunday's Christmas party for Kody and Crew at Mr. Pubs was THE BEST!!!!!!!!! The weather started off very wet in the morning but on the drive there..the sun came out, the sky turned blue and the weather turned out beautiful!! Would you believe an elf left a huge stack of gifts there and those same elves came and delivered them yesterday...seems there were too many for Santa to fit on his sleigh so now they are hidded around here....shhhh, don't tell!!

I hope you guys are reading this cuz Kody told me to tell you all he "wishes he could live at Mr. Pub so he could wake up and party everyday!!" He is gonna be something else when he turns 21!!!!!
It was so nice to see so many friends and familier faces again...we do love you all!!!!!!!!

Well guys..the time has come and I have got to get going...incase I don't update again for a few days...
Have a wonderful weekend...stay warm...even us Floridians are cold these days!! :0) more thing before I take off....if you'd click onto the "Photo Page" there is a little gift from all of us to all of you...enjoy!!

New pictures of last weekends party and tree trimming will be up later. :0)

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids



Heaven's silliest Angel...Jake your free to "PING" from cloud to cloud. We'll be watching for your "rainbow artwork"!!



Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.




Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, December 13, 2003 11:33 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Sunday night....
I am saddened to say that Kody's newest friend has become an Angel. Alyssa did win her couragous battle with a brain tumor...and she now has beautiful wings to prove it.



Hi everyone...

Caring Bridge losing Kim's journal entry take 2...

Man...did you just ever have one of those days?? Ok, so this is take two on entering a new journal entry..let's see if I can remember everything.

First of all the good news...
Kody has bounced back and is feeling great!!

Now the second good news..
Tomorrow is a big day...There is a huge Christmas party for Kody and family at Mr. Pubs {highway 441 in Belleview}..lots of fun, food, bands and good friends. If any of our local friends can make it..we would love to see you!! { fast can you fly here??!!}
Please pray for good is supposed to ba a balmy 79 degrees and tomorrow....cold, wet, gross, wind, hail name it we'll have it...
OK, with the exception of snow and ice!! :0)

Have you all been to Kody's Christmas Playground? It's alot of fun and it was created especially for him, Kolin and Kaysha by Lori.... are the BEST!!!!
Click on Kodys stocking above and it will take you right there.

OK.I better run and get the kids ready for a B-day party they are going to..thank you to Karyelle..I get an entire hour or so to myself!!

Have a great weekend everyone...hopefully this will work this time..LOL!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:46 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Kody is feeling much better today...He was a little "off/loopy" most of the day but by last night bounced back once again.
Thank you so much for the prayers!!
As much as I try not to panic or fear for the worse...this time of year, 2 years ago is when Kody was first diagnosed and last year at this time he took a sudden turn downhill.
Last May we found out that it was because of his brain swelling up again and thankfully his VP shunt has worked like a charm.
So, I guess you can see why when things go wrong, especially this time of's so hard to think of it as just nothing. Sometimes, I wonder if normal and nothing will ever be used in my "Kody vocabulary" again..:0)
Love to you all....

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:19 AM


I'll have to make this quick today...
Please say a little extra prayer for Kody today...
Last night he came down with a horrible headache, then he lost balance a few times..once, completely missing the chair he was going to sit down on.
He still has the headache today and his prescription pain med. doesn't seem to be touching it.

He's pretty upset about missing out on "ornament making" day at school, hopefully if this headache will give him a break..we can work on some ornament making of our own.

He did have his flu shot yesterday...well, half anyway, he is scheduled for the second half in four weeks. I have no idea if this is a reaction to the shot..I truly hope it is as things just always seem to fall apart {healthwise} around Christmastime for Kody.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:46 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Kody is feeling much better today...He was a little "off/loopy" most of the day but by last night bounced back once again.
Thank you so much for the prayers!!
As much as I try not to panic or fear for the worse...this time of year, 2 years ago is when Kody was first diagnosed and last year at this time he took a sudden turn downhill.
Last May we found out that it was because of his brain swelling up again and thankfully his VP shunt has worked like a charm.
So, I guess you can see why when things go wrong, especially this time of's so hard to think of it as just nothing. Sometimes, I wonder if normal and nothing will ever be used in my "Kody vocabulary" again..:0)
Love to you all....

Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:19 AM


I'll have to make this quick today...
Please say a little extra prayer for Kody today...
Last night he came down with a horrible headache, then he lost balance a few times..once, completely missing the chair he was going to sit down on.
He still has the headache today and his prescription pain med. doesn't seem to be touching it.

He's pretty upset about missing out on "ornament making" day at school, hopefully if this headache will give him a break..we can work on some ornament making of our own.

He did have his flu shot yesterday...well, half anyway, he is scheduled for the second half in four weeks. I have no idea if this is a reaction to the shot..I truly hope it is as things just always seem to fall apart {healthwise} around Christmastime for Kody.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, December 8, 2003 10:22 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello everyone...

16 Shopping Days Left!!!!

Sorry about the lapse in was a rough week last week for Kolin...he had seemed to have gotten over his two back-to-back viruses and then Friday morning woke up with a monster sized earache...
after calling the dr's 3 times and not getting a return call..I marched him right in. While we were waiting to be seen...and he was crying from the pain..I noticed gooey stuff coming out of his ear and he kept telling me that he hears "wind" going in his ear. guessed it, that ear infection went so bad during the course of the day that his eardrum had actually ruptured.
Poor kid...he has had nothing but ear problems since he was 6 weeks old...he had tubes put in at 8 months and it looks like when he goes back in 2 weeks for a re-check...they are giving us a referral to see an ear specialist as given as many infections he's had this past year..he is a perfect candidate for tubes once again..which is fine by me because thouse little tubes worked like a charm the whole time they were in.

Yesterday....since he felt a whole lot better...I had gotten the kids over to Wal-Mart for their Christmas photos...{see photo page}...and then off to the mall for a visit with Santa. That went lines, no waiting...LOL..there was about 5 families with babies who were scared and crying and so they very happily let us bump to the front of the line.
Now...did Kody be honest with Santa or did he fib....hmmmm, he could have said "Oh Yes Santa...I've been soooo good all year"...{and gotten coal!} or he could have said "I really straighten out my act fast when my nose is in the corner and my legs can't hold out anymore!!" {and he will most likely get what he asks for..within reason...Santa does NOT do anything with real engines!!}

Well guys..hate to cut this short but Dad just called up sick as a dog from work and needs a ride home...

Thanks for stopping by...please, before you all sign off for the day...stop by Ashley's site..she {and Mom} had a horrible scare this past week and could use mega doses of extra prayers that it never happens again.

Till the next time...
Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Wednesday, December 3, 2003 12:09 AM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


We had the appointment with Kody's neuro-optomoligist today and....
Kody can once again see 20/20 with both eyes...the surgery was a complete success..although we were warned that we have to be cautiosly optomistic because due to the complications of Kodys tumor..things can change very easily and for the worse..but, you know...
we have faith that it won't happen that way...and right now we are enjoying every second of watching Kody be Kody again {skateboarding, biking, climbing on his fort without falling}...nothing can take that away from us...nothing! we were at the dr's ofice and, as usual {Kody would be rolling his eyes right now if he was awake!} I had my camera with me looking for the perfect shot of Kody and Dad acting goofy...but our appointment went sooo fast, there was no time.
On the way out Dad saw this magnificent tree and said "There's your picture" and so that is how todays photo came to is beautiful. isn't it?

Oh..they did act a little when promted by Dad Kody said to the Dr's assistant something about wanting to have "Get out of here and go have a beer at the ballgame". I guess she told Dr. Levine about Kody antics and he came in the door saying "Kody, Man..your too young for a beer at the ballgame..but I promise you the day you turn 21 I'll take you out for that beer at the ballgame"...
Kody thought that was cool, Dad thought that was cool...and was like so far out of the conversation by then...I mean, talked about being outnumbered.

Well...this is going to be a quickie tonight cuz as you can tell by the time up there..I should have been in bed long ago..but I had to stay up to see "Ryan and Trista's Wedding" {I know...chick shows!!} and "Extreme House Make-over" {or something like that}....anyway...
Karl..the house was COOL..and I'll tell you more about it in the morning..after that coffee of course..{Keep it hot Baby!!}

Please say a prayer for our little friend Jake Griffin tonight...though his Mom, Susan, hasn't updated Jake's journal, we know he had an MRI last week..and after seeing all the guestbook entries, I fear it is bad news. As always..we thank you all so much for not only the support you show us each and every day but also for the support you show all of Kody's friends.


And also..our two little girl~friends...


Katia's lung surgery has been postponed but she will be having many more painful procedures..please pray.

Katia will be having another lung surgery..please pop on over and say a little prayer..Thank you..Thank you!!!


Ashley {Kody's hunny} is home from the hospital and doing great!! She and Kody now have even more in common as Ashley had a shunt put in on the same week Kody was in the hospital.

Thanks for stopping by..until next time...

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, December 1, 2003 10:33 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hi everyone...

Isn't that a great picture up there??? That boy LOVES his milk!!!
And, not bragging or anything...but LOOK AT HIS EYE....IT'S PERFECT!!!!!!
I think this is the most awesome photo I have ever seen of his eye...and it all started out just a silly thing that he did at dinner..when I loaded the pic. on the computer and saw it on the big screen...WOW...nothing could have prepared me to see those big beautiful brown eyes...Kody calls them "Boomer Eyes" because he says he and our dog have the same eyes...LOL..they do, only Kody's are waaaayyyyy bigger!! :0)

Well guys..not too much here new today..I spoke with Stephanie {Rachel Joy's Mom} tonight..and if all goes well, we can meet before they leave Florida.

Other then that...I guess I've been in a little..slump, I guess is a good word. Actually I think I may be turning into a Grinch...HAHAHA!! There's just too much going on, too much on my mind and this is absolutely not a good time of year for any added stress....sooooooo, I guess I will HAVE to be forced to stock up on somemore Vanilla Nut coffee..and cookies, lots and lots of cookies!!!

Have a great night all...please don't forget to stop in on our friends. As always...Thank you so much!!


Katia will be having another lung surgery..please pop on over and say a little prayer..Thank you..Thank you!!!


Ashley {Kody's hunny} is home from the hospital and doing great!! She and Kody now have even more in common as Ashley had a shunt put in on the same week Kody was in the hospital.

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



Jeremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Sunday, November 30, 2003 12:58 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


The critics said it will never work...
What do they know, those old men jerks...
The Cat in the Hat is alot of fun...
And so are those two, Thing Two and Thing One...

So might I add before I go...
Take your kids, take your spouse, take your pets and


And now on to some serious stuff....

Everything around here is pretty great..Kody is feeling better {no headaches in over 24 hours....GO KODY..GO KODY!!!}, Kolin is finally starting to feel better...if only he could just get rid of that pesky cough and the real terrific news of the weekend...

OK..before this all goes to his head..we have had these 3 boxes of tiles since...well, the springtime I think. Come on, take my was time, right??

Other then that....all is pretty quiet around these was FREEZING out during the night and this morning..but right now, it's gotten alot warmer and the kids are all outside as we speak getting some good use out of that playground/fort.

Hey..if anyone is interested...Kody has opened up his own store in our playroom...he is charging only $2.00 for a back massage that is guaranteed to put you to sleep in 5 minutes or less. Today I'll be pulling change out of the sofa if I have too so you all might have a tad bit of a wait! :0)


Katia will be having another lung surgery..please pop on over and say a little prayer..Thank you..Thank you!!!


Ashley {Kody's hunny} is home from the hospital and doing great!! She and Kody now have even more in common as Ashley had a shunt put in on the same week Kody was in the hospital.

Well...that about wraps it up for this edition of "My Life is a Soap Opera"..till next time....

Have a WONDERFUL day!!!!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Cheyenne..YOU ROCK GIRL!!!
Miss Cheyenne has completed another round of of Chemo. and she is doing wonderful!! Her latest MRI was nothing short of a complete MIRACLE!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



November 30th...
Norine called me last night to let me know that Ashley is home and doing remarkably well! She and Kody now have one more thing in common as Ashley has had a shunt put in to relieve her first bout with hydrocephlus.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Friday, November 28, 2003 10:12 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Hope you all had a really wonderful Thanksgiving!!
We sure let me all tell you a little secret...see that big old bird up there? See the two guys behind it? OK..truth be told THEY are the ones that made that bird!!
In fact...Karl made the entire Thanksgiving dinner start to finish..including most of the clean up himself. This is something he does always...see, I cook for an army every day so on holidays..Dad gets the job..which he actually enjoys!! Really..he LOVES to see people eat what he's made...if any of you gets a chance and your starving..stop by when he's'll leave stuffed!! Not the same for me come here hungary.we order take out....{LOL}....:0)

Sooooooo...who went shopping today?? guys are NUTS!!! OK..I admit, I was right there in the midst of things...people pushing...people shoving...people cussing...people basically being very "Grinchy".
Though the sales looked great....we were only there to take part in the "Kruppenbacher Day After Turkey Day Wish List Making". Trust me...three kids in the toy section of Wal-Mart during all this shopping drama...and I was soooo ready to stop off at the "Mommy's special feel good drink" I did...I went right over to the coffee section and got myself some good ole' Millstone Vanilla Nut Coffee!! {What were you guys thinking anyway???}

Well..that's about it for around here...Kolin is still trying to fight off that virus, Kody's on the "headache a day" club, Kaysha and I after weeks of butting heads have decided that being the last two females in the house..we need to stick together like glue sticks and scrapbook pages!! Kyle has been spending mega amounts of time with his girlfriend {she had to move to Daytona...but came back for the holiday} and Karl...poor guy...over stuffed and over loved...what's a man to do???

Have a great day everybody!!!!!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



October 27...
Ashley's tumor has doubled it's size and we are all just devestaed over this latest news. She will be having more surgery on November 5th..please pray for Ashley, this surgery is her only hope..her Dr's have told Norine and Al without it the only thing they can do is send her home on hospice.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, November 24, 2003 10:23 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


It feels soooooooooooooooooo good to be back home!!!!

We were discharged this morning and got home around 1 PM.
As were leaving we were given a ton of "what to look for's" and "call right away if" and of course the all important "Don't let him be around sick people"....
well..of course as our wonderful luck would have it.....
Kolin woke up with a fever and sore throat this morning!!, how in the world do you keep two brothers/best friends seperate...well, I have no idea!!
As of tonight...Kody is still not running a fever, he complained of a slight headache tonight and poor Kolin has gotten up to 103 as of an hour ago.
Oh...we were told if Kody runs a fever of 101 or higher..back to the hospital he goes.

Lord...please DO NOT let this child get sick again!! :0)

Other then that...everything is semi back to normal.
It is so strange how much of an impact 5 days in the hospital can bring.
This afternoon I went to Publix to pick up some groceries and while I was there I just kept looking at all these other Mom's with "healthy", having fun, picking up Thanksgiving things...and all I kept thinking was "Damn, I wish I could go back to those days". I really just wanted to scream "It's so NOT fair...that used to be ME!" Now, I'm caught up in a maze of "The tumor is IN his stem", "I can't let him get sick again", "It is IN his freakin' stem...God, that's why they refused to take the thing out", and of course...the ever unpopular "He could die from this so easily, so fast".
So..I pretty much walked around in a daze...not really remembering why I was there and somehow I guess through none other then "survival mode"...I somehow managed to pick up dinner, Motrin for Kolin and whatever else we needed around here to get through another day.
Walking through the parking lot I hear this voice yelling "You look so tired...You need a hug!!!!!!!!"
LOL....Thank you Pricilla....somehow you are always there when you know I need a little lift!! Crazy girl, you find me doesn't matter what store I'm find me everytime. Especially if I have Kody or Kolin with me...I think we called it "Kody Radar" once!!

Before I skip out on you all tonight...I'd like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who so dilegently prayed for Kody's healing this seems no coinsedence that his steady progress happened right at the point of all those wonderful and refreshing GB entries.
How can I ever thank you all...We have our boy home for Thanksgiving...

And Thankful we certainly are!
For friends...
For family...
For health...
For sanity...
For Pumpkin Pie {oh, come didn't think I'd forget that!!}...
For Kody...
and of course mostly...
For One More Day!


New photos up today...enjoy!! :0)

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



October 27...
Ashley's tumor has doubled it's size and we are all just devestaed over this latest news. She will be having more surgery on November 5th..please pray for Ashley, this surgery is her only hope..her Dr's have told Norine and Al without it the only thing they can do is send her home on hospice.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Sunday, November 23, 2003 9:28 PM

Hi everyone!!
It's Sunday night and we are still here at the hospital....
Good news....
No fevers yet.....

OK...let me back up a bit before I get this party started.

Last night Kody's IV went bad when the nurse had hooked up his med' right away started burning badly and so it was deemed that the IV line was no longer good and he would need a new one.
Oh great was all I could think, I mean how many more times can they stick this poor black and blue boy.
Well...they tried and tried but his veins kept blowing so they ended up calling a nurse out of the PICU to come up and do it...first try and after a bit of tension filled hospital room was in place. Not exactly on the spot we had hoped for...the inside elbow..but, heck, it was in right? order for Kody not to mess things up {he is a mover and a shaker at night} they put on a stiff board type contraption to keep his arm straight.

I asked quite a bit of questions to the nurses on call last night and they did all agree about the brainstem/temperature thing....
soooooo, this morning when the neuro. on call came in I barraged him with at least a dozen questions. To which...surprisingly enough...he agreed and even said they were real good questions. WOW..maybe I'm not such a DUH after all!! { reading this Babe????}

Well...he did go and run this all by Dr. Pincus via telephone and got back to me right away....
now this is the unbelievable part.

Yes...the brainstem does effect body temp {according to Dr. Pincus}..however, he doesn't think that is Kodys case because there is a small part of the brainstem, right on top that is the hypothalmus {somebody left this info in Kody GB and was right on the nail...thank you!!}. Dr. P said that Kodys tumor doesn't touch the I said "But, Kodys tumor is right plop on top of his stem, how could it not?" and he said {are you all ready for this???} "Yes, it is true Kodys tumor is one top of the stem, but only a part of it is on top..the other part is IN THE STEM!!!"
Yes..that is when I nearly passed out and croaked!
Sooooo...this is news to me...I NEVER knew that it actually went into the stem. So, I guess this is why it can never come out/be operated on. That explains that.

So...Dr. P still thinks that Kody had an infection of some sort {ear, throat, whatever} and that he is immune to oral antibiotics and basically everytime Kody cathes something that is minor to the other kids...will put him back in the hospital for a few days while they clear it with their heavy duty drugs.
Oh just GREAT!!!! Winter is coming, flu season, colds, infections and here we is going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnnng next few months.
I really cannot wait for the kids to be home for the summer when they never, ever get sick.

I am meeting Dr. P in the AM and he wants to discuss a few things with me {most likely to tell me to stop over reacting!!}
Really though...I seriously think Kody should have an MRI before we leave...I just don't know if he will agree to that.
Also...Dr. P took Kody off antibiotics today to see if he will come back with a fever tonight or tomorrow...if he doesn't, we are free to go. If he does, we are here for a while because then it will mean shunt infection for sure.

Well..that's about it for today...let me let Kody say few things before I go....


I'm in the hospital. I want to thank you all for signing my site and for my fans because they sent me gifts and balloons.
I'm in the computer room right now talking to day we should meet..and smell some, I'm just joking around about that!
OK...Bye for now, I have to go.
Love you lots!!!
Love, Kody


OK..with that I better go because he is being a super pain in the butt right now and will most likely get me thrown out of here.
Hopefully my next entry will be from home!!


Friday, November 21, 2003 3:35 PM

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Hello everyone!!

Well..I just updated with a very long and detailed update and wouldn't you just know it...this stupid computer lost the whole thing.
So..since I'm now on a time limit I'll have to give you all the condensed version. :0(

FIrst of all
for keeping Kody's page updated...
what would I ever do without the two of you??

We arrived here at Shands around 8:30 last night.
Kody's temp. was normal and within an hour was back to soaring again.
They decided to get another I.V. started and like the problems we had a Leesburg, it took 4 tries.
By this time, his head was pounding, his fever was going up and he was in agony because off all the poking and sticking, pain and stress. It didn't take long at all for my baby to bury his head down in his pillow and silently cry during the whole thing. {Please don't tell him I ever told you!} Well...seeing how miserable he was competely broke me down and we both had a good cry together. We shared almost a whole box off tissues...which had Kody a bit irratated because they weren't Puffs Plus with Aloe!!

He fell asleep shortly after that and they woke him up at 11 PM for a shunt tap...not one but two and he didn't even flinch.

He falls asleep again and at 1 AM they wake him up for more blood work!! Then they tell us to go into another room for the blood work as to not disturb the people next to us {as if that could ever happen..they watched MTV all night long!}.

Well..Kody was so not happy about more sticks and he told the nurse "If you stick me I am gonna stick you too"..well, lucky for Kody he had a very cool nurse {male nurse} that was willing to do whatever it took to get Kodys blood and agreed, so after Kodys turn, Kody did stick his nurse..and not trying to brag or anything here but....Kody got the vein on the first try!!

Antibiotics started at 2 AM. I can't remember the names but I believe we are on our third different one as we speak.

When Kody woke up the morning he was fever free!!

I saw Dr. Pincus and LeeAnn {Dr. Pincus' nurse practitioner and right hand woman} this morning and all of his tests so far have come back negative for infection. Also...did I happen to tell you that Kody never did have strep? The culture they took at LRMC {{Leesburg hosp.} was negative. His ped. never did take a strep test but just assumed he had one because of being exposed the week before.
So..since his throat infection and ear infections are gone...his fevers should be too and since they still spike we have to stay for 3 days and treat him for a possible shunt infection..though we don't know for sure yet because it takes 72 hours to get those results back and the problem is there wasn't enough CSF to get all the tests that needed to be done, done.
~Big Sigh~

So..there is talk that he may need a spinal tap tomorrow. And if by Monday he is till having fevers then we will have to stay for an additional 2 weeks while he has his shunt removed, treated for 14 days with antibotics and then have another shunt placed in. This because of the fact that this is the second time in 2 months this has happened.
This we really DON'T WANT but...we know whatever it takes to bring Kody home healthy is what we have to do.

Dr. Pincus also suggested this morning that Kody have a hickman line placed today to avoid all these IV probems. That way all his IV's and blood work could be done trough it but according to LeeAnn...nobody will do it when they know he will only be here for thre days.

This was kind of a bummer because I know in the big picture this weeks IV's and blood sticks will not be the last so why make him suffer with all the torture??
I guess they think differently so why bother arguing??

After they left, of course is when I realized I forgot to ask a question that was on my mind last night.
One of Kodys nurses once told me that the brainstem controls body temperature. So if that is the case then maybe this whole fever thing is being caused by the tumor?
Does anyone know anything about this? Let me know if you do..thanks!!

Well..Kody is in the playroom hooked up to a huge IV pole and he is axiously awaiting the arrival of the hospital dogs {he misses Boomer sooo much!} and the ChildLife volunteer wants to get a photo of him with the dogs to hang on the bullatin board and so do I so I better get this update ended soon.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying so hard for Kodys complete recovery and for all the wonderful guestbook entries!

Although at the Leesburg hospital I couldn't get to a computer, Karl called me a few times a day to read me the have no idea how much they mean to Kody and myself...just knowing how many of you think of Kody everyday and wish him well is some really great medicine...

Sorry about the extended updates...but this hospital computer will not cooperate and so I have no choice but to keep leaving new updates on top of the old ones. If I don't, I'll loose everyting on my front page..UGH!!

I'll update again tomorrow...prayers for the fevers to stay away and for Kody Bears smile to return again.

Have a great day!!



I have been entrusted with updating Kodys site. There is so much stuff on here I am trying not to mess it up Kim! Okay so, the neurosurgeon had Kody transferred by ambulance to Shands Hospital. They still dont know what they are looking at - whether it is an infection that is NOT responding to the antibiotics, or a virus which WON'T respond to them anyway. He is still running high fevers (like 103 ). Please keep Kody in your prayers that they get a handle on this SOON! I am sure when Kim is able to she will update again, and hopefully it will be better news....

Gooch's mom


Wednesday, November 19, 2003 4:15 PM

Kody had gotten alot worse and by 4:30 AM we were in the E.R. He's been admitted..they still cannot find out what is causing the headaches and high {very high} fevers so he'll be on IV antibiotics for at least two days or until they can control the fevers.
I'll update as soon as I can... I stopped by home to pack a bag and update to let you all know...Kody is in our local {Thank God!} hospital... Leesburg Regional Medical Center. Room Number 4058A.
Please pray that our "Iron Man" {that's what he called himself when his vein bent a needle!!} get's better quickly so we can celebrate Thanksgiving next week with a healthy family!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:55 PM

~Hi everyone~

Check out Kody's new and improved's so cool!! Just click on the image above.

Unfortunately we never made it to Kody's appointment at Shands today.
When he woke up this morning he had another monster sized headache and his fever was still floating somewhere around 102.1. No way were we going to make him take that trip so his appointment and "Goodwill Ambassador of Leesburg" day will have to wait until December 3rd. Now..he wasn't too upset about missing his Dr. appt. but passing out the pillows to the children was a major bummer for him. We had to explain that no way would he be allowed around the kids in the hospital anyway so best wait until he is healthy once again.

This virus he has picked up is turning pretty ugly...lots of headaches, strep, ear infections and the fever which still, even after being on Augmentin for over 24 hours...won't drop from between 102 and 103 degrees. He is even telling us his eyes hurt..thankfully he fell asleep pretty early tonight because I swear he wanted to punch a wall being so frustrated about the headaches. Kody is a tough kid though..he will NOT cry..he absolutely refuses to and tonight told us that "Pain is weakness leaving my body"...where does he get this stuff from?
Oh...and tonight....we can add another stomach bug into the mix. We can pretty much take stock in the Gatorade Company this week...Ritz snowflake shaped crackers too!! :0)

Please say a prayer that he gets better quickly so nothing stands in the way of us meeting Benji Zello and family this Friday and of course..that nobody else comes down with it!! :0)

Please stop by Noah Jay's site for a moment...he is fighting so hard for his life and his Mom and Dad could sure use some support and encouragement. As always...Thank you Kody's are the BEST!!

Well...hate to cut this short but tonight for a change I have no kids to pick up from jobs. all the little ones are sound asleep. Dad has passed out a long time ago, and I am right behind him.

Sweet Dreams everyone...

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



October 27...
Ashley's tumor has doubled it's size and we are all just devestaed over this latest news. She will be having more surgery on November 5th..please pray for Ashley, this surgery is her only hope..her Dr's have told Norine and Al without it the only thing they can do is send her home on hospice.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, November 17, 2003 12:36 PM

Hi again!!
We're home and Kody Bear's got strep throat and two ear infections... :0(
He's pretty miserable and now on Augmentin, Motrin and Tylenol every 2 hours and some nose spray {which he is goning to HATE!!} to clear up the whole fluid in the face thing.
Right now he's minutes towards falling asleep {that's IF he can get his eyes off the surfer girl show he just found on TV!} and I am going to fix him up some homemade chicken soup while he sleeps, with lots of noodles and only a very little vegetables {Kody's request!!}.
You me crazy but I am just THRILLED it's just another bug that will soon be squashed!! :0) more thing....
I really, really didn't mean to scare you!!! Am I forgiven?? :0)


Monday, November 17, 2003 9:41 AM

Quick update.....
Kody woke up early this morning with a monster headache. A couple of hours later fever and a sore throat. So, we're off at 11 o'clock for a visit to the pediatrician so I can tell him he has strep and he can agree and we can antibiotic him...LOL...Dr's can be so cool that way when they have seen you through 6 kids and 7 zillion viruses!! :0)
I'll update when we get home....


Sunday, November 16, 2003 10:32 PM

Hello again!!

Hope you have all had a great weekend!
Our's was really good....relaxing and full of goofy stuff and crazy memories.

As a treat for the kids today we had pizza delivery right straight to Kody's was even written on the receipt that they tape to the box "Deliver to Kid's Fort"...I cannot even tell you how cool that was. Since Kody has a picnic table built into his fort...they even ate out there...see photos!!

This week we have a Shands trip on Tuesday...Kody has another post-op appointment with his neuro-optimologist, Dr. Levine. We are very confident that this appointment will show a huge difference in Kody's has too..after all he is back on his skateboard...and back to making me cringe {LOL} everytime he flys off his ramp.
While we are there on Tuesday Kody has a real special job to do. You see, Kody's second grade teacher's daughter is involved with a group that sews up little travel sized, brightly colored pillows for children. It is Kody's job as the official "Goodwill Ambassador of Leesburg" to go up to the 4th floor {where he has spent too much time and is very well known...HA...once you meet Kody, you never forget!!} and pass out these pillows to the children that are there that day. He is sooooo excitd and is taking this job pretty seriously!! :0)
In April, when we go back for his next MRI...they will be making Teddy Bears for him to bring.
Oh...BTW....he already plans on saving the very prettiest pillow and sending it to Ashley...CUTE!!!

Oh, let me tell you...Kody has been working VERY hard on writing a song for I can't go giving it away yet because he's not finished...but it is about the two of them and being strong. He has already been BEGGING Santa for an electric guitar...he claims he needs one to put music to his song..then he plans on taping himself singing and playing guitar and mailing it to her as a special Christmas gift.
Isn't he something? I swear that child is gonna be a heartbreaker/Romeo someday!! :0)

Friday is a big day for us...we are going to meet Benji's family!!!!
We are so excited....and we're all meeting at The Olive Garden...they treated us so nice when we went with Cheyenne's family..well, we thought we'd just do it again.
Hopefully...we will also be meeting RachelJoy and her Mom, Stephanie this coming week also..they are coming to Florida too....Wow..can you many CB families coming together as one big happy family? These memories are just priceless!!
One day we are looking forward to meeting Janice...who Kody swears is like a big sister to him, he even goes so far as to send her pictures of bugs (gross!) and basically anything that he thinks will totally gross her out...he definetly treats her like a sibling, that is for sure!!

Oh...before I go...did you check out that really cool front page photo??
That personalized fighter jet helmet was sent to us by Cheyenne's Mom and Dad. Isn't it cool? They even had Kody's name painted on there...Kody just thinks he is the BOMB!!
Also..thank you's go to Mr. Sean Carter for the beautiful paint job and Danny Maxwell, pilot of the Stealth Bomber who lovingly sent Kody his most personal possessions including the scarf he wore in two wars (while flying the Stealth)...he said it brought him good luck and now he wants Kody to have the same good luck. Many patches off his own uniform, signed photos, stickers and mine and Kody favorite..a "coin" that only men who have flown the Stealth that would make Kody the ONLY person in the world that has never flown The Stealth to own one. Isn't that something??
Mr. Maxwell...from the bottom of our hearts...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
May God Bless You have certainly made a very special little boy very, very happy!! I don't think there were any words that can describe the joy on Kody's face when he opened up his package and saw all his goodies...unbelieveable!!

Also....A BIG THANK YOU to the Navy Blue Angels for sending us out framed photographs of Kody and the rest of us while we were there last addition to those we were also sent personalized, autographed lithographs...two for the each of of Fat ALbert and signed by the pilots and one of The Angels, signed by the pilots. Each one had our names written on top....these are so beautiful and each one will be framed and hung in our living room to admire every single day.
Also..we were sent a CD Rom of every photo taken that day by Jeff, The Blue Angels Assistant Public Relations Officer and Kody's "Main Dude"!!

It still amazes me everytime how so many people can come together for one little boy..and with that...
I thank all of you for coming back again and again to check up on Kody and for the outpouring of prayers said for him everyday which is the reason why we still have our son today...
God Bless You All!!!

Well..that just about wraps it up for this weekends adventures...

Later Gator!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2003 10:55 PM

Well guys...
It seems "Jessica" has crawled back out of her hole and has been tainting the guestbooks of some of our most sickest and precious children.
Just thought I'd warn you incase she happens to find her way to your site.
If you really want a good laugh..check out this site I came across about a month ago...

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:17 PM

Little Children, Big Problems

There is a very special place
I have within my heart.
It holds the little children
Who know what real problems are.

I know we all have problems,
We all have a cross to bear,
But I'm talking about the little ones
With a great big world of care.

A world of pain and treatments,
And a fear of the unknown.
Sometimes these little children
Call their hospital room "home".

They often suffer daily,
But rarely will complain
About the treatments they endure
Which causes most of the pain.

Sometimes these treatments are much worse
then the sickness in itself.
And can cause complications
Which could jeopardize their health.

Although these little children suffer
And are often ill from drugs,
They always have a smile to share
And they always give the bestest hugs.

So, next time you have a problem
Which you feel you cannot face,
Just think about these little ones
And try to have just half their faith.

~written by Rachel's Mom, Susan~

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



October 27...
Ashley's tumor has doubled it's size and we are all just devestaed over this latest news. She will be having more surgery on November 5th..please pray for Ashley, this surgery is her only hope..her Dr's have told Norine and Al without it the only thing they can do is send her home on hospice.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Sunday, November 9, 2003 4:40 PM

Hello Everyone!!

We're back from Boggy Creek and Oh Man...we are EXHAUSTED!! Wait, let me rephrase that...the kids slept the whole way home and Mom is ready for a 6 o'clock bedtime!!

Our weekend was much activities and sooooooooooo much fun!!

The kids and I were kept busy boating {better yet...paddle about leg pain/burning!!}, fishing {no..I didn't touch any!!}, archery {Kolin got a first place ribbon for making a bull's eye!!}, woodshop {they wouldn't let me use power tools...I got sandpaper instead!}, lots of arts and crafts {oh yeah..sitting in the A/C creating jewlery!!}, swimming in a heated pool {80 degrees, that's what I'm talking about baby!!}, lot's of singing {even me!!}, dancing {there's nothing like endless rounds of YMCA to get you going!!}, morning silly aerobics {now that was hysterical!!}, magic campfires {yes...magic does live at Boggy Creek}, a bottomless coffee pot{YES...YES...YES!!!}, make-over night {purple nails, blue hair and 80's style jelwerly...oh, did I mention it was "Classic TV" theme weekend?}, talent shows {Kody absolutely stole the show...I'll get more in to that later}, and my personal favorite....OLDTIMERS NIGHT!! { and 50-60 other sleep deprived parents gathered around the Dining rocking chairs, by candlelight, in front of a fireplace, listening/rocking {and I do literally mean " in chairs!!} to Lynard Skynard!! Talk about FEELING OLD...LOL...LOL!!! Don't get me wrong though....HA...they saved all the good food for us parents...nothing healthy...the cookies came out, the chocolate, the sodas and the chicken wings!!

Now..about that talent show....
The last thing we did before we left for home was to go the "The Theater" {a beautiful building donated by Universal Studios} to watch our kids and PALS {camp counselors assigned to individual families...our's were Misty, Elizabeth and Mike}....Kody and Krew did some rap...a Boggy Creek Rap song they made up themselves..complete with totally crazy costumes...Kody was a police officer {think Village people..cuz that's all I could think of!!} and Kolin was a Viking!!! Kody had on all his 20 bead necklaces he got from last night's dance..and just when you think his "freestyle rapping" couldn't get any boy went solo, swiveling his hips, shaking his booty, break dancing {oh God...I'm I seeing a future dancer on ladies night here??!!}...well, as he had everyone just rolling off their seats..he decides to take it up a notch and start tearing off his necklaces and tossing them out at the audience...totally unrehearsed and unexpected...God he was sooooooo funny!! :0)

This weekend was packed full of memories I will never forget and I can honestly the words of Kody Bear...."I didn't want to come home!!"..except for one thing we left behind....

Thank you as always for coming back for the latest adventures of one of the most wackiest families on the net!!

Until next time...please enjoy the new photos and have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



October 27...
Ashley's tumor has doubled it's size and we are all just devestaed over this latest news. She will be having more surgery on November 5th..please pray for Ashley, this surgery is her only hope..her Dr's have told Norine and Al without it the only thing they can do is send her home on hospice.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Friday, November 7, 203 3:46 PM

Hi everyone!!
We're leaving in a couple of hours for our 3 day Family Weekend at Boggy Creek Camp...hope you all have a fun and safe weekend!!!
Please..think of me "roughing it" and pray for the best!! {LOL}
Man...I hope they DO NOT try and make me touch a fish!!!! :0(

By the way....yesterday's trip to meet Cheyenne and family was SO MUCH FUN!!!!
We all went to the Olive Garden last night...ate like pigs....talked about serious stuff, laughed about the not so serious stuff, the kids played like they have been best friends forever and we all really had a WONDERFUL time...oh and would you believe..I found someone who carries a camera around all the time like I do..Cheyenne's Mom!!! I think between us we snapped at least 1000 pictures!!
We hope that the rest of their vacation is a fun one and that the trip back home is safe...and hopefully someday we will all meet Texas this time!!
Roy...Thank you so much for the endless Kody thumb wars and arm wreastling {Mr. Shakey Hands!}....Kody thinks that you are all the coolest!!!!!
Well..I really have GOT to go pack!! read that right...I haven't started yet. :0)
Till Monday everyone....
Have a great weekend!!


Thursday, Novemebr 6, 2002 1:33 PM


Tuesday, November 4, 2003 10:55 PM

Hello again!!

Today was Kody's big Make-a-Wish day and it was PERFECT!!!

Now...let me back up to a few things beforehand that I thought for sure were going to cause me to be alot more gray(er)!!
This past weekend we got the dreaded stomach started with Kolin, worked it's way to Mom {right in the middle of having dinner with Dad in a Chinese about embarrassing!!}, then went directly to Kody who was completely miserable and totally out of it all day yesterday...then Kyle and now we are waiting for the bomb to go off as to who is next..only Dad and Kaysha are left and they both claim to be "Too Bad" for some stupid virus to get them...LOL...we'll see!! :0)

Then...the guy who was building Kody's "Surprise" playground....."surprised" us by calling early yesterday morning to say he couldn't do the playground Tuesday and that he would have to come over on Monday morning to build it because it would take longer to build then originally thought., here is Kody home with the bug and...what was I supposed to do...have a tizzy fit...UGH...I wanted to, believe me, but I bit my tongue and said "Fine...let's do it today". This was at 10 AM....he was supposed to come right over...about an hours drive away. Well...the guy doesn't show up until 4 PM. did perk Kody up ALOT when he pulled up with a truck full of playground but since he didn't leave until 9 PM..there wasn't much playground playing going on...OK, I did let them play for a half an would have been pure torture to tell them no!!
So....Kody's fireman's pole was missing...or "too big" to they said. And there was a missing extra beam to hang the "babysitters" swing, with the promise of coming back in a week or so and with me promising to pay him to come back to complete it..they went on their way.
Other then that..the playground is AWESOME....everything Kody dreamed of and even has a sign that says "Kody's Fort" right up front and center.

This morning...the TV crew calls to say they won't be here because of a scheduling more stress..please!
No problem...I call the head of the TV...and straighten that little mess out.

Ok..stop laughing...I promise it gets better!!!

So...I'm standing at the school, waiting for Kody and Kolin to get out and IT STARTS TO RAIN!!! {Only in Florida could the sun be shining one minute and rain the next}. wasn't raining 2 miles down the road where we live!!! Let's hear it for Florida!! the boys and I pick up Dad from work and head home to a HUGE surprise party...see...I was able to keep some of it a surprise!! Kaysha came home from school early, Kyle was home, his MAW volunteers from Orlando were here...his MAW volunteer from here (Memori) and her two children, the TV crew, the newspaper, photographers...what a sight to come home to...all these people in our front yard, balloons everywhere and everybody cheering for Kody!!!

After the "Ribbon Cutting" ceremony it was PLAYTIME FOR ALL!!! All except Mom and Dad {LOL} who had interviews to do and pictures to try and take.

Kody was just the life of the party..posing for pictures, giving his own interviews...HA...can't wait to see that tomorrow!!

As a finishing touch on Kody's Fort..Dad put up a Blue Angels Licence plate he had bought in Jacksonville Beach while we were there a couple of weeks ago right next to the "Kody's Fort" sign...and that just made it perfectly, completely Kody!!

MAW gave Kody a wonderful party...soft tacos and burritos for all..his favorite fast food..Tacobell...lots and lots of Pepsi..his favorite soft drink...and most of all....
Lots and Lots of smiles, laughter, and the most wonderful memories ever!! Kody's wish was to have his own park in his own yard...and he certainly has that now...his own little fort that he calls "My Castle".

From Kody and all the rest of us Kruppenbacher's....
for making Kody's dreams come true!!!

Until next time...please enjoy the new photos and have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



October 27...
Ashley's tumor has doubled it's size and we are all just devestaed over this latest news. She will be having more surgery on November 5th..please pray for Ashley, this surgery is her only hope..her Dr's have told Norine and Al without it the only thing they can do is send her home on hospice.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, November 1, 2003 1:30 PM


Happy Weekend.....OH YEAH...Weekend Happy we go!!!!

As you can guess...the kids had a blast last night! 5 mom's...11 kids...5000 pounds of candy, and just my rotten luck...not one single ALMOND JOY in the whole entire loot!!
LOL...but this quick thinking Mom bought herself a bag before hand...don't tell but it's in the fridge in a bag marked "Broccoli", trust me by the time they find'll be long gone!!
Of course my bathroom scale will be boinking springs but, heck...Halloween comes but once a year, right??

So...I don't know if you guys know this...but we all now have the ability to have our own custom backgrounds on our CB sites...let's hear it for Caring Bridge...way to go guys!!!!!
Get yourselves on out backgrounds and let CB take it from there.
Just go to where it says "more backgrounds" and scroll down to the bottom.

Tuesday is the big day for Kody...his Make-a-Wish playground is coming true!!!
At around 10 AM the man from Ocala Playstations will be here to install it, he is pre-building the base, getting it here on his truck and then adding all the extras once he's here.
Kody's MAW volunteer, Memori, who is AWESOME and very much LOVED in our family will be here around then to help me decorate the house and playstation...also a MAW volunteer from Orlando {Jan} will be here as also our two local newspapers and VNN news station.
When Kody comes home from school at 3:15...he is in for a HUGE surprise because he has no idea what is happening that day so please...shhhhhhhhh....don't tell!!!
We are all so excited...this secret is soooooooo hard to keep!!

This coming up weekend we are leaving for 3 days of family fun at Camp Boggy Creek for "family weekend". Fun stuff for the kids and I was promised "pampering for the parents"...OH YEAH!! Kody, Kaysha an Kolin are really looking forward to this "camping" trip...I on the other hand am not a "happy camper" {LOL}, and if it has to do with roughing it in the great outdoors, well then call me spoiled cuz if it doesn't have A/C and room service I am a total whiney weenie!! :0)
Now...from what I saw of Boggy Creek during Kody's week long stay last's more like "Camp Boggy Creek Country Club"!! Let's just hope that hasn't changed!!

Well guys...hate to sound totally boring today but that's about it for "My Life is a Soap Opera".
As always...thanks for tuning in and please come back again...I'll bring the entertainment and you guys bring the popcorn...and ALMOND JOYS....don't forget the ALMOND JOYS!!! :0) :0) :0)

Have a great go hug someone, quick before they get away!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



October 27...
Ashley's tumor has doubled it's size and we are all just devestaed over this latest news. She will be having more surgery on November 5th..please pray for Ashley, this surgery is her only hope..her Dr's have told Norine and Al without it the only thing they can do is send her home on hospice.



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 8:10 PM


Crank up the volume and do "The Monster Mash"!!

Kody asked me tonight for a "haunted house" web-site theme...and I think I've accomplished that....Kody and I are BIG TIME Halloween fans!!

How about stopping by for a visit in a haunted mansion...this is one of Kody and Kolin's favorites...just click on the skeleton on the chopper and he'll take you straight there..oh, by the way...
Good Luck..we do hope you come back......alive!!!

We hope you all have a SPOOKTACULAR Halloween!

We added some new photos today...hope you like them!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2003 3:10 PM


Sunday, October 26, 2003 10:17 PM

Hello everyone!!!

We're home from the best four days of our life!!!

I'm going to make this short tonight because everyone is exhausted but I must tell you Sandi and Jack Marquis and the entire Blue Angels flight team and crew, the members of the US Navy are by far the most BEAUTIFUL people in the world....and if they are reading this....
As Kody's Mom and Dad...a million thank you's could never be enough for making the dreams of our Kody come true.

I will be updating with every detail of our trip...but just so you can all get an idea...
Friday we were invited to The Mayport Naval Station and onto the hanger with the Angels...something no civilian is allowed to do..we were given the VIP treatment and Kody hung out with ALL the Angels like they have been best buddies their whole lives.

Saturday brought us to the Blue Angels VIP seating section...where we have front row seats!! A spectacular show and a real fun interaction with "Jaxson" the Jacksonville Jaguars Mascot and the US Marines Anphibious team...which also resulted by chance Kody and Kolin photo in the Jacksonville Union Times newspaper!!

Today...we sat on the beach all day and watched the show right over head and were wowed by a special preformance for which the Angels flew directly over him many, many times...preforming what Kody calls "The Wolverine"...I have never, ever in my life seen Kody as happy as I did all weekend..but especially today when the Angels passed right over the ocean in front of him and he stood there..back straight at full attention saluting his heros.
Karl and Kyle both swear they saw the pilot in Jet #1 {Kody calls him The Boss} wave right back.
Talk about tears...there wasn't a dry eye in our family.

I will put in another update tomorrow....enjoy the pic's...we took about 200 this weekend and every one of them came out beautiful...I'll be working on making a page to link to so you can all view was real hard only picking out three tonight.

Oh..and by the way...the new border is one of the pictures from yesterday...we were that close!!!!! :0) :0)

Also...PLEASE pray very hard for Kody's fiance' Ashley...her parents, Norine and Al just found out this past Friday that Ashley's brain tumor has grown by 50 percent over the past 4 weeks...she will be having another brain surgery but hopefully not until after Halloween as that is her favorite holiday {Mine too Ashley!!}...and her family wants her to be able to celebrate with her brother and sister.
They will be talking to her surgeon tomorrow and as soon as I find out anything I will definetly let you all know.
I did talk to Norine tonight and as in the true spirit of Ashley..she is fighting, defying odds and refuses to give up!!
Ashley...You Rock...You Go Girl...We Love You!!!!!!!


Until tomorrow.....

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Sadly...another Angel gets his wings...
Sweet Dreams Angel Jamie.




Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is back in school and doing GREAT!!! She is truly one of God's greatest miracles ande are all so proud of her!!



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:21 PM


Hello All!!!

Just to let you all know we are leaving a day early for our Blue Angel weekend.....

4 days on a warm beach watching the Blue Angels soar above...
Oh yeah...


See you all when we get home....tons of pictures by Monday!!

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is back in school and doing GREAT!!! She is truly one of God's greatest miracles ande are all so proud of her!!



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, October 18, 2003 10:30 AM



Hi everyone...

Just wanted you all to know why I have seemed to be MIA this week...
We found out that our oldest daughter's surgery for her cancer was not a success and that the big "C" is back once again. More biospies were done and as soon as they come back from pathology...she will begin her chemotherapy.
As you can all imagine, Karl and I are devestated and broken once took a few days to all sink in and for all of us to come up with the next "plan of attack"...but we are strong...and this is just another hurdle we need to get past.
We are however, really wanted her to move back home...maybe because in our hearts we are realizing that we need her alot more then she needs us.

Kody is doing GREAT...he really is! Yesterday he was bike on his bike and flying up and down the wobbling, no falling, just a whole lot of laughs and smiles.
Kolin learned how to ride his bike...{Thank you to big brother, Kyle}..and he is just as happy as can be too...wish you all could have seen the 2 of them on the road last night..with me trying my best to way, I am to old and those boys are to fast!!

I've gotten alot of e-mails about the moles/tumor/cancer thing...all I can say is I am contacting professionals on this...I seriously think there is a link and testing AT BIRTH needs to be done..If I have to spend my lie advocating this sure, I will! Please if anyone else out there has info..let me know.

KOdy's Make-a-Wish playground will be here Nov. 4th...10:00 AM, while he is at school..we plan on making it a huge surprise {shhhhhhh, don't tell}..Make-a-Wish, VNN {our local news network}, The Daily Sun and most likey The Daily Commercial will be is going to be so much fun and I can't wait..I really can't!! :0)

Kody's report card came yesterday and WOW..I was really surprised...with all the school he has missed so far this year...he brought home 2 A's and 1 D. Reading and Comp. is a huge problem for him...and as much as I have been trying like crazy to get an IEP meeting set up for extra help or whatever...I have been getting the runaround from the school badly. Seems that what Kody's dr. wrote "Brain tumor, hydrocephlus, illnesses and excessive absenses" are not good enough. Can you believe it? By the time all the steps are taken and the red tape is will be somewhere towards the end of the year which is real bad since when he goes on to the 3rd grade...he will most likely fail all the FCAT reading and comp. tests which are required to pass into the 4th grade..leaving him retained.
Right now he is in the second grade..technically he should be in the third grade but because of so many absenses when he was first diagnosed he repeated the first grade.
Kody is only reading at a 1.5 grade level which broken down means 5 months into the first grade year. At the age of eight..this isn't a good thing which is why I am pushing for some extra help...we do alot with him at home but we are not teachers..there is only so much we can do.
Not to mention...his at home time should be spent with lots of playing and having outdoor fun...that's my opinion anyway since there is no "recess" at school and P.E. only once a week.

We have noticed that Kody still writes his letters and numbers backwards, reads backwards, reads words but doesn't "get" what he's read...classic signs of dyslexia...but the school refuses to test him and so this week I am insisting that he gets to see a neurologist at Shands. He's never seen one...only his Neurosurgeon and from what I've heard from other parents..he really should have a Neurologist too.

Well..this Friday is Kody's BIG day...Blue Angel day!!! And thank you too...Sandi and the Navy Blue Angels for seeing to it that we get to spend 3 wonderful, relazing, very much needed days on Jacksonville Beach spending time as a family...meeting the pilots, having tons of pictures taken...watching those Blue Angels soar above us...and pretty much having the time of our lives..the excitement is defintely flowing around this let's just all hope the Yankees win quickly so we don't miss any games!! :0)

I'm still leaving the info. up for the IP trackers incase any more of you need the info. Please do not hesitate to contact Chris, Amie or I...we want every family to have one of these...especially those plaqued by idiots in guestbooks. e can do it for you or talk you through it..we are NEVER to busy to help a friend!!
Info. below.......

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site

Well..that about does it for this weekends update...please I ask you all to pray for our daughter, Karyelle.
Thank you!

~*~*~God Bless You All~*~*~

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is back in school and doing GREAT!!! She is truly one of God's greatest miracles ande are all so proud of her!!



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, October 13, 2003 9:24 PM CDT

For anyone thinking about leaving an annoymous or snide message on this site...

You may want to reconsider.

Kim just finished setting up up an IP Tracker for her site - so that anyone who looks at the site registers with the tracker. IP addresses are powerful little creatures. With an IP, you will be tracked down to where you live and will be turned over to your service provider, and your account will be terminated, if not criminal charges pressed.

To any family who wants an IP tracker on their site, get in touch with Kim, myself or Amie and we'll direct you to the site that'll help you out, and walk you through the steps to make sure it works on your site. Our mission is for every caringbridge site to have this in place.

~ Email Chris/Amie ~

~ Gooch's Site

Monday, October 13, 2003 10:24 PM


Hello everyone...

Just a quick update tonight as the big game is on and I am completey going crazy in the 7th inning stretch..come on Yankees..don't quit on us now!! you can se by the new picture in front..KODY IS BACK ON HIS BOARD!!!!!
This afternoon I saw him buckle on his helmet, grab his board and head out the heart completely skipped a beat and as always..I beat feet with the camera...more photos in the photo page.
Though is is starting out slow...he did great...even doing some tricks off his ramp. No doubt by this time next month, he will be back to the old Sk8er Boy we all love once again.

As for his eye surgery..well...he has not seen double in over a week!!! He is getting more and more coordinated everyday and his Dr. wants to see him again on November 18th. You can see his eye still looks a little swollen and that will go down. was towards the end of the day and after being in schol all day.he tends to get tired and it does still sometimes droop. Not anything like before though. The redness is almost gone which is record time...since we were told it could be there for a couple of months. All in all..I would say this surgery was a complete success and I am confident that his brain is taking over and is working real hard to get his eye at 100 percent again.

I have gotten hold of some very interseting information about brain tumor kids...I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but I have heard lately about "moles" and tumors being related.
Let me explain for a minute...Kody was born with a "mole" or a "nimus" on his was biopsyed when he was about 3 or 4 months old and the results came back normal, just extra fatty cells under the skin.
From what I've been hearing is that our kids with brain tumors also have {well many of them do anyway} a history of these "moles"..generally on their backs at birth.
One Mom who had her son looked at by a genetics dr. was told by the dr. that skin and the brain develop at the same time..or sometimg like that..and that these "moles" are actually a sign of things to come, in some cases.
I was wondering if any parents who have a situation like this...could you contact me through e-mail..I am very interested in this and feel that if there is a link then testing at birth needs to be done. I will advocate myself like crazy for this...Kody could have actaully had this tumor since birth and it took 6 years for it to grow the size it did before it gave us problems enough to discover it.
The weird thing is that till this day..Kody still gets alot of these little "beauty marks" popping up..our other kids don't have maybe there really is a connection.

Starting tomorrow Kodys site should be back up and running as normal...I am sure you all realize why we had to password protect and I thank you all for your patience and for still coming back to check on Kody.
Well..I have a new guestbook which I will be linking Kody's site to in the morning...this one can track and ban IP addresses from coming in and so much more. This is much better security for us, believe me...and it will give me the proof that I need if need be.
I'll be saving and then deleting Kody's CB guestbook and I'll be sure to leave the new link to his new guestbook on the top and on the bottom..and most likey somewhere in-between till you all get used to it.
Please don't let this stop you from signing his book...I just had to do this for the one "bad apple".

Well..with that I am going to go and root those Yankees's the 8th inning right now and they look like they need all the cheering they can get!! :0)

11 more days till Kody meets his "BLUE ANGELS"..the excitement is building up big time!!

~*~*~God Bless You All~*~*~

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



Please keep Cheyenne in your prayers as she begins her next round of chemo., this one much stronger then the last.



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)


Rachel Joy and Mom have just come back home from a "gypsy trip" through California..visiting family and friends..RachelJoy handled the trip beautifully!!



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is back in school and doing GREAT!!! She is truly one of God's greatest miracles ande are all so proud of her!!



***Latest Update***
Michael is holding his own and doing well...
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Lukes latest MRI is GREAT! No change form the last MRI when he finished up his radiation at St. Judes...what wonderful news!!!!

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Please stop by Ashley's site today and wish Kody's future Daddy-in-Law a Very Happy 42nd Birthday!!!

Friday, October 10, 2003 3:07 PM


Hello everyone!!

Thought I'd update real quick since Caring Bridge is going down tomorrow while they change servers...I'm hoping this will mean good things are on their way! I'm also hoping it doesn't take the 3 days they say to update again...but if it does, I hope you all have a wonderful, happy and very safe long weekend.

Today the kids had no school..but they do on Monday {go figure?} so as a little treat..I thought I'd take them to the park for an hour or so.
UGH...well, that was about a disaster in the making. Seems that there were a family of trouble makers {no, not mine..though it would be hard to tell by picture #2 on the photo page!!} there. these boys about Kolin age on up to I'd say 11 or so saw that Kody was having a hard time keeping up with others and hadn't the sense of balance like his brother and sister..{who were more then willing to slow down and wait for him}, they decided that a little picking on was in order.
Not only was seeing Kody struggle at keeping up killing me and breaking my heart but nothing can compare with what happened next.
Unfortunetly for them..what they hadn't expected was the family they were picking on was mine and as always when one is in trouble they all came together as one when they saw Kody was the butt of their cruel jokes...and threats! Yes..they were crowding up around him to hit him..can you believe it? Well...I jumped...I mean I flew over there just in time to see Kody's fist go flying right smack at this 11 year old would never say that fighting is OK...but I have taught them self-defence is. However...this is only a week and a half after eye surgery and the last thing Kody needs is to get into a fist fight with a bunch of bullies. BTW..there were about 6 boys to my 3 kids.
Well..anyway, to make a long story short...Kody missed..but Kolin didn't...Kaysha didn't either...and when this one boy went to go hit Kaysha back..Kody got in the last swing and...{LOL}...he did not miss that time.
Last thing out of Kodys mouth was "I'll beat your BLEEP if you ever hit my sister again!"
OK....then we went home. The new pictures..I know..look like kids having fun at a park..well, they were taken before the commotion. :0)
This is just one more reason why I can't wait until Kody's Make-a-Wish playground is here and I can peacefuly watch them play all day long in the saftey of their own yard.

Quick warning...a few weeks back I had posted a warning about "Princess Nicole" a/k/a "Jamie" a/k/a "Jessica Thomas"..the phoney scam artist who lurks around Caring Bridge making mockerys of sick children and especially those who have recently earned their wings. Not that she has ever said anything threatening in any way...she just "pretends" to be sick/diabled/or a Mother of a sick child. She often leaves inappropriate, sometimes disturbing messages in guestbooks. Please just be aware...she has created for herself another CB site. Who knows how long this one will last as she already knows she's been caught. But if you all want to see her style and get her e-mail so you can be aware if she happens to sign your guestbook...this is the link...

Well..thats about it around here, so until Caring Bridge is back to business...I bid you all a most relaxing three day weekend!!

Thank you all for coming back...

~*~*~God Bless You All~*~*~

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:00 PM

Dear God...

We need to talk....

I know there's been quite a bit of religion bashing on the web lately and so I am hoping that I won't catch any slack from anyone today as I try my best to communicate with you in my best Catholic faith.

I'm sure You already know...I try to live my life by the 10 Commandments and also by the "Golden Rule". I've raised my children...those 6 precious gifts that you have given me that way. Ask any of them, from the oldest to the youngest "What is the golden rule?" and they will say "Treat others the way you want to be treated".

I know exactly what You must be thinking right about now..."Why don't you come visit me, you in the physical sense..on Sundays?"
Well..I honestly don't have an answer. I can't lie to You, I have to admit..I don't know.
Maybe because when I pray I have that tendency to cry and I don't want anyone to know how badly I hurt. I pray to You everyday..sometimes several times a day..You know that. Everyday I thank You for giving me another day with my husband and children and at the end of every prayer You know what always comes last..."Please Lord, give me one more day".

Sometimes I share something that's happened that "Did You see Kolin's smile when he lost his first tooth?", "Did You see how hurt Kaysha was when she didn't win student councel?" It sure seems that every day I apoligize for taking up so much of Your time when there are so many families out there who need to speak with You with more important issues. Still..I always find subtle ways that You hear me, You are really listening and most of all...You really do care.

Lord..I ask myself 100 times a day, at least.."Why have You chosen particular, Kody to travel this journey?"
Why must my baby suffer, why should he hurt, miss school so much, not do what his friends are doing, be treated differently?
Why must his Dad and I be made to watch our son as he goes through this horrible disease chosen for him. We have seen him go through 3 big surgeries in 20 months...more MRI's and CT Scans then we can count, good news one month, bad news the next...still, Kody keeps smiling and in order for him not to see our tears...we keep smiling right along with him.
It's only after he and his siblings are safely tucked in bed do our tears flow.

I have often wondered to myself..."Why would You give me this perfect little boy, only to take him back way sooner then we had ever planned?"..are You really going to let that happen...please, please tell me "No".

Lord...You know as Kodys parents, we would take his place in a heartbeat. Make us suffer...we deserve it, not him.
We are the ones who have done stupid things..made mistakes..have not lived up to Your rules from time to time. Though we try our best, to be the best parents our children deserve..we are human and we make mistakes from time to time. Still...I hardly believe we have done anything worthy of the heartache and desperation these two words have given us...Brain Tumor. Two simple words..yet used in the same sentence with our childs name is so sickeningly horrible.

Still...we have overcome the shock of it all and realize that on January 8, 2002 our lives as we once new them will never be the same.
We have tried to remain positive...putting everything into Your hands and You have shown us that You have a very special plan for us and for Kody.

I have seen the magic of Kody this past year and a half. I have seen our small community suddenly seem very large...especially in their hearts. I have seen children we don't even know come up to him and us with a hug. I've seen parents tell us WE have made them better parents. Everywhere he goes...he spreads love and hope of a new tomorrow. His beautiful big brown eyes could melt the heart of a snowman and his smile charm the heart of a big, tattooed biker.

I suppose I do know why You chose could you not? When people look at Kody, they do not see a child dying..they see a child full of life, laughing, smiling, loving and taking on the world and all it has to offer.
I see a child who dreams big...why not, is there any other way to dream?
I see a child who cries upon hearing that another child hurts, in any way.
I see a child who is not afraid of challenges...who wants to be just like his Daddy...who loves all his brothers, sisters and niece with all his heart.
I see a child who is a self-proclaimed "Mommy's Boy...and proud of it!!" :0)

Though I question You at times, I cuss You at times, I get so mad, so confused, so angry and so desperate...You always forgive me, and I know this because of the people..the have sent my way. My dear friends...most of whom I have never met in my life, I may never meet...yet somehow they come to me on Kodys site at exactly the right time..when I am at a low that nobody except me knows about. They give me encouragement and support and we just click like we have been friends all our lives...I thank You for that.

I Thank You for sweet memories...I Thank You for Karl...23 years ago on January 10, 1980 we walked into each others lives and into each others hearts. He is my sounding best worst absolute soulmate. Twenty three years ago on April 19th 1980 we vowed our love for one another in front of 100 friends and family. How ironic that the biggest joke at our wedding was how we would never last 6 months. Thank You for the opportunity to laugh right back into their faces as they bounce from relationship to relationship...never seeming to find the right person. The right person was probably already there...but unlike gave Karl and I the gift of patience, of devotion, and of eternity. You gave us the gift of working hard, having fun, and never, ever giving up.

You have also blessed us with the gift of having two very big, loud mouths...and we do use them from time to time. Sometimes the stress builds up so thick and so ugly...sometimes the bills are high..the paycheck is low and sometimes we yell, scream and holler. Sometimes we give each other the "silent treatment". Sometimes we don't think we can handle any more bad news...yet we still do and we know we have to deal with it. the end of every argument...when the tears are almost gone and the desperation subsides...I will always hear coming from our living room, our wedding song playing and the man I love standing there wanting so bad to make things "right" again. And so we dance, we hold each other close, I wipe my red, runny, cry-baby nose on his t-shirt and always he will whisper in my ear "Kim, it's OK...we are going to be OK"..and Lord, do You know what?...I believe him...I really do.

As I looked at our son sleeping off the drugs from yesterday's surgery...he looked so small all curled up into a little ball, so helpless. I happened to glance at his medical records that were laying on a table beside us and my stomache was much paper, so many notes and so many times the words "brainstem glioma" written on them in big, bold letters. So many pieces of paper all about Kody and when I mentioned it to Karl..his words to me "Kim, it's OK...without Kody all those pieces of paper mean nothing." It was then that I realized how he was gently rubbing Kodys back, his soft head and his arm, especially Kody's forearm where just before they wheeled him into the O.R., Karl had written "Live to Ride" on it in medical marker.

I saw him get the attention of EVERY nurse that walked by just to say to them "Isn't he beautiful? He's been through so much in his life. He's so strong, can you see it? He's a fighter...just like his Dad"
Lord...I have never seen such love for child then I saw right then and there. And I will keep that memory in my heart forever.

Thank You Lord for hearing me out today...I know I got long winded again, but there were just a few things I wanted You to know. There were many questions I had and there were alot of things I wanted to Thank You for...I never want You to believe that these things go by un-noticed.

Everyday that goes by and I still have the family I love with me I Thank You for and everyday that goes by I only ask for two more things...a cure for all the children and of more day.

Love always...


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.


~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~




Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



CONGRATULATION'S go out to Cheyenne who is ended her radiation treatments and is turning 12 this week..please stop by and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY..and CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Cheyenne!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



RachelJoy has been doing much better since her g-tube was put in..not so great for her poor Momthough who's rib got broken trying to hold her while it was put in...:0(. Stephanie loves her sweet baby so much though....she just takes it in stride. RachelJoy...when I say your strong...I guess I really meant it! :0)



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is fighting everyday to get stronger...I'll be calling her Mom for updates so be sure to check in on her site.



***No updates since August..I'll be e-mailing Michael's Aunt later on***
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is at the end of September, his family will be traveling from Florida back to St. Judes...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Wednesday, October 8, 2003 10:00 PM

~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us briefly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~



Hello everyone...

Welcome back..we are so happy you found your way here once again!

First..please just let me say..I am truly sorry for the inconvenience...password protecting Kody's site was something we were hoping not to have to do...but we had evil spreading it's way around Kody's guestbook and in order to protect not only our family but every family who comes on Kody's page...we had no other choice. It was either that, or no guestbook at all. I choose rather to spend hours and hours looking up, copying e-mails, trying my best to get the new information to every person who has signed in on Kody's page.
I am totaly stumped at 3 people though and I am hoping that someone out there can help.

Three of Kody's biggest fans are Debbie Nagy, Sheila from NY and Rose from Brazil...none have ever left an e-mail and I am on a desperate search to find them
Can anybody help?...I would really appreciate it.

I know there are people whom I haven't gotten to yet...PLEASE do not give Kodys info. out...if you are asked, please pass on the info. to us and we will work it out. I am scared to death that this person...will use a phoney e-mail and sob story to try to get to us.
We have reason to believe he is doing such things as we speak.

Now then..about this person...and I will only give him but 2 minutes of my time right now, because he is so not worth a fleeting moment of my time...but I do feel I owe an explanation.
This has been going on for almost a year...about 3 times a week. Each entry getting more sick, ridiculous and twisted then the last. It was causing alot of hurt and stress in an already stressed out house.
The name of this monster is Kevin Kruppenbacher and he lives in New York..he is Karl's brother and Kody's own Uncle. Thank God Karl and he are complete opposites...and I know this is obvious.
I have known Kevin for at least 25 years..he is not a kid..he is about 38 years old {I think} and he has been this way his whole life. So really, nothing he can do or say really surprises any of us.

As of yesterday I did contact NY police who told me to contact my local PD...I called the Lake County Sheriff Office and they did come out and I filled out a report. Other then that..they didn't want to see any of his messages and basically told me that "unless he actually threatens you or your childrens life or does something physical to any of you...there is nothing that can be done"
They advised me to write him a polite e-mail telling him to stop his entries, that I had contacted and filled out a police report and that if he persists we will be pressing charges.
Well..I did exactly that and about 20 minutes later...I got an e-mail from dear old Uncle Kevin...I won't print out the e-mail here but he did mention in no uncertain terms that he wishes cancer and death to everyone in my family.

Now that I know we have done our part to stop him, Karl and I feel it's time to let it go and let him hang himself.
We have done everything legally possible and right now in order to keep our sanity we will not hold hate in our hearts..instead we choose to let God deal with the things he's done. We can stand tall and proud. Someday when it is our time to meet our Maker..we know there will be a spot in Heaven for us to reunite as family once again. Until then..we refuse to let him ruin our lives and threaten our family.
And in order not to taint Kodys guestbook, I'll be taking that one last message off tonight.

OK..enough of that and on to better things...

Kody's post-op appointment was yesterday and we came out with great news {did you have a doubt??!!}
Kody's eye is healing signs of nerve the droopyness is due to the fact that he favors keeping that eye shut.
We got some drops to help with that..he keeps it closed because it is scratchy and feels better shut. Now he puts artifical tears in and he feels great. The stitches will dissolve by themselves and his eye will start to fall right back into place..right now it turns in...but that is because when the stitches dissolve the eye will naturally float back to the middle where it belongs.
We go back for another re-check in 6 weeks and hopefully the Dr. can tell if Kody's brain has adapted to the surgery and if it will be a success.

Looks like Kody's Make-a-Wish playstation will be arriving the first week of November..we are so excited but....IT'S A don't tell!! Shhhhhhhh!!!
It will be here on a weekday...and all set up while Kody is at the time he gets home.we will have our newspaper and local TV news station here {who will be filming all day} sisters, brothers, Dad and Mom, Make-a-Wish people, especailly Memori..our new and most loved volunteer ever!!...and when Kody comes home from school..he will be walking into all of this..sounds like so much fun, doesn't it?

Our Blue Angel airshow is coming up the last weekend of this month..and Kody is buzzing with excitement!! I had gotten a phone call as soon as we walked in the door yesterday from Cheif Victor Brabble of the US Navy Blue Angels and he was sending out VIP passes for he will be there to personally make sure Kody has the time of his life meeting the pilots, autographs, pictures, watching the practice and of course the next day...watching all that hard work get put together at that air show. All this and a hotel room on the beach {Jacksonville Beach, Florida}...We have never been treated with such royalty ever!!!
Can you tell I'm just a little excited??!!
A BIG thank you to Sandi for making this all possible..WE LOVE YOU SANDI!!!!

Well...I promised myself I wouldn't get long winded again tonight and it looks like I've done just that again!!

Thank you all for coming back again..for the incredible guestbook entries, for the support and the encouragement...not only for our family, but for all the other Caring Bridge families that you follow through Kody's Story.

~*~*~God Bless You All~*~*~

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:00 PM

Dear God...

We need to talk....

I know there's been quite a bit of religion bashing on the web lately and so I am hoping that I won't catch any slack from anyone today as I try my best to communicate with you in my best Catholic faith.

I'm sure You already know...I try to live my life by the 10 Commandments and also by the "Golden Rule". I've raised my children...those 6 precious gifts that you have given me that way. Ask any of them, from the oldest to the youngest "What is the golden rule?" and they will say "Treat others the way you want to be treated".

I know exactly what You must be thinking right about now..."Why don't you come visit me, you in the physical sense..on Sundays?"
Well..I honestly don't have an answer. I can't lie to You, I have to admit..I don't know.
Maybe because when I pray I have that tendency to cry and I don't want anyone to know how badly I hurt. I pray to You everyday..sometimes several times a day..You know that. Everyday I thank You for giving me another day with my husband and children and at the end of every prayer You know what always comes last..."Please Lord, give me one more day".

Sometimes I share something that's happened that "Did You see Kolin's smile when he lost his first tooth?", "Did You see how hurt Kaysha was when she didn't win student councel?" It sure seems that every day I apoligize for taking up so much of Your time when there are so many families out there who need to speak with You with more important issues. Still..I always find subtle ways that You hear me, You are really listening and most of all...You really do care.

Lord..I ask myself 100 times a day, at least.."Why have You chosen particular, Kody to travel this journey?"
Why must my baby suffer, why should he hurt, miss school so much, not do what his friends are doing, be treated differently?
Why must his Dad and I be made to watch our son as he goes through this horrible disease chosen for him. We have seen him go through 3 big surgeries in 20 months...more MRI's and CT Scans then we can count, good news one month, bad news the next...still, Kody keeps smiling and in order for him not to see our tears...we keep smiling right along with him.
It's only after he and his siblings are safely tucked in bed do our tears flow.

I have often wondered to myself..."Why would You give me this perfect little boy, only to take him back way sooner then we had ever planned?"..are You really going to let that happen...please, please tell me "No".

Lord...You know as Kodys parents, we would take his place in a heartbeat. Make us suffer...we deserve it, not him.
We are the ones who have done stupid things..made mistakes..have not lived up to Your rules from time to time. Though we try our best, to be the best parents our children deserve..we are human and we make mistakes from time to time. Still...I hardly believe we have done anything worthy of the heartache and desperation these two words have given us...Brain Tumor. Two simple words..yet used in the same sentence with our childs name is so sickeningly horrible.

Still...we have overcome the shock of it all and realize that on January 8, 2002 our lives as we once new them will never be the same.
We have tried to remain positive...putting everything into Your hands and You have shown us that You have a very special plan for us and for Kody.

I have seen the magic of Kody this past year and a half. I have seen our small community suddenly seem very large...especially in their hearts. I have seen children we don't even know come up to him and us with a hug. I've seen parents tell us WE have made them better parents. Everywhere he goes...he spreads love and hope of a new tomorrow. His beautiful big brown eyes could melt the heart of a snowman and his smile charm the heart of a big, tattooed biker.

I suppose I do know why You chose could you not? When people look at Kody, they do not see a child dying..they see a child full of life, laughing, smiling, loving and taking on the world and all it has to offer.
I see a child who dreams big...why not, is there any other way to dream?
I see a child who cries upon hearing that another child hurts, in any way.
I see a child who is not afraid of challenges...who wants to be just like his Daddy...who loves all his brothers, sisters and niece with all his heart.
I see a child who is a self-proclaimed "Mommy's Boy...and proud of it!!" :0)

Though I question You at times, I cuss You at times, I get so mad, so confused, so angry and so desperate...You always forgive me, and I know this because of the people..the have sent my way. My dear friends...most of whom I have never met in my life, I may never meet...yet somehow they come to me on Kodys site at exactly the right time..when I am at a low that nobody except me knows about. They give me encouragement and support and we just click like we have been friends all our lives...I thank You for that.

I Thank You for sweet memories...I Thank You for Karl...23 years ago on January 10, 1980 we walked into each others lives and into each others hearts. He is my sounding best worst absolute soulmate. Twenty three years ago on April 19th 1980 we vowed our love for one another in front of 100 friends and family. How ironic that the biggest joke at our wedding was how we would never last 6 months. Thank You for the opportunity to laugh right back into their faces as they bounce from relationship to relationship...never seeming to find the right person. The right person was probably already there...but unlike gave Karl and I the gift of patience, of devotion, and of eternity. You gave us the gift of working hard, having fun, and never, ever giving up.

You have also blessed us with the gift of having two very big, loud mouths...and we do use them from time to time. Sometimes the stress builds up so thick and so ugly...sometimes the bills are high..the paycheck is low and sometimes we yell, scream and holler. Sometimes we give each other the "silent treatment". Sometimes we don't think we can handle any more bad news...yet we still do and we know we have to deal with it. the end of every argument...when the tears are almost gone and the desperation subsides...I will always hear coming from our living room, our wedding song playing and the man I love standing there wanting so bad to make things "right" again. And so we dance, we hold each other close, I wipe my red, runny, cry-baby nose on his t-shirt and always he will whisper in my ear "Kim, it's OK...we are going to be OK"..and Lord, do You know what?...I believe him...I really do.

As I looked at our son sleeping off the drugs from yesterday's surgery...he looked so small all curled up into a little ball, so helpless. I happened to glance at his medical records that were laying on a table beside us and my stomache was much paper, so many notes and so many times the words "brainstem glioma" written on them in big, bold letters. So many pieces of paper all about Kody and when I mentioned it to Karl..his words to me "Kim, it's OK...without Kody all those pieces of paper mean nothing." It was then that I realized how he was gently rubbing Kodys back, his soft head and his arm, especially Kody's forearm where just before they wheeled him into the O.R., Karl had written "Live to Ride" on it in medical marker.

I saw him get the attention of EVERY nurse that walked by just to say to them "Isn't he beautiful? He's been through so much in his life. He's so strong, can you see it? He's a fighter...just like his Dad"
Lord...I have never seen such love for child then I saw right then and there. And I will keep that memory in my heart forever.

Thank You Lord for hearing me out today...I know I got long winded again, but there were just a few things I wanted You to know. There were many questions I had and there were alot of things I wanted to Thank You for...I never want You to believe that these things go by un-noticed.

Everyday that goes by and I still have the family I love with me I Thank You for and everyday that goes by I only ask for two more things...a cure for all the children and of more day.

Love always...


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Angel Wings~Heaven Sings
Sweet dreams beautiful Marissa...may Heaven be stocked full of Chinese buffet and lots and lots of mushrooms...all there for you as you glide from cloud to cloud on the back of a majestic purple horse.




Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



CONGRATULATION'S go out to Cheyenne who is ended her radiation treatments and is turning 12 this week..please stop by and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY..and CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Cheyenne!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



RachelJoy has been doing much better since her g-tube was put in..not so great for her poor Momthough who's rib got broken trying to hold her while it was put in...:0(. Stephanie loves her sweet baby so much though....she just takes it in stride. RachelJoy...when I say your strong...I guess I really meant it! :0)



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is fighting everyday to get stronger...I'll be calling her Mom for updates so be sure to check in on her site.



***No updates since August..I'll be e-mailing Michael's Aunt later on***
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is at the end of September, his family will be traveling from Florida back to St. Judes...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Tuesday, October 7, 2003 6:55 AM

~*~A life so young released to Heaven...
left on Earth we wonder why?
But some are sent among us breifly.
Some have spirits meant to fly.~*~


Monday, October 6, 2003 10:58 PM

Hello all...

First of all I would like to thank all of you who stood up and were not afraid or embarrassed to come to our defense in respects to yesterdays guestbook entry.
You are all true friends...and I thank you.
That being that I won't give the old screwball another minute of my attention...I've got better things to do.

Kody and I are mega-huge NY Yankee fans {we are all from NY originally}, we thought this new border would be fitting as the Yankees are heading towards the World Series once again...

We are headed back to the hospital early tomorrow morning for Kody's post-op appointment.
He went back to school today and did real well. Though I did have to go around lunchtime and squeeze some medicine into his eye which was burning, blurry and making him see double. I ended up staying and having lunch with him and tough as nails as he is..he went back to finish up his day with no problems at all.
Over the weekend I've noticed the right side of his face "drooping" and he really seems to favor keeping that eye closed...he says it feels better but I really think he's got to open it more...he opens it to make me happy...and as soon as I turn around, he shuts it again! Gotta love him..he knows what he likes!!

Please take a moment to visit Baby Noah's Mom and of this mornings update..they were desperatly trying to find it within themselves to let go of their baby. The journal entries are so heartbreaking....


Thank you for all the feedback on my letter to God...
I started out just wanting to update...but it was one of those days, lots of thinking and reflecting going on. Lots of worrying, sadness, hurt, anger and joy all mixed into one gigantic need to get it all out.
My hands just seem to glide over the keys and the words are from my heart. Nobody can ever really realize the blessings in your life until one dark day...all the things you love and take for granted are taken away.
Life does go on..but never in the way that you once knew it.
There is not a parent in the world, anywhere who would ever ask to have their childs name and cancer in the same sentence..yet some of us have to..we have to say it, feel it, live it every single day of our lives.
It's the first thing we think of when we wake's the last thing we think of as we fall asleep.
It comes to us in our dreams/ never goes away...never. you get ready to head to bed yourselves...take a moment, look in on your kids. It doesn't matter if they are babies or teenagers.
See how peaceful they are asleep?...Kiss their cheek, tell them you love them. Cherish every moment of their being. They are gifts from God.

Have a peaceful night and a wonderful day tomorrow...

Wednesday, October 1, 2003 11:00 PM

Dear God...

We need to talk....

I know there's been quite a bit of religion bashing on the web lately and so I am hoping that I won't catch any slack from anyone today as I try my best to communicate with you in my best Catholic faith.

I'm sure You already know...I try to live my life by the 10 Commandments and also by the "Golden Rule". I've raised my children...those 6 precious gifts that you have given me that way. Ask any of them, from the oldest to the youngest "What is the golden rule?" and they will say "Treat others the way you want to be treated".

I know exactly what You must be thinking right about now..."Why don't you come visit me, you in the physical sense..on Sundays?"
Well..I honestly don't have an answer. I can't lie to You, I have to admit..I don't know.
Maybe because when I pray I have that tendency to cry and I don't want anyone to know how badly I hurt. I pray to You everyday..sometimes several times a day..You know that. Everyday I thank You for giving me another day with my husband and children and at the end of every prayer You know what always comes last..."Please Lord, give me one more day".

Sometimes I share something that's happened that "Did You see Kolin's smile when he lost his first tooth?", "Did You see how hurt Kaysha was when she didn't win student councel?" It sure seems that every day I apoligize for taking up so much of Your time when there are so many families out there who need to speak with You with more important issues. Still..I always find subtle ways that You hear me, You are really listening and most of all...You really do care.

Lord..I ask myself 100 times a day, at least.."Why have You chosen particular, Kody to travel this journey?"
Why must my baby suffer, why should he hurt, miss school so much, not do what his friends are doing, be treated differently?
Why must his Dad and I be made to watch our son as he goes through this horrible disease chosen for him. We have seen him go through 3 big surgeries in 20 months...more MRI's and CT Scans then we can count, good news one month, bad news the next...still, Kody keeps smiling and in order for him not to see our tears...we keep smiling right along with him.
It's only after he and his siblings are safely tucked in bed do our tears flow.

I have often wondered to myself..."Why would You give me this perfect little boy, only to take him back way sooner then we had ever planned?"..are You really going to let that happen...please, please tell me "No".

Lord...You know as Kodys parents, we would take his place in a heartbeat. Make us suffer...we deserve it, not him.
We are the ones who have done stupid things..made mistakes..have not lived up to Your rules from time to time. Though we try our best, to be the best parents our children deserve..we are human and we make mistakes from time to time. Still...I hardly believe we have done anything worthy of the heartache and desperation these two words have given us...Brain Tumor. Two simple words..yet used in the same sentence with our childs name is so sickeningly horrible.

Still...we have overcome the shock of it all and realize that on January 8, 2002 our lives as we once new them will never be the same.
We have tried to remain positive...putting everything into Your hands and You have shown us that You have a very special plan for us and for Kody.

I have seen the magic of Kody this past year and a half. I have seen our small community suddenly seem very large...especially in their hearts. I have seen children we don't even know come up to him and us with a hug. I've seen parents tell us WE have made them better parents. Everywhere he goes...he spreads love and hope of a new tomorrow. His beautiful big brown eyes could melt the heart of a snowman and his smile charm the heart of a big, tattooed biker.

I suppose I do know why You chose could you not? When people look at Kody, they do not see a child dying..they see a child full of life, laughing, smiling, loving and taking on the world and all it has to offer.
I see a child who dreams big...why not, is there any other way to dream?
I see a child who cries upon hearing that another child hurts, in any way.
I see a child who is not afraid of challenges...who wants to be just like his Daddy...who loves all his brothers, sisters and niece with all his heart.
I see a child who is a self-proclaimed "Mommy's Boy...and proud of it!!" :0)

Though I question You at times, I cuss You at times, I get so mad, so confused, so angry and so desperate...You always forgive me, and I know this because of the people..the have sent my way. My dear friends...most of whom I have never met in my life, I may never meet...yet somehow they come to me on Kodys site at exactly the right time..when I am at a low that nobody except me knows about. They give me encouragement and support and we just click like we have been friends all our lives...I thank You for that.

I Thank You for sweet memories...I Thank You for Karl...23 years ago on January 10, 1980 we walked into each others lives and into each others hearts. He is my sounding best worst absolute soulmate. Twenty three years ago on April 19th 1980 we vowed our love for one another in front of 100 friends and family. How ironic that the biggest joke at our wedding was how we would never last 6 months. Thank You for the opportunity to laugh right back into their faces as they bounce from relationship to relationship...never seeming to find the right person. The right person was probably already there...but unlike gave Karl and I the gift of patience, of devotion, and of eternity. You gave us the gift of working hard, having fun, and never, ever giving up.

You have also blessed us with the gift of having two very big, loud mouths...and we do use them from time to time. Sometimes the stress builds up so thick and so ugly...sometimes the bills are high..the paycheck is low and sometimes we yell, scream and holler. Sometimes we give each other the "silent treatment". Sometimes we don't think we can handle any more bad news...yet we still do and we know we have to deal with it. the end of every argument...when the tears are almost gone and the desperation subsides...I will always hear coming from our living room, our wedding song playing and the man I love standing there wanting so bad to make things "right" again. And so we dance, we hold each other close, I wipe my red, runny, cry-baby nose on his t-shirt and always he will whisper in my ear "Kim, it's OK...we are going to be OK"..and Lord, do You know what?...I believe him...I really do.

As I looked at our son sleeping off the drugs from yesterday's surgery...he looked so small all curled up into a little ball, so helpless. I happened to glance at his medical records that were laying on a table beside us and my stomache was much paper, so many notes and so many times the words "brainstem glioma" written on them in big, bold letters. So many pieces of paper all about Kody and when I mentioned it to Karl..his words to me "Kim, it's OK...without Kody all those pieces of paper mean nothing." It was then that I realized how he was gently rubbing Kodys back, his soft head and his arm, especially Kody's forearm where just before they wheeled him into the O.R., Karl had written "Live to Ride" on it in medical marker.

I saw him get the attention of EVERY nurse that walked by just to say to them "Isn't he beautiful? He's been through so much in his life. He's so strong, can you see it? He's a fighter...just like his Dad"
Lord...I have never seen such love for child then I saw right then and there. And I will keep that memory in my heart forever.

Thank You Lord for hearing me out today...I know I got long winded again, but there were just a few things I wanted You to know. There were many questions I had and there were alot of things I wanted to Thank You for...I never want You to believe that these things go by un-noticed.

Everyday that goes by and I still have the family I love with me I Thank You for and everyday that goes by I only ask for two more things...a cure for all the children and of more day.

Love always...


Great news...Kody's 255 Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! See photos on Kody's photo page!!
Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the others as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Saturday, September 20th...

It is with great sadness that I must tell you all that at 4 o'clock this after noon, beautiful Marissa has become Heaven's newest Angel...


Also..Baby Noah is back in the PICU today.
9/30 update...
Noah is on life support! Please pray for this sweet little baby. :0(


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



CONGRATULATION'S go out to Cheyenne who is ended her radiation treatments and is turning 12 this week..please stop by and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY..and CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Cheyenne!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



RachelJoy has been doing much better since her g-tube was put in..not so great for her poor Momthough who's rib got broken trying to hold her while it was put in...:0(. Stephanie loves her sweet baby so much though....she just takes it in stride. RachelJoy...when I say your strong...I guess I really meant it! :0)



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is fighting everyday to get stronger...I'll be calling her Mom for updates so be sure to check in on her site.



***No updates since August..I'll be e-mailing Michael's Aunt later on***
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is at the end of September, his family will be traveling from Florida back to St. Judes...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Tuesday, September 30th...8:05 PM

Hi everyone!!
Just a quick update to let you all know that Kody's surgery went as smooth as could be baby kicked butt once again!! :0)
Though he was feeling a little antsy/nervous..he was given a pre-op dose of good old fashioned "Goofy Juice"!!
Well...15 minutes later he was a HUGE GOOF!!! Gassing up that whoopie cushion he brought {much to everyones surprise who happened to walk by or check on him!!), belting out tunes with Dad...and I do mean belting out some tunes...Adam Sandlers Chanukah song {I wish you could have all seen Dr. Levines face, Kodys eye dr., he was hysterical!)..then of course he and Dad got totally into The Turtles {think oldies here!} "So Happy Together". He had the whole place just laughing, and was even commented on "There's ALWAYS one family....", HA..HA...Daddy and Kody live to hear that!!, after a while, we find out that Kody would be wheeled into the O.R. promptly..well, prompty didn't seem to be happening..turns out the Dr's and nurses were all in the O.R. checking out Kody's web-site!!
Finally..they start wheeling "Mr. Higher Than A Kite" in {still singing mind you} and the nurse accidently bumps his bed into the which the last thing we heard was Kody say " that again and I'll get you fired!!"
Thank God they all had great senses of humor!! :0) :0) :0)
His surgery went a little beyond the hour and half we were told and so right away we were a huge bundle of nerves..till we finally had the volunteer in the waiting area call the recovery room to find out he was being wheeled in as we spoke.
It took a looonnnggg time till he finally woke up. They gave him Zofan right away so no vomiting, thank godness!! Then he got some pain med's and soon after a ice pop and we were on our way home soon after that.
He still doesn't remember waking up, the ice pop..telling us he "felt like crap", the ride to the car or the drive home {he slept that away}...but he does remember having fun and laughing with that is GREAT!!! :0)
Right now he is still laying down on the couch watching "Daddy Day Care" and eating lots of Firecracker Pops..he still feels "like crap" and is in pain..but we were told that could last a few days. Motrin and ice packs seem to be making him feel better though so I am sure in a couple of days he will be back to his silly old self.
Thank you so much for the you can see...God does wonders for our boy and his fans and family are the best most caring supportive group we have...
Well...I said I would make this quick..and I went on and on I better get going.
PLEASE check out the "photo page" will give you a glimpse into our day today and hopefully it will give you all a little laugh tonight!!
BTW...the picture on the front page is Kody and Karl wearing their "Cancer Sucks Club" doo-rags...they looked so cool and got many compliments! :0)
I'll soon be putting a link on Kodys site for the Cancer Sucks Club..but until then you can still get there by going to
Have a great night...
Love, Kim


Monday, September 29, 2003.....


Kody's 277 Good Wishes Quilt is here and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!! {see photo above and some more on the photo page} I cannot even begin to tell you how happy Kody is right now...he has that entire quilt spread out on my bed...which is a queen size and the quilt covers it and then some!!
As I type this, Kody and Kolin are looking at all the colorful squares and keep hearing them say..."Oh, look at this one Kody".."Kolin, check out this one!" to my ears!!
Also, with the quilt came a scrapbook of ALL his wishes from all of YOU!!!! I also understand that there will be another box of goodies sent from so many be arriving in the next couple of days.
This happiness in my heart today could not have come at a better I try my best to celebrate turning 41 today {UGH}...seeing this genuine outpouring of love from people all over the world...for one little boy is by far the most greatest gift I have ever received in my life...
Thank you all so much and God Bless You ALL!!!
With love.....


Sunday, September 28th.....

Hello everyone...

Hope you are all having a happy and safe weekend! :0)

This makes just about one week that I have had to keep Kody and Kolin home and away from crowds of people, especially children...on the hopes that Kody does not catch this virus that's going around so far I have a bunch of healthy kids..but I now have the utmost in respect and pride for those of you who do this everyday..combined with homeschooling..My hat goes off to all of you...I don't hardly think I can last another day!! But..if I can make it two more days...I have accomplished what we set out to do..have Kody walk into surgery Tuesday morning completely healthy..get that eye fixed and get him home.

Great news...Kody's 277 wishes quilt is on it's way and hopefully will be here before Tuesday so he can take it to the hospital and wrap himself in hugs from all his fans...for a sneak peek of his away...

Mom's and Dad's...It's not too late to request a quilt for your child, just click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

A big "THANK YOU" fom Kody to Mrs. Debbie Shumaker's 4th grade class for the most beautiful, most awesome cards and artwork we have ever seen!!! What a wonderful and caring group of children...we are so proud to have them all as our new friends!! :0)
Kody is completely facinated by how many new Blue Angel pictures he has now and he keeps looking at them and trying to draw them to exact same way they are in the picture.

Well..I think that about wraps it up for todays latest adventures...more to come..I'm sure. In this crazy house, things just change by the minute (LOL)

Please don't forget to visit some of our friends listed below..I get so many e-mails from their Mom's telling me how much the entries have made such a huge difference in their child's recovery..not to mention the encouragement to Mom and are all so sweet to think of the othrs as well as Kody and we thank you so much!!

New pictures will be up later this afternoon..right now, I've got to run...

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Saturday, September 20th...

It is with great sadness that I must tell you all that at 4 o'clock this after noon, beautiful Marissa has become Heaven's newest Angel...


Also..Baby Noah is back in the PICU today....


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



CONGRATULATION'S go out to Cheyenne who is ended her radiation treatments and is turning 12 this week..please stop by and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY..and CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Cheyenne!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



RachelJoy has been doing much better since her g-tube was put in..not so great for her poor Momthough who's rib got broken trying to hold her while it was put in...:0(. Stephanie loves her sweet baby so much though....she just takes it in stride. RachelJoy...when I say your strong...I guess I really meant it! :0)



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is fighting everyday to get stronger...I'll be calling her Mom for updates so be sure to check in on her site.



***No updates since August..I'll be e-mailing Michael's Aunt later on***
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is at the end of September, his family will be traveling from Florida back to St. Judes...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:35 PM

Hi everyone...
This is just a mini update tonight to let you all know of a fake/scam artist on Caring Bridge.
She goes by the name of Jamie/Princess Nicole/Jessica/Barbie Girl...just to name a few.
This is not a sick child, this is the work of a very sick....MENTALLY sick adult who makes a mockery of our children.
I would like to thank all my wonderful friends who alerted me to this fact this morning and due to a combined effort and investagation by two well known (and loved!) groups and one terrific parent...she has been busted once again and she has closed her site down.
Unfortunetly, like I said..this person is sick and will pop back up again...please be careful.
I'll leave her guestbook entries in for a few days so you can all see her style..then I will delete them. She is not worth the extra attention that she seems to crave so much.
Love to you all....

Monday, September 22, 2003 9:55 PM

Just a quick update tonight...
This afternoon when I went to pick up the boys from school I heard that there was a very nasty virus going around the elementary school..high fevers, vomiting {sorry} and headaches....I was told that kids were dropping like flys as this virus was extremely catchy.
Not wanting anything to interfere with next weeks surgery and definetly not wanting to spend anymore time than we have to being admitted into the hospital...I went in to talk to the assistant principal and right away she confirmed the virus rumor and was more than happy to legally excuse Kody from school until after he has recovered from his surgery {September 30th} and Kolin {so he won't bring home anything} until Kody goes in for his surgery healthy. looks like I'll be homeschooling for a while...better safe than sorry


Monday, September 22, 2003 11:14 AM

Hello everyone!!

Hope you all had a nice weekend...ours was pretty nice, everyone stayed healthy and that is always a plus!! :0)

Alot of you have asked me about the picture on the front page of Kody's sketch..well, it's not a professional picture, it's actually a machine in our put $2.00 in it and it's sketches can even watch it, it's really cool!! I've put another one up of all three kids together on the photo was almost impossible to get them all lined up and looking the right way in 5 seconds, but somehow we pulled it off!

Please check out Kody's friends updates from down below...I've updated all of them...some are in dire need of prayer, others are in dire need of encouragemnet...if you have a few spare minutes, please go on over and tell them Kody sent you...Thank You!!

I posted an update on Saturday telling everyone that we had lost Marissa and that Baby Noah is back in the PICU...scroll down a bit to see the update...I'll leave it up incase you hadn't seen Saturdays mini update.

Saturdays "Matthews Miles First Annual Walk For A Cure" was a huge success!!
Matthew's many family and friends have raised
$15,000.00 towards a cure!!! I just know that this research money will start finding cures for all of our children needlessly suffering from brain tumors...
We Love You Matthew!!!!!!


Please remember Kody on the 30th of this month, that is the day he will be having his eye surgery. Please pray that all goes well and that he will be back on his skateboard in no time at all..believe it or not, I really miss seeing him fly off his ramps!! :0)

Kody's "300 Wish Quilt" is almost done and will be on it's way here for him to wrap himself up in!
As much as I cannot wait to see Kody wrapped up in his quilt...I would LOVE to see every child who is sick wrapped up in one.
Soooo, Mom's and Dad's out there...I know your reading this! :0)
I ask that you please drop by for a visit at Quilting Angels and sign your child up for a doesn't matter if they are in remission..they have been through the big fight, made it through hell and back and certainly deserve everything life has to offer.
At Quilting Angels, we are offering warm snuggly hugs, a special quilt made just for your child (and you too!).
That is actually what Kody thinks of his quilt...he has a quilt made by his second grade teacher and when he puts it on, he says "It's like being wrapped up in a big hug from someone you love"
Click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Well...since all is well here and I am going to pick up my grand-daughter, Alona, today for some playing and hanging out with Gramma time...I'll make this a short one today.

I'm leaving you all with some happy news today...our crazy little wild man, Gooch has ended all treatments for ALL...that's it, he's looking back!! There is a HUGE party planned for him on Sept. most of us live too far away to attend, I am hoping you will all go on over in spirit. In the words of my good friend Gooch...."SPIDERMAN AND ME ARE GONNA KICK CANCERS ASS!!!"


Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Saturday, September 20th...

It is with great sadness that I must tell you all that at 4 o'clock this after noon, beautiful Marissa has become Heaven's newest Angel...


Also..Baby Noah is back in the PICU today....


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



CONGRATULATION'S go out to Cheyenne who is ended her radiation treatments and is turning 12 this week..please stop by and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY..and CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Cheyenne!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



RachelJoy has been doing much better since her g-tube was put in..not so great for her poor Momthough who's rib got broken trying to hold her while it was put in...:0(. Stephanie loves her sweet baby so much though....she just takes it in stride. RachelJoy...when I say your strong...I guess I really meant it! :0)



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is fighting everyday to get stronger...I'll be calling her Mom for updates so be sure to check in on her site.



***No updates since August..I'll be e-mailing Michael's Aunt later on***
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is at the end of September, his family will be traveling from Florida back to St. Judes...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, September 20th...11:48 PM

Wednesday, September 17th...12:25 PM

Hello friends and family...

Kody's eye surgery has been rescheduled for September 30th....the funny thing with this story is...the night before last Kody comes up and says to me "Mom, when is my eye surgery going to be" and I told him "I don't know yet, I haven't heard from the hospital" so, Kody says to me "Well, tell them that September 30th is good for me" {it's so hard to believe he is only 8!}. Yesterday the hospital called and said to me "Is September 30th good for you?"...(LOL)...I nearly fell off my, of course I had to say "Yes, that works for Kody...we'll pen you in!"..they must think I am completely crazy. You know, I'm wondering if my son will get me a little something for "Secretary's Day" this year?? :0)

Most of you from Florida probably have heard of the (so called) father who tried to take the lives of his 4 small children and himself because he was mad at his wife for breaking up their marraige. Well he did violently take the lives of 2 of the children (so far) and he cowardly killed himself.
Kody and Kolin saw a bit of this story on the news yesterday morning and Kolin goes up to Karl and says " are a good responsible Daddy" which Karl says to them "Daddy loves all of you very much and I would never hurt you or let anyone else hurt you, ever"...well, after two big Kody/Kolin/Daddy hugs..the boys start walking away but not before Karl hears Kody say to Kolin "Yeah...we only get one Daddy..we got to treat him good...he's got to last you know"...and Kolin says "Your so right Kody". :0) :0) :0)


Sadly, We lost three beautiful children this week.....
Angel Julia
Angel Zach
Angel Taylor

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

As alot of you know...Kody is having a quilt made by the wonderful and very talented Angels of Quilting Angels. I was talking on the phone last night to "Angel" who is the founder and the most dedicated woman to this cause that I have ever had the pleasure of speaking to.
Because of Kody's loyal fans...Quilting Angels has had to- date...6000 hits..yes, that's right...6000 of the most special people on Earth {Kody's fans} have been on that site. I know many of you went to leave a block of fabric for his 100 wish quilt {wish I hear is more like a 300 wish quilt!} and it looks like Kody's quilt will be headed his way in just enough time for him to snuggle up with on chilly autumn and winter days {don't laugh, but when the temp. here is Florida dips into the 70's..we are freezing!!}.
As much as I cannot wait to see Kody wrapped up in his quilt...I would LOVE to see every child who is sick wrapped up in one.
Soooo, Mom's and Dad's out there...I know your reading this! :0)
I ask that you please drop by for a visit at Quilting Angels and sign your child up for a doesn't matter if they are in remission..they have been through the big fight, made it through hell and back and certainly deserve everything life has to offer.
At Quilting Angels, we are offering warm snuggly hugs, a special quilt made just for your child (and you too!).
That is actually what Kody thinks of his quilt...he has a quilt made by his second grade teacher and when he puts it on, he says "It's like being wrapped up in a big hug from someone you love"
Click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

I'm leaving you all with some happy news today...our crazy little wild man, Gooch has ended all treatments for ALL...that's it, he's looking back!! There is a HUGE party planned for him on Sept. most of us live too far away to attend, I am hoping you will all go on over in spirit. In the words of my good friend Gooch...."SPIDERMAN AND ME ARE GONNA KICK CANCERS ASS!!!"


Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Saturday, September 20th...

It is with great sadness that I must tell you all that at 4 o'clock this after noon, beautiful Marissa has become Heaven's newest Angel...


Also..Baby Noah is back in the PICU today....


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Please pray for a sweet little boy who's name is Jamie and who's Mom is a fellow "Quilts of Love" Angel. She has just gotten the devesting news that her baby's brain tumor has spread all over his brain. The radiation and chemo. did nothing to kill this horrible, aggresive tumor.
Please visit Anna as she is heartbroken and sure could use some support and prayers.



Maxie is back in the hospital after suffering from 3 grand mal siezures this weekend...Mom is so scared and Maxie is trying to give up...let's not let that happen!! it....



Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Three year Katia is very sick and won't be leaving the hospital any time soon. Her treatments are horrific...please cheer Katia up by sending her a piece of your world...Katia may be in the hospital but is "traveling the world" while she is there...please click on Katia's site and send her a postcard from where you live...she loves these cards and "reads" them everyday..with help from Mom...who will do anything to see her baby smile! :0)



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is back home if only for a while as fevers keep putting him back in the hospital.



CONGRATULATION'S go out to Cheyenne who is ended her radiation treatments and is turning 12 this week..please stop by and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY..and CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Cheyenne!!



Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



RachelJoy has been doing much better since her g-tube was put in..not so great for her poor Momthough who's rib got broken trying to hold her while it was put in...:0(. Stephanie loves her sweet baby so much though....she just takes it in stride. RachelJoy...when I say your strong...I guess I really meant it! :0)



eremy has gotten his cord blood transplant..please pray that this is the one that will provide him his miracle.



Ashley is fighting everyday to get stronger...I'll be calling her Mom for updates so be sure to check in on her site.



***No updates since August..I'll be e-mailing Michael's Aunt later on***
We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.



Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is at the end of September, his family will be traveling from Florida back to St. Judes...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, Sept. 15th.....1:28 PM

Hi all...
Just a quick update to let you all know that Kody's shunt tap results came back...CLEAR!!!
Right now I am waiting to hear when we can reschedule his eye surgery....
Thank you so much for all the prayers...miracles do happen!


We lost three beautiful children this week.....
Angel Julia
Angel Zach
Angel Taylor

Also, please pray for little Marissa who is growing her Angel Wings this week...she will be 8 years old this Friday..though her dr's don't think she will hang on until then...pray for Marissa's miracle.
Marissa's Site

I'm still willing and very happy to create your child their own personal, original CB border/background...please e-amil me at:

Saturday, Sept. 13th....

Hello everyone....

Hope you are all having a very fun, relaxing and safe weekend!

Kody has been feeling like his old onery self again so I truly believe that his shunt tap results on Monday will come out clear.

As alot of you know...Kody is having a quilt made by the wonderful and very talented Angels of Quilting Angels. I was talking on the phone last night to "Angel" who is the founder and the most dedicated woman to this cause that I have ever had the pleasure of speaking to.
Because of Kody's loyal fans...Quilting Angels has had to- date...6000 hits..yes, that's right...6000 of the most special people on Earth {Kody's fans} have been on that site. I know many of you went to leave a block of fabric for his 100 wish quilt {wish I hear is more like a 300 wish quilt!} and it looks like Kody's quilt will be headed his way in just enough time for him to snuggle up with on chilly autumn and winter days {don't laugh, but when the temp. here is Florida dips into the 70's..we are freezing!!}.
As much as I cannot wait to see Kody wrapped up in his quilt...I would LOVE to see every child who is sick wrapped up in one.
Soooo, Mom's and Dad's out there...I know your reading this! :0)
I ask that you please drop by for a visit at Quilting Angels and sign your child up for a doesn't matter if they are in remission..they have been through the big fight, made it through hell and back and certainly deserve everything life has to offer.
At Quilting Angels, we are offering warm snuggly hugs, a special quilt made just for your child (and you too!).
That is actually what Kody thinks of his quilt...he has a quilt made by his second grade teacher and when he puts it on, he says "It's like being wrapped up in a big hug from someone you love"
Click on the image'll be so happy you did!!

Kody's "fiance", Ashley has been put back into the PICU and could sure use some prayers. I talked to Nornine {Ashley's Mom} on the phone this morning and she asked me to update Ashley's site.
It is so hard sometimes to get a hospital computer..and even worse when you are in the, Norine is able to grab a minute or two and read the guestbook entries but updating is not so easy.
We have become such good friends with this family that it is my honor to be able to help it gave me the perfect opportunity to put a little "Cinderella" surprise on there! :0)


I've added some new photos today..they are from Thursday's visit with the Shands Air Flight helicopter pilots. Please enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them...and as much as Kody and Kolin enjoyed living them.

As always...Please take a moment to visit and say a prayer for our list of friends below, especially Katia who is very sick, losing her beautiful brown curly hair and is due to have some very intense, serious radiation to her eyes, brain and full body. Please pray that her little 3 year old body can take this much. :0(


I'm leaving you all with some happy news today...our crazy little wild man, Gooch has ended all treatments for ALL...that's it, he's looking back!! There is a HUGE party planned for him on Sept. most of us live too far away to attend, I am hoping you will all go on over in spirit. In the words of my good friend Gooch...."SPIDERMAN AND ME ARE GONNA KICK CANCERS ASS!!!"


Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
~*~*~*~*~SEPTEMBER 20, 2003~*~*~*~*~
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:33 PM Florida Time

WE'RE HOME!!! :0) :0) :0) :0)

Hello everyone...

We got home just about an hour ago and although we are beat up tired...we are sooooo glad to be back to the happiest house on the planet!!

Kody is feeling alot better...though we won't have the results of his shunt tap until Monday, since he hadn't been running a fever for just over 24 hours...we all felt it was safe to cut him loose. Please pray that Monday finds us with clear shunt tap infection is what we want more then anything right now.

After we find out that all is well again..we can re-schedule his eye surgery.

Thank you to EVERYONE who has been so kind to check up on Kody and leave us so many kind and supportive messages...I have also gotten all the e-mails and though I hadn't a chance to answer all but maybe 3 of them...please know that I did read them all and I will be getting back. I just need today to settle back in and get some laundry done, dishes washed, packed up stuff unpacked...and more then anything...get some sleep in my own bed...YEAH!! :0)

We had a quite fun day..if you can imagine at a hospital, yesterday. Kody and I were out taking a walk and when we came back up to the 4th...there was a Shands Air Flight helicopter pilot walking down the hall...well, he had on this blue flight suit and Kody's eyes got HUGE...he says "Mom...That is a BLUE ANGEL pilot!!"...well, I told him, not quite but maybe you can go shake his hand and introduce yourself. He did and told this man how he dreams of becoming a pilot himself and then this wonderful man says to him.."Kody, what room are you in, I would like to bring you a little something"...about a hour later, Kody got his visit!! I wish you all could have seen the smile on his was priceless! I left a picture up on his photo page so you could all get a good idea. Anyway, he received a very cool Gator/Air Flight pin and he absolutely loves it...and plans on putting it on his official Blue Angel bag that he takes everywhere with him...the pin is going right next to his Blue Angel pin that he keeps on there.
Before he left..Kodys new friend invited him to the hanger to check out the helicopter just as soon as he got better...this was all the incentive that Kody needed and wouldn't you know it...on the way out this morning, Dad, Kody, Kolin and myself stopped off at the hanger and met some of the most wonderful people we have ever met..all willing and wanting to go out of their way to make two little boys (and one Dad!) very happy!! Before we left Kody and Kolin got t-shirts and sweet was that?? Tomorrow I'll put the pictures of this morning up...
I put some pic's up but have so many more.

Before I get going...because I am seriously falling asleep sitting here :0)...

My offer still stands if anyone with a Caring Bridge site would like for me to create their child a personal background of their choose (cartoon characters, artwork, photos, anything they are interested in to make their site more original) I would be honored...please e-mail me at:

The new front page photo is of Kody holding a "ceiling tile" that he drew and painted. At our hospital, all over the ceiling are ceiling tiles painted by children (patients) and their families. Some are in memory of children that have passed away but most are in honor of those who are still fighting the big fight. The only thing Kody has ever wanted to do was paint a ceiling tile and two days ago he got his chance...isn't it beautiful? It's new home will be hanging up on the second floor in Kody's favorite hang-out...Neurology! :0) That way...he can visit whenever we go there.

As we look back on two years ago today...let's all take a minute of silent prayer for our heros and innocent loved ones who lost their lives to one of the most vicious attacks ever...their spirits and bravery live on forever and makes me PROUD to be an American!!

Please take a moment to visit and say a prayer for our list of friends below...

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
~*~*~*~*~SEPTEMBER 20, 2003~*~*~*~*~
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 2:03 PM CDT

Hello everyone...

Greetings from Shands Hospital!!

OK..Where do I begin?? Well...Kodys surgery did not go as was cancelled due to Kody getting very, very sick on Monday.
Actually this all started Saturday last in the afternoon with headaches...which by Sunday were getting pretty sevee. Then the sleepyness started, then the double vision.
Monday morning at 4:45 as we were getting ready to get Kody to the hospital...he woke up holding his head and crying in pain. I gave him a Maxalt (pain pill) and then he fell back to sleep. We got him dressed and in the car at 5:30 when he said "I'M GONNA BE SICK!"...and sure enough before the car was in "drive"..he vomited (sorry) all over himself, the car, the driveway.
Sooo, needless to say..we got him in and I cleaned him up as Kyle cleaned the car up and then I called the hospital.
After a conversation with the eye dr. on call....anesteshia said "no way" to the surgery...especailly sice Kody gets very sick from the anesthesia anyway....100 percent out of the question.
They then advised me to call neurology..and they said "Get him in the ER right away"
Well, thats what we did and this is where we stand.....
They did a CT scan and his ventricles look great. X-rays and there was no breakage of the shunt. we were at the hospital..the fever started again and wouldn't quit so...they has to do a "shunt tap"..which is basically sticking a needle through Kodys shunt on top of his head to gather up a CSF (fluid) sample. Lee Ann (Dr. Pincus right hand...WOMAN!! LOL) could only get one drop and since it will take 3 days to get a culture on that one drop of fluid...Kody was admitted for at least 3 days with IV antibotics running through him to treat a very possible shunt infection.
So...hows that going? Well, it actually could have been much better....seems the anibotic Vancomycin gave Kody a severe reaction last night and he was beet red, itchy, in pain, agitated and very, very miserable. A half an hour later he got some tylenol and benedryl and a half hour after taht he finally calmed down long enough to pass out...till the next morning!
So, he has been on it all day again only this time they are benedyling him a half an hour before hand. And, all is working out quite well there.
PLEASE...I ask you all to pray that this is just another virus and that his shunt is not infected...if it is, we'll be hre for 2 more weeks while they take the shunt out, place an external shunt,treat him with IV antibotics and then 14 days later, place another VP shunt in.
We should have the results of the culture Thursday around 11 AM.
I will try my best to get on this computer and let you all know whats happening...but one computer to a whole floor of parents is pretty hard to get on. :0(

Thank you for all the wonderful guestbook entries...I can't wait to get home and have time to really look through them all and follow up on all "my kids"!!

Also, the borders that I volunteered to do is still a go..just give me some time to break out of here and as soon as we are home...I'll be back to my regular self.
Just keep e-mailing me at and I promise I will get to each and every one.

I will be back to checking in on all of you real soon..and know that my prayers are always with each and every one of you and especially your little (and sometimes not so little) ones.

Well..I better get going..I can't leave Kody alone for too long...I left him in the playroom and told him I'd be back in 15 minutes :0)

Please visit and say a prayer for our list of friends below...

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
~*~*~*~*~SEPTEMBER 20, 2003~*~*~*~*~
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Tuesday, September 9, 2003 2:03 PM CDT

Hello everyone...

Greetings from Shands Hospital!!

OK..Where do I begin?? Well...Kodys surgery did not go as was cancelled due to Kody getting very, very sick on Monday.
Actually this all started Saturday last in the afternoon with headaches...which by Sunday were getting pretty sevee. Then the sleepyness started, then the double vision.
Monday morning at 4:45 as we were getting ready to get Kody to the hospital...he woke up holding his head and crying in pain. I gave him a Maxalt (pain pill) and then he fell back to sleep. We got him dressed and in the car at 5:30 when he said "I'M GONNA BE SICK!"...and sure enough before the car was in "drive"..he vomited (sorry) all over himself, the car, the driveway.
Sooo, needless to say..we got him in and I cleaned him up as Kyle cleaned the car up and then I called the hospital.
After a conversation with the eye dr. on call....anesteshia said "no way" to the surgery...especailly sice Kody gets very sick from the anesthesia anyway....100 percent out of the question.
They then advised me to call neurology..and they said "Get him in the ER right away"
Well, thats what we did and this is where we stand.....
They did a CT scan and his ventricles look great. X-rays and there was no breakage of the shunt. we were at the hospital..the fever started again and wouldn't quit so...they has to do a "shunt tap"..which is basically sticking a needle through Kodys shunt on top of his head to gather up a CSF (fluid) sample. Lee Ann (Dr. Pincus right hand...WOMAN!! LOL) could only get one drop and since it will take 3 days to get a culture on that one drop of fluid...Kody was admitted for at least 3 days with IV antibotics running through him to treat a very possible shunt infection.
So...hows that going? Well, it actually could have been much better....seems the anibotic Vancomycin gave Kody a severe reaction last night and he was beet red, itchy, in pain, agitated and very, very miserable. A half an hour later he got some tylenol and benedryl and a half hour after taht he finally calmed down long enough to pass out...till the next morning!
So, he has been on it all day again only this time they are benedyling him a half an hour before hand. And, all is working out quite well there.
PLEASE...I ask you all to pray that this is just another virus and that his shunt is not infected...if it is, we'll be hre for 2 more weeks while they take the shunt out, place an external shunt,treat him with IV antibotics and then 14 days later, place another VP shunt in.
We should have the results of the culture Thursday around 11 AM.
I will try my best to get on this computer and let you all know whats happening...but one computer to a whole floor of parents is pretty hard to get on. :0(

Thank you for all the wonderful guestbook entries...I can't wait to get home and have time to really look through them all and follow up on all "my kids"!!

Also, the borders that I volunteered to do is still a go..just give me some time to break out of here and as soon as we are home...I'll be back to my regular self.
Just keep e-mailing me at and I promise I will get to each and every one.

I will be back to checking in on all of you real soon..and know that my prayers are always with each and every one of you and especially your little (and sometimes not so little) ones.

Well..I better get going..I can't leave Kody alone for too long...I left him in the playroom and told him I'd be back in 15 minutes :0)

Please visit and say a prayer for our list of friends below...

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
~*~*~*~*~SEPTEMBER 20, 2003~*~*~*~*~
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Saturday, September 6, 2003 2:20 PM...Florida Time

Hello everyone...

Happy weekend to you all and I don't know about you...but a relaxing weekend is what I really need!!

Kody's surgery is a go for Monday morning at 8:00 AM...please, we ask if you could take a moment that morning and pray that God directs Kody's surgeons hands so that by this time next week, Kody will get the eyesight miracle he needs. And that by this time 2 weeks from now, he will be back on that skateboard...ollying, grinding and jumping off ramps just like he used to! And I promise...when he does...I will be taking plenty of pix to show you all how much your prayers worked once again.

I have been working, in my spare time (LOL) at putting together original backgrounds for children of Caring Bridge. As we all know...backgrounds are limited and sometimes it is hard to find one that describes your child the best. Well, I invite you to e-mail me at: . If I can help create a border of anything your child wishes...the possibilities are pretty endless (photos, hobbies, characters, artwork...) I would LOVE to help.
All I would need is space #3 on your photo page to store the border and you can pick the background color from "edit page".
To understand what I mean..well, Kody's background was made by me...and if you scroll down to RachelJoy's page...her's was made by me this morning.

Search for perfect picture...3 minutes
Creating the border...1 minute
Uploading new border...1 minute
A child's beautiful smile...PRICELESS!!!

Well...that about wraps it up for todays latest adventures a/k/a "My Life is a Soap Opera"!! :0) :0) :0) :0)

I put some new photos up of our day today..hope you all enjoy them...

Please visit and say a prayer for our list of friends below...

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
~*~*~*~*~SEPTEMBER 20, 2003~*~*~*~*~
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids




Three and a half year old Maddison is Kody's newest friend. This Sweetheart of a girl has Ewing Sarcoma and is much pain. Mom is of course, very upset and both need prayers and kind words of support. Please stop by for a visit and show you care...Thank You!! :0)



Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Thursday...9/4/03...11:13 AM


This morning I recieved a very touching e-mail about a very beautiful little girl whose name is Maddison.
Maddison has Ewing Sarcoma and is in terrible pain. Mom is very scared and could use lots of prayers and kind, supportive & encouraging guestbook messages.
I am asking if you would all take a moment and visit with will be so happy you did..she is Cutie Pie!!
As always...Kody and I thank you and send ((((KODY BEAR HUGS)))) your way!!


Other news....
Kody is finally feeling well enough to go back to school today...YEAH KODY BEAR!!!
Soooo, he'll go today and tomorrow and have surgery on Monday and be out again all week next week.
What is it they say??? "This to shall pass" :0)
Have a wonderful day..and for all of our friends in the South..stay dry!!!

Love, Kim




Thank you so much for coming back to check in on Kody...

Today went pretty well, all things considered.

Kody's fever held out until 3 o'clock when it came back and he felt awful...really awful. He slept alot today...on the way to the hospital, on the way home and again when we got home. Maybe the medicines are just plain knocking him out..I know they are doing a number to his belly and making him feel like pukey all the time. His throat is about as half as red and swollen as it way yesterday so I suppose the med's need a good 48 hours to really show improvement.

Kody's eye surgery is set for Monday morning...I don't have a definate time yet but Kody will be either the first or second surgery since they go by age.

We asked all 7000 questions, at least..and believe it or not..we didn't even get kicked out!
However...Kody, Kolin and Daddy playing "Star Wars" with the expensive optical equipment almost did :0)

This is how his surgery was described to us....

There is an optic nerve that runs from the eye to the brain. When Kody was first diagnosed back in January, 2002...the tumor blocked the natural drainage route for the CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) causing severe swelling in Kody's brain (hydrocephlus)...this swelling crushed the optic nerve...think of a garden hose...when you squeeze it hard you get no water...this nerve was squeezed by the CSF fluid that bad.

Kody's first surgery to drain the fluid (third ventriculerotomy) allowed that nerve to resume some of it's origianl state, however, this last bout with hydrocephlus in May squeezed it back flat again and this time it won't be coming back..therefore causing permanent damage to his vision.

Kody's right eye either turns upwards or out to the side..imagine a cars headlights...if one headlight was pointing straight forward and the other hard would it be to see? Kody's see's just like that and this is why it is so hard for him to read, balance, etc.

During the surgery both muscles in his eye (one on the inside and one on the outside) will be cut, his retina realigned and stiched into place. Cosmetically he will look "normal" again but we won't know if the surgery is a success until his brain tells us. You is up to his brain afterwards to either appreciate the "help" and adjust allowing Kody to use both eyes equally or it will reject the surgery because it is just too far damaged to recover.

Since Kody is so young, his neuro/optomoligist/surgeon, Dr. Levine feels that this is the perfect time to do the surgery because his brain is more likey to accept the surgery and correct the problem naturally.

Sometime in the future..Kody may have to have more surgery...then again, maybe not..only time will tell. But for now..we have total confidence that Kody will once again kick major butt and be a complete success story. remember, with prayer...anything is possible..and that is where you, my friends, come in.

Please, if you could...say an extra prayer for Kody on Monday...that his surgery is a complete success and that he will be back up on his skateboard doing those flips off his ramp and all the other things he loves to do that turns me and his Dad gray before our time. :0)

Other then that...I have one more bit of news...

Kody has decided he wants his OWN team this year for The American Cancer Societys "Relay-for-Life"..and the name of his team..."Kody's Blue Angels For Life"..completely and 100 percent made up by the man himself...Kody Bear!!
All are invited to be on our team..but since you will be walking all night long this coming would probably be best if you lived close to us...(LOL)
Some highlights for our team to raise money for a cure...Karl (Daddy) and big brother Kyle have been growing their hair out. Florida summers are miserably hot..but for Kody they have been dealing with it (and now have a new respect for us gals with long hair!!) and at Relay Kody will be the scissor dude and will be cutting those ponytails off and we will be donating it to Locks-of-Love.

I put some new photos up of our day today..hope you all enjoy them...

Please visit and say a prayer for our list of friends below...

Thank you again for the visit and for the prayers!

Have a wonderful day!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
~*~*~*~*~SEPTEMBER 20, 2003~*~*~*~*~
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Monday, September 1, 2003 9:50 PM

~*~*~*~*~MONDAY NIGHT UPDATE~*~*~*~*~

Kody had been sleeping and in alot of pain (head and throat) all day.
By 6 PM his temp. was up to 104.2...UGH..Motrin didn't seem to be doing the trick...DOUBLE UGH...he freaked when we suggested a bath and by 6:20 a trip to the ER was in order...{hoping for a virus and praying that his shunt wasn't infected}.
Our local Leesburg Hospital treated Kody like royalty and we were whisked right in, seen, treated and out in record hour!!
The good news is that they were able to bring down his temp. to 101 and found that he has got severe tonsilitis. Which I know is a bummer, but heck, it's way better then tumor/shunt problems.
They treated him with antibiotics, tylenol and sent us home with a presription for more antibiotics.
Big sister Karyelle met us there...she was sooooo worried and having her there made Kody feel alot better..thanks KK!!!
When we came home he had a little bit of chicken noodle soup, an ice pop, a bath and went right to sleep.
He is feeling alot better tonight then he had all day and by tomorrow I am sure he will be back to his old onery self...:0)
Thank you Kyle and Kaysha for cleaning up the dinner dishes and getting Kolin his bath and thank you Kolin for being such a good brother to Kody and making sure he had his favorite pillow and Little you guys!!
PLEASE check out the pictures on the photo page...even when Kody is feeling his worst, he still manages to flash that beautiful, bright smile of his.
Thank you for checking in and an especially big Thank You for the prayers tonight...they sure did do the trick again.
I'll update tomorrow again when we get home from Shands....

Monday, September 1, 2003...2:58 PM

Hello friends and family...

Today started off horrible...Kody woke up very early with a banger of a headache..then after two doses of finally went away for the most part...then the fever started...UGH!!! Well, it looks like he got the virus that Kolin had on Saturday...complete with a 104.5 fever...(Kolin's that is). Fortunetly, Kolin is just fine today.

I think Kody had a hour beak of feeling pretty good...then the headache started again. It really broke my heart to hear him say "I HATE this stupid tumor" do I Kody Bear, so do I!! I hope...for Kody's sake, that the headache is do to the virus bug and nothing else.
Since he has maxed out his dose of Maxalt..I had to switch to Motrin and right now he is sound asleep and has been for the last hour and a half. This is so not like Kody..he is not a sleeper...he is definetly a mover, a shaker and a bundle of energy all day long.

Isn't it funny how when the kids are little and you are 100 percent would give anything to have them sleep. Then when they feel like crud, you would give anything to see them awake. LOL..I guess we Mom's can just never make up our minds...:0)

Tomorrow we are off to another fun filled day at Shands..NOT!! Not fun filled that is...but yes, we do go for the pre-op apointment and we have a list of about 7000 questions. Hope we're not too annoying!!
We're taking Kolin with us since we won't be back in time to pick him up from school...also, it's good in a way to let him be a part of all this. He loves his big brother soooo much. Kody has already promised him a spending spree at "The Magic Vending Machine"..what is it with kids and big kids a/k/a husbands and vending machines??!! :0)

Please take a few moments to visit Kody's friends...listed below. So many are in need of prayers..and lots of them.

Kody's little Sweetheart, Ashley in particular just cannot get a break. She has been moved in and out of the PICU and is currently back in.

Katia is having lots of different chemos pumped into her little body..anything to get her back into remission but how much can a 3 year old take??

Jake is fighting like a mad man and his Mom, Chandra is fighting to keep her sanity as she watches her baby endure so much pain.

Nobody..anywhere...ever should have to watch this...not Chandra, not Tracy, not Norine, not any one of us who has a child with a life threatening illness..enough is enough...
Where are the cures..where are the miracles...
sorry, I don't mean to vent so much but sometimes I get so angry. These are our babies..the most precious things in the world we have. It's just not fair...I have nothing more to say about the "C" word except that IT SUCKS!! :0(

Well...I have to get going for now..Kody just woke up and he is burning up. Sorry guys, but he looks nothing like the new picture on the front page...I took that one during that little bit of time I had this morning when he actually felt OK. Poor baby!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is almost here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

[Previous 5 Sites|Skip Previous|Previous|Next]

This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

[Skip Next|Next 5 Sites|Random Site|List Sites]

Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Friday, August 29, 2003 3:05 PM

Hello everyone...

Thank you so much for coming back to check on Kody!

There's not too much new here...Kody did stay home from school today.
He was seeing double this morning and was rubbing his eye, then got a headache....soooo, home he stayed.
I took a picture of what his eye looks like when he has these episodes {his eye was turned upwards}...but then decided it was kind of too graphic to put up. Believe me, it's not pretty and scary in it's own way.

Our pre-op day is Tuesday and we will meet with his eye doc again, anesthesia, nuerosurgeon (hopefully), and whatever tests he needs. We really want to meet with Dr. Pincus (neurosurgeon) because we just want to be 100 percent all in agreement and on the right track here. Given Kody's difficult time he has with anesthesia..we want to be positive that this surgery is definetly going to provide Kody a better quality of life, better vision, etc.
Call us crazy if you want but we worry so much...about everything..:0)

Please don't forget to scroll down to Kody's list of friends desperetly in need of prayer and happy guestbook entries.
Unfortunetly, the list seems to be getting longer and longer and it really sickens me. :0(

Big THANK YOU'S go out to Lori and Mark Howard for the autographed "Kurt Busch" photo and car...Kody REALLY loves these things!! Their little boy
Jack is a true fighter and inspiration to us all.

Please check out Kody's photo pix added including a very cute one of "Captain Jack".

Have a happy, safe and fun filled Labor Day weekend...

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~

Well guys..September is almost here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".

God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us

~~~Love, Kody~~~

Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



This sweet little boy is so cool and so strong..he definetly gets it from his Mom!!
Jake is having a very hard time with his treatments and keeps ending back up in the hospital with fevers, pain, the whole nine yards. Jake has been through so much but still continues to fight like a crazy man every single day. Pray that this child gets a miracle..there is NO cure for his disease.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............

God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Kody's Favorite Places
Mom's StoryDad's Page...Just the two of usMeet my family
While Dad's away...the kids will playKody's RevengeWatch me grow up...I was so cute
The Stregth of an EggField Day...2003My day in the Villages
Relay-for-Life...2003Margo & Rodeo DriveMy first grade memories
First Holy CommunionMatthews Miles for a CureMy Quilt of Love
My Smile QuiltMy 8th Birthday Quilt of LoveKolin's World

One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 4:12 PM


Hello everyone....

I'm asking you all to please pray hard for our two good friends...

Kody's little girlfriend, Ashley who is back in the hospital and very sick...if you could stop by and cheer her up..Kody would just love you for it!!


And little Katia who's devestated parents just found out today that her leukemia has returned. Katia needs a transplant and there are no matches. Prayers are needed, also words of encouragement and most importantly...get tested...who knows, you may be her match. Please take a look at this precious baby...look into her big brown eyes and try to say no...I dare ya!!
I myself will be going first thing in the morning when the kids are all safe at school...about the same time Katia will be at the hospital starting her horrific treatments/nightmare.


As always...we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!

Kody's updates for today are OK..he took another fall in school today..but this one was caused by some brat tripping him...thats what Kody tells me anyway, I don't know..I think sometimes he's so embarrassed that he'll tell me anything. :0)
Other then that...everything here is quiet..just the way I like it.

Well guys...I won't make this long...I really have these two kids on my mind right now..and I am really heartbroken. I cannot even imagine what their parents are going through.

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~


Well guys..September is almost here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...



Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".


Kody's latest newspaper article...




I just got a wonderful e-mail a little while ago from my friend, Le-Anne who has a beautiful web-site called "Fight for a Cure". Kody is "August's Child of the Month" and his dedication page is so beautiful and soooo Kody!!
Many thank-you's to Le-Anne from our family for honoring our Kody with such an awesome page.
Please...check it out.....


God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us


~~~Love, Kody~~~

Please don't forget to pay Kolin (Kody's little brother) a visit if you have a spare minute or two..thanks!

Very sorry about his guestbook not working right..I've tried to fix it about 6 times with no luck. Kody doesn't mind one bit sharing his guestbook though! :0)


Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids





Sweet little Katia has relapsed {AML} you all know, this terrible news has been quite a shock to all of us. Katia's Mommy, Tracy is very well known to so many of us as the most caring and loving friend. Whenever we need her, she is there. Now it's our turn to supply a shoulder for tracy and family to lean on.



Kody's very sick and back in the hospital. Please we ask you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.


Cheyenne's treatments are going real well..thankfully she is handling her chemo and radiation like the true fighter she is!!


Benji's latest MRI taken days ago has come back "CLEAR"!!! WAA-HOO..I just love news like this!! :0)



Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...


Jeremy's family is beyond devestation..the cord blood that he so desperetly needs got delivered thawed and completely unusable. Another match was found in Milan..please pray that this one provides Jeremy's miracle.


Ashley is in the hospital again...a terrible bout of pnuemonia brought on by the medicine used to make her sleep during an MRI. Then..the worst news..her tumor grew once again. She has had surgery to drain another cyst and remove some tumor. Please pray that ody's Sweetheart gets stronger and stronger everyday and back home ASAP.


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke is back home from St. Judes Hospital...YEAH!!!
Is is really doing great thanks to the unending prayers that are always delivered his way.
His first follow-up MRI after treatment is in September...we all pray that more good news is to follow.

As always...We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Mom's Story: A little something I wrote for HERE
Funny pictures of Kody and Kaysha being silly...we call this one "While Dad's Away, The Kids Will Play" HERE
Kody's HERE
Meet my family...Click HERE
Watch me grow up...I was so cute!...Click HERE
The Strength of an Egg...Click HERE
Watch me kick butt at Field Day today...I was awesome! Please click HERE.
"My Day in The Villages"...By Kody! :0)CLICK HERE
Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive And Kody Pictures
Kody's First Grade Memories
"The Daily Commercial"~Kody's latest article




One picture can say one thousand words

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This RingSurf Childhood Cancer Net Ring
owned by Kody's Story.

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"



Please stop by Kolin's are ALL invited!!!


This has to be real quick tonight..just a little update...

Today was a FUN...FUN...FUN day..did I mention FUN?? It was one of those days that I wish everyday could be like...
Let's see...the three kids and I went to the Villages..first we hit the movies..."Freaky Friday"..the kids and I loved it, it was so funny and Kody definetly recommends it!

Next...we went and found some ducks to run after...unlike our spoiled, tame ones we have at home..these do not like to be held...:0)
Took some really nice pictures after that...then....

headed over to Paulys Pizza (Kodys favorite place to eat) for some pizza and sodas.

After that we meet up with Kody's adopted Gramma Carolyn in the Square and saw Kody's...and now Kolin's most loved crush in the world...Miss Margo and her band...Rodeo Drive.
The concert was wonderful, as usual! Kolin got an autographed photo this time and on it, it says "Happy Birthday, I love you!!"..I can't tell you how he treasures that picture..I wish you could have all seen his smile!

The kids had so much fun and danced until they practically dropped..not Kaysha though..she was more happy to watch and then convince Carolyn to take her for a golf cart ride..and let her drive! Carolyn..I don't think you'll be doing that anytime soon again...(LOL!!!!) Though she was just in an empty parking lot...ahhh, the thought of her driving in 4 more years scares me!!!

Kolin got his slow dance with Mommy and then Kody took it upon himself to go right up to Margo and request "our song"...How Do I Live Without Lee Ann Rimes. We danced..he sang to me and the kisses and hugs were so sweet...I am not sure there was a dry eye in the whole place.

Kody had said to me on the way there that "It wouldn't be the same without Grammpa Hughy there this time" and I told him.."He's watching you and you had better dance up a storm and make him laugh"..I can tell you that Kody and Kolin did just that...I have got many pictures of the "Chicken Dance", "The Twist" and the "Cha Cha Slide"...I may not get a chance to put them all up tonight..I'll put a few and then make a collage out of the rest tomorrow.

Well...I have got presents that need wrapping and sleep to catch up on...till tomorrow...
God Bless and Take Care!!


Saturday..August, 23, 2003


Ok..I got the call yesteray as to Kody's surgery date and it is going to be Monday, September 8th.
Pre-Op is Tuesday, September 2nd.

The technical name for this surgery is called "Strabismus"...but we call it "Kody's Miracle!"

Remember how I told you all that the surgery wouldn't help his double vision?...well, of all the crazy some weird coincedence last night, we found out what will...

Last night Kody was reading his new "Pirates of the Carribean" book and he was wearing his pirate eye patch that I had gotten the kids to play with..well, Karl told him not to read with the patch on and Kody said "Dad..when I wear it, I only see one of everything instead of two"...
can you imagine that, a 50 cent play eye patch and he can see well enough to read!

Unfortunetly..that was kind of short lived...a half an hour later...another stupid headache started and that was it for Kody for the night.

But...when he woke up this morning he was back to the same ole' Kody we all know and love and when I said "Hey, you look so much better"...his words to me were.."Arrrrrr....nothing can keep this pirate down!" :0)

Well...that's about it for the day....tomorrow we are going to see Kody's "Miss Margo" perform and hopefully get a chance to see "Freaky Friday". I told Kaysha I would take her and the boys to see it but...she had to read the book first, which is going to be my new "rule"..You wanna see the read the book first....hey, it can't hurt, right? By the way...she read the book...way to go Kaysha!!

Have a very happy and safe weekend everyone!!!!!

~*~*~*~*~I love you very much~*~*~*~*~

Love you all....
~Kim, Karl and Kody Bear~


Well guys..September is almost here and that means Matthews Miles for a Cure will be here very soon!
I ask all of you to scroll down and visit Matthew and his wonderful parents who have worked sooooo hard to make this day a successful one. Also, I urge all the BT parents out there to get their childs photo up on Matthews will make the walk alot more personal for people to see our children, our heros, our inspirations and of course, our angels, taken too soon also...the more money that is raised...the more money that can find a cure for our children, who knows...Matthews walk just could be the thing to provide the research dollars that could save the life of one of our children. Please..Please stop by and meet Matthew and family...thay are AMAZING!!
Matthews link is down further but I'll leave it up here again...



I'd like you all to meet a new friend of ours...his name is Benji and he and Kody are soooo much alike they could be brothers/partners in crime! He is a little spitfire and goofball just like Kody Bear and we think he is just soooo cool!
Benji also has a brain tumor and is fighting off this terrible beast as only a 7 year old boy can...with fierce bravery! Stop by if you have a minute or two and be sure to tell Mr. Benji that Kody sent you...Thanks!!


Kody's artwork to be autioned off for The American Cancer Society is ready and this is what it looks like...I think I may have a future artist in the making! :0)
BTW...that littel angel in the upper right corner (above the rainbow) is Kody's Guardian Angel, Grammpa Hughy and the person on the bottom left pointing up to the jet is Kody's Daddy..Kody said "Dad, Dude that's you watching me and your so proud and your trying to get my attention so I can come on back and pick you up for a fast ride in my jet".


Kody's latest newspaper article...




I just got a wonderful e-mail a little while ago from my friend, Le-Anne who has a beautiful web-site called "Fight for a Cure". Kody is "August's Child of the Month" and his dedication page is so beautiful and soooo Kody!!
Many thank-you's to Le-Anne from our family for honoring our Kody with such an awesome page.
Please...check it out.....


God made a world out of his dreams
Of magic mountains, oceans, and streams
Prairies, plains, and wooded land
Then paused and thought "I need someone to stand
On top of the mountains, to conquer the seas
Explore the plains and climb the trees
Someone to start out small and grow
Sturdy, strong, like a tree", and so
He created boys, full of spirit and fun
To explore and conquer, to romp and run
With dirty faces, banged up chins
With courageous hearts and boyish grins
When he had completed the task he'd begun
He surely said "That's a job well done"
He added all his tender loving joys
That why God made Little Boys!

Friday night, July 11th...11:00 PM

Tonight I've put a new song on here...It has a very special meaning to Kody and his's called "Dreams" by Van Halen. Now, if your old, like me...then you probably remember the video that goes with this song...the one with the "Blue Angels" fighter jets. Every night when Karl comes home from work..he and Kody sit at the computer where we have the entire video and song stored...Dad cranks up the speakers and the two of them sit mesmerized by the jets and the music.
You see...Kody's one big dream in his life is to someday be sitting in the cockpit of his own "Blue Angel" jet...he wants to soar fast into the sky.
Kody's dreams are big...yes they are. But Kody is a true fighter and I have no doubt that someday his dreams will come true.
As big as Kody's dreams are though...they cannot even compare to the dreams that Karl and I have for him.

"We'll get higher and higher straight up we'll climb,
Higher and higher...leave it all behind.
We'll get higher and higher..who knows what we'll find.

So baby...dry your eyes,
Save all the tears you've cried....
That's what dreams are made of.

Oh we belong in a world that must be strong,
Oh that's what dreams are made of"

Kody's dedication page to his Daddy...
"Daddy, I love you..Thank you for loving me so much and always taking the time every night to watch our favorite "Blue Angel-Dreams" and "Where Eagles Fly" videos...someday you will see me flying in my own jet and I promise I will pick you up and take you for a fast ride!
Love, Kody"
PS. Turn on the speakers!!

Just the Two of Us


~~~Love, Kody~~~

Please don't forget to pay Kolin (Kody's little brother) a visit if you have a spare minute or two..thanks!

Very sorry about his guestbook not working right..I've tried to fix it about 6 times with no luck. Kody doesn't mind one bit sharing his guestbook though! :0)


Kody's quilt is in the process of being stitched up with lots of love.
Thank you so much to each and every one of you who took the time to send in a square complete with a wish for Kody "Wish Quilt". From what I understand the response was incredible with well over 200 squares sent in!!
We are sooo excited and cannot wait to see about two weeks!


Quilting Angels Operation "Elf Project" is underway and off to a great start...but there are still many children who are in need of adoption. Please consider stopping by and adopting a child or two or it for Kody? Please? (No guilt intended!!)



Calling all parents/caregivers of Shands Hospital Kids...Please check out the link below for an invite to join our Shands Cancer Kids On-Line Support Group!!! Thanks!!!

Click to subscribe to shandscancerkids



For Kody's friend...Cody..whom is very, very, very sick right now. Please we beg you please pray real hard for this little toughie. You all may know Cody's Mom, Eleasha, she is my friend who is helping me create our "Little Angels" page. Please stop by and send prayers and support. As always..we thank you all so much.



Cheyenne is just starting her treatments for her brainstem tumor and is having a very rough time at it..kind words of support would help her through this alot.


Please stop by RachelJoy's site...she is not doing well at all this weekend and her symptoms point towards further "brain deteriation". Pray hard for this little girl...



*******JEREMY UPDATE*******
His transplant has failed...please pray that the next one doesn't!!
Say hello to Kody's new friend...Baby Jeremy, but be warned!!! Jeremy has cheeks you want to reach right out and squeeze and a smile that stole my heart in about a half a second! Please stop by and take a moment to offer prayers straight to Jeremy and his loving, wonderful family..and please...tell them Kody sent you!!



Kody's future "wife" is getting stronger and stronger every day and just found out that her surgery was so successful that her tumor is actually dying! This is the best news we have heard in a long time...and now Kody and Ashley are making plans to be married at Jesse James Monster Garage with a honeymoon planned in "He-Waii" (Hawaii...but Kody pronouces it with a "HE").
All wedding invitations should be at your house in say...oh, 20 years or so!! :0)


We are asking you all to pray very hard for this 3 year old little boy. Michael was diagnosed in January...2003 with a very, very aggresive brainstem tumor. Although his dr's are not offering hope...we KNOW that God hears our prayers!! Please stop by and pray that Michael gets the miracle he so desperatly needs.


Luke's radiation treatments on his brainstem tumor are going great...and by August 13th he will be on his way back home to Florida...also Luke will be having surgery to correct the paralyzed side of his face. Luke is definetly a cutie...and has the biggest brown eyes you'd ever want to see!

As always...I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.

Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.

Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.

I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day.............


God Bless America...Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.....


"The Terrible Trio" on the loose and extremely dangerous! To see the latest photo and update of this troublesome three-some pleaseCLICK HERE!
These three were...

Kody's Motorcycle Pages are crank up your speakers cuz we are.....

Mom's Story: A little something I wrote for HERE
Funny pictures of Kody and Kaysha being silly...we call this one "While Dad's Away, The Kids Will Play" HERE
Kody's HERE
Meet my family...Click HERE
Watch me grow up...I was so cute!...Click HERE
The Strength of an Egg...Click HERE
Watch me kick butt at Field Day today...I was awesome! Please click HERE.
"My Day in The Villages"...By Kody! :0)CLICK HERE
Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive And Kody Pictures
Kody's First Grade Memories
"The Daily Commercial"~Kody's latest article




One picture can say one thousand words

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Pinky and the Brain...A/K/A "Dr. Pincus and Kody"

Wednesday, August 20, 2003 10:23 PM

Hello everyone!

Right away I would like to say a BIG "Thank You" to Sandi Marquis for the huge boxful of birthday presents for Kody and Kolin..also things for Kaysha and Mom too!
Kody has gotten just about every Blue Angel thing imaginable and the most beautiful personalized shirt with his Blue Angel jets in front and his "I Believe I Can Fly" painting on the see this wonderful shirt, please click on to the photo page. We got it just in time to leave for the hospital yesterday and of course, Kody had to wear it. It was a very big hit and everybody who saw it complimented him on it.

I think his most favorite surprise was a toy Blue Angel jet...#1 (Kodys number!)..he has taken that toy everywhere with him...holding it, staring at it, flying it through the air and dreaming big...of the day that he will be in the pilots seat. You can see it in his eyes..he is dreaming big again!

Thank you so much Sandi for making a little boys dreams of flying a someday reality and something for him to dream of until that day comes.

Also..Kody recieved a certificate and I'll be adding it onto his is BEAUTIFUL and I cannot wait for you all to see it. It is being framed tomorrow and it will be hanging in his room with all the rest of his very important, dear to him things.

As for yesterdays visit at Shands...well, we did get the answers we thought we would get.
Kody is losing the vision in his right eye..not too bad though, 20/40. But the thing that is severe is the loss of his "depth