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Jack Ryan Howard

Jack during chemo 1-2002 & Jack after chemo and radiation 8-2002

Welcome to Jack's Home Page. Jack was diagnosed June 28, 2001 with a rare malignant pelvic tumor. After several pathologists studied it, none could make a definate diagnosis. It's similar to a PNET and an ependymoma but it's neither. He had his first resection on July 3, 2001, 10 days before his 2nd birthday. The doctors then decided to do nothing and pray it never returned. In October, at a routine CT, they saw a tumor recurrance. After a biopsy they discovered it was the same thing. They had no choice now but to experiment with chemo. He has no protocol since it is not identifiable. They started with the protocol for a brain tumor because it was closest to that. After 4 mths., scans showed chemo was not working. He then had another resection. If we thought the situation was horrible then, it got worse at the surgery. They found 2 more tumors during surgery. One tested positive on the bladder and 1 tested negative a little further up. They told us they were waiting for the results of the lymph nodes. If they tested positive, there would be nothing left to do for him. Thankfully they came back negative. We had no choice then but to try radiation. It will leave much damage to his pelvic area but we can deal with that later as long as he survives! In between all of this he has had his port removed due to infection and another one put in, a colostomy, surgery for a bowel problem due to his colostomy, more needle pokes, hospital visits and infections than I can count. He is still strong and happy and fighting this horrible disease!!
For two years he went every 3 months for MRI's and we had one scare in September of 2003. They found nodules on his lungs and after a biopsy we were relieved to find out it was not cancer. The doctor believes it is due to acid reflux and he is now taking medicine for that. He is scheduled to have surgery 4-20-04 to reverse his colostomy and then his MRI's will be moved to every six months! He is doing GREAT and will turn FIVE on July 13 and start kindergarten in August. We are determined to win this one!! Thank you to everyone who visits this site to offer your hope and encouragement......Please continue to pray for our little boy... Thank you all....


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:11 AM CST

Hello Everyone

It has been 7 1/2 years since Jack was diagnosed and I am thrilled to report that he is doing awesome. He is cancer free and is a happy and healthy 9 1/2 year old. The side effects so far from chemo and radiation have been minor and we pray that we continue to be blessed.

Jack will be adding another brother or sister in June of this year and we are all very excited.

Thank you for checking in.

Mark, Lori, Grant, Jack and Dylan (and Baby)

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Hospital Information:

1410 Marrimans Ct
Franklin, Tn 37067


http://quiltsoflove.com/quilt/jackH/jackH.html   jacks quilt
www.LAF.org   Lance Armstrong Foundation
http://www.children-cancer.org   NCCS


E-mail Author: marklori5@att.net


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