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Can it be 12 Years!!! Cancer Free!!!!!

Welcome to Maddy's Web Page. Maddy was 3 years old when she was diagnosed with Ewings sarcoma on July 14, 2003. She will have had 14 total rounds of chemo and 3 ribs with part of her diaphragm amputated in October of 2003. She kicked cancer's butt and right now is cancer free. Maddy's famous saying is," I am Wonder Woman and I will save the World." I have no doubts!"


July 2nd, 2016

What a year it has been, how Maddy has grown and blossomed into such a wonderful young woman! Of course I am a little biased on the subject, but she never ceases to amaze me with her potential!

We just brought her home from her beloved Kamp Kace yesterday and her oncologist came up to me. I have to stop there for a minute and savor that for a moment in itself. Her oncologist she had when she went through treatment I don't believe cared for me that much, we didn't always see eye to eye on the whole parents should be kept on a need to know basis philosophy. It didn't matter as Maddy adored him and I do attribute his influence on her treatment plan for the reason she is alive today. There was a point about 10 years ago, about, that he pulled my husband and I aside to warn us that young children with cancer that survive usually become what is known in the medical world as a "chemo brat." An overindulged, poorly parented, wild child that becomes an unpleasant member of society later in life. A few other unkindness' were spoken and the conversation ended. That had deeply affected my entire life. Those words gnawed at the core of my soul from that day forward and has literally shaped who I have become and how I raised my children. The conversation was very personal, not just about Maddy but about myself directly.

Back to camp yesterday, Maddy's onc. came up to me-like I said, he never goes out of his way to talk to me- and shook my hand and told me how wonderfully considerate, amazing and an overall pleasure it is to have Maddy at camp. He couldn't be more proud of her and thinks she is just awesome! You could have knocked me over with a feather. Now I know Maddy is extremely well mannered and polite. People comment on her all the time, but to have him tell me how much he thinks of her was like getting the nod of approval that you did it right. Damn that felt good!nI am so proud of both of my kids!

Maddy had an amazing week at camp and now it's back to the grindstone for her next week. She is a reporter/columnist for our local newspaper!! She is doing so well. It's a full time job, excellent pay that she can continue with even when school starts again this fall. She will be a junior this year and we have been looking at colleges for her to pursue her dreams of getting a master's degree in library sciences so she can be a librarian.

On the health front things are still good. I did find a lump on her ribs a few months ago but we rushed in that day and did the full scans and blood work and it is just fatty scar tissue build up. She is just perfect. Getting straight A's, still in theater/drama, choir, and writing and reading everyday. She also is driving! Scary. She is just growing up to fast. But she is growing up into such an amazing young woman that some days I just can't get over the fact that I am blessed enough that she is my daughter. Miracles really do happen!

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Fargo, ND




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