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Wednesday, December 28, 2005 5:29 PM CST

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
II Timothy 1:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry I didnt update sooner, I thought my computer was not working, here I found out my computer was disables, dont know how that happened.

Hope that every one had a very Bless Christmas; We had a very wonderful Beautiful Bless Christmas, very busy but lots of fun, cant believe how fast it went. Christmas eve day we went to Steves moms house, we had a very wonderful time spending time with Steves family, not all of Steves family were their, there were 9 of us their on Steves side to celebrate Christmas with his mom. Christmas eve and day we spent it with my mom and dad, my dad and mom rented out a pool side room at the motel for a few days, all my family made it, so that was wonderful, their were 38 of us, LaKota had fun swimming, and just being with the family.
Monday morning, 4:00 am my dad and mom headed to Port Aransas TX, they made it their today around 2:00 pm, I am grateful that they had a safe trip their, they will be gone until March, so I am waiting for March to come fast, and school to be out, I cant believe how fast Christmas break is going, it makes me sad, I enjoy it so very much having LaKota home with me, so thats why I cant wait until school is out.
Pleez the puppy, she is such a little stinker, she has a mind of her own, she thinks she is the boss, and wants to rule us; LaKota and Pleez keep each other busy, running around in the house chasing each other, so cute to watch, I am so glad that LaKota has all that energy, wouldnt change it at all.
Our snow is sure melting away, with the beautiful weather that we have been having the last few days, but that wouldnt last to long here in Minnesota, Im sure Mother Nature will dump us with lots more snow before winter is over with.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-23

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:05 AM CST

Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zechariah 9:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

And she brought forth her firstborn son; and she wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 12:15 AM CST

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Hebrews 11: 6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas tutor is over now, so thought I would update her journal; LaKota still has that cough, not as much, Thanking God for answering your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you for those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Eathh!

I am almost done Christmas shopping, Yippee, Not that I have that many days left to do it, talk about the town being busy.

Steve, always ask me every year what I want for Christmas, and every year I tell him the same thing, I tell him not to buy me nothing, because all I want for Christmas, and I do ask for it all the time, is for LaKota to live a long Healthy old age on Earth, and I am so grateful that Steve doesnt buy me anything for Christmas, because one of the greatest gift he can give to me is a PRAYER for our daughter LaKota, which he does all the time any ways, and that prayer is for LaKota to live a long Healthy old age on Earth, I dont need material things, my life is my daughter, and thats what I truly need; Christmas isnt about presents, its about Jesus, Family, Friends, and all of Jesus Family, thats the true meaning of Christmas.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 9:6-7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, December 19, 2005 11:25 AM CST


So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.
Exodus 23:25

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry that its been a week since I updated last, I did try to update last Friday, but some how after I finish typing the journal, my computer decided to shut off and I lost it, its such a bummer when it does that.

Friday we went up north to my dad and moms house, we stayed over night, LaKota, she just loves being up their, I do too, it feels so peacefully by the lake and the woods.
We been having some cold, nippy weather here the last few days, it has been a few degrees below the -0, with the wind chill we have gotten around -20 below, brrrrrrrrrrrr! It is suppose to start warming up here in the next couple days, dont know how long that will last for. My dad and mom head for Port Aransas Texas the day after Christmas, they will be gone until March, it always seems like a long time, I am Thankful that the are Healthy enough to still travel.

LaKota still has a little bit of her cough left, she is off of her medicine for 5 day's than will start up for another 5 days, some day's I get to a point where I can't even tell if her cough is getting better or not, one person will say it sounds better, than the next one will say, LaKota still has that cough, I feel like I can't even tell anything any more at time's when it comes to something like this, don't know if its because I worry so much about her, or if I'm with her all the time, or what, I just feel lost and confused at times.

LaKotas tutor is over now, she will come back on Wednesday, this week LaKota will have just 2 days of tutoring, her tutor said that she is going to be pretty busy with Christmas coming up, and was wondering if that was ok if she cam only 2 times this week, , I told her that was fine, that way it gave LaKota and I time to do a little Christmas baking.

Last Tuesday one of my friends, Deb, also LaKotas religion teacher from last year, gave me tickets to hear Michael OBrien sing at St. Anthonys Church, He has such a beautiful voice, it was very beautiful concert, He travels all over and sings, if you ever get a chance to see him sing, Please go to it, it is so worth it.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.
Luke 4:40

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, December 12, 2005 9:15 PM CST

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Exodus 14:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Steve took LaKota to the doctor today, she has a cough, it seems like the cough starts getting better, than as soon as she gets back to school it starts to get worse again, the doctor said her cough sounds like a deep bark, they tested her for whooping cough, and put her on a antibiotic, and Prednisolone, and inhaler, the doctor said that LaKotas lungs have fluid in it, the way it sounds, they cant take too many x-rays on her because of her Brca II, I am praying that this will finally get rid of her cough once and for all, I get so stressed out when ever she gets anything, Please pray that her cough will finally be gone once and for all, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

LaKotas tutor was over today, she picked up LaKotas school work from school, so that LaKota is doing the same things as her classmates are; LaKota will get to go back to school after Christmas Vacation, LaKotas Christmas vacation just started a little earlier than the rest of her classmates, due to another case of Chicken pox going around in her school.
Please pray that LaKotas cough goes away, Thank you.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, December 9, 2005 4:05 PM CST

I am a child of God.
John 1:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

The head nurse from LaKotas school called and said that there is another case of Chicken pox in school, so that means LaKota will be out of school until after Christmas vacation, the 21 days; LaKota is sad that she has to be gone again for another 21 days from school and her friends, but she understands. The head nurse told Steve, that the childs doctor does not want the child to come into the clinic because they do not want anyone expose to Chicken pox to come to clinic and spread it to someone else, I didnt know this part, but the doctor said also if anyone with diabetes should not also come in contact with any one with Chicken pox.

We are going up north to my dad and moms house for the weekend, LaKota is excited about going up north to see them, we will go after her tutor leaves, than Sunday on our way home from my dad and moms house, we will stop at Steves moms house and make her a couple batches of fudge.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

"But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.
Psalm 39:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 4:35 PM CST

Our Lord, you are eternal!
Your word will last as long as the heavens.
Psalm 119.89

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas tutor is over now, so I thought it would be a good time to update, also the puppy, Pleez is napping; Pleez is doing pretty good at potty training, and thank goodness she is still sleeping through the night. LaKota is enjoying the new puppy very much, but does not like being chewed on, I dont blame her for that, with those sharp puppy teeth, WE got the puppy lots of chew toys, but she would rather chew on the toes and fingers instead, so we are trying to break her of that, those little puppy teeth are very sharp.

Yesterday morning, I volunteered in LaKotas classroom, most of LaKotas classmate have some kind of cough going around, so when I heard LaKota cough now, my stomach got all upset, and I feel like I am going nuts, I know its just a cough, but I cant help feeling this way; I think to myself, Im just going to keep her home from school away from all the germs, and just do home schooling, but I know in the long run LaKota would rather be at school with her friends, and LaKota and I would probably butt heads.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

When they heard the King, they departed; and lo the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Matthew 2:9-10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, December 5, 2005 5:05 PM CST

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota went over to her little friends sleep over party on Saturday, it started at 3:00 pm, I stayed until 8:00 pm, than I told LaKota that I was leaving to go home and that I would pick her up at 8:30 am the next morning, LaKota was in her night gown, and she was nice and comfortable in her sleeping bag and watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory, when I told LaKota that I was getting ready to go home, LaKota said that she was also ready to go home with me, so I got her dress to go home with me, of course mom wasn't going to talk her out of coming home with me, "No way", LaKota talked with her little friend about her changing her mind about spending the night, her little friend understood, which was nice, as soon I as LaKota and I got home, Steve asked LaKota, Did mom talk you out of spending the night at your friends house; Steve knew how mom felt about LaKota spending the night some where else with out mom, I know I have to let her do some things with out mom; I think that LaKota probably changed her mind about the sleep over was because we did end up getting a little female Pomeranian on Saturday, not because she would have been away from mom, Our little Pomeranian will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, she is a cute little pup, To my surprise she even sleeps in the kennel all night long without whining, and not wetting or pooping in their, which is good; I was kidding with my dad and mom this summer, I told them if we ever got another dog that we were going to name her "Please", that way when someone would tell her to sit, or come they would have to say Please sit, Please come, I thought would be kind of funny, well LaKota remembered that so guess what", her name is Please, but is spelt this way Pleez,
Pleez is in that puppy biting stage, which LaKota does not like at all, because the puppy is always trying to get LaKotas toes, well she got a hold of LaKotas finger real good, LaKota cried and said, Mom I want my Shadow back, I told LaKota, mom wants Shadow back too, but we know that Shadow cant come back in flesh, LaKota said, "I know mom, but I still miss her and love her so very much, I told her that I did too, Shadow will always be greatly missed by all of us.

I havent got much Christmas shopping in yet, I have to get going on that, not too many days of shopping left; I do the Christmas shopping, and Steve, he does the wrapping, he use too like wrapping presents, so he got the job of wrapping, dont know if he still likes it or not, I know that he doesnt like to shop!

Steve is still get the outside decorations up, he should be done maybe tonight or tomorrow with it, which Im sure he will be glad with, especially with the cold weather!

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

" The wind blows where ever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.
John 3:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, December 1, 2005 5:55 PM CST

Oh, give thanks to the LORD! Call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the people. Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him;
Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name!
Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the LORD!
Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face evermore!
Psalm 105.1-4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Happy December 1st to everyone; Wow, 2005 is almost over with, and than we will start a new year of 2006; I pray that 2006 and the years after, will always bring LaKota good Health!

We did get the SNOW, lots of snow, I think this winter we are making up for last winter, if I can remember right, We didnt get to much snow.
We got our tree up, Orange lights, LaKotas favorite color, Our tradition is ever since LaKota was old enough to hold the star in her hand, she was the one that always put the star on top of the tree!
Steve is going to finish putting up the outside decorations over the weekend.

LaKota really misses our little Shadow, our little female Pomeranian that went to Heaven,
almost everyday LaKota tells me how much she misses Shadow, I know Steve and I really miss her a lot too. Shadow was LaKotas little buddy, her playmate for how long, Shadow was so good to LaKota, and she was one of the best things for LaKota when she was going through all of her treatments, I look at LaKota and think I dont want her to be sad, maybe another little female Pomeranian will help the ease Shadows presence not being here for LaKota, I dont know, I did look in the paper a few times, but did not see any female Pomeranians for sale, I dont know if their that hard to come by these days compare to when we got Shadow, There will be no other dog that will ever replace Shadow, Shadow helped LaKota in so many ways when she was going through her treatments and when she wasnt.

LaKota and her classmates went to the Paramount Theater where they were performing the play ,
A Year With Frog and Toad, she said that the play was really good, she really enjoyed it, Im really glad that she did.
Saturday one of her classmate is having a party, and a sleep over, I told LaKota that she could go to the party, but I dont know about the sleep over, I will have to think about that one, the family is so very nice, I would have nothing to worry about, its that this will be the second time that LaKota has been away from me over night, first time was when I had a garage sale and my sister Lisa took her up north to my dad and moms house, I dont know if I am ready yet for it again, LaKota said she was, Can you imagine that!

Im so excited, LaKota made her first confession today, She didnt want me to go with to the church, she told me, Mom, this is a Father and Daughter thing to do together, So I stayed home, I knew this was something special that she wanted to do with her Father; Steve said that LaKota did real good, When LaKota saw Our Priest, she told him that she was really nervous, he told her that she had nothing to be nervous about; Steve said that when he and LaKota had to go and talk to our Priest together, the Priest was asking LaKota some questions, Steve said he was so very proud of her answers, that he had tears in his eyes, Cant tell hes a proud Father, When they pulled into the garage I asked LaKota, How did it go, she said it went great mom, I am so proud of her; I am so Thankful to God for letting LaKota be my daughter.

Please remember to pray for our Friends from the Prayer Request Page, Thank you!

O God, You have taught me from my youth,
And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded,
O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation,
Your power to everyone who is to come.
Psalm 71.17-18

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, November 28, 2005 12:35 AM CST

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We hoped that everyone had a very Bless Thanksgiving, and thank you so much for stopping by and wishing us a happy and bless Thanksgiving, it means so very much to us; We did have a very bless Thanksgiving, by having LaKota here with us in flesh, and spending time with our families, and friends.
Thursday morning, Thanksgiving day we went out to Steves moms house, We had Thanksgiving dinner and supper with Steves mom and some of Steves family; LaKota had a real good time out their, LaKota and her cousin Sherry made a Christmas tree out of gingerbread, it turned out real cute, LaKota kept uncle Larry busy by wrestling around, we stayed their until 7:00pm then we headed Up North to my dad and moms house, we stayed their till Saturday, we had Thanksgiving dinner with my family on Saturday, LaKota had fun playing with her cousins, one busy fun weekend.

No school today, they still have today off, which I love, having her home with me; LaKotas cough is getting much better, now for it to stay that way.

It has been raining most of the morning, so our snow has melted, which wouldnt last for long, We are suppose to get snow tonight.

Please remember to pray for our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

"The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:15 PM CST

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will
of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
~1 Thessalonians 5:18~

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I kept LaKota home from school this morning, she woke up with a runny nose, and one of her eye was matted, I took her to the doctor, the doctor put her on an antibiotic; Im not for sure if she is catching what Jerry has, he is the older adult handicap gentleman that I take care of and lives with us, he has caught a very nasty cold, I am praying that it is not that. LaKotas nurse from school called and said that one of LaKotas teacher has mono, I got real nervous about it, since the school lets the teachers and children come to school with mono, the school nurse said it is usually transmitted by saliva, so they dont think nothing about anyone coming back to school with mono, Steve did call the nurse from the U of M and asked her about it, the nurse said about the same thing as the school nurse, that its usually transmitted by saliva, and that LaKota should be ok, Aw, it still makes me nervous, I pray that she doesnt get that.

Yesterday evening we went to see Santa and Mrs. Santa, It was really nice to see them again, LaKota kept going up and giving Santa a big hug, We took Mrs. Santa back to the motel, after we dropped off Mrs. Santa, LaKota said to me, Mom, not too many people get to give Mrs. Santa a ride home, I thought that was really cute.

Tomorrow we will be going out to Steves moms house and have Thanksgiving with her and some of Steves side of the family, I will help her prepare the meal, that way it will be much easier on her, than her trying to do it all by hersel, Than from their we will go to my dad and moms house and spend a few days up their, and have a Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday with my side of the family.

I am so Thankful for Gods healing for LaKota here on Earth, and Your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and your friendship, I am Thankful for a lot more, but these are just a few that I wanted to mention and share with you.


Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day
We bow our hearts to You and pray.
We give You thanks for all You've done
Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son.
For beauty in nature, Your glory we see
For joy and health, friends and family,
For daily provision, Your mercy and care
These are the blessings You graciously share.
So today we offer this response of praise
With a promise to follow You all of our days.
- Mary Fairchild

Please pray for all our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
"Philippians 2:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, November 21, 2005 4:45 PM CST

aby Jesus

Over 2000 years ago, God sent His only Son to earth as a baby in a manger. Thanksgiving is the beginning of the Holiday Season. Take time this Thanksgiving to thank God for sending us Baby Jesus!
The Birth of Jesus Foretold

26: In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27: to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. 28: The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."
29: Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30: But the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. 31: You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. 32: He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33: and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end."

Everlasting life

Everlasting life is what Jesus offers us if we believe in Him and accept His sacrifice on the cross. Jesus came to earth to pay the price for our sins. Be thankful to Him for the ultimate sacrifice He made for you. Because he chose to die for you, you can live forever in Heaven with Him someday.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[Or his only begotten Son] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thanksgiving turkey ;)

Health and healing

Be thankful that when you or someone you care about is ill, you can pray for God's healing power.

Isaiah 53:5
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Psalm 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 103:3
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

Psalm 30:2
O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.

An abundant life

Isn't it comforting to know that Jesus desires for us to have an abundant life on this earth.

Jesus said, "I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly" (that it might be full and meaningful)
John 10:10

Jesus desires that our lives are full of meaning. He desires for us to be well supplied and well taken care of. Thanksgiving is a time of celebrating our abundance and being grateful for our blessings. Take stock of your life and offer a prayer of thanksgiving to the one who has given you such abundance.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Neighbors and friends

Friends and neighbors are such a treasure in this life. Whenever you are feeling down, a true friend is always there for you offering love, hope, and encouragement.

The Bible teaches us that it is important to love our friends and neighbors. Friends are so valuable to us and it is important that we let them know how much they mean to us. Do something special for your friends this Thanksgiving. Send them a card or a note. Bake an extra batch of cookies and share these with your neighbors.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Matthew 22:39
And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[ 22:39 Lev. 19:18]

King of Kings

When you bow your head this Thanksgiving to thank the Lord for your blessings, do not forget to thank Him for sending us the greatest King. There will always be evil in our world but our King is greater than the evil.

1 Timothy 6
14: to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15: which God will bring about in his own time--God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16: who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

1 John 4:4
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.


Can you imagine owing a debt that you can not pay? What if a friend offered to repay your debt for you. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that is just what he did. He paid the price for sins he had not committed. How grateful we should be for what Jesus did for us.
He Died for YOU! Did you know that if you had been the only person alive, Jesus still would have died for just YOU! That is how much He loves you! Thank Him for offering you forgiveness.

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)

Umbrella of protection

Are you thankful that during times of trouble that you can ask God for His protection? Knowing that God cares for us and that He is always watching us is very comforting.

Psalm 5:11
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah

Love that is unimaginable

God's love for us is hard to understand because God's love is unconditional. God loves us no matter what he do. He loves us completely and even sent his Son to die for us. God expects us and commands us to love one another just as he has loved us.

John 13:34
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, Thank you for keeping your powerful prayers going strong for LaKota here on Earth, and Thanking God for answering all those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Our snow didnt last too long here, I cant complain to much about our weather, it has been fairly nice out for November, I have heard from a few people that Minnesota winter weather is going to start being like it use to be, with lots of snow and the freezing cold weatherbrrrrrrrrrr I dont mind the snow, its the freezing cold that I can do with out.

I got a call last week from Mrs. Santa, She was calling to let me know that she and Santa are at the Crossroad Mall seeing children, I told LaKota that Mrs. Santa called, LaKota, she got so excited, she said Mom, can we go and see them now, I told her that we would have to wait until Tuesday (tomorrow) to go and see them after school, LaKota is so excited for tomorrow to come.

LaKota has 3 days of school this week and 4 days of school next week, I am so glad that it is a short week of school for LaKota, I just love having her home with me.

Please pray for all our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Psalm 100:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005 and 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 3:55 PM CST

And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not:
peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong.
And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened,
and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.
Daniel 10:19

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, Thank you for keeping your powerful prayers going strong for LaKota here on Earth, and Thanking God for answering all those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Yesterday we got rain and some snow, this morning while taking LaKota to school their were cars that were spinning out of control with the slippery roads, one car was spinning and sliding backwards and was almost on the sidewalk, I thought thank goodness the car didnt go on the side walk by where the people were walking, how scary that would have been, We didnt get much snow, just a dusting , you can still see the grass, but it sure was cold with the wind, the temperature with the wind was 0 above..Brrrrrrrrr,
I guess we can say here in Minnesota, that winter has began.

LaKotas tutor is over now, I can hear LaKotas tutor reading LaKota a book about a penguins birthday, I can hear LaKota and her tutor laughing, I just love hearing LaKota laugh, makes my day.

Please pray for all our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me,
bless his holy name. Ps 103:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, November 14, 2005 3:45 PM CST

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, She has started back at school last Wednesday and is enjoying it so very much; I found out that a child in school has the whooping cough, the child has class in the same classroom right before LaKota has class in that room, I am praying that LaKota does not get the whooping cough.
Right now LaKotas tutor is over, she will be here for 2 hours.

Saturday we went to Steves moms house, than from their we went out to Steves brother Larrys cabin in the woods, we had a real nice time visiting, LaKota had lots of fun, keeping cousin Sherry busy by playing hide-n-seek.
We are suppose to get 5 inches of snow tonight, leading into tomorrow, hopefully it will just go around us that has happen before, Im not ready for that below weather, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Please pray for all our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

"You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 3:45 PM CST

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Today was LaKotas first day of being back to school after missing 21 days due to a child in her class that had Chicken pox; When I brought LaKota to her classroom, she was so happy to see her teacher and the other kids that she gave them a hug, and then went and showed them her missing tooth, and told everyone My mom pulled out my tooth, then she told the kids that she had surgery to have her port taken out, the kids said ouch, but I dont think the kids understood what a port was, since this is a different school from when LaKota was going through treatment, When I went and picked LaKota up from school this afternoon, she was just a smiling away, and told me that she had a wonderful day at school; I love seeing LaKota glow with so much with happiness, and I am so thankful that she was happy to be back at school by her friends and teachers, she really needs to socialize with other people besides just mom during the day, I can see how happy that it makes her, even though I miss her a lot while shes at school. LaKotas tutor is over now teaching LaKota, I dont know if she will be here 1 or 2 hours to tutor LaKota, the plan is to come 1-2 hours 3 times a day after school, hopefully LaKota wouldnt get to tired.

Please pray for all our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
" Jeremiah 29:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:45 PM CST

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is feeling really good from her surgery, where she had her port removed, I am really thankful for that Press N Seal that Glad came out with; instead of using tape over the numbing cream, we would use that Press N Seal, it worked real good with out the pain of tearing off the tape.

LaKotas tooth came out Saturday afternoon while we were up at my dad and moms house, she wanted me to see if I would pull lightly on it too see if her tooth would come out, I hardly pulled on it, and out came the tooth, LaKota was so happy about it, she kept telling me and hugging me, Thank you mom, thank you mom, I was just laughing when her tooth came out, she asked me why I was laughing, I said that I am so happy that she lost her tooth, and I thought to myself I never got this chance to get this far with my other two children who are in Heaven, and I thanked God for letting me see this with LaKota, and I thank God also for letting me see a lot, lot, lot more, good healthy things to come for LaKota here on Earth for a very long, long time; than she ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see what she looked like, her Father wasnt their at the time when her tooth came out, so when he walked into the house, she ran up to her Father with her hands on hip, and smiling away, and asked, Father does anything look interesting to you, he just smiled and laughed and said you lost your tooth!
That night LaKota put her tooth under her pillow, I told her that the Tooth Fairy will leave a little extra on her very first tooth, when she woke up, she felt under her pillow and their the Tooth Fairy left her 8 quarters, 8 for her age, she was so tickled pink with the quarters, that she ran and showed everybody at Papa and Grandmas house; It just warms my heart to see how happy that she is, She is my life.
Wednesday, LaKota will go back to school, she is looking so forward to it, hopefully her cough will be gone by than.

Please pray for all our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

"O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You have healed me."
Psalm 30:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:45 AM CST

"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see."
Acts 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, they mean so very much to us, more than we could say, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, they mean so much more than we could possible say. LaKotas surgery on having her port removed went real good, we got the hospital at 8:45am and left the hospital close to 4:00pm, LaKota got a little gaggy afterwards; The surgeon ask LaKota if she wanted her port, she told them yes that she wanted it, so that she could BURN it, "I dont blame her; Why have something laying around to remind you of all the not so good things that a person went through, the memories will always be in the back of your mind, you dont need that laying around to be a constant reminder; I would burn it too. LaKota will always have to be monitor for the rest of her life, especially with the BRCA-II gene that she has, they have only found 14-15 cases around the world with BRCA-II, LaKota and one other child are the only surviors of this BRCA-II, "Please, Please keep your powerful prayers going for LaKota here on Earth, Thank you so much.

Monday LaKotas tutor did not make it, she said that she was not feeling good, she did make it on Tuesday, than Wednesday LaKota had surgery, she is suppose to come today, if the tutor comes today, this will be the second time that LaKota got some tutoring since we talked about it in September, I think it was September; LaKota said that her tutor seem's nice, so thats the main thing.

Im just excited about this as LaKota is, LaKota is finally losing her FIRST TOOTH, it is so loose that it should come out day or tomorrow, I am so excited about it, that I am tickled pink about her loosing her FIRST TOOTH!

"The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.
" Isaiah 58:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 6:00 PM CST

"But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing."
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tomorrow LaKota will have surgery to get her port out, I am happy and nervous at the same time, Please pray for the surgeon that he does a good job on the surgery to remove LaKotas port, and that LaKota does good with the surgery, Thank you.

LaKota had so much fun trick or treating, Steve, he take LaKota out for trick or treating on Halloween almost every year since she was old enough to go, he really enjoys it; They only got to about 14 houses, than LaKota likes to come home and pass out the candy, she got oodles and oodles of candy with just the 14 houses that she goes too. We had 41 kids this year that came to our door for Halloween.

Please pray for all our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.
2 Chronicles 20:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, October 30, 2005 6:45 PM CST

"And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people."
Acts 6:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tomorrow LaKotas tutor will start, Im so grateful that LaKota finally got a tutor after waiting for so long; She will come everyday from 12:30-2:30, for right now that will be the plan, Im not for sure what will go on when LaKota goes back to school on the 9th of November, if they still will have a tutor tutoring LaKota like they planned before, for LaKota after school, hopefully she will still get some tutoring when she goes back to school, she could use all the help that she needs, so that she can get caught up to where she needs to be.

Friday Short Stay from the Childrens Hospital called and said that LaKota will be having surgery this coming Wednesday to take her port out, Please pray that everything goes smoothly for her, Thank you.

LaKota had such a grand time at the her cousins birthday party and the two Halloween parties that she went to on Saturday and Sunday. I cant believe tomorrow is Halloween, than Tuesday will be November 1st, Im sure the cold weather will be coming soon, Yuck!

Please remember to pray for our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
Proverbs 30:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:45 PM CDT

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I am still thanking our beautiful God for answering all your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, I am so grateful and blessed that all her tests on Friday showed that everything is Healthy in LaKotas body and blood.
I forgot to mention in the last journal, LaKota got her flu and polio shot, no live virus shots yet for her; LaKota was not too happy about getting the shots, she didnt have any numbing cream on, and she got the shots in the arms this time not in the leg, Boy did she have such big tears rolling down her face when she got the shots, I felt so bad for her, I was surprise though that the next day, she did not even complain once that her arms hurt from the shots, mine usually do! I am also so very grateful that she did not have any reactions to the shots, I worry so much about that.

Yesterday evening our church had a healing mass, Steve, I and LaKota went to the healing mass, after we left the church, the sky had a real pretty pink gray color to it, it was really pretty.

LaKota is getting real excited for Friday to come, for the Halloween birthday party that her cousins are having, Than on Saturday we will be going to a Halloween party at the library in Clearwater, than on Sunday we will go to the church where my sister teaches head start, they are also having a Halloween party, than Monday will be Halloween, LaKota will have a fun busy few days.
I havent heard nothing from the school yet about when a tutor will start for LaKota, I talked with one of LaKotas teachers yesterday, and she said that they were going to meet with a tutor today after school, and she said that she would call me and let me know what is going on, hopefully by tomorrow I will hear something, I cant believe how hard it is finding a tutor these days.

Please pray for our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:45 PM CDT

She stood up straight and began thanking God.
- Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Praise our Beautiful Loving God; I am so very blessed and happy to tell you that LaKotas ultra sound on her kidney, liver and her other organs show that all her organs are healthy, and her blood is also very healthy, Thank you so very much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. "I can breathe now". Thank you, Thank you, your PRAYERS mean every thing to us, and more.

We went up north to my dad and moms house for the weekend, we had a very nice time spending time with the family.
LaKota is looking forward to Friday, her cousins Kayla and Kristine are having a Halloween Party, and a birthday party for Kayla.
I am praying that tomorrow the school district will call and say that they found a tutor for LaKota.

Thank you again so very much for your POWERFUL PRAYERS For LAKOTA here on EARTH.

Please remember to prayer for all our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
- Matthew 14:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:15 PM CDT

1 Corinthians 12:9 "To another, faith by the same Spirit; to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit."
1 Corinthians 12:28 "And God hath set some in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; after that miracles [powers], then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."
1 Corinthians 12:30 , "Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues."

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , Tomorrow LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

LaKota has been off of school now for a few days, one of kids from her class broke out with the chicken pox, the doctor does not want LaKota in school for at least 21 days, thats to make sure no other child or children break out with the chicken pox; LaKota really misses being at school with her friends, The school is trying to find a tutor to come to our house 2 hours a day for 5 days a week, but can not find one yet. LaKota was suppose to get tutoring after school starting the first of October, But the school district cannot find a tutor, so I dont know what will happen with finding a tutor, she needs help catching up, so I pray that a tutor is found to tutor LaKota.

Please pray for LaKota tomorrow on her ultra sound on her kidney, liver and her other organs, and her blood counts, I get so stressed out and nervous when ever she has any tests done, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Please pray for our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 6:45 PM CDT

"... who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

Sorry I havent updated for a few days.

We went up north to my dad and moms house for the weekend, LaKotas cousins were also their, LaKota had lots of fun playing with her cousin and driving on her four wheeler. The weather was beautiful up north, the leaves are still falling off the tree. I hope the nice weather will stay for awhile, I am not looking forward to the cold weather.Yuck!

LaKota started religion school (CCD) two weeks ago, she really enjoys it so very much, Steve is one of the volunteers helping in LaKotas CCD class, he is also enjoying it very much.

Please remember our friends from the Prayer request page, Thank you.

"But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing."
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:15 PM CDT

"For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,' says the Lord."
Jeremiah 30:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

Thank you so very much for the birthday wishes, gifts, cards, PRAYERS for LaKota, thank you for your kindness, it is so greatly appreciated, LaKota loved it so very much, thank you!

Thank you for your kind words on our dog Shadow, it really meant a lot to us. Today in school one of LaKotas little friends gave LaKota a card and on the card it said that she was sorry to hear about LaKotas dog Shadow, than LaKota and the little girl gave each other a hug, I thought how sweet that was, and how sweet it was that she made LaKota a card. I was volunteering in LaKotas class today, and she told her class about her dog Shadow, I could see that LaKota was hurting when she told her class, but she kept it together, than when school was over with, she says, Mom, the house feels so strange with out Shadow being here, and it does, Shadow was such a good dog, for being a little dog that she was, she was so very good with LaKota, we were really blessed with having such a good dog with LaKota.

LaKota had a nice birthday at my dad and moms house, nothing big, just with some of the family, than yesterday LaKota took some big chocolate chip cookies to school for the kids and the teachers for a treat for her birthday, she was so excited to tell me that the whole class sang happy birthday to her, than after school my sister Lisa and her three daughters came over and brought LaKota a gift over, LaKota got to play with her cousins for awhile, Then we met with Steves mom, and his two brothers Butch, Larry, and his niece Sherry and nephew John, we went out to eat with them, we had a very nice time visiting with them, and LaKota enjoyed herself very much, especially with her Uncle Larry, when we got home, she was pretty tired and went straight to bed, she had a fun filled busy day and night.

Today LaKota had therapy, she was still pretty tired out from yesterday and today getting up at 6:00 in the morning to get ready for school, so she really wasnt into therapy to much today.

We been having some nice weather this week in the 60s, I wish it would stay for winter, but than that wouldnt be Minnesota weather then, right?

Please remember our friends from the Prayer request page, Thank you.

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:15 PM CDT

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
JOH 15:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

One of LaKota's teacher's called this morning and said that LaKota was very upset and sad about her dog Shadow and that LaKota was not into her school work at this time, and that LaKota had her head laying on the table, she asked me if I would to talk to LaKota, she handed LaKota the phone, and the first thing LaKota said to me was, Mom is Shadow still their, I told her yes that Shadow was still here with mom, she asked if she could talk to Shadow, so I went by Shadow with the phone and I put it on speaker, so that I could hear what LaKota was going to say to Shadow, LaKota was just a sobbing away, and this is what she said to Shadow, I love you Shadow, God bless you and Angels keep you safe, my heart was so heavy hearing LaKota crying and the loving words that she told Shadow, I asked LaKota if she wanted to come home, she said, Yes mom so I can be by Shadow, than LaKota gave the teacher the phone, I told her that LaKota wanted to come home, I also asked her to ask LaKota too if thats what she wanted, was to come home, she said that she would ask LaKota and call me back, with in a few minutes she called back and said LaKota wanted to come home, she also mention since LaKota was feeling sad that maybe it was a good ideal to have her home with Shadow in this time of need, and maybe it would be a good ideal to have her stay home on Friday too knowing how much Shadow meant to her; On the way to pick LaKota up, I thought to myself, LaKota knew that today was going to be Shadow's last day, she kept telling Steve and I that Shadow had only three days to live and today would be the third day, and knowing LaKota I knew that she would want to be with home with her dog. I picked LaKota up and asked her if we should bring Shadow up to Papa and Grandma's house before she leaves this Earthly Planet, she said, Yes mom, thats what Shadow would want, You know mom, Shadow loved being up north by Papa and Grandma's house, (that is where we will lay her to rest.) We got back to the house, I packed a few of our things, called Steve, and my dad and mom and let them know that we were heading up their with Shadow, I got LaKota and Shadow in the truck, LaKota was watching Shadow to make sure that she was breathing, we were about 20 miles away from my dad and mom's house, when I glanced backed and saw that Shadow was sitting up, I don't know how she manage to sit up, because she was so very weak, but she did, about 5 minute's later I asked LaKota what Shadow was doing, LaKota said, Mom Shadow's not breathing any more, I stopped at the gas station, and got out of the truck and looked at Shadow, sure enough LaKota was right, Shadow wasn't breathing any more, I told LaKota that Shadow spirit has now left us and that she is in Heaven running free and being Healthy, she said I know mom: It's weird, LaKota knew that it was going to be three day's before Shadow left this Earthly planet and today is the third day, and so strange how Shadow manage to sit up so perfectly straight when she was so very weak, was Shadow looking at LaKota and I once more and telling us I have to go, and thanking LaKota and I for bringing her up to my dad and mom's place, the place that she loved so much, even though we didn't make it all the way, did she hold on until that long until she knew in her heart that was where LaKota and I were bringing her; I called Steve and let him know that we almost made it to my dad and mom's house before Shadow gave her last breath, it is very sad, she was such blessing to our family, we will miss her so very much.

Steve will be coming up tomorrow night, My mom and dad order LaKota a Cinderella dairy ice cream cake for Saturday for her birthday, it isn't Cinderella, but a girl with a glass slipper, they told my mom that they couldn't put Cinderella on the cake because it was a Disney theme, I didn't know that they couldn't put that on a dairy ice cream cake,I guess its something new I learned.

Wow I can't believe it's snowing up here, it is really chilly out....BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Jack Frost biting your nose...lol......

Please remember our friends from the Prayer request page, Thank you.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
JER 17:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 7:55 PM CDT

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-23

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

Grandma and Papa, my dad and mom are buying LaKota a birthday cake for her birthday, We will go to my parents house over the weekend and have birthday cake on Saturday for LaKota, hopefully the weather will be fairly nice their. The leaves are really turning color here, the trees look so pretty. It rained for most of the day and the night, so it is pretty wet out, some one mention that we might get snow tomorrow, I hope not, not yet any ways, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

We took our little Pomeranian dog Shadow, who is 13 years old to the vet yesterday , she quit eating on us over the weekend, and was hardly drinking anything, plus she was getting this very foul smell from her breathe, the vet said that Shadow was dying, that her organs are starting to shut down, and the smell from her breathe is the urine that is absorbing in her body and blood, it is from her kidneys that are shutting down, and that she has only about a week left, We asked the Vet if she thought Shadow was in any pain, she said she did not think so, so we decided that we would bring Shadow home with us and let her leave this Earthly planet at home. I told LaKota that Shadow will be going to Heaven, and when I was telling her, I started crying, she said, Mom, you need a hug, it will be ok, because God will be happy that Shadow will be coming to him, and God can bring Shadow to my sister Skyla who doesnt have a dog, and Shadow will be much happier, because she will feel so much better, I thought Wow how mature and grown up that she is, LaKota was here comforting me, I can tell LaKota is very sad and hurt about Shadow dying, its weird, shes the one their being strong for me; I remember when LaKota lost the disability of walking due to chemo, here Shadow went and got one of LaKotas beanie babies, which Shadow would never touch before, and would bring it in front of LaKota and start shaking it, trying to get LaKota to get up, what a wonderful blessing that she brought to our family.

LaKota had therapy today, so I made an doctor appointment before therapy, so that the doctor could check LaKotas cough, I just been so stressed out lately, I told the doctor I couldnt tell anything any more, but that Steve said that she was getting better, Poor Steve, I think I drove him cuckoo, every time LaKota would cough, I would say does it sound loose or deep, does it sound better, is she breathing hard, the doctor said that LaKota sounded better and that she looked real good, and she also told me that I am driving myself out of my mind, and that I need to take care of myself, Thats easier said than done, especially for me, LaKota has and will always be number one in my life, she is my life.

Please remember our friends from the prayer request page, Thank you.

"Those who wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth."
Psalm 37:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, September 30, 2005 11:35 AM CDT

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

LaKota has a little cough yet, not as much as she did before, I am praying that it goes away real soon, I get so stressed out when she gets anything.
LaKota decided that she wants to be Cinderella for Halloween, so Grandma, my mom is going to make LaKota a Cinderella ball gown dress, she is going to surprise LaKota and give it to LaKota for her birthday, which is the 10th of October, I know LaKota will be really happy when she sees the gown that Grandma made for her.
Next week Wednesday religion school will start for LaKota, Steve he is going to be one of the volunteers that will help out in LaKotas religion class, LaKota will make her first communion this coming spring, that will be such a wonderful event for her, and also for mom and father here.

Please remember to pray for our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
Jeremiah 29:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:15 AM CDT

God is the Lord Who heals us.
Exodus 15:26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

I decided that I would take LaKota in yesterday to get that cough checked out, I always get so worried about her every time she has a cough or a fever; the doctor gave her some antibiotic and have her on an inhaler to try and loosen her cough up, I made LaKota stay home from school today too, so that I can keep an eye on her cough, the doctor said if her cough isnt better in a few days that LaKota will have to be on another medicine to open up her lungs more, Please pray that this will make LaKotas cough go away and that it is nothing serious, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Please remember to keep Our Friends in your prayers from the prayer request page, also please pray for those in the path of Hurricane Rita. Thank you.

God's promise to keep His people free from disease.
Deuteronomy 7:15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:10 PM CDT

"Those who wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth."
Psalm 37:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

LaKota has therapy on Tuesday, so I am going to have Dr,Melloy check LaKota's cough, Please pray that it isn't nothing serious, Thank you for your powerful prayer's for LaKota here on Earth.

Friday LaKota and I went up north to my dad and moms house, Last weekend when we were at my dad and moms house, some how we forgot LaKotas Timber up there, LaKota sure missed Timber so very much during the week, she had to call Grandma up and tell Grandma make sure Timber sleeps with you and Papa so Timber wouldnt get scared, When we got to my dad and moms house, LaKota ran in the house to see where Timber was, and their Timber was on Papa and Grandmas bed, all covered up with a new blanket Grandma made for Timber, right away LaKota picked Timber up and hugged her so tight and said Timber, I missed you so much, did you miss me? Timber is a beanie buddy, I think the real name for Timber is Nanook, but LaKota named her Timber; Timber has been with LaKota through everything; We didnt even know if she could go with LaKota when she had her bone marrow transplant, but the nurse said that Timber could be with LaKota as long as we were able to wash and disinfect Timber from any germs, before she could even come into LaKotas room, Now we were really worried, wondering if Timber would survive the washing machine and dryer, we didnt want nothing to happen to Timber, LaKotas heart would have been broken, so we put her in a pillow case, tied it shut, and put the washing machine on gently cycle, and when Timber was done in the washing machine, I was too scared to open the pillow case to see if she was ok before I put her in the dryer, we kept Timber in the pillow case and dried her that way, when we opened up the pillow case, their Timber looked so nice and clean, she has been washed a few times since then, after being thrown up on, and spilled on and what not; that Timber means everything to LaKota, I dont know what would happen if Timber ever fell apart, You cant buy a Nanook beanie buddy in the store no more, so hopefully she wouldnt have to be washed to many times.
Steve stayed back and worked on the neighbors ice fishing house while they are in Ireland and went out to his moms house and did some minor repairs for her.
LaKota, I and of course Timber came home Saturday evening, we had a good time up at my dad and moms house, LaKotas cousins Jon, Luke, Dalton, Danielle, Jason and Tish were also their.
The leaves on the tree are changing some, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, I hate to think winter will be here before we know it.
I cant believe that October is so close, and on the 10th of October, LaKota is going to be 8, Wow, my little girl is going to be 8, Thank you God!
It has been raining most of the day here, and its been chilly too.

Today Steve and I went to
~*~STEPHANIES~*~ services, very sad, than on Tuesday her family will lay Stephanie to rest in North Dakota, Please let them know that you are praying for them, no parent should ever have to bury their child.

~*~Chance and Angels mom PATTI~*~ went to Heaven last Thursday, Please keep them in your prayers, Thank you.

Please also pray for those in the path of Hurricane Rita. Thank you.

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY SAMANTHA, Samantha is my niece, her and my son Cody were about the same age.

"Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You have restored my health and have allowed me to live.
Isaiah 38:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 5:35PM CDT

LaKotas blood work and weight for September 20th 2005.

WBC: 11.6
PLATELETS: 288,000
ANC: 6,496
WEIGHT: 44.5
HEIGHT: "41.5"

"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on Earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven."
Matthew 18:19

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

October 21st , LaKota will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that LaKota's kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

Yesterday LaKota had blood counts, it looked real good, except for her white blood counts are up, they figure it is from the cough that she has, that cough is hanging on to both LaKota and I, we dont have the cough as much, but we have it where you have to clear your voice so you dont talk funny. Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Boy did we ever have beautiful weather today, LaKota and her class had a nature field trip, I went along and volunteer to help out on the field trip, the kids seemed to have a good time.

Listening to the news I see that a hurricane is heading towards Padre Island and Corpus Christie and some other towns that way in Texas, Please keep these people in your prayers. My dad and mom always go to Port Aransas Texas during the winter time, and that is just right by where they are saying that the hurricane is heading, I Pray that the hurricane does not amount to anything where it doesnt do any more damages.

Please stop by Stephanies web page and let Stephanies loves ones know that you are praying for them as they travel this heart broken journey, Thank you.

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, September 18, 2005 7:25PM CDT

UPDATE FOR MONDAY, 19th: Please keep Stephanie love one's in your prayer's, Thank you. Stephanie went to Heaven today to be with our loving God.

Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
Matthew 21:22

First of all I would like to mention, please go to STEPHANIES web page, she needs all the prayers that she can get, she isnt doing good at all, Please also keep Stephanies family in your prayers too, thank you.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tuesday LaKota will have blood counts done, than on October 21st , she will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that her kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

We went up north over the weekend to my dad and moms house, the leaves are starting to turn color, the leaves look so beautiful by the lake.

Today is Steve and My Anniversary, Steve, I and LaKota spent it with some of my Family, which was nice, we always enjoy being with the family.

Please remember to go to STEPHANIES web page.

God's promise to keep His people free from disease.
Deuteronomy 7:15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:45 PM CDT

Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.
LUK 11:44

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tuesday LaKota will have blood counts done, than on October 21st , she will have an ultra sound done on her kidney and on her other lower organs, Please pray for 100 percent healthy blood and that her kidney and her other organs are 100 percent healthy, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth!

Yesterday LaKota had therapy, both P.T and O.T, it was the first time back for her in 5 weeks; LaKota was happy to be back at therapy, she really missed every one their, she really enjoys therapy, which makes me very happy, to see her happy.

Please remember to pray for our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you!

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 CO 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, September 12, 2005 11:00 AM CDT

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.
2 Chronicles 15:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Our weekend went really good, we had a surprise birthday party for my mom on Saturday, Steve had the job of keeping my mom and dad away from their house for a few hours on Saturday while we decorated the big pole shed, Steve called right before they left to come back home, so we all gathered in the pole shed and closed the door, Steve pulled right up to the shed and as soon as mom got out of the truck, my brother-n-law Randy and my nephew Jon opened up the big door on the pole shed and we all yelled Happy birthday, my mom was really surprise, the birthday party went real good, it was hot enough where the kids could go swimming or fishing, and mom, she really had a good time, which we were happy with.
Than on Sunday we had a cake for my niece Samantha who will turn 18 on September 25th, (Her and my son Cody were close to the same age, he will be 18 in Heaven on December 19th )and her friend Dave who turn 18 last Friday on the 9th, and my great nephew Hunter who turns the big 1 today, we did a lot of cake over the weekend.


Steve and LaKota walked over to my dad and moms neighbors house, some of LaKotas cousins were over their at the neighbors house swinging on their swing that swings out on the lake, well LaKota was on the swing and Steve said when she came back in she collided with a tree, so she got pretty skinned up on one side of her, than when we were getting ready to leave my dad and moms house on Sunday, my oldest sister Maria, she has a Toy Yorkie, Hannah that weighs about 3-4 pounds, and knowing LaKota a dog lover that she is, went up and gave the dog a kiss good bye, well apparently the little Hannah is not a kid lover, she bit LaKota right on the cheek by her mouth, thank goodness it didnt break the skin, but it left a bruise their, in spite of those incidents LaKota had a pretty good weekend.

LaKota and I still have that stinky cough, not as bad as what we had before, thank goodness.

When I brought LaKota to school this morning it started sprinkling out, when I got home we had a good T-storm with some thunder and lighting, thank goodness there wasnt any wind that I have seen in our area by our house, it got pretty dark out, but the lighting was really bright, Storms dont bother LaKota, I think by us keeping our cool when a storm was happening, it helped her not be afraid of the storms, even when we have no electricity and the sirens are going off and we have to head down stairs to the basement, she just goes along with the flow of it, and plays with her toys down stairs, she likes listening to the rain and the thunder, but I do too.

Please keep Stephanie in your prayers, she is in the prayer request page found on LaKotas page, also please pray for our other friends on the prayer request page, Thank you.

Search for the Lord and for his strength, and keep on searching. Think of the wonderful works he has done, the miracles and the judgments he handed down.
Psalm 105:4-5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, September 8, 2005 10:03 AM CDT

God is the Lord Who heals us.
Exodus 15:26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is enjoying school very much, which makes me very happy. LaKota can be a very stubborn little girl when she wants to be, she has to read a book to Steve and I every night, boy she does not want to read to us at all, shell look away and say she doesnt know the word, which I know she does know some of these words, finally she said to me, Mom I just want you to be my mom, not my mom nurse any more and not a teacher, "I just want a mom", I told her that what moms are all of and much more, than she said "mom you know what I am talking about, and I do know what she is talking about, when she was so ill before, I had to be her nurse at home and tried being a teacher to her at home with school work, but with the home work she just would butt heads with me, she did great with some one else that wasnt family, Home schooling I would love for her to be home schooled, but I know it couldn't be by me, otherwise all we would be doing is butting heads and be frustrated and I wouldn't want that for her, now if some one else home school her she would do great, but I dont really know any home schooling teachers (parents).

She still has a cough and a little runny nose, Im praying that it will be gone soon, I think I caught a bit of her cold, I rather have it than her having it.

Monday September 12th is my great nephew Hunters 1st Birthday, and on Saturday the 10th will be my moms birthday, so we will go up north and have a little party for the both of them.

Please remember to visit our friends from the Prayer request page, Please visit Stephanie, she is not doing very good, she now has a breathing tube put in, Thank you.

Boy I sure havent gotten any of my energy back since LaKota was in the hospital during her transplant, and that has been a little over a year now, I feel like I am dragging, and dragging and when I do lay down to try and sleep I am wide awake, not just for an a couple hours a night but mainly through the whole night, I am very exhausted in the morning I can barely pull myself out of bed, you think I would fall asleep wherever I am, but I just cant sleep,and when I do fall asleep its for about 20 minutes than I'm up for 3-4 hours...UGH!!!!! I wish I could just lay down and sleep restfully, you can tell the affects that it is having on my body, I have gained over 30 pounds since last year......UGH! Oh well maybe when I am in my 80's I'll be able to sleep...lol...... it does get frustrated though.

God's promise to keep His people free from disease.
Deuteronomy 7:15,

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, September 5, 2005 4:55 PM CDT

I thank my God every time I remember you.
PHI 1:3

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about not updating earlier, it has been pretty busy around here now that school has started.

LaKotas first 2 days of school went real good, her teacher is seems to be very nice, which I am very grateful for. The second day of school, that morning LaKota woke up and her legs were really stiff, I asked LaKota if she wanted to go to school or take it easy, but she wanted too, the teacher thought maybe it was from being on her legs all day and from getting up quiet often from a sitting position, Steve also thinks its from the floor being concrete, which can be hard on a lot of people if they are not use to being on concrete for that many hours of day, or some one like LaKota who doesnt have the full strength in her legs, I was helping in LaKotas classroom in the morning and when I was getting ready to leave I noticed that LaKota was still limping or walking stiff , so I asked her if she wanted to come home with me and give her legs a rest, she said No mom, I dont want to leave my friends, she just loves being around kids, than when I came to pick her up at the end of the day she was walking much better, I asked her if her legs were stiff, she said no mom, look I can walk better, and off she went walking down the hall, I was glad to see that her legs were feeling much better, I always gets worried every time she her legs hurt. LaKota started getting a runny nose and a cough on Saturday, dont know if its from all the germs in school with the kids being back at school and some of the children having colds, Please pray that LaKotas cold goes away and that her legs feel better, Thank you.
Tuesday mornings I do volunteer work in LaKotas classroom, which is nice, that way I can see how she is doing.

LaKota, I and our dog Shadow went up north to my parents house for the weekend, Steve stayed home and helped put up a shed for his mom. We had a good time up at my dad and moms house, we had a Bass fishing contest up their, I put LaKota in for the contest and I was her side kick, we didnt win though, but theirs always next year to try, My Aunt Ceva from CA. was their too, so we had a nice visit with her.

Please remember to visit our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 6:35 PM CDT

Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.
2 Chronicles 20:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Monday the golf outing and live auction that the company Steve works for, "Shingobee Builders Inc", I'm not exactly sure how much money that they raised for the Ronald McDonald House in the Twin Cities, but Steve thought it was over $10,000; what a wonderful blessing event that Shingobee put on to help raise money for the Ronald McDonald house in the Twin Cities; LaKota did really good getting up their and being one of the guest speakers, I am so very proud of her.

Last night LaKota had open house for her school, we got to meet her teacher, she seems really nice, Tomorrow will be LaKotas first day of school, I am not looking forward to school starting and having her gone for so many hours during the day, but LaKota on the other hand is looking forward to school, the only thing she isnt happy about is that she will have to start getting up at 6:30 am in the morning, school starts at 7:45 am, she is my night owl, and likes to sleep until 7:30-8:00 am in the morning, it will be a big change for her, especially since she really never had much of a chance of being on a regular schedule from being in the hospital and some of her medicines that kept her up. Please pray that everything goes good for LaKota in school, thank you.

Wow can you believe the gas prices, it sure puts a damper on the pocket book, especially for any one going on vacation before school starts.

Please pray that Craig's scans are clear, he is having scans on Friday, Please also remember to pray for our friends in the prayer request page, thank you.

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
Proverbs 30:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:55 PM CDT

Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.
1CH 16:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

The company that Steve works for, Shingobee Builders, Inc will be having a golf outing and a dinner with a live auction on Monday, August 29th at Burl Oaks Golf Club at 5400 North Arm Drive Minnetrista, MN, it will start at 12:00pm, all the proceeds that are raised at this event will benefit the Ronald McDonald House of the Twin Cities; LaKota will get to be one of the guest speakers their, What a very generous and kind event that Shingobee is doing; The Ronald McDonald House provides a home away from home for families of children who are being treated for cancer and other life threatening illness. The house relies on the community for 85 percent of its operating budget.

We are up at my dad and moms house, we came up for the weekend, we will be leaving some time today to go back home, it was nice being up by the lake by my dad and moms house, just being by family, we didn't do any swimming, it was too cold for that. I can't believe that summer is almost over with, it makes me sad to think how fast it flew by.

Please remember to pray for our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
MAT 7:24

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:45 AM CDT

"Those who wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth."
Psalm 37:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I forgot to mention while we were in Wisconsin on our way home from Ohio from visiting Ben and his family, we stopped at a horse stable in Wisconsin and went horse back riding, LaKota decided that she wanted to ride the horse all by herself instead of being paired up with me, boy was Steve and I nervous or what about her riding by herself, I was almost sick to my stomach, with her being so tiny sitting up on the horse, and the horse being so big, but she did so good by herself, Im so proud of her, Thank you God for letting LaKota be my precious daughter, I love you God!

Well I am not looking forward to school starting for LaKota, I love having her home with me, I wish school was only 4 - 5 hours long a day for the kids, and have different shifts - times during the day so that the classes would be much smaller, I wonder if we will ever see that.

Here is a poem that I would like to share with you that someone e-mailed me.

Deck of Cards

It was quiet that day, the guns and the mortars, and land mines for some reason hadn't been heard. The young soldier knew it was Sunday, the holiest day of the week.

As he was sitting there, he got out an old deck of cards and laid them out across his bunk.
Just then an Army sergeant came in and said, "Why aren't you with the rest of the platoon?"

The soldier replied, "I thought I would stay behind and spend some time with the Lord."

The sergeant said, "Looks to me like you're going to play cards."

The soldier said, "No, sir. You see, since we are not allowed to have Bibles or other spiritual books in this country, I've decided to talk to the Lord by studying this deck of cards."

The sergeant asked in disbelief, "How will you do that?"

"You see the Ace, Sergeant? It reminds me that there is only one God.

"The Two represents the two parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments.

"The Three represents the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

"The Four stands for the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

"The Five is for the five virgins there were ten but only five of them were glorified.

"The Six is for the six days it took God to create the Heavens and Earth.

"The Seven is for the day God rested after making His Creation.

"The Eight is for the family of Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives -- the eight people God spared from the flood that destroyed the Earth.

"The Nine is for the lepers that Jesus cleansed of leprosy. He cleansed ten, but nine never thanked Him.

"The Ten represents the Ten Commandments that God handed down to Moses on tablets made of stone.

"The Jack is a reminder of Satan, one of God's first angels, but he got kicked out of heaven for his sly and wicked ways and is now the joker of eternal hell.

"The Queen stands for the Virgin Mary.

"The King stands for Jesus, for he is the King of all kings.

"When I count the dots on all the cards, I come up with 365 total, one for every day of the year.

"There are a total of 52 cards in a deck; each is a week -- 52 weeks in a year.

"The four suits represent the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

"Each suit has thirteen cards -- there are exactly thirteen weeks in a quarter.

"So when I want to talk to God and thank Him, I just pull out this old deck of cards and they remind me of all that I have to be thankful for."

The sergeant just stood there. After a minute, he said, "Soldier, can I borrow that deck of cards?"

Please let this be a reminder and take time to pray for all of our soldiers who are being sent away, putting their lives on the line fighting.

Please remember to pray for our friends in the prayer request page, Thank you.

"The unfailing love of the Lord never ends!
Lamentations 3:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:25 PM CDT

"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see."
Acts 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We had a nice time visiting with Brett, Becky, Chris and Ben in Ohio, our time their went by real fast, it was sad when we had to leave to go home. While we were their we went to the Cleveland Ohio Zoo, LaKota enjoyed seeing all the different animals, we also went to Pennsylvania to Beckys sisters wedding, LaKota got to be in the wedding, she walked with Ben in the wedding, it was really cute seeing Ben and LaKota walking arm in arm together, it was so very nice of Beckys sister to have LaKota in her wedding. While we were in Pennsylvania we went to see Lake Erie, LaKota got to swim in Lake Erie. While we were at Bens house, they have a swimming pool their, LaKota learned how to swim under water, she was just tickle pink with it, before she learn to swim under water she did not like to have any water on her face. On our way home we stopped at Wisconsin dells, their we stayed in a hotel that had a water park inside, LaKota really enjoyed the water park in the hotel, I have to say Steve and I did too.
I'm pretty tired so I'm off to bed, thank you for checking on LaKota.

Please pray for our friends in the Prayer request, Thank you.

"Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You have restored my health and have allowed me to live!"
Isaiah 38:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, August 15, 2005 9:25 AM CDT

O Lord my God, I called to you for help and you healed me."
Psalm 30:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I was so very glad when Friday came and that when Steve got home from work, it seemed like the drive to my parents was longer than usual, I couldnt wait until I saw LaKota; First time mom here was away from her for the night, when we got to my dad and moms house, LaKota came running and yelling to us, Father, mom I miss you both so very much, than she gave Steve and I one of her bear hugs, it made up for the days that we were apart from her, than off she went with the kids playing, later that night when it was time for bed time, she had to tell Steve and I all about the exciting things that she did while she was their, turtle and duck races, fishing, playing and just being with the family, she really had a good time, which I am so grateful for. Thank you Lisa for making it fun for LaKota, even though it was tough on mom here.
We had a great time at the family reunion, which was at my dad and moms house, it was great just being together and visiting with family. LaKota was sad to see Sunday to come, because it usually means its time to go back home again, she always loves being at my dad and moms house by the lake and the woods, so much to do.

We are leaving tomorrow for West Salem Ohio to see our friends that we met while LaKota and their son Ben went through a blood cord transplant last summer, we are really excited about seeing them, we really miss them a lot. While we are their it will be Bens birthday, and we will also be going to Bens aunts wedding, which Ben is in. We will be driving their, I think it is around 12-14 hours, LaKota has tutoring today and tomorrow, so after LaKota gets home from being tutor and Steve gets home from work, we will head out to Ohio we will be back on Monday, so will update when I get home.

Please pray for Stephanie, she can use all the prayer's that she can get; she had her blood cord transplant on July 26th of 2005, they have found out that she has a fungus - mold growing on her lungs, her blood pressure has been really low, Thank you.

Please pray for Taj,she received some news from the doctor which was not good, Thank you.

Please pray for Kay, she can use all the extra prayers right now, and please wish her a happy birthday,Thankyou

"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 30:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, August 12, 2005 3:05 PM CDT

Please pray for ~*~STEPHANIE~*~, she can use all the prayer's that she can get; she had her blood cord transplant on July 26th of 2005, they have found out that she has a fungus - mold growing on her lungs, Thank you.

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
Matthew 14:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Well I can honestly say that the last couple days have dragged by with LaKota up by her Papa and Grandmas house, even while doing the garage sale, it has tick, tock, tick, tick tock slowly by, Thank goodness today is Friday, after Steve gets home from work we will be on our way up to my dad and moms house, I cant wait until I see LaKota, its my first time away from her; like I have mention many times over and over, LaKota is my life!
Dont ask how many times I called my dad and moms house to talk too LaKota in the past few days, I lost count, half the time when I did call up their, LaKota was too busy having fun to want to talk to me, Mom said when LaKota woke up Thursday morning, she told my mom and dad, Good morning Papa and Grandma, now I need to call my mom up and tell her good morning, which she did, it made my day to hear her voice, she had to tell me all about the turtle races on Wednesday, and today she is going to the duck races, and she had to tell me that Papa made her and Kristine, and Kayla pancakes, she always tells every one that Papa makes the best pancakes in the whole world and Grandma makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the whole world, she also has to mention every time that she smells fresh coffee being opened that it reminds her of Grandma, and ice cream reminds her of Papa, Grandma does like her coffee, and Papa he likes his ice cream.
I mention to LaKota, Now I suppose you dont need mom for your sleep overs any more, she said Mom, some times I need you for sleep over, but not this time, Im having so much fun; Im so grateful that she is having a good time and so much fun, I knew she wouldnt have any trouble being away over night away from mom and father, she is a people person all the way around.
Saturday we will be having a family reunion at my dad and moms house, it will be on my dads side of the family, it will be nice getting together.

The garage sale went real good, Thank you Angie for helping me on Thursday morning, if you werent their, I probably would have gone nuts with all the people who came up all at once to pay for their things, and it wasnt just one or two items at a time, it was a whole armful of things, Samantha thank you for helping me today.

Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
Hebrews 13:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005 2:15 PM CDT

"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see."
Acts 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

If you e-mailed me at SDL@astound.net it is not working at this time, sorry about that, so if you e-mail me, please send it to LaKotaDeb@hotmail.com., hopefully next week the SDL@Astound.net e-mail shall be up going!

LaKota is feeling much better, thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
LaKotas ran a fever for 3 days and her throat was also scratchy for three days, I am so thankful that she could fight this on her own with out having to take any antibiotics, and thankful that our beautiful God has answered all our powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Yesterday LaKota had her sleep over with her cousins Kristine and Kayla, they had a real good time; Steve blew up the bounce around so that the kids could jump around in it, than they played in the water in LaKotas small kiddy pool, than afterwards they watched the movie Barbie Fairy Topia, and ate to the glory with lots of snacks; LaKota had school the next morning so they didnt get to stay up real late, but that was ok, they were pretty tired when it came time for bed time, busy, busy playing and having fun.
Today LaKotas class and some of the other grades walked to a park, this park had lots of water fountain sprinklers that the children could go and play in, they also had a play ground, just incase some of the children didnt want to play in the water, the children really had a great time at the park. LaKota also had tutoring after school, she really enjoys being with her tutor Beth, when I picked LaKota up from being tutored, her teacher Beth was looking out the classroom door, Beth said that the last 10 minutes LaKota has been sleeping, I looked in the room, and here LaKota had her head on the table just a snoring away, too bad I didnt have my camera with at that time!
Today is LaKotas last day of summer school, really summer school isnt done until Friday, but my sister Lisa and her two daughters Kristine and Kayla are going to pick LaKota up tomorrow morning and bring her up north by my dad and moms house, Lisa plans on taking the kids to the turtle and duck races, LaKota is really excited about it, Steve and I will be going to my dad and moms house on Friday, this will be the first time LaKota has been away from mom, or I should say this will be the first time mom will be away from LaKota, am I ready for this, probably not, I thought maybe I could go up with them, but theres no way I can, unless I cancel our garage sale, which I dont think Steve would be too happy about, especially since we have it in the newspaper, I know that LaKota is excited about being able to sleep over some where with out mom hovering over her all the time, Im just hoping those days fly by until I see her on Friday, I know Ill be calling her how many times a day, mom is the one who will be having a hard time, not LaKota!
I think about school starting Sept.1st, I wish school was like in shifts, with shorter hours for the kids and smaller classes, I think the children would benefit from it, and not being so tired at the end of the day at school, also it would be easier on this mom herelol.

"If any of you are having trouble, pray. If you are happy, sing psalms.
James 5:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, August 5, 2005 2:35 PM CDT

But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing.
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

If you e-mailed me at SDL@astound.net it is not working at this time, sorry about that, so if you e-mail me, please send it to LaKotaDeb@hotmail.com., hopefully next week the SDL@Astound.net e-mail shall be up going!

Thursday morning LaKotas temperature was 102.9, she still was complaining that she had a headache, I called the clinic and made an appointment that morning to get LaKota in to see the doctor, she wasnt dragging around feeling icky, she was feeling pretty good where she still felt like playing, but I felt better about getting her in to get it checked out, when the doctor was checking her out she was looking for any rashes on LaKotas feet and hands, I guess that viral is really going around, LaKota told the doctor that her throat felt scratchy, of course she never told mom that, the doctor looked inside her mouth and said that LaKotas throat was red and spotty, they took an strepth throat culture which LaKota does not like, so far that came back negative, which is good, the doctor also wanted a blood count done on LaKota, her counts look wonderful, the doctor told Steve that LaKotas blood counts look great, just like a healthy child that never had any thing wrong with them, what a wonderful thing to hear from the doctor, the doctor said that LaKota has an viral and that it needs to run its course; Today LaKota still has a low grade fever, and her throat is still feels scratchy, but in spite of that she is feeling good enough where she still wants to play, Please pray that LaKotas fever will be gone by tonight, Thank you.

LaKota didnt get to have her sleep over, I dont think my sister would have been too thrilled if her two daughters would catch LaKotas viral, LaKota understood and told me she didnt want to give it to her cousins; What a sweetie she is, alway's worring about other's.

Please go to the prayer request page, and please pray for our friends and their family, Thank you.

"Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You have restored my health and have allowed me to live!"
Isaiah 38:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie

Wednesday, August 3, 2005 7:35 PM CDT

UPDATE 9:35 pm tonight, LaKota started running a 102.5 temperature, I gave her some tylenol, Please pray that her fever will be gone before morning, Thank you.

Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. And heal the sick there, and say to them, The kingdom of God has come near to you.
Luke 10:8-9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

If you e-mailed me at SDL@astound.net it is not working at this time, sorry about that, so if you e-mail me, please send it to LaKotaDeb@hotmail.com. Thank you.

LaKota is doing really well, she has been busy with school, and therapy; Today LaKotas tutor Beth called and said that LaKota was complaining about a headache, so I went and picked her up from school, Im praying that LaKotas headache is just from being tired and nothing to worry about.

I forgot to mention last time in LaKotas journal, while we were up north at my dad and moms house, LaKota got bit by a bee, her first time, OUCH, I wasnt by her when it happened, but LaKotas God Father Jon, and my sister Susie,
and my niece to be Angie, and some of my other family members were out side at the time when it happened, my sister Susie said that LaKota kept her cool at first, they heard LaKota say I got stung by a bee, I got stung by a bee, and she had her toes up and was walking on her heel fast as she could, she got bit on the toe, so thats why she was walking on her heel, LaKotas God Father Jon ran over by where LaKota was and scooped LaKota up, at that time she just broke loose and started crying, I think she kept her cool when she was by herself, but as soon as she was by some one she knew she just let loose and start crying, Jon took her inside my dad and moms house where I was, I grabbed some ice for LaKota and put it on her toe, I didnt know if she would have an reaction or not, since she swells up from mosquito bites, and I also have 3 sisters and my dad who are allergic to bees bites; about 20 years ago my dad was never allergic to bees than one day he got bit by a bee and had a bad reaction to it, where he was rushed to the hospital, no matter how many times you get bit by a bee, it only takes one time to change all of it; Thank goodness LaKota never had a reaction from the bee bite; the bees are really bad at my dad and moms, those bees that are on the ground where some of those little flowers are growing on the ground.

LaKota is getting excited about tomorrow, for when she is having her 2 cousins Kristine and Kayla over for a sleep over.

Somebody e-mail this to me, and I would like to share it with you, it is very touching!

Do angels watch over us?

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile They said had run the
light That caused the six-car pileup On 109 that
When broken bodies lay about And blood was everywhere,
The sirens screamed out ulogies, For death was in the air.
A mother, trapped inside her car, Was heard above the
noise; Her plaintive plea near split the air: Oh, God,
please spare my boys!"
She fought to loose her pinned hands; She struggled to
get free, But mangled metal held her fast In grim
Her frightened eyes then focused On where the back
seat once had been, But all she saw was broken glass
and Two children's seats crushed in.
Her twins were nowhere to be seen; She did not hear
them cry, And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,
Oh, God, don't let them die!"
Then firemen came and cut her loose, But when they
searched the back, They found there were no little
But the seat belts were intact.
They thought the woman had gone mad And was traveling
alone, But when they turned to question her, They
discovered she was gone.
Policemen saw her running wild And screaming above the
noise In beseeching supplication, Please help me find
my boys!
They're four years old and wear blue shirts; Their
jeans are blue to match." One cop spoke up, "They're
in my car, And they don't have a scratch.
They said their daddy put them there And gave them
each a cone, Then told them both to wait for Mom To
come and take them home.
I've searched the area high and low, But I can't find
their dad. He must have fled the scene, I guess, and
that is very bad."
The mother hugged the twins and said, While wiping at
a tear, He could not flee the scene, you see, For he's
been dead a year."
The cop just looked confused and asked, Now, how can
that be true?" The boys said, "Mommy, Daddy came And
left a kiss for you."
He told us not to worry And that you would be all
right, And then he put us in this car with The pretty,
flashing light.
We wanted him to stay with us, Because we miss him so,
But Mommy, he just hugged us tight And said he had to
He said someday we'd understand And told us not to
fuss, And he said to tell you, Mommy, He's watching
over us."
The mother knew without a doubt That what they spoke
was true, For she recalled their dad's last words, I
will watch over you."
The firemen's notes could not explain The twisted,
mangled car, And how the three of them escaped Without
a single scar.
But on the cop's report was scribed, In print so very
fine, An angel walked the beat tonight on Highway109.

Please go to the prayer request page, and please pray for our friends and their family, Thank you.

"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see."
Acts 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, August 1, 2005 10:35 PM CDT

"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 30:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you every one for the birthday wish, it really meant a lot to me;
We went up to my dad and moms house for the weekend, LaKota decorated an Angel food cake for me, what a sweetie she is, than for my birthday she gave me an Willow Angel figurine, the one that says health on it, and a pair of pink pajamas, I always let her blow out the candles on my birthday cake, I always put on how many candles on the cake of the age that she will be on her next birthday, after Cody and Skyla went to Heaven, I didnt want any candles on my cake any more, I dont know why, but I just didnt want candles any more on my birthday cake, than when LaKota was born, I started putting candles on my cake for the age that she will turn on her next birthday: all I ever ask and pray for, is a long healthy old age for LaKota here on Earth, thats all I ever need, I had a real good birthday, just being with family and having LaKota here with me.
It was perfect weather up north by my dad and moms house for swimming, hot the way I like it by a lake. LaKota had a real good time at her Papa and Grandmas house, some of her cousins were also their, so she had fun just staying busy playing, the way she should be.

Today my sister Lisa came over with her 3 daughters Samantha, Kristine and Kayla, and Kristines friend Ashley, they brought me a dairy queen cake, it was really nice of them. Tomorrow LaKota has school, than my dad and mom are coming to our house, we are planning on going out to lunch with my dad and mom. This week the weather is suppose to be really hot, now this is the time when I wish we had a big pool at our house since we cant go to the lake by my dad and moms house.

LaKota invited her cousins Kayla and Kristine over on Thursday to have an sleep over, so they are all excited about that.

"The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, July 29, 2005 3:15 PM CDT

Therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." Surely this includes healing!
Mark 11:24

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please keep your prayers going for Stephanie who just had her transplant on Tuesday, Thank you!

Also our niece Sherry e-mailed me today and said that her friends little niece Aubrey was just diagnose with Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, please go to her web page and let her and her family know that you are praying for them, they have just begun this journey and could use all the prayer's and support that they can get. Thank you.

Wow I cant believe today is Friday; the week went by so fast. Tuesday LaKota, I, and my sister Lisa and her two daughters Kristine and Kayla went to the Como Zoo, they really enjoyed going on the rides their; it's a small amusement park for the kids, not as big as Valley Fair or Six Flags, they rode on the rides over and over for a good 5 hours straight, which was fine and dandy with us, the main thing was for the kids to have fun, which the kids did, the kids also enjoyed seeing all the animals, but they thought it was sad to see the animals behind cages; We didnt get home until after 10:00pm that night, LaKota was just talking off Steves ear about how much fun she had that day.
On Wednesday LaKota and I woke up bright and early so that we would be out of the house when the contractors came to put in 4 new windows in our house, I didnt want LaKota to be around all that dust, so we headed to my sister Lisas house and went swimming with Lisa and her two daughters; Later that night Lisa, and her two daughters Kristine, Kayla and Kristines friend came over to our house, Steve blew up the bounce round, thats where the kids can go in their and jump around, LaKota has two slides on it, the kids had lots of fun jumping all over.

Today we are going up to my dad and moms house for the weekend, hopefully the weather will be nice and hot, the way we like it when we go swimming.

LaKota has been busy with her therapy, and schooling, LaKotas therapists are so amazed at how strong that she is getting, I am so very proud of her, Im proud to be her mom, she is my life here on Earth.

Wishing every one a safe and happy weekend.

God's promise to keep His people free from disease.
Deuteronomy 7:15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, July 25, 2005 10:25 PM CDT

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tomorrow Stephanies will be having her transplant, please stop by her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you!

Saturday LaKota, I, and my sister Lisa and her two daughters Kristine and Kayla went to the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Our intention in the beginning was for LaKota and I to go swimming at Lisas house at the lake that they live next too, but it was cold and raining that day, so we ended up going to the movies instead, I have to say I thought Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a pretty neat movie, the kids really enjoyed it, than from the movies we did a little school shopping, I have such a hard time finding clothes that fit LaKota right, especially the pants, she doesnt like wearing jeans, even jeans with the elastic in them, she says they feel too tight on her, she likes just the plain stretch pants, but with her being so petite all her pants are so long, so than my mom cuts off the length and sews them her size, I use to be able to get her Capris, I still can on certain ones and theyll be the length that she needs, she cant stand anything that feels stiff either, thank goodness for mom with her sewing machine.
Yesterday LaKota and I just went to the movies by ourselves, I think I Must have been on a kick for movies, we went to the movie Madagascar, it was ok, but I thought Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was better, LaKota she enjoyed it though. After the movie LaKota and I went to Steves moms house, on the way out to Steves moms house I could hear LaKota doing something in the back seat, I could hear click, click, click, finally I asked LaKota what she was doing, she said Mom look, Im getting stronger, so I took a quick glance back, here she was pulling the locks up with her two fingers, it may not sound like too much, but to me it was amazing, I told her that Im so proud of how strong that she is, and that how she keeps trying at thing, I could tell every day that she is getting stronger and stronger, I think she finally realized it for herself, because this was so cute what she said to me, she said, Mom Im finally growing up, you could just hear the happiness in her voice when she told me that; it just melts my heart when I hear or see how happy that she is.

The doctor mention that LaKota can now have her immunization shots, I am so terrified about it, because I have heard that it can also bring the children out of remission, if I didnt have to worry about LaKota getting anything else with out her getting the immunization shots, I probably wouldnt let LaKota get any of the shots, it really has been bothering me.

Today two of my friends Sandie and Cindy took me out for an early birthday lunch, my birthday is really on the 30th of July, but this was the only time that the 3 of us could get together, it was really nice of them to take me out for lunch for my birthday, I had a real good time, I enjoyed just being able to sit down and visit with them, I havent really seen them since around Christmas time, we talked a few times on the phone, but never got together until now, it was nice just getting together again.

Tomorrow, LaKota, I, and my sister Lisa and her two daughters Kristine and Kayla are going to the Como Zoo, hopefully the weather will be nice not rain while we are their.

"Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise."
Jeremiah 17:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 1:45 PM CDT

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I am thanking our beautiful God every day for his Curing and Healing for LaKota here on Earth; I know that the farther LaKota gets out in years for 100 percent healthy cells the healthier she will be, she will always be monitor for the rest of her life, so please, please keep the powerful prayers for LaKota going strong here on Earth, Thank you.

I look at my daughter LaKota and tell our beautiful God, our beautiful Savior Jesus and our beautiful Mother Mary, Thank you, thank you, for giving LaKota a second chance at life here on Earth, and for letting her be here with me on Earth in flesh, listening to her beautiful voice call me mom, or say I love you mom, or just her beautiful touch, watching her play, I have a child here on Earth with me in flesh, words or beyond what I can possible feel; When our son Cody and our daughter Skyla went to Heaven, it was like our whole family was gone, and we were left here on Earth with out them, "I was left behind", THE PAIN words dont possible come close to even try to describe that pain, and than watching every one get on with their own life and their own families; God, how come I only got to be a mom for 2 years on Earth with Cody and Skyla in flesh, I know I will always be a mom to them in Heaven, and I'm grateful that I did have that time here with them on Earth, but I wanted longer than 2 years, Im sorry God, but I am selfish in that way, to have them longer on Earth in flesh with us, I wanted them to lay me to rest first, not their Father and I to lay them to rest first to go to Heaven, God, that pain hurt so bad, it's so unreal, how my arms felt so empty, not hearing my childrens voices, or their touch, or just to watch them play, today I am a proud mother of two beautiful children in Heaven, and a proud mom to my daughter here in FLESH here on Earth, it will be 8 years in October that I am that mom, to my daughter who is in flesh, not 2 years, but almost 8 years, I will always be a mom to my beautiful children in Heaven, and I am so very proud of that, but I am also a MOM here on Earth, to my daughter who is in flesh, words are so beyond this!
I fought and fought this war with my daughter for her life with the healing touch of our beautiful God, and the knowledge that God gave to the doctors that day for treatment for LaKota, and also the powerful prayers by every one for LaKota here on Earth from every one that got to know LaKota and grew to love, I am so very blessed that those prayer's were answered by our loving God, I am so very thankful for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, I am also so very happy, and blessed that I am a mom to my daughter LaKota, who is flesh, not just spirit, but flesh, here on Earth; Its so hard to explain what I felt when my two older children went to Heaven, and I was left behind; than along came our beautiful daughter LaKota, than she got this sickening disease, and I and her Father, and every one that came to know her and loved her, prayed for her, fought this war with her, I was really scared, and Im still scared at time's, but I truly believe she is cured here on Earth by our beautiful Lord, and thats what makes me keep going!
At time's when LaKota was going through all this, I was wondering was my life meant to not be a mom long here on Earth in flesh, was it only meant for me to be a mom in Heaven, I didnt know what to think any more, and now every time I look at LaKota, I know that I was also meant to be a mom for a long time on Earth to my daughter LaKota, both of us in flesh!
I dont know if you really understand what Im saying, some times it hard for me to explain what I'm feeling, hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to say, I dont want any one to get the wrong impression, Im so very proud to be a "MOM" to my two children in Heaven, but Im also very proud to be a "MOM" to my daughter in flesh here on Earth!

Some one asked me once before what it was like when LaKota was going through her treatments and the transplant, all I can say for me it was like WAR, watching my beautiful child fight for her life with this enemy, this awful disease, and I and her father and her family and all the people that came to love her, also fought along the side of her with all of our powerful prayers for her here on Earth, none of us knew what would happen, only God knew what would be, but we never gave up, we kept believing and believing in God's healing touch for LaKota here on earth, and thats why I really believe that's why LaKota came through all of what she has been through, God, did hear all of our powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and he answered those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth; War it truly was, but in a different sense! Please keep your powerful prayer's going for LaKota here on Earth, Thank You.
Sorry about going on, and on, but I am so very happy and bless for LaKota being here in flesh on Earth with me, LaKota is truly my life!

Thursday we went out to Steves moms house, Cousin Sherry, Uncle Larry and Uncle Butch were also their, Sherry took LaKota for a 4 wheeler ride, she had lots of fun riding with her cousin, they went to look at the cows in the meadow, yesterday we did some shopping, LaKota picked out a bright silky orange bag to carry her school books in, she didnt want a back pack, she wanted the shoulder carrier, hopefully it will work, Orange, LaKotas favorite color! I can see it when shes older, a orange vehicle, orange prom dress, orange bride maids dresses, orange vests for the groomsmen...lol orange has been her favorite color for so many years.

Today we are planning on going out to my younger sister Lisas house and going swimming with Lisa and her 3 daughters, Samantha, Kristine, Kayla, she lives right next to a lake, so hopefully the weather will let up some, we had a good thunderstorm here this morning even the sirens were going off, the temperature outside really dropped, so hopefully it will get warmer out.


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:15 AM CDT

She stood up straight and began thanking God. - Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth; Praise the Lord, Thank you God!
I am so very happy to tell you that LaKota is 100 percent all healthy donor cells and her genetics tests show that everything is excellent, Praise our beautiful Jesus and our beautiful Mother Mary.

Yesterday LaKota had school, than an hour of tutoring after school, we came home ate lunch than off to therapy, LaKotas therapist is really amaze at how strong LaKota is getting, Im so proud of my daughter, she is my life here on Earth!

Today LaKota has school, and also will also have an hour of tutoring after school, than my niece Samantha will pick her up later today and the two of them will go off and do something together, LaKota, she really enjoys being with her cousins.

LaKota and I went out for supper yesterday with Grandma, Steves mom, cousin Sherry and uncle Butch, we really had a nice visit with them, LaKota was proud to tell them that she has 100 percent donor cells.


He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.
Psalm 107:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, July 18, 2005 2:54 PM CDT

And Jesus said to him, "I will come and heal him."
Matthew 8:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We went up north to my dad and moms place for the weekend, we had a great time up their; the weather up north was beautifully hot, we spent most of the time in the water swimming, LaKota she really loves to swim, she is my little mermaid, she is finally getting the strength in her arms and legs where she can swim with out her life jacket on, she can go about 7 feet before she starts getting tired in her arms and legs, she is just so thrilled that she can swim that far with out her life jacket on, she doesnt like getting water in her eyes though, as soon as she gets a little water in her eyes, shes yelling that she needs a towel to dry her eyes, Oh well, in time shell get use to the water dripping in her eyes, and also get use to wiping her eyes with her hands instead asking for a towel each time water gets in her eyes; I am so very proud of her, she is my life!

She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Mt 9:21-22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:45 PM CDT

Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace, And be Healed of your disease.
Mark 5:34

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Praise the Lord, thank you God, thank you God for answering every ones powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and thank you every one for those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

The nurse and the doctor, both called Steve and said that LaKotas x-ray on her chest looks good, and that the biopsy tests looks great, every thing looks healthy, "Praise our beautiful Jesus and our beautiful Mother Mary; Next week they will call us about what percentage donor that LaKota has, I will let every one know next week about the final tests, Please keep your powerful prayers going strong for LaKota here on Earth, Thank you, and God bless you.
I can now breathe a little easier now, we are so beyond words with the wonderful news that we got on LaKotas one year post biopsy tests and x-rays, which really would have been in May if it wasnt rescheduled twice, Thank you, Thank you, Praise our beautiful God!

LaKota had one hour of school tutoring today, She was glad to be back at doing some school work with her tutor Beth, LaKota really missed seeing Beth, and Beth was just as happy to see LaKota, she is so good with LaKota, which makes it so nice for LaKota, and nice for mom here, knowing that LaKota is happy, makes me happy.


She stood up straight and began thanking God.
- Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, July 11, 2005 10:55 AM CDT

1 Corinthians 12:9 "To another, faith by the same Spirit; to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit."
1 Corinthians 12:28 "And God hath set some in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; after that miracles [powers], then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:30, "Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment and chest x-rays is tomorrow July 12th, please keep your prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, and that all LaKotas tests show that everything is 100 percent healthy, Thank you so very much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on EARTH.

LaKota and I are home now; Steve came up to my dad and moms house on Friday, than we went home on Sunday, LaKota and I had a fun time up at my dad and moms house, did a lot of swimming, went to a couple turtle races, a little bit of fishing, it was nice just being around family.

The weather today so far is 82 above; it will be a nice hot day again, so Im sure LaKota will be in her swimming pool, with lots of sun screen on her.

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour. Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, July 8, 2005 9:45 AM CDT

Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.
Exodus 23:25

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Yesterday was my cousin Jimmy's service, Please keep his love one's in your prayer's as they travel this journey, Thank you.

Wednesday, LaKota, I and my sister Susie went to the turtle race's, LaKota's turtle won the race for the slowest turtle, so LaKota won the slow poke ribbon, she was so happy with her ribbon, that when we got back to LaKota's Papa and Grandma's house, she went and showed every one her ribbon, and called her father up to tell him about winning the turtle race for the slowest turtle; The littlest thing's that put a smile on a child's face melts your heart!

Please remember this coming Tuesday, July 12th is LaKota's one year post biopsy test, and chest x-ray's, Please pray for all the tests to be 100 percent all healthy here on EARTH, Thank you for your POWERFUL PRAYER'S for LAKOTA here on EARTH.

He sent his word, and healed them, and
delivered them from their destructions.
Psalm 107:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, July 4, 2005 7:45 PM CDT

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.1CO 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

My cousin Jimmy, he went to be with our loving God today, he is my cousin that I posted in LaKota's journal about a 3 weeks ago that had a heart attack, please pray for his love one's, thank you.

Brett, Becky, Chris and Ben, our friends from Ohio left today, it was very sad to see them go, I know that we will miss them very much, We had a great time with them here.

LaKota and I decided to stay the week up at my dad and mom's house, while Steve went home to work, hopefully the weather will be much nicer out than last week.
Yesterday afternoon we had the boat parade at the lake where my dad and mom live, the best part of the parade for LaKota was waving to all the people as we drove by them in my dad's pontoon that we decorated for the parade, than later that night we lit off some of the fire works, they were really pretty to watch, some times some of the fire works were even to bright to look at.

Wishing every one a safe and happy 4th of July!

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Saturday, July 2, 2005 8:20 AM CDT

By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see.....ACT 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Sorry for not updating sooner, my dad and mom's mouse on their computer was messed up, so they got a new mouse, so I'm able to update now.

~*~BEN~*~ is feeling much better, Ben and his dad, mom and his brother Chris came to our house, from their we went to my dad and mom's house, We are having a real good time, inspite that the weather has been chilly and raining for the last few day's, yesterday was fairly nice here, hopefully today it will be hotter out. Wednesday we went to the turtle race's, the kids really had a good time, yesterday the kids got to do some swimming and fishing, and sit by the bon fire and make smor'z, the kids have been real busy having lots of fun; We are so happy to be able to have Ben and his family here with us, we will surely miss them when they leave on Monday.

If I don't update before the 4th of July, Have a Happy and safe 4th of July.

The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.....NAH 1:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, June 27, 2005 10:05 PM CDT

"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you." Jeremiah 29:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Don't forget to look under the butterfly graphic for prayer request.

Yesterday Morning LaKota, I and our little dog Shadow headed up north to my dad and moms house, We spent the night, and than came home this evening; We got some swimming in, and LaKotas cousins were their, so she was busy having fun playing with them. My back is feeling much better, little sore yet, but thats ok as long as I have the use in my legs again.

Our friends from Ohio that we met last year at the U of M or Fairview hospital, while LaKota was going through her transplant, their son Ben was also having his transplant too, they are here in Minnesota, Ben had some tests done today at the U of M, than after the tests he ended up getting a fever of 102.5, hopefully Ben will be feeling much better tomorrow, if so, they will head to our house, and than from there we will go to my dad and moms house until the 4th, this way we can get some swimming and fishing in, and maybe go to the turtle and duck races, We are really excited about seeing them, Please pray that Bens fever is gone by tonight, Im praying that the fever was from stress of being back in the hospital where he had his transplant.

My niece Samantha just came home from Spain late Sunday night, She got to go Spain through her Spanish class in school; She really enjoyed it their, she said that the weather was beautiful their in Spain, she got to see a lot of beautiful churchs that they have their in Spain, she brought back some Holy water, that she got from the Cathedral in the Giralda church in Sevilla Spain, I thought that was so very nice of her to do that, she knows how faithfully that we are with Holy water and Holy oil that we always bless LaKota with every night, She also came home with a nice golden tan.

Hopefully I will be able to update while we are at my dad and moms house, if not, I will update as soon as we get home.

At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, June 24, 2005 4:25 PM CDT

He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.
Psalm 107:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

The side border picture of LaKota makes her hair look reddish, but it's not, it's brown color, must be the way the sun was shinning down at that time.

Yesterday our weather was just beautifully hot, hot here, I love this kind of weather, I think maybe its because we have such a short summer season here in Minnesota, and the rest of the season is cool, cold or freezing. Today the temperature is in the lower 80s, with a nice breeze, not as hot as it was yesterday.

LaKotas tutor Bonnie was over today helping LaKota with her schooling, they were really having a good time today, I could just hear them giggling away here and there, I just love it when ever I hear or see LaKota having a good time.

Today when I bent down to grab a bottle of tea in the frig. all of sudden my back went out, and when my back goes out at time's I loose the ability of using my legs, and thats what happened today; the pain gets so bad that I cant even walk, it only last's for about 6 hour's or to the next day, my back hurts like a pistol for a few days, but thats ok, as long as I can get back to walking, I'm glad that it doesn't happen to often, I think I had this happen maybe about 5 times in the last 10 years, where I loose the ability in my legs. Thank goodness Steve was home at the time, at least he was able to lift me under the arms and bring my body up real high so that my feet were barely touching the floor, he brought me to the bedroom where he put ice on my back, Steve was going to pick me up at the time, and I told him, "No way, my back hurts too much to be carried", "OUCH", I could just feel the pain if he would of lifted me up, I could barely handle any one touching me at that time;
LaKota was so scared and worried about me, she kept asking me, "Mom are you sure your alright, I told her, "Yes moms ok sweetie, What a sweet heart she is, so concern about her mom!
Thank goodness my back didnt go out last year when LaKota was going through her transplant.

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:25 PM CDT

And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.
Luke 6:19

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Yesterday LaKotas appointment for her blood count went really good, every thing looked real good, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota yesterday on her blood counts, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

LaKota little arms and legs are just bite up from those pesky mosquitos, the doctor doesnt want her to use any bug spray at all, and keeping her inside in the early evening isnt working to good, especially when she can see all the other kids playing outside, those pesky mosquitos, theyll bite through any layer of clothes, so even having long sleeves and long pants on doesnt help at all, some one mention using bounce fabric sheets, or Vicks vapor rub, so I will try that to see if that works, I dont really know what else to try,I hate to keep her indoors when all the other kids are outside playing, but its better than being bit up.

LaKota had school today, they played kick ball in school, LaKota really enjoyed playing kick ball.
Right now LaKotas tutor Bonnie is over, I am listening to LaKota read to Bonnie, she just amazes me on how far that she has come with her schooling, I am so very proud of her.

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, June 20, 2005 12:05 AM CDT

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th , please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

LaKota will be having blood work done this coming Tuesday, June 21st, Please pray for good results and all healthy.

We went up to my dad and moms house for the weekend of Fathers day, We really had a good time up their, seen lots of the family their. The lake was warm enough to go swimming, so LaKota was in the lake swimming for most of the weekend with lots of sunscreen on her, a little mermaid she is! I would have been in the water more too, if I didnt get so sun burned on Saturday, Ouch, it still hurts even today, I can burn and burn, but never tan, not here in Minnesota any ways, the only time I tanned was when we went on LaKotas Make-a-Wish trip and we went on the Disney cruise, and we went to the Caribbean, than I finally got a tan, other wise its usually the fake tan for me.lol !
Usually I put plenty of high SPF sunscreen on me when Im out doors so I dont get burned, because it is no fun being sun burn.

Tomorrow LaKota will start summer school, she is getting excited about school, she will be going Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, for 3 hours a day; its a good thing that she is still at that age where she really enjoys school, and wants to go to school.

LaKota and I were going to go shopping this afternoon, but my sister Susie called and said that we are in a warning for a severe thunderstorm, so LaKota and I will stay at home until the storm passes, hopefully it wouldnt do any damages.

"Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise."
Jeremiah 17:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, June 17, 2005 2:51 PM CDT

She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Mt 9:21-22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be July 12th , please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

LaKota will be having blood work done this coming Tuesday, June 21st, Please pray for good results and all healthy.

Remember to look underneath the butterfly graphic for prayer's for friend's, Thank you.


The weather is really beautiful out today. We are going up to my dad and moms house for the weekend, hopefully the lake water has warmed up some so that we can go swimming. LaKota made her Father, Steve a beautiful card for Fathers day.

LaKotas tutor Bonnie is over helping LaKota with her schooling, I thought summer school starts on Wednesday, but the teacher for summer school called and said that it starts Tuesday, OOPS, we would have been a day late.

Therapy is going real good for LaKota, she is getting so strong, I am just amazed on how far she has come since she first started, from not being able to walk, to now jumping a little, I am so proud of how hard that she is working at getting her strength back.

And Jesus said to him, "I will come and heal him."
Matthew 8:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:55 PM CDT

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be now sometime in July, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Thank you Lenore for sending me some holy oil for LaKota, we greatly appreciate it very much, we bless LaKota every night with holy oil and holy water, we always welcome holy water and holy oil any time, just like we welcome prayers.

I'm not for sure or not, if it's alright with Caring bridge, but I did put up a link up for our friends that need prayers, Im assuming that it is ok, since I have seen it on other Caring bridges site and that it has a different address than the Caring bridge; I will put the link for our friends by the butterfly, so look by the butterfly.

The weather today turned out to be nice, no rain during the day, which meant LaKota could be outside playing, which LaKota loves, being outside. Now if the weather gets hot enough so that the lake warms up by my dad and moms house than we can go swimming, the lake up there is still chilly to go swimming.

Our friends from Ohio that we met when LaKota was going through her transplant, and their son Ben who also was going through his transplant will be having his one year post transplant biopsy on June 27th, Please pray for all 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you. When Ben and his family come to Minnesota, they will be staying a week with us, we are really looking forward to seeing them again, we really miss them a lot, we will stay up by my dad and moms house, that way we can do some fishing, swimming, and sit by the camp fire at night time and make smor'z.

LaKotas tutor Bonnie came over today, she spent a couple of hours with LaKota, she is really impressed at how well LaKota is dong with every thing, and it was really nice seeing her again.

When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.
Luke 4:40

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, June 13, 2005 2:50 PM CDT

Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed."
"LUK 8:50

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be now sometime in July, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

LaKota and I went up to my dad and moms house for the weekend, lots of our cousins were also up their for LaKota to play with and to keep her busy. Still too cold up their to go swimming, but we did do a little fishing in between the play time, caught some sunfish, just the catch and release fishing is all that we did, just fishing for fun. It did rain quiet a bit up by my parents house, I wish that it would rain at night time instead of during the day; we have a short enough season for our summer here in Minnesota.

My cousin Jim who is in his early 50s, last week he had a mild heart attack, he is in intensive care, Please pray for him, his father went to Heaven at the age of 52 from a heart attack, and his mom also has problems with her heart, Thank you.

LaKotas tutor Bonnie will start coming on Wednesdays and Fridays to keep LaKota on task with school work for her grade level, and than next week she will start summer school.

By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see.
ACT 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 4:55 PM CDT

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
GAL 1:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be now sometime in July, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Today was LaKotas last day of school, It was sad to say goodbye to all the wonderful teachers that LaKota had this school year, especially her 1st grade home teacher, she is now retiring, she is such wonderful teacher, she had so much patience and kindness with LaKota, especially when LaKota knew nothing about a routine of a classroom, and than her starting so late in season, she took the time to help LaKota, she really became special to us.
Im sad in one way that school is out, since LaKota really enjoyed school so very much, but also happy that Ill get to have her home with me.

Today I took LaKota to get her braces readjusted, she has been having so many problems with her new braces, and hopefully this time they will feel better on her feet.

Does any one know how to add an extra page to the web page, I would like to put some prayers, and other things in it, if you do could you please e-mail me, Thank you.

By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see.
ACT 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, June 6, 2005 8:25 AM CDT

The name of the LORD is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Proverbs 18:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

The nurse from the U of M, or Fairview hospital called and said that LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be now sometime in July, because her transplant doctor was picked to participate with Lance Armstrong, their were only 20 people nation wide that got to be picked to be with Armstrong and LaKotas doctor was one of the 20 people, that is so wonderful for LaKotas doctor, please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

We went up to my dad and moms house for the weekend, the weather was pretty much rainy, but in spite of all the rain, LaKota had lots of fun with her cousins, she had fun and busy weekend.
Today we are suppose to get in the 80s, Yeah, it will feel like summer is finally arriving.

After today LaKota will have 2 more days of school left, than she will get about a 2 week break before summer school starts.

LaKota is getting better with her bike, she still needs the training wheels on it; It was really cute what Lakota did over the weekend when we were at my dad and moms house, LaKota has a smaller bike with training wheels on it, that she never got to use, now shes too big for it, any ways, she had her 3 year old cousin Brooklyn get on the bike, and she gave Brooklyn a little push on the bike to try to get Brooklyn to start peddling, than LaKota started clapping her hands away, she was clapping her hands to show Brooklyn how proud she was of Brooklyn for getting on the bike and trying to peddle the bike, What a good teacher LaKota is! On the way up to my dad and moms house, she told Steve and I that she was going to learn Brooklyn how to ride the smaller bike, and thats exactly what she tried doing, I am so very proud of her; LaKota is very tiny for her age, so the kids her age are always trying to help her out, and her cousin Brooklyn being a little smaller than LaKota, made LaKota feel really big and important that she could help some one out smaller than her, instead of her being the smallest one and every one helping her out.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Ps 103:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, June 3, 2005 2:40 PM CDT

At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
MAT 11:25

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be June 14th, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Yesterday LaKota went to therapy, she really works hard with her therapy, on those days they do get pretty long for LaKota, I pick her up from school than we head to therapy, and after therapy she goes to her swim lessons, LaKota has one more lesson for swimming, and on June 8th will be her last day for school, until summer school starts that is.
Still working on getting things ready for a garage sale, that is a chore and half, cant wait until thats done with, than maybe I can get my house in order again.

Hopefully our summer will be pretty descent this year, not that we really knew what last summer was like since LaKota was in the hospital most of the summer for the transplant, but from what I heard last summer, wasnt much of a summer here, so hopefully the weather will be much nicer, and if its going to rain, let it rain after 11:00 pm until 5-6:00 am the next morning.

Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:50 AM CDT

Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
Matthew 21:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be June 14th, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

LaKota is doing really well, she is enjoying last few days of school that is left, she gets out of school on June 8th. Today she has P.T. and O.T., from their we will go to LaKotas swim lessons.

We are suppose to get into the 80s today, YEAH, that will be a nice change, but we are also suppose to get rain again sometime today, it has been raining off and on the last few days.

Ok, I was wondering if any one else has heard about this, some one mention to me that pretty soon the butterflies are going to be extinct because the Asian beetle bugs eat the butterflies, I hope thats not true, can you imagine our world with out butterflies, I cant, that would be really sad.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Ps 103:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:50 AM CDT

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
ACT 20:35

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be June 14th, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

I hope that every one had a very nice Memorial weekend.
We had a great Memorial weekend, busy but fun; we went to my dad and moms house for the whole weekend, lots of family and friends also that were their for the weekend. LaKota really had lots of fun just being around family and friends. When we pulled into the drive way of my dad and moms place, a lot of family and friends were already their, and when LaKota noticed some of the family and friends, she was just tickled pink with happiness, "I just love that seeing her that way"; she kept telling Steve and I, My family is here, my family is here! When she got out of the truck she ran up to Papa and Grandma and gave them a big hug and kiss, and than she went off hugging and socializing with every one.
Friday evening and Saturday it rained, so that was kind of not stinky, although they need the rain, I wished it would have started to rain after 10:00 pm and quit at 6:00 am, oh well. LaKota did some fishing, she caught a couple of fish, so she was happy with that, than after fishing she was playing on the beach in the sand, and she went to fill up her pail full of water, and LaKota lost her balance and just rolled into the chilly water, the water was a little chillier than she expected, she looked at me with her eyes so big, and said, Mom, brrrrr the water is cold, so I picked her up and carried her to the house, and I started a nice warm bath for LaKota, after the bath, back out side again she went, she loves outdoors and being by people, "besides just mom and father.

sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything. 2CO 6:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, May 27, 2005 10:45AM CDT

And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not:
peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong.
And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.
Daniel 10:19

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be June 14th, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Today I recieve my first letter from Caring bridge to remove the links for the other Caring Bridge Familie's, I will keep them in my Computer, So if you need a link to a Caring Bridge family, Please e-mail me and I will send you their Caring Bridge address.

Wishing every one a happy safe and blessed Memorial weekend!

Im hoping that the weather will be warm this weekend, but from what the weather man has said, it is suppose to be cold and rain, nothing unusual for Minnesota. It is chilly now; it is only 52 above and cloudy, did see some drops of rain this morning.

LaKotas field trip went real good, she had a real good time, and it did rain out, and we got wet walking to the other building, which was probably about 2 blocks away.

Yesterday we went out to supper with our Priest, we had a real nice time and nice visit with our Priest, after we left the Priest house we went to Steves brother Larrys house, he had some extra flowering shrubs that he didnt want, so we went and picked them up, we stayed around for awhile and visited with Steves brother Larry and his wife Mary, Its always nice to see the family, and visit with them.

Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires of your heart".
Psalm 37:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 8:25 AM CDT

Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace, And be Healed of your disease.
Mark 5:34

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be June 14th, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

One year ago today, God gave LaKota a second chance at life here on Earth, through the blood cord that she received. I think back at the time that she was going through her blood cord transplant, all I can say it was like going through war with your child, fighting along the side of your child, for their life, and then praying so hard to God that she will make it through the transplant, then when you leave the hospital, its a big adjustment from being inside of a little room, for how many days, months that you stayed while having going through the transplant, then trying to adjust to civilization, in reality it is war, fighting for your childs life. I am so very thankful to where we are now, words cant even describe how glad that I am; If I had one wish, that would be that no child would ever have to have any life threatening diseases, just a happy care free life with no worries, that would be my wish for all children. Thank you every one for your powerful prayers for LaKota and for all your support, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers, PRAYER'S DO COME TRUE!!

Today is LaKotas field trip, they are going to a museum and also going on another nature walk, I will be going along with them, it is raining out now, so I figure we will be inside most of the time, which will be ok with me, Im not looking forward to any more wood ticks, YUCK!

Only If We Believe
To believe is to know that
every day is a new beginning.
It is to trust that miracles do happen,
and dreams really do come true.

To believe is to see angels
dancing among the clouds,
to know the wonder of a stardust sky
and the wisdom of the man in the moon.

To believe is to know the value
of a nurturing heart, and
the beauty of an aging hand,
for it is through their teachings we learn to love.

To believe is to find the strength and
courage that lies within us
when it is time to pick up
the pieces and begin again.

To believe is to know we are not alone,
that life is a gift and
this is our time to cherish it
with all our heart and soul.

To believe is to know that wonderful
surprises are just waiting to happen,
And all our hopes and dreams
are within reach ... only if we believe.

Author Unknown

She stood up straight and began thanking God. - Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, May 23, 2005 10:35 AM CDT

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.
1TI 1:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment will be sometime in June, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Saturday morning we left the house early to go to the cemeteries to put flowers on the grave sites, it is always very hard for me to go to the cemetery; I think of it as more of a sad place than anything, because this was the last place that I seen where my love ones are, I rather go out in my back yard, or some other happy place that has happy memories of my love ones that left this earth before me, than go to the cemetery; its just the way I feel. We didnt get home until 10:00 pm that night, we went to visit the place where my dad lived when he was a little boy, the house, the chicken coop, and the big barn are still their, its not livable to live in any more, I would love to know who owns it now, so that I could just walk around the yard and peek into the house, and imagine picturing my dad when he was a young boy, that would have been so awesome! After we left the place where my dad lived when he was younger, we went to visit the church where my dad went to when he was living at home with his dad and mom, with luck we were able to go inside of it, a lady just drove in about the same time as us and she had the key to the church, it is a very beautiful church, beautiful large statues, the communion pews for communion are still their, everything was still the original, I think that makes a church more beautiful, than to modernizes it; after we left the church, we went and visit my aunt Edith and my cousin Paul, it was real nice to see them again, after we left their house we headed back towards home, we stopped at Steves moms house and visit her, after we left Steves moms house, we went by the place where she lived when she was a little girl, it was a very interesting day with a lot of history to go with it; LaKota really enjoyed her day.

Sunday morning Steve came home from church and he had tears running down his cheek, I didnt know what to think, he told me that they were happy tears, and then he told me something so amazing,

Steve went to the 8;30 am mass , during the readings, Steve was praying when something caught his eye at the top of the ceiling, tt was a white light, and a blue light that were moving around, Steve thought at first it was the reflection of the stain glass, but when he looked around to see what direction that the sun was shining in, there was no windows there that could do it because the sun was in a different direction, when the Priest got up to read the gospel, the blue and white light started moving down towards the alter, and when the lights came down, at first lights were behind the Priest, then the lights changed in to the vision of the Blessed Mother Mary and Jesus, and Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary moved forward to the front of the alter to where the Priest was reading the gospel, and Jesus stood on the right hand side of the priest, and Blessed Mother Mary stood on the left hand of the priest: Steve was just astound at the amazement of seeing this that he said he just started to cry, he was still praying, Steve remember asking Jesus, if LaKota was Healed and made whole, and Jesus made the blessing of the sign of the cross, and Blessed Mother Mary just kept looking at Steve with her hands in a praying position , after Jesus finish the blessing of the sign of the cross, Steve heard Jesus say to him, bless LaKota with holy oil when you get home, then Jesus and Mary with their hands in a praying position, bowed and just disappeared, Steve said the whole thing felt like about 8 minutes. Steve told the priest what happen, and the priest told Steve, that Steve did really see Jesus and the Blessed Mother Mary and he told Steve, that Steve must really have a lot of faith. What a wonderful gift that Steve received from Jesus and our Blessed Mother Mary; it just put goose bumps all over me, what a beautiful vision. I truly believe in prayers, and holy oil and holy water; I always tell any one if they have any special holy oil or holy water, please send them this way , I always use them one LaKota, every day, and I will gladly pay for them.

Wednesday the kids from LaKotas school will be going on a field trip, hopefully the weather will be much warmer than last field trip, LaKota is pretty excited about going on another field trip, and she reminded me this morning that I was going to come along on the field trip with her.

as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
2CO 1:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Saturday, May 21, 2005 10:55 AM CDT

The name of the LORD is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Proverbs 18:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment was change for sometime in June, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Thursday, Steve and I took LaKota to TOYS-R-US, so that she could pick out a two wheel bike, she picked out a 14 My Little Pony bike with training wheels on it, which she still needs, because she really never had a chance at learning to ride a two wheel bike until now, because of how weak she was from her chemo; We also got her a matching bike helmet, and matching elbow and knee pads. When we got home, Steve put the bike together, and had LaKota get on the bike and start peddling, she had a hard time getting the bike to peddle, so Steve gave it a little push, so she could get it going, Steve walked beside her as she rode back and forth in front of our house, she was peddling pretty good and started getting a little speed, when she thought she could turn the corner, going a little faster than what she should of, and she wiped out, Steve wasnt able to catch from falling, she skinned her hand, and her knee even got skinned with the knee pads on, Weird, She ended up with a big bruise on her thigh where the handle bar hit her upper thigh, OUCH, She started to cry some, at that point I was ready to pick the bike up and put it away, and tell LaKota, thats enough, Mom dont want you to get hurt any more, or getting any more bruises, but LaKota on the other hand was ready to go for another bike ride, so off her and Steve went again, thank goodness she didnt have any more wipeouts, It is good though, that she did go back on the bike again, and that she didnt give up and say that was enough of the bike business; Friday LaKota did pretty good riding on her bike,

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
LUKE 18:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:45 AM CDT

God has saved us and called us to a Holy Life-
Not because of anything that we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.
This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.
2 Timothy 1:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment was change for sometime in June, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

Yesterday LaKota got to go swimming in school for phy-ed, she really loves to swim. After school LaKota had P.T. and O.T., she enjoys going to therapy, Im glad that she enjoys it.
LaKota will get out of school on June 8th, but she will be starting summer school on June 21st, three days a week, for 3 hours at a time, and she will also have a tutor besides the summer school.

This morning when I took LaKota to school, it was raining out, She was just tickled pink that she got to use her umbrella this morning; the littlest things that put a smile on her face, and also put a smile on this moms face too; thinking back less than a year ago, she couldnt even hold umbrella or even walk.
I thank every one of you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and I thank our sweet God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. I really believe prayer's do make a difference in our lifes.

We really do need the rain, I pray that where my parents live that they get some more rain, it is so dry up north where they live, that the lakes are very low and the ponds are drying up, which is really sad to see.

This weekend we are having our roof done over; putting new shingles on it and ECT, Steve said that the house did need to have new shingles put on, and it would be best to get it done now, before something major to the roof would happen.

Jesus, His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.
ACTS 4:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 7:15 PM CDT

Be strong, banish fear and doubt. Remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment was change for sometime in June, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

We went up north to my dad and moms house for the weekend, we thought maybe we would get some fishing in, but it rained most of the weekend, so we didnt do any fishing; Even though it rained through out most of the weekend, we did have a nice time up their, LaKotas cousins Jon and Angie were also up their too.

Tomorrow LaKotas tutor Bonnie will be coming over after school to help LaKota with some school work. Bonnie, LaKotas tutor, and I have a meeting at LaKotas school tomorrow; I dont know exactly what its about, I dont know if its about her going to summer school, or having Bonnie come during the summer time to keep teaching LaKota, or if its about how LaKota is doing in school, so tomorrow I will find out what the meeting is about.

Have faith in God.
John 14:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 4:35 PM CDT

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight".
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment was change for sometime in June, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota; please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

LaKota had a field trip today in school, It was about the outdoor nature, the wet lands, the prairies; I was able to go along on the field trip which was nice, It was really windy and cold out where we went for a nature walk, brrrrrrrrrrr! I had LaKota bundled up with a sweater over her shirt, her spring jacket on, and a fall jacket on over her spring jacket, and had mittens on her hands, and a hat on her head, I was very chilly myself. I thought since this is the season for Minnesota with our charming friends the wood ticks, that I would keep LaKota and I out of the tall grass so we wouldnt get any of those icky ticks on us; Ha, that was a joke and half, I think all the wood ticks were on me, I probably was the only one with wood ticks on, I found 13 of those crawling ticks on me, Yuck, Yuck! When we got back on the bus I checked LaKota as good as I could, We went back to school and LaKota finish the rest of the day at school, I went home and got undressed, threw my clothes in the washing machine, and looked in the mirror to see if I had any more ticks on me, thank goodness I didnt have any more, Icky, Icky. I picked LaKota up from school, when we got home, I checked LaKota out real good to see if she had any wood ticks, thank goodness she didnt. Those wood ticks, once you find one on you, you feel crawly all over.

Memories of looking back on May 11th 1990 was a very sad day for us, this was the day that our son went to be with our beautiful Lord; I can tell you one thing for sure, as time goes on, it doesnt get any easier, the sad part about it, you dont have a choice but to learn to live with this heart breaking journey, whether you want too or not, words dont even come close to even describing the pain that you feel when you child leaves this Earthly planet with out you.
I love you my beautiful son Cody, Mom misses you more than words can say.

I would like to share this poem with you, my niece Shannon who was 12 at the time wrote this poem for at his service.


He was a little boy who never did anything wrong. He turned a gray and ugly day into a beautiful and sunny day. He was someone who made you happy and laugh when you were feeling down and out. He touched everyones heart. He never had any enemies except one, and that was his illness. He fought and fought, fighting the deadly battle three times. He was a tough little boy and wouldnt give up for anything in the world. But he was set free from earthly bonds and called home from above....
I will always remember him laughing and playing underneath the big blue sky. One day I know I will be with him again in the peaceful and beautiful world up above.
Even though our times together are just memories now, I can still feel his presence and the greatness of my loss. But someday my pain will fade and I'll remember him reaching for the sun. I will never forget him....
He will always be in my heart no matter what.
In loving memory of Cody Joshua Plafcan
"We love you Cody!

My sheep hears My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 10:27

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, May 9, 2005 6:05 PM CDT

Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour.
MAT 8:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment was change for sometime in June, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota, please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

I hope that every one had a very Happy and Bless Mothers day, and thank you for your Mother's Day wishes.

The best part of my Mothers day was having LaKota here on Earth with me, and her MRI and ultra sound on Friday be all good and healthy, what a beautiful gift that I receive from our beautiful God.

LaKota went back to school today, she really looked forward to going back to school this morning, she really missed her teachers and friends at school. When I dropped her off at her home classroom, her teacher was very happy to see LaKota back at school, and LaKota was happy to see her teacher, LaKota and her teacher gave each other a hug, it is so wonderful to see that LaKotas teacher thinks so much about each of her students.
I had a dentist appointment today, and just when I sat up in the dentist chair from being all done, my cell phone rang, it was Beth from LaKotas school saying that LaKota was in the nurses office, LaKota wasnt complaining about being sick, but she said that she was really tired, so they brought LaKota down to the nurses office so LaKota could rest, and LaKota fell asleep and has been sleeping for a little over an hour, and they were wondering if they should wake her or what, I told them Im on my way, Ill just bring her home, You know this mom, any chance I can get to have her with me, Im going for it! Beth said that she would just leave LaKota sleep until I came to get her, when I got to school, Beth showed me where LaKota was sleeping, when I walked into the room LaKota was awake now, I asked LaKota if she felt fine, she said yes mom, I was just so tired, I told LaKota that she could come home with me, but Nooooo, she wanted to stay for the rest of the day, which I honestly have to say, I was hoping she wanted to come home with me, that way I could have her all to myself, I stayed at school for about an hour longer, which only meant LaKota had a little over an hour left of school for the day before I would come and pick her up, so I ran to the grocery store and picked up a few grociers, and headed back to school to pick LaKota up, I just cant wait until the end of the day when school is out for LaKota, so that I just can be with LaKota.

Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
MAT 9:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Friday, May 6, 2005 4:50PM CDT

She stood up straight and began thanking God. - Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

The nurse from Fairview hospital called and said that they will have to make LaKotas transplant follow up biopsy appointment in June, so please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota with her transplant follow up biopsy, please pray 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you so very much.

PRAISE OUR BEAUTIFUL GOD, Yes I will say that again, PRAISE OUR BEAUTIFUL GOD, LaKotas MRI on her head and her scans on her kidney, stomach and her lower organs all look beautifully HEALTHY, YES, ALLEUIA, ALLEUIA, GOD IS SO WONDERFUL!!!! Now I can breathe; I just get so where I cant even breathe right when LaKota goes through all these tests. Thank you, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and God I love you so very much. Today is also Steves birthday, what beautiful gift that he got on his birthday from our beautiful loving God, and what a beautiful gift that I also got from our loving God for Mothers day. Yes what a precious beautiful gift that we got from our loving God.

The doctor change LaKotas antibiotics, she said that LaKota has some puss behind her ear drum, so the antibiotic that she was on wasnt helping at all. Lakota still has the runny nose, and the cough, her cough sounds more loose now, not so tight like before.



She came tonight as I sat alone
The girl I used to be.
And she gazed at me with her earnest eye
And questioned reproachfully:
Have you forgotten the many plans
And hopes I had for you?
The great career, the splendid fame,
All the wonderful things to do?

Where is the mansion of stately height
With all its gardens rare?
The silken robes that I dreamed for you
And the jewels in your hair?

And as she spoke, I was very sad,
For I wanted her pleased with me,
This slender girl from the shadowy past,
The girl that I used to be.

So gently rising, I took her hand
And guided her up the stairs
Where peacefully sleeping, my babies lay,
Innocent, sweet, and fair.

And I told her that these are my only gems,
And precious they are to me;
That silken robes is my motherhood
Of costly simplicity.

And my mansion of stately height is love,
And the only career I know
Is serving each day in these sheltered walls
For the dear ones who come and go

And as I spoke to my shadowy guest,
She smiled through her tears at me.
And I saw the woman that I am now
Pleased the girl I used to be.

Rowena K. Lewis
DeRidder, Louisiana

Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:6, 7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, May 5, 2005 9:15 AM CDT

But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised
for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for healthy good results on her tests, Thank you for.

Tomorrow, Friday May 6th, LaKota will be having a MRI test on her head, and scans on her kidney, stomach, and the lower part of her different organs, Please pray that all the tests show that everything is healthy, thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

LaKota did not make it to school at all this week; Yesterday LaKota was coughing every 10 minutes, I called the nurse, and the nurse said that she wasnt to concern since LaKota was on antibiotics, she thought maybe it could be a virus that LaKota also has, and just needs time to get out of her body, this morning so far her cough seems a lot better, thanking God for that. LaKota really misses being at school with her friends and her teachers. Yesterday the nurse from the school called and said that they had someone with chicken pox at school, but not in LaKotas class, I was so glad that they called me about it, I told LaKotas nurse about the chicken pox, and she said that LaKota needs to be careful for 2 years after her transplant about not getting in contact with anyone with the chicken pox, tomorrow I will ask the doctor more about it.

Please keep prayers going strong for LaKota on these tests tomorrow and her one year bone marrow transplant follow up biopsy tests, Thank you so very much.

Have faith in God. - John 14:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Monday, May 2, 2005 10:55AM CDT

Who his own self bore our sins in his
body on the tree, that we, being dead
To sin, should live unto righteousness, by whose
stripes we were healed.
1 Peter 2:24

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th also on May 6th LaKota will have her MRI on her head and her scans on her kidney and stomach, she will also have blood counts done that day. Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and nothing serious with her head, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKota stayed home from school today, her fever is gone, YEAH, but yesterday she started with a dry cough and this morning she still has it, so I thought it would be best for her to stay home and keep resting. Steve left a message with LaKotas nurse from the Minneapolis children hospital, to let her know that LaKota has a dry cough now, we are now waiting for her to call us back and let us know if we should change LaKotas antibiotics or what.

LaKota sure is missing being with her friends at school and misses her teachers, she cant wait to go back to school so she can be with them. With the change of weather here in Minnesota, its a no wonder that these children are getting colds and other flu like symptoms. Today the temperature is 30 above, brrrrrrrrr.
1st of May brought us snow and ice snow; Nothing unusual for Minnesota, makes me wonder what our summer will be like, I have heard from a few elderly people that they think we will be getting a lot of storms this summer.

Yesterday my three nieces Kristine, Kayla, Samantha and Samanthas friend Justin came over, they brought Steve an early dairy queen birthday cake, and some fishing lures for his birthday gift, Friday is Steves birthday, and we will be in the cities for MRI test on LaKotas head, and scans on LaKotas kidney, stomach; my nieces wouldnt be able to make it up north at my dad and mom house this weekend for Steves birthday, so they wanted to give him early birthday cake from them, that was so very nice of them to do that for Steve.

I received this poem by e-mail, and would like to share it with you. Who know's when you might meet your guardian Angel!


There was this little girl sitting by herself in the park.
Everyone passed by her and never stopped to see why she looked so sad.
Dressed in a worn pink dress, barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by.
She never tried to speak. She never said a word.
Many people passed by her, but no one would stop.
The next day I decided to go back to the park in curiosity to see
If the e little girl would still be there.
Yes, she was there, right in the very spot where she was
Yesterday, and still with the same sad look in her eyes.
Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl.
For as we all know, a park full of strange people is not a place
for young children to play alone.
As I got closer I could see the back of the little girl's dress.
It was grotesquely shaped.
I figured that was the reason people just passed by and made no
Effort to speak to her.
Deformities are a low blow to our society and, heaven forbid if
you make a step toward assisting someone who is different.
As I got closer, the little girl lowered her eyes slightly to avoid my intent stare.
As I approached her, I could see the shape of her back more clearly.
She was grotesquely shaped in a humped over form.
I smiled to let her know it was OK; I was there to help, to talk.
I sat down beside her and opened with a simple, "Hello."
The little girl acted shocked, and stammered a "hi"; after a long
Stare into my eyes.
I smiled and she shyly smiled back.
We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty.
I asked the girl why she was so sad.
The little girl looked at me with a sad face said, "Because, I'm Different."
I immediately said, "That you are!" and smiled.
The little girl acted even sadder and said, "I know."
"Little girl," I said, "You remind me of an angel, sweet and Innocent."
She looked at me and smiled, and then slowly she got to her feet and said, "Really?"
"Yes, you're like a little Guardian Angel sent to watch
over all people walking by." She nodded her head yes, and smiled.
With that she opened the back of her pink dress and allowed her
Wings to spread, and then she said "I am."
"I'm your Guardian Angel," with a twinkle in her eye.
I was speechless -- sure I was seeing things.
She said, "For once you thought of someone other than yourself.
My job here is done".
I got to my feet and said, "Wait, why did no one stop to help an Angel?"
She looked at me, smiled, and said, "You're the only one that
could see me," and then she was gone.
And with that, my life was changed dramatically.
So, when you think you're all you have, remember, your angel is
always watching over you.

Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
Matthew 21:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Saturday, April 30, 2005 10:45 AM CDT

20: Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21:She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed."
22:Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Matthew 9:20-22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th also on May 6th LaKota will have her MRI on her head and her scans on her kidney and stomach, she will also have blood counts done that day. Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and nothing serious with her head, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKota did not get to go to school yesterday; when she woke up yesterday morning she had a low grade fever, and a runny nose, UGH, I just wish those fevers would just stay away from LaKota once and for all. Steve called the doctor from the Minneapolis Childrens hospital and told him about LaKotas symptoms, he said to have the doctor in St.Cloud check LaKota out, so I brought LaKota into the clinic here in St.Cloud, they did blood counts and blood cultures, her counts looked real good, so that is always wonderful news, we will not know the results on the blood cultures until a few days later, The doctor wrote out an oral prescription for LaKota, she said she thought it was an sinus infection, Last night she started running a higher temp. her temperature got up to 102. Steve gave her some Tylenol, and I stayed up most of the night putting cool wash cloths on her fore head hoping to break the fever, this morning she had a low grade fever, and a little cough, she has thrown up a couple of times this morning, and has started the loose poops again. Please pray that her temp doesnt get any higher, and that the fever will go away real soon, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Please God answer all these powerful prayer that are for LaKota, Thank you God, I love you God.
You can tell when LaKota is not feeling the greatest, because she has been laying around and watching TV for most of morning, and thats not LaKota, she is usually running on high energy by now.

Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Thursday, April 28, 2005 7:15 PM CDT

"To another, faith by the same Spirit; to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit."
1 Corinthians 12:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th also on May 6th LaKota will have her MRI on her head and her scans on her kidney and stomach, she will also have blood counts done that day. Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and nothing serious with her head, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

What a beautiful precious music program that the children put on in LaKotas home class room, so beautiful; tears of joy for this mom, it just made my heart smile with glee to see my daughter up their singing, and being the cute little frog that she was. I was video taping the music program and Steve ended up putting a video tape that only had 5 minutes left on it, that was a real bummer, but thank goodness that I also brought along my camera, so I did take quiet a few pictures with my camera; I will put them up on the web page as soon as I get them developed. After the music program was over with, we went back to LaKotas home class and the children read us a story about Earth day, so very cute, then after the children were done reading, they had cookies and punch for the children and their families, LaKota had lots of fun doing the music program. It makes me think how grown up these kids are now days compare to when I was in grade school, times have changed so much since I was a kid with every thing.

LaKota had P.T. and O.T. therapy today, than swimming lessons after therapy, she always looks forward to going swimming, she loves the water, and if it was her choice, she would be in the water for hours, which we usually are during the summer time, we spend quiet a bit of time at my dad and moms house, they live right next to a lake, and when were up their when the weather is nice and hot, LaKota doesnt want to come home, I dont blame her, I dont either, who wants to sit in town when its hot, when you can sit by a lake instead. While we were at swimming lessons, I told LaKota please do not keep walking in the puddles of water on the cement, it is very slippery, she quit for a few minutes, than the temptation was their again for her, this time she did slipped and fell on her butt, her eyes wide as can be looking at me, just laying there, and of course my heart stopped right there and then, I ran to her, "are you ok, you didnt hit your head", she said "no mom I just fell on my butt, Im ok mom", she is so independent which is one thing that I love about her, but it also scares me at the same time.
LaKota's nose is starting to run again, and she sounds like she is getting stuffed up, if she sounds pretty stuffy tomorrow I will just keep her home from school, with the change of the weather, from hot to cold, so many germs again, AUGH!!!!!

"And God hath set some in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; after that miracles [powers], then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
1 Corinthians 12:28

"Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues.
1 Corinthians 12:30

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 12:18 AM CDT

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Romans 8:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th also on May 6th LaKota will have her MRI on her head and her scans on her kidney and stomach, she will also have blood counts done that day. Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and nothing serious with her head, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

A couple days after LaKota first started school, she has been complaining that her legs in the lower part have hurt off and on some, Steve did call the nurse about LaKotas legs hurting off and on, the nurse said that she doesnt think its nothing to worry about, Tell us not to worry, that would be a whole new different world for us! The nurse thought it could be from LaKota being on her feet almost all day, than going out for recess, and having gym twice a week, which is true, because LaKota is not use to being on her feet all day, or else she thought it could be growing pains, LaKotas MRI appointment wasnt until the 18th of May, but we had them change it to the earliest that they could get her in, that will be on May 6th, I also told her teacher that I did not want LaKota to go to recess today or gym, I am praying that it is nothing serious, praying that its just growing pains, Please pray that her leg pain is nothing serious, Thank you.

LaKota had so much fun swimming yesterday, I know that she wished it lasted longer than an half an hour, because she was almost the last one out of the pool, the Phy-ed teacher wants to teach LaKota how to swim with out a life jacket on, That is so wonderful that she is willing to help LaKota to learn to swim with out a life jacket on.

Tomorrow at her school, LaKota is having a music program, from what I gather they will be singing about 10 songs, and LaKota even got a small part in the music program, she will get to be a frog, and what does frog stand for; FULLY RELY ON GOD, how awesome is that to be a frog. I am so excited about her music program tomorrow.

For in thee, O Lord, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God.
Psalms 38:15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKotas mom Debbie.

Sunday, April 24, 2005 8:55 PM CDT

Love never fails.
1- Corinthians

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, also in May, I am not for sure of the date yet, but LaKota will also have an MRI done on her head, and scans done on her kidney and stomach, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and nothing serious with her head, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

Friday night Steve and I had a real nice evening out with our Priest, He took us out for supper, which was so very generous and kind of him to do. My sister Lisa watched LaKota Friday evening; LaKota, she had so much fun playing with Lisas daughters, Kristine and Kayla.

Saturday evening was my niece Samanthas Prom, she looked so beautiful in her Prom dress and her hair was just beautiful the way it was styled, Samantha and her date Justin, each had orange flowers, something special and neat that they did for LaKota, because if you know LaKota, orange is LaKotas favorite color. All I could think of that night is when LaKota gets to be that age to go to prom, what color and style of prom dress will she wear, I wonder if LaKota will have an "ORANGE Prom dress, how will she have her hair styled, will her and her date also rent a limo.

Our weather has been nippy the last few days; I think we got spoiled when we had it in the 60s and 70s.

LaKota is looking forward to school tomorrow. Every Tuesday in school LaKota will get to go swimming instead of playing in the gym for Phy-ed; she is really looking forward to swimming.

Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, April 22, 2005 8:55AM CDT

Be strong, banish fear and doubt. Remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKotas nurse from the Minneapolis Childrens Hospital called this afternoon and said that she wants to set up an appointment for an MRI on LaKotas head, and a scans on her stomach, and kidney, I am not for sure when the date will be, but will let you know as soon as I find out, Please pray for good healthy organs and good result on her tests, thank you.

I got a call from LaKotas school yesterday morning around 11:00am, LaKotas DD teacher called, and said that LaKota was in the nurses office with a tummy ache, and she said that LaKota did not want them to call her mom up to let her mom know that she had a tummy ache, her DD teacher told LaKota that they would have to let me know that she was in the nurse's office with a tummy ache, than LaKota told her that her tummy felt much better; so I had a few things running in my mind before I went to pick LaKota up from school;

1. LaKota didnt want me to know because she tells me that I worry way too much about her.

2. I have seen this with LaKota, when ever LaKotas tutor came over, and if it was something that they are working on and that if it's something that LaKota does not like, she will tell her tutor that she needs a break or that she is so sleepy, or that her tummy hurts, so than her tutor will give her a break, and off LaKota goes to her playroom feeling much more awake and no more tummy aches, and ready to play with her toys; How well that they catch on to things, and how well mom catchs on to her, I don't know, maybe she was trying to get out of doing something that she didnt want to do at school and thats why she told them she had a tummy ache, and also why she didn't want them to call mom up, because mom knows her to well, If that's what it was, she'll have to learn she can't make up excuses to get out of her home work.

3. LaKota was just pooped out, since this was her first week of going to school every day for the whole day.

4. Its been almost 2 years for LaKota of not being in a real school setting, maybe she's not use to so many people all the time for all day long, and so many different people besides mom and father telling her what she can or can't do for almost 7 hours, but again it's something she'll have to get use too.
With LaKota, if we do have lots of company over, or if we go somewhere, where there is lots of people and also if its for the whole day, LaKota will need to be by herself for about 20-30 minutes just to unwind and relax.

5. LaKota was always my night owl, which I didnt mind, because Im also an night owl, so adjusting to going to bed at 8:30 compare to 10:00-11:00, and getting up at 6:00 am instead of 7:30 am is a whole new ball game for her, for the last three years we really never had LaKota on a schedule, with some of the meds. that LaKota was on, some of them would keep her up all night being restless, or being in pain, or sick to her stomach, or going the bathroom all night long, so being on a schedule now is something totally different for her.

When I went to pick LaKota up from school, she said Mom, Im feeling better, I asked her if her tummy still hurts, she said no, Then she crawled up on my lap and whispered in my ear, Mom, I was just tired; so I really dont know if LaKota had a tummy ache or not, and if she did, she didnt want me to know about it, because she thinks mom worries to much or if she was just tired, like she told me, I told LaKota that next time if she get tired, just let one of her teacher's know and they will make sure that you get a little a rest their, she said ok mom. LaKota wasnt ready to go home just yet, she wanted to stay for recess, but I told her that since mom is here already, that mom wants you to come home with her, this way you can take a little nap or just rest up some, also I figure if she used the tummy ache for an excuse to get out of some home work at school, shell know that some one from the school will call mom up, and that mom will always be around to come and pick her up and bring her home, she did look tired though, when we got home LaKota ate some lunch and went and laid on the couch and fell fast asleep, she slept a good two hours and when she woke up she was full of energy and ready to go. I think she was just more or less pooped out, and than on the other hand she probably could of had a tummy ache, because when I talked to her teacher this morning, her teacher said that LaKota was holding her tummy and saying that her tummy hurt. Hopefully today at school it will go a little better for her, and that she wouldnt be so tired.

My sister Lisa is going to pick up LaKota tonight and bring LaKota to her daughters Kristine and Kaylas school, they are having something like a carnival at their school, so that will be lots of fun for LaKota tonight, Steve and I are going out to supper with our Priest.

Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, April 21, 2005 7:10 AM CDT

For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh,
findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
Matthew 8:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKota is doing really well, her little toe is looking much better from when she stubbed it last Sunday, thank goodness.

Yesterday I went to LaKotas school around 11:20 am to watched her during lunch and recess, I ended up staying the for rest of the day, LaKota also had Phy-ed yesterday, so I wanted to stay to see if she could participate in the Phy-ed class or if it would be to rough for her, the children played tag in the beginning, she almost fell when a child running after her tagged her, my heart stopped for a few minutes, but than she was able catch herself from falling, then after they were done playing tag, they played a game with tennis balls, each team would have to see who could get the most tennis balls in an hula hoop, the kids were so good with LaKota when it was LaKotas turn, she cant run fast, that didnt bother any of the kids from her Phy-ed class, the children did not even make one remark on how slow she ran, it really me feel good, I am so proud of her class for excepting LaKota for who she is, and I am so proud of LaKota for trying her best. Phy-ed lasted about 30-35 minutes, on Tuesday it is about 55 minutes long , With Phy-ed on Tuesday being longer, LaKotas teacher asked if LaKota could go swimming instead of having Phy-ed; LaKotas teacher is so wonderful, she is always thinking of LaKota, I told her that I think that would be so great if LaKota could go swimming instead of having the long Phy-ed day, this way it wouldnt wear LaKota out so much; although LaKota had so much fun with Phy-ed yesterday, I think in the long run with having recess and and the 55 minute Phy-ed all in the same day might just pooped her out little to much, but who knows I might be wrong! I also asked her DD teacher on the days that if the Phy-ed would be to rough for Lakota , if she could do something else, she said that LaKota could go on the computer or play a game, or take a nature walk outside with someone, I told her that sounded great, I also mention that if LaKota had to play a game that I would rather have her not play in the gym area because that it would be to hard on her having to watch the other kids play while she sits and plays a game, that would not be for LaKota.

Happy Birthday Beth, LaKota's DD Teacher.

Today I think that they will have music instead of phy-ed, so I will only be at the school during recess and maybe for a little bit during lunch.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:25 PM CDT

The name of the LORD is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

We are having some nice rain this evening, the rain is a welcome site, we really need the rain to raise the lakes back up some, they dropped quiet a bit last summer. I talked to my mom on Sunday and she said when they woke up Sunday morning that they had a hard frost their, brrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

Over the weekend LaKota stubbed her baby toe on the end table leg, she started to cry a little, I looked at her toe and asked her if she could wiggle it because I didn't know if she broke it or what, because when her toe hit the table leg, it hit hard, you could just hear it, she could wiggle her toe, thank the Lord, her little was red though, later on that night I looked again at her little toe, it was swollen a little and still a little on the red side, by the next morning her little toe was now all purplish blue from being bruised, OUCH", it still is bruise, she doesn't complain that it hurts, but it sure looks like it does.

I went to LaKotas school yesterday to watch her during her recess, it was so wonderful to watch her play, she has met quiet a few new friends at her new school, I hope that everything will keep going good for her with school and her new friends at school. Again today I went to watch her during recess,I was wondering what they did for recess when it rains out side, which it did today; When it rains outside the children go to their homerooms and their they can play games, color, read books, play with blocks, things like that. LaKota really likes her first grade teacher; she is so very wonderful with LaKota.

LaKota had O.T. and P.T. therapy today, she was kind of tired today, but she still tried to put her best effort into it, she is finally able to do the crab walk a little, she could never do that before, Im so very proud of her.

Yesterday her tutor came over to teach LaKota an hour of schooling, LaKota handled it pretty well even after being in school all day, it was really nice seeing her tutor again. After LaKotas tutor left, LaKota and I went to our church for the healing mass, it was very nice mass, after the healing mass there was a meal put on by the Knights of Columbus, which was really nice of them to do.

Please keep your prayers going strong for ~*~PRISCILLA~*~
~*~RACHEL~*~ and for ~*~STEPHANIE~*~, they really need them, thank you.

"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you." Jeremiah 29:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, April 18, 2005 9:35 AM CDT

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKota is doing really well, she really look forward to school this morning. Last Friday LaKotas teacher gave LaKota a special child poster, Im not for sure if thats what its called, but she had write down some things about herself, each week a different child gets to be the special child for the whole week, I think that is so neat, it lets the other children learn a little more about each other.
This afternoon when LaKota has recess after lunch, I am going to go over to the school to watch her, not that maybe I can prevent her from falling, but I can be their if she does, It will just make me feel much better to be their with her and be able to watch her, I know its going to take me time to let her do more things on her own and with out mom always being their with her.

After school LaKotas tutor Bonnie will be coming over to teach LaKota an hour of schooling, it will be three weeks since Bonnie came over to tutor LaKota, so it will be great to see her.

Our church is having a healing mass this evening, I am planning on taking LaKota to the healing mass; LaKota, she really likes our priest, he is a very warm hearted person, and is so good with LaKota.

It is 62 above now, we are suppose to get up in the upper 70s today, Im all for this warm weather to come; LaKota and I just love the warm weather, Steve hes more of the fall weather man.

"Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, April 15, 2005 7:45 PM CDT

Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

Today was LaKotas first day of being in school for the whole day, Boy was I nervous or what, and on top of that lonely.
I called her DD teacher this morning and asked her if she would please call me back after LaKota was done with lunch and recess so that it would calm this moms mind, so that I wouldnt have to worry all day until I picked her up.
LaKotas DD teacher called me and said that LaKota did great during lunch time, than I had this feeling come over me, and my stomach and throat felt like they were in a knot, maybe it was the sound in her voice, or maybe it was my mothers intuition, who knows what it was! Her DD teacher said that LaKota fell off the monkey bars, about a good 3 feet drop for LaKota, and that she fell on her butt, my heart sank right there and then, her DD teacher said that LaKota was crying at first, and that LaKota did mention that her tummy hurt, then LaKota and her DD teacher sat on the grass and rested for awhile, and then a little later LaKota went off to play,
I asked her DD teacher if she would please check LaKota for any bruises , I still have that fear about low platelets, and to call me back after she checked LaKota over, with in a few minutes her DD teacher called and said that she did not see any bruises on LaKota, and that LaKota is resting on the bean bag chair near her, I asked if I could talk to LaKota, this way if I got to talk to LaKota, it would make this mom here feel much better; the first thing LaKota said to me, was Mom did you miss me?, I told her that I miss her so very much, than I asked her about her fall, she told me that her tummy felt funny when she fell, but it feels ok now, and when she fell that she fell on her back and butt, "OUCH", I told her Im glad that her tummy is feeling better and that I will pick her up in about 2 hours, she said ok mom, bye mom, then I got back on the phone with her DD teacher and thanked her for checking LaKota for any bruises.
LaKota's DD teacher is such a wonderful young lady.
Than right away I called Steve from work and let him know what happen to LaKota, than after I hung up from Steve I called my dad and mom and told them what happen to LaKota,; I know I was just stressed out from her falling, and I just needed to talk to them to make me feel a little better, Im sure I didnt make their day any easier, because knowing Steve, my dad and mom, I know that LaKota was on their mind all day.
I was counting the hours, the minutes, the seconds until I could go and pick up LaKota, today it went very slow for me. Usually LaKota and I are stuck together like 2 peas in a pod, like I mention so many times before, she is my whole life.
All that I kept thinking and praying was, Please God let LaKota be ok, because last time when she fell hard at her old school, and she didnt even hit her head, she ended up with that bad headache and that is when we found out she had Angiomatous Venous Malformation and she needed brain surgery, then you always hear about people falling hard and it can trigger a tumor to come on or bone cancer, all these things were running in my mind, I just kept praying to God, and pray that God will answer my prayers for LaKota; Please God, let LaKota be a HEALTHY normal child, with the falls that do come with HEALTHY normal children her age, and please dont let nothing bad come with this fall; Can I be a normal mom, what is this word NORMAL, doesnt it sound weird how much we use this word NORMAL? how often have I heard from other parents or myself say, "I wish my child was normal, so that he or she can do this or that, "Our child is normal, we just start thinking this way because we hear it from the doctors, and so many other people when your child is first diagnose, the doctors will say, make sure you watch your child for bumps, and bruises , be extra careful with them, because with the chemo your child will have low blood counts, and your child will probably not be able to do the NORMAL kids things; So then we watch them like a hawk, than later on when things are going so good for our children, and our children is off of all their medicines, chemo, and is in remission, cured and healed from this awful disease, can we relax some, no not right away, because if our child falls or has a cold or a simple little things, What do we do? WE PRAY and WE PRAY some more, and what do we pray for? That there is nothing seriously wrong with our children, and to please keep our child with GOOD HEALTH on EARTH, how words can be twisted around, and then we start using those words, I have seen it in so many caring web pages, and I for myself, I have used the word normal with my children, and even with myself.
OK, now to go back to what I was saying, Can I be a NORMAL mom, or I should rephrase that word, can I be a mom that doesn't get easily stressed out when it comes to little things, who doesnt jump up right away or quits breathing, or has a knot in my throat and stomach, or every time my child gets a little bump that I dont have to run to the freezer for the ice bag, or just little things like that, at this time in my life if I had to answer it right now, I would probably have to say, I dont think I can ever be that kind of mom, after watching my son Cody fight for his life, with all the pain that he went through, and than to go to be with Jesus, It killed me inside to watch him fight so hard, and than not be able to stay on Earth, a piece of me died inside when he left to be with God, than our daughter Skyla being born too early, and than watching her to fight for a breathe of air on her own, because the doctors thought she was to small to put her on some kind breathing machine, that just made me die a little more inside, than watching LaKota go through so much, the pain inside is so unreal, than I look at my beautiful daughter LaKota, and look at all that she went through, and my heart melts with happiness, because here she is with me today, she is my living proof that God does give miracles on Earth, he does cure and heal people on Earth, I thank God every day for giving LaKota a second chance at life here on Earth, I also tell God, You have two of my children in Heaven, and I need LaKota here with me on Earth, but if its not your wish for LaKota to be here on Earth with us, and if not for her to grow old and healthy on Earth, then to take me first, because I can not handle another child leaving me behind, and then I also thank my beautiful daughter LaKota, she is my strength, and my life.

I know that in my heart, that God has truly, truly CURED and HEALED LaKota here on EARTH, so that she will live a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE on EARTH, and I know that she will bring many people back to GOD, the people that turned away from GOD for one reason or another in their life, she will bring them back to him, or even the people that love him so much, she will bring those people to love him so much more, or even maybe that there is some people that dont even know about GOD, she will show them that GOD does exist, and that LaKota will be that PROOF on EARTH for all to show that GOD does perform miracles on EARTH, by HEALING and CURING people on EARTH. There are many children and adults that God did give miracles to on Earth, and I thank God every day for those beautiful miracles.
When Steve and I went to pick LaKota up from school, LaKota ran to Steve, Father, Father she yells, and waits for Father to pick her up, then she said Father I had such a good time at school, how was your day at work Father, she always ask Steve every day how his day is at work, It makes Steves day, to know how excited she is to see him. LaKotas DD teacher was with her, and I asked her if she could show us which monkey bars were the ones that LaKota fell off of, so she brought us over their, it just made my heart sad knowing that she ended up falling that far down and that she cried because it hurt and scared her, and that I wasnt their to comfort her, I know that she will have more falls, more bumps, but it hurts me when she gets hurt, she is the love of my life, Knowing mom here, I asked her DD teacher if their was anything else LaKota could do besides coming outside here and playing on the play ground equipment, her DD teacher said that LaKota could come inside and go on the computer, Steve said, Debbie you got to let her do the normal kids things, their again the normal word, Yeah I know that I have to let her do more things, but that didnt hesitate me from asking LaKota if she would rather go in and play on the computer, her answer was, Mom I want to play outside with the kids, I told her ok, but then I also said dont go on any more of the monkey bars, I know in my heart it wouldnt be fair to keep LaKota inside, children are meant to have fun and play, and to have so many wonderful childhood memories that they can carry on and tell their children and their grandchildren. I guess mom here, just needs to learn to be able to let LaKota do a little more and not isolate her so much, which is easier said than done for this mom, because Ill I want to do is protect her all the time. Beside's LaKota's fall, she had a real good time in school, and is looking forward to Monday. I don't know maybe I'll go to school during LaKota's recess time and watch her, she's doesn't have the strength yet like the other kids, that is why she is still going to O.T. and P.T. to build up that strength, and knowing LaKota if it's something new and different she'll want to try it, this way if I'm their during recess with her, I can watch her more closely and give myself peace of mind that she is ok.

Please pray that every thing is well with LaKota from this fall.

Please keep your prayers going strong for Priscilla, Rachel Hansen, and Stephanie, Thank you so very much.

Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 4:25 PM CDT

For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
Hebrews 10:36

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her one year Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKota is really enjoying school so very much. Her teacher, the kids, LaKotas Par., the Special E.D. teacher, just everyone has been so very nice and understanding with LaKota, which really makes it so wonderful for both LaKota and I.
Monday while she was in school she got to experience music class, and did she really enjoyed it, she had to tell me all about her getting to play the kazoo, she really thought that was something else, she was so happy about it, it just truly melts my heart when she is so happy.
Today LaKota got to have her first hot lunch in her new school, and then she got to go out side for recess after lunch. I went with her when she ate hot lunch, I wanted to see how well she would eat knowing that she got to go out for recess after lunch, HA, talk about not eating much at school, 1 pieces of shrimp, and a drink of milk, and than it was, Mom Im so full, Right, I know my daughter, forget about eating, playing outside was more important to her than eating.
Than I went outside with LaKota during recess to watch LaKota, all I can tell you, after being so very careful with LaKota since 2002, to make sure she didnt get bumped or fall down because of low platelets, my heart was just pounding away, and I could hardly breathe, Im telling myself, relax Debbie, just breathe, well did that make it any easier, No, What am I going to do when she goes to school full time and she has phy-ed! Worry at home and pray that she is ok,
Oh but I can tell you one thing, LaKota had a real grand time playing outside during recess with all the kids, even if her mom couldnt breathe. After recess was over with LaKota went to hang up her coat in her locker, she was ready to stay the rest of the day, but she couldnt, she had an appointment to get her braces adjusted in her shoes, one of the braces were rubbing her ankle raw. On our way out of school, LaKota had to make sure she gave all her classmates and her teacher a hug before she left, She is so happy, being at school is doing her real good.
Tomorrow LaKota will go to school in the afternoon, she will have hot lunch again, shes not a very fast eater compare to some of the other kids, so I told her she couldnt go out for recess until one of her little classmate is done eating, so hopefully this will make her eat and drink a little more.

LaKota still has a problem with loose stools, not to amount to anything that a panty liner cant handle, she has been wearing a panty liner to school, for that "just incase", just incase she doesnt make it to the bathroom in time, so if tomorrow it isn't any better, she will have to miss swimming classes again, hopefully and praying it will go away real soon. I know for a fact it is real bothersome for her, and her little butt is getting sore from it, I have been putting butt paste on her butt all the time, hopefully it will not get too sore.

Please keep your prayers going strong for Priscilla, Rachel Hansen, and Stephanie, Thank you so very much.

He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.
Proverbs 22:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, April 11, 2005 10:26 AM CDT

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your request.
Psalm 20: 4-5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKota is feeling so much better, The nurse called this morning and said that all of LaKotas cultures came back normal, Thank goodness, and thank you so much for all those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Saturday was so beautiful out side, that LaKota spent most of her time out side with plenty of sun screen on, I always have put sun screen on LaKota, I figure if she is like her mom, shell need lots of sun screen on because mom burns here, so Ill just keep doing what I always have been doing, applying the sun screen on LaKota, and she doesnt mind it, she so use to it, nothing new to her.

Today, and Thursday, she will go to school in the afternoon, than Tuesday and Wednesday in the morning, and maybe on Friday a whole day of school, than starting next week if it goes well for LaKota, she can start whole days. The three days that she has been able to go to school; she really enjoys it very much, praying that it will keep going well for her.

Today, after school we will pick up LaKotas new braces for her shoes, they are going to be different from her old ones, the new ones will have an up lift on the toes so this way LaKota will have to use her toes more, I think I will have to gradually let LaKota get use to the new braces so her toes and feet will not get to sore.

Please keep your prayers going strong for Priscilla, Rachel Hansen, and Stephanie, Thank you so very much.

He who heed the word wisely will find good,
And whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he.
Proverb 16:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, April 8, 2005 10:35 AM CDT

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on May 17th LaKota will be having her Bone Marrow Transplant follow up biopsy test, and then she will have an appointment to see the Pediatric Endocrine, and a Glucose tolerance test on May 19th, Please pray for 100 percent Healthy donor cells, and that she has Healthy blood, Healthy cells, Healthy organs, Healthy tissues, Healthy bones, and just Healthy all the way around for LaKota, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and God bless you.

LaKota is feeling so much better, thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota and thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota. It is so wonderful to see LaKota feeling so much better, and her energy starting to pick up more, she does though have the diarrhea; hopefully her bottom wouldnt get to sore. LaKota goes back for one more dose of I.V. antibiotic today.
LaKota just asked me now when she gets her antibiotic today if they will take the butterfly needle out, I told her yes, so now she is singing, I get to be free, I get to be free, "Yabba-dabba-doo, Yabba-dabba-doo I get to be free", Cant tell that she is happy about getting her port needle out, can you?
Here they call the port needle the Butterfly, because it looks like it has wings.
Hopefully on Monday her diarrhea will go away so that she can go back to school, she is looking so forward to be back in school with kids again, that daughter of mine, she can adjust so well to any school that you put her in, put her in a class of high school kids and she would be just as happy, I love her so very much!

Please keep your prayers going strong for Priscilla, Rachel Hansen, and Stephanie, Thank you so very much.

she stood up straight and began thanking God.
Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 10:15 PM CDT

Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace,
And be Healed of your disease.
Mark 5:34

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

This morning LaKota woke up with a headache, so I gave her some medicine for her headache and told her to go back and lay down for awhile, and that if her headache was gone before school started, which today it started two hours later, that she could go to school, when the time came to get ready for school I asked LaKota if she felt good enough to go to school or if she should just stay home, she said that her head wasnt hurting as much and that she felt like she could go to school, when I took her to school I explain to her teacher about LaKotas headache, and that if her head hurt more to please let me know; I kissed LaKota bye and said Ill be back to at 11:15, well when I went to pick her up from school, she said mom Im so cold, her teacher was standing near me at this time, and she comment on how cold that the school felt inside, but my first reaction was, Oh no please not a fever, so I went to feel her fore head, but she felt cool, thank goodness I thought, all the way home she kept complaining on how cold she felt, so when we got home she crawled up on the couch and fell asleep, I thought maybe she was just worn out from getting up earlier than what she was use to, since school starts at 7:30 am, LaKota woke up at 2:00, and she felt really hot, I didnt know if it was from being covered up and her still having her sweater on, so I put her in the tub to see if her temperature would drop down, but that didnt help any, so I called the clinic, and they said to come in right away, when we got to the clinic, the nurse took LaKotas temperature it was 104.4, so they took her blood counts, did blood, throat, nose and urine cultures to see if they could see anything, the blood cultures usually take a few days to see if anything is growing in their, her other cultures looked good, and her blood counts looked good except for her white blood counts they were high, the doctor said that LaKota is definitely fighting something, but it isnt nothing for us to have to worry about, I think you understand what Im talking about, right their and then I thank God, the nurse started an antibiotic on LaKota, than tomorrow we will have to go in at 11:30 am so LaKota can get more antibiotic, tonight she is perking up more than what she did earlier today, thank you God. I told LaKota that for the rest of the week she wouldnt be able to go to school or her swimming lessons tomorrow, she was a little bummed out, but she understood. Please pray that her fever will be gone and that she will start feeling well fast, thank you.

But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised
for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, April 4, 2005 2:45 PM CDT

Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:6, 7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

It is so sad about the Pope, what a wonderful gifted man he was here on earth, he will be truly missed by so many people.

It has been six years since my 9 year old nephew Justin went to be with God. No matter how many years goes by it never get's any easier. I think about how many years it has been since my son and my daughter Cody and Skyla went to be with God, time does not heal, you just learn to live with it whether you want to or not, you dont really have a choice.
We love you Justin, and miss you very much, not a day goes by that we dont think about you.


Your loss has left a hole in our heart.
That hole never goes away...
you learn to live with it.
With acceptance of the loss and changes in our life,
the pain lessens.
Eventually memories fill up the space,
but it never goes away.
Then, when we least expect it,
a memory spills out
of the hole in our heart
and washes us clean again with tears.
Think of it as a "MEMORY HUG"

Author Unknown

May 17th LaKota will have her one year bone marrow transplant follow up, she will also have labs and Chest x-ray that day, Please, Please pray that she is 100 percent donor cells, and has all healthy cells, healthy blood, and healthy organs, Thank you.

We had a very nice weekend, we went up to my dad and moms house for the whole weekend. LaKotas cousins Jon and Angie were also their; LaKota had lots of fun playing with older cousins and lots of energy to go along with it, it is just so wonderful to see LaKota with all that energy, wouldn't want it any other way.
The weather was so beautiful over the weekend that we spent most of our time outside, which LaKota didnt mind at all, she loves the outdoors.

Today was LaKotas first day of school, on the drive over to school, I told LaKota, that I was going to miss her while she was at school and that I knows that she needs to be by other kids besides mom all day; she said, Mom Ill miss you too, then she said,"Mom even though you say I need to be around other kids, I will always need you, Boy did that make my day!!!!!! She is totally my whole life.
I went to pick LaKota up at lunch time, since she will be going for two weeks, than she will start full days after that, "Any ways when I went to pick LaKota up from school, LaKota was just glowing with so much happiness that it made my day even more happier to see how happy that she was; not that I was worried about her being scared since mom wouldn't be their with her, "LaKota, she adjust so well with everything, she is such a social butterfly, not a shy bone in her body, not like her mom here SHY, which stinks at times, thank goodness she didnt take after me with that, I think I need LaKota to help me overcome this shyness, any ways when we got in to the truck on the drive home, mom of course was so anxious to hear about her big day at school, Im just asking away the questions, I thank God for letting LaKotas first day at school be so wonderful, and praying that it will keep going good for LaKota.

Be strong, banish fear and doubt. Remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, April 1, 2005 1:55 PM CST

Jeremiah 1:12 Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We have been having such beautiful weather the last few days; it is in the upper 40s today, close to 50.
Most of the snow around our area has melted, thank goodness, hopefully we will not get any more snow until Christmas, You never know about Minnesota weather, it's always suprising you.

LaKota really enjoyed her swimming lessons yesterday; LaKota only wished it would have lasted longer than hour. When we were at swimming classes, LaKota was so happy that she got to see one of her friends from her old school.

Monday LaKota will be starting days at her new school; she is so excited about it. I know that LaKota wouldnt have any problems adjusting to being in school away from mom, but mom here on the other hand will be the one having a hard time adjusting to LaKota being in school.

Jeremiah 30:17
For I will restore health to you, and I will heal your wounds, says the Lord, because they have called you an outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no one seeks after and for whom no one cares!

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:20 PM CST

Matthew 13:15
for the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their heart and turn, so that I should heal them.'

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you everyone for your encouraging words in the guest book, it really means a lot to us.

Please keep praying for Stephanie who is under going chemo to put her back in remission for a bone marrow transplant, she has been running a temperature, Thank you for your prayers for her.

LaKota is doing really well. LaKota is looking so forward for tomorrow when she starts swimming classes. Besides learning to swim with out a life jacket on, it also will be good therapy for LaKota.

LaKotas religion teacher Deb came over today, she is such a nice religion teacher, and is so very good with LaKota.
LaKotas teacher Bonnie also came over, she brought along her key board, right now I am listening to her play on the key board and teaching LaKota some new songs, it is so cute to hear LaKota sing, it just melts my heart.

It has been raining here most of the day, Im so glad that it is raining than snowing, because here in Minnesota its not unusual to get snow in April, so the rain was very welcome change, the snow can stay away until Christmas time.

Exodus 23:25
"You must serve only the LORD your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will keep you healthy.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, March 28, 2005 2:00 PM CST

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst
of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them
and health to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20-22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

Thank you every one for wishing us a Happy Easter in LaKotas web page, thank you for Easter cards and packages, and the Easter baskets full of goodies for LaKota, it really mean's a lot to us. Thank you and God bless you.

We hope that everyone had a very bless Easter.

We really had a very wonderful Easter and a very blessed one. We are so Thankful to God for LaKota being here on Earth with us, and we also are so Thankful for our Family and Friends.

We stayed at my mom and dads house Friday thru Sunday, my sisters Maria, Susie, and Lisa were also their with their families. We had a very busy and fun weekend up at my dad and moms house.
Easter Sunday evening we went out to Steves moms house, LaKota got to see her Uncle Larry and Uncle Butch, and Larrys kids, Sherry, John, Corey, and Sherry friend Travis. Corey brought his guitar along to Steves moms house and played some music for us, hes 15 years old, he is really good on the guitar.
Steve's mom mention that one of Steve's siblings does not think that it is right for us to write on a web page about what is going on with LaKota, that person thinks that it's nobodies business that doesn't know us personally, I mention to Steve's mom, that all we are asking for are prayers for LaKota and for support, because LaKota's battle is far from over, She will have to be monitored for the rest of her life, and this way people will know what to pray for when it comes to LaKota. All I know that the power of prayers are a wonderful gift that we recieved from all of you,and the support you have given us is beyond what we can imagine, Thank you so much for the prayers, support. Please keep the prayers going strong for LaKota. We really dont know what to say about this family member, all Steve and I can say is its to bad that they feel this way, we pray and hope that they will never have to go down this journey or some other journey with their children.
We had a great time out at Steve's mom's house, it was sad not seeing Steve's dad their, but we sure did feel his loving presence with us their.

LaKota is getting so excited for Thursday to come, that is when she starts her swimming lessons, she is making sure that she tells everyone about it, it just makes Steve and I so happy to see her get so excited.

God Knows
When you are tired
and discouraged
from fruitless effort
God knows how
hard you have tried.

When youve cried
so long and your
heart is in anguish
God has counted
your tears.

If you feel that
your life is on hold
and time has
passed you by
God is waiting with you.

When youre lonely and
your friends are too
busy even for a phone call
God is by your side.

When you think youve tried
everything and dont know
where to turn
God has a solution.

When nothing makes
sense and you are
confused or frustrated
God has the answer.

If suddenly your outlook is
brighter and out find
traces of hope
God has whispered to you.

When things are going
well and you have much
to be thankful for
God has blessed you.

When something joyful
happens and you are
filled with awe
God has smiled upon you.

When you have a purpose to fulfill
and a dream to follow
God has opened your eyes and
called you by name.

Remember that wherever
you are or whatever you
are facing

Be strong, banish fear and doubt. Remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, March 25, 2005 8:40AM CST

He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Matt 28:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.



LaKota is doing really good, she does a have a little runny nose and a small cough, hopefully and praying that it will be gone by Thursday when she starts her swimming lessons.

Yesterday LaKotas teacher Bonnie came over, Bonnie remarked on how well LaKota is doing with her schooling, and that she is acting just like a first grader would be in school, It is so wonderful to hear how well that she is doing with her schooling.

Today will be more of a relaxing day for LaKota, We will take mom home today, and spend the weekend up at mom and dads house and we will Easter dinner with my side of the family; than Sunday Evening we will have Easter supper with Steves mom and his side of the family.


Praise the Lord this Easter morning for all that He has done
Take the time to remember how the battle for our soul was won
God knew man would not be able to save himself from sin
Without God's redeeming plan we would never win
God sent His Son, Jesus, to die upon the cross
Calvary was the only way for God to save the lost
The day of crucifixion should burn clearly in our minds
Oh! How the Saviour suffered to redeem all of mankind
He was badly beaten in such a dreadful way
His skin was laid wide open, as they kept striking Him that day
When they mocked and spat upon Him, he never looked away
He stood and said not a word to save Himself that day
They pressed a crown of thorns, deep into His head
and made Him carry a heavy cross upon His back
They had ripped to shreds
He was hung upon the cross
With nails through His hands and feet
and even though death was near, He showed His love
When He promised eternity to a thief
They took a sword and pierced His side to make sure that He was dead
The pierced side
Fulfilling what the Scripture had said
The blood that poured from His ripped flesh and pierced side
Is the blood that redeems us in His Fathers eyes
The stripes that laid open the skin on His back
Allows for our healing; Isaiah 53 states that
Are we worthy of this Man's blood? Are we worthy of God's only Son?
"No!" Not a one can say
"Jesus need not have died for me in that way"
God's love for mankind showed clear on that day
As He turned from His Son, and the angels stayed away
Jesus was laid in a tomb that was sealed, and God's plan for man was later revealed
For on the third day the stone rolled away
Our Saviour resurrected, then is alive today
Praise the Lord! He sits at the Father's right side
Interceding for us, so with Him we'll abide.
Our salvation was paid for that day on the cross
If we all turn to Jesus, not one will be lost
Our sins are forgiven
Praise God for His Son, for on that Resurrection morning
God's battle was won

1988 Frances Armstrong

Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 4:32 PM CST

Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Monday evening our priest from our church came over to visit, we had such a nice visit with him; LaKota really enjoys it when he comes over to visit.

My dad and mom came up yesterday, LaKota is always happy when she gets to see them, my mom is staying for the week, than we will bring her back home on Friday and spend the weekend up their with them, we will have Easter dinner with my side of the family, and than have Easter supper with Steves side of the family.

Today I took LaKota in to get fitted with new braces for her shoes, she picked out the cheetah pattern, and the new braces will have the toe part built up a little, so that LaKota will have to use her toes more.

Mothers, touch your children,
Fathers, hug them tight,
Let them know you love them
morning, noon, and night.
Put your arms around them,
hold them near to you,
Feel the beating of their hearts,
the life that you made new.
Roll around the floor with them,
tease and laugh and play,
Listen to what they'll tell you,
they have so much to say.
Take time to get to know them,
see the colors in their eyes,
Appreciate that person
that deep inside them lies.
Let them run their fingers through your hair
And down your face,
Fill their hearts with words of praise,
make home their favorite place.
Cuddle with them on the couch
and watch a T.V. show,
Sing with them or share a book
and help their world to grow.
Take a walk into the park,
hold each other's hand,
Smell the flowers, feed the ducks,
build castles in the sand.
Mothers, touch your children,
Fathers, hug them tight,
Show them what a gift they are,
to love them feels so right.

by Kathie Davis

Mark15:39 And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, March 21, 2005 1:17 PM CST

Man looks at the outward appearance,
But the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

We had a real nice weekend, Saturday I took LaKota to an Easter egg hunt, after the Easter egg hunt the kids were able to go and have lunch with the Mrs. Easter Bunny, LaKota really had a good time.
Sunday we went out to Steves moms house, we brought her lunch out their, and picked up a birthday cake and ice cream to celebrate her birthday, I let LaKota pick out the birthday cake for Grandma, she picked out an cake that had big orange and blue flowers on it, of course it had to have orange on it, her favorite color; it was real pretty cake. Grandma really enjoyed listening to LaKota sing Happy Birthday to her.

Thank you everyone for the support about the school situation, God has truly blessed us with so many wonderful caring people, Thank you God.


Jeremy was born with a twisted body and a slow mind. At the age of 12 he was still in second grade, seemingly unable to learn. His teacher, Doris Miller, often became exasperated with him. He would squirm in his seat, drool, and make grunting noises. At other times, he spoke clearly and distinctly, as if a spot of light had penetrated the darkness of his brain. Most of the time, however, Jeremy just irritated his teacher. One day, she called his parents and asked them to come in for a consultation. As the Forresters entered the empty classroom, Doris said to them, "Jeremy really belongs in a special school. It isn't fair to him to be with younger children who don't have learning problems. Why, there is a five-year gap between his age and that of the other students."
Mrs. Forrester cried softly into a tissue, while her husband spoke. "Miss Miller," he said, "there is no school of that kind nearby. It would be a terrible shock for Jeremy if we had to take him out of this school. We know he really likes it here." Doris sat for a long time after they had left, staring at the snow outside the window. Its coldness seemed to seep into her soul. She wanted to sympathize with the Forresters. After all, their only child had a terminal illness. But it wasn't fair to keep him in her class. She had 18 other youngsters to teach, and Jeremy was a distraction. Furthermore, he would never learn to read and write. Why waste any more time trying?
As she pondered the situation, guilt washed over her. 'Here I am complaining when my problems are nothing compared to that poor family.' she thought. 'Lord, please help me be more patient with Jeremy.' From that day on, she tried hard to ignore Jeremy's noises and his blank stares. Then one day, he limped to her desk, dragging his bad leg behind him. "I love you, Miss Miller." he exclaimed, loud enough for the whole class to hear. The other students snickered, and Doris' face turned red. She stammered, "Wh-why that's very nice, Jeremy. N-now please take your seat."
Spring came, and the children talked excitedly about the coming of Easter. Doris told them the story of Jesus, and then to emphasize the idea of new life springing forth, she gave each of the children a large plastic egg. "Now," she said to them, "I want you to take this home and bring it back tomorrow with something inside that shows new life. Do you understand?" "Yes, Miss Miller." the children responded, enthusiastically, all except for Jeremy. He listened intently; his eyes never left her face. He did not even make his usual noises. Had he understood what she had said about Jesus' death and resurrection? Did he understand the assignment? Perhaps she should call his parents and explain the project to them.
That evening, Doris' kitchen sink stopped up. She called the landlord and waited an hour for him to come by and unclog it. After that, she still had to shop for groceries, iron a blouse, and prepare a vocabulary test for the next day. She completely forgot about phoning Jeremy's parents.
The next morning, 19 children came to school, laughing and talking as they placed their eggs in the large wicker basket on Miss Miller's desk. After they completed their math lesson, it was time to open the eggs. In the first egg, Doris found a flower. "Oh yes, a flower is certainly a sign of new life." she said. "When plants peek through the ground, we know that spring is here." A small girl in the first row waved her arm. "That's my egg, Miss Miller." she called out. The next egg contained a plastic butterfly, which looked very real. Doris held it up. "We all know that a caterpillar changes and grows into a beautiful butterfly. Yes, that's new life, too." Little Judy smiled proudly and said, "Miss Miller, that one is mine." Next, Doris found a rock with moss on it. She explained that moss, too, showed life. Billy spoke up from the back of the classroom, "My daddy helped me," he beamed. Then Doris opened the fourth egg. She gasped. The egg was empty. Surely it must be Jeremy's, she thought, and of course, he did not understand her instructions. If only she had not forgotten to phone his parents. Because she did not want to embarrass him, she quietly set the egg aside and reached for another.
Suddenly, Jeremy spoke up. "Miss Miller, aren't you going to talk about my egg?" Flustered, Doris replied, "But Jeremy, your egg is empty." He looked into her eyes and said softly, "Yes, but Jesus' tomb was empty, too." Time stopped. When she could speak again, Doris asked him, "Do you know why the tomb was empty?" "Oh, yes." Jeremy said, "Jesus was killed and put in there. Then His Father raised Him up." The recess bell rang. While the children excitedly ran out to the schoolyard, Doris cried. The cold inside her melted completely away.
Three months later, Jeremy died. Those who paid their respects at the mortuary were surprised to see 19 eggs on top of his casket ... all of them empty.
Happy Easter ...

Faithful friends are beyond price; no amount can balance their worth. Sirach 6:15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, March 18, 2005 7:17 PM CST

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give answer to everyone who asks you to give an reason for the hope that you have, But do this with gentleness and respect.
Peter 3:15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

Please pray for ~*~STEPHANIE~*~, she just found out a couple of days ago that she (R), she will be starting chemo, than she will have to undergo a bone marrow transplant, she could use all the prayers that she can get, Thank you.

Wednesday the meeting did not go as good as Steve and I hoped, unfortunately it wasnt what we expected. The meeting was fairly large, both Steve and I were their, among four professional ladies from public school district, one of my close friends, the principal, the first and the second grade teacher from LaKotas school and LaKotas tutor; I wish I could say that it was very over whelming and thats what made me break down and cry, but that wasnt the case, it was what was said at the meeting that left us with such impact, not just for Steve and I, but also for some of the others; we have concluded at this time after talking with some of the other people and talking between ourselves that the best interest for LaKota at this time would be to put LaKota in a different school, its not what we really wanted, but now we feel its what would be best for LaKota. LaKotas tutor will still be coming to the house three times a week even when LaKota starts school; LaKota still has some hours that ables the tutor to keep coming over to teach LaKota, so that is just wonderful.

LaKota is doing really well, she is looking forward to be able to go to school, even if its at a different school, she will start the first part of April, I think it will be more harder on me than her when she goes back to school, after being with her 24/7.
March 31st LaKota will begin her swimming lessons, which is another thing that she is looking forward too.

The Jelly Bean Prayer

Red is for the blood He gave,
Green is for the grass He made,
Yellow is for the sun so bright,
Orange is for the edge of night.
Black is for the sins that were made
White is for the grace He gave,
Purple is for the hour of sorrow,
Pink is for the new tomorrow.
Give a bag full of jelly beans,
Colorful and sweet,
Tell them it's a Prayer....
It's a promise..
It's an Easter Treat

Sanctity them by the truth; Your word is the truth.
John 17:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:30 AM CST

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage,
and He shall strengthen thine heart; Wait, I say on the Lord.
Psalm 28:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

Yesterday the speech therapist from the school district came over to see if LaKota has any speech problems, The therapist said that LaKotas speech sounded real good, and that LaKota will not have to have any special help in the speech department,that is so great.

LaKota had an hour of class at Sylvan, she really enjoys going their, she just loves being around people, the teachers at Sylvan are really wonderful with LaKota.

Today is the meeting at LaKotas school, we will find out what will be the best for LaKota in her education, I will let you know how it goes. I just pray that I will make the best choice for LaKota with her education.

Just Remember
Copyright by Joyce C. Lock

When you feel tested and tried
And all worn out inside,
Just Remember ...

God is by your side.

When you have lost your best friend
And it feels like the end,
Just Remember ...

Another He'll send.

When you feel like a good cry
But you just don't know why,
Just Remember ...

God is standing by.

When the day seems to grow cold
Because you're getting old,
Just Remember ...

Your hand He will hold.

When there's a heart you can't mend -
That needs someone to tend,
Just Remember ...

Jesus will be their friend.

For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh,findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
Matthew 8:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, March 14, 2005 3:25 PM CST

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.
Corinthian 9:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We had a very wonderful time up at my dad and moms place. LaKota kept Papa and Grandma on their toes all weekend; I just love see LaKota with all that energy, it just melts my heart!

LaKotas teacher Bonnie is over now teaching LaKota some school work, Im in the other room listening to LaKota and her teacher, "Laughing", they are having such a good time with the homework, it is so wonderful to hear her laughing and having a fun time doing her home work.

Wednesday we will have a meeting at LaKotas school; We are going to talk about what will be best for LaKota with school work,They mention something about LaKota going half days at her school, which is a private school, then go the other half of day to a public school to get the help that she needs for catching her up to her level in grade, also they mention something about sending LaKota full days to the public school. I guess that the school districts can not come in a private school to help LaKota for more on hand learning; Both school have great values going for them, LaKotas school that she is enrolled in now, does not have many students in that school and it's right across the road from our house, the public school has about 400 -500 more students, but can offer more one on one teaching with LaKota. Wednesday we will find out more on what is best thing for LaKota.

Robby's Night (True Story)

At the prodding of my friends, I am writing this story. My name is Mildred Hondorf. I am a former elementary school music teacher from Des Moines, Iowa. I've always supplemented my income by teaching piano lessons-something I've done for over 30 years. Over the years I found that children have many levels of musical ability. I've never had the pleasure of having a prodigy though I have taught some talented students. However I've also had my share of what I call "musically challenged" pupils. One such student was Robby. Robby was 11 years old when his mother (a single Mom) dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer that students (especially boys!) begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby. But! Robby said that it had always been his mother's dream to hear him play the piano. So I took him as a student. Well, Robby began with his piano lessons and from the beginning I thought it was a hopeless endeavor
As much as Robby tried, he lacked the sense of tone and basic rhythm needed to excel. But he dutifully reviewed his scales and some elementary pieces that I require all my students to learn. Over the months he tried and tried while I listened and cringed and tried to encourage him. At the end of each weekly lesson he'd always say, "My mom's going to hear me play someday." But it seemed hopeless. He just did not have any inborn ability. I only knew his mother from a distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in her aged car to pick him up. She always waved and smiled but never stopped in. Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but assumed because of his lack of ability, that he had decided to pursue something else. I also was glad that he
Stopped coming He was a bad advertisement for my teaching! Several weeks later I mailed to the student's homes a flyer on the upcoming recital. To my surprise Robby
(Who received a flyer) asked me if he could be in the recital. I told him that the recital was for current pupils and because he had dropped out he really did not qualify. He said that his mother had been sick and unable to take him to piano lessons but he was still practicing. "Miss Hondorf . . . I've just got to play!" he insisted. I don't know what led me to allow him to play in the recital. Maybe it was his persistence or maybe it was something inside of me saying that it would be all right. The night for the recital came. The high school gymnasium was with parents, friends and relatives. I put Robby up last in the program before I was to come up and thank all the students and play a finishing piece. I thought that any damage he would do would come at the end of the program and I could always salvage his poor performance through my "curtain closer." Well, the recital went off without a hitch. The students had been practicing and it showed. Then Robby came up on stage. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair looked like he'd run an eggbeater through it. "Why didn't he dress up like the other students?" I thought. "Why didn't his mother at least make him comb his hair for this special night?" Robby pulled out the piano bench and he began. I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen Mozart's Concerto #21 in C Major. I was not prepared for what I heard next. His fingers were light on the keys; they even danced nimbly on the ivories. He went from pianissimo to fortissimo. From allegro to virtuoso. His suspended chords that Mozart demands were
magnificent! Never had I heard Mozart played so well by people his
age. After six and a half minutes he ended in a grand crescendo and everyone
was on their feet in wild applause. Overcome and in tears I ran up on stage and put my arms around Robby in joy. "I've never heard you play like that Robby! How'd you do it?
"Through the microphone Robby explained: "Well Miss Hondorf . . . remember I told
You my Mom was sick? Well, actually she had cancer and passed away this
morning. And well . . . she was born deaf so tonight was the first time! She
ever heard me play. I wanted to make it special." There wasn't a dry eye in the house that evening. As the people from Social Services led Robby from the stage to be placed into foster care, noticed that even their eyes were red and puffy and I thought to myself how
much richer my life had been for taking Robby as my pupil. No, I've never had a prodigy but that night I became a prodigy . . . of Robby's. He was the teacher and I was the pupil for it is he that taught me the meaning of perseverance and love and believing in yourself and maybe even taking a chance in someone and you don't know why.
Robby was killed in the senseless bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building in Oklahoma City in April of 1995.

Lord, only You have the words of life!
John 6:68

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, March 11, 2005 1:45 PM CST

Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
Matthew 21:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I am just so thankful for the good report on Wednesday for LaKotas blood counts, I feel like I can now breathe!!!!!!! God is so wonderful.

LaKota is doing really well. I have signed her up for swimming lessons; she will start at the end of March. The place where I signed LaKota up for the swimming class, the instructor said that they only put 4 students per class, I think that is so great, she will have swimming lessons for 11 weeks; LaKota is looking forward to learning to swim with out a life jacket, I think this will be good therapy for her.

We are going to my dad and mom's house for the weekend, it will be nice to spend the weekend with them. LaKota she always enjoys going up their, in fact if she had her choice she would live up their.

Shadow our little dog is still hopping around on 3 legs, for going on 13, she gets around like young dog.

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst
of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them
and health to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20-22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, March 9, 2005 10:50 PM CST

WBC: 8.0
PLATELETS: 210,000
WEIGHT: 39.8

I am the Lord who heals you."
EXODUS 15:26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Praise the Lord, God is so good to LaKota here Earth!!!!!!! Prayers do come true on Earth.

God has answered all your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
LaKotas blood counts are real good and her platelets went up a little.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
God bless you and Thank you for your powerful prayer for LaKota here on Earth, We love you very much.
Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, We love you God so very much.

Last night my dad and mom made it back from Texas, LaKota was so excited to see them, We just got back from eating out, at one of LaKotas favorite restaurant, The Old Country Buffet, when we pulled into the garage, Steve said to LaKota, Papa and Grandma are right behind us in their truck, LaKota looked at me and said Mom are they really here, I told her yes they are, She got out of the truck and waited for them to get out of their truck, and when they did, I think the whole neighborhood could hear LaKota yelling, Papa, Grandma, I miss you, youre here. LaKota kept them entertained all night, she is one little girl that is on the go, go, go, and talks non stop, the way I love it.

LaKotas teacher has been sick all week, so she hasnt had any school this week, her teacher is hoping by Friday that she will feel better and probably be able to make it then.

We went out to eat with Steve's mom, Steve's brother Butch and his niece Sherry, Than they came over to our house afterwards, and boy did LaKota have a real fun time keeping cousin Sherry busy playing with her, we had a very nice visit with them.

Thank you again so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, You are truly a blessing in our life, Thank you.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, March 7, 2005 3:25 PM CST

she stood up straight and began thanking God. - Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on Wednesday, March 9th, LaKota will go to the cities for blood work; Please pray that her blood and cells are healthy, Thank you for your prayers.

We had a very nice weekend; I brought LaKota over to my sister Lisas house on Saturday evening to play with her two younger daughters Kristine and Kayla. Austin their friend was also over their playing with them, LaKota really had a great time playing with the girls and Austin.

Sunday Steve helped out with making Bouja at our church, Then Steve bought a couple gallons to bring out to his mom house, we had Bouja for supper out at his moms house; we had a real nice time visiting with Steves mom and his brother Butch.

This morning my dad and mom left Texas, they should be at our house on Wednesday, LaKota is getting real excited for them to come home, she told Papa that she cant wait to see them, I am also happy that they are on their way home too.

I keep forgetting about mentioning about my arm that I was having therapy on. The therapy did not work, so the doctor thinks that I will have to have surgery on it in May or June.

Please keep your prayers going strong for LaKota this Wednesday on March 9th, for good healthy blood and good healthy cells, and that her platelets are going up, and that the platelets did not drop anymore, Thank you, and God bless you for this prayers for LaKota, it really means a lot to us, all your prayers for LaKota means everything to us.

But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, March 3, 2005 11:25 AM CST

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Please remember that on Wednesday, March 9th, LaKota will go to the cities for blood work; Please pray that her blood and cells are healthy, Thank you for your prayers.

LaKota is doing really well. Yesterday, LaKotas religion teacher came over, she is getting LaKota ready for next year so LaKota can make her first communion, that will be such a wonderful bless event, to watch LaKota make her first communion; I still can remember my fist communion!!!!!!

Tuesday morning I was laying in bed with LaKota, watching TV, and of course our faithful little Pomeranian dog Shadow, who will be 13 years old in May was laying in bed with us, Usually Shadow will make her a little noise for us to get her off the bed, but that morning she must of thought she was a big dog, she jumped off the bed and missed landing on the throw rugs in LaKotas bedroom and hit the hard wood floor real hard, she got up and started limping, she was in a lot of pain, you could see it in her eyes and she was throwing up from the pain, Steve took her to the Vet, and the doctor took X-rays on her and said that Shadow pulled the tendon from her knee, they gave her some pain pills, the doctor told us, make sure she gets lots of rest. Shadow is still limping, hopefully she will start being able to walk with out limping; now when she goes outside to go potty, she can make it down the steps fine to the back yard, but she will bark for me to come and pick her up and carry her in the house. It really made me nervous when she fell with her being that old.


When a toddler gets into the plant pot dirt, a special mom
appreciates how well their fingers work.

When a child yells "NO!" A special mom enjoys the sound of their spoken word.

When a child must wear a helmet when riding a bike, a special mom is grateful that the helmet is not being worn to prevent injury from a seizure.

When a child plays the `chasing game' with mom in the grocery store, a special mom is thankful that her child can run at all.

When a child makes a mess while eating their lunch, a special mom is glad she does not have to put their lunch through a feeding tube.

When someone's child is having a `tantrum' in the shopping mall, a special mom never jumps to conclusions.

When a child gives themselves their first haircut, resulting in an embarrassing head shave, a special mom is blessed that they are not bald because they're going through chemotherapy.

When a child listens to annoying rap-music, a special mom enjoys that her child can hear any music.

When a child is at the hospital for an ear infection, a special mom feels blessed her child isn't in congestive heart failure...again.

When a child complains about taking an awful tasting cold medicine, a special mom is relieved that it is not heart medication, seizure medication, anti-rejection drugs or something worse.

When a child in a wheel chair is out for a stroll with mom, a special mom understands that it may not be a good day to ask questions.

When a child needs extra tutoring to get through math, a special mom is relieved that her child doesn't need a team of seven people and five pieces of specialized equipment, just to get him through the school day.

When a child needs the light on at bedtime, because they're scared of the dark, a special mom is thankful that her child does not live in constant darkness.

A special mom looks at her special child with pride, while strangers often look at the special mom with pity.

A special mom appreciates all the things typical children do, whether naughty or nice.

A special mom rarely complains about the 45-minute wait at the doctor's office for a check-up, when she's spent months at a children's hospital with her dying child.

A special mom would never feel disappointed that her healthy newborn was not the gender she had hoped for.

A special mom views the world through special eyes, ears and hands.

By Luanna Buburuz

Have faith in God.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, February 28, 2005 3:54 PM CST

went to Heaven on Monday, Please go to his web page and let his love ones know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

Be strong, banish fear and doubt. Remember the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

I cant believe tomorrow is the 1st of March already; LaKota and I are looking forward to spring to be here, than of course Summmmmer. I think this year LaKota and I are looking more forward to summer; last summer LaKota spent it in the hospital and at the RMH. We are so grateful though that God has let LaKota come home with us from the hospital,"HEALTHY" and not go home with him. We really missed seeing all of our summer friends last year up at my dad and moms place, so it will be nice to see them again this year. I just need to get out of this root, or closed in shell or what ever you want to call it, that I put myself in too. It is so hard seeing the people that I know, that I havent heard from or even seen when LaKota was going through her transplant. Its easier for me to talk to a stranger that knows nothing about our lives, than the people that I know, that way I dont have to worry about them asking me questions. I still have not heard from some of people that we know since we have been home, I dont know if that is good or bad? Its easy to pull yourself away from people and put yourself into close shell But once you get yourself their, its harder to get out of the shell, and pull yourself back closer to people; Than the people wonder WHY your acting like this!
I dont even know if Im making any sense, hopefully youll understand what Im talking about. At times I dont know if I make any sense to myself or not!
I just want to say to everyone that has been their for us, THANK YOU " for being there for us, It means the world to us, I really mean that; LaKota's battle is far from over, She will have to be monitored for the rest of her life. We sincerely appreciate your continued prayers for LaKota to live a long, healthy, happy, cancer-free life here with us on earth. Thank you and we love you.

LaKota is waiting anxiously for Papa and Grandma to come home from Texas, they should be here on the 9th of March, and I know that Im just as anxious as her to have my dad and mom home.

LaKota will go to the cities on Wednesday March 9th for blood work, Please pray that her blood and cells are healthy, Thank you.

I still havent figured out how to change backgrounds with LaKotas picture on it. One of these times I should get it. When I did try, I got the whole background picture with LaKota all over it, instead of the side graphic picture, when it was the whole background you couldnt even read what I typed, so that wasnt what I wanted.

LaKotas teacher Bonnie is over teaching LaKota her home work; Home work for LaKota is a struggle at times, but she tries hard at it, and when she does get frustrated with the learning, shell tell her teacher, Im sleepy, Her teacher caught on to that little trick of LaKotas, Thats my daughter for you.

Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:6, 7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, February 24, 2005 12:15 PM CST

New pictures.

Heal me, O Lord and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved; for thou art my praise.
Jeremiah 17:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

This morning it was snowing, I hope that we dont get any more snow until Christmas of 2005.
I guess I am just looking forward to spring to come, and then summer. I hope that our summer here in Minnesota is nice and warm and that the days go by slowly, It always seems like summer goes by way to fast here in Minnesota, except for last summer when LaKota was going through her transplant, then it seemed like it went so slow.

LaKota has O.T. and P.T. this afternoon, she always looks forward to going to them, its a lot of hard work for her, but her O.T. Therapist and her P.T. Therapist always makes it fun for LaKota.

I just love watching LaKota with all that energy that she has, It just makes me so happy, I am so very bless to have this little girl, My daughter in my life, Thank you Jesus!!!!!

I was sent this poem, I dont know who the author is; But I could see myself as this woman, I know that there must be a lot of ladies out their that could also see themselves as this woman!!!!!!


By the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth day of working
overtime. An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?"

And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her? She has to be
completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all
replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four
children at one time, have a kiss that
can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart -and she will do
everything with only two hands.
The angel was astounded at the requirements. "Only two hands!? No way!

And that's just on the standard model? That's too much work for one day. Wait
until tomorrow to finish.

"But I won't," the Lord protested. "I am so close to finishing this creation
that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick
AND can work 18 hour days."

The angel moved closer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so soft,

"She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."

Will she be able to think?” asked the angel.
The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and negotiate."

The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek. "Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."
That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a tear!"

"What's the tear! for?" the angel asked.
The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her
pain, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief and her pride."

The angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You
thought of everything!

Woman is truly amazing." And she is!

Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there
is a better solution. They go without so their family can have. They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards. They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left. They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideals. They give moral support to
their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.


He sent his word, and healed them, and
delivered them from their destructions.
Psalm 107:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:15PM CST

Flowers fade but the word of God endures forever.
Isaiah 40:8

Those who have been e-mailing me, or wondering, whats the song on LaKotas web page, It is called Breathe, by Life House.

Well I hope those awful graphics are done with. It really make's me wonder why any one would put such awful graphics, on someone else's web page? Why couldnt they of just e-mail me, and tell me that I need to take the graphic off, instead of replacing them with an awful graphic. I would of gladly of taken it off, I never want to offend or hurt someone else by using their graphics; Im sorry if I used your graphics, and I didn't mean to offend you.
But it also makes me wonder, what God thinks about them putting awful graphics in place of Jesus and Mary.

LaKota is doing really well; she still has a little cough though.

I had a dentist appointment today, so our neighbors watched LaKota for me; our neighbors are like a Papa and Grandma to LaKota, so LaKota also calls them Papa & Grandma. LaKota was so happy that they were going to watch her, while I went to the dentist. When I got back from the dentist, I went to go and get LaKota, Grandma, said LaKota has been on the go ever since I left for the dentist. Poor Papa and Grandma, Im sure LaKota kept them quiet busy. She has so much energy, But thats the way I love seeing her, with all that energy!

LaKotas religious teacher Deb will be coming over tomorrow, and her teacher Bonnie also will be coming tomorrow, LaKota will have a full day of schooling at home, and she really enjoys it so far.

"Lord; only You have the words of life!
John 6:68

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Saturday, February 19, 2005 2:55 PM CST

UPDATE, Monday, February 21, 6:15 AM;
Steve woked me up this morning, and said come look at the front page of LaKota's web; Some one again left a not so good picture on the web, it was a young boy that was on stretched out on a gurney that they were giving oxygen to, It was something that made you sick to your stomach to look at. The graphic was were the Bless Mary Mother was, right by Jesus.
Hopefully I got the graphic off, The graphic was from:

The weird thing about this graphic, when I upload it on my lap computer it shows the Bless Mary Mother, but on the our big computer it shows that awful picture....weird huh?

Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
Matthew 21:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

I had a nice surprise this morning; LaKota made tea and toast for me for breakfast, with the help of her Father, and then they served it to me in bed, What a sweet thing, she is always there wanting to help out anyone, She is such a sweet heart.

Thursday my sister Lisa called me up and asked me if I wanted to take LaKota to the play,"The penguin", that was being held in Clearwater, she had some extra tickets from her head start class. LaKota and I got to sit in the front row, LaKota kept asking me, Mom can I be up there too with them; she wanted to be with the actors that were performing the play, because to her, they were having so much fun up their; I told her that only the actors could be up there right now, because they were acting out the play. I kind of kept an close eye on LaKota, since we were only sitting about 5 feet from the play, and knowing LaKota, what a social butterfly that she is and not afraid of talking to any one, I could see my daughter running up their to be with them, thank goodness she didnt, because she probably would have been upset with me, if I had to go and get her off the stage.

LaKota has that nasty cough that is going around, I talked to her nurse from the Cities, and she said to give LaKota plenty of fluids, and chicken soup, and get plenty of rest, Well she is doing pretty good about the chicken soup and the fluids, but now with all that energy that she has, theres no resting for her, she is on the go, go, go, thats LaKota for you!!!!!!!!

LaKota is counting the days or should I say, marking the calendar each day when Papa and Grandma will be home from Texas, Port Aransas; My dad and mom should be home around March 9th, Im also counting the days for them to be back home again; Its nice that they still can do some traveling, but I sure still miss them a lot.

Please remember to visit our friends and our Angel friends love ones from the drop down box, Thank you.


I am the only "me" I've got. I am unique. There are two major parts of me. There is the inside "me" and the outside "me."
The outside me is what you see. The way I act, the image I portray, the way I look and the things I do. The outside me is very important. It is my messenger to the world and much of my outside me is what communicates with you. I value what I have done, the way I look, and what I share with you. The inside "me" knows all my feelings, my secret ideas, and my many hopes and dreams. Sometimes I let you know a little bit about the inside "me" and sometimes it's a very private part of myself.
Even though there are an enormous number of people in this world, no one is exactly like "me." I take full responsibility for "me" and the more I learn about myself, the more responsibility I am going to take.
You see, my "me" is my responsibility. As I know myself more and more, I find out that I am an OK person. I've done some good things in life because I am a good person. I have accomplished some things in my life because I am a competent person.
I know some special people because I am worth knowing. I celebrate the many things I have done for myself. I've also made some mistakes. I can learn from them. I have also known some people who did not appreciate me. I do not need to keep those people in my life. I've wasted some precious time; I can make new choices now. As long as I can see, hear, feel, think, change, grow and behave, I have great possibility.
I'm going to take those risks and those possibilities, and I am going to grow and love and be loved and celebrate...............
I am worth it!

But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised
for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 10:56 AM CST

Speaking the truth in love, We will in all things grow up into him who is the head, that is Christ.
Ephesians 4:15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you for the Valentine cards and gifts for LaKota, she really enjoys getting mail. Your kindness for LaKota is greatly appreciated; thank you my family and friends.

I hope that every one had a very bless Valentines Day?
Our's was very blessed, by having LaKota here with us.

LaKota went over to my sister Susies house yesterday; Susie had a Valentines party for her day care, so she asked if it would be ok if LaKota could come to the party to spend time with the kids, Of course LaKota jumped at the chance if it meant to be able to go and have some play time with playing with the kids. LaKota had such a wonderful time playing with the kids. Thank you Susie and Angie for inviting LaKota to the Valentines party, it really made her day by getting to play with the kids.

LaKotas teacher Bonnie will be coming over today to do some schooling with LaKota, then after LaKota is done with school, she will go to Occupational therapy, then we will come home for supper, then LaKota will go to Sylvan for an hour; LaKota still has a few hours left at Sylvan.

Please remember to visit our friends and our Angel friends love ones from the drop down box, Thank you.

If You Come Across an Angel

Every day, in the world around us, real-life angels
are doing the things they do...and bringing more smiles
to the world around them...

Real-life angels build bridges instead of walls.
They don't play hide-and-seek with the truth, and they
don't have hidden agendas. They tend to be the only ones
who understand what you're going through. If they sense
that you're hurting, they do whatever they can to help you.

Real-life angels understand difficulties and always give
the benefit of the doubt. They don't hold others up
to the standards they can't live by themselves.
Real-life angels are what "inner beauty" is all about.

Real-life angels don't hold things against you;
the only thing they hold... is you. They take your hand
in theirs when you could use a little reassurance.
They walk beside you when you could do with a little
guidance and direction in your life. And they support
you in your attempts to do what is right.

Real-life angels multiply your smiles and add
to your integrity. They make you feel like,
"Hey, I really am somebody who matters."
Then they quietly prove to you how beautiful
and true that feeling really is.

If you come across an angel like this,
you are one of the luckiest people of all.

If someone in your life is wonderfully like an angel to you,
it's important to let them know. It's the nicest compliment
you could ever give... in all the days of your life
and in all the years that you live.

Author Unknown

I am the Lord who heals you."
EXODUS 15:26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, February 11, 2005 11:00 AM CST

And the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went
virtue out of him, and healed them all.
Luke 6:

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Every day I see how strong LaKota is getting and how much energy she has and I feel so very bless by it, but I still worry about how platelets have been droping slowly since October, but keep reminding myself that the doctors felt fine about it, March she will go in for her blood counts, I know I will be holding my breath to see what her platelet results will be; I just keep praying to God that he will answer my prayer's for LaKota, to let her platelets not drop any more, but to even go up some more, and that the rest of her blood counts be normal and that her blood and cells are healthy and normal, and that she will live a long healthy old age on earth, Please pray that when LaKota goes for her appointment in March that her blood counts will be normal and that her blood and cells are healthy, Thank you.

LaKotas teacher will be coming over this afternoon for LaKota to have schooling; she always looks forward to her teacher Bonnie coming over.

I took some pictures of the willow angels that LaKota drew faces on, I will post them up when I take the film in to get develop, hopefully the pictures will be able to show the faces that LaKota drew on them, and I hope that they will not be to blurry, now is the time I wish I had a digital camera so that I could see if the pictures turned out good.

Please remember to visit our friends and our Angel friends love ones from the drop down box, Thank you.

Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace,
And be Healed of your disease.
Mark 5:34

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 12:00AM CST

give LaKota more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in the synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
Matthew 9:35

Please visit the page that ~*~JEAN~*~ has made, it does have a lot information on it that might be of interest to you, also LaKotas picture is on it with some of the other beautiful caring bridge children. It also has a couple of beautiful poems on it.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I want to thank Goochs mom Chris for the beautiful background of LaKota, she tried explaining it to me, but when it comes to computers Im at lost ends with it, everything has to be step by step with me, and I mean step by step, like clicking the right side of the mouse, then pressing the mouse to paste and ect. I think you got my picture.
Oh yeah, talking about pictures well I guess I used to much Megabytes from photo bucket, I didnt even know what megabytes were, but I guess I found out, cause where my graphics were in the history journal it was just words saying something about bandwidth, there was no graphics there anymore, but I see most of them are back on tonight, I told you this mom here is a no wiz when it comes to the computers. When we were up at the hospital during LaKotas transplant, someone sent me some beautiful graphics for LaKotas web page, and some of them even had her name on it, well the hospital computer that I was using got all messed up, so I lost the graphics, I really feel bad about it, after the person went through all the hard work of making those graphics for LaKotas web page, then I end up losing them; Ok here comes a question that I was wondering about, how do you save a graphic on your computer and then use it for on the web page, because when I save it and try to use it for on the web page, it doesnt work for me, nothing shows up, but an X, so what am I doing wrong?

We did make it to the fishing contest on Saturday, but did not even get one bite, LaKota kept saying, Mom it sure is taking the fish a long time to bite, she had fun though making a snowman on the lake with her cousin Angie.

Do you know what the Willow Tree Angel figurines look like, if not they are Angels with no faces on them, Well last week while I was making supper, LaKota came up to me and tells me to come and look at the surprise she made for me, she was so happy and excited about it, so I went into the living room with her, and she said Mom arent your Angels beautiful, I drew faces on them for you, she then said, Mom, Angels do have faces, I thought to myself shes right, Angels do have faces, I could not possible be the least bit upset with her, I hugged her and told her the Angels are much beautiful now that they have faces, Now I know why she always looked at those Angels before, it must have bothered her that those Angels did not have any faces on them, because all the Angels that LaKota knows all have faces; Now my willow Angel's will be extra special to me.
I had a dentist appointment today, so my sister Susie watched LaKota, she had so much fun playing with the kids and keeping Auntie Susie, and Cousin Angie busy, and of course their dog Angel too.

Please remember our friends from the drop down box, they love meeting new friends, they all could use prayers, Thank you.

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and healing shall spring up quickly.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, February 4, 2005 10:05 PM CST

Thank you Chris, Gooch's mom for the beautiful back ground of LaKota.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God :

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve.

Thank you for your prayers for Steve, his test came back good; Praise the Lord for the good news!!!!!!!

LaKota is doing very well, Thank goodness that the diarrhea is not as often, her little butt was getting sore from having the diarrhea so much.
The weather is suppose to be real nice out tomorrow, so if LaKota is not having any more diarrhea, we are thinking about taking her to a fishing contest, I guess this contest also has it where it is just for the kids, I think that is pretty neat for the kids.
I am so Thankful to God for all the energy that she has, I just love it.

I am mother who is a survivor of having two of my beautiful children Cody and Skyla who are in Heaven, I would like to share this poem with all the mothers that have a baby, a child, or children that are in Heaven and we the mothers are left here on Earth to survive with out them.

My Mom Is A Survivor

My Mom is a survivor, or so I've heard it said.
But I hear her crying at night when all others are in bed.
I watch her lay awake at night and go to hold her hand.
She doesn't know I'm with her to help her understand.
But like the sands on the beach that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving mom, who thinks of me each day.
She wears a smile for others...a smile of disguise.
But through Heaven's door I see tears flowing from her eyes.
My mom tries to cope with death to keep my memory alive.
But anyone who knows her knows it is her way to survive.
As I watch over my surviving mom...through Heaven's open door.
I try to tell her that angels protect me forever more.
But I know that doesn't help her or ease the burden she bears.
So if you get a chance, go visit her...And show her that you care.
For no matter what she says...no matter what she feels.
My surviving mom has a broken heart that time won't ever heal~!

Author unknown.

1 Corinthians 12:9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 6:55 PM CST

New pictures

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOD FATHER JON,(LaKota's God father, My nephew) WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!
(Jon the back ground is for you, LaKota know's how much you love to fish, especially bass fishing.)

The test from Steves MRI showed that he has two cysts on his kidney, the doctor told Steve, that they will just keep an eye on it for now. Tomorrow Steve will have a cystoscopy test done, please pray that nothing will show up that is serious, Thank you.

LaKota is feeling pretty good, she still has the diarrhea, and LaKotas appetite has not been that good since last Sunday when she was feeling yucky, I pray that the diarrhea will go away soon and that her appetite will pick up again soon.

LaKota had school today at home, she really looks forward to her teacher Bonnie coming over. Bonnie is so good with LaKota, I thank God for LaKota having such a wonderful teacher.

I talked to Cindy, Johnnys wife tonight, She gave me some very sad news, she said that ~*~ANGEL JOHNNY~*~ went to Heaven this morning, Please let his love ones know that you are praying for them, they could really use your prayers now, Thank you.

Please also pray for our friends, and their family in the drop down box. Prayers are free, please pass them around, We all need prayers, Thank you and God bless you my friends.

I found this poem on the Internet and would like to share it with you.


Once upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when they grew up. The first little tree looked up at the stars and said: "I want to hold treasure. I want to be covered with gold and filled with precious stones. I'll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!" The second little tree looked out at the small stream trickling by on its way to the ocean. "I want to be traveling mighty waters and carrying powerful kings. I'll be the strongest ship in the world!" The third little tree looked down into the valley below where busy men and women worked in a busy town. "I don't want to leave the mountain top at all. I want to grow so tall that when people stop to look at me, they'll raise their eyes to heaven and think of God. I will be the tallest tree in the world."
Years passed. The rain came, the sun shone, and the little trees grew tall. One day three woodcutters climbed the mountain. The first woodcutter looked at the first tree and said, "This tree is beautiful. It is perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining axe, the first tree fell. "Now I shall be made into a beautiful chest, I shall hold wonderful treasure!" The first tree said.
The second woodcutter looked at the second tree and said, "This tree is strong. It is perfect for me." With a swoop of his shining axe, the second tree fell. "Now I shall sail mighty waters!" thought the second tree. "I shall be a strong ship for mighty kings!"
The third tree felt her heart sink when the last woodcutter looked her way. She stood straight and tall and pointed bravely to heaven. But the woodcutter never even looked up. "Any kind of tree will do for me." He muttered. With a swoop of his shining axe, the third tree fell.
The first tree rejoiced when the woodcutter brought her to a carpenter's shop. But the carpenter fashioned the tree into a feedbox for animals. The once beautiful tree was not covered with gold, with treasure. She was coated with saw dust and filled with hay for hungry farm animals.
The second tree smiled when the woodcutter took her to a shipyard, but no mighty sailing ship was made that day. Instead the once strong tree was hammered and sawed into a simple fishing boat. She was too small and too weak to sail to an ocean, or even a river; instead she was taken to a little lake.
The third tree was confused when the woodcutter cut her into strong beams and left her in a lumberyard. "What happened?" The once tall tree wondered. "All I ever wanted was to stay on the mountain top and point to God..."
Many many days and nights passed. The three trees nearly forgot their dreams. But one night, golden starlight poured over the first tree as a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feedbox. "I wish I could make a cradle for him." her husband whispered. The mother squeezed his hand and smiled as the starlight shone on the smooth and the sturdy wood. "This manger is beautiful." she said. And suddenly the first tree knew he was holding the greatest treasure in the world.
One evening a tired traveler and his friends crowded into the old fishing boat. The traveler fell asleep as the second tree quietly sailed out into the lake. Soon a thundering and thrashing storm arose. The little tree shuddered. She knew she did not have the strength to carry so many passengers safely through with the wind and the rain. The tired man awakened. He stood up, stretched out his hand, and said, "Peace." The storm stopped as quickly as it had begun. And suddenly the second tree knew he was carrying the king of heaven and earth.
One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beams were yanked from the forgotten woodpile. She flinched as she was carried through an angry jeering crowd. She shuddered when soldiers nailed a man's hands to her. She felt ugly and harsh and cruel. But on Sunday morning, when the sun rose and the earth trembled with joy beneath her, the third tree knew that God's love had changed everything. It had made the third tree strong. And every time people thought of the third tree, they would think of God. That was better than being the tallest tree in the world.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie, Debbie

Monday, January 31, 2005 9:10 PM CST

give LaKota more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

Deep in my heart I say, "The LORD is all I need;
I can depend on him!"
Lamentations 3:24

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve.

I really believe with all my heart that God has CURED and HEALED LaKota here on EARTH, and that the Bless Mother Mary will PROTECT LaKota here on EARTH;
I just get a little more stressed out then what I am, when I have people coming up to me and saying, "Now that LaKota has had her transplant, does it mean that everything is ok with her now, I wish I could answer that question and say, Yes, now that LaKota has had her transplant , she will never have to worry about getting any kinds of diseases, but that is Gods decisions, I wish it was our decision; or when people say you should feed her this or that, it will prevent her from getting this kind of cancer or that kind of cancer, well thats easier said then done, your child has acquire his or hers own taste buds, especially now with all the medications that they have been on, also the doctor said that every one of us has some cancer cells in us, it just depends if their active; or when her blood counts drop, people asking what does it mean, are you sure it means that, and ect. So then I get a little more panicking and little more stressed out then what I am usual. I just want to tell you thank you for bearing with me and being there for us,
"Thank you my family and friends.

We had a great time up north visiting my dad and mom this weekend. LaKotas cousins Jon, and Angie were also up their, they also brought along their Ivory Lab dog Angel, LaKota she is just a dog lover, she had so much fun playing with Angel.
Dad and Mom left for Port aransas Texas this morning, they will be their for 8 weeks, then they will head back home, LaKota said that she already misss Papa and Grandma, I feel the same way as LaKota, I cant wait until those 8 weeks are up; I am glad though that they are still in good health where they can do some traveling.

Saturday night LaKota started getting a runny nose, then when we got home on Sunday, later that evening she started throwing up and having the diarrhea, she threw up about 5 times through out the night, this morning she woke up and said that she felt better, she still has the runny nose, and the diarrhea, LaKota hasnt really had much of an appetite today, but Thank goodness she isnt throwing up any more, praying that it is just an 24 hour stomach flu.

We have not heard anything back from Steves MRI test, he will go back to the specialist on Thursday to have more tests done, so dont know if we will hear before that with the test results, Please pray that it is nothing serious, Thank you.

Please go to ~*~JOHNNY'S~*~ web page and let Johnny and his love ones know that you are praying for him, the doctors have not given his wife Cindy much hope, Thank you.

~*~DIANE~*~ was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer, and a tumor in her brain. She has been having extreme headaches, the doctors are unsure why she is having such terrible headache, Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

Please remember our friends and their families from the drop down box.
Thank you

Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you
believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour.
MAT 8:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie, Debbie

Friday, January 28, 2005 1:50 PM CST

New picture's.

LaKotas weight and blood counts on 1/ 27/2005.
WBC: 8.4
PLATELETS: 197,000
ANC: 4.7
WEIGHT: 39.3 pounds

I pray that the Lord will bless you and protect you,
and that he will show you mercy and kindness.
May the Lord be good to you and give you peace.
Numbers 7:24-26


A couple of weeks ago Steve was exposed to mercury, so he was sent to the doctor to get it checked out, to see if there was any mercury in his blood level, besides checking his blood the doctor also checked his urine, the results showed that the mercury is very low in the blood, but they noticed that there was some blood in Steves urine, the doctor checked Steve for prostate, and to see if there was infection in the kidney, that turned out good, thank goodness for that, so today Steve will have an MRI to see if there is any kidney stones that is making it bleed, and they will also check for bladder cancer, hopefully it will only be kidney stones if it has to be either one of those two, I am not for sure if we will find out the results right away or not, Please pray for good results, Thank you.

LaKotas blood work went well yesterday; although her platelets are dropping slowly, from in October it was in the 3000,00 now it is 197,000, I asked the doctor about her platelets dropping, he said that he is not worried about it, because it is still in normal range, Steve told the doctor that it has been dropping slowly since October, so the doctor got a copy of her platelets and told Steve that he was right, the doctor said not to worry, easier said then done, especially with this mom; LaKota is my whole life, Im with her 24-7, she is my best friend, how can I not worry; then Steve he gets me more stressed out then what I am; Im sure its because he is so stressed out too. Steve went out in to the hall to talk to the doctor and LaKota's nurse about LaKota; in the mean time my heart is pounding so hard, wondering what are they talking about, and I am trying to be calm as can be so LaKota doesnt know that I am worried. "Where is my comfort food now; ugh!!!!!? No wonder I gained that extra 20 pounds and can't fit in to any of my clothes any more. Steve came back into the room, I know that I cant ask anything in front of LaKota, otherwise she will be all worried, so my heart is pounding away, I feel like I cant breath any more, I feel like I'm in a plastic shell where the walls are closing in on me, and I'm suffocating; but I know I have to stay calm for LaKota.
LaKotas nurse accidentally spilled LaKotas drink on LaKota, so while LaKota was helping her nurse clean up, I'm asking Steve "What", what did the doctor and LaKotas nurse have say to you about LaKota, Steve said that he told the doctor, that if he thinks that anything is wrong with LaKota, to please let us know since we have been through this once before with our oldest son Cody, the doctor told Steve, that he has known Steve and I when we went through this disease with Cody, and that if he thought that there was anything wrong with LaKota that he would tell us right away, and he told Steve not to worry about it, "How can you not worry!!!!!!
The doctor said that if LaKotas platelets would drop down pass 150,000 then he will do a bone marrow biopsy on LaKota to see what is going on. Then when we got home, Steve starts looking up killer cells, platelets on the computer, and then I got more stressed out in the inside, because I will never show LaKota how stressed out that I am on the out side, because she doesn't need any more worries in her life then what she has. So I'm singing away at the top of my lungs with her, playing ball with her, and thinking at the same time, all I just want for LaKota and we her parents is to be able live a normal life with out thinking about these dreadful diseases.
God please hear me, let LaKota live a long healthy old age here on earth, and if it you decide that its not meant to be here on earth, but in heaven, dont let her have to go through so much suffering and then take her; To watch our son Cody go through so much pain,and then not be able to stay here on earth with us, it just killed us inside; and now to watch another one of of our child LaKota go through these awful diseases.
"God I cant handle another one of our child leaving to go to heaven with out me, I seen two of our children leave with out me, so if you decide to take LaKota to heaven, take me first, so I dont have to feel that pain, because there is no words to describe this kind of pain, it is the worst pain that you could ever have, besides watching your child fight for their life.
Im praying God that you will let LaKota live a long healthy old age on earth with us, Thank you God, and I love you.
Please, please pray that LaKotas platelets will not drop any more, and that it's nothing serious. Thank you and God bless.

My dad and mom are leaving for Texas on Monday, so we will go up north this weekend to see them before they leave. LaKota asked are we going to Texas mom too, I just told her not this year, maybe next year; I know that she needs a break, especially with all her appointments that she has during the week, she has at least 3 appointments a day pretty much every day through out the week, so I think she is getting a little tired from them all. I wish that we could go, but Steve used all his vacation time up while LaKota was having her transplant, We usually drove because we cant afford to fly, even if Steve couldnt come with, we still couldnt afford two air flights, and I dont know if I feel comfortable with just LaKota and I driving some where, with my luck at directions I would get lost, and be some where you wouldnt want to get out of your vehicle. If vacation was meant for us to go, God will provide to see that it does happen; God always has his ways of making anything happen. "MIRACLE'S".

LaKota is very excited about going up to see her Papa, and her Grandma. She is doing so very well, I keep asking God all the time, Please keep LaKota keep on doing so well on Earth.

Please remember to visit ~*~PRISCILLA'S~*~ who just (R), Priscilla and her family moved to Texas last year, so she is getting her treatment in Texas. Please go to ~*~JOHNNY'S~*~ who is not doing very well, he has mucormycosis, they really need your prayer's, Thank you.

Please remember our other friends from the drop down box; they need your prayers too, Thank you.

trust you, LORD.
I celebrate and shout because you are kind.
You saw all my suffering and you cared for me.
Psalm 31: 6b, 7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie, Debbie

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 9:55 PM CST

"Lords Prayer"

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.

LaKota is doing really well; Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering those prayers for LaKota.

Today LaKota's religion teacher Mrs.B, came over, LaKota made a card for our priest, Fr.Helmin; she is so proud of it, she can't wait until Fr.Helmin see's the card that she has made for him, I just love seeing her so happy.
After religion LaKota had school, she really enjoys school, but doesn't care too much for coloring, I don't know if the reason why she just doesn't like to color is because she is still weak in the fingers and hands, or if she just doesn't like to color.

Tomorrow we will go to the cities for LaKota to have her blood work done, Please pray that her blood is healthy, Thank you.

Please remember to visit ~*~PRISCILLA'S~*~ who just (R), Priscilla and her family moved to Texas last year, so she is getting her treatment in Texas. Please go to ~*~JOHNNY'S~*~ who is not doing very well, he has mucormycosis, they really need your prayer's, Thank you.

Please remember our other friends from the drop down box; they need your prayers too, Thank you.

"Hail Holy Queen"

HAIL, holy Queen, Mother of mercy.
Hail, our life, our sweetness, and our hope!
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
To thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this vale of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us.
And after this our exile show unto us
the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,
ALMIGHTY, everlasting God, Who, by the co-operation of the Holy Ghost,
didst so make ready the body and soul of the glorious virgin Mother Mary
that she deserved to become a meet dwelling for Thy Son:
grant that we, who rejoice in her memory, may by her loving intercession
be delivered from the evils that hang over us, and from everlasting death.
Through the same Christ our Lord

May the Divine assistance remain always with us.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, January 24, 2005 10:15 PM CST

LaKota is doing really well; Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering those prayers for LaKota.

We had a real fun time up at my dad and moms house, the kids got to do some sliding, ice fishing, and got to go for rides on the snowmobile while they were up their. We got home yesterday, and LaKota was eating some potato chips, and she came up to me and said, Mom my gum in the back feels funny, I thought maybe a chip jab in her gum, so I got a little flash light, and a small mirror to look inside her mouth, in the inside of her mouth on the left side, it looked like her gum was over lapping one of her tooth, so this morning Steve called the doctor, and he said take her to the dentist and get it checked out, so Steve made an dentist appointment, the dentist said to bring her in at 11:30am this morning, so I had to give her an antibiotics one hour before the dentist could go poking around in her mouth. The dentist was so gentle with LaKota, that after LaKota got done with the dentist, she goes, Mom that wasnt that bad. The dentist said that LaKotas gum got swollen from her 6 year molar coming in, but he does not want to at this time cut the gum , he wants to wait and see if the swollen will go down in a week or so, so I am praying that it will.

Thursday LaKota will go in for blood work, Please pray that her blood is healthy, Thank you.

~*~BEN~*~ had his 6 months bone marrow biopsy today, Please pray for 100 percent donor cells. Please go to his web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

Please remember to visit ~*~PRISCILLA'S~*~ who just (R), Priscilla and her family moved to Texas last year, so she is getting her treatment in Texas. Please go to ~*~JOHNNY'S~*~ who is not doing very well, he has mucormycosis, they really need your prayer's, Thank you.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, January 21, 2005 10:50 AM CST

give LaKota more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

I finally got some pictures of our Christmas lights added to the photo album.

For the LORD will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the LORD has been pleased to make you a people for Himself. --
1 SAMUEL 12:22

LaKota is doing really well; we thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on earth, and we thank God for answering those powerful prayers, we also thank the Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve.

LaKotas teacher is over now; she is trying to teach LaKota to hear the different sounds in the words. It just amazes me for what the children have to know now in school, compared to when I went to school. "No wonder these kids are such little genius.

Well I guess our snow decided to come earlier then what they predict it to. Hopefully by the time we head up north to my dad and moms house tonight it will quit snowing, and not be to slippery, I dont mind driving in the snow, I just worry about the other drivers that are in such a hurry. Our friends from Ohio will be here this evening; LaKota is real excited to see them; just as we are excited to see them too! Hopefully the weather will not be to cold for the kids this weekend, then they can do some sledding, and ice fishing at my dad and moms house.

Please remember to visit ~*~PRISCILLA'S~*~ who just (R), and ~*~JOHNNY'S~*~ who is not doing very well, he has mucormycosis, they really need your prayer's, Thank you.


For the LORD your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath. -- JOSHUA

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:50 PM CST

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love Him.

LaKota has been feeling really well; Thank you God!

Tonight we went out to Steve's mom's house to visit with her; LaKota was entertaining Grandma; at one time Grandma asked us, what times does LaKota get up in the morning, It wore Grandma out just to watch LaKota with all that energy, It is so wonderful to see LaKota with all that energy. On our way home, it started snowing; the snow was coming down pretty good, felt like you were driving in outer space. LaKota fell asleep on the way home, when we got home, Steve carried her in and she started crying saying that she had a headache, she said that her head hurt in the front, I pray that it is nothing, but just being overly tired.
Tomorrow LaKota has Physical Therapy; she will also start tomorrow Occupational Therapy.

Friday we will go up to my parents house; we are also bringing our friends from Ohio with us, it will be great to see them again.

Please remember to visit ~*~ANGEL BRENNA~*~ web page and let them know that you are praying for her love ones, Thank you. Please also visit~*~PRISCILLA'S~*~ who just (R), and ~*~JOHNNY'S~*~ who is not doing very well, he has mucormycosis, they really need your prayer's, Thank you.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:15 PM CST

went to Heaven this morning, Please go to her web page and let her love one's know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota.

LaKota is doing really well and full of energy; the way we just love it. She is making up for the times when she had to be so extra careful not to fall because of low platelets, her body is faster then her feet when she is running, so she has a few more falling down then usual, and a few more bumps. Her teachers from Sylvan said that they can't believe all the energy that she has now. Like I said, "Just the way we love it, having her so full of energy. LaKota has about 19 hours left of Sylvan; we are praying that by March or April she will be some what caught up with the kids her age, so that she can go back to first grade.

Our friends from Ohio Brett, Becky, ~*~BEN~*~ are coming to Minnesota on Friday the 21st; Ben will have his 6 month bone marrow biopsy while he is here in Minnesota; We are looking so forward to them coming here, while they are here we will go up to my parents house so that they can do some ice fishing and go sledding; Also Steve, Brett, and My sister Susie, My nephew Jon, My niece Angie, and Jerry the guy I take care of, will be going to a fishing contest on Saturday the 22nd on Gull lake, I'm sure that they are hoping to win something at the fishing contest.
Ben will be having his bone marrow biopsy on Monday the 24th; please pray that it is 100 percent donor cells, Thank you.

The weather has been really nippy cold here, with wind chills of -25 or more below; Like LaKota would say, "Jack Frost nippy at our nose".

Please go to ~*~PRISCILLA'S~*~ web page, her and her family just found out a couple of days ago that she (R). And let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

We have met ~*~NICK~*~ and his parent's at Fairview hospital, he had BMT in August, He developed a fungal infection in his brain, He has had 3 surgeries on his brain. One for biopsy and two to relieve pressures. He now has shingles and bacterial meningitis. Please go to his web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

Please go to ~*~JOHNNY'S~*~ web page, he is not doing very well, Thank you.

If I raise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:50PM CST


The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.
LaKota is doing really well; we thank God every day for answering your powerful prayers for LaKota, and thank you for those powerful prayers for LaKota. We feel so very bless that Mother Mary came and bless LaKota on Christmas eve, We are so very thankful to our beautiful Mother Mary, Thank you Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas eve.

We have gotten 8.3 inches of snow today, tomorrow the weather is suppose to be dropping down below 0, with the wind chill factor the next few days it is suppose to get any where from -41~-55 below, Now I guess I finally can say Minnesota winter has begun.lol, and I hope it leaves quickly too.

LaKota has been keeping us very busy with all her energy, which I love seeing, and wouldnt want it any other way; it keeps us her parents young, I just love seeing her with all that energy.

I got an e-mail from Cin, and this is what she e-mailed me:

Deb please pray for ~*~JOHNNY~*~. The news the drs is giving us is sounding very serious. I am so afraid. I am so scared that I feel sick. Please. please offer him up in prayer.

Please go to his web page and let them know that you are praying for him, thank you.

God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.
2 Samuel 22:33

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Sunday, January 9, 2005 8:19 PM CST

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: But the word of our God shall stand forever.
Isaiah 40:8

LaKota is doing so well; it is so wonderful to see her doing so good. We are truly blessed for LaKota being healed and cured on Earth by our beautiful God; Thank you God, we Love you God.

Christmas Eve evening what a beautiful blessing that happened to LaKota; there might be a lot of people out there that might not believe in this, and that is ok with us, but we do believe, we all have our own beliefs; we are not here to judge any one, God is the only one that has the right to judge. I wanted to talk to our priest before I mention this on LaKota's web page, about what happened Christmas eve; We were spending Christmas eve with my side of the family, and eight of my family members came up to Steve and I, and said do you see the blue apparition right above LaKota's head, and the one on her chest, Steve and I unfortunately were not able to see it on LaKota, I didn't know what to think, my family members were telling me that they had a feeling of goodness over them when they seen the blue apparition on LaKota; Tell you the truth I was scared but also happy at the same time, I didn't know what it meant, I was scared because I thought about our son Cody who saw God right before he relapse with aml. We talked to our priest and he said it was called Marian Apparition, the blue color means that the Blessed Mother Mary came and blessed LaKota on Christmas eve, so LaKota is blessed for life from our Beautiful Mother Mary, What a beautiful feeling and beautiful gift that LaKota and us as her parents received from our beautiful Mother Mary from Heaven that Christmas eve evening. I know that there might be some people that don't believe, but believing and the prayers, and God answering those prayers for LaKota, Healed LaKota, and we as LaKota's parents are so very bless to have LaKota here with us on Earth.

Today we went to the Tree of Hope, it was at the clinic here in St.Cloud where LaKota goes for therapy and where she used to have her blood counts done, It was a nice event, but also very sad at the same time. The kids had fun making crafts and they got to go out in front of us parents and sing a song, very cute!!!!!!!! I met a lot of wonderful people their today, and seen some wonderful people that I have not seen for a while.

Yesterday we went out to Steve's mom's house, I brought supper out for her and Steves brother Butch; they we're so very appreciate with us for bringing out supper to them. LaKota brought out a DVD movie, so we we're entertained by watching Garfield. Steve's mom is doing ok, I guess as good as any one could be, for being married for 56 years, and then seeing her husband leave to go to Heaven; You can tell that she mainly puts a front up in front of her kids, She don't want her kids to worry about her, but how can one not worry about their mom? We had a nice time out at Steve's parents house, but also sad with Steve's dad not being. LaKota also got to see Uncle Larry out their too, which LaKota always enjoys seeing Uncle Larry!

My dad and mom came up Wednesday night so that they could watch LaKota on Thursday while I went to the doctor. (They only live 110 miles away. LOL!!!!!!) The bone specialist said that he was going to try me for about a month on therapy, which he doesn't think will help any, but wants to give it a try, and if therapy doesn't work, then I will have to have surgery to move the nerve that moved in my arm; "Yuck! I don't want that"! So therapy I will try.

~*~SAMMI'S~*~ Grandma, Karen's mom, went to Heaven this morning to be with our beautiful God, Please stop by Sammi's web page and let her know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed.....
Isaiah 54:10


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, January 5, 2005 9:55 PM CST

LaKota's blood counts and weight:
WEIGHT: 17.6kg.
WBC: 9.1
PLATELETS: 226,000
ANC: 5.6

Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.


PRAISE THE LORD, Thank you God for answering these powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you everyone for those powerful prayers for LaKota; I am so very happy and blessed to tell everyone that LaKotas ultra sound on her kidney showed that her kidney is healthy, Thank you, Thank you everyone for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota.
The doctor did mention that on the ultra sound that they did see some scaring on the inside lining on LaKotas stomach, the doctor figures it is from the chemo that she receives right before she received the blood cord transplant; That is when LaKota was having so much stomach problems while she was in the hospital during her transplant and afterwards; when the doctors did an upper and lower endoscopies on LaKota when she was in the hospital during her transplant, then they were able to see what the chemo did to her stomach, the doctors exact words at that time was that the chemo butchered up the inside of her stomach,the doctor said he is figuring that is where the scaring came from that is inside her stomach
LaKotas blood counts are doing really well, Thank you God for also answering that prayer for LaKota.

LaKota is doing very well in physical therapy, LaKota works so hard with her PT, she tells Tracy her PT that she wants to be able to do some of the things like the other kids in her school are able to do, run fast, jump, skip, and ect..

School is going fairly well for her, she really enjoys school. LaKota has also started religion school now, her religious teacher , Mrs.B. comes over once a week, We are so grateful that Mrs.B can come over and teach LaKota on religion, this way she will be able to make her first communion next year, she really enjoys Mrs.Bs coming over and teaching her more on and about religion.

Tomorrow I will finally get to go to the bone specialist to see what they are going to do about the numbness in my arms; hopefully I wouldnt have to have surgery on my arm.

The butterfly represents the changes a child goes through while undergoing cancer treatment. From the cocoon of treatment and isolation, a child emerges - beautiful and ready to take flight.

Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Sunday, January 2, 2005 2:21 PM CST

Tomorrow LaKota will go to the Minneapolis Children's Hospital to have an ultra sound on her one kidney that she has, and blood work, Please pray that her kidney and her blood is very healthy and well, Thank you. I get so nervous when I know that she has tests coming up.

LaKota is doing very well; she is keeping us busy, the way I love it.

The butterfly represents the changes a child goes through while undergoing cancer treatment. From the cocoon of treatment and isolation, a child emerges - beautiful and ready to take flight.

January 1st 2005 brought us some ice rain, snow and thunder and lighting; It was so strange to see and hear the lighting and thunder in January, we did end up with a little snow on the ground, so maybe LaKota will get to do some sledding this year, since last year she had casts on both legs and could not do any sledding.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, December 31, 2004 11:42 AM CST

Wishing everyone a very healthy and a very bless 2005!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

Please remember on Monday; January 3rd, LaKota will go to the cities to have her blood check, and an ultra sound on her kidney, Please pray that her blood and kidney are healthy and well, Thank you. "I always get so nervous when LaKota has to go through any of these tests.


Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement! O loving! O sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

LaKota is doing really well. LaKota has not started back to going to school yet with the other kids, the doctor thinks it would be best some time in March or April before she can start with the kids, Hopefully by then she will be caught up with her grade for her home work, She has missed over a year of school, and with the changing of the teachers all the time, and her not wanting to do home work with mom, it doesn't surprise me that she is behind on her grade level.

Yesterday it rained here, so it made the roads fairly icy, it has melted almost all of our snow, couple of patches of snow here and there in the yard; Wow I just can't believe that going into January that we have almost no snow, very unusual for Minnesota, but I think the weather has been very unusual all over the world this year.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2005, and the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 7:07 PM CST

We hope that every one had a very happy bless Christmas.

LaKota had very wonderful bless Christmas, she was just so happy to be with family and friends, thats the best part of Christmas for her, family and friends!

Monday; January 3rd, LaKota will go to the cities to have her blood check, and an ultra sound on her kidney, Please pray that her blood and kidney are healthy and well, Thank you.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, December 24, 2004 10:28 AM CST



Wishing every one a very Merry and Bless Christmas; Thank you every one for being here for us and for signing LaKota's web page, It truly means a lot to us, Thank you.

Wednesday was the day we laid Steve's dad to rest. Thank you so much for your prayers for Steve and his family, it means so very much to them.

LaKota is doing very well; Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota.

We will be celebrating Jesus birthday, Christmas, with both side's of the family; this is LaKota's favorite holiday; Celebrating Jesus Birthday, and being with Family and Friends.

Thank you God for the best Christmas gift that I could ever possible have on earth, and that is LaKota; Thank you for giving her the gift of good health on earth, and a long life on earth, Thank you and I love you.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Saturday, December 18, 2004 11:05 AM CST

Yesterday late afternoon we received some wonderful news on LaKota's biopsy; LaKota is 100 percent donor cells, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota. We have been truly blessed with this good news on LaKota, what a beautiful blessing Christmas gift that we received from God.

The butterfly represents the changes a child goes through while undergoing cancer treatment. From the cocoon of treatment and isolation, a child emerges - beautiful and ready to take flight.

Some very sad news, around 2:00am, Steve's Father went to be with God. The doctors are not for sure why all of sudden that Steve's dad got so sick with in hours, they dont' know if its from when he threw up, or if the surgery that he had from his colon started leaking inside; Just the other day Steve's dad was eating, It's sad to know how thing's go so quickly. Please pray for Steve, and his mom, and the rest of his family, Thank you.

MAT 21:21 Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do
Not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you
Can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, December 13, 2004 1:57 PM CST

Frida,December 17th 1:42 am

UPDATE: 1:44pm
Steve's mom called and said that the doctor called about Steve's dad, They told her that last night he went into a coma, and has apparently in the middle of the night has thrown up, and has fluids in his lungs, the doctor does not think he will make it.
Please pray for Steve's dad, and their family, Thank you.

UPDATE:~*~TRAVIS~*~ went to Heaven yesterday,Thursday, Please go to his web page and let his love ones know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

Tomorrow LaKota will have her bone marrow biopsy, Please pray for 100 percent healthy donor cells, Thank you.

LaKota is doing really well; it amazes me how each day she gets a little stronger and stronger, Thank you God for healing and curing LaKota on earth.

Yesterday we got some pretty strong winds; the gusts of winds got to be at times around 60 miles per hour, A big tree branch from a tree in our back yard broke, and the Christmas decorations were blown over, it got pretty nippy yesterday with the high winds, Still dont have much for snow, can still see the grass, thats ok, our winters last to long here in Minnesota.

We still have not heard when Steve's dad will have surgery, I know he is waiting to get the surgery done and over with.

My oldest sister Maria went in for a biopsy on her lungs this morning, She has some round spots and one odd looking shape on her lungs, she will not know the results until maybe this week sometime. Then on December 23, my dad will be having eye surgery on one of his eyes, he is seeing double vision through that one eye. Please pray for Steve's dad, and my dad, and my sister Maria, that everything will go well, Thank you.

Our friends from the drop down box:

~*~TRAVIS~*~ really needs your prayers now; the doctor said that he will need to have another bone marrow transplant. Travis said he has had enough and does not want to go through another bone marrow transplant. Please go to his web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

Helen ~*~CRAIG'S~*~ mom called and said she heard back from the test results on Craig's scans, one of the scans showed a questionable area in Craig's left abdomen; Helen said that it could be just an infection and nothing else, she said she is not going to think that a tumor has come back, Please go to his web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

~*~BAILEY~*~ was diagnosed with JMML in July of 2003; on October 21, 2003 she had a bone marrow transplant. Bailey is doing really great, Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Saturday, December 11, 2004 12:43 AM CST

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son
Is given, and the government will be on his
Shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting
Father, Prince of Peace."
~~Isaiah 9:6~~

LaKota is doing really well, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota. LaKota has been eating and drinking a little more each week, maybe on the 14th when she has her bone marrow biopsy that the doctor will decide that LaKota can have her NJ tube out to see how well she does with out having it in.

Tuesday December 14th is LaKota's bone marrow biopsy; Please pray that the biopsy shows 100 percent healthy donor cells and none of LaKota's cells.

We are going to my great nephew Hunters baptismal today, LaKota is really excited about going. Makes me feel young knowing that one of my great nephews is older then LaKota....lol!!!!!!!!

Steve's dad did not have surgery yet, the doctor said next week maybe. Since Steve's dad was moved to the hospital in the cities, they have to do all the test's over that they did in St.Cloud, that is their policy, which doesn't make Steve's dad to happy about going through some of those tests again. Thank you so much for your prayers for Steve's dad, it really means a lot to us.

Our friends from the drop down box:

~*~TRAVIS~*~ really needs your prayers now, the doctor said that he will need to have another bone marrow transplant. Travis said he has had enough and does not want to go through another bone marrow transplant. The doctor has told the family that Travis will be getting real sick in a couple of weeks, The family are planning on celebrating Christmas early this year. Please go to his web page and let him and his love one's know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

Please go to ~*~ANGEL ABBY'S~*~ and ~*~ANGEL ABBEY'S~*~web pages and let their love ones know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

The Sands of Christmas;
By Michael Marks

I had no Christmas spirit as I breathed a weary sigh,
And looked across the table where the bills were piled too high.
The laundry wasn't finished, the car needed to be fixed,
My stocks were down a few more points, my home team lost by six.
And so with only minutes till my son got home from school,
I gave up to my misery and grabbed a wooden stool.
The burdens that I carried were about all that I could take,
And so I flipped the TV on to catch a little break.
The picture showed a desert scene in shades of tan and rust,
No snowflakes hung upon the wind, just clouds of swirling dust.
And where some reindeer should have stood before a laden sleigh,
Eight Hummers ran a column right behind an M1A.
A group of soldiers walked with the tank, not one seemed past his teens.
Their eyes were hard as polished flint, their faces drawn and lean.
They walked the street in armor with their rifles shouldered tight,
Their dearest wish for Christmas must be to have a silent night.
Other soldiers gathered, hunkered down against the wind,
To share their mail and pictures, and dreams of going home again.
There wasn't much at all to put their lonely hearts at ease,
They had no fancy Christmas dinner, just a pack of MREs.
They didn't have a garland or a stocking I could see,
They had no need for ornaments -- they lacked a Christmas tree.
They didn't have a present even though it was tradition,
The only boxes I could see were labeled "Ammunition."
I felt a little tug as my son stood now by my side,
He asked me what it was I feared, and why it was I cried.
I swept him up into my arms and held him oh so near
And kissed him on the forehead as I whispered in his ear.
There's nothing wrong my little son, for safe we sleep tonight,
Our heroes stand on foreign land to give us all that right,
To worry on the things in life that mean very little at all,
Instead of wondering whether we will be the next to fall.
He looked at me as children do and said its always right,
To thank the ones who help us and perhaps those we should write.
And so we pushed aside the bills and sat to draft a note,
To thank the many far from home and this is what we wrote:
"God Bless You All and keep you safe and speed your way back home.
Remember that we love you so, and that you're not alone.
The gift you give our country is a priceless present every day,
You give the gift of liberty which no mortal man can ever repay."
During The Holidays and Always, God Bless Our Brave Military Men and
Women and God Bless America!

I lift up my eyes to the hillswhere does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot sliphe who watches over you will not slumber. Psalm 121:1-3

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, December 8, 2004 4:27 PM CST

Please remember that LaKota will be having her bone marrow biopsy December 14th, Please pray for all healthy donor cells, and none of LaKota's cells, Thank you.

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14

We found out that Steve's Father has colon cancer, they took him by ambulance down to the cities to a hospital there to have surgery; we are not for sure when the surgery will be, the doctor mention that it could be tomorrow or Friday, when ever they finish reading his paper work from the St.Cloud hospital. The doctors figure since they caught it in the early stage that he will not have to have chemo or radiation, so that will be nice for him not to go through chemo or radiation, and at his age the doctors think that the chemo and the radiation will do more harm then good. Please pray that he does well through the surgery, Thank you.

Yesterday Steve's mom and his niece Sherry came over to visit, It was really wonderful to see them again, It has been a long time since we have seen any of Steve's family; Sherry was able to make it to the Cities once to visit us while LaKota was having her transplant, otherwise we have not seen them since January and March of 2004, So it was nice to be able to visit with them again. LaKota had a fun time with Cousin Sherry, They made a gingerbread train, then after that were done, LaKota kept Sherry busy playing in her play room.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~AUSTIN~*~ was diagnosed with ALL, He has been off of treatment since July and is doing well, Please let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

~*~AUTUMN~*~ was diagnosed in October 15, 2003, at age 23 months with Wilm's tumor Stage 3 favorable histology on her left kidney. She has finished chemo of April 2004. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Luke 21:33

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, December 6, 2004 2:20 AM CST

Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

This morning we had a scare with Steve's Father; Steve's brother Larry and Steve's mom brought Steve's dad to the V.A. hospital he was hemorrhaging and his blood pressure was low 57/34. They took him by ambulance to the St.Cloud hospital to start pumping him with fluids, the nurse tried a few times to get an N.G. tube in, but could not get it in, he was choking and throwing up to much, The doctor thinks it has something to do with his colon, so at 4:00pm today they will do an lower endoscopies on him to see what is the cause of the hemorrhaging, He is resting right now, Please say a pray for him, Thank You.

LaKota is doing real well. Tonight is her last dose of being on the gengraf, what a blessing that is for her to be off the gengraf, now to pray that the GVHD does not show up now that she will be off of the gengraf.
Please remember on December 14th LaKota will have her bone marrow biopsy, Please pray for all healthy donor cells and none of LaKota's cells, Thank you.

Last night our priest, Father Virgil Helmin came over, he brought pizza over for supper; It was such a very kind thing for him to do. LaKota, she really enjoys visiting with Father Helmin, We also enjoy visiting with Father Helmin.

We have a little dusting of snow not to amount to nothing; The weather right now is 32 above, Usually by now we would have had quiet a bit snow, at least this way with hardly no snow it makes our winter seem shorter. To me it seems like we have such a long winter in Minnesota, and short summers.

Steve finally was able to get the rest of the Christmas lights up out side, now that we had another circuit breaker added. He has put up a little over 8,200 lights outside, I have to say with our house and our next door neighbors Fred and Claudette's house it looks really beautiful and very bright.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~ANGELICA~*~ was diagnosed in August 2000 with Renal (Kidney) Failure when she was 14. She received a transplant on October 30, 2000 from her mom. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

~*~ASHLEE~*~ was born on 11/19/00 with a rare liver disease called Biliary Atresia. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

Psalm 3:5 - I laid me down and slept; I awoke; for the Lord kept me.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, December 2, 2004 10:25 PM CST

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love
and of self-discipline. -- 2 Timothy 1:7

LaKota is doing really well in spite of her having a sinus infection, the doctor has put her on an antibiotic to get rid of it, and I am praying that it will be gone real soon.

Tracy, LaKota's Therapist has done an amazing job on LaKota; she is really working hard on getting her strength back, It just amazes me so much, We are so Thankful for Tracy; Just thinking back to when we got home in September, how LaKota could hardly walk, or evenbe able to get up all by herself, now she is able to walk, run a little, and walk down the stairs holding on to the rails with both hands, she's able to pull her self up from off of the floor; We have lots of things to be very Thankful for this year for Christmas.

Please remember on December 14th; LaKota will be having her biopsy, Please pray for all healthy donor cells, and none of LaKota's cells, Thank you.

Boy I must of been off on my calculations of how many Christmas lights Steve put outside, I wrote earlier in the journal I thought around 2,500 - 3,000 lights; Well I asked Steve how many lights does he have up so far, Since he had to stop putting up the lights, until we get another circuit breaker, so far we have 7,200 Christmas lights up, Friday the electrician will put in another breaker, then Steve can finish putting up the rest of the decorations outside. "Wow", I just can't believe Christmas will be here in 23 day's.

Thank God for his gift that is too wonderful for words!
2 Corinthians 9:15.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~ANDREW~*~ was diagnosed with t-cell ALL on August 6, 2003. He is in the process of undergoing 3.5 years of chemotherapy (13 different chemos) and in March 2004 he underwent cranial radiation. Please go to his web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

~*~ANDY~*~ is now off of treatment since October the 26th! Please go to his web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

I thank you from my heart, and I will never stop
Singing your praises, my LORD and my God.
Psalm 30:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, November 29, 2004 4:10 PM CST

LaKota's blood work and weight:

WBC: 12.1
PLATELETS: 269,000
ANC: 8.8
WEIGHT: 17.4 kg. (With shoes off)

~*~LaKota is the child of the month for November~*~

MAT 5:41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

We hope that every one had a very bless Thanksgiving? We had a great Thanksgiving Day with our family, and ate lots, and lots of good food.

LaKota had her appointment for her blood counts, It went very well, she has gained some weight; she is eating a little here and there, and then on some days maybe a nibble here and there, but not to amount to anything, I'm surprise that she is gaining weight, as long as its good healthy weight, you wouldn't here me complaining about her gaining weight. The last 2 weeks I have noticed how much stronger LaKota has been getting, Thank you God for answering our prayers for LaKota; for keeping LaKota healthy on earth, and letting her get stronger each day, and Thank you every one for your powerful prayer's for LaKota.

LaKota's bone marrow biopsy is December 14th; Please pray for all good donor cells, and none of LaKota's cells, Thank you. January 3rd she will have an ultra sound on her kidney, Please pray that her kidney is very well, Thank you.

Tomorrow LaKota will start having a different tutor come over to the house to teach her twice a week, she still goes to the sylvan for teaching, she has 28 hours left with going to sylvan. I am so grateful that LaKota has some one coming over to teach her twice a week.

Tomorrow LaKota has therapy; she always looks forward to going to therapy.

COL 2:7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were
taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~AMANDA~*~ was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Central Nervous System involvement on May 10, 2002. Her last day of chemotherapy was September 26, 2004. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

~*~AMANDA.G~*~ was diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

NAH 1:7 The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those
who trust in him.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:15 PM CST

Monday, November 22, 2004 4:40 PM CST

I Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

~*~LaKota is the child of the month for November ~*~

LaKota is doing really well; We thank God everyday for keeping LaKota healthy on earth.

We went up north to my parents house for the weekend; My sister Susie took my dad to the hospital Saturday evening, his foot and the lower part of his leg swelled up like a balloon, and it was hurting quiet a bit for him; They took blood test, X-rays, and an ultra sound on his foot and leg to see if there was any blood clots or if anything else showed up, All the test came back good, they did not find anything at all that would cause it to swell like it did, it was one of those things that they'll never find out why? We thank God that nothing showed up serious. I talked to my mom this afternoon and she said that swelling in my dads foot went down some, Thank goodness for that.

Tomorrow I will go and take LaKota to see Santa and Mrs. Santa at the crossroad mall; Santa will be their around 2:30pm so we will go around that time, most of the kids will still be at school or just leaving school, so it will be pretty safe to go to the mall with Lakota. LaKota is all excited about going to see them tomorrow.

I still have not made it to therapy on my arm, and I don't think I will get their before I go see the bone specialist in January, It has been busy, busy busy here.

Proverbs 10:12 - Hatred stirs up strife: but love covers all sins.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~ALI~*~ was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia B cell on August 26, 2002, She will continue chemotherapy treatments following POG 9905B until April 2005.
Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

has a blood disease similar to leukemia, A tumor was discovered on her spine and removed. A biopsy of the tumor revealed this chains disease in her blood. She is recovering from a stem cell transplant which was performed June 17th, 2004. Please go to web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

John 1:4 - In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, November 18, 2004 8:20 PM CST

Saturday,November 20th is ~*~MATHEW'S~*~ 7th Birthday, Please stop by and wish him a Happy Birthday, Thank you.

~*~LaKota is the child of the month for November ~*~

ROMANS 13:10
Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is
the fulfillment of the law.

LaKota is doing really well, she is keeping us all very busy, which of course this mom here just love's, I wouldn't want it no other way.

Mrs. Santa called this evening and said that she and Santa made it to Minnesota; LaKota got to talk to Santa and Mrs. Santa. LaKota is so happy that she was able to talk to them. LaKota is just singing and dancing around the house. LaKota made sure that she called Papa and Grandma up (My dad and mom) and told them who she got to talk to tonight; you can just hear the excitement in her voice when she told Papa and Grandma.
Thank you Santa and Mrs. Santa for calling and talking to LaKota, it really made her night.
I am going to take LaKota to the mall on Tuesday or Wednesday to see Santa and Mrs. Santa, She is so excited about going to see them.

Steve hasn't been able to get anymore of the Christmas lights up outside, he's been getting home when it is dark out, so he will have to wait until he has a chance on the weekend. I did pick up a new outdoor decoration for our two children Cody and Skyla in Heaven, It is a 48" arctic square snowman; When I seen the square snowman I thought it looked so cute and different.

Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~ALEXIA~*~ has Neuroblastoma Stage IV Cancer, She was diagnosed on November 2, 2001. She went in remission on March 13, 2002, and remained in remission for 19 months. Scans on November 19, 2003 showed that her Neuroblastoma has returned. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

~*~ALEXIS~*~ was diagnosed with Leukemia on Halloween of 2003. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, November 15, 2004 4:00 PM CST

LaKotas blood counts and weight:
WBC: 16.4
PLATELETS: 307,000
ANC: 9,500
WEIGHT: 17.1 kg. (With the shoes off)

Hebrews. 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

This is one of my favorite verses from the bible; I was so surprise to see this verse on an angel figurine, I made sure that I bought the angel figurine; It is such an inspiring verse, it really does make you think how you should treat someone, You never know that person could be one of Gods angels.

LaKotas clinic visit went really well today, She also had her breathing treatment that she does get once a month,; Which LaKota does not like, it makes her cough and throw up, but she knows she has to have it.
I was surprise that she gained a pound, I thought for sure she would of lost weight not gained weight, the doctor was happy to see that. In January LaKota will have her ultra sound on her kidney, Please pray that her one kidney is doing well. The doctor wants to do an ultra sound every 4 months to make sure her kidney is doing well. Please remember December 14th is LaKotas bone marrow biopsy, Please pray for all good donor cells, and none of LaKotas cells, Thank you.

I finally got the results back on my left arm and hand to why it is tingling and swelling with warm weather or warm bath, The doctor said that one of my nerves from my elbow moved and I will probably need surgery on it, the doctor is going to send me to a bone specialist, but the appointment to see the specialist isnt until January, so the doctor wants me to have therapy on my hand and arm until then.

Sorry about writing about when LaKota does go back to school; I shouldnt even be worrying about it now. Last year the child life specialist did come to the school to talk to the children, and I did talk to her teacher and the principal last year when the children were picking on LaKota, But I dont think that the kids still really understood about LaKotas condition, I cant blame the kids for their actions;
Thank you so much for your support and the kind words about this matter.

We had a great time up at my dad and moms house; LaKota had a real great time with her older cousins; she kept them pretty busy, now that she is getting more energy back.

Steve is starting to put the outdoor Christmas lights and the outdoor decorations up, it will take him a few days to do; Last year Steve put a total of 2,500 Christmas lights that is also counting the outdoor decorations. Every year we add a new outdoor Christmas decoration for our two children in Heaven; this is one of our gifts to them.

LaKota is the November child of the month for;

Our two friends from the drop down box:
~*~ABBIE~*~ was diagnosed with ALL leukemia in the bone marrow on August 2, 1996 at the age of 3; completed 2 years of chemotherapy. October 14, 2003 celebrated off chemo and cancer free for 5 years! November 14, 2003 Abbie was diagnose with ALL leukemia in her Central Nervous System, Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

~*~AIZEE~*~ was diagnosed Feb.22, of 2002. She ended treatment On May 2nd, Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.
Prov 16.24,

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, November 11, 2004 5:25 PM CST

MAT 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them
Into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

LaKota is doing really well; We thank our beautiful God for answering all of your powerful prayers for LaKota, thank you. She has been busy with therapy, school, and more school. I asked her if she liked being busy with these things, she said "yeah, I don't mind it mom; I feel like I'm shoving 38 hours into 24 hours, but that is fine with me as long as it is benefiting LaKota.

This morning LaKota NJ tube was kinked, boy I hate that when it get's kinked or plugged, so does LaKota; LaKota will get so stressed out, thinking that I wouldn't be able to get it working and that she will have to have another one put in, plus it upsets her stomach because we have to move the tube around hoping to get it in the right spot to make it work. my poor hand's they get so sore from pushing so hard on the syringe tube that is full of fluids trying to get the tube to work, I can't wait until she wants to eat more so she can get rid of that NJ tube. LaKota is eating little here and there, but not to amount to nothing; with her becoming more active I can tell that she is losing some of the extra weight that she has gained while she was in the hospital; I wonder when we go Monday for blood check if LaKota's doctor will want LaKota on the tube feeding longer.

LaKota told me the other day, she can't wait until she can keep up with the other kids and be able to hop and jump like them; Thank God for Tracy at therapy.
LaKota told me, "Mom this time when I go back to school, I can show the kids that I have hair, and they can't laugh at me now because I have hair now, or tell me not to touch them because they might get what I have, or push me down on the play ground and ect.."What a memory that girl has, sometimes to good for her own self, especially remembering the not so good things.
LaKota, she is so proud of her hair, she make's sure she show's every one, even the people that don't even know her. I do pray that when LaKota does go back to school that the kids will accept her, and not push her away like some of them did before; I remember the first month of kindergarten when LaKota was able to go to school, and I was their with her on those days; One of her little friend from preschool would tell the other kids not to play with her, or not to stand by her, and when LaKota would stand by her little friend from preschool, her friend would move away from LaKota, LaKota would move by where her little friend move to, and say,Dont you like me anymore, don't you like me any more, her little friend would never answer her, but only turn and whisper in some other little friend's ear about LaKota; It really hurt me to see my daughter being hurt by some of the other kids, when I knew it hurt her so deeply; But I can't blame the kids for their actions, they didn't know any better; I guess that is why I am so nervous about when LaKota does get to go back to school. I know I shouldn't even be thinking about it now until when the time she does get to go back to school, How things will just pop into your mind when you don't need to worry about it for right now; I know when LaKota does get to go back to school, it will mean that LaKota is doing wonderfully well, and that day will be a glorious day.

Monday LaKota goes in for blood work; Please pray that everything is well, Thank you.

LaKota is counting down the days till Santa and Mrs. Santa will be at the mall where the kids can visit Santa. Santa and Mrs. Santa has really put a very special impression in LaKota life, we are so very grateful for them, "Beautiful dreams for beautiful children".

Friday we are going to my dad and mom's house for the weekend, LaKota is pretty excited, to go and see Papa and Grandma, some of her cousin's will also be up there.

Happy Birthday Papa, (Steve's dad) We love you.

LaKota is the November child of the month for;

~*~BEN'S~*~ lung scan's were changed for today, Please pray that there is no more spot on his lungs, Thank you.

ACT 3:16 By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was
Made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that
Has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, November 8, 2004 8:00 PM CST

LaKota is the November child of the month for;

As for me and my house, We will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15

Sorry I haven't updated for a few day's, we were up north by my parent's house for a few day's. My sister Lisa and her husband Randy and their 3 kids, Samantha, Kristen, Kayla, and my nephew Jon were up at my dad and mom's house for the weekend; LaKota had a real fun time up their playing with her cousin's and visiting.
Yesterday evening my mom walked out side, and came back in and said come out side and look at the northern light's in the sky; I wrapped a blanket around LaKota and brought her outside to look at the northern light's, she was amazed at how the light's were dancing in the sky, and how beautiful it reflected off the lake, It was the first time she ever got to see the northern lights.

LaKota is doing real well, she is being tapered off of the gengraff medicine; Dr.Mcmillian said we will have to now keep a closer eye out for GVHD now, Please pray that she does not get any GVHD, Thank you.
The nice part of LaKota being tapered off the gengraff is that she only has blood work done every other week.
Tomorrow LaKota will go for therapy, and her teacher will come over to teach her.

The weather is getting nippy here in Minnesota, it is around 35 above now BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, No snow yet, I don't mind the snow at all, it's the cold I can do with out.

I talked to ~*~BEN'S~*~ mom tonight, and she mention that tomorrow Ben will be having his scan on his lung's tomorrow to see if the spot on his lung is gone, Please pray that the scan's are good, Thank you.

Please keep ~*~ANGEL CONNOR'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's, and ~*~ANGEL CHEYENNE'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's they really need your support prayer's as they go through this heart broken journey, Thank you.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

Please keep ~*~ANGEL BRITTANY'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's, Thank you.

~*~KYLE~*~ was diagnose with leukemia, Please go to web page and pray for him , Thank you.

The Lord bless you and keep you!
Numbers 6:24

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, November 4, 2004 10:21 PM CST

LaKota is the November child of the month for;

LaKota's blood counts on November, 2nd, 2004:
WBC: 14.8
PLATELETS: 313,000
ANC: 10.4

LaKota's clinic visit went real well on Tuesday. Dr.Mcmillian thought that LaKota looked real good, and mentions that when LaKota get's off of the gengraf, which will be December 6th that LaKota's appetite should pick up more, I am praying that it will. LaKota will have her bone marrow biopsy done December 14th; Please pray that it is all donor cells and no LaKota cells, Thank you.

I was standing in the kitchen by the kitchen counter cleaning all my paper off of the counter, which always stacks up at our house all the time, the paper counter ha!ha!ha! Any way's LaKota came up to me and laid her head against me, and said to me, "Mom am I ever going to quit throwing up", I told her in time that one day that she will just quit throwing up, "I wonder if my precious daughter thought she was always going to keep throwing up, I wish at time's I could read what LaKota is thinking.

Therapy is going good for LaKota. Tracy, LaKota's therapist is trying to get LaKota where she will not need to wear the casts all over again, and LaKota does not want to go back to wearing the casts again, so she is really trying hard.

Happy 16th Birthday to my niece Ashley tomorrow, We love you.


Please keep ~*~ANGEL CONNOR'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's, and ~*~ANGEL CHEYENNE'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's they really need your support prayer's as they go through this heart broken journey, Thank you.


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Monday, November 1, 2004 3:45 PM CST


Our hearts are very heavy and sad for Cheyenne and Connor's love one's as these two special children went to join our beautiful God in Heaven.

Please keep ~*~ANGEL CONNOR'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's, He went to Heaven this morning to be with our beautiful God, Thank you.

Please keep ~*~ANGEL CHEYENNE'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's, She went to Heaven to be with our beautiful God Saturday, October 30th, Thank you.

LaKota had a real good time trick or treating last night, she kept repeating over and over, "This is such a fun time, Mom", It sure is wonderful to see her having fun. Steve took her to 10 house's then she came home and passed out the candy; She enjoyed giving out the candy as much as going trick or treating.

Tomorrow LaKota will go to Fair View clinic to have her blood counts done, Please pray for good blood count's, Thank you.

Wow, I just can't believe that today is November 1st, Just think, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, then Jesus birthday (Christmas). LaKota has already been telling me for the last two week's how she misses Santa Claus and Mrs.Claus and can't wait until she see's them again. We just left our Christmas tree up, so we're almost ready for Christmas LOL. Steve will need to get the outside lights and the outdoor decoration's up, which take's a few day's. Every year we add a new decoration on the outside for our two Children Cody, and Skyla who are in Heaven, this way they can look down from Heaven and see how brightly their house and their yard is lit for them.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Friday, October 29, 2004 10:35 PM CDT

UPDATE FOR NOVEMBER 1st: Sweet ~*~CONNOR~*~ went to Heaven, Please go to his web page and let his love one's know that you are praying for them, Thank you.


Beautiful Cheyenne went to Heaven this morning; Please keep ~*~CHEYENNE'S~*~ Love one's in your prayer's, Thank you.


Thank you so much for your continue's support and for signing LaKota's guest book, but most of all thank you for your powerful prayer's for LaKota.

LaKota is doing very well. At time's LaKota will take a nibble of food here and there, but not to amount to nothing for her to be able to have her NJ tube out; LaKota still throw's up from her feeding's but she still needs to have the NJ tube in to get enough nutrition for her body. I do pray though that LaKota's appetite will increase where she feel's like she wants to eat, I can't wait for her to come and say to me, "Mom I'm hungry".

Tomorrow is my little niece Kayla's 6th Birthday; My sister Lisa, Kayla's mom is having the family over for Kayla's birthday, so LaKota is all excited about going to Kayla's birthday party; I think mainly it is to get out and see some kids and be able to play with someone besides Father and Mom.


School and therapy are going good for LaKota; She really enjoys it, which make's me happy to see her happy.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween.

Please keep ~*~CHEYENNE~*~
~*~CONNOR~*~ and ~*~KODY~*~ in your prayer's they really need them at this time; Also please go to Connor's web page and wish him a Happy Birthday, Sunday will be his birthday, Thank you.


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 1:39 PM CDT

LaKota's blood work and weight for Monday, October 25th:
WBC: 12.8
PLATELETS: 292,000
ANC: 9.7
WEIGHT 16.6kg.


LaKota's clinic visit went really well; we thank the Good Lord for the good blood count's and all of you for your powerful prayers for her, Thank you.

LaKota gave her doctor and her primary nurse each a Halloween beanie baby; She love's to give, just to see a smile on someone's face, that's what make's her happy, I am so proud to be her mom.

LaKota is enjoying school, She enjoys doing her home work, hopefully when she is in high school she will still like the home work. Her teacher from school will be over today, LaKota is looking forward to having her teacher come, and this will be the second time that LaKota has gotten to see her teacher, so she is all excited about it.

Last week LaKota did not go to physical therapy, her therapist was sick with a cold, I am so grateful that they call just to let us know that Tracy was sick, so not to bring LaKota, with LaKota's immune system being down right now she doesn't need to catch those nasty germs.

Please keep ~*~CHEYENNE~*~
~*~CONNOR~*~ and ~*~KODY~*~ in your prayer's they really need them at this time; Also please go to Connor's web page and wish him a Happy Birthday, Sunday will be his birthday, Thank you.


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Saturday, October 23, 2004 1:50 PM CDT


Let love of the brethren continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:1-2)

LaKota is doing very well; still not really eating, maybe a nibble here and there. Hopefully her stomach will be completely healed from all the sore's that are in her stomach.
Monday LaKota has her clinic appointment at the Children's for blood work, then on November 2nd she will go to Fairview clinic and have her blood work and her CSA level check their, They want to check her CSA level at the Fairview clinic to see why her level's are going up and she is being lower in dose in her gengraf medicine. Please pray that her blood work is good. Somewhere in November Lakota will have her 6 months biopsy, "Please pray that it is still all donor cells and none of LaKota's cells, Thank you.

LaKota asked me the other night when it will be Halloween, She said she can't wait to dress up to be Snow White and go out trick or treating; Hopefully the weather will be nice for the kids to go out trick or treating, "Never know here in Minnesota, the weather this time of year could change from misty rain to zero below and of course the Halloween blizzard; The last few day's it has been misting out, We do need the rain and snow here though, the lake's were really low this past summer, But the freezing temperature that can just blow right by us.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~KODY~*~ will be having brain surgery on Monday to remove a tumor. Please go to Kody's web page and let him know that you are praying for him and his family, Thank you.

Please go to ~*~ANGEL RACHAEL~*~ web page and let her love one's know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

Please keep all of our big friend's and little friend's and their family in your prayer's, Thank you.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 5:38 PM CDT

LaKota's blood work and weight:
WBC: 10.5
PLATELETS: 260,000
ANC: 6.5
WEIGHT: 16.6kg. (Shoe's off)

LaKota's clinic visit went good on Monday for her blood counts, Now if we talk about the flu shot, well that's another story; Monday I got LaKota ready for the clinic visit, and I put the emla cream on one of LaKota's leg, She goes mom what's that for, I said it's for the flu shot if you get it, I'm not sure if you'll get it cause your nose is runny, LaKota is saying "Mom no I don't want a shot, I don't like those shot's; So I explained to her that it's for her own good so that she doesn't get real sick with the flu, LaKota's probably thinking at this time, "yeah mom tell me when a shot make's me feel good.
We got ready and headed to the cities for the clinic visit; LaKota is telling her nurse Sarah all about mom putting the numbing cream on LaKota's leg, Sarah is telling LaKota that she will ask the doctor if she still needs to give LaKota the flu shot with her nose being runny, The doctor came in and Sarah mention to him about LaKota's nose be runny; "Mind you at this time LaKota was interested in Father reading her a book, The doctor asked me if it was a clear discharge, I told him yes it was, The doctor said well LaKota will need to get it then, Sarah the nurse walked out of the room to get the flu shot for LaKota, When Sarah walked in the room, LaKota say's to Sarah, Whats that Sarah that you have, Then Sarah said, "You know where mom put the numbing cream on your leg, well it's to give you the flu shot, LaKota looks at me and started whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, She knows that she has to sit real still, She sat still as can be, but hated every second of the shot, and she let us know that the shot hurt her, LaKota also needed her once a month breathing treatment to help prevent pneumonia since she can not handle taking Bactrim twice a week any more, While she was getting the treatment, she was throwing up a lot, which always scares her, For as much as LaKota throws up in a day, it still scares her a lot.
LaKota's CSA level was up some, so they told us to skip this morning and to drop her point, so now she is at .4ml.
After we left the clinic, we stopped at my uncle Frank and my aunt Sue's house to visit with them, My aunt Ceva was up visiting from California, We had a real nice time visiting with them, and it was good to see them again; Frank and Sue's grandchildren, Chloe, Paige, and Keegan were their, so LaKota's day ended up being a lot better then the clinic visit, she got some play time in with their grandchildren. By the way; Happy Birthday Aunt Ceva, We Love You, It Was Wonderful to See You Again.

LaKota's Got to meet her teacher yesterday, The kid's call her Ms.O: LaKota seemed like she really like's her, so that is good, The teacher will come back next Tuesday since they are on MEA this week and LaKota has clinic visit next Monday again.

Our friends from the drop down box:
Please go to ~*~ ANGEL ZACHARY~*~ and let his love one's know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

~*~JACKSON~*~ was diagnosed with ALL on April 8, 2003. On March 28, 2004, Jackson finished his treatment - one year of high-dose chemotherapy. Please go to Jackson web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

JOB 19:25 I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand
Upon the earth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Sunday, October 17, 2004 8:33 PM CDT


Tomorrow LaKota goes to the cities for her blood check and they will also give her a flu shot; I have not mention tonight that she will get a flu shot because she would just be up all night worrying about it, also I am not for sure if she will get one or not because she has a runny nose. I am going to have the doctor check her nostril where her NJ tube is in, because it seems like it has been rubbing on the side of her nose and been bleeding slightly. Please pray that her blood counts are good, Thank you.

We had a nice weekend, We went up north to my dad and mom's place for the weekend; Steve needed to site in his rifle for deer hunting; That will be here before he knows it. Deer hunting up by my parents house starts in November, and they have two weeks and three weekend's to go hunting in that area. My sister Susie, and my Nephew Jon, and my Niece's Angie and Samantha were also up at my parents for the weekend; LaKota was glad to see them their, she kept them fairly busy; We carved some pumpkins, and baked the pumpkin seeds, and made home made pumpkin pies, so we pretty much used most of the pumpkin up. While we were up at my parent's house it started snowing, but didn't amount to nothing when it hit the ground, the weather has been nippy in the 30's BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! I think our winter here is coming sooner then we hope.


Our little friend ~*~ ANGEL ABBEY~*~ did go to Heaven on Thursday to be with our sweet Jesus. We have met Abbey and her dad and mom, and her grandparents in the cities; Abbey also had a BMT. This was very unexpected about Abbey leaving this earth to go to heaven. Please go to her web page and sign her guest book, her love one's really need all the prayer's that they can get as they travel this journey, Thank you.

Please keep ~*~CONNOR~*~ in your prayer's as he battle's this awful disease, Please also keep his love one's in your prayers, Thank you.

Please keep our little friends and our big friends in your prayers, Thank you.


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:09 PM CDT


web page to read her update, her mom alway's update's her web page about every few day's; It was a week ago that she still did not update, so I went to her guestbook to sign her web page, I just couldn't believe what I read from other people signing her web page, Sweet little Abbey must of went to Heaven sometime Thursday or maybe Friday from reading the guest book entries; Please go to her web page and let her love one's know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)


LaKota is enjoying the school at the Sylvan Learning Center. At the Sylvan school here in St.Cloud, LaKota gets tokens when ever she gets her home work done, or learns something new; like a new word, and trys at her very best with her home work, then when LaKota is done with school she can buy some thing with her tokens at their store, or she can put her tokens in her check book that they have here at the school, and then she can save them until she has a quiet a few and get something worth more tokens, it kind of makes it fun for LaKota with the tokens. Today she had 17 tokens and bought Father a fish mouth opener that was so sweet that she thought about buying Father something, then herself. When she buys anything with her tokens, LaKota has to make out a check for that amount, and also has to write Sylvans name in where it says pay to the order of, and her name on the bottom of the check, "Boy by the time she is 8 years old she'll know how to write out checks, ha!ha!ha!

LaKotas teacher has not made it over for tutoring yet, We have heard from the principal today, she said that LaKota's teacher will start real soon, which is great, hopefully by the end of this week or next week LaKota will start school. I know that LaKota is looking forward to her teacher to come over to teach her. The only thing bad about the teacher coming over is that it will be after school, which means it will be hard for LaKota to plan any play or social time with her school friends after school, which I also think is very important for LaKota to have some social and play time with her friends from school. To bad she couldn't get tutoring while school was going, that way it would of been easier for friends to come over. Hopefully she wouldnt have a hard time when she does go back to school, by feeling left out, I know she really misses her school friends, and I feel bad about it, because last year she hardly got to go to school, and didn't really get to see much of her school friends.I know when your in school thats how you start making the friends that you'll hang around with, I just pray when LaKota does go back to school that she will not be a loner, I guess I just worry way to much about anything and everything, "What can I say about myself!

LaKota has gone to therapy only once this week, she will start next week going twice a week for an half an hour. Tracy LaKotas therapist met us where LaKota use to get her labs for her blood work done, we got to see the rest of staff again, they had a surprise for LaKota, they gave her a birthday gift, that was so thoughtful.

In June when LaKota was going through her BMT, I started having tingling in my left arm, from my elbow to the tips of my fingers. The end of my fingers felt like they were going to burst open, especially when the weather was hot or when my hands were in hot or warm water, so finally two weeks ago I called the doctor and told her that I had a pinch nerve, she told me to come in, she examine me and made an appointment for me to have a EMG (Electromyography can measure the electrical activity of the muscles.) and NCS test done. (Nerve conduction studies can measure the speed and intensity of electrical signals that travel along nerves, and the time it take muscles to respond to these signals.) So today I had those tests done, I dont know about anybody else, but for myself it was not a fun thing, they attached recording electrode to me, and then it sent an electrical impulse through different areas of my arm, and then on top of that they stuck me who knows how many times with electrode needles in my thumb, different areas in my left arm, the wrist, elbow, and my neck, I kept telling the specialist through out both of the test, ouch, ouch, man does this hurt, ouch man does this really hurt,; what a big baby that I am; he kept telling me, to just relax, and dont move or tense up, I thought yeah dont tense up when it hurts, yeah right you have the wrong patient for this test, especially when it hurts; Then he asked me are you sure your neck doesnt hurt, I said it does now from being tensed up, in fact I have a headache now, "Boy me and my big mouth, I shouldnt of said that, here came more needles in the neck; UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
The specialist figures at this time but will have to look over the testing more better, but for now he said I have entrapment of the nerve in the elbow, I asked him what can be done about it, he says your doctor will call you on that, so now I wait for the doctor to call and see what can be done.


Our two friends from the drop down box:
Please let ~*~ANGEL ADAM~*~ love ones know that you are praying for them, Thank you.
~*~BREANA~*~ was diagnosed on May 27, 2003 with synovial cell sarcoma, a rare soft tissue cancer. Please go to her web page and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you.

Please keep ~*~CONNOR~*~ and his family in your prayers, Thank you.


Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Sunday, October 10, 2004 11:05 PM CDT



Thank you everyone for the Birthday wishes, the birthday cards, and the birthday gifts for LaKota, but most of all thank you for the birthday prayers for her, all of this means so very much to us, Thank you for being part of our family. What very special friend's and family that God has chosen to put into our life, Thank you God for this blessing in our life.

LaKota's birthday party yesterday went really well, she was happy to see everyone that came. LaKota was pretty tired at her party; she did end up sleeping quiet a bit yesterday. Our priest Father Helmin came over to bring LaKota a gift, and wish her a happy birthday, when he walked through the door he was a little surprise to see a Christmas tree up, We explained to him that LaKota wanted a Christmas theme birthday party.

I will update later this week with some pictures from her birthday party.
Thank you again everyone for making it a very special day for LaKota.

Today we went to pick some pumpkins out of the pumpkin patch field; LaKota thought it was pretty neat to be riding in a wheel barrow picking out pumpkins.

I had to turn down LaKota's tube feeding the last few days; she started throwing up more then what she has been. I wish that the throwing up would just stop; she is still having quiet a few loose bowel movements through out the day.

LaKota is so proud of her hair growing back, that she shows every one her hair, funny for one so little that hair would make a difference, but it does to her, she has been with hardly any hair or no hair just a little over 2 years, she never got use to it, she just had to accept it, now she is proud as can be with hair growing back.

Tomorrow LaKota will have therapy; she is looking forward to going to therapy. LaKota had a headache tonight, so when she goes to therapy I am going to ask if they can check her blood pressure to make sure it did not go up any higher. Please pray that her blood pressure is in normal range for her, Thank you.

Please keep ~*~CONNOR~*~ and his parents in your prayers, they did not receive the news that they hoped for. Connor really needs your prayers now, Thank you.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~GOOCH~*~ was diagnosed with ALL in July of 2000, and finish his last treatment in September of 2003. He is doing really good, Please sign his guest book and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

Please go to ~*~ANGEL JADE'S~*~ web page and let her love one's know that you are praying for them, Thank you.


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Thursday, October 7, 2004 4:00 PM CDT

LaKota's weight and blood work:
WBC: 11.9
PLATELETS: 251,000
ANC: 9.4
CREATINE: .09 (That went up a little more, we want that to stay down)
UREA NITROGEN: 37 (That went up little more, we want that to stay down)
WEIGHT: 17.3kg. (With shoes off)

Now abide faith, hope, love, these three;
But the greatest of these is Love.

Yesterday the clinic visit went very well for LaKota, although her blood pressure was a little on the high side, 111/80 the doctor did not seem to concern at this time since it has only been high this only one time since being off of her blood pressure medicine, LaKota has been off of her blood pressure medicine for about 3 weeks now. LaKota will go back for blood work on the 18th of October, she then will also get the flu shot in the leg, I have not told her yet that she will be getting a flu shot, if I would tell her now; she would be all worried about it until the day of her appointment.
LaKota will also start back in physical therapy; she will start on the 11th, the day after her birthday. Tracy will be the one who will be doing the physical therapy with LaKota. Tracy, she always made it so much fun for LaKota, so LaKota is counting the days for when she will get to start therapy, which makes me happy that she enjoys P.T so much.

I have started taking LaKota to Sylvan learning center; she is so behind in her grade level for her education, but then so advance in the medical field. LaKota will need over 100 hours just to get caught up, Just a little more expensive then I hoped it would be, but then I don't want her to be so far behind when she does get to go back to school that if she doesnt understand something that she will get so frustrated and not want to do it, and also I do not want the other kids to make fun of her because she doesnt understand it, LaKota has missed almost her first year of Kindergarten last year except for the first month, and she will miss most of first grade or maybe all of it. She has been through so much, I just want to make schooling a little easier and fun for her when she does go back.
I have signed LaKota up for 60 hours at the Sylvan learning center, those will be my Christmas and my birthday gifts for myself that I will give to her,(I never spend that kind of money on myself for anything.) I'll do what ever I can do to help her, she is my life. Thank goodness for the little plastic cards, ha! ha! ha!
Hopefully by next week LaKota's teacher will also get to start coming over after school to tutor LaKota, this will surely help with LaKota's education. LaKota has not got the chance to meet her first grade teacher yet, but from what I heard, she is a real super nice lady, that will make it so much easier on LaKota at this time.

When I went to order the birthday cake for LaKota's party, I told the bakery lady that I wanted a cake with Christmas scenery on it, with Rudolph the red nose rein deer, and to say "Happy 7th Birthday LaKota", The bakery lady said a "You want a Christmas cake, and with Rudolph on it", I said yes, thats what I need please, then she said when do you want to pick it up, I said by this Saturday, she goes December 9th, I said no thats October 9th, I think I got her a little confused by ordering a birthday cake all decorated with the Christmas scenery.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~JACKSON~*~ has an unknown Neuro-Muscular disease, Please go to his web page and pray for him, Thank you.

Please go to ~*~ANGEL MAX'S~*~ web page and let his love ones know that you are praying for them, Thank you.

Pray about everything,
Worry about nothing.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Tuesday, October 5, 2004 4:15 PM CDT

133 DAYS


Tomorrow LaKota has an appointment at the Childrens Hospital at their clinic, she will start having her blood work done their. Please pray that her blood work is good, Thank you.

Steve got the Christmas tree up, and we finally got the tree all decorated. LaKota is so happy about having the Christmas tree up already, she thinks that it's pretty neat that she will get to have the Christmas tree up for her birthday, I have to say the tree looks pretty unique in it's self with orange lights, and gold and burgundy garland, one of a kind. LaKota has mention what she wants for her birthday, which does not come to any surprise for us, she has mention it to a few of the family members what she wants for her birthday, LaKota said she does not want any birthday gifts, all she wants for her birthday is family and friends to be there with her on her birthday, That is LaKota, she is more in to family and friends then the material things. Hopefully by this Friday I should have everything done before her birthday party on Saturday.
I am sure when the trick or treaters who come to our house will probably give us a strange look and wonder why we have decorated the inside of our house with the Christmas look, and the outside will be looking like fall, and Halloween.

Our two friends from the drop down box:

~*~WYATT~*~ was born with a congenital growth related disorder called Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, and he was also diagnosed with a tumor on his kidney. Please go to his web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

~*~RAY ANNE~*~ was diagnosed 2/9/04 with an Inoperable Pontine Glioma Brain Stem tumor. Please go to web page and pray for her, Thank you.


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

Saturday, October 2, 2004 9:20PM CDT

Ok, Ok Family and Friends, I know, I know, I did not get the invitations sent on LaKota's birthday party, I am really behind on everything, So I am sorry about the invitation's not being sent out; But here is the information on her party: Please family and friends do not come to the party if you are at all sick, feeling sick or been around any one who has been sick, or any one with the chicken pox, We don't want LaKota to get any of those germs, she is on gengraf and that depresses her immune system, so it is very hard for her to fight off those germs.

LaKota's Birthday Party:
Date; Saturday October 9th
Time; 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Place; 1725 13th Ave.So
St.Cloud, MN 56301

RSVP by Thursday October 7th at the latest, Thank you.

130 DAYS

LaKota's weight and blood counts on 10-1 2004;
WEIGHT: 17.8 kg.
WBC: 13.4
PLATELETS: 255,000
ANC: 9.5
UREA NITROGEN: 29 (That is up a little)
CREATININE: 0.85 (That is up a little)

Yesterday's clinic in the Cities went very well, In fact Dr.Mc.millian said that LaKota could go back to the Children's hospital for her check ups from now on, which is also in the Cities. LaKota will have to come back to Fair View every 3 months to have her check up with them. LaKota will have another bone marrow biopsy in November to see how well that she is doing, "Praying that all is well with LaKota so that then she can quit her gengraf medicine that she is taking now, the gengraf is to try to prevent GVHD, and it is horrible tasting, so LaKota will be very happy when she can quit that medicine.

LaKota is getting real excited about her Christmas birthday party this Saturday, Her birthday is really on the 10th of October. Steve is putting up the Christmas tree with orange lights, of course orange is LaKota's favorite color, has been since she was 2 years old, she has never changed favorite colors, it's always been orange. I thought since Halloween is just right around the corner, they should have some orange mini lights in the store, so I went out and bought some orange lights for the Christmas tree, and of course LaKota thought it was pretty cool to have her favorite color lights on the tree, and she also decided that she wanted burgundy, and gold garland on the tree with her orange lights, It will be one unique looking Christmas tree, Try finding orange mini lights during the Christmas season is no show, So thank goodness for Halloween for orange lights.

"Can you believe it, "We are still unpacking and decorating the house at the same time; The house is a total mess, I think I need merry maids to come in and straighten out my house......ha!ha! ha!, or to bad I just couldn't pick up the house and shake it out, and put back what I want in the house, and just store or get rid of the rest that is not being used. I have not even sent out birthday invitations to LaKotas birthday yet, Boy am I behind or what?
"Wow I cant believe my little girl is going to be 7 years old on the 10th of October; it is truly a blessing. When our two other children went to Heaven, both in 1990, and Cody he was the oldest at that time, he was just 2 years old and Skyla, she was born the same day that she went to Heaven, It seemed like our whole family was wiped out from under our feet on earth, We miss the sounds of hearing Cody calling us mama, or daddy , and just hearing his sweet little voice, his laughter, or the sound of his little foot steps, and just being able to hold them in our arms when ever we wanted. There is really no truer emptiness that you could possible feel when your child or a love one leave's this earthly world to go to Heaven and we are left behind. The emptiness your arms feel, Not hearing their voices, or seeing them in flesh, and picking them up in your arms, or just to cuddle with them, or just to kiss them or to touch their soft beautiful skin, there is no earthly words that could possible come close to explain that feeling, and then speaking of tears; that is I am speaking for myself; I only have tears that flow for so long on the outside where people can see my tears, but if you listen real close, you can hear my heart crying , Then of course after awhile you put on the fake bake smile, that way people think your getting on with your life, and that they wouldn't try to avoid you, cause we bring them down with our grieve, or people will keep talking about how much pain or suffering your child or your love one went through, or how much we went through and so on, and so on, "So then of course we don't want to hear about those painful memories so we will change the subject, then people will think we don't want to talk about our love one's any more, so then they don't want to bring them up as much, in fear that they would cause us grieve all over again, but the real truth is; we love talking about our love one's in Heaven, we just don't want to talk about the sad, painful memories, So please go ahead and talk about our love ones in Heaven, we love it, cause we love them very much.
We will never understand the "Why's", "Why they fought so hard on this earth for their life and so that they could also be here with us, but only to have them leave us here on earth and to go on to heaven, "Why couldn't they stay when they fought so hard, We weren't ready and never would be ready to let them leave us on earth, thats Why I always prayed and pray that we would go to Heaven before our children, "Do I sound kind of selfish, If I do I am sorry but that is who I am. Then you always hear time will ease your pain, then I think how can time ease your pain when your left behind , No time doesnt ease the pain, unfortunately we just learn live this life with our love ones in Heaven, whether we want to or not, this is not by our choice. Im sorry about going on with the sadness that I feel with my two other children not being here with us, that is why I am so truly grateful to God for LaKotas life here on earth with us, and I pray to God that he answers my prayer's that I pray every night, that he will bless LaKota with good health and a long old life here on earth, I thank God every day that LaKota has made it to another birthday, Thank you God, I love you, Please God hear my prayer for LaKota.

Our friends from the drop down box:

Pleas go to ~*~ANGEL COLBY'S ~*~ web page and pray for his love one's, Thank you.

~*~ABE~*~ was diagnosed with ALL on November 13th, 2003. Please go to Abe's web page and let him know that you are praying for him, Thank you.

Please pray for all of our friends, Thank you and God bless you.


Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat.
Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.
Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.
Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

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Click here to view older journal entries.

----End of History----

New Pictures Added:










Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
--Matthew 6:19-21

Yesterday I took LaKota to the mall to see Santa and Mrs. Santa. We got there at the right time; it wasnt yet overly packed with the kids to see Santa. LaKota was so overly joy to see Santa and Mrs. Santa; The sparkle in her eyes and the smile on her face were beyond what I can even come close to saying, all I can say is that it just melted my heart so much to see my beautiful daughter so happy. LaKota could have sat on Santas lap all day, she is so memorize by him, he just brings so much magic and dreams into all the children's life. LaKota gave Santa and Mrs. Santa some chocolate chip cookies, and a little something in their thank you card; she remember this summer when Santa and Mrs. Santa came to visit her at the RMH, that chocolate chip cookies are Santas favorite cookies, so she made sure that she was going to bring them to Santa. On the way home I asked LaKota what she asked Santa for Christmas, she told me that she asked him for good health, and she said ~*~SANTA~*~ asked her what else she would want for Christmas, she said a Power Ranger, I would of never guessed that in a million years, "A Power Ranger".
Thank you Santa and Mrs. Santa for bringing so much joy in to our daughters life.

~*~LaKota is the child of the month for November~*~

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday; a good time to remember all that we have to be thankful for;

I am so very Thankful to our beautiful God for healing LaKota here on earth.

I am so very Thankful that God has chosen me to be Cody, Skyla, and LaKotas mom.

I am so Thankful for each waking morning and seeing my beautiful daughter LaKota here on earth with us.

I am so Thankful to God for taking care of my two children Cody, Skyla, my sister Sandy, my Nephew Justin, My two brother-n-laws Jon, and Bernie, and my Grandparents, and my uncles and aunts and my cousins and my friends in Heaven that left this world before me.

I am so Thankful for all my family, friends, and my Carinbridge family that God has placed into our life.

I am so Thankful for that God sent his only Son to die on the cross for our sins, so that we may have eternal life.

I am so Thankful for all your powerful prayers for LaKota; for LaKota being cured and healed on earth.

Most of all I am so Thankful for God, for answering all your powerful prayers for LaKota to be healed and cured on earth forever and ever.

I could keep going on and on counting all my blessings that God has given to me to be Thankful for; God has truly blessed me with so many wonderful things in my life, Thank you God.

Please remember all the angels and their family through out the holiday's, also please remember the ones that are still fighting for their life here on earth, whether it be through sickness, the homeless, the soldiers fighting for our freedom & ect...., Please also keep our friends from the caringbridge and their family in your prayers.
Please also keep our family in your prayers, Thank you, and God Bless you.

I am having Thanksgiving dinner at our house, LaKota is so excited about the family coming over for Thanksgiving, she can hardly wait until tomorrow. Our church has been so generous in helping us with our Thanksgiving dinner, we are so very grateful for them. Thank you.

Tomorrow is also my dads birthday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD and PAPA, WE LOVE YOU.

Then the day after Thanksgiving is my angel nephews 15th birthday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTN, WE LOVE YOU.


I've never made a fortune
and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much,
I'm happy anyhow.
And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sow.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
Haven't got a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going's tough.
But I've got loving ones around me,
and that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'cause my cup has overflowed.
O, Remember times when things went wrong,
My faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke,
and sun peeped through again.
So Lord, help me not to gripe
about the tough rows that I've hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
"Cause my cup has overflowed.
If God gives me strength and courage,
When the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
"Cause my cup has overflowed.
-- Author Unknown --

Today is ~*~STEPHANIES~*~ 20th birthday, Please stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday, Thank you.

By: Helen Steiner Rice

Thank you, God, for everything,
the big things and the small.
For "every good gift comes from God"...
the giver of them all.
And all too often we accept, without any thanks or praise,
The gifts God sends as blessings, each day in many ways.
And so at this Thanksgiving Time, we offer up a prayer...
To thank you, God, for giving us a lot more than our share.

First, thank you for the little things
that often comes our way,
The things we take for granted
but don't mention when we pray,
The unexpected courtesy, the thoughtful, kindly deed,
A hand reached out to help us in the time of sudden need.
Oh, make us more aware, dear God, of little daily graces
That comes to us with "sweet surprise"
from never-dreamed-of places.

Then, thank you for the "Miracles"
we are much too blind to see,
And give us new awareness of our many gifts from Thee,
And help us to remember that the Key of Life and Living
Is to make each prayer a Prayer of Thanks
and every day Thanksgiving

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:7-8

Thanksgiving Blessings

T - Is for the Tons of Blessings that I receive each day.

H - Stands for these Hands that fold, when I begin to pray.

A - Means all the Awesome powers our Lord has from above.

N - Stands for His Never ending patience and His Love.

K - Is for the Kindness and forgiveness He has shown.

S - Stands for the Sweetest gift of love we've ever known.

G - Means the Amazing Grace that God bestowed on me.

I - Says I can't imagine, without His love, just where I'd be.

V - Is for (Victory in Jesus), just like that song of old.

I - Means I'll do my best, to lead lost sheep into His fold.

N - Is for the nails driven through our Savior's hands.

G - Stands for God's Greatest Gift, His Son's life for mortal man.

Many Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that LaKota will start wanting to eat, and drink more on her own.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless You!

Love LaKota's mom, Debbie

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