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Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1;25 PM CST

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2.

It has been such journey for us, especially La Kota, in February of 2014 she had surgery in Rochester MN,to remove the tumor on her colon, that was cancer, and started chemo,and is wearing a temporary colostomy bag,in July of 2014, La Kota was suppose to have the colostomy bag removed, the doctors did scans ahead of time to make sure everything looked good before they removed the colostomy bag, & found a tumor on her ovary, the surgeon removed her ovaries, and it was a disease germ, and is cancer, in November 2014 La Kota went for scans, and the doctor found a disease germ right by her bladder, it was cancer, she underwent surgery to have a port put in to start some heavy chemo, and started the 3 days of I.V. chemo in the hospital, she did run a temperature of a 104. while in the hospital, and got a rash from the chemo, but we made it home for Thanksgiving.
This young lady of mine, I am so proud of her, she has so much faith, none of what she has gone through has even made a dent in her faith, she is so amazing, I have said so many times, she is my life.

My sister Susie and my niece Angie have started a facebook for La Kota, any one can go and look on it, they keep it updated for me & La Kota. the facebook is called:

Prayers for Lakota

Thank you everyone for your powerful prayers for La Kota here on Earth, they mean so very much to us, more then words can possible say, we love each & everyone of you, and you & your family are always in our prayers.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Winter is among us again, we have quiet a bit of snow here in St.Cloud,MN.

Please pass the prayers around for La Kota, prayers are so powerful, and free.
Thank you for your power healing prayer’s for La Kota here on Earth.

“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”
James 5:14-15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for La Kota, And for signing her guest book, and FaceBook they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2015 and that the years after that La Kota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of La Kota's organs.

Please pray that La Kota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of La Kota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that La Kota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for La Kota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for La Kota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love La Kota’s mom Debbie

Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:15 AM CST

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Hebrews 13:2.

I really don’t know where to start, it is so hard for me to come back on to the caring bridge journal with sad news about La Kota, it is breaking my heart as I am typing this, I just wish I would wake up from this nightmare:

In October of 2013, La Kota started bleeding a lot when she had a B.M., I took her to the doctor, the doctor thought it was hemorrhoids, or infection of some kind, so they took tests, nothing showed up, so in November they told us to go to a specialist that deals with the colon, so we took La Kota to the specialist, he did some blood work, asked some questions, and told us we needed to go to the Minneapolis Children’s hospital, a week later we took La Kota to the Minneapolis children's hospital,
La Kota had a lower endoscopy, and more blood work done, La Kota just hate’s getting the IV in, she has tiny veins, so they miss all the time, and dig around in their, trying to hit a vein, it takes them 5 or more times to get it, (not like the first time when she was diagnosis 70 times before they got, I don’t know how she did it then, she laid still as can be, and didn‘t move, me and my sister Susie, were dropping down on our knee‘s praying God, let specialist get this time.) The specialist found a mass, and took biopsies on it,he said he couldn’t get to good of biopsies on it, cause it was mushy in certain places, but would send them in and see if it was ( C )and get back to us when he found out, the doctor called, and the biopsies showed it was not ( C ), then after that appointment, we had another appointment with one of La Kota’s old oncologist doctor from the Minneapolis Children's, she had before, and a new doctor, they told us that La Kota needs to see a specialist doctor that deals with adults with mass in their colon, and they made a appointment with Abbott hospital, the following week we headed to Abbott, which is now in December,the specialist did a lower endoscopy, and more blood tests, an ultra sound, CT scan, MRI, this time the test came back, and it was 3rd stage colon ( C ), the specialist told us at that time it did not go into the lymph nodes (we were just sickened to hear that it was ( C ), but glad it wasn’t in the lymph node’s….La Kota at this time did not hear it was ( C ), the specialist made an appointment the following week to see the oncologist doctors, so the following week we headed back to Minneapolis Children’s hospital to talk to the doctors, the doctor asked us if we wanted to let La Kota know at this time that she has ( C ) now that they know for sure, we told the doctor yes, she needs to know, (what an awful thing to have to tell your child, your suppose to tell them happy, good things, not things like this)when we told La Kota, she said “What” not ( C ) again, she said I beat it once, and I’m going to beat it again, (she is such a strong young lady), the doctor's and us talked that in La Kota’s best interest that she should go to St.Mary’s in Rochester MN, connected with the Mayo, and talk to the specialist about
La Kota’s situation, it was 2 weeks before Christmas, we headed to Rochester talked with the specialist, brought La Kota’s medical records, and films of the mass, they told us to come back in a couple of day’s so they could look at her medical records, and do their tests on La Kota, went back to Rochester, La Kota had another lower endoscopy, more blood work, ultra sound, the specialist told us that from looking at the Abbott hospital films, and their films La Kota has rectal
( C ) not colon, and it is through the some of the lymph nodes, what a blow that was, ( what a roller coaster this has been, first telling it wasn’t
( C ), then colon, now rectal, and now thru the lymph nodes, please wake me up from this nightmare, why should any child, or person should have to go through this. ) a few days before Christmas we met with the surgeon at the Mayo, the chemo doctors, and a team of other doctor’s, and told us that if the mass is to deep, La Kota might have to wear a bag for the rest of her life, and if she ever gets rectal ( C )comes back again, there is nothing they can do for her, (it just make's me sick, about this whole thing...why...again?)the surgeon said that she would call us and let us know when they would do the surgery.
The following day we had an appointment at the Children’s hospital, La Kota asked if she could please not be in the room when they talked about all that was going on with her, she said she heard it so many time’s, and she knows what’s going on, so she wanted me to go in the waiting room,Steve
(La Kota’s father) talked with the doctor’s, Steve said they had a phone conference call with the doctors from the U of M, and the doctor’s from the Mayo, and talked about La Kota’s treatment, La Kota will not be able to have radiation, that will bring on other tumors, cancers, she will have surgery first, then six weeks later start the chemo, that is the plan so far.
The surgeon from the Mayo called the end of December, and said La Kota’s surgery is February 14th, I could not believe that it was so far out, but that was the soonest they could get her in, that just upset Steve & I so much, that we called the surgeon, asking please can’t you get her in any sooner, but they couldn’t, we called the Children’s hospital talked with her doctors, asked if we should take her some where else to get the surgery done sooner, the doctor said that La Kota would have to go through more tests if we took her some where else, and that would run about the same time as when her surgery would be at the Mayo, and that we are lucky to have gotten her in at the Mayo, so this Wednesday night we head to Rochester, La Kota will have more tests, and more tests done all day on Thursday, and then on Friday her surgery will be, Please pray, that Jesus will lay his hand on the surgeon, and guide her to remove all the tumor's, and that it has not spread any where or gotten any bigger, I haven’t slept at all, I’m sick to my stomach all the time, I prayed, and prayed so hard for God to give me the ( C ) so that La Kota wouldn’t ever have to go through this awful disease, she is 16 years old, she shouldn’t have to worry about having to go through this, she should be having fun with her family, and friends, I just do not understand any of this, I have said it so many, many times before, La Kota is my whole life.
I want to thank the family & friends that have been with us, or I should say La Kota for going through this awful journey.

Sunday I took La Kota to a Anointing healing mass, and tomorrow night at 6:30pm (Tuesday) La Kota’s friend Becca, her parents have asked the elders to come to church, and do anointing, and pray over La Kota, that is such a blessing for them to do this for La Kota.
I was hoping, and praying that
La Kota’s surgery would have been done a long time ago, so that we could make it to another healing mass, a priest is coming to St.Cloud, and he has healed people, he will be here on the 16th thru till the 18th, I do not think we will be home, the surgeon said if all goes well with La Kota, she will be out in 5-7 days, my sister Susie is going to bring a picture of La Kota to the priest, I also sent a picture of La Kota to him, so he can pray for her now.

I don’t know how much I will get by a computer, and update, my sister Susie, and my niece Angie said that they will update on their face book, I do not have face book, please put La Kota’s name with your’s if you decide to go to their facebook,so that they know who you are, Thank you! “Here is their face book;

Susan Bell of Clearwater,MN
Angie Bell of Clearwater,MN

Please pass the prayer’s around for
La Kota, Thank you.

Thank you for your power healing prayer’s for La Kota here on Earth.

I hope you can understand my typing, I can’t think any more, and I’m just crying so hard, I wish my mom was here, she is in Heaven, I need her comfort now, I miss you mom, and I love you, I wish I was going through this, not
La Kota.
Thank goodness for the family & friends that have been here for us,
I love you all.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”
James 5:14-15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for La Kota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2014 and that the years after that La Kota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of La Kota's organs.

Please pray that La Kota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of La Kota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that La Kota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for La Kota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for La Kota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love La Kota’s mom Debbie

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 11:55 PM CST

I am grateful that Jesus not only taught and announced good news of the Kingdom but he also healed every disease and sickness among the people.(Matthew 4:23)

Sorry every one for not updating LaKota's journal, don't know what happened to it, there for awhile nothing would show up on the journal for updating, and now that I look it is back on, so sorry about that.


LaKota is doing well, she is HEALTHY, we thank EVERYONE for their SPECIAL MIRACLE PRAYERS for LaKota, for keeping her HEALTHY, here on EARTH, and we thank GOD for ANSWERING those PRAYERS.

LaKota is a 9th grader, she loves school, which we are so thankful for, new school for LaKota, didn't know if she would like it or not, with the school being so much bigger, but she doesn't mind that at all. I drive her back and forth to school, like I have always done before, which I enjoy, it's our morning get together.

We had a wonderful Christmas, LaKota being HEALTHY here on EARTH, and sharing it with us, "We couldn't ask for a more wonderful Christmas than that," LaKota embroider a cardinal bird picture for me, she knows I love cardinals, and she also embroider a deer picture for Steve, and she sewed a scarf with pockets in it for me, and sewed Steve a billfold, they turned out so beautiful.

Dad he is in Texas, enjoying the warm weather, got a fright out of him though, we could not reach him for 2 day's, and LaKota has always called him every night around 8:00pm, first night did not know if his phone was not working, because it has happened a few times before, so I thought maybe that was happening again, so didn't think nothing of it, until the 2nd night, when he did not answer, (mind you, he is 81 years old, and of course he drove out their by himself, he acts, and looks like he is in his 60's, and my mom went to Heaven a little over 3 years ago, and all dad, and mom had were GIRLS....)so I phoned the lady at the desk to see if she could send security up their to check on him, well security said that no one was their, so I called my second oldest sister to see if she talked to dad that night, she said no, but she said she would call the front desk to see if she could figure out more, or if the people working on the weekend seen him, (you know all these things pop into your head) it's after 11:00pm when I called her, she said she would let me know when, and if she found out anything, I talked with her more the next day, and she said dad ended up in the hospital with an infection to the bladder, he was in the hospital for 4 day's, he is so stubborn, he never calls the daughters when something like this happens, he doesn't want to worry us, make us worry when we don't hear from him....UGH!!!!

Steve's mom went to Heaven on October 9th, so we have Steve's special need older brother living with us, (he is in his 60's)so that is a big adjustment for Steve's brother, living out in the country on a farm, then coming to live in town.
Steve has been working in N.D. he has been gone for a few weeks at a time, at least it is a job, but now he is laid off, that STINKS, especially when he was off for over a year, then he gets back on a job that has been messed up badly, and gets it straighten out, and done ahead of time, don't know how Steve can take a commercial construction job that is completely messed up, and straighten it out, and done ahead of time, "TALENT" he is at that.

Me, well I'm till dealing with my RLS, I have been going to neurologist for the last 5 or 6 years, but they have never seen nothing this severe, I just wish something would work, some of the medicines that they had or have me on, make me so tired, and no energy, and of course weight... (UGH)I'm sure age plays a big part on that too. I'm still learning to sew, I enjoy it, and would enjoy it, if I have more ENERGY, I have quilted a lap quilt, and LaKota has some small T-shirts that she really likes, and wants me to quilt a T-shirt quilt, hopefully it will turn out.

We have plenty of snow here in Minnesota, infact LaKota went sledding today with a friend, she had lots of fun.

Tomorrow LaKota will go back to school, she like’s being home, but she likes being back at school, seeing her friends, and hanging out.

I had my great nephew Chase over the week before Christmas, and he made some presents on my sewing machine, for his mom, dad, grandma, his dog and of course he had to make something for himself, he is 3 years old, and with supervision of me, on my sewing machine, he loves to sew, he acts so much older for his age.


Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

In Christ, I have power and authority to drive out all demons, to cure diseases, and to heal myself and others.
(Luke 9:1-2)

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2014 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 11:05 PM CDT

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

LaKota is doing really well, we thank our beautiful God, for keeping LaKota HEALTHY here on EARTH, and Thank you for your continues powerful prayers for LaKota here on EARTH, they mean everything to us.

(Cool, you can see the e-mails of the people that write in the guestbook)

It has been awhile since I have updated LaKota’s journal, sorry about that.
LaKota will be graduating from 8th grade on the 22nd of June, the school is going to have a big party for the 8th grader’s. LaKota’s school only goes up to 8th grade, so then we will be looking for a different school for LaKota, it will be sad not seeing the same people again for next year. Lakota is looking forward to 9th grade. Today at LaKota’s school, LaKota, and her class mate’s went and took the city bus to visit our college here in St.Cloud,( St. Cloud State University, LaKota) LaKota thought it was really cool, she really love’s school, which is wonderful for us, we don’t have to fight with her to get up in the morning, or fight to get her to school, we hope she continues to enjoy school.

We been going up to my dad’s almost every weekend, LaKota stayed up their for 2 week’s when she had school break, dad really enjoyed that, dad asked her when she can stay up again, she is really close to my dad. Dad is doing well, can’t believe he will be 81 years old in November, LaKota, Dad, and I went and got some hanging flower basket’s, and the lady their thought he was only 60, he really looks,and act’s like he is 60years old.

LaKota is still doing Kung Fu, and will start horse back riding up again, she can’t wait for the horse back riding to start again, she wishes that we lived in thhe country, so that she could get a horse.

Steve’s mom is 88 years old, LaKota is close with her to, Steve’s mom is doing well, she is starting to slow way down, she has lost so much weight, she is probably only weighs 100 pounds, so fragile looking, really scares me, she doesn’t get around like she use to, and she use to love shopping, just getting out, but she doesn’t even do that hardly anymore, she has someone do it for her.

We been getting quiet a bit of rain, but we sure need it, talked to dad tonight, he said they got 5” inches of rain up north where he live’s, still the lake there is still down quiet a bit.

Steve is doing well, he is doing some chain sawing of an eagle with some tree stumps, he is pretty good with the eagles.

Me, I’m still dealing with my restless leg syndrome, no new medicine’s have come up yet, the medicines that I am on, make me so sleepy, that really sucks, I don’t want to sleep my life away, but if I don’t take that, then it really is bad, they said my case is the worst that they have ever seen, that is what the specialist’s have said. I am still doing some sewing, not as good as I wish I could be, pattern’s I still have a hard time understanding some of the things in the patterns.

I still go to all my wonderful friends journals, and read what is going on with their lives‘, I just can’t believe how growing up all the children are, If I can figure out how to put picture’s up, I will, it has been so long, I don’t think I remember, I think some one helped me with putting pictures on, I will try.

Sherry, Steve’s niece had a beautiful little boy this year, cute as can be.

Have a very blessed, and fun summer.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
Mark 5:34

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2012 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Saturday, December 24, 2011 12:25 PM CST

You shall be the most blessed of peoples, with neither sterility nor barrenness among you or your livestock. The Lord will turn away from you every illness.
Deuteronomy 7:14-15


LaKota is doing really well, we thank our beautiful God, for keeping LaKota HEALTHY here on EARTH, and Thank you for your continues powerful prayers for LaKota here on EARTH, they mean everything to us.

I cannot believe how fast the day’s, & the minutes are going by, I always remember when I was a child, and telling mom, I wish I was such, and such age, she would always say, don’t say that, because when you get older the years will fly by, “boy was she right”, I wish I could slow the years, and time down, it’s going way to fast for me.

Let me see, what has been going on, “since I have not updated as much, sorry about that“,
LaKota is an 8th grader, she really enjoys school, she goes to a charter school, and it only goes up to 8th grade, they were suppose to add a high school addition on to it, so that the 8th graders this year, can finish High school their, but nothing got done about it, I really don’t know what we will do, I do not want to send Lakota to a public High school, and the catholic school here, they don’t want the students to be behind any, so we are talking about Home schooling, not sure how that will go, since LaKota is such a people person, I hate to take her away from kids her age, I just don’t know what to do, all I can do is PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, that her school will get in gear right away, and start the high school, I guess we will see.
Let’s see, now for Steve, he has not found a job yet, hopefully soon, he will get a good job, that would be wonderful, if Steve’s not busy, he’s not happy, he drive’s LaKota, and I nuts…lol…
Now for me, my restless legs are still the same, nothing good working for that. LaKota, and I have taken up sewing, I do more of it, than she does, she is so busy with school, and kung fu, so she doesn’t get to sew as much, I really enjoy it, I wish I could just figure out what fun things to sew, I’m not good at all, with reading a pattern, that’s my down fall on sewing, but that shall come one of these years.
My dad he is in Texas, he leave’s earlier, and earlier each year, for Texas, and stay’s longer, I miss him when he is gone so long, I know that he enjoys being their, but we also enjoy doing things with him too.
Steve’s mom, ended up in the hospital couple of time’s for bleeding this summer, other than that, she is doing good for being 86 years old, we enjoy doing things with her, Steve’s mom also looks forward to when we come to pick her up for shopping, it’s a fun long day, she doesn’t get out much, we will pick her up , around 10:00am, and half the time, we don’t make it back to her place around 8-10 at night, we have a good time though.

Can you believe it, Minnesota does not have a white Christmas, no snow, we have a brown Christmas, not green, or white, but brown, from the grass being frozen, will have to mark that on our calendar.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
Mark 5:34

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2012 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Thursday, June 30, 2011 1:08 PM CDT

For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds,' says the LORD, ' Because they called you an outcast saying: " This is Zion; No one seeks her."'
Jeremiah 30:17

Thank you so much for your powerful pprayers for Lakota here on Earth, they mean so much more than we can say.

Sorry about being forever updating LaKota’s journal, or should I say LaLa, that’s what her little cousin Chase calls her, he is such a sweetie, LaKota adores him so much, I think we all do; Don’t know if anybody still reads her journal since I haven’t been updating as much as before.
LaKota is doing super well, healthy, growing, I don’t think she will be that tall, but that is fine, and dandy with me, as long as she is Healthy here on Earth, which is the most important thing, she is 53 inches tall, at 13 years old.
Let see what has all been going on, We had a baby boy great nephew born in December, and another one on it’s way in August, Our niece Sherry got married this May, speaking of Sherry’s wedding, I had a lady sew LaKota, and I a dress for her wedding, plenty of time to do it, well she waited for the last minute, and we got the dress the night before the wedding, raining, and pouring out that night, she had them in a bag, paid her for them, took them home, they were totally you couldn’t wear, a waste of money, couldn’t get the money back, I’m so sadden with it, I just cried, thank goodness we had other dresses we could wear to her wedding.
Friends from Arizonia came and stayed with us for almost a week, that was fun, their daughter Jennifer got married, we were invited to that wedding too.
Thing’s still the same with the family, don’t know if it will ever get better, but I guess we will see with time,
Dad he is missing mom so much, can’t believe that it has been 2 years in March that she went to Heaven, I miss her so much too, I always picked up the phone at least 3 or more times a day to call her when she was here on Earth, she was the mom you could cuddle up to when you felt sad, and she would make you feel better, someone you could talk to, and she would honestly listen, and care, wish I would have someone that I could talk to, and they would really care, and listen, besides my husband, and I don’t want to bear LaKota with my feelings, I miss that with mom, I miss mom so much, other than dad missing mom, he is doing well, thank goodness for that.
We talk to dad every night, he doesn’t care to talk on the phone, now that he is back from Texas, we go and see him every weekend, try to I should say; This weekend, the 4th we are going to throw dad a 80th surprise birthday party, he will be double surprise, since his birthday isn’t until November 25th, I hate to think about December, that’s when dad leaves for Texas, and doesn’t come home until somewhere in April, he can’t handle the cold no more; Talking about weather the last couple days it has been warm, other wise cold, and raining, that’s Minnesota weather, don’t know what to expect, and then we have a short summer the way it is.
Steve, is looking for a job, he doesn’t have a job right now, unemployment doesn’t pay, and that is all the income that we are getting, we were hoping to do a nice vacation this summer, but he got the surprise of not having a job anymore, he was working at Norson builders in Baxter MN, bad part about not having a job, besides the check coming in to help pay the bills, is that the health INS. Is so high with Cobra, yikes, it takes all the unemployment for the month just so you can have health INS. So things are very sticky.
Can’t believe LaKota will be a big 8th grader when school starts up again, she got out of school on June 24th, and will go back the 2nd week in August.
I’m still fighting with my RLS, totally exhaust me, wish their was something they could do for it, hopefully one of these days they’ll find something for it.
Steve’s mom is doing better, she goes to the doctor once a month to get her vitamin shot, and get her blood check to see if it’s too thick, thin or just right, so far all has been good for her, that is good news.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily,And your righteousness shall go before you;The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2011 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Saturday, January 1, 2011 11:15 PM CST

Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.
Acts 19:11-12



Our Christmas gift was answered, and that was for LaKota to be Healthy here on Earth, and “What a beautiful gift that is, and always will be for us forever, for LaKota to live a long HEALTHY, OLD AGE here on EARTH; “FAMILY“, that is a beautiful blessing, and keeping the family, healthy here on Earth, that’s what is important”, so by having LaKota Healthy here on Earth, we are truly blessed; LaKota, when she goes, and see the Santa we know, she always ask him for good health here on earth, and for peace in the family, never for any material things, now for the “Peace in the family“, that is going to be a tricky one, if it was our choice, their would be peace, but it’s not our choice, so what can I do, but pray that the year 2011, that God he will show them how to have peace with every one, not with just who they just want to, but with every one, it makes it hard, and uncomfortable for the one‘s that they don‘t want to have peace with, that make‘s it hard on those family members, so than they don’t know what to say, or how to act in front of them, so than they just keep quiet, so they don’t have to worry about any of them saying to someone else, you should of heard what they said, or what they did, and of course it would have been nothing, but since they don’t have peace with them, it is going to be more than something, it truly it makes me wonder, if they are not happy with them selves, so then they don’t want anyone else to be happy, I guess we will see what will happen with peace in the family, in 2011, please pray for them, so that they can have peace, Thank you.

It is so bitter cold here, wishing it was warmer, the other day, we had rain, then ice ball rain, then snow on top of it all, now it’s slippery then heck, and bitter cold on top of it.

Monday, LaKota will be back at school, Christmas vacation over with, that sue flew by fast, too fast.

Last night, we had my great nephew Chase spend the night, we stayed up to midnight, and watch the ball dropped, than we got bundled up, and lit off some fire works, my nephew Chase, was amazed at the fire works, then we came in, and toasted with a glass of fruit juice for a good happy, healthy year, then we went straight to bed, and zonked out, LaKota, thought it was pretty awesome night, lighting fireworks, and toasting with fruit juice, probably would have been better off toasting with warm cocoa to keep us warm, but we did the fruit juice.

Tonight we went out to Steve’s mom’s house, and visit with her, and Steve’s brother Butch, the roads were slick in places, so we drove pretty slow, had a nice visit with them.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you

"But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 30:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2011 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Saturday, December 19, 2010 11:25 AM CST

My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20-22

Sorry it’s been awhile since I have updated, I’m truly sorry for not updating sooner, just trying to get a good grip on my restless leg syndrome, that is something else, truly just takes all the energy away from me, and makes me feel like I'm going crazy, "Crazy" hmmmm, If you ask my family they probably tell you, I was crazy way before that.

LaKota, she is doing real well, feeling well, and growing, she still my little tiny girl, and tiny for her age, but I can see that she is getting some height to her. LaKota's, Christmas vacation will start on December 23rd, than she will go back to school right after new year, they have a longer Thanksgiving break, compared to their Christmas break, I wish it was the other way, longer for Christmas.
On Monday the 20th of December, LaKota will go in for her check up, PLEASE, PRAY that EVERY THING INSIDE LAKOTA, HER BLOOD, CELL’S, GENES, ORGANS, BONES, and ECT, are 100ALTHY INSIDE LAKOTA here ON EARTH, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, so much for your POWERFUL PRAYER’S for LAKOTA here on EARTH, THANK YOU; I’m so stressed out, I can’t breathe or think, I can’t wait until it’s done with, I could just lay on the floor at the clinic, and blow out with my breathing, but I'm sure every one would look at me like I’m crazy, "see I told you, I’m crazy", Please pray that everything is 100ealthy in LaKota Plafcan, here on EARTH, and that LaKota lives’ a LONG, LONG HEALTHY, OLD AGE HERE on EARTH, THANK YOU for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on EARTH, they mean so much to us, more then what we could possible say.

Last night we had my great nephew Chase spend the night, Steve, LaKota, and I, took Chase to see Santa, and Mrs. Santa at our shopping mall, (it's the Santa we know), we always get together, and visit with, well standing in line for 2 hours, we finally got up by Santa, and Mrs. Santa, i figured, my nephew Chase seeing that LaKota,Steve, and I giving them hugs, and LaKota sitting by them, we thought for sure Chase wouldn’t be afraid of them, HA! we were wrong;, he did not want anything to do with them, he was crying,and trying to get as far away from them as he could, we tried to get a picture of him with Santa, it wasn't the best, but we did get one, I'm sure next year will be a better, for him to see Santa, he will be older,and will see, and understand why LaKota is sitting by Santa, and hopefully we will not be standing in line for 2 hours.
Dad, he is in Texas, he said he is doing fine, I wish he would stay around here until Christmas is over with, but dad, said it’s just not the same any more, and it's not happy anymore with mom not around, the love that they shared together, was so amazing; I really miss dad being so far away, I wish that he wouldn’t be gone for so long; Mom, I miss her so very much, she was the one that made me so that I wasn’t so crazy, lol……
Today, the 19th, will be our son Cody, our Angel, his 23rd birthday, wow, I can’t believe that he is that old, he will be celebrating his birthday up in Heaven, with his sister Skyla, his Grandma, (my mom) his Grandpa, (Steve’s dad) and my nephew Justin, along with our beautiful Christ, and our beautiful mother Mary, along with all the saint’s, and our Guardian Angels, I always do have something special for on their birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CODY, WE LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH.
This year, instead of putting up our artificial Christmas tree, we went and cut down a tree; Steve, I, LaKota, and Jerry, we went to a tree farm, that day was so bitter cold out, I thought, oh this wouldn’t take long, since it’s cold out, so we let Lakota pick out the tree, of course we all had our own idea of what the tree should look like, well after 2 ½ hours later after getting LaKota so confused on what tree to get, she finally decided on which tree we should get, of course it took us that long for each of us to quit showing her which tree to pick out, after Steve cut the tree down, and we were freezing to the bone's, you think we would run to the truck, and warm up, nope,we had to go on a sleigh ride, and than a tractor ride on top of that, to go and feed the buffalo’s, "finally, when we got in the truck, my toe’s were so cold that they were hurting, poor wee little toe’s, what we put our toe’s through, I took my boot’s, and sock off and started rubbing them,red, and purple, white toes, I told LaKota to take her boots off so I could check her toes, since mine were this cold, for sure LaKota’s toe‘s had to be too, but she kept telling me while taking off her boots, "Mom, my feet are warm, of course, mom here thinking, "yeah, she’s just telling me that so I don’t worry, finally she got her socks off, yep, her toes were warm, boy did I have boots or what on…lol….

We are going to Steve’s mom’s for Christmas,that should be a nice time, LaKota, she like's going over to Grandma's house to visit, or us picking Grandma up, LaKota, alway's gets a hoot out of Grandma, LaKota,she really has lots of memories of doing some fun things with Grandma, which is so awesome, Thank God,you can’t take memories away.
I’m still doing some Christmas shopping, haven’t gotten the presents wrapped yet. Went out to my cousin Danielle’s house, to see her new little son Aidin, her mom, and her nephew, and niece were also their at the time, so Lakota got to do some Christmas cookie baking with them, she had lots of fun baking, and decorating Christmas cookies.

The weather has been chilly here, and just to think, we have 2 or more months left of this freezing cold weather.

Wishing everyone a Healthy, Blessed Christmas

You shall be the most blessed of peoples, with neither sterility nor barrenness among you or your livestock. The Lord will turn away from you every illness.
Deuteronomy 7:14-15

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2010 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Monday, October 10, 2010 1:10 PM CDT

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

Sorry it’s been awhile since I have updated.
Today our little girl, I should say big girl now, turned 13 years old, she is now officially a teenager, and she is so proud of it, We are so very, very proud of her, she really truly is our life. We asked LaKota what she wanted to do for her birthday, she said she wanted to spend it at my dad’s house, (her Papa) so that is what we did, some of her cousins were up there too, and also her Aunt Susie, Lakota didn’t want a cake, she wanted an ice cream pie at Cold stone, so she order a banana cream, and an Andes mint, they were very tasty, we are planning on taking her to Wisconsin Dells over MEA break for her birthday, we will stay in one of the indoor water park theme resorts, she really likes to swim, so that will be a nice mini vacation too.
Thank you everyone who wished, and sent Lakota something for her birthday, it really meant a lot to her, I mean it really did mean a lot to her, so thank you so very much.
LaKota is doing really well, although she does have a runny nose, seems like the cold thing is going around, AUGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on EARTH, they mean so very much to us, and we thank God every day for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on EARTH.
Dad, he is getting ready to head for Texas here at the end of November, so he is getting his last minute chores done, it is always sad to see him leave, even more now, that mom is in Heaven, I always worry about him being lonely, or that he’s their by himself, if something happens, all these things that a person thinks about, it was always him, and mom, but I am so thankful that he is still strong, and healthy that he can do these things.
My 3rd doctor retired again, I have found a woman doctor who said that she will be practice for awhile, so that is good, I have met her last month, she seems so far real nice, and interested in finding something for my restless legs, so hopefully when I see her in November that she will keep working with me, and not give up.
We have been having such beautiful days here in St.Cloud, it was so nice, and warm out today, it was just a gorgeous day, no complaining here.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you

Again, I am sorry for not updating as much, but please know that I always think about my caring bridge family, you are very special to us.

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you again for all the Birthday wishes, and prayers, and gifts for LaKota on her 13th Birthday, (Wow, a teenager) It truly means a lot to us.

Thank you again for your powerful prayers for LaKota, here on EARTH, they mean more then we can say; again I'm sorry it was forever since I have updated, my restless leg syndrome, drained so much out of me.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2010 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 11:01 PM CDT

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. Romans 1:8

Sorry about it being so long since I have updated, close to a year, it has been way to long, I am really sorry, don't know if there is anyone that reads LaKota's journal anymore, since it's been forever since I've updated. We finally decided it was time to get a new computer since it would cost over $200.00 to get our new one fixed, so we got a touch screen computer, we were with out a computer for a few months, The only thing I missed about the computer was checking on all my caring bridge friends, other wise I'm not on the computer.
LaKota is doing so well, we thank God every second for keeping her healthy here on Earth, and thank you for her powerful prayers here on Earth for LaKota. LaKota will be getting a full set of braces on top, and bottom this coming Tuesday, she is real excited about getting them, which is good, because she will be wearing them for two years, when she just had the top braces on, LaKota was really good about having them on, last week, she had four teeth pulled at once, the dentist was going to pull two out at two different days, but LaKota told the dentist that she wanted them all out at once, so she didn't have to worry about thinking about coming in a different day to get the other two out. LaKota will be going in 7th grade, school will start August 10th for, she got out on June 26th, she goes to a charter school. It makes my day to see her getting older, older, she is still tiny in height, LaKota is still doing Kung fu, and horse back riding. Steve is keeping busy with work, so we are thankful for that, she does a lot of driving one way, but that is ok, thank goodness he has a job, that is the main thing. I can't believe it's is 16 months since mom went to Heaven, she was my strength in with the hard times that we went through, it is so hard not picking up that phone just to call her, I'm so thankful that I saved on my phone, some of her messages that she left on my phone, so when ever I need to hear her voice I turn the answering machine on, on the telephone, and listen to her beautiful voice. Dad, he is doing alright, I guess, he puts a lot of fake, bake smiles, and happiness upfront on, in front of a lot of people, that way he doesn't have them asking him all sorts of questions, It is so completely different with mom not here on Earth with us, I can honestly say, I don't think the sisters will be no longer be close, mom was always the one that could always pull the sisters back together, even when some of the sisters didn't want to try, mom could always make it work, so that we could talk, and be close again, there's no one that could ever do what mom did, if there is, it would be a miracle, its sad to say, honestly I can feel, that we will never be that close again. We try to make it up north to see my dad every weekend, than during the week, or when ever Steve's mom needs to go any where, we are more than glad to help her out, we enjoy visiting with her, we always have a nice visit with her, LaKota enjoys doing things with Grandma Delphine. For me, I'm still seeing this doctor, and that doctor, and this doctor, and so forth for my restless leg syndrome, just when I thought I found a doctor who would understand, and worked with me about my restless leg, he is now retiring in August, I pray that I will find a doctor who will not make me start all over, and will totally understand how draining this restless leg syndrome is, I would rather go through having how many c-sections, compared to this restless leg syndrome, I'm hoping that maybe some one on the computer will know a doctor that knows what to do with the restless leg syndrome, and will e-mail me or call me, and say, I found a doctor who can treat you, I would be on the next airplane out to where ever if there was some help for my legs.
Our weather has finally been gorgeous out, to bad it wouldn't last another 9 months, can't believe the 4th of July is over with, that went by fast.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you

Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.
1 Chronicles 16:9

It took me awhile on how to do the color again.

Thank you again for your powerful prayers for LaKota, here on EARTH, they mean more then we can say; again I'm sorry it was forever since I have updated, my restless leg syndrome, drained so much out of me.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2010 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie

Monday, October 26, 2009 1:15 PM CDT

"Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them."
Acts 19:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We celebrated LaKota’s 12th birthday a weekend later, for on her birthday one of our cousins got married on that day. The following weekend we took LaKota to an indoor water park, we really had a fun time.
Over the weekend on Saturday, LaKota’s school had an silent auction, and a dinner, LaKota sold pop, and candy bars that night, it was to help raise money for her charter school, every one had a good time bidding on the auction.
Please keep us, and my dad in your prayer’s for the loneliness with mom not being here in flesh or person to person with us, I know that she is watching us from Heaven, but it is very hard, she was my back bone when things got tough, now I don’t have any one to talk to, to help reassure me; For instance, I just don’t know what to do with this h1n1 flu shot, how safe or not safe it is, some doctors are against, where some aren’t, I’m worried with LaKota having this rare gene disorder, that we have to watch, cause things can bring on tumors, I hear, don’t give it to her, because no one knows the side effects, and what will happen in the down the line, and that theirs cancer causing chemicals in it, and other things that scare me with it, and than I’m scared of her getting the flu, Please pray for me, and LaKota to make the right choice, Thank you so much, for your powerful prayers for LaKota her on Earth.
My Aunt Ceva from California is here visiting in Minnesota, she is my moms sister, we are hoping to get to see her before she leaves on Wednesday, she doesn’t have a vehicle here, so she said she has to see what her brother, and his wife has planned, she is hoping that we can get together before she leaves.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people."
Acts 6:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2010 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:55 AM CDT

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tonight LaKota will start religion, she is looking forward to religion, and she is such a people person.
The weather has been chilly here; boy our summer was really short, to short, the leaves, and the acorns the last few weeks have been really dropping fast.
Please keep LaKota in your prayer’s, she really is a people person, and she is such a young loving girl, thank you, so much for your powerful prayer’s for Lakota here on Earth, it truly means so much to us, and thank you for your prayer’s for my RLS, I am truly waiting for the day when it will be gone, or something will help it.
Steve’s job is going great, we are so thankful for that, especially the way the economy is.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Could you please visit Jonathan, his Website is: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jonathanyuphengxiong
he could use your prayers, Thank you.

as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed.
Luke 6:18

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, September 25, 2009 1:55 PM CDT

But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves
Malachi 4:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, Thanking God every second for her good Health here on Earth, and thanking you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
Yesterday after Kung-fu we stopped in at the Cold Stone ice cream parlor, for a dish of ice cream, here they were having donations for Make-A-Wish, well guess who got to help with the ice cream, “Yes, LaKota did, “Oh she was so happy, it just made her day, she kept thanking me, and telling me that it made her day, even this morning before school she was thanking me. School is going fine for her, she is trying her darnest in getting caught up with her home work withr her education, and trying to get her strength back with some of the physical things, like running the pace for her age, which she can’t do, and like riding a bike, I don’t know if she will every get that down; with her being behind on these things, the kids her age level, kind of leave her out, because she can’t do the things that most kids her age do, with her having the BRCAII LaKota is on the short size for age, 4’2 and she will be 12 on Oct.10th, (Wow 12, I am so blessed.), and little more on the stockier side, and some kids do say mean things to LaKota about that, which breaks my heart, because she just loves people, she is a people person, she would do anything for that person, and when she does find that close friend, that friend will be thankful, just like LaKota will be thankful for that friend, if you don’t look a certain way, or can’t do something, or not the smartest child, person, you don’t fit in; I know that she wishes that her once ago best friend that took something from her, was still her friend, and we forgave him,, but his parents don‘t want him to have nothing to do with LaKota, that still bother‘s her, she just doesn’t understand that, once being so close, and than, his parents not wanting them to be friends; with so much friction with the family after mom passed, LaKota does gets left out with some of her cousins, that she was real close too, mom was the glue to our family, I know my dad would like the family to be close, but you can only try for so long, My aunt said when a person holds a grudge for so long, you know that person isn’t happy in their life, and they forgot the true meaning of family, so why would they be happy for any one else, when they can’t be truly happy with themselves, so then they start critizing every one else around them, never have nothing nice to say about some one, I feel so sorry for them, life is to short. My mom was my backbone through all the journeys that I went through; sometimes I wished I could just pack up the family, and leave, and leave all the stress behind, I know certain family members would probably be happy, but we just couldn’t, we have my dad, Steve’s mom, and Steve’s job; Sorry about stressing out on the computer, it‘s kind of talking to your pet, but your pet just listens to you, where on the computer, I have people praying for us, giving us advice, and sometimes negative things.
The reason I haven’t updated is because of my RSL, it has totally wiped the energy from me, I keep praying that one day SOON, that they will find something for it, I have it so severe, that they are trying everything under the sun, including vitamins, minerals, you name it, I have tried it, if some one would say to me that they know a doctor from a different country, state, I would be on the next flight their, it isn’t much of a quality of life.

It is raining here, we need the rain, Rosi you can send the rain here, I think Rosi, and maybe we will run away to your place…. Lol…..

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Could you please visit Jonathan, his Website is: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jonathanyuphengxiong
he could use your prayers, Thank you.

Behold, thou hast instructed many, and thou hast strengthened the weak hands. [4] Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees.
Job 4:3-4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, July 20, 2009 8:35 AM CDT

Sorry about not updating sooner, just been busy, and we really haven't had any warm weather to speak of, and summer is almost over with, just make's me so sad, we have only been in the water about 7 times, and usually we have been swimming so many time's that we can't even count, thats how cold it is here in Minnesota.
LaKota's check-up is today, Please keep her in your powerful prayer's, I can not wait until she is done today, so that I can breathe, after her tests are done today, we are on our way to Montana,just for a mini vacation, that is all Steve can get off for, they are busy at his work, thank goodness for that. I will update when we get back, unless they have a computer in the room, and than I will let you know about her tests, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer's for LaKota here on Earth, they mean so much to us.

Love LaKota's mom Debbie.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 4:43 PM

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4 1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Where LaKota goes for her check up each May, they are in the process of moving, so we should hear back from them soon, when Lakota will go in for her check up, LaKota will go in this week, or next week, Please keep her in your powerful prayer’s here on Earth, that everything is 100 percent healthy in her organs, blood, cells, bones, everything 100 percent healthy inside LaKota’s body, I can’t even breathe, with mom not here in flesh, I don’t have any one that I can just lay my head on their lap, and just help me with all the testing of LaKota’s, I have such a hard time with LaKota going through all these tests, but it is harder with out mom being here, she did the breathing for me; Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth, it really means so much to us, I will let you know how LaKota’s tests all were when we find out.
Please also keep my dad in your prayers, it has been really hard on him since mom went to Heaven, dad, and mom did everything together, Thank you.

LaKota will be out of school on June 26th, she will go back sometime in August, I’m sure that will fly by fast.

I am still dealing with my RSL I went and seen another doctor last month, but nothing has worked, than first part of July I will see the doctor in the cities again, hopefully he will find something different for me to try, and not give up on me.

Our summer so far has been to cold to do any swimming, we usually get about 6 weeks of hot weather, spread out though, one week hot, next two weeks cold, I wish our cold weather lasted as long as our hot weather.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 12:25 AM CDT

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily,And your righteousness shall go before you;The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us, Please keep us in your prayer's especially my dad, mom, and dad have been as one, they have been together almost 56 years, Thank you.

Just a reminder, if any one receives e-mail from LaKotaDeb@hotmail.com, it’s not me e-mailing you, some one got a hold of my hotmail, and has been e-mailing everyone on my e-mail for money, pretty sick, and scary if you ask me, and I don’t have everyone’s address on my charter e-mail that I had from my hotmail address to send them notice, We got a hold of the police, but they said they could not do anything about it, so if you receive any from my hotmail e-mail, it’s not from me.

Sorry about not updating sooner, probably thought I quit the journaling; After mom went to Heaven, speaking for me, LaKota, Steve, and my dad, we have been having a very hard time dealing with her not being here in flesh with us, not being able to touch her to give a hug, or to pick up the phone to tell mom that I love her, which was around 4 or more times a day, I just can not believe that she is not here in flesh with us, it is so very hard, I cry all the time, not a day goes by that I haven‘t cried for my mom, I just can not believe it; LaKota is so close to Papa, and Grandma, she is having a real hard time, dad, and mom, you could say that they were one person, they did almost everything together. A lot of stresses through out the family please pray that every thing will turn out for the best for the family, thank you.
LaKota’s last day of school is June 26th, she will go back in the beginning of August, it will be wonderful to have her home for that summer break, she really keeps me company, Love that girl with all my heart.

Today is Steve’s Birthday, Tomorrow will be my sister Susie’s Birthday; Speaking about Susie, she is a Grandma, on April 23rd, her son Jon, and his wife Angie had a baby boy, they named him Chase, Susie’s first Grandchild, she is so thrilled.

LaKota will have her tests done at the end of May or beginning of June, haven’t heard back from the doctor when her appointment is, Please keep her in your prayer’s for all her tests to show that everything is 100 percent healthy in her blood, organs, bones, cells, DNA, everything inside, and out side on LaKota, also keep her in your prayer’s for everything going on with the family, it is really hard on her, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for Lakota here on Earth.

I have been still seeing the doctor in the cities for my rsl syndrome, the doctor has put me on 2 new medications, but I got migraine headaches from it, that it made me start throwing up, and than my head felt like it was going to pop off, I hope the doctor will find something that will work, that wouldn’t give me a migraine headache, please pray that he will find some thing that will not give me those headaches, the medication worked, but my head just couldn’t take the throbbing.

Our weather here is 73 above today, we could use some more rain here, and the lake at my parent’s house is still low.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him, And restore comforts to him And to his mourners.
Isaiah 57:18

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, March 9, 2009 10:04 PM CDT


UPDATE: Service's for my mom, Shirley Sizer, we be on Thursday March 12th at 9:30am, at the Holy Spirit Church in St.Cloud, MN.

Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.
Hosea 6:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us, Please keep us in your prayer's especially my dad, mom, and dad have been as one, they have been together almost 56 years, Thank you.

Thank you every one for your prayer's for my mom, they meant so much to us; At 11:45 am, Our beautiful Mom, Grandma, and wife left this earthly bond to go to Heaven, Our hearts are breaking so bad, she did not suffer right before leaving this earthly bond, her pain was under control with the pain medication, which we are so thankful for, We wished with all our hearts that she could of stayed.
Thank you again.
I will update later when I find out more information when the service is.


and said, "If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you."
Exodus 15:26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, March 2, 2009 12;15 AM CST

UPDATE: Mom, and dad, are now at my house, mom is under hospice care, the last 2 and half days, mom has decided not to eat or drink much, it breaks our hearts to see mom so week, mom was alway's the strong one,so now to see her like this is unbearable, I can honestly say none of us are holding up, I really believe God is holding each of us up. Please continue your powerful prayer's for my mom here on EARTH, We honestly do believe in MIRACLES, Thank you.
Love LaKota's mom, Debbie.

And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and dysentery. Paul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him."
Acts 28:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Just a note to let you know, that my dad, and mom are back in Minnesota, they have been staying with us, Mom went back to the hospital after the second day back in Minnesota, the doctor’s did tests on mom, and we have received such awful news, the ( c ) has spread, mom has a big tumor in her brain, the doctor said that she has only days, or weeks, we are bringing mom to my house to stay, she, and our dad will be staying here; our hearts are breaking, the pain is so much, we are asking for a MIRACLE for our MOM; Please pray your powerful prayer’s for our mom here on EARTH, also pray for my dad, and our family, we are so sad by this news, this is not what we wanted to hear, Thank you for your powerful prayer’s for my mom here on EARTH.

If you would like to send cards, you can send them to my address, and I will give the cards to them
George & Shirley Sizer
1725 13th Ave.So
St.Cloud,MN 56301

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

... for she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, February 23, 2009 2:55 PM CST

Surely He has borne our grief’s And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:4-5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I’m really sorry about not updating sooner, there has been so much going on, especially with my mom; My dad, and mom are in Texas, where mom is getting her treatment, she has been in, and out of the hospital, she’ll get out of the hospital, than two days later, she is back in the hospital, she has not been getting chemo much at all, she has been in quiet a bit of pain, and hard time breathing, she has lost quiet a bit of weight again, mom had another tumor on her lower part of her hip, the surgeon removed that, it was about a 6inch cut, my dad said as soon as mom gets out of the hospital they are on their way back to Minnesota, us daughters, have told dad, and mom to stay with us, so that we can take care of the both of them, but they are stubborn, they think that they are putting us girls out, us girls have told them a many of time’s that they are not putting us out, now it’s our turn to take care of them. Please keep your powerful prayer’s going strong for my dad, and mom here on Earth, Thank you.

LaKota is doing really well, thanking God for that, and every one of your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. Next week LaKota’s school will take the kids ice fishing, she is pretty excited about that, she really likes fishing. School is going real good for LaKota.

Steve mention, that he might get laid off for a couple of months, Please pray for NO lay off for him, it really scares me, Thank you.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

I am still battling my RLS, I have also found out besides having Osteoporosis, and a secondary Osteoporosis, I have fibromyalgia, all I want though is to find something for my RLS, I can deal with the osteoporosis, and the fibromyagia. While LaKota is in school, I am watching my baby nephew, Noah, he is such a doll, and so good, LaKota just loves having him here when she gets home from school, and before she leaves for school, she is just like a big sister to him, she say’s, I’m your big cousin, Lakota is really enjoying having Noah here, he is such a smiley little baby boy.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Our 96 year old friend Catherine, went to Heaven on Wednesday, we seen her Wednesday night, and she acknowledge that we were their, she even tried talking to us, LaKota said the “Our Father” prayer to her, we left the hospital around 8:45pm, and Catherine’s nephew, and niece said, that after we left, she went to sleep, and the nurse’s figured that Catherine left this earthly bond around midnight to go to Heaven, she was such a truly a very blessed friend in our life.

The weather is 16 above here, hopefully spring will start on it’s way; I can’t believe that Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday already.

Sorry again about not updating sooner, Please keep the prayer’s coming, Thank you so very much, and God Bless every one.

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, January 2, 2009 1:45 PM CST

'A blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.'
Deuteronomy 23:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Wishing every one a Healthy New Year!

LaKota is getting over a cough that she had for about a week and half, like I have mention so many time’s before, it just make’s my stomach queasy every time she gets that cough, bedside’s the cough, LaKota is doing really well, Thanking God for hearing your power prayer’s for LaKota hear on Eath, and thanking you for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.
Today, LaKota has a New Year party to go to, it is at her Kung-Fu teacher’s house, LaKota is really excited about that. I just cannot believe how fast Christmas vacation for LaKota’s school went by so fast, she will be back to school on Monday.
The weather has been bitter cold out lately, and we have been having quiet a bit of snow here, which will be nice for the lake’s, hopefully it will raise the lake’s up some.
My mom went in for her scan’s earlier this week, she should find out next week what the results are, please pray for healthy results, thank you for your powerful prayer’s for my mom, Please also keep my dad in your prayer’s too, thank you.
I was suppose to go to the University for more tests on my legs on last Tuesday, but we had a bad snow sleet day that day, so it will be this coming Tuesday.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

My doctor is moving to Kentucky, after having her for how many years, it will be sad to see her leave, I had one other family doctor before her, and he was the doctor that delivered me, and I had him up until he retired, so it will be very hard, and sad finding another doctor, my doctor has show horses, and a riding stable in Lancaster Kentucky, so that is why she is moving to Kentucky.
My niece Shannon should be having her baby any time, please keep her, and the baby in your prayer’s, my niece Shannon has been having some difficulties for the last few months, Thank you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.'
John 10:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2009 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, December 24, 2008 11:05 PM CST

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6

On the First Day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree –
The partridge is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. ‘Jerusalem! How often would I have sheltered you under my wings, as a hen does her chicks, but you would not have it so…” (Luke 13:34)

On the Second Day of Christmas my true love gave to me two turtle doves –
The two doves represent the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

On the Third Day of Christmas my true love gave to me three French hens –
The three French Hens represents the three theological virtues, faith, hope and love (1 Corinthians 13:13)

On the Fourth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me four calling birds. -
The four calling birds are the Four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible. The Holy Gospels proclaim the Good News of God’s reconciliation to the world in Jesus Christ.

On the Fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me five gold rings. -
The five golden rings are the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah or Pentateuch. The five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

On the Sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me six geese a-laying. - The six geese are the six days of creation described in Genesis 1.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas my true love gave to me seven swans swimming. - The seven swans are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading and compassion. (Romans 12:6-8; Corinthians 12:8-11).

On the Eighth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me eight maids a-milking-
The eight Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-10.
Blessed are the poor in spirit.
Blessed are those who mourn.
Blessed are the meek.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Blessed are the merciful.
Blessed are the pure in heart.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Blesses are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.
On the Ninth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me nine ladies dancing-.
The nine ladies are the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians: 5:22)

On the Tenth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me ten Lords a-leaping. -
The ten Lords are the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17.
You shall have no other gods before me.
Do not make an idol.
Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.
Honor your father and mother.
Do not murder.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not steal.
Do not bear false witness.
Do not covet.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas my true love gave to me eleven pipers piping-.
The eleven pipers are the eleven faithful Apostles, including: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James bar Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas bar James. (Luke 6:14-16). This list excludes the twelfth Apostle, Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me twelve drummers drumming- The twelve drummers are the twelve points of the doctrine in the Apostles’ Creed.
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into Hell.
On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right had of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
the Holy catholic (Christian) Church.
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
And life everlasting.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.




Sorry again for taking so long to update, I have been so exhausted with my RLS, I am still going to doctor to doctor, in hope of trying to find something for it, I have 2 upcoming appointments, I pray that they will find something to take it away, one doctor told me, now that my body isn’t as tight as it was with so much stress when LaKota was going through her treatments, and being hospitalized, my body doesn’t know how to relax, so it’s causing all these different effects with my body,the doctor said like falling apart, just what I wanted to hear, and just what I don’t want, or need.

LaKota is doing really well, we thank God every day for that, and we thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on earth. LaKota is enjoying her school, she also is doing some fun cooking classes which she enjoys. About a mont ago, LaKota fell outside on the icy parking lot at Apple Bee's, she hurt her arm, she can not straighten it out, so she will start therapy on that next week.
Today LaKota met with Santa, and Mrs. Santa, they gave LaKota a present, LaKota made sure that she put it under the tree, tomorrow we will open up our gifts from Santa. Tomorrow evening we will have my family over for Christmas dinner. This evening we went to Steve’s brother’s house for dinner, and exchanged gifts, we had a real nice time.
Please keep my mom in your prayer’s, she is in Texas getting her treatments their, she is now on oxygen, when mom, and dad got to Texas, mom ended up in the hospital right away, having trouble with her breathing, she missed 3 weeks from getting her chemo, please keep my dad in your prayer’s too, he is such a wonderful father, and a wonderful husband.
LaKota sent my dad, and mom a package for Christmas, this will be my first year of not having Christmas with my dad, and mom, it is real sad; we were planning on going to Texas to see them over Christmas, but mom said that with her not feeling well, and couldn’t take us place’s, that she would feel guilty, I tried telling her, that we just wanted to come and see them, not wanting to go place’s, but she can’t on saying if we came, she would feel guilty, because she wasn’t up to feeling good to do much with us, that didn’t matter to us, all that matter to us, was seeing dad, and mom, but we didn’t want mom to feel bad, or be upset, so we decided not to go for now.

We are going to the midnight mass, this will be the first midnight mass that they had that I can remember, since I was a little girl, and it will be LaKota’s first midnight mass.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

We got quiet a bit of snow for Christmas, and very bitter weather.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Again, I am sorry about not updating sooner, Please remember that you are in my prayer’s, and although I do not sign the guest book, I do read your journals, hopefully we will find something for my RLS, than I can get my energy back hopefully, Thank you for coming to LaKota’s journal, it really does mean a lot to us, more than you know.

"'I bring you the most joyful news ever announced,and it is for everyone! The Savior - yes the Messiah, the Lord -has been born tonight in Bethlehem!'
Luke 2:10 -11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, October 6, 2008 8:25 PM CDT

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.
Jeremiah 17:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I am truly sorry about not updating sooner, every time I think I will sit down to update, my mind is so exhausted from my restless legs, that I’m to pooped to think, but I said tonight I am going to do it no matter if my legs drive me up the wall, I have been visiting everyone’s journal, and you have all been in my prayer’s, I have not forgotten you, so I am sorry that it has taken me a while to update, I swear if I knew of a clinic that deals with severe restless leg syndrome, I would be their, I wouldn’t care what state, or even country it was in, I have been going to specialist, and specialist for my RLS, and they are lost in what to do, and I have tried everything under the sun, and nothing has worked, so if you know of anything, or anyone that knows anything about RLS, please let me know, Thank you.
LaKota will be 11 on Friday, we are going up to my dad, and mom’s for the weekend, LaKota love’s being with her grandparents, she just love’s being with family, and friends, she is our social butterfly. LaKota is still doing horse back riding lessons, and I am learning a little more about horses myself, I have been bucked off of horses when I was younger a few times, so I have always had a fear of them after that, so this has also helped me deal with some of that fear of horses. School is going good for LaKota; she likes science, and social study.
My mom is still doing chemo, she is just starting to loose her hair after a month of being on chemo, thank goodness that she is feeling well with her treatments so far. Dad he went in last week for a biopsy on his Prostate, because it was enlarge, the doctor thought it looked like a stone, dad, and mom should find out tomorrow what it is, I will let you know when we find out.
Please pray for my aunt Lucille, and her family, my aunt Lucille has dementia, and has fallen down and broke one of her vertebrates, and she is in a lot of pain, and very confuse, and it is very sad for her kids, and grandchildren to see her so confuse, and weak, thank you for your prayers for my aunt Lucille, and her family.
Gas is $2.99 here, I hope that it keeps going down; it is so crazy being that high, and the fuel for warming up the houses. I am not looking forward to the cold snowy wintry days, for me I would take the warm rainy days instead.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

My other niece Shannon is expecting a baby in the end of December, beginning of January, please keep her in your prayers, thank you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:4-5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, August 18, 2008 12:25 AM CDT

I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, For My anger has turned away from him.
Hosea 14:4


UPDATE: Talked to mom this afternoon, she said that they did not get much out of the cyst, the doctor took a biopsy of cyst, please pray that it is only a cyst, and nothing serious, Thank you so very much for your powerful prayer's for my mom, and LaKota here on Earth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry that it has been a little while since my last journal.
LaKota is doing really well, she started school last Tuesday, and she is enjoying it very much, which I am so thankful for.
Dad took mom in this morning to get her cyst on her breast drained, the cyst was getting bigger, and red looking, and warm to the touch; Mom seems like she is getting stronger each day, which is very nice to see.
On Saturday LaKota will be in a horse show, she is so excited for that, she really likes riding horses, which is good therapy for her, I always get worried when she is on the horse, so high up, I always pray that she doesn’t get bucked off, I have been bucked off of the horses a few times, LaKota does not have any fear of being on the horse, but that’s me, a worry wart, just like know, I think I am driving Steve nuts, I noticed yesterday LaKota had 3 bigger bruise’s on her legs, and two smaller one’s, I’m asking Steve, you think LaKota is alright, Steve, he tells me yes, she is alright, she’s a kid, LaKota is doing more things, she will have more bruises, I guess I never seen her with that many bruises, and yes she is doing more, but it scare’s me, it brings back those icky memories, I than ask Lakota, where did you get those bruises from honey, LaKota tells me that she don’t remember, than it gets me real worried, than I keep watching her legs to see if I see any more bruise’s come or wait until those disappear, making sure LaKota does not know that I am doing that, I know that any one that has gone through this totally understands.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

We went to my my dad, and mom’s house for the weekend, My sister Lisa, and her two daughter’s Kristine, and Kayla were their, also my nephew Jon, (LaKota’s God Father) and his wife Angie were also their, We found out that Jon, and Angie are expecting their first baby, they are both so excited about it, Susie, my sister is thrilled about it, this will be her first grand baby, Susie, and Angie are the one’s that usually update my mom’s journal.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
Jeremiah 33:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, July 27, 2008 11:05PM CDT

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
Romans 8:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, which we are very thankful for.
We went up north to my dad, and mom’s house for the weekend, my sister Susie, and her son Jon, and his wife Angie, and my sister Lisa, and her two daughter’s Kristine, and Kayla were also at my dad, and mom’s house for the weekend; Us daughters, and our families took dad, and mom out for breakfast for their 55th Anniversary, and than gave dad,and mom some money. Everybody had a real nice weekend: It sure was wonderful seeing mom walking around a lot more,and even doing more thing; mom seems like she is doing much better; and we thank you for all of your powerful prayer’s for our mom here on earth, they really mean so much to us, and thank you God, for answering those powerful prayer’s for our mom, we love you so very much!

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

LaKota had lots of fun playing with her cousins Kristine, and Kayla, she also did some fishing with her father, Steve, and her God Father Jon, and his wife Angie, they caught their limit of sunfish, LaKota really like fish, so we will have fresh fish for supper this week.

The weather was fairly nice this week, if it was my choice, it could be much hotter during the day, and rain around midnight.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing.
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:05 PM CDT

Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.
Hosea 6:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry that it has been awhile since I updated, things have been busy around here.
LaKota is doing really well, thank you so very much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on earth, it truly means more than we can say.
LaKota ended up getting braces on her top teeth; she picked out the colors, blue, pink, orange, and green, she is so very happy with them. LaKota will be starting school around August 11th, they got out on June 27th, it is a charter school, the school goes almost all year round, so far the month that LaKota went to the charter school, she has really enjoy the school very much, I hope that it will continue; LaKota will be in fifth grade, I am so very proud of her, she is my whole life.
Mom finished radiation last Friday, please pray that the tumor is dead, and that has not spread, the doctors have said that they do not want to do chemo with mom, and the doctors said that once you have your 6 weeks of radiation, that your body can not have any more radiation, which that was something new to me, LaKota never had radiation, so I didn’t know that. All of us kids are so proud of dad, he is so wonderful to mom, he treats mom like a queen.
My dad, and mom will be celebrating their 55th Anniversary, us kids (girls), and grandchildren, and son-n- laws are so very grateful to our beautiful Lord for giving us such wonderful parents, and grandparents.
My sister Susie did put my dad, and moms address up on my mom’s journal, if you would like to send them an Anniversary card for their 55th Anniversary. Thank you, and God Bless you for your powerful prayers for my mom, and dad here on earth.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much.

Our friends from Ohio are coming to Minnesota at the end of July, which is almost here, I can’t believe how fast summer flew by, to fast, since we really didn’t have much of a summer here in Minnesota. We are very excited to see are friends from Ohio, their son Ben is the one that also went through the transplant around the same time as LaKota, that is how we met, sad that we had to meet in that way.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily,And your righteousness shall go before you;The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 10:55 PM CDT

"Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid nor dismayed for the Lord is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


We went up north last weekend to see my dad, and mom; Mom seemed like she was doing better, she was moving around more, which was wonderful to see. The doctor figured that the lump on mom’s breast was just a cyst, it is a little bigger than a marble size, we are so grateful to God that it was not ( c ), and we are so thankful for your powerful prayer’s for my mom here on earth, Thank you so very much.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/shirleysizer

LaKota, and I went to the cities, I had a doctor appointment their, My cousin SueAnn, and her daughter Keagan drove me to the clinic, I am not good in finding directions in the cities, so I was very Thankful for their offer in taking me to the doctor, after my appointment, we went to the Mall of America, LaKota got herself a cheetah from build - a - bear, than after that we went over to the house where my Grandparents used to live, we were in luck, the owner of their house was outside, I told him this use to be my Grandparents house, and asked him if it was ok to take pictures of LaKota, and Keagan sitting on the front steps, he said that was fine, so we took some pictures of the girls sitting on the steps of our Grandparents house that was once their home, LaKota is so excited to show Grandma the pictures.
We are going to my dad, and mom’s place over the 4th of July, sounds like their will be a lot of family their over the 4th of July weekend, I will also meet up with SueAnn, and Keagan up at the lake their.

The weather today I thought was on the chilly side, to cold to go swimming, the wind was cool, I hope that the 4th of July weekend is warm, and not raining like we usually get.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

""Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear and respect the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."
Proverbs 3:7-8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:25 PM CDT

For one believeth he may eat all things, anyone who is weak eateth herbs.
Romans 14:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tomorrow, Friday is LaKota’s last day of school, she will be off until the second week in August. LaKota is enjoying horse back riding therapy, I am also volunteering as a side walker, The program is all on volunteer, it is such a wonderful therapy for children, and adults.

Tomorrow we are going up north to see my dad, and mom, we didn’t make it last weekend, and Steve was busy putting a deck on the back side of the house.

Mom is doing ok with her radiation, she is having a hard time swallowing, the doctor prescribe some medicine to numb her throat so that she can eat better. On Tuesday night my mom felt a lump in her breast, on Wednesday when she went for her radiation she mention it to the doctor, the doctor wants a scan done on it today (Thursday) to make sure that it is nothing serious, mom had a monogram done about a month ago, and everything looked good than, Please pray for my mom, that it is nothing serious, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for my mom here on Earth, and Thank you for your prayer’s for my dad, to keep his strength up while he is traveling this journey with my mom, and also keeping him healthy, and Thank you for your powerful prayers for keeping LaKota healthy here on Earth, we are totally blessed by having such wonderful friends, and family like you.

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/shirleysizer

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Today is gloomy out, looks like it could rain, it is hot and sticky out, just the way LaKota, and I love it.

And the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.
Ezekial 47:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, June 2, 2008 6:55 PM CDT

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Isaiah 58:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Steve, and I started LaKota in a charter school last week, the school is where LaKota will go to school almost all year round, we asked LaKota first, if she wanted to do this, and she was really happy about trying it, I think she likes more the idea about being with the kids, I told LaKota, when fall comes, and if she decides that she does not like the school, that we will put her back to her old school.
We went up north to see my dad, and mom over the weekend; it breaks my heart to see my dad, and mom, you always look at them for being the stronger ones, “you know what I mean? My dad said that my mom is sleeping more, and that she is not moving around as much, and she is not eating as much, and is cold for most of the time, I have noticed that also over the weekend too, I mention to my mom, “do you remember mom”, how we kept after LaKota about moving, even when she lost the ability of walking twice, and was in terrible pain, but we kept telling LaKota, you need to move, to keep stronger, and any body that has any body going through any treatment for © knows how true that is, I know that one of my older sister’s updated mom’s journal, and it said that mom is doing good, but to me, my mom looks so fragile, and I can honestly say, my mom was always a very strong woman, so to see her like this, just breaks my heart, it also breaks my heart to see my dad so weary now, because he was always a strong man too. My mom is having more tests done tomorrow, she is having a test done to see why she is coughing up blood, Please pray that the radiation has shrunk my mom’s tumor, and that all her tests come out good, Please keep the prayer’s going, “I always say, that is one thing that we can say that is FREE, and that is PRAYER’S, PLEASE KEEP THE PRAYER’S GOING FOR MY MOM, and ALSO FOR MY DAD, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota, and my dad, and mom here on EARTH, TRULY, WE COULDN’T ASK FOR ANY NICER FRIENDS THAN YOU, WE LOVE YOU, AND GOD BLESS YOU!

Please visit my mom, and let her know that you are praying for her, thank you so very much. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/shirleysizer

Yesterday, we had such beautiful weather; LaKota, Steve, and Jerry did some fishing yesterday, and on Saturday, so we had fish for supper tonight.
Our weather today is gloomy, and misty.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

O Lord, by these things men live; And in all these things is the life of my spirit; So You will restore me and make me live.
Isaiah 38:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, May 23, 2008 1:05 PM CDT

Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled.
Psalms 6:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you so much for your powerful prayers here for LaKota here on Earth, and God, thank you for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth;
We got most of LaKota’s scan’s, and tests results back, the doctor said that every thing looks good, the doctor also mention since LaKota is on the petite size in height, to watch her weight, so that she does not get to many extra pounds on. I will let you know the results on the other tests, as soon as we find out, Thank you.

My mom’s web page is; www.caringbridge.org/visit/shirleysizer

My nephew Jon took my mom to her doctor appointment, since my dad couldn’t go, because he had a doctor appointment at a different clinic around the same time; I talked to my dad earlier, and he said that one of the daughter’s called him, (one of my sister’s), to let him know that mom is having another scan done, to make sure that the tumor is NOT on her ribs, if it is, there is nothing that they can do, and that mom will have to live with the pain; Please pray for my mom, that the tumor is NOT on her ribs, and that every thing is good for her, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s, for my mom here on Earth. Please also pray for my dad, Thank you.

Today the weather is in the 60’s, which it would be warmer out, especially since it is towards the end of May, but you never know with the Minnesota weather.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!


And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.
Matthew 10:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, May 12, 2008 9:55PM CDT

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, her check up will be on May 19th, she will be having an MRI, and an ultra sound done on that day too, Please keep her in your powerful prayers here on Earth, that all her blood tests, and all her other tests are all healthy, Thank you so very much.

I am asking for your powerful prayers for my mom, LaKota’s Grandma; my mom was diagnosed today with a tumor on her lung; the doctor did say it looked like cancer. We made a caring bridge journal for her, Please visit her journal, and let her know that you are praying for her, Thank you so very much, also please keep my dad in your prayers too, Thank you so much for you powerful prayers. My mom’s Website is.


My mom's journal is the new caring bridge journal, so it is way different from LaKota's, I wrote in it,but don't know if I made any sense, so than I told my niece to write in it, because I am just numb, and blur at thought right now.

Please keep the prayer’s going, Thank you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, May 2, 2008 3:55 PM CDT

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
LUKE 18:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, she is really enjoying doing horse back riding, her horse that she rides, is named Magic.
My mom is going to the University hospital on May 13th and the 14th, she will have a P.E.T. scan done, the doctors still do not know what is wrong with my mom, we are praying that it isn’t nothing serious, Please keep her in your prayers, Thank you.
The weather has been cool, and rainy today, it is only in the 30’s today.

Please keep Linda Moore, and her family in your prayers, she also is on the caring bridge page, Linda is my nephew's mother-n-law, lindamoore, Thank you for your prayer’s for her, and her family.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Mark 11:22-23

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, April 17, 2008 12:45 PM CDT

"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him."
James 5:14-15

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well; she is enjoying school so very much. This week they had tests all week long. On Tuesday LaKota started horse back riding, she will go until the beginning of August, it is good therapy for her, the trainer’s say that being on a horse will loosen up LaKota’s hip, which she is still very stiff in, this will also help her better at running, walking, and balancing, LaKota really had a great time horse back riding on Tuesday, it ended to soon for her, before they get on the horse, she has to groom the horse, than she also has to help put the saddle on the horse, and when they are done riding the horse, she brings them back to the stall, and feeds them some treats.
On Monday we went over to Mathews house, he is a friend of LaKota’s, LaKota had so much fun playing with Mathew, and his brother Michael, they haven’t gotten together for quiet awhile, so it made it extra special for them, I got to visit with Jennifer, she does Mary Kay, so while visiting with her, I was trying on some on the new make up from Mary Kay line, We had a good time visiting.
My mom goes in to the lung specialist on Tuesday April 23rd, Please keep her in your prayer, thank you so very much.
This Saturday our friend’s daughters are throwing their parents a 25th Anniversary party, which will be lots of fun.
Our friend from Ohio, they have a son name Ben that also went through the transplant same time as LaKota, usually they have to come up to Minnesota to do their doctoring for him, but this year they can do it in Ohio, that will be real nice for them, so that they don’t have to travel so far from home, but sad also, because we wouldn’t get to see them this year, Please keep Ben in your prayers too, thank you.

Please visit Linda Moore page on the caring bridge page, she, and her family could use your prayers, as she is battling this awful ( C ), Linda is my nephew's mother-n-law, lindamoore, Thank you for your prayer’s for her, and her family.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Pam, thank you for the puzzle, and the magnetic for LaKota, she really likes them a lot.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”
Luke 4:18-20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, April 7, 2008 10:15 AM CDT

"And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.”
James 5:15-16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, she has a stuffed up nose though,
This weekend we had a few of LaKota’s friends over, and their parents, and had a hot dog roast, and made smor’s, the kids had such a grand time playing, and we had a good time visiting with every one.

My mom called about 9:10 am this morning, the doctor said that she has an air mass in her lung, but it does not look ( C ). We are thanking God that it does not look like ( C ), and we are thanking you for your powerful prayers for my mom, the doctor is going to send my mom to a specialist so that they can also check it out, my mom does have a crack rib, and that is where her pain is coming from.
Mom said that they got 18 inches of snow where they live, we got rain here, I’m glad we didn’t get the snow.

Please visit Linda Moore page on the caring bridge page, she, and her family could use your prayers, as she is battling this awful ( C ), Linda is my nephew's mother-n-law, lindamoore, Thank you for your prayer’s for her, and her family.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, March 31, 2008 1:05PM CDT

"He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed".
Isaiah 53:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I talked with mom, around 12:40pm, she said that the doctor did an x-ray on her chest again, and the spot looks the same on her one lung, she will go in on Thursday for a C.T. scan, Please pray for my mom, that it is nothing serious, Thank you for your powerful prayers for my mom, here on Earth.

LaKota is doing really well,I thank God everyday for healing our daughter. Praise the Lord!
And Thank you , for your powerful prayers, for LaKota, here on Earth.
LaKota is enjoying school so very much, which always makes us happy, when she is happy.
LaKota, had a field trip today in school, they are going to St.John’s to see how they get maple from the Maple tree, she is so excited about that, she is also thrilled that Steve went with her on the field trip.

We got lots of snow today, not what we really wanted at this time of the year!

Please visit Linda Moore page on the caring bridge page, she, and her family could use your prayers, as she is battling this awful ( C ), Linda is my nephew's mother-n-law, lindamoore, Thank you for your prayer’s for her, and her family.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I AM the LORD that healeth thee."
Exodus 15:26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 12:15 AM CDT

"Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
Matthew 11:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I talked with mom last night, I always call my mom up at least few times a day, or night, besides being my mom, she is one of my closest friend. Mom, said that she is still having pain on her side, she will go to the doctor on Monday, Please pray for my mom, that it is nothing serious, Thank you for your powerful prayers for my mom, here on Earth. I can tell that my dad is worried about my mom, but he is staying strong for us kids. It wasn’t much of an Easter for my dad, and mom, I hope that that all you had a very nice Easter.

LaKota, is having so much fun in school, being by her friends, and teachers, although I do worry about her, because LaKota will not be able to have any Immunization shots with her gene disorder, we just found that out, about a couple weeks ago, she did end up getting a few last year, so that is scary.
Yesterday, LaKota had two of her friends come over to play, and watch a movie; the kids had a grand time.
With LaKota needing physical therapy, she will start horseback riding therapy; she is so excited about that.

The computer say’s the weather is 36 above; I am waiting for spring, and summer to come.

Please visit Linda Moore page on the caring bridge page, she, and her family could use your prayers, as she is battling this awful ( C ), Linda is my nephew's mother-n-law, lindamoore, Thank you for your prayer’s for her, and her family.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"Come now and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
Isaiah 1:18

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 11:15 AM CDT

For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again.
John 10:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


LaKota started school last Friday, she was so thrilled about getting back to school with her friends, and her teacher’s, it is quiet around the house with her in school, but we are so thankful to our beautiful Savior that LaKota is Healthy here on Earth to go to school.
LaKota’s yearly check up, has been moved back to April, or May now, not March 25th, so Please continue your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth, Thank you. “I can’t wait until these test’s are all done with on LaKota, so that I can breath more. I am also really stressed out about my mom, the doctor said, that there is a spot on her lung, they have given her some antibiotic’s, and pain medication for it, mom was having a lot of pain on her side, they did an x-ray on my mom, and said to come back in another 2 weeks, they are going to treat her for pneumonia right now, she was on a different antibiotic, a week ago, but that didn’t help, mom asked the doctor if it could be a tumor, he said it’s hard to tell by the x-ray’s, but want’s to treat her first for pneumonia, Please pray that it’s nothing serious. My mom was telling me about it, and I have been just crying, and so stressed out about it, “My mom said, “Debbie, don’t stress yourself out about this, stress doesn’t make thing’s go away, I told my mom, “I know, but I need her yet, just like I need LaKota here with me, my mom said, “Debbie, I’m old, I have lived a long live, I started crying again, and told her don’t talk like that, I think she was just trying to make me feel better, “WORDS”! How that one word, or words, can turn everything around, and just make everything so much worse, when only in our mind, we are just trying to make the other person feel better, or just joke around. “Please pray fro my mom, Thank you. I know that it is bothering LaKota with Grandma, today Steve took her to school, and stayed around for 2 hour’s, LaKota, had show-n-tell, and she brought her yellow belt, and a picture of her, with her class in their kung fu outfits, instead of telling the kids about that, she told them about how her grandma wasn’t feeling well, it just break’s my heart, “I love LaKota with all my heart, she is my whole life.

Last night we ended up getting more snow, just what we didn’t want anymore, “yuck“, I am so tired of all this snow, I can’t wait until it melts.

Please visit Linda Moore page on the caringbridge page, she, and her family could use your prayers, as she is battling this awful ( C ), Linda is my nephew's mother-n-law, Thank you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

and when they did not find his body, they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.
Luke 24:23


Easter Joy
Jesus came to earth,
To show us how to live,
How to put others first,
How to love and how to give.
Then He set about His work,
That God sent Him to do;
He took our punishment on Himself;
He made us clean and new.
He could have saved Himself,
Calling angels from above,
But He chose to pay our price for sin;
He paid it out of love.
Our Lord died on Good Friday,
But the cross did not destroy
His resurrection on Easter morn
That fills our hearts with joy.
Now we know our earthly death,
Like His, is just a rest.
We'll be forever with Him
In heaven, where life is best.
So we live our lives for Jesus,
Think of Him in all we do.
Thank you Savior; Thank you Lord.
Help us love like you!

By Joanna Fuchs

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, March 3, 2008 4:25PM CST

I took LaKota took the dentist today, it was just a cleaning, “We thought”, but the Dentist had time to pull 3 of LaKota’s teeth, “LaKota was so stressed out, when it came to give her the shots to numb her mouth, it took us close to an hour to get the 6 shots done, but we managed, LaKota kept saying to me, “Mom, if I don’t make it back from the shot’s, remember I love you, the Dentist said, she really must remember the thing that she went through with her treatment! I told LaKota, this is nothing like what you went through with your treatment, and that you will be fine, and just think the tooth fairy will have to bring you something for 3 teeth now. “I also think she is stressed out with other things that she knows is going on, just what she doesn't need at this time, but I guess there is some people that don't care. “IT just break’s my heart, when I see LaKota go through these things, I know a lot of parents, that never went through any life threaten illness with their children, so they might think it's no big deal, well let me tell you, it is a big deal to the kids, and the parents. “LaKota, is my whole life, I love that girl to pieces.


Friday, February 29

Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.
1 Pet 5:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about not posting sooner, things have just been so hectic around here.
The doctors have moved LaKota’s biopsy to March 25th, instead of May, which is her usual routine, they are going to take tests on what her immune system is around people who have the chicken pox, and things like that. I am really stressed out about that, I can’t wait until that is done with, so that I can breathe again.


Nothing about life is EVER the same again after a cancer diagnosis, as I know many of you reading this know, FIRSTHAND. It really puts everything in perspective, and it also lets you know who your REAL friends and REAL loved ones are. I have alot of faults, but I HOPE and PRAY that if someone I truly cared about was going through something like this, that I would be by their side. I know everyone has problems, I do know that, but when it's your child, it's different. We are blessed with so many who love us, and have wanted to be a constant source of support. As I've said before, this is something you NEVER get used to, having a child with a LIFE-THREATENING ILLNESS. Nothing becomes "old hat" about that, trust me on that one. So, as the parent watching your child go through all of the "crap" involved, each and every hospital stay is just as tough as the one before, some even more-so. Some might think "Oh, LaKota is in the hospital again, or having another biopsy,or blood counts done, well, they are used to it by now...", but let me tell you, if it were THEIR child, they would look at things much differently. These children should be thinking about "kid stuff", not hospitals, procedures, cancer and all of the possibilities involved, etc. So, once again, let me say "THANK YOU!!!!!!!" to those of you who have "been there" for us. It means the WORLD to us, I really mean that. LaKota's battle is FAR from over. She will have to be monitored for the rest of her life. So, we sincerely appreciate your continued prayers for LaKota to live a long, healthy, happy, cancer-free life here with us on earth. Thank you for letting me vent!

LaKota is doing really well, she is not back to school yet, and the nurse from LaKota’s school called, and said that there is another case of chicken pox going around in school, if no other break outs, LaKota should be back at school, March 13 or the 14th. LaKota has two of her friends over, they are the neighbor kids, they are watching the video Mariposa, LaKota is really enjoying having them over.
Please visit Linda Moore page on the caringbridge page, she, and her family could use your prayer's, as she is battling this awful ( C ), Linda is my nephew's mother-n-law, Thank you.
Our weather is around 14 above tonight, the sun was out bright today.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

This is such an awesome poem.

I am the only "me" I've got. I am unique. There are two major parts of me. There is the inside "me" and the outside "me."
The outside me is what you see. The way I act, the image I portray, the way I look and the things I do. The outside me is very important. It is my messenger to the world and much of my outside me is what communicates with you. I value what I have done, the way I look, and what I share with you. The inside "me" knows all my feelings, my secret ideas, and my many hopes and dreams. Sometimes I let you know a little bit about the inside "me" and sometimes it's a very private part of myself.
Even though there are an enormous number of people in this world, no one is exactly like "me." I take full responsibility for "me" and the more I learn about myself, the more responsibility I am going to take.
You see, my "me" is my responsibility. As I know myself more and more, I find out that I am an OK person. I've done some good things in life because I am a good person. I have accomplished some things in my life because I am a competent person.
I know some special people because I am worth knowing. I celebrate the many things I have done for myself. I've also made some mistakes. I can learn from them. I have also known some people who did not appreciate me. I do not need to keep those people in my life. I've wasted some precious time; I can make new choices now. As long as I can see, hear, feel, think, change, grow and behave, I have great possibility.
I'm going to take those risks and those possibilities, and I am going to grow and love and be loved and celebrate....…

Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace, And be Healed of your disease.
Mark 5:34

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 10:45 AM CST

Therefore,if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I Just found out a couple of day's ago that my nephew Luke, his wife Amanda, and "Amanda's mom, Linda is in the hospital with cancer, she had a very large tumor in her stomach! From what I heard at first they only gave her around 10 weeks, I hope I heard that wrong! "Right now Linda could use the prayers for her, and prayers for her family, I know that they would appreciate it so very much, "Thank you for your prayers for them. www.caringbridge.org/visit/lindamoore

“Well LaKota will be out of school until around the 20th of February, some of the children at her school, still have the chicken pox, LaKota was bummed out about not getting to go back to school on this Monday, we just look at it this way, that God is telling us that maybe there is a lot of yucky germs going around at the school, so better off for LaKota being at home, I love her being at home with me, she is my whole life.
I wish I could say I was feeling better after my hyster. but I am still not, the doctors have put me on another medication, one that they really did not want too, this medication was one of the last resort of wanting to put me on this, so far all I can say, is that it is making me nausea, and that is all, and I am on the lowest dose, maybe I need to be on it for a few weeks to do anything.
Last Sunday LaKota was over to a friends house that she met at Kung-fu, the girls dad is infectious doctor, they have a big dog, “With LaKota loving dogs, which everyone knows, that knows LaKota, well the dog bit her, it didn’t break the skin, thank goodness for that, but it left a good bruise on her arm, first time I left her stay at a friends house with out me, or Steve, and “Bam”, this happens, the girls parents felt just awful about what happened. “LaKota said, “mom, it really hurt, and I wanted to cry, but I didn’t want to cry in front of them, “I felt so sick to my stomach about it, and felt so bad for LaKota.
We had my Goddaughter’s wedding reception to go to on Saturday, it was really beautiful, and I just wished that I would feel better, so that I could enjoy these outings more. I know LaKota had a great time at the reception, she told everybody that she danced the night away, and boy did she ever!
Steve, he is putting in some long hours at his place of work, he leave’s at 8:00 pm, and doesn’t get home until around 2:00 pm the next day, so he is pretty beat when he gets home, it should only be for a few weeks, he is running two job sites.


Our weather is getting colder, and colder out, today now it says -7, and with wind chill it is -30, it is really bitter out.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

No,dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.
Philippians 3:13-14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:35 PM CST

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you every one for stopping by, and checking on LaKota, and signing her guest book, and your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth, it mean’s so much to us, more than we can say, and please remember, “hopefully, now that I am on the road to recovery, that I will be updating, and signing the guest books more often, I am so sorry for not updating as much, and signing the guest books as often as I should of, but I really was not feeling that great, but I did make sure that I read your journals, and that you were all in my prayers, I would never forget any of you!

“Wow, I just can not believe that it is the middle part of January, time has sure flown by this year.
Steve brought LaKota to the tree of hope today; in fact that is where they are right now! I would of gone, but yesterday, Steve, LaKota, I, and Jerry, the elder foster gentleman that we take care of went sledding, now mind you Jerry is close to 60 years old, and he wanted to go sledding, so yesterday we went sledding, Steve paired up with LaKota, and I paired up with Jerry, I was in the back of the sled, while Jerry was in the front, we had the plastic sleds, not the blown up sleds, which we would have been better off with, any way’s get to the story, Jerry, and I got off track on the smooth trail, and we ended up on the bumpy trail, boy we ended up hitting this one bump so hard, we flew up in the air, and hit the bump so hard, I was the cushion for Jerry, he landed on top of me, I thought for a moment that I was paralyze with how hard I hit the ground, and of course every one knows I have a very bad back to start with, but we are just a kid at heart, like having fun, like the kids do, but here in the end, I bruised, or sprained my tail bone, “boy, talk about hurting like a pistol! Any way’s we all had fun, Jerry, Steve, and LaKota kept sliding down the hill, I told them go ahead, I was fine, not the first time in pain from sledding…lol…
Last Friday, Steve went to LaKota’s school, to ask for a few more hours of tutoring, since she is still not back in school, due to the chicken pox, and from what I heard, these are children that have had the chicken pox shots, and the booster shot for the chicken pox, and they are getting the chicken pox real severe, “Scary, make’s you wonder! One of the bone marrow doctor, said that he would not even give his kids the chicken pox shot, now that is scary! “We have not given LaKota the chicken pox shot yet either, and I don’t think that we will neither.” Now to get back on the track of what I was saying about a tutor, I hope that LaKota qualifies for extra hours in tutoring, so she does not fall way behind, the hard part for LaKota, is when she goes back to school, is getting in with her classmates, right now her classmates all have their own little clicks, this happened last year too, when she missed so much school, she was left out, not close to any one, which is sad to see.
My dad, and mom are in Texas, I talk to them every night, they said that the weather is around 60-70 some above; they are really enjoying themselves in Texas.
Our weather has been in the 20’s, I would like to see warmer weather, but for Minnesota it isn’t too bad.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?"
1 Corinthians 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 12:00 AM CST

No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.
Philippians 3:13-14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

"HAPPY 2008"!

Hi, this is Debbie; I am still not feeling the greatest, my liver, and my pancreases were very inflamed by my gall bladder. The doctor said that my potassium is down some, but are not worried about it at this time. I did end up going to the E.R. this afternoon, the back of my left knee was hurting, and I had a pea size bump deep inside the tissue, I didn’t know if it was a blood clot forming, or what, they did an x-ray, and an ultra sound on the back of my knee, and the radiologist doctor said that it was an inflamed tissue, that formed a bump, and he said that it was rare, and he couldn’t explain why I had gotten, but to keep an eye on it, and put heat on it, and elevate my leg for a few days, and that should take care of it.
We had a nice Christmas, “On Sunday we celebrated Christmas with Steve’s side of the family, and than on Monday, and Tuesday we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family.
LaKota is doing very well, right now she has that cough, the doctor said it is from her sinuses, I just totally get so stressed out when anything is wrong with LaKota, tell you the truth, my stomach is just sick with her having the cough. LaKota still has not gone back to school yet, hopefully she will go back on January 11th, the children at school still had the chicken pox, it sure lasted long this time around, “LaKota really misses her friends, and teachers at school, she can’t wait until she gets back to school.
Pam, Thank you for the ornament for LaKota, she really thinks it’s beautiful, and thank you every one for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on EARTH.
We have lots of snow here in Saint Cloud Minnesota, so we did have a white Christmas.
My Goddaughter Danielle, and her fiancé Jason, got married today in Las Vegas, my nephew Jon, and his wife Angie were the Best man, Maid of Honor for them.

“Jason, & Danielle, although we can’t be their with you, we are sending you wishes for a special bond…Congratulation! May your wedding day be the new beginning of an everlasting happiness!

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!


The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!"
Lamentations 3:22-24

I found this poem on the computer that I would like to share with every one.

Recipe for a Happy New Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from old memories of bitterness, rancor and hate, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short, see that these months are freed from all the past—have them fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the entire lot this way) but prepare one day at a time.
Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work (some people omit this ingredient and so spoil the flavor of the rest), hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad dressing— don’t do it), prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution. Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.

Author Anonymous

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2008 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, December 15, 2007 1:15 PM CST

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Hi this is LaKota's father, Steve,
just to let every one know that LaKota's mom (Debbie)is in Hospital, she has alot of pain just under her ribs the doc say it is her gall bladder, so they will do surgery on her on Monday, please keep her in your prayers.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

LaKota is doing well,and great, thank you for your prayers for LaKota.
Thank you for your prayer's for me getting a job, my job is going great.

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Sincerely Steve.

Thursday, November 22, 2007 3:45 PM CST

And thus consider ye throughout all ages, that none that put their trust in him shall be overcome. And what does the lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I’m so sorry about not updating any sooner, Ever since my surgery in March of 2007, I just have not been feeling good at all, my legs are still restless as can be, and I still have zilch for energy, I have been to how many doctors, and on how many prescriptions, and nothing has helped, one of the doctor’s thinks my body went into shock from the surgery, and hasn’t recovered yet, I haven’t forgotten any of you’s in prayers, “Please be patience with me though, Thank you.
LaKota has been doing wonderfully well; she has not been in school since middle part of October, due to some of the kids having chicken pox in school. LaKota, and her best friend, that was giving LaKota a hard time, does not want to be friends with LaKota any more, it is sad, LaKota just doesn’t understand how he can walk away from their friendship that they had for so long, even after we told him, that we forgave him for taking her gold coins, but we also heard that his parents does not want them to be friends neither. LaKota did try talking to him, but he would walk away from her, or tell LaKota not to talk to him, or look at him, which of course broke LaKota’s heart
We stayed home for Thanksgiving, Steve has to work on Friday, than Friday night we will head to my dad, and mom’s place, and have Thanksgiving with my side of the family, and we will stay for the weekend, and celebrate my dad’s birthday. Steve’s side of the family never mention anything about having Thanksgiving, so it was nice just being home, and just relaxing, except for Steve, he’s out side putting up Christmas decoration’s with the help of LaKota, it is bitter cold out today though, 21 above.
Last night we went and saw Santa, and Mrs.Santa, it was great to see them again.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!


Sorry again for not updating any sooner.

Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 12:45 AM CDT

"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 9:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


LaKota, I just want to let you know, that Father, and I are so proud to have you as our beautiful daughter, we are so very proud of you, and everything that you do, you are our life, thank you so much for being our daughter, we love you more than words can say, Love you Baby Doll.

Sorry about not updating sooner, “My restless legs are driving me nuts here, and one of LaKota’s closest friend is just being a little booger to LaKota! LaKota is so sad, and hurt about it, and it just breaks my heart to see her sad, and the sad thing about it, is that they are in the same class together, I talked to the teacher about changing rooms, but he didn't think at this time it was a good thing to do right now.

“Wow, can you believe it, LaKota is going to be 10 years old tomorrow, "her Golden Birthday", I thank God every day, for keeping LaKota healthy here on Earth, and letting her live a long healthy life here on Earth, and I thank you for all your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. Over the weekend we had Birthday cake for LaKota at my dad, and mom’s house, than on Monday, (yesterday) We took LaKota to TGIF restaurant, her cousins Ashley, Kristine, and Kayla were also their with us, LaKota thought it was so awesome that the waitresses gave her so many balloons, and that they made her stand on the chair, and every one sang Happy Birthday to her, “LaKota said to me later that night, “Mom, thank you for making my day a very special one, that just melted my heart. Wednesday is LaKota’s birthday, and she has religion that night, so we that’s why we took her out to eat with a couple of her cousins on Monday, than during the weekend we will do something special for her birthday. Please pray that LaKota’s friend, the one that is being a booger to LaKota, starts being nice to LaKota again, LaKota really misses that friendship with that friend.
LaKota got a birthday card from the St.Clare’s Monastery sisters; we thought that was just a wonderful blessing to receive a birthday card from them.
Thank you for your prayers for Steve, he is working now, and his job is going good for him, he really likes it a lot.
The weather here today, is bitter cold, brrrr; I hope that it is warm for the children for Halloween.

Aunt Ceva, and Pam, thank you so much for the birthday packages for LaKota, she was so thrilled with them.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Romans 10:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, September 17, 2007 12:55 AM CDT

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love, and good deeds.
Hebrew 10: 23-24

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We went up north to my dad,and moms house for the weekend, my nephew Jon, (LaKota’s Godfather) and his wife Angie, and my Godchild Danielle, and her fiancé Jason, and my cousin Roger, and his wife Debbie were also up at my parents house, we had a real enjoyable weekend, the weather was fairly nice, for Minnesota weather that is. My dad, and mom surprised Steve, and I with an Anniversary cake, our Anniversary isn’t until Tuesday, September 18th; It was such a sweet thing that they did for us. My parents have helped us girls, and our families out quiet a bit, I thank God for giving us such wonderful parents.
LaKota is doing well; she is enjoying school very much. I have signed her up for dancing, and gymnastics, she will start this Tuesday, LaKota is really excited about starting, I am hoping that she will get more flexible, she is still pretty stiff for her age level, and she probably will always be too, her mother here too, is not flexible at all, she probably took after me with that! But if I can help her limber up in any way, I will be their to help her, "she is my life!
We tried some essences oils on my restless legs to see if that would help, but so far it hasn’t, the doctors have not sent me to a specialist yet. "My legs are driving me crazy, and its driving every one around me to crazy; "I pray that it will stop soon.
This morning it was misting out, it felt nice, it was a warm mist, not a chilly mist.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer, and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.
Philippians 4:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 10:05 PM CDT

Blessed the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
James 1:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota started school on Tuesday, she is so thrilled to be back at school, she really enjoys school, I hope that school goes great for her, with her education, her friends, and her teachers. I just can not believe how fast summer went by, to fast for us.
Took LaKota into the doctor for a recheck on her bladder infection, she said that everything looks good, and that there is no more blood in her urine, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
We took a short trip to Wisconsin Dells, we had so much fun there, LaKota never got tried of going down the slides in the water park, although she did wear her poor father out though..lol…, she loves the water as much as I do, my little mermaid she is! "Steve, he made up for not being in the water that much this summer, with being in the water with LaKota at the Dells.lol..
We also did some horseback riding; LaKota really enjoys horseback riding.
Tonight after LaKota, and Steve came home from LaKota’s friend, Ryan, we went for a bike ride with Jody, and her two little girls, “LaKota bought Ryan a birthday present for his birthday, so she wanted to go over their for a little while, and “Yes, LaKota, and Ryan are in the same class together, don’t know how that will go, especially when they are together too long, they get on each other nerves, this will be the second year together in the same class, so we will have to wait, and see how smooth their friendship goes…lol… I hope that their friendship will last though. We didn’t really see to much of Ryan this summer, I think now that the kids our older they go their own way, only LaKota doesn’t really understand why, they don’t spend as much time as they did before, I tried explaining it to her, but she come’s up with, I don’t think Ryan likes me as much, I tried telling her boys like to do more things with boys, but that just didn’t crown the ideal for her.
Can you believe it, they have not found nothing for my restless leg syndrome, I have been on how many minerals, 9 -10 different prescriptions, acupunctures, hot, and cold treatments, and nothing has helped my restless leg syndrome, mine is one of the severe cases that the doctors have seen, and he will have to send me to a specialist in the cities to see what they can do,since he cannot do any more at this point. My legs are restless all day long, and all night long, 24 fours, I am totally exhausted, the doctor said Many people with RLS report that their job, personal relations, and activities of daily living are strongly affected as a result of their exhaustion. They are often unable to concentrate, have impaired memory, or fail to accomplish daily tasks, and I honestly believe this, I can honestly say it is wearing my body, and mind down, from being so exhausted, it is making me not feel good at all, people say learn to live with it, because they have rsl, theirs no way that I can, even the doctor said with mine being so server that there needs something to be done, the doctor has put me on sleeping pills, in hoping to get a good night sleep, I was so excited about bedtime when I could take them, I kept thinking alright a good night sleep, haven't had one in how long, took the sleeping pill, a half an hour pass, an hour pass, and 2 hours pass, nothing, so they upped the sleeping pill to a half mg more, so tonight I hope I just zonk out, it will feel great to have a good sleep for once. So for the last few months of dealing with my restless leg syndrome, and not getting no rest, I am totally physically, and mentally exhausted, way beyond exhaustion, so if I said anything wrong, or if some one misunderstood me, or didn’t understand my writing about anything on the journal of what I typed, and if they got upset about it, sorry for offended any one.

Labor day weekend we went to my dad, and mom’s place, all my sisters, and their family were their, and some of my cousins, and aunt were also their, we had a surprise wedding shower for my Godchild Danielle, and her fiancé Jason, it was a nice surprise for the both of them, it was great being with the family, and friends, it’s nice having a close knit family, sad to think that some families fight over any little thing.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, And said, Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore. Then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah, saying, Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years.
Isaiah 38:1-5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 10:25 AM CDT

If any of you are having trouble, pray. If you are happy, sing psalms.
James 5:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will start school September 4th, LaKota is looking forward to school starting; she has a nasty cold, and a bladder infection, she got the cold from Steve’s handicap brother Butch, who gave it to my client Jerry, the foster guy that I take care of, so we have been real busy here. When Steve’s X sister-n- law dropped off Steve’s older handicap brother Butch, he was sick with a real nasty cold, Steve’s brother Larry that was taking care of Butch was leaving on a houseboat vacation with his X wife, and their older daughter, and another couple, so that is how we ended up having his brother that was sick, we ended up taking Butch to another doctor to get on a different medicine that would help him get rid of his cold, he finally did get rid of most of his cold, than my client Jerry, the foster older gentleman that I take care of, got Butch’s nasty cold, so we asked Steve’s brother Larry, the one that went on vacation to take Butch back so that I could get this nasty cold under control, so Steve brought him out to Larry’s house, “Well wouldn’t you know it LaKota got the nasty cold, plus on top of that a bladder infection, blood in her urine, the doctor said it’s a bladder infection, I took LaKota to a express clinic and that’s what they said, but I will bring her to her doctor this Friday, Please pray that it isn’t anything serious, thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. “Every one knows me when anything goes on with LaKota, “ I get so stressed out, that I can’t think anymore, I freak out, I am also worried that his mom will get the nasty cold too, so I have my hands full. Steve, and I have been getting his mom back to health again, walking, and getting her home ready for her, so that she can go back home again, she will be going home this Friday, we will miss having her around here, at least we know that Larry, (Steve’s brother) is just a quarter of a mile down the road from her, and her grand daughter Sherry, and Delphine’s daughter Diane are close by, with in a few miles from her place, we live in St.Cloud so we live the furthers away, so we know that she will be taken good care of by them.
Yesterday, LaKota, and I went bike riding with my friend Jody, and her two little daughters, we had a good time biking, and just visiting, LaKota really enjoyed herself.

Rosi, thank you for the beautiful post cards, they are so beautiful, thank you.
Remember if I even though I haven’t signed the guest book lately, I have been to your journals, and have been reading your journals, and been praying for each of you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 12:25AM CDT

I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

I am so sorry about not updating any sooner, Steves mom has been staying with us since she has gotten out of the hospital, 13 days ago, along with Steves handicap oldest Brother, so it has been almost 24 hours on hand of care for them, especially Steves mom, which I don't mind at all. Steve, and I have gotten his mom quiet a bit stronger now, she is able to walk some, which she couldn’t when she came here from the hospital. I couldn’t sleep, which I never can, so that doesn't make a difference, but I thought I would update on the journal, my mind isn’t such a blur. LaKota is doing super good, this is her last week of summer school, than she will get a couple of weeks of before starting school up again; “Wow, LaKota will be in 4th grade, she is happy as can be, she just can’t wait until school starts, I haven’t gotten any school shopping done yet, haven’t had the time yet, with Steve’s mom, and Steve’s brother staying here with us, but that is ok, LaKota is happy that they are staying with us, which makes me happy, as long as LaKota is happy, love that girl to pieces. We went to the fair on Thursday, we wheeled Steve’s mom around in the wheel chair, which she enjoyed very much, Steve’s mom also watched Steve, and LaKota go on the ride’s while I stayed with her, Steve’s brother wouldn’t go on any rides, don’t know if he is afraid of them or what, but LaKota tried talking him into going on the rides, but there was no way he was going to go on any rides, LaKota tried talking Grandma in going on the merry go round with her, they have a chair that you can sit on it, but Grandma wouldn’t go on it neither; LaKota is such a big help with Grandma, I am so very proud of her.
I’m sorry also for not signing your guest book, but please know that I am praying for you.
The weather was hot there for a few days, but the last 2 days it has been cooling off, not what I like, I like the hot weather, when the weather starts cooling off, it makes me think of the long winters that we have in Minnesota.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Search for the Lord and for his strength, and keep on searching. Think of the wonderful works he has done, the miracles and the judgments he handed down.
Psalm 105:4-5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, July 20, 2007 1:45 PM CDT

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

LaKota is doing really well, she has 2 weeks off of summer school, than 2 weeks on of summer school left, then she will be finished with summer school, “I just can not believe that summer is flying by so fast, it makes me sad.

Steve’s mom is in the hospital, she is not doing well at all, the doctor has found blood clots in her lungs, and her hemoglobin is low, 8.2, and they also found out that she might be a diabetic, she cannot eat either, no appetite for it at all. “Steve’s mom is a very strong woman, when I saw her in the hospital yesterday, she was like a rag doll, my heart just breaks for her, Please pray for her, Thank you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

So then faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God."
Romans 10:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:15 AM CDT

"But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing."
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

We heard from LaKota’s nurse, that her Chromosomes
are all healthy, does not show any signs of anything, “Praise our beautiful God for keeping LaKota healthy here on Earth, and Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. Our computer has been acting up, so I haven’t been able to update, or sign in as much as I wanted too, I guess our computer is trying to tell me that, I need a new computer, “Oh well, a new computer will just have to wait..lol…
LaKota is doing so well, she is in summer school today, she just loves being around people, and she is my social butterfly.
My sister brought LaKota up to my parents house on 3rd of July, and Steve, and I didn’t go up until the 5th of July, Steve, and I watched my niece Ashley be crowned queen for Miss Annandale on the 4th of July, that was pretty awesome, and it was very hot that day, I was glad LaKota was up by the lake swimming.
On my parents lake, they had a boat parade on the 4th of July, they do every year, LaKota, and my sister Susie decorated the pontoon, LaKota just love’s doing the boat parade, of course it’s by water, not on the hot streets…lol…
My nephew Luke, he and his girlfriend Amanda, (now wife) got married in Hawaii, on 7-7-2007, they will have a reception sometime in September. I wish the both of them the best of lives together. "I wished I could of went to Hawaii, I bet it's beautiful, and hot their.
We have been having some gorgeous hot days, which I just love, but today it is nippy out, in the 60’s, I just can’t believe that it is July already, our summer flies by, and our winter goes by so slow like a snail.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:35 PM CDT

Please visit Rachel's journal from the Prayer request page; Sweet little Rachel
has gone to Heaven, on June 8th, 2007; Please pray for her family, they will need all the prayers that they can get, as they go through this heart broken journey, that no parent should ever have to go through.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
Proverbs 3:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us

We haven’t yet heard back on the tests on LaKota’s Chromosomes yet, when find out, I will let you know, Please pray that it is all Healthy.
Summer school will start next week, LaKota is really excited about going to summer school, I think it’s more for socializing with kids her age.

Steve, still has not been called back to work, or has not heard from anyone yet, I pray very soon though, because insurance is running out, and so will the unemployment. I just cannot believe how slow commercial construction is going around here; If any one is looking for a Senior Superintendent for commercial construction, “Let me tell you, “Steve is your man“, all you have to do, is just let him know that your looking for a Senior Superintendent, and he‘ll give you his resume, he is excellent in his line of work, you wouldn‘t be sorry if you hire him; "Does it sound like I'm desperate in Steve getting a job, well to be honest with you, "We are!

The weather the last few days have been beautiful, nice, and hot, the way I like it.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Thus says the Lord, Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go."
Isaiah 48:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, June 7, 2007 11:05 AM CDT

She stood up straight and began thanking God.
Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We got some of the results back on LaKota, “LaKota does not show any sign’s of leukemia, and she is 100 percent donor! We can not thank every one enough for their powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth, Thank you, Thank you, we love you very much, and thank you for being such wonderful caring people, and God, Thank you for giving LaKota a second chance at life here on Earth, through her blood cord transplant that she had on May 25th, 2004, and for letting her live a long Healthy life here on Earth, we love you so very much, I thank God every year that LaKota has another birthday here on Earth, I love seeing her getting older, where a lot of parent’s would rather have their children stay young, to me it a very special feeling knowing LaKota is getting older, “I’m sure you know what I mean. It will be another week or so before we hear back the results on her chromosomes, so when we hear about her chromosomes we will let you know, Please pray that everything is healthy in her chromosomes. The doctor’s did say with LaKota having the BRCA II, that we will have to watch her very carefully, and have her tested every year, so please keep LaKota in your prayer’s, Thank you so very much.
Please pray that Steve’s work, or another company calls Steve to come to work, thing’s are getting a little tough here with the money situation, unemployment just doesn’t cut it, but we are thankful that Steve does get unemployment, thank you for your prayers for Steve.
My niece Ashley who is a senior, and is in softball, she is one of the best catcher for their team is going for state, she had an interview in the paper, and she is one of the best catchers on their team, if they win the state, they will go for the national’s, that would be so awesome for their school, and for the kid’s playing on the team.
It has been raining quiet a bit; we really do need the rain, although I wish it would rain at nighttime.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, June 3, 2007 9:45 PM CDT

May the Lord continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys.
- Psalms 128:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about not updating sooner, we have called the hospital a couple of time’s, and they told us by Monday we should find out how her biopsy went, Please pray that everything is good, usually we would of heard by Friday, so I am sitting here with no fingernails left on my fingers, waiting to here how her biopsy went, as soon as I find out, I will make sure that I let everyone know, Thank you so much, for letting us know that you all care about LaKota, it means so very much to us, more than words can say, and thank you for being here for us. At least this time it only took two times to find the vein for the I.V., thank goodness for that.
Steve, is still not back to work, praying that he will be back soon.
LaKota, will get to go back to school on Tuesday, and Wednesday, “Wednesday is their last day of school, LaKota, is so excited about going back to school, she just can’t wait, she wants to go to summer school, so we will send her to summer school.
Ben, and his family came to Minnesota, we were able to spend the weekend with them, tomorrow Ben will have his three year check up, and of course it had to rain while they were here, we had a nice visit with them.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
- Psalms 33:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, May 21, 2007 9:48 AM CDT

"But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing."
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


Sorry about not updating sooner, we were busy getting things ready for a garage sale that we had on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. “I can’t believe how much work it is getting ready for a garage sale, “UGH”! I am glad that it is done, and over with, we did fairly well with the garage sale.
Steve is still not back at work, “We know that God will provide for us.
LaKota, has gotten a stuffed up nose, and a cough, “UGH, I think she probably gotten it from the 2 little girls that we live by, they have a nasty cold, and when we we’re having the garage sale, they kept running over to our house by LaKota, “It just makes me so stressed out when any one is sick, and they come by LaKota.
LaKota’s tutor is over now, LaKota, sure enjoys her coming over.
Can you believe that Memorial Day is just around the corner, ”Wow, that came quickly, and can you believe the gas prices, “Yuck”?
Our friends from Ohio are coming to Minnesota on May 31st, their son Ben, is having his biopsy on June 1st, Please also pray for healthy results for Ben, Thank you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 1:05 PM CDT

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


Monday, the nurse from LaKota’s school called, and said that there is another case of chicken pox going around at school, so LaKota is getting home schooling right now, she does miss being in school with her friends, and her teachers, it’s too bad that it had to happen when school was almost done with.
Steve is still not called back to work; he is still putting in applications, hopefully something.
LaKota, had so much fun bowling on Saturday, she said she would like to do that again, later that evening, she ended up with a headache, where it hurt so much, it made her threw up, praying that it is nothing serious, hoping just being out in the sun to much, we always use sunscreen so no sun burn on her, thank goodness for that. Sunday, at LaKota’s cousin, Kayla’s First Communion, LaKota had a great time being with the family.
It is 56 above now; hopefully it will not go down any farther.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"... who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:25 AM CDT

Who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


“Lack of energy here”! “Sorry about not updating sooner, and signing the guest books all the time, remember that I do come to your journals, and read them all the time. “I guess I was hoping after surgery, that I would get some of my energy back, but not yet, still waiting. After my surgery, my restless leg syndrome has gotten 100 times worse, they are driving me insane even during the day time, besides night time, the doctor put me on a medication called Reuip, that just made me so sick, that I couldn’t take it, so today I go in again to see the doctor, to see what we can do with my RLS, I have always had this problem, since I was a kid, I have tried everything that you can imagine trying to get my legs to quit being restless, “It totally drive’s you nuts”. I’m also stressed out with LaKota’s 3 year blood cord check-up, I get so nervous, and stressed out about it, I can’t wait until that is done with, when it’s 2-3 months before the check-up, that’s when I can’t breathe, or relax any more, until we are all done with it, I just hate watching the nurses try so many times to get an I.V. into LaKota, they have such a hard time, and LaKota being so scared, it just breaks my heart!
LaKota’s cough is getting better, she really had that cough bad, I do think though, and she might have a touch of asthma. Tonight she has Kung Fu, which she really likes. On Saturday, LaKota will have a Birthday party to go to, the Birthday girl is having a bowling birthday party, this will be the first time LaKota will have gotten to bowl, hopefully there will be a light enough ball for her, she is excited about it.
On Sunday, my niece Kayla, will be making her First Communion, that is so fun, and exciting for the kids to do, my sister, Lisa, “Kayla’s mom, is having a party afterwards, LaKota is looking forward to being with the all the family together.
Steve, is still not back to work, they don’t know when they will be called back, like they told him, that he should put in applications at other job openings, which he has, but no one at this time is hiring, it is so scary with the economy now, He really needs to get back to work, or find another one, I pray that something come’s up for him, unemployment just doesn’t pay for all the bills.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, April 5, 2007 12:15 AM CDT

The Lord is good. His love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.
- Psalms 100:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.



Tomorrow, LaKota will be off of school until Tuesday, for Easter vacation, LaKota is looking forward to Easter, especially being with the family.
My doctor appointment went good today; I go back in 2 weeks, so that was good to hear.
Steve, went into his work place for a meeting, it does not look good at all at this time, they told Steve to look for another job, because they are not for sure when he will be called back, that is really depressing, it made me cry, especially about the insurance part for LaKota, I do not know if another insurance will take LaKota or not, Please pray that Steve’s work place picks up fast so that he can be back at his job, or finds another job that will accept Lakota with their insurance, I am really stressed out about this, Thank you for your powerful prayers for Steve, and for LaKota, here on Earth.

We got quiet a bit of snow the other day, it was nice to see that’s now was gone, but now its back, oh well what can you expect from Minnesota weather.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

May the Lord continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys.
- Psalms 128:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, April 1, 2007 7:45 PM CDT

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Exodus 23:25-262 Chronicles 7:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


I was in the hospital for four days,I was thankful that they could use my c-section incision, I’m still a little on the sore side, my incision is about 12 inches long, so maybe that’s why I’m still a little sore.
While I was in the hospital, Steve kept LaKota home from school, with that cough that she had, than last Monday LaKota was complaining that her ear hurt, so Steve took her into the doctor, and the doctor put LaKota on some medication for her ear infection, LaKota, ended up getting the diarrhea from the medicine, so the doctor told us to feed LaKota yogurt with live active culture in the yogurt, and to take her off her medicine for 24 hours, before we give her the other prescription; "Tomorrow, LaKota will start the new medicine, I pray that she doesn’t get the diarrhea from it! “I can’t remember if when you get a bone marrow or a blood cord transplant if the children can have the yogurt with the live active cultures in it, so I gave LaKota with it not having it in, I did not want to take a chance, I know your not suppose to feed them anything with blue cheese in it.
Steve, is still not back to work, we are praying that he will get to go back pretty soon, it make’s you nervous with how everything in the world is going, if a person will have a job or not!
Today we went out for brunch with Steve’s side of the family, it was our Easter dinner with them; we had a nice time with them.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, March 19, 2007 7:05 AM CDT

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


LaKota is enjoying being back at school with her Teachers, and her friends.
Wouldn’t you know it, LaKota got a cough, right before I go in for surgery, I will be going in this morning, and will be out in a couple of days; So now I will be worried about LaKota with this cough, I told Steve the most important thing right now, is for LaKota to get rid of this cough, I just hate it when she gets a cough.
I will update as soon as I get home, and feel better; Steve does not know how to update.
Steve is still laid off, maybe it’s a blessing now, since I will be having my surgery, and he can be their to take real good care of LaKota.
Our snow is pretty well melting pretty good, it looks like this week, we will be getting some nice weather; “Can’t believe Easter will be here in a couple of weeks.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.
Exodus 23:25

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, March 12, 2007 6:45 PM CDT

"... who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


Sorry about the slack of updating LaKota’s web page, and signing the guest books, but please remember that I do read your web pages, and that your in our prayers all the time, Hopefully after my surgery on Monday the 19th, that I will get back some of that energy that I use to have; the doctor said that I should have more energy, and feel so much better, so I am praying that Iwill, instead of just dragging by.
LaKota is doing so well. LaKota will get to start school this Tuesday, after being off for I don’t remember how long, due to the children at school having the chicken pox; The nurse called, while LaKota and I were doing some grocery shopping, and when we got back home we seen that there was an message on the answering machine, LaKota, just screamed, and danced with excitement when she heard that she could go back to school tomorrow, she is just so happy about it, it makes me happy to see how happy that she is.
My dad, and mom made it back to Minnesota on Friday, they stayed over night, which we loved, than on Friday dad, and mom headed to their place which is close to 2 hours, and later that night we headed up to my parents house for the weekend; Steve did some ice fishing, and LaKota got pulled behind the 4 wheeler on a sled, which she really enjoyed.
Steve is still off of work, he called where he works, and ask when they think he’ll be back to work, but they don’t yet for sure, hopefully it will be soon.
The last few days we sure have been having some beautiful days, just love it.


Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, February 26, 2007 2:05 PM CST

I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows.
- John 10:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, thanking God for that, and everyone’s powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
The chicken pox are still going around at LaKota’s school, she was really hoping to be back at school by now, hopefully by the time Spring break is over with at school, LaKota will be back to school with her friends, and her teachers.
LaKota is doing Aikido, and Kung fu once a week, so she is getting in some socializing time with other people besides Father, and Mom.
Wouldn’t you know with Steve being laid off yet, that our refrigerator went out, and so did our garage door opener, and our heater in our truck, and the furnace in our house, it just couldn’t wait until Steve was back at work, “Oh well” at least it’s only material things, and nothing serious with anybody.
I did find out that my surgery is on March 19th, hopefully I will start feeling better after my surgery, I just can’t believe how much lack of energy that I just don’t have any more, I read everybody’s journal, “Please remember that you, and your family are still in my prayers, “Sorry about the slack of signing the guest books, and updating LaKota’s journal.
My dad, and mom should be home around March 9th, LaKota, is looking so forward to them coming home, so am I though.
We got 10-12 inches of snow all at once over the weekend; we had a grand time playing in the snow.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

it is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Acts 20:35

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, February 12, 2007 3:15 PM CST

The unfailing love of the Lord never ends!
Lamentations 3:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, she is not back at school yet, because of the other kids having the chicken pox, I guess there is also some kind of flu that is also going around at her school, kids that are having high fevers, so I’m glad that LaKota is home schooling right now, LaKota isn’t to happy , she would rather be in school with her teachers, and her friends. LaKota is filling out her Valentine’s cards to her classmates, and her teachers, One of her teacher’s will come and pick up her Valentines cards and deliver them to her classmates, and her teachers, and than bring LaKota’s Valentines cards to LaKota.
I don’t know if I mention that LaKota started back up on therapy again or not, she will go twice a week for an half hour, that is to strength her legs, the lower half of her, I think they will also start her back on therapy to strengthen her hands, the upper part of her, not for sure when they will start that up yet.
Steve is still laid off from work yet, not sure when he will be called back.

Pam, Thank you so very much for the package for LaKota, she really love’s it, your kindness is greatly appreciated.


Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Let love and faithfulness never leave you …write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 3:3

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:35 AM CST

May the Lord continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys.
- Psalms 128:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, thank you for checking in on her, and your powerful prayers for LaKota here on EARTH.
The chicken pox are still going around at her school, so LaKota is home schooling for now; she is really missing her friends, and teachers at school, she really enjoys school so very much, she is the type of child that needs to go out and communicate with other people, besides mom, and father; she does enjoy having her tutor, and teacher come over and help her with her home work, but it doesn’t compare to being back at school with her friends, and all her other teachers.
Her friend Ryan did come over on Saturday for a couple of hours, which really made LaKota’s day. It is so cold out, that you really don’t want to bring the kids outside to do any sledding, or any ice skating, or anything like that, can’t wait for it to warm up some, so we don’t have to habitant in the house all the time.

Steve is still laid off from work, he hasn’t received a unemployment check for over a month now; Steve tried signing up over the computer, thinking that worked, but that didn’t work, than he tried the phone, and that didn’t work, finally he got a hold of someone besides the computers answer voice, so hopefully we will get a check soon, it does get hard at times, when Steve's the only one that has the income coming in, but we do manage.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007 1:15 PM CST

"And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people."
Acts 6:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about being so lousy lately the past year, on updating LaKota’s journal! I just don’t have any energy, and I really mean no energy at all. I had my blood checked, and that was all good, but I did find out that I would need to have a complete hysterectomy, for medical reasons.
Steve is still laid off, haven’t heard when he will be going back to work yet.
LaKota has been out of school since Wednesday, chicken pox is going around, and I am Thanking God it wasn’t because of LaKota for missing school. One of the girls that has the chicken pox, she also had her shot for the chicken pox, and she has a severe case of the chicken pox, makes me wonder if the shots work, or if its something else, like the measles, or what, and their thinking it’s the chicken pox? LaKota is missing all her friends from school, she is looking forward to going back to school, we do have a tutor that come’s out to our house 10 hours a week, and than one of her teachers from school come’s to our house two hours a week, so that really helps LaKota out a lot. Saturday LaKota went to a birthday party; she really had a fun time. I signed LaKota up for kung fu, and aikido, she is excited about it, and I figure it would be good therapy for her; it is through the community education.
Dad, and mom are in Texas, I guess where they are in Texas, it has been raining quiet a bit, but they are still enjoying their time there in Texas.
Well I can finally say, that the snow is covering our brown grass up now, I guess on Friday it is suppose to be in the high 30’s, than the weather is going to get cold again.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"Blessed are they that put their trust in him.
Psalm 2:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:15 PM CST

"But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing."
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is feeling really great, and well, Thank you for checking in on her, and your powerful prayers for her here on Earth.
LaKota was sure glad to get back to school with her friends. This Saturday LaKota will have two of her cousins, (my nieces) spending the night; LaKota is looking forward to that.
From what it sounds like, Steve will be laid off for a few months, I was hoping that it wouldn’t be that long, since his income is the only income that we have coming in.
From what the weather station is fore casting, we will be getting some below 0 weather in the evening, starting in a day or two, “BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Not for sure how long it will last; I guess we can’t complain so far of our winter weather.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.
2 Chronicles 20:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, January 1, 2007 3:15 PM CST

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Wishing every one a very Healthy, and Blessed New Year! Hope every one had a great Christmas.
We had a wonderful Christmas; We went to Steve’s moms on Christmas eve day, we had a good time visiting; 2 of Steve’s brothers, and nephews, and niece were able to make it their too, so that was nice for Steve’s mom. After we left Steve’s mom’s house we went to the motel, where my side of the family were celebrating Christmas, LaKota had fun swimming, and playing with her cousins. Although I have to say, the motel had to much chlorine in the swimming pool, LaKota’s dark blue swimming suit, changed to a pale green swimming suit, it even got thin, and the hot tub was not even hot. We also spent Christmas day, with my dad, and mom, and my family at the hotel too, that way my family got to say Good-bye to dad, and mom before they left for Texas.
On Thursday, LaKota had an appointment with the ENT doctor for her cough, and sinuses, her oncologist doctor wanted LaKota to get it checked out, since she always has that cough in the winter; The ENT doctor said he wasn’t worried about it, that in fact he told us that LaKota looked so well, he was suspecting her to look awful, and he would not suggest surgery to drain her sinuses at this time, so that was good to hear, although I wish her cough would go away.
Steve, has been off of work for 2 weeks, I guess it is going very slow, I pray that it will pick up soon.
Tomorrow school will start up again for LaKota, I sure enjoyed having her home with me, but I am sure she is looking forward to being back at school with her friends, I am so grateful for God, for keeping LaKota Healthy here on Earth, and so thankful for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
New year’s eve, we took Steve’s mom, and Steve’s brother Butch out for supper; we had a nice time together.
Yesterday it snowed, so I guess I can say, “winter is here in Minnesota now“, I hope that the snow doesn’t last too long here, it’s pretty at first, than after awhile it’s just messy, and dirty looking from the vehicles, so it doesn’t look that pretty any more.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
~II Corinthians 1:3

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2007 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, December 23, 2006 12:35 AM CST

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Wishing every one a very Healthy, and Blessed Christmas!

Just finishing ups the last of the baking, and wrapping. LaKota is so excited that Christmas is almost upon us; she loves the family gather ness. My sister Susie, came and picked LaKota up today, she is planning on taking LaKota out for brunch, and to the movie "Charoletts Web", and then from their they will go to church, and go to confession, and church service; LaKota was looking forward to doing something with her Aunt Susie, and while Susie is gone, her son Jon, and his wife Angie, are going to put up new gutters, and I can’t remember what else on Susie house, Susie will be surprise when she comes home this evening.
We will go out to Steve’s moms for Christmas eve day, than from their we will go to church, and try to see Santa, and Mrs. Santa once more before they leave; I forgot to mention last time in LaKota’s journal, we had Santa, and Mrs. Santa from the mall over for supper, it was such a nice visit with them, LaKota enjoyed it so very much. Then after we see Santa, and Mrs. Santa, we will go to the motel where my dad, and mom always rent a room for 2 days, and celebrate Christmas with them, and my family. I hate to see Christmas end, because the day after Christmas, my dad, and mom leave for Texas.
We have a dusting of snow for Christmas, not too much, just enough to make it sloppier than anything.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!


Dear Editor,
I am eight years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in the Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?
Virginia O'Hanlon

Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, and no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world, which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus! Thank God! He lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."


“And, Lo, the Angels of the Lord came upon them, and the Glory of the Lord shone around about them; and they were so afraid, and the Angel said unto them, fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, for you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ our Lord, and this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, laying in a manger.
Luke 2: 9-12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:55 PM CST

God has poured out his love into our hearts.
- Romans 5:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about not updating sooner on LaKota’s web page.
We have been out to the mall twice to see Santa; LaKota told Santa all that she wanted for Christmas was good health here on earth, he asked her what else she would want with the good health here on earth, and she said just my family, and friends, I thought what a special request that she always asks Santa for, and that is the only gift that I ever ask for, for Christmas, my birthday, and ect…. Is good Health here on Earth for LaKota, she truly is my life.

Steve finally got the out door Christmas decorations up, he said he put a total of 8,700 lights up, Every year we buy a outdoor decoration in memory of our two children, Cody, and Skyla up in Heaven; Pretty soon we will be running out of yard space, so we will have to decorate more on the inside of the house.
I still have quiet a bit of Christmas shopping to do, haven’t started on any Christmas wrapping or baking, or candy making yet; Christmas is such a busy time, but so fun, we love it.
Today was LaKota’s last day of choir after school, they had a little concert after school, it was so beautiful, and wonderful to hear the kids singing.
“No snow yet here in saint Cloud Minnesota, maybe will have a green Christmas, instead of a white Christmas, that will be the First Christmas that will be green that I can remember if we don’t have snow for Christmas. It drizzled all day today, and was pretty foggy through out morning, and the midday.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

it is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Acts 20:35

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:15 PM CST

With us is the Lord Our God to help us and to fight our battles.
11 Chronicles 32:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We hope every one had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We had a Fabulous Thanksgiving; we went to my dad, and moms for Thanksgiving, we spent 4 days their; LaKota had lots of cousins to play with. The weather was so beautiful up north; “No snow yet by my dad,and moms place. The lake isn’t even frozen over yet by my dad, and mom's place,which usually is by now, or at least they would have some form of ice on the lake, and some snow.
Sunday we went to Steve’s mom’s house to celebrate Thanksgiving out their, some of Steve’s side of the family were also their, it was really nice seeing them, we had a wonderful time visiting.
Monday, LaKota didn’t have any school, so LaKota, and I did some shopping together, which we both enjoyed just being together.
Today she had singing, her concert at school will be December 12th, and I am looking forward to that.
Steve is putting the Christmas outdoor decorations up, so he is pretty busy with that.
Early this morning, around 1:10am, it started raining, and lighting out; it was really raining hard out when I took LaKota to school this morning; I was glad to see the rain, instead of the temperature dropping, but tomorrow they say it will start dropping, brrrrrrrrrr!

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.
Proverbs 23:18

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 6:25 PM CST

Do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Hebrews 13:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


I am so Thankful for LaKota being her in flesh with us, and being healthy here on Earth, I am thankful for Steve, my family, Steve’s family, I am thankful for all of you, and your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and I’m so thankful for God being in my life.

I took LaKota, and one of her friends to a movie on Saturday, we went to the movie Flush away, it was a cute movie, not as good as some of the movies that I have taken LaKota too. LaKota is doing really well.
We are going to my dad, and mom’s house for Thanksgiving, and then on Sunday, we will go to Steve’s mom, and celebrate Thanksgiving with her, and some Steve’s family.
I can’t believe that it’s only 33 more days until Christmas, and we still don’t have any snow: I can’t really complain about our weather, it has been pretty descent for Minnesota.
Have a very Blessed, and Safe Thanksgiving.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, November 10, 2006 4:55 PM CST

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah33: 6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

My niece called last night, to tell me about

a boy who has just recently been diagnosed with leukemia, my niece’s mother told her

about the boy, her mother works with the boy’s mother, if you could please stop by his

web site, and let them know that you are praying for them, it would mean so very much too

them, thank you. His web page is www.caringbridge.org/visit/coltcobb

We are planning on going up north to my parent’s house for the weekend; LaKota is looking forward to going to my parents for the weekend, a lot of her cousins will also be there. LaKota didn’t have music this week, because of Election Day, she didn’t understand why they had to cancel singing for that.
No snow yet here in St.Cloud, but it’s suppose to get colder, BRRRRRRRRRR.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"... who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 12:55 AM CST

God has poured out his love into our hearts.
- Romans 5:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota had a great time on Halloween, she went as an Gypsy, Steve took LaKota out for trick or treating, they went with two other little girls, and their father, they got lots of candy. We didn’t get as many trick or treater’s as we usually did, we only got 20 kids.
LaKota is enjoying singing so very much; she wishes that it would last through the school season.
Last weekend we went up north to my dad, and mom’s house, we stayed for the weekend, while we were up north Steve, and I took Lakota to the movie Santa Claus 3, it was a cute movie, we enjoyed it.
LaKota is really trying hard to catch up to her peers in her classroom for reading, I know that she really wants to get caught up, but I also know that it will take time, especially with all the school that she missed before.
I talked with a few people, and they said that they already have their Christmas tree up, and are almost done Christmas shopping; I haven’t even started Christmas shopping yet, not to many days until Christmas.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
II Timothy 1:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, October 23, 2006 8:15PM CDT

She stood up straight and began thanking God.
Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you so very much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
Sorry about not updating sooner, after LaKota’s tests we went to my dad and mom’s house for the weekend, and their computer is connected to the phone line, and they have very slow connection up north their at their place.
“Praise our beautiful GOD”, Thank you God, and Thank you everyone for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. On Friday LaKota had her MRI, ultra sound, and blood counts done, LaKota was not to happy about getting an IV in, since they have a hard time finding one, she hates it when they dig to try to find a vein, that hurts her more than the poke, they finally got the IV in her foot. The MRI it showed that LaKota’s sinuses are filled full of gunk, the doctor said she will have to have them drained out, the doctor figures that is where her cough is coming from, “Praying that it is only that”. The ultra sound showed everything healthy, LaKota’s, bun, and creatine were up a slight, but they said they were not to concerned about it, her whites were up some, but the doctor said that was fine, that it was still in normal range, I would of felt more better if her whites were done more, and her creatine, and bun were down, and that her cough was gone, LaKota’s ultra sound did show that everything looked healthy, which is wonderful, and what a relief.
Thursday LaKota will go see the allergy doctor also, to see if her cough could also be from a winter allergy, I just pray that her cough isn’t anything serious. LaKota also got her flu shot, and her last polio shot, her arm swollen, and got hard from her flu shot for a couple of days, first time it did that.
We had a great time at my dad, and mom’s house, my nephew, and his wife were also there.
LaKota is enjoying school so very much, she was happy to be back at school again, after the long weekend. LaKota’s singing is going great, she sure enjoys that.
Tonight our church had a healing service, we went to that, LaKota always likes the Healing service, than after wards they serve sloppy joes, so that was nice, I didn’t have to make supper.
No snow on the ground as of yet, but it is bitter cold out…BRRRRRRR!
Rosi, thank you so much for the book, and the stickers, and Pam, thank you for the flag cat, LaKota love’s it all, Thank you also for checking in on her, and signing her book, which means a a lot to us, more than words can say, Thank you again!

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, October 19, 2006 11:45 AM CDT

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will be having her MRI, Ultra sound, and blood counts done on Friday October 20th, PLEASE PRAYER FOR ALL HEALTHY, AND GOOD RESULTS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR LAKOTA HERE ON EARTH.

LaKota had a swim party last Saturday for her Birthday, 19 kids showed up, she really had a great time, the kids also had a lot of fun too, the kids didn’t even want to go home yet when their parents came to pick them up, it was really fun to watch the kids having fun.
Had conference for LaKota on Tuesday, her teachers said that she is doing really good in school, but is not quiet caught up to the third grade level yet, the teachers said that they have lots of hope for her to do well this year in school, that made LaKota feel really proud, it also made Steve, and I feel really good knowing that the teachers felt LaKota was doing excellent this year.

Please remember to pray for LaKota tomorrow for she will have her MRI test, and, ultra sound, and her blood counts done, please pray for all HEALTHY results, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, it means so very much too us more than we could possible say. I think I’m driving my husband, and every one else nuts, except LaKota, which I keep my cool in front her, “What a mother can do“, with LaKota’s tests on Friday, because she also still has that cough, and that cough makes me feel really stressed out, Please pray that the cough is nothing serious, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

It is very cold out today, 31 above; it has snowed a couple of times this week, but didn’t stay on the ground.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:45AM CDT

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will be having her MRI, Ultra sound, and blood counts done on Friday October 20th, PLEASE PRAYER FOR ALL HEALTHY, AND GOOD RESULTS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR LAKOTA HERE ON EARTH.


The sun is out bright and beautiful, but still feels pretty chilly out.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, October 9, 2006 12:55 AM CDT

"... who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will be having her MRI, Ultra sound, and blood counts done on Friday October 20th, PLEASE PRAYER FOR ALL HEALTHY, AND GOOD RESULTS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR LAKOTA HERE ON EARTH.

Sorry about not updating sooner, or signing the guest books lately, I have been going to the journals and reading up on them.
I haven’t been feeling to good, don’t know if it’s the little cold I have or the no energy that I don’t have, or the stress of LaKota’s tests coming up on October 20th, or LaKota’s cough, “AUGH; When ever she gets a cough I get so totally stressed out with it, I brought her in last Tuesday to the doctor, they gave her some medicine, but she still is coughing, “Steve say’s it sounds better, but to me it sounds almost the same, don’t know if it’s from me being with her all the time, or what! it sounds like a deep cough, I wish it would loosen up, than I would probably feel better. “Please pray that LaKota’s cough goes away, and that it is nothing serious, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
Tomorrow is LaKota’s birthday, she will be 9 years old, I thank God, every day, and every second, for letting LaKota be here in flesh on Earth with us, and keeping all disease’s, and tumors away from her, Thank you God, I love you God!
LaKota will be bringing cupcakes to school tomorrow for her birthday, LaKota wants to go swimming on her Birthday, so she will be having a birthday party at a motel where she can go swimming, she also invited some of her friends from school, she is getting pretty excited about her birthday party, LaKota’s more into the Family, and Friends being together, then the gifts, and of course she loves swimming, a little mermaid that she is.
Yesterday we took LaKota to a corn, and hay maze, she thought that was something else, we let her be the leader, and she thought that was pretty cool.
“Boy, the weather is sure cooling off, winter will be here before we know it, brrrrrrrr!

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"So then faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God."
Romans 10:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:05 AM CDT

The Lord is good. His love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalms 100:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will be having her MRI, Ultra sound, and blood counts done on Friday October 20th, PLEASE PRAYER FOR ALL HEALTHY, AND GOOD RESULTS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR LAKOTA HERE ON EARTH.

LaKota interview along with the other Survivors should be in the newspaper October 1st.

Today Lakota’s school is getting out 2 hours earlier, each month the school has it where they get out of school 2 hours earlier, or start 2 hour’s later, which is nice for the kids.
Lakota’s birthday is coming up soon, October 10th, she is going to be 9 years old, I thank God every day for letting LaKota be here with us in flesh on Earth, We haven’t decided what we are going to do for her birthday.
Next week LaKota will start singing, and religion school, she is so excited about that, I am also excited about her starting singing. Steve will help out in her religion class this year, he really enjoys it very much.

It looks like we might get some more rain today; I’m not complaining about the rain, it could be snow, and freezing cold weather.

I’m still trying to get the prayer request page where I had it before, when my cousin helped me with it, hopefully I will get it soon, I’m not a computer wiz at all, wish I was.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.
2 Chronicles 15:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:45 AM CDT

it is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Acts 20:35

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will be having her MRI, Ultra sound, and blood counts done on Friday October 20th, PLEASE PRAYER FOR ALL HEALTHY, AND GOOD RESULTS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR LAKOTA HERE ON EARTH.

LaKota is doing so wonderful in school, although last week she ended up with a runny nose, I’m sure it from her sinuses, than with that draining in her throat, she has a some what cough, I get so stressed out when she gets a cough, and of course with her tests coming up, Please pray that her sinuses, and cough goes away, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota her on Earth.
Saturday we went to my great nephews Birthday party, LaKota had a great time, it was at a hotel, and so she did lots of swimming that night.
We have been busy putting things away for the winter, last night we were suppose to get a freeze, so I brought in my plants, so that they wouldn’t freeze, now just to find room for them.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Blessed are they that put their trust in him.
Psalm 2:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 3:05 PM CDT

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-23

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is enjoying school so very much, which makes me very happy. Tuesday they had pictures, so of course LaKota had to wear an orange color shirt, her favorite color. I did sign her up for singing, it will start October 3rd, and will go until December, it will be every Tuesday after school for about an hour each time, hopefully it will not be full, I figure this will probably help her also with her reading.
Tomorrow the Saint Cloud Times will come and do an interview on LaKota; they are doing interviews on the survivors and their families.
This coming Saturday is my great nephews Birthday party, Hunter’s, dad, and mom are having it at a hotel, so that the kids can do some swimming; LaKota is looking forward to Hunters Birthday party, in fact she thought it was tomorrow, and told her teacher that she wouldn’t be at school tomorrow.
Our weather today was beautiful, if only it could stay this way all winter long.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

The unfailing love of the Lord never ends!
Lamentations 3:22

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, September 11, 2006 12:45 AM CDT

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
John 14:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about not updating any sooner. Hope that everybody had a safe, and healthy weekend.
LaKota is doing really well. The first week of school went fabulous for her; I pray that it keeps going that way.
LaKota’s friend Ryan is in her class, LaKota, and Ryan's teacher's, think it is so very special, and neat how close that Ryan, and LaKota are.
Saturday we went to my cousins wedding, LaKota had a fun time, she even caught the Bride bouquet, that made her evening, she was so thrilled about that.
Sunday we went to the Renaissance Festival, We didn’t get to go through it all, because it started raining out, and then started pouring; Like LaKota said the rain could waited until night time, it ruined our day. LaKota got to make a medallion, and she rode a Llama, LaKota thought that was pretty cool, to ride a Lama; also she was strapped into a saddle, I think that’s what their called, and was bounced way up high in the air, she said it was real fun, but also scary at first, she did a couple flips on it.

Yesterday the weather was bitter cold, especially with the rain. “Yes, Fall will be here before we know it; Mom, said the leave’s across the lake already are changing colors, I love the seeing the leaves change their colors, but I don’t like the cold weather.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

“And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul.
Acts 19:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, September 1, 2006 11:45 AM CDT

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
II Timothy 1:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Hope every one will have a Safe, and Healthy Labor day weekend.
Yesterday was our daughter Skyla’s birthday, she celebrated her birthday in Heaven, she turned 16 years old; LaKota reminded me also that Skyla would also be driving, It also made me think about if Cody, and Skyla were both here on Earth in flesh, Cody would be going to college, I wonder what degree he would of took up in college, also what Skyla’s interest in school would have been, also what the both of them would look like now, I’m sure they both look a little like their sister LaKota, I am just so grateful that LaKota is here in flesh with us, and is Healthy, and keeps that way, until she is 100 year old. LaKota’s friend Ryan, his birthday was also the same day, and same month as Skyla, Ryan, and his mom, and his two brothers dropped of some birthday cake from Ryan’s cake today, that is so sweet of them.
Tuesday, LaKota starts school, she is so looking forward to it, Please pray that she will catch up to her peers in her grade level, thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. Haven’t heard back yet from the nurse when LaKota’s MRI, and ultra sound will be.
We are heading up north to my dad, and moms house for the weekend, my aunt Ceva from California is also their, and my sisters and their family, and a few of my other cousins, LaKota loves it when the family can all get together, it makes her day.
Yesterday, LaKota, and I went shopping at Wal-Mart, and somebody stoled the fish off of our hiching ball, it's one of those rubber, or plastic ornaments that goes over the hitching ball, well we had a bass on our's for 5 years, and I guess somebody decided that they needed it more than we did.


Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.
2 Chronicles 20:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:17 PM CDT

Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.
Exodus 23:25

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about not updating or signing the guest book for a few weeks. I was so busy making a Memory, Cookbook scrapbook for my nephew, and his wife, it was my first one, and I thought I could do it in a month, “boy was I wrong, I just finished Friday night with it, putting in long hours of doing the scrapbook, their were nights that I was up until 2-3 in the morning, boy I never realized how many hours, and expensive scrap booking is, Thank goodness I’m done with it. The wedding was real beautiful, the Groom men wore camouflage vest, and the Brides maids wore a sage color dresses, instead of LaKota throwing flower petals, she threw leaves, LaKota started crying after the wedding, I asked her what’s wrong, she said, “Mom, I’m just so happy that Jon, and Angie got married, a sentimental little girl she is.
September 5th LaKota goes back to school; “summer sure flew by; “Yuck, now the cold weather will be here before we know it. So I am trying to get LaKota’s school supplies, and school clothes ready for school, I have such a hard time finding pants and long sleeve shirts for her, because she is so petite in height, I wish the stores would carry petite size clothes for children, maybe one of these days. LaKota is doing real well, she will be going in for an ultra sound on her kidney, and her lower organs, and an MRI on her head soon, not sure on the date yet, Please pray that everything is 100 percent healthy inside, and outside her body, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Steve has been really busy after work, he has been putting siding on my older sisters house, and a deck for her.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-23

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:55 PM CDT

"Let love and faithfulness never leave you …write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 3:3

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about the lack of writing on LaKota’s web page, and signing guest books; Hopefully after my nephews wedding it should calm down some. LaKota is looking so forward to the wedding, she is going to be the flower girl, “LaKota keeps asking me how many more days until the wedding, and I told her today, 11 more days, so she is counting down.
Tomorrow will be LaKota’s last day of summer school, they will be having an carnival at school tomorrow, that should be a fun time for the kids.
Monday, LaKota got bit by a bee in the neck, she was so scared, I was scared too, because I didn’t know if she would be allergic to them or not, my dad, and 3 of my sisters are deadly allergic to bee’s, so I did have the shot ready just incase, thank goodness I didn’t have to use it.
Still haven’t quiet figured out how to add the other names to the prayer request page, that I had on the other one, this is the very first one that was on LaKota’s web page.
Today we got a little sprinkle of rain, not to amount to anything. I sure can tell out fall weather is coming, the weather is dropping slowly, but surely.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:35 PM CDT

I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows.
- John 10:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Last night we finally got some rain, which we truly needed, and some more, But then also the weather cooled off, it was nice and hot the last few days, which I wasn’t complaining about, I love the hot weather, as long as there is rain to go with it. “It just seems like the cold weather comes to soon for Minnesota, and last forever! The weather today is in the high 60’s to the low 70’s, a different change from yesterday, which was 101 above.

Saturday, LaKota and I went to my nephew’s bride to be bridal shower; LaKota is going to be the flower girl in their wedding, they are getting married August 19th, LaKota is really excited about that. Then on Sunday we went to a graduation party, which ended up in a water fight, which was a good day for it.

LaKota had summer school today, and her tutor will be coming over shortly, LaKota really enjoys school, which I am thankful for.

Steve’s mom called this morning, she lives about 30 minutes away from us, she said that they had strong wind last night in their area, she said that Steve’s niece Sherry, had tree’s up-rooted in her yard, and her blazer, was pushed how many feet away from where it was parked, “Scary”!

Well the prayer request page is up, it’s not the up-dated one, I will have to try and figure out how to put the names back in it, hopefully one of these times I will be able to get it.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:25 PM CDT

God has poured out his love into our hearts.
- Romans 5:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


Sorry about the slack on the computer, and signing the guest books. I have been busy with trying to make something for my nephew ‘s wedding, and my computer has been acting up. Hopefully my cousin should get the prayer request page up with in a week.

Saturday Ben and his dad & mom left, It was really nice seeing them again, we had a nice time while they were in Minnesota, it is always sad to see them leave. LaKota’s friend Ryan came over yesterday and today, Ryan sure missed LaKota while we were gone on vacation for a week at my parents house, he called right away when we got home, he has been over the last 2 days, they have been doing a lot of swimming, and I also took them to the park a few times, We also met Steve for lunch, Ryan thought that was neat, to see where Steve was working and what building project Steve was doing.

We haven’t gotten any rain for a while, the grass is pretty brown and brittle, hurts to walk on the grass, and the lake’s are really down. We sure do need the rain; I wish it would rain at nighttime, that way it doesn’t take away the playtime for the kids outside.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
- Psalms 33:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:15PM CDT

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We are up north at my dad and mom's house, Our friends from Ohio are also here with us, Ben's tests were all good, thanking God for that. LaKota is having fun playing with Ben and her cousin Kayla. Today we went to the turtle race's, the weather was perfect for it, not too hot. The kids went fishing today, they have been busy with swimming, fishing and playing. The mosquito's are really bad though, they will eat you alive, “I think thats why they say that the mosquito is Minnesota's state bird, not the loon.
Hopefully my prayer request page will be going soon.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
2CO 1:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:18 PM CDT

God has poured out his love into our hearts.
Romans 5:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry about the prayer request page not working properly, our computer company switched hands with another company, and my cousin put it in for me, so I have to wait until he gets a chance at switching it, because I have no clue on how too.

Friday, Steve, I and Jerry went up north to my dad and moms house, where LaKota was spending the week up their, when we arrived to my parents house, I seen LaKota come running, ”Mom, I missed you so much, I love you mom, did you hear my song I was singing in my head, I ran to meet her too, I picked her up, she laid her head on my shoulder and started crying, than I started crying, then she asked me, “Mom did you miss me too, “Oh, of course honey I missed you so much, you know your mom loves you so very much, then she had to show me the ribbon that she won at the turtle races, and tell me all about the fire works that her and Aunt Susie went too, and she told me how her and Aunt Susie got to lay in the back of Aunt Susie‘s truck and look up in the sky at the fire works ; This was the second time that LaKota and I have been apart, the other time was only 2 days, this time was 4 days, a little longer then the first time, My mom said that LaKota was sitting on the bench for about 15 minutes before we pulled in, when mom saw us pull in with the truck, she said to LaKota, I think that there are some people here that looking forward to seeing you, Mom said when LaKota saw us get out of the truck, that LaKota ran so fast, she said she never seen LaKota run so fast; “I love that little girl so much!
My sister’s Susie mention to me, that when they went to the Fire works, they stopped in at a gift shop, LaKota wanted to get some rocks, “She is into those pretty rocks“, it was right before closing time when they got their, LaKota was looking at the rocks, when an little old man with glasses on came up to LaKota, and said “Oh are you looking for the lucky rock“, LaKota told him yes“, he told LaKota pick out a rock and he would tell her if it was the lucky rock, My sister said she noticed that the gift shop was closing at this time, the lights were starting to shut off, LaKota handed the little old man a rock, he looked at it and said no, that’s not the lucky rock, she handed him another one, and he looked at it again, and said no that’s not the lucky rock either, than she handed him a third rock, he looked at it again, and he said no that’s not the lucky rock, then LaKota handed him the fourth rock, he looked at it, then he lifted it up towards the sky, and said this is the lucky rock, then he said “Lucky rock, lucky rock, and said to LaKota, You will be the blessed child, and still holding the rock towards the sky he went “BZZZZZZZZZZZ” and his body started shaking some, my sister said it was like he was hit by a bolt of lighting or an electrical shock, than he said to LaKota, I give you this rock, he handed LaKota the rock, LaKota gave him a big hug, and said thank you, my sister was a amazed at the whole thing, LaKota stuck the lucky rock into her rock pouch with her other rocks, my sister said that the little old man walked to the back of the store, when LaKota and my sister went to pay for the rocks, which the cashier register is right by the door, they turned towards the back of the store where the little old man was, but he wasn’t their any more, the next day they went to the turtle races which is also in the same town, they went to the same gift shop thinking maybe they would see him, but they didn’t, my sister said you never know, maybe it was an angel, and I do believe in angels.

Next Monday July 17th, or Tuesday the 18th are friends from Ohio are coming to Minnesota, their son Ben has his 2 year check-up for his transplant, one of the doctors from Ohio, thinks Ben is getting his gvhd back, I hope he doesn’t get it back, after their appointment they will come up north at my dad and moms house, and stay for a few days with us, it will be nice to see them again.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows.
John 10:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:45 PM CDT

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Hope that everyone had a great 4th of July. LaKota is up north at my dad and mom’s house, she went Monday evening with my sister Susie, my sister Susie is on vacation for a week, she is spending the week at my dad and mom’s house, along with quiet a few of LaKota’s cousins, I think around 20 cousins; I talk to LaKota at least 4 times a day, this is the second time that LaKota has been away from me, first time was last year when I had a garage sale; We will be going to my dad and moms house on Friday. Mom said that LaKota is having a grand time up their, mom said LaKota has been busy swimming, and playing with all of her cousins, and then last night Aunt Susie brought her to see the fire works, and then today Godfather Jon, and his bride to be Angie, brought her to the turtle races, she won a ribbon for the fastest turtle, I asked her if she was ready to come home, her reply was “No way mom, I’m having so much fun; We will be up north at my parents house for a week, starting July 17th, we will also be bringing our friends from Ohio up their too, their son Ben is having his two year post check-up on the 17th, Please pray that everything is healthy for him.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?
Hebrews 2:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:35 AM CDT

"... who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We went to my dad and mom’s house over the weekend, Our priest, “Father Helmin also came up their for the weekend; Steve, and Father Helmin did lots of fishing, and LaKota, she did some fishing and swimming.
Yesterday I took LaKota, and her friend Ryan to the Minnesota zoo, we went with my sister Lisa, and her two daughter’s Kristine, and Kayla, they also each brought a friend along, the kids had a real good time. LaKota’s friend Ryan, he is so shy, I mean really, really shy, and LaKota, and she is the opposite, a social butterfly.
Today LaKota is at summer school, then after lunch her tutor will come over.

I can’t believe the 4th of July is right around the corner, summer is sure flying bye, to fast for me.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing."
Luke 9:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, June 19, 2006 12:15 AM CDT

Blessed are they that put their trust in him.
Psalm 2:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We went up north for the weekend at my dad and mom’s house, LaKota’s cousins, and my sister Susie were also their; LaKota did lots of swimming over the weekend, a few times in her clothes, didn’t want to take the time to change into her swimming suit, she reminds me of me when I was a kid, didn’t want to take the time to change in a swimming suit, so just went swimming in our clothes.

Our friend’s from Ohio, are coming in July, we are excited about seeing them, they are also a Caring bridge family (BEN), Ben is going to clinic on Wednesday, he has not been feeling himself lately; Please pray that everything is ok and, healthy for him, he had aml, and had a transplant a couple days after LaKota, that is when we met them.

It makes me sad to think how fast summer is going by; "My mom always told us when we were younger, don't wish the day's to go by to fast because when you get older, they'll go by way too fast, how right she is.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.
2 Chronicles 20:20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:55 PM CDT

By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.
Acts 4:30

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s tutor is over now, I can hear LaKota just a giggling away, I’m so glad that she is having a good time with her tutor. Yesterday LaKota started summer school, she was a little disappointed that Ryan was not in her class, she doesn’t get to see Ryan as much now, he is practicing swimming for champion for state, so he has to practice almost every day, although yesterday his dad let him and his two brother’s come over for awhile, so we went over to my sister Lisa‘s house, she lives right by a lake, the kids had a real good time; Ryan’s mom called, and said that they had to go to swimming practice, so I had to get them home right away, the boys would of rather stayed and played; I hope that they make it to state, with all the practicing that they have to do. LaKota was also disappointed that Beth her DD teacher wasn’t their at school, I think LaKota was hoping that Beth would still be at her school, and not change schools.
Tomorrow LaKota goes to the dentist, she is nervous about that.
I just can’t believe how fast summer is moving along, I hope that it slow down, we sure don’t want our cold weather back that soon.
Today it is 78 above, sure doesn’t feel like it to me, and feels chillier than that.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
John 14:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:25 PM CDT

“Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, until the end of the age”.
Mt 28:19-20

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Yesterday we went to the relay for life, first time that we went, I never knew before that we had one in St.Cloud; it was suppose to be outside at the Apollo school track, but since it rained they moved it indoors at the Hallenback hall at their indoor track, (our college here.) They couldn’t carry a torch inside, so they carried an flash light, they had 3 survivors caring a flash light, and going around the track, LaKota was one of them that got to carry the flash light, she was the first one to start around the track, Steve and I, and my family followed behind her, it was such an emotional experience, and such an honor to do it. I didn’t know that you had to purchase luminary bag’s ahead of time, nobody mention that to us, this was all new to us, so LaKota did not have a luminary bag, I wish that someone would of told me, so that I could of made a luminary bag for her, next time we will know; They had a real good turn out, The photographer for the relay of life will send me some picture's of the relay, of course my batteries from my camera, didn't last to long, so couldn't get many pictures, will post them when I get them.

BRRRRRRRR, the last few days it has been cold and rainy, I guess we will have a few more days like that, “Yuck”!

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?
Hebrews 2:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:15AM CDT

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

This weekend we stayed home; Saturday was my niece Samantha’s Graduation party, LaKota had lot’s of fun playing with the kids, and entertaining the adults, she is such a social butterfly; it was a beautiful hot day that day, loved it. Yesterday evening it rained, we needed the rain real bad, but don’t know how good it did, because the rain came down hard, we had lots of lighting and some thunder with it.
LaKota will start summer school next Tuesday, she is looking forward to that, her tutor came yesterday, and she will be here today, LaKota really needs the extra help on her reading; LaKota still is sad about her DD teacher Beth, not being their next Fall when the kids start school, I am too though, I hope that the next DD teacher is like Beth, where she believes in LaKota.
This Friday, LaKota will be in the Relay for Life, this will be the first time that they had kids involved in the Relay for Life, It will be at the Apollo High school, it will start from 6:00pm, until 6:00am, Saturday morning, LaKota will carry the torch at 9:45pm.

I hope that summer goes by real slow, and I mean real slow, our summer here is way too short, and our winter’s are way too long.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:45 PM CDT

And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul.
Acts 19:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry that it’s been 8 day’s since the last update.
Today was LaKota’s last day of school until summer school starts, very emotional, "Sad, and Happy; I’m happy that school is out, I love spending time with LaKota, she is my life! "Sad part is that you get so attached to the teacher’s, and the kid’s; LaKota’s DD Teacher, ”Beth, she is getting married this summer, and is moving away, and will be teaching at new school; LaKota had Beth for a DD teacher for 1st and 2nd grade, Beth is such a loving and caring person, we will miss her very much; On the way home from school, LaKota mentioned that she was sad that Beth was not going to be at her school in the fall when she goes back to school, I’m also sad too about Beth leaving, she was such inspiration to us, “She believes in LaKota”, and that means so much to us; Believes that LaKota will catch up to her peers, it will just take time, “Go from preschool, to second grade, she missed all of kindergarten, and most of first grade, LaKota probably had about a month and half of first grade, she has come along ways with her education, we are so very proud of her.

“Praise our beautiful God, LaKota’s blood work is all Healthy, she is 100 percent grafted, we haven’t heard yet about her DNA cells yet, hopefully sometime next week. Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth; What a beautiful blessing of good news that we heard about LaKota, Thank you again for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

LaKota’s two cousins Kristine and Kayla, and LaKota’s friend Ryan, and his two brothers Eric and Tyler came over today for a few hours, the kids had a real good time playing.

It is starting to get pretty windy out, I wonder if we will get a storm or if it will pass us by, hopefully we won’t get anything out of it.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

She stood up straight and began thanking God.
Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 6:55 PM CDT

LaKota’s Blood count’s, weight and height:

WBC: 9.8
WEIGHT: 51.5 pounds
HEIGHT: 43 inches

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:7-8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Yesterday LaKota had her biopsy and blood counts done; We saw Dr.MacMillan before LaKota had her biopsy, Dr.MacMillan is LaKota’s main doctor that LaKota had when she was going through her transplant; Dr.MacMillan said that she was so happy to see how good LaKota looks, which made me feel good; They had a tough time getting an IV in LaKota’s arm’s, because of how tiny her vein’s are, they even used the ultra sound machine that finds the vein’s, that didn’t work the greatest with LaKota, they even numbed her arm, so that she couldn’t feel them poking, and probing around to get the right spot, but it didn’t numb it enough, LaKota still could feel them poking and probing around, It hurt Steve, and I so much watching her cry while they tried hitting a vein, they finally hit the vein with a 1 ¾ inch IV needle, almost 2 inches long, “Owwwww”, that made me sick, looking at how long the needle was, it gives me the shiver’s to think of about it, When a different nurse pulled out the IV, she was so totally shocked at how long it was, especially for how tiny LaKota is.
Today, Wednesday, “Eager parents here, that can't breathe", When Steve got home from work, he called the University hospital to see how LaKota’s tests were looking so far, and they told Steve that everything looks good so far; “PRAISE OUR BEAUTIFUL GOD, and THANK YOU GOD, and Thank you every one for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth, and God Thank you for answering those powerful prayer’s for LaKota.
Next Tuesday, we will find out the final results of LaKota’s biopsy tests, Please keep your powerful prayer’s going strong for LaKota here on Earth, Thank you so very much.
I did not send LaKota to school today, I thought it would be best for her to stay home and relax, not for sure if I will send her tomorrow or wait until Friday, LaKota’s ready to go back, but I’m worried about someone bumping into her back, or her bumping her back. While she was under, she did receive two of her vaccinations, she got the Hib, and the Hepatitis B, just one more each of those shot’s, plus one more of the polio shot, she still will need to get the DTP and the MMR shot, which I’m kind of worried about, because I heard that it can cause ® or other side affects.
We are going up to my dad and mom’s house for Memorial weekend, My sister’s and their families will be up their too, and quiet a few of my cousins will also be their too, which is always nice, and LaKota is looking so forward to it so very much, just being with the family.
I guess it is going to be beautiful over Memorial weekend, which is unusual for Minnesota, it is usually cold or it rains over Memorial weekend. Speaking of rain, it sprinkled a little here in St.Cloud today.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Blessed are they that put their trust in him.
Psalm 2:12

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, May 22, 2006 10:15 AM CDT

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Tomorrow, Tuesday May 23rd LaKota will have her 2 year post biopsy test at 1:00 pm, and blood work at 9:00 am; I get so stressed out right before all these tests that LaKota has to have done.
Please pray that the test will show all healthy cell’s, healthy blood, everything healthy inside LaKota, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.

Yesterday we went to my cousin Darrin’s Graduation party, LaKota brought her friend Ryan with, than from their, we went to my sister Lisa’s house, the kids did some fishing, and paddle around in the paddle boat for awhile, the kids really had a good time.

Steve is waiting for the doctor to call back, hopefully she will call back within the next few day’s, that way Steve will at least know what to do.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:45 PM CDT

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s appointment for her 2 year post biopsy is on May 23rd; Please pray for all Healthy cell’s, Healthy blood, everything Healthy inside and outside LaKota's body, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.

Monday I took LaKota to the doctor, she prescribed some Augmentin which is part of the Penicillin family for LaKota; Tuesday morning LaKota looked red, “not thinking here”, I thought it was from the fever, so I gave her one dose of penicillin on Tuesday, and on Monday she had two dose’s, when I got LaKota undress for a bath, she was real red, almost burnt looking, I called the doctor, and the receptionist answered the phone, she said that LaKota was having an allergy reaction to the Augmentin, so give her two teaspoons of Benadryl right away, and watch her so that she doesn’t quit breathing, so here I am freaking out, I got LaKota dressed real fast, and brought her up to the clinic, LaKota’s doctor said that it was an reaction to the Augmentin, so no more of the penicillin family for her, the doctor prescribed a different antibiotic for LaKota, but said to wait 24 to 48 hours, until the redness starts disappearing, I was hoping that today that the redness wasn’t so red - burnt looking, so that LaKota could at least start the other antibiotic, but she is still real red, and also has the diarrhea from the Augmentin; I was hoping and praying that her fever would also be gone too, but the fever is still their, AUGH! “I just hate this when she gets a fever, I get so totally stressed out.
Maybe on Friday, LaKota will be able to go back to school, I know that she really misses her friends at school. Please pray that it isn’t anything seriously, Thank you.

I think that Steve will have to call the doctor, he still has not heard back yet from the doctor to see what they want to do about that spot that they found on him.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You have healed me."
Psalm 30:2

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, May 15, 2006 8:55 AM CDT

"Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You have restored my health and have allowed me to live!"
Isaiah 38:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s appointment for her 2 year post biopsy is on May 23rd; Please pray for all Healthy cell’s, Healthy blood, everything Healthy inside and outside LaKota's body, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.

Last night LaKota started running a fever, her sinuses sound like they are really bothering her again, it must be draining down her throat, because she is coughing now with it, I am taking her to the doctor at 10:15 this morning, Please pray that it isn’t anything serious, I hate it when she gets a fever, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

I had a beautiful Mother’s day, LaKota made me a beautiful card and a very special beautiful picture;
LaKota being here on Earth, and LaKota being Healthy is the best gift that I could receive; Thank you God for letting LaKota be here on Earth with us and for being Healthy, I love you God.
We went up north for the weekend and celebrated Mother’s day with my mom, than on Sunday we went to Steve’s mom’s house and celebrate Mother’s day with her.
I hope that you all had a wonderful Mother’s day too!

We still have not yet heard back from Steve’s doctor to see what she wants to do about that spot that they found on him, as soon as I find out I will let you know.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people."
Acts 6:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:45 PM CDT

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-23

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s appointment for her 2 year post biopsy is on May 23rd; Please pray for all Healthy cell’s, Healthy blood, everything Healthy inside and outside LaKota's body, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.

Last Saturday while we were at my dad and mom’s house, LaKota lost her third tooth, a tooth on the bottom, her first two teeth that she lost on top have not yet come in, that has been around 6 month’s, I’m not for sure how long they take before they come in.

Today LaKota had her play at school, she was the congress woman, she was so cute, especially when she did her little dance, Steve and I just loved it.
LaKota’s friend Ryan came over after school, We went out to the Old Country Buffet to eat, while we were walking into the Old Country Buffet, we saw our old neighbors Fred and Claudette, it was nice seeing them again, I wish that they still live next to us.
Ryan, LaKota's friend, he is in to swimming, I should say he competes into the state swimming, his mom take’s him swimming almost every day for about 1 hour, that way he get in his practice, especially when he competes against state; I think that is so neat that Ryan is into swimming for state, LaKota and Ryan will probably not get to see each other as much as they probably wish, since he is busy with practice; I’m glad that LaKota and Ryan have a close friendship, but I guess you just never know how long a friendship will last; I guess some of the kids from LaKota and Ryan’s school have been teasing them, about their friendship, you know a boy and girl friendship, only the kid’s are saying boyfriend and girlfriend; Ryan’s mom mention to me, since Ryan and LaKota are getting teased about their friendship, maybe they should play with other kids, and not with each other as much, she said that she told Ryan that he should play with other kids, than maybe the kids wouldn’t tease LaKota and Ryan, and that the kids would think that Ryan and LaKota aren’t as close anymore, she said that the kids get so much peer pressure the way it is, she thinks it would be the best for LaKota and Ryan, and she said that she doesn’t have anything against LaKota, I can see where she just wants to protect her son from the teasing, and I don’t blame her, I hate seeing LaKota being teased too, but I hate to see LaKota and Ryan friendship end over this, It doesn't seem to bother Ryan and LaKota that much about the teasing, they just more or less ignored it, but it does bother Ryan’s mom; any mom hates seeing her child being teased; I told her that I thought it was special that LaKota and Ryan have a close friendship, because you never know in the future how long their friendship will last, it is too bad that teasing has to interfere in LaKota and Ryan's friendship, I guess time will tell us where their friendship will take them.
June 1st is LaKota’s last day of school, than she will have a week break before summer school starts, she will go three time’s a week, from 8:00 until 11:00, they go a week on, than a week off.
The weather has been rainy and cloudy out lately, Steve just came in from mowing the grass, boy the grass is growing so fast.
Steve, he went in to the doctor for a stress test, because he was having chest pain’s, that turned out good, but they said that there is a spot on his left side chest wall, they will contact his doctor and she will let Steve know if she wants to do anymore testing, or just watch it.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.
Acts 4:30

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, May 6, 2006 10:35 AM CDT

"For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,' says the Lord."
Jeremiah 30:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s appointment for her 2 year post biopsy is on May 23rd; Please pray for all Healthy cell’s, Healthy blood, everything Healthy inside and outside LaKota's body, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.


Wednesday when I went to pick LaKota up from school, her friend Ryan also came home with us too, LaKota and Ryan played for a little while before Steve took them to Religion; Wednesday was LaKota's and Ryan's last day of Religion for the season, they had an ice cream and cookie party at Religion school for their last night.

Friday, Steve, I, LaKota and Jerry went up north to my dad and mom's house, we are going to have Birthday cake today or tomorrow for Steve and Susie's (My sister.)
Susie, and her son Jon (God father Jon), and his bride to be "Angie, and my cousin's Tish, Danielle and Jason are also up here at my dad and mom's place; LaKota is having lots of fun, "visiting every one, "she is my social butterfly, opposite of me. LaKota called Ryan's mom on Friday, right before we left, to see if Ryan could come up north for the weekend, but she said no, Ryan's mom said that she is not ready to let Ryan be gone for the night or the weekend with out her; LaKota is hoping that his mom will let him come up north one of these day's during the summer time; LaKota goes to me, "Mom, I told Ryan's mom that we would take good care of him", I told LaKota that Ryan's mom is just like me, "that we worry too much when your not with us.

The sun is out so beautiful here, I guess we will have sunshine until Sunday, than it's suppose to rain up until Thursday, We do need the rain though, although I wish it would rain at night time instead of during the day time, that way the kids can enjoy being outside.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong ... Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all."
Acts 3:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, May 1, 2006 12:05 AM CDT

My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-23

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s appointment for her 2 year post biopsy is on May 23rd; Please pray for all Healthy cell’s, Healthy blood, everything Healthy inside and outside LaKota's body,
Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.

Friday evening we went to the Ken Davis a comedy concert with 2 of my sister’s and their family.
LaKota’s cousin’s Kristine, and Kayla decided to stay over night on Friday, the girl’s had a lot of fun being busy playing;
Saturday morning Steve picked up LaKota’s friend Ryan, so that he could come to the movie’s with us, and play with LaKota and her cousin’s, we went to the movie Ice Age The Meltdown, the kid’s sure enjoyed the movie a lot, after the movie was over with, the kids were hungry again, so we headed to Mc.Donald’s to pick up something to eat, than we came back to our house so that the kid’s could play for awhile before their parent’s came to pick them up around 8:30 pm, it was a busy fun full day for all the kid’s, I love seeing the kids have so much fun, I just wish that it wasn’t raining out, so that they could of played outside; It is still raining out, the weather change’s so much, first it suppose to quit on Sunday, than it changed to Tuesday, now it say’s it will rain until Thursday, I guess we will just wait and see what the weather will bring us.
LaKota’s tutor will be coming over today after school, I am so happy that she is getting the extra help to catch up, and LaKota enjoys having her tutor over.
This weekend we are going up north to my dad and mom’s house, my sister Susie will also be up their too, so we will be celebrating Steve’s birthday which is on Saturday, and my sister’s Susie’s birthday which is on Sunday, hopefully the weather will be nice out.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:7-8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, April 28, 2006 11:35 AM CDT

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah33: 6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s appointment for her 2 year post biopsy is on May 23rd; Please pray for all Healthy cell’s, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth.

Yesterday it was so nice out, LaKota and I went and picked up her friend Ryan, and his two brother’s Eric and Tyler, I took them to the Dairy Queen, and than we came back to our house, Steve blew the bounce and jump play thing, so that the kid’s could bounce and jump around in it, the kid’s had so much fun playing, it was a beautiful day for being outside, later their mom, dad, and their sister Kelly came to pick the boy’s up, they stayed for awhile, we had such a nice visit.
Tonight we are going to Ken Davis a comedy concert with 2 of my sister’s and their family, I have not heard of him, but from what other people have said, I guess he is suppose to be real funny.
Today is misting out, I don’t mind it, we sure need the rain, and the lakes are so very low, and it supposes to rain up until Sunday.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"... who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all."
Luke 6:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 1:05 PM CDT

For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith, to another gifts of healings, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."
1 Corinthians 12:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota’s 2 year post biopsy will be coming up in May or June, Please pray for all Healthy cell’s in LaKota's body, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth; I get so nervous and stressed out knowing that LaKota’s tests are coming up.

LaKota and I went up to my dad and mom’s place on Saturday morning until Sunday evening; The weather was so beautiful their, we planted some flower’s, and LaKota helped Papa with the outside painting, LaKota thought that was fun to do, "Help Papa with his painting.

“Boy the weather sure has changed these last couple day’s, it is so cold out, brrrrrrrrrrrrr; Can’t wait until that warm, hot weather, as long as it isn’t to dry, where it dries up the lake’s or burn’s up the grass, tree’s, and ect… than that would be very sad.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

For she said to herself, "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, "Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Matthew 9:21

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, April 21, 2006 6:15 PM CDT

Search for the Lord and for his strength, and keep on searching. Think of the wonderful works he has done, the miracles and the judgments he handed down.
Psalm 105:4-5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.


LaKota is doing really well; I thank God everyday for keeping her Healthy here on Earth.
It has been misting out the last few day’s; Tomorrow and Sunday we are suppose to get some nice warm weather, so than Steve will go over to my sister Susie’s house and help build a bigger stairway deck on her house with LaKota’s Godfather Jon, that is Susie’s son, So I am not for sure what LaKota and I will do, since it is also prom that evening; Right now LaKota has her friend Ryan over, they were playing in her playroom, but the sun came out, so they decided to go outside to play, they are playing in LaKota’s jeep, and on her swing set, it is so nice having a 6 foot wood privacy fence, that way nobody will bother the kids when they are outside playing; and Pleez of course is playing with them too, that Pleez is such a stinker.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Let love and faithfulness never leave you …write them on the tablet of your heart.
Proverbs 3:3

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, April 17, 2006 9:55 AM CDT


The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
Psalms 33:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

We hope that everyone had a very Blessed and Happy Easter, We sure did, Thank you for all your Easter Blessings, prayers, they mean so very much to us.

Thursday evening; Holy Thursday, we picked up LaKota’s friend Ryan to go to church with us, the kids got to wear their First Communion dresses or suits again, that is so nice that the First Communion children get to be part of the church service’s on Holy Thursday, LaKota got to bring down the Holy water, she was a little nervous about it, not nervous doing it in front of anybody, but nervous about dropping the Holy water, she always wanted to carry the gifts down, so she got to carry the Holy water, she was so proud of doing it, I was so proud of her too, but I am always proud of her.
Friday night we went to see the Harlem Globe Trotters, with LaKota’s friend Ryan and his family, LaKota got a T-shirt from the Globe Trotter's, for going out on the gym floor and doing the monkey dance in front of every one,it was a nice outing.
Saturday morning we headed up north to my dad and mom’s house for Easter, my sister’s and their families were their too, the weather was so warm and beautiful up north, the kids got to do the Easter egg hunt outside, and got to play out side all day on Saturday and Sunday, they had so much fun being together. Saturday night we went to church up north, when it was LaKota’s turn to receive the Holy bread, (Communion) LaKota had her hand out to receive the Holy bread, but he wasn’t going to give it to her, he was just going to bless her instead, but I nodded my head to let him know that it was ok, so he gave LaKota the Holy bread, with LaKota being so tiny for her age, I’m sure he was wondering if she made her First Communion.
Sunday we had Easter dinner with my side of the family, than we went to Steve’s mom’s later and visit with her, we had a nice time with her.
Today LaKota is still off with Easter break, so she is having one of her little friends come over to play this afternoon. Tomorrow back to school for her again.

I guess on the news it said that Cities are having a few cases of the mumps, “YUCK”.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Now abide , faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of
these is Love.
I Corinthians 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:55 PM CDT

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 15:30

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing really well, Thank you for your continues prayers for LaKota, and Thank you God for answering all those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
Today Steve and I took LaKota to the dentist, it was the first time that she got to go to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned, she was nervous at first, she did not like the stuff that they cleaned her teeth with, it made it feel to gritty for her, so they quit using it, they were going to take the digital pictures of LaKota’s mouth, since she can not have the x-rays done, but could not fit the picture things in her mouth, LaKota’s mouth was too small to fit for it to fit in it, she will have to go back in May, she has one cavity, they said it was probably cause from all the medications that she was on, after it was done, I asked her how she liked going to the dentist, she said that she liked it, Steve and I were so proud of her for being so brave for her first time of her getting teeth cleaned.
Tomorrow is LaKota’s last day for school, than they are on Easter break until Monday, than back to school on Tuesday. Tomorrow is Holy Thursday; LaKota will get to wear her Communion dress tomorrow at church.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, April 8, 2006 12:35 AM CDT

“Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ”.
Roman 10:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I keep thinking back on to last Saturday on LaKota’s First Communion, I am so thankful to our beautiful God, that LaKota was here to make her First Communion, when I think of all that she has been through, Steve and I are so very blessed to have LaKota here with us on Earth, we are very blessed to have LaKota’s older brother and sister, Cody and Skyla watching over us, although I wish with all my heart that they could have been here in the flesh with us; I am so very proud of LaKota with the strong faith that she has, and so very proud that she used her brother’s baptismal candle. LaKota will be the flower girl in her Godfather Jon’s wedding, so she will be using her Communion dress in her Godfather's wedding, "that's if it still fit's her", she is so petite for her age, also she will get to wear it on Holy Thursday at church, all the First Communion children get to wear their First communion outfits.

Wednesday and Thursday, I kept LaKota home from school, she started coughing, I hate that when she get's a cough, "UGH", and her nose was running, I think it was from her sinus’s, Thursday I gave her Benadryl-D Allergy & Sinus medicine, one teaspoon in the morning and one at teaspoon before bedtime, first time that I gave her this medicine, and I think it might be the last time at night time, instead of making her tired, she was wide awake until 4:00am in the morning, than she got up at 6:30am, and said that she felt good and wanted to go to school, she looked and sounded real good too, so than Friday she went to school, she was glad to be back at school with her friends and her teachers.

Today we are doing yard work, raking, trimming the bushes, and ect…… I would like to get a bigger swimming pool, we have one of those kiddy swimming pools for LaKota; Do you know what kind of swimming pool I would like if we could afford it, "I know that I am dreaming, oh well, dreaming is good for you", I would like our pool to be an in ground, with the pool in some kind of shelter with lot's of glass window's, a patio door, sky lights, that way we wouldn't have to clean the leave’s, dirt and ect.... out of the pool all the time, and we could use it in the winter time if their was heat in their, We have a nice high wooden fence, a privacy fence you could say, we put up a high fence around our yard when we had our bigger dog's; I’m sure that it would cost quiet a bit of money to run the pool year round, or even have a built in ground pool with some kind of shelter, I guess I will have to look at the prices for a pool that is above the ground, only bad part about the above the ground pool is that they don’t seem deep enough.

We are going to my dad and mom’s for Easter, we will go up on Saturday, I can’t believe Easter is right around the corner, Easter is very emotional holiday for Steve, I, and my family, it was around the time that our son Cody ® with AML, than it was around the time LaKota had her surgery on her kidney for wilms, than my 9 year old nephew, Justin went to Heaven on Easter, than our beautiful Jesus, so many emotions.

I pray that this summer that Minnesota and the other states don’t get hit any more by any bad weather any more, tornado’s, hurricanes, fires, and ect…. It is so scary; some one mentioned that it is a message from God, that he is hoping that the people will start straightening out for the better!

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, April 3, 2006 1:25 PM CDT

God has poured out his love into our hearts.
Romans 5:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Thank you so very much for your prayers, congratulation’s, gifts, and cards for LaKota on her First Communion, it really means a lot to us, Thank you again!

I was so very glad that LaKota’s First Communion was on Saturday and not Sunday, Saturday was such a very beautiful day, Sunday it rained all day; LaKota was so excited for Saturday to finally be here so that she could finally make her First Communion; Instead of using LaKota baptismal candle, LaKota asked if she could use her brother Cody’s baptismal candle in memory of him, Steve and I thought that was just so special that LaKota wanted to do that for her brother Cody. While we were walking down the aisle to our pew, LaKota between Steve and I, LaKota seen where Papa, Grandma, and my sisters and their family were sitting, and started blowing kisses to them; Steve was really disappointed that none of his family showed up at LaKota’s First Communion, for her special day, since this was our only child here on earth that made their First Communion, I know LaKota was a little hurt by it, because she did mention something to Steve and I about it, my family was able to make it, so that made LaKota feel better; it was such a very beautiful ceremony, LaKota looked so very beautiful; when LaKota blew out the baptismal candle, I noticed that she was shaking her hand, I knew right away that the hot wax fell on her hand, when she went to go get the gifts to bring up to the alter, she came by where Steve and I were sitting, and asked us if we seen her get burnt from the hot wax, “Ouch” that hot wax is something else!
Steve, I, and LaKota went up together for Communion, LaKota took the Holy Bread, and the wine, when we came back to sit down in our pew, LaKota said to me, “Mom, I think next time I will skip the wine, “I thought that was so cute when she said that to me. After the mass was over with for the First Communion the kids than had their professional pictures taken with the priest, than we went home and had a special supper for LaKota, with my side of the family and our priest, “Father Helmin, It was such a very special day, "so very beautiful".
LaKota is so very proud of making her First Communion, first thing she did when we walked into school, she told every body about her very special day on Saturday, when she made her First Communion, she was just smiling from ear to ear, it's makes me so happy to see how happy she is.

LaKota got some real nice gifts for her First Communion, she got a rosary from my Aunt Ceva, that her brother Jimmy gave to her at Christmas, right before he went to Heaven in January at the age of 11 years old, LaKota got a rosary from Fred and Claudette, (Our neighbors that use to live by us) from Ireland, My niece Ashley went to the Vatican, and she brought home a rosary, necklace, a crucifix for LaKota, that are blessed by the Pope, and she was able to put LaKota on the Pope’s prayer line, LaKota also recieve 3 communion bracelets, all different from each other, a bracelet with the story of Jesus life, 2 First Communion picture frame’s, a Chime of Cross’s, a beautiful rose that you can hang the vase up on the wall, Communion purse, a Communion necklace, and a First Communion Holy bear, and a few other beautiful special gifts.

Our neighbors Fred and Claudette have moved out of their house, it seems so different seeing their house so dark and empty, the new neighbors will move in sometime in the middle of May.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them; and I will reveal unto them abundance of peace and truth.

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:45 AM CST

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Saturday morning, LaKota had her practice for her First Communion, the kids got to taste the Holy bread, and the wine, with it being a practice the wine and the host (Holy bread) were not blessed, the instructor told the kids not to chew the host, but to let it dissolve on their tongue; when it was LaKota’s turn to receive the Holy bread, the Holy bread was almost bigger than her mouth, she had a hard time closing her mouth, but she did real good with it, than after receiving the Holy bread the kids go to the wine right away and get their sip; the instructor told the kids to come up and try the wine again, LaKota told me that she wasn’t able to taste the wine the first time because she still had the Host in her mouth, and she was scared to take a drink just incase she choked on the host, so all she did was put the cup by her mouth, so when they did it the second time, LaKota got to taste the wine, she came up to Steve and I and said, "Now I know what heart burn feels like", she hears me always complaining about having heart burn, so it felt like it was burning when the wine went down, so she thought that was heart burn, that sounded so cute when she said that she knew what heart burn felt like; on the way home I asked her what she thought of the Holy bread and wine, she said, “Mom, maybe after it gets blessed the wine will taste better; LaKota is so excited about this coming Saturday when she make’s her First Communion, Steve and I are so very excited also about it too, and we are so very blessed that we get to see one of our children make their First Communion.
Steve and I invited our families to LaKota’s First Communion to share this very special and bless day with her, hopefully they will be able to make it, I am also having a supper after the First Communion, and our priest will also be coming for supper. “I’m just so excited about LaKota making her First Communion”!
Saturday afternoon, we went to the Circus, we followed LaKota’s friend Ryan’s mom Karen, and Ryan and his brother Eric to the Circus, we all sat by each other, we had a real good time, the Circus was really good this year, the kids really enjoyed it.

Sunday afternoon, Steve and our priest went fishing, the fish are not really biting anymore, so they hardly got any fish.

Two more day’s and our wonderful neighbor’s Fred and Claudette will be moved out of their house, it is going to be real sad and strange when they move; whenever I talk with Claudette, I always end up sobbing, I’m very happy for them, but we will miss.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
2CO 1:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:05 PM CST

Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.
1 Pet 5:7

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Sorry that it has been almost a week since I have wrote in her journal; I have been so tired and no energy lately, I should really not say lately, what I really should say is for how many years!
We went up north to my dad and mom’s house over the weekend; LaKota’s Godfather Jon, and LaKota’s cousin to be Angie were also their. God Father Jon gave LaKota a snowmobile ride on his snowmobile, and she also rode around on the four wheeler with her Father, she also did some ice fishing while we were their, but boy you really had to work for those fish, there is 2 ½ feet of ice sill on the lake up by my dad and moms house.
My friend Deb took me out for lunch today, that was so sweet of her, we went to the Olive Garden, they have such a good salad their.
This evening, LaKota, I and Steve went to a healing mass at our church; I always feel some kind of comfort from the healing mass when I bring LaKota to a healing mass.
Tomorrow LaKota’s school will get out two hour’s earlier, once a month they have it where they get out two hour’s earlier, or start two hours later, so than tomorrow LaKota and I will pick up Steve’s mom and his brother and bring them to our house, so that we can spend some time with them, LaKota is looking forward to that.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:45 AM CST

"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on Earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven."
Matthew 18:19

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota was very happy to be back at school again. Yesterday at school they had wacky day, that’s where the kids and the teacher dress up funny, LaKota wore two different shoe’s, and two different color sock’s, and than she had on a two different shirts that didn’t match with each other, she had fun with that. Today is sport's day in school, so LaKota wore her Jersey to school, Tomorrow will be pajama’s day.
Last night one of LaKota’s teacher’s called and said that she went to the doctor today and just wanted to inform Steve and I, that she has pneumonia, and that it is very catchy, and that she was with LaKota this week, “ICK”, Please pray that LaKota will not catch pneumonia, Thank you so much for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth; I am so grateful though that her teacher did call to let us know, I pray that her teacher will have a speedy recovery, her teacher said that she wouldn’t be their today, but should be back on Friday.

It is so great to have my dad and mom back home again; LaKota is looking forward to going up north to see Papa and Grandma.

“Oh, we got LaKota’s Communion dress back, it looks so adorable and cute on her, and I can’t wait until her First Communion.

Our next door neighbor’s Fred and Claudette, the neighbor’s that LaKota also call’s Papa, and Grandma will be moving at the end of this month, it is sad knowing that the end of March will be here before we know it, and that they will not be living next door to us any more, they are such wonderful neighbor’s.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:15 PM CST

Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11 ~

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is feeling and doing really well, Thank you so much for all your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering all those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Monday back to school for LaKota, she is looking forward to going back to school, being with her friends, and her teachers again; I am really glad that she really enjoys school, hopefully it will always be that way.
Monday, LaKota’s Communion dress should be done getting alternated; I can’t wait to LaKota puts it on to see how it will fit her.
My dad and mom are back home from Texas, it is nice to have them back home, even though they live around 110 miles from our house, which may seem like a distances to drive for some people, but it seems close to us, we usually make it up north to my parents house about every weekend, I’m just glad that they are back home again.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 15:30

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 11:35 AM CST

Now abide , faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is Love.
- I Corinthians 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Paul, my cousin did the side border for LaKota’s journal, I don’t have the talent for making borders; I know on my desk top computer I can see the new side border, but on my lap top I can’t see the new side border, I can only see the old side border on it, the one that I had on it before, it’s weird! I am not for sure which borders that you can see, if it the old border with LaKota by the lake, or if it’s with the 3 different picture’s of LaKota.
"Thank you Paul for doing the new side border on LaKota’s journal.

The flu lasted here at our household for 8 day’s, LaKota didn’t have any diarrhea on Tuesday, and now just praying that it stay’s away. "Thank goodness I did not get the flu. I don’t know about any other states, or towns, but LaKota’s doctor said that the flu was going around pretty heavy here, “Yuck! “Boy, was it a nasty one too! Just praying that we don’t get it back.

"24 more day’s to LaKota’s First Communion, "April 1st, "OH", I am just so excited about her First Communion, I brought her Communion dress in to a seamstress about 3 weeks ago to get it altered, My dad and mom bought it last year for LaKota while they were in Texas, with LaKota being on the petite side, the arm hole’s needed to be altered smaller, and few other little alternation’s, the dress is fairly long, it is down by her ankle’s, but we are going to leave it their; "Jon, LaKota’s Godfather and his girlfriend Angie, are getting married this August, and they asked LaKota to be their flower girl in their wedding, Jon and Angie said that her Communion dress was so beautiful that she did not need to buy another dress for their wedding, that she could wear her First Communion dress for the Flower girl dress, I don‘t know if it will fit than or not; LaKota is so excited about being a Flower girl for her Godfather‘s wedding; I will have to call the seamstress to see if her dress is ready yet.

Right now LaKota and Pleez our little dog are chasing each other around the house, they both love chasing each other back and forth, Thank goodness Pleez isn’t a big dog, back and forth, room to room they go running through, chasing each other.

Thursday the weather is suppose to get up to the higher 40’s here, that will seem real nice, I hope it melt’s the snow that we have left, Yesterday we got some rain, than later it turned to rain snow, it made it slushy some.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

it is more blessed to give than to receive.
- Acts 20:35

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, March 4, 2006 3:05 PM CST

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

It was a long week with every one in the house hold sick with the flu, "except for me, I did not get the flu, thank goodness for that, I couldn’t afford to get sick, since I was taking care of every one here. Thursday LaKota started feeling better, but than on Friday she wasn't feeling that great, she started throwing up again, and having diarrhea, I was so scared and worried for her, that I felt like I was dying inside, I get so scared like that. Today she had one loose bowel movement and just once gagged, she is feeling much better today, where she wants to play with Pleez our dog, which is good sign, "Please pray that LaKota's diarrhea and throwing up will stop once and for all, Thank you.
Monday is Spring break for LaKota, I am happy that it is Spring break at LaKota’s school, this way it will get rid of some of those nasty germ’s before LaKota goes back to school again.
LaKota’s Communion is coming up fast, April 1st; I am so excited about it. Steve and LaKota just finished LaKota’s First Communion banner, it really turned out nice, they made it with felt material.
LaKota is counting the day’s for Papa and Grandma to be home, every morning she wake’s up and tells me how many more day’s before they get here, they should be home in 4 to 5 days, it will be nice to have my dad and mom back home again.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:35 PM CST

LaKota’s blood counts and weight for 2-28-2006:
WBC: 7.2
PLATELETS: 258,000
WEIGHT: 49 pounds

“So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. Exodus 23:25

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

First of all let me tell you Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, Prayer’s are such a wonderful bless gift that anyone can receive, Thank you.

Yesterday I took LaKota into the doctor’s, since she was still throwing up some, but had the diarrhea so much, I wanted to make sure she wasn’t getting dehydrated, and also get her checked out, they tried 4 time’s to put in an IV into her hands and arms, but couldn’t hit the vein, so they did a finger poke on her to check her blood count's and to see if she was dehydrated; I was so proud of LaKota, she sat still as can be when they were trying to get an IV into her, than she looked at me after it was all over with and said to me, “Mom was I brave”, I told her that she was so very brave, and mom was so very proud of her, she just smiled from ear to ear, I can say that she was more braver than I would have been, I am so very proud of her.
Her blood count’s looked good, they said that she was on the border of being dehydrated, they said to bring her home and give her fluids slowly so that it doesn’t come out of either ends, they didn’t want to keep trying to poke LaKota to get the IV in, they knew what her history was from before when the specialist tried to get a IV started, it took him and another specialist over 40 plus time’s to finally hit a vein, the doctor said that if she is feeling worse tomorrow to give her a call and from there we would figure something out. I brought LaKota home, talked to my mom, she said that when us kids were younger and if we had the flu, an older doctor told her to give us kids red jell-o, we could drink or eat it, we had to do it for 36 hours straight, nothing else, and that it would coat our stomach’s, We were at the doctor’s for about 3½ hours, so when I got home from the doctor’s, I made LaKota some red jell-o to drink, and put some in the refrigerator so that it would get firm so that she could eat some jell-o later that night and for tomorrow, so far she hasn’t thrown up at all today, and from last night until now she has only 4 loose bowel movements compare to 20 loose bowel movements with in the day, their is some form to it, so thank you for your powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on earth, and thank you God for answering all those powerful prayer’s for LaKota here on Earth, I pray that it just keep’s going good for LaKota, and that she doesn’t get dehydrated, I am so worried about that. Steve woke up this morning with the diarrhea and throwing up, so I started giving him some red jell-o right away, I told him that he has to have it for 36 hour’s straight and nothing else, I don’t think he was to happy about it, he’s not the jell-o man, “Oh well, today is lent, we don’t usually eat too heavy on lent, so the jell-o will be good for him in that way too, Hopefully Jerry the handicap gentleman that I take care of will not get the flu, hopefully I wouldn’t either, Please pray that the diarrhea will stop completely for LaKota, so that she doesn't get dehydrated, Thank you.
Tonight we were supposed to go to church to receive our ashes, but with the way LaKota is feeling and now Steve is sick, our wonderful priest came over to our house this morning so that we could receive our ashes for Ash Wednesday.
LaKota came in second place in selling her cookie dough, she won $25.00, that was so exciting to hear, we were not even trying, the lady that was giving out our cookie dough, said if LaKota would of sold 2 more tubs of cookie dough she would of came in first place, LaKota was just so excited to hear that she came in second place.

Wow, March 1st here, Spring will be here before we know it, I’m looking forward to that; seeing the tree's, and flower’s in bloom, the bird’s coming back, the green grass, and maybe Pleez our dog, will not being so stubborn about being potty train, that dog is about the stubbornness dog that we ever had besides our Siberian husky, "Timber"; When I was a kid we had a dog that lived to be 18 years old, we have been very lucky that all our dogs have lived to be very old, LaKota, she thinks about Shadow and still gets very sad about it, I really miss that little dog a lot too.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, February 26, 2006 3:45 PM CST

LaKota started throwing up around 7:00pm tonight, I am praying that it is nothing serious, I don't know if she got a touch of the flu, she was taking a bath, and than she said she wanted to get out the tub because her tummy hurts, and than all of sudden she started throwing up, it came on pretty fast. Please pray that it is nothing serious, Thank you.

The Lord is good. His love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.
- Psalms 100:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota is doing well, she still has a little cough yet, but not snoring as loud as what she was, thank goodness for that, I pray that this cough would just go away, and stay away, it make’s this mom a nervous, stressed out mom!

LaKota’s friend Ryan came home with us after school on Friday for a play day, later we went out to my sister Lisa’s house, LaKota and Ryan had so much fun playing hide-n-seek with LaKota’s cousin’s Kristine, Kayla and their friend Lucas; When it was time for us to bring Ryan home, Ryan wasn’t quiet ready to go home yet, he was having so much fun that he wanted to stay longer and play.
Tomorrow's Monday already, School time for LaKota, LaKota sure enjoys school, I am so grateful for that, I just pray that it keeps going that way, and nothing will wreck it for her.
Tuesday we have to pick up LaKota's 40 some tubs of cookie dough at school that she sold, and start delivering it.
“Wow, I can’t believe this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday already; LaKota will make her First Communion April 1st or April 2nd, it depends how many children sign up on which day; I am so excited about LaKota making her First Communion, LaKota, she is also so excited about making her First Communion.
My dad and mom will be leaving Port Aransas Texas March 7th, LaKota is counting the day’s for them to be back home, So am I.
Steve, and our Priest from our Church went ice fishing today, hopefully they will get some fish, it will be nice to have some fresh fish, especially since Lent is coming upon us.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

May the Lord continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys.
- Psalms 128:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, February 20, 2006 8:25 PM CST

“So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.
Exodus 23:25

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

Wednesday evening during religion class Steve said LaKota started coughing more, so with Thursday and Friday being so bitter cold out, I kept LaKota home from school to keep an eye on it; I had my foster care classes for my license all day Saturday out of town, I was praying that LaKota’s cough wouldn’t get any worse, Monday morning LaKota said that her throat hurt, so I made an doctor appointment to get it checked out, I still get worried even if we were at the specialist on Wednesday morning, I wish LaKota would of started having the coughing spell more when we were at the specialist, but her coughing spell decided to come more towards evening, “UGH”! The doctor said that she could see some inflamantion in LaKota’s nose, she said to use the inhaler on LaKota two time’s a day, and prescribe some medication for LaKota too, I am praying that this will finally get rid of this cough once in for all.

This is really scary, one of LaKota’s friends mom called to let us know not to drink the St. Cloud water, because they found out that it is contaminated with E coli Bacteria, that is so scary, I hope they have the water fountains cover at the schools, so that the younger children that don’t understand about what’s going on don’t drink the water. Please pray that nobody gets sick from the water, and that they get it under control soon, Thank you.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Psalm 77:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 3:15 PM CST

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

“Praise our beautiful God, and Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth“; We took LaKota to the cities to meet with the doctor who does the endoscopes, he looked at LaKota’s nose, throat, and ears, and than he asked us a few question’s about her cough, he said it does not sound or look serious, it sounds more like an allergy symptom and to keep a watch on it, he also mention that some children that have gone through a transplant, that their body have not caught up to where their immune system should be and that it will take time, the doctor said LaKota’s immune system is at the age of a 4 and 5 year old, and at that age they are still catching almost every kind of germs and ect……., he also said he wasn’t expecting to see LaKota looking as good as she does, Thank God that LaKota is looking good., Please keep your prayer’s going that it’s just a seasonal allergy for LaKota and nothing serious, Thank you.

Monday, LaKota’s friend Ryan came over with his mom, Ryan gave LaKota a Valentine’s gift, I thought that was so sweet of him to do, LaKota really thought it was so very special.
When I picked LaKota up from school on Monday, she was so excited to tell me that she made me and her Father a present in art class, when we got home, LaKota gave me and Steve the gift that she made out of pottery, it is a beautiful heart, it is flat on the back where, you can hang it on the wall and the front bow’s out like a vase, where you can put flowers, potpourri, ect…, LaKota already has her ideal of what we are going to put in it! I am so proud of her for what she said that we are going to use it for, she said that we are going to put Holy water in it, because it was a Holy water Heart Font, “I am so proud her, It is a beautiful Holy water Heart Font.
Yesterday, they had a small Valentine’s party in school, LaKota said that the party was fun, they played games.
Tomorrow back to school for LaKota, I will pick her up for lunch and bring LaKota back after recess is over with, it is suppose to be bitter cold out tomorrow and Friday, from what I am told the school rule is that if the weather is above 0, they have to go out for recess; if you ask my opinion and a few of the other parents that I talked with, we all agree that the weather should be at least 20 or so above before going outside for recess, especially for the younger kids, “even if we live in Minnesota, some of us are not use to that cold weather’, right now the cold bitter weather does not sit with LaKota that good, nor with me or even a few other children that I know from school.

Friday when I pick LaKota up from school, we are going to head out of town for the night and the spend the night at a motel, I have classes on Saturday for foster care, I have to have so many credits in a year to keep my foster care license; Steve, I, LaKota, Jerry, and my sister Susie and Jon and Angie will also be coming with us, at least LaKota can do some swimming, which she loves.

I hope every one had a very Bless Valentine’s Day, and Thank you again for you prayer’s and your Valentine wishes for LaKota, they do mean so very much to us, more than we can say in words.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on Earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven."
Matthew 18:19

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 1:45 PM CST

I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 1CO 1:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

February 15th is LaKota’s appointment with the doctor who will do the endoscopes, he wants to meet with LaKota on February 15th before he decides to do the endoscopes, Please pray that everything looks healthy inside LaKota’s throat, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

LaKota had a fun and busy weekend; On Friday when I picked LaKota up from school, two of her friends, Ryan and Ryan’s’ brother Tyler, came home with us, a play day; We order pizza for supper, Ryan and Tyler stayed for a few hours, than they had to go home and get ready for their swim meet, Ryan, and his older brother Eric and his older sister Kelly, made state for swimming, how exciting is that! LaKota had a really good time playing with Ryan and Tyler, than on Saturday we picked up LaKota’s friend Marissa and went to the movie Curious George, the girls really enjoyed the movie, it was a real cute movie, We also saw one of our friends Sarah that works at the theater that we haven't seen for awhile, so it was nice seeing her again, than after the movie we brought Marissa over to our house so LaKota and her could play for a little while, in the mean time LaKota’s Godfather Jon, and his bride to be Angie and my sister Susie stopped in to visit, Angie trimmed Steve’s hair, On our way to drop Marissa off at her house, we stopped to eat at the Chinese restaurant.
Today LaKota and I went to church, and LaKota saw Ryan, and Ryan's mom and his brother Eric sitting in the pews, so we sat by them during mass, usually we will sit up front, that way LaKota can see what the priest is doing.
I am so glad that LaKota is so out going and sociable, she was a little on the sad side last week though, when one of the kids from her classroom was passing out birthday invitations to a his birthday party and she seen that she was not invited, she was going to go up him and ask why she was not invited, but I told her not too, I made it sound like it was for boys only, but that didn't work when she seen him give the invitations to some of the girls in their class, it broke my heart to see that she was hurt by it, the next day though, when I was putting LaKota's coat in her locker, LaKota did ask why she didn’t get invited to his party, I just bit my lip, his reply to LaKota was, “I can invite whoever I want, it’s my birthday, which is true of course; I see so many kid’s get hurt in this way, the school should not allow kids to bring party invitations to school, the school system has taken away a lot of other things from the school compared to when I was going to school, that I thought was important, “Oh well, what can I say!
Tomorrow LaKota has to turn in her money for the cookie dough that she sold, we just sold to family and friends, she did pretty good, sold 45 tubs of cookie dough, Tuesday is Valentines day, LaKota is giving out cracker jacks with her valentines cards in her classroom, she is so excited about it.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
2CO 1:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:45 PM CST

"So then faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God."
Romans 10:17

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

February 15th is LaKota’s appointment with the doctor who will do the endoscopes, he wants to meet with LaKota on February 15th before he decides to do the endoscopes, Please pray that everything looks healthy inside LaKota’s throat, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Yesterday LaKota’s class went to a play, I went along with them to the play, it was a good play, and the kids really enjoyed the play. Tuesday’s mornings are my days that I volunteer in LaKota’s class, so I was there for the whole day, which was nice.
My back is doing some what better, thank goodness for that.
Pleez are little dog is still such a little stinker and barker on top of that, she barks at her own reflection in the patio door, it can drive you nuts after awhile with that barking, but she is good for LaKota, and LaKota is good for her.
We are supposed to get snow tomorrow and Friday, I hope that it goes around us; I’m waiting for spring and summer to come.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
John 14:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, February 4, 2006 6:55 PM CST

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Ps 103:1

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

February 15th is LaKota’s appointment with the doctor who will do the endoscopes, he wants to meet with LaKota on February 15th before he decides to do the endoscopes, Please pray that everything looks healthy inside LaKota’s throat, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

Tuesday LaKota went ice skating with her class from school, I met them at the sports center where they were ice skating, this was LaKota's very first time on ice skates, I helped hold LaKota up while she tried ice skating, I was too scared to let LaKota do it by herself, I didn’t want her to fall down, “I know I have to let LaKota do things on her own, "it’s just mom here that needs time to let LaKota do things on her own with out mom always doing them for her”;
after awhile LaKota’s feet got tired from the ice skates, so I pulled her and another child around on a sled for about an half hour.
I seen a boy lying on the ice so I went to picked him up,"I should of known better with my back", "You guessed it, I went to pick him up, and I pulled my back out", I was so thankful that my legs didn’t give out this time from my back, other wise I would have been up a creek, once in a great while my legs will give out, the pain is so bad and that I can’t even feel my legs or even move them, my legs are like they are paralyzed, it did affect my legs a little bit, but not to where I couldn’t walk, Thank goodness for that.
Yesterday Steve, I, LaKota and Jerry took Steve’s mom and his older brother Butch out to eat at a Chinese Restaurant, this was the first time Steve’s mom ever ate at an Chinese’s Restaurant, she really enjoyed the food their, than we brought her grocery shopping, and than they came to our house to visit for a while, than Steve brought them home, they live about an half hour from our house, we had a real nice time with them.
Today after church, our Priest gave LaKota a blessing of the throat; it always makes me feel so good when LaKota receives some kind of blessing, we are very fortunate to have such a very wonderful Priest.
Our next door neighbors, "LaKota calls them Papa and Grandma Dehler, are moving, they have lived in their house for over 40 some years, we have been neighbors to them since 1988, they are building a new patio home, it will be very sad to see them leave, but we are also very happy for them, Grandma Dehler called tonight and Steve answered the phone, she told him that their house sold, I was glad that Steve answered the phone and not me, I know if I answered the phone I would of probably cried, they are such wonderful people, so who ever their new neighbors are will be very fortunate to have such wonderful people like Papa and Grandma Dehler living next to them.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

“Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires of your heart”.
Psalm 37:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006 and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, January 30, 2006 5:45 PM CST

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

February 15th is LaKota’s appointment with the doctor who will do the endoscopes, he wants to meet with LaKota on February 15th before he decides to do the endoscopes, Please pray that everything looks healthy inside LaKota’s throat, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

We had a nice quiet weekend, Although on Sunday LaKota and I went to a carnival that the REJOICE Church was having, LaKota really had a good time, she really enjoys the cake walk, or I should say the cupcake walk , They always put on a nice little Carnival for the kids.

Tomorrow LaKota will be going ice skating with her class, this will be the first time that she will be on ice skates, I will meet them their so that I can help LaKota out, I will not be ice skating though, I don’t think I would know how to any more, and besides that,I was never good at ice skating. LaKota had two incidents today in school, a little girl pinched LaKota in the arm, so there is a bruise their, and some lady, LaKota said, bumped into her, and she bumped into a table pretty hard, and it left a red mark on her back, I'm sure LaKota was happy when school was over with today, I know I would of been.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?
Hebrews 2:4

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:35 PM CST

To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues.
1 Corinthians 12:10

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

February 15th is LaKota’s appointment with the doctor who will do the endoscopes, he wants to meet with LaKota on February 15th before he decides to do the endoscopes, Please pray that everything looks healthy inside LaKota’s throat, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth.

I’m glad that today is Wednesday, I look so forward to the weekend, when I can enjoy spending and doing more things with LaKota, I am also very Bless that LaKota is Healthy enough to go to school.

Tomorrow we are suppose to get in the 40’s, that will be so nice, it will feel like Spring is finally coming, I really can’t complain about our winter, but it still seems like a long winter.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that NO medicines will EVER hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, January 23, 2006 10:55 AM CST

"Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You have restored my health and have allowed me to live!"
Isaiah 38:16

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

It’s Monday already, and LaKota is back at school, boy the weekends sure go by way too fast; On Friday LaKota and I went swimming with my sister Lisa and her two daughter Kristine and Kayla, LaKota, she loves swimming, can’t get her out of that water, she could live in the water, when its bath time she’s in the bath water for 2 hours, with me running back and forth to warm up the bath water for her, Saturday after church LaKota and I went out to eat at one of her favorite restaurant, The Old Country Buffet; Steve and Jerry came home on Sunday, they got a few crappies and sunfish, so we had fish for supper last night.
I think LaKota’s sinuses are bothering her, she said that her head hurt this morning, and her nose sounded plugged up, like the saliva was running in the back of her throat, hopefully she will not need to go on any antibiotic’s, don’t like to have her on those antibiotics all the time, their not good for you to be on all the time, Please Pray that her cough and her plugged up nose feels better, Thank you so much for your Powerful Prayers for LaKota here on Earth.
Pleez our little puppy is still such a little stinker, trying to break her of her thinking that she is the boss over all of us, she is one little stubborn puppy, completely different personality of our other little dog Shadow; “Weird thing, I was looking at the calendar and realized that the day that Shadow left this Earthly planet on October 6th,is the same day that Pleez was born, now if I was looking for a dog born the same day that Shadow left this Earthly planet, I would of never found a dog born that same day.

Please prayer for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you!

"The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will live a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Friday, January 20, 2006 1:05 PM CST

As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.
2CO 1:11

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I still have not heard when the endoscopes will be done on LaKota’s throat, the nurse said that the first time that we go for the appointment will be for the doctor to meet LaKota and us, and than talk about the endoscopes, than the second appointment will be the endoscopes.

LaKota is doing so well, I thank everyone for their powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and I thank God for answering all those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth. LaKota is enjoying school, and religion so very much. I took LaKota to see the movie Hood Wink, it was cute, but we thought the Chronicles of Narnia was a lot better.

I wish I knew how to sew, it is so hard looking for pants to fit LaKota, the length is way too long for her, and just to have them hem up a pair of pants it cost $6-7 dollars for each pants, I tried getting some of that tape hem, where you just have to iron the pants, and it stays where it suppose to, but after cutting the length it looks pretty chopped up, my sister Susie is coming over to help fit LaKota with a pair of snow pants, my mom who’s the sewer, she’s in Texas until March, maybe one of these days I’ll learn how to sew, its weird they have petite for adults but no petites for children, I wonder why that is!

Steve and Jerry, the foster gentleman that I take care of, are going up north for the weekend to do some ice fishing with my nephew Jon, hopefully they will get some fish, LaKota really likes fresh fish; I’m not for sure what LaKota, I and Pleez will do for the weekend, I know my niece Samantha is going to spend the nights with us, and my sister Susie is coming over one day.
This Saturday is that big fishing contest, where they get around 14,000 plus people, it is usually on Gull lake, but they felt that the lake was not safe enough to fish on so they moved it on Round lake which is just right down the road, a more shallower lake, hopefully and praying that they know what they are doing, so scary; Steve and Jerry had tickets for the fishing contest, but they are not going to take the chance with that many people on the ice in one area.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 15:30

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, January 16, 2006 6:05 PM CST

LaKota’s Blood counts, weight and height;

WBC: 6.3
PLATELETS: 260,000
ANC: 3,402
HEIGHT: “42”
WEIGHT: 50.5 pounds

She stood up straight and began thanking God.
Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

"Praise our beautiful God", and Thank you, Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth; LaKota’s ultra sound showed that her kidney, liver and all of her lower organs all 100 percent Healthy, LaKota also had a X-ray done too on her chest, which we nothing know about, in fact her doctor forgot about ordering one for her, because she is real limited on getting any kinds of X-rays because of her BRCA-II gene disorder, the X-ray showed that everything looked Healthy, and her blood counts looked real good and Healthy too, thanking God for that. LaKota also got her second shot for polio, and her Hib vaccine, and a Hepatitis B vaccine, LaKota was not too happy about getting the shots, she mention this evening that her arms were a little sore, I looked at them, and one arm is a little bruised, she didn't cry when she got her shots, but I sure could of when they gave her the shots.
The doctor is setting up and endoscopes test done for LaKota, to look down her throat to make sure that there isn’t no growths or anything like that since she still has the cough, the doctor thinks its allergies, but wants to be on the safe side just to make sure that it is nothing, I do not know when that test will be done, but will let you know as soon as I find out, Please keep LaKota in your prayers that the endoscopes shows that there is nothing their, that everything looks Healthy, Thank you!
I talked with my dad and mom right after we left the Children Hospital to let them know the good news on LaKota’s tests, mom said that her dad were waiting all morning for me to call to find out how LaKota’s tests went, I called them close to 1:00 pm, I could hear mom telling dad in the back ground how LaKota’s tests went, than mom said now your dad and I can go out for lunch, we didn’t want to leave until we heard the results, they are still in Texas so they spend quiet a bit of time out of their room, they will be back the first or second week in March.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Saturday, January 14, 2006 7:55 PM CST

She stood up straight and began thanking God.
Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will have an ultra sound on her kidney, liver, and her other organs, and she also will have an blood counts done on “Monday January 16th of 2006”, Please pray that everything is Healthy, that her organs, blood our 100 percent Healthy, and that everything is Healthy inside and outside LaKota’s body, Thank you.

Today Steve and I took LaKota, and her friend Ryan, and LaKota’s two cousins Kristine and Kayla to the movie The Chronicles of Narnia, the kids really enjoyed the movie, I have to say that Steve and I also really enjoyed the movie too, than from their we went to Space Aliens and ate supper, and the kids played some games, LaKota really enjoyed having Ryan and cousins come along with us today.

Thank you again for your Powerful Prayers for LaKota here on Earth and your Powerful Prayers for her on Monday January the 16th , I just get so stressed out or have some kind of anxiety attacks right before LaKota has any testing done, or if she gets any little cough or colds.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

1 Corinthians 12:9 "To another, faith by the same Spirit; to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit."
1 Corinthians 12:28 "And God hath set some in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; after that miracles [powers], then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues ." 1 Corinthians 12:30 , "Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues .

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Monday, January 9, 2006 6:05 PM CST

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
Psalms 33:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will have an ultra sound on her kidney, liver, and her other organs, and she also will have an blood counts done on “Monday January 16th of 2006”, Please pray that everything is Healthy, that her organs, blood our 100 percent Healthy, and that everything is Healthy inside and outside LaKota’s body, Thank you.

“Wow”, Monday already, the weekends sure go by way too fast for me. The weather has been pretty nice here, there is even some lakes that you can’t even go ice fishing on because of the ice being so dangerously thin; I wonder if they will move that big fishing contest on Gull Lake to a different date, the contest is January 21, or if they will cancel it, they get around 10,000 or more people during that fishing contest, Steve is one of fishing contesters, In one way I hope that we do get a good freeze for a couple of days, to get rid of some of those icky germs that hanging around.

Last Friday was LaKota’s last day of tutoring for LaKota; LaKota only gets so many hours of tutoring for the days that she missed school, so last Friday was her last day of tutoring, I pray that she is able to catch up with the rest of her classmates. LaKota’s tutor invited LaKota and I over today after LaKota got out of school to see her dog, and have cookies and milk, We had a real nice time visiting with her, LaKota enjoyed seeing the tutors dog, LaKota’s tutor made these cookies that looked like drums, they were really cute.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

Now abide , faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of
these is Love.
I Corinthians 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:35 AM CST

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts 20:35

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

LaKota will have an ultra sound on her kidney, liver, and her other organs, and also she will have an blood counts done this month, “January of 2006”, Please pray that everything is Healthy, that her organs, blood our 100 percent Healthy, and that everything is Healthy inside and outside LaKota’s body, Thank you.

LaKota’s went back to school yesterday, she sure was so very happy to be back to school with her friends, the smile that she had on her face when she saw her classmates, just melted my heart, “I just love seeing her so happy”, LaKota’s classmates were just as happy too see her as she was too see them. I volunteer on Tuesday mornings in her classroom, so I was also glad to be their with her in the morning, it makes my day seem not as long then when LaKota is in school; LaKota is my whole life, I love her more than I could say in words, I don’t even think I could find any words close enough too explain how much I love my children.

LaKota’s puppy, Pleez is getting to be such a little stinker, and a barker on top of it, have to break her of that barking, she barks all the time, it drives you cuckoo! At 3 months old, she already makes a good watch dog, she barks at every little noise that she hears in and outside the house, she is a little sweetie when she wants to be.

Steve and LaKota made a Snowman on Monday, they used small carrots for the nose and the out line for the mouth, the birds must be trying to eat the carrots or stand on the carrots, because most of the carrots are on the ground, couple of the carrots are missing.
Tonight LaKota has religion school, and Steve, he volunteers in her class for helping out, LaKota, she is so proud of that, that her Father is in her religion class helping out!

I talked with my dad and mom yesterday, they are in Port Aransas Texas for the winter, they said that Texas weather has been beautiful, it has been in the middle and upper 70’s, They can send some of the beautiful weather this way to Minnesota.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

May the Lord continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys.
Psalms 128:5

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

Sunday, January 1, 2006 4:35 PM CST

Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire. “And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you God for answering those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, and Thank you Bless Mother Mary for blessing LaKota on Christmas Eve in the year of 2004. Thank you for all your support and just for being here for us, it means so very much to us.

I pray that each and every one of you will have a Healthy 2006!
Thank you so very much for being such an important part in our life, it really means so very much to us, We Thank you so much for your friendship, and Thank you especially for your powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, which means more than we could possible even say. I Pray and Thank God every day for LaKota being here on Earth in flesh with us, and I Pray that God will keep answering our powerful prayers to keep LaKota Healthy, and live a long,long,long old age here on Earth, Thank you God for answering all those powerful prayers for LaKota here on Earth, I love you God.

LaKota will have an ultra sound on her kidney, liver, and her other organs, and also she will have an blood counts done this month, “January of 2006”, Please pray that everything is Healthy, that her organs, blood our 100 percent Healthy, and that everything is Healthy inside and outside LaKota’s body, Thank you.

Please remember to pray for our friends and our Angel friends families from the prayer request page, Thank you.

She stood up straight and began thanking God.
Luke 13:13

Thank you for your powerful prayers for LaKota, And for signing her guest book, they mean so very much to us. We love you.

Please pray that the year 2006, and that the years after that LaKota will have a long Healthy life here on Earth.

Please pray that these medicines will NOT hurt any of LaKota's organs.

Please pray that LaKota's donors cells will keep growing, and growing inside of LaKota, and that none of her cells never come back.

Please pray that the blood cord that LaKota received, Is the MIRACLE of a CURE and HEALING on EARTH for a LONG HEALTHY OLD AGE for LaKota from OUR GOD himself.

"Thank you so much for your special prayers for LaKota, and thank you for all your support, and kindness that you have given to us, God Bless you!

Love LaKota’s mom Debbie.

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