This is my story about Nicolette Dalhamer

Submitted by Amanda DeGroff on 05.26.22

Nicolette Dalhamer
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Nicolette is an amazing person. She has been through a lot of trauma in her childhood. She started a podcast to share her story. Now she helps the community by giving them a safe space to process and talk about their trauma. She does weekly process groups. She has helped so many people open up about their trauma. She has such a huge heart. This meant so much to me, as someone who has a lot of trauma from my adulthood. It meant a lot to my fiancé because he attended the groups with me and he really hasn’t experienced trauma so it helped him to understand. The community appreciates it because it gives people a safe space who may not always have the love and support like we do in these groups. I was so happy when I met Nicolette and even more excited because she asked me to help her with some of her events! She built everything she has from the bottom and worked her way up! I am so proud of her!

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