This is my story about My Husband Chuck

Submitted by Gloria Pritchett on 05.26.22

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The person I want to celebrate is my husband Chuck. We had only been married eleven months when he had a stroke that left his left side week and left him in a wheelchair. I took care of him for the next six and one half years: bathed and dressed him, helped him transfer from bed to wheelchair, put him in our van using a ramp and took him places. When he became incontinent I kept him clean. Then he became bedridden due to other health issues and was on Hospice and I did everything for him except feed and shave him. He could still do that. We had help from the hospice nurse, bath aide, and others. But all of this time I was doing God's will and He gave me the strength to do it. My husband went to heaven to be with Jesus on April 9, 2022 and through all of this time he was a very loving, caring husband.

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