Isabel’s Story

Site created on November 7, 2023

Over the weekend, my mom began complaining of numbness down the right side of her body. As Andrea took her to urgent care, my mom quickly began getting worse, and was unable to form words. My sister made the quick decision to call 911 and get her transported immediately to the nearest hospital. We are immensely thankful for Andrea’s quick decision making, as the immediate care likely saved my mom from any further damage.

The following 12 hours were scary as Mom went in and out of testing. Unfortunately during this time my mom had a seizure which we later found out was due to the swelling that was occurring. A CT ruled out a stroke but found some spots in her brain that needed to further be looked at. Additional scans discovered some lesions in her head which gave us a possible plan of action. During her time in the ER, Mom suffered a non related fall resulting in four stitches and a gnarly black eye. Aside from the black and blue, Isabel still appears to be in great physical condition. Of course all of the nurses complimented her mani, pedi, and fancy shoes she had been wearing.

After 20 hours in the emergency room, my mom was transferred to Carolina’s Medical Center, a hospital in Charlotte with a neurology department.

Sunday and Monday were spent running more tests to ensure the lesions hadn’t metastasized to anywhere else in her body. Those tests came back clear and the decision was made to send my mom into brain surgery to have the lesions on her brain removed.

On Tuesday afternoon, my mom went into surgery where the CMC Neurosurgeon Team performed a Left Sided Craniotomy in order to remove whatever parts of the mass they were able to reach. Due to the location, they were expecting my mom
to come out of surgery with possible loss in speech or mobility.

Now as you know, Isabel is a stubborn little lady. She gets her way no matter what. And of all times for this to show, she shined on surgery day. Within hours of surgery my mom was already having full conversations. She woke up and was immediately conscious of who we were, where she was, and what was happening around her.

During our post surgery meeting with the surgeon he did indicate that the mass is likely cancerous and our next step is pathology and oncology to discuss treatment plans. The C-Word is a big scary word. We aren’t sure what happens next but we know my mom is going to come out swinging. That stubborn, get up and go, feisty Isabel that we all know is going to absolutely destroy what comes her way.

The Garcia’s would love to thank you for your help, your donations, and your kind words throughout this time. Her team in Charlotte is who we will continue to work with until further notice. We are allowing Mom to read all of her texts. Feel free to reach out and send her a note or a video message.

Newest Update

Journal entry by Brendy Garcia

Hello everyone! 

Well.. it sure has been an eventful week, so here’s an update! 

Let’s start with mom: 

The first week of may, mom started to not feel as good as she had been. After her visit with her oncology team on Tuesday, her blood pressure readings were way higher than what they had been. One of the side effects of her infusion is increase in blood pressure. And one of the side effects of high blood pressure is headaches! She also had some ear pain and was given an antibiotic to treat a potential ear infection. The antibiotic made her nauseous on top of all of this. It was overall a tough week, she was exhausted, nauseated, and in a lot of pain.

Once we figured out better dosages and stopped the antibiotic she started feeling better and was able to celebrate her 57th birthday on Friday, May 3rd! We went out to eat with friends from the lake and Marcus brother and his wife.  My Dad’s brothers came that weekend and grilled out and overall had a fun time. 

I flew home for the rest of the weekend but on Wednesday Carson and I flew to Charlotte so that we could all drive to Atlanta for Mother’s Day Weekend. For a few months we had been planning on doing the National Brain Tumor Society’s Brain Tumor Awareness 5K. This event honors survivors and pays tribute to those who have passed away due to brain tumors/brain cancer. All funds also go towards brain tumor research! 

On Thursday we got to Atlanta and Spent Thursday and Friday at Andrea and Marcus’ house. We went out for dinner and did some projects around the house. We were all very excited to walk the 5K with mom in our #4Is gear. 

Well we had to be at the Atlanta Braves stadium by 7:30 so we were all up bright and early… only for Andrea to say she thinks her water broke!! (Now we all thought she just didn’t want to walk lol) After calling her doctors they said that since she wasn’t having contractions yet they didn’t have to rush, but to go ahead and come in to get checked. We were on the fence about what to do next. 

Carson, my dad, my mom, Marcus’ mom, and I decided to still go ahead to the race knowing we could leave at any point. Andrea and Marcus gathered some things and headed to the hospital, stopping at Waffle House for breakfast along the way like true Atlantans. 

After we finished the 5k, we headed home for some rest before heading to the hospital to check in on Andrea. 

Well long story short.. we waited, and waited, and waited some more. She was monitored and given meds and induced and patiently (and painfully) waited for OVER 50 hours until Iliana decided to make her entrance into the world. Pretty much her water broke prematurely and none of the rest of her body was ready yet! 

Iliana Isabel Velazquez was due June 12th, and ended up being born May 13th, a month early! She came in at a whopping 4lbs 15oz!! She was initially sent to NICU but passed all her tests and was sent to the transitional nursery and only a few hours later to the regular labor and delivery floor. They required her to be in the hospital for 48 hours to monitor since she was early but she did a great job at all her tests and late Wednesday evening was discharged home!! 

Throughout all of this time, mom was a trooper and spent long days in the hospital and long nights waiting for news ready to run to the hospital if needed. Unfortunately this took a great toll on her and she started to feel pretty bad again. We are currently working on getting her blood pressure back under control and getting some extra rest in. 

Thank you for reading this far sorry it was a long update! We have had quite an eventful month and will be traveling to/from Virginia this weekend and Atlanta quite often now to see babygirl! 
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