Joe Graber|May 28, 2024
Is & Ef – I’m assuming you guys made it back down to NC safely – I’ve been thinking about seeing you at the LaRock’s and the conversations we had – one of the reasons I wanted to come over that night and see you was because I try to ask myself each day (I need to be better at this) “what is my mission?” as in “why am I here?” – then throughout the day when an opportunity to help someone or do something good comes up, I take notice – it may just be something small, like holding the door for someone, or it may be something heavy, like listening to a friend who is struggling with their marriage or whatever – In the case of seeing you two, I thought it was obvious … I would see you and hopefully connect, listen, share my own “battle” with cancer, and maybe lift you up in some small way – the thing is, I realized after seeing you that I was the one lifted up … whether you realized it or not, I suppose it was your mission that day, not mine, and I thank you for taking it on and giving me strength! I believe we all have a purpose, and as painful as it is, our unique situations shine a light on this purpose – don’t give up – you are here for a reason, and you make this imperfect world a brighter place for so many of us – love and prayers to and for both of you - peace out, Joe
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Kathryn Maad|May 16, 2024
What wonderful news about Iliana Isabel!!! Congratulations to all!💓I hope you are feeling better quickly Isabel…sending you hugs and prayers that they find the right levels of medicine for you quickly
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