Help Wayne Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Wayne’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 14 donors who have made a donation in honor of Wayne.

Stan Hustad | Aug 29, 2022
Bless you, Wayne! Praying for you and your supportive Willi!!
Jim & Diane Sanders | Aug 22, 2022
You are surrounded by a loving family & countless friends but it may get a bit lonely as you are the one going thru all these medical paces.. We pray that in those hours you'd experience our Savior's companionship: closer than a brother.
Mark and Paula Kordic | Aug 19, 2022
My love and prayers will be with you always.
Paulette Frith | Aug 19, 2022
Praying for you and the family. Thankful for the great news.
Yes | Aug 19, 2022
Willi and Wayne, Nancy, and I have you in our prayers daily. Our G-d is faithful to hear and heal. ~ 'LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.' ~ Psalms 30:2
Nancy and Tony Nasvik | Aug 10, 2022
Leon & I are Praying for you Wayne!! It's in God's hands!
Pat Briley | Aug 9, 2022
Will be praying daily for a complete healing
Neil Whitehouse | Aug 8, 2022
Praying for you, Wayne. God's precious and Holy Spirit fill you with peace beyond description. Much gratitude & love to all.
Christy B. | Aug 8, 2022
Praying for Wayne and Willi! Thank you for setting up this way to keep us posted… mike & LuAnn
Mike LuAnn Olson | Aug 8, 2022