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Feb 21-27

Week of Feb 21-27

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On Sunday, May 12, 2019 some of our dear Clearwater & church friends organized a pizza & praise party.  The next day, Caleb was going to be transported by ambulance to Lincoln, NE to embark on the next level of his recovery at Madonna Rehab Hospital.  No detail was overlooked: Wesley Hospital allowed us the use of one of their large conference rooms, a photo slide show was displayed on the big screen, Adam & Amy provided amazing music, and pizzas were set up in the back.  Aaron named it "Caleb's Graduation Party," as he "graduated" from PICU to Rehab care and it was a powerful time of prayer and praise as we looked forward to the next phase, which we knew would require hard work for us all.

It's no coincidence that on the exact same day five years later, Sunday, May 12, 2024, we had another "Caleb Graduation Party."  Again, no detail was overlooked: a line of thin rope underneath tape was laid down the length of the gym floor to give Caleb a tactile trail, we practiced the cues & walking the route using the line as a guide so he could independently participate in the ceremony.  Just like in 2019, we are looking forward to what God is going to do in our lives in 2024.  All we know for sure is that hard work and trusting Him will be involved.

As we've mentioned, Caleb has a goal of becoming a guide dog traveler.  In April, he was given the opportunity to travel back to Leader Dogs for the Blind in Michigan (the same place he went last summer on two separate occasions: Teen Orientation & Mobility training and Teen Summer Camp) to take part in their Guide Dog Exploration Program.  This week-long intensive training was aimed at the skills specific to guide dog care and travel.  During this valuable week, we learned several things.  First, Caleb did a great job navigating the airline system on his own!  Secondly, his hard work & many hours traveling on those cane routes working toward proficiency paid off!  The Orientation & Mobility specialist at Leader Dogs said that his route execution and problem solving were excellent.  He walked with the dog remarkably well, and could handle some of the more complex tasks while working with the dog.

However, when the harness came off, and it was time to interact with and take care of the dog in the nonworking hours, Caleb struggled.  Mom & Dad had taken for granted that Caleb knew how to love on and take care of a dog...after all he grew up with one, a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Rio!  After hearing that Caleb was not comfortable with a dog, it dawned on us that Caleb has had to relearn many tasks after his TBI, for example: eating, walking, talking, etc.  Why should we be surprised that he'd need to relearn how to care for a dog, but this time without eyesight?  Just try to imagine taking care of a large dog 100% independently, with no vision!

Well, the best way to get better at something is to do it, so we decided that he needed a dog! But being blind, not just any dog would work for a multitude of reasons.  We didn't want a new puppy to train. We were nervous to roll the dice on an animal at a shelter.  After prayer & consideration, we remembered that many dogs that start out in guide dog training do not actually have what it takes to become a guide dog.  They are then "career changed" and allowed to do something else that better fits their personality & skills.    So we filled out an application with Leader Dogs for a career change dog.

After being on the Leader Dogs for the Blind campus several times now, folks up there have had the chance to get to know our family and Caleb.  One of the Guide Dog Mobility Instructors familiar with Caleb took a careful look at the dogs that were being "career changed" and found the perfect fit in record time!

Enter Una.  As a one and a half year old female yellow lab, she was raised in a prison, and has been through 6 months of guide dog training.  She has many great qualities: very patient, not prone to chase other animals, and quick to settle.  Her obedience is impeccable, and she is quick to adapt to new situations.  From our understanding, there was just one area where Una didn't quite make the grade in guide dog school: she lost interest in her working tasks too quickly.

So, less than a week after high school graduation, Caleb has embarked on a new leg of his recovery journey.  Both Una & Caleb are working hard getting to know each other, walking together (Caleb uses his cane in one hand & holds Una's leash in the other), and bonding.  The beauty of Una having had so much training is that she is training Caleb.  He has to learn when & how to use the commands, reinforce her behavior, care for her needs, and pick up on her cues to figure out what do to next.

There are no coincidences with God.  It wasn't a coincidence that Caleb would have 2 graduations exactly 5 years apart.  It wasn't a coincidence that Una didn't quite make it as a guide dog.  God knows the long-term outcomes & the road map to get there.  He knows the challenges, our failures, and victories.  And only He knows how this story will play out, which is always in His timing.  Today we are resting in His plan and enjoying this new member of the family.

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