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Apr 14-20

Week of Apr 14-20

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Hello Friends, 

Today is one year since my first round of chemo. Thank you for following my journey and keeping in touch.  Last Tuesday was my last immunotherapy treatment. I am officially in remission and will visit my doctors every few months to check in.  Exciting right? Yes! 


A year ago I felt amazing. Despite having cancer in my body, I felt strong. I kept a positive attitude and my eyes were fixed on the One who holds my life in His hands - my first, last and all my in betweens. 

I am still positive and still fixed - but my body is weak, tired and handicapped.  Since my diagnosis 13 months ago, I imagined this day to feel different.  I don't want to take away from remission - because I feel such relief to finally be done.  But if I am being honest  - I'm too tired to celebrate. 

Because of a little setback in September which led to another surgery in October - I sort of went backwards in my recovery in my arm where they removed 12 nodes. I don't know what to say except that I can't move it much right now. 

I wrestle with doing my exercises daily. I need to get on the treadmill and begin to build me back stronger.  But I'm tired. 

I am trying to make up for lost time and signing up for every committee I can - to be there - because I year ago I missed all my family birthdays because they all fell on chemo weeks and I was too sick to party. So now I am trying to be every where. Making up for lost time and I know I shouldn't. I know that in my head.  I do. 

The cancer books I read didn't talk about this part of recovery too much.  Maybe I should start one. 

See when I had cancer - it was easy to rest and take it easy and opt out of things.  

Yes I know my body took a beating last year. Sure it will take some time to recover.

I am just feeling impatient and everything hurts.  

Hanging Christmas decorations over the weekend, I fell out of a lawn chair - or no, I broke it. The back let out on me and I fell backwards. Jamey was on the roof hanging lights and heard the crash and boom. 

I can only imagine what he saw when he looked over - my legs flailing in the air, my head tucked under my chest - unable to use my arms, like a tortoise flipped over trying to turn itself over using its head. Laying in the dirt - laugh crying because it hurt but it was funny to think about what I looked like. I hurt physically, but my pride worse - embarrassed that my body has come to this place. 

Soooooo those are my feelings.  Raw and real. There I said it. 

Woe is me. 

So I guess it is now time to put on my big girl panties and drag myself off the floor and yes you can picture a most dramatic posture and facial expression. 

I take my  BUT and lay it on the alter.  God, help me to leave it there and replace it with Yours. 

But God. 

Psalm 73

Whom do I have in heaven but You?
My flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Thanks for sticking around friends. 







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