Help Pierrette “Pete” Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Pierrette “Pete”’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 16 donors who have made a donation in honor of Pierrette “Pete”.

Prayers and thoughts for your family
Christina Oh | Apr 5, 2020
Continued prayers my friend for a full recovery! Love you! Dana and Denny
Dana Szretter | Mar 30, 2020
Pete, keeping you in our prayers!!!
Thursday Marian House Crew | Feb 25, 2020
This donation is in honor of Petie. I am thankful for CaringBridge as it makes it so much easier for families to keep everyone informed and for us to send well wishes. Thanks very much!
Rena Emrick | Feb 11, 2020
Pete, I know that you will get better! God is not ready for you to be up there bossing him around yet. We are all praying for you. JoAnn W
JoAnn W | Jan 18, 2020
My heart aches for Petie and all her family! Thanks to CaringBridge there is a less stressful way for the family to update everyone! Love, prayers and thoughts are with you all!!
Love, Rena Emrick | Jan 7, 2020
Love and prayers for you, Pete, for complete recovery. Blessings for you, Ed and Beth.
BRuce and Sharon Johnson | Jan 5, 2020
Good friend, Pete. We love you and are praying for your recovery. The St. Paul community misses you much. Simona asks about you and sends her love.
Pat and Dick Butler | Jan 3, 2020
Linda Krusyna | Jan 3, 2020
We love you Pete, From Denny and Dana
Dana Szretter | Dec 31, 2019