Mary Anne’s Story

Site created on March 31, 2019

MA was admitted to St. Joes hospital on 3/26/19 and diagnosed with Bacterial Endocarditis which has caused clots in her descending aorta, right renal artery and Superior mesenteric artery (provides some blood supply to her intestines). The cause was bacteria infecting her heart valves. The aortic and mitral valves. She was scheduled for valve replacement surgery. Prior to this surgery she had a CT of her head and was found to have a hemorrhage in her brain. This prevented her from having the heart surgery and resulted in transfer to Upstate hospital to the Neurosurgery ICU. During this entire time she has battled constant pain in her abdomen.
The goal at Upstate was to make sure her brain bleed had stopped. Then do the valve replacement surgery.
She has had many tests-CT scans/angioplasty/ultrasounds.
She has been unable to eat because of the pain and nausea. She is getting IV nutrition (TPN) to build her strength leading up to heart surgery.
Recently the doctors have decided to address the abdominal pain and specifically the SMA clot. The plan is to perform an angioplasty/thrombectomy to remove the clot. This is the most immediate issue and may be done in the next few days.
MA is battling as hard as she can. She continues to need our prayers. Keep the encouraging words coming, she loves hearing from all of you!

Newest Update

Journal entry by Edwin Woods

Hello Everyone,
I hope this note finds you all well! As well as we all can be in this strange new world of social distancing. I wrote this poem in honor of Mary Anne, to acknowledge this milestone, to let you know how I am doing, to say hello, and to give you all a virtual hug!!! 😘 

A Year Ago Today                                                                                                                                                            

A year ago today a heart stopped beating.

A year ago today I lost my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, my wife.

A year ago today my two daughters lost their mother.

A year ago today the dearest of friends ascended into heaven.

A year ago today Mary Anne became completely pain free.

A year ago today she started her spirit journey helping and guiding others.

A year ago today she gave me a gift.

A year of unwrapping: why her, why me, why us, why now.

A year of tears, heartache and missing her terribly.

A year of grief, sorrow, empty holidays and yet beautiful memories.

A year of living inside the love that was lost.

A year of sadness, laughter, and love with the Silvernail family text group.

A year of courage to begin again, living our daily lives, trying to just be.

A year of looking within and praying for guidance.

A year of comprehending that life happens FOR you, not TO you.

Today I am thankful for 21 wonderful, amazing, blessed years together with her.

Today I am thankful for my family and friends for their love, support and dinner therapies.

Today I thank Hope for Bereavement for grief counseling and support. Talking about grief is mourning.

Today I thank my Break your Chains men’s group for being content with the king within. Ah-ooh!

Today I thank my Costa Rica yogis for the adventure of a lifetime. Pura vida!

Today I thank my Passionate Ease retreaters for a weekend of love, hugs and “Awareness is home”.

Today I thank my yoga instructors for opening my heart, being flexible and seeing the light. Namaste!

Today I’m grateful for my parents and sister’s unconditional family love.

Today I’m grateful for my amazing daughters, who make my world so much brighter.

Today I’m grateful for the gift of a journey I never would have taken.

Today because of ALL of you, I know what love is.

Today a heart is still beating.


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