Help Lindsay Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Lindsay’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 12 donors who have made a donation in honor of Lindsay.

Lindsay we think you are beyond amazing sending strength and fast recovery from this past round of surgery
Cris and Judge Point | Feb 15, 2023
Congrats Lindsay.
Sharon Murray | Nov 12, 2022
You are so strong and I know you e got this!!!
Brittany Bryan | Oct 20, 2022
I am a breast cancer survivor and so are you , Lindsay ! Sending you light and love You are amazing !
Monica Hamby | Oct 18, 2022
Dear Lindsay, Erik, Tex and Laura, Please know that we and many others are praying for you. With love and hope for a full recovery,
Peggy, Dexter and Meredith Hayes | Oct 8, 2022
I love reading all the personal tributes to my beloved niece Lindsay. I am not surprised that there are so many and know there will be more, as she advances through her cancer treatment and wows us all with her tenacity and resilience.
Pamela Rood | Oct 8, 2022
You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday! Love, Walt & Marianne
Walter Purda | Aug 18, 2022
Dearest Lindsay, this is a tough journey you are on, but I know that you are a strong, resilient can do woman and will walk this path standing tall. Cancer need not define you, but hopefully will make you even stronger to fight future battles.
Jackie Beacham | Aug 16, 2022
Keep smiling beautiful girl.
Nancy Malcolm | Aug 13, 2022
Andrea Peterson | Aug 12, 2022