Help Lester Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Lester’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 18 donors who have made a donation in honor of Lester.

Glad Led is doing so well and that you had a good trip to the beach! Praying for continued great progress!
Tim. & Carol Dwyer | Sep 2, 2019
Lester, glad to see you are steadily recovering. Don't rush it and start trying to review your rule books yet. That would give anyone a headache.
Dave Hartford, CBOA | Jul 7, 2019
My thoughts and prayers for the continued recovery of such a good guy from my high school class. Thanks Rhonda for keeping those of us who are so far away we cannot be there togive our support personally, up to date. A strong family indeed! :):)
Barbara MHS Class of '74 | Jun 3, 2019
Missing you Lester and thrilled to hear you are getting better each day. Please don't push it. When you're all cleared to drive again and go back to work, my outback will be very happy to have its silver buddy parked next to it.
Shelley Sturman | May 22, 2019
Rich West | May 14, 2019
Lester, you are in my thoughts and prayers for a quick and full recovery. Hang in there my friend!
TJ Dade | May 13, 2019
It was so good to see you Lester and talk with you for a while on Thursday. I'll be back in VA the first week of June and I intend to see you again. Keep improving one day at a time. I've known you for a long time and share many fond memories we had.
Cathryn A. Solarski | May 11, 2019
My daily thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Lester, keep using your pride, drive, and enthusiasm to help you keep baby-stepping on your path to full recovery.
Dan Dostie | May 9, 2019
To my 5th oldest brother Lester, praying for a speedy recovery.
From Your 2nd Oldest Brother Lewis | May 8, 2019
Damn Lester! just when I was starting to plan another GEMS reunion game. We'll put that off for a little while. Get well.
Pat #29 | May 8, 2019