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Jun 02-08

This Week

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Hello, friends. It’s been a while. These last several months have been particularly difficult, both emotionally as well as physically, for the O’Daniel family. I’m writing to remind everyone that Lee is not out of the woods, and they need our support and prayers now more than ever.

The ups and downs of the past few months have been many.  Lee’s heart and mind, when he can be present, is all-in on working to heal. The major seizure in October of last year had a much bigger impact than we thought, and his progress has been further impeded by a few unfortunate events.

Just two days after I wrote last January, Lee was hospitalized for five weeks followed by two weeks of intensive in-patient rehab.  During that time Lee was bed-bound for several weeks; he struggled to swallow and his brain lost the ability to reliably direct his movements. Rehab made him strong enough to come home the end of February, however, he needed constant care. Outpatient appointments taxed his strength and often exhausted him before he could even start the sessions. Rehab moved to in-home for several weeks along with weekly oxygen therapy in their home oxygen chamber.

In March Lee fell at home and fractured his forearm.  He sported a purple cast to stabilize the bone, which has since healed, but the break was painful and made it difficult to push up out of a chair. His progress slipped again.

Lee’s determination and his family’s loving care had him getting around the house again with his walker a constant companion. He was able to fix himself snacks (toast being a favorite) and regained some of his weight. Maybe he became a little too confident, or perhaps he forgot his walker, but he suffered a devasting fall last week getting out of bed. He broke his hip and fractured two vertebrae in his spine. He is currently in a great deal of pain and being cared for in the ICU at HCMC. He had hip surgery last Friday and has been fit with a back brace. Now let the recovery begin…again.

We greatly appreciate your prayers and support as Maria, Erin, and Dillon work through this latest twist to Lee’s new life.


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