Help Laurie Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Laurie’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 10 donors who have made a donation in honor of Laurie.

Keep up the good fight!!
BLICK FAMILY | Aug 25, 2023
Laurie -- Keep up the fight -- we are thinking of you
Jeff Blick | Sep 24, 2021
Hey Laurie, I think I'm just finding out something. Glad to hear how you're persevering through it all. Wishing you best, old friend!
Daniel Liegey | Aug 24, 2021
Prayers for you everyday!
jean rottmann | Aug 5, 2021
always in my heart! the curly headed family! If you ever need doggie care Veronica or I would be happy to do it, on the house!
Gina b murphy | Jul 30, 2021
You're a brave woman and your sense of humor is a true blessing!
lori weiner | Dec 22, 2020
Dear Laurie, I had no idea you were going through this. Stay strong hon. You got this! Love, Missy
Missy | Dec 21, 2020
Hey Laurie and Family, So glad to hear your good news! My heart is with all of you during this holiday season and healing thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Love from your friend, Donna Shumolis | Dec 21, 2020
We love you and are always thinking of you!!
Dina,Bryan, Jared & Leah | Jan 10, 2020
Laurie this is a great idea and will save you repetition. We’re all there for you always.
We love you, Mom and DIck | Dec 12, 2019