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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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4 Years.  It’s been 4 years.  Hard to say.  Hard to write.  Hard to believe.  Hard to fathom.

We spent our day, much like you would be able to see us spending any other day of the year.  Submersing and surrounding ourselves with sports, recreation, and some of our favorite people.  If we do that, one would think we are a little less likely to be constantly thinking about the one we are missing.  Instead, when we are keeping ourselves busy, what usually happens is that we are thinking about how much we wish our favorite person were there enjoying the things we are trying to enjoy without him.  Each event or gathering has a silent sting, that usually goes unnoticed to most people, but really burns to the three of us.  I hate to explain it, as I feel like I have, and I’m sure there’s a point where people must think it’s getting old, but I don’t care.  Unless you’ve personally felt that sting, over and over and over, then you have no idea the level of hurt involved in losing your person.  The sting pulsates even more when my son tells me that he misses his dad or that he wants his dad in those moments.  It is the most lonely feeling ever.

Many things happened over the course of the year.  Greysen played tackle football, basketball, and baseball.  Greta did swimming, gymnastics, and softball.  I did a lot of filling my gas tank and cheering.  One big thing that we were able to do over the course of the year was to deliver Kurt’s earthly remains to their final destinations.  If you knew Kurt at all, you would know that these destinations were Kurt’s favorite places of all time.  The first was one of his favorite places to hunt, up at his family’s hunting property otherwise known as “The Forty.”  His ashes now have a new home under his tree stand where someday soon I’m sure his son will proudly hunt.  The second destination was Kurt’s most favorite place to fish, ever.  He landed in Canada, in what’s known as “Kurt’s Bay,” in front of “Kurt’s Rock Wall.”  There they will travel the waters of Clearwater Lake, just like he liked to do so very much.  I think we did the best job we could with fulfilling his final wishes.

It’s crazy what can happen in 4 years or even 1 year.

Please use this as your reminder that time on earth is limited.  Make the most of it.  Love your people now, but most importantly love Jesus.

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