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May 26-Jun 01

This Week

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This has been one heck of a year... probably the hardest one I've ever endured in my life if I am being really honest.  I don't think Kent would disagree with that either,  and he's had the much harder road. It's only by the grace of God, His healing power, and strength that we have made it to where we are today.

Here is where life is sitting currently: mid July, Kent had a doctor appointment with his new doctor in the Twin Cities. His other doctor moved far enough away that we had to find a new one to continue his care/treatment. He had been walking with a cane and wearing a knee brace up until that visit. When we met with the new doctor he advised that he'd like him to stop using both of those things (I know, we were shocked as well..!) and to try and work up to some light activity, as well as resuming PT sessions. He does still have about 2 inches of the front of his femur bone that have not grown back yet. The doctor is hoping that by resuming some activity, it will encourage more bone growth. We are still not certain if another surgery lies ahead or not, as it all depends on how the bone continues to heal/grow. The end goal is still to be able to play basketball and to be able to resume all physical activities, including keeping up with our three kiddos. 

Recently, Kent has been able to play a round of golf, go to the driving range with Jake, go swimming, exercise (lightly) and has been able to go back on site for a work trip with his job. These are all things that he hasn't been able to do in this past year.  

We want to again thank everyone for all of the kind encouragement, cards, gifts,  meals, help, and prayers. It's been incredibly humbling to receive so much love and support over this past year!! 

Hebrews 6:10: “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

God bless ❤️

Kent and Kelcie Underland 

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