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A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Jordana’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 94 donors who have made a donation in honor of Jordana.

Thoughts and prayers are with you Jordana . You will beat this again. Love and hugs.
Lynn Handelman-seigel | Mar 25, 2022
Dear Jordana, So very sorry you have to go through this. We have been and will continue praying for you. Please keep up your amazing courage and fighting spirit.
Love, Sandy & Hal Kahn | Mar 24, 2022
We'll be looking for your updates!! Stay strong!
Jody Weinberg | Mar 23, 2022
You are an Inspiration, Jordana- I am so sorry about the cancer's return. I also Believe God is using you & your brave messages, both on the radio & off. Blessings & prayers for you & your family & all who suffer.
Janis Bromenschenkel | Mar 23, 2022
Marypaul Foreman | Mar 22, 2022
Jordana so sorry to hear the news. You are such an inspiration! You can do this!
A Faithful Listener! | Mar 22, 2022
No need to apologize - you have a right to be angry. You are such an inspiration to so many - - bless you and fight on.
kurt steensland | Mar 22, 2022
Jordana, You are one great fighter. I've followed your journey on radio and this web page. My prayers are with you. Go with God!
Kay | Mar 22, 2022
You've got this! Keep fighting …and btw you haven't let anyone down …you are an inspiration to all ..let your light keep shining !
Sheri Arendse | Mar 22, 2022
We all take so much for granted......AND complain about stupid little things. Your journey puts everything into perspective ! Thinking of you .......
Mary Jahnke Anderson | Mar 22, 2022