Help Jordana Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Jordana’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 94 donors who have made a donation in honor of Jordana.

Dear jor. Congrats on your special day in every way. Plus wishes for all great health forever and ever. Oxox.
Sue Zelickson. | May 23, 2024
Hope you are doing well. Miss you. But love hearing you On the radio ! Ox. Sz
Sue Zelickson | May 4, 2024
In honor of you Jordana and your courage, bravery, fortitude and zest for life. May you continue on the path you are on.
sheila figman eule | Jun 10, 2023
This one's to you Jordana, you are an inspiration to all who know or hear of you.!
Ginny Beckett | Jan 23, 2023
Hi Jordana! I am making a donation and so so happy to see your progress. You are an inspiration to the Sichel/Kubala family. I hope we can catch up soon!
Jon Sichel | Jan 23, 2023
Sherri Gould | Sep 11, 2022
Congratulations, Jordana. Dennis and I are so happy to hear your good news.
joan reichert | Aug 31, 2022
So great to hear how well u r doing. I pray the last test shows that all is good. Your bravery & courage are amazing. Fondly Sheila & David
Sheila Figman Eule | Aug 29, 2022
Jordana, May Caring Bridge keep- you connected to all the people who care about you.,
sheila figman EULE | Jul 18, 2022
Please accept this donation in memory of Stuart Grossfield who passed away on 7/18/2022. Rest in peace, Stuart.
sue raz | Jul 18, 2022