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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Jeffrey Update: Jeffrey is doing better than the experts expectations. We're continually reminding ourselves to praise Jesus for all He has done. Even for the incident itself. We have just taken to praising Jesus. No matter what is going on in our life, Jesus is worthy to be praised. He sits on His throne, High and lifted up, and the Train of His Robe, fills the temple, and the Holy Angels fall prostrate and Cry Holy, Holy, HOLY is THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO COME. And the whole earth is filled with His Glory! Our Expectations far exceed the expectations of the experts. We know that the experts limit their prognosis to the scientifically concluded summations and this is understood to be based on formerly observed outcomes. It's not that the experts don't believe God can do something, they're only allowed to prognosticate what has been formally proven to be true. But Faith in Christ is our only confidence. And from the inquiries made to the medical staff when we were at the Children's hospital in Minneapolis, I'm pretty sure they would be in agreement that only God can heal, and only God can change nature by performing a miracle of seismic ramifications. Jeffrey improves daily. Even though it is micro-improvements, it is systematically moving in the upward direction.

A few days ago I asked for pray over a personal incident that took place next door. I know some may have been upset at my reaction. I was not pleased with my own inner struggle to let it run off like water on a ducks back. I did feel the prayers and did receive encouragement from many different places. On Friday, I had asked a Pastor and his wife to come to our Friday potluck/prayer and praise fellowship so Sifra and I could wash their feet. They accepted and we had a great time. This pastor stood up to the Governor of Minnesota and suited him for COVID restrictions. When he did this, nearly all the pastors in this small resort town, signed an open letter to the newspaper that was published, bashing and maligning this brave pastor bravely standing up to tyranny in office. He was excoriated and was falsely accused and at the same time received death threats for his backbone and boldness. Unfortunately he is human with human feelings. It's easy to throw mud at someone who is reacting badly to an unrighteous situation until we enter the arena ourselves. If you've ever read "Teddy" Roosevelts "The Man in The Arena" you will understand what it takes to be pummeled, beat, scarred, bloody with battle, still fighting, while the man or woman watching from the observatory criticizes the man in the arena who has failed to win time and again, but yet continues to get up and extraordinarily presses on in the fight. 
When my neighbor took me by surprise I did not have a nice and neatly written response to his ambush attack.

During this time, Sifra and I have been forcing ourselves to thank Jesus for Jeff and pray for his salvation. Hindsight is 20/20 vision, but I can guarantee you, it's no cake walk to instantly smile at your false accuser and say, "Is that all you have on me?" While, this incident took place, Sifra and I have been reading Merlyn Carothers books; "Walking and Leaping" and have just started "Victory on Praise Mountain." Today's reading exposed Merlyn's own experience with false accusations and verbal and social attacks. It was refreshing to see a man of God like Merlyn, deal with his feelings as well. It took him several weeks to Praise The Lord, but he managed to do so. My neighbor is still plotting against me and I have no idea what will be his next move. I do know this, this last Friday proved to be a wonderful time for everyone that came to the meeting because The Lord revealed to me that many Christians have unclean hearts, full of envy, strife, bitterness, unforgiveness and revenge. God is not please with this heart. While reporting to our senior saints about this discrepancy in the body of Christ and how many believers haven't felt the presence of The Lord in so long because there is a heart full of these unclean feelings and sins. One of the brothers in the group quoted one of the "Be Attitudes" "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!" And then it hit me so hard between the eyes. There is a promise from The Lord that if we will cleanse our hearts from these sinful attitudes and desires, God promises to reveal Himself to us. We will see Him in His sanctuary. So Friday evening all of us confessed our faults and sins to one another and asked for forgiveness from our Heavenly Father, and immediately I could feel the presence of The Lord. Wow, so wonderful. 
To be sure, my heart is clear of the events over the past week. I know that I can overcome these hurdles but I must surpass them to do so. Praise Jesus God will visit us if we will submit even our very heart and it's impurities to Christ. Many blessings,

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