Help Emily Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Emily’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 36 donors who have made a donation in honor of Emily.

Eliza Minden | Jul 31, 2020
Wonderful news to hear you are feeling better, Emily!! We are thrilled! You look so strong and noble in the photographs. If only I could come back to CB and visit with you... I miss you and love you so, so much and you are beside me always, happy
happy fowler | Jul 18, 2020
Valerie Brown | Jun 28, 2020
Your strength is a wonderful message to us all.
Holly aNd Dave Grainger | Jun 2, 2020
Hoping to see you soon Em! Feel better as all your favorite trails are opening up and the weather is perfect! XOXOX
Sue Schappert | May 19, 2020
Sending you love, Emily.
Eileen Dalton | May 11, 2020
Such good news! Yah Em! Yay Docs! Yay David for keeping us apprised! And Yay God for your loving hand in all of this!! Lots of love and prayers, Robin & John
Robin Norton | May 1, 2020
Dear Em and David, Definitely stay connected to the kitty. Sending lots of love your way, Praying for good outcomes. Terry in Maine
Love, Terry | Apr 13, 2020
Eleanor B. Rothman | Apr 2, 2020
David - I ache as I read your posts and understand the odd intimacy you and Emily are experiencing. I am not part of your family or inner circle, but I hold you in my heart
Laurie Duncan | Mar 31, 2020