Help Chris Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Chris’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 19 donors who have made a donation in honor of Chris.

I am completely sorry for Michelle and Wyatt losing Chris to cancer. He was a FANTASTIC next door neighbor for many years next to my house with my daughter Rachel. He was a GOOD person in every way. Kind, friendly, SMART. Laure Jausoro
Michelle and Wyatt, my heart goes out to you. I cried for an HOUR when I heard this about Chris. | Aug 30, 2019
Hanna Langston | Aug 24, 2019
Thinking of you Chris. Family and friends of mine have experienced similar to what you're facing and while sometimes it was tougher, they were mostly comfortable, continued to live large, and shocked doctors at what was really possible. Prayers and love.
Peter Rode | Aug 23, 2019
We hope to see you soon and want you to know that we are thinking about you, Michelle and Wyatt. Rebecca and Jordan
Rebecca Elbaum | Aug 19, 2019
We are so glad to learn that Chris may be able to return home - hospice can make such a difference in reducing the stress of constant care. Visitors will be coming to a more natural setting.
MLS | Aug 19, 2019
Suzi Roznowski | Aug 16, 2019
Carrie Bullinger | Aug 12, 2019
Juliette Wyatt | Aug 9, 2019
Thanks so much for sharing this update. We are sending all of our best healing thoughts. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do!
Love, Christa & Zach (out In NJ) | Aug 9, 2019
I recall a card I found once which I think they may have had you in mind... 'The only thing I know more stubborn than cancer is you...'. Keep your spirit up and know many people are sending you their prayers.
Andrew Gan | Aug 8, 2019