Chatrice’s Story

Site created on January 12, 2024

In the face of adversity, some individuals shine brighter than the rest, embodying the true essence of courage and resilience. This website is a testament to the extraordinary strength of Chatrice, warrior who has bravely faced the double battle of brain cancer and recently conquered the challenges of cardiac arrest.

Chatrice the Fighter

As many of you are aware, Chatrice has courageously battled brain cancer for over a decade. In June, she underwent comprehensive brain and spine radiation in a final attempt to shrink and control her aggressively advancing cancer. Following this, she remained stable, with her November MRI revealing no signs of tumor growth, although the tumors persisted. However, Chatrice remained optimistic and strong.

An Unforgettable Christmas

Shortly before Christmas, Chatrice was admitted to the hospital due to lingering pneumonia, prompting doctors to keep a close watch on her. On Christmas evening, she experienced a cardiac arrest, requiring seven rounds of CPR and medication for resuscitation. Although the journey has been a challenging rollercoaster since then, Chatrice demonstrated immense strength. Overnight, her oxygen levels dropped, presenting limited options, even prompting her ICU care team to advise us to call her close family and loved ones to see her. However, she began showing signs of improvement, gradually normalizing her state of shock.

Despite uncertainties about her waking up and mental coherence, Chatrice defied the odds. She awoke fully aware, demonstrating the ability to move her limbs, squeeze hands, wiggle toes, and maintain coherence about her surroundings. After a week or so, she was weaned off life-saving medications, relying only on a ventilator for breathing due to respiratory failure from the cardiac arrest. Chatrice successfully underwent multiple Spontaneous Breathing trials, breathing independently for varying durations through the tube.  Chatrice continues to be sign of strength and inspiration to all.  

Recovery, Hope and Uncertainty

After 2.5 weeks in the ICU The decision was made to remove the breathing tube, and Chatrice is currently breathing on her own. While this is uplifting news, the reality is that the cardiac arrest significantly weakened her, and the future remains uncertain.  Unfortunately, with no available cancer treatments and considering her weakened state and respiratory status, her oncologist, recommended Hospice care to provide the best support for Chatrice.  We are still uncertain about how much time remains, as this all depends on Chatrice.  

We all recognize Chatrice as a fighter, and we stand by her in this ongoing battle for as long as she needs us.  We have an army of standing beside her. Your support, thoughts, and prayers are deeply appreciated during this challenging time. Chatrice remains determined to continue fighting, and we are inspired by her strength and resilience.

This site is designed to provide ongoing updates about Chatrice and also serves as a channel for individuals to share their thoughts, well-wishes, and prayers, all of which will be directly communicated to Chatrice. Furthermore, it's a space where we can seek assistance or advice as we navigate through this challenging period.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Charmaine

Newest Update

Journal entry by charmaine felix

Classic Chatrice: Always Defying the Odds 

Since my last post, we've experienced many changes, both good and bad. The most exciting news is that Chatrice was discharged from hospice in early April. This was thrilling because it gave her the chance to work on getting stronger, a goal she's always had. When she was initially placed on hospice, we hoped for her discharge someday, but her ICU doctors had indicated it was unlikely. It was classic Chatrice, always defying the odds. 

On May 3rd, she had her first follow-up with a member of her oncology team, who was thrilled to see her up, functional, and conversational. We addressed concerns such as the Bell's Palsy that has developed on the left side of her face and her goals to become stronger. As a result, he approved home health Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy. An MRI was scheduled to check the status of her tumors, along with a follow-up with her oncologist to determine the next steps. That same day, Chatrice visited the ICU where we had spent 2.5 weeks and brought doughnuts for the floor. The front desk person remembered her and was excited to see her, even trying to find some of the nurses who had helped her during that tough time. I shared stories of her fight and the constant support from family and close friends that filled the waiting room, halls, and her room.

Since her discharge from hospice, Chatrice was able to enjoy family time.  She frequents her son's sports games and practices.  As you all know she lives for her family, so no matter her condition, as long as she's physically able, she shows up for them.  She even planned a few things for Randy's birthday.  She made reservations on her own.  She and I also went out to buy him an ice cream cake and candles.  She loves getting out of the house whether it's running errands with her caregiver Audrey, going to the mall or out to eat.  On Mother's day, we all went to dinner together.  

Hoping and Praying

A week or so ago, we noticed that her Bell's Palsy was worsening, she was starting to cough when drinking liquids, and she was becoming more confused with increasingly slurred speech. On Wednesday, her vitals became unstable, with fluctuations in blood pressure and oxygenation. She was taken to the UW ER, where she was admitted and it was determined that she had developed pneumonia from aspirating water. During that visit, an MRI revealed the somber news that her tumors had spread throughout her brain and upper spinal cord, explaining the Bell's Palsy, confusion, and slurred speech.  

Despite this significant setback, Chatrice remains in good spirits. She is eager to develop a plan and still wants to get stronger. She had a PT intake yesterday, where she told the therapist her goal is to be stronger, to be able to wheel herself around in her wheelchair, and to walk. Even with all these difficulties, Chatrice continues to be the fighter she is. We don't know what the future holds, but we will continue to have faith in God and His plan. We ask for your prayers to support us through this time.

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