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Jun 16-22

This Week

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YANG!  I had my treatment on Wed 3-6-23 and I took a different approach pre and post treatment this time around, and how treatment went was, my YANG. I have been reading about fasting prior to chemo and considering I have been handling the drug fairly well I thought I would give it a go. I did a water fast 48 hours prior to treatment, exercised the night before as well as the morning of. Went thru treatment which was nice and smooth. Post treatment relaxed that night and ate a fairly healthy meal. The morning after I did some exercise and seem to recover fairly quickly and been feeling pretty strong since. This approach seemed to work for me and the 4 remaining treatments I have for this year will include this path or at least I will give it my best. Trying to get back to work hopefully in the next few weeks and a “normal” way of life.
    YIN! When we got home from Durango on Sun March 24 I fell sleep feeling a little off. Woke up at 2am w/ chills, sweating, congested and body aches. Bed drenched w/ sweat in morning and I literally slept until Wed morning. In and out of sleep for 2 days and Mariah giving me medicine and fluids. Monday night she was down with the sickness and we both quarantined in  bedroom. Wednesday morning around 5am I woke up to use the bathroom and as I was coming out I lost consciousness  and fell down about 8 stairs and woke up shortly after with Mariah awoken by my fall. I fell on the right side of my face and hit my head pretty hard, I felt it. As I got up started sweating profusely, sat on a chair for 5 minute. Immediately Mariah got us ready to go to the ER and with the help of family we both checked into the ER. She could not breathe and had all the same symptoms plus S.O.B. She had a respiratory infection as well as Flu. We both tested negative for covid and this strain of flu was really intense. It’s April 11th and I’m about 80%-85%. We did a MRI and my head was clear of intrusion and had Acute Viral Syndrome. Had an appointment w/ General Dr. and have another one in two weeks. She wants to keep an eye out for brain bleeding that might not show for a couple weeks after the initial fall. My congestion seems to get better each day and the headaches are becoming less, I think. Taking it day by day and will get back in if headaches, numbness come around and get another MRI. Mariah came around earlier in week feeling better.
     YIN!  of cancer treatment is the financial fuckery of trying to heal while maintaining a balance of paying bills and keep your head above water. This reality has not been as easy or successful as I would hope it to be and has put us in a financial pickle. I was supposed to be back to work in February but the bar “Yonder Bar” that I’ll be tending at for the afternoon shift a few days a week has been delayed due to city inspection, permits etc.They are hoping to be up & open by late April or early May . I don’t want to lose disability until I am done in December w/ my last chemo  treatment & hopefully get back to some normality next year. This is my optimistic mind set that will hopefully manifest w/ patience and perseverance. Truly appreciate all the donations and encouragement over the last couple years. It’ll be two years of chemo come June 2024, crazy. I am truly hoping everything comes together for us and this will be the last time for now that I will have to share my Go Fund Me. Beyond gratitude for any help big or small or just words of hope and love! I also hope to turn my Go Fund Me into a place to raise money for research to find a cure for Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Having an incurable cancer is by far the hardest thing I have had to endure in my life. Finding the bright side of life is the only path I will take and I know my own voice in my head can be my worse enemy, but I do my best has to walk  steps of peace and optimism. For me it’s a choice. If you made it this far or not, truly nothing but love from the Sindelar / Garcia family. Peace and love to you all far and near.

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