Help Ann V Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Ann V’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 13 donors who have made a donation in honor of Ann V.

In memory of Ann V. Miller, a magnificent human being who touched the hearts of many and made the world a better place. She infused her wide circle with joy, humor, and compassion. We loved the fight in her and passion for her beloved Pat and golf! Peace
Virginia Remedi-Brown | Mar 17, 2023
I missed the service due to illness. I am sure it was a beautiful loving tribute to an awesome woman My love and hugs to you Pat, I know you will do the journey and come out the other way to continue your life.
Florangel E Mendez-Beatty | Dec 5, 2022
Janie Torres-Gorges | Nov 5, 2022
Mary J Torres-Gorges | Nov 4, 2022
Remembering phone calls to or from Ann to keep alert on long rides home after work! Dunkin Donut coffee delivery visits! Special holiday 'showings' and dining! You both have added so much to my 'journey' and are being remembered and very much loved.
Bettyanne Hutton | Oct 30, 2022
Ann, while I have not met you, Pat and her Mom were such important people to me fifty years ago. I am sure that you are a wonderful person and I am grateful that you have been such the love of Pat's life and she for you. You two are in my heart.
Suzanne Thomas | Oct 26, 2022
I want to help Ann V Miller in any way I can. Please accept this donation in her name. Thank you, Martha Ripp
Martha Ripp | Oct 23, 2022
Hi Ann. I think of you often. I'm going to come see you soon. I'll call first to make sure you are up for a visitor.
Your Friend Martha Ripp | Sep 9, 2022
Love you and Pat! We've always got your back! You guys are strong women and you teach me everyday.
Love, Charlotte & Sherry | Mar 14, 2022
Pearson, Janis | Mar 2, 2022