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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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We were hoping that by Addy's oncology appointment on Tuesday, her bone marrow would have recovered and made some more neutrophils, but unfortunately the opposite happened and her count dropped even further. That means that she's on another chemo hold until her neutrophil count goes up some, and then we'll be starting at a lower dose again. All of her other labs look great, so we have that to be thankful for.

The plan is still on for us to have her line removed next month, so please be praying with us that if there is any reason we should not move forward with that, it would be made obvioius in the next few weeks. We are all very excited about the idea of having the line out and a little more normalcy for Addy. There will be less risk for infection which is a huge benefit, plus she will be able to shower, swim, and do more normal "kid" activities (she is especially excited about trying out her sister's slip and slide that we have kept put away until her line is out). One of the downsides will be that every time we need to get labs, a LP, or an IV medication, she'll need a poke (either finger prick or venipuncture). We do think that the benefits outweigh this though, and Addy is getting used to the idea (the poor girl has had more IVs than anyone should in her life, but she's still pretty nervous about them, understandably). 

Her ophthalmology appointment went very smoothly. She was very brave and her eyes showed no sign of returned fungal infection - a huge answer to prayer! We will have a follow up visit in 6-8 months and after that, she will only have to go once a year if everything still looks good.

Prayer requests:
1. That Addy's neutrophil count goes up soon. 
2. For her medical team to be able to figure out a chemo dose that keeps her neutrophil count at the perfect level.
3. That we can get Addy's line out next month, and that if there's any reason not to, it would be obvious and clear to us before it's removed.

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