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Thursday, March 12, 2009

We arrived at NIH on Tuesday around 11:00am. Drew was examined by Dr. Warren and Dr. Trey Lee. They got a treat, Drew was extremely flatulent. He was quite impressed by himself. I am not sure the doctors were as impressed. Dr. Warren couldn't get out of the room fast enough :). Drew got a blood draw. Yup, platelets were in the toilet at 5000. Normal platelets, for Drew, should be above 100,000 and must be over 50,000 before transfusion. So, he got a transfusion of 5 units of platelets. The post blood draw showed 12,000 and white counts had dropped in half from last Thursday. So, he needs a second infusion for the day. Sorry, it is BINGO night at the Children's Inn. We played Bingo. Drew won lots of great prizes. We headed back to the hospital around 8:00pm for more platelets. This time he got 8 units. We were back at the Inn and in bed by 11:30.


We got to sleep late since Drew's scan wasn't until 12:00. We got to the hospital around 10:00am and got new badge photos. Our old ones had expired. We went to clinic and found out his post platelet counts for last night were 28,000. Not good! So they did another blood draw. By the way, have I mentioned Drew does not have a port, so he is being stuck to get blood. His veins are very small and very deep. They are very hard to get on the first try. The IV they placed on Tuesday does not pull blood, but will push, so it can be used for medicines during the MRI. In short, he needs to be stuck, again. We were not prepared for this extra stick so he had no numbing cream. He did very well. He is my hero! The semi good new is that the platelet count raised to 58,000. The super bad news is his white counts are 750 and ANC is 350. Meaning he is neutropenic-his immune system is not working. Another first for us. We are also pretty sure his platelets are still dropping. So, we will stay Wednesday night and get blood drawn in the morning and probably another transfusion.


BEAUTIFUL SCAN!!! WE have NED (no evidence of disease)! We are PRAISING GOD and basking in HIS blessings!

Overall we have had a great visit. We got the honor to meet the Spady family, Ken, Kim, and Caleb (Keeping up with Caleb). Drew and Caleb have hit it off. Both Caleb and Drew had their scans today. We played bingo together last night and had fun in Arts and Crafts and playing games. We also were privileged to meet David and Annette Ingram, ^Caleb's^ (www.ingram-family.net) mom and dad.

Thank you for your prayers. Please pray that Drew's blood counts recover quickly. This is fairly normal considering the amount of chemo he has had over the last 4 years. We have been very lucky that the chemo did not cause this earlier. But, we had hoped not to reach this point. Not only is it dangerous for Drew, it also threatens future chemo. If his counts continue this low trend it is possible we may not be able to continue chemo.


Gina, Drew & Family

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It has been awhile since I have updated. For the most part, no news is good news.

It is so wonderful to see the Washington & Lee Generals (Men's Lacrosse) team writing in the Guest Book. Check it out!!! Drew is so excited to be joinging "His Team" for another season!!! GO GENERALS!!!

Christmas was AWESOME!!! Drew's favorite holiday is Christmas.

We rang in the New Year. Drew was the only one that stayed up until midnight. The other boys crashed early. We toasted with sparkling grape juice and went to bed.

Drew's blood counts continue to stay low. We had to postpone chemo for 1 week this round, due to his platelet count, 44,000. That is the lowest ever. Thankfully, one week later they were on the rise to 84,000. We are adding more supplements to hopefully keep this from happening again. We will see next month.

Now the REALLY BIG NEWS!!!! Drew's 9th Birthday is Sunday!!! WHOO-HOOO!!! My boy is getting so big. We are so BLESSED!!!

He will be having 2 parties. The first on Saturday for kids and the second on Sunday for family. That's right, we will be partying all weekend. This year as an alternative to gifts Drew has decided that it would be great if people would donate to ASK Foundation (ASK Web) this is a foundation through MCV/VCU Hospital that supports the families of ill children, like our family. We go on social outings several times per year, it provides toys for the treasure chest in clinic and many other outstanding programs. Another group is Special Love (www.SpecialLove.org) this group is who Drew goes to camp through. This is another outstanding group that supports so many ill children and their families through outings, etc. Some have asked if we still have Drew's Fund open, yes we do. It is through SunTrust Bank, Account ##1000017134312. Or you can click on the paypal account button to donate online.

Thank you for all of your prayers, support and love. Our journey has been a long one and is far from over. We have met some amazing people along the way. With God's grace and mercy we make it through every day and every hurdle we face.

Please pray for all of our sick children, there are too many. To name a few: Andrew, Liam, Ellie, Amy, Sarah, Kasey, David, Caleb, Jonathan, Kat, Vincent, Sage, and many more. And pray for the families that grieve the loss of their precious children.


The Goodman Family

Thursday, December 4, 2008


It has been a while since our last update. No news is good news. Drew is doing well. His next MRI is December 15, 2008. Please pray for a clean scan.

We had an AWESOME Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for all we have. It is over one year from recurrence for Drew and all is GREAT!!! Thank you God!!!!!!!!

I have mentioned before Drew's PT, Richmond Hope Therapy, he did intensive therapy with them last year. He still sees them for regular PT. They are the most AWESOME women. They recommended Drew to a group that helps provide special equipment for children with disabilities or limitations. They provide things such as; adaptive bikes, custom wheel chairs, communication devices, etc. The name of the organization is Help Charities, Inc., started by 13 local businessmen and retirees in 1992.

Yesterday, Help Charities, Inc. with Rehab Health Care in Richmond and Sergeant Santa presented many people with special equipment. Drew was presented with a specially equipped tricycle by them. (see the picture at www.caringbridge.org/visit/drewb) Thankfully, Richmond Hope Therapy was also there to share in his day. He was so excited. He jumped on his bike and rode and rode. I wasn't sure we would be able to get him off of the bike. I can't thank all of the wonderful people involved with this enough. This is one of the many blessings that gives us strength and hope.

Thank you for all of your prayers, support, love, and concern.

Please pray for the many families that are grieving. There are several that are having a hard time, please say special prayers for Hadley, Owen, Liam, Kasey, Ellie, Kat, Andrew, Sarah, Sam, Vincent, David Bailey, and many others.

Check out www.caringbridge.org/visit/katieschools

She is an incredibly talented 8 year old artist that knows the brain tumor journey all too well. Her art is hanging on the White House Christmas Tree, this year.

The Goodman Family

Thursday, December 4, 2008


It has been a while since our last update. No news is good news. Drew is doing well. His next MRI is December 15, 2008. Please pray for a clean scan.

We had an AWESOME Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for all we have. It is over one year from recurrence for Drew and all is GREAT!!! Thank you God!!!!!!!!

I have mentioned before Drew's PT, Richmond Hope Therapy, he did intensive therapy with them last year. He still sees them for regular PT. They are the most AWESOME women. They recommended Drew to a group that helps provide special equipment for children with disabilities or limitations. They provide things such as; adaptive bikes, custom wheel chairs, communication devices, etc. The name of the organization is Help Charities, Inc., started by 13 local businessmen and retirees in 1992.

Yesterday, Help Charities, Inc. with Rehab Health Care in Richmond and Sergeant Santa presented many people with special equipment. Drew was presented with a specially equipped tricycle by them. (see the picture at www.caringbridge.org/visit/drewb) Thankfully, Richmond Hope Therapy was also there to share in his day. He was so excited. He jumped on his bike and rode and rode. I wasn't sure we would be able to get him off of the bike. I can't thank all of the wonderful people involved with this enough. This is one of the many blessings that gives us strength and hope.

Thank you for all of your prayers, support, love, and concern.

Please pray for the many families that are grieving. There are several that are having a hard time, please say special prayers for Hadley, Owen, Liam, Kasey, Ellie, Kat, Andrew, Sarah, Sam, Vincent, David Bailey, and many others.

Check out www.caringbridge.org/visit/katieschools

She is an incredibly talented 8 year old artist that knows the brain tumor journey all too well. Her art is hanging on the White House Christmas Tree, this year.

The Goodman Family

Friday, October 24, 2008

WOW! I forgot to update this site, I am so sorry.

Drum roll, please ... the MRI is CLEAN!!! We are praising God even more than usual, if that is possible.

Drew is busy in school and with soccer. He has made 2 goals and several saves this season. He is having a blast!

Johnny is playing football and doing well in school.

Stephen has his learner's permit for driving. He is getting ready to start wrestling season and is doing well with his very heavy school load.

I am VERY proud of my boys!!!

Other than doctor appointments and chemo, we are living a pretty "normal" life and enjoying every blessing.

My thoughts and prayers are with the many that are ill or have won their battle and are now celebrating no more pain in Heaven. There have been too many people that have died from cancer. We have lost WAY too many children just in the past 2 weeks. My heart aches for their families.

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers and continuing to check in on us. Drew will have another MRI on December 15.

The Goodman Family

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just a quick ask for prayers for Drew's routine MRI, today. We are at NIH and should have results today or tomorrow. I will update when I can.

Please say some extra prayers for Ellie and Kasey who are also having MRI's today.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Do you know September is Cancer Awareness Month? Did you know September 13 was National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day?

Cancer is horrid, no matter how old you are. However, the lack of funding for pediatric cancer research is beyond despicable. We must find a cure for cancer, ALL cancer. The children should be in this equation. If we spread the awareness that there is a huge need for pediatric cancer research, I believe a cure will be found. The cure will be for all cancer victims.

Helen Jonsen, Forbes.com senior editor and mother of a child who recently underwent treatment for osteosarcoma, stated in a September 12th article, "Cancer is the No. 1 disease killer of children in the U.S. ...We tend to talk about it in hushed tones instead of screaming for help. But scream we should." The article goes on to say, "The funding for pediatric cancer clinical trials has gone down every year since 2003, and is currently $26.4 million. By comparison, NCI funding for AIDS research was $254 million in 2006; funding for breast cancer topped $584 million the same year."

How many children have to die before it is considered research worthy, news worthy, just plain worthy? Will your child, grandchild, niece, or nephew be next? Please HELP today!

Check out: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/09/childhood_cancer_awareness_mon.html

Eat at Chili's September 29, 100f all proceeds go to St. Jude's for research.

PROJECT BRAIN CHILD - Voting ends on Monday, September 29th....IF we stand together, we stand to win this grant! Please encourage your constituents to VOTE as follows:

1. Go to

2. Scroll down to "Vote for this Project" (located under the video/photo window)
3. Click on "Vote for this Project"
4. Click on "Log In"
5. Log in using either your American Express Card number* or your on-line account
6. After logging in, you should have returned to the Project Brain Child description page -


7. Scroll down AGAIN and click on "Vote for this Project"
8. You're done!


Please keep the many families battling this beast we call cancer in your thoughts and prayers. Yesterday, Stephen won his cancer battle and is now in Heaven with Jesus. There are so many in need of prayer, to name a few; Jacob, Gunner (is deteriorating rapidly), Marcus, Hadley, Kat, Amy, Liam, Kasey, Kelly, Alexa, Sarah, Caleb, Andrew, Ellie, and Sage.

Thank you for all of your prayers, love and support.

The Goodman Family

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It has been a busy week and Drew has missed 1 1/2 days of school, due to illness. BUT, we have finally gotten to the bottom of Drew's nasty cough. He went into distress Saturday and again Tuesday. By distress I mean he coughs so much he starts to vomit. Both days it got to the point that he could hold nothing down. We thought he would have to go to the hospital for dehydration. But, both times we were able to get him under control in the bathtub. The doctor was fairly convinced that he had pneumonia and so were we. Drew had a chest x-ray Wednesday. It is not pneumonia, it is asthma. So, he is under control with the proper meds, now. Praise God!

Drew's chemo cycle, due to have started on Saturday, was postponed until Monday due to low platelet counts. This is the first time his counts have ever held up chemo. They were 78 last Wednesday. This Wednesday they are 97. However, his white and red blood counts are extremely low. So, we are being extremely proactive and protective for Drew's health.

Johnny played his first football game last Saturday, they won!!!! Drew and I missed it because he was so sick.

Sunday Stephen was baptized. Praise God! Today, Stephen passed the test for his learners permit to drive. YEAH!!!

Today, Calli got her walking boot off and is now free of fixators, casts, etc. She still has some hurdles, but she has come so far. Today is a HAPPY Day!

Please keep so many families battling this beast we call cancer. This week Cameron lost his earthly battle. There are so many in need of prayer, to name a few; Stephen, Jacob, Gunner, Marcus, Hadley, Kat, Amy, Liam, Kasey, Kelly, Andrew, Ellie, and Sage.

Thank you for all of your prayers, love and support.

The Goodman Family

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We got to see Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift in concert on September 11 at the Virginia Beach Amphitheater. The local Country radio station, K95, gave us 2 meet and greet passes for Rascal Flatts. Thank you Catfish and Lori, you ROCK! We chose to keep it as a surprise for the boys. They had no idea where we were going until right before we parked at the amphitheater.

We had hoped that all 5 of us would be able to meet Rascal Flatts, but only 2 of us could go. So, Drew and I went and left John, Johnny and Stephen waiting for us. While standing in line to for the meet and greet with Rascal Flatts a young girl got in line behind us. It was Hannah from the summer camp Drew went to a few weeks before. It was his "girlfriend". Tell me that wasn't a God Thing! It was great to meet her and her family. She had won the meet and greet passes for singing a Rascal Flatts song in a contest. She won 3rd place out of 400 contestants. WOW!

During the meet and greet, Drew made friends with a few people in line. One of them was Dean of Sportsmen's Legacy Foundation. It is a foundation to provide outdoor mentorship to children who have lost a parent or who have a parent that has become physically challenged as a result of a public service. He and his friends were very kind to Drew. We had our 30 seconds to talk to Gary, Jay and JoeDon of Rascal Flatts and get our picture taken. Gary LeVox was very kind. Drew invited him to his birthday party, of course. I am not sure if he understood Drew, it was loud and hard to hear. I spoke to him briefly about the T-shirts (thanks Can-Do-Printing), photos, bracelets (thanks Al), business cards and ribbons I brought. He immediately put on one of the bracelets. Gary was VERY kind. We did not have time to speak to Jay and JoeDon. Drew had his photo take with Rascal Flatts and a second photo taken with Hannah and Rascal Flatts. Take a look!

Drew & Rascal Flatts

Drew, Hannah & Rascal Flatts

The concert was AWESOME!!! Taylor Swift was very good. Rascal Flatts rocked the amphitheater. We would go see them again!!!

Please say some extra prayers for Cameron, Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Drew was able to get the MRI of his spine today.

Drew's MRI of the spine is CLEAN!!!! Thank you God!

Please say some extra prayers for Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We will be attempting Drew's MRI of the spine tomorrow morning. He still has a cough, but we hope the anesthesia doctor will give the okay. I took him to the pediatrician today and she is comfortable with going forward with the MRI. She did put him on antibiotics. He feels pretty well, he just has a nasty, croupy cough. Please pray that Drew can get the spinal MRI and it is CLEAN.

Everyone had a good first day of school today. Drew was quite upset that I took him out of school right before he got to go to recess on the "big kids" playground. I told him how sorry I was that I had to pick him up early to go to the doctor. His response, "Sometimes I'm sorry just isn't good enough!" Hmmm, I wonder where he has heard that before? We both got a good giggle out of his response. Needless to say, it is doubtful that he will play on the "big kid" playground tomorrow, either.

Please say some extra prayers for Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No MRI for Drew. The doctor did not like his cough. We do not have a reschedule date, yet. I will let everyone know when a new date has been set. Now, I am sick and Johnny is sneezing. Gotta love summer colds!

Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. We LOVE reading the comments in the guestbook.

Calli Update: She got her walking boot on. YEAH!!!

Please say some extra prayers for Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Drew is settling in from camp. He has a cold with a croupy cough. No fevers, just a runny nose and cough. However, he also has an MRI of the spine tomorrow morning. So, the cold/cough is threatening the possibility of him having anesthesia. Please pray he will be able to get the MRI and it will be CLEAN.

Please say some extra prayers for Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drew is HOME from camp!!! He had an AWESOME time and can't wait to go back next year! We are so proud of him. He loved every second of his time at camp. He said he made lots of friends. He even sang Me and My Gang by Rascal Flatts at the talent show. He even gave his autograph to his fans after his big debut. He LOVED all the mail he received. Thank you ALL for mailing him cards!

I hope to find some pictures on the camera I sent with him. I will post them soon.

Please say some extra prayers for Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

Monday, August 18, 2008

Drew is at camp!!! We took him to get on the bus Sunday morning. He barely said good-bye to us in his excitement to go to camp. He will have the best time. It looks to be a very well organized operation. He was already making friends and found a girl, Tawney, to sit with on the bus. We had met her when he was first diagnosed and hadn't seen her for the past couple of years. So, it was nice for them to make the connection. It was also Tawney's 4th trip to camp, so she can show him the ropes.

His foot is healing nicely and his heal is flat on the ground. He is still getting used to his new walk, but he will be much safer at camp. The AFO brace can only be worn 1-2 hours until his foot heals. He needs to wear the brace, so the muscles don't lose their stretch.

Several people have asked if they could write to Drew while he is away at camp. YES, the address is: Drew Goodman, 600 4-H Center Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630. He will leave for camp on August 17 and return August 23.

Please say some extra prayers for Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

August 14, 2008

Drew's cast is off!!! So far, it looks like it is a success. He is now standing with his heal on the floor.

WOW, was his foot stinky! It appears the cast got wet and his foot was affected/water logged. We will wait to assess it tomorrow to see if it will need medical attention. He also has a small raw spot on the inside of his foot near the arch. He is not able to wear his brace until these areas are healed. We are working hard to heal him before camp and before he loses the stretch in his muscles.


Several people have asked if they could write to Drew while he is away at camp. YES, the address is: Drew Goodman, 600 4-H Center Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630. He will leave for camp on August 17 and return August 23.

Please say some extra prayers for Jacob, Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, and their families.

The Goodman Family

August 9, 2008

Drew is now sporting around a blue cast on his right lower leg and foot. After speaking with physical therapy,it was decided to put his foot in a cast to help stretch his muscles. It was next to impossible to get his foot in the brace and walking seemed to be more difficult. We were concerned that if he went to camp without being able to use his brace, he could get hurt. The way he was holding his foot when he walked could have easily caused a nasty sprain or break. The cast will be on for 8 days, taken off before he goes to camp. The hope is that the cast will stretch the muscles enough for him to be able to wear the brace while at camp. He may have to be recast after he returns from camp to continue manipulating the muscles in a positive fashion.

Several people have asked if they could write to Drew while he is away at camp. YES, the address is: Drew Goodman, 600 4-H Center Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630.

Please say some extra prayers for Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, Jacob and their families.

The Goodman Family

August 6, 2008

Thank You ALL so much for all the prayers, positive thoughts and well wishes. They worked it is CLEAN!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!! We are doing a MAJOR HAPPY HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!

We have NO idea what is going on with his arm and leg. We are working with the physical therapist to improve mobility in Drew's leg. The thought is that the Botox worked. However, it made the muscles feel so weak that other muscles over compensated for the unsteadiness and the muscles are now in a knot. The thought is to put his leg in a cast for a week to help stretch the muscles. The hope is after the cast comes off then Drew will be able to wear his brace with more success.

For now we can breath and sleep while he is at Camp Fantastic in 2 weeks!

Calli is now in a cast. Praise God! It has been an extremely long year for she and her family.

Please say some extra prayers for Stephen, Gunner, Hadley, Kasey, Katherine, Ellie, Liam, Amy, Kelly, Jacob and their families.

The Goodman Family

August 5, 2008

Hi All,

Drew's MRI is tomorrow. It was originally set for August 29. In the last week we have seen some changes in his leg/foot and arm/hand. Please say some extra prayers that this is NOTHING and his MRI is CLEAN!

The Goodman Family

June 11, 2008

Thank you everyone for your prayers. NEVER underestimate the power of prayer! His MRI was CLEAN/stable!!!!!!!!! YEAH! Thank you God! We are now breathing again. His next MRI should be in August. We will be enjoying our summer.!!!

Note: It seems the PO Box has been down for quite a while. If you have sent Drew mail and it has been returned, I am VERY sorry. Please re-send it to PO Box 94, Beaverdam, VA 23015. The problem has been resolved.

Check out Brown Bag For A Cure
We are a member of the grey ribbon crusade!

Please pray for our friend's mother, she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She and her family could use lots of prayers and positive energy.

Please send Calli and her family continued prayers. She is doing well and the bone seems to be growing. Cali graduates from high school this week. YEAH!!!! Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her leg and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please say a special pray for these brain tumor children that are having a hard time:
Katherine, Stephen, Jacob, Amy, Liam, Kasey

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 10, 2008

MRI Time! Tomorrow, Drew has a routine MRI. Please say some extra prayers for a CLEAN MRI!!!

Note: It seems the PO Box has been down for quite a while. If you have sent Drew mail and it has been returned, I am VERY sorry. Please re-send it to PO Box 94, Beaverdam, VA 23015. The problem has been resolved.

Please pray for our friend's mother, she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She and her family could use lots of prayers and positive energy.

Please send Calli and her family continued prayers. She is doing well and the bone seems to be growing. Cali graduates from high school this week. YEAH!!!! Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her leg and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please say a special pray for these brain tumor children that are having a hard time:
Katherine, Stephen, Jacob, Amy, Liam, Kasey

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

April 22, 2008

WHOO!!!! HOOOO!!! Today is Drew's 4 year anniversary with this HORRID beast! You ask why the excitement? Well, because 4 years ago, the doctors told us to go home and enjoy our time. Drew has 5 - 12 months. WELL, we did go home and enjoy our time AND we still are!!!!!!!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, this day is a bittersweet day, for it also is the 10th anniversary of the death of our son, Alex. Although time has taught us how to bear the pain, it never really gets easier. We love you our Snooky Man in the Sky! We miss you every day!

Come Join TEAM DREW-B for the ASK FAMILY FUN WALK & 5k

Register Now

Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 9:00:00 AM
ASK Family Fun Walk & 5k
Short Pump Town Center

Come join your friends and family for a fun day of exercise and entertainment. An expanded route at Short Pump Town Center for the 5K Run and Fun Walk begins at 9 am with registration at 7:30 am. Packet pickup and pre-registration at Saxon Shoes on Friday evening. Saxon is offering a 10iscount for your purchases through the weekend and a 10onation to ASK for your purchases. Family festival complete with music, crafts, refreshments and more begins at 9:30 am-Noon.
This event helps raise awareness and funds to help make life better for children with cancer in Central Virginia. Teams and individuals are encouraged to seek pledges!
Prizes for 5K winners as well as for team , individual, and youth fundraisers.
Entry fee $20 for adults and $10 for children 6 and older.

Drew is still in quarantine. He will start his 6th round of chemo on Saturday April 26. Since flu season is about over we are now allowing healthy visitors. But, please be mindful of Drew's low blood counts and his inability to fight off viruses and illnesses, easily. It is also important that the rest of the family stay well, so as not to bring germs home to Drew. Flu season is on the down swing, however we still are being overly cautions because there are a number of bugs still floating around. The next thing to worry about is chicken pox. There is usually an outbreak in the spring. From the chicken pox virus, Drew can get shingles. Therefore, he must not come into contact with people that have been exposed to chicken pox or the vaccine or any other recent vaccines.

Please pray for our friend's mother, she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She and her family could use lots of prayers and positive energy.

Please send Calli and her family some extra prayers. She had surgery the other day to finally remove the fixator and to place a cast on her leg. It was unable to be done because the doctors found her leg had not healed properly. This is a huge set back and could require another surgery. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her leg and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please say a special pray for these brain tumor children that are having a hard time:
Katherine, Stephen, Jacob, Amy

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

April 16, 2008

Another CLEAN MRI! We are so very thankful for all of your kind and encouraging words, thoughts and prayers. We are praising God and celebrating this victory! We are breathing again.

Drew and our family got to see another Washington and Lee Men's Lacrosse game this past Saturday. They played near us in Ashland against Randolph Macon. They won! It was another awesome experience with Drew's new "BEST FRIENDS", as he calls them. GO GENERALS! We had an wonderful time at the after game party at one of the players parents' house. These players, coaches and their families are such a blessing to us!

Come Join TEAM DREW-B for the ASK FAMILY FUN WALK & 5k

Register Now

Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 9:00:00 AM
ASK Family Fun Walk & 5k
Short Pump Town Center

Come join your friends and family for a fun day of exercise and entertainment. An expanded route at Short Pump Town Center for the 5K Run and Fun Walk begins at 9 am with registration at 7:30 am. Packet pickup and pre-registration at Saxon Shoes on Friday evening. Saxon is offering a 10% discount for your purchases through the weekend and a 10% donation to ASK for your purchases. Family festival complete with music, crafts, refreshments and more begins at 9:30 am-Noon.
This event helps raise awareness and funds to help make life better for children with cancer in Central Virginia. Teams and individuals are encouraged to seek pledges!
Prizes for 5K winners as well as for team , individual, and youth fundraisers.
Entry fee $20 for adults and $10 for children 6 and older.

Drew is still in quarantine. He did well with his 5th round of chemo on Saturday March 29. Since flu season is about over we are now allowing healthy visitors. But, please be mindful of Drew's low blood counts and his inability to fight off viruses and illnesses, easily. It is also important that the rest of the family stay well, so as not to bring germs home to Drew. Flu season is on the down swing, however we still are being overly cautions because there are a number of bugs still floating around. The next thing to worry about is chicken pox. There is usually an outbreak in the spring. From the chicken pox virus, Drew can get shingles. Therefore, he must not come into contact with people that have been exposed to chicken pox or the vaccine.

Please pray for our friend's mother, she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She and her family could use lots of prayers and positive energy.

Please send Calli and her family some extra prayers. She had surgery today to finally remove the fixator and to place a cast on her leg. It was unable to be done because the doctors found her leg was not healed properly. This is a huge set back and could require another surgery. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her leg and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

April 10, 2008

MRI time on April 16, of Drew's brain. We are praying for another CLEAN MRI!

Drew's intensive physical therapy was wonderful. Upon starting IPT he was unable to put his right heel flat on the ground or keep his right hand flat (it was usually in a fist). By the end of IPT, Drew was able to place his right foot flat on the floor, with prompts. He was using his right hand more and holding it in a more natural/flat position. Drew also gained muscle, rode a bike, and could balance on his right leg for several seconds (something he hasn't been able to do in years). We are very pleased with Drew's results. Check out: www.RichmondHopeTherapy.com

A typical day of IPT would start at 10:00 am with heat and massage, then exercise with weights, balancing games, treadmill walking 2-10 minutes, stair stepper 2-10 minutes, sit-ups, bike riding, therasuit; this suit is like a vest, shorts, and shoes with bungee straps that work like resistance bands to make his muscles/limbs work more naturally. He would also do swing and do lots of strength and control building activities. The day ended at 12:00 or 1:00.

Drew worked much harder when I wasn't there. Yes, I did leave him in the VERY trustworthy hands of the therapist and team.

Another experience I wanted to share was Drew's new "BEST FRIENDS", as he calls them. He has been adopted by the Washington & Lee Men's Lacrosse Team through The Friends of Jaclyn (www.FriendsofJaclyn.org). We saw our first lacrosse game and met the team. WOW! It was AWESOME!

We drove 2 hours to the game in the mountains. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful drive. The coaches and team made Drew and our family feel so special. We met with them while they practiced before the game. The team gave Drew hi-fives as they went down to the locker room to change for the game. On return to the field each team member and coach gave Drew hi-fives again for luck. We were touched by the kindness of one of the coaches from the opposing team, Virgina Wesleyan Marlins for introducing himself to us and hi-fiving Drew.

Drew was then honored by a face off. Drew and our family got to go to the middle of the field for the face off. They then presented Drew with a ball signed by each of the team members and coaches. It was a great game against Virginia Wesleyan Marlins, W & L Generals WON! At the end of the game all of the team came over to the bleachers and gave Drew hi-fives over the fence. This was one of the most touching experiences! After the game we were invited to the tailgate party with the Generals. Most, if not all of the team came and ate or talked to Drew, again very touching. Drew has not stopped talking about his "new best friends". It was an AWESOME day! GO GENERALS!

Check out the pictures. We will see them again this weekend.

Come Join TEAM DREW-B for the ASK FAMILY FUN WALK & 5k

Register Now

Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 9:00:00 AM
ASK Family Fun Walk & 5k
Short Pump Town Center

Come join your friends and family for a fun day of exercise and entertainment. An expanded route at Short Pump Town Center for the 5k Run and Fun Walk begins at 9 am with registration at 7:30 am. Packet pickup and pre-registration at Saxon Shoes on Friday evening. Saxon is offering a 10iscount for your purchases through the weekend and a 10onation to ASK for your purchases. Family festival complete with music, crafts, refreshments and more begins at 9:30 am-Noon.
This event helps raise awareness and funds to help make life better for children with cancer in Central Virginia. Teams and individuals are encouraged to seek pledges!
Prizes for 5K winners as well as for team , individual, and youth fundraisers.
Entry fee $20 for adults and $10 for children 6 and older.

Drew is still in quarantine. He did well with his 5th round of chemo on Saturday March 29.
Since flu season is about over we are now allowing healthy visitors. But, please be mindful of Drew's low blood counts and his inability to fight off viruses and illnesses, easily. It is also important that the rest of the family stay well, so as not to bring germs home to Drew. Flu season is on the down swing, however we still are being overly cautions because there are a number of bugs still floating around. The next thing to worry about is chicken pox. There is usually an outbreak in the spring. From the chicken pox virus, Drew can get shingles. Therefore, he must not come into contact with people that have been exposed to chicken pox or the vaccine.

Please pray for our friend's mother, she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She and her family could use lots of prayers and positive energy.

Calli continues to do well. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her let and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

March 23, 2008


Please pray for all of the families faced with illness. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

March 19, 2008

CLEAN MRI of the head and spine. We are thanking and praising God!

Come Join TEAM DREW-B for the ASK FAMILY FUN WALK & 5k

Register Now

Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 9:00:00 AM
ASK Family Fun Walk & 5k
Short Pump Town Center

Come join your friends and family for a fun day of exercise and entertainment. An expanded route at Short Pump Town Center for the 5k Run and Fun Walk begins at 9 am with registration at 7:30 am. Packet pickup and pre-registration at Saxon Shoes on Friday evening. Saxon is offering a 10iscount for your purchases through the weekend and a 10onation to ASK for your purchases. Family festival complete with music, crafts, refreshments and more begins at 9:30am-Noon.
This event helps raise awareness and funds to help make life better for children with cancer in Central Virginia. Teams and individuals are encouraged to seek pledges!
Prizes for 5K winners as well as for team , individual, and youth fundraisers.
Entry fee $20 for adults and $10 for children 6 and older.

Drew is still in quarantine. He will start his 5th round of chemo on Saturday March 29. Drew started acupuncture treatments last week. He will have his 4th visit tomorrow. I will try to keep everyone posted on the progress. Drew has also started an intensive physical therapy program. It is a 3 week program for 3 hours each day. We hope to gain more use of his right side. I will post more at the end of the week on Drew's progress. So far, he is tolerating it well and enjoying the attention and exercise.

Due to Drew's low blood counts and his inability to fight off viruses and illnesses, easily, we are still not allowing visitors. Yes, I am being a bit neurotic, but better safe than sorry, especially during flu season. Drew gets sick so easily, on a good day. It is also important that the rest of the family stay well, so as not to bring germs home to Drew. Flu season is on the down swing, however we still are being overly cautions because there are a number of bugs still floating around. The next thing to worry about is chicken pox. There is usually an outbreak in the spring. From the chicken pox virus, Drew can get shingles. Therefore, he must not come into contact with people that have been expose to chicken pox or the vaccine.

Please pray for our friend's mother, she has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She and her family could use lots of prayers and positive energy.

Calli is continues to do well. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her let and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

March 11, 2008

Come Join TEAM DREW-B for the ASK FAMILY FUN WALK & 5k

Register Now

Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 9:00:00 AM
ASK Family Fun Walk & 5k
Short Pump Town Center

Come join your friends and family for a fun day of exercise and entertainment. An expanded route at Short Pump Town Center for the 5k Run and Fun Walk begins at 9 am with registration at 7:30 am. Packet pickup and pre-registration at Saxon Shoes on Friday evening. Saxon is offering a 10iscount for your purchases through the weekend and a 10onation to ASK for your purchases. Family festival complete with music, crafts, refreshments and more begins at 9:30am-Noon.
This event helps raise awareness and funds to help make life better for children with cancer in Central Virginia. Teams and individuals are encouraged to seek pledges!
Prizes for 5K winners as well as for team , individual, and youth fundraisers.
Entry fee $20 for adults and $10 for children 6 and older.

Drew is still in quarantine. He has completed 4 courses of chemo. So far, he is handling it fairly well. He is tired for about 7 days. He also has a hard time with his school work during chemo time. His memory is clouded, his speech is bumpy and his right side is weak. Thankfully, he seems to bounce back each time. We are still waiting for treatment options. It appears we are headed towards stem cell transplant.

Drew will be having an MRI on March 19, 2008. Please pray for a clean scan.

Drew had some dental surgery recently. The radiation has damaged his teeth. He had 2 teeth pulled, a crown put on one tooth and the spacers from the dental surgery in 2004 removed. He is one tough cookie, he never complains.

Drew has a very exciting opportunity. He has been adopted by the Washington and Lee Men's Lacrosse Team. Go Generals! What an awesome team of guys! They have been writing in the guestbook. We have had the best time reading their entries. Thanks! We hope to be able to meet them in person. We met them through a friend whose daughter is involved (thanks Alice & Lexie). The foundation responsible is called Friends of Jaclyn

Due to Drew's low blood counts and his inability to fight off viruses and illnesses, easily, we are still not allowing visitors. Yes, I am being a bit neurotic, but better safe than sorry, especially during flu season. Drew gets sick so easily, on a good day. It is also important that the rest of the family stay well, so as not to bring germs home to Drew.

Calli is doing very well. She has returned to school to finish her senior year. Please continue to pray for her and her family. The bone graft she had seems to be healing well. Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her let and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

February 14, 2008


The scans Drew had done a couple of weeks ago, at NIH, ALL came back with no evidence of tumor! Thank you GOD!

Due to Drew's low blood counts and his inability to fight off viruses and illnesses, easily, we are still not allowing visitors. Yes, I am being a bit neurotic, but better safe than sorry, especially as we enter flu season. Drew gets sick so easily, on a good day. It is also important that the rest of the family stay well, so as not to bring germs home to Drew.

Calli is doing very well. She has returned to school to finish her senior year. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray that she will very soon get the fixator off of her let and a walking cast placed. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength. We LOVE you guys!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

January 21, 2008

Thank you EVERYONE for all of the birthday wishes for Drew. He was so excited to see all the email was for him. He also loved the journal entries. It has become a daily routine for him to check the website. He also received so many cards and gifts by mail. Thank you all for being such a special part of his birthday and our lives.

Because Drew's blood counts are dropping with each round of chemo, we had a birthday party with some of his friends last weekend. Then, this past weekend was the family birthday. He had an AWESOME birthday!

We are traveling to NIH this week for more tests. Drew will be having an MRI, MRS and PET Scans. Please pray that these scans show improvement and no growth. We are really ready for 2008 to be an AWESOME year.

Due to Drew's low blood counts and his inability to fight off viruses and illnesses, easily. We are not allowing visitors. Yes, I am being a bit neurotic, but better safe than sorry, especially as we enter flu season. Drew gets sick so easily, on a good day.

Calli is doing very well. She has returned to school to finish her senior year. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. It is especially difficult during the holidays.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Thursday, January 17, 2008


You are our HERO!

We Love YOU!
Love and Hugs,
Mommy, Daddy, Johnny & Stephen

December 24, 2007



Now that chemo has started, Drew will be more susceptible to illnesses. Therefore, we will not be leaving the house (except for doctor/hospital appointments). Please understand we need to keep Drew very he!althy. If you have been sick or around anyone that has been sick 48 hours prior to visiting Drew, please visit another time. Keeping Drew healthy means keeping all of us healthy, so please be respectful and mindful when you may see one of us, also. When visiting please make sure clothes are clean (school/hospital people especially). Please use antibacterial soap upon entering the house. I know I sound more neurotic than usual, but I am erring on the side of caution, especially as we enter flu season.

Calli is doing very well since her bone graft surgery. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all! God continues to bless us in so many ways! Our family is wishing you all a VERY Merry Christmas and Happy and HEALTHY New Year!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. It is especially difficult during the holidays.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

December 18, 2007


Drew's MRI looks good. Merry, Merry Christmas to US!

Drew will have another MRI the end of January. For now he will continue on chemo until the next treatment plan is decided.

Now that chemo has started, Drew will be more susceptible to illnesses. Therefore, we will not be leaving the house (except for doctor/hospital appointments). Please understand we need to keep Drew very healthy. If you have been sick or around anyone that has been sick 48 hours prior to visiting Drew, please visit another time. Keeping Drew healthy means keeping all of us healthy, so please be respectful and mindful when you may see one of us, also. When visiting please make sure clothes are clean (school/hospital people especially). Please use antibacterial soap upon entering the house. I know I sound more neurotic than usual, but I am erring on the side of caution, especially as we enter flu season.

Calli is doing very well since her bone graft surgery. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all! God continues to bless us in so many ways! Our family is wishing you all a VERY Merry Christmas and Happy and HEALTHY New Year!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. It is especially difficult during the holidays.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

December 13, 2007

Drew is doing well. We have been busy.

Saturday, Dec. 1, a friend and her parents came to decorate Drew's tree house for Christmas. It is AWESOME all decked out in colored lights!

Sunday, Dec. 2, was the ASK annual Christmas party. This is our favorite party of the year. We have a chance to see the other families we have met over the years. It is wonderful to see their positive progress. Of course, it is sad to hear bad news and to see all the new faces. Santa was there handing out lots of great gifts.

Drew had a doctor's appointment on Thursday. We have decided to start him on the same chemotherapy he took at the beginning of treatment, Temodar. He started Saturday night. So far, he is doing well. He will take the chemo for 5 days in a row and off for 23 days. We are unsure of how long this regimen will last.

The oncologist would like Drew's treatment to be a stem cell transplant. Second opinions are also suggesting stem cell transplant. We are not real happy with that option, but are continuing to research. That is why we have decided to start the Temodar until more information can be gathered.

The doctor also completed the paperwork for school. Drew will not be returning to school this school year. He will continue to have homebound instruction.

We found out Friday that the chemo-sensitivity testing failed. They were unable to get the tumor to grow so they could perform the testing. We are unsure of, exactly, what that means other than we will not have the test results to help us make a decision in the treatment plan.

Saturday we had the opportunity to go the North Pole. This is an event put on by a group called Special Love and a hospice group out of Washington DC. We drove to Dulles Airport where we were met by United Airlines employees in the parking lot. We were shuttled by bus to the airport. We went through normal airport security. We were directed to the United Airlines' boarding gate where there was the Washington Oriels Mascot, clowns, music, coffee and snacks. At 9:00 am we boarded the United Airlines plane. It was an awesome plane. It was a double decker. The flight attendants were awesome. The pilot invited everyone to tour the plane and the cockpit. At take off time everyone was asked to keep the shades on the windows down so we couldn't see the secret path to the North Pole. We were then taxied to another gate (they tried to make it seem like we were flying). Everyone got off the plane and entered an area of the airport decorated as the North Pole. Mr. & Mrs. Claus was there handing presents to every child and taking pictures. Other characters were Rudolf, Frosty, Sponge Bob, Big Bird, Elmo and Ronald McDonald. It was a great time.

Now that chemo has started, Drew will be more susceptible to illnesses. Therefore, we will not be leaving the house (except for doctor/hospital appointments). Please understand we need to keep Drew very healthy. If you have been sick or around anyone that has been sick 48 hours prior to visiting Drew, please visit another time. Keeping Drew healthy means keeping all of us healthy, so please be respectful and mindful when you may see one of us, also. When visiting please make sure clothes are clean (school/hospital people especially). Please use antibacterial soap upon entering the house. I know I sound more neurotic than usual, but I am erring on the side of caution, especially as we enter flu season.

Calli is doing very well since her bone graft surgery. Please continue to pray for her and her family. Pray she continues to heal, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. Many have asked what we would like. Other than prayer, the best way to honor Drew and our family is by holding your loved ones close. We don't know how long we are blessed to hold them here on earth. We love you all! God continues to bless us in so many ways!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. It is especially difficult during the holidays.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

November 7, 2007

Drew has had a great recovery at home. He is doing very well. If it weren't for the staples in his head (his hair hides most of them), you wouldn't know he just had brain surgery. He is a bit tired, but over all feeling and looking very well.

The pathology has come back. It is not good news. The tumor removed was a Glioblastoma Multiforme, the same tumor as last time. This means more chemotherapy for an undetermined amount of time. No more radiation, for now.

Since Drew will continue to be on chemo we will be completely neurotic about germs, especially as we enter flu season. We love visitors but can't stress enough the importance of keeping him healthy. If you would like to visit we love healthy visitors. If you are healthy and have been for 48 hours prior to your visit and have not been around anyone sick for 48 hours prior to your visit, please come visit Drew.

Please continue to pray for Calli. That she has continued healing, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all! God continues to bless us in so many ways!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

November 7, 2007

Drew has had a great recovery at home. He is doing very well. If it weren't for the staples in his head (his hair hides most of them), you wouldn't know he just had brain surgery. He is a bit tired, but over all feeling and looking very well.

The pathology has come back. It is not good news. The tumor removed was a Glioblastoma Multiforme, the same tumor as last time. This means more chemotherapy for an undetermined amount of time. No more radiation, for now.

Since Drew will continue to be on chemo we will be completely neurotic about germs, especially as we enter flu season. We love visitors but can't stress enough the importance of keeping him healthy. If you would like to visit we love healthy visitors. If you are healthy and have been for 48 hours prior to your visit and have not been around anyone sick for 48 hours prior to your visit, please come visit Drew.

Please continue to pray for Calli. That she has continued healing, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, meals, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all! God continues to bless us in so many ways!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

November 1, 2007

Drew had a good night. He did vomit, once, probably coffee. He is in no pain and has been up to use the bathroom. The catheter has been the worst pain.

We thought Drew would have an MRI first thing this morning, but anesthesia was not available. He should have an MRI around 1:00.

His left eye has started to swell, which is to be expected. He is also running a very low grade fever, again to be expected.

Keep praying for NO CANCER CELLS, complete recovery and no deficits.

Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. We can't begin to tell you how much they mean to us. I am posting new pictures on the picture page of his web site.

Please continue to pray for Calli. That she has continued healing, both physically and mentally. She will also be having surgery the same time as Drew for her bone graft. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

October 31, 2007

Drew's Surgery Update

Drew's surgery went well. The nodule was completely removed along with the perimeter of the tumor bed. The preliminary pathology found glio cells. Simply, this means cancer. We will not know what type or grade, exactly, until the complete pathology is complete in 7 - 10 days. Once the pathology is complete we will discuss further treatment. Please pray for no cancer cells.

Dr. Graham did place 3 gliadel wafers (BCNU Chemo) in the tumor bed. They will distribute chemo for several weeks and dissolve in several months. The largest side affect is infection. Therefore, we will emphasize and practice cleanliness.

Drew is doing amazingly well. If you didn't know about his surgery, he looks and acts as if nothing happened. He woke up and wanted his coffee and got some. He is asking for food. He is a tad grumpy, but that is to be expected.

Drew will have an MRI tomorrow morning for post-op changes. After that we could be home late tomorrow or Friday.

Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. We can't begin to tell you how much they mean to us.

Please continue to pray for Calli. That she has continued healing, both physically and mentally. She will also be having surgery the same time as Drew for her bone graft. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

October 30, 2007

Drew now has to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. Surgery will be around 7:30 or 8:00 am.

Drew's Surgery

Drew's surgery is scheduled at 9:30 am on October 31 at MCV Hospital. He will go in at 7:30 am to check in. He is scheduled for a pre-surgery MRI at 9:00 am. From the MRI he will go directly into surgery, provided everything is running on schedule. The actual surgery should last 1 1/2 hours.

For those who want to see Drew and Family, before surgery, we will be at the hospital at 7:00 am. We will be on the 5th Floor of the Gateway Building. He will have to be prepped for his MRI. He gets anesthesia for MRI's, so once he is in MRI, I imagine, they will keep him sedated until and through surgery, again providing everything is on schedule. Once he is out of surgery and into a room there will be few to no visitors allowed, for most (if not all) of the hospital stay. This is because of germs, pain management and other patients.

Thank you everyone for all your thoughts, prayers and concerns. Please PRAY that this is nothing and that surgery goes well, with no deficits. I will update as soon as possible.

Please continue to pray for Calli. That she has continued healing, both physically and mentally. She will also be having surgery the same time as Drew for her bone graft. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

October 24, 2007

Drew's PET, MRI & MRS

The test results were not what we had hoped. The suspicious area has grown 2 - 3 times larger since October 1. The surgeon now feels Drew could be facing recurrence. Drew has been scheduled for surgery on October 31, 2007. To say the least we are devastated. For now we are praying hard that the area is necrosis, that surgery goes well with no more deficits, no infection (MRSA or any other) and for perfect and complete healing for Drew.

Needless to say I am even more neurotic about germs than usual. We love healthy visitors. If you have been sick or around anyone that has been sick in 48 hours prior to visiting us, please visit another time. It is most important that Drew stays well before, during and after surgery.

Please continue to pray for Calli. That she has continued healing, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

October 19, 2007

As many of you know, Drew's MRI on October 1 showed a suspicious area. The plan was to wait 6 weeks and redo the MRI. We decided that now was a good time to get a second opinion.

On Wednesday, Drew had an appointment with DC Children's Hospital with Dr. Roger Packer. He is a very experienced, well respected neurologist. Dr. Packer reviewed Drew's MRI scans and medical records and met with us. It is his opinion that the area of suspicion is recurrence. Therefore, he has ordered a battery of tests to be done by next week.

Drew will have a PET scan on Monday, October 22 and MRI, MRA, MRS scans on Tuesday, October 23. The tests will be performed here at MCV. Once the scans are reviewed by MCV and DC Children's a game plan will be made.

We continue to pray that this suspicious area has not grown, but has disappeared. Please pray that this area is gone by Monday and Tuesday and that Drew is cancer free and healed from all of the effects.

I will update as soon as we get the results, either on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Please continue to pray for our dear friend Calli's recovery and upcoming surgery. Please pray for her continued healing, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

October 1, 2007

Drew's MRI

We did not get the news we had hoped for, today. There is a suspicious area in the tumor bed. It is small, but an area of concern. The plan for now is to wait 6 weeks and repeat the MRI. We are praying that the area remains unchanged or decreases in size. If it grows, then Drew will have a PET scan to determine if the area is tumor or necrosis.

As you can imagine we are quite stunned. We continue to have a positive attitude, but are very aware of the possibilities. Please storm the Heavens for this area to be nothing. As always thank you for your prayers, love, concern and support.

On the 4th of July, a dear friend of ours was involved in a 4-wheeler accident. She has extensive damage to her left leg. She has undergone many surgeries and will face more. She is home and currently dealing with an infection that is postponing her next surgery. There are so many blessings that have been witnessed with Calli's recovery. Please pray for her continued healing, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

September 30, 2007

Finally, an update!

I am really sorry that I have not updated sooner. It seems once we returned from Duke; life grabbed us and sucked us in and under.

All is well. Drew had an MRI on July 22. The MRI showed "great improvement" over the one done in May. Praise God! We were told that the first MRI may not show a lot of improvement.

School has started and we are all starting to settle into the school routine. We decided that it would be best for Drew to repeat the 1st grade. This was an extremely difficult decision for me, but it seems to be the right decision for Drew. He is doing very well this year. His teacher is the same teacher Stephen had for kindergarten and first grade.

Drew will be having another MRI tomorrow. Please say some extra prayers, specifically for all of the necrosis to be gone, no recurrence, and complete healing.

On the 4th of July, a dear friend of ours was involved in a 4-wheeler accident. She has had extensive damage to her left leg. She has undergone many surgeries and will face more. She is home and currently dealing with an infection that is postponing her next surgery. There are so many blessings that have been witnessed with Cali's recovery. Please pray for her continued healing, both physically and mentally. Her family could also use some prayers for strength.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

July 7, 2007

Day 33 – Dive 59 – July 3, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. He is really using his right arm more. As we were loading the truck, I noticed that he would carry things with his left hand and would open the door with his right hand. Praise God! He has never done that before. His right foot is slightly on his toes and turned in. He seems to have better form in his sandals than his tennis shoes. His speech is fairly clear with some stuttering.

We managed to carry the cake, ice cream, chips, along with our normal huge heavy bag to clinic. We did cheat and use a wheel chair to carry it most of the way. There will be a luncheon between dives to celebrate Drew’s graduation and to kick of the July 4th holiday.

7:50 AM – We arrive in clinic. The truck is loaded and we are ready to get the last 2 dives over and go home.

8:35 AM – Everyone is in the chamber and ready to dive. The man that was operated on Monday is back. His surgery went well. The surgeon said that the previous HBO treatments healed his arm nicely. Roberta and Kevin are in the chamber. The dive starts. Someone was having a hard time during pressurization. I was afraid it might be Drew. He had complained of an upset tummy, earlier. But, he said he felt better once we reached clinic.

11:05 AM – The dive is over. Drew had some small problems. He did have a little trouble with clearing his ears. He also took a Zofran, his tummy was upset again. Dr. Moon and Dr. Brian gave Drew an exit neurological exit exam. We discussed having Drew do maintenance HBOT. Dr. Moon is open to the idea however, stated we are in “uncharted waters”. Thus, we would have to figure out a schedule. He and Dr. Graham will discuss further maintenance doses. Dr. Moon also mentioned to not worry if the MRI did not show improvement, it can take time. We are off to the gift shop for some last minute shopping for souvenirs.

12:00 PM – We are back in clinic. The luncheon starts. There are sandwiches from Subway, chips, and a great dip that Paula brought. Paula made a special trip just to say goodbye to us. Kevin presented Drew with a hyperbarics hat, Polo shirt and stickers. We got lots of pictures with Kevin and Drew’s cake. Drew decided he wanted the part of the cake that had his picture. The picture was about 8 x 10. Of course, he only ate the icing. It was a lot of fun.

12:30 PM – The other chamber people started to filter in. The Bravo patient and her husband Drew a green stuffed smiley face and me an angel rock with their contact information.

Dive 60

1:15 PM – Only one patient is missing, (she had a doctor appointment). Everyone else is in the chamber.

1:30 PM – Everyone is in the chamber and ready. Paula ran into Tammy in the hallway and told her today was Drew’s last day. Tammy came to say goodbye to Drew. We also ran into Dorothy (one of the chamber mates that finished a couple of weeks ago) in the hallway. She was heading to her chemo appointment. It was so nice to see her again. The dive starts. Caitlin and Eric are in the chamber. One of the other patient’s last dive is today, too. We have really become attached to him.

4:05 PM – The dives are OVER, ALL 60! Eric said that he noticed Drew’s pulse was a bit off, so he decided to hook him up to the EKG machine. They found no abnormalities. He assured me it was just precautionary and not to be too concerned. He said it could be due to caffeine (he didn't have any caffeine, but had a bunch of sugar). Drew also had a hard time clearing his ears, so the doctor checks them one last time, all is well. We said our goodbyes to everyone. It was bittersweet. We really came to care about these wonderful people. We left Drew’s box along with some goodies, should there be another child to need HBOT. We will go back to the apartment to check the mail one last time and to turn in the mailbox key.

4:45 PM – There is no mail. We put in an address forwarding to our house in VA. We are on the road.

7:45 PM – WE ARE HOME!

July 4th
Drew enjoyed the July 4th parade in Beaverdam. He was on his baseball float with his coach, daddy and all his team mates. It was a beautiful day. For once it was not scorching hot. It was a great day had by all.

July 5, 2007 - MRI Day
Drew was unable to have the MRI. Due to the steroids and cheese pizza, he has gained about 15 pounds. Therefore, the sedation medicine was not effective. He was already on the maximum dose, so there was nothing they could do. He tried very hard to go in the MRI machine while he was awake, but he was unable to lay still. We are not real concerned about waiting for the MRI. Since Drew is off steroids and is showing no symptoms, we feel strongly that the hyperbarics treatments worked. Thank you God! We will be on a family vacation next week. Therefore, the MRI won't be until the week of July 16 sometime. I will keep you posted.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

July 2, 2007

Day 31 –Dive 56 – June 30, 2007

John arrived around 11:00 PM last night. Drew woke up to greet him. Johnny slept right through.

Drew’s right arm is down. He is using his right hand more. His right foot is only very slightly on his toes and slightly turned in. His speech continues to remain fairly clear. He is stuttering less.

8:05 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:15 AM – Everyone is in the chamber. There are 4 total patients today. It is the most we have ever seen on a Saturday dive. The doctor has not yet arrived. John and Tony are having a good time chatting. The new lady's daughter gave Drew a Duke stuffed polar bear. He loves it. He had just asked me for one the day before.

8:25 AM – Dr. Moon arrives. The dive starts. Tony is in the chamber.

10:50 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. One of the patients had to be taken out of few minutes early, due to breathing problems. We are off to Chuck E Cheese after we order Drew’s graduation cake from Sam’s Club.

12:10 PM – Chuck E Cheese is more crowded than it has been. We still had a great time. Now we are off to the apartment for rest and a swim.

6:00 PM – We went to Kemp’s Seafood for dinner. Good food, fair prices and good portions.

8:30 PM – We are back in for the night.

Sunday - July 1

9:00 AM – We go to Waffle House for breakfast.

10:30 AM – We arrive at Sarah Duke Gardens. WOW! What an awesome place! It is right behind the hospital. It is a piece of heaven in the middle of the city. We walked for more than an hour. Drew did great on some fairly rough terrain. What an AWESOME way to spend my birthday.

1:00 PM – We are back at the apartment. John will be leaving soon to go home.

2:30 PM – John leaves.

3:00 PM – The boys and I go swimming.

5:00 PM – We are back in the apartment for the night. It is time to pack to get ready to go home.

Day 32 – Dive 57 – July 2, 2007

Drew’s arm is down. His right foot is on his toes a bit and turned in. His speech remains fairly clear with some stuttering.

8:10 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:40 AM – Everyone is in the chamber. There are supposed to be 3 new people, but only 2 show. It is a busy day. Shirley and Kevin K. are in the chamber. Roberta is back from vacation. The dive starts.

Paula called to invite us to dinner at the fire/rescue squad house tonight. We were going to see Surfs Up, but the boys are more excited about having dinner with Paula.

11:05 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We said our goodbyes to Shirley. We are off to the apartment.

11:30 AM – We are at the apartment and head to the pool for one last swim.

12:15 PM – Back in the apartment we eat snack.

Dive 58 – 2 More to GO

1:10 PM – We are back in clinic.

1:20 PM – Everyone is here. Caitlin and Tony are in the chamber. The dive begins.

3:45 PM – The dive is over Drew did well. We say our final goodbyes to Tony. We are headed to the fire station to meet Paula.

4:15 PM – We arrive at the fire station. Paula shows us around. We meet several of the fire fighters. They were just getting back from a call. It was such a wonderful way to spend our last night in Durham. We took some pictures and said our goodbyes. We are off to Sam’s Club.

6:00 PM – We arrive at Sam’s Club to get the graduation cake and some items for the graduation/pre 4th celebration tomorrow.

6:45 PM – We are back at the apartment. We are packing and loading the truck. We are in for the LAST night.

We will leave tomorrow after the second dive. Since we will not get home until late, the next update may take a day or 2 for me to complete.

It seems a bit strange, but as glad as I am to go home, I am also sad to leave. These people have become a part of our lives for the past 5+ weeks. We have been blessed to be surrounded by so much love. We will miss them all.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 29, 2007

Day 30 – Dive 54 – June 29, 2007.

Drew is officially off steroids. He took the last ½ mg yesterday. Drew’s right arm is down. His right foot is slightly on his toes and seems to be slightly turned in today. His speech is fairly clear. His stuttering is better today than yesterday.

Last night we had dinner at the apartment with our cousin, Kenny. We had a really nice visit. It is so nice to catch up.

Drew mentioned this morning that is sounded like he was hearing voices in his head. He didn’t know what they were saying. Sometimes, the pressure can cause a rustling in the ears, but that is usually long gone by now.

8:05 AM – We are in clinic. I mentioned to Kevin about Drew’s ears. Drew said there wasn’t anything there, now. Kevin asked him a few questions about his ears and we decided we were not concerned, for now.

8:30 AM – Everyone is in the chamber. The two newest men are the only ones missing. Kevin #2 and John are in the chamber. Pressurizing went well.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. This is the last time we will see Kevin #2. Drew gave him a card. We are staying at the hospital for snack. We will go to the Farmer’s Market. At the Farmer’s Market we had homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches. We also bought some corn on the cob, blackberries, blueberries and cantaloupe. We then went to the food court for food. We had a picnic outside in the courtyard on a blanket. It was a very hot day. We had a wonderful picnic. Yes, Drew had cheese pizza.

Dive 55 – We will finish July 3

1:00 PM – We arrive in clinic.

1:15 PM – Everyone is here. One of the newest men is back. The Bravo chamber lady is feeling badly and will not be joining the afternoon dive. Rebecca is in the chamber. The dive starts.

3:45 PM – The dive is over. Drew did well. He loves having Rebecca to keep him occupied. We are off to Whole Foods for some dinner items.

4:30 PM – We are at the apartment.

4:45 PM – It is raining, but the boys want to swim.

5:15 PM – The boys swam for a bit, but the rain turned very heavy and cold. We are in the apartment for the night. John should get here later tonight, he is attending Renee's graduation.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 28, 2007

Day 29 – Dive 52 – June 28, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. His weight is on his toes and outside of his foot. His speech is fairly clear. He seems to be stuttering more.

8:05 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:30 AM – Three of the patients will not be in today. Kevin #2 and Ed (he is new to us) are in the chamber. The dive starts.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We are off to Office Depot and Chic-fil-A.

12:00 PM – We are back at the apartment to eat and relax.

Dive 53

1:15 PM – We are back in clinic.

1:20 PM – They are in the chamber and ready. It is only Drew and the new lady this afternoon. Paula is in the chamber with them. The dive starts.

Dr. “Neil” Hanson came out to say good-bye. He is rotating to the operating room. I wish we had known he was leaving. Drew didn't get to say good-bye.

3:55 PM – The dive is over. Drew did well. He and Paula did lots of work. She brought him a Dymo labeler, so he could use his right hand to make words. She also brought Drew and Johnny some activity books. We gave Paula a card
with several of Drew’s pictures of his time here at Duke along with our contact information. We are headed back to the apartment. We are supposed to meet our cousin for dinner.

4:15 PM – We arrive at the apartment. Thank you Candy for the great post card and Papa and Elaine for the card. Drew is always so excited when he gets mail.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 27, 2007

Day 28 – Dive 50 – June 27, 2007

Drew’s right arm is still down except when he runs. His speech is still fairly clear with some continued stuttering.

8:15 AM – We arrive in clinic. The Bravo chamber lady is back today. The new lady is also back.

8:30 AM – Everyone is in the chamber. The dive begins. Yvette and John are in the chamber. Yvette was unable to clear her ears. Aaron had to pressurize through the Alpha chamber. That way they could open the door to Bravo. Now Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie were all pressurized the same so the doors that connected them could all be opened. Aaron entered Charlie and Yvette went into Alpha. Yvette closed the door to the Alpha chamber so she could de-pressurize and come out of the chamber. The doctor looked at her ears and said she couldn't dive for a week.

11:05 AM – The dive is over. Drew has OT at 11:00. We are running to Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital.

11:20 AM – We arrive at Lenox Baker. This our last visit for OT. Sarah & Becky have Drew ride the Pedalo down the hall to their room. Becky re-evaluated Drew. There was improvement in all areas. That is great news for only 3 visits. When Drew was exercising in the play room, he was complaining of his neck hurting. He and Johnny had collided in the pool yesterday. Last night he complained that his neck hurt when he bent it to the left side. He went to bed and I didn’t think about it again. He woke up in the morning feeling fine. Sarah & Becky said that the exercises he was doing would aggrevate his neck. Once in the truck he complained more about his neck and a headache.

12:30 PM – We arrive at the clinic and gab a quick bite to eat in the food court.

12:50 PM – We are back in clinic for Drew’s appointment with Dr. “Neil” for his weekly exam. By this time Drew was saying that his head and neck didn't hurt anymore.

Dive 51

1:20 PM – Everyone is in the chamber. There is a new man in the chamber. Paula and Tammy are in the chamber. Paula’s cold is worse. We hope she can clear her ears. There is a new man in the chamber this afternoon. That brings the chamber to 5 in Charlie and 1 in Bravo. That does not include the man that has not been back in over a week. The pressurization went well.

3:45 PM – The dive is over. Drew did well. He did a nice stinky in the chamber. I could smell it the second I hit the door. Drew feels fine. We are on the way to the apartment for a swim.

4:10 PM – We are back at the apartment and on our way to the pool.

5:30 PM – We are back at the apartment and in for the night. Thank you Mom/Oma, Scott, Sally & Mrs. Cook’s class. We LOVED the mail.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 26, 2007

Day 27 – Dive 48 – June 26, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. It seems to only go up when he is running. His right foot is slightly on his toes. His speech is fairly clear with minimal stuttering.

8:15 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:40 AM – Everyone is in the chamber and waiting for the woman in the Bravo chamber to arrive. The dive starts without her. Aaron is in the chamber. Drew does very well clearing his ears.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We are off to the apartment.

11:30 AM – We are back at the apartment and off to swim.

12: 15 PM – Snack time.

I got the phone call that Drew’s Good Buddy, Gene, passed away this morning. I am not sure when I will tell the boys. It will either be over the weekend or on the way back home to VA next week. I am thankful Drew got to seem him before we left VA. His memories will always be happy ones. We were all blessed to have known such a wonderful man.

Dive 49

1:15 PM – We arrive in clinic. Everyone is in the chamber and ready. There is a new lady, it appears she is an inpatient. Paula is in the chamber and has a cold. She hopes she will be able to clear her ears.

1:30 PM – The dive begins. Pressurizing went well for all.

3:50 PM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We are off to WalMart.

5:45 PM – We are back at the apartment for the night.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 25, 2007

Day 26 – Dive 46 - June 25, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. However, his foot is turned in and he makes a ½ circle with that leg as he walks. I will talk to Kara, the PT, today. He is slightly on his toes. His speech is fairly clear and his stuttering is minimal.

8:15 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:40 AM – Everyone except the man that was sick last week is present. The dive starts. John and Aaron are in the chamber. Drew is still pulling at his right ear. I asked Dr. “Neil’ Hanson if he would check Drew’s ears before the next dive.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. We are off to PT.

11:15 AM – This is the last PT visit here at Duke. Kara was not concerned about Drew’s foot moving in ½ circles. She believes it is because of the sandals (this is the first time he has worn sandals to PT, even though he wears them all the time). She also said it could be so he doesn't drag that foot and trip over it. She spent time stretching and going over exercises with me so I feel comfortable continuing them at home. She then put him on the big tricycle. He did a great job. She took him outside for a ride and picture.

12:20 PM – We are at the apartment for rest and snack.

Dive 47

1:10 PM – We are back in clinic. Dr. “Neil” looks at Drew’s ears. They look good. Drew is a bit grumpy, complaining he doesn't feel good. He says it is because Johnny was mean to him. I think he is tired.

1:20 PM – Everyone is in the chamber. The lady in the Bravo chamber is not here this afternoon. It appears that there maybe a diver with the bends going into the Alpha chamber. The dive begins. Drew is having a hard time clearing his ears. They had to stop pressurization until he was able to clear. He was finally able to clear. Dr. “Neil” and I both thought it a bit odd that at dive 47 he is having problems clearing his ears. He didn't want me to leave the chamber area until he had Caitlin’s undivided attention.

3:50 PM – The dive is over. Drew had a small bit of diarrhea while in the chamber. He did take a short nap and seemed to be in much better spirits. We are off to the apartment.

4:15 PM – We arrive at the apartment and are off to the pool.

5:30 PM – We are back from the pool and in for the night. We also checked the mail. WOW! Thank you so much; Jane T. Caroline & Michelle Q., Jalena, Candy, The Caughey Family, The Bickerstaff Family, The Wyatt Family, The Woods Family, Cathy W., and Kathi & family. Drew was so excited. I hope I got everyone, he opens it all so fast. Our exciting news is that this world welcomed our new cousin on June 23 Baby Boy Landon Barbour.

Please say a prayer for Drew's Good Buddy, Gene, he is in the hospital in VA and is very sick. He and his family could use lots of prayers.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 24, 2007

Day 24 – Dive 44 – June 23, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. His right foot is down and slightly turned in on his toes. His speech is still fairly clear and he continues to stutter.

8:15 AM – We arrive in clinic. The inpatient is already in the chamber. We have to wait for the doctor before they can start the dive.

8:20 AM – The doctor arrives. The dive starts. Tony is in the chamber with them. John, Johnny and I watch for a bit, but Drew is busy with his activities.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We are off to Chuck E Cheese with Daddy and Johnny.

1:00 PM – We are back at the apartment for a swim.

6:30 PM – We went to eat at Cinelli’s Pizza. We ate outside. It was an absolutely perfectly beautiful night. There was no humidity and it wasn't too hot.

Day 25 – Dive 45 – June 24, 2007 (SUNDAY)

Drew’s right arm seems to be staying down on a more consistent basis. It is no longer parked on the small of his back. His foot is turned in, slightly, and on his toes a little. His speech continues to improve, as does his
stuttering. We are EXTREMELY blessed!

8:05 AM – We arrive in clinic. Rebecca, Eric A. and Kevin #2 are already there. The inpatient did get released from the hospital, yesterday, but was going to dive as an outpatient, today.

8:20 AM – Drew and the other patient are ready to dive. Kevin #2 is in the chamber with them. We are waiting for the doctor.

8:25 AM – The doctor arrives. The dive begins. Drew is pulling at his right ear, a bit, but seems fine.

Johnny’s poison oak is now open sores in some areas. Since one of the patients has MRSA, John and I decided that he may no longer go to the chamber area and he must keep it covered while we are in the hospital. They do use every
precaution to keep the MRSA from spreading, they had the ultra violet lights on Saturday and Sunday to kill bacteria. For the same reason there will be no
swimming today.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. We are off to the Qshack for lunch before daddy leaves.

12:30 PM – We are back at the apartment and hang out until John leaves.

1:30 PM – John leaves.

4:30 PM – The boys and I ride out and rent movies and go to the grocery store for some good food for the week. Only 15 more dives.

6:00 PM – We are in the apartment and in for the night.

Please say a special prayer for Drew's Good Buddy, Gene, he is in the hospital at home and he and his family could use lots of prayers. ANOTHER PRAYER REQUEST for a sweet little boy with ATRT having treatments at Duke. He is form VA, also. They found out that there is now a sugar type coating on his brain. Please storm the heavens for God's miracles. This family is hurting so badly.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 22, 2007

Day 23 – Dive 42 – June 22, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. His right foot is very slightly on his toes with less weight on the side of his foot. His speech is fairly clear with less stuttering.

8:10 AM - We arrive in clinic.

Kevin brought Drew a stuffed Shrek (large).

8:25 AM – One patient called to say she won't be in today. Another patient will not be back until Monday. I told Kevin we would dive tomorrow. John is in the chamber. The dive begins.

There will be an inpatient that will dive this afternoon and through the weekend. Therefore, Drew will have one dive on Saturday and Sunday. This is good because without the Sunday dive Drew would have only gotten 59 dives or we would have had to stay over July 4th to get one more dive. So, I am very
sorry this young man needs these dives, but it works out very nicely for Drew.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. We are off to the apartment for corn on the cob and fruit. Best of all, the boys are able to swim before we go back for Drew’s dive.

11:15 AM – We are at the apartment to eat and swim.

Dive 43

1:05 PM – We arrive back in clinic. The inpatient is being seen by the doctor. We are surprised when another patient arrives, she was feeling better this afternoon.

1:35 PM – Everyone is ready. The dive begins. Paula and Nancy are in the chamber. Drew is tired and will probably take a nap.

3:30 PM – John arrives to surprise Drew.

4:00 PM – The dive is over. Drew did well. He took about an hour nap. He was so excited to see his daddy.

4:30 PM – We are back at the apartment. The boys took another dip in the pool. While we were at the pool, Becky, Drew’s occupational therapist, arrives. She is also staying in the same apartments while she does a 3 month schooling at Duke.

6:00 PM – We are off to dinner.

Please say a prayer for Drew's Good Buddy, Gene, he is in the hospital in VA and is very sick. He and his family could use lots of prayers.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 21, 2007

Day 22 – Dive 40 – June 21, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. It is seldom parked behind his back. He slept in his brace last night. He is sleeping in it about every other night. His foot is almost completely down and not so much weight is on the outside of his foot. He took a small fall as we walked to the elevators at the parking garage. It looked like he forgot to step over the threshold. He is fine, no new scrapes.

We are on the downhill wean of steroids. Drew took none today. He will get ½ mg on the 22nd, 24th, 26th and the 28th will be his last dose, God willing.

8:00 AM – We arrive in clinic. The patient that had been gone due to the death of his brother is back.

8:30 AM - The last patient arrives and the dive begins. One man is still out sick. Yvette & John are in the chamber. There are lots of new games and activites for Drew to occupy his time.

11:00 AM – The dive is over. We are off to the apartment for lunch.

11:15 AM – We arrive at the apartment. Drew has cereal for lunch today.

12:00 PM – We arrive at Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital for PT with Kara. She helps Drew do stretches. She showed me a new stretch to help him from putting so much weight on the outside of his foot. He then rode a large tricycle down the long hallway. For a child that doesn't know how to ride a bike, he did an AWESOME job.

12:45 PM – We are finished with PT. Becky, the OT, gave us some items to help Drew work his right hand and a copy of the evaluation report.

Dive 41

1:00 PM – We are in clinic. It is only one patient and Drew this afternoon. The "Bravo" patient had a doctor appointment.

1:15 PM – The dive begins. Roberta is in the chamber, she will be on vacation starting tomorrow.

3:45 PM – The dive is over. Drew did well. He was ready to get out for the day. We are off to Whole Foods for “GOOD” food.

4:45 PM – We are back at the apartment. The pool is finally open, YEAH! I took the boys swimming for about an hour. They had a great time. Johnny could have stayed in all night, if I let him. Drew was done in an hour.

6:00 PM – We are in the apartment and in for the night.

Please say a special prayer for Drew's Good Buddy, Gene, he is in the hospital at home and he and his family could use lots of prayers.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 20, 2007

Day 21 – Dive 38 – June 20, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. He continues to use it more every day. His right foot is still slightly on his toes with his weight to the outside, but less today. His speech remains fairly clear and he seems to stutter less.

Today Drew has an appointment with Occupational Therapy (OT) at 11:15 AM. He also has a doctor appointment in clinic at 12:45 PM.

One very cool bit of information: Drew fell and skinned his knee pretty badly, Saturday morning. It is almost completely healed. The hyperbarics treatments are amazing.

8:00 AM – We arrive in clinic. Kevin is back, YEAH!

8:20 AM – Gigi and Sarah ore here to watch Drew dive. Drew is the only one today. Roberta and Drew have the chamber to themselves. The dive begins.

10:45 AM – The dive is over. We are off to Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital for OT. Drew gets to eat mac-n-cheese on the run with grapes and carrots. Gigi, Sarah and Johnny are going to go exploring around the hospital and campus while we are gone.

11:00 AM – We arrive at Lenox Baker and get registered for Drew’s appointment. Beccy takes us right away. She takes Drew into the play area where they swing and exercise. They then go into a ball pit and play catch, using his right hand. The room was getting crowded and it was hard to keep Drew’s attention. So, she had him ride the Pedlo down the long hall to another room for them to play and work. In this room they played Connect Four, using his right hand, only. Then she had him pick up pom-poms with tweezers using his right hand. He did very well. Becky was very pleased with the improvement he has made in a week. Drew also did some writing with a vibrating pen. He used both his right and left hand, drawing shapes. He did fairly well with his right hand.

My idea for the day is for OT/PT with the Hyperbarics Clinic conduct a clinical study. The study would be of 10-20 people with similar deficits to partake in OT/PT for 2 weeks to 1 month while undergoing hyperbarics treatments. It would be very interesting to see the results.

12:15 PM – We arrive back in clinic. We catch up with Gigi, Sarah and Johnny. They had gone to eat at Chick-fil-A and Alpine Bagel. They shopped at the gift shop and toured the campus. It really has been so nice having them visit. We have had a nice visit.

12:45 PM – Gigi & Sarah left to go back home. It is time for Drew’s appointment with Dr. “Neal” Hanson. Dr. Neal gave Drew a very thorough neurological exam. He noticed some improvements in hand-eye coordination, since last week. Drew continues to improve on his fine and gross motor skills.

Dive 39

1:15 PM – The dive begins. John and Drew are in the chamber.

3:45 PM – The dive is over. It was a good dive. Drew napped for the last 45 minutes or so. We are off to see Shrek 3.

4:15 PM – The movie begins at 4:45. We decide to go to Toys R Us to get some games for Drew to take into the chamber. The games will help pass the time, they are learning and they will encourage fine and gross motor skills improvement.

6:45 PM – The movie was good and we are in for the night.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge Families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 19, 2007

Day 20 – Dive 36 – June 19, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down, unless he is running, then it is up. His right foot is slightly on his toes with his weight more to the outside. His speech is fairly clear with continued stuttering.

8:05 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:20 AM – Everyone is here and the dive begins. Yvette and Roberta are in the chamber. Today is one of the patient’s birthday. Drew has a card and a little gift for her.

Dr. Frieberger spoke to me today about Drew’s positive progress. He had been gone for the last week and has seen much improvement, just by observing him. He would like to do an exam sometime this week. He was the first doctor to examine Drew when we first came to Duke for the walk through.

10:50 AM – The dive is over. We are off to the apartment for cheese pizza. Drew gave the birthday lady her gift.

11:10 AM – We are back at the apartment chillin’ out.

Dive 37

1:10 PM – We are back in clinic.

1:15 PM – The dive begins. Paula and John are in the chamber. Drew and Paula are busy doing their work.

3:45 PM – The dive is over. Paula taught Drew how to make the OK sign with his right hand. We are on our way back to the apartment. We have company coming, Gigi and Sarah. We are all very excited.

4:15 PM – We are back at the apartment. Gigi and Sarah are due to arrive around 5:00. Thank you for the mail, Louise, Scott, Sally, Aunt Dolores, The Farmer Family, The Woods Family, the tons of cards from Beaverdam Elementary, Kathy B., Nan, Laura B., Michelle C., Jalena, and Aunt Dolores & Uncle Jim.

6:30 PM – We go out to dinner. We decided on Elmo’s and yes I made it straight there and back without any driving in circles.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 18, 2007

Day 18 – Dive 33 – June 16, 2007

John, Johnny and Opa got in last night around 6:00 PM. We all went to eat at Bullock’s BBQ. That was very good food. We then just went back to the apartment and hung out.

Drew took a spill on the sidewalk at the apartments on the way to the hospital this morning. He scraped up his left knee.

His right arm is down and sometimes parked behind his back. He is slightly on his toes. He is walking more on the side of his right foot. His speech is fairly clear and he continues to stutter.

8:00 AM – We arrive in clinic. Drew is very excited that Daddy, Opa and Johnny are here to watch him dive.

8:15 AM – There is only one other person diving today. Tony will be in the chamber with them this morning. Everyone is ready and the dive begins. We all stayed and watched as the chamber reached pressure and Drew’s hood was put on him. Then Opa and Johnny went out to find a place to throw the baseball. John was busy finding out all the technical information about the hyperbaric chambers.

10:40 AM – The dive is over. We are off to Chuck E. Cheese.

After Chuck E. Cheese we went back to the apartment. Opa, Johnny and John went outside to play frisbee. Drew and I joined them. Drew made friends with a couple of the boys that live in the apartments. We had a nice leisurly day. For dinner we found Rockfish Seafood Grille at Southpoint Mall. The mall is like our Short Pump and Stony Point Mall back home, except a lot larger. After dinner we listened to a live jazz band that was playing by the fountain. Drew had a great time dancing to the music.

Sunday we tried to eat at Elmo’s, but it was packed as usual with a large waiting line. So, we ended up at Golden Corral. Gene & Deborah Edwards and their three children were driving through and stopped by for a visit. They were so kind to come to visit and bring gifts for Drew and I. What an awesome blessing.

Dad left to go home around 11:30 am and John left around 1:00. It was so nice to have the two most important men/fathers in my life with me so we could celebrate Father’s Day. The rest of the day was lazy. Drew, Johnny and I played frisbee for awhile and then settled in for the night.

Day 19 – Dive 34 June 18, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. He is walking slightly on his toes and on the outside of his foot. His speech is still fairly clear with some stuttering.

8:10 AM – Drew, Johnny and I arrive in clinic.

8:30 AM – Everyone is here and ready to dive. Yvette and Shirley are in the chamber. The chamber is huge with just Drew and one other patient. One of the patients had a dentist appointment, so won't be in today.

10:55 AM - The dive is over. Drew did well. We are off to the apartment for “good” cheese pizza.

11:25 AM – We are back at the apartment. Johnny and Drew had cheese pizza. We all layed down and took a nap. Drew is complaining of a tummy ache. I gave him some Tylenol.

Dive 35

1:10 PM – We are back in clinic. Everyone is here. The doctors decided to get one of the patient’s blood work checked. So, they will start late.

1:50 PM – The dive begins. It was decided to go ahead without the other patient and let her pressurize separately, since she is in the “Bravo” chamber, anyway. Nancy is in with Drew and the other patient. Paula waits for the patient to arrive. Pressurization went well until it was time to put on Drew’s hood. It takes 2 people to stretch out his neck ring and put it over his head. Drew is not strong enough to help. So, it was a bit painful. He had a hard time and was quite upset. Nancy did a great job and he calmed down pretty quickly. They were playing cards in no time. By the time Paula got into the chamber with him, he had forgotten all about the trouble.

2:10 PM – The patient arrives from getting her blood work checked. Her dive begins.

4:15 PM – The dive is over. Drew did very well. We are on our way to Whole Foods and Toys R Us.

6:15 PM – We are back from our running and in for the night.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 15, 2007

Day 17 – Dive 31 – June 15, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down and parked behind his back. His foot is slightly on his toes. His speech is fairly clear and he continues to self correct his bumpy speech.

We weaned the steroids down to ½ mg in the morning, only. He will stay on this dose until 6/21. He will then go to ½ mg every other day taking his last dose on 6/28.

8:15 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:25 AM – Everyone is in the chamber and ready to go. One of the lady's last treatment is this morning. We will miss her, she has been very kind to Drew, Another man will finish this afternoon. It is also Dr. Patrick’s last day, he will be rotating to a different department. We will miss him, he has been the one constant since we first got to Duke. The woman from the Bravo Chamber isn’t here today, she was tired and took a long weekend to rest. Shirley and Rebecca are in the chamber. I asked if they would do some tactile stimulation on Drew’s right arm while he is in the chamber. The dive is underway. Drew and Rebecca are busy doing Dot-to Dots.

10:50 AM – The dive is over. Drew did very well. Rebecca had him draw lots of pictures and asked him to add lots of detail to them. Today is the Farmer’s Market at the hospital. So, we will stay and eat bad pizza and shop.

12:20 PM - We are back in clinic.

Dive 32

1:10 PM – Everyone is here and ready to dive. Tony and Paula are in the chamber. The dive begins. Paula and Drew are very busy playing cards. We will miss the many that is leaving very much. He has helped Drew adjust, he is such a nice man. We will continue to pray for his healing.

3:40 PM – The dive is over. We are headed back to the apartment. First, we will be saying good-bye to our new friends.

4:15 PM – We are back at the apartment for the night. Thank you Sally for the sign language. Drew will practice, maybe with his right hand.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 14, 2007

I accidentally duplicated dive 25, so we really ended on dive 30 today.

Day 16 – Dive 29 – June 14, 2007

Drew’s right arm is parked behind his back and up when he runs. His foot is slightly on hi toes. His speech is fairly clear and he continues to stutter and self corrects.

8:10 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:30 AM – Everyone is in the chamber. The dive begins. Paula and Shirley are in the chamber. Drew has word searches and lots of reading to keep him occupied.

11:00 AM - The dive is over. Drew did well. We are off to find Chick-fil-A for “snack”. It is on Duke University campus. We found it to be a nice place to sit and eat. Drew and I agreed that it reminded us of Hogwartz out of Harry Potter, but smaller. There was also an Alpine bagel eatery. We are told McDonald’s is near by, but we haven't found it, yet. The walk was nice. The magnolia trees are at the end of blooming, yet everything smelled of magnolia flowers. It was a pretty long walk for Drew. But, he made out very well. Last week he would not have done as well. The week before that he would not have made it ¼ of the way. Thank you GOD!

11:50 AM – We are back in clinic, with lots of time to spare. Drew and I did some lessons, read, and snuggled in the chamber. Remember, in weeks prior, he would have needed a nap, not now. Thank you GOD!

12:58 PM – We call Drew’s school, Beaverdam Elementary. He wanted to hear the count down for the last day of school. Mr. Mudd, the principal, announced that over $1,000.00 was raised in a penny drive by the students for Drew. Three students, took the initiative to head up the penny drive, with the assistance of their teacher. What AWESOME, caring children! Drew was so excited you would have thought he was there with them. While Drew was listening to the school announcements over the speakerphone, several of his chamber mates were listening and sharing his joy. The money is so helpful for Drew’s care, but to us, it represents all of the love, support and prayers. We are so blessed to be a part of such a loving, supportive, and caring community. Thank you ALL!

Dive 30 – HALF WAY

1:30 PM – Everyone is ready to dive. Caitlin and Roberta are in the chamber today. During pressurizing Drew didn't want me to leave the chamber window. That is until Caitlin was able to give him some attention. Then I didn't exist. So, I left the window.

4:00 PM – The dive is over Drew did well. He is half way done. We are off to Whole Foods. Some more exciting news: Drew said that his fingers on his right hand are (tickling) tingling. I take that to mean that since we are stimulating that arm and hand combined with the hyperbarics, the brain and arm/hand/fingers are starting to make a connection. Thank you GOD!

5:30 PM – We are back in the apartment for the night. Thank you, Cathy W. for the mail. Drew placed it on his display shelf with the others.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 13, 2007

Day 15 – Dive 26 – June 13, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. His right foot is slightly on his toes. His speech and vocabulary continue to improve. He is saying his ending sounds and is more conscious of his blends. He still continues to stutter, at times.

8:15 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:30 AM – The last 2 people arrive and everyone gets ready to dive. Rebecca and Nancy are monitors. Drew and I had never met Nancy before. Drew has lots of reading homework. Everyone did well with pressurizing.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. Drew complained that his tummy hurt, Rebecca gave him some gum and let him sit in her lap. He seemed to feel better. Drew worked very hard on his reading and comprehension with Rebecca. Rebecca had Drew ready to leave as soon as the chamber door was opened. He has an 11:00 OT appointment with Sarah Bowman at Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital. Drew gets to eat his snack in the truck on the way to OT, macaroni and cheese, grapes, and cheetos.

11:10 AM – We arrive at Lenox Baker.

11:20 AM – We are seen by Sarah and Becky. They do lots of strength evaluation of his fingers, hands, arms and shoulders. Sarah suggests we do tactile stimulation to his right arm using different types of feels (Ex. smooth, rough, vibrating, massage, etc.). This will help the brain connect to the arm. They also gave us a list of exercises. He will see Becky next Wed. at 11:00 AM.

12:10 PM – We leave OT and head back to the hospital. We went to the post office that is right down the hall from the Hyperbarics Clinic.

Dive 27

12:50 PM – We arrive in clinic.

1:30 PM – The dive starts. Paula and Aaron are monitoring. As pressurization begins, Paula and Drew are busy reading.

3:55 PM – The dive is over. Drew did very well. We are on our way to the car dealership. The transmitter (unlocker thingy) stopped working, so we are replacing or fixing it.

5:20 PM – We are back at the apartment for the night. Thank you Sally, Steve and Donna Rae for Drew’s mail. He was so pleased.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 12, 2007

Day 14 – Dive 25 – June 12, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. His foot is slightly on his toes. His speech is fairly clear. He is still stuttering a bit.

8:15 AM – We arrive in clinic.

8:35 AM – The dive begins. Everyone is here today. Yvette and Shirley are in the chamber to monitor. As soon as pressurizing started, One of the patients and Drew were very involved in Uno.

11:00 AM – The dive is over. We are headed to the food court for” bad” cheese pizza, using the coupon given to us by one of the patients that finished her treatments. We will take the pizza back to the apartment.

12:40 PM – We are back at clinic for Drew’s doctor appointment. We met with Dr. Guy, Dr. Neal, and Dr. Patrick. Dr. Neil did a very thorough neurological evaluation. The overall consensus was that Drew is doing very well. They were all pleased with his progress. They are seeing improvements in all areas; right arm and leg and facial drooping. They had him write with his right hand and left hand. He was unable to write at all with his right hand. One of the men, had to have a new-collar put on his hood ring, so I had Drew read to me. He read a story called Jack & Rick, it was near perfect. He missed the words now and lift. He also read Bear Hugs (a level 1 reader) and missed the words wiggly/giggly and fly/sky. He has greatly improved in his reading. He has also lost 2 pounds since last week. YEAH!

Dive 25

1:35 PM – The dive begins. Paula and Caitlin are in the chamber. Caitlin was the one who asked her mom to contact the Child Life workers for Drew. She is very kind.

4:05 PM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We are off to Kmart for some odds and ends.

5:45 PM – Back in the apartment for the night. Drew is complaining of a stomachache.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 11, 2007

Day 12 – Dive 22 – June 9, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down unless he is running, then it is up. His right foot is down and slightly turned in. He did not where his brace to clinic, but has it on in the chamber. His speech is fairly clear and he continues to stutter.

8:10 AM – We arrive in clinic the 2 other ladies are already there.

8:20 AM – Everyone is loaded in the chamber. Mark is monitoring. We have never met Mark before. I was able to get some good pictures of Drew and the Herald Progress. Pressurizing went well. I forgot to change Drew out of his baseball shirt, so they had to send his 100% cotton shirt in to him and send out his baseball shirt (it is 50% cotton and 50% polyester).

10:35 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We are on our way home for the weekend.

We got home around 3:00 PM. We had a great time at home with John, Stephen & Johnny. It was so nice to be home. Drew’s TreeCondo is amazing. We didn’t do much except spend some family time together.
Friday night there had been an electrical storm. Lightening hit, but didn't hurt, the big tree in our driveway, near our pump house. It traveled down the tree and to the pump house where it split a copper coupling right down the middle. It also hit the satellite dish and 2 of the cable boxes in the house.

Saturday night Drew woke up at about 2:00 AM with a headache and stomachache. He got back to sleep around 3:30-4:00 AM. It was also nice to be home for Grandpa’s birthday. We all went to the Mohrmann’s, Sunday so the boys could swim. Drew and I left Sunday around 4:00 PM to go back to NC.

Day 13 – Dive 23 – June 11, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down and parked behind his back. His foot is slightly on his toes and turned in. His speech is fairly clear and his vocabulary is growing. He is more aware of his bumpy speech (stuttering).

8:10 AM – We are in clinic. We are the 1st ones to arrive.

8:40 AM – Everyone is settled in the chambers. There is a new man today. Only one man is absent today. Roberta and Rebecca are in the chamber. I didn't stay to watch pressurization, Drew and Rebecca were chatting. He was very occupied. Rebecca had been on vacation last week, so they had lots of catching up to do. About 10 minutes I heard the chamber shut down, not unusual. But, then I heard the doors open. That is when I got concerned. Since Drew had a bad night Saturday night and was complaining this morning about his stomach, I was afraid he was sick. Thankfully, it was not Drew. It was actually Rebecca, the nurse. She has a head cold and was unable to clear her ears, so Kevin K. went in for her. Drew was fine, but worried about Rebecca. The reached pressure at 9:00 am.

11:15 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well. We will eat the lunch we brought from the apartment in the food court. At 12:00 Drew has a PT appointment. One of the ladies that finished her treatments the other Friday, came back to visit. She gave Drew a food coupon for the Food Court. She was there for a follow up visit.

The doctors have requested an appointment with Drew. Since he is almost halfway finished, they want a checkup to see his progress. The appointment is tomorrow at 12:45 PM.

11:45 AM – We arrive at Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital for Physical Therapy with Ms. Kara. She observed Drew walking and running down the hallway with his brace. She commented that his arm was parked behind his back. They then do some stretching on the mats. Drew takes a tumble backwards off the mat as he was adjusting to another position. He was more scared than hurt, he landed on his elbow. They did some more stretching. Then he rode the Pedalo. It had bars for his hands, like parallel bars. For his feet it was wooden planks. He would push his weight down on one foot and his other foot would be up, kind of like riding a bike, but this was not round and round it was up and down. The up and down motion of his legs and feet made the Pedalo’s wheels turn. This piece of equipment encourages strength in his ankles and knees. They then went to the stairs for practice and evaluation. Ms. Kara was encouraging only 1 foot on the stairs. He is good at alternating his feet going up and down stairs, but both feet always come to a rest on the stair. We will see her again next Thursday. On the way to the truck, Drew fell off the curb and scraped the front of his right leg.

12:50 PM – We are back in clinic. We asked Roberta to put some antibiotic cream on his leg.

Dive – 24

1:20 PM – Everyone is present and loaded in the chamber. Tammy and Paula are in the chamber. Drew was very tired. He would not let me leave the chamber until his hood went on. The chamber was stopped for the new man had to clear his hears.

3:40 PM – The dive is over. It went well. Drew and I are off to Whole Foods.

5:15 PM – We are at the apartment. WOW! Drew loaded up, I didn't do to bad, either. Thank you Scott, Jalena, Sally, Debbie, Auntie Judy and Laura & Boys.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 8, 2007

Day 11 – Dive 20 – June 8, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down and rests behind him on the small of his back. His foot is slightly turned in with his brace on. His speech is fairly clear and he seems to be stuttering less.

8:30 AM – Everyone, except the lady that was absent yesterday, is here and in the chambers. They are in chambers “Alpha” and “Bravo”. The procedure in “Charlie” is about to start. This is a double lung surgery of some sort. They are using the chamber as an operating room. Should the patient begin to loose oxygen saturation, they may have to pressurize the chamber and oxygenate him/her to continue the operation.

Shirley and Kevin #2 are in the chambers, monitoring. Drew is doing very well. They stopped the chamber once – but did not say why. I don't think it was Drew. He is doing very well clearing his ears. Drew had to use the bathroom 10 minutes into pressurization.

11:05 AM – The dive is over. Drew did well and is ready for snack. He kept his brace on the whole time. The man that had chest pains the other day is complaining of chest pains. The doctors are checking on him. We are on the way to the apartment for snack.

11:30 AM – We are at the apartment eating and resting.

Dive 21

1:05 PM – We are back at clinic. Everyone is here, including the lady that had been absent. She had been asked not to come to this morning’s dive due to the procedure in “Charlie”. She is normally in “Bravo”, but there was no
place for her this morning. This afternoon “Alpha” and “Bravo” were still set up like the previous 2 dives. Since she was there, they had to put everyone back in “Charlie” so she could go into “Bravo”. So, they cleaned up “Charlie” and we all started moving furniture and equipment to the proper chambers.

1:50 PM – Everyone is settled and ready to dive. John & Rita are in the chamber to monitor. Drew and Rita are involved in a competitive game of Uno.

4:10 PM – The dive is over and we are headed to Target. Drew has earned a prize for working so hard on his homework and filling up his sticker chart.

6:00 PM – We are back from Target. We went exploring around Target and found some good shopping and restaurant choices. This appears to be a nice, safe area.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers, mail and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 7, 2007

Day 10 – Dive 18 – June 7, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down. His foot is down, mostly- it is hard to tell with his AFO (brace) on and it is not on well. His speech is fairly clear and he continues to stutter.

8:20 AM – We arrived in clinic. We were the first ones to arrive. Two patients were not there today. They knew one would probably not be there, but had not heard from the second., yet. They were going to wait a few more minutes.

8:40 AM – Everyone is loaded in the chamber and ready to dive. The second patient missing called to say she would not be in today, maybe tomorrow. She has been not been feeling well since before the treatments. Paula and Kevin #2 are in the chamber. Paula will help Drew do some sentence writing and letter practicing. Drew has his brace on. The brace is very difficult to seat (put on) properly. When Paula is in the chamber, no one else exists for Drew. I left before pressure was reached.

11:05 AM – The dive is over. Paula did a beautiful job with Drew, again. He got all of his homework done. He has a sticker chart he his trying to fill up for a prize. Drew did very well with the dive. We are off to the apartment for “snack”, yup, cheese pizza, chips, and grapes.

11:30 AM – Walking to the apartment, Drew fell carrying his coffee. He is ok, shook up, but no blood. Drew only ate ½ of his pizza today. I am happy that he is back down to 3 meals per day. Since he has such a heavy “snack” I was able to eliminate lunch at 4:30. I am sure reducing the steroids are helping that, too.

1:15 PM – We are back at clinic. One of the patients that was absent this morning is back. He said that yesterday he got sick in the chamber. They thought he was having a heart attack. He said it felt as if someone was sitting on his chest. He was taken to the Emergency Room where it was ruled as too much oxygen. Thankfully, his son had come last night to visit, so he was there with him last night. Today, they will remove the hood for a 5-10 minutes so it won't happen again. This afternoon the 5 patients were divided into 2 different chambers, “Alpha” and “Bravo”. Tomorrow, there will be a surgical procedure being performed in “Charlie”. It is the only surgical chamber. So, the patients will be back in these 2 chambers tomorrow morning.

Dive 19

1:35 PM- Everyone is loaded and ready – it is very close quarters. These 2 chambers are adjoining and much smaller than “Charlie”. Kevin K. and John were in the chamber this afternoon. I was unable to see during pressurizing, but checked on him later. He was doing fine.

4:00 PM – The dive is over. Drew and everyone did well. We are off to the apartment.

4:20 PM – At the apartment, checked the mail. Thank you Candy and Sally. He was so thrilled.

5:00 PM – We decided to go to eat at Elmo’s and do what I do best, drive around in circles. Elmo’s has good food, service and prices. Thanks for the suggestion, Susan.

7:00 PM - We are back in the apartment for the night.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 6, 2007

Day 9 – Dive 16 – June 6, 2007

Drew’s right arm is down except when he runs, then it goes up. It returns by his side while walking. Drew’s right foot looks wonderful. His speech is fairly clear with some stuttering. Drew has a very keen sense of smell, these days. Yesterday morning walking down the hospital halls he said he smelled ham sandwiches. I would agree. Last night we walked around the apartments he said he smelled steak, "sweet steak" cooking on the grill. Yes, he did someone was grilling in the picnic area. This morning in the hospital hallway he said it smelled like dog food. Again I would agree. He has never been one to notice smells before.

8:05 AM – Arrived in clinic.

8:30 AM – Everyone is settled in the chamber. Everyone except one patient (he is always early), seems to get here later and later, rolling in at 8:20 AM. Paula and Shirley are monitoring the chamber today. Shirley brought Drew some apple gum. Paula plans to encourage him to do his homework. He cleared his ears well.

Patrick Lager told me that OT canceled today, but PT is still on at 12:00 PM. I let Kevin K. know that I reduced Drew’s steroids to ½ mg twice per day. He will be left on this dose until 6/13. I would like to continue his taper as follows: on 6/14 reduce by ½ mg in the am. Leave him on this dose for 1 week. On 6/21 skip 1 dose every other day until 6/28, that being his last dose.

10:55 AM – The dive is over it went well. Paula works very well with Drew, keeping him occupied one of the patients reported. No Zofran. Off to snack and the physical therapy appointment. We ate in the food court, the food we brought from the apartment, cheese pizza.

11:30 AM – We arrived at Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital for physical therapy.

12:10 PM – Kara Lardinois and Melissa, a student, came to speak with us about Drew’s PT needs and my expectations. She did some evaluating on his legs and overall strength. She recommended to do thigh stretching, 3 reps each side for a total of 30 seconds each side at bedtime. To stretch the foot straight holding the ankle and holding the foot as close to a 90 degree angle as possible. She would like the brace worn 6-8 hours per day, while sleeping if possible. She recommended a new AFO (brace) and style. I will contact Paul Valentine, he made to original brace in Richmond, to see if he can accommodate. She would like to see Drew next week. The occupational therapy appointment is next Wed. at 11:00 AM.

Dive 17

1:05 PM – We are back at clinic.

1:30 PM – Everyone is in the chamber. Drew is wearing his AFO (brace) this afternoon. John and Tammy are in the chamber. I left the camber area before pressurization was complete. Drew was almost asleep.

4:55 PM – The dive is over. Drew had an hour nap and kept his brace on for that time. Drew had a great dive.

4:15 PM – We are at the apartment for the night.

I spoke with Paul Valentine’s office about a new AFO (brace) with the recommendations of Kara. They asked for a picture, but are sure they can accommodate. Drew has an appointment with them on July 19 at 9:00 am.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 5, 2007

Day 8 – Dive 14 – June 5, 2007

Drew’s right arm is up a little more than yesterday, but not much. He is ever so slightly on his toes. His speech is still fairly clear and is stuttering less. Thanks Miss Perrelli for the suggestions, we are working on our bumpy speech.

8:00 AM – Arrived at the hyperbarics clinic.

8:30 AM – Everyone is loaded in the chamber. The lady in the adjoining chamber, has a sore on her nose that won’t stop bleeding. The doctors are tending to her, so we will start a little late.

8:45 AM – The dive is underway. Yvette and Paula, she is new to us, are in the chamber. Paula seems very nice and excited to help with Drew. Drew did very well clearing his ears.

I spoke with Kevin K. about the possibility of getting OT/PT involved while he is undergoing treatments. He was in agreement. Dr. Carroway spoke with the me, regarding OT/PT. She has called OT/PT for an appointment. OT/PT for children is not in the clinic building or the hospital. We would have to drive about 5 minutes to their office. The hope is to get an appointment somewhere between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm.

11:05 PM – The dive is over. Yvette, Paula, and Drew had a wonderful time. It sounded like they were having a party. Paula is due to come back tomorrow morning. No Zofran. We are on our way to the apartment for "snack".

11:25 AM – We are at the apartment. Drew is having organic, gluten/wheat free cheese pizza and I am having a salad. We got to chill out, check emails, watch TV and relax.

1:10 PM – We arrive back at clinic.

1:30 PM – Everyone is in the chamber. Kevin K. and John are in the chamber this afternoon. During pressurization, Drew and Kevin were busy doing stuff. Drew paid no attention to me, so, I left before pressurization completed. This is a BIG step for Drew and me.

I spoke with Patrick to see if they would still want to do a MRI ½ way through treatments. After speaking with the Dr. Carroway, it was decided that since they are seeing such positive improvement, there is no need. Therefore, we will do a MRI in Richmond when he completes hyperbaric treatments.

Two young ladies from Family Life Services came by to talk with me about any of our needs. They are going to try to find some things that they can send into the chamber with him.

Patrick said that Drew has an OT appointment tomorrow at 11:00 AM and a PT appointment at 12:00 PM. It will be hard to make the one at 11:00, on time, but they are aware of our schedule, we should not be too late. It is extremely nice of them to work him in to their schedule. Their first available appointment was June 20.

4:00 PM – The dive is over and went well. Drew is always the first one out of the chamber. He sits on the edge of his seat the second he knows the are de-pressurizing. We are off to Office Depot.

5:20 PM – We are in the apartment for the night. Drew got some more "angel" mail. Thank you, Candy, he was thrilled.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 4, 2007

Saturday, (cont.)

We cleaned, ate and napped. We decided to ride out to find the Super Target. WOW, it is a SUPER Target. We ate at Golden Corral. We got back to the apartment around 7:30 PM. John and Johnny got in about 10:00.


Drew’s arm was up just a little and his leg looked better. Since we had some time, Drew wore his AFO for a couple of hours. Drew’s speech is fairly clear and he continues to stutter. However, he is very excited that Johnny and Daddy are visiting. Drew never felt sick to his stomach. This leads us to believe his sickness is not symptom related. PRAISE GOD!

We got up and went to breakfast at Golden Corral. It was raining, a much needed rain. We rode to find Elmo’s Restaurant so we could go there later for lunch. We then went back to the apartment and had a nice lazy, family day. We did ride out to eat at Elmo’s, but there was a line so we ended up at The Cattleman Steak House. John and Johnny left around 3:30.

Day 7 – Dive 12 – June 4, 2007

Miracles are happening!:

Drew’s right arm is down. Even more miraculous he is walking flat on his right foot. His foot is not turned in nor is he up on his toes. It is an almost perfect walk. He does hold his right leg a bit stiff. His speech is still fairly clear with a bit less stuttering. THANK YOU, GOD!

8:00 AM – Another day in Hyperbarics Clinic.

8:30 AM – Everyone loads in the chamber. There are 6 patients today. Five of the patients are in "Charlie" the name of Drew’s chamber. The "Beta" chamber, adjoining Charlie has one patient, no one was new today. Yvette and Shirley, the lady with no name, are in the chamber this morning. Today, Drew has math homework. He will be working on telling time-whole hours. Other than having to go to the bathroom 10 minutes into the dive, Drew did very well and cleared his ears, like a pro.

I told Kevin K. that I had started to wean Drew off the steroids that I had reduced by ½ mg for his evening dose on Saturday, June 2. When today and tomorrow’s dives go well, I will wean ½ mg of dexamethasone in the morning dose. We also agreed to give Drew a placebo (tic-tacs), starting Tuesday, before he goes into the chamber to try to see if the Zofran usage is psychological or physical. That way Drew would understand that the new medicine would help his tummy, but if he needed Zofran, he could still have it, too. We did not want him to suffer or to lose faith in the Zofran

10:55 AM – The dive is over. No Zofran was needed. We went and had "snack" at the food court. Drew’s usual cheese pizza and chips.

11:45 PM – Back in clinic. Starting tomorrow, we will go back to the apartment for "snack". It is too long to sit and wait for the next dive. So, as we sat and waited we worked on math, whole and half hours, simple addition and subtraction. We did some reading. This afternoon in the chamber Drew will need to copy and read 3 sentences from his site words and work on half hour time.

12:20 PM – We sat in the chamber in Drew’s chair and napped. I spoke with Kevin K. about Drew’s arm and leg. He said he had noticed improvement, as well. He and the staff had talked this morning about the improvement. He said that when Drew first arrived his right arm was as if it was just there and not a part of his body. Now, he was using it much more.

Dive 13

1:30 PM – Everyone is in the chamber, Caitlin and John are with them. The dive went well. Drew cleared his ears nicely.

3:55 PM – The dive is over. All went well. No Zofran. When Drew came out of the chamber I tried to get him to balance on his right let, holding his left leg up, he was not able to hold it at all. We will continue to work on this. Off to Whole Foods to buy healthy food for "snack" time.

4:45 PM – Back at the apartment for the night. Drew got mail from Audrey’s Umbrella. He was so excited.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 2, 2007

Day 6 – Dive #11

Drew’s arm is up a little more than yesterday and his foot is turned in again. He sounds like a duck going down the halls. His speech is fairly clear and he continues to stutter.

8:00 AM – We arrive in clinic. It was a bit creepy walking into the hospital. It was so quiet with no one in sight. Drew was having fun hearing his voice echo. The elevator was down for repairs, so we took the stairs down 2 flights. Drew did well.

8:10 AM – We found Kevin K. He and Eric S. had been called in last night for a scuba diver with the bends. They got finished at 4:00 AM. Kevin K. and Eric were able to sleep for a couple of hours in the back. The people here are so nice. Eric calls Drew Hammerhead, he has taught him that his fist is the hammer. Drew loves him.

8:15 AM – The other 2 ladies doing the dive with Drew arrived. Everyone loads into the chamber. Tony is in the chamber with Drew and the other 2 ladies. Drew is now a pro at clearing his ears. He needs little to no coaching. Today, he wanted me to stay at the window the whole time. I told him I would check on him. He did great. Tony played Math Bingo with him.

9:20 AM – Drew took Zofran.

10:45 AM – The dive is over. Drew has the rest of the day and all day tomorrow off. We are off to Whole Foods Grocery. John and Johnny will be coming down later tonight for a short visit.

The elevator was still being worked on, so, we walked the 2 flights of steps, Drew did great. As we were walking out of the hospital, I noticed Drew’s right arm and leg were very much improved. His arm was down and he no longer sounded like a duck coming down the halls.

11:30 AM – We are back in the apartment for lunch and a nap.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 2, 2007

Day 6 – Dive #11

Drew’s arm is up a little more than yesterday and his foot is turned in again. He sounds like a duck going down the halls. His speech is fairly clear and he continues to stutter.

8:00 AM – We arrive in clinic. It was a bit creepy walking into the hospital. It was so quiet with no one in sight. Drew was having fun hearing his voice echo. The elevator was down for repairs, so we took the stairs down 2 flights. Drew did well.

8:10 AM – We found Kevin K. He and Eric S. had been called in last night for a scuba diver with the bends. They got finished at 4:00 AM. Kevin K. and Eric were able to sleep for a couple of hours in the back. The people here are so nice. Eric calls Drew Hammerhead, he has taught him that his fist is the hammer. Drew loves him.

8:15 AM – The other 2 ladies doing the dive with Drew arrived. Everyone loads into the chamber. Tony is in the chamber with Drew and the other 2 ladies. Drew is now a pro at clearing his ears. He needs little to no coaching. Today, he wanted me to stay at the window the whole time. I told him I would check on him. He did great. Tony played Math Bingo with him.

9:20 AM – Drew took Zofran.

10:45 AM – The dive is over. Drew has the rest of the day and all day tomorrow off. We are off to Whole Foods Grocery. John and Johnny will be coming down later tonight for a short visit.

The elevator was still being worked on, so, we walked the 2 flights of steps, Drew did great. As we were walking out of the hospital, I noticed Drew’s right arm and leg were very much improved. His arm was down and he no longer sounded like a duck coming down the halls.

11:30 AM – We are back in the apartment for lunch and a nap.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

June 1, 2007

Day 2 - Dive 3 - May 29, 2007

Drew’s right arm and foot is turned in and dragging. He still sounds like a duck walking in the hallways. His speech is fairly clear. He is stuttering some.

7:50 AM – We arrived early to clinic so we would have time to go to the food court to get coffee. Once we got there, Drew decided he didn’t want coffee. Then decided he did want coffee when he saw none of his chamber mates had arrived, yet. In the coffee line the servers and others in line found it amusing that Drew drank coffee. They were very entertained by his infectious personality.

8:15 AM – We were back at hyperbarics. Drew had his ears checked. He had complained that it felt as if a bug were in his right ear. The ear check was fine, no bugs. We went into the chamber and got him settled. The nurses are Yvette and Kevin #2. Today is a busy day. There is a diver (scuba diver) already in the emergency chamber and we have a 7th person in Drew’s chamber. She has actually been here, but missed yesterday.

8:40 AM – The doors are shut and the chamber is pressurized. Drew does very well clearing his ears. He likes to make funny faces at me through the portholes.

9:30 AM – The attending Dr. and Rebecca come to me to say that Drew is feeling nauseous and ask what he usually takes to help him. They gave him 4mg Zofran pill. He did vomit a little and felt better. He was asking for me, but was able to make it through the rest of the dive.

11:00 AM – Treatment is over. His ears were checked and still looked good. He was feeling fine. We went for snack in the food court. Drew had cheese pizza and BBQ chips (nice and healthy and gluten free, NOT). I had a salad. We sat outside and enjoyed the nice warm day. He was very tired, so we went back to clinic and Kevin K. set up a stretcher for us to take a nap.

1:05 PM – Roberta came in to wake us up. Drew woke up and said he wanted me to go in the chamber with him. While Drew was in the restroom, I asked Kevin K. if it would be possible for me to go in with him. We spoke with the doctor who decided it would be better for me not to go in so early in his treatment. He said it would be better for Drew to miss a treatment than for us to set precedence.

Dive 4

1:30 PM - Rita and Tammy are the afternoon nurses. Drew was not happy about going in without me, but was willing to try. During pressurization Drew was very defiant, for him. He was refusing to blow his air out. When the nurses would ask him to clear his ears, he would say no. Because Drew would not clear his ears they began to hurt. The chamber was shut down 3 different times while Drew was made to clear his ears. He did finally continue the treatment without any more problems.

4:00 PM – The dive is over. We left the hospital to go to Wal-Mart. We ended up next door at Radio Shack and Food Lion instead. JoAnn Tillett called to say the neurosurgeon approved weaning off steroids, slowly, to ½ of the dose he is on currently. He is on 1 mg 2 times per day. After hearing how his morning went we decided to wait to wean the steroids for a few more days.

5:30 PM- We were back at the apartment for the night. We are always in before dark.

Day 3 – Dive 5 - May 30, 2007

Drew’s right arm and foot is turned in and dragging. He still sounds like a duck walking in the hallways. His speech is fairly clear. He is stuttering some.

8:00 AM – Arrived at clinic.

8:30 AM – Everyone goes into the chamber. Drew had a little bit of trouble clearing his ears. The chamber was shut down at 20+ feet so he could clear his ears. He did clear and felt much better. Kevin #2 and someone new to us were in the chamber.

9:30 AM – Rebecca came to me saying Drew was feeling nauseous again. They gave him a 4mg Zofran pill. I contacted JoAnn and she called in a 4mg Zofran ODT prescription to the outpatient pharmacy, for future use. Drew finished the treatment and did not vomit.

10:55 AM – The dive is over. Snack Time. We went to the food court for cheese pizza and salad. We also walked around the hospital for awhile, exploring.

12:00 PM – Back to hyperbarics. This afternoon there is a new man joining the chamber.

Dive 6

1:30 PM – Time to load the chamber. Rita and Eric were the nurses in the chamber. Drew did a wonderful job clearing his ears. I spoke with Kevin K. about the dive schedule. We agreed that it might be good to keep Drew on schedule. There is one dive on Saturday mornings. A dive is on Sunday mornings, only if there are inpatients in need. We will plan to dive on Saturdays. Kevin K. will let us know if there are dives on Sundays.

4:00 PM – The dive is over. This was a great dive for Drew. We left to shop at Whole Foods Grocery and Blockbuster Video.

5:30 PM – We are back in the apartment.

Day 4- Dive 7 - May 31, 2007

Drew’s right arm and leg seem to be better. His arm is not up as much and he is dragging his leg less. His speech is fairly clear. He is still stuttering.

8:10 AM – Arrived at clinic.

8:30 AM – The chamber is loaded, Kevin #2 and the lady from yesterday were back. Drew had a great morning. Drew was able to clear his ears. He had a tiny problem around 20+ feet again. He only felt a little sick – no Zofran.

10:50 AM – The dive is over. Snack Time. We went to the food court and ate at Hardees. Yuck!

11:50 AM – Went back to hyperbarics and took a nap in his chair together.

Dive 8

1:30 PM – Time to go in the chamber. Katelyn and John #2 are in the chamber. Drew did an awesome job clearing his ears. Katelyn works very nicely with Drew.

3:50 PM – The dive is over. Drew said he felt a little sick and took a Zofran. We went straight to the apartment and both slept until 7:00 PM.

During pressurization, Dr. Stolp said it might be a good idea to let Drew do the dive all by himself, instead of having me stand by the door coaching him while they pressurize. This comment hurt me and made me very angry. I went to my sitting area after the chamber reached 30 ft. I prayed that God would put peace in my heart towards Dr. Stolp’s comment and to guide me in His direction. I did find myself feeling more at peace, after a bit.

On the way to the apartment, Drew said that he wanted to go in the chamber with me and then he wanted me to go sit down and not stand by the door. He had not heard the conversation between me and Dr. Stolp. Is that a God thing or what?

Day 5 – Dive 9 - June 1, 2007

Drew’s right arm and leg seem to be improving. They almost look normal. His arm is not up as often. He is no longer sounding like a duck walking down the hallways. His speech is still fairly clear. New people do not seem to have a hard time understanding him. He is still stuttering.

8:00 AM - Arrived at clinic. Drew had fun flirting with Tonya and Debbie (Kevin K.’s wife). Kevin K. had a tour of nursing students.

8:30 AM – Everyone is in the chamber and settled. Drew has homework. He is to read all of his sight words and write them on either the Magna Doodle or in his journal. Drew had decided that he did want me by the door, after all. I stood by the door for a few minutes without coaching. At about 10 ft., I went out to the control console and watched him on the monitor with the control operator, Barry. Drew did well. He did feel a little sick and took a Zofran around 9:15. Today there are 3 patients that will complete treatments. Roberta and the woman with no name were in the chamber.

10:50 AM – The dive is over. We went for snack in the food court. Today we packed left over cheese pizza from last night’s take-out, yogurt and fruit. After snack we rode the tram the runs between clinic and the hospital. We then took the walkway towards the hospital. Drew was complaining that his legs were hurting. The steroids are really taking their toll on him. He is also very swollen and has gained lots of weight. We found the Farmer’s Market that is on Fridays and the campus stores. We bought 3 flowers for the 3 graduating patients. We also bought a lemon square and chocolate chip cookies.

12:15 PM – We walked back to clinic. One of the women graduating today sent the hyperbarics staff a beautiful sculptured fruit basket. Drew gave his flowers to his friends.

Dive 10

1:30 PM – Everyone is ready for the last dive of the week. Most of the people will go home and rest for the weekend. Rita and John #2 are in the chamber. Rita and Roberta gave Drew a Nick Toons Magazine. He was so excited. I had just ordered him a subscription last night. Drew asked that I stay by the door the whole time for this dive. He did perfectly with very little coaching from anyone. He amazes me with the things he can do. He is certainly showing some independence that I am both proud of and having a hard time handling. I am so proud of him.

3:45 PM – The dive is over. Drew did excellent. He even took a 20 – 30 minute nap. I weighed him before we left. He has gained about 12 pounds in 2 weeks. After talking with the doctor, he agreed that Drew has not had any problems for the past several dives and it would be fine to start weaning off the steroids. He just wants to know the doses as I change them. So, when tomorrow’s dive is uneventful I will start weaning the steroids tomorrow night.

4:25 PM – We are back at the apartment for the night.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

May 31, 2007

We are at Duke. Happy Memorial Day!

May 28, 2007
Day 1 – Dive 1 - May 28, 2007
Dr. Bret Stolp – Attending

6:00 AM – Our day begins. Drew’s right arm is up and his right foot is turned in and dragging. In his sandals, he sounds like a duck slapping down the hospital hallways. Speech is fairly clear.

7:55 AM - Arrived in clinic. Drew was fitted for his neck ring and hood. He was taught how to clear his ears by holding his nose and blowing through it. Drew wore a 100% Cotton T-shirt and shorts. He was given socks to wear. I wore all cotton clothes with no makeup or jewelry, prepared to go in the chamber, if need be.

8:15 AM – Everyone went into the chamber to get settled. Drew brought in books, colored pencils, and coloring books. Yvette and Tony were the nurses in the chamber. For the first 15 minutes the chamber is pressurized slowly to a depth of 30 feet. During this time Drew has to clear his ears, so pressure does not build up. Today, he had a bit of trouble clearing his ears around 10 ft. The chamber pressure was stopped until Drew was able to clear his ears. If he is unable to clear his ears, it could build up pressure and burst his eardrums. If he has continued problems clearing his ears he will have to have tubes put in his ears. They continued to pressurize the chamber. Drew did well. Once 30 ft. of pressure is achieved, the nurses help the patients put their oxygen hoods onto the rings they already have around their necks. They stay under this hood for 2 hours.

Today, Drew has 5 adult chamber mates plus one other patient in the adjoining chamber. The door between the chambers is open, so the nurses can take care of her, also. The patient in the adjoining chamber has MRSA and is kept away from the others, for a safety precaution. There are portholes in the chamber to look out of or into the chamber. I look in the portholes until pressure is reached and the hoods are on. I then go and sit in the hallway until I hear the de-pressurizing of the chambers.

11:05 AM – The dive is finished. Everyone came out of the chambers. Drew did very well. He was very excited that he got to pee in a “cup”, really a urinal behind a curtain. Dr.Stolp checked his ears. They were fine. We then have a break until 1:15 PM. The food court is close to the hyperbarics area. We went to the food court for a “snack”, as Drew called it. I had a salad and he had a ham sandwich with BBQ chips. We then went back to the truck in the parking deck to get the Manga Doodle we had forgotten earlier. For about the next hour, we sat in the courtyard and chatted. It was a beautiful sunny, warm, non-humid day.

12:40 PM – We walked back to the hyperbarics area. There were all of Drew’s chamber mates were waiting for the next dive. We chatted and got to know a couple of them.

Dive 2
1:15 PM – It is time to enter the chamber. I was allowed in the chamber to help settle Drew. The nurses are only allowed 1 dive per day. Therefore, Kevin K and Roberta went in this afternoon. Drew did very well clearing his ears. By about 1:50 the chamber had been pressurized and the dive was underway. Drew had a bowl movement during this dive. He thought it was very cool to poop without water. He had to use a bedpan. The nurse, Kevin sent the bowl movement out of the chamber for disposal. There is a tube where items can be sent in and out of the chamber. It is also used as a testing area to send in items that they are unsure about being able to withstand the pressure without breaking. We used the tube to send in the Magna Doodle. It passed with flying colors. It is a great toy for him to use. Thank you Tori for the suggestion.

3:00 PM – Don and Darla, Lorri’s parents came to visit. It was so wonderful to see some friendly faces. We hope to go to their church while we are here, when we can. We had a wonderful visit. They stayed until Drew was done and visited with him, too.

3:50 PM – The dive is over. Dr. Stolp checked Drew’s ears. The are still fine. We head out to grocery shop. We have directions to Whole Foods Grocery. YEAH!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

May 24, 2007

We are back from Duke. WOW! Drew's first treatment will be Monday, May 28. Yes, Memorial Day. The treatments will be twice daily for 2 hours, Mon. - Fri with a 1 hour break between treatments. We hope that he will be able to tolerate some weekend treatments, as well. We were able to secure a furnished apartment near the hospital. Drew and I will leave Sunday for about 6 weeks. I will keep everyone updated on his progress. I will have access to the Internet, my cell phone and a phone in the apartment (I'm not sure of the number yet).

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and offers of help. We can't express how much it means to have so much loving support. We love you all!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

May 15, 2007


The lumbar spinal tap results are in, drum-roll, please........ CLEAN! Thanking and praising God!

Drew will be having a PET scan on Tuesday, May 22. Please pray for more clean results. We are all still convinced that this is radiation damage (necrosis). Plans for hyperbaric oxygen therapy are in the works. Hopefully, we will know more by the next update on Tuesday or Wednesday.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

May 9, 2007


Today, Drew had his lumbar spinal tap. The procedure went well. We will find out results tomorrow. We had a chance to talk with Drew's doctors and they believe that the suspicious area is necrosis (radiation damage). The MRI Report says "no abnormal enhancement to suggest recurrent tumor." The report also says laminar necrosis. So, the game plan is a PET scan. Thank you, God! Prayers are being answered!

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

May 8, 2007


Drew will be having a lumbar spinal tap tomorrow. We really need these test to be negative.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

May 7, 2007

Drew had his MRI today. Unfortunately, the doctors were not around to give an "official" read. However, we did get an "unofficial read". There is definitely something going on. It is not being considered "typical" tumor. There are several possible explanations, but everyone is scratching their heads. The doctors are getting together today or tomorrow to make a game plan. There will be more tests, PET, MRS, Spinal tap, spinal MRI, etc. We are just unsure of what comes first. Please continue to pray.
As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

PLEASE PRAY for Drew. He will be having an MRI on Monday at 11:00 am.

As many of you know, Drew had an MRI on April 5th that showed a suspicious
area. He was to be retested on May 17th. Since March Drew has been showing
possible symptoms (ex. vomiting and headaches) that something is going on that is making everyone uncomfortable. When speaking with Drew's nurse on Friday, it was decided to move the MRI up sooner.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

PLEASE PRAY for Drew. He will be having an MRI on Monday at 11:00 am.

As many of you know, Drew had an MRI on April 5th that showed a suspicious
area. He was to be retested on May 17th. Since March Drew has been showing
possible symptoms (ex. vomiting and headaches) that something is going on that is making everyone uncomfortable. When speaking with Drew's nurse on Friday, it was decided to move the MRI up sooner.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

April 5, 2005

Drew had his MRI, yesterday. The neurosurgeon found an area of suspicion. After having the radiologist and many others review the MRI today, it was agreed the area is an area of concern. Drew will have another MRI in 6 weeks. We are hopeful that this is just a blip on the radar. Please pray that Drew is still clean.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.


All is well at the Goodman Home! Drew is doing very well. He is currently playing soccer and will soon be playing T-ball.

He had his port-a-cath removed in January. Drew will continue to have MRI's every 3-4 months to monitor tumor growth. He is currently on no treatments. We continue many supplements and an all natural/organic diet. And of course we will never give up Poly MVA (http://www.PolyMVA.com). First and foremost we attribute Drew's success to God and prayer and after that Poly MVA, good nutrition and an awesome surgeon.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

October 17, 2006

First and foremost, Thank you, God! Another CLEAN MRI on September 13!

Summer is over and we have settled into the school routine. Drew is doing well, as are Johnny and Stephen.

Our summer was fun filled and over WAY too soon. We arranged a Disney Cruise for July. The boys had NO idea we were going. We drove from VA to Atlanta, GA to meet the people at The Children's Wish Foundation. They are the organization responsible for making Drew's wish in February 2005 on the Disney Cruise come true. It was a blessing to meet each of them. On the 12 hour drive the boys thought they were going to a camp for cancer siblings. Needless to say they were not very pleased. After leaving GA, we made another 9 hour drive to Florida. We spent the night at a hotel and got up early to take a private tour of Kennedy Space Center (not really, that's what we told the boys). We told the boys that since we were too early to go to the space center, lets drive to the port where all the cruise ships were docked (still no clue). When the parking attendant was directing us to our parking lot the boys finally got it. There were high fives, hugs, smiles, etc., it was so worth hearing them whine about camp during the drive. Needless to say, there was a Magical time had by all. The worst part of the trip was coming home to reality. I will try to get updated photos up, soon.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Please say a special prayer for a young man that has battled way too much in his 13 years. He has lost his father to a GBM, battles a brain tumor, faces leukemia and now several new tumors have been detected. Dakota is one of our very special heroes.

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

First and foremost, Thank you, God! Another CLEAN MRI!

We are still very busy. Soccer is over and baseball is in full swing (no pun intended). Drew also continues to horseback ride as therapy.

As always, thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Please say a special prayer for a young man that has battled way too much in his 13 years. He has lost his father to a GBM, battled a brain tumor and now must face leukemia. Dakota is one of our very special heroes.

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

Love and Hugs to all,
The Goodman Family

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

First and foremost, Thank you, God! It has been a long time since I have been able to update. No news is truly good news. Everything is well. Drew is doing very well in school. Not everything is a bed of roses, however we are SO blessed. Drew has weaknesses and we are working hard to overcome and work with them.

We are very busy. Johnny and Drew are both playing soccer and baseball. Stephen is taking a break from sports, for the moment. Drew also continues to horseback ride as therapeutic therapy.

This past week is always a bittersweet time of year. April 22 is the 8th anniversary date of the death of our son, Alex. It is also the 2nd year anniversary date of Drew's brain tumor diagnosis. Two years ago today, Drew had his craniotomy. One year ago today, Drew finished chemo. We are so blessed to be here in the brain tumor journey. We are so blessed to still have Drew here and doing so well. This is one of the many times of year that we stop to count our abundant blessings. It is also a time thank each of you for your support, love, prayers, etc. Thank you from the depths of our hearts. We love you all.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Please say a special prayer for a young man that has battled way too much in his 13 years. He has lost his father to a GBM, battled a brain tumor and now must face leukemia. Dakota is one of our very special heroes.

Psalm 84:12
O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

Love and Hugs to all,
Gina & Family

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Can you believe it...Today is the 2 year anniversary of Drew's diagnosis. He has defied all the odds. PRAISE GOD!

To day is a very bittersweet day. We are so grateful Drew is still with us and doing so well. But...we have lived with this horrid disease for 2 years. He has had to endure things I wouldn't wish on an anyone, but especially a child. We will forever live in fear of the possibility of the cancer becoming active again.

Today is also the 8th anniversary of the death of our precious son, Alex. We still miss him every second of every day.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Please say a special prayer for a young man that has battled way too much in his 13 years. He has lost his father to a GBM, battled a brain tumor and now must face leukemia. Dakota is one of our very special heroes.

Love and Hugs to all,
Gina & Family


I am sorry it has been so long I have updated. Drew's MRI in December was CLEAN! Praise God! Needless to say that was the only Christmas gift we needed. Christmas was wonderful. We look forward to a healthy New Year!

I will update more soon and share some new pictures. For now, life is very "normal" busy. Thank you God!

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Drew continues to do very well.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
Gina & Family


I am sorry it has been so long I have updated. Drew's MRI in December was CLEAN! Praise God! Needless to say that was the only Christmas gift we needed. Christmas was wonderful. We look forward to a healthy New Year!

I will update more soon and share some new pictures. For now, life is very "normal" busy. Thank you God!

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Drew continues to do very well.

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
Gina & Family


We have so much to be thankful for this year. Drew continues to do very well.

Please continue to pray for Drew. The prayers truly seem to be working. God is an Awesome God!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
Gina & Family

Thursday, November 24, 2005


We have so much to be thankful for this year. Drew continues to do very well.

Please continue to pray for Drew. The prayers truly seem to be working. God is an Awesome God!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families. There are so many families that are hurting so badly. As we rejoice for Drew’s good health, my heart breaks for all of them hurting so badly.

Love and Hugs to all,
Gina & Family

Just a really quick journal to let you know we are still here. Drew ROCKS! He is doing VERY well. His MRI on September 23, 2005 was CLEAN. PRAISE BE TO GOD! We are so humbly grateful!

Drew has started school and is doing very well. I am at school with him every day. Therefore, I have little time to do updates. But, please look soon for a whole bunch of great updates.

Please continue to pray for Drew. The prayers truly seem to be working. God is an Awesome God!

Please pray for all of the Caringbridge families.

Love and Hugs to all,
Gina & Family

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August 4, 2005

Happy Birthday, John! We love you!

*********** BABY NEWS ***********

Candace Marie Brown was born August 3, 2005. The proud parents are Terry Jo & Richard Brown. This is the first grandchild. That makes Drew, Johnny, and Stephen, uncles. How cool is that!

Wow! This summer is flying by. I am sorry I have not updated sooner.

Drew’s MRI on July 22, 2005 was CLEAN. NO more blip on the radar it is all clean. YEAH! Praise be to God!

Today we went for a doctor’s check up in clinic. Blood work was drawn. The results aren’t in, yet. If the results are as good as we expect he will only be seen every 3 months. Again, Praise God! This is a place “they” never thought we would see.

Drew will start school in the fall. There are several difficulties that we are seeing in him. We are very hard at work trying to make the transition into school as smooth as possible. Me, the neurotic mother, will be in school with him. I will not be in the classroom, but in the building. This is for two reasons, one is for administering medications (supplements & vitamins) and the other is for safety issues.

Today, we also talked with the school advocate and neuro-psych doctor about evaluating Drew further. These evaluations will help the school help Drew learn and adjust to his fullest potential. We hope to get all plans in place very soon.

We will not be going to Duke for a second opinion. The insurance company does not see fit for Drew to travel out of “network” to get a second opinion. We are still exploring our options.

Drew continues to do well and feel good. He looks great. He tells us he has “NO MORE BAD GUYS!” Thank you GOD!

Take care and stay well. Love and hugs to all. Hold your loved ones tight, every day, especially the children. Thank you all SO much for your prayers, love, and support. Keep Praying!

Please say a special prayer for all of the Caringbridge families.

We love you all.

The Goodman Family

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Thank You, everyone that contributed to the Relay For Life, over $58,000 was donated.

We had a great time. The threat of rain chased us inside. However, there was a survivor's walk; Drew was the head of the line.

Drew continues to do well. All the boys are playing baseball. Yes, even Drew.

Tomorrow is the last day of school. YEAH! I love having my boys at home.

We spoke with Jeanne Wallace, Drew’s nutritionist. Nothing notable in his regimen was changed.

We have decided to take Drew to Duke University to meet with Dr. Gururangan. He has been reviewing Drew’s case for about 6 months. We would like to hear what he suggests for the continued treatment plan. The appointment is on June 27.

Thank you! Keep Praying!

Please continue to pray for all of the Caringbridge members and their families.

We love you all.

The Goodman Family

Check out the New Pictures under view photos.

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Monday, May 30, 2005

The meeting with Dr. Graham on Friday went very well. He also blessed the scan as CLEAN. His words “it looks beautiful.” Praise God! We will meet with the medical team on Thursday, June 2 to discuss further treatment. Please pray that we all have the proper knowledge needed for Drew’s care.

On Friday, June 3, Drew and I will be participating in the Relay for Life walk at Patrick Henry High School. He will do one lap as a survivor and I will continue to walk for the cause. Stephen may walk also. All donations will benefit the research necessary in finding a cure for cancer.

"Relay For Life is a fun-filled overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of your American Cancer Society. During the event, teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps."
Relay for Life website:

If you would like to donate there are a couple of ways. One way is to purchase luminaries in honor or memory of a loved one. Each luminary is $10.00. There is a special Luminary Ceremony at 10:00PM to reflect on the victims of cancer. Each name will be seen on a scrolling sign. The candles will be lit and all of the lights on the track will be turned off. The second way to donate is to send me a check made out to the American Cancer Society.

If you would like to participate, but are not sure the money will arrive by Friday, then call me or email me to let me know.

I am really sorry for the short notice, but I didn't think I would be able to participate this year. Last year I was not able to participate. However, Donna Michael and her team walked in honor of Drew. A bit later at another Relay for Life the Mechanicsville Bereaved Parents Group walked in honor of Drew and in memory of the children that had been taken by cancer.

Thank you! Keep Praying!

Until there's a cure!

PO Box 94
Beaverdam, VA 23015

Please continue to pray for all of the Caringbridge members and their families.

We love you all.

The Goodman Family

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We received a preliminary read and the MRI report saying Drew is still CLEAN, head and spine! Thank you God! Dr. Graham will read it Wednesday for the "official" word.

Thank you so much for all of your love, support and prayers. Words can never describe our gratitude. We are richly blessed!

Please continue to pray for all of the Caringbridge members and their families.

We love you all.

The Goodman Family

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Drew is doing very well. Thank you God! Please say some extra prayers, Drew will be having an MRI of his head and spine tomorrow, May 23, 2005 at 7:00AM. We originally thought it was on the 24th, but just found out it is the 23rd. We hope to get an informal/non-offical read tomorrow. The official read will not be until Wednesday, Dr. Graham is out of town.

Please continue to pray for all of the Caringbridge members and their families.

We love you all.

The Goodman Family

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Drew is doing very well. Thank you God! Please say some extra prayers, Drew will be having an MRI of his head and spine tomorrow, May 23, 2005 at 7:00AM. We originally thought it was on the 24th, but just found out it is the 23rd. We hope to get an informal/non-offical read tomorrow. The official read will not be until Wednesday, Dr. Graham is out of town.

Please continue to pray for all of the Caringbridge members and their families.

We love you all.

The Goodman Family

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Drew has made it! One year ago today, April 22, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and the nightmare began. Drew's doctors thought they knew that Drew would not still be here today. Just goes to show you how little they know and who is really in charge. Thank you God!

The day has brought several ironies. Today is a dreary, lazy, day. Kind of fitting for my mood.

This morning the surgeon called with the "official" word on Tuesday's MRI. It is as good as or better than the last MRI. Dr. Graham still sees the small spot (blip on the radar) he saw on 3/18/05, however he feels it is slightly smaller and not of major concern. Drew is still considered CLEAN. Praise God!

Drew will start his last scheduled round of chemo tonight. He will end the 26th, which is the one year anniversary of his surgery. This will end the clinical trial. Where we go from here nobody knows. How is that for ending up the year?

Then of course today, April 22, marks the 8th year anniversary of Alex's death.

I wish I could say this was a real big bump in the road and it was all over now. But, that is not the case. Some form of treatment will continue. And he will forever be monitored very closely. Drew will continue on his very aggressive regimen of nutritional support with vitamins, supplements, diet, etc.

On May 24, Drew will have another MRI. This one will officially complete all of the clinical trial requirements. This MRI will include his spine, as well, as his head. We will meet with his medical team on June 2 to discuss his treatment plan. Please pray for another very clean scan and that we ALL make the best decisions for Drew.

We do not know how to thank each of you for all of your love and support. It means so much to us. We have been so blessed by so many loving family, friends, neighbors, doctors, medical professionals, coworkers, customers, vendors, strangers, etc. We love the visits, phone calls, emails, letters, etc. There has been so much generosity. Drew loves the mail he gets, it brightens his day. The other boys have also benefited from your generosity. The donations to Drew's fund have been so generous. They have helped with so many of the financial medical burdens that this illness has and will continue to place on us.

Please continue to pray for Drew. We believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking. We are all working hard to keep those "Bad Guys" away from our Drew-b.

We love you all.

The Goodman Family

PS Our computer has been sick for about a month. If I have not responded to your email, I may have lost it or I am slow because the computer is limping so badly. Hopefully, we will be up and fully operational soon.

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Friday, April 1, 2005

Chemo round #9 is over. WOO HOO!!! This one was a doozy. Drew was somewhat lethargic the first couple of days, during the day. At night he would be awake until 2:00AM. He vomited one night and felt nauseous several other nights. I believe since he was on steroids this round, that is what made things a bit more complicated.

Drew continues to amaze us with his strength. If you have never met Drew, he is the sweetest most loving child. There is not a mean bone in his body, not even on steroids. He tells me every day that there are no “bad guys” in his brain anymore. Thank you God! He also says he is going to live with me forever. I hold on to that with every ounce of my being.

Drew has weathered the steroids fairly well, so far. He is very hyper and eats constantly. His face and tummy are a bit puffy. Thankfully, it is only three weeks and we have already started the taper down.

There is an MRI scheduled for April 19. This one is to make sure that the suspicious area that Dr. Graham saw was/is nothing. The regularly scheduled MRI is on May 24. This scan will be of his head and spine. Again, the spine is just to verify that everything is fine. Please pray for great, clean results.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please don't stop praying.

Drew's blood counts continue to be low. Therefore, if you have been sick or around anyone sick, please do not visit Drew.

The Goodman Family

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Monday, March 21, 2005

On Friday, March 18, 2005, Drew had an MRI. The news was not as we had wished. The neurosurgeon saw a spot on the opposite side from the original tumor that was suspicious. This sent us in a bit of a panic. The location was not making much sense. But, these are the possibilities:

1) If it is a tumor, they don't normally jump sides of the brain. They can travel, but not jump as this one appears.
2) It could be necrosis (damage from the radiation), but even that should have shown up differently.
3) Poly MVA a supplement that Drew takes regularly can cause shadows on scans.

Drew's neurosurgeon has lots of options and is optimistic. We decided to schedule a PET scan to hopefully better tell us what was going on. The PET scan was scheduled for this morning.

The PET scan reading showed no sign of tumor or necrosis anywhere. Thank you God! I suppose we will chalk this one up to a false alarm. Even the official MRI report was clean. We will do a follow up MRI in 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks, just in case. He will continue on chemo starting this weekend. The neurosurgeon wants to err on the side of caution and proceed with steroids, treating it as if there were necrosis. Drew will be on Dexamethasone for 3 weeks. He has not been on steroids since last August.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please don't stop praying.

Drew's blood counts are the lowest they have ever been. If you have been sick or around anyone sick, please do not visit Drew.

The Goodman Family

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

It is MRI time again. Drew's MRI is on Friday, March 18. This is also Stephen's 12th Birthday.

Please say some extra prayers for another CLEAN scan.

Friday, March 11, 2005

The last few weeks have been fairly uneventful. Johnny had his birthday party on Sunday, March 6, at Laser Quest. Everyone had a great time. On his birthday (he is 7), March 9, he was sick with an ear infection and stayed home from school. It seems he is sick every year on his birthday. He was feeling so badly that he canceled our family celebration for that evening. We will have it soon.

Drew managed to come down with a double ear infection, sore throat, and a cough. His fever got to 101.8. We spent Thursday morning at the Hematology Oncology Clinic. They checked his blood, cultured is blood and urine and gave him a dose of antibiotics through his port. We will continue with more antibiotics to kick the rest of this thing. They are not sure if it is viral or bacterial, but are taking precautions for both. Today, he is already feeing better. Thank God! He was so miserable.

This weekend Stephen is trying to celebrate his 12th birthday with a paintball war in our back yard. Between wet weather and sick children, it is becoming a challenge. He is becoming quite frustrated. He also wants 4 boys to spend the night. I love having a house full of kids, especially these boys. They are so energetic and so much fun.

Thank you so much for all of your continued prayers, love, support, emails, phone calls, visits, mail, etc. They mean so much to us. We draw strength from each one of you. We read the guest book entries every day.

Please continue to pray for all the Caring Bridge families and all the people facing illness. Even the simplest tasks become difficult when you or someone you love is sick.

The Goodman Family

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sunday, February 27, 2005
I have a special request for Melissa's Family; she is 12 years old and had a GBM. She earned her angel wings today and is forever pain free, Sunday February 27, 2005 at 6:30PM. Please pray for her family. Her web site is http://www3.caringbridge.org/nj/melissa/

So many have earned their wings this week to this horrid beast. Please visit Rory and Sarah who have also earned their wings and are forever pain free.

Check out my new quilt. It is AWESOME!

Don't forget my other quilt. Aren't theses people wonderful?

As you can see, I have finally updated the web site with more current photos. Check out the photo page, too.

We just returned from Drew's wish trip. His wish was to swim in the Mickey Mouse pool on the Mickey Mouse Boat. Thanks to The Children's Wish Foundation, his wish came true. We all went on a Disney Cruise on the Disney Wonder.

It started with a black, stretch limo ride to the airport. The boys were awestruck. It was a perfect way to start a perfect trip.

It was a magical experience. Drew got to do everything he wanted and more. He got to eat "bad food". Since we have him on a very strict diet, eating pizza, cookies, mac n cheese, etc. is a really big deal for him.

Our first stop was Nassau in the Bahamas. We were able to participate in the dolphin encounter. Drew got to hug, kiss, feed, pet and dance with a dolphin named Stormy. He had a great time, we all did. The dolphin's trainer was wonderful and got the dolphin to play with Drew by giving him many kisses.

Our next stop was Disney's Island, Castaway Cay. It was a beautiful day for the beach. Drew was very tired and ended up sleeping much of the day on the beach. He did play in the sand some and we walked around after lunch and shopped a bit. It was so wonderful just to be in the warm sun on a beautiful beach. Again, a great time was had by all.

We spent one entire day at sea. Again, it was a gorgeous day. Drew got to spend lots of time swimming in the Mickey Mouse pool. We also spent some time catching up on photos and autographs with the characters.

We were all treated like royalty on this trip. There was a designated staff member for wish children on this cruise. He made sure Drew had the best trip possible. Drew and the boys had some type of gift in their rooms every night. The first day it was a giant bag of gifts, toys, cups, stuffed animals, and a beach bag from The Children's Wish Foundation. Another night it was tickets to the arcade. One night there were tickets for free rentals of rafts, bikes and snorkeling equipment for Castaway Cay. Drew also got an invitation to a private meet and greet with Mickey Mouse and Captain John. At other times there were snack treats left for the boys.

We were truly blessed to have had the opportunity to take this trip. We all had an awesome time. We were able to make some very magical memories. We can't thank Stephanie at The Children's Wish Foundation enough. She worked so hard to make Drew's trip perfect and it was perfect. And thank you, to all of you that donate to The Children's Wish Foundation. Without your donations, Drew's wish would not have become a reality.

For more information on The Children’s Wish Foundation: http://www.childrenswish.org/

Please pray for all of the caringbridge families facing such awful illnesses.

Please do not stop praying for Drew. He is doing well, but still needs all the prayers he can get to keep this awful beast away.

We can’t thank each of you enough for all of your support. Many have sent donations for medical expenses, cards, phone calls, visits, emails, etc. We can’t always let you know personally how much it means to us. But, please understand we are very thankful. God has blessed us in so many ways.

We love you all,
The Goodman Family

Give Drew-b more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The "Official" MRI report is that the tumor is still gone. Drew's 3rd clean scan, in a row. The only reply I have is "Thank you God"!

Ok, what does that mean? That means there is no active tumor. However, the tumor can come back at any time. Unfortunately, there is no "lifetime limits" on this type of cancer. We will forever live from MRI to MRI always watching.

As far as chemo goes, we will continue for awhile longer. The clinical trial is over in April. If all scans are clean through May, we will discuss Drew's chemo plan with his team of doctors.

For now, we are thrilled with his results. He is so amazing. If you ask him how he is doing, it isn't "good" anymore. He says "I am AWESOME"! Please continue your prayers for Drew. Thank you for all of your love and support. We love reading the guest book entries, it gives us strength. It has amazed us the outpour of love and support we have received. You are all so wonderful.

Please keep the other caringbridge families in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Just a real quick update. Drew is and has been doing VERY well. He had his 5th birthday on January 18th. We had his party at Hanover Olympiad on January 16th. He said he had an "AWESOME" birthday. Thank you to everyone that came and made his day so special.

He had an MRI today. The unofficial word is that it is "CLEAN", again. Thank you God! We will meet with the surgeon, for a check-up, on Tuesday. We will get the official word then.

Thank you for the thoughts, prayers, cards, emails, and birthday wishes.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Happy 5th Birthday, Drew-B-Bear! Look at you grow!

Drew is doing very well. He has an MRI on January 21, 2005. Please pray for another clean MRI.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the caringbridge children and their families.

I will write more after the MRI.

Love and hugs to all.
The Goodman Family

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Goodman Family wishes each of you a very blessed 2005.

We had a PERFECT Christmas. The boys had a great time. Our thoughts and prayers go out to each of the caringbridge members and their families.

Drew is doing very well. He is growing and gaining weight. He seems to be eating non stop these days. We are busy getting him ready to start school in the fall. We are working with him to help him overcome some of the weakness in his right arm. He is also working harder with his speech therapist. He seemed to have regressed a bit through this whole ordeal.

Drew still continues to take the large amounts of vitamins, supplements and medications. He never complains. He is amazing.

He has started to act like a real 4 year old. He complains about car rides being too long. He has had a tiny temper tantrum or two. He even called me a "mean mommy." I was so happy I almost cried.

We start chemo round #6 of #10 tonight. Drew will have another MRI on January 21, 2005. His birthday will be on January 18, 2005. He wants a party at Hanover Olympiad. Then, in February we are due to go on a Disney Cruise for Drew's wish, through Children's Wish Foundation. It has been a very exciting few months. First, the holidays, second his 5th birthday, and finally the "Mickey Mouse Cruise." He can hardly stand himself.

Thank you for visiting Drew's site and taking the time to see how he is doing. It really means so much to us to have so much support.

The Goodman Family

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas, to you all! Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Monday, November 29, 2004

Drew had another CLEAN MRI! NO TUMOR!

Please keep praying and praising God.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Drew's dental surgery is over. All went well. He had two teeth pulled and 6 crowns put on. It was perfect timing. His teeth were starting to abscess. The difference 3 months made to his teeth was quite remarkable. As usual, Drew had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand. The surgery was fairly uneventful. Thank God! He will go back in 3 weeks to have spacers placed where the teeth were extracted. Yet, another experience that comes with radiation, chemo, and cancer.

Drew has had little to no pain from the surgery. He is the toughest person I know. Thursday, after we got home, he was his normal self. No nap, no rest and very busy. Friday he was still very normal. He wanted to eat everything in sight. We kept asking if his mouth hurt, he said no. He is amazing. As always, we thank God for bringing us through another process, successfully.

Please say a special prayer for a friend's father, George Mann, that will be having brain surgery the day before thanksgiving. He has a tumor in his brain stem. Needless to say, he and the family are very frightened.

Another prayer request for Shirley Lowery. She is fighting lung cancer and will be starting radiation soon.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. We love you all.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! We have SO MUCH to be thankful for this year.

Check out Drew's Smile Quilt.

Thursday, November 4, 2004

Things have not been that eventful, thankfully. Drew is doing very well. He seems healthy, energetic and feeling good. He has started back to speech class with "his' teacher, Mrs. Mac (McLaughlin). We are working harder on physical therapy (at home) for his right arm. He has almost a full head of hair. He looks incredible.

On the weekend of the 29th, several of our family members sent us to a horse ranch in Stanley, VA. It was called River Bend Ranch. It was the most wonderful time we have had in a very long time. The ranch was wonderful, the people were friendly and perfectly accommodating. The leaves were at their peak with the most vibrant colors. The weather, oh my gosh, it was perfect, 70-80 degrees. The ranch is located on the Shenandoah River. We went on several trail rides, through the woods and down by the river. Drew and Johnny got to ride a beautiful little pony named Firefly. They thought they were cowboys.

It was so wonderful to get away. We were able to spend quality time as a family. I think we forgot how wonderful that is and how much we miss family life. We all got to forget, a little, about cancer. If that is ever possible. It was a wonderful weekend of beautiful memories.

On Saturday, Oct. 30, Drew started chemo, Round #4. Yes, at the ranch. He had no side effects the first night. Sunday, on the way home we rode through Skyline Drive to admire the mountains and leaves. Later, we went to a local church for their Halloween celebration. Drew was dressed as Santa and Johnny as Yu-Gi-Oh. Stephen decided he was too old to dress up. John dressed as an elf and I as Rudolph. We all had a great time. The boys got to trick or treat at a couple of houses before coming home to day 2 of chemo.

By night 2 of chemo things were getting much rougher for Drew. He hurt, but was able to go to sleep. By night 3, Drew's pain was very intense and difficult to control. He seemed to be hurting in his head neck and back. When we asked him about his pain he would say he didn't want to talk about it. By night 4 the pain was uncontrollable. He was on Tylenol #3 and it didn't seem to help at all. The final night, we rearranged some of the meds and gave the Tylenol #3 earlier, so we could give more, if needed. It seemed to work. Thank God! He complained of a headache about 20 minutes after chemo so, we gave him 1/2 tsp. more Tylenol #3 and he was asleep within 15 minutes. He slept well and was up a 5AM asking for his coffee.

That is to scoop for now. This month Drew will be facing dental surgery on November 19. Please pray this goes smoothly. November 29 he will get another MRI. Please pray for another clean scan. No tumors, no swelling, etc. November 30 he will start chemo round #5 of 10.

Thank you all for all of your love, support, donations, emails, phone calls, visits, cards, meals, listening, prayers, and everything else you each do for us. Without God and loving family and friends this would be so much more difficult, if not impossible to bear.

We love you all. God Bless!

Monday, October 11, 2004

Hi Everyone:

Round #3 of chemo went fairly well. Drew had a slight cold with a runny nose. The only fever he had was 99.7. The worst part was that he would be in a lot of pain right after he ate the chemo. Children's Tylenol eased the pain until he would go to sleep. But the pain was consistent every night 10-15 minutes after taking the Temador. He said the pain was in his leg, arm, teeth or left ear. This was the first time he ever said he didn't want chemo anymore. His words were, "Mommy, I don't want to take chemo anymore, it hurts me." It broke my heart to not be able to tell him was over or even it would be over soon. He went on to take chemo again the next and last night, for 23 days, like a trooper.

Since our good news of a clean MRI on October 1, not a lot has been going on here. We did get out Saturday to go to Beaverdam Heritage Day. Drew had lots of fun. He rode the Oxen cart and the train.

Drew continues to amaze us. He looks GREAT. His hair is growing in very well. He is starting to act like the old Drew. He is starting to be defiant and just an all around 4 year old with ideas and plans of his own. We are so excited to see so much life in him.

Drew got a very special piece of mail the other day. We do not know this man and we are unable to contact him. So, Pastor Jim, thank you for taking your time to think of Drew and send him such generous mail, it made his day.

Thank you, God for all the wonderful blessings you have brought to our lives. Please continue to pray for Drew.

Love to all,
The Goodman Family

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

There is a lot of news to share.

On September 25, 2004, Hanover Olympiad, the gym where Johnny and Drew take gymnastics, had a fund raiser for Drew. It was a HUGE success. The gym put together a games night, where children could go and play and do gymnastics and eat pizza. About 75 children attended, that is a record. We cannot thank Hanover Olympiad enough for all of the love and support they have shown us. The people there are some of the most loving, caring and wonderful people we have ever had the privilage of knowing. Thank you Hanover Olympiad, we love you.

Drew faired very well with Shingles. They were gone in a week. He had no pain and very little irritation. Praise God!

Now the BIG NEWS:

On October 1, Drew had an MRI. It was a CLEAN SCAN. NO MORE TUMOR!!! Praise be to GOD! Thank you to all of you that have been praying for Drew. As a celebration, we went to Chuck E. Cheese after the MRI. On Saturday, before chemo started, we all got to go to Kings Dominion with Oma, Papa, Tia, Brinkley, Dylan, Aunt Amy, Aunt Mandy & Josh (soon to be Uncle Josh), Juleigh, Mommy, Daddy, & Johnny. It was GREAT day!

What this news means:
A clean scan is AWESOME news! However, it only means we have won the battle, not the war. He will continue chemotherapy, he actually started Saturday, October 2. We will be even more aggressive in our fight against the beast. We will undergo even more lifestyle and dietary changes. And most of all we need for each one of you to continue to pray for a cure and perfect health for Drew. Whatever we are all doing is working, so PLEASE don't stop.

Drew's hair is growing back. He should have a full head of hair by Christmas.

We very much enjoy reading the journal enteries each of you write. We are so blessed to have such an caring, compassionate, and loving support system.

The Goodman Family

Sunday, September 19, 2004

We took Drew in for a routine visit and blood counts, Friday. We had a few concerns about his condition, but nothing alarming, or so we thought. Drew had been acquiring a small rash or blisters on his head near his scar area, it then spread down his forehead to his left eye lid. It wasn't bothering him. John and I got poison oak from planting our fall garden, so we thought that is all it was. Nope, it is Shingles. Who knew? The doctor immediately sent us to the ophthalmologist to check his eye and get eye drops. His eyes are not affected and look very good. It was nice to get a base-line eye exam. He is on antibiotics and eye ointment. We were then told this is fairly common in immune depressed people, especially children with cancer. Therefore, he will not be starting chemo Saturday. We will go back on October 1, for check ups and MRI.
Drew's blood counts are also very low. Therefore, are not allowing any visitors, probably for the next 2 weeks, at least. Thankfully, Drew seems to feel good, he is eating well, and has loads of energy.
Some very exciting news; The gym, Hanover Olympiad in the Hanover Industrial Airpark, where Drew & Johnny have been taking gymnastics lessons for the last 2 years is having a fund raiser for Drew on September 25, 2004. These are the most caring, kind, loving, and supportive people we have had the honor of knowing. They have been with us since the beginning. This is, of course, the place of Drew’s original girlfriends.
We can’t thank everyone enough for all of your support, prayers, love, understanding, cards, emails, calls, etc. Please know how much it means to us. We aren’t always able to express our sincere gratitude, but please know each of you have a special place in our hearts. Please keep praying. Pray for a clean MRI. No more tumor, no more swelling, no necrosis, no residual side effects to all the treatments, a CURE, and whatever else you can think of. GOD IS GOOD and HE HEARS OUR PRAYERS!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Round 2 of chemo is over! This one was the worst. Drew's fever peaked at 101.9. Thankfully, there was nothing alarming in his blood cultures, all negative, and he was acting ok, just tired, nauseous, and not hungry. All pretty normal symptoms for being on chemo or for having a fever, for that matter. The fever was gone by Saturday and he started to perk up. Today he is back to his old self. Praise God!

The other boys got to go on the anual camping trip at Kiptopeke State Park. This year Opa & Phyllis, Aunt Trish, Mark, Brinkley & Dylan, John, Stephen, & Johnny had a great time. They didn't catch any fish to keep. But they had fun trying. Unfortunately, Drew and I had to sit this year's camping trip out.

Please keep praying. We need blood counts to come up, no new growth,(EVER), a cure, and the side effects of radiation and chemo to go away. However, we are thankful for all of the blessings we have had so far; no seizures, well tolerated treatments, successful surgery, awesome friends and family, just to name a few. We thank God every day! We thank each one of you for taking the time to think of Drew and our family.

The Goodman Family

Thursday, August 26, 2004

I am sorry it has been so long since the last update. We have been pretty busy. We have met some wonderful people that have been praying for Drew, for months. Praise God! It is amazing how many lives Drew has touched. We are now very excited to have a Nutritionist on board. We have been adjusting our diet to a much healthier way of eating.
Thankfully, Drew has been doing well until this week.

He started his second round of the 5 day chemo cycles on August 21. On Monday, August 23, he started to run a low grade fever. Tuesday night his fever was between 100.4 and 100.6. (We have to call the doctor if fevers reach 100.4) We called the on-call Hematologist/Oncologist and were told to give him Tylenol every 4 hours. If the fever was around 101 then bring him to the emergency room. Praise the Lord, the fever stayed under 100.4 all night. We went in to the clinic for a blood culture and blood counts, just to be safe on Wednesday. Drew was given an antibiotic through his port and sent home. Again, Wednesday night the fever was up to 100.5. The doctor was called and we were told the same thing, especially since he had already gotten the antibiotic. No news yet on the cultures. No news is good news. So far today, he is acting less tired and his fever has not gone above 100.2.

Monday, August 9, 2004

Not much to update, thankfully. Drew is doing fairly well. We even went to Kings Dominion last week with our friends from NJ. Drew had great fun. He road the Taxi Jam Roller Coaster four times in a row.

Drew's blood counts are still dropping, so we are taking this week very easy in hopes of bringing them back up before he starts chemo again on the 21st. Drew is having some side effects from the radiation, still. The skin on his head, the radiation sites, are very tender. He is nauseous and tired. But, he doesn't let much get him down.

Some news and information:

God truly blesses us in so many ways. We live in an AWESOME community with some of the most wonderful people. One church in the community donated money to help with the expenses of Drew's illness through their Vacation Bible School program. Another church in the community took up a collection of toys to be donated to MCV/VCU Hospital Pediatric Hematology/Oncology-Nelson Clinic in honor of Drew, for the toy chest. This is a chest full of toys for the children to choose from when they go in for treatment.

Also, the Drew Goodman Account has been opened. This is an account for those who would like to donate money to help defer the costs associated with Drew's illness. The account is held at SunTrust Bank account #1000017134312.

Thank you for your prayers, support, letters, calls, emails, etc. Please keep praying.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Today Drew had an MRI. We left the house at 9:30 a.m. and did not return until after 7:00 p.m. It was a very long day for all. His MRI was scheduled for 12:40 p.m. He needed to be at clinic no later than 11:30 a.m. for his porta-cath access. Much to our surprise, when we walked into the clinic, SANTA was there. Yes, Santa. It was Christmas in July. What a wonderful treat for the children. Drew was given a Frisbee and a Jingle Bell Bear (Hallmark) from Santa and of course a photo was taken with Santa.

MRI was running 2 hours behind. Drew got in at 2:30 p.m., all went smoothly. The plan was to meet the surgeon after the MRI to discuss the results. Unfortunately, he was delayed in surgery.

Thankfully, he called us to discuss the results. NO NEW GROWTH! The original TUMOR IS SHRINKING! The SWELLING IS SHRINKING! GOD IS AWESOME!

The other good news is that his blood counts are up. That is unusual since he is currently taking a very high dose of chemo. Tonight is the last night of his five day cycle.

Thank you, for all of your love, support, and prayers. Please do not stop praying for Drew-b. GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!

Monday, July 26, 2004

Drew continues to amaze us. His right arm and foot seem to be getting much better. He is able to dress himself and drink using his right hand. He is also making a more conscious effort to work his hand. He is back to putting 100 piece puzzles together, by himself. Praise God! We are so very thankful for all the blessing God has given to us through this awful ordeal. As bad as things are, it could be SO MUCH WORSE!

Drew is scheduled for an MRI on Wednesday, July 28. We pray that this will be completely clean with no tumor, new or old. Please say extra prayers.

Thank you for all of the guestbook entries. It means so much to us to know that so many people are out there that are praying for Drew.

The Goodman Family

Friday, July 16, 2004

Drew's first week without daily hospital visits. Woo-Hoo!!! We had a great week. We went swimming and played. Drew's blood counts are still a little low, so we stay out of public places with confined spaces, too many germy people.

To look at Drew, you would never know he is as sick as he is. Praise God! We have so many blessings to be thankful for as we face this horrible disease.

We are truly thankful we have such an AWESOME God! We are also thankful for each one of you that love, support, pray, etc. for us. Please keep the prayers coming. They are working.

Love to all,
The Goodman Family

Thursday, July 8, 2004

ONE more radiation treatment! Thank God!

Wednesday, July 7, 2004

2 more radiation treatments. AMEN

Monday, July 5, 2004

At present, things seem to be going well. Drew gets tired easily and rests often, for him. He still manages to stay fairly energetic and has a very positive attitude. The biggest challenges are and have been his port-a-cath. It is very temperamental.

Drew finished his first round of chemo on June 30th, AMEN. He will finish his 33rd radiation treatment on Friday, July 9th, Thank God. Drew is scheduled for an MRI on July 28th. Please pray hard for a clean scan.

For the Fourth of July, Drew got to ride on the Pirates baseball float at the annual Beaverdam Parade, today. Drew had the best time. He got to wave at all the people and throw lots of candy to the crowd.

Please continue to pray for no new growth and a cure for this awful disease. With God's perfect healing, Drew can be cured.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

It is very hard to believe that two months ago this whole nightmare began. This week has been fairly uneventful. Drew’s porta-cath is being accessed every day before radiation. We are still seeing how that will work. The good part about taking “Mr. Tuby” out each day, is that he can do anything he wants, swim, bathe, ride the 4-wheeler (battery operated), etc. Drew’s energy level is still pretty good. He needs a nap during the day and we usually go to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. We have found a new way to administer his chemo. We have a race to see who will win. The WINNER is DREW-B! He is very competitive, so this works well.

The rest of the family is doing ok. Stephen is at Boy Scout Camp this week. Johnny gets to be spoiled by Grandma & Grandpa. Both boys seem to be adjusting to Drew’s illness. There are some jealousy issues, but mostly lots of love and understanding. We have AWESOME children.

Please continue to pray for Drew’s complete recovery. God is an AWESOME God and he will heal Drew. We have already been blessed in so many ways. Thank you for all of the cards, meals, support, love, calls, visits, emails, guestbook entries, and most of all prayers.

The Goodman Family

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The last weeks have been fairly uneventful. We continue to go to the hospital every day for radiation. The good news is that the "Official" MRI report says that there is NO NEW GROWTH and NO NEW TUMOR! PRAISE GOD !
On Sunday, June 6, we got lots of family pictures taken. By Tuesday a noticeable amount of Drew's hair had fallen out. So, on Friday, June 11, all the boys shaved their heads for Drew. Even my nephew, Brinkley, shaved his head for Drew. I am so proud of all of these boys.
Today, Drew was not able to get radiation due to a bad cold with a very croupy cough. His access line to his porta-cath had been lost, so he had to get stuck again today. It is only supposed to be once per week, but the needle comes out at least once per week. He got antibiotics through an IV drip to help boost his cold out. As long as we don't have any more set backs like today, he should be done with radiation on July 9 and done with chemo on June 30.
He is starting to feel the effects of the treatments. He tires easily, eats less, sleeps less/more (depending on the day) and is cranky. However, he still tries to keep up with his brothers.

Thursday, June 3, 2004

Today Drew had a successful MRI. However, the tumor showed some growth. There is growth on the tumor that was left behind and there is new tumor growth that is pressing on a mobility area. Thus, the neurological problems with his right arm and foot. In speaking with the surgeon, he is hopeful that radiation and the chemo will take care of it all. At this point, it is too soon for the treatments to be working. We anticipate another MRI in July. The other thing that is going on is that Drew has developed an allergic reaction to the anti-seizure medicine. Since he was just on the medicine for preventative the surgeon has taken him off of it. Seizures can happen anytime in the first 6 months or more after surgery. So please, pray for no seizures.

Again, many thanks to each and every one of you for your love, support, help, cards, calls, emails, visits, food, etc. Most of all, thank you for all of your prayers. Please do not stop praying that Drew will be cured and have no residual effects.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

It has been 10 days since the last update. Drew started radiation treatments and chemo on May 20th. We get to the hospital by 8:00 am and if we are lucky we leave by 1:00-2:00 pm. There have been a couple of rare occasions that we have gotten out at 9:00 am and 11:00 am. It makes for very long days. Drew is amazing through everything. Even though he does not like the anesthesia (putting it mildly) he trots into the hospital day after day with the best attitude. He is truly my HERO!

We have seen very little side affects from the radiation and chemo. Saturday, he vomited, we believe because of the chemo's side affect. We upped the dose to his anti-nausea medicine and haven't had any problems since. His appetite has dwindled and he says things taste different. His blood counts are starting to drop a little. We are being more careful not to expose him to too many people. A difficult task with all the hospital and doctor appointments. He wears a mask in public places, especially confined areas and any type of medical facility.

He has been fighting an ear infection since he left the hospital. On Friday, May 21, we spent the morning and early afternoon at the hospital and on the way home decided to go to the pediatrician. She looked at his ear and gave him more medication, antibiotics and ear drops. She said it was a double ear infection, in the canal and behind the eardrum. She also took a culture and said if it wasn't better by Monday to come back. On Monday, after our morning at the hospital, we went back to the pediatrician. She said it was better, but not as good as she would like it, come back on Wednesday. Wednesday, after our morning at the hospital, at the pediatricians' office, the culture came back as Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). A common virus caught mainly in the hospital. The pediatrician sent us to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. Yes, on Wednesday. The ENT prescribed antibiotic/steroid ear drops and agreed with the pediatrician on the oral antibiotic. By this time it is 4:00 pm, Drew is done with the day. But, he still laid still as a mouse on the exam table while the doctor suctioned his ear. We finally got home around 6:00 pm. Just in time to eat and start our evening meds, go to bed and do it over again.

We look forward to having a long weekend. Due to construction, Drew is not scheduled for radiation until 12:00 pm, Tuesday, June 1. However, due to the ear infection and some neuro problems on his right side he will be having an MRI early Tuesday morning. That means he gets to have anesthesia twice in one day. The neuro problems consist of him holding his right arm up in the air 75% of the time. His fingers stay closed and are hard for him to use. He walks on his right toes 75% of the time and his toes stay curled under. This has been getting steadily worse for a little over 2 weeks or so.

Thank you all for your continued prayers, support, love, meals, cards, calls, emails, etc. Please don't stop praying. I think I have an open line these days, I never close it. We are so very blessed to have each one of you in our lives.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

This week started out very unorganized, but is progressing well. Drew is having a great week.

He had his central line (porta-cath) put in on Wednesday. That will keep him from having to get so many shots. It will be used to give anesthesia, draw blood, give blood products (if needed), etc.

Thursday he started his radiation treatments. Everything went as scheduled and all went smoothly. The doctors, technicians, nurses, etc., were very good with Drew and us. He was put to sleep during the treatment. All total, setting up, explaining, and actual radiation took about 45 minutes. When everyone gets used to the program, it should only take about a total of 10 minutes. We will have to be at the hospital every weekday for the next 5+ weeks. Drew also started chemo tonight. The chemo, Temodar, comes in capsule form. He takes 70mg dose once per day. We mix it in apple sauce and he eats it before bed. It has only been the first dose, but I am sure he will never look at apple sauce the same again. He will take the chemo everyday for 42 days. He will then get a break of 4 weeks. Then a higher dose of chemo will be given for 5 days with 4 weeks off and that regimen will be repeated 10 times.

He is a real trooper. He is so brave. I could never be as brave and good natured as he has been and is being.

Thank you for all of your cards, gifts, food, love, emails, phone calls, support, etc., and most of all prayers. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful support of loving, caring people. Please keep the prayers coming.

Thursday, May 6, 2004

Today, Drew got his staples removed. The surgeon was very happy with his progress. Like us, he is amazed at how resilient Drew is. Praise God!

We then saw the Radiologist Oncologist. The man with part of the plan. It is his idea to start radiation in the next couple of weeks along with chemotherapy. The radiation will be administered for 5 1/2 weeks taking the weekends off. That means we will have to go to the hospital every day for 5 1/2 weeks.

We then met with the Hematologist. She and the Radiologist Oncologist will work together on radiation and chemo treatments. Drew will undergo chemo in conduction with the radiation. Chemo will be for 42 days with 4 weeks off, then 5 days of chemo with 4 weeks off - for 10 more rounds. Drew will be undergoing treatment for 12-14 months.

All of the doctors gave us no new news. This is a cancer that is not typically seen in children. And it does not have a known cure. We are truly relying on God's divine power and intervention.

Thank you all for all of your love, support, emails, calls, cards, meals, toys, etc. We truly get our strength by knowing we are surrounded by such a wonderful support system. For now, we need lots of prayer. We are keeping the faith that God will heal our son.

Sunday, May 23, 2004 12:49 AM CDT

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