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What an AMAZING video and update! Holly and Jenny, your friendship and devotion to sweet Lynn is such a huge encouragement and testimony of your love. Thanks so much for sharing your hearts. I will be praying about the 3 Day...it is such a memorable event. I did see the brightest cardinal just last week in my yard, and couldn't help but think of Lynn. Never ever will I forget the last time I saw her. She came up to school for Taylor's birthday, and stuck her head in the clinic and said, "Hi, Nurse Lisa." I rushed over and hugged her, and we both laughed as I told her how much I loved those "left arm hugs." Dave, Taylor and Jacob, I will continue to pray for you and to celebrate the life that Lynn so beautifully lived out, and the love she shared so unselfishly with all of us. I love you!
Nurse Lisa :-) <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Thursday, June 28, 2007 7:29 AM CDT
Beautiful video ~ priceless ~ so captured the essence of the morning. Friends gathered together ~ to honor a precious friend who we will see again someday ~ and to embrace & encourage one another who continue to live in this beautiful, but fallen world. The photographs of families, friends, children ~ with a common bond ~ ties to a precious Christian sister, Lynn ~ were inspiring.
Candace Snyder <candacesnyder@mac.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Monday, June 25, 2007 11:49 PM CDT
I just saw the video...and the tears are still flowing. What a wonderful tribute to sweet Lynn--she would be SO proud of all of you.

Hugs to all,

If there are any T-shirts left, I would love to buy one. Please let me know. amymjordan@suddenlink.net

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, June 25, 2007 11:28 PM CDT
Thank you for the update, the video, the everything. Lynn's memory is a part of my everyday.

Love to you all!

Taylor and Jacob....know that you have lots of people in Colorado that love you! Your mom was and is AWESOME!
Bless you all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, June 25, 2007 8:46 PM CDT
what a wonderful video... i'm so honored that my boys and i were able to participate in that day... . seeing everyone there to show their love (and missing) for Lynn.... she would be so Proud!!!.... every first weekend of June... this special day.. will be on my calendar... always!!!! Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.jacobson@entouch.net>
Houston, TX - Thursday, June 21, 2007 2:47 PM CDT
Thank you for the update Holly. Thank you too for keeping this site up longer as I too long to read Lynn's thoughts and feel connected to her again.

Dave, Taylor, Jacob, & family,
I think about all of you often. I remember Lynn so many times a day. Her LOOKING RIGHT message will always be a part of me and who I am and who I will become. I wear my pink bracelet with pride, forever.

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Tuesday, June 19, 2007 7:27 PM CDT
I was just thinking of Lynn and the Newmans today. I am glad to hear an update. Thanks for posting!
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Monday, June 18, 2007 10:52 PM CDT
I love coming back to this site just to get a "Lynn Fix". It's so fun to get caught up on how the family and friends are doing. I wish we could have made it down for the race. Some of us up here in Minnesota were wondering if you have any extra T-shirts we can get? It looks like you all had a good experience together!
Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Monday, June 18, 2007 9:35 PM CDT
Thakns for sharing your words Holly. You so beautifully captured the day. You are such a precious friend to Lynn. I know she is smiling down on you as you care for her memory and her family. May God make the hard days easier and farther in between! Blessings to you and your family!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco , TX - Friday, June 15, 2007 8:29 PM CDT
Holly, I was recently told of Lynn's website by a friend of mine who is a leukemia survivor. I have been so uplifted and amazed by Lynn and her journey. I was diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer almost 3 years ago, had agressive treatment for a year, was in remission for 9 months and had been back in active treatment for 8 months now. I wanted to thank you for all the posts you have made throughout Lynn's journey and continue to make. You have allowed her to continue to inspire us all by journaling for her. She was a very lucky woman to have you for her friend. This journey we travel is difficult in the best of times, and yet, through it all, so many wonderful "silver linings" occur. I know your friendship was one of Lynn's silver linings. I am sorry I did not get to meet Lynn, but I can tell from her words what an amazing woman she was. Reading her posts have challenged me to use my caringbridge site as a way to use my cancer journey in a positive way. Thank you, again, for all the time you take to keep this website updated. Connie Mateychick
Connie Mateychick <livestrong13@sbcglobal.net>
Tulsa, OK - Friday, June 15, 2007 4:19 PM CDT

It's Tiffany's friend Robin...the song played at the Survivor Walk was "I run for Life" by Melissa Ethridge. :-) Also, I think I can help you post your movie a website if you need help....

Robin Semadeni <robinand40@aol.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Thursday, June 14, 2007 10:21 AM CDT
Thank you for the update. Still praying for all of you during this ever changing new "norm"
Gina Mac
Huntsville, TX USA - Thursday, June 14, 2007 8:40 AM CDT
Oh, Holly. Tears, tears, tears--I can't seem to make them stop. I thought about you all that weekend and it is always so great to hear your words. It makes me feel as if I were there in person. Just know that I was there in my heart.

Thank you so much for the update. You, Jenny, and all the girls are such fabulous people and it warms my heart to know that you are still out there carrying the torch for our Lynn Newman.

Love you SO much,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:34 PM CDT
Thanks Holly so much for your post. Lynn continues to touch our lives through you and your words. God Bless!
Susan Carter <srvcarter@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, June 12, 2007 6:43 PM CDT
As always ~ perfectly said, Holly. The visual of Lynn sitting under the tree at Mi Cocina was definitely one of the hardest moments of "Race" day but oh so worth it to be there among those that loved her. I look forward to 2008 and in the meantime - the 3 day in October! Go Holy Hooters!
Thanks for the update!

- Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:52 PM CDT
WOW! The picture from the walk is amazing! Lynn would be so proud of each and every one of you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, June 6, 2007 6:12 AM CDT
IT is all about the FACES.


And I love you for it.

Terri /aka /Teetay :)
And IamthinkingofLynntoday.allthetime.come

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va u - Tuesday, June 5, 2007 9:37 PM CDT
Today was for you my friend!!

Missing you to pieces!!
xoxo - Jenny

Jenny Gwynn <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Saturday, June 2, 2007 6:52 PM CDT
Lynn, I think of you often and pray for your dear family and children. I hope everyone is doing well.
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 1, 2007 11:16 PM CDT
I am thinking of you all so often. Lynn, I miss your wonderful words everyday! I come to this site so often and have never been able to sign in. Good luck to you all with the race this weekend.... I will be thinking of you and knowing that Lynn is there within each of you.
Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
Mayer , MN - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:52 PM CDT
It seems quiet this summer without your gentle voice.... I miss your strength,wisdom and kindness. I miss you
arlington, tx usa - Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:09 PM CDT
The Cardinal has finally arrived in my backyard! What a smile it brought to my face, I have been waiting a long time to see it. Thinking of you always Lynn, and waiting for you to pass by again.

Love Always,
Sharmaine Snyder

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, May 20, 2007 10:26 PM CDT
Thanks for the update...it was much appreciated. Dave, Taylor and Jacob, you are never far from my thoughts and prayers. What a fun vacation to look forward to! Take Care,

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, - Sunday, May 20, 2007 9:46 PM CDT
How happy I was to check in and see some new words. I feel like I write the same thing every time I sign this book, but it's still so true. I think of Lynn all the time, wish I'd known her personally. I think of Dave, Taylor and Jacob and while I wonder how they are coping, I pray for their peace and that they'll always be able to reflect on the wonderful time they had with Lynn, rather than how robbed they are!! And to her loving family and friends......I just think about you all and send my loving thoughts to you!!
Stow, OH - Sunday, May 20, 2007 7:34 PM CDT
Thank you Wayne, Suzanne, and Terri for sharing the beautiful words about Lynn! I love the "communicator" part for we have a "joke" in our family that we all have the "excessive communication gene"...and I always say..."Hey, if something has to be EXCESSIVE, let it be that!" Thank you for giving us another glimpse of your beautiful, courageous daughter. I feel as if I have known her in life, and I know I want to meet her someday when I find my way to her angel-world. Bless you all as you continue the hard road of learning to live each day with your loss. And, in case you haven't made the "connection" yet, I am Nancy Z's "pen pal" from Virginia. I know you just saw her in AZ and she was thrilled to spend time with you. Thinking of all of you again today as I do everyday.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:43 PM CDT
To Lynn's family...thank you for sharing your thoughts expressed in the euology. I come here often and its good to see new postings. I hope you are all doing well. I understand the grieving process will be lifelong,but do hope you are coping as best as you can.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 15, 2007 0:40 AM CDT
Berg Family,

Thank you so much for sharing the words from Lynn's memorial service with all of us. How beautiful Lynn sounds as a little girl, but I'm pretty sure we could have all guessed that! You raised a phenomenal woman and you have ever right to be so very proud of her. Lynn touched so many of us in so many ways--her legacy will live on in her children, and with all of us in our hearts.

May God bless you and keep you...

And as always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT!


Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, T - Monday, May 14, 2007 2:37 PM CDT
Wayne, Suzanne and Terri wish to share this eulogy that was read at Lynn's memorial service.

We were given a blessing from God on February 25, 1970. Our Lynn came into this world as a beautiful 8 pound angel. She was born in Rochester, Minnesota. We were blessed to have had Lynn with us for a short 36 years. Now our beautiful angel is in heaven with all of our loved ones who met her at the golden gates.

Lynn was such an easy baby. She would lie on the couch and watch her sister playing and talking with her. Terri was always taking care of Lynn – making sure Lynn wouldn’t get into trouble. We never knew Lynn was such a little stinker about cleaning her room until her sister went away to college. Lynn won that battle. We finally gave up and we would just close her bed room door. She sure did change over the years, because we all know how particularly neat she was.

In 1975 Lynn started kindergarten in Rochester. In 1988 Lynn graduated from high school in Mesa, Arizona. Believe us, Lynn had many, many happy times going to Mountain View High.

Following high school was college at Arizona State University where she graduated with honors with a communication degree in 1993. What an appropriate degree for a woman that had such strong communication skills. These skills began to blossom in junior high as the usage of our telephone was solely by Lynn. No one else had a chance to talk on the phone because our little communicator was always communicating……. And, you all have had experiences in her writing aptitude by reading her countless journal posts. She had an amazing gift.

On August 10, 1996 David Newman took Lynn as his bride. They decided to start a family and our little Taylor was born on November 28, 1997. Two years later Jacob was born on August 3, 1999.

Two years later the family moved to Frisco, Texas. God couldn’t have made a better choice for Lynn. Lynn found her wonderful, loving, giving friends we all love. We will never be able to thank her close friends enough for the support and love they have given to Lynn and the rest of us.

We thank Lynn’s wonderful mother and father in law for all they have done and for all their love for our daughter.

The last four years were such a struggle for Lynn. She had numerous battles and she sure took them head on and fought each battle with all she had to give. We were by her side fighting for our sweet baby each step of the way – including the big step she took last Friday on up to heaven.

Now we have two beautiful grandchildren to carry on our memories of Lynn. Lynn will live on through the eyes of Taylor and Jacob – and each time we see them we will remember our sweet angel.

We will never stop missing our Lynn. But she will always be with us in our hearts, minds, and our beautiful Taylor and Jacob.

We once again thank God for our time with Lynn. We are hurting, however our Lynn is no longer hurting and we all know she is in heaven with our Lord.

Love to all,
Wayne, Suzanne and Terri

Wayne and Suzanne Berg <azberg@msn.com>
- Monday, May 14, 2007 1:41 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day to Suzanne and Gail! "there are no words" I wish peace for all of you today.
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, May 14, 2007 6:33 AM CDT
Happy Mother's Day, Lynn. We rejoice in knowing we will be together again someday. Your family was prayed for several times today ~ I hug my girls longer and more frequently these days because of you. I miss you, friend. I can't even imagine how much you are missed by Dave, Taylor & Jacob, you parents, your "parents-in-love".... Holly & Jenny. I pray God's amazing, overwhelming & powerful peace wraps around them when they feel the loss of not having you here. You are "running with the angels". So thankful for the hope that is given to us in Christ. How does one make it without His hope and love? God's peace to all that know and love you.
Candace <candacesnyder@mac.com>
Plano, Tx - Sunday, May 13, 2007 11:03 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day to a sweet angel.
Thinking of all of you always.

- Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:38 PM CDT
David, Taylor, Jacob, and all of Lynn's loved ones,
Sometimes there are no words. Today, I am without any for you except to say how much your wife/mom/daugther/sister/friend changed my life.

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:04 PM CDT
Thinking of Lynn and what a treasure of mother's love she has left for her children. She continues to be an inspiration. My prayers are still with you all.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx plano - Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:09 PM CDT
In memory of Lynn Newman
Wishing love and peace today to Dave,Taylor and Jacob. Dave Lynn would be very proud of you today.

With Love,
Jackie DelValle

Jackie DelValle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
Northridge, CA - Sunday, May 13, 2007 1:46 PM CDT
Happy Mother's Day to all! My thoughts and prayers go out especially to Dave, Taylor and Jacob today! Much love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, May 13, 2007 2:33 AM CDT
I'm thinking of all the MOTHERS who are "connected" to one another BECAUSE of Lynn's journey and this website. I am wishing each of you - mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers all over the country a beautiful MOTHER'S DAY filled with love. And, I'm wishing Taylor, Jacob, and Dave a beautiful day remembering their beloved Lynn who has taught us all the true meaning of UNconditional love. Thinking of you all...

Terri aka Teetay :)(mother of two daughters and grandmother of three....!)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Friday, May 11, 2007 1:47 PM CDT
Thanks for the update! And yes, I'm there for the 3 day walk in October. I'll email you off line to get more details.
Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT in honor of Lynn, with Lynn, and most importantly, because of our Lynn.

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, May 7, 2007 8:45 AM CDT

Thanks so much for the update. Your words always touch my heart. Please update us on the kids and Dave.

Forever touched and inspired by Lynn,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Sunday, May 6, 2007 1:51 AM CDT
Holly and everyone,

I'm "in" in spirit for BOTH races, and I will certainly forward my contribution to the Komen Foundation. Usually, I do the Washington DC Race for the Cure (remember I called you last year from the race?) but this year I will be out of town at a wedding, so I feel a little sad that I will miss this experience with EVERYONE involved. It is a reflective time for me. I will surely be thinking/praying/and supporting each of you in Plano, and again next October. I would love to be part of the October, but I honestly do not know if I can walk that many miles even in THREE days! I love your spirit and your continued support for Lynn, her family, and everyone out there in cyberworld who continues to support and CARE. I am one of those folks, and it was wonderful to click on this morning and find YOUR WORDS. Again, Holly, you do not realize how very much your words comfort others. I am glad God has let you "be quiet" in yourself so that you, too, can get refreshed and rejuvenated. I just glanced out my window (and no, I'm not making this up) and there on a nearby tree limb was a beautiful CARDINAL. I think this spring morning is turning into something quite beautiful!

Wishing you all a great Saturday and MUCH, MUCH love in your lives this weekend!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Saturday, May 5, 2007 8:52 AM CDT
I'm so glad you have a group walking the 3Day. I'm walking again this year with my McKinney girls AKA "Boot Scootin' Boobies". I would love to join your team for some of the "long training walks". Good luck and the kids and I will see you June 2nd.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX Collin - Thursday, May 3, 2007 11:39 PM CDT
Holly...thanks for the update--it is greatly appreciated.

Much love,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, May 3, 2007 8:09 PM CDT
Holly - the Gammills are in for race day on June 2nd. Let me know when t-shirt orders are available. I will need 4.

I think of you often and miss you at Hicks.

Kim G <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Thursday, May 3, 2007 7:37 PM CDT

I am definately planning on flying out in October
for the three day race. I cannot wait to meet all of
you gals. Hopefully Jill and Heidi can come too. I
will be in touch with you very soon to get all of
the details. I miss talking to Lynn soooooo much! I
have such a big void in my heart lately. Love and
hugs to all of you! Julie

Lonetree, CO USA - Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:42 PM CDT
Thank you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, May 2, 2007 9:40 PM CDT
Here we go again Jill. As in the past, everytime I thought of Lynn and went to her web site to type a message, a message from you was right before me. Again, I thought of Lynn and wanted to say hello to all her loved ones this morning. Guess who just typed an entry? You!

Lynn is living on in so many of us. She taught me such an important lesson in life; LOOK RIGHT. I often find myself looking at her LOOKING RIGHT braclet on my right wrist and almost immediately I have a good change of heart.

I'm training to run a marathon for Lynn, with Lynn, and because of Lynn. Remember how we all said we were running this marathon with Lynn? Well, I just know she'll be my angel when I run this fall (as I'll need one).


Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 8:27 AM CDT
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments,
but what is woven into the lives of others."
Didn't Lynn do a good job! Look at all the people she touched!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, April 25, 2007 6:32 AM CDT
Hello everyone,

I had a wonderful whistling conversation with a beautiful female cardinal this morning...and I sure needed it. Here in West Texas, my cardinal sitings have been very few and far between so while I was outside getting ready to mow my backyard, I heard the tell-tale call of my favorite bird. I started calling back and the next fifteen minutes were filled with her beautiful song and my pathetic whistle, but what fun it was for me. We lost a dear friend on Saturday when he stepped on an IED in Baghdad while on foot patrol, and we are all still dumbfounded. So call me silly, but I took my encounter this morning with my little redbird as sweet conversation with Lynn...her telling me that all is well and life will go on. Our friend is in a better place, as is sweet Lynn, and sometimes it just takes a small, yet miraculous encounter to remind us that GOD is in control.

Blessing to all,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:18 AM CDT
Oh, what fun! Please let us know all about the trip to Chicago!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, April 20, 2007 9:07 PM CDT
Thinking of you all today as the sunshine has returned to Virginia and I'm LOOKING for a cardinal to appear in my backyard! I'm also thinking of the "special trip" Holly is making with her daughter and Taylor to Chicago to the AMERICAN GIRL STORE! What a wonderful "adventure" that will be for them to share! I know the "three girls" will have a ball and will make some NEW memories! I, like so many of you, come to this site for comfort and connections. Thinking of you all...with love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va us - Friday, April 20, 2007 9:31 AM CDT
Hi all. It's been awhile, but please know you are never far from our thoughts. This weekend is our Race for the Cure. I will walk in Lynn's honor and all her faithful loved ones. Hope you guys are doing well. Take care!
christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Roger, ar - Thursday, April 19, 2007 9:17 PM CDT
Missing Lynn but felt her today. Then, I turned on the radio and the song, "You Can Only Imagine..." came on and tears rolled down my face.
Doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of Lynn, for Lynn, and with Lynn.
Love to you all,

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:57 PM CDT
I come here everyday wishing for words from Lynn, hoping for some thoughts from Holly, catching up in the guestbook and finally re-reading posts and entries. Some days, like today, I need to connect with all of you. Praying for Dave and the kids, Lynn's and Dave's families and all of us, giving thanks for Lynn and her sharing and all that she means to us.
tracy walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
canton, tx - Monday, April 16, 2007 9:13 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know you are all in my thoughts-Dave, kids, Holly, Jenny and everyone who was touched by Lynn. I still come to this site often and I think of Lynn daily! She touched my life in so many ways.
Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. Hoping that Lynn is flooding your hearts with love each and every day!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Monday, April 16, 2007 9:01 PM CDT
Thinking of you all! I know how very hard it must be for you to update this site. We all just want you to know that you are loved! Lynn is in all of our hearts!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, April 15, 2007 7:05 PM CDT

Hi Dave,

Just thinking of all of you on this beautiful day in Colorado.(finally) Hope all is well with the kids and your new nanny. I will be putting a package in the mail sometime this weekend for Taylor and Jacob. Love and hugs to all of you! Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Saturday, April 14, 2007 9:41 AM CDT
We are thinking of everyone. Everytime I stop and think of Lynn and her journey it takes my breath away to remember her and her awesome FAITH & COURAGE & STRENGTH & HOPE & LOVE! The list goes on and on. She has and still is touching many lives.
Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Friday, April 13, 2007 11:37 AM CDT
I hope you all are well. I too am awaiting a post from you all. God Bless YOU!
- Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:14 PM CDT
Holly - please update us to let us know how everyone is doing. I'm sure the website will be taken down soon, but can we have one last update? Thanks so much.
Kimberly Waters
Coppell, TX USA - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:05 AM CDT
Hi Holly and Jenny,

Just wondering how everyone is doing....

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:04 PM CDT
My 2007 calendar has a picture of a wild and beautiful shoe for each month, and a quote. For April the quote is
"All you've got to do is look right and anybody will be happy to feed you, no questions asked" . Couldn't help but think of you all. Hope you are well -

AZ - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 11:09 AM CDT
To Lynn's family and loved ones,
There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of Lynn and all of you. I'm always doing my best to make Lynn proud by living her LOOKING RIGHT message.
Love to you all,

Heidi Isaak....LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Tuesday, April 10, 2007 8:02 AM CDT
Dave, I am anxiously awaiting to see a post from you and hear all about your cruise? How are you? The kids? The new nanny? Wishing and praying for peace in your home.

With Prayer and Love,
Jackie DelValle

Jackie DelValle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
Northridge, CA - Monday, April 9, 2007 11:19 PM CDT

Happy Easter Dave, Taylor and Jacob! Thinking of our beautiful Lynn today and everyday! Have a wonderful day. Love, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Sunday, April 8, 2007 8:28 AM CDT
Happy Easter to Lynn's family and friends. ....would love to hear how the children are doing. Remaining to look right. Another cardinal sighting this morning....same place;back fence in 20 something degree weather in St. Louis
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, April 7, 2007 9:43 AM CDT
May the blessings of the Easter season bring you hope. You are all in my thoughts this weekend.
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Friday, April 6, 2007 9:09 AM CDT
Thinking of you all.
Stow, OH - Thursday, April 5, 2007 11:56 AM CDT

Dave & Kiddos...

I'm doing my best and "looking right" every day. Sweet Lynn changed my life and I will be forever grateful! Wishing you all the peace and comfort that your hearts and hands can hold.


Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@suddenlink.net>
Andrews, TX - Sunday, April 1, 2007 11:36 PM CDT
Oh, Lynn...

Sometimes it doesn't seem real. I come to this site at times still expecting to see an update about how you're doing. I know that you're in the most magnificent place that you NEVER want to leave and you're just fine waiting on all of us to join you, but being down here just isn't the same without you. So we'll just meet you there--all of us in our own time--and what a reunion we are all going to have with our precious Lord being the exalted "Master of Ceremonies". I will cling to that image. It brings me comfort. I know that time is different in Heaven. You probably haven't blinked an eye yet, but here, you've been gone for three months. Sometimes it feels longer. But no matter how much times passes, you will never be forgotten. Your love beats in the hearts of all those you touched and what a brilliant gift that is to all of us that are still here. You are SO very loved, sweet Lynn, and you are sorely missed.


Family & friends... I wish you peace and comfort today and always...

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:16 PM CDT
Can it really possibly be three months since our Sweet Lynn was welcomed joyously into Our Father's arms?

I will always be grateful that God allowed me to be a part of Lynn's journey. It cannot be said enough times....Lynn made an incredible impact on so many lives! I strive each day to live up to the legacy she has left us all.

To Lynn's family......we know the pain of Lynn's passing is still so fresh and we pray for continued peace and comfort. Lynn left this earth knowing that she had the most incredible family and friends to take care of each other after she was gone! What a blessing!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:39 AM CDT
Missing you SO, SO, SO much sweet friend!
JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:18 AM CDT
Thinking of you all and praying for you, too. Thanks, Lynn, for the lessons you've taught me and for those you continue to teach.
Kerry <kerrymccarthy@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, NC - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:21 PM CDT

Dave, Taylor and Jacob,

Thinking of you guys all the time. How was that cruise? What cruise ship did you sail on? Cannot wait to hear about it! I talk to Lynn all the time. She is sooooo peaceful! Love and hugs to all of you.( The Newmans, The Bergs, Holly and Jenny) Love always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, CO usa - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 6:16 PM CDT
thinking of Lynn as a cardinal is sitting on my backyard fence as I type.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, March 27, 2007 1:52 PM CDT
would love to hear how the family is doing! Wishing you many blessings from above!!!
T. Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
az - Tuesday, March 27, 2007 9:12 AM CDT
Still thinking of you all daily! Hoping that there are more good days than bad for the Newmans and the Bergs and Holly and Jenny and everyone who was touched by our Lynn.

Whatever your battle....Lynn would want you to FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, March 26, 2007 9:14 PM CDT
Hello to all.....I do HOPE that HOLLY and JEN "write their book" about Lynn's journey and her positive vibes and her love for mankind. I wish I had known her PERSONally, but I think that I "do" in many ways.

I am SO looking forward to meeting the Newman family at the BEACH this summer! I spoke with Holly the other night and it looks like I will be visitng the "fam" somewhere around the 4th of July with my grandaughter, Morgan, who will be with me the entire MONTH of July. (she lives in CALIFORNIA, so this is a big deal, as I live in Virginia)....I care so very much for the families that I've "met" on Lynn's website and on my grandaughter, Allyson's website...that I just KNOW it really IS a "small world after all"...and I am grateful for that and the feelings/associations/love/support that come with it.

Wishing everyone a beautiful SUNDAY tomorrow...

Love to all..and I cannot wait to hug the Newman family and spend time with the "Holly family"...EVERY ONE OF THEM!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
Herndon, va usa - Saturday, March 24, 2007 8:51 PM CDT
When I heard the news yesterday about John Edwards' wife, it reminded me so much of Lynn's story. I realized I hadn't been here in a while and wanted to let Dave and the kids know that they are still thought about and prayed for. It was a banner winter for cardinals at our house, and I thought of the Newmans every time I looked at the birdfeeder. Hope you all see signs of life and hope as spring settles in.
Rossville, KS - Friday, March 23, 2007 9:48 AM CDT
I come here everyday, reading from the guestbook and re-reading from Lynn's journal. I never post, I start, almost everday but end up erasing it, my words seem so insignificant. Finding Lynn Newman, her words, her story, her life, all of you has changed me and I come here everyday to feed my heart. I pray everyday for the family and the cul-de-sac, for all of us on this site and I thank God everyday for drawing us all together. Just needed to "talk" to all of you today. Much love to all of you today and everyday.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, Tx - Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:46 AM CDT
Always thinking of both families and Lynn. I miss her writing, stories and photos. I come her daily. Not sure what I am looking for but I do enjoy re-reading her journal with a smile. I hope everyone is as well as can be. Healing with time.

Dave and kids,
I wish I had "words" to share. I pray that the kids are given strength and know what a true Angel there mother is. Sending love and prayer from Michigan.

SCS <madangel21@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:17 PM CDT
Dave, you and the kids have been on my mind and in our prayers so much lately. Hope you are finding your new norm and that God is wrapping himself around you all!

Lynn ~~ wish you were here girl...

Vicky <vickyn@prattins.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:30 AM CDT

Looking Right...and missing Lynn.
Love to all,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:51 AM CDT
Lynn, still here, checkin in and cannot stop thinkin of you. Love so ever much! As always, my love to the newmans and bergs and friends!
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Tuesday, March 20, 2007 0:53 AM CDT
Oh the CARDINAL sightings!
I glanced out my window early yesterday and there on the CREST of the new-fallen-snow was the brightest RED cardinal I've seen in a long time! Maybe he just looked REDDER next to the white snow! I thought it was rather sad that the cardinal was probably VERY confused since it was 83 degrees last Wednesday and 28 degrees with SNOW Saturday morning! I managed to toss some crackers to him. I am just sure I heard a "thank you chirp"....all the while I was thinking of Lynn and her cardinal sightings and the "thread" that connects us all.

Wishing Dave and Taylor and Jacob a beautiful Sunday...and wonderful spring break "cruise" whenever that occurs...and I'm hoping to MEET YOU IN PERSON this summer while you are in N.C. at the beach!

Love to all and LOOKING RIGHT just FEELS RIGHT. Thank you, Lynn!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va us - Sunday, March 18, 2007 9:29 AM CDT
Saw a cardinal perched on my fence this morning as I was about to boot up my computer to get my daily caringbridge fix. Lynn came to my mind instantly. Hoping that Dave and the kids are doing well.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:16 AM CDT
Thinking of you all, as always, and sending loving thoughts.
Stow, OH - Friday, March 16, 2007 12:23 AM CDT
Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of our Lynn. I hope all of Lynn's loved ones are doing better with each new day.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, March 16, 2007 8:43 AM CDT
thinkng of Lynn and hoping her family/friends are coping with the new normal in their lives.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:49 AM CDT
Thinking of you Lynn. It was a gorgeous day here in Ohio yesterday and I was out in our cul de sac getting to know one of our neighbors (at long last)!! She has two kids also and lot's in common with me. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of all of Lynn's great cul de sac stories!!! Thanks Lynn for teaching us all how to be a better friend.

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:20 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know you are on my mind. Thinking of all Lynn's wonderful family and friends and hoping for peace. Missing Lynn.
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:33 AM CDT

You are in my thoughts today. I saw a beautiful cardinal this morning, the second one since my diagnosis and thought of your courageous battle. Your amazing love for the Lord continues to inspire me through my chemo.

Plano, TX - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 11:34 AM CDT
Missing you SO much, Lynn....


Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:26 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn continues to be an incredible inspiration!

Dear Lord please help me to be like Lynn Newman as a mother and sister and daughter and friend.

Newman/Berg family.....praying for your peace and comfort today.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
pllano, tx usa - Monday, March 12, 2007 7:54 AM CDT
It's a beautiful day here in Frisco....I believe it is Lynn shining down from above giving us the warmth we need. Missing you sweet Lynn!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@tx.rr.com>
frisco, tx - Saturday, March 10, 2007 11:29 AM CST
thinking of Lynn
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 9, 2007 11:03 PM CST
Never forgotten! Your message to LOOK RIGHT guides me daily especially when it is hard. Thank you Lynn for all you did for all of us. We all miss you but you are in our hearts and memories.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Thursday, March 8, 2007 8:49 AM CST
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Nancy <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, TX - Wednesday, March 7, 2007 10:51 AM CST
miss you, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much. miss your smile, the gleam in your eye, holding your hand in therapy, praying over you/with you....your wacky sense of humor. thankful i will get to see you again someday on the other side... we'll have lots of time to reflect and laugh.... no more tears and "owies".
Candace <candacesnyder@mac.com>
Plano, - Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:45 PM CST
Nurse Lisa -
Thanks for the update on Taylor and Jacob. God surrounded the kids by you and so many others He knew would help love them. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of our Lynn. She is in my thoughts all the time.
Love to you all,

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, March 4, 2007 3:46 PM CST
Thank you so much for taking the time to email me regarding the braclets. It means so much to me. Lynn, loving you so much and always... LOOKING RIGHT.

jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, March 3, 2007 12:03 AM CST
Saw a cardinal today, thought of Sweet Lynn, said a prayer for you all, and asked God to help me be like Lynn as a wife and mother and sister and friend.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, March 3, 2007 7:57 AM CST
It's hard to come up with any words at all...Holly, Jenny, Dave, family...I have known this grief and there's not much to add to what you already know and feel. Grief creeps up when you least expect it to. I've always thought it's God's way of making sure we don't forget our loved ones. The pain...only time, God's time heals. Hold on to whatever memories shake you up about Lynn. Today, I was thinking of the pictures at Lynn's service...her beauty and how she was so very beautiful on the inside as well. Taylor came to the clinic to show me a new tooth that was coming in...and we both rejoiced. I see both Jacob and Taylor in passing at school, and their little faces reflect Lynn and Dave's stout integrity. Truly a blessing. Love to you, Dave, family, Holly, Jenny, etc. Rest in the fact that God is glorified by Lynn's life and by your carrying on. There really are no words.
I love you always,
Nurse Lisa

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, March 2, 2007 8:50 PM CST
p.s. I still have not heard from any of you out there regarding the bracelet worn in rememberence of Lynn. Maybe someone could respond as to how I could buy one?
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:42 PM CST
Just wondering, when we all can view pictures of Lynn and more of the service? Friends who could not attend including myself would love to still see pictures and be part of Lynn in any respect. Thank You so much!
Jackie DelValle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
Northridge, CA USA - Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:39 PM CST
Holly, Your post is a beautiful gift to Lynn for her birthday and to us all! You truly have been a wonderful friend to Lynn and she to you as well.

I am glad the family is all doing okay for now. Prayers and good thoughts continue for all those grieving over the loss of a beautiful woman Lynn. She gave so much happiness and hope to all who had an opportunity to experience her awesome life journey.

- Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:15 PM CST
May many happy memories flood all that love Lynn on her birthday! Holly, you are a wonderful friend, mother and woman! Thank you for continuing to share your heart with us.

Much love to you, to Dave and the kids, the parents and in-loves and all the family and friends. Time passes, but we never forget.

Stow, OH - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:48 PM CST

What a beautiful tribute to Lynn. I have thought of you, Lynn and the entire family so many times, but I have yet to write you. I don't know why, and I apologize for my absence. Lynn's life touched me very much. She is such a beautiful, kind spirit. My Allie is without a mother in heaven--maybe Lynn will find her and protect her. What a comfort that thought is.

Today, I attended a session about the 3 Day for Dana's team "Never Again." Lynn was not far from my thoughts. You know, I would like to think that I would be the type of friend you have been to Lynn if evre my girlfriend needed me. I would like to believe I could be as giving and unselfish as you. But the truth of it is that you are exceptional and extraordinary. You gave of yourself whole heartedly (which I am sure you gained in measures we will never fully understand). You taught your children more lessons in the past year with your actions than I am sure you will never know the full extent of, and you provided comfort to a friend in need. Truly remarkable.

Thinking of Lynn. Thank you for the beautiful update. I have read them all. I am sorry I have not written.

With love,

Jenny Scott <jscott@heroesforchildren.org>
Allen, TX - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 5:02 PM CST
What a beautiful tribute to Lynn. You are an amazing friend.
I am signed up to walk the 3-day in Phoenix, November 2-4, I would love to meet up with any one who will be there with Lynn in their hearts. Please get in touch with me.

Kelli Bader <kbader@metrophoenixbank.com>
Gilbert, AZ - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 4:25 PM CST
Holly, you were such a wonderful friend to Lynn, and vice versa. How blessed you both were to have each other!
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:04 AM CST


Thank you so much for your beautiful words. It is sometimes so hard to believe Lynn is not on this earth anymore. I do know that she is all of our angel in heaven!Love always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:41 AM CST
Oh, Holly...what a beautiful friend you are. Your words brought tears to my eyes as I stopped by today thinking about Lynn and her first birthday in Heaven. I think of Lynn almost every day, usually when I'm in the car and hear a certain song. Today it was "Walk by Faith"...funny how a song can make you smile at the thought of someone but want to cry as well. I love the idea of gathering the "Looking Right" gang at Race for the Cure events in honor of Lynn and would join you anywhere, anytime! Thank you for sharing your sweet post with all of us! Love, Jean
Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2007 0:13 AM CST
Happy Birthday Sweet Lynn! Thinking of all of you and praying for your peace.
christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, ar - Monday, February 26, 2007 10:43 PM CST
Yes, Holly, YOU ARE.

LOVE you all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
Looking forward to BEACH WEEK in North CArolina!!! Whahoooo!!

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Monday, February 26, 2007 7:59 PM CST
You are truly a gifted writer. Your words are a gift to all of us. Thank you.
Stay strong.
Love to all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, - Monday, February 26, 2007 6:52 PM CST

Your words are so eloquent, heartfelt, loving and have such meaning. Lynn is so proud of you and loves you SO big!

My thoughts have been with all of you today!

Love, Kathy <kathyranney@tx.rr.com>
frisco, tx - Sunday, February 25, 2007 8:51 PM CST
Thank you, Terri and Holly, so much for postings!! I've been thinking of Lynn and the Newmans and Bergs, Holly, Jen and everyone whom Lynn touched with so much love. Happy Birthday, Lynn! May your memory forever be a blessing to all of us! Much love to all, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:16 PM CST
Happy birthday to Lynn with so many positive thoughts headed toward Frisco and to your families and loved ones wherever they are in this world!!

I had a chat with Holly just as she was writing the post today! I probably "interrupted" her thinking! To know the feelings of despair that even an innocent child can express..."I feel angry or like crying" pretty much hits home with most of us. Probably everyone has "felt that" without being able to articulate it. Holly, your words about your friendship with Lynn are just as beautiful as they are powerful. The bonds that she created for so many of is strong and that will be her legacy as "we try to carry on with positive, faithful steps" toward making the earthly world a better place while waiting to meet Lynn on the other side.

I am thinking of you today, Dave, Jacob,and Taylor, and I know I will meet you this summer when you have your 'beach' vacation with Holly, Todd, and kiddos! I plan to drive to meet you. It will be my HONOR to hug your necks! And to the Newmans and the Bergs who I've yet to meet, I continue to pray for each of your in your healing process.

And, to my new 'pen pal friend'Nancy from MN who I've come to know and respect through this site (she is a friend of Wayne and Suzanne in AZ every April)I am thankful that God in His master plan has been able to join so many hearts all because of LYNN. WHAT A POWERFUL GIFT you have given to us all, LYNN!! Thank you for your beautiful life.

And the closing Jeremiah quote Holly left us with today is near and dear to my heart as it is the verse on my grandaughter's website and was "given to us" by Holly over two years ago. So, let's go forward with our LOOKING RIGHT FACES and "not be harmed" for God is holding our hands.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:24 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lynn, thinking about you today and everyday.

Always Looking RIGHT,

Laura Quevedo <laura.quevedo@gmail.com>
Diamond Bar, CA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:57 PM CST
Thanks for the heartfelt post. Like Lynn said often, "Sometimes there are no words." I don't have any words but wanted you to know as well as all of Lynn's loved ones and loyal cyber friends that I am doing my best to LOOK RIGHT every day because of Lynn. I have changed for the better because of Lynn. I have changed bad/frustrating moods in minutes with just a touch of Lynn's pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet. Like you said Holly, we are bonded by Lynn.
Love to you all,

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:25 PM CST
Happy Birthday Lynn, where we know you are at Peace and loved sooo much. We miss you and think of you often. I'm waiting for the Cardinals to arrive, they must all be with you. :)


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Sunday, February 25, 2007 12:54 AM CST
Thinking of Lynn and her family on her birthday! She was a true gift of god 37 years ago!!!!

Your in my thoughts and prayers!

Lisa Thompson <ifslisapap@aol.com>
- Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:47 AM CST
Happy Birthday Sweet Lynn! I know you are dancing with Jesus today as we are left here to be sad without you and continue the wonder of "why". Every time I've been sad this week thinking about you, I've tried to look right and to remember to celebrate the life you had here on earth. You brought so much joy and love to those around you. I miss your smile. Praying for Dave, Taylor, Jacob, your family and closest friends today. Love, Pattie
- Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:25 AM CST
Thinking of Lynn today on her birthday.
ECarlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
- Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:10 AM CST
Happy Birthday dear Lynn - our thoughts and prayers with Dave, Taylor, Jacob and all those that knew and loved sweet Lynn.

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Sunday, February 25, 2007 8:39 AM CST
Happy Birthday to our sweet Lynn. Thinking of you all (David, Taylor, Jacob, Family, Holly, Jenny, Kathy) - Love, Heidi
heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:33 AM CST
Happy Birthday to Lynn
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:24 PM CST
To Lynn's family,

I celebrate Lynn's birthday. "I can Only Imagine" her first birthday in heaven.

I do not pretend to understand why she had so few here on earth.
I have certainly pondered it many times.

I can only rest in the knowledge that her short life here touched more people, me included, than most who live many years.

I celebrate her life!!!!!!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Saturday, February 24, 2007 4:01 PM CST
Terri, Its nice to finally hear(read) some words from someone. I'm glad to read that your parents are doing well although we all know how much they must still be grieving. I hope that you too are ok....yes,always looking right!
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, February 23, 2007 6:13 PM CST
Thanks for the entry. It is good to hear from you. Thanks for update on your family. I miss Lynn too but she lives on in all of us.
Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT,
:) Heidi

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, February 23, 2007 4:00 PM CST
Just checking in on all of you that have followed my sister's incredible journey. I wonder how many cardinal's Lynn has by her side..... I miss my little sister so much, but she is doing just fine!

It is Lynn's 37th birthday on Sunday. Take a moment and think of her - and sing.

Mom and Dad are doing good. They are back in Arizona doing the things that retired people do (golf, shopping, playing pool, visiting with friends, etc.).

Love to all of you. Keep LOOKING RIGHT!

Terri Greene <teresacgreene@hotmail.com>
Kailua-Kona, HI - Friday, February 23, 2007 2:04 PM CST

Amy M. Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:52 PM CST
C Stahl ...a poster;I will keep you in my prayers
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 22, 2007 10:35 PM CST
To all those who love Lynn,

It truly is amazing how God works. I have followed Lynn's journey through cancer and her strength touched me so very deeply. I wondered all along why I was so drawn to her. I now know that God was preparing me through dear Lynn with words of encouragement for my own breast cancer diagnosis. I continue to come to this place to find peace and courage to remain strong for my husband and my three young children.

Thank you sweet Lynn for all you have done for me.

C Stahl <nyckelpiga@tx.rr.com>
Plano, TX USA - Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:40 PM CST
Thinking of the Newman clan today, and remembering Lynn.

Lynn reached out and touched me at a time when I was struggling with my own breast cancer diagnosis last summer. I even chose to see her surgeon (sweet Dr. Hampe) based solely on Lynn's recommendation, it just felt "right." I felt like with Lynn's encouragement, I had a friend on my side and now I know that I did, even though I never even met her in person.

I have another follow-up appointment with Dr. Hampe on Monday, and I know I will be thinking of Lynn every moment that I am in his office. Just thinking of it now brings tears to my eyes. But I am reminded of Lynn's courage and grace in the face of her struggles, and the way she reached out to encourage me even as she was in the midst of her own battle. I do so hope I can touch someone like that one day. Lynn will be my example to try to live that same way. I miss her thoughts and insights on this website, the cheerful yet honest way she shared the lessons she was learning while God brought her through the storms. She was certainly one in a million.

You are dearly missed, Lynn.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@tx.rr.com>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 3:08 PM CST
I saw a beautiful red cardinal this morning in the tree outside our front door. I haven't seen one in so long and as I watched him jump from limb to limb, I thought of Lynn...

I know she is in heaven celebrating in the presence of our Lord--fully healed & glorious.

But, oh, how I miss her.

Wishing peace to you, Dave, Taylor, Jacob, the Bergs, Mom & Dad Newman, Holly, & Jenny...

Love to all,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 12:02 AM CST
David, Kids, parents, in-laws, Holly, Jenny, Kathy, and all those who loved Lynn,
Just wanted you to know there isn't a day or really an hour that goes by in my life that I don't think of Lynn (except of course when I'm sleeping). I pray for all of you hoping you are doing okay. Let all of us out there lift you up in prayer as we tried to do for our Lynn.

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:42 AM CST
Lynn and her family and friends are in my prayers. God bless you all.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, February 20, 2007 7:57 AM CST
Thinking of Lynn and praying for all of you.
Kerry <kerrymccarthy@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, NC - Monday, February 19, 2007 0:38 AM CST
I sure do miss Holly's "writings". As well as wishing well for Lynn's immediate family, I hope that her dear friends are doing well. I realize your lives are forever changed and there will be sad days for a long time to come but I hope Lynn's memory allows you to enjoy the good times too
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, February 18, 2007 4:38 PM CST
Thinking of Lynn, and all who love her.

Stow, OH - Sunday, February 18, 2007 12:22 AM CST

Hey Dave,

Thank you sooo much for participating in Kailee's school project with Taylor and Jacob. We have not been to school this week, as everyone in our family has been very sick with that yucky stomach virus. I know Kailee can't wait to see what is sent back when she returns to school.Thinking of you guys all the time.......Love Always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Thursday, February 15, 2007 7:42 PM CST
Thinking of you all!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, February 15, 2007 6:55 AM CST
Praying for you today and every day.


Laurie B.
Pittsburgh, Pa USA! - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 8:38 PM CST
Our family keeps you all in our prayers during this time of healing. Lynn was in our wedding and we loved and cherised her friendship dearly. May you all rely on your faith and friends to help you through the tougher times. But always remember that Lynn will always be watching over you proudly and happy.
Brent & Peggy Schlosser <pbnjs@aol.com>
Tucson, AZ USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:43 PM CST
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY DAVE,TAYLOR,JACOB,THE NEWMAN IN LAWS AND THE BERGS! May love and peace be with you today and forever on.

With Much Love,
Jackie DelValle

Jackie Delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, February 14, 2007 6:09 PM CST
Thinking of you all as your journey-toward-healing continues. I will continue to pray for your strength, courage, and joyful moments every day.

My daughter, Ashli, is expecting her FIRST child and the due date is February 25th. I've just learned that is Lynn's birth date. What an honor it would be to have my grandson sharing that FINE birthday with Lynn. I'll let you know if he "waits" until the 25th to join our world.

And, an "FYI" ...Holly used to BABYSIT my daughter, Ashli, when we lived in Austin, TX in the late 1970's....that is our CONNECTION and we've never "lost Holly" or her wonderful family!
Terri aka Teetay

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@yahoo.com>
herndon, va usa - Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:24 PM CST
My story is the same as Tricia's.
I had just put it off out of fear. I had skipped a couple of years...but because of Lynn, got mine and it was fine.

As we celebrate Valentine's this week, I can truly say Lynn taught a class in LOVE, day by day, month by month, year by year.

Her love story touched my heart, like few have. Her courage will forever be embedded in my heart. Her friendships will always be an example to me.

Most of all her Light will Always Shine Bright!!!

She made the world a better place and isn't that all our hearts desire?

Love to you David, Taylor, Jacob and all her family and friends!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Monday, February 12, 2007 2:07 PM CST
keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Truth time-I've been putting off getting a mammogram for quite some time. No just reason to support my decision ...simply excuses when it boils down. Fear was a #1 reason. I've been a follower of Lynn's site and I finally got to the point where I believe Lynn "pushed me" to go. I felt if she could go thru everything she did with such grace,dignity and faith,that I could get a simple test. I did and the results were good. I hope her legacy is to inspire other woman to take charge of their own health and do it with class. Thank you Lynn!
- Monday, February 12, 2007 11:38 AM CST
David & kids, Holly & Jenny, Suzanne & Wayne, Dean & Gail,
Thinking of you all. Hoping and praying that you are doing better each new day. I'm doing my best to LOOK RIGHT as Lynn taught us. She was and will remain, my inspiration.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, February 11, 2007 10:17 PM CST
Just stopping by to look at the picture of Lynn's beautiful face and beautiful family.
David, I think of you all so much and pray that however you are getting through this, you are doing so with smiles as you remember and peace as you imagine her now.

(Dave posted in the guestbook below, Feb 6th, for those posting above me......I almost missed it so I wanted to point it out.)

Stow, OH - Saturday, February 10, 2007 9:32 PM CST
Dearest Dave, Taylor & Jacob & family...

You continue to amaze me by your strength and courage...thank you for continuing to share Lynn's light with us. Still praying for you all, would love to help in any way I can...God be with you forever and ever...

I meant what I said earlier, I would LOVE for Taylor to dance at my studio - pro gratis...it would be my honor.

Love & prayers to you,
Kim-Lan V. Carlson
Jer. 29:11

Kim-Lan <kim-lan@encorecentrefordance.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, February 9, 2007 7:16 PM CST


Is it not ironic that I came to the sight this morning and to see that Jill and Heidi have just posted. Ok Lynn.....you are truely our angel above. Dave, thinking of you guys lots, and hoping the new addition to the family is working out. Love and prayers, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Friday, February 9, 2007 8:40 AM CST
Just wanted to say hello to you. Your strength inspires me. I just know Lynn is so proud of you.
LOOKING RIGHT for you David, with you, and because of you and Lynn.
:) Heidi

heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, February 9, 2007 8:00 AM CST
You are AWESOME! Hang in there my friend! As we often said to Lynn....YOU CAN DO THIS! You, Dave, can do this! And you are, beautifully. Good luck with the new Nanny. Love goes to Suzanne, Wayne, Teri, Gail and Dean too.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, February 9, 2007 6:47 AM CST
How can spending quality time with your children, stopping to enjoy life together and taking time for yourselves be called a distraction?? I say, good for you and so would Lynn! We think of you everyday and continue to pray for you all. You were Lynn's rock and I so hope you have allowed those around you to be your "rock" to lean on when you need it. You are a special man and father. Take care,

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Thursday, February 8, 2007 12:29 AM CST
I love the words and will have to check out that cd. So glad to hear help has arrived and that you have some fun trips planned. Hope the kids are healthy and doing well as the kiddos in Arkansas have been dropping like flies! Lots of flu/strep/stomach bug. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, Ar - Thursday, February 8, 2007 11:52 AM CST
Dave...thanks for updating. Your plans indicate that you are trying to move forward with your lives just as Lynn would have wanted.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, February 8, 2007 0:22 AM CST
Hi Dave and Family,
I have not visited this site in a while, but was happily surprised by your updated post. Thanks for updating all of us! I am sooo happy to hear about your upcoming get-aways and your living for tomorrow. Best of everything to you and the kids. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 11:46 PM CST
It has been a long time since I have written, but I too have followed Lynn's journey on the web!! The amazing thing is that you all are followers of Jesus--you are doing exactly what Christ would do!!!! Lynn left a beautiful legacy with her friends and dear husband and children!!! Lynn is living!!!! May Jesus our Savior wrap his arms around you all and give you peace!!
Roetta Mann <roettam@hotmail.com>
Quinter, Ks - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:03 PM CST
Thanks for the update David. I love the song you typed out. I'm so happy to hear that you have fun trips planned. I am keeping you and your kiddos in my daily thoughts and prayers. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak...LOOKING RIGHT <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 2:52 PM CST
God Bless The Newman's and the new addition to the family. God will take care of the rest. Please keep us posted Dave as I know we are all going to be praying for all of you. Hey, anyone interested in sharing the pink bracelet with me? I sure would be honored to wear one. Soon we will all see the cardinals. (I know) Love to all of Lynn's friends and family.
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 10:33 AM CST
Good morning to everyone,

The words "beaches of North Carolina" have a wonderful RING to them...that "could" mean that you will be part of the Holly/family trip??? I will surely find my way to your doorstep to put my arms around all of you if that is possible! I'm "just up the road" in Virginia and I know the way WELL! We've spent many summer vacations in the Outer Banks! I'm so happy to hear the song-words, Dave, and to know that you are putting one step FORWARD everyday. I know that makes YOU proud and I am sure Lynn is smiling as she watches your journey! Thank heavens for your 'new family member'...and God bless you all!

Terri aka Teetay :)(I guess you know by now I was Holly's teacher!!)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:26 AM CST
Funny how I never listened to any of Lynn's music until she was no longer here, but I have worn a groove in her Jeremy Camp CD... So many people have wondered how we are doing and I think this song best summarizes our journey.

Walk by Faith

Will I believe you when you say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to RID my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With the one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, ya

well i will walk by faith
even when i cannot see
because this broken road
prepares your will for me

Well I'm broken- but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken- pouring Your words of grace

So, I would say that by the grace of God, family and friends and Lynn's left behind music, we are doing as best as we can... we are finding times to laugh, times to remember and times to chart forward the route of this new journey.

We have plans to cruise the western Carribean over the kids spring break, our annual trip to Cabo in late May and likely a trip to the beaches of North Carolina this summer... some might say we are living by distraction, but I choose to think we are living for tomorrow which I believe is exactly what Lynn would have wanted.

May God bless each of you,

David, Taylor, Jacob and our newest family member Gosia who arrived Saturday to help with the kids

David Newman <dlnewman@tx.rr.com>
- Tuesday, February 6, 2007 8:58 PM CST
I too,
come here daily, hoping to hear how the kids and Dave are doing, rereading Lynn's powerful words, and looking for peace.

Many times the message translation really speaks my language.

Pile your troubles on God's shoulders — he'll carry your load, he'll help you out."
Psalm 55:22
The Message

Praying that all is well and hope for tomorrow is in great supply in Frisco tonight.


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 6:45 PM CST
Can it really be over a month since Sweet Lynn "made her final steps to heaven"? I come to her site every day. Does that sound strange? Not for me.....I find great comfort reading the words of her friends who still miss her so much.

I hope these words never get trite....."Lynn has made such an impact on my life." Before I came upon Lynn's site my life was not in a bad way; quite the opposite....I was daily counting my blessings. This, I believe, is what make's Lynn's impact so profound.....even though I was happy, Lynn raised my awareness of Christ, and life, and friends, and family to an even higher level! Praise God!

Now when I think of Lynn I think of the "end goal" we all are moving toward......our sweet friend just got there a little early. And each day that passes I think of Dave and his two little Munchkins finding their "new norm".....how wonderful that they have each other and their sweet wife/mother watching over them from above.

Life is so short.....just an eye blink on this earth and then eternity with our Heavenly Father.

God bless all the Newmans and the Bergs and Lynn's legions of followers who are beyond blessed for having been a part of Lynn Newman's life.

Holly and Jen, please let us know how you are doing. We so appreciate you.`

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 6:03 PM CST
Today someone asked me what my pink bracelet was for. At first I was sad to speak in past tense terms but then it occurred to me that her legacy lives on forever. I was able to talk about "looking right" and her faith in God, her life, etc... and it just opens up so many opportunity for conversation about Christ. Wishing I could see Lynn's smile right now but trying to look right because of her. I wish I would see a cardinal too!
- Tuesday, February 6, 2007 3:38 PM CST
I want to see a Cardinal! Thanks for sharing that story. Lynn - you are missed so much. LOOKING RIGHT because of you, for you, and with you my friend. We will meet again someday. Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 1:14 PM CST
At 6:30 thirty this morning as I was lying in bed looking out my high rise window over a large group of pine trees, I heard this continued tapping at that window. At first I thought it was the sqirrels as they like to play on the ridge outside by the window and time again peek in to see who is bringing out the bread for them. As it continued, I got out of bed to throw a pillow up at the window to say "hey knock it off" It continued on but then I noticed a black pointed beak poking and poking. I stood up on my bed and sure enough it was a red cardinal. I said "oh my gosh I'm sorry you can poke and hang there as long as you would like Lynn.

Missing You So Much Lynn!
You can hang out on my sill anytime my friend.


Jackie DelValle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
Northridge, CA USA - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:54 AM CST
I hear the songs that remind me of Lynn, I wear my pink band, I see cardnials. Dave, I think of you and your family daily and pray that the pain is not a fresh as yesterday and that healing has been able to begin. You will still remain in my thoughts and prayers. Maria
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
frisco, tx usa - Monday, February 5, 2007 9:04 PM CST
Missing you Lynn.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, February 5, 2007 8:53 PM CST


You are SO missed...


Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, February 5, 2007 2:18 PM CST
Dear Family and Friends of Lynn,
I find myself thinking quite a bit of all of you with it being one month since Lynn went to be with our Father in heaven. I often feel like I want to post but never know if I should or what would I say. It doesn't feel the same. But today, I couldn't shake the feeling so here I am writing. I miss Lynn's words that I had grown to look forward to. I can feel the void. I too check this site almost daily just to have the connection with Lynn and all of you in cyberland. It has been some sort of a comfort going back and reading Lynn's past posts....yet it makes me feel sad knowing no more posts will be coming. I feel blessed to have known Lynn and all of you; even if it was only by this site. My husband would ask me why I'd read posts from people I didnt know....I'd tell him that I feel like I know you all even though we've never met. The feeling and connection is hard to put into words other than it was God's doing. Amazing how Lynn's journey has brought so many of us together from all over the country. Thank you precious God for Lynn! Dave, your letter to Lynn was so touching. I feel humbled to have had you share your feelings and thoughts for all of us to be a part of. I will forever keep you and your precious children in my thoughts and prayers. My life has been forever changed by knowing Lynn. To Lynn's girlfriends: I have been forever changed by your display of true, lovefilled friendship with Lynn. I hurt for all of you too! To Lynn's precious children: Many times, when I come to this site, I feel like writing to the two of you. Yet, I always find myself at a loss of words. I think of both of you many times a day. My heart hurts for you! Your mom loved you both so much and it showed in her posts. When I hug my children, I am reminded to not take the time I have with them for granted. Please know you are held close in prayer. My love to all of you!

Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Monday, February 5, 2007 10:20 AM CST
would love to hear how everyone is doing. HOpe the Lord is there in your time in need.
Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
phoenix, az - Sunday, February 4, 2007 5:10 PM CST
I haven't signed here for quite awhile but I come to this site everyday still. My thoughts and prayers are with the Newmans and Bergs all the time. I've read your letter, Dave, many times already and, like others, am grateful that you shared your love for Lynn with us. I pray that you and the children are doing well. I too continue to wear with pride my Looking RIGHT bracelet that Lynn's dear sister Terri gave me what seems like eons ago! Much love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, February 3, 2007 8:19 PM CST
Thinking and praying for all of you. I "miss" reading your words Lynn.

What a beautiful letter. Thank you for sharing.

- Saturday, February 3, 2007 1:38 PM CST
Hello Newman family,

I continue to come to this site for comfort and the "connection" I have to your entire family. As "strange" as this might sound, I now have a Minnesota "pen pal" who contacted me recently because of this website and my grandaughter's website. She is a friend of the Berg family in Arizona when she travels there each April. After she contacted me I wrote her back...she wrote me back...and we're finding that we have many "god winks" in common. We are now caling ourselves "pen pal friends"...and this only happened because of our CONNECTION to you and others who visit this site. Whether we call it a "god wink" or "six degrees of separaation" or a "coincidence" doesn't really matter...what matters is the CONNECTION of so many people who loved Lynn and continues to love your family. I will pray for your peace today as I do each day.

Thinking of each of you...especially ALL the Shadow Ridge folks!

My "pen pal friend" is Nancy!
Terri aka Teetay

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Saturday, February 3, 2007 7:24 AM CST
checking in to say.....i'm thinking about Lynn's family and friends
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, February 2, 2007 10:45 AM CST
Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Berg Family, Holly, & Jenny,

You are still ever present in my heart and I think you all often. Lynn's legacy stays with me and I recall her example frequently to guide me in my life. I sincerely hope that peace is in your hearts and that Christ is carrying you through as the one month anniversary passes.

With all my love,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, February 1, 2007 1:18 PM CST
Dave, that has to be the most poignant letter from a husband to a wife that I have ever had the honor of reading. The relationship you two shared is something to be sought after. I'm getting ready to go to bed as I have to rise before 5am and take my husband to work and I was reminded of something I wanted to share with you. Last Thursday morning I also took him to work early (my van was totalled and we're car shopping), I pulled up to a stop light next to a Frito Lay truck. I immediately thought of your trip with the children and said a prayer for you and your family. I had not gone two miles when I encountered yet another Frito Lay truck and was again prompted to pray for you. I don't know what kind of day you had last Thursday, but I will be praying for you tomorrow morning from 5:15-6:00 when I take him to work again. Be blessed with the sweet peace that only Jesus can give.
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:34 PM CST
Dear David,
I have read your last letter to your wife Lynn a few times but have never been able to sign the guest book entry until now. Thank you for sharing that letter to all of us out here in cyberland. It was the most beautiful letter I have ever read.
I know you and the kids will be fine. Oh, we all miss the miracle as you call Lynn but she is with us. I wear the pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet with pride and smile when I think about how that message was created by the two of you together. LOOKING RIGHT is Lynn and Dave, forever. The wisdom our good Lord gave you and Lynn during this difficult journey still amazes me.
I think about you, Lynn, the kids, and all those Texas girlfriends so much. I'm so glad you are surrounded by so much love.
LOOKING RIGHT from New Hope, MN.
:) Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 2:41 PM CST
Has anyone ever heard any of Eva Cassidy? She was a very talented musician who died in 1996 at age 33 of melonoma. She had a beautiful voice and amazing spirit. Read about her on her website:

A couple of the songs she covered that seem appropriate for Lynn ~ Fields of Gold, Time after Time, Over the Rainbow.

Fields Of Gold


Oh oh oh
You’ll remember me when the west wind moves
Among the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold

So she took her love for to gaze a while
Among the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down
Among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me will you be my love
Among the fields of barley
And you can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold

I never made promises lightly
There have been some that I’ve broken
But I swear in the days still left
We’ll walk in fields of gold
We’ll walk in fields of gold

I never made promises lightly
There have been some that I’ve broken
But I swear in the days still left
We’ll walk in fields of gold
We’ll walk in fields of gold

Oh oh oh
Many years have passed since those summer days
Among the fields of barley
See the children run as the sun goes down
As you lie in fields of gold

You’ll remember me when the west wind moves
Among the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold
Oh oh oh

Thinking of Lynn,

courtney <courtney_eveleigh@countrywide.com>
dallas, tx - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:09 AM CST
Still carrying the Newmans and all who loved Lynn in my heart and lifting you up in prayer. Blessings on your day!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:56 AM CST
My sweet Lynn...I miss you everyday my friend. Dave, Taylor and Jacob....Lynn was such an example to so many people of someone who during her trial with cancer...never bowed down to the God of self-pity, bitterness, resentment or despair. Instead, she chose to bow down to the God who would deliver her from this trial. Because of this her faith was built,refined and in the end perfected! Lynn...YOU MADE GOD FAMOUS THROUGH YOUR JOURNEY! I love you always friend...Anna
Anna <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:28 AM CST
Thinking of you Lynn and your beautiful family. I hope you are all well.

Thousand Oaks, CA - Monday, January 29, 2007 11:17 PM CST
thinking about the family and Lynn's sweet friends
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 29, 2007 10:21 PM CST
What a beautiful letter you wrote to Lynn. Oh, how she must be smiling right now. Thank you so much for sharing that specail letter with all of us. It brought tears to my eyes.
Kelli <kjk711@hotmail.com>
IN - Monday, January 29, 2007 8:47 PM CST
I heard a song today and couldn't quit thinking of Lynn's family!! I hope these words will touch your heart like they did mine. It is the song from Martina McBride:

You can spend your whole life building something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway
You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach and you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway

God is great, but sometimes life ain?t good
And when I pray it doesn?t always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway

This world?s gone crazy and it?s hard to believe that tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway
You can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons, and in a moment they can choose to walk away
Love ?em anyway

Repeat Chorus

You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in that tomorrow they?ll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway, sing it anyway

I sing, I dream, I love, anyway

Have a great day!! May God Bless you today and always!

T.Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
Phoenix, az - Monday, January 29, 2007 7:42 PM CST
I don't know who to attribute this quote to, but it sure made me think of Sweet Lynn.....

"Many can make impressions; few can leave a mark."

Lynn has certainly left her mark on so many of us, and we are all the better for having known her!

To Lynn's family.....still praying for your peace.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Monday, January 29, 2007 2:10 PM CST
Beauitful letter! Thank you so much for sharing that. God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Monday, January 29, 2007 12:46 AM CST
Thinking of you all!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, January 28, 2007 8:34 AM CST
((I hvae tears in my eyes..as I read the lastest journal entry)))
God bless you all..



maria <mamaria@charter.net>
tn - Sunday, January 28, 2007 7:33 AM CST
I haven't posted in quite a while but I still come here daily. Lynn, Dave, Taylor, Jacob, the parents, the sister, the aunts, uncles, cousins, the friends and everyone else who's life was touched by Lynn are on my mind today! Still so hard to fathom. There are no words.
Hugs to all. ~Pattie

- Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:50 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Andrea and Bill Hoffman <andreahoffy@hotmail.com>
Fredericksburg, VA USA - Saturday, January 27, 2007 2:50 PM CST
thinking of the entire family and Lynn's friends
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, January 26, 2007 9:53 AM CST
In my thoughts daily...God bless
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
frisco, tx usa - Friday, January 26, 2007 3:18 AM CST
Thank you Dave for sharing such a heartfelt letter with all of us. I will be praying for you, Taylor and Jacob.
Spring, TX - Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:56 PM CST
Dear Holly,

If possible, someday when you are up to it, could you please give us an explanation of the items on the memory table? Some of them can be seen clearly and it is obvious what they represent, but others are not as clear. I ask this only if it is something you think you might want to do.

Thank you for your beautiful updates!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:43 PM CST
The Newman family suffered a tremendous loss. Please also remember Lynn's Mother and Father in your prayers. A Mother and Father that lost their little girl. Whether you are 28 or 88, the loss of a child brings unspeakable pain.
dallas, tx USA - Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:50 PM CST
Dear Dave, Taylor, and Jacob,

What an amazing post. Thank you for sharing your heart at such a difficult time! Your wife/mother has touch my heart and made me try to be a better person! Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless you three and heal your hearts!

T. Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
Phoenix, AZ - Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:09 PM CST
Dear Dave,
Thank You so much for sharing your beautiful letter to Lynn. Your heart is so pure and so full of love. How lucky Lynn was to have you as her "rock" and her children's father. SO many of Lynn's words ring in my head through my day. I am sure that is just how God intended her messages to be-everlasting!! The lives she changed with her grace and courage, well this guestbook is a huge testimony to that. I have a beautiful email that she personally sent me, that I would like to mail to you if that is okay. I think it is something that you and someday your children would want to read-filled with such love and purpose for her journey. I am still amazed that a complete stranger could have such impact on my daily life, and that I would grow to love and admire her so much, yet we never met. Thank You Dave for sharing your loving words with us.

Dear Holly,
Thank You for keeping is posted on how everyone is doing via the guestbook. I pray for you and Jenny and for your precious hearts to heal and grieve in the best way you can. I hope you are both taking some "me" time now and resting. I will keep praying for you both.

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, January 24, 2007 9:27 AM CST
What an amazing honor to share in Dave's heart and thoughts...praying for you & the family. Loving and missing Lynn still...Forever touched, Kim-Lan
Kim-Lan Carlson <kimlanc@remax.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:35 PM CST
"There are no words"
Thank you Dave
Love you all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:51 PM CST
Your heartfelt and beautiful letter is so very moving. I thank God you and Lynn shared a love so rich. What a gift! Thank you for sharing your heart, and for always sharing Taylor and Jacob with us at school. They are a joy to us all! We love you guys!

Nurse Lisa :-) <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
- Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:46 PM CST

Thank you for sharing your heart. It was an honor to meet you at Lynn's memorial service. Lynns life, her love, her faith, changed me forever. Strange to say that about someone I never personally met. Not a day has gone by, for the past 2 years that I have not thought about and prayed for your family. Thank you for sharing the last letter. Lynn will always be with us thru her words. In the past few weeks, I have reread her entire journal. Again, I was blessed beyond words!

I pray that in the coming days, your home will be filled with peace, with laughter, with little moments everyday, that SCREAM Lynn. I pray that on the really sad and dark days, there will always be someone there to hug and encourage you.


Teresa (the card lady) <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 0:38 AM CST
Dear Dave - Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your amazing relationship with Lynn and with your children. During the time that I have checked in on and prayed for Lynn, I have been blessed tremendously. I came to this site to offer my support, and each time went away feeling inspired and wanting to do more for others.

Dave, Taylor and Jacob - Your wife/mom was amazing and unforgettable! Although I never met her, she made an indelible mark on my life. I will always remember the positive encouragement she offered to others. She defied all the negatives of cancer and moved forward in hopes of always blessing others. Lynn was loved by you and she was loved by so many others. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of her life!

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Tuesday, January 23, 2007 0:07 AM CST
Dearest Dave,
Thank you for sharing your letter to "The Wife" ..... Just beautiful and so good to hear from you!:) My prayers will never end for you and the kids and the family. I hope to talk with you soon. I know for all the loved ones out there, it felt good..... soooooo good to here from you.

Much Love,
God Bless all of you

Love, Jackie

Jackie DelValle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
Northridge, CA USA - Monday, January 22, 2007 11:32 PM CST

To Love and To Be Loved.... both are great... and I think you expressed both in your sweet letter.... you are right... Lynn LIVES through your children.... and what a gift you all have been given to be have called her wife and mother.... I am glad you had a chance to be silly with the kids... and have fun candid talks..... while in Florida.... I hope as you settle into your new routines... that sun shine finds your face... and peace warms your heart... thinking of your family.... from down here in Houston....

In Deepest Sympathy,
Look Right
Nancy, Tanner, and Logan Jacobson

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, tx - Monday, January 22, 2007 8:31 PM CST
WOW. Dave your letter was perfect. No doubt Lynn has read every word and smiled. Your friends in cyberspace are still praying for you and the kids, I pray everyday for your strength and peace, you are not alone in your grief. God Bless you all.
Nova Scotia Canada - Monday, January 22, 2007 5:04 PM CST

Dear Dave,

As Lynn would have said "THERE ARE NO WORDS" What a beautiful letter you wrote to Lynn. I know she is looking down and smiling sooooo big! So happy to hear you guys are home safe and sound, surrounded by love and support. Dave, I am putting together a little memory scrapebook for you and the kids. pictures from both of my baby showers, weddings and other beautiful pictures of our Lynn. Hope to talk with you soon. Love and praying always for your family, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Monday, January 22, 2007 12:13 AM CST
Holly, could you share a little about Lynn's background with us. Where she grew up,how and where she met the love of her life and if she always had such great strength and faith I was also curious to know if Lynn's first indication of something was wrong was when she was sent for a routine mamogram and how old was she when she was first diagnoised. She has made me look at life in a different way. God bless her family and friends.
ft.worth, tx usa - Monday, January 22, 2007 11:35 AM CST
Dear Dave,
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful letter, and your amazing heart. Know wonder you and Lynn found each other! Welcome home to your wonderful, supporting and loving neighborhood. I wish for only the best for you and the kids. You will always be in my prayers, and I pray that God blesses your new life abundantly. Love, Christine

P.S. Thank you Holly and Jenny for posting the pictures from the service. They are beautiful and a great reflection of Lynn- she would have loved the table arrangements!

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, Co - Monday, January 22, 2007 10:27 AM CST
Welcome Home,
So glad this can be a safe place filled with love for you and the kids. I know our kids have enjoyed Taylor and Jacob being back at school. The love and wishes will not stop coming to Shadow Ridge they continue for you, Taylor and Jacob always. Lynn will always have a presence in our lives and in our hearts. I wish for you Peace, love and happiness always. Thank you for sharing your heart and love for Lynn.

Sharmaine Snyder

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, January 22, 2007 9:18 AM CST
What a beautiful letter......
Severn, MD - Monday, January 22, 2007 9:02 AM CST

(A Red Cardinal by Matt Mitchell... )

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:32 PM CST

Thank you so much for sharing your personal letter to Lynn with all of us. Your relationship is such a testimony to what marriage and family should be like...genuine care, respect, devotion, deep love, and above all else, a marital relationship that is centered around Christ our Lord. I have no doubt that Lynn is beaming from above, so proud of you and your beautiful kiddos.

The sadness that we all feel is nothing in comparison to what you and your children are feeling and we want you to know that you all are being lifted up to our Father in prayer. Just as we stormed heaven for Lynn, we are all doing that for you so that Christ can carry you, Taylor, & Jacob through this time with His loving grace.

From our hearts,
The Jordan's


Holly & Jenny,

You girls continue to be a testament of loyalty and friendship and you, too, are being lifted in prayer. Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts with all of us. I hope that it brings you comfort to get your words out and please know that we all need to hear them so. You two are so very special and are so appreciated--never forget that.

You are all living proof that Love lives on...and Lynn's legacy will NEVER be forgotten.

With all my heart,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:22 PM CST
Years ago I attended a seminar on marriage & family. There were many speakers and everyone had much to say. One older man took the podium and said this to the men, "Men, listen up. There is no greater gift you can give your children than to love, honor and show unfailing respect for their Mother". That is all he said. He stood there and pointed to the men, front center, to the back and to the sides. Then he left the platform and walked back to his chair. From a six hour seminar that is the one statement that has never left me.
Dave - you have in every way shown that love, honor and unfailing respect for Lynn. That devotion will surpass any other provision you will give your children. Count on it. They will remember. God bless you today and always.

Grandma Jeanne <oldgreen.eyes@verizon.net>
Dallas, TX - Sunday, January 21, 2007 9:34 PM CST
Not only was Lynn the Miracle... You are too.

Thanks for sharing that... thanks for sharing Lynn with the world too. I never knew her except thru the words on Caringbridge... but I feel blessed to have read about Your Miracle. Thanks.

Jan R. <anjrosen@yahoo.com>
Oak Park, CA USA - Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:58 PM CST
Thank you for sharing your letter to Lynn....it was beautiful! Please know you are never far from our thoughts and constantly in our prayers. Thank you to the technical person who posted the pictures from her service...they were lovely. Good night, sweet angel, Lynn.

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, Ar - Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:56 PM CST
Dear Dave, Thank you for sharing your last letter to your beautiful wife with us. Lynn is still with us all, in your hearts, in our hearts, and in her written words on this site. I hope you never close it down. Her memory will live forever in our hearts as well as yours and the children's. I hope when you close your eyes, that you can feel her presence still with you. When you see a cardinal I hope it gives you such joy. May you feel comforted in knowing where your beautiful wife is. In Heaven with our Father, no more pain just total joy and happiness, a place where you will join her one day. I admire your strength and devotion to a wonderful woman that changed the lives of more people than you will ever know. You may want to get a journal and write to her when you feel the need. Your last letter doesn't have to be the very last one. Only the last one made public.

With love and prayers,

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Debbie Campbell from the Bridge of Dreams <debbie@bridgeofdreams.org>
VA USA - Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:08 PM CST
Thank you, Dave. We all know what an amazing woman you were lucky enough to call wife! And if we didn't already know it, we know how lucky she also has been to call you her husband!
Thank you for sharing her, and your heart now. It's one more thing we cyber worshippers can be relieved about--that although her time here was cut short by a horrible disease, that she had SUCH a great life, and that is very much due to you and those precious children you both created.
So thank YOU for being Lynn's wonderful husband.
She lives on in the hearts of SO many!

Stow, OH - Sunday, January 21, 2007 7:22 PM CST
No, you don't know me or my family. But it is incredible the type of impact your wife and family, in general, had on me. I followed Lynn's journey daily and sobbed as she carried on despite the pain. I weeped upon her entrance into heaven. Mostly for those left behind as I am positive that Lynn is basking in God's grace and is truly with you each moment in some form. I often wondered how you were handling this, Dave. How a man could carry on after such a loss and with 2 incredible children to answer to. She always 'spoke' of you on this site with such love and honor. Not that I doubted her words, but now I see why. So, thank you Dave for sharing with us these words from your heart. Thank you for sharing your wife, your family, and your loss. You have indeed touched people just as Lynn has. I will continue to check daily and will continue to think of Lynn throughout the day, as I often do...when I see a Louis Vuitton purse, a perfect sunset, white fluffy clouds, and especially cardinals.
Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Sunday, January 21, 2007 3:57 PM CST
Thank you, Dave, for sharing your heart. Thank you for the strength, bravery, humor, and faith that you model for your children. I hope one day to meet each of you and put giant-hugs around your necks. You will continue to be in my prayers as you grieve, remember, and find your "new normal" ....that is a phrase I use quite frequently, as it does seem to "fit" the changes that one must adapt to in any situation. I know that Lynn rests quietly on your shoulders, in your heads, and always in your heart guiding by her amazing example of mother-love, wife-love, friend-love, and Christian LOVE!!! Wrap your arms around one another and God bless you all. Thank you for sharing your MIRACLE with me.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Sunday, January 21, 2007 2:54 PM CST
Wow, Dave, you really have a way with words. Thanks for the update. You all have been on my mind today. I continue to pray for your family. And think of Lynn often.
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, January 21, 2007 2:33 PM CST
My heart is so heavy today, so full of sadness, coming here once again to the stark realization that Lynn has indeed left this earth and flown to her Heavenly home. And yet at the same time my heart is strangely just as full -to the point of overflowing!- of the wonder of Christ, of the love of God and His people, of the encouragement I continue to receive from just visiting this site. How awesome and amazing that a woman I never even met, her sweet husband and family, and an army of believers who loved her and gathered around her to help her in the battle, could touch my heart so. Thank you, Dave, for sharing your faith with us. Please know that you and those beautiful children are being lifted in prayer daily as you find that "new normal". Thank you, Holly and Jenny, for your sweet and sometimes funny reflections of your friend and of a type of friendship that we each long to have. Bless all of you, may God cradle you and allow you to see glimpses of Lynn and her legacy at every turn, in every smile, and every sunrise and sunset. You are all so very loved.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:32 AM CST
such a beautiful letter........
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:23 AM CST
Newman Family-
You will have no idea by sharing your lives, your AMAZING FAITH, and a true testament to marriage and FAMILY how you have helped so many people get through their day. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for letting us be there for you and in oh so many BEAUTIFUL WAYS you were there for us.

All in love & praise of Lynn's life and legacy.

Jennifer Havens Heston <jhavens-heston@comcast.net>
Grapevine, TX - Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:08 AM CST
Thank you Dave and Holly. Please know how very much your posts and your sharing mean to Lynn's legion of followers.

As you said, we are not ready to see this site come to an end very soon. We are still comforted and inspired by Lynn's site and we so appreciate your keepping it going and continuing to share with us.

God bless you.

lorraine <lmvtiris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:48 AM CST
Dave, thank you for sharing the letter. May you and Taylor and Jacob continue to find peace and happiness with each other as you learn a new life.
Rossville, KS - Sunday, January 21, 2007 7:59 AM CST
I typed the post below last night before receiving Dave's letter this morning....

Dearest Friends,

Once again I find myself longing to talk to all of you, to respond to each of your sentiments, thoughts, memories, emails, etc. Alas…it is way too hard to keep up but today…on this wet, dreary, COLD day in Frisco I have found a few moments to update you on a few things.

Like many of you, I have returned to the previous posts and read some of Lynn’s own words recently…sometimes I find great comfort, sometimes I find great pain in my own loss. I see phrases and can hear them come out of her mouth like she was sitting next to me….such as “please pray”, or “with that said”….I am sure each of you have similar memories….I miss her words, I miss her strength, I miss her upbeat personality and view on life, I miss her encouragement, I miss being her friend on earth!

The grief is still not bearable at times….and I think the best description is “waves”…there will be waves of pain, waves of sorrow, waves of “this is not fair”, waves of joy that blessings still abound amongst the yuck, waves of seeing Lynn in Jacob and Taylor, waves of pride that Dave, Taylor and Jacob are finding a new norm…sometimes difficult, sometimes naturally.

Frisco, as much of the rest of the country has experienced some interesting weather patterns this past week. We were blessed with one of those special “free” days on Wednesday when the roads were too icy and the schools closed. I don’t know who was happier…me or the kids…..okay…realistically it was the kids but I loved the whole day - the hunkering down and being with friends, hearing the kids glee in finding out school was really closed, watching them slide around in the ice and wondering how long they could stay outside in the cold (oh to be young again!) and having warm cozy lunches, hot chocolate, hot cider, making forts, playing dolls and video games, watching movies, popcorn, etc.. Kathy Shearer and I took turns having the kids (10 of them) shuffle from house to house. They all had a BALL and I think Kathy and I were both amazed at the amount of groceries all those little people could blow through AND the piles and piles of jackets, scarves, mittens, shoes, socks, etc. they could whip on and off numerous times through the day! HA! Thank you God for great memories on such an unexpected day!

While we mentioned this site will close – sometime - we don’t think it is going anywhere right away…we are not ready, as some of you have expressed you are not ready either. Although Jenny and I were the ones who had the lead of typing Lynn’s words for her and as such so many of you have come to know Jenny and I…but Lynn had so many other wonderful, close friends….we know you are all hurting just as much as we are. While it is difficult to keep up this site because we are no longer speaking directly for Lynn, this is a wonderful venue for all of us to come together to comfort our sorrows, to support one another, to encourage Dave and the kids and to help Lynn’s legacy live forever. On a side note, yes, the legacy of this site IS being preserved…for her children and husband. One day maybe we will see Lynn’s journey in a book and her legacy will continue to change lives………how awesome is that?

One special person spoke at Lynn’s Memorial Service…this was Dave’s dear friend Andrew McMullen. His words were eloquent and wonderful, listed below is the eulogy he spoke.


Today we find ourselves caught in the middle, you and I - caught in between the sorrow we feel and the hope of our faith. It is a difficult place to be, perhaps the most difficult, because as Christians we gather to celebrate the life of Lynn, but our pain and sorrow seem to get in the way, challenging us with a thousand different questions and no clear answers.

After all, it just does not seem right. It’s not supposed to work out this way. A young and energetic woman, in the prime of her life with so much to look forward to, becomes ill with a devastating disease. A woman of so much inner strength and faith endures countless treatments which cause her to suffer greatly, and always there is the hope for a cure, for remission, for simple breathing space, only to have it seemingly taken away. Parents bury a daughter; a husband buries a young wife; two young children bury their mother. No, it’s not supposed to work out this way at all. There is darkness here, there is no escaping it. We hurt, so much and in so many ways that words are not enough to describe it. And our grief paves the way for the questions, the search for meaning as our minds play a game of tug-of-war with our hearts in an effort to make sense of Lynn’s death. And we are caught in the middle, struggling to understand where God is in all of this.

In the end, after all the soul searching and wrestling with our hearts and minds, we are left with the reality that a simple answer will not be found to provide a light in this darkness. The light we seek is love, nothing more, and nothing less. As Christians, we proclaim that we were created out of love, to love and be loved during our time on earth, and that Jesus Christ perfectly showed the path of love by stretching out his arms upon the cross, to show us and all creation that love is the most powerful force on earth. Three days later, Christ rose from the dead so that God might proclaim that love never dies, and that He will be with us always. Lynn was a woman of tremendous faith. She placed herself, each day, in the arms of her Lord, come what may. Lynn was perhaps the most kind and caring person I have ever had the privilege to meet - she walked the path of salvation as she loved others every day of her life. She was a loving daughter, a devoted and wonderful wife, a caring and kind mother, a loyal friend - so much to so many that it is quite easy to be overwhelmed by her death, to stay in the dark of our grief.

But we will not remain in the dark. The light of Christ and Lynn’s life will not allow us. Where is God in all this? Look around. Look who is seated beside you and all the people that have come here to celebrate Lynn’s life. Look at the caring parents, the devoted husband, the wonderful children, the incredible acts of kindness given to Lynn as she struggled with her illness. Listen to the stories of her life and all the people she touched. Look at the outpouring of emotion here this morning for Lynn - this is what love looks like. And where there is love, God is present, to hold us, to comfort us, to give us peace that we are never alone and always loved. Dave, Taylor, Jacob - Lynn reflected the love of God by loving you dearly everyday of her life, and she continues to love you, because love never, ever dies. Each of you will go forward in your life from this moment, as we all will, but you will never be without the gift of love freely and abundantly given by your wife and mother.

So, today we come upon the empty tomb, but she is not gone or lost. Today is Easter day for Lynn, where she rests with the One who created her, a perfect union of love. Amen.

~Thank you Andrew…for your amazing words, insight and love! We appreciate you. ~


Jenny and I steal time together when we can to heal. We have been trying to think of ways to thank all of you who have helped the Newmans, the Bergs, the friends, us, etc. We are still learning from Lynn…to just be still, to be present, to relish our families and our friends and to just “be”. Lynn, we are working on it sweet friend….we are working on it….we feel your presence each and every day….and miss you sorely!.

The new pictures are up! We are trying to get the beautiful slide show from Lynn’s service loaded on the site. This is something way beyond our expertise so we are enlisting the help of others….please stay tuned!

Thank you AGAIN…it doesn’t seem adequate enough, ‘there are no words’ seems appropriate at times but each of you is a gift and a blessing for which we are eternally grateful. We love each of you dearly and pray for you…..to be comforted and blessed by all that comes your way.

Please continue praying for God’s grace, peace and healing. Too, please pray we never miss the opportunity to see and be thankful for all of God’s blessings…they are bountiful, they are everywhere!

Much love to each of you,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@tx.rr.com>
- Sunday, January 21, 2007 7:47 AM CST
Thank you all! Thank you Dean. Thank you Holly, for the pictures! I needed to see them again. That day, January 3rd, was so very hard and we fought to keep it together. We tried to hold it in. Thank you for the chance to see those beautiful flowers again....and the table of Lynn's things....oohhhh. I miss our friend.

A little story that might make you laugh....Heidi and I are planners. We flew in the night before the service and rented a car. On Wednesday we had map quest directions. We were ready early and left the hotel early so we would be sure to arrive on time. With extra time for anything that might happen along the way... well we got messed up, called Holly's husband to get us to the service on time....UGH! THEN getting back to the airport...should have been simple...but we got on the wrong road so many times I cannot even tell you!!! We kept wondering if we were carzy or if Dallas had really awful road signs! We did finally make it! We sat down to have lunch at the airport. In a daze I went to the restroom....I walked ALL THE WAY INTO THE MEN'S ROOM! And even as I looked right at a man walking out my thought was that HE was in the wrong room! It wasn't until he said...."hey lady you are in the wrong room" that it registered! I think it is safe to say that it was a really hard day and it probably wasn't the road signs in Dallas!
I hope Lynn had a good laugh over that one!

Good Friends. Good times. Good memories!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:11 PM CST
I also come back to this site, thinking the news will have changed? I know that is not possible. I have to say the flowers and the girlfriends table were just perfect. I am sure Lynn would have loved to have been in on that! I also wanted to add, that I can tell that what she loved most was all of you! what a wonderful family - of relatives and friends, that Lynn had! I still think of you all, and am sending my most postive thoughts your way, every day. Looking right!!!
Phoenix, az - Saturday, January 20, 2007 8:46 PM CST
I have never posted and I needed to, to tell you Holly and Jenn how BEAUTIFUL everything you have done is. Gorgeous flowers for such a gorgeous Lynn. David, Taylor and Jacob I pray that He gives you strength today, tomorrow and for the rest of your journey's here.
- Saturday, January 20, 2007 7:19 PM CST

Another post is coming...and the site isn't vanishing right away....it is a healing spot for so many of us...those that knew and loved Lynn and those that loved her because they came to know her from this site.

YES! The words and love from this site are being perserved! YEA!

I do not know how to begin to thank all of you...words just don't seem enough.

Too, I have some pictures of special flowers...hopefully I can get it all up and loaded by tomorrow evening.

Blessings to each of you and an abundance of heartfelt love,

Missing our sweet friend,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@tx.rr.com>
- Saturday, January 20, 2007 5:01 PM CST
As I sit here with a very full heart and tears running down my cheeks, I think of the loving woman named Lynn who I have never met, but I hold her close in my heart as though she is "one of my own daughters/sisters/friends"....I FEEL the love that has connected us all to Lynn, her sweet family, her dear friends, Holly and Jenn, specifically....and the entire Newman family. I will miss connecting with you whenever this site is closed. I hope that Holly and Jenn have been able to savor these words for Taylor and Jacob and the family. My grandaughter has a Caring Bridge website and she is only TWO years old, but after only ONE year a friend had saved/printed/and placed in a scrapbook each guestbook entry, each journal entry, and every picture. ONE year's worth filled 8 albums! I know it is a daunting task to KEEP these words, but the words are so powerful and the image of Lynn's smiling face rests in each one.

Dave, Taylor, and Jacob and family - please know that I will continue to pray for your peace and contentment as well as HOPE for brighter future days. YOUR LYNN impacted so many. God bless you all.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Saturday, January 20, 2007 8:55 AM CST
Denial, not thinking..... It never occurred to me this site would eventually be closed. PLEASE some one archive this for those beutiful children . As time passes and the pain eases- If they ever wonder, question or are curious how their sweet mom felt about them and life in general- this will be a precious rememberance of her and those that loved her as much as she loved her family!! Save this for them so her kind words and generosity are never forgotten!!
Plano , Tx - Friday, January 19, 2007 11:47 PM CST
I just want to let all Lynn's family know that I am thinking of them all during this time.The memorial service was beautiful. I hope the family and her close friends felt the love that I put into the poems that I wrote for each one. Take care and God Bless you all during this hard and trying time. Keep your chin up always. My heart goes out to all of you.
Donna Nickerson <donnabaabs@hotmail.com>
Dallas, TX usa - Friday, January 19, 2007 10:42 PM CST
Thank you so much for your beautiful words, it's very special that Lynn has touched and amazed so much of us with her life. I hope Dave, Taylor and Jacob are doing ok, it has to be such an adjustment to not have there loving, caring and sweet wife/mom physically around. Knowing she's with our Lord has to help. Lynn I miss you and if I could ask a favor of you please look over my grandmother. As I thought this couldn't get any closer to home, please say a special prayer for my Grandmother who's going in for a double radical mastectomy on February 15th. She's 83 and has opted for the surgery vs. chemo and/or radiation. She's an amazing women and young at heart and is taking this in great stride and is very calm about the entire circumstance. I will miss coming to this site very much, it's been a big part of so many our our lives for so long and it's our only way for now to feel as though we're still conected to Lynn, even though it's not. She's in our hearts for ever. Thank you for letting me ramble on but it's a place that's comforting.
Love to you all!

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Friday, January 19, 2007 10:19 PM CST
Dean (or Dad Newman to Lynn),
Thanks for the message as I think we are all looking to stay connected to Lynn. Reading your words was heart warming. I am anxious knowing this site will be closed in the near future. I have logged on to Lynn's site so often for so long now. I'm preparing myself that when that moment comes when all of us can't be connected via the site, I might crumble as the reality of Lynn's death sets in.

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, January 19, 2007 6:40 PM CST
Thank you Dean for your lovely post! I was at Lynn's service and I know she was smiling from heaven as she listened to your beautiful tribute to her! God bless you both.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, January 19, 2007 5:50 PM CST
Missing you like CRAZY my sweet friend.
JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Friday, January 19, 2007 5:22 PM CST
Just stopped in again, and wanted to let all the family and friends know. What a sweet post from Dean below. I can only imagine how important Lynn has always been to her family.

Always thinking of you all.

Stow, OH - Friday, January 19, 2007 2:41 PM CST
We miss you Lynn and your quick smile and those bright loving eyes-your willingness to listen,encourage and lend a helping hand. And most of all, your steadfast faith you are walking hand-in-hand with your LORD. It is most comforting to hear that the lights of faith Lynn encouraged in others are still burning brightly. Thanks to all of those who prayed for her,encouraged her,helped with meals,arranged carpools,scheduled playdates for Taylor and Jacob,and to all who provided so much other help and comfort to Lynn and to us. God loves you all and so do we. Mom and Dad Newman
Dean Newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, January 19, 2007 10:34 AM CST
I wanted to share 2 emails that Lynn shared with me. Lynn touched my heart in a deep way. I lost my mother in love to cancer almost 4 years ago. Lynn reminded me so much of her and her faith and determination to fight. I shared with Lynn that I have Fibromyalgia and somewhat understand about the constant pain she was in. We talked about committing to pray for each other. Could you provide me with an email address to forward these to? I am so sorry for the loss of Lynn and am in awe of how many lives she touched that will never been known. She has planted seeds in lives that God will grow. Thank you for letting me be a part of this journey. I will continue to keep you all in prayers. In His Grip and by his saving grace. Jenn Smith
Jenn Smith <jls4him@verizon.net>
Wylie, TX - Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:33 PM CST
I come here today to say that Lynn has impacted my life in many ways. However here is one example that happened to me just today. Since Lynn's passing I have made a pledge to myself to be a better friend, wife, mother. Lynn's journey was not in vain. So, today a friend called me in need of my help. I was home, not doing much (had not showered) and admittedly I did not want to leave the comforts of my home (or my jammies) but this friend needed me. I ran over, watched her girls for her while she attended an appt.

Later in the day I was running an errand and thinking how good it felt to help out said friend. Right at the very thought (and the thought of Lynn and her undying faithfulness to her friends) Live Like You Were Dying came on the radio. I was reduced to tears and sang it as loud as I could with a cracking voice. It made me smile and even though I never met Lynn in real life, she spoke to me.

What an angel she was and continues to be.

TX - Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:04 PM CST
we were all touched by an angel.......................named Lynn
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:51 PM CST
Touched by Lynn & forever changed! Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT. I love you Lynn & miss you!

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 7:03 PM CST
There will never be a day that I will not miss Lynn.

Her words and her life forever changed me!

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:57 PM CST
Thinkibg of you all!
Va - Wednesday, January 17, 2007 4:03 PM CST

Those that have passed are never farther away than the distance to our hearts.

Love to all,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, January 16, 2007 1:27 PM CST
Thank you all so much for your words. I too am drawn to the sight. Most times I just don't know what to say. As Lynn said so often....there are no words. I am thankful for all of you.
Fight sisters Fight! Lynn lives on in all she loved.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, Co - Monday, January 15, 2007 9:36 PM CST
Collen,thank you so much for updating on Lynn's parents. They have been in my thoughts and prayers
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 15, 2007 5:42 PM CST
Holly and Jenny ~ thank you so much for keeping this site open for all of us to come and find peace, solace, comfort, and feel close to Lynn. I think of her and Dave and everyone constantly. The other day I was driving to work and it was a beautiful morning, blue skies, wispy clouds, sun shining on them and I touched my Looking Right bracelet and prayed to Lynn. At that moment, I turned my radio to the Christian station because I felt drawn to it. They played I can Only Imagine and Wish You Were Here back to back (these were the first and last songs at Lynn's Memorial Service). I was blown away and so thankful for the "god-wink" that Lynn is still a part of my heart and soul and always will be. I am finally able to talk about her and say her name without crying, and am trying to live my life by the life lessons I learned from Lynn. My heart still aches for Dave, Taylor, Jacob and all of her family and friends. But I for one know that I have blessed to have had her in my life. The roller coaster of emotions is SO hard but hang on to Lynn's memory and your faith -- it is what Lynn would have done! I miss her...

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, January 15, 2007 12:12 AM CST
Oh, another Lynn moment as I continue to re-read her beautiful journal entries.......

Isn’t my Holly amazing. She tirelessly asks what she can do to help not even realizing that her prayers, support, and unconditional love provides more spiritual uplifting than she realizes. While her posts are amazing, I believe the greatest gift she gives us all is the gift of hope through her words, but more importantly through her photographs. She has such a gift for capturing each precious moment. Moments that most would miss…My Red Cardinal…”A New Song for a New Day” I can see that picture and caption on the cover of a book one day…my book…my story. Can you see it?….I can!

Holly, Lynn was so appreciative of everything you did for her....never ever forget that.....and I guess your Cardinal picture will have to be the cover of the Lynn book!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
planot, tx usa - Sunday, January 14, 2007 5:26 PM CST
I love reading the words of Max Lucado, who is a pastor and author. Max has an ability to bring the heart of God into terms that the common person can grasp and understand. I found the following passage in Max's book "Traveling Light" shortly after my mother passed away in May of this past year. It touched my heart so deeply, I felt as if God Himself was speaking directly to me through these words. In fact, I printed these very words out and taped them to my bathroom mirror, where they brought me great comfort many times throughout those first difficult weeks after losing Mom.

I have thought of these words so often since Lynn took her flight to Heaven, reminding myself that she is now worshiping the King face to face! What better place to be?!?

From "Traveling Light" by Max Lucado ...

"In God's plan every life is long enough and every death is timely. And although you and I might wish for a longer life, God knows better.

And - this is very important - though you and I may wish for a longer life for our loved ones, they don't. Ironically, the first to accept God's decision of death is the one who dies.

While we are shaking heads in disbelief, they are lifting hands to worship. While we are mourning at a grave, they are marveling at heaven. While we are questioning God, they are praising God!"

Indeed - what better place to be. I look forward to the day when I can take my place and worship His Majesty along with Lynn, my mom and dad, and all of my loved ones who are now in His kingdom. Until then, I will remind myself that God has a purpose for me here on earth, and I want to carry it out to the best of my ability, and to be welcomed into heaven like our dear Lynn, with the greeting of "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, January 14, 2007 5:08 PM CST
Holly and Jenny,
Thanks for the update. Dave & kids have been in my thoughts so much lately. Thanks also for keeping the web site going for now. We all know it isn't too long before we have to part but until then, I'm hanging onto Lynn through you two.
I had a LYNN moment yesterday that I want to share because Lynn has touched me inside where it matters. Saturday my husband and I were running around our house preparing for my son's 7th birthday party. This is the first time we have hosted a b-day party as usually we go for the Chuck E Cheese route. I was stressed because I was realizing I might not have time to exercise. My husband kicked it into gear which allowed me to sneak away for a quick 30 minute walk/run in the bitter MN cold. As I was walking I was focusing on myself and how upset I was because of how hard it was to get away to exercise (we have three younger children). Then, I saw a man ride by on a bicycle. At first I didn't think much but then it hit me. "Why is a man riding a bike in this freezing weather!?" It was then that Lynn was with me. Instantly my focus shifted from thinking about myself & my stress to LOOK RIGHT HEIDI, think what the man on the bicycle means. The man on the bicycle reminded me to think about serving God and jump started my memory to lend my car to a friend in need. So, I did just that upon my return from my walk. I'm so grateful for Lynn and how she showed me how to live, not so much in the good times but mostly, in the rough times. She was amazing and I miss her.
Love to all Lynn's friends & family.

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, January 14, 2007 4:44 PM CST
I also believe that death does not end the life of a person who inspired so many people as dear Lynn has. She lives in the memories that those who are left behind hold onto. She will continue to live in generations to come as those moms who were her friends share their memories of their dear friend with their children.

It would be truly wonderful to have a book of dear Lynn's journals, along with Holly's and Jenny's and the marvelous scriptures that were shared, so that when this site is closed, we would have the writings to keep and read and to pass on to others - keeping Lynn's memory alive forever, while inspiring countless others with her amazing faith and ability to inspire. With much love to all and faith in Him always, Barbara

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, January 14, 2007 3:36 AM CST
I am re-reading Lynn's journal for the inspiration of her beautiful words. I just finished her Christmas message from 2005 and am amazed at how prophetic and comforting her words are.......

How many times have you looked back on your life and realized that one small decision impacted your life dramatically. Were you disappointed that you didn’t get into a certain college only to find the love of your life at your 2nd choice. Were you annoyed that you were overlooked for a promotion only to find that you were offered a job elsewhere that was a much better fit? Have you ever wondered how it could be that a close friend or family member got sick or possibly died and as hurtful as that situation was it affected the rest of your life? That one persons absence forced you to become stronger, and quite possibly shaped who you are today. Isn't it amazing that one thing, or one decision affected who you would later meet in life and allowed you to have the loving relationships you have today? Did it allowed you to meet your spouse, find your best friend, or read a journal entry that would forever change your perspective on life. These things don’t happen by chance, they are all apart of Gods plan. He gives us free will, and sometimes we choose poorly. Often times it can lead to hardship. However, when we are in his word and are patient and listen he will guide us. He will show you miracles that you couldn’t possibly understand otherwise…he’ll show you peace, love and harmony…if only you’ll listen.

Thank you Lynn for speaking to us from your heart!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, January 13, 2007 11:36 PM CST
would it be possible to share the video or slide show from the memorial service. I was not able to attend. I have forever been changed by Lynn. god bless
ft. worth, tx usa - Saturday, January 13, 2007 7:52 PM CST
Hi everyone;
Thought I'd let you know Wayne and Suzanne are doing well. Their friends are here for them, in Mesa, and doing lots of things with them. They have family close by also. We're keeping Sue busy with shopping trips, and also long talks (and some tears) at Taco Bell. They have gotten to know us well there.
They miss their Lynn, but know she is no longer in pain.
Thank you, Holly and Jenny, for all you have done during the last 4 years. Keeping everyone up to date. We will miss hearing from you.
Sue has been my best friend for 23 yrs now, and we knew Lynn well. We will miss her forever also, but will always be in our hearts.
Thank you; Coleen Schepp

Coleen Schepp <vc_schepp@yahoo.com>
Mesa, AZ MARICOPA - Saturday, January 13, 2007 1:57 PM CST
Dear everyone...and esp. Holly and Jenny...

Thank YOU so much for continuing to "let us in" and to "know" how Dave and the children are coping. I am so glad they are having some "new fun" in Florida and I know you will all be waiting with OPEN ARMS when they return to Frisco! Holly, I hope you have "zipped" this enormous guestbook for "future referencing" and "a chronology for the children" to have FOREVER. I recall that you had written Dani Van Natta to figure out how to "do it"....please let me know if I can be of any help PUTTING it together...I will do anything that I can.

Thinking of all of you in Frisco and around this country who are still loving Lynn Newman. Yes, I concur with almost every person who says "I come to this website for solace and understanding..." I, too, am drawn to the words and messages and scripture which lifts me up. I am continuing to think and pray for each of you as you grieve and cope with your loss.

May God continue to hold you close.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Saturday, January 13, 2007 12:26 AM CST
Thank you for your heartfelt post. I don't know if anyone pays attention to the "counter" on this website. At last viewing it was at 497,871. That's over 500 hits a day. It is a reminder of how many people care and love this special person. I've posted before, but have never met Lynne. As I was reading your post, a special God wink happend for me. A good friend of mine, who also has a caringbridge site, passed away from cancer on Oct. 3. His wife posted both the exact scripture, and message that you posted at the end of your post. I felt it was my friend speaking to me through you. Thank you. I hope your grief is lifted and your memories of Lynne are stored deeply in your heart.
Melissa Jolly <mnmjolly04@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, January 13, 2007 9:50 AM CST
Holly and Jenn,

May I request if possible to post any pictures of Lynn before closing the site down? It would mean the world. I realize it may be hard for you all to do, but it would mean so much to alot of us friends out hear to have. Thanks!

Jackie DelValle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
Northridge, CA USA - Saturday, January 13, 2007 2:44 AM CST
Again, drawn back to Lynn's website and thankful to get an update...I have now known of 3 deaths within the past 9 days and my heart is so heavy and sad. I cling to the comfort that thankfully ALL families KNEW Jesus and HIS gift of eternal life...that pulls me out of such sadness and grief over these losses, that GOD promises are true! (John 3:16) Continuing to pray for Dave, Taylor & Jacob and the family and friends that miss Lynn so dearly. Forever touched, forever changed...Kim-Lan
Kim-Lan <kimlanc@remax.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, January 12, 2007 11:39 PM CST
Holly & Jenny,

Thank you both for posting your thoughts and sharing this time in your lives with all of us. I know that this is so difficult for you right now, but please know that you are being prayed for. We wish you the absolute best and please share with Dave, Jacob, & Taylor that they are loved so much as well.

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Friday, January 12, 2007 10:52 PM CST
Thank you so much for your post tonight. It is comforting to come to this site and find a post waiting. God bless you both for continuing to reach out. It helps so much.
S. Carter <srvcarter@yahoo.com>
Frisco, Tx - Friday, January 12, 2007 10:06 PM CST
Sincerest thanks for your post. God bless you both.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, January 12, 2007 9:34 PM CST
Holly & Jenny, you are both amazing and thank you so much for your recent post. I believe that death doesn't come when the heart stop beating. It only comes when we no longer remember the person that is gone. So, because Lynn touched so many people...she will live on through all of us. Each person that remembers her, speaks of her or teaches through her example keeps her alive. We are all blessed to have known her and all the children have learned something so important...love and compassion for others. What a gift!!!! They will go out into this world and share what they learned through Lynn. They are doing it already. Thank you for sharing...we all love to hear from you both...LOOKING RIGHT!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@rr.tx.com>
frisco, tx - Friday, January 12, 2007 4:58 PM CST
Yes, I keep coming back too. Sometimes I think I will read the latest update and realize it was all a dream, a mistake, she's still there, she's getting better.
It's amazing how you can feel so close to someone you never met.

Thanks for the update, ladies! You are all in my thoughts and in my heart.

Stow, OH - Friday, January 12, 2007 1:20 PM CST
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." Psalm 68:19

How great it is that He DOES share our burdens and that we don't have to face our sadness alone. God is with us, and we can take solace in the fact that God is with Dave, Jacob, Taylor, as well all the grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends and loved ones who are grieving so. "Thank you, Lord, for always being present, we ask you to continue to carry Lynn's loved ones through this difficult time and comfort their hearts."

Thinking of all of you with love,

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, January 12, 2007 11:54 AM CST
Dear Holly and Jenny,
I just noticed that my "post" posted 2 times - on 2 different days - not sure how that happened! Anyway, I just want to thank you for all your journaling, for such a long time. Not being near to you all, it has been so helpful in praying for Lynn and being updated on Lynn's condition. This site has definitely served it's purpose, and hopefully will be captured for the kids to read about their mom when they are older. This site will show them how amazing their mom really was!!! Thanks again for sharing Lynn's journey...we will all miss her, never forget her, and cherish the memories forever. Love and best wishes to you all, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, January 12, 2007 11:43 AM CST
Hi everyone! I just thought I'd leave a quick note to give an update on Dave, Taylor, and Jacob. The three of them just left here yesterday after spending 4 days with us. They are all doing very well, given the circumstances. The kids are definitely resilient. They did a lot of smiling and laughing, playing and talking ... it has been a good trip for them. Dave has shown to be very strong through all of this. His new role as a single parent is not an easy one, but he is handling it very well. He has a tender heart and a good head on his shoulders, so I know they will all three be fine. I know after speaking with him over the week that he adored Lynn and he really misses her ... there are lessons to be learned from her life and death and he is open and willing to accept the changes. We will all continue to be here to support and help him, Taylor, and Jacob however we can. We love them all dearly. I know they appreciate all your prayers.... pray for safe travels back to Texas and an easy transition back into their "new" life.
Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Friday, January 12, 2007 11:30 AM CST
Thanks for the update. Lynn is never from from my thoughts. When I think of her I think of the bright pink sky/clouds at sunset. I think of Dave and the kids and thank you for updating us. How are her parents/sister and in laws doing? I pray for both of you as losing such a dear friend leaves a hole in your lives
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, January 12, 2007 11:28 AM CST
There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about Lynn and her family. I think trying to accept the reality of Lynn being gone is difficult to set in. I wish you all the most in peace and comfort during this time. As I lost my father in 2001, I know that the first year is full of reflection (with holidays, birthdays, special occassions, etc...). I also wish you plenty of healing during this time too. Take care...Love, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, January 12, 2007 11:00 AM CST
I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for when I click on this site 100 times a day. But I find peace and comfort when I'm here. I've been reading back over her journal and all I can say is WOW What a WOMAN!!! She was so incredibily wise, intelligent, full of energy, very think pink...lol could of been a great shoe saleswoman I suppose with all her shoes, a dedicated mother, wife, friend,etc. But most of all she was a courageous fighter. She fought with all her heart soul mind and with everything she had in her to win this battle and she did. She won the prize. Face to Face with Jesus, walking the streets of Gold in her high heels and singing the most beautiful praise songs. I bet her mansion is in a culdesac and Holly's JennyGwynn's and the rest of the culdesac gang is going to be right there with her in the culdesac of mansions. I must say that I am forever changed. I know I signed this before and thanked you for changing my life by sharing Lynn's but it's so true. I come here and get so excited to see that Lynn's legacy is still going bright. People are changing, coming out of their comfort zones, enjoying and appreciating their friends more, going back to church, coming back to their first love in their salvation. It's so wonderful. It's so hard to know that Lynn is no longer here but look at how awesome her heavenly healing was in that it touched people in ways that maybe it wouldn't of if she was still with us. God had a plan and she did what she was called to do. I know I for one will never forget her. I hope you are able to find comfort and peace at this very difficult time. How are Dave and the kids enjoying their trip? They deserve this. I hope that the site will stay open and keep going and that the friends will continue to journal for us to let us know how everyone is doing. I also have a favor to ask. Could you please post some pictures of Lynn and her family so we can see her in her high heels and dressed in pink. Pictures of her before the cancer whatever ones you think you would like to share. If it's to personal then that's ok but it would be neat to see what she was like before the cancer. Lynn, you are so missed, never forgotten. God Speed to you friend.

Thanks so much for all you do. Hugs and much love coming your way from Cincinnati.

Paulette Boone <mamaof2preciousones@yahoo.com>
Cincinnati, OH United States - Friday, January 12, 2007 9:46 AM CST
Still thinking of you all and looking right. Not a day goes by that Lynn, her family and friends don't cross my mind. I too would love to live on your culdesac - what a feeling to be surrounded by such love and prayer!
Phoenix, AZ - Friday, January 12, 2007 9:31 AM CST
I, too, find myself coming back here again and again. I am not sure what it is I am looking for, but I always find some comfort in reading the words posted and love felt. Thanks to all of you for keeping this alive, Lynn's memory and spirit alive. I know she feels the love and care.............

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean NOT on your own understanding"
Proverbs 3:5
In His Love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Friday, January 12, 2007 6:01 AM CST
Hi friends,

Sleep is escaping me once again....thank you for all the encouragement and posts in this guestbook. Lynn has created quite the legacy - yes?

A new post is coming.

I just wanted to let you now how much I appreciate each of you.

I miss you Lynn.....just as much as I love you.....SO BIG!!!!

You are forever in our hearts ------


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@tx.rr.com>
- Friday, January 12, 2007 4:39 AM CST
I still come here daily. Sometimes to read back on past journal entries from Lynn. Sometimes just to quiet my mind. Sometimes to pray. Something about Lynn just pulled me into her life 2 yrs ago-amazing how a complete stranger can change you, teach you, and lead you back to Christ. My 18 yr old neice has AML and the search is on right now for a BMT donor. She has just relapsed. I am drawing strength from sooo many of Lynn's past messages and seem to be chatting with her quietly in my mind to please protect my precious neice.
Holly and Jenny-and all of Lynn's amazing friends and family-you are all in my prayers. I can only imagine the pain and heart ache you feel as you miss your sweet Lynn.
Thanks Lynn-You continue to give us all so much strength!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:31 PM CST
Still reading the journal, still praying for those of you whose hearts are so very heavy, still wearing the LOOKING RIGHT bracelet, still holding on to the beauty and joy in life that Lynn shared with us all, still knowing that she is dancing with the Lord, still looking forward to Taylor and Jacob coming back to school. Love to all.
Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
- Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:41 PM CST
There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about Lynn and her family. I think trying to accept the reality of Lynn being gone is difficult to set in. I wish you all the most in peace and comfort during this time. As I lost my father in 2001, I know that the first year is full of reflection (with holidays, birthdays, special occassions, etc...). I also wish you plenty of healing during this time too. Take care...Love, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:43 PM CST
I too, have been re-reading over Lynn's journal to shed some light on her story and her battle with cancer (I didn't know much b/c I just started reading a couple of months ago). I'm touched by how gentle and kind she was ... also, 'graceful' comes to mind. I can see her with her fashion-mindedness (is that a word?) :)& although I've only seen the one picture of her (on the home page with her beautiful family ... I can see her with her 'Seven' jeans, shopping @ Nordstrom - hanging out with her girlfriends on the cul-de-sac. She was a beautiful woman, inside & out.

She makes me think about how un-important the 'little' things are ... like when we think we have to get everything done ~ cleaning, organizing, washing. The truly important things in this life are spending time with family and friends and making a 'difference'.

Doesn't everyone who reads this journal wish they lived on the cul-de-sac where Lynn lived surrounded by such fabulous girlfriends like Holly and Jenny Gwynn? They had so much fun!! That is truly priceless to have such friendships.
I know I treasure my girlfriends more after reading this.
Thank you Lynn, for that & for sharing everything with all of us here in cyberspace.

I am on my way to pick up Sam & Ethan from school (Dana's kiddos) & I am truly excited to see them and spend time with them today :) I'm going to think of Lynn and spend some quality time playing with them this afternoon and treasuring the time we spend together.
Life is so precious!

sorry for the novel ~ I just felt inspired to write today.
Jenny, Holly, Lynn's family ..... you guys are amazing!

xoxo, Courtney

courtney <courtney_eveleigh@countrywide.com>
dallas, tx - Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:19 PM CST
Isn't it amazing how many people continue to come back to this site on a daily basis. Continuing to check it daily makes me feel like I"m still somehow "connected" and that Lynn is still with us all. As sad as I've been in the past week, I've been so amazed at the different times I've witnessed Lynn still among us. From cardinal sightings, to seeing "unexpected" friends at church and more.

As some of you know I teach preschool and every Tues & Wed we have a devotional time before the children come - a time where we as teachers just sit and thank God or ask God for help. Today, our devotion took a different direction and Sweet Lynn was right there with us. My director, who never had the priviledge to meet Lynn, spoke to us all about ministering to the children and families that we are so lucky to be with twice a week. She said that because of me asking the group to pray for Lynn and by reading this wonderful website, she and our school are going to be reaching out to help a local family in need. Someone that none of know, but because of a sick child, needs "someone". She said that the journal and guest book entries she has read with Lynn's stories and own words keep ringing in her ears. She said that Lynn has touched her life and so many others. Lynn would be so proud!

Love to all of you


Kathy Ranney <jkranney827@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, - Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:55 PM CST
sorry, I spelled your last name wrong, Jenny Gwynn! :)
Stow, OH - Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:02 PM CST
I think about Lynn, wonder about her family and friends and wonder how they are getting through the days. Jenny Gwinn, your message below answers that. I'm so sorry for your loss. For all of you. I never met Lynn and yet I was so touched by her, my heart aches.

Praying for you all!

Stow, OH - Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:01 PM CST
It has been a few days since we celebrated Lynn's memorable and courageous life with her loving family. Her Memorial Service shall not be forgotten any time soon. As we sat shoulder to shoulder and shed tears with her family and friends, I felt that each and every tear were prayers to our Lord thanking Him for His mercy and asking that He touch her family and friends with His loving hand to help them travel this sorrowful path with strength and wisdom.
Bob & Yvonne <Y824@AOL.COM>
Oak Point, TX USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:46 AM CST
L ~ Still in disbelief.....I'm just lost without you.

Miss you SOOOO much, Jen

Jen <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:22 AM CST
I have never posted before but have followed Lynn's story for several years. What an amazing woman....that is all I can say! Most people never accomplish in a lifetime what she did in 36 short years. My heart aches for her family....how I wish there were some words that could make a difference. What I do know is that God is STILL in control and He will make a way for them. His grace is sufficient...He protects and faithfully keeps us. I bet Lynn has Heaven painted PINK! You go Lynn! And when I get there we are going to have the best time sharing shoes! I promise! I will never visit Sam Moon again and not think about you. Blessings to all of you that hold Lynn dear to your heart. We serve an awesome God!
Rhonda McCleskey <rmccleskey@ghx.com>
Pearland, TX USA - Thursday, January 11, 2007 7:55 AM CST
I continue to think and pray for all of Lynn's family and friends everyday. I'm so grateful that sweet Terri (Lynn's sister) is home again. I too wear my Looking RIGHT bracelet proudly!! Much love to all, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:28 AM CST
I cannot THINK of you ALL "enough"...I am hoping that Dave and Taylor and Jacob have had some moments to "smile" on their respite trip.

I am praying for everyone....the family, Holly, Jenny, and all the COLLECTIVE friends who are grieving the loss of a Shadow Ridge Court "angel" named Lynn. My bracelet is on my wrist LOUD and STRONG and LOOKING RIGHT.

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:03 PM CST
Still with a heavy heart of grief and sadness, I come back to the website to see any updates and read the guestbooks. How blessed Lynn & her family are to have such incredible support, near and far. I pray for Dave, Taylor and Jacob and all the friends' grief...such a loss on many fronts, but a renewed body for Lynn. Living THIS SIDE of HEAVEN without a loved one is the toughest...ugh. I just found out my neighbor across the street just died, 41 y/o father...such grief and sadness all around. Praying for Lynn's family and friends, that they would CONTINUE to lean on the MIGHTY God that will carry them through this difficult time. May they find the strength to move foward, one day at a time...

On my knees, Kim-Lan
Phil. 4:13

Kim-Lan <kimlanc@remax.net>
- Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:23 PM CST
Praying for all of you, and thankful to all of you for sharing Lynn with us.
Kerry <kerrymccarthy@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, NC - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:57 PM CST
Holly & Jenny,

I hope that you will continue to update the site and let us all know how Dave and the children are doing. Even though the majority of us out here have never meet Lynn, we feel her in our daily lives. Thank you for sweet words always. Looking forward to an update!

T.Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
Phoenix, - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 5:47 PM CST
We are so sad to hear about the passing of sweet Lynn. Our hearts break for her family and friends, but let us rejoice in the Lord that she is in heaven, very alive, healthy, and happy. Some day we will be with her again and see her smiling face and bright eyes. Hugs to you all!
Connie and Tod Mongan <cmongan@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, Texas USA - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:47 PM CST
I didn't realize we were that close in age. I'm a week older than Lynn exactly. I will turn 37 on Feb 18th. Thinking of and praying for Dave, the kids, and the girlfriends.
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:45 AM CST
So young! Still thinking of Lynn's family and friends and praying for you all.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:05 AM CST

Lynn was 36 and would have turned 37 on February 25th. I believe.

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Wednesday, January 10, 2007 7:55 AM CST

Newman's, Berg's, Holly, & Jenny...

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you all. You are ALL being prayed for and good thoughts are always being sent your way.

Wishing you comfort and peace...

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 11:55 AM CST
Does anyone know how old Lynn was? What a beautiful soul she was/is. I have been blessed by her journey.
Ft. Worth, TX USA - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 10:40 AM CST
Holly, do you think we'll hear from David? The children?
Yvonne <ygarcia@fr.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 8:50 AM CST
I find myself here so often, trying to still make some sense of Lynn's journey. I have shared with many how the service was so inspirational and loving,I wear my braclet, I think of Lynn everyday and wonder how Taylor and Jacob are doing, I keep count of the days she has been gone as if there is a majical number and once we get there it will be better. My heart breaks for you Holly and Jenny. You are incredible women! I pray that if I am called I will be able to give so much of myself for a friend or that I have such special friends they would be willing to give to me. I keep the memorial program in my car in a place I will see it daily to keep perspective and faith. Prayers, love and sympathy to all. In His grip, Maria
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
frisco, tx USA - Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:00 AM CST
How strange to write such intimate words to a family I only "virtually" know. And yet I am here. Here with words. Words I hope and pray will bring comfort to a family suffering an unimaginable loss.

I learned of your precious Lynn through Sam Eisenberg's page. I spent spent time getting to know her through the journal history. It is so obvious in reading the words from her own hand and then those that her dear friends shared that she is an exceptional womaen. I am also an oncology nurse. While the bulk of my career has been in pediatric oncology I have also cared for many many adults. I know your journey all to well.

My words for you her beloved family, friends, children are of belief that you will one day be with your precious Lynn again and a fervent hope that this will sustain you. I am here with words of encouragement and prayer that you find peace and joy in the memories and that life will one day be sweet again. To young Taylor and Jacob...I cannot imagine your pain. I lost my daddy nearly two years ago and nearly lost my mommy this past October. I am 40 years old and it still hurts so much because our parents are irreplaceable. Your mommy loved you deeply and you were her greatest sense of pride and joy. Live well in that knowledge and be certain she is never farther than your own hearts.

I would like to reccomend the book Tear Soup. It is a beautiful book written by a Hospice nurse, Pat Schwiebert. It will be perfect for Taylor and Jacob and I believe all grown ups too.

Be well beautiful family.

Mindi <melinda_chouinard@hotmail.com>
Tacoma, WA - Monday, January 8, 2007 7:36 PM CST
"The thought of my suffering and hopelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction."
Lamentations 3:19-22

I just read this scripture passage on Jacob Duckworth's Caringbridge page. (www.caringbridge.org/fl/jacob) Jacob passed away in June at the tender age of 6. His family's faith has been such an encouragment to me, throughout Jacob's journey and beyond, just as the Newman family's faith and the faith of those friends who so lovingly cared for Lynn has encouraged me and blessed me.

I pray that this scripture will lift your hurting hearts today as you reflect on the HOPE that we have been given in Jesus Christ to move forward, knowing that you will ALWAYS have the "unfailing love of the Lord" with you to comfort you and sustain you. Blessings to you today.

Missing Lynn along with you,

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, January 8, 2007 3:39 PM CST
Heidi, Oh I absolutely know that the Lord is doing amazing things in my life right now. It's like a personal revival and I'm loving it. I was so focused on what I didn't have to offer and what I consider are my faults though, that I didn't pursue friendship or helping others. Reading through Lynn's journal inspired me to make an effort to focus on the right things (Look Right) and just be Jesus to people when and where I can. When I read about your cul de sac gatherings, or what you did for Lynn during chemotherapy, it really spoke to me. Thank you all so much.
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Monday, January 8, 2007 3:10 PM CST
To Julie, who introduced herself to someone new at church -
YOU GO GIRL! Lynn is so proud of you and your willingness to take her LOOKING RIGHT message to heart. I hope you take comfort in knowing God's hand in your journey too. Lynn has touched us all in so many ways. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm proud of your courage. You too are an inspiration!

LOOKING RIGHT because of Lynn, with Lynn, and for Lynn.

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Monday, January 8, 2007 9:53 AM CST
I know Taylor and Jacob have a huge support network, but I wanted to share this ministry -- Journey of Hope http://johgriefsupport.org/ -- in case they might find healing by talking with other kids who have lost a parent. Hopefully someone reading this post can pass this along if they feel it would be helpful.
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 8, 2007 8:30 AM CST
Jenny and Holly,
Thank you for posting the tributes to Lynn...I struggled with not being able to attend, but please know I was there in spirit. It sounded so beautiful and I applaud all those who spoke...what a difficult thing to do, and do so with grace and composure! Jenny, actions speak louder than words...know that Lynn was blessed by your friendship and loved you so much, end of subject! I continue to check in as well, hoping for updates, praying it won't end. This has been a wonderful tool that has brought so many people together, all united for Lynn. Please keep us informed as long as you can, as I look to you as a connection to her.

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, Ar usa - Sunday, January 7, 2007 9:59 PM CST
Sorry that my last post hit 3 times - don't know what happened - I guess it just means I love all of you 3 times as much! In faith, prayer and love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, January 7, 2007 8:16 PM CST
Guess what? I did it! In my quest to make friends and be the type of friend to people that you Lynn and you ladies are to each other, I started today. I went to church and for the first time ever (I have severe social anxiety) went up and introduced myself to a woman that seemed friendly and struck up a conversation with her. Baby steps it might be, but it sure made my day. You all will never know how much Lynn has impacted my life, but I wanted to let you know that I am forever changed. Looking Right!!
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Sunday, January 7, 2007 2:39 PM CST
TO ALL OF LYNN'S DEAR FRIENDS, Each one of you were amazing during Lynn's illness. None of you need to feel any guilt about anything. Love doesn't come from just words we say...it comes from what we do. So, when Lynn needed a kind word, a smile, a hug or a shoulder to cry on...you all were there for her. So, please don't feel that you didn't do enough. Your wonderful deeds and love where what showed all of us how SPECIAL dear sweet Lynn was and is. You are ALL AMAZING!!!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@rr.tx.com>
frisco, tx - Sunday, January 7, 2007 11:48 AM CST

Don't for a second feel bad about not speaking at Lynn's services. AS Heidi said, you were there when Lynn needed you most! What you did and what you have all been through because of your love for Lynn is amazing! That is more than any words. I, too, am finding myself feeling guilty for not saying more in depth about who Lynn was and how she touched us all. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that there was no way any of that was coming out without me turning into a huge puddle on the stage and that would not have helped anyone!
You are wonderful. Lynn loved you so!! (and still does)

No guilt! No Worries! No regrets!

Guess we are the ones fighting now. Fighting to get through this loss.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, January 7, 2007 6:40 AM CST
To all the Newmans and Bergs, Holly, Jenny and everyone else who loves and loved Lynn! I, too, keep coming back to this web site looking for love and solace, knowing that I will ALWAYS find it here. Even though, like so many others, I didn't know Lynn personally, I am saddened by her loss but cherish the opportunity to read and re-read her journal of courage, strength, faith and love for her family, her friends, her fellow human beings and her God! I laugh and cry when I read, and this past week I cried a lot. I just feel so blessed to have been on this journey with her and all of you. What has been shared here will be with me for the rest of my life! As long as this site is up, I will be logging on everyday - to find the love that awaits me here! Much love to all of you, Barbara

PS: Lately, I've been hearing a cardinal every morning in my garden here on the southern tip of the Big Island of Hawaii, but haven't seen one for quite awhile. I believe Lynn sent that cardinal to me because I started hearing it shortly after she took her last steps into Heaven. I know that one day I will get to see it in all its splendor, too, but until then I will thankfully listen to its call and think of dear sweet Lynn every time!

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, January 7, 2007 2:07 AM CST
To all the Newmans and Bergs, Holly, Jenny and everyone else who loves and loved Lynn! I, too, keep coming back to this web site looking for love and solace, knowing that I will ALWAYS find it here. Even though, like so many others, I didn't know Lynn personally, I am saddened by her loss but cherish the opportunity to read and re-read her journal of courage, strength, faith and love for her family, her friends, her fellow human beings and her God! I laugh and cry when I read, and this past week I cried a lot. I just feel so blessed to have been on this journey with her and all of you. What has been shared here will be with me for the rest of my life! As long as this site is up, I will be logging on everyday - to find the love that awaits me here! Much love to all of you, Barbara

PS: Lately, I've been hearing a cardinal every morning in my garden here on the southern tip of the Big Island of Hawaii, but haven't seen one for quite awhile. I believe Lynn sent that cardinal to me because I started hearing it shortly after she took her last steps into Heaven. I know that one day I will get to see it in all its splendor, too, but until then I will thankfully listen to its call and think of dear sweet Lynn every time!

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, January 7, 2007 2:07 AM CST
To all the Newmans and Bergs, Holly, Jenny and everyone else who loves and loved Lynn! I, too, keep coming back to this web site looking for love and solace, knowing that I will ALWAYS find it here. Even though, like so many others, I didn't know Lynn personally, I am saddened by her loss but cherish the opportunity to read and re-read her journal of courage, strength, faith and love for her family, her friends, her fellow human beings and her God! I laugh and cry when I read, and this past week I cried a lot. I just feel so blessed to have been on this journey with her and all of you. What has been shared here will be with me for the rest of my life! As long as this site is up, I will be logging on everyday - to find the love that awaits me here! Much love to all of you, Barbara

PS: Lately, I've been hearing a cardinal every morning in my garden here on the southern tip of the Big Island of Hawaii, but haven't seen one for quite awhile. I believe Lynn sent that cardinal to me because I started hearing it shortly after she took her last steps into Heaven. I know that one day I will get to see it in all its splendor, too, but until then I will thankfully listen to its call and think of dear sweet Lynn every time!

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, January 7, 2007 2:06 AM CST
Dear Newman Family,
My heart goes out to you and what you have so bravely endured. I feel very fortunate to have experienced our high school years together. From reading all the postings, I have discovered how many people's lives she has touched and know that her memory will live on. Please know that your family is in our prayers and will always be. Lynn is at peace and will be watching over you every step of the way.
I would also like to say thank you to all the friends and loved ones who were there for her throughout this time. Your strength was noticed by everyone near and far.
Good-bye Lynn.

Joelle Minitti <joellej@cox.net>
Chandler, AZ USA - Saturday, January 6, 2007 10:53 PM CST
Thinking of Lynn tonight, missing her upbeat posts full of hope and prayer. Blessings for Dave, Taylor, Jacob, family and wonderful friends.
Fresno, CA - Saturday, January 6, 2007 10:10 PM CST
I still just love to read Lynn's journal...what a huge blessing to have that to hang on to, and to connect with everyone who loved her. Alice, the GIRLFRIEND table...I think there were two of them, not sure. I didn't get a close look at the one in the sanctuary, but it had tons of awesome pink and white flower arrangements in bowls, and little candles. I know there was more, but I couldn't see it. The one upstairs in the reception room was SO Lynn! It had things on it like, her favorite shoes, little cardinal figurines, some make-up, a Nordstrom shopping bag, a book she must have loved...things like that. You should also know that T.V. monitors in the foyer of the church and upstairs, showed the video from the race last June, as well as some wonderful family, wedding pics, etc. This memorial service was definitely something to behold! Jenny, I can think of so many wonderful words to describe you, but chicken is so not one of them! Speaking at memorial services is a priviledge, and one that few feel comfortable with. Just think...if everyone who loved Lynn spoke, the service will still be going on! We are all praying for you and Holly as you heal. Same for Dave, Taylor, Jacob and the families. Time is God's band-aid.
Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas - Saturday, January 6, 2007 8:07 PM CST
I don't know why, but I'm constantly coming back to Lynn's journal and this is the first time since you posted the wonderful tributes that were given at her service that I can do so without weeping. I am praying for you all and especially Taylor and Jacob. I know that you will all cover them with your prayers adn love, but to lose such an amazing mother I can't even imagine. Thank you so much for continuing to post.
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Saturday, January 6, 2007 8:29 AM CST
I, too, keep sweet Lynn & her family in my heart & prayers...The guilt of not atttending the service consumes me, I have been a coward on many fronts. My heart continues to weep and ache, but truly NOT for Lynn...Her BODY IS NEW and she IS looking JUST RIGHT now! Praise God, for the promise, but it is the pain of the loss that hurts us, the ones left behind. Praying for Dave, Taylor & Jacob and family/ friends to lean on a Mighty God that continues to hold them in the palm of His Hands. It's very hard to realize He called us each by name, counted the days of our lives and knows every hair on our head...but I'm thankful the Newman Family and friends have the greatest gift of knowing God is in this! I do not know how families survive (esp. in grief & death) without receiving the gift of Jesus and salvation. - John 3:16

I hope you keep this site up, it's been emotionally exhausting and yet healing to read this. THANK YOU for sharing the service "words" with me.

"I Can Only Imagine" how Lynn is DANCING now...Kim-Lan
Jer. 29:11

Kim-Lan V. Carlson <kimlanc@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, January 6, 2007 7:18 AM CST
Signing in as "sleepless" in The Colony. I too keep coming back and coming back. I haven't slept this week for sure and really not the few weeks prior. Can't get you all off my mind and of course sweet Lynn either. Praying for the family, that Dave and the kids are being filled up by the holy spirit during their time away, that Holly & Jenny are finding "new norms" to their daily routines and that God is blessing them each day, and praying that God will put a little more sunshine in our hearts each day for all of us that are feeling the pain of the void. Trying to Look Right! ~Pattie
- Saturday, January 6, 2007 3:37 AM CST
p.s. Thank you Lynn for hearing me again today and being with me again tonight. You are my guardian angel! I love you so much!
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Saturday, January 6, 2007 2:54 AM CST
I was wondering Holly and Jen if it all possible to post some of the slide show from the service? It may sound sort of strange, but I really feel it would give alot of us out here peace and maybe some closure (especially me!) to see and be part of something so important to those of us who could not attend. I'm trying to "keep looking right" Thank you Holly for all your posts and your amazing words. (I agree that you should be a writer too!:)
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Saturday, January 6, 2007 2:50 AM CST
I am another cyber stalker--I don't read many journals but I have read Lynn's. Wow, how God used Lynn!!! I think all of you, as well as the rest of us, are starting to see the BIG picture of Lynn's purpose on earth!!! Lynn was so faithful and willing to follow God's leading. Amazing!!! I too would like to hear how the family is doing. Thank you dear friends for keeping us updated!! May God's peace and comfort be with all of you in the coming days!!!!! I will continue to reflect on Lynn's life!!! Love and prayers!!

Roetta Mann <roettam@hotmail.com>
Quinter, Ks - Saturday, January 6, 2007 0:28 AM CST
If someone doesn't mind, please fill us in on the GIRLFRIEND TABLE that so many of you have mentioned. What exactly was this?

Please know that your very special Lynn and her journey have forever changed me, in many positive ways. I will continue to keep your family and friends in my prayers and pray most especially for peace as your remember Lynn. God Bless you all.

Rockwall, TX - Friday, January 5, 2007 11:02 PM CST
I have been reading Lynn's journal since the beginning. NOBODY has ever touched me the way that beautiful Lynn has. Her spirit, her love and graciousness inspires me to be a better person. I attended the memorial and started crying when I saw the GIRLFRIEND table. It made me realize the true importance of loving our friends. Jenny, Holly and other friends, you were all blessed to share the deep and authentic love shared between REAL FRIENDS. I believe that was Lynn's legacy. I am a mom of special needs child and I lost my priority in having deep friendships. Lynn also made me examine by beliefs in God. I keep coming back to her journal. My heart is broken and I did not even have the honor of meeting your precious, Lynn. I just loved her from feeling and listening to her heart by her words. My goal in life is to become the kind of friend Lynn was and has in her life here. She was absolutely loved and cherished. I cry for her family daily. I can not imagine the agony and loneliness you feel in her loss. My heart breaks for David, thechildren, the parents and parents in love. How much you all LOVED and will continue to love your beautiful Lynn.
Being the friend you were to Lynn to me is one of the most important lessons you have learned on earth. The loving and total giving of yourselves was pure devotion and caring that we all need on thuis earth. All that know or knew of Lynn were so honored and blessed to know this ANGEL on earth. I hope to continue reading of her friends and families lives because I will always love all of your hearts.

nancy mandell <merinance4@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 9:49 PM CST
P.S. Jenny - just read Nancy's comments about Lynn's purpose possibly being the "POWER OF GIRLFRIENDS." You Texan women are surely unique and magical. I'm honored to have met ya all. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 9:09 PM CST
Please don't feel bad about not speaking. I felt like I couldn't get out what I wanted to say and sometimes, that's worse. I feel bad that I didn't speak more about how Lynn touched me, my family, and so many others forever. It is so hard to be in the situation we were all in and I guess the only peace I received was that I did the best I could even if my words didn't do her justice. Lynn knew how much we loved her and I'm guessing all those folks at the funeral knew too by what the minister said so sincerely (about the girlfriend table & the uniqueness of the frienships). You were there for Lynn when she needed you most and that is what matters overall. Keep LOOKING RIGHT.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 8:00 PM CST
Thank you so much for posting those beautiful tributes to Lynn! It must have been a beautiful service.

I am one of the people Holly spoke of when she said Lynn's journal had brought people across the country closer to God. I had not been to church since the passing of my eldest son to cancer almost 8 years ago. However, since following Lynn's path to heaven, I have decided it is time to shed my anger towards Him and allow Him to comfort me as He did Lynn.

I agree that you should write a book using Lynn's journal for inspiration, Holly. You have a gift for writing and I know your insight on Lynn's journey, as well as Jenny's and other close friends,would be very inspiring.

While I realize this site will probably be closed, I would so love to know how Dave, Taylor & Jacob are doing periodically. If you could check in once a month, for a time, I know I would appreciate your efforts.

Thanks again for showing all of us how to be a better Christian and friend. My thoughts and prayers will stay with you always.

Judy <jsailor14@comcast.net>
Corvallis, OR USA - Friday, January 5, 2007 4:23 PM CST

Dear friends,

Do you find yourself coming to this site about ten times a day to find something? I don't know what I am searching for but I find comfort reading all of the posts and communicating with everybody. Jenny, I do know for a fact Lynn would never think you are a chicken.(silly girl) She used to talk about you all the time. She would tell me that whenever she needed a good laugh or two, she would call her friend Jenny.She loves you soooo much whether you spoke or not. I think one thing alot of us realize is that everyone handles a loss in thier lives so much differently that you can never judge how someone feels or how they respond to a loss. We all just support each other and make it through! Love always, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 4:18 PM CST
My heart is full of compassion and admiration for Lynn and her family.

I am touched and inspired by the loving friends.

I pray that her family will soon have peace and hope for a bright tomorrow.

Sheila Ross <sheilaross@mac.com>
Prosper, TX USA - Friday, January 5, 2007 4:10 PM CST
This message is for all of Lynn's friends and family. A short story, I worked for Dave and Lynn years ago when Taylor was just born and later still working for them when Jacob was born. I was the childrens daycare provider for four years. This friendship that grew between myself and the family was amazing. I felt as though I was part of the family. Okay, so the story goes... I went through a terrible time in my life while working for them and Lynn was there for me everyday every step of the way. My life is completely everything she said it would be today. I prayed to Lynn a coulpe nights ago before I was going to face something very big the next day that has everything to do with that situation she helped me through years ago. The bottom line is I felt Lynn with me the whole way again and everything turned out exactly as I had prayed for. Thank you Lynn, for I know you are with me and all of us. Selfish I feel for crying sometimes because I to just want to hear your voice again. My prayers are with all of you and thanks to Jill,Holly,Dean for sharing your words. They were beautiful!
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 4:03 PM CST
jenny.... you are not a chicken.... you are sooooo brave.... to take on the responsibility like you did...and to pour and give your heart like you did.... is anything but chicken..... just cuz you didn't speak up in front of everyone.... you spoke to all of us through your presence...you love... and your friendship to lynn....

one of my friends wrote to me today... and said "do you think one of Lynn's purposes was to show woman the power of girlfriends?" ..... to which I said "totally"

Nancy <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, TX - Friday, January 5, 2007 3:31 PM CST
Sweet Lynn ~ It's hard to fathom a week ago at this same time, I was curled up next to you in your bed.....talking to you....holding your hand....and giving you one of my "world famous" head massages that I know you loved sooo much. I knew your last breath was coming incredibly soon yet I felt such a "peace" just being there with you. But now a light has gone out in my days, in my heart, in my life with you no longer here. I am SOOOO sorry I could not find the words to get up & speak during your memorial service......I could feel you nudging me....saying "chicken". Yep - you ALWAYS could read me so well! But I also know that YOU knew my heart....and when it hurts this badly, I tend to "hold things in".....especially my words. But as you often said "there are no words".....you were so right. My only words.......I just miss you!!!!!!!!!!!


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@tx.rr.com>
- Friday, January 5, 2007 2:46 PM CST
To all Lynn's prayer warriors, cyber friends, Texas friends and family,
I am finding that I am somewhat depressed since the passing of Lynn. I miss waiting to see if there is an update from her (or Holly/Jenny). I miss being able to tell Lynn I love her. I love reading the encouraging words from all of us out there in cyberland who don't live in Texas. I miss the connections made because of Lynn. I miss Lynn's inspiration stories/poems she would post. I find myself re-evaluating my life. I am trying so hard to LOOK RIGHT but it is hard as I'm still shocked our dear Lynn is gone. It still doesn't seem real to me. I still believe I can just call her and chat although my rational/logical side knows it isn't so.

I know you are in a good place now Lynn. I know your pain is gone and that makes me happy to know there is no pain anymore.

Doing my best to LOOK RIGHT for you, with you, and most importantly, because of you Lynn.


heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 2:29 PM CST
Thank you all so much for such a beautiful and moving memorial service. It was all that Lynn could have wanted. As I reflect, I still struggle with the reality she is no longer here on Earth. I am thankful that she is in glorious Heaven and out of pain but as the pastor said, we are caught between being happy for Lynn and our own great sorrow. How true that is! I realize that I not only miss my dear friend for today, but also for all the years and memories from junior high and high school. Lynn ~ there are things about me only you know. There are memories only we share. So with your passing, a piece of my childhood ~ a piece of me ~ has gone with you. I will love you forever. Even though we lived far apart, when we got together we would talk for hours - no surprise I know! I know some day when we meet again I am so looking forward to our talks. My heart aches for Dave, Taylor, Jacob, the family and her dear friends ~ it will never be the same again but I hope you are all able to find joy in knowing that you were all SO LOVED by Lynn. I for one have set the goal to try and live my life as Lynn did ~ holding strong to faith, love, living and enjoying every moment, not sweating the small stuff, and trying to be half the spark and beacon that she was. I miss you girlfriend....
Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, January 5, 2007 1:58 PM CST
Holly,thank you so much for letting us cyber stalkers have a peek into Lynn's memorial service. I keep her family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, January 5, 2007 1:26 PM CST
From me as well, thank you so much for sharing all of the speeches given for Lynn. She must have been so proud to have been so loved. I only wish I could be quite the lady she was, the friend who gives and gives and is so fulfilled by the genuine love others have for her.
The prayers will not stop. I hope that you will continue to update here, as there are so many who will forever be touched by Lynn and forever think of her husband and children, her parents and "in loves" (I love that!)and you, her dear friends. None of you will be forgotten!

Stow, OH - Friday, January 5, 2007 12:57 AM CST
Thank you so much for posting the tributes from the memorial service. They really touched my heart. I only hope that I am as good of a friend to my friends as you, Jenny, and others were to Lynn. I will keep Dave, Taylor, Jacob, the family, and all her friends in my prayers. May God give you all peace and comfort in this trying time.

Janis <jmrodg2@aol.com>
Rossville, GA USA - Friday, January 5, 2007 11:56 AM CST
Beautiful words from everyone. I must say, I had now trouble getting through until the end. Lynn's father-in-love did a fabulous job. I think it is such a testiment to Lynn with the way so many spoke of her life. To have family and friends like Lynn, she was truly blessed as you all are for having her in your lives. Always praying and thinking of the Newmans.
Tracy Feeney <feeneyd@earthlink.net>
Newburgh , New York - Friday, January 5, 2007 11:47 AM CST
Thank you very much for sharing those incredibly moving words - they are a testament to the beautiful legacy that Lynn has left behind. In the end, since we do all have that journey to follow, isn't that the most we could ask for? A beautiful legacy of love and fond memories with those with whom we shared this miracle called life. God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Friday, January 5, 2007 11:11 AM CST
Holly, thank you for posting the beautiful messages that were delivered at Lynn's service. I was so honored to attend the service and share in that time with Lynn's friends and family. Each person that spoke did so very eloquently and beautifully, and reading these words again is a sweet reminder of how much Lynn loved and was loved.

Holly, to both you and your dear Jenny I just want to say that I am saying a special prayer for both of you. I can relate on some level to what you are going through - I spent several months assisting my mom following my dad's death and then nursing her through an illness before she passed away this last May. Not only was I numb with grief at losing her but I also experienced such a strange feeling of not knowing how to fill my days without caring for her. Your words hit home and I understand what you must be experiencing. Please know I am lifting you both up to the Father.

I will be praying for Dave, Taylor and Jacob as they get away and take some time to reflect, and hopefully enjoy lots of laughter and fun together. Their healing process will be long but it will happen. Lord, please hold them close.

We miss you, Lynn, but rejoice that you are dancing in heaven, painfree and carefree, joyful and happy!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, January 5, 2007 10:42 AM CST
I just spent the last 15 minutes reflecting on what you all said. What a memorial. You always wonder what people would say about you if you passed away. If I could have half the love and adoration that her friends and family had for her I would be blessed. I can't wait to meet her one day at the gates of heaven and say Thank You for doing a great job teaching me about God, Friendship and the true meaning of life. She will be someone I think of often and her family and friends will be forever in my prayers.

Holly and Jenny I hope one day I meet you as well. You are amazing woman! Thanks for teaching so many of us what friendship is all about. You should right a book about your journey with Lynn. It would be a number one seller. It is a story that people need to hear. It is a story that would lift the hearts of so many.

Janin <huerterfam@aol.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, January 5, 2007 10:17 AM CST
I have to tell you how amazing you are. I know others have said that as well. I want to thank you for everything that you have done, helping Lynn, the kids, Dave and the rest of the family and friends. I know I wasn't there but it seems as though you were the glue that kept it all together. It's now time for you to start heeling as you said in your post it's like you have nothing to do now, you do, you need to take care of Holly now and focus on that. I thank from the bottom of my heart for this latest posting and everything else you've done. Lynn is so proud of you it sounds like the service did her great justus and I'm sure she loved all of those beautiful words that were spoken. I will continue to Pray for Dave, the kids, the rest of the family and friends.
God Bless you Holly!

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Friday, January 5, 2007 9:54 AM CST
WOW ... Thank you so much for posting the tributes. They really touched me. Definitely a trip to the ladies room to reapply mascara is in order now. My prayers will continue to be with everyone.
Sarah <crz4mickey@yahoo.com>
Branson, MO - Friday, January 5, 2007 9:21 AM CST
Holly........ thanks so much for taking the time to post those tributes.as beautiful as they were at the service... it was so nice to read them again...... I know that you have been so busy.... you are so amazing to me.... You have not only been a super mom and wife to your family.... (4 kids by the way)... but have continually been there for Lynn and her family..... I think we all probably sit back and think... wow... if this happened to me... would I have a friend like Holly? OR if this happened to my friend.... would I be a friend like Holly? I think it's so easy for people to get caught up in life.... it's JUST busy.... but I hold on tight to my girlfriends.... and even tighter now than ever before.... you, Jenny, and Kathy... have been soooooo there for your sweet Lynn... and I think you girls are amazing... and am proud to call you my friends.... As I read how you and Jenny were pulled together to have lunch because you felt as if you had nothing to do.... I cracked a little smile... it's time for you again Holly.... time for you to take a bath..... sit in the backyard with your children.... go out for dinner with your wonderful husband... and keep knowing... that YOU ALSO... served YOUR PURPOSE... with Lynn's battle with cancer.... YES HOLLY.......... YOUR PURPOSE.........YOU GOT IT RIGHT!!!!... someday... we will all meet as girlfriends in Heavan... and we will do a dance....
Nancy <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, TX - Friday, January 5, 2007 8:58 AM CST

Dearest Dean, Holly, Jill & Heidi,

As I sit here and read all of the words from the memorial service for Lynn, a big smile comes over me
which has not happened in a while. Every word so carefully prepared totally is Lynn and it is all of your words I will
treasure forever and ever!( Holly,I think your calling is to be a writer.) I wish so much I could have been at the memorial service for Lynn, but I in my own way had a private goodbye to Lynn back in Colorado at my Church. I want you all to know that Mike and I are here for all of you for years to come. I believe talking and reflecting is such a good thing in the healing process. Jill and I did alot of reflecting on the phone yesterday morning and I tell ya we had alot more laughs than tears in our conversation which also has not happened in awhile. Thank you Jill for being such a support. Love and peace to all of you & of course the prayers will never ever stop. Love, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 8:12 AM CST
Thank you, Holly, for posting the "words"...and for EVERYONE who spoke them! Truly, Lynn Newman's life has meaning beyond her years in the earthly life. She is a ray of hope and a symbol of God's goodness for each of us to follow everyday. I will continue to pray for all of you who are hurting and lonely and coming to peace with her departure. I will continue to pray for those sweet children who are surrounded by extended family on Shadow Ridge Court and are among many who love them very much.

Thinking of you today with much love, and in this very "spring like weather" we're having in Virginia I will always, ALWAYS keep my eyes open for a cardinal...and I will remember forever how to continue LOOKING RIGHT!!! My bracelet is a constant reminder.

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
And, by the way, Cat Potter, who just posted is a "website" friend of OUR family that we "met" when Allyson was born. Cat's son, Darren, and Allyson "share" the same syndrome. In October Kristin and Mark were priviledged to meet Cat and her husband, Dave, in Hawaii...and I had no idea Cat was visiting Lynn's website...so we see once again, what CLOSENESS we all experience through WORDS and this website! And, what a "small world" it is, after all. God be with you all!

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Friday, January 5, 2007 7:43 AM CST
What a wonderful, loving tribute. I have been thinking of you, even though I have not been able to check out your sight. My heart is sad at hearing the news, but you my friend, have kept me LOOKING RIGHT.

I am proud to have been one of your many many thousands of cyber stalkers to follow your journey.......even if in silence, if only a short time, and a world away.

Peace be with you and your loving family at this time. Always LOOKING RIGHT.

Cat <potterd002@hawaii.rr.com>
Rainbows, HI USA - Friday, January 5, 2007 2:02 AM CST
Holly, thank you for the update
Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Friday, January 5, 2007 0:47 AM CST

For Lynn...

Love, Amy

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, January 4, 2007 11:15 PM CST
Winston Churchill once said "I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter."

Can you see it? Lynn stomping in her beautiful heels to meet her Maker? And I can imagine that our wonderful Maker smiled at sweet Lynn, a knowing smile, and opened His arms as she did hers in a greeting that only the two of them could understand.

What a battle she fought...a courageous battle. But Lynn didn't loose, sweet friends. She WON. She did what God put her on this beautiful Earth to do and she kept Looking Right all the while.

I am still so very sad, but I keep my mind turning to the above and it makes me feel so much better knowing that she is wrapped in the warm embrace of our Savior, free from pain and worry.

There is an Angel among us...and I'm better for knowing her wonderful story. Aren't you?

Love to all and Looking Right,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, January 4, 2007 11:06 PM CST
Dearest all,
I truly believe that we are put in PLACES for a 'reason'..I do not KNOW the 'reason' that the Newmans were PLACED by God on Shadow Ridge Court, but I do believe that God had a plan..and that PLAN was that Lynn would be surrounded by love during the final days of her life...and she was...not only by Shadow Ridge Court, but by surrounding communities and loved ones all along the journey.

Know that I am praying for you STILL in Va and I will continue to do so.

With love to all of you who are sad and grieving and lonely and calm.

I am your friend.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Thursday, January 4, 2007 9:43 PM CST
To all the wonderful people I met yesterday at the funeral -

I wish our meeting took place due to a VICTORY party for Lynn but that wasn't in God's plan. Like Lynn told Jenny, "Ya all will meet." Lynn knew.

Our paths crossed for a reason. In Lynn's honor and keeping her spirit alive for her kids, David, and all of us who love her, I know our paths will cross again. She may be gone but never forgotten.

Jill - Remember the words of my former dear priest "If what you do isn't meaningful, bring meaning to what you do." In honor of Lynn and her example of serving our good Lord, I look forward to seeing where life takes you on that realm. You spoke so well in honor of Lynn.

Andrew - your words were beautiful. You definitely followed God's plan for your life. Thank you for touching all of us yesterday with your amazing tribute to Lynn.

Dean Newman (or should I say Dad Newman as Lynn called you)- God was working in you when you spoke your loving words about your dear sweet Lynn. There couldn't have been a dry eye in the place when listening to your heart felt words.

Holly - Wow, I could feel Lynn and your deep love for her with your touching reflection of our dear Lynn. You did such a wonderful job with such a difficult task.

To all Lynn's Texas Girlfriends (Holly, Jenny, Tiffany, Kathy, Linda, and so many more) - What ya all have down there is truly magical. The Lord put Lynn there for a reason. The girlfriend table was beautiful. Lynn couldn't have been more loved with much thanks to all of you.

David, Taylor, Jacob, and the rest of Lynn's family - I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll end with a quote that reminds me of Lynn.
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same."


heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Thursday, January 4, 2007 8:36 PM CST
Dearest Newman Family,

My heart aches and cries to no end knowing I missed Lynn's service...I'm sorry from the depth of my soul and spirit...I can only pray you forgive me. I will forever hold the PRECIOUS, SWEET Lynn that I remember doing step areobics with me at the gym. I will keep you in my heart and prayers, please let me know what else I can do...I feel so helpless...

God be with you forever and ever...On my knees and with deepest sympathy.

Kim-Lan V. Carlson

Kim-Lan V. Carlson` <kimlanc@tx.rr.com>
FRISCO, TX USA - Thursday, January 4, 2007 5:50 PM CST
What amazing friends! It was truly an honor to meet so many of you yesterday. Lynn was blessed by good people, good friends and good family throughout her whole life. It is no surprise as she was amazing herself.

Thank you to Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Suzanne, Wayne, Gail, Dean, Teri, Holly and Jenny for allowing me to be a part to the tribute to Lynn. What a true honor. It was the hardest thing I have ever done and I would do it over 100 times for her.

Bless you all!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, January 4, 2007 4:49 PM CST
"He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection." - Psalm 91:4

Praying you feel God's sheltering wings around you today. Thinking of your precious family and missing Lynn with you.

Love, Kathy

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, January 4, 2007 3:48 PM CST
Goodbye sweet Lynn.

" When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight."
~Kahlil Gibran

weeping for the delight that you obviously were for family and friens.

- Thursday, January 4, 2007 1:39 PM CST
Praying for the family.
- Thursday, January 4, 2007 11:43 AM CST
Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Terri, Suzanne, Wayne, Holly, Jenny and the many other Family and Friends of Lynn- I'm one of the many heavy hearts expressing condolences for the loss of dear Lynn. Words can not express how incredible Lynn was, especially as she shared her journey and her strong faith in God. I truly believe my faith has become stronger because of her, for this I am ever thankful and blessed. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Jill Ronningen <jillannaz@yahoo.com>
Tempe, AZ - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:06 PM CST
Just posted this entry on Allie Scott's website.....the one that ultimately led me to Lynn.

Hello Jenny Followers,

Quite awhile ago I was led to Lynn Newman's site via Allie and Sam's sites. Today, fortunately or unfortunately, I attended Lynn's memorial service.

I saw sweet beautiful Miss Dana and her handsome husband there. It was a privelege and an honor to be there to say good bye to someone as courageous and beautiful as Lynn.

God works in mysterious ways......I read about sweet Allie in the Dallas Morning News which led me to Sam which led me to Lynn. Many prayers and inspriration along the way. There are no coincidences, are there?

I have a heavy heart tonight, but at the same time am amazed that God has taken me on the journey with Jenny, and Dana, and Lynn. God bless you all!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:16 PM CST
Sweet Holly,

I am one who knew Lynn only through her website. I did the 3 Day 60 mile walk in her honor. She has touched my life in an incredible way.

I live in Plano and was blessed to be able to attend her memorial service this morning. What a loving tribute to a beautiful soul.

Holly, your words, your voice, your message.....beautiful beyond belief. Please condider printing the text on Lynn's web site for her faithful followers.

When Lynn died on Dec. 20, I spent time re-reading her journal and have been touched anew by her wonderful messages.

Can I please ask you a favor when things calm down a bit? There were so many references to "pictures" in her post....would it be feasable to someday post all the pix that Lynn referred to? Or to post the incredible slide show that was on the TV's in the lobby of the church before and after Lynn's service??

Thank you.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:05 PM CST
The servvice was beautiful...beyond words. We are all still greaving for your beautiful family, but our tears "sparkle" knowing that you are pain free and with Our Father.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:56 PM CST
As the others have said, Lynn's memorial was beautiful and touching (just like her). Everyone's words seemed to express so perfectly the incredible woman that Lynn was. Holly, God's light was shining through you. The only way I can fathom how you were able to get up there with such grace and eloquence is knowing that God was speaking through you. I imagine that He touched every soul there. All of the "little things" were just the perfect touch to feel Lynn's presence (ie. the video, the girlfriend table, the favorites, the Looking Right bracelets etc...). While my heart is still heavy and still sad, I trust in our Father and I know that Lynn was greeted with "well done, my good and faithful servant". She is pain free and cancer free and dancing in her heals. Remember when she came to the walk in her heals? You know she's got them on now! :) Much love to Dave, Taylor, Jacob, the family, the family in love, the friends and to all of the cyberstalkers. We will forever be changed because of Lynn. Looking Right! ~Pattie
- Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:45 PM CST
To all of you, the family, and the friends of Lynn...especially Holly and Jenny and so many others...who gave her "life to her life" with PINK and "toenails" and love over so much TIME...

I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of you all. God bless you, the friends, and especially the families of Lynn...the Newmans, and the Bergs...and most importantly, Dave, Taylor, and Jacob. I will meet you one day and I will be proud to hold your hands.

Love to all on a most special day.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:41 PM CST
Dave, Taylor, and Jacob,
Bless your sweet family in this time of grief!! My prayers are with you and your family. I know with the Saviour's love, all things are possible. Rely on him in all that you do. I have never meet Lynn personally, but have been inspired by her words through this website. My heart is heavy with sadness for you. I know that families can be together forever and that Lynn is preparing a place for you and your children. Continue to include the Lord in your lives! He will help make the pain ease. Thank you for sharing your beautiful wife with all of us. She truly was an angel here on earth. That, your children can carry with them throughout their lives. I will keep your sweet family in my prayers!

T. Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
Phoenix, AZ - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:40 PM CST
What a beautiful tribute to Lynn today was! I'll never forget it. Her love and beauty continues to live through those who love her. The music was especially moving...Walk by Faith reminded me so much of the walk last June. The Girlfriend table was amazing...what a great idea! Even though my heart is heavy, my spirit is light...just knowing that Lynn's spirit lives on. Boy, I miss that left arm hug! Love to all of you in the family and, thanks for sharing your sweet Lynn with us.
Lisa Brashier ("Nurse Lisa") <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:20 PM CST
As Andrew said today at the Memorial Service, "It just doesn't seem right." And I think that is one of the reasons why it has affected so many of us so deeply. We too are daughters, wives and mothers of young children. The service was beautiful and Holly, yor words were eloquent and touching. As much as it hurt to be there, I am honored that I was able to be a part of today and share in the wonderfiul memories we all have of Lynn. I loved what Dean said when he talked about daily praying for Jesus to heal Lynn...and he did! There is joy and comfort in that thought. I pray for the whole Newman-Berg family as well as Holly, Jenny, Tiffany, Suzanne and many others I do not personally know, that your mourning will be peaceful knowing that Lynn is dancing in the streets of heaven and in the arms of our heavenly father. Blessings to you all. Love, Lizzie
Liz Lemaster <lizzie.lemaster@verizon.net>
Plano, Tx USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:55 PM CST
I have never attended such a moving, truly inspiring memorial service!! The elegance was so fitting- Lynn was looking from Heaven and very pleased I'm sure! Andrew McMullen was the most gentle loving pastor he was so personally sincere and guided in his words!! Her girl friends group did a wonderful job capturing her essence to share with all who attended the service. Her personal belongings added so much- thank you for having them for us to share. To Holly, Jenny, Jill, Tiffany and all the others involved with making her memorial as special as she was - Job well done. I will keep you in my prayers as the coming days will be very difficult for all of you.
- Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:34 PM CST
The memorial service for Lynn was truly the most amazing service I have ever attended. All of you that spoke were just so eloquent. You captured Lynn in every word that was spoken. For those of you who weren't able to be part of the service today...all, I can say is "Your love was felt by all". We were honored to have known Lynn and we were honored to be among those today....Lynn was a gift to all of us. God Bless you sweet Lynn....
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 4:44 PM CST
What a wonderful tribute to Lynn today. I was so touched by the services. Lynn truly was an angel here on earth. Dave, you and your sweet children are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you.
Sheilah <sheilah.orth@pepsico.com>
The Colony, TX USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:38 PM CST
To Holly; Will you please post copies of the speeches/tributes from the funeral? Those of us who weren't there would love to read them.

Thanks for always keeping us informed.

Suzette Gilmore <SuzyQ@aol.com>
Richardson, TX USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:06 PM CST
Holly, Jill, Heidi, Mr. Newman -- you all spoke to my heart today. What a wonderful celebration of Lynn's life. Thanks for sharing your hearts with us!

The entire Newman/Berg family and friends will continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers in the coming months.

Missy Crrump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
Frisco, - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 2:10 PM CST
What an amazing service today. It was so wonderful to see God in every person who spoke, every song sang, and every story of Lynn. What a testimony she leaves with us all. Thank you for sharing that time with all of us to worship Christ, rejoice that Lynn's pain is gone (with her now wearing high heels in heaven) and for letting us remember her and mourn with you. It was a blessing to me. My prayers continue for your family in the long days ahead. May God's blessings start pouring over all of you every day.
Kim Gammill <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:48 PM CST
For those who have not seen the Looking Right story, you can find it in the journal history in at least a couple of places, but for sure if you look under February 11, 2005.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of Lynn's family and friends on this tough day.

Donna Kirk-Swaffar
Rossville, KS - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:31 PM CST
I stopped in prayer for Lynn today at 10:30 and for all her family and friends. I am sure it was a glorious celebration of Lynn's life-I so wish I could have been there! I pray that God comforts you as you grieve and miss your precious Lynn. Please know I will continue to lift you all up in prayer.

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:22 PM CST
Thinking of your family today! Peace be with you all!
The Routh's
Mark, Brenda, Andrew and Jennifer

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, MN - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:13 PM CST
What a glorious celebration of Lynn's life and legacy this morning!!! I know her family and friends must be so touched by the wonderful turnout and of the love for Lynn that filled the air.

Holly, your message was so eloquent and a very precious tribute to your sweet friend. You are a very beautiful woman who exudes grace and gentleness, and a great faith in our Lord. Thank you for sharing from your heart as always. I'm confident that you made your sweet friend Lynn very very proud today! I know she is beaming with that huge shining smile right now!

Blessings to all of you, dear Newmans, Bergs, and company. I will continue to carry you in my heart and lift you in my prayers as you face the days ahead.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:10 PM CST
Thinking of you all today, especially.

God bless your hearts and know that you are loved by so many.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 1:06 PM CST
What a beautiful service for Lynn today. I was so touched.

Could someone please repost the looking right story. I've read it before but it has been a while. I would like to save it.

Frisco, - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:59 AM CST
I've been thinking of you all today. I am sure at present time, friends and family are reflecting on the wonderful times all had with Lynn. I am sure her memorial was wonderful, no one can inspire quite like Lynn. And while everyone who knew her or just knew of her (like me) is so sad that she has left, we are all a little bit better for knowing (of) her.
One thing I am sure of is that when Lynn met the Lord, He was nothing but proud of her and all she did while on earth.

Much love to you all,

Stow, OH - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:39 AM CST
Thinking of you and wish I could be with you at this time. I remember you in my prayers, may God bless you and give you comfort. Love Gretchen Lee
Gretchen Lee <itch2stitch@sti.net>
Coarsegold, Ca USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:38 AM CST
Thinking of you all & praying so hard... I hope Lynn's service was beautiful.

Hugs to all,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:19 AM CST
Praying for a beautiful celebration of Lynn's life today @ her memorial service. I have been following her story thru Dana Eisenberg (Sam's) story for just a few months. Reading back thru her entries in the last couple of days has inspired me to be a better person. What a kind, gentle soul ..... I'm so sorry to hear about her passing last Friday, although I know everyone who knew her (or of her) was better for knowing her. Not knowing what to say, I'll just say thank you for sharing your story Lynn :) You've left a legacy that will be cherished by many, esp. your beautiful children. They will treasure these written words forever.
Love & peace,

Courtney <courtney_eveleigh@countrywide.com>
dallas, tx - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:00 AM CST
Praying for strength and peace for all of you in Frisco today, as you bid farewell to Lynn. I wish we could all be there, but know that our thoughts are with you.


Laura Quevedo <laura.quevedo@gmail.com>
Diamond Bar, CA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:20 AM CST

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Love, Sheila

Sheila <permanentlyours@comcast.net>
Parker Ford, PA USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:33 AM CST
Praying for your family. You will be sooooo missed!
Barbara Moroe <bmoore@cgsd.org>
Rogersville, Pa USA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:32 AM CST
Lynn, I've come to your site a thousand times since you've stomped your way into heaven. I come and just stare. I'm not sure if I come to read all the entries or if I think somehow when I log on the story is going to be different - and I know -it's not. I think maybe I come to feel close to you. As so many have said, you have touched me in so many ways as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend. I know my role as each of those will never be the same because of you. Thank you for sharing your story, for your smiles and hugs, for your expressions of concern for others when you yourself were in just a horrific battle, thank you for just being you. I laugh & cry with every thought of you, Dave, the kids, the parents & every thought of Holly & Jenny (and the others) taking such good care of you (as you were blessing each of them and each of us). I haven't walked into a store over the past few days without thinking - Lynn, should I buy this? I suppose I'll never shop the same either. Today is your day, sweet Lynn! As we mourn, we will honor and celebrate you! And I just get the most vivid picture of you looking down on us smiling and saying Jesus - hold them, they are my friends & family(or something like that)because that is you - caring about everyone else! You are missed so much, sweet Lynn. Love you bunches.
Looking Right! ~Pattie

- Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:08 AM CST
Prayers coming your way from Bedford Texas. To Holly and the whole cudesac gang who was their every step of the way through Lynns Journey. To Mother-n-Love and Dad who are precious people to Lynn as she wrote about you all the time. To her parents who I feel their pain in losing a child. To sister who gave so much encouragement in fight sister fight! And to her kids who will know their mother fought a good fight and won. Shes in heaven right where we all want to be. And to Dave who gave so much love to Lynn and was their for her through it all. I don't know you guys but boy do I feel I do in all your writings each and everyday. So I pray today is Lynns day. Celebrate her life for she touched so many all around the world.

Lori <soccermom66@hotmail.com>
Bedford, Tx Tarrant - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:09 AM CST
Praying for Lynn's family and friends today!
VA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 6:47 AM CST
Dave, Dean and Gail, Taylor and Jacob, and the Berg family:
I wish Natalie, Ted and I could be there for Lynn's tribute tomorrow - but as you know Ted is fighting his own battle with cancer at this time. I'm sure it will be a beautiful tribute to Lynn. We had dinner with my Dad and Joan tonight and they wanted me to tell you they will be thinking of you all, as will Ted, Natalie and myself. Tracy and Lindsay also send their deepest condolences as well. Natalie feels a deep connection with Taylor and Jacob, as I've been on this website constantly since Ted was diagnosed 18 months ago. As Dean and Gail may recall, the computer sits right smack in the kitchen! I've recently read all the entries and know that all of you are so blessed to have Holly and Jenny in your lives, then and now.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you on this windy Santa Ana night.
Janis, Ted and Natalie Smith

Janis P. Smith <Janispsmith98@cox.net>
Mission Viejo, CA - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:38 AM CST

Dave, Jacob, Taylor, the Newman "In-Loves", Mr. & Mrs. Berg, Terri, Holly, & Jenny,

As you pay tribute to Lynn tomorrow morning, I will be praying so hard for all of you. I know that all of us "stalkers" out here in cyberspace will be thinking of you during that time and wishing for you peace and comfort. There are no words to adequately express how much I'm hurting for you all. You are people that I've never met, yet you are so close to my heart. May God bless you tomorrow and help you say what you need to say, feel what you need to feel, and cry when you need to cry. And when the service is through, I pray that you find a renewed sense of joy that Lynn is looking down with such love and perfect peace on all of you. She is free and rejoicing with our King and you will see her again someday.

My love to you all,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, January 3, 2007 0:12 AM CST
Dear everyone,

As you approach the day of "closing" with Lynn tomorrow, please know that my thoughts and my deepest prayers will be with you all....I pray that you, Dave, and the children, will find many moments to smile and feel glee and glory in the life that you had...and WILL continue to CREATE that spun out of your wife, and mom, Lynn.

My thoughts are with you all...the family, the friends, and the adored grandparents, aunts, uncles, and MORE friends.

I love you all,
Terri aka Teetay :)
ANd to "everything there is a season"....and we must BELIEVE that this is the truest source of comfort for us all....hugs to all of you and especially the children who need them the most.

terri matus < teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:54 PM CST
Dave, Taylor, Jacob and the rest of the Berg/Newman Family
I have struggled the last few days with what to say as so many have. I am so terribly sad for all of you and the loss of such an amazing women. I know Lynn has gone to such a beautiful place where she is now free of pain and can soar above us all. I feel so blessed to have known Lynn and shared a part of her life, even though it was so long ago I know that even then she had the same grace, diginity, courage and beauty as she continues to have in heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you, please know I wish I could be there tomorrow to say good bye to Sweet Lynn. So with that Good Bye my Friend you are already missed by so many.
With Love,

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:02 PM CST
I wanted to share my own grief experience when I lost my wife 5 years ago. I was left to raise our two boys by myself.
My wife, Paige, died at the age of 37 in an automobile accident involving a drunk driver. My faith was tested like never before. I was not prepared for the intense physical pain that my grief produced. It was an almost doubling-over pain, and the stomach-turning kind that kept me in bed. I wanted to run and somehow try to escape from the source of pain. It was impossible and agonizing. Looking back, I see that the grief was necessary, and sometimes to my disappointment, survivable. My children were the only thing that kept me going. My grief would be triggered by such unexpected things: the mail that was addressed to my wife, the smell of her perfume (worn by others), daisies (her favorite flower), and even the TV when one of her favorite shows would come on. Each memory set me back, or so I thought. One big component of the pain was fear - a fear it may not be temporary, but might actually become a permanent condition, like an uncurable disease.

As time went on, I realized that a day had passed without any grief, then another, then I would remember Paige with a smile instead of a tear. It took quite a while, but God did lead me though my grief and I was happy again.

A book I read that seemed to help me was "A Grief Observed" by CS Lewis.

Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. - Psalm 30:5.

Simon Ferguson <Sferguson@sbcglobal.net>
Coppell, TX USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:59 PM CST
David,Taylor, Jacob, Uncle Dean and Aunt Gail- I asked my mom and dad to give you extra hugs tomorrow, and although I will stop what I am doing and make my way to my church here in State College tomorrow morning at 10:30 to say a prayer for you all and remember Lynn, I wish I could be with you. I have thought about you so many times over the last few months and especially the last few days and I pray that you will find strength and peace in the days to come. Know that I love you all so much.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
state college, pa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:55 PM CST
Dear Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Holly, Jenny, and all of Lynn's family and friends,

My heart is breaking for you. I never met Lynn but I've been following her journey through this site for the last several months. I don't think I ever commented here, but I have been praying for her and for all of you. I will never forget Lynn's courage and above all, her faith in her Savior. I learned so much from Lynn. I wish now that I had told her when I had the chance. May God surround you with His loving arms tomorrow and always and bring you peace and comfort. I will continue to pray. God bless you all. Lynn, you will always be remembered.

Sherrie in PA
PA United States - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:51 PM CST
Dave, Gail, Dean, & Newman Family:
We are sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
The Ballmans: Todd, Cheryl, Alexis, and Marc

Todd Ballman <bigt242@hotmail.com>
Centennial, CO USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:23 PM CST
I just wanted to take the time to Thank You for openly sharing Lynn's courageous fight against that horrible diease. Her example and her faith in God has inspired me to be a better person and to look at life so differently. Thank You for changing my life by sharing yours Lynn. You will forever be missed but never forgotten. Jacob and Taylor, you had a wonderful mom who anyone could tell by reading her journal that she loved you more then life itself. I'm so sorry for your loss and pray that God wraps his arms around you and holds you close to him. Dave, I can't even imagine what your heart must be feeling. Your wife was one in a million. She was so beautiful, courageous and so full of faith and life till the very end. She worried more about everyone else then herself. What a selfless person. One I'm sorry I never got to meet in person. Please know that I'm praying for your family and friends. Again thank you for sharing your wife, mom, daughter, sister, and close friend with the rest of us.
Paulette Boone <mamaof2preciousones@yahoo.com>
Cincinnati, OH United States - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:57 PM CST
Newmans, Bergs, Holly, Jenny and all those close to Lynn ~ You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight. I am asking God to comfort your hearts and hold you close, and give you strength to face tomorrow. You are all so precious and so very loved. Blessings, Kathy

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:03 PM CST
I can't express in words how sorry I am for your loss. What an incredible woman, wife and mother who we have come to know through your words. Your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Lynn, fly free of pain into Jesus' loving arms.

Lois (Friends of Heroes, formerly Friends of Allie)
- Tuesday, January 2, 2007 5:28 PM CST
My heart is so very saddened right now after hearing about the passing of one awesome lady. While I don't think I have ever posted to the site there hasn't been a day that I haven't been praying.

Sarah <crz4mickey@yahoo.com>
Branson, MO - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 4:34 PM CST
To my friend Terri (Lynn's sister) and to all of Lynn's family and friends:
I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot say that I know how you feel, because I don't. But, do know that you have warm thoughts coming your way, many of which may be from surprising people and places. Know that I am one of those.

Margo Himes <mjhimesaz@hotmail.com>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 4:31 PM CST
Dear Dave, Taylor, Jacob, family and friends,
Soooooooooooooooooo sorry to hear about Lynn's passing. Although I have never met Lynn, I came to learn about her from Sam Eisenberg's site. I've been following this website ever since. Never in my wildest dreams would have thought I would ever be writing this entry. I know I can't imagine what you are going through right now but please know you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Will never forget Lynn, she made such an impact, what a fighter! Wishing you lots of peace and comfort not only for tomorrow as you say your goodbyes but for all those unbearable days that will follow as well.

Europe, - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 4:27 PM CST
Dear family and friends of Lynn,

I am so sorry for your loss. I read about Lynn's passing the other night and have had a difficult time putting my thoughts into words. I never met Lynn, I only knew her through her site. She has been such an incredible inspiration to me. Her words have brought me closer to God and to my family. She has helped me realize what is really important in life.

Thank you, Lynn, for sharing your life with all of us. Thank you to all of you who have shared Lynn with us. It means more than you will ever know. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and praying from NC.

Holly and Jenny, I want to echo what so many people have already said. You two (and I'm sure many others) have shown the world what it means to be a true friend. Thanks for that reminder. I'll be praying for both of you as well~I know this is a difficult time for all of you.

Kerry <kerrymccarthy@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, NC - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 4:17 PM CST
Part of me is still in total disbelief, but my heart is aching for you. I have such great memories of when you and Lynn first met, your courtship-just the mere mention of her name would bring a huge smile to your face, engagement and perfect wedding. You truly found your soulmate in Lynn and while I'm so very sorry she has left this life, there is comfort knowing she is at peace and painfree in Heaven. While her physical presence will be missed by so many, I don't think there could be a more incredible legacy for her to leave the world than your two beautiful children. You will continue to see her beauty and love everyday in Taylor and Jacob.

Holly and Jenny, your dedication and love for Lynn is so inspiring. She truly was blessed to have you as friends as I know you felt the same about her friendship. Thank you for keeping all of us informed through your heartfelt words and stories.

I'll be thinking of all of you tomorrow morning during Lynn's memorial.


Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 4:03 PM CST
To Lynn's precious family I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have never met Lynn but feel as if I knew her. I have been following her journal for quite a while. Please know that she touched alot of people through this website and we are praying for you all. God Bless
Covington, GA USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 3:53 PM CST
Lynn we never got to say goodbye, but we have all kept you in our prayers. We will continue those prayers for your family. Even though you have not been apart of our family for a while now you have never left our hearts. We grew up with you and treasure our memories of you as our sister in law. Your legacy lives on in all that knew you.
This is written on behalf of the Foushee family.

Andrea Foushee Gutierrez <gutierrezfamily@suddenlink.net>
portland, OR usa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:57 PM CST
jacob i am sorry that your mom died. i am praying for you and your family.

Jackson McCreary <shaun_mccreary@stercomm.com>
Frisco, , TX 75034 - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:51 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear about Lynn. I can't find the words to describe how I feel. Like others, I never met Lynn, but I had the opportunity to talk to her when she needed an Endocronologist. I feel as though I've known her forever.

I realize how important it was to Lynn, and everyone in her family, to shield the children from all that was happening. I'm curious to know when the children were informed? Were they present when she took her last breath?

Yvonne Garcia <ygarcia@fr.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:18 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear about Lynn. I can't find the words to describe how I feel. Like others, I never met Lynn, but I had the opportunity to talk to her when she needed an Endocronologist. I feel as though I've known her forever.

I realize how important it was to Lynn, and everyone in her family, to shield the children from all that was happening. I'm curious to know when the children were informed? Were they present when she took her last breath?

Yvonne Garcia <ygarcia@fr.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:18 PM CST
The thought that comes to my mind is of peace - Lynn is now at peace. I pray for peace for Lynn's entire family and all of her friends. God bless Holly and Jenny, too, for their unwavering gift of friendship. What a blessing.
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:16 PM CST
My heart aches... I was fortunate enough to spend many of life's most important events with sweet Lynn ~ graduation, attending her wedding, pregnancies ~ NEVER in my wildest dreams did I imagine that these would end with her funeral. There are only so many people on this Earth who have such beauty, inside and out, such grace and just all around presence and if you are fortunate enough, you may be blessed to be freinds with one of these people. Lynn was ABSOLUTELY this person! She was the epitome of what it means to be a shining Earth Angel. I find comfort knowing her pain has ended and that Heaven is a little brighter - but selfishly, our human world is a little darker today. Lynn ~ I will miss you always and never forget you. My prayers go out to Dave, those beautiful children who allow Lynn to still shine here on Earth, her family and friends. God Bless you Lynn Newman!!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:04 PM CST
i am sorry about your mommy. she loves you very much.

your friend

andrew base

Andrew Base <susan@jimortgage.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:40 PM CST
Dear Friends and Family of Lynn,

I post today with a very, very heavy heart. As we all say goodbye to Lynn on this earth, I would like to say that Lynn's strength has inspired all of us beyond comprehension. Lynn, made such a difference in my life with respect to knowing what is important in life "on this earth". Lynn was always hesitant to give me the bad news because she knew her friend Jules was a BIG worrier! She used to say to me all the time."Chill out Jules". Quit worrying about things that are out of your control and put them into God's hands. If you all go back to Lynn's past Journal's, that is the underlining message in almost everyone. I Love you dear friend and will miss our talks more than you know. Goodbye for now and I will see you again someday. I hope you will be at the gates to meet me! Love you, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 10:49 AM CST
Dear Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Lynn's family, Dave's family, and Lynn's precious friends,

My heart aches for your loss of Lynn. I have been following Lynn's story, praying for her and you all. As so many others say and all of us feel, Lynn was an amazing woman who so gracefully and faithfully relied on God through her fight with cancer. I will miss Lynn's words that have so touched my life. I will pray for peace and comfort to hold you up as you live your days without Lynn.

~Stephanie Lorsung

Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 9:22 AM CST
Re: Terri's entry below

How true! What a beautiful quote and SO appropriate for Sweet Lynn! Thank you!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:56 AM CST
Dear Lynn's sweet family,

I came across a quote this morning that I think SAYS MUCH about the beautiful life of Lynn Newman. There have been many words written about her and to you, but Merry Browne captures Lynn's worth in the FOLLOWING words:

"If you want an accounting of your worth, count your friends."

The bonds of friendship found in your hometown, around the country, and the world....and all over this website are magnificent. People gather here to honor Lynn and to show their love for each of you. That is greatness personified. I am honored to be able to call Lynn "friend" even from afar.

I am thinking of you today and will continue to offer prayers for your continued strength and peace of mind. God bless you all.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:48 AM CST
My heart goes out to Dave and the kids and to all who loved Lynn Newman. Though I never met her I feel like I've lost a great friend. I've followed Lynns journey for many years. I found her by God. God led me to her. For I too know what loss is like and what it feels to have someone you love suffer from cancer. Mine was my daugher who left this earth when she was 12. Grief is the hardest and toughest challenge I've ever had to endure but it will make you stronger in time. My loss will always be a part of my life the God was their and still is holding on to me and my faith that one day I will see my sweet girl again. I feel my Meg met Lynn at the gates and their together sharing their lives. We now have a bond we have special guardian angels that will watch over us during our journey in life. And thats a wonderful and special feeling. You will come to know that feeling in time. So let yourself be sad and cry when you need to but know from someone who had been their God is good and faithful and will be their to dry your tears and help you like he does me to take one day at a time. Lynns story brought so many together by her faith and love and especially her courage. Thank you Lynn Newman for sharing your story with all to read it has helped more people more than she ever realized. Her purpose was to bring faith into this world and I think she did.

Lori <soccermom66@hotmail.com>
Bedford, Tx Tarrant - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:39 AM CST
This message comes from my heart to Lynn,Taylor,Jacob,Dave, The Bergs and The Newmans: May god give you all peace now for Lynn is no longer suffering and now she is in the most peaceful of all places and always with us. I feel good knowing I have her with me and looking over me. I know that Lynn will be with all of us and letting us know in her own great way that all is good and to keep looking right!
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:50 AM CST
Oh, my dear friend - I just miss you SOOOO much already! Even though I knew your journey would soon end, my heart is flooded with pain, numbness, disbelief, anger, & tremendous sadness. You filled my days & life with endless joy. Through your long, difficult journey and endless pain......you never asked "why". But it's all of us who are left wondering "why"?

You were such a bright, shining light....you made a lasting impression on everyone you met....and you carried yourself with unbelievable grace & courage. Each day I spent with you, I grew into a better person. I am only just beginning to feel the depths of losing you.

THANK YOU for your AMAZING friendship. Being your friend and loving you was one of the easiest, most natural things I've ever done......losing you is definitely the most difficult, painful experience of my life. I am "holding up" only by knowing you are FINALLY pain-FREE & cancer-FREE my precious friend.

Forever I will miss you ~ NEVER will I forget you!
I love you to pieces, Jenny

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Monday, January 1, 2007 10:28 PM CST
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. II Timothy 4:6-8.

I have never met Lynn, but I have held her in my heart ever since learning of her caringbridge site. This scripture embraces how I view Lynn's journey. My prayers will be with all of you who have loved and lived with Lynn's journey.

Melissa Jolly <mnmjolly04@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 1, 2007 9:54 PM CST
I am at a loss for words. As long as I have followed Lynn on this journey in 2004, never did I ever think it would come to a memorial service. I always believed she would win the fight here on earth but God had a different plan.

Lynn was an inspiration to many. She fought her battle with grace even though I am sure she had many times where she was probably angry with the whole thing. She kept going and showed what a true "lady" she was.

God has blessed me with knowing Lynn and being able to email back and forth some in the past couple of years. We are all blessed that we now have her as our guardian angel.

God bless Lynn's family especially Dave and those beautiful children. Lynn loved you more than anything!

Hugs to you all,

Susan Bernhardt Zachary's website! My mom's caringbridge website!
Zimmerman, MN - Monday, January 1, 2007 8:11 PM CST
Dear Taylor and Jacob, I didn't know your mom in person, although I feel like I do after reading her words and the words of her friends on this website. I wish I did know her. I can't wait to get to heaven and introduce myself to her personally. You two are so lucky that you got to have her for your mom. She was one very special lady, who made a huge difference in people's lives, even people she had never met. Now it's up to you two to carry on her legacy- her gentle spirit, her inspiring faith, her courage, her optimism, her strength, and her passionate love for her family. You have her genes inside you, you have been nurtured by her since before you were born. She is literally a part of you. While the time you spent with her on this earth was far too short, you will get to make up for it in eternity. In your mom's memory, keep looking right! I know I will.
Cathy <chenoweth@fuse.net>
Fairfield , OH USA - Monday, January 1, 2007 6:46 PM CST
Holly and Jenny, thank you for the information on the services. I have a favor to ask: If possible, could you post something on the site after the services? Perhaps the sermon, a slide show or something like that if it's not too much trouble. Those of us out-of-town will appreciate it, I'm sure.
Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, January 1, 2007 5:15 PM CST
I too have followed Lynn's journal for the last several years. I hoped and prayed Lynn would be cured and was especially hopeful the vaccine would prove successful. One of the journal entries that I remember clearly is when her friend Corbin told her in March, "I want to be Lynn Newman when my challenge comes." How true!! Whatever God has in store for me in the future, I want to be as graceful, as determined, as forgiving, as faithful, as loving as...Lynn Newman.
Seattle, WA - Monday, January 1, 2007 4:24 PM CST
I have followed Lynn's story for a long time, but not since the beginning. I spent some time this morning going through the journal history. Holly and Jenny, your friendship to Lynn has changed my life. I have been in a pit of loneliness that I can't even describe to you for the last 5 yrs. We've made several moves and I've not found my niche in my new community. Today I realized that I am going to become a friend and I want to be the friend to others that you were and are to Lynn and her family. When I read about you all sitting in your cul de sac watching the kids play it stirred my heart. No, that's not possible in my cul de sac as I'm the only one with children, but I can minister to others and I'm going to. I spoke with my husband about it at lunch today and I'm not sure how it will look or who the Lord will send my way, but thank you so much for your gift to us of showing us what friendship is.
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Monday, January 1, 2007 3:27 PM CST
"Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness like stars for ever and ever." - Daniel 12:3

I read this in my devotional this morning. Lynn will certainly shine as the stars forever! Love you, Newmans.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, January 1, 2007 3:03 PM CST
I have been praying for the Newman family and her precious friends. I only had the chance to meet Lynn on a couple of occasions and those brief encounters left an amazing impact on me. She blessed me with prayer for my family during a difficult time in my life and it has and continues to be an honor for me to pray for her and her family.
I am deeply saddened at the earthly loss and the human grief that is felt - God does count your tears....and he weeps at the sadness felt but rejoices with us in Lynn's eternal life.
My sympathies and prayers are with all the family and precious friends.

L. Daves
Plano, - Monday, January 1, 2007 2:15 PM CST
Despite her pain, it was obvious that this woman fought hard to stay with her children, husband and extended family. I am glad she is at peace but I mourn for her beautiful family. Friends, please stay close to these wonderful people and comfort them. Their journey continues.


Canada - Monday, January 1, 2007 1:15 PM CST
Dear Newman/Berg Family and Friends,
I want to express my dearest sympathy to you all, as I know this is such a difficult time. Just knowing that Lynn is in heaven now, without pain and cancer, is such a blessing. She will be greatly missed by soooo many, but we all have such wonderful memories of her to see us through. I pray for your peace and comfort during this time, and pray that her memories and love will sustain you. Thank you for sharing your precious Lynn with all of us. She will be in our hearts and souls forever... Love to you all, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, January 1, 2007 12:45 AM CST
I am still trying to process Lynn's death. I know there is a plan and we are not to question it but that does not make this any easier. I pray that there is hope, peace, love and acceptance in the Newman home in the New Year. Taylor and Jacob, I pray that the two of you fully understand the journey your mom was on, the lives she touched and how special she was. In time, may you both find comfort from her love and memories. I am deeply sorry and saddened. Lynn was an inspiration, she showed many of us how to be strong in the face of adversity, faithful through life's journeys and how to LOOK RIGHT. Dave, thank you for sharing your wife with us.
Depend on the Lord; trust Him and He will take care of you. Psalms 37:5
In His Grip, Maria Ashcraft

Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
FRISCO, TX USA - Monday, January 1, 2007 12:13 AM CST
Oh dear Lord.... that is all I can think to say. I am so truly sorry for your precious families. I hope that you continue to guard Lynn precious chrildren and only allow them to see the beauty of all of this. Their mommy is no longer in pain. Their mommy gets to play with Jesus and help take care of all of the little angels in heaven that have gone before her and that will come after her.

I have been following and praying for her for quite some time. Please know that I, too, had fallen for your most precious angel. I am so happy that she is with her Lord tonight and without the awful pain... but I had so hoped that something miraculous would happen and she would be able to continue raising her kids. I know that she would have if she could have.

Please know you have my entire families prayers. I am so sad for you, right now. I will pray that God heals your hearts.

May you have lots of sweet Dreams of Lynn!
Rebecca and Tabor

Rebecca Fleming <rektorikfleming@yahoo.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, January 1, 2007 12:03 AM CST
Knowing that this time is extremely difficult;I keep Lynn's family and friends in my prayers
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Monday, January 1, 2007 11:32 AM CST
Wishing to you the strength and support to grieve and say goodbye to your beloved Lynn. I checked her site regularly and I am saddened to hear that she has left this earth. I am happy to know that she is finally free of pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May your days be brighter knowing your special Angel Lynn is watching over you.
Allison <r3lads@gmail.com>
Bristol, CT 06010 - Monday, January 1, 2007 11:00 AM CST
To The Newman & Berg family, Holly, Jenny and all her friends and followers.

Words cannot express the sadness of those of you who loved her, for those of you who knew her, for those of you who never had the privilege to meet her, and for those of us who wanted more time and memories with her.

Lynn was such a warm and loving person with the sweetest heart, amazing strength and grace. I know we all learned so much from her, and we can all keep that with us as we continue our own journeys through life.

Yesterday we had the priviledge of having sweet Taylor in our house for a few moments while she and the Gwynn girls waited for Emily to grab a few things before heading off for a much anticipated playdate. The laughter, giggles and smiles that came out of all 4 girls did my heart such good, and I know Lynn was proud too. Such a wonderful friend and sweet heart lives on!

May you all have renewed strength in the coming days, and know that that sweet angel is watching over all of you and will forever live on in your hearts and ours.

All of our love and prayers to you all.

Kathy, John, Emily & Cameron Ranney

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Monday, January 1, 2007 8:32 AM CST
Happy New Year to the Newman family and all loved ones.....
Though it may seem an unlikely time to rejoice, now is the opportunity to move forward in Lynn's honor, in a manner that she would expect us all to do. Lynn has left behind a legacy of truth, honor and courage. With hope and faith, the grief of your loss will lessen and your family will grow with amazing strength. The children will forever be altered and will take their hardships to grow. Lynn instilled values in them that will be everlasting and a bond with Dave that is now even stronger. I know that this last year was full of struggles and pain. Now, Lynn is in the arms of our Heavenly Father, w/out pain and suffering.
Thank you Lord for the time we had with Lynn, for the courage you gave her to share her long and arduous journey. Her time on Earth was specific to the plan You gave her and she completed it with the upmost class and faith in You. Please continue to lift Dave, Taylor, Jacob, dear family and dedicated friends. Help them all to deal with their loss with You by their side, loving them, guiding them and with your arms around them. Take their pain and fears away from them and allow their souls to be filled with your Holy Spirit. Help them all to give their hearts to You completely, so that you may heal them.
In the name of Jesus we all pray, AMEN
Lynn spoke to so many of us, touched and changed our hearts and souls. The memory of her will be forever in our hearts.
Best wishes to you all in 2007

A Friend in Christ
Plano, TX United States - Monday, January 1, 2007 8:27 AM CST
May I be the first in 2007 to wish your family peace, strength and hope. May God guide you all through your sorrow.
Nova Scotia Canada - Monday, January 1, 2007 8:05 AM CST
To all of you "out there" tonight...
I know that Holly and Jenny will capture this website for the Newman famiy so that Jacob and Taylor will have a HISTORY of their incredible MOTHER and friend to so many.

I am thinking of you all tonight as 2007 falls into line...

With love and God's blessings on all of you.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay;)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va usa - Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:36 PM CST
May God continue to hold your family in His loving arms. All of us at Tom Hicks were fortunate to know Lynn and she will hold a special place in our hearts. Lynn's abundant love will continue to shine through in her precious children.
Kendra Kerley <kerley1@airmail.net>
Little Elm, TX - Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:09 PM CST
I've followed Lynn's story for a very long time. Something about her words drew me to this site often. I've never met her, but she has touched my life. What a wonderful person! She was truly beautiful, inside and out. I'll continue to pray for the family. Just know that she touched soooo many. Her positive attitude was such an inspiration, and will NEVER be forgotten! God bless.
Robin Russell
Raleigh, NC - Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:21 PM CST
How sad we are to hear the news of Lynn's passing. What an incredible fight and an incredible life on earth for our friend. No doubt Lynn is peaceful, comfortable and soaring in heaven right now. She is a true inspiration for all in life, love and faith.

To Dave, Taylor and Jacob, to Lynn's family, Dave's family, and all of Lynn's precious friends who've been by her through all, you're in our thoughts and prayers. Our hearts ache for your loss, and we pray you will find peace and comfort in her glorious memory. She'll forever be in our hearts.
Our love,

Shelley Bonjean and family <bonjeans@msn.com>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:21 PM CST
I'm so sorry that Lynn's time on Earth has ended. Thank you for sharing her courageous fight with us.
Anna Skelton
Frankfort, IL United States - Sunday, December 31, 2006 8:46 PM CST
As so many I am unable to get you all off my mind. I have thought of you a thousand times today, yesterday and the days before. Even though I never met Lynn in person I feel her loss so deeply. Taylor and Jacob, you have had such an amazingly strong and wonderful mother, Dave, from what I could tell through this site, I have prayed for your magical marriage. Holly and Jenny, the loss of a friend is so great and personal, how lucky you were for such a great friendship! I continue to pray for the entire gang there and know that Lynn is smiling down on us all painfree! God Bless You All and May He Keep You Safe in His Hands. Beth
Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
Burnsville, MN - Sunday, December 31, 2006 8:02 PM CST
I have been drawn back here to this site over and over today, just as I was countless times during those long days when we were all anxiously awaiting news of Lynn's current condition. Each time I've come back today, it's felt almost as if I'm reading the news of her flight to heaven for the first time all over again. The sadness and disbelief rush back in and the tears start all over.

But I know without a doubt that GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL. He is a good God and His plan is never wrong, however "wrong" it must seem to us lowly human beings. He never once left Lynn's side during her brave journey, and He will not allow her family to mourn without the assurance that they will be reunited with Lynn one day. Praise God for that!

I look forward to the day when I will have the honor of meeting Lynn face to face in that beautiful place!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, December 31, 2006 6:27 PM CST
I met Lynn this summer when our children were both attending camp at Stonebriar. I had heard her story from friends at her church and I approached her to tell her how much her story had touched me. See my cousin was diagnosed with brain cancer at 27 and he died at 31. He left behind a young wife and 2 year old daugher, as well as parents, siblings and an extended family and friends who loved him with teh same inspiring love you all have for Lynn. Pete was his pastor as well and his service was at Stonebriar 6 years ago. In the few moments we connected, I was hooked. I checked this website each day and prayed for her and for her children. I am so sad to hear of her passing ... I am praying for all who love her and wish you all peace. As painful as it is to lose a loved one, it is a great feeling to have an angel on your side....Peace and Love to all of you... xoxo
Angela Deaton Brewton <adeaton@primelending.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 5:29 PM CST
I am sad and tongue tied as usual searching for the "right words" that seem to come so eloquantly from all of you. Thank you all for your beauty in the way you lead your Christian lives and for journaling. I pray for Lynn's family, Dave, children and friends but know that you will be provided the love, strength, and support to get through this. Your memory and teachings will be forever embedded in our lives Lynn. From a fellow cyber networker/stalker #7007
Stephanie Orum <healyorum@comcast.net>
Neptune Beach, FL USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 3:18 PM CST
I, too, cannot stop thinking and praying for all of you! I just know that Lynn will be joyful and smiling on everyone during the Memorial Service for her on Wednesday! It will truly wonderful! May God bless all of you and keep you; may He cause His countenance to shine on you, and grant you peace, His most precious gift! With faith in Him always, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, December 31, 2006 2:39 PM CST
I spent yesterday looking thru Lynn's journal. I can tell that Lynn has a WONDERFUL FAMILY and the most AMAZING AND PRECIOUS FRIENDS! Lynn showed a lot of faith thru her ordeal. I cannot imagine being faced with the news that your cancer has returned. I could tell from reading the journal entries that Lynn was a VERY POSITIVE person. She did NOT allow negative thoughts into her life. She fought with EVERYTHING in her against the cancer. I wish that I could have known Lynn and her WONDERFUL family and friends. I thank Lynn and her friends and family for sharing this journey with us. Lynn didn't know why she had to go thru this illness, but that the Lord had a plan for her. I believe that her story has touched a lot of people, including myself. I know without a doubt that Lynn is in Heaven. I know she is without pain. I know she is happier than she has ever been. Since Cardinal's and butterflies were 2 things that Lynn looked for, be looking for them as they might just be signs from Lynn saying "HI!! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!! I AM DOING FINE!! YOU WILL SEE ME AGAIN SOMEDAY!! UNTIL THEN, JUST REMEMBER THE HAPPY TIMES WE SPENT TOGETHER. DON'T DWELL ON THE ILLNESS I HAD. THERE IS NO MORE PAIN--NO ILLNESS!! I AM TOTALLY HEALED!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I WILL SEE YOU ALL WHEN YOUR JOURNEY ON EARTH IS OVER. UNTIL THEN, I WATCH OVER YOU ALL!!"
I wish I lived close enough to attend the Memorial Service. Dave and family--I will always keep Lynn in my thoughts and prayers, as well as the rest of your family. May the Lord bless you all with comfort, peace, love and health.


- Sunday, December 31, 2006 1:17 PM CST
To the Newman family and their friends,

May the God of all Comfort be with you today. May His face shine upon you and give you Peace.

Lima, OH - Sunday, December 31, 2006 1:11 PM CST
Today in church we sang the following song. I just concentrated on Lynne and how she must be feeling right now praising the Lord around the throne of glory and free from pain. I was crying and smiling all at once.

How lovely is
Your dwelling place
Oh Lord Almighty,
For my soul longs
And even faints
For You
Oh, here my heart
Is satisfied (is satisfied)
Within Your presence
I see beneath
The shadow of
Your wings

Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
(Than thousands elsewhere)

One thing I ask,
And I would seek,
To see Your beauty
To find You in
The place Your glory dwells
(One thing I ask)
One thing I ask
And I would seek,
To see Your beauty
To find You in
The place Your glory dwells

Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
(Better is one day)
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere

(My heart and flesh cry out)
My heart and flesh cry out
For You, the Living God
Your Spirit's water for my soul
I've tasted, and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You
I will draw near to You
To You

Better is one day
Better is one day
Better is one day
Than thousands elsewhere
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere

Yeah, than thousands elsewhere (Yeah)
Oh, than thousands elsewhere

Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
Mo - Sunday, December 31, 2006 12:57 AM CST
Thinking about Lynn and praying for all of those that she loved. Wish I could be in Texas to share in her service with all of you on Wednesday-my heart will be there!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 12:40 AM CST
It has taken me a few days to put together my words following the day Lynn passed from us.
Yes, I remember the storms of heavy rain, thunder, lightening and the winds of the afternoon of December 29th. I was finishing my work in a 57 story high rise building in downtown Dallas. Our building shook with the thunder, our lights flickered with the lightening and the rain pelted the windows. As Holly described, our precious Lynn was stomping up to Heaven. Strong and determined as she was on earth her ascension into heaven was reflective of her M-O !! With the thunder we heard, she was banging on the doors of the Golden Gates and when those doors opened her hands and arms were healthy and strong but not clinched in a fist. They were raised in glory to receive her Savior, Jesus Christ. On earth she accepted Him as her Lord and Savior and now in Heaven she received the gift of His promise of Eternal Life. We can rejoice that Lynn wears the Crown of Salvation. On earth we weep that she is not with us as she was before the wrath of cancer. Our Blessed Father in Heaven created us with our human weakeness where we know grief. He also gave us the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, who has shown us the way to handle our earthly trials. - Prayer and faithfulness to His Promise - Our grief is great, His Promise is greater. With faithfulness we will be blessed at our time to ascend to join Lynn once again in health and glory. My pray is that all who cared and loved Lynn on this earth are surrounded at this time with the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He will care and comfort Dave, Taylor and Jacob and provide for their path as they continue on this earth.
Our devoted Father, who is in Heaven, Blessed is Your name. In Your kingdom Your will be done and on earth we will be faithful. You give us our days and our daily blessings. You have taught us to forgive those we hurt as You have forgiven us unconditionally. Watch over us as we are tempted and guide us away from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom promised to us thru your Son, Jesus Christ. All Power and Glory is Yours to bestow to us, Your Children. Amen.

Grandma Jeanne <oldgreen.eyes@verizon.net>
Dallas, TX United States of America - Sunday, December 31, 2006 12:39 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
My heart is split. For I know now your free of pain my selfishness still wants you here. Thank you for the lesson. I pray for your family and friends to keep your memory strong. All my LOVE...

Sheila <permanentlyours@comcast.net>
Parker Ford, PA USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 11:38 AM CST
I cannot get all of you off my mind (not that I want to!)
I still cannot believe Lynn has gone to Heaven. And I've always felt so happy for the person who gets to go to Heaven, but there is such sadness for those left here. I continue to pray for all of you, that you (especially Taylor and Jacob) will always feel Lynn with you and know her love even though you cannot see her or touch her physically.

Sending my love.....

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Sunday, December 31, 2006 11:00 AM CST
God Bless all of Lynn's family and great friends during this trying time.Have peace in knowing that she has finished her race. She is now in the place we are all striving to get to, in the presence of our all mighty God. It was a great honor to have known such a beautilful,God Fearing woman. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time. Lots of love.
Donna Nickerson <donnabaabs@hotmail.com>
Dallas, Tx USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:26 AM CST
Dear Jacob,
My name is Armond and I'm 7 years old just like you. Well, I'll be 7 in six days so I'm close. Our moms are friends from work from long time ago at General Mills. My mom says I used to wear all your clothes when I was a baby as your mom mailed them to my mom. We met when we were babies and my mom has pictures of us playing together.
I'm sorry to hear about your mom.
Your friend from Minnesota,
Armond Isaak

Armond Isaak <MN_Isaaks@Hotmails.com>
New Hope, MN usa - Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:19 AM CST
Dear Taylor,
I am nine years old just like you. My name is Emma. Our moms are friends from work long ago at General Mills. I'm really sorry to hear about your mom. I have been praying for her for years now. I also have been wearing the pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet for a long time too. It has helped me a lot.
My mom said I could email you more later at your email address. I hope it's okay if you have a friend from Minnesota.
Emma Isaak
9 nine years old

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
New Hope, mn usa - Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:13 AM CST
Dear Taylor,
My name is Emma and I'm nine years old just like you. I asked my mom if I could write you a note so she's typing it for me. Our moms are friends from work long ago at General Mills. I'm really sorry to hear about your mom. I think about you a lot.
I have been wearing the pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet for a long time now. Last night I told my mom I'm going to continue to wear it for you now. My mom said it's okay if I write you more later on your email address. I hope it's okay with you to have a friend from Minnesota.
Emma Isaak
9 years old

Emma Isaak-LOOKING RIGHT <MN_Isaaks@Hotmails.com>
New Hope, MN USA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:09 AM CST
As I have been doing everyday for quite a while now, I will continue to pray for Lynn's soul, strength for her husband, beautiful children, family and faithful friends. May the Lord walk you through this time of sorrow. Know that many people are praying for all of you. God Bless the Newmans's.
Nova Scotia Canada - Sunday, December 31, 2006 6:09 AM CST
With tears and prayers, I am wishing Lynn a sweet journey. To all her earthly friends and family, especially her children, I wish you peace, love and joy and the understanding that Lynn will be with you forever.
Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Sunday, December 31, 2006 0:46 AM CST
Newmans & friends ~ You are constantly on my heart, I can't stop thinking about you and about your sweet Lynn tonight. Please know you're being lifted in prayer. Blessings to you as you plan what I'm sure will be a wonderful tribute to Lynn.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, December 31, 2006 0:38 AM CST
I will be praying for all of Lynn's family & friends, especially for her precious children. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Zhohn Dupont <z_dupont@hotmail.com>
SIMMESPORT, LA USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:45 PM CST
Newman & Berg Families, Holly, & Jenny...

I just can't get you all off my mind. I've prayed for you countless times today that you would feel Christ's arms wrapped around your shoulders as you bear the weight of making the arrangements for sweet Lynn. I imagine that her service will be one that no one will ever forget.

It brings me great comfort to think that this journey of life is just a blink of an eye in the span of eternity and we will all be together again one day in the midst of Sweet Lynn and our Precious King.

As Christians, we are all a chain and our chain is very strong. We have passed the word along to those on our prayer list and they will tell many others as well... Just think, if everyone in Lynn's journal and all those you encounter in your daily lives are doing the same, which I'm sure they are, can you imagine how many lips are uttering your needs to our Father?

May your hearts feel peace beyond measure.

With love, Godspeed...
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:11 PM CST
I have read Lynn's site every since I began reading about Sam Eisenberg. I am so sorry for your loss. Beautiful Lynn is now a beautiful Angel!
God comfort you all!

Waco, Tx USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:25 PM CST
Dave,Taylor, Jacob, Bergs, and Newman families:
Scott and I are so sorry to hear of Lynn's passing. Our hearts go out to all of you and you will never be far from our thoughts. I am so touched by the countless number of postings from all the people she touched...it is incredible. Her life is an amazing testimony of faith, courage and love. I wish you all peace in the days/months to come as you begin a new journey in life, one that she'll always be guiding you through. Love to you all.

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, Ar usa - Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:19 PM CST
miss you, miss you, miss you. so thankful to know i will see you again someday.
candace <candacesnyder@mac.com>
plano, - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:36 PM CST
My heart is so heavy, and I have no words. Only the deepest condolences to all that loved Lynn, especially for the children and Dave. I only wish that I could have in person told Lynn what she did for me.
This is a bittersweet moment. I am thankful to God that he has relieved her of the suffering and the disease. It is a comfort that we know she is now with Him. Her journey, her plan was so much more complex than the most of us. Her duty here on Earth was complete and it was time for her to go back into His arms. She was with us for many reasons and her journey with this cancer had many purposes. I know that she is a special soul who touched many. She touched my soul to the core, led me to Him, something that I KNOW w/out a doubt was her purpose for me. "To change a stranger's heart..." I will never forget those words Holly, it hit home for me. I feel so jumbled and can't put down in words what is happening in my heart and soul.
To Holly, Jenny, and all of Lynn's family: I know you all feel so blessed to have had Lynn in your life, that she gave you all something special. From my view, YOU are all just as special and gave so much to her. I know she is smiling down on you all, grateful and full of love. Thankful that her last few years here, YOU helped carry her. You have watched the suffering first hand, but always managed to hold strong, in His Love, the way He intends us ALL to be. I pray for peace for all of you, for you have lost an amazing, courageous and loving mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend, however, there has been so much gained in the time leading to now.
In His Love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:51 PM CST
I began coming to Lynn's site quite some time ago, after hearing about her on Sam Eisenberg's Web site (and I learned about Sam through Jenny Scott's Web site). I've checked on Lynn almost every day and I was deeply saddened to learn of her passing. I put my hand to my mouth and just cried. I don't know Lynn or her family personally, but I know from the site that she was an amazing person with wonderful friends and family around her. I admire her strength so much. She was so young to have endured all that she did. My heart is broken for all those who loved her, and I will be thinking of you at this difficult time.
Lisa N.
San Mateo, CA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:35 PM CST
I am writing tonight with a heavy heart. I have never met Lynn personally but she has had such an impact on my life. I will miss her words. I will miss her strength. What I have come to know of Lynn is that she is a beautiful person both inside and out. She loves her family, her friends and our savior Jesus Christ. I am listening to the song “I can only imagine” by MercyMe and all I can think about is what she must be feeling right now. What she must be seeing right now. She is in the presence of our heavenly father. Like the song says “I can only imagine”. She has no pain and is being welcomed by so many people that love her. I hope that one day when it is my time to go that I will be able to meet her personally and hug her for opening my eyes to the lord. Every person comes into your life for a reason. Lynn came into mine through her story. The one thing I have learned from Lynn is not to be afraid. Believe in yourself and the Lord Jesus Christ. She has been through pain and suffering that we can not even imagine and through it all she still held onto her faith. She still knew that God was there helping her and carrying her when she could not go on. I pray that her kids will forever know that there mom opened my eyes and many others to have more Faith! To Believe!

Lord I pray that you comfort her family during this time and that her children always remember what a wonderful loving mother they have.

Janin <huerterfam@aol.com>
Katy, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:11 PM CST
Dear David, Taylor, Jacob, Gail, Dean & the Berg family,
We are so grateful for having known Lynn & her terrific family, glad for the supporting friends & neighbors God provided in Texas. Our hearts go out to you all in this huge loss. We pray that eventually you will know God's comfort and peace. Love, the Greg Evans family of Colorado

Paige Evnas <longhornlady1@msn.com>
Kiowa, CO USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:08 PM CST
Together with all of your cyber friends, I bid you farewell for now sweet Lynn. We will meet again, until then...fly high sweet angel, you have forever touched my heart and soul.

Always Looking RIGHT,

Laura Quevedo <laura.quevedo@gmail.com>
Diamond Bar, CA USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 7:26 PM CST
We have prayed for you many times over the three years that I have known and wore your braclet. May you all keep looking right to HIM during this difficult time.
Jer. 29:11

Tori Miller and Family <tori@cebridge.net>
Prosper, - Saturday, December 30, 2006 6:57 PM CST
Dear Newman family and friends - our most heartfelt prayers are w/ you. I am so lucky to have met Lynn along w/ so many of you during visits at the cancer center. Lynn's strength, grace and cheerful spirit will inspire me for the rest of my life.
I was thinking back to some of our visits...and only the "Newman gang" could make getting chemo such an adventure. I will never forget the yummy snacks, the stories we shared and the wedding video we watched. Yes, Lynn's friends did everything they could to keep her entertained during those tough times. I can only hope that my daughters will grow up to have the type of friends that Lynn has. Lynn you are missed.
Peace be with you all!

Darren, Mindy, Julia, Caroline and Baby Rachel <mindobbs@verizon.net>
Murphy, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 5:56 PM CST
Lynn was the epitome of class and beauty inside and out. She will be forever missed but not forgotten. I'm thankful for the time I've had to know and learn from her. May all her family find comfort in knowing she is in such a better place.
With love, thoughts and prayers, Stephanie Linehan <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Saturday, December 30, 2006 5:47 PM CST
My heart goes out to the Newman family, may you always have those sweet memories of your precious mom, wife.
Tammy DeBlaay FOA <tammydeblaay@hotmail.com>
Fort Worth , TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 4:38 PM CST
Lynn will always have a place in my heart. Her smile and grace will never be forgotten. She was the definition of gracious. Her strength and determination inspired me.
Angie Bishop <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Saturday, December 30, 2006 3:52 PM CST
Aloha, We Love You Terri and Family,
Our hearts and hopes go out to you all this morning. We can only say, having been through it, that being there for each other is the most important thing of all. Terri, we're here for you too!
Love Always, Matt&Laura, Kona-Hawaii

Laura Lamm
Kailua Kona, HI HI - Saturday, December 30, 2006 2:22 PM CST
A very dear friend passed away last evening. Though I never met Lynn I felt very close to her through her journal.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family, especially those sweet children, and to all of you who have nurtured and cared for Lynn during this long journey. May the blessings of her memory give you strength in the coming days.

Judy Sailor <jsailor14@comcast.net>
Corvallis, OR USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 2:13 PM CST
To everyone in the Newman, Berg and neighborhood family,
I am so saddened to know that Lynn has left you physically. I know that Lynn will live inside each of you forever. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:38 PM CST
David, Taylor, and Jacob...

we are thinking of you... and are in our prayers...

Nancy, Tanner, and Logan

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, tx - Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:13 PM CST
When I arrived home from work in ER at midnight on 29th Dec, this was the first place I came to.
My thoughts are with you.

Sandra <nursy@baldrix.net>
Cambell, CA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:11 PM CST
Praying for the family and friends of Lynn Newman during this difficult time.
NC - Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:06 PM CST
To Lynn's dear family and friends:
I just could not post last night,gathering thoughts on this journey. Lynn was such a blessing on earth and I know that she will bo looking right back to all who knew her and she will feel so much love and peace. I pray for the spark of healing to come to those who have endured this battle with Lynn and I know that she is finally free of the pain which is a blessing. I am so often reminded that it is just not our place to understand God's plan, but know that each heart that Lynn touched there will be an imprint forever. Our whole family sends there love and support in this difficult time.
With a heavy heart:
Jerri, Mike, Colin, Jordan and Aaron Hill

Jerri Hill <mxjxhill@msn.com>
- Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:06 PM CST
My heart is heavy as I read of Lynn's homegoing, knowing how much she will be missed here on earth. Thanking God for His perfect healing, and asking for comfort and peace for your families and friends during this time.
Amanda <amandakjones@comcast.net>
Grand Rapids, MI - Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:38 AM CST
Dear Newman (and friends) family,
I read, with great saddness and heavy heart, last evening of Lynn's passing. I was too saddened to write a comment to you then, but now I want to take an opportunity to tell you that your precious, sweet Lynn had an impact on me. I have left a comment or two since I started following Lynn's journey (got her link from Sam Eisenberg's caringbridge site), and although I never met Lynn, I felt like I knew her because of the open, honest way she wrote of her fight with the terrible cancer beast. I know she is pain free, with her Lord, and watching down over her beloved family! For each of you I pray for strength to face the days to come, for Lynn's sweet babies to be able to understand why Mom went away, and for wisdom and tenderness for all the caregivers who will continue to nurture the Newman family with love and support.
Lynn, you have fought the good fight, and now have victory with Jesus!
God Bless You Each One,

Tracy Jones <tracypaigejones@yahoo.com>
Kingsport, TN USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:58 AM CST
To Lynn's family and close friends, I am so sorry to hear of Lynn's passing. She inspired so many people, her rewards in Heaven will be great. May God give you comfort and peace and may you be surrounded by cardinals to show you that Lynn is near and watching over you from Heaven.

Fly high Angel ^i^ Lynn ~ rest in the arms of your saviour

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Bridge Of Dreams

Debbie from the Bridge of Dreams <debbie@bridgeofdreams.org>
VA USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:56 AM CST
Dear sweet Newman family,

I don't know if I have ever signed Lynn's guestbook before, but I have been a follower for a very long time. This journal has been an inspiration of love to me and a testimony that God is good and alive in all of us. Thank you for that. My heart truly aches for you at this time. May our Heavenly Father lift all of you up with His strength. Many blessings. Lorilee Peterson

Lorilee <lor.peterson@sbcglobal.net>
Olathe, KS - Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:18 AM CST
Dave (& family), Suzanne, Wayne, Terri,
I so deeply saddened by the news of losing Lynn. But, I am further humbled and ever more greatful for the incredible friendship I have enjoyed with Lynn these past 13+ years. She is so dear to me, and like all of you, will always be an important part of my life.
I am also blessed to have gotten to know all of you, and I look forward to many years of continued friendship. Kellie has shared with me a number of times just how quickly she and Lynn became close friends and fell in love with each other after spending the day together in the golf cart in Hawaii. Kellie too has closely followed Lynn's battle, and I know she has prayed deeply and often for comfort and healing. Kellie and I will continue to pray for same for all of you, and for us.
All our love,
Tate & Kellie

Tate Jorgensen
South Jordan, Utah - Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:06 AM CST
Wishing you peace and strength during this time... Thinking of you all with love and God's blessings.
Ashli Matus-George <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Washington , DC - Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:41 AM CST
I have no doubt that Lynn will use those most beautiful wings to shelter her children and family for the rest of their time on earth. May her friends and family hold each other up in their grief and never let her children forget just how special their mom is. May they read the words she wrote in this journal and know just how amazing a legacy she has left for them.

Peace and strength.

Donna Kirk-Swaffar
Rossville, KS - Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:27 AM CST
Thank you so much for sharing Lynns wonderful life with us all. A true inspiration. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you.
Erin O. *foa <mommatoalex04@yahoo.com>
OKC, OK - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:49 AM CST
I began checking on Lynn a longtime ago after learning of her fight from Sam Eisenberg's website,since then i've checked on Lynn constantly drawn back by the love that radiated from every entry.
We're all blessed with so many things in this life but friendship is truly one that is given straight from God.I hope the knowledge of how much others have seen and been moved by the love you've all shared together with sustain you through the hard times ahead without Lynn.Remember to lean on and love each other as she would have wanted you to do.
To Lynn's family,especially her children,my heart is broken for you all to lose someone so beautiful but remember your hearts forever carry her close to you.You will remain in my prayers and thoughts.
With love,

Theresa Heath <danjotay@comcast.net>
Rowlett, Tx - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:47 AM CST
Dear "lovers of Lynn"..
I, like so many of you, keep coming back to this site...it gives me inspiration to go through this day....the next to last one of 2007! I also never knew Lynn in PERSON, but I came to know her through her words, her courage, her humor, and her friends....her FACE will be permanently in front of me as I continue to pray for the whole Newman family this weekend and in the days to come.

The "stomping" to heaven story is yet another priceless piece of REALNESS that Lynn, her family, and her friends have demonstrated to so many. I guess if we "stormed heaven" with our prayers it was only appropriate for Lynn to STOMP her way in. I would like to think she was trying out her new ANGEL BOOTS 'made for walkin'....!!! God bless you all as you go about the duties of the day and taking care of all the details to do justice in tribute to Lynn Newman. I will forever try to "LOOK RIGHT" and be positive for all the gifts in my life, and I thank Lynn, Holly, Jenny, and all for creating a crystal-clear lens for seeing the world as a beautiful place.

The cardinal is the STATE BIRD for Virginia where I live...and you know I am LOOKING for JUST THE RIGHT VIRGINIA CARDINAL to send to Texas in the near future!

With love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, VA USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:42 AM CST
Dear Friends and Family,

Having Lynn on my mind and with very little sleep last night, I come to her guestbok. It's so incredibly hard to put into words the actions I've witnessed over the past several months but wanted to also paint a few beautiful pictures for you all to envision.

I've been blessed to know the true magnitude of friendship in my own life yet never can you imagine how Lynn's friends felt about her. I witnessed it first hand over several days when Lynn was in the hospital a couple of months ago. Holly, Jenny and the rest went into action making sure someone was always on duty to watch over their Sweet Lynn. Whomever it was, they never sat. It was a constant stream in motion of tending to Lynn's needs. Ice packs, rubbing lotion on her arms and legs, fixing and fixing and fixing the pillows in just the right way to try and eleviate some of her pain. They fed her, brought her favorite chocolate milk shakes, put chapstick on her lips and ever helped her with makeup and hair primping as she was wheeled off to surgery a couple of times. They would sing to her, read to her and in the most basic of instincts just love on her. She was their heart and soul. How could one woman make such a difference in these girl's hearts? She just did by being Lynn.

Dennis, the kids and I were so fortunate to have spent some beautiful time with Lynn last Saturday. Her mom told her she was having company but didn't tell her who it was. In true Lynn form, she was sitting in her chair wearing beautiful pink satin pajamas and was covered by a soft pink blanket. She was dozing peacefully when we arrived and was arroused very easily. When she saw us, her eyes opened big and her mouth immediately formed a smile. She knew who we were and we were blessed to share a good 20 minute conversation with her before she was back peacefully sleeping.

Again in the true Lynn spirit, she was able to fill OUR hearts. Upon seeing Dennis, she mumbled through her meds, "I tell everyone that you are the best doctor ever!" Dennis will have those words to hold onto for the rest of his life. Yes, Lynn was just that generous.

This may seem weird to share but Lynn had the most amazingly soft skin. Even through chemo and radiation. Each time I visited with her I would touch her hand and comment. She was soft through and through.

As with you all, she has touched my life in the most extraordinary way. My memories of Lynn will always trigger a smile on my face as within my heart.

Too young.
So strong.
So loved.
Forever missed.

I love you sweet Newman family. Thank you for sharing this precious woman with us all.

Dana & family

Dana Eisenberg <danaeisenberg@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:33 AM CST
Psalm 116:15: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."

Sweet family and friends of Lynn, please know that you are being lifted up to our Heavenly Father constantly as we help bear the burden of your grief.

Lori Dunn
Frisco, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:21 AM CST
Psalm 116:15: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."

Sweet family and friends of Lynn, please know that you are being lifted up to our Heavenly Father constantly as we help bear the burden of your grief.

Lori Dunn
Frisco, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:21 AM CST
I have followed Lynn's story for a while but just never knew the right words to post. My mouth dropped open when I read this. I prayed each night for her Christmas miracle. It does bring happiness to know she is not in any pain anymore and what true fashion for her to go "stomping". Thanks Holly for keeping us updated. It is so great to know she was surrounded by so many wonderful friends and family.

Please note we will continue to pray for Dave and the kids. (((HUGS))) to all!

Jennifer Spink
Boone, NC - Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:40 AM CST
Thinking of you all this morning... God bless you during this difficult time.

Love to all,
The Jordan's

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:35 AM CST
Thank you Holly for yet another "picture" to treasure. As I sit here in my stream of tears, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! I can so see Lynn "stomping" her way into heaven but at the same time I see beautiful angels running to meet her and to "show" her around! I see her beautiful smile beaming at Jesus with no more pain! I've been on this site since I got the call yesterday and the entries are amazing. I try to go do something else but I keep coming back. I guess it's the bond that you share with people all over that you don't even know? Love to all of you. Because of Lynn, I will always being Looking Right! Pattie
- Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:10 AM CST
Dave and kids, I will always think of your sweet Lynn evertime I see a cardinal just as I still always think of Allie Scott when I see a giraffe. Lynn made a huge impact on a lot of people she never even knew. What a great and awesome woman and you were lucky enough to be with her. She made sure that everyone knew about her and her family so that prayers would always be there and be in abundance for you guys, what a gift. I am thinking about you all and will be praying for you often for strength and peace. May God Bless you and hold you in this time and let Cardinals flood your lives.
Rowlett, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 8:09 AM CST
I am so so sorry for all of you who loved Lynn. I have loved her spirit and her grace from words on a screen. I can't imagine what it was like to be a friend to an angel. I am praying for you all this morning.
Julie <jlpeacock_3@yahoo.com>
MO - Saturday, December 30, 2006 7:44 AM CST
To all who love Lynn,

I am sure this is a very difficult time for all of you. May God give you the strength throughout the next few hours, days, weeks and months. May he shower you with love from friends and strangers. I have only been following Lynn's journey for about a year, but as a mother of two, I connected with her. What an amazing women and courageous fighter she was. My heart is sad for all of you and you will all continue to be in my prayers. Lynn is finally pain free. A piece of her carries on in all of you who love her.

Tracy Feeney <feeneyd@earthlink.net>
Newburgh , NY - Saturday, December 30, 2006 7:21 AM CST
Holly and Jenny, thank you so very much for the updates. All of them. I love the shopping and thunder story! Stomping into heaven! I love that!

For all of you...I am deeply sorry. I thank all of the Newmans and Bergs for sharing your daughter, wife, mother, with me over the years and years. I have so very many wonderful memories with Lynn and all of you. Weddings, birthday parties, babies and of course.....shopping and 'lunching'! Coach, Ann Taylor and Nordstrom. Lynn leaves a mark in my heart. Peace be with you all! Running shoes are still on!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, December 30, 2006 7:16 AM CST
Lynn's family,
May the Lord God bless and guide you at this time of Lynn's passing! Peace be with you all!
Mark, Brenda, Andrew and Jennifer Routh

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, MN - Saturday, December 30, 2006 6:19 AM CST
My sincerest condolences to Lynn's family.
Becky <bslic@yahoo.com>
Lincoln, CA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 2:30 AM CST
Lifting each of you up in prayer tonight and forever! My prayer is for you to feel the presence of God through each step of this next stage in our lives & that you will be constantly reminded of Lynn's love! How ironic that I was shopping during that same storm you mentioned in the guestbook. It definitely was very loud! Just this week I saw a brilliant cardinal on the tree right in front of our window. They will always remind me of Holly & her courageous fight!
Naomi *Angels on Earth*
Plano, TX USA - Saturday, December 30, 2006 2:27 AM CST
A light has gone out in our world and we weep in despair at our loss;yet our God has promised eternity for all who accept his salvation and believe in his promises true. Dear Lynn you have lived an example with your beacon to those lost without hopein the dark. We miss your bright smile and quick wit and the flash of the fire in your heart. We love you. Dad Newman
Dean newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
- Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:51 AM CST
Newman and Berg Family,
Rejoice in the fact that your precious Lynn is without pain. The suffering is over and finally you all can rest in the fact that she is with her heavenly Father. Thanks for letting us walk along this journey with you. We are all better for knowing Lynn even if for far too short a time. I know that in the weeks and months to follow you will see what a difference she made in the lives of so many.

Jenny and Holly, Lynn was so very blessed and honored to have been able to call you friend. You are amazing women whom Christ used to do his work for Lynn on this earth She is now with Him, so rest! Let us love on you and help you heal.

Our prayers are for peace and healing as you grieve the tremendous loss of your wife, mother, daughter, sister and firend. We cry with you! We miss her too!

May God bless you and carry you through this time! We love you!
The Meuret Family

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 0:58 AM CST
Dear Family and Friends - I sign tonight, in honor of an amazing woman! I am so very saddened by Lynn's passing, but continue to be inspired by her as an amazing wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and inspiration to so many of us who never knew her directly. As I've come to know Lynn, I sense that she has quickly found her place among the Heavenly Host! She is already continuing to touch so many with her now far-reaching grasp. Go, Lynn, go!
To you, dear family, I will continue to pray for each and every one of you. May God's strong grasp hold and comfort you. Your mom, wife, daughter, sister, was amazing and blessed so many people.
To you, dear friends, Holly and Jenny, thank you for being the voice for Lynn to let us know how to pray. I'm so very sorry for your loss. We should all have friends like you!

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 0:51 AM CST

CONNIE <bberg56@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 30, 2006 0:10 AM CST
My heart broke to read the news, and yet at the same time it leapt to learn that Lynn was finally 100% and FOREVER pain free and that she is absolutely CURED of cancer. How is it possible to simultaneously feel these two conflicting emotions so deeply?????

Oh how I wanted so badly to see Lynn's face, to hug her neck and thank her, just one time on this side of heaven. I never met her and yet she touched my heart and I considered her a dear friend. Her witness of faith changed my heart and inspired me countless times and taught me great lessons. She reached out to me via email and encouraged me this past summer following my own breast cancer diagnosis, even though she herself was fighting so hard. What a remarkable woman she was. She taught us all so much about faith, grace, perseverance, and strength. You are my hero, Lynn.

Let us all commit to honor Lynn and her witness here on earth by striving to be more like her. May we never be the same.

Newmans, Holly, Jenny, and all of Lynn's dear ones ... you are loved and being prayed for. May God continue to carry you through this difficult time.

Lynn you will be greatly missed. Thank you - for everything.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Saturday, December 30, 2006 0:04 AM CST
Oh Holly, you are so wonderful to stop and write for us. It gives such comfort to hear anything about our Sweet Lynn. We are grief stricken like you, and you make us feel a part of Lynn's passing. We treasured her words in the journal, and now you and Jenny are her words.

So true about people choosing their "time" to leave. My dad was in hospice for awhile and we heard many stories about how the dying have their own timetable, for whatever reason only known to them. So appropriate that "shopping" would play a role in Lynn's timing! :o)

Please come to "talk" to us whenever you feel up to it. Thank you so much.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 11:47 PM CST
I miss you SOOOOOOOOOOO much already sweet friend!

You are FOREVER in my heart ~
xoxo - Jenny

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 11:43 PM CST
Dearest friends,

It is so late, and I really shouldn't be posting as it has been a very emotional night...but I couldn't NOT (I know my English teacher will get me with those double negatives) write an entry about how encouraged and supported we all feel by your love, prayers and support pouring out throug this guestbook.

We still do not have details of the services...they are coming...but I CAN paint another picture or two for you...........Lynn loved to shop...do you know that? Well, her mother, Suzanne, and her sister, Terri, were running through Nordstrom's today to merely get out of the house for few moments. Ironically they ran into Mother-In-Love, Gail, in the shoe department ~ GO FIGURE! Well, during that time a horrendous thunderstorm ensued. The lightnining and thunder were horrendous.............it was during that awful thunder and lightninig that Lynn took her last breath. We all chuckled that that was just like Lynn...she knew where EVERYONE was and chose her own timing...knowing she wanted to go meet God but stomping (the thunder) her way up there as if she didn't want to give up the fight. We continued to hear the thunder and lightning and knew SHE was speaking to all of us. The impact this sweet human has made on so many lives is truly without description. I loved her dearly as so do many of you -

Please know...Dave and the kids are doing well...we would tell you otherwise...nonetheless..please contineu to pray for peace and comfort............Lynn is in no more pain........that is a blessing!!

Loving you all from Texas,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcas.net>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 11:32 PM CST
I am speechless as well. My heart is heavy. Prayers go out to Lynn's husband, kids, and extended family and friends. Lynn, you were, and still are, an inspiration to so many people who you never met. Thank you for allowing us into your beautiful life through this website.

Julie Bodenstein <juliebodenstein@yahoo.com>
Gill, MA - Friday, December 29, 2006 11:32 PM CST
David, Taylor, Jacob, Wayne, Suzanne, Terri and Dean and Gale, Holly and Jenny:
I graciously kneel before GOD and offer prayers of healing and peace for you. As Lynn was, you have also been faithful servants and I know that you are weary. Lynn has been given peace and health in heaven. May you find comfort in this time of sorrow.

Carrollton, Tx - Friday, December 29, 2006 11:15 PM CST
I never met Lynn but know so many of you have been by her side both physically and in prayer ever since she found out about her disease. May God give you peace during this time of loss. It's comforting to know that she is now in heaven, free from pain and suffering and waiting with open arms for the day her family and friends are reunited with her. May God comfort you and give you the peace that passes all understanding. Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Debi Jenkins <debijenkins@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 11:01 PM CST
My heart is aching for your immeasurable loss. Wishing all of Lynn's loved ones comfort. May you feel the arms of God surrounding you during this painful time, as they surround your Lynn for now and ever.
Amy Denzer
New Market, MN usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:59 PM CST
To Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Holly, Jenny and the rest of the Looking Right Support Team...

GodSpeed to Sweet Lynn.
I never had the chance to meet her in person, but her spirit will live on thru so many.

Please Holly & Jenny,
Keep us posted as to how Taylor, Jacob & Dave and everyone else is doing.

With Love,

Jan R. <anjrosen@yahoo.com>
Oak Park, CA USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:58 PM CST
To David, Holly, Jenny, and all Lynn's loved ones,
You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Lynn's message to LOOK RIGHT is a part of our lives daily. We will never, ever forget her or her message and will do our best to honor her by always LOOKING RIGHT and serving our Lord the best we can on a daily basis. We are so sorry for your loss.
Love, The Isaak Family from New Hope, MN (Heidi, Randy, Emma, Armond, and Mary)

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:46 PM CST
I am at a loss....I am terribly saddened to hear of Lynn's passing. To her family and close friends who are grieving - please know that you have all touched my heart so deeply. I will forever remember Lynn and her gifts. We are all blessed to have a glimpse of her amazing life. Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Holly, Jenny and the entire Newman support group - you are all in my prayers. I am so sorry.

Westlake, CA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:43 PM CST
Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love, and the future to God's providence.
God loves you. Hold strong to that.
God's peace

lajean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 10:43 PM CST
To the Newman Family, Holly, Jenny and all who were so close to Lynn -- you are in my thoughts and prayers. So many of you -- especially Lynn -- have touched my life forever. I am so sad to read this news.
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 10:35 PM CST
I am so deeply saddened to hear of Lynn's passing. May God's grace bless Dave and the kids now and in the future to come. Lots of Love from Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:33 PM CST

I've always loved cardinals, but because of Lynn Newman, these beautiful red birds will always have a special meaning to me, as I know they will to all of us.

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:30 PM CST
Dear Newman Family, Friends-Holly-Jenny, and Loved One's of Lynn. At home at last...Pain Free...A beautiful Heavenly Angel. You have changed my life Lynn and I will forever be grateful that our paths crossed through the internet and your journey. Just look at all these posts in the guestbook-what a legacy you leave behind Lynn. Perhaps someday your children will read your journal and this guestbook and they will see how many lives you touched, inspired, and changed. I will treasure forever a beautiful and inspiring email you sent to me 2 yrs ago Lynn. When there are bumps in the road-I will pull it out and remember to "Keep Looking Right".
Thank You Lynn for so openly sharing yourself with us. Holly and Jenny-Thank You for being Lynn's voice and for being such amazing Earth Angels. You two both inspire me as well!
With Love,

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:28 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with the Newman family. Thank you for sharing your wonderful mother, wife, daughter, and sister with us. I pray that you will find comfort and peace in her homegoing.
Janis <jmrodg2@aol.com>
Rossville, GA USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:24 PM CST
My heart is breaking for you all right now. Although I never had the opportunity to meet Lynn in person, I could tell through the words of Jenny and Holly that she was the type of woman you would love to have as a friend, a mother any child would adore and a wife that any man would cherish.

I am deeply saddened by her loss and will always keep the Newman family in my prayers and thoughts.

May God bless you,

chino, Ca usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:17 PM CST
My sweet friend Lynn...I know in my heart that you are hugging on Jesus right now with your beautiful crown of jewels......I will miss you my beautiful friend, but I know we will see each other in heaven one day. I will always think of my sweet friend when I see those beautiful red cardinals. Hugs and Kisses to you Lynn...I love you always....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 10:15 PM CST
To the Newman family, friends, and loved ones... May you find comfort in knowing that Lynn is now at peace. She will always live in each of you. God bless you all!

With love,

Kristin Kelso <ca.kristin@verizon.net>
Port Hueneme, CA USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:14 PM CST
The Dalai Lama said "When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace." I will remember Lynn's love and kindness and hope that inner happiness and peace will be her legacy for all who loved her and those she so loved.
Mary Jo Wilen <mjwilen@aol.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:10 PM CST
Dear Dave, Taylor, Jacob and all who had the opportunity to know and love Lynn,
I am so sorry for your loss. I cried when I read the post of the passing of this very special lady even though I only knew her through the journal. Holly and Jenny you were such wonderful friends to Lynn and I believe that your efforts on her behalf and your love for her clearly show that you are angels on earth.
My thoughts are with Dave and the family and everyone who knew Lynn personally at this difficult time.

Grapevine, TX - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:02 PM CST
Dear Dave, Taylor, Jacob and family,

May Peace and Prayers be with you at this difficult time. Lynn was an angel here on Earth. She brightened our day at school whenever she would visit. Her humor, genuine love of peeople and caring nature were her special gifts to us.
Love and Hugs to all,
Ann Beckel

Ann Beckel <beckeld@sbcglobal.net>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 9:43 PM CST
So many beautiful entries on this webpage, honoring such a beautiful person and her loving family and friends. We pray for God's peace and grace to be with you. To Lynn: Happy Easter. May God's face shine upon you, and may He always hold you in His hands. We love you dearly.
The McMullens

Yvette and Andrew <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Friday, December 29, 2006 9:39 PM CST
My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I read about Lynn's passing. I truly thought (hoped) that I would never read those words. My thoughts are with Lynn's family and friends as you make your way through the coming days. Hang on to the HOPE that you will one day see your sweet Lynn again.....until then, I pray that God will bring peace to your hearts.

Taylor and Jacob, please remember that your sweet mother will always be with you....gently guiding you in everything that you do.

Erica Brower <brower2001@nc.rr.com>
Raleigh, NC - Friday, December 29, 2006 9:25 PM CST
We prayed so hard for Lynn to be healed on earth. I am so very sorry for your loss. I have never met her, but prayed for her so long, I feel I lost a loved one as well. I look forward to meeting her in heaven. We will continue praying for the healing of your hearts. It was sort of amazing. As I was opening the site to the journal update, I had such a peace that Lynn was healed. Yes, she is healed, but not as we had hoped it would be. I am so sorry, and it hurts, but God sees the big picture. We just can't understand it from here. If I am hurting and don't even know her, I can't imagine your pain. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to pray with you and for you.
Ann Noble <noblero@msn.com>
Frisco, TX - Friday, December 29, 2006 9:02 PM CST
Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Mr. & Mrs. Newman, Lynn's Parents, Holly, & Jenny,

There are no words to adequately express our sorrow for the loss of Lynn. Our prayers will be that your hearts will all be at peace and that in the upcoming days, weeks, & months, you will find comfort in knowing that Lynn is with our Savior, the King. No more pain. No more tears. Only JOY. We will all see Lynn again and what a Homecoming that will be. She impacted my life so greatly and I know many others feel exactly the same way. She brought me closer to Christ and I will be forever grateful to her for that.

Sweet Lynn, you will be so greatly missed on Earth. You are now free of pain and suffering and at the side of our Father and I can think of no better place for you to be. I know that you realized how loved and cherished you were while you were here. Thank you, sweet friend, for your example and your strength. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.

With all my heart,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:38 PM CST
Much, much love to Dave, Taylor, Jacob, Suzanne, Wayne, Gail, Dean, Terri... and to you, Holly and Jenny. You have been such incredibly faithful servants, and your love is amazing. Lynn will be missed more than we know, but her love lives on...praise God!
I love you,

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:30 PM CST
How it broke my heart to read about Lynn's passing....

How wonderful for LYNN to be in peace and to be in GOD"S tender arms....

I will continue to keep your family in our prayers.



maria <mamaria@charter.net>
tn - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:29 PM CST
For you pain and your suffering I am so terribly, terribly sorry. My heart aches for you. For Lynn I am so glad she is no longer in pain.
Bec <rmm66@hotmail.com>
Sydney, NSW Australia - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:29 PM CST
Sending my prayers to all of you.

As the Heavens pour down on this Texas town tonight, I know they are in celebration of bringing their Sweet Angel Lynn home to be in Peace. I will never pass the Stonebriar Gates without thinking of Lynn and remembering all she has done to make us think twice about our blessings and our sweet children we have been given. In such the short time she was given on Earth she has impacted so many people and blessed us all with her courage and determination for life. My prayers are with Taylor, Jacob, Dave and all of Lynn's family and friends may they find peace and comfort in the Memories of their Mother, Sister,Daughter and Friend. Godspeed Lynn, at last you are pain free. We love you.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:28 PM CST
Although I am only a few doors away from the Newman family this rainy and thundering evening, there is a spirit of peace and saddness that shrowds this neighborhood. The very lovely and spirited lady Lynn has passed into another dimension one of heavenly peace where she will be without anymore pain and suffering. The amazing part of Lynn's life is how she touched so many lives in so many different but beautiful ways, especially through her true angels of life with Holly & Jenny. If there is a little lesson to be taken from this wondeful human being that would be to enjoy life while you have good health and to love your family and your dear dear friends with an open and sincere heart. Let every moment count and be blessed and thank you dear Lord for allowing us to know the beautiful Lynn.
Winston <w.mckellar@att.net>
Phoenix, AZ - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:27 PM CST
My heart is aching for you all. I can't believe I am reading this, yet I knew in my heart after the last few entries it was a certainty. I am so happy the pain has ended for Lynn, though I know the pain for her family and friends is only just beginning. I will be thinking of you all, and Lynn and sending all my strength your way. Thank you Holly and Jenny, for sharing Lynn with us when she was no longer able to. Like many, I won't forget.

As I am typing this, my 2 year old just came in singing - Special, special, I am special as can be...there is no one quite like me...I think that describes Lynn quite well, don't you?

Tempe, az - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:19 PM CST
Dear ones in Texas,
May God's peace be with you during this next transition.
Rest assured Lynn is no longer in pain and has experienced a perfect healing in heaven. She gave us so much, and even now we are assured that we will see her again in heaven.
Much love to you from the Lungs.

Rick <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:10 PM CST
I'm speechless. I have been fearing this entry, yet I am shocked to read it. I have been so sad for Lynn in all the pain she has been suffering, yet I didn't want her to go.
I am so sorry for all of her doting family and friends. I am heartbroken for Taylor and Jacob.
Please know you all are being prayed for.
Dearest Lynn, you've earned the glory of heaven!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:04 PM CST
Although I never had the chance to meet you, you have changed my life forever..Rest in peace..
frisco, tx usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:56 PM CST
With such a sad heart I send my love. Though I never met Lynn personally, I felt like I knew her personally.
Her courage, faith and trust in God has changed my life forever.
I am so thankful that our paths in life crossed, if only thru cyberspace. Tonight, Michael W Smiths song is ringing in my ears.


Packing up the dreams God planted
In the fertile soil of you
Can't believe the hopes He's granted
Means a chapter in your life is through

But we'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say "never"
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long to live as friends.

With the faith and love God's given
Springing from the hope we know
We will pray the joy you'll live in
Is the strength that now you show

But we'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong!

Rest in peace my friend,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:53 PM CST
So sorry for your loss.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:47 PM CST
Dearest Dave and family....

I am so very grateful that I came to "know Lynn" through Holly and this website. My heart is heavy knowing that Lynn has left this earthly world, but so very honored to know that she has also left her profound mark on so many who loved, cared, and supported her. What the best part is that she GAVE to all of us. And, I am humbled by her GIVING and her LOVING.

I do send my earnest heartfelt condolences to all of you who are hurting with the loss of a magnificent mom, wife, sister, friend, and FRIEND "again" to so many.

Wishing you peace and contentment as the days progress.

Love to all of you,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, VA USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:46 PM CST
My heart is so heavy and at the same time so full of joy that sweet Lynn is being held painfree and healed in Jesus' arms. I am so grateful for her. Praying for strength and peace for those she has left behind. Much love to you all, Tracy
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, tx - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:43 PM CST
Newman Family: Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of Lynn. May the wonderful memories you have sustain you at this most difficult time.
Braknis Family <joannecdeanb@hotmail.com>
Halifax, ns CANADA - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:40 PM CST
I am deeply saddened tonight to read about Lynn's passing. Once I gave it some thought, I shouldn't be sad for Lynn as she's pain&cancer free now and in the arms of Jesus. She's in a perfect place. I'm saddened for those she left behind because their pain is immeasureable. Their grief unbearable. I extend my condolences to her family and her friends.Thank you Lynn for being such an inspiration. Godspeed sweet Lynn!
Tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 7:20 PM CST
I am so sorry for your loss.

Maumee, OH USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:18 PM CST
We humbly bow our heads in prayer for your precious family tonight.

The Candys

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:14 PM CST
I am so sorry for your loss.

Newhall, CA United States - Friday, December 29, 2006 7:06 PM CST
you will be missed by more people than you know. Look over your family guide them through this time. You are at peace now.

Haley <haleymo@aol.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 6:55 PM CST
Dear Holly and Jenny,

Even though I've never met you, my arms are around both of you to try to comfort you. Words cannot convey the gratitude I have to both of you for being Lynn's voice when she couldn't speak for herself. She was very blessed to have such good friends as you two. Also, thank you, Holly, for the posting you did in the guestbook. It was so uplifting and positive! In faith and love, Barbara

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:54 PM CST
Lynn is at peace and sitting with our Lord in Heaven. Of this, I have no doubt!! I send prayers of comfort and peace to all the family and friends who loved Lynn so dearly and who will miss her so much. May God Bless all of you! In faith always, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:47 PM CST
Marsha Picus <marsha@thewebpool.com>
Seagoville, TX USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:41 PM CST
I am so sorry for the loss of such a fine human being. My heart goes out to all of Lynn's family and friends who surrounded her with such love. She has been an inspiration and blessing to people she never even met. God bless you all at this sad time.
Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:37 PM CST
Fly to Jesus our sweet Lynn, NO MORE PAIN, NO MORE SORROW
for you dear girl. Dear Lord Jesus hug our Lynn she is what you made her to be. Please bring peace to her family
Lord, they need you more than ever. This has been a long journey for them watching their beloved slowly slip away from them. Thank you for being with them every step of the way and for holding Lynn in your arms. Lord, please hold David, Taylor, Jacob, Wayne, Suzanne, Terri and Dean and Gale in your arms and comfort them on this terrible loss for them. Please show them your will in all this. We thank you and praise you Lord for your child of God,
Lynn. She will be so missed but we know she is at your side now and she is beautiful and she is smiling.
In Jesus name,AMEN

Thank you Holly and Jenny for continued posting we have been so blessed to have you writing in Lynn's stead. Your words were always a comfort and always just what we needed to hear.

Thank you to all of Lynn's cyber friends. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. God has decided it was time for Lynn to be with him and to serve him there in heaven, what an honor for Lynn to be chosen and set free.

God's Peace and Love to you all,
Lynn's Mn aunt LaJean

lajean westeng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 6:36 PM CST
Lynn, you are so loved and will be missed by people all over the world. Dave, your family is in my prayers during this time. Your wife was a beautiful, classy, funny woman. Praise the Lord that her pain is gone! Like Pattie said, "See you in heaven sweet Lynn." Hugs to everyone.
Lizzie <lizzie.lemaster@verizon.net>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 6:36 PM CST
Newman Family

So sorry for your loss. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Carolein, Jay and Jason Bennett
Long Island, NY USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:34 PM CST
I am sad to see this entry. Though we never met, I feel like Lynn was a good friend. My thoughts are with her family, and also with her close friends who are surely family too. She was fortunate to be surrounded by so much love. Lynn was an inspiration to many, and so were her sweet friends, who time and again showed the world how wonderful Lynn was through their acts of kindness.

May you all find peace this night and the nights to come. Though Lynn was denied a long life, she certainly experienced a lifetime's worth of love and caring.

Sacramento, CA USA - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:24 PM CST
My heart is breaking too. My prayers are with the Newman's and the Berg's and all their family. All I can keep telling myself is that Lynn is pain free and in a happier place.
Much love to all of you.
Erin Carlson and family

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 6:20 PM CST
We love you all and are praying for peace at this time.
Todd, Sara, Grace & Ryan <BrittonClan@hotmail.com>
Janesville, MN - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:14 PM CST
I love you Lynn and as my heartbreaks I am rejoicing that you are HOME and pain free. See you in heaven. Pattie
- Friday, December 29, 2006 6:11 PM CST
I am thanking God for a break in Lynn's pain. Thank you, Lord, for that window of relief. I will pray that there are many more such pain-free respites to come. GOD BLESS you, Lynn - you are in my prayers!
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Friday, December 29, 2006 4:44 PM CST
Thanks for the update Holly. You really amaze me too! Give our sweet Lynn a HUGE hug from all of us out there in cyberland who can't be with her physically. LOOKING RIGHT with much thanks to our Lynn. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 4:33 PM CST
Lynn glad to hear an update. You are on my mind frequently. I immediately pray for you and your family whenever I think of you.

Holly, thanks for the update. It's always nice to hear how things are going.

Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 3:51 PM CST

Thanks so much for the update and the cute stories.

The love you have for Lynn and her family is such a

beautiful picture of the love of God.

I know God is smiling!

I pray for supernatural energy for you.


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Friday, December 29, 2006 1:52 PM CST

Lynn and Dave & family

Thinking of all of you sooooo much! I tried to click on the sight for the candle lighting for Lynn and could not get on the sight. I have had a candle burning for Lynn since Christmas. Mike and I and the kids have been saying many prayers for all of you and everyone in your family is part of our daily and evening prayers always.(forever) Holly, thanks for the update on the kids. You should be a writer, you have such a way with words. Love all of you very much! Love always, Julie, Mike & kids

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 1:04 PM CST
I'm sure as I do,many check here frequently for news on how Lynn is doing as well as her family. It was so sweet,kind and considerate of you Holly to remember us and post an update in the guestbook. I happened upon it by chance as I usually just check the homepage for any new news. I'll have to remember to check the guestbook also. Lynn is always in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for her earthly miracle as well as for her comfort and peace. I also pray that her children are sheltered to some degree and I see that you are doing just that. I think of Dave and what he must be going thru. I can't imagine the conversations he and Lynn must have had.I'm glad her sister is with her;sounds like Lynn is keeping constantly connected to her. I also think of her parents and what they must be going thru.To all....I send my positive thoughts and sincerest prayers.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 11:25 AM CST
Holly...... you are an amazing friend, neighbor, and faithful follower of God...... I am proud to call you my friend.... I think all of you girls on the cul-de-sac and in the neighborhood are amazing friends to Lynn and her family.... thanks for the cute story.... kids just always brighten the day... and give us laughter...

I will share a recent one of Tanner (6 years)

He was confused before Christmas when we were looking at a nativity while driving around looking at Christmas lights... we were talking about who all was in the manger with baby Jesus... and he said "wait a minute... I though God was Jesus dad.... but who is Joseph then" well I explained as simple as I could about Mary and Joseph being chosen to raise Jesus here on Earth.. but God is his Father in Heavan... He is the Father to us all...

Well a day or two later... we were in the car again.. and Tanner said "when we get Rooby (our new puppy) will she be my sister? and I said "well,, yeah,.. kind of" and he said "so you are saying, I will have 1 sister and 2 brothers?" and I said "2 brothers" and he looked at me dumbfounded and said "well Yeah mom.... Logan and Jesus"

hahahahaha... cute huh...?

continued prayers for Lynn... and all who surround her, follow her story, and love her...

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, Tx - Friday, December 29, 2006 10:53 AM CST
Thank you Holly. What a precious visual of the "ripping" of balloons and the contagious laughter! I so get that! I feel like I could just lean over and kiss Prince Jacob and would love to be a fly on the wall in the "hotel" room. You paint a very good picture. Thank you, Jesus, for wrapping your big arms around these precious children and their sweet, tender hearts.
Love to all, Pattie

- Friday, December 29, 2006 8:23 AM CST

So very thoughtful of you to update for us! You know we wait for any word on our Sweet Lynn and her family.

Thank you for telling us about those beautiful children! What delights they are!

God bless you all.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, December 29, 2006 8:00 AM CST
Dear All ~

I didn't want to put a massive post out this morning but thought ya'll would enjoy a little update on the kids...they are cracking me up these days. Taylor and Jacob have been hanging with the neighborhood gang most of the week and the giggles and laughter is abundant. It is God at work giving them the special gift of friendship and laughter...and...it does great work (like medicine to the soul) for the adults!!!

Yesterday, I took Jacob, Taylor, my three big kids and the Newman's counsin, Habeeb, to a Happy Birthday Jesus party at Pump it Up. The party successfully wore their little bodies out but there was still room for the "bottom of the toe laughter" when we got back in the car and they were blowing up balloons and letting them "rip". Know what I mean? How can that gesture/act be so funny? Don't know but at 5, 6, 7 and 9 it was the most hysterical thing you can imagine!! I finally just had to roar because there was no quieting them (the car was very loud) and they were quite contagious!!! Hope you get a good visual...maybe I should tape them next time.

A sleepover ensued following the party so right now there are 6 very content little people in our house...awaiting the rush of sugar from donuts which have promised to come!! HA

Yesterday, prior to the part, the kids loaded up a bunch of Christmas cookies, water and lemonade and sold them to the neighborhood for cancer research. In only a short amount of time they had raised $55.00. NOT BAD!!! There hearts too, are longing for a "fix" to make things better. We love these precious kids! Susan G Komen should do a story on the unique ways the kids have stayed involved and they have dedicated their hearts to raising money to "make things better, and to find a cure!" Our little Jay has requested prayers from his class since the first of the year. Recently he asked his classmates to "step up their prayers". He asked them to look around their rooms and to find all the extra pennies they could find so he could give the pennies to Mr. Newman. He explained that Mr. Newman would give the pennies to the doctors so they could find the right medicine for Ms. Lynn. The kids brought their pennies.....by the bag full...I think there is at least $75.00 or more.....sweet sweet sweet!!!

Jacob asked before he hit the door if I was going to make him the "Prince's palate" to sleep on....it is our ritual with Jacob....he cracks me up! Yes, he got the palate and as I kissed all those rusty smelling boys goodnight I have to say...he looked like the little prince laying there with his stuffed animals and his good buddies Jack and Jay flanking him with their special sleep toys. Cute cute cute!

The girls are holding themselves hostage right now in our guest room which they fully consider their own private "hotel room". It isn't unusual to get room service orders from their room or frequent visits from "hotel management" telling them to quiet down just a bit!!

Well, I must be off...there are donuts, fruit and juice to get out and a bunch of God's precious smiles on those sweet faces to embrace this morning.

We will update more soon....Lynn is stable and was resting peacefully last night. Sister Terri is in town and Lynn has her hand constantly ON Terri. Sweet!!

Please keep your prayers, candles and vigils going. We love each of you and are thankful for your love for sweet Lynn.



Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Friday, December 29, 2006 7:10 AM CST
Lynn, dave and family...and Holly and Jenny. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for peace and strength and love.
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, December 29, 2006 6:48 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I'm praying for pain-free sleep for you. I'm praying for grace and peace for your precious children and husband. And, I'm praying for strength and courage for all your family and friends. Many thanks to Holly and Jenny for updating us on how you're doing. I pray that Our Lord and Savior will surround you with His compassion tonight.
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, December 28, 2006 11:59 PM CST
Just wanted you to know I'm Still praying...for you, your family and all the special people surrounding you right now. Hope you had a sweet time with your family this Christmas season. You are loved by so many!!!
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Thursday, December 28, 2006 6:53 PM CST
As I lit my candle for you this morning my prayers were for peace and no pain.

Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 5:55 PM CST
Praying for peaceful rest, sweet Lynn. You are so loved.

- Thursday, December 28, 2006 2:05 PM CST
Lynn, May God surround his peace,love and healing to your body. You are in my prayers and thoughts. I will light a candle for you.
Melissa N <BarbaroFog@aol.com>
Wilkes Barre, PA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:54 AM CST
Sweet Lynn,

You are in my thoughts and prayers today and every day. I hope today is an especially bright and beautiful one for you. I love you always.

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Thinking of you this morning Lynn and praying for you and your family!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 8:32 AM CST
WOW! 201 candles from six countries lit right now!! All full of love, prayer and hopes for peace for Lynn and her family! In prayer and faith, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View , HI - Thursday, December 28, 2006 0:47 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I've lit candles in honor of you, your family, dear friends, and for your faith in which you all remain so true. These candles represent all of you as well as our Lord who truly is the bright and shining light in our lives. May our God of Peace surround all of you tonight. Thank you, God, for blessing Lynn with so many incredible, faithful friends and family.

"Lord, I pray that you will allow Lynn and her supporters to glimpse Your Amazing Grace. I claim for all of them your verse, "Be still, and know that I am God." Thank you for your love and grace."

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, December 28, 2006 0:12 AM CST
Hi Lynn and Family,
Love to all!! Thinking of you daily. Just got back from Minnesota, sharing the holidays with family is priceless.

Sheila Adams <permanentlyours@comcast.net>
Parker Ford, PA USA - Thursday, December 28, 2006 0:05 AM CST
The candles were burning brightly, may they burn as brightly as you have for all who know you. Sending all my love and wishes for Peace for you and your Family.
May 2007 bring you all hope, love and renewed strength.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 11:41 PM CST
I hope the warmth and love of Christmas brightened the spirits of the Newman/Berg families. I am so awed by what I am witnessing from afar being done as acts of love for Lynn. This is what God meant for us to be for one another. Holly and Jenny are two phenomenal women. I am praying for Lynn now, as December 27 turns into 28, and in many moments each day. May God's goodness bring soothing and comfort to Lynn and all of her family and friends.
Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:57 PM CST
The candles are amazing! You are so very loved! Thank you for bringing out this wonderful emotion in us all! You are amazing! Peace be with you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:23 PM CST
The candles are amazing! You are so very loved! Thank you for bringing out this wonderful emotion in us all! You are amazing! Peace be with you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:23 PM CST
Lit a candle for you today... May you find comfort & peace... You are in my thoughts!!

Much love to you & your family...


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:05 PM CST
Another candle lit, thinking and praying of you and your gang in TX. Hope you are comfortable tonight, coxy with your family. Beth
Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 7:56 PM CST
157 Candles that are lit for you, Sweet Lynn...

Cyberstalkers...Keep em' coming! Here is the link to go directly into Lynn's candle group. Just click on an unlit candle and it will step you through the process. It just takes a couple of minutes, but it sure does mean a lot!


Love to you, Lynn and keep your beautiful chin up.
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:39 PM CST
Praying for Lynn and family from New Mexico! God Bless you all.
Tammy DeBlaay FOA <tammydeblaay@hotmail.com>
Farmington , NM - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 3:19 PM CST
131 Candles from 6 countries to honor Lynn!

Prayer for peace and a pain-free day.


Friends of Allie
The Colony, TX - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 11:06 AM CST
Dear Lynn and family!

Precious FACES on the website...love seeing those smiling faces of the children who are our "future"..God bless them and each of you. YOU are very much on my mind and I am wishing you a day filled with peace, contentment, and lots of CARDINALS! Know that you are loved from near and far....

Love to all,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Just posting with a scripture before I say goodnight. Again, God bless!


Amen and Amen.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 1:57 AM CST
Dear Lynn ... Here I sit at 1:45am, unable to sleep and you are on my mind. Oh how I hope and pray you're feeling better, and that you were able to enjoy Christmas with your beautiful family. Each and every member of your family is in my prayers tonight as well. May God hold each of you tightly in His hand.

I just checked your candles ... there are 105 (representing 3 countries!) under group "LYNN", 3 under group "LN", and 1 under group "LYNNN" ... isn't that just awesome?!? It has been said a million times, you are so loved!!!! What an inspiration you are, all because you are a child of God and have never been afraid to show it or share it! Well done!

I won't be back on the computer until late Friday, and I will keep my fingers crossed that we will have a wonderful update with news of improvement. WE HAVE HOPE!!!!

Much love, Kathy

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 1:49 AM CST
Lord, I pray for Lynn Newman to be in Peace today..... on...in eternity. In his name we all pray. I Love you Lynn Newman.
jackie delvalle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
northridge, ca usa - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 1:21 AM CST
Dear Friends - I'm not sure of my candle number, but I know that I'm blessed to join with so many believers in praying for Lynn!!!
Dear Lord, I pray for your goodness and grace to surround Lynn and to provide her with relief from pain and the blessing of peace and sleep.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Wednesday, December 27, 2006 1:05 AM CST
If I'm reading it correctly, Lynn now has 91 candles from 3 countries. I hope I added a candle properly.

Great idea!

God bless each of you.

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 11:50 PM CST
A candle lit and love and prayer sent as well.

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 11:35 PM CST
I think I was number 60! That is the coolest thing, Amy. I had no idea it would bring tears like it did - but it did. Hugs, Pattie.
- Tuesday, December 26, 2006 9:55 PM CST
52 candles so far...

Lynn, Do you know how amazing you are? We all do!

In His grasp,

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 9:00 PM CST
Another candle lit for you Lynn. Praying you have many more days where you are feeling good ahead! Praying for pain relief as always. You continue to inspire me Lynn!!
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 8:55 PM CST
a candle lit for you....
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, tx - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 8:04 PM CST
Candle lit, prayers prayed and still praying. Love you, Lynn.
In Christ alone, Candace

Candace <txcandace@tx.rr.com>
Plano, Tx - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 7:38 PM CST
I lit a candle for you, too, Lynn. I am praying for peace and comfort for you.
Great idea, Amy!
Much love to you and your family, Lynn.

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
- Tuesday, December 26, 2006 4:30 PM CST

It's just been a few hours and you have 19 candles lit for you already! You are SO loved!

Love you bunches,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 3:30 PM CST
I lit a candle for you.
Think about you all the time even though you don't know me.

Sandra <nursy@baldrix.net>
Cambell, CA - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 1:38 PM CST
What a nice idea Amy! Lynn, my candle is lit and you are in my thoughts today. Praying hard!!!!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 1:06 PM CST
Hello All Lynn Cyberstalkers...

I need your help. I propose that we all keep a virtual candle lit for Lynn Newman. The candles stay lit for 48 hours at a time. If we all occasionally go in and light a candle for her, we can make sure that there is a constant vigil of prayer and thought for our dear friend. Simply copy this website link in your browser:


There is a place to add a group initial for your candle. Simply put LYNN in the initial box and your candle will be added to her group and we can then see ALL the candles lit just for her.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday and New Year!
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 12:11 AM CST

Dedicated to Lynn Newman in her fight against cancer. May she find renewed strength and comfort in the upcoming year.
— Amy Jordan from TX, United States


Copy the link to the website above and light your own candle in honor of Lynn!

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 12:01 AM CST


I hope that you are experiencing great relief from your pain and that you had a wonderful Christmas with your wonderful family. You were thought of so often these last few days as we celebrated Christmas with our family. Your story has reached many and you are an inspiration to us all.

May the Lord work in wonderful ways in your life this upcoming year, sweet Lynn. You are loved SO BIG!

Holly, thank you for the update. You warm my heart with your devotion and friendship to Lynn.

Love to all of you!
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 11:08 AM CST

Thinking of you with hopes you had a wonderful Christmas!! May God fill your heart with peace & may you enjoy less painful days. You are always in my thoughts... Though I may not sign the guestbook, I check in on you everyday. You have touched so many with your never ending faith... As always you are in my prayers as well as your family & your "soul" friends (Holly & Jenny)...

Love to you,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 10:09 AM CST
Dear Lynn and Family,
As you say in Texas,you all are in our prayers in our house, at church, and online as we pray for a miracle in whatever form God has planned. You have had another Christmas here and so many feel blessed. May your days be brighter, funny, and pain free as you welcome the New year of 2007!! Odd years are lucky so who knows what that means to us all. Love and blessings...Diana and Jim

Diana and Jim Tompkins <dckt0446@aol.com>
Gilbert, Az USA - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 9:00 AM CST
Dear Holly and Jenny,

I heard the most beautiful song on another site and I immediately thought of Sweet Lynn. Please check it out and decide if it is a song you think she might want to hear.


lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, December 26, 2006 8:39 AM CST
Merry Christmas Lynn,

I just finished celebrating this beautiful day with family and friends. My thoughts immediately turned to you as I opened my last gift, a lovely hurricane lamp with none other than a vibrant red Christmas cardinal on it. My eyes instantly welled up with tears as I was reminded of you, sweet Lynn. The best part of this story is that this gift was sent from my friend in New Jersey, who I wrote to you about during her own battle with breast cancer two years ago. I reached out to you (and Holly too)and you were right there to help me, a complete stranger. I will never forget your most kind gesture.
You and your family (and the entire cul-de-sac gang)and forever in my prayers. Much love to you on this holy night,

Laura Quevedo
Diamond Bar, CA USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 9:55 PM CST
Holly my heart has been with you today as it has for a while now. I am honored to be called friend by you. The love, time and effort you and Jenny have given Lynn and her family is indescribile and I pray that through your example I will always have that kind of love for a friend in need. You both continue to inspire me to show the world Christ's love through actions. Merry Christmas, Maria
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
frisco, tx USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 9:26 PM CST
Our hearts, thoughts and prayers have been with the Newman family all day and included in our meal blessing. No words can be written to express our thoughts today. We pray that pain was managed, memories were made and that a day of Christ's birth was able to be joyously shared. We love you, The Ashcraft Family
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
frisco, tx USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 9:20 PM CST
Thank you for your beautiful post and for being such a rock of faithfulness to Lynn and her family, Holly and Jenny. Merry Christmas to all the fellow prayer warriors who celebrate the birth of our sweet Jesus and celebrate the miracle of friendship and love.
christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, Ar usa - Monday, December 25, 2006 9:02 PM CST
Merry Christmas Lynn, David, Taylor, Jacob
and family
and friends
and all who love and follow Lynn's journey through this site.

May Peace be with you all. and May you find Joy this Christmas.

Love Nancy, Tanner, and Logan Jacobson

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, tx - Monday, December 25, 2006 8:54 PM CST
Sending love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope Christmas has been a beautiful, happy, pain free time for all of you. I've thought of you so much. My prayers will not stop!

Stow, OH - Monday, December 25, 2006 8:08 PM CST
Merry Christmas to everyone in the Newman and Berg household! Many thanks to you, Holly, for your update and scripture that you shared! I hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas, too! The story of the quilt is so sweet! What a gift of love each square is and the sewing together of the whole! I pray, Lynn, that you will have more good days than bad ones, that the med mix will work more and more often. I pray also for peace for you and your family and ask God to shower you all with all of His love. I love you all though we've never met! In faith and prayer always, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Monday, December 25, 2006 7:13 PM CST
Dear Lynn, You are in my prayers for a Christmas miracle. May God wrap his loving and healing arms around you.
Love and prayers,

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Bridge Of Dreams

Debbie from the Bridge of Dreams <debbie@bridgeofdreams.org>
VA USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 6:22 PM CST
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!I hope you all have a beautiful day together.

Holly thank you so much for the lovely post, we all really appreciate everything you and everyone else there does for Lynn.

God bless each and everyone of you!

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Monday, December 25, 2006 4:02 PM CST
Merry Christmas! I saw the post yesterday but couldn't find the words to type. ~Still don't really have any great words so I'll just say Merry Christmas to all that have been touched & blessed by our precious Lynn. With much love to Lynn & her entire family. ~ Pattie

- Monday, December 25, 2006 3:56 PM CST
Merry Chirstmas to each and every one of you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, December 25, 2006 3:45 PM CST
Lynn and family,

Sending my love, prayers and thoughts of you on this rainy Christmas Day. I pray that you are having some pain free moments to enjoy the family.

Much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Monday, December 25, 2006 12:52 AM CST
You Newmans all are always close in our prayers - especially today as we celebrate God's Love to all of us. We ask God's peace and grace be upon you today - Merry Christmas.

Thank You for the beautiful post and update Holly - You and those that surround Lynn have truly been the hands and feet of the christian body - Thank You for loving on our sweet Lynn.

Rick <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Monday, December 25, 2006 11:58 AM CST
Lynn David
This message is from all of your Arizona family.Wishing
your family a time of heart felt memory and peace.
Gensis: Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time i will return to you according to the time of life. Trust in the "Lord Jesus".
Holly your posting was good. Thank You.

Gary & Lorraine Berg <gandl@cableaz.com>
Mesa, AZ Usa - Monday, December 25, 2006 11:48 AM CST
Lynn and Dave,
Ted, Natalie and I are thinking of you, Dave, your kids, Dean and Gail - all of our family members and your wonderful friends at this Christmas time. Ted continues his battle with cancer, he is holding his own at this time. Natalie, who is now eight, really enjoyed Taylor's birthday photos and wished she could have been a part of it even though our girls have met only once when they were babies. Natalie is proud to have Taylor and Jacob as her "Texas" cousins. My dad is doing well and we all wish you have a very Merry Christmas. Please say hello to Tami, Mohammed and the rest of her clan for us.
God bless,
Ted, Janis and Natalie Smith

Janis Smith <Janispsmith98@cox.net>
Mission Viejo, CA - Monday, December 25, 2006 11:35 AM CST
Thinking of and praying for you on this wonderful christmas day. God bless you Lynn, you are an inspiration to me in so many ways. Thank you.
Kevin Walukas <medikkev@aol.com>
Canton, Tx u.s.a. - Monday, December 25, 2006 10:35 AM CST
Merry Christmas Lynn....We love you and our prayers are with you....Keep LOOKING RIGHT !!!
Your Family from Az (The Shearman's) <alr7677@yahoo.com>
Mesa, Az - Monday, December 25, 2006 10:24 AM CST
Lynn, David and the many that surround you today.... Merry Christmas! Wishing you another "Thursday" kind of day today and more in the future. I think of you constantly and pray that God will continue to guide you on this journey. Love to all.
Kerry Richards <kmh14@psu.edu>
state college, pa - Monday, December 25, 2006 9:34 AM CST
Merry Christmas to you Lynn, and to your family.

Holly, your post was beautiful. Thank you

Kelli Bader <kbader4@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ 85297 - Monday, December 25, 2006 8:42 AM CST
Merry Christmas, Lynn and family (and friends!). I have been sending positive thoughts your way for about a year now and thought I should let you know. You're an inspiration.
Dallas, - Monday, December 25, 2006 4:22 AM CST
Dear Lynn and family, Merry Christmas, Take this day that the Lord hath made and be glad in it. Hoping you have a warm and loving Christmas celebration with your families. Take each and every moment and enjoy it. Hold every smile
close to your heart and trust God.
All our love, your MN aunts & uncles & cousins & GR&GR Berg

Lajean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Monday, December 25, 2006 1:20 AM CST
Thinking of you and your family this Christmas Eve. I hope Christmas is full of laughs, love, and memory-making moments for everyone celebrating at your home tomorrow! Love to you, friend! Jean

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Monday, December 25, 2006 0:24 AM CST
Merry Christmas Lynn and gang! Thank you so much Holly for taking time on this busy day to update us on our sweet friend. I am so happy to hear of a good day on Thursday and hope Christmas day will bring the same, I am sure the house will be full of excitement. There was no way I could head off to bed tonight without checking in on you and wishing everyone a Joyful Christmas. I have the list of prayers downpat and am down on my knees.
beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Sunday, December 24, 2006 11:14 PM CST
How wonderful to have an update on Christmas Eve, thank you so much Holly. Tears are falling but praises are also rising to our Lord. We are still praying hard for that ultimate Christmas miracle.

"Thank you our Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father, for Lynn's good days. How we love to hear that news, and we rejoice in it. Please oh please grant her another good day tomorrow to enjoy with her family, a painfree and fun day full of laughter and joy, a day to celebrate the birth of your Son Jesus Christ. Father, please bless her family and her wonderful circle of friends. Thank you for the beautiful hands and feet of the Body of Christ that you have provided for the Newmans during this difficult time. And thank you for the gift of the Savior, for the birth of HOPE in our world, for the assurance we have of eternal life spent in paradise with YOU. AMEN"

Merry Christmas, Holly. Hug that precious Lynn's neck for all us of please!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, December 24, 2006 10:15 PM CST
We wish you a Merry Christmas. Just a quick note to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you and your family. Keep Looking RIGHT!!
Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Sunday, December 24, 2006 10:13 PM CST
Hi Lynn
I hope and pray that you are feeling no pain as I write this. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.May you find comfort and peace and be free of pain so you can enjoy every moment.

Hugs, haley <haleymo@aol.com>
Oceanside, ny - Sunday, December 24, 2006 9:36 PM CST
My sweet, sweet, friend...I so wanted to stop by and give you a Christmas squeeze this afternoon but you were resting and I did not want to disturb you. I am praying that your family will enjoy all of the delicious food that was lovingly prepared for you and your family. For you my friend, I pray for no more pain, for you to wake up with a burst of energy as you did the other day and most of all that you will enjoy watching your sweet children enjoy Christmas. I am so blessed to have you as my friend. I love you so much. Merry Christmas to the shoe diva....Hugs...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, December 24, 2006 9:21 PM CST
Merry Christmas! Tonight as our family prays we want you to know you were apart of our Christmas Eve...blessings to you all.

Tori Miller and Family <tori@cebridge.net>
- Sunday, December 24, 2006 7:59 PM CST
Sweet Lynn,
Just wanted to wish you and your family the most beautiful and blessed Christmas! I know you are in the hands of His love, now and always. I will be praying for your peace and comfort. I love you! So does EVERYONE at Hicks!!!

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, December 24, 2006 4:15 PM CST
Praying for you and your precious children that the memories you make tomorrow shall sustain all through the grace of Jesus Christ! I'll be praying for a pain free Christmas!!!!!
J. Ferguson
Birmingham, Al - Sunday, December 24, 2006 2:57 PM CST
Peace, comfort and love to you and your family. Merry Christmas! Your in my prayers.

Holly P. <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx - Sunday, December 24, 2006 2:42 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
I do not write you often- but you are often on my heart and mind. Sorry does not do justice to how I grieve for what you, and even more-so, your family are having to endure. Words do not do justice to raw pain... please know that I am lifting your family up before the Lord and praying for the peace that passes all understanding to cover you, your husband, and your two dear children. This is not our home... and yet often I find myself clinging to it so tightly. I pray that you will all find the courage to cling only to Jesus. May this Christmas have moments that make all the pain go away! Loving you and praying for you from Michigan!

Jill Herweyer <jillndar@comcast.net>
- Sunday, December 24, 2006 1:09 PM CST
Love to you and your family on Christmas. We love you and you are always in our hearts and our prayers.

Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Sunday, December 24, 2006 9:41 AM CST

To you and all your family, I send my love and prayers!

They are full of hope, and a deep, abiding knowledge that

only the baby that was born in Bethlehem can bring you

Peace and Joy in the midst of the storm!

I pray that you feel his presence in a supernatural way!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Sunday, December 24, 2006 1:08 AM CST
Peace and love to you and your family this Christmas. You are in my prayers.
Jenn <rabrog@hotmail.com>
Fairbanks, AK USA - Sunday, December 24, 2006 0:24 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I am praying for you dear wife, mom, daughter and friend! May the blessings of our Lord surround you with peace from pain. I pray that you and your dear family can enjoy this Christmas like no other. You are an amazing child of God. I pray that His goodness will grant you the most wonderful Christmas celebration with your family and friends. Blessings to you and all you love! Much love,
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Sunday, December 24, 2006 0:23 AM CST
Merry Christmas my friend!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:50 PM CST
May peace, joy and comfort be with you and your family this holiday season!
Mark, Brenda, Andrew and Jennifer Routh

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, Mn - Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:07 PM CST
May peace, joy and comfort be with you and your family this holiday season!
Mark, Brenda, Andrew and Jennifer Routh

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, Mn - Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:06 PM CST
Lynn..... ONLY 2 days til Christmas... hugs n kisses...Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Cypress, tx - Saturday, December 23, 2006 7:08 PM CST
Lynn, Dave, Taylor, and Jacob,
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Praying for you every day, Lynn. We love you all!!
The McMullens

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Saturday, December 23, 2006 4:36 PM CST
Wishing your little family a beautiful Christmas! Even though I don't know you, I find myself praying for you and your family. My the love our of Savior give you peace and hope you can feel of his love. Would love an update on how you are doing.
T. Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
Phoenix, az - Saturday, December 23, 2006 12:40 AM CST
Dearest Lynn....We are here in Nacogdoches visiting Greg's parents before Christmas. They have a huge window in their den that has the most beautiful view of a piney forest. Anyway, this morning, the boys were using Grandad's binoculars to look for birds in the trees out back. All of a sudden they were squealing,"Come and look! Hurry come and look! Ms. Lynn's favorite birds are playing in that tree over there!" Sure enough there were 3 of the brightest red cardinals I have ever seen! They were just fluttering around the trees. It was so beautiful seeing these bright red cardinals against the beautiful pine trees. We will be home this evening. Just wanted to tell you that I love you friend....hugs....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 23, 2006 12:20 AM CST
Good Morning Sweet FRIEND! I hope this beautiful morning finds your house full of the wonderful, chaotic noise and smells of family, friends and last minute holiday details. I pray that you look around you and see how loved you are, that the emotion is tangible, the excitement comforting and joy is present all around. I am praying for you. Thinking of you as always, Tracy
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, TX - Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:04 AM CST
The sun is shining so beautifully this Saturday morning here in North Texas, and the world is preparing for the celebration of our Savior's birth. I'm praying you are enjoying both. Love you!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Saturday, December 23, 2006 8:41 AM CST

Lynn and Dave,

Thinking of you guys and praying for peace in your hearts. Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Saturday, December 23, 2006 8:39 AM CST
Thinking of you my sweet friend Lynn. Always happy thoughts. :) Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 22, 2006 6:06 PM CST
Hoping that you know that you are on my mind!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, December 22, 2006 5:25 PM CST
Dear Lynn I have just found out about your battle with this overwhelming illness. It has been at the very least 20 years since I have spoken to you. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking and praying for you and your family. I can picture you in my mind as clear as if it were yesterday. Your beautiful smile, friendly demeanor, and always so positive. I hope your family will find comfort in knowing that you were as amazing a person when we were in high school as you seem to be now. I feel very fortunate to have been able to share some fun and crazy times with you! All my love, Valerie Soza-Cohen.
Valerie Soza-Cohen <mswval@aol.com>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Friday, December 22, 2006 4:48 PM CST
Even as my mind is on all the things needing to be done, the family soon to arrive, the errands still to be run ... I cannot stop thinking of you. I am sending all my love to you today, and praying constantly. Blessings to you and yours, sweet Lynn.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, December 22, 2006 3:13 PM CST
Merry Christmas Lynn. May you be surrounded by the endless love your family and friends have for you and have a wonderful Christmas. I am thinking of you and praying for you constantly.
Stow, OH - Friday, December 22, 2006 2:55 PM CST
ok... ME AGAIN.... (I think I'm ready for the long weekend) what I meant to say is 461,214 not 416,214....

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, tx - Friday, December 22, 2006 2:12 PM CST
oh... and Lynn.... I just noticed that your site has been hit 416,214 times..... how incredible.... you are so loved..
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, tx - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:25 PM CST

Find Joy:

Written by my fellow co-worker.... Forrest Lowry...

I am so lucky to work with such a wonderful man... his insight is always so uplifting... he sends these messages every couple weeks... and titles them "encouraging words by Forrest Lowry".... I really like them... in the middle of a hard week... to recieve an email.. written by a friend... I thought this one was worth sharing with all you faithful and prayful friends of Lynn.

As you plan your celebration with family and friends I trust that each of you will experience JOY in this special season!! JOY - a word chosen purposely - because it is possible to experience JOY without necessarily experiencing happiness. Happy is an emotion that is impacted by so many of life's difficult moments. And some of you are definitely not looking forward to this Christmas - because of the events of this past year.

I know some of you will have a hole in your heart as you celebrate this special day without that very special person that you are missing in your circle of friends and family. I know that some of you will be with family members and friends that appear to be celebrating the last Christmas because of terminal illnesses. You may not experience happiness - but you CAN experience JOY.

JOY comes from a CONVICTION - or TRUTH that has grabbed your HEART - and though all the world crumbles around you - that CONVICTION of your HEART stands because it is based on TRUTH!! And even through those emotional struggles - through depression that seems to overwhelm you at times

As you celebrate - remember that STAR!! You know the story - and no matter what you believe about that special story - and whether you believe it was a literal STAR or not - for a moment think about that STAR!! You have to have a STAR that in the darkest night will guide you!! You have to have a STAR that shines through every CLOUD - every problem that rears it's ugly head to rob you of those special feelings that normally come this time of year. Even the ships on the darkest ocean can be guided by a STAR. As long as you have that STAR - you can look up - you can have hope - you can follow your CONVICTIONS - and you CAN have JOY!!
I too will be looking to a STAR!! Of course, I am looking beyond that STAR to a Person - a very special Person - and One that I have learned to rely on and cling to at the darkest times of my life!! But that Person's birth was marked by the appearing of a STAR - a very special STAR!! What an incredible event we celebrate with our family and friends in a couple of days!!

Celebrate as you will!! In your own way - as you and your family and friends gather - reach out in love and enjoy every single relationship - cherish the moments - and remember to look up - find that STAR - let your CONVICTIONS that are rooted and grounded in TRUTH bring you JOY - through the best of times and the worst of times!!

Have yourself a very merry Christmas - and my wish for you is JOY!! (You knew I couldn't say Happy Holidays - it's just not me

Forrest Lowry

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, tx - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:22 PM CST
Thinking of you and your sweet family everyday. Praying that as we celebrate Christmas, the Holy Spirit surrounds you and your loved ones. I know Dave is your rock like my Mike and I thank him for being such a wonderful husband and more importantly, incredible man. The slide show of Taylor's birthday was so much fun!! Hope the kiddos smiles and giggles this weekend warm your heart and ease your pain. Take care sweet Lynn and know you are never far from our hearts, minds and prayers. Love ya!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, December 22, 2006 11:43 AM CST

I am thinking of you this beautiful Friday morning. I hope that you are surrounded by the love of your wonderful family and the beauty that this wonderful season brings. Our Lord loves you and is watching over you. May He bring you peace, comfort, and the knowledge that you have so many that care for you and love you.

Christ the Savior is Born! Looking Right!

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Friday, December 22, 2006 9:55 AM CST
Thinking of you and especially your children this morning on Vancouver Island. Hoping you can find a peaceful place inside to carry you through.
- Friday, December 22, 2006 9:20 AM CST
3 days til Christmas..... are the kids ready for Santa to come? are we all remembering how Blessed this day is.... it was the day... that our God... gave us Jesus here on earth.... to become our Savior... we are lucky......thinking of you Lynn.... x0x0x0x hugs n kisses... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, tx - Friday, December 22, 2006 9:06 AM CST
Lynne, I have been reading your journal form the past year. Praying for healing and Gods perfect will for you and your family. You have been an inspiration to me. I love my kids more, hug them more and almost NEVER sweat the small stuff anymore. You did that for us! Someone you never met or talked to you inspired, THANK YOU. I continue to pray for you and will always be praying for your family to have strength and peace.
Rowlett, TX USA - Friday, December 22, 2006 8:41 AM CST
Sending prayers and hugs your way. What a beautiful Texas sunrise this morning. May today be a glorious day for you and your loved ones.

Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, tTX - Friday, December 22, 2006 8:35 AM CST
Thinking of you Lynn. Doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of you! I pray that your pain is better and that you are able to enjoy the loved ones that surround you.
All my love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 22, 2006 5:38 AM CST
Thank you, Holly, for your update in the guestbook! Please give Lynn and all her family hugs from me, the one Terri calls "Barberra", her good friend in Kona! Also, a very Merry Christmas to all of you! May the joys of this special time just fill your hearts abundantly! In faith and love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, December 22, 2006 1:36 AM CST
I continue to pray diligently for Lynn and her family. I read other entries that talk about "updates". Am I missing something? I'm not very computer-savvy, but I want to make sure I have the latest information to pray very specifically for Lynn.

Lynn, my son came home from his school Christmas party with a pinecone,coated with peanut butter and birdseed. He wanted to know which birds might like it. I was thrilled to see sunflower seeds and told him that red cardinals would particularly enjoy his treat. Tomorrow when we hang the feeder, I will talk about how this will feed the birds during the winter. I'll also talk about you, your love of cardinals and your need for prayer. Another link will be added to the many of your prayer chain! Rest well.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Friday, December 22, 2006 0:10 AM CST
Praying for you and thinking of you ALWAYS!!
Jennifer ~ Pinkribbonmom
Loveland, CO - Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:19 PM CST
Thanks Holly for keeping us updated on Lynn. We continue to pray for Lynn and her family. Praying hard that the pain is better under control and that Lynn is resting comfortably. Like Jill said...we are seriously snowed in here in Denver. We haven't been able to get out of our cul-de-sac since yesterday morning. We spent most of the day shoveling our driveway! Merry Christmas to you all! Love, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:40 PM CST
Sweet Lynn

We board a plane tomorrow morning for Vermont - we are hoping for a white Christmas

My heart is with you all as you celebrate Christmas this weekend. I pray that is is a special time filled with love and wonderful memories.

Our love to you all! Happy Holidays!

Love, Kathy, John , Cameron and of course Emily!

ps - Enjoy that mint chocolate chip ice cream - it is all for you and Taylor!!!!!!

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:35 PM CST
Sending all my love and prayers for a peaceful "Holiday Break" with your family and sweet children. The class party was a RIOT yesterday, typical bunch of Crazy boys singing and dancing out of control (getting a little stinky) :)and the sweet girls with organized conga lines and organized dance moves. Taylor warmed my heart seeing her having fun with her friends. I felt a little closer to you just watching her.
You are in my heart and my dreams always. Hope and Dreams to you sweet friend.


Holly, thank you for keeping us in contact with Lynn. She might be able to enjoy these entries now, so please just squeeze her for me.

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:47 PM CST
We would love to hear the story about the beautiful quilt.I have been praying for Lynn and her family.
ft worth, tx usa - Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:25 PM CST
You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Larry & Mary & families
Mary <mberg@smig.net>
Hartland, MN USA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:49 AM CST
Lynn and Family -

Keeping you our thoughts and prayers - hoping for pain relief, peace and acceptance.

Love you all --

Deb Klein and family

Deb Klein
St Paul, MN - Thursday, December 21, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Thanks for the update Holly! I hope you know how much we all appreciate you! All of you are in our thoughts and prayers!
We are snowed in! I mean seriously snowed in! More than 2 feet of snow in the yard..and sidewalk and street, etc. What a beautiful sight!
Stay strong! Sending peace and courage!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, December 21, 2006 9:31 AM CST
Sweet Holly,

Thank you for keeping us up to date on Lynn. Tell her she and her beautiful family are continually in our prayers.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:40 AM CST
Thank you for the update, Holly. Each time I log in to Lynn's site these days I find myself holding my breath. I am heartbroken for Lynn and her family ... but never ever losing HOPE! Please tell Lynn how much her *fans* love her!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:33 AM CST
Thanks for the update Holly. I'm continuing to pray for Lynn and all of you who are surrounding her with so much love.

Lynn, I saw a Red Cardinal yesterday morning and of course felt like I saw you. Isn't that funny! I love you my dear friend and pray the pain is better. Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, December 21, 2006 8:10 AM CST
Thanks Holly!!! Lynn-You are on my mind first thing this morning. Praying Faithfully for you!
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, December 21, 2006 7:41 AM CST
Dearest Friends,

It is so awesome to see all the love and support pour from loved ones and people we have never met. Thank you for continuing to love our Lynn. Jenny and I will try to update soon - there isn't too much change for now.

Missy Schmitz - I want your address...I have access to the stock of bracelets and will send you a few to spare....I am sure your newly repaired bracelet is drawing attention though and may be allowing you so many more opportunities to share Lynn's story!! Hee

Loving you all and thanking God for each of you!!


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Thursday, December 21, 2006 6:04 AM CST
Praying and sending my love.


Teresa Powell <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:53 PM CST
Checking in on you and letting you know that I am thinking and praying for you and your family. Praying for painfree days and lots of fun Christmas memories. Sleep tight. Beth

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 9:47 PM CST
We are thinking of you and your family and praying for all of you. As Christmas is approaching I was thinking of the gifts we will give and receive. Lynn, you are a GIFT to us. We have learned so much about compassion and love from you. So, thank you for the gifts you have given us. You are so special!

Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
flower mound, tx - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 7:06 PM CST
I have to tell you that I finally stretched my Looking RIGHT bracelet too far & it broke. But I felt so lonely without it... so it now has 2 staples & some Black electrical tape!!! I wear it with pride and think of you ALWAYS!!!!
Praying for you and yours!!!
Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 6:02 PM CST
Lynn- A friend of mine sent me an email with this URL (http://holidays.blastcomm.com/holidays03_old.html) and when I opened it and saw the cardinals on the tree I thought of you. I hope you can find it on the web. I also sent it in an email to Dean and Gail. We went to a "lights on the lake" celebration Monday night and in the gift shop there was an ornament that had a cardinal with the message "Believe in Miricles"...of course I bought it and will think of you everytime I look at it. I believe in miricles and I hope that God has one saved just for you. Loving thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
State College, - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:07 PM CST
Thinking about you and praying that you are getting relief from the pain and able to huddle close with your family.

Peace and strength.

Donna Kirk-Swaffar
Rossville, KS - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 1:08 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
Praying faithfully for you and your loved one's. I so hope that you are comfortable and pain free. I am sure you are surrounded by sooooo much love from your wonderful family and amazing friends. I put some birdseed in the feeder yesterday hoping for some cardinal friends to enjoy :) Cardinals are everywhere here in Ohio-it is our state bird. I will forever think of you everytime I see one. The B-day party looked like soooooooooo much fun! What an adorable group of girls!
Praying for you Lynn!!!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:55 AM CST
Lynn..... only 5 days left til Christmas..... love you... xoxo... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, tx - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:34 AM CST
please update when you get a chance......so many people are worried
- Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:21 AM CST
Dearest Lynn,
Praying for your peace and comfort. Always thinking of you and praying for you. May God wrap his arms around you and protect you and your family. Much love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 9:16 AM CST
Thinking of you all the time. You & your LOOKING RIGHT message continue to make us better people and ultimately, better servers to our good Lord. Thank you Lynn!!!! Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:35 AM CST
I haven't posted in quite awile but I am praying for you today and every day, my friend. You have taught me so much through your journey. You are a witness to the grace God wants us to have. I strive to be like you every day, a graceful witness, wonderful wife, mother and friend. I pray for your peace and comfort today. I know you are surrounded by love with all of the people that are dear to you during this glorious holiday season.
tracy walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
canton, tx - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:26 AM CST
No words, just prayers.
And always, HOPE ........

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 7:44 AM CST
My beautiful friend....I am always thinking of you throughout my day. I am on my knees for you always....Madeline put her cardinal ornament on our tree the other day and told the boys that it was there to remind us to pray for you every time we look at it on our tree. You are loved by so many people Lynn Newman. I am one of many who love you soooooo much. Praying for you today and always....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, December 20, 2006 7:24 AM CST
Lynn- The pictures of Taylor's birthday party look like so much fun!! I am not sure if Tammy and her kids have arrived yet, but I am sure "Grams and Pap" Newman must be in their glory with everyone home for Christmas. I am sure both Newman households will be filled with activity and joy. I think of you often and say constant prayers for you and all of your family. If I had one wish for Christmas it would be for you to enjoy your family as pain free as possible. Bless you all.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
state college, - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 7:09 AM CST
Dear Lynn - God places you, your family and friends on my heart tonight. I continue to pray so diligently for you, even though we've never met - that's a huge "God thing" to bring together two strangers and yet two believers who have so much in common. As another wife, mother, daughter and friend, I am claiming for you Psalm 17:1-2 "Hear a just cause, O Lord; attend to my cry! Give ear to my prayer from lips free of deceit! From thee let my vindication come! Let thy eyes see the right!

In the words of your sweet husband, I continue to "look right" for you. I pray that God's perfect peace will surround you and gently hold you tonight and allow you to sleep pain-free. I also pray that God's peace that is so much greater than any of us, will give rest and understanding to you, your family and friends. Sleep well, my friend. Much love.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:52 PM CST
Dearest Lynn,
Praying for peaceful rest and comfort for you and your family. Praying for the perfect guardian angel to come and live with the you and your adorable famliy. You are SO loved.


heather candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:40 PM CST
Dear Lynn, I am praying for a Christmas miracle for you, for peace and comfort and no pain.
Heavenly Father please give Lynn the miracle of your healing on earth.
Love and prayers,

Debbie from Bridge of Dreams <debbie@bridgeofdreams.org>
VA USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:26 PM CST
We are praying for you and asking God to help you feel his arms around you. We are reaching out from all around the country to comfort you and to let you know how loved you are. Each one of us that know you hold you close in our hearts. You are very loved sweet Lynn...

Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, TX - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:53 PM CST
Dearest Lynn - a couple of years ago you sent me my Looking Right bracelets.(I live in Hawaii.) We emailed a few times and your warmth and friendliness was palpable! I am so hoping that the docs and nurses have figured out a way to make you comfortable - your pain is something noone should have to endure. I pray for physical comfort for you, and for inner peace. May you have a beloved Christmas with your family. With love, Lise
Lise Lawrence <portmoresbygirl@aol.com>
Waikoloa, HI USA - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:24 PM CST
Dearest Newmans and Company ...

I woke this morning thinking of Lynn, her struggle, her precious family ... and God brought this scripture to my mind.

This particular passage of scripture has been posted here in the guestbook by others several times. It is one of my "life verses" that I cling to. I read this very passage at my father's memorial service last fall, and then again this spring at my mother's service. It has always brought me great comfort. So many times throughout my life I have been able to look back and see that He did indeed bring me through the fire and keep the rivers from washing over me so many times, even when I thought I would surely drown. It is scripture that, for me, proves His care and steadfast love for me as no other words do.

Cling to His promise, Newmans. He will bring you through this.

I pray you have a blessed day. Kiss Lynn for us and let her know how much she is loved and being prayed for!!!!

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name;
You are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the LORD, your God,
The Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
- Isaiah 43:1b-3a

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 9:40 AM CST

Only 6 more days til Christmas.......

thinking of you darlin'

later Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:55 AM CST
You are surrounded by so much love both near and far. I too hope you can feel the love that surrounds you my sweet friend Lynn. I love you. Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:14 AM CST
I walked through Park Meadows and was overcome with sadness as I passed all the places we used to go. Our fav restaurant for lunch, etc. So many good memories with you. Then I looked in the Crate & Barrel window at a beautiful Christmas table and I swear I heard you in my ear say..."OK, enough being sad for me, get in there and go shopping!" I laughed out loud and thought! Yes, that is what Lynn would say if she were standing right here.

Be strong my friend! We are all here with you and for you! You are surrounded by love. I hope you feel our prayers.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:04 AM CST
We are praying..keeping you and your family in our thoughts as well!



maria <mamaria@charter.net>
tn - Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:03 AM CST
Lynn...we continue to pray for you and your family...We are LOOKING RIGHT
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, TX - Monday, December 18, 2006 11:42 PM CST

Our Precious Father knows your every care and your every desire, Lynn. Lay your burdens at His feet; He will carry you.

You are so dear to my heart. Please know how much you are loved by all of us...

Firmly in His grasp,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, December 18, 2006 11:36 PM CST
Heavenly Father,

Giver of life and health, comfort and relieve Lynn.

Give your power of healing to those who minister to her

needs that she may be strengthened in her weakness, granted

your healing and have confidence in your loving care,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

Many prayers are being whispered at this moment!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:54 PM CST
I've been thinking of you so much. I wake up in the middle of the night to let Tanner outside and I say a prayer that you are able to rest comfortably. Are you awake, too? I wonder how you are, if you are able to sleep or if it hurts too much. I pray you feel the power of all our prayers, feel them wrapping our arms around you and hugging you, wanting to take away your hurts and give you peace.

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, Ar usa - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:19 PM CST
My eyes filled with water as I read the entry from Holly & Jenny. You are blessed with so much love and support from so many. Your journey has inspired so many people and you teach us to be our best every day. Please know Carlos and I are thinking of you and pray for pain relief and peace. Your family is beautiful and we hope you have a blessed Holiday season.
Minal Cordero

Minal Cordero <cordero.mm@pg.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 8:06 PM CST
Dear Holly: Thank you for the beautiful entry and update on Lynn. We talked of her at the YMCA today and she is in everyone's thoughts and prayers. Please let her know how much she is cared for and thought of. She is blessed by your devoted friendship, I know. At times like this it is comforting to know that God is sovereign and all things work for His good. I will continue to pray fervently for Lynn and her family.
Vanessa Bowers <wbower01@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, December 18, 2006 7:31 PM CST
I have only just met Lynn.She is a beautiful strong lady. No one has ever touched my heart as she has. She has a strong support system with family and friends. It is a privledge and an honor to have the chance to know such a lady. Continue to be strong in the Lord Lynn, he will not leave you. God Bless All.
Donna Nickerson <donnabaabs@hotmail.com>
Dallas, Tx USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 6:20 PM CST
You have inspired me in so many ways. You are a wonderful person and someone whom I admire. Keep your strength strong even though it seems endless.
Hebrews 12:1
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Keep Looking RIGHT!!

Holly Muilenburg and family <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Monday, December 18, 2006 5:15 PM CST
There are just no words to express our thoughts or emotions. Just wanted you to know you remain constant in our hearts, our minds, and in our prayers!
We Love You! Doug wants to call, but as I've said before he just doesn't know what to say. His heart is hurting thinking of you and your family, we cry together and still come up with no words. Please know that we are with you.
Praying for comfort and strength for you all!!

Doug & Amy Thurston <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Monday, December 18, 2006 5:08 PM CST
Praying for you!!
Jenny Rau <jmbr211@yahoo.com>
Prosper, TX USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 4:31 PM CST
You are heavy on my mind and in my heart. I wish and pray for your Peace and Comfort. May the Blessings of the Holidays be with you and your Family.

Sending all my love,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, December 18, 2006 3:58 PM CST
Still thinking about you and praying for y'all.
Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, December 18, 2006 3:28 PM CST
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Much, much love, Lynn!

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
- Monday, December 18, 2006 12:40 AM CST
Lynn......... I am so happy I got to see you this weekend... it was so wonderful to wrap my arms around you, hold your hand, and talk sweet somethings with you..... I loved seeing your beautiful quilt..... and hearing your stories about your sweet Jacob and Taylor... they sure are beautiful kids Lynn..... inside and out....it was nice to see your sweet husband tooo....your Christmas tree is soooo beautiful... it's the biggest I have ever seen (in a house anyway).... it was so nice to see your surrounded by so much love... I love you Lynn... only 7 more Days til Christmas.... hugs for you... kisses for you... prayers for you... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, December 18, 2006 11:01 AM CST
Just thinking of you and it seems you are never out of my thoughts. I hope/pray that the pain is better for you my sweet friend Lynn. So many of us are out there praying around the clock for you and your loved ones. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, December 18, 2006 10:39 AM CST
Never forget ... we have HOPE because we have HIM!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, December 18, 2006 10:00 AM CST
2nd Timothy 1:7.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
Thinking of you, Lynn, and your family. My prayers for no pain, loads of family time, strong faith and a cure for you. I can't tell you how many times a day I "look right" because of you. For that, I say thank you.

Tempe, AZ - Monday, December 18, 2006 9:06 AM CST
Dearest Lynn,
Like others out there who have posted today, I've thought of you often throughout this day and all weekend. I hope you have a pain-free and peaceful week - the week before our Lord and Savior's Birthday! I pray that He holds you in the palm of His hand and brings total healing to you! Much love to you and yours! In faith always, Barbara

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Monday, December 18, 2006 2:35 AM CST
Looking RIGHT for you Lynne with all my heart. How blessed you are at all of your followers. :-)


Cat <cyberstalker#2453@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Monday, December 18, 2006 2:10 AM CST
I bought a red cardinal ornament today so that when I see it on our tree, I will stop & think of you. You are on my mind several times a day and I pray for you every chance I get. I pray that you experienced comfort and peace this weekend. Christmas Blessings to you and your family...Love always, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, December 18, 2006 1:25 AM CST
Dear Lynn - We serve a mighty God! He is the Protector, Savior, Healer, Lover of all His Creations! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He is the Mighty, the Lord of All - the Almighty! I praise and thank Him for all He is doing on your behalf. I pray for pain relief and healing!

Tonight, I am claiming for you, Mark 11:23-26 ""Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass; it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and you will. And, whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses." Thank you, Heavenly Father, for blessing Lynn, her family and her many friends.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Monday, December 18, 2006 0:20 AM CST
I watched two beautiful cardinals in my yard today and thought of you. Praying for a Christmas miracle
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, December 17, 2006 10:20 PM CST
I am thinking and down on my knees praying for you tonight. I have thought of you so often today and hope you are resting comfortably tonight.

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Sunday, December 17, 2006 9:26 PM CST
Saying a prayer tonight that you are pain free and able to spend lots of quality time with your precious family. Miracles happen every day! I am praying for a Christmas miracle for your family!!!

What you have been through is an inspiration to so many. Know that you have touched hearts all over the country. There are so many people that are closer to God and to their family because of your story. That is more then many do in 100 years.

Rebecca & Tabor (www.caringbridge.com/visit/taborfleming)

Rebecca Fleming <rektorikfleming@yahoo.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Sunday, December 17, 2006 9:21 PM CST
Lynn, thinking of you and your family and sending all of you our prayers. We continue to LOOK RIGHT...
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, TX - Sunday, December 17, 2006 8:45 PM CST
Serving our good Lord better because of you my sweet friend. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT and spread your message. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn - Sunday, December 17, 2006 2:17 PM CST
Lynn - I pray that you will be pain free and will be able to enjoy Christmas with your family. I have a few scriptures to share...

"May the God who gives hope fill you with great joy. May you have perfect peace as you trust in him. May the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope."
Romans 15:13

"The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."
Luke 18:27

“May our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father, who loved us and in his special favor gave us everlasting comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and give you strength in every good thing you do and say.”
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Praying for comfort-

Zhohn Dupont <z_dupont@hotmail.com>
SIMMESPORT, LA USA - Sunday, December 17, 2006 1:34 AM CST
I've never met you, Lynn, yet you have inspired me in so many ways. I'm praying with all my heart for you and your family.
Kerry <kerrymccarthy@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, NC - Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:55 PM CST
I'm praying for peace, healing, and no more pain. It's so nice to see the sweet faces of your daughter and her friends having such fun. I hope their laughter cheered you. I am lighting a Christmas candle each night here in Virginia for you and saying a prayer. I hope everyone will do that and light up the world with love and prayers for Lynn. My God bless you and your family.
Theresa Cover

Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:14 PM CST
Dear Lynn:

I don't know if you remember me but I never ever forgot who you are. This is Michele Tyndall and we went to highschool at Mountain View together. You were the cutest thing one year younger than most of my friends.........I've thought of you often over the years. Actually, more times than I realized until tonight, at our annual friends from high school Christmas party, I was informed of what is going on in your life and I wanted to say hello and send you a prayer. I've often asked how you were and was devastated tonight but I am praying for you. I will write more to you later as I forwarded this link to my work email. I have a 7 month old daughter named Riley and her website is: www.rileyrae.aboutmybaby.com. I have been back in Arizona about 4 years now from California after my wild days. Please let us get in touch? Love Always, Michele

Michele Tyndall <michele@pollackinvestments.com>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 10:13 PM CST
Dearest Lynn & family,
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, December 16, 2006 5:46 PM CST

Thinking of you today and always... Praying for relief of your pain and a joyous weekend with your family.

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:36 AM CST
I love Tricia's post.....praying for your Christmas miracle Sweet Lynn. God bless you and keep you in his Peace.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:28 AM CST
Precious Lynn,
May God wrap His loving and healing arms around you and hold you dear. May He bless you, heal you, give you strength, ease your pain, and comfort you. You are in our prayers daily.

Connie Mongan (friend of Linda Denning)

Connie Mongan <cmongan@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx Usa - Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:21 AM CST
Lynn...I love you friend.....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 16, 2006 9:34 AM CST
stopping by to say that I continue to think of you and wish for a Christmas miracle for you
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, December 16, 2006 9:20 AM CST
Beautiful Lynn,
My prayer is that today is one that you rest in Him, knowing that God's amazing love is all around you and within you. You are a precious, precious daughter of the King!
I love you,

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Saturday, December 16, 2006 8:56 AM CST
has anyone else noticed all of the red cardinals around this holiday season. Have they always been such a popular holiday decoration or are Lynn's angels working extra hard to help us all stop and think of Lynn??? Either way, I love it and I smile for every cardinal I see...just for you Lynn.
Looking RIGHT

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, December 16, 2006 7:43 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I continue to pray for you, your family and so many dear friends! I am claiming for you Psalm 91:14-16 "Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation."

We serve a mighty God who knows you like the tiniest of sparrows. He is a God of love and a God of miracles. I pray that His Almighty healing power will surround you. In Jeremiah 30:17, God says to you, Lynn, ..."For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal."

Rest in the care of our Lord. May His grace and goodness surround you and your family. Much love!

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Saturday, December 16, 2006 0:27 AM CST
Thinking of you. Looking Right because of you. Prayers for less pain and peace of mind and soul. I love you Lynn.

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 15, 2006 11:29 PM CST
Prayers of HOPE and Healing!

My heart aches for all the pain you and your family are enduring.

Holding you close to my heart. I pray that you feel no fear, constant peace and the love that comes from so many.


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Friday, December 15, 2006 10:06 PM CST
Janie Shalt
- Friday, December 15, 2006 8:37 PM CST
i can still remember the day that i was in "mrs. missy's" classroom when jacob told me "my mom is sick". you know my
past history as a nurse in the oncology dept at children's and when the kids started asking me questions i knew that God had put me there that day at that time to give some peace to Jacob and his precious 4 year old preschool friends. that seems like an eternity ago, and the sadness in my heart is heavy to know that you have been dealing with this all these years.
just know that you are loved and prayed for more people than you can even imagine. you are a true definition of a Christian woman. sharing God's love even in the midst of turmoil. you are amazing.

toni margolis <toni@hometronics.com>
prosper, tx - Friday, December 15, 2006 8:08 PM CST
Lynn You have to beleave and have faith. Be strong. God has the answer's to everything and will heal. I pray for you and the whole family.
Nancy Edwards
Commerce Twp, MI USA - Friday, December 15, 2006 7:26 PM CST
I am praying for your comfort and pain relief. I pray that God will give you guidance and peace for your family during this extremely difficult time. Above all I pray for divine intervention and Lynn's complete healing on earth. I believe God can heal!!!!
Paula P. Watts <paula.watts@talk21.com>
Mangham, la - Friday, December 15, 2006 4:17 PM CST
I am praying for peace and comfort for you Lynn. May God guide you through this journey.
Kelsey Berg <kelsey.berg@uwrf.edu>
- Friday, December 15, 2006 2:15 PM CST
Joining in with the others in sending love and prayers to you today. Bless you, Newmans & Company!!!! We love you Lynn!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, December 15, 2006 1:50 PM CST
Lynn -
I came to know you through my best friend Pattie Wilson. I have read your entries over the years and your strength and courage has always amazed me. I also go to Benttree and a few times I sat behind you at church. I was always so taken by how put together and beautiful you were. You are truly beautiful inside and out. I pray for your peace and comfort. I pray for the Lord to wrap His mighty arms around your precious family and hold them tight and guide them through this most difficult time! I will always remember your strength and beauty!

Jana Mouton <j.mouton@comcast.net>
Flower Mound, TX Denton - Friday, December 15, 2006 1:34 PM CST
Thank you again Holly and Jenny! Thinking of and praying for you all!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, December 15, 2006 1:29 PM CST
Praying for peace and comfort for you, Lynn.
Much love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
- Friday, December 15, 2006 1:27 PM CST
Lynn, we are continuing to pray for you everyday and you are always in our hearts. We love your kids so much and are blessed that we are here at Hicks with them. Your faith and strength is amazing. You are an inspiration to us. Hugs, Erin Owens (art) and Amy Springs (music).
Erin Owens <owensel@lisd.net>
- Friday, December 15, 2006 1:12 PM CST
I am praying for you so very nuch. Thank you for bringing me closer to our Lord than I was. I am not good with words but I just want you to know that I am still praying for you every day....every time I think of you I stop what I am doing and ask for blessings to be given to you and your family. May God bless you and hold you in His hand.
Kevin Walukas <medikkev@aol.com>
Canton, Tx USA - Friday, December 15, 2006 8:32 AM CST
I am a cyber stalker who only recently found your site. However, I did spend time over the past few days reading more about your journey through the journal. Your love for your children and husband is clearly reflected in the entries. You are lucky to have such a loving family. The friendships with those wonderful women who are with you now are inspiring. At times we may read about women in the business world not helping other women but your story clearly shows that women are very supportive of others especially during difficult periods. Your life and story continues to inspire me to appreciate what I have and to make the most of every day as you have done.
You are a remarkable lady whose life has impacted so many. I pray for a relief of pain and for strength for you and your family during this time.

Grapevine, TX - Friday, December 15, 2006 8:10 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
Your story has touched so many hearts and brought faith to many. My daughter fought a year with cancer at the age of 12 and had a bone-marrow transplant and we stayed in Cooks 100 days that summer hoping and praying for miracles. She got her brothers bone marrow with 100% engraphment. But as we were about to take her home she got a fungal infection and went to be with the Lord. She prepared all of us with her faith and we all knew God was their for her and for us and especially for me as her mother. You have the faith and love for everyone just like she did. She left this earth with such grace and I truly believe she won. Shes right where we all want to be. I just wanted to tell you a little of my story because your story has touched my heart and always reminds me what faith is all about. Sometimes I get sad but I'm reminded of the courage you and my Meg had during your illness and it gives me hope that God is good and he takes care of all of us. Keep the faith and know God ia always their for you and your family. Your kids will be stronger than you can ever imagine when they grow up. My kids have a security like no other that even when times get rough they can get through anything because of what happened six years ago in their lives. Their sister was such an inspiration to them and you are to yours. So for this I thank you for sharing your story with us and giving everyone hope and courage to keep taking one day at time even though its hard. I pray for comfort for you and your family everyday of your lives. Dave is a strong man and reminds me of my husband during the time my daughter was ill and even though I don't know you guys I feel so blessed to have come here and read your story cause when I'm down about things that have happened in my life you lift me up with your courage and faith. I know that were here for purpose and I think you have shown your purpose with your words of faith and for everyone here reading know that this isn't the end their is a great God who is waiting for all of us to come up and meet our destiny which will be no illness and all love.
I love you Lynn Newman you truly are a blessed woman.

lori <soccermom66@hotmail.com>
Bedford, tx tarrant - Friday, December 15, 2006 6:33 AM CST

Dear Lynn,

Wow! Love that slide show of everyone.(beautiful children) I have been praying and thinking of you sooooo much, and I am glad we got to catch some time on the phone the other night with your Mom. I love you Lynn, Jules xo

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Friday, December 15, 2006 5:31 AM CST
To Holly and Jenny, thanks so much for posting the slide show of Taylor's birthday party!! Such smiles and happy girls!! They seemed to be having a blast! Blessings to you, Lynn, and your family. I'm in continual prayer for healing, painlessness, peace, and MIRACLES! They do happen!! Much love to all of you, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, December 15, 2006 1:09 AM CST
I too find it hard to know the right words. I have probably told you before that I remember the very first time I heard of you. I had called my dear friend Kathy and she was going to be watching your kids when you went in for one of your very first Dr appts. I have thought about you almost everyday since, I remembering asking Kathy what the outcome was...and from that very first day you started changing my life to be better. Through you I too have become closer to God and accepting that he has His plan. I have followed your journey and have been up with you so many times and down with you too. I feel as if I know your amazing and beautiful family, and your wonderful friends. Thank you Holly and Jenny for keeping us updated, I can't imagine how difficult this is for you to write. As I am writing tonight I am eating Dove chocolates and the message inside is Live Your Dreams, and thanks to you Lynn, I know that so many more of us are doing so. You have touched my life so many times without knowing so and so many times I have come to this site for strength and courage. You are an amazing person in so many ways, thank you Lynn. May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hands. Love to you all, Beth

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, - Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:31 PM CST
i am always praying for you. now, everytime i see a red cardinal i think of you. i also ask myself very often "what would lynn do?" boy have you touched more peoples lives than you will ever know. i live in prosper and know a couple people out here who love you dearly. my father is battling metastatic melanoma right now. it is all over his body and he is handling it with such grace and the Lord has played such a huge part in his journey. i admire you for many reasons as i do my father. your faith being one of them. you have taught so many so much lynn. you are blessing and gift to so many that have never even met you. i pray that you and your family have a very merry christmas, and that you make special memories. i guess i have to admit i am a cyber stalker too! however, i did find a beautiful christmas card today with a red cardinal on it that i would love to send to you! i will continue to pray for pain relief and peace in your heart. you are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends. you are so loved. you have SO MANY PRAYER WARRIORS STORMING HEAVEN FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lara sheriff
prosper, texas

lara sheriff <lara_sheriff@hotmail.com>
prosper, tx - Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:38 PM CST
Lynn, I am thinking about you and your amazing family and friends. You and your family are so loved and I am praying for you guys. May you all have the comfort of God's love wrapped around you.
Traci Kidwell <traci.k@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:10 PM CST
Looking right for you and your beautiful family Lynn! The photos are precious. I love seeing them all. Another faithful cybertalker here thinking of you and your family and sending LOADS of white light your way from paradise.


Cat Potter <potterd002@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:08 PM CST
Everyone in the Newman Family, Holly & Jenny

I have struggled for days to find the right words to post, and still don't think I have them, but I need to write something.

We moved here 2 weeks before Taylor and Emily started 2nd grade last year. By the time I got to school on 2nd grade oreintatation night, I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed from moving across the country, setting up my home and realizing how much I missed my family and friends and did not think I would ever fit in at Hicks. The FIRST parent I met was none other than Lynn Newman! I remember sitting at those child size desks and glancing over and seeing this beautiful woman dressed to the "nines" looking perfect and I felt even more like I didn't fit in - until she said "Are you Emily's Mom" and BAM!!!!!!!!!! Just like that - her arms were around me in a huge hug welcoming me to Texas and to the family at Hicks. I will never forget that - I went home that night feeling like I had made a friend and already knowing that Emily had a wonderful friend in Taylor. It wasn't long after that when the cancer came back and I was so saddened because I didnt get a chance to see Lynn. Then one day this spring, Taylor was at our house and Lynn called to say she needed to get to Plano Presby asap for an MRI and that she was so sad because she was looking forward to coming over to get Taylor and really sitting and spending time with me and visiting while our girls played, and we weren't able to do that because of that appointment.

Throughout this journey, I've gotten to know Lynn through all her fabulous friends and I have been so saddened and sometimes jealous that I have not had the opportunity to become a better friend like so many other people have, but I think I've finally realized that God intended for me to meet Lynn for so many other reasons! He has brought her into my life so that I could meet so many wonderful women like Jenny & Holly. He has brought her into my life so I can realize what is truly important in this world- to not let "little" things get to me, and to enjoy and cherish every moment of everyday. There are so many times when I think of Lynn or look at my "Looking Right" bracelet and realize that there are such bigger problems out there. He has brought her into my life so I can look to God, and realize that He is so important and that I must do more in finding the right church for my family. Then I think of possibly one of the biggest reasons He has brought Lynn into my life, and that was to bring Sweet Taylor and Emily together and to build this amazing friendship that is so pure and innocent. Emily loves Taylor so much! These girls have developed such a close knit little group of friends, everyone at any age should experience this- they are so lucky to all have each other.

To sweet Lynn - you are an amazing woman who has taught me so much about courage, kindness, and strength. You are a true inspiration to everyone who has met you or who has just heard your story. I continue to be on my knees praying for relief and comfort from this pain.

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:29 PM CST
Ever since I read the updated post (thank you Holly & Jenny) I have struggled with what to say. I find myself so very sad for the situation that you are enduring. I so desparetly wish I could take your pain away. I feel so lucky and blessed that even though it's been many years since we've spoken or seen each other that I can call you a friend. Someone that I've had the pleasure of being close to and latley I have reflected back to that time in our lives and the friendship that we had. What a great time it was, I can still see you in your track uniform and how envious I was and I'm sure so many were, with those amazing legs you have. Always tan, beautiful, hair perfect, skin perfect ect....But most of all how beautiful you are inside, I thank you for being there with me during those somewhat difficult years of junior high and high school. I would so love to just give you a big hug and kiss on the cheek to let you know there has not been one day that goes by that I don't think of you or your family. Holly and/or Jenny if you read this because Lynn is unable, please hug her and give her that kiss on the cheek from an old friend and tell her how amazing I think she is and I love her. Thank you to all of you who have taken such great care of our Sweet Lynn, you are wonderful people. God bless all of you and your families.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:17 PM CST
It is hard to hold back tears when reading of Lynn's unbearable pain, for the recent news - life doesn't make sense and God's only directions for living is the Bible...and that still leaves us with questions many times.
In my own journey with a sick child, I found comfort in that the Lord never intended for there to be illness, he did not intend for our world to experience death. He created a perfect world for us that is now fallen - but one day, we will have victory and I count the days...the victory to no more suffering, no more tears, no more death - for God's glory to shine beyone any brightness we have ever known.
How thankful I am that the Lord has provided friendships beyond measure for this family - and I will continue to pray for all involved and for the requests listed.

Lauren Daves <lldaves@tx.rr.com>
Plano, TX - Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:56 PM CST
Dear Lynn, Dave, Taylor and Jacob:

May God continue to hold you in the palm of His hand.
Peace and Prayers from all of us here at school!
Ann Beckel

Ann Beckel
- Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:12 PM CST
I just wanted to let you know that all of us at school are praying for you and your family.
Kendra Kerley <kerley1@airmail.net>
Little Elm, Tx United States - Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:51 PM CST
For the longest time I have not known what to say...I still don't. Your family has always been in my heart and on my mind. Lynn, you have made such a positive difference in my life and so many others. I wish you a peaceful, love-filled Christmas.
Holly Brousseau

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx usa - Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:46 PM CST
Dear Mrs. Newman,
I wanted you to know I have been praying for you and your family for the last several years. I'm not good with words or knowing what to say but I wanted you to know I remember how kind and helpful you were to me when I had Taylor in my class. I knew I could always count on you to be there if I needed anything. Right now I am praying for you to have peace. I know there is a lot of pain but I pray God gives you a peace in your heart. You brought two very beautiful children into this world and you have taught them to love the Lord. I know God has wonderful plans for their lives. I am also praying for your husband and children to know God's peace and love more strongly than ever before during this time. "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." (John 14:27). I pray you find rest and strength in the strong arms of our Lord.
Love, Kathy Capehart

Kathy Capehart <damonkathy@netzero.net>
- Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:36 AM CST
Dearest Beautiful Lynn,

You truly are a beautiful woman, especially now, because you reflect the beauty of the Lord. You have done and are doing what the rest of us can only hope and pray we would be able to do in your most difficult situation, and that is, to still glorify the Lord and love those around us. My heart hurts greatly because you are having to suffer so much and my heart is sad for you and your precious family. In the book, "Hind's Feet on High Places" it states that to truly grow close to the Lord, we must surrender to that which will take us there, and it is "Sorrow and Suffering". I don't know why it is that way, but I do TRUST THE LORD and know that you are so close to His heart.

You, dear friend, are one of His special messengers to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST even in the
midst of suffering. You are an inspiration to all of us.

I love you, I love your precious children and look forward to spending time with them again. Our dear mutual friend, Holly, has kept me close in touch with you. I love your website and keep your picture on my computer screen to pray for you each day.

I am continuing to pray for miracles and right now I am praying for the pain to ease so that you can have precious moments with your amazing family and friends who love you so much.

Please know that all your friends at Legacy Christian
Academy continue to pray for you each day. You are very dear to our hearts.

With much love and heart-felt prayers,

Jody Capehart

Jody Capehart <jody.capehart@legacyca.com>
Frisco, TX Collin - Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:01 AM CST
I've been following Lynn's journey for a couple of years now. I read her anguish at a time she couldn't, but needed so badly, to see an Endocrinologist. My daughter, at the time, was working for Dr. Aranof and Dr. Sachson. They weren't taking anymore appointments as the doctors were booked for months, so I told my daughter to cancel my appointment and let Lynn have my time slot. I never told Lynn this, but I did email her personal email address and told her to call my daughter. She got in to see Dr. Sachson and continued being his patient. My daughter met her and her mere presence captured my daughter's heart.

We are both very saddened about the news. I gasped when I read the news. My heart is heavy for you, Lynn, and your beautiful family.

May you find peace from all you must be dealing with.

Love you.

Yvonne Garcia

Yvonne Garcia <ygarcia@fr.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:35 AM CST
I have to say I'm in shock. As long as I have followed you in this journey, I never expected this news. Don't give up - my thoughts, prayers and love to you all.


Susan Bernhardt Zachary's Site My Mom's Caringbridge Site <desbernhardt@msn.com>
Zimmerman, MN USA - Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:14 AM CST
I'm still shaking my head after reading Holly & Jenny's post tonight. It honestly makes no sense to me, I just don't understand how this can be happening. But, what I do understand completely is that you have awoken something deep down inside of me that lay dormant for far too long. Over the last few years, reading your journal and hearing your words speak to me, I have found faith again. YOU guided my husband and I back to church where we feel welcomed, loved, and well...home. Everytime I enter, I praise you and thank you for such an amazing gift. YOU are the reason our children are now learning about Jesus' love. YOU have inspired me to be a better wife, mother, friend, and daughter. YOU remind me on a daily basis to cherish every moment with family and friends. YOU have shown grace, courage, and feisty determination as you have done battle with this horrible disease. The unconditional love you have for your amazing family and friends radiates like a beacon of light.

Lynn, I have learned more about life, love, and faith from you in the last few years than any education or experience could ever provide. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Know that you, Dave, Taylor and Jacob are in my thoughts and prayers tonight and always.


Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:26 AM CST
Dear Lynn and Dear Friends - I am praying for you in a big way. I come before our Lord and Saviour on High; I praise and petition Him on behalf of Lynn. Sometimes I feel so very overwhelmed and frustrated, but I know that God is listening.
"Dear God, Lynn is such a precious child of yours; please bless her and her family with your amazing peace and healing. Release her from pain and allow Lynn and her family/friends to experience joy to its fullest"
I continue to claim your miraculous earthly healing for this special woman! Much love.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, December 14, 2006 0:44 AM CST
The slide show is great! Thanks for sharing it with us cyber folks. The girls looked like they were having a fabulous time! Take care and enjoy the holiday season...

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, December 14, 2006 0:01 AM CST
I am having a hard time finding the right words, so, I'll just keep it simple and say, we love you, we're praying for you and you're never far from our thoughts.

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, Ar usa - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:12 PM CST
Dear Lynn,

Another virtual stranger here that's praying for you! So sad to hear the news; but if anyone can beat this, you can!

Julie Bodenstein <juliebodenstein@yahoo.com>
Gill, MA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:56 PM CST
Each day I wake up and say my prayers for you and your beautiful family. You have touched my life and taught me about courage. What an inspiration you are to all of us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You a such a SPECIAL person. The world would be a better place if there were more Lynn Newman's!!!!

Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:45 PM CST
looks like Taylor had quite the fun birthday party.... thanks for sharing.....

Lynn.... sending hugs for your pain... prayers for your strength... and love for you and your family....


Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:42 PM CST
Loved the pictures from the party! Allison wasn't kidding when she sad it was a blast!! Thanks for the sweet smiles Holly!

We are continuing to pray for your precious family Lynn! I would also like to add Jenny's family to our prayer list. Jenny's sweet Sydney has asthma and RSV and is battling a high fever and trying to stay out of the hospital. Please everyone pray for healing for Sydney and lift up Jenny. Her heart is breaking for Lynn and now she is physically exhausted trying to care for her daughter! We love you Jenny and lift you up as well!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:31 PM CST

I am the stranger Holly and Jenny speak of in their last post. You ask what purpose cancer has served, and I will answer only how it has served me. I read your posts and you bring me closer to God. I pray for you and cry for you and am thankful I have your words to read. Your friends are amazing and you are truly blessed to have them as they are to have you. You make me want to be a better person/friend and so I try. Thank you for inspiring me to do better. I pray for peace and comfort for you and your family. Thank you

Melissa Jolly <mnmjolly04@yahoo.com>
Chesterfield, MO - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:34 PM CST
Sweet Lynn,

I am astonished at how much your beautiful daughter is becoming her beautiful mother! What a legacy! What an incredible blessing that she will be filled to the brim with the spirit and the physical beauty of her wonderful mother! Wow!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:17 PM CST
HEllo just reading your latest news and wanted to say hello again it has been awhile since I have checked in THank you for your continued journaling! Have a wonderful new year! Sandy Lassley
Sandy Lassley <sasslass77@hotmail.com>
Omaha, NE usa - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:38 PM CST
Sweet Lynn,
Your Hicks family continues to pray for you always, and to love you more and more! You are such a huge part of our daily lives. Your love lives within the walls of our school as we see sweet smiles on Taylor's and Jacob's faces. Our precious Father is holding you in His loving arms, and we are counting on Him for your comfort. Lynn, we love you!

"Nurse Lisa" <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:29 PM CST
Just thinking of you. LOOKING Right because of you!
Love ya, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn us - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:19 PM CST

I don't know if you remember me, but my son, Matthhew, was in Taylor's preschool class at Legacy Christian Academy. I have been praying for you and your family. May God's comfort completely surround you and your family during this time.

Christine White
Plano, TX USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:06 PM CST
Lynn, Thinking and praying for you and your family today and always!
Kristi Lupe <kristi.lupe@tx.rr.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:57 PM CST
We are so deeply saddened by the latest news in your incredible fight. Please know our hearts are aching and we're praying, praying, praying for all of you. You are an inspiration and a gift to all of those in your life. I know you have incredible prayer power behind you, and I hope it brings you the peace and comfort you so deserve. Our love to you, Dave and the kids.

Shelley, Brad, Logan, Griffin and Caleb <bonjeans@msn.com>
Highlands Ranch, CO USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:15 PM CST
MIRACLES HAPPEN. I am praying for a miracle. I will pray for peace and for that horrible pain to go away... and I am also still praying to God to make that evil cancer to go away too!

I am really trying to visualize the pain getting better and the cancer going away.

I hope you know how many people you all have praying for you and that are believing for you.


Rebecca Fleming <rektorikfleming@yahoo.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:33 PM CST
We love you Lynn. My family and I are saying extra prayers for your healing. Lots of love to all of you.

The Britton's
Todd, Sara, Grace & Ryan

Sara <BrittonClan@hotmail.com>
Janesville, MN USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:58 PM CST
It is tough to begin to write as I am not sure what to say. For once, I am at a loss for words. One thing for sure though is that I will continue to pray for peace and comfort during this difficult time. My love to you Lynn and your family. Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:47 PM CST

I'm at a complete loss for words. I just don't know what would be appropriate or helpful to say at this time, except that you REMAIN an inspiration to people like me. People who have fought the fight just like you. We don't know what the future holds...none of us do...but the imprint you've left on me is something I will hold tight to for the rest of my life.

From you I've learned what it means to be STRONG and what it means to have FAITH. I remain cancer free to this day and feat it's return, but you've taught me to "accept" what happens and live life to it's fullest every day.

Bless you Lynn and I will be praying for your peace and comfort everyday.

Simi Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:29 PM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. I hope for a relief of your pain and for your family to be comforted.

Cindy K
Grapevine, TX - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:08 PM CST
I'm praying, praying, praying!!!

Stephanie <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:01 PM CST
Lynn, please know that I am wrapping my spiritual arms around you. I pray that you would feel not only my arms, but those of so many of us who are praying for you and supporting you, as well as the loving, strong and mighty arms of God himself. Bless you.
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:17 AM CST
Lynn, I am PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING for your pain relief. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you and so do I! In Him!
Kim Gammill <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:01 AM CST
Sending all my love and prayers to you, Lynn, your family and all your dear ones! Always in faith, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:57 AM CST
Lynn and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are always with you! May God guide you and grant you peace through this journey!
Mark, Brenda, Andrew and Jennifer Routh

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, MN - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:45 AM CST
I am so deeply saddened by the latest update on Lynn's health. What her sweet heart and mind must be going thru;never mind her physical pain. She was always so strong in spirit and faith,that one easily assumed she'd overcome this disease while on earth. Her love of her family and friends runs so deep and pure.What a true inspiration she is and always will be. Anyone reading this website has had to be touched so deeply by Lynn. God wanted you to teach us all about a woman's unconditional love for her family and how important that is;not to take any of it for granted. Lynn,you taught us well by your shining example! I pray for your family and friends,that they too are comforted during this time.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:23 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
"To change a stranger's heart".........
Your journey and purpose with this disease has many aspects. For me, you changed my heart, truly.
My heart is so heavy. No words of comfort or wisdom are coming to me, and truth be told, your wisdom goes way beyond mine.
I thank you Lynn, for sharing yourself and your story with me. The few hugs I have been LUCKY to have from you, I still FEEL them.
You are an amazing reflection of God, how proud He is to have you here on Earth, doing what He needs you to. The suffering is so unfortunate, however, there is a reason. Shaping the lives around you, exposing yourself and your vulnerability has changed me, who I am, the wife I am, the mother I am, all for the better.
I will always pray for you.
To Lynn's friends and loved ones, my heart is heavy for you as well. Again, no words for comfort or wisdom come to me. I pray for all of you and thank God that Lynn has each one of you in her life.
With Love

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:42 AM CST
Lynn...... my grandmother had me memorize this verse when I was a little girl.(in Norwegian and English... but can't remember the Norwegian version.. hahah).. she always told me it was her favorite... and through the years... has been mine too...

Psalm 23...

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil: for though art with me: thy rod and they staff they comfort me.
Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoints my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Nancy Jacobson <Nancy.L.Jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, tx - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:12 AM CST
Sweet Lynn~

I came upon your site through another. I remember being drawn to it daily and being so inspired. At first, I emailed you to say thank you for being such an obedient servant to our heavenly Father. I mentioned that I moved from Plano to Houston and had Dr. Stokoe as well. You, being sick, took the time to email me back ( a total stranger) and ask me if I were ok!! What a lesson in love you neighbor as yourself! You taught me a very important lesson in that one email, Lynn! Thank you!

I wanted to share with you what I read today in my daily devotional. It comes from Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman

"December 13
I will give you the treasures of darkness. (Isaiah 45:3)

In the famous lace shops of Brussels, there are special rooms devoted to the spinning of the world's finest lace, all with the most delicate patterns. The rooms are kept completely dark, except for the light that fall directly on the developing pattern, from one very small window. Only one person sits in each samll room, where the narrow rays of light fall upon the threads he is weaving, for lace is always more beautifully and delicately woven when the weaver himself is in the dark, with only his work in the light.

Sometimes the darkness in our lives is worse, because we can not even see the web we are weaving or understand what we are doing. Therefore we are unable to see any beauty or any possible good arising from our experience. Yet if we are faithful to forge ahead and 'if we do not give up' (Gal.6:9), someday we will know that the most exquisite work of our lives was done during those days when it was the darkest.

If you seem to be living in deep darkness because God is working in strange and mysterious ways, do not be afraid. Simply go forward in faith and in love, never doubting Him. He is watching and will bring goodness and beauty from all of your pain and tears. J.R. Miller"

In His Mighty Grip,

Houston, - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:11 AM CST
I'm so sorry you are suffering, Lynn! Prayers for your complete healing, whatever form that healing takes, and for strength for your beautiful family.
Lisa from Friends of Allie
Morgantown, WV - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:36 AM CST
I am heartbroken. I will continue to pray and BELIEVE in your complete healing.
VA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:33 AM CST
Our family's thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of great need. May the Lord be your refuge and comfort. You and your family will continue to be in our prayers.

Dorothy and Glenn Chandler <chandlersintexas@yahoo.com>
Irving, TX Dallas - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:42 AM CST
I can not find the words to describe how heavy my heart is after reading the last post. The feeling I have is numbness and a deep sorrow for what you and your family are going through during this time. Lynde and I have spoken at great lengths about you, and shared many memories of our high school days. We had so much fun together. I have so many fond memories of our youth, and I am sorry that we all fell out of touch. You have and will always be in my heart.

Lynn, you are such an inspiration, you have shown strength, determination, and an astounding amount of faith. I pray for you and your beautiful family. I pray for your comfort, and ease of pain.

Kelli Bader <kbader4@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:30 AM CST
Lynn, You are precious. You are such a blessing to so many. Praying for you and your family throughout the day. In Christ, Candace
Candace Snyder <txcandace@tx.rr.com>
Plano, Tx - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:14 AM CST
Lynn...Just wanted to tell you good morning and that you are being prayed for continually in our household. I am praying for comfort for you and for peace in your heart. Taylor, Jacob and Dave, along with your parents and Dave's parents are also in our prayers. I will hold you close in my heart today Lynn. I love you....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:41 AM CST
Europe, - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:15 AM CST

"There is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend."

Dedicated to Lynn, Holly, & Jenny...

Love you so much!
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:54 AM CST
I am praying for you and your family!

In Gods love,

Georgia <georgiaarabert@aol.com>
Austin, TX US - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:00 AM CST
Lynn, Thinking,praying and sending our love to you and all of your family. Thankyou support people for caring for Lynn and her family.
Love from your MN aunts,uncles,and GR & GR Berg
God's peace,

laJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
mn - Wednesday, December 13, 2006 0:14 AM CST
Dear Lynn and Family, Jenny, Holly and so many others who dearly love Lynn -
I will continue to surround all of you in prayer and petition. I am but one, as are so many who pray for you, but I know that God honors all prayers! I pray that He will be with you through each minute of the day. I ask for His great earthly healing for Lynn. Much love.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:24 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
I have followed your journey for several years now. I pray for complete healing for you, for relief from the immense pain you experience, and for peace for you and your family. I have a heavy heart tonight as I digest the latest post on your health. I am saddened by this latest news, but know that you have the Lord carrying you through this battle with cancer. May you experience a Christmas miracle of healing.
God Bless You,

Tracy Jones <tracypaigejones@yahoo.com>
Kingsport, TN USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:19 PM CST
My Loving friend....I recall as if it were yesterday when I met you. I had actually met Holly about 3 months prior to meeting you. My family was having dinner with the Crandell's and Holly and I decided to take our twins for a walk in the stroller. I remember you and Dave were driving down the street and stopped to chat with us. Holly introduced us and had informed me that y'all had just moved into their neighborhood. Do you realize that we met almost 6 years ago? I also recall the afternoon that you did makeovers on me and Holly in your dining room when you began selling Mary Kay. I also remember you teaching me how to put on eye-liner so that I could "bring out my eyes!" We had such fun that day. Through our friendship, our girls have also become good friends. I remember when Madeline had her ballerina birthday party and she asked me if she could invite her "new" friend..Taylor. She also made a request that grandma would make Taylor's tu-tu purple because that is her favorite color. Another memory I will always hold in my heart was the day we ran into each other at Harold's. I was trying to justify buying yet another pair of shoes and you walked right up and said, "what are you waiting for girl, just buy'em and look good!" I now lovingly call those shoes my "Lynn shoes." As I am recalling all of these memories of our friendship, my heart is longing for more. I am so broken inside that you have suffered so much pain. You have shown me so much through your journey Lynn. You have taught me to enjoy the simple things in life and to not take little things for granted. I love seeing how much you lean on Jesus to take care of you. I love how open and honest you are when you talk about how frustrating this cancer can be...yet, you still manage to jump back into God's arms and let Him care for you just as He promises. I also want you to know that you and Dave have raised 2 wonderful children who radiate God's spirit wherever they go. You should be proud of both of them...I know you are. I wish I could say all of this to you in person. I love you so much Lynn.....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:17 PM CST
Sending prayers, love, and courage. May you feel the love of those praying for you and your family. Praying for your healing miracle.
Kristin <mandtjsmom@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:08 PM CST
Lynn, as I read the latest post, I can't help but to feel so heavy inside. It goes without saying that your life, your faith, and your strength has been an inspiration to hundreds and possibly thousands. But as the pain radiates, it is probably hard to fully embrace this - understandibly so. You have such an amazing group of close friends, but you also have an entire community (near and far) that is here for you and for your family - now and always! With love and prayers, Nikki
Nikki Pettis <nikki.pettis@ucb-group.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:02 PM CST
John 16:33
I have told you these things so that you will have peace of heart and mind, Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.

What a wonderful God we have-He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does He do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Lynn, I don't have the words to properly describe what is in my heart. I am not in your shoes, nor am I strong enough to even walk a yard in them. The only thing that I know FOR SURE is that we serve a GLORIOUS GOD and HE has a plan. I don't know why this is happening to you, a precious, beautiful child of GOD, but I do know that HIS plan is SO perfect, even though none of us understand why you are having to endure this journey.

My heart just aches for you and as tears run down my face I want you to know that they come from deep in my heart; A place that you have touched.

I lost my dad to a short yet excruciatingly painful battle with cancer when I was 14 and it forever changed me. The experience taught me compassion, deep love, complete trust in our Lord even when we don't understand why, and that this place is only a brief stopping point.

You have brought me closer to Christ, Lynn. Thinking of you frequently, I go to the Lord so much more often in prayer not only pleading for you, but thanking our Father for the blessings that I have in my life. So just to reiterate, and this time I'll say it a little louder: YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME CLOSER TO CHRIST!

My sweet friend, thank you. Thank you for your grace, your courage, your spirit, your determination, your faith, your example. Your precious husband & family loves you so. Your beautiful children will have faith that will move mountains.

As I close for now, I will pray for your comfort, that a helper will come to you and your family's aid soon, for complete peace, protection for your children's eyes and hearts, and that you know how much your are loved and cared for.

You have made a difference in my life, Lynn, and I thank you.

Love you so much,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:43 PM CST
While I cannot imagine the pain and heartbreak your family is feeling, I hope that if I were in your shoes I would have the comfort of such wonderful friends--to know that my children and my husband would continue to be surrounded by such love and comfort in their moments of darkness. I am in awe of your faith and your fight and am honored to have "met" you here. May you find relief from the physical pain and strength to carry you through this stage of life's journey. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

Donna Kirk-Swaffar <swaffar@doglegs.com>
Rossville, KS - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:41 PM CST
My heart is so heavy as I read Holly's post over and over. All I can think is, "how can this be." I have followed your journey for the past four years and feel I have come to "know" you even though we haven't personally spoken for three years.

Lynn, you have touched me in so many ways. You have shown me what faith and courage are. You have been an example of how to truly trust in God, you are constantly an inspiration.

Holly and Jenny -- what a gift you are to Lynn. God knew she would need someone to hold her up throughout this journey and he sent you -- along with many others -- to carry Lynn through. What an awesome God we have! Your presence on this website has been a blessing to me. I have learned a lot through both you.

Please keep us posted. And thanks for all you're doing. Lynn, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

MIssy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:17 PM CST
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I'm praying that God be with Lynn bringing her peace and comfort. Hugs.
Lois (Friends of Heroes, formerly Friends of Allie)
- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:16 PM CST
Praying for peace and comfort.

Anita (FOA) <brooksclan@mac.com>
Newhall, CA United States - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:06 PM CST
My heart is broken tonight for a friend I have never met nor hugged.

And yet, I can think of few people who have had such an impact in my life.

You have taught me courage, you have shared your faith, you have been a bright light in a dark world and most of all you have shown us all a glimpse of Jesus.

As we celebrate the birth of the baby that changed the world, we celebrate you, Lynn Newman,and all the ways you have changed the world!

Thank you Holly and Jenny for sharing your hearts!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:39 PM CST
Sending wishes of comfort and peace to each of you!

- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:24 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
I am just stopping by to lend you a prayer, I pray for your comfort, peace and pain relief. I also pray for your beautiful children and husband that their hearts will be eased during this time.

Although I don't "know" you in person, I have grown to love your spirit and love of life through your journaling and site. You are an amazing woman Lynn, beautiful inside and out. I will pray, pray, pray for you!

With all my heart, I am praying.

Chino, CA usa - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:18 PM CST
Beautiful Lynn,
We wish you peace and comfort, our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. We have such wonderful memories of you and our Lynde, Vickie, Joelle and Kelly thru high school. We love you honey and you are always in our prayers.
Barbara & Syd

Syd & Barbara Austin <sydaustin@ox.net>
Mesa, AZ - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:32 PM CST
Oh Holly and Jenny, what a difficult update for you to have to bring us. Thank you for sharing your own hearts as well as Lynn's condition. In addition to my many prayers for Lynn and her family, please know that the two of you and all of Lynn's other precious "in the flesh" friends are being lifted up to the Father.

There are no words to express the sorrow I feel at reading this latest news. I will be praying for comfort, peace, and overwhelming love to be felt by Lynn and each person walking this journey alongside of her, and for all to feel God's presence and guidance in this sad time.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:33 PM CST
Lynn, I miss your beautiful face and sweet spirit!! I pray and think about you everyday my friend as you would say!
Josh is enjoying having Jacob in his class. He thinks Jacob is the best!!! I love you very much, Kimberly Cotten

Kimberly Cotten
Frisco, Tx. usa - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:32 PM CST
Holly and Jenny, I'm sure that you struggled with what and how to post but I want you to know that you did so very eloquently. You have shown such grace and love to Lynn through this whole journey and she is blessed by you as we all are. You are right, in these times we want to "do" something but what is important now is for us to pray. I pray so hard for you ladies, for the kids, for the parents, for Dave, for Lynn and each and every person that has been touched and blessed by Lynn's outrageously, courageous battle. I know that I personally will never be the same and my hope is that I will always remember to "Look Right" and to be the best mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend that I can be. Lynn, you are and have been the most inspirational woman that I have ever met and have had the privelege to call friend. I pray that tonight God will wrap His loving arms around you and hold you tight. I pray for peace to overcome your entire home. I pray for God's almighty miracle! God Bless ~ Pattie
- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:26 PM CST
I called you today to tell you I Love You! I don't know if this is something you would remember because you had just had a heavy dose of meds. So, here again I will say everyday I Love You and ask God to heal and take all the pain away.

Jackie DelValle <jackierdelvalle@yahoo.com>
Northridge, CA USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:25 PM CST
I pray for you Lynn -- everyday. I pray for your pain control, I pray for your strength and I Pray for Dave and for your beautiful children and above all I pray for your complete earthly healing. Please know that you are loved and cherished sooo much. There's no doubt you see that everyday. I wish peace, comfort and peace of mind for you. May God have Mercy.

Nova Scotia Canada - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:14 PM CST
I don't what the "right"words are right now Lynn. I just know that your life has changed mine in soooo many wonderful ways. I am praying for you and your family during this fragile, difficult, and emotional time. You brought me back to Christ Lynn, You inspire me, You make me want to be a better friend, mother, and wife. You have taught us all to cherish each and every moment. You define Grace! You have fought a brave battle Lynn!
Thank you again Holly and Jenny for your honest-heartfelt words. You too are also in my prayers

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:51 PM CST
Lynn- Mine is one of the many lives you have touched and continue to change every day. Not only have you brought me back closer to God, but you have helped me to find the perspective in my life again. You will never know how many "purposes" your journey has served,there have been so many. I will continue to pray for peace and strength for you, Dave, the kids and all of those who surround you with love. My heart is with you all.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
state college, pa - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:42 PM CST
I kept checking for an update, praying for good news.
My heart hurts for you, Lynn, and for all those around you who love you so completely.
I haven't walked in your shoes, but as a mom, I try to imagine all that you are feeling. You inspire me so much to cherish every day and love fully, enjoy it all. None of us know what we have. We just assume it will be 100 years. That is some of the purpose of your journey. You are helping so many realize that we must be grateful for every day, to live to the fullest, and love with all we've got.
My prayers will not stop for you. I pray for your comfort, for the pain to cease and for you to continue living and loving the way you always have.

Stow, OH - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:25 PM CST
I came hoping for a different update than the one I got, and I'm sure it's not the update that you wished and prayed for.

Lynn, I wish you peace, love and joy on this journey. For all Lynn's family and friends, may you have only good memories and feel Lynn's love and the love all of us are sending you.

Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:21 PM CST
Peace ... I wish you and your family, Peace and Love. I have been through this experience with my Mom 10 years ago at a young age (17 and my brother was 13). Please don't ever feel guilty in regards to your children. They love you, they cherish you. It is so unfair that children have to see their cherished Mom go through this, but please don't feel guilt. I sincerely hope my Mom never felt guilt regarding my brother and I seeing her ups and downs. I feel absolute awe when I think of how my Mom handled those times with us. It shaped who I am today.
I have never posted on your site before but have been reading it for over a year. I pray for comfort, for love, for peace. You are a beautiful person ... I have never met you but your beauty just shines through your words (and the words of your friends).

Fl - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:21 PM CST
Lynn, I was just listening to the song below, it's call "Strong Tower" by the group Kutless, on Brent's site. (www.caringbridge.org/ms/brentnason) It's a wonderful song that I've heard many times on the radio, and it really speaks to my heart.

Praying today that you "run to your strong tower" Lynn, and take refuge in Him. He WILL bring you through the desert and through the raging storms, Lynn, never stop believing that! He loves you so much!

Have a blessed day, dear one. Stay STRONG!!!
Love, Kathy

by Kutless

When I wander through the desert
And I’m longing for my home
All my dreams have gone astray

When I’m stranded in the valley
And I’m tired and all alone
It seems like I’ve lost my way

I go running to your mountain
Where your mercy sets me free

You are my strong tower
Shelter over me
Beautiful and mighty
Everlasting King
You are my strong tower
Fortress when I’m weak
Your name is true and holy
And your face is all I see

In the middle of my darkness
In the midst of all my fear
You’re my refuge and my hope

When the storm of life is raging
And the thunder's all I hear
You speak softly to my soul

Now I’m running to your mountain
Where your mercy sets me free


And your face is all I see
Your face is all I see.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 12:35 AM CST
I had a "Lynn moment" about 3:00 this morning when my little guy, 7 months was crying. I distinctly recall a posting of yours maybe a year or so ago when you spoke about what a gift those late night wake up calls are. It provides such a special time to hold and snuggle your babies when no one else is around and just to treasure those moments. I swear that post hit me over the head like an iron pan! I'm such a glass half-empty kind of person that I'd immediatley be upset that my sleep was interrupted, and YOU, my friend have completely changed my outlook on this and so many other things! Now, I happily take Adam out of his crib completely unconcerned about the time and snuggle with him in the rocking chair long after he has fallen back to sleep. So, last night you were on my mind as I stared at his sweet, peaceful face thanking God for such a perfect moment with my little one. Thank you, Lynn!

Sending you big hugs today and always!

Love, Jean

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:11 AM CST
sitting here.... working... thinking of you.... I am going to be up this weekend and hope to pop in to put my arms around your neck... and to hold your hands and pray.... with you... for you... remember the song "He's got the whole world in His hands" "He's got you and me sister in His Hands" "He's got the little bity baby in His Hands" "He's got the whole world in His hands" the words are so simple but mean so much.... love to you Lynn.... Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:59 AM CST
I pray the Lord will bless you in this difficult time. Hoping for an update soon!!
T. Nelson <rtkknelson@hotmail.com>
Phoenix, az - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:36 AM CST
Big prayers for you today and everyday!!
Jenny Rau <jmbr211@yahoo.com>
Prosper, TX - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 8:03 AM CST
Hope. Love. Peace. Joy. Family. Friends.
Wishing it all for you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:32 AM CST
Hoping new news is pain free news.
Hoping to get an update soon...

- Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:31 AM CST
I continue to pray for you and those closest to you-- that you may have peace and freedom from suffering.
Jennie May <jenniemay@sbcglobal.net>
McKinney, TX USA - Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:31 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I continue to pray for pain relief and complete earthly healing for you. I pray that your sweet children and husband are surrounded by God's love and grace. May this be a great week for you and all who love you!
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Monday, December 11, 2006 11:41 PM CST
Thinking of you and your family, praying for your healing and for pain relief.
Always, Starlet

Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@charter.net>
Rochster, MN USA - Monday, December 11, 2006 10:32 PM CST
Hey Lynn
It's been awhile since I've posted but I check your site daily (at least 3 or 4 times to make sure I don't miss anything!). I am praying for you always and anxious for an update of how you are doing. Stay strong - peace be with you, my friend!!!!!

Dahl Herrel <dahlface@sbcglobal.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, December 11, 2006 8:32 PM CST
Hi Lynn, I hope this week has been a good one for you all. Thinking of you, and hoping you are able to enjoy some of the holiday season. Let us know how you are doing when you can. Stay strong, you CAN do this.
Tempe, AZ usa - Monday, December 11, 2006 7:23 PM CST
just add me as another caringbridge friend..who keeps you in her prayers.

peace my friend.

mama to 2 beautiful daughters Dx'd with MDS-


maria <mamaria@charter.net>
tn - Monday, December 11, 2006 6:52 PM CST
Well it's the start of a new week, Lynn ... another week closer to your vaccine (praying hard!) and your MIRACLE healing, I just know it! Would love to know how the past 10 days have been for you and if your pain has subsided at all, and also what specific prayer requests we can focus on this week. Holly, Jenny ... can you post an update for us before long? We love you Lynn and want to know how you're doing!!! I hope and pray that this new week brings pain relief and days of enjoying the holiday season with family and friends!

OH! And I just realized that today is the 11th - the day Mayling is scheduled to arrive!!! I'm praying for a comfortable transition for all and that Mayling is an answer to prayers! May God bless her as she joins your family, and bless all of you with the gift of Mayling's service!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, December 11, 2006 1:21 PM CST
To all fellow cyberstalkers! What a great idea Heidi has! Although I've never met Lynn face to face, she has touched my life more than she'll ever know! Her courage, resilience, strength and, most of all, FAITH, have given me inspiration that will last me the rest of my life! Actually, everyone who shares on this website has been a blessing to me, too! And to everyone - especially Lynn and all the family - keep Looking RIGHT! Much love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, H - Monday, December 11, 2006 12:58 AM CST
Lynn.........you are snug deep in my heart.... I think of you constantly..... sending love, hugs, prayers.... for you and your family..... love Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, December 11, 2006 12:33 AM CST
Lynn ~ Hoping God "winks" at you in some way today! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting -- your strength and faith amazes me always! Take care,

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, December 11, 2006 10:36 AM CST
Thinking of you this morning, Lynn. Wishing you a pain free, joy-filled day.


Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, December 11, 2006 9:25 AM CST
Looking Right because of you, with you, and for you. I hope the pain is better and that you got to enjoy lots of hugs from your kiddos.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, December 11, 2006 7:41 AM CST
Oh gracious. I started off in caringbridge land following Allie Scott which led me to Dana and Sam which led me to you. I have been reading your page for a year or so. I just can not imagine all that you have experienced. I have a disabled son, and I have my moments of wondering if there is anything worse then having a child that is hurt or sick or just not "perfect." After reading your page, I have to say that the thought of being sick and missing things in his life would be equally as awful, maybe worse.

I recognize the horror that you are experience now, and want you to know that I pray every day that some how and in some way this monster gets knocked out and that your life goes back to the way it should be.... you and your husband and your children living life.

I ache for you. My heart just aches for you. I don't know what the reason for all of your suffering is. I can not even begin to tell you nor do I expect that I ever will... but I know I can tell you that I pray that this turns around and goes away.

There are amazing things that happen ever day. I believe that God works miracles. You keep praying, the thousands of us out in caringbridge land will keep praying and believing that GOD WILL HEAL YOU! There is power in numbers and of course in prayer.

Angel Stanton's mother posted a Max Lucado devotional on her webpage a while back. It really has stayed with me. I can't remember it verbatum, but it was something like
that for a miracle to be a true miracle, the circumstances surrounding it can not just be difficult or unlikely, it has to be impossible. A true miracle happens when conditions leading up to it make it an utter impossiblity.
God works miracles.

You may not have recieved yours yet, because there is still so much hope in the medical world.


I believe you will see both of your children graduate from high school and college! I really really do. I also believe that you WILL get a hold on your pain.

I hate what you are going through, Lynn. I hate it. You sound like an amazing woman. You obviously have great faith and a strong spirit.

Rebecca and Tabor (www.caringbridge.com/visit/taborfleming)

Rebecca Fleming <rektorikfleming@yahoo.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Sunday, December 10, 2006 8:58 PM CST
Now that I have some time to write out my thoughts I want to tell you and everyone else how you have touched my life.

First of all, you are a very special person with a very special purpose. Through YOUR faith, you have helped myself and others grow to a deeper faith. You have truly shown us how to be faithful on a daily basis, through the thick and thin. I thank you for the gift of showing me your faith, as it truly has strengthed mine.

I think your journey through cancer has glorified God in the fact that you have "witnessed" to soooo many people - some you have never even met. Through your journey, you have shown us all the way. How to be (like I said before) more faithful, more loving towards our family and friends, how to be strong and support those in need, and the list goes on and on. I think about you each and every day, and you bring a new perspective to my thought process. When I am having a "blue" moment, I think of you and your strength, and everything is put back into perspective. I think we all need to be thankful for each and every day God has given us. None of us know what is in store for us, something could happen today, tomorrow, or 50 years from now. It is all in God's hands.

I just want to thank you Lynn for all that I have mentioned. You are an amazing and beautiful girl, that I am proud to call a friend. I really hope you are cuddling up with you family this weekend, looking at your beautiful Christmas tree and enjoying the season. Lots of love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, December 10, 2006 11:23 AM CST


I am thinking of you too! Julie

Lonetree, CO USA - Sunday, December 10, 2006 9:33 AM CST
Thinking of you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:30 AM CST
Praying for you, Lynn. I hope you are cuddled up with your kids tonight. It is so cold!
Much love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
- Saturday, December 9, 2006 6:25 PM CST
keeping you in my prayers
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, December 9, 2006 11:24 AM CST
I love the idea to write how Lynn has changed our lives! First of all, I feel so blessed to just know the Newman family! I have been blessed to know Lynn over the past two years and my children have been richly blessed to share classrooms with the Newman children. They really are beautiful, kind, well-behaved, considerate, giving and bright children. Lynn and Dave, you have done such an amazing job raising these precious kids.

Lynn, you have changed my entire perspective on life. You have taught me how precious each day is and that it should be spent searching for a way that I can honor and glorify God. We are put here on Earth for his purpose and not our own. Your faith and attitude throughout this illness has so inspired me! You and Dave, through you looking right message, taught me a different way of looking at life. What used to look like a big problem to me now just looks like a speed bump. At least 3 times a day I think to myself that Lynn Newman would love for this to be her biggest problem! This perspective has raised my consciousness of how I speak to others, interact with others and how I parent my children and treat my husband. I can honestly say that I am truly changed and a much better person for knowing the entire Newman family!

I hope these words bless you because you have blessed me in more ways than I could ever put on paper!
We love you so much!
Debi and the entire Meuret Family

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, December 9, 2006 11:17 AM CST
And I join the chorus of "thousands" who are working through God to heal you. In the immortal words of Tiny Tim..."And God bless us everyone." And, ESPECIALLY YOU! Enjoy your weekend - the glow of the lights on your tree..a cup of hot chocolate or lemonade ...or a BIG FAT TEXAS SIZED MARGARITA (Holly will make it for you!)....and know that you are LOVED both near and far.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, VA USA - Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:34 AM CST
Dear Lynn - While I've never met you, I know it to be true that you are a mom who dearly loves your children. You are a wife who treasures your husband. You are a daughter and daughter-in-love (I love that description!)who blesses your family. And, you are a friend who is held so very close.

You, and all who faithfully surround you, have touched my life. I continue to pray for complete earthly healing and peace. May you have a wonderful weekend with those you love.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Saturday, December 9, 2006 0:46 AM CST
As Santa says in The Polar Express..."There is no greater gift than friendship."
We are all running with you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, December 8, 2006 8:46 PM CST
Sorry, I thought my first entry didn't go through. Didn't want to leave without saying anything and now I have said so 3 times! HA
Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, - Friday, December 8, 2006 8:08 PM CST
I hope you are home tonight surronded by your family and the beauty of the Christmas lights. I think and pray for you so often. I am amazed and inspired by your strength everyday. Keeping the faith, GOD BLESS!! Beth

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, - Friday, December 8, 2006 8:06 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you so often. I hope your pain is less tonight and you are enjoying a quiet night at home with your family surronded by the beauty of the Christmas lights. God is great and he is our strength, thank you for always reminding us of that. Sleep tight!

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, - Friday, December 8, 2006 8:03 PM CST
Lynn, another cyberstalker here. I found your website through a link from a link from another link... you get the idea. I've been reading and praying for you for a good while now. I'm doing Beth Moore's on-line study Believing God. In week 3, she asked us to believe that God can still do what He says He can do and pour out our hearts praying for someone who needs a miracle. I prayed for you, Lynn, and I continue to beg God to do what I know He can do- give you complete pain relief and healing on this earth! I also think of you every time I hear the Casting Crowns song, "Praise You in This Storm." You are a marvelous example of faith in the face of terrible trials. I thank you for being that example for me and helping me to be a better wife, mother, and child of God every day! Isn't it strange that you, who live so far away from me and we've never met, can have such an influence on my life? God is using you in powerful way, even when you don't know it! I just wanted to share that with you, Lynn, and remind you of people you don't even know who are praying for you! Stay strong.

Cathy Chenoweth
Fairfield, OH - Friday, December 8, 2006 3:13 PM CST
Thanks Heidi for the great idea about writing about what Lynn has meant to all of us and sharing our thoughts with her. I need some time to ponder over my thoughts and will get back here soon. We just all need to really pray right now for help with the pain. It is just sooo tough to hear about Lynn's pain. Take care and enjoy your weekend everyone. Also...please remember the real reason for the season. All this holiday madness has just made most Americans NUTS! Unfortunately, a lot of people think Christmas is about presents, parties and hangovers...
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, December 8, 2006 12:01 AM CST
Hoping you see God at work in wonderful ways this weekend. Praying for sweet rest and complete pain relief for you!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, December 8, 2006 9:37 AM CST
Praying for the entire Newman family, for Holly, Jenny and all those around Lynn. I pray that each of you feel God's presence and his strength. I pray that the holiday season is full of sweet time with Lynn and pain free days for her. She so deserves it!!!
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Friday, December 8, 2006 9:36 AM CST
Looking RIGHT for you, praying for you and keeping the Faith for you!
Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, December 8, 2006 9:07 AM CST
Looking Right with you and because of you Lynn.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usah - Friday, December 8, 2006 5:49 AM CST
Lynn~ I hope you realize how many people have come to care about you and your journey. May God bless you and give you the peace and comfort you deserve.
Tracy Glover <greggandtracy@hotmail.com>
Arlington, Tx USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 8:32 PM CST
Looking RIGHT my friend!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, December 7, 2006 7:37 PM CST
Lynn..Continuing with prayers..peace and relief from the terrible pain your in.Knowing God is guiding you and your sweet family each step of the way. May your weekend be filled with love and joy. Karen
Pa U S A - Thursday, December 7, 2006 2:03 PM CST
Dear Lynn and family,

Mother Teresa said: "Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls."

Just look at the "souls" you have caught! Remember that with so much warmth and love!

LOOKING RIGHT --- praying hard ---and thinking of you today.
Terri aka Teetay :)
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, VA USA - Thursday, December 7, 2006 1:36 PM CST

A huge, beautiful Cardinal to brighten your day! Praying for you SO hard!

Looking Right with love,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, December 7, 2006 10:43 AM CST
Just wanted to let you know another family is thinking and praying for you daily. You are such a wonderful person, Lynn. May God bless you and your family and relieve your pain. Looking Right, Sandy and Kaelan Travis
Sandy Travis
Frisco, TX - Thursday, December 7, 2006 9:59 AM CST
Good morning, Lynn. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you today and always. Pattie
- Thursday, December 7, 2006 8:45 AM CST
Looking Right with you, because of you, and for you Lynn. Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, December 7, 2006 7:41 AM CST
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
— Albert Schweitzer

I'm praying that your inner fire is BLAZING! However, if it's burning low, may your spirit be rekindled just by knowing that we are all here caring about you, praying for you, and loving you for the fantastic human being that you are.

We are lifting you up to Christ in prayer, sweet Lynn.

Love you,
Amy Jordan

Image hosted at bigoo

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 11:53 PM CST
I love the idea of having us all write in and talk about Lynn has touched and changed our lives! I will be back with that ASAP! Thanks for the idea Holly.

Praying for you and your family my friend!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 11:36 PM CST
Dear Lynn - I wanted to check on you before I go to bed. I will lift you up and pray for immediate relief from your pain and ultimate healing for your body. I pray that you will have a night of restful sleep. I'm praying for your beloved family and friends who constantly surround you with their love. May all of you be embraced by the comfort and peace of our Lord. I also pray that He will supply all of you with physical strength and humor - laughter can do so much for us during stressful times! Much love.
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 11:35 PM CST
Hope you have a restful night!

"When hope dies, despair will overwhelm us. Hope is both biologically and psychologically vital to us. Men and women must have hope - and true hope comes only from Christ. He gives us hope for the future as we turn in faith to Him - hope for eternity, and hope right now."
Billy Graham

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 10:36 PM CST
Just wanted you to know how much I'm thinking of you. I hope your pain has subsided and I hope your Doctors appt went well. Keep fighting, you have such amazing strength and a determination that just won't quit. You have so many people who care and love you, you are very blessed to have that many people surrounding you. Mostly though, those that know you (past and present) are the ones who are truly blessed. Sleep well tonight!

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 10:18 PM CST
You and your sweet gang are constantly on my mind. I pray for strength and pain relief. You have made me become a better person, and remember to always Look Right! It seems that more days then not I am telling of your amazing strength and journey to my clients. Another life touched today, and the numbers continue to grow!! Sleep tight, love to you, your family and the entire cul da sac! Love Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:46 PM CST
Lynn... my heartfelt prayers for peace and comfort for you, Dave and the kids.
Kathy Mecom <kcmecom@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:56 PM CST
You seem to be on my mind constantly! I pray for you off and on through my day Lynn. Did you know the State of Ohio bird is the Cardinal. They are everywhere this time of year-so fitting! Just wanted to send you some LOVE today!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 1:42 PM CST
Quick story for you Lynn. At school this week the kids were asked to give Jesus a gift for advent. Apparently they wrote something down and then wrapped the words of wisdom. Last night Emma asked me if I wanted to know what she gave Jesus. I of course said yes. Here's exactly what she wrote "LOOKING RIGHT always. Thank you for giving up Lynn." Okay, tears are rolling down my face as she spoke these words to me and are right now as well. You my dear friend Lynn have touched so many lives and continue to touch our souls on a daily basis.



heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:58 AM CST
Thinking of you today and praying for no pain and a peaceful love-filled day with your beautiful family!

“Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
The Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
And his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
And increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
And young men stumble and fall;
But those who hope in the Lord
Will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
They will run and not grow weary,
They will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40:28-31

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:48 AM CST
Thinking of you this morning and praying to God for pain relief and peace!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:20 AM CST
What I know for sure is that what you give comes back to you.
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine
US actress & television talk show host (1954 - )

I think that you are the perfect example of the above. Look at all of the lives you have touched! You are amazing!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:25 AM CST
Dear Lynn - My eyes filled with tears as I read the postings from you, Jenny, & Holly. The posting moved me emotionally and the words of wisdom shared about living your life to the fullest like it were your last day were so inspiring. You and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I will continue to pray for pain relief for you and emotional strength to take you through this journey. You are loved by so many people and you have inspired us all to be better individuals in the lives we are all so preciously given by God.

Minal Cordero <cordero.mm@pg.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 11:53 PM CST
Dear Lynn - I continue to pray for you, your family and close friends. I pray that all of you will put on the armor of God. Tonight, I claim John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
I pray that your very abundant life will soon resume. I pray that God will soon grant you a miracle of earthly healing. May His healing wash over you and may His loving understanding surround your husband, children and dear family.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 11:29 PM CST
Hey Lynn, Reading all these posts to you really warms my heart. There are so many people praying for you and your family. So much love and compassion. God sees it and is so proud. Psalm 91:1a "For He will give His angels charge over thee." His angels are there with you Lynn and loving you and caring for you and your family. They are here on this site loving you and praying for you. It is a wonderful blessing God has given you through all this pain.All the love you have received these past weeks,months,,years. All this self-less love. It is an amazing blessing. Blessings attached to your struggle. God is with you through this. Let Him lead you to where He wants you to be. Let go and let GOD.
We love you and pray for you. You are constantly on our minds!
From all your MN aunts&uncles&cousins & GR & GR Berg
God's Peace

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
mn - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:16 PM CST
I think of you and pray for you as I fall asleep at night. I think of and pray for you when I wake in the night. I think of you and pray for you right when my body starts to wake but my eyes are still closed. In other words, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:18 PM CST
Proud CyberStalker # 2856

Fight the good fight Lynn! Strength be in numbers, and you've got plenty of #'s here. Blessed be us to know you.

-Cat in paradise

Catherine Potter <catpotter2001@yahoo.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:29 PM CST
"Let us hold unswervingly to the HOPE we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Holding on to that HOPE for YOU today, Lynn!!! Hugs to you, brave one! Love, Kathy

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:29 AM CST
Thinking of you, Lynn, and your dear family and friends with heartfelt prayers.... there is much love and strength that surrounds you from near and afar, and from those you have never met in person but we follow your incredible story of hope, devotion, determination and love.

I rarely sign-in to this guestbook but pray for you everyday! Wishing you comfort and God's blessings this holiday season...

Ashli Matus-George (dear friend of Holly's... she used to babysit me in Austin nearly 30 years ago! :) <ashliagmg@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:26 AM CST
I don't write often, but please know that you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. Lynn you are an inspiration. I pray for your strength and courage as you fight this fight. I pray for Dave and your children and pray that the Lord will shelter your children from outside influence and that you and Dave are the only ones that give them information about your condition and no one else. You are so kind to open up such a personal part of your life to us and have taught me so much and I take nothing for granted in my life any more. I thank the Lord that you (and we) have Holly and Jenny there for you. They are such wonderful “earth angels” for us here. Keep your chin up girl; you will win this battle!
Sheilah <sheilah.orth@pepsico.com>
The Colony, TX USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:39 AM CST
Looking RIGHT for you, praying to God for some pain relief, and KEEPING THE FAITH because of you!!!
Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:05 AM CST
thinking about you and praying
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:36 AM CST
Your family is in our prayers.
Judd and Cobi Porter
Andrews, TX USA - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 8:06 AM CST

Sending you my love and prayers.......and a basket FULL of HOPE! Also, sending you our Father's words,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straignt.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.

Psalm 25: 4 & 5

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Tuesday, December 5, 2006 1:08 AM CST
Lynn, You, Holly and Jen are always so eloquent even in the face of such harsh news. I wish I had the words but sadly I don't. So I will just say what is in my heart - I pray for you, Dave and the kiddos, I miss you, I am so sorry about what you are going through and I love ya. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. We constantly think of you and wish you some peace and joy this blessed Christmas season. Take care girl!!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, December 4, 2006 5:24 PM CST
Lynn, you are such a strong warrior and amazing child of God.... I am so sorry that your pain is so terrible....and so sorry that your cancer has spread.... I am sending you butterfly kisses for your pain, big hugs for your strength, and lots of prayers for your faith....thinking of you... you are always on my mind... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, December 4, 2006 3:20 PM CST
I love to read about the songs that people hold dear to their hearts and the ones that make them think of their friends and loved ones. I worship through music more often than not, it is the vehicle that brings me closer to God, most especially when words fail me.

I know from some of your previous journal posts and your friends' journal entries that you are a music lover as well. I pray that God has provided you with sweet sweet music these days, music that will bring peace to your soul and a smile to your face. I pray that the Christmas carols you hear in the coming days will comfort you and bring you great joy in knowing that we will soon celebrate the greatest miracle of all, the birth of God's own son on the earth. As you listen to the beautiful sounds, I pray that God will minister to your heart and surround you with love and peace, that you will relax in the presence of the Heavenly Father, who is not only the Savior's father but your "Abba Daddy" as well. He cares for you and loves you so very much.

I am continuing to pray for complete pain relief, for the wisdom of your doctors and medical team, for the vaccine to be developed as quickly as possible, for your family's hearts to be comforted and their fears eased, for Taylor and Jacob's eyes and ears to be protected from the harsh realities of the medical issues, for your friends to continue to surround you, for your parents and especially Dave as they struggle to know how to help and how to accept, and of course for your body's complete and total healing from cancer this side of heaven.

I know you have heard this song. It has been especially meaningful to me in the past year as I've faced the deaths of both of my parents and my own diagnosis of breast cancer. God is still in control, and He is worthy to be praised in all circumstances! Hold tight to Him, Lynn, He will see you through this storm!!!

Praise You in This Storm
by Casting Crowns

I was sure by now, God You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining.
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm.

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again.
My strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You?
And as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.


I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.


Much love & blessings,

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, December 4, 2006 1:10 PM CST
Lynn-I have been listening to a song NON-STOP that reminds me sooooo much of you! I have been praying for you with all my heart!! I think I will burn this song for you and send it to you in the mail! It actually gives me goosebumps when I listen to it.
Here are the Lyrics:

Can't Take That Away-Marriah Carrey

They can say anything they want to say
Try to bring me down
But I will not allow
Anyone to succeed
Hanging clouds over me
And they can try hard to make me feel
That I don’t matter at all
But I refuse to falter
In what I believe
Or lose faith in my dreams

’cause there’s a light in me
That shines brightly
They can try
But they can’t take that away from me
From me

They can do anything they want to you
Lf you let them in
But they won’t ever win
If you cling to your pride
And just push them aside
I have learned there’s an inner peace I own
Something in my soul
That they cannot possess
So I won’t be afraid
And darkness will fade

’cause there’s a light in me
That shines brightly
They can try
But they can’t take that away from me

They can’t take this
Precious love
L’ll always have inside me
Certainly the lord will guide me
Where I need to go

They can say anything they want to say
Try to break me down
But 1 won’t face the ground
I will rise steadily
Sailing out of their reach

Oh lord
They do try hard to make me feel
That I don’t matter at all
But I refuse to falter
In what I believe
Or lose faith in my dreams

’cause there’s a light in me that shines brightly
They can try
But they can’t take that away from me
From me

I will try to get the song out to you in the mail asap-it will forever remind me of you and your battle!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Monday, December 4, 2006 10:23 AM CST
Sweet Lynn,

Your post was so very honest and loving. I hope you know that I will continue to pray and continue to love you always. Hugging you at school on Taylor's birthday was an incredible blessing! I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Monday, December 4, 2006 9:05 AM CST
I'm right there with our friend Jill. RUNNING SHOES ON TOO!

Praying/hoping that the pain has lessoned and that you are feeling better. Praying also for complete healing here on earth.


heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, December 4, 2006 8:26 AM CST
Running shoes on!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, December 4, 2006 7:02 AM CST
Praying for you right now and always my friend.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, tx - Monday, December 4, 2006 0:45 AM CST
I pray for peace, love and joy for Lynn and all her family and friends.
Laura <lreifel@comcast.net>
Seattle, WA - Monday, December 4, 2006 0:05 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
I am so amazed by the "troops" that Storm Heaven for you on a daily basis. You truly are a special person, with a special purpose. Through your journey, you have shown soooo many people what "faith" really looks like. If only we could all be as faithful as you are every, every single day. I PRAYED in church this morning for you my sweet friend and only hope for pain-relief, healing, peace and comfort for you and your family. Much Love, Christine

P.S. Thank you Holly and Jenny for keeping us informed. We truly appreciate it-especially being so far away.

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, December 3, 2006 10:44 PM CST
I have the sweetest story to share with you! Friday, before I dropped Allison off at your home I prepared her for the party. I told Allison that you might be tired, weak and just not be quite yourself. She sat there and looked at me like, "OK, OK, OK, I won't embarass you! I know Taylor's mom is sick" I kind of laughed at myself because I am afraid that our girls get it more than we know! They are just growing up so fast!

When Allison got home from Taylor's party she ran up to me and told me that I had it all wrong! You were at the party and just as sweet as ever. She even told me that you looked just beautiful! She was thrilled to spend time with you! Those sweet girls were so blessed to be in your prescence! I have to admit I was a little jealous! She said that the party was a blast. What a precious group of girls we have! What a blessing they are to us and each other!

We are on our knees for you Lynn! Continue to pray for less pain and a clear path for you and your family!
We love you!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:53 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you tonight! Keep up your amazing strength and FIGHT. I pray for you to get some relief from your physical pain, and for all around you that love you so much. God Bless You All. Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:05 PM CST
I am thinking of you tonight...as I "looked at my own Christmas tree lights" I thought of YOUR cardinal...Virginia is the "cardinal state" (i.e. "Virginia is for lovers!" logo)....and It hought about the power of the CARDINAL in your life and the love that lifts you up.

God is on your side as are so many people who love and respect you. I will pray for you again tonight, Lynn.


Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, VA USA - Sunday, December 3, 2006 6:57 PM CST
You, your family and friends are in our thoughts and prayers.

Jinny Freshwaters (Jill Smail's mom) <freshz@frii.com>
Fort Collins, co larimer - Sunday, December 3, 2006 5:36 PM CST
Praying hard and often for pain relief Lynn. STORMING HEAVEN FOR YOU, WITH YOU, AND BECAUSE OF YOU.

Love ya,

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, December 3, 2006 6:40 AM CST
Dear Lynn -
I am thinking about you and praying for you and your dear family and close friends. "May Our Lord and Savior, Our Great Healer provide healing and comfort to you. May His goodness surround you and your family.... and God, please, please provide Your peace and relief from physical, emotional and spiritual concerns. Please release all those who love Lynn, from earthly obstacles and grant your peace which passes all understanding. Allow Lynn and her precious loved ones to rest in your grace.

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Sunday, December 3, 2006 0:21 AM CST
Dearest Lynn, there's a psalm that says "I lift my eyes to the mountains. From whence does my help come? It comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth." You are blessed to know Him so intimately; He is ALWAYS with you! With much love and prayer, Barbara (PS Terri's post touched my heart: my sister suffers from advanced and fast progressing rheumatoid arthritis.)
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, December 2, 2006 10:40 PM CST
Lynn and family~
During times of tribulation, we rarely understand what God has in store for us. Our faith tells us however that He does have a plan and that it is far bigger than us. Trust in God and find some comfort in his strength. God has blessed you with many friends. And from the sound of these posts, he has blessed many with your grace. My prayers are with you and all those close to you. May God's grace continue to shine through you and His strength fill you.

Elaine McFeely <lainee27@hotmail.com>
Mt. Vernon, TX - Saturday, December 2, 2006 1:36 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
My Family and church family will be praying for you. We know so well the battle your in. May God continue to strenghen you. Isaiah 43:1-2 says: But now thus saith the Lord...., Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned.
Take shelter in what the Lord will do for one of His. Keep up the fight, he's on your side.

Shelley Hollingsworth <raym@quik.com>
Pickton, TX USA - Saturday, December 2, 2006 1:03 PM CST

Dearest Lynn,

Just thinking of you soooo much this morning, and hoping you have some relief from all that nasty pain. I have to tell you I was reading through all of the people who have posted since just last week. (UNBELIEVABLE). Lynn, you have so many people who love you so much. I have to say that when I read Terri's post it really brought a tear to my eye. Lynn, your sis loves you so much and I wish she could be with you right now. The one thing that I have learned in the last week through my whole breast cancer scare that you walked me through with such courage, is at the end of the day what matters most is Family and good friends. All the rest in my opinion just doesn't matter. I was reflecting on Dave's post about a year ago when he was talking about how keeping up with the house stuff and what your carpet looks like is sooo not important. I want to thank you again for all of your support last week with what I was going through. All that time when you were calming me down, you had known of the news that had been given to you on Monday, but yet you were thier to help me! Lynn, you are such a good friend and I treasure you! Love always, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Saturday, December 2, 2006 10:08 AM CST
Sweet Lynn

Emily is still talking about what a fabulous time she had last night at the party. The first thing she and Allison said when they got into the car was "Miss Lynn came out to see us when Taylor opened her presents!" - They were so happy to be there with Taylor AND so happy to see you!

I am so happy that I got to see you and "hug your neck" as your friends say. Just spending those few precious moments with you rolling bandages just warmed my heart and meant so much!

Enjoy your weekend with your family.

Praying always!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Saturday, December 2, 2006 7:47 AM CST
My beautiful Friend...It was so wonderful for me to get to see you last night. I have to tell you that I had to hold back lots of tears when all those sweet little girls were snuggled up to you in your bed...I couldn't let them see what a wimp I am! I pray that when you look at your quilt, you will see all those beautiful colors, prayers and love that went into making it. It reminds me of an OLD christian song that I LOVED listening to when I became a christian in college....it was simply called TAPESTRY. I can remember one line that said..."Through thick and thin, the master weaves us in." Lynn...do you know how many people have been woven into God's tapestry of love because of you and your incredible faith? I know how much our Father is delighted in you my friend. Now, He has woven in these precious girls and boys who lovingly designed your quilt. God's cheeks must be hurting from smiling at you so much! I want to come and see you again so I can rub your feet again girlfriend! Madeline had a blast with Taylor last night and on the way home, she told me that it felt good to get to hug you before we left. Oh, and I have to tell you...YOUR TREE IS GOR-GEE-US! I loved sitting on your couch looking at all those beautiful cardinals. Know that the prayers are not ceasing for you my friend. I love you lots and lots...hugs to you friend....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, December 2, 2006 7:31 AM CST
Dear Butt,
You are the "GOLDEN" sister. I have always looked up to you. You are the FIGHTER! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT. The folks are there with you, enjoy all you can. I am way too far away. Wish I could be there to sit in the green chair and watch TV with you. We could pick on those Desperate Housewives!!

Seriously, I am hurting...... You are such a part of me, and when you hurt, I hurt. No one in the world can understand like a sister. It has always been just you and me. I remember the times as we were kids and how precious you were to me. You are PRECIOUS to me to this day. I NEED you! I cannot stand that you are sufferring so much.

Please continue to pray and to keep the faith! Give Mom and Dad a big kiss from me and you!

My dear sister, thank God you have such support there with you. I thank you for you!!! I miss you. You're BEAUUUUUTIFUL.

p.s. The red cardinal you gave me for Christmas is perched upon my Christmas tree looking at me!

Your Loving Sister, Terri <teresacgreene@hotmail.com>
Kailua Kona, HI - Saturday, December 2, 2006 3:49 AM CST
Hi Lynn
I was just retelling my husband about you! I was telling him how incredible you are and how much strength you have! Maybe you get tired of hearing that...I know when people tell me..."I don't know how you do it Jill?" Well what the heck... what do you think I'm going to do...just lay down and give up? I DON'T THINK SO! I know you won't either! I continue to pray for you Lynn!!!! I know Dr. N will get that magic potion to you SOON! I am just sick to hear your recent news. I too have had some new news with my recent PET on Tuesday...my cancer has returned again. I know how you feel! WHY WHY WHY. Everyone is so right! You do have a purpose! You have made all of us think differently. Praise God for Lynn. Thinking of you and praying for your relief to be NOW! JESUS TAKE LYNN'S PAIN AWAY! HEAL OUR FRIEND LYNN!

Your BCF (Breast Cancer Friend) I would love to hear from you if you would like to talk. You can call me or email me anytime of the day or night!

Jill Roiger <j.roiger@mchsi.com or jill.roiger@twtelecom.com>
Mound, MN - Friday, December 1, 2006 10:53 PM CST
Dear Lynn and family...and all who love her and the family..

I do not know Lynn. I do know Holly for many years. I was Holly's teacher when she was in the 6th grade in Del Valle, Tx. I became friends and our whole family became friends...with the McKay family. Holly was my girls' FIRST and FOREMOST babysitter. (I just want to put this in perspective) What I ALSO know is that the McKay family LOVES, LOVES, and LOVES some more...and because of their great LOVE they have come to be part of the "newman family"...and I feel like I am on the "doorstep"....so to Lynn, Dave, and your beautiful children and all who love you, KNOW that there is a lady in Virginia named "Terri aka Teetay" who prays for you every day...who 'feels' your heartfelt pains in the only way I can...and who is praying and pulling for peace, contentment, and the ready hand of God to continue to be with you all. Lynn...YOU are the bravest person I know...your spirit is bountiful. I pray for you continuted grace on earth and for your angel spirit to be given again and again to all who know you.

I wish I had more to "do" for you. I wish I could be "there" to cook a casserole or wash a dish. But in my heart, I am there.

God's speed. God's blessings. God's will for YOU.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)
And I am proud to KNOW you! :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, VA USA - Friday, December 1, 2006 10:21 PM CST
I hope you were able to enjoy Taylor's birthday party tonight at your house. I am sure all the girls had a blast.
Praying without ceasing,

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@tx.rr.com>
- Friday, December 1, 2006 9:08 PM CST
Just checking in before bed to say hello and I love ya my dear friend. Tonight I am spending all my prayer time praying for pain relief as I want you to feel better! You are my hero Lynn. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 1, 2006 9:02 PM CST
I was so over come praying for you yesterday Lynn that I actually dropped to my knee's in my kitchen and prayed and prayed and prayed. I am a better Christian, Wife, Mother, Daughter and Friend because you have touched my life! Oh what purpose you have my dear cyber friend! You have changed lives of people you have never met-what an amazing gift!
Praying for pain relief!!! Praying for your miracle!!!
P.S-I emailed Jenny some pics from my families baptism day, I hope she was able to share them with you!?!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, December 1, 2006 8:46 PM CST
My wife and I are saying a prayer for you and your family. May you have peace, love and no pain. May
God be with you.

RV and Sandy Martin <rvmartin@hotmail.com>
Alba, Tx USA - Friday, December 1, 2006 6:46 PM CST
May God continue to hold you in the palm of his hand, Lynn. Stay strong and know that you are so very loved. Sending many healing thoughts from San Diego.
Catherine Taylor <Cathiryn@cox.net>
San Diego, CA - Friday, December 1, 2006 4:55 PM CST
We just want you to know that we are thinking and praying for you and you family. Keep looking RIGHT!!
Holly Muilenburg and family <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Friday, December 1, 2006 4:45 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
Hoping and praying that your pain will subside and you can relax and find comfort & peace. It is hard to know what to say during this frustrating time. It doesn't seem fair that you have to endure so much pain...I can only pray that God has bigger plans for you. Stay strong and I will keep on praying! Much Love!

Kristi Lupe <kristi.lupe@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, December 1, 2006 1:43 PM CST
Praying Lynn. Also, I was a better person today because of you. My sister told me something to purposely make me feel bad & jealous as I wasn't invited to a certain funtion she was invited to for X-mas. Instead of letting her comment get me down, I stopped and prayed while thinking of you. I asked our Lord to help me let go of this bad feeling and to embrace my sister with love vs. get upset like my sister wanted me to react. I prayed that your journey could give me strength to really serve our Lord better and be more loving even when faced with such silly little things in life. About 15 minutes after the initial conversation with my sister I felt full of love and phoned her. I got her answering machine and this was my message, "I know you are going to a X-mas party tommorrow night. I have this great red blouse that would fit you perfectly if you want to borrow it. I think you would love it. Call if you want it." THANK YOU LYNN for wanting me to serve our Lord better in every single element of my life. Your amazing spirit is felt by me all the time and it is making me a better person. PRAYING for complete healing for you here on earth. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 1, 2006 1:28 PM CST
Lynn, I'm at a loss for words. I'm trying to think of something comforting to say and feel my words just aren't the rights ones. My heart is heavy and my spirit is sad. I am praying praying praying!!!
In Christ's love,

Stephanie <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Friday, December 1, 2006 12:38 AM CST
I have been following Lynn's journey for a while and am sadden by this latest news, but will continue to pray for her miricle. I know Lynn probably doesnt have the energy or time right now but maybe someone close could check out this site, I have chrnic pain and go to a pain management doc, I was wonderring if one has been consulted to help with Lynne's pain and I have found alot of good info about pain control at painfoundation.org and thought someone that knows Lynnes history well could check the site out and see if there is any ideas that haven't been tried. I know hw hard it is just to function alittle when the pain is awful, so hope you get reief asap. always in my prayers, Lyn www.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw
Lyn Wyatt <glwyatt@gmail.com>
stratford, nj usa - Friday, December 1, 2006 11:33 AM CST
Praying for the pain to cease and God to heal you. Praying for your beautiful family and friends.
- Friday, December 1, 2006 10:19 AM CST
Lynn, I check in almost every day to see how things are going. You are in my thoughts and prayers for pain relief, for untapped reserves of strength and peace as you fight for more days. Dave and your kids will be in my heart and mind as well.

Donna Kirk-Swaffar <swaffar@doglegs.com>
Rossville, KS - Friday, December 1, 2006 9:16 AM CST
No words can express the heaviness in my heart. I am praying harder than ever for your miracle. You are an amazing and strong woman who I admire so much!! Thank you for your willingness to share your heart with all of us.

Angie Bishop <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Friday, December 1, 2006 8:51 AM CST
Thinking of you Lynn. Praying for pain relief!!!!!
Love ya, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, December 1, 2006 8:50 AM CST
Dear Lynn, Keep smiling, stay positive and take all that people are willing to give you. You are blessed just having people like your family, Holly & Jen who love you. I am a breast cancer survivor and have many friends who have been touched by cancer. I have a dear friend,Carol, who is going through much of what you are right now. Carol is an amazing woman and it sounds like you are too. Remember, God put you here for a purpose and it sounds like it was to touch the lives of all of the people you come in contact with and to make them remember how blessed we really are.
Joan Soria <airos@sbcglobal.net>
Weatherford, Tx USA - Friday, December 1, 2006 8:42 AM CST
Carpe Diem!
Love you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, December 1, 2006 6:20 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I pray that you are able to find restful sleep tonight. I continue to pray for and envision your release from physical pain. May God's healing and grace surround you, your family and friends! Much love.
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:17 PM CST
Sweet Lynn,
I pray for you and your family to have a restful night, painfree both physically and emotionally. I am so sorry to hear of your news and love to see your strength. Holly your story reminds me of the amazing women who have fought cancer and have been strong for their friends. When I went with a dear friend to receive her chemo it was she that was strong for me. Lynn, your strength, faith, dedication and friendship is amazing and a true inspriation to so many. I pray for you, Dave, your beautiful kiddos, and your wonderful friends.
Love ya Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:22 PM CST
Dear Lynn, I am speechless and my heart is heavy for you. You never cease to amaze me. You have taught me so much, and I truly thank you. I will always pray for you.
With love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:19 PM CST
Lynn, we continue to pray for you and your family. May you feel the love that we all feel for you and know that you are always in our thoughts.
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:17 PM CST
Prayer, Prayer, Prayer all day everyday. May God bless you, Dave and your children. We loved you Lynn. Keep the faith and god will answer our prayers to rid you of this nasty diease.

Your AZ Families

Gary <gandlberg@cox.net>
Mesa, US - Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:03 PM CST
You are in my prayers, today and everyday.
God Bless

Kelli Bader <kbader4@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 4:52 PM CST
Our prayers are for you, Lynn, your family, and parents! Our wish is for your pain to subside and for you to enjoy your family every day.
Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@charter.net>
Rochester, MN USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 4:16 PM CST
May you have peace of mind that you did everything you could do to live for your family and know that God is watching over you and your family. He has everything under control and he did not give you cancer, but can do more than anything you can dream of. My prayer is that God's will be done and than you can have peace of mind that what ever happens is what God wants.My love goes out to you and your loved ones. Kay Fowler, Amy Jordan's mother

Kay Fowler <kaykgourds@yahoo.com>
Jal, N.M. USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 3:13 PM CST
Our prayers are with you and your family Lynn.
kevin Airel <pkairel@verizon.net>
Sachse, TX Dallas - Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:44 PM CST
Hey Lynn
It's so emotionally painful to read about your horrible pain this week. I'm so sorry that you are experiencing that, and I'm praying for relief for you. The PET news also sucks, but I know that you (and Dave) will make the best possible choices to keep you here as long as possible (I'm still praying that that is a very long time), but also allow you to best enjoy being a Wife and Mother. By the way, in your post you again questioned the 'purpose', and I just thought you should take note that in addition to your incredible relationships with your husband, your children, your friends (old and new) - between only just yesterday and today so far, there are more than 60+ guestbook entries! I'd say that's some incredible 'purpose' in action! I Love you, and I'm thinking of you. Kellie sends her love and prayers also.
Call me if you need/like to chat, cry, laugh, bitch, moan, scream, sing (or be sung to), whatever!!
LYB, Tater

Tate Jorgensen <tkbkj@yahoo.com>
Salt Lake City, Utah - Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:43 PM CST
Praying, as always, for you and your sweet family and friends.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, tx usa - Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:46 PM CST
Lynn, I am the McMullen's previous nanny. I met you and your family the summer the Mcmullens moved to Austin. Your family took me openly into your home that summer, and I will never forget any of you! You are an inspiration. Everyday that you are here on Earth, He has kept you here for a reason. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Rachel Cropp

Rachel Cropp <rachelcropp@hotmail.com>
Kansas City, MO U.S. - Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:09 PM CST
I will hope and pray with all my soul for you to get through this storm. I wish for your comfort and your peace. Tis the season for Peace and Love and keeping our hearts in the right place, my heart is with you and your family. You are thought of and prayed for continuously. Sending all my love and dreams to you. :)


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:02 PM CST
Hi, Lynn! I'm Amy Jordan's cousin. Wanted you to know that my friends and I in Lubbock are praying for you. I am specifically praying that you will sense God's presence all around you during this time. He loves you so very much!!
LouAnna Arterburn <ldart@nts-online.net>
Lubbock, TX - Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:35 AM CST
I read your latest update and am just so sorry that the news has not been good. I will continue to hope and believe that more options are available to reduce your pain and stop the cancer.
My prayers are with you.

Cindy K
Grapevine, TX - Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:49 AM CST
My prayers are with you and your family.
Diana Duckworth
Mount Vernon, Texas - Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:47 AM CST
Dear Lynn, you continue to amaze me. I love your spunk and optimistism, and that is half the battle. Never give up, never give up. Never, never, never give up. Good vibes and prayers are coming your way from Iowa.
Kaye Schnieders <kayelynn49@yahoo.com>
Emmetsburg, IA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:47 AM CST
Sending love your way and fervent prayers to Heaven today.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:25 AM CST
My prayers are with you & your family during this very difficult time. May God bless you & your family, always.
Lita Huffman <litah001@yahoo.com>
Ector, TX USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:53 AM CST
I am praying that God would lay his loving, healing hands on your body, praying that he will take away your pain and comfort you today. I am praying that God would protect the innocence of your sweet children and through all of this MANY people will come to know Christ and the awesome power that only he posses '. You are in my thoughts. Keep on fighting.
Brandy <bstricklett@comcast.net>
Brighton, CO 80601 - Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:24 AM CST
Many prayers for Lynn today.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:24 AM CST
Sending many prayers and much love your way. May God bless all of you during this journey of love, strength and hope.
Tracy Feeney <feeneyd@earthlink.net>
Newburgh, NY - Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:17 AM CST
Sending love and prayers to all of you. Love, Larry & Mary and all our kids and grandbabies.
Mary <mberg@smig.net>
Hartland, MN USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:02 AM CST
My Dearest Cyber Friend,
It is with tears in my eyes that I post to you this morning. Back before I had kids and I was a full-time career women, my company had a contest for who could design the most motivational poster to hang in offices across the nation! My Motto was-"Don't count the days, make the days count", and I won! I have always tried to live life that way, but funny enough-life sometimes get's in the way of me following through with that! You my friend, are once again reminding me and so many others that we should not take a moment for granted. I know the news is devestating, but I also know our Lord is Mighty and he can heal you here on earth! My mind flashes to Lance Armstrong and how his cancer had spread-but here he is today cancer free!! Even though I don't know you in person Lynn-your spirit, courage, and dignity shine all the way to Ohio. You continue to awe and amaze me with your strength and will to keep fighting-especially through all your pain! You my friend and your life hold such purpose. You are the one that rekindled my relationship with Christ. You are the one that motivated me to have my daughter baptized-which then spread to my husband, brother and nephew all getting baptized together! I should send you a picture from that glorious day-so you can first hand see your work :) You continue to fight Lynn, and we will all continue to Pray for you. I pray for pain-free days, blinders for your sweet children, strength for Dave, and for you Lynn to get your miracle!!!
Holly and Jenny-thank you for keeping us updated with your beautiful words. Let me know if there is anything I can do all the way from Ohio!!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Our prayers are with you
David Sinkule <trinitybend@aol.com>
Kaufman, TX USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:24 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
Listening, watching and learning! Your strength & courage has truely inspired many people. You have an incredible gift! Love, Michael Pettit

Michael Pettit <m.pettit@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:21 AM CST
You are in my prayers.
Debbie Davis <ddavis@tgncable.com>
Throckmorton, tx - Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:01 AM CST
Thank you Lynn, Holly, and Jenny for the post. I have no words but will only pray right now. I read the post yesterday but just didn't know what to write. I still don't know what to write so I'm just writing to tell you I love you Lynn.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:45 AM CST
May God hold you in his healing hands Lynn. Melissa and I pray he will push back the pain. We will be praying daily for you and your family. In God's love,

Marty, Melissa, Mitchell, Michelle, and Matthew Ley

Martin Ley <mley1@houston.rr.com>
Santa Fe, TX USA - Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:03 AM CST
Oh my God send your healing love to your sweet child,Lynn and her family. Please pick them up and carry them through these next few weeks as the doctors reassess Lynn's
treatment. Please give them the strength and courage to keep fighting this cancer. Help them protect the innocense of Jacob and Taylor and be able to find the words they seek to tell them. Lord,God we lift Lynn up to you and ask you for your loving mercy. Surround this family with your love. Give them strength to go forward,Lord.Father God I ask for you to send your unceasing love,power and might to Wayne and Suzanne as they try to understand this cancer journey of their precious daughter. Give Dave your shoulder to lean on now more than ever as he faces these next paths this journey will take them. Help his dear parents Dean and Gail help him as he goes forward. God Bless this family,Lord and keep them at your side.
In Jesus name we pray without ceasing. Amen

Words cannot say what Sadness I felt when I read your post.The only things that came to me are PRAY,PRAY,PRAY
That is what I'll do. Lynn's prayer warriors, let us lift up our voices and hearts to our God and PRAY!!!
God Bless You Lynn & Dave
God Bless You Jacob & Taylor
God Bless you Wayne & Suzanne
God Bless you Dean & Gail
God Bless all of Lynn's support team and thank you

God's Peace,
Jim & LaJean,and all your MN aunts & uncles & GR & GR Berg

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:04 AM CST
Dear Lynn and your precious friends, Jenny and Holly - I stand with you and claim COMPLETE HEALING on earth for Lynn. God has done and can do AMAZING things for his dear children. I am praying in a huge way that God will support each and every one of you who is close to Lynn! May His healing power surround Lynn and hold her tight in His grasp. I pray that God's love and goodness will surround Lynn's husband and children. Bless them, Lord!
As I fall asleep and when I awaken, I will be praying for you and continuing to claim healing for Lynn. God Bless!

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, November 30, 2006 0:56 AM CST
My mind fails me with the proper words, sweet Lynn, so I will just use our Book to deliver a message that seems fitting:

[God says], do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
- Isaiah 41:10 (New International Version)

I don't know God's plan. What I do know is this: You are doing everything that you can to fight this beast and that is all that you can do. Our Lord knows your sweet soul. He knows every hair that you have on your head. He has your name written in His heart. YOU ARE SO LOVED and how I want to fix this for you. I know that I can't, so I'll continue doing all that I know to do and that is pray, pray, pray for your journey.

You inspire me and I love you, Lynn. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your words with us.

Holly & Jenny...there aren't enough words to thank the both of you for your support and love for Lynn. This is a precious account of a group of friends loving each other and doing anything in the world to help someone so dear.

Such beautiful souls you all are...

Amy Jordan

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey." --Steven Covey

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, November 30, 2006 0:27 AM CST
Stunned......not what I ever expected to read. I will continue to ask God to heal Lynn here on earth and to relieve her pain.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, November 30, 2006 0:24 AM CST
Lynn, Lynn, Lynn-I just hate the news you received earlier this week as do all of us. But I must confess, sitting here with tearing eyes, I had the biggest deja vu from Holly's writings. I remember a day similar to the one you had on Monday when I was with my mom. When the doctor delivered the news, I was the one who fell to pieces, she looked right at me and told me to "stop crying as she was nowhere near stopping the fight". I admired her strength, courage, and grace so much and to this day, I wish right there in the doctor's office I had told her that, but I didn't. So Lynn, I will tell you I love you for your determination, strength and courage. You inspire me in a way that truly the only other person who has ever touched me in the same manner was my mom. Love and peace to you and your beautiful family tonight.
Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:21 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
I was reminded of you as I did my devotionals today. It was about Paul and how he lived above his circumstances while imprisoned. He was not whining about his problems but looking to God. Praise came fom his lips: "I count all things to be loss in view of the surpasssing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord" (Philippians 3:8). This didn't mean he was enjoying his plight just that he acknowledged that God was and is in control and will guide us. (Proverbs 3:5-6). This is what you have been demonstrating to us all over this journey. I'm so proud of you and the faith you hold up to us all. I have you in my prayers and yours also. God loves us and is blessing us in His way. Love you dear ones. Aunt Mary

Aunt Mary <gladme@iowatelecom.net>
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:57 PM CST
Lynn...Thinking of you this evening. I love you lots my friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:40 PM CST

The Lord loves you! He has a plan for you! Rest in Him and release your pain to Him. I am praying for you so fervently and He is telling me... He loves you Lynn, He loves you! Know that the Lord hasn't forgotten you and He loves you!

Stay strong in your faith and know He is there - right now - for you!

Kim Gammill <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:26 PM CST
You are in our hearts and on our minds. Keep fighting!! You are an inspiration to us all. Sending you hugs and pain relief....

christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Roger, Ar - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:18 PM CST
Prayers, hugs, and more courage...

Love from Snowy Seattle,

Kristin (Friends of Allie) <mandtjsmom@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:13 PM CST
I have no words tonight, only tears! Tim McGraw's song is my favorite and I listen to it daily. I was lucky enough
to have a catwalk seat at he and Faith's concert this year, in Shreveport. He stood right by me , as he sang that song.

The words are powerful and how I long to live them each day. Our pastor evens preached a sermon using the song.

Another favorite of mine is Brooks and Dunn's "Believe" and that is what I choose to do tonight. Believe for a miracle, Believe for HOPE, Believe for pain relief, Believe that God is still God and he has the last word.

Asking God to give you a sign that he knows where you are!
Asking God to fill your heart with a peace that this world cannot explain!
You are loved,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, LA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:12 PM CST
Lynn, I am so blessed to know you and to get to spend time with you. You are so beautiful...inside and out. He is "Forever Faithful"...always....I am so thankful that you KNOW Him. Keep your eyes on Him in this storm. Hold fast.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:52 PM CST
Lynn, I have read this latest entry three times now...I guess I was hoping that the words would be different each time I read it. I'm speechless, and when this happens, I find comfort my all time favorite prayer:

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference."

You are not alone in this battle, our prayers for you and your precious angel babies will never cease.

Laura <laura.quevedo@gmail.com>
Diamond Bar, CA USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:47 PM CST
I pray that you find your miracle...for you and everyone that loves you. Stay strong - you are a true inspiration.
Across the miles...continually praying for your comfort and healing.

Thousand Oaks, CALIF - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:46 PM CST
Dear friend....I hate this for you.
Peace be with you and yours.
You are loved.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:19 PM CST
I have no words, Lynn. I am certain nothing I could say could help. But I do know that God's word says, "We do not know what to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." You have been on my mind all week. And when I read your update tonight I was at a complete loss for words -- I am so sad. You are in my prayers, and I am praying that the Holy Spirit himself is interceding on your behalf. May God enfold you and your family in his peace that surpasses all understanding. I am sorry I don't have anything to say except that I am praying and want you to know you are in my thoughts.
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
Frisco, Tx - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:17 PM CST
Lynn, you have been bravely fighting this battle so hard.
Without a doubt, this news is disheartening and frustrating...just know that there are thousands of people who are storming the heavens for you and for your family and because we all know miracles happen, we have faith that there is one waiting for you! Sending my thoughts and prayers your way...

Nikki Pettis <nikki.pettis@ucb-group.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 9:03 PM CST
Praying for you Lynn,
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:54 PM CST
With tears streaming down my face, I've just had a little chat with our Lord. May He relieve you of the suffering and heal your body, and most importantly, allow you to continue to do the wonderful work you do here as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a woman, a human being.

I'm praying so hard for you Lynn!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:25 PM CST
Lynn and Family-
Wow...you have already been through so much. I don't think we know what pain is-- till we read what you wrote about the hospital "detox". None of us know- but your voice comes through and then, I feel it.
Thank you for sharing this very personal time, but through this you have opened so many of our eyes.
All of God's blessings to you and your family.

Jennifer, Meredith and Emily <jhavens-heston@comcast.net>
Grapevine/Colleyville, TX - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:22 PM CST
Lynn, Dave - my prayers are with you both! Lynn keep fighting this battle, don't give up FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. I pray that God place his healing hands on you and that he heals your body, releases the pain and gives you peace and comfort. Lynn you are an inspiration to so many - keep looking to the right!
Sheri Ressman <jwrsvr66@msn.com>
Rowlett, TX - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:46 PM CST
Lynn, I don't have words, I have tried for some time now to put your shoes on and I don't think that I have enough grace, courage and faith to endure what you and your family are facing. My prayers are for pain relief for you as well as even more courage as you face your children. My hope is that their hearts are opened even more to Christ and that they find comfort from Him.
Always in my prayers and thoughts, Love Maria

Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
frisco, tx USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:15 PM CST
Praying for peaceful rest and renewed strength. You are such an angel of light to all of us! Sweet dreams.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:09 PM CST
You are in my prayers tonight....
Lloyd Smith <lloydinaustin@yahoo.com>
Austin, TX - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:56 PM CST
Praying for relief and a miracle.
Lois (Friends of Allie)
NJ - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:42 PM CST
With all my heart, I pray that God will grant you peace, freedom from pain, and complete healing. You endure when others would quit, Lynn. That has to mean something. Hope, and keep hoping, as everyone who loves you, even without knowing you, is doing. May God strengthen you as this happens. Believe that it will!
Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:34 PM CST
Lynn, each time I come here to your site (which is usually many times a day, even if you have just posted an update!), I feel such helplessness to be of any comfort in light of all you are experiencing and dealing with. Each visit, I pray for the "right words" to encourage you and yet each time those words feel so weak and inadequate.

Today that feeling has hit me ten-fold. Just as all of your loved ones and cyber-friends are, I am devastated by the latest medical report you received. There are no words to make you feel better, to be of any help, to make the cancer go away. Oh how I wish there were, we ALL wish that were so. If wishing made it so, you would be healed and there would be NO Caringbridge site with your name on it.

All I can do is commit to you yet again that I will continuously storm heaven's gates for you, begging our merciful Father to take the cancer from your body, to release you from the horrible pain, to restore your health and body 100%. I promise I will not stop praying.

I saw this today on another Caringbridge site:
“Like a speed bump in a parking lot, a decision lies in our path, allowed there by God to remind us hope is a choice. Choosing to live as people of hope is not to diminish or belittle pain and suffering or lie about evil’s reality. Rather it is to cling to God’s promise that he will make all things new.” ~From Prayers of Comfort "A Gift of Hope"

We choose to have HOPE.

Love and blessings to you and your family,

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:13 PM CST
You are an angel here on earth, Lynn, and you never cease to amaze me. It's just like you to comfort Holly while you are being delivered bad news. Wishing I could hug you so big right now. I am praying for God's miracle, praying for Dave & the kids, your entire family and friends and especially for you. Trying so hard to keep looking right. You are my inspiration, Lynn Newman. Love, Pattie
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:46 PM CST
Oh Boy Lynne and family and friends,

I rarely sign the guestbook these days just because of a lack of words. However I wanted you to know how much I appreciated your current post and all the posts. I just went through a second round of "suspicious" mammograms and what kept me from loosing it while waiting for the re test day, was thinking about Lynne and that no matter the results I could carry on and no matter the results I should live everyday to its full importance. I love the "Everyday miracles" song from Charlottes Web. I fortunately got good results again but I am going to remember to enjoy all those everyday miracles. Thank you all for sharing your story,

- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:46 PM CST
I will pray, I will pray, I will pray. I BELIEVE in the power of prayer. I BELIEVE in His grace. I BELIEVE in His healing. God bless you, Lynn - please know that you are covered in prayer.
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:13 PM CST

You've been an inspiration to me through my own battle with this beast and your words were NOT what I had hoped and prayed for today. Our GREATEST FEAR once cancer enters our life is to hear that it has spread and that the current treatment doesn't seem to be working. You're amazing in so many ways and do not deserve to be involved in this battle. Please don't give up hope, for there are miracles and unless they tell you there's nothing left to do for you you have a life to fight for.

I'm not a religious person, per se, but I do believe in God and I'll be praying with all my might, first and foremost for pain relief and then for full healing HERE ON EARTH.

Thank you Holly and Jenny for your post as well, for whatever happens Lynn's been one lucky girl to have friends who love her as much as you do.

Simi Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:05 PM CST
Sorry I haven't posted in a while I check daily and so as I've now checked today I'm so sorry that's the new you received. Maybe once I wipe the tears away from my eyes I'll see more clearly. Wow! I simply don't know what to say and after reading through the posting and the guestbook, I know that's ok too. I pray for you and your family, keep that beautiful spirit as difficult as it is.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 4:45 PM CST
I haven't posted before, but read your site often. I'm so sorry for the news you received. You and your precious family will be in my daily prayers. Never give up.
VA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:39 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
I stop by almost daily to check in on you and your beautiful family. I just read the update and am so sorry the news wasn't better, but you are right, never stop fighting! You are an absolute inspiration to me, Lynn.

I am a nursing student in my last semester and I think of you so often while I am working and am honestly inspired by your strength, courage and attitude. I pray for you daily and just think you are one awesome woman! Keep up the good fight Lynn, you've got so many people behind you! :)

Jill C.
Chino, CA usa - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:33 PM CST
Through all the tears, I can't find the right words - so for now -

Praying without ceasing

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:29 PM CST
I'm praying that you find peace at this time and am praying for your family. Much love to you Lynn!!
Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:19 PM CST
My sweet Friend...Never forget:" Our God is so BIG, so strong and so MIGHTY there's nothing our God cannot do!"Praying for complete healing for you and for a GOD miracle Love you lots....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:13 PM CST
I don't have the right words to say. I am so sorry for the news that you were given on Monday. I am so thankful that you had your Mom, Gail and Holly with you. You love these three women so dearly. I will not stop praying and hoping for you, Lynn. I saw Dave jogging this morning and I just started crying in my car. I had already heard the news of the PET scan and seeing him tore me apart. I wish there was something I could say or do.
I am here for anything you need, Lynn. Please don't hesitate to call on me and my family.
Praying without ceasing, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:54 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
I am sending you a HUGE hug right now filled with all the love I can send as well as prayers of peace and strength for you. I love you Lynn. Your LOOKING RIGHT message is a part of my heart and soul forever as well as so many others out there. I'm continuing to STORM HEAVEN for you, because of you, and with you. Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:42 AM CST

I check in on you every day, but at times are so lost for words. Please know not one day goes by that I do not stop & think of you... You will continue to be in my prayers... Hope you enjoyed the day with Taylor...

Much love to you Lynn,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:56 AM CST
Hi Lynn...Just because I don't post here every day, I do want you to know I pray for you every day. I hope and pray for you to have a wonderful and pain free christmas season, and for complete healing from our Lord. It will happen. I feel it every time I pray for you, a feeling comes over me and I feel a peaceful sense of being and that my prayer has been heard. Its weird but true. Have a very merry christmas season!
Kevin Walukas <medikkev@aol.com>
canton, tx USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:21 AM CST
Lynn - I continue to pray for you, sweet wife and mom. I'm thrilled to hear that you have gone to your kids' school. Enjoy the wonderful moments! Take care, dear cyber friend!
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:31 PM CST
I haven't posted for so long. Please forgive me. Sometimes it is just hard to find the right words. Please know you have been in my constant prayers. Sarah corrected me at dinner last night when I neglected to pray for you. You are so very constant in our prayers.

Today, Allison said that you made it for your big 9 year olds lunch. How special. Allison ran off the bus and told me that she saw you and was so sad that she didn't get a chance to say hi. She told me that you looked beautiful. As if you ever look any other way! She is so excited about Taylor's party that she is having a count down! I have to admit that I am rather excited to see your face as well! I have so missed you!!!

My prayer tonight is for a renewed spirit, peace and a lessening of your pain. I am also especially lifting up the Birthday girl.

Sweet Dreams!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX 75034 - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:22 PM CST
Dearest Lynn...I am so sorry that I have not written in some time now. Please know that you are in my thoughts throughout each day. I so wish that I could lock eyes on you every day and tell you how much you are loved. My kids lift you up in prayer each morning and before bedtime. I am praying that you will feel God's presence around you each day. I am so thankful to call you my friend. I love you Lynn....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:28 PM CST
Hi Lynn

Emily was just telling me that you were at lunch today! She was so excited that you were able to join Taylor for lunch on her birthday!

Hope you've enjoyed a special day with your special girl!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:33 PM CST
Thinking of you tonight!!!! You are in our thoughts and prayers always. We love you and miss you. We will be in Texas for Christmas this year.:o]] I cannot wait to see all of you . Have a blessed night and remember how many people love you and are praying for you every minute. Give my love to Dave and the kids. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!!! Love always Tami

Tami Alsaffar <alsaffar32@yahoo.com>
denver, co usa - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:56 PM CST
Gunnar said he saw you at school today and that you looked great. He said you had gel in your hair and it looked really cute!!! I am so glad you got to bring Taylor lunch today. I know she was thrilled to see you at school!
I am anxious to hear the results of your PET scan. I stalk this page every day looking for a new entry!
Take care, Lynn. Much love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:56 PM CST
hoping your thanksgiving was full of love and prayers! god bless and continue to keep praying and take care of yourself
gloria miller <gloria.miller@turner.com>
new york, ny - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:02 PM CST
A bible verse I read today was Phillippians 4:4-7. It reads: Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice! Let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.
I thought of you while I was reading this and wanted to tell you. You are so faithful and constant. You have been a blessing to many of us; an example of God's love. I thank God for you and pray that he gives you unending strength to fight on, to provide you with pain relief esp with the Christmas nearing, to lead your body to be cancer free. Praying for God's blessings to radiate through you.

Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 1:12 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
I hope you enjoyed being with your family over the holidays. It is nice to know that your family is always with you. Lots of prayers and love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:45 AM CST
Praying for you, dear friend!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:41 AM CST
Thinking of you, Lynn and praying for your miracle. You are so loved! God Bless. ~Pattie
- Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:26 AM CST
Feeling like a true cyber stalker...checking in on you too many times to mention and praying for you all the time. I hope Thanksgiving renewed your spirit as we come into the most awesome season of the year!! I hope your pain is GONE and your spirits are HIGH! Thinking of you ALWAYS in true cyber stalker fashion!(scary...since I've never met you face to face!!)
Jenny Rau <jmbr211@yahoo.com>
Prosper, TX - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:25 AM CST
Praying for you and your family!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:10 AM CST
My thoughts and prayers are with you Lynn and your entire family and friends that surround you. Praying so hard that your pain is better.

Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:00 AM CST
Good Morning! Thinking of you today and always. Remember that you have an Army of supporters out here! We are always here for you. You are strong! You are amazing! You can do this! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 6:40 AM CST
Hi Lynn
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you tonight. I am storming heaven with my prayers for you and everyone around you. You for pain relief and strength to figth on. Dave and the rest of your loving family and friends the strength to keep going. I still remember the day I first heard about you. I had called Kathy and she was going to watch your kids as you had a Dr appointment. That was so long ago and you have been so far on this journey. Keep up the fight Lynn!!! So many people now have heard about your fight and love you!

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Tuesday, November 28, 2006 0:17 AM CST

Just stopping in to say that I'm thinking of you and praying for you HARD this evening. I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the ones that you love dearly.

Looking right!

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, November 27, 2006 11:18 PM CST
Love you, girl!
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Monday, November 27, 2006 9:05 PM CST
Dearest Lynn,
I will continue to pray that our awesome God will perform a great miracle for you. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face and the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.God loves you and so do I, Dad Newman

newman, Dean <newmanj36@netscape.net>
- Monday, November 27, 2006 12:56 AM CST
Lynn- Greetings from Pennsylvania. I have thought, and prayed, for you, David and the kids sooooo many times over the past months. I hope you had a wonderful visit with your parents. My constant thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
state college, PA - Monday, November 27, 2006 12:16 AM CST
Hi Lynn,
I pray you enjoyed some savory moments this weekend!
I heard this song today and was reminded to pray for you! I thought it was rather poetic, hope you enjoy
It is a song by 4HIM.


"They say into every life some rain must fall
for the pain is no respector of the mighty or the small
but sometimes it just seems so unfair
to see the see the one who's had more than her share
for it makes you wonder why

And lord I wouldn't second guess your mighty plan
for I know you have a purpose beyond the scope of man
if you look inside my heart, you will find that
I have always been the trusting kind

oh but still i wonder why
do the rainy days have to come
when the storm clouds hide the sun
i want to know why

why, i wonder why
when the reasons are not clear to me
when its all a mystery
I want to know why

though down here i may not understand
i won't let go of the unseen hand
for it holds the reasons why

when the reasons aren't clear to me
when it all is a mystery
i want to know why

though down here i may not understand
i won't let go of the unseen hand
for it holds the reasons why "

Rick <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Monday, November 27, 2006 9:52 AM CST
Looking Right for you, with you, and because of you Lynn.

Assuming your mother and mother-in-law cooked a great Thanksgiving meal. Yummy, I hope you were able to enjoy it! Praying hard for pain relief Lynn. As always, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.


heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, November 27, 2006 8:03 AM CST
Keep your chin up, Lynn, you can do this!!! I'm praying hard for you, sending big big hugs your way, and hoping for a wonderful PAINFREE week! Love, Kathy
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, November 26, 2006 10:32 PM CST
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Sammy and little sister Hannah are cruising by to say HI. And let you know we will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We will continue to check back often! :)

Hugs, Sammy Nichols & Family

Desiree (Sammy's Mommy)
Gordonsville, VA USA - Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:09 PM CST
Keeping you, your kids, David, and all your loved ones in my prayers. You are loved by so many people Lynn. I hope you can feel all the love being sent to you from far away as well as just across the street.

Praying that your pain is lessoned. Praying for peace.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:25 AM CST
Sending hope and courage your way today!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:07 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I'm thinking right and praying really strong for healing and grace for you. I truly believe in God's grace in so many circumstances. His grace has surrounded me and blessed me in ways that I thought were unreachable. I 'm praying that He will pour out upon you and your family His Amazing Grace, that which is His alone to deliver!

I pray that He will strengthen and guide the many friends and family who are loving and caring for you. I don't even know you, and yet God has touched my heart to pray for you. Take care, Lynn!

Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Sunday, November 26, 2006 1:13 AM CST
Just a quick note to let you know, Lynn, that I am lifting your cancer and your pain to the Lord and humbly beseeching Him to remove both from you! I loved the poem Kathy posted about the meaning of Thanksgiving; thank you, Kathy! I'm wearing the Looking RIGHT bracelet proudly (got it from you dear sister, Terri, several months ago and have been wearing it ever since). I'm blessed to know you and to be part of your cyber-warrior team! Each in our own ways, we are all fighting with you, dear sweet Lynn! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, November 25, 2006 6:07 PM CST
"The Lord your God is with you; the mighty One will save you. He will rejoice over you. You will rest in His love; He will sing and be joyful about you." - Zephaniah 3:17

You have been on my heart during this holiday weekend, Lynn. I hope and pray you were able to enjoy your family and friends during this time of Thanksgiving. Today I am lifting you to the Father and asking Him to comfort you and give you peaceful rest with NO PAIN, overflowing joy in your heart, and plenty of stamina to enjoy your loved ones' company, good food and lots of fun!

You are so loved, Lynn. Hang in there, keep fighting, you WILL win this battle!!!! Thousands of people who care for you are with you - some in body, others of us in spirit - and we're all praying you through this and running alongside you!

And never ever forget ... GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Saturday, November 25, 2006 2:06 PM CST
"STORMIN' HEAVEN" from Virginia! Funny, that was a "pet phrase" of my Texas mom in 'love'....she always "stormed heaven"....and we have just returned from a Texas Thanksgiving, so that phrase is especially close to my heart...

So, from Virginia to you in Texas, Lynn, and family....I will continue to STORM HEAVEN for your cure, less pain, strength for Dave, and clear eyes and hearts for the kids....my thoughts are with you.

God bless and then God bless some more!!
With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Saturday, November 25, 2006 12:51 AM CST
God bless you and keep you free from pain today! Hope each day finds you feeling better and closer to your cure!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, November 25, 2006 8:07 AM CST
Just a note to let you know that you are on my mind!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, November 25, 2006 6:46 AM CST
Love Kathy's entry. What a great Thanksgiving poem to keep on one's refrigerator!

Praying, thinking about you all the time, and trying my best to always LOOK RIGHT because of you, for you, and with you my friend.

Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, MN usa - Friday, November 24, 2006 7:43 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
I am praying that today finds you with less pain, the love of your family and the strength to keep up this fight!!!!
Praying for you, with you & because of you!!!
Looking RIGHT as ALWAYS because of you!!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, November 24, 2006 6:28 PM CST
Lynn,Praying for peace and comfort for you and your family. I hope you were able to enjoy Thanksliving..This is what what we call it at church.. with all of your loved ones. H.B. to Taylor. Is it still possible to order Looking Right bracelets? I would be honored to wear one. Praying without ceasing.
Karen <kar_1952@hotmail.com>
- Friday, November 24, 2006 5:51 PM CST
Sweet Lynn,
Just wanted you to know you have been so much on my mind lately. Prayers will always continue for you, friend. I hope some time off with your family is rich and beautiful.
I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, November 24, 2006 8:51 AM CST
Dear Lynn - It's a few minutes before Thanksgiving Day ends, and I want you to know I'm praying for you. I am reading Psalms 91 and several verses came to me: 91:9 "Because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your habitation, no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways." I continue you with Psalm 91:14-16: "Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation." I claim these verses for you and pray that God will continue to cover you with His grace and healing.
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Friday, November 24, 2006 0:03 AM CST
Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.

Author Unknown

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, November 23, 2006 8:08 PM CST
"Happy Thanksgiving" Lynn, I'm wishing you peace on such a Beautiful day. I wanted to let you know that I have counted you as one of my many blessings. Your determination, strength and inspiration are felt by so many that surround you. Thank you for sharing your Journey with us, always remember you are never alone and we will walk beside you always.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, November 23, 2006 5:43 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving!
Running shoes on!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, November 23, 2006 8:05 AM CST
Sending Thanksgiving wishes to you and the entire Newman family! I'm sure you have a house full of family who are so thankful to be together today! I know I'm thankful for my family who are here visiting with us. I"m also thankful for friendships who have taught me about FAITH, STRENGTH, LOVE, and HOPE! And for Emily's friends who have taught her about COMPASSION, LOVE, HAPPINESS,and GENEROSITY!

Happy Thanksgiving Lynn! I am so greatful and happy that I have met you and you and your family are such an important part of our lives!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, November 23, 2006 7:48 AM CST
Happy Thanksgiving Lynn,
I pray you have a peaceful day with all your loved ones close by you. I was so happy you shared Kathy with me this week, I have been away from my computer for a few days so I even got the personal update!! Keep strong and keep fighting, I am storming heaven with my prayers!! Love, Beth

beth touhey <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Thursday, November 23, 2006 6:29 AM CST
I continue to pray in a huge way for you, Lynn!!! Before I type, I stop and pray for complete healing and relief from all the pain you are experiencing. "Lord, allow this dear wife and mom to return to her family, completely restored and pain-free. Grant her good health in your earthly kingdom."
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, November 23, 2006 1:28 AM CST
HOPE - Below is a story of HOPE that I need to share to you Lynn and all your prayer warriors.

My brother in law's mother died last week at the age of 81 years old. Last night I read her funeral program. I have to share a paragraph with you Lynn and your prayer warriors as it gave me renewed faith and hope in our good Lord and made me realize that He is in charge, not us.

"In 1960 Mabel suffered from terminal cancer. The cancer advanced to within hours of her death. The Pastor and Elden knelt by her bed and prayed. She would later say that she could plainly see a picture of Jesus on the wall that transformed to a full body and stood at the foot of her bed. She not only survived, but the cancer miraculously and completely disappeared. As a result of that experience, she dedicated her life to sharing her faith and instilling that faith in the lives of her family and others."

1960 she had terminal cancer and was within hours of death according to the doctors who were treating her. This women mentioned above is my brother-in-law's mother. She lived 46 years since that date.


Praying so hard for pain relief Lynn. Oh heavenly Father, please wrap your arms around our dear sweet Lynn and heal her body here on earth of this horrible cancer. She needs to continue to do your work here on earth. She is serving you in such miraculous ways.

Love ya,

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:54 PM CST
I hope you have a wonderful and yummy Thanksgiving. You and your family are such beautiful blessings to observe. Stay strong and keeping fighting. You are always in our prayers.

The Candys

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 5:51 PM CST
Have a very blessed Thanksgiving. Happy birthday, Taylor!
All our love,
The McMullens
Andrew, Yvette, Hannah, Rachel, Abby, and Sophie

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 4:48 PM CST
Hey there! Happy b-day this week to Taylor! I remember being in PF Changs with you years ago and finding out that you were pregnant with her. We went for happy hour and you ordered water.....hummmmmm...I just asked....What? Are you pregnant? Yep! Subtle! And here we all are years later....is she 9 this year? I hope that you are able to enjoy your family this Thanksgiving. This has been a rough time of year for you and yours the past several years. There will be better days my friend! Chin up! Running shoes on! You are surrounded by love.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:27 AM CST
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

I'm holding on the HOPE and the PROMISE of a full return to wholeness and health for you, Lynn! I know God is hearing our prayers. HE IS STILL IN CONTROL! I pray that you have a blessed weekend with NO PAIN and the love of your family to sustain you and make you smile. I wish only the best for you, Lynn, please know that my prayers always include you. God bless you all this Thanksgiving weekend, and may you all find many things to rejoice and give thanks for! Love, Kathy

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:22 AM CST
LOOKING RIGHT with you, for you, and because of you my friend Lynn. Proudly wearing your bracelet and telling your story to anyone who will listen. Here's to a great day surrounded by so much love from family and friends. Listen to those great Christmas songs and soak up all the hugs you can get. PRAYING your pain is better!!!!! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:51 AM CST
Dear Lynn, So glad to have read the latest update. Know that you are being prayed for!!!! For total healing, mind,
body and soul. Father God,take this pain away from
Lynn and replace it with sunshine and smiles. Sunshine to warm her heart and soul again and smiles from her family
to make her feel loved and protected. Dear Lord, if it would be your will take this battle from Lynn and make it your own, leaving her with only memories and a thankful heart that knows that there is God.And God is Love,And your love
will surround her and bless her and keep her safe. Amen
God's Peace, Your Mn aunts & uncles & GR&GR Berg
We Love you and are praying for you.
LaJean (tell Taylor Happy Birthday & MOM & DAD Happy Anniversary, and have a blessed Thanksgiving)

LaJean Westeng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 22, 2006 3:23 AM CST
I pray that all of Lynn's pain results in a grand kicking of cancer's BUTT! I will be praying for a good Thanksgiving and many more holidays to come for the entire Newman family. God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:56 PM CST
Hey Lynn
May God Bless your Thanksgiving fun!! I am so thankful for you - You Lynn have been the encouragement, you have been light, you have been a blessing over and over again. Thousands of times in these past difficult years, you have encouraged friends and strangers.
Thank You for sharing your journey - Hang On ! Keep on Keepin on! We love you.

Rick <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 11:23 AM CST
So happy to know you are surrounded by your entire family, friends, and other loved ones during this wonderful holiday. I pray you are able to enjoy the sweet potatoes as well as the hugs from your kiddos and family. I pray our good Lord lessons your pain. I am storming heaven for you Lynn and I am NOT easing up! Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:56 AM CST
One day closer to those sweet potatoes Lynn! Enjoy every bite! Know that you are loved and prayed for and thought of and and and.....Hang in there friend!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:06 AM CST
Sweet Lynn,
It's been awhile since I have posted but you are never far from my thoughts and always in my prayers. I had already gone to bed tonight but just had the desire to send you a message. This thanksgiving, I am thanking God for the lessons he has taught me through you. I am praying that he will stop your pain, heal your earthly body and give you all of the blessings you so deserve that he has promised his faithful servents. I also recall your post about sweet potatoes. I always said I don't like them even though I can't really remember ever having them? :) Thursday I will try them and I will be thinking of you, and praying fervently that your day is magnificent and full of your favorite things and people. You are so loved. KEEP LOOKING RIGHT! Much love!

Tracy <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, TX - Monday, November 20, 2006 11:09 PM CST
Always thinking and praying for you. You are a strong and beautiful women.
Dena Baker <jeff_denabaker@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USa - Monday, November 20, 2006 3:22 PM CST
Thinking of you and your family today, and asking the Lord to wrap His arms around you, relieve your pain, and fill your heart with the love and smiles of your precious family.

Continue to look to Him for your strength. His grace is sufficient, for now and for always. Love to you and yours.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, November 20, 2006 2:51 PM CST
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I wish you lots of turkey with a mix of awesome pain pills to give you a peaceful, pain-free rest/food coma! I pray your pain is getting better and am thankful for your friends that inform us so faithfully. Enjoy the love that will surround you this week in person and know there will be lots of love and prayer sent to you from far away as well. Take care!
christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Roger, Ar - Monday, November 20, 2006 2:28 PM CST
I'm so excited for you Lynn as I believe your mom and dad are arriving today for Thanksgiving. Enjoy each other and soak up the hugs. :) Love from New Hope, MN! Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, November 20, 2006 12:14 AM CST

I am thinking of you and your lovely family. You really inspire so many people! I was having a rough week, some financial issues and not feeling well with a sinus infection and then I thoguht what am I complaining about, Lynn has to go through so much and I am obsessing about money and a stupid cold! You really help me put things in perspective and be thankful for all I have. I am wishing you and your family a blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving and continuing to pray for you in PA!

Emmaus, PA USA - Monday, November 20, 2006 11:51 AM CST
Sweet Lynn,

Looking right and praying for you always! I wish you blessings this Thanksgiving and in the weeks to follow, that you are able to soak up the spirit of the season despite your horrible pain. You are a WARRIOR... Keep fighting and remember that there is an army of people behind you, holding you up in support!

You are so loved!

Amy Jordan

(Thank you Jenny and Holly for the updates--you girls are fantastic!)

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, November 20, 2006 11:49 AM CST
SO glad to hear you will be surrounded by family and friends this Thanksgiving - that is a true blessing! I pray the chemo does its job today and that you are able to overcome the pain and fog it leaves behind. As I was driving to work today, I was listening to the Christian channel and it made me stop, think of you and all I have to be grateful for, and not the To-Do List I had been thinking of. Thank you for sharing this difficult journey with us - it inspires me to be a better person and how to be a better Christian. As always, I am in awe of your courage, faith, class and love. Take care sweet Lynn and know you are SO loved!! Happy Thanksgiving :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, November 20, 2006 10:10 AM CST
Thinking of you dear friend!

RUNNING SHOES ON! ----also my Trix hat! Good GMI memories with you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, November 20, 2006 7:19 AM CST
"Pass the Sweet Potatoes!" I will never forget that post of yours from Thanksgiving past encouraging each of us to enjoy life and all it has to offer every day. You pondered when you love sweet potatoes so much, why do you only enjoy them at Thanksgiving? As our family passed that yummy dish last year, my eyes teared up and a smile broke out as I scooped some onto my plate. Be assured, I'll be devouring sweet potatoes on Thursday and thinking of you, my friend! I pass your sage advice back to you this year hoping you will feel well enough to enjoy the holiday, see the many blessings all around you, and know how blessed so many of us are to call you our friend! Love, Jean

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
irvine, CA USA - Monday, November 20, 2006 1:41 AM CST
Hello, sweet friend. Looking forward to our next visit together. Praying without ceasing....
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:18 PM CST
Lynn and family,

Sharing with you the words to a song that I hope will bring you comfort:

In Christ alone my hope is found, he is my light, my strength, my song; this cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, when fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My comforter, my all in all, here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone - who took on flesh, fulness of God in helpless babe! This gift of love and righteousness, scorned by the ones he came to save: till on that cross as Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied - for every sin on him was laid; here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground his body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain: then bursting forth in glorious day, up from the grave he rose again! And as he stands in victory, sin's curse has lost its grip on me, for I am his and he is mine - bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me; from life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from his hand; till he returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand!

(Stuart Townend & Keith Getty)

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with those you love you most!

Laurinda Quaid (PepsiCo)
- Sunday, November 19, 2006 3:59 PM CST
God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don't understand,
When you don't see His plan,
When you can't trace His hand,
Trust His heart.

I send my love and prayers!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Sunday, November 19, 2006 3:50 PM CST
LOOKING RIGHT Lynn. Hope the pain is better. During the official "Thanksgiving" time, I reflect on many things I am truly grateful for and you are one of them!!!!! Here's to a good day surrounded by so many of God's blessings. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, November 19, 2006 1:03 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
As usual, I continue to lift you in prayer daily. You are always in my mind, teaching me. I am Honored to have met you and thankful that you shared your story with me, with all of us. I am simply amazed by the support of your loved ones! I am confident that your home being filled with Christmas brought a smile to your face, and I am smiling at the love that your family and friends give you. I know that they are important in your journey, that they have held you up when you have been down. Continue to hold tight, Lynn. You will be healed! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I pray that you have relief from the pain and feel carefree, with no fear through the rest of this journey, for it will soon be over!

With love, Susan

**also, a BIG THANK YOU to Jenny and Holly, for always making sure that we out here are updated. The prayer list is always helpful as well. You both are Angels to Lynn!!

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX - Sunday, November 19, 2006 10:12 AM CST
Lynn, you have inspired me for years with your fatih and positive attitude. Thanks for allowing your life and battle to be blogged so we can learn from your courage and SEE God move! Keep trusting God; He is our ultimate hope!
Jennie May <jenniemay@sbcglobal.net>
McKinney, TX USA - Sunday, November 19, 2006 6:01 AM CST
Thinking of you and hoping that you find some relief very soon. Happy Thanksgiving.

Overland Park, KS - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:55 PM CST
I give thanks, too, this week for the blessing of knowing Lynn and her cyber prayer warriors online! I am so very proud to be a part of it all! Blessings to you Lynn and your family - it's good your parents and mother-in-love will be with you for Thanksgiving! I pray for a pain-free Thanksgiving for you, for strength for your body to keep it from falling, peace for you and your precious family during this happy time. Maybe someone can photograph the Christmas trimmings in your house and put the pictures on your website. In the meantime, much love to you and yours. Keep LOOKING RIGHT! Barbara (in Hawaii)
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
- Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:40 PM CST
Thank you, Jenny, for posting! It means so much to us to be brought up to date on Sweet Lynn!

Each posting gives a renewed spirit to Lynn's prayer warriors to continue storming heaven on her behalf!

Yes, we will all count our blessings this Thanksgiving week, and one big blessing will be having the privilege of having Lynn in our lives to inspire and remind us of all we have to be thankful for.

Dear Lord, please bless Lynn's incredible family as they journey here to take care of her. Bless Lynn and her husband and her children and hold them in your loving arms. Keep Lynn free from pain and able to do the things she wants to do for her family.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:43 PM CST
Lynn- I hope you get to enjoy some time with your family and friends without the constant pain this Thanksgiving. I will be giving thanks for you and your ability to teach us all so many life lessons.
Love- Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:42 PM CST
I was so happy to check in and see a new update. Thank you Jenny! Thank you to the little angels that decorated the tree and the house. I know that must make Lynn so very happy to see! Thank you for the reminder to be thankful for all of the blessings in our lives. Sometimes the blessings do get so very blurred by stress and it should not be that way.
I am thankful for you Lynn! I pray that you will have no pain and a peaceful heart.

The running shoes really were on this morning....along with my 'team Lynn Newman' shirt.
We are all praying for you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:36 PM CST
Lynn, I came across this in a magazine and thought of you.
"Cancer is so limited. It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot destroy peace. Cancer cannot kill friendships. It cannot suppress memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot invade the soul. It cannot steal eteranl life. And it cannot conquer the spirit."
I pray that you have peace this week to enjoy your sweet family and friends who surround you. Praying for you daily,

Traci Kidwell <traci.k@sbcglobal.net>
The Colony, TX USA - Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:19 PM CST
I have had the privilege in knowing Lynn for the past five months through a very dear friend of hers. I will tell you that a day doesn't go by without thanking the good Lord for what he has given to me and to my friends for we are so very lucky to have good health and reasonably little pain. The power of pray is often very mighty and I for one will be saying a caring and loving prayer for our beautiful and very courageous Lynn (and her loving family) as I gaze upon the 22 at my table this Thanksgiving. God bless Lynn and may she see that light of better health and a lot less pain in the near future.
Winston <wmckellar@yahoo.com>
Phoenix, Az - Saturday, November 18, 2006 11:32 AM CST
Thank you Jenny for the wonderful update. It was so nice to read about Lynn's excitement with all the Christmas decorations in their home compliments of the "elf angels."

You continue to amaze me. I continue to inspire to be like you. I am praying so hard and so much for pain relief mostly as I know you are in so much pain right now. I am thinking about you all the time. In fact, yesterday when I was driving I was thinking about you and before I knew it, I had no idea where I was. Yep, lost in thought of you. :)

I'm truly so happy to read about all the love and support that surrounds you my friend. Thank you to you too Jenny for reminding me to take a sincere moment or two during this Thanksgiving time to truly focus on the things God has given us right now. Today is the day that matters!

Much love, support, prayers, faith from a loyal prayer warrior and friend - Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, November 18, 2006 9:36 AM CST
Lynn and Family -
We continue to pray for you each day!
Mark, Brenda Routh and Family

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, MN - Saturday, November 18, 2006 5:42 AM CST
Lynn, my heart aches so much for you that this pain will not go away. I'm truly at a loss for words but I'm not out of prayer and hope. Lifting you up to our Father in prayer as I type. Much love, Pattie
- Friday, November 17, 2006 11:05 PM CST
I saw Jenny at school yesterday and she said your pain is still at an all time high. I am so sorry. I wish there was something that could be done to lessen it. I am thinking of you and praying for you all the time. Take good care and try to enjoy the weekend with your family.
Love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Friday, November 17, 2006 4:15 PM CST
Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and your sweet family constantly. Praying for immediate and permanent pain relief. Hope you are able to manage some good family time this weekend in front of your beautiful Christmas tree, snuggled close. Take care and know you are loved by SO MANY!!!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, November 17, 2006 10:32 AM CST
Good Morning Sweet Friend. I was thinking of you this am and wanted you to know, we are praying for peace and comfort for you today. I have missed seeing you. Hope to see you soon.
Love you friend, Tiffany

tiffany Marino <tiffmarino@comcast.net>
frisco, tX - Friday, November 17, 2006 8:02 AM CST
God bless you and keep you and hold you tight today and take away your pain.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, November 17, 2006 7:25 AM CST
Dear friend,
There are words.....
Hang in there! I wish we could fix it all!
Always on my ming!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, November 17, 2006 6:53 AM CST
Father God ~ PLEASE, PLEASE stop the pain. Wrap your love around your child & shower her with your mercy. May you give her renewed strength, hope & peace to continue this battle. Amen
Jenny <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Thursday, November 16, 2006 9:51 PM CST
Hi Lynn --

Love and prayers to you and your family. I thought I had better leave a message when popping in to check on you. Praying for pain relief, rest, and time with the children --all things I so often take for granted.
Anna is reading the first lesson at mass tomorrow morning - she has been practicing like crazy -- I know I will be so proud at church tomorrow.
Keep up the fight and keep looking right.

Love, Deb

Deb Klein <deborah.klein@allina.com>
St Paul, MN - Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:29 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
We are saying lots of prayers for you Lynn, for healing, peace and comfort. Wishing you lessened pain so that you may enjoy this weekend with your family. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:34 AM CST
Praying.....praying....praying......for you!!!!

Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:29 AM CST
I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Ps. 121:1,2

Praying for a good day for you this day, Lynn! Blessings to you and all those who love you!
Love, Kathy

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, November 16, 2006 10:05 AM CST
I continue to pray for pain relief my sweet friend Lynn. You are on my mind often and always in my prayers. Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:07 AM CST
I am
only one
but still
I am one
I cannot do
but still I can
do something
I wil not
refuse to do the
that I can do.
--Helen Keller

I saw this on a poster in a doctor's office and it struck me. Hope that you can have a good day! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, November 16, 2006 6:16 AM CST
We're keeping you and your family in our prayers daily. I know your Mom and Dad are looking forward to seeing you soon. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@mchsi.com>
Rochester, MN USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:03 PM CST
I haven't signed in for quite a while, but wanted you to know that I am still checking on you and praying for you and your family. I hope your pain is being managed, and relieved. I think of all of you often, and will continue to pray for you.

Shelly Joseph <shellyjoseph@charter.net>
Rochester, MN - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:52 PM CST
I pray that you are having a better week with some pain relief. On Sunday, as I was feeding my sweet baby, CMT was on. The song "What if she's an angel" was on and so many times I have thought of you and that song. I was praying for you and there it was..."what if she's an angel sent here from heaven." I know that is you...your faith and strength are so inspiring to me and so many else. Your are an amazing woman Lynn!! I will continue to pray for pain relief and that the chemo is doing its job and killing your ugly cancer. You are an angel to so many and there are so many of us that have never even met you! Sweet dreams and sleep tight tonight..tomorrow is another beautiful day! Looking Right, Love Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, m - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:27 PM CST
Dear Lynn and family,

I have loved this anonymous quote for many, many years and I wanted to share it with you and your many supporters on this website.

"There's a destiny that makes us brothers,
None goes his way alone.
All that we send into the lives of others
Comes back into our own."

I think this speaks volumes about how much love and support you have from people all over the country...some who know you well..some you've never met (like me)...and many who read your site and do not ever post, but they are "there" in "angel suits" praying and pulling for you. I hope this gives you comfort on the bad days...and smiles on the 'better' days....you have touched so very many lives by your spirit and your will to fight to live and to continue to fight to live each day until your cancer is GONE!!! I pray for you everyday, and I am touched by your spirit.

You know I love Holly and her family very much, and because of their love, I really do feel the pain that surrounds you all. No, I do not physically feel that pain, but my "heart feels it"....KNOW that...and KNOW that there is someone in Virginia who thinks of you each day.

Continue to LOOK RIGHT...have faith, and hold God's hand every day.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:13 PM CST
Sweet Lynn

I'm so sorry I haven't posted or chatted with you in awhile. I met your sweet friend Lori Haney today for the first time at the book fair. She told me how she helped decorate your home for the holidays and I just couldn't wait to get home and let you know that I'm thinking of you.

I also wanted to thank you for letting us take Taylor to the Fashion Show and to the Bowling night - she is such a joy to have around and the sound of her and Emily laughing warms my heart. Emily saw your tree up Friday night when she brought Taylor home and she told me how beautiful it was and asked if we could get our tree up too - so sure enough - up it went on Saturday!:)

Taylor and Sydney enjoyed being together at the Birthday Table today. They "directed" the third grade as Happy Birthday was sung to them!

I pray that this awful pain gets under control and you can enjoy some precious family time next week over the Thanksgiving holiday!

Much Love Always!


Kathy <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 3:09 PM CST
Lynn-You've been on my mind lately and I wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.
Much Love- Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:41 PM CST
Thinking of you Lynn. Praying your pain is better and that you are able to enjoy hugs from your kids, Dave, and other loved ones. I'm sending a HUGE HUG from New Hope, MN as well as lots of prayers and well wishes. Always LOOKING RIGHT for you, because of you, and with you. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:13 PM CST
Good Morning! Sometimes it is so hard to findt the 'right' words. As you, Lynn, so often say, "there are no words..." So I like to take my words from others.


One step at a time my friend!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:38 AM CST
Wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you this evening and hoping you are resting peacefully, free of pain. It has been awhile since I've seen your sweet little face and I cant wait to see it again. I will take you to my dreams this evening where "Anything and Everything" is possible. Keep Dreaming and Fighting and know you are always in my heart.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, November 15, 2006 0:16 AM CST
Lynn.... not much new here...just busy with work... and getting ready to come into the holiday season... Christmas is coming... and Oh!what joy.. the trees, the ornaments, the food, etc.... but it's sooo much more than that... it's when Jesus was born... the Son that was given for us... do you feel Him Lynn?? Jesus is with you... keep praying... keep Him in your heart... dig deep into the Bible.. sometimes... that's the only answer... to trust God.. and His promises... and His will.... Stay strongin your faith Lynn... you are an amazing woman, mother, wife and friend... sending love, hugs, kisses, and prayers to you... Love Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 2:24 PM CST
Lynn, I thought of you Sunday when we sang this song at church. I said a prayer for you right then. You have shown that no matter what you trust God to lead you. I am sure when things aren't going how you would hope, it's easy to wonder where God is leading you. You have remained in my prayers and I hope you can hold strong while God leads you down this difficult path. I pray that so soon, God will lead back to perfect health and that you can enjoy every moment with your precious kids and loving husband -- pain free!

He Leadeth Me

He leadeth me, O blessed thought, O words with heavenly comfort fraught, what e'er I do where'er I be, still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.

He leadeth me, he leadeth me, by his own hand he leadeth me; his faithful follower I would be, for by his hand he leadeth me.

Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom, sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, by waters still o'er troubled sea, still tis God's hand that leadeth me.

Lord, I would place my hand in thine , nor ever murmer nor repine, content whatever lot I see since tis God's hand that leadeth me.

And when my task on earth is done, when by thy grace the victory's won, e'en death's cold wave I will not flee, since God through Jordon leadeth me.

Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 1:14 PM CST
Hi Lynn~
I am praying for you. I believe that all will be okay! Your cardinal story reminded me of my encounters with the beautiful bird. First, it was this summer while I was nannying and I was sitting on the back porch in mid-afternoon.I was enjoying the sun and the peacefulness of nature. I was facing the woods that line the backyard and a cardinal appeared. It was so beautiful. I suddenly felt comfort that everything would be okay.
Also, it was about 3 weeks ago and I was walking home from class on a path surrounded by woods. Once again, a cardinal appeared! It was amazing. I was once again reminded that everything will be okay!! Keep fighting girl! We all love you very much!

Kelsey Berg <kelsey.berg@uwrf.edu>
- Tuesday, November 14, 2006 12:05 AM CST

Just stopping by to let you know that you are LOVED so completely by ALL of us. We're praying so hard for you--- because of you. I almost hate to say the following, but it's true. Your experience has helped my prayer life. Because of you I go to the Lord more often in prayer to thank Him for the blessings in my own life that I more clearly recognize because of your journey. I go to him beckoning relief for you and others often. You are amazing and your journey inspires so many--I just pray that you will claim victory soon so that you can get back to the more simplistic things in life. I want you to know how you have affected me in such a positive way--a deeper, more personal relationship with Christ our Lord. How awesome is that?

Wishing you blessings in abundance!

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:31 AM CST
Lynn, I don't have the "right" words for you.....however, I am continually praying for you and yours. You are always on my mind, reminding me to thank God and remember Him in all I do. Thank you for the love you share with all of us and the lessons you spread.......
With love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:05 AM CST
Thoughts and prayers for you today, Lynn. Many hugs...
Kathy Mecom <kcmecom@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:47 AM CST
Thinking of you!! We have been praying for you and to have this neverending journey stop soon so you can get back to the simple things in life. You are a true inspiration to the rest of us. Stay strong Lynn. Keep Looking RIGHT!! The snow started up here in Minnesota and and I keep thinking of all the wonders of God and that he looking over us. The snow is so white and pure and we see that in what he does. He knows how hard this is and he's on your side. Don't forget he didn't do this to you...It is now when he is caring you through life.
Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:56 AM CST

Not one day goes by that I do not stop & think of you... My hope is your pain has subsided!! Continued prayers...

Love from Chilly Chicago,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:23 AM CST
Isn't is great to be surrounded by so much love!? Yes, one of your friends wrote how the four of you (Holly, Jenny, Kathy, and you) are like sisters. Yes, I can indeed feel that love all the way from New Hope, MN! You are surrounded by so much love because you are filled with so much love. You LOVE all time and it comes right back to you. Your LOOKING RIGHT message is molded into so many of our hearts and souls. I am a better wife, mother, sister, friend, and loved one because of you Lynn. Praying hard that today your pain is lessoned and that you can enjoy the hugs from your loved ones in Texas. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:50 AM CST
Thinking of you first thing this morning and praying for you!

Twinsburg, OH USA - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:33 AM CST
Hi, Lynn!
We missed you so much at the retreat last week-end. In a way, it felt as though you were there. You were included in EVERY small group discussion and prayer time. You were lifted up so many times. You, Jenny, Holly and Kathy are like sisters...with Christ right in the middle of your relationship. How amazing and beautiful!

Your Hicks family loves you so very much, Lynn. We will always be praying, hoping and KNOWING that God is holding you tightly, loving you completely, and protecting you and your beautiful family. WE LOVE YOU!!!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:30 AM CST
I'm sorry I haven't posted - but like Holly, I am trying to find the right words. I finally figured out that the right words are what is in my heart -- and it aches. I want to be positive for you since I can not even imagine what you are going through and yet you do it with such grace and class - as you always have. I sit here with tears that you are in pain, I feel for Dave, the kids, the In-loves, your parents, Holly and all those that see you and watch your pain. All I can say is I love you, I pray for you and this SUCKS -- I just want this pain to cease for you. Lynn ~ you are beautiful inside and out, you touch so many lives and inspire so many people, keep fighting and I will keep praying for you all. Sorry to be a downer but just know I love ya and miss ya!! Take care and keep fighting!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, November 13, 2006 11:18 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
I am hoping and praying that your pain has subsided. I think about you often and wish I could help more. Fortunately, you are so blessed with wonderful friends and family. Take care and lots of prayers being said for you...XO- Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, November 13, 2006 7:22 PM CST

This morning when I wakened
And saw the sun above,
I softly said, "Good morning, Lord,
Bless everyone I love."
Right away I thought of you
And said a loving prayer,
That He would bless you specially,
And keep you free from care.
I thought of all the happiness
A day could hold in store,
I wished it all for you because
No one deserves it more.
I felt so warm and good inside,
My heart was all aglow.
I know God heard my prayers for you,
He hears them all, you know.

Looking RIGHT because of you & for you!!!!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, November 13, 2006 2:30 PM CST
I continue to pray for you daily. My heart aches to know how much pain you have been in! You continue to inspire and lift us up through your brave journey! You have made such a difference in complete strangers lives-like me!!
Holly-thanks for the updates!!!
Praying for immediate pain relief and your complete healing here on Earth!!!
With Love-Brooke

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Monday, November 13, 2006 10:46 AM CST
Hoping the pain is better and that you got to enjoy your family/friends this weekend. You are loved so much!!!!! Thank you for your LOOKING RIGHT message as it is a part of my heart forever (and so many others). I pray so hard that today is a better day for you. Know there are so many of us out there praying for you, thinking of you, and LOOKING RIGHT because of you! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, November 13, 2006 8:10 AM CST
good morning Lynn..... thinking of you this am.... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, November 13, 2006 8:08 AM CST
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting -- a wayside sacrament.
Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, November 13, 2006 6:43 AM CST
Lynn - Thinking of you and praying for pain relief for you.
You are loved by so many people and we know your strength and faith will help you beat this. Continue to stay strong and spiritual.

Minal Cordero <cordero,mm@pg.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:43 PM CST
Thinking of you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:47 PM CST
Thinking and praying for you tonight. May God ease your pain. Keep fighting Lynn!!! We love you :o]] Tami
tami alsaffar <alsaffar32@yahoo.com>
denver, co usa - Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:02 PM CST
Hoping all the prayers for pain relief has occured for you Lynn. You are in my thoughts so much and always in my prayers. Hugs your kiddos and Dave as much as you can today because really, they are the best medicine around! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, November 12, 2006 1:40 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
I want to first thank Holly for her update. We are all so concerned about you, and it is good to know exactly what to pray for. Lynn, you are sooooo amazing and faithful, a true testimony to everyone reading your journal. I pray that this weekend offered some pain relief so that you could enjoy your wonderful family. Lots of love and hugs, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, November 12, 2006 1:14 AM CST
Praying for some pain relief and a good night of sleep! You are such a stong woman and an amazing fighter, I just wish this pain would get out of your way too. I pray you had a day full of hugs from your adorable kiddos and the same for tomorrow. Keep up the FIGHT and know so many people love you!!

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:43 PM CST
Looking Right with you, for you, and because of you Lynn. I love you my friend. :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, November 11, 2006 4:05 PM CST
You don't know me, but I lead the prayer ministry at our Bible Fellowship class at Prestonwood, and I update our prayer journal with your updates from your journal. Knowing the Cardinal story, to hear that you got another sign from God with a cardinal thrilled me as much as you. It confirms that He has heard our prayers of faith and is so right there with you. I believe you are healed and I pray that your body will realize it. Thank you for sharing the cardinal story. I pray for you every single day, and I will pray this through to see God's miracle.
Ann Noble <noblero@msn.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, November 11, 2006 2:34 PM CST
Wow, Lynn, you are an amazing woman with all you are dealing with. I keep you in my prayers and thoughts, along with your beautiful kids and husband.
Chino, CA usa - Saturday, November 11, 2006 2:02 PM CST
I just wanted to let you know that your Prayor Warriors at school are thinking of you. Through God all things are possible and we will continue to pray for healing. HUGS from us all.

Kendra Kerley <kerley1@airmail.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, November 10, 2006 9:43 PM CST
Thinking of you Lynn. You are loved so much! :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, November 10, 2006 9:14 PM CST
I came back to your site this afternoon with a confession, Lynn. I had a "grumbling" day today, out of sorts and unhappy with just about everything, a long "to do" list, and a bunch of doctor appointments and my regular radiation treatment to boot. I was not a pleasant person to be around (just ask the poor insurance person at the cancer center!) to say the least.

Lo and behold, my last appointment of the afternoon was with Dr. Stokoe. Just being there in his office reminded me of you and of your suffering, and it hit me square in the face that I am SO incredibly lucky and that I have NOTHING to grumble about!!! God immediately took hold of my selfish thoughts and redirected my grumbling to prayer - for you and for others sitting there in that cancer center who are searching for pain relief, vaccines, ANSWERS, a cure, restored health, PEACE.

Ultimately I spent a good deal of my late afternoon seeking forgiveness for my own grumbling and foul mood, praying for YOU and those others, and praising God for the gift of good health, good friends, and HIS LOVE AND GRACE!

I just wanted to let you know the way that God worked on my heart this afternoon and that YOU are on my mind and in my thoughts. I hope and pray you have a better weekend, dear one.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, November 10, 2006 7:01 PM CST

My heart aches at the thought of the pain you are in.
It has been so long since you have been without pain as your constant companion.

It seems as if the heavens are silent and yet the WORD says he hears our every prayer.

So we all continue to pray, to cry out to a God that is bigger than any disease. I pray that relief is just around the corner!

Hang on to HOPE!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Friday, November 10, 2006 6:31 PM CST
Thank you for your postings, Lynn & Holly! I was driving to work this morning (way before I read them) and a red male cardinal flew right in front of my car - right here on the Big Island of Hawaii! I thought immediately of you, Lynn, and said what Holly said, that God was telling me that everything's going to be alright. To me it was a sign that God is reminding us that He is intimately involved with this journey and in control! Sending prayers for total healing and pain removal for Lynn and peace for her, her family, and everyone who is on Lynn's journey with her (including all of us cyberspace prayer warriors). Love you both & thanks again so much for posting, Barbara
PS I pray your arm is not broken, Lynn, and that any damage done by your fall will heal immediately!

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, November 10, 2006 5:08 PM CST
Prayers and thoughts sent your way my friend. Any more Cardinal sightings lately? God is watching over you, that I know for sure. LOOKING RIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, November 10, 2006 2:43 PM CST
Oh precious Lynn, you are in my prayers.
Spring, TX - Friday, November 10, 2006 2:40 PM CST
I am not always the best about signing the guest book, but that does not mean that my thoughts are not with you. I check with the sight daily to see if there is a new post and I keep up through Holly. I pray constantly for you and your family that we can find strength, purpose and understanding of God's plan for all of us. I just wanted you to know how much we think of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Jerri and Family

Jerri Hill <mxjxhill@msn.com>
- Friday, November 10, 2006 1:36 PM CST

Psalm 116: 1-2 "I love the Lord because He hears my prayers and answers them. Because He bends down and listens. I will pray as long as I breathe."

Keeping you in my prayers!!

Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Friday, November 10, 2006 12:38 AM CST
Lynn.... as I scroll down this list of guest book entries... I am so filled with joy to know how many people are thinking of you, praying for you, and love you..... this journey is difficult, I can't even imagine what you go through on a daily basis, but I do know that it's so cool...how many people you have touched... I mean just think.... complete strangers.... sending your message onto more complete strangers... they follow your story... they pray for you..... I think your journey will be quite the story to tell... and I hope that some day soon... you can help other young woman going through breast cancer... find strength and hope and most of all grow with their love to God.... I wish so much for you that this cancer will be gone... and that this terrible pain will go away but more than anything... keep remembering Jesus LOVES You!!! and that's a pretty spectacular thing.... sending you big hugs... and kisses for your arm..... love Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, November 10, 2006 10:57 AM CST
Bless you all! Thank you for the update!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, November 10, 2006 10:16 AM CST
Once again, there are no words that accurately describe the feelings deep in my heart as I read Holly's update. I am devastated to learn of your difficult days, and I am praying harder than ever for pain relief and for your complete earthly healing. I'm so very sorry, Lynn, no one should have to endure the pain and suffering you have experienced. I hope and pray your weekend will be better.

Keep your eyes on the Lord, Lynn, He will NEVER forsake you.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, November 10, 2006 10:00 AM CST
Praying for you, Lynn. We love you!!!
Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Friday, November 10, 2006 9:53 AM CST
Sweet Lynn,
Praying harder than ever for you...for pain free days, peaceful rest and sweet time with your children. I'm so thankful you are surrounded by so many wonderful friends and neighbors. You are so loved!!

Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Friday, November 10, 2006 9:36 AM CST
Thank you for the update Holly. Lynn, you will be missed, thought of and prayed for all weekend. I pray that God will give "the girls" exactly what they need this weekend to come back rejuvenated, armed and ready to continue this journey with you. I pray that he will speak words of peace, faith, hope and joy that can be brought back and shared with you. You are so loved Lynn. Looking Right! Pattie
- Friday, November 10, 2006 8:50 AM CST
Looking Right because of you, with you, and most importantly for you! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usah - Friday, November 10, 2006 8:44 AM CST
Dear Lynn - I am praying very strong for you! As one Lynne (me) to you Lynn; and as a mom of an older daughter/younger son; and as a wife to a very wonderful husband (both of us!!!); and as a child, daughter, sister, friend in the Kingdom of God, I continue to pray in a huge way for you! I'm right now claiming victory over your pain. I praise God for the amazing family and friends who surround you. Take care and Be Strong!, dear wife, mother, daughter, and friend to so many! Much love.
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:58 PM CST
I continue to pray DAILY for this sweet family of yours Lynne! I love your sweet spirit and it seems to shine through your children as well! Bless them and Dave too!

Michele Bowerss
Salem, OR USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:28 PM CST
Thank you for the update Holly. Love the God winks! Oh Lord, keep them coming. :)

Lynn, my prayer for you tonight:

Love you Lynn! Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:21 PM CST
"Cyber stalker 3,000" stopping by to let you know I love you and am praying for you.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx 75024 - Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:29 PM CST
Hi Lynn! I hope you pain is managable today and you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather. Hope all is well with the addition/transition of May-Ling to your family. I pray she brings you relief from day to day worries. I pray for you every day and thank God for friends like Holly that is kind enough to dictate your words to keep us all informed. Her words, your words, your faith- brings tears to my eyes. Keep fighting, we're all with you!
christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
- Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:11 PM CST
Thinking of you. I hope you have sweet peaceful dreams tonight.
I want to show you some pics from the 3Day Walk. There were so many beautiful inspiring womem who have beat this nasty cancer just like you will. Keep pushing toward the finish line. I know you will succeed!

Lots of hugs and prayers,

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:00 PM CST

I'm thinking of you tonight and hoping that at this very moment, you are not feeling any pain and that you are enjoying your precious kiddos and sweet husband. There are legions of us that love you and want the absolute best for you. I'm praying that you have sweet rest tonight and that tomorrow will be full of blessings for your sweet soul.

God hears you and knows your every need.

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:48 PM CST
Sending lots of good thoughts, prayers, and love to you Lynn. May our good Lord bring you peace tonight and ease your pain. We're all in this with you no matter where we live, no matter how many millions separate us, as we are all connected to you with our hearts. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, November 9, 2006 8:40 PM CST
Just want you to know that I'm thinking of you right now!!
Looking RIGHT for you!!!!
Praying for ALL of you!!!!
Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 2:40 PM CST
Just checking in to say you are loved by so many; infinity really! Sending hugs, prayers, and happy thoughts your way. :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:44 AM CST
Sending hugs, prayers, and HOPE!

Praying for an update soon and some good news!

I think of you so many times throughout the day!

I was in Dallas for the last couple of days and was in that

wonderfully new and CLEAN Walmart by the Shops at Willow

Bend, when I

thought how much I would love to turn up an aisle and see

you! Even though we have never met face to face, I just

know that I would know you. I look forward to that day we

can finally meet and CELEBRATE!

Much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:41 AM CST
Hoping to hear very soon that you're doing fantastic and feeling great ... I'm BELIEVING that with all my heart ... GOD is the GREAT PHYSICIAN and He is still in the HEALING BUSINESS!!! I know He is hearing our prayers! To Him be all the praise and glory for the mighty works He has done through YOU, Lynn!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:32 AM CST
Thinking of you today, Lynn...and wishing you a good one!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Thursday, November 9, 2006 10:27 AM CST
Praying for you today! Hoping no news is good news!

Spring, TX - Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:30 AM CST
Good Morning, Lynn. I have been thinking about you so much lately and wanted you to know that you are such an inspiration to me. You have fought this fight for such a long time and I can't even begin to imagine how draining it is both physically and emotionally. I'm not sure where you are in this journey presently but I do know this - God is with you every step of the way. You are such a good and faithful servant to him and he loves you and has his arms wrapped around you every minute of the day. I will never understand here on earth the "whys" to all of this but I do know that lives have been changed not because of the journey but because of the unwavering faith that you have shown through it all.
I so miss hearing your precious words but appreciate the updates from your close friends. Your friends, family and your cyber-followers are truly blessed because of you! Keep Looking Right, Lynn.
I pray so hard that the pain will go away, that you will have the strength to keep fighting and that God will provide the miracle that you need and rid your body of this cancer for good. You are so loved by so many Lynn Newman and I hope that you never doubt that for one second. ~Pattie

- Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:27 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
Thinking of you and praying for you today.

Kristi Lupe <kristi.lupe@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:57 AM CST
Praying for a painfree, peaceful, fun day for you!

God bless you and keep you!

You were in my thoughts and prayers each day of the 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk in Dallas last week. The Dallas Walk alone raised 6.1 million dollars! If the women on The Walk are any indication, breast cancer will soon be eradicated due to their incredible commitment towards this goal!!! Yay!!!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:15 AM CST
Thinking of you this morning! You can do this!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:36 AM CST
PRAYING and THINKING OF YOU all the time. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, November 9, 2006 6:08 AM CST
You are loved, gal.
Jami Jensen <jamipaul@msn.com>
Littleton, CO - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 9:50 PM CST
Just checking in on you for the 3rd time today, so 3 TOTAL stops to my day for your prayers, plus countless other thoughts and prayers as I kept moving along in the day. Like everyone else... praying no news means good news. I pray that you are finding the strength to keep up your powerful FIGHT and the pain is not getting you too far down both physically and mentally!! You are such an insperation.... Keep on fighting!!! Love to your family too. Beth (Cyber Stalker #14095)

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:57 PM CST
I was flipping through channels on TV last night and I came across The 700 Club just as they were starting to pray. I felt this sensation to stay and pray with them. They prayed for many people and then they said there is someone fighting breast cancer and they know that it's be hard but things are working and the spot is going down so it won't be much longer. I prayed so hard that I just couldn't stop. That prayer is for you Lynn. Not much longer!! You can do this! Keep LOOKING Right!!
FYI: The 700 Club is on the ABC Family channel at 10:00 CST; if your looking for something inspirational.
Hang in there...Love Holly M

Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:39 PM CST
Praying-praying-praying...for you and your family.
Hoping no news is good news.

Jenny Rau <jmbr211@yahoo.com>
Prosper, TX - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 7:26 PM CST
Lynn --

Stopping in to remind you of how much you are loved and the constant prayers that are flowing for you - pain relief, family togetherness, strength for this fight.

Love you - keep looking right!


Deb Klein <deborah.klein@allina.com>
Saint Paul, MN - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 4:37 PM CST
Cyber stalker #2690 reporting for duty. Praying no news is good news.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 4:00 PM CST
Just checking in to see if there is an update. I too am hoping that no news is good news. Looking Right. Pattie
- Wednesday, November 8, 2006 3:52 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
We are all saying lots of prayers for you girlfriend. Here is hoping that no news is good news. Praying for pain-free days...keep up the fight Lynn! Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 12:29 AM CST
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
Hoping and praying you are feeling well today, Lynn.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 10:31 AM CST
I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your fast recovery. I have not seen a post lately and pray that this means no news is good news. You are a true inspiration to us all and a true blessing.
Covington, GA USA - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 9:29 AM CST
Thinking and praying for you in Virginia....I pray for healing, comfort, the absence of pain, and JOY in the knowledge that you are loved by so many caring folks! KEEP ON LOOKING RIGHT!!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:25 AM CST
I am thinking, praying and hoping that today is a brighter day!!! You can do this!!!!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:13 AM CST
You are constantly in my thoughts and ALWAYS in my prayers. Hoping no news is good news Lynn. You can do this Lynn. You can beat this cancer. Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:01 AM CST
Thinking of you, Lynn.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, November 8, 2006 7:37 AM CST
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School
British politician (1874 - 1965)

Cancer is the enemy. Keep up the good fight!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 6:43 AM CST
Cyber Stalker # 14095 checking in again today. Have a restful night!!
Love Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:31 PM CST

Thinking of you with hopes your pain has subsided. You are in my prayers!!



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:54 PM CST

Thinking of you and sending all my love. Wishing for your comfort and peace. Know that you are close to my heart and I think of you often. Enjoy the "Nice" fall days, looking forward to seeing you out in them soon. :)

Love Always,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 7:39 PM CST
An after work check in.....Hope you are OK! Hang in thre friend!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 6:34 PM CST
Thinking of you and hoping God shines his painfree light on you!!
Proud Cyberstalker!!!

Jenny Rau <jmbr211@yahoo.com>
Prosper, TX - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 6:06 PM CST
Thinking of you so much. Running shoes literally on my friend. It is taking this old bod much longer to get into shape than anticipated. However, I am not giving up and my inspiration is all because of you! Love ya lots!!!!! Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:34 PM CST
thinking of you
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:10 AM CST
Good morning, Lynn. Just a little reminder that you are loved and being prayed for by so many from all over. I pray that the pain is easing up since the last update. Keep fighting girl! You are a child of God and he loves you!
- Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:13 AM CST
Good Morning Lynn,
Just checking in, thinking and praying for you. I hope the pain has lessened. Keep up the good FIGHT!

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:13 AM CST


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:13 AM CST
Good Morning Lynn, I hope your pain has lessened and I hope you know how many people are praying for you.
Looking right for you as always!!!
Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:11 AM CST
Looking Right Lynn. Praying hard you are receiving the pain relief you so desparately need. Keeping the faith alive from New Hope, MN! :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 7:37 AM CST
Good Morning! Just stopping in to let you know that my 'running shoes' are on for you!
FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Find your stride and keep fighting!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, November 7, 2006 6:27 AM CST
Lynn, we are praying for you and your darling family. It sounds like HELP is on the way. We will pray hard that she arrives as planned.
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Monday, November 6, 2006 9:35 PM CST
Beautiful Lynn,
My hope and prayer for you daily is that you KNOW how very much you are loved! You are ALWAYS covered in prayer, and ALWAYS held tightly and closely by the God who created you. Never, even for a moment would He leave you...He is right there to carry you through.
I love you forever,

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Monday, November 6, 2006 7:54 PM CST
Yep, I'm still a cyber stalker for you Lynn. Kids are busy with homework so I am sneaking away to say hello. However, Mary is yelling for me already. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, November 6, 2006 4:42 PM CST
Signing in again to say hello and wish you a pain-free day. Keep up the fight Lynn, you can do it!!!! Love, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, November 6, 2006 2:17 PM CST
Stopping in to say hello and see if there is a new update this morning. Please let us know specifics for prayer, in addition to pain relief which we will not stop praying for!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, November 6, 2006 11:05 AM CST
Good morning Lynn! Hope you had a restful, pain managed weekend. I've experienced a lot of "God winks" lately and each time, it reminds me to pray for you. Thank you so much for your courage, your faith and your friendship. Wish I could be closer to be able to help -- or just hang out for the day and chat! Miss you. Hang in there and FIGHT :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, November 6, 2006 9:26 AM CST
We are really hoping and praying that things are going ok. Stay strong Lynn, you can get through this.
Keep LOOKING Right!

Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Monday, November 6, 2006 8:03 AM CST
If He brings you to it, He'll get you through it. Great words about our good Lord. Hoping this message finds you with less pain my friend. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, November 6, 2006 7:48 AM CST
"...Doing your best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." Oprah
Just keep doing your best. Whatever your best is! Thinking of you! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, November 6, 2006 6:37 AM CST
I was just reading in my bible and read James 5.15-16. I pray for your healing from your pain and ask God to return you to your healthy self. May God bless you through those scriptures and heal you from your sickness and pain. I ask this in the name of the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. God bless you. Kevin
Kevin Walukas <medikkev@aol.com>
Canton, Tx usa - Monday, November 6, 2006 1:01 AM CST
I will be praying for you as soon as I can hit my knees after writing this. I think of you often and pray for you as much. May God bless you and your family and help you through this. Seems like a little thing if you read the words but it is from the heart and through a loving God. God Bless. Kevin
Kevin <medikkev@aol.com>
Canton, Tx USA - Monday, November 6, 2006 0:21 AM CST

You have an army of prayer warriors! Keep fighting!

Praying you will get pain relief THIS WEEK.....

We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love. "
1 Corinthians 13:12-13
The Message


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Sunday, November 5, 2006 9:16 PM CST

KEEP FIGHTING! God hears you. He knows your every need and He has a purpose for every challenge, every setback, every victory, every loss. He knows your heart and He has your name written on His hand. His love is everlasting and He holds you so dear.

YOU are so loved by us all and your family is ever present in our hearts. We are praying oh so hard that your pain will subside, that you will be healed completely, that you will have many "God winks" this week in your journey.

Love you,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX USA - Sunday, November 5, 2006 8:57 PM CST
I hope your pain is lessening, and you managed to have a nice weekend with your family. I am praying so many times a day for your pain-relief. Wish like everyone that there would be something that I could physically do also, but being so far away I will stick with the praying and the positive thoughts. I hope you have a restful night!

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Sunday, November 5, 2006 7:54 PM CST
Praying for pain relief for you Lynn is on the top of my priority list for God today, yesterday, and until you get it. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, November 5, 2006 1:41 PM CST
Just wanted you to know that there are so many of us lifting you up in prayer today. I pray for pain free days and sweet time with your beautiful children and husband.

Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Sunday, November 5, 2006 11:25 AM CST
Praying hard at this very moment for pain relief. I'm so sorry that you are having to endure this. I wish I knew how to help or what to say, my heart is just aching for you. Please know that the pleas on your behalf by your prayer warriors will not let up, that you are being continuously covered in prayer.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, November 5, 2006 11:17 AM CST
Sweet Lynn,
I am thinking of you today and every day. I hope that the pain has subsided and you are enjoying a nice weekend. I am so sad to read that you spoke with Julie recently and the pain was still so high. I am hoping that means the chemo is doing its job. I wish there was something I could do for you, Lynn.
Hang in there. Brighter days are ahead...I just know it.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, November 5, 2006 8:57 AM CST
I will pray for you many many times today for pain relief and time with your beautiful family.

God bless you!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Sunday, November 5, 2006 8:28 AM CST
Hi Lynn,
(yes, I say that like we are best friends???) I just popped in to check on you and sounds like the pain is just relentltess.I must say I wish I had great suggestions for you - there has to be something? I will pray you have some relief. sending my thoughts and prayers and strength your way, hope some of the weekeng IS GREAT!

andrea -a faithful cyber stalker
tempe, az - Saturday, November 4, 2006 10:13 PM CST
Hi Lynn-
Julie just phoned me and told me that you two talked on the phone today. I know you are needing extra prayers this weekend for pain relief. It really breaks my heart (and Julie's) to hear that you are still having soooo much pain. I pray that there will be a pain "break-through" this weekend, so that you can enjoy your time with your family. We all love and pray for you. XO- Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Saturday, November 4, 2006 9:03 PM CST
Praying extra hard for a weekend free of pain for you, Lynn! I hope you can feel all the love your "fans" are sending your way, like giant bear hugs enveloping you and holding you up. Have a very special weekend enjoying your family!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Saturday, November 4, 2006 9:51 AM CST
Good Morning Lynn! I hope you get to enjoy some pain free time this weekend with your family. Much love, thoughts and prayers coming your way.
Stephanie Linehan <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, November 4, 2006 9:50 AM CST
Good morning, Lynn. I've been out walking this morning and having a talk with God about you. I pray that this day will be a joyful one for you and with very little pain. You, your family and your closest friends are heavy on my heart today and I just lift you all up in prayer.
Looking Right ~ Pattie

- Saturday, November 4, 2006 8:19 AM CST
Happy Saturday morning my friend. Already stormed heaven for you and it's barely 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning. The kids rarely sleep in when they can. Go figure!

Praying hard for pain relief for you. Hoping all the prayers are working. LOOK RIGHT my friend, LOOK RIGHT.

Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, November 4, 2006 6:36 AM CST
Hello from Minnesota!We are all thinking of you and praying for you Lynn. Hope this post finds you better and enjoying your family and friends. God give you the endurance you need to beat this cancer. We love you.
God's peace,

LAJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, November 4, 2006 0:36 AM CST
Just checking in to say hello. Wearing your bracelet with pride daily (all the time in fact). Today, a friend reminded me of your message when I was having a hard day. You continue to touch me and so many others on a daily basis. I pray so hard that the pain has eased my dear sweet friend Lynn. Please know you are the first person I pray for when I wake up in the morning and the last person I pray for when I go to sleep at night. Hang in there Lynn. Brighter days are ahead. :) Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, November 3, 2006 8:08 PM CST
Friendly Friday night cyber stalker! You are on my mind. Know that you are in our hearts! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, November 3, 2006 6:30 PM CST
Lynn and family-
If I told you the number of times I have gone into your website to see if there has been an update-I WOULD be arrested. So, I hope you know that this means I have thought of you 2456987 times since the last update! I convert those times into prayers and blessings to you and yours.
Jennifer, Meredith and Emily

Jennifer Havens Heston <jhavens-heston@comcast.net>
Grapevine, TX - Friday, November 3, 2006 5:10 PM CST
Hi Lynn,
I've been gone for awhile and out of touch, but want you to know that I never went a day without thinking and praying for you. It seems you need lots more prayers for continued pain relief, so that will have to be my number one request. Also, praying for your healing, peace, and comfort for you and your family. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, November 3, 2006 3:15 PM CST
thinking of you.....sending prayers your way
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, November 3, 2006 11:06 AM CST
Thinking of you often and praying for that pain relief that you so need.
In Christ, Pattie

- Friday, November 3, 2006 8:44 AM CST
Thanks for note Holly. Looking forward to an update.

Praying hard for pain relief for you my sweet friend. I'm so sorry that the pain is so bad again. I hope the old saying is true "FRIENDS DIVIDE THE PAIN AND DOUBLE THE JOY." We are all storming heaven for you. Running shoes literally on for you Lynn. You have hit the hardest point in your run and once you turn the corner, the pain will ease up and you can start to run downhill. Keep LOOKING RIGHT and ahead at brighter days without pain. KEEPING THE FAITH ALIVE from NEW HOPE, MN! Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, November 3, 2006 8:18 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
Praying for pain relief!!!!
Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, November 3, 2006 8:14 AM CST
Hi Everyone,
Jenny or I will post soon for Lynn. Thank you for all your encouraging entries.
Keep praying for pain relief!

Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Friday, November 3, 2006 7:24 AM CST
Dear Butt,

Good morning to you. It's the middle of the night here on the island. I woke up thinking of you. I miss you very much. You have a wonderful day. It is ALOHA FRIDAY!


I love you,
Your Sister Terri

Teresa Greene <teresacgreene@hotmail.com>
Kailua Kona, Hawaii - Friday, November 3, 2006 5:45 AM CST
Dear Lynn and family,

I have been "absent" from the guestbook for several weeks while in CA taking care of my grand-girls while their parents went on an anniversary trip to Hawaii. There was not one day that I did not think of you and say a prayer for your healing. I am so very glad that "help" in the form of a "new family member" is on the way. Mayling will certainly join a wonderful family! One day we will meet and I will personally put my "hugging arms" around you!!! In the meantime, you keep your faith, your incredible spirit and will, and keep God close. My thoughts are with you.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Thursday, November 2, 2006 4:45 PM CST
Hugs, prayers and love sent your way!

Praying that you are getting some pain relief.

Praying that you know you are loved!

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Thursday, November 2, 2006 12:59 AM CST
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, November 2, 2006 8:29 AM CST
Woke up thinking about you and needed to check in. I hope you have a good day! Beth
beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Thursday, November 2, 2006 7:29 AM CST
My daughter Amy Jordan told me of your fight and I will be praying for your victory. God is able and so powerful to give you what you need. That is what I'll pray for and that you will have peace of mind and that He will take away your pain.
With love,
Kay Fowler

Kay Fowler <kaykgourds@yahoo.net>
Jal, NM USA - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:43 PM CST
Just wanted you to know that you are on my mind!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:02 PM CST
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you....
May you be content knowing you are a child of God...
Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:41 PM CST
Lynn... I am going to be up there this weekend... and I am hoping to pop in and see you if you are feeling ok.... what were Jacob & Taylor for Halloween? Tanner was a Star Wars guy and Logan a pirate... they had so much fun.... and lots of candy here.... what's your favorite? mine are the peanut butter cups and snickers...... they are divine.. haha... well I hope you are doing ok..... and the chemo is stomping out that mean mean cancer bug..... and that your pain is manageable and tolerable once in a while so you can enjoy the "little" things in life... hope you have a restful night... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 8:56 PM CST
Just checking in tonight to see if there was a new update. You're being thought of tonight!!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 7:49 PM CST
Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you Lynn! Praying for you always. Pattie
- Wednesday, November 1, 2006 6:33 PM CST
Lynn, I hope you were able to enjoy the Halloween excitement last night. Get's very busy and hyped up. It was wonderful to have a journal entry of your words. Your dear friends do a wonderful entry for you when you can't but reading your words was joyful. I continue to pray for you Lynn. You come to my mind many times and I pray that you are feeling pain relief and that the treatments are doing what needs to be done for your complete healing! God Bless you sweet Lynn.

Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 1:19 PM CST
Hi Lynn~
Hope you were able to enjoy watching your little ones get ready for Halloween and the best part of watching them sort all their loot when they get home! I had to take Parker to the doctor yesterday for a shot so we went out to lunch before I took him back to school. As I sat there listening to all his stories, I smiled and was so aware of that precious moment and even more so because of you. I pray you are able to have managed pain so you can share the special one on one time with your kiddos which is always the best medicine. I think and pray for you daily. Take care sweet friend!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:35 AM CST
Dear Lynn,
I can see every day the pain you endure struggling to do the simple things you so want to do for David, Taylor,Jacob and all those you love. Day after day-some things change but the ___ pain is always there. Just remember it is a privilege and a blessing for all of us who love you to pray for you and to help you in whatever way we are able. The words of this hymn never fail to encourage me,"O soul are you weary and troubled?No light in the darkness you see? There's light for a look at the Savior, And life more abundant and free! His word shall not fail you He promised;Believe Him and all will be well;Then go to a world that is dying,His perfect salvation to tell! Turn your eyes upon Jesus,Look full in His wonderful face,and the things of earth will grow stangely dim in the light of His glory and grace." And all God's children said,"AMEN." Dad Newman

Dean Newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
- Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:02 AM CST
Bon Jovi Lyrics

Welcome To Wherever You Are Lyrics

Maybe we're different, but we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You come between just who you are and who you wanna be

If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end

Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life, you made it this far
Welcome, you gotta believe
That right here right now, you're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome, to wherever you are

When everybody's in, and you're left out
And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt
Everyones a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say

When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's different
Just take a look around


Be who you want to, be who you are
Everyones a hero, everyones a star

When you wanna give up, and your hearts about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes


I listen to this song when the "running shoes are on...". I think of you! I think of all of us and how life changes.

Bless you my friend!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:05 PM CST
Happy Halloween friend! Remember that you are a fighter! You are strong even when you feel weak! You can do this! Yes you can! We are here for you!
I am at home handing out candy to trick-or-treaters....Darth, Woody and Buzz are out with Randy gathering more. I am trying not eat our entire stash! Nice mom huh!?!? OOH! Hoping that you are enjoying the joy in your children!
Love you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:58 PM CST

All I can say is "Amen" and "Amen" to every word that Kathy wrote! What a beautiful post. I think we all feel so inadequate to express our deep desire to see you totally healed to the Glory of God! What a testimony that will be and one so many can share!

I am borrowing these words from Beth Moore, who has such a way with words,

"I want you to know that He loves you so, Sweet One. Continue to trust Him. One day we will see Jesus face to face. His beauty, His stunning power, and His brilliant perfections will exceed everything our human minds contrived.

Much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 5:24 PM CST
Dear Lynn,
I'm praying for you and all your family. Keep strong!

Australia - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:24 PM CST
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God." Romans 8:26-27

As I was praying for you this morning, Lynn, I felt so inadequate and my words seemed so feeble. I want so much for your pain to subside, for your energy to increase, for you to be able to spend your days doing "mom stuff": volunteering, carpooling, play dates, all the routine things that we take for granted. I want you to be able to return to your time at the gym with friends, enjoying lunches out, SHOPPING, enjoying the wonderful fall Texas weather in the cul-de-sac with your buddies and your glass of wine. I want you to experience normalcy, even boredom(!), in your life. I want you to be completely HEALED of this cancer!!! Yet my words to the Lord, my pleadings on your behalf, seem so insignificant, so small, and I find myself not even knowing what to say.

It is those times of helplessness and frustration that the Holy Spirit truly does intercede on our behalf, taking our requests to the Almighty Father, interpreting our "groans" and searching our hearts for our desires. Thank God for that. When the words just won't come, God will know the innermost thoughts and desires of our hearts.

I am overwhelmed when I think of how many prayer warriors are interceding for you, Lynn. God is doing great and powerful acts through the witness of your courageous journey, His name is now being spoken by people who did not know Him because of you, when people share YOUR story they are telling HIS story. He has not abandoned you nor has He turned a deaf ear on the cries of His people. He IS hearing our pleas, and He WILL heal you, in His time and according to His plan! And how His children will rejoice and praise His name!!!!

You are loved, dear one. I've never had the privilege of seeing your face or hugging your neck, but you are a very important part of my daily life and my talks with the Lord. I thank God for opening my eyes to your witness, and I thank you for sharing your beauty and grace with the world!

Have a blessed day, Lynn.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 3:13 PM CST
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:09 AM CST
Hi Lynn
Just praying that the chemo drugs are doing their job - get get get that cancer outta there. Hope you are having some good moments

Rick <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:36 AM CST
Dear Lynn and family and friends, Always on our minds and always in our prayers. We will pray that your new friend,
Mayling,will be a blessing to your family. That she will
bring you comfort when you need it and be able to share in
your journey. So glad the kids got to help choose,that will make things easier when she moves in. We will pray for your pain to ease up and the doctors will be able to help you control it so that you are able to attend church and the kids's school functions when you want. We will pray that your chemo treatments are doing their job GETTING
RID OF THIS CANCER! We ask God to bless all those who have
been so generous with their time and their giving of meals
and whatever things that they have done to make your life easier during this trying time. It helps us(Minnesota relatives)to know that there are good people there doing the things we cannot do because we are so far away.
God Bless You!
God's Peace,Love from your MN aunts&uncles&GR&GR BERG

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Monday, October 30, 2006 10:16 PM CST
Hi, Lynn!
Just wanted to let you know that you are always in my prayers...always. Today was especially beautiful driving to work, since it was light outside. The trees are beginning to turn, and the pear trees on Legacy going toward Hicks are so wonderful! That's when I love to pray for you most, because I know you are so nearby! Taylor and Jacob look very, very happy at school. Life is good.
I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Monday, October 30, 2006 5:20 PM CST
Oh, it's just me again (your CYBER STALKER #2844). :) Hoping for a postitive update that your pain is now managed and you are again enjoying time with the kiddos.
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 30, 2006 4:06 PM CST
Hi Lynn, I do hope that your visit with your medical team last week shed some light on the pain issues, and hopefully a new tactic in handling it. As always, you're on my mind daily and I am looking forward to hearing that you've been feeling much better since last Monday. I reached my halfway point in my radiation treatment today - YIPPEE - and can't wait for it to be over, so I can only imagine how you must feel. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, Lynn, no matter how dark that tunnel must seem at times. Keep fighting and KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE LIGHT! You are one tough cookie, you can do this!

It is a joy to be one of thousands of people praying for you and your family. I pray that you feel the love and support of those thousands lifting you up today!!


Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, October 30, 2006 1:09 PM CST
Happy Monday morning my friend. Hope you had a nice weekend with the family and nearby friends. I sure hope your pain is better now. STORMING HEAVEN FOR YOU, WITH YOU, AND BECAUSE OF YOU! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 30, 2006 7:40 AM CST
Brand new day!
Hope it is a good one for you all. Always in my thoughts and prayers! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 30, 2006 6:06 AM CST
I just read "Hi butt" & got the biggest chuckle - some things never change - isn't that great!!!
I've been thinking of you as always, but just wanted to make sure you knew!!!
Hope your pain has eased over this past week. In my prayers as always!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
houston, TX USA - Sunday, October 29, 2006 3:05 PM CST
As Jill so often says, "FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!" Hoping/praying that the pain is better. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:22 PM CST
For some reason, I woke up with you on my mind this am. I wanted to let you know that you are being thought of and prayed for today. I hope your day is blessed.

Tracy Glover <greggandtracy@hotmail.com>
Arlington, TX USA - Sunday, October 29, 2006 9:55 AM CST
Lynn, I am praying for you. Praying for complete healing here on earth, praying for the pain to ease up, praying for protection of your family. I walked in the Susan Kohman Race for the Cure last Saturday and thought of you. It was an awesome sight and very moving to see everyone there and see the survivors. It was also sad to know why we were there. May God Bless You and your family. Keep fighting Lynn -
Sheri Ressman <jwrsvr66@msn.com>
Rowlett, TX - Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:00 AM CST
Prayers from all around the world are storming heaven for you Lynn. I just read about a parent of a friend of yours who lives in China has their church praying for you too. Lots of prayers continue to flow in from New Hope, MN. You can do this Lynn. There will be brighter and pain free days ahead. I too am a believer of your healing here on earth. KEEP THE FAITH! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, October 28, 2006 1:59 PM CDT
I missed seeing you at the Sock Hop last night. I hope you had a good week and you can have some good times this weekend, too.
Much love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, October 28, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Thinking and praying for you as always. I am thrilled to hear that you have found someone to help you in your home. How nice it was to involve your children in the decision making, b/c kids truly are the most honest ones in the world, and I believe that they know better than us at times. My heart continues to be heavy for you regarding the level of pain you are in. I so wish and pray that at least this could be lessened or completely eliminated for you. I know that curing this disease takes time and patience and prayer, I just hope that your discomfort could be controlled. Again, I cannot say it enough, you are AMAZING, COURAGEOUS and STRONG. You have taught some very valuable lessons to many of us, I hold these dear and close to my heart. Keep going, I fully believe in your healing here on Earth. You are doing His work, something that many of us will never accomplish. Continue to spread His word, b/c so many of us need the reminders. Thank you Lynn for all that your share.
Praying and with love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX USA - Saturday, October 28, 2006 8:41 AM CDT
Lynn - You and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Taylor's beautiful smile filled my heart tonight at the Sock Hop. I gave her a big hug & squeeze. I miss seeing you and I'm glad to hear you all have found a wonderful au pair to help out. Holly's recent entry lifted my spirits and I was happy to read about some special moments you enjoyed last week. I'm praying for pain relif for you. You are always in my thoughts & prayers.
Minal Cordero

Minal Cordero <cordero.mm@pg.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, October 27, 2006 11:51 PM CDT
thinking of you and yours....
Fight sister fight!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, October 27, 2006 7:36 PM CDT
Thinking of you today, and fervently praying for you to have a pain-free joy-filled weekend!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, October 27, 2006 6:17 PM CDT
Hello Lynn! I just noticed that my mom (Betty Siu) posted ... all the way from Macau, China! They are praying for you there at my dad's church, Sha Lei Tau Beptist Church. We continue to pray for you here, too, and hope that the pain management is successful. We're so glad you found an au pair and hope that she will provide everything your family needs. May God's blessings continue to pour on you. Andrew and Dave have been lamenting the Buffs together ... I know he is hopeful to get to visit with him again soon (but it won't be at a championship game, for sure!). Tell Dave, Taylor and Jacob hello from us. We love you dearly and miss you terribly. Take care!
Love, Yvette

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Friday, October 27, 2006 9:51 AM CDT
Here's to a great Friday Lynn. I pray your pain is better and that you are making waffles and/or french toast with the kids again. Yummy! :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, October 27, 2006 8:29 AM CDT
Hi Butt,

Just wanted to say "I LOVE YOU". Hope you are having a great day!

Give Dave and the kids a kiss from me. Hugs and kisses to you.

Much Love,

Teresa Greene <teresacgreene@hotmail.com>
Kailua Kona, Hawaii - Friday, October 27, 2006 1:04 AM CDT

Thinking of you this evening and praying for you fervently. May your day tomorrow be blessed in abundance.

Keep Fighting and Looking Right!

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 11:46 PM CDT
Hello Newman!
I'm so glad to hear about the answered prayer for finding a helper. Wanted to share some news to cheer you up. Mindy is going in tomorrow to have the baby. You'll have to stay tuned to see if it's a boy or girl. Chat soon.

Darren <bandit11@lilly.com>
Murphy, TX USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
Every one of us gets through the tough times because somebody is there, standing in the gap to close it for us.
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine


Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
Always thinking of you Lynn and praying for pain relief!

I am so jealous of your friendship with Holly. Sounds like you both are so lucky to have each other. What you have is rare, and it makes me smile when I read Holly's words about you.

Stay tough!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Thursday, October 26, 2006 7:54 PM CDT
Hello Sweet Girl,

I hope today finds you feeling well and able to enjoy your family and this lovely weather!

I am finishing packing for my Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk which begins tomorrow at Cowboys Stadium and ends at the Fort Worth Stockyards with closing ceremonies on Sunday afternoon. I will carry you in my heart! I truly believe that the funds raised will somehow make their way to your cure!

I have been training for six months and have said my Rosary for you on my practice walks and have asked God to bless you . You are truly an inspiration on how to lead a God-filled life!

God bless you!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, October 26, 2006 6:41 PM CDT
LOOKING RIGHT my friend. As always, much love, prayers, and faith from the Isaak Family in New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, October 26, 2006 2:45 PM CDT
Lynne and Holly, Thank you so much for your latest update! Mayling sounds WONDERFUL! I hope and pray that she will arrive safely and fit into your family as one of your own! I'm sorry to hear about the pain spikes but continue to pray that they will disappear forever! I hope one day to meet both of you in person - may it be the Lord's will!! In the meantime, my love and prayers come to you via cyberspace. Barbara

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Thursday, October 26, 2006 1:59 AM CDT
Looking at my pink bracelet and thinking of you! Our club had a Pilates for Pink class last week which raised funds for the BCRF. I did the class in your honor and I blame you for why I couldn't move the next day! Sooner or later I guess I'll have to face up to being out of shape, but for now, I blame you! HA! Sending you lots of hugs! Love, Jean

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Thursday, October 26, 2006 0:22 AM CDT
Lynn.... just thinking of you tonight before I head off to bed.... I will be up there next weekend for Deegan's birthday and I hope to stop in and see you... and grab a hug... have you had a chance to fill out your memory book yet???? I made one for Kathy for her birthday.... it was so much fun!!! I hope to make more soon.... I think everyone needs one!!! hope you are sleeping peacefully and sending your big hugs OOOOOOOOOO>>... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:29 PM CDT

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

One of my favorite statements. May all your dreams come true, keep your future in sight and believe in your dreams. There are so many of us that are dreaming and praying for your recovery. I'm sending you all my love and so glad to hear you have an angel on the way. Mayling will be truly blessed to be a part of your family. Thinking of you always.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:04 PM CDT
WOW! You have an amazing fan club/support group! I am not surprised because you always have been wonderful!! Pull out that spunky-wont-be-pushed-around attitute today and FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 7:34 AM CDT
Still praying.
The woman from Venezuela has a Chinese sounding first name, .....I wonder.
Your friend, Holly, is a gem. Thank God for her and her strong faith. God knew you needed her.

Betty Siu <mrsmesiu@aol.com>
Macau - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:51 AM CDT
dearest lynn, I have not been able to use our computer(it crashed) since mid September. I am so glad to have it back. I was busy going through my email list and generally getting things back in working order,when I realized how late it was. I went to bed and then I thought of you and how I haven't been able to be on your site. I promptly got up and got back on and looked up your caringbridge site. It sounds better but still slow. I hope your pain will subside and you can rest easier. Mary and Sara and I all went to Phoenix to the Susan G. Komen walk. We met up with Terri and your mom and dad and all the rest of the Arizona relatives. We had a good visit and of course walked with the team"Walkers for Knockers" On our flight home as we checked in we wore the leighs that Terri brought home from Hawaii and I wore our T-shirt from the walk. Did you just come back from Hawaii?
No, then explained about the walk and the weekend. the lady at the counter was really having fun with"walkers for knockers" and the leighs. We were proud to be able to represent you.
We pray for you often and think about you more. All our thoughts are hopeful that you will beat this thing.
Holly and I went to the Women of Faith conference that was held in St. Paul this last weekend. It was awesome. You can't really describe what it's like to have 45,000 people singing and praising God. It was fantastic. They had some wonderful speakers. One was Nicole Johnson, whom was their dramatist for the group. Absolutely a genius. She has a dvd called "stepping into the ring" she wrote it for a friend that has breast cancer and currently going through chemo and radiation. It was an eye opening drama to watch. It really made some good points for those of us who can't imagine the trouble or "hits" that come along with finding out you have breast cancer. It was very well done and really showed all sides of what women go through. I think you would really enjoy watching it. it seems to touch on all the phases of the beginning up to now for the lady being portrayed. It helps with the understanding part. Very down to earth and explanitory. It's called "Stepping into the ring" by Nicole Johnson. All of the Women of Faith ladies had great stories. We went home filled to the brim in God's greatness and mercy.
They are home based in Plano,TX. Lots of uplifting music and wonderful speakers. If you are ever out and about look for this dvd and also the "Contagios Joy" cd and dvd. It will definitley lift you up and give you joy. We were totally pumped up by it. I already reserved seats for next year. Enough chatting. Lynn, heartfelt prayers go out to you and your family, and we wait to hear more from you via your friends. Take care, all of our love, Your MN aunts&uncles&cousins&GR&GR Berg.

lajean westeng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
clarks grove, mn us - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:52 AM CDT
Lynn and Holly, your friendship is a beautiful gift not only to each other but to me. I often wonder if I would have the faith and courage to be in either one of your places. I pray for pain relief and that your children find comfort through this. Prayers for the safe arrival of your au pair. Prayers that the kids find a new confidant and friend to share with. With much love. Maria
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
frisco, tx USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
Lynn, I pray that your wrist and arm pain would go AWAY!! Please know that many prayers are being sent towards Heaven on your behalf. God bless you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:14 PM CDT
Continuing to pray for pain relief and for complete healing on this earth. I am praying that absolutely nothing stands in the way of you getting your vaccine!

Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Tuesday, October 24, 2006 5:09 PM CDT
Lynn- I'm another one that if I wrote every time I checked in, you'd think I didn't have a life! I'm so glad you found someone to help out. Praying that your appointment goes well and you can get some pain relief.
Much Love-Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 2:18 PM CDT
Lynn and family and friends,
I love reading your entries. They have inspired me so many times. My 2 year old daughter is fighting leukemia right now and I so understand what you are going through. People have often said, "Don't you wish it were you instead of her?" At first I thought that, but then I thought of my children. Would it be easier for them if I were sick and unable to take care of them? I don't know. I am so thankful for God's grace to get me through all of this. I am thankful that He is with you, too. Many blessings to you all.

Amy <awildberg@hotmail.com>
Medford, WI USA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 12:04 AM CDT
Here's sending my most fervent prayers and highest hopes for relief and healing from Iowa! You continue to amaze and inspire me with your courage and strength. I am privileged to know of you and your family.
Kaye Schnieders <kayelynn49@yahoo.com>
Emmetsburg, IA - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:22 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
It was so good to read your words! Thank you Holly for that. I am praying that you have a better day and that your appointments will resolve your returned high pain. I am so excited for Mayling to join your family, I personally know what a wonderful blessing a nanny can be for EVERYONE! I hope she arrives safe and sound and ready for one of the most amazing experiences of her life. Stay strong Lynn and keep up the fight. We are all here by your side LOOKING RIGHT! Beth, cyber stalker #14095

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:21 AM CDT
Proud "Cyber Stalker" reporting on a Tuesday morning. I hope all the prayers and well wishes eased your pain during the night. I know so many of us were storming heaven for you last night. You continue to inspire me, lift me, and make me want to be a better server to our good Lord. If one were to count the number of lives you've changed it would be infinite as you keep on touching the souls of so many. Here's to a good day Lynn one with less pain and more time to make french toast for the kiddos. Sending lots of love from New Hope, MN!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:56 AM CDT
Another cyber stalker here, sending you TONS of aloha from pineapple land, and keeping you in white light as you fight the good fight Lynne.

I had to go back through Ally's guest book to try and find the link to this as I had lost it recently. Just letting you know that someone in Hawaii is thinking about you and lifting you up in Aloha spirit.

Blessings to you and yours!

Catherine Potter <potterd002@hawaii.rr.com>
Honolulu, HI USA - Monday, October 23, 2006 11:48 PM CDT
i hate that you are in so much pain. i wish there were resolution on that. i keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Monday, October 23, 2006 10:15 PM CDT
Holly and Lynn- thanks for the update. I'm so glad I checked in before bed because after reading the entry, I feel like storming heaven with determination tonight! I'm saddened to hear about your pain Lynn but so thrilled to hear you had a good streak enjoying your kids and loved ones. Yummy, french toast sounds delicious right now.

Hang in there my friend. We are all praying for you. I will also pray for your new addition to your family. I'm so happy you found a special lady!

LOOKING RIGHT LYNN. I know you are too. :) Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 23, 2006 9:51 PM CDT

My heart hurts when I hear that you are in so much pain. Please know that prayers are being sent upward on your behalf to the Almighty King. I am also praying that the new addition to your house will be a deep blessing to you and your family. I have no doubt that she will be blessed in abundance by being a part of your household. I pray for you sweet rest this evening and a beautiful tomorrow.

Holly, thank you for dictating the words for Lynn. It is such a comfort knowing that your friendship is holding her close and caring for her deeply. You are too sweet!

You both are loved and Lynn, keep fighting the good fight and looking right!

Much love,
Amy Jordan, Stalker #1879

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX USA - Monday, October 23, 2006 9:46 PM CDT
Lynn, as I read the update I was overcome by sadness to read that you've been experiencing such high levels of pain yet again, but God quickly reprimanded me and took my eyes to the "good parts" ... of your good days of doing the mundane mom stuff that so many of us take for granted, of your sweet and caring heart reaching out to help your hurting friend. God IS in the midst of this, He has made His presence so obvious throughout your journey, He has answered so many prayers! So instead of being sad, I am rejoicing for the good days you've enjoyed lately, for the wonderful news of Mayling's impending arrival, for your army of loving family, friends, and supporters that surround you, and for God's promise of love and His abiding grace to all His children. May you feel His mighty arms holding you extra close and comforting you, Lynn. Your entire family is being covered in prayer, and it is a joy and a privilege to add Mayling to my prayer list as well.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, October 23, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
Thanks for taking such good care of Lynn and her family. I have a good friend who is currently going thru chemo so i know how rough it can get. I am crying my eyes out now as i write this. I hope Lynn has some more pancake making , card writing early mornings this week. She and her family deserve more and more of these days in the future.

Hugs Haley <haleymo@aol.com>
- Monday, October 23, 2006 9:28 PM CDT
Thank you so much Holly for your update. What a huge blessing you are to Lynn and to all of us. Lynn, we love you and are sending prayers up through out the day for pain relief and healing. God Bless you and your wonderful family and friends.
Susan Carter <srvcarter@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Monday, October 23, 2006 9:25 PM CDT
Thank you Holly for sharing Lynn's words with us and sharing your own heartfelt words as well. We appreciate all you do in keeping us informed and of course all the love and support you give to Lynn!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Monday, October 23, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
Oh the emotions are always high after reading an anxiously awaited update. It is so good to hear words straight from Lynn but also the words from you, Holly. The love that is shared through your friendship is so powerful. Lynn, I am so sorry that your pain is once again so high. I will never understand God's plan with all of this but I don't doubt for a second that he is in full control. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and so many others. I will continue to pray for you and your family and for Taylor and Jacob's new "playmate". Looking Right! Pattie
- Monday, October 23, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
Thank you so very much for the update. You know that we all look for updates several times a day. We could call. But truly we know that the last thing the Newmans need are more phone calls to answer or return. We all care and this is such a great way for us to let them all know how much we care without intruding or making anyone feel pressure to talk. SO THANK YOU! Thank you for the updates. We are all here with you thruthe good and the bad.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 23, 2006 8:28 PM CDT
Hi, Lynn!
How amazing is our God to bring you the caregiver we've all been praying for! No request is too big for Him, and I stand in awe of His work in your life! HUGE STUFF! I know your days are looking brighter now. I love you always!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Monday, October 23, 2006 6:59 PM CDT
Lynn and family,
So glad to hear the news about your au pair. We will continue are prayers for all things. Keep looking right dear ones. Love you. Aunt Mary

Aunt Mary <gladme@iowatelecom.net>
- Monday, October 23, 2006 6:30 PM CDT
Yep, I'm a cyber stalker for sure! Doesn't hurt to let you know I'm thinking about you so often and storming heaven for you every second I get. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 23, 2006 4:58 PM CDT
LOOKING RIGHT my friend. Hope you had a nice weekend with family and friends. Here's to a great week! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 23, 2006 8:02 AM CDT
Many thoughts and prayers were sent your way as I walked on Saturday at the Dallas Komen Race for the Cure. It was a beautiful morning and it reminded me our our walk on June 3rd as part of your team "Looking Right". I hope you are finding one "fun" thing to do every day FOR your family...as you expressed to me it was your desire to do when we visited last week! Looking forward to seeing you again.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Monday, October 23, 2006 0:17 AM CDT
Ten days with no update and many concerned cyber fans!! Seriously, I do hope you're feeling good and have been able to get out and enjoy this beautiful fall weather. You've been on my mind a lot, and I'm praying, praying, praying!! Take care and feel well Lynn ... God bless you!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, October 22, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
I"ve been thinking about you alot today. Hope it was a good one for you. I"m seeing from the emails that you have found a helper! That's a huge praise I"m sure. I miss seeing your sweet smile and look forward to the day I can see your smile and hug your neck. Praying for you and your family. Love, Pattie

- Sunday, October 22, 2006 9:33 PM CDT
I was thinking about you today as I was gathering my stuff for the 3Day Walk. We start our walk this Friday and finish on Sunday. I'm looking forward to walking 60 miles for you! The finish line is getting closer and closer my friend!

I'm so glad you've found such a great helper for you and your family. What a blessing.

Wishing you peaceful dreams!

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Sunday, October 22, 2006 9:27 PM CDT
I too am a cyber stalker! I would hate to see how many times I check in on you in a week; althought it is not as often as I think about you, pray for you and thank you for your strength! You make me a better person. I hope you have had a good weekend. Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Sunday, October 22, 2006 7:44 PM CDT
I was so excited to see an email in my box from you today! I am so glad that you have found Mayling. She looks adorable and I am sure she will be a blessing. I know the kids will love her! I hope you have some more days of low pain this week. That would be so wonderful.
Take care and know that I am thinking of you and praying for you often. I, too, am a Lynn addict!
Looking forward to Dec. 4 when Mayling will arrive and help you all.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Sunday, October 22, 2006 5:58 PM CDT
I'm sending lots of prayers and love to you, Lynn, for a peaceful & pain-free Sunday with your dear family! Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, October 21, 2006 11:57 PM CDT
I miss you! I am calling you next week girlfriend and we are catching up! The auction is over and I just need to catch up with my sweet friend. Also, Allison is beside herself to get some Taylortime!

I hope you have an amazing weekend with the family! I am always praying for you sweet friend! God Bless!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:27 PM CDT
My name is Tracy and I am a Lynn Newman cyber stalker. I confess to multiple incidents EVERYDAY. I realized I was out of control when I saw my friend's leaving comments regularly. I confess, I have turned my friends and other cyber friends into Lynn stalkers too. But, then I knew I was beyond help when I yelled, yes, yelled at my supervisor because our computer was down and I had to wait until I got home to sneak a peak. This confession has helped me, I think I'll go send ANOTHER Lynn Newman mass mailing to my address book asking for prayer that you are enjoying this glorious Texas day with Dave and the kids, painfree and blissfully happy.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, TX - Saturday, October 21, 2006 4:15 PM CDT
I will pray that your LOOKING RIGHT message will hit my mind and heart today as I'm having a rough morning with crabby kiddos, lots of laundry, and the list goes on. I hope you are having a good and peaceful morning at home with Dave and kids. I'm already feeling better after our cyber talk. :) Thanks and love ya! Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, October 21, 2006 8:49 AM CDT
Lynn- Tomorrow is Komen-DALLAS and Amy and I are walking for you!! I will be praying for you while I am walking with 7 other prayer warriors. Hoping you have a good day - Lots of hugs
Plano , Tx - Friday, October 20, 2006 10:02 PM CDT
I'm a stalker too. Sometimes I can not find the words to write, but I know how I feel in my heart. Not one day goes by that I do not think of you. God is using you BIG!! May you enjoy your weekend. Lots of giggles with your family...

Much love to you,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 7:43 PM CDT
Lynn Cyber Stalker #2160 signing on with joy. I hope this message finds you happy. Happy Friday! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, October 20, 2006 5:20 PM CDT
Hello. My name is Amy and I am a Lynn Cyber Stalker. The first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem, but I must say, I am glad to have this problem! You are SO worth it!

You are loved by so many and just know that we are all lifting you and your family up in prayer.

Please know how much you're loved...

Amy Jordan, Stalker #1879

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 1:12 PM CDT
I have to admit that I am compelled to check your site 2-3 times a day too. I don't always sign in because I too would look like a cyber stalker (sounds like there are quite a few of us!!). HA! I know, however, always sending a word of encouragement is a GOOD thing! So, with that said, Lynn, I wish you a pleasant weekend with your family. I may not have internet access during the next week (we'll see...trust me I will be checking with the hotel-since my laptop is not working too well). Anyway, continued prayers for your healing, pain and peace. Love and hugs from Colorado, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, October 20, 2006 12:59 AM CDT
I'm heading out of town for the weekend to spend what I know will be a restful and peace-filled weekend with a dear girlfriend at her lake cabin. My friend is an awesome prayer warrior and one of the many things we enjoy doing during our visits is praying together. It's impossible not to feel close to God in the quiet of the beautiful piney woods and the peaceful seclusion of her Lake Livingston cabin! I just want you to know that she and I will be spending much time in prayer for you this weekend, praising God for the witness and impact you have made on so many and asking Him to hold you and HEAL YOU completely!!! It's such a joy to include you on my prayer list, Lynn, and I grow closer to the Lord each time I come to Him on your behalf.

I look forward to seeing a wonderful update when I return on Sunday -- hint hint, Holly!!! I hope you have an awesome weekend enjoying this great North Texas autumn weather and the smiles of your sweet family around you. May God continue to pour out His blessings upon you and yours, forever and ever!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, October 20, 2006 10:30 AM CDT
Lynn.... I'm a checker-inner too.... I like to know how you are doing... and I like your specific prayer requests... hopefully soon, you will find your way back to journaling... using your words... even if it's someone else typing it for you... Hope your day is filled with grace, thankfulness, and hope.... Love Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, October 20, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
So many of us stalkers out there - it makes me feel better I'm not alone. Maybe we need to start a "Lynn's Anonymous"! :)
Praying for a peaceful, restful, and painless weekend with your dear family!!
Looking RIGHT!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, October 20, 2006 9:14 AM CDT
I can join the crowd as I must admit I'm a LYNN Cyber Stalker too. I would feel funny writing a message every time I check on you as can one obtain a CYBER restraining order?! :) Looking Right because of you, for you, and with you my friend. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, October 20, 2006 8:45 AM CDT
Good Morning friend! I hope that you are feeling well today! Enjoy some wonderful moments with your family this weekend! YOU ARE A FIGHTER!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, October 20, 2006 6:22 AM CDT

Must admit I too, check your site many times each day,

always hoping to hear good news. What an inspiration you

are to so many.

Hugs and Hope,


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:11 PM CDT
I'm not the only one who checks on you many times throughout the day! Even though I don't always sign in, I hope you know you are thought of so often!

Wishing you a comfortable weekend!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
Another cyber stalker here ... I probably check in 2-3 times a day as well! We check in so often because we're all anxiously awaiting news each day that you're feeling better, Lynn!!! The prayers will not stop, you can rest assured of that!

Praying for a glorious day in Newman-land!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:32 AM CDT
Jill - I am so with you. I too would feel like a stalker if I signed every time I checked in on our sweet Lynn! I am sure there are others just like us! So Lynn - always know that even when there aren't alot of messages - there is ALWAYS lots of prayers, thoughts and love headed your way! Praying that today is good one! Pattie
- Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:16 AM CDT
Good Morning! I hope this will be a good day for you! I have a confession to make...I asked everyone to sign in EVERY time they check on you....but I don't do it! I check -2-4 times per day and if I sign every time I feel like a cyber stalker! AND you are my good friend! UGH! I should get over myself I suppose!

The point is that there are so very many of us out here caring about you! We check in on you a lot! We all wish we lived there to bring you dinner etc! Know you are loved! Cared for! Prayed for! You are amazing!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:07 AM CDT
You do not know me, but I feel like I know you! I am involved with the MIT at Hicks Elementary. My daugher is in Kindergarten so this is my first year at Hicks. I lift you up in prayers constantly! I am so in awe to see SO many of your sisters in Christ at Hicks lifting you up in prayer! Please know I think of you often and I was telling the ladies I would love to meet you one day. I pray Jeremiah 29:11 over you. May you feel God's presence daily and please know you have an ARMY of prayer warriors just for you!

Erika Meade <erikameade@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:22 PM CDT
Hi Lynn, I don't know how you've been feeling since the last update, but I am been hoping and fervently praying that you've been feeling well, with increased energy and all that nasty pain under complete control!

I have certainly felt frustration and being overwhelmed in just my TINY little experience with treatments lately. When I'm down it, God always reminds me stop and think about you, of your ENORMOUS battle, of what a valiant warrior you are, and of the grace and courage you continue to show in the toughest of times. Well let me tell you, that pretty much puts my petty annoyances and frustrations into perspective! And every time I thank God for taking my focus off of myself and for reminding me to PRAY for you and for all of His children who are fighting a much bigger battle than I can even fathom.

I continue to check on you multiple times during the day, and vow to continue to lift you and your family up in prayer as we ALL anxiously await those sweet words: GOD HAS HEALED LYNN OF ALL CANCER AND SIDE EFFECTS AND SHE IS 100% BACK!!!! Oh won't that be a day of celebration?!?!? It's coming soon, Lynn, I just know it!

This verse jumped out at me today. Coincidence??? I think NOT! "From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." (Psalm 61:2) I'll meet you "on the rock" Lynn!

Sending lots and lots of love your way ... I hope you have an awesome day with lots of giggles and hugs!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:39 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn~
Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

Houston, - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:38 AM CDT
Good Morning, Lynn!
Just wanted you to know that I"m thinking about you!

Pattie <Pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:04 AM CDT
Looking Right my friend. Here's to a good day! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 8:02 AM CDT
Good Morning Friend! Just letting you know that you are on my mind! I believe in you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, October 18, 2006 6:25 AM CDT
Wow Lynn, see what an inspiration you are!! I loved Heidi's words and want you to know she is but one of the MANY, MANY lives you haved touched in your fight. I want to be with you and Heidi and your many family members and friends at that party!! :)
Praying for you as always!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:49 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Hope you're have a good day!
Looking Right!

- Tuesday, October 17, 2006 9:38 AM CDT
Lynn, I just got done with my 30 minutes walk/run routine. Yes, for the ordinary person this is a piece of cake. However, for me, it isn't. I haven't truly exercised in ten years (since I became pregnant with Emma). Three kids and ten years later I found I am pathetically out of shape. You are giving me the motivation to be better and the strength to keep on moving despite the pain. Truly, with running shoes on because of you, for you, in celebration of you, I haven't quit. If you can handle everything you have gone through (and boy, you are handling it all with such amazing grace, strength, courage, and faith), I can do handle getting my 37 year old body back into shape. You have taught me so much Lynn. As I type I realize it's okay to take the mask off and show our weaknesses. None of us are perfect and I'm guessing each of us have days when we don't really want to get out of bed. You are going to beat this cancer Lynn. You are doing the Lord's work daily and it is our good Lord that will heal you here on earth. You keep voicing your faith because we are listening. You have been touched by God and I honored to be a prayer warrior for you. When my mom died over seven years ago I found strength from within to keep on and be the best wife,mom, and friend I could be in honor of her and to make her proud of how she raised me. I have found that since you began your journey with cancer you have added one significant element to my life. I have found I want to be a better server of our Lord because of you. In celebration of you and your amazing faith, I try to be a better person and a greater server to our Lord. Thank you Lynn!!!!! Can't wait to see you in the future at your VICTORY party. Much love, faith, hope, prayers, and BELIEF OF YOUR HEALING ON EARTH from a loving friend.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:38 AM CDT

Hi Lynn,

I have been thinking of you soooo much lately. Hopefully you are feeling alot less pain and spending time with your precious family. I have tried to call over the last week and could not get through. I am going to try this morning Tuesday. Love ya lots, Jules

Lonetree, CO USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:26 AM CDT
FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Remember that chemo is fightin' juice! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:54 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Thinking of you...I hope your pain in still managable, and your treatments are still killing off all the ugly disease. Praying "the list," and for fun "normal" days at home with all your loved ones. You are all in my prayers! BIG cyber hug to you all!! Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Monday, October 16, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Thinking of you and hoping you had a good weekend with your family. Many prayers and cyber hugs. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, October 16, 2006 8:46 PM CDT
Good morning Lynn! The weather here has finally turned and we actually spent the weekend eating dinner outside with a fire in the firepit and were cold!! I know, it's all relative but for us Zonies it really is cold :) Anyway, I hope that this change of "seasons" finds changes for you in more managed pain, cancer cells shrinking, a renewed sense of fight and laughs and warm times with family and friends. I hope chemo goes as best as possible this week and know you are ALWAYS in our thoughts and prayers. Take care girl!!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, October 16, 2006 10:47 AM CDT
One Day at a Time my friend. Hoping today is a good day for you. Much love, hope, prayers, and love coming to you from New Hope, MN. :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 16, 2006 9:21 AM CDT

Thinking of you... Hope your weekend was full of laughter with your family!!

Much love to you,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Monday, October 16, 2006 8:13 AM CDT
Hope you had a nice weekend at home with your family and friends. You can do this Lynn. As Jill says FIGHT SISTER FIGHT. Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, October 15, 2006 8:11 PM CDT
THinking of you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:04 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts right now! Sending hugs your way girlfriend! Love you lots...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:17 AM CDT
Hi Lynn! Scott and I are thinking of you and wishing you a pain free day. Thank you, Miss Holly for your updates! Lynn, you are so lucky to have an army of supporters...what precious friends and family you have. I love Jill's "Fight sister, fight" phrase...ditto! Take care. Tell Dave and the kids hello.
christen chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
rogers, ar usa - Saturday, October 14, 2006 9:47 PM CDT
Thinking of you today and always!
pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:50 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Though I have not posted in awhile, I have checked on you daily, as always. You are in my mind, reminding me of the important things, and to have courage. I am very thankful to hear that you are managing your pain better. It is my hope, along with everyone else, that at last, you have found something that keeps you at least comfortable. I admit, it was frustrating to hear about the vaccine. But, I know that you are not dwelling on that, so I am letting the frustration go and continuing to pray for you specifically for the requests Holly posted. You are such a strong woman, and such a great example to all of us. You are faced with struggles that most of us will never have to endure, yet you continue to believe and have faith, and that is a lesson learned to all who follow your story.
I want to tell you that your little Jacob is the most polite boy I have yet to meet. Everytime he sees me at school, his quiet little voice greets me with the sweetest, "Hi, Mrs. Whitworth!". I love it!!! I love to watch him play with my son and a few others on the school yard everyday. I love that he carries your strength as well and your kindness. What a great kid you are raising!
I am thankful to God for our paths crossing, your pain being managed, your spreading His word and your courage you share. I will continue to pray for you.
With love and prayers,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:03 AM CDT

First, Thank you to Holly for keeping us updated. It sounds as if you are feeling a little better, what a great joy for us to hear. I will be hoping and praying for your vaccine to be ready and all the red tape gone.

I have had the privelage of getting to know your children through mine, and their sweet little minds. Kordell is in class with Taylor this year and has brought home a joke or two that he "Tells everyone", he hears them from Taylor. What a sweet and obviously enetertaining one you have. She, without knowing has brought smiles and laughs into our household. Thank you for her, and thank you for you, I can only hope to bring such smiles and laughs into your home one day. I am thinking of you always and sending you all the love in my heart. Stay Strong, and when you need a smile, look at Taylor and know of the joy she brings to others without even knowing it.

Love Always,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, October 13, 2006 6:35 PM CDT
Hi Lynn~ I think of you so so often. I pray that your pain is tolerable and that your vaccine will be ready soon!! Take Care,
Kelsey Berg <kelsey.berg@uwrf.edu>
- Friday, October 13, 2006 11:06 AM CDT
Thanks for the update Holly! Lynn - Good to hear you are bored and wanting to get going. I agree with another guest that you should get a laptop and go shopping! You helped me today Lynn as I had a big headache due to stress from work and other things. I always get overwhelmed when I have a project to complete with limited time. I decided to focus on LOOKING RIGHT knowing everything will get done. After a long prayer and thoughts of my blessings in my life, the headache started to leave. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. I hope you have a great day today. You're in my prayers. As always, doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of you, for you, and with you. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, October 13, 2006 10:23 AM CDT
Hi, Lynn!
I think of and pray for you so often throughout the day. I will be praying about the vaccine. I'm hoping you and Dave will come up to school soon, and see Taylor and Jacob's pictures on the "Good Citizens" bulletin board just outside the clinic. They're SO cute! Mrs. Springs is organizing a team from school to walk in the Komen walk on the 21st. YOU are always weaved into the tapestry of what goes on at school, friend. I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, October 13, 2006 5:20 AM CDT
Thank you so much for the update, Holly! And, Lynn, praise God that the pain is more manageable now!! Know that I continue to pray for total pain relief for you, for removal of all obstacles that stand in the way of you getting the vaccine, for peace and comfort for you and your entire family, that our Lord will send to you just the right au pair for your needs, and that you will fight, fight, fight, just as we all continue to be your prayer warriers! Praise God you have someone helping right now! And praise the Lord that you got bored - what a blessing that is!! Much love and blessings, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, October 13, 2006 1:04 AM CDT

What wonderful news to hear that your pain is,
at least more manageable. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day.

Now that FALL is making its entrance, I pray that it will be FULL of some ordinary days and MANY miracles. You are loved by so many!

Much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:00 PM CDT
Holly...thanks you SOOOOOmuch for the update! Lynn..You are amazing! You have amazing friends! AmaZing family! YOU CAN DO THIS! Running shoes on and FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:26 PM CDT
thanks Holly for the update....

Lynn.... you are on my mind all the time... and was so nice to have an update on your happenings.... I am praying that your pain continues to become manageable and that you keep that attitude of the fight.... to beat this mean cancer bug.... smoosh!!!smash!!! smush!!! sending you a big hug OOOOOOO!!! Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:52 PM CDT
Thank you so much for the update, Holly. Lynn, I'm so glad to hear that your pain is being managed, at least a bit, and that boredom is setting in. You know the cure for that.......SHOPPING!

Though I have never met you, I feel that I have. My thoughts and prayers are with you on a daily basis. Please know that you are an inspiration to so many people across the country. KEEP LOOKING RIGHT!!

Judy <jsailor14@comcast.net>
Corvallis, OR USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 1:33 PM CDT
Thanks Holly for the update! Most appreciated by all, especially with your good news about Lynn's condition. Lynn, I am so happy to hear that you are able to enjoy dinner out of the house. That must feel sooooo good- a sign that you are getting back to doing normal things again. Take care and looking RIGHT because of you! Love and hugs, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:36 AM CDT
Thank you Holly! So good to hear some news about Lynn! Still "looking right" and praying non-stop! Sending our Love.
Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:22 AM CDT
Thank you Holly for your update of our sweet Lynn. I love the technical terms -- "tweaked" I actually understand!! Lynn, there's this great invention called a laptop where you can sit in your bed and look at some wonderful websites -- Nordstrom.com, Potterybarn.com, Coach.com, etc. It's a great cure for boredom (sorry Dave!). Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and praying for managed pain and that chemo continues to beat down those cancer cells. Take care and hope you can have a nice weekend with your great family :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Your faith and strength continue to inspire me. Once you have beaten this cancer (which will be soon I pray), I can't wait to read the book you will write about your experience and triumph over cancer. Which actress will you chose to play you in the movie version of your book?
Sheilah <sheilah.orth@pepsico.com>
The Colony, TX USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 10:34 AM CDT
Lynn~ thinking of you always..... Praying for your continual comfort.
Kelley Craddock <craddock7@msn.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:56 AM CDT
It sounds like you are feeling well enough to go out to dinner with your mother and father in-loves and your family. I am so happy to hear that! I asked Kathy how you were doing at the auction and she filled me in a little.
Take care and I hope to see you soon!
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:26 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I awoke thinking of you and the joy Gail and I had in sharing dinner out Monday night with you and David and the not so "little ones anymore". Thankyou for your faithful walk, your cheerful determination,and your willingness to share the hard times as well as the good. It seems clear to me you have turned the corner on your pain management and are back in the business of killing this cancer. We praise our God you have found someone to provide you help. We know the road ahead is long and still unknown;however, you have this fathful multitude of friends walking with you and praying for you together with the promise of our awesome Father," He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not grow faint."Isaiah 40:29-31. Keep looking right. We all love you and are praying continually for you.
Mom and Dad Newman

Dean Newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:40 AM CDT
I'm sending encouragement and virtual hugs your way, Lynn. I'm praying that you are doing well and that chemo is doing it's job killing the enemy.

You are so loved and I am patiently waiting to hear how you're doing... Just know that there are legions of us praying for you.

Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, October 12, 2006 0:08 AM CDT

I have my running shoes on and I'm thinking of you. You're getting closer to the finish line. Only 2 more weeks until the 60mile 3Day walk. I'll be walking, walking, walking for you and all my new 3DAy gals!!!

Sweet and peaceful dreams!

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:58 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I hope things went well yesterday and today you felt ok. Another day closer to beating this nasty disease. I am praying so often for you and your gang! Keep up the fight and looking RIGHT! Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:32 PM CDT
Ok, so I am standing in the kitchen...with my running shoes on....though I have no intention of running tonight! AND I am checking in on you....I look like I standing at the stove cooking dinner...but the steam from the pasta is covering the fact that I am really on my lap top checking in on my friend! I hope that you are doing OK. Remember that we all love you whether you have anything to post or not! We are here for you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:06 PM CDT
Hope that chemo went smoothly yesterday and you are having controlled pain and no icky side effects today! We think of you all the time and wish we could be nearer to help with whatever you need -- but since we are not close in distance, please feel this "cyber hug" and know you are loved! You amaze me with your grace and make me want to be a better person, mother, friend and Christian woman! Take care Lynn and keep fighting -- we are all on your side :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:21 PM CDT
Running shoes on! Keep up the race my friend as VICTORY isn't far away. You're going to beat the cancer and we are all going to have the party of our life time!!!! Love, Heidi P.S. You Texans will need to show us Midwesterners how to really cut loose. :) Can't wait.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:21 PM CDT
I have been reviewing your journal daily and haven't posted before but I am sensing that you might need a bit of extra support and encouragment from your journal reading fans! I am hoping that you are pain free and enjoying time with your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cindy K.
Grapevine , Texas - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:52 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just checking in to say hello and hoping that your week has been good so far. Hang in there Lynn, we'll never stop praying for you and your family. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:52 PM CDT
Happy Wednesday to all the Newmans and all the Newman Fans! Lynn I'm praying you had a good night of rest and will have a peaceful day today. Praying huge blessings on you!!!!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:12 AM CDT
Just one of my dozens of daily stops to check on you. Praying...praying....praying for you.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, Tx - Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:05 AM CDT
hoping that no news is good news, that you are feeling GOOD and enjoying fall. Still thinking of you, and praying for no pain, and no more cancer!

Tempe, az usa - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
OOH...I am taking my own advice and letting you know that I am checking on you and thinking of you! I hope you are feeling OK. I know how you hate the chemo treatments!

FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Chemo is just fightin' juice!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
Praying with faith that the chemo today will continue to kill those nasty cancer cells. Thanks to one of your friends for letting us know you had chemo today. You can do this Lynn. You are so strong. Like others, can't wait to see you at your VICTORY party! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:48 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
Jenny stopped by today at school, and I was so thankful that she reminded me of your chemo today. Friend, I am praying and KNOWING that God will continue to see you through. Just look at what He's already done! I'm amazed! I love you always.

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:03 PM CDT
I check your site ALOT for updates on your courageous and faithful fight. I pray for you, your family and friends as well. It is so amazing to see the love pouring in from around the country for you. I can't wait for the day to come to your Victory party to meet you in person, rather than just knowing you through your words!! God Bless You today and always!!
Jenny Rau <jmbr211@yahoo.com>
Prosper, TX - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:58 PM CDT
Thinking of you!

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:57 PM CDT
If I signed your guest book everytime I thought of you, there probably wouldn't be enough room in cyber space!!! Saying many prayers in PA. Love to you, "Teddy" and the kids.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
State College, PA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:06 PM CDT
Sending many prayers and healing wishes from San Diego, CA!
Cathy Taylor <Cathiryn@cox.net>
San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:29 PM CDT
You crossed my mind and I wanted to let you know!
Said a quick prayer just now that you are having
a good day. Stay strong.

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:14 PM CDT
Over lunch today I was listening to Sheila Walsh sing 'You Raise Me Up' and thoughts of you filled me. Your faith strength raises me up, your journals lead me to stay focused on God and all the greatness that comes through him. I miss your journal entries and am grateful that your dear friends journal to keep us all in touch and being prayer warriors for you. I continue to think of you, pray for you and your family. May God continue to bless you with healing and strength!

Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:52 AM CDT
Running shoes on Lynn. Storming heaven while I ran. We're all in this with you my friend. Much love, prayers, thoughts, hope, and faith from your friend Heidi.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:33 AM CDT

Checking in on you... Thinking of you so often!!



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:07 AM CDT
Hi Lynn --

Signing in and checking in -- I so often check in and think I will jot a note later -- so now it's later! Praying for pain relief and God's blessings on you and your family -- thinking of you so often.

Love, Deb

Deb Klein
St Paul, MN - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:00 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Also per Jill's request...I am checking your site this morning for an update on how you are doing, and decided to write you a message. Hoping that everything at this point is just "status quo". Praying for peace, comfort and well being for you and your family. Love and hugs from Colorado, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:19 AM CDT
checking in daily....hoping for an update. prayers being said
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:05 AM CDT
Hi Lynn, I'm praying for you and your family daily. My heart aches for your pain and pray you are now without any. I know our Lord will see you through this fire. Your love of Christ is a remarkable testimony of your faithfulness. "(Nothing) will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:36-39. Keep fighting--We'll keep praying!
Much love,

Dena Dixon <denadixon@cebridge.net>
Prosper, Tx - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:59 AM CDT
Just checking in with you, Lynn! Love you and hope you're well.
All our love,

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:57 AM CDT
Per Jill's request, I'm saying hello every time I check in. Hoping once again that no news is good news. Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN! :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
Checking in to see how you're doing today Lynn. As in the past, I'm so hoping that no new update means NO BAD NEWS! I'm telling myself that you're having great days and are just simply too busy with the busyness of LIFE to update!! Hope you can feel the LOVE of your faithful prayer warriors surrounding you this very minute!!!! Sending huge hugs your way!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
Good Morning, Lynn! Hope you are enjoying the sound of rain! God has blessed you with so many friends, family and followers but He has blessed us with the inspiration of your fight! Keep fighting, girl! It's all for his glory and he continues to use you daily! I pray that today there is less pain and that you are able to smile and have joy in your heart! You are my inspiration Lynn! Looking Right! ~Pattie
- Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:06 AM CDT
Ok Jill, I was checking this morning for any updates & read your great note. So... here I am again Lynn as I am every moring when I walk into my office. You are the first thing I do after I turn on my computer! Thinking of you this morinng from Houston!!
Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:06 AM CDT
I want the license plate too! Like others, I'm hoping that no news is good news. I know you are busy finding someone to help around the house too so I'm guessing life is pretty busy. I hope the pain has gotten better and you get to enjoy time with your kiddos, Dave, and other loved ones. You are in my thoughts so often and always in my prayers. You can do this Lynn. I know you are LOOKING RIGHT. I'm going to conclude with Jill's saying FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:02 AM CDT

RAMSEY, MN - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:10 AM CDT

DENVER - The 14th annual Race for the Cure drew a record-breaking 65,395 women, men and children on Sunday.

WOW! That is straight from the news......I challenge each and every person who logs into this site and follows Lynn's fight to get out and walk in your city. Denver is now the largest Race for the Cure nationally. I want to see your city beat us!

Get on-line and find out when you can walk in your town! I know how often we all feel helpless in this fight with Lynn. You are not helpless. You can make a difference.

1. Open up your purse and donate to find a cure!
2. Every time....EVERY TIME...you check this site to see if there is an update from Lynn....leave a message.
( I know I often check for an update and if there isn't one I wait until later to write. Those are probably the times Lynn needs us the most.)

3. Sign the guestbook.
4. Sign the guestbook.

Thank you all for all of your support!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 9, 2006 10:10 PM CDT
Lynn, It's about time that I signed in. I have been following your story 1st through Lisa Gifford and now on your web sight. I check it just about everyday to see how you are doing. Lynn, I am absolutely amazed at the amount of love and support that you have. I think about you and your family often (hello to Wayne and Susie) and I continue to pray that you will soon conquer this beast called cancer and banish it from your "queendom" forever. I put it in those terms because the sweet, quiet girl I knew in high school has now become "Warrior Woman" in your fight against cancer. I will continue with my prayers for you and your family. Love from Stephanie Sorenson(Fuller)-Lisa's old friend.
Stephanie Sorenson <stephaniesorenson@cox.net>
Mesa, AZ USA - Monday, October 9, 2006 4:14 PM CDT
Hi All!
This message is actually for everyone concerned for Lynn and helping raise money for the cure. I just got back from the motor vehicle dept. where you can now purchase breast cancer awareness license plates. Okay, I admit, I have NEVER been excited about license plates before now! They are $25.00 extra, and the money goes towards breast cancer research (as well as spreading awareness). Plus, they are PINK-with the BC ribbon. Just wanted to pass the info. along- I have never seen these plates on the road before. Take care and enjoy your day...Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, October 9, 2006 1:42 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I've been thinking of you all week & praying that you are finally getting the pain relief you deserve. I also said a prayer for all of YOUR runners/walkers in Arizona & Colorado!!!
I was in MN for the weekend - we had a 40th surprise birthday for Denise - but I don't think that can be right because must mean we're getting pretty close to 40 too!! AHHHH!!
YOU can do this Lynn - don't forget to keep looking RIGHT!!!
Thinking and praying for you - Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, October 9, 2006 1:10 PM CDT
Good morning Lynn. Hope you had a good weekend at home. I'm thinking of you so much and praying for you often. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of you. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 9, 2006 9:09 AM CDT
Hey there!
More racers for Lynn Newman! We did the 1 mile family walk and you should have seen Carson, Mason and Owen in their race shirts! They looked more like race dresses! So funny, they loved them. Denver had over 65,000 people participate yesterday! WOW! I know there were lots of "IN CELEBRATION OF LYNN NEWMAN' signs on peoples backs.
You are loved.

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 9, 2006 7:32 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,

Today, we too went to the Denver Race for the Cure to do the 1 mile family walk in your honor. But, alas, we were 45 minutes late and missed the start! Oh well, the most important thing is that the money was raised. And, as it turns out, we ended up walking about a mile from the light rail station to the registration booth, so I'm counting that as a "1 mile family walk"! I've never been to one of these before, and I found the whole experience very moving - especially the personal signs on everyone's back.

By the way, Grey kept asking, "Where's Lynn Newman?"

We love you and had you in our thoughts today (and everyday).

Jami Jensen <jamipaul@msn.com>
Littleton, CO - Sunday, October 8, 2006 10:08 PM CDT
Thinking of you, Lynn, and your family. Hope all is well. You are constantly in our prayers. Love you!!!
Love, Yvette

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Sunday, October 8, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I hope you have had a good weekend, pain is managable and smiles and hugs are plenty. I have to tell you a quick story... I am a stlyist and I have told some of my good clients and Kathy's old clients about you and your site. I talk of you from time to time and the inspiration you are to me and so many other but yet I forget who I have told. This week I had about 3 clients ask me about you. They are all praying for you but they don't ever sign in. I know that you have 100's more praying for you every single day that we are totally unaware of. KEEP UP THE GREAT FIGHT AND LOOKING RIGHT! Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:49 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
We're praying for you. Hoping you are enjoying some relief. Is that pain med pump working?
Christal and Zack ran a 1-mile fun run on Saturday affiliated with Susan G Komen association.

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL USA - Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:37 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know that I am constantly praying for you and hoping that you have bright days filled with hope and are surrounded by God's peace.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Sunday, October 8, 2006 7:10 PM CDT
Hi Lynn, I hope you have had a good weekend with manageable (or hopefully NO!) pain, and that you have had a chance to lounge outdoors enjoying the nice cooler North Texas weather. You're in my prayers as always, among other things I will be praying that this week will be your best yet! Keep fighting, strong and brave one -- YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, October 8, 2006 6:07 PM CDT
Hi Lynn- Thinking of you this Sunday afternoon. Hope your pain is more manageable now.
Stephanie Linehan <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisoc, TX - Sunday, October 8, 2006 3:57 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
The "Race for the Cure" was a huge success!!!! Our Denver team raced with your name on our backs. "In Celebration of Lynn Newman". It felt good to race in your honor. I thought about you the entire 5K! Hope your weekend has gone well and you enjoyed time with your family. Love and hugs, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, October 8, 2006 3:31 PM CDT
Sending lots and lots of thoughts, prayers and blessings to you and your family for a peaceful Sunday and high hopes for a pain-free tomorrow and all week ahead! Much love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, October 8, 2006 1:32 AM CDT
Lynn, hope you are feeling well and enjoying your weekend. thinking of you, praying for you, and looking RIGHT!
tempe, az usa - Saturday, October 7, 2006 11:06 PM CDT

Thinking of you...



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:30 PM CDT
sending you hugs and prayers
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:13 AM CDT
I'll just follow with the same....FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!!!

Love, Pattie

- Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:27 AM CDT
I think it is a good sign that almost every time I came to check in and write a message, Jill was just there doing the same. As she says so well and many of us repeat it - FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:41 AM CDT
Lynn - I'm thinking of you and so glad to hear that you are back at home. I know you're resting more peacefully with your beautiful family around you. Stay strong my friend.
Minal Cordero <cordero.mm@pg.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:41 AM CDT
Carpe Diem!
Thinking of you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, October 7, 2006 7:37 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just wanted to tell you that a day doesn't go by that we think about you. I know how frustrating a hospital room can be for a long period of time. I also know how great you must feel to be at home. We love you and miss you guys!! By the way, Vicky got the road to success is always under construction from me!!! She's always stealing my sayings!! Get better so we can all go back to Del Mar!!

Mike Nelson <mnelson@firstcu.coop>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, October 6, 2006 4:27 PM CDT

How are you??? I'm eagerly waiting on an update and I pray that it says you have some pain relief.

You're in the fight!!!!

Simi Valley, CA USA - Friday, October 6, 2006 1:04 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I hope your pain is manageable for the weekend with your family. Julie told me that you two talked for awhile the other day-she was happy to spend time on the phone with you. All of us in Colorado are glad that we can walk in your name this Sunday at the Race for the Cure. We hope to continue to raise funds for a cure. Take care my friend...Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, October 6, 2006 11:15 AM CDT
Good morning Lynn. I'm hoping and praying that your pain is better and that you are having good days at home with family and friends. Running shoes on with you, for you, and because of you! Here's to a great day! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, October 6, 2006 8:07 AM CDT
Hello, my friend! Just wanted you to know you are being thought of and prayed for at this very moment! I am so thankful for you and your friendship. I hope those dizzy spells are going away...and the pain stays at bay/completely away. A song on the radio reminded me of you today..."You have a way of turning winter into spring...Only You can make something beautiful out of all this suffering...Only You can take the pieces of me in Your hand and make me whole again.." Praying He is turning your winter into spring...and He is giving you beauty for the ashes...taking all the pieces of you and making you whole again - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
You are precious, Lynn.

Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Thursday, October 5, 2006 11:02 PM CDT
You continue to be my inspiration as I faced my first breast radiation treatment today! I thought of you the whole time! :)

I still owe you that email with my "amazing Lynn" story ... I will send it soon! Blessings and much love to you and your family!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, October 5, 2006 5:57 PM CDT
Hi Lynn!!
Thinking of you!! I'll be with you in spirit for Sunday. Eat those carbs!!

Sheila Adams <permanenltyours@comcast.net>
Parker Ford, pa usa - Thursday, October 5, 2006 5:16 PM CDT
I'm laughing as I always seem to log on to your web site right after Jill types a message. We must be thinking of you at the same time. :) Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm thinking about you, praying for you, and keeping the faith that you will be healed here on earth. Keep fighting my friend. You are so strong and you can do it! Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, October 5, 2006 7:59 AM CDT


Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, October 5, 2006 6:28 AM CDT
Praying for you!!! Right on! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Just like your friend Jill says! I will continue to pray for PEACE and RELIEF for you! What incredible friends you have but you already knew that!! NO MORE PAIN!!! NO MORE PAIN!!!!! NO MORE PAIN!!!! Love from MN. Jill Roiger

Jill Roiger <jill.roiger@twtelecom.com>
Mound, MN - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 11:55 PM CDT
How are you? It is funny how you pop into my mind during the day. The most random times, but I believe it is God's way of asking me to say a prayer and keep you PRESENT. It is the best thing I can give you for now.
Let us know what we can do. Did you find help for the house? It will make a big difference.
To you-bunches and bunches of daisy's.

Jennifer Havens Heston <jhavens-heston@comcast.net>
Grapevine/Colleyville, TX - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:41 PM CDT
Lynn...you are thought of each and every part of my day...prayers from Virginia continue to come your way. My good friend, Kathy, from Chicago, was in town and she reads your site religiously....she doesn't respond, but she is "there" with you. She is a two/time cancer survivor and her prayers "must be the best"....DO KNOW that there are many of us who love, pray, and CARE for you. You are LOOKING RIGHT.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:01 PM CDT
Lynn, So glad to see you are home with your family. You and your story continue to inspire me and many others. You are so loved. I pray for your recovery and continued growth in mind, body, and spirit.
Jane <jane.lewis@genmills.com>
Minneapolis, MN - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Lynn, I am thinking of you today and always. I know you must be so glad to be home. I hope the pain is sudsiding and that you are having some good times with Taylor and Jacob and Dave.
Hang in there.
Much love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:22 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, just checking in to tell you that the Pettis family is thinking and praying for you daily!
Nikki Pettis <nikki.pettis@ucb-group.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 9:06 PM CDT
Precious Lynn,
When I drive to work each day, I find myself thanking God for a new day...a new beginning. Often, I ask Him to show me the joy in the day that He has provided, just in case I miss it! This is my prayer for you today and every day...that He would make His joy obvious and plentiful! I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 7:04 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just stopping in to say hello. Hope today has been a good one.
Praying for you always. ~Pattie

- Wednesday, October 4, 2006 3:59 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just thinking of you this morning. I hope you are feeling less pain and getting stronger everyday. Praying for this daily! Have a good day. Beth

Beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 8:10 AM CDT
You can do this Lynn. My running shoes are literally on for you, with you, because of you. I am guessing I could give you some smiles if you could see my out of shape body try to exercise again. I know my kids are getting a kick out of seeing me sweat a lot and walk funny. Yep, the muscles are wondering what's going on. Keep LOOKING RIGHT Lynn. Many prayers, love, and hope all the way from New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 8:04 AM CDT

You are in my thoughts each day... May your week be filled with less pain & joyful times with your family.

As always your in my prayers,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 7:28 AM CDT
Dear Lynn, I just had the good foutune to meet your friend Holly. Wow! What an awsome human being! She shared your story with me. You are truely an inspriation to those of us who have just found out that a family member has breast cancer. She,through you,has led us to Doctors, this site, and most imporantly hope! I'm praying for you Lynn....XXXXXXXXX LOTS OF HUGS.....Anna
Anna Ivy <bcivy@yahoo.com (I Think)Dear>
Celina, TX - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 1:27 AM CDT
Stopping in to say Hi and I'm so glad you are home with your loved ones. Wishing for your comfort and peace. I will share my dreams with you again this evening, may they be "oh so sweet".

Sweet Dreams,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, October 4, 2006 0:48 AM CDT
Hey there! My whole family is walking in the Race for the Cure this Sunday too! 5 Smails and 2 Freshwaters in honor of Lynn Newman!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 9:19 PM CDT
Lynn and family...I think of you EVERYDAY...wishing you a good weekend ahead and that you are surrounded by the love of family and friend...both close and afar.

You are always in my prayers.

God bless your courage and strength. YOU KEEP ON LOOKING RIGHT!
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:58 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I am very thankful that you are home and hopefully resting better than in the hospital. Also, hoping and praying that your chemo. went okay yesterday. Lots of love and hugs from Colorado!!!

On another note...I am walking in Lynn's honor this Sunday in the "Race for the Cure", here in Denver. If any Denverites would like to join us (there is a small group of us), please just e-mail me at the address below for details. Also, we are trying to raise money for breast cancer research, so please let me know if you can help with a donation to the Komen Foundation. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:12 PM CDT
I hope you are at home & resting well today. I pray that you were able to enjoy your weekend home with your family without too much pain!!
Looking RIGHT for you today, dear!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 9:11 AM CDT
Although I'm sure you are so happy to be home, I know you are still dealing with pain. Please know I am praying hard and often for you and continued pain relief. Keep LOOKING RIGHT as brighter days are ahead for you and your family. Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 7:52 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I have continued to lift you in prayer and fully believe in your healing. I rejoiced at the news of your being released from the hospital, however, I know that you are still suffering, and that leaves us all with a heavy heart. Take comfort in knowing you are doing His work here on Earth. Spreading his word and sharing your courage is more than any of us will do in a lifetime!! Thank you again for giving yourself the way you do, I know with all of my heart that you will receive in abundance, love, healing and a fulfilling lifetime with your children and your husband. Hang on, keep fighting, you WILL WIN!!! I am praying that the person that is meant to help you and your family is going to walk through your door any day.... until then, I know that you have a wonderful, spiritual support around you. Take care, rest, enjoy and love your kids, spouse, friends and family. I always have you in my mind, to remind me of God and to embrace your courage and love that you give.
With love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 6:41 AM CDT
A new day! Running shoes on....FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, October 3, 2006 5:57 AM CDT
Lynn,,,,,,, sending you hugsOOOOOOOOOOOO........ and you are deep in my prayers.......... I hope that your pain is manageable... and your chemo treatment goes ok with limited side effects... or none.. would be great too!!! love to you and your family and friends that love and care for you........ Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, October 2, 2006 10:33 PM CDT
Lynn - I am so glad you are home to rest in the arms of your loved ones. I hope the pain spikes go away and the meds do the job! I am always praying for you and lifting you and your family up in prayers.
Kim G <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, Tx Usa - Monday, October 2, 2006 10:18 PM CDT

So thankful that you are home again. I know your weekend must have been a filling up for all of you as you got reunited. We are continuing our prayers for you, your healing, your witnessing and your family. Love you all. Aunt Mary

Mary Gladfelter <gladme@iowatelecom.net>
- Monday, October 2, 2006 9:14 PM CDT
Lynn you are on my heart and in my thoughts today. I pray you and your family are having a wonderful day and enjoying life in blessed ways!

I'm struggling with a couple more "curve balls" that life has thrown my way. I've found myself wondering which way is up and how I'm going to get through the days to come. But each time that doubt and fear start taking over my thoughts, God reminds me of YOUR battle and how much I've learned from you. I am reminded that God is always present and that we must NEVER give up -- He in control, He has a plan, and He loves us more than we know! As He tells us in Jeremiah, He has plans for our future and does not wish to harm us. Lynn, thank you for being a "conduit" of His voice and a shining example of grace and strength, whether you are even aware of it or not!

I just heard this song on a CD; the words touched my heart and I wanted to share them with you:

Be still my soul
The Lord is on your side
Bear patiently
The cross of grief or pain
Leave to thy God
To order and provide
In every change
He faithful will remain.
Be still my soul
Thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through stormy ways
Leads to a joyful end.

What a prayer, huh? May ALL of our souls be still and wait patiently on the Lord as He leads us to a joyful end. AMEN!

Blessings to you my dear cyberfriend, and to all those who love you so. Thank you for your incredible witness to this very ordinary, hurting, and struggling believer. God is using you mightily!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, October 2, 2006 5:02 PM CDT
Just a quick "HELLO" from your Rochester friends. We hope your weekend with your family was fulfilling!! We're so glad that your pain has lessened. Our prayers are strong and daily for you. Greet your Mom and Dad from us.
Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@charter.net>
Rochester, MN USA - Monday, October 2, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
Good morning Lynn. I'm guessing you had a great weekeend being at home with your family. Running shoes on! And always, LOOKING RIGHT! :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, October 2, 2006 8:01 AM CDT
You have and amazing fan club Lynn! Soak it in! You could write a book of all the positive words people use to desribe you. Hoping you are feeling well!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, October 2, 2006 6:21 AM CDT
Oh MAN.........I was'nt the first to tell you hello today! You are a hero, and I continue to pray for you each day. For you AND your family. May God bless all of you. Nonstop prayers from east texas coming your way.
kevin <medikkev@aol.com>
canton, tx usa - Monday, October 2, 2006 4:44 AM CDT
So thankful you are home...looking forward to seeing you again very soon. Still praying without ceasing...
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Monday, October 2, 2006 0:14 AM CDT
We are always thinking of you. I need you to know that. I look everyday to see what is going on with you. (Mostly through tears.) You are very special to me. I pray and pray for you. I know the plan for you is BIG. I love you.
Kellie (and Tate)

Tate & Kellie Jorgensen <kjq48@yahoo.com>
So. Jordan, UT USA - Sunday, October 1, 2006 6:58 PM CDT
What great news that you are home! I pray for some good, peaceful, pain-free rest for you ... followed by a burst of good energy and many fun-filled days. God bless!
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, October 1, 2006 6:56 PM CDT
Hello Cousin - I'm so glad to hear you are home! We are all looking forward to the Walk next weekend. I miss you and still look forward to a time that we can visit in person. I so admire your strength, your faith and your love for God. Today in church, our paster spoke of our church's mission statement which invoives (in a nutshell) Discovering Christ, Developing faith and purpose in Him, and being Deployed as committed believers to serve. I wanted to jump up and say 'I know someone who does this, while in the mist of battling cancer!' Although one cannot begin to understand why this illness has been set before you to battle, I can see you at work for Christ through the course of it. Isiah 48:10-11 "See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this." My prayer for you, my beautiful cousin, is that this furnace of affliction you face will soon have run it's course. I pray for a time that you can look back and understand that the worst thing that ever happened in your life is now the best thing that ever happened in your life - as you can continue to minister to others through your heartfelt words and stories of answered prayers.
See you soon. With love, In Him - Lisa

Lisa Gifford <lisagifford@cox.net>
Gilbert, Az - Sunday, October 1, 2006 3:16 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn....It was so good to chat with you earlier this afternoon. I have begun the prayers that God would place just the right person to come and help you and your family on a daily basis. I know in my heart that he has already picked this person out just for you! I also know that one of these days, you WILL be able to do all the mommy things that you long to do. Until then, God has blessed you with many friends who are willing to do all they can to help you with whatever you need. You are a blessing to me more than you will ever know. I love you sweet friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, October 1, 2006 2:36 PM CDT
I continue to pray for your pain to cease! So glad your home with your family! May God continue to grant you the strength to face each day. Hang in there!

Holly Pennett <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Sunday, October 1, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
Thinking of you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, October 1, 2006 7:37 AM CDT
Sorry for not posting in a long time, Lynn! I was in CA visiting my 91-year-old "independent" mother and didn't have internet access. I am so grateful to hear that the unbearable pain you have been enduring these past several months will finally be lessened considerably for the long haul! I'm also glad that you're finally home with your family.
With much love and blessings to you and all your loved ones,

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, October 1, 2006 1:24 AM CDT
Lynn, I pray each day for your pain to cease,and that God will give you strength to face each day ahead. May God bless and keep you!
My love and prayers,

Sherry L. Johnson

Sherry L. Johnson <sherrylj16@hotmail.com>
Madrid, Ia, - Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:42 PM CDT
Happiness to you and your family this weekend as you begin to catch up on the past days that you've missed being together! Prayers from Virginia continue to come your way and many of our dear friends who visit Allyson's website are praying for you and read your website even though they do not post. One of my dear friends, Kathy, is a twice cancer survivor and she reads your journals daily and prays for you from Chicago. She doesn't write, but believe me, her support is powerful. She KNOWS from whence you come.

LOOKING RIGHT! Your bracelet went to Australia and New Zealand with me...and came HOME with me as well!!!

Terri aka "Teetay" :)t

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Saturday, September 30, 2006 6:17 PM CDT
Doing the HAPPY DANCE because you are home. There's NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Hope you have a great weekend with Dave, the kiddos, and friends that surround you. Keep LOOKING RIGHT my friend. :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:27 AM CDT
Well, it's about time they let you click those red heels and go home! Knowing you...my shoe diva in crime....you must have some red girly heels in that closet of yours! I am so happy that you are finally home in your own bed girlfiend! I know those kiddoes are ecstatic to have their mommy back home too! I love you sweet friend....Anna
Anna rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, September 29, 2006 6:57 PM CDT
Welcome Home!
Hang in there and fight. The finish line is getting closer and closer.

Hugs and prayers,

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Friday, September 29, 2006 5:44 PM CDT
Welcome Home SuperHero! You probably feel a bit beat up, but you're still a Hero to so many!
May God Bless your recuping this weekend!

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL USA - Friday, September 29, 2006 1:52 PM CDT

Prayers of thanks have been raised to God for you! I am wishing you sweet rest this weekend and loads of laughter and fun with your sweet family. You are so loved, Lynn, and we all are praying for continued restoration for you.

How great is our God? His power can overcome ANYTHING.

Much love,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX USA - Friday, September 29, 2006 1:05 PM CDT
SOOOOOOOOO glad you are home and doing well! We have all been praying for you nonstop here. We will continue to pray for more pain relief, more healing, more happiness, more blessings. We love you dearly, sweet Lynn. Rest up and stay strong, you can do this!

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Friday, September 29, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
Yeah!! Home SWEET Home! So glad to hear the great news! Thanks Holly for the post. What a relief to hear that Lynn is home with her hubby and kids. What a joyful weekend this will be! Lynn, lots of prayers for little or NO pain and much happiness. Love, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, September 29, 2006 11:26 AM CDT
AHHHH Home!!! How sweet! I am so happy and pray the pain remains in control and you are able to have a wonderful weekend with your family. I was reading in this book I have. It was written in 1891 and yesterday's devotion was from 1Timothy 4:12 ~ Be thou an example of the believers in word, in converstation, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. ~ That is you, Lynn!! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful example to us all!
Houston, - Friday, September 29, 2006 10:12 AM CDT
Praise God! So happy that you are at home with your precious family. Enjoy those hugs & cuddle time - you deserve it! ~Pattie
- Friday, September 29, 2006 9:49 AM CDT
I am so overcome with happiness that you are home. I just can't imanage how your family feels! I hope you had a good nights sleep and having breakfast in bed with your kiddos. Have a wonderful day and thanks for the new prayer requests. I will be praying that you find the perfect person to come into your home and help you. I was a nanny many years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done, because it was a perfect match! I am still in contact with them and would be there for them in a drop of a hat. My sweet kids are now in college, they were 3 and 5 when I was with them, the whole family means the world to me. We did not go through a adgency either so this too is added to my prayers. What a lucky person it will be that will get to come into such a BEAUTIFUL family! Have a wonderful and peacful weekend! Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Friday, September 29, 2006 8:11 AM CDT
Welcome home Lynn! I know you and your family will have a great weekend cuddling and just being together at home. My prayers are always with you and for you. When you were in the hospital one of my best friends asked me if I wanted to run the Twin Cities Marathon with her next year. Me, run a marathon?! I haven't truly exercised in about ten years (since my first pregnancy). How pathetic is that! Any way, one day when I was reading Holly or Jenny's post about your horrible pain, I knew I had to run this marathon in honor of you, for you, and because of you. If you can get through this ordeal (and you just did), I can suffer the pains of getting my out of shape body back into shape and run the marathon. Throughout your entire journey with cancer we have said that we are all running this marathon with you. Now, I want to physically run a marathon because of you. You have given me so much strength Lynn (you have no idea). Your constant faith and commitment to fight has touched my heart so deeply. You have truly changed how I look at life and I thought I had always been an optimistic person. Well, your LOOKING RIGHT message is now a daily part of my entire family's life. Just yesterday Emma reflected on your message after feeling bad about something that happened at school. I will have a little over a year to train. I started this past week. Please know that when I train, I am praying for you. As the weeks and months go on, my prayer time for you will increase too because the time will increase. I'll be storming heaven more and more. Thank you Lynn for being the amazing women that you are to so many of us. Now, go have a great and restful weekend at home. Thanks Holly for the specific prayer requests. I'll be praying! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, September 29, 2006 7:57 AM CDT
WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Em asked if Taylor could come over and I said ABSOLUTELY NOT - she is spending quality time with her MOM - Em completely agreed! - "Oh mom, I totally understand"!

Enjoy your wonderful family and your beautiful home. I'll be in touch this weekend about the girl's lunch and I'm bringing dinner on Monday:)

Love -Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Friday, September 29, 2006 7:34 AM CDT
happiness is a journey, not a destination...

for a long time it seemed to me that
life was about to begin-real life but
there was always some obstacle in the
way, something to be gotten through
first, some unfinished business, time
still to be served, a debt to be paid.
at last it dawned on me that these
obstacles were my life. this persepctive
has helped me to see that there is no way
to happiness. happieness is the way. --souza


Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, September 29, 2006 6:00 AM CDT
Lynn, I am so glad you are back home with your family.
Sooo good to hear you are having some relief from your pain. Thinking of you and praying for you and family.

xo,Holly B.

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx usa - Friday, September 29, 2006 1:26 AM CDT
Lynn, I'm so happy to hear you are home and your pain is under control...YAHOO! I must admit I'm turning into a "Lynn-junkie"...I can't tell you how many times each day I check in on you hoping for good news! I'm so thankful for tonight's post! Enjoy your weekend at home with your beautiful family and amazing TX friends! Love, Jean
Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Friday, September 29, 2006 1:16 AM CDT
Just to know that you are home made my evening special. Each night I would think of you in the hospital and know you must be longing for home. Praying for REST and RETURNING

Blessings and Much HOPE,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Thursday, September 28, 2006 11:11 PM CDT
THANK YOU GOD!!!!! I am so happy that you are back home in your own bed, surrounded by your sweet children and husband. I am praying for plenty of rest, NO pain!! and that you will feel God's presence surrounding you.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Thursday, September 28, 2006 11:03 PM CDT
YAHOO! Way to go my little fighter! Keep it up!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:23 PM CDT
Praise GOD!!!!!!! I am sooooooooo happy for you to be home surrounded by your family Lynn! You have been in my thoughts and daily prayers. I hope you have a weekend full of cuddles, love, laughs, NO pain and lot's of great rest in your own bed! Reading that post sure was a great way to end the cold, rainy, and dreary day here in Ohio. Thanks for sharing this great news Holly!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:44 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, it's been quite a week at my house and I've been out of my routine of checking your site night and day ... I've missed you! It's good to know that you're evidently feeling no worse since Monday's update but I'm anxiously awaiting the news that you're feeling much much better! :)

God used you in my life in a HUGE way this past week, Lynn. I will send you an email that you can read when you're feeling up to it and tell you all about it. It was a "God-incidence" for sure (at our house we say there are no "coincidences" just "God-incidences") and through it God truly ministered to my heart. Who could even begin to COUNT the ways, big and small, that God is using YOU to touch others?!? Isn't He amazing? Isn't He GOOD?!?

I am praying for pain control, for continued strength, courage, and trust as you fight this difficult battle, and as always for COMPLETE earthly healing. May you feel and see God in a very special way today, Lynn! Blessings to you and your family.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:52 PM CDT
Hi Lynn!
I so hope this finds you resting at home and out of that icky hospital room! Your own bed and loving family and friends around you will be such a relief to you. You crack me up that you were all decked out for surgery. Heck, there are days where it is 100 degrees here and I have to throw on a pair of jeans instead of shorts because I am too lazy to shave my legs! And I have a very large collection of baseball caps to resolve the good 'ol hair days. But that is why you always did look better than any of us!! Seriously, you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting!! I heard a saying that the road to success is always under construction. I sure hope the jackhammer on your road stops pounding soon and you can have a smooth ride to 100% healing!! Take care :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Thursday, September 28, 2006 3:45 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I hope you have a speedy recovery from the surgery. You are surrounded by prayers and loving individuals and there is no doubt you will. I continue to pray for you and your family through this phase of your life.
Love, Joelle

Joelle Minitti <joellej@cox.net>
Chandler, AZ USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:40 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I am hoping and praying that you will be out of the hospital before the weekend. I know how much your family wants you HOME! YOUR bed is going to feel soooo much better than a hospital bed! May your days be filled with more joy than pain...Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:26 AM CDT

Thinking of you with hopes you will be home soon. May your days be filled with less pain & more joy!! My prayer is your journey with this illness is almost over & you can experience a life cancer free once again. As always you are in my prayers!!



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:48 AM CDT
Looking Right for you, with you, because of you. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:22 AM CDT
Every one of us gets through the tough times because somebody is there, standing in the gap to close it for us.
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine


Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, September 28, 2006 5:32 AM CDT
Sending you my dreams for this evening, hoping they bring you hope and peace. I'm thinking of you and wishing for your return home. You are such a strong person, I will never know how hard you are fighting. You are an inspiration to all of those who know you. Sending you all the love in my heart.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
Hi Lynn

Today was the First Birthday Table Celebration at Tom Hick's. Any child who had a birthday in Aug or Sep got to sit at a special table at lunch, got to be sung to by the rest of their classmates (me leading the singing was NOT a bright spot - Ha), and got a special goody bag. That sweet Jacob of yours sat there so proudly!! He seemed very excited about the coupon for Cold Stone Creamery that was in his goody bag!!!!!

I also got to see sweet Taylor when I visited the "lunch bunch" as Emily calls her Hannah & Taylor - they are all so sweet!

Hoping you are feeling so much better! YOu are in my thoughts and prayers constantly!!!! I'm sure you'll be home in your own bed very soon!!!!

Lots of Love!

Kathy <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:16 PM CDT
Lynn, I have been thinking about you a lot.. so glad the surgery went well and hoping you are feeling better.... sending you a big hug O.
love Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 9:14 PM CDT
Patty Donohue <pattyd211@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:19 AM CDT
So happy the procedure went well Lynn. Praying you will get home soon. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:45 AM CDT
* Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
Mahatma Gandhi

You are one of the very strongest people I know! You are a gift to us all! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

J <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 6:14 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
Such great news to hear you've actually had some fun moments at the hospital! You are so missed and so very, very loved. I agree with Holly...it is such an honor to be your friend, Lynn. We will continue to lift you up at Hicks ALL the time! You are a special and beautiful daughter of our King! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 5:01 AM CDT
Lynn, We are soooo excited to hear that your surgery went well! You have been such an inspiration for me and so many others. I will continue to pray that you have a speedy recovery and return home to your family. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Much love, LA, Mike and Peyton
LA Fichera <la.fichera@yahoo.com>
London, England - Wednesday, September 27, 2006 0:59 AM CDT
Dear Lynn and family and all who love you "all"...

We've been out of the country for three weeks and I was anxious to get home and check your site! I am glad the surgery went well, and I want you to know that even as we travled I thought of you and how very brave you are, Lynn....

You keep on fighting that good fight and LOOKING RIGHT all the time.Your LOOKING RIGHT bracelet went with me to Australia and New Zealand...I had numbers of people "ask" about it (the bracelet phenomenon has not hit the Down Under yet) and I was happy to explain that it was a bRACELET representing COURAGE.

Thinking of you in prayer tonight as we've arrived back in the USA!!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:13 PM CDT
I'm so happy to hear your surgery went well and hopefully by now your pain has been relieved. We walked in honor of you this weekend at the OC Race for the Cure...and once I told my dad we were walking to support you, he decided to join us! He remembers you and Dave quite well, so we were thrilled to have him along for our stroller trek with 30,000 others in the Sea of Pink! My dad is 74...and he was inspired by you to walk! You are such a gift to all of us my friend, and your circle of love just continues to grow!

Wishing you a peaceful and restful evening!

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 7:02 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
We are so thankful to hear that your proceedure went as planned, and may be offering reief as we speak! Lots of prayers for you to go home as soon as possible - spending time in the hospital is no fun! Your family must miss you at home soooooo much! God Bless You and praying this week brings much more comfort and peace. Take care... Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:43 PM CDT
Prayers for a speedy recovery and eventual relief from the pain!! God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, Texas - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 2:06 PM CDT
Lots of things to be thankful for today! I will be praying for your return home soon my sweet friend!!! It will be so good to know you are back in your home with your family.
Huge praise to your family and friends that have helped you through these past few weeks.

Lots of love and prayers coming your way!

Patricia <patricia.banko@pactoris.com>
- Tuesday, September 26, 2006 1:13 PM CDT
Continues prayers go your way. You are a strong and powerful woman and with God's healing hand on you you will make it through this. I pray that you are home with your husband and kids this weekend.
God Bless

Stephanie <Stephh1015@aol.com>
Granbury, TX USA - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:35 AM CDT
Sweet,precious,loved Lynn, so glad that you are feeling a bit better. Lord, please keep Lynn on the path to complete recovery. I ask that you hold her tightly in your arm and deminish all her worries and concerns. Fill her with the will to keep fighting. Show her HUGE signs everyday that her body will completly recover!!!!!!!! Give her peace and strength to continue to do your will. In your precious name I pray.
Patty Donohue <pattyd211@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:33 AM CDT

Dear Lynn,

So glad to hear that everything went as planned. Praying you can get home this week close to the kids and Dave. I know they miss having you at home. I had the privlage of hearing a couple loopy stories from Dave the other night, which I will share when you get home. (it was good for Dave to have a chuckle) I know you hate being on medication, and my hope is that soon the pain will diminish so you do not have to take any more of the pain stuff. Thinking and praying for you guys lots! Love ya, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 10:24 AM CDT
Monday's entry made me smile with the make up story. Go girl! I know you are LOOKING RIGHT. Continued prayers for you and your family. Quick story involving the pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet I always wear. This past Friday I was going to a friend's cabin for a "girl" and "scrapbooking" weekend. A minivan of friends showed up just after the kids arrived home from school. We loaded my things and then gave each of my kids a hug & kiss goodbye. Mary (my baby who is now in kindergarten) had a hard time saying good bye. With tears in her eyes she said to me, "Mama, can I wear your LOOKING RIGHT bracelet?" The part of me that Mary wanted to be able to touch while I was away was your LOOKING RIGHT bracelet. She knows how special it is to me and how special your message is to our entire family. Of course I gave her the bracelet even though it was big on her. The tears still flowed down but a smile did too so I knew Mary was okay.
As I type the pink bracelet is back on my wrist. I have never taken it off except for this past weekend. Thank you Lynn for continuing to touch our lives in so many little and big ways. Keeping the faith alive from New Hope, MN! :)

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:25 AM CDT
Good morning, Lynn!
Hope you had a restful night last night.
I like Jill's idea with the lipstick! It could make you look & feel good or it could give your loved ones a good laugh! :) Either way - I say go for it!
You continue to amaze us all! So proud to call you friend! Hugs to you! Pattie

- Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
YEAH! I love to hear that you had your make-up on! That is always a good sign! Last year during my 'little hospital stint' I got out my make-up bag and tweezers on a day I was feeling a little better. When my mom arrived she gave me a odd look before asking what had happened to the right half of my right eyebrow!!! OOOPS! Tweezing while on narcotic pain killers may not be a good idea! Comic relief is good!
Get out that lip stick! It makes you feel better!
Then FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! May it be the beginning of better days!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, C - Tuesday, September 26, 2006 7:06 AM CDT
Most excellent news! thanks for posting an update. Hear's to no more pain, good sleep, going home SOON - and for those CA cells to move on out, too! keep fighting, you are doing great!
az - Monday, September 25, 2006 10:38 PM CDT
I hope you have a speedy recovery. I pray that your have many, many, many nights of peaceful dreams in your future!
I will be walking with the "3Day Girls" this Saturday. Our running shoes are on.....and we will be walking 22 miles for you! Only 5 weeks until the 3Day Walk Weekend. I hope I can learn how to "pitch my tent" in the next few weeks. I'm camping impaired!!!

Sweet dreams!

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Monday, September 25, 2006 9:58 PM CDT

So glad to know the surgery went well. This was a scripture that came in my email today. I thought of you. I believe that your healing is coming soon. I hope that I can be in the first audience to hear your miraculous testimony to God's healing power.

Fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)

You are loved by so many,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Monday, September 25, 2006 9:24 PM CDT
So happy to check back in with you and hear that everything went well today. I hope you are resting better tonight and your family too, knowing that you are one night closer to being home again. Looking forward to hearing your "loopy" stories. Keep on fighting! we are all here on the sidelines cheering you on!!!! Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Monday, September 25, 2006 9:06 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I haven't posted in a long while, but please know that I am keeping up with the updates and I continue to pray for you constantly! I hope you get to go home as soon as possible!!! HUGS! barb

Barbara Skalberg <barbaraskalberg@comcast.net>
Plano, TX - Monday, September 25, 2006 7:54 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn~
So happy to hear all went well today!!! I continue to pray for you, your family, your doctors, and all the people working on your vaccine! May God continue to surround you with loving, caring friends.
Praying and Believing,

Houston, - Monday, September 25, 2006 7:36 PM CDT
So happy to hear the surgery went well! You just be giddy all you want and don't you worry about the stories that Jenny & Holly have hanging over your head - we won't laugh for long! I was thinking about Jenny's "funny stories" this morning. Not that I know any of them, just was wondering if she was sharing any with you! I hope after the meds have worn off that you are still feeling NO PAIN! Keep up the fight sweet Lynn! I can't even begin to imagine how hard the journey is but I know that it will be worth it in the end! Just continue to lean on our amazing Father and he will get you through it! Keep looking Right! Love ya bunches! Pattie

- Monday, September 25, 2006 5:30 PM CDT

Thinking of you all day and praying that your procedure was successful. I know your family can't wait for you to get home!

Funny story: The phone rang at 7 this morning - just as I had looked at the clock and realized that we were running late cause Emily wasn't even out of bed yet. Miss Taylor was on the phone to discuss the weekly lunch ( I so miss chatting w/you on Sundays -hopefully we can chat this coming Sun.) - anyway - I chatted w/her for a moment and then she wanted to speak to Em - of course Emily BOLTED out of bed when she heard Taylor was on the line (gee, maybe she should call every morning!!!) - The two of them proceded to chat for a good 10 min - I figured it was super important - I finally told Em she had to get ready for school - so when she got off the phone I asked what they had talked about - and she said that Taylor had to tell her all about her adventures in walking the dog w/Ashlynn! - It was just so funny the way Emily told me this - I had to laugh. You have such a sweet girl and Emily adores her!

Hang in there - you'll be home soon!!!!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Monday, September 25, 2006 3:58 PM CDT
Praying and hoping to hear good news sometime this afternoon! You are such an inspiratation to all of us.

Much love and buckets of HOPE,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Monday, September 25, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
Lynn, I hope the procedure went well this morning. You are amazing and your strength, faith, and fight will get you through this bump in the road. Always LOOKING RIGHT because of you, for you, and with you my friend. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, September 25, 2006 11:44 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I am hoping and PRAYING hard for the surgery to go well & for pain relief after all of this!
Looking RIGHT for you - Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 10:47 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
May God bles your surgeons today. Keep on hanging in there, you are almost home. In these dark difficult hours, Thank You for letting us pray for you and your loved ones. Your light is shining brighter than you may know.

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Monday, September 25, 2006 9:40 AM CDT
Just thinking and praying for you and your crew this morning.

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Monday, September 25, 2006 9:03 AM CDT
Precious friend - I am hoping & praying today is a turning point towards gaining your life back. FIGHT FOR IT!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Sooooooooo much love pouring your way! XOXO - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Monday, September 25, 2006 8:31 AM CDT

Thinking of you today; hoping this will be the answer to your pain!!

Praying for you, your family, & your sweet friends. As Jill always says FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!!

Much love to you from chilly Chicago,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Monday, September 25, 2006 8:23 AM CDT
OK Friend! This is a big day! Rmemeber that you have a whole army of us out here rooting for you! Praying for you! Thinking of you! The best is yet to be!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, September 25, 2006 7:11 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I'm in Dallas this week on business/vacation and thinking ever so much about you. I hope tomorrow's procedure will bring you some much needed relief of your pain. You and your family and dear friends remain in my prayers.

Laura Quevedo <laura.quevedo@gmail.com>
Diamond Bar, CA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 11:01 PM CDT
Lynn - I am praying for you tomorrow as well as the doctors,nurses, and staff that are involved in your procedure. I pray that Jesus will take your pain away and leave you happy with your family. We all love you - take comfort in our prayers and love.
Kim Gammill <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, Tx Usa - Sunday, September 24, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
praying extra hard that tomorrow will be the answer to relieve Lynn's pain
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, September 24, 2006 10:15 PM CDT
Praying that tomorrow's procedure is quick and successful and you are home before you know it!!!!

Much Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:17 PM CDT
~Praying without ceasing and fully believing! Thank you for the update Holly. Much love to you Lynn! -Pattie
- Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:13 PM CDT

You are an angel for updating us! You know we are all worried about our sweet Lynn.

We will pray unceasingly for relief from pain and for her total healing.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:01 PM CDT
Praying that the procedure in the morning is the answer to all of our prayers for your pain relief. I'm praying just as Holly said, without ceasing and fully believing. You can get through this because our Savior will carry you through it!!
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Sunday, September 24, 2006 8:56 PM CDT
Praying Lynn. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, September 24, 2006 8:35 PM CDT
Lynn- I think of you all the time and pray that you have relief of this horrible pain. You have so many people out there saying prayers for you, I hope you can feel the love in this difficult time.
Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, September 24, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
Oh thank you Holly! I know I'm not the only one who has been anxiously awaiting for news about Lynn. I'll be in prayer for the next procedure and Lynn's return home ASAP! Blessings to all.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, September 24, 2006 6:42 PM CDT
"Storming Heaven" Praying continually for you, Lynn!
- Sunday, September 24, 2006 10:23 AM CDT
Praying for release from the pain and strength for tomorrow.
All my best,

Lisa <loumicsmom@comcast.net>
Cedar Hill, TX USA - Sunday, September 24, 2006 9:40 AM CDT
There's no easy way out. If there were, I would have bought it. And believe me, it would be one of my favorite things!
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine, February 2005

OH, DON'T WE LOVE OPRAH! I pray for easier days for you and your family! Hang in there!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, September 24, 2006 8:19 AM CDT
Dear Lynn, you are on my heart as I prepare for church this morning. I pray it is the dawn of a better day for you. I am so looking forward to hearing that your pain is under control.

I saw a beautiful little girl who looked so much like your little Taylor last night at Dave & Buster's, I have no idea if it was her or if the Lord was simply using a sweet child to remind me to lift you up. We prayed for you right then and there. I am lifting "popcorn" prayers to God hundreds of times throughout the day as well!

Today tuly is the day the Lord has made, Lynn. I pray it will be a day of smiles and enjoying those loved ones who surround you!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, September 24, 2006 7:46 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn, I sat in church today praising God in song. He laid you heavily on my heart. He also gave me a scripture for you..."Come to me all who are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 Lay you pain at the cross Lynn. He died for you! He died to take your pain! Release your pain to Him through the grace the Holy spirit that dwells in you gives you.

I am praying so fervently for you, your pain release, your family, your most precious children and your strong husband. I am praying for your closest friends Holly and Jenny and their families. I am praying for your doctors and nurses. I pray Jesus gives you peace and comfort tonight. He loves you so deeply.

Kim Gammill <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, Tx Usa - Saturday, September 23, 2006 8:53 PM CDT
Praying for you always!! I wish I could take your pain away or, at least, do more to comfort you. You are so amazing and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon, Lynn!!
Dahl Herrel <dahlface@sbcglobal.net>
Frisco, - Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:56 PM CDT
Praying for you, Lynn.
I hope I get to see you Monday night.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:38 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and praying for you daily. I am watching over your precious girl at school~ you should be so proud of her. She is an awesome girl! I pray that you are feeling all the prayers coming your way.
God bless you,
Traci Kidwell

Traci Kidwell <traci.k@sbcglobal.net>
The Colony, TX USA - Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:09 PM CDT
Still praying, Lynn. Love you!

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:48 PM CDT
I can't imagine what you are going through! I spoke with my neighbor who deals with constant pain as a result of RSD. She said that they tried this procedure that you have just had done to you and it didn't work, but they kept after it and have found things to lessen the pain. It is a horrific process, but one that we are praying you through.

Keep you will to fight this pain and this cancer!! We are all cheering you on through CONSTANT prayer! Keep looking right even when the pain is drawing your eyes toward the YUCK!!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, September 23, 2006 10:55 AM CDT
I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)

I am thankful for you Lynn! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, September 23, 2006 7:38 AM CDT
I have been reading your journals for about a year now and have never signed before but I wanted you to know that I pray for you everyday and you are never far from my thoughts. You have a beautiful family! Keep fighting!! Lots of Love from Plano!
Plano, Tx. USA - Friday, September 22, 2006 9:54 PM CDT
You continue to be in my thoughts all day long. Our newphew is walking the Race in Milwaukee and I wrote your name as big as could be on the check and told him of you in the card we sent! You have yet another person praying for you and your family. I hope they have found out more about your pain and a new way to help lessen it. My husband is in Dallas right now and I told him maybe his prayer would have a direct link coming from your "home base," hey everything helps! I pray your entire family feels the love and support that you have and that you will be able to be in your own home resting soon, I pray that you have sweet Dr's and nurses taking care of you and you are able to get the rest you need to continue your FIGHT.

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Friday, September 22, 2006 7:53 PM CDT

Sending many prayers full of hope and love. I pray that

you will feel your hand resting inside of the hand of

Jesus. I am praying that you will have a peace that

only comes from the Lord. I shipped a package to you

today, so tell the kids to be looking for it. You are

on my heart so many times through out the day, as I do

those ordinary things. I pray that soon you will have some

ordinary days. Thoughts of you remind me of how much we

take those for granted!

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God

is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield, my

strength, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is

worthy to be praised and I am saved from my enemies. In my

distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God for

help; He heard my voice out of His temple and my cry for

help before Him into His ears. He reached down from on high

and took hold of me; He drew me out of the deep waters.” -

Psalm 18:1-3,6,16

Praying this with and for you!


Teresa <ANNAH99@AOL.COM>
Shreveport, LA - Friday, September 22, 2006 5:26 PM CDT
I am praying for Lynn and all the family at this time. I pray the Lord hears our cries - that his angels stand guard over Lynn and comfort her in her hospital room...that pain managment comes quickly...

Trusting Him,

Lauren Daves <lldaves@comcast.net>
Plano, tx - Friday, September 22, 2006 4:01 PM CDT
Hi Sweet Lynn!
We love you and continue to pray for you everyday. Love, Danyelle, Glenn, and Katie Ford

Danyelle <danyelle.ford@sbcglobal.net>
- Friday, September 22, 2006 3:10 PM CDT
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God will give you strength to get over this hurdle. You are an inspiration to me. I admire you so! Take care and know that prayers are constantly going to heaven to give you strength and endurance.
Sheilah Orth <sheilah.orth@pepsico.com>
The Colony, TX - Friday, September 22, 2006 2:49 PM CDT
Thinking of you today! ~Pattie
- Friday, September 22, 2006 2:15 PM CDT
Stay strong Lynn! I know you will overcome this hurdle. I am praying and praying for pain relief, and of couse complete healing on earth!

Sending hugs!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Friday, September 22, 2006 1:01 PM CDT
Thinking of Lynn today and praying for her.
Tina & Lance (md/lance) <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Friday, September 22, 2006 11:47 AM CDT
Lynn, you are in my thoughts and on my heart this morning. How could I not be thinking of you, I have an appointment with your very own Dr. Stokoe in just a short while! I pray you had a painfree night and were able to rest peacefully. I hope you feel the love of hundreds of believers surrounding you, it is certainly present and will carry you through this until you are able to put your own running shoes on once again! Blessings and love to you.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, September 22, 2006 11:10 AM CDT
Praying, praying, praying that your pain will go away!!
Looking RIGHT with you & for you!!!
Love, Missy

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, September 22, 2006 10:26 AM CDT
as always you are heavy on my heart... and deep in my prayers... love you... sending you a big Hug OOOOOOOOOO> Love Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, September 22, 2006 9:57 AM CDT
Lynn, Dick and I are praying that this new procedure takes your pain away. We pray that soon you will be pain free and enjoying life again. The weather is cooling down and I am sure you will be sitting outside soon. Stay strong and we will pray even harder for you!!!!
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Farmers Branch, tx - Friday, September 22, 2006 9:53 AM CDT

I have not signed your guest book in a couple of years, but ever since you and Holly were in our Tapestry Bible study for a little while 2 years ago, the Lord has led me to pray for you regularly. I have been asking the Lord to bring relief from the horrible pain and am praying for you to see Him loving on you every minute.
Zephaniah 3:17:
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

In Christ,

Lori Dunn <lori.dunn@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, September 22, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
Hi my sweet friend. I miss you, as so many others do. I so enjoy seeing your angels when I get to take them to school. They both have your sweet spirit and are such a delight to be around. I know you and Dave are very proud of them. I can't wait to see you back in the 'hood. You stay strong in faith. We are all storming heaven for you!!
I love you, Lori

Lori Haney <lahaney@gmail.com>
Frisco, Tx. USA - Friday, September 22, 2006 8:38 AM CDT
Hoping today is a better day for you Lynn. Thinking about you so much and praying for you, Dave, Taylor, Jacob, and all your loved ones. So glad to know the good Lord is surrounding you with so many angels on earth. Much love from New Hope, MN. (Yes, my closing is corny but it gives me a smile writing it and I hope it gives you a smile reading it). :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, September 22, 2006 8:17 AM CDT

Dear Lynn,

I apoligize if I already sent this prayer, but it is my favorite.

My lord God,
I do not see the road
ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain
where it will end.......

I know that you will lead me
by the right road,
though I may know
nothing about it.
Therefore I trust you always.
I will NOT fear,
for you are with me,
and you will never leave me
to face my perils alone.
Thinking of you and praying for you Lynn!

Love always your friend, Julie

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Friday, September 22, 2006 7:54 AM CDT
I don't think I have yet to sign your guestbook. However, I have been reading your updates and lifting you, and your family, up in prayers for many years now.

My prayer for you this evening is that the procedure is a success, all pain will be relieved, that you will wake up to a gorgeous sunrise, joy and laughter will fill the room, and you will instantly feel God's presence around you!

Naomi *Angels on Earth*
Plano, TX USA - Friday, September 22, 2006 0:03 AM CDT
Friend! I'm thinking about you and praying the doctors are able to do away with your pain. Keep your chin up and keep LOOKING RIGHT! There are 16 of us walking the Orange County Race for the Cure on Sunday in your name, missy! You can bet we'll be recruiting more friends to pray for you there! If you feel a surge of positive energy on Sunday morning, you'll know why! Love, Jean
Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:29 PM CDT
We are praying for you and your family. We are also praying for the doctors to control your pain and find your cure.

Mindy and Darren <bandit11@lilly.com>
- Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:09 PM CDT
Hang in there Lynn,

You are in our prayers daily. I know your neurologists will find the right method to help control your pain. You're such a trooper!! Sweet peaceful dreams tonight!


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:54 PM CDT
Precious Lynn,
Not a day goes by at school that you are not thought of and prayed for. I hope you know how very much you are loved, and how our hearts are aching for you. Lynn, you will get through this...I know you will. Just think of how awesome it will be when every knee bows to Him in praise and worship when you are better! My prayer is that you feel His greatness and His presence, and that you feel, most of all, His HUGE LOVE FOR YOU!!! You are never, ever alone.

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:32 PM CDT

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