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Lynn - I am praying for you throughout my day. god has placed you in many thoughts along my path each day and as he brings you to my mind,I hear him say, "come to me." So I am praying for you often! Be strong and lean on the Holy spirit that dwells inside of you...gain strength from Him who is your savior. He loves you and so do I.
Kim Gammill <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, Tx USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:10 PM CDT
Be Confindent!
Be Brave!

Always on my mind!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:44 PM CDT
If only we could all take a day of pain for you, I would be the first in line and the line would be long. Fall is in the air and hopefully that means your "vaccine" is closer. I think of you often and only wish I could do more for you, I'm reminded of your sweet face often, whether its from friends, pink bracelets or kids. We miss seeing you and cannot wait until you are up and at'em again. You will never know the impact your life has had on many of us, we love you and will be beside you or carrying you until we reach our destination. Stay Strong Sweet Friend.

Love Always,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:50 PM CDT
Hi Lynn and family --

Praying for pain relief, guidance from above for your medical team, and patience/love/ongoing support for you and your family. Constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

Love, Deb Klein and family

Oh, and my children constantly want to know the story on the pink Looking Right bracelet - and never tire of hearing the story about Lynn and her FIGHT she continues to win - praying for the end of the fight and the beginning of you enjoying your life cancer-free.....

Deb Klein
Saint Paul, MN - Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:49 PM CDT
Hello...Kevin again, My wife Tracy showed me your page awhile back, she prays for you every day, and I want you to know that I do also. May God bless you and help you in every way you need. I am not much for words but please know I am praying for you every day. May God please hold you in His hands and help you. God Bless you. Kevin
Kevin Walukas <medikkev@aol.com>
canton, Tx USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 1:01 PM CDT
I am praying as always for you Lynn and your family. I pray to God that He gives you guidance, comfort, wisdom and peace. I pray for your children daily as I know the feeling of wanting to protect them from knowing all. As I go through my day, you will be top priority on my car driving prayers :)

Michele Bowers
Salem, OR USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 12:44 AM CDT
I had a chance to see Taylor this morning and I sent her all the love I could without making a fool of myself in the hallway. She looked very cute and happy. I am praying for you and thinking of you all the time. I just wish there was something we could all do.
I am bringing dinner over on Monday night. I sure hope I will get to see your beautiful face then.
Much love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, September 21, 2006 12:13 AM CDT
I am pleading with God on your behalf for a break from the pain. I know you must be so tired and weary. May you find rest and peace in the one constant in life- CHRIST! I am praying for a divine intervention.
Praying you through,
Jennie May

Jennie May <jenniemay@sbcglobal.net>
McKinney, TX USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 12:09 AM CDT
Dear Lynn:
I'm a friend of Sheilah Orth. Just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You have a beautiful family giving you a lot to fight for through this time in your life. So, keep fighting.
Love to you and your family.

Jannette Lindsay <jannette.v.lindsay@fritolay.com>
Prosper, TX USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:30 AM CDT
Thank you to Holly and Jenny for keeping us updated. Please send my love and prayers to Lynn and let her I'm always thinking about her. How is her fever and infection? I know we've all been praying for that to go away.Lynn keep your spirits up continue fighting you have so many people who are fighting for you.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:58 AM CDT
Lynn, I so pray that the pain goes away soon. I know it must be harder and harder to keep looking right but I know that you are going to beat this beast. Stay strong, sweet Lynn. Praying so hard and continuing to look right for you! FIGHT, LYNN, FIGHT!!!!
- Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:45 AM CDT
The power and beauty you possess shapes your family for today and tomorrow. Your family is strong because of you being there. Keep up the fight and trust in Him. We are all praying for your comfort to see your way back home.

In Christ.

Scot Henderson <w.scothenderson@pepsico.com>
McKinney, Tx USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:30 AM CDT
Stay strong, Lynn. How frustrating, exahausting and just plain rotten that you are still enduring this level of pain. Hoping the latest procedure does the trick for you. Continuing to think of you and sending strength your way!

az - Thursday, September 21, 2006 10:15 AM CDT
Lynn, sending you ALL our prayers and love!!!!!!!!!!! Hang tough sweet friend. I am so hopeful you will find comfort soon. May you be filled with comfort, peace, and painfree days immediately! Love to you and your precious family...The Donohue's
patty donohue <pattyd211@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
I don't know you, but you are precious to me and I pray for you daily. I'm praying for healing and relief for you and protection for you and your entire family.
Spring, TX - Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
I so wish this pain could be kept under control or better yet...eliminated. You are going thru enough;this isn't needed too. prayers being said.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:24 AM CDT
I am thinking about you and praying for you often. May God give you and your family peace and respite from this awful pain.
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:16 AM CDT
Oh Heidi is so right ... Friends double the joy and divide the grief ... that is such a perfect way to let you know that we are here to lift that burden off of you in any way we possibly can. Thank you to Holly for sharing the update and specific prayer requests, you can rest in the assurance that each of these requests is being lifted to the Lord today by the hundreds of people who check in on you and pray for you each and every day. The Body of Christ is on its knees for you, dearest Lynn, and for your family and your doctors. Please stay strong, you are an incredible person and have overcome so much already, I know you can do this. I'm so sorry you are continuing to have such awful pain. I am looking forward to an update soon that the spinal procedure has helped relieve some of that pain for you. May God hold you in the palm of His hand and give you comfort, peace, patience, and strength.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:15 AM CDT
Hi Sweet Lynn,
I am Debi Meuret's Mother. - I am praying for you daily and have put you on our Sunday School prayer list. You have a lot of people praying and loving you even if we don't know you personally. You have a precious family and they are in our prayers too.

Just keep your eye on the cardinal and know God is there with you. Hope today is a good day and healing begins.

Sue Hittle

Sue Hittle <dhittle339@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx USA - Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:00 AM CDT
Hello Lynn. I just read the update and Holly informed us that she will print the entries and read them to you. After reading the entry just now an old saying popped into my mind and it goes something like this, "Friends double the joy and divide the grief." This saying really hits home the meaning of true friendship as when we heard the good news on the PET scan, so many of us were doing the HAPPY DANCE. Now, knowing you are in so much pain, so many of us are feeling the pain too and wanting/hoping to take it away from you with our love, prayers, and just support of you in general. You can do this Lynn. You are a fighter and God strengthens you. I am storming heaven for you, with you, and because of you. Hang in there as there are brigther days ahead. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. Much love, Heidi :) P.S. Thanks for the update Holly!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:17 AM CDT
I's sending prayers your way--RIGHTNOW!

mama to 6 kids ( 2 with MDS)


Maria <MamaRia@charter.net>
tm - Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:49 AM CDT
Thank you for the update. We all have been praying for news of any type. Our Lord Jesus Christ has his loving arms wrapped around Lynn and her family at this time. We pray for guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. He will provide knowledge to the doctors as they determine the best course of treatment for Lynn. All of you kind and loving friends are also in our hearts and prayers as you stay at Lynn's side. Thank you for all you do for Lynn and for us.
Grandma Jeanne <oldgreen.eyes@verizon.net>
Dallas, Tx - Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:45 AM CDT
Good Morning friend! I hope you know that we are all out here pulling for you! Thinking. Praying. Hoping. Know that you are loved!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:03 AM CDT

I am praying for you. KEEP UP THE FIGHT!

Susan Macy
Lubbock, Tx - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:47 PM CDT

I am praying for you. KEEP UP THE FIGHT!

Susan Macy
Lubbock, Tx - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:47 PM CDT
We haven't had a chance to meet yet. My name is Luke, and I am a relatively new member of Dave's team at work. I only want you to know that you, Dave, and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers. We have been doing, as you all have, and will continue to do the only thing we can when we are powerless - to trust Him...

Luke Dolezal <luke.dolezal@pepsico.com>
- Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:56 PM CDT

You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. You have endured more than I can even imagine! I pray that good news is very near!

I am also praying for hope to abide in your heart!

Sending my love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:36 PM CDT
I hope that your infection is cleared and that the pain is better. You are in my thoughts so much and always in my prayers. You can do this Lynn. Fight, my friend, fight! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:04 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn ~ I hope this message finds you peacefully resting at home surrounded by your wonderful family which you SO deserve! Am praying the pain has become controllable, the infection is leaving your body and for complete healing. We think of you always. Hang in there and continue to fight! You are an amazing woman and I am in awe of your strength, your faith and how much you have touched everyone's life. Take care :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:49 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I hope that things have looked up for you......... I am anxious, along with the rest of the world, to hear that you are back home and your pain is under control. No matter what is currently happening in my life, you are never far from my thoughts and you are NEVER discluded in prayers. Being that my son goes to school with yours, it has to be private, as you wish, but my husband and I are fully believing in your healing here on Earth.
Hold tight, stay strong. You are the only person in this world that I know of that handle what you have been faced with. You are not the cancer and the cancer is not you. And you never seem to forget that. You use your journey to spread His word and help others with your courage and steadfast faith in God. Thanks to our dear Lord for you. You will never know how many lives you have changed with your words of courage, faith and complete believing in the Almighty. I am praying that this slight bump in your road to recovery will be handled quickly and that this infection does not grow to hurt you anymore than it already has. Stay strong and keep fighting, don't stop, don't stop. You are needed here.........
With love and prayers,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:27 AM CDT
From "The Message" ... 1 Corinthians 13:12-13

"We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love."

Asking the Father to protect you and comfort you today, and to provide for all your needs. May God bless you and yours, Lynn, you are all so special to my heart.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8:42 AM CDT
Hello Lynn, I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a battle. I hope that the pain is eased for you very soon. Please continue to fight this...I know you have the power to do it. You are in my thoughts and prayers! Love you, Carolyn (Darud) Erickson
Carolyn Erickson <carolyn.erickson@rsmi.com>
Chaska, MN USA - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 7:52 AM CDT
FIGHT! Fight! fight! FiGHT! FIght! figHT! FiGHt! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! There are so many ways to fight Lynn! And You are a prize fighter! Keep it up!
FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! You are in my thoughts and prayers always!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 6:16 AM CDT
We prayed for you, your family, your doctors, and your "ministering angels" (Holly and Jenny) this morning at Moms-In-Touch. You are precious, Lynn.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Wednesday, September 20, 2006 0:32 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Praying Praying for you. I hope you are at last getting so rest and that the pain is under control!!!! I will be praying for this infection to be nipped in the bud asap, pain to be eliminated, rest and peace or mind for you and your family, and for you to be cancer free here on earth!
Just know that sooooo many people are lifting you up in prayer my dear cyber friend!
I drove past a Church today and my sweet 2 1/2 yr old daughter put her hands together and said, "Amen" as we drove past it! I thought of you!
Thanks Jenny for posting!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:08 PM CDT
i have not posted in a long time, but you are constantly on my mind. i think of you each day with hope and confidence. i proudly wear my "looking right" bracelet as a constant reminder of what you are enduring and the remarkable woman you are. i love you Lynn
Holly Brousseau

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx usa - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 8:58 PM CDT

I haven't posted in awhile, but I'm praying so hard that you get some relief from the constant pain. You truly do not deserve this.

Simi Valley, CA USA - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:49 PM CDT
Our prayers too are with you & your beautiful family. God has wonderful plans for all of you. God puts us all in holding patterns at times, we know not what for . But in his time he will reveal why & when we find out oh my... We serve an awesome God who loves us dearly! God bless you & your family! New to the Disciples class & Spirit Seekers class.
THOMAS & JOELLA JENKINS <joella.jenkins@HCAhealthcare.com>
DALLAS, TX 75228 - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:04 PM CDT
Thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep battling!
Justin R. Berg <justin@cvhsa.com>
Coronado, CA USA - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:46 PM CDT
I just want you to know I am praying for you. May God bless you day by day. I will continue to pray for you and to ask God to let you feel HIs strength.
Kevin Walukas <medikkev@aol.com>
Canton, Tx USA - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:20 PM CDT

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:30 PM CDT
Hang in there Lynn. Brighter days are ahead for you and your family. LOOKING RIGHT because of you, for you, and with you my friend. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:37 AM CDT
You have been in my thoughts all day and now I know why...I am keeping you and your family close in my heart and praying that you are having great people care for you. Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Monday, September 18, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
Yvette McMullen asked me to pray for you. I have been. Your sister in Christ,
Jennifer Siu
Osage Beach, MO - Monday, September 18, 2006 9:06 PM CDT
Hey Lynn, We are out of town and I've only a couple of minutes on the internet so I haven't been able to read the journal entries. I did read enough to know that you've been in the hospital. I'm so sorry to hear that and am praying harder than ever.
I did want you to know that while we were on our Alaskan cruise - they had an "On Deck for the cure" 5k. Todd and I proudly walked in honor of you!!! You have not been far from my thoughts & prayers!
Praying so hard for you, your family, friends and every single doctor involved.
Hugs to you, Lynn.

- Monday, September 18, 2006 7:43 PM CDT
Just wanted to send a quick note that we are thinking of you and praying for you. Stay strong and have faith. Lots of Love.
The Como Family (Mike, Misty, Blake & Avery) <mcomo@hickorytech.net>
Mankato, MN - Monday, September 18, 2006 6:55 PM CDT
Praying as much as I can throughout the day my sweet friend Lynn. Hoping all the thoughts and prayers are helping with the pain and clearing up your infection. Keeping the faith alive from New Hope, MN.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, September 18, 2006 5:51 PM CDT
No words come today. My heart is aching for you. I just feel so bad for you and wish there was something -ANYTHING- that I could do to help. Once again I'm pleading with God for your pain to be brought under control, and now for that infection to be cleared up. I am praying for strength for you, comfort for your family, and wisdom for your doctors. You are so strong, Lynn, and so brave. Don't give up!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, September 18, 2006 5:02 PM CDT
Lynn, please keep doing what you're doing and hang on in there! I pray and believe that there is light at the end of this tunnel! Things are the darkest just before light appears ... so if you can make it through this, I believe that relief will be just around the bend. You are one strong woman - so much moreso because you are loved and cared for. Know that so many people are praying for you. God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, September 18, 2006 4:19 PM CDT
Hang in there! Our vision is to meet up with all the bad guys invading your sweet body and kick their booty! We're pulling for you and wish you a pain free, sunny day!

Christen Chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, AR USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:57 PM CDT
Praying extra today for you Lynn!
Sending loving thoughts for you and all around
you who love you so much!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Monday, September 18, 2006 1:07 PM CDT

Thinking of you with hopes you will be home soon. You & your family are in my prayers!! As your friend Jill always says FIGHT LYNN FIGHT!!!

Praying, praying, praying


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 11:48 AM CDT
I do not sign this guestbook often but please know I think about and pray daily for Lynn's pain control, complete healing on earth and for the strength and faith of her support system.
God Bless.

Nova Scotia Canada - Monday, September 18, 2006 11:48 AM CDT
Praying that more than ever you will feel God's arms around you and feel His comfort. I'm still praying for your miracle. God get rid of this infection and fever! You are loved by many.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Monday, September 18, 2006 11:32 AM CDT
Praying for you! You are so strong and I admire your fight to live. You are amazing and you can do this! I lift you and your family up in prayer.


Laurie B.
Pittsburgh, Pa USA - Monday, September 18, 2006 11:09 AM CDT
Praying for you, Lynn. You can do this, hang in there!!!
tempe, az - Monday, September 18, 2006 10:03 AM CDT
We all appreciate the update on Lynn. Now it is time to STORM heaven with all our prayers. Thanks Jenny for keeping us posted. Much love, thoughts and prayers from Colorado...Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, September 18, 2006 10:00 AM CDT
always praying
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Monday, September 18, 2006 9:39 AM CDT
Thanks for the update Jenny. PRAYING HARD!!!!!!!
Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, September 18, 2006 9:35 AM CDT
Praying for immediate pain relief for you. Just keep in mind that a year from now (or less) this will have just been a bad dream with your best life ahead of you, enjoying wonderful times with your friends and family.
Sheilah <sheilah.orth@pepsico.com>
The Colony, TX - Monday, September 18, 2006 9:30 AM CDT
Praying and hoping that your pain is better Lynn. You are in my thoughts 24/7 and every time I pray. I have been stormin' heaven for you the past couple of hours as I couldn't sleep. I think the angels were tapping on my shoulder to wake me as they know all the prayers help. Praying with faith my sweet friend Lynn. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, September 18, 2006 4:24 AM CDT
Hi Lynn, I've been away from the computer for a few days and am sick about last week's events and your unplanned hospital stay. Reading the other guestbook entries has made me think you're home now, but not sure. Wherever you are resting at this very (late!) moment, I'm praying for your body to be pain-free and your sleep to be sweet and restorative. I look forward to an update soon. So many prayer warriors lifting you up and keeping tabs on you, you know!!! We love you, Lynn!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, September 18, 2006 0:34 AM CDT
Beautiful Lynn,
I agree with Susan Whitworth...your work here is not yet done. YOU are such a big part of so many lives...we all love you so much! I pray that tomorrow is a brighter and clearer day for you. The kids and I laughed a lot today at the movies...remind them to tell you how funny it was! Jenny and Holly said that you've been pretty funny, too! I love the way God weaves laughter into life's struggles. Surely He knows how good it is for us to use our gift of laughter whenever things look tough. I also love the way He loves you and takes such good care of you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, September 17, 2006 8:38 PM CDT
Beautiful Lynn,
I agree with Susan Whitworth...your work here is not yet done. YOU are such a big part of so many lives...we all love you so much! I pray that tomorrow is a brighter and clearer day for you. The kids and I laughed a lot today at the movies...remind them to tell you how funny it was! Jenny and Holly said that you've been pretty funny, too! I love the way God weaves laughter into life's struggles. Surely He knows how good it is for us to use our gift of laughter whenever things look tough. I also love the way He loves you and takes such good care of you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, September 17, 2006 8:38 PM CDT

Praying that the doctors find the right combination of pain relief for you and that you return home to your wonderful family as soon as possible!

love, kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Sunday, September 17, 2006 6:22 PM CDT
Oh sweet friend,

Do I ever have some stories to share with you when your up & running once again - HA!! With all the meds being pumped into your body, you can be quite a silly girl at times!!

You know I'm praying with you, for you and over you every second of each day & night.

I love you to pieces, BIG hugs - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, September 17, 2006 2:12 PM CDT
Dear Heavenly Father, please, please, please wrap Your loving arms around Lynn and eliminate this horrific pain she is experiencing. Please Lord, be with her family and fill them all with your loving spirit so they may all feel peace and secure that you WILL heal Lynn completely of her pain, discomfort, and her dreadful disease. Lord, we ask that you be with the children so they may not worry about their Mommy and live their lives as carefree as possible. Lord, we all thank you so so much for Lynn and the courage and faith she graciously gives to so many of us. We thank you so much for giving her such a supportive family and cirlce of friends who care for and take care of Lynn. Please give the nurses who are treating her compassion and the doctors wisdom so that together, with You, they can do what is needed to help Lynn. Thank you Lord for all of the blessings Lynn has surrounding her and we ask that you continue to lay Your hand on her for healing.
In sweet Jesus name we pray, AMEN!!!!

Lynn, I am praying, praying, praying for you and your family.........I hope you are feeling better. I know that we out here are so worried for you and I am sure you are as well. Know that you are loved and that you will WIN. Keep fighting and hold on, your work here on Earth is nowhere near done.
Always in my thoughts and in my prayers.....
With love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Sunday, September 17, 2006 7:44 AM CDT
So sorry to hear you are feeling so much pain. I will keep you in my dreams tonight and send you much love and peace for the coming days ahead. Praying for you to be home safe and soon in your own home surrounded by the ones you love.

Love Always,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:33 PM CDT
Many prayers that your needs will be met my sweet friend Lynn. Hold on as brighter days are ahead. Remember, just a little over a week ago we were all doing the happy dance because of the great news from the PET scan. Happy Dance on hold for me until your pain is better but keeping the faith that the good Lord will bring you some relief so you can get back to chemo next week. Stormin' heaven for you, with you, and because of you! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:28 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, I am so sorry to read that your pain is unbearable. I am praying each and every day for you. I pray for your children too. It must be so hard having you away from them. I pray that the doctors find a way to relieve you of your pain. God Bless! Stephanie
Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, So sorry to hear how much you are hurting. Many prayers will be in your name tonight. Thinking of you always-
Kristi Lupe <kristi.lupe@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, September 16, 2006 9:46 PM CDT
saying a prayer-- RIGHT NOW!



Maria <MamaRia@charter.net>
tn - Saturday, September 16, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
Praying for you, Lynn. Praying, praying, praying. Love you! Yvette
Yvette <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Saturday, September 16, 2006 8:37 PM CDT
Jenny and Holly,

Please keep us informed as to how Lynn is doing. We are all praying for her pain relief.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:29 PM CDT
We are saying prayers for you daily, Lynn!! Hopefully this hospital stay will help eliminate your pain. Sue, Wayne, Terri, know our thoughts are with you too.
Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@charter.net>
Rochester, MN USA - Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:26 PM CDT
I truly BELIEVE that the doctors are finally going to find the source of your nerve pain and take care of it once and for all. Please God let today be the day Lynn's pain is gone.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:51 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand!
Taylor and Jacob are happy with their friends here and being watched over by all the many angels that work here.

Peace and Prayers from all of us here at school!
Ann Beckel

Ann Beckel <dbeckel@waymark.net>
- Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:30 PM CDT
Praying that your doctors can finally find some relief for you & this awful pain!!!
You & your family are never far from our thoughts and prayers!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, September 16, 2006 1:12 PM CDT

Praying that your hospital stay is short, but that you get

much needed help with the pain! Sending many prayers,

much HOPE and LOVE!


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Saturday, September 16, 2006 12:44 AM CDT
Nerve pain is just so miserable. I am so sorry that this struggle to find a way to prevent the pain is so difficult. Know many prayers are being said for you! Hoping you are able to get back to your chemo soon and that the nurses are good to you in the hospital. I am sure you are touching their hearts the same way you have touched mine.
Friends of Allie, - Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:40 AM CDT
My Dear Friend! This just SUCKS! I kept trying to think of something eloquent to say. To find the right words. To have just the right thing to say.
There are no words. I hate this for you! We are praying! Hoping! Thinking! Loving! We are with you in heart and soul! YOU ARE A FIGHTER! This is a set back but it is not the first one that you have overcome with huge success! That hospital staff better watch out because as soon as they can control your pain you WIll be up and running! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, September 16, 2006 8:07 AM CDT
We are praying for God to grant you relief from pain at this time. We are praying He will guide and bless your family at this time!
Mark and Brenda Routh and family

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, MN - Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:20 AM CDT
praying for Lynn on so many levels but most immediate for pain relief.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, September 16, 2006 0:20 AM CDT
I hope that you have gotten some relief with the pain and that they are getting to the bottem of this. We are praying hard and so very very often. It makes me so sad to know that this is just one more thing you are going through but you are not alone. We are all out here cheering you on and praying for your peace! I hope you get a sleepful night.

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Friday, September 15, 2006 9:37 PM CDT

Dear Lynn,

I had no idea you spent time in the hospital on Wednesday. I am praying so.... so hard for you and all of your family. Lynn, on Sunday at mass I have put in a request that you are on the prayer list for that day. I love you lots Lynn and I want you to know that I am remaining positive for you and the family. We all have to fight hard right now, and I know you are in alot of pain and feeling very tired and out of energy, but everything will get better I just know it. Love ya friend! Julie

Lonetree, CO USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
We are praying, May God Grant you all some peace in this storm. God Bless the Newmans and the Bergs!
Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Friday, September 15, 2006 8:30 PM CDT
Holding you and your family tight in my prayers Lynn.

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 7:54 PM CDT
Lynn- thinking of you always....praying for the pain to show some mercy and lots and lots of pain free days ahead. Hoping for some pain free moments this weekend and many laughs with your family. The best of dreams to you.... Kelley
Kelley Craddock <craddock7@msn.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 7:46 PM CDT
We are all out here praying for you! Hoping for you! Thinking of YOU! Loving YOU! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, September 15, 2006 6:48 PM CDT
Lynn, we are praying for your pain to cease!!!! We start our day with prayers and end it the same way. We are thinking and praying for you non-stop....
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Friday, September 15, 2006 6:15 PM CDT
Not sure what is going on with the pain (if you had to goto the hospital or not) but after reading some current guest book entries I believe the pain must be bad. PRAYING WITHOUT CEASING for pain relief!!!!!!!!! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, September 15, 2006 3:13 PM CDT
Thinking of you always. I pray for God to ease your pain. With all of my love, Tami

Tami Alsaffar <alsaffar32@yahoo.com>
denver, CO USA - Friday, September 15, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
My prayer is continuous for you...all through the day, never stopping. I saw Taylor and Jacob at school today, looking happy and being with friends. You were with us at Dave's Cave...being lifted up and covered with such awesome prayer. Your Hicks family is standing tall for you in the midst of this storm, and we will never stop being there for you! I know Jesus met you at the hospital, and with that in mind...I know you are resting. I love you so very much!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, September 15, 2006 5:35 AM CDT
Praying for you. Hope. Unable to say the words, but knowing He knows our heart without the words. Praying He OVERWHELMS you with unexplainable comfort, peace, hope and joy in the midst of this storm. A week ago tonight, prayers of praise and thanksgiving for the amazingly positive PET scan results were lifted up around the world when we heard of the great news. To see you in this pain now is beyond comprhension. Hold tight, Lynn. Hold tight and "look right".
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Friday, September 15, 2006 0:12 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I am praying that you are finding some comfort and able to rest peacefully this evening. I hope tomorrow finds you a bit more comfortable and that you have been able to get the appointments you need. Sending all my love and prayers tonight as always. Beth

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Thursday, September 14, 2006 10:21 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Hoping the pain will show some mercy and the doctors will have the insight to make this relentless pain better.
Nikki Pettis <nikki.pettis@ucb-group.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Storming heaven's gates for you this very moment.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, September 14, 2006 10:02 AM CDT
Praying, believing, and keeping the faith alive all the way from New Hope, MN. Keep LOOKING RIGHT!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:03 AM CDT
You are in my prayers my friend! Looking RIGHT!
Keep up the great fight! YES YOU CAN!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, September 14, 2006 7:47 AM CDT
Oh Lynn, I hate to hear you are suffering so much. May the good Lord bless you with relief and wonderful doctor visits.
Thinking of you and believing in you!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 2:01 PM CDT
Dear Father in heaven, please bring relief from this unbearable pain that Lynn is enduring. Lord if it be your
will take it away and let your daughter be without this pain. Father we pray in Jesus' name. Amen
Lynn know that we are praying for you always. Love from your MN aunts&uncles&GR&GRBerg
Love always, Lajean

lajean westeng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:43 AM CDT
Dear Lynn, We are praying non-stop for your pain to subside! Thinking of you always!

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
MN - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:20 AM CDT
God bless you and keep you and hold you in His arms and relieve you from your pain.

Praying for a calm peaceful day for you.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:12 AM CDT
I'm asking our Heavenly Father to lift the pain you are experiencing and to guide the doctors who will be seeing you this week. I also beseech the Almighty to give you much needed peace. I'm leaving for the mainland to spend some quality time with my family in CA and get some much needed rest, so may not read postings or post for a while. But know that you are always in my prayers and that I am sending blessings and love to you each day! Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Wednesday, September 13, 2006 1:54 AM CDT
Hang in there Lynn!!
I hope the I.V. meds help break through the pain and allow you much needed rest. Sweet dreams... I will be counting sheep for you tonight.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:02 PM CDT
Lynn, I'm praying for you to have a break from the pain! I'm visualizing you moving about free of pain!! God is so good, and through His grace all things are possible. I am believing in pain-free days for you. God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:08 PM CDT
Lynn, we are praying for relief from your pain...we will continue to pray and ask all those we know to pray also...
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:14 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
We have been on vacation since Sept. 1st, without great internet access (unless you were willing to spend a small fortune per minute!). I feel like I am soooo out of touch with what has been going on with you. I have read all the journal posts from 8/31 on, and am very glad to hear about your great news on your PET scan! However, I was then sorry to read about the pain you have had to endure. My heart aches when I hear about that intense pain. I pray that the meds you received yesterday are giving you relief today! Here's hoping that you can enjoy your chemo. time off!! Take care...Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 1:53 PM CDT

Thinking of you with much hope your pain has subsided!! You are surrounded by so much love. May you pull strength from that... As always you are in my prayers throughout each day.

Much love to you from Chicago,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:36 AM CDT
My dear Friend...I am praying that the meds you received yesterday are doing their job. I so wish that the pain would cease so that you can enjoy your days. Praying fervently for you always...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:33 AM CDT
Lynn, You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily. You all are an awesome family . Have a super day!! Love, Sandy and Kaelan Travis and family
Sandy Travis <rftravis@att.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:56 AM CDT
My prayer for you today, dear friend, is directly from Psalm 22:8, using the words of David: "Dear God, LYNN trusts in You, may You rescue her! May You deliver her, since she delights in you." AMEN

Praying so hard for you, for peace and sweet rest, for complete earthly healing. My heart is with you today, as always.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 10:58 AM CDT
Praying Lynn!!
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:52 AM CDT
Praying for LOTS of pain relief for you!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:32 AM CDT

I am down on my knees, praying for you. XXOO


Mary Jo Wilen <mjwilen@aol.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Monday, September 11, 2006 10:57 PM CDT
I hope your pain is easing up so you can get some much needed rest. Good night and peaceful dreams.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Monday, September 11, 2006 9:48 PM CDT
Beautiful Lynn,
Your prayer warriors are standing tall for you today. Storming heaven for you is what we LOVE to do! We will continue to pray, KNOWING that your pain level will lighten up, and KNOWING that this cancer will lose its grip on you very soon. My prayer is that when you close your eyes, you feel cradled in Jesus' loving arms and that you know He is whispering to you,"I love you. I will carry you." Rest well...tomorrow is a new and brighter day!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Monday, September 11, 2006 9:17 PM CDT

Praying that your pain is less! Praying that you are able

to rest tonight. I know it is so much harder to fight the

mental battle when your body is physically in so much

pain. I wish I had elegant words to lift you up.....

I don't, but I do know a Father that does love and care

about you!

"I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come

from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven

and earth." (Psalm 121:1-2).

He promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us,

and that He is near to all those who call upon His name.

I am calling on his name, along with so many others

tonight, for you!

Sending hope and love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Monday, September 11, 2006 8:46 PM CDT
Praying that the medicine is doing its job right now and you are resting comfortably. Hoping tomorrow is a better day!

Much Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Monday, September 11, 2006 8:09 PM CDT
I'm saying a prayer for you right now. Hope the medicine is doing it's job and you have some relief.
Love- Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, September 11, 2006 7:27 PM CDT
Praying for a pain free night full of uninterrupted sleep. I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I hope tomorrow is a much better day.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Monday, September 11, 2006 6:03 PM CDT
I posted earlier before Holly's update and didn't know today's events. Oh Lynn, how I hate hearing that you're having so much pain. I'm so sorry you're having to endure this. Bless your heart, I hope that the IV meds help. Please know that the prayers are being kicked in HIGH GEAR........
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, September 11, 2006 3:58 PM CDT
Thought I would check in again to see if there were any updates. Thanks Holly for typing for Lynn. You are such an angel! I'm so sorry to hear you are in so much pain Lynn. I will pray hard and often for pain relief. Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, September 11, 2006 2:21 PM CDT
Happy Monday to you, Lynn! That's wonderful news about the short reprieve from chemo, I know you must be happy to have a break. I pray it will be filled with lots of smiles and JOY!!

Just wanted to share a "God thing" with you today ...

I have a little "flip calendar" on my desk here in my office that has a daily scripture or inspiration thought. It is one that can be re-used every year. I received it as a gift in the late 90's, in fact the publishing date is 1995. I hadn't used it in several years so in January of this year I pulled it out for 2006.

The page for September 11 does not have a scripture verse but instead has a quote:
"The stars may fall, but God's promises will stand and be fulfilled" -J.I. Packer

How amazing it is that this quote was used for 9/11 years before the tragic events of 9/11/01?!? Reading it almost brought me to tears this morning! To me, this is just one more HUGE reminder that God already KNOWS what will happen to us, He knows our circumstances, our hearts, our fears, our concerns ... and He has ALREADY taken care of them!!!!

Lynn, He knows what you have/are/will be facing, and HE HAS IT ALL TAKEN CARE OF! Awesome! So just remember ... He really does have a plan for you, and HE is in control!

Sending big big hugs your way ... and wishing you a FABULOUS week, free of pain and weariness and full of blessings and love! You'll be in my prayers every day.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, September 11, 2006 1:33 PM CDT
Still doing the HAPPY DANCE. Hope you are too. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, September 11, 2006 12:03 AM CDT
Dear Lynn, I just heard that Terri had to have surgery! I hope you are able to hug her for all of us. We are so far away, we can't help when it seems you need it the most. Please hug your mom and dad for us too. This has got to be extremely hard for them to see both of their kids go through surgeries and miseries as you have. Family is the most precious thing we all have,we need to protect them and love them with all our might! We all send hugs and well wishes from Minnesota.
So happy to hear of your latest Pet scan results,Lynn. I read someone was doing the happy dance and know that we all join in on that dance! We will continue to pray for you and your family.Love LaJean & Jim and all your MINNESOTA aunts&uncles&GR&GR Berg

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, September 10, 2006 10:37 PM CDT
Hope you had a good weekend with lots of rest so you can be ready to go with chemo in two weeks I believe. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of you. You can do this Lynn. Keep on fightin because I can smell victory! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:12 PM CDT
What a blessing...No Chemo, beautiful weather and hopefully relief from pain with a good nights rest.
I think of often and pray for you always. Love, Maria

Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, September 10, 2006 6:23 PM CDT
I am so glad you get a little rest from the chemo. I sure hope you're feeling much better. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and lift you and your sweet family up in prayer. Have a beautiful day today and know that you are deeply loved!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, September 10, 2006 1:07 PM CDT
Lynne, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, but glad you get a reprieve from chemo for awhile! (Woo-hoo!) God works in mysterious ways His miracles to perform! Take good care and enjoy the weekend with your family!

Blessings and love to you,

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI USA - Saturday, September 9, 2006 4:26 PM CDT
Hoping this is a lovely rest from chemo and that you will be feeling well and strong and full of energy to enjoy this wonderful September weather!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, September 9, 2006 11:49 AM CDT
Good Morning!

Hope you are feeling better today!

Enjoy this wonderful weekend with your family and I"ll talk to you soon!

love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Saturday, September 9, 2006 7:12 AM CDT
Lynn, I am so glad you got to skip the chemo today. I will pray that your immune system is restored and your pain is diminished and in two weeks your body will be strong enough to endure the yucky but needed chemo. Enjoy your weekend!!!
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Friday, September 8, 2006 6:19 PM CDT
I am thinking of you today as you endure chemo again. I hope you can have a nice weekend and enjoy some of this beautiful weather.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Friday, September 8, 2006 1:38 PM CDT
I am thinking of you today as you endure chemo again. I hope you can have a nice weekend and enjoy some of this beautiful weather.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Friday, September 8, 2006 1:38 PM CDT
I enjoyed seeing you at the Potbelly's lunch. What a great day and so wonderful to hear that the donations were high in support of Breast Cancer.
Thank you for sharing your story, your faith, your endurance with the Lord.

Lauren Daves <lldaves@comcast.net>
Plano, TX - Friday, September 8, 2006 1:16 PM CDT
"Give all your worries to Him, because He cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7

Hoping and praying that your treatments go well and your rest is sweet. Do you feel God holding your hand? He is there with you!

Praying blessings on you and yours, as always.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, September 8, 2006 11:55 AM CDT

Thinking of you with hope the chemo will continue to kill those horrible cancer cells!! May you enjoy the weekend with your family.

Love to you,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 11:03 AM CDT
I believe you have chemo today Lynn. If so, I will pray that every ounce injected into your body will continue to kill those nasty cancer cells. LOOK RIGHT as there are brighter days ahead. :) You can do this, you are doing this, and in the near future we will all be having the BEST party of our lives to celebrate your miracle! We might have to order a big bus from MN as it appears from your guest book that you have a big fan base from the land of over 10,000 taxes (ops...I mean lakes). :) Here's to a great weekend my friend! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, September 8, 2006 8:10 AM CDT
Thinking of you this beautiful Friday morning in Houston!
Looking RIGHT as always!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, September 8, 2006 7:59 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn..Thinking of you this morning with lots of hugs in my heart for you always.....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, September 8, 2006 7:02 AM CDT
Hello Lady! Hope all goes well today!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, September 8, 2006 6:15 AM CDT
Hey Lynn,
Sorry I missed lunch yesterday - just too far away for me to make it at lunchtime! I"m going to be away from email for the next two weeks but trust that you will not be far from my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, sweet Lynn and keep fighting the fight! You have so much to live for and so much that you are blessed with. Praying so hard that the pain will just go away! Miss seeing your radiant smile! Love ya! Pattie

- Thursday, September 7, 2006 11:11 PM CDT
Hi Lynn...I have seen your beautiful face in my thoughts today and just wanted to check in on you. I am so glad that you were able to get out and enjoy lunch with your girlfriends yesterday! I so wish I could have come to join you but I couldn't play hooky from homeschooling...I guess we could have called it a field trip?! HA! Anyway, you are always remembered in our prayers here at the Rainwater house! We love you lots girlie...Hugs...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:27 PM CDT
Keeping the faith all the way from New Hope, MN. :) FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:48 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Spirit moves me! Glad to hear the news! I'll be praying for you and your family! Love ya!Sheila

Sheila Adams <permanentlyours@comcast.net>
Parker Ford, PA USA - Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:15 AM CDT
It was so great to see you yesterday at lunch. What a treat! Potbelly's raised over $1,500 in three hours! That is fabulous.
Take care! I hope to see you soon.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:09 AM CDT
I'm just sick that I wasn't able to make it to Potbelly's today, it was one of those crazy days at the office when I just couldn't get away as I had hoped. SO SAD!! I wanted to see you and THANK YOU and wish you well FACE TO FACE! I hope you had a wonderful day, that the outing wasn't too much for you pain-wise, and that you had many friends and people who care about you surrounding you in love. I look forward to another chance to meet you before long!

Looking right, and praying for you tonight. Rest well!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:36 PM CDT
I wrote this really great message (or at least I think it was) to you last week when you posted your GREAT news, but it has been lost in cyberspace!!! So now I need to tell you how WONDERFUL it was to see the hope in your words!!!
God is GREAT! I hope you are feeling OK this week & know that we are all praying for you and your dear family!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
houston, TX USA - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I am so thankful to God that you were able get some GREAT news!! I am still praying for you and yours, always. Specifically, I hope that you have peace in your heart and less and less pain. I "check in" with you daily to see your progress and it brings such a smile to my face knowing that your battle WILL be over soon. Also, what promise it brings to the millions who suffer from the dread of cancer!! Thank you always for your courage that you share with so many............
Keep fighting, you WILL win!!!
With love and prayers......

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 5:44 PM CDT
Lynn, It was such a treat to see your beautiful face today. You looked radiant!! I have a new favorite restaurant. I can't wait to hear how much $$$ they raised to fight breast cancer.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Wednesday, September 6, 2006 1:46 PM CDT
Just dropping by to say HI! And to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers.


Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:38 AM CDT
Looking Right with you, because of you, and for you. Praying the pain is better and that the chemo continues to KILL those nasty cancer cells. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 8:34 AM CDT
Hello Friend! hoping that you are coming out of the chemo fog and that the pain is manageable! Thinking of you always! Told your story yesterday. You are an inspiration and a motivator!
Running shoes on...

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 6:45 AM CDT

Just stopping by to send a hug and a prayer. I pray that

your pain is beginning to subside and that you will have

some good days this week. God so loves you, and so do

hundred's of other people. Sleep well!



You are never far from my thoughts!

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, September 6, 2006 1:49 AM CDT
stopping by to let you know that i am thinking about you.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, September 5, 2006 10:13 PM CDT
Lynn, yesterday I was outside with the kids and Logan said "look mommy at the butterfly, isn't it beautiful?" and I stopped and looked... key words... stopped and looked.. instead of just saying "yeah yeah" to Logan... and remember Holly's post saying to take a look everywhere... it's true... God has given us so many beautiful things... and so many great promises... Keep Believing and Stay Strong... and of course Looking Right... Your friend Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 4:35 PM CDT
Happy Tuesday morning Lynn! I hope all the prayers are helping ease your pain. Keep LOOKING RIGHT as there are brighter days ahead. :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 9:27 AM CDT
Isaiah 40:31 "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they will mount with wings like eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint."

I've been thinking of you this morning, and sharing those thoughts with our Lord. He sends His love!!

Have a blessed day!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:41 AM CDT
You gave me chills reading the latest post! PRAISES TO GOD! I am elated to hear the great news and please know that as much as we are storming heaven with requests for your healing, we are thanking our precious Savior for your great progress! God is SO good!

Keep strong; Keep looking RIGHT!

Much love,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, September 4, 2006 11:25 PM CDT
I am hoping that you are doing ok pain-wise with this chemo week... it's so easy to say as an outsider looking in... but I hope it's much more tolerable knowing that it's working... which is fantastic news... Keep believing and knowing that you are loved and prayed for.... and that God has great things in store for you.... Love, Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, September 4, 2006 1:23 PM CDT
Sweet friend,

Oh...I am praying the pains cease quickly and that you are feeling better soon. I was up through the night last night talking to God about you!!

When I woke this morning that Michael Jackson song "Beat It" was in my head. Wonder what that was all about except it seemed appropriate to your cancer....BEAT IT!!! YOU CAN BEAT IT FRIEND!!!

Hang in there today and know I am sending you tons of love and hugs!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

Love you SO big,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Monday, September 4, 2006 10:46 AM CDT
It's wonderful and uplifting to read the positive news. I'm so happy that your hope and spirits are renewed, Lynn, after your understandably down moments. I will continue to pray and root for your continued recovery, the elimination of pain and cancer from your body, and for the strength of your children and husband to travel this journey to recovery with you. You deserve every good thing that has come your way, and more! God bless you each and every day.
Theresa Cover (friend of Terri Matus, Holly's teacher and friend)

Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Monday, September 4, 2006 9:54 AM CDT
Precious Lynn,
YEA GOD!!! He ALWAYS hears us, and His answers come at the least likely times, don't they?! I am feeling so very thrilled for you, and know that your freedom from this illness is not too far off now. We must keep praying and KNOWING that we are loved and heard by our King...Jesus. I love you and wish you a peaceful tomorrow with your family.

Lisa B. <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, September 3, 2006 8:00 PM CDT
P.S. I just checked the Potbelly Sandwich Works website to find out where exactly the Potbelly's on Legacy is located. The correct address (according to the Potbelly site anyway) is 5717 Legacy Drive, it's at Legacy and Parkwood, just east of the Dallas North Tollway.

This is just FYI for others like me who rely on Mapquest for everything (and also because I have no idea where Fox Sports Grill is!). Potbelly's phone number is 469-467-7712 just in case anyone needs it.

Looking forward to Wednesday!!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson , TX - Sunday, September 3, 2006 5:05 PM CDT
Happy & Restful Sunday to you, friend. Huge thanks to your dear Holly for posting prayer specifics. As always, you are being lifted up!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, September 3, 2006 4:54 PM CDT
Thank you, Holly, for posting such wonderful AND hopeful news about our Lynn! I hope and pray for total release from pain and that you will regain use of your arm. hand and fingers, Lynn, and that the nerve damage will heal! Heavenly Father, also please grant peace to Lynn, Holly and their families! Have a wonderful and blessed week! Love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, September 3, 2006 2:44 PM CDT
I am not sure if I ever wrote to you or if I ever mentioned that my favorite aunt's name was Lynn(actually marilyn). She did not have the fight in her and I miss her so much. You, my dear, can do this!!! You really can. I hope you have a peaceful weekend filled with family and friends. Enjoy the last days of summer and look forward to a relaxing Fall. My thoughts go out to you.

Haley <haleymo@aol.com>
- Sunday, September 3, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
Thank you Holly for the update! Still doing THE HAPPY DANCE and reading the entry this morning brought more happy tears. Praising our good Lord for his miracles and being a better server because of you Lynn. Much love, prayers, hope, faith, and joy from New Hope, MN. :) Yep, it's so corny to end that way but so appropriate really considering your recent news.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, September 3, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
L~ I hope you had a peaceful night of rest. Keep your running shoes on - this race is soooooooo worth it!!!

YOU CAN DO THIS........and you ARE doing it!!!

Love ya lots ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Sunday, September 3, 2006 7:44 AM CDT
Hey Girlfriend...I am still thinking of your good news...I'm sure that you are too! I had to share this story with you. We were eating dinner at Chili's tonight and the waiter gave the kids each a piece of paper that had a chili pepper on it. They were to decorate it and then they would hang it on the wall.When Madeline was done with hers, she proudly said, "Mom, I made this especially for Ms. Lynn...she had colored her chilipepper hot pink, drew a light pink breast cancer ribbon on it and then wrote.."Race for the cure" in big green letters. She was so proud of it and couldn't wait to have the waiter hang it up.She then asked me,"Mom what is a donation?" After we explained that to her, all the kids asked Greg for a dollar and I asked them what they needed it for...the back of the page was an advertisement for cancer research for children. I didn't realize that was what the chili pepper page was for! Anyway, Madeline hopes that you can go to Chili's with us one day so that you can see your hot pink chilipepper! I hope that you are having pain free days....We have you in our prayers always girlie...Love you tonz....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:17 PM CDT
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen." I Peter 5:10 & 11

Lynn, the verse above was in my devotional today. Wow! I can't add a thing to that. God certainly is holding BOTH of us in the palm of His hand, isn't He?

Praying the Lord's bountiful blessings on you and yours today. And on this gray day in North Texas, may you feel the SONshine more than ever!

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Saturday, September 2, 2006 5:32 PM CDT
*********To all of Lynn's Prayer Warriors********** I am not sure if Lynn will post something or not. There is a new Potbelly's on Legacy. It is next to the Fox Sports Grille and right across the street from where Team Lynn Newman met for the walk this summer. Potbelly's is having a free lunch on Wednesday from 11-2. All you have to do is give a donation. All of the money made will go to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The food is delicious. And, guess what else???? LYNN NEWMAN is going to try to come around 11:00 if she is feeling well. Please tell all of your friends and family and please try to get to Potbelly's. The address is 5171 Legacy Drive.
Hugs to you, Lynn.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, September 2, 2006 4:59 PM CDT
YAHOO Lynn!!! I just read your post with the good news from Dr. Stokoe!!! Praise God! I keep praying for pain relief as well!! Miss seeing you ... hang in there!!!

Betsy Lucido <pblucido@hotmail.com>
McKinney, TX USA - Saturday, September 2, 2006 12:11 AM CDT
Lynn, this is my first time siging your guest book.... I have followed your story through Dana. Your spirit is indomitable despite the unfair challenges cancer throws your way. I'm so happy for your good news. Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Lisa Coniglio (FOA) <johnjoe@msn.com>
LaGrangeville, NY - Saturday, September 2, 2006 11:23 AM CDT
What GREAT news Lynn! Keep fighting girl!!
Kelsey Berg <kelsey.beg@uwrf.edu>
River Falls, WI - Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
L ~ I hope your day is filled with the sound of cardinals outside your window. Don't let ANYTHING take away your renewed spirit......for today & all your tomorrows hold much HOPE and the beauty of the miracles God is working in your life. Celebrate it!!! :)

BIG hugs - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Saturday, September 2, 2006 10:19 AM CDT
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, September 2, 2006 8:32 AM CDT
WOW! You have an amazing support group in cyber space! Did you count the number of people who have signed your suest book in the last three days! I hope you are feeling the love! We are all here for you! Thru the ups and the downs! Hope you have a great weekend!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, September 2, 2006 7:28 AM CDT
Hope springs ETERNAL!!! Thanks be to God!

Keep your brilliant faith strong!And, your RESOLVE! Beautiful word!!

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Saturday, September 2, 2006 6:37 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I check on you almost everyday and was absolutly THRILLED to hear of your great PET!!! It's these little glimmers of hope that mean the world!! Please know that you are in my prayers!!

Jill <jillndar@comcast.net>
- Friday, September 1, 2006 7:41 PM CDT
I check your website everyday, I think of you often, I pray all the time for you, Praise God that the PET scan provided good news. May the Lord continue to heal you and bless your family.

Stephanie <Stephh1015@aol.com>
Granbury, TX - Friday, September 1, 2006 5:41 PM CDT
Hello there Lynn~ This is your no longer pregnant popcorn(skittles) craving follower, Tracy. I am so pleased to hear your fantastic report as I have been waiting with baited breath since last Friday. My prayers for you won't have to travel as far now as we will be moving from Temple to Arlington in the next two weeks! May God continue to bless you and your family!
Tracy Glover <greggandtracy@hotmail.com>
Temple, TX USA - Friday, September 1, 2006 5:16 PM CDT
SO glad to read good news on your site! I hope you are feeling less pain, too. Just wanted you to know that you are often in my thoughts and my prayers, and I hope this is just one milestone of many on the way to perfect health.
Lisa from Friends of Allie
Morgantown, WV - Friday, September 1, 2006 3:20 PM CDT
Ohmygoodness!! Praise God! Lynn
What a wonderful bit of news. We are soooo happy to share in you delight.
Thank You for posting, and keep on truckin!

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Friday, September 1, 2006 2:14 PM CDT
I know that good news lifted your spirits SO much! That is so wonderful! God bless you, and thank God for the continued blessings!
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Friday, September 1, 2006 1:23 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, I hope you can feel the love that so many people feel for you...we are cheering with you now and praying for you continually. I hope this time of rejoicing fills your heart and helps you endure the chemo. treatments and resulting "ultimate yuckiness" that follows them. God is doing great things in your life and in your heart and in the lives and hearts of others!

Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
wonderful news!! GOD IS GOOD... keep your head up and keep praying!
gloria miller <gloria.miller@turner.com>
new york, ny - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:27 AM CDT
I have kept up with your story for a long time but never posted. I am so happy to hear your fabulous news. Your strength and faith is beyond amazing. You obviously have a wonderful family and friends surrounding you physically but you also have lots of web friends supporting and praying for you always. Today, we are rejoicing in this awesome news! Have a great, pain free weekend. God Bless
Rowlett, TX - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
Hi Lynn-
WOW, WOW, WOW! The prayers will continue to come your way --God has truly answered them. Much love to you and your family. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend....take care, Deb

Deb Klein and family
St. Paul, MN - Friday, September 1, 2006 9:14 AM CDT
Still smiling from the good news. I am hoping now that all the prayers for pain relief are helping too. Keep LOOKING RIGHT Lynn as brigther days are ahead. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, September 1, 2006 8:58 AM CDT
Good morning Lynn! The praises are still ringing out! Hallelujah!

I hope and pray that your pain subsides today and allows you to enjoy the cooler weather and the holiday weekend. I'm sure you'll be surrounded by many friends and loved ones who are celebrating for you and caring for you. Have a glorious weekend surrounded in love!

I read this recently and thought you might like it. We don't know why things happen to us but because of our faith we know without a doubt that God is in control of the situation and won't forsake us even in the bleakest of times. He loves you so much, Lynn, and He is ALWAYS at your right hand! KEEP LOOKING RIGHT!!

"This is from Me," the Savior said,
As bending low He kissed my brow,
"For One who loves you thus has led,
Just rest in Me, be patient now,
Your Father knows you have need of this,
Though, why perhaps you cannot see –
Grieve not for things you’ve seemed to miss.
The thing I send is best for thee."
Then, looking through my tears, I plead,
"Dear Lord, forgive, I did not know,
It will not be hard since You do tread
Each path before me here below."
And for my good this thing must be,
His grace sufficient for each test.
So still I’ll sing, "Whatever be
God’s way for me is always best."

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, September 1, 2006 8:43 AM CDT

Dear Lynn,

This calls for a huge toast at lunch today. I will be having lunch with my girlfriends today and we are definately toasting with a big glass of wine! We will be thinking of you. Love ya friend, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Friday, September 1, 2006 8:28 AM CDT
THANK YOU, LORD!!! What a clear answer to prayer we have all received! I am so happy for you, Lynn, that I have "chicken skin" as they say here in Hawaii!! Let's all keep Looking RIGHT!! Much love, blessings and continued prayer (it obviously works!) to all of you!


Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, September 1, 2006 2:25 AM CDT
WOW!!! What great news Lynn! I'm so thrilled for you! Have a fantastic Labor Day weekend with your loved ones.

Laura Quevedo <laura.quevedo@gmail.com>
Diamond Bar , CA - Friday, September 1, 2006 0:50 AM CDT
PRAYER POWER!!! Wow! I just love stories about the gates of Heaven being STORMED with prayer-----and then the awesomeness of our LORD!!


Friends of Allie <jill.martin70@gmail.com>
The Colony, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:37 PM CDT
Praise God!!!
Kristin <mandtjsmom@yahoo.com>
Seatt;e, FOA, MI - Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:04 PM CDT
thank you God!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:35 PM CDT
WOW............there are no other words.........
You and yours are always in my prayers. Look at all the posts! You are such an amazing woman, doing His work here on Earth!
CONGRATS on the wonderful, uplifting news, be carefree!
With Love

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:29 PM CDT
Sweet, Sweet Lynn, the tears are flowing as I read today's post. I don't have any words to go with these tears, but know my heart is full of prayers for you tonight as always.
Tracy Walukas <Twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, tx - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:10 PM CDT
Words cannot express the praise and joyfulness that is being felt around the world and in my heart...to God...for what He is doing in your life. So thankful for the healing that He is working in you. He is a God of order and completeness...His work is not left "half done". We will keep "storming heaven" for your complete healing this side of heaven. "Being confident of this, that He who has begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the Day of Christ Jesus" Phil. 1:6
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx 75024 - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:39 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, HUGE PRAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am extremely happy to read of the GREAT NEWS! You are in my thoughts and prayers. On my knees with praise to our MIGHTY LORD! Keep fighting in the beautiful, graceful, way only You can. Patty
Patty Donohue <pattyd211@hotmail.com>
Richardson, Tx - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
PRAISE THE LORD!!! This news has truly brightened an otherwise yucky day for me today! Keep fighting Lynn...I know your miracle of healing is out there!
God Bless You!

Tracy <tracypaigejones@yahoo.com>
Kingsport, TN USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:21 PM CDT
I am so happy for you! I know that will give you the hope you need to fight on! We will all keep the prayers coming your way.
Shelly Joseph

Shelly Joseph <shellyjoseph@charter.net>
rochester, mn - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:13 PM CDT
Fantastic news Lynn. Thank God for this wonderful news. I've been telling your mom things are going to change in a wonderful way. I admire your strength. Keep on going for better days ahead Lynn. You are always in my prayers.
Ayca <wadeiv@aol.com>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
oh Lynn, PRAISE GOD! He is faithful and true... He loves you Lynn! I am so thankful for this wonderful news. You needed a pick me up! We all did! I am just so happy for you and your loved ones.
Kim G <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
Praise God!! What wonderful news to be reading! I'm so happy for you, your husband, kids, family and friends! The prayers will continue for complete healing! Thank you God for answered prayers! ~Stephanie
Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, - Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:47 PM CDT
God is able!!!! YEAH!! We are all rejoicing in Spring TX for you and your family!! :)
Abby Muirhead
Spring, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:33 PM CDT
I am so happy and have the same chill bumps everyone else is talking about. I said I would share my dreams with you last night and what a peaceful night I had. May you and your family feel that peace and love this evening and have the best sleep in a long time. :) I can't wrap my arms around you now, but know that they are wide open and will surround you this evening.

Peaceful Moments.....
Renewed Strength.....
Hope for Tomorrow....

I am thrilled for you. My "Running Shoes" and "Boxing Gloves" are still on and will be until we reach the "Finish Line."

Sweet Dreams, Sweet Friend.

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:21 PM CDT
Tears of JOY streaming down my face!!! What a blessing! Oh, Lynn, what can I say, sweet friend? You are always on my mind and in my prayers, and I hate to say it ... but mostly with a heavy heart. Now I send up prayers of thanksgiving! I will continue to pray for you, dear Lynn. You hang in there. God bless you and your family!!!

Love you,

Yvette <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:13 PM CDT
YES! Answered prayers! So happy for you, Lynn!
Julie Bodenstein <juliebodenstein@yahoo.com>
Gill, MA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 7:36 PM CDT
Thanks for sharing such fantastic news!!! I've been checking your site hoping for an update and am thrilled you have a positive report to share with everyone! A celebration is in order for your "resolution"!
Love, Jean

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 6:47 PM CDT
two words...PRAISE GOD!
Zhohn Dupont <z_dupont@hotmail.com>
Simmesport, LA USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 6:36 PM CDT
It is always great to hear Good News!!!
And you just shard the best and even better, you were able to do it yourself. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers and continued healing, comfort and strength for you and your family.

L Baumann
Oswego, IL USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 6:29 PM CDT
Thanks to be to GOD!!!! How wonderful. I will be praying for you.

Love, Karen

Karen S. Perdue
Plano, TX USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 5:40 PM CDT
Praise God!!!!
Lois (Friends of Allie) <lois@friendsofallie.org>
NJ - Thursday, August 31, 2006 5:35 PM CDT
Wow! What amazing news!!!!Im thrilled for you and your darling family. I'm thankful the end of the finishline became so much closer today. What an answer to many prayers. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate and sleep well tonight.

I can't wait to share your wonderful news with all my "3DAy girls" on our 20 miles this Saturday.

Love, Heather

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 5:11 PM CDT
THANK YOU GOD!!!!!! I read your posting last night and couldn't sleep thinking of how much pain you were in! This morning Linda called and said....GREAT NEWS ABOUT LYNN!!! I got goose bumps while she was telling me and tears of gratitude!!! Then we went to lunch and we toasted (with Margarita's) the fabulous news!!! WE TOAST TO YOUR CONTINUED HEALING!!! Much love to you sweet Lynn..My dear sweet husband said.."If anyone deserves a miracle...it is you"....
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:55 PM CDT
Yeah!! Hold on and keeping fighting you're almost there. This is such awesome news for you. I'm criing (this time) because I'm so happy for you. Our prayers are being answered, I think that it will give us all more reassurance for God's love to keep fighting for you.
Keep your game face on!!

Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:24 PM CDT
Dittos to Anna's entry. I'M DOING THE HAPPY LYNN DANCE! Had to check back in as I'm just so thrilled to hear the good news. Once you are 100% cancer free we are having the best party ever. People from all over are going to fly to Frisco, Texas to help celebrate with you and your family. I'm there for sure! :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:01 PM CDT
Happy Face! Happy feet! Do the Happy Dance! Lynn....What amazing news! Holly called me earlier and told me the news...then I read your post and was just beaming a huge smile to God! I told the kids that about your news and they all had the biggest smiles on their faces, too! Madeline said..."God always hears us doesn't he mom?!" ALWAYS! ALWAYS! I know that you will have to continue the chemo, but I am sure that with this good news, you will tackle it head on with much more strength and courage than before! Huge hugs coming your way girlie(((((((()))))))))! Love ya bunches....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 3:56 PM CDT

I went to bed last night with a bit of a heavy heart after reading Jenny's post - but right now I can hardley see what I"m typing because of the tears of joy running down my face and the fact that my hands are trembling!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep fighting - the road my be long, but the rewards will be worth it!!!!!

Lot of love!!!!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, Texas - Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:55 PM CDT
Lynn, What wonderful news, thank you Lord!

Love and prayers,

Bridge Of Dreams

Debbie <debbie@bridgeofdreams.org>
VA USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:36 PM CDT
Lynn- I spoke with Jenny this morning and still have chills after hearing your GREAT news!! I'm thrilled for you and hope this gives you a renewed outlook on the cancer. Hope you are enjoying your day!!

Love- Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx - Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:33 PM CDT
When one door closes, another one opens. I know you must have been down that the vaccine would not be ready till February but this great news was behind door #2!! Am so thankful and will continue to pray that this is the turn in the road heading toward total and complete healing! God please continue the bless the Newman Family -- no one deserves it more. Take care and enjoy your weekend :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:23 PM CDT
I Corinthians 15:57 "Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Still praising ... !!!!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:11 PM CDT
I ditto that "YAHOO!!!!!"


Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:07 PM CDT
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!! I can't wait to share it with all your friends at the "Y". Sending you big hugs and wishes for a beautiful day!!
Dahl <dahlface@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 2:06 PM CDT
Praise God!! What wonderful news!! Your in our thoughts and prayers daily. We love you! Mary & Larry & kids
Mary <mberg@smig.net>
Hartland, MN USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:58 PM CDT
Praise the Lord. Lynn, I pray everyday for you and couldn't be happier about your scan results. May this great news be the motivation for you to keep fighting !!! May God Bless you, your husband, children and your support system of friends and family.
Nova Scotia Canada - Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:53 PM CDT
I read the update earlier today and was cleaning house thinking about it, I decided to check back in and was so excited to see your news!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you! Hopefully this is just a hint of the good news to come!
Marla <marla.brader@gmail.com>
Fairfield, IA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:43 PM CDT
YES!!!! I am so happy for you, I have tears and goosebumps!
Prayer is so powerful and I continue to pray for you! Complete healing on earth is coming for you Lynn! I believe!

Karen (Friends of Allie)
Stow, OH - Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:31 PM CDT
I am so happy to hear the good news! God is good!! Love the birthday pics and saw some familiar faces from the green room class! Stay strong - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful family!
Love, Mrs. Kristy

Kristy Pulcher <kkpulcher@juno.com>
Plano, TX USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:27 PM CDT
Yeah God!!!! I just knew he was listening to ALL of our prayers! As we all know, he works in His own time, and it must be His time to heal you! Great news Lynn, we are all celebrating today!! :) :) :) :) :) :) Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:15 PM CDT
YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I heard the news at school this morning and was so anxious to get home and read your post. I am so happy for you, Lynn! I got chills when I heard the news this morning. I know this chemo is so rough on you, but it will all be worth it in the long run. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comast.net>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 1:13 PM CDT
WOOOO HOOOOO Praise GOD!!!!!! I am soooo thrilled for you Lynn. What amazing news!!!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:54 AM CDT
When Kathy called to tell me the GOOD NEWS this morning... I got shivers from my toes to my fingertips..... I have been riding on a high all morning for you.... I couldn't wait to get back to my computer to see what you posted.... I am so thrilled... You are such a fighter.... Keep strong... Keep looking Right.... sending you one big hug O filled with lots of happiness.... Love Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:54 AM CDT
Sweet L ~ Still praising God every second of this day. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!

I love you to pieces ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:37 AM CDT
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!

I just KNEW your dear friend JennyGwynn knew something great! Oh Lynn I am so thrilled for you and so grateful to God for His healing powers!!!! I am just bursting with joy for you!


Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:02 AM CDT

As I read your post, a song I have not thought about or

heard in years came to mind,

"To God Be the Glory", To God Be The Glory! Great things

he has done"!

AS I go about a very busy day, that song

will be on my lips! I am praying that you have some pain

relief during this holiday weekend and can enjoy some great

family time.

With much love and deep gratitude to our God,


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:48 AM CDT
HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Your always in our thoughts and prayers!!!! Thinking positive thoughts always!!!!!


lisa thompson <ifslisapap@aol.com>
frisco, tx - Thursday, August 31, 2006 11:30 AM CDT

That is AWESOME news...My heart has ached for you lately as it seems that every time I log on you're in a great deal of pain! I'm so happy that there is a bright spot to celebrate.

Simi Valley, CA USA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:56 AM CDT
I checked in earlier and saw Jenny's post - was praying that she knew something that we didn't know but thought maybe she was just in a great mood and was praising our father online! So - I eagerly checked again and PRAISE
GOD for the good news! So hard to fight back the tears here at work!!! I'm so proud of you! Keep fighting the fight girl - you are going to beat this!!! I'm so happy for you! Yea God!!!!

- Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:51 AM CDT
WONDERFUL!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your journey through cancer with all of us who'll, more than likely, will never have the honor to meet you irl. But KNOW that YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION to all of us. This news just confirms the power of prayer, faith, and belief. It also, imo, proves the majority of human beings are good and loving people and when we all band together we can accomplish amazing things. You have MADE MY DAY Mrs. Newman! Tears of happiness for you and you entire family flowed freely as I read you post. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your miracle!
With love and prayers always,

Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:36 AM CDT
wow!!!! great news. I'm so happy for you!
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:35 AM CDT
You are my hero! You have faced this struggle with such grace. I am thrilled with your news! PRaise GOD!! Thank you for allowing us readers into your home and life. you are forever in our hearts! Have a GREAT rest of the week!
Traci Froelich <britcandance@hotmail.com>
Bolivar, MO - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:34 AM CDT
Lynn, what wonderful news! I cried with joy when I read your post. I've never signed your guestbook before but I have been following your journey for over a year. Your courage inspires me, thank you for giving me that. I know you will beat this thing, I'm just sorry it has to be so difficult. What comes to mind is the old adage "No pain, no gain". I'm going to toast your good news with a little wine tonight. Be well.
Kaye Schnieders <kayelynn49@yahoo.com>
Emmetsburg, IA - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:27 AM CDT
I can not tell you how HAPPY I was to see your message! That is beyond fabulous and truly inspiring. You are DOING IT! Have the best day ever, still thinking of you.
AZ - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:19 AM CDT
That is the best news EVER.(thus far, it's going to get even better) WOW!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier for you and your family, this is the step we've all been wanting to see. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend with your beautiful family and friends. As Vicki had asked if your toasting this weekend please include me in that, I will be raising my glass to you.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:15 AM CDT
I'm so filled with JOY and HOPE and FAITH and HAPPINESS right now that nothing is going to bring me down today. Oh, praise our good Lord my sweet friend Lynn. The prayers are working and we are not slowing down. In fact, let's all step it up another notch with gratitude to our Lord for the good news and continue to pray for complete healing. LOOKING RIGHT is going to be easier today for many of us. Tears of joy are so nice to feel. Much love, prayers, hope, joy, and FAITH coming from New Hope, MN! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:11 AM CDT
THANK YOU GOD!!! The joy I feel in my heart for you and your family is overwhelming...Yeah God!
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:02 AM CDT
What a beautiful day indeed! I am sooooo happy for you and your family. Huge Praises. Keep up the fight!
Enjoy this bliss.

Jennifer <jhavens-heston@comcast.net>
Grapevine, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:41 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn, I came here this morning trying to find the words of encouragement that God would want you to hear today, but yet feeling so down that you are suffering so. Then I saw JennyGwynn's entry ... I so hope I am correct in assuming that her entry means good news, that your PET scan results are in??!?? Oh how I hope and pray that's what it means!!! You need some good news today, dear friend, and I hope that you are hearing some right now!!!! Looking forward to an update as soon as you feel up to it. Remember that you are constantly in my prayers. Hang in there, you remarkable woman, God is not finished with you yet!!!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:29 AM CDT


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 9:06 AM CDT
I'm praying praying praying for you!!! I'm so sorry you are in pain. What incredible friends you have, I am so inspired when I read your journal entries! I will continue to pray for those folks creating that special potion for you! I need to be reminded on how to order LOOKING RIGHT bracelets. I just attended the 3-day closing ceremonies in MN. I had 2 very special friends/survivors walking...HOW INCREDIBLE. THEY WILL FIND A CURE!!!!
I think of you so often.
I found a new job!! Praise God!
Love to you

Jill Roiger <j.roiger@mchsi.com>
Mound, MN - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:39 PM CDT
When the pain is great, your hopes are low- remember you are not alone!! You have more people than you know who are praying for you. We are praying openly, silently, patiently, loudly, alone and in groups, daily and hourly. When you feel the burden is too big allow us and HIM to help you- but NEVER NEVER allow satan more time than a fleeting thought. When your overwhelmed and totally consumed with pain and hopelessness- think of those sweet babies and fight the fight for them. Now is the time more than ever to put those running shoes on, look right, trust in Christ, for he will carry you when you are tired.
Plano, Tx - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 11:08 PM CDT
Praying tonight for good results tomorrow but mostly for pain relief for you so the day to day is easier. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:44 PM CDT

Praying for good news tomorrow. You are so loved by so many people - Nurse Lisa is right - I notice the wonderful pink bracelets at school all the time. We are all right beside you fighting this fight and of course, Looking Right!!

Love and Prayers
PS - Miss Jenny Gwynn your words were perfect

Kathy <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:25 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I am soooo sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Just busy with my 2 1/2 yr old daughter, 3 month old son, and now we are planning a move. Please don't think that I don't think of you often and keep you close in my prayers. I check on you everyday!!! You have been such an inspiration in my life and I will always be grateful that it was YOU who renewed my faith in Christ!!! You continue to lead others with your faithfulness, love for family and friends, and your fighting spirit! I will be getting ready to plan my son's Christening for sometime in November. If you recall-not too long after I found your site-my daughter, husband, brother and newphew were all baptized. It was your love for our Lord that spread into my heart and helped me find my way again. It was that LOVE that spread through my family. I have never met you, and yet you have been a beacon of light in my life-THANK YOU LYNN!!!! Please know-that I lift you up in prayer even though I don't post everyday.
P.S-Thank You Jenny and Holly for always writing such beautiful updates for Lynn!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:02 PM CDT
I know this race you're running seems so long and painful at times. Please know that you are being uplifted every minute by all your friends and family. Our running shoes are on....and we are sprinting and praying for you. We love you and we know you can win this race! See you at the finishline!


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:57 PM CDT
Dear Sweet Lynn, Sometimes there are no words to express what we feel. I am asking God to help me and with his love you will know what is in all of our hearts. It saddens me to hear of your severe pain...we continue to pray that you will feel our love for you. We will ask God to help you will all the requests...You are so very special!!!!!!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:53 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I hope you always know that your PRAYER WARRIORS will NEVER stop praying, and that all of us are running this race with you. I like to visualize it as a crowd of your friends, all holding each other up, with YOU in the center! I tell ya...watching your video from the Walk for the Cure is such an encouragement. Do you watch it from time to time? I hope so. So many friends are wearing your Looking Right pink bracelets at school. The feeling of strength and support for you is ever-growing and almost tangible! May the Lord continue to bless you with each day full of love and a new heart; hope in knowing that He is right there at your side, holding you closer every single day. He loves you forever, and so do I!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:36 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you!!! You are such a strong woman.

Lois (Friends of Allie) <lois@friendsofallie.org>
NJ - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:26 PM CDT
Hi Lynn. This is my first time to sign your guestbook and I just wanted you to know what an inspiration to me. Your family is beautiful and your faith strong. Please hang in there and keep fighting hard. You can do this.
Lisa (Friends of Allie)
Austin, TX - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
Lynn: You are in my constant prayers. I think about your battle all the time and your WILL to fight it!! And you do it in the Armor of God! I truly pray for relief from your pain - I cannot begin to imagine how horrible that must be.

Love in Christ,

Friends of Allie <jill.martin70@gmail.com>
The Colony, TX - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:59 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I only know you through your words here on this site. But I must tell you how you've inspired me and touched my heart. Your sweetness, your faith, your strength and your love for your family and friends remain strong even in the darkest of times. And while I cannot imagine it all, I want to tell you to keep fighting, keep battling, keep pushing. I know you can beat this monster!! I hate that monster, and the suffering it is causing you. But I know you can do it!!
You are so loved, even by people you've never met!!

Looking right!

Karen (Friends of Allie)
Stow, OH - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
Some of the lyrics from a song called Mountains by Lonestar...

There are times in life when you gotta crawl,
Lose your grip, trip an' fall
When you can't lean on no-one else:
That's when you find yourself
I've been around an' I've noticed that,
Walkin's easy when the road is flat
Them danged ol' hills'll get you every time
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains,
So we could learn how to climb

This world ain't fair,
It can knock you on your butt
You can just lie there,
Or you can get back up
You gotta get back up

There are times in life when you gotta crawl,
Lose your grip, trip an' fall
When you can't lean on no-one else:
That's when you find yourself
I've been around an' I've noticed that,
Walkin's easy when the road is flat
Them danged ol' hills'll get you every time
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains,
(The good Lord gave us mountains)
So we could learn how to climb
Yeah, oh

Running shoes ON!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:26 PM CDT
Lynn, I just wanted to encourage you and tell you that you can definitely do this. If the vaccine will be available in February, it is because God wants it to be available then, and if He wants it to be available then, He *will* give you the strength to make it through until February.

I pray that your pain and discomfort would be so greatly reduced that the days will pass by with ease.

Please know that legions of people will be praying to help you make it all the way to your ultimate goal - healing on this Earth!

God bless you,

Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:38 PM CDT
Hi Lynn!
I have to tell you I laughed out loud when I read Lisa's post since I totally remember that red sweater you wore back then!!! I was just looking through some old pictures so memories of those days was fresh in my mind. The scary thing is it seems like yesterday and yet now my own daughter just started 7th grade - yikes! Am I really this old now?? Lucky for me the 80s are back in so we are enjoying watching all the old chick flicks together and shopping with her to buy Vans! Hope you get to spend some quality, pain controlled time this long weekend with Dave and the kids. If you happen to spend any of that great cul-de-sac time together - toast a margarita from me to you :) Am thinking of you and praying for you always. Miss ya!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:18 PM CDT
Lynn, I am "right" here praying for you. For no pain, no discomfort, for no more cancer, and for happy days ahead. You are a fighter, and have so many people and things to look right towards! Hang in there, we are pulling for you, too.
AZ - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
Lynn, I don't know much... but this is something that I do know.... You are an amazing fighter.... and you can do this..... keep moving forward....praying for you and your healing... sending hugs OOOOOOO... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:35 AM CDT
We are surrounding you and lifting you up in prayer and sending ALL of our strength to help you in this fight. You CAN do this. While I can't imagine how difficult it is to face each day with such awful pain, know in your heart and soul that there are TONS of prayer warriors/cyber friends out here hoping, dreaming, and believing that you will have complete healing on this earth. You are a strong and beautiful women. And we are so blessed to be able to share this journey with you. We will NOT cease praying or believing. Sending ((hugs)) and many prayers for pain relief.


Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:28 AM CDT
Praying wihtout ceasing!!! You have the supernatural resurrection power in that precious heart of yours, Lynn. On the days you can't fight this battle, I am praying that you will hear the Lord's voice shouting from that mountain top, "You might not be abe to do this today...but Me in you and through you makes it possible!!!!" Rest and rely on Him during this time. The Florsheims are diligently in prayer for you and your family knowing that the prayers are a sweet aroma to our Lord becuase they are dealing with one of His most precious children...
Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
Plano, TX - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:27 AM CDT
Keep up the fight, Lynn! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! I so wish I could take some of that pain for you. I'm praying now that God will give you the strength to dig deep inside and find the renewed will and drive to keep running! You will win this race, sweet Lynn! Love ya bunches! Pattie
- Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:22 AM CDT
Jenny, Thanks so much for the update. Lynn - THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, HOPE, FAITH, are all alive. Yes, the race is getting tough to run but my friend, you are going to finish it cancer free. We are all here for you in many ways; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and any other way we can be. Oh my sweet friend, I hope/pray that all the love that surrounds you lifts you up in spirit when you are going through such tough days. Okay, the vaccine may not be ready until February. Who said this was going to be easy, right?! After I sign off here I am going to pray for all the prayer requests Jenny posted. I am going to pray more and more now and continue to storm heaven for you, with you, on behalf of you. Please keep LOOKING RIGHT. You can do this Lynn. As Jill so often says FIGHT SISTER FIGHT. Much love from Heidi.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:22 AM CDT
I have sent a couple of messages, we don't know each other, but we do know each other through Christ!!! I am a fellow breast cancer survivior--so I know somewhat of what you are going through!! My journey has been different than yours, but the GLORY of God is the same!! Know that I am praying, praying, praying!!
God bless,
Roetta Mann

Roetta Mann <roettam@hotmail.com>
Quinter, Ks - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:20 AM CDT
Praying for your complete healing all the way from Tennessee. Hope you are feeling better, and the meds will be able to control your pain better.
God Bless You,

Tracy <tracypaigejones@yahoo.com>
Kingsport, TN USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
Sweet L ~ Looking Right AHEAD with you every step of the way!


BIG Hugs today ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:53 AM CDT
To reiterate what Jill wrote...FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!!!
You are not alone and we are all storming heaven with prayers for you and your awesome family!!
You CAN do this!!
All my love to you!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
sending prayers and hugs
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:35 AM CDT
Sending you love and prayers!
Mark, Brenda, Andrew and Jennifer Routh

Brenda Routh <brenda_routh@hotmail.com>
New Richland, MN - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:43 AM CDT
Thank you JennyGwynn for giving us an update! We are all out here praying an wondering how Lynn is doing and what we can do. Thank you!
Lynn---YOU CAN DO THIS! February seems like a long way away but look at it as another chapter in your book. Your book of strength and courage! Oprah herself is going to be knocking on your door.
Running shoes on!
Keep your eyes on next summer!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, August 30, 2006 5:59 AM CDT
Thank you Jenny for giving us an update and specific things to pray for. Lynn I am praying harder than ever that you would feel God's comfort and strength as you run this race. You can do this!! I pray for peaceful sleep and a renewed sense of determination!!! You are loved by many.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:34 PM CDT
What a treat I received yesterday seeing your sweet face and in such good spirits up and about. I loved it, hope you enjoyed the "Pizza" we sure did. Thinking of you always and wishing on every star. I will share my dreams with you tonight. :)

Love Always,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 8:52 PM CDT
Happy to hear that all is well with Kathy! Just checking in to say I'm LOOKING RIGHT because of you, for you, and with you. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 5:28 PM CDT

Thinking of you...



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 5:04 PM CDT
I miss "your words" or Holly's...hope you are hanging tough and that all GOOD NEWS is waiting for you from the scan!!! I know you are probably very busy with the school routine/getting back into that groove and 'etc'....but I do love to HEAR YOUR VOICE!!

God bless,

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:39 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just continually praying for excellent news about your PET scan. I hope you have a good week with NO PAIN!!!!! Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:42 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, I'm praying that you're having awesome days this week!! I just got my path report from Dr. Hampe ... clear margins, clean nodes ... praise God! Am hoping and praying for wonderful news for you on your PET scan as well!!! Thanks again for your support. You know you have mine!!!

Keep fighting, Lynn, there is a light at the end of this tunnel!!!!!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:10 PM CDT
Lynn, you haven't posted...I hope you're okay. I'm praying BIG TIME for you and your beautiful family.
Yvonne Garcia <bonnie416_3@hotmail.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 1:34 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
Thinking of you this afternoon and praying for peace and comfort.
Talk to you soon, Love, Tiffany

tiffany Marino <tiffmarino@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Happy Tuesday morning my friend. Praying, praying, praying for good news on the PET scan. Praying, praying, praying for the vaccine to be completed soon too. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of you Lynn. I hope you can feel all the love, prayers, energy coming your way from so many of us. Here's to a good day! Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, August 29, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
Looking RIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, August 28, 2006 9:37 PM CDT
I am thinking of you as always tonight. I hope there are positive signs from the PET scan. Will continue to pray for you and your sweet family as you continue the days until your clean bill of health is here. I hope the school year is off to a great start. Always Looking Right! Beth

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
Burnsville, mn - Monday, August 28, 2006 8:56 PM CDT
Hoping/praying for good PET scan results. Either way, I'm keeping the faith alive all the way from New Hope, MN. You have an amazing group of left brainers working on your personal cure/vaccine too and that isn't too far way. Keep LOOKING RIGHT my friend! Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, August 28, 2006 1:41 PM CDT
Sending love, positive thoughts, and many prayers your way today, Lynn!! Hoping for an excellent PET report soon!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, August 28, 2006 1:08 PM CDT
Lynn - I am thinking of you and praying for you always!! I can't wait to see you back at the gym. I guess that means I better start going regularly again so I don't miss you!! When I am there I do get lots of questions about you. Everyone is thinking of you and wishing you the best! Praying for a great week for you with NO PAIN!!

Dahl Herrel <dahlface@sbcglobal.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, August 28, 2006 12:17 AM CDT

Just a note to send hugs and prayers. I am actually in

Dallas tonight, after spending 2 days at the Women of Faith

conference. Tomorrow I head to market and then back home.

Praying that you get encouraging results from your PET scan.

My Dad starts an 8 week stretch of chemo/radiation

combined, early tomorrow morning.

Another close friend

was diagnosed with and had surgery for ovarian cancer this

past week. So all three of you are in my prayers tonight.

Much love, hope and sweet rest I pray for you tonight.



Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:40 PM CDT
Praying without ceasing...hope your arm is feeling better.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:22 PM CDT

Hope you had a pleasant weekend with your family. Emily is still talking about the fun she had with Taylor!

Hope you have a painfree week -

Praying for great results from the PET!

Love, Kathy

Kathy <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, Texas - Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:21 PM CDT
I hope this entry finds you feeling well and enjoying precious time with your family.

I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that I check your journal daily. As a fellow Mom, I can't even imagine what you are going through and I am praying for you daily.

Prayers from across the country

New Hampshire, - Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:13 PM CDT
Lynn- it was so great to see you and Dave yesterday- you looked beautiful as always! Praying for complete healing for you and MANY, MANY pain free days- Keep looking right-I know I do because of YOU!!! Love, Kelley
Kellet Craddock <craddock7@msn.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, August 26, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
Just thinking about you and would like you to know I am praying for you everyday.

Joelle Minitti <joellej@cox.net>
Chandler, AZ USA - Saturday, August 26, 2006 7:04 PM CDT
Lynn, We continue to pray for you and your darling family. Think of you all the time and hope that you are having some pain free times during the day. We are LOOKING RIGHT!!!!
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Saturday, August 26, 2006 12:58 AM CDT
Have to share a story with you. Emma (9) and Mary (5) have been going to MN Jr. Viking Cheerleader camp all week with the carrot being cheering at last night's pre-season game. My niece was also involved. My sister wanted to drive with my family to the Metrodome so I told her she needed to be at my house by 2:50 p.m. at the latest as I didn't want to be late and have to rush Mary as this was her first year (we needed to meet at a Gate by 3:30 p.m.). At 2:45 the phone rang and it was my sister. She said they were just getting ready to leave (and she is a good 20 minutes from my house). I of course sounded confused and told her I needed/wanted to leave at 2:50 per our earlier discussion. Keep in mind that I get stressed if I'm late so leaving at 2:50 p.m. was pushing it already. She said it will only take 15 minutes from my house to get to downtown Mpls so of course, we waited. However, after I hung up the phone I was upset. My sister always seems to upset my schedules and here we go again. Emma was in the kitchen and saw I was upset. She looked at me and pointed to my pink LOOKING RIGHT bracelet and smiled. I gave her a quick hug. At this point, I couldn't let go of being upset because she always seems to disregard anyone else's plans, etc. Randy got the kids in the car and I used the bathroom. I went into our minivan and sat down. It was then that I felt the HUGE impact you have on our entire family. In harmony, my kids yelled LOOKING RIGHT. I instantly lost the frustration of knowing we were going to be late and felt my sweet kids hearts reaching out to their mom knowing how important your LOOKING RIGHT messsage is to our entire family and you of course. So, we had a GREAT time at the MN Vikings game with much thanks to you and your message, your courage, your strength, your faith, and your spirit. I am hoping/praying that your PET results mirror the latest thoughts from your doctor, OT, etc. Keeping the faith alive in New Hope, MN.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:05 AM CDT
Just letting you know you are on my mind! Praying for good results from the PET and that the side effects of chemo are short! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, August 26, 2006 7:15 AM CDT
Have a great weekend! Will wait for your Pet results
God's Peace
Love from your MN aunts&uncles&cousins&GR&GR Berg

lajean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Friday, August 25, 2006 7:26 PM CDT
Lynn- Thinking of you today and hoping the PET went smoothly. Hope you can enjoy some time with the kiddos this weekend.
Love- Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisoc, TX - Friday, August 25, 2006 6:30 PM CDT
Praying for wonderful news from today's PET scan! You are constantly in my thoughts and in my heart as I enjoy my own "R&R" after my surgery with dear Dr. Hampe yesterday. You are my inspiration, Lynn!!!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, August 25, 2006 1:31 PM CDT
Thinking of you Lynn!! I have continued to pray for you and so glad to hear the tumors appear to be shrinking!! Prayers continue also for the scientist working on your vaccine! The countdown continues. Have a great weekend with your family.
Houston, Tx - Friday, August 25, 2006 11:53 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I will be praying for you today for good PET scan results and much lessened pain. I hope that you enjoy this weekend feeling better than usual since you did not have chemo today. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, co - Friday, August 25, 2006 11:08 AM CDT
Thinking of you. Praying for you and your results. Keeping the faith alive in New Hope, MN. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, August 25, 2006 10:45 AM CDT

Dear Lynn,

Praying for you big today as you undergo your pet scan. Also praying hard for good news, that you sooooo deserve. Miss ya friend! Love you! Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Friday, August 25, 2006 8:52 AM CDT
Hello, friend. I thought about you alot today...sent up many prayers for you. Resting in His perfect provision and plan for you and your precious family. Awaiting wonderful, miraculous results. Praying without ceasing for His sweetest blessings upon your body and spirit. He is faithful.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:36 PM CDT
Sending a little "Wink" your way. May tomorrow bring you peaceful moments, renewed strength and hope for the future.

I will be thinking of you and holding you close in my heart.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:34 PM CDT
Lynn - I am so excited to hear your good news and I am fervently praying that God shows His mighty faithfulness in that your results on this side of heaven are postivie and rewarding. I will be praying for you, the doctors, the technicians, and the machinary to all work together (correctly) tomorrow and give you the results your heart, body and soul desires without any hesitation, hiccup or error. God is so good! Rejoice in Him!
Kim Gammill <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:32 PM CDT

I will be thinking of you tomorrow with hopes of good news!!



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:16 PM CDT
Praying for great news tomorrow on your PET scan. Hoping chemo goes as well as can be too. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:13 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

I always check in on you! I will continue to pray for your requests and that your spirit remains in tact...you are a gift to so many. I am grateful that I have come to know you through Holly and your website! Our "baby Allyson" had foot surgery this week and she is doing well. A few "glitches" on the radar regarding her eardrums, but she's a toughie and keeps everyone around her BUSY "keeping up"...I think she is "part of your spirit"...I have thought about my "book title" (that I plan to write in retirement) and it will be called SPIRIT BOUNTIFUL. If/when I finish it, I will send you a big-fat-copy!!

Hang in there and I'll be thinking positive thoughts for all GOOD things for you and yours.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Thursday, August 24, 2006 7:10 PM CDT
Praying for fabulous news tomorrow from the PET scan. Hang in there, girl!
Much love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:36 PM CDT
Lynn, thinking of you... and praying that your scan and chemo go ok tomorrow... sending you a big hug O.


Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:06 PM CDT
Hello Cousin - You've been on my mind all day today! Do you remember your bright red jacket and grey striped pants your wore in 8th / 9th grade? I always picture you in it when I think about those fun times. Funny, the things we remember.

How about when we went skiing and you were mad and crying because Teri didn't wait for you on the way down. I can understand now, my kids and Bruce snowboard down the mountain and don't want to wait for me! Last time I tried snowboarding, I fell so hard the ski patrol came over to check on me. I was lying there with little tears rolling down my cheeks asking for a ride down the mountain.

And, one time at band camp (j/k-I hope you saw the movie to get that one). Love ya cuz - Lisa

Lisa Gifford <lisagifford@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:35 PM CDT
Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:23 PM CDT
this is nancy jacobson's friend... so happy to hear about the great news!! continued prayers from NYC to you and your family!
gloria miller <gloria.miller@turner.com>
new york, ny - Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:41 AM CDT
Great news. Hope to see you Friday.
Murphy, TX - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:47 PM CDT
Had to sign on quickly as I just went to tell my kids that we received some possible good news about your cancer. I told them in simple terms that it appears the cancer/tumors in a certain area is getting smaller. They all cheered. Mary (my youngest who starts kindergarten in two weeks) wanted me to tell you that all you need is love and prayers. You have plenty of both so that's good news. Gotta go. Will check in later.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Oh Lynn, I shouldn't have checked in this late as I feel a huge burst of energy after reading your posting. Hope is alive and He is showing us in little but significant ways. Okay, we can't get too excited until the PET results come back but I'm going with it tonight. All of us continue to storm heaven for you my friend and I know it will pay off. How many people have you made believers?! God has so much work for you to do and it is going to take years, even decades to do His will. I am going to sleep tonight keeping the faith alive and strong. Always LOOKING RIGHT because of you and boy, did your message help me through some rough patches lately. You continue to amaze me. I hope/pray that the pain you have will get better. I also pray for Dave, your kids, and your loving family/friends. Okay, I feel I can sign off with my corny saying since I'm feeling so happy. Much love and hope from New Hope, MN (of course I feel like there is NEW HOPE now). :) Love ya, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:25 PM CDT
It's so nice to hear from you and happy to hear the good news. WIll continue to pray the PET tells us the same also, and for your other requests. Isn't the begining of the school year so much fun, glad to hear your kids are enjoying all. Love and prayers to you and your sweet family. Beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:30 PM CDT
Hey Lynn what great news! Seeing is believing and if they think they are smaller then we believe it. Will wait for your PET results. Found this today, thought I would share.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the grace of God cannot keep you.
Where the arms of God cannot support you,
Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs.
Where the power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the Spirit of God cannot work through you,
Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you,
Where the army of God cannot protect you,
Where the hands of God cannot mold you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the love of God cannot enfold you,
Where the mercies of God cannot sustain you,
Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears.
Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
Where the miracles of God cannot find you.

We may not see the wisdom of it all now,
But trust and believe in the Lord that everything
is for the best.

Author unknown

Love you and praying for you and your family!
Hi from all your MN aunts&uncles&cousins&GR&GR Berg

God's Peace Jim&LaJean

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:48 AM CDT
Good Morning Lynn from Mesa, AZ;
I'm following whats going on most days and I'm so happy to hear that the tumors are looking smaller. We'll keep our fingers crossed for the PET to show better changes.

We've had some pretty awesome storms here and good rain which we need. Checked your mom and dads place and all is fine there. Say hi to them from us and let them know we miss them. You take care and know we always have you in our prayers.. Love Vern and Coleen

Vern and Coleen Schepp <vc_schepp@yahoo.com>
Mesa, Az - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:06 AM CDT
Lynn, good to hear from you. Just wanted to let you know that you are continuously (and your family) are in my prayers. Prayers will be sent up that the PET scan shows what everyone else is seeing. May the Lord hear all prayers for your healing and regaining the use of your arm and hand. I hope you are able to enjoy some of your time off before chemo starts again next week.
L. Baumann
Oswego, IL USA - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:48 AM CDT
OK, now we're thinking "shrinking, shrinking, shrinking"!


So lovely to hear from you, and YES, YES, YES, we will be storming heaven with your prayer requests.

So glad your children are enjoying school!

God bless you and hold you and keep you from pain and heal you completely!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:40 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
It is always so good to hear from you............and now you had some GREAT news to share.
You know, I have been following this site for awhile, faithfully praying for you and yours. I had read about the Red Cardinal and the significance of the bird to you and your supporters. Last night, as my husband, myself and my brother were enjoying the evening in the backyard, I look up and there he is.....a beautiful, fat Red Cardinal, singing, looking towards us. I interrupted the conversation to point him out and shared the story w/ my family. (Both know about you, I have always spoke of you and they are always interested in your progress.) I told them He was there, through that creature, to remind us that prayers are being heard. Your everlasting, never ceasing faith and courage are heard. What a moment! Thanks to you, your journey and your ability to share w/all that are around you. I woke this morning, and went to your site (as always) and YEA!, you had posted.......I immediately remembered that cardinal........simply amazing.
I hope your PET results are positive and that your terrible ordeal is close to ending for you and your family. I will pray specifically for your arm and hand and fingers and that your sweet children are shielded and protected.
Thank you for sharing yourself - the strength, the courage, the fear and most importantly the faith you have in God. You are doing His work, you are a very special lady......do you know that about yourself?

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:13 AM CDT
Hello, friend! Thinking of you and praying for you...as always. Praying for "miraculous-only-God-can-possibly-be-the-answer--Go ahead-and-shout-out-His-glory" results from the PET scan this week. As I heard Beth Moore say in her bible study of John, the Beloved Disciple, "Delight me, Jesus...delight me...only you can."
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Wednesday, August 23, 2006 0:54 AM CDT

I'm thrilled with your good news. The finish line is getting closer and closer. Run girl run!!!


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:38 PM CDT
Praying for you and your family. I know many others are doing the same. Glad your kids are happy with their new teachers and that they like the excitement of a new school year. Many hugs and prayers!
Kristin (A Friend of Allie)
Seattle, - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
Lynn, it was so great to see your new entry-- always great to hear from you.... good news about the tumors... praying for the PET to go well and smooth for you and that you get over this stomach virus quickly.... sweet dreams... and hoping that the numbing, tingling, aching, fades soon... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
Hey Lynn
Its an honor to pray for you! We love you!
Thanks for posting.

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:43 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
Thanks SO much for sharing your heart. I agree with Kathy Sanders...amazing things happen within the BODY OF CHRIST! I love the idea of getting to that finish line...it's closer than we know! Keep LOOKING RIGHT, as we all will...God surely must see the joy in your heart!
I love you.
P.S. Your Hicks family is standing strong for you, as always! :-)

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:22 PM CDT
I am glad to hear about the tumors & I pray to God that they are shrinking!
Just a little email I received & thought of you!

Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for. . . THAT'S GOD. . .. He talks to you through the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to. .... . THAT'S GOD .. . He wants you to talk to Him.
Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and then next thing you know you see them or receive a phone
call from them. . . THAT'S GOD ... there is no such thing as coincidence.
Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it is going to get better, but now you look back on it. THAT'S GOD. . ........ He passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day.

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:37 PM CDT
I'm "Ready to Run" I was so thrilled to hear the "Hope" in your words, sending you all the strength in my heart and all the hope in my dreams.

Stay Strong sweet friend your destination is near.

Love always,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:21 PM CDT
Lynn, a very special hello and thank you. You are so sweet, and you made my day very special.

Thank you to those who have offered prayers. What an incredible thing is the BODY OF CHRIST!

I got goosebumps reading the entries today. God is at work!!! I'm ready to "step it up" too ... let's all kick this race into high gear and carry Lynn across that finish line together!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:37 AM CDT
Wow, LOVED Kathy Sanders entry. Kathy - I am adding you to my family's prayer list. We'll be thinking of you later this week as you undergo surgery. Lynn - How appropriate that your message is "LOOKING RIGHT." He is giving us so many signs of hope so suddenly I feel as if I have picked up the pace in reference to all of us running the marathon with you. I hope and pray your pain is better and that you are able to enjoy the loved ones who surround you. Much love from the Isaak Family (Heidi, Randy, Emma, Armond, and Mary).
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:33 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know I am praying for you and hope that your days are filled with peaceful rest and sweet time with your family.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:27 AM CDT
I have no words of wisdom to share. I just want you to know again, you are in our hearts and we pray for you everyday!
Love& prayers forever!

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:09 AM CDT
It was so good to see you at school, you are truly a "Beautiful" person. Sometimes is tough to feel beautiful on the outside, remember we see through your pain and the Beauty is radiant. :)
Hoping you heart is less heavy and your discomfort is minimal. I think of you often and wish for your strength and hope.

"The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It gives human beings a sense of destination and the energy to get started." ~Norman Cousins

Love Always,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:39 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you always...I loved what Kathy Sanders wrote you today. Those precious details some call "coincidences" are His handiwork....I like the term I've heard you use before "God winks". He loves you, Lynn. Absorb that and know He desires the best for you.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
- Monday, August 21, 2006 11:13 PM CDT
Precious Lynn,
Just wanted you to know that as I pass your neighborhood in the mornings and the afternoons going to and from work, I ALWAYS pray for you and your family. You are a huge part of my day. Just whenever you have the time, or feel like opening up your Bible...Pete's new series is on the Gospel of John. I know this will lift you up, as it is ALL about God's love for us! Check it out, and I will do the same. I love you always.
P.S. Taylor and Jacob are doing just great at school! Pray for the underdogs...we always have so many.

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Monday, August 21, 2006 6:42 PM CDT
Thinking of you sweet Lynn! Hope this proves to be a better week for you! Lifting you up in prayer always.
Love, Pattie

- Monday, August 21, 2006 4:00 PM CDT
Yes Lynn, I'm back again (kind of weird for someone who has never even met you, I bet you're thinking!) but I wanted to share something with you.

As I was reading some devotional and scripture material this afternoon, I was specifically looking for words on courage. I shared with you last week about my breast cancer diagnosis (sweet Dr. Hampe is doing my surgery later this week!) and was looking for words of encouragement from God's word.

The Lord showed me this scripture:
I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, and now I tell you, "Don't be afraid, I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13

As I was thinking on these words and thanking Him for leading me to them, He clearly spoke to my heart and said ... "Now share these words with Lynn. She needs to know I am with her too."

So Lynn, remember ... Don't be afraid because God has promised to be with you! And He says Himself that He is at your RIGHT HAND! So keep looking right, and you can't help but see HIM!

Praying, praying, praying ....

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, August 21, 2006 2:28 PM CDT
I have never signed your guestbook though I have been reading your entries faithfully for a LONG time! Praying that you have a great and fantastic week.

Naomi *Angels on Earth*
Plano, TX USA - Monday, August 21, 2006 12:33 AM CDT
My dear sweet BEAUTIFUL friend-
It breaks my heart to hear that you have been feeling sad. Most of us would have felt this way a long time ago given the circumstances you've had to bear. When I read your recent entry my mind went immediately to when Jesus cried out "My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?". When he was on the cross with all of the sins of the world on his shoulders and pain that we can't comprehend. When even a sinless Son of God felt that for a moment he was alone. It teaches us that God has a beautiful plan that we are all here for a purpose and God will work everything together for good. You are being tested Lynn. Please be strong and remember that God will never leave you or forsake you. He's told us that in His Word.
It's good that you can recognize where you are or have been mentally. That is the "Looking Right" way... you need to see where you are in order to know what way you need to go to start "Looking Right" again.
I just came back from spending every waking second I could with my family in Maine. Family can be so healing. You are so blessed to have family able to visit with you and be with you. Concentrate on those special times you share with them. You are getting closer to your vaccine date. God hears you. You know He's listening. He will give you the answers you are looking for just keep LOOKING RIGHT.

I love you soooooo much! I'm sending a great big hug and kiss. I wish I could hold your hand and comfort you sweet friend as you have comforted me. Be Strong.

All my love,

Patricia <patricia.banko@pactoris.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, August 21, 2006 10:37 AM CDT
Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, August 21, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
Good morning Lynn ... as the new day starts and brings the start of a new week, I am claiming a GREAT week for you in Jesus's name!!! I have continued to prayer for you and hope that you felt the prayers of so many envelope you and encourage you this weekend.

My morning routine is to check on my "Caringbridge folks" ... I follow so many brave warriors and am always blessed and amazed by the faith and courage of these everyday people who are fighting the battle of their lives. Your story, of course, inspires me daily but so do so many others ...

Hannah from South Carolina, a 17-year-old who should be walking the halls of her high school starting her senior year but instead has been at war with Sarcoma for several months. Her story is one of incredible miracles, her site is www.caringbridge.org/visit/hannahsobeski.

Taylor is an 11-year-old identical twin who was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic Ewings 2 years ago. Awesome kid. www.caringbridge.org/fl/taylor

Christal in Florida is a pistol! An amazing 8-year-old who has lived with a brain tumor for years and is still going strong despite a poor prognosis. www.christalinfo.com

The one who grabs my heart the most is Sweet Elizabeth who lives in Nebraska. Now 14, she was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma when she was 9. You should visit her site, it will touch your heart. /ne/lizziegirl

There are so many others that I am privileged to lift in prayer each and every day as they continue their battles. So many who, like you, continue to reach out and ENCOURAGE those visit their site instead of the other way around! I just wanted to share a few with you, to let you know you're not alone (although you know you're not!) and perhaps for you to get a bit of encouragement from them as well.

I think of you so many times during my day, Lynn, hoping that your pain is under control, that you feel rested, that are able to have some fun with those kids and that awesome "cul-de-sac gang", that your beautiful smile is on your face! I pray more than anything that your heart is not discouraged and that you are not believing the awful thoughts that Evil One is whispering your ear!!! Hang in there, dear cyberfriend. I can't imagine what you're going through, I have nothing to say or share to make it better, but I can PRAY!!!

Sorry for the rambling and I hope you don't mind me sharing the Caringbridge sites above. Have a blessed day!!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, August 21, 2006 9:11 AM CDT
Hi Lynn
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! As you know I can totally relate to the whole steriods puffiness. I need to call you to visit live! I think of you so very often and pray for you! I also can relate to the quiet voice of God and the oh so loud voice of that damn devil. I often lay in bed at night and shout in my prayers, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, GET OUT OF MY MIND, GET OUT OF MY BODY" I almost want to make sure the front door is open so he gets out and then slam it and lock satin out!!! God is with you Lynn. He always is! I need to hear the update on the vaccine. I will call you this week. I lost my job on Friday. The breast cancer got in the way of my success and I guess they got tired of me working and receiving treatments at the same time. I'm very disappointed and sad. The biggest plus is that I am able to spend some extra time with my girls until I find a new job. Keep in touch and I'll keep reading your journal entries! God Bless you Lynn and your family!!! Love to you!

Jill Roiger <j.roiger@mchsi.com>
Mound, MN - Monday, August 21, 2006 0:28 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you every day.
With love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
We just got home from our weekend in the mountains, and what do I do the first thing when I walk in the door?? Check your web site no doubt! Just hoping and praying that you had an enjoyable weekend with your family. Also praying for lessened pain and lots of comfort. Have a blessed week - no chemo this week?? Looking forward to hearing from you. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:50 PM CDT
I wanted to let you know you're in our thoughts and prayers every day. It's so great that your Mother and Dad are back in TX and Terri is there with you too. FAMILY MEANS SO MUCH!!! Stay strong, with the help of family and friends. Love, Starlet and Donnie
Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@charter.net>
Rochester, MN USA - Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:11 PM CDT
Good evening Lynn;
I haven't written for some time now, but I check in almost every day to see how your doing. Haven't talked to Sue for awhile either, but know she is busy with all.. Know you are in our prayers all the time and not far from our thought. Say hi to your mom, dad and also Terri. We love you all... Vern and Coleen

Vern and Coleen Schepp <vc_schepp@yahoo.com>
Mesa, Az USA - Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:35 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
Just want you to know that we are continuing to pray for you. You are ALWAYS on our minds. We love you dearly.
Yvette and Andrew

Yvette <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Sunday, August 20, 2006 1:49 PM CDT
We just returned from our family vacation. I really missed checking in with you daily. Just wanted to say hello and let you know that you are in my thoughts so much. You can do this Lynn. Much love, prayers, faith, and hope from the Isaak Family (Heidi, Randy, Emma, Armond, and Mary).
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:37 AM CDT
sending prayers and hugs
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:34 AM CDT
Yeah for a couple of good days and no chemo this week! It makes my day to know you are smiling! Enjoy the day!! Love ya! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:26 AM CDT
thinking of you... sending you giggles))))))))), hugsOOOOOOOO, and prayers+++++++++++++++. Hope you are getting to hear your little ones giggle, getting hugs from your loved ones, and feeling God in your heart...
Sweet Dreams tonight.. Love Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:06 PM CDT
Lynn, you are always in my prayers. I'm praying so hard for you. Stephanie
Stephanie <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:18 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

Thinking of you tonight as always and hoping that you are feeling wrapped in the arms of God and your friends and family....I will continue to pray for your miracle and the lessening of pain. You are a courageous woman and I admire your strength, your faith, and your ever present beautiful smile. Keep the faith...it is yours.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,

I haven't posted for awhile but have been thinking about you and your situation and believe as your friend, Kathy Shearer, said, "Keep askng; keep seeking; keep knocking!" The Lord is there for you - ALWAYS!! Blessings and prayers to you, Lynn, and to Dave, Taylor, Jacob, your Mom, Dad and Terri!

Much love,

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I was blessed this week by spending a few precious moments with your wonderful sister, Mom and Dad. They are all there for you every step of the way, as are so many other people, including all of your prayer warriors like me! I hope you know that I am Looking RIGHT for you as always!!!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Saturday, August 19, 2006 5:12 PM CDT
Hi Lynn- It was great to see you this week, even though you're not feeling at your best you look great! Hope some of the discomfort and sadness has lifted.
Love- Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, August 19, 2006 12:02 AM CDT
Thinking of you today!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:43 AM CDT
Hey sweet friend I wanted to share this with you its a section from a book by Charles Swindoll Simple Faith and its a well known verse but just read it and take to heart the powerfull words!
Ask, and it shall be given to you;seek,and you shall find;knock,and it shall be opened to you.For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds,and to him who knocks it shall be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8
"Ask... seek...knock,"three powerful,momosyllabic words, all commands, urging us not to cave in with discouragement when facing the difficult or the unknown.
"Keep on asking!"
"Keep on seeking!"
"Keep on Knocking"
In childlike innocence we are to turn to our heavenly Father and trust him to do what we cannot.
"Keep on asking...seeking...knocking."
love you!! kathy

Kathy Shearer <Katshe@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Saturday, August 19, 2006 4:18 AM CDT
thinking of you
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, August 19, 2006 0:04 AM CDT
Lynn, I had a dream about you the other night. I am so sorry that we are not closer in our lives here on earth, but please know that my heart loves you and I pray for you with all my soul in God's presence! As I have visited each class this week for PTA stuff, you precious son, Jacob, has had a beautiful joy in his eyes and has greeted me with a smile and a "Hello Mrs. Gammill." I look at him and see your face. He looks so much like you! You are obviously being a GREAT mom and doing a very good job! When you are sad, seek Jacob's eyes and remember the joy God gives us in our children. No matter how you feel like you look, I see how beautiful you are in your precious children! You are truly a beautiful woman and beautiful mother! Cheer up - you are God's child and He made you beautifully.
Kim G <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, Tx USA - Friday, August 18, 2006 9:59 PM CDT
Hope this song blesses you today

This song is one that just touched my heart


Is it unfair
To say that you are leading
Then try to face this mountain on my own

Why am I scared
I’ve never stopped believing
And you have never left me all alone
Well I could get ahead of where you’ve
Led me to
But I will trust your heart enough to wait for you

Until this mountain moves
Until this path is clear
Until Your voice is the only one that I can hear
Until I see your hand
Until I know your heart
Until I trust the grace that’s carried me this far

I will be still until

How could I
Have never seen this coming
It’s not like I’ve been running
From your will
Tell me why
Each day’s another mystery
Waiting for you truth to be revealed
I try to tell my heart to trust what I believe
And wait on You through all my uncertainty

Until this mountain moves
Until this path is clear
Until Your voice is the only one that I can hear
Until I see your hand
Until I know your heart
Until I trust the grace that’s carried me this far

I will be still until

Be still my heart and of worry
Be still my restless soul
Be confident and certain
Be still and know

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, la - Friday, August 18, 2006 8:15 PM CDT
Praying for you today. I ask God to hold you in His loving arms and keep you pain free and able to enjoy your beautiful family.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, August 18, 2006 8:01 PM CDT
Hi Sweet Lynn,
Kimberly is over and we were thinking of you and wanted to tell you we miss seeing your beautiful face. We love you and hope you enjoy your family this weekend.
Kimberly said that Josh and Jacob were on the floor playing Legos together and she is greatful that a nice boy like Jacob is in Josh's class. Hugs and Kisses!!!

Lori Haney <lahaney@gmail.com>
Frisco, Tx. Usa - Friday, August 18, 2006 6:37 PM CDT
This message is for you reader Kathy:
I have just read your post about being diagnosed with breast cancer... I am so sorry that this is happening to you.... Please let us know how you are doing and know that HE has you in HIS hands...
Sincerely, Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, August 18, 2006 6:18 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just wanted to check in before we leave for the weekend. I pray that the chemo today is working hard to kill your cancer. I hope your weekend in enjoyable and that you get the rest you need to recover from today's treatment...Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, co - Friday, August 18, 2006 12:41 AM CDT
Lynn, you become more and more of an inspiration to me each time I visit your site or lift you in prayer. Thank God for your witness of courage and grace. Yesterday I received a confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer. Your journey has prepared my heart to do battle. I firmly believe that God planned for me to read about you and pray for you for this past year in preparation for the physical and spiritual journey that lies ahead of me. I want to be like you, to bring God glory even in the midst of something as ugly and scary as cancer. I want to encourage others as you have encouraged so many thousands of people. Thank you Lynn, for listening to His call and sharing your heart. You have no idea how you have touched me, and how your story touches thousands each day. I'm so sorry that you're going through such incredibly hard times and wish I knew what to share in your guestbook to make your journey easier, but please know that God is using your story - using YOU - in a huge way, a very mighty way, to encourage complete strangers like me! My faith grows each time I read your sweet words and those of your incredible army of friends and supporters. God is using this, Lynn!!! And you will be blessed ten-fold.

May God cradle you in His Almighty hands and hold you close, and comfort you physically, emotionally, and spiritually today.

Again, thank you.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, August 18, 2006 9:51 AM CDT

Though I have not signed your guestbook in quite some time; not one day goes by that I do not think of you. As always you are in my prayers. May you remember the blessings in your life; with hope those blessings will put a smile on your face & help pull you away from the darkness. You are an angel here on earth touching so many with your strong faith in God!!

Much love to YOU,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Friday, August 18, 2006 9:15 AM CDT
Just note to let you know that I will be thinking of you today as always. Let that chemo kick the heck out of that cancer! Running shoes on!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, August 18, 2006 7:09 AM CDT
Hello, friend! Sweet dreams...can't wait to see you tomorrow! Oops, today! Hope all is well...no pain, lots of joy, and lots of energy for "girlfriend catch up" gab time! Thinking of you and praying without ceasing....
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Friday, August 18, 2006 0:22 AM CDT
Lynn, As always my prayers are with you and I will make them more specific tonight. I have been in that "place" and I know how dark it can bee but I also know the glory of God's grace when He delivers me from it.
Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:58 PM CDT
Lynn, Sending you prayers and love from the Mn aunts&uncles&cousins& GR&GR Berg. Praying for a peaceful& less painful day and night for you. Say Hi to Mom & Dad & Terri from all of us, we pray that you are resting well and taking one day at a time. God is with you all the way through this! Love Jim&LaJean God's Peace.
LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
Lynn you are Beautiful!!! You always have been and you always will be. You are in our thoughts and prayers every day. I am so sorry for your pain. Stay strong and keep fighting and know that God will protect you. We love you and miss you. Tami
Tami Alsaffar <alsaffar32@yahoo.com>
denver, co usa - Thursday, August 17, 2006 4:00 PM CDT
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
I hope you have a blessed day.

arlington, tx usa - Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:30 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

I check frequently for your words. I am sorry for your sadness but you will get through this. Never forget that God always walks beside you or sometimes he carries you. I will pray for you and those precious children. Remember, even though it pains you with your appearance, you are most beautiful inside. You have a big, big heart. Those who are important will love you no matter what you look like because they love you for you. Not to mention, I am always a little jealous of your appearance. You always look beautiful!

Barbara Moore <bmoore@cgsd.org>
Rogersville, Pa USA - Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:49 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, I'm praying hard this morning that today brings a new surge of energy for you to fight this beast! The light at the end of the tunnel is there and growing brighter by the day, you are almost there! You are winning this battle one day at a time, and you WILL cross that finish line!!! Each day that goes by I thank God that you are one day closer to your vaccine, one day closer to the end of your treatments, and one day closer to COMPLETE HEALING! Hallelujah!

I pray that today is a wonderful day for you, that you enjoy sweet rest and experience the renewed energy to allow you to interact with your loved ones and your army of friends, to enjoy those sweet kids, to see your own BEAUTY, STRENGTH and COURAGE that thousands of your followers around the world are in awe of. I pray for your tender heart, for Taylor and Jacob, for your precious husband and your extended family. Mostly I pray that you see yourself as GOD sees you! You are strong and powerful, Lynn, and I know without a doubt that you will finish this fight with the same grace that you have fought it all along.

What a day that will be, and we WILL be mindful to give God the glory!!!

Have a blessed day, Lynn!

Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:16 AM CDT
Lynn, Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you this morning and praying for you always! I'm smiling right now because I have this vivid vision of your radiant smile. Oh how I pray that you are able to smile today! I have absolutely no way to begin to fathom what you go through on a daily basis so I just pray that God will take away the pain, the sadness, the restlessness and give you a day full of sunshine, peace, hope and endless joy with your family. You are my inspiration, Lynn. Keep looking right sweetheart! God is right beside you. Big hugs to you! Pattie
- Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:01 AM CDT
Lynn, I only have a second to write. I read your posting where you said that you were uncomfortable with your weight gain from the steroids. You know what I thought as I saw you last night? I love her new rounder face because it now looks just like the face of her little angel Jacob!!! If his face isn't beautiful, then I don't know what is!

Be strong! Look Right and know that God speaks to us in ways we don't realize. He has been there all along, he just didn't want you to know it until his time was right.
Love you!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:34 AM CDT
Good Morning my friend....I wanted to share something with you. Yesterday I started prayer journals with Camden and Grant for school. After I explained to them that they could tell God anything they wanted to in their journals they began writing. Both of them started their journals with prayers for you! I asked permission to share what they wrote. Grant wrote: "Dear God, Please make Ms. Lynn well so that she can play with Taylor and Jacob." Camden wrote: "Dear God, I pray so hard for Ms. Lynn to get well because she is my mom's friend." I know that my kids are not the only kids praying for you Lynn. You have an army of little ones marching alongside you as well. I love listening to a child's prayer because they just tell it like it is and ask with confidence that He will answer. I am praying that you will have smiles today and big hugs from your family! Love you bunches....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:46 AM CDT
Good Morning!
Strength: Strength comes NOT from great accomplishment but from how we rise up every time we strumble along the way.

Hang in there friend! There will be better days!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:51 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn,
You are NEVER far from my heart & mind, and of course, you are always at the top of our prayer list. Both our kids, Dave and I pray for you daily. We all pray for your ultimate healing & pain relief, and to send Satan as far South and away from you as possible! Lots of love and prayers from Colorado,

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:09 AM CDT
Hello Lynn, You have been on my mind a lot...I just read your post and my heart aches for your sadness. Thank you for being so open with your feelings. I pray so hard for you and your family. May peace and comfort be with you tonight.
Kristi Lupe <kristi.lupe@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:22 PM CDT
Hello Lynn,

I know you have been struggling to hear God's voice lately. I saw this on another CB site and thought of you. Hope you are having a pain free and blessed day.....one step closer to a complete cure!


I do not think we can ever say a prayer is wasted.

Although prayer may not change a situation and give us the miracle we want, prayer changes us.

Through prayer we become more aware of God's presence.

Through prayer, we find inner resources and strength we didn't know we had.

Through prayer, we are no longer facing our fears and pain alone: God is beside us, renewing our spirit, restoring our soul and helping us carry the burden when it becomes too heavy for us to bear alone."

Ron DelBene with Mary & Herb Montgomery

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:33 PM CDT
Hello, friend. Our prayers will continue for you and yours. Thank you for sharing your heart with so many. You are loved by many...loved deeply by many...and the sum of that love does not even compare to the love God has for you. "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ...that you will be able to comprehend what is the width and length and depth and height - to fully know the love of Christ which passes all comprehension..." Ephesians 3:14, 18-19. I am praying that you will know, as much as our human minds can conceive, the full measure of His love for you....His thoughts towards you are precious (Psalms 139:17)...greater in number than the grains of sand on the earth (Psalms 139:18). "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then call upon Me and go and pray to Me and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all of your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11-13) He is still there, Lynn..even when we can't see, hear or feel Him. His faithfulness is beyond comprehension...and NOT dependent upon our faithfulness. You are known and loved by Him...and I know you know Him. We are praying for "peace, joy, & patience" for your heart....you seem to have the "love, kindness, goodness and faithfulness" down (Galations 5:22 - fruit of the Spirit). Also, praying for COMPLETE HEALING from cancer and RELIEF of pain on this side of heaven! (So I think we've got you "covered spiritually and physically ;) ). Fight, Lynn, Fight!
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:09 AM CDT
Wow! I just finally had a chance to check your site and I was so sad when I read your post, but I was also very pleased at the fact you have the courage to express your feelings. That is so important to do, the more you can release the less depression you will feel. We can all handle your feelings and it's important that you get them off your chest. You are so amazing and such an inspiration to so many of us who may not be dealing with the issues you are but we too were these silly masks everyday to cover up the way we feel. You are truly a BEAUTIFUL person inside and out, I'm pretty sure there's nothing on this earth that could change that. Keep fighting and know that you have (based on these messages you're getting) thousands upon thousands of people praying and thinking about you.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:36 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn...Hope your pain is minimal today and that you are in good spirits. The kids are starting school today so I am up earlier than usual! I have got to get to bed earlier...I feel like I am going to need toothpicks to hold my eyes open today! Anyway...just wanted you to know that you are always in my thoughts! I love you sweet friend....Hugs to you...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:36 AM CDT
Hello there friend! Hoping that today will be a day with less or no pain and lots of love from your family! Feel the love from all of the cyber friends you have. Even when we don't post we are all out here pulling and praying for YOU! Keep up the great fight! Someday you are going to be sitting with Oprah telling your story of courage and strength. Perhaps we can fill her audience with all of the caringbridge friends and family! What a plan!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:42 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn...Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts ALOT today. I pray that Taylor and Jacob enjoyed their first day of school yesterday! Hugs to you....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 15, 2006 1:59 PM CDT
Sorry I have been out of touch for awhile but I was vacationing with Todd's family in FL. Bailey (3) and Grayson (1) are like their cousins--crazy about water so we had a great time. This week will find me with the other 2 grandsons for almost a week. Nice for Gram to get her fix.
Now my dear, I may have been out of touch but you are not out of my prayers and thoughts. When the blues grab you maybe it will help to think about your journey along this trail seems to be doing so much for others, some complete strangers, and as you wisely have mentioned God's answers are not always what we expect or think we will hear. Your strength and witness is being used so be proud of that. Love you and yours. Aunt Mary

Aunt Mary <gladme@iowatelecom.net>
- Monday, August 14, 2006 10:59 PM CDT

Just a quick note to let you know that you are never far

from my thoughts and prayers. From the other guestbook

entries, it sounds like you were able to share the back to

school experience with your kiddo's. That is wonderful

news! I am praying that this week is full of HOPE, that the

depression lifts and that the supernatural peace that comes

from God, will be so real to you.


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Monday, August 14, 2006 9:24 PM CDT
Just stopping in to say hello. Hope you're having a good day! Hope the kids had a great first day at school. Love you bunches!
pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Monday, August 14, 2006 7:29 PM CDT
Precious Lynn,
Today was so BIG at school! I didn't get a chance to see Taylor, but I did see Jacob at dismissal. He didn't see me, but the look on his face was pure contentment with the day. He looked happy! I will make a point of going downstairs tomorrow to see the "big kids." I am praying for you on my way to school when I see the sunrise...a new day...a gift from God that is to be celebrated. Rest well, friend, and know that Jesus rests with you tonight.
I love you!

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Monday, August 14, 2006 7:08 PM CDT
Hi Lynn!
Hoping your kiddos have a great first day of school - we have one more week before the chaos resumes! At dinner Saturday we were discussing "God winks" with our friends and it made me think of you and smile. You have given me a whole new perspective and I can't thank you enough!! Hope He is "winking" at you often today and throughout the week. Just wanted you to know you are on our thoughts and in our hearts daily. Take care!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, August 14, 2006 11:46 AM CDT

It was so great to see you this morning and give you a hug!

Hope you are having a great day - the house is so quiet today without Emily here!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, August 14, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
Lynn, thinking of you this am.... hope your kids have a great first day of school....Tanner is already a pro at the first grade thing-- ha ha... he started last week.... sending you hugsOOOOOOOO..... love to you. Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, August 14, 2006 7:20 AM CDT
You are alwasy on my mind! We are all so very glad to read your words. You know you have an army out here praying for you and supporting you. This stinks! There really are no words for how much it stinks! I continue to pray for ppain relief and peace in your heart! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, August 14, 2006 6:35 AM CDT
Lynn, I am praying that you feel well enough in the morning to walk your kids to their classroom and take pics of their beautiful faces! KEEP FIGHTING!!
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:08 PM CDT
JUst veiwed the video it was great and made me cry to see all the support you look so adorable and beautiful! Thinking of you today!
Sandy Lassley <sasslass77@hotmail.com>
Omaha, NE usa - Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:36 PM CDT
Hi Lynn. Our friend Nancy has kept us informed about your situation, and I am so sorry of your recent struggles. I bought some of your wonderful and inspiring braclets about a year ago. I told Nancy I would love to send you a picture of my husband's wrist. He chose the red one, and put it on the day I got them. He has played a year and a half on the football field, and through it all his braclet has remained, undamaged. However, it is no longer red, it is cream! He loves the message, and often thinks of you while wearing it. We will continue our prayers for you and your family, and Todd will keep wearing his braclet!! God Bless.
Courtney Bouman
- Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:31 PM CDT
Hello Lynn, I read your post with such awe in how one person can seemingly take on the world and all it has to give and still find the courage to face it head on. I'm so glad you could post and share your bare facts with us. Sometimes it seems that sad black hole is going to swallow you up and never let the light shine through. You are so right to just face it head on, go through it and just feel it until it passes. Remembering God is carrying you through. I was singing this hymn in church today and wanted to share some of it--"No storm can shake my inmost
calm,while to that Rock I'm clinging" So true and so easy
to lose site of. Our inner calm can be so easily shaken.
There are days that come and go that just don't make sense,or that nothing goes right,then I realize I haven't
listened to my favorite Christian radio station or read the Bible or even said my prayers. Add to that your incredible pain and frustration as to why things are what they are. It would shake anyone to the core. Lynn, know that your family loves you just because you are you. They accept you as you are that day, good or bad, up or down. The real Lynn is there, it's not your hair or make up or clothes. It's your heart and the love you have for them.
You know that there's nothing that can shake your love for God and your family; now Satan knows it. He sees your army of love and faithkeepers even during your medication fog he cannot get hold of you! Please rely on your family and friends to help with your kids and their needs for now until you get through this and know that you are loved.
God's Peace--Love Jim and LaJean and all your MN aunts & uncles& cousins&GR&GR Berg

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, August 13, 2006 3:53 PM CDT
My heart is sad for you, your pain, your despair. No matter what your "make-up" looks like or feels like, know you are loved! You are allowed to be sad. Allow yourself to feel. You have been through so much that we cannot begin to understand. We are all voyeurs peeking in on your life...I have been amazed at your strength, optimism and faith. You have been a poster child for this awful disease and I have often wondered how would I handle myself? Could I even come close to how Lynn has handled herself? Thank you for sharing your life with us, your honesty, your joys and pains. I wish you peace and comfort and the energy to muster a smile or a warm fuzzy when you read the postings of so many people that love you. You won't be far from our thoughts. Take care, my friend.
Christen Chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, AR usa - Sunday, August 13, 2006 3:38 PM CDT
Hope this finds you in comfort and peace. My heart is heavy for you, I'm sorry to hear your words with pain and frustration. I will never be able to help in the way I would like, to help ease your pain and burden, to tell you everything will be OK. I have posted many times and sent my love and strength, this time I send my prayers. I'm not much of a public prayer, I speak to him in many other ways. This time I will pray for you, pray for your peace, pray for your comfort and pray to fill your heart with hope.

"The hardest victory is the victory over self." Aristotle

I wish you victory over your thoughts of frustration and depression, most of all "I wish you Love".

Stay strong sweet friend,
Sharmaine Snyder

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:13 PM CDT
I continue to read your website and pray that your physical and emotional pain subside. There are times when we all feel forsaken and let down by God and others. Life is so hard, even in the best of times. We have to keep believing that He is with us to guide us through our difficult times, even though we wish He would just take them away completely. We know through the experiences of life that the hard times just don't go away when we pray for that. What is His answer to our prayers, when painful times just go on? I don't know, but allow the love of others in your life to fill your heart and mind with strength when God's voice doesn't seem to be there. They will be your angels who get you through. Hang in there, Lynn. I'm praying for you here in Virginia, and I know that you have others pulling for you in all parts of the country. You are amazing and wonderful!
Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:06 AM CDT
He tell us He will never leave us nor forsake us!
That is the promise we believe!
We only have to endure Satan's attempts to overpower for awhile BUT we have God's power to LIVE WITH FOR ETERNITY!
God bless you & ease your pain!

Donna Drosche <chictexas@hot.rr.com>
Waco, Tx USA - Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:49 PM CDT

You are so very pure of heart; how precious that is in this world that we live in. I cannot begin to imagine your pain, your exhaustion, your frustration...and I know that we all collectively pray and wish for sweet relief for you--there is no one that deserves it more. Just know that when you look in the mirror at the face that is shining back at you, that you are indeed more beautiful than words can describe. You are a shining beacon to your precious children, to your family, your friends... And please know that as much as you realize that you need everyone, they are all needing you right back. You are wanted. You are needed. And you are SO loved. Your pure heart is helping all of us and our prayers are lifting you up to the most high--our Father. He knows your every thought. His plan will shine through, of this I have no doubt.

I wish so much for you...but above all, I wish you peace of heart and mind right now.

Much love and many hugs from afar,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:17 PM CDT
Your post was amazing today. I know it wasn't easy to express your sadness. I know God will be speaking to you again soon and bringing you more love & strength.
Holly P. <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx - Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:08 PM CDT
You came to my mind over and over again while I was working on my bible study tonight. I feel like I need to share the basic premise with you: Isaiah 26:3-4 "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts you. Trust the Lord forever, for the the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal." The footnote sums it up so well..."We can never avoid strife in the world around us, but with God we can know perfect peace even in turmoil. When we are devoted to him, our whole attitude is steady and stable. Supported by God's unchanging love and mighty power, we are not shaken by the surrounding chaos. If you want peace, keep your thoughts on and your trust in God."

Lynn, I can't even begin to fathom the battle you've been fighting. It's almost certain that you are exhausted in every way imaginable. God is by your side. Even when you feel alone, he is there. He will never leave you. I am praying for you often. I will pray that you will feel thre presence of God in your life, and that the enemy will stay away from your thoughts.

Another part of my bible study tonight says, "The enemy is very cunning. Our knowledge alone will not keep us protected. What we need is a watchman sitting guard on the walls of our mind. The good news is that we have one who is willing and able if we set our minds on Him."

Lynn, you have demonstrated over and over again that your mind is on God. When all is quiet remember that God is keeping guard on the walls of your mind.

I know there are times in life when we seem to run out of prayers for one specific situation. I hope you'll find peace in knowing that when just can't come up with another prayer, there are so many people who are still praying for you -- people who don't even know you.

Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:54 PM CDT
My Dear Sweet Lynn,
I hear your pain. I wish somehow I could take it away, but that is not reality. I know you will muddle through with grace and dignity, because that is what you do. You have to know that we (I'm speaking for the HOTTIES) are always in awe of the way you have handled all of this pain(emotional, mental, spiritual and physical). You are an inspiration to us all. You fight with such courage and faith. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You are an incredible Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister and Friend. Just being you is all anyone needs. The rest is just fluff and we can all do with a little less fluff in our lives. I know it is easy for me to say, but this too shall pass. Remember, sometimes God's unanswered prayers are the solutions that we didn't know we needed. Listen carefully sweet Lynn...I know he is speaking to you.

All My Love,

Pam Graham <PG040566@comcast.net>
- Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:58 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

Reading your recent posting today has put tears in my eyes for I can readily feel (without even knowing you personally) your pain and your need to express it. I think this is an incredibly honest thing to do, and I know that your family and friends value you even more for your candor. I wish I could somehow put the "magic" on you and will every bad part of the cancer, the treatments, the routine, the pain, and the heartache away. In reality I know that no one can do that. But, I do know that God is listening to you because I firmly believe that. I also believe that God will certainly allow you to BE WHO YOU NEED TO BE without worrying that you aren't "being all things to everyone else"....I don't know you personally, but I know your heart, and I am a better person for being connected to you through Holly and your website. God has given you the horrendous task to TEACH US what true courage and valor is all about. I will continue to pray for positive outcomes, less pain, and "more reasons to smile than frown" as the days press on. I truly BELIEVE that God has a master plan and you are sitting right at the TOP of that plan for a future that will hold you in His arms.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:36 PM CDT
I never really noticed red cardinals until you. Now they are everwhere! Everytime I see one I breathe a cleansing breath of thanks for all of the blessings in my life and pray a prayer of thanksgiving for you, for teaching me through your life what is important and then I pray for God's mercy for your pain and his healing grace for that nasty cancer, and for all of the specific prayers you have shared with us. Personal sight unseen I love you Lynn Newman! and I pray that you be as blessed as we are for "knowing" you.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, Tx - Saturday, August 12, 2006 3:39 PM CDT
Hang in there you amazing trooper! Thank you for being so honest about your heartache and your strife. I know you will hear God's voice again to strengthen you.....and see the God winks to feel him by your side again too. Let us, your friends and family carry some of your burdens......more prayers, more meals, more playdates...you name it!! You are so dearly loved by thousands. You can beat this nasty cancer!!


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:10 PM CDT

You don't know me but I got your website from Nancy J. I went to school with both Nancy and Kathy at RTR in MN. You are a truly loving and caring person. You can see the love you have for your family in all your pictures. I pray that GOD is with you and your family everyday. You sound like a very strong women. But don't forget all that loves you will always be there to help you with open arms. So don't be afaird to ask. I only wish I could do more for you than just a few lines. I wish I could be there to help you with anything you need today or any other day. YOU and YOUR FAMILY WILL BE IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS! Take care, Stacy R :)

Stacy <riphage@iw.net>
Luverne, MN USA - Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:35 AM CDT
Lynn - It was great seeing you at meet the teacher night on Thursday at Thomas Hicks. You looked beautiful and your spirit is so vibrant. Please hang in there my friend and know you have so many people who love you that can help you through your not so good days. I am praying for pain relief for you and that your next round of chemo is much better. Your light shines through your children who have your smile, warmth, and beautiful spirit!
Stay strong my friend,
Minal Cordero

Minal Cordero <cordero.mm@pg.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:15 AM CDT
Lynn, All I can say is...you are AMAZING!!!!!!! After reading your post today... I know that you will hear God's voice and he will continue to bring you what you need...even when you are not sure what that is...Bless you sweet Lynn...
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:49 AM CDT
Hellooooo my sweet friend ~ I have missed you SO, SO, SO much!!! I can't wait to have quality time together this week & catch up on EVERYTHING!!


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:11 AM CDT
We are heading out of town for a week so I won't be able to go on-line and connect with you daily like I love to do. Yes, I am a "Lynn addict." Everytime I want to log on but can't, I will say a prayer for you. You take care of your beautiful self and know so many are constantly thinking of you, praying for you, and keeping the faith that you will be healed here on earth. I also pray the pain is manageable so that you can have some time to enjoy Dave, your kids, your sister, friends, etc. I keep seeing Red Cardinals everywhere; good signs indeed. Keep LOOKING RIGHT my sweet friend Lynn. You can do this! All my love, prayers, thoughts, and friendship from Heidi.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:07 AM CDT
May God bless you and hold you and keep you well today!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:41 AM CDT
I so pray that God answers your prayers and all of our prayers the way we would all like him to. You have true beauty and bravery inside and out. May God bless you and help you make it through these next few months with pain relief, comfort, happy times, and support.
Kristin <mandtjsmom@yahoo.com>
Friends of Allie, - Saturday, August 12, 2006 0:06 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
You are such a beautiful girl inside and out, and I pray that Satan does not continue to steal that feeling away from you. I really hope that today went as smooth as possible and that you are resting peacefully tonight. We are all anxiously waiting for that special day when you report to us that you are finally...CANCER-FREE! We will all be rejoicing and Praising God!! May this weekend bring you lessened pain and time with your family. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, August 11, 2006 11:36 PM CDT
My sweetest friend,

I am back and am anxious to run across the street and wrap my arms around you...I have so much to tell you!!! You are more precious than words - know that God is holding YOU and your precious family close!!!!

I saw so many signs on church marquis today that were pertintent to TODAY'S trials..I'll share them with you tomorrrow.

I love you dearly, I missed you immensely and I am glad to be home.

Sending you HUGE hugs, kisses and tons of prayers for COMPLETE HEALING ON EARTH, NO pain and sweet sleep.

I LOVE YOU SO BIG SWEET FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your buddy,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Friday, August 11, 2006 11:05 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn...So sorry I missed seeing you this afternoon. I didn't realize your treatment was this afternoon. Anyway, I hope Taylor and Jacob had fun today. Camden and Grant want to know when Jacob can come back to play.On the way to our house, the boys kept talking about all of the sponge Bob episodes they had seen. They all would take a turn telling about an episode and then bust out laughing! They think Jacob is awesome! Taylor and Madeline played with their American Girl dolls the entire time! We did make pretzels which was fun...we couldn't twist them fancy so I just told them to make their initials or something! So, they all did initials. I took pictures so that you could see them in action! I am not sure if Taylor and Jacob shared with you about our cookie experiment! They all thought it was pretty funny to try and bake a cookie on the dashboard of my car! By the time we got to your house, it was pretty flat! Taylor set it on your patio table outside so I am curious to know if it ever baked all the way through! Thank you for sharing your sweet kids with us today. We LOVED having them over. I pray that your pain was minimal today. Hope you enjoyed reading the CBS soaps magazine! HA! Terri..I am so glad that I finally got to meet AUNT TERRI! You are well loved by your niece and nephew! Hugs to you Lynn......Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, August 11, 2006 10:34 PM CDT
Lynn, you have been in my prayers for so long now and even though we have not seen each other in many years, I feel, through God's power, that I am right there with you. You have been such an inspiration and I know God has plans for you. Blelssings to you and your beautiful family. All my love, Charlotte Turner Reese
Hebrews 10:23
Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.

Charlotte Reese <charlotte.reese@genmills.com>
Lakeville, MN USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 9:05 PM CDT
Thinking of you daily Lynn. No, we have not met irl, but I check daily (followed a link months ago from the Eisenberg's site) and pray for you daily too. You are an amazing woman and, though you may not feel like it right now, you ARE an inspiration of strength, beauty, and mostly faith. I'll continue to lift you up in prayers. I'll continue to hope, pray, dream, and BELIEVE there is a cure for you.
With Love,

Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Friday, August 11, 2006 8:22 PM CDT
What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer is so limited...

It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit.

When you do not have another ounce of stength...we are all here to be strong with you and for you. You are amazing!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, Co - Friday, August 11, 2006 4:18 PM CDT
Hi Lynn:

It saddens me deeply to know you are not in a good place!!!! It is not surprising considering EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH!!!! I would have been down and out long ago!!!! Your strength and spirit are truly amazing!!! As a woman though, I know when we gain weight, we don't feel our best, but, do know it is only temporary!!! I too was on steriods for a condition, and know the effects!
I wished I looked as good as you when I was on them. I thought you looked beautiful in Jacobs birthday pictures!! And what a looker he is......your phone is going to be ringing off the hook! lol lol

Anyway, wanted you to know that I am thinking of you always!!!! Hope your treatment goes well today and your able to rest peacefully and enjoy your wonderful family!

Much Love,

PS - I know Ms Arnold; She has a daughter Matthew's age. She is awesome! Jacob is going to love her as she will him!

lisa thompson <ifslisapap@aol.com>
frisco, tx - Friday, August 11, 2006 4:14 PM CDT
Wow!! You are an amazing woman and my heart and prayers go out to you. Your optimism and ability to find the silver lining is truly inspirational. Keep your head up and know that God has a master plan and he will reward you ten times over for any pain and suffering you have had to endure. Your family is beautiful and I am sure they are grateful to have such a wonderful mom.

Laura Lewis <laura.lewis@halliburton.com>
Houston, TX - Friday, August 11, 2006 2:56 PM CDT
Hi Lynn...
Unfortunately we've never met, but I have prayed for you often. Our group of ladies at our Mother's Day Out will continue to lift you up in prayer and look forward to hearing good news! Keep your chin up! You're beautiful!

Angie Menasco <amenasco@swbell.net>
The Colony, Texas USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 2:33 PM CDT
I pray that you would be able to hold on through this darkest of nights, to see the light of the day on the other side. I will pray for your mind, body and your spirit! I pray that you would know - and be constantly reminded - that God loves you! I pray that you would get a break, a respite, from this constant barrage of prescriptions and pain. I pray that you will, very soon, not only survive, but live! God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Friday, August 11, 2006 2:06 PM CDT
I'm so happy you heard His voice again. I pray you continue to hear Him daily. You are amazing and your ability to open up to us touches so many of us inside where it matters. Your beauty inside radiates outside no matter if the "mask" is on or not on as there is no hiding your beauty inside and out. I'm sorry you have to feel so yucky because of the meds and treatments. I'm grateful your family is there for you. Please know you have an invisible army surrounding you too sending love, hope, faith, encouragement, and just support to hold you up when you are too tired to stand alone. You are going to beat this Lynn. We are ALL here with you running this difficult marathon alongside of you. I wish I could take the pain and sadness away. Like a poem I somewhat recall says, "Friends double the joy and divide the grief." Right now we are all trying to help you with your pain and journey in all different ways. Soon, we will all be there to help celebrate and "double the joy" when you are cancer free. All my love from New Hope, MN (Heidi).
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, August 11, 2006 1:54 PM CDT

I am also a friend of Nancy's. Myself and my family are praying for you here in MN. I am doing a Relay for Life tonight in honor of all of people that this horrible disease has affected. I will be thinking of you today.

Tami Wiser <twiser@mn.rr.com>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 12:21 AM CDT
Hi Lynn, you are such inspiration to me and I admire your courage, faith and strength. I hope that each day you can find a little bit of peace and find that oasis to escape your pain. Keep looking right, today and always. Blessings to you, Jan Alberda (Nancy Jacobson's mom)
Jan Alberda <jan.alberda@avnet.com>
Gilbert, az - Friday, August 11, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Hello Lynn,
You do not know me, but I am Nancy's Jacobson's 2nd cousin. She has been telling me your story. Please try to stay strong, and know that you are in my prayers. I hope that today is a better day for you.

Sasha <Newlyhardie@yahoo.com>
Omaha, NE USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 12:01 AM CDT
It saddens me to hear you are crying inside but thank you SO MUCH for letting it out and telling us all. Depression is an ugly thing that gets hold tight and can bring down even the best of people. As we talked about, I am all too aware of putting on the "mask" so nobody knows the true feelings inside. I also know that people telling you otherwise does not change your thoughts, feelings or perceptions. However, the BIG difference is that you have the faith - although being tested - you have the faith and HE IS THERE!! Hang on to that faith and to Him, it WILL pull you through. ALso know, these feelings will NOT last forever. I know it may feel that way now and that there is no way out but I promise you will end up on the other side of this sadness! Please keep letting your true feelings out - we can handle it and WANT to take some of the burden for you. Praying for you more than ever, that the chemo is doing its job, that the vaccine will come sooner than later, that your pain can become more manageable and that these feelings start to lessen. Take care. I love ya and miss ya!!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, August 11, 2006 11:04 AM CDT
On my knees more than ever ....

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, August 11, 2006 9:55 AM CDT
I, like the others that have written, don't know the right words to say. What you are feeling has got to be normal in your situation. You have been going through the motions waiting for the vaccine and waiting to feel "good" and it must get so old. I saw you last night and I thought you looked radiant, happy and beautiful. I hope that you can continue to feel Him on your side. And I, like so many others, am praying for you every day. Keep strong and positive and know there is a light at the end of this long and lonely tunnel. Next year at this time, you will be looking and feeling fantastic and you and Dave will be out celebrating your anniversary and all of this will be IN THE PAST! You know right after you have a baby, you say you would never want to do that again? I had Gunnar naturally and I think I must have been crazy. I swore I would never have another baby ever again! Well, then I forgot about the pain in about five minutes and then two years later, I had Murphy naturally. All of this ugly cancer will soon be a distant memory, too. Next year, you and your family will look back on the past and remember it but not dwell on it. Taylor and Jacob are so happy and wonderful. Just because you cannot swim with them or do what you want to do with them does not make them any less happy. They are surrounded in love by you and Dave and their aunt and grandparents and friends and neighbors and new classmates.
I am glad your mom and dad got back to help pick you back up! You have so many friends that love you and want to help pick you up, too.
Hang in there, Lynn. He is with you all the time.
Much, much love and support,

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Friday, August 11, 2006 9:25 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,

I am praying, praying, praying for you and your family. God bless and comfort you.

Amy <acypert@wjalexander.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 9:07 AM CDT

I don't know you, but a friend of mine told me about your story. I just wanted you to know that you have people in this world praying for you that you've never even met. God bless you and your family in your journey to recovery.


Edmond, OK USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 9:06 AM CDT
Dear Lynn-I think of you often and include you in my prayers. I don't believe that God expects you to handle all of this without the feelings you are having and maybe the reason you were/are in the funk was to reach out to him and bring him back to the forefront of your world... Sending love and friendship from Iowa, and praying that God surrounds you with his care and you feel his presence working in your world once again. Sincerely, Janice Baldes - friend of Nan =)
Janice Baldes <janice@bagolitas.com>
Iowa City, IA United States - Friday, August 11, 2006 8:58 AM CDT
Hello, I am Nancy's brother Paul I live in Minnesota I am wishing you the best of luck!
Paul Aamodt <paamodt@hotmail.com>
Minnetonka, Mn Usa - Friday, August 11, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
I will be praying for comfort for you and your entire family.
Zhohn Dupont <z_dupont@hotmail.com>
Simmesport, LA USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 8:46 AM CDT
Lynn, I am so sorry that you are crying on the inside... but don't beat yourself up for it...you have every right to feel the emotions that you do... I think you are absolutely beautiful--- really--- when I saw you last weekend--- without make up--- without a snazzy outfit--- without hair----- I walked out of your house knowing that you are one of the most beautiful people that I know... and everyone around you feels the same way... You have this radiance from the inside... which so many people could only "dream" of.... you are sooo loved by sooo many... this is something that most could only "dream" of... and you have so many people praying for you on a daily basis ... you are deep in my heart, thoughts, and prayers Lynn.... keep Looking Right Lynn....then the Left won't feel so scary anymore.... Sending you BIG BIG Hugs...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, August 11, 2006 8:20 AM CDT
I am praying for you Lynn I can tell you one thing for sure you are a very beautiful women we have never met but I can feel your beauty in your words and your faith please don't lose that I will be praying for you also.
barbara Moran <mmmoran137@aol.com>
owings mills, md USA - Friday, August 11, 2006 7:56 AM CDT
praying for your sadness to lift and for your pain to become more manageable
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, August 11, 2006 7:46 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Of course you feel sad, you are only human. My mind is searching for the "right" things to say, but at the the moment, my heart is heavy for you and I have nothing courageous or uplifting to offer. I could tell you all day long that you are beautiful, that you will make it and all of those types of "go get it" attitudes, but you know all of that. Logically, you know God is with you, your family is with you and you have a wonderful, loving support system. However, sometimes, the comfort is not there, and I can completely understand your position (not your ordeal, but your insecurity). In fact, it shocks me that you don't feel this way more often. When I come to your site everyday to hopefully read your words, I am reminded of your strength. Your amazing strength and courage. You really don't know how you have touched my life and the lives of so many! We, as children of God, have the ability to make connections w/complete strangers. It's funny, we have never really had a "friendship", but you are on my mind and in my prayers everyday. I think of you when I am away from home. I looked for you at the school, and lo and behold, you were there. And even though you don't know me much, you came to me, we came together, and you squeezed me, and I loved it. I held back tears b/c Lynn, you are so beautiful, thinking of others always and trying to always see the positive. That may be the "face" you put on, but considering the situation, you really do a GREAT job of it! Remember Lynn, the cancer is NOT you and you are NOT the cancer. I know that it has overtaken your life, but it cannot make you less of a person or mother, even if you can't take a swim with your kids. You have given gifts of wisdom to your children and those around you that are intangible, we carry them w/us in our hearts. Your children will only grow strong from this terrible ordeal and your family closer. Through this website and seeing you just a few times, I can say, I LOVE YOU!!! You are an inspiration to all of us, maybe you can find comfort in that. Sometimes talking to a stranger is easier than to the ones closest to you. If the day comes that you want to talk to me, I am here for you. In the meantime, I will continue to pray for you and family and check you site and hope to catch a hug from you now and then. Just remember, your task here on Earth is unique compared to the rest of us. You are right where you are supposed to me and the plan for you will continue and all of us out here will love you indefinitely and support you the best we can. Please take care, and don't let yourself fall apart inside, you are amazing! Love,

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Friday, August 11, 2006 6:58 AM CDT
Precious Lynn,
Even though my heart breaks at the thought of you crying inside, it is certainly to be expected that you would go through a valley of sadness every now and then. I believe that even though you might not feel that you have 'heard" God's voice, He is steadfastly walking right beside you and holding you up in those difficult days. He is the reason we take our very next breath. I know your grief is His, your pain is His. He promised never ever to leave you, Lynn. It is so okay to feel sad sometimes...all the people that surround you feel some sadness too. You never have to hide behind a mask before Him or before those who love you. It is YOU that we love, pure and simple! Your God-given beauty is so very refreshing to all who know you. I pray that God continues to bless you today, and that His love is tangible to you. I pray that His love consumes your every thought. Rest with Him today in your comfy "green chair" and know that He will be there right by your side. I love you!

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, August 11, 2006 6:19 AM CDT
Lynn- My heart aches for you, and I (like many I am sure) wish I knew the right words to say... Even on your "ugliest" day you are so beautiful to David, your children and everyone who loves you. One thing about true friends and family I have learned over the years, you don't need make-up for them, they love you most when you are at your "ugliest". I know it is easy for me to say, but I mean it with all my heart....forget the "make-up" just surround yourself with those who love you and see the beautiful person that you are....Love, hugs and positive thought coming your way...
State College, PA - Friday, August 11, 2006 4:36 AM CDT
My sweet friend...Your post tonight brought tears to my eyes because it made me so sad to know just how much you are truly going through. Unless you have been through what you are enduring, it is sometimes hard to know all the little things that cancer can do to dampen your spirits. First of all...YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT! You have the most incredible smile that radiates beauty. I wept when I read that you were feeling unattractive because I know as well as so many other people that that is just not so. God made you into a beautiful woman Lynn Newman! I am praying for you tonight that God will keep that jerk Satan away from you and that all of your sadness will be turned into joy. I do want to thank you for always being so honest about your feelings..it would probably be easy to just say your doing okay and things are fine, but your honesty helps all of us know what exactly we need to pray for. I so wish I could give you a huge hug right now my friend. The kids are looking forward to playing with Taylor and Jacob tomorrow. I hope I will get to see you and give you a hug! Keep fighting my friend. Love you bunches! On my knees for you....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:45 PM CDT
Dear Lynn

Keep listening for HIS voice Lynn! It is there! I am so sorry for all that you have been feeling lately. Keep Looking Right and hold onto your blessings!!!!!! The day will come when all of this YUCK will be a distant memory!!!! You are a beautiful, loving person no matter what the medicine does to your appearance! I am so grateful that we have met through our girls - I just wish that we had moved here years ago so I'd know you as well as everyone else right now- but I know that that time is coming!!!!

Em and I caught a glimpse of you and your mom leaving the school tonight as we were walking in (WELCOME BACK GRANDMA)!!! As soon as Emily met Ms. Kidwell, she found her desk and then immediatly looked for Taylors - she needed that reassurance that Taylor would indeed be with her!

I'll be thinking of you Sunday when I am at the store picking up flowers for the Boo Hoo Breakfast - Jenny had told me that you brought flowers last year and then brought them home for your anniversary celebration - Happy Anniversary to you and Dave - next year, you can bring the flowers again for the breakfast!

Love and Prayers - Kathy

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:28 PM CDT
Lynn. thinking of you tonight and hope that the pain is under control and that you are feeling better... sending you a big HUG!!!!OOOOO Nancy
Nancy jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:57 PM CDT
Randy and I are hitting our ten year anniversary this month so I believe you and Dave are too (today that is). Happy Anniversary my friend. I hope your pain is better today. Keep LOOKING RIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:05 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

Thinking of you alot this week and hoping you and Dave had a nice anniversary. Love you, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:01 AM CDT
Loved the slide show. Happy belated Jacob and Happy Anniversary Lynn and Dave!! Wow, so many exciting days in such a short time. I am so looking forward to the day when we celebrate years being cancer free! Wow, what a celebration that will be.

Emily (by the way she is going to go by Emma this year. HA!) is very excited to be sharing a classroom with Jacob this year. We met with Mrs. Arnold tonight and she is going to be so great for our kids! Allison is bummed she and Taylor aren't in the same class, but has assured me that they can always hook up at recess. How precious is that?

I so miss seeing you. Once we get the kiddos in school, we need to have a girls lunch in. You pick the day and I'll bring the food. I hear you have a soft spot for PeiWei. Me too!! Maybe Jenny, Candace, Holly and whoever might be in the area can join and we can have our own back to school party! I'll bring the hats!!

I miss you friend and always keep you close in prayer! I love you!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:05 PM CDT
by the posts below- looks like it's your anniversary... happy anniversary... praying for you on bending knee that soon you will have pain relief and that the vaccine will be done SOON.... chuckles and hugs... ))))) & OOOOO Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:42 PM CDT

I am hoping you have received a package from me this week.

I pray that you are having some good days with less pain.

The new pictures are wonderful. Even though we have never

met, there is no doubt I would know you or your kids if

our paths crossed in a Dallas mall! I have never

physically heard your voice, but I think I would know

it in a room full of people. I look forward to the day I

get to meet you, and see a healthy Lynn.

Sending many prayers and a bucket full of hope.



Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:29 PM CDT
Lynn, wishing you and Dave a very Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 6:27 PM CDT
Wishing you and Dave a very happy anniversary tomorrow! We love you!!
Andrew and Yvette

Yvette and Andrew McMullen < yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:45 PM CDT
Happy "belated birthday" to Jacob!
YOUR party looked amazing, and that swimming pool was so very inviting! I wish I had been there in "camo"...but then you might not have seen me!
Keeping up with you and saying many prayers for everybody!

Lynn...you look radiant. Hold that thought! And continue your brave fight!
VERY impressive slide show! :)!!
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:17 PM CDT
Hi Lynn!
The slideshow of the b-day was great! Considering I still use my old Olympus 35mm and don't even have a digital camera yet - I am VERY impressed!! It's sad when my son can change my ringer on my phone and surf the net on it and I don't have a clue - they are so much more advanced than we are! Seeing the pictures was wonderful because it shows that despite all your pain, your inner beauty and spirit sure do shine through your smile :) Am hoping and praying you have a restful, pain managed week to enjoy the last few days with the kiddos before school. You are such a beautiful person inside and out, hang in there girl!! Love, Vicky

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:16 AM CDT
Keep LOOKING RIGHT my friend. Hope today is a good day for you. Much love, prayers, hope, and faith from the Isaak Family (Heidi, Randy, Emma, Armond, and Mary).
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:48 AM CDT
Thinking of you this am... and hoping that you are feeling ok....the boys have had lots of questions for me since we saw you on Sunday... some serious and some funny... Logan asked this morning if you still had hair in your armpits... ha ha.. I was like... that's one place girls don't want hair... hope that strikes a funny cord with you as I know it did with me... you know they say... Laughter is the best medicine...maybe we should all start posting funny stories or jokes to make sure we all have laughter in our lives... sometimes thats so easily by=passed with all the seriousness and chaos with busy schedules we all have... so Laugh... sending you some chuckles ))))))along with some hugs OOOOO this morning.... Love Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:45 AM CDT
Good Morning! Hoping that today will be a good day! Thinking of you and praying for you! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 6:32 AM CDT
Lynn -
I just wanted you to know that there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and pray for your full recovery. I will continue to pray that your pain will be minimal during this most recent treatment. God bless you and your beautiful family. I can't believe how big your children are getting!

Christi Weldon
Olathe, KS - Wednesday, August 9, 2006 0:52 AM CDT
Lynn, i heard on the news tonight about a drug for advanced breast cancer called SUTENT. It was an article from a Mayo oncologist. They were really excited about it. Hoping that my ears caught it right. It reduces tumors by 1/3 and advanced br. cancer by 15%. It was just a short section on the news but thought I would pass on the info. Love you and praying for you. New saying, "CHOOSE THE JOY"!
God's peace,Love LaJean

lajean westeng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:18 PM CDT
Good night, sweet friend. Wishing & praying His sweetest blessings upon your heart and body! Can't wait to see you again!
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:17 PM CDT
Lynn, Dick and I were so happy to see you looking so well today. You are so darling!!! Happy that your Mom and Dad are one the way...I am sure that will make your day. It was really nice meeting your sister also... She is really sweet...Hope you enjoyed dinner...
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:44 PM CDT
Thinking of you often! Have a blessed day! Love, Pattie
- Tuesday, August 8, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
Lynn- Thinking of you and wishing you rest and comfort. So glad to hear the good news about your mom!! Keep hanging tough. Every time I catch myself complaining about how fast time is going, I remind myself that means we are that much closer to your new drugs. Love and hugs to all!!

Holly- You have got to email me and tell me how you did the slide show (kmh14@psu.edu)- It was awesome!!

Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
State College , PA USA - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 3:39 PM CDT
Fantastic Slide Show!!!


Wishing you hugs today from all the wonderful people that love you. You are so precious! Stay strong, keep fighting, and know that we are behind you all the way. You are a sweet child of God and He is watching over you. I pray for you to be free of this cancer and free of pain.

Sending you hugs from afar,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 12:48 AM CDT
God bless you, Lynn! I hope you are having a really strong day today. I'm praying for you.
LisaW from Friends of Allie
Morgantown, WV - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:47 AM CDT
Good morning Lynn! Hoping today is a good day for you. You are constantly in my thoughts and always in my prayers. Keep LOOKING RIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:14 AM CDT
The slide show what great! The kids looked like they had tons of fun! Thanks Holly for sharing it with us-very impressive on the technology front! Lynn, I hope your pain has been manageable and that you have been able to get some rest. Have a good week with the kids and your sister, school is right around the corner. Love, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 8:59 AM CDT
Just signing to let you know you are on my mind! Keep up the great fight! You can do this!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 6:57 AM CDT
Dear Lynn and "fam"...
I 've been OUT OF POCKET for several weeks now traveling to two conferences for About Face and NFED which are both associated with Allyson's syndrome, EEC. I have thought of you each day, and the reason that you have so been in my thoughts is that I've met EXTRAORDINARY folks (Like you!) who have made the EXTRAordinary INTO the ORDINARY~!! JUST LIKE YOU> I will continue to pray for you each day and wish you pain free days and reasons to count your smiles/not your frowns.

Remember.."it takes more muscles to frown than smile"....I used to SING that to my girls, and they've recently REMINDED me of that phrase. A good one, right??

Love to you and fam...and best wishes as the school year begins!!! TAKE good CARE.

YOU ARE LOVED, Lynn Newman~~


Terri aka Teetay :)t

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va u - Tuesday, August 8, 2006 0:57 AM CDT
What a wonderful birthday party. How nice of you to share it with all of us. Praying for you continuously,Lynn. Hoping you will see some improvement after your chemo regimen. So glad to hear your mom's tests were all good. I'm sure that relieves some of your stress. Enjoy your time while Terri is with you. Love Jim&LaJean God's Peace
Hello from all your Mn aunts&uncles& Cousins&GR&GR Berg

LaJean <Lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Monday, August 7, 2006 10:14 PM CDT
Hi Lynn!!!
Loved the slideshow of Jacob's birthday ... looks like that will be a special one he will remember for a long time! It also sounds like your kids have had a great summer, and we have enjoyed getting to see you also a couple of times this summer ... wish it could be more!!! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you soooo much these days, and praying God brings you peaceful rest and relief from the pain. Hope all goes well getting the kids started back to school ... hope to see you all again soon!!
Hugs, Betsy

Betsy Lucido <pblucido@hotmail.com>
McKinney, TX USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 9:24 PM CDT
WOW!!!!! The slide show is fabulous. Holly, you have so many talents!!!! Thank you for the update on Lynn...we will continue to pray for her. Lynn, you look darling!!!! It looks like a great time was had by all...the children are adorable. We wish you a pain free rest tonight....
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Monday, August 7, 2006 8:21 PM CDT
I hope you have a restful week with no pain. Hugs to you!

Donna Drosch <chictexas@hot.rr.com>
Waco, Tx USA - Monday, August 7, 2006 6:43 PM CDT
Loved the pictures Lynn! I hope you can enjoy some time with the kids this week before school starts. I'll be in touch! Thanks for doing the slide-show Holly!
Love-Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, August 7, 2006 5:41 PM CDT
What a very cool slide show! Thanks, Holly, for that and for the update. It's so great to see all those smiling faces! Lynn, we continue to pray for you. We love you all and pray for God's presence in all you do. Sending you more big hugs!!
Love, Yvette

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Monday, August 7, 2006 5:24 PM CDT
Lynn, Pictures really do speak a thousand words. Your smile is just as beautiful as ever. Jacob is adorable and so is his big sister! I'm so thankful you were able to celebrate with everyone. Still praying for your miracle and thanking God for all the small ones he's sending your way(like your sweet friend Holly!)
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Monday, August 7, 2006 4:15 PM CDT
What an awesome slideshow! Makes us far away people feel like we were there! Your puppy looks just like our little sammie dog! So glad to hear Aunt Suzy is OK! With relentless prayer and loving thoughts for all.
Sending our love,

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Monday, August 7, 2006 1:06 PM CDT
Holly, you are such a wonderful friend to Lynn. It is a blessing that you guys have each other. Lynn, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers - I pray for sweet sleep, no pain, and joy. God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, August 7, 2006 10:13 AM CDT
LOVE the slide show. Thanks so much Holly for handling this project for us viewers. I am technologically challenged I can understand how excited you are for doing such a great job. :)
Lynn - I continue to pray in belief that our good Lord will heal you on earth. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of you, for you, and with you my dear sweet friend. Love, Heidi

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, August 7, 2006 10:06 AM CDT
That slide show is so cool. How great!
Hope you are feeling better today!

Liz in Chicago (FOA)
Chicago, il - Monday, August 7, 2006 7:21 AM CDT
Hi Lynn! Great to see your smiling face in the party pictures! Great job putting that together, Miss Holly!! We're thinking of you and praying for you daily. Hang in

Christen Chamberlain <scottandchristen@cox.net>
Rogers, AR usa - Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:08 PM CDT
Love the slideshow, great job! Still praying for you....may you have a restful night sleep tonight with no pain!!!
Shannon D
Bakersfield, CA - Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:08 PM CDT
YEAH! The slide show is awesome! What a techno geek you have become Holly!!! I am totally impressed. Thank you for the update. You know we hang on to every word. Have a wonderful week~ FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:47 PM CDT
the slideshow was great and the update was appreciated. praying for Lynn
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:39 PM CDT

It was sooooooooo wonderful to see you today.... There was something about actually putting my arms around you and laying my eyes on you that made my day....I am soooo happy that I got to see you... even if it was just for a bit... I hope you enjoy your special gift from Janin ..... and I hope your pain is manageable these next few days.... Love you darling.... Sending you hugs OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:50 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
The pics of Jacob's party tell it all! How wonderfully beautiful and fun! If pictures are a true reflection of their subjects...I would say you looked radiant! I sure hope you felt that way. Your smile says so very much. Thanks for sharing all of this with us. Prayer is never ceasing, and I know that your strength will soon be restored. I love you (and so does everyone a Hicks!). I get to see Mrs. Kidwell and Mrs. Arnold tomorrow...I know they will be on "cloud 9" because they get to be with Taylor and Jacob this school year. Yea God!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:30 PM CDT
You look so beautiful in the pictures from the party. Holly thank you for sharing that with those of us who live far a way and can't be apart of those joyous occasions. Sorry I haven't posted for a while it's certainly not because I haven't been thinking of you, I check in every day to see how you're doing. I pray and hope that this will all end soon so you can start living your life the way it's meant to be. You are such an inspiration to so many people and make us all feel so blessed. I'm very happy that you mom is doing well, by the way let her know she looks great. I was good to see Teri in the birthday pictures as well. You have such a beautiful family all the way around. I hope you feel some relief from the pain tonight and get a good night sleep. Please know that I think and pray for you everyday.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Looks like everyone had a great time at the party! Love the slideshow! Lynn, I can't get over how much Jacob and you look alike. The pic of your faces together is priceless. :) Praying for a sweet nite's sleep and pain management.


Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:42 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Happy to hear Terri made it safe and sound, surely she will bring some calm into your world. Also happy to hear that your mom is doing better. Mom (Kay) sent me a bracelet, (red in your honor)from the race. I will wear it proudly. I'm thinking of you and your family. Praying for comfort....Love, Sheila

Sheila Adams <permanentlyours@comcast.net>
Parker Ford, PA USA - Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
Beautiful smiles on sweet, innocent faces! Loved the pics. Thinking of you....praying for you and yours.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Saturday, August 5, 2006 9:55 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I really hope you are feeling OK after Chemo. I know the first couple of days after chemo. are not fun, but I hope you are hanging in there and enjoying your weekend. Lots of prayers and love from Colorado. Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Saturday, August 5, 2006 4:29 PM CDT
Logging in to say hello. Hoping chemo went okay yesterday and that you are not in too much pain today or this weekend. The new photos are great. Thanks Holly! Last night I had a visit from my nephew (26 years old) and his new girlfriend. Somehow the subject came to you (the girlfriend asked about my pink bracelet). So, your message was given to two young people who thought it was pretty cool. I think I may have talked too much about you and your family, your journey, and how you have touched so many people (imagine me talking too much!) as all of a sudden my kids were in bed and I didn't even realize it. Any way, my nephew Troy and his girlfriend were just hanging on every word about you. FYI: My nephew is in AA. He is trying to find God and keep God in his daily life and I truly feel like his visit last night was meant from our good Lord. After hearing your story, I could tell he was so touched by your faith and strength (and inspired). My sweet friend Lynn you just keep on doing God's work even thousands of miles away in MN. You can do this Lynn. As Jill says FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Much love, support, prayers, faith, and mostly hope from the Isaak Family (Heidi, Randy, Emma, Armond, and Mary). :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:01 AM CDT

Hey Lynn,

Hoping your chemo went ok yesterday, and hoping you have minimal side effects. Oh Lynn, I am praying hard that soon you don't have to go through this stuff anymore. Keep your spirits high and as Jill says "FIGHT". The pics of the kids are so adorable!! Does Jacob like just like Dave or what. Stay strong Lynn, Love ya lots, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:28 AM CDT
The Birthday pictures of Jacob are just wonderful! WOW! He is really becoming a little man! HOping that chemo was tolerable yesterday and that weekend will be OK as it gets thru your system and destroys that cancer! YOU CAN DO THIS!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, August 5, 2006 7:20 AM CDT
Dear Lynn, Just finished our relay for life,walkathon with Connie and Kelsey. It was a sight to behold luminaries around both sides of the track of the highschool! It was a thought provoking evening as we walked and talked. Kay and her daughter Suzanne with her son Steven. Mary and me(of course), and Connie and Kelsey. The team "For the love of Lynn" made around $2500.00. And we also had some pretty fancy luminaries in your honor, Kay and I spent one afternoon "Coloring " our share. We went out for lunch for our birthdays and went to her place and started decorating the luminaries. Good fun along with alot of talk. (Smart and otherwise,we solved so many of the world's problems) Connie will be sending some pictures of the relay to you soon. It wasn't the outcome you had in the Susan B. Komen relay,but it was very touching just the same.
Lynn we so hope you are getting along better. It would be our hope that God takes away the pain and the fears you endure. Give Him your heart and soul to soothe and we pray he will calm your fears. It is so hard to see, but He does have a perfect plan for you and your family. And it is so hard to wait for his perfect timing, but wait we must, remembering that He doesn't give you more than what He can help you through. Praying for you daily and always sending well wishes from your Mn aunts and uncles and cousins and Gr&GR Berg We love you and long for your time when this will seem far away. Love Jim&LaJean
God's peace.

LaJeanWesteng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, August 5, 2006 0:08 AM CDT
Prayers and good wishes for you, Lynn! I started coming here because of Dana Eisenberg's site for Sam, and you are often in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the chemo isn't getting you too down today. Keep fighting! I hope it isn't too creepy that a total stranger is out here praying for you.
LisaW from Friends of Allie
Morgantown, WV - Friday, August 4, 2006 9:15 PM CDT
Lynn, You've been on my mind all day. I hope chemo was tolerable today. I pray your night is full of sweet dreams and peaceful rest. I'm walking 16-18 miles for you Sunday morning. Sweet dreams!


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Friday, August 4, 2006 7:23 PM CDT
Hi Lynn!

Sounds like Jacob had a fabulous party! Hoping that chemo went well for you today!

Emily waited with bated breath the other day as I got word via cell phone who everyone had for their third grade teachers. Her face fell as we heard who Sydney, Allyson & Julia had and then just as "little Miss Drama" thought that she would'nt have "any friends in third grade" we got THE call........

Miss Taylor Newman will be in her class!

Please tell Taylor that Emily is thrilled and can't wait to see her once we get back from Chicago!

As always, praying for good days and hoping that your Mom &Dad will be back soon!!!!!!

Ps - Em just saw what I was doing and wanted me to tell Taylor from her that she can't wait to tell her about her trip to American Girl Place - she actually got to go twice - we went back yesterday with her Dad and the poor guy almost had a heart attack when he saw how much "damage" we did in a short time:) - Daddy's don't aways understand these things do they?:)

Kathy <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Friday, August 4, 2006 6:29 PM CDT
Praying a lot for you today Lynn as you undergo chemo. I am so glad to hear that Jacob's b-day went well. Hoping/praying that it goes as smoothly as possible today for you Lynn. Keep LOOKING RIGHT! Love, Heidi ("Lynn addict").
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, August 4, 2006 9:32 AM CDT
Hoping chemo goes quickly today and you get some rest after all the "partying" yesterday! Thinking of you!

With Love- Stephanie

Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisoc, TX - Friday, August 4, 2006 7:38 AM CDT
thinking of you today
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, August 4, 2006 6:58 AM CDT

CONNIE <bbberg56@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:18 PM CDT
Happy Birthday sweet Jacob! How did he get to be 7? How is it possible that our kids are getting so old? How is it that time seems to go so fast in reference to our children's age and yet three month for a vaccine seems like an eternity?
Keep the faith my friend! I will be praying you through Chemo from my home. I know you will be exhausted from battling the "army" party and the "chemo" party. I am praying for rest for you tonight, no pain, your sweet mother, those precious children of yours, safe travel for Dave, effective chemo seeion and especially for God's protection over your family.
Love You!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:11 PM CDT
Precious Lynn,
I KNOW today was so much fun for ya'll! Jacob was so excited about his birthday, and he told me all about the "army birthday party" that would take place today. I have to tell you...time spent with him and Taylor yesterday was a treasure to me. I laughed and laughed...those two are more than special. I so look forward to school starting, and watching how our great God orchestrates every single detail at Hicks. It will be awesome, for sure. I pray that you get plenty of rest tonight after such a big day. Know that your whole "army" of warriors are praying and knowing that you soon will be strong. I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:20 PM CDT
I'm back from my Family vacation and so glad to be able to access your site. I missed checking on you and hearing from all your friends. Hoping your last few days of summer will be filled with great peace and joy, celebrating a birthday is always FUN, Happy Birthday Jacob!
Holding you close to my heart and sending all my love, "Aunt Debbie" and I spoke of you and put your name on all the stars in the sky over the "Beautiful Utah Mountains". Always "On my Right"

Sharmaine Snyder

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:03 PM CDT
Happy Birhtday Jacob! Kennedy is sad you won't be inteh same class this year. But she says to tell you Happy Birthday! We will see you soon - at school.

Lynn, I am praying for you daily! I pray for peace, comfort, and joy! Kim

Kim <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:15 PM CDT
Happy birthday, Jacob! I hope all of your wishes come true, and you have a day filled with fun & surprises! God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:22 PM CDT
From another Lynn Addict...I had to sign again....Like Heidi...You mom gave us some of your cute little clothes too Jacob! Carson had many little Tommy and Polo Golf shirts and actually Owen, who is now 2, is wearing one of them today! TOO CUTE! Happy B-day!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:07 AM CDT
Happy Birthday to Jacob!!!! I pray that today is a wonderful day for the entire Newman household! Looking Right - Pattie
- Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:15 AM CDT
Happy Birthday Jacob! Wow, can't believe you are 7 years old now. I had a baby boy in my tummy when your mom delivered you. Armond is about 6 months younger than you. Your sweet mom sent me all your clothes so I could dress Armond just as sweet as your mom dressed you (like a little JFK). :) You two boys are growing up too fast! Enjoy your day and give your mom a big hug from me okay. Also, tell your mom we LOVE the sunshine pictures on the front page. It makes me feel happy. Love from the Isaak family in MN.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:18 AM CDT

I completely remember when Jacob was born!! I remember sitting with you and having lunch at your home...I think PF Chang take out...and holding little Jacob. I also remember you, my friend! Just weeks after Jacob arrived you and Dave took time out to come to couples wedding shower for Randy and I AND then just eight weeks out you attended our wedding EVEN THOUGH you hadn't gotten any sleep and were feeling less than good.....you were there! Thank you! You have always been and still are a wonderful friend! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:57 AM CDT
Hope and pray tomorrow is an especially blessed day and you are carried through each joyful moment of your son's birthday with clarity of mind and spirit...and no pain! Keep going...keep the goal in sight...hold each thought captive to His glory. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is authentic,..compelling....gracious...let your mind dwell on these things (paraphrased from Philippians 4:6-7). You GO GIRL!!!!
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:52 PM CDT
We are continuing to pray for everyone down there. I have just a quick story. After we came down to visit you in June, Autumn (my daughter, she's 6, for everyone who dosen't know us), every time we sit down for supper we say our prayer and every time Autumn adds, "and Dear Lord please take away that yucky cancer for Lynn so her hair will grow back to be as long as Rapunzel's. Amen." Everytime!! She is so sincere and precious. I just want you to relize how special and inspriational you are to EVERYONE, all ages. Keep Looking RIGHT!! We love you!
Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
I'm continuing to pray for pain free days and sweet time with your beautiful children before school starts!! Hope you are enjoying your time with your sister.

Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:47 PM CDT
Praying and hoping all is going well at the Newman house this week!

Lynn, I recently heard of an incredible (and beautiful!) young girl from South Carolina who is battling cancer (presently inpatient at MD Anderson in Houston) and I have been following her progress via her Caringbridge site. She and her family and entire network of supporters are such awesome witnesses of Christ's power and love. Reading her journal and guestbook entries remind me of coming here to your site! If you want to be uplifted and inspired, visit www.caringbridge.org/visit/hannahsobeski.

Thinking of you and praying as hard as ever this evening ... rest well dear cyberfriend!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:43 PM CDT
Yes, there are millions of us out there that are "Lynn addicts." I know our good Lord is listening as we are "storming heaven" on your behalf. You continue to touch our lives on a daily basis Lynn and we live in Minnesota! Here's to a great day, one with minimal pain and much love from everyone that surrounds you. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:24 AM CDT
Wishing and praying for a peaceful lovely day for you!
Saw this prayer and thought of you.....

May today there be peace within.

May you trust God that you are exactly

where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities

that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and

pass on the love that has been given to you .

May you be content knowing

you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones, and

allow your soul the freedom to sing,

dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us .

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:28 AM CDT
Good Morning, Sweet Lynn~
Praying for you and your family. I am also praying for the scientists that are working on your cure!! :) Have a great day!!!
You are in his mighty grip,

Houston, - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:51 AM CDT
Good Morning Friend! Too much coffee...and thinking of you as always! Hoping it will be a great day! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:08 AM CDT
Good Morning Sweet Friend,

I am sitting at my desk listening to the prettiest song from a bird outside my study. Everything else is quiet and he is just belting out a tune he is proud to share!

Lynn...it has felt SO GREAT having you outside visiting with us in the early morning watching our crazy cul-de-sac kids run about. I am longing for the days where it isn't so HOT and we can watch them at the end of the day.

I'll look forward to seeing you some today and pray that it is a fantastic day for you sweet friend.



Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:17 AM CDT
Hey Lynn,
Just stopping in to say hello! I haven't written for a few days but like the others I'm a "Lynn" addict too so I do check on you atleast twice a day! Hope you are experiencing some pain free days, enjoying the family and continuing to Look Right! Never lose sight of the fact that you are a child of God (and an amazing one at that) and He has you in the palm of His hands every step of the way. Praying for you always. Love, Pattie

- Tuesday, August 1, 2006 9:56 PM CDT
It was so great to talk to you today. You sounded great. I am so glad you feel like this chemo is doing the job it is supposed to do. We leave for Florida tomorrow but Stephanie will keep me updated if there is a new post. I will be thinking and praying for you and look forward to talking next week to try and get our kids together.
Enjoy the time with your sister.
Much love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, August 1, 2006 8:52 PM CDT
Sending you, Teri, and that whole wonderful family of yours love and prayers today!
I hope you and Teri can find some good "sista" time together!! Watch out when those Berg girls are together! Looking RIGHT with and for you, Lynn!!!

Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:24 PM CDT

Sending you a Big Hug today.... I am going to be at Kathy's this weekend... so I hope to pop in and see you....
are you Looking Right??? just a quick few things that pop into my head... on the Right... the simple little things that are so wonderful... Jacob's birthday, Kids back to school-- routine & friends, Davids safe travels... and then the big things, God, prayer, Love, Hope...
Happy Tuesday.

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:49 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Had to share that, yes, I am a "Lynn addict" too. I must admit, I check the site everyday and "hang on" to every word of the last post. I pray the prayer requests, and wait until the new requests are posted. It is amazing the effect you are having on soooooo many of us! You are truly amazing my friend (I know Julie feels the same way, we include you in our conversation everyday). Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:41 AM CDT
Hello, friend. I hope your day has gone well and rest is sweet. I love the last posting that said they were a "Lynn addict"...I feel as if I am in that catagory, too. What an amazing and special gal you are to me and to many. Praying for His sweetest, most precious blessings upon your heart and body tonite and always.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Monday, July 31, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
Thanks Holly for the recent entry. My computer was out of commission all weekend. I realized I am somewhat of a "Lynn addict" as I like to log on daily to check any updates and say hello. It was hard not being able to do this over the weekend. Thankfully the problem was fixed just minutes ago so here I am. Sounds like you had a party with chemo which is the way to do it for sure. I will pray for pain relief for you my sweet friend Lynn and that those pills arrive today as scheduled. Your mom is also in my prayers as well as Dave, your kiddos, your sister, in-laws, and your faithful friends. Keep up the fight and always LOOK RIGHT! :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, July 31, 2006 8:41 AM CDT
Good morning sweet friend ~

It's been a day or two now and surprisingly I have not grown long, floppy ears or a twitchy nose yet from eating that rabbit food you "normal humans" refer to as SALAD!!! HA! (It's only taken me 30-some years but I am slowly getting there!!! HA) But I don't want to shock my digestive system too much at once so I'll keep my usual daily routine of M&M's & cherry Dr.Pepper going!

I am praying that today is not just a "good" day but a GREAT day for you! Enjoy your sweet kiddos every second........it's just 2 weeks from today until school starts back.

Keep moving that mountain girlie - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Love you to pieces ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Monday, July 31, 2006 8:35 AM CDT

Hey Lynn,

Sorry, I have been out of touch in the last week but I was out of town for some much needed down time. It was good to catch up this morning with all that is going on with you. I want you to know I am praying hard for you and your family. When I was getting ready to come home yesterday I was bringing my luggage up from where I was staying and I was looking up at this beautiful, huge tree and what should I see but this amazing red cardinal. I couldn't believe it. Of course I thought of my sweet friend Lynn. I will be in touch by phone this week. Love ya, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, co usa - Monday, July 31, 2006 7:21 AM CDT
Thank you Holly! Thank you Lynn! We are always so glad to get an update because we truly care. Hoping today is a good day!. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, July 31, 2006 6:05 AM CDT
Thank you, Holly, for keeping all of us in cyberspace up to date. Thank you, Lynn, for your ongoing inspiration! Your courage and patience never cease to amaze me! It was fun to meet you over the phone the day that Terri got there. You sound just like her. It must be wonderful having your dear sister with you. I hope Jacob has a fabulous birthday party later this week! I'm sure his Aunt Terri being there will make it special! She really knows how to do that and was really looking forward to being there for his birthday! I hope and pray you will be able to enjoy his special day, too! Anyway, my prayers are for you to be pain-free, that the last chemo treatment won't affect you more adversely than it already has and that whatever effects you are feeling will disappear pronto! I also pray that your mother's reports are clear and that she recovers thoroughly from the heart episode she had last week and that she is pain-free as well. With much aloha and prayer from Hawaii, Barbara PS Happy Birthday, Jacob!!
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Monday, July 31, 2006 2:37 AM CDT

Thank you for having wonderful Holly post and keep us updated! We are still in Chicago - Emily experienced American Girl world yesterday and had an "overwhelmed" but thrilled look on her face the whole time and kept commenting on how much Taylor and all her friends would "love it here"!

Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you always - I'm happy that chemo was so quick on Friday and that your sister arrived safely and that the kids are enjoying her so much! I pray that all will be well with your sweet Mom and she will be back in TX ASAP! Praying that your pain is tolerable this week!

I hear that third grade assignments will be out soon - as soon as we hear via cell phone this week - we'll be getting the message back to TX as to who Em will have:)

Lots of love and prayers! - Kathy

ps - tell that Jenny Gwynn - "good for you on the salad!!!"

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
FRisco, TX - Sunday, July 30, 2006 10:40 PM CDT

Thank you for having wonderful Holly post and keep us updated! We are still in Chicago - Emily experienced American Girl world yesterday and had an "overwhelmed" but thrilled look on her face the whole time and kept commenting on how much Taylor and all her friends would "love it here"!

Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you always - I'm happy that chemo was so quick on Friday and that your sister arrived safely and that the kids are enjoying her so much! I pray that all will be well with your sweet Mom and she will be back in TX ASAP! Praying that your pain is tolerable this week!

I hear that third grade assignments will be out soon - as soon as we hear via cell phone this week - we'll be getting the message back to TX as to who Em will have:)

Lots of love and prayers! - Kathy

ps - tell that Jenny Gwynn - "good for you on the salad!!!"

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
FRisco, TX - Sunday, July 30, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I spent last night with my daughter in Waco. She is a junior at Baylor, and someone you would truly love. She is a beauty, just like Taylor. I noticed two stones on top of her T.V. last night (when we were trying to hook up her VCR...what a dinosaur!). One stone had the word strength inscribed on it. The other had the word confidence on it. I thought of you as I held them in my hand...knowing that you know these two words so much better than I do. You know strength in the very real meaning of the word. I've seen you be strong in so very many ways. I also admire the way you display confidence...the confidence that you receive from Christ...the confidence that gives you strength. That kind of confidence is the kind, I believe that carries us from today to tomorrow. It comes from God alone and it is a gift. Thanks for giving that gift to everyone around you. Your heart impacts so many!
I will never stop praying, and I hope you know I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, July 30, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
Dear Lynn and Holly,

Thank you Holly for your update. You are awesome! Glad to hear there are plenty of laughs and fun during this difficult time. You gals sure know how to make the best of a situation! :) We were in the mountains over the past few days and I told some friends about your story. They shared with me some cancer survival stories of their own friends and families. You too can beat this!!! Many, many more prayers for you Lynn and your family. Enjoy your week Lynn and Holly, and we look forward to your next update. Take care and God Bless You... Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:29 PM CDT

Jean and I (Walt Rice) have had you on our hearts more earnestly this past week. Trust the Father's grace is sufficient "He said it would be...." Our prayers are with the many others that ascend the throne, that your pain will become manageable and tolerable for you. Our continued love and prayers, (We are Marathon friends of Dean and Gail)

Walt and Jean Rice <grac2u@attglobal.net>
Rockwall, TX US - Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:47 PM CDT
Thank you, Holly, for updating us. Thank you, Lynn, for sharing your words for Holly to post. And thank you, Lord, for the tremendous blessings you have bestowed upon this sweet family and for the comfort, guidance, and strength you continue to bless them with.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, July 30, 2006 11:21 AM CDT
A new day! A day that can be full of promise and hope! Cardinals, Children, Family , Friends! We are all here. Bringing with us hope and love for you! KEEP UP THE GREAT FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:26 AM CDT

Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you

tonight and praying that you are having less pain.

Also, praying for your Mom and Dad and hoping that she has

received a good report! Your courage is amazing. Even

though we have never met,nor even talked, I feel that I

know you as a dear friend. My Dad was diagnosed with

cancer this past week, while we were on vacation. This

week was filled with doctors visits, consultations,

overwhelming information. WE began this journey with him.

I went back and read many of your posts and will share

many of those things with him. Thank you for sharing your

life with us, that are just cyber friends, but we share

the same Father. WE were at a Faith Hill and Tim McGraw

concert a few weeks ago, and Faith sang the most beautiful

rendition of "I Surrender All" and then acapella, she

sang "It Is Well With My Soul".

Both songs reminded me of


Hang on to Hope.
Much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Sunday, July 30, 2006 0:58 AM CDT
Lynn, I have followed your battle for well over a year now, but signing for the first time today. I have watched you overcome obstacle after obstacle,and always with concern about how it would effect others. What a truly amazing person you are. The love and compassion you have for others shines through your journal. I pray things with your sweet mother turn for the best.. and your time with your sister is enjoyed to the fullest. Keeping you close in thoughts and prayers. I forgot to mention..Your kiddo's are just *GOREGOUS*!!!
PA - Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
you are in my thoughts and prayers as well as your mom.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, July 29, 2006 8:31 AM CDT
Good morning my friend ~ I woke with the sweetest thoughts of you today.....and wishing I could start every day with a lil' huddle time curled up in bed w/ you & listening to Holly's sweet songs!! Who knew she has such a BEAUTIFUL voice?!

Remember your words from a couple of posts back?!........you reminded us how God takes care of ALL the details in life. It's so beautiful to see the proof of that in your journey. The bigger the obstacle that comes your way........the more He wants you to lean on Him. He is right there Lynn, Be still & listen!

BIG XOXO's ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 29, 2006 7:52 AM CDT
Remember that there is great hope! That you are loved by so very many! That there will be better days. That all the hard days will be another chapter in the wonderful book you write about surviving cancer. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, July 29, 2006 7:15 AM CDT
Hope all went well today Lynn. Thought of you throughout the day. I pray you will sleep well this evening. Love you bunches girlie...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 28, 2006 8:22 PM CDT
Sorry to learn of your Mom's health concerns. I have added her to my prayers. I am so happy to know that Terri is able to be with you and Tay and Jake before they go back to school. What fun it will be to enjoy the fellowship with her. Keep looking right. I admire your perseverance dear one. God continues to bless. Love you all. Aunt Mary

Aunt Mary <gladme@iowatelecom.net>
- Friday, July 28, 2006 8:06 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
Just wanted you to know that you are on my mind today and that I am lifting you and your family up to our God that loves you more than we know. I sure hope your mom's doing well. I will be talking to you next week for sure, to take the kids out for some fun time! I love you.

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, July 28, 2006 7:17 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
You are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. I also have been keeping your mother, sister, children, husband, and the rest of your loving family in my prayers. I really, REALLY hope the pain subsides for you and really, REALLY hope the vaccine comes through SOON. Take care of yourself.... sending you great big hugs.
Love, Yvette

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Friday, July 28, 2006 5:48 PM CDT

You are always in my prayers... Hoping that your chemo went well today and that your family is safe.

You are SO loved! Keep fighting and looking RIGHT!
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Friday, July 28, 2006 5:12 PM CDT
Hey Girlfriend, I hope you know that there isn't a morning over evening that goes by that I am not praying for you and your family. That God is protecting all of you. Please let us know how your mom is doing when you can. I'm so happy your sister is there for you! Your sister sounds so wonderful. I know that you know this but it's amazing how blessed you've been with the family and friends you have. So many people who love and care for you.
I'm praying specifically for your chemo today. Please Father allow the chemo to work this time and to stop the growth of the cancer and give our sweet Lynn some pain free rest until her vaccine is ready.
Stay focused Lynn and keep your goal in mind. It's SO easy to allow those dark thoughts in. I remember when I was a little girl and when I would be upset at night time my mom would always tell me you need to rest and you'll feel better. I remind myself of that as an adult and it works. Those evil thoughts make their way into our minds when our body is tired and we let our guard down. Don't let Satan catch you with your guard down! Stay strong. Try to rest and remember you are in God's hand and have a world full of people who love you and are praying for you.


Patricia <patricia.banko@pactoris.com>
- Friday, July 28, 2006 1:21 PM CDT
You've been on my mind this morning, as most days, and have been lifted up in prayer as you receive your chemo treatment today.

I was quite down earlier, sorely missing my sweet Mom who went to heaven just 86 days ago. I tried to put my sorrow out of my mind, to release it to God, to have an "attitude of gratitude" and not one of "wallow in my sorrow". As I turned my mind back to the work at hand waiting on my desk, I started humming. Without even realizing at first what the tune was, it dawned on me that I was humming this song:

Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light.
Take my hand, Precious Lord,
Lead me home.

That hymn always brings me so much comfort, knowing I can reach out and take God's hand for strength when I can't make it on my own. Singing it softly to myself this morning helped me get through my moment of mourning, and give thanks to the Lord for his ever-present help and comfort.

As I was having these thoughts this morning, my thoughts also immediately went to you. I can't even begin to imagine how "tired, weak, and worn" you must be. And although I know you ARE holding God's hand throughout your journey, I wanted to share this hymn with you today and let you know that it is my prayer for you right now, that you hold tight to Jesus and lean on Him today throughout this difficult day of chemo and in the days of battle ahead of you.

Blessings to you Lynn.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, July 28, 2006 11:41 AM CDT
Hey sweet friend,
praying for a great chemo day and a wonderful weekend with your sister and family. Love ya, Tiffany

tiffany Marino <tiffmarino@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Friday, July 28, 2006 11:12 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Thinking of you this a.m., and hoping your chemo goes smoothly. I also hope and pray that your weekend with your sister and family is a GOOD one! Thanks to Terri for coming out to take care of you guys-what a great sister!! Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, July 28, 2006 10:18 AM CDT
Thinking of you today as you have your chemo. I pray it is doing its job and your another day closer to 100% healthy.

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
Burnsville, - Friday, July 28, 2006 9:21 AM CDT
Lynn...I am praying for you today as you undergo your chemo. You can do this my friend! Terri...thank you soooo much for being there for your sister. Having a sister and being a sister is awesome! I know that Lynn is so thankful to have your love and support. Lynn...I pray that when you get back home today, you will be received with smiles and hugs and that you will have some energy(remember, you have that box of starbursts I gave you..it's hidden in the kitchen drawer!!) I love you much friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 28, 2006 9:00 AM CDT
Thinking of you today as you have chemo. Praying that the chemo kills those nasty cancer cells. So glad to hear from reading guest book entries that your sister made it okay. Thanks in advance Anna Rainwater for loaning Lynn the "Pollyanna" movie. I hope you and your kiddos can watch it together. I am going to mail you the Children's Illustrated version (the book my daughter and I just read) to you for you and Taylor (Jacob too if he desires). It is so darn cute and she has the same attitude you do my friend. Here's to LOOKING RIGHT today at chemo! Love ya,

heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, July 28, 2006 8:44 AM CDT
Lynn, if I remember right... today is chemo day... I know it must not be fun to wake up and know that's what your day has to hold... but you can do it!!! you are so strong and such a fighter....and I am so glad your sister is around to help out with you and the kids.....I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers today...sending a big hug to wrap around you OOOOO.... Nancy ---- LOOK RIGHT.....
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, July 28, 2006 7:30 AM CDT
Hello Friend! Hope that you are having some good moments with that fun sister of yours! Popcorn and skittles???? I know this has been hard. Know that we are all out here supporting you in spirit or in person and thru love and prayer. You are not alone. FIGHT SISTER FIGHR!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, July 28, 2006 6:35 AM CDT
Thinking of you and your family. I hope you are having a good time with your sister, your mom got in with all the doctors and things are going good for her.

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
Burnsville, mn - Thursday, July 27, 2006 2:03 PM CDT
Sending lots and lots of prayers and looking forward to hearing good news about your momma and YOURSELF. I'm praying for NO PAIN and NO CRUMMY TUMMY and NO FATIGUE! Take care and rest in the Lord today.
Kathy Sanders **A #1 NEWMAN FAMILY FAN!** <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:56 PM CDT
Lynn...I smiled when I read Heidi's guestbook entry because just last week I was cleaning out our video drawer and I came across our "Pollyanna" video. I actually had in mind to give it to you to borrow to watch with Taylor because I thought it had such a great message! We have seen that movie soooo many times! Anyway...Heidi is right...YOU are our "Pollyanna"! I am so glad I got to see you on Tuesday and hug you! I pray that Terri had a nice trip to Dallas and that the two of you will have a grand time together. I am thinking of you today my friend! Hugs...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:27 AM CDT
Hoping your sister made it safely from Hawaii and that your mom is doing well. I have been keeping all of you in my prayers. I also hope/pray that your pain is better so you can enjoy the sunshine today with your kiddos, Dave, your sister, and all your awesome friends. Much love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:36 AM CDT
Thinking of you today as always!
I hope your parents had a safe trip back to Phoenix, I hope Teri had a safe trip in & I hope you are feeling less pain!!!

Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:17 AM CDT
thinking of you
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:51 AM CDT
Lynn, thinking of you this morning.... has your sister arrived yet? praying that the chemo is stomping out that mean old cancer... and that you are Looking Right....

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, Tx - Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:46 AM CDT
Lynn- Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers. You are in so much of my daily life, because you are on my mind so much. Hang in there, your rainbow is just about here.

Holly Brousseau

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:15 PM CDT
Hey there friend! Wanted you to know you are on my mind! hang in there! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:43 PM CDT
Praying for your sweet mom and a speedy return back to Texas. Walking for you and praying always.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:07 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I saw Melissa at school today, and she said she took the kids to see "CARS" and had such fun with them! Isn't she wonderful? Also, no more worries about the wrap packs...done deal. I am praying for your adorable mom, and know that all will go well for her. She is certainly a strong woman...just like you. I hope today was a beautiful day for you. I hope you celebrated the love that surrounds you all the time. I went to school today and it felt so familiar...a place to give and to love. Aren't we fortunate? Well, you have a great night's rest. I will call next week to take Jacob and Taylor to Maggie Moo's. I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:15 PM CDT
Hi Lynn

We are leaving to go out of town to visit some family and friends in Chicago tomorrow. Emily is so excited to go to lunch at American Girl Place on Saturday. We are all excited to see what third grade she will be in - as soon as I know (Kim Gammill is going to get my mail and call me) - I will definetly get the word out!

Hoping that your parents arrived back in AZ safely and all will go well with your MOm's tests and she'll be back here quickly. Hope your sister arrived and is spending some wonderful time with you! Hoping that you are having less pain.

I'll be thinking and praying for you as always while we are away!


Kathy <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:25 PM CDT
Hi Lynn
We're praying for your Mom an Dad --- and Terri's arrival.
Hope you have some relief today.

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 1:12 PM CDT
Thinking of you today.

Psalm 40:1-3
"I waited patiently for the LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD."

Have a good day, Lynn!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:37 AM CDT
Thinking of you & your mom. My prayers are with you.
Holly P. <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:30 AM CDT
Praying today is a good day for you and your family. When Emma and I were reading the book "Pollyanna" I thought of you in so many ways. Just now, I wanted to share something from the book. Pollyanna wished for something special from her church group (Ladie Aiders so she calls them). Any way, what she wished for didn't arrive. Instead, a pair of crutches arrived. Pollyanna was so sad. It was then that her dad taught Pollyanna the "Glad Game." The point of the game is to find something glad in everything. The harder it is to find something glad, the better the game is for all. So, Pollyanna's dad told her to begin with the arrival of the crutches. Pollyanna couldn't think of anything to be "glad" about getting crutches. Her dad said, "Be glad you don't have to use them." Hence, the game began and Pollyanna instantly knew how to continue this game even after her dad died. Pollyanna found something glad in everything even during dark days. Pollyanna's game was contagious and changed the lives of many people in her town. She touched people and changed them for the better. You too always seem to find something glad in your day even when the pain is tough or the days are dark. Thank you for teaching and touching so many of our souls through your faith, love, and attitude. Like Pollyanna, your LOOKING RIGHT way of life is contagious. Keep LOOKING RIGHT my friend. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:01 AM CDT
Lynn, thinking of you this am.... we are getting the most beautiful rainfall ... I think I could have stayed in bed for 2 more hours.... the kids are still sleeping... I do have late risers... which is a good thing :O) ... just like their mommy...well I have to run and get some work done...sending you hugsOOOOOOOOOOO...... for you and your whole family.... Hope your mom is doing ok..... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:09 AM CDT
thinking of you and praying for all your needs/wants/desires to be met.......and praying for your mom too
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:21 PM CDT
"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson
US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882)
---thankful for you my friend!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:26 PM CDT
Thinking..and praying...for you and your family this evening. I hope you can sense God's presense during this time. He is good and faithful. Hold on.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:20 PM CDT
Prayers accomplish miracles. A life long friend of your mom's since grade school, you and your mom are in our prayers and thoughts . Your mom has always been a very special person! We will pray long and hard for you all.
Marv Ehlen <madaeh@aol.com>
Bowers Beach, De USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:54 PM CDT
So sorry to hear about your mom. Lots of prayers will go out for her, your sister, father, family, and of course, you too. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:36 PM CDT
Dear, sweet Lynn, I am so sorry for this "speed bump" in your journey. My prayers for your wonderful parents and sister are loud and strong as are the many prayers I send daily that all of your needs and requests are met. You inspire me with your glorious witness as I strive to be the woman God wants me to be.
Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, Tx USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:48 AM CDT
sending you hugs....OOOOOOOOOOOOOO........
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:53 AM CDT
Praying for you and your family!!!
Pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:53 AM CDT
Sweet Friend,
I am praying for the entire Newman & Berg family. We love you all.

Tiffany Marino <tiffmarino@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:43 AM CDT
Praying for all of you without ceasing.
The Steber Family

Krista <kristtas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:10 AM CDT
Prayers are being sent up for your entire family in all their special needs and of course, for you Lynn. You are an inspiration to others and a special person to be able to share your journey with others. Know that prayers for your mom, dad, sister are already in the works. Keep the faith, even when it seems so difficult. God promised us not an easy road, but that He would be with us always.
L Baumann
Oswego, IL USA - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:54 AM CDT
Praying for your mother, father, and sister as well as you and your family Lynn. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's current situation. I remember meeting her and her wonderful smile. Thank you for typing despite the pain. I hope the pain has been better my friend. You are going to beat this Lynn. We can see the light. Oh yeah, Emma and I were reading Pollyanna together this past week. After chatting about her and her amazing outlook on life (and her "glad game"), we realized Pollyanna is always LOOKING RIGHT. FYI: Pollyanna is so happy inside and out; must be the "glad game" theory (same as your LOOKING RIGHT concept). Again and always, LOOKING RIGHT for you, because of you, and with you. :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:05 AM CDT
Your mom has been added to my prayer list, as well as your father too. I hope you will keep us updated on your Mom's progress. I pray she can be seen by the right doctor quickly and get this problem resolved. Lynn, it goes without saying that you continue to be in my prayers as well. I so appreciate your sweet Holly keeping us informed when it is difficult for you to do so.

I was in Dr. Hampe's office yesterday and rather than being nervous as I thought I might be, my visit there put me in a spirit of continual prayer for your quick and complete recovery from this disease and its side effects. Lifting you in prayer had a calming effect on my heart, and I asked the Lord to give you that same peace. Remember that God is with you every step of this difficult journey, He will see you safely through it.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:03 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you bright and early this morning!!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:53 AM CDT
Prayers for your mother's complete and speedy recovery! And for your recovery as well... you really didn't need this added stress. Your poor mom, too! I'm sure she's unhappy to be away from you, and scared for herself as well as for you. I hope this cloud of illness is lifted from both of your lives soon. Prayers that your pain is gone, too.
LisaW from Friends of Allie
Morgantown, WV - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:22 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
We just returned from our family beach vacation, and as usual, you were always in the back of my mind. I prayed for you and your family and felt somewhat lost b/c I had no access to your site. I am sorry for the newly added stress of your Mother and pray for her that she will feel better and get the answers she needs at the Mayo Clinic. I will pray for safe travels for your parents and your sister and am so thankful that you have a wonderful support system. Sometime, right after school let out, my mother in law has come to live with us. She is having her own medical issues and has severe depression due to losing her husband, her soul mate four years ago, suddenly to CANCER. I have used your example many times to her, to remind her that her mind is powerful and though YOU are feeling like total crap, you manage to put a smile on, spread your wisdom and courage to others. So, my point is, you touch lives EVERYWHERE, and again, I thank you. I will continue to pray for you and maybe, one day, we will see each other again and I can get another hug from you. Because the last time we saw each other, your hug was felt by me for a long long time. Take care and keep your chin up. Your perseverence and faith will pull you through. Your courage amazes me.
Susan Whitworth

Susan Whitworth <swhitwort@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:08 AM CDT
Dear Sweet Friend,

I woke early this morning and on and off through the night. God has been listening to me talk about you and your family all night!

That one song "Blessed Be The Lord" popped in my head and I couldn't get it out. The words keep replaying....each day isn't easy yet I am amazed at the small and big blessings God gives us each day. Focusing on the blessings helps those rough spots. God works out the details just like he worked it out that my kiddos were covered so I could see you yesterday! You are SO LOVED sweet friend!!

Remember the "I BELIEVE" card? Well, I found another...I BELIEVE in mind over matter. I BELIEVE in the human spirit to prevail. I BELIEVE in miracles and blessings, both great and small. I BELIVE in possibilities. I BELIEVE that hurdles in life are meant to be jumped over, not something to stop us. (that's you Lynn...keep jumping!) I BELIEVE in YOU!!!

Love you SO big,


Dear friends and family -
A few times this past week Lynn and/or I attempted to post but it never happened. One thing she had mentioned that she wanted you to know was the appreciation for all the prayers - especially regarding the swim team dinner for Jacob. What Lynn told me later and asked me to post was that Jacob was indeed proud to have his sweet, beautiful Mom with him, HOWEVER, Taylor was present too and was seated next to Lynn. Lynn said Taylor was more than thrilled to have Mommy beside her to celebrate Jacob's achievement. Taylor vocalized her pleasure to Lynn at prayer time that night and Lynn knew for sure her prayers had been answered. So...thank you for the prayers...please keep them coming...not only for the ones listed on the front but for all the ones previously listed.

Please keep the guestbook entries coming...they are more helpful than you could know:-)

Holly Crandell

Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:40 AM CDT
Hi Friend...Just now checking on you at this late hour! I am so sorry to hear about your mom. We will be praying for her and for your dad as well. I am also praying that you will not worry about your mom and that you will trust God to take care of her so that she can return to be by your side. I am so sorry that all of this has occured. What a blessing that your sister is coming to help out. I will be bringing your meal by tomorrow. Hopefully it will taste alright! You know me..."cooking" is not one of my gifts! I do try though! I saw a cardinal sitting on our fence this morning out back. I watched it as I was waiting for my biscuits to cook in the oven. I got so mesmerized by how long this cardinal was sitting on the fence that the biscuits almost burned! That cardinal sat there for almost 10 minutes!!! I also prayed for you as I watched it being ever so still. It brought to mind how often I DON'T sit still and listen to God. Anyway, I love you my friend and I pray you are getting much needed rest tonight! See ya tomorrow! Hugs...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006 0:44 AM CDT
Praying for you all! There will be brighter days!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, July 24, 2006 10:22 PM CDT
Our Dear Father in Heaven, we beg you for your mercy and lift up our neice Lynn and our brother Wayne and our sister-in-law Suzanne. Lord, they need your protection, they need your love and your heavenly arms around them. Please, please Lord we beseech thee to help them. Tell us what to do to help them, show us that you are there and use us in your great plan for this family! Please Lord, take Wayne and Suzanne back home safely and keep them by your side. Guide Suzanne's doctors to find out the problem and solve it quickly and return her to Lynn's side. Please Lord, protect Wayne and keep him calm in this very threatening ordeal. Thankyou for sending Terri to Lynn's side to take care of her in her parents' stead. Lord,send Wayne and Suzanne back with a clean bill of health other than this incredible stress that this family has had to endure. Lord, if it be your will take away this painful cancer from Lynn and her family,take away the pain and sorrow that comes from it. Please Lord, In Jesus name we pray so boldly. AMEN

Lynn know that we are sending you all the love and healing we can through this computer. I have such an urge to just hug this darn monitor and will it through(all the way to Tx) to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCan you feel it?
We love you,hold on God is coming through.Love Lajean
Your MN aunts,uncles&cousins&GR&GR Berg

Lajean <lwesteng09@Hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 24, 2006 9:50 PM CDT

I am so saddened to hear about your Mom. I'm sure she will be right back by your side in no time. I pray for safe travels for your sweet parents and a quick journey back to you. What a treat it will be to have your sister with you!

Praying as always for your pain relief!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney927@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, July 24, 2006 9:40 PM CDT
Lynn, you can do this! Keep looking RIGHT and soon this will be over. I pray every chance I get for you and your family. It breaks my heart to hear that you are in such pain. Please Lord give some relief to this wonderful, beautiful and courageous woman!! We love you!
Holly Muilenburg <hollymuilenburg@yahoo.com>
Winona, MN - Monday, July 24, 2006 9:24 PM CDT
Praying for your Mother's clean bill of health-safe travels and that she is able to get right in to the Mayo Clinic. Praying for your sisters safe arrival. Praying that your pain dissapears and that your heart is filled with peace! Your CURE is coming soooo soon Lynn!!!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Monday, July 24, 2006 9:17 PM CDT
L~ What a day.........and one ahead as well. Proof that God is covering the details my friend. It's such a joy to love you & be a part of "those details" in your journey. You know I'm praying hard for you & your family tonight. Sleep well...I'll see you tomorrow!

BIG hugs - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Monday, July 24, 2006 8:26 PM CDT
I hope you had a good weekend and that your pain has lessened. We are all praying and I hope it is working at least a little. I pray for a good night for you tonight with your sweet family right there with you.

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Monday, July 24, 2006 6:50 PM CDT
Hey Lynn!!

I'm behind on my journal reading ... so glad to see you've broken through the 4-5 month wall waiting on the vaccine. I'll be doing the big walk for you the end of October, and I pray you will already be receiving the vaccine by that time!! Praise God for all these wonderful doctors and scientists who are working so hard fighting for you!!! Hugs, Betsy

Betsy Lucido <pblucido@hotmail.com>
McKinney, TX USA - Monday, July 24, 2006 6:41 PM CDT
Hoping and praying that you had a pleasant weekend. Many blessings to you and yours, and many prayers as always.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, July 24, 2006 1:45 PM CDT
Thinking of you!
Jennifer (Pinkribbonmom)
Loveland, CO - Monday, July 24, 2006 11:58 AM CDT
I am praying for you, Lynn, and believing that one day this will be all behind you (what a marvelous thought). I pray that today would be pain-free and filled with love. God bless,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, July 24, 2006 11:46 AM CDT
Praying for you Lynn. Hoping all the prayers are helping and that your pain is better. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, July 24, 2006 9:18 AM CDT

I have been away from email a few days when I was in MN for my class reunion but I have not stopped thinking about you....
Remember the friend of Kathy and I that we told you has never taken off his Looking Right bracelet....Well I saw him and his wife... She said "Look at his wrist... it's still there" and there it was... he still has it on... it's totally clear. It has no color... He moved it and he had a total tan line.... I asked him "why" he hasn't taken it off... EVER... Not ONCE... he said...because it has such a great meaning... when he is having a tough day for whatever it is... he thinks of what that saying means.... and then he puts his day in perspective... then he also said, because he thinks of you... a mother, and a wife, and of you fighting this awful cancer.... and even though you don't know him personally--- he rooting for you... it just goes to show Lynn, you have touched soooo many peoples hearts... and we are all shouting from the roof tops "you can do it!!!"
We love you Lynn!!! You can Do it!!!! Look to the Right....
Just to post this little clip again to remind all of us-- what your sweet husband wrote to you and where the Looking Right saying comes from... Here ya go....
"So, here we are in the middle of a mess with too much life ahead of us for any negative thoughts. Truly are journey over the last 1.5 years has been frightening, painful and numbing, but it easy to focus on the negative. I have always told you that aspects of our lives are lined up and yes, if we look left, there is a very frightening cancer doing its best to beat us down, but if we look right and count the endless blessings that exist (faith in a living God, children, each other, family, friends and so on)… well, the left isn’t so scary anymore."

Love Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, July 24, 2006 7:35 AM CDT
Lynn, you are continually in my prayers. I appreciate the specific prayer requests. You are amazing and look so good in the picture with Kathy. She is a classmate of mine so was fun to see her in a pic with you. ~Stephanie
Stephanie Lorsung <lorsungj@aol.com>
Pine City, MN - Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:19 PM CDT
I thought of you often on my very long walk with my Mckinney friends this morning. It was a beautiful morning.... we saw three sets of cardinals on the walking trails. We sure enjoyed your God wink!

Praying for sweet rest and controlled pain tonight.

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Sunday, July 23, 2006 7:36 PM CDT

I was thrilled to read that you made it to Jacob's banquet! How proud he must have been to have you there! Sweet little ones know what matters most--the love, the hugs, the support, the praise... Throughout all of your posts, you have constantly put your kiddos first and foremost. You are a fantastic mother, Lynn, and I thank you for your shining example. I hope and pray that your chemo went well, that it kills your cancer, that the vaccine will move forward QUICKLY, that our precious Lord's steadfast hand will protect you from pain , that Satan will be beaten back and stay far away from you and your family, and that you will have renewed energy & stamina to beat this horrible disease.

I wish you all the love & happiness your sweet heart and hands can hold.


Much love,
Amy Jordan

Christopher, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:54 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
You do not know me, but I used to teach at Legacy Church Mom's Day Out and remember your beautiful smile and adorable Jacob well. You are in my prayers daily, throughout each day, and though we do not know each other, your strengh gives strength to me and so many others. You are a precious child of God and are touching so many lives. I continue to pray for immediate pain relief and ultimate healing. I pray you feel the warmth of so many hands lifted in your name and that want to reach out and hold you, that God continues to give you daily signs of His presence, and will shelter you from the Devil's thoughts of fear and anxiety. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:7
In Christ's love,

Dena Dixon <denadixon@cebridge.net>
Prosper, Tx USA - Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:50 PM CDT
Precious Lynn,
Seeing you today was the very BEST thing that has happened all summer long! I know you don't believe that, do you? Your sweet face and loving touch will carry me a long, long way. Just walking into your home feels like Jesus' love, and it is truly an awesome thing. Your parents and in-laws are so darn cute...not to mention Dave, Taylor and Jacob (he cracks me up with his funny stories!). These things, Lynn...love, family, and hope are eternal gifts. Thanks SO much for sharing yours with me. I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Saturday, July 22, 2006 8:43 PM CDT
I have internet access for a short bit and wanted to post my continued thoughts and prayers. They are daily with you and your family. May God give you the stregnth needed to endure until your vaccine is ready. Love to you all and we hope to see you upon our return.
Jerri and the Hill Family

Jerri <mxjxhill@msn.com>
- Saturday, July 22, 2006 5:17 PM CDT
Dear Lynn...I have had computer issues this week so I have not been able to check on you my friend. I am so thankful to hear that you were able to go to Jacob's awards banquet! You go girl!! I am sure that Jacob had a smile plastered all over his face because his gorgeous mom was right by his side to cheer him on! We will be praying fervently for all the requests that Holly mentioned. I love you friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 22, 2006 9:35 AM CDT
I am so thankful that you were able to attend Jacob's ceremony!! Last night after reading Holly's post, I was overcome and fell to my knees to throw you up in prayer. Remember our conversation last summer, this was HUGE for me. And to know that He heard, answered and is carrying you on this journey is humbling. I know you still have a huge burden and long journey, but I TRULY believe you will beat this and continue to amaze us all through Him!! Sending all my heartfelt thoughts and prayers to you and Dave. Take care Lynn and pray the pain will become manageable. Friends,

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, July 21, 2006 10:44 PM CDT
I hope you have a peaceful night free of pain and full of good times and happy thoughts. Great to read that you made it out to celebrate Jacob.
Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Friday, July 21, 2006 9:56 PM CDT
"...take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5b. I am so thankful for all of the precious blessings our Lord is sending your way....the strength to see your little boy receive his trophy, cuddling up and watching a movie with your family...cardinals tapping at your window. Praying for many more and MUCH MORE!
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Friday, July 21, 2006 8:47 PM CDT
So glad you made it to Jacob's banquet! I hope chemo went well today & that your pain is manageable. I pray you will have quiet time this weekend with your family!
Holly <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx - Friday, July 21, 2006 7:44 PM CDT
Sweet L ~
My face hurts from all the laughs we had today.........REMEMBER: What happens in chemo - stays in chemo!!! (Darren, that goes for you as well - HA HA!!!) It always makes my heart feel sooooooo good to see a smile on your face, even though it was a rather "loopy" smile......it showed what was in your heart & it's always a blessing to witness that!

ALWAYS praying for you - ALWAYS sending my love to you - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 21, 2006 6:04 PM CDT
Aloha Lynne and Holly!

Thank you for your posting, Holly! Lynne, I continue to humbly ask our Heavenly Father to cradle you in the palm of His hands and to grant you total release from pain. I'm also asking Him to resolve the stomach issues and horrible attacks you started having. "Heavenly Father, I beseech you to keep Satan far from dear Lynne. Also, please grant your most precious gift of peace to her, her family and all others near and dear to her." Keep Looking RIGHT, Lynne! Much love, Barbara

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Friday, July 21, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
I'm praying ...

* Prayers of THANKSGIVING for you being well enough to attend Jacob's banquet last night! Hallelujah!!
* Prayers for a smooth chemo treatment today, gentle nurses, and quiet soothing thoughts in your head and heart.
* Prayers for there to be no chemo-related side effects this week.
* Prayers for any stomach issues to be resolved. So very sorry to hear that you've been experiencing this.
* Prayers that God will surround you with a hedge of protection from the Enemy, who so desires to steal your joy and take your eyes off of your Protector.
* Prayers for your family's well-being, for your children to continue enjoying their summer in complete child-like innocence and free of worry about Mom and health issues, for David, for your parents, for your in-loves.
* Prayers for your friends to remain by your side and strong for you!
* Prayers for you to feel the love and support from your worldwide army of prayer warriors, and for you to be completely encompassed and held by the One who loves you more than anything, the Lover of YOUR Soul, God the Father!

Love and hugs to you today, Lynn. You are always in my thoughts.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Friday, July 21, 2006 12:58 AM CDT
Oh how wonderful that you were able to attend Jacob's award banquet-answered prayers!! Praying for a very easy chemo day today-NO PAIN-NO TUMMY ISSUES!!!!
You are in my prayers daily Lynn!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 11:58 AM CDT
Well, it must have been a glorious time for you and your family at Jacob's program. I know how much that meant to you to be there. We see you attend so many programs at school, and stand in awe of your strength and courage. I will be praying throughout the day today, Lynn, that chemo goes well, and just know it will. I will be by tomorrow with a meal and to hopefully give you a hug if you feel up to it. Praise God for your beautiful family in Christ! Love always,

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, July 21, 2006 11:26 AM CDT
Jacob must have been so proud to have his beautiful mother there last night! I am so proud of you, too, Lynn!
I am thinking of you today. I hope you can rest and enjoy your family this wekend.
Much love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 21, 2006 10:42 AM CDT
Yes, so glad to hear from Holly that you made it to Jacob's ceremony. We were praying hard just as so many others were as well. Hoping the pain is better for you too. Will be thinking of you today as you do your chemo and praying (stormin' heaven actually) that the chemo is killing those nasty cancer cells. You can do this Lynn. You are so close to your cure. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, July 21, 2006 10:20 AM CDT
Oh girl, tears of joy!!! I'm so happy that you made it to Jacob's banquet. You are one amazing woman! Right now Jacob was just proud and happy to have "mom" there but one day he'll completely understand the sacrifice and the pain you went through just because you love him. A true testiment of a mother's love. Yea God for allowing her to go. Lynn, the prayers continue to go up from so, so many! Praying for pain relief, that the worry and fear would subside, that the peace that passes all understanding would overcome you, that this ugly cancer would go away, for the kids and Dave, the family and the sweet friends that are right by your side every step of the way. We are all praying all of these things for you Lynn. When I grow up - I want to be just like you! :) Oh my heart so wants to give you a hug right now! Praying that chemo goes well today. Keep looking right, Lynn! You are going to beat this!!!!! Love ya Bunches! Pattie
- Friday, July 21, 2006 9:33 AM CDT
Lynn, I think I have said this a hundred times in your guestbook (& thought it a million times), YOU AMAZE ME! I am SO happy that you made it to Jacob's banquet & I'm sure he was also. I will keep praying with all of your prayer warriors that your pain will cease, your chemo goes well today & you can get some rest!!!
Love to all of you!!

Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, July 21, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
Dear All -

Lynn made it to the banquet!!!...That is an answered prayer. It took tons of energy, pain and courage to muster through. Jacob was honored and proud to have Mom there...I am sure!!

More later...thank you for all the encouragement....please keep it coming! Ya'll are wonderful and amazing.


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 21, 2006 6:35 AM CDT
i pray that Lynne made it to the Swim Awards. Praying for all her petitions
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, July 21, 2006 0:25 AM CDT

I love this scripture....Psalm 31:3 "Since you are my ROCK and FORTRESS, for the sake of your name, lead and guide me"

I am so hopeful that you were able to attend the awards ceremony tonight.

Praying for you as you face another chemo treatment tomorrow.

Know that your name is being called out to the God of the
Universe every minute, by someone! What an awesome thought! Know that your name is very familiar to him.

You are so loved!

Blessings and hope and many God winks in the days to come


Teresa Powell <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:44 PM CDT
Dear Holly,
I meant to thank you during my previous e-mail for your update today. You, too, are an amazing gal. Lynn is very lucky to have met you and have you as a close friend. I hope to meet you some day. Thanks for taking such wonderful care of Lynn. Blessings to you and your family. Love, Christine
P.S. All your updates are greatly appreciated.

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:40 PM CDT
Lynn -
I am praying in a big and right way for you! I pray that our Heavenly Father will completely cover you with his healing and grace. I pray that all pain and distraction will cease for you. I pray that you will have joyous times with your family. "Heavenly Father, please relieve Lynn and her family from such difficult times! Allow togetherness and joy to surround them."

Lynne B <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:25 PM CDT
I hope you were able to attend Jacob's banquet. I know you're so determined to muster up the strength to attend. Praying for you and your sweet friends during chemo tomorrow. I will be walking 13 miles for you this weekend. Keep looking right and leave ALL the walking up to me and your 10 new prayer warriors!


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:07 PM CDT


I read this prayer I would like to share with you.

My Lord God,
I do not see the road
ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain
where it will end......
I know that you will lead me
by the right road,
though I may know
nothing about it.
Therefore I trust you always.
I will not fear,
for you are with me,
and you will never leave me
to face my perils alone.

Love you friend, Jules

Lonetree, CO USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:26 PM CDT

You are an angel for updating us and giving us specific prayer requests for sweet Lynn. Please let us know if she made it to the Swim Banquet.

Lynn, so many times during the day I think of you and offer up a prayer. Praying for a peaceful pain-free night and a successful no-stress chemo.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:33 PM CDT
Praying, praying and then praying some more.

Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:28 PM CDT
L ~ I am on my knees for you! Be STRONG my friend - YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Praying HARD tonight - xoxo, Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:10 PM CDT

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:20 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn,
I am praying that your pain is decreasing and that you muster up the energy to go to Jake's swim dinner. I am talking to Julie on the phone right know and she wants to "ditto" my sentiments. Lots of love and prayers from Colorado. Love, Christine (and Julie)

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:54 PM CDT
Lynn praying for strength, for a break from the awful pain, and protection from the fear that is creeping in. You are beautiful both inside and out. You can do this!! I pray that you can feel the hands of your Savior holding you up.
Praying without ceasing for you sweet friend

Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:39 PM CDT
Marsha Picus <marsha@thewebpool.com>
Seagoville, TX USA - Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:01 PM CDT
Thanks for the update Holly! Praying that you are able to make the swimming awards ceremony tonight. Hoping you are driving there as I type. Also, praying your pain eases so you can feel better. Dear Lord - Please relieve Lynn of this pain enough so she can muster enough energy to make it tonight to an important ceremony for her son. Good luck tomorrow. I will pray several times during your chemo that the treatment is working, both containing the cancer so it doesn't spread anymore and killing the cancer too. Love and hope from New Hope, MN (Heidi). :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:39 PM CDT
We so enjoyed spending time with your precious kids yesterday! Be assured there were lots of belly laughs! I cannot wait until next summer when you are right there with us cured, restored and exhausted from shouting from the mountain top!!! You are in the valley my friend. I am so glad so many of us can join you along the way. I don't know about you but I am up for some mountain climbing! Put on your boots my friend, I have a feeling it is a long climb, but oh what a view it will be! God is preparing you to shout your story and praise as I can feel it in my heart you will be cured!!

I am praying for days of less pain, renewed spirit and breakthroughs in research! Sending peace and love to your and your family.

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:07 AM CDT
Just wanted to send a quick "Hi!" before I head out for the day. You are my mind all the time and praying you have a pain-managed day. Miss you :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:01 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn- You are in the hearts and prayers of our family daily. And, I am continually amazed by your spirit and faith.
Attending church this past Sunday, the sermon was "IT's NOT EASY to be a SUPERMAN" (we had a guest speaker-Chuck Donald, as our pastor is taking a few weeks off). In so much of what I heard, I thought of you - "It's not easy to be a SUPERWOMAN". You are certainly SUPER in your faith, your spirit, being a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend - just being YOU!(YOU are SUPER at everything I am aware of).
"Because of God's grace, our weaknesses can be transformed into superhero strengths when we trust God" .. HE will bring you THROUGH this!!
God bless you. Praying for your healing. Much love. Jill

Jill Ronningen <jronningen@cox.net>
Tempe, AZ 85284 - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:23 PM CDT
Sending you lots of love and prayers to cover you all over until you are feeling better. You are on our hearts and minds all the time, know that every thought is a prayer that goes up for you to bring you closer to the end of this pain and a beginning to a new day that is pain free! Love your pictures. Congratulations to you Jacob,all star swimmer. We are very proud of you!God's peace.Jim & LaJean
Love from your MN aunts&uncles&cousins&GR&GR Berg

Lajean <Lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:21 PM CDT
Hey friend.

It sure was good watching the kids play on the lazy river today. Everyone had fun and we wore ourselves out. Hope your kids enjoyed nap time as much as the Crandell family did!! HA

Anyway, I loved Teresa's entry about the words from the song "Jesus Loves Me". That is one of my very favorite songs. Another childhood favorite is "This little light of mine". I sing it to Catherine all the time. YOU are always shining your light sweet friend and it shines so brightly...all around the neighborhood!!

I will pray for sweet rest and no pain tonight. Keep shining beautiful friend!

I love you So big,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you and your family daily. I hope that your pain has gotten better and another day is off the calendar until you get YOUR vaccine. Continue the strong fight. Beth

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:40 PM CDT

My family is on vacation in Santa Fe this week.

I brought along the laptop, just to check on you.

You are

never far from my thoughts and prayers. I pray that this

week is a better week and that HOPE is in your heart.

Jesus loves YOU, this I know, for the Bible tells me so....

What simple but life changing words.

You are an amazing lady.


Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:31 PM CDT
Much love and prayers being sent your way. Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:22 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Continue to keep you and yours lifted to our Lord. I'm so pleased for little Jake and his all star selection. What a guy!! Much love to you all. Aunt Mary

Mary Gladfelter <gladme@iowatelecom.net>
- Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:15 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn~
Praying for you and your precious family. I sure hope your pain has lessened and the chemo is killing all those nasty cancer cells!!! Congrats to Jacob for making the All Star Team!! You must be soooo proud!
Praying for you,

Houston, - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:12 PM CDT
Praying for you...

You invite all who are burdened to come to You.

Allow Your healing hand to heal me.

Touch my soul with Your compassion for others.

Touch my heart with Your courage and infinite love for all.

Touch my mind with Your wisdom, that my mouth may always proclaim Your praise.

Teach me to reach out to You in my need, and help me to lead others to You by my example.

Most loving God, bring me health in body and spirit that I may serve you with all my strength.

Touch gently this life which You have created, now and forever.


Dear God, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter of the Troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. Amen

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:32 AM CDT
Sweet Friend,
We are thinking of you this am and sending you lots of LOVE. We pray the
pain as subsided and you have a great day!!!!
Love, Tiffany

Tiffany Marino <tiffmarino@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:59 AM CDT
Praying for you and keeping the faith from New Hope, MN. Keep LOOKING RIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:37 AM CDT
Good Morning, Lynn! Praying that today is a great day for you!
Sending you the biggest bear hug EVER!!!
Love, Pattie

- Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:10 AM CDT

Thinking of you & praying your pain has subsided & you are resting peacefully.


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:02 AM CDT
Remember that you are amazing! You are strong! You CAN do this! Running shoes on.....FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:20 AM CDT
Lynn, You are a constant in my heart, head and prayers.
I feel very desperate, i just want to say or do something that will change all of this and make it better. But I know that time is what is needed and unfortunately, time has it's own pace. Undoubtedly, your restored health will be worth the wait.
My love, Holly Brousseau

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx usa - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:33 PM CDT
We are praying for pain relief here in PA. Also praying that those terrible worry/fear thoughts go away and leave behind only peace and hope. Your strength shines through your smile Lynne! We'll continue lifting you up in prayer.


PS...Taylor and Jacob are gorgeous children!

Steber Family <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:17 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I just got back from visiting 3 of my siblings in L.A. Sunday morning, I was sitting out on my brother's deck, which overlooks Hollywood, and I had a wonderful chat with the Lord about you. He assured me that He knows your every need and loves you more than you know. I continue to talk with Him many times each day in your behalf. I know that tomorrow will be a brighter day for you. I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:31 PM CDT
I was so relieved when I was able to access your site today. I'm in Utah with my family, awaiting a visit from my "Aunt Debbie" who you have heard much about. She is a "Survivor" of this ugly disease, as one day you will be also. I will think of you and send my love as will "Aunt Debbie" for your peace and comfort. This new treatment is a step in the journey you are on and will bring you to your destination. Still wishing on all the stars (there are so many here in the mountains). Your name is on all of them. Stay Strong, you are on my "Right".

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:38 PM CDT
Lynn, Do you ever listen to Casting Crowns? They are an amazing Christian band and I love to listen to them. The song "Who Am I" makes me think of you. There is a verse that says "You hear me when I'm calling. Lord, you catch me when I'm falling." He is here to guide you and catch you! We are all here praying for you, too. Hang in there and know there is a vaccine coming soon!
Much love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:44 PM CDT
My Dad was SO glad to see you & your family on Sunday. He also told me that you looked as beautiful as ever!!!! Stay strong & know that we are all thinking of you & praying without ceasing!!!!

Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:03 AM CDT
As always, you and your family are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Praying for decreased pain, quality time with your family and clear direction for you and your doctors. Love to you all as you keep LOOKING RIGHT!

Deb Klein and family
Saint Paul, MN - Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:56 AM CDT
Hi Lynn, Well your journey continues to lead me! I was referred to a breast surgeon today for a lumpectomy, and when my doctor gave me a few surgeons' names, I almost jumped out of my chair when he said Dr. Hampe! I said "Oh he is Lynn's surgeon, I want to go to him!" I'm sure my doc thought I was talking about someone I actually KNEW, lol. I just feel reassured going to someone who has treated YOU! You are always close to my thoughts ... tonight I'm praying for no pain and a very peaceful slumber for you!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Monday, July 17, 2006 10:21 PM CDT
Just keep praying...it does work

GOD knows what we need.
What YOU need.
What your family needs.
What your friends need.

Terri aka Teetay:)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, v USA - Monday, July 17, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
Praying without ceasing...and not JUST praying but believing what I am praying. Oh, I am hoping that the pain is to a minimum and that you are getting some sweet moments here and there.

Melanie Florsheim <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Monday, July 17, 2006 7:48 PM CDT
Thinking about you and praying for you constantly!
Patty Donohue <pattyd211@hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 17, 2006 7:01 PM CDT
Praying for Lynn today.
Tina & Lance <lancejrmommy@comcast.net>
- Monday, July 17, 2006 2:01 PM CDT
Sending loving thoughts your way, Lynn. I just had a little chit chat with God! I added my request that your pain be relieved, that your fears be taken away and that your body rid itself of the cancer that it is fighting. I believe in Him and I believe in you. You will beat this!!! In the meantime, I hope your pain is diminished and you can enjoy each day as you wait for that vaccine!!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Monday, July 17, 2006 1:55 PM CDT
Love the new photos. Thank you Holly for the update and the great photos. Lynn, keep resting. I hope the pain is better. We were storming heaven for you a lot this weekend. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, July 17, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
I must say I am relatively new to your journey, Lynne, but I now think about you all the time. I pray for an end to your pain. I pray for deep, restful slumber for you. I pray for healing and restoration! When I pray, I believe all these things are truly possible. Keep fighting the good fight. God bless you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, July 17, 2006 10:25 AM CDT
Praying for you today and everyday... For a pain free day filled with love and laughter!!!
P.S-Holly-thank you so much for your wonderful posts. You have a wonderful way of capturing Lynn's feelings and thoughts!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Tiwinsburg, OH USA - Monday, July 17, 2006 10:06 AM CDT
Thinking of you, Lynn and sending so much love your way!
Congrats to Jacob!!! Love, Pattie

- Monday, July 17, 2006 9:00 AM CDT
The new pictures are amazing! You are all beautiful. Summer is a wonderful time! Thank you for sharing them with all of us. I hope that you are coming out of the chemo fog and feel better today! Love you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, July 17, 2006 6:27 AM CDT
Lynn, Love the new pictures!!!!! They are fabulous!!!! Beautiful children..... Praying that you have a restful night.
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Monday, July 17, 2006 0:13 AM CDT
L ~ Praying tonight that all your hearts desires will come true!! May you sleep well sweet friend - xoxoxo

Love you so much - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
wishing you a restful night of sleep... Nancy .... 000000

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, Tx - Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:05 PM CDT
What sweet words are relayed in your posts. They bring you closer to our hearts and it is wonderful to know specifically what to pray for....like a "huddle" in football...and then we all "break" and go to execute our jobs specifically and with precision - voicing our prayers with one accord for all aspects of this battle...physically, emotionally, & spiritually. I pray you sleep blissfully tonight, Lynn. No pain...peaceful heart...healthy body.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:21 PM CDT

You we on my mind alot today. I got up early this morning and met 10 new gals on my long training walk. 3 of the precious ladies are survivors....they were honored to learn about your long journey and walk for you today. They beat this nasty cacer just like you will. Keep looking right! 10 more people love you and are fighting for you!!

I hope you have sweet and peaceful dreams to night.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:55 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn,
Hang in there sweetie. Praying for much lessened pain and a better week ahead. You are a fighter and an amazing gal. If anyone can beat this awful disease, YOU can! I can't even begin to tell you how much you have given me and all your readers. Thanks for all of the inspiration and faithfulness that you have shown us. You are truly such an example that we all need to live by. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:25 PM CDT
Lynn...what beautiful sentiments from your "mother in love"...and what joy in "Mudville" that Jacob is on the SWIM TEAM!! Whahoooooo from Virginia!!! I wish I could give him a big "high five" from Teetay! You just tell him there's a "grandmother" in Virgina "named Teetay" who was Holly's teacher in the 6th grade in Texas...who is THINKING of you all tonight!! Do continue to fight "the fight"...your smile is radiant with Kathy in the new pictures...the "cardinals" are circling you to keep you in their watch....and all the cyberworld is praying, praying, praying. Know that I'm one of those "prayers"....LOUD, CLEAR, and always LOOKING RIGHT! You do, too!!!
With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Sunday, July 16, 2006 6:37 PM CDT
FRISCO, TX - Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:31 PM CDT
L ~ Although I know a lot about this painful journey you've been on, I will never pretend to know EVERY detail of how long & difficult the past 3 years has been for you. BUT you are just a short 3-4 months from YOUR vaccine being ready - DON'T LET GO NOW! Keep your focus on God & on being the loving mother, wife, daughter & friend that you so desire to be.


I am on my knees for you!! I love you so much - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:20 PM CDT
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know there was some terrific news from the Newman Camp yesterday....Jacob made the Swim Team All Stars!!! EVERYONE IS SO HAPPY FOR HIM AND PROUD OF HIM!!!

There are some new pics on the photo page!

Love to everyone,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:16 PM CDT
dear aunt lynn,
i hope you feel better soon and i am praying for you to get better and thank you for being a great aunt to me.
love nick

nicholas <whatdufudg@yahoo.com>
denver , co usa - Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:07 PM CDT
Just checking in to say hello and let you know the Isaak family is thinking of you, praying for you, and hoping your pain is better today. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:03 PM CDT
I pray you are having a blessed Sunday with your family surrounding you. I am praying hard for you to be painfree and enjoy a day of smiles, peace, and restoration. You are incredible Lynn -- you are an inspiration to hundreds of people who will never meet you this side of heaven! I am one of them, and I thank you once again. I can't imagine the physical and emotional pain this is for you, you are fighting so hard! Hang in there, and know that you have the love and prayers of so many on your side! I pray that brings you strength and comfort today. Praying for your family and network of amazing friends as well, that their souls may be uplifted and their faith ever deepened as they run this race with you.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:27 AM CDT
Dear Lynn and family,

I am a HUGE believer in "God winks" and I think that HE is FOR SURE watching over you. I will pray for your relief of pain...management of pain....the lack of pain...and that the medical experts including the wonderful scientist with the kind words CONTINUE to embrace you and hold you close.

You are always in my thoughts and prayers each and every day. Know that you are LOVED from both NEAR and FAR....

God bless you and keep you the courageous spirit that you are!!!

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:45 AM CDT


As always, it was so good to catch up on the phone yesterday morning. You always amaze me, in all you are going through you want to find out how I am doing. I love those bird stories and believe God was indeed speaking to you and Holly. Hoping your pain is minimal today. Love ya, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co usa - Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:45 AM CDT
Thanks so much for the update Holly! Hoping you had a good nights sleep last night. Know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, July 16, 2006 6:52 AM CDT
Praying for you and your sweet family daily, Lynne! I am also praying for your dr's to be able to get your pain controlled, as I know that has got to be tiring. Prayers are being said for you in Oregon for sure!

Michele Bowerss
Salem, OR USA - Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:15 AM CDT

Praying that you are having a pain free peaceful night sleep!

Much Love - Kathy
ps - thank you Holly for the update!

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:21 PM CDT
Hey girlie,

Prayers are being answered!!! We DID get our short rendezvous in and wasn't it fun?? You looked marvy in your new eye and lip color....you crack me up! Playing with makeup in bed...it will definitely make your readers wonder! HA

Anyway, I'll try to get the pictures updated tomorrow and you try and keep that stinkin' ole pain under control.

Know that there are many many people who love you dearly and are praying for your sweet rest tonight.


Love you SO BIG TOO!!!


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 15, 2006 10:15 PM CDT

None of my words can heal pain nor give hope, BUT

HIS WORDS ARE LIFE. Rest in them.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." -REVELATION 1:8

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. -PSALM 18:2

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. -HEBREWS 6:19

Show me your ways, 0 LORD, teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. -PSALM 25:4-5

I pray for that peace that we cannot explain to take root in your heart and in your home.

Love and prayers,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:21 PM CDT
Thinking of you and was so nice to read the update from Holly.... I am thinking about you constantly and you are stuck deep in my prayers... Keep faith and hope.... Good things are on their way... Hope you get a peaceful night of sleep. Sending Hugs OOOOOOO Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:10 PM CDT
Lynn- Praying that the pain has subsided and you can get a good nights rest. Thanks Holly, for the update!
Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:05 PM CDT
Lynn, You and your family are in our prayers. We have never met you, but we know your mom and dad. They told us what an amazing woman you are. You really are!!
Char and Ron Webster <charron@newulmtel.net>
New Ulm, MN USA - Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:45 PM CDT
I'm still praying for you, Lynn! I pray that you stay strong and focused, but that you also lean on others when it seems too much. We love you dearly. PRAYING FOR NO MORE PAIN!!!
All our love,
The McMullens

Yvette <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:21 PM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear the pain is so bad again. I will continue to pray for pain relief, prayers that the drugs are killing the cancer (or at least containing it until three months when the vaccine will be available), and for strength for you and your family. You are amazing and will beat this Lynn. Keep on LOOKING RIGHT and as Jill says, "FIGHT SISTER FIGHT." Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:08 PM CDT
My sweet friend... I have this verse on my chalkboard in my kitchen and thought it appropriate to share with you...."Take courage. It is I! Don't be afraid." Matthew 14:27 Jesus is right there with you and he will stay with you. I so wish I could hug you right now and make all that pain go away. We are sending up lots of prayers for you today girlie. Love ya....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:32 PM CDT
My sweet friend... I have this verse on my chalkboard in my kitchen and thought it appropriate to share with you...."Take courage. It is I! Don't be afraid." Matthew 14:27 Jesus is right there with you and he will stay with you. I so wish I could hug you right now and make all that pain go away. We are sending up lots of prayers for you today girlie. Love ya....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:32 PM CDT
Lynn, just read Holly's post and we are praying many times throughout the day. Thank you Holly for keeping us updated...you are such an angel!!! Keep LOOKING RIGHT!!!!!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Farmers Branch, tx - Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:18 PM CDT

Please know how very much we appreciate your posts!

Prayer requests? Done deal!

Many, many times throughout the day I think of you and offer up prayers for your comfort!

Continually looking for that light at the end of the cancer tunnel! 3 months tops! Yay to all the vaccine warriors! You go guys!

God bless you and hold you in his loving arms.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:16 PM CDT
You've got it, Lynn - urgent prayers going up on your behalf this very moment for pain relief, and "heart relief." May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Thank you Jenny for posting and letting us know that Lynn needs her prayer warriors to get to work!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Saturday, July 15, 2006 4:00 PM CDT
Sending fervent prayers your way for relief of your pain and that you can maintain your strength and spirit while doctors prepare your vaccine. May God bring you his blessings for these things. With love from Virginia.
Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Saturday, July 15, 2006 2:42 PM CDT
Lynn, Just checked in to see how you were doing and saw that Jenny had JUST posted. I am praying for you RIGHT NOW.
Missy Crump <missy_crump@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, July 15, 2006 2:39 PM CDT
PRAYER WARRIORS - Lynn NEEDS your immediate prayers!!

She is currently having computer problems and asked that I post this meesage for her:


When able, Lynn when post more specifics but PLEASE begin lifting her in prayer NOW.

Much love & thanks!!

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 15, 2006 2:35 PM CDT
thinking about u and praying
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:21 AM CDT
Hoping your day was filled with rest and comfort. I have heard the magnificent stories of last night, what a treat it was for so many to see you. I wish I could have been there, I was thinking of you and sending all my love your way. I'm leaving for a couple of weeks with very little internet connection, I will do whatever I can to keep up with you and send my love. I'm with you in heart and spirit and always thinking of you, my post might be few but you are always on my "Right". Stay strong and continue the journey, the rainbow is in sight.

All my Love,

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Friday, July 14, 2006 9:28 PM CDT
LOOKING RIGHT YOUR WAY with continued prayers and all the BEST and positive thoughts I can muster!!

Keep your eyes on the prize!! :)

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Friday, July 14, 2006 5:35 PM CDT
I hope you are able to rest and get some much needed sleep the evening. I pray the chemo is "smashing" those nasty cancer cells as you sleep tonight.

I got a call from my "3 Day Walk coach" and told her about your journey. She was touched by your incredible strength and unyeilding faith. She is adding you to her prayer list on the west coast. You and your family are being uplifted from coast to coast. Keep running! You can beat this.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Friday, July 14, 2006 5:26 PM CDT
Lynn - that is such wonderful news that you have an end sight! Praise the Lord! I'm praying for you and will constatly do so over the next 4 months!
Kim G <kim_gammill@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, July 14, 2006 5:05 PM CDT
L ~ I was sooooooo happy to see (and hear - HA!) you catching some zzzzz's this morning. Not sure if it was the "joy juice" or me but either way God was answering prayers that's for sure!! I'm continuing to lift you in prayer this afternoon as always!!

I love you to the moon - Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 14, 2006 3:15 PM CDT

Thinking of you today & praying the chemo is doing it's job!!!



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Friday, July 14, 2006 1:18 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you this morning. Hope the new chemo is more gentle to your body and nastier to those cancer cells. You know, watching our children growing up makes time seem to go so fast - hope the next three months will seem that way for you! Take care Lynn :)
Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Friday, July 14, 2006 12:15 AM CDT
Lots of prayers that the chemo wipes out this awful cancer! Hang in there Lynn, you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, July 14, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Praying for you dear cyber friend!!!
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, July 14, 2006 10:58 AM CDT

Dearest Lynn,

Praying for you today that all goes well with this new chemo. You need a break in a big way my friend. Love ya lots, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, Co 80124 - Friday, July 14, 2006 10:28 AM CDT
Hope all went smoothly with chemo today. Praying that this new "combo" will be easier on you, but still tough on the cancer!! I will be looking right and praying every day.
with love,

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Friday, July 14, 2006 9:45 AM CDT
I am praying for you this morning as you go for your chemo. I pray that it is a peaceful day for you. Rest and find joy in the day. I was sharing with my Bible study group what an inspiration you are to so many! Love forever...

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Friday, July 14, 2006 9:18 AM CDT
Praying for you today. Hugs to you my friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 14, 2006 8:10 AM CDT
THinking of you and praying that chemo goes well today and does its JOB!!!!!!!


Kathy <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 14, 2006 8:00 AM CDT
GOOD LUCK TODAY with CHEMO! You can do this! Remember what Oprah says, "Here we go...!" Running shoes on! Thinking of you and praying for you!
Love you!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, July 14, 2006 6:00 AM CDT
L ~ Before storming heaven for you tonight, I had prayed God would give me words to speak. Often times the words do not flow from my tounge as much as the emotions do from my heart. He has stirred me at this hour to contiue lifting you in prayer.......praying you are indeed having a much needed night of sleep, and praying your day of chemo will kill EVERY nasty cancer in your body.

I will see you in a few hours sweet friend - Love always, Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 14, 2006 4:08 AM CDT
Lynn...I am hoping that you won't read this until morning because I hope that at this minute you are sound asleep and having sweet dreams. It was so good to see you this evening and it did my heart good to be able to pray with so many women this evening for your complete healing. You are so special to so many people Lynn Newman. I will be praying for you tomorrow morning as you undergo chemo. I pray that your pain will be minimal and that God will put people in your path tomorrow that will encourage you and make you smile. I love you my friend...Hugs...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:36 PM CDT

It was an honor to be with you tonight. You looked radiant. I hope you have peaceful rest tonight with dreams as sweet as the yummy cheesecake we ate tonight. I will be praying for you during your 9:30 chemo tomorrow. I hope you have another God wink when you get home.

Prayers and Blessings,

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:34 PM CDT

Praying with and for you tonight was awesome!! God is listening!

You are precious and loved. A girl couldn't ask for a better friend.

Continuing to pray for your sleep - may it be sprinkled with sweet dreams.

I love you SO BIG,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:07 PM CDT
Lynn ~ It is 7:44 here in the thriving metropolis of Richardson, just a hop, skip and a jump away from you in Frisco. I am preparing my heart and mind to be in prayer for you; I welcome the opportunity to join my voice with the others who are going to God on your behalf! The Body of Christ is so powerful! I hope you will physically feel the prayers, the love, and support of so many wrapping around you like a comfy warm blanket and are comforted by it.
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:44 PM CDT
In 20 minutes I will be on bended knees praying for Lynne, her family and her prayer requests. Thanks for pulling all her friends and loved ones together.

Nancy Zembal (friends of Wayne and Suzanne)
Brooklyn Center, MN

Nancy Zembal <nezembal@comcast.net>
Brooklyn Center, MN USA - Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:44 PM CDT
I will not be able to make it to Jenny's this evening, but know I am sending all of mine their way and thinking of you. The journey is long, the rewards will be sweet. Stay "TOUGH" and give them all you've got. 3 months and counting.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:57 PM CDT
I am very thankful for your good news. What a blessing to be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope that light continues to shine brightly as you endure the next few months. You will certainly have so many praying for you every step of the way. God bless you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:47 AM CDT
You, your friends and family, and cyber friends have taught me a new meaning to living a Christian life. Thank you , Lynn for being so real. I will continue to pray for your requests over this phase of your "ultramarathon".
God Speed! Stephanie

Stephanie Orum <healyorum@comcast.net>
Neptune Beach, FL USA - Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:23 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,

Yes, COLLECTIVE prayers will go out for you at 8 PM tonight, but I'm starting earlier than that ...like RIGHT NOW! I am LOOKING RIGHT at your BRACELET which is alongside my two others..."Live Strong"...and "Rally for Ally"....the rainbow combination is a constant reminder that we all need one another, and that rainbow combination also reminds me of the courage that God places inside each of us!

I will pray for all of your requests and the love of friends and family to continue surrounding you. I will pray for the coming three months and the rapidity of the MIRACLE that I believe will come to you!!!

I will pray for your sweet children's faces...faces I hope to MEET someday in the not too distant future!

And, I will SELFISHLY pray that NEXT YEAR I will SEE YOUR SHINING FACE at the Outer Banks in North Carolina!!!

Love to all of you and wishes for continued STRENGTH....and I know you are a person who really knows how to "put on your big girl panties"....and PRESS ON!!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:55 AM CDT
First time I am posting. I will be there on bended knee praying for Lynn's requests. God Bless all of you dear people.
Grandma Jeanne <oldgreen.eyes@verizon.net>
Dallas, TX - Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:33 AM CDT
Lynn, we will be among those that are praying at 8:00 P.M. tonight!!!! Strength in numbers! Praying for you always! Keep looking right!!!! It is where all the beauty is!!!!
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Farmers Branch, tx - Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:33 AM CDT
8pm it is then. I will pray for all Lynn's request. Love it! I will also pray a lot today as the kids are gone for the day. Much hope from friends in New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:59 AM CDT

Tonight at 8:00 we are Storming Heaven for Lynn!! On her last 2 postings Lynn mentioned several specific prayer requests, please take a momemt to look these over & join us in prayer then.

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:54 AM CDT
3 months and counting!!!
We are all praying for you daily!!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:26 AM CDT
What beautiful and encouraging news....you can see that finish line. The last few miles of a long race are the hardest...but it so helps to know that an end is in sight. What amazing courage and determination and "stick-to-it-ness" comes across in your posts. The Lord has knit you so beautifully - inside and out. You are a blessing to know. Keep at it, girl. Finish this race and reach for the prize - we will FAITHFULLY CONTINUE TO URGENTLY PLEA for your complete healing and health...elimination of pain... on this side of heaven! Praise to Him for all things!
Candace <txcandace@cxomcast.net>
Plano, - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:56 PM CDT
Thak you for sharing your great news! I pray this chemo will be easier on you than the previous. Keep fighting the fight!

Holly <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:10 PM CDT
Yea Lynn!
Today we celebrate this news with you. Hurray!!!
3 Months - You Can DO it.
Thanks so much for posting and keeping us up with you.
We will continue to honor your prayer requests daily.

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:06 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
Wonderfully informative post. Thanks so much for sharing. It sounds as if the new chemo is a really good idea. I will continue to pray that your pain is alleviated, and for healing. I know God will continue to watch over your sweet family...He's good at that! I love the way He pays such close attention to every single detail in our lives. He will certainly direct your precious parents as to what's the next best thing for them.
I love you!

Lisa B. <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:38 PM CDT
Just had to post again to tell you how happy I was to hear about your positive and exciting news. God is listening and working in his own time. I think he has strung this out a little bit, so that you could inspire and bring faith to so many of your readers. I hope and pray all went well today and that you rest peacefully tonight. Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:37 PM CDT
From the looks of your guestbook you have a prayer blanket that covers the entire United States....from Sea to shining sea!I'm the bump in the middle(St. Louis, Mo) I hope that blanket keeps you warm,enveloping you in protection.I think the word comforter sounds more appropriate! Look Right!!
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:48 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I posted the other day-but it never showed up. Lost in cyber space I guess. I just want you to know that I pray for you and think of you often. You are so brave and your faith continues to be contagious! Thank You for allowing so many outside of your immediate circle to share in your fight-we all have so much to learn from your beautiful heart. What a blessing to hear that the cure is right around the corner!!! I know the next few months of chemo will be tough-but you are sooo strong, and when you feel weak...know that we will lift you up in prayer!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:49 PM CDT
Renewed faith from New Hope, MN my friend!!!!!! You can do this and you are going to do this Lynn. Like you said, you can see the light and that is what will get you through the next tough few months. I'm just so happy to hear that your personal cure/vacinne has made progress and it is going to happen to cure your cancer. Thank you Lord for giving all of us a light as we know the prayers are working and that now more than ever, we need to keep on stormin' heaven. I have never believed so much, so strong, and with such faith until you Lynn. Love ya! Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:56 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn~
I haven't posted in awhile but I have been praying for you and your family. I was happy to read about your dr. appt. I will begin praying daily for the scientists that are working on your study and that when it is presented to the FDA, they approve it quickly!! You are such an inspiration to so many and such an obedient servant to our heavenly Father! I hope your appt. today went well and you are not too sore.

Houston, - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
L ~ Aren't you the early bird today?! And full of humor as well!! I haven't even noticed the loopiness.......you've ALWAYS kinda been like that - HA!! (I guess my stories aren't as good as they once were since your now falling asleep during them - at least you weren't snoring!!!! - (HA! You know I couldn't resist!) You rest well regardless if it's on the phone w/ me or at the docs office this morning patiently waiting for him to show (ERRRRRR). Remember......God is covering those details too!

PRAYING for you as always sweet sis-ta!
Love ya to the moon ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:03 PM CDT

I LOVE GOOD NEWS! Thank you so much for posting and with all of us collectively praying for you that these next three months go by quickly, God will hear us! WE believe in Him and His ability to do ANYTHING!

God bless you, Lynn, and keep fighting!

Amy Jordan

Chris, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:44 AM CDT
Lynn, thank you for bringing more prayer requests to light. There are hundreds of us who are humbled and honored to lift you and yours in prayer. Now come on, prayer warriors ... time to "get-r-done"!!

Praying, praying, praying, Lynn!!

Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:12 AM CDT

3 months is nothing!!!!! It will be here before you know it! Hang in there - loopy, sleepy, any way you can!!!!!

Taylor and Emily are so excited to be together today - they are upstairs "making a game plan" for the day as Taylor announced!

Lots of thoughts, prayers and love headed your way today and always!!!!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:51 AM CDT
I'm so excited for you and the news you recieved yesterday. You will truly MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the way cancer is treated and that is something I find so amazing. I will cross my fingers for some pain relief through the next three months!!!

Simi Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:00 AM CDT
So happy to hear from you! We love to know how you are doing and what specific needs you want us to pray for!!

I hope the 3 months fly by, and your vaccine is ready and waiting!!

God bless you!

Continually praying for your pain relief and positive results from your chemo!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:40 AM CDT
Lynn, it's always so good to hear from you... and it's so great that the vaccine is getting closer... you can do this girl.... keep fighting.... sending you a big hug (and some Boxing gloves!!!!) bam bam bam....!!! fight to knock this cancer out...!!!! Happy Wednesday!! Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:16 AM CDT
Lynn, We are so happy to hear your great news!!!! We will continue to pray that God will guide you and your family through this...Now you have a target and hope for the future!!! Keep LOOKING RIGHT!!!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:39 AM CDT
I pray that our Lord's healing spirit will come down on you and flood away your pain. I pray for you and your family for the Lord to watch over you and know that through Him all things are possible. You are truly a testiment to faith and I feel you have brought many to the Lord through the outpouring of your entries and have revived their faith. I know you have brought healing and faith to others without you even knowing it. You are on the prayer list at my church and they are continually praying for you, as are my family and friends. That evil cancer will not triumph because our Lord will bring you through this. Keep your chin up girl; we are here for you!
Sheilah Orth <sheilah.orth@fritolay.com>
The Colony, TX 75056 - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:37 AM CDT
Thank you God for renewing Lynn's strength to continue this fight.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:03 AM CDT
Lynn, I am so glad God nudged you to get out of bed and journal. It's so good to feel your presence through your words. What wonderful news to hear 3 mos. instead of 4-5 mos.! It will be hard but you can do it!!! You are a strong, amazing woman, Lynn Newman! A true inspiration to all! Praying that the biopsy goes well today. Keep your chin up and keep looking right!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
Love, Pattie

- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:51 AM CDT
YEAH!! So glad the light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view! Feel like a weight has been lifted? Prayers and loving thoughts will continue to pour over you!Keep looking right. Goog Luck with your procedure today!
with love,

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:45 AM CDT
Hoping that your pain is becoming more manageable & that both of your appointments go well.
As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!
Looking RIGHT!!

Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:21 AM CDT
So happy to read that you are able to see the Dr's you need. I hope all goes well and that you have lessened pain and that tomorrow goes smoothly. Keep your cute chin up!

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:16 AM CDT

Hopeful you will get the answers you need in order to know what path to take... God will guide you. You are in my thoughts & prayers...



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:36 AM CDT
Hey there! It is a new day! I hope that is will be filled with love and support and no pain for you today! Hang in there friend! You are a fighter! Wonderfully stubborn and a fighter. Let's find some help to kick some cancer a#$.
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:11 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I just knew God would allow you to get in to see both of those docs. I will be praying for you tomorrow as you have your biopsy. Also, praying for MAJOR pain relief!! Enjoy spending time with that wonderful family of yours. Take care, we ALL care...Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 0:53 AM CDT

CONNIE <bberg56@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 12, 2006 0:07 AM CDT
In my thoughts Lynn
love, Holly B.

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:05 PM CDT
Lynn, keeping you in my thought and prayers.

Love, Karen

Karen S. Perdue
Plano, TX USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:42 PM CDT
L ~ Holding you close in my thoughts & prayers.....ALWAYS!

Sleep well my achey friend, XOXO ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:14 PM CDT
Thank God. I'm so glad you got to see the Docs.
I am so very glad you have such a good instinct to request the PET and stop that icky chemo.
Hang in there - God will point you down the path.

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:12 PM CDT
Hey, Lynn!
Just wanted to let you know that I breathe prayer for you so very often each day. Still standing strong for you, and knowing that tomorrow will be a much brighter day. I wonder if Taylor and Jacob would like to spend some time with me before school starts. I would LOVE that!
Love always...

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:58 PM CDT
So glad to hear you appts were scheduled. The way is being paved for you, be strong and continue the journey. The end will be oh so sweet. I'm sending all my strength for you to get through this week. Always on my "Right"


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Dr. N's "scheduler" probably had no idea that so many people were praying and GOD rearranged schedules and was able to "fit you in!" YEA GOD!!! I pray that your appointments will go well and that you will continue to keep your beautiful eyes on Jesus! Love ya friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:40 PM CDT
God is so good...all the time. There is a children's song that has the following words....

My God is so great, so strong and so mighty.
There's nothing my God can not do...FOR YOU.

Sorry, but that is what I am singing for you sweet child of His!!!! Hang on and don't let go. He will do the rest and we will keep watching Him pour out His providing, caring heart over you. Loving you and praying for you in Plano.

Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, July 11, 2006 6:17 PM CDT
So glad to hear that you were able to get into both doctors this week. Praying for wisdom for the doctors, a lift in your spirits, freedom from pain and a cure for your cancer!!!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5:33 PM CDT
Always in my thoughts and prayers!!
Since Jerri is out of town with no internet I have shared the news with her and she is praying as well. We love you!
God Bless, Maria

Maria Ashcraft <texasecho@hotmail.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5:17 PM CDT

Stay strong... you can do it!!!


Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, tx - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:32 PM CDT
Lynn, Thinking of you today and wishing for you worry free, pain free moments! I hope you are able to spend precious time with your dear family. I hope with each passing day, your strength grows stronger and good news will be celebrated. You are always in my thoughts and prayers!
Kristi Lupe <kristi.lupe@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:18 PM CDT
I knew you would be into both doc's this week - stay strong, think positive. Praying for you!
- Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:11 PM CDT
Lynn, It is not a surprise to me that you were able to see both Doctor's...there are so many people praying for you that it was the only outcome!!!!!!! We continue to pray for you and your darling family....

Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:38 AM CDT
Lynne, I will be praying for you and thinking about you as you continue to wage your war against this beast. God bless you and your family,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:52 AM CDT
I'm so thankful that you were able to get in to see both Drs. this week and praying that all goes well. I'm also praying for pain relief and continued strength and positive thoughts - you are amazing!! Dahl
Dahl Herrel <dahlface@sbcglobal.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:31 AM CDT
Still thinking of you and praying for you!
Shannon D <sheenadean@parentmail.com>
Bakersfield, CA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:04 AM CDT


SARA BRITTON <BrittonClan@hotmail.com>
JANESVILLE, MN USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:58 AM CDT
Thank you God! Only God could change doctors appointment schedules to work in our favor!!! Prayers are being lifted up daily for you. You are an inspiration to those who are facing the struggle with this horrible diease.
Prayers are also being lifted for your family and friends as well as they travel this journey with you.

L. Baumann
Oswego, IL USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:56 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,

I will continue to hold you and your sweet family close in heart and prayer. Having just spent some time with Holly and her fam at the Outer Banks, I even feel closer to you as Holly shared some very special "friendship" stories...now, you are even more REAL to me. Continue to hold onto your faith, your love of God, and your amazing courage. I know you are "tired and weary" but you are also a model for everyone to follow. I will continue to pray for your relief of pain, and for all good things to be part of your future.

With love,
Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndo, va USA - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:24 AM CDT
Thank God you were able to get in!! I know this must help some of your anxiety. Will be thinking of you this morning and praying the appt goes well. love- Stephanie
Stephanie <Stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:20 AM CDT
Praise God that the scheduling worked out! The power of prayer is an incredible thing!!!
Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:29 AM CDT
best of luck at the doctors. So glad that you could be seen. Praying
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:46 AM CDT
Lynn, I read your site often and pray for you all the time. I don't usually leave comments, but had to today. My eyes are filled and my heart is broken reading your news, but there is something I know...prayer, love and support will be coming your way. I hope you feel all of the many people reaching out to you and holding you up during this very difficult time. Stay strong and continue to find the positive things that are happening during all of this. You are in my prayers and I will check back soon.
Tracy Feeney <feeneyd@earthlink.net>
Newburgh, NY - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:01 AM CDT
Thinking of you. Praying for you!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, July 10, 2006 11:27 PM CDT
Lynn, Praying that God does show you the right path. That Dr.N will see you tomorrow and have Dr K take a look and continue on with the Wed biopsy plan, if that is what is needed. Sending our love to hold you while you wait for these decisions. God's peace,We love you,LaJean & Jim &
All your MN aunts & uncles & cousins & GR&GR Berg

Lajean Westeng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 10, 2006 9:48 PM CDT
You and your family our in my thoughts and prayers.

May God continue to grant you peace during this time.

Dallas, TX - Monday, July 10, 2006 9:31 PM CDT
Wow Lynn
Just noticed that you have a new entry about every 1/2 hour. That is some real prayer power!!!!!! Lets keep it up, and these are only the ones we can read!

Beth Gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Monday, July 10, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
Lynn...Thought of you often today. I am praying that God will work out every detail for you to see the doctors that you need to see this week. I hope that you were able to tolerate the pain today and that maybe it subsided a bit. Hugging you in my thoughts sweet friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 10, 2006 9:07 PM CDT
Lynn we are thinking and praying for you. We pray that your appointments will all come together and that they will give you some clear answers. We pray that your pain lessens and that you have some really good days with all your loved ones. You continue to "AWE" me with your strenght, fight and total faith. All the love that I have to you and your amazing family and support group. I know that you will live a very LONG and happy life. Beth Howie and Anna Gilles
beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Monday, July 10, 2006 9:06 PM CDT
Lynn I am continually praying for you and your family. God Bless
Minneapolis, MN - Monday, July 10, 2006 8:57 PM CDT
Praying for pain management and guidance in your treatment decisions. As always, your strength shines through your words. We'll continue to lift you in prayer here in Pennsylvania.
The Steber Family

Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Monday, July 10, 2006 8:20 PM CDT
Lynn, we are praying that the Doctor you need to see will fit you in tomorrow. May your pain be less tonight...we all are sending you love and we will continue to pray for you and your beautiful family. You are truly amazing!!!!!!
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Monday, July 10, 2006 8:05 PM CDT
Positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way from Oregon. Your fight and determination against this cancer and your tender love and protection for your sweet children and husband have made me your strongest admirer.

Keep fighting this nasty disease! With your strength of faith I will not be surprised when you win this battle and live a long, healthy life, proclaiming God's miracles.

Judy <jsailor14@comcast.net>
Corvallis, OR USA - Monday, July 10, 2006 6:48 PM CDT
Just stopping in to say "I'm thinking about you" and wishing on every star and every crooked necklace and every crossed leg, that your pain will subside. :)
Your faith is so strong and your will so determined, you can beat this. Be strong sweet friend your are in my heart and on my mind always.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Monday, July 10, 2006 6:44 PM CDT
Keep Fighting, Lynn!! You have a whole army of prayer, support, love and encouragement warriors here for you!!!
Nikki Pettis <nikki.pettis@ucb-group.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, July 10, 2006 6:08 PM CDT

My heart hurts for you. We ALL want you to be free of pain; free of this cancer that is trying to hold you within its grasp. God has a plan and it is so difficult when you want to KNOW the plan to prepare for it. Keep the Faith. The plan will unfold. I pray that God holds you in His unfailing arms... I pray that He holds you tight and takes away your pain... I pray for Dave and your sweet children, for discernment for your doctors, compassion for all medical staff that you come in contact with... You are special and you are SO loved--we are all pulling for you.

Much love,
Amy Jordan

Chris, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Monday, July 10, 2006 5:52 PM CDT
Just thinking of you, dear friend. Sending prayers up for you without ceasing....
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Monday, July 10, 2006 3:34 PM CDT
things that always amaze me as I read your journals, and the guestbook are a) your strength and faith even when it is clear you are exhausted and in pain, b) the immeasurable love you have for your children and your husband, c) the ability to fight that you possess and d) the unmistakable love that your family and friends have for you.
I do believe your miracle will come. I won't ever understand the painful journey you have been placed in, but I do believe complete healing on earth is coming to you!
Sending loving thoughts and prayers to you!

Karen (FOA)
Stow, OH - Monday, July 10, 2006 2:36 PM CDT
Lynn, I hope your appointments go good this week... Thinking of you... HUGS>.....OOOOOOO..... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Monday, July 10, 2006 2:15 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I am praying your dr. appts. are working themselves out (by God's grace no doubt), and that all goes smoothly this week. You really don't need THAT to contend with too. Lots of prayers for a clear vision on all treatments, studies and of course, the vaccine. Many prayers too for PAIN RELIEF!! I know you need a break from all the pain. We all can only try to imagine what constant, enduring, awful pain must feel like. Here's to a GOOD week my friend. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, July 10, 2006 12:40 AM CDT
Good morning my dear friend Lynn. I haven't had access to my computer since this past Friday afternoon so hence, haven't been able to post notes. Please know you were in my thoughts constantly and in my prayers all the time. I'm sorry to read the PET wasn't what we had all prayed for but like you said, HUGE PRAISE to God that the cancer has not spread to the liver, lungs, or bones. I will continue to pray for pain relief for you as a good day can make one's attitude so much better and give one so much more energy. I PRAY the pain is better!!! I will also pray that you get on the appointment books for Dr. N so the rest of the appointments fall into place. Lastly, I will pray that the good Lord gives you a clear path to take from here onward. You continue to inspire me, give me strength, and make me appreciate life so much more. I hope all the love and prayers from friends and family are giving you what you need during this difficult journey. I hope all of us together are giving you everything you need. I know you are physically surrounded by so many angels on earth but please know that you are also spiritually surrounded by so many of us that are thousands of miles away. Together, we are hoping to lift you up when you are down and rejoice with you when there is reason for praise. Lots of love from New Hope, MN. :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, July 10, 2006 11:51 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
Even though we have not met yet, our family prays for your health and we hope and pray that the pain comes under control soon. Your courage and strength will carry you through all this. Our love to Dave and the kids.

Sri and Kavita Rajagopalan <kk_swamy@yahoo.com>
Stamford, CT USA - Monday, July 10, 2006 11:20 AM CDT
hoping the timing of everything works perfectly in your favor this week. I pray that your pain is manageable& that God gives you strength to carry on the fight and peace to get thru all of this
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Monday, July 10, 2006 8:31 AM CDT
Will keep you in my prayers today.

God bless you and your family!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Monday, July 10, 2006 8:01 AM CDT
Lynn, I do not know you but was lead to your site through reading Dana Eisenberg's website. I read your most current post and felt so heartbroken for you. It seems that there are so many irons in the fire, so to speak. I do know that the God I serve is the Great Physician. He is a healer and I am praying for you today. On the outside it would seem that these appt. schedules that are overbooked will never work out. I know my Lord can intervene and his timing is perfect. I am standing in faith for you and believing the Lord will intervene and work out these schedules so that you receive the exact right treatment at exactly the right time. May the Lord give you peace, wisdom on future treatments and ultimately healing here on earth. May HE bless your family as they walk this road with you. You are in my prayers. Know that you are loved even by strangers. Blessings to you as you go through this journey.
Heather Rice <casaderice@sbcglobal.net>
McKinney, TX USA - Monday, July 10, 2006 7:59 AM CDT
Know that you are constantly(and your family)in our thoughts! Our hearts ache thinking of the battle you endure.We are praying hard for everything you've specified and for the continued strength and courage to keep looking right! Hope you have a good week, and can update us again soon. Give our love to Wayne and Suzy. Love you!

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Monday, July 10, 2006 7:31 AM CDT
Good Morning Sweet Friend,
You wouldn't believe the flurry of activity over here with my kids joyfully getting their little chores done so they can be ready for Jacob and Taylor's playdate. I thought I was through with "are we there yet?" but the question has been replaced with "is it time yet?" HA HA
Praying for the pain to be gone.
Love you SO big,

Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Monday, July 10, 2006 6:45 AM CDT
My prayers are with you as well!
Susan <susanbreeding@hotmail.com>
Plano, TX - Monday, July 10, 2006 0:55 AM CDT
Dear Lynn, you are in my prayers this evening as I go to the Lord. I am saddened that your report from the doctor wasn't better, but God is the Great Physician and He doesn't care about what the reports say! He is in the healing business!!! I will be praying -as always- for your little ones, your parents, your in-loves, and especially for your husband. I will be asking God to hold their hurting hearts gently and encourage them. They are fighting this battle with you, Lynn. You are surrounded by so much love and support, and many thousands of people praying. I will also pray specifically for Dr. N's schedule to allow you to meet with him when needed. (It sounds like he needs to know to tell his scheduler to work you in, you really should call/page him!) Lynn, I've said it before in your guestbook and I will repeat it ... you are such an inspiration to me. Even in the face of more not-so-great news, you continue to share, inspire, and touch the hearts of others. God is using you and your journey in mighty ways. Your courage has always inspired me, but never more than tonight as I'm preparing (mentally!) for a breast biopsy of my own tomorrow. You are a great example, and I thank you for your willingness to share yourself with the world. I'm praying you will have a restful night with a wonderful deep slumber and NO PAIN, and wake refreshed with joy in your heart. God bless.

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Sunday, July 9, 2006 10:12 PM CDT
My sweet sweet friend,

I will simply be so much better after locking eyes on you tomorrow. Even if we have spoken multiple times each day, there is nothing like seeing your beautiful face and having an opportunity to hug your neck. I think we both could use a BIG hug!! The week away was great and the only thing I missed about real civilization was not being able to check your website. I caught up tonight and LOVED reading through the jillions of encouraging posts from so many people. You are so loved Lynn. You are so special and this stinkin' disease is so NOT defining YOU. YOU have already been defined...completely and wholly by our awesome God.

I am praying for pain relief, for sweet sleep, for answers, for doctor's openings, for smooth procedures, for compassionate nurses and doctors, for endurance, for blinders for the kids and for "all things" in regard to you, your family, parents and parents-in-love.

The Crandell Crew is thoroughly excited about having Jacob and Taylor for "laundry day" tomorrow. I have so much laundry to do...5 suitcases worth - egads! Anyway..we have lots of fun and a week's worth of visiting to catch up on.

Know that I am praying you feel well enough for our "special outing" later this week!!!

I love you SO BIG my sweet friend.

Walking by faith and praying with belief,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:29 PM CDT
Checking on you often, praying for you daily!! Your prayer warriors will continue to pray for pain relief, disease resolution, expedition of the vaccine. Being in the system provides a different point of view- page Dr N share your concerns, fears and apprehension. Dr. N CAN and will work you into his schedule. The receptionist is not in a position to understand nor be able to make the decision concerning your appt. Call me if you need help!! Hold fast to your trust in God- turn to him for strength.
Plano, Tx - Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
I, too, am a virtual stranger to you, but I check your site often and am praying for your complete healing on Earth. I am a Mom to two little ones as well, and my heart aches for you as you pray that they are shielded from this horrible disease. This is not fair; your family should not have to endure this. You WILL beat this, Lynn. Praying for you....
Julie Bodenstein <juliebodenstein@yahoo.com>
Gill, MA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
We are continuing to pray every day for you and your family!! Stay strong!!!

Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@charter.net>
Rochester, MN USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:43 PM CDT
I am praying for you - pain relief and an appointment on Tuesday.
Frisco, TX USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:12 PM CDT
Keeping you and your family close in my thoughts.
St. Charles, MO USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 6:35 PM CDT
Lynn - I continue to pray with so many others for you and your family. I pray for reduced pain, reduced tumors and complete healing. I pray that the needed appointments will happen on Tuesday and that you will see both Drs. K & N. I pray for a smooth surgical procedure on Wednesday. "God, thank you for holding this sweet woman, her husband, son and daughter so close. You are the Great Healer, and I pray that You will crush the evil of this disease and grant Lynn rest and renewal."
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 6:34 PM CDT
I'm right there with you, standing tall in this battle. I will continue to hold you and your precious family in prayer as you get some answers this week. Your strength is in Christ...His grace is sufficient for you and for us all. I love you!

Lisa <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Sunday, July 9, 2006 4:05 PM CDT
God bless you and hold you in His loving arms. May you feel His comfort and care every second of every day. As I walked this morning, I offered up prayers for pain relief for you.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Sunday, July 9, 2006 2:31 PM CDT
Praying for you all and hoping things line up as they should for your appts.

God Bless,

Susan Bernhardt http://www.caringbridge.com/mn/zacharybern <desbernhardt@msn.com>
Zimmerman, mn USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 12:54 AM CDT
Thank you so much for finding the strenght to post. I'm thankful for the good news in your findings. Hold fast while God works out the details with the not so good news. Keep looking right! Your have any amazing team of physicians to deliver the best treatment regimen for you and your family. You and your family are always on our hearts and in our prayers.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Sunday, July 9, 2006 11:02 AM CDT
Praying for you and your family today!
Shelby Lowell <shelbb@aol.com>
- Sunday, July 9, 2006 10:15 AM CDT

Thinking of you today with hopes your pain has subsided. May you enjoy a beautiful day with your family!!



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 10:12 AM CDT
i hope our prayers are working
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:29 AM CDT
Thank you so much for your posting today, Lynn! Your neverending inner strength continues to amaze me! To be able to explain the latest developments in your disease and treatment in such detail to us and with so much hope even in the midst of so much despair and pain can only mean that God is with you and guiding you even more than we can possibly understand! He has a plan for you, and it can only be an awesome one!! Keep Looking RIGHT, Lynn. I pray for peace for you, David, Taylor and Jacob, and all your family. I pray that the DNA of your cancer has not changed and that your vaccine will still be effective against it. In the meantime, I continue to ask for complete healing and release from pain. I also ask that the new "drug" combo will defeat these tumors as the doctors indicate they should. I hope you have a peaceful Sunday, as pain-free as possible. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus I pray. Much love and blessings to you Lynn, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, July 9, 2006 3:57 AM CDT
Lynne, though we don't know each other, I have been following your story for a year now. Came across your site from a link from Sam Eisenbergs site.
Your faith, courage, and determination is humbling. I wish you God's richest blessings for a complete recovery, peace and continued strength.

Elaine Levitt <Elainelev@aol.com>
Dallas, Tx USA - Sunday, July 9, 2006 0:44 AM CDT
I hope you are sleeping well tonight....peacefully and painfree. Thinking of you and your family and sending prayers up for you.
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
- Sunday, July 9, 2006 0:11 AM CDT
Praying for you, dear.
Shannon D
Bakersfield, CA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:10 PM CDT
It is clear to me now that you are having to go through every possible scenario of this cancer so that the book you write as a survivor, will be "all inclusive". And when they make your book into a movie, could you please cast me as some small part. Maybe a gardner or a pooper scooper. I don't even have to have any lines, if i could just be on the big screen, just once. And of course, you will have to play yourself. There is no one on earth that could do you justice in beauty, faith, wisdom or patience.

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:06 PM CDT
Praying for you tonight!

Tori Miller and Family <tori@cebridge.net>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 6:45 PM CDT

I 've been checking on you each day during our vacation. My heart is breaking with your test results - but rejoycing that it hasn't spread to those vital spots. Know that we are all praying for you and your family - we have spread your story throughout New England as we've visited our family and friends during our travels this month and you have a whole new bunch of people praying for you!

We return home tomorrow - tell Taylor that Emily can't wait to have her come over to play! I just heard her telling my sister-in-law that she is going to have a swimming party combined with an American Girl tea party with her friends when she gets back - so I guess I better get busy and plan that!!!! :)

Lots of love and prayers!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, July 8, 2006 5:33 PM CDT

Hold on to your faith - God will carry you - Turn to Him in time of need; He will not fail you!!! As always you are in my prayers & thoughts as well as your family/friends.

Much love to you,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 5:13 PM CDT
Dear sweet Lynn,
I am praying for you with all that I have. You are on my mind constantly. Sending big hugs your way!! Take care, Yvette

Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:50 PM CDT
I have not taken off my LOOKING RIGHT bracelet since the morning of the walk. We are all praying for you and are here to fight this fight with you. I am so sorry that all you have been through with the chemo has not been working. I have faith that your doctors will do all they can to get this vaccine as fast as they can, Lynn. I am sure they love you like we all do.
Hang in there and keep LOOKING RIGHT.
Much, much love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:20 PM CDT
Thank you SOOO much for posting and keeping us all up to date on the recent developments. It means so much to all of us to know how to pray for you!
I can only remind you of your own motto: KEEP LOOKING RIGHT! The times when it is the hardest is when we need to really rally and God does give us strength to get through. You are not a quitter and you are not going to give into evil fear! I know it's been a long road but you must stay strong.
God put it in your heart to ask for the PET scan and he is directing you so stay the course. You WILL get through this! Believe it.
I am constantly praying for your pain relief my sweet sweet friend. You certainly are being put to the test in this earthly world and I know you are going to be rewarded for it! You are such an amazing Christian and I'm so happy that I've been blessed with your friendship.

Stay strong. Keep looking right! Keep posting!!
I'm sending you all my love and strength.

God's peace be with you,

Patricia Ewing <patricia.banko@pactoris.com>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 2:32 PM CDT
Just read the latest post and my heart is hurting and so very heavy for you. I pray that the Lord continues to whisper His wisdom and direction into your heart and that you would continue to be receptive to whatever treatment might lie ahead. As said before, I would do anything to take this away from you. I am helping to carry this cross with you, my sweet friend, as it is one that you mustn't bear alone. What a privledge to be able to come along side you in prayer and cry out on your behalf. You are so precious in HIS sight and so dear to so many of us. I am asking that the Lord flood out the darkness and the uncertainty with His light and peace. I will be praying that all the crooked paths straighten out and that you will get a glimpse of His radient light at the end of the tunnel. There is a glorious reward waiting for you and many blessing along the path!!!! A reward that will take your breath away!!!! Until then, press on with the hope of a future with no more cancer!!!!
Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 2:22 PM CDT
My heart hurts for you as you have received this mixed news. Praise God there was some good news! I cannot imagine the heaviness of your heart. I so pray that God will lift you up and pull you into his lap and comfort you as only a Father can. I pray he will place healing hands on your pain and cancer and make this all better. He can and I pray he WILL.

The past three nights I awoke wide awake at 4:00am and wasn't able to fall asleep for 45 minutes. I have just blanketed you and your family in prayer during those times. There are so many crying out on your behalf.

Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. I am going to call you tomorrow to work out a day next week to have the kids come over and swim.

Be strong friend and be encouraged by the fact that there was some good news yesterday. Please don't give up! Be strong and continue to fight this horrible cancer. I am so praying that we have great news next week about a new study that will heal your body. Keep looking RIGHT!

Lifting you up in prayer! Love you and your family so much!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, July 8, 2006 1:39 PM CDT
Dear Lynn- I will continue to pray for all your needs. Thanks for giving updates. It has to be hard at times to sit down and do this but we all appreciate hearing from you. You have an amazing following!! Love- Stephanie
Stephanie Linehan <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, July 8, 2006 1:30 PM CDT
L ~ It is soooo good to read your words & to learn EXACTLY what we need to pray about. It's just that time in the battle to switch directions & re-focus. You are in the greatest hands of all - our God! Remember your own words of not worring about the details.........because HE knows & He will carry you through. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

I love you TONS ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 1:27 PM CDT

Thanks so much for giving specific prayer requests that we can take to our Father.

I have checked your site at least 20 times since getting up this morning, hoping to hear your report.
Fear is enemy I am well acquainted with, although my fears seem so silly, with whatyou are facing.

Yesterday, I heard Beth Moore teaching on Life Today,
on how much God thinks about each one of us everyday.

She digs so deep into the real meaning of words. I am going to try and get the tape to send to you. I just kept rerunning it on the TiVO.
Could she possibly mean me?

It was from a totally different perspective than I had ever thought of ...but bottom line (and who can explain things like Beth?)
YOU are on his mind! EVERY second of every day. He knows and cares about every detail of your life and I have to think that you are one of his favorites...Hang on to HOPE.

Much love,

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Saturday, July 8, 2006 1:19 PM CDT
Lynn---- it sickens me that you are having to go through so much... you are constantly on my mind... hold on tight to your little ones --- a little kiss and hug from your babies can be just the right medicine.amongst all this decision making, stress, and pain......Sending you a HUG!!!!!! Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Saturday, July 8, 2006 1:14 PM CDT
Good Morning, sweet Lynn! Praying today will be a better day. As Jenny posted, yesterday is already the past. You have so much ahead of you. And I think instead of hearing one of Jenny's good stories - you need to be a part of one of them! I pray that God will make clear to you on how to find joy, hope, and strength in each new day. You are the sunshine to so many Lynn! Praying so hard for you. Keep Looking Right, Lynn! I know you can do it. I really do! Love, Pattie
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:27 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,

Keep looking right. I pray that the new day brings you renewed strength and peace. Most of all I hope this new day breaks the cycle in your pain and fatigue. Keep fighting!! You and your sweet family are loved and always uplifted in our hearts.


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:16 AM CDT
hoping and praying for a pain free, great day for you, Lynn. You can do this.
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 10:22 AM CDT
Our Dearest Lynn, Know how much you're loved. We all send you our biggest hugs and all the strength we can send. look at the amount of people who have checked in on your site and take that number and multiply that times 1 hug(at least!)=293,284. Now take that times 10 hugs(which isn't even close to what we want to send to you)2,932,840!!
We all send up our heartfelt prayers for our loving God Almighty to give you some relief from the pain you are feeling. I have to say it. that's 2,932,840 Prayers!!!
On a slow day, but we know that each of us think and pray for you all during the day. So...x10=29,328,400.WOW,that's huge. Sweet Lynn my hope is that all this crazy number talk shows you the number of people who are out there to support you and love you and try help you carry your burden. Those who are closer can help you with the physical needs and cares. Thank God for all of you. Remember the rest of us are your prayer warriors and will pray unceasingly for blessed relief.
Matthew 11-28 "Come to me all of you who are weary from and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest."
Hold on to Jesus' promise,he will carry your burdens. Give it all up to him and wait, for he has a plan for you. A plan that we cannot comprehend, but our faith and trust in him will surpass all. Father God we send up our dearest Lynn's pain for you to carry for it truly is too heavy for her to bear. Please bless her and keep her close to you through this very long and trying fight. Give her the strength she needs to continue fighting and please show us the words she needs to keep her and help her to get through this. In Jesus name,Amen
God's Peace,we love you
All your MN aunts & uncles & cousins & GR&GR Berg

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 10:02 AM CDT
Lynn- my heart is so heavy for you as I read Jenny's update-my mind grows so weary when I try to find understanding in all of this- my conclusion is there is no understanding just faith in knowing that our sweet Lord holds that understanding- you and your family are always first in my prayers in the moring and first in my prayers at night- my continued prayer for you is COMFORT, COMFORT,COMFORT- peace for your every thought and much laughter this summer with your precious children. There are lots more "Ms.Jenny stories" to be told- I know how good those can be!!! Wishing many smiles for you this weekend- love, Kelley
Kelley <craddock7@msn.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 9:28 AM CDT
Lynn, my mind is preoccupied with you, your pain, this terrible cancer and the the heartache of you, family and friends. I feel so desperate. Like all who know you, my wish is for your pain relief, peace and understanding of this relentless cancer. You are an incredible woman, of whom i admire so very much. Brace yourself..... I am sending you a HUGE hug and kiss. Love, Holly
Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 8:19 AM CDT
Hi friend...Thinking of you ALOT this morning. I pray that today brings a new outlook for you. I love you my sweet friend. Praying always...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 7:48 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn,
You are on my mind so many times every day. I find myself coming to God in prayer for you and your family often throughout the days. I know He's listening to every petition, and that He loves and cares for you more than you know. I love the way He has gifted you with so many loving friends. My eyes fill up when I read the things people have posted...how big their hearts are. And your earthly Dad...what a loving and beautiful man he is! My prayer for you is that your thoughts are filled with how precious love is. I truly believe it is the most special gift we receive from God, as He revealed His deep love for us through His Son. So much truth in these words..."And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinth 13:13) I love you always...

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas USA - Saturday, July 8, 2006 7:30 AM CDT
As we walk our path of life,
we meet people every day.
Most are simply met by chance,
but some are sent our way.
These become the special friends
whose bond we can't explain-
the ones who understand us
and share our joys and pain.
Their love contains no boundaries,
so even when apart,
their presence still embraces us
with a warmth felt in the heart.
This love becomes a passageway
where even miles disappear.
And so these friends life sends our way
remain forever near.
-Lisa Pelzer Vetter

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, July 8, 2006 6:46 AM CDT
Hey Lynn,

We are out here! Near. Far. WE are all out hear praying for you! Supporting you! Missing you. Loving you! Hating this cancer for you! I hope that you never feel alone! We are here! We believe in you! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, July 8, 2006 6:29 AM CDT
Keep Looking RIGHT, Lynn! I continue to lift you in prayer to our Heavenly Father and request that He grant you complete healing, an end to the unspeakable pain, and peace of mind for you and all your family. May He also provide wisdom to your doctors and all those who care for you. Much love, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, July 8, 2006 2:21 AM CDT
Sending you all my dreams this evening before I sleep, may they become everything you wish for. You are so heavy on my heart and mind, I hope you can feel us surrounding you. Sleep peacefully friend, I'm wishing for you peace and comfort.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, July 8, 2006 1:21 AM CDT
connie <bberg56@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 8, 2006 0:52 AM CDT
Lynn - I am praying for relief, encouragement and healing for you. May God surround you and your precious family with His miraculous healing. Rest in His care and stay strong!
Lynne <L.Beard@sbcglobal.net>
Dallas, TX - Friday, July 7, 2006 11:48 PM CDT
L ~ I LOVE YOU SO BIG! For all the ways you make me laugh, set me straight (hey, not many have the ability to do that without drawing out my nails! ha That alone makes you pretty darn special!!) For your sassiness, sweet heart, tender friendship, for our mutual LOVE of sweet potaotes & raspberries, for knowing which is "our best side", and I love you for our past, our present & our future. We have way too many stories still to be told to let this cancer get in the way and I know how you love one of my good stories!! (And let me tell you, after my week in D.C., I have MANY to be told! HA HA). This cancer can only take a piece of you sweet friend, NOT the best of you!! So put on your running shoes & were going to run these tough miles side-by-side........step-by-step TOGETHER!! Yesterday is already the past...........ONLY look ahead, only LOOK RIGHT TO GOD!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 11:40 PM CDT
Friend! You are on my mind constantly...I must hit refresh on your site dozens of time each day hoping to "hear" from you. My heart just breaks knowing that you are in pain and growing weary. I pray your pain will be removed and the drugs will have their intended effect...and SOON! Please keep looking RIGHT and know that you are loved so much by so many! Love, Jean
Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 11:12 PM CDT
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Berg and Mr. and Mrs. Newman....I just felt like telling all of you how much I admire the way you take such good care of our sweet Lynn. All of you have been there for Lynn and her family every time she needs you the most. That is what family is all about...being there for each other no matter the circumstance and loving each other through good and bad times. I am so thankful that Lynn can lean on all of you and know that those sweet grandkids of yours are being well loved and cared for while she fights to get well. Whether you are taking the kids to swim practice or picking them up from a class or a friend's house..you do it because of your love for your wonderful daughter. Thank you for your wonderful example of love...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 10:21 PM CDT
Hello, sweet friend. Lately I have begun and ended each day with thoughts and prayers for you and your healing - from cancer and from pain...so you can be the wife, mother, daughter, friend, neighbor you so desire to be...I read the entries of those who "know" you (personally or through your beautiful journaling) and love you...so many prayer warriors "storming heaven's throne room" for you...I am reminded of the time Christ healed the paralytic man who was lowered through the roof of the crowded house by his four friends....lowered to the feet of Jesus. In the three gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke) I see the words, "When Jesus saw their faith..." - He healed the man...and all marveled. The power of friends praying...the faithful turning to the only one who they know has the power of the universe in His hands. He holds your tears in His hands...one day He will wipe every tear from our eyes (Rev. 21:3-4) And take away all the pain we have suffered on this earth (Rev. 21:3-4). I pray you are blessed beyond explaination and measure this week....somehow, someway....it is NOT BEYOND HIM. Nothing is beyond Him.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, - Friday, July 7, 2006 10:09 PM CDT
I am on my knees praying for you tonight and every night, Lynn. I am so sorry you have to endure this. Hang in there....there is a light at the end of this tunnel, sweet friend.
Much love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcst.net>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 10:08 PM CDT
Hi Lynn, I've never signed your guestbook before today but wanted to let you know that I pray for you. Praying for your pain to lessen and for the Dr's to find the right balance of meds to give you comfort during this difficult time. Please know that there are many many people praying for you even if we don't sign your book often! Susan
- Friday, July 7, 2006 9:46 PM CDT
You are on my mind tonight dear cyber friend. Lifting you up with my prayers!!!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
Lynn...Just wanted you to know that I have had your sweet face in my mind all day today. I know that you have had enough...Lynn...please do not give up! You have the most powerful weapon to beat this cancer...our Lord and savior! So, I pray that you will continue this fight fully dressed in your armor...He will not forsake you! I am on my knees for you my sweet friend...always....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 9:06 PM CDT
I am so sorry to hear that your pain is so intense. I feel hopeful that the pain is a direct result of the chemo knocking out that cancer! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily...without fail!! Thanks for being an amazing inspiration to me and to so many others!

Nikki Pettis <nikki.pettis@ucb-group.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 8:50 PM CDT
Lynn, you dear sweet Father in Love is amazing to say the least. God has surrounded you with the most loving people here on earth. I am amazed!!! We pray that God will continue to embrace you and we ask that he help ease the pain and heal your body. May he lift your spirit and help you feel the love not the pain. We pray for you and your wonderful family.
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Friday, July 7, 2006 8:27 PM CDT
Praying for relief from the pain you are enduring, and for complete recovery. I think of you often, and check on you daily, Hoping for positive results on your PET.
Shelly Joseph <shellyjoseph@charter.net>
Rochester, MN - Friday, July 7, 2006 8:16 PM CDT
Dear Father,

Yes, it's me AGAIN............please hold our precious Lynn oh so tight, surround her with your love, comfort & sweet spirit. Do not let "the darkness" creep in and take over - help her to push it away FOREVER. She SOOOOO needs you right now, we all do. I pray you will heal her body as well as her spirit. Your will is a mystery to us this we know so please help our hearts to find peace if not understanding in her journey. I pray you will also strengthen those closest to her. I pray this on bended knee to you through your son Jesus.


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 6:39 PM CDT
Lynn- Praying for you today that you will find some relief from this pain. I'm so sorry you have to endure this. I think of you so often.

Love- Stephanie

Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, - Friday, July 7, 2006 6:34 PM CDT
Lynn, I'm hoping the news from the PET scan was positive& that relief from your pain can be accomplished. Its ok to feel worn out and unable to move forward.....your prayer warriors will carry you in pray& beseech the Lord to heal you on earth&make this journey to that end one more comfortable
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 5:17 PM CDT
With my warmest wishes, I sent an email to your email address in hopes you would be able to see this very powerful message sent to me by a friend. It is so moving and instantly reminded me of you and your struggles. I know you are not feeling well and are probably not up to it, but when you have the strength please take a look and realize how very important and special you are to everyone around you. I'm sending all my strenghth and wishes to you and your family. Be strong, you are so dearly loved by everyone around you.

I'm so sorry for all your suffering, you are close to my heart and in my thoughts.

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Fr, TX - Friday, July 7, 2006 4:19 PM CDT
Lynn, Mother, Wife, Daughter, Friend, Cousin, Niece, Aunt, Neighbor, child of God, etc. You are so many terrific things to so many of us.... Know that I am thinking and praying for you..... Big HUGS from me. Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Friday, July 7, 2006 2:49 PM CDT
Lynn, I just pray for a brighter day for you. I honestly cannot even fathom the pain that you are going through. I pray that you will rest in the arms of Jesus and that he will miraclously take ALL of the pain away. Just give it all to him, Lynn. This evil cancer has proved to be bigger than we are but God can conquer it and I fully believe he will. I just pray for strength for you. Strength for you to continue to fight. I know somewhere you still have it in you and I just pray that God quickly gives it back to you. Don't give up Lynn. We can't understand the pain you're in but we know we love you, admire you and that we all want to see you be victorious in this battle! Hang tough sweet Lynn. Love, Pattie
- Friday, July 7, 2006 1:28 PM CDT
God our sweet friend needs your hand on her. Heal her. take away her pain. let her feel your presence in a way she has never felt it before.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 1:17 PM CDT

Hi Lynn,

I am thinking about you lots today and hoping you are getting some relief from all of this pain. It just breaks my heart to see you going through all of this stuff. I am praying hard today that you and the family receive some good news as it relates to the pet scan. I think I just missed talking to you this morning. Your Dad said you were in the shower. I understand if you don't call back with all that's going on. Love you Lynn! Jules

Lonetree, Co USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 1:13 PM CDT
Now we know why he's the "Father in Love" instead of the Father in Law...what amazing words. Lynn-I've checked your site a dozen times today...hoping for positive words from the PET. Maybe no news from you today is good news? That is our hope...Praying with out ceasing, for you Lynn, and your precious family.


Melissa Brock <melissa.brock@blockbuster.com>
TX - Friday, July 7, 2006 12:35 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn, I am writing this appeal to all your dear friends and prayer warriors... Lynn's pain is back again and is unrelenting. The chemo impact on Lynn is horrible due to this pain. It is absolutely wearing Lynn out. Please pray for strength for Lynn; relief from the pain;wisdom for her doctors, and a huge blessing from our Lord to encourage her. I urge you to storm this site with prayers and words of encouragement for Lynn. If you have never written,now is the time,, and for all who have, please bless her again with your loving words...Lynn we love you and are trusting in our awesome God....Lynn, keep fighting for yourself,David,Taylor,Jacob and all of us who love you."Turn your eyes upon Jesus,look full in his wonderful face,and the things of the earth will grow stangely dim in the light of his glory and grace." Much love, Dad Newman
Dean Newman <newmanj36@netscape.net>
Frisco, - Friday, July 7, 2006 12:27 AM CDT
Many prayers and good wishes for today...Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, July 7, 2006 12:09 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying that all goes perfectly today!
Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Friday, July 7, 2006 11:12 AM CDT
Praying that today is a wonderful day full of good news!!!

God bless you and keep you in His loving hands.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, July 7, 2006 10:32 AM CDT

Thinking of you & keeping you in my prayers...



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Friday, July 7, 2006 10:10 AM CDT
praying for a blessed day today for you and your family.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Friday, July 7, 2006 9:32 AM CDT
Praying for you Lynn. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, July 7, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
Praying that things go smoothly for you today and that the pain can be managed easily and successfully. Love you.

Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Friday, July 7, 2006 8:54 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn...Thank you so much for letting us have your sweet kiddoes for the day. Camden and Grant were so thrilled to get to hang out with Jacob and of course Madeline and Taylor got their fill of "American Girl" time! Tell Jacob that the next time he comes over, he will need to win a teddy bear for me! I was so glad that I got to lock eyes on you this afternoon. It felt so good to be able to help you out with the kids today Lynn. They are both so well behaved and are such a joy to be around. I forgot to tell you that when we were eating lunch at the grill today, Jacob informed me that he wasn't allowed to have coke when the waitress came to take his order. When the boys asked him if the reason he couldn't have it was because it was bad for you, he said, "No, it's because my dad works for PEPSI!"So, Dave need not worry about where his son's allegiance lies! We will be praying that all goes well tomorrow and that this chemo is doing its job. "Do not lose the courage you had in the past, which has a great reward." Hebrews 10:35 Hugs to you my friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:05 PM CDT
I like how your friend Vicki talks. Next year at this time you and Dave and kiddos will be drinking wine (well, not the kiddos) and enjoying each other's company in Colorado. Thinking about you so much and sending many hugs and love your way. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:59 PM CDT
Hey friend - just sitting here in Coronado remembering all the fun we had last July with you and Dave and our GREAT talks. Hang in there Lynn, you have the faith needed to fall on your knees and give it all to Him. Praying for you to get some relief, both physiaclly and mentally. I fully believe that next year at this time, once again, we will sit with our glass of wine overlooking the ocean and toast to our friendship. Give our best to Dave and the kiddos. Love ya!

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:18 PM CDT
Lynn, we are praying extra hard for you.....
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:38 PM CDT
sending another big hug...
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, TX - Thursday, July 6, 2006 3:08 PM CDT
I am praying for you. God bless you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, July 6, 2006 2:05 PM CDT
Praying for a miracle. Praying every minute I can. We are all stormin' heaven for you. God is listening. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:08 PM CDT
Praying with so many for your miracle. Praying for your sweet children and husband as well. I pray that you can physically feel God's hands on you holding you and giving you strength.
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:21 AM CDT
Praying for you and thinking of you always.... Dahl
Dahl Herrel <dahlface@sbcglobal.net>
- Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:43 AM CDT
to borrow a phrase from our sweet friend....i am "storming heaven's throne room for you"...please heal her, Lord, beautifully and miraculously...like the lame man at the gates called "Beautiful"- we pray we can see her jump & dance for joy in praise for this gift that can only be from You.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
plano, tx - Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:34 AM CDT
sending much love and prayers from NYC!!
gloria miller <gloria.miller@turner.com>
new york city, ny - Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:32 AM CDT
Lynn. sending a big hug....Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, TX - Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:42 AM CDT
Many prayers from New Hope, MN my sweet friend Lynn. Thinking of you all the time and praying for you every chance I get. I hope you are feeling better. Whatever results the PET scan show, we are in this together. In hopes to make you smile I will tell a quick story. I was at the hair salon yesterday. I asked my stylist to color my hair a little lighter than my roots. Well, I left with a thick head of BLACK hair. I kept asking her, "Isn't it really dark?" She said it was good. Well, Armond saw me first and nearly fainted. People double take me now. It's funny to get expressions from those who know me. Some are polite (like last night at t-ball) and some are cracking jokes. Any ways, I have washed my hair at least four times since yesterday afternoon in hopes it will get lighter. Mary says it's "Light black now mom" but Emma claims "Your hair is so black it looks purple." Hope my hair delimma made you smile.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:23 AM CDT
Praying, praying, and praying some more. Blessings to you today, may you feel joy in your heart and NO pain in your body.
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:06 AM CDT
Sending big hugs & prayers from Georgia.
Noel Pearce <pearcend@bellsouth.net>
Kennesaw, GA USA - Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:41 AM CDT
anxiously awaiting PET scan results....prayers being said
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, July 6, 2006 0:10 AM CDT
I hope you are having a better day. I'm sorry your pain in so hard to manage. We are praying for your comfort and a good PET report. I saw a rainbow this afternoon and I thought of you.

Prayers and Blessings,

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 11:18 PM CDT
Dear Lynn, you are so awesome. Even during these times of pain -- your strength still shines through. Keep the faith, my friend, as you are such an inspiration through your perseverance and your patience. I have been praying for you, David, the kids, and your parents. A friend of mine who survived breast cancer used to say during the hard times, "This too, shall pass." I pray that this pain will pass soon and you will have the clear direction you need for the next step. You can do this Lynn... God has already equipped you with what you need. One day at a time. I am praying for your total healing and relief of pain. May you feel God's love and comfort during these next few days as we all keep praying for you. Love you, Paige.
Paige Riccio <paigericcio@comcast.net>
Granby, CO USA - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 10:37 PM CDT
Hello, Lynn
We are all praying for you to be spared more pain and to have your body return to its normal state....That is being healthy and cancer free.... This is something new I read on the Chilel book that says not to fight cancer as it will be stronger if threatened so now we will put your body in charge to become your normal, healthy self once again. I figure it is worth a try....Diana

Diana Tompkins <dckt0446@aol.com>
Gilbert, Az. USA - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 10:35 PM CDT
Dittos from what your MN relatives just wrote. Thinking about you so much and keeping the faith from New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:50 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn,Know that we are praying for you.Feel our love and comforting hugs come through this network and hold you and encourage you. We send you our strength and hope to help you endure this pain you have and bring you into another phase of your/our fight against this cancer. We wait to hear your results of your petscan and while we wait we pray for positive thoughts for you and for a release from this awful pain you are having.
Father God, Please wrap your loving arms around Lynn and take away her pain, and give her renewed strength and confidence in herself to fight this disease. In Jesus' name we pray.AMEN

We love you and continue to pray for you and your family.
God's Peace
Jim and LaJean and all your MN aunts & uncles & cousins& GR&GR Berg

LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:48 PM CDT
Praying for peace and comfort and days filled without pain...and complete healing on earth. Praying for God's blinders on your beautiful children.
flanders , nj - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:44 PM CDT
Hey there friend! I hope that the day impoved as it went on. Praying, Praying, Praying...for all things good! hang in there! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail,,,looking RIGHT <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:38 PM CDT
Lynn, we are praying for good results from your PET Scan...we hope that you feel the love that everyone is feeling for you...
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:32 PM CDT
Just checking in to say hello and let you know I've been thinking about you all day long. I hope you are now resting after the PET scan and that you are feeling better. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:06 PM CDT

You are in my thoughts and prayers, today and everyday.
I am praying for a good report today.

Hugs and Hope,

Shreveport, La

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, La - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 3:35 PM CDT
thoughts and prayers with you today for your pet scan, and for no more pain. stay strong -
az - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 1:17 PM CDT
We love you, Lynn.

Todd, Sara, Grace & Ryan Britton

Sara <BrittonClan@hotmail.com>
Janesville, MN USA - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 11:20 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
It is tough to hear about your intense pain. Speaking for most or all of us, we wish we could do something for you to help ease the pain. Lots of prayers for todays PET scan. I will pray for clarity in your results and for decreased pain. Thinking of you always, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 11:18 AM CDT
Lynn-I read the lyrics to this song on another site this morning and thought that you needed to hear them...I instantly thought of you. Prayers for CLEAR direction from your PET today.

Hold Fast ~ by Mercy Me

To everyone who’s hurting
To those who’ve had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He’s come to save the day
What I’ve learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast

Will this season ever end
Can we stop this ride
Will we see the sun at last
Or could this be our lot in life
Please do not let go
I promise you there’s hope

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He’s come to save the day
What I’ve learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

You may think you’re all alone
And there’s no way that anyone could know
What you’re going through
But if you only hear one thing
Just understand that we are all the same
Searching for the truth
The truth of what we’re soon to face
Unless someone comes to take our place
Is there anyone
All we want is to be free
Free from our captivity Lord
Here He comes

Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
He’s come to save the day
What I’ve learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is Your grasp
So hold fast

Melissa Brock www.caringbridge.org/tx/katsierane <melissa.brock@blockbuster.com>
TX - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 10:12 AM CDT
Praying your PET scan this morning will show clear results. Hoping you had a better day yesterday too. You can do this Lynn. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:36 AM CDT
I am praying huge prayers for you today. I'm so sorry about the pain, and I pray that they can get it under control for you. I think about you so very often.
Much love...

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:33 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. We love you. Larry and Mary and families
Mary <mberg@smig.net>
New Richland, MN USA - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:55 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I awake every morning to go immediately to this site to see if you post. How frustrating it must have been for you after all of the pain you went through over the last few days and then trying to post for all of us out here, to then lose it!! I know that it is difficult for you to even post at all, so I am so very sorry that you had to deal with computer frustrations on top of everything else. I imagine that you do feel like you can't take it anymore, but I know that you can, you are a fighter and you will win. I have continued to pray for you and your loved ones as well as all of your supporters. I hope that your pain lessens, that your PET scan gives you some clarity and allows you to make the decision without hesitation or worry. I am so sorry that you hurt so bad. I, as I am sure many others do, would love to take your pain so you could enjoy a day with your kids and husband w/out the pain and the ugliness of this disease hanging over you. You will soon have relief and one day soon, this will be a distant memory. Keep fighting, stay strong in your own mind and remember everyone out here who cares for you, prays for you and has hope for your healing. Keep your chin up Lynn, you have done so much and brought so much courage and wisdom to so many of us out here. I hope that brings you some comfort knowing that you are so loved and so many of us are willing you to a better state physically and mentally. Our prayers are powerful and in His time, you WILL get better. Thinking of you and praying for you EVERYDAY.......

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:00 AM CDT
Praying for your strength, healing, and knowledge that the chemo is indeed working for you. Many encouraging prayers.
Kristin (Friend of Allie) <mandtjsmom@yahoo.com>
Seattle, WA - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:23 PM CDT
After reading your July 4th posting, I was compelled to write. Like others, I can't understand the pain you are feeling but also, like everyone else, you are in my prayers for immediate release from pain. Also, prayers go with you for your scan tomorrow, envisioning continued shrinking of your cancerous tumors! May you have a peaceful night! Much love and blessings to you, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:22 PM CDT
Sending prayers to the Lord from California. May the pain cease and the cancer cells disappear for dear sweet Lynn.
Shannon D
Bakersfield, Ca 93313 - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 6:12 PM CDT
I WANT you to be better!! So much. My first reaction when reading this was, Oh God NO!
You are beautiful, loved by so many and deserve a quality of life. Don't wait so long to call your doctor, we all do not want you to suffer. You are so loved by so many and that is so much more than most.
God Bless you Lynn. I wish thoughts could cure, because you would be cured.

Jennifer Havens Heston <jhavens-heston@sbcglobal.net>
Grapevine, TX - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 3:59 PM CDT
Praying that your pain goes away completely and that the doctors will be able to clearly discern if your cancer is shrinking and get you on the right path to a complete cure.

God bless you and angels help you get through this terrible time.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 3:15 PM CDT
When you are at the end of your rope.....God is there to catch you. Here's to better days!
Jill Smail <jill.smail@Novartis.com>
englewood, - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 3:06 PM CDT
Dear Lynn~
You may remember me, I wrote to you this time last year asking about your sister's famous popcorn and Skittles combo to fight a pregancy craving...I check on you and others daily as part of a rountine of mine. I hate to hear that your pain continues and that you are discouraged. I'll be praying for improved results of this nasty cancer. Freedom for you Lynn!!

Tracy Glover <greggandtracy@hotmail.com>
Temple, TX USA - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 2:38 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn...It saddens me to know that this chemo has brought you pain and tears. I cannot even begin to know all of the emotions you must deal with day after day. I do know however that you are a FIGHTER with an incredible amount of faith and trust in our savior. You have so many people that want to fight this battle with you my sweet friend...that is clearly evident in watching the video clip. As Greg went through his cancer last summer, there were days that he got depressed and felt as if he could not fight. But then, God would put someone or something in his path to pick him back up and give him the strength to fight. I know in my heart that there have been many people that God has placed in your path just at the right moment to pick you up and lift your spirits. When we fall, He is there to pick us up and carry us through the difficult times. I know that God will do just that for you. I am praying for God to give my sweet friend Lynn a burst of energy today and that those sweet kids of yours will bring lots of smiles your way today. I love you my friend......Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 4, 2006 1:06 PM CDT
I'm so sorry to hear that the pain got so bad for you Lynn. I hope today is better. I will pray that the PET scan will clearly show what is happening so you know how to proceed. I will also pray that the pain lessons and that you can do chemo Friday to continue to kill those darn cancer cells. You are in my thoughts so often. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 12:33 AM CDT
I can't imagine how you're feeling and I can only hope and pray that you will find the strength within to continue this fight. It's natural to feel like you just can't do it any more, but you will find that inner strength to do it. You are one of the most amazing people I know and you have come so far with this battle. I just know that there is greater hope for you just around the corner and it will come. Hang in there and embrace the people that surround you to and pull the energy from them. You have so many people to help and comfort you, I wish I could be there to give some of that to you as well. Please know that I'm sending my strength and prayers your way. Whatever you do don't beat yourself up for having bad days, for those in the end will only make you stronger.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 12:32 AM CDT
Lynn, it saddens me to know that you are still in so much pain. I will pray for the ease of pain, clear PET scan, and the renewed spirit to FIGHT. Much love to you. Pattie
- Tuesday, July 4, 2006 11:11 AM CDT
Hoping and praying for you.
Love, Erin

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:44 AM CDT
Your in my thoughts always. I will be praying for you!
Holly <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:34 AM CDT
Be strong sweet friend! I cannot imagine the weight that you must feel on your heart and shoulders as you go through this. Remember that God's strength will lift this burden from you.

I am praying for positive results from your PET scan and that God will encourage you to take up the fight with a refreshed spirit. Please let me know if you need me to watch the kids or if I can bring a meal over. The kids would love to see Taylor and Jacob.

Love to you on the 4th! I hope you have a special holiday with your family.

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:28 AM CDT
My heart is heavy for you friend. I'm so sorry you are feeling so low. I will keep you close to my heart in hope you get the tremendous news and results you so deserve. My husband has a set greeting to all of his outgoing mesages "Make a difference" you have made a difference in my life. I'm sending you all the hope in my dreams and all the love in my heart.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:22 AM CDT
Lynn- Thinking of you and praying for strength to get through all of this. Hope you can have some relief from the pain today and enjoy the 4th.
Love- Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:05 AM CDT

I check on you everyday... You are part of my morning ritual... May your pain subside, and may you receive the answers you so deserve on Wednesday... You will be in my prayers!!! Happy 4th of July to you and your family...

God Bless You!!


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 9:49 AM CDT
praying for your strength and that indeed the chemo is working.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, July 4, 2006 9:11 AM CDT
We are thinking and praying for you every day! May you get some relief and some answers that might show you a light at the end of this tunnel! Pain can be the most exhausting and defeating thing to endure,I pray you are given the strength and peace, to continue looking right. I wish I had the words to make you feel better, but I don't. I will continue praying more each day. Please know we are here and we love you!

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
Ramsey, MN - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:12 AM CDT
No words of wisdom, but know that I will petition the Lord on your behalf.

J. Ferguson
Birmingham, Al - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 7:49 AM CDT
Lynn I am honored to pray for you and will take your requests to the Lord. I'm so very sorry that the chemo is causing so much pain, I wish so much that there was something I could do to help. Please rest in the knowledge that so many are praying for your pain and for your body to be completely healed. I pray you feel His comforting presence with you in a special way today.
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 6:44 AM CDT
Sweet Sweet Lynn,
I am sorry for your weariness. Thank you for casting it out to those of us who love you.

Our precious Lord and Savior, grab that weariness and pain from our sweet Lynn and cast it out to us, her army. We will gratefully carry it for her as you bring her a peaceful painfree sleep. We seek your strength and healing for her and ask that many blessings be bestowed upon her and her family. Lord, wake her in the morning to a glorious pain free Texas holiday filled with fun, friends, family and your gracious love. Lord we are so thankful for her and her ministry to all of us, she brings us closer to you as we seek to LOOK RIGHT. We ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

Tracy Walukas <twalukas@aol.com>
Canton, TX - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 1:37 AM CDT
Lynn, praying for you to have the answers you are longing for...may you find the relief that you deserve. I also will pray that God will give you the strength that you need. Keep LOOKING RIGHT...
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, July 4, 2006 1:28 AM CDT
Lynn, we are continuing to pray for you. We love and miss you! Sending BIG hugs your way. All our love, Yvette and Andrew
Yvette McMullen <yvettem259@aol.com>
Naples, FL - Monday, July 3, 2006 4:50 PM CDT
As I was flipping through my little inspiration daily calendar this morning, today's entry made me think of you.

"Hope does not not necessarily take the form of excessive confidence; rather, it involves the simple willingness to take the next step." ~Stanley Hauerwas

You're in my prayers, Lynn!

Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Monday, July 3, 2006 3:25 PM CDT
Lynne- Over and over again, the messages spoken at church yesterday were all about you..... The gospel lesson told of the woman who had been sick for so many years and when she was able to touch the hem of Christ's clothing she was healed. He reminded her that, in essence, it was her faith in God that had healed her, not that she touched his clothing. And in his message Pastor Lynn reminded everyone that we may not always get the answers we want to every request that we ask of God, but maybe that is because He is waiting to provide the answer to a bigger question. His point was that maybe we have to go through the trials we are facing right now because there is something greater in store for us. I have the faith that for you that means this chemo is just a trial to endure because the vaccine is coming and is the bigger answer you will be blessed with....that is the faith I will keep for you.........Give my love to David and hugs to the kids. I hope you are able to enjoy a pain free 4th of July with the family. Faith and Love Always, Kerry
Kerry Richards <kmh14@psu.edu>
- Monday, July 3, 2006 12:25 AM CDT
I'm not sure if Taylor is a fan of the American Girl collection but if so, I would HIGHLY recommend renting the "Felicity" movie and watching it together for a couple of reasons. One, great girl bonding movie (and Jacob might even like it too). Two, it takes place in 1775 right before our independence so the timing with the 4th of July is perfect. Armond, Mary, and I watched it twice the past couple of days. It is so good, so cute, and a easy history lesson for the kids. Armond now wants the Felicity doll too. :) Also, I received a call last night asking if Emma could talk to my friend's daugther as she has been having problems with mean little girl friends like Emma had had last year. I told her that I will need to get her a LOOKING RIGHT bracelet as that is what taught Emma how to handle rough times at school. I'll call you sometime this week if I can't find an extra one around the house. You just keep on touching people my sweet friend. I know the Lord has many more jobs for you and many more years for you to do them. Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, July 3, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
Hello Sweet Lynn,

Hope this 4th of July weekend is the start of your own Independence!

Independence from cancer and pain and worry!

Embrace that wonderful faith-filled belief that your vaccine will be ready soon and everything will turn around and head in the direction of a complete cure!

Let the fireworks we all watch tomorrow remind us of prayers and praise rising to God in your behalf.

God bless you.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Monday, July 3, 2006 8:14 AM CDT

I was so relieved to see your post--but hated to hear that you were in pain. We are fervently praying for your healing. May God lift you up and raise your spirits high.

You are SO loved by SO many!

In His Love,
Amy Jordan

Chris, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX USA - Monday, July 3, 2006 0:01 AM CDT
Good afternoon Lynn. It is hot here in Mpls and the only people in the city are us folks without cabins so here I type. :) Just wanted to say hello. Hoping that you are feeling okay today. Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN. Love, Heidi P.S. Keep LOOKING RIGHT!
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, July 2, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
Hello there-
We are sitting here at the cabin up in Hayward, Wisconsin loving that we are all together. This is the week that all of the Halverson girls and our families are together. We were checking in (wireless internet-amazing!) on you and wanted to send our love your way - thinking of you and your family always - Hope your parents are having a safe trip and can be by your side soon.
Love and prayers -
Denise, Deb and Missy

The Halverson crew
Hayward, WI - Sunday, July 2, 2006 1:33 PM CDT
I'm new to your site--
want you to know.. that we will be praying for you..

My now 7 yr was Dx;d with pre luekemia nd recieved a bonemarrow transplant... she will be 2 yr post op in NOV.
Our 3 yr old...has just been dx;d with the same illness and is waiting for a "MATCH"..
God does work in mysterious ways...... and I DO have faith that he will HEAL our baby girl as well...

here is a recent picture of our 3 youngest..( being silly!))
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

again... we will be praying for you too!oxoxoxoxo from your NEW caringbridge friends!


Maria <MamaRia@charter.net>
tn - Sunday, July 2, 2006 10:08 AM CDT
wondering how chemo went. i hope you are able to enjoy the holiday weekend
tricia <triciabxny@yuahoo.com>
- Sunday, July 2, 2006 9:52 AM CDT
Hi Lynn, It was so nice to log in to your home page and scroll down to see your recent entry. Hated to learn of your terrible week(s). But so glad to hear of your "ladies lunch".
Close friends are amazing, they can save us from ourselves sometimes. That is our responsibility to each other.
Like so many others, you are on my mind all the time.
Sending you much love and laughter. Hang in there.
oxoxoxo, Holly

Holly Brousseau <hollybrousseau@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx USA - Saturday, July 1, 2006 11:03 PM CDT
Thinking a lot about you today...I hope that you are getting some rest, receiving lots of love, and filling your mind with warm thoughts. You are awesome, so very strong and courageous, my dear friend. Your strength never ceases to amaze me. I am so proud of the beautiful jewel that our sweet heavenly Father has crafted in you. What a radiantly shining princess you are in His eyes...and a radiant shining beacon of light for those of us on earth looking for His glory. I see an abundance of HIM in YOU!!!! Loving you from Plano.

Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Saturday, July 1, 2006 4:34 PM CDT
I purposely logged on to read your entry again as I so needed to hear your words and message. You are my hero. Thank you for giving yourself to us as so many of us are learning from you and realizing what life is really about Lynn. We are all running alongside of you and obviously God knows when and how to lift you up when you fall down or just keep the hugs coming when needed. Like Jill says FIGHT SISTER FIGHT. We are fighting with you, praying for you, keeping the faith, and just loving you from afar or right next door. I hope today you can feel well enough to enjoy some laughter with Dave, Taylor, Jacob, and any other loved one with you. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, July 1, 2006 11:12 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
You are so right about God being in control of every single detail. Today is so very special, as is every day. My prayer is that He will continue to comfort you with those truths, and that He continues to bring your good buddies around you every single time you are in need. Your journey is such a challenge, and yet, you, by your faith are strong and so grounded. I'm praying today for relief of your pain and for joy in every moment. I love you!

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Saturday, July 1, 2006 9:29 AM CDT
I konw it has been harf for you to post lately. I want you to know that we all love you when you are happy or sad. Feeling good or feeling bad. Crabby, mad.....whatever. We are here for you! You can just be yourself! You do not need to be perfect. Whatever you are it is OK and we support you and will love you thru the bad days. FIGHT SISTER FIGHT
jill Smail <jill.smail@Novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, June 30, 2006 10:57 PM CDT
Lynn - I was packing up for our trip this weekend to Colorado Springs and was stressing about everything I haven't done before we leave and getting snappy with the girls. You've been on my mind a lot lately and I thought I would check your website to see how you were doing as I was checking the weather on-line. Your most recent posting really helped me put things in perspective on not sweating the small stuff and really enjoying everyday we have to the fullest. Your message really touched me and your words gave me a quick reality check to slow down and enjoy the simple things that we are blessed with everyday. Please know you are loved by so many friends and we are always keeping you in our thoughts & prayers. I was so happy to hear our dear Jenny was able to bring that spark back into you. Through your fight with the cancer, you have given to us so much more than you realize. I wish I could take your pain away. Stay strong my friend and keep your hope alive. You have inspired your friends in such a powerful way with your will to fight and keep the faith alive.

Minal Cordero <cordero.mm@pg.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Friday, June 30, 2006 10:42 PM CDT
Hi Lynn, Your faith will truly get you through all your pain and suffering. I will surely pray for you and your family. I just found out that my younger sister, Florence has Merkal Carsonoma (sp?) and she is very nervous not knowing what's going to happen to her at this point. A few words from you would really help her understand what she will be going through. Thank you and May God grant you healing. Sincerely, Frances
Frances G. Aguilar <francesmg@surewest.net>
Roseville, Ca USA - Friday, June 30, 2006 9:36 PM CDT

Hope you are doing ok today... I am thinking about you.... I was in NY this last week and thought of you often... this was my breaking free trip... I feel so strong and revitalized-- seeing Madonna at Madison Sq Gardens--- a bonus... but when I was there and was feeling this way...I thought about you... and soon.... you will have this feeling... just hold on... keep faith... God has good things in store for you....Love Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, TX - Friday, June 30, 2006 3:51 PM CDT
L ~ Your are soooooo right about God taking care of the details...........He managed our schedules just perfectly yet again yesterday so Holly & I could steal some time with you. THANK YOU GOD!!! It always does our hearts good to have quality face-to-face time w/ you!!

Continue to BE STRONG as you ride out "the waves. Call me when the Milk Duds are running low! HA!!

Love you so much ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, June 30, 2006 11:30 AM CDT
Lots of hugs from New Hope, MN. "One Day at a time" my friend. Hoping today is a good one for you and your loved ones in Texas. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, June 30, 2006 9:41 AM CDT
Praying that you will have a peaceful weekend and that are experiencing minimal side effects of this week's chemo treatment. Praise God for good friends and family who love you so much! I pray that you will continue to let them pamper you and carry you on this difficult journey, Lynn. They will be blessed for it as much as you will be. Always remember, God never intended us to carry our burdens alone. So glad you have such an awesome support system! And I saw from your guestbook entries that your folks will be there soon ... there's just nothing like a mama and daddy's love when we're down! I will be praying for their safe travels and praising God that they will soon be by your side. God bless your entire family!
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Friday, June 30, 2006 9:39 AM CDT
Big hugs and prayers to you this morning.
Love, Pattie

- Friday, June 30, 2006 9:20 AM CDT
Good Morning Girlie!!

You are on my mind this early morning! I am hoping the chemo didn't take a hit on you last night and that you are managing it all. Remember Friday is here but Sunday is coming! I know you will feel better soon.

What fun our impromptu party was yesterday! YOU ARE AMAZING. And..have you seen the entries lately friend? You are so loved!!!

I'll look forward to speaking to you in a bit. Sending you some huge sized cyper hugs!!! (((((())))))

Love you SO big friend,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Friday, June 30, 2006 4:33 AM CDT
Hey, there's our girl!!!!!We were worried about you. I can only imagine how you feel,but know that we are always interested/anxious to hear from you good and bad. There is always an upside and a downside and we want to be there for both. Thank you dear friends for knowing her so well and stepping up and taking hold. You are such a "godsend" for all of us who want to be there and can't be. Lynn know that we love you and pray for you always!
God's Peace,
Lajean and all your Mn aunts,uncles,cousins and GR&GR Berg

LaJean <lwesteng-0@hotmail.com>
- Friday, June 30, 2006 0:03 AM CDT
Sorry to hear you've had a few tough weeks; I pray your chemo brought minimal pain yesterday. Thank you for sharing your feelings- its ok to feel the way you do. Our loving God & your wonderful support system will pull you though the tough times. I know your wonderful smile will be back soon!
Holly <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx - Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:50 PM CDT
Hello my friend. Just checking in to say hello and let you know that we are noticing even more Red Cardinals lately. Mary and I were walking last night and she said something like, "Wow, those red ones must like us because they are following me Mom." :) Hope you are having a great day! Love, Heidi Keep LOOKING RIGHT
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:21 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

We never met formally. I used to work with Dave at Pepsico, but am now retired. I just wanted to let you know that even people you do not know are thinking of you, praying for you. Give my best wishes to Dave. I miss working with him....

GERRY USREY <G.Usrey@comcast.net>
COLLEYVILLE, TX US - Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:43 PM CDT
I have continued to pray for you, your loved ones daily. I look for your posts everyday, it was refreshing to hear from you. I am so sorry for your struggles. You are human, and it is only natural to feel down. You simply amaze me that you don't feel that way more often. I hope your treatment went well, your pain is minimal and your spririts are flying!!! Thank you for your words, your wisdom and your COURAGE. So many of us draw off of your courage. I will take your advice and try very hard to not worry b/c God is there always, taking care of the details. Well wishes to many more happy, love filled days for you and your family.

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX United States - Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:53 PM CDT
Hi Lynn- Will be praying for you today that the chemo side effects stay at minimum. I'm sorry to hear that you've had a few tough weeks. It's wonderful that you have such a great group to help you through!!
Love-Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisoc, TX - Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:19 AM CDT
I've been checking for an update after chemo....pray all is well.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:09 AM CDT
Have been praying a ton for you. Good to read a fresh post from you. It hurts my heart to know that you are in so much pain...I will be praying that meds do the job to help. Praising the Lord for His constant, sweet provision for you. He loves you in such an amazing way through your precious friends!!! I love ya!!!
Melanie Florsheim <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:56 AM CDT
Thank you Jenny. Thank you Holly. Thank you Linda. Thank you for taking care of Lynn! I know so many of us wish we were close enough to do just what you did. Thank you for doing it! You are the best! Lynn you are wonderful and so are your friends! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
jill Smail <jill.smail@Novartis.com>
englewood, cO - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:45 PM CDT
Praying BIG for you tonight sweet friend.......praying the chemo kills all those yucky remaining cancer cells, praying for you to remain strong tonight & the coming days. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Looking forward to hugging your neck oh so soon! Lots of love ~ Jenny

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:32 PM CDT
Praying BIG for you tonight sweet friend.......praying the chemo kills all those yucky remaining cancer cells, praying for you to remain strong tonight & the coming days. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Looking forward to hugging your neck oh so soon! Lots of love ~ Jenny

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:32 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I'm sorry to hear that you've had a tough few weeks. I hope your chemo goes better today.Thank you for being open and honest about how you are truly feeling. When I'm on my long training walks I walk extra miles for you. I wish I could carry some of your burdens.....what an honor it would be. You are an amazing lady!

Prayers and Blessings,

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:15 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn...I am so sorry that you have had such yuck days. Thank you for posting. You are such a trooper to post even when you just aren't feeling up to it. I so enjoyed getting to hang out with Jacob, Camden, Grant, Jack Jay and Lili last week at Fine Arts Camp. They all made my job so easy. Jacob said lots of prayers for you as did many of the other kids. Those sweet little words that came out of their mouths were so touching for me to hear. I am sure that God was smiling down on those little guys. We continue our prayers for you my sweet friend. I pray you are having sweet dreams and that you get your spunk back really soon! Hugs to you....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:03 PM CDT
Lynn,I hope your chemo went OK today. May God's healing be upon you. It is OK to be depressed. You've got good friends and God to lean on.
We are cheering you on!

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:54 PM CDT
Lynn. My heart really aches for you. I think of you so often and am praying for you and your family.
Missy Crump
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
So nice to hear from you! We were getting worried! You are so blessed to have friends who "know" what to do!! Keep kickin that satan right out of your head. One day at a time, right? So glad you're looking right again!
Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
MN - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:10 PM CDT
Hi My Sweet Lynn

I just finished speaking with you and you sounded so very tired. I hope you can get a good rest before David and the kids get home. This morning Dad and I got up early and I started doing the wash.. tomarrow we will pack the car and early Friday we will be back on the road heading to Texas.
We should be at your home some time Sat. late after noon .
Take care of your self , I will be there soon watching over you. ( While you sleep, eat, or what ever, I'll be near .)
Love you lots.... Mom

Suzanne K. Berg <azberg@msn.com>
Mesa, AZ USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 3:53 PM CDT
Lynn, I am not sure that your realize the lessons that you teach each of us...each day...I have often said... that we really teach by what we do...not what we say. It is easy for all of us to say the right things...but, more difficult to do it ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing with us your struggles...it allows each of us to look at our lives and have the courage to be AUTHENTIC...thank you for all the gifts you give us by your example!!!! You amaze me!!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, T - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:30 PM CDT
So sorry to hear the past days have not been what you would like but so grateful you have dear friends nearby to help pull you out of your funk (a well-deserved funk mind you!). Thank you for posting and for your honesty. Thank you for reminding me to stop worrying about useless things, give my kids a big hug and tell them and my husband how much I love them. Praying that today goes as best it can for you and thanking God for all our blessings -- especially being able to call you my friend! Love ya :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:00 PM CDT
I'm sorry to hear of your struggles but feel so priveleged that you have the courage to be honest and open with everyone. Life Sucks sometimes and its OK to feel depressed for a moment, then as you know we need to remember to get back to the important stuff.....Life, and what we can do today to make it better for ourselves and our families. You are an amazing spirit in the lives of your friends and families, they appeared when you needed them most because they feel you and your pain. Its seams so simple to just send you my thoughts and wishes for better days, please know that if I can do anything to take even a little burden from you I would be honored. You are in my thoughts and in my heart. Peace with you and your treatment today.

Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 12:18 AM CDT
It's so good to hear from you, and to hear a great update.


Zhohn Dupont <z_dupont@hotmail.com>
Simmesport, LA USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
I've posted before, but you don't know me. I needed to read your words today. And I also needed to see Patty's "list of rules". Thank you for your inspiration. It's been almost 3 1/2 years since I was told I had leukemia. My hair has grown back, my life is back to normal with my kids and husband. You'd never know I had been sick, and yet there are some days I let the little things get me down. I forget how good I have it. Thank you for reminding me.

Melissa Jolly <mnmjolly04@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:43 AM CDT
What a beautiful post! Thanks fo reminding me that the little things truly don't matter in the grand scheme. We're praying for you and thinking of you,

Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:08 AM CDT
It is oh so good to read your words. I just wish I could give you the biggest hug right now. I (as everyone else) have been waiting patiently and anxiously for your post. Your post reminded me of this email that someone sent to me last week. It's long but worth the read. Praying that your treatment goes well today and that you will have only good days ahead. Much love, Pattie.

Ten Guidelines From God
> Effective immediately,
> please be aware that there are changes YOU need
> to make in YOUR life. These changes need to be
> completed in order that I may fulfill My promises
> to you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in
> this life. I apologize for any inconvenience,
> but after all that I am doing, this seems very
> little to ask of you. Please, follow
> these 10 guidelines:
> Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit
> and worry. Have you forgotten that I am here
> to take all your burdens and carry them for you?
> Or do you just enjoy fretting over every little
> thing that comes your way?
> Something needs done or taken care of. Put it
> on the list. No, not YOUR list. Put it on MY
> to-do-list. Let ME be the one to take care
> of the problem. I can't help you until you turn
> it over to Me. And although My to-do-list
> is long, I am after all... God. I can take care
> of anything you put into My hands. In fact,
> if the truth were ever really known, I take
> care of a lot of things for you that you never
> even realize.
> 3. TRUST ME:
> Once you've given your burdens to Me,
> quit trying to take them back. Trust in
> Me. Have the faith that I will take care of
> all your needs, your problems and your trials.
> Problems with the kids? Put them on My list.
> Problem with finances? Put it on My list.
> Problems with your emotional roller coaster?
>For My sake, put it on My list. I want to
> help you. All you have to do is ask.
> Don't wake up one morning and say,
> "Well, I'm feeling much stronger now, I think
> I can handle it from here." Why do you think
> you are feeling stronger now? It's simple.
> You gave Me your burdens and I'm taking
> care of them. I also renew your strength
> and cover you in my peace. Don't you
> know that if I give you these problems back,
> you will be right back where you started?
> Leave them with Me and forget about
> them. Just let Me do my job.
> 5. TALK TO ME:
> I want you to forget a lot of things.
> Forget what was making you crazy.
> Forget the worry and the fretting because
> you know I'm in control. But there's one
> thing I pray you never forget. Please, don't
> forget to talk to Me - OFTEN! I love YOU!
> I want to hear your voice. I want you to
> include Me in on the things going on in your life.
> I want to hear you talk about your friends
> and family. Prayer is simply you having
> a conversation with Me. I want to be your
> dearest friend.
> I see a lot of things from up here that you
> can't see from where you are. Have faith in
> Me that I know what I'm doing. Trust Me;
> you wouldn't want the view from My eyes.
> I will continue to care for you, watch over you,
> and meet your needs. You only have to trust Me.
> Although I have a much bigger task than you,
> it seems as if you have so much trouble just
> doing your simple part. How hard can trust be?
> 7. SHARE:
> You were taught to share when you were
> only two years old. When did you forget?
> That rule still applies. Share with those who are
> less fortunate than you. Share your joy with
> those who need encouragement. Share your
> laughter with those who haven't heard any in
> such a long time. Share your tears with those
> who have forgotten how to cry. Share your faith
> with those who have none.
> I managed to fix it so in just one lifetime
> you could have so many diverse experiences.
> You grow from a child to an adult, have children,
>change jobs many times, learn many trades,
> travel to so many places, meet thousands
> of people, and experience so much. How can
> you be so impatient then when it takes Me
> a little longer than you expect to handle
> something on My to-do-list? Trust in My
> timing, for My timing is perfect. Just
> because I created the entire universe in
> only six days, everyone thinks I should
> always rush, rush, rush.
> 9. BE KIND:
> Be kind to others, for I love them just
> as much as I love you. They may not dress
> like you, or talk like you, or live the same way
> you do, but I still love you all. Please try
> to get along, for My sake. I created each
> of you different in some way. It would be
> too boring if you were all identical.
> Please, know I love each of your differences.
> As much as I love you, how can you not
> love yourself? You were created by me for
> one reason only -- to be loved, and to love
> in return. I am a God of Love. Love Me.
> Love your neighbors. But also love yourself.
> It makes My heart ache when I see you
> so angry with yourself when things go
> wrong. You are very precious to me.
> Don't ever forget......
Let us all remember to fully rely on God!

- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:41 AM CDT
So good to hear from you! I am sorry that last week was so rough. If your kids ever need a "change of scenery," they are more than welcome to come over here. Gunnar and Jacob could do the boy thing and Taylor and Murphy could do the girly stuff. They can swim and play all day. I will call you after the fourth and see if that works.
Good luck today.
Much love,

Erin Carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:23 AM CDT
Dear Lynn...
I always love reading your words much like many of your close friends who write on your website. I think of the song..."Lean on Me"...I know you are a strong person who likes to "do things for yourself" but just remember God has put these wonderful friends in YOUR life for a REASON, so continue to "lean on them" when you need to. I am so excited to know that in just three days I will see HOLLY and the entire McKay/Crandall family at the OUTER BANKS! I wish you were going to be there with us, but I know that day will come that I, too, can meet you in person and put my arms around your beautiful neck!!! In the meantime, do try to love the little things about each day and bask in the joy that your beautiful family brings to you!!! I will continue to pray for your LACK of pain, and that the miracle vaccine will be forthcoming!!!! With love and special blessings to you and yours,

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, v USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
So good to hear from you Lynn. Your words always seem to hit me strong as you are so honest and open which is truly so refreshing for me. I'm sorry you had a hard week or so. I'm grateful for the friends that are there to lift you up when you are down. I loved your message. Your wisdom continues to grow and I'm grateful to be learning from you. Immediately I thought of one of my favorite songs "One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus" as those words reflect what you said in your recent posting. I mailed you the cd a long time ago. If you have time and want to listen to the song and words, it is #11 on Pastor Dave's CD. Much love, hope, prayers, and thoughts from your friend far away in distance but really close at heart. :) Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:08 AM CDT
thanks for updating. I'm sorry that you went thru such a rough time...it's understandable. I'm praying for you.
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:01 AM CDT
Always checking for an update on our sweet Lynn. I also hope that no news is good news! Please let us know of any special prayer requests.

Have an incredible day!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 7:21 AM CDT
Hi Lynne, I hope you are having and enjoying pain-free days! You're right: your cancer does not define you; it seems it's getting in the way of you being all you can and want to be, though, and needs to be GONE! I saw a cardinal on my way to work and another on my way home today which, of course, led me to pray for you -- had to let you know! Much love to all of you, Barbara
Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Wednesday, June 28, 2006 1:08 AM CDT
LOVED SEEING YOU TODAY! Thank you for letting me be a part of your OT session. It was great to get to be with you and to watch a truly skilled therapist "do her stuff". It was amazing to see the difference in you painwise before and after treatment. Even though you said you were "fine" and were having a "good" day prior to the session...your eyes and posture gave you away. But afterward,...wow. I hope the rest of the day was wonderful. I am thinking of you tonite and praying for God to heal you miraculously...so you can be the wife and mother you so desire to be. I pray He will give you the desires of your heart...that they are in accordance to His will. I pray the chemo will dissolve the wretched, wicked, useless cells that have no business being in your body. I really liked what you said today about not letting this cancer "define" you. I do not think it does...I think it's blackness makes the brilliance that God has knit you with SHINE EVEN MORE BRILLIANTLY...with and without tears. I'll be seeing you soon!
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:04 PM CDT
Hello there! Thinking of you all the time! Good days or bad days we all support you all the time! Hang in there! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail <jill.smail@Novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:53 PM CDT
Lynn,Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you. We hope that your pain is gone.....We continue LOOKING RIGHT...
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:42 PM CDT
Praying that no news is the best news...that your days have been filled with peace and no pain. Praying that the children have had a fun filled summer with little or no worries...and that your husband finds peace and has many days filled with the support of good friends.
Flanders, NJ 07836 - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:27 PM CDT
Thinking of you, praying for you, and keeping the faith for you that the chemo is killing all the cancer in your body. Much love from the Isaak Family (Heidi, Randy, Emma, Armond, and Mary).
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
Just a quick note to tell you I'm thinking about you as I do everyday. I hope your having pain free days.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Monday, June 26, 2006 10:31 PM CDT
Thinking of you and praying all is well.
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Monday, June 26, 2006 1:14 PM CDT
Hi Lynn

I just got back to my parent's house after a few days in Maine at the coast. I made sure I called my husband each night so he could check your site for me - I'm addicted - I can't go a day without checking:) Anyway - I was out for a walk yesterday before the rains came and I was walking along this pretty street that overlooks the ocean and there was this wooden fence - and what do you think was sitting on the fence looking out into the ocean.... Yup! A beautiful red cardinal! I immediatly thought of you and was just struck by the beauty of the whole scene.

Thinking of you as always and praying that you are having a pain free comfortable week!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
- Monday, June 26, 2006 12:58 AM CDT
thinking about you
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Monday, June 26, 2006 11:08 AM CDT
Praying for you.
Spring, TX - Monday, June 26, 2006 10:27 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and hoping this is going to be a wonderful week for you and your family. Love, Pattie

- Monday, June 26, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
Happy Monday morning my friend. I hope you and your family had a nice weekend and that your pain was minimal. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. Much love, prayers, hope, and faith from New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, June 26, 2006 8:57 AM CDT
Lynn, Your sister Terri shared the online video of the race with me the other day. (I couldn't open it on my computer.) What a blessing for you and your family that so many participated, and what a blessing for the participants to have this opportunity to honor you! I haven't posted for awhile, but your TOTAL RELEASE FROM PAIN AND TOTAL CURE OF THIS CANCER ARE ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS in my prayers!! Heavenly Father, I beseech you to remove any pain that precious Lynn is feeling and to rid her body forever of these tumors that plague her! In the name of your precious son, Jesus Christ, I pray! I saw a cardinal today at a birthday party for a sweet 9-year-old boy here in Kona! That was a blessing, too! Much love to you and yours, Barbara

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:52 PM CDT
Just reminding you that you have a whole world of people out here cheering for YOU! Cheering for good days and great ones. For Hugs from your family! For no pain and NO cancer! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Running shoes on.....
Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:24 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

Continued prayers that each day brings you closer to your cure, that each day finds you stronger, that each day you feel well enough to enjoy these beautiful summer days and your beautiful family!

God bless you!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:23 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I am praying so much that your pain is being managed and that your port is a blessing. I think of you and your family so very often. As I shared before...the cardinal's song has always brought my mom back to me...now, when I hear him sing...I also think of you! I am praying also for Taylor and Jacob's summer...that it is wonderful. I was up at church one day, and saw so many of our Hicks kids there at Fine Arts Camp! Life is good...you are so very special in your journey, Lynn.
I love you,
Nurse Lisa (How's that for fun?!!!)

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A.! - Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:54 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
You don't know me (although I feel I know you), I am a friend of Suzanne's. I read your journal entries and pray for you always. I received a graduation announcement in the mail that had the following scripture that gave me goose bumps thinking of you and wanted to share it...

-Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it'. Isaiah 30:21

Looking right-Jenny

PS- One day, when some crazy lady walks over and randomly hugs you, that'll be me SO honored to meet your face, not just your heart.

Jenny Rau <jmbr211@yahoo.com>
Prosper, TX - Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:10 PM CDT

Thinking of you!! As always you are in my prayers!!



Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Saturday, June 24, 2006 1:25 PM CDT
Hello Lynn. I hope/pray that you had a good week with minimal pain. You are in my thoughts often. I hope you can feel all the love, thoughts, prayers sent to you from a far from so many of us. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:45 AM CDT
GOD, grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the
things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:27 AM CDT
Wow! Powerful stuff on that video. I've also enjoyed sharing it with my family and friends. Prayers for you and yours continue.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
- Friday, June 23, 2006 10:05 PM CDT
Hi Lynn~
Continual prayers for you and your family...Hope your weekend is pain-FREE and enjoyable. Hello to your family! Take care, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Friday, June 23, 2006 9:30 PM CDT
thinking of you
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 23, 2006 4:09 PM CDT
Happy Friday to you my friend. Hoping you are feeling better and can enjoy a great weekend with your family and friends. Keep LOOKING RIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, June 23, 2006 10:19 AM CDT

I hope you are having a pain-free day. I love sharing the video with my friends. The love of your friends and family is truly amazing.

Prayers and Blessings!

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Thursday, June 22, 2006 11:59 PM CDT
Lynn, you do continue to WALK BY FAITH...I know that song...beautiful and the words are so uplifting as you are!!

I'm praying big in Virginia...for you and "with you"...

God bless...and keep you strong!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va USA - Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:59 PM CDT
Hoping no news means good news ... and lots of hours spent hugging on those kids, playing in the sun, and chatting with your cul-de-sac buddies! Praying all is well and pain is under control. Hang in there, cyber friend!

You are loved!

Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:34 PM CDT
Just wanted you to know that you are on my mind. Hope you are having a good week and less or NO pain!

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, June 22, 2006 5:05 PM CDT
I just got back in town and was anxious to see your website. Stephanie kept me up to date while we were gone and you were always in my thoughts and prayers. The video is amazing. I will remember that morning forever. It was so incredible!
I hope you are feeling better and have been able to get up and around.
Much, much love. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:18 AM CDT
Hope you are having a peaceful pain-free week. Are there any special prayer requests for the upcoming days??

God bless you!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:36 AM CDT
Thinking of you and wanted you to know that I think of you often. The Video is amazing, the people responsible did an incredible job. Just watching and listening you can feel the heart and love they put into it, all with you in mind. You are surrounded by many loving, caring people, a direct reflection of the impact you have had on them. Stay strong and may each day bring you more peace and comfort. All my strength and hope to you.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:51 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you & praying that you are feeling good!!
I will be out of email range (oh-no), for 2 weeks, but wanted you to know that the prayers are still coming!!!
Take Care of yourself & that fabulous family of yours!!!

Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 2:37 PM CDT
Just wanted to say hi and let you know that you're being thought of and prayed for right this minute!
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:32 AM CDT
Happy Wednesday my friend! Hope you have a good day today. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:31 AM CDT
Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. Hope you have a good day today.
Pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:02 AM CDT
Yeah for 'good days'! So good to know you are able to see your wonderful friends. Stay strong!
Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, June 21, 2006 6:22 AM CDT
Sounds like time spent with you is the highlight of everyones day...pretty special!!!! We continue to think positive thoughts and pray that you have lots of good days! Keep Looking Right...it's really beautiful!!

Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 5:45 PM CDT
Sending prayers UP and good vibes YOUR WAY!

Happy Tuesday, Lynn & Family!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 5:26 PM CDT
Another GREAT day of a few stolen moments with you. I'm so glad today was a "good day" for you! Here's to many more to come!

BIG Hugs ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:49 PM CDT
I love it when I read your friend's entries about "storming heaven" for you as that is exactly what so many of us are doing. You are so much a part of our lives here in New Hope, MN at the Isaak household. You are our example of how to live life, during the good days and bad days, always keeping our Lord above everything else. God has too much work for you to do Lynn and He needs you around for many more decades to keep on spreading your faith and by doing that, bringing others to the Lord's table. Hang in there Lynn. You can do this. You are running the race of your life and every day, every hour, others are joining you and running/walking beside you. As always, you are in my prayers and thoughts. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:12 AM CDT
"Faith is sticking with it through thick and thin, believing that eventually you will win."

Stick with it sister! Keep up the great fight!

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:28 AM CDT
Ditto to JennyGwynn's comments....my heart is always stronger after having some face time with you sweet friend.

Keep those prayers going for S.R.C.!!!

Love you SO BIG,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Monday, June 19, 2006 9:51 PM CDT
L ~ Just wanted to say it was soooooooooooooooo good to spend quality time with you today. And Holly & Linda were an added bonus! I think just simply "being" today did all our hearts much good.

I'm storming heaven for S.R.C tonight! LOVE YOU TONS ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Monday, June 19, 2006 6:08 PM CDT
loved the video.... how awesome....glad I was a part of it... thinking of you girls on the court.... much love.,,,


Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, tx - Monday, June 19, 2006 2:47 PM CDT
Incredible video. I wasn't there physically but spiritually I was and boy, did I feel what everyone was talking about after seeing/hearing the video. You are such an amazing spirit Lynn. I hope the pain is better for you today and that you have an awesome day with the kiddos, culdasac friends, and family members that are with you today. I'll quote one of my favorite songs "One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus, That's All I Ask of You..." Here's to a great day! Much love, prayers, hope, and faith from New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, June 19, 2006 9:50 AM CDT
Wow, wow & wow!!!
Great video!
It never ceases to amaze me at how beautiful you always seem to look, Lynn!!!
Keep on fighting & as always, Looking RIGHT!!!!

Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, June 19, 2006 9:47 AM CDT
Beautiful slideshow! Lynne you look amazingly gorgeous...your spirit just shines in your eyes. :)


Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Monday, June 19, 2006 8:56 AM CDT

All I could say was "WOW!" after I watched the video. Of course a few tears came to my eyes too. Then, I had to share the video with everyone within 5 miles!! :) I think we will all be re-watching the video for weeks. Thanks to all the awesome guys who put it to life. You all are amazing!

Lynn, I hope your weekend was pain-free and enjoyable. Take care...Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, June 19, 2006 0:21 AM CDT
Lynn I have been reading your journal for over a year and have never left a comment but there isn't a day I do not think about you and you are in my prayers. Watching the video made you even more real to me. You are a beautiful woman. Your smile is amazing. I pray that God takes your pain away and kicks this Cancer's behind.
S. Savich <savich1@wwnet.net>
White Lake, MI USA - Sunday, June 18, 2006 8:51 PM CDT

First I want to say that you look amazing! All of that support just made you radiant. I am so in awe of you and your strength! You are an inspiration to me! I think of you often and continue to lift you up in prayer for your complete healing here on Earth! Keep fighting! You will win!


Laurie B.
Pittsburgh, Pa - Sunday, June 18, 2006 6:55 PM CDT
Friendship is POWERFUL!! The video is at testimony to that.. May you never doubt how much you are loved & thought of... Hope your pain is at a minimum and you enjoy a beautiful Father's Day with your family. Dave is truly a blessing for you and your children.

Much love to you...


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:10 AM CDT
I had to start my day by watching the video again.......3 times!!! I LOVE IT & LOVE YOU MORE!!!

Tell Big Daddy Dave Happy Father's Day.....Dean & Wayne too!! You are incredible men!!

Much love ~Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Sunday, June 18, 2006 8:09 AM CDT
Wow, what an Inspiration you are to us all. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.


Melanie Lewis <melewis24@hotmail.com>
Plano, TX - Sunday, June 18, 2006 0:25 AM CDT

The video is amazing. Here's something else amazing...over $400 have been raised for the 3 day walk in just a few days. ALL the donations are in love, honor and support of you!! I will walk my first 10 miles for you and your family tomorrow. Keep looking right!

Prayers and Blessings!

Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Saturday, June 17, 2006 11:46 PM CDT

We love you Lynn Newman and family!


The Eisenberg's

Dana Eisenberg <danaeisenberg@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, June 17, 2006 11:10 PM CDT
Great job on the video. It was great to see the troops out there supporting Lynn, and to see so many pictures of Lynn smiling. XXOO m.j.
Mary Jo Wilen <mjwilen@aol.com>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, June 17, 2006 2:01 PM CDT
I can't grab the tissues fast enough - what a moving video - it brings back all the amazing feelings from that incredible day!

Thinking of you - hoping you are having a pain free Father's Day weekend!


Kathy Ranney <JKRAnney827@comcast.net>
- Saturday, June 17, 2006 1:07 PM CDT
Watching the video was so amazing! God's presence was so very alive that day, wasn't it? The joy in your face and the love that was shared is truly inspiring. Know that we breathe prayer for you...always.
Much love forever,

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas U.S.A. - Saturday, June 17, 2006 11:09 AM CDT
"Friends are Angels
who lift us to our feet
when our wings have trouble
remembering how to fly"

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, June 17, 2006 6:38 AM CDT
The video is so wonderful I shed tears !!!!!the first time in days that it has not been over my situation. I read the journal history thankyou for your kind words and prayer request Lynn you were so amazing to me when I was going through my thing how do you do that I am in awe of your strenth and am just in amazement of your whole family and how you all function so flawleessly . With this week at my house being crazy is what an average week at you house has been and you have all done it for almost 3 years Your whole family amazes me!!!!!! I love you and hope by today you are feeling better All my prayers my dear friend

Kathy Shearer <Katshe@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:18 AM CDT
Anna is right.....the only word is WOW!
Absolutely amazing! Thank you!

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, June 16, 2006 11:00 PM CDT
Lynn...As I watched the video I just wept and wept. The pictures of you are priceless. I was fixated on your eyes....they were filled with hope! You must smile everytime you watch that just seeing all the friends and family that are supporting you every step of the way! All I can say is WOW! Hugs and love to you my friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Friday, June 16, 2006 9:12 PM CDT
What an awesome video. I love that Jeremy Camp song. It is very fitting.

Prayers to you!


Susan Bernhardt http://www.caringbridge.com/mn/zacharybern <desbernhardt@msn.com>
zimmerman, mn USA - Friday, June 16, 2006 8:29 PM CDT
L ~ Just watched the video...........there are no words, only rivers of tears!

Love you so very much! Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, June 16, 2006 8:07 PM CDT
Thank you for being a blessing to people who don't have the privlege of knowing you personally. I pray for you often because my mother is currently undergoing the same treatment regimine that you are and experiencing similar side effects so I pray for you when I pray for my mom. Thank you for sharing your life with complete stangers.
Spring, TX - Friday, June 16, 2006 7:36 PM CDT
The video was spectacular! Thanks for sharing. Positive thoughts and prayers being sent
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 16, 2006 6:07 PM CDT
OH MY! What an amazing tribute and a wonderful look at the Race for the Cure. The tears are flowing. You have a bounty of beautiful friends and family to surround you and support you, Lynn. It is obvious how much you are loved!!! That love just pours through the computer screen and is so REAL. Thank you so much for sharing your special moments with us. I am praying so hard that you are feeling some pain relief this afternoon. Have a blessed weekend!
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Friday, June 16, 2006 5:56 PM CDT
Just viewed the video....it is truly amazing!!!!! Thank you for sharing it with us....there really are no words to express how fabulous it is....so many emotions were felt and looking at all the faces reminded us of the love that was present for you Lynn....what a treasure to have!!!!! Wishing you a pain free weekend....Happy Father's Day to Dave!!!!
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Friday, June 16, 2006 5:53 PM CDT
Great Video!
Thanks to whomever put it together - nice job.
Lynn you Looked Wonderful. I know you didn't feel so good that day, but it looks like you got a lot of hugs from a lot of people who love you.
We continue to pray for you.

Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, FL - Friday, June 16, 2006 5:13 PM CDT
Thinking of you & hoping you have a nice & pain-free weekend.
Melissa <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, June 16, 2006 11:40 AM CDT
Saw this and thought of you....

Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives.

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful day!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, June 16, 2006 10:36 AM CDT
Happy Friday to you Lynn. I am hoping you are having a good week. I also hope you have a nice weekend. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn u - Friday, June 16, 2006 9:05 AM CDT
Sometimes laughter is the best medicine................
Alright ladies, it's that time of year "oncest" again!!! I think we need to be reminded of a few things. So my sisters, PLEASE, raise your big toes and repeat after me below....

The Open Toed Shoe Pledge
As a member of the Cute Girl Sisterhood, I pledge to follow the Rules
when wear sandals and other open-toe shoes:

I promise to always wear sandals that fit. My toes will not hang over
and touch the ground, nor will my heels spill over the backs. And the sides
and tops of my feet will not pudge out between the straps.

I will go polish-free or vow to keep the polish fresh, intact and chip-free.
I will not cheat and just touch up my big toe.

I will sand down any mounds of skin before they turn hard and yellow.

I will shave the hairs off my big toe.

I won't wear pantyhose even if my misinformed girlfriend, coworker,
mother, sister tells me the toe seam really will stay under my toes if I tuck it there.

If a strap breaks, I won't duct-tape, pin, glue or tuck it back into
place hoping it will stay put. I will get my shoe fixed or toss it.

I will not live in corn denial; rather I will lean on my good friend Dr.
Scholl's if my feet need him.

I will resist the urge to buy jelly shoes at Payless for the low, low
price of $4.99 even if my feet are small enough to fit into the kids' sizes. This
is out of concern for my safety, and the safety of others. No one can walk
properly when standing in a pool of sweat and I would hate to take someone down
with me as I fall and break my ankle.

I will take my toe ring off toward the end of the day if my toes swell
and begin to look like Vienna sausages.

I will be brutally honest with my girlfriend/sister/coworker when she
asks me if her feet are too ugly to wear sandals. Someone has to tell her that
her toes are as long as my fingers and no sandal makes creepy feet look good.

I will promise if I wear flip flops that I will ensure that they actually flip
and flop, making the correct noise while walking and I will swear NOT
to slide or drag my feet while wearing them.

I will promise to go my local nail salon at least once per season and
have a real pedicure (they are about $35 and worth EVERY penny).

I will promise to throw away any white/off-white sandals that show signs
of wear... nothing is tackier than dirty white sandals.

Don't keep this to yourself - pass it on to other sisters.

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, June 16, 2006 6:57 AM CDT
You don't know me... but I am a very old friend of Jill Roiger's. (Another survivor.) I check in on you daily. I am praying for you and your beautiful family. I hope the port makes this process easier for you. I told my friend Jill to not think of chemo as poison but as "POTION". With the right mix, it will get you back on track. I'm sending you positive thoughts from Colorado.
All my best and God Bless,

Laurie Heller <Troylaurie@warpdriveonline.com>
Wellington, Co USA - Friday, June 16, 2006 1:14 AM CDT
dear lynn and family, So hope that the port will make things easier as far as receiving chemo. Who knows it just might be what will make that chemo push it's way thru and start shrinking the tumors!Coming at it from another angle so to speak. Whatever it takes....Thinking of you and praying for you every day.God's peace.Love LaJean and all your Mn aunts and uncles and cousins and GR&GR Berg
LaJean <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:00 PM CDT
Thinking of you lots today! Denice Kiesling sends her love your way...Hugs my friend....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:45 PM CDT
Lynn, I'm thinking of you and wondering how you're doing, so I sent up a prayer and decided to log on to tell you so. Hope you are feeling well this afternoon!
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:07 PM CDT
Happy Thursday my friend. Just checking in to say hello. Keep LOOKING RIGHT Lynn. :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:15 AM CDT
Good Morning!

I hope that new port is a blessing and makes everything easier for you, and that your chemo was SO SUCCESSFUL!!!

Move mountain, MOVE!!!

Thank you for posting for all of your PRAYER WARRIORS that are "WORRIERS"!

Saw this scripture and thought of you....

I cried out to the LORD, and he answered me from His holy mountain. I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side. "
Psalm 3:4-6

Have an incredible pain-free spirit-filled day!

God bless you!

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:25 AM CDT
Hello there! We are back! We have been praying for you and thinking of you. So glad to hear your pain is somewhat better. Hang in there friend! YOU ARE STRONG! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Thursday, June 15, 2006 6:54 AM CDT
Praying hard for Shadow Ridge Court tonight!!

I love you to pieces ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:01 PM CDT
Hi, friend! Sweet dreams!
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:36 PM CDT
So happy to hear your pain is better. Huge praise! I hope/pray all went well yesterday with the surgery. Your personal cure/vaccine is only months away my friend. You can do it. We are all running with you. Much love, hope, and prayers from the Isaak Family (Heidi, Randy, Emma, Armond, and Mary).
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:37 AM CDT
Hope all went well with your surgery. I pray you have no more pain issues. I don't always post, but I always pray for you. You are in our thoughts. Hang in there!

Christen Chamberlain <scottandchristen@aol.com>
Rogers, AR usa - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:11 PM CDT
Thinking of you tonight and remembering you in my prayers!
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:56 PM CDT
Lynn, So thankful the pain has decreased. Praying all has gone well with the port and the chemo goes just as smoothly. Praying everything is "on-track and doing-it's-job". So thankful for these updates, I think of you so often during the day...and evidently at night, too! Prayed for you the other day when I was donning on my running shoes. Have a good day...I hope Taylor is better! God bless.
Candace <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:54 PM CDT
Hi Lynn

We leave tommorrow morning for our trip to my parents house in Vermont - I'll be checking your site daily while we are gone.
Hope your port procedure went well today with minimal pain - and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying that the chemo is doing what it needs to do!!!!!!!
Tell Taylor that Emily is planning to send her a postcard and is looking forward to playing when we get back in July!

Thinking and praying for you always!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:16 PM CDT
Oh my friend, it was SO, SO, SO good to lock eyes on you this afternoon. You know I love you but I'm beginning to think your a bit of a freak of nature - HA!!..........NOBODY ever looks that good after surgery. And I remember you've looked just as beautiful after other surgeries as well. Hmmmm, must be the answered prayers!! Your strength always amazes me. It's great to see your "spunk" is back!

Know that my heart will be with you during chemo tomorrow. I pray your handy-dandy port will work beautifully and that the chemo will reach & destroy each & every cancer cell in your body. Sleep tight......I'll see you in the morning.

I love you to pieces ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:59 PM CDT
Relieved to hear the pain is under control! I am praying your surgery went well today & will help ease some of the discomfort with chemo on Wednesday. Keep smiling!
Holly <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:58 PM CDT
Oh my friend, it was SO, SO, SO good to lock eyes on you this afternoon. You know I love you but I'm beginning to think your a bit of a freak of nature - HA!!..........NOBODY ever looks that good after surgery. And I remember you've looked just as beautiful after other surgeries as well. Hmmmm, must be the answered prayers!! Your strength always amazes me. It's great to see your "spunk" is back!

Know that my heart will be with you during chemo tomorrow. I pray your handy-dandy port will work beautifully and that the chemo will reach & destroy each & every cancer cell in your body. Sleep tight......I'll see you in the morning.

I love you to pieces ~ Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:57 PM CDT
Many prayers being said for you that all goes well with your port. I cannot imagine that a nurse would not be compassionate towards you, you seem so gentle and sweet. I hope that chemo also goes well for you.
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:52 PM CDT
Lynn- it was so great to see you today- looking beautiful as always especially so in pink!!! Your continued strength and faith continue to be such an inspiration to all who know you- your journey has touched the lives of so many you know and so many you will never know about- you are an incredible fighter with an even more amazing spirit! Always praying for your comfort and the happiness of your precious kidos!- Love, Kelley
Kelley Craddock <craddock7@msn.com>
Frisco, TX 75034 - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:02 PM CDT


Praying for you hard today in every way. Mostly, for a break for all of the pain you have been experiencing. Lynn, we love you lots and lots! Love you friend, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, CO usa - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:20 PM CDT


Praying for you hard today in every way. Mostly, for a break for all of the pain you have been experiencing. Lynn, we love you lots and lots! Love you friend, Jules

Julie Pettit <japettit@comcast.net>
Lonetree, CO usa - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:20 PM CDT
Praise God that your pain is under control! Prayers for today's surgery, rest for tonight, for smooth sailin' tomorrow, and for sweet Taylor's ear infection to be healed ASAP. Hopefully your port will help ease tomorrow's chemo. Take care Lynn...Christine
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:37 AM CDT
Lynn - We're so glad to hear you have ~some~ pain relief. Thank God. May God bless your doctors and may your port procedure go perfectly.
Rick Lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, fl - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:37 AM CDT
We shout from the rooftops--PRAISE GOD! How wonderful to hear that your pain is better. I am praying for you right now that your port procedure goes flawlessly, that chemo tomorrow goes with ease, and that the after effects are minimal.

You inspire me! Keep fighting and looking right!

Chris, Amy, & Riley Jordan

Amy Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
I will be praying for you, praying for a safe and speedy procedure, and even speedier recovery, and NO pain. God bless you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:43 AM CDT
Thinking of you three girls in the cul-de-sac....and how special you all are.... praying for much healing, pain relief, energy, and happy spirits...
love to you...

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, TX - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:05 AM CDT

I'm so pleased that your pain is better. You sound so good and I can tell your spirits are up. I know your surgery today will be a great success. Good luck tomorrow with Chemo and I hope you have minimal side affects. Rest Well.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 9:33 AM CDT
I will continue to keep you in my prayers today as you get your port. Chemo will be so much easier with it. I pray that your pain ceases and that your day is full of Sonshine! Your sweet family is lifted up...always.
You are SO loved!

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas USA - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:43 AM CDT
Lynn- I'm so glad your pain is more manageable! I will be thinking of you this morning and praying all goes well. Hope to see you soon!
Love-Stephanie <stephanielinehan@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:21 AM CDT
you are always in my thoughts and prayers
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:57 AM CDT
Lynn, you are such an inspiration! I'm "signing up" for the 3 Day Walk in your honor. I was blessed and touched during the "race for the cure" and I want to do more. Keep fighting! I will walk until my legs can't carry me any further. Your Frisco family loves you!

Prayers and more prayers!


Heather Candy <hcandy95@yahoo.com>
Frisco, tx - Monday, June 12, 2006 10:23 PM CDT
Praying and thinking of you, Lynn....you have amazing spirit and I am wishing you well!!! I sure would like to see a picture of you in your PINK "Life is good" hat sometime...Holly can send it to me privately!!!! You are radiant and your smile lights up the page!

I hope this week will be a good one...less pain...pain FREE...and all positive things for you!!!

Loving you in Virginia!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va usa - Monday, June 12, 2006 6:29 PM CDT
Hoping and praying your week started off well. You are in my thoughts and prayers often. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, June 12, 2006 6:00 PM CDT
Lynn, I have been out of town without access to a computer or internet -- it's amazing how much we use technology and how much we miss it when unable to "get online." Anyway, just got back and yours is the first site I checked. I am SOOO sorry to hear the pain is so severe right now and pray that it will decrease and become more manageable. Know that even when out of communication -- you are never out of my thoughts and prayers. Take care friend and I will pray for those babies and Dave as well. Miss ya :)

Vicky <vickyn@prattthompson.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Monday, June 12, 2006 12:45 AM CDT
Lynn, it was so great to see you again this weekend... you looked so great!!! Hope you have a great week.... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Katy, TX - Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:09 PM CDT
It was so good to see you and your sweet family yesterday! You looked beautiful and your kids are so cute. I am praying that this week will be free of pain and peaceful for all of you. You are AMAZING!!

Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:57 PM CDT
Thinking of you a lot this weekend and hoping that all the prayers on your behalf are helping ease your pain. You are going to beat this Lynn. Keeping the faith from New Hope, MN - Heidi & family :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:51 PM CDT
My prayers are with you sweet Lynn. My wonderful ex who is a breast cancer survivor now is fighting liver & bone cancer. The good news is she has survived her bout of the new form of cancer for almost five years. She has a marvelous fighting spirit that refuses to give up.
So, Lynn hang in there and keep smiling for you have a wonderful family and tremendous amount of friends in your support group. God Bless...

Winston <wmckellar@yahoo.com>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:14 AM CDT
Prayed for you at Mass this morning that your pain will CEASE!!! I figure you're OK with any denomination of prayer!!! :o) Hang in there, Girl! You are truly a blessing.....your faith has moved so many people; certainly, it can move the mountains you need to get out of your way!!!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Sunday, June 11, 2006 11:05 AM CDT
Thinking about you always!
Pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:11 PM CDT
My Dear Lynn,
Kelsey and I commented many times today what we were doing one week ago. We will treasure that weekend for a lifetime. We were wishing we were there with you again. We just wanted to let you know that we were thinging about you and we're sending our love your way.Our prayer is that your pain is managable and that you're having a comfortable day with your family. Hugs and kisses.
Love, Burton, Connie and family

Connie <bberg56@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:50 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I am praying and celebrating your GOOD news! I will keep focusing on all the positives that God has given you today.

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon,net>
Carrollton, Tx USA - Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
Thinking of you and hoping that your pain has ceased..we continue to pray for you as do so many others!!! I am sure that it helps to know that you are truly loved and that each day there are so many prayers for you and your family. That truly is a GIFT! Many people go through this life....never touching anyone. You have inspired so many and given hope to people you have never met. That truly is having a PURPOSE here on earth!!! You should feel great joy in knowing you have touched so many people. Wishing you a painfree day...

Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, T - Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:42 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
It is Saturday morning, and I am hoping by now the chemo. fog and pain is finally lifting. We send lots and lots of prayers from Colorado. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Saturday, June 10, 2006 10:43 AM CDT
Good Morning! Oh how I hope that the chemo fog and pain are beginning to pass! YOU ARE STRONG! and you CAN do this! I just wish you did not have to! RUNNING SHOES ON!

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, June 10, 2006 6:28 AM CDT

CONNIE <bbberg56@hotmail.com>
- Friday, June 9, 2006 11:17 PM CDT
God bless you. I will be praying for you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Friday, June 9, 2006 3:01 PM CDT
What an amazing weekend!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. All our love, Larry and Mary and families
Mary <mberg@smig.net>
Hartland, MN USA - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:51 AM CDT
I'm continually amazed at your incredible spirit, courage, and faith. To be in such pain and yet still get on the site and post an update, well that's such a witness. (Me, well I would probably be whining and waking everyone up to share in my misery ...!) Lynn, I am praying so hard for you to get past this pain, regain your strength, and be healed from cancer for good. I know God hears the prayers of His people and He will answer them!

I hope you have a better day today and can enjoy those precious kids. Have a blessed weekend. (But stay inside and away from this crazy North Texas heat, lol!!!)

Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:32 AM CDT
Just wanted to say hello and tell you I am thinking about you and praying for you. I am proudly wearing my daughter's LOOKING RIGHT pink bracelet. Hope you have a nice weekend and that the pain is manageable. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, June 9, 2006 9:06 AM CDT

It seems that every day I am telling someone about you and your fight. I draw such inspiration from your strength and courage, yet my heart breaks for you when I hear of your pain. I am praying for you--my little family is praying for you--and we lift you up to our God Almighty. His hand will always hold yours as you continue this journey. He will never leave you. He will hold you tightly as you cling to Him for continued strength.

Do you feel how much you are loved? Our Creator looks at you--looks at all of us--fondly because we are His pride and joy. I can only imagine how proud He is when His face looks upon you. You are a loyal, faithful servant and He will bless you abundantly.

Praying for you to have sweet rest.
Praying for no pain.
Praying that you are protected from all fears.
Praying for your sweet children and husband.
Praying for complete healing.
And I am praying that you experience laughter & smiles tomorrow.

Keep Looking Right and Fight, Sister, Fight!

In His precious love,
Amy Jordan

Chris, Amy, & Riley Jordan <amymjordan@cox.net>
Andrews, TX - Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:29 PM CDT
Hi sweet friend,

Praying consistently for your pain relief and sweet rest.

God is hearing from those all around....stay strong and remember your song...it resonates in my ear all day...every day..Walk By Faith.......

Your sweet kids were laughing their heads off over here today....the sound was rich and wonderful!

Holding you close and sending you tons of hugs,


(P.S. THANK YOU EVERYONE for all the encouraging entries..what a bounty of blessings you bring to Lynn each day!!!)

Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:21 PM CDT
Praying for you and loving you through this!!!! You are amazing!!!! You are my hero...so strong and courageous and determined to beat this disease. Oh, so proud of you. Would give anything in the world to take some of the pain on myself and give you a bit of a rest!!!! Not close by physically through all this but undoubtedly have you on my mind, have you in my heart, and holding you up in my prayes daily....

Melanie <scot.flrosheim@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:05 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I am a friend of Terri Matus's here in Virginia. A few months ago your friend Holly sent out a call for prayer for you which Terri forwarded to me and others. Since then, I have checked in and read this website frequently, but I never wrote to you. However, I have been praying for you often, and Terri and I talk about you all the time. It must be a little strange to read this, not knowing me at all, yet I feel that it's important to let you know that even someone you don't know, who lives far away, cares so much and has you in her thoughts. Your family, friends, and you especially, are inspiring in your deep love for each other and God. I read and cry, both in anguish for your pain, and in profound amazement at the love that is expressed for you. I can only add my prayers to the many that are said for you each day in the hope that your pain can be dissipated and leave you entirely, and the cancer, too. I hope that you, your husband, and beautiful children will endure this and be well.

Theresa Cover <tesscover@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:56 PM CDT

Do you know.... that throughout these 3 years.... we both have gone through some amazingly tough times.... very different ... but similar in some regards.... if anything, I think both of our love and faith for God and His will have grown- and I think we both very lucky for that... Some people never know... that the LOVE of GOD is so great- and it's very comforting... I know it's easy to get caught up on the why's of life... usually they go something like Why did this happen to me? I have been such a good person, wife, mom, child, etc.... But maybe we need to say Why ME? and think.... how lucky we are... to really know God, to really know our true friends and true family, and to really know ourselves....of course life is a learning experience daily... but we are so lucky because we really know the love... I know you feel it... and I know I do too.... again... not to compare our two situations... but I want to thank you... I have drawn so much strength in my life... through you... and I am so thank ful that you are who you are... if it wasn't for what you have gone through... I really woulndn't know you... you would just be Kathy's neighbor... who I saw a couple times a year... and I am honored to know you and continue to pray for God to make you healthy from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and I am soooo sorry that you are in sooooo much pain........... Sincerely, Nancy

Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, tx - Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:04 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn....I am so sorry that you are still having to endure some tough pain. I prayed for you as we were flying over clouds this afternoon...Madeline told me to pray for you when I passed through clouds because God could probably hear me TONZ better!!! I have to tell you what the kids said to us the other night when we phoned them at Greg's parent's house. They were telling us all about their day with Grammy and Grandad and then proceeded to tell us how many red cardinals they found flying in Grandad's backyard...10!!! So, after explaining to Grammy and Grandad why red cardinals are so special to them, they all sat down by the window and prayed for you. Greg's dad loves to watch birds from his back window of their house and he always keeps a pair of binoculars on the window sill. Greg's mom told me that every morning, the kids would grab the binoculars and look for red cardinals! Know that we are praying much for you sweet friend....Hugs...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:36 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

When I read your words I SEE your smile! I think of that little song called "This Little Light of Mine"....
I'm-a-gonna-let-it-shine.....!!!! And, I SEE YOUR FACE! You are a strong spirit, and yes, I will continue to pray for your LACK of pain, your cure, and the health and well-being of your family as you take 'baby steps' together!!! Remember that you are SURROUNDED by love from all corners of this big-hearted country.

Thinking of you with love!

Terri aka Teetay :)
Lynn....get Holly to tell you the "story" of how much she LOVED "Weebles" when she was a "girl"....!!! And, to explain "IT's HOT, SCOTT!" If she doesn't remember...shame on her!! And the "letter" she wrote to me asking me if I would "be her mother's friend"....:)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va us - Thursday, June 8, 2006 12:59 AM CDT
We are thinking of you, our thoughts, prayers, hugs and smiles be with you today and everyday through it all.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Love, Debbie, Stan, Charles
and our animals: Spike, Rambo and Jasmine.

Debbie, Stan and Charles <sdt516@msn.com>
mcKinney, Tx USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:46 AM CDT
Praying for you Lynn!!!!!
Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@ADELPHIA.NET>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:35 AM CDT
Praise God for some good news! I just know that this is only the beginning. Next PET we will find that all tumors are shrinking. I am so sorry for the pain Lynn. I so wish that I could take some from you to give you sweet relief and rest.

I have to tell you that your faith has so strengthened mine. You have given me such a fresh, new perspective on life. What used to seem like a boulder and sometimes trip my faith now looks like a grain of sand on a beautiful beach of life. Dave's "looking right" posting really hit that home with me.

Be encouraged that God is using this horrible ordeal that you are going through to strengthen those around you. It is such a blessing to us to be able to go through this with you and show your Christ's love here on Earth.

Keep fighting sister! We have some boulders in our road, but soon you too will see a beautiful beach! So much love to you and your family from ours!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:51 AM CDT
Praise God for the good news! Many prayers for all the pain you are having and praying/hoping it eases today. Prayers for your family too Lynn. You are such an inspiration to many, including myself. Always LOOKING RIGHT and keeping the faith. As Jill says with such energy FIGHT SISTER FIGHT! Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:21 AM CDT


I too woke up early this morning with this strong urge to check the site. Lynn, my heart truely hurts for all you have endured with this ugly thing called cancer. I know you are a fighter Lynn, and you will get through this. As Jill says "FIGHT SISTER FIGHT". I just want you to know how much we love you and are praying for your recovery. Mike and the kids send BIG BIG hugs! Love ya, Jules

Lonetree, CO USA - Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:20 AM CDT
Lynn, You know God woke me up with the desire to get on line and check your webpage. I'm praying for you my sweet friend. Keep that game face on! It hurts me immeasurably to think of the pain you are knowing right now. I find it hardest for me in the dark hours when it's tempting to give in to fear. The Lord has his light on though!
I'm remembering our Bible study together on the purpose of prayer. I am on my knees tonight praying with you sweet friend. Please Lord take the pain away immediately from Lynn, heal her body from this cancer, shelter her family from fear, deliver hope and peace.
The Lord's peace be with you and comfort you. I love you!

Patricia <patricia.banko@pactoris.com>
- Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:25 AM CDT

May you be resting well tonight... You are in my thoughts & prayers!!


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 10:27 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
So great to hear from YOU! I pray that today went smoothly and that your pain is minimal.

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
Burnsville, mn - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:00 PM CDT
Hello Lynn~ The Race for the Cure was absolutely amazing! It took my breath away. I can't even count how many times I said "There is no place in this entire world that I would rather be than right here" That is the feeling I had all weekend. I feel so blessed that I was a part of the MN women that had the opportunity to be there for the race and to spend quality time with you all!I am praying for you that your pain is tolerable and that you get good results on your PET scan. Jake and Taylor are such sweet angels. Tell them and Dave I say "hi" and I send my love to all of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday!Love,
Kelsey Berg <kelsey.berg@uwrf.edu>
- Wednesday, June 7, 2006 7:07 PM CDT
Chemo day, how sorry I am that you have to go through this, Lynn. I pray you're tolerating it well this evening, and that this week will be your best one yet. I'm visualizing that chemo working hard inside your body to kill every little devil of a cancer cell!!! Hallelujah!

Keep the faith, keep LOOKING RIGHT, take care of yourself, and know you are prayed for and loved!

Kathy Sanders <kathy_sanders@comcast.net>
Richardson, TX - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 6:31 PM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I agree with you...the RACE was so awesome and very, very moving. I am so thrilled that you were there and that your team came through for you. TONS OF LOVE!!! It was just great to see you, your parents and the kids yesterday. I am praying for you today and this week as you endure the side effects of your chemo. My prayer is that they kill every single cancer cell and that you are HEALED to the glory of our God!
Love forever,

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas USA - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:48 PM CDT
I will be praying for God's hand to be guiding you through this next week of chemo - with little or no side effects. God can! God bless you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:32 PM CDT
hi lynn- just read your post... that is so great that you had so many people support you for the race! keep your head up this week and keep praying! much love and prayers from nancy's friend in NYC...
gloria miller <gloria.miller@turner.com>
new york, ny - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 10:48 AM CDT
Lynn, So happy to read your post....we all could see the joy in your face last Saturday. We all were honored to walk in your honor and we are all blessed to know you. I know that my life is enriched by you. Thank you! We pray that your day goes well...I am certain that everyone is sending you hugs!
Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:38 AM CDT
so surprised and pleased to read an update from you. I'm glad the race was so successful...you are so loved,it's obvious. praying that chemo goes well
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:33 AM CDT
Good morning Lynn. What a GREAT surprise to read your post from very early this morning. I'm so happy for you that you got to type it yourself. Don't push yourself too hard though as you need your energy too. I will be thinking of you and praying for you a lot today as you do chemo. I will pray that God will help you minimize the pain and that the side effects will be minimal as well. You can do this Lynn. Remember, you are running the marathon with all of us. We are all going to cross the victory finish line together shouting CANCER FREE and praising our good Lord even more!!!! Keep the faith always. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:41 AM CDT
What a pleasant surprise to long on to find your words! You are an amazing woman, Lynn Newman and I am so very proud to call you friend. I will pray that the chemo goes well and that the side effects are minimal. Keep looking right - you are going to beat it! Much Love, Pattie
- Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:40 AM CDT
YEAH! It is always so very good to hear/see your voice!


Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, June 7, 2006 6:33 AM CDT
Thinking of you and praying for you tonite. God's sweetest blessings to wrap you up - heart, body and soul!
Candace Snyder <txcandace@comcast.net>
Plano, Tx - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 11:47 PM CDT
I MISS SEEING YOU LYNN, I WORE YOUR "LOOKING RIGHT" PINK BRACELET THE WHOLE DANCE RECITAL ON JUNE 03 - AS I DO EVERY DAY...WHEN WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN??? I HAVE TO SEE YOU. LOVE AND PRAYING FOR YOU... I AM WALKING 60 IN '06 FOR YOU!!!! I PRAY I GET ENOUGH SPONSORSHIP! www.the3day.org/dallas06/kimlan for anyone interested in supporting me on behalf of our sweet LYNN NEWMAN!! Thank you! God bless, stay in touch! :)
Kim-Lan V. Carlson <kimlanc@remax.net>
FRISCO, TX USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:29 PM CDT
Thank you to all of you supporting our niece,Lynn, in one way or another. We surprised Lynn and her family by coming down for the race. What we found was an amazing bunch of people filled with so much love and compassion and hope. It really was a memorable day and a site to see, all those people fighting and praying for a cure. We were proud to be among you!
We had such fun just hanging out with Lynn and her parents, and Dave and his parents, and of course Taylor and Jacob. Lots of hugs and kisses flying about. We even had a girl's day of shopping and lunch with giggles and smiles and stories to tell. It was something that just had to be done. But then of course we had to leave and more hugs and kisses and tears were mingled in. And so again we leave our sweet niece,Lynn,(and her family) in your arms and ask you to hold her, and love her and lift her up in your prayers. We have no doubt that she is among angels on earth, because we met you, or walked with you, or shared smiles with you or saw your face in the Team Photo! THANK YOU ALL
Lynn,we miss you already. We enjoyed every moment and are so glad you felt good enough for company.(Even the crazy ones from Minnesota) Wayne and Suzanne you are wonderful parents and Lynn is so lucky you are able to stay with them through this trying time. Where else would you rather be than by her side when she needs you. We love you and admire you. God's Peace.
Love your Mn aunts and uncles(and Holly says don't forget the cousins)and Gr&Gr Berg

Lajean Westeng <lwesteng09@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:11 PM CDT
Praying for good results on the PET Scan. Hope today was good for you. Saturday was so much fun & you looked wonderful! Rest well tonight.
Holly P.

Holly <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 7:50 PM CDT
What a beautiful human you are!!!

Thinking of you today and still relishing those magnificent blue-shirt friends of yours WALKING in TEXAS and LOOKING RIGHT!

Love you..and I want to SEE YOU in your "new pink LIFE IS GOOD hat"....YOU ROCK!!!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
Herndon, va usa - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 7:25 PM CDT
Friend! I swear my eyes just teared up when I saw the photo of the "Looking Right" team...so many friends and family who love you and are rooting for you! Not to mention all of us cheering you on from outside TX! You look gorgeous, as always! Keep on fighting! Anyone up for the S. Cal Race for the Cure? Maybe we could take the Looking Right team on the road! Love, Jean
Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 6:34 PM CDT
Hey there! Just wanted you to know that you are on my mind and in my prayers. Hang in there! FIGHT SISTER FIGHT!
Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 6:24 PM CDT
Saturday sounds like it was AMAZING!! You look so beautiful & the smile on your face was priceless. Isn't it amazing the people who know & love you and are praying without ceasing for your full recovery! I'm praying now for pain management & hoping you can get it under control so you can enjoy things again and focus on fighting this awful disease!! All my love from Houston!

Melissa Schmitz <melissa@snfriends.com>
Houston, TX USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:28 PM CDT
We are praying that your pain is better. We continue to think of you and your darling family.....

Gayle & Richard Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 2:58 PM CDT
Praying the PET scan reports will show the treatment is working. Praying your pain is better so you can enjoy your children, Dave, and your parents & in-laws (friends too). Love from New Hope, MN. :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 2:02 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
So sorry I have been absent from your guestbook. I just had a baby boy (Evan) a week ago-so I am now just getting back into the swing of things-and trying to adjust to life w/ a two year old and a new born-ha ha! Just know you are in my prayers though. LOVE the pics from the "walk"-what an amazing team you have!!!!! Know your "cyber team" is always rooting for you. You look beautiful as always-hair or no hair!

Brooke Bleyl <bleyl22@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH USA - Tuesday, June 6, 2006 1:05 PM CDT

CONNIE <bberg56@hotmail.com>
- Monday, June 5, 2006 9:41 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just want you to know that we are praying for good results on your PET scan and pain-free days to come.
I was reading a entry from your friend Jill Smail, who lives in Denver, and wants to put together a Lynn Newman Race Team in October. I want to let her know that Julie P. and I both want to be part of the team! I'll have to get her number from you and give her a call.
Take care Lynn and I hope today was a good one...Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, June 5, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
Just want you to know that we are praying for good results on your PET scan and pain-free days to come.
I was reading a entry from your friend Jill Smail, who lives in Denver, and wants to put together a Lynn Newman Race Team in October. I want to let her know that Julie P. and I both want to be part of the team! I'll have to get her number from you and give her a call.
Take care Lynn and I hope today was a good one...Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Monday, June 5, 2006 6:52 PM CDT
So happy to learn that you had surprises from your family in MN. Must have been a real "positive lift". Think of you all so many times each day and lift you up. God bless.
Aunt Mary

Aunt Mary <gladme@iowatelecom.net>
- Monday, June 5, 2006 5:54 PM CDT
Lynn, it was so great to see you this weekend... it was sooo great to see you at the race surrounded by your team.... it was soo fun to be a part of.... at night you are often in my prayers with the boys--- and it goes something so basic like "dear God, please make that icky cancer bug in Miss Lynn go away so she can feel better"- but they don't really know who Miss Lynn is.... so at the race....they tapped on me and asked "now which one is the lady with that icky cancer bug???" I pointed you out.... and I think it gave them comfort in seeing you and fun to have these little guys walk for such a great cause.... take care and I hope you enjoyed your weekend... Nancy
Nancy Jacobson <nancy.l.jacobson@wellsfargo.com>
Houston, TX - Monday, June 5, 2006 3:44 PM CDT
Thanks for sharing Saturday with me and the group! You looked amazing! The Meuret family will be there next year walking beside you in victory!! I am praying expectantly for great results from the PET scan.

I hope you are having a joyful day with less pain and lots of cardinals!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Monday, June 5, 2006 3:41 PM CDT

You truly make the MOST BEAUTIFUL bald woman!!!!! I didn't look half as good...he he.

Anyways, I just wanted to leave a little note...can't wait for you to post...the support you have is AMAZING! I might have to relocate to your awesome cul-de-sac :-)

Danielle <dfdelacruz@excite.com>
Simi Valley, CA USA - Monday, June 5, 2006 12:07 AM CDT

What a TEAM, Lynn Newman!!! You are surrounded by love of friends/family and God!!! YOU WILL LOOK RIGHT!!! :) BELIEVE THAT! BELIEVE THAT!! I walked "for you" in Washington, DC Saturday morning and I just "had to call Holly" to hear her voice as I began my WALK!!! YOU were and are ON MY MIND! My prayers will continue!! You are looking good in that beautiful BLUE shirt sporting your straw hat!!!

Keep your spirits facing the sunshine!

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va us - Monday, June 5, 2006 11:54 AM CDT
Wow, keep thinking about your wonderful LOOKING RIGHT team at Saturday's event. You are such a special person with an amazingly faithful spirit that is felt by everyone who touches you (whether it is in person, on-line reading your entries, or by phone). Emma gave me her LOOKING RIGHT bracelet this morning as somehow mine disappeared from my wrist doing some type of yard work this past week or so. Emma said she'll be fine without it as she knows Lynn's message. Cute! Love you and hope/pray your pain is better and that the chemo is killing those nasty cancer cells. Keeping the faith always from New Hope, MN - Heidi :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Monday, June 5, 2006 8:51 AM CDT
Fight Sister Fight!

John Stroyer <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Monday, June 5, 2006 6:14 AM CDT
What great pictures.. Wish we could have been there. We are praying for you Lynn and can only hope they get the meds you need done soon. Your mom and dad look good too. But it was really great to see you too.. Your looking good.. We love you all.. Vern and Coleen
Vern and Coleen Schepp <vc_schepp@yahoo.com>
Mesa , Az - Sunday, June 4, 2006 11:12 PM CDT
Hi Lynn
We are so glad the race went so well! We were actually travelling from California to Colorado on race day, but you were in our prayers.
The pictures are awesome - what a great Team you led! Fantastic!

Rick lung <rclung37@yahoo.com>
Orlando, Fl usa - Sunday, June 4, 2006 8:55 PM CDT
I finally was able to get on the computer and WOW!! I knew that you all would have a wonderful day and it sounds like it was the perfect day. My sweet little Anna and I were on our walk Sat morning thinking of all of you with every step. I was happy that here in MN I at least had my Looking Right braclet on and was there in spirit. You looked beautiful, thanks for the pictures! All my love and prayers to you and your wonderful family and friends!

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
Burnsville, mn - Sunday, June 4, 2006 8:14 PM CDT

You were surrounded by love on Saturday not only by those that were present; but also by those that live too far away to participate. I thought of you and all your crew throughout the day... What a powerful day for all of you. May God continue to hear our prayers & may you experience days without cancer soon!!!

Love from Geneva,


Gretchen Round <jgmround@sbcglobal.net>
Geneva, IL USA - Sunday, June 4, 2006 7:56 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
I could not wait to sign on to see how the race went!!! I know you and your loved ones have waited to get to this day, to race in your honor. I think about you everday, and in turn, I pray for you, your family, your friends and your supporters everyday! I pray that your pain has lessened, that you have full physical healing and that your mental well being stays positive. You amaze me with your courage and I will never forget you. You are an exceptional woman, and it goes to show when you get to see in front of you, how much you are loved and how many of us want to see you feel better. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Susan Whitworth <swhitworth@mac.com>
Plano, TX - Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:21 PM CDT
Wow, love the photos and love reading about the surprise from the MN family! How exciting for everyone. Much love, prayers, hope, thoughts, prayers, hope, prayers, love, prayers, prayers, and more prayers from the Isaak Family. You are so much a part of our daily conversations. I often remind my kids, "LOOK RIGHT" when they need to hear it and I often tell myself the same thing. You are my hero my sweet friend Lynn. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:14 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn, You are incredible. I will continue my prayers. Will be in Texas in a few weeks I will give you a ring. xoxo
Dena <jeff_denabaker@yahoo.com>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Sunday, June 4, 2006 9:27 AM CDT
Thank you for posting your race pictures so quicky. Team Lynn Newman left me in awe! What a great support and turn-out for Lynn and Breast Cancer Research! Good job on a race well done!!!! Christine :)
Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:57 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn, the picture of "your team" leaves me speechless. It is a testament to your faithfulness to see so many people gathered to honor you. My prayer tonight is the same group of people will be getting together at this time next year to celebrate your success in beating this ugly cancer that has invaded your body. You still look BEAUTIFUL!
Angie <angieb@grandecom.net>
- Sunday, June 4, 2006 0:33 AM CDT
Dearest Lynn....I thought of you all day during our travels to California! I couldn't wait to get back to our hotel this evening to see all of the fun pictures from the race.(I am so glad we brought our laptop!) I so wish I could have been there...I feel like I walked for you here in San Francisco...these streets are not made for fun dressy shoes though! I actually think we walked 5 miles to get to this Mediterranean restaurant(not my choice!) and all I ate was a salad! I am definitely a southern gal who needs to eat potatoes with salt and butter...not spicy red powdery stuff!Anyway...I loved looking at the pics from today. Lynn...you looked amazing! I teared up when I saw the group picture...you are VERY loved girlie! Well, I must get to bed...my body is telling me it's 11 p.m. and it's only 9 p.m. here!! Oh and YEA MAVERICKS!!!! Hugs from San Fran....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, June 3, 2006 11:05 PM CDT
I second Jill's idea, EVEN though it will require exercise on my part!
Jami Jensen <jamipaul@msn.com>
Littleton, CO - Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:37 PM CDT
WOW! WOW! WOW! The pictures are amazing! YOU ARE SOOOOO LOVED! FABUBLOUS! Maybe we can re-create the Lynn Newman team in Denver in October??????
Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:28 PM CDT
I couldn't wait to log on and read the guest book entries about today's race. I have six 8/9 year old girls watching "High School Musical" right now for Emma's slumber party. They are so funny and silly! Sounds like today was a hit. I hope you are resting well now Lynn. Sleep tight my friend. Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:18 PM CDT
Lynn, Love the picture of Team Newman...It was something that I will cherish always...You can see the Love on all those beautiful faces in the picture.
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:06 PM CDT
Lynn, You are so amazing! It was so incredible to see you this morning! What an overwhelming experience the whole thing was. It was with joy and honor to be a part of your team. You have incredible friends and family! I pray that you will rest well tonight my friend! Love ya! Pattie
Pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
The Colony, - Saturday, June 3, 2006 8:45 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn,

Thank you so much for your journal on Tuesday! And thank you, Holly, for typing it! Your view sounds wonderful and your gratitude for it is so uplifting as well!

I hope and pray that the Wed. pain-management procedure was successful and that you have the relief from pain that you so need and deserve! Enough is enough already!!

I read with joy the postings from those who participated in the race today! What a testament to you, Lynn, that there were so many who not only participated but also wrote to share their feelings about it!

I continue to pray for your family and close friends who are there close by you and going through this ordeal with you. I pray for peace, strength and patience for all of you, especially the children! I continue to pray for pain relief and total healing for you. I hope and pray that the results of the PET scan yesterday were totally positive.

May God bless you with a pain-free night and Sunday!

Barbara Lewis <palamaya@aol.com>
Ocean View, HI - Saturday, June 3, 2006 8:24 PM CDT
What an amazing experience!
What amazing family & friends you have!
What an amazing cause!
What an amazing day!

I still get goosebumps thinking about it! We are so honored that we were a part of this!

The Ranney Family!

Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
- Saturday, June 3, 2006 8:05 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,
It sounds like you had an amazing morning! I can't wait to see the pictures! I wish I could have been there with you but please know that we are praying for you in Michigan! You were such an encouragement to me and I am forever thankful! Much love to you!

Jill Herweyer <jillndar@comcast.net>
Grand Rapids, MI - Saturday, June 3, 2006 2:47 PM CDT
Dear Lynn,

I felt so privileged today to have been on the Lynn Newman Looking Right team.
I had the double pleasure also of meeting both you and Dave. That was one of my goals this year to meet you as you both are so inspirational. As I said you truely touch me with your courage and attitude. It is people like you that give all of us hope.
It was amazing to see and meet the people around you and see the support- "unbelievable". Do you think it is just a coincidence that Holly is your friend and neighbor?
God bless.

Richard Manton <richardmanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx USA - Saturday, June 3, 2006 2:26 PM CDT
L ~ What a truly inspirational & magical day!!! It was a sheer joy to walk in honor of YOU my friend!! I am so glad you were there to see & feel every emotion the morning offered. It was also wonderful to see so many of your loved ones gathered together at one time. I hope the joy you experienced today will last in your heart forever - I know it will in mine!

Rest and rest today....I pray your pray will continue to lessen.


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Saturday, June 3, 2006 2:20 PM CDT
L ~ What a truly inspirational & magical day!!! It was a sheer joy to walk in honor of YOU my friend!! I am so glad you were there to see & feel every emotion the morning offered. It was also wonderful to see so many of your loved ones gathered together at one time. I hope the joy you experienced today will last in your heart forever - I know it will in mine!

Rest and rest today....I pray your pray will continue to lessen.


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Saturday, June 3, 2006 2:19 PM CDT
Dearest Lynn,

It was an honor to participate in Susan Koman Race for the Cure with your wonderful, loving family and friends today.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Judy and Bill Osborn

Judy Osborn <JudyOsborn3@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX USA - Saturday, June 3, 2006 1:35 PM CDT

What a FABULOUS day and having you present was such a treat. Thank you for the wonderful mug, I will enjoy my summer beverages in it and think of you and today always. I had a "Tulip" planted in your yard (thanks Erin) just know we are always here and are proud to be in "The Ring" with you fighting. All my love and hope.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Saturday, June 3, 2006 1:19 PM CDT
Lynn, WOW! What a fabulous day! First, we were all thrilled to see you today!!! The Lynn Newman Looking Right t-shirts were fabulous. Everyone was stopping to tell us how fabulous they looked! It was a great sight to see so many people turned out today... The color (blue) was beautiful! All I can say is...it was a fabulous place to be. We were all honored to walk in your honor! You are truly inspirational! For all those people out of town...we felt you walking with us!!!!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Saturday, June 3, 2006 12:53 AM CDT
Lynn, The race was so fantastic today!!! We all enjoyed seeing you so much! You looked great as usual!
I am so glad I got to be a part of your team. What an honor and a privilege!
Much love, Erin

erin carlson <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Saturday, June 3, 2006 11:04 AM CDT
Hi Lynn and Holly,
Just want to say good luck tomorrow to "Team Lynn Newman~Looking RIGHT". You gals never cease to amaze me! The amount of money you raised is AWESOME!!!! We supporters in Colorado will have you on our minds and hearts all day tomorrow. Also, tomorrow I will surely be wearing my "Team Lynn Newman" t-shirt in support of you gals. I only wish I could be walking with you!!! Have a fun day and can't wait to see your pictures! You GO girls!! Love, Christine :)

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Saturday, June 3, 2006 0:27 AM CDT
Can't wait to see you tomorrow and to walk with the Lynn Newman Looking Right team! What an honor! The shirts turned out so good! I pray that you rest well tonight and wake tomorrow feeling less pain and full of joy!
pattie <pattiewilson2000@yahoo.com>
- Friday, June 2, 2006 10:31 PM CDT
I was so glad I got to visit with you today! I thank Holly C. for opening her home to me to be able to have such a special visit with you both. It was wonderful to see your beautiful smile! I will see you tomorrow- I pray you will have the rest you need tonight. Love, Holly

Holly P. <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Friday, June 2, 2006 8:41 PM CDT
It was sooooo great to see you today - you looked awesome! We can't wait to walk tomorrow! Sleep well!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
frisco, tx - Friday, June 2, 2006 8:14 PM CDT
lynn, we are looking forward to the race tomorrow! The Lynn Newman...LOOKING RIGHT TEAM...will be out in force. Wishing you a peaceful and pain free evening!!!!!
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Friday, June 2, 2006 5:49 PM CDT
“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”
Mark 11:24
Thinking of you Lynn!

- Friday, June 2, 2006 4:06 PM CDT
We're thinking of you especially today, hoping with all of you that the procedures have been successful. That your pain meds keep working, and the pet scan shows that your treatments are doing their job!!! Our prayers are always with you and your family. Love, Starlet and Donnie
Starlet Brummer <dsbrum@charter.net>
Rochester, MN USA - Friday, June 2, 2006 9:42 AM CDT
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He takes great delight in you, He quiets you with his love, He rejoices over you with singing....Zephaniah 3:17

And your Master says, "Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness..." Matthew 25:21

Praying today for you...that you may please Him in every way : bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you might have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light...Colossians 1: 10-12

Praying that your mind stays steadfast on Him and that it will bring you peace which transcends all understanding.
(Isaiah 26:3 and Phillipians 4:7)

Love you!!!

Melanie <scot.florsheim@comcast.net>
- Friday, June 2, 2006 9:17 AM CDT
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Friday, June 2, 2006 9:03 AM CDT
Thinking of you today Lynn. Keep LOOKING RIGHT. Love, prayers, and hope from the Isaak Family.
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Friday, June 2, 2006 7:52 AM CDT
I will be LOOKING RIGHT as I RACE FOR THE CURE in Washington, DC Saturday morning at 8 A.M. EDT....the Frisco folks will be "gathering" as I begin my WALK!!! My mind will remain focused on Lynn....Kathy....Sylvia....my Mom...my sister, a melanoma survivor....Doris...also a melanoma survivor....and saying prayers for all good things for Lynn....and Sylvia....facing new challenges each day.

I will certainly think of the "Frisco LOOKING RIGHT" group as I pass the monuments along Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues....

God bless you all,

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va us - Friday, June 2, 2006 7:42 AM CDT
Feel God's loving arms around you today as you have your PET scan. I will be thinking wonderful positive thoughts for a pain free day with incredible outcomes.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Friday, June 2, 2006 7:15 AM CDT
I know this is a big day. Know that there are literally thousands of us out here praying for good outcomes and for peace in your heart.
Running shoes on....

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Friday, June 2, 2006 5:31 AM CDT

I wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and hoping your pain has lessened after your procedure.

Also to say "Thank You" for bringing a smile to my face, again. After reading your last post from your bedroom and sharing your thoughts about wishing to be outside with Taylor and Jacob to share in the fun and joy of summer. I was able to take a moment and realize the precious gifts I have been given (my children) and smile at the joy they bring. I am so sorry that your pain is what makes us realize how precious the simplest things in life are. Please know that if I could take a day of your pain and endure it for you to enjoy a free careless day with your children in the Sun, I would be the first in line and the line would be very long.

I am sending all the love in my heart and all the hope in my dreams for you. I am honored to be a part of "The Looking Right" team on Saturday.


Sharmaine Snyder <snyder214@comcast.net>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, June 1, 2006 11:55 PM CDT

I don't "know" you, but was directed to your site through Dana, who I "met" through Jenny Scott, who I "know" from Babycenter! I just wanted to say that I have been following your story and praying for you and your family. How lucky you are to be blessed with such a loving family and wonderful friends. Hang in there, I will continue to pray for you!

Kerry <kerrymccarthy@hotmail.com>
Franklinton, NC - Thursday, June 1, 2006 10:52 PM CDT
Hey Lynn!!!
I hope you are feeling less pain today after your surgery yesterday!!! We'll be praying for good results from the PET scan tomorrow, and that you can make it through on just water for all those hours!! You're a trouper!! The Lucido family will be walking for you on Saturday ... can't wait to get my shirt ... I plan to wear it during the 3day walk in October as well ... I'm walking with a team of a different, silly name, "Boobs and Bling," but you are the one I am walking for!!!

Betsy Lucido <pblucido@hotmail.com>
McKinney, TX USA - Thursday, June 1, 2006 9:59 PM CDT

CONNIE <bberg56@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, June 1, 2006 9:47 PM CDT
WOW!! I have HUGE goosebumps as I sit here and stare at our Looking Right shirts - they are AWESOME!!! And do you realize Team Lynn Newman is #3 for team donations.....just behind EDS & Frito-Lay (major corporations)!!!!! WHOO HOO!! ** Keep the donations coming everyone!!!


Focus ahead - YOU CAN DO THIS - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

All my love - missing you HUGE! Jen

JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:48 PM CDT
I read your journal daily and what an inspiration you are! Your strength and positive outlook are amazing. I know you will get your game face back soon- I pray your pain is less after your procedure and will be thinking of you Friday. I have participated in the Komen race (Dallas & Plano) since 1999 and Saturday it will be more special than ever! I am honored to wear the Looking Right Team Tshirt! Love, Holly

Holly Pennett <hpennett@yahoo.com>
Plano, Tx USA - Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:37 PM CDT
Hey, Lynn!
I was just reading some of the entries on your post. Wow..the love just keeps on coming, doesn't it? It must put a HUGE smile on the face of God knowing that His love is still making a difference. In this world, the three things really do remain...faith, hope and love...the greatest of these being love. I am so thrilled that you are the recipient of such Christ-like love from people you know and those you don't. What a celebration! Still praying for you and your beautiful family...Taylor and Jacob's sweet faces are often in my thoughts.
Much love,

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas USA - Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:23 PM CDT
Still praying for you while cruising in Alaska. One feels VERY close to God here - magnificent! - what better place to curl up on His lap and talk to Him!! I've talked to Him about YOU this week, Lynn. Hoping you feel good today, and looking forward to an update regarding yesterday's procedure. God be with you.
Kathy Sanders
Richardson, TX (but writing from Alaska onboard Diamond Princess), - Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:23 PM CDT
Lynn, As always your words are amazing. You inspire all of us and we continue to pray that your pain disappears. Thank you for finding another way to communicate...we all check each day to hear how you are doing. We are LOOKING RIGHT....
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Farmers Branch, tx - Thursday, June 1, 2006 6:14 PM CDT
I have been praying for your since Sue Hittle put you on our prayer list, as you are a friend of her daughter. I am so glad to see a picture of you. You are beautiful. I know God can heal and pray for you daily. Who knows, today may just be the day for your miracle. Our Bible Fellowship class at Prestonwood is a praying class. You are being covered in prayer by this class. I want you to receive a miracle and that is what I pray for. Ann Noble
Ann Noble <noblero@msn.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, June 1, 2006 5:44 PM CDT
Dittos on what Deb just wrote about Holly. You are an AMAZING women that God put in Lynn's presence for a reason. Wow, I didn't know you had four kids. I knew you had a lot but didn't realize it was four. Like I said yesterday in my entry, God put you all together for a reason. Isn't He awesome! Lynn, I hope your pain is better. I think about you so often and pray for you a lot. You are the most faithful person I know. What an honor to call you my friend. Always doing my best to LOOK RIGHT because of you and Dave. :) Love, Heidi
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Thursday, June 1, 2006 9:44 AM CDT
Sweet Lyn, I thank God that you have Holly to dictate your words for you and that we can all "hear" from you. I LOVE every single detail. Each sentence is such a blessing. Thank you so much for keeping up the postings and big thank you to Holly!
I'll be praying that yesterday's procedure brings you some much needed relief and you can get your GAME face on! I've seen your game face girlfriend and I know it's still there!
I'll also be praying for your PET scan next Fri.
You know we'll all be thinking about you Sat morning at the race.

Much love to you girlfriend,

Patricia Ewing <patricia.banko@pactoris.com>
- Thursday, June 1, 2006 9:43 AM CDT
Lynn, you are heavy on my thoughts today. I so hope that you are having a day of less pain.

My main reason for posting is say THANK YOU to Holly Crandell! Holly, you are such an amazing woman! I am sure that many who read the website don't realize that you have FOUR young kids! The fact that you give yourself so selflessly to Lynn and those who follow her is SOOO appreciated. I cover you in prayer too my friend as you continue to be a great mom to those kids, a caring wife and an amazing friend. May God bless you for all you do and continue to strengthen you as you help and comfort your precious friend Lynn. I know Lynn is shouting out a huge AMEN right now!

Have a fantastic day! So, looking forward to Saturday!
Always praying for you all.

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:59 AM CDT
Dear Lynn,

Oh, how I am praying that the epidural will make a HUGE impact on your pain.

My husband and I are leaving Friday, taking our 6 year old grandson to New York City, for a week.

I will have my laptop and be able to keep up with your progress. You will never be far from my thoughts.
I have never met you, never heard your voice and yet you have become a part of my life.

What a privilidge to be a part of the Family of

Teresa <annah99@aol.com>
Shreveport, LA - Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:01 AM CDT
Friend! How wonderful to read your words tonight...it's so good to "hear" your voice! Just want you to know you are in my prayers for some serious pain relief and a successful surgery. Sending you huge hugs!

Love, Jean

Holly-a request, if I may! All of us from far away would love to see a photo of Team Lynn at the Race for the Cure this coming weekend! :)

Jean Prince <sprince28@cox.net>
Irvine, CA USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:25 PM CDT
Hi Lynn

My thoughts have been with you all day. Taylor was an absolute joy today. She and Emily have such a sweet and loving friendship - it truly warms my heart. She is such a compassionate child - she comes by it so naturally!

I so wanted to ask Dave how your day went when I came to the door - but didn't due to the 4 sets of "little ears" that were standing there with us. Please know that I was thinking of you and hope and pray that you have relief. I hope they can have another play date before we leave town for a few weeks on the 14th.

Hoping and praying that there is reason to celebrate on Friday! Looking forward to walking on Saturday and proudly wearing my "Looking Right" t-shirt - what a concept!!!


Kathy Ranney <JKRanney827@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:04 PM CDT
Dearest Lynnie,

My heart pains that you are still in pain. I will think of you ALL night long and pray that somehow...you will escape the wakeful times and just rest....sweet rest. You deserve it AND are more precious than gold my friend. Sometimes I think we are the only ones going through this horror of cancer and then I remember that so many people have journeyed before you and...will after you. Those that have already paved the way are helping YOU through this and you, in turn, are helping others. YOU are amazing, beautiful and wonderful. You make my life full and happy ALL THE TIME!
Know that I am sending you BIG hugs (the biggest ever) AND...that I feel yours right back.

Until tomorrow,


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:55 PM CDT
Hi Lynn,
I hope you wake up tomorrow and the pain has lifted!! Sounds as if you have a wonderful and excited team for the race! I only wish I could join them. I pray nightly for you and your wonderful family. I pray that you will be back to your "old Lynn" soon and in that pool splashing around with your beautiful children. God bless you all! beth

beth gilles <bethtouhey@hotmail.com>
burnsville, mn - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:35 PM CDT
Hi Lynn:

Hope your procedure went well today and it helps relieve some of your pain!!!! I've been thinking of your all weekend, so, it was good to hear your post! (THANK YOU HOLLY!)
Matthew and I are off to Philadelphia tomorrow to visit family and friends.

We will be thinking of you during our journey and thinking of everyone on Saturday. Sorry we will not physically be there but will be there in spirit! I will be wearing pink on Saturday!!!

Sleep well my friend!

Big Hugs!!!


Lisa Thompson <ifslisapap@aol.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:05 PM CDT
Praying for successful pain management. As always, your words and strength inspire me.


Krista <kristas@ptd.net>
Pocono Mtns., PA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:06 PM CDT
Thanks for the update Holly! Hope the resting and the icing will keep Lynn comfortable. And praying that the epidural will do its job and keep her pain free!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:37 PM CDT
Lynn...I was so happy to read your words this evening. I pray that your surgery tomorrow will go well and that it will give you some much needed relief. We will be thinking of you tomorrow my friend. I so wish I could walk for you this Saturday. We will be out of town, but you will certainly be in our thoughts. Hugs to you sweet friend...Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:00 PM CDT
Hey Everyone,
Please read the blurb at the top of the main page for important information re: t-shirts and the Race for the Cure. If you still haven't signed up you can register on the day of the race and walk with us....in love and support of our sweet Lynn!!

I have spoken with Lynn this afternoon and the procedure went well...it will be a while before she knows if it is working. For now she is resting and icing!! :-)

YOUR encouragement is amazing and awesome!

Hugs to everyone - can't wait to see you Saturady - I will have my camera!!!!!


Holly Crandell <hmcrand@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:09 PM CDT
Hope the surgery went well and that your pain relief is much better. I see a pain specialist too and they can work magic. Many blessings from above to you on this day. Your courage, your spirit, and your voice in your writing is amazing.
Kristin <mandtjsmom@yahoo.com>
WA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:37 PM CDT
It so great to hear from you Lynn. You are thought of every day and we pray God will look after you and your family during this painful time. God is there for you.. Love to you and your family.. Vern and Coleen
Vern and Coleen Schepp <vc_schepp@yahoo.com>
Mesa , Az - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:11 PM CDT
I hope the surgery today made the pain go away as much as possible. I am getting excited to walk in your honor on Saturday!
Praying for you all the time, Erin Carlson

erin <friscocarlson@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:47 PM CDT
Our family prayed for you this morning that the doctors would be wise and that the Father would heal! Here's to answered prayers prayed by the smallest of voices.

Your precious daughter shared with Allison that you were sick in class near the end of the year. I had never shared this with her. My sweet Allison's heart goes out to Taylor as she deals with her mommy being sick. She prays for both of your nightly. God is so at work in the details. He brought our kids together in class and you and I together through our Faith. God is good and will bring you through this in his time, in his way and in victory over cancer!

I cannot wait to read about lessened pain and refreshed spirit! Always praying for you, your family and your marriage!
Love to you all!

Debi Meuret <debimeuret@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:23 PM CDT
Lynn, you are in my thoughts and prayers, daily.
Yvonne Garcia <ygarcia@munsch.com>
Dallas, TX USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:11 PM CDT
I am thinking of you and I am praying that God will guide Stephen today as he treats you. I ask for Stphen to have guidance each day as I pray, but today has seemed even more pressing. I love you sweet friend!!!

Pam Graham <pg040566@comcast.net>
Frisco, Tx USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:12 AM CDT
Lynn, we are praying and hoping for all that you have requested! You and your family are thought of and prayed for everyday! May the pet scan go well and the doctors have the wisdom to do the right thing. Really miss hearing from you. It was awesome to "hear" your words again. Keep looking right sweetie.
Love and prayers always!

Doug & Amy <ajthurston@comcast.net>
MN - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:55 AM CDT
Hi Lynn,
It was so good to hear your words again! Don't get me wrong, we love Holly's posts too, she is also a true inspiration to all of us. It is so nice to hear about your beautiful surroundings-I have a perfect picture in my mind of what it looks like. It is a blessing to have that type of serenity when you are not feeling well. I know that the past week has been tough, but hopefully today's proceedure will diminish all of that horrible pain! YUCK!! It is just heart-breaking to hear you having to endure such agonizing pain. Lots of prayers for today's proceedure, Friday's PET scan, and for peace within you and your family. Love, Christine

Christine La Plante <c.laplante@comcast.net>
Lone Tree, CO - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:39 AM CDT
I am relatively new to your Caringbridge site, and haven't signed the guestbook much, but just wanted to say that I pray that your pain would subside and go away, like a storm turning into a gentle breeze, then nothing. God bless you,
Monica Coffey <tika98@yahoo.com>
Frisco, TX - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:29 AM CDT
Lynn and Holly, Thanks so much for the update. After reading your entry I realized so many things. I was just talking about you yesterday to a friend/neighbor who asked about you Lynn. I was telling her how God really does have a plan for us in such little and big ways. It was always in His plan to have you move into your current home in StoneBriar surrounded by angels on earth. Really, I feel it too that God put you there for a reason, all of you. I am truly overwhelmed with God's presence right now because of you Lynn. He is always working "the plan" even if we don't recognize it immediately. The yellow wallpaper in your bathroom with Red Cardinals flowing throughout the room. How did He know?! My faith has always been my backbone and my strength. Today, right now as I type I am feeling my faith strengthen, because of you Lynn and God's evident hand on you and all of us who are praying for you, loving you, supporting you, etc. throughout this journey. I will pray that your procedure today will give you the maximum pain relief you so deserve. I will pray that God will give you a glimmer of hope. I will pray for your kids, Dave, and your marriage; all remain strong and in tact. The Red Cardinal has never meant much to me until you and now, I see them everywhere. God is showing us all signs of hope. Let's keep the faith and continue to LOOK RIGHT on a daily basis. Much love, hope, prayers, positive thoughts from New Hope, MN (The Isaak Family). :)
heidi isaak <heidi.isaak@genmills.com>
new hope, mn usa - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:52 AM CDT
Hoping your procedure goes smoothly and is a complete success today. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Anita (FOA)
Newhall, CA United States - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 10:08 AM CDT
Sweet Lynn,
I think about and pray for you and your family daily. I will pray throughout this day that the epidural is the answer to your pain management. I thank God that you see the blessings of each day, even though your heart is heavy with concern for your family. When I was young, my mom taught me to always take one day at a time...what wise words. We never know what a day brings, but we can ALWAYS count on our God to be there to hold us and to love us and to never ever leave us...not even if the grip of physical pain challenges us. Lynn, my prayer for you today is that today would be a celebration for you...that your pain is alleveiated and that your heart is light and overflowing with joy! You are precious.
I love you,

Lisa Brashier <lisa.brashier@verizon.net>
Carrollton, Texas USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:30 AM CDT
Lynn- I have never used this software that types your words as you talk, but some people that have say it works rather well. (http://www.nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/preferred/) It is called Dragon naturally speaking, it might be another alterniative to dictation. Thought it was worth at least a suggestion.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:20 AM CDT
Lynn, just one more small voice hoping and praying for immediate relief and a long-term cure. Thanks for sharing your strength and your journey.

Donna <swaffar@doglegs.com>
Rossville, Ks - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:18 AM CDT
Lynn- I had to resort to epidural steroid injections when my back pain became too much to take and they worked for me. I pray that your doctor had the abilities that mine did (but am much better bedside manner I hope!) I think of you often and pray for everything you have asked for and more………Hugs and prayers from Pennsylvania.
Kerry <kmh14@psu.edu>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:11 AM CDT
THINKING of you today, Lynn..and all days!!! I pray the procedure will go well today and that your pain will become more manageable and your spirits will brighten up with less pain. It was good to hear your words through Holly's fingers...YOU are AMAZING. God has created a special angel in you and I hope you will continue to think of that thought. My entire family send our wishes to you, and I have lots of Virginia folks praying for you. My dear friend, Kathy, now living in the Chicago area, has written you a heartfelt e mail. She KNOWS your path firsthand. And, she is so very compassionate. I know her words will lift you up!

Taking one day at a time...LOOKING RIGHT as I walk for YOU this coming Saturday in RACE for the CURE. You will continue to be on my mind.

Terri aka Teetay :)

terri matus <teetay43@aol.com>
herndon, va us - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:39 AM CDT
GOOD LUCK TODAY! Pain pain GO AWAY!! Praying that the procedure brings you some peace from this awful pain. Thank you and Holly for the most recent entry! Isn't technology wonderful. We are all out here. We care so much. I know that I am not alone in the number of times I check your site to check on you. It is always so very good to see an update from you wonderful girls! You are a fighter! Don't forget that!

Jill Smail...looking RIGHT! <jill.smail@novartis.com>
Englewood, CO - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:11 AM CDT
Praying that today's procedure is a huge success! Will continue offering prayers for your comfort and healing. God bless you and your family.
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:03 AM CDT

It was so good to here from you, I'm sorry your feeling worse (mentally and physically). I hope that by the end of this week you have a more clear picture of what is to come. I will pray extra hard tonight that you get pain relief and answers. Rest well tonight, for tomorrow is a new day with new hope.

Lynde Bove <paramedico@cox.net>
Gilbert, AZ - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:32 PM CDT
hoping that tomorrow's procedure brings you much needed pain relief. praying for you
tricia <triciabxny@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:51 PM CDT
Dear Father - Please hold our Lynn extra close, shower her with your love. Breathe your strength into her and ease her pain & worries. She so needs you.


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:40 PM CDT
Dear Father - Please hold our Lynn extra close, shower her with your love. Breathe your strength into her and ease her pain & worries. She so needs you.


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:39 PM CDT
Dear Father - Please hold our Lynn extra close, shower her with your love. Breathe your strength into her and ease her pain & worries. She so needs you.


JennyGwynn <jennygwynn@comcast.net>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:38 PM CDT

CONNIE <bberg56@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:37 PM CDT
Saw this and thought of you......

Eagles In A Storm

Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, the eagle sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it.

The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. When the storms of life come upon us, and all of us will experience them, we can rise above them by setting our minds and our faith toward God. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow God's power to lift us above them.

God enables us to rise on the winds of the storm that bring sickness, tragedy, failure, and disappointment in our lives. We can soar above the storm. Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down; it is how we handle them. The Bible says . . .

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles." Isaiah 40:31.

lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:06 PM CDT
Just checking.....is tomorrow a chemo day? Do we have specific prayer requests?? Hope you are resting in the love of your friends and family.....pain free and enjoying your beautiful children. God bless you!
lorraine <lmvitris@aol.com>
plano, tx usa - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:34 PM CDT
Hi Lynn...I don't know why, but I went back and read some of your past journal entries from 2 years ago. It amazed me that after 3years, you still have your same positive out look on things. That is just a testimony of your faith and how you are still leaning on our Lord to get you through these rough days. You have not given up! I hope you are having a good week. Thought of you often throughout the day today. Know that you are loved LOTS! Hugs....Anna
Anna Rainwater <anna.banana3@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:24 PM CDT
Lynn, saw two cardinals today....we continue to pray for you and hope that you are not in pain today....
Gayle Manton <gaylemanton@comcast.net>
Frisco, tx - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 8:54 PM CDT

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